#older erh more like
itonashi · 2 years
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[ part 2 ]
older sister reader ! !
warning: multiple timeline, lowercase intended.mentioned of reo mikage, itoshi sae.
note: i literally suck at bowling what in the actual fuck is this... my sec time bowling was so ass it was worse than the first one.....
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"nee-san, did you see my phone."
"what's that on your hand?"
nagi looked at his hands and saw his phone.
sometimes you don't understand yourself either how you can handle nagi seishiro or understand him. lots of the auntie neighbors pity you for having a lazy little brother. who are they to judge him. sometimes you feel like bashing their heads onto the walls.
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"you're very different from your brother."
that's what they all said. saying you were different from your brother. they're blind. in fact, you're very similar to nagi.
"nagi, can you tell me more about your sister?"
looking up to reo, nagi looked at him like he was an alien (he is). side eyeing reo, nagi sigh. it was all too familiar with him. ppl going to him just to ask him about his own sister. nagi thinks it's a hassle to talk about you.
"why don't you talk to her yourself. im lazy."
"erh, if you say so. then, want to come with me to talk to you sister?"
"my sister is not in this school. she already graduated two years ago."
"then i want to go to your house."
"side eye."
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cooking as a child was hard. why does your parents always have to go overseas? you rarely see them. do they think this is easy as a child. dumb parents.
ever since you were a child, you tried cooking until you make it. your hand was full of cuts from the knife. some of it even turned permanent scars. why did you start to cook? to feed your little brother ofc.
"sei... wake up. lunch is ready." you smiled upon seeing nagi sleeping. you didn't mind it at all that nagi was lazy. with the right patience, you could handle nagi seishiro. he's your precious little brother after all.
nagi slurred in his sleep and slowly open his eyes. still sleepy, he stayed there for awhile to gather his thoughts. feeling a pat on his head, he knew that it was his sister.
"mmm.. awake."
"im going to pour water on you."
the boy sat up immediately.
one thing nagi knew about his sister. she is never joking.
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[referring to this]
seeing the text that nagi send. you swore you almost drop your phone. nagi seishiro? playing football? a sport? kicking ball? him???? your little brother who never play any sports in his life at all? suddenly playing...?
it was all a shock to you.
"what the hell" you mumbled. you were just too shock. you could even die happily.
"im home."
seeing nagi entered the home bringing reo aka his slave. you stared at them for too long without any thoughts in your brain that you didn't even noticed they open the tv to watch some football matches.
"who is that?"
"itoshi sae."
perking up at the name. you finally realized you zoned out too long. too shock. looking at the tv, you saw the itoshi sae on it. you almost tsk.
it's not that you hate football or anything. you definitely like basketball more tho. you won't deny that itoshi guy is pretty. getting up from the couch, you pat nagi head and went straight up to your room.
searching up itoshi sae instagram, you look at his photo. not alot of post.. probably someone who only think about football, boring.
but other than that, you thought to yourself that he seems quite familiar to you..
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"i don't want this."
"stop being picky. eat your food!"
tbh, you cooked nagi least favorite food because you didn't want him to be picky. he had always been picky. if he doesn't eat it, you're gonna make him eat natto for the rest of the week.
nagi was grumpily munching his LEAST favorite food.
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not-poignant · 1 year
PIA. WHAT. please tell us about being a professional tea taster!!!!
Ahahaha, there's honestly not much to tell!
I fell into it completely by accident. I didn't actually even used to like tea, but that was because my only exposure was like, the milky sugary shit my english side of the family used to give me, and turns out, I don't like milk or sugar in my tea! I would've liked it just fine if they'd given it to me without those things.
(No shade to people who like milky sugary tea, I believe that stuff is the bomb if you love it, especially with biscuits).
However, a friend's older brother was just starting to be the first place in Western Australia to import in very high quality green, white, oolong and pu-erh teas into the state, and would do so by touring through China first, etc. This was before green tea drinking was really a 'thing' here (late 90s, early 00s), so they were here before any of the 'boutique' tea shops etc.
I started getting involved in tea ceremonies through said friend, started tasting the teas, and eventually we all realised I had a pretty good palate for it, and so I engaged in further training to help them write out their labels / brands etc. and eventually became a tea taster. I specialise in green and oolong, and started to get into white, but I think I miss too much of the nuance to do much more except enjoy it, lol.
