#okay but why do bonding fics always hit?
drarryglobesficrecs · 11 months
Accident Bonding/Bonding - drarry fic recs
Lift Your Open Hand by firethesound(18k)
With Draco Malfoy as his assigned partner for the next six weeks of Auror training, Harry had been prepared for things to go poorly. But getting themselves accidentally bonded to each other in the first twenty minutes of their very first assignment seemed going above and beyond, even for them.
In Evidence of Magical Theory by bixgirl1(43k)
When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, they're forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible.
In which Harry and Draco can't fight, so they fall in love instead.
Beacon by Amelior8or, Andithiel, gameofdrarrymod, Kristinabird(7k)
Every year around Valentine's day Professor Potter is flooded with questions from love struck young girls about soulmates and soulmate bond lore, and every year, he gets through it as quickly as he can so he can return to his lessons. This year, however, his life is turned upside down when he encounters a mysterious object that lands him in St. Mungos, under the care of Draco Malfoy.
Celestial Bodies by shiftylinguini(20k)
“An astrological anomaly induced bond,” Harry repeats, deadpan, as the Head Healer of the Magical Malfunctions ward finishes announcing his prognosis.
“Space magic,” says Draco, tapping long fingers irritably against the arm of his chair. “You’re saying we’ve been zapped by space magic.”
The Healer huffs. “That’s rather simplifying things, gentlemen.”
If It Takes All Night by tackytiger(10k)
It's not the first time Harry's been the victim of a botched curse (that's one of the reasons he doesn't like crowds), but he feels bad that Malfoy had to get caught up in it too.
So they're bonded. That's ok, they just have to make sure to be touching at all time. No problem. Because Malfoy smells so nice, and has such lovely shiny hair, and his skin is so very warm.
But this isn't going to be a problem for their friendship at all.
Is it, Harry?
Drop Everything Now by parkkate(21k)
After accidentally bonding himself to Malfoy, Harry finds himself in an utterly precarious situation...
Chain Me Up or Set Me Free by alpha_exodus(12k)
This horrid bonding thing is all Potter’s fault, obviously. As for what comes after that? Draco’s not quite sure.
Harmonised Consciousness by Talizora(12k)
This time it's a spell gone wrong in Charms that will bring our two favourite boys together. Expect Mind-Magic Classic HD Clichés & Soul Mates
"Potter's spell is still active, but I can shield my thoughts from him. I've been stirring him up all afternoon! It's hysterical!"
Blaise gasped, "It's still active! But it's… Dinner time!"
"Yes, so?"
"S-so? That spell is supposed to cancel itself after an hour! It's been, almost four hours!"
Draco shrugged, "I'm not worried. It's probably due to Potters magic. I'm sure it'll time-out eventually."
Blaise frowned, "Draco I don't think this is a good idea. Maybe you should end the spell?"
"No way! Blaise! I can hear everything! Before, in Runes, Potter was ranting about how he wanted to kill Weasel and Trelawney! He's all over the place! I had no idea he had such homicidal tendencies!" Draco giggled.
One of Blaise's eyebrows rose, "…Draco? Did you just giggle?"
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did."
Twice as Much as an Earthquake by firethesound(12k)
Accidental bonding. Breaking and entering. Conspiring, however unwillingly, in the strange one-man war Malfoy's waging against detention. This isn't the normal school year Harry anticipated having, but at least it's not boring.
Tug-O-Want by dysonrules(16k)
Harry is back at Hogwarts minding his own business when he finds himself magically drawn to Draco Malfoy. Over and over again.
Hungry by birdsofshore(24k)
The first thing Harry knew about it was when he woke up lying on a bed in the hospital wing, with his arm firmly stuck to the scrawny, milk-white arm of Draco bloody Malfoy.
The Sleeping Beauty Curse by who_la_hoop(152k)
When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he . . .?
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre(122k)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
The Destiny You Sold by tryslora(58k)
In which Draco knits, Harry makes wands, and things get very tangled up between them.
Mental by sara_holmes(186k)
Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
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eddiesxangel · 10 months
Im gonna need u to elaborate on that post abt Eddie holding ur vibrator 'what kinda microphone is this'
You say elaborate… I say I’ll write a whole fic about it 😅😅
But You Don’t Even Like Karaoke? | virgin!eddiemunson x bestfriend!reader (afab reader)
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WC 3.3K
You invited Eddie up for the weekend to your shabby student apartment. You've been away at Indiana State while Eddie was still stuck at Hawkins High complaining about how life in Hawkins has been so shit without you and needed to get away, coming to see you would be the perfect getaway.
Eddie and you had always been close, so when you told your roomies that he was coming to stay they were okay with it, as long as he slept in your room. They didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night to get something and have a random guy on the couch, which was reasonable because they hadn't met him before. They were excited to finally meet your best friend and you planned to go out to the bars tonight after a very long week of midterms.
Eddie arrived late afternoon, you introduced him to your roommates and he settled in. "It's so sweet you have your own space, we can finally hang out without worrying about Wayne or your parents judging us" Eddie laughed while plopping on your double bed.
"Do you wanna shower before we head out?" You ask.
"Nah I did this morning, I'm okay." He tells you. " Ok I'm going to pop in, You can entertain yourself until I'm back" You give him a wink and leave him to his devices. Eddie scanned your new collage room, it reminded him of your old room at your parent's house. You had pictures of you and him framed along with other friends he didn't recognize. He was always a little nosey when it came to you, there weren't any boundaries in place when it came to privacy around Eddie. You had been friends since the 7th grade, growing up together in your awkward years really bonded the both of you.
You'd told Eddie earlier that you had gotten a new strain of pot from one of the guys you're friends with and that he could light up whenever. You'd left out the baggie and your grinder but Eddie left his bong at home and didn't see yours lying around so he searched for some rolling papers. Rifling through your bedside table is where he looked first. He shuffled through your hair ties, random articles, condoms...
Eddie had known you were no longer a virgin like he still was, he has had zero experience, not even a handjob. Needless to say, Eddie doesn’t get any…. Like ever. Poor thing tries his best but most of the girls he’s surrounded by are in high school and he wants nothing to do with them. He wants a grown woman. He really wants you if he is being honest but he never thinks that would happen in a million years.
He still was riffling deep in the drawer now, he felt something soft but firm, round and long. He picks it up to move it out of the way. He looks at what is your black vibrator. Why would she have a microphone? Eddie moved on quickly because he spots what he is looking for buried under all your crap.
Hours go by and you’re stumbling into your apartment laughing around 1:00am. You offered your room for Eddie to get ready for bed while you took the bathroom. Once you're finished you walk back into your room to see Eddie tucked into his side of the bed. "I meant to ask you earlier but I forgot because we got too high" He laughed. "Ask away" You crawled into your fresh sheets and snuggled into bed with Eddie. "Why do you have a microphone?" He asked. You look at him quizzically because you have no idea what he's talking about. "Are you sure that weed didn't alter your brain?" You laugh as your head hits the pillow. "What do you mean? I saw it" He laughs. "Dude I have no idea what you're talking about? Why would I have a microphone? I hate karaok- oof" Eddie cuts you off by leaning all his body weight over you to reach into your nightstand and pulls out your vibrator. You start laughing uncontrollably, partly because you're a bit embarrassed, and partly from the alcohol.
"What?" Eddie questions inspecting it, once more. you grab it from his hands and turn it on. The object comes to life and a low buzz fills the room. "Why is it buzzing?" Oh, your sweet innocent Eddie, "Ummmm think of it more like a massager..." you turn it off and place it back on the nightstand you turn back to Eddie and can see the wheels in his head turning but no gas. "Ugh, Eddie don't make me say it out loud" You bury your face in your hands and pillows not wanting to look at him when you say it. "I don't get it, you're going to have to spell it out for me, Ms.University" he nudges your arm with his elbow. "It's a vibrator Eddie, you know... like for sex"
The room was still dimly lit, enough for you to see Eddie's eyes go wide. "It’s… it’s a sex toy?" he reaches over you once again to grab it off the nightstand. “Eddie!” you shout then cover your mouth remembering the time of night.
“Give me that!” You try and grab it out of his hands. This whole situation was weird. You guys never spoke about sex, it just wasn’t that kind of friendship. Yes, you liked Eddie, you’ve been crushing on him for years but you would never act on it, or at least you don’t think you would? Like a child, Eddie reached his arm up over so you couldn’t get it “No come on I’ve never seen one before” he pouts. “Ok you’ve seen it now give it back!” You weren’t afraid to crawl over him to get it, you straddled his chest, enclosing him between your bare legs. Your tiny sleep shorts were barely covering your cunt that was practically pressed into Eddie’s face. “Ah ha!” You say victoriously grabbing it from Eddie’s grip. Eddie can feel the blood rush from his face and into his cock. He shifts and clears his throat, “Oh shit, sorry!” You hike your leg over him accident exposing your pussy even more to him. Eddie’s eyes don’t break from your core. You’re blissfully unaware you just flashed your best friend. “Sorry Ed’s didn’t realize” you joke. “Uh yeah, it’s fine” You see Eddie shifting under the covers. “So you always sleep without panties or is that just because I’m in your bed” Eddie asks. “Eddddddddddie oh my god” you burry your head in the pillows debating on sleeping on the couch at this point. “I love when you moan for me baby” Eddie laughs, you try and hurry yourself further into the bed but Eddie grabs your waist and pulls you into him. “You know babe, out of the two of us I should be the one mortified. I’m the twenty-year-old virgin not knowing what a sex toy looks like.” He grips into you tighter and you bury your face into his neck. The alcohol is slowly leaving your system but you still blame it for what happens next. “You don’t have to be” You timidly kiss into the hollow of where his neck and collarbone meet. “What are you-oh that feels good” Eddie sighs into your touch, his chest raging and falling at a quicker pace. “Will you let me take care of you Eddie?” You graze your hand lower down his bare chest, across his stomach down the the waistband of his boxers. “Yes,” he nods frantically.
You shuffle back over him so you’re once again straddling him. You look down at your best friend, taking in his features, he is so pretty. You lean in timidly to kiss his lips for the first time. His plush lips felt so soft when they connected to yours. It quickly heated up, you ground your hips into Eddie, you could feel his hard length pressing into your slit and you wiggled your hips on him. You hear a wine come from Eddie’s throat as you disconnect and start to kiss down from his neck to his happy trail. “I’ve been dying to know what’s under here for years” You graze your hand lightly tracing Eddie’s tented boxers. Eddie’s hips shoot up at the connection. “Eager aren’t we” you giggle slowly revealing his length. “Well you would be too if you’ve waited this long for you too” It doesn’t escape you that Eddie didn’t say “Wait for this,” he said he was waiting for you. You’re stomach flops, at his words and your eyes bulge out of your skull at the size of him. “You’ve been hiding that you have a horse penis from me this whole time?!” You don’t really give Eddie time to answer because you latch your mouth into his tip, not sure how much more you’ll be able to fit into your mouth.
Eddie is in heaven, he isn’t sure what karma he is getting but he knows he must have done something right to have your head between his legs at this very moment. It’s a feeling that he’s never felt before, the warmth of your mouth, the wetness of your lips mixed with the softness of your tongue was all-encompassing. You felt his hand rest on the back of your head, you looked up at him through your lashes, his face blissed out. Your core was dripping already at the feeling of Eddie in your mouth. The way you were making him feel good was only making you wetter. You reached up to cup his hand on your head, coxing him to push you down. “Oh fuck baby, please” he whimpered. You took in more of him opening your throat for him. You bobbed your head up and down his shaft while using the other hand to move in tandem. You had Eddie whimpering “Oh my god just like that! Fuck you’re taking me so well” For someone with no experience he sure wasn’t shy about praising you. It only made you want to pleasure him more. You were the first one to ever touch him like this. You were the first one to ever make him feel this euphoric.
“Fuck I’m not going to last long fuckfuckfuck” You were enjoying yourself too much that you didn’t care about what Eddie was telling you, you wanted him to cum, he deserved to cum. “Wait wait I wanna…shit, I want you to be my first” he pushed you off him. “Really?” You asked. “Yea… I mean.. if you wanna?” he pants. “I do Ed’s” but I gotta get myself ready, will you help me? Eddie nods enthusiastically as you lay beside him and he climbs on top of you.
You walked him through what to do, he was a quick learner. He kissed you down your neck like you did to him earlier. He touched you over your shirt at first, a bit shy. You told him he could touch you, and begged him to touch you as you lifted the big sleep shirt over your head. Eddie’s hands immediately latched on to your breasts kneeling them like stress balls. “Softer please, you’re pinching me” You place your hands on the backs of his to guide him. You tell him that you like it when your nipples are touched. He bowed his head lower, and tenderly he kissed the swell of your breast “Is this ok?” He asks “Yes Eddie, more of that” he brought his warm mouth around your perked nipple. “Oh yes,” you arched your back making your breast squish into Eddie’s nose. Your head spun as he hummed into you, the vibration jolting to your core. “I uh, don’t know what to do with my hands.” He admitted. You took his right hand in yours and guided it past your waistband and overtop of your mound. “Feel me Eddie I’ll tell you what feels good” Eddie’s thick fingers explored your pussy lips, slipping his fingers through your folds he grazes your clit and you jerk at the touch.
One thing about Eddie is that he is very receptive. He does it again to test the waters “oh fuck” you moan. “You like that baby” his confidence was showing “Yes Eddie, fuck keep going” “So this is what that little toy is for? This spot right here?” You nodded your head not able to speak. Why was he so good at this? “Can I try?” He sheepishly asks you. “Yes, Eddie please” he reaches over to get the vibrator you had left resting on the bed. “Hold down on the button to turn it on” “Which one there are three? Why are there three?” He turns it finding the buttons. “The bottom one, the others are to change the pattern and the speed” You point to the power button. “Oh,” Eddie smirks. “Ok playboy let’s not get ahead of ourselves, We will start on level one” The low buzzing filled the room once again. “I should take off my shorts…” you awkwardly suggested. You hook your fingers into the waistband and wiggle your hips up and out. “Ok so, just put it where you put your fingers before” you guide him by the wrist. The vibrator makes contact with your swollen clit. “Oh god yes!” You arch your back in pleasure. The feeling of the buzzing on your clit shot waves of euphoria through you. Eddie couldn’t wipe the Cheshire Cat smile off of his face. Having you at his mercy could have him busting a nut here and now.
Eddie kissed you while holding down the vibrator like his life depended on it. You were starting to get squirmy, your hips gyrated into him “More Eddie, you moaned into his mouth. “What do you want?” He asks “Your fingers, please” you wine. He stops kissing you, you can see the nervous look in his eyes. It’s okay Eddie you won’t hurt me.” You brush a piece of hair behind his ear. A shaky hand grazed your slick folds and pushed up slowly and back out again, he repeated that until you showed him what to do next. “That’s it Eds” you sighed into his mouth. “Now go like this” You wiggled your index and middle finger in a come hither motion. The coil in your lower stomach was getting tighter with each pump of his fingers you were being wound up until it snapped, Eddie feels your walls clench down in him and the thought of you doing that with his cock inside you only got him even more excited. “Oh fuck yes Eddie!” You cried out with pleasure. Your heavy breaths and the low buzz of the vibrations filled the room. “Woah” Edd breaks the silence, “It’s-too much Eds” You push his hand away that was still holding the toy to your sensitive clit. “oh shit sorry” he throws it to the side of the bed and captures your lips into another kiss.
