#okay its 1am
faunandfloraas · 3 months
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2022 - 2024 © S298125
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finnitesimal · 1 month
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Maybe I wanted to see them go at a little longer. You know
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favoure · 9 months
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a lifetime of indentured servitude
used this frame from the mv of "femme fatale" by kedarui as ref for this piece ! just thought that it fit them perfectly orz
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hayakawapartner · 6 months
aki with a s/o with chronic pain . . .
!!! this post is sfw, but minors/ageless blogs dni with this post/blog !!!
notes: gn!disabled!reader, this is self indulgent i tried to make this fitting for more general chronic pain! reader might come across as ehlers danlos-coded (is that a thing?? weird thing for me to type)
aki is already so sweet and caring with you, of course he would be helpful when your chronic pain flares up.
he notices that you’re moving a bit slower, taking shorter steps, taking a longer time to get up from your seat… and he’s immediately there to help
VERY quick to ask what you need, but he also tries to offer your usual solutions
“where does it hurt? do you need a heating pad? painkillers? tiger balm? do you want me to run a warm bath?”
if you have fluctuating mobility/occasionally use a mobility aid, he does his best to keep everything in a convenient spot for you. crutches near the bed so you can slide your arms in and get up with a bit more ease, rollator in a place where you don’t trip but it’s easy to access…
he was initially Overly Careful with you so he didn’t aggravate your pain further, but as he grows used to your needs, he’s still careful but he’s not scared of breaking you like he used to be
kisses the back of your neck while gently massaging your sore joints/muscles, murmuring soft “i love you”s and “you’re gonna be okay”s while he’s rubbing tiger balm onto your sorest spots
if he hears your joints pop he gets really nervous until you specify if it was a good/bad pop
if a spot is too sore, he won’t touch it in case he hurts you even more.
and if you just Can’t get out of bed for the day? he calls off from work to take care of you. brings you comfort food, helps you to the bathroom when you need it, makes sure you’re hydrated and taking your meds…
SPEAKING OF MEDS. this man is so good at reminding you
“did you forget to take your meds? maybe you should take them now, love. it’ll help you feel less sore.”
he’s very careful to make sure he doesn’t shame you for forgetting meds, for needing help, for being in pain. he just does whatever he can to make sure you’re okay and empathises with your complaints about your aches.
while he hates seeing you in pain during a flare-up, he becomes extra doting just to make sure your needs are met. cooks your fav comfort meal, makes sure all your pillows are soft and arranged to keep you comfy, refills your water bottle whenever it’s almost empty, etc.
he’s just so loving… aaauuuu
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Was wondering if I could also request a SFW comfort drabble between Choso and fem!reader, where reader has a nightmare where choso died and he comforts the reader? Very self indulgent due to reasons LOL thank you! :3
Omg okay I tried my best 😭 I'm so sad about him but I hope this does provide some comfort but it might still be kinda sad 😭
Pairings: Choso x reader
Warnings: pet names (Choso calls reader babe), reader has a nightmare involving being trapped in a fire
Fire. All you saw was fire. All you felt was a suffocating heat that left your eyes and throat burning. Despite that, all you could think about was Choso. Where was he? Is he okay? You couldn't get your eyes to focus with the smoke and blistering heat. Even calling out his name was impossible; you would start coughing the moment you took in a breath.
You started to panic. You couldn't die here. You needed to get out. But where was Choso? You started aimlessly walking, trying to avoid areas where the flames were more intense, when suddenly you saw a figure in the distance.
That had to be him. You ran to it, to him, and as you approached you felt your worries lighten. He was here. He was okay. We can get out.
When he saw you, he had the same relief in his eyes, sleeves covering his mouth and nose. But before you could reach him, you heard a loud crackling and saw his eyes widen. The next thing you know he's running to shove you out of the way as a large flaming beam of wood came crashing down, pinning him to the scorched ground as the flames grew right on top of him.
The last look on his face was one of relief. Relief that you were okay. That he fulfilled his duty to you, the most important person in his life. And then his face was lost to the fire as it engulfed his body.
You screamed, dropping to your knees, uncaring about the flames raging around you. Daring them to take you too.
Your eyes opened as your scream woke you up, body hot and sweaty and tears falling from your eyes. You sat up immediately, sobbing uncontrollably and hyperventilating.
"Babe, babe, oh my god what's wrong? I'm right here." Your scream also woke Choso, who had been previously sleeping peacefully next to you but was now up and fully panicked at your outburst.
He immediately reached out and pulled you onto his lap, holding your shaking form to his chest.