Unfortunately their company never went far, they were outcompeted due to being at the crest of the 'green tea drinking is a thing' and while I kept it up for a while, I decided I didn't want to go the tea sommelier route (pairing tea with food), and just kept it up as a general skill, doing tea reviews for a couple of websites.
When I developed anemia, I had to stop drinking tea for a long time, because tea is actually one of the worst things you can drink if you have iron deficiency or any kind of anemia (yes, really, ask your hematologist if you don't believe me).
I can probably have about one/two cups a day now, and I'm one of those elitist bitches who has the temperature kettle (certain teas are best brewed at specific lower temperatures), and only drinks loose leaf tea with no milk, honey, lemon or sugar in sight and sets all my brewings to strict temperatures. But that's just because that's the way I like it. I can't stand matcha, unless it's in a matcha tiramisu. And my personal taste means nothing, because it's about other people's personal tastes. The tea you like says nothing in particular about you, except that you like it. :)
I once had a moment when we had some tradespeople come over and I offered them coffee/tea, and when they said tea, I realised they wanted like... a teabag brewed tea with milk and sugar and on the day we had no milk (I'm lactose intolerant) and only had green teas and I felt so embarrassed, lmao, so now I always carry some teabag tea for guests.
This is now my favourite brand:
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And this is what they all look like.
I go through them a lot more slowly than I used to! And I don't drink much black tea anymore sadly due to reflux, but I'll still make time for it.
I can talk a little too much about different provinces, aging techniques, and more, but not enough to do it as a job anymore. But I loved it when I did it and I still love sharing green tea with the friends who love it these days.
Lmao me like 'there's not much to tell' but still manages to turn it into like 100 paragraphds fasdlkjfsa
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snotsloth · 6 months
Orion D'Oschon
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— B A S I C S
Name: Orion D'Oschon
Nicknames: Rion (mostly G'raha), Legs or Specs (mostly Kendra)
Age: 30ish
Nameday: 19th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Xaela
Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Warrior of Light, Aetherologist, part-time Historian, Botanist
— P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Burnt Umber (Very dark reddish brown), kept short except for a section of braids along his right temple. Orion's hair is very thick and dense, giving a matte or velvet effect in the light.
Eyes: Amber with golden limbal rings
Skin: Umber (a bit lighter than his hair but in the same color family)
Tattoos/scars: He's got a pretty big scar running down his left leg from the fight with Zenos in Rhalger's Reach, small surgical scars around his knees from where he had to have reconstructive work done after Endwalker, and a small Mol clan tattoo on his inner wrist.
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Dolgoon Qestir (father) and Odsetseg Mol (mother). Both are alive and well and living in Ul'Dah. They also use the D'OSchon surname in Eorzea.
Siblings: None.
Grandparents: Temulun Mol
In-laws and Other: Cousin - Cirina Mol. Various other cousins, aunts, and uncles within the Mol tribe. No In-laws, Kendra doesn't have any living family.
Pets: Birdlegs (chocobo), Lily (Eos, she's not a pet, but she's important and I wanted to list her), Walpole (a very bitchy Carbuncle).
— S K I L L S
Abilities: SCH main (Scholar questline is canon for him), aetherology (he started his work with the Scions as Y'shtola's personal assistant), experienced and competent field medic, unique echo manifestation gives him the ability to see the flow of aether around him in a synesthesia-like effect.
Hobbies: Reading, astrology (learned from his mom), botany and gardening, botanical drawing, alchemy, helping Kendra in the kitchen, knitting, letter writing.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: Orion has an inquisitive mind. His desire, not only to know but to fully understand phenomena has led him to several ground-breaking discoveries. And he does not hoard knowledge. He'll enthusiastically share his findings with anyone who cares to listen. He is also just as inquisitive and keen to understand in social situations, making him an empathetic and open-minded person in general.
Most Negative Trait: Orion has a deep-seated distrust of governments and other institutions of traditional authority. This is not without reason, or even some merit, but it can make him difficult to work with when it comes to large-scale endeavors. His words or actions have nearly cost the Scions a deal more than once.
— L I K E S
Colors: Blue, especially woad, ink, and rhotano blue / Green / White / Warm browns / Metalics, especially gold.
