#okie dokie time to sleep
im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
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drops this at your feet and disappears for two weeks
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mercymaker · 4 months
something about the darkest time in astarion's existence being the time he was sealed in a tomb, isolated from the rest of the world for a whole year
vs. him eventually realizing that after he'd left mal, she was living in near-isolation for half a decade, slowly losing her mind
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 8 months
y’know that feeling when the absolute stupidest thing makes you S O incredibly unbelievably upset and ruins your entire day but you can’t actually TALK about it cuz again it is, quite possibly, the dumbest thing alive to be upset over
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minus-plus-zer0 · 24 days
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Accidentally Sleeping Together
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♡ Genre: Fluff, suggestive ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader (Imagine the bunny on the right is Bakugou, afraid of you waking up O-o)
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Bakugou's arms curled tight around you, his sleepy fingers running across your skin rhythmically. It took his similarly sleepy brain a couple of seconds before he realized that this wasn't a beautiful dream.
This was real.
Bakugou leapt off you, his back slamming into his dorm wall. He rubbed the back of his head, swore several expletives at nothing in particular, and then assessed the damage.
You slept together last night. He didn't remember if it was an accident or if you two... did something, but his head was not 100% there yet in the morning.
You were even slower than him to wake, but he could see your figure rustling, and all he could think was "Crap, crap, crap, crap!" It was like he was pinned against the wall. Even if he had an easy exit route, he couldn't exactly walk out on you without proving his innocence first. Or making sure you were okay.
You finally opened your eyes, wiping them. Tentatively, Bakugou spoke.
"Hey, we need to--"
You shrieked and Bakugou cringed from the noise. You sat upright, whipping your head around like it was on a swivel, pure shock on your cute little face. Bakugou was the same amount of scared, but unlike you he was frozen.
"What did we do?!" you cried.
"I don't know!"
"Did we sleep together?!"
"I don't fucking know!"
Bakugou's heart was racing. The fact that you even considered sleeping with him as a possible event within this point of space and time just totally befuddled him. If this whole ordeal didn't screw over his chances with you, then his stupidly hopeful heart could take this as a good sign.
He chose his next words very carefully.
"Did we?" he asked, a little eyebrow cocked and his voice low.
You stared at him, the gears turning in your adorable thoughtless head. He wondered what things you were thinking right now. Your face was normally pure and innocent and cute, but your mind was typically evil and mischievous and always thinking of ways to prank and tease him, so it was hard to what was happening in there at this exact moment. But being your best friend and all, he had some ideas of what you were probably thinking of.
He shouldn't be focusing on that right now though. Although you didn't look uncomfortable or creeped out, you were the type of person who'd struggle to voice your negative thoughts in a time like this. And as your best friend, Bakugou had to make sure you were okay. It was like, his calling in life.
"You alright?" he asked, snapping you out of your reverie. "I would never take advantage of you. You know that, right?"
"I know," you said, almost immediately. Bakugou was a little proud of your trust and your strong connection together.
"Are you okay?" he asked, again.
"Yeah, I'm okie dokie... Are you?"
You reached out to his face and he realized he had been blushing for some time now.
"I'm sorry," you said. "Did I scare you? Did I sleep here on accident? Can't believe I crashed in your room..."
"Don't apologize to me! Jeez. You're always apologizing to other people. I'm fine. I would never be creeped out by you. In fact, you've almost fucking dozed off here a couple of times in the past. You just don't remember 'cause I carried you back each time." That last part was a bit of a brag.
"Oh?" you cocked your head. "But you didn't tonight. Guess you were too much of a lazy little sleepy head yesterday."
"No more than you!"
That was how you both ended up grinning at each other, faces too close and somewhat red, but happy all the same.
If you weren't uncomfortable, if you were even smiling at him, Bakugou wanted to push things further. Your lips were only several centimeters away, and he wanted to close the distance. But he couldn't risk it unless he knew for sure you'd want him to.
"Had a good sleep, then?" he asked, voice rumbly and still low while his smirk never left his face. "After all, it's my bed."
"I would've, but maybe someone was hogging all the sheets." You mock glared at him, but you didn't back away.
"Well I bought them," he retorted. "Didn't think I'd get a new roommate tonight."
"Maybe I'll just steal your bed and then we won't have a problem."
"You're gonna steal my bed with me in it?"
You lightly slapped his chest and he laughed. You were laughing too, but dammit even if it was funny, he wasn't entirely joking...
Still, he couldn't say he was unhappy.
"Seriously can't fucking believe I woke up to you today," he said, letting some of his true adoration for you spread across his face. "Next time you sleep here, I'm not carrying you back..."
While he still had the chance, he needed to push things further, so you'd understand where he really stood on this situation. Bakugou had enough of all the near-miss kisses in your relationship. He wanted more.
Your hands cupped his face and he stayed put, obediently.
"You won't need to," you whispered.
His fingers grabbed your chin. "I don't ever want to."
And with that, he kissed you, finally.
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luveline · 3 months
I can’t remember if you’ve done one yet of Jack being jealous of the new baby not because of his dad’s attention but because of readers!
“Jack, Jack, Jack,” Aaron says, hands on Jack’s shoulders where his son sits at the kitchen table, “I forgot to tell you, I got you a present.” 
“What kind?” Jack asks, used to presents by now. There’s been books, crayons, and enough toy cars to fill his parking garage to the brim. 
“What kind do you think?” 
He likes when his dad speaks like that. Aaron’s a peppy dad, he says everything in an altered bubbly tone that makes Jack smile, but his best voice is the soft one. Lightly teasing. He hugs Jack with one arm from behind, pressing his nose to Jack’s hair momentarily. 
“A big one?” Jack asks. 
“Sort of…” Aaron smiles. “Do you want me to go get it?” 
Jack’s about to say yes with a laugh, his excitement like a warm flame just below an outheld hand, but he stops when he hears a familiar gurgly sound and your loving laughter. 
“I know, baby.” That’s your voice, tired and soft as his father’s. “You’re exhausted. Let me give you a little squeeze before you sleep, hm? You’ll cry yourself awake if I don’t, you get all those trapped burps.” You laugh to yourself.
Jack sighs and turns back to his drawing. “Okay, dad,” he says, clearly monotonous. 
Aaron frowns behind his head. “Okay, buddy. It’s in the den.” 
“Okie dokie.” 
“Jack,” he says, and not a lot else. 
Aaron can’t wrap his head around it. Jack was so, so excited for Noah. He bragged to everyone at school that his step-mom was having a baby, that he’d have a little brother, and that they were all moving into a big house with a nice yard to play soccer. Jack and Noah Hotchner, best friends since the minute Noah was born. Or, that’s what you and Aaron hoped for.
It started well. Jack is gentle, and he’s understanding; he realised the baby would need extra care, and he’s done nothing but kiss and cuddle his new brother whenever they’re together. You got him a sound machine and some custom fitted earplugs for the long nights of crying, you never put Noah before him if you could help it. Aaron even pencilled in an hour of Jack time each day, but it isn’t working anymore. Jack’s just sad. 
The present is a jigsaw puzzle. A thousand pieces of guaranteed time spent together, but Aaron doesn’t have high hopes. 
He takes the two short steps down into the den to meet your eyes, shaking his head slowly. “I don’t know,” he mouths. 
You pat the baby’s back. “Well, I might have a suggestion.”
He couldn’t want to hear it more. “Tell me.” 
You hold his baby (your baby but his more urgently, the feeling an ache in his chest and hands) still as small and curled as a rabbit against your chest. Noah’s legs twitch in his onesie, his dark hair short where it brushes your lips. “I think maybe Jack misses me. I miss him, and I’m the grown up. I feel like I barely see him even though we’re living in the same house.” 
Aaron pauses, resting the jigsaw puzzle on the sideboard.
There’s no point in underselling the importance of you in Jack's life. You’re integral to Jack’s happiness, and Aaron can’t believe he hadn’t thought of your suggestion before now; he’s amazed by his own ego. Of course Jack misses you. You spend half your life nursing, which is half a life away from you he didn’t feel before.
“That’s what it is,” Aaron says. 
“Yeah?” you ask. 
He takes Noah from your arms, settling him on the slope of his chest. “If it isn’t, we might be out of answers.” Aaron rubs Noah’s back with delight. It’s nice to see a solution to Jack’s upset in sight, and nice to hold the baby while he’s in a good mood. “Seriously, honey. I think you’re right.” 
“What are we gonna do if it isn’t me?” 
“Give this one back?” 
“That’s not funny.” 
“Sorry, I’m kidding!” He gives Noah a little soft kiss. “Just kidding, beautiful. You’re all mine.” 
You take the jigsaw and give him a smile that borders shy. If his arms weren’t full he’d take your wrist in his hand and hold it for a while, but there’s stuff to do. You emerge from the den to the kitchen and Aaron follows. 
Jack immediately spins in his seat. Aaron doesn’t need to be a profiler to know your theory is correct. The change in Jack is unmissable. 
“Y/N,” he says, hiding his hope poorly. 
You show him the jigsaw. “I know it’s supposed to be your time with dad, but maybe it can be time with me instead? What do you think?” 
“Yeah!” You pop the jigsaw in front of him without crushing his drawings. “Can we? I miss you.” 
“I miss you!” he says. 
“Yeah?” You brush his hair back. “You do?” 
“I do, I want to do the puzzle with you! Can we do it?” 
Your smile is part relief, part love. You hook a chair with your ankle and pull it under you as you sit, fingernail already scratching at the plastic wrap on the puzzle to pull it open. “We’re gonna do it right now.” 
The puzzle is a lot of pieces, you’ve barely completed the frame when it’s time for everyone to head to bed, but, reluctant, you and Jack sit at the table where Jack’s climbed into your lap for a ‘better view’, and you’ve wrapped your arms around him, occasionally loosing an arm to direct him to a right piece. The baby put to bed, Aaron pretends to pay more attention to cleaning the kitchen than he’s truly doing, finding himself leaning against the counter with a sterilised bottle in hand as you stroke Jack’s hair. 
“You know I love you?” you ask quietly. 
“Duh. You tell me all the time.” 
“I don’t want you to forget.” 
“I don’t.” 
Jack snaps a puzzle piece in to place and preens at your murmured, “Good job. Maybe we can try to do some of this every night you’re home?” 
Jack doesn’t cry, but it ties Aaron’s heart into a knot anyways when he turns into your chest to hug you tightly. “Okay,” Jack says, voice muffled by your t-shirt. 
You pat his back. His hands scrunch up like he’s worried you’re gonna pull away. 
“Can I get in on this?” Aaron asks. 
“No,” you both say. 
Jack rubs his cheek into your collar. He doesn’t want to share. “No, dad. It’s not your time.” 
He supposes he does get you every night. “Fine. I love you, though.” 
“Love you too.” 
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mixed-matched socks | s.r. x pregnant!fem reader
“look out! laundry downpour, ahhh!” you indoor screamed as you slowly dumped the freshly dried clothing over a lying annabeth. her high pitched screeching bursted your eardrums, but were quickly muffled by a shirt and jacket. her little fingers and toes wiggling like worms in her clothing dirt.
“how’s it feel?” spencer asked as he plucked her baby face free of cotton. her smile, that spencer insisted was yours, pushes her cheeks into her eyes causing them to disappear. “like a group cuddle,” she practically sighed in content.
grabbing a random top, one of annabeth’s cartoon kittens tees, you got to work separating the fabrics. “miss bethie, could you look for anyone of your clothes and place them here. this is your pile responsibility.”
“okie dokie,” and she crawled through spencer’s button ups and some of your summer dresses, holding each new piece of clothing in the air, declaring victory before dropping it to her pile. you and spencer worked through and over her to make your own piles, spencer would iron his clothes and you would steam yours.
“all…done!” she gave a bounce to the bed causing her to wobble and both of you quickly shooting your arms out to prevent any accidents. “careful baby,” spencer gently chided. “let’s cross cross apple sauce,” lightly tapping her calf. she plopped her little body down, her pile tipping to the side.
“let’s do some folding. do you know how we fold?” spencer asked annabeth while you started to work on steaming your clothes. “i only see, not do.” her palms patted her knees.
“that’s okay, its real easy.” spencer grabbed one of his sleep shirts for a demonstration. “just hold it up like this, then push the sides in like this then fold. all done.”
you looked over to see annabeth holding a pastel blue top up, her fingers pinching the shoulders as she stared it down. spencer’s larger hands atop hers to guide her through the simple formation, he helped with a few more then she did one all on her own.
“easy peasy, lemon squeezy.” she hummed to herself.
“wanna fold daddy’s socks? he likes when you mix-match them.” wanting her to do another task to keep her occupied and get the chores done quickly.
she looked to spencer, matching brown eyes gleaming into each other, “can i?” asking excitedly. spencer kissed the top of her head, “of course, sweetie. makes my work day brighter.”
annabeth is used to doing the socks, the action simple for her tiny chubby hands. it was her first task once she started to join both of you on this glorious adult chore, always a soft hum under her breath.
it made you look back from before she was around, you doing this alone in your family home with music blaring in headphones, to then sharing a space with spencer and being a bit cautious of crossing a certain line with your knowledge of his germophobia. then one day a shirt got mixed with his wash then a loose sock with yours, then you both were just sitting in the living room watching reruns of doctor who with spencer mindlessly spewed out facts. when you got pregnant spencer would do the lifting of the baskets and you would lay back in your bed going at a slow pace with spencer beside you as he took folded pieces and put them away so you didn’t have to get up a million times.
now it’s the three of you working together with a three month bump barely showing under your lifted tee. something so simple and mundane when you were a teenager that was a tiring chore now shifted into family bonding time, seeing your husband and daughter talk quietly as she held up a pair of dark blue and neon orange socks giggling as she balled them together.
laundry day has become one of your favorite chore days.
a/n: inspired by @beansarecooler for an idea they left on a post.
