#okay so... i feel like it gets a bad rap from what i've seen?
stoopid-turtle · 11 months
made-up thoughts about dd's gender presentation
Okay, the gender post! Honestly, dd's gender presentation is something I think about a lot (ok, I just think about everything dd-related a lot), so here's a post about it. A couple disclaimers on the way down though.
Gender is weird
Um, so gender is complicated and deep. I'm not gonna delve into that too much. Just know I'm not saying much about dd's gender identity, because that's too speculative for me and I don't tend to analyze how people might feel their gender inside.
So this is all about gender expression or performance. The way he presents himself to the world. This includes stuff like clothing, ways of talking, makeup, mannerisms, etc. Anything we can see when we watch him.
For those more into the advanced gender convo, yes yes, gender is a social construct and there's nothing inherent about, say, a tuxedo that makes it a "man's" outfit. Fully onboard with that. But for simplicity's sake, let's shortcut to acting as if we buy into how society genders random stuff so as to recognize that a tux is "male-coded" by just about every society in the present day. Everybody swims in these waters, and they perform their gender with the understanding of how their society assigns these arbitrary gender assignments, so let's just deal with that for this convo. /obligatory gender theorist disclaimer
East vs West
I'm in the US, and I fully recognize that there are different norms for gender in Eastern cultures. A lot of the things that read as "feminine" to Western eyes is more neutral in the East, such as long hair or makeup. (I've read a fantastic tumblr post that went into this in-depth but, alas, I can't find it now. You will notice throughout this post that I am extraordinarily bad at refinding things)
On top of that, idols, in specific, often have quite feminine stylings to Western standards. In the East, the vibe I get is that idols are seen as more androgynous (though still threatening to some forms of masculinity).
I can only speak from my own very westernized perspective, so take it with as much salt as you want. I reserve the right to change my mind about everything later, anyway.
Basically, I have 3 main points here, starting with:
1. DD's early styling was more femme than he would ordinarily gravitate to
There's a moment I think about a lot. This one, specifically, set a month and a half after UNIQ's debut. The band is on a Chinese talk show and the host enthuses about them.
(also, baby DD rapping Love the Way You Lie is just....well, it's a thing that happened) (some US context: Love The Way You Lie was an Issue Song pointedly about domestic violence with Rihanna - an artist who had been a victim of a highly publicized dv assault - as the chorus singer and Eminem - a rapper with a history of misogynist lyrics (with a song about murdering his ex-gf) - doing the rap. It had a weirdly sexy music video with that lotr guy and was also a thing that happened)
DD is 17 years old here--a baby--and he's, frankly, adorable. He notes that he's been training for 4 years (I'm so curious about what idol training looks like, tbh), which wows the host.
But the part that I think about a lot is when the host expounds at length about how beautiful and like a girl dd is. DD has a girl's hairstyle (i've had that exact hairstyle at multiple points in my life), and the host says at various points that he's "more beautiful than girls", that girls will envy him, that he is very very pretty, that if she were a man, she would fall in love with him. The basic upshot here is that much is made of his feminine looks, and I get the vibe that his styling is more femme than typical, even for an idol.
At the same time, I think about this moment of dd in a dance competition in 2011, before his debut. DD's main passion has always been dancing, and he went into hiphop dancing, as shown here. He also attempted breakdancing while younger, though an early injury apparently kept him from going that route (I swear I've heard this somewhere, but can't find where. Link me if you know).
DD was interested in the more macho-types of street dances. Hiphop isn't as dominated by men as breaking is, but it's still has more of a masculine culture than jazz or, you know, waacking.
I think a lot about a kid who wanted to spend his life dancing, who went through idol training to debut as the femme maknae of a group. It was a weird fit for him, and I think his movement away from that initial look reflects that.
At the same time, I want to go back to something I find significant about his talk show appearance.
When asked who is most popular among girls, everybody (dd included) points to dd. (A bandmate also jokes that dd is most popular among men). A 17-year-old kid who just debuted a little over a month ago with a femme style is already getting fawned over by fans and older female hosts. However weird it could be, it's gotta be a huge ego-boost at a formative time to get the positive feedback to that look.
I think (and putting on my speculation hat here) that this is important for dd's performance of gender as he gets older.
Which brings me to the next main point:
2. DD enjoyed his more feminine idol look bc he knew it made him attractive
I suspect dd came to some acceptance of the more femme styling (once he moved away from the white peony look) primarily because it got him so much fawning.
I imagine idol training goes into how to create a public persona for oneself, especially given how much idols are supposed to reveal of themselves. Letting fans feel that they're getting an intimate look at the real person, while still maintaining the privacy of their actual personal life, is a skill, and I expect it's second-nature to dd at this point given how long he's been in the industry.
This isn't to say that dd's fake or that the dd we see publicly isn't "really" him. But it is a carefully presented version of him that intentionally keeps his private life private.
There's really 2 periods where we probably see the most authentic, unfiltered dd: the early UNIQ days, when he was still getting the hang of the ent industry (though that's complicated in that he was also young and under pressure to perform a certain way and had not developed the skills/experience/cache to set limits, hence him doing a lot more cutesy stuff that he refuses to do as he gets older); and the bts footage for CQL, as he did not expect those to be so widely seen. Even the unscripted stuff like DDU and SDC allows for some intentional presentation of himself in a way the more candid bts moments did not.
That's a bit of a digression, actually, but it's important because I think this public persona, especially the idol persona, is more femme than dd would normally style himself (as in, how he would style himself if he weren't an entertainer). The result of this is that we see some contexts, such as the CQL fanmeetings where dd wears women's outfits, where that idol style is intentionally deployed. Part of the point of fanmeetings is fanservice, and dd's feminine presentation, linked as it is to his idol image, is wholly about pleasing the fans.
There's reason to believe that dd was never too much into those stylings because he intrinsically enjoyed them. He's said multiple times in interviews that he prefers going without makeup. This isn't too telling because, hey, makeup can be uncomfortable to wear. Especially stage makeup.
But there's an interesting compilation of interview clips where dd reveals his complete lack of even any interest in makeup, referring curious interviewers to talk to his makeup artist and explicitly associating makeup with women (I have looked everywhere for this. I swear I saw this compilation on YouTube but now I can't find it. This is unfortunate bc this particular video really made me think about dd's gender presentation). And of course, his attempt to do someone else's makeup was...adorable. This is not a guy who wears makeup for the joy of it. He wears it because it's part of his job.
This isn't to say that dd looks down on it. Not at all. We only have to look at his defensiveness of the idol look to gg during the bts to see this. I don't think he's at all bothered by makeup. He just accepts it as part of his career.
(I have a completely made-up story in my head about how gg's preference for no-makeup dd was a major romantic thing bc it's gg liking the real dd, not the idol persona that everybody else fawns over. And how, once dd realized that gg was paying him a compliment, it gave him big feels. This story is definitely not real)
This all is gonna lead me to my last main point:
3. DD's probably okay taking on a more masculine style now bc it fits more how he would naturally dress himself
Like millions of other people, I really dig the idol look. When I was doing my initial dive into turtledom and read about some of the Chinese censorship of idols in recent years, I was initially put out because...idol!dd!
(Ok, as a queer person, I also have big solidarity feels and stuff, but that's a whole digression)
But then I began obsessively watching browsing dd stuff on YouTube and I came around to thinking that while I love and miss idol!dd, I don't know that dd is too shook up over it.
In my view, dd sees that type of styling as a role to put on for certain performances. Now that it's out of style, so to say, he switches to something else. It goes along with some other career transitions he's making, such as focusing more on film. I think this may just let him go with a more "natural" styling (basically, how he would style himself if he weren't a celebrity).
(I do think he likes dyeing his hair fashion colors, but that's not necessarily gendered. He's had plenty of dyed hair looks that are still masc)
When I think of things like that...well, I still personally miss idol!dd because that look really works for me. But I'm not bothered on his behalf because I don't know that he feels particularly constrained by the idol crackdown (at least with regards to no longer being able to present with an idol style; there are other aspects of the politics that may feel constraining, but that's a whole other digression). If anything, it provides a good reason for him to move away from idol-dom in his career (which he'd have to do at some point as he ages).
To wrap this up, I've felt horrendously guilty that the first photo on this tumblr wasn't even of dd or gg, so i'm gonna end this with a photo of idol!dd. I'm not gonna say it's my favorite look, because it's just cruel to make me pick a single favorite. But this is one I think is pretty.
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riansdiary · 2 months
I'm sorry but this post you sent anon, doesn't make sense to me and it feels very judgemental and decreasing us all different humans to having one purpose.
Tell me, how many people are aspiring to become an actor, singer etc? Okay we know there are many but is that wrong? NO. That is not everybody, different loa bloggers can have different goals. I've seen someone who manifested as being good at studying. Someone who likes art, someone who wants to shift to their dr, someone who has totally different aspirations in life.
It's saying we're like attention-motivated or attention seekers when a lot of us are private and careful about posting our results. That's a contradicting statement. Hell, if I liked getting attention, I would've posted my actual selfie. I'm blurring it because I still am manifesting some issues away like a little bit of insecurity left in me. I'm stopping myself from picking myself apart and I was really just anxious about it. That's why I'm not completely comfortable in posting the actual unblurred selfie because I still pick flaws apart which is my old bad habit and sometimes still think I'm not pretty enough. One of the things I'm manifesting more of is becoming more confident.
Tell me, is it wrong if someone wants to be famous? Is it wrong if someone wants to be an It Girl? Is it oh so wrong to want what a lot of people want? Not all of us want to be fucking famous. There are people here who have manifested different careers.
It is not one of the main things I've seen that people are trying to manifest. Most of us want a better life for ourselves and live our dream lives. Better grades in school. Money for a comfortable worry-free life because we have suffered before. Those are the ones that I see the most. Also go to Subliminal Amino, there's a lot of good before and after pics.
Let me ask this again. Is wanting yourself to be safe and private on the internet an issue of wanting fame? If we were wanting fame, wouldn't we go and plaster our faces everywhere like TikTokers. Why is wanting and valuing your privacy like your face being on the internet and being seen by the whole world not a good thing? Again, you are you, I am me. We are different. What's comfortable for you could not be comfortable for me.
Let me ask once again. Is it wrong to wanna be with someone you like who is a celebrity? How many of us have celebrity crushes, think of that. Exactly. I didn't wanna manifest my boyfriend because I want his fame. I had a crush on him and I liked him and his personality even more, that's all. I felt safe, comfortable and at home even just watching him before.
I'm kind of just done with people saying that wanting fame is bad when there are a lot of us who look up to celebrities and singers and you wanted to be like them since you were young. Granted, not everybody wants it but you don't have to invalidate what other people want. It's not yours and you don't relate but that's fine!
Personally, my passion is singing, dancing and rapping since I saw SHINee, F(x), BTS and Blackpink. I've been inspired by them since I was little especially for SHINee and F(x). It's the first music videos I've watched that made me want to do that. Naturally, one of the things I'm manifesting is to be a member of a K-Pop girl group but is it really that wrong to do what I'm passionate about and what I love to do and what my heart wants? Mainly, it's because it's my passion. I'm a theater kid, hello?
That's not my only interest. I also wanna have a business whether it's about fashion, skincare and also makeup. I like those things, does that include fame there? No. I just really want a business where I could express myself and make products that I've been imagining in my brain.
All I'm saying is that again, please stop judging us all loa bloggers here. We all have different wants and desires so please do not speak ill of it or judge us for wanting that when so many people in the world want it for different reasons. Do not say things like that when you don't know us personally. Why not get to know us more so you can learn that fame is not all we want in life.
Everyone has different main things they wanna manifest but trust me the most I see is not celebrity SP or fame, it's usually more so about dream life, having a better life, becoming financially free so we don't have to worry about money and also shifting ones. There's also school stuff.
I did not start this blog so I can famous bla bla bla. I came here because I finally knew the best way for me to manifest. I was so lost and so negative before so I couldn't manifest things as easily. I had mental health problems as well. There was one point in my life when I was in a manifesting rut where I couldn't get anything I'm manifesting and I was frustrated as hell. Now I know the right and best way for me to manifest thanks to @babygothprincess and Rita Kaminski on YouTube. Babygothprincess was like an older sister and manifesting mentor to me. She answered my questions and I started applying her tips. Her way of manifesting really resonated with me. It's something fun and easy for me and not something I think of as a chore. She has shown her vampire pale skin results so go to her blog and check that out!
I started this blog first and foremost not to be famous but to help someone who might have the same manifesting style as me. To give guidance to people who are like how I was before. I posted these blogs mainly to help and teach with my style of manifesting and manifesting in general. I was thinking that there could be someone like me somewhere out there. I wanted to post helpful manifesting guides and advice that worked for me. Also about my knowledge about the law of assumption. I learned about it since I found out about subliminals.
That was my main goal in starting this and for the other things that I do here that are fun for me and where I can express myself like my Bridgerton reactions and other things I've posted. I didn't just start this to be famous. I looked up to some loa bloggers and I wanted to be as knowledgeable as them. As soon as I learned more and applied, I started sharing my epiphanies when I was thinking deeply about the law in my free time. I also posted what I have learned and my knowledge about the law of assumption and subliminals.