Smells: Sandalwood, cedar, oolong tea, jasmine (reminds him of Kendra's perfume), libraries and well-preserved old paper, and morning fog in the Dravanian highlands.
Textures: The downy fur of Kendra's ears / yarn spun from the karakul of the Azim Steppe / well-loved leather-bound books / smooth, expertly-blown alchemical glassware.
Drinks: Tea, especially oolong or pu-erh. If Orion does not have access to actual pu-erh, he will make an equivalent with the darkest Sharlayan-style tea blend he can find, a custom blend of additives he will not divulge, and karakul milk. Just tasting it once put Urianger in a sickbed for two days. / Botanical spirits such as gin and aperitifs. He's even made a few himself.
— O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Medicinally smokes whatever variety of moko grass gets you stoned. He will also occasionally smoke tobacco socially, especially cigars.
Drinks: An adventurous but moderate drinker. He'll try anything at least once. He can occasionally be cajoled into heavier indulgence but that's abated as he's gotten older.
Drugs: There have been a few controlled "experiments" over the years.
Mount Issuance: Birdlegs is his primary mount that travels with him almost everywhere. The dusky, gigantic chocobo has become a bit of a legend in her own right. However, he does also technically have a yol as well, but has entrusted Cirina with his care because there's just not enough room on any of his properties for a bird of that size.
Been Arrested: For a mild-mannered professor type, Orion has been arrested so many times.
Tagged by:@ardberts🤍 tyyyy! Tagging: @physicalvocalist@sarenraegalpaladin@janzoo@airis-ray@ae-fond-seeker@captainqster@koijikido@adina--astra@iron-sparrow Sorry if you've already done this or been tagged before! I tried to pick mutuals I hadn't seen this from yet.
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dragon-queen21 · 2 years
Limited Life agere headcanons
Alrighty so thanks to my friend these ideas have been roaming around my brain rent free for the past hour or more and so I'm sharing them with all of you now. :3
~Cleo gives off tired, single mom vibes. Her two kids that she takes care of is Scar and Bdubs.
~Skizz is the overly trusting child who often ends up at Cleo's place without understanding how he's made it there. Cleo wonders herself because he has two very two overprotective dads, Etho and Impulse.
~Scar coming up to Cleo holding Sizz's hand and just being like 'Hey mom I found a new friend can we keep him?' And Cleo , while sipping a cup of coffee being like 'sure, what's one more?'
~Jimmy, Joel, and Grian are like seven year olds, without a caregiver, who think that they are so cool and run around causing so much chaos.
~They're probably the reason why Scar learned a bunch of curse words without knowing the meaning of what he's saying.
~"Mom I made a new friend! His name is Jimmy-erh Tim? Timmy? Jim- uh, I forget." Cleo in all her wisdom decides to just rename Jimmy. Saves both her and Scar a lot of trouble in the long run. "Ah, okay, Jimothy it is then."
~The epic fights that Scar and Bdubs tell Cleo about? Literally just the two of them playing make believe together.
~Bdubs gives off older brother energy but not by much.
~Martyn is like the cool uncle who will babysit kiddos every once and awhile, who just so happens to regress as well but doesn't tell anyone cause clearly Cleo is stressed out and she doesn't need to deal with another little.
~Etho would give Cleo a break from Scar and Bdubs if it weren't for the fact that he knows he'll end up regressed as well and only making her stress levels worsen.
~Pearl is like the neighborhood wet cat who comes to Cleo with pretty rocks and shiny things that she finds just looking for approval and attention.
~Cleo just calling up Joe back on hermitcraft and complaining/crying to him about the grief and stress that her children have put her through. "I leave them alone for five minutes and it's utter chaos Joe, utter chaos!" He just lets her vent.
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cvpiidbiites · 5 months
Oc Asks ໒꒰ྀི。- ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
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⊹ English breakfast; English Breakfast: What is your OC’s morning routine?
˖ Vesper; normally wakes up pretty early to a start on his work, from double checking the library is in order to marking down who has late fees (it’s never Sunday-). Early hours of the day you see this tired figure shuffling down hallways and stairs to his office with a cup of tea in hand. Robin used to help out but,, ya know.
