#okay i am fine; just cant scream about this anywhere else
grumpyratchet · 9 months
just finished watching transformers rise of the beast and i am very normal about mirage
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zak-writes · 5 months
i miss loving someone so much i couldn't breathe.
it's nice to have my lungs clear but i dont like them hollow.
people tell me its okay not to love anyone and i guess it is. there's a whole community there of people who are like me. i see them sometimes, talking about not feeling love and i think, yeah, me too.
but i used to feel like that. i spent five years suffocating at the thought of someone i couldnt touch and then five months wondering if this is really what everyone was talking about. i couldn't feel it. or maybe i could and i just didn't enjoy it.
i think i just like attention. i can get that from anywhere. im not pretty but i can be funny if i try. sometimes i write something that strikes a nerve and its never something i care about.
the things i put effort into seem to fail and the things i give up on succeed. maybe that's why im still here. i quit trying six months ago and no one seems to have noticed. i can float through life and get by fine.
at least she punched walls. at least she threw things. at least she hurt people. who am i? some shadow of a broken little girl, stuffed into a mans body that only feels right when other people acknowledge it.
i start trying to write how i feel down and i get stuck. i dont feel anything about him, three years later. some men really are just a guy. if i think back i cant identify what it was that got us here. he seems to think we're a miracle but i never believed in those.
he doesn't know what to get for my birthday. i asked him to name three of my interests and he named two. i got to seven of his before i got one wrong. he didnt tell me he stopped listening to that podcast. i didnt tell him i hurt myself again.
maybe its just an idea of it. i like the idea of it more than what could actually be. having to put effort into someone else is too far.
most people who feel nothing have a reason. i dont do drugs and i only drink on occasion. im not depressed, i dont think. i get out of bed - eventually - and i go to work and i do my assignments and i talk to my friends.
i dont know what people are talking about when they describe their hobbies. i dont do things for fun. i do them because if i dont make things all the time, things people can see, it was like i was never here.
i get asked a lot what my speciality is. i dont know what they mean. im doing this degree because it was the easy option, but also because i like all of it. its all interesting. how can you choose a favourite part? how do you decide which bit is worth putting the extra effort in?
am i just lazy? am i already a corpse? they say you get your final death when someone speaks your name for the last time. i keep shooting the little girl inside of me but people are still saying her name. i dont want her to die. i say her name in my head all the time. she screams at me. i think thats fair.
i know i love her. if nothing else, i love her. she didnt know any better. she didnt know what she was doing to me. i dont think she could conceive of me existing.
for her there was just then. for me there is the next thing. the job and the house and the children i might have. i could love a child. i love every child i meet.
so many people looked at me and saw something they could hurt. every time i look at a kid i think, how?
i love the house i grew up in. i dont have a bedroom anymore.
i love my siblings. they never call me.
i love my friends. i forget their birthdays.
i forget everything. sometimes i say the names of my dead family and i dont remember what they look like. i want to carve their names into a tree so they cant die. i want to set the world on fire.
you can love nothing and everything at the same time i think. maybe that's the point.
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soupdeewoop · 4 months
favorite lines from GUTS (spilled) !!!
if i told you how much i think about her, youd think i was in love
cause i know her star sign, i know her blood type, ive seen every movie shes been in and, oh god, shes beautiful
im starin at her like i wanna get hurt
so be careful, baby
shes got those lips, shes got those hips
and i know you love me, and i know its crazy, but every time you call my name, i think you mistake me for her
but i cant help it, i got issues, i cant help it, baby
is she friends with your friends? is she good in bed?, do you think about her? no, im fine, it doesnt matter, tell me, is she easy-going? never controlling?, well-traveled? well-read? oh god, she makes me so upset
im so obsessed with your ex (god, she makes me so upset, ah), im so obsessed with your, with your ex
perfect, easy, so good to me, so whys there a pit in my gut in the shape of you?, distract myself, say its somethin else, maybe im just overwhelmed, maybe im confused
i say that im fine, i tell you all the time, ive never felt so happy and sure
i cant lie to it the same way that i lie to you
once you let the thought in, then its already done, so ill lay in your arms and pretend that its love
id have the nerve to just stop stringin you along, but im not half as decent as you
i say that im fine, i tell them all the time, as they watch all the light fade away
cause what if i never find anything better?, the doubt always creeps through my mind
oh, im so scared of my guitar, it cuts right through to my heart
im so scared of my guitar, when i play it, thats when i think too hard, i let the thought in, its already done
yeah, ill lay in your arms and pretend its enough
i woke up this mornin and i sat up straight in bed, i had the strangest feeling of this weight off of my chest
the fire would burn out and all the storm clouds would subside, and i always believed that it was some comforting lie
made a pot of coffee and i poured myself a cup, i thought of all the things i did to try and win your love
how did that happen?
oh, but i hope that youre happy, babe, you know i really do, and god knows that i am the girl i am because of you, you know ill always think of you, ill love you til the end of time, you are the best thing that ill ever keep so far out of my life
i cried a million rivers for you, but thats over now
theres nothin left for me to know, i had to stay, you had to go, and it was mean, but it doesnt matter anymore, though, theres nothin left for me to sing, i screamed, i cried, i did the whole thing, and i loved you mad, but it doesnt matter anymore, no
i fought a million battles, but you cant get to me now, youre just a stranger i know everything about, ooh, ooh, youre just a stranger i know everything about, youre just a stranger i know everything about
Ready?, (are you ready?), yeah (im gonna scare you again), dont scare me again, a-five, a-six, five, six, seven, eight
and as im walkin out that door, say you dont know me anymore
well, i have captors i call friends, i got panic rooms inside my head
so dont say that ive been actin different, im nothin if im not consistent
and i cant say im a perfect ten, but i am the girl ive always been
yeah, im a candle in the wind, ill turn you out, ill turn you in
and hes got hands that make hell seem cold, feet on the dashboard, hes like a poem i wish i wrote, i wish i wrote
id go anywhere he goes, and he says im so american
oh, god, im gonna marry him, if he keeps this shit up
god, im so boring, and im so rude, cant have a conversation if its not all about you
i really love my bed, but, man, its hard to sleep when hes with me, when hes with me
i apologize if its a little too much, just a little too soon, but if the conversation ever were to come up, i dont wanna assume this stuff, but aint it love?, i think im in love
and he says im so american, Oh God, it's just not fair of him, To make me feel this much
i might just be in lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-lo-lo-love
Okay, stop it!
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bingotime · 11 months
it will be FINE im being dramatic it is OKAY. i ate food i had noodles and eggs i made food. questioning the hotline but i dont think i want people coming to my house. i dont wanna go back to bed. its the only real thing i can think of doing, nothing else feels worth the time or energy. dont wanna do shit. ordering food for family. im probably gonna make a blog offset to this one as a diary thing. im just saying words but it makes everything get out of my head. working tomorrow, i say i dont like working and i dont, but at the very least im doing something. i just feel like my entire brains screaming and im angry and i wanna do something but its not going anywhere. i dont know how everyones able to process shit and not loosen your grip, im still doing it, i refuse to stop doing it, but i admit im not very hopeful as of late. im getting it back but then i lose it but i still have it, im still very hopeful, i guess its a matter of. i cant expect mental stability when i never had it in the first place. i can be strong too though i just need to gather my thoughts and focuson whats important because hopelessness is a very good weapon against humanity in general. hopelessness is bad, depression rn is VERY bad. like okay i can be depressed on my own time but this is like. cmon now, not good timing. lets not do this rnhow about it. god im a lost cause. i dont know how ive gotten this far now, im not coping with anything anymore. all i am is angry and upset and bitter and jaded with every single aspect of living. i dont wanna be here anymore but i know i dont mean that, thats not me talking. i know what im here for, i gotta be here for it
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blue-lions-baby · 4 years
Scars That We Can’t Erase (Dimitri x F!Reader)
hi!! this fic was requested by an anon! i’m so sorry i realized too late that once i replied to the original request i can’t like reply to it anymore does that make sense i’ve been studying for six hours pLEASE i absolutely fell in love with the given prompt, and i hope my writing did it justice! here is the original request--
“Hi! Can i get some dimitri × fem reader in which dima literally adores the reader please? One time, the reader takes a grave hit for him in battle and he is a worried mess? He cant stop thinking about her, his training is sloppy because he cant concentrate, he feels awful. He even stays at the infirmary with her all day and night while she's unconscious, manuela has to force him to get some rest. He feels terrible and guilty when seeing the scar that the reader has (oh poor boi-) Thanks! Ilysm♡ “
i should also let you guys know that this fic (imo at least) is a bit more... intense, compared to my other ones. it does get rather lighthearted towards the end, so hopefully it kinda balances out ???
pre-timeskip and no spoilers!!
No, no, no...
The last thing that Dimitri saw was your quivering, paling lips and your frame crumbling to the blood-soaked ground.
The last thing that Dimitri heard was Byleth’s cries for a healer and the way your name mangled out of his throat in a blood-curdling scream-- along with the sickeningly sweet cries of the bandit who struck you down as he stabbed, stabbed, stabbed the poor bastard’s soul out of his botched body.
The last thing Dimitri felt on his lips was blood. Blood from his tongue-- the pink, throbbing muscle oozing with red liquid-- or from the pulp of that bastard’s corpse, he did not know or care. The hauntingly warm liquid stained the corners of his lips and the core of his very soul as the deep holes and gashes he imprinted on the man’s body left ribbons of flesh hanging from visibly cracked bones, rendering him nearly unrecognizable as a human being.
“Dimitri! That’s enough!” A voice that sounded eerily similar to his professor’s wormed its way into his mind.
“How dare you lay a finger on her, you monster!”
“Your Highness, he’s already dead! Just leave him alone!” Cried a legion of voices, none holding familiarity to him.
“I will punish you for what you did! For what you did to (F/N)!”
It was his fault.
It was all his fault.
If only he saw that bandit rushing towards him.
If only he saw the glistening of the ruffian’s axe as he swung the sharpened slab of metal at him.
If only he heard you call out his name, a foreshadow to his bloody fate.
If only you didn’t jump in to save him.
If only he could have saved you.
Scenes of you falling before his very eyes kept replaying in his head, tearing open the fresh, guilt-induced wounds in his heart in a never-ending cycle. Something solid-- arms, perhaps-- grappled onto his pulsing, aching arms, which he shrugged off with ease. He wasn’t going to stop until that monster of a man suffered the consequences for hurting you. He wasn’t going to stop until that monster of a man paid his dues. He wasn’t going to stop--
Until he felt a gentle hold on his wrist.
Dimitri, snapping out of his blood-lusting reverie, paused instantly. He jerked his face to the small, shaking hand that just barely ghosted the surface of his gauntlet.
Your small, shaking hand.
“Dimitri...” A hand as beautiful as the one steadying his shaking wrist cupped his cheek, erasing the splatters of impurities that marred his smooth skin. “Please, stop...”
The fractured lance in his hand fell to the ground as its owner caught you in his arms, preventing you from suffering the same fate. Dimitri stumbled to his knees, fatigue and overexertion having finally caught up to him. Wheezing and hugging you as tightly as he could, he stroked your matted, sweaty, yet gorgeous locks with the gentleness of a lover. The delicate footsteps of Mercedes caught his attention and he looked up at his peer.
“Your Highness,” her eyes turned to you then back to him, “she’s going to be okay.”
Everything went black.
The carefree songs of swallows were the first to greet the groggy prince as he re-entered the world of consciousness. Although his hearing slowly came back to the awakened male, he just couldn’t will his eyelids to lift. And so he laid there, his ears the only channel to the bustling world around him.
“How are they?” Asked a monotone voice, stained with concern.
“Thankfully, the prince didn’t suffer any major wounds. A few scratches here and there, as well as some swelling and light bruising, but nothing too serious. Still, we should be careful straining his body any further. As for (F/N)...”
He heard the flirtatious healer heave heavily; his heart crumbled.
“That Mercedes girl did a splendid job patching her up in the moment. If you were to come even a moment later, we would have lost her.”
“So they’ll both live?” Dimitri recognized that worried tone from anywhere-- his loyal retainer.
“His Highness, for sure. (F/N), she... I’ve done everything I could to patch her up, but...”
“So... The best thing we can do is just... wait?”
“That’s the only thing we can do, Professor.”
Dimitri heard footsteps approach his bedside, then shortly congregate to elsewhere. The royal, disheartened and spirit-broken, let out a pitiful gurgle akin to a cry.
“Your Highness!”
Through brute force and sheer will, he wrested his eyes open. The gentle morning light harshly struck his still-delicate pupils, making him wince. A raging headache tore through his temples, threatening to split his skull open.
“(F-F/N)...” He found himself muttering. “Where--? Where is--?”
“She is here, Your Highness.” Dedue motioned to the still figure beside the prince. “She is... not in the best condition.”
“I heard.” Dimitri dismissed the oncoming report, knowing his heart would all but collapse from within if he had to hear your grim fate iterated again. “I heard... everything.”
“Dimitri,” his professor began, “do you need anything?”
“Actually... May you please help me sit up?”
I can’t get a good look at her from this angle...
“No can do, Prince Dimitri.” Manuela retorted. “Even though your wounds are not as severe as (F/N)’s, we really shouldn’t put your body under any more stress.”
“Ms. Manuela, please. I beg of you.” Dimitri paused. “T-Truthfully, this position is rather uncomfortable. I would feel much better if I were to be readjusted.”
Manuela sighed, glanced over the royal’s swollen limbs and cut appendages, and reluctantly nodded.
“All right, fine. Let us know if anything starts to hurt.”
“Of course. You have my thanks. All of you.”
While Dedue busied himself propping and fluffing the pillows to Dimitri’s comfort, Manuela and Byleth worked together to assist the royal. They slowly managed to complete the task, doing their best to inflict as little pain as possible to the wincing and grimacing male.
“T-Thank you.” He breathed out shakily. “I feel... better now.”
“Do you require anything else, Your Highness?” Dedue questioned.
“I am fine, thank you. I just need time to... reflect.”
“I understand. I will wait outside should you need anything.” Dedue arose mechanically, bowed, and went outside to his station.
“Well, I need to run to town to restock on some medical supplies. I will be back as soon as I can. Goodbye.~” Manuela winked, patted Byleth on the shoulder, and sauntered away.
“Are you sure you don’t need anything else?” Byleth asked again, double-checking on the fluffed pillows.
“I am fine, Professor. Thank you for your help, as always.” Dimitri smiled slightly.
Byleth nodded, glanced at their other student, and leaned down.
“She’s going to be okay, Dimitri.”
Dimitri said nothing, the words meant to reassure only fueling his anxiety. All he could muster was a feigned smile and a small nod.
“Thank you for the encouragement, Professor.”
And Byleth was off, no doubt hurrying back to the rest of the Lions.
Now Dimitri was alone, save for Dedue who was ready to attend to his lord's every whim and command.
And... you.
Dimitri’s head lolled to face you. You were neatly tucked in the infirmary bed, a thin blanket cascaded over your body. So thin, in fact, that he could see the outline of the thick bandaging about your torso and shoulder.
Memories of the previous battle flooded his mind.
Distinct, biting, and painful memories that he’d do anything to bury in the oblivion-- to tuck away in the dark recesses of his mind, never to see the light of consciousness ever again.
He lifted his arm, forgoing his body’s desire to rest the battered limb, in a futile attempt to reach you-- to hold you.
So close, yet so far.
He remembered how his name was the last thing to spill out of your shaking, colorless lips as the lilting (E/C) hues he fell in love with gave way to a hollow, lifeless sheen.
How you were within his grasp-- within his reach-- yet he could do nothing to save you.
Except needlessly pulverize a dead man’s body into literal shreds.
Oh, Goddess.
His classmates.
His fellow Lions.
He had no direct memory of the faces or expressions he saw in his frenzy, yet he remembered it so distinctly. Although he possessed no recollections to base this on, he could clearly see each and every one of their faces painted with horror and quite possibly revulsion at the murderous monstrosity he managed to commit.
Dimitri almost choked. He very nearly jumped out of bed if the shooting pain in his legs didn’t remind him of his sorry state.
“(F/N)...?!” Groaning, he turned his whole body to face you. “C-Can you hear me...?!”
Your eyelids shuddered before stilling once more. He heard a quiet, labored wheeze rise from your chest before you succumbed to another deep sleep. A rush of emotions throbbed through his heart, each one too complex and short-lived for the prince to process.
“(F/N)...” He reached out his hand again, knowing full well that you were beyond his grasp. “I do not know if you can hear me, but please... Live.”
Within a day Dimitri’s body was healed of most of its external wounds, but his soul was still as ravaged as the battlefield you fell in. While the rest of the Lions greeted their leader with open arms (all except one, spitting out how his display in their previous skirmish proved he was “nothing but a feral boar,”) Dimitri could only return a fraction of their enthusiasm. He still smiled and trained and attended lectures, but the dark bags forming under his blank eyes were a physical manifestation of the raging storm within.
“Ope! Gotcha again, Your Highness!” Sylvain fisted the air triumphantly, hoping his smug arrogance would arouse a competitive flame within the despondent teen.
“Ah... It appears you have.” Dimitri mumbled, more so to himself than to Sylvain, and slipped into a fighting stance. “Let us try again.”
“Actually, Your Highness...” Sylvain leaned on the wooden training lance. “How about we take a short break. We’ve been training all afternoon.”
“Has it been that long?” Dimitri blinked, looking up at the still-blue skies.
“Yeah. C’mon. I’ll take care of the lances, you just sit down and make yourself comfortable.”
Although Dimitri would typically fight and say something along the lines of how he couldn’t possibly allow someone to take care of something he could so easily do himself, Sylvain found the lance slip out of the royal’s fingers with ease. After propping the training weapons on a rack, Sylvain joined Dimitri on a bench.
“So Your Highness,” Sylvain slid to his friend’s side, “we... couldn’t help noticing that...”
“Well...” Sylvain trailed off again. “Ever since... you know... You haven’t been your usual self. At all.”
“Is that so...” Dimitri mumbled, staring at the ground with great interest.
“Yeah... We’ve all been really worried about you, Your Highness. We just... We just want to make sure you’re okay.”
Dimitri stared unblinkingly at nothing, utterly reaction-less to his friend’s voiced concern. He remained unmoving for a long time; Sylvain thought that if he so much as laid a hand on Dimitri’s shoulder, he would all but shatter into irreparable shards.
“... I apologize for my rudeness Sylvain, but I must go to the infirmary.”
“It is of utmost importance. Please excuse me.”
“Ah--! Hey, wait--!”
The prince managed to just barely slip out of the redhead’s outstretched palm, gracefully bobbing out of reach and the training grounds.
♠ ♥ ♣ ----------------------------------------------------------- ♣ ♥ ♠
“You have to take care of yourself too, you know.” Manuela clicked her tongue disapprovingly, setting down a lit candle on a nearby table.
“Thank you for your concern Ms. Manuela, but I can assure you that I am feeling just fine.” Dimitri replied flatly, his glossy pupils not leaving your frame for a second.
“Sure, but the bags under your eyes say otherwise.”
Dimitri’s fingertips grazed the sensitive stretch of skin on his face, his upper eyelid twitching in response to the gentle touch.
“I do not care much for personal vanity.”
“It’s a sign that you’re not getting enough sleep.” Manuela retorted sharply, smoothing out the crinkles on a nearby bed. “Here. I prepared a bed for you. If you’re going to spend the night here, at least do it on a bed.”
Sunken azure hues rested on the stiff, plank-like cot longingly before snapping back to your ashy complexion.
“Thank you, Ms. Manuela. I will make use of it later.”
“No, Prince Dimitri. Rest. Now.”
Brown, fiery eyes clashed with bleary blues as the healer and prince remained locked in a fierce staring match. Dimitri’s eyes began to water as he stifled a yawn, reluctantly accepting defeat as he slowly stood up and headed for the bed.
“Good. Thank you.” The prince’s yawn seemed to rub off on Manuela as she stretched her arms to the sky. “Go to sleep, all right? Don’t stay up too late.”
“Yes, Ms. Manuela...”
Manuela initiated one last check on your battered body, bade a goodnight to the royal, and slipped out of the infirmary.
Dimitri peered blankly at the barren ceiling, a cacophonous symphony comprised of self-hatred and regret premiering at the forefront of his thoughts. And the soloist singing for eternal damnation to his soul was none other than you-- you, whom he so lovingly adored. You, who helped pull him from the abyss more times than he could count. You, the light that warded off his thickening darkness. And how did he show his profound appreciation towards you?
By sentencing you to eternal sleep for his carelessness.
Dimitri twisted his body to face you, the delicate mask that he had so calculatingly designed crumbling at the near-lifeless shell before him. The shallow, unsteady rise and fall of your chest was the only indicator that your soul hadn’t left your body; he grew terrified at the prospect of it dipping and never rising. He made conscious effort to avert his eyes from that region-- not only out of the high regard he held towards you, but...
The more he lingered on images of your stilling body, the tighter his chest grew.
Just thinking about it threatened how much air his lungs could take in.
He rocked himself to a sitting position and slipped his feet out of bed. He dutifully made his way back to his original post-- on a rickety stool by your bedside. He firmly planted his rear on the round slab of wood and tenderly brushed a stray lock of hair from your forehead.
Goddess you were so, so beautiful.