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cys-fic-library · 5 months
Nighttime Affairs (The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x Reader)
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You and the Ghoul, Cooper Howard, have a complicated relationship with each other. One which involves him paying you some nightly visits when he passes on by that little home of yours out in the lonesome wasteland.
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Warnings: 18+, smut, vaginal sex, fingering, bit of orgasm denial, bit of dirty talking, creampie, biting (its cooper i dunno what you expect, he's going to bite you), oral - reader receiving, complicated relationship, bit of yearning/pinning, fluff, cuddling, kissing, splash of angst, not beta read
Pairing: The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x gn!afab!Reader (reader's gender is never mentioned but they do have a vagina)
Wordcount: 4256
a/n: made the smut a bit angsty at the end there by mistake. whoopsie daisies. Anyway, like it says above readers gender is never mentioned. But they do have a vagina (because I have a vagina, and I want to fuck the ghoul). Nothing about reader's chest is ever mentioned either. Also I usually write fluff/non smut fics, and only tend to post that. I have written smut before, but this is just my first time actually sharing some of it. So like ;-; Okie dokie? okie dokie.
Dividers by @/saradika-graphics (much love j ❤️)
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Nights in the wasteland were always a deadly affair. All sort of creatures made themselves known—both human and non-human alike—never having the friendliest of tendencies. It was why you always made sure that your windows remained boarded up. Double checking the door of your home to be firmly locked, before finally making your way to bed.
You always kept a gun hidden beneath your pillow as you slept. Easy to grab in case of a break in. Acting like a sort of safety blanket. Hoping that such a comfort would help you sleep soundly, though most nights you still found it difficult. Restlessness haunted you. Plagued your mind. Never truly able to rest easily—not with danger lurking around ever dark corner. 
 Sometimes that unease proved helpful. Such as tonight, while on the brink of sweet slumber, there had been a shift in the room. The sound of worn floorboards creaking jolting you awake. It wouldn’t be the first time some wanderer had tried to get the jump on you in the middle of the night. 
Hand quick to grab your gun, you point it at the new body in the room. Adrenaline pumping in your veins. Heart on edge. Ready to fire at a moment's notice. 
“Easy there sweetheart.” 
Your tired eyes blinked. Once. Twice. Trying to clear away your sleep clouded vision enough to properly comprehend the familiar figure currently standing in the center of your tiny room. 
The Ghoul grinned at you in the darkness. Hazel eyes almost seeming to shine from the moonlight that managed to filter in. His head had tilted to motion to the gun in your hand. An amused hum leaving him. “Bit of a rude way to greet your guests.” 
“Wouldn’t call you much of a guest.” You lowered the gun and rubbed at your face with a sigh. “More of a nuisance if anything.” 
“Aw, your words wound me darlin’.” His words drawn out and mocking, as he feigned being hurt, before he had turned from you to continue removing his gear. Setting it all wherever he liked in your room. Acting almost as if he owned the place. Not a care in the world that he was currently invading your home uninvited. Again. 
You could only seem to roll your eyes as you watched him. “What are you doing here so late?” 
“Oh just passin’ through.” The Ghoul said with a casual hum. Pulling out his own gun, its barrel glinting just as his gaze had earlier, before he set it on your nightstand. The tossing of his hat onto your bedpost quickly following. “Needed a place to stay.” 
It hadn’t been a question. He wasn’t asking. Never really did when he chose to invite himself into your home. It used to scare you way back when you first met the Ghoul. You never knew if the next time he came would be the one where you met with a bullet. 
But you learned quickly that Cooper only ever did what he felt he needed to. Wouldn’t take the life of someone he found to be useful. He didn’t kill pointlessly like that. Everything had a reason with him. Even if you couldn’t quite see it at first. 
“Well why don’t just make yourself at home then.” You grumbled. Annoyed. A bit more bite to your words then usual. Though it hadn’t seemed to phase him in the slightest. 
“Already on it sweetheart.” 
You glared at him, but he continued to barely pay any mind to it. As you went to put your own gun back beneath the pillow, you had laid down again. Rolling to face the wall, and letting out a tired breath, as you tried to settle. Let the exhaustion claw at your mind and allow your eyes to flutter close. Trying to ignore him just as he did to you. “Just don’t make a mess.” 
The Ghoul hadn’t replied. Which had been a surprise. He always seemed to have something to say. But there was none of that. Instead there was only the sound of more shuffling in the room before the bed finally shifted with his added weight. Pulling you back from the brink of sleep just enough, as he joined you among the tattered sheets.
 Your bed was cramped. Meant for only a single soul, and yet that never seemed to bother him as he fit himself in how he liked. It didn’t take very long for you to feel the press of his cool body against yours. An arm finding itself around your waist, as lips sought out your neck and trailed over your skin. 
“Sleeping.” You said. Quiet. But still you shifted. Legs parting ever so slightly. An invitation you knew he wouldn’t refuse. 
You allowed him to take what he wanted—his true reason for being here—and he did so greedily. Without any ounce of hesitation, bare fingers smoothing down and slipping past the waistband of your pants into their front. Immediately finding the prize he wanted. Your breath hitching as they ghosted over your clit. Teasing. 
“Then sleep.” Lips caressed your ear. His breath hot on your skin. Rough hands had molded you into his liking. Feeling yourself growing wet beneath his fingers all too quickly, as two of them slipped into your heat at first chance. “Don’t bother me, none.” 
Desire bloomed inside you. Arousal coiling tight. He left marks where he could. Harsh kisses that had teeth grazing your skin. Fingers moving inside of you to pull any sound from your lips that he could. Touching you in ways that had you burning, as if you would be engulfed in flames at any second. Toying with your body and purposely bringing you so close to the edge without ever actually bothering to send you over. 
“Stop teasing.” You had shifted again. Trying to provide more space for his devilish hands.  Moving yourself against him to seek the feeling you so desired—that last bit of pleasure that he denied you so easily, and would continue to do so. 
“I thought you were sleeping.” His words had a teasing tone to their depths, as he nipped at your skin. Pressing himself closer. Grinding. His own arousal hard against your hip. Just as worked up as you were it seemed. But somehow still not nearly as desperate. 
“Was trying to.” You sighed out a moan. Leaning impossibly close into him. Hand gripping at his wrist tight as he worked you. Letting his touch consume your very being. “Hard to sleep with someone messing around in my pants.” 
The Ghoul chuckled. “Well let’s fix that then.” 
And suddenly his hands were slipping away. 
You felt your eyes open at the loss of him. Hadn’t even realized they were still closed until that moment. You had gone to protest. Reaching out in the darkness to try and stop him from leaving. But he hadn’t gone far. He had moved you to lay fully onto your back before you could really react. Your pants and underwear removed by him in an instant. Lost to the dark depth of your room's floor. Not to be seen again until morning light. 
The Ghoul loomed over you. Eyes amused, and hands gripping your thighs. He spreads your legs out for himself wide. Exposing your arosural bare before his gaze into the open room. Fitting himself comfortably in between. Almost like there was nowhere else he belonged in the world. Ready to devour you whole. 
And what was worse is that you’d gladly let him do so too. 
“Fucking filthy thing you are.” He had whistled as he looked down at the debauched display he had made of you already. Fingers moving below to run along your dripping lips. Sending another shiver of pleasure up your spine. “You’re soaking and yet I’ve barely done a thing.” 
You couldn’t help but squirm a bit beneath him. He hadn’t bothered to remove any of his own clothes, save for the jacket and gloves he must have tossed somewhere in your room. He never really did remove his clothes when fucked you. Couldn’t remember anytime you had even seen him without a shirt. 
At first you thought he had been shy over his predicament. He wouldn’t have been the first ghoul you met to have struggled with the change after all. But that had been a foolish thought, because Cooper Howard wasn’t ever shy. It was just another thing he couldn’t be bothered with. 
It wasn’t worth it to him to remove, simply put. Probably even still had his boots on at the moment. Trucking sand and only god knows what into your bed. You’d usually lecture him for it. But like with many things tonight, he wouldn’t give you the chance. 
Before you knew it he had leaned down to put his mouth on you. Sucking at your clit. Lips and tongue working you in all the right places. Fingers gripping your thighs to keep you open for him. Devouring you whole, almost like he had been starved for days. 
It didn’t take much of this for you to be brought to that edge. It had been so long since you last saw him—last had him—and his skillful tongue had your orgasm approaching rapidly. Your one hand fisting the sheets below while the other reached for his scarred head. Pulling him in impossibly close. Trying to keep him there. But true to his nature just as you felt those sparks begin to fly he stopped. Lips leaving you and letting your pleasure fall. Hot breath only fanning over your soaked folds. 
He did this often. Riled you up to the point of breaking. Allowing your pleasure to grow high before sending it crashing down again suddenly. Denying that bliss you always found yourself so desperate for when with him. 
Most nights you were brought to tears by it. Begging him to let you have that sweet release. Frustration with his teasing at its peak. Tonight you did not beg or plead though, not yet at least, instead you sat up to lean onto your elbows. Insult for him at the tip of your tongue, ready to lecture him for all he was worth, but any complaint you had quickly died in your throat.
 The Ghoul had bit your thigh. Hard. Whether to silence you, or just because he wanted to, you didn’t know. You just gasped. Trying to pull away, though his hands remained firm. Fingers digging into your skin almost too harshly and holding you in place. Only finally pulling back just enough to swipe his tongue over the mark he left. 
You had winced from the pain, the mark aching, but despite it your arousal only seemed to course through you still. Stronger even. “That was just mean.”
“You like when I’m mean.” He smirked as he sat up again to overlook you. Your blood still staining his lips. “Besides, you’re supposed to be sleeping. Remember?” 
“Yeah and who’s fault is it that I’m not?” 
“No idea what you mean sweetheart.” The Ghoul had let go of your legs then. Leaning back onto his knees to free himself. Belt unbuckling to pull out his aching cock. Squeezing himself briefly before guiding it to your drenched hole. Teasing at your folds.  “Just here enjoying what was given to me after all.” 
It was quick the way he entered. No ceremony or grace. No time to say another single word between you two. Barely gave time for you to gasp again. Sending a shock through your system. He didn’t wait. Thrusts downright filthy as he took you all for himself. Both of your moans and heated breaths filling the room. The air suddenly feeling suffocating and hot. 
Your hands had gripped at his forearms, hoping to ground yourself and failing miserably, all while his own fingers dug into your hips. You tried to meet his own cruel thrusts, but the rhythm he had set  was unrelenting. Pleasure all too consuming. He was right. You liked when he was mean. Liked how rough he was—enjoying how he just took and took from you. He filled you in ways that you knew ruined you for anyone else. And yet still you loved it all so very much. 
You were getting close again. Could feel your peak just at the horizon. Waiting to burst. You moved your hand. Fingers desperate to finally bring yourself that last bit of pleasure to send you over the edge that you’ve desired all night. The one he’s been denying you all evening. But of course he notices immediately. Knocking your hand away before you get any chance. 
“Not yet.” 
You all but whine at his words. Almost pathetically so. Tears finally prickling at the corner of your eyes from being denied by him once again. “Cooper.” 
“You know the rules.” He thrusts a little more roughly as if to punish you. A warning. “You take what I give you.” 
“Look at you, the mess you are.” He groans out at your begging. Eyes burning hot with desire. Thrusts still unwavering.  “You’d let me do whatever I want to you if it meant I fucked you, wouldn’t you?” 
He had chuckled as you could only seem to nod. Clinging to him. Any kind of words from your lips caught between gasps and moans. You were so overwhelmed. The air was too hot. Everything felt too much but too little at the same time. And it was all because of him. The Ghoul who seemed all too good at taking you apart piece by piece. The mess you were was his fault, and he knew it—reveled in it.
 You could never seem to get enough of him, and he knew it too. He could give you everything or nothing, and you’d still thank him for each little bit of it. He was the same. Even if he would never admit it. He always needed more of you. Both of you were addicted to the other. Needed to feel him just like he needed to feel you. Like a chem neither of you could shake. Didn’t want to shake. 
Cooper’s thrusts had begun to grow sloppy now. His breathing more ragged. Hands squeezing your hips so tightly you were sure to bruise by morning. Your head was swimming. Drowning in the pleasure and losing it in the feeling of him. Mind too far gone to think of anything else. A mere mess of moans and gasps, as tears streamed down your cheeks. So close to unraveling at the seams for him. All just for him. 
When he reached his end he didn’t give you any kind of warning save for a low moaned fuck. Making sure to thrust into you deeply. As far as he could go. His cum filling you to the brim as he did. It was only then when his fingers found your clit again. Rubbing the nub in harsh brutal circles that finally sent you crashing over as well. Ripping your orgasm from your body like he was owed nothing less. 