˖ Guidance; (before leaving) early morning prayers, helping in the kitchen with breakfast for the younger nuns in training. ˖ Eve; never sleeps so to eve it’s always one long day, never a tomorrow but a later today. Morning means nothing to her except that the sun has risen. She waits for orders, for a job to land at her feet and then her fay can truly “start.”
˖ Willow; depends if it’s a school day, always the last to wake up and has stumbled into school with a toothbrush still in mouth and sippers still on, eyes half closed. They did not do their homework they are scribbling it with a sharpie that was in their pocket that’s half dead.
⊹ Earl grey; Does your OC like to read? What is their taste in books?
˖ Eternal; a huge romance ya/adult reader, she’s a the sole reason why Vesper keeps being in more romance books to the Library. It’s one of her favorite past times. ˖ Cebe; not the biggest reader but will pick up a book or two when she has time to relax (hardly ever) ˖ Guidance; only ever read the “Bible” really, would love to read simple children fantasy books if they could.
⊹ Darjeeling; Where does your OC feel most at home?
˖ Fia; quite spring mornings either with their lovers or by themself with something warm to drink in their bed watching out their window. Quiet and calm is something fia didn’t have growing up and now that they are getting older and are allowing themself to relax is when they feel most at home. ˖ Lucrezia; their home is more a person than a place or feeling, laying her head down in the arms of her lover(s) a call moment from their hectic life, a break from being others savior and allow herself to be vulnerable. ˖ Lumi; a place where she is finally seen as not just an object, a pretty face her parents and companies use. A place with some cinnamon candles, a comfy blanket and her lover’s head on her lap.
⊹ Oolong; How does your OC decorate their space?
˖ Lucrezia; vines and other flora items that she doesn’t get to see underwater. Books from authors she enjoy decorated on shelves with filing cabinets next to them, dark brown furniture in a semi empty room.
˖ Silviu; took awhile to start decorating or even getting stuff to decorate their place with. He slowly start taking home things from missions or gifts from others. Will sheepishly ask omen to help her make a throw blanket. Hates bright/big lights so using fairy lights (but Christmas ones since it was on sale so their multicolor too) to light room with some small desk lamp.
˖ Willow. Dear lord this kid. Posters everywhere, streamers, led lights, plushies, very messy. Anything and everything colorful too.
⊹ Lapsang Souchong; if your OC was a scented candle, what would they smell like?
˖ Eternal; sweet pea flowers with tangy pomegranate
˖ Morix; Red mandarin, some lemon zest with guava and papaya sweetened with cane sugar and orange.
˖ Guidance; Black rose petals with hints of sweet tuberose, jasmine and black oud
⊹ Pu-erh: What does your OC do when they’re stuck indoors for a day or two?
˖ Silviu; He normally would think it would be fine and wouldn't bug her but she would be pacing and going insane, they always were out as a reckless teen so being home trapped is worst case for them. They would have to smoke a bit to cool out before they try to climb out the window.
˖ Cebe; Take time to map out where she needs to head next to ever last small detail.
˖ Lumi; If she was with her lover she would be fine and take it as a lazy day off, some shows maybe convince a boardgame or two simple. By herself? Very anxious and nervous, not only is she trapped alone in the house/room, she wont know how her lovely wifey is doing.
˖ Miro; easy, catch up on sleep and homework that they were putting off for track (and her helping her gf cheat study off her)
⊹ Green: What is your OC’s favorite piece of clothing?
˖ Lucrezia; Her nightgown she wears under her work clothing
˖ Dúlamán; the ring on their neck that they were going to propose to Cebe with
˖ Eve; Any of her sweaters or jackets as they give a sense of security and warmth
⊹ Jasmine: Does your OC like flowers? Which type of flower is their favorite?
˖ Eternal; purple hyacinths are her favorite, never one to deny a bouquet after a show.
˖ Morix; Sunflowers, dandelions, even thinks wheat is pretty in its own way.
˖ Eve; not a flower type but Baby's breath is her favorite.
Matcha: What is your OC’s preferred little treat?
˖ Fia; Catnip <3 Preferred home grown.
˖ Morix; Sweet liquor, doesn't drink a lot but if he had a really good show he rewards himself with a bottle.
˖ Guidance; They would never let anyone see but a sweet drink like hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles. Something they never had as a kid and envy those who can get them easily.
