#okay now sing the one piece song again
fauna-and-floraa · 7 months
Pirate Lee Know is the only thing I'm gonna think about all day
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chuluoyi · 4 months
✎ stupid liar
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- gojo satoru x reader
no way. impossible. you couldn't possibly be jealous of gravure idol gojo likes so much now... or could you?
genre: jealous!reader vs slightly jealous!gojo, crack, and obviously, fluff !!
note: based on this post :))
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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"Look, Suguru~ Isn't she pretty?"
Your eye twitched at the sing-song voice, lips twisting into a scowl as you glanced at him from the corner of your twitching eye.
No. You don't care. Not in the slightest.
You stabbed your fork into your cheesecake with more fervor than necessary though.
"Inoue Waka!" Satoru exclaimed with an enthusiasm that felt almost too bright. "This is her in her newest issue!"
‘Newest issue’ being a bikini special, with the said model lay sprawled in the most revealing piece possible. That indecent photo had also become the wallpaper and lockscreen on your boyfriend's phone, and he shamelessly showed it off with pride.
You steeled yourself. Again. No. It's not a big deal. You weren't jealous, especially not over some... heavily-altered picture of a porn actress!
"Ahh, she does look nice..."
You attacked your now-mutilated cheesecake again, feeling your mood plummet further after hearing Suguru's response. Now you were convinced, all men are dogs!
"—but not exactly my type," he added quickly, his gaze darting towards you. His interest lay more in your reaction, which was why he stirred the pot further: "Is she your type, Satoru?"
Your boyfriend, whether oblivious or intentional, erupted into giddy laughter like a kid. "Ehh... why of course!"
His enthusiastic agreement seemed to echo louder in your ears than it probably should have. The cheesecake, once a treat, now felt like lead in your mouth.
That's it. One more time and—
But then, Suguru's voice cut through your irritated thoughts again, clearly amused. "Well, but I've always thought real beauty lies not just in appearances but in strength of character. Wouldn't you agree, Satoru?"
You knew it, Suguru was indeed the best. You dared to glance up from your plate, curious about your cocky little clown’s response. But you really shouldn't, because Satoru, the absolute cretin he was—
"Why are you getting philosophical all of sudden?" he sullenly grumbled. "Important thing is if she's hot, then she is hot." You could have sworn he briefly side-eyed you before saying, "And no one is hotter than Inoue Waka."
Stupid. Idiot. Insufferable.
Standing up, your patience dissipated into thin air. Your brisk pace made Shoko, who was beside Suguru, to quirk an eyebrow. "Oh, leaving already?"
"I'm going back. Have a practice."
"Ehh? You didn't say?" only now did your shameless boyfriend turned to you fully. "It's still break time—"
"Nanami is waiting for me, goodbye."
You didn't look back even once, too annoyed to notice that Satoru was gawking at your words.
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Satoru couldn't believe this. You ignored him. You actually did… in favor of Nanami!
He was starring daggers at how the two of you conversing so amiably across the hall. You were his girlfriend already, but he could barely able to make you look as sweet as you were with Nanami just now. You were always prickly with him!
Okay, but rest assured—with Suguru he may have doubts, but with Nanami, he was convinced he outshone him by a wide margin, perhaps even ten or twenty times over!
"Why are you sparring with him?" he was sulking when he caught you on the way back to the dorms after school. "Why not Haibara instead?"
You scoffed. "And why do you idolize Inoue Waka and not Yuzuki Tina?"
Oh, so that's what this is about. Suddenly, he didn't feel as miffed as a stupid grin split his face. "Ooh, you're looking into gravure idols too?"
"Heh, if you're doing it for research purpose, that's totally okay~"
"Pfft, you're so jealous it's so great to watch—"
You halted abruptly, your annoyance now at its peak. Facing your infuriating boyfriend, you leveled a piercing glare at him that caught him off-guard. "Gojo, from today onwards, we're having a ban."
"Whoa, hey—"
"—and in the meantime, you can print Inoue Waka out of your phone, hang her in your dorm and kiss your wall instead—"
"Just a minute!" Satoru interjected, eyes rounded with slight alarm. "Don't be too hasty!"
He looked at you, really looked at you, and saw that you were actually upset.
A twinge of... what is it? Some kind of guilt, he supposed, pricked his chest. He didn't like seeing you like this, especially knowing he had played a part in it. You should be smiling sweetly and catching his heart with it, not frowning like this.
"Hey," he started, his voice softening as a small, sincere smile crept onto his face. You continued to look away, a stubborn pout fixed on your lips. Darn it, how did you manage to look cute while angry too?
"Look at me, I'm all yours, okay?"
That got you to shoot him a sharp glance, and boohoo!—the ice in your heart thawed slightly as you met his smile, which soon evolved into a toothy grin.
But then, in one swift strike, he pulled his phone out and took a snap of your very-not-ready face.
"Satoru!" you screamed in panic, trying to climb over him to pluck his phone. "No! Delete that!"
"Ah ah," he crisply snickers, raising his hand with the phone high above where you couldn't reach. After pressing a few buttons, he triumphantly showed you his phone screen, now displaying your flop picture in all of its glory.
"That's seriously awful!" you grimaced, a look of horror in your face. "Satoru, for real—"
“You’re adorable,” he countered almost immediately, his smile wide and unabashed—the very winning smile that won your heart. “My girl is cute as heck and you know what the best part is? She’s mine.”
. . .
—okay, you were now positively melting. This was irritating, how can you forgive him this easily?
You huffed, raising your chin high to cover the very sizzling heat in your cheeks. "Hmph. Keep that photo then. But I'm still sparring with Nanami though."
"Mm-hmm, whatever. I hope his foul hairstyle won't affect you—"
"Don't badmouth him! Wait, don't tell me... you feel threatened by him?"
"Wha? Why would I!? I have the better face, better wallet—!"
Together, you walked back to the dorms, the evening air somehow felt lighter around you. Satoru's hand found yours along the way, and the two of you kept up a playful banter, followed by shared giggles afterwards.
. . .
What you didn't realize, however, was that there was another reason behind Satoru's happy laughter... his secret little mission had been a smashing success~
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“I put too much faith in Y/N. I’m disappointed.”
“We are paying Gojo, damn it.”
Suguru and Shoko let out collective sighs, looking at the two of you. They witnessed your little outburst and that sealed everything.
You used to not give in to so easily. Unfortunately now, you were whipped for that idiot too, enough to get jealous over him.
As Suguru opened his wallet, a realization struck. “Shoko, now that I think about it… why am I always losing these bets?”
“You could just suck… or maybe," she glances him over before letting out a snort. "Your bangs just bring bad luck?”
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
It’s Dustin who saves Eddie.
He doesn’t try and carry him back to the trailer, nothing like that—if he could manage that on determination alone, then he would, but his throbbing leg has other ideas.
So he stays by Eddie’s side. Throws off his hoodie and starts to rip any piece of his clothing that he can, because he’s come a long way from when he once stuck bandaids on Steve’s beaten up face.
“What… what are you doing?” Eddie says in between gasping breaths.
Dustin would laugh if he wasn’t so scared. “Buying more time,” he echoes. Then he looks Eddie right in the eye and adds, voice wavering, “I’m really fucking sorry in advance.”
He takes a deep breath and presses the material to Eddie’s chest with force.
Eddie screams.
Dustin grits his teeth. Keeps going.
He creates makeshift tourniquets for Eddie’s arms, keeps tearing at his shirt, then takes it off entirely to use as a larger bandage, ignoring the shock of cold against his skin; the only thought in his head is that he has to stop the bleeding.
Eddie’s hand finds his bare shoulder. Squeezes weakly. “Tha’s enough,” he slurs. “D-Dustin, stop.”
And Dustin only does what he says because it doesn’t look like any more blood is soaking through the material. He keeps pressure on the worst of the wounds, tries to keep his elbows locked, as if that will stop his relentless shivering.
And when he looks up, he sees a tear fall from Eddie’s eye, down his temple, into his hair—and Dustin somehow knows that it’s not from pain alone, that Eddie’s crying just because he can see how cold he is.
“M’sorry,” Eddie whispers. “Never meant for… for you to—”
“Shut up,” Dustin says, then hastily amends, “Actually, don’t shut up, just—just stay awake. They’ll be back soon, okay, Steve and Robin and Nancy, and they’ll—”
“Steve,” Eddie agrees. His voice goes up and down, like a little song: “Steve, Steve, Steve.”
“Yeah, he’ll—hey, Eddie, eyes open.”
“Mm-hmm,” Eddie says faintly. “Eyes… oh, forgot to… you were right, H-Henderson, he’s… a badass. S’got pretty eyes, too, like wow. Pretty, pretty…”
Well. That’s a development.
“You can tell me all about Steve’s pretty eyes if you keep yours open.”
And Eddie’s eyes do jolt open at that, like he’s received an electric shock. He groans in mortification.
“Jesus Christ. Didn’t mean to—fuck, feel like I’m drunk, man, I can’t… just kill me.”
Dustin thinks he probably would have found that request funny if Eddie wasn’t saying it through teeth flecked with blood.
Still, he does let out a strangled, hysterical giggle when he says, “I know how to keep you awake now.”
Eddie groans again. “Spare me the—”
“He sings in the shower, like, full blown Elvis impression, all that jazz. And he denies having lucky socks, but he wears the same pair whenever Lucas has a basketball game.”
“Huh?” Eddie says eloquently.
“Pay attention, dude, you need to know what you’re getting into! Oh, he said when he went to see The Fox and the Hound, he cried.”
Eddie chuckles. “That’s… oh, that’s sweet.” He smiles, eyes bright, and Dustin suddenly knows that they’re gonna be okay. “Keep going?”
Dustin does. He talks about how Steve always says, “Two for joy,” even when he sees a singular magpie, because he reasons that the second one is always just hiding. How he eats ice-cream too fast, does a comical hop in place when he inevitably gets brain freeze. That whenever he happens to pick up Dustin from school, he almost always has a Simon and Garfunkel tape playing, sings along to At the Zoo as he turns out of the parking lot.
Dustin doesn’t mention the Farrah Fawcett spray; a promise is a promise.
Eddie seems pretty damn well entertained with what he’s been given, anyway. He keeps smiling, lets out breathy chuckles that give Dustin hope: that he still has enough energy to laugh.
“Okay, okay, I’m awake,” he says, “I’m so awake, jus’… you just relax.”
And it’s only when Dustin stops talking that he realises his teeth have been chattering the whole time.
Eddie gives an unhappy sounding hum, and his hand comes up to clumsily rub at Dustin’s forearm.
“Your lips are blue.”
“I’m f-fine.”
A sudden desperate yell splits through the air; Dustin didn’t know that Steve could sound quite like that.
“Here!” Dustin shouts as much as he can.
He hears three people running; Steve gets there first.
Eddie’s eyes go wide. “Steve,” he says, and Dustin’s seen enough movies to think that this could be it, the big moment, or at the very least that Eddie’s about to give another wandering speech on Steve’s eyes.
But instead—
“Steve, Steve,” Eddie repeats, “Dustin’s cold.”
“Jesus Christ,” Steve says; he’s already taking off his jacket, shoving Dustin into it with this frantic mixture of urgency and care.
Dustin’s shivers get even more pronounced as the jacket’s zipped up, as the warmth from Steve’s body heat hits him.