“There you are, take all of me.” He groaned out as you squeezed and clenched around him. Breathless. Eyes watching how you came undone. Making sure to take in every bit of you that he could as you lost it beneath him. “Come for me darlin’.” 
Your nerves felt on edge as the pleasure wrecked through your system. Body shaking while you could only seem to cling to him tighter. Hands fisted into his shirt and your legs squeezing around his hips, trapping his form to yours all while riding out your orgasm. 
It wouldn’t be until the high began to dwindle where your mind would begin to clear again. A gentle throb at your core. Your body relaxed in his arms, limbs growing heavy, and breath beginning to return. The night's air starting to feel cool against your heated skin. 
He hadn’t pulled out yet. Just stayed inside with the mess he made, as you both came down from your pleasure. Your oversensitive walls still clinging to his softening cock despite how completely wrecked you felt. Eventually you had almost felt sticky laying there—covered in your own sweat and grim. You tried to move away. Trying to free yourself from his grasp, but the hand he still had on your hip stopped you. Squeezing gently. 
“Cooper-” You had begun to question him, eyes fluttering open and looking to Ghoul who still hovered above, but found yourself unable to finish when you finally met his gaze. Breath and words caught in your throat all over again. 
Intense. Soft. There was a strange feeling that swarmed there in his eyes. Something you weren’t quite used to seeing from him. Something you just couldn’t place. It surprised you when he leaned in. Made your heart flutter—stomach flip—as his lips found yours. 
The Ghoul rarely kissed you, and when he did it was rough. All teeth and bite, just like everything else about him, but this kiss wasn’t anything like that. There was an odd softness to it. So gentle, and unlike anything you had ever shared with him before, but it was good all the same. Left your heart feeling like it was going to fall out of your chest right then and there.  
 It had all been fleeting though. That fluttering feeling. That sweet kiss. Lips pressed to yours only for a moment before they were gone again. Like it had never happened in the first place. Just another piece of memories from him to add to your imagination. Never to be addressed. 
There wasn’t a word spoken between you as he finally pulled out from your sensitive walls. The touch of his body—his hands—leaving you, as he moved to settle at your side again. He didn’t look your way, but you couldn’t help lull your head over to gaze at him. Still stuck in that dreamlike feeling. Watching. Quiet as he leaned over the bedside to rummage around in his bag. Pulling out the vials you had seen him take so many times by now. 
You still hadn’t a clue to what they were really. Knew it kept him from going feral, but beyond that you knew nothing. Which is how he liked things typically. He never told you too much. That’s just what it was always like between you two. You hadn’t even known his name till quite recently. 
It was during one of the last few times he had visited, if you recalled. Between moans and bated breaths. Pleasure so close to reaching its peak when he first told it. Cooper. You still remember how desperate he sounded. Caught off guard by the unfamiliar tone from the Ghoul you were beginning to know so well.  Name’s Cooper darlin’. And you’d never forget the way he practically crumbled to pieces as you said the name back. Soul exposed to you in ways you never thought possible with him. 
Honestly, you didn’t even think he had a soul until that moment. 
The Ghoul hadn’t been back for months after that night. For reasons you could only guess at. There was a point where you didn’t think he’d ever be back to seek you out again. But of course he was always full of surprises. Almost half a year passed until you saw him again at your doorstep. Acting as if nothing had happened since last, like he hadn’t been gone far longer then he ever had before. Familiar bite and taunting words greeting you fondly. All back to his normal self—or what was normal of him to you at least. 
He inhales the chem. Doesn’t pay you any mind in the slightest. Which is fine. Doesn’t stop yourself from shifting closer to him. Allowing for one of your hands to trail up his chest. You feel him pausing briefly at your touch, and your eyes meet his as he glances your way. He’s unreadable as he gazes at you, hazel eyes holding yours for a mere second, before they’re focusing back to his life saving vials. 
He doesn’t go to stop you though, so you take the chance to tuck yourself into his side. Head resting on his chest. Your eyes feeling heavy once more as you do. But still you don’t sleep yet. Not when you know how little time you have left with the Ghoul. So instead your fingers draw shapes over him, and play with the button of his shirt he still never bothered to remove. 
“Thought I told you to fuckin’ sleep.” His voice brings you away from your thoughts, as he finishes up with his chem. Sounding almost annoyed, probably was, he’s not one for showing much bouts of affection after all. Doesn’t even really like when you’re clingy either. But somehow that still doesn’t stop his free arm winding itself around your waist. Holding you close.  
“Sleep.” The Ghoul’s voice had been quiet but firm. He had pulled his hat from the bedpost to wear again, tugging it to rest over his closing eyes. “Some of us got shit to do in the morning.” 
You didn’t bother to point out how he had been the one disturbing you up till this moment. There was no point in arguing with him though. He wouldn’t listen—a stubborn bastard through and through. 
Not that you could find a good reason to do so anyway. Especially not with how your eyes kept trying to flutter shut, or how comforting it felt laying there in his arms. Listening to his breathing. His very subtle heartbeat somehow loud to your ears. 
When sleep finally took you it would be peaceful for once. Something about knowing the Ghoul was there made you feel calm. Even though you knew that it should have been the opposite. He was deadly. Could kill you in a second. But somehow that hadn’t bothered you in the slightest. Not anymore, at least. Instead it made you feel at ease.
The sun would be barely rising as you woke to the early light. Gentle rays illuminating your small room in a warm orange glow. You had stretched, yawning, before naturally going to feel for the Ghoul that had invaded your home last night. His spot had been empty, of course, long grown cold now that he didn’t occupy its space. 
He never stayed for long. Any night he spent with you he was always gone before you ever had the chance of waking. It’s just how he was. How things were meant to be between you two. You had understood since the very beginning, all those years ago when first taking him into your bed. 
And yet still your fingers ran over the spot. An ache settling in your heart. You knew there was no reason to be sentimental. There was no reason to miss something that wasn’t truly yours. But there was a part of you that did. A piece of you that wanted more than this—wanted what you couldn’t truly have for yourself. 
The Ghoul, Cooper Howrad. You wanted him. More than just for sex. His heart, his soul. You wanted it all. Every piece of him. Craved it even. More than you ever desired something in your entire life. That thought of being his, and him being yours rattling around in that silly little heart of yours. 
He’d never allow it. 
Sighing, you pulled your hand away from his spot and sat up. Wincing. You had almost forgotten about it. The bite mark he left on your thigh still painful. Carefully you looked it over. He hadn’t taken a chunk out of you. Thankfully. Just left you looking like some sort of chew toy like he usually did. 
It wasn’t worth a stimpak. Not like you’d ever consider using one anyway for such a minor injury. It would be a waste otherwise, and being wasteful out here meant death even on a good day. 
Sometimes you wondered if that was why he marked you up so much. As if he knew you wouldn’t bother to heal them so quickly. You wondered if he enjoyed knowing that your body carried signs of him for days. Bites and bruises like some sort of possessive claim. Every mark from him a reminder of just who exactly had left them there in the first place. 
You doubted it all the same though, he probably just thought it was fun to bite and mark you up. Probably did it to everyone he spent the night with. You were sure there were others. Even if he’s never said so, you weren’t dumb enough to think otherwise, as sad as it made you to think about sometimes. 
Leaving bed, your morning would end up being the same as any other. You’d get yourself ready, tidy up the room, and eat what little food you had. After you’d work the day away. Maybe even head into town for a little bit before heading back home. The simple mundane routine so natural to you now that it went about like clockwork. Doing what you needed to survive before the sun would fall again. The moon taking its place easily in a sky painted by shining stars. 
And as you’d lay in bed once more. You’d look out to the wasteland through those cracks in the boarded window. Wondering if he’d show, eyes searching for any kind of sign of him. Waiting—hoping—for the Ghoul to arrive again. 
But of course, he wouldn’t.
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m1sa-w1sa · 4 months
Can you do a yandere Arlecchino with reader who works at the orphanage and is avoiding Arlecchino due the rumors about her?
(Okie dokie! Hope you enjoy!! ^^)
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I know you see me dear..
•When you first started working you were trained by arlecchino surprisingly, she took a liking to you overtime it became worse and worse, yet you didnt mind it until all the rumors came out you got scared of arlecchino so you stop trining with her that often you started to ask other workers that were here longer for advise as anytime Arlecchino made small talk with you, you would make it even smaller
“Why are you ignoring me my dear..?”
•You freeze, you know that voice far to well you turned around as you would make up a excuse that you were just busy with the kids and chores! Thats all, the more you avoid Arlecchino the more obsessive and possessive towards you
•Soon arlecchino got tierd of it so she planed to kidnap you, finding the perfect times to just swoop you away from everyone else so no one will see, after weeks you were finally alone sweeping the floors so she had a cloth with sleeping medicine swiftly going behind you putting the close over her face trying to hold your breath as long as you could but soon you breathed it in, passing out
“Sh..Sh.. Its okay My dear we will be home soon”
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onskepa · 1 year
You know the Mother Moat X reader I requested a while back?
Could you please make one of Ronal X adopted human daughter reader?
Random: (probably not accurate)
Ao'nung: Look at them, they're all freaks!
Y/n: ...Brother, am I a freak too?
Ao'nung: That's different. You're my sister. I don't care if you're a human. You're an exception-
Okie dokie! I tried my best not to make it nearly identical to Stxeli so I did some change for this one. Hope you all enjoy this one!
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"The sea gives, and the sea takes"
That is the motto, the rule, the statement, the saying in amongst the reef clans. It is the cycle and the rule of the ocean. It is beautiful as is deadly.
To receive, you must give.
Ronal and Tonowari. The Olo'eyktan and Tsahik of their clan has given so much to the sea. To Eywa. They expect nothing in return only to live in their peaceful island.
Their hard work and dedication were noticed. And Eywa believes it was time to give them something special.
It was another day in the island. Everyone is doing their duties, others relaxing among the beach, children playing around. It was just another day.
Except for Ronal. As Tsahik, it is her duty to hold her connection with Eywa and to interpret whatever Eywa is telling her. And today, ever since she opened her eyes to a new day, she cant help but feeling something big is going to happen. Yet cant seem to know if it will be a good thing, or a bad thing.
At the same time, something small was passing the walls that protects the island, it was making its way to beach.
Word quickly spread of an odd floating object getting closer to the beach. Many gathered to see what it was, it even caught the attention of ronal and tonowari.
Both were at the fore front of the gathering crowd, warriors close should the item be seen as a threat. But as the item got closer, the less threatening it looked.
The item in question was made of demon metal. Round and reflective. Ronal felt a pull to the item and went to get closer. Tonowari was right behind her making sure she was safe.
All it took was a touch of the item and the top slid back to reveal...
A human baby girl.
Ronal was shocked and confused. What is a human child doing this far at sea? As far as Ronal remembers, what humans remain have settled with the forest na'vi. And that is days away from where they are.
The human child in question was sleeping peacefully. Only little snores escaped her tiny lips. Gently picked up the child into her arms, the child snuggled against ronal's chest.
Tonowari looked down at the child, feeling just as confused. "A human child? Where are the others?" He looks back at the sea, seeing no ships or other form of demon aircraft.
Ronal looks down at the sleeping child as she answers, "I am not sure...but she was out there all alone. No mother, no father....tonowari, what if they left her to die?" the more she questions the girls arrival, the more scared she thinks about it.
The sea is large, and full of dangerous things. Anything at anytime something could have harmed the child. And no one would have known.
Tonowari holds ronal as reassurance. "Perhaps it was the will of Eywa that protected the child. To bring her to us". It made sense in ronal's mind. All day she couldnt shake the odd feeling. And now she knows why. Eywa has guided the lost child to them. To be found.
Taking in the child was a choice that took time for the people to adjust. Tonowari and Ronal took in the little baby as their own. Naming her Pahem.
And Pahem was a dear treasure to Tonowari and Ronal. While small, she has a big personality. Would laugh and smile a lot, and even got along so well with ao'nung and tsireya!
Both children loved their new little sister and would play games with pahem at the center. Like any child, pahem was no different in crying or being fussy. All it takes is a small pile of seashells or having her ilu toy and she is calm as a clam.
Pahem fitted well into the family. Ronal felt like she birthed Pahem, that she was there since day one. However, time to time, Ronal would look back at the sea and wonder where she came from. Or if her original mother lost her at some point. But Ronal tries her best not to think too much on it.
As time goes on, Pahem began to show interest in anything that has to do with physical activity. Swimming of course is essential to pahem. Has become an excellent diver and can hold her breath for a long time. An astounding professional at such a young age.
She even began to teach the young children and has the patient of infinite stars. She was calm, sweet, but isn't afraid to stand her ground.
Pahem loves her siblings, but, she mostly views ao'nung in high regards. She will follow him more than she would with tsireya. Pahem would copy how he talks, walks, and even eat ao'nung's favorite foods, pahem would try to style her hair like ao'nung.
Ao'nung felt very happy and proud that his little sister would look up to him. So he tries his best to be a good example for her.
Tsireya on the other hand, loves and adores her cute little sister. Would style pahem's long hair into different ways and put cute little décor. Would also enjoy sister time with pahem as much as she could.
Pahem has a soft side for tsireya as she cant handle her sisters cute blue eyes! Tsireya would also scold ao'nung for teaching pahem something that is rough or not lady like.
Rotxo has would tease pahem, often calling her "little nung" and would try to pull little pranks of her. He likes to spend some time with pahem and would show her some tricks of his own. Even share secrets of how to prank ao'nung really good.