⊹ Lemon Balm: Does your OC have any bedtime habits or rituals?
˖ Eternal; A woman with 20 step skincare while sitting in a warm bubble bath, sheet mask on, candles light and a glass of bubbly pink wine before some light reading before bed.
˖ Silviu; Usually sits in the main room/living room when its empty/mostly empty while scrolling on his phone, just seeking some simple company before she lays down fall asleep watching something on his phone.
˖ Miro; Lives by a parks so they always go on a jog to go over everything that has happened in the day especially if a lot happened. Comes home to a cold shower and sleep on call with her gf.
⊹ Peppermint: How does your OC handle the cold?
˖ Dúlamán; Cold seas are nothing to them (lying) The type to be shivering, teeth clattering while saying they're not cold. They don't have warm clothing and everything is torn so they are SOL.
˖ Lumi; Is the owner of so many fleece tights (the one where it looks like sheer tights but its fluffy inside) never lets the cold stop them from dressing up! Always use it as an excuse to text gf going "You better hurry up before dinner is finished, going to get cold."
˖ Willow; HATES THE COLD- Sniffling nose, 20 layers, an annoying mess who complains every few minutes.
⊹ Rooibos: What kind of lighting does your OC prefer? Dim, bright, moody, secret fourth thing?
˖ Fia; Dim moody lighting, hates bright lights since they are prone to headaches from overworking already so the lights don't help.
˖ Vesper; Dim table lamps with an orange tint (despite being very blue coded) Great for reading and napping
˖ Cebe; Bright lights to be able to see everything.
⊹ Chamomile: What does your OC do to relax?
˖ Lucrezia; (Drink /j) A writer at heart, she uses any spare time she can spare to write. From stories from the traveler to fantasy about the seas, they were always full of inspiration.
˖ Eternal; Definitely a knitter, probably lays in her bed knitting for Misha since the colder nights are coming.
˖ Cebe; Never relaxes. Only vengeance and planning to take back what's "hers." The closest thing she will get to relaxing is sleeping but even then she has furrowed eyebrows.
˖ Lumi; Baking sweet treats for Ha-min and her coworkers, cleaning and organizing (She will rearrange the entire living room if left alone for too many hours. )
⊹ Ginger: What always brightens your OC’s day?
˖ Fia; The three little siblings she see almost everyday, fia being the honorary (and secret) 4th sibling to them. Having the twins show a magic trick they just made up or some shells that will be used on Fia's next project from the youngest.
˖ Lucrezia; Hearing a tap on the glass and seeing a well known mask, no matter how much paperwork Luci always give them her whole attention, pulling out any treats or drinks she has to share.
˖ Silviu; Being approached by any of the other agents with good intentions, not being seen as weird looking and having someone willingly want to talk to her would make their tail wag if they were a dog (thinking about Doberman dogs where they look mean but have this tail wagging fast)
˖ Lumi; sudden arms around her waist while cooking since someone somehow came home early, small gifts like flowers or clothing that fit her style instead of the style her family wants.
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silverchangeling · 1 year
The sound was deafening. Like a screaming boulder landed in our backyard.
"Molly!" crooned Grandma, like this was most standard noise in the world "Could you go check on that? I think it came from the backyard."
But I had already paused my stream, slipped into my crocs, and was heading out the backdoor. Or well, fumbling with the blinds. I couldn't believe my eyes. Had an angel literally fallen from heaven?
A young woman- no older girl? She looked like a cross between a Moon Princess and a British one. I rushed to her side. She spoke mostly like a British Princess though.
At first she was incomprehensible. Speaking fast, with too many "thees", "thous", royal "Wes" and- I'm no English major- but I thought her grammer was terrible. At a certain point I think she realized she was speaking gibberish. She calmed down, and spoke in a more comprehensible voice that sounded like an anime girl mimicking old British English.
"We know this'll sound quite absurd." She looked at me to see if I understood, and I nodded "But I'm your Uncle. Something happened to Us- erh, me on Our hiking trip. We were- Uhm, hit by truck."
I blinked. What the hell was she talking about? For one, Uncle Ted stopped by a few hours ago. I whipped out my phone to text that asshole, but the mystery girl stole my phone, pressed an odd button, and called him instead.