He felt almost guilty admiring you while you were in such a state, but the way the singular lit candle contoured every feature, every dip in your face in the most heavenly way possible... He couldn’t help it. His hand found residence in yours, taking painstaking note of the very obvious size difference. His other hand busied itself smoothing your unruly hair, quelling the frazzled strands from a complete uproar.
He’d trade his life for yours in a heartbeat if it meant that he could witness the lively (E/C) hues he fell so desperately in love with shine once again.
A lone finger hooked under your jaw and the rest of his digits caressed your icy cheek.
“(F/N)...” His voice cracked out, “I am so, so sorry...”
Something hot leaked out of his eyes and splattered onto your cheek, in which he alarmingly wiped away. He reached up to halt the steady stream of tears pouring out of him, but the dam had broken. His large frame hunched over into a quivering mass, broken sobs echoing off of the indifferent walls of the dark infirmary. Only half-empty bottles of medicine bore witness to the royal’s breakdown; his sloppy apologies and implorations fell on the earless bushels of medicinal herbs.
The small candle that Manuela had previously set up was nearing its end, the stumpy mass of wax and wick now a mere puddle of its former self. Before the few remaining trickles of light embarked on their last pilgrimage across the room, Dimitri made one last guttural plea.
“Wake up, my Beloved...” He called out, the name he had granted you only in his mind slipping out in his desperate hour. “Please, wake up...”
♠ ♥ ♣ ----------------------------------------------------------- ♣ ♥ ♠
The mellow arias of songbirds heralded the beginning of a new day. A biting breeze blew through an open window and sliced your exposed skin, eliciting little goosebumps on the affected areas. With a breathless sigh and a pain-stricken moan, your eyelids managed to wedge themselves open. A bland ceiling was the first to welcome you back to the land of the living-- along with a large, dark mass hovering beside you.
You felt the remnants of a scream scratch out of your sorely unused throat and a sudden barrage of aches and pains besieged your frail body. You opened your mouth to yell, to cry for help, but no sound manifested. You felt something rough but warm adjust its grip on your hand, further sending your mind into a groggy panic.
“Mmph... (F/N)...”
That... That voice...
You stilled yourself (not that you were moving much anyway) and silently studied the steadily breathing shadow beside you. The dim dawn’s light reflected off of a bundle of disheveled gold locks, as well as a bright blue cape that was messily slung over a male’s shoulder.
A maelstrom of memories swirled through your mind.
A ruffian racing towards Dimitri, the edge of a bloodied and rusted axe swinging right for his neck.
Your legs discovering a mind of its own as it placed you right on the receiving end of the strike.
Your head throbbed, each surge of memory more painful than the last.
Darkness, followed by the putrid, metallic smell of blood in the distance and other auditory sensations too disturbing to fully comprehend.
Something warm and comforting pricked the corner of your heart as you recalled a certain sensation akin to embracing before you blacked out. Your thoughts frustratingly hazed into nothing. It felt like a certain memory was locked, forever lost behind an impenetrable brain fog. You wracked and sifted through your fragmented memories, but pieced together nothing. 
The first few rays of light began to peak over the horizon, streaming into the room in gentle waves; you squinted your eyes, still unused to any light source brighter than a candle. As your vision slowly readjusted to the brightening room, your eyes caught sight of something that almost sent you back to sleep.
Your fingers tightly entwined with Dimitri’s.
Your weak heart thundered loudly in your ears-- so loud, in fact, you worried that it would be enough to rouse the slumbering prince. As cautiously as you could, your body writhed itself in a futile attempt to sit yourself up. You kept a careful eye on the prince, noting how dark the circles under his eyes have become and how hollow his cheeks have turned. The fact that rest had eluded him for however long you were unconscious was as plain as day.
You shifted your stiff legs a bit; the frame of your bed let out a booming groan.
Dimitri quietly snorted and his neck reeled upwards; alarmed blue eyes met with equally alarmed (E/C). The veins in Dimitri’s neck swam to the surface of his skin, growing more and more defined as every choking second passed. 
“H-...” You began. “Hi...”
Your surroundings whizzed right past you before you were unceremoniously slammed into something solid but so, so... warm. 
You remembered now.
This tenderness.
This contentment.
This warmth.
Dimitri held you in his arms, stroking your hair and mumbling rushed whispers as he did the day you fell.
“(F/N)... Oh, (F/N)...”
You felt how hard and rapid his heart was beating, almost deafening the incoherent whispers he sighed into your hair. Your arms weakly wrapped around his heaving back, rubbing it as soothingly as you could. He pulled you closer in response-- closer, closer, closer, until every inch of you was smothered by him. Hesitant, trembling fingers graced your tightly wound bandages and you felt something warm and wet splatter onto your exposed shoulder.
“Dimitri...” You pulled away slightly to look up at him and smiled. “It’s okay... I’m okay...”
“(F/N), I--” Clear, shiny beads of remorse pricked the corners of the prince’s eyes. “I’m so sorry. Goddess, I am so sorry, I... I’m so--”
You reached a finger to his lips, your heart splintering into tinier and tinier pieces as you watched the man you love slur apology after apology for a crime he did not commit.
“It’s okay, Dimitri... I'm okay now... I’ll be okay.”
The door quietly clicked open and a slender leg slipped itself into the tiny crack. The rest of Manuela slid in, along with a tray of vials and herbs.
“Oh--!” The healer tripped on her own two feet, dropping the tray and all of its contents onto the ground. She stumbled over the tied wad of herbs and leaking bottles of medicine that she had so desperately haggled from a travelling merchant.
“(F-F/N)?” She stuttered, slowly closing the distance between you two. “H-How are you feeling?”
“Um, w-well...” You peered down sheepishly, suddenly becoming very aware of the... intimate position you were in. “I am a bit achy all over but--”
“Ah!” Dimitri immediately released you from his arms and he shot out of his stool, almost tripping backwards. “P-Please forgive me! I was so caught up with my emotions, I did not even ask for your consent to hold you in such a way, a-and your wounds--!”
“Oh! N-No, Dimitri, it’s all right! I-- Uh--”
A rich chuckle from the older woman padded the shrill squeaks that poured out of you and your house leader.
“Well, Prince Dimitri... I’m afraid you can’t have her just yet. I still have to do a thorough check up on her. But after that... she’s all yours.”
Scarlet seeped into the royal’s cheeks, his sickly pallor bursting into hearty ruddiness. Broken vowels tumbled out of him as he clumsily rested his arse back onto the wooden stool.
“Actually Prince Dimitri,” Manuela began as she checked your vitals, “can you notify the professor that (F/N) has awakened?”
“You can count on me, Ms. Manuela.” Dimitri dutifully stood up and bowed. “I will deliver the news to Professor Byleth.”
Casting one last glance at you and bashfully looking down when he caught your eye, Dimitri hurried out of the infirmary to complete possibly the most important mission ever entrusted to him.
♠ ♥ ♣ ----------------------------------------------------------- ♣ ♥ ♠
After your awakening, your classmates and professor began incorporating regular infirmary visits into their schedule. They showered you with kind, encouraging words and occasionally bore small gifts, constantly reminding you that they were right alongside you on your road to recovery.
But your most frequent visitor of all was your beloved house leader.
Every morning, without fail, he would grace your presence with the pleasant aroma of freshly prepared breakfast.
Every afternoon-- after class and training-- he spent his days with you, informing and personally tutoring you over concepts the class learned that day. Or simply providing his company, ensuring that the sinking and crushing feeling of loneliness never found residence in your heart. 
Every evening, after all of his academic and princely duties have been met, he delivered your dinner trays with a sparkle in his eye and a smile on his lips.
"Is everything all right? Is there anything else you would like to go over from today’s lesson? If not, perhaps I can fetch you a glass of water in case you grow parched during the night.”
“Dimitri,” you laughed as you slowly rested your weary back on freshly-fluffed pillows, “you’re just downright spoiling me! I’m going to miss all this special treatment when I’m finally discharged.”
“W-Well, I would be more than happy to continue doing this long after you have been discharged.” Dimitri coughed. “I love-- er, rather, I find my time with you to be quite enjoyable.”
“Even though you’re constantly running around and fetching me whatever my heart desires?” You giggled.
“Why, of course! Seeing you content and well brings me insurmountable joy.”
“You’re so thoughtful, Dimitri.” You couldn’t help but grin after seeing how flushed his face turned. “Thank you so much for everything. You and all the other Lions have made my time in the infirmary so much more bearable. It’s... nice to feel loved like this.”
“You are loved, (F/N).” Dimitri threw the thin blanket over you. “You are an integral part to our house... and... t-to me.”
“Pardon?” You leaned forward, hoping to catch whatever he stuttered.
“N-Nothing. Please do not worry yourself over it. It is not very important.” He shot you a reassuring smile before your bandages entered his field of vision. Shame streaked across his features; his hold on the edge of the blanket loosened as he unconsciously stepped away from you.
“Dimitri...” You reached out for him, hoping he would take your hand as he always did. The prince kept his distance however, refusing to even look at you.
“(F/N)... (F/N), I’m--”
“Dimitri,” you raised your palm, “stop.”
Pure, unmasked horror bruised his handsome features.
“I-I apologize if I have offended you in some way--”
“It’s not that. It’s...” You sighed, closing your eyes. “Dimitri... What happened that day is not your fault. There is not a single drop of rage or bitterness in my heart. I can’t forgive you, simply because I was never mad at you to begin with. So please... Don’t look so pained when you see my bandages.”
Your stomach knotted painfully as a second alternative was made clear in your mind.
“Unless... Perhaps my wounds disgust you in some way...”
“Goddess, no!” Dimitri interjected immediately. “That cannot possibly be further from the truth. Your beauty has never waned-- not even for a second.”
The royal’s hand flew to cover his mouth while you both peered at each other, sharing the same shocked expression on your faces. Dimitri had never possessed such a strong desire to catapult himself into the sun. He remained frozen in fear, unsure how or if he could even save himself from his slip.
You tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear and looked down, the corners of your lips slightly turned upward. Dimitri found it unnecessary to fling himself into the sun since his cheeks had practically burst into flames at this point.
“O-Oh... Um... Thank you...” You managed to mumble, fidgeting with your blanket sheepishly.
“Um--!” Dimitri cleared his throat, jumped out of his seat, and bowed deeply. “I-It is getting quite late, is it not? I am afraid I must retire for the evening. Goodnight (F-F/N).”
The upper half of his body snapped downward in another deep bow as the prince hastily retreated from his social blunder. When the door clicked closed, you had all but broken into laughter. You pleasantly recalled Manuela’s previous remark towards the prince, and your heart danced in your chest. 
“Your beauty has never waned-- not even for a second.”
You buried your face in your palms and let out a quiet, airy scream, a delightful rush of emotions coursing through you. You laughed almost maniacally to yourself, and you were certain if someone were to walk in on you right this moment they would think you had gone absolutely mad. Look at you! Acting like an antsy little schoolgirl! How embarrassing!
Then again, there should be no shame in experiencing such highs. Especially when it’s related to Dimitri! You gingerly twisted your body so you that you were face-first into your pillow before letting out a happy, muffled scream.
Meanwhile, Dimitri was marching back to his room, head down and thankful that at least the cover of night was enough to hide the flushed tone of his face. Like you, he replayed that one line-- that little slip of his tongue-- in his head over and over again. Unlike you, he wished to chain his feet to a cinder block and toss himself into the lake. Hopefully the fish would be willing to share the same space with an idiot of his caliber.
Still, even as he flung himself into the comforting embrace of his bed, his thoughts couldn’t help but drift to your response to his idiocy. The way you looked down, smiling gently at his words, the tips of your ears adopting a shade of baby pink... 
You were so... 
Dimitri subjected his poor pillow to a bone-crushing hug as he buried his face in the mushy thing, imagining the soft, velvety texture of his pillow to be your skin and the warmth of the stuffed fabric to be your body pressed flushed against his.
Racing thoughts and rose-tinted fantasies propelled you both further and further away from Sleep, who desperately sought out her sleepless prince and fidgety (Favorite Class). When Sleep finally took hold of you, she could do little to obstruct the joyous meeting you both shared with each other in the forgotten land of dreams. 
♠ ♥ ♣ ----------------------------------------------------------- ♣ ♥ ♠
“Are you ready, (F/N)?”
You met Manuela’s steady gaze with your own. With a firm nod, you replied,
The healer moved closer to you, her skilled hands undoing the set of bandages for the last time. Dimitri averted his frantic eyes to the wall when the dressing loosened just enough for your chest to peak through. A cold, unforgiving breeze whipped the newly exposed skin, jolting a shiver down your spine. Manuela clicked her tongue softly and slowly traced your shoulder.
“The wound’s all healed, but I’m afraid this scar’s here to stay...”
Your eyes immediately flashed over to Dimitri’s stiffening frame.
“I see...”
“You can apply certain creams on site to reduce its appearance, but it’ll never go away completely... I’m sorry, (F/N).”
“It’s all right, Ms. Manuela.” You flashed her a controlled smile. “Honestly, with all the regular outings to dispel bandits and whatnot... It was only a matter of time before I bore my first battle scar.”
Manuela’s lips curved upward and she patted you on your unmarked shoulder.
“Do you need anything else, (F/N)? Some water, or food?”
You hummed thoughtfully, then shook your head.
“All right. Should you need anything, all you have to do is holler.” Manuela gave you one last smile before excusing herself from the room.
Dimitri stood unmoving and unblinking, countering your hard stare with blatant refusal to look at your scar-- a physical memento of his failure.
The prince visibly recoiled at the sound of his own name.
“Look at me.”
His jaw clenched tautly; his eyes crunched into a pain-stricken wince. 
“Look at me, please.”
He refused.
“I don’t blame you for this.”
. . .
“And I’ll never blame you for it.”
. . .
“If it means saving you, I’ll gladly do it again.”
This struck a chord with the prince, his enraged face suddenly mere inches away from yours.  
“Don’t you dare say such a thing.” He growled lowly. “I will not allow you to throw your life away for me.”
“Dimitri...” You cupped his cheek in your hand, in which he immediately melted into. “I’ll gladly do it again because... Because... I love you.”
Not a moment later did you feel something warm and soft press against your lips. The tips of his bangs lightly dusted the surface of your skin, tickling your nose with the crisp smell of Faerhgus pine. A pair of gloved hands caught either side of your face, thumbs rubbing shallow circles into your cheeks as he pressed his lips further into yours. His mouth moved sloppily but lovingly, awkwardly yet ardently adoringly against yours; a medley of celestial colors you’ve never seen before flashed brilliantly at the forefront of your mind, casting you into a dreamlike stupor.
Dimitri leapt back, panic stewing in his deep briny blues. His fingers brushed his still-tingling lips as he bowed lowly.
“F-Forgive me (F/N), I-.. I have no idea what possessed me to do such a thing! I suppose I was just, um, c-caught in the moment and--?!”
More than tired of hearing his apologies, you grabbed his shirt’s collar and jerked him back to where he was before-- contently and firmly pressed right against your lips. Your fingers bunched themselves into patches of velvety, wispy gold while your lips moved sanguinely against his, happily leading your mouth and his in a spicy dance. A small moan escaped your slightly opened lips and Dimitri, consumed by nothing but base desires, surprised your tongue with a face-to-face meeting. 
The wet muscle wrapped about yours, pulling you into an unyielding fight for dominance. You felt smooth sheets hit your exposed back; you hadn’t even noticed Dimitri progressively lowering the both of you onto your bed. He planted his hands on either side of your body, ridding any hope of escape from his ravaging kisses.
Not that you wanted to anyway. 
Dimitri’s lips left yours to wander around your face and neck, taking particular interest in the latter. He nipped the exposed skin, teething and sucking wherever his heart desired until you were covered in nothing but love bites.
Then he caught sight of your cleavage, simply irresistible and downright begging to be marked with his love.
Then he suddenly remembered that you two were in a very public place and not in the private confines of his bedroom or dreams.
“Ah-- Um--” Dimitri stammered, quickly pulling away from your panting form. “P-Perhaps we should... stop... before it escalates any further...”
You whined, wanting nothing more than to be showered with kisses and bathed in his worshiping love. But your senses, hazy as they may be, pulled through the fog and coldly reminded you of your current whereabouts. 
“Fine...” You pulled his fingers to your sultry lips and pressed a hot kiss on each digit. Dimitri’s jaw and pants tightened, the prince desperately clinging onto the last thread of sanity and reason which threatened to snap at any moment.
“My Beloved,” he purred sweetly, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek, “rest now. When your strength returns to its fullest, we can pick up where we left off. I swear it.”
You giggled, finding his attempt at being serious too adorable. The heat and passion was still very visible in his eyes, and it was obvious that anymore teasing on your end would send him over the edge.
You nodded sleepily as he pulled the covers over you. He graced your lips with one more kiss before he stood up.
“Class will be starting shortly. Do you need anything before I go?”
“Mm...” You looked up coyly. “One more kiss, please!”
Dimitri chuckled, happily fulfilling both of your wishes.
“My Beloved is too cute for her own good...” He murmured huskily into your ear. “It should be a crime to be this captivating.”
“Then maybe you should punish me tonight~?”
“T-That’s...” Dimitri’s smug confidence had instantly dissipated. “S-Sleep well, (F/N).”
You had never seen a person’s cheeks go so red so fast. Dimitri zoomed out of the infirmary with a chorale of laughter bubbling out of his beloved.
Not a moment later after the door closed, it opened again just enough for the prince’s head to pop back in.
“Oh, uh, (F/N)?”
“Yes, darling?”
“I...” He cleared his throat loudly and shyly smiled. “I love you too.”
bonus: your discharge from the infirmary prompted a day of celebration in the blue lions house, with byleth cancelling lectures and training for the day to celebrate your miraculous recovery.
the rest of the lions organized a mini ‘welcome back’ party; the desks that previously held books and other study things now harbored all your favorite dishes on one side and a cluster of gifts on the other.
and when the sun dipped below the horizon, well... let’s just say dimitri made good on his promise from that night onward ;)
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The one where Harry is a drug addict and Y/N fines out
Warning: mentions of drugs
Requested: yes
Type: imagine
A/N: I don’t know how drugs work, so yeah I did my best, also kids don’t do drugs it’s not good and it only hurts you more. Anyways, thanks Lovie for the request you know who are, I hope you guys really enjoy this one.
Harry’s POV
Acceptance, something us people are very stubborn about.
Help, something we refuse to take even if we needed or when we needed the most.
I don’t when or how it happened, but it did and little did I know it was going to be the end of me.
I Harry Edward Styles am addicted to drugs. It was all supposed to be innocent one time thing. Just take puff and move on. But it didn’t, it started out with weed, I was hanging with some friends when they ask me if I wanted some.
I said yes
Big mistake
Then I moved on to marijuana, next thing you know I’m snoring cocaine. Than suddenly I fine myself trying something new. Crack. Fuck! How did this even happened? It started out with what I thought was just fun and then it becomes a stress reliever. People around you go saying they understand what the pressure of being a musician is. But they don’t they simply don’t. And when you start to talk about the stress and your feelings, people tell you it’s your fault for using such career. Hell! Was it that bad to follow my dreams.
Anyways now I’m here once again meeting with James, my drug dealer, the one that delivers the goods. I see him walk towards me, it’s hard to forget what someone face looks like after meeting with them for over a month. I’m currently dress as if I was a gym. Why you might ask, well nobody knows this side of me, so I need to keep a cover. That and I can’t afford to lose the people around me. My mom, sister, my princess y/n, my friends. I just can’t, specially y/n I can’t afford to lose the best thing that has happened to me. I’m madly in love with that woman, she does things to me, makes me feel things that no one has ever made me feel before.
I’m snap out my thoughts by a voice
It’s James
“Hey brother” he greeted me
“Hey, did you bring it? I ask him, looking around making sure no one was taking pictures or anything
“Course I did, the usual right?”
“Yes, um here” I handed him $500
“It’s hice doing business with you sir, have a nice high” he says his goodbyes
I find myself walking home to my beautiful girlfriend with a brand new bag of weed and cocaine to smoke my stress away.
God what have I done.....
Harry has been acting weird lately, not that good kind of weird. Had been distance, I try to talk to him but it doesn’t work, he either avoids it or just changes the subject. Either way, today he told to me he was going to the gym, right before diner. Strange but I decide not to question him either, just go with flow.
As I’m cooking dinner in the kitchen I hear our front door open
“Babe, I’m home!” Harry said, dropping his gym bag on the floor
“In the kitchen H” I reponded him
“Smells good in here, what ya making sweets?” He ask coming towards, planting a sweet kiss on my forehead
In that moment I smell something weird on him, almost like weed. It can’t be, he won’t, he knows better than drugs.
“Your favorite” I say with a sweet tone of voice at the same time putting a sweet smile across my face looking up at him
“Did you go to gym?” I ask him, he isn’t sweating or smells like sweat, plus he doesn’t have his headphones on or hanging anywhere
He gives me a strange look
“ course I did, why you ask darling?”
“Well for one you don’t smell like sweat and two your headphones aren’t hanging from anywhere ” I say as matter of fact
“Well that’s because I took a shower at the gym before coming here, I put my headphones in my gym back , lovie” he said,
“Right but you never take shower at the gym”
“Decided to change it up a bit today”
I just look at him for a second, he looks drained, pale, tired, dark circles underneath his eyes, god H what are you doing to yourself
“Go get change H, so you can come down on time for dinner” I tell
“Yes ma’am” he said and left the kitchen
Once he left, I turn the stove off and go where his gym bag is.