Tonowari on the other hand, he is proud to have pahem in his life. She is very small but her heart beats like a tulkun. He would often train her to be a hunter like how she desires, to fight and to train to be the mightiest warrior the metkayina has ever seen. Of course not to push his child to the extreme since her stamina is lower than that of a na'vi her age.
Both ronal and tonowari love pahem for how independent she is for someone so young. Yet they cant help but feel protective of their little girl. So small and anything can hurt her. So when she goes out, there is always someone watching over her from a distance. Making sure no harm comes in her way.
Everything was fine. Everything was perfect.
Until the sully family came.
That day, ao'nung and rotxo took it upon themselves to see who arrived on their island. Them and many other clan members gather to see. Tsireya also came to see to see who arrived, and felt fluttery when one of the newcomers said "hey" to her.
Ronal and tonowari came and greeted jake sully and his family. When uturu was asked, ronal was the first to point out their flaws and distinct traits they have.
"they have demon blood!" She shouts for everyone as she holds one of the children's hands as they have an extra finger.
"mother wait!!" a voice was heard amongst the crowd. The people made way to show pahem. The sully family were very shocked to see a human living amongst the reef people.
"sister, not now" ao'nung stepped in front of pahem as means to stop her from getting closer to the outsiders.
"please brother" she smiles and went around him. "mother, you say they have demon blood, but they are not different from how I look. They have an extra finger, eyebrows, yet I have them too. Let them in mother, they look tired from a long journey" pahem pleaded.
Ronal took in her daughters words and held a silent conversation with her mate. After what felt like long minutes. Tonowari granted uturu. And the sully family were welcomed.
The first few weeks were awkward and odd as the sully family were trying to understand how a human was living in a na'vi clan without being outcasted or anything. And even more confusing as pahem is the chiefs daughter.
When their training took place, pahem became more of tuk's personal teacher as with tuk it took a lot more patience and using different form of teaching methods. Tuk became close to pahem quicker than her siblings and came to love her like a best friend.
the other sully children got to know pahem in different paste. Lo'ak was the slowest one to getting to know pahem as pahem was always with ao'nung. And lo'ak isnt so keen on getting along with the brat.
However one day, lo'ak was doing his own thing when he noticed ao'nung and his goons bullying kiri. A fight ensued making tonowari and jake having to confront the boys.
Lo'ak was angry when jake told him he had to apologize to ao'nung. "just why should I say sorry!? he called my sister a freak!". Pahem was hiding behind the tent when she heard what lo'ak said. Made her feel a bit disappointed towards ao'nung. Her super awesome big brother.
Later, when the sun was setting, ao'nung was sharpening his blade when he saw pahem sit in front of him. "That is a nasty bruise" she pointed out. Ao'nung huffed. "Its fine, doesn't hurt".
Pahem took a moment before sayings what she needed to say, "brother, am I a freak?". That made ao'nung stop at what he was doing and look into his sisters eyes. "What? no no, why would you ever think that?" he moves to sit beside her. Pahem rubs her arms and continues. "You called kiri and lo'ak a freak. Its not their fault for how they look like. They have similar features to what I have. And you called them a freak. How are they different from me brother?" she looks up at him, wanting to know the answer.
Ao'nung felt stuck. He gulped down his nervousness and tried his best to answer. "They are not us, they are not you. You are not a freak. You are my sister, a metkayina. You are one of us. Born and raised here. They dont belong here".
That answer didn't seem to satisfy pahem. "but isn't that the point? They came obviously knowing they have to change everything, leave behind all that they know. So clearly brother, they are struggling, yet they are learning. There is massive progress with them. And it is YOU who doesn't want to see the change! Metkayina or not, my blood is closer to them than it is closer to you. If you continue to bully them then I will get mad and....and.....!! I will hang out with lo'ak over YOU!".
When pahem said that, it felt like a newborn tulkun was laying on his chest. Air left his lungs, and unable to process the threat. Pahem? Leaving him over the baby tail freak? Never!
"ok ok, I promise! I wont bully lo'ak or anyone else of his family. I promise." he pleaded with pahem. "you promise promise?" pahem leaning in. Ao'nung nodded fast. That answer seemed to please pahem and smiles. "ok!" and she sat on his lap and began to chat like she didn't threaten him.
For the moment. All was well in pahem's life.
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Aaaaaaaaand that is all for this one! This was cute to write! Until next time! see ya!
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Pahem = Arrive
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lowkeycasanova · 8 months
swole mouth
plot: luffy gets his wisdom teeth removed
luffy x reader modern au?
just him being all soft while he's high on drugs
word count: 1k
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Luffy, normally confident and carefree, was a mess in the days leading up to his appointment. You had to physically pull him out of bed this morning and he mumbled and grumbled about how he didn't wanna go. You coaxed him with the idea of getting food on the way. And he was dumb enough to believe you until you pulled right up to the dental office.
He was mad as hell.
He crossed his arms and wouldn't even look at you while you two sat on the chairs in the waiting room. It was quiet in there. Soft music playing overhead and the only other person there was an older woman a few feet away reading a magazine.
You turned your attention to Luffy. "Hey. This is for your own good. If you don't get them removed, it'll cause pain and your other teeth will get pushed around."
His scowl persisted.
The receptionist called his name and again, you had to drag him. You were met with the dental assistant, a friendly guy in crisp blue scrubs, attemping to ease Luffy's nerves with a reassuring smile.
It wasn’t that Luffy was afraid of the pain. His concern was the drug, nitrous oxide.
‘Laughing gas’, as it was called.
His mind is already loose and he says things with no filter. The thought of speaking nonsense without having control of it was embarassing.
Before going to the room down the hallway, Luffy gives you one last look.
"Don't be mad at me if I say something inappropriate."
"Y/N!!!" you hear from your seat mixed with the sound of giggles.
oh boy.
There he is. Barely able to stand on his own two feet while the dentist holds up the majority of his body weight. His arm thrown over the man's shoulder. You stand up and make your way over, biting back a smile at Luffy's giggling.
He picks up his head, that dopey grin stretched across his swollen cheeks.
"Hey," you laugh. "We gotta get you in the car."
"Okie dokie." he picks up his feet, lazily shuffling them across the floor.
Trying to get him into the car was harder than you thought. It's a mix of limp arms and legs, whining, and he nearly bumped his head. You and the dentist are both out of breath my the time he's situated in the passenger seat.
"Can I drive?"
Another pout and whine.
You close the door and turn back to the dentist, who gives you a rundown on how the procedure went and hands you a pamphlet on the aftercare and follow up appointment.
"You left me with a handful." you smile.
He laughs. "Luffy's gonna be okay. He'll probably fall asleep and wake up completely fine. Let me know if there's anything that seems abnormal."
You nod and tell him goodbye.
Once you get in the car, Luffy seems out of it. He's leaning his head against the window, staring off into space.
You pat his leg. "Let's get you home."
Getting his attention, he turns to face you. "You're gonna take care of me?" he mumbled. You see the gauze squished in his mouth. It's stained with red near the back, controlling the active bleeding.
You tried not to laugh but you couldn't help but have an adorable smirk tugging at your lips at his expression. As if he really appreciated you being there with him.
He nodded off to sleep in the car, only for you to arouse him up when you got back home. He blinks his eyes a few times, all disoriented. You finally get him inside the house and sit him down on the couch.
He slumps into the cushions, eyes half-lidded as you gently remove his shoes.
His eyes suddenly become wide and he reaches up to touch his face. "My wips. I can't feel my wips! They're...they're gone!"
His lips. Still numb from the procedure.
He's franctically touching his face where he knows his lips should be. You stop him because he shouldn't be touching his mouth at all.
"Luffy stop! Your lips aren't gone. They're right here." You use your fingers to gently tug on them.
He goes cross eyed attempting to look.
"Yes, really."
"Yup." you say, then patting his cheek in reassurance.
He copies your action. Patting his right cheek, then his left.
Then both at the same time over and over again.
"Hehehehe." he giggles. "It's like a balloon."
"You're right." you chuckled at his antics. "I'll bring you a blanket to make you more comfortable."
You turn from him, going around to the hall closet, pulling a cozy blanket out. With it in your hands, you make your way back over to where he was sitting to find him gone.
Not surprising.
He wouldn’t be able to sit still sober.
There's the sound of whimpering coming from the bathroom around the corner. You follow the sound to find him standing in front of the mirror. He's staring at his relfection, gauze out, mouth agape, and tears about to well up in his eyes.
"My teeth...the dentist...he...he...s-stole them!"
"Luffy, he did not steal them." You breathed in an attempt to not laugh. "He took them out because they were going to cause problems. And you have to keep to gauze in." you tell him, pinching the white material and helping it back into the corners of his mouth.
"But-" he mumbles, convinced he's been robbed and you guide him back to the couch. He gives you a look of confusion, his numbness preventing him from arguing any further. You take a moment to admire his goofy expression before focusing on the task at hand.
"Alright, I'll be back. Don't go anywhere." you tease. Turning back on your heel, you add, “And don’t pull that gauze out again.”
“So hostile.” he mumbled.
Heading to the kitchen, you start to find what soft foods he can have since he can'y have anything solid for a while. Deciding on ice cream, you prepare it in a bowl and return to him.
He's sprawled out underneath the blanket you gave him, eyes closed and a soft snore coming from his mouth. The anesthesia has clearly taken its toll. You smile to yourself and decide not to disturb his much needed sleep.
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gliphyartfan · 13 days
@yanderelinkeduniverse @stars-for-thought @imprisioned-in-the-hole @screaming-until-god-hears-me @crestfallenmermaidan @ice-cream-writes-stuff @linked-heroes @eternadreeblissa
…Hi :D
(As always, thank you Yandy for the advice. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹)
Okie Dokie! Time to grow this bread into a sandwich!
(HAHAHA! I queued this so i could catch a certain friend off guard with a randomly timed post~ You know who you are missy~! Also imma be sleeping in, i wuv you? 🥹)
It began as nothing more than idle curiosity.
Whispers of a wanderer, who seemed to appear wherever monsters were slain.
Tales passed from traveler to traveler, trickling into villages like a strange current. At first, the stories were nothing more than entertainment—a young soul battling hordes of beasts sounded like the stuff of fairy tales, and the people, insulated in their small hamlets, hardly gave it a second thought.
“They’ve been seen by the dead forests near the mountains,” a young woman said one day, her voice a little too loud, a little too eager. “They say the bodies of monsters are strewn across the path they walks.”
Another woman chimed in, her voice hushed but with the kind of excitement that comes from having something new to share. “I’ve heard the same. A merchant passed through not long ago and claimed he saw the aftermath—bodies mangled, monsters torn apart, and not a soul in sight but one person who merely walked away.”
An old man sitting nearby scoffed, whittling a piece of wood as he listened to their chatter. “And the merchant just happened to be wandering through such dangerous lands, did he? More likely, he’s spinning stories to lighten your pockets.”
The first woman bristled. “It was near one of the main roads to Castle Town! You know as well as anyone how bad it’s gotten out there, what with all the rising monster attacks!”
The old man spat onto the ground. “So we’re meant to believe a single person has been wandering the wilderness, killing monsters for no reason? at all? Appeared out of nowhere, slaying hundreds, then vanishing to appear somewhere else? What next? Will the gods themselves descending to pat them on the back?”
A few of the villagers glanced toward the argument, but quickly averted their eyes, pretending not to listen. They didn’t want to get involved. Not in this. The rumors had been growing more persistent lately, and with them, something darker—an unease, like a shadow creeping closer.
Despite the arguments to the contrary, the stories refused to fade. In fact, they spread—spreading like wildfire from one village to the next, whispered by travelers passing through, by farmers returning from the markets.
At first, it was always the same—a wanderer with a sword, fighting monsters. But over time, the stories shifted slightly. The monsters were no longer the only ones falling to the mysterious wanderer’s blade.
The rumors became darker.
Now, there were whispers of men slain, bandits cut down as mercilessly as the beasts. Some even claimed it wasn’t simply bandits, but ordinary travelers who had crossed their path. And the wanderer—always just one person, faceless, nameless—never stepped foot in the villages. They never appeared in the markets or by the wells. No one had ever actually seen them properly, or at least, no one wanted to admit they had.
“Such a person’s never come through here,” the villagers would say when a traveler asked. “Not once.”
And yet… as the stories persisted, as the fear crept into their voices, some began to contradict themselves. “I’ve seen them,” one of their own might exclaim in a moment of nervous excitement. “It was at the edge of the village, just for a second. They passed by the old road near the woods.”
But no one wanted to admit the dread that twisted in their stomachs. No one wanted to acknowledge the silent fear that settled in their bones whenever they heard of this wanderer. So they waved it off, forcing laughter, pretending the tale of the slayer didn’t chill them to the core.
“Bah, you saw nothing,” the old man would scoff again, though this time, his hands shook as he whittled. “It’s just travelers talking. You lot are too easily swayed by gossip.”
But even he couldn’t explain why the stories never seemed to stop. Why, even in the most remote corners of the land, the whispers were the same. Villages miles apart, separated by rivers and mountains, somehow all spoke of the same person.
A wanderer no one had ever truly seen upclose.
But one they all slowly grew to fear.