"Choso, Choso, Choso please don't go please no no no." You sobbed, clutching his shirt, not entirely certain you were out of the dream. It felt so real. Your whole body still felt hot and you could barely see in the darkness of the room.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here. I'm right here. I'm okay. We're okay. It was just a bad dream. We're okay, I'm okay." He rubbed circles against your back as he held you and reassured you.
You started to come back to your senses as your eyes adjusted and you listened to his voice. You were in your room, Choso was holding you in your shared bed, there was no fire, he was alive. He was alive.
You finally stopped hyperventilating and looked up at him. His face looked nothing like it did in the dream. Instead of a look of relief, it was pure concern. Instead of being engulfed in flames, it was ever so slightly illuminated by the moonlight spilling in.
"Choso.." you couldn't help but choke out his name. It felt so real. You thought you had lost him forever. Even though the nightmare was over, the emotions you felt from it were still very real.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm fine, I'm perfectly fine. We're okay." He said softly, kissing the top of your head as you sobbed into his chest.
He held you against him for a few minutes longer, softly repeating "we're okay. It's okay. I'm okay" as he gently rocked you back and forth.
The emotions from your nightmare slowly subsided. You were no longer sobbing, instead just sniffling with the occasional shaky breath.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked.
You took a breath and sniffled, "yeah. I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." You tried to get off his lap but he held you to him.
"You don't need to apologize it's okay. Do you wanna tell me what happened?"
You sniffled again, "there was fire everywhere and I couldn't find you at first. When I finally did I was so relieved, but then when we were about to escape it, a beam came crashing down right above me and you pushed me out of the way. But then it fell on you instead and, and-" Tears started falling from your eyes again as you remembered the dread and horror you felt.
"hey, hey, It's okay, you don't need to continue. It was just a nightmare. I'm fine. I'm here. We're okay."
You took deep breaths to steady yourself.
The way he rubbed circles on your back and the weight of his arm draped across your lap holding your hip were grounding. They helped center you in reality. He was okay. He was alive. Nothing happened.
As you regained your composure you realized you had covered his shirt in snot and tears.
"Choso, your shirt, I'm sorry I didn't mean to get it dirty."
"Huh? Oh, I don't care about that, the shirt can be washed. In fact, here."
He let go of you briefly to pull his shirt over his head and then used the clean parts of it to wipe the wetness from your cheeks before holding it to your nose.
"Choso I don't need you to-"
"Cho this is–"
You were cut off by him lightly pinching your nose.
"It's not embarrassing and it's just a shirt. It can be washed. Now please, blow your nose."
Thankfully he couldn't see you blushing under the moonlight as you blew your nose into his shirt.
He gently dabbed at your nose after.
"Do you feel better now?" He asked.
"Yeah, I do. Thank you."
"Good," he leaned towards and kissed your forehead, "I'm gonna get you some water I'll be right back, okay?"
You nodded, "okay."
He gently moved you off his lap before giving you another quick kiss on your forehead, "two seconds." And then he walked out the door towards the kitchen. You heard the familiar clinking of glasses and the sink turning on before he came back.
"Here, drink."
He held the glass to your lips and began tipping it back, cutting off any possibility for protest, so you just opened your mouth and guzzled down the whole glass. Your throat was sore and dry from crying and the water was a much needed respite.
"Do you want more?"
"No I think I'm okay."
"Okay." He said, and set the glass down on the bedside table. "Do you want to try going back to sleep?"
You thought for a second. All the crying and hysterics had worn you out, and even though you were hesitant to enter the dreamworld again, you couldn't fight the growing heaviness in your eyes.
"Yeah...but can you hold me? At least until I fall asleep?"
"Of course. I was going to do that anyways." Choso said.
You both got back under the blankets and then Choso pulled you on top of him. You gave a surprised yelp, not expecting the sudden change in position.
"Oh Choso I didn't mean like this I don't want you to be uncomfortable. We can just spoon like we usually do."
"I know, but I think this is better. I can hold you closer."
"Are you sure?"
He looked up at your face and smiled, tucking a piece of your hair back behind your ear, "Of course," And he leaned in to give you a kiss, "now try to get some sleep. I'm right here if you need anything."
Your head laid against his bare chest and you could hear his heartbeat, strong and unwavering. He had one arm around your hips and the other one rubbing soothing circles on your back.
Before long, you were drifting back to sleep and dreaming about a picnic with all his siblings. Choso sat at the head of the table, smiling at all of his younger brothers and you.
What a lovely dream.