I pick it, open it and start looking around to see if I can fine something.
What I fine next makes me question wether I know the real Harry or not and wether he loves or not
I drop the gym bag, my shaky hand only holding a ziplock bag, tears form in my eyes
It’s not just any ziplock bag
One with drugs in it, if I had to guess it’s weed and cocaine
What have you done Harry
I’m in so much shock, I didn’t even notice Harry standing there, I look at him slowly, with red eyes trying to content my tears.
“Please tell me it’s not yours, please” tiny tears start to fall
“I can explain” it’s all he says,
I just look at him, disappointed, mad , hurt
“Explain then, tell me why in the fucking world you have drugs in your bag?!”
“I’m sorry”
He is crying, I’m crying we are crying it’s a mess
“Why?! Why Harry?! What did I do wrong?! I have always been there for you! Why?! I say throwing the bag of drugs on the floor
“I don’t know, it was supposed to be a one time thing I swear it” he says, crying sobbing
I give him a “are you kidding” kinda look
“Seriously Harry! You have to be fucking kidding me! Anne raised you better than this! Drugs are never and will never be a one time thing!” I screamed angry with tear rolling down my face
He stays quite, doesn’t say anything else
“I can’t even look at you right now” my tone is normal this time, I walk pass him, getting bag
He turns around
“Where are you going? Please tell me your not leaving, you can’t leave Y/N, please don’t leave me” he says
Harry tries to crap my arm but fails when I pull away
“I need to be away from you” it’s the only thing I say before I walk out the door
Harry’s POV
No no no she left, my love left, fuck how stupid could I’ve been. It’s all my fault. I’m crying, I’m a mess but I do the only thing I have been doing for the past few moments.
I take the bag and get the weed out and roll it up
I start to smoke it but it’s not enough, I need to numb this feeling
I take the cocaine out, put it onto the table, make the lines and start to snore it
What have I become
I walked like a block before I decide to call Anne, my crying as calm down now, it’s more so of a shock. I still can’t process what just happened. It’s a lot to take in. I’m in no condition to drive which is why I didn’t take the car. I’m scare I don’t know how Anne or Gem will react to this, Harry really took it too far this time.
I dial Anne phone number
( phone conversation) Anne Y/N
Hello sugar, are you okay?
I’m- can you please pick me up, I’m like a block away from our house
Yeah, of course. What did he do this time?
I will tell you once we get to your home
It must be really bad if you had to call me
It is
Ok hang in there sweet heart
Thanks Anne
(Phone coversation end)
I wait for like 15 min before I see Anne car, she stops in front me.
“Oh no, you’ve been crying, it’s that bad?”
I just nodded
The rest of the car ride is in silence
Once we arrive to Anne’s house the first thing I do is seat on the couch, she follows after me.
“Where is Gem? This is better with you two here”
“I’m here” Gem said coming from downstairs
“What did he do now?” Gem ask sitting besides Anne
“I can’t beat the bush around with this one, he is doing drugs guys and I don’t know how or when it happened” I say breaking down and crying
They both look shock, speech less
“No him, no my son” Anne says crying
“We have to help him” says Gemma
“ I don’t know anymore, I’m so mad and angry, I feel like I have fail him and our relationship”
“You haven’t failed anyone dear, you’ve done more than enough” Anne told me
“You’re right Gem we have to help him, I don’t what are we still doing here” I tell them and both of them nod in agreement
We get our bags and head to the car
Anne park in the drive way, I’m the first one out the car, I open my bag in search for my keys. I get them out, Anne and Gem already behind me.
I open the door and the first thing we all notice is the smoke and smell of weed but the second thing worries me the most
A crying Harry, sitting on our living room floor. I start to walk towards him, the closer I get the more I can hear him whispering my name.
“Harry, baby it’s me, I’m here” I’m kneeling down in front of him, trying to separate his arms so he can look at me
“Y/N” he said
“Yes baby it’s me, are you okay? What have you done” I ask him
“I think he needs a cold shower y/n” Gem said
I look up at her and nod my head
“Anne can you help me get him off the floor”
“Yes dear”
“I’ll get him a change of clothes” Gem said
I gave Gem a nod. Anne and I both somehow manage to get him off the floor, we start to walk towards the shower. Anne gets out the bathroom and I start to undress Harry. I turn the water to cold.
“Get in with me please” he ask
“Course baby” I cant deny him anything at the moment
The water hits Harry first, he mumbles a “cold” I start to wash him, he starts to shake a little bit but I decide to just stay in for a bit
Once we are done with shower, I get out first and grab towels for both us. I rap a towel around his waist and around my body.
We get out the bathroom and walk up to our bedroom, that’s when I see Gem standing at the bottom of the stairs.
“You’re stupid Harry, I left his clothes on the bed”
I nodded, Harry didn’t give her any reaction. I guess is from being drained from all the smoking and snoring he was doing before we got here. At the corner of my eye I see Anne cleaning the living room, little tears falling down her face.
God how did we get here
I change Harry into some fresh clothing as well as myself and set him down for nap, I stayed with him until he was completely asleep. Once I was sure he was asleep I got from the bed when down stairs.
I see Anne and Gem sipping on some tea, they both look drained, tired ,pale and I have a feeling I don’t look any better.
I walk towards them, I take a sit with them
“He is taking nap right now” I told them
“What are we gonna do?” ask Gem
“Help him” said Anne
3hrs later
The three of us are sitting on couch doing whatever when we hear Harry coming down the stairs
I was the first one to get up, I walk towards him and gave him a hug, he seems a little taken aback at my actions but quickly reciprocateds
“Have a nice nap?” I ask him once I pull back from the hug
He just nods
“Want some water sweet heart?” Anne ask from behind me
He just nods again, Anne walk towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water
“You’re stupid and deserve to get the beating daylights out of you, I would do it if it weren’t for your current state” yeah that’s Gem
“I know” he said, Anne comes out the kitchen and hands him the glass of water. He drinks it all in a blink of an eye
“I think we need to talk” I said
We all take a sit at the kitchen island, I sit on Harry’s lab, gem and Anne sit beside eachother in front of us
“When did you start?” Gem ask
“It was while I was on tour, I swear it was supposed to be a one time thing but I don’t know what happened, I guess the stress got too much. It’s not excused but it’s the truth”
“Have you tried to stop?” I ask him
“No I can’t, it’s part of my life now , I need it” he said and all I wanna do is cry
“ we are all here to help you” Anne said
“Why didn’t you told us earlier?” I ask
“I didn’t wanna lose you guys” he said with guilt in his tone.
“We will always be here for you, Sweets” Anne said
Gem and I nodded
“Thank you guys ” he said crying a bit, I hug him, then Gem and Anne join the hug
After our little group hug gem said
“Mom do I have your permission to beat the shit out of my stupid brother?”
“Hell yes you do” Anne said
“Even I agree” I said getting down from Harry lab
Harry just look at Gem who was holding a plastic knife , next thing you know he is running and Gem right behind him
Anne and I just look at eachother then we burst in a fit of laughter.
Then I knew we’ll be alright
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chicago-reeed · 4 years
Detroit Evolution
These are some notes that I took while I watched DE for the first time. It’s a lot. Like, six pages, a lot. I decided I should probably spare everyone’s dashboards and put it under a cut.
Warning: overuse of the fuck word because I am a dramatic little shit who gets overwhelmed easily
- Alright here we go. I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared to go through this hhhhh
- fuck he smellin the flowers good
- “hey tin can :P” “good morning gavin :P”
- “I don’t need to breathe” BAZINGA
- *slaps my face repeatedly* keep it together bitch
- “I like the way you look<3” aaaaaaaaannd here I go again
- oh god oh god witty banter WITTY BANTER I CANT FUNCTION
- detective motha fuckin chris I don’t need to see any more I got what I came for
- Honestly all they need to do to calm down the protestors is get nines out there so he can say “please stop you’re being very mean >:/“ and they would probably just go home ngl
- “I’ve never been intimidated by people who hate androids” OH MY GOD NINES WITH THE BAZINGA’S TODAY WHAT A LEGEND
- can I just say the white jacket is such a power move I can’t believe nines invented fashion
- Gavin bein soft and reaching back for Nines in the crowd🥺homygod
- Gavin “no one calls him plastic but ME” Reed
- The only time I will support police brutality™️
- Gavin is so OP we stan
- Nines “you raise a fist, then I get PISSED😡” RK900
- “y’all have a nice day” Protect Detective Chris Miller at all costs
- Nines sees Gavin’s scars as charming PUT ME TO DEATH
- Okay I need to pause and breathe again the cinematography got me chokin
- Uh ooohhh someone is jeeaaalouus😛
- Nines really said “no worry fam I’ll airdrop the case files to u”
- Ada: *exists*
- me: I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
- And nines back at it again with the sass I AM LIVING
- Chris and Gavin’s reactions to Nines imitating Ada is the best thing I’ve seen all year
- oh ;-; shit Michael really finna make me cri
- God damn the intro credits are so beautiful
- Real coffee hours with the sharktreuse mug🦈
- Tina knows Gavin was absolutely feral before Nines appeared at the DPD
- Half An Asshole squad please stand up we ride at dawn
- Gavin with the knockoff timbs WE STAN😎
- maybe “thank god, I hate you, you love me, move your feet, oop” will be our always
- I’m living for the whole “criminal minds” vibe goin on here
- Bruh Gavin got the hook-ups fr fr
- The level of reed900 is staggering
- I’ve had to pause and breathe so many times it’s pathetic I’m not even 15 mins in
- 850% godt damn Nines got that IOS 50 update
- maybe “our calendar” will be our always
- Chris “wingman of the year” Miller
- Who’s that Pokémon??? It’s JEALOUS GAV
- The way Nines said “I don’t feel anything for her.” I see you bud
- insecure Gavin needing reassurance™️
- Im fucking dying I fucking died bro BRO WE ALL KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING ABOUT, NINES, WE ALL KNOW
- Asexual Nines FTW👊😤👏👏👏❤️He gives zero fucks of ANY kind
- BREAKING NEWS: affection-starved Gavin™️ is literally begging for love
- “But there’s much more to admire about you than to detest, I think.”<333
- JJ not being suspicious at all nope no way Jose
- Lazzo has said two words and I love him already
- I don’t think I’ve seen this episode of COPS before🤔🤔🤔
- We all know Nines secretly wants to wear those fun glasses
- “Officer I swear I’ve never seen that arm in my life, it’s my friend’s he just asked me to hold it for him, Android arm what android arm heh”
- “Like robot arms, not gun arms.” You’re doing great sweetie🥰
- Chris “the interrogator” Miller😎
- soft n sleepy gav™️ is soft n sleepy
- You can wear my😋😘sweeaatshiiiirt😝😁🤗 (I’m sorry I had to)
- inconspicuous loving glances™️
- #GiveAndroidsFuckinHealthcare2K20
- Gavin has not slept in 80 years
- He really said “I’m fine” BITCH
- Bed time for brats™️ no later than 8:30pm
- hell yeah sleepover time
- “stop lookin at my insides n shit” I want that on a t shirt
- Nines is so soft I might die
- But he’s somehow equally suave as fuck how is this fair
- Oh my god dream!gavin is like Nines’ conscious this is so presh
- dream!gavin you sly dog
- Nines being insecure™️
- Listen to dream!gavin, Nines, he has big brain
- The fact that Nines subconsciously KNOWS that irl!Gav “just wants someone that doesn’t hate him” but he’s STILL like alas, I can never be what gavin needs :’(
- nu babie don’t be sad🥺
- oh my god they’re both train wrecks protect them at all cost
- c r i p e s❤️the reed900 hurt/comfort we all needed
- Concerned boyfriends™️
- Maybe “I’m fine” will be our always
- GAV🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔
- Insecure boyfriends™️
- Nines “I’m not going to get any closer to Gavin because I can’t help him but also I want to cuddle with him because he had a nightmare” RK900
- did someone say  c a t
- dumb babie gav jus spoon the dumb android so you both feel better
- Me: *rubs evil hands together* aha here comes the angst
- cue tragic backstory
- oh
- tragic backstory indeed
- Gavin is so desperate for anyone to care about him I’m crying tears
- Alexa this is so god damn sad play despacito
- Oh shit it’s about to get domestic I don’t think I’m mentally prepared
- YOU CAN WEAR MY😝💪SWEEAATSHIIIIIIRT🤪🔥🔥🔥 (I’m never letting the sleeveless sweatshirt thing go)
- Uh oh NO FUCK I’ve read enough fan fiction to know that this is where Gavin’s fucking trust issues kick in and he decides pushing nines away is safer than getting closer to him SHIT
- I feel angst in this Chili’s tonight
- “I need you to leave” aaaaaaahhhhhhhh here come a whole different kind of tears
- frick dude that ouches
- Insert sad babie noises
- Oml the tension☠️poor Chris and Ada are like😑😑
- Chris could solve this case all by himself change my mind
- Gavin and Nines = (ò///-///ó)
- Chris = :D~oblivious~
- reed900 who??? I don’t know her. I only know ❤️valerina❤️
- I can’t believe Gavin and Nines invented angst
- I went and got blue gatorade just so I could pretend I was drinking thirium like Nines
- #DetectiveChen2K20
- real sad gavin hours
- Ruh roh Gavin bouta die from the ‘rona virus because rat man smokes hella
- my entire aesthetic in a single shot jfc
- Aaaaahhhh Nines trying to be a supportive bf just makes me ;-; [takes damage]
- HES ACCEPTED GAVIN AS MORE THAN A PARTNER🥺that, my friends, is what we call character development
- We stan the otp aggressively talking about their feelings
- “I’m not going anywhere.” FUCK™️
- Aaaaand they’re back at square one. It’s cool it’s fine it’s all good we can work with this.
- Gavin: I don’t need you ò-ó
- Gavin: *immediately after Nines leaves* fuck ó-ò
- “It’s fine”™️
- I love Ada so much hhhhhh she said 🤨
- “Basic Instinct” TINA WITH THE HEAT OMG
- *nervous laugh* haha Ada sis maybe chill a little bit ha ha
- oh no I have a not good feeling
- 😖x1000000
- Oh my god this is so fucking sad Alexa play The Sound of Silence
- Nines got fucked up and Gavin is CONCERNED
- aayyyyy bro Nines full on nakey
- Tina and Gavin sad bro huggin👊😔
- Uh oh Nines is fckn PISSED
- he MAD mad
- Tina speakin straight facts I love her
- f u c k  right in the heart
- I don’t want to attempt writing any notes at this moment because my thoughts are completely incoherent I am a MESS
- “I need you to come back, Nines.” DONT PLAY W ME LIKE THAT
- Did Gavin really almost bring Nines back through the power of love I am SHAKING
- Dream!Gavin speaking truth as ALWAYS
- These damn flashbacks making me feel some type of way
- that actually low key jump scared me
- God damn these sets are so fucking pro, I’m so happy
- Tina really say “Chris ;) ;) lets go get some ;) coffee ;) ;) ;) ;)”
- You Undead Asshole™️
- Gavin: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) fuck he actually heard me talk about my feelings n shit
- Nines: You literally told me you fucking needed me like five minutes ago
- Gavin: huh weird that doesn’t sound like me I actually hate you
- ooOOHHH  S H I T
- woah shit sorry I blacked out for a second what happened
- holy shit I actually gave myself a bloody fucking nose because I smacked my face too hard in excitement
- ❤️💘🧡💞💕💘💓💚💛💘💞💓💛💛💞💘❤️💚💘💜💕💖❤️❤️💕💓💗💘💖💚💝❤️
- “What dipshit programmed you to do that?” 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️FUCK
- My aunt came in and told me she heard me shouting then asked why I was crying
- shit I need to like..,,,,physically recover from that
- whew okay break time is over let’s fucking go
- Nines in the cheeky turtleneck I SEE U
- Gavin: I’m ready to take this hoe DOWN
- Initiate protocol: SAVE ADA FROM HERSELF
- I could listen to Tina talk to dispatch for hours🥰❤️❤️❤️
- Gavin being hella concerned boyfriend™️
- omfg that crowbar really went *CLANG* when it hit Ada’s steel fkn abs what a legend💪😎
- Hell yeah epic Nines gif moment
- no Ada don’t choke Gavin it only makes him stronger
- CHRIS THE MOTHER FUCKIN GOAT😎👏👏👏he really said “fuck ur monologue I’m here to get shit done”
- That character development godt damn
- I might be reaching but Gavin is now wearing a white/off-white shirt/gray that kINDA RESEMBLES DREAM!GAVIN’S SHIRT. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. THATS SYMBOLISM IF I EVER DID SEE IT.
- “buyer’s remorse, huh?”
- “I can’t be everything you need.”
- That awkward moment when you realize the person you were hiding your feelings from has also been hiding their feelings from you.
- “a year of that fuckin’...Ken Doll face smirkin’ at me every day” BE CUTER GAVIN, I DARE YOU.
- naked hand = love
- So my review of this film could be summed up by saying that I basically cried for an hour and fifteen minutes.
- Holy damn
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gaillol-13 · 3 years
Cartoon encounter.
Part 3 of this (part 2) Swear warning!
*sigh* "it just doesn't make any sense!"
I've been trying to figure out who that guy is for a while now, ever since I got home from the interview today. It just seemed like something out of a horror film, I don't understand. And they sounded so much like...no. I sat down for a moment to look at the pictures I took, and tried to recall what happened in the room with the tv (and the closet).
"Ok, so blood was coming out of the Tv," I spoke "I heard the killer walking towards me, with their arms out to grab me. They're voice sounded static-like, they were humming the Captoon's theme song. And then one of the police officers went in the room, the humming stopped, I looked in the closet but they were gone...they..."
I sighed.
"They sounded so much like Benjamin, like, identical, the only difference is the static. But, he's been dead for almost a year now, it just doesn't make any sense..."
"Beb-beeep, beb-beeeeep!!! Movement detected!!!"
What?! Theres someone trying to get in the house? I immediately check the security cameras but find no one there. The only evidence is the broken steel doors and a note, I zoomed in on it to get a closer look at what it said, I turned pale.
"Bonjournie~ Mr.Melvin :)"
That's what the note said, and the paper had the same static texture as the hammer piece I had.
The same person who killed those criminals is here, and I'm next.
"MOTHER FUCKER!!!" I screamed, "Why? Why me?! Why is this guy targeting me?! Of course, its because I know too much, I should have just kept quiet, I should have just said they committed suicide, that would have made more sense than a cannibalistic cartoon-loving prick by slaughtering them with nooses and a fucking rubber hammer!!! But noooo! I have to open my big mouth and now this fucker's gonna kill me!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!!"
I tried my best to calm down, it's not easy to think if I'm going into my dinosaur brain. Okay, everything is going to be fine, he must have a weakness, everybody has one. I have lots of inventions that could be good in the situation I'm in, I just gotta think of a plan. Think Melvin think, if I were a cannibal who loves captoon, what would be my weakness?
Hmm... I looked around my room, I spotted one a bottle of paint thinner, huh. I saw this in a game once, thinner can dissolve paint, which is what cartoon characters are made out of. I thought for a moment.
He likes the Captoon cartoon, and George and Harold made that cartoon. So if I'm gonna get this guy, (I cant believe I'm about to say this) I gotta think like George and harold.
Aww hell with it!
I grabbed the thinner bottle and loaded it in a spray gun, its ridiculous, but it's my best shot. And who knows, maybe some of the robot guards took care of him already.
"OW! @%#$!!!!"
What was that?! I mean, it was obviously a cry out in pain coming from downstairs (the living room to be exact), but AFTER it sounded like a beeping sound butchered by radio static. But that didn't matter now, the fact is that this guy is in my house, I have a plan (sort of), and I'm ready for whatever is down there.
I grabbed my flashlight and slowly made my way downstairs, he could be anywhere. I turned the lights in the hallway on, no one was there though. I looked in the kitchen, as expected, the fridge was open and most of the food in there was gone, and all of the leftover guac had vanished (THAT really caused a shiver to go down my spine). When I got close to the living room, I heard a noise, or more specifically, music.
I went in the living room to find the TV playing the Captoon theme song, huh. Guess I was right about him liking that, I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.
T h e m u s i c d i d n ' t s t o p .
Almost paralyzed with fear, I pressed the off button again, still playing, pressed it again, still going. No matter how many times I pressed it, the music kept playing. It only took me one second to realize the music was coming from behind me...along with that same feeling I had back at the abandoned school...
Oh no...
Before I could turn around, I felt something wrap around me, I looked down, I saw an arm.
Yeah, that's right, an arm was wrapping around my torso. How did I know it was an arm, at the end of it there was a gloved hand, gloved...it sorta gave me rubberhose cartoon vibes. Come to think of it, the arm was fully white like a rubberhose, I would have thought about it more I wasn't in peril.
"AAA-MMF!!!" I tried to scream, but the hand covered my mouth in an instant. The arm was fully wrapped around me now, only leaving my head uncovered.
I kicked and squirmed around trying to escape, no dice. The arm slowly turned me around, I soon realized that the arm was waaayyy longer than I previously thought. It stretched all the way to the far side of the hallway where there was nothing but darkness, nothing except...two...eyes...staring at me.
These weren't normal dot eyes, hohooohh nooo! These had the pupils and the sclera!!! And they were huge!! Who was this guy? No, scratch that. WHAT was this guy?! Forgive me for being Captain Obvious here, but there no fucking way this...thing is human!!