You break the kiss to reach over to the nightstand and grab your condoms. “Holly shit this is really happening,” Eddie says under his breath but you hear him. “If you still want to yeah” You sit up on your knees and tell Eddie to get on his back. “I’ll be on top to start you off ok, Then if you want to switch let me know.” He nods his head like a kid who was asked if they wanted their favourite ice cream. You push Eddie’s shoulder back so he is propped up just a little on the pillows you straddle him again getting yourself situated. “You wanna put it on or do you want me to?” You raise your brows at him. “I’ll uh-I’ll do it” he clears his throat. You pass him the blue foiled pack and he expertly slips it over himself. “You practice this before?” You giggle, he tells you to shut up and you raise up to your knees you grip his solid length in your hand.
You slowly sink down onto him, and Eddie lets out a guttural moan. You cup a hand over his mouth, you don’t want to wake up your roomies. “Shhhhhhh” you sink down slowly, the way he is stretching you out makes you feel so full. You finally make it all the way to the hilt. “You okay” you ask Eddie. That was a silly question, of course, he is okay. You start by grinding your hips releasing your hand from his mouth. “Yea, more than ok babe” You started to bounce on his cock, the way he was stretching you felt otherworldly. “Fuck that’s it, so good f’me” he grits out. He really had confidence for someone’s first time, but that was because he was with you. “Fuck Eddie you’re so big” You let your head fall back. The sight in front of Eddie only brought him closer to the brink. Your tight hot cunt swallowing him, your tits bouncing in his face, he was so close. Eddie remembered what you said about your nipples being sensitive, he leans forward and latches on. Your eyes roll back in your head at the sensation. The room is filled with the sound of pants and skin slapping skin. “Yes! Eddie yes yes yes” You grab the back of his head and rub on his hair. He lets out a moan, so you do it again. Eddie loves it when you tug on his locks. “Fuck baby I’m not gonna last much longer.” He tilts his head up to kiss you, he slips his tongue in your mouth.
You are all-encompassed by Eddie, no one else on earth matters but him in this moment. You let out a small yelp when Eddie unexpectedly flips you on your back. He was feral, he never had felt this before In his life he had to hold on a bit longer, needing to savour this feeling forever. The new position forced his cock to hit your walls at a better angle. He bends your legs so they are by your ears. The look in his eyes has you swimming, he is consumed by you, and he watches his cock disappear in and out of your walls. “Fuck Eddie I’m close, touch me please” Eddie didn’t think twice about grabbing the vibrator. The memory of your velvety walls clench his fingers and drove him to make sure you were the first to cum. He needed you to cum on his cock like he needs air in his lungs. Eddie hammered into you at a pace much faster than you were capable of while riding him. The tingling of the vibrations shook through your core, in less than a minute you were cumming on his cock. You open your mouth to scream with pleasure but nothing comes out, your body shakes with pleasure as your second orgasm consumes you. The second you clenched down on Eddie he was cumming with you. An animalistic groan leaves Eddie’s throat as his hot ropes of cum spill into the condom.
Eddie collapses onto you with a breathy laugh. “Oh my god why did I wait so long to do this” he giggled into the crook of your neck. “Because you never made a move!” You joke back. Eddie pecks your face with a million and one kisses. “Fuck, sweetheart can we do that again?” He rests his head on your chest, looking at you with those baby cow eyes. He grabs your hand and brings it to his chin. “Sure Eds we can do that as many times as you want” Eddie didn’t give you a chance to to recover before he pounced on you for round two….
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hedwig221b · 23 days
For the fic recs, anything with babies please? Or just pregnant stiles?
I'm weeping I love kid!fics and mpreg!Stiles...
Of Puppy Piles and Sugar Dreams by StarShineForMe
In which Isaac and Scott get de-aged, the pack must learn to bond and protect their own, and Derek ("Dewek!") and Stiles ("Sti-ewes!") are mates…even if it takes them forever and two toddlers to realize it. “Oh, God.” Stiles buries his face in his hands, water dripping down his wrists. “What? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Derek whips out a towel, wrapping it around Stiles’ forearms, pulling them away from Stiles’ body so he can look them over. “I’m fine,” Stiles says, a little blankly. Erica and Boyd have set Issac and Scott back onto the floor, tickling them both into fits of giggles. He huffs out a noise that’s not quite a whimper, not quite a laugh. “Just wondering when the hell I ended up in my very own episode of ‘Teen Mom’.”
The More That I Know You (the more I want to) by LadySlytherin
When death, in the form of hunters, comes for a family of Kelpies seeking refuge in the Preserve - in Hale territory - the Hale Pack is too late to save them. Before he dies, the male Kelpie presses a precious bundle into Stiles’ arms and begs the Emissary to take responsibility for it, which an initially reluctant Stiles does. When he agreed, Stiles had no idea what the sight of him with a baby would do to his esteemed Alpha, Derek. If he’d known, he might not have been so reluctant to agree.
The Alpha and his Spark by sandyde03
Stiles is pregnant. Derek is perpetually horny and possessive. Stiles is confused. Not by Derek sexing him up. He loves that. It’s the fact that ever since he started to show that he was with pup everyone has been avoiding his eyes.
Loving Isaac by QueenOfAngst21
A regular patrol around their land takes a turn for the worse when Derek and Isaac run into a unwanted visitor. Just when Derek thinks they are in the clear, he wakes to find not his beta beside him but a crying blonde haired baby right where he left Isaac. The pack stumbles over themselves as their alpha and emissary navigate this new dynamic and find each other along the way.
Last To Know by Never_Says_Die
Kink meme fill in which every werewolf and shapeshifter in Beacon Hills is aware that Stiles is pregnant before he is. And apparently the first baby!werewolf being born into the pack (their Alpha's, no less) is a big freakin' deal and excuse enough for everyone to lose their damn minds. When Stiles figures out why everyone's been acting so weird around him, he's not amused.
An Alpha's Baby by Dexterous_Sinistrous
It had been more than a year since Stiles had been home to Beacon Hills. Things didn't end well between him and Derek. And now, returning with a baby, Stiles starts to question if he really did the right thing and leave, or if he should have stayed.
Let your unfaithful weaving go by DarkAthena (seraphim_grace)
Every night Stiles goes into the feasting hall to work on the shroud he is making for his husband, knowing that the alphas circle him like sharks until he is inevitably forced to choose one to stand as his alpha and Eli's regent. It's been four years and he doesn't know how much longer he can do this.
Fire, Fury, and Flame by IAmAVeronica
Stiles Stilinski was never going to be the omega who got knocked up right after high school, and then he's accidentally artificially inseminated with a stranger's sperm. Awesome. And the father of Stiles's baby just so happens to be Derek Hale. Half-feral, quite possibly a murderer, and pursued by a gleefully sadistic band of hunters who are only too eager to use Stiles and his baby to hit Derek right where it hurts. Joy.
Shifts by gryvon
Stiles has what he's always secretly wanted - he's in a relationship with Derek and he's one of Derek's betas - but all that gets turned upside down when Gerard kidnaps him and his unexpected baby.
Be Strong by blacktofade
A hunter breaks into Stiles' house and Stiles deals with them.
Safe Place to Land by Green
The Hales have been tracking a group of hunters who've targeted small packs with the help of a magic user. When they finally attack the hunter compound, they aren't expecting to find Stiles, a Spark who's practically a slave, and his young werewolf son. Derek isn't expecting the Spark to be his mate, either.
Wolf Cub by moodwriter
A strange wolf is not supposed to touch another pack’s cub and that’s why, on a rescue mission, it’s Stiles’ job to take care of the wolf cub who’s curious about everything and everyone. Stiles is not used to werewolf children, and the pack is not used to Stiles taking care of a child. Their Alpha gets very confused about this, too.
Karma Is A Bitch by Brego_Mellon_Nin
Ironically, Stiles was just returning to his dorm after failed negotiations about a possible adoption agreement with a local pack, when he saw the fairy. She was cornered and he was unable to curb his protective instincts. The fight was short and Stiles was left with only a blooming bruise on his jaw when the bullies scurried away. As a thank you, the fairy wanted to grant him a wish. Who knew what a bit of fairy fertility magic could do?
Empty by DiscontentedWinter
Jordan Parrish is the new sheriff of Beacon Hills, a town haunted by its past.
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | possessive Derek | historical AU | outsider POV
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Okay I read something like this for another fandom and it was actually soo good.
I was wondering if you'd write something with Bang Chan/Chris in mind if you're taking any fic requests :)
In a world where upon their first touch, soulmates (Bang Chan/Chris x female reader) are overcome with a sudden and overwhelming need to fuck each other
Please and thanks if you can
Office Space
Bang Chan × Female reader
Word count: 1.8K
Synopsis: You live in a world where one touch of your soulmate will ignite a pathological urge to consummate your bond. What happens when you bump into the cute guy from the office and it appears as though you've found your match?
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! I hope this is to your liking! I had fun writing it! Such a great idea! Than you so much for sending it in! If you all like this one give it a reblog, like, comment, hit up my ask box, whatever! As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/strong language, semi public sex in a locked office no one knows), unprotected sex (please use condoms), cream pie. I think that's it not anything too crazy but if I missed something please let me know and I'll add it asap!
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The same thing happened to everyone. Once you turned twenty-one, if you came into physical contact with your soulmate your body had an overwhelming primal desire to claim each other physically. Fuck. It was a big talking point when you start going through sex ed in junior high. You heard the same thing you always did with anything else that had to do with sexual education. ‘It’s perfectly normal’ or ‘It happens to everyone’.  
No matter how true that was, it didn’t make the topic any less uncomfortable to talk about for some people, you being one of those people. You avoided anything that had to do with soulmates but when you turned twenty-one you went to a psychic with some friends and the lady who read your fortune said that your soulmate’s name would be Chris and his last name had something to do with a gun or fireworks, an explosion maybe, she wasn’t sure and you weren’t buying any of it.  
By the time you were twenty-five a few of your friends had already found their soulmates. You didn’t have time for that nonsense. Your career was your soulmate. You were the lead of your department’s team and it was no easy feat getting to that position.  There were eight other teams all the leads for those departments were men.
Most but not all of them you had met in passing regularly. There was one that you had never even been introduced to but you heard people calling him Chan. You couldn’t lie to yourself, he was gorgeous. Strong nose, kind eyes, pouty lips, shoulders for days, and well, he definitely had a good tailor because his ass... You had to stop thinking like that, you didn’t know the man. You didn’t know his last name, you had never even heard his voice.  
Well, that was about to change really soon. Today when you got to work the head of your branch was pulling all team leads in for a meeting so you and the eight other men, including Chan, had to meet in meeting room three immediately after lunch. Around one thirty all nine of you promptly met your boss.
There were eight other people there and you were trying not to be distracted by one person in general. It was difficult, you didn’t know why. You were able to keep up with the meeting but about halfway into your boss's third bullet point you were getting warm and took off your sweater. The dress you wore was sleeveless, you were hoping you could cool off. You were trying not to look at him but your eyes found him anyway as you shrugged your cardigan off. When you did you found his eyes already on you, something in them.  
“Chan?” Your boss had called him twice now and he snapped out of it and realized you noticed him staring, he quickly looked away. You could see his ears turning red. 
“Yes sir?” Your boss asked Chan to present what his team had been working on this quarter, asked a few questions about Chan’s team, and where he’d like to see things go in the next quarter. Chan had an answer for everything and it came out as smooth as butter with his thick Australian accent, which you had not been expecting.
When Chan was done the boss called on you to do the same thing. You stood and started walking forward as Chan was headed back to his seat. The walkway was narrow, you went to step around each other but stepped in the same direction, you both kind of nervously laughed and then stepped in the same direction again. 
“Sorry,” His slender fingers gently gripped your shoulder and he stepped behind you. His cologne was intoxicating and it was like one touch set your whole body on fire. When he passed you and headed to his seat you looked behind you for a second but he was already pulling out his chair. You tried to ignore the feeling in the pit of your stomach and focused on your presentation.
One by one all of the guys had to go up and do the same thing. It drug on forever if felt like. The throbbing between your legs was unbearable, you didn’t think you could press your thighs together any harder. Chan just seemed to be intently listening to whichever one of the guys was presenting, seemingly unbothered. Finally your boss dismissed you all you were thanking the stars you could finally get out of there and away from Chan before you made a fool of yourself. Just before you could make your haste, exit Chan called your name. 
“Oh excuse me, y/n? Would you mind coming to my office and running over a couple things about your team that I think I’d like to implement with mine?” You almost choked. 
“Y-your office?” He nodded; he was acting perfectly normal. You’d thought, well... you’d thought maybe he was your soulmate with the way you were feeling but apparently, you're just a horny perv that thinks about fucking their co-workers. 
“If you’re busy...” You didn’t want to seem impolite or like you weren’t a team player, he was really giving you a huge compliment by asking for such a thing. You just needed to get a hold of yourself. 
“No! Uhehm, no I’m not busy... I’d be happy to go over whatever you’d like.” That sounded like more than it should have you felt like but he still seemed totally nonchalant. He bowed and then led the way, you following the trail of whatever cologne he was wearing. Chan opened the door and let you in first.
You walked into his office nervous, hoping you could keep control of yourself because you had never felt so out of control in your life. As soon as you were in his office Chan came in too, then shut and locked the door. You turned to him and he walked up on you quickly. Your heart started racing, his hands gently cradled your face, his now a breath away from yours. 
“God please tell me you feel this too.” You were so relieved, you pulled him into a kiss as your answer. You had to taste his lips, they looked so juicy, a little red from worrying at them. You pulled away for a breath and backed towards his desk pulling him by his tie gently. He had a wicked smile on his face and followed. You sat on the desk legs spread, skirt riding up a bit and Chan nestled himself between your thighs, gripping your hips before kissing you again. You wrapped your arms around his wide shoulders and scooched forward. 
“I’ve had the biggest crush on you since I started here.” He admitted suddenly, lips hovering over yours. You couldn’t help how big your smile got. 
“Really?” He nodded biting at his lips and then kissing you again, his tongue sliding into your mouth, tasting you until oxygen was needed. 
“I’ve always noticed you too, it’s always kind of scared me.” You panted out. One of Chan’s hands was on your waist the other tracing your jaw.  
“You don’t have to be scared baby girl.” You felt warm all over hearing him say that. 
“I know.” You lifted your skirt more then hooked your fingers into the side of your panties and pulled them over, exposing your dripping sex to him. He looked down and his mouth watered but then he forced himself to look back up at you. 
“Are you sure?” You nodded and pulled at him desperately. 