“Think E-Eddie’s—b-bleeding stopped,” he says, accidentally biting on his tongue thanks to his chattering teeth.
Steve looks over Dustin’s handiwork, eyes shining. “Yeah, you did good,” he says, choked, rubs his hands down Dustin’s forearms more effectually than Eddie had. “You did so good.”
“You must’ve been wearing your socks tonight, Harrington,” Eddie says.
Steve stares at him. It’s only when he starts to laugh that Dustin realises he’s crying at the same time. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Shh, s’okay,” Eddie says. “I cried at th’movie, too, don’ tell anyone. S’not fair what… s’posed to be a happy endin’…”
Steve catches Dustin’s eye, says, deadpan, even with a tear-streaked face, “Doc, I think we’re losing him.”
Dustin whacks him on the arm, because it’s so stupid, it’s so Steve, and, God, they're really gonna be okay.
“Dustin’s th’best doctor,” Eddie chants, “best, best, best…”
“Yeah, he’s a goddamn superhero,” Steve says sincerely.
There’s a look Steve has on his face while he lifts Eddie up, a fleeting softness right before he goes back into planning mode, scanning the trailer park in case of any more threats; where Eddie’s fingers curl around Steve’s neck, and Steve smiles down at him, and…
Dustin would put a bet on Steve thinking Eddie has pretty eyes, too.
At least, he would if he could stand up.
When Steve clocks his leg, his jaw works a couple of times before he speaks. “Hey, Robin, Nance?” He raises his voice, looking to some point in the distance. “Could you—help Dustin up, I’ve—uh, kinda got my hands full.”
His tone is light, but his chin trembles just a bit, like he might break down at the thought that he can’t carry Dustin out of here, too.
“Okay, c’mon superhero,” Robin says, suddenly by Dustin’s side; she counts down, and then Dustin’s being carefully lifted up, an arm flung around Nancy, too.
“I’m okay,” Dustin feels the need to say. Robin and Nancy are out of breath, and he can’t help noticing the vivid red marks around their necks.
“Yeah, you will be,” Robin corrects.
“Is—is Eddie—?”
“Look, he’s right in front,” Nancy says. “Steve’s got him.” She lowers her voice and when she says, “You were really brave, you know,” Dustin has to swallow a lump in his throat: for a moment feels thirteen years old, her hand in his at the Snow Ball.
And she’s right; Eddie is right in front. Dustin can see him trailing a hand up and down Steve’s arm, slow and soothing, and he’s talking, just too far away to be heard.
For a few steps, Dustin thinks that Eddie must be spilling more of what he’s learned, regurgitating the anecdotes.
But then Robin and Nancy pull him a little closer. And he can read Eddie’s lips.
He’s okay, Eddie is saying, looking away from Steve’s face to find where Dustin is. He’s right behind us, sweetheart. He’s okay.
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harrysfolklore · 3 months
Harry Styles Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
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this was posted on my patreon a few months ago, enjoy ! MASTERLIST | MY PATREON
"Hi I'm Harry Styles and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview."
Harry introduced himself to the camera and you smiled, you were currently at WIRED Studios for Harry's long awaited autocomplete interview that he finally agreed to do thanks to yours and his fans persistence.
You were sitting behind the camera with the rest of the crew, watching him with a small smile.
A crew member passed the first board to him, he looked at it confusedly for a minute before speaking.
"Okay so. I'm answering what I think or what?"
Everyone in the studio laughed and the director quickly explained to him how the game worked once again, you rolled your eyes with affection and he sent a wink your way.
"Alright, how is Harry Styles?" he said after taking the little piece of paper off the board, "I'm good, I'm really enjoying being home in London, I was away for a while on tour and I'm going to stay here for a bit so that's exciting."
"How did Harry Styles," he paused to rip the next paper and reveal the rest of the question, "Become famous? Well, when I was sixteen years old I auditioned for a singing show called The X Factor, I got put in a band with four lads and we didn't win but we put out a song called What Makes You Beautiful," he smiled for a second, "that one put us on the map, we released a bunch of albums and now I'm here."
"How did Harry Styles meet his wife?" at this, he turned his gaze to you to give you a big smile, you immediately mirrored his and nodded your head, signaling that you were okay with him talking about it.
"We could say that it was basically a blind date, we had a friend in common who thought we would be a good match and set us up, we had an amazing first date but then I had to travel to Los Angeles for work so we couldn't really see each other after that but once I was back in London we hung out all the time, and now we're married."
He smiled at you again and you couldn't help but feel your heart melt, you had been married for 6 months now but the married life was still new for the both of you, and everything he called you his wife butterflies made its way to your stomach.
"How is Harry Styles still alive?" his eyes widened in surprise and he looked around the room, making a few present laugh, "Um, that's a weird thing to search on the internet, but I guess, I don't know if I can answer that, I don't think anyone can answer that we're just lucky to still be around and enjoy life."
He gave the camera one of his infamous "frog smiles" and handed the board to a crew member who was ready with the next one.
"Does Harry Styles have tattoos?" he revealed the first question of the new board, "Yes, he does. I have a lot of tattoos actually, they're basically all over my body. The most recent one is right here," he pointed at the back of his right arm, "It's my wedding date, actually, everyone might call me a sap but I was reserving this arm for tattoos about my wife a and future kids, so I guess it's finally time to fill it."
It was safe to say that  fans watching at home and everyone in the studio absolutely melted, especially you.
"Does Harry Styles have siblings? I do I have a sister, she's older than me and her name is Gemma. A lot of people claim she's cooler than me for some reason but I don't thing that's true," he shrugged and revealed the next question, "Does Harry Styles speak Italian? I would like to think that I do, I spend a lot of time there and I've learned how to communicate pretty decently."
"Is Harry Styles an actor?" he said after peeling the first sticker of the new board, "He tries to be an actor that's for sure," he laughed and everyone in the room did as well, "I mean, I've been in a couple of movies, I've auditioned for a bunch of roles and my agent has sent me scripts to go through," he shrugged "So I can say that makes me an actor."
"Is Harry Styles american?" he shook his head at that one, "He is not! He's Britain, born and raised okay? He's very proud of it."
"What's Harry Styles BeReal? I don't have a BeReal, but if I did I wouldn't tell you," he pointed to the camera jokingly, "What are Harry Styles fans called? I think they are referred to as Harries, but I don't like to speak on behalf of them, you should ask them."
"What was Harry Styles first song? My first song was Sign Of The Times, I wrote it with friends that I love, and that is my wife's favorite song I've ever written, right love?"
"That's correct." you said from your spot, pretty audible so you know it would make it to the final cut of the interview.
"What are Harry Styles songs about?" he peeled the last sticker of the board, "They're about a lot of things, life, friends, love, my wife," he shrugged, "I even have one about the female orgasm."
You quietly giggled, knowing that his fans would go crazy over that last sentence.
"Did Harry Styles go to college? He did not, he became a singer."
"Did Harry Styles win a Grammy? He somehow won Album Of The Year last year, which is absolutely insane if you ask him."
"Did Harry Styles finish high school? Oh I'm glad the internet asks," he laughed, "Contrary to popular belief I did finish high school, I completed my GCES and I graduated, I don't know why there's a rumor there that I didn't finish high school tho."
"Anyway, last one!" he comically threw the board to the floor and grabbed the final board a crew member was handling him, "Who is Harry Styles best friend? Um, I have a ton of best friends. Jeff who's also my manager, Mitch who plays in my band, my childhood best friend's name is Johnny, so yeah, I'm very lucky in the friends department, I love my friends."
"Who does Harry Styles look like? My mom, I would say. A lot of people point out that we have the same smile," he shrugged, "My mom is a beautiful woman so I'm flattered."
"Who did Harry Styles write Love Of My Life about? My wife and London."
"And final question," he slowly peeled off the sticker for dramatic effect, "Who does Harry Styles love? Okay, that's cute that people search for that on the internet, um, I love my family and friends, I love my wife that's for sure, I love making music and performing," he listed with his fingers, "And love love, yeah, love is great."
He smiled to the camera and put the board aside to say his goodbyes.
"I thought my Google searches were much more appropriate that I expected. I was fun to see what people wonder about me, so yeah thank you WIRED for having me."
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soobnny · 10 months
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voicemails nishimura riki leaves you while he’s on tour — fluff, established relationship, tiny bit of angst
heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | jungwon | NI-KI
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one. it’s only been a day. i miss you already.
two. the hyungs told me i’ve been smiling a lot more than usual. hm, i wonder what could be the reason why? they told me it’s because of you. what do you think? (laughing) i think they’re right. you just make me smile without doing anything. even if it’s just the thought of you.
three. goodnight—wait fuck what time is it for you right now? i keep forgetting we’re on different timezones. this is torture.
four. i listen to our shared playlist all the time. this way, it feels like you’re closer to me. whatever! love you babe.
five. all i have to do is think about you and i’m not so tired anymore.
six. hey dumbass, i got you something. but only because you’ll complain if i don’t get you anything. so, like the greatest boyfriend that i am, i bought you something from each city. i know, i’m the best, no need to remind me. just wait a little more, okay? i’ll be with you again soon.
seven. pssst loser. i’m going to the museum today, wish i could’ve gone with you. not that i’m trying to touch your heart or anything, i just know you love going to museums and you’ll be complaining to me about how i went without you. ah, but the prettiest piece of art is back home, no? i wonder how it’s doing. how are you doing?
eight. jake hyung keeps teasing me because i won’t stop talking about you. i don’t even realize i’m talking about you so much, but he told me i was down horrendous. so what if i am? i’m just a boy in love for the first time. wait, unhear that. oh my god, you’re gonna tease me non-stop, aren’t you? unhear it.
nine. we were practicing just a little bit earlier today as our surprise song, and it made me think of you. i’ll sing you a little as a lullaby so you’ll stop asking me to sing to you. just repeat this voicemail when you need it.
ten. hi, i love you. (yawning) i’m so sleepy i think i’ll fall asleep now. call me in the morning. i miss you.
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rhys-writes-some-shit · 4 months
"Sing to Me?"
Alastor x Reader (QP)
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Yawning, you trudged out of the bathroom, drying your hair loosely with a towel. You were warm from your shower and the filling meal you'd had a little while earlier. Alastor was probably the best chef you knew, a fact you were extremely proud of. Even if your preferred form of protein was banned from the hotel premises, Alastor was always able to make do with what he had.
Despite it being late at night, you grabbed your laptop (a very rare, not VoxTech one) to work on some paperwork. You'd promised your boss to get these spreadsheets done, and you weren't one to shirk on your promises. Yawning again, you tuned your old-fashioned radio before settling down with your laptop. The radio had been a gift from Alastor. Many late nights had been spent listening to his broadcasts. They'd always been a comfort, even before you'd signed a contract with him.
Some light jazz filtered through the static, one of your favorite songs. Alastor knew you were listening. Smiling lightly, you started typing away.
The music was occasionally interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream or a sharp whimper. Your smile never left, humming along while Alastor had his fun. Part of you was vaguely aware that the radio show was now being broadcast all throughout Hell, that you didn't even need the radio, but you liked it, so it stayed on.
The spreadsheets were simple enough. With the radio in the background, you were able to focus just enough that the job came naturally. In the back of your mind, you started going over the next day’s schedule.