That's my truth and I've said my piece. I'm hoping this helps you disprove what's written on that ask and make you realize that we loa bloggers are humans, normal people who want to share their knowledge and express themselves. Normal people who have their own wants and desires that shouldn't be minimized or assumed to be just one purpose which is getting fame. There's seriously nothing wrong with that.
I was insecure years ago and really used to hate my face and pick it apart everyday. I looked up to It Girls like Olivia Rodrigo, Jennie, Wonyoung and Song Jia not for their fame but for their beauty and confidence. I also admired their self concept and how they think because I wanted to be more like that about myself. Again, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be an It Girl. Why is this an issue? Of course, I wanted to be like them who are loved and adored but is there something wrong with that? No, absolutely not. My main reason for wanting to be an It Girl is because I look up to those girls and they are my role models when it comes to beauty, confidence and self concept.
If you want before and after pictures and you need that, I'll try posting one. Also, go and join subliminal amino for more because that's where I see a lot of people share before and after results.
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
So I've been thinking quite a lot about a lot of things since Tae debuted since the release of slow dancing and I've decided to put my thoughts into words
So since Tae released and debuted officially there's been a lot going on around his debut at the same time nothing at all. I'm very surprised by the company's quietness. Hybe's quietness. Geffen records quietness I haven't seen a single post from the companies with regards to the debut and the release.
It's so bad like really bad. I'm pretty sure he's rethinking his decisions maybe wishes he has taken a different route because his debut is not that much different from the rap line. It'll be by luck if he sees the bb100 top 30. I mean the schedule was fucked up. How do you release the same day as the industries plant and expect good results. Kths trydefending themselves by saying that he didn't have a Collab before his debut like the other members. That's not an excuse good enough it's not a valid excuse at all considering that fact he "the most popular idol". You should have to have excuses when it comes to delivering. I knew they wouldn't do good in streams but I thought they could do better in MV views considering the fact that when they called him the most famous idol they would bring fancam views and engagements as evidence. By the way is it only me who notices that not only army has stopped posting updates about jimin they have stopped completely engaging in his posts and brand posts.?
So with what's going on rn. Many thought that scooter probably has beef or a problem with jimin but it doesn't only seem like that but it's also crystal clear that they're indeed pushing the "Jungkook biggest pop star" agenda. It's clear now that they've invested in jk only. Which makes me raise an eyebrow with regards to the group's future
Whilst on JK. I truly don't get him now. Idk I feel like whatever ever it is that he's doing its definitely not good and it's going to backfire in the long run. First of all his behaviour during the second chapter is very mhhhh. Idk he's been serving weird vibes and I feel like this is the real him. He's done concealing and putting on a facade and his personality is pure shite. First of all he smokes that's not very surprising to me. He's always wanted to be viewed as this tough guy, nonchalant guy who got zero chill and gives zero fucks. He's drank on live showed alcohol on a live not even Jin the CEO of Jinhit does that he's always made sure not to show alcohol when he drinks on a live. He's smoking nicotine and all that shite he probably smokes a blunt too. He's got a whole sleeve of tattoos. All these things I think he's tryna appears tough and all. But he behaves like a teen going through adolescent. You're 26 grow tf up and stop lurking on the internet, tryna be a bad boy you're half way to your thirties. Behave like your age.
And a part of me thinks this may all be fabricated, with the bad boy, fuck boy image he tryna have for his debut looking at seven the lyrics and all that now seen in the streets of NY smoking clearly looking at a camera knowing his being photographed, looks staged to me. When he was in SK he clearly panicked in that live when his vape was visible, that doesn't seem nonchalant to me because of he doesn't really give a fuck he should have gave a fuck then also, because he tries hiding the vape then. He might just be seen making out with a female or in a club somewhere with strippers shaking their ass on him. Which reminds me of the wild JB during his debut years scandal after scandal. Classic.
With all that's going on rn idk if BTS is really going to come back as a group in 2025 if they come back as a group jk is going to stand out like a sore thumb because you can't try and convince me that the members are absolutely okay with this. Them getting the bare minimum and jk getting everything. There's already been a shift in the group's energy you can see who's who. That ot7 shite don't exists no more. Tell me why would scooter invest millions on a guy that'll be gone in the next 7-8 months unless he's not going to serve with the rest of the group or when BTS comes back they'll be ot7 with the maknae gone. Gone to be the biggest pop star.
If BTS comes back in 2025 it'll be very much forced. Namjoon before FACE. He looked like he was done with the group barely mentioning it he looked like he was happy being a solo because his album was doing good. The FACE was released nigga was on some "I want better numbers" blah blah. He became jealous and insecure. Then there's yoongi with his bitchy attitude towards jimin which I won't even address. Then there's Tae and Jimin whom it is very clear that they're divorced the friendship is gone they're no longer close everybody can see. Now tell me how would it look like if they bahave like besties in their comeback when we clearly know they're not that close anymore? The there's JK, I know none of the members are okay with this preferred treatment him being treated like the next MJ. So you tryna when they come back as group if they will, it'll be rainbows and sunshine's, ot7 forever? Hell no.
There's alot going on rn. Tae trying to feed his delulu shippers by name dropping jk 100 times before his debut. Jk in his emo era again can't wait for jimin's birthday I want to see something
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Well well well
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eleven441 · 10 months
Dance WWE Dance
"Hey , you okay?" It was Jey he came to see what was going on. " Watha hell happened here. Oh..." He clearly didn't need any explanation... "It was..." before I finished, he said " Rhea , right?"
His brown eyes just looked deep into mine as he smirked. Our eyes locked for about a minute. If I remember (hee hee). "Yeah Yeah , it was ... it was Rhea" I said in a very disappointed tone. So I just looked down but I could feel his eyes staring at me.
"Come on Uce, you can't let her pick on you like that. You need to learn to stand up for yourself... aight ?" I sighed and looked at him. " I try to man , but the thing is , we in the middle of a war. I don't wanna start no trouble. It's just I'm to soft and innocent in your understanding"
Jey looked at me with a smirk. " Yeah , you the sweetest little cherry I've ever seen. Umm look I have something to tell you". He pulled up my chin ,Gazing into his eyes again. " What is it" I asked.
Suddenly someone had to rudely interrupt. Seth FREAKIN Rollins. " Oh ... Sorry to interrupt but umm , I have some unfinished business with Tenaya or should I say the 'Sweet Little Cherreeeeey' hahaha"
I had to go , Seth and I had to go sort out group orders who were dancing first second then last. I looked back at Jey he looked disappointed, he usually doesn't make that face. " I gonna get back to you , yeat?" He looked at me and just responded "Yeat" I'd call him when I'd get home.
" Seth , what is Soo important I need to get home and rest ... Ugh" he rolled his eyes and we just continued walking... "Alrighty I have something to show you, the new Smack Down manager is planning something big. I don't know what it is but it's big and bad"
I looked at the video footage and was shocked...
I was exhausted. I got home and threw my bag on the carpet. Jocelyn , my tabby cat came to snuggle next to me. She gave me a meeeooow... " Yeah , Yeah , Yeah I'm gonna take a shower.
So when I got to the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror , tiered. I pulled down my shorts and my lace panties. I then kicked them stepped out of them. Then I took off my hoodie , slowly pulled of my T-shirt and then as I was taking off my bra Jey's face appeared in my mind.
"Nah , man" I told myself , he's just a friend. So I got in the shower and turned the nob "Holy sh*t" It was blazing hot. So I turned it to a much better temperature. As I was showering I could see Jey in my thoughts...
"Mmmm" I moaned to myself , as I touched my nipples while bitting my lower lip. "Jey!" I moaned louder as I could imagine him teasing me... I don't know what I was thinking , so I slid my right hand downwards. To my stomach then lower to my count.
I just rubbed it , teasing it as I imagined Jey licking my neck. I remember his gaze, his lovely brown eyes , his dark , beautiful Samoan hair , his lovely tattooed mascular arms and biceps and OOO his rock hard abs.
I could imagine him working out. How sweaty he'd be. " Oh yes , Jey!!!" I moaned louder as I gave my pussy a second finger. I slid it in and started moving it in a circular motion as my thumb was on my cunt.
I REALLY NEED TO SQUIRT ... You know a release (right girls 😉). All of those thoughts were running through my head. I could start to see... Colours? Looked something like ugly artwork made buy a British mime.
Then ... I squirted. My chest felt heavy and the breaths I inhaled were heavier. I could hear my phone ringing from my room. I cleaned up rapped my towel and got out of the bathroom...
It was Jey calling
"Hi Jey"
"Yo wassup , Uce "
"Nothing much , big dawg. Just came from taking a shower. You?"
"Just watching some 22:00pm Telenovela , yuck."
I giggled quietly to myself.
" Wait , you said you came from taking a shower right???"
"Yeah , why?"
"mmmm , I wish I could join you"
I bit my lower lip and smiled
" So there was something you wanted to tell me ?"
"Uh yeah , yes yes yes.."
How'd y'all like that one ...
What was your favorite part?
Wanna know more , don't worry we're getting closer..🥴😼
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purplesurveys · 8 months
Are you tired? Are you taking this survey because you can’t sleep?  Not very tired at all even if it's past midnight. I finally feel the calm that's been evading me for a while because 1) I have a long weekend, and 2) I can also finally stop fooling myself about resigning 'soon,' because I did it already a week ago :)
Do you have something important to do?  Not right now but I'll be doing a lot of job hunting in the next few weeks! Also tomorrow morning I'll be heading out to get my car checked because the handbrake icon has been lighting up for a while now and I need to know what's up with that lol.
Do you like Jalapeno Cheetos?  It tastes okay but I'm generally not a fan of packed snacks.
Do you wish you had a new phone?  No but I need to start taking care of my current phone, cos I learned today that the battery capacity left on it is at 77% which is apparently already horrible haha. I'm not in any rush to replace it at least until a year or two from now as it's still a fairly new phone, so it's just a matter of watching out for how much I use it going forward.
Name one thing you ate today?  Instant laksa.
Do you like 80’s music? 60’s music? 90’s music?  I have songs I like from each decade but none of them stand out for me when it comes to music in general.
Do you find rap music annoying? Rap music, and any genre for that matter, is super broad though. There are albums I like but then there are those songs that can get superficial about drugs and sex and have a lot of autotune that just makes me go egh.
What song is stuck in your head?  I'm Fine by BTS because it was the last song I played on Rhythm Hive before closing the game earlier today lol.
Have you ever been to Germany? Never been.
Do you drink coffee in the mornings? I need to, otherwise I'd feel super disoriented and not be able to get as focused at work.
Do you become a fan of lots of things on Facebook?  Not anymore, but I remember how huge that was before. People made pages out of anything and everyone would just be fans of them.
What time do you go to bed on school/work nights? Around midnight or a little past.
Have you ever seen a therapist?  I've never had a session with one, actually. Even though there were many times in the past where I know I should've.
Do you get in trouble at school often?  No. I got scolded once for talking during a class in Grade 4 and from there made it a point to never disrupt again haha.
Do you watch videos on YouTube?  All the time. Even if I don't watch a video per se, I like having YouTube on as background noise/visuals and keep it playing all day long.
Name a song that makes you happy.  These days, Paramore's Escape Route has been giving me all the happy vibes.
Name a song that makes you want to dance. Home by BTS.
Name a song that brings back memories.  Fireflies by Owl City.
Does the song above bring back good or bad memories?  A little bit of both, but mostly good.
What decade do you think is the best musically?  I'd be the worst person to ask this as I never really was an adventurous listener. I also feel like each decade has their own styles and charms when it comes to music so as far as 'musically best' I'd find it hard to tell.
Do you take a long time to get ready in the mornings?  I need around 30-45 minutes to prep before work. That includes taking a shower, making my bed, cleaning my room, playing with the dogs for a few minutes, and making coffee.
Do you wear a lot of makeup?  Does BB cream count? That's really the only thing I apply, and foundation. But yeah in general, the answer is no.
Have you ever written poetry or fiction?  I've dabbled in both but never enjoyed it. I was always one for non-fiction writing.
Do you know how to read music?  Nope. We had drills in music class where we had to read notes and such, but I never retained those and if you quizzed me right now I'd pretty much be clueless.
Do you regularly use a blow dryer?  I don't.
When was the last time you went to church?  Three Sundays ago. The last two I missed because I watched a public Royal Rumble watch party, then had a work event to oversee.
Would you date someone who was a different religion than you?  I wouldn't date anyone who's closely tied to their religion.
What is your best subject in school?  History.
Name something you do nearly everyday.  Use a laptop.
Do you take surveys a lot?  Than the average person, absolutely. Within the community...not nearly as much as I used to. I usually have time to check in only on the weekends now.
Have you ever had sushi?  Yes, it's one of my favorite foods. I literally had sushi at least once every week in January hahaha.