And they feared most of all that one day, he would come to their homes. They feared what would happen if that person came too close—if the stories, after all this time, were not just stories…
…Their stomach growled, sharp and insistent, echoing louder than the wind that howled through the mountains. They gone too long without food, too long without proper rest.
For days, weeks, perhaps, They had survived on scraps found in the wild, gnawing on whatever edible plants they could find, but it wasn’t enough. (There was never enough in these poisoned lands.) Not anymore.
Their supplies had run dry days ago. The bag slung across their back was light, too light for any sensible traveler. Their lips were dry, their limbs heavy, but they kept walking. Always walking. Always wandering towards their next location,
The nearby village was close now, maybe half a day away.
…they didn’t want to go there.
Didn’t want to face people, to hear the loudness, the gossip, the looks.
They never did, not anymore. It was easier staying in the wilderness, always on the move. But hunger gnawed at them, dragging them toward the edges of civilization.
The monsters had been thinning out in this area, their numbers dwindling after they swept through the mountains. The monsters would inevitably return. They always did.
They didn’t care about any of that, their mind was set on one thing: food.
(Oh… to be back in the bountiful fields and forests of other times. To gaze into the sea of green and know plentiful food and fresh clean water was bountiful and untainted.)
Their steps quickened as they neared the village. They hated this part, being around people. So they would get what they needed and leave. That was all.
“Today, a wanderer is walking towards town from the north side! Guardsman says it’s a single person in a cloak, carrying a sword on their back.”
The words spread through the village like wildfire. The people had heard that the guard had seen him from a distance, a lone figure making their way toward them from the mountains. Conversations hushed, children were pulled back into their homes.
A few curious villagers lingered by the entrance, pretending to go about their day but keeping a close eye on the road. When the person arrived, they noticed their clothes were heavily travel-worn and stained with dark splotches, their face obscured by a cloak, but the sword strapped to their back gleamed in the sunlight.
No one wanted to be the first to approach.
They walked with purpose, ignoring the stares, the muttered suspicions. They made their way to the village’s small market, looking for food, something to ease the gnawing hunger in their gut.
Their footsteps were heavy, each one dragging them closer to their destination. The familiar pull of hunger clawed at their insides, twisting their stomach in knots.
As much as they wanted to avoid people, to slip by unnoticed, the ache in their belly wouldn’t let them.
The village was small, unremarkable, the kind they preferred.
They had kept their head down as they entered, walking toward the market stalls that lined the dusty road. No one spoke to the visitor as they passed, but no doubt the visitor could feel the eyes on their back, the whispers barely contained as the visitor passed.
“Do you think that’s the one who killed those travelers near the mountains?”
“I can’t tell…aren’t they a bit too young looking?.”
“I can certainly tell you that sword doesn’t look like it’s simply for show. It’s stained red at the handle.”
The visitor stopped in front of a stall selling bread and dried meats. The man behind the counter was older, his skin weathered from years in the sun.
He barely looked up at first, busy wrapping a loaf of bread for another customer. When he did, he seemed unimpressed by the cloaked figure standing before him, just another traveler passing through.
But then they reached up, pulling back their hood.
The old man froze, his hands stilling over the goods on his counter. The boy’s face was young—far too young (as young as his own grandchild…) to be traveling alone with a mere sword on his back.
For a moment, the man blinked, unsure if he was seeing things correctly. He opened his mouth to speak, to ask where the boy’s parents were, but the words never came out.
It wasn’t the youth that gave him pause. It was the look in the boy’s eyes.
Dark, heavy, burdened by something much older than his years. The kind of look you only saw in soldiers or those who had lived through nightmares. A look that shouldn’t belong to someone so young.
The old man swallowed hard, choosing his next words carefully. “What… what can I get for you?”
The boy’s eyes flickered to the food laid out on the stall. “Bread,” he said, his voice quiet, soft, but firm. “And dried meat, if you have any.”
The old man nodded slowly, still taken aback. Such a young boy.
He slowly reached for a loaf and a strip of dried meat, wrapping them in cloth before handing them over.
The boy reached into his pocket, pulling out a few rupees and placing them on the counter.
His hand was steady, but the old man noticed how thin his fingers were, how the veins stood out beneath his pale skin.
“Are… you’re traveling alone?” the old man asked, unable to help himself.
The boy looked up, his gaze meeting the old man’s for the briefest moment before dropping back to the food in his hands. “Yes.”
The old man hesitated, wanting to ask more, but something stopped him.
That look—he couldn’t shake it. He didn’t know what the boy had seen, what he had been through, but it was clear enough that the boy didn’t want to talk about it. Not to a complete stranger. So he let it go.
“Well,” the old man said, clearing his throat, “safe travels, then.”
The boy gave a nod, pulling his hood back up before turning and walking away, the whispers behind him growing louder as he moved through the market.
As he continued down the road, passing more stalls, a man suddenly stepped forward, blocking his path. He was broad shouldered and rough around the edges, from his state of dress, he was a guard in this village.
His expression hardened with suspicion. The villagers nearby quieted, turning their attention to the scene unfolding before them.
“You there,” the man called out, his voice gruff. His eyes narrowed, scanning the cloaked figure up and down. “You the wanderer everyone’s been talking about? The one slaying beasts… and men around these parts?”
The boy didn’t stop right away, his pace slowing only as he came to a halt just a few feet from the man. His face was half-shadowed beneath the hood he’d just pulled back up, and the weight of his gaze was unreadable as it fell on the man blocking his path.
He tilted his head slightly, as though considering the question. His voice, when he spoke, was soft. Unconcerned. “Am I who you’re looking for?”
The man’s scowl deepened. “Don’t play coy, boy. People talk of a wanderer who has been leaving bodies behind wherever he walks.”
The young boy blinked, slowly, his expression unreadable beneath the quiet calm that seemed to settle around him like a heavy fog.
He didn’t flinch, didn’t bristle at the accusation. He merely stared at the man for a moment, his voice soft when he spoke again. “And if I am?”
A murmur rippled through the crowd that had begun to gather, villagers shifting uncomfortably as they watched the exchange. The man before him, however, remained rigid.
“Then I’ve heard well about you. The rumors going around that you’ve killed not just monsters, but people. Merchants and travelers. Is that true?”
The boy stopped, his gaze lifting slowly from beneath his hood to meet the man’s eyes. He didn’t answer right away, but the air around him seemed to thicken, the tension palpable. More villagers gathered around, drawn in by the confrontation.
“You…knew someone I killed, then?” the boy asked, his voice quiet but steady.
The man took a step forward, jabbing a finger in Hyrule’s direction. “They say you killed a merchant not far from here.”
Hyrule blinked slowly, his face impassive as he absorbed the man’s words. He didn’t flinch at the accusation, nor did he show any sign of fear or guilt. His voice, when he spoke, was soft and steady. “Was he…someone worth recalling?”
The man’s nostrils flared. “Don’t play dumb with me!” he snapped. “He was a good man. A friend of mine, and I want answers, boy.”
“I killed many.” The boy replied, no change to his soft tone, “So perhaps I am who you seek.”
“So you admit you killed him!” The man exclaimed, “Why? What reason could you possibly have to murder an innocent man?”
“I have no reason to kill an innocent man.” He answered.
The boy remained quiet for a moment, his gaze drifting past the man, as if lost in thought. Then, with the same quiet calm, he spoke again. “He wasn’t innocent.”
The man took a moment to register what he said, eyes widening in shock. “…What?” His face turned red with anger.
“What do you mean he wasn’t innocent?!? He has done so much and I’ve known him for years-“
“He raped a woman.”
That once sentence silenced the entire area.
Many paling, several covering their mouths in horror.
The man’s red face immediately turning white as he registered what was said.
“He dared commit such an atrocity against a woman. Took from her what wasn’t his to take. I killed him for it.”
The boy’s eyes slowly returned to the man’s, his voice still soft, still unwavering.
“Would you still call him innocent now?”
The crowd gasped, whispers rippling through the gathered villagers. The man’s face twisted in disbelief, shaking his head violently. “No… no, you’re lying!” he shouted, his voice rising. “He wouldn’t do something like that! He was a good man!”
The boy’s gaze didn’t waver, the weight of his words settling in the air with finality. “He was a rapist,” he said quietly, everyone who heard him flinching from the declaration. “And I killed him for it.”
The man took a stumbling step back, his face contorted with rage and denial. “You… you can’t just say that! You don’t get to decide who lives and dies, you are a BOY! He was my friend!”
The boy’s expression remained calm, his voice never rising. “I didn’t make the decision. He did. When he forced himself on her. I simply responded as I should.”
For a moment, the man looked as though he might lash out, his fists trembling at his sides. But before he could do anything, a woman’s voice cut through the tense silence.
“Is it true?” Both boy and man looked at her.
“Did that friend of his truly… deflower a lass against her will?” She asked again.
“He did.” He answered, more whispers erupting from the crowd.
“If it’s true,” the woman said, stepping forward from the crowd, “then…then he deserved it!”
The man turned to her, his face a mask of disbelief. “You… you’re defending this? Defending him?”
“Aren’t you defending a vile man?” The woman said, crossing her arms, her eyes hard as she stared back at him as he stuttered to come up with a response. “If that friend of yours truly defiled a woman like this boy says, then he got what was coming to him.”
More murmurs spread through the crowd, this time in agreement. Some of the women nodded, their expressions grim but resolute. The man looked around, his face twisting as he searched for support, but found none.
“This… this can’t be happening,” he muttered, his voice breaking slightly. “He wouldn’t..we…we was friends…since we was kids…”
Many in the crowd looked at the man in sympathy. Such news was never handled well. Especially when it involved someone you were close to.
The young boy stood there, silent, watching the man’s reaction with the same calm detachment. The man’s shoulders sagged in defeat, but he wasn’t ready to give up. “It…doesn’t matter. You still killed him. We’ll have to report this.”
Before he could take step forward, the boy spoke up, “No. You won’t.”
The man froze, turning back to face the boy, disbelief flickering in his eyes. “What?”
The boy didn’t move, his gaze still fixed on the man. “You won’t report this.”
There was no malice in his voice, no threat. Just a calm, quiet certainty that sent a ripple of unease through the gathered crowd.
The villagers shifted uncomfortably, murmurs of confusion spreading like wildfire, but no one dared to step forward.
The man’s mouth opened, but no sound came out.
The boy’s calm, unhurried tone seemed to strip the anger from him, leaving only the shock and disbelief that he was grappling with. He shook his head, almost as if trying to shake off the weight of the boy’s words. “I— H..How dare you..I have to report this!”
“No,” the boy repeated, his soft-spoken voice steady, unnervingly gentle. “You don’t. You now know what he did, and can now shun him for it. Just as everyone else already has.”
The man faltered, his hands trembling as they hung limply at his sides. His face was flushed, beads of sweat trickling down his temple, but he said nothing. He could find no words to respond, not as the weight of what had been revealed pressed down on him.
The boy’s eyes, still shadowed beneath his hood, locked onto the man’s.
There was no smile on his face, yet there was something unsettling about the way he looked at the man, something that didn’t belong on a face so young. It was a look that was far too old, far too experienced, for the boy it was attached to.
“Leave this matter behind,” the boy said quietly, his voice carrying an eerie finality. “He made his choice. Now you must make yours.”
The man’s breath caught in his throat. He glanced around at the villagers, but once more found no help in their faces. Some nodded slowly, others looked away. It was clear to them now—whether they liked it or not, the truth had been spoken. The boy, this…wanderer…wasn’t lying, no matter how ridiculous it sounded. And the man, deep down, knew it too.
Perhaps that was why he couldn’t accept it.
For a long, agonizing moment, the man stood there, caught between denial and the heavy reality settling over him. Then, slowly, with a pained expression, he backed away.
“He was… my friend,” the man muttered again, but his voice was weak, trembling. He turned away, shoulders sagging as he disappeared into the crowd.
The boy watched him go, his eyes following the hunched figure as it faded from view. For a moment, there was silence.
Then, almost to himself, the boy spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, yet clear enough for those closest to hear.
“…A different choice this time.”
He tilted his head slightly, as though considering something unseen, his gaze distant. His expression remained calm, though a flicker of something passed through his eyes.
The villagers, still unnerved by the exchange, glanced at one another, puzzled by his words but too hesitant to ask.
The boy smiled once more, soft, faint and fleeting, as he turned away from the villagers. He said nothing more, leaving them to wonder what he meant as he continued down the path, walking back into the now silent marketplace as if the confrontation had never happened at all.
“She must be beautiful,” whispered a small voice.
“Is she kind?” asked another, their soft, lilting tone drifting through the air like a breeze.
“Warm, too?” A third chimed in, fluttering closer to where the boy sat.
Hyrule, seated in the shallow waters of the fairy fountain, barely stirred at their questions. His thin form leaned back against a moss-covered stone, his cloak discarded beside him, revealing how frail and slight he truly had become.
The waters gently lapped against him, cool and clear, while tiny glowing fairies circled above, their curiosity as constant as their light.
“She is,” he murmured, his voice low and calm, answering their questions with a softness that matched the quiet of the fountain.
In his hand, a cloth moved slowly over the blade of his sword, wiping away the dried blood that clung to the steel. The crimson stains mixed with the water, turning it a faint pink before dispersing into nothing.
“And her eyes?” one of the fairies asked, fluttering down to rest near his shoulder, their wings glittering in the soft light of the fountain. “Are they as kind as yours?”