You'd ended up zoning out while you typed, not even noticing how the radio switched to static and then turned off by itself.
A single knock preceded Alastor's entrance, enough to break you from your thoughts. You were quick to notice the faint blood splatter on the sole of Alastor’s shoes, the only evidence of his previous activities.
“My dear, you know how I abhor those vile machines,” Alastor reprimanded, walking and starting to subconsciously organize your room. A chair was pushed in, a painting adjusted so it was even, the bottom drawer of your dresser lightly closed.
“Yeah, yeah.” You grinned to yourself. “I need it to do my job, Al. Besides, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a piece of electronic equipment that's not created by VoxTech?”
“All the more reason to get rid of it.” Alastor walked over to the window and stared out at it. He was a little lost in thought himself, it would seem.
Typing a line, you said, “I liked your broadcast.”
“I'm glad.”
He was quiet. Something was wrong. Your grin died down, pushing your laptop to the side. Alastor’s smile was still there, but dimmer. Sadder.
“Al? You okay?”
“Nothing to concern yourself with, dearest,” Alastor replied, a slight edge in his voice.
You wanted to push. To get him to talk to you. But you knew it wouldn't be worth it. If anything, he'd just get upset or shut down more.
“You know, sometimes I wonder what would've happened if we'd met while we were alive,” You said nonchalantly. “I mean, obviously that would've been impossible in the first place, considering I wasn't even born when you died, but I just wonder about it.”
“What a ridiculous thing to wonder about!” Alastor laughed a little. “As you said, it would have been impossible. And why think about being alive when we have all of death to enjoy?” His tone lightened a bit. “There is so much entertainment to be had! Life was quite dull, comparably.”
You wondered for a moment, trying to figure out where to lead the conversation. “Where did you live, when you were alive? You already know where I lived when I was alive, it's only fair I know where you lived.”
Alastor’s grin softened a bit, still sad, but with a hint of happiness in there. Nostalgia, if you had to guess. “New Orleans, Louisiana. I lived there with my mother. I had a delightful job as a radio host.”
“You're still a radio host,” you teased playfully. “What was it like, back then?”
“Ah, it was… entertaining.” He didn't say anything more, lost in thought as he leaned on his cane. You were vaguely aware that you were the only person who ever saw him like this. Alastor wore his smile like armor, guarding himself with a nonchalant facade, but very rarely, behind closed doors, the guard would fall, just for a little while.
Just as you were about to open your mouth to ask another question, Alastor spoke, “You seem quite tired, my dear. Maybe it is time we part ways for the evening.”
Pressing your lips together, you knew he was right. You really should be getting to bed, but you were worried about Alastor. You hadn't seen him like this before, so it was impossible to guess what he'd do once he was alone.
“You really should learn to hide your emotions better.” Alastor turned suddenly, chucking to himself. “There is nothing to worry about, darling. I am perfectly fine.”
“Yeah, you say that, but for some reason I don't believe you.” Stifling a yawn, you gave Alastor a look.
“Now, now, don't be like that.” Alastor came and sat on the edge of the bed, using his magic to set the laptop on top of the dresser. “What can I do to convince you to sleep?”
Leaning back, you thought for a moment. When the idea hit you, your face flushed with embarrassment for a moment, but you swallowed the anxiety. He did ask, after all.
“Sing to me?”
Alastor laughed, causing you to glare. “Again with the ridiculous ideas!” When your face fell subconsciously, Alastor hesitated.
When he didn't say anything, you accepted the fact that it was a ridiculous request. Assuming he'd leave the room on his own accord, you used your magic to turn out the lights as you slid under the covers of your bed. You never did get all those spreadsheets done like you'd wanted.
“Parlez-moi d’amour.”
Alastor’s slightly-static-filled voice was quiet. His eyes faintly glowed in the dark and you watched him with wide eyes.
“Redites-moi des choses tendres.”
Smiling softly, you sank into the bed, closing your eyes and allowing Alastor’s comforting voice to wash over you.
“Votre beau discours /
“Mon cœur n'est pas las de l'entendre /
“Pourvu que toujours /
“Vous répétiez ces mots suprêmes /
“Je vous aime.”
((The song))
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inkdrinkerworld · 4 months
dick literally spends every single penny on you it's CONCERNING, like every date he's dropping 2k in dinner, and you're like huh??? when he gets you gifts for no reason, would be VERY suspicious to me, cus i would instantly think that he's done something wrong and be all dramatic like "did someone die?? did you cheat on me?" and he literally just saw your favourite chocolate and flowers at the store and wanted to get you them..
“Gorgeous, where are you?” You’re in the bedroom, hair dripping as you step out of the shower- you shout back such to your boyfriend.
“I got you something nice.” Dick sing songs as he watches you reach for your blow dryer.
“Dick,” you say as you put it down and stare at him. Your boyfriend has a little problem- he has a shopping addiction but never for things for himself.
Sure he buys himself nice things but it seems like his brain derives the most pleasure and dopamine from getting things for you.
The first time he’d come home with something for you, you panicked. You remember asking him if someone died and he’d laughed so hard he’d started crying.
“No baby, that’s depressing by the way. I got you this just because.” He’d said as he pushed a box in your hands and you opened it to find a pretty bracelet with little bells on it.
Now, almost weekly- it would be daily if Dick had his way- he brings something for you.
“Before you get worried. No one died, I didn’t break your favourite mug or eat your chocolates this time.”
You gasp, “This time?”
Dick’s eyes widen, “Let’s not focus on that, here you go, baby.”
The bag crinkles in your hand as you take it, your eyes on Dick the entire time. “It’s not a bomb, open it.”
When you do you smile. Sitting in the bag is a pair of pyjamas that you’d been eyeing for a little bit- a blue and white striped set.
“Dick that’s really sweet of you.”
He shrugs, all smiles. “That’s why they call me honey, honey.”
You blow a raspberry at the joke. “Grayson,” you mumble as you pull out the pyjamas and find two bars of your favourite chocolates and a little box. “I should’ve known it wasn’t just one thing.” He sits on the bed, leaning back on his palm.
He nods, “You really should, I just like getting you things, gorgeous.”
When you open the box you find silver, wing shaped, bedazzled hair clips.
“I don’t know where you get half these things from.” Dick smiles as you walk over to him. The tips of your hair drip onto his shoulder as you kiss him.
“Oh you know, people just like doing things for about five hundred bucks a piece.”
You pull away from him and frown. “You didn’t spend one thousand dollars on hair clips Dick.”
His cheeks go a little pink, “What? No. I said about, gorgeous.” He kisses you again and then pulls away.
“We’ve got a brunch reservation for tomorrow too, at that place you liked last time. Let me do your hair and you can put on your new pyjamas yeah?” He strokes the apples of your cheeks and under your jaw to the point where you’re a little hypnotized.
“Put the honey hair oil in before your flat iron it okay?” Dick nods.
“I know how to do it right, sweetheart. I am a professional.”
“Professional what, Grayson? Money spender?”
He tuts, a smile playing on his lips. “Ha ha, no I’m a professional at taking care of you. Now sit your cute butt down so I can start.”
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simpforboys · 7 months
my voice will haunt you
drew starkey x fem!musician!reader
summary: during an award ceremony, you honor your grandmother, stevie nicks. but freshly after a breakup, emotions cant help but rise. works for biological or adopted!
warnings: angst, fluff ending, swearing, teasing (the camera men are kinda fucked up), drew and reader are heartbroken but it’s fine, not proof read
listen to silver springs (live) by fleetwood mac!
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the pounding in your heart never left until your newly manicured hands clutched the microphone in front of you.
despite your shining smile, your chest ached with fear as the hundreds of celebrities and their families stared at you, front and center of the big stage.
bright lights illuminated your frame, the extra bits of the fabric designed to look like fairy wings hung against your skin.
“hello to the grammys!”
the crowd erupted into cheers as you pulled your face from the mic, sucking in a nervous breath.
“i’m y/n l/n, and with the celebration of my newest album, dread, the grammys have invited me to play tonight.”
you spoke confidently to the crowd, used to performing as your career took off with the help of your grandmother.
any other time you would kill to play for the grammys, but now you all you could feel was dread, because you knew he was here.
“some of you may be familiar with my wonderful grandma, Stevie Nicks…”
as the crowd began to clap and cheer in honor of the legendary woman, your eyes subconsciously began searching the room in hopes you’ll find the deep blue color you became so familiar with.
but he was watching, a pained look hidden deep within his eyes. but he shifted in his seat, feeling a pat on the back from his co-star, Johnathan.
he barely blinked, the aching feeling in his heart deepening. but he was scared that if he closed his eyes for even a second, you would disappear. but then you spoke again.
“so i invite you all to sing with me if you know this iconic song.” you grinned at the crowd, the cameras panning onto the celebrities and artists in their respective seats.
taking in another breath, you heard the okay in your ear piece. as the band began to strum the introduction, you opened your mouth to begin.
“you could be my silver spring, blue-green colors flashing, i would be your only dream,”
Drew felt chills run down his spine as your voice lingered in the crowd. he missed your voice, your personality, your everything.
“your shining autumn ocean crashing, and did you say she was pretty? and did you say that she loves you?”
a tang shot through his body from the lyrics, remembering the reason you two broke up. you had overheard Drew telling his sister that he was conflicted, and while he loved you, Odessa was someone who enticed him.
he felt his eyelids become heavy as he closed his eyes, letting his head hang low a bit. he could feel Madelyn’s eyes drift over to him, knowing that the lyrics meant everything to you both.
“baby, i don’t wanna know. i’ll begin not to love you, turn around, see me running. i say i loved you years ago, tell myself you never loved me, no.”
you picked the microphone up from the stand, beginning to walk around the stage as your vocal cords became deeper, stronger.
Rihanna blew you a kiss as you walked past her, in which you smiled at the gorgeous woman.
unfortunately, it was no shocker that you and Drew recently ended off your three year relationship. being there from the beginning of Outer Banks season one, the fans adored the two of you, more after learning your grandmother.
so, when the news that the “it” couple of the Outer Banks cast got out, a lot of people took it seriously.
“and did you say she was pretty? and did you say that she loves you? baby, i don’t wanna know…oh, no…”
you looked elegant on the stage, your dress flowing as you walked. the band and background singers complimented your voice perfectly, making the performance extra special.
“and can you tell me, was it worth it? really, i don’t wanna know.”
Drew’s eyes returned to you, and it felt like you were specifically asking him the question, even though you were singing to a crowd of people.
and no, it wasn’t worth it. Drew never did anything with Odessa, but you didn’t want to be with someone who doubted their relationship with you.
and so you broke it off, deciding it would be best to have some space from each other.
and it was Drew’s biggest regret.
“time casts its spell on you, but you won’t forget me. i know i could have loved you but you would not let me.”
“time casts its spell on you, but you won’t forget me. i know i could have loved you but you would not let me.”
as you repeated the lyrics, you centered yourself in the middle of the stage once more. unbeknownst to you and Drew, the sneaky camera man zoomed in on Drew’s broken expression.
his eyes were ride, as if in a trance, never wanting to leave you. his usual cheerfulness gone, the sadness radiating off of him as the other celebrities and artists look turns glancing at the man.
“i’ll follow you down ‘til the sound of my voice will haunt you. you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman who loves you.”
you moved to the right side of the stage, approaching the table with Billie Eilish, Timothée Chalamet, Lady Gaga, Anne Hathaway, and Emma Stone.