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tunemyart · 2 years
I finished Conviction and it wasn’t the worst show
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Love the Way You Love Me
A First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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Liked by jackharlow, angiemartinez, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, saweetie, and 9,306,742 others
y/ninsta: I was all smiles during my radio interview with angiemartinez once she mentioned my baby jackharlow 😭 LOVE THAT MAN TO DEATH 🥺
jackharlow: 🙈🙈🙈
jackharlow: always and forever baby girl 😘
saweetie: my favorite couple ever 💕
normani: I just love the way yall love each other. that's some soul mate shit if I ever seen it.
dualipa: but.... y/ninsta what about our love? 😐
jackharlow: dualipa you tryna get all the smoke this morning huh? 😡
y/ninsta: dualipa in another life my darling
jackharlow: WHAT? NO. She's my wife in the next lifetime and all the ones after that
y/ninsta: that's my man and imma stick beside him 😌
maggieharlow: the way you two talk about each other 🥰🥰
y/ninsta: maggieharlow I literally am always thanking you and Brian for raising such an amazing person 🥺
claybornharlow: y/ninsta I know right. I am pretty amazing 🥰
urbanwyatt: I mean I guess he's an okay dude
jackharlow: urbanwyatt and clayborn take your asses on somewhere
jackharlow: y/ninsta you make my world go round smush 😘
"So Y/N, you have just been out here killin it left and right. I know Private Garden is proud of you. Especially your husband."
"The way that they support me is insane. There was a time I was nervous to rap in front of them and it wasn't until Jack came home early and caught me. He didn't know I could rap until late 2019."
"That is crazy, so all you did was write and produce?"
"Yeah, ever since we were younger. I always loved to write and started out writing poems when I was around eleven. That soon led to me writing songs."
"So what led you to want to come out in the spotlight and make a name for yourself?"
"Literally because PG and Jack pushed me. It was a good thing. I remember it was the last night of his creme de la creme tour and he was like it's time. Because when he first caught me I was like there is no way I'm releasing anything and I was like babe, let's just focus on you first. Once we did that, he was like it's go time. I'm not taking no for an answer."
"I absolutely love the way you two are just so supportive of each other. And you two first met when you were both 14?"
"Yes, it's so insane because who would've thought that me moving to Kentucky would lead me to the love of my life."
"You both are so fortunate to find love at a young age, so what keeps it going and what makes it work?"
"It's like people don't understand that you have to want your relationship to work and want it bad and put in the effort. You have to be all in and that's what makes it work for us. We're a team with everything that we do. Like without a question or doubt in my mind. Communication is a huge factor and we never keep anything from each other no matter how big or small it is. Honesty is key."
"I've heard people mention that it seems as if you don't do anything without getting his approval first."
"It's not the fact that I need approval. It's the fact that he's my husband and I value his opinion as well as his feelings. I never want to do anything to break his trust in me and he's the same way. I look at it like this. He's my husband and I am submissive towards him because he's a leader. He has never steered me wrong with the decisions that he has made and I know he won’t. He literally treats me like a queen and makes sure that I want for nothing. He's made sure of that the entire time we've known each other."
"Tell me about the parents finding out you two had been married for almost five years. That was insane."
"Okay so, Jack proposed a week after I had turned 19 in my parents backyard at 1 in the morning with no ring. He was like when I get my first million, I'll get you whatever you want. So I had described what I wanted and did not mention it again. The same night he told me that it was time to release my music, he gave it to me. I most definitely cried. But I had a feeling my mom and dad knew. I don't remember what I said one time talking to her but she gave me the side eye and I quickly changed the subject. Now Jack's parents especially his mom was ready to fight him only because she wanted to be there since I remember on Jack's 16th birthday she was like you two are going to get married one day."
"That is insane for her to have known that early."
"Okay so this is crazy and I actually never told Jack this. Before I moved to Kentucky, I had a dream about a year earlier showing me walking down the aisle. I couldn't see my husband's face, but once I got closer, it was Jack so I literally had my dream show me my husband before we even met."
"That... that's powerful."
"Like he's it for me. And when I first met him in person, my breath hitched. I was like, this is really about to happen. This is the man I'm going to marry."
"Tell me about how your parents felt when you decided not to go to college and move with your boyfriend to Atlanta."
"That was a really hard conversation. They knew I wanted to move back once I graduated high school. They were concerned because I was always told as a black woman in this society that I had to work twice as hard to get half of what they have. They just wanted for me to be secure. There necessarily wasn't a doubt in their mind that Jack wouldn't take care of me but, the conversation ended with me and my mom in tears. But we made up before I left. I know that she only wants the best for me and that she was scared. She just wanted for me to be okay and I can't blame her for that."
"It's a blessing to have your parents in your corner wanting the best for you and cheering you on."
"I would not be anywhere without my parents as well as my in-laws who are my second set of parents. There have been times when I called Maggie at 3 in the morning just because I need advice on a situation and she is always there for me. Same goes for Brian. I always thank them for giving me Jack."
"You literally light up like a kid on Christmas when you talk about him. I love that."
"He's my forever. I could talk about that man for hours."
"So, what's next for the first lady of Private Garden?"
"Just bringing smiles to people's faces as I continue to reach the goals that I set for myself. I want to be remembered as an entertainer who wasn't afraid to be different and shows that being yourself is what is going to lead you to greatness."
"And there you have it. Y/N, thank you so much for coming to visit us. Don't take so long next time!"
"I promise I won't!"
Jack had just finished watching your interview with Angie Martinez and was nothing but smiles.
He was currently at home waiting for you to come back from said interview and was just taking time to reflect on how far the two of you had come.
He was interrupted by the front door opening and immediately hopped up from the couch to give you a kiss and a bone crushing hug.
"Oh, hi baby! Are you okay?" You asked as he was still tightly holding you.
"I just... words cannot literally express how much I love you and how much you mean to me."
"Aww, stink. I love you too. Always have and always will."
"I just finished watching your interview and the dream you had? Insane."
"Yeah, and we hadn't even met yet. I didn't tell you, but when we first met, I had to do a double take. I was like that's him!"
Jack had given you another kiss before leading you both to the couch to sit sliding you onto his lap.
"And the way you just trust me?"
"Because you have never steered me wrong. Marriage and career included."
"I don't deserve you."
"Stop that right now Jackman. Yes you do. I just love the way you love me and I...."
"Yes? What's wrong?"
"I want to ask you something, but I'm nervous."
"Baby, why are you nervous? You know you can come to me for anything."
"I know, but.. "
"Come on, pretty girl. Tell me."
"I think I'm ready to have a baby." You respond while looking down.
Jack tilted your chin up to look at him and smiled.
"Baby girl, that's what you're scared of telling me?"
"I just with both of our careers. I just..."
"Y/N, stop for a minute."
Jack then took your hand in his and began making small circles on the back of it.
"I would love to have mini versions of us running around. If my baby wants a baby, her wish is my command."
"Wait, really?"
"You're already gorgeous now, but I can't wait to see you carrying our baby."
"Promise to paint my toes when I can't see my feet anymore?"
"Promise. And you should know me better than that. Mrs. Harlow is not lifting a finger during her entire pregnancy."
"There's no one I would rather share this life with." You said while kissing his nose.
"Not going to lie, I teared up a little bit watching you earlier."
"Aww, why baby?"
"To hear you say you love me is one thing, but to hear you explain why and what makes our relationship work... I'm so happy you moved in across the street from me. I saw the cute little girl with the braids and I was done for. Had me wrapped around your finger ever since."
"It was your blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and freckles for me. Still remember you turning red as a tomato when I first talked to you."
"Can you blame me mamas? Gorgeous then and gorgeous now."
"We're in this together, stink. We're building an empire for our babies so they'll want for nothing."
"Sooo, can we get started now?"
"You know my answer is always going to be yes." You replied while kissing him and he proceeded to stand up while carrying you bridal style up the steps.
"Yes, my love?"
"Google positions we have to do in order to have a girl."
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nelapanela94 · 2 years
Okay Firstly, love your work🤩 thanks a lot for everything you do.
I've seen someone answer a question about head canons of levi cutting onions? And since then I cannot stop thinking of Levi and his s/o in the kitchen, preparing something cause- maybe Kuchel is coming over for dinner?
And maybe both cut onions and crying and laughing
or maybe just Levi and his s/o is feeling bad/making fun of him?
Or maybe his s/o is cutting onions and Levi is making fun of her?
Now, you can definitely ignore this request but yes. Just some domestic fluff in the kitchen with both being married is really fluffy
First, thank you so much! 🥹🥺
TW: None. Set in modern au where Kuchel is alive and Levi grew up as mama’s boy.
The cotton ‘sac à pain’ brims with two crispy crusty fresh baguettes, one unscathed, the other victim of your bread-tearing fangs. The warm chewy inside contrasts with the teeth-cracking outer layer and melts in your mouth like cotton candy. For your loyalty, the clerk added an extra wheel of roman bread.
Two by two, you climb the stairs to the third floor to make up for the load of carbs. 302. A glint sweeps over the copper plaque. you step on the Don't wear shoes in my house door mat Kenny got for Levi on his last birthday and Christmas. Two birds killed with one stone, he says every year. That's one of the reasons why Levi is always shooting daggers at his uncle.
You lift the knocker and rap three times. Ten seconds later, the tapping of your impatience crouches in every corner of the hallway. During the wait, you break another bite-size chunk and bundle it into your mouth. You shrug. Levi must be keeping an eye on the roasted duck. A drizzle of crumbs mingles in the synthetic fur as you rub your hands on your jeans; a smidge of panic rises, and you dredge them off with your foot, scattering them around, hoping to conceal them through the streaks and twists of the silvery marble veins. The hand of keys rattles as you hook the ring out of your pocket, fiddling for the pink one, and shove it into the keyhole. A click, and you push the door open.
The alluring whiff of rosemary and garlic strikes into your lungs, making you levitate and drool. The house smells devine, and you can’t wait to sit and stab that bird. The award for the best daughter-in-law of the year will be all yours.
At the entryway, you scuff your shoes off, push them under the bench and slip into your kitty flip-flops.
“They didn’t have Brie, got Camembert instead. We’ll make it work.” Your voice blares through the apartment as you cross the living room to the kitchen, but you don’t get any reply. Slowing down, you take a look around, inspecting; being married to Levi Ackerman obligues to develop a dust-hunting radar.
It all looks pristine. The dining table perfectly set, melting swans of cloth napkins roost on each plate, families of forks lying on the left side. Why do you need that many? Who knows, but it looks so fetch. The shiny cutlery set you reserve for the special occasions finally sees the daylight.
Fresh daisies enliven the coffee table. The curtains dance in the soft breeze, natural light skims every corner of the main salon. Smoke swirls up in threads from the incense sticks, their scent quarreling with that coming from the oven.
A yummy sizzle whispers from the kitchen, and dragged by the smell, you continue your way, but then, a sob cracks, barely perceptible, the aerial in your ears tune to the right frequency, and you slip the gear to two.
“Levi!” You storm in the kitchen and stop dead in your tracks when you see him wiping his eyes in the sleeve of his t-shirt, dabbling it with a darker gray.
Squinting, you equip with a sword of bread to fight whatever the root of your honeybun’s distress is. What dares hurt your man will face your rage. Nothing on his left, nothing on his right.
Or what if Kuchel bursts in, finds her thirty-year-old baby boy weeping and blames it all on you? Your eyes bang open at the swivet twisting your guts. You shake your head frantically, tossing away the image of your mother-in-law recoiling into a fighting stance. Your award hanging by a thread.
You should never mess with the puppies.
Chop. Chop. Chop.
The knife hits dull the cutting board.
“Shit.” A hiss breaks from him, and he sucks in a long sniff. Levi reels away from the instigator and winces at the sting, scrunching his face as if he had run his tongue over a lime. He leans back against the countertop and clenches his hands around the rim. His eyes remain squeezed shut.
Your head tilts to the side, and one eyebrow curves into a knap; your misgiving slopes into curiosity, then swerves to amusement when you catch the mutilated body of the culprit, the white onion craggily chopped in fourths. The strap glides from your shoulder to your hand as you throttle a snort by clamping shut the gawky chasm between your wobbly lips. Your body bends fighting the convulsions of mirth, but you can't contain your guffaw, a slap on the knee and you crack in a storm of giggles.
knurls bridge the gap between his brows, tiny veins gnarl like red cobwebs in the white of his eyes. Glaring, his mouth twitches in a pique. He grunts, and puffs out a cheek, peeling off the counter, and thumps to you, snatching the bag of bread from your hand. "This is why I don't trust you with bread."
You straighten up and wipe off a misty line of tears from under your eyes. "That's why I always buy two instead of one, plus the bread boy added this one too." You fling your arm up, the other bag swinging at your elbow.
"He's flirting." Levi takes that one too and delves into for the woodened cheese. He oversees the baked camembert dip.
"He's just nice and rewards his best customers." You throw your head forwards and loop your hair through the donut, restricting the disheveled strands in a messy bun. "For you, whoever is nice to me is flirting." Your eyes sag at his lack of affection, and you go after him, but he flings away from your attempts of hugs.