He was walking towards me, I squeezed my eyes shut, shit, I'm fucked. I'm going to be food, I could already see the headlines. "Class S Melvin sneedly (aka the smartest and sexiest man alive) becomes human Foie Gras to rubberhose monster". This is my end!!!
Then he (or it, I don't even know anymore) spoke.
"Shhhh, calm down."
What? Calm down?! I opened my eyes, he was still walking towards me, his eyes still the only things I could see. They looked...guilty.
"I know your scared right now." He continued
"Mmff mfm mff!!" I muffled sarcastically, it roughly translated to "NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!!", and he knew it. As he became more and more visible, I froze.
The clothes...
The body figure...
The toupee...
He was a spitting image of Benjamin, except the eyes I mentioned earlier (which now revealed that he had pie-slice pupils). And there was no color, only shades of white (his skin), grey, and black...I was filled with shock...which then shifted to seething anger.
What right does this asshole have to impersonate MY boss?! NONE!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! I kicked at him furiously while delivering muffled screeching. Who the hell does he think he is?!
"Melvin please calm down-OW!"
I bit his gloved hand, he's NOT gonna tell me what to do.
He gave gave me a look that was a combination of surprise, pity, scared, and impressed.
"Gosh," I heard him mutter under his static breath "that last bit kinda rhymed..".
How is this happening, when did I become prisoner of a cartoon monstrosity. Why, how. This doesn't-...then it clicked.
"This is a dream."
It's the only reasonable explanation.
"This isnt real, of course. What was I thinking."
I breathe the sigh of relief, phew.
"Why else would you look like Benjamin, it's obvious my subconscious is missing him, and the reason why your a cartoon is because I've been watching captoon too much. And why are you after me? Because it's just my subconscious being guilty of Benjamin's death, like I felt responsible, like I was supposed to be there with him when it happened. It all makes sense!!"
The behemoth rolled his eyes, but that didn't matter. What matters is that this isnt real, it's just a horrible nightmare. I dont know when I fell asleep (probably when I passed out stress-eating all those croissants at the interview), but either way I'm glad that it will be over---
I felt something sharp jab me in the arm, I looked to see his gloved hand, only a little different. The pointer finger was longer and the tip was pointy, sorta like and overgrown fingernail. Either way, it hurt, and he was still there, this wasn't a dream, it was real life.
"Real enough for ya?" All I could do was nod as I watched the finger retract and return to its proper form and shape, then I heard him sigh.
"Look, they're going to search the abandoned school so I need a place to stay-" I cut him off. "Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't call the authorities."
"Cuz they would never believe you."
I opened my mouth to protest, but then i thought for a moment. He was right, they wouldn't. There was a saying in the book Our Lord Dav, where he quoted "people can be too smart for their own good" which ment if someone was too smart, they would become insane. The police might think just that if I tell them theres a living cartoon in my house.
"Please," I looked back up at him. Seeing his sad, pleading face. "I just need to hide hear for a bit, just a lil bit. I know I'm the last guy you wanna trust right now, especially after last night. But...*sigh*... I REALLY need your help...just let me stay."
I was speechless, I was starting to doubt that this was the same person that killed those criminals. His expression seemed so...bonafide. Pupils dilated to a sorrow filled manner, lips trembling, it felt like the equivalent of looking at a sad puppy. But...how do I know I should trust him.
"Your not gonna kill me?"
"Of course not!!!" He protested, by now the arm he had wrapped around me was retracted back to him, but I really wasn't paying attention. "I'm not a monster!!!"
Not a monster? My eyes narrowed.
He then rubbed the back of his head, chuckling nervously, "I guess I am if you define a monster as a creature that defies the laws of physics and nature, heh. But I'm talking about one that's heartless, ruthless, and selfish."
His eyes then darted away and his face suddenly became sour. His tone changed completely.
"Like the @*#%$, Theodore..."
Theres only one person I know who could sound and act like that when the subject was Ted murdsly...
I threw myself at him in an embrace, eyes filled with tears...
"You are Benjamin..."
I was both in shock and joy. I couldn't believe my boss was alive...I started sobbing.
"I miss you so much..."
I felt him hug me back.
"Heh, miss ya too Mel. It's been very lonely, even with him around, it's nice to see an old friend again..."
I started crying into his shoulder, I was so relieved. For one, I now know that I'm not gonna be dinner. Two, the others will be thrilled to hear that their favorite grumpy boss is back (especially her. If you catch my drift). But I thought for a moment...
"What do you mean by "even with him around"?"
He then lead me to a chair, "sit down, and let me tell you how I'm alive."
So he told me...and dear dav is it a doozy.
So after Benjamin died, George and harold were starting the Captoon cartoons, they had the help of dressy. But in the making of the first tape reel of season 1, dressy sprinkled some dust on it, making Captoon sentient. Then the boys took it to Benjamin's gravestone, and placed it there. Then lightning struck the tape and it started to melt, along with the world in it.
In major pain, Captoon got out of the tape and into Benjamin's corpse, sort of merging with it. Another lightning struck the same spot again. And since dead people come back to life when they get zapped with electricity in cartoons, thats exactly what happened to Benjamin.
He wakes up, they meet, he tells him how he died (turns out it wasn't an accident), and Captoon gets an idea. Since he needs a physical body to stay in (cuz otherwise he would melt and die), and Benjamin needs Captoon's cartoon physiques to stay alive, they become one. Becoming Krupptoon.
It finally made sense now.
"So now you know." Krupptoon said, then grabbed a nearby glass and drunk from it. Then he noticed my mind-blown expression.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it's just...alot to take in. Does that mean your dead body is still in you?"
"Uh-huh, wanna see?"
Intrigued, I nodded, after what I saw last night, this wont really effect me. Then his head began to shift, the white static-like skin seemed to dissolve. Revealing a pale, bloody, and very very dead head.
The left side (his left side) of the head had the skull smashed open showing that parts of the brain were missing, and pretty much almost all of the left side (again, his left) of the head looked like it was demolished from impact.
His eye (on his right) looked lifeless, yet it had a distinct green glow, don't know why. Oh yeah, and it smelled, it smelled repulsive.
I felt the urge to puke which he immediately took notice of and grabbed a nearby bucket, then he gave it to me.
5 minutes and 43 seconds of vomiting later... I looked at him for a closer inspection.
"Hmm, it seems only the left side is affected."
He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a magnifying glass and handed it to me. I then used it.
"Your frontal lobe is severely injured, that would explain why you only move in rubberhose, your Broca's Area seems fine. Same with the Sensory area and Parietal lobe. Your Temporal lobe looks pretty damaged..."
I went quiet...
"Whats wrong?" He said that with his decayed mouth barely moving.
It took me a while to try to get the words out.
"T-thats the lobe that contains memories. Benjamin...do you remember anything?"
His face fell, "Oh,". He then put his hand on his chin, "Well, I remember you, and George and harold. Ted (though I wish I didn't), my identity, how I died...". He then plopped down on the ground, his face returning to its cartoony appearance. Trying to recall, then his eyes lit up. "I...remember Edith..."
And boy what happened next was quite a site. His hand dropped to the side, a shade of gray crept up his face, hearts started floating around him, and I swear I could hear a romantic saxophone playing. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing.
"What?" He turned his attention to me, I simply pointed upwards at the hearts floating around. His eyes went wide and he made a noise that can only be defined as a startled dog and immediately started shooing them away with his arms, his face now flashing dark grey and white in embarrassment.
"I-ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!" He yelped in a panicked tone, but I knew otherwise.
"Oh suuuuure~!" I said playfully, "Its not like you visit her in the lunchroom every day,or that you give her extra credit, or that you try to make her food everyday!"
With every example I said, he got grayer and grayer. So I kept going.
"Or that you hide a bunch of gifts around her office, or that you're always happy when she's around 24/7, or that you secretly write about how much you want to be with her forever in your journal!"
"HOW DID YOU GET MY JOURNAL?!?!" He started shrieking and becoming a charcoal grey, sweating, and flustered mess. And it was hilarious! And it lasted a good 5 minutes.
"Joking aside, you REALLY don't remember anything else, like your job?"
"I have a job?" He cocked his head and gave me a confused look.
"Nevermind." I decided it was nothing to worry about now, so I quickly dismissed that subject. Then I heard him sigh again.
"The main reason I came here is for your help, your help to kill crime."
I was confused, "why would you need my help, you have the ability to do it on your own."
He gave me a classic Captoon smile, "Because it's like I said in the cartoons" he stood up and did the pose, "it's more fun to bring justice with friends!". He then pulled me up off the chair and put his gloved hands on my shoulders.
"You, me, George and harold, and the others can stop evil in its tracks! Sure, I could do it alone. But what the heck is living if you don't do it with your chums! Buds! Home slices! Homies! Pals! Bros! ETC!!!"
Honestly, I was very moved. I usually dont get touched, but...I haven't felt like I had friends, at all (I always felt so alone). And the fact that my boss (who's also Captoon himself) considers me as a good friend is enough to make me emotional.
"So Melvin Sneedly!!! Are you gonna join this crazy but exciting ride of adventure and mystery with me?!"
"Y-YES!!!" My voice cracked a bit, but that didn't matter now.
Man, he said that Captoon only moved their body, but THAT moment had to disagree. I sas honestly thrilled to start working with a superhero...but then the moment took a different direction when he gave me a smug look.
"Now what did you mean by you watching that Captoon cartoon too much?"
"Now wait just a minute-"
He then laughed and patted me on the back "ight, see ya tomorrow."
I headed towards upstairs to my room "goodnight."
I didn't know what I was getting into, but whatever it was, for once I'm ready for anything!!!
End of fic
Whooooo! That took a while, but it was worth it. Now with the introductions out of the way, I can finally make some memes!
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mollydollyjournals · 3 years
Maybe I need to just like. Scream. Loudly. For a few hours.
My concentration is still so bad I'm barely getting anywhere with this same set of nails. Still. I'm trying to keep working on it but my mind is just not doing it because I feel constantly on edge. This is day 3. One set of nails! Jesus they're not that good. I take a long time to do most things but my mind is really just not functioning.
I'm feeling really particularly isolated again. I have nothing to say that might be of interest to anyone else. I dont really even know how to respond to the small amount of interaction I do get. A friend has started being more talkative in our group chat and sent me a message asking for some info on nail art techniques - maybe I'm being self centred but I feel like it could at least partially be an effort to get me talking. If so I appreciate it. But I still dont really have anything to say beyond quick surface responses.
My mum asked if I'm going to see her this weekend. I wouldn't on Sundays because she has a zoom call with relatives I dont want to talk to. It occurred to me that saturday is tomorrow. Part of me wants to go to hers and drink red wine and just connect with someone. The one person who's almost always had my back, or at least has never seriously intentionally opposed me. I want to go see my dog and my kitten and tell her that actually I'm doing pretty bad, I'll probably be divorced by xmas and sometimes I hear things that arent particularly confusing or distressing but they're definitely not real.
But that's not how it works in our dynamic. She had a serious psychotic episode when I was a teenager, and I took care of it all. My younger brother has ongoing psychosis. It's in our family. If I say I hear things she'll only panic. My doctor knows so it's not a secret - if theres one thing I learned from both of their cases, it's not to stay in denial. But theres no point telling her. And the divorce stuff? She'll internalise it. One of her children is dead, one is an ongoing psychiatric case with not much of a future because he's also actually a pretty terrible person, and the last one is me. She feels bad enough because her "marriage failed," which is a weird phrase her generation seem to use. She told me before not to date other people in case it hurts my "marriage." She'll think it's that, and start spiralling about her history with my dad and the one guy she's dated since they divorced. She won't believe me and hb were fine having other relationships and the issues arent to do with that, and I dont have the energy to talk through her stuff again.
Maybe it's getting to me more than I think. It's not like I didnt know this shitstorm was coming. But now it advances. Like I heard the forecast before, but now I can see it on the horizon. Now I have to really truly consider moving out of the house and splitting up the cats and whatever else. Thinking about it, maybe i should talk to my mum. Itll almost definitely be her I move in with if it all goes through. But then maybe I should only talk about it if I'm sure.
I dont know. I'm jealous of everyone with good parental relationships. I still havent even texted my dad for his birthday. I guess I should do that. I kind of miss when all 4 of us go back to my dad's house for drinks, us and my half brother. But that's not going to happen for a long time yet, for all kinds of reasons. Maybe it never will again. I'm catastrophising I guess. But it's hard not to with the current track record. I just feel like there isnt any evidence of positive things. Really, truly. The best thing that's happened to me recently is I sent the rented carpet cleaner off and then saw that my cat did a big healthy shit in the middle of the carpet. I have to be happy about that because it means hes not losing his guts to diarrhea and vomiting like he was before. But I still have to deal with a hygienic nightmare and probably a stressed cat picking up on my mental state. And I still have to gauge the whole situation based on a literal pile of shit.
I feel like thinking positive is just kidding myself and giving into my genetic tendency towards psychosis. If I'm going to convince myself of something that isnt real in order to make myself feel better, why not lose myself in a fantasy entirely? I should just build an entire world where everything is okay and lock myself away in it. Why stop at just telling myself that this one bad thing or another won't happen.
I try my best to stay grounded in reality to avoid ending up in that kind of mental state. But reality is fucking tiring. I know my life isnt the worst in the world by far, I dont mean that. But we're all going through some extra shit these past couple of years. I struggle not to take that on too. Not that it even helps. We had a mass shooting here today and I'm thinking about the people who thought they were safe because they live in England where firearms are extremely rare, the parents of the child who died, the people living in that area who will feel so unsafe now, and all the pro-gun lobbyists in the US who will use this as a reasoning that gun control doesn't work thus keeping millions of other people at risk as long as those laws dont change. But god. I would be dead many times over if guns were as easy to buy here as they are over there.
And then I think about all the people that have been lost to situations like that. I'm multiracial and have family in multiple different places - I was always raised with the idea that you dont stop caring about people just because they're not in the same country as you. And it's true, you shouldnt. But I've internalised a lot of it as fear and sorrow and idk what else. Just bad feelings. Feeling like the world is such a terrible place, that I cant deal with my own suffering, and that if I can't deal with that then what about the people who have it worse? What can I do??
What can I do for anyone when I cant even paint a single set of nails?
I'm sure of all kinds of bad things happening. I dont want to be. Some of them I couldnt prove, so maybe it's just my mind. Many look likely. I dont know how to deal. I am all the worst parts of each of my parents and this is the result. I wish therapy was more of a thing last century. They should never have had kids. My older brother got off easy by dying. Incidentally I have to somehow gather money for his gravestone soon as nobody else in my family ever offered to help my parents with it in all this time and it's only just been put up now when I said I'd help my mum with it. I never even fucking met him. My life is like a bad tv show. Not an interesting one, not a well written drama or tragedy, just bad.
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sxngshine · 4 years
If Tomorrow Comes
Tumblr media
• Chan x reader x Minho
• Word Count: 1.56k
• Love triangle au, college au, Enemies to lovers(kind of) au
• Summary: you were a temperamental girl who lived a hard life ever since your dad died. Your grandma and mom always fought and it always brought troubles to your already broken family. But after meeting a man who came all the way from another country, you knew your life wasn't going to be the same. But don't judge a book by its cover, otherwise you'll never know the full story.
Chapters: I , II
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♡Y/n's POV♡
"Ma! Why'd you have to invite him!?" You whined.
"Yah! What was the reason for inviting him huh?" Your grandma backed you up.
"I didn't want to! He invited himself! How could I just say no?" Your mom exclaimed.
You let out a huff. "Fine, I'm also inviting Nari and Minho then." You pulled out your phone.
"Minho?" Your grandma asked. "He's my friend," you replied while dialing his number. "From Busan"
"Aish Busan..." your grandma scoffed. "Those boys from Busan love causing trouble all the time."
You rolled your eyes and heard a voice say hello.
"Hey Minho, you wanna come over for dinner tonight?" You asked.
"Sorry I cant Y/N, I'm kinda busy, remember Mina? She invited me over," he said. You let out a huff.
Mina was this new student the business class which you and Minho were in. They instantly hit it off after meeting.
"You'd choose her over your best friend?" You asked, pouting.
"I'm sorry Y/N, maybe next time. Tell me about it tomorrow though! I have to go now, cya!" And with that he hung up. Now your only hope was Nari.
You dialed her number and almost threw it away when you heard a loud squeal. "Y/N OH MY GOD I'M SO EXCITED." she yelled.
"For what?" You asked, rubbing your ringing ear.
"I'M GOING ON A BLIND DATE," she squealed and you groaned.
"Can you skip this one for me please? I need you to come to my house for dinner," you said, hoping she'd agree.
"No can do sorry, this date is important to me. Chae unnie even helped me get ready! Super rare occasion" She said. "Oops! He's here now, gotta run Y/N byeeee" and with that she hung up on you.
You groaned and tossed your phone onto the couch before plopping onto it yourself.
"Y/N! Can you please run to the grocery store?! We need some things!" Your mom called out from the kitchen.
You groaned for the nth time today and yelled back an okay, going upstairs to fix your rat looking self up before leaving.
You lugged two large paper bags filled with groceries into your house.
"I'm home mom!" You yelled.
"Finally! Took you long enough," a voice yelled from the kitchen.
"I'm sorry but you asked for so many things-" you paused, wait a second. Who's voice is that? Cause your mom definitely didn't sound like a man.
You walked into the kitchen only to see Chan standing in front of the stove with an apron on. "What're you doing?" You asked with furrowed brows.
"I'm cooking what else." He said and took the groceries from you. You turned to your mom and she just shrugged. "He just came in and asked if he could cook. I let him cause it looked like he really wanted to " she said before continuing to work on a different dish.
You just rolled your eyes and walked upstairs to your room, greeting your little sister along the way and Chan's mom who was in the living room.
Eventually Chan hollered from the dining room, saying that dinner was ready. You and your sister walked downstairs and were hit by an array of different smells.
There were lots of different foods sitting in the table, you saw tteokbokki, bulgogi, kimbap, stir fried noodles and kimchee, rice and so many other foods. 'Did Chan cook all of this???' You thought to yourself as you sat down beside your grandma.
Chan sat in front of you and your little sister sat beside him. Throughout all of dinner everyone had been chatting about everything and anything. You were actually having quite a good time. But then your grandma started nagging about how you weren't eating enough food and about every other little thing which started to annoy you.
Chan and Yuna were messing around when she looked at the two of you. Chan noticed she was less playful and then looked at you guys as well. He didn't miss the look of hurt that flashed across little Yuna's face.
"What's wrong princess," Chan asked the little girl.
"I want grandma to love me like that as well," Yuna sulked.
"Hey its okay princess, she may not show it directly, but she does love you. I bet she loves you a lot!" Chan said in attempts to cheer her up, which he did successfully.
Later on everyone was in the living room chatting away once again over tea while you were working on a project for your business class. Yuna was playing with her dolls and the 3 women were talking so Chan had nothing to do other than annoy you.
"Whatcha doing?" He asked, sitting down beside you and curiously looking at your laptop.
"Project" you merely said without even sparing him a glance, already annoyed by his presence.
"Oh Y/N, could you please throw out the trash?" Your mom asked you. You simply nodded and moved your things aside to go grab the trash.
You walked outside to the big garbage cans you had and threw the bags inside, taking a moment to get some fresh air before going back into your house.
What you didn't expect though, was for everything to turn pitch black all of the sudden and then turn back on. Your eyes widened and you ran into your house to your laptop which was now showing a black screen.
"No no no no no no- please still be there please still be there" you muttered you yourself as you tried to open the file with your project. When you did, nothing you worked on was saved.
"NO! STUPID POWER OUT" You screamed in frustration. "What happened?" Chan asked you. You just glared at him and rushed outside to your porch and sat on the bench, not wanting to deal with him.
But of course Chan followed you outside. "What's your problem? I just asked what happened," Chan asked, irritated that you just walked out on him when he simply asked you a question.
"What's my problem? What's YOUR problem? Cant you just leave me the fuck alone?? Like why're you so nosy? First you come out of nowhere and spill my drink all over me, then you barge into my house lie you fucking own the place and then you-" you rant but were cut off by Chan placing a finger against your lips.
"You know what your problem is? You're always looking in the down side to everything. You're always grumpy and have an attitude towards everything. I haven't done anything bad to you, I simply asked you what happened out of concern and you start yelling about how annoying I am. Come on glasses, like I dont think I've even seen you smile even once yet. Not even once!" Chan exclaims.
"You really should work on yourself glasses, live life to the fullest and stop moping around as if everything's been put onto your shoulders. Have fun while you still can... you never know if tomorrow's gonna come." He added with a bitter smile
You let out a huff and open your mouth to say something but Chan beats you to it.
"You know what, I'm gonna help you change that attitude into something more positive!" He said, snapping his fingers like it was the greatest idea he's had yet. "First, you need to learn to smile. Watch me," he then proceeded to point at the corners of his mouth and smiled.
"Now you try" he says. You go to say something once again but he stops you right away. "Here let me help you," he places his fingers against the sides of your mouth and pushes them up, making you look odd with your furrowed brows and awkward clown smile.
You push his hands off and scoff. "I've smile plenty of times!"
"Name one time you genuinely smiled," Chan deadpanned.
You thought for a moment, opened your mouth and then closed it again, and then opened it again but ended up closing it.
Chan took your lack of answer as your answer. "Exactly," he said with a smug smile, crossing his arms.
"Whatever..." you muttered and looked anywhere but at him.