Billie was singing along to the music, a proud smile on her face as she swayed.
but you felt your heart drop into your stomach with you realized that he was sitting right behind that table.
and as the music picked up, you locked eyes with the man, your skin erupting with goosebumps.
“i’ll follow you down ‘til the sound of my voice will haunt you. was i just a fool? you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you. was i just a fool?”
the crowd grew silent as it was just you and him in the moment, the guilt radiating off of both your bodies into the air. the sting in your eyes became more evident as your vision became blurry and you hadn’t noticed that all the cameras were locked in on the two of you, sharing your moment for the world to see.
“i’ll follow you down ‘til the sound of my voice will haunt you. give me just a chance. you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you.”
Drew stared at you with an expression no one has ever seen before; regret, love, and fear. and he just let himself feel, mourning the loss of your presence in his life.
as the background vocalists began to take off, you felt your feet moving back to the center of the stage, trying to compose yourself and not to break down in front of millions of people.
“you could be my silver spring, my blue-green colors flashing.”
as the music ended, the crowd erupted into cheers, everyone in the room standing and clapping.
you hadn’t even realized a tear had left your eye until the drip dangled off your chin, making you wipe it away as you grinned happily.
“thank you so very much for having me. i love you.”
and as the announcers retook the focus, you walked swiftly off the stage.
“you need to talk to her, dude.”
Chase whispered to Drew, everyone at the table staring at him. the man nodded, finally seeming to come back to reality, that you weren’t his girl anymore.
Drew excused himself from the table, knowing where the most likely place you would be at.
he knows that whenever you get overwhelmed you went outside and just listened. listened to the cars, the people, the earth.
so, when he saw you leaning against a wall underneath a large oak tree, he wasn’t surprised.
not knowing what to say, he just decided to lean next to you.
you said after a minute of silence, not bearing to look up at him.
he repeated, his chest heavy. he had so many thoughts and words he needed to say, but it seemed as if something was forcing him to stay quiet.
things had never been awkward between you two. even when you argued, you two always went to bed happy. he never wanted to upset you.
“you were amazing out there, y/n.”
he says, turning to face you. you gazed up at his face, twitching your nose as you fought back tears.
“thank you.”
your words were quiet, and he hated the way your lip trembled as you spoke. all he wanted to do was scoop you into his arms, kiss you all over, and tell you everything was alright. but he couldn’t.
“y/n, i’m sorry,” Drew said, taking you by surprise by his abruptness.
“i should have never doubted our relationship. i was a fucking idiot to ever believe we couldn’t make it. the truth is… i was scared. i was scared you would get tired of being with me, but in the end i lost you. i lost the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
as he ranted his apologies, all you did was stare up at him, retracing every single part of his gorgeous face.
“and i hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me for giving up on us, when in reality the only thing i need in my life is you.”
“i love you, Drew. and these past few weeks have been hell for me. i want to marry you, to have kids with you, to grow old with you. but i need to know you’re hundred percent committed because i cannot go through another heartbreak like this with you again. i emotionally can’t handle it.”
“i swear to you, y/n. you’re the only girl for me, the only girl i’ll ever need in my life. there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you, and i promise that. i promise myself to you. i love you so fucking much.”
you felt his large hands place themselves on your hips until your chests were pressed up against each other. your arms wrapped around his broad, muscular shoulders. he was wearing your favorite cologne, the one that always made your knees weak.
he leant his head down to capture your lips in his, missing your taste. and as the two of you kissed against the wall, the rest of the world drowned out, Drew knew that he would always keep his promise to you.
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cameronspecial · 8 months
Let Me Go Home With You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Drunkeness
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
Summary: Y/N is used to Rafe's drunken routine. Can she dare say she finds it cute?
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Y/N has an early morning class tomorrow, so she can’t go with Rafe to one of the sororities’ parties. However, she isn’t surprised when she wakes up to the sound of her phone ringing. “What sorority are you at?” she groans into the phone, sitting up from the bed to get changed. Topper cringes at her groggy voice, “We are at Delta Delta Delta. I’m sorry, Y/N. If it makes you feel better, he really did try to stay sober, but Kelce challenged him to a keg stand. And you know how he can’t back down from a challenge.” 
“It’s okay, Topper. It’s not like he does this often, at least not since we started dating. Is Delta Delta Delta the one at the end of the street?”
“Yeah, again. Thank you so much, Y/N.”
“No problem. I’ll be there in ten.”
Rafe stumbles around the party with another drink in hand and refuses to leave, even though he has had one drink too many. Topper chases after him, trying to get the solo cup out of his hand. “Come on, you’ve had a lot to drink tonight. We should go home,” Topper begs. Rafe turns away like a child, “No, I don’t want to go. I only want Angel.” “And I told you, Rafe. She is coming, but we have to meet her outside,” Topper tells him. Rafe shakes his head, “No, I want her in here.” Topper sighs and sends Y/N a text that she needs to come inside. To his relief, she already knew this was going to happen and was making her way inside right now. Rafe spots her over the crowd and runs over to her. His hands find her waist, spinning her around in the air. “Angel! You are here. Come drink,” he cheers.Y/N shakes her head, “Sorry, Rafe. We have to go home.”
He gets pouty and his drunkenness gets to his head. “No, sorry I have a girlfriend,” he turns away with his arms crossed. She giggles, knowing what stage of drunk he is at, “Right, she’s really smart. Doesn’t she have Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes? She’s also around this high in height.” She points to each feature she describes and he starts to piece the puzzle together. “Wait a minute you’re my girlfriend. Okay, let me go home with you, Angel. Please, please,” he begs, holding onto her arm. It works every time. 
Y/N wraps his arm over her shoulder so she can help him to his truck. She helps him buckle in and is about to head to the driver’s side when he stops her. “Kissy please,” he asks with puckered lips. She sighs, leaning in to give him what he wants. On the drive home, Rafe sings his Angel song, which comprises him just saying he loves his angel over and over again in a sing-song voice. Rafe is always so clingy and lovey-dovey when he is drunk. She gets him home in no time and takes him up to his room. He sings along with the code to his bedroom door. She helps him get settled on the bed and he reaches his arms up for some help to get undressed. His clothes are now off, leaving him only in his boxers. “Time for bed, Rafe,” she orders, leaning him against his pillow. “But you aren’t cuddling me or giving me a kiss. I need those before I go to sleep.” She gives him a soft smile and a kiss on the forehead. Her arms wrap around his shoulders, bringing him to her chest. He lets out a giggle of happiness and she shushes him. 
“It’s bedtime, now. Go to sleep,” she whispers, resting her head on his. His eyes flutter shut, “Okay, Angel. I love you. You are amazing, Angel…”
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irisintheafterglow · 8 months
hii iris!! being one of my fav writers, i was wondering if it would be okay to please request you write something halloween related between Satoru and reader while they're in a lowkey relationship and instructors at jujutsu tech? maybe he drags reader and the students on some night of shenanigans? up to u, i just love how u write and i feel you'd kill this hehe
thank u so much! have an awesome day!
life's no fun without a good scare
summary: you have the brilliant idea of playing hide and seek in a corn maze against the most powerful sorcerer in the world. should be fun, right?
wc: 2.6k
cw/tags: fluff and crack and crack and fluff, established relationship, swearing (a lot of it, you'll see why lol), mentions of eating, angst if you squint, co-parenting megumi AND his friends!!
note: AAAA hi!! thank you so much for the love omg :')) i hope you like this, i definitely enjoyed writing it even though i did get a tad carried away lol. GOD this was so fun to write, thank you for suggesting it
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3 thank you for your support!!
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“I’m going to eat so much candy, I’ll throw up.”
“What’re those tubs over there?”
“They’re for waterboarding Itadori,” Megumi deadpans without hesitation, clearly misrepresenting the apple bobbing game just ahead. You state his name warningly, like he was six years old again, and he mutters a half-hearted apology under his breath. “Maybe we switch out the victim for our esteemed teacher, instead.” You cover a snort with an unsuccessful cough. Even though you’d practically raised him, his jabs at Satoru never lost their humor. 
“Your suggestion will be taken into careful consideration,” you say, “though it will become more of a possibility if he continues to run on Satoru-time.” Nobara hums in agreement, kicking a stray piece of hay with her toe while you continue to progress through the general admission line to the pumpkin patch. Your fashionably-late boyfriend had sent you a very cryptic text at noon, instructing you to “pack up the kids and take them to the following address.” When you replied with a chain of question marks, he sent an infuriatingly unserious GIF that had you pinching the bridge of your nose.
“What time did he tell you?”
“5:00.” You check your phone preemptively, already anticipating the followup question. 
“And what time is it now?”
“5:20,” you sigh, sliding your card across the shelf of the ticket booth and receiving four orange wristbands in return. After slipping them onto the wrists of your three unofficial children, Itadori and Nobara immediately disappear into the crowd; Megumi, however, stays plastered to your shoulder and makes his distaste for the bustling festival known. You scan nearby groups of people for a tall idiot with white hair with no luck. If Satoru still showed up, he would have to pay for admission himself. “Let’s grab a table and find me a bottle of soju–”
“Barely twenty minutes and you’re already drinking? Since when did Shoko replace my lovely partner?” Satoru’s sing-song voice calls out from behind you, like he’d been standing with you the entire time. Despite your attempts to remain irritated at him, you can’t resist when he turns you around, lacing his fingers with yours and pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. “Hi, gorgeous. What took you so long?”
“I assumed you were running late, like you always do,” you argue futilely, the world melting away when you catch his eyes over the rims of his sunglasses. “Is this not too overwhelming for you? Having so many energy signatures in one place?”
“I’ll be fine,” he assures you with a confident wave of his hand. “After all, I have your energy to ground me.” Your legs start to feel a bit gelatinous when you hear a very obvious throat clearing itself and suddenly remember that Megumi is still standing there. “Shouldn’t you be on the playground or something, my dear student?”
“Shouldn’t you be on the playground or something, my questionable teacher?” You burst out laughing and your boyfriend’s jaw drops in indignance, gearing up to say something just as childish. On instinct, you cover his mouth with your hand, recoiling in disgust when his tongue darts out to lick your palm. “Gross. I’m gonna find my friends.” 
“Don’t do anything dumb!” The boy waves his hand dismissively and you roll your eyes. In a different universe where he actually was the child of you and Satoru, he had his father’s sass gene. 
“He’s used to this by now, isn’t he?” Satoru chuckles and it reverberates against your body, making your head spin in lovesick circles.
“I’d imagine so, seeing as we did raise him like this,” you answer, letting him start to guide you toward whatever stand interests him first, his arm draped over your shoulders. “Do you think Yuuji and Nobara have figured it out?”
“If Megs hasn’t told them, then definitely not,” he states with utmost certainty, looking over one of the games with all the concentration of a hunting tiger. In the middle of the stall was a large pool of water, and swirling around in it were small, colorful bowls in the shape of blooming flowers. The goal, you guessed, was to land a small ball in a certain color and get a corresponding prize from the lineup hanging overhead. It was truly an enticing array of stuffed animals, too, from wolves and monkeys to dinosaurs and little princess dolls. “Which one do you want?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?” 
“Choose a prize and I’ll get it for you, guaranteed.” 
“Guaranteed? You do know these are designed to scam you, right?”