"Don't." He pouts and sets the knife down. Strings of cheese snap as he removes the rind lid, itching to turn around and kiss you. He's just holding up, acting like the spoiled brat he is. Deep down, he knows he is.
"Are you mad at me?"
He places the cheese in a ramequin and sprinkles thyme on top.
"I'm sorry." You drape your arms around him from behind, straining your cheek over the rippling muscles of his back. at least, this time he doesn't shoo you. "Are you ok?"
"You're so mean, Y/N." Levi whines. “It’s your fault for leaving me alone dealing with those devilish onions.”
"Don't want to hear you."
"Cry baby." You press a kiss on his back and free him from your arms, grab your bunny apron and pick up his half-hearted job. "You silly, you had to keep the root. That's what Gordon says."
"I'm not you, nuzzling in cooking videos before going to sleep."
"No, 'cause you're glued to Marie Kondo."
Glowering, his face snaps to you. He hurls a rag onto the countertop and wriggles the mittens on. The heat whacks him as he opens the oven and recoils, letting the steam escape before drawing out the dutch oven. You do know what you're doing. inwardly, he brags about how lucky he is for marrying you. That V you drooled over is hardly visible nowadays.
Ceramic clanks on the rack, and he shuts the door, unfettering his hands.
The glinting blade rakes clean the cutting board, and the seductive frizzle tickles your ears and nose. Hopefully, Kuchel will knock on time. Broccoli, mushrooms, bell peppers, you bring color to the stir fry.
Levi tears a piece of bread and crams it into his mouth. Rests against the countertop, arms folded over his chest, crumpling his matching apron. He smiles, trying not to sneer at you sticking out your tongue in concentration as you cut the vegetables.
You’ve been wringing up all your energy to impress his mother, even though he insisted to keep it simple. He sighs. Why was he upset anyway? That’s not longer relevant. He can’t be pissed at you for too long. How could he? A bat of lashes and you’ll have him on his knees. He’d walk in red coal to get you a napkin and dab the corners of your lips.
With you, he’s the fidgeting eighteen year old who stealthily picked up flowers from the neighbor’s yard to pin behind your ear.
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sparkycanteven · 2 years
Something I feel that was a lost opportunity...
You know, we added some of the pub thugs, namely Hook Foot, to the main cast of RTA, but they never really utilized him in any sort of meaningful way aside from letting him help Lance do the Actual Physical Heavy Lifting when it came to the caravan, and then there was that whole thing with the mermaid and the storyline with Hook Hand... but they were standalone episodes, I'm talking about something that would have made him important (besides physical labor) to the actual main cast.
They could have used him when Cass's arm got burned after the Great Tree. They could have shown him trying to help Cass, not in a "romantic interest" kind of way, because that wouldn't make sense for either of their characters, but just in a friendly "I know you're in pain, I've lost a limb before I know what this is like, it's okay." way.
Because that's exactly what Hook Foot has - his leg is not actually a fashion statement (well, it kind of is), but rather it's a functional part of him that allows him to live his every day life in a modified way. Does it look bad-ass? Yes, but have you seen the guy move with that thing? That means it's functional. And before any one of you tell me that it's simply a body mod... as someone who lives as an amputee, let me tell you that nothing about an amputation is optional or even in the same realm as 'body modification'. (We're not talking about that psychological syndrome in which people want to chop off their limbs, we're leaving that out of the equation for one minute.) So please do not confuse an amputee's life with someone who is dedicated to body modification, because it is not the same at all.
That being said, when Cass went evil, it would have been a great exchange to see Eugene talking it over with Hook Foot or one of the other disabled pub thugs (there are several who are missing limbs) and having one of them ask him, "Have you ever lost a part of yourself, Fitzherbert? Why do you think we turned to a life of crime? We had other dreams, you know." and it would've been perfectly on-brand, but maybe a little bit too introspective for TTS. Before some of you say, "But that's going to frame people with disabilities in a bad light." speaking as someone who has an actual physical disability - no it would not. You would definitely have to write it properly, and do your research, but it could have added a layer to Cass's grief besides the petty "you took my Mom away from me" argument.
The sibling rivalry angle is kind of old, and did not really apply to Cass and Raps because they were not raised together as sisters. I'm not saying that they couldn't end up viewing each other in a similar light but it's kind of a reach, IMO. Also, a conversation like this would have provided a good opportunity for Eugene to actually - oh I don't know - act like a Big Brother to Cass and act concerned about her well-being instead of constantly trying to one-up her or make her look bad. Give me something to work with besides the throwaway line, "She's like a sister to me."
Oh yeah, buddy? Fuckin' prove it.
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What I am not saying with this post, is I'm not saying that anything would have worked. Just because you are nice to people, just because you give people the benefit of the doubt, just because you give them every opportunity to do the right thing, doesn't mean that they will. In that case, they could have turned Cass into a Real Villain by actively not accepting any help that she was given... but what pisses me off about Cass's arc is that it seemed that no one actually tried. Ya'll can fight me about that.
Going back to the disabilities thing though, it would have been a profound way to expound on disability awareness because when you are forced to modify your every day activities then that comes with its own levels of grief, anger, and resentment and wishing that things would just go back to normal so that you could just get on with your life - nothing about having a disability is fun, especially one that gets in your way of physically getting around.
While Cass's disability was not leg related, it still hampered the way she lived her life, if you look in certain screenshot after the Great Tree it's clear to see that she is in PAIN while using that arm and pain can cause you to react in emotional ways that aren't always logical to someone who is able-bodied and not in pain. I'm just saying we lost a valuable opportunity.
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my controversial ahs opinions
yeep. don't come at me. please. thank you. they are controversial for a reason. everyone has the right to like what they like, ship whom they ship, etc etc, as long as it's not insensitive towards sexuality, gender etc etc.
and remember these are just my opinions!
okay. thank you.
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1. i don't ship cordelia and misty
i'm sorry! i've just never really seen this as a romantic connection between the two of them!
they certainly do have a connection and i would consider them platonic soulmates
and the fact that lady paulson herself denied this ship also sorta shapes my opinion. she said, i quote "cordelia LOVES MISTY. she just doesn't want to kiss her. but she is very special and important to her"
and thats essentially the way i feel about it too :)
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2. i adore apocalypse
i know apocalypse has gotten a bit of a bad rap; you either love it or you hate it, and whilst i would have prefered a different ending, i loved it
it was so EPIC and NOSTALGIC at the same time! like; BANG, we have witches; BANG, we have cordelia being the badass supreme she was made to be; BAM, we get a jpm cameo; BAM, murder house with tate and violet. i just loved the way it had all these crossovers. made ahs feel more complete and compact
i literally still get goosebumps and chills when i watch certain scenes, like the cinematography is exquisite, and induces physical reactions in my body.
i just love apocalypse. it's my second favourite season (after hotel, before coven)
3. i am a tate stan
i honestly don't understand why tate stans get so much hate?
like yeah, he did some shitty things, but so did james march, and no jpm stan is hated on as much as their tate-loving counterparts. it's a horror show; the best characters are going to have done fucked up things - i'd argue villains make better characters simply because they have more to them - there's always a reason why thy became who they are - they weren't born a monster
i really love how violet softened tate; she gave him a reason to be good, and loved him in a way he'd never been loved by anyone
4. maggie didn’t deserve to die
i must admit, maggie’s death in freakshow was one of those moments where i had to ask myself “did that actually just happen?” - even for ahs!!
i know everyone has mixed feelings about this character and yeah, she was in it for the wrong reasons at first, but she was young - society taught her that the “freaks” weren’t people. everyone was brought up like this. they were taught that their lives didn’t matter, so for maggie to realise on her own, that what stanley was doing was wrong, AND do something to fix her mistakes, was a huge character development. she could have easily gone along with it, even taken the money from stanley and ran, once the freaks mutilated him, but she did what was right
her death was terribly unfair and really quite sudden and random - and very much in vain! she had a good heart, and considering she admitted up to her mistakes and ended up saving the freaks (well, from stanley at least) she really didn’t deserve the ending she got
5. i don’t like mallory
it’s probably just because she is the next supreme in line, and that takes the supremacy from cordelia, even though there must be a successor blah blah blah
idk she just annoys me and i feel like she just appeared and then bang! new supreme
i just don’t like mallory. yeah she’s really nice and whatever, and i love billie, but i’m not a mallory fan
6. antichrist + miss supreme = power couple (under certain circumstances)
DONT COME AT ME! but i lowkey could see cordelia and michael together
i actually started writing a fic about this titled ‘are monsters born or created’ where i explore the idea if michael went with cordelia when she told him she could help him if he went with her. it’s a work in progress and i need to go back and work on it and flesh out the chapters a bit more, but you can read what i’ve drafted out so far, if you’re interested :)
honestly michael langdon has sexual tension with everyone, but under specific circumstances delia x michael could work, or at least, I believe it could
7. austin loves women too
i have mentioned this before, but im going to restate it again; i don’t believe austin sommers is exclusively mlm
if this character’s sexuality was in fact canon, then obviously i wouldn’t question it, but as ryan murphy said, austin’s sexuality would not be revealed in red tide, it is obviously up to audience interpretation
my interpretation is that austin isn’t explicitly gay, but instead bi, pan, or even unlabelled. he loves many, many genders and sees beauty in all of them!
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krastbannert · 3 years
I've been seeing some anti Kyalin and Zukka stuff, and I don't know what's going on.
It involved Bumi II and Izumi and you just reblogged a Bumizumi post so I decided to ask you about this. Also the two (thres) people involved in this intimidate me so I'm scared to ask them about this.
Hey anon! So, first off, please don't be afraid of asking the people involved questions. I've talked to all of them at various points before, and they're all really good people. As long as you're respectful and not an asshole (which was part of the problem that kicked all this off), I'm sure they'll be more than happy to talk to you.
So, I'm going to preface this by saying I don't know the whole story. I saw bits and pieces as it happened, but I was busy this weekend so I couldn't really get involved or see it all. But this is what I know.
@deriroga got an utterly pointless ask saying that Bumizumi was terrible. They responded basically saying "okay...why are you here, then?" They got another ask, going into even more detail about "terrible" Bumizumi is (they listed a lot of reasons, all of which were really, really stupid from what I remember), and suggested numerous ships that had the similar problems, or even the exact same problems they said Bumizumi had. I think it was at this point that @old-and-new-friends and @khrushchevs-corn-farm got involved. They got similar asks, most likely from the same anon or from that anon's crowd. It sort of escalated from there.
At some point, it reached the topic of whether or not Bumi and Izumi could be good parents, given their jobs - the anon said no, they couldn't, because they'd spend too much time away from their kids (Iroh II and their daughter; @deriroga named her Mizuki). I believe this is where Zukka got brought in - if I remember correctly, the anon claimed that Izumi would definitely be a good parent because she was raised by Zuko and Sokka. This isn't canon, and even if it was, Sokka was a United Republic Councilman in Republic City, and Zuko was the Fire Lord, which are fairly similar problems to what Bumi II and Izumi would deal with (considering Bumi II is a United Forces' officer and Izumi is, well, the Fire Lord). The anti-Zukka stuff, as far as I know, was pointing that out - there may have been more that I just didn't see.
As for anti-Kyalin stuff...I honestly don't know. As far as I've heard - and this is hearsay because I haven't seen any of it for myself - Kyalin and Zukka have caused similar issues in the LoK and ATLA fandoms, respectively (picking fights with other ships for those characters, saying that people that don't ship those are homophobic, twisting the characters so they have almost completely different personalities, etc), so they have kind of a bad rap for some people. But that's all I know in that regard.
Hopefully that at least somewhat answers your question, anon! I'm sorry I don't know more; if you have any more questions feel free to ask!
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omniscientwreck · 3 years
Hi🖤 Omni! If you're looking for a fic request I've got one.
Okay so Essek is Feeblminded by remaining Volstrucker at his tower. Verin came to visit later that day and has been taling care of Essek, as they both would be scared of the Umavi's wrath should someone find out.
Well Caleb comes to visit a few day's later and Certainly gets a surprise.
Fluff ensues.
I'm talking the Unicorn from Despicable Me level Fluffy😁😁😁
Hi Umbra! Sorry I'm incredibly late answering this, life is weird but I hope the length makes up for it! I know I said drabble but like this just turned into a whole fic so I hope you enjoy!
Verin had worried when Essek’s door hadn’t opened of its own accord, usually he knows when he’s arrived. Deciding something was certainly wrong he barges his way into his brother’s tower. He finds it silent which is normal but unnerving and the unnatural stillness as he calls for Essek has his hackles up.
His knuckles pale as he grips the hilt of his sword and searches methodically throughout the tower. Finding the main floor empty he heads up the stairs to the library. There’s a shuffle, a falling book, a whimper. He draws his sword, adrenaline coursing through his veins. The door is ajar and he can hear shuffling. He thrusts it open is momentarily relieved to see his brother. His hair is tousled and white is stained with flecks of red, his robes are torn and his mantle is askew.
