#old man sirius black
starryjax0 · 6 months
everyday i wake up and i miss sirius black
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florsial · 1 month
Coming on here to say that Sirius Black is my deranged 1920s beauty Queen, looking like he came straight from a silent film wearing a shiny black slip and cigarette in one hand while his other is around Remus’ waist to pull him into Sirius’ lap.
He’s leaving black lipstick stains over Remus’ face btw 🫶
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sstarmoon · 3 months
Despite being ridiculously attractive, Remus hates himself. And he is very insecure, especially with the way he looks. When he looks in the mirror, he can only see his dark circles, his scars, how tired he looks after every full moon.
That became a thousand times worse as he started to get older. Remus always looked older. He always looked tired, exhausted, and when twenty began to fall away from him, and some early gray hair began to appear in his hair, Remus began to despise himself even more. And the worst was that Sirius wasn't there to comfort him. The worst was that Sirius wasn't there to grow old with him.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Regulus is many things, but above all, he is the youngest sibling who can and will cry to get Sirius in trouble
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metalomagnetic · 8 hours
Chapter 2 of Canis Major, companion story for It runs in the blood.
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kindanathy · 1 month
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Sirius trying to get a kiss from his vampire husband (he isn't really a vampire but siri likes to tease Severus with it)
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fuck-i-love-october · 24 hours
My views on Peter, the character, are that I see him both as "The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" as well as "Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me?" and both make me sob equally hard for and against him.
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fiendishfyre · 2 months
Omega James and Omega Sirius breeding each other and getting pregnant around the same time. They get so turned on by each other growing bellies. Have a whole house full of kids. Any alpha who tries to get involved regrets it cuz they don't need anyone but each other.
(adding in @impishtubist tag cuz yes breed these old men.)
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impishtubist · 2 months
happy birthday, krabapple <3
Your fics have brought me such joy since the LiveJournal days, so here, I knocked up Remus for you. I hope you have a great rest of your day <3 @lizlemonbennet
(many thanks to the discord for doing a plot spitballing session with me many many moons ago regarding remus getting pregnant and his students being mad about it, y'all are the real mvps. also I hope someone writes the 100K version of this someday.)
At first, Harry didn’t bat an eye at the owls that swept in periodically throughout breakfast that morning, dropping off letters for Sirius before flying off again. Out of everyone in the household, Sirius got the most correspondence, and it wasn’t unusual for there to be a flurry of owls in their home for the first few hours of the morning. 
He did take notice when the pile grew to be twenty letters, and then thirty. Even more noticeable, Sirius wasn’t even opening them. 
“Er, Sirius,” he said, after the fortieth owl swept in and then out again. “You didn’t get voted Sexiest Wizard Alive again, did you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Harry,” Sirius said, giving him a smile that was only slightly strained. “That contest isn’t until May.”
“Do you have another fan club?” Teddy asked.
“Okay,” Harry said, “then why aren’t you opening your mail?”
“I want to enjoy breakfast with my boys!” Sirius said, though the cheer in his voice sounded slightly forced. “It’s your first day home from school. I can read the mail later.” 
“Isn’t that Hermione’s handwriting?” Teddy piped up, pointing at a letter near the top of the pile. Before he could stop himself, Harry snatched it up, his Seeker’s reflexes outwitting Sirius’s. 
“Dear Lord Black,” he read out loud, fending off Sirius’s attempts to grab the letter with one hand, “I am incredibly disappointed to learn that Professor Lupin will be unable to teach for the rest of the school year--and, most importantly, will be unable to oversee our NEWTs--thanks to your actions, and I hope that you take this into consideration in the future should you decide to procreate again…”
Harry wrinkled his nose and tossed the letter at Sirius. “Gross, Sirius.” 
“I didn’t write the letter! Take it up with Hermione.”
“Are they all like that?”
“At least there aren’t any Howlers this time,” Sirius said, slumping back in his chair. “I’ve been getting them for days, ever since Remus announced his pregnancy and his intention to take a leave of absence starting at the holidays. Your classmates are very upset.”
“Your timing could have been better,” Harry said. “In more ways than one.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Come on, Sirius.” Harry rolled his eyes. “Remus is almost five months, yeah? You know what else was almost five months ago? My birthday. You two are gross and I hate you.” 
“No, you don’t.” Sirius got up for more coffee. As he passed behind Harry and Teddy, he kissed them both on top of the head. “Your friends do, though.” 