“And I am designed to do whatever you want, so take your pick.” After a moment of consideration, you point to a stuffie of a black cat wearing a pumpkin costume. “Cute choice.”
“It reminds me of Megs.” He laughs and pulls his arm back, stretching his neck from side to side and handing a few dollars to the game attendant. It was all for show and completely unnecessary, and he knew that; he also knew that his over-the-top shenanigans always made you laugh after a stressful week. Whether you knew it or not, he’d noticed you were increasingly overwhelmed by all the work from the previous days, specifically regarding training his students while he was off on an assignment. Along with completing your own missions, you were supervising the three first years and guiding them through boring paperwork, which he knew made you feel like shit. It’s why he suggested you go to the festival in the first place, to get your mind off of work and spend time with you. And, he’d be damned if he didn’t get you that fuzzy little cat on his first try. 
“Watch the master at work, sweetheart,” is the last thing he says before carefully tossing the first of three balls toward the only purple bowl in the pool. He’s the tiniest bit off, though, and he curses under his breath as it ricochets against the edge and into the water. “That was a practice shot.”
“Sure, baby, sure,” you giggle, stifling your amusement into a fist. His tongue peeks out the side of his mouth in absentminded focus and you’re sure he’s found the perfect arc when the voice of one of his students cheers from behind you. 
“You’ve got this!” Despite their well wishes, Yuuji and Nobara accidentally timed their cheers at the precise moment his fingers let go of the ball, messing up his aim even worse than the first time. They deflate in embarrassment and Megumi’s face turns red from trying not to laugh. The usual deadly aura radiating off of him increases tenfold and it makes you shiver despite the warm autumn air. “T-Third time’s the charm, sir!”
“Fucking hell, why do I even bother–”
“Satoru, that’s cheating,” you whisper, sensing him imbuing the tiniest amount of Cursed Energy into the last ball to easily manipulate its trajectory. “I can just buy the thing online; you don’t need to be doing all of this.”
“I can buy you anything online, but I also want to prove that I’m better than everyone else,” he mutters much too seriously than the situation required. “Plus, once I win that damn cat, it’ll have a nice story to go behind it.” 
“Your ego truly knows no bounds.”
“You know you love it.”
A minute later, you’re walking away from the game with the fuzzy cat in your arms and Satoru’s arrogant smirk by your side. The rest of the night is spent watching him drag his students into various inflatable obstacle courses and tumbling down the slide after they push him over the edge. In spite of all the excitement, you have to drag them to a picnic table to sit and eat; even then, the three students challenge their teacher to a funnel cake eating contest. To no one’s surprise, Yuuji wins by a landslide. 
Satoru pays for everything, of course. When someone wanders over to a game booth, he pays for their game every single time and continues to pay until they win a prize. By the end of the night, all five of you have at least one prize in your possession and Satoru’s bank account is barely affected. 
Before the fair closes, you propose a game of hide and seek in the gigantic corn maze. You and the three students would get a five minute head start, and then Satoru would enter and race to find you before you reached the other side. The first years’ eyes shine with excitement when you tell them they can use techniques as long as they don’t make a mess. You consider throwing a veil over the entire thing, just to make sure Megumi’s dogs don’t start any rumors of hellhounds in the area. 
“If the kids can use theirs, then you’re not allowed to use your technique,” Satoru concludes and you make a noise of indignation while you gameplan by the entrance of the maze. “Don’t start with me; that’s totally fair!”
“I don’t understand how that’s fair in any way,” you argue up at his ridiculously confident smirk. You wanted to slap him and make out with him at the same time, none of which would have been appropriate in present company. 
“You make portals, sweetheart. If we’re making the maze a no-fly zone and I run into one of your doorways, I’m gonna be in there for the rest of time.”
“I’ll just make simple doors!” 
“The last time you said that, I was stuck on a mountain for three hours,” he reminds you and you huff in defeat, completely forgetting the three pairs of eyes watching this entire conversation. Sweetheart? Since when did he call anyone sweetheart? Nobara and Yuuji knew that you both were friends from high school, but the bickering seemed suspiciously akin to that of an old married couple. They glance at their spiky haired friend for confirmation of their theories, but he avoids their gaze and continues munching on pumpkin spice popcorn. “Alright, five minutes on the clock. Don’t let me catch you,” he smiles wickedly and you all but shove the three students into the maze. 
In a blink, Megumi summons his dogs and sends them to look for the exit. As you sprint down straightaways, Nobara intermittently sticks a few nails into the walls, essentially creating security sensors that will trigger if Satoru passes by it. It also helps establish what paths you’ve already explored and where you need to go next. In what feels like seconds, five minutes is gone and your heart drops as you see a black veil descend over the maze. The atmosphere of the maze feels electric, like wind before a storm, and you nervously laugh and urge the students to move faster. 
“So, are we ever going to talk about you and Gojo?” 
“That’s what you’re focused on right now?” You shoot back in amusement and Nobara shrugs, sending another nail into the corn with a strike of her hammer. “I don’t think this is the proper place to have this conversation!”
“So, are you two actually dating? Megumi won’t say anything, but he’s a terrible liar when we ask if he knows something!”
“I think the latter shooting ominous strikes of lightning into the air is a more pressing issue!”
“Lightning strikes which, I’ll add, are increasingly getting closer!” Yuuji’s voice rises to a panicked yelp and you curse in disbelief as your group slams into another dead end, giggling from sheer fear and swatting the students to find another way. All the while, blasts of pure Cursed Energy fly upward like fireworks, illuminating the field in terrifying shades of blue and red. “Any status on the nails?”
“He just passed the third one closest to us,” Nobara reports, face slowly losing color as the most powerful sorcerer in the world hunts you down. “You can’t send Nue to stall him?”
“You think a bird is going to stop Gojo Satoru?” 
“Well, your damn dogs haven’t come back yet and we’re running out of options–” The back-and-forth is cut short by a faint howl coming from the back right corner of the maze, just a few hundred yards away. One of the dogs appears from the floor, hooking a sharp right turn that has you four stumbling to catch up to it. The howls continue, as do the strikes of lightning, while you follow the dog to what you assume is the exit. “The nails haven’t picked up his energy signature in a while,” Nobara informs you in slight relief while the howling grows closer with every step. Yuuji’s mouth breaks into a victorious grin, but you and Megumi aren’t convinced. 
“Does that mean we lost him? Or did he get lost?” 
“Something doesn’t feel right,” you mutter low enough for only Megumi to hear and he nods in agreement. “I don’t feel him anywhere.” 
“That cracking behind us is just the corn, right?” Yuuji’s voice becomes uncertain and the static in the air only becomes more palpable. You’re so close to the exit and you can tell he’s getting nearer, but something in your gut tells you that you can beat him. But, Nobara’s realization makes your blood run cold. 
“Wait, I don’t sense any of my nails anymore–” 
“Found you.”
Your throats rip a collectively brutal screech as Satoru’s voice seems to come from directly behind you, and you glance backward to only see a pair of knife-sharp blue eyes staring through the black corridor of the maze. Colorful curses of fear babble from the mouths of the students and you slam your feet even harder into the ground as you sprint for the exit. The bright lights of the pumpkin sign were in sight; you just had to make it a little farther. 
“Elephant, elephant, elephant!” Yuuji’s suggestion comes out as incoherent yelps and he tries to fire off black flashes to no avail. Megumi looks at him like he’d grown four new limbs. 
“Summon the fucking elephant, Fushiguro!” A nail rockets away behind you only to be immediately sent back, embedding itself in the husk by your feet. 
“I hate to break it to you, but the elephant isn’t going to do anything when–”
“When I’m already right behind you,” he whispers directly into your ear and you scream as his footsteps line up with yours and his arms snake under your legs, lifting you off the ground like you weighed no more than a cotton ball. He disappears with you into darkness, firing off a single precise attack that cuts the lights of the entire exit so that the path is pitch black. Somehow, you end up outside of the maze while the three students continue to panic inside and he gently sets you on your feet. His menacing aura disappears in a blink and he nuzzles his nose into your neck, his arms holding you close by your waist. “I found you,” he says with a smile. 
“You did. I know you always do, eventually.”
“Mhmm. Did you have fun?”
“Honestly, that was the most terrifying experience of my entire existence,” you laugh, threading your fingers into his hair and tugging him even closer. He chuckles warmly, ironically just as quiet as the fearful bickering of your students in the maze. You barely feel any sweat on his forehead against your shoulder and you can’t even imagine how messy you looked after running for your life. “I look like shit, don’t I?”
“You’ve never looked prettier,” he murmurs, pulling away briefly to press a kiss to your cheek. “We should probably go grab the kids.” You hum absentmindedly, vaguely making out the voices of Megumi and Yuuji trying to figure out which way to go. 
“Stay here a little longer. Let them think you’ve taken me away to your scary vampire lair, or something.”
“As you wish, sweetheart. I'll be your scary vampire anytime.”
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Christmas, Dr. Gregory House
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Word count: 1.8k~
Warnings: mention of sex, House being House
"It's a marshmallow world in the winter," I sing, stringing lights on my apartment's Christmas tree. "When the snow comes to cover the ground," I sing the next verse of Brenda Lee's song before turning toward Greg with a smile. Sitting on the couch, the salt and pepper haired man sips at a small glass of eggnog (with a shot of whiskey in it, no less) while staring at the tree with a bored look on his face. Even when he sees my smile, he still remains there with a frown.
"Greg," I state his name, his blue eyes flickering up to mine. Seeing that I have his attention, I smile. "Come help me set up the tree."
"Why? So we can just take it down two weeks later?" He asks, making me sigh, my smile now a frown to match his. I love Greg, but I absolutely hate his pessimistic views - and with it being the week of Christmas, I will not let his negative opinions ruin anything.
"Fine," I say to him, placing the string of lights down beside me. "If you don't want to do that, then do something else for me," He raises an eyebrow in question at me, waiting for me to finish. "Come dance with me."
All of a sudden, he breaks into a dry laugh before stopping all of a sudden with his usual frown. "Have you forgotten?" He asks me, holding his hands over his crippled leg. “Crippled, if you haven’t noticed.”
Rolling my eyes with a smirk, I nod at him. "How could I forget?" I ask him, "There isn't a moment that goes by that you don't use it to your advantage," with that, I let out a fake thoughtful sigh. "And there isn't a moment that goes by where I don't say 'no' to you on getting on top."
At my response, he tilts his head sideways while staring at me with squinted eyes like a child would if you teased them. At his behavior change, I smile once again before walking over to him by the couch. Serves him right for being a smart ass all the time, and finally, I said something he had no clap-back to.
"I don't want to break dance or anything like that," I tell him, taking his rough and big hands into my own smaller ones. "I just want to slow dance with you."
For once, he slowly smiles up at me before standing up with a little help from me. "Okay," He says, stumbling a bit as he tries to stand up straight without his cane. "We'll dance - but if I fall, I'm taking you down with me."
Giggling at him, I nod and kiss his lips for a short second before we wrap our arms around each other and start slow dancing. The next Brenda Lee song that comes on is a slower and sweeter song that I enjoy a lot. Greg on the other hand doesn't really care for anything Christmas, so he could give two thoughts less.
