#okay i know this is awful and cliché af
chasingwildflowers · 1 year
so i had the weirdest dream, it was so vivid but i think i might lowkey make for a great fic and i might write a lil sample but the idea is below pls tell me what you think
so this can be elvis or austin!elvis but in my dream it was austin!elvis, he's freshly off the stage and runs into this girl ( like.. literally bumps her to the ground ) and ofc he feels awful about it. the colonel sees the whole thing happen, the whole interaction and sees the way she looks at elvis. what elvis doesn't know is that girl is the daughter of the chairman at rca records where elvis wants to be signed but when the colonel confronts elvis about it he looks at the colonel like he's crazy, won't play with the girls feelings like that ( because we know he's a gentleman ). the girl and elvis meet up again later at one of the games, he wins her a stuffed animal, they just walk around and talk, when elvis is about to get pulled away she takes a napkin and writes her number down before sticking it in his pocket.
later on he finds the phone number and the colonel sees it as "fate" that his plan was meant to happen and elvis just had to trust the colonel because he really believed the colonel has his best interest at heart.
of course there will be things in between ( smutty things included bcs i'm a hoe ) but i'm thinking of a happy ending but the way my dream ended was there was a fight between elvis and the girl because she found out about the plan after she heard one of memphis mafia members talking to elvis about it.
okay as soon as i typed it out to me it sounds cliché af and like i wouldn't do this story justice and maybe a fic that has already happened.
i hate myself lol
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stephanieromanoff · 1 year
Angel to wispy for the ask game 😘
Oh my 😂 okay
angel; do you have a nickname? I have several. Here people either call me Stephanie or Steph, and irl people call me Be, Beba or Betine.
awe; how old are you? 21.
bloop; spirit animal? I think it’s wolf.
blossom; favorite book/movie/song? Fav movie is Mamma Mia, book is Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, and song currently is Lift Me Up by Rihanna.
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child? A bear.
breeze; most precious childhood memory? The day my cousin (who I consider the sister I’ve always wanted to have) was born.
bubbles; do you have a best friend? I do, more than one.
buttercup; showers or baths? Showers.
butterfly; dream destination? Mexico.
buttons; are you religious or spiritual? No.
calm; favorite scent? Home.
candlelight; what did you dream about last night? I have no idea.
charming; have you ever been in love? I don’t think so.’
cozy; eye/hair color? My eyes are dark brown and my hair is currently ginger.
cupcake; favorite flower/plant? I don’t have one.
cute; what did you get on your last birthday? Alcohol and a card.
cutie pie; most precious item you own? My lesbian flag.
cutsie; what makes you happy? Being around people I like.
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free. When I traveled with my cousin.
daydream; how do you want to be remembered? As someone who made a difference.
daylight; favorite album of all time? I don’t have one.
dear; zodiac sign? Scorpio ♏️
delightful; concerts or museums? Concerts
dimples; have you ever written a letter? Yeah
dobby; dream job? Criminal psychologist
doll; how do you like to dress? Stylish and comfortable
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences? No
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos? I do, 6
drizzle; do you believe in aliens? I believe there’s other beings around the universe
euphoric; talk about someone you love. One of my best friends. She’s been there for me since 7 grade and though we’re very different from each other she’s still like a sister to me
fairy; do you have a pet? I have 2 dogs
fluffy; ocean or mountain? Ocean
forever; where do you feel time stop? Idk
froglet; are you a good plant owner? I don’t really like plants lol
garden; how many languages do you know? 4
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs? You wifey
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice? I don’t really have one
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not? I like when they’re polite
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself. I like my eyes, that I’m always on a good mood, I’m very optimistic, I like my hair and that I’m usually very calm
heart; silk or lace? Lace
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it? Tea. No milk and no sugar.
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why? People watching ig, I’m not really into birds
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep? Rain
jewel; what's your favorite kind of weather? Not too hot or too cold and sunny (if I need to leave my house)
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends? Watch movies or shows and hang out with friends
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more? I usually giggle
kinky; do you blush easily? Yeah because I’m pale af lol
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most? Having a family with my future wife
kitty; what's your favorite time of the day? Afternoon
ladybug; what's your favorite artist to listen to when you're sad? I don’t have a preference on music when I’m sad
love; what is your favorite season and why? Spring because it’s more beautiful considering the flowers and stuff, and also because my birthday is on spring
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream? I don’t really eat macaron, but my favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry
magic; what are five flaws you have? I’m lazy, I procrastinate a lot, I can get angry very easily depending on the person I’m angry at, I get annoyed by people very easily as well and I don’t trust easily
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks? Cool darks
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other? Loyalty and someone who is fun to be around
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date? With someone I really like doing something I really like
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself? Listening to music
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life? I have to learn how to say “no” more often. It will definitely save me from uncomfortable situations.
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more? Bake
prince; how would vou describe vour handwriting? I feel like my handwriting is pretty if we’re comparing with kids handwritings, but too childish if we compare with adults
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play? I used to play piano and guitar, and I wish I still played piano and learned how to play drums
prinky; how do you relieve stress? Listening to music
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/ vegetable? My favorite fruit is strawberry and I don’t have a favorite vegetable
rainbow what was the last line of the last book you read? I don’t remember
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far? My high school graduation
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you? Figuring out I’m a lesbian
shine; art or music? Music
shimmer; do animals tend to like you? Dogs yes
smitten; do you collect anything? Funko pops
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with? 2
snuggle; what is your favourite candy? Brigadeiro
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind? No
sparkle; do you wear jewelry? Earrings and sometimes a necklace
spooky; sunrise or sunset? Sunset
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones? I prefer without headphones
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child? Wizards of Waverly Place
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house. My bedroom
soothe; digital or vinyl? Digital
squeezed; who do vou miss right now? My friends from uni
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends? The same I value in a romantic partner: loyalty and being fun
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing? Practical
sweet; do you find it easy to open up? It really depends on who I’m opening up to
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any? I love kids and I’d love to have some
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they? My mom
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself? That I try to see the positive side of things in every situation
tootsie; what kind of friend are you? I’d say the clumsy one
treasure; what was something that made you smile today? Seeing my favorite cousin
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl? Early bird
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be? Teleportation
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out? Doing stuff at home
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup? No
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person? Tidy
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older? I don’t dislike it, and yeah I’d live here when I get older
Thank you for sending this, wifey 💚
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elijahselwyn · 7 years
Self-para 001.
“I’m fine,” he lies staring at his reflection in the mirror. Perfectly combed hair, a confident smile, straight posture, expensive clothes. ( Hair full of damaging products to maintain an image, a smile with sharp ripped edges, forever-tense shoulders, clothes bought with an abusive husband’s money. ) His complexion looks pale ( paler than usual ) and he forcibly widens the curve of his lips, he doesn’t stop even when it starts looking unnatural.
His chest feels tight with emotions he refuses to face, with memories he refuses to remember. It’s easy, he tries to convince himself, it’s easier to pretend than to be real. Fake smiles are easier to swallow than bitter truths. Authenticity is overrated anyway. No one really wants the real thing, people see what they want to see and are happy with it. Elijah Selwyn, the adored Slytherin with a friendly disposition and promiscuity no one really resents him for. It’s easier to continue being bright Elijah. To pretend as if everything hadn’t fallen down like dominoes over the summer. He has plenty of friends, doesn’t he? The lack of one is nothing to cry about – even though the lack of Archibald’s companionship is something he misses every day with a heavy heart –.
It’s easier to smile charmingly at Scorpius and continue to pretend as if he doesn’t notice that his feelings are absolutely pointless. Talking with Albus is fun, isn’t it? Debating with Melinoë never fails to make his afternoons interesting. And Max, sweet Max is always there to give his life meaning ( except elijah knows something is utterly wrong; what is his friend hiding? what did elijah do to stop being someone the other boy trusts wholeheartedly? ). “Everything’s fine,” he continues to lie.
His mother, resourceful and loving mother’s life motto has always been “We’re fine, Eli. We’re always fine.” She said the exact same thing the night before he was supposed to board the train which would take him far away from the place he should call home but never had been able to. They are fine, of course they are. No matter how they sign their letters, they are Beauchamps before they are Selwyns and Beauchamps endure it all.
Elijah is the perfect student, perfect son, perfect friend. ( Not good enough to be Head Boy. A disappointment to his family name. Always liked, never loved. No one’s first choice. No one questioning his vague answers. No one really getting too interested. He is pretty to look at after all; nobody wants to see beyond his pretty blue eyes and soft blond hair. Sometimes he yearns for someone, anyone to notice the deception in his smiles.  ) “I’m fine.” Finally, he’s able to convince himself ( like he does every day ) and he nods satisfied. He has the urge to fidget with his tie, but already feels the ghost of his mother’s swats on his hands and so he doesn’t. For a moment, he’s not sure what he’s still doing staring at his reflection.  Feeling resigned, exhausted, stressed, he leaves the room, knowing that there’s a prefect meeting in less than twenty minutes. It just wouldn’t do to be late, would it?