Hyrule’s lips quirked ever so slightly, a faint smile ghosting over his features. “They are… far more kinder.”
The fairies giggled softly at his response, their voices like tinkling bells as they flitted around him, never straying too far from the boy.
But beneath the peaceful scene, there was an unspoken heaviness that lingered in the air—something that clung to him like the blood on his sword, even as he cleaned it away.
“She must be someone very amazing,” one of the fairies whispered, hovering in front of him, their eyes wide and curious. “For you to feel so happy at the thought of her.”
“She is,” he said again, quieter this time. His eyes remained focused on his blade, his movements slow and methodical, as if the task of cleaning the blood from it was all that mattered in the moment.
The fairies, sensing the weight of his thoughts, quieted for a time, simply fluttering around him as he worked. The fountain’s waters shimmered with their light, casting soft reflections on his face, but nothing could soften the sharpness in his eyes.
A sharpness that didn’t belong on someone so young.
Eventually, one of the fairies drifted closer, their tiny voice softer now, hesitant. “Do you ever… rest?”
Hyrule paused, his hand stilling as the last of the blood was wiped clean from his blade. He set the sword down beside him, resting it against the stone, the cloth now stained with the evidence of his earlier fight.
“I do,” he replied softly, leaning his head back to stare up at the sky above, visible through the break in the canopy. “When I can.”
The fairies fluttered around him again, their delicate wings catching the light as they moved. They didn’t press him further, sensing that, for now, the questions down that path had reached their end.
And as Hyrule sat in the waters of the fairy fountain, his eyes distant and his form thin and tired, the quiet companionship of the fairies was all that filled the stillness around him.
One of the fairies flitted closer, their glow bright as they hovered near his face. "Tell us more about her," they asked softly, their voice full of innocent curiosity. "What is she like?"
Hyrule’s eyes softened, the hand resting on his sword going still as he leaned his head back against the stone. His voice, when he spoke, was quiet, reverent, almost worshipful.
“She’s… so incredible,” he began, his tone gentle, as if speaking too loudly might shatter the memory. “Kinder than anyone I’ve ever known. She doesn’t judge, no matter who she meets, or what they’ve been through. There’s this warmth about her—like she carries a light inside, something that draws people in without her even trying.”
The fairies hovered close, their wings slowing as they listened intently, captivated by the way his voice softened when he spoke of her.
“She has this way of smiling,” he continued, eyes drifting closed as he recalled the image of her in his mind. “It’s not just her lips that smile, but her eyes, too. It’s like... she can see through all the darkness and still find something good. She makes you believe in things—hope, love, a future.”
His voice wavered slightly, though his expression remained calm. “She’s very brave, too. So much stronger than she thinks. No matter how hard things get, she never gives up. She keeps going, keeps fighting, even…even when the world feels like it’s falling apart around she…she…”
Hyrule’s lips curved into a soft smile, his eyes still closed as he let himself remember her—the sound of her laughter, the way her presence alone could make the harshest days feel bearable.
For a moment, it felt like she was there, right beside him.
That the tragedies that had happened ceased to exist.
But when he finally opened his eyes, that smile faltered. The fairies were still there, their soft glow reflecting in the water, but she was not.
The sadness crept into his gaze, and his smile turned hollow as the weight of reality settled in. She wasn’t there. Not in this moment. Not in this place.
“She’s not here,” he murmured, more to himself than to the fairies. His voice was still soft, still gentle, but there was a deep ache hidden beneath those words.
“Oh to be young and in love…”
The Great Fairy glided toward Hyrule, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she observed him resting in the water. Her gaze lingered on his face, soft yet intense as he cleaned his blade, the blood from battle slowly fading away. Her voice, as gentle as a breeze, curled around him like a caress.
“It’s rare, little halfling,” she said, her smile warm, “to see someone so completely in love. Your heart sings for her in a way that most mortals can only dream of.”
Hyrule looked up, his expression calm and peaceful. He paused in his movements, letting the cloth hang loosely in his hand as he met her gaze. “She’s… everything,” he whispered, his tone reverent. “More than anyone could ever be. She’s kind, strong, beautiful. There’s nothing she lacks because even what she considers an flaw is perfect to me.”
The Great Fairy hummed, circling him slowly, her fairies fluttering around him with excitement, their tiny lights dancing in celebration of his devotion. “She sounds like the perfect mate,” the Great Fairy mused, her voice dipping into a playful tone. “Someone worthy of such fierce love and loyalty.”
Hyrule’s smile softened, “She is. And I’ll make sure she knows it every day.” His eyes brightening, I never want to give her a reason to hate me. When we reunite, she’ll be so loved, so cared for, that the thought of leaving won’t even cross her mind.”
The Great Fairy tilted her head, observing him with interest, but not an ounce of concern. Where humans would have been unnerved by his intensity, to the fae, such passion was only natural. The fairies swirled around him in delight, their wings buzzing as they echoed the Great Fairy’s sentiments. “A perfect mate,” they sang in unison, giggling in the air.
They swirled around him, their excitement clear. “Introduce her to us!” one of them chimed, their tiny voices buzzing around him. “We want to meet her!”
Another chimed in, “She must be so lovely! So kind!”
Hyrule’s expression softened, his gaze turning inward as he thought of (y/n). “She is... more than lovely. She’s warm, gentle. She’s strong, even when she doesn’t realize it. When she smiles... it’s like the sun after a storm.”
His voice grew quieter, reverent, as though speaking of her was akin to prayer. The fairies fluttered in close, their excitement building as he continued.
“She doesn’t know how special she is,” he added softly, closing his eyes as if savoring the image of her in his mind. “But I do. I’ll never let her feel unwanted or alone. I’ll always be there, making sure she’s safe. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her by my side.”
The Great Fairy leaned in closer, her tone teasing but gentle. “Such devotion… it’s admirable, little halfling. Perhaps you’ll truly bring her here one day, so we can meet this girl who has captured your heart so completely?”
Hyrule’s smile grew as he closed his eyes, as though he could see (y/n) standing before him in that very moment. “Of course I will,” he said softly, opening his eyes again, though the faint sadness lingered when she wasn’t truly there. “You’ll love her, I know you will. She deserves to meet you, and you deserve to meet someone so… perfect.”
The Great Fairy’s eyes sparkled with amusement, her voice coy. “And what of your sword brothers? From what you’ve spoke, their desires are the same as yours. They, too, wish to claim her heart, don’t they?”
Hyrule’s peaceful expression didn’t falter, “They do. And I understand that. I’m willing to share a place in her heart, as long as they’ve learned their lesson. We all want the same thing, after all—her happiness.”
The Great Fairy chuckled, a sound like chiming bells, full of mischief and curiosity. “But, little one, what would you do if they haven’t learned? If they were to stand in your way?”
Hyrule’s eyes gleamed, his smile gentle but his words weren’t, “If they haven’t learned… I’ll slaughter them. Every single one. And I’ll protect her on my own.” He said so easily, so casually, like talking about the weather.
The Great Fairy threw her head back and laughed, her voice exuberant and full of joy. Her fairies mirrored her glee, spinning and fluttering in the air in a celebratory dance, their wings glowing brighter as they reveled in the intensity of their great mother’s happiness. To them, Hyrule’s devotion was nothing but pure, powerful, and natural.
“Ah, such love!” the Great Fairy exclaimed, her eyes alight with delight. “It’s been far too long since I’ve seen a love like yours, little halfling. A love that burns with such beautiful, sublime passion.”
The fairies circled around him, their voices giggling and singing as they celebrated his devotion, as though his words were a promise of something sacred. And to the fae, it was.
“Introduce her to us!” they begged, their voices filled with excitement.
Hyrule chuckled softly, his expression serene as he nodded. “I will, little sisters. It’s only natural to introduce someone as incredible as her to my family. One day. You’ll see just like I did…she’s perfect.”
The Great Fairy reached out, her fingers gently brushing against his cheek in a gesture of affection. “We look forward to it, little one. We’ll be waiting eagerly to celebrate your eventual union with such an amazing soul!”
And with that, the fairies continued their joyful flight around him, giggling and cheering louder at the future where they would meet her, while Hyrule sat by the fountain waters at peace, sword forgotten beside him, lost in thoughts of her, his smile soft, though touched by a quiet darkness.
Hyrule leaned against a tree by the edge of the forest, his chest rising and falling as he caught his breath.
Rain poured down, soaking his clothes and matting his hair to his forehead, droplets of water streaming down his face. His sword hung loosely from his hand, the blade gleaming dully in the gray light, dripping with rain and something darker.
The river rushed nearby, its waters swollen from the storm, roaring in the quiet of the evening.
He glanced down at his soaked clothes, water pooling around his boots, but he paid little attention to the discomfort.
The rain masked everything—his exhaustion, the faint ache in his limbs, even the weight of his thoughts. But it couldn’t wash away the simmering feelings just beneath the surface.
The sound of the rushing river mixed with the steady downpour, the constant hum of the forest alive around him despite the storm.
He tilted his head back, feeling the rain on his face, his eyes half-lidded in thought.
Everything had felt strange since he had woken up in the past, as though he was constantly walking through a dream he could never quite escape.
“I miss them,” he murmured, his voice carrying only as far as the tree he leaned against. “My brothers…the only ones who I felt safe with…for so long... And yet…” His lips curved upward, a smile too soft for the words that followed. “Sometimes, I dream of stealing her away…to punish them… for their failure to keep her safe.”
He laughed lightly, as if the thought were as harmless as the falling rain, warm despite the darkness that laced his words.
“It’s strange,” he murmured into the storm, his voice barely louder than the patter of rain on leaves. “How everything’s felt… off.” His words were soft, but they carried an unsettling warmth, as if these thoughts were nothing out of the ordinary.
Hyrule tilted his head back, eyes closing briefly as he let the rain run over his face.
His eyes fluttered open, and there was a softness in his gaze, a calmness that made the words all the more disturbing. “But… I understand now. It’s over. What happened in that time is done, and I can’t change it. All I can do is make up for my failures and create newer memories...”
He pushed himself off the tree and took a few steps toward the riverbank, the rain still pouring down. “And when we’re all together again, it’ll be perfect. We’ll savor our reunion with her.”
There was a pause, as if he was savoring the thought, before he continued, almost as if speaking to the river itself. “But first, I need to clear this land of threats as best as i can. Gather enough wealth…Build a place that’s safe for her. I have to be ready. We all do.”
The rain fell freely from the darkened skies above, the evening air thick with moisture.
His voice, soft and wistful, carried through the trees, but it wasn’t clear who he was speaking to.
“Yet I can’t help but acknowledge how much it’s been quite the experience…walking a similar yet different path..”
Hyrule's voice echoed softly through the night, his tone distant, almost thoughtful.
“Ever since I woke up in the past, everything has felt... off. Like the world’s just a little tilted. Nothing feels right, but I suppose it’s what happens when you’re given another chance.”
He sighed softly, his words warm despite the unsettling nature of his thoughts.
“And still as much as i want to reunite with them, i still wish to hurt them too..”
He shifted his weight slightly, eyes distant as he spoke to the figure before him, “To wrap my hands around the handle go my blade and cut them down as they cry out in pain….To make them pay for failing to protect her, for letting her be taken from us. But, it’s not hate, not really.”
His voice carried a calm warmth that made the words unsettling. He spoke as if discussing a pleasant memory, not something so dark and twisted. “It’s strange, isn’t it? Wanting to hurt them but still loving them. I could never hate them forever. It simply wasn’t entirely their fault, after all.”
Hyrule let out a small sigh, almost wistful. “But I did truly hate them for a while. I hated them for not being strong enough, for not being fast enough... for not being better and keeping her safe.” He chuckled softly, as if the thought amused him. “But now, that time has passed and reversed, erased except the memories I hold… It’s not just their fault we failed. It’s mine as well. And I’ll make up for it.”
He hummed.
“But that’s natural, isn’t it? Wanting to punish them… To punish myself, for failing her.” He chuckled lightly, almost as if he were reminiscing about fond memories. “I hated them for a while. For a long while, actually. But it’s all over now. I know that. I understand that, and I have to atone for my own failures.”
He tilted his head slightly, staring off into the dark, rain-slicked forest as if imagining something far away. “When we find her again, everything will be different. We’ll savor every moment of our reunion, all of us together again. She’ll be safe with us. And it’ll be... perfect.”
Hyrule’s expression darkened, though the gentle smile on his face remained. “But before that, I have to finish things here. I need to clear out every threat in this place, amass enough wealth to give her a safe life, to build something beautiful amidst all this cursed and poisoned land. A place where she can live peacefully. A place where my sword brothers and I can keep her safe.”
He sighed, finally lowering his gaze to the figure at his feet. The rain had formed a pool around the man, blood mixing with the water, his body slumped against the roots of an old tree. His eyes, wide and filled with terror, locked onto Hyrule’s as he listened helplessly.
“I need to make sure that I’m ready for her. Ready for all of us to reunite…”
Hyrule crouched down, his eyes soft, almost regretful as he looked at the man. “Funny, isn’t it? You walked away from me in the market that day, made a different choice than last time. But it seems some things are inevitable… this little scene between us is happening sooner rather than later.”