"Work on that and then we can start the next step of changing that attitude Glasses." He said while standing up. "Oh and by the way, I'll help you out with your project so you can finish faster. Come over to my place at 3pm- actually make it 4pm, I have something to do before that."
You looked up at him with surprised eyes and he gave you a cute smile that showed his dimples. You don't know what came over you but you couldn't help but blush slightly. You were definitely gonna punch yourself for this later.
You looked down and nodded, feeling shy all of the sudden. Chan just laughed before sending you a small salute and bidding you goodbye before walking off to his house.
You watched him leave, his back growing smaller until he was inside his house and out of sight.
"Why the hell was I blushing!?!??!" You whisper yelled to yourself while slapping your cheeks.
You took a deep breath and stood up after a moment, walking back into your house. Chan was doing something to you. But you were determined to not let him get to you.
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전웅, Jeon Woong
anonymous asked:
Ooo could I request a Woong scenario where you’re a successful solo artist and you’re Woong’s crush, and he ends up meeting you at an award show and you guys become friends? And maybe after a while he confesses on how much he likes you and it’s just fluff? Thank you so much! I also enjoy your other scenarios and I cant wait for future works!
Group: AB6IX
Member: Woong
(A/N) Listen to this with Winter Bear by V 
Woong watched you perform with admiration-filled eyes. 
When Donghyun had first posed the idea of going to watch a concert of a newly debuted artist, he wasn’t all too sold on the idea. On his day off, he would’ve rather stayed in bed and relaxed, but he was beyond relieved that Donghyun had convinced him. 
“Since she just debuted,” Donghyun had said, “the tickets are super cheap. If she blows up, they’re never gonna be like this again.” 
Woong furrowed his brows contemplatively. “I don’t know...” he trailed off. “I kinda just wanted to pass out today.” 
He crossed his arms and pouted. “Please?” he asked, puppy-eyes prominent. “It’s late, so you can still laze around all day.” 
Finally, Woong had relented. “Fine!” he groaned. “I’ll go with you.” 
And God, was he glad that he did. 
There was something about the way your voice melded with the instrumentals, the way you were able to easily ad-lib when you felt like it, the stability in your tone as you danced, your ability to entrance the whole crowd with a single pointed glance into the camera. 
Donghyun took a break from cheering to playfully nudge the boy beside him. “This is awesome, right?” he laughed. “Aren’t you glad you came? She’s so cool!” He stared at Woong who sat unmoving, his eyes fixed on your performance. 
“Dude, are you okay?” he chuckled. “You look smitten.” 
Woong nodded slowly, just barely registering what he’d said. “I am,” he said, quieter than the music. 
Donghyun leaned in closer, cupping a hand around his ear. “What?” 
He finally tore his eyes away from the stage. “I am!” he shouted. “I think she’s my ideal type.” 
Woong groggily woke from his dream, blinking at the afternoon sun that seeped in through the curtains of the living room. He sat up on the couch, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 
He looked around drowsily before sighing. He often dreamed of that memory, trying to recall the retails of that night. He had such a flutter in his chest from the concert and his adrenaline and excitement was so high, it was as if it had never happened at all when his high wore off. 
As time went on, it was harder and harder to recall the exact details, everything feeling like a fuzzy blur. “I feel like I’m suffering from early-onset dementia,” he huffed to himself, falling back on the couch. He just wanted to remember a fun concert.
Was that too much to ask?
He was certain that he understood ABNEWs better now. This was the legendary ‘post-concert-depression’ that he’d heard so much about on Twitter. 
It was absolutely terrible. 
All he could think about was the flashing lights and the screams. It was so hard to remember the words that you had spoken or the expressions that you had made. 
He wanted to remember that experience he had at your concert all those months ago, and he wanted to remember it well, but he was having the hardest time doing it. He’d gotten a headache over it once or twice. 
He kept mulling over the fact that he’d been so close to the stage. He’d probably never get a chance to be that close to your stages ever again, ever since your popularity skyrocketed. 
What started out as your simple debut a few months ago had shot you into a flash of cameras, overseas trips, a sizable fan-base and the fitting title of: ‘Newest Global Monster Rookie’.
As a fan, he was proud of you. But as someone who wanted to see you again, he was sulky, because he felt as if he’d never relive that moment of being so close to your passion for the stage. 
Daehwi sprinted into the room, jumping onto the couch next to him. It almost gave poor Woong a heart-attack, but the youngest member decided to ignore that small fact. “You excited?” he asked, an eager enthusiasm glimmering in his eyes.
“For?” Woong asked, taking a deep breath after his scare, via Lee Daehwi.
The youngest nudged him a little. “For tomorrow,” he clarified. “Award Show appearance? Ringing any bells?” he teased. 
A soft smile grew on his face. “Yeah,” he said while nodding. “I’m really excited for it.” He leaned his head back, closing his eyes and trying to envision what it would be like for AB6IX to receive an award... Would it be beautiful? “I hope we do well,” he said honestly.
Daehwi chuckled. “You know, I would’ve thought you would’ve been a lot more excited about this,” he said, settling into the cushions and pulling out his phone to mess around on. 
Woong crack open an eye. “I am excited,” he assured him. “What’re you talking about?” 
“I mean, you’re crush is gonna be there, so I just thought—”
Woong shot up, making the youngest jump. “She’s gonna be there?” he asked, suddenly short of breath. Daehwi nodded. Suddenly, Woong felt very self-conscious about his appearance. He messed with his bangs, trying to pull them down further. “Should I get a haircut?” he asked.
Daehwi raised an amused brow. “Why?”
He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to judge the layers through touch. “I just mean, I don’t want it to look ratty,” he said. “Should I cut it?” He ran his fingers through it again. He nodded to himself. “Yeah, I should cut it.” 
Daehwi laughed. “Oh my gosh—your hair looks fine!” he cackled. “You care an awful lot about this,” he noted, raising a brow. 
The older member sighed. “Yeah, I guess I do,” he huffed. He rubbed his eyes, as if hoping that would wake him up further. “It’s dumb, right?” 
“Just a little bit.”
Woong nodded slowly, staring up at the ceiling. “Yeah... Yeah, it’s dumb,” he said, mostly trying to convince himself. He chuckled. “It’s a big event. Chances of me even actually seeing her anywhere other than on stage is really unlikely.” 
Daehwi tilted his head, staring at him curiously. “You know, I’ve never seen you like this before,” he mentioned. “Why do you like her so much?” 
He shrugged, honestly trying to figure it out himself. “I don’t know, really,” he said. “With the heart of a fan, I can simply say that she makes me happy and I want to support her, but I don’t know what else to say other than that. I guess I’m just so interested in what she’s like on-stage, I’ve gotten really curious about the off-stage aspects of her, too.” 
“You know,” Daehwi started, “she’s probably not exactly the same off-stage, right?” 
Woong scoffed under his breath. “Are any of us, really?” he asked. “We all change little aspects about ourselves that we think people will find unlikable. It’s just how our minds work.” Without realizing it, a small smile formed on his lips. 
“That’s why I think it’d be cool to know her personally,” he continued. “I’d like to know about the flaws that she tries to cover up, and maybe one day, she’d be able to see that flaws aren’t so bad. They’re just unique.” 
Daehwi started laughing. “You’re so whipped,” he said in English. 
His brows furrowed. “Wait—what’d you say?” he asked. The youngest only laughed harder, doubling over and nearly flying off the couch. “Lee Daehwi, what did you say?!” 
The group stepped out of the car with excited butterflies in their stomachs. They’d enviously looked at those able to walk across the red carpet before, and now they’d be the ones doing it.
It was a memory they’d keep with them for a long time.
Woong touched Woojin’s shoulder. “You gonna be okay?” he asked, referring to his ankle. 
Woojin nodded. “I’ll be fine,” he promised. He frowned. “I wish I could perform, though.” 
He gave him a small smile. “You’re doing enough,” he assured him. “You’re cool just by sitting there.” He scanned the crowd of reporters and paparazzi. It was overwhelming, but in the best way possible. 
It was like the thrill he got on stage; making him gain energy rather than fear. 
The inside was even more intimidating. There were so many people in the audience, all eagerly awaiting the upcoming performances. It was finally settling in for Woong that he would be performing on that stage soon. 
Him and his group. 
Those bright lights, cameras and expectant eyes would all be on them in less than an hour. It was a sensation that made shivers creep down his spine, but it was in an exhilarating way. 
He took a deep shaky breath and gave his pale cheek a light smack. “Let’s do well, okay?” he told himself under his breath while he looked up at the massive stage from his seat in between Youngmin and Woojin. 
He felt a light tap on his shoulder. It was so feather-light, he didn’t even jump. 
“I think you’ll do well,” he heard. 
He turned around; he felt his heart lurch when he saw the face of the person talking to him. It was the same face he’d seen months ago, though a new color had been dyed into the hair. 
It was your face. Your face that he’d looked up at as you performed on stage with such an addictive fire in your gaze. 
He stood up hurriedly, clumsily pushing his chair back with his knees. Luckily, you caught it and shoved it back upright before it could fall to the floor. He bowed a full 90 degree angle, his cheeks flushed red. “Thank you for saying that,” he choked out. “I’ll try my best!”
His words felt like vomit slipping uncontrollably out of his mouth and he was completely embarrassed (it especially didn’t help that his members were quietly laughing at him and silently judging him), but he was still grateful, down at the core of everything. 
He managed to say something at least. 
He had originally thought that if he finally got to speak to you, he’d be utterly tongue-tied, unable to say anything of true substance, but at least something came out. It was better than an awkward nod or a series of ‘um’s and ‘er’s. 
You laughed at him. “Why’re you being so formal?” you asked, tilting your head. “I debuted after you.”
He stood up straight, his cheeks burning. He couldn’t bring himself to meet your eyes, so he just stared at the floor. “That’s true,” he stuttered, “but...” 
Daehwi turned back in his chair, looking at you. He beckoned you closer, making sure that Woong was still busy searching his brain for decent words. Once you’d leaned close enough, he whispered (not so subtly), “He’s a fan.”
Woong’s eyes widened. “Lee Daehwi!” he snapped, feeling the sudden need to smack the youngest in the face. 
He saw you cover your mouth, holding in a screech. “I’m a fan, too!” you blurted out. His jaw dropped. “That’s one of the reasons I was so surprised when I saw that I got to sit behind you!” 
He watched you stomp your feet with cute excitement. “I’ve been an AB6IX fan since pre-debut!” You looked to Woojin. “How’s your condition, by the way? I saw in an article that you weren’t doing so well.”
Woong supposed that was how his friendship with you began. After that small interaction, Daehwi and Donghyun kept forcing small-talk with you throughout the night. 
A simple ‘how are you enjoying the show so far?’ turned into a congratulations when you won an award, and then one for them when they won, and then exchanged phone-numbers. Fans of both you and AB6IX had gone crazy over the interactions, thinking it was the most endearing thing ever caught on camera.
Woong didn’t really know why, but he was incredibly grateful that his fans liked you as much as he did. There was a certain comfort in it. A feeling like, “Oh. I can openly be friends with you without upsetting the fans that I love”. 
It felt like having a never-ending army of support, and it made him feel warm.
He had always thought that if he kept his heart warm, a person with a warm heart would appear. He’d found himself wondering often nowadays if that warmhearted person was you. 
True enough, his first thoughts about you had been only platonic. He had a school-boy crush on you and he accepted that. He knew you’d be the person that made his heart flutter childishly, but he also expected it to fade quickly once he got to know you. 
He figured he would realize that you were both good friends, but nothing more.
Unfortunately for his busy heart and mind, that wasn’t the case. It wasn’t the case at all. 
In recent weeks, he’d started to find everything you did unbelievably endearing. Even the things he hated—like when you came up behind him and tickled under his arms—he found himself not being able to get enough of it. 
He wanted to be annoyed by you more. He wanted to be teased by you more. He wanted to marvel at you more. He wanted to laugh at your dumb jokes. He wanted to make fun of you for your ugly expressions (which he thought were cute, not ugly).
He wanted to sing with you more. He wanted to learn more choreography together and complain about things with you. He wanted you to stay his friend for a long time. He wanted for you to grow into his best friend. He wanted the both of you to continue to grow from there. 
He wanted your permission to love you fully.
He’d steeled himself in his mind. If he didn’t have your permission, he would give up. It would be slow and painful, but he would do it for your sake. If he couldn’t have you as lover, he refused to lose you as a friend. 
You’d grown too precious to him. 
That’s the reason why he was so hesitant to look at you as you both looked out the window, watching the sunset. 
You glanced at him, a chuckle creeping up the back of your throat. “Why aren’t you looking at me?” you asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the nice atmosphere that was floating around.
He shrugged. “You look ugly,” he said simply. 
You faked a gasp. “I think you mean: gorgeous!” you said, flipping your hair sassily over your shoulder. 
He started laughing. You had a way of putting him at ease. “Fine,” he sighed, finally looking at you. “Gorgeous.” It might’ve just been the color of the sky seeping through the glass, but it looked like your cheeks had flushed red. 
He scanned your features. 
Everyone on the earth has two eyes, a nose, and pair of lips. Overall, nobody is that different from the other... So, why did you look so ethereal to him in this moment? Why did you make his heart hurt so much he felt like crying?
Why did his eyes actually well up?
You looked at him with such concern, it made him grateful for you all over again. “Woongie?” you asked, shuffling closer to him. “Are you okay?” You put a hand on his shoulder. A small show of affection, but greatly appreciated. 
He gave a watery smile, shaking his head. “I don’t know,” he said, wiping his eyes. “I honestly don’t know.” He threw his head back and breathed deeply, trying to keep his tears from spilling out. “I guess I just fully realized that you’re actually beautiful,” he sighed out, his voice raspy. He felt your hand tense on his shoulder. “Like, in that indescribable way you hear about in stories.”
You tittered nervously. “What’re you talking about?” you asked. “You’re acting weird.” 
Once he was sure that his tears would stay in (at least for the time being), he looked to you, trying to gauge your expression. You didn’t look like you would pull away from him. He could trust that much. “Can I ask you something?” he wondered out loud.
You nodded slowly. “Of course you can,” you said. “Anything.” 
“Do you think I deserve to be happy?” he asked with an underlying hesitation in his tone. He didn’t want it to sound like he was guilt-tripping you. 
You looked shocked at the question, your eyes widening. You nodded without hesitation. “Of course I do!” you said. “There’s no one in this world I know that deserves more blessings than you.” Your hand fell from his shoulder, resting unwittingly on his thigh. “All I wish for you is a hopeful life,” you admitted. 
He nibbled his bottom lip thoughtfully, contemplating whether or not he should actually say what he was thinking. With a shaky breath, he made the decision to do so. He didn’t want to live with the regret of never saying this to you. 
“You know...” he started nervously, his palms becoming sweaty and the tips of his ears turning red. He shifted in his seat, not meeting your eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’d be really happy... with you,” he finally said. 
He could sense your silence. Your lack of response. It scared him. 
“I’m not saying this to make you feel like you have to return my feelings,” he blurted out, forcing himself to meet your shaking eyes. “I’m saying this because I just wanted you to know how I felt, but I’m putting no pressure on you whatsoever.” 
He stood up, taking a deep breath. “So,” he started, “we can make a decision right now, and you can change your mind whenever you want; no strings attached.” He stood straight and closed his eyes tightly. “If you want things to stay the way they are now, stay seated. If you want... something more,” he said, the scarlet of his ears darkening, “then you can take a step closer to me.” 
He waited with bated breath to hear anything from you. 
A word. A breath. A slight ruffling of clothes, but he heard nothing. 
After what felt like an hour of deafening silence, he finally heard you say something. “On the count of three?” you said in a small voice. Dare he say, shyly. 
He nodded vigorously—reminiscent of a child—his eyes still shut tight. “One,” he started.
“Two,” you continued.
His heart was beating out of his chest. He would guiltily admit to looking forward to hearing you step toward him. He knew it was wrong, but he was left hoping and wanting. He was hoping so much. 
“Three,” he said, barely above a whisper. 
He waiting, his hands shaking. 
Nothing. Not even a noise. 
He chuckled at himself, trying to mask his disappointment. He started opening his eyes. “So, I guess you don’t feel the—?” He was cut off by your arms wrapping around his middle. 
“I’m sorry,” you said, muffled by his chest. “I was zoned out, so I didn’t hear the ‘three’.” You nuzzled farther into him. “I like you, too...” 
He blinked in surprise, not even able to hug you back. Instead, his arms just hung awkwardly in the air, stiff and unmoving. “You... do?” he stuttered. He shook his head, as if trying to wake himself from this unrealistic dream. “For real? No jokes? No feeling obligated to like me back?” 
You laughed at him, pulling away just slightly to meet his eyes. You grabbed his wrists and pulled his arms down farther so that they could snake around your waist. “I’m not kidding,” you said, your eyes turning damp. “I like you,” you whispered. “I really like you.” 
Woong felt a smile spread across his face, growing uncontrollably larger as the second ticked by. “I really like you, too,” he said, a light, fluttery feeling in his chest. “Like... A lot!”
What did people call that feeling?
Affection? Fondness?
Ah, right!
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Hmm.... Mayhaps I am a little fond of this boy. J u s t maybe. 
Thanks for the request, Anon! I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you enjoyed it a lot and I hope it met expectations. Have a good day/afternoon/evening!
Feel free to stop by again. ^-^
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Unexpected Arrival -1
Pairing: Eventual Bucky x Reader, possible Steve x Reader
Summary: As if working with the Avengers wasn't exciting enough.... an unexpected visitor is about to change your life forever.
A/N: This all came from a dream i had! It still needs some editing but here we go.... enjoy ⭐️
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"You going to be okay? You don't look so good" Natasha asked holding the back of her hand to my forehead "you’re burning up"
"I'll be fine Nat, think its just a stomach bug. I'll get some sleep while you guys are gone and hopefully feel a bit better" i said hoping that i was right, i had been feeling awful since last night.... i had been sick and had the worst stomach cramps of my life that had resulted in me curled up in a fetal position in bed.
"promise me if you feel any worse you'll call Bruce. He’s going to be staying here in his lab"
"I promise" i chuckled as i pulled a blanket over myself "now go kick some ass"
"Okay, i'll come check on you when i get back" she said before leaving me alone in my room.
It had been a couple hours since Nat left and the pain was getting worse but because I'm stubborn i refused to bother Bruce. They would think i was over reacting to a bad case of stomach flu! I managed to get up and walk out to the kitchen to get some water. Suddenly the pain was unlike anything i had felt in my life and i fell to floor with a scream.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y call Bruce please.... i need his help" i cried out to the A.I.
"Yes Ms Y/L/N, right away"
The doors opened seconds later and i heard Steve and Tonys voices chatting casually as they walked into the kitchen.
"Hey guys??.... i think somethings wrong" i managed to say to get their attention, they both stopped and looked over to me on the floor their eyes going wide before running over.
"Y/N!" Steve said reaching me first and kneeling down beside me "what happened?"
"I don't know..... I've not been feeling too great, i thought it was stomach flu...." i stopped to let out another yell and curled up holding my stomach.
"Get her to Banner now!" Tony told Steve, Steve was already scooping me up into his big arms and running to the elevator, Tony following behind him.
As the doors opened Bruce was inside making his way down "whats going on?? F.R.I.D.A.Y told me Y/N needed medical attention" he said looking between us all.
"Somethings wrong with her Bruce" Steve told him as i cried into his shirt.
"it hurts so bad...." i told him squeezing my eyes tight.
"Okay sweetie, we're nearly at the lab i'll take care of you. Give you something for the pain" Bruce said softly from beside me.
Steve was soon carrying me into the medical bay, Bruce walking ahead of us slightly.
"Put her on the bed, I'm gonna run a full body scan see if it picks up on anything unusual" Bruce said to Steve pulling over a machine that he had used on all of us at some point over the years. While it scanned he went over to grab some morphine and a syringe ready to give me some release from the pain.
"Just relax, Bruce will help with the pain any second.... he’s gonna help you" Steve said softly brushing my hair out of my face.
"I cant believe you didn't tell us how bad you were feeling! We would've had someone stay with you" Tony said rolling his eyes at you. Tony treated you more like the little sister he never had and he was pissed that you had kept it to yourself.
"Im sorry T, i was just going to sleep it off and hopefully feel better. But its so much worse..... is it bad? Am i dying?" I asked feeling myself panicking, it had to be bad to feel like this.
"Im sure you’re not dying kid" he said with a scoff shaking his head at the thought. Tony looked over at Bruce who was looking at the screens showing my scans, he dropped the syringe and morphine on the floor as a look of horror spread on his face as he looked up at us all.
"What.... what is it?" I asked quickly feeling my heart start to race.
"Erm.... i...."
Tony huffed and walked over to look himself being as Bruce couldn't get his words out. Seconds later his eyes went wide, his jaw literally dropped in shock.
"Guys! What the fuck is it???.... Steve?" I asked turning to look at him for answers. He walked over to Bruce and Tony and looked at the screen "is that....?" He asked looking at the 2 older men, they both started nodding and Steves head turned to me so quickly i thought he might get whiplash!
"You’re.... pregnant!" Steve stated, I swear i felt my heart stop! That was crazy!! It was impossible!!
"Stop fucking with me guys and tell me the truth! This isn't funny!!" I cried.
"Im not lying, Y/N you’re pregnant" Steve said slowly walking over to me.