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queenlokibeth · 4 years
With my last anon, do you think it’s like normal to be able to move past the things you wish to forget without thinking all the good memories you have in life will get ruined?
Imma be real with you anon, I don't have the answer for that. At risk of sounding cliché af, only you can answer this. Also, i'm most definitely not a therapist, so i'm only equipped to answer this to the extent of my own experiences. And I'm not sure if i even understood you fully, so i'll try my best.
I 100% believe that even during the shittiest periods of one's life (save maybe for a few extreme exceptions) it's not JUST bad things. You might be going through something really traumatic and rough but there's chances that there's still a few good things. They can be really small, a memory of a particular conversation with someone who lifted your mood for a few minutes, something that you ate and really liked, or a nice place that you went to. It doesn't negate or fix the fact that overall you were going through something awful that you need to heal from. You can still remember these things fondly.
If "the thing you wish to forget" is something that permeated most aspects of your life, there's a good chance that even these good things will remind you of it, and you might doubt if you ever actually enjoyed those things. You probably did. Even at your lowest you can still feel happiness, and it doesn't invalidate the trauma or the fact that you weren't doing well.
My advice is that forgetting doesn't help. Your brain won't cooperate and it won't let you forget and you're gonna end up in this denial spiral of trying to shake off this bad/traumatic experience. You need to face it, process it, understand it, find a way to fix it, and heal. You won't be able to forget, but you can work towards this no longer bringing you so much pain. It might take literal years, i'm not saying that it's gonna get better in a second, but it's the right way to deal. Being a happy person should be your goal, even if it takes you the next 50 years to get there. Maybe you won't ever consider yourself to be a happy person, but at least you tried to reach that.
All the good memories you have in life won't get ruined. Why would they? They're good. They're still there. Sure, you might wonder if it was actually worth it, or if you were being hurt without knowing it at the same time, or you shared that memory with the perso who caused you pain. It's good to be aware of this, and it helps you recognise experiences that you shouldn't stay in in the future. I HATE the whole "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" bc it's highkey bullshit bc we shouldn't have to go through bad things, BUT if you already went through something rough, might as well use it as a learning experience to get the tools to protect yourself in the future.
Your good memories are still gonna be there. You might (and should, depending on the case) question them, but that neither invalidates that you DID enjoy that at the time, nor does it invalidate that you were ALSO going through something bad. So yes, i do think it's RIGHT (not necessarily normal) to move past things that you wish to HEAL from, without thinking all the good memories you have in life will get ruined (because they won't). In order to heal you need to WANT to heal. It's very easy to cling onto a trauma or mental health issue because it starts to feel like your identity. You can't be scared of healing if you want to actually succeed at it. Healing will never be a bad thing, and it's not going to take good things away from you. The key to this is processing and dealing, not forgetting and avoiding.
Trust me, i KNOW that once you really process how bad something was, you will not look at your past the same way. What's more, happy times prior to whatever happened might start making you sad if you think about them, but it doesn't ruin the memory. If anything, it makes you nostalgic and the sadness you get comes from wanting to protect that happy past self from whatever is gonna happen next. But the good stuff if still there. You won't lose the good times by healing. It's only gonna get better.
This went on pretty long, but here are some additional resources http://www.traumainformed.org/hotlines-for-survivors-of-violence-and-trauma/ if this applies to you, and my friend @imbellarosa can add a few others. Take care. It's gonna be okay, eventually.
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neokollection · 5 years
Spoiled ㅡ Kun (M)
A/N: I know Christmas is over---- but, thigh riding and the current time, two and two just seemed to come together for me- My other Kun smut went missing so I felt I had to make up for it- ALSO, WAYV debut  I’m getting into the habit of writing longer things~
** SMUT; dry humping/thigh riding, fingering, penetration [protected], smidge of squirt **
Word Count: 3.7K
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ㅡ  Genre: Fluff! SMUT, Domestic AF
ㅡ  Teaser: An unexpected blizzard with your new cute boyfriend leaves the two of you in a predictable Christmas Eve with hands unable to be kept to yourselves.
His fingertips were tender, the fine hairs on the back of your neck standing to attention with each gentle pass of his touch. Adjusting the clasp to be at the nape of your neck, he smiled in triumph, letting his warm hands settle upon your shoulders lightly before his fingertips dug into your skin suddenly, gripping you as he turned you to face him, his hands rearranging themselves. You let your hair fall, raking a hand through it to tousle it at the crown as your other went up to the silver pendant dangling below your chin. The dainty silver chain sat upon your collarbones neatly, dipping downward with the weight of the small charm, a sparkling peridot pendant.
“I love it!” you gleamed, wiggling out of his grasp and darting to the nearest mirror to get a good look at your gift.
Kun let his hands drop to his side, grin still plastered on his face as he watched your figure vanish down the hall. He felt his chest inflate with pride as he heard your hum of delight echo. Taking a seat upon the cozy sofa, his soft gaze settled upon the television screen, flickering with a faux fireplace curtesy of your Youtube savviness. Soft pops and cracks emitted from the speakers, adding to the homey atmosphere as your heater roared to life in the next room. As his gaze fell to the coffee table, forgotten mugs of hot chocolate left surrounded by scraps of wrapping paper, he heard the soft pad of your feet, signaling your return.
“It’s so cute,” you whined in delight.
You felt soft as ever, having not expected your boyfriend of only a month to give you such a classy and probably expensive gift.
“Merry Christmas,” he chirped, leaning forward to stir the forgotten chocolatey mugs, “The marshmallows all melted,” he added with a small frown.
“That’s okay,” you added merrily, nearly pouncing on the sofa beside him, “If I have any more sugar I might get a cavity-”
“Why’s that?”
His head tilted to the side slightly in confusion, holding the spoon in his hand as a microphone before sticking it in his mouth childishly.
“Because,” you began, a coy smile creeping onto your lips.
He sensed your change in demeanor and removed the spoon from his mouth, letting it plunk against the coffee table before he leant back, a smile spreading across his features.
“You’re already sweet enough for me,” you finished, crawling into his lap.
His features construed together as he cringed gently at your cliché line.
His lap was soft, warm, and comfortable. You giggled softly as your forehead met his own, your hands clasping around his neck.
“Are you my necklace now?” Kun teased, holding in a chuckle.
“If you want me to be-”
It was an awful cheesy road the two of you were heading down, bad puns and cliché flirts, but neither of you seemed to care in the privacy of your home. He adjusted you on his lap before puckering his lips to peck your nose. Drawing away, you smiled cutely.
“It looks good on you,” he remarked, “You’re like a goddess-”
You hit his shoulder gently, that was far enough. Attempting to look down at it, you created a double chin in the process as you brought your hand back up to the pendant.
“Why’d you choose this color though?”
It was a pretty color, but you knew it might be hard to match since it was also a unique color-
He chuckled at your obliviousness and pinched the soft flesh of your double chin affectionately, causing you to snap your head up before bringing a hand to your chin in embarrassment.
“It’s Christmas-colored, babe-” he crooned, his arms having woven themselves around you as he brought you closer.
His face fell to the crook of your neck and you could have sworn he took a deep, but brief inhale before his plump lips hugged your supple skin. Your fingers wove into the tresses of his hair in an attempt to pull him back, but thought twice about rearranging is neat blonde strands, sliding your hands from his scalp to his jaw before pushing him away. Your lips met his own hastily, sucking upon his bottom lip as you adjusted yourself in his lap once more.
“You’re naughty,” he whispered as you drew back.
“I’m not the only one,” you pointed out, as his hand had fell from the dip of your back to your bum.
“Didn’t you say your aunt was coming over?”
Kun pursed his lips in thought, he was curious just how far the two of you could go without being caught if someone knocked.
“Then we shouldn’t-” he began, adjusting himself upon the sofa.
“What about just this? We can do just this-” you murmured, grinding yourself down upon his robust thigh.
He gave a deep hum of intrigue, his shimmering gaze fascinated by you. His hands slithered to your hips, asserting his own dominance over your pace, moving you to and fro as he flexed his thigh. Your panties felt irritating, too dry with irritating lace trim. Experimentally, Kun bounced his leg, snapping you from your thoughts with your back arching in an attempt to get some relief on your swelling clit. Your hand reached down to palm him, but he quickly caught your wrist, holding it hostage against his chest as his other hand gave your ass a knowing pat to serve as a warning.