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sleepintro · 1 year
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stations of the cross // sam winchester 
special thanks to @assigned-boyking-at-birth​ for their help on this <33
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livejournallegacy · 1 year
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"A lot of the [L.S. Dunes] songs came bassline first"
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bonetrousledbones · 1 year
whatever you do DON’T think about how papyrus undertale’s biggest motivations lie in encouraging the people around him to improve themselves and finding the joy in friendship and how he doesn’t have any of that in deltarune whatsoever and instead he’s just hiding inside of a dark house while everyone else is outside going about their lives relatively fine without him just dont think about it
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roseekara · 2 months
Just suddenly realized 'you're losing me' is so hotchniss coded 😭
You say, "I don't understand, " and I say, "I know you don't"
I'm getting tired even for a phoenix, always rising from the ashes
And I wouldn't marry me either, a pathological people pleaser
Mending all her gashes, you might just have dealt the final blow
I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick
I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy, and all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier
Emily was always by his side since the beginning, even though he didn't trust her until she was the one who left first 🥹😭😭
Don't touch me now I'm in shambles and utter despair.
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yeetus-feetus · 1 month
Greetings, Timothy
Ra's. Having computer troubles again?
Well, you did blow up my bases. Again.
Oh no Ra's Dearest, I'm so sorry to hear that
Leave the condescension to Grayson, he pulls it off much more effectively
I'd say you might like him better than me at this point. If he's so much better than me at everything, why don't you bother him instead
Oh but that's not how our little game here works my Beloved Detective, it is my turn to retaliate is it not
And what, this is a heads up? Not like you at all, Dearest
Oh, is it not?
Leave the clueless act to Grayson he's-
An excellent performer. Not the kind I'm curious about, I -
And what kind are you curious about?
It truly is impossible to have a conversation with you, young detective
And what would we converse about if it weren't?
... Perhaps I am giving you a heads up. Perhaps I want you to be prepared for our next encounter.
And why should that be?
I think you know very well why, Timothy. I'm sending a puzzle your way, as a gift, I do know how much you love those
Oh, you know me so well, Dearest
Mm. And I suggest you watch your back. My men won't be going easy on you
You wouldn't face me yourself?
Oh I would, but I have a pretty blonde to attend to. He's quite the specimen, have you broken him in yet?
... No. Where is he... Where's Bernard!?
Oh calm down now, Beloved, he's right here with me. Does he know you flirt with international criminals during your night work?
Well, he does now, doesn't he?
Ra's don't you fucking dare touch a single fucking hair on his head! I'll kill you this time, I'm not playing!
Ohoho, dear boy you can't, you don't know how to cross that line yet. Have fun with my gift now will you?
Fuck you.
*chuckle* Goodbye Detective, I'll see you soon enough.
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eeveekitti · 3 months
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days 4 & 5: fire spears/fire eggs
funfact my saint hates killing!! like a lot!! sorry i took ur prompt and made angst videocult
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favoure · 1 year
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me when my homie doesn't love me like he used to
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gotolunarvalleys · 2 days
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the new holy trinity of jodie comer pics
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badlydrawndisciple · 7 months
Hiiiii silly gurly
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[ HAIII :3 ]
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dallonwrites · 9 months
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okay actually looked at the lover boy wip intro again and this has me crazy because the grief in this was meant to all be about bobby but "remember that his favourite fruit was peaches and try not to cry over it" got me because felix's favourite fruit being peaches is like. a recent but definitive part of his character. and i can't remember if i just used peaches as a placeholder for bobby's favourite fruit (he does not give peach to me) and if i first wrote this before or after i decided peaches were felix's BUT now i'm like. what if this passage is him grieving bobby but it spirals around his grief for his relationship with felix??? find a lover the way you found felix and don't lose him this time but also find a lover because you're trying to find a connection as deep as the one you had with your best friend even though you know it can never be replicated. you can never find a lover that will love you like bobby (platonic, to be clear) loved you. find a lover in the fact you are alive even though it makes you nauseous because it just reminds you that your best friend isn't. how do you grieve someone who's still alive whilst simultaneously grieve someone who isnt? trying to grieve two people in two different ways and you feel guilty at the way they blend and blur because it feels like you lose your separate grips on both of them and you don't feel like you have space in you to accommodate all this ache. and like what if i edited all this to make that parallel more clear?? that his primary grief is bobby because he's the one who's dead but he's also grieving felix and probably doesn't even realise it?? and then the two become blurred?? and if he realised this he would actually feel fucking awful about it and like a bad friend?? haha just kidding unless??
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