“It is your fault their favorite and most competent professor is out of commission for the rest of the year.”
“I will personally write every single OWL and NEWT student a glowing letter of recommendation. No matter what their scores are this year while Professor Lupin is on sabbatical, they will have their pick of jobs after graduation. Happy?” 
“That includes us, right?”
“Yes, of course it does.”
Harry stuck out his hand. “Deal.”
Sirius shook his hand, and then Teddy’s, and at that moment Remus came into the kitchen. He had stopped being able to fit into his own clothes, and was now stealing Sirius’s sweaters and joggers. Those wouldn’t do for much longer, Harry thought, but figured that was a battle his guardians could fight on their own.
“Oh, dear,” Remus said, spotting the pile of letters. Several had fallen to the floor. “That’s…”
“At least a quarter of the student body,” Sirius said. 
“I’m sorry, love.” 
“As your eldest has so helpfully pointed out, it is all my fault.”
“Well,” Remus said with a wink, “not all your fault.”
“Right!” Harry said, standing abruptly. “I’m off! Come on, Teds. Let’s get out of here before they get more disgusting.”
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wolfstar variants
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mothlau · 10 months
modern wolfstar but sirius is a scam tarot reader at small town fairs (he got the cards from a thrift store for a few pounds, watched one video on how to read them and he decided it's his best shot at making some money to survive). cue the fair where he's working ends up in a small town from wales where, lo and behold, he keeps pulling the moon and the death card for everyone. a small child that can't be older than 5? they get the death card. an old lady who wanted to know how her tomatoes will do this summer? death.
now, sirius does know that the death card means new beginnings and it's not as bad as it seems but everyone just starts calling him names and his clientele lessens by the day because everyone finds out about his cards and how he's the bringer of death (literally no one died since he got there so he finds the new nickname a bit overkill).
he's too worried about his scamming abilities though. he just can't shake the weird feeling he gets when he pulls moon out again, even after he takes the damn card out of his pack because he's sick of seeing it (he leaves the death card in because he does find it funny)
but then, on the night before the full moon, when he's just getting ready to pack his cards and cheap props and call it a day, a farmer comes to get a reading. he's still in his overalls because he came straight from the farm here to check out the card reader who the villagers keep saying is predicting deaths on the full moon to see what the fuss is about.
sirius is smitten as soon as the farmer opens his mouth, but imagine his surprise when he hears that he's been slowly making people fear him again, after he just convinced them that he's a kind guy. and imagine his bigger surprise when the cute farmer with hay stuck in his hair and mud on his overalls tells him he's a werewolf.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 8 months
Suck the marrow out my bones and all you’ll taste is yourself
1616 words | rated T | No Archive Warnings Apply
Their bed is toasty warm and loaded with feathery pillows to support Remus’ stiff and creaky body as good as possible but his husband is a restless little ball of ideas and insane genius and he’s also an insatiable little brat so that’s why- “Moons,” whispered on a breathy little snicker, much too boyish for a man in his mid fifties and the mattress dips beneath his weight.
fixed this bad boy up a bit, gave him a long ass, poetic title and un-disowned myself by adding the hairy wolftstar agenda because i cannot believe i wrote the old dogs without mentioning chest hair!! EMJOY
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sectoren · 1 month
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oxydiane · 2 years
something that does not sit well with me is that in prisoner of azkaban sirius explains that pettigrew was actually hiding from death eaters because “voldemort went to the potters because of what peter told him and met his end there” and they would try to harm him for being the reason the dark lord fell yada yada so death eaters knew pettigrew was the traitor, and they definitely knew sirius was not on their side. snape was dumbledore’s literal spy there is no way in hell he didn’t know sirius was innocent. and yet he still claimed to have rescued harry, ron and hermione and was ready to receive an order of merlin for dooming an innocent man, the last bit of family left to an orphan, and letting the man he knew had sold james and lily’s position to voldemort escape
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marvelomadness06 · 4 months
Okay but if Remus wasn’t a werewolf, and became an animagus…
Tell me why I’m getting Meerkat vibes???
No? Yes? No? But-yes?
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arawho · 6 months
I like to think that James and Remus found out that Santa Claus isn't real from Sirius their first year at Hogwarts. But I also think that in this hypothetical situation as James and Remus were the majority and were so convinced of Santa's reality that at some point they almost brainwashed Sirus into believing in him too.
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