“It’s not enough,” you whined, causing him to still; “I want you-”
“You’re so spoiled,” he teased, leaning down to nip at the skin of your neck before laving at it with his familiar tongue.
He sucked on a spot below your ear hungrily before drawing back and releasing your wrist. His movements were quick and barely gave you a moment to register as he was turning your figure around in his lap, haphazardly tossing your legs on either side of his own. You weren’t sure what exactly he had in mind, but as you glanced over your shoulder, his cheek met your own. He spared you no explanation as his hands busied themselves with pulling your sweater-dress upward. One arm wrapped around your waist to hold you in place as his other dug into the front of your panties. At the sight of his hands you melted into his embrace, letting out a soft sigh of content as the tip of his middle finger prodded at your entrance before slipping in. Your body couldn’t seem to decide to arch or stay still and you ended up wiggling in his grasp as he inserted another finger. Shoulders scrunching up in delight as a shiver trailed down your spine as he rested his chin atop your shoulder, his warm breath hitting your neck in a tantalizing manner. He couldn’t help the slightly lopsided grin that found its way onto his soft lips as he relished the sensation of your slick essence coating his fingers, knowing it was his doing. He removed his fingers, slathering your folds and swollen bud with it as though it was butter on toast. Two of his slightly calloused fingertips circled around your bud precariously. Your breath came out on shutters, neck aching from looking downward, you trained your gaze forward, mesmerized by the crackling of the faux fireplace, the glowing embers seeming to stare back at you.
His fingers rubbed faster, rubbing deep circles into your sensitive clit, his hand becoming a blur. No sounds would escape your parted lips, your breath baited as you nearly keeled over. A wanton cry left you as he locked his arm around you tighter, his jaw clenching in concentration as his hand picked up its pace. He rubbed you into oblivion; choked whines escaping you as you felt the coil within you bind so tight it was nearly suffocating. He brought you over the edge, smoothing his movements out into gentle passes as your thighs trembled momentarily.
Your phone buzzed obnoxiously upon the coffee table, reinvigorating the both of you. You scrambled to stand, but were rooted to your spot by a muscular arm. He leant forward slightly, his clean hand reaching for the blaring phone. Once it was in reach you snatched it from him, calming your breaths as you answered.
“Auntie!” you beamed.
“Honey, I’m so sorry, but I don’t think I can make it over tonight; the ice on the roads is just awful!”
You nearly dropped the phone as two curious fingers found their way into your snug core once more. Glancing over your shoulder in haste, you gave your boyfriend an exasperated, yet pleading look.
“T-That’s okay! Just drive safe-”
“Maybe next week we can arrange a lunch or something?”
“Yeah, yeah-”
She was notorious for being a talker.
“Hey, I don’t want to distract you while you drive in this weather, so get home safe-”
“Okay, dear~”
Finally you ended the call, dropping your phone to the sofa. Mischievous as ever, he swooped you up into his arms, running toward the door of your bedroom and pushing it open with your dangling feet.
He dropped you onto the bed unceremoniously and you attempted to tug down your dress as he clamored on top.
“The roads are bad,” he feigned, “I guess I have to spend the night here with you-”
You gave his chest a shove with a knowing smile.
“Rock, paper, scissors;” he began, “I win you give me head, you win… you can have whatever you want.”
“Deal,” you barked, rolling him off of you so you could sit upright.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
You formed your hand into a fist, launching it between the two of you.
“Damn,” he hissed, his scissors no match for your rock.
You bounced upon the sheets in glee in a moment of excitement before smiling in thought.
“You’re so spoiled,” he sighed, falling to the sheets.
“Hey- I won fair and square,” you rebuked sassily.
You pondered to yourself, you could make him do whatever you wanted. Most of the things that came to mind you knew you could probably get him to do on a regular day if you pleaded enough…
“Babe,” you drawled, scooting closer to him, your hand found its way beneath the hem of his sweater as you leant over him on the sheets.
“Give me a strip tease-”
His gaze solidified as he sat up, pushing past you to stand from the sheets, he was already in character and it had you giggling. His expression seemed expertly serious as he cat-walked to the corner of the room. His shoulders swayed to an unknown rhythm before he turned around, a saucy expression gracing his angelic features. You bit your lip partly in anticipation and partly to stop yourself from laughing once more. Reaching for the hem of his sweater he tantalizingly rose it before quickly dragging it over his head and flinging it aside. Next, he unbuttoned his dark jeans as he came toward the bed, breaking out of character for a moment to sneak you a smile as he looked down. You wanted nothing more than to touch him- The white walls seemed even paler in comparison to his golden skin, the curvatures of his muscles snagging your attention. Swooping down, he shucked his jeans from his ankles, kicking them aside. He made his way to the edge of the bed, outstretching both of his hands. Amusement flickered in his searing gaze for a moment as you placed your hands in his. His maneuvered your hands to his rear, placing your hands on his briefs, the form of his ass taut beneath. He trust his hips in your face as you scrunched up your face in an attempt to pull away from him.
“Okay- Okay!”
He snickered with you for a moment as he removed his socks.
“How was I?”
“Are you done-”
He gave a nod before shucking his briefs to the floor, his erection slapping his abdomen right before you. Although he was a romantic, at times he was absolutely barbaric.
“Turn around.”
Deciding you’d had your fun and were ready for the main event, you did as he said, turning around and crawling onto your hands and knees. Impatiently, he pushed your dress to bunch around your waist, pulling your panties down to rest on your thighs. Pleased with the sight before him, he stroked himself before grabbing a condom from the bedside drawer. He inserted two fingers into your heat, causing your back to bow toward the sheets before he removed them, aligning himself with your awaiting heat. With one hand on his shaft and the other on your hip, he attempted to push himself into your tight heat. It was always uncomfortable at first and you winced once he tried again, poking the head of his shaft into your entrance. His girth was what made it uncomfortable and as he slowly eased himself into you the stretch began to burn for a moment before he gently rocked into you, drawing back enough so that he was half-way buried in you before rocking back in. His sharp hips met your plump ass as he attempted to infiltrate you as deeply as possible.
“Kun,” you called out, pressing your backside against his hips desperately.
Your walls were already slick with your release, your lower lips swollen with want as they sucked him inward.
“Does it hurt?” he questioned, like always.
You shook your head, falling to your elbows out of laziness. He slowly rocked into you, his motions fluid, and each time withdrawing more of himself than the last before easing back in. His hands settled on your hips as he began to tug your hips back to meet his own. His eyes rolled dramatically as your walls clenched momentarily.
“More,” you whined, unsated.
And so he did, always heeding your whines and protests like the giver he was. His pace picked up, his fluid motions morphing to hold a sharpness to them. With each trust, he pushed a shallow gasp from you, reveling in the soft sounds you emitted. The springs of the stale mattress wheezed beneath you, squeaking in rhythm as his knees hit the edge.
“Oh my God- Stop-”
Blindly, reaching out behind you, you attempted to touch him to warn him. Stopping, he pulled out, panicking for a moment.
“What is it? Are you alright?”
You had felt the familiar sensation of a brewing in your abdomen, your clit feeling numb for a moment. You’d only ever squirted totally unintentionally by your own hand and didn’t want to do so with Kun. It was embarrassing and messy- Regaining your composure you bid him back, apologizing for the sudden halt. He gave a small nudge in return, causing you to lose your balance, falling to your side. Warm hands encircled your calf before pulling you towards the edge of the bed as he knelt one knee upon it.
“Are you okay?”
His gaze was tender, brows raised in concern, and hands roaming to your thighs to squeeze affectionately.
“I’m fine,” you coaxed, adding a grin.
Silently, he lifted your leg up, realigning himself with your warm core. Shallow moans were exchanged between the two of you as he picked up where he’d left off, your leg left to hook lazily over his hip as he took you sideways. His volume grew as did his vigor, his thrusts now seeming to jolt your entire body.
“I’m close-”
Already? You watched as his brows knitted together in concentration, his lips falling open to let out grunts as he watched his length disappear. Hiccupped whines left you as you reached down with an unsteady hand to touch yourself. Upon seeing you rub yourself in irregular circles, Kun replaced your hand with own skilled fingers, the pads of them digging into your tender flesh.
Finally. It came, you could feel everything. The way he pumped into you so deliciously made you want to cry, his added fingers to stimulate you throwing you off the edge faster than you’d been prepared. His thrusts slowed as a squirt of clear liquid shot with a squelch onto his thigh before dribbling to the hardwood floor. It wasn’t much, but it didn’t go unnoticed. Calming his breath after his high, he was slow to draw himself from you, causing you to roll onto your back and close your limp thighs. You hadn’t even noticed he’d disappeared until he was returning, wad of toilet paper in hand as he swiped the floor beneath him.