"Rockin' around the Christmas Tree at a Christmas party hop," I sing in a light voice, watching as Greg continues to smile and stare at me. "Mistletoe hung where you can see, every couple tried to st-" I continue on, until abruptly being cut off by Greg's lips on mine. We continue to kiss each other for a few seconds until pulling away, a smirk resting on Greg's face.
"What was that for?" I ask him with a shocked grin. Still smirking, Greg just looks above him with me following his gaze, a small green piece of berry filled fern hanging above us. I don't remember putting that up there...
"I thought it would be useful," Greg states as we both look back at each other. "Turns out this cripple can do a few things for his woman," He notes, matter-of-factly.
Smirking back at him, I shake my head in comical disbelief. "Out of all of these Christmas decorations, you put up mistletoe?" I ask him, receiving a shrug back.
"I like this tradition better than the rest," Greg confesses, still gently swaying us. "Besides," he leans in close, his lips close to my cheek. "It benefits us both."
In response, I can't help but slap his shoulder with a giggle. "You perv," I chide, moving to rest my hands on his shoulders while his linger on my waist. "How long has that been up there?"
"I put it up this morning," He answers with a gentle tone just before we both fall into a comfortable silence. Did I expect Greg to do anything festive during these happy times? Absolutely not. But was I really all that surprised in finding mistletoe that just so happens to be festive? Kind of. Being a little bit of a narcissist, Greg only put that up because he could use the excuse that it was Christmas themed instead of the actual reason being that he just wanted to kiss me without showing spontaneous romance - a possible weakness to him.
As we dance with each other, I quickly notice the usual bags underneath his eyes are slowly fading away and the blueness of his irises have turned more lively with brightness lively in them. In the short amount of time of being away from work, Greg is starting to look a bit younger than he actually is. Although, I do think this is due to him being away from the stressful environment that is his work. And to think, he actually took these days off for me; maybe he isn't such a narcissist after all...
During my thinking, Greg has managed to move us over near the couch while we were dancing, only to trip and cause us both to fall over on the soft cushions. Of course, he did this on purpose. Scrap my earlier thought - he's definitely a narcissist.
"Oops," He says sarcastically, "I fell," Greg points out, staring up at me with a small smirk beginning to take over his lips once more.
At his goofiness, I roll my eyes at him and lightly pat his chest a few times before moving to get up. However, when I go to move over him, Greg quickly catches me in his arms and pulls me back down to his chest, holding me close to him as if he wants me to stay where I am.
"No, no, just stay here, please," He begs, his voice resuming its gentle tone from earlier. Nonetheless, it takes me by surprise. I would have never expected Greg to say that. As I mentioned before, he'll use any excuse he can find to make it seem like he's not being romantic or sweet.
"Okay," I tell him, my eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion as I nuzzle my head further into his chest to become a bit more relaxed in his embrace. "Are you comfortable?" I ask, moving my leg away from his bad one.
"The most I'll ever be," He answers me, his hand smoothing down my hair. "Have I ever told you how great it is to lie with you?" He questions me, making me roll my eyes once again.
"Are you talking about when we’re having sex or when we do this?" I ask for clarification, making him chuckle.
"I mean like this," He answers as if it were the most obvious answer in the world. "Then again, I do enjoy both situations, but I'm talking about right now," I can't help but smile as my cheeks heat up a little in response to his words, a sigh soon falling from his lips. "I've been married before and had a few girlfriends, but nothing with them could ever compare to how I feel with you. You just make me feel the best I have felt in a while," He further admits, his voice still soft and quiet with his confession.
Sighing sweetly, I shake my head against the soft material of his grey jumper before speaking. "I bet you've told all your women that," I half-joke, quickly receiving an answer back.
"No, actually, I haven't," Greg retorts, making me look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. Bright blue eyes look back at me with no emotion, yet at the same time, pure honesty. "I haven't told any other women this because it wouldn't be true, and well, I wouldn't care if they heard me say it or not," Sitting us up a bit, Greg places his hand on my cheek in a sensual and meaningful way.
"(Y/n), I love you," He confesses, his voice never wavering or cracking up. In response to his words, my eyes slightly widen as I feel my whole body become tense. "And I know I may not be the most expressive guy when it comes to my emotions, but believe me when I tell you that you have made me a better man," He adds on, his thumb now beginning to softly run over my cheek.
"Or, at least, I think I have," Greg adds, giving a soft shrug. "Ultimately, it’s you and the guys at work that would see it, so you might have to ask them just to be sure," his words make me roll my eyes that are currently tearing up, but I can't resist my smile at the same time. Once again, Greg can't let it be known that he can be spontaneously romantic at times. "They'd probably tell you I'm still an ass, but I think-"
Before he can say anymore, I move forward and press my lips to his in a sweet kiss. Of course, he kisses back instantly, but not before he smiles as well. Once we pull apart, I stare down at him breathlessly before speaking. "I love you too, Greg," I tell him, the four words I have been dreaming about telling him falling freely from my lips. "I have for a long time, but I was... I was too scared to say it."
Greg then smiles back at me and tilts his head to the side as he moves his arms down to my waist and holds my body closer to his. "Well," he says, searching his mind for a sarcastic answer. A few seconds pass until he sighs and looks back at me with an even bigger smile. "Here’s your Merry Christmas," He chimes, jokingly mocking me.
Grinning at him, I shake my head before he moves forward and reattaches our lips once more, the tune of Christmas carols playing behind us as we kiss. Maybe Greg won't be so pessimistic about Christmas anymore. I mean... we can only pray and hope so. Nonetheless, I guess it really is a Merry Christmas to me.
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reidspharb · 1 year
The Moment I Knew
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*Part two
Summary: Spencer misses your 25th birthday and that’s when you realize your relationship can’t be fixed.
Word count: 800 or something idk ICBA shes a short one
Warnings: angst, Reid is a shitty boyfriend in this one
Note: hi this was written at 3 am and I’m new to writing so if this sucks sorry anyways but I got this idea from Taylor Swifts song by the Same name and I thought I would write it so yeah enjoy
Sure, you were so happy all your friends were there and everyone was having a good time… but you couldn’t help but think about Spence.
It was 10 pm, the party started at 8 and he still wasn’t there like he promised. You couldn’t help but think about him coming through the door right now, gifts in hand as he did on your last birthday with that baby I’m right here smile.
You knew he couldn’t be here, and you knew how much he valued his work, but, he wasn’t even on a case far away… he was here, in Virginia, and he couldn’t even call to wish you a happy birthday.
Your eyes were locked on the door most of the time as you socialized. People asked about him, about your relationship, and the most you could give them was a sad smile and a dishonest word about how great everything was going.
“So how have you been,” your friend Sarah said as she laughed and took a sip of her drink “I mean I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!”
you plastered on the brightest fake smile you could and mustered up an answer just normal enough to get you by.
“I've been okay, you know, with work and everything.”
All you could think about was him, how he said he would be there. He told you- no he promised you weeks in advance that he would be here. But he’s not.
You felt stupid, standing there all dolled up in your tight black dress and red lipstick. You thought maybe if you dressed up nice he would make sure to be there, but then again, there you were with no one to impress.
You knew it was hopeless, there you were on your birthday staring at the door and watching the clock tick as everyone around you danced and laughed. You looked around the room, trying to spot him in the crowd but who were you fooling, you knew he wasn’t there.
As you listened to your loved ones sing happy birthday around you, you could only hear his voice in your memory. When you blew out those candles your only wish was for him to be there with you. You should’ve been so happy, but he was the one thing missing.
Then it was 1 am, and you were barely tipsy. you already had a nervous stomach, you knew drinking would only make it worse. By now you were sick of everyone being around you, you just wanted to be alone. You stumbled to the bathroom over some discarded red cups and locked yourself in there, tears burning at your eyes when you saw yourself in the mirror.
You did your makeup the way he liked it too so that if you sent pictures he really wouldn’t miss it, such a naive thing to think you told yourself. You heard a knock on your door and there were your two best friends, Tegan and Oliver, mixed with the emotions of seeing them staring at you with so much pity in their eyes and Spencer being away made you break down.
Tegan held you as you sobbed, mascara dripping down your cheeks with every tear.
“He said- he said he would be here…”
“I'm so sorry, love bug, I wish I could grab him and rip him into pieces. You deserve so much better.” Said Oliver, holding your cold hands.
You felt so embarrassed, sitting there in front of your friends crying about some stupid boy. But he was the one who meant the most to you and he wasn’t there.
The next morning you woke up on your couch, head pounding. Your apartment was trashed, there were plastic cups scattered all over the room. As you stepped over them to get ready for the day, you felt a sharp pain in your chest as you heard Spencer’s familiar ringtone playing from your phone.
“Hey doll, it’s me” he sighed on the other line of the phone.
“Hi, Spencer.” You mumbled. You knew it would hurt to say his whole name instead of the nickname you’d been calling him since the day you met him.
“I'm so sorry I didn’t make it babe I was caught up in paperwork and I lost tra-“ you interrupted his rambling, you didn’t care anymore.
“It’s fine. I’ll talk to you later Spencer.” You hissed into the phone before hitting the red button on the screen and setting your phone back down on the counter.
That was the moment you knew.
That was the moment you knew that this would never work out.
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is it over now? (was it over then?)
part three
part four: say the one thing i've been wanting
Steve had been dreading actually talking about this with Robin. He hadn't wanted to put her in a position to feel like she had to come out or stop using him as a plus one to industry parties to fuel rumors. Even as he and Eddie pretty publicly dated Robin's agent and most tabloids still thought Robin and Steve were a couple some even going as far as insinuating Eddie was Steve's side piece or their third.
"Steve, you're kind of scaring me, what's going on?"
"Birdie, I'm only telling you this because I can't not anymore but I want you to know nothing is your fault and I literally don't need you to do anything. I just need to be able to talk to my best friend and in order to do that I kind of have to get through this uncomfortable part," Steve answered.
"Anything, Steve. Whatever you need," Robin said.
"Okay, so Eddie and I kind of broke up because Eddie assumed I was cheating on him with Nance when she came to visit earlier this year. He got really upset and kind of blocked me from any way of contacting him so there was no way to clear anything up after he left but he definitely assumed I was cheating on him and he wrote that fucking song and I just need to talk to you without leaving out this really huge massive reason why Eddie left and why I still feel like total shit," Steve rushed to cover the main points.
"Steve, hun," Nance comforted. She probably guessed something else was going on but had been understanding enough not to press Steve for more.
"Steve, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," Robin started catastrophizing.
"Can you please stop saying my name. It's kind of freaking me out," Steve joked, "Robs, it's totally not your fault at all. It was a shitty situation I could have handled better and so could Eddie but there's really nothing to do about it know because I can't explain it to him and he clearly doesn't want me to so we are moving on, all right?" Steve attempted to keep the energy light.
"If that's what you want, sure babe," Robin said.
"I just want to stop going down Tik Tok rabbit holes of Eddie's stupid song without being able to complain to you about how fucking tired I am of not being able to do anything," Steve said, "and also I want so much ice cream and a really stupid TV marathon with my best girls and maybe roast Eddie's new song a little bit."
Nancy had already pulled up doordash and they were soon on their way to eating a smorgasbord of snacks and ice cream while watching reality TV and eventually dissolving into a karaoke session initially overdramatically singing along to Eddie's new single and ending with some old school Taylor (her version of course). Steve was feeling better than he had in a long time and started getting out of the fog he'd been in since Eddie had left.