“Mhmm.” You needed him. Chan started to unbuckle his pants, pulling them down and just as he was about to pull down his briefs, exposing the large outline in them, he realized something. 
“Oh... uh... I don’t have a condom.” You looked at him sweetly, a little shy, you always were when it came to this stuff. 
“Well... it’s just... together forever, right? I mean, that’s what this means... doesn’t it?” Chan cupped your face and nodded his eyes sparkling. 
“Together forever.” He kissed you softly. 
“I’m on the pill, so... it’s okay.” He shook his head, then dropped his underwear and you got a full view of what had been straining against the stretchy fabric of his briefs. You gnawed at your lips and he didn’t waste time. Chan wrapped your legs around him and lined up with your wet hole. When he sank into you it finally made sense.  
“Yes... fuck... f-feels so good baby girl. Please wanna hear you say my name, tell me how you want it beautiful.” 
“Chan yes fuck... harder, fuck me harder...” Chan fucked you harder, panting and moaning just as much as you. You loved how he wasn’t scared to make a little bit of noise for you. Not enough for anyone outside the office to hear but enough to make you drip for him. Chan shook his head no. 
“C-call me Chris...” 
“What?” You stopped him and looked into his eyes, your soulmate’s eyes. 
“C-Chris, my real first name is Chris...” I’ll be goddamned, you thought to yourself. 
“What’s your last name?” He smirked at you with a funny look on his face, laughing a little. 
“Seems like an unusual time to ask. Wanna know what yours is gonna be in the future?” You flushed and smiled. 
“It’s Bang.” He kissed you. The fucking psychic was right. 
“Why does everyone call you Chan?” He pushed a stray hair away and you couldn’t help but lean into his warmth. 
“It’s my middle name and there is a lot of Chris’ on our team. So I go by Chan in the office, but everywhere else, I’m Chris and I’d very much prefer to be Chris when I’m inside you. He rolled his hips and your eyes rolled back.  
“Mmmm Chris...” He started fucking you harder egged on by you using his actual first name. 
“huhuhu Chrisss...” Harder harder harder he kept pounding into you. He loved it he wanted more. 
“C-C-Chr-risss... g-gonna... gonna cum.” A light sweat was starting to break out on Chan’s forehead as he pushed you harder towards your climax. Your arms wrapped around him hand fulls of his beautiful curls. 
“God fuck I’m gonna cum too... fuck! Cum with me baby girl... cum with me.” He snapped his hips into yours again, brushing your g spot and you went nose diving into your orgasm clutching onto his muscular frame tightly, gasping for air. As soon as your cunt started clenching around Chan he started coming too, pushing deep inside as he filled you.
You both held each other, your legs wrapped around him, foreheads pressed together, trying to catch your breath. Once both your heartbeats returned to normal Chan helped you off his desk and pulled your skirt down for you. You adjusted his tie and he leaned in kissing you again. 
“Uh do you maybe wanna grab some dinner tonight?” You smiled and tried to help tame his curls a bit after mussing them when you came. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @jisuperboard @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy @svintsandghosts @the-sweetest-rose @alice05280 @3rachasninja @m0ri-apeuda @eastleighsblog @linoification @mlink64 @smally97 @fun-fanfics
“I’d love to Chris.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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heavyhitterheaux · 14 days
Not a Baby Anymore
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: You and Jack have to get on the same page regarding Axel, who clearly lets you know that he is tired of being treated what he believes is unfairly by you
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Axel hadn't been your biggest fan after he had asked you if he could go to soccer camp after school was going to be let out in a few weeks. You had your hesitations of him being away from you for a long period of time and even though he was getting older, you weren't quite ready for it. So, of course you told him no. That led to him catching an attitude with you and running straight to his room but not before telling you that ‘You never let me do anything. I wish dad was here more.’
You were trying to explain your reasoning to him, but he didn't want to hear it. Jack was due to be back later that evening and you had a strong feeling that he was going to try and convince you otherwise.
Once Jack had made it in the door and saw you sitting in the living room on your phone, he simply sat down next to you before sliding you onto his lap. Your arms immediately went around his neck and he gave you several kisses.
“I missed you.” You whispered against his lips before giving him another kiss which instantly made a smile come to his face.
“I missed you too. Where are all my babies?” Jack asked as he wrapped his arms around you.”
“Ivy and Autumn are in the backyard, Cam and Cash are with my parents, and Axel was in his room the last time I checked. Nova is working on her science project.”
“Hmm, that's weird. He's usually all up under you. I'm surprised he lets you breathe sometimes.” Jack knew early on that the bond you and Axel shared was special since the both of you almost lost your lives.
He remembered when he was going back and forth from your hospital room in the ICU to the NICU to see the triplets and how he was probably either going to lose his wife or one of his children. Those were the longest few days of his life and he didn't know what he was going to do if you left him before he properly got to have a chance at fixing your marriage.
“Aht! Not too much on my baby boy.” You answered while playfully hitting Jack who laughed.
“Our baby boy is almost fourteen.”
“Your point!? But I know he missed you.” But you didn't mention the argument that you two got in earlier which was why he was now in his room. Because he didn't want to be near you.
“Well let me go check on them. I'll be back.”
Jack slid you off his lap before kissing your forehead and going upstairs to see Axel.
He noticed that his door was open and he poked his head in, excited to be reunited with one of his oldest babies only to see him angrily wiping tears away from his face.
“Ax what's wrong? Did something happen?” Jack asked as he stepped fully into his room and sat next to him on his bed.
“I want to go to soccer camp.”
“Okay, just let me know all the details about it and we'll pay for you to go. Why the tears?” Jack answered, but he could tell that there was something else.
Axel shook his head no and Jack looked at him confused.
“I already asked mom and she said no.”
“What? Did she tell you why?”
“No, I walked away from her. She never lets me do anything especially when you aren't here. She lets my sisters do anything they want, but I have to stay home.”
This was the first time that Axel vocalized this to Jack and he quickly grew annoyed with you.
“You want to go?”
“Yes. All my friends are going.”
“Then that settles it. I’ll deal with your mother.”
“I don't understand why she always tells me no.”
“Don't worry. I’ll talk to her.”
“Can we have pizza for dinner? If I had asked mom she would have probably told me no too.”
Jack stifled a laugh before answering him.
“We’ll order it when Cash and Cam come back.”
Little did Jack know that you had been standing on the top step listening to their conversation and was going to confront him about it. You quietly snuck back down the steps to sit in the living room and bide your time.
Jack stayed with Axel for another twenty minutes before going to see the girls and then made his way back inside.
“Jackman….” Jack heard you say his name as he heard your footsteps approach from behind him and he immediately sighed because he knew a shitstorm was coming. He had just left Axel's room for the second time and had made his way downstairs to find something to snack on.
“Yes, baby?” He replied as he turned around to face you.
“Why did you tell Axel that it was okay for him to go to soccer camp when I specifically told him no?”
“Because you are overprotective of him and never let him do anything.” Jack said being completely honest as he shrugged.
“What? No I'm not!”
“Babe, yes you are. You aren't like that with Ivy and Autumn and let them do anything that they ask within reason. Why doesn't Axel get the same treatment?”
“I do give him the same treatment!”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself? You let me teach him how to play and it took me months to convince you to say yes. Our baby boy is growing up and it's about time you accepted that.”
“Well yes! He has asthma! That was my entire reasoning.”
“That is well controlled. He hasn't had an attack since he was 6 and takes his meds on a daily basis.”
“But what if something happens and I'm not there? Did we forget that we almost lost him?”
“Y/N…. Thirteen years ago. He is fine and going to make good choices. All of his friends are going and I don't want him to feel left out.”
“I still don't know. The thought makes me nervous.”
“He's not going to be far from home and it's only for two weeks.”
“TWO WEEKS? No, that's too long for him to be away from us. Absolutely not.”
“So let me ask you this. When he becomes an adult because you know that's eventually going to happen, right? Are you going to be babying him like this? And sheltering him? How is he supposed to experience anything? I'm convinced that you're going to go to college with him too.” Jack explained, but all you did was roll your eyes.
“My answer is still no.”
“And I told him yes. My second born came to me in tears, upset and told me how when I'm not here and he asks you to do something nine times out of ten you tell him no. This is something that he really wants to do and his mom shouldn't be ruining that for him.”
“But he's my baby.” You quietly said as you were trying to blink back tears. All of your children held a special place in your heart but you admit you took extra precautions when it came to Axel because he wasn't dealt the best hand when you brought him into the world.
“And he's mine too. I want all of them to be able to experience things and have opportunities but one child shouldn't feel like he's being left out.”
Just then you heard footsteps and turned to see that it was Axel who was trying to wipe the remnants of his tears away before you saw them making your heart break.
“Axel…” You started to say, but he immediately went over to Jack.
“She won't let me go will she?” He asked as he looked up at him and all Jack did was sigh.
“Ax, turn around and ask her.”
“Why? She's probably going to say no like she always does.”
“All I want to do is protect you.” You said as your eyes started to water.
“I'm not a baby anymore! And I'm tired of you treating me like one. I take my meds every day and I haven't been in the hospital since I was six. I want to go to soccer camp with my friends!”
Crossing your arms, you gathered your thoughts before responding.
“I know that you aren't a baby anymore, but this is hard for me. I know I say this all the time, but I didn't even think that you would make it to six months old. So can you understand why I`m so hesitant. But if this is what you want, okay.” You responded while shrugging.
“Wait, that's it?” Axel asked, thinking that you were going to put up more of a fight.
“But there are going to be rules that you have to follow.” Jack piped up and Axel eagerly nodded.
“You call us everyday, set an alarm on your phone for your meds and take your inhaler with you. If at any point you don't feel well, you tell them immediately so that they’ll be able to get you the help you need. This will be the test to see if you can be responsible enough to be away from us.” Jack explained while Axel was actively listening.
“Okay, I will. Promise.”
As you stood off to the side, Jack looked at Axel and nudged his head in your direction while you weren't looking.
Axel didn't respond, but instead hugged you and you tightly hugged him back.
“I promise that I'll be fine.”
“I know you will.”
“That woman has one more time to look at you before I go off.” You told Jack as both of you were at Axel's championship soccer game for his team. It was the last day of summer camp and you could tell that you and Jack made the right choice even though it took a little convincing on his part to get you to say yes.
All Jack did was laugh before wrapping an arm around you and kissing your cheek.
“Baby, please don't. We're here to see Axel play.”
“She is giving you bedroom eyes. I can focus on two things at the same time!”
“The only person that I'm going into a bedroom with is you so she can forget it. But focus on Axel!”
“Fine, but when the game is over I'll deal with her.”
It was down to the last few seconds and the game was tied when Anthony, Axel's best friend and teammate passed him the ball which he kicked right into the net and scored, winning the game.
You and Jack erupted in cheers as his teammates gathered around him and picked him up.
Once the crowd died down, you and Jack made your way onto the field and Axel immediately ran to the both of you. Once he reached you, both of you immediately brought him into a hug.
“So proud of you.” You whispered in his ear as he hugged you both tighter.
“Thank you for letting me come.”
“Anything to see our baby happy. Now where are we going to celebrate your amazing championship winning goal?”
“Hmm Wing Stop?”
“I… seriously?” Jack said as he looked at the both of you.
“Momma's baby. You should already know.” You responded while shrugging.
The three of you were walking back to Jack’s car when Axel turned to look at him.
“Hmm, I guess you are a good teacher after all.” Axel told Jack.
“Obviously, you get your talent from me.”
“I thought that I got it from mom?”Axel playfully asked.
“WHAT? Since when does your mom play soccer?”
“See? Our son knows he got all his good qualities from me.”
“Not that attitude.” Jack shot back and you immediately rolled your eyes as Axel laughed.
“But being a soccer mom does look good on you.”
“I make anything look good.” You said while winking.
“Including dad.”
“HEY! Don't you two start! But I have to agree.”
“Mom, do you think I'm good enough to go pro?” Axel asked as your eyes went wide.
“Um Ax, let's just get through the rest of today first. I don't think your mom is ready to have a constant series of panic attacks if you play professionally.”
“Only if I come with you to every practice, workout session, and game of course!”
“On second thought, never mind.”
“I'll get us all matching shirts.”
“Dad, make it stop.”
“Nope, you asked for this.”
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 months
acotar x reader: one day at a time
Tw for death: 
Reader loses somebody and their friends are there to pick up the pieces. A lil sprinkle sprinkle of az x reader bc that's MY BABYYYY
Lotsssssss of acts of service within the group. 
Also bc im a petty asshole i included a snippet of one of my racist aunts who said some wild shit to me at MY SISTERS FUNERAL and just basically dissing her. (literally why would you stare at my poc best friend who's just trying to support me. This bitch stared at MY GIRL?? MY BESTIE???? NUH UH NOT ON MY WATCH BITCH). 
Said best friend was just like “she’s never seen a brown person before marie it's fine.” 
I'm petty. 
soooo this is born out of grief for my sister. My sister passed away on 03/11/21 and this is very much catered to my grief and these are my comfort characters so naturally i'm gonna write about them when it comes to helping their loved one grieve. 
and yeah this is gonna be based around the reader's sister dying. what can i say. I'm on brand. 
also reader is feyres childhood friend that got turned into a fae with nesta and elain. i feel like that’s just the staple with my fics. 
When you got notified of your sister's death, it was actually a pretty good day up until that point. Sunny day with clouds, a wonderful brunch date with Mor, adorable children at the studio with Feyre. Afterwards, the two of you began walking back to Feyre’s, content on playing with Nyx for the evening before retiring to your own home. When you walked up, Feyre looked at you and told you about how the Inner Circle were having a meeting inside the office. So you two quickly joined them. 
When you walked in, Rhysand held out a letter, “this was a letter delivered to you.” 
You made a face and grabbed it, “okay, so why are you all staring at me like that?” 
“This person walked into the Spring Court and dropped it on Tamlins doorstep.” Cassian said. “They dropped it in the middle of night, just when he wasn’t prowling like a creep.” 
“What the fuck?” You asked as you analyzed it. 
No name but yours and a pisspoor address. 
Lady Y/N L/N
Night Court
“We didn’t know if it was a…” Azriel trailed off, realizing how silly what he was about to say was. “Hence, why all of us are here.”
“We’re also just nosey.” Mor shrugged, her nose wrinkling. 
You snorted, and tore into it, “you could’ve opened it.” 
“It’s your mail. We may be protective bastards but you still have a right to privacy.” Rhysand drawled. 
Feyre stood next to you as you pulled out the paper, your eyes tracing over it. 
“It’s from my dad.” You said recognizing his handwriting. 
Then, it all went to shit. 
Your big sister was dead, the woman you fought with a lot of the time but yet would take a beating for. Your big sister who helped guide you through life, who would always be there even if she was pissed off at you for some inane reason.
You just froze, not knowing what to do. You’re pretty sure Az asked you a question, then Cass, then Rhys. Then you felt Feyre’s hand on your shoulder. 
I need to leave. 
I need to go before I hurt someone. 
You just wordlessly handed the letter to her and winnowed away. 