“That’s so embarrassing-” you began, bringing your hands to your face.
Tossing the wad of toilet paper into a nearby waste bin, he pulled you by your legs closer to the edge of the bed, earning a yelp from you as he pried your legs apart to make room for himself.
“Not at all,” he crooned, hovering over you with an endearing smile.
“I like it,” he continued, pressing a kiss to your cheek before peppering them to your neck.
You wrapped your arms around him in a weak embrace, his voice muffled.
“I like it when you lose control-”
“Pervert,” you teased, hitting his sculpted shoulder blade mockingly.
He simply hummed in agreement before drawing back slightly to brush your hair from your face.
“Let’s shower-” he thoughtfully began, “No- let’s take a bath,” he suggested, smile illuminating.
“Of course,” he beamed, brushing his nose against your own.
“Then we can watch Christmas movies,” you murmured.
“Then we can eat cake-” he added.
You were mildly confused; you didn’t have any cake-
“I bought a cake for tonight,” triumphantly informed, “It’s in the fridge.”
You giggled in response to his surprise, wrapping your arms and legs around him in a monkey-like hug. His expression mirrored your own as he stood from the mess of a bed, making you squeak in protest before the safety of his arms finally wound around you. 
The bathwater was perfect and smelt of lilies, a lilac hue donning the steaming water. When it came to drawing baths Kun seemed to hold a talent, mixing mineral bath soaks and shimmering bubble baths to form a strangely perfect concoction of the two. While he continued to fill the bath you parted to take care of business behind closed doors in the separate toilet closet. [Pee after sex so you don’t get UTIs]. You could hear the water of the tap shut off once you flushed, taking a moment to tie up your hair before returning, not forgetting to tug your forlorn dress the rest of the way over your head.
The silent atmosphere was interrupted by the sound of the surface of the water breaking as Kun made his way into the tub after taking a moment to glide a damp towel over his sullied length. He lazily offered a hand to you as you stepped into the space between his long legs, another hand going to your hip to keep your balance as you squatted to sit between his legs. His fingers toyed with the wisps of hair you’d failed to tie up at the nape of your neck as he called you cute. Soft murmurs were exchanged as you argued he was the cute one. Letting his soft hands fall to your shoulders, he bent them inward to stop your slouching as you stared dumbly at the knobs before you. You let an airy sigh escape you as he massaged the tender muscles, rolling your flesh beneath his palms. He thought about reaching around and fondling your chest, but thought better- As he was too worn out to take care of you if he got you worked up. You turned around, causing him to drop his hands as the bubbles piled up around you. You didn’t even spare him a glance, instead happily smiling to yourself as you used your palm to scoop water upon his chest before smearing it with bubbles. Kun let you do as you pleased, he nearly always did. Besides, he was enjoying the sensation of your smaller hands upon his chest too much to brush them aside. 
“What kind of cake did you get?”
“Red velvet-”
Your lips puckered in delight and you now hoped to get out sooner rather than later. The sound of water dribbling echoed off the tiles as Kun scooped some up from behind you, dousing your back with it before repeating his action. Your stomach growled lowly, having been forgotten and dismissed for too long. Not even ten minutes and the two of you were draining the bath.
Laziness caused you to adorn only your robe, stuffing your sopping feet into your slippers as you made your way from the bathroom, leaving your boyfriend to dry himself.
The cake looked glorious, creamy frosting spread over the expanse of the cake except for it’s sides, which showed the layers of dark red chocolate cake.  Cute mistletoe decorations adorned it with a dark green ‘Merry Christmas’ splayed across the top.
“You’re so impatient,” you heard from the doorway, listening to the soft pads of his bare feet upon the hardwood as he made his way toward you.
You closed the fridge with your back, setting the cake upon the counter as you took in the sight of him. A light grey towel wrapped around his waist snuggly, his hair disheveled from having raked his hands through it.
“Is that a bad thing?” you questioned, swiping a bit of frosting from the cake on your finger before slipping it into your mouth.
He wasn’t sure if you were cruel or just naïve, letting a smirk tug at his lips. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you hummed in thought before reaching for a knife. With your other hand you swiped a bit of frosting once again, the sweetness addicting, yet when you brought it to your mouth a hand clasped over your own, instead directing your accusatory finger into the mouth of your lover. His plush lips wrapped around your finger, the warmth of his tongue making your senses tingle. He hummed in response before resting his chin upon your shoulder.
It seemed neither of you were going to be able to keep your hands to yourself.
A/N: Sorry I suck at endings!!!
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 3.07: Common Ground
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Run for your life!!!
Who’s shooting at us this time??
What the??
A grappler?
Oh fuck. Dammit Kolya, we should have killed you the first time.
Liz is anxious. No surprise. AR-1 looks pissed.
“What are you gonna do, like ask the Genii if one of them took Sheppard?” “Yes, I am.”
Hi Ladon. Wow, Ronon you being scary is not what Liz needs rn. Save it for later.
Yes John, you should have killed him.
Wow, doom and gloom prison buddy. Now we just need a harmonica to complete the cliché.
Oh joy. Kolya’s lackeys. Can we kill them too? Soon? I hope.
Rude person with a gun.
“Commander Kolya insists.” “Oh, he insists. Well, why didn’t you just say so?”
…Ladon has changed his hair.
Wow, that is an old school camera set.
Yeah, nobody looks happy to see him. No surprise.
Rodney is Not Happy about Sheppard being kidnapped.
Wow, Ladon needs to do some house cleaning. With Bleach. And maybe Ammonia mixed in. (Yes, I know what happens when you mix the two.)
Where the hell did Kolya get a Wraith? The metal glove is… an interesting idea.
Liz is going to burn you Kolya. She’s going to burn the heart out of you.
“You’re in pain.” “Well, I just got fed on by a Wraith. What do you think?”
And now John’s getting suspicious. This dude knows an awful lot about the Wraith…
Well crap… John’s not too happy about his cell-block mate.
Nnnn. Arguing is a waste of time…
We got a match?? Yas queen!!
*cough-splutters* Rodney acting like a Comando Squad Leader. Doing things by the numbers.
“What are you on about?” [sheepish:] “Oh, just things that Sheppard would say, so I thought I would, uh…”
(In the background Ronon looks baffled, and Teyla puzzled.)
Pfft. Good luck with that, you’d be shot before you even made it into the Gate room.
Rodney, really? What did you shoot.
Even Carson is there with a handgun, ready to defend his buddy.
“I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I just, uh… You know, I reacted.” “What is it?” “It’s a, um, mouse.”
“We just wasted two-and-a-half-hours… and a mouse.”
*sighs* Nothing is ever scheduled these days…
John is seriously badass for surviving this shit… I don’t think I could.
He looks so tired though.
John plotting with the Wraith for mutual escape. Teamwork is a good idea, yes!
The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend… for now, anyway.
Don’t give up John!!
“Oh now he wants to escape.”
Woops. The Genii are suddenly looking like a good snac.
That shifty look, like, please don’t eat me bc that would suck.
John peering around the corner, and turning back to having a gun in his face, like no don’t point that at me!
*snorts* What did you expect mate. You tortured two sentient beings, gave them a common enemy, and left them alone together to plot.
“Don’t be so negative!”
“You think you’re gonna make it?” “If I feed.” “Well, don’t look at me.”
John being grumpy af. Don’t blame him rn.
John is stubborn af too, refusing to leave his new buddy behind. And determined that his people will find them.
“You are more like Wraith that you know.” “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.” “There is much about Wraith, that you do not know Sheppard.”
I am curious about the wrath sociology now.
Oh wow, three moons.
“Oh, it was worth it. If only to see the sky again.” “I’ve got slightly higher expectations.”
*snorts* Liz isn’t letting Kolya stay alive.
Oh yeah, like bullets will work against a Puddlejumper.
Isn’t it obvious? They’re disappearing bc they’re dying.
Oh wow, John looks… mostly dead.
Holy crap… John’s okay again. What just happened.
I did not know Wraith could do that.
“How is this possible.” “Don’t ask me.”
Erm… wat? Did the Wraith just call John his brother?
Goddammit. Kolya escaped again.
“You didn’t kill him?”
“Thanks for showing up.”
“Next time we meet…” “All bets are off.”