Eventually, Steve started answering his agent's emails again and submitting tape for different roles. He'd gotten a part in a small indie film in Italy and Steve was pretty ready to take it. It was an interesting part, it was literally away from everyone he knew, the director was kind of weird and didn't let his cast use socials while filming and encouraged only phone calls and old school letters to really get into the period mindset. It was honestly kind of a perfect next project and it helped that the script was actually kind of great.
"As long as you aren't going because you're running away, Steve. You know I don't want you to leave and you shouldn't feel like you have to," Robin said as he was starting to pack his bags.
"I really like the project. It's a good script and I get to get out of my own head for a while. Kind of perfect honestly. The shoot is pretty short its only like four weeks so I won't be gone that long and you and Nancy can keep holing up in my apartment without me getting in the way!" Steve answered.
"You're never in the way, dingus," Robin nudged him and then brought him into a hug, "we'll just miss you kiddo."
"I'll miss you too, Bobbie. Now let me go so I can pack." Steve pulled away with a bigger smile than he'd had in weeks.
part five
@lololol-1234 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @zombiethingy (if you wanna be tagged in future parts feel free to comment! happy to add people)
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strniohoeee · 8 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Synopsis:(based off my request I got earlier) while on a weekend get away, Matt steps out to the hot tub after having some anxiety, and asks Y/N to join, but then things get heated, more than just the water💧
Warnings⚠️: This is a smutty imagine. There’s just sex that happens in a hot tub, but there’s no real kinky-ness. Minors GET OUTTA HERE
Song for the imagine: Agora Hills- Doja Cat
This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact beyond this point⚠️
Laura had gotten the triplets, Madi and myself a cabin getaway in Boston so that we could all see eachother again after not seeing Madi for 3 months. Madi had flown in from LA, so after picking her up from the airport we immediately started driving to the cabin.
Matt was driving and I was in the passenger seat just jamming out to the music
“Y/N play Agora Hills” Nick said
“Fuck yes that’s my song” I said grabbing Matt’s phone and playing Agora Hills
Nick, Madi and I were all jamming and screaming the lyrics
“LOVE WHEN YOU HIT, AND SMACK TO, BABY LET ME LICK ON YOUR TATTOOS” I screamed, Matt looked over at me with a sly smirk
“WOAH I SAW THAT” Chris said pointing his fingers at us
“He doesn’t let me lick his tattoos” I said with a sad face
“You’re such a weirdo” Matt says laughing and blushing lightly
After he said that Looking for the hoes started playing by Sexyy Red
“SHAKE THAT ASS HOEEEEEE” I started screaming and Nick got on the seat pretending to shake his ass
“AYYYYY” I said turning around and smacking his ass
“Where’s my bills” Madi said pretending to throw cash on Nick
We were crying laughing at Nick's bizarre behavior, we spent the rest of the trip laughing and singing. Chris and I occasionally fighting because he thinks he’s right about everything
Eventually we get to the cabin and hop out stretching our legs, and grabbing our bags to head into the cabin
Once we get inside we run up the stairs to check the room situation. This is where we got confused. It was two bedrooms, one with 3 beds and one with 2 beds.
“What the fuck is this set up” Madi says laughing
“Who’s the idiot that did this” Matt said laughing
“Okay so I say me, Madi and Y/N in this room, and Chris and Matt in the other room” Nick said
“Why can’t Y/N be with me?” Matt said
“Uhhhh we’d prefer yall stay away from each other because yall are so feral” Nick said in a matter of fact way
“We are not” I said
“Mmm I beg to differ” Chris said
“You know what fine whatever” Matt said heading to the other room to set up his side of the room, Chris following after him
After we all settled in we decided to make something to eat for dinner, and watch some tv. This first night we just wanted to chill as the drive was kind of long up here.
“They got a jacuzzi” Chris yells as he comes running back inside
“SHUT THE FUCK UP” Madi says jumping up from the couch
“And it’s big too” Nick says looking out the window at the Jacuzzi
They decided to go into the jacuzzi but I wasn’t really feeling it, so I stayed in the living room watching Halloween 1978. At some point I went up to the room and decided to go to sleep.
After a while I opened my eyes to my phone buzzing. I looked around the room and saw Madi and Nick knocked out snoring slightly
I grabbed my phone and looked at the notification
-hey I’m in the hot tub. Feeling up for it now pretty lady?
My heart flutter at the cute nickname he gave me
-Yeah I’ll be over in a few minutes :)
I got up and used the flashlight on my phone to look in my bag for my bathing suit, and once I found it I ran to the bathroom to change quietly. It was a deep forest green one piece that was super low cut, had the back completely open, and was cheeky style. It was a new suit that I knew would drive Matt wild
I put my pajamas back in the room and tiptoed down the stairs. When I got to the sliding door I could see Matt looking at his phone while I watched him like a creep. As I opened the door I felt the very chilly fall air nip at my skin, instantly shivering.
I stepped outside and closed the screen door, and walked over to Matt
“Hey baby” I said to him as I stepped up and into the hot tub allowing the warm bubbling water to soothe my shivering
“Hi pretty lady” he said putting his phone down
“Why are you up so late” I asked him as I walked over to him to sit next to him
“I was having a bit of anxiety for some reason, and decided to come to the hot tub and calm my mind” He said as I stroked his hair while looking at him talk
“What were you thinking about” I asked
“Nothing really just overthinking and I get anxiety, but I’m good now that you’re here with me” he says leaning into kiss me
After he pulled away I looked him with a sly grin
“Oh yeah” I said in a flirty tone
“Uhhh wish those dicks didn’t separate us” he said touching my arm and leaving kisses on it
“This is exactly why they separated us, we can not be left alone for more than 5 minutes without jumping on each other” I told him laughing a little bit
“How can I control myself when you look so beautiful all the time” he said leaning on my arm
“Well we’re alone now, and it’s 2am……we could have some fun” I suggested
“When you put it like that” he said biting his lip and grabbing me to sit on his lap
“Matt in the hot tub” I said after kissing him
“And why not?” He said kissing my neck
“Uhh seems unsanitary” I told him biting my lip as he kissed down to my breasts
“Kid, you’ll be fine” he said rolling his eyes and kissing my lips one more time
I had wrapped my arms over his neck and began to make out with him, slowly grinding my hips against his bulge
“Mmm fuck” Matt said throwing his head back a little bit
I took this opportunity to start kissing down his neck, lightly sucking in the areas I knew would make him putty in my hands
We continued to make out as I was grinding down on him, and he was groping my breasts
“Come on Matt I need you now” I told him giving him one last kiss
He slightly lifted me up, so he could pull out his dick, and then he pushed my bathing suit bottom to the side. Helping me slowly sink down onto his dick
“Fuck Matt I’ve missed this” I sighed into his neck as I slowly started grinding against him. He had his hands gripping my ass helping me
“Me too baby. Finally having some alone time” he said moaning as I clenched down on him
“Baby I’m getting tired” I said as my knees were starting to burn from scratching against the seat in the hot tub
“Okay pretty girl. Let me help” he said. I got off of him, and he turned me around walking me to the front of the tub, and he had me bend forward as he slid back into me. This made me grip onto the edge of the hot tub
“Oh shit Matt, oh my god” I moaned a little loudly as he was hitting all the right spots
“Shhh baby they can’t know” he said thrusting into me, and out of breath
Matt didn’t stop his ruthless pounding and my head fell down as I felt myself getting closer to my climax.
“Matt I’m going to cum please don’t stop” I told him gripping onto the edge of the hot tub even harder
For some reason this made Matt pound into me harder, and what I hadn’t realized was that my phone and three glass cups that Chris, Nick and Madi left behind were on the opposite ledge and were getting dangerously close to the edge.
Matt thrusted into me two more times at a vigorous speed, and on the third thrust all three glass cups, and my phone went crash onto the deck
“Fuck Matt. They might’ve heard” I said as he still fucked me
“No baby they didn’t don’t worry” He said getting close to his climax
“Oh Matt right there please” I said as he was hitting my G spot in such a delicious way
“I’m gonna cum” He told me, and I nodded my head leaning my head back in ecstasy. At the same time we both moaned out each others name and came so hard panting and gasping for air
“WHAT THE FUCK” we both heard as Matt was still in me and we were riding out our highs
“OH MY GOD” I screamed locking eyes with Chris, Nick and Madi
“What the fuck” Matt said as we both lowered ourselves deeper into the water so he could pull out of me, and pick his swim trunks back up
“What the fuck? We heard this big crashing sound that woke all of us up, and we thought someone had broken in” Madi says
“But it just turns out that loud sound was you two wild fucking animals fucking like your life depended on it” Nick said
“How much did you see” I asked embarrassed
“Lets just say your O faces are now engraved in my fucking head” Chris said starting to dry heave
“Exactly what I said. We can not leave them alone as they are like feral animals” Nick said
“Shut up and go away” Matt said flipping him off
“Yall I can not believe I’m about to do the walk of shame” I said getting up and out of the pool grabbing my phone off the deck
“Y/N spill all the tea please” Madi whispers to me as I walk past her, and into the cabin
“Sorry guys I truly did not mean for yall to see or hear anything” I said
“ITS TOO LATE” Chris said pretending to weep like a child
“My eyes are burning” Nick said
And Matt just walked in behind them and smacked them both
Matt and I both went upstairs to shower and change
And by this point it was 4am, so I decided to go to bed when I got a text on my phone
-come lay with me?
-baby I won’t contain myself if I do I responded back to him
-true, okay get some rest, love you
-love you too matt
With that I ended up falling asleep, peaceful and sore ;)
The End
I know this one was short, but the request wasn’t too detailed, and I feel like how kinky can you get in a hot tub IDKKK, but I hope I didn’t disappoint @ whoever requested this 😚😚 My next Matt fic is going to be sad asffffff so get ready to cry
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gag-me-munson · 1 year
The Drive-In
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader (No use of y/n)
Warnings: MINORS DNI. 18+ Only. Graphic descriptions of sex. Oral on Eddie. Unprotected sex. Just... Adults only, thanks ✌️
"C'mon. The movie starts at 9:30, I'll pick you up at 8:45. It'll be fun." Eddie teases your arm with his fingertips, letting them dance up and down as he sing-song's the words to you.
"What was the movie again?" You sigh and lean against his van, looking up to meet his winning stare. If it weren't for those eyes, you'd have never even given him a shot. But Eddie was sweet down beneath it all and he loved to be around you.
"Nightmare On Elm Street." He grins wide and you audibly groan. You'd seen it already, at least thrice, but being with Eddie always was a trip, so you agree.
"Alright, it's a date!" He slaps his hand on the van hood and you can only shake your head and smile at his boyish enthusiasm.
The weather was still a little chilly so you made sure to wear a sweater that evening. Makeup had been placed just to hide what you thought were your imperfections and you went with a generous and sultry red lip. Eddie's favorite, he called it your "dick sucking lipstick" and it always made you squirm and blush.
A honk outside and you rush out the door, grabbing your purse hurriedly before any questions can be tossed at you. Eddie wasn't exactly a parent favorite, but he was your favorite and that's what mattered.
"Hey, sweetheart," Eddie begins as you get into the passenger side, shutting the door with quick ease. "God, you look amazing." You can feel his deep brown eyes giving you the once over, looking you up and down before he puts the van into gear. One hand on the wheel, Eddie let's the other trace patterns on your bare leg, the skirt you decided on riding up your thighs.