You didn’t go to your apartment, you didn’t go to the townehouse, you didn’t go anywhere they would find you. 
You went to the middle of the forest. You just picked a random point to lose it.
And you did. 
You didn’t remember much of causing the damage. Only that you managed to stop when Azriel’s arms wrapped around you. You just kept screaming. “I know, I know. It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here.” He said, his lips against your hair. 
His shadows wrapped around your hands, cool wind kissing away the raging inferno of your cuts. You collapsed, taking Azriel to the ground. 
He just held you as you sobbed. You felt his own tears hit your neck. He usually did a better job masking his emotions, but it was you crying, you who he had a deeper bond with. So he let his emotions run free.
“Y/N!” Feyre called into your mind. Your shields were down and you didn’t even notice.
“Az has me, i’m sorry I-” 
“Don’t apologize. I would’ve done worse if I found out…” Her voice trailed off. 
“I’m sorry I ran off.” 
“Do not apologize.” She said sternly, “After you and Az are done come back to the River House. You can sleep at our house tonight. Guest bed is currently being made up.” 
She left your mind before you could respond. You breathed in the smell of Az. 
Azriel brought you back to Feyre and Rhysand’s home. Rhys had trouble with touch, but never with you. He brought you into his arms instantly. You tried not to let the tears surface again, but it was quite hard when a brotherly kiss was pressed against your head. 
“We got you, Y/N.” He whispered against the crown of your head.
Nuala and Cerridwen made you your favorite food. Which prompted you to start crying again. The twins looked so panicked that it almost made you laugh. Elain made your favorite cookies, which again kept the tears going.
“I don’t know why I’m crying over this.” You said helplessly, you managed to laugh during that. 
Feyre and Elain hugged you from both sides. 
You retired to the guest bedroom, you found a pile of fluffy blankets and your favorite candy. As well as a bouquet of your favorite flowers with Mor’s handwriting scrawled on the note. Amren left you a bottle of your favorite wine too. 
Eventually, after some more tears, there was a knock at your door. You called out for them to come in but saw Nyx. 
The little guy was walking even more, speaking full sentences. It’s insane to you that he grew so fast but it has been 5 years since he was born. 
“Go on like we practiced.” You heard Feyre encourage from behind the door frame. 
“Hi, Auntie.” The little guy mumbled. Holding a glass of water. “I have something for you.” 
“Yeah buddy?” You smiled despite the shitty day. Your nephew made everything better. 
Rhysand walked in behind him, as did Feyre. Rhysand lifted him up onto the bed while Feyre handed you a cup of hot chocolate. 
You were just glad Nyx wasn’t holding the hot drink. 
“Here’s some wata.” He said, his small hands handing you the glass. 
“Oh thank you.” You said earnestly and took a sip. You set it on the table. Then you laid back down and faced him. “Just what I needed.” You were genuine. 
“Auntie, are you sad?” Both Feyre and Rhys froze at their sons question. Clearly, he was going off script. 
You sniffed, “yeah, Nyxie. I’m really sad.” 
“I love you.” His eyes were so big, so genuine. You were going to cry for a whole new reason. 
“I love you more.” 
“Nuh uh.” He said, as a typical toddler wanting to argue no matter what. 
You huffed a laugh and opened your arms. “Come here.” 
He crawled into your arms with no hesitation. You were careful of his little baby wings as you held him close to you. 
You loved this kid. 
Feyre settled in behind you on the bed, Rhysand joined on the other side with his son. 
They held you as you drifted off into a dreamless sleep, hoping to see your sister one last time. 
When it came to planning the funeral, you had to go out to your family’s cottage to help. You said you could go alone, but frankly, good luck telling Nesta and the Valkyries to stay behind when one of their own is in pain. 
So when you saddled up to your family with three warriors behind you, they were scared a bit to say the least. 
Emerie held your hand during the funeral discussion as Nesta watched the director to make sure she wasn’t insensitive to you. Gwyn stood guard behind you. They were protectors, they were not gonna leave one of their girls to deal with this alone.
Eventually, the funeral was planned. The rest of your chosen family came out and surprised you. You sent a notice to them of when the funeral was and told them they didn’t need to come because you knew how busy they were. 
When they showed up on your family’s doorstep to surprise you, you started crying again. 
The day of the funeral, it was the entire inner circle crammed into the living room of the cottage of your mortal family’s living space.  
You felt bad cramming two males with wings into that small space, especially with so many other people. But Cassian and Azriel assured you that there’s nowhere else they would be. 
You slept sharing a flimsy mattress with Elain, since the other two sisters were with their mates. But Feyre and Rhys slept close. So did Nesta and Cassian. Both women facing your general direction. 
Azriel did not sleep. He wanted to be there in case you woke up in tears again. 
Amren slept sitting up against a wall, she wouldn’t admit it but she wanted an eye on you. She only trusted hers. 
Mor was curled on the other side of you. You were sandwiched between her and Elain. 
Emerie and Gwyn slept down by your guys’ legs. Emerie’s head on Mor’s thigh. Gwyn hugging Elain legs in her sleep. 
Azriel chose not to mention what happened when your dad came downstairs in the middle of the night to check on you. 
It was as if he wasn’t sure if you’d really be there. He just lost one daughter, he didn’t want to lose another. 
He nodded at Azriel who nodded back. Assuring him that you weren’t going anywhere. That you always had people watching out for you.  
As everyone got ready, it was a somber moment. Elain did your hair, Mor did your makeup, Amren set out your jewelry and Feyre handled your clothes. They didn’t want you doing anything. 
Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie let your nephew and niece play with their swords. It was the one thing they seemed interested in so they let them do it. 
Rhysand was currently trying to get your dad to accept a check from him and Feyre to pay for everything plus anything else your parents need during this time. Your father was refusing. Rhys spoke bluntly. “Your daughter is my family, please let me take care of her family.” 
Your dad didn’t. But Rhys hid the check in your dads night table. He felt yucky going into their room but did it to make sure they got the check. 
On the way to the funeral, Azriel had offered his arm for you to take, which you gratefully did. Rhysand got the door for you. Az led you in. The overprotective bat boys acted like your body guards, which you appreciated, however you couldn’t help but giggle a little bit at it. 
Nesta told you before the funeral to let her know if you wanted her to intervene to keep some relatives away. 
One of your (racist) aunts kept telling you how you’re responsible for your sister's kids. Then when she saw Azriel, Cassian, Rhysand, Amren and Emerie, she just stared. Before you could intervene, Elain and Gwyn stood in front of them. 
You almost wacked her so hard it was going to be a double funeral. You had prepared them before that some relatives were racist. They didn’t give a rat's ass. 
Oh and then everyone in your party including you were Fae. That also did not help. 
Hence why you lived in Velaris, away from all the bigotry.
During the service, Feyre sat on one side of you, Amren on the other side. Feyre clutched your hand and Amren even held out her hand for you. She always had a soft spot for you. Mor’s makeup didn’t last long throughout the service which is why she did bare minimum on your face. 
Afterwards, you left pretty soon after the service was done. You just had to leave the building. You guys went to a pub in your funeral attire. Azriel sat next to you and Nesta on the other side. Rhys refused to let you pay. But you knew he was trying to get you riled up. It was working. 
He was incredibly happy to see the fire return to your eyes. 
At that moment, with your family, you knew you were going to be okay. 
Just have to take every day one step at a time.
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donustellaron · 5 months
All Grown up
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Okay so this is my first published fic, this one's inspired by a Sukuna bot (shockingly), so no warnings honestly? Just pure fluff and love<33. This is a gojo x reader x geto, oh also male reader cuz I'm a guy and gay. Also this is kind of a sorcerer thingy but its not like explicitly mentioned.
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When Sukuna's servants brought him a small child as food he decided to give the kid some time to grow before eating him, what he didn't expect was for him to get attached to the kid. Now the kid was 11 and practically his son.
Sukuna sighed, you were gonna be the death of him, you had just asked to go meet the Gojo clan's kid, Satoru Gojo. After a bit of thinking Sukuna replied, "Fine, go see this brat of theirs, maybe it'll amuse me." With Sukuna's permission, you ran off to go find the boy. Sukuna sighed again, he hoped you didn't get into any trouble, not because he cared for you...he just didn't want any inconveniences. So when you came back holding hands with the young Satoru Gojo he was pleasantly surprised, "Why do you have him with you?" he spoke in a confused and irritated tone. "Oh! Suku-nii this is Satoru Gojo, Satoru-chan this is my caretaker Sukuna," you exclaimed excitedly, "Suku-nii I wanted to play with Satoru-chan but his guards didn't let us leave the mansion so we snuck out!!" Sukuna's expression was a mix of curiosity, annoyance, and mild amusement. "So you snuck out just to play with this one?" You responded eagerly, "Satoru-chan is lonely so this'll be his first time playing!! We'll have tons of fun!!" It was clear to Sukuna that you were happy with having a playmate, "How adorable..." He muttered under his breath. "Well go ahead and play." Hearing that you grabbed Satoru's hand and ran off to play in Sukuna's palace.
Later that night the two kids were exhausted from all their shenanigans, Satoru especially had fun, he'd smiled more that evening than in his life. "By the way, I'm glad you brought me here." He grinned, thinking about how his parents were probably running wild. Suddenly you were hit with a great idea, you grabbed Satoru's hand again and ran to your Suku-nii.
Sukuna was having tea with Uraume when he sensed the cursed energy of the Gojo kid, he turned to the door, his face expressionless as you barged in. "SUKU-NI!!!!" You paused to take a breather, "Can Satoru-chan stay the night?? Please???" Sukuna pauses, considering your request.
Meanwhile, Uraume looks at all of you confused, soon enough Sukuna speaks, "Okay... fine. The brat can stay the night if he doesn't make a mess and behaves himself." He holds back laughter at Uraume's shocked face. You squeal in happiness and thank him. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!" And again, off you go with the Gojo kid.
Once it's time to sleep you and Satoru end up talking for hours until you both pass out in your pillow fort.
5 years later, you and Satoru are now 16, in terms of appearance you both have matured and are much taller and stronger than before, yet one thing remains unchanged: your unwavering bond and love for one another. You've spent these past 5 years together, enjoying a wide variety of activities and learning more about the world and each other with every passing day. Satoru's relationship with Sukuna is better now, he's still called a brat but in an affectionate way, when they return from school they always greet Sukuna and then head off to your room to hang out.
A year later they both meet another boy: Suguru Geto, you love him dearly and so does Satoru. A year later you, Satoru, and Suguru have formed an inseparable bond. The three of you are now 17, having grown closer to each other. At one point they end up losing their virginities to each other, it's clear to Sukuna that they are in love. Even so, he and Uraume are always ready to comfort you in your relationship woes.
Soon you're 28 and at your wedding, today's the day you get married to your amazing boyfriends. When Sukuna walks you down the aisle you can't help but cry, and so does he, his little kid grew up into a formidable man. After the ceremony you find him and Uraume talking to your husbands, you walk over and hug Sukuna, a faint smile on his face and a wide smile on yours, "Suku-nii..." His heart warms at the nickname you gave him all those years ago, he holds you tightly. He had witnessed your growth and development over the years, watching your love and devotion to your husbands. He calls your name and you look up at him, "Isn't this a lovely occasion? No need for tears kid, it warms my heart to see you and your beloveds bound in matrimony." You chuckle at his choice of words, "Suku-nii, thank you for taking care of me and letting me meet Satoru-chan and Suguru-chan all those years ago, thank you...Dad" Sukuna chokes up and feels tears welling in his eyes. He hugs you tightly, and you smile, you love your dad dearly. (and Uraume)
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AHHH OMG. I'm ngl I almost cried during the wedding part....anyways I really love how this turned out !! And I hope you do too :))
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futurewriter2000 · 5 months
Second Chance
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A/N: I don't know how this can end in a happy ending but... I'll try. I didn't even know how to start writing this request but I think I did fairly well and even better than I expected. I think I can do it better though but for now, I'll give you this. Short-ish and sweet. I tried to put everything into one fic.
REQUEST #14 (wattpad) @fredsdeath: HI!! I love all ur books especially the fred weasley book and uhm i was wondering if you could do my request abt how y/n pretends to have amnesia and not remember fred bc fred was her ex and broke her heart in their past relationship like happy emding or not its fine and this is just a suggestion its still okay if you dont do it tho :D
They say that the first few months always feel like a true honeymoon and then the reality hits but it wasn't like that with you and Fred. It was different because the two of you were friends first before anything and that changed everything. You knew who he was, the good and the bad, as well as he did. The two of you had this undestructable bond, nothing in the world could break. It felt real, it felt true, it felt like a once in a life-time love and you believed that.
You did... until you didn't anymore.
There were moments of Fred acting ditant. Sometimes when you looked into his eyes, he wasn't there and when he smiled, it felt forced. You felt like you were too much for him so you took a step back as well, thinking that space was all that he needed. You were different than him however, you didn't want space, you needed reassurence that he is still the Fred that will hold your hands and kiss them randomly when the two of you are laughing or just sitting together. You believed that the Fred that walked down the hall, nagging you jokingly until you retorded a sarcastic comment back, pretending to be furious with him until he nagged you until you laughed- was still somehow there. You believed that the Fred who made your stomach cramp either from laughter or butterflies will appear soon. It's just a hard transitioning moment, now that the new headmistress is on. He's coming back... he's still Fred.
He wasn't though.
"What do you mean?" your eyes twitched and you couldn't figure out whether you were angry or sad. You kept looking at the ground, not knowing when your hands ripped themselves from his.
"It's not you, I swear, it's just-"
"It's you." you looked at him, your lip trembling but you refused to cry in front of him.
"It is..." he bit his lower lip. "I just don't think that this is it." he said and you refused to look at him. He forced a smile and swayed on his feet. "We can still be friends." he said, touching your shoulder playfully as if all of a sudden you will place a smile on your face, bright and jolly but you turned your head away, wiped the crocodile tear that fell from your eyes and looked at him.
"Who is she?" you said with a sharp cold tone.
"There isn't-"
"You never lied to me, Fred. Don't start now." you glared.
He looked at you and pursed his lips together. He looked away and you let out a laugh from disbelief.
"I had a feeling but I always refused to listen to it. You know why?" you paused. "Because my trust for you was bigger than my insecurities but you just made me believe I was going crazy for such a long time until you grew balls to tell me."
"I just kissed her once-"
"Oh-" you literally heard your heart break inside your chest.
"She KISSED ME-" he mumbled. "I swear, I didn't kiss her first, she just sort of leaned in and I pulled away and I didn't want to say anything, I swear because I thought it was nothing but she just sort of... I don't know... I couldn't stop thinking about it."
"So you want to slag around."
"NO!" he started to get frustrated, shaking his head. "I just- I'm lost right now. I don't know what I want."
"You want her."
"No-" he shook his head. "I don't know... maybe... I don't know."
"Fuck you." you said, slapping him hard on his cheek that it turned red immediatelly. "You just wasted fucking 8 months of my life." and with that you turned around.