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imaginaze-blog · 6 years
life in the maze with newt
WARNINGS: some swearing?
life in the maze w/ newt (reader x newt)
he is precious and and hot af
SO you get sent to the maze
you’re the only girl 
so when you come out of The Box™️ they are like “omfg what is that”
SURPRISE it’s me, boyz
you come out of the box ready to FIGHT
you jump out and start running but are barely caught by Minho, which scares you so you practically give him a black eye 
you hide up in the tower and throw shit at them (sry teresa i’m copying you :P) for hours
the guys all try to coax you into getting down but you’re not having it
they all have make-shift shields to protect themselves from the random stuff you’re pelting down at them
slowly, they all leave, one by one bcuz they’re sick and tired of ur bullshit
eventually it clears out
except for one boy 
he’s the only one that stays down there, trying to calm you down
at this point you’ve stopped throwing things bcuz there’s nothing left to throw and you’re kind of tired of it as well
but you still have a knife and you’re not afraid to use it
newt carefully places down his fake shield and raises his hands as a sign of surrender
“Okay, okay. You win,” the boy utters, sounding amused yet slightly impressed. A smile tugs at the corner of his lips. You try not to get distracted by his smooth accent or by the trustworthiness of his countenance. What the hell is going on? you think to yourself.
“Please -- let me up? I can explain all of this.” He motions to his surroundings. 
You pause and begin to consider the options...either you stay up there and starve or you try to figure out what the hell is going on. Ugh. Fine.
“Okay. But your hands better be where I can see them at ALL times,” you counter back. 
He smirks in reply then makes his way up the tower. You have the knife in front of you, ready to strike. 
“Do you remember your name?” he asks the minute he makes it to your level. You’re both standing and he towers over you, making you back away a little, clutching onto the knife.
“Y/N,” you reply curtly. “And you?”
“Newt,” he responds politely. “Y/N, would you mind putting the knife down? I swear that nothing will happen.” He holds his hand out. “Trust me, okay? You’re safe.”
You stare at him suspiciously. His eyes are brown and warm, like a puppy dog’s. Focus, damn it, you think. His eyes crinkle with sincerity and you find yourself giving into your gut -- deep down you feel like he’s Good. You don’t sense an ounce of Evil in him. And you trust your gut. 
Ever so slowly, you hand him the handle of the knife. 
anyway so that’s how you meet
and from that day on you and newt are pretty much joined at the hip
your first night there he lets you sleep in his bed and you’re scared that the boys will try something so he yells at everyone to not go near you or he’ll make sure that they suffer we love a man in charge
he’s so sweet and protective over you
eventually when you become friendly with the other boys he gets jealous af
especially of Minho bcuz you guys are such good friends and Minho is a SNACK
some of the boys are a little perverted (they’re teenage guys so ya) and they make some comments to each other about you and chuck overhears and runs and tells newt and newt is ready to THROW IT DOWNNN and alby and thomas have to physically restrain him and you’re like “what’s going on” so chuck explains what happened 
you’re offended of course and low-key into Angry Newt™️ but you know that violence won’t solve anything so you grab newt’s face and tell him to look into your eyes and when he does he just melts and gets all calm and relaxed bcuz u are his angel FRICK
you spend that night stuck at his side not only because u want to be, but because he practically demanded it
he gets paranoid that one of the boys will try something with you, especially after hearing the comments they made
he can be overbearing but honestly if I was in a forest all alone with 23123 guys I would want one of them of a few of them to have my back
and newt has yours, always AHHH
but yeah he always makes sure you’re safe and taken care of 
and you guys are In Love™️ but alby forbids dating 👎🏼
thomas and minho and chuck tease you guys all the time 
it usually ends with newt rolling his eyes and you swatting at chuck who’s singing “Y/N and Newt, sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I...”
your face gets all red but eventually you get used to it and are unfazed by it
newt confesses his feelings to you about 2 months after you arrive
it happened when it was raining out and you guys were caught in the forest gathering fire wood
normally he wouldn’t be doing a task like this but he volunteered since you were gonna go alone we love a gentleman
it started to pour rain and you guys were laughing and trying to get under a tree to get covered
you were pressed up against each other and giggling and he just stared at you, in awe of your beauty I am so cliché but let me enjoy this
he pushed a stray hair behind your ear and gently cupped your face with his large hands
he leaned forward so his forehead was pressed against yours
his hot breath was tickling your nose 
he licked his lips then whispered roughly “Before I kiss you,I need you to know that I really like you. And I want to be with you.” 
He then smashed his lips against yours before you got to reply.
I’m SCReAmInG why do I DO THIS TO MYSELF?!?!
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otakween · 3 years
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100% Pascal Sensei - Volumes 6-7 
While I’m “enjoying” reading this series, I also will say it’s pretty bad. When the jokes aren’t toilet humor they’re just surreal nonsense that somehow both chaotic and repetitive. I think this is a series best enjoyed in small chunks in its magazine form and by its intended audience of small boys. That being said, those small boys deserve better written gags lol. 
Volume 6
-A new, fun gag in the running gag roster is the “stop plagiarizing things!” gag. In this volume they do a Splatoon parody. I wonder if this parody came out before or after the game (the 100% Pascal Sensei 3DS game is a Splatoon knock-off).  
-Occasionally when I’m reading manga that have a school setting I’ll learn some random fun fact about what it’s like to be a student in Japan. I knew kids had calligraphy classes, but I had no idea that they had special tools to grind their own ink. Fancy! I’d like to try someday...
-Another terrible chapter where the joke is “grown man sexually harasses elementary schoolers continuously.” We’ve got a dude peeing himself, exposing his naughty bits repeatedly and asking Hayato-kun to rub sun tan oil on him (while he’s naked). Where’s the joke!? THIS IS CREEPY AF. I don’t trust this mangaka anymore...
-In this volume they use the “students need to raise an inanimate object as a baby” cliché, which I thought was more of a western trope. They raise Pascal sensei’s eggs and no one questions the fact that a male (?) character is laying eggs?? Either Pascal Sensei is female or some kinda genderless alien. 
-We get to see Pascal Sensei’s “final form” but...didn’t we already get a final form before? I know lack of continuity is kinda the joke, but in this instance it seemed like they just forgot lol 
-Well the main manga has gotten really stale with the same repetitive gags, but I still enjoy the little autobiographical snippets from the mangaka. It’s interesting that he follows his own anime adaptation and plays the 3DS game. I’m happy for him as a proud creator :’) 
Volume 7
-I feel like this series’ sense of humor is getting even MORE juvenile. In this volume we get less naked people jokes and more butt/poop/pee jokes. Again, wouldn’t really want my kids reading this lol. 
-Remember when I said Pascal Sensei looked like a Minion? Well...
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-Okay, the live-action adaptation gag was really funny. I guess Japanese folks have the same negative view of live-action adaptations as we do in the west lol 
-Kinda weird how Nagai-sensei will just re-use the same gag template over and over again. The same joke keeps happening where something will be drawn out until the students are all elderly and they’re like “how is this still going!?” It’s like “okay, that’s kinda funny but we’ve also seen this already...” 
-In one chapter Pascal Sensei can’t stop going to the bathroom so he puts on a diaper...WHAT IS THIS DEVIANTART FETISH BS!?? To make matters worse, Steve is also wearing a diaper and they compete to see how long they can hold it in. CURSED.
-Apparently Nagai-sensei is a big fan of Puzzle & Dragons and there’s a “Pazudora” parody in this volume. I really never understood the appeal of that game? There’s a million other mobile games just like it with way more interesting art. Also the name “Puzzle & Dragons” just sounds awful to a native English speaker lol 
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jisungsmochi · 7 years
Target Employee! Mingyu
hey guys! here is the second installment of my Seventeen shopping mall employees au, wow thats long. but alot of people enjoyed my Vernon imagine and gave me such positive feedback! i really appreciate it, and i hope you all will enjoy the rest of my writing! 
 this boi in target would be a freaking legend
 he’s organised, punctual, efficient etc
 loves his job sm
 close to being store assistant manager
 proud af of himself
 struts around with his cute smile
 is THAT employee that askes everyone “do you need help with anything?”
 all the other employees have to ask him for help constantly
 that would only make his self-esteem get higher
 he knows he’s good at his job
 you walk into target, holding a list of new appliances that you need for your new apartment
 kinda confused bc you weren’t familiar with the area and lowkey had trouble finding target in the first place
 you walk to the microwaves and stuff when a tall figure approached you
 “hello, would you like any assistance today?” the calm voice spoke
 you turned and saw a boy smiling at you
 “um yeah actually, I need everything on this list” you show him
 he leans his head towards yours to read the list
 he smelt good
 wow not creepy at all
 “okay, well you’ve come to the right person, I’m kind of a legend around here”
 “oh really now?”