He shook his head, amused. “Seems some things never change,” Hyrule said softly, almost regretfully. “You made a different choice again. Last time, you tried to burn me alive. Now, you pushed me toward rushing water. It’s a shame… I thought I might have more time before this.”
The man’s eyes flickered, desperate, but no words came. Hyrule’s smile was gentle as he crouched down beside him, the rain dripping from his hair. “I mean… to use you as another way to bond with my sword brothers…but I suppose we can’t always get what we want.”
He reached out, touching the man’s wet cheek in a gesture that seemed almost compassionate. “I can only hope we can bond over another tainted soul.” Hyrule sighed sadly, his voice soft with genuine regret.
“I really was hoping to do this again with the others. It was such a lovely bonding experience that time...”
The man tried to respond, but all that came out was a garbled, pathetic sound—his severed tongue preventing any real words. Hyrule gave him a pitying look, then slowly unsheathed his sword.
With one swift, clean motion, he cut off the man’s head, watching for several moments as his eyes fluttered, his face twitching until there was no movement left.
Hyrule waited for a long moment, staring into the lifeless eyes of the man, almost as if searching for something.
When there was nothing left to see, Hyrule stood up, sheathing his blade once more.
As Hyrule turned to leave, his gaze fell on a crown of flowers lying discarded in the mud, half-crushed by the struggle. The delicate petals were wilted, the once vibrant colors dulled by the rain and dirt.
He had been working on it when the man from the market snuck up on him.
He knelt beside it, picking up the ruined crown with gentle fingers, his eyes softening as a memory stirred.
He could almost see her, in that memory sitting in front of him, laughing as she showed him how to weave the flowers together, her hands guiding his clumsy attempts with infinite patience.
The warmth in her eyes, the sound of her voice—he had cherished every second of it. And now, this small, fragile thing, this crown, had been ruined.
It had been so long since he made one…
He had assumed she would always be there to re-teach him…
A deep sadness filled him, his heart aching as he held the crushed flowers. "She spent so much time teaching me," he whispered softly, his voice barely audible over the rain. "And now it’s ruined… he ruined it." His fingers tightened slightly around the crown, but not enough to damage it further.
As Hyrule pocketed the ruined flower crown, his steps slowed, his thoughts swirling with the same intensity as the fairies around him.
The rain drummed a steady rhythm on the leaves overhead, but his mind was elsewhere—drifting back to the quiet afternoons with her, back when things felt simpler. He could almost feel her hands guiding his as he fumbled with the stems, hear the soft way she teased him when he struggled to braid them just right.
His heart clenched at the thought. "I’ll make her another," he thought, trying to push away the sadness creeping in. But the moment was gone, ruined by the man lying lifeless in the mud. "If only he hadn’t tried to stop me," Hyrule mused. "I could’ve remembered everything clearly... made it perfect for her."
His gaze flicked back to the body, the severed tongue, the empty, lifeless eyes staring into nothingness.
Hyrule sighed, the heaviness in his chest growing. "I wanted to remember every detail, for her." His fingers brushed against the flower crown in his pocket, fragile and ruined, much like the memory it had been tied to. "I’ll make up for it. For everything."
The fairies' laughter danced around him, pulling him from his thoughts, and he straightened. "For her… I'll make it all perfect," he promised silently, his eyes narrowing as he left the body behind.
The fairies flitted around him, their soft glow casting a faint light over his rain-soaked form. They giggled and chimed, but there was no malice in their joy.
He cast one last glance at the man’s lifeless body, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his face before he turned and began to walk away, leaving the corpse where it laid as he walked back into the storm.
The fairies’ chimes danced in the air as they continued to follow and swirl around him in delight, their soft laughter filling the air as the rain fell heavier, blending with the sound of the wind, rushing water and rustling leaves.
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rory-multifandom-mess · 5 months
My Thad Headcanons
Because I'm so totally autism about him, you have no IDEA
I took this from a fic I read, but Thad runs warm. By this I mean his cooling system likes to malfunction every now and then and he has to throw himself into a bunch of icepacks until it works again. If he overheats, he’ll shut down so it systems can cool down much like a phone would
He's self conscious about his sharp canines, but not in the sense that he’s constantly thinking about it. It’s more like a “if i look at myself in the mirror and see my smile, I’m going to remember they’re there and be like ‘oh. that’s not right.’” Because of his insecurity with his sharp teeth, he refuses to go to the dentist
The fact Uzi had a crush on him before meeting N absolutely flew over his head (he’s stupid)
He likes girls AND boys
Ever since the fight with J and V in the pilot, he coughs up oil on occasion. Basically; Worker Drones are stupid and don’t know anything about their own anatomy, so instead of trying to fix the internal damage, they just welded his wounds closed, so now he’s just perpetually internally bleeding
He heals pretty quickly and has a high pain tolerance (entirely because he’s a sports player, and also he heals quick because of the fact he runs warm)
Sometimes he’ll get nightmares about the attack with V and J and also when Solver yonk’d his ass in episode 2. These fucked him up for a little while after and he couldn’t sleep very well, but they’re not as big of a problem anymore
His room is usually surprisingly neat and full of trophies and medals and other various sports memorabilia
Gets really competitive during football matches, but has really good sportsmanship <3 like he’ll be screaming shit during the match and then he’ll lose and to the other team he’s like “good job guys you absolutely rocked it out there, but we’ll beat you next time i’m sure of it >:)” he likes a lil friendly competition
Thad and Lizzy are twins but he’s younger than her by like 2 minutes. She teases him for this. In retaliation, he teases her because he’s taller (by 1 inch)
Sometimes they get in trouble for ‘bullying” each other, but every time they do, Lizzy just says “Siblings are fair game!” and Thad nods
I think he says “no problemo” a lot. He also says other silly phrases like "Okie Dokie Artichokie" and calling things "Rad" and ironically saying" tubular." Lizzy says "This isn't the 80's" and then he responds with "Well the 80s were sick as heck dude so I don't care"
He's a morning person
Listens to highly energetic songs without paying attention to the lyrics, so he’ll listen to the most like. Innapropriate songs without even realizing it just because they’re bops
Gets dating advice from Ron (the drone at the door from episode 2 for those who forget the bg characters)
Yk how people will throw food like popcorn into the air and then catch it in their mouths? yeah he’s really good at that
Sometimes when he can’t sleep he goes out and plays basketball by himself. tires him out so he can eep
Has a nice singing voice, but he doesn’t think he does (i’m projecting)
He doesn’t like to swear, but sometimes jokingly says “I will swear word at you” to his friends
If he’s holding something, he’ll start idly just flip it in the air and catch it over and over. subconsciously too, he just does that
He also plays Soccer and Basketball
Sometimes when someone grabs him unexpectedly, he’ll flinch a little (thanks solver). This usually only happens if he’s been spacing out or doesn’t see the person who grabbed him at first
Chill until someone messes with Lizzy. Then he will fight. Though she’s one of the popular girls so it doesn’t happen often
Weak to flirting; he gets flustered easily. Yet he’s a total flirt when he likes someone and is comfortable enough around them
I like to think Thad gets hurt a lot because he’s a fucking football player and usually he doesn’t get it fixed because it’s normal, but Lizzy and/or Uzi will yell at him to get it fixed because it could fuck with the strength of his casing
One time Thad said “Bite me” to Uzi and she just looked at him like a smug cat while he had a moment
Sometimes he’ll try to hide in his collar when he’s flustered (it never works)
He, Lizzy, and Doll were a trio of best friends (Until Doll's Solver infection started getting really bad and began distancing herself from the other two)
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bubbleebubz · 3 months
I can't handle change pt 1.5
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I'm awoken to a cold sensation between my legs, a cold water bottle slide off the blanket and between my thighs, its condensation giving me chills, making my nipples harden from the cold abrupt feeling, and a thing of strawberry yogurt. I look around, finding Spencer still next to me, where he was when I fell asleep, but now he too was in a light slumber, his head resting on the window next to him. I smile and see the damp sticky note on the yogurt. "Eat this, we don't need your lack of energy to ruin the case", it read. I roll my eyes. I stare at the strawberry yogurt in front of me for a minute, pushing my lack of appetite and craving for coffee aside and gobble the yogurt down and chug the water. "Good girl" I feel a breath in my ear causing me to jump, I whip my head over to look at him, just to see him with a shit eating grin but still 'sleeping'. I groan in irritation after feeling another weird sensation between my legs, clenching them together to relive the unknown tension.
"Spencer I know your awake, it wasn't a ghost." I whisper, looking around to see if anyone was still awake. But nope, they were all out like a light.
"We will be landing in 15 minutes" Spencer whispers again but this time does not attempt to fake sleep. I slap him out of fear. "Stop doing that" I whisper yell at him. He puts his hands up "it's not MY fault your so jumpy" He exclaims with a grin.
We get off the jet, in the middle of no where Texas.
"Ok team, because this town is so old and small, there is only one motel, meaning we will need to share rooms. So, Emily and JJ, Morgan and Garcia, Me and Rossi, leaving Y/N and Reid. " Hotch says, looking down at the notes he has taken. "What, Hotch you can't make me bunk with her" Spencer says, annoyance clear in his voice. "Yes I can, Reid, this is the pairing its always been, but Y/N is new, so you cant be in your own room any longer." Hotch says, brows furrowed. Spencer scoffs in annoyance grabbing the room key, before walking off and past me. "I get the bed closest to the door" He mumbles before I follow behind him. "Okie dokie, but I get the shower first" I say, not all to happy on the situation either.
We get to the room that thankfully has 2 beds, I set my go-bag down on the chair before grabbing my pajama's and bathroom products and entering the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.
"Locks broken, just my luck" I mumble before undressing and turning the shower on and turning the temperature up to the hottest setting due to the old pipes and the slow heating.
I wait impatiently for the water to heat up before getting in, letting the steaming water cascade down my body. A shudder leaves my body making me let out a sigh. My thoughts start racing to earlier. The strange sensation between my thighs returning. "Good girl" My brain plays in memory. I slip a hand between my thighs, exploring my parts. A moan leaving my lips at the new sensation. I rip my hand away in fear before finishing my shower in a rush and running out of the bathroom in my pajamas. "Hey, you ok? You were making some strange noises in there" Spencer asks, now in a pair of grey sweats and a black t shirt, he was laying on his bed reading a book. An un-noticeable bulge in his pants, but it was noticeable to her, everything was noticeable to her right now. Her eyes were glued as he stared at her, waiting an answer. He smirks, confused by how on edge she was.
"Y/N" He says, catching her attention. "yeah? hmm?" She asks, gazing back up to his eyes. "Are you okay? You were making noises in the shower" he says, still smirking.
"Oh yeah no, I mean ya, I'm good, just some new things, I don't know, s'all" She says, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.
He just nods, letting her off the hook.
She lays down on her bed. "I'm going to bed now, goodnight Spencer" She says quickly.
She falls asleep, the wetness between her legs still evident.
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bellesdreamyprofile · 2 months
cowboy feels with elvis and y/n 
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“Are you my yittle honeybee?”, Elvis tickled his daughter’s tummy on the changing table. The little girl let out a delighted squeal at the feeling of her daddy’s fingers on her little tummy. A big smile framed her little face as her hands reached out for Elvis.
“I know, babygirl, daddy knows.”, he cooed, gently picking her up. “Daddy’s bestest girl. After your mama, of course.”, they walked out her nursery and then made their appearance known to their guests.
“This yittle baby is finally up.”, Elvis said in a happy tone - your daughter waved her little hand at the Mafia members. The men laughed at her little gesture and waved back, earning more squeals from the little girl.
“Jerry, I ain’t seeing my wife in here.”, Elvis said, looking around the room. The wives of the Mafia were in their own area minding their own business — everyone but the wife of the King.
“You know where she is E.P.”, Jerry said and Elvis shook her head with a small smile. The little girl in his arms almost sensed who her daddy was looking for as she also started looking around wide-eyed.
“Even on a Monday morning.”, he muttered and found his baby girl’s jacket as the air was a little too cool for her. A little bucket hat was placed on top of her little head, making her delightfully touch it. Elvis smiled at her little movements and picked her up again. “Let’s go find mama.”
Walking out of the house with his baby girl was almost a routine for him. He didn’t remember the last time he spend a morning in bed with his wife, cuddling her warm body. She took off before dawn and spent most of the early morning at the stables, feeding all four horses and brushing each of their soft manes. Y/N was an early bird by nature - she thought that sleeping longer than she needed to was a waste of her time as there were so many things that needed to be done. That was what she claimed anyways. Elvis preferred slow mornings - waking up towards eleven and finding his baby girl in the nursery, who was luckily a heavy sleeper like her daddy. An abundant breakfast would follow, accompanied by a large, black coffee and some baby talk.
He tried waking up earlier and she tried sleeping in, but that only seemed to disrupt their baby’s schedule. And they weren’t in the best moods either. The best possible solution seemed to adapt to each other’s morning as well as they could. Slowly but surely, they found their pace.
“Mama!”, the little girl wiggled in Elvis´ arms, making him yelp in surprise.
“Hold up, baby girl.”, he adjusted her on his forearm and moved closer to the fence dividing them from the horses and her mama. Y/N appeared almost instantly as her name was called.
“Mama horse.”, the baby tried to reach out to her with her little hands. Y/N hopped off the horse and walked with it to the fence, closer to her little face. A smile framed her face at the sight of her husband’s bed hair and their little girl in his arms.