It's been a long year now since then and you knew her name... not that you truly wanted it but you heard of a short fling between Fred and Angelina Jonson. She was another good friend of his and you wished you figured it out sooner but you haven't.
You've cried. You did. More than just one crocodile tear. You've made a mess from your room and your roommates didn't really mind. They've been patient and graceful with you. They've also been a good distraction from your emotions and you were glad you weren't when Fred made his great parting with fireworks in Hogwarts that year.
You've put yourself together since then. You did and you've heard he's been with that woman, another woman, a few other women and you didn't want to hear none of it. Your friends kept telling you about it, despite you didn't want to. You heard about his shop and all of other things.
Now... well, now you've had your own appartment, which was quite hard with the economy but you wanted your place since you were an early teen. And to think of it, getting an appartment was easier than getting a job that pays well on your education. But it did. You've worked in a small bussiness, grammar checking documents that came in and out. Something close to an accounting. It wasn't what you wanted but it was something.
You haven't seen Fred in a year and a half. He was still on your mind though. He was. It was as if he put a chip into you that keeps rewinding time back to when the two of you were in love.
What you hated more was that you did move on but somehow he was still following you everywhere you went. You didn't see him anywhere and you knew that was a good sign but you were always on the lookout. Close to his shop, you felt anxious and you thought it over what would happen if he came out now and see you. You didn't know. You didn't know anything. Your brain turned off like nothing.
But that never happened and so you were okay with moving on.
So how did you end up here?
How did he end up here?
The last thing you told him was that he should have fun with your replacement and he did... for a short time. It really infuriated him that you told him that but Angelina really wasn't the one either. He pushed it as far as he could but something didn't click with her. He didn't feel joy with her, he felt obligated to be with her but he grew tired of being with someone.
He told you he forgets people easily but why did seeing you hurt so much. It was like a sting into his heart- quick but short. He couldn't mumble a word when you stood there and there was no shine in your eyes, no glow on you as he remembered you. There was a smile but not as joyful.
You stood there... still beautiful.
He hated that. He hated that you were still beautiful- more than him... since always.
He turned his head away, not wanting to look at you anymore. He was furious- so darn furious. Why didn't anybody tell him about you?
"There she is!" Remus came over with his hands on your shoulders, gently and formally.
You smiled brightly at him because you adored him as a professor. He was the only professor who made a course feel important and interesting.
"She was my best student and she now works in a small company for accounting- a shame to waste your talents there."
Sirius, he stood up tall and mighty, almost king-like and you felt infatuated by his kingly presence. His eyes were cold blue but his look was warm and safe.
"Aren't you supposed to be in Azkaban or something?" you joked and he laughed.
"Been there, didn't like it much." he retorded back and a few of the group laugh. "She's been working for me too for a bit. Remus recommended her- just for a short time and she turned out to be trustworthy. I bet she went to Hogwarts with you."
Ginny ran to you into a hug immediately and smiled up to you... well not up anymore. She seemed taller than you by a few centimeters. The two of you always had a great friendship, despite Fred. She adored you and you adored her.
"I can't believe you're here!" she exclaimed and you laughed, hugging her tightly.
"Me neither. This man put me through hell."
"I did not." Sirius gasped.
"Don't leave him alone in this house for long ever again."
"We have so much to catch up!"
And you did. With the whole group. You did work with Sirius through Remus. You've never really met him personally, always through some Howlers, letters, some other secret forms of communication and he was always so arrogant through it. He had grumpy and sassy remarks and at first you were professional about it but through time you've had enough and returned the energy. It has mostly been with the documents you've been grammarly correcting. They had been reciepts from big, luxiourious wizard families and you could see in some of those reciepts which were on the bad side, which on the good and which were fleeding and unreliable.
You didn't know about the other participants except Remus, Tonks and Sirius. Soon you figured Moody was one as well when he trampled into your office, asking questions and now you've met others.
You've never been much of a leap of faith person but you've always had a strong urge to stand for fairness and justice. You've fired up when you had to, not knowing until you went to bed that night. Remus saw that in you and he knew that all you needed was a little push.
You've always been reliable and when you promised something, you didn't back out, even if you were extremely anxious. He knew you could never back out from this. A bit manipulating but well, that was the push.
You've looked at Moody with your mouth on the ground.
"Turn into Harry?" you looked at all the others, especially at Remus.
"You don't have to, if you don't want to." said Harry.
"No, it's not that." you laughed. "Couldn't we just turn Harry into some random Muggle and transport him?"
The others thought about it as it could be.
"No!" Moody shouted. "Would you think they'd just let some random Muggle with a stick in his boot let into the Ministry?" he growled at you, approaching you. "No- now dress up lil priss." and he shoved clothes at you.
You looked after him than walked to Harry. "Are you comfortable with this? Us... turning into you?"
He gave you a comforting smile. "Not really but a plan is a plan. My comfort is not really in question." he offered you a smile and you returned it, though you felt a bit sad for the boy, espeicially when others made awful comments about them.
What you didn't notice was the little peeps Fred was giving you when you undressed, easily unclasping your bra under your Harry shirt and throwing it in the corner.
George apperead in front of him as Harry, giving him a grin meanwhile Fred just put his glassess on and pretended not to look.
"You're with me little priss." one of the Harry's told you and winked at you.
As you walked behind fake Harry, you passed what you thought was Fred and he called out your name. "Hey, (Y/n)."
You turned around. "What?"
"Stay safe."
You looked at him and nodded, turning back to the fake Harry, feeling your heart beating fast. Not because of Fred... this was pure fear.
Fred just turned back into himself, laughing with his father about the trip when Ginny told him about George. He was running into the living room, finding his best friend bloody on the couch.
"Shit, George." he came to his side.
"I'm howy." George whispered.
"What George?" Fred leaned in worriedly.
"I said..." George took a breath. "I'm holy now Fred."
Fred rolled his eyes and laughed from all the relief. "Only you can crack a joke about a blown up ear."
He looked up, smiling joyfully when the others smiled back, hugging him and George. It wasn't until two were missing. He looked around again. "Where are Tonks and (y/n)?" he asked but the others looked around and nobody was around.
"Remus is waiting for them, I'll go out and check." said Arthur but just as he was about to head out the door, Remus came rushing the door with you in his arms. His shirt was soaked in your blood, Tonks' hands as well.
"MOVE!" shouted Remus as Arthur cleared the table so that Remus could place you there gently.
"It came out of nowhere- I don't know who is was but she was blown off our broom and fell hard on the woods. She hit her head pretty hard." Tonks spoke quickly, like your life depended on it.
Ginny and Molly were right by your side, Remus as well. Fred just watched with his eyes wide open. Everything was gone, all the anger, all of it, out of his system. There was no room for anger, only regret and sadness.
"(y/n)- come on little priss, you have to wake up." Remus slapped your cheeks gently.
It was so sudden. You laid there calmly and like you were awaken from the dead, you jumped up and took a deep breath in.
"Where am I?!" you looked around, feeling your head pounding but everything was extremely bloody.
You heard voices around you but none of them were clear.
"You're safe-" you looked around but you recognised that voice anywhere.
"Professor Lupin? Where's Madam Pince my head is-" you were just about to say something when you started choking on your own blood.
Fred fell on the floor, just by George when he saw the sight.
Arthur saw the terror in Fred's eyes and shouted at the other. "GET HIM OUT OF HERE! ALL OF YOU OUT!"
Fred had a whole review of your life together back in Hogwarts. Everything turned back- everything. The small things, the big things and he realised that not once did the two of you had a bad memory together. Not one but until he broke things off.
He was pacing up and down outside the living room. Ginny kept trying to calm him down but he was not consolable. Not until you were completely alright. Not until he comes back and you're breathing and smiling at him.
Finally Arthur came to Fred, only to Fred because he knew of their past together. His expression was grim but it wasn't something Fred could read at the moment. He had you in perfect image. Since always.
"How is she?!" he quickly asked and everybody stood up and listened as well.
"She's living and breathing." he said, putting his hand on Fred's shoulder. "Remus is great at taking care of people, so she's resting with George... however... she kept recalling back a few years..." he looked up worriedly. "She kept asking for Dumbledore and... McGonagall..." he continued. "Remus says it could be shock or some short amnesia."
"What does that mean, dad?" Fred asked but his father only looked away. "Dad!"
"I don't know really... only time will tell when she wakes up."
Fred burst through the door and found his two favorite people laying on the couch. It was odd sight becuase you were there moving your lips and looking at your roommate, fist bumping him.
"Samesiess." George shouted weakley. "I've always wanted a girl roommate."
"Ew." you said, laughing.
"Not like that- Merlin." George said. "If moving my eyes wouldn't hurt I'd roll my eyes right now."
"If I could have the strenght to move my hands I'd show you the middle finger."you replied and could hear him laugh, caughing.
Fred smiled from relief and walked confidently into the room. "Hey, you two are on bed rest, stop talking and laughing." he said, sitting at George's side first. He looked at you and you looked at him.
"George?" you said worriedly. "I didn't know you had a sibling?"
"I have eight of them... or seven... six... I really don't know..."
"I didn't know you had one that looks exactly like you." you furrowed your eyebrows and it was only for a joke. You've always wanted to play a joke but something in Fred's eyes.
Something in his eyes made him come towards you and look at you with the same look he did all those years. The same eyes that you prayed for such a long time ago.
"You don't remember me?" he asked.
And you haven't got any clue why you turned your head and mumbled no. You turned it away from him because you felt something hurt inside of you so much by having him looking at you so close. Your heart was tearing up inside of you all over again and you wished, you prayed, you said you never met him because that was what you truly wanted. You wanted that he never existed in your brain because it just... hurts so much.
"Please leave me alone." you said and kept shutting your eyes.
Fred backed away, terror in his eyes, his heart, rage? Perhaps shock- something was in his chest, burning up his throat. He didn't hear the pain in your throat or the tears that fell from your eyes when you turned away. He couldn't function properly.
"Fred..." he heard George but he just stormed outside.
It was as if something was spinning in his head. It was so horrible.
Ginny came after him, calling out his name, asking what is wrong.
Ginny stood there. Usually she would shout something back but she just let him yell.
"Ginny- she-" he started to break down, falling onto his knees and pulling his long legs into a hug.
Ginny walked to his side and hugged him around the shoulders. "It could be temporary... she's just in a shock."
"She remembers George."
"How do you know? She just talked to him like she woud with another person."
"She wouldn't talk to me like this..."
"She would." Ginny added and Fred looked at her, letting a laugh.
"Yeah... she would... she was unpredicatable like that." he said.
"Why did the two of you even break up?"
"I don't know really." Fred mumbled. "But I don't know if I can live through her not remembering us... you know?" he looked at Ginny, then laid his head on her shoulder. "We used to have so much fun... when we were together. She was so snarky and confident..."
"She's always so happy and has such a good heart." Ginny added.
"Yeah... she was perfect and... I really didn't know we would work so well together but I don't know... I thought she would be a fling and I wasn't ready to commit- she just... she deserved so much better than me, I always knew that."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... look at her and look at me." he lookd at Ginny.
"Fred, she looked at you as if you were the whole world for her, not because of your looks or it was because of your looks, I doubt that though but she didn't want anybody else. She wanted you." Ginny said and Fred looked at her.
"I don't know Ginny."
"You do know, Fred. You were the one who thought you didn't deserve her and with the way you were acting after the two of you broke up, just told me how much she hurt you." she continued without any filter. "And it wasn't that she hurt you... it was that you were furious that you fucked up a good thing."
Fred looked at his sister with a confused look. She didn't use that kind of language. "I don't know when you grew up so much, Ginny." he said and laid his head back on her shoulder. "But... if she forgot about us... and me... I don't know- she was the only person who really knew me and it was hard for her to trust me in the first place. When she did, it felt like I met the right person to feel safe with..."
"Like I said... we can hope that she does remember."
You and George were laying in the darkness, both resting. You were glad the whole thing was over, even though you almost couldn't have made it out alive.
"Do you really not remember Fred?" asked George.
There was silence but you looked to the darkness beside you where George was speaking from. "I wish I didn't." you said.
"Why did you tell him then you didn't?" he asked calmly.
You turned your head back to the dark ceiling. "I just... I actually don't know... it was a joke at first..."
"I gathered that but he just saw two of people he cared about almost die in front of his eyes so I believe him for not catching it."
"Then he just looked at me with those eyes... like that he cares and I just... I don't know I wanted to make sure if he does or not so I just said no."
There was a small laugh from the other side. "Did you get your answer?"
"Kind of." you shrugged.
"(y/N)." he said in a serious tone. "He bloody loved you. You didn't know how he was when you weren't around. First he was furious, then he was frustrated when you didn't catch our fireworks, then he was melancholic for a while and all of a sudden he got an urge to go after every girl that walked into the shop- age appropriate to be clear." he stopped for a moment. "He cared, he really did- he didn't know how much he had lost until months later. Angelina couldn't compare to you. He wasn't as ambitious and happy as he was with you. He was absent and lost..."
There was a loud silence after that and you felt as if you have to say something in return. "I didn't know you could preform such long speeches."
You heard shuffling on the other side and suddenly something soft landed on your stomach. "Owww!"
"Shut up, we're both poor right now." he said and you laughed , throwing the pillow back.
George was awake and walking. He was just getting suited for the wedding when Fred was tying his bowtie. He walked into the living room and saw your space empty. He looked around and tried to find any traces of your disappearance.
It wasn't until he heard a grunt from the bathroom and you walked out, pinning something into your hair. "Hey Ginny this bandage is so unnecessary-" you looked up and he was staring at you as you stared back. His hands were at the untied bowtie and yours were stucking a flower somewhere where your bandage was loose around your head.
"You remember Ginny?" he asked and you kept looking at him.
You let your hands fall down to your side and you took a few steps forward. "I do." you said and grabbed his tie and started to throw it around into a bowtie.
"Do you remember me?" he asked softly as he looked down at you but you kept your eyes on his bowtie.
You were silent for a while and started to twist it around to stay on its place. "I can do it better." you said and untied it again.
He smiled at that. "A perfectionist, you remember that." he said and he could see a smile on your lips. "Please, (y/n)..." he said and placed his hands on top of yours.
You finally looked up and found his eyes in such pain. You didn't think eyes so joyful could look that tormented. "I remember you Fred." you smiled softly, then looked back at the bowtie. "Just like I remember how to tie a perfect bowtie." you smiled and fixed it on his collar.
He breathed out a long breath of relief. He saw your hands leave his bowtie and he immedately started to fix your bandage and hair flower. "You're beautiful today." he said as he continued to tuck in the last peaces of the bandage before going to the flower. "You're beautiful every day."
You continued to look up, his slick and gentle hands touching your scalp and spreading warmth, even the memories you forgot existed. "I'm sorry." you said and he raised an eyebrow. "I always knew who you were..." you said and his hands dropped, still holding the flower that was supposed to go into your hair.
"You did?"