He’s never seen him like this before and his heart lurches. Surprise and fear are plastered across his features, far more freely than Verin’s ever seen him feel. He doesn’t talk and he seems to not even recognize him. Checking the rest of the room, the sword is returned to its sheath and Verin crouches, reaching a hand to Essek.
“Brother, what happened?” Silence, a whimper. “Essek? What’s wrong? It’s Verin, your brother.” His brows unknot, and the tension in his jaw slackens. There’s a looseness to his demeanor and as he stands he waves his hand as if to float, but nothing happens. He tries again and again. The first try was decisive, after watching him for so long Verin knows what it looks like when he casts it. The second time it’s not quite right, the third time it gets looser still. By the time Verin has stopped counting and Verin has grabbed Essek’s hands to calm him it seemed like Essek didn’t know what he was attempting to do.
“Is this some kind of spell? What happened?” His brother looks up with the face of a stranger. His eyes are open and sad, his ears fall just a touch and Essek leans in to hug Verin. He’s never wanted to do that before.
Verin hugs him back. “Oh Essie, what are we going to do?”
Caleb approaches Essek’s tower and is struck by immediate concern when the door doesn’t open for him. Essek always lets him in when he arrives, and with everything that’s happened he immediately panics. Caleb tries to tell himself Essek must be busy and has missed him tripping the wards. So, he lifts the knocker and gives the door a few raps.
He’d asked Caleb to meet him here to assist in the transport of his most important items after their trip to Aeor. He needs to run, he knows it and Caleb knows that turning himself in to the Dynasty would mean certain death so he’s agreed to help. No amount of good will from the Bright Queen would let them bargain for his favour. Selfishly, Caleb won’t allow him to get caught, so he will harbor Essek for some time, helping him stay out of the eyes of the Dynasty.
Eventually he knocks again, beginning to hold a firebolt just in case. “Uh, just a minute,” calls a stranger’s voice from behind the wood. “I’ll be right there.”
The door opens just a crack, “Who is it?”
“I am Caleb Widogast of the Mighty Nein, who is this?” His hand is up and encircled in flame.
“Oh thank the Light, one moment.” Whoever he is, he’s clearly relieved. Caleb’s firebolt stays held.
As the door opens Caleb is greeted by a tall drow, muscular with long braided back hair. He looks familiar but Caleb cannot place him. His features are slowly fading into relief from what must have been a deep concern. “Hello Caleb Widogast, I am Verin Thelyss and I am so glad you’re here. Your the wizard yes?”
Nodding, bewildered as he’s being dragged into Essek’s home by his brother, Caleb can hardly remember to respond, “Uh ja, that’s me. Where is Essek?”
“Well so I came by a few days ago and he didn’t let me into the tower which was weird. There have been some rumors going around and when our mother said he was back I had to ask. I don’t know if you know but… well it’s bad.”
He’s leading him upstairs as he explains and the back of Caleb’s neck is on fire. Verin doesn’t know, but there are rumors that are most likely true. Is he too late?
“So, I’m hoping since you also practice the arcane you might know what’s happened here and how to solve it.”
He leads Caleb into the library and Essek is seated on a chair idly flipping through a book far too quickly. It doesn’t even look like he’s reading, Caleb knows what he looks like when he’s reading. The quiet concentration and the tension it brings his jaw is completely missing. When Essek looks up at him there’s recognition but no words and when he rises to make his way to Caleb, he walks.
He’s wide-eyed and has a sweet smile across his face, it’s difficult to look away but if he doesn’t the heat rising in his cheeks will show. “Essek, what is it mein Freunde?”
No words. Why can’t he talk and why isn’t he floating?
“Essek?” A gentle hand reaches up to rest on his cheek and the heat takes over at the abrupt contact. Especially with Verin standing over his shoulder observing them. “Verin how long has he been like this?”
“About 2 days. I didn’t really know what had happened and if the Umavi found out well… I’m unsure what she would do.” Verin is a little more easier to map out than Essek had been initially and he’s been told enough stories about Dierta to understand the undercurrent of Verin’s words.
“Ja, I understand.” Verin starts at that and Caleb just continues past it, “I believe he has been affected by the spell Feeblemind. I - ah - have experience with this kind of thing. We have friends that can cure him but I will have to contact them, which I will not be able to do until tomorrow.”
Essek’s hand has wound its way into Caleb’s and he tries and fails miserably to contain the blush that he knows is spreading to his ears. Memories of little touches in Aeor flood back and Caleb pushes away thoughts of conversations he’d promised they’d have later, after Essek was safe. To call to attention this thing between them and get it out in the open before it drives him mad. Even if Essek’s feelings do not align with his it will be better to have it in the open.
“So this isn’t hurting him?”
Caleb turns to Essek, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” He remembers a blur of time, when his mind had failed him. He remembers terror, looking down at his hands and not knowing whose they were. He didn’t have an anchor, nothing but his own thoughts, with someone there it might be different. Essek can’t understand him but the tone of voice seems to elicit some positive emotions and Essek squeezes his hand, a contented smile across his face, “He seems alright to me. It is unpleasant to be cut off from your casting, but he isn’t in pain and he isn’t alone.” It’s difficult to mitigate the emotion bleeding into his voice.
He pushes down memories of the years he’d been locked away and squeezes Essek’s hand back, reassuringly. “Have you gotten him to eat?”
Verin nods, “Occasionally. Probably not as much as he needs. I’m not exactly an excellent cook and nobody can see him like this so I’ve sent his staff away.”
“Alright, well I’ll just do this then.” he begins casting the tower, “I understand if you want to stay but if you need to go I can care for him.” he wants Verin to leave, he wants him gone so badly, to just take care of Essek properly without the shadow of somebody who doesn’t know hanging over them.
“I should be back to Bazzoxan soon. They’ll begin asking after me.” Caleb finishes casting the tower and leads Essek in. Just before he enters, Verin stops him, “You mean something to each other. I’ve never seen him act this way before, granted there’s an arcane influence but genuinely he has never smiled like he did when he saw you. I trust you with this because I think he would. Do not betray that.”
Caleb nods, “Of course not. We’ve faced the most difficult challenges of my life together and with our friends. I will care for him.” Verin seems satisfied with that and makes to leave, and Caleb enters the tower to find Essek waiting in the centre of the tower. He has an idea of where he wants to go. As the tower door closes behind Verin, he and Essek begin to drift upwards. Essek opens his mouth as if to reflexively murmur ‘up’ as had become their custom in their long travels together and his brows knot in distress, as if he’s realized again that his voice will not come. Caleb reaches for his hand, to comfort him and says it for them both, to which Essek smiles.
The drow releases Caleb’s hand and begins to swirl around, never leaving the central column and Caleb is forced to mirror his motions lest they collide. He flashes back to a moment of levity when they’d first come to Aeor. They had showboated then, dancing around each other as their works often did. This Essek is less restrained and his eyes and nose crinkle into a genuine smile when Caleb joins his frivolity.
They stop at the ninth floor which Caleb had known to be Esseks’ destination and immediately Essek lays on the pillows he always places in the corner. Usually, on their research expedition, he tranced in his room but on particularly emotional days they both preferred an expanse of stars above them as they rested. It became tradition and over time they’d drifted closer and closer together, until they would sometimes come to consciousness to find that through the night Essek had curled into Caleb’s side or that their hands had wound together unknowingly.
Now, Essek’s eyes are wide and his mouth hangs open in wonder as though it’s his first time seeing it all over again. Caleb stands over him, following his gaze up to the idly shifting starscape above. Caleb is quickly distracted by the versions of them that traverse different paths. Sometimes in each other’s company, other times in solitude. In a few they hold hands or make contact at the shoulders. Those are the ones he likes the most.
When his gaze is pulled back downwards, Essek stares up at him with a tenderness that quickly turns to expectation. He’s arranged burgundy cushions across the floor beside him for Caleb and so he obliges. As he stretches out across the crude bed slender, cool fingers interlock his own and he lays back and tells Essek of the constellations he’s hidden among the stars.
When Caleb himself was in this state he remembered lacking familiarity. Nothing around him made sense and the upheaval of his life only moments prior had only amplified the disorientation of the magic that kept him prisoner for 11 years.
Essek has someone to watch over him, he’s in a place that evidently brings him much joy and in recent months he’s found himself halfway to peace. Caleb finds his heart swell at the idea of making this experience bearable.
The silence was always the worst so he points to guide the elf’s eyes as he tells them the stories behind each constellation. He tells him of Nila, gentle and fierce. Of Twiggy, ever optimistic and wholly delightful. He tells him about Reani who Essek has spent some time with. Brief recognition flashes across his face, though it’s quickly replaced with frustration. Caleb remembers. He remembers knowing that someone was there who he should recognize but not having the words to know he had forgotten their name. He was in terror and treated everyone as a threat. Essek treats everything with wonder and discovery. The innocence is sweet and a syrupy feeling pools in Caleb’s throat as he’s again confronted with the way his heart swells when Essek looks at Caleb with that same contented smile.
He scoots closer and this is entirely too much. The idea that this version of Essek may curl into his side willingly, while they were fully conscious where the other version cannot unsettles him. Instead he stands, offering his hand, “Why don’t we get you something to eat ja?” There’s a momentary droop of his ears, much more pronounced than any movement he’d seen before before he lifts Essek and they go down to the dining room.
If there is to be anything significant between them it cannot be spurred under these circumstances. Caleb has to know he means it. As they wait while he cats prepare what had become their usual fare while traversing Aeor, he defaults to telling stories. First he tells him of the tunnels they traversed to reach the Dynasty, crafting an illusion as well as he can of the crystalline caves they made camp in. Food arrives and he continues weaving story and image as Essek picks at the well spiced soup comprised mainly of squash and potato. As he crafts an illusion of the dragon turtle they’d fought just after the peace talks out of amber and morphs its shape to a smaller turtle and then a sea slug, laughing to himself at the absurdity, he notices the clink of Essek’s spoon has long subsided.
Glancing over electric eyes focus on him instead of the illusion, so he drops it. “Ah, Es tut mir Leid, I know I tend to get carried away.” A little contented noise bubbles from Essek’s throat and his heart squeezes. In a desperate attempt to try and get Essek to eat more he turns back to his own soup and looks expectantly over to his friend.
Giving him a look of exasperation, he mirrors Caleb and eats most of the soup. Caleb rips up bread and encourages him to dip it in what’s left of the soup and finally, the bowl is empty. They leave the cats to clean up and Essek’s hand grasps Caleb’s again and squeezes. He knows he shouldn’t draw conclusions or let himself be taken by these gestures that the man wouldn’t make if he’d had the presence of mind, but it’s turning into a losing game.
With the time spent on the ninth floor and the prolonged battle of coaxing Essek to eat they only have a few hours until sleep. Essek takes his customary seat on the couch in the study and Caleb withdraws some of the lighter fiction that now populates the shelves. Lying back on the sofa, feet resting on the armrest, head by Essek he holds up the copy of Der Katzenprinz to show the illustrations. “You seem to like hearing me talk so why don’t I share this with you? Either way you won’t understand what I say so I will read it to you as it was originally intended.”
He begins, in Zemnian to tell him the fairy story that had brought him so much joy as a child, and the cats bring them hot chocolate as instructed. Warm mug in hand, Essek sits patiently through the story and as it turns to a close, picks up another of the books Caleb has gathered and thrusts it upon his chest. A real laugh bubbles up at that and he obliges.
As the night winds on and the mugs are emptied, Essek’s hand winds its way through Caleb’s hair, gently combing. When he looks up at Essek he’s met with soft, drooping eyes and a plain smile laced with nothing but care. He tries to stop Essek over the course of the book but finds that the drow always goes back to his hair so eventually, he leaves it. When Essek’s breaths even and elongate and he’s having trouble keeping his eyes open, Caleb sends him to trance.
He’s met with a slightly mournful look as Essek settles into the cushions he’s provided for trancing, but Caleb squeezes his shoulder, “If something goes wrong the cats will know to come get me. This is for the best.” Looking not at all reassured, but staying in place, Essek lets him leave without protest.
In the middle of sleep, dreamless and warm, there’s pressure. Then a caterwaul cuts through his subconscious followed by several more. He awakes with a start and immediately the cats gather around his feet as he pulls on slippers. They lead him to Essek’s room, where through the closed doors he can hear the sounds of furniture being disturbed.
Barging in, heart pounding, he finds Essek with tears streaming down his face. “Essek Schatz what’s wrong?” He kneels, abandoning any sense of propriety or boundaries and as he collapses into Caleb’s arms with nearly silent sobs he’s struck by how small the other man is.
“It’s alright Essek, whatever it was it cannot hurt you. I will keep you safe as you have done me.” They’ve never talked about the nights when the cats would do the same to Essek as they’d done to Caleb. When he’d been awoken from nightmares with angry red scratches down his forearms and a friend to bandage them. They’ve never quite discussed the comfort in Essek trancing just beside Caleb’s bed on difficult nights and he’s tried to stifle contemplation about the safety the man brings to his subconscious. The timing wasn’t right and despite his own longing he couldn’t make that step towards Essek. Not then.