 “mhmm” he hummed, leading you towards the kettles
 whilst walking through the store together, he started making small talk
 “how long ago did you move here?” he asked
 “um like Monday”
 “you’re organised, I like it”
 you blushed at his comment
 you looked at his name tag ‘Mingyu’
 nice name
 he was hella helpful
 he even pushed the trolley for you while you grabbed which appliances you liked
 “Mingyu we’ve been walking around for like an hour, I think I have everything”
 “no no but y/n, what about spoons and forks?” he whined
 you rolled your eyes, giggling at his childish manner
 you had literally been walking with him and talking for so long
 you were worried he was gonna get told off for like bludging or something
 “ok noW I think I’m done” you huffed, taking a look at your trolley full of stuff
 “yeah I’ll help you check them out”
 (or check you out whatever lol)
 “thankyou for this, I probably would have been here for hours without you” you complimented him
 “ah that’s alright, come by again soon, I like talking to you.” He smiled softly
 your heart did some flips yo
 you couldn’t stop blushing wow
 he finished scanning your stuff
 being the clingy lil boy he is
 he helped you load the stuff into your car
 like what a man
 “you didn’t have to do this for me” you kept telling him but he kept ignoring it
 “y/n, I want to help.”
 You sighed, feeling at ease when he spoke to you
 You were about to go
 But he grabbed your wrist
 Lmao cliché
 But still
 “do you wanna, hang out another time? I just had a lot of fun today but like I get if you don’t want to I just thoug-“
 “I would love that” you interrupted his stuttering
 his smile was so big
 it took over his whole face aw
 you exchanged numbers
 his name set as “mingyu the cute target dude”
 “I can’t figure out a name for you!” he whined
 “y/n, with 3 love hearts thanks” you joked
 but he wasn’t playin
 so you got your hearts
 and that’s that
 isn’t mingyu the sweetest
 ok bye now
 this was fun
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boosolmates · 7 years
Okay....let’s play pretend
pretend its actually Sunday and I’m not late af
Remember that fic rec I promised 2k years ago? No? I don’t blame you. I forgot too. But here, here I have some fics that I believe if you ship Verkwan you just gotta read. Why? 
you just gotta.
so, without further a-do
these are some of my favorite SVT fics with Verkwan in no particular order at all btw.
Welcome to Seventeen *
Synopsis: In which all the members of Seventeen work under Seventeen magazine.
Notes: Okay I’m literally a sucker for Office/Work AUs and this is a perfect example of my tastes. I tend to read funny, cracky, light and fluffy stuff (sorry if you’re looking for angst lmao). This story has the pairings kind og take a back seat there are moments and stuff you have to kinda squint to see them all but Verkwna is the main couple. If you wanna laugh and you enjoy Meanie then I say check it out! Warning it’s 13 chapters but I don’t believe it’s done and author-nim hasn’t updated in awhile….(hence the one asterisk)
And They Told Me Office Jobs Were Boring***
By Achilleus
Synopsis:"When I accepted this position," Seungcheol hisses, "I figured it would be easy. I would just have to review some articles, correct some spelling errors, maybe conduct an interview or two...but instead, I get this." He gestures aimlessly with his hand to absolutely nothing, but Junhui more or less understands what he's getting at.
OR: Seungcheol is Jeonghan's bitch (for forever, bitch), Seungkwan and Hansol are broken up (and never ever getting back together, like ever), Junhui is attempting to woo Minghao via horoscopes, Soonyoung and Seokmin have a bet going on (with both their cash money and bodies at stake), and something's going on with Wonwoo and Mingyu but no one knows what. At least that's how the story starts...it gets a bit messy later on.
Notes: Easily one of my favorites omg I love it so much!! Like I said I love office aus and it’s like Welcome to Seventeen with a bit more drama and all of my favorite ships it’s just starting and it seems very promising! It makes me smile/laugh like a complete dork and I can’t wait to find out what happened between Seungkwan and Vernon….
Show Me Your Fallen In Love Face ***
By Unfunny
Synopsis: Seungkwan likes the regular. Somewhere, Jihoon is sighing. (or, the AU where Seventeen are uni students on summer break and half of them work in a pizza joint)
Notes: I LOVE THIS FIC! Omg it’s one of my favorites honestly! 21K of pure pinning and really cute Verkwan. I love fics where the mutual feelings just kind of make them a thing and they naturally fall in love. Call me cheesy, I live for this kind of stuff.
All I’m Asking For **
By Unfunny
Synopsis: Hansol is so, so screwed.
Notes: This little one-shot continuation of Show Me Your Fallen In Love Face (sorta) one of my favorite Verkwan fics was too great! I loved the additional members and the way they write the crew is so realistic and funny (contrary to the name). I recommend if you want fluffy established relationship Verkwan; read this.
Candy Canes and Lipstick Stains
By RomanosCheese
Synopsis: “I bet you’d look dead sexy in a miniskirt, though.”
“Hansol, the only one who's going to be anything remotely ‘dead’ in the near future is you!”
Notes: This is smut but with like a hecka lot of plot. It’s a slow burn but tbvh the smut is A1. I love how the author wrote it naturally. It felt like a couple making love not like most smuts (they're all good tho lol) but the way they act seems so intimate...so real….aaahhhhh Plus this fic is why I have a thing for Seungkwan in tight girl clothes and Vernon have an Oppa kink jsjsjsjssj
Found in Translation***
By Naegahosh
Synopsis: Let's be real here, airports are the most cliché place ever for a break up. But it happens. Yet so does a start of something, and that's when the beauty of cliché kicks in.
Notes: OKAY! This author did such a great job! They had to have watched tens of thousands of those rom-com flicks because this fic is so movie-esque. Plus it’s incredibly romantiiiiiicccccc! Ugh I was squealing the whole time reading! Definitely if you want a really cute rom com with Meanie thrown in I promise you won’t be disappointed!
you in your high-tops any day**
By Brightlight
Synopsis: “Can’t we just be like, friends who exclusively hook up with each other? Isn’t that a thing?” Seungkwan asks.
Hansol nods. “That sounds like it should definitely be a thing.”
“Okay. Then we’re that,” Seungkwan decides, raising his popsicle up to knock against Hansol’s at their decision. A cheers, of sorts.
Hansol and Seungkwan are very certain that they're not dating, but no one else they know is.
Notes: More natural couple-y stuff lmao like that literally my favorite way for Verkwan to get together. That mutual feeling and crushing and pining till they finally do something...it’s beautiful. Read this if you want chill casual domestic stuff.
In the Eye of the Beholder*******
By Woozifi
Synopsis: Vernon is a half-demon, and a lifetime of prejudice and watching people avoid him for his frightening appearance has made him alone and friendless for most of his life. Seungkwan is a breath of fresh air, willing to approach him when no one else will—maybe because he's just that nice of a person, probably because he is completely, totally blind.
Notes: O KA Y. I am not okay after reading this. First off, Woozifi is my favorite artist and their writing style is beautiful. I love the way they write the crew and the stories they create. Like the world they created was so unique and without having to explain a lot I was able to envision it. A bit angsty and it holds a very meaningful moral at the end of the day. I could go on and on about how amazing this fic is, but you'll know after you read it tbvh. Okay, I’m being a little biased but it's seriously a masterpiece of over 30k words! GO READ IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YA! (added Soonseok, Jicheol?)  
it’s in the stars **
By boo98 (butter)
Synopsis: Seungkwan has two older sisters, which he likes to use as an excuse for being an absolutely awful romantic.