"Fuck off!! Do i look pregnant to you?!!" I screamed as another cramp rolled through my stomach. I hadn't changed in size at all i couldn't be pregnant!!
"Your machine is broken Bruce!" I yelled at him "I'm not pregnant! Its impossible!"
"Y/N i don't know what to say, the machine isn't broken.... look" he turned it round to show me and thats when i saw it. I swear my heart stopped as i saw the image on the screen "and it would seem you’re in labour!" Bruce said with wide eyes, the room started spinning and went black......this wasn't happening!!
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(3rd person)
"Y/N??..... Bruce, somethings happened!" Steve said rushing to her side.
"Shes just passed out, she'll be okay"
"How can she be pregnant?? Is she even seeing anyone??" Tony asked looking on in shock.
"I don't think so, Steve do you know if shes seeing anyone?" Bruce asked scratching his head still looking dumbfounded by this development.
"How would i know?" Steve replied with wide eyes.
"Well you two have always been...close...." Tony started to say.
"Its crazy, i mean look at her she doesn't look pregnant... she was right about that much. And its full term.... the baby is healthy... just small. The placenta is at the front which would explain why she hasn't felt any movement..." Bruce was muttering while looking over at the screen again.
"I cant imagine what she must be feeling right now.... kid must be terrified" Tony said shaking his head "I'm gonna call Romanov, see if she can get back here. Y/N would want her here" Tony said walking out of the medical room.
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I slowly opened my eyes and remembered where i was, and why i was here! As another contraction rolled through my stomach i let out a loud cry, Steve grabbed ahold of my hand and tried to calm me down as it eventually passed.
"Hey....you’re okay, I'm here. We'll get through this together" he said with a reassuring smile while squeezing my hand.
"I feel like i need to push....." I suddenly said looking terrified of what i was about to face.
"Y/N, i need to take a look, see how far dilated you are.... is that okay?" Bruce asked looking very uncomfortable about it. He was very much out of his comfort zone on this one! I nodded quickly just wanting it over with now. Bruce put a blanket over my legs to make sure i wasn't exposed to everyone and removed my shorts before placing my legs up.
"Oh shit...." he said standing up looking as white as a ghost.
"What?" I cried looking even more panicked if that was possible!
"Its just a lot further along than i had anticipated! I...I can see the head!"
"Banner move!" Tony said suddenly pushing Bruce aside and taking control of the situation "Okay sweetie I'm gonna need you to push" Tony told me.
"Maybe i should wait outside....." Steve said feeling like he shouldn't be in here for this.
"No!! Steve, i need you" I cried holding his hand tighter "please stay!"
"Okay. okay I'm here" he moved me forward enough so that he could sit behind me and took hold of both my hands "Okay Y/N you can do this.... push!" He said comfortingly in my ear.
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Hours passed, It felt like time had stopped, just constant pain that wasn't going anywhere.
"Good girl, you’re almost there!" Tony soothed me as best he could "Bruce get a blanket".
"I cant do this anymore" I cried resting my head back against Steve's chest feeling utterly defeated.
"You are so close sweetheart, one more big push and it will all be over i promise"  Tony said from the bottom of the bed.
"Come on doll, you can do this! On three, one big push" Steve said squeezing my hands, I nodded and braced myself to bare down one more time. I squeezed Steves hands so hard that i probably would have broken the bones of a normal man and let out a blood curdling scream. The room was suddenly filled with a cry that wasn't mine.
"oh my god! Y/N, its a girl!" Tony said happily, seconds later he was placing the baby on my chest for me to see giving us skin to skin contact.
"Im just gonna clean her up and i'll bring her right back okay?" Tony promised before taking the tiny baby and walking over to where Bruce was stood.
"Oh my god..... Steve, did you see her??" I cried looking up at him.
"I did! She's perfect" he beamed down at me with tears running down his face  "you did so good" Steve pressed a kiss to the top of my head as Tony and Bruce came back over with the baby bundled in a yellow blanket and placed her back in my arms.
"Congratulations momma" Tony smiled.
"I cant believe this is happening..... she's so beautiful" I cried brushing a finger over my daughters tiny cheek.
"Well this wasn't how i was expecting to spend my evening" Tony said letting out a deep breath and slumping into the chair beside me.
"Well that makes two of us T!" I said shaking my head, still in shock that i had just given birth to a healthy baby girl!
"I don't even have anything for her....."
"I'll sort that out don't you worry about a thing" Tony smiled.
"So i hate to be the one to ruin the moment, but who's the father?" Bruce asked the question they all wanted to know the answer to and gave a suspicious look to Steve.
"Shes not mine! Why do you keep looking at me like that??" Steve said to him, his cheeks flushed at the fact Bruce and Tony thought he'd been intimate with me.
"I think i should tell him before anyone else" I stated not taking my eyes off my baby girl. I was already dreading having this conversation, it was a big enough shock to me let alone the father!
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Somebody to love pt.1; Queen x reader x oc male
*Author’s note*
Alrighty party people here we go, the second to last chapter I have for you all today. Now there is something new I wanna try, for some chapters like these two and some in the future based on what I write, I will include a music playlist for you all to listen to in order to help set the mood based on whatever is going on in the chapter. So below the tag list I’ve included the music playlist.  It would be great if you all listened to the playlist but again you don’t have to, it’s just while I’ve been reading and making changes to these last two chapters, this idea’s been playing in my head. And if any of you have suggestions for music choices, don’t be shy to send me an inbox. Cause I’ll be needing some in the near future.
Taglist (open as always)
Music Playlist: *recommended to listen to the following songs to fit the chapter*
Somebody to Love- Queen
All out of love- Air Supply
****Cant fight this feeling- REO Speedwagon
Careless Whisper- Wham
*August 21st, 1983*
It was too late.  Jack was leaving today and with the Angel-Queen tour kicking off in London tonight, there was no time for me to say goodbye to Jack one last time before he went back to America.
It was 5 minutes till showtime and 5 minutes till Jack left for America.  I was still in my dressing room when I heard a knock at my door.  I turned around and said.
“It’s open.” Peeking in was Rog.
“Hey, how you doing darling?”
“Compared to the first time that Freddie and you lot had me sing for the very first time. I’d say I’ve got some butterflies.”
“You’ll do fine as always, we’re right there with you. And this time you won’t be touring alone so I hope you can deal with sharing the spotlight.” I smiled softly but Roger seemed to notice that something was off. “You okay love?”
“Yeah, I’m great Rog.”
“No you’re not. C’mon the boys and I know you better than you think. Every time I crack a joke your smile always reaches your eyes, this one didn’t. So come on tell me what’s going on?” He sat down on my mini loveseat right by my makeup dresser where I was sitting at on the chair.
“Jack’s heading home tonight.” With that his face grew solemn and he understood where I was going.
“Do you—do you wish to say one final goodbye to him? We can hold the concert as long as you need to.”
“No, besides he’s probably already on board the plane right now. Roger can I ask you something? And can you be brutally honest like how you are when interviewers ask you about different music.”
“I’m almost afraid to answer but go ahead.”
“Was it a mistake? Seeking a friendship with Jack the way I did, knowing that I may never see him again.” He sighed deeply and he said.
“God I wish you asked this question to Brian, he’s better at stuff like this than me, but I’ve told you before and I’ll keep telling you; seeing you with Jack I’ve never seen you happier. When you first started working for Jim all those years ago when Adam was still in the picture, any mentions of him there was just this dull look in your eyes and your face never glowed, not like when you would work or when it was just the five of us. But this summer, ever since meeting Jack it’s like you’re a brand new woman. All smiles and giddy like you’re still that school girl we met. And we’re glad that he saved you from that rotter reporter and that we could trust someone to look after you when we couldn’t.”
I looked at Roger at his confession.  Even with the bad boy reputation he’s always made himself to have, I’m lucky to be one of the most fortunate people to see this caring side he has.  This loyal, protective yet pure nurturing side of him.
“And like Brian sometimes rambles on, the stars always align back in some shape or form, if you really care for Jack then maybe this won’t be the last time you two will see each other.”
“Thanks Rog, that really means a lot.”
“I’m always here for you love, no matter what.” He said as kissed my forehead before embracing me into a warm bear hug.  I felt him rub my back then he said. “Come on, Fred wants to run some vocal warmups with you before the show.” I nodded and followed him to the guys dressing room.
The concert soon began and the boys started off first by opening up the arena with “We will Rock you” followed by “We are the Champions.”  As the night went on and I was introduced on stage to sing a duet with the boys for one of my favorite songs of theirs, “Somebody to love.”
As Freddie began on the piano and I was backup vocals for the first part of the song, I began to think back on this entire summer ever since I met Jack.  In fact I was so deep in thought that I had completely missed my cue to sing.
Suddenly realizing, I did the only thing that I could do to get some space from the audience as well as the boys, I ran off stage.
From the wings I could hear the crowd crying in commotion demanding to know what the hell was happening, I was then stopped by one of my agents who said.
“(Y/n) get back up on that stage now!”
“Ian I’m sorry but I have to get to the airport and fast!”
“You are not going anywhere unless it’s back on that stage! You’ve already caused an uproar now go back up there and fix it!”
“(Y/n)!” I turned around and saw the boys running towards me and Freddie asked me.
“(Y/n) darling what happened up there? Are you alright?”
“No I—I have to get to the airport. I’m….I’m in love with Jack!” The boys looked at me before looking at each other before all four of them screamed out.
“About bloody time!!!”
“What now?” I questioned.
“Darling you really are dense sometimes. We all knew you were in love with the boy even when you kept denying it.” Explained Freddie.
“Although if you had mentioned a week earlier, I would’ve won the bet.” Deacy piped in.
“The bet? You guys made a bet on me!?!?”
“We’ll explain later darling, right now let’s get you to the airport and find Jack.”
“I can’t no it’s too late he’s probably thousands of feet in the air by now. His flight took off at the start of the concert.” I said.
“We may not know that, remember all global flights usually are delayed nine times out of ten, remember all the delays we had. If we hurry we can get you there and to Jack before it’s too late.” Said Roger.
“Great idea Rog, everyone to the car!” Freddie cried as the five of us raced out of the arena and to the garage parking lot.
We all piled in one of the limo cars and Roger took the wheel and turned the engine on before flooring it out of the garage and onto the road.
“But how do we know his flight wasn’t one of the ones to be delayed? God I wish we had phones that we could carry wirelessly so that I could get a hold of him and find out.”
“Well right now we’ll have to improvise,” Deacy then took the in-limo phone and began dialing the number of the London airlines airport. “Yes hello this is John Deacon and I would like to know the situation of a non-stop flight to Kansas City?” There was silence as John nodded and he said. “Uh-huh, flight delayed by an hour, okay,” he pulled the phone away and said to me, “You are so lucky, and for what its worth a 2 hours early notice would’ve been sufficient to.”
“I’m sorry alright, now what else do they have to say?” John put the phone back to his ear and he said.
“Okay, anyone I want to get in contact with?” I shook my head no but the boys egged me on and I refused because I wasn’t going to do a phone confession, I wanted it to be face-to-face. “No, no but do you mind telling me the gate number?” There was silence again. “Gate 21A, okay thank you very much, have a good evening too.” With that he hung up the phone.
“So do we have time?” Brian asked.
“Yes, they’re boarding now because of the delay, apparently there was a storm and the plane had to wait for bad turbulence to clear out of Kansas. We can make it.”
“Step on it Rog!” Proclaimed Freddie.
“Alright hang on back there.” With that the limo sped faster as we tried to reach the airport in time.
Finally we arrived at the airport and we raced through the gates trying to find the one that Jack was going to be one.  Once we found his gate, I saw a whole bunch of people in line blocking any hope of finding Jack.
“Do you—do any of you see him?” I asked frantically.
“I can’t see him.” Brian said.
“Jack? Jack Kline?!” I cried out.
“There he is!” Roger shouted as just going through the doors was Jack.
“Jack! Jack!”
“Whoa, whoa excuse me ma’am, do you have a boarding pass?” The gatekeeper stopped me from going through the doors.
“No, no I just need to talk to the boy who just walked through those doors.”
“I’m sorry, but you cannot go any further without a boarding pass.” He told me.
“No, no you don’t under—”
“JACK GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE!!!” Never have I heard Deacy scream so loud before in my entire life, and I’m betting the boys hadn’t either.  Suddenly Jack came out confused but his confusion soon turned to shock as he said.
“What the….Oh my God what are—what are you guys doing here? I thought the kickoff tour was tonight?”
“Okay, tell him now.” Deacy demanded as he gently pushed me towards Jack.
“What? Tell me what? (Y/n) you’re scaring me, what is it?” I pulled Jack aside away from the gate as I said.
“Okay the thing is……”
“Yeah?” He asked.
“Don’t go.” I finally confessed.
“Please, please stay with me, I am so in love with you Jack Kline. Please don’t go.” He looked at me in shock as he muttered.
“Oh my god.”
“I know, I know. I shouldn’t have waited till now to say it but I was stupid. Okay I was stupid and scared because of my last relationship but I can’t deny it anymore. I’m in love with you Jack Kline. And I know I’m asking you to leave everyone at home behind you but please, please stay with me. Come on tour with me.” I took his hands in mine as I finally whimpered out, “Please don’t get on this plane.” He looked at me sadly then before he could answer the gatekeeper said.
“Sir, are you boarding the plane?” Jack turned to him but I turned his head back around to face me and said as I cupped his face in my hands.
“Hey, hey. I know you’re scared. But we can make it work, just please. Please stay.” I stroked his cheeks with my thumbs as tears brimmed in my eyes.
“Sir” the gatekeeper stated firmly one last time.
“I—I….I have to get on the plane.”
“No you don’t.” I whimpered out.
“Yes I do.” He choked out.
“No you don’t.”
“I do, my family’s waiting for me (y/n). I can’t do this right now, I just can’t I’m sorry.” He broke away from me. I stepped towards him whimpering out his name and he said as he gave the gatekeeper his ticket before turning back towards me and he whispered one last time. “I’m so sorry.” With that he walked through the gates and they closed up behind him.
The gatekeeper locked the doors and walked away without looking at me going back to his job.  
I lowered my head as the boys slowly walked up to me.  I felt Deacy’s hand on my shoulder and I looked up at my boys and I whimpered out.
“I thought they always said yes when you’d do stuff like this?”
“We’re so sorry love” Brian said.  I sniffled and the first one to hug me was Deacy.
I wrapped my arms around him as I fell to my knees and sobbed.  Soon the rest of the guys joined in the group hug, each of them whispering words of comfort.
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But it still didn’t fix my broken heart.
With my heart completely shattered once more and with no hope of it ever coming back together, I just asked the guys to take me back home.  After my stunt big stunt at the live kick off tour and probably the sighting of me with Jack at the airport, the news people were gonna have a field day with my ‘Heartbreak airport book scene.’
So I just had the guys drop me off at my flat so that I could just hide from the world and not want anything to do with anyone. They wanted to cancel the tour so that they could be with me but I told them no and threw Freddie’s famous words “The Show must go on” right back in his face.
Without another word, we arrived back at my flat and I solemnly thanked the guys for all that they’ve done for me and they said their solemn goodbyes, each telling me that they would have the girls check in on me.  I soon entered my flat.
*3rd Person POV*
As the boys watched their little rock angel go into her flat, they couldn’t help but feel awful about what had just happened. The first chance at a real relationship and happiness and it was snatched away from her.  Her second failed relationship.
“Poor baby” Freddie said.
“I know, god I feel so awful. I wish there was something we could do for her.” Said Brian.
“Do you think she’ll be okay?” asked Roger.
“Yeah, with time. But we need to fill her command and continue the tour, as much as I hate to leave her like this.” Deacy said. With that Roger put the car on drive and the boys left (y/n)’s drive through and headed back to the concert arena to pack up their stuff and get ready for their flight to Paris.
*My POV*
As I now came into my flat, I took off my jacket and tossed my hat aside as I noticed I had a voicemail on my message box. I went ahead and pressed play thinking it was probably Jim or someone from the arena completely pissed at me or some reporter wanting the dirt on why I ditched the concert.
‘(Y/n), hi. It’s me.’ Jack’s voice soon came on. His voice solemn and filled with regret.  I fell to my couch and gripped onto one of the pillows and listened to the message. ‘I just got back on the plane, and I just feel awful. That is so not how I wanted things to end between us. It’s….it’s just I wasn’t expecting to see you again and then all of a sudden you left your concert and were standing there saying these things….Now I’m just standing here thinking, of all the things I should’ve said but didn’t. I mean I didn’t even get to tell you that I love you too.’
I whimpered out as I buried my face into my pillow finally hearing a confession from Jack but I knew by now he was probably in the air heading back to America.
‘Because of course I do. I love you. I love you…..I love you.’ His voice soon perked up almost as if a lightbulb had gone off.  I looked at my machine in confusion as his voice continued in the same realization tone, ‘What the hell am I doing? I’m in love with the Rock Angel. Oh, I’ve got to see you. I’ve gotta get off this plane.’
“Oh my god” I said as I crawled towards the phone.
‘Okay, excuse me.’ Jack’s voice said.
‘Sir, please hang up the phone and take your seat.’ I heard a woman’s voice say, probably a flight attendant’s voice.
‘No, I’m sorry I’m really sorry but I need to get off this plane. Okay I just need to tell a girl that I love her’ Jack’s voice said urgently.
‘Sir, I can’t let you off the plane.’
“LET HIM OFF THE BLOODY PLANE!!!” I shouted as I stood up from my couch.
‘I’m afraid you are gonna have to hang up the phone and take your seat right now!’ the flight attendant’s voice demanded.
‘Oh please miss you don’t understand!’
‘Oh come on miss, isn’t there any way that you can just let me off the—’ with that the line went dead and the phone beeped indicating the end of the message.
“NO! NOOOO!!” I raced towards my machine and frantically tried to rewind it as I whimpered out, “Oh my god. Did he get off the plane? Did he get off the plane?” I rewind the tape hoping to hear the rest of the message when suddenly a voice said behind me.
“I got off the plane.” I turned around and standing there with the door wide open with his suitcases right at his side was Jack.
He stood there with that precious smile on his face and his eyes filled with tears as he looked at me with nothing but pure love. My hands flew to my mouth as I stared at him, almost not believing that he was standing there until I finally whimpered out.
“You got off the plane.” I sobbed again and couldn’t even move so Jack came up to me and he cupped my face and his lips came down onto mine in a passionate kiss.
I wrapped my arms around him and even hopped up and wrapped my legs around his waist as our kiss got deeper.  He spun me around my living room until air became a burden and we were forced to separate.
“I love you (y/n) (l/n).” He said as he wiped my tears away.
“And I love you Jack Kline, and I never want to let you go again.”
“Me neither because the only girl I want to hold in my arms for the rest of my life is you, you my Rock angel.” I smiled and laughed softly.
I then leaned forward and kissed him once more, this time more sincere and softer than our last kiss.  My heart pounded as he kissed back.  This was by far a better kiss than any that I have ever shared with Adam throughout the entire course of that relationship.
I’ve finally found somebody to love, and this time I knew it would last for all eternity.
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majesticmarais · 6 years
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (D.S)
Requested? Nope!!
Summary: surprise!!
Word Count: 1.6k
A/n: Okay so I am writing a HUGE disclaimer and note for this one folks! SO, I am aware Daniel would never do something like this, obviously he is a literal angel, I know this. I am posting this SOLELY AND PURELY FOR FICTIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES!!!!! I’m a criminology major so I study true crime a lot and wanted to write something original and kinda dark for Halloween time! I. AM. NOT ROMANTICIZING DEATH!!! I have been told this before on other imagines I have written, I’m not a fucking idiot, I know there is nothing “beautiful” about fucking murder god damn it. So if you don’t like it, don’t read it, and don’t slide into my asks criticizing me about my creative expression through this FICTIONAL story. Thank you, enjoy :) Happy spooky month
You shut your eyes as your shallow breath loudly escaped your parted lips, your hands shaking as you felt the cold metal against your temple.
“Please,” you whispered, trying to move but were pulled back before you could go any further.
“Shut up! Just shut up!” he snapped, his anger filling the room as he inhaled deeply, pushing the side of the object to your head, making you wince.
You sat there frozen, unsure whether you were so scared you couldn’t move, or if you had come to expect your fate that was now staring you in the face.
“5...” he started, your breath hitching in your throat as you mouthed the next number yourself.
You were dead.
Your body collapsed to the floor, the thick crimson liquid beginning to pool around your now indented head, your limbs spread out beside you.
Daniel let out a gasp as he dropped to his knees, holding your lifeless body in his arms, the gun dropping beside him, the sound deafening as it bounced against the hard wood floor of your bedroom.
“What did I do?” he asked himself, his voice barely audible as he held you tighter, a single tear leaking from the corner of his bright blue eye, landing on your cheek that still appeared to be red and lively.
“What have I done?” he asked again, placing you back down as he picked up the gun, rummaging around for somewhere to put it, anywhere. How could he have done this? To someone he loved.
As he rushed downstairs, he heard the door open, stopping him in his tracks. He slowly looked over his shoulder to see the person who made his blood boil, hair messy and eyebrows furrowed as he searched for you.
“Daniel? Bud can we talk?” he asked as he approached him, his gaze remaining downward as he tried to find the courage to look his best friend in the eyes.
“You...” Daniel started, the words seeping through his clenched teeth, “you did this”
“Oh my god, you said no one was coming home,” you gasped as you flipped off the covers, rushing to pick up your clothes from the floor.