It's a short and semi-uneventful drive to the outdoor theater and Eddie happens to have the money this time. You know he sells drugs on the sideline to people and you've often smoked joints with him- as in, right now- so it never really mattered how he got the money to spoil you with.
Eddie picks a spot nearer the back and once parked, hops straight out of the van. "Want anything?" He asks as he comes to your side, the window already having been rolled down for the trip.
"Just a blue slushie if they have them." You're simple tonight and after crushing a blunt together on the way here, you were beginning to only have one thing on your mind. He grins his "okay" and you watch his ass in those tight pants as he saunters off, already on cloud nine.
"Just you wait, Munson." You murmur and begin to climb into the back of the open spaced van and settle down, waiting.
"All they had was red," Eddie says about ten minutes later, climbing into the back with you. "But it matches that pretty little mouth of yours, so I figured it'd be okay."
You grin and open the straw from its packaging, placing it into the cup and taking a generous sip, groaning around the straw. You do this just because you know he's watching and when you open your eyes, sure enough, he is.
"Yes, Eddie?" You coo and offer him a drink but he's already busy tracing his fingers up and down your leg to care about a silly slushie.
"Want you... so bad." He leans forward to whisper in your ear, nibbling on your lobe. It causes you to giggle a little bit and then, in the next moment, he's off of you and adjusting the radio.
"Didn't come here to pay for a movie to at least not hear it." He grumbles, toying with his pants as he settles in next to you. Such a stickler for what he pays for, but you get it completely.
The movie begins about five minutes later and as you put a piece of popcorn into your mouth, you catch him staring again. Anything to do with your mouth and you always notice Eddie staring. Watching your fingers move to your lips, watching you suck liquids from a straw and he's there, staring in anticipation and wonderment.
The movie was obviously a clear ploy just to get you into the back of his van and you knew it all along. There was something about making him wait and watching him dance just to get you though, so you had to continue teasing him.
Another piece slowly into your mouth and you suck the butter and salt from your fingers, "Mmmm," you groan, "so good. Sure you don't want any?"
Eddie merely shakes his head and licks his lips, watching you still and you shake your head with a laugh.
"Watching me more than the movie you picked?"
He bites his bottom lip, eyes glazed over and reaches for your hips, dragging you to sit on top of him. His jeans are already tightening from the growing erection you've caused and when you roll your hips on it he moans softly.
"Don't... please stop teasing me, baby." He whimpers under your continued rolling, the friction from the material and his hardening dick become pleasure for you now, too.
"Tell me what you want, Eddie." And you kiss his neck gently, letting your teeth drag down to his collar bone as you move the material of his shirt away to reveal it.
"Want those pretty lips around my dick." He groans and thrusts his hips up as you bite down on his skin, a hiss emitting from his lips. "Please... Now." He begs in a rasping whisper.
You slowly start moving down his torso and as Eddie sits up to remove his shirt you decide to toy with him longer, loving how much he needs you.
It starts with a bite on his nipple, feeling it harden under your teeth and you take your time to lick around it before you kiss down to his belly button. Eddie's breaths are coming in shakes now and he's cursing you under those breaths.
Your hands begin to undo his belt before you're popping off the button and zipping down his fly. Pulling the black jeans down just enough to bare his bulging cock, you grin at his excitement. He needs to be touched so bad, his hands holding onto his shirt in a desperate plea.
Slowly you take his throbbing dick out of his boxers and when your hand connects, Eddie bites the shirt and moans. He's leaking and rock hard, ready for your wet and warm mouth.
After jacking him off for about a minute, you lean over and let your cool breath ghost over his dick before he finally has had enough of your shit and takes the back of your head into his hand and pushes down.
"Fucking finally," he moans loudly and you begin to suck him off at a much quicker pace. You taste the pre-cum and find a moan coming from yourself at his salty taste. His hands play with your hair and keep it out of your face to better see you, but he still has a firm grip and uses it to push you to your limits.
"Good girl... take it all." And he presses your head all the way down until your nose touches his abdomen. He keeps you there for a moment and the eases off, letting you breathe. Your mouth comes off of his dick just for a panting moment, but your hand steadily strokes him. You can feel yourself getting so wet and sticky from hearing Eddie become a moaning puddle of a man and as you sit up, slide your panties off, you notice just how much you need him.
"Want this dick, baby?" He groans and takes over, jacking himself off as you slide your skirt up. All you can manage now is a rather pathetic "Mmhmm." And then you're straddling his hips, moving his hand away in feverish hurry.
"I want you to ride me, babygirl. Then I want you to taste all of what you bring me to."
Groaning at the though of tasting Eddie even more, you slide down slowly and easily around his dick. You both inhale deeply at the closeness and as your ass comes to rest on his leg, you can feel him bucking his hips up again to drive himself as deep as he can into your pussy.
"So warm, God you're so fucking wet." Both your hands are playing, touching, gripping the others hair as Eddie whimpers. You begin to ride him with a certain frenzy, aching around his cock and when you begin to play with your clit, causing you to moan out his name Eddie sputters a string of "fuck's". He loves watching you play with yourself no matter the situation.
"So good, baby. So damn good." His head rests on the seat behind him and as you quicken your pace it's your turn to offer a hiss as he holds your skirt up with one hand, smacking your ass with the other before he grabs it roughly. "All mine." He growls.
"Yes, Eddie," you mewl and let your head fall to your damp chest, hair sticking to your forehead, "All yours."
You take your fingers away from your swollen and throbbing clit and Eddie grins, lifting his head up to put them fully in his mouth, sucking them clean like you did with the salty butter earlier. You gasp out a moan before he releases them with a satisfied smile.
"God you taste so good, even that little bit of you."
You begin to rub your clit and as you feel your orgasm come crashing down you slam onto his dick once more and moan loudly right into Eddie's ear rocking side to side to ride out this even better high.
"Get off me," Eddie growls and as you do you immediately go back down to his dick, slick with your stickiness and start to suck him off again, waiting on his climax.
Eddie takes your head into his hands and begins to fuck your face, only going deep enough to not make you gag.
Without further warning your mouth fills with Eddie's salty cum and he's riding his orgasm into your mouth, demanding that you swallow it all, begging that you taste him.
And you do, you let this brown eyed boy fuck your face into oblivion and once he slows to a stop you suck him good and hard one last time, emitting a twitch from his body before the moonlight catches your face and you noticeably swallow his load.
"God damn.... you are perfect. Come here and let's watch the rest of the movie." He smiles lazily and without even putting your clothes back on yet, you cuddle up, wipe your mouth and feel him plant a kiss on your head.
"Thank you," he mutters into your hair and for the first time in your relationship, you hear the words.
"I love you. Don't ever forget that."
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ope.. i got brainrot while driving into work again so here's a rockstar!eddie steddie blurb that goes with this song.
cw for possible refrences to suicidal ideation depending on how you interpret the lyrics (more literal or more metaphorical)
pairing: steddie | word count: 840 | rated: M
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The first time Eddie tells Steve he loves him, it’s while they’re awash in the afterglow; Eddie’s still half sprawled over Steve’s bare back with his finger tracing patterns idly over his skin.
“I could trace enough constellations on you to get from here to Mars.” he says as if voicing a thought rather than to Steve.
“Oh yeah?” He snorts.
“Mmhm. And I’d love you from here to there too.”
The steady movement of Steve’s back shudders to a stop, his breath faltering. “Oh yeah?”
A new featherlight touch grazes the skin between his shoulder blades. Eddie’s lips. “From here to Mars, sweetheart.”
Mars becomes a thing between them, and between them alone; “Love you to Mars, Stevie,”, “I love you all the way back home, Eds.” or after some bigot gives either of them grief over their relationship, “Let’s just run away.”, “To where?”, “Hmm. I dunno, maybe Mars?”
So when Eddie has enough of Hawkins, when he does run, and his note is devoid of any reference to their neighboring red planet, it’s crushing.
Steve finds out from Wayne that Eddie and the boys had gone to New York, a two album contract for their band too good of an opportunity to pass up.
He’s jaded and hurt for a long time. Well into Corroded Coffin’s rise to worldwide stardom, and the feeling lasts until a headline in the aisle of the grocery store catches his eye. It screams ‘CORRODED COFFIN’S NORTH AMERICAN TOUR CUT SHORT.”, but there are more: “Frontman Eddie Munson checks in”, and “Eddie Munson: More substance than substance?”.
He and Robin are in Chicago now, running a small bookstore/coffee shop, and Jeff gets in contact with him.
“He’s okay, he’s already doing better. I figured you’d want to know.”
Jeff says it’d been getting worse and worse until Chrissy (who had long been the Robin to Eddie’s Steve, and who’s now his manager) had had enough and sent him off to get help. “He’ll be back sooner than later, I’m sure.”
The next anyone besides Chrissy hears from Eddie, it’s on the radio. A new song from Corroded Coffin’s Eddie Munson that’s nothing like anyone had ever heard from him. 
Steve hears it first when he’s preparing to open one day, that’s part of the reason why it comes as such a surprise. He has never tuned the shop radio to anything other than the mainstream channels, not wanting this exact thing to happen and hear the voice of the man that broke his heart to pieces.
“Up next, a change of pace from the currently still elusive Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin fame,” the announcer says as the song starts in behind him. Steve freezes at the name. “You heard of this guy? He and that band of his had been making waves in the metal scene for years now; and he’s reportedly been checked out of rehab for a couple months without anyone hearing anything from him. Until now.”
The song starts for real now, the acoustic fading into the background as a voice so unmistakably Eddie, his real southern twang leftover from growing up in Tennessee shining through, breaks through it.
Steve’s so floored at hearing his voice again, that he doesn’t really register the lyrics until Eddie croons out “What if I run away to Mars?”
“Mars.” Steve breathes out.
Eddie is singing about Mars.
Steve had always assumed he was forgotten. That after the years of fame and years without him, that the memories Eddie had of him would be locked away just as tight as Steve’s of Eddie were.
He can’t even continue to think about it because Eddie keeps going, “Would you find me in the stars? Would you miss me in the end, if I run out of oxygen?”
Eddie’s singing on his own, it’s just him and his guitar and his own backup vocals and he sounds so horribly sad.
Eddie’s not okay. Eddie’s not okay! Where is he? Where did he go after getting out of rehab?
Steve whips his phone out of his pocket, leaning heavily on the front counter now for support, and searches frantically for Chrissy’s number.
He’s hoping she hadn’t changed it when Eddie’s voice comes back in over his guitar, “I can't tell which way is home, I've been gone for so long..It's an empty world up here“
Steve freezes again.
He listens to the entire rest of the song there. Phone in hand, thumb hovering over the call button, and heart however many miles away to where Eddie is.
“Three, two, one, I miss you..I'm sorry I got issues” Eddie sings.
Steve finds himself thinking ‘I miss you too’ and ‘It’s okay.’
Eventually, the song ends with Eddie’s voice only. No backup instrumentals, only his voice crooning harmonically with himself 
“Would you miss me in the end if I run out of oxygen? When I run away to Mars..”
He presses the button.
“Steve,” She says in a surprised greeting, “Hi!”
“Where is he?”
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star divider is from @saradika
short little part 2 here! | also on AO3
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