Notes: Okay unpopular opinion; I don’t really like soulmate AUs. Nothing’s wrong with them, just not my cup of tea. However, this story was too sweet, too cute and fluffy for me NOT to enjoy. I love how they wrote the characters! (some side! Soonseok and another couple I wont ruin the surprise read it ;0)
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asightsodivine · 7 years
Ivan the Incredible Review
I can't believe I actually watched this movie, and just to make it clear, I only watched so I could write this review. So my friend told me about this movie as a meme and I thought it'd be funny to make fun of, but after watching the trailer... The godawful trailer that I'm still in shellshock from witnessing, basically gave me incentive to tarnish this movie's reputation further than it already has been by my movie critic peers. Okay now on with the fucking movie. Ivan the Incredible follows Ivan, a dim-witted, worthless, ugly, submissive cuckboy who is out casted from his school (sounds familiar). The love interest is... um. I can't remember her name but she has one, let's call her "My ex" because thats fucking hilarious, shes a generic depthless love interest that no one in their right mind would give two shits about because even though she says she's against the torment of Ivan the Inbred she hangs out with a douche that mocks him every chance he gets, she's fucking weak and pathetic, we don't need two cunts with similar character traits in this boring movie. Next is the butchers daughter, or "thicc" because meme LOL. She plays the primary antagonist and brings along two sheep all the time because shes fat, weak and useless. Then there's a fat fortune teller lady witch, there's not much to say about her because she only had one purpose throughout the movie. Finally there's his dad, the best character in the movie. He has like a few funny lines but he spouts mundane dialogue for the majority of the time. Such a shame. He's an asshole dad who overcompensates for his lack of masculinity and achievements by bullying his son into submission. Also the butcher talks sometimes. Okay let's follow characters by story, Ivan the Incidental gets bullied then he gets a potion from the old gypsy to make him awesome for a day but she forgets to make it last one day so he's awesome indefinitely. (Forgot to mention there's this plot point involving Ivan about how he's slowly dying because he's awesome but it's never shown at all) So yeah, how surprising. So Ivan the Internet Sensation (fuck off it works kinda) is a famous hunk, BUT OH NO! The my ex doesn't like him being a hunk! He's now abusing his power! Oh god I didn't even fathom that that would be a possible twist! So yeah he becomes famous and his dad takes credit for his awesomeness so now they're rich and shit. But then he has an epiphany. The my ex is mad! So he changes and stuff and then shit happens and the gypsy finds him IN THE MOST FUCKING RANDOM spot in the town, an old warehouse. How the fuck did she know that Ivan the Interment was in his little schizo paradise. Anyways he returns to normal and then my ex likes him again, and instead of him being bullied, they're both bullied! Clap. Okay now for directing, animation, and tone. So it's safe to say that if you've seen a picture of this movie, you know it's animation is utterly atrocious, just horrific and hard to look at, it's like Jimmy Neutron, but somehow its worse. The little 2d comedy bits were a breath of fresh air though, so props on that. Also this was originally a Danish film so expect anime-teir lip sincing quality, though in their defense there wasn't much they could do if it was already rendered. The directing wasn't anything special. *action shot* *reaction shot* blah blah blah blah. Also the action scenes were really slapstick (I didn't start the slapstick counter on time so I can't count how many times there were "LOL HE FELL DOWN" moments). Tone wise it was relatively unique. Very strange, comically strange to clarify, which is why I attempted to look past all the flaws, I was hoping for a genuinely entertaining movie, which at the start, it seemed to be, I mean putting all my criticism aside, I thought some, SOME, of the fathers lines were kinda funny. But it just went downhill after like 30 minutes. I like movies, even if they're objectively bad, that attempt to challenge the status quo, but this movie was just a generic kids movie, but it was worse because of everything I said before and more. Just extra bullshit I'll cram in is the dialogue was serviceable, and at times criminally awful. Soundtrack was boring. Comedy was mostly shit, that one sex joke made me cringe into oblivion, oh lord. Morality wise, standard, teaching kids stuff that isn't important, because I mean being yourself is cool but if you have an opportunity to improve, I say take it, you know? Action scenes are shit. Don't make a fully cgi film if you can't use cgi. The dad's roast game was weak af. Also my final criticism is (keep in mind I only saw the trailer) I knew everything that was going to happen and it all happened, therefore it was boring as fuck. Lay off the clichés will ya? Overall, it was a terrible movie, not the worst, but still terrible so I'll give it a generous rating of 2/10. Though it fails at most levels, the audio quality wasn't abysmal, it wasn't directed awfully, and it had a few funny pieces of dialogue, so yeah. 2/10 won't watch again. I hate obligatory scoring systems but you know...
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atlas-evolves · 7 years
it's the book anon, lol. i'm too shy to come off anon, but i'm glad you appreciate my messages! i'll message you more, then! :) why don't you do everyone in trc for that ask thing?
awwww!!!!!!!!!!! thats okay, love!!!! and yeah, feel free to do this anytime, even if it’s not about books!!!! ily!!!
Blue Sargent
 Why I like them: she’s a badass female character that doesn’t take any boy’s bullshit. also, she works really hard to achieve her dreams and she’s really resilient. also her fashion sense? amazing. i aspire to be her, tbh. also she’s short like me lol
Why I don’t: okay, it’s not even something i don’t like about her, because i sorta do? but it’s kinda off-putting how cliché her character is? like she’s the only one in her family that isn’t a psychic, but she’s a ~mirror~. i love cliché things tho….. so it’s conflicting?
·         Favorite line: “I just want to pretend. I want to pretend I could.” / “It should be so.” / Every fight she had with Adam, tbh.
·         OTP: bluesy, duh.
·         Brotp: ronan/blue….idk what the ship name is but their friendship is the reason i breathe tbh.
·         Head Canon: idk…. i like her canon enough lmao like i don’t think i have any?
·         Unpopular opinion: probably the thing i wrote above lmao
·         A wish: that she lives a long, happy life and goes to costa rica and fulfills all of her dreams
·         An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: she changes anything about her ever
·         5 words to best describe them: feminist, aesthetic, hardworking, funny, badass
·         My nickname for them: i don’t have one
Richard “Dick” Campbell Gansey III
·         Why I like them: he is the greatest friend ever? he cares so much about his friends and he’s just so…. so good to them. he’s also so smart and so driven to do the things he wants to do and i admire him so much for that. also he can be That Bitch when he needs to be and i live for it. all his fucking quirks it’s beautiful.  i relate to his anxious ass lmao his fashion sense kills me too.
·         Why I don’t: the! motherfucking! will-he-die-shit! i haven’t finished the raven king and i’m lowkey pulling my hair out every time i read a scene with him in it.
·         Favorite line: “I believe I’m having a panic attack.” / “I like you an awful lot, Blue Sargent.” / The whole duck scene / “Crushed and broken. Just the way women like ‘em.” / “Safe as life.”
·         OTP: bluesey
·         Brotp: god……………………………………. the trio, tbh. i live for their friendship. don’t make me choose between them.
·         Head Canon: i have this very specific head canon for how his voice sounds but idk how to describe it
·         Unpopular opinion: idk?
·         A wish: that he lives happily,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, please………………
·         An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: having him die,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
·         5 words to best describe them: driven, anxious, king, leader, fighter
·         My nickname for them: none?
Ronan Lynch
·         Why I like them: where do i start………………………………. god. first of all how much he loves his family and his friends. like he would literally die for them and holy fuck he’s so fucking sweet. like he masks it with this harsh exterior but like??? he gave adam lotion, he paid his rent. he goes to church every sunday to see his brother. he wrote “remembered” on noah’s car over “murdered” i cried tbh. he didn’t kill kavinsky the first time he saw him?  he dreamt up a fucking baby raven, named it chainsaw, and raised that thing. fucking angel. but he’s also a huge asshole? also how fucking Dramatic he is, because same. i just…… really relate to this asshole so much.
·         Why I don’t: okay…… so when he dreamt that night and almost died….. he let gansey and everyone let him thing that he killed himself…….. and then liked joked about it………. like i get his reasoning and like i totally understand it all, but as someone whose struggled with suicide and shit…. it just wasn’t cool to read that.
·         Favorite line: everything he says is perfect tbh but…. “You’re already dead!” / “Thanks Parrish, I like your face, too.” / “It makes you look like a loser.” / “There was never a you and me.” / “Jesus Mary Fuck!” / “You’re just jealous because you didn’t find one, too.” / “I’m being perfectly fucking civil.” / “Don’t fucking swear.” / “Maybe I dreamt you.” / “Gansey’s partying with his mother. And Noah’s fucking dead. But Parrish is here.”
·         OTP: pynch…………..rovinsky (kill me tbh but like….. i ship it)
·         Brotp: gansey/ronan, and blue/ronan, i live for their friendships tbh also!!! noah/ronan, i think that’s my fave
·         Head Canon: i have this head canon (that’s basically canon) but if any of his friends, even if they’re not adam, need something, he’ll dream it for them and hide it somewhere they’ll find it. also this is also canon but when he moves to the barns he dreams a shit ton of animals and will text pictures of them to adam gansey and blue all the time and that he makes his animals a meme and everyone loves it. also trans ronan is my fucking shit
·         Unpopular opinion: tbh…. idk
·         A wish: he lives a long, happy life as a farmer with his beautiful husband and adoptive daughter i’m waiting for the dreamer trilogy to kill me
·         An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: pls….. don’t hurt my son or his friends……… keep everyone safe.