“Hi.”, she muttered with another smile and once she was close enough to him, placed a kiss on his lips.
“Missed you in bed.”, Elvis muttered against her lips. The little baby fisted his thick, brown jacket, almost asking for his undivided attention.
“You always say that.”, she noted with a small smile. “She woke you up, didn’t she?”
“Daddy don’t mind his little baby. Right, my little bee?”, Elvis blew a raspberry on the little baby’s cheek, the little girl squealing in delight. Y/N looked at the two with a growing smile on her face.
“Let me close up the stables and I’ll be right there, okay?”, she smiled at the two and patted the horse.
“Say oki doki mama.”, Elvis grabbed little honeybee´s hand and waved it at her. “She said she’ll be back, honey. Ain’t no need to get all fussy.”, the little girl whined at the sight of her mama leaving.
Elvis jumped a little and there was his little happy baby again, squealing in delight at her daddy’s silly actions. Moments later the lady of the hour came up to the two, one of Elvis´ cowboy hats on top of her head. Her husband let out a low whistle.
“Alright mama, so this is what’s going on when I’m sleepin´ in, huh?”, his teasing tone made her chuckle, though the way his blue eyes moved up and down her figure, made her flustered. 
“Aw, shut it.”, she said gently and grasped the cowboy hat, placing it on top of his head.
“Oh.”, their little baby said, making the two parents laugh.
“Mama is so silly, ain’t she baby?”, the little honeybee squealed and waved her minuscule arms around, almost wanting to grasp the cowboy hat herself.
“Let’s go cowboy.”
A/N: cutie pie chapter - I love dad elvis so much ; if you got any requests, feel free to write them down!
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lalovi · 6 months
One shot idea since I got a guess aaaaand I just wanna see your version but I'm curious if shadow milk would ACTUALLY be like this or no? If not I wanna see how he actually acts buuut just to show you my guess on what shadow milk is like:
Shadow milk when he is sick: lalala! I'm perfectly fine! Just cuddle me and I'll be okie dokie, darling! Hehehe! Never stop the fun! (Or short meme version: I sleep)
Shadow milk when y/n is sick: bed, soup, medicine, love, sleep, now! Can't have my beloved feeling all icky! No playtime, only naptime! Sleepytime! You get all the cuddles you want if it helps you sleep but no games, just relax and drink your soup! (Second part of meme version: real shit)
Tldr: shadow milk when he is sick treats it like a joke and a game and not serious...he stops treating illnesses like a joke the moment his s/o gets sick. Think he is gonna joke around when his s/o feels like shit? Nope, he is keeping his s/o relaxed and napping and constantly giving them their favorite soup until he is 100% sure the sickness is out of their system!
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AN: I'm pretty sure both of you suggested similar things, which was a shadow milk cookie x sick reader. Been waiting to do this one!!
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Shadow Milk Cookie x Sick! Reader
Oneshot (Headcanons below)
Warnings: (Kinda a part two to the sick shadow milk cookie, so some parts might be a little confusing.) One dirty joke 😔 (I couldn't resist, sry)
-Take Care-
"I just have to spend some time alone, haha. Nothing out of the ordinary!" You would say with an awkward smile.
Shadow Milk Cookie would look at you with an unbelieving look.
"Doll, you're not a very good liar," He'd say while crossing his arms.
"Come on, just- for like a few days?"
"A few days? How am I supposed to live without you for a few days when I can't even live without you for a few hours!?"
Shadow Milk Cookie would put a hand on his forehead, feigning a dramatic pose.
"But seriously. What's wrong?" He cupped your face and look at you with those concerned eyes.
The eyes you were in love with, and the eyes that you didn't want seeing your weak and sickly state.
Your face was was much warmer than usual, but he didn't think much of it.
"Ah, could it be-? You just don't like my company!"
"No! It's not that!" You would refute quickly, backing away from him.
"Then what's wrong? Come on dove, you know you can tell me anything."
You sneezed shortly after that, but didn't say anything.
Everything clicked in that moment for Shadow Milk Cookie.
He would instantly start panicking, beginning to look around the house for different types of medicine and other things that might come in handy.
"It's not really that bad- I can take care of myself..."
He would pick you up bridal style and take you to a couch, wrapping blankets around you.
"My little doll shouldn't need to lift a finger while they're sick. Please, allow your favorite jester to do the work for you!"
He kept digging through cabinets for medicine and ingredients for a soup he'd eventually end up making.
"How come you're taking my sickness so seriously when you didn't even take care of yourself last time?"
He came back with a bunch of ice packs, like.. twenty of them. You didn't even own twenty ice packs.
"Why wouldn't I take your illness seriously? I must make sure that you are safe and happy at all times, and I can't do that if you feel icky."
He offered one of the icepacks to you, which you accepted and just held for a while.
"I don't need this many ice packs, Milk," you would tell him.
"You can never be too sure! And of course, I offer my 200% when it comes to my most beloved."
"I don't even own this many ice packs."
"Now you do! ...Don't look into it that much."
He skipped off to the kitchen again, looking as cheerful as ever.
Of course, it was just a facade. Internally, he was panicking. He barely knew how to care for himself, and now you were sick. What if you died?! Okay, he was probably overreacting, but normal cookies are so fragile. That's why he had to do everything in his power to keep you healthy.
He didn't know what was and wasn't needed, so he just took a lot of everything.
Came back with one of each medicine type that you owned.
"So uh, which one is the one you need?"
You pointed to one of the bottles, and Shadow Milk swiftly measured the correct dosage.
"Alright, so I got you an ice pack, blankets, and you took medicine. What else do you people do while sick?" He would ask while putting a hand on his chin.
"I don't know. Normally they eat soup," you told him.
"That's right! You are so smart, button. Alright, I'll do just that, then." He gave you a kiss on the forehead before wandering off into the kitchen.
Did he even know how to cook? You've never seen him try before, but he's lived for so long, that surely he knew how to... right?
Oh well, he did eventually end up coming back with the food. It actually ended up looking edible.
"Ta-da~ It looks amazing, right? Of course it does! It was made my yours truly." He sat down on the couch next to you, scooping up some soup in a spoon.
"Now, say 'ah'" He held the spoon infront of your mouth, waiting to feed you.
"I'm not doing that."
"Yes you are. Now open your mouth before I shove the spoon down your throat."
"You can shove something else down my throat."
"Haha, very funny. But maybe when you're feeling better~"
Eventually, after a lot of back and forth, you ended up finishing the soup. It wasn't half bad, actually.
Now, the both of you were cuddling on the couch. A movie was playing in the background, and Shadow Milk Cookie was resting his head in your lap.
"Doll, how come you didn't tell me you were sick sooner?" He would ask.
"I just didn't want to be a burden, I suppose."
"You would never be a burden to me. There's a reason I treat you so much better than the others, and it's because I care for you. I know I'm all about deceit and stuff, but this is the honest truth, okay darling?"
You couldn't help the smile on your face. "Okay."
《☆》 Fin
He's panicking 24/7
Even if you tell him you don't want to get him sick, he says he doesn't care
Everything has to be ready for you, and you have to be comfortable
Absolutely no chance of you going out that day
Legit coddles you or is always near you
Even if it's just a small cough, he's canceling all of the things you have that day
Bro is so paranoid
If you're ever bored he performs small puppet shows for you
Makes you go to bed early
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luveline · 4 months
HI MLLLL! I absolutely loved your fainting fic with James! Can you write like a part a part 2 or like a follow up where reader starts realizing that James isn’t as bad as she thought and she falls for him as he takes care of her bc he’s really worried? I love them sm 🥹
James takes care of you when you faint
James is acting weirder than usual… sort of… nice? fem, 1.2k
The days after you faint are just as hot, but you come into work. You can’t afford to miss it, and it’s not as though you’ll make the same mistake twice. 
The memory of what happened is hazy at the start. James had just opened the window, the breeze that filtered in cooling your hot skin. You’d felt sick, you’d tried to stand, and your head had gone blank. 
You woke with your face in James’ hand. You can remember it if you think about it enough, his head tilted down toward you, the sunshine on his skin, his soft smile. He’d felt like a different person. 
You’d felt different. 
“Can you send me that information from the lab, please?” 
You glance away from your computer, eyes tired. “Sorry?” 
“For the, uh, Mr. Nguyen?” James asks. “You didn’t send them to me. I can’t do them if you don’t send them.” 
“Right.” You blink away the phantom of his hand on your cheek. “Okay.” 
“Are you feeling alright?” 
That’s all he asks. Every day since you passed out, at various times and in various ways. Are you okay? Are you alright? Is it too hot in here? Do you want to swap desks with me? That last one had been a little patronising. You’d told him to leave you alone. Your desk is right next to the radiator in winter, it’s prime real estate, and you’re not giving it up just because you got a bit hot. 
“I’m fine,” you murmur, turning back to your computer to open outlook. “Just thinking.” 
“About what?” 
“About you not talking to me.” 
You drag and drop the paperwork for the tests he’d wanted. It’s easy to render an invoice but you hate doing it because it involves a lot of talking back and forth with clients. James, on the other hand, loves to talk. 
“There, sent it,” you say.
“Thank you.” 
Awkward. You pretend to be busier than you are for a few minutes, stealing company time without remorse. James types up an email beside you, the click of his keys quick and loud in your ears. 
Remus pops a pen lid across the way, scribbling onto a post it note that he sticks on his monitor. You know what time it is from the sounds alone. A half a minute later, Sirius slinks up from the front of the office to wrap his arm around Remus’ shoulders, sing-songing, “You’re coming with me, handsome.” 
“Are you coming?” Remus asks James. 
There’s a lapse of quiet. You stare at your computer, aware of a silent conversation, but not privy to its content. “I think I’ll stay,” James says eventually. 
“Okie dokie. Y/N, do you want to come, lovely?” Remus asks. “It’s not too hot.” 
“I’m fine,” you say, “thanks. Thank you.” 
You don’t feel like yourself since you fainted. You’d hoped it would go away once you had a better night’s sleep, flooded your system with cold water and good food, but you can’t kick it. You have no energy, no want to do more than turn up for work and go home again, and you know what it is that’s making you feel this way, but you can’t admit it to yourself. It crops up in your mind unbidden and you push it back down. 
“Sirius never used to act like that.” 
“Sirius. He was never like that when we were growing up. Love makes him pathetic.” 
Love is a tender touch. Sirius had laid his arm over Remus’ shoulder without any hug or kiss, but it was as loving as either. To touch someone like they need a kind hand. 
Like James had held your face. His arm behind your back as he led you to the break room. 
“Do you wanna come with me?” James asks. 
You hold in a second confused, What? He’s standing now, you hadn’t noticed him moving, his water bottle in hand as he pushes his chair back under the desk. 
“Don’t wanna leave you here and have you smash your head in when there’s no one around. Imagine the clean up.” 
You get up on impulse. You grab your drink, and the back of your chair, and you stand there wondering if you’re about to be dizzy again. Your chest feels tight, but that weight of unconsciousness doesn’t come. 
“Hey,” James says. “Seriously, are you okay? You’re not like you today.” 
There’s a softness in his voice you can’t believe. “Can I eat lunch with you?” 
You wish that you said it to avoid the question. James wrinkles his nose, your heart drops into the pit of your stomach, but then he says, “I just invited you first.” 
“I… have to get my stuff from the fridge.”
“Me too.”
You walk slowly, worried it’s a joke, another stupid joke, but James comes up behind you and his hand graces your shoulder with the barest pressure. You can smell something sweet and warm on him, like jojoba oil. Maybe argan. “Sure you’re okay? You look peaky. Is it the heat?” he murmurs.
“It’s supposed to rain tonight.” 
“You can’t answer anything, can you?” James laughs with a vocal fry that goes straight to your chest. “I could ask you how many fingers you’d have and you’d tell me you have two hands.” 
James walks with you to the kitchen, where you gather your food and warm it in the microwave. He leads you to the break room, and makes sure to choose a table with enough space for you, even while people he’s friendly with beckon him forward. They look at you with unashamed curiosity, but James pretends not to notice so you do too. 
You’re expecting a joke. Aw, look, we’re finally on a date. Or Wow, you know how to use a spoon, I had no idea you were so dexterous. 
“Did you see they’re making a new movie about those aliens? The ones who can hear you everywhere you go?” 
You squeeze your spoon. “Uh, no, I didn’t see it.” 
“It looks awesome. I’ll show you the trailer on my computer after lunch, it looks just as good as the first two. That actress, the one with the really nice eyes is in it.” 
You have no idea who he means. James talks to you like a friend. He offers you some of his papris and he passes you a napkin from his pocket when you get food on your hands. James Potter might actually be a really nice guy. All it took was for you to garner his pity for him to show it. How pathetic you must seem to need it. 
“How do you feel now?” he asks as you clip the lid back onto your Tupperware. “You look better. Do you feel better?” 
“I’m fine, James.” 
“You frown so much I can’t tell.” He butts his knee against yours. “Alright, batten the hatches, I’m gonna carry you back to your desk.” 
“Why?” you ask in a rush. 
“Can’t fall if you don’t walk.” 
“James, don’t try it. I’m serious.” 
“You don’t sound serious. You sound like you want me to carry you.” 
“I’ll report you to Human Resources.” 
“For what? Being helpful?” 
“Fine, but I’m not gonna catch you this time.” 
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