"I did." you said. "You were so close and you were just- and it really hurt- you really hurt me." you said, looking into his eyes, knowing yours were filling themselves with tears. "It was the first time I saw you so close after such a long time and everything came back- and it hurt so much I wished to forget you." you said, avoiding his gaze.
He didn't say anything. To be honest, he wasn't furious or in shock. "You could have done worse, really..." he gave an awkward smile and you laughed. He put his hand back up to your head and started placing it into your hair.
You only observed and as you did so, his hand fell to your cheek and brushed it with his thumb. The two of you were looking at each other, felt like a whole century since the two of you were looking at each other like this... and it felt like yesterday.
Time truly is an illusion, isn't it.
"Please, give me a second chance." he said, leaning his forehead onto yours.
"Fred..." you sighed.
"I know it's a lot to ask but please- I promise, I won't run away again like I did last time." he said, pulling back and cupping your cheeks. "We're special. I know you know... I know we are... please..."
You smiled, closing your eyes and feeling all this warmth, safety and love over your body.
There's nothing wrong with having hope.
There's nothing wrong with second chances.
You looked up at him. "Second chance then."
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sudzymactavish · 5 months
TF141 x GN!reader
How they would react to reader getting shot and succumbing to their wounds
TW: Angst, blood, shooting, pleading, crying, suicide being said but not actually done, sad things in general
(Fic under the cut!)
John "Soap" Mactavish
Soap, or rather Johnny, was always a fun guy to be around. He got his work done, made friends with everyone on the team, and was a little silly from time to time.
Then he met you. He always talked your ear off about all the things he's ever done, and more. John was always able to do his work and have strong bonds between him and everyone else. His and your bond was especially strong.
That's why his whole world fell apart when he saw one of Makarov's minions shoot you in the chest, your body falling to the floor. His person. His lover.. well, not yet at least, but who cares.
He quickly got to you as the rest of the team overed you both. John quickly tried to bandage your wound, all while saying "yer okay, don' worry yer okay". The only person he convinced was himself when you started to have trouble breathing.
Then, he and you both knew it was the end. He nor you knew exactly where the bullet was, but it was clear, you were going to die.
Johnny held you, crying as he bear hugged you. He told you how much he loved you and he was sorry, it all coming out in broken English and Scottish.
He held you until the medics came and pronounced you dead. He keeps a picture of you and the 141 underneath his bed in the barracks.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Gaz was always a sarcastic joker, but knew when to be serious. He was a well structured man who knew when and how to get a job done.
Him and the 141 were like brothers, and that didn't change when you arrived, despite one thing; he would smile a bunch when you were around.
Of course, it could've been brushed off as politeness, but you and he both knew that it was more than that. He would always light up when you were there, speaking with care and confidence to you.
It was obvious he cared about you when you had been fatally shot in the neck. The team had split up, and you were alone. You garbled into the radio, and gaz responded "you alright, mate?" With a chuckle. He didn't know what was really going on.
He eventually found you, half dead and clutching your neck to try to stop some of the bleeding. He quickly went to your side, a new seriousness you had only seen on suicide missions. He pressed his hand on your wound to try, just try to save you.
He was crying. He was telling you how much you meant to him as you slowly went limp. You were gone.
He stayed with you until they pronounced you dead. He keeps your favorite album of music that you used to ramble about to him.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Simon was a quiet man who was always hiding behind a skull mask. He never took it off, (at least besides that one time in MW2 but don't think about that ‼️) keeping himself hidden. A ghost of a man.
No one really knew why he wore it, but they all knew he was still a man under the mask. He was friends with the 141, and nothing was changing that.
When you first arrived, he was skeptical. Dismissing that you were undoubtedly the most (beautiful/handsome/pretty) human being he's ever seen. Eventually, he trusted you more. He talked to you more. He would do little things for you that made you smile, and that's all he wanted to see. He wanted his person to smile.
That all ended, when you were grimacing in pain over a fatal shot at your leg. The bullet hit an artery (for people who don't know, an artery is something that carries a lot of blood. If you get shot in an artery, you bleed out very quickly) and the blood was spilling fast. Ghost was turned from you, not seeing you fall. After you hit the ground, the blood was going fast. It stained your combat boots and pants, you trying to press on the wound. The puddle of blood grew and grew, ghost accidentally stepping in it.
He actually thought he was bleeding, until he saw you. He shouted "cover me! Soldier (your name) down!" He went next to you, covering your wound with pressure.
When you listened hard enough, you could hear small hics and saw small tears wet his balaclava. You reached your hand out to his face, slowly lifting the hard mask, then him following your action with taking off the balaclava. You saw his face, for the first time.
He pressed your hand to his lips, muttering a soft "I love you, soldier.." you were dead moments later. He did not let go of you until they forced him to. He keeps your dog tags around his neck.
John Price
John was a soft man, but knew when to get rough. He was best friends with his team, even joking that they were his sons. He knew how to get a job done while making sure everyone was slightly safe, or at least careful. (He kinda failed with soap..)
When you came, he was always patting you on the back or ruffling your hair. He was always cheery, smiling and offering you cuppas. He knew it was so wrong to love you, a person a part of his team, so he kept his distance. But was just close enough to give off the elusion that you and him were best pals and nothing more. You and him both wished it was more.
When you got shot in your shoulder, he of course was worried, but thought it was nothing. That changed drastically when you had gotten a life threatening infection. Well.. it only changed when you had passed out while training. Price took you to medical, learning the truth about what that one little bullet did.
He was so angry. In so much pain. While you laid in medical, he went to go find the man who shot you. Laswell advised against it, saying that price wasn't thinking straight. He wasn't. But he still went along with the mission, eventually having to go solo.
Before he left, he told you how much he loved you and he would be back soon. You confessed you liked him back. He left, happy, but ready to rip that man to shreds with his bear hands if he had to.
The mission was successful, and he came back to your room, only seeing your dog tags on the bed. The nurse said you had passed the minute he got here. You waited.. for him.
As the captain, he wasn't allowed to take a leave. So, he now sits in his office. He reads your papers over and over, seeing your face one last time on the papers.
I am exhausted. Hope you enjoy this! Not proof read btw.
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nyoomfruits · 7 months
du bist mein schultenbrau
Tell me!! 🤍😂
ITS SO DUMB ITS JUST THE WORKING TITLE for everyone super confused by the context, the title is from this banger of a dutch après ski hit the title has mostly nothing to do with the fic except lando and oscar go on a ski trip in the winter break because oscar was supposed to go with his gf but she broke up with him and lando's like 'i'll go with you' and they spend a whole week on a super romantic couples ski trip As Bros (who fall in love. obviously) anyway thats a terrible explanation here's the first two opening scenes that actually set up the plot perfectly lmao:
Max texts Lando on one of this last days in the MTC, right before winter break is supposed to start. Lando doesn’t even notice at first, spending most of his time in and out of meetings, filming a few last minute promo vids. When he does notice, he sighs, annoyed, a little disappointed.
“Hm?” Oscar says, from across the table, where he’s slouched down in one of the office chairs, scrolling through his own phone.
“Max cancelled our trip,” Lando says, dropping his phone down on his thigh and staring up at the ceiling as he contemplates his options. He could go visit his parents, maybe. Maybe other Max and Martijn wanted to hang out for a bit.
“Verstappen?” Oscar asks, without glancing up from his phone. He’s been quiet all day, more quiet than usual. There’s a downward pitch to his mouth, bags under his eyes. Lando gets it, maybe. It’s been a long season, and even though they ended on a high note, he can understand the exhaustion. He’s feeling it himself, the aftereffects of months of giving it his all. It’s why he’d been looking forward to this trip so much.
“Fewtrell. We were going to the Maldives. But now his girlfriend wants to go visit her family, so.” He tries not to sound bitter about it. He gets it. She hardly gets to see him as it is, and it’s not like Max owes him anything.
He’d just really been looking forward to it.
“Can you cancel?” Oscar asks. He’s put his phone down, and he’s looking at Lando now, the way he always does. Like there’s nothing else in the world more worth looking at than Lando. It had unnerved Lando a little, in the beginning, until he’d realized that’s just how Oscar looks at people. Or, well, he assumes that’s just how Oscar looks at people. He’s never really been able to test this theory, but it makes sense, so. It’s probably true.
“Yeah,” Lando says. “Full deposit back and everything. Still. Rather be on a beach.”
Oscar snorts. “Luckier than me, then.”
“Why?” Lando asks, frowning, wondering if he’s forgetting something.
“I was supposed to go to this ski resort with Lily. But now. Well.” He looks pained, and when Lando sends him a confused look, he adds. “We, uh. We broke up. So.”
“Ah,” Lando says. So maybe it hadn’t all been exhaustion, then. “I’m sorry.”
Oscar shrugs, but his mouth is still pitched down and he’s not looking at Lando, instead focusing on his hands, where he’s fiddling with his phone. “It’s okay. It just wasn’t working out anymore. For either of us. But uh. Yeah. Still sucks. Plus I can’t get my deposit back, so now I either go on this stupid ski trip alone, which is just sad, or I just lose the money.”
Technically, Oscar could probably afford to lose the money. He’s rich enough. But it’s the principal of the thing. Also, Oscar still has that sad puppy look on his face and it’s pulling at Lando’s heart a little bit. It’s the only excuse he has for blurting out. “I’ll go with you.”
“Oh,” Oscar says, looking up, surprised.
“Yeah,” Lando says, thinking about it a little more seriously. “Yeah, why not? Teammate bonding outside of the season. It’ll be good for us. Plus, it solves both of our problems. You don’t lose the money and you don’t look like a sad sack of shit in front of all those fancy ski people, and I get to go on a vacation after all. Win win.”
“I mean,” Oscar says, and he seems to actually consider it now. “It’s no beach.”
Lando shrugs. “Bet the gin and tonics still taste roughly the same,” he says, and Oscar laughs, one of those full body things where he folds in half with the force of it. The joke’s not that funny, but it’s the happiest he’s seen Oscar all day, so he’ll take it.
“Sure,” Oscar says. “Why not. Let’s go.”
It isn’t until Lando’s standing in the door opening of their little cabin for the weekend, backpack hanging off one shoulder and suitcase at his feet, that he realizes how intimate this is. He should’ve guessed, maybe. Oscar had said it was a trip he’d booked for him and his girlfriend, so. He doesn’t know what he was expecting, perse. But this is. It’s small. It’s cozy. There’s a fireplace.
“Lando, I don’t want to rush you, mate, but it’s like minus ten out here and I’m not wearing my ski jacket yet,” Oscar says, from somewhere behind him, a noticeable shiver in his voice.
“Right, yeah, sorry,” Lando says, moving further into the cabin, dragging his luggage with him. Lando had flown in from Monaco, fresh off celebrating New Year’s with his friends. Oscar had flown in from London, and Lando’s pretty sure he spend both Christmas and New Year’s alone. It shouldn’t tug at his heart strings as much as it does, probably.
Oscar makes his way inside, dumping his suitcase by the couch and looking around. “Quaint,” he settles on.
“All right, big fancy words man,” Lando says, rolling his eyes. “Please tell me you know how to make a fire, it’s fucking freezing in here.”
“I do, actually,” Oscar says, beelining for the fireplace while Lando wanders further into the cabin, darkly muttering ‘of course you do’.
The living room is massive, with a giant L shaped couch in front of the fireplace, and big open windows looking out over the beautiful snowy landscape outside. To the left, there’s an open archway to a kitchen and dining room, and to the right are two doors. One, upon opening it, turns out to lead to a pretty decently sized bathroom. The other-
“Oscar,” Lando says, frowning a little. “Are you aware there’s only one bed?”
“What?” Oscar says, looking up from where he’s fidgeting with something in the fireplace. Lando doesn’t say anything, just holds open the bedroom door and gestures at the frankly giant bed. “Oh, yeah,” he says, looking a little forlorn. “I mean. Yeah. When I booked it- Well. They didn’t have any cabins with single beds, so.” He shrugs a little bashfully. “I’ll uh, take the couch. It’s big enough.”
And he looks so small, and so sad, crouched in front of the fire, shoulders slightly hunched over, that tired, sad expression back on his face, and goddamnit. “Don’t be ridiculous,” Lando says, closing the door resolutely and going to grab his luggage. “We’ll share.”
“But-“ Oscar shares, and behind him, there seems to have appeared an actual fire in the fireplace. Lando raises an impressed eyebrow.
“No. We’ll share. It’s fine, the bed is giant. I think we’d be sleeping closer together if they had given us separate beds, that’s how big it is,” Lando says, grabbing his bags and making his way back to the bedroom.
“Okay,” Oscar says, but he doesn’t look so sad anymore, smiling a little at Lando’s dumb little joke, and that’s. Lando will take that, if anything.
“So,” Lando says, flopping down on the giant couch after he’s managed to ditch all of their luggage. “What’s the plan for tonight?”
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girlfromflor · 6 days
Hello, could you possibly write a osamu miya x reader fic (or idk how you call it) ? For the scenario i don’t really know, but could the reader be rather quiet, reserved but not shy (if that makes sense) has hard time expressing themselves/their emotions, like quite bad at feelings. And could the characters just be asexual please? Anyway, hope you have a nice day
hello, anon! thanks for the request. i hope it meets up with your expectations. if it doesn't, let me know.
wc: 688 | tw: gn!reader and implies jealousy |
being reserved was how most people referred to you. not in a mean way, really, it was just a fact. you liked doing things on your own, were mostly unbothered by other’s opinions of you and never really needed to explain yourself and your actions – it was easy to understand what you meant, usually you were very forward. but not when it came to feelings, however. 
not that you were apathetic to everything, you had friends and did have fun with them and got angry at them - mostly to atsumu for joking so much about you and osamu -, you even missed them sometimes. but it’s not like you could express all of it. it was hard to understand why people cared so much about so many things you usually didn’t. you liked to keep things simple, but sometimes it was so hard to understand what others felt, and why they felt it. but not osamu, though.
you grew up with the miya twins, they were your neighbors and honestly very fun to have around. you and osamu were very fond of each other too, not that it mattered – you were together all the time anyway. he usually understood things faster and for you that was a blessing – you never needed to say things twice –, while atsumu always seemed to misread you somehow. it wasn’t rare to see osamu explaining something so obvious - like the bond you shared - to atsumu, simply because you couldn’t. you had the worst time trying to figure it all out, and it was even worse to try and explain it to someone else. 
you didn’t felt like you had to explain things to osamu, usually he read you very well. he didn’t ask if you were ok, if you were sad nor did he pressured you to elaborate your feelings for him. he knew you wouldn’t know how to talk about it anyway. and it was okay, really. one day he just rubbed your back out of nowhere, kissed your forehead and said “you know, i was surprised that you weren’t rude with that guy earlier today.” 