Now, however, the elf shudders in his arms and he brings him into his lap, lighting soft amber globules of light to examine Essek. When he finds no physical harm he puts them out again and draws him in tighter as Essek clutches at the sides of his nightshirt and curls into his chest. He sings gentle lullabies his mother had once used to soothe him, voice cracking slightly as he flexes it in a long forgotten way. Eventually the shaking stops and breath becomes more solid, but hands stay grasped into his shirt so, with assistance from the cats, he maneuvers them into an easier sleeping position. Ever determined, Essek stays in his arms the whole time and when he tries to encourage him to trance beside him, arms wind around his waist.
“Okay, okay. If this will help.” Caleb resigns himself to creaky joints the next morning and sleeps with Essek in his arms, pushing away any indulgent thoughts of future nights spent with him in the same orientation.
When he awakes Essek is gone from his lap, though their fingers are laced and his head rests atop the drow’s on his shoulder. “Guten Morgen Essek.” He startles and smiles over at Caleb. Open, honest, vulnerable. They need to fix this. “I just need to prepare and then we will see Jester ja?” He receives a blank stare in return and nods to himself. “I will be back in a few moments and then we will go to Nicodranas. Just wait here.” He leaves and dresses quickly, returning to find Essek essentially where he’d been left. He takes a moment to glance over his spellbook and concentrates as he casts Sending, “Hallo Jester, I need your assistance with a pretty big restoration. Can you help today?”
She sounds half-asleep as she responds, “Caleb? Oh hi! Yeah I can help, just come to mama’s, we’re in Nicodranas. Oh my gosh I have to tell you, the dragon turtle-” her word economy same as ever.
“Okay Essek, Jester can help. I don’t know where you kept your parasol but I’m sure she can make you another.” With that they head out the door and Caleb transports them safely to the Lavish Chateau. Essek’s hand never leaves his.
Upon arrival they’re beset by a shouted greeting and Jester crushes Caleb in a hug before even realizing the other man is there. “Ohmigod Essek hi! I missed you!” Instead of awkwardly patting her back as he usually does, he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in. “Hey Caleb, what’s going on with Essek?”
She pulls back and sees his broad smile and dancing eyes and looks at Caleb distinctly concerned. “Ah- I’m afraid he is a victim of the Feeblemind spell. It’s what they used against me in… well.” Her face clouds with understanding. “He’s okay physically though, whoever attacked him clearly just needed him out of the way. If you can use Greater Restoration that will undo the effects. He’s been ah - rather clingy.”
She waggles her eyebrows at him, making suggestive noise, and gets out the required diamond dust, sprinkling it delicately over Essek who watches in wonder. She puts both hands on her shoulders and green radiant energy emanates from her and passes to him. Before long he’s shaking his head and stepping back, voice hoarse from disuse, “Where- Jester? Thank you oh my gods thank you.”
She grins back at him, “I’m glad you’re back Essek! It’s a good thing Caleb brought you here you were acting so weird-”
She’s cut off as he chokes out, “Caleb.” and looks over with a deep violet flush and wide, apologetic eyes. “I ah- I am sorry for putting you through that. I-”
“Nein, do not apologize. Maybe we should get back to your tower to try and piece together who did this to you and what they were after ja?’
Essek nods and casts his levitation cantrip, shoulders sagging with relief when it works. “Yes, of course. Thank you Jester, I’m sorry we can’t stay but-”
She hugs the both of them again, “It’s okay, you have lots to talk about probably I don’t know bye!” she gives Caleb a wink as he begins casting the spell again and to his surprise Essek’s hand winds itself in his as they vanish.
They’re back in the tower and Caleb looks down, Essek’s hand still in his. Essek drops it and there’s a flush set deep into his cheeks and it spreads to his cheeks as their eyes meet. “Caleb I-” he swallows “I remember most of what happened, though not very clearly. I um-” his eyes are downcast and Caleb braces for what he believes to be coming, “Thank you for your patience. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable it is very difficult to explain but I think you’re aware of the feeling. I didn’t exactly have my full faculties and I fear I broke boundaries that may have encroached too far on your hospitality and our friendship.”
It’s difficult to see him so apologetic for the affection displayed. This thing between them has gone unspoken quite too long and before he realizes it he’s speaking, “Don’t apologize for that Schatz, I ah- I didn’t mind. There’s something I think we ought to discuss fairly plainly because I do not want to mince words about the way I feel anymore, it’s tiring.”
Essek looks up to meet him, steeling himself and as Caleb is about to speak he cuts him off, “I am aware enough of how I acted to realize I cannot properly hide my feelings further.” He takes a deep breath, the back of Caleb’s neck is burning and time has all but frozen, “I care deeply for you Caleb. It is difficult to bring myself to those words for I know this is the last thing I deserve but here I am, a fool for you. I know that there were moments in Aeor, I hold them close to my heart as precious things in a life of solitude. If you do not do the same, if you do not feel the same I will remain your friend if you’ll allow it, your research partner, anything. But-” he looks down almost sheepishly, “I owe it to you to be forthright and so I will tell you that if you’ll have me, I would very much like to see where this takes us.”
A smile breaks across Caleb’s face as their eyes meet, “May I kiss you?”
Essek draws in a sharp breath, eyes wide, and nods. It takes Caleb only a moment to close the gap, hands sliding around Essek’s waist and over the back of his neck as he leads them together. Essek’s hands hold his shoulders and his eyes flutter closed as their lips meet, electricity and heat mixing. When they finally pull back they’re both flushed. Essek lets out a huff of a laugh and Caleb wraps him tightly as he brings him in again, smiling into another kiss.
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wolfieenaiisblog · 2 years
THESE hot men have taken over my life
hello, 9-1-1 these men have taken over my life. hey guys it's me Nai and if you didn't know I'm obsessed with sexy men just kidding. I was just hanging out this week and I was like wow I kind of have a grand master list of who I've been obsessed with so I thought hmm I wonder if someone is interested at all and every man that's taken over my life ever. I wrote down from like the age of six who and what guy I've liked all the way up to now I'm 16 and the list has gotten pretty long so I wrote it down in a notebook. I just want to share some of my memories and my thought process behind the men that I've been obsessed with because once a fangirl always a fangirl.
The first person I remember being obsessed with was around the 2013 era when I was seven years old and a guy that rapped songs on youtube called Mattyb. he was my Justin Bieber. Now when I was younger I used to think Mattyb was cute. I just remembered watching and being like he's so cute and I used to pretend he was my boyfriend and like play imaginary you know with your friends and that's my first memory of having like a crush Maybe like Jack Frost, Peter Pan, Danny Phantom I don't know but I'm not getting into cartoons like I kind of opted that one out because obviously, Aladdin was super hot too okay I told myself not to get into cartoons so I'm gonna go to 2014.
Okay in 2014 a little movie called The aliens in the attic, you probably think I liked Tom Pearson well I do not like Tom Pearson I like Jake Pearson that was the phrase I went through. I remember watching the aliens in the attic and my mom was like why are you rewatching that movie again and I was like I'm in love.
I was also obsessed with the little band called one direction, the boy that never left my heart was harry styles. I loved all their songs I and my sister will always listen to their songs and dance along to them.
I remember watching a show called henry danger where I was obsessed with Jace Norman. I had my eyes set on that blonde guy I was in love with him, but that obsession didn't die down all the way to 2016.
I had my eyes on Finn Wolfhard when I have seen him on stranger things, I love him with my whole heart, and I still have an obsession with him to this day, I watched all the movies he was in, and he had my ten-year-old heart still have it.
And then I was obsessed with Rodrick Heffley, he is so hot and I really like him still. That's when my bad boy phrase kicked in it was around 2017 and you know what else happened in 2017 I had a crush on Dylan O'fucking brein baby. I remembered watching teen wolf with my mother and while my friends crushed on Scott Mcall I was like Stiles.
My weirdest crush was MGk, I regretted liking I still feel embarrassed every time someone mentioned him to me. and fucking Pete Davidson I don't know what the fuck I saw in them but whatever I am so glad that crushed died down cause that was embarrassing for 12-year-old me.
and then Timothee Chalamet walked into my life I still have a crush on him by the way, he will always have my heart. I really liked this man I still have the fattest crush on him to this day, he is like my everything you know.
well you think it stopped there well you are wrong, they are also a lot of men that I liked but I am too lazy to put them all. But anyhoo a show called Outerbanks I was obsessed with JJ Maybank, he is like my other half basically. I remembered watching him and I was like shit I am gonna fall in love with him right.
Then I started watching a show called the society and I was obsessed with a guy who was psychotic and evil, his name was Campbell Eliot, yes I know he was a psychopath but he had a good-looking face alright.
And then I watched a show called heathers, and I vowed to myself don't fall in love, I fell in love with Jason Fucking Dean, yeah that's right another psychopath.
I think we all girls had a phrase where they were obsessed with Leonardo Dicaprio, I binged watched all his movies, Jack Dawson had my fucking heart.
Then I started watching a show called deadly class and I was obsessed with Marcus Lopez's underrated show. You should definitely check it out.
Then I watched a show called "I am not okay with this" as I was watching it, I looked at the screen and that's when I fall in love with Wyatt Oleff, I would rewatch it for almost a whole week cause of how much I loved him and I was waiting for season two. Netflix cancelled the show.
Then I was bored outta my mind and that's when I started simping over billy Loomis I rewatched the show for the second time and I realized how hot he really was.
And then I watched a movie called concrete cowboy starring Caleb Mclaughlin, and I am sitting there like when did he get so fine and that's when the obsession began.
Then one of my friends told me to watch a show called hemlock grove, where I fell in love with Bill Skarsgard I didn't know what he looked like and sounded like in real life out of the clown pennywise so when I watched it I was like omg when did Pennywise get so fine like shit.
and now in 2022, I was obsessed with Fezco from Euphoria, I watched edits of him.
Timothee Chalamet seemed to walk back in my life, where I binged watch all his movies watched edits of him, talking about him 24/7.
Stranger things season 4, Peter Ballard/henry creel/001/ vecna aka Jamie Campbell Bower. I fell in love with him without knowing he was the bad guy, I kinda knew he was but I was ignoring it because I didn't wanna believe that he could be so evil.
Joesph Quinn as Eddie Munson I love him so much sad that he had to die I am still mad at the duffer brothers.
And what do you know Elvis came out, and my austin butler phrase was back in. I watched the movie at least a total of 10 times. I'm obsessed with the guy now like really obsessed with him. Austin Butler is the love of my life literally.
and I have more crushes like Johnny Depp, Drew Starkey, Tom Holland, and more.
I feel like these last few months have just been a rollercoaster with Henry Creel coming into stranger things his real name is Jamie Campbell Bower.
Harry Styles, of course, that never goes away. Timothee Chalamet, these are people I just probably never get over I think Austin Butler is one of them too and it is getting really overwhelming for me I had to write this down not for your sake I know in the beginning I said you guys are interested but I feel like I had to get this off my chest it's gotten out of hand I've seen the Elvis movie for the tenth time. I don't know when this comes out I have seen it. It's only been a few days since I have seen it you know.
Stranger things season four finished, Timothee Chalamet will always be Timothee chalamet, I want the old Rodrick back it's just getting really out of hand. I pledge allegiance to all the men that have taken over my life.
Now I know that there are people I missed so if you want to help me with my grand master list of every person that's taken over my life comment down below or I know sure as hell if you are reading this someone has taken over your life so comment down below who that person is and we can talk about it I can agree and I can disagree we can agree to disagree give this post a like and follow me and I think for all the men that have taken over my life just for their sake I think it's time to skedaddle. thanks for reading this long ass rant
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twistedtummies2 · 3 years
Yeah, I was worried that was too vast a question. How about your top five musicals, favorite overall version of each of them that you've seen? Does that help narrow it down any?
Hmmmmm...y'know what? For being such a good sport, I'll go a step beyond and tell you my top six. ;) 6. Into the Woods.
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Ever since I played the Wolf in a production of "Into the Woods Jr.," I've ADORED this musical. It has some tonal flaws, but nothing that I feel ruins the story, and I've never agreed with people who seem to feel it's one of Stephen Sondheim's weaker works. My favorite version OVERALL would probably be the Original Broadway Cast, who were recorded for posterity in a special reunion show in 1989. I also really like the movie version from 2014; it seems to get a bad rap, from what I've seen, and I've personally never understood why at all. In some places, I think the movie improves upon the Original Broadway Version, and while there are several other productions I like (my third favorite is the Regent's Park production from 2010), those two are the ones I would most strongly recommend. 5. Les Miserables.
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Perhaps a populist choice, but I do love this show. In many ways more like an opera than a traditional musical, this adaptation of the sprawling Victor Hugo novel does a good job at condensing the story while also making changes of its own that, in my opinion, never really hinder the tale. While the plot is kind of all over the place, its strength lies in its characters: even some of the more minor roles are incredibly well-conceived. If I had to choose a favorite cast overall, I'd go with the 25th Anniversary Concert Production. Now, it's a CONCERT rather than a full-blown play, but it's one of those concerts that is so close to a proper play it might as well be counted. Again, there are other productions and performers I like more in some roles, but speaking of the overall general picture, this is my top choice. I haven't seen the recent new "staged concert" production that came out in 2020, which I know reunited some of the cast from this one with some new players from the West End and Broadway (such as Carrie Hope Fletcher and Michael Ball), so for all I know, that one might be even better! But until that time when I see it, this is my pick. 4. Wicked.