“I didn’t think anyone would!” Jack defended, doing the same as you.
“Jack?” you heard a familiar voice call.
“DANIEL?” you whispered to him, panic filling your voice.
“It’s fine just play it cool hurry up,” Jack told you as he went to open the door, trying not to look suspicious as you smoothed out your hair and your clothes, plastering a smile on your face when you saw your boyfriend.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” he asked, raising his eyebrows as his gaze shifted between you and Jack.
“Jack was just helping me with something,” you shrugged, kissing Daniel’s cheek as you tried to play it off as best as you could. You knew what you were doing was horrible, but he couldn’t find out. Not yet.
“I’m heading home, you coming with?” you asked.
“Yeah, sounds good,” Daniel said quietly, a look of slight confusion still present on his face.
“I just need to grab my bag,” you told him as you walked back to Jack’s room, bending down to pick up your bra that you didn’t have time to put back on.
“Is that yours?” you heard Daniel ask sharply from behind you.
You froze in place, not knowing what to say. You were caught
“You’ve been fucking Jack? My best friend?” Daniel accused.
“Daniel I-”
“I can’t believe this!” he screamed, throwing his hands up.
“Look let’s talk about this at home we’re not gonna fight here,” you hissed, grabbing his arm out of habit but felt him pull away sharply as he walked out the door, not speaking another word to you as he drove home.
You had no idea what was going on through his mind in that moment, but if you did, it could have saved you.
You walked into the house trailing behind Daniel, shame filling your body as you stepped inside, shutting the door behind you.
“Daniel I’m so sorry,” you started, unable to look him in the eyes, “I know it was wrong, and I shouldn’t have done it. I didn’t know how to tell you, I didn’t know how to come to terms with my feelings and it was so wrong to you on so many levels,” you began, trying to explain as best as you could even though you knew there was nothing that could justify what you did today, and what you had been doing.
“I can’t believe you would do this to me,” he seethed, his fists clenching at his side as he looked at you, his face flushing red.
“You ruined this, Y/n, you fucking ruined everything we had!” he screamed, making you step back and shrink into yourself, not used to him raising his voice, especially at you.
“I know I did Daniel I-I’m so sorry, I know you can’t forgive me,” you whispered, barely able to choke out the words as you tried to hold back your tears.
“You’re right, I can’t,” he muttered under his breath.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
“Daniel I know I fucked up, you never have to talk to me again,” you reasoned, not trying to save him, but trying to convey how guilty you felt for what you did.
“Why would you do this? You were mine, Y/n, how am I supposed to let you be with anyone else?” he asked, shouting once again.
“I don’t know why I did. I don’t. Maybe I felt lonely, and Jack was there for me when you weren’t,” you mumbled.
“BULLSHIT!” Daniel yelled, “you can’t be with him, I can’t let you.”
“How can you live with yourself?” he asked as he walked away for a few moments, and you were unaware as to what he was doing. Assuming he was going to cool down, you waiting in the hallway, not exactly sure what to do.
He walked back towards you at a faster pace, his breathing shallow as you noticed a small object had appeared in his right hand.
You breath caught in your throat when you noticed what it was, Daniel pointing it towards you.
You stepped back as you raised your hands up in front of your face, trying to process what was unfolding in front of you.
“Danny where-where’d you get that,” you breathed loudly, stepping back consistently as he walked towards you.
“Doesn’t matter,” he spat, “how could you?”
“Daniel, put it down,” you said sternly, reaching out to him put pulling away when he moved quickly.
“You can’t live with this, you can’t.”
“Daniel you’re being insane,” you cried, trying to reason with him.
“I’m insane? Me? You slept with Jack!” he yelled.
“And that merits this?!” you yelled back.
You realized reasoning was not going to work, so you sprinted for the door, being caught by the arm before you could get out, Daniel pushing your shoulders down until you were on the ground.
Your breath was shaky as you tried to reason with him again.
“Daniel I said I was sorry, you’ll never have to see me again,” you cried.
“You’re right about that, I’m making sure of it.”
“Stop! Put it down!” you shrieked as you tried to get away, Daniel pulling you back, his reflexes too fast in comparison to yours.
“You’re not getting away,” he breathed calmly, the metal of the barrel connecting with the thin skin of your temple, pressing against it. 
“You’re dead, Y/n”
“I did what?” Jack asked, putting his hands up defensively as he approached his friend.
“This is all your fault? How could you let her do that? How could you agree?” Daniel asked, shoving Jack against the wall, the loud noise echoing throughout the otherwise silent house.
“I’m sorry,” was all Jack could muster, earning a punch from Daniel.
“FUCK YOU! You took her away from me!” Daniel screamed, his anger turning into tears as he collapsed to the ground, the gun falling out of his hand.
“Oh my god,” Jack whispered to himself, inaudible to Daniel. Jack kicked it across the room, hoping Daniel wouldn’t notice, but his head shot up again almost instantly.
“What did you do, Daniel?” Jack asked quietly, taking a step towards where he knew your bedroom was, walking around his best friend without looking at him.
“You did this,” Daniel retorted, “this is your fault.”
He felt as though he was dreaming, not walking in present time. Everything moved slowly as he walked down the halls, the cream colored walls seeming lifeless now, the shadows crawling across the four walls sending shivers up his spine.
Jack’s hand hesitated by the door handle before slowly opening it, revealing your body sprawled across the ground.
Jack stopped breathing momentarily as he took in the scene, your lifeless body in front of him when he had just seen you hours before.
His hand shot up to cover his mouth, trying to hold back from vomiting, traumatized by what he was seeing. Jack pulled out his phone to dial 911, his hands shaking to the point where he dropped his phone on the ground.
When Jack turned around, Daniel was in front of him, the object he had just used to kill you pointing towards him, his vision focused on it completely.
“Daniel, you can’t do this, what are you doing right now?” Jack asked.
“I can’t live on the same planet as you. You disgust me,” Daniel spat, pushing Jack backwards into the room towards your body, Jack’s vision becoming blurry with fear and tears.
“Daniel, just think about what you’re doing right now, what you did.”
“I don’t care,” Daniel said, “you’re next.”
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The Magic of Love
"Anna!" Marvin called out "Kacey and Caleb are here!" Marvin walked to the door and opened it as his girlfriend Anna bounded down the steps. "Marvin!" Anna's sister Kacey exclaimed as she walked inside. She gave him a hug and then her sister. Her boyfriend Caleb shook Marvin's hand and they all sat on the couch. "Soooo are yall ready for tonight? I cant wait for the pictures im going to get out of this" Kacey said, a glint in her dark green eyes She had talked Anna, Marvin and Caleb into going to their city's cemetery after dark. She wanted to shoot some pictures, and, Marvin knew, see if she could catch something paranormal. Anna thought it was weird, but agreed to go because Marvin wanted to. Caleb tagged along because he was the jealous type...They all walked outside to Kaceys truck and climbed in, laughing and chatting as she took off. ******* "Oh come on An!" Kacey teased "You cant seriously go back to the truck already! We have been here thirty minutes tops!" "I dont care K! I am majorly creeped out and hearing creepy shit isnt helping!' Anna whined. "But i need Marvin for these shots!" Kacey said, annoyed at her sister. They were only 14 months apart and were at times best friends. Except for two years ago when Anna and Marvin began dating....... all the times she told Anna she wanted to make a move on Marvin, only for Anna to do it first..... But Marvin was happy and thats all that mattered to Kacey. She looked over at Caleb, who stood against a tree. "Babe. Do you want any pictures done?" He looked her way, brown eyes staring intently at her and then Marvin. "No. Not really.... If you want i could walk her back to the truck" "Are you sure babe? I just want to get a few more shots of him with the fire and stuff. The colors look amazing right now!" She and Caleb had been dating a year. Sometimes she got the feeling he didnt like Marvin, no matter how many times she told him there was nothing to worry about. He was just her best friend and sisters boyfriend. But hed softened in the last few months. He smiled and walked over and kissed her head "Yes darlin. Im sure. Ill take her back over there and sit with her. Maybe she will want to come back in a little bit" Kacey smiled at him. "Thank you so much!" She went to her tiotoes and kissed him again, then turned to Anna "Ill be done in just a bit. Promise" she hugged her sister 'then we will get out of here. Nothing is gonna hurt you" she teased. Marvin walked over "well duh. Id hurt it worse" he said as he kissed Anna's head. "We'll get ice cream after this babe, ok?" Anna smiled at him. "Ok hon. I love you" she kissed Marvin and then she and Caleb started for the truck. Kacey smiled at Marvin and he walked back over to the old gravestones. "So. Shall i pose like...this" he grinned cheekily and posed with his butt stuck out and a finger to his lips Kacey laughed out loud "oh yeah. That's it. This is the REAL magic" she raised her camera and snapped a picture before Marvin almost collapsed into giggles "Okay. Okay" Kacey said breathlessly "Lets actually finish this" Marvin grinned "good to see i can still make you laugh that way. I was afraid you had forgotten how' Kacey cocked an eyebrow at him "What do you mean?" Marvin looked at her, a serious expression on his face "i dont know. It just seems like since you got with Caleb and i got with Anna, we dont hang as much. We dont....i dont know" Kacey knew what he meant. She and Marvin had been attached at the hip before Anna. More often than not, youd find Kacey asleep on the Septic boys couch. Marvin had been through everything with Kacey. "Well. When youre dating my sister its a little off to just invite myself over like i used to" Kacey laughed. "We are just older" Marvin looked down "yeah. Just...dont forget me. Ok kid? Its not illegal for you to still be my best friend and at least text me" Kacey smiled "ok. Im sorry. I just didnt want Anna or Caleb getting the wrong idea..... How about in a couple of days when Anna works i will come over and we can have lunch and hang out until she gets off?" Marvin's smiled returned "Ok! Ive got a couple of new scary movies we can watch! She doesnt like them, and its no fun watching them alone" Kacey grinned "Deal...now let me get some shots of you" Marvin smiled and produced green flames in both hands "okay. Go ahead" *************** At the truck, Anna and Caleb were talking about life, and Kacey while listening to the radio "So, Marvin and her have always been close?" Cakeb asked "Oh yeah. They were attached at the hip! Shes close with the other guys too. But her and Marvin have that kind of friendship where they can have a whole conversation based of facial expressions." Anna laughed. "You dont ever....worry about how close they are?" Chase asked quietly Anna looked at him for a moment and then shook her head. "No. I mean, i trust that she wouldnt want to hurt me and he wouldnt either" "And if he was with someone else, wold you tell them to worry?" Anna thought on his question and answered slowly "Well....i dont know. I mean... Kacey and Marvin are hard to explain....." She sighed "To tell the truth. Yeah. If he was with anyone that wasnt me, id tell them to worry. Not that they would fall together out of spite.... I think it wouldve happened organically... If you and I hadnt come along" she laughed "When we were younger, like early 20s, the boys would call her their sister-in-law and our mom would call Marvin son-in-law..... The expression on their face when it was *me* that he started dating was priceless". Caleb was quiet for a long time and Anna patted his shoulder "You have nothing to worry about. Im not going anywhere and neither are you." "Yeah. I guess" Caleb grumbled.... Its just that.... He stopped suddenly. "What is that noise?" There was a crackling coming over the radio. Anna frowned and tried changing stations, but it just continued. "What the hell-" she shrieked as the headlights cut on and illuminated a man standing there. Green eyes glowing. Caleb strained his eyes to see the mans face "Who the hell is that???" The man raised his head, an evil grin plastered on his face. Anna knew who it was. She had seen him all of two times ever, and both times one of the guys ended up hurt. "Anti! What the hell-" 'Who is Anti!?" Caleb yelled "Its....hard to explain. Hes.... Well. Hes a glitch demon" He stared at her as if shed grown three heads " What the fuck do you mean by demon???' She swung her head around 'Well theres not a whole lot i could fucking mean Caleb!' She tried the door but the electric locks were stuck fast "Damnit!" She pulled her cellphone out, but there was no signal. In a last ditch effort she reached over and began honking the horn Anti glitched to the side of the car before they could blink. Kitchen knife glinting in the moonlight. He opened the drivers door. Caleb shrinking back into the back seat and Anna in the passenger "Ah. Anna... Good to see you sweet" 'Anti. What the fuck do you want?!?!" He giggled his staticy laugh "oh anna. I just want your little boyfriend to suffer" he smiled a sharp grin. "Now...come here!" A red string shot from nowhere and wrapped around Anna's wrist Caleb went to jump to the front when Antis knife sank through his stomach. Then a few more times for good measure "Ah ah ah. Now now. Look what you made me do Caleb boy.... Shame. I liked this interior" Annas eyes widened in horror and the scream that had been lodged in her throat came loose as he pulled the knife out and Calebs blood sprayed across her and the truck. As he slumped to the floorboard Anti grabbed Anna again ******* Kacey and Marvin had begun walking when they heard the horn. They were at the bottom of the hill and couldnt see anything....as soon as they heard Anna scream they sprinted the last hill They saw the truck with the doors open, Anna was nowhere in sight. Kacey dropped her camera stuff to the ground and tried to get passed Marvin but he kept blocking the backseat view. He could see Caleb slumped to the floor "Marvin move!! Get out of my way. I need to look--" "Kacey! Stop!!!" "Marvin i need to find my sister!" Marvin screamed at Kacey "Shes not there damnit!" "Then what the hell are you block--" she stopoed as all color that had been left drained from her face. She begain shaking her head. "No...no no no. " She shoved Marvin hard enough that he fell to the ground and scrambled over him to the truck. She screamed as she saw caleb and she pulled him from the back floorboard on the the ground. She head his head and cried "Caleb! Baby!! Look at me!" He weakly blinked and shakily raised a hand to her face, blood smearing her cheek "Kay--... I...love you" Kacey cried "baby. I love you too. Dont talk like that. You'll be fine. We can get you to Henrik... Caleb???" He smiled weakly and then his hand dropped and the light went out in his eyes "Caleb?! CALEB' Kacey's screams tore through Marvin. Along with the fear for Anna. He was looking around for anything...any clue....and then he saw it.... A red string tied onto Calebs wrist "Anti" Marvin spat. Kaceys head shot up "you mean....Marvin that psycho has my sister!!!!" "Yeah. And i know where hes going too..." Marvin picked up a small card that had *Warehouse* written on it. He called Chase and Henrik, they started on their way to the cemetery. "I swear he will pay K" Marvin said, his eyes practically burning. He couldn't stand seeing her so broken. And he couldn't stand that he had Anna. He turned and began walking.. "Bullshit. Im gonna be the one to make him pay for Caleb" Kayce said. She kissed Calebs head and laid him down gently and stood up. She ran to catch up to Marvin "No. Kacey, this is dangerous' "Marvin. I dont care. Thats my sister!" She shot back. The look in her eyes he knew there was no arguing with her. He sighed "Promise me when we get there, you get Anna and get the fuck out. Ill text Jackie and he can meet us there. But you will not engage that sonofabitch, do you understand me?" He said authoritatively. "Anna would never forgive me if you got hurt, and id never forgive myself" Kacey glared at him and nodded "Fine. But if he hurts you i swear.." He stiffined "if he hurts me you will run and not look back. Got it?" Kacey glared at him and didn't answer. They began to walk the couple of miles to the abandoned warehouse ********* Anna screamed as the knife cut across her stomach. "Now now. Dont blow out your vocal chords. I want Marvy to hear you cry for him when he gets here" Anti cackeled. "You sonofabitch. Hes going to kill you" Anna spat out at him. Anti threw his head back and laughed. It made Annas skin crawl "Oh anna. No. He wont. There will be death tonight. But not mine. No no.... First im going to carve you in front of him. And if your sister wants to come along, maybe ill let him watch me kill her too..... Orrrr" he said sming evilly "I could wrap him in my strings and make *him* do the dirty work" Anti giggled Annas brain raced. 'Oh God, no. Marvin would lose his mind if he hurt one of us. Even if it wasn't his doing.' She thought "Now." Anti said, placing a rope around her mouth to gag her. "You stay here and be a good little girl, Ill make your death quick" He walked away and shut off the over head light, plunging her into darkness. ****** "There!" Marvin exckaimed as they came over a ridge. "Theres the warehouse" Kacey started to run and Marvin grabbed her, gripping both her shoulders and getting into her face "Kacey...i dont know whats going on in there... I dont know if Im going to come out of this unscathed. But i promise you will. I promised Anna a long time ago, way before we started dating that id take care of you. I intend to keep that promise. You hear me?" Marvin asked, tears in his eyes Kacey nodded her head, crying "Marvin dont you dare die on me. Do you hear me?' She shot back. "I need you....i always have" with that she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. "Eh hem." Thry both jumped and Jackie walked into view "So...are we gonna lovefest out here or go inside and kick that glitch bitch's ass?" Marvin nodded and began down the hill. Jackie stopped Kacey "Dont worry. Ill get him out of there. You and Anna just get to safety" she nodded and hugged the hero and they follwed Marvin down and to the door to the building Marvin slowly opened the door. The three of them stepped inside. Marvin searched the wall and found a row of switches. He flicked one and an overhead light began to burn slightly. In the dim light he could see Anna, tied to a table. He swore aloud as Kacey ran past him to her sister "Kacey! Stop!" She froze.... Suddenly aware of the static in the air. "Mar--marvin?" She whispered shakily "Just walk slowly back to us.Now!" She began stepping backwards and suddenly ran into a body. She turned and screamed as he grinned and grabbed her by the throat. Anna began thrashing on the table and Marvin and Jackie began to come towards them Anti spun and stood behind Kacey and placed the knife to her neck as he stared the magician and hero down 'Ah ah. Dont come any closer boys. I rather like Kacey. I wouldnt want to have to hurt her" Anti said "Anti. Let her and Anna go you asshole!" Marvin yelled "Cmon Anti. This isnt about them!" Jackie said, eyes wide in fear and anger. Kacey shook as tears ran down her face, the cold metal of the blade on her throat. "Now now Kacey girl" Anti purred into her ear "No need to shake and shiver. Its very simple. If Marvin agrees to give me control, you and your sister can go" Jackie's eyes widened "Anti. Let them go now! You know its not going to happen!!" Anti smiled at Marvin and Jackie "Oh? I mean. He swore to protect them. His allegiance for their lives! Thats my offer! Though. It is funny" he sneered and lowered his knife "If i didnt know any better id say the way your thoughts are racing, Kacey is the one youre in love with Kitty Cat. Isnt your girlfriend the one on the table?" Marvin glared at Anti as green flames formed in his hands "Shut up you freak" he spit "Kace! Down!" Kacey dropped to the floor as he shot his power at Anti, catching him off guard. As soon as it him him a bolt of blue exploded into his chest and threw him into the wall. Jackies eyes were blazing and he and Marvin were more than ready to fight Kacey scrambled to her sisters side as the boys began throwing their powers and punches when they got close enough. "An. Im gonna get you out of here. Ok?" Kacey pulled her pocket knife out and began to cut the rope. She got the gag out of her sisters mouth and then cut her arns and legs free. Anna sat up and Kacey hugged her "Im so sorry Anna" kacey cried "Kacey. You didnt do this..... Im so sorry about Caleb. He tried to save me" Anna said as tears rolled down her face The girls turned to watch the fight. Kacey searching for a way to get to the door. Suddenly Jackie was thrown into some barrels and was dazed. Anti started for the girls and Marvin grabbed him, electricity coursing through him as Anti tried to glitch away "Kayce. Take Anna and go!" "No! Marvin I-' "Kacey! You promised! Leave!!!" Kacey shook her head as tears fell and she pulled Anna off the table. They began to go for the door when they heard a sicking crack and laughter They turned slowly. Color draining as they saw Anti standing alone and Marvin halfway through the wall behind him, struggling to try and stand. "Now now girls." The glitch growled "Kitty boy didnt take my offer. Your turn" Kacey barely blinked and suddenly Anti was behind Anna. She tried to pull her away but Anti was stronger. "No!' Anna started to fight with Anti but he backhanded her to the floor. He began to stalk toward her when Kacey tackled him to the ground and started wailing on him, screaming like a banshee "You stupid asshole. Dont touch her! Don't touch my sister ever again. I swear ill kill you! For caleb! For Marvin! For Jackie!" Suddenly her world went black as anti shot a green bolt that hit her in the face *** She could hear her own heart beat. Everything was hazy. Like she was under water. She could see Marvin....he began running toward where Anna and Anti were...and then he went flying back. Jackie was cradling Kaceys head and shot a blue light at Anti, the glitch dodged it and sneered. Then he got a shocked look on his face and turned, a long cut on his arm. Anna had grabbed his knife and sliced him open. He glanced down at it and then growled at her "Dont you hurt Marvin anymore! Or Kacey! " Anna screamed. "You little bitch!" Anti growled. He grabbed his knife from her and backed her into a corner. Across the room Marvin was fircing himself up from a pile of rubble. A piece of rebar had pierced his shoulder. Not deep enough to go all the way through. But hed have to get out of here before losing too much blood. He stumbled up in time to see Anna cut Anti and Anti grab the knife. He saw his girlfriend being backed into a wall and knew what was coming "Anna! No!" He screamed as he ran. Knowing hed be too late. Knowing Jackie would be too late They both almost collided into each other as they raced for Anna. They reached that point a half a second too late. Anti plunged the knife deep into her stomach and twisted it as she screamed and glitched away, disappearing with a cackle. Marvin caught Anna as she fell. "Baby?! An!!?" She began to cough. Blood coming from her mouth 'Kace....Kacey ..wheres Kacey?" She whispered weakly Kacey crawled over to them. Screaming when she saw her sisters injuries and the