“what, why?” you had your brows furrowed, confused as to why he was comforting you for no reason – you too were just sitting together at his backyard, talking and joking sometimes after buying ice creams at the store near your houses. you heard his laugh, but didn’t register what was so funny. “i’m confused. why are you laughing?” he was amused to say the least. “he was hitting on you, are you kidding?” he went to touch your hands, only to be greeted with your cold touch. “they’re cold, do you want my jacket?”
you didn’t know how he could jump from topic to topic. “no, i’m okay. thanks, though” you answered. but still didn’t understand what he was talking about “what do you mean he was hitting on me? where did you get that from?” you asked, quite confused still. you heard him laugh harder, you yourself let a smile rest on your face, it was quite funny – all of it. “i should’ve known you hadn’t realized. you were being so blunt i had to tell the guy you were just quiet.” you laughed, thinking that – of all things – osamu wasn’t jealous or whatever.
“weren’t you jealous?” it came out eager, but you were actually curious, trying to understand him better – maybe one day you will read him like he does you. he looked like he was about to explode, red ears and shy smile. “well, not really, no” but you still had a questioning look in your eyes “you were clearly oblivious to his advances, and the whole time you were looking at me. i don’t think i will ever be insecure about us” you nodded, kind of not understanding still. so jealousy comes with insecurities? you were not one to be jealous anyway, when you were it was masked with anxiety too, so you never really knew. but it didn’t matter, you knew you could always ask osamu how he felt – he would always be honest with you, even if you didn’t understand at first.
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hoboal87 · 9 months
Don't Speak, Part 21
Pairing(s): dark!Sam x f!Reader, implied dark!Dean x f!Reader, mentions of Adam x f!Reader, dark!Dean x Claire
Characters: dark!Sam, dark!Dean, pregnant!Reader Claire, Bobby, Ellen
Warnings: dark!Winchesters, Trauma Bonding/Stockholm Syndrome, **Non-graphic descriptions of Non-Con/Rape, **Dub-Con, Violence, Non graphic descriptions of childbirth, Manipulation, Angst, **past miscarriage, Pregnancy
WC: 2.8k
beta’d by the wonderful, lovely, @writethelifeyouwant
**This is a dark!fic that includes triggering content and is intended for mature audiences only. You are responsible for your own media consumption, so please, read the warnings and if you feel that you may be triggered and/or offended please move along. If you have any questions about the warnings/tags please feel free to DM me.
Don’t Speak Masterlist
My Full Masterlist
Part 20
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You don’t remember most of what happened after Dean confronted you and Adam. Bits and pieces shine through your memory on occasion but whatever he’d done to you–to Adam–is gone, and if you’re honest with yourself, you’re grateful. You don’t want to remember the awful things that Dean had almost certainly done to him. Your previously damaged wrist is wrapped again, your jaw is sore and your throat feels raw. You aren’t sure you could open your mouth to speak or eat, even if you wanted to. 
You bring your hand to your face to feel the damage done, and from what you can detect, you’re swollen and there is at least one cut on your cheek. Groaning, you sit up, the pain briefly replaced by relief when a small kick comes from your belly. 
The baby is okay, you sigh. It shouldn’t surprise you that Dean managed not to do any harm to your baby; producing an heir for the brothers has always been the goal since they took you a year ago. But whenever you think they’ve hit new lows to their depravity and ruthlessness, you or Claire learn that they have no boundaries. 
As you rise from the bed, your ankle aches, no doubt also injured from Dean’s attack. You push through, needing the movement after being bed-bound, and make your way to the dressing table to grab a mirror and inspect yourself. Your reflection startles you. Bruises litter your body, two distinct handprints marring your neck, and a gash that has been crudely stitched. You wonder who had tended to your injuries. Adam, for all you knew, was dead. If Dean hadn’t killed him, surely Sam would have; he had touched what’s theirs, and the Winchesters are nothing if not possessive of you and Claire. 
“You’re up,” Sam’s voice fills the emptiness of the room causing you to drop the mirror, and you watch as it cracks on the ground. Your heart pounds in your chest as he strides towards you, closing the space in less than half a dozen steps. His hand cups your face gently, his thumb grazing the healing cut on your cheek, and though you try to contain yourself, you let out a small gasp of pain and his face softens. 
“I was starting to worry, princess,” he says warmly, a look of concern just barely touching his hazel eyes.
“I’m sorry, Sammy,” you murmur, a feeling of guilt deepening in your stomach. Sam wraps his arms around you. 
“You understand why Dean had to punish you, don’t you, Y/N?” Sam asks, waiting for you to nod in agreement. “Do you know how much it hurt, princess, that you were hiding this–” his hand cradles your stomach “–from me?”
“Sammy, I’m–” you can’t finish your apology, sobs leaving your body instead. You’d hurt him; you’d hidden your pregnancy for months, and now he’s upset with you. “I was scared– I thought if I waited until…”
“To find out from Dean? From Claire? Why didn’t you trust me, Y/N? I stood by your side when you miscarried, didn’t I? I gave you space to heal, I was gentle with you afterwards, wasn’t I?” Sam demands, his expression hardening, sympathy slipping away. 
You nod, feeling ashamed for lying to Sam. He was gentle, understanding even; he didn’t have to obey John’s orders to stay away, but he did. Even after having to teach you a lesson when he found out about you and Claire, he was practically apologetic. He told you he loved you, and you repaid him by breaking the promise that you’d never do anything like that again. If there is one thing you were still learning about Sam, it’s that he doesn’t tolerate dishonesty.
“I told you it wasn’t your fault– that I didn’t blame you for what happened and you betrayed me, you kept secrets from me.” Sam gazes down at you pointedly, as if he’s waiting for you to make another confession. Your stomach knots violently: are you supposed to admit that his father had ordered you to carry on an affair with Adam in order to conceive an heir? What does he know already? Your heart thumps harder. What had Dean told him; does he know that Adam is John’s bastard; does he care? “Anything you’d like to tell me, Y/N?” 
“I’ve been– Adam and I– John–” You don’t know where to start. Your relationship with Adam was nothing at first, you were obeying your husband’s father. Sam needed an heir, biological or not. “John told me to– that I had to with Adam,” you mumble, preparing yourself for Sam’s reaction. “Before he died, he said I needed to be pregnant when you returned from your trip. I didn’t– I didn’t want to, Sam, but you weren’t–”
“So you’re saying it’s my fault?” He accuses sharply, and you can’t stop yourself from recoiling from him out of instinct. “You fucked that piece of trash Milligan, and I’m to blame? Or is it that I married a whore who can’t keep her legs closed? Which one is it, Y/N?”
Tears fall silently down your cheeks, “I’m sorry, Sam, it won’t happen ever again. I only love you– I only want to be with you,” you half-lie. You’d learned to love him before, you could learn again. “I’m yours.”
“Good,” he sneers. “And let me tell you what will happen if you decide to deceive me again.” His eyes darken. “I won’t step in like I did this time. Do you want to know what Dean was doing to you when I found you?” 
You hesitate to answer, thinking briefly that you could fill gaps in, but the bruises on your body told all the story you needed to know. You shake your head, diverting your eyes to the floor. 
“Dad isn’t here to protect you any more, princess,” Sam grabs you by the chin, forcing you to lock eyes with him. “Right now, the only thing stopping me from throwing you out onto the streets like the whore that you are, is that I need an heir to get what’s rightfully mine.” He jabs a finger roughly at your stomach, and Mr. Finch’s words echo in your ears. “No one is to step foot in this room, unless they are with me, until I say otherwise, understood? That includes Dean.” 
“But what if–”
You hear the sound of Sam’s hand cracking against your face before you feel it. “I said, no one,” he reiterates, roughly pushing you back onto the bed, and running his hand up beneath your nightdress. “Open,” he commands, giving each of your thighs a slap. You do as you’re told, bracing yourself against the bed, hoping that this will prove your loyalty to him.
Weeks turn into months of being kept under lock and key. Sam is true to his word, you don’t see anyone: not Dean, Claire, Ellen, or Bobby. Sam is the one bringing you meals, books from the library when you request them, and when he’s in a particularly good mood, he accompanies you on walks around the east wing of the Manor. You spend your days staring out the window, envious of the fresh air that Claire and the few remaining servants can take advantage of. 
You’re starting to grow restless. You crave interaction with someone other than Sam. Once or twice a week, muffled arguing seeps into your room from the hidden passageway that Sam and Dean still use to visit each other, but you can never quite make out what is being said. Whatever they were arguing about, it seems like Sam always won. 
The only person besides himself that Sam allows into your room is the midwife, Dorothy, who visits two weeks after Dean's attack on you and Adam. She inspects your body with a raised brow, the gash on your cheek is mostly healed, and a scar has taken its place; the bruises have faded, and your ankle no longer aches, but you fear your wrist will never be quite right again. She declares you healthy in regards to your pregnancy before noting the paleness of your skin, and you silently rejoice when she recommends that you be allowed more time outdoors, to take in the air. She concludes that you and Sam should expect a delivery by the middle of September, giving you only two months left to prepare for the baby’s arrival. 
Sam takes Dorothy’s recommendations seriously and tells you that night that you’ll be allowed to walk the grounds, though he will of course be accompanying you. You take your walks late in the morning, and it becomes a part of your new routine. The fresh air does you a world of good, making the isolation that Sam has you in almost bearable. Some days, you sit under the large oak, wondering if this is what the rest of your life will be like at Winchester Manor–only ever allowed to see your husband, and not his brother or your sister-in-law ever again. You want to ask Sam to allow Claire to join you as she used to, but the mention of anyone else being around you causes Sam to lose his temper. Something has him paranoid. When a gardener gets too close to the two of you one day, Sam launches into a tirade about you being taken away from him. He grabs your arm roughly, guiding you back to your room and slamming the door before moving a dresser in front of it to block anyone from entering via the main hallway.
He paces the length of your room, muttering under his breath about blood curses and demons, uncleanliness and a sacrifice that has to be made. You’re frightened, but still you reach out in an attempt to calm him. He lashes out, his eyes darkening, and he shoves you back onto the bed before pushing up your skirt with one hand and freeing himself with his other. Your instincts to fight back–which you had long ago learned to suppress–desperately try to resurface, but you know it won’t do you any good. You brace yourself as Sam pushes in, stifling a cry as he mutters ‘mine’ over and over again, in time with his thrusts. Once he’s finished with you, he tucks himself away before disappearing out of the room through the secret passage, not returning until the next morning. 
His demeanor is different–the madness that was behind his eyes is no longer there–but he informs you that for the time being you will no longer be permitted onto the grounds. You want to argue that Dorothy explicitly said you needed the fresh air and sunlight, but after the incident yesterday, it’s clear that Sam’s mind is in a fragile state, and you can’t risk your or your baby’s life. You spend another week in isolation, reading and carefully observing Sam. Bouts of madness seem to slip through the cracks more and more now that you’re looking for them, and you wonder if whatever once afflicted his mother is now coursing his veins also. 
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That night, pained screams replace the usual silence of the Manor. Your heart falls to the pit of your stomach, and you hope Claire isn’t being punished for something at such a late stage of her pregnancy. Sam, unsurprisingly, is unfazed, but allows you to cozy up against him as the screams become more frequent.
“Sam!” Dean bursts through the secret passage and is striding towards the bed before you even register that he’s in the room. “It’s time.”
“We made a deal. It’s time,” Dean insists stoically. 
Sam rolls his eyes before exiting the bed, gesturing for you to join him. “Go with Dean,” he commands as Dean pushes against the wall, revealing the dusty passageway. Sam disappears out of the room as Dean grabs your hand to pull you into the dimly lit corridor. 
In what feels like a matter of only seconds, you are in Dean’s room. Claire is panting in the middle of the bed, clutching at her belly and pulling on her nightdress in plain distress. As you move closer you notice a large wet spot underneath her. Dean orders you to sit in a chair beside the bed as he paces the room impatiently. You grab Claire’s hand, unsure of what else to do, and give it a tight squeeze. Claire gives you a pained smile in return. You want to give her assurance, tell her everything is going to be okay, but your words stick in your throat.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Claire mumbles under her breath, glancing briefly at Dean, and for a moment things seem to calm. “I thought– If I’d known, I wouldn’t’ve–”
“I know,” you tell her. She isn’t a malicious person, and as easy as it would be to hate her for what she unknowingly set in motion, it wouldn’t do anyone any good. “It’s okay, Claire.”
“What’s taking so long?!” Dean grunts as Claire’s breathing picks up again and another wave of contractions hit. 
Sam’s been gone at least an hour. At first, you assumed he was going to wake Bobby to send a carriage to retrieve Dorothy, or send for Ellen to help. She may not have medical training but she’d gone through birth before and helped you through the aftermath of your miscarriage. You had some knowledge yourself–only a week prior a book titled The Wife’s Handbook arrived, which you immediately consumed, wanting to know everything in case of this very circumstance. During your previous pregnancy, you were able to go to Claire or Ellen with any questions, but this book gave you guidance on things you wouldn’t think to ask. Though, you’d figured it would be you, and not Claire who needed help when giving birth, worrying that Sam wouldn’t allow anyone in to see you when your time came, if his mind kept deteriorating at the pace it seems to have been lately. 
“Not much longer,” Claire grunts, tears filling her eyes. You nodded in agreement; her contractions are only a few minutes apart, now. “He promised, Dean.”
“I know!” Dean focuses back on the two of you, anger bright in his green eyes. “Stay here, Y/N.” As soon as he’s out the door, Claire lets out a blood curdling scream. 
You lift her soiled dress to find a head, covered in dark blonde hair, delivered. Before you can tell her to push again she’s already doing so, and you watch in awe as the baby leaves her body. You flip the baby over, rubbing her chest, and waiting for her to cry. It takes a moment, but loud, high pitched cries issue from the tiny girl’s body, and relief washes over you.
Claire reaches out for the little girl and you hand her over gingerly, holding back your own tears as Claire brings the baby to her chest. You rub your hand against your belly, knowing that in only a few months, you’ll have your own baby in your arms.
“Ameila,” Claire whispers against the baby’s head. “I can’t believe you’re finally here. I love you so much, baby girl.”
You leave Claire alone briefly, entering the connected bathroom, and grab as many towels as you can. When you return, Claire has shifted baby Amelia to her breast, softly cooing at her. You drape a plush towel over the baby, lay two under Claire, and set the rest to the side.
When Dean returns, he has Sam in tow, and there is a heavy clanging echoing behind them. Your eyes stay fixated on Dean as he approaches the bed, warmth filling his face as his gaze falls on the baby in Claire’s arms. She hands the now sleeping Amelia over to Dean and his body stiffens slightly, as if he’s afraid he might hurt the newborn. You move away from the couple, allowing the new family a moment alone. For now, there isn’t any more that you can do for Claire, she needs a midwife or doctor to assess any damage done. 
Sam doesn’t enter the room much further than stepping over the threshold, and you decide to join him. Once you’re next to him, you notice that there’s a large chain in his hand leading outside of the room. Claire lets out a hiss of discomfort, and there’s a nod between the brothers after a stern look from Dean. Sam pulls roughly on the thick chain and a hoarse grunt comes from the hall. He jerks the chain again. This time, the sound of footsteps accompany another, more submissive grunt. Dirty and bruised hands reach out on either side of the doorframe, using it for leverage as a figure steps out of the darkness and into the room.