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Okay, seriously...why do critics always seem mean to this show? It's one of the most popular musicals out there, and while I can name a couple of minor nitpicks...that's all they are, nitpicks. Wicked is a spectacular show, not just visually, but in terms of story and character, as well. Now, picking my favorite version here is a bit tricky, because in my opinion, Wicked lives or dies by its two lead roles: Elphaba and Glinda. If even one of these two happens to be lacking, the whole system breaks down; no amount of Wizards or Madame Morribles will help it. I deliberated between three different casts: one is the Original Broadway Cast, with Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth (who are, of course, legendary), a National Tour production from 2018 with Mary Kate Morrissey and Ginna Claire Mason, and another Broadway era with Donna Vivino and Alli Mauzey. After much deliberation...I'm gonna go with Vivino and Mauzey. Is it perfect overall? No; no one in it is BAD, mind you, they're all great, but in many cases I like other takes on the characters more. Heck, Mauzey isn't even my favorite Glinda, although she is AMONG my favorites. But what makes me choose this one is Vivino: she is my favorite Elphaba, without a shadow of a doubt, and so I decided to give her time the spotlight.
3. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.
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This is another case where it was REALLY hard to choose between several different incarnations. Sweeney Todd is the darkest and most depraved show in the ranks, and in my opinion it's the epitome of the rare breed that is the horror musical: a blend of dark comedy and almost Shakespearean tragedy, drenched in Victoriana Melodrama, it's a glorious piece of decadent, Gothic drudgery. I really love the Tim Burton movie version, and I initially wanted to recommend that one...but there's one key role that made me decide NOT to go with that one, and that's Mrs. Lovett. I like Helena Bonham Carter's Lovett, but I don't ADORE her; she's very different from the way I, personally, envision and imagine the character. So, I'm going with the 1980s National Tour, which starred George Hearn as Sweeney (my second favorite after Johnny Depp, and for many people the definitive portrayal) and the inimitable Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Lovett (my favorite AND the definitive portrayal). Much like Into the Woods, this one was recorded for posterity in 1982. 2. Phantom of the Opera.
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"In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came...!" Arguably the single most popular musical in the world, and one of the longest-lasting, Phantom is sometimes derided as more spectacle than substance, which I...halfway agree with. It's often lumped in with Les Miserables when people talk about the "mega musical" genre, and I do think the two have similar pros and cons: they ARE spectacles, but I think they work because the characters in them are such strong characters, especially the lead role of the Phantom himself, in this case. I think this one has a much firmer plot and more depth and power to it than people give it credit, though, so it stands out for me. Plus...c'mon. It's a classic piece of Gothic horror mixed with romance, you guys know me, I HAVE to love this one. And oooohhhh, was it hard to choose one solid overall favorite. Once again, I deliberated for a while: would I choose the 2004 movie? No, even though I like it, a lot of people don't, and I will be the first to concede it has flaws. Would I recommend the original West End or Broadway casts? No, it's hard to find good copies of that, plus I think those early productions have some niggling issues. Would I go with the Las Vegas production, which I was lucky enough to see live not long before it shut down? Alas, no, for similar reasons to the original casts. After pouring through various other casts and productions, I finally settled on...the 25th Anniversary Production at the Royal Albert Hall. While lacking a proper chandelier crash due to the location constraints, and while I have to admit I have never been the biggest fan of Hadley Fraser's Raoul (although I have warmed up to him much more in recent years), I think the rest of the cast, the presentation of the music and costumes and so forth, and so on are among the very best, and it's probably one of the easiest high-quality productions to get ahold of and watch. It's probably the first version I'd recommend newcomers visit, and for that reason above all else, it's the one I choose. And now, for the REALLY hard one... 1. Seussical.
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I have no idea why Seussical is my favorite musical. I never will. It's not a bad show, obviously - HELL no - but when you compare it to the other five here, it's not one of those big musicals that immediately comes to mind when people talk about great musicals of the past, and it's not as complex and lacks the dark elements most of these shows have. It's got some dramatic moments, but it's mostly lighthearted and sweet with a peppy sort of style and zany sense of humor, befitting of the works of Dr. Seuss. But it is my favorite...and hooooo Mama, even more than Phantom, this was a tricky one. The problem is that Seussical has been done and redone SO. MANY. FREAKING. TIMES. It's been performed COUNTLESS times all across America, and even in other countries, and is, in fact, one of the single most frequently produced and performed shows in the world. The reason is because it's such an adaptable and easy to get into piece of work: everyone from cheap-budgeted Elementary Schools to high-end theatres can work with what this show gives without much trouble. The problem is that the actual QUALITY of the productions obviously is in constant flux: it depends on a lot of factors. More out of desperation's sake than anything else, I'm going to stick to the Original Broadway Cast, with David Shiner (whom I have always supported as the best in his role, and unfairly maligned by critics) as the Cat in the Hat. Some clips of that production float around YouTube and other parts of the Internet, and if you really want to see a full show, there ARE some recordings online featuring the show's later years on Broadway, with names like Rosie O'Donnell and Cathy Rigby as the Cat. The CD cast recording is also really easy to get ahold of, and for me, those are the definitive "voices" of the characters, if that makes sense. Two productions I haven't seen but really, REALLY want to see, if anyone has video for me to look at, are the one from Northwest Children's Theatre, back in 2013, and the one by 3D Theatricals from 2015. I've only seen some small clips and photos from these, but from what little I've found, both look like they could potentially top the Broadway version without any effort. 
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alextwdgf01 · 3 years
The Restoration Of Eroded Soils: A Cry For Help
Decided to go ahead and post the Mpreg Ford fic here too because, why not? So here's the first chapter!
Stanley Pines was currently standing at the front door of a run down cabin in the middle of the woods, his brother apparently lived in. Stanford had sent him a postcard two days ago that had 'PLEASE COME!' written hazardously across the back. Whatever was going on, it must have been important enough for him to finally reach out after all this time.
So he'd packed up the few belongings he owned and drove for thirty-two hours straight to Oregon. When he finally arrived in the small hicktown, he had been forced to walk half a mile in knee high snow when his car had ended up in the ditch.
"Alright, Stan. You haven't seen your brother in over ten years. It's okay. He's family. He won't bite." he told himself, reaching out to rap his knuckles against the wooden door.
He'd barely gotten a chance to knock twice before the door flew open.
"Who's there? Have you come to steal my eyes?!" a disheveled man exclaimed, shoving a loaded crossbow in Stan's face.
But not just any disheveled man, his twin brother.
With a start, the younger raised his hands up placatingly, giving Ford a slightly surprised look before frowning. His brother looked terrible for someone who actually had a house.
His hair was mussed and greasy, his skin pale, eyes bloodshot with purplish bags hanging beneath them. His clothes were a mess of stains and from what Stan could tell, it looked like he hadn't eaten OR slept in weeks. Gee, Poindexter, what have you gotten yourself into?
"Well, I can always count on you for a warm welcome." Stan said sarcastically, rolling his eyes slightly.
"Stanley?" his brother questioned, lowering the crossbow before his eyes darted around the woods. "Did anyone follow you? Anyone at all?"
"Eh, hello to you, too, pal." Stan grumbled before being yanked into the cabin by the collar of his jacket and a blinding light was shone into his eyes. "H-hey, what is this?!"
After being shoved back slightly, Ford backed further away with an owlish look. "Sorry, I just had to make sure-...i-it's nothing. Come in, come in!"
The grifter shut the door behind him (which had four locks on it, and he thought his paranoia was bad) and dropped his bag on the floor before following Ford cautiously to what looked like what used to be the living room. It was now covered near to the ceiling in papers. You couldn't even sit on the couch!
"Look, are you gonna explain what's going on here? You're actin' like Ma after her tenth cup of coffee." Stanley said, watching as the other frantically dug through a drawer and pulled out a journal.
"Listen, there isn't much time. I've made huge mistakes, and I don't know who I can trust anymore." Ford explained as he went to walk past Stan, turning the head of a skeleton as he did.
"Hey," Stan said with concern, placing a comforting hand over his brother's shoulder. "Easy, there. Let's talk this through, okay?"
He could feel the way Ford's muscles tensed under his fingertips and noticed how he brought his free hand up to rest over his stomach, as if protecting it. Stan's brows furrowed slightly in confusion of the act before his twin whirled around to face him.
"I have something to show you. Something you won't believe." Ford said, waving a hand through the air in a fantastical way to add affect.
"Look, I've been around the world, okay? Whatever it is, I'll understand." Stan assured.
"Very well. Follow me."
Stanford led the way to an old bookshelf, pulling back one of the physics books, causing it to swing open and reveal a secret passage leading under the house. His brother was such a fucking nerd.
They made their way down to an elevator, to which they clambered into and began descending to the lowest level. Due to the space being so small, Stan was able to get a closer look at his brother.
He noticed how his shoulders were drawn near to his ears as he stood in a bit of a hunched position. He kept the journal pressed protectively against his chest, fingers twitching on the back of the cover.
Stan also noted how his face would occasionally pinch up in discomfort and glance down at his stomach. The younger followed his glance, wondering if he might have some sort of injury, but their didn't appear to be any blood. It, however, appeared to be distended a bit, which was odd. Ford obviously hadn't eaten much in a long while. How could his stomach possibly be pressing against his shirt when the rest of his clothes hung a bit loose around him?
Old brotherly instincts were telling him something wasn't right (aside from whatever was causing his twin to be paranoid) and he should ask what was wrong or take him to a hospital...But he decided against it. Ford would tell him if he needed medical care...maybe.
As he tried to decide whether or not to broach the subject, the elevator dinged as they reached what looked to be the basement, door sliding open. Ford had darted ahead, leaving Stan to speed walk after him. They padded through a control room and into a more open space...
...with this huge metal contraption in the middle of it.
Whatever he'd expected to be shown, it wasn't this. Stan blinked dumbly up at it, eyes wide with surprise and confusion.
"There's nothing about this I understand." Stan finally said, voice echoing through the basement.
"It's a trans-universal gateway, a punched hole through a weak point in our dimension." Ford explain, gesturing towards it. "I created it to unlock the mysteries of the universe."
...okay, not weird at all.
"But it could just as easily be harnessed for terrible destruction. That's why I shut it down and hid my journals which explain how to operate it." Ford held out one of said journals for Stan to take. "There's only one journal left and you are the only person I can trust to take it."
A portal? Only person he can trust? Man, Ford. What the hell is going on?
"I have something to ask of you." Ford said in a serious tone, causing the younger to glance back up at him. "Remember our plans to sail around the world on a boat?"
Stan could feel his lips tug up into a hopeful smile. Was...was Ford really gonna ask him to-
"Take this journal, get on a boat, and sail as far away from here as you can! To the ends of the earth. Bury it where no one can find it."
As Ford turned his back, the smile vanish from the grifter's face as that hope died in his chest. How childish was he to believe his brother actually wanted to patch things up and restart where they left off? Ha! Shows just how gullible Stan was. He could feel his anger boiling up.
"That's it?!" he exploded, throwing his arms in the air. "You finally wanna see me after ten years, and it's to tell me to get as far away from you as possible?!"
Ford brushed past the younger as he spoke. "Stanley, you don't know what I'm up against, what I've been through!"
"No, no, no. You don't understand what I'VE been through! I've been to prison in three different countries. I once had to chew my way out of the trunk of a car!" Stan raged, stepping closer towards his twin. "You think you've got problems? I've got a mullet, Stanford!"
Ford had the audacity to look guilty and concerned for his brother. Only now he shows it. Where was that when Dad kicked him out?
"Meanwhile, where have you been? Livin' it up in your fancy house in the woods, selfishly hoarding your college money because you only care about yourself." Stan finished, shoving an accusing finger into Ford's chest, causing his expression to turn angry.
"I'm selfish? I'm selfish, Stanley? How can you say that after costing me my DREAM SCHOOL?! I'm giving you a chance to do the first worthwhile thing in your life, and you won't even listen!"
That's it.
"Yeah, well listen to this. You want me to get rid of this book?" Stan growled, taking out his lighter and holding its small flame beneath the journal. "Fine! I'll get rid of it right now!"
"No!" Ford exclaimed, grabbing at the book and giving Stan a pleading look. "You don't understand."
Stan yanked the book back, turning to the side. "You said you wanted me ta have it, so I'll do what I want with it!"
"No! My research!"
Stan grunted in surprise when his brother tackled him to the ground, losing his grip on the journal. When Ford scrambled off of him to go after the journal, he gritted his teeth, and kicked the nerd's feet out from under him.
He stood quickly as Ford landed on his side, arms wrapped around his midsection. Stan made his way over to the fallen journal and scooped it back into his hands, turning just in time for his twin to slam into him.
"Do you have any idea what you could have just done?!" Stanford exclaimed, shoving his brother through the door and up against a control panel. "Stanley, give it back!"