blood coming from her mouth "Anna! No! No! You cant-!' "Marvin---you-you promised youd take care if her' Anna coughed weakly 'Dont forget that ok...ok?" "Anna. You and me both will. Dont talk like that" Marvin cried out. His heart breaking She smiled sadly. "Marvin. I love you..... Dont ever forget that.... I want you to be happy. When the time is right. Be as happy as you want. Dont be sad on my account babe..." "Anna! Stop talking like that! You are going to be fine. Youll be ok! " Kacey cried as. Jackie wrapped an arm around her She smiled at her sister as tears rolled down her cheek "and you- you take care of him for me....make sure hes happy.... I love you " she grabbed her hand She leaned her head into Marvins chest and began to shake "Im so cold baby" she whispered. Marvin clutched her and felt the life leave her "Anna?! Anna no!!!!!" He screamed, mixing in the air with Kaceys sobs ******************* It had been a year. One year that he started going to that damn grave to talk to her. One year that hed been occasionally sleeping in the graveyard. One year since he stood by Kacey as she buried her boyfriend and her sister in the same week. A year since hed buried his girlfriend. Marvin hadnt come out of that warehouse the same. He never used his magic anymore. He had begun to drink more. He rarely came outaide except at night But one thing he did do was keep an eye on Kacey. They all did After the ordeal the guys had moved her into the house. The nightmares were hell for them all at first until Henrik found the right medicine to give her. Marvin could still hear her screams sometimes. Tonight Henrik had worked late and Marvin had been laying in bed, his door opened and Kacey had walked in, shaking and crying Marvin sat up "Kace. You ok??" She shook her head "I was- i was waiting for Schneep because he had to get a refill of my meds but he got stuck at the hospital and-- i just couldn't keep myself awake and....and" she began to cry. Marvin jumped up and wrapped his arms around her and smoothed her hair "hey. Hey. Shhh. Its ok" he steered her toward his king sized bed "Cmon. Come lay down in here. You can sleep in here tonight. " She nodded and climbed into the bed. When Marvin lay down she scooted over and put her hand on his arm. Craving a human touch. All she could feel when she tried to sleep without the medicine these days was Anti.... Marvin smiled and slid and arm behind her head and pulled her into him. She lay her head on his chest and sighed. Feeling guilty for being this comfortable. Marvin ran his hand up and down her arm and talked to her about her books and movies. Anything to distract her thoughts. "Marvin?" She whispered "Yeah Kace?" "Thank you..... Youre the only one that can make me feel safe...and even though you hurt like i do..you never hesitate to make sure i know youre here' he wrapped and arm around him and hugged him and then yawned. "I love you..." Marvins heart jumped. How many times had she said that to him? Almost none since that night. "I-i love you too Kace. And im always here..ok?' She snuggled into him and was asleep in minutes. Marvins mind was racing. He had the urge to kiss her face. He knew shed freak out so he didnt. He was also freaking out. "What the hell are you doing man?' He thought to himself. "This is Kacey. Your best friend... Your girlfriends"..... He stopped his thought "No. Anna is gone....This is your best friend who has gone through hell and back with you. Don't fuck her up more" He glanced at Kaceys sleeping face. He brushed her hair back. Wondering if she was eating ok. Shed lost about 30 pounds this last year, but she didn't move around as much or go out as much, Marvin made a mental note to have Schneep do a workup on her in the morning and then drifted off holding her *********** Days passed. Kacey was sitting on the back porch. Chase cane outside and sat with her "Hey! How are you today?" He smiled at her "Im ok Chase. Actually i feel pretty good! " Chase laughed "you seem like youve been sleeping better!" Kacey blushed, not knowing that the boys knew shed been sleeping in Marvins room. They knew it was nothing. That it was just that it seemed to help more than the medicine but she was embarrassed Chase smiled teasingly "Yeah. Marv is pretty cozy to lay against. He gets really warm" Kacey smacked his arm "Shut up!" Chase laughed loudly and patted her shoulder "oh calm down. I get it. You feel safer. I know. Dont worry about it" Kacey leaned her head on Chase's shoulder "Chase....can i tell you something?" 'Kacey. You can tell me anything' he said seriously "Sometimes i think if all that hadnt happened... Id have kissed him by now...." She said quietly Chase wrapped an arm around her shoulder "Kacey..... Its been a year . No one would blame you if you admitted to him how you felt...how youve felt for these last few years. Everyone else knows it...hell even Anna-...." He trailed off "Even Anna knew if she wasnt in the picture youd be with him" he finished quietly and Kacey sighed "Yeah. But now its like...... Wrong" "Why? Because you love him. Because you want to see him happy again?" Chase asked "No...because when he looks at me, im afraid thats all he sees, is her" Kacey said "Kace....she was your half sister. She was blonde and had blue eyes and was tall. You are short with auburn hair and green eyes.....youre your own kind of person." She shook her head "Thats not what i mean. Ill say little things that she used to or make gestures that she did. And i never noticed it until Marvin would flinch when i would do it...." She said sadly. Chase turned to look her in the face "Look. All i know is. Anna asked you two to take care of one another. She loved you both and wouldn't want you two moping around. Neither would Caleb. Theyd want you two happy. Even if that meant with each other. You cant help who you love hon" Kacey swallowed hard and nodded. Chase patted her on the leg and looked at his watch 'welp. I gotta get outta here. Im meeting the kiddos at the movies. Ill see ya" and he bounded down the steps and began walking down the street. ***** That night Kacey lay in the living room. Determined to fight the urge to go to Marvin. She needed to grow up. Her phone buzzed with a text She grabbed it and seeing it was from Marvin opened it M: hey...are you mad at me? K:No....why would i be? M: Well youve avoided me all day and its two hours past your bedtime. Whats up? K: i just dont want to be a burden is all M: Cmere. Please? Kacey set her phone down and thought for a moment and decided to go talk to him. She grabbed the phone and walked up to the top floor and walked into his room "Whats up?" She said as she sat down on the bed Marvin was sitting in the chair at the desk behind the door and turned to look at her "Its just...ive gotten so used to you sleeping in here...i dont know" he said sheepishly "I just thought i was bothering you' Kacey said "No!" Marvin said quickly. "Kacey...i.... I havent slept that well until you started coming in here." He admitted. "Its nice having someone close" Kacey blushed "okay.... If youre sure" Marvin stood and walked over to her and crouched so he was eye level with her and out a hand on her leg "yeah.. Im sure. I like having you in here......" Kacey smiled at him and brushed his hair out of his face "o-okay...Ill stay Marvin" Her eyes caught his and her heart jumped. Had they always been that blue? He stared at her a long while and hesitantly leaned forward "Kacey I....." He put a hand on the side of her face Kaceys heart began to race and she leaned forward "Marvin...." When they kissed, Marvin saw fireworks. He always thought that was a cliche...but there it was. Her hand snaked behind his neck and she deepened the kiss, craving his closeness. She pulled him to her and she lay back on the bed, he laid by her and continued to kiss her, stroking her hair, planting kisses on her forehead and cheeks and then back to her lips. Finally they parted and he lay backwards. She rolled to his chest and buried her face "Marvin i...i didnt.... " Kacey stammered. Embarrassed at how she had kissed him him....at how she wanted more Marvin was breathing hard and rubbed her arm up and down before he spoke "Dont apologize. Dont you dare. We are both adults and youre not the only one that wanted that" he said. His voice husky. They lay there in each other's arms in the silence for a while. "Kacey?" "Yeah Marvin?" She looked up at him. He shifted so she was laying and he was propped on one arm 'Can...can i kiss you again?' He asked quietly Kacey swallowed hard and just nodded, then reached for him and wrapped her arm around his neck as he captured her mouth with his. Their need for each other growing more apparent and scaring the hell out of Marvin. He ran kisses down her neck and back to her lips. Craving her. He wrapped his arm under her head and lay on her gently, burying his face in the crook of her neck and kissed her as her hands gripped his hair and she whimpered, not knowing how to feel about how good the kisses felt. Her hands ran under his shirt and and he shivered at her touch. He leaned up and smiled as her and his hand crept under the hem of her shirt, Kaceys head leaning back at his touch. He kissed the hollow point at the front of her neck and then her lips as her hand found his and pushed his further upward. Ready to give all control over to the only man shed ever trusted to go this far. ************* Weeks passed. They never said anything in front of anyone, but every night Kacey was in his bed. And every night Marvin reminded her how much he needed her. It was midday and Marvin and Kacey were the only ones home. She was sitting on the counter as he cut vegatables. "Kacey...im tired of hiding this' he said suddenly She looked at him 'What do you mean?" He walked to her and stood between her knees and wrapped his arms around her waist, her arms wrapping around his shoulders "This. Us." He said seriously Kacey blinked and smiled at him "well. Youve never established an 'us'" It was true. They hadnt labeled it. He didnt call her his girlfriend "I-i mean.... If you want this to be an....us" he stammered She giggled "Marvin. Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend. Because you're floundering" Marvin blushed and took a breath "Im asking you to let me be yours. Let me love you the right way.. ." he said staring into her eyes. Kacey studied him for a moment "Thats the one thing ive always thought id never hear.....ive always wanted to though" she said quietly "Kacey...will you be mine?" Marvin asked. Kissing her nose She smiled at him "Marvin. Ive always been yours. I was just waiting for you to catch up" and with that she kissed him hard "Ehhh heee hemmmm" Chase cleared his throat, scaring the crap out of the both of them. Henrik and Jack stood with him and they all three burst into laughter. "God damnit you guys!!!" Marvin shouted and threw a dish towel at them. You werent supposed to be here for that! "Oh yeah. Like none if us know about yall" Jack said laughing "Please. You two couldnt be more obvious if you wrote it on your foreheads!" "Yeah. Marv. You dont hide lovesick very well" Chase said laughing "Nor de scratches that bleed through the back of your vite shirts Bruder...Kacey. Cut you nails before you give him an infection" Henrik said With that Jack and Chase collapsed on the floor, howling in laughter at Kaceys facial expression and the. She too began to giggle uncontrollably "Schneep you asshole" she sputtered through her laughter "Well-" Marvin said "At least i know they like you!" The five of them again laughed for a long time. And then Marvin walked back over and kissed Kacey on the mouth and smiled. "I love you" She smiled back,knowing she had found her place "i love you too"
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thearrangment-phff · 6 years
September 2018
“Archduchess Isabella and Prince Harry have been in Switzerland since the beginning of the month with The Duchess of Sussex’ family. The two were spotted at the wedding of Archduke Franz Ludwig to Mathilde Vignon. Archduke Franz Ludwig is a first cousin of The Duchess. A vast number of Habsburg and Bourbon royals were also in attendance.”
“King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium along with the Grand Ducal couple of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince Alois and Princess Sofie of Liechtenstein will attend the Heads of State of German-speaking countries get together in Switzerland. Many believe that Archduchess Isabella will attend as a guest of her uncle and aunt, the Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg.” 
“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expected to stay in Switzerland until the mass to commemorate the 25th anniversary of King Baudouin of the Belgians’ death in Brussels. The Belgian royal court confirmed The Duke and Duchess of Sussex would be attending. King Baudouin was the great-uncle of Archduchess Isabella and his wife, Queen Fabiola of the Belgians was her godmother. Archduchess Isabella’s eldest son The Earl of Ross who was born earlier this year carries the name Baudouin in honor of his great-grand-uncle, the former Belgian King.”  
“Where is your father?” asked Yolande to Isabella.
“I have no idea,” answered Isabella.
“I’ll go find him,” said Marie Astrid as she left the room to find her husband.
“Are we going to be late?” asked Harry.
“I don’t think so. My grandmother made us all get ready an hour earlier than everyone else,” replied Isabella.
“So we’ll be early?”
“Belle, darling, can you help me stand up?” asked Yolande. Isabella went to her grandmother extending her hand. The elder women leaned on Isabella’s hand and got up. She walked towards Harry and patted his chest because that’s how far she could reach, “How are you?”
“Uh... fine,” answered Harry.
“While Charlie and Bertie are a dream, I only have 15 great-grandchildren with Kathy, Luisa, and Marie Christine’s children coming soon. When are you and Belle going to give me more great-grandchildren?”
“Wait. Did you just say, Luisa? She’s expecting?!” asked Isabella.
“Did you not know?” asked Yolande.
“No! I didn’t. How far along is she?”
“6 weeks possibly, maybe 8. I can’t remember Belle! I’m an old ask your mother.”
“How many people knew before I did?” asked Isabella.
“Well, obviously Luisa and Alex, me and your parents. The royal house is going to make an announcement soon,” answered Yolande.
“Will the baby be in line for the Belgian throne then?” asked Harry.
“Yes! All descendants of Albert are in the line. Since Alexander and Luisa got permission to marry from the king and government her children are the only ones in line. Remember Amedeo didn’t get permission to marry Elisabetta,” explained Yolande.
“I can’t believe he is finally having a baby. Everyone finally has a family of their own,” smiled Isabella.
Before anyone else could say anything Isabella’s aunt and her family came in. The Liechtenstein family of five said hello to Yolande, Isabella, and Harry as soon as they entered the room.
“How are you?” asked Margaretha to Yolande.
“Wonderful! 2 new babies, with Kathleen due soon and Christine in December. It’s all so wonderful. Alex and Luisa are also expecting so it’s all very exciting,” beamed Yolande.
“Yes, all very exciting. If only mine could give me some grandchildren,” joked Margaretha and her children all seemed to roll their eyes at the same time.
“I don’t think we were supposed to say anything about Alex and Luisa Mamie,” interjected Isabella.
“We’re family,” spoke Marie Astrid, Isabella’s cousin.
“I think he wanted to tell us all together, another time. Probably when we’re all in France at the end of the month,” added Josef-Emanuel.
“Josef is right. We can’t mention this to Alex. It’s his and Luisa’s special moment,” nodded Isabella
“So lets me get this right. Kathleen in October, Marie Christine in December, and Alexander in spring? Of course, Charlie and Bertie were born 4 months ago... that’s a lot of kids born in a short time,” said Harry.
“It’s the joys of growing up in a large family. You can all have kids around the same time,” smiled Marie Astrid.
“We better get going,” interrupted Nikolaus, Isabella’s uncle by marriage.
“Are you coming with us?” asked Margaretha.
“Not yet. Marie Astrid went to go find my son. Once they come back, we’ll go.”
“Well, we’ll see you at the church then,” smiled Margaretha. One by one, the Liechtenstein family said bye to everyone with kisses on the cheek and half-done hugs.
It took a couple of seconds until Harry asked a question, “Where are the rest of your brothers and sisters?”
“Marie Christine, Imre, Christoph, and Gabriella don’t really go to these things. They prefer to stay out of the view of cameras. Usually, Alexander does too but since he married Luisa he’ll have to be more in the spotlight. He’s here, he’s just with her and the Austria-Este family,” answered Isabella.
“Why didn’t more people come?” asked Harry.
“Many people did but some of them have real jobs and not ones were in ‘work’ for an hour a week.”
“That felt like an insult.”
“Not an insult. Just stating facts,” replied Isabella.
“Belle!” Isabella turned around to find Charlotte walking steadily towards her with the rest of her family behind her.
“Charlotte! Hi!” Charlotte towered over Isabella when giving her a hug, “Ferdinand?”
“Hi Belle.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I invited him,” answered Charlotte.
“Yes. I got that, but... are you two a thing?”
“Well... yes. It hasn’t been long,” answered Charlotte.
“And you invited him here?” asked Isabella.
“Ferdinand means a lot to me so I thought inviting him to this would show that.”
“Charlotte, I’m not judging you. I would be the last person to do so. Ferdinand is family and you are as well. It was simply a surprise that’s all,” replied Isabella.
Isabella’s parents Carl Christian and Marie Astrid finally entered the room, “He couldn’t find his tie anywhere.”
“Tie? You are making us late over a tie?” asked Yolande.
“The king gave it to me. I wanted to wear it today,” answered Carl Christian.
“We should get going. We don’t want to be late,” said Yolande earning nods from around the room.
The car ride was short from the castle to the church. Yolande, Harry, Isabella, Marie Astrid, and Carl Christian had ridden in one car while Guillaume, Sibilla, Charlotte, Leopold, and Paul Louis in the other. When they got out of the car, Harry could swear the screams got louder. There was that thought again. The one about how Isabella changed his life once they married. Years ago, would he have imagined himself at a Catholic church in Brussels paying his respects to a dead Belgian King surrounded by the Belgian, Luxembourgish, and Liechtenstein royal families? Of course not.
Harry was now on friendly terms with the Belgian king and Luxembourgish Grand Duke since the beginning of his marriage. King Philippe was a godfather to his son, Isabella was a godmother to the king’s youngest daughter. Queen Fabiola was godmother to Isabella. The ties were never going away and they were all Harry’s. He had spent years in the shadow of his elder brother seeing how William was the future king and Harry was the spare. But things had changed, Isabella had changed him.
Isabella smiled back at the crowd but no waving because she saw that as disrespectful at an event like this. Harry looked back at the crowd for a couple of seconds before turning back to Isabella and her family. Liechtenstein, Austria, and Luxembourg all within a couple of feet of him.
“Harry, come on. We have to go find our seats,” said Isabella with Charlotte by her side.
Harry took one last look and went inside. The service lasted about an hour and a half. The Royal Family and the other guests gathered at the Royal Crypt where all the former Kings and Queens of the Belgians who have passed away are buried. The King and Queen laid a wreath at the grave of King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola. Isabella let out a single tear when she saw the picture of her great-aunt and great-uncle on their tomb.
“Are you okay?” asked Harry.
“Yes. It’s just that I wished they both lived a little longer, that’s all.”
They met with the public in which Harry and Isabella were paired next to King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. Grand Duke Henri and Prince Louis left immediately after laying the wreath so they could get back to Luxembourg. There were a lot of questions from the public to Harry and Isabella since their sons were 4 months old now.
“Your Imperial Highness, how does it feel to be back in Belgium?”
“Wonderful. Belgium has always felt like another home to me.”
“Prince Harry! How are the twins?!”
“They are strong. Big boys thanks to their mother,” joked Harry.
“Your Majesty how does it feel to be godfather to the Earl of Ross?!”
“Very honored. Belle is godmother to my Eleonore and being godfather to Charlie is a blessing.”
Of course after everything the press went wild with their stories. The ones who annoyed Isabella the most were saying that she and Harry didn’t belong in Belgium and William and Kate should have been there instead.
“They are my family! Mine! I had every right to be there!” yelled Isabella.
“Of course you do Belle-”
“Those stupid little nothings make money off of my name. I have the ties to Europe, not Harry!”
“Exactly why-”
“No! God, I am sick and tired of them saying that I married the 6th in line! I brought back royalty to this family. Me! Nothing but a bunch of ungrateful people who would rather have commoners as their king than gods” ranted Isabella.
“That is enough Isabella! Quiet down before you say else something you’ll regret,” warned Harry.
“These are the times I regret marrying you! You and your peasant family have been nothing but a thorn in my side,” argued Isabella.
Princess Charlotte of Murat took this opportunity to slap Isabella across the face, “Your husband is right. While you gave him blood, he gave you validity. You would be good to remember that.”
Princess Christine, Countess Gaelle, and Countess Olympia were left speechless. Gaelle was the first to act by putting her arm around Isabella, “I think it’s time for prayer-”
“No! I will not be praying to some stupid imaginary thing I don’t believe in. Not anymore!” yelled Isabella.
“What she needs is a drink,” interrupted Olympia.
“No. She will have no more alcohol. I don’t want that,” said Harry.
“I won’t be going back to London or Balmoral with you.”
“Where do you think you’ll go?” asked Harry.
“Zeno’s christening is at the end of the month. I’ll be at Berg castle with my family until then. We were supposed to go to France with my family after that and I’ll be right with them,” answered Isabella.
“You will not do that Isabella. You have spent too much time outside of London. You haven’t been doing anything but seeking refugee with your family since Charlie and Bertie were born. You need to do more.”
“Maybe I should just divorce you now and end my misery before I hang myself in our children’s room,” threatened Isabella.
“You will do no such thing!” yelled Charlotte as she went to Isabella and grabbed her face, “You are a stupid little girl and I will be damned if I let you ruin everything.”
“Charlotte let her go!” yelled Christine.
Charlotte continued her hold on Isabella’s face, “You will do what all your betters have done before you. You will give birth to all the little royal babies your body will handle and die in this marriage. Do you understand me?”
Isabella ripped her face out of Charlotte’s grasp, “You were nothing before me. I gave you importance so don’t talk to me like you better. You married for a title, you married for money, but I was not an impoverish countess, I am an Archduchess of Austria.”
“I’ve had enough of this. I am going back to London and I have engagements in the Netherlands in a week. I would hope that you would come but at this point, I would rather you not. I’m taking the boys back with me to London,” explained Harry.
“The boys need me. I am their mother,” argued Isabella.
“You aren’t breastfeeding them anymore. They don’t need you and besides you rarely ever took take them, Gaelle and Olympia did.” Harry walked away and Isabella grabbed the nearest thing and threw it in his direction. The glass shattered on the wall near his face and he flinched, “Did you really just do that? You are unbelievable Isabella!”
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