Part 22
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Feedback is fuel! Please tell me what you think!
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maxbegone · 9 months
seven sentence sunday but once again, who's actually counting?
gonna be honest with y'all, i still have no idea what this fic really is, but i'm having a good time writing it!
“Where’s…Big Bend National Park?” Henry asks out of nowhere.
It’s enough for Alex to pull his attention from the stars. “Um, like six hours west of here. I didn’t even know you knew what that was. Why?”
Henry shrugs. “Sheer curiosity.”
“It’s never just curiosity with you. There’s usually some meaning behind it.” Alex sits up. “What’s important about Big Bend?”
“A lot of westerns were filmed there,” he tells him.
“Oh yeah? I never knew that.”
But then it takes less than a second for it to hit him: the tight-lipped smile, the soft hum of a short laugh, the way Henry angles his head briefly before looking down at his lap, fingers drumming against the neck of the wine bottle.
“Your dad filmed something there.”
“One of his first big roles,” Henry begins, “a few years before he and my mum met and he had his Bond run. It’s less famous than them, obviously, but I’d argue it was just as good.”
“What’s it called?”
“All For the Autumn Son.”
“I’ve never seen it,” Alex tells him softly. “What’s it about?”
“Oh, the usual; outlaws and bandits, heists, a corrupt and cornered sheriff. He makes a deal with a group to free their bookkeeper from prison, only to be killed before they overrun the town and take it hostage. Then this lone wolf type comes into play and drums up a plan to save everyone, there’s romance and a routine ride into the sunset.” 
“Who did your dad play?”
“The hero.” At this, Henry smiles, chin titled up toward the sky. He looks so proud, and Alex has never been as sad as he is at this moment that he was never able to meet Arthur Fox. “It really is cheesy and Dad’s accent is…something else.” Henry laughs, and it’s a little more genuine this time. “I mean, it works, but it’s odd to hear when I’m so used to his voice, you know? But for all it’s worth, it’s brilliant.”
“Is it your favorite?”
Henry pauses for a moment. “Yeah.” Another pause. “It’s weird that any time I want to see or hear my father, all I have to do is turn on the telly. Literally the whole world knows him as this action hero, but he was so much more than that. They know one side of him — the actor side — and this might be hard to understand, but everyone gets to see him and there’s no sanctity in it.” Henry glances over at Alex, and even in the dim orange light of the fire, he can make out the emotion in his eyes. “He was world-renowned, beloved, it’s not like he was some random man from Cardiff. Everyone knew him, but not everyone knew him. They can miss him, but not like all of us do. He was our dad, and yet sometimes it feels like he doesn’t belong to us. Which is a whole convoluted thing with how my entire life has been; it belongs to the Crown, it belongs to England.”
It’s then that Henry releases a hefty breath and lowers himself down onto the grass, he and Alex swapping positions. Alex just watches.
“Maybe that’s why I love his lesser-known movies more, because less people have seen them, even if it’s only by a marginal amount. It makes it feel…more, I don’t know, personal.”
Henry’s right, Alex never is going to understand it. He’s lucky enough not to know what it’s like to lose a parent that young. And the thing is, until Henry, Alex never even thought to consider himself lucky about it. But there’s a whole other level of appreciation he has now, one he hopes he never neglects.
“Maybe I drank too much today,” Henry says mildly, sitting up again and shaking the bottle. There’s a little under a quarter of the wine left. “Getting all emotional.”
“No.” Alex scoots in closer, rubbing circles on his back. He’s warm through his shirt. “No, baby. It’s okay. Don’t minimize it.”
He watches as Henry goes to say something, but closes his mouth. “I—thank you, Alex.”
“What for?”
“Always listening.”
Alex could melt. “It’s the easiest thing in the world.”
i have no idea who to tag y'all, so feel free to share if you can!
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hearteyeshayley · 1 year
Hey !! How are you ? I hope you're well :)
So I'm kinda new to DC and I really wanna get into Batfamily but I don't know how ? Like, I literally don't understand how Bruce has so many kids but also idc about logistics I just want to consume angsty found family and get obsessed over at least one character and get gender envy yk ?
Okay so basically, do you have any batfam fic recommendations for any1 just getting into batfam ?Or just your fav batfam fics ? I'd really appreciate any recs but if not no sweat !!!
thanks a million for reading and take care !! <3
<3 this is easily my favorite ask I've ever received!
I was the same way with the batfamily for so long, like every time Wayne Family Adventures would trend on Tumblr I'd be like why are there so many black haired boys??? Is one named Dick?
I'd definitely recommend reading Wayne Family Adventures on Webtoon but as for fic recs here are my top 7 batfam fics of all time, plus one wip that's less batfam, more timkon, but simply must be ranked.
Yesterday's Voices by Lemonadegarden... this was the fic that got me really into the fun but heartbreaking family dynamics. Also Tim plays a minor role, but this was the first time I was like, I need to know more about this guy. A quick summary: Batman gets amnesia and doesn't remember the last five years, or the recent death in the family, and the angst hits so hard.
exactly how this grace thing works by irnan... this is by far the best de-aged fic I've ever read. Dick, the oldest sibling, suddenly becomes the youngest and it's such a brilliant character analysis. And I'm always a fan of Dick Grayson getting the love and appreciation he deserves.
The Study of Birds by Maskoftheray… this one focuses on the sibling dynamics, mainly between Tim, Damian, and Dick. It’s hurt/comfort with birdwatching and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I read it.
Brother Wanted by Vamillepudding... This is an au where a ten year old Tim places an ad in the newspaper for a brother and it's as cute and perfect as it sounds. The Jason and Tim bonding in this is 10/10 and makes all their canon angst that much more devastating
Send to All by Kerosceene... literally funniest fic of all time. I normally hate textfics but this whole story is told through email and it's PERFECT and HILARIOUS 10/10 required reading for batfam vibes at their best
World's Saddest Breakfast Club by motleyfam... this fic includes the whole fam and it's so sweet about it. Jason breaks into the manor and ends up cooking everyone breakfast.
scapegoat by envysparkler... the sibling blame game in this is so real. Basically the family starts blaming Jason for every little thing because Bruce would never get mad at the child he just reconciled with.
And the BONUS timkon fic that's currently being updated
8. buy back the secrets by sundiscus... the only fic I'm subscribed to! It's a TimKon fic but the Tim and Jason conversations in chapter two are so perfectly done. I can't recommend it enough!!
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azsazz · 2 years
The Calm Beneath the Storm
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Anon Request: Can you maybe make a cute “stormy day with the fam” fic for Az and the kids please? I’m about to be hit by a hurricane so it seemed fitting 🫠
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,175
Notes: Thank you for sending this request! I really hope you're staying safe out there. Sending good thoughts and love!
You smile down at the sleeping babe nestled to your chest, pressing a soft kiss into her hair and breathing in her addicting scent. She’s only a few months old now but she still smells like a newborn, natural and sweet like freshly baked bread and warm milk.
Malos smiles in her sleep as you begin rubbing her back with one hand while you stir the heating liquid on the stove. Giggles and shrieks from the other room have you grinning to yourself, heart clenching because you’re so intensely in love with your life. With the most handsome mate and six beautiful children, you couldn’t ask for anything better.
Speaking of your mate, his muscular arms wrap around your waist, catching you by surprise, the ever silent spymaster. He places a tender kiss on your cheek, peering over your shoulder at your gorgeous daughter.
“How are my beautiful girls?” he asks softly, taking the whisk from you so he can stir the warming milk.
You return the kiss with one of your own, humming against his lips as you hold him there for a moment, mindful of the babe between you. You send every ounce of warmth down the bond, calm and blissed out on the feeling that he returns, until Baz runs into the kitchen with Zuzu’s hand in his, squealing when he sees his parents kissing.
“Mommy, daddy, come on! We’re all ready for hot cocoa,” he groans, covering his sister's eyes with his hands. She giggles in response, trying to pry off her older brother's fingers.
“Only a few more minutes, Bazzy,” you tell him, biting back a grin as you prepare the mugs on a tray, one for each of you and your family members.
It’s a rainy night in Velaris, the clouds had rolled in deep and dark throughout the day. There’d been no playtime for your children outside and they were restless, running around inside the house all day, begging for you and Azriel to play with them.
It had been your mate's idea, to gather the blankets from the couches and settle them by the warmth of the hearth – not too close – with mugs of hot cocoa for his babies, spending a little time together as a whole family.
He loves doing everything he can with his children. From playing pony to cuddling them tightly he does it all and is happy to do so. His favorite place is being at home with all of the little ones and you always find yourself staring at him, he truly is the best father.
“Why don’t you take these into the other room,” you hand him a plate full of cookies, the seven year old’s eyes lighting up. Zuzu tries to reach for one but Az is scooping her off of the floor and pressing kisses to her blushing cheeks, her squeal of happiness music to your ears.
“Don’t let anyone sneak a cookie,” you tell Baz, who’s nearly drooling at the sweet smell of them. He’d helped you bake them earlier in the day and you’d let him have a taste of the dough, giggling with your little boy secretly over the tasty dessert.
“Okay mommy,” he nods his head vigorously, the stack of cookies wobbling in his hands as he does so. “I won’t let anyone have any, by any means necessary!” He yells, taking off from the room, leaving you with a mortified face, knowing exactly what your second son would do if someone tries to take one. You should’ve chosen your words better.
“I’ve got him,” Az reassures, tickling the little girl in his arms. “I’ll be back to take the tray for you, Love.”
You smile at him gratefully, carefully pouring the warmed cocoa into the glasses, topping them with a bit of whipped cream, extra for your husband. You stack a bowl of mini marshmallows and one with sprinkles onto the tray as well, pulling out all of the stops for this rainy night with your family.
You abandon the tray for Az to take when he returns, heading for the living room where the rest of your children are, squeaking when your mate cheekily pinches your ass on his way to the kitchen.
You place the sleeping babe next to her twin who is also slumbering away in the cradle, kissing both of their foreheads softly before you settle down in the nest of blankets and fluffy cushions from the sofas, Jax climbing up into your lap immediately, half munched on cookie in his small hand.
You raise your eyebrow at Baz who shrugs cheekily, “I couldn’t resist mama.”
You brush your fingers over his hair, smiling, “It’s alright, Love, you did a good job.”
He beams, snuggling into your side, the plate of cookies protected in front of him. 
Jax cheers when he sees Azriel, waving his hands vigorously and you lean back, dodging flailing arms. Wren laughs, him and Zuzu playing a clapping game. She stops in favor of crawling towards the tray Azriel sets on the low table beside you all and her brothers follow suit, scrambling up to top their own drinks with the extras you’ve brought out. 
Your heart swells at the sight of your mate laughing and trying to get the children to settle down so he can help them, and the table is a mess of stray sprinkles and marshmallows, drops of already spilt cocoa but you wouldn’t have it any other way, to see your children so giddy.
You help Jax with his, letting him top the drink. He takes a fistful of sprinkles and you splutter out a laugh as he shoves them directly into his mouth, having a sweet tooth like his father.
Wiping off his hand, you take the nearly empty bowl of marshmallows for him to snack on, letting him take small sips of your drink while Baz goes around to everyone, allowing them one cookie each from his plate. He grins proudly at you when he whispers in your ear that the rest are for the two of you to split.
You catch the gleam in Azriel’s eyes, his shadows eavesdropping on your son's murmuring. It won’t stop his sneaky self from snagging another cookie or two, you know that for a fact. 
Sensing your eyes on him he looks up from where he’s helping Zuzu drink her own hot cocoa, mug clasped in both of her hands with his to help guide the cup to her mouth. She’s got a whipped cream mustache and smacks her mouth against his cheek in a cheeky kiss, getting the remnants of the topping on his face. 
His hazel eyes are warm, filled with all of the love in his body for you, his children, his world. He’d never imagined that his life could be so good but it is and he’ll never be more thankful.
And the look you’re giving him back, like you know exactly what he’s thinking, has him smiling even wider and mouthing an “I love you,” to you.
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magnetarmadda · 10 months
For the last day of @tmaappreciationweek, I've done a Somewhere Else statement fic! It's okay, it's a happy ending 💜
[excitedly] Martin, look at this one!
Jon, you've said that about the last four cats we've looked at!
But this one is perfect!
If you say so, love.
[quietly] You're so soft, and oh so fluffy. [louder] I think his fur is almost the same color as your hair.
[sighing fondly] We're taking him home then, are we?
Oh, I see you found our newest residents!
[together] Residents?
Yep! They're a bonded pair. The orange cat is usually in front, hiding the black cat. The black cat, poor guy, looks like he's been through a few alley wars. But it's a good sign the orange one likes you—we've been calling him Marmalade, and the black cat Blackberry, one of our kid volunteers was on a toast-themed naming kick that weekend.
I know, I know. They don't yet seem very attached to those names, though, so you'll be able to change them fairly easily. I'm Tabitha, by the way—I'm just going to clean some of the kitten cages while they're out in the day room. Let me know if you need anything!
[distracted] Thanks. 
Is it just me, or does the shadow in the back have eyes?
[snorting] That's probably Blackberry. Oh, Martin! He's coming toward us! Quick, put your fingers by the bars.
Yes, dear.
No need to be rude in front of the cats.
[softly, full of concern] He's very skinny, and it looks like there's spots where his fur isn't quite growing right. 
[equally soft] Just means we'll have to give him lots of love.
Well, we know you have plenty of that to go round.
H-hey! Careful there! Shoving me made Blackberry here unhappy.
[muttering] Blackberry. [louder] We need to find them new names.
[laughing] I think they agree.
So, we're taking them home? 
[happily] Yeah, we are. 
I'll go get Tabitha, see what paperwork we have to do. Then I'll go get the carrier from the car. Hopefully, they'll let us get away with the one, since I wasn't expecting two cats. [voice gets softer] Although I probably should have, knowing you.
He's a lot of bluster, don't worry. He's very happy with you both, too, I know. 
Tim will have a field day, though. I don't know how I'm going to live this one down, not on top of him being right about Martin and I hitting it off on a blind date. [laughing] It's been four years, you think he'd let it go. 
Marmalade, you haven't even met Tim yet! Sasha will love you, though, she's always wanted a fluffy cat. Oh, and Georgie will be so jealous—she's still sad the Admiral never got as fluffy as she thought he would when he was a kitten.
Why, hello there Blackberry. Yes, I'm more than happy to scratch your ears with my other hand. Four hands in our house means plenty of pets, that's for sure. And since both of our jobs have stayed work-from-home, there's lots of time for cuddling. Oh, well, you both seem quite good at that already. It's very sweet of you to clean Blackberry's head, Marmalade.
We really will need to give you better names. Don't worry, I've got a list—you'll just have to meow to tell me which ones you like. Sound fair?
Convincing them to go along with your plans already? Hardly fair, love.
You know they'll love you more than me anyway. I've got to gain an advantage somehow.
Ready to take these guys home?
Great! Let's get that paperwork done.
We'll be right back, and then, home.
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