"Ya want it back, yer gonna have to try harder than that!" Stan yelled, shoving back at the elder as they fought for the book.
Ford ended up on the floor with Stan standing over him, trying to rip the journal from his grip.
"You left me behind, you jerk! It was supposed to be us forever! You ruined my life!"
"You ruined your own life!"
Ford drew back his foot, planted it against Stan's chest and kicked him...
...right into something burning hot, too hot, TOO HOT!
"AAAAAHHH!" Stan screamed out in agony.
It took too long a second for Ford to realize he still had his foot keeping his brother pinned against the singil. He withdrew it as quick as he could, watching with horror as Stan toppled forward, cradling his right shoulder with the opposite hand. The smell of burnt flesh infiltrated his nostrils and it made him nauseous.
"Stanley! Oh my gosh! I-ngh!" Ford was forcibly cut off when bile rose into his mouth, causing him to retch.
Stan grimaced, both from the seering pain in his shoulder and the sight of his brother throwing his guts up just mere feet away. He groaned as he shifted into a sitting position before forcing himself to stand.
"I-I-I'm so sorry! Are y-you alright?" Ford asked once he'd recomposed himself, giving Stan a worried look.
The grifter ignored it and how much paler his brother looked, glaring Ford down venomously, with only a little (a lot) of hurt.
"Some brother you turned out to be. You care more about your dumb mysteries than your family? Then, you can have 'em." Stan spat out, eyes tired and full of pain (both physically and emotionally). "I'm tired of waiting around for you to finally realize I didn't purposely break your machine. To realize that I was just a dumb kid who made a dumb mistake...who was afraid of losing his brother."
Ford stared up at him in stunned silence, guilt evident on his features. Stan felt his eyes burn in warning at the oncoming of tears. He clenched them tightly shut and turned to leave.
"Hope you got everything you wanted."
"W-wait! Stanley, please! D-don't go!" Ford begged from his spot on the floor, reaching out uselessly towards Stan.
He paid his pleas no attention, mind made up that he was leaving and NOT coming back. He wasn't gonna stay somewhere he wasn't wanted. Ford made that obviously clear.
Just as Stan made it to the elevator, he heard his brother let out a desperate cry.
"I-I'm pregnant!"
Deafening silence filled the stale air around them. The hand Stan had clasped above his burn dug into his shoulder in surprise, back stiffening and face suddenly devoid of emotion. Did...did he hear that right?...
After standing there for a while, just frozen, he slowly turned back towards his brother. Ford was still kneeling by the puddle of puke, hunched with an arm around his middle.
"...what?" Stan's voice came out in a whisper tone, confused.
"...I s-said I'm pregnant." Ford repeated, looking his brother in the eyes.
They were full of earnest and honesty. No joke, no lie. It just confused Stan all the more.
"H-hold on. How...how is that even physically possible?" Stan questioned, moving his hand to grip at his hair.
"B-by human standards, it's not. But by paranormal standards..." Ford trailed off.
"What are you saying? That you had sex with a sasquatch and got knocked up?" Stan asked, semi-sarcastic.
"God, no!" Ford replied, nose wrinkled up in disgust.
"Did...did something...did something rape you?" Stan asked more tentively, terrified of what the answer may be.
"No." Ford replied quickly at seeing the worried expression on his brother's face. "No, no. It was nothing like...that. I discovered these abnormal specie of flowers two months ago out in the woods. While I was inspecting one, I got too close and it released this florescent pink pollen, which I unfortunately breathed in. And a few weeks later, I started feeling...odd."
"Odd?" Stan parroted.
"I...started experiencing frequent headaches, overheating, the need to relieve myself more frequently. At first I didn't think anything of it, but then I began feeling nauseated every morning, my pelvic region started cramping, and my, um..." Ford's face became dusted in a light blush, motioning his hands toward his pectorals. "were tender."
Stan chuckled despite the oddness of the situation before catching himself and allowing Ford to continue.
"Remembering the events with the flowers, I ventured back out into the forest to collect samples to test. While I was out there, I noticed a few rabbits with the same pollen covering their fur. So I gathered a few of them up and brought them back with me to see how the pollen affected them."
"Their hunger increased through the weeks, as well as their abdomens and agitation. Within a month, they had all given birth."
"Couldn't they have all been coincidentally pregnant at the same time?"
"Two of them were male, Stanley."
Well, shit.
"Of course, since they had no birthing canal, I had to sedate and remove the kittens surgically, which wasn't easy...but that's how I know." Ford continued to explain as he finally stood up from the floor shakily. "And though the gestational period of a rabbit is quite different from that of a human, I have been displaying all the early signs of pregnancy that a woman does. So..."
Ford rubbed his arm anxiously, glancing pitifully down at his journal that lay still at his feet. The younger could see his worry, causing him to feel the need to protect and comfort rise up in his chest. Stan strode back over to his brother's side, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"Are you scared?" Stan finally asked.
"I'm fucking terrified." Ford replied honestly, noticeable tears in his eyes.
"Is this what's got you all...paranoid?"
"It's partly why, yes, but its not the main reason."
"Okay. What else is going on?"
Ford looked away, hunching his shoulders. "You'll think me to be insane."
"Ford, you just told me yer pregnant," Stan said, giving Ford's shoulder a light squeeze. "and I believe you. It can't be any crazier than that."
"It can, actually." Ford muttered.
"Just..." Stan began, guiding the elder over to a nearby chair and had him sit down. "Lay it on me."
The six fingered man fiddled with the sleeve of his trenchcoat, looking at Stan. Or more specifically, his injured shoulder. "I...I'll tell you. B-but let me tend to your brand first. It could get infected."
The tears he'd seen earlier in Ford's eyes had finally began to trickle down the sides of his face, glistening in the dim light. Stan closed his eyes and sighed.
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lovysmtalks · 4 years
Alexa, play uwu by chevy
It was well known for people to act differently around people that they like.
Some people aren't even recognizable when their crush walks past them.
Marinette was well known shy and bubbly.
So when she was having a crush on anyone, dosen't matter girl or boy.
You won't exactly know.
And this is how it started...
"C'mon girl, you gotta tell your feelings to Lila! I'm sure she'll accept them, I mean come on! You'll be couple goals." Complained Alya as she tried to help her friend.
"I-I don't know Alya...I'm not sure if she's into- you know what I mean..." stutters Mari as her face started to get pink.
"You never know until you try babe!" Alya pulls her into a hug.
Marinette, shocked by the hug, could feel herself start tearing up as she hugged her bestfriend close and tight.
"Hey girl! I have something for you." Says Alya as she runs to the girl's locker as the school day ended.
"Yes?" Says Lila surprised by the excitement.
Alya gives Lila a letter with a heart on it.
"I've gotta go, mom said I need to babysit! Byeeee" says Alya as she runs with her boyfriend.
Lila smiles at the girl.
She opens the letter and reads it.
'Hey...wanna meet me at the backyard of the school? I mean it's fine if you say no! -^^'
Lila looked around to see if anyone could have send her the letter.
'Ok. Let's do this.'
Marinette was shaking.
While she kept her eyes into the ground trying to keep herself from having a panic attack.
"HEY! Marinette, you wanted to meet me here?" Says a voice that makes Mari jump.
Mari's cheeks go a little red when she sees who was there.
"So, what's up?" Says Lila as she smiles at the girl.
"I uhm-I really- uh..." Marinette opens her mouth but the words don't came as they should.
Lila sees her starting to panic and speeds infront of her.
"Hey, hey no need to panic. Breath. And then spit." She puts her hands on the short girl's shoulders for support.
Mari sighs deeply.
Marinette said in Eminem rap god speed.
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Lila opened her mouth in the shape of an 'O' and blinks in confusion trying to comprehend what the short girl just said.
"Come again, just shorter and slower, my brain is too slow for this." She chuckles awkwardly.
Marinette looks at the her hands.
"I-I really, really, really like you, n-no I mean- I l-love you..." Marinette sniffed.
Lila stares in shook of what the girl just said.
Marinette begins to worry and feeling bad for confessing.
Her hands start shake.
"I-I am s-sorry, I s-shouldn't have said a-anything." Marinette sniffed and begins to walk backwards.
Lila wakes up from her shook and runs towards Marinette.
She grabs her hand and pulls her back.
"I'm sorry it was my fault, you got me in shook that's all. Look I'm very proud of you." Lila pats Mari's hair.
Mari stares at her in confusion as some tears fall down her cheek.
"W-why are y-you proud exactly?" Mari asked.
Lila smiles.
"I know how hard is it for you to confess something so big, hell is hard sometimes for you even to talk but I'm really glad you did, it's a start." She looks down at her.
"Look I'm not exactly feeling what you feel. IT'S NOT YOU, I'm not exactly the one with crushes and 'feeling in love'" Lila says mockingly.
Marinette then realized.
"You are aromatic." She says.
Lila winks at her.
"OH GOD, IM SO SORRY IF I MADE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE!" Mari looks at the ground in shame.
Lila moves her head in confusion.
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"No, no babes, you didn't." She laughed.
Marinette looks at Lila and wipe her tears.
She walks up to Lila and hugs her tightly
"Thank you." The short girl whispers.
Lila hugs the girl back feeling like a proud mother.
Meeting Damian was a mistake from the start.
They meet at a Gala where Marinette was invited and she couldn't refuse, her heart wouldn't have let her do refuse.
She was sitting alone, her social anxiety stoping her from talking with even a person.
'What the heck am I doing here? Those people are rich and professional. What in the name of god I was th-'
"Hi." A young looking man sit next to her.
Marinette blinks rapidly and turns to the guy.
"H-hi." She turns her head away quickly, not trying to look mean.
After some awkward silence moments the guy started to speak again.
"So...why are you sitting alone while everyone is having fun?" He turns to her.
Marinette opens her eyes and looks at the ground.
"I-I don't want to make people awkward...I-I'm very bad at talking to people in general."
She stutters quietly.
The boy narrowed his eyebrows and then chuckled.
Marinette didn't know if he was mocking her or just straight up annoying her.
"W-what's so funny?" She tries but fails to stutter.
The man smirks and then looks at her, making her more confused.
"Ahem. Nothing special, I just normal think beautiful people are supposed to be confident and aching to show their beauty, but I guess I was wrong"
Marinette's brains shuts down.
Her cheeks go BLOODY RED.
The guy sees her expression and laughs. LAUGHS. DUCKING LAUGHS.
He stops laughing.
"The name's Damian." He holds his hand for a handshake.
"M-Maria, I-I mean M-Marinette" she shyly shakes his hand.
"So Maria-nette?" He dad jokes.
Marinette chuckles.
"So would this beautiful girl give me her number?" He asks.
"W-why, we don't even know each other." She says.
"Well, I would like to know you, Marinette." He pet's her head gently.
They started talking for days, days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months.
She knew from the start she shouldn't catch feelings for a friend but she couldn't control it.
One day Mari and her friends we're hanging out at the bakery
Mari was showing them the ukulele that her grangran gived her some weeks ago, on her birthday.
"Why don't you try and sing something for us? I've seen you write song with Luka and Kagami before, show us some of you work."
Alix said.
"Agreed" Lila and Adrien said at the same time.
Marinette turned to her friends, about to disagree.
"Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaseeee!" Said Rose.
"O-okay." Mari says as she picked up the ukulele.
I'm startin' to feel some sort of way
You give me goosebumps every day
And when you look at me and smile I wanna say
"I think you're okay"
I guess I'll stop here and not hint at all
That you're one I've fallen for
But if you ever think of me as anything more
I'll be here at your....call
'Is this for Damian?' A girl asked.
The live stops some minutes later when the LadyBlogger realizes she was live.
Damian stared shocked at his phone as Jon showed him a video leak of Marinette singing.
He was frozen.
'Mari...likes me?'  That's all he could think of.
"Man, I feel bad for her. Imagine how bad she's feeling."
Damian opened his phone and got straight up to the message.
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"She doesn't answer me." He says.
"Bruh, obviously she won't, she feels bad. You didn't get the memo? She's shy and has social anxiety. It's not gonna be easy." Jon explains the obvious.
After minutes of silence, Jon's phone rings.
"That's me, gotta go, dad's gonna beat my ass if I don't show up to dinner" Jon looks at his phone.
"I should go too. Talk to you later." Says Damian, not really paying attention to anything that was happening.
As he walked infront of the bakery, he could see Marinette helping her parents to close the bakery, meaning that the parents were going on vacation.
He rushed to enter.
"Hello? Is this still opened?" He asked even the obvious answer is that they were closed.
"No sweet sir, we are cl-" as Marinette's gaze meet his she closed he mouth in shock.
"What exactly 'cl' mean, blossom?" he jokes while smiling.
"Damian, what are you doing here?" She asks avoiding his eye contact.
"That's not a nice way to greet your future boyfriend darling" (smooth bastard)
Marinette.exe stopped working
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Marinette just passed out.
The parents walked in
Sabine looks at her daughter.
Tom looks at Damian.
(I couldn't careless about editing this lmao)
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