·         5 words to best describe them: asshole, dramatic, caring, strong, honest
·         My nickname for them: nothing, yo
Adam Parrish
·         Why I like them: where the fuck do i even………. ok so like adam is so fucking strong, okay? he stayed at an abusive household, didn’t accept charity, and stuck to his principles. that shit is so fucking hard. and when it came down to it, he stuck up for himself, and got his father in trouble, and accepted his friends help, which in some ways is harder. and he’s so driven, working multiple jobs to pay for food and school and rent, going to a private school school and getting A’s because he knows that he has to work hard to achieve what he wants. and he’s intuitive. he knows that ronans crushing on him, he figured out that gansey was destined to die, and he’s just….. so smart. And he’s!!!! bisexual. love that representation.
·         Why I don’t: okay…. so like, i understand sticking to your principles, but……. there’s a time where it’s totally acceptable to not. and when you’re fucking able to leave an abusive household, that’s a pretty good fucking reason. Granted, he did eventually, but he could’ve don’t it a lot sooner. he’s just a little shortsighted, i guess? Ironic, lmao. also, his callouts (like with blue, when telling ronan he knew he paid the rent, etc.) is appreciated, because he isn’t taking bullshit, he could… handle them better.
·         Favorite line: “That’s this biggest lie you’ve ever told.” (GET REKT) /  all his exchanges with ronan tbh / “I’d like to press charges.” / “Nobody knows what [enter long word here] means, Gansey.” / all his callouts with blue
·         OTP: pynch
·         Brotp: gansey/adam
·         Head Canon: I have very specific headcanons for him but like………. idk it’s too long
·         Unpopular opinion: binch idk
·         A wish: he lives a happy, long life with his famer boyfriend and adoptive daughter.
·         An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: just let my son be happy, alright? Happy and safe
·         5 words to best describe them: a mess, motivated, sad, intuitive, angry
·         My nickname for them: idk??
Noah Czerny
·         Why I like them: He’s literally so cute and sweet??? But also??? kinda terrifying. A+
·         Why I don’t: Because I’m halfway through trk and idk whats happening with him
·         Favorite line: “He threw me out the window!” / “Glitter! Whoops!” / “I’ve been dead for seven years.” / “I’ve told you I was dead. I’m dead.” / all his interactions with blue rip
·         OTP: god…. i don’t ship him romantically with anyone???
·         Brotp: Ronan/Noah // Blue/ Noah
·         Head Canon: like with everyone they’re too specific rip
·         Unpopular opinion: That he’s Good? idk
·         A wish: that he does whatever the hell he wants
·         An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: he passes on? does he? Don’t tell me
·         5 words to best describe them: cute, scary, eccentric, gullible, creative
·         My nickname for them: none
 Joseph Kavinsky
·         Why I like them: i just love him, alright? he’s garbage, i know. but like……… you can tell he’s been through a lot in life, and who wouldn’t be fucked up after their dad tried to murder them? and he’s very… gung-ho about everything i love it. and how blunt he is? live for it.
·         Why I don’t: he could…. Not use homophobic slurs. Lmao dude, ur gay af, u can stop.
·         Favorite line: “It’s either with me or against me.” / tbh all his shots at gansey/ronan being together / that exchange with ronan when he was talking about his past
·         OTP: god………………………… lavinsky…………….. shoot me i know. also him and proko.
·         Brotp: him and proko…. And lavinsky tbh.
·         Head Canon: i have a lot riperoni
·         Unpopular opinion: he’s a Good character. Maybe not a good person, but…..
·         A wish: him not being dead would be pretty great.
·         An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: the worst has already happened so wtf else could tear me down? (this is not an invitation………..)
·         5 words to best describe them: gay, blunt, asshole, sad, jealous
·         My nickname for them: none
 Henry Cheng
·         Why I like them: Because he’s so nice to everyone? Like he helps Blue at school when they fake that fight. He offered to fly places with her. And all his interactions with Gansey? A+
·         Why I don’t: I literally don’t know if I trust him or not? Like I’m sure I can but that thing with the robot bee? Rude.
·         Favorite line: Honestly…. Every line he says is iconic. / “Life is a show.” / the interaction with gansey in blue lily, lily blue / the interaction with gansey in the Aglionby hidey hole
·         OTP: i don’t ship him romantically with anyone rip
·         Brotp: him and gansey also him and blue tbh
·         Head Canon: don’t have any tbh
·         Unpopular opinion: Idk
·         A wish: that he’s happy and stops being fucking…………. mysterious.
·         An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: that he fucks everyone over? (please don’t tell me if he does or doesn’t but like………… pls henry)
·         5 words to best describe them: helpful, funny, charitable, dramatic, eccentric
·         My nickname for them: none
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fortheloveofcringe · 7 years
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// Underrated
The crowd was dead-af. I suspect that it’s because people just started eating their barbecue’s and “pusō” while they wait for friends or colleagues as the Sangyaw Parade of Lights fade. It was rather a tiring than a joyful day in “Mags”. I wasn’t able to attend the festivities for almost two years because of work, call it “on time for career but slacking off in life”. It just occurred to me that I’ve never actually witnessed famed rock bands on stage (not that I can remember) just probably some in-school bands or local bands in Tacloban by passing by, as I recall, because knowing the gay cliché that I am, I’m only down for pop artists most of the time because my dominant self needs that kind of energy from Gaga, Lily Allen, Ms. Minaj, to Rupaul but I KNOW my shabby little emo-gay-kid self loved rock bands. I loved how carefree they are. I remember shouting Misery Business’ lyrics in the bleachers when I was in high school because the music video spoke to my unreleased identity.  I loved how it echoed.
So after that little flashback I closed my eyes for a modest while and abruptly, a cracking M.C. with a lousy intro broke the news that Gracenote was about to perform. We were seated in a decent view but a bit too far for t-shirts to hit our faces. Gracenote, well, as I’ve said I’m Ms. Pop and having able to see KZ Tandingan with her crazy vocal antics a few days ago just made me less interested. I’m 23 and done with my emo days. I feel like bands are relative to that stage of puberty. And that’s why I don’t swing that way anymore. They all want us to grow up.
A band that I don’t know which kind of flare they play. I see them prep up the stage and I believe I saw a synthesizer.
A SYNTH. This can be interesting. My friend says it’s a girl that looks like Arci Munoz and I was quick to zoom my eyes to the stage, and there they are. Gracenote. I can only recall the song “Pwede Ako Ngayon” from them because of course,MYX, (2013?) but other than that, since the baby boom of OPM bands they’re sadly piled to the bunch and I was just over it. Not a single ounce of interest. I continued to chow on my “Isaw” as my friends walk in our table one-by-one and the high school squad is now complete, and then I heard the heavy use of synth and autotune. I’ve seen live local stuff before but not as intricate as this. I listen. Taciturn.
I gather myself in admiration. I felt like I just slapped myself from my dry presumptions.  I can probably say they are the first mainstream band I’ve seen live. But my head was noisy. I had questions. If I could get the chance, I’d interview them and exchange my Ariana Grande’ music reviews for our publication since I’m instantly the top-dog of the school’s paper kingdom.
But why Taciturn when the lyrics I got was about someone being so talky? Being so millennial? Wait. Is she even a Feminist? Why name their band Gracenote? What’s with the three members? What’s their party trick? Then the vocalist hit me with the lines from another song saying, “Aren’t you getting tired of the voices in the back of your head?”
The song was about a relationship being too uptight and shitty, but these lines hit me though. Okay, I want to dig deeper. All night I was just in awe of the band. The bassist caught girls and the vocalist caught boys, but I was rather caught by the instruments and sound. I saw several instruments and I felt like I saw MUSE, they remind me of them, and the Violin break was exceptional. They said goodbye and I was just “They don’t deserve this kind of audience”. To belong in such an objectifying, dead-af audience, I was sending SMH’s mentally to everyone. But I can’t assume stuff, maybe everyone did enjoyed the package Gracenote brought.
So, Callalily went on and of course everyone was just frying their vocal cords from excessive shouting. But after they performed, I just immediately said goodbye to my friends because I knew what intrigued me that night. I need to finish some school works since the festivities in Tacloban has come to an end. I got home, I don’t want  no one bothering me when I do my research because my research moments are sacred and they are monumental information revelations to me.
Spotify, First Movement and Transparent. All tracks in but I focused on the stuff I’ve heard. Fair judgement? I guess they sound much superior live. Youtube up and Stevie B’s. Wish Bus and Music Videos. I was just eating it all up. I’m sorry Lorde and Dua Lipa, but I’m gonna have to take a break, because this band has been a revelation to me. I like how their libretto is played in the sensation of intimate intelligence. I never liked any mainstream artist who doesn’t write their stuff anyway but what’s more important than that? I am now a fan of Gracenote, no doubt. I just don’t get how underrated they are. However I’m sure the next time I see them, I’ll be in the front seat and I’ll be closing my eyes. I like to feel good music.
- H 7/2017
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