Uncle Tom's eternally irritated voice replied "Damn it, Mi- Molly" that asshole couldn't even get my name right "I just started by damn hike- wait WHAT THE HELL IS DRIVING-?"
The phone screamed as some horrible crunching and screeching rubber on dirt noise blared from its speakers. I was too dumbfounded to react.
Grandma's voice broke the silence "Wowee girlie, you look like someone whose been stolen away by the fae and now back again if I've ever seen one."
"No no no no-" The princess girl repeated, seemingly determined to clear up this point "We were isekai'd." ---
After some explaining, reciting of information, and profuse apologizing I could maybe believe this girl was once my uncle. Although now she was apparently "legally adopted" by my grandmother. Or at least according to the documentation that dropped with her. Well, even our records collaborated that she's been here for a while, even though Grandma and I know its different. Very fae-like, according to Grandma.
Anyway, Grandma and I decided that she could stay for the night. The girl was getting more understandable by the hour, and maybe by tomorrow she'd sound somewhat normal.
So tomorrow, I'm in my PJs, making myself some toast with Grandma, when the girl prostrates herself before me. She finally looks a bit more normal- like an extremely photogenic casual weeb girl rather than a "Cosplay beauty pageant winner" weeb girl.
"I wanted to apologize again for mistreating you, Molly!" The girl squeaked out. "The person I was before well- I was very narrow-minded. And not a good person…"
My bread popped from the toaster. I spread some of Grandma's jam on it. Unfortunately, I didn't have it in my heart to stay mad at little Miss Moon Princess, even if she was once my 5th shittiest family member. "Alright, I forgive you."
"Thank you!" She hopped back upright, nervous but slightly more excited. Her eyes shone with puppy-like "I- uhm- Also I go by Summer now!… The title I used to go by, in the other world, is a bit of mouthful and more than embarrassing." she looks sidewise as though she's rehearsed this conversation a dozen times in her head "So yeah! Call me Summer!"
"Very fae-touched name." Grandma muttered to me. The comment did not go unnoticed by Summer.
"Let- let me tell you my story over breakfast!" Summer seemed adamant to set the story straight. Grandma and I sat, armed with toast and fruit, preparing for whatever strange tale lay ahead of us.
Summer began to recount her journey, "So I was walking in the woods and I got hit by a truck- which you heard, Molly. In retrospect, its kind of a weird place to get struck by traffic. Anyway, I thought I died, but instead I woke up in this floaty white space. Some kind of goddess approached me. She said- 'If you reincarnate as a hero and defeat the demon lord, I'll send you home with any loot you find.' And considering I was dead, I had no choice by to accept her offer!"
Grandma looked at me once and stated "Faeries love bargains like this-"
Summer began gesturing wildly to get our attention "SO I get reincarnated as this super cute babe you see before you! And I was like 'weird! I'm a girl now!' and it took some time to get used to but I guess I kinda like it? Like I'm way softer now! You- you know how it is right???" she motioned at her different assets, before realizing what she was doing, stopping, blushing, and continuing her story.
"Anyway! I went on this really wild and long quest. Its WAY too much for one story session. But- OH YEAH I have my sword!" She pulled a flaming sword out of an apparent void located within her chest. With a single dramatic swipe, I think she singed one of my stray hairs.
"And uhm, I also have my inventory in here-" She reached her hand deep within her cleavage. Random junk dropped from her V-neck onto the table. "Here's those elixirs I forgot to use…. Ah yeah, you always need antidotes! Wish I had them before the swamp… Here's the farmer's keys from that quest I forgot I was on, hope he didn't need them… Oh yeah, this baby!" She pulled out a very futuristic-looking rocket "Never got to use the intercontinental missile, but it was plan B if everyone's hopes and dreams weren't enough to slay the demon lord!"
Grandma side-eyed to me "Not many people know this, but the fair-folk love high-grade explosives."
Summer forced a go-getter smile "ANYWAY, we totally rocked that demon lord, the witch and I got married, and we became princesses! It was a really chill 100 years or so, but then the goddess appeared to me in a dream and was all 'you're time is up, you're soul can't stay in this realm any longer.' So she sent me home, and here I am! I was totally isekai'd. Believe me now?"
"Mostly" replied Grandma.
"No." I blurted out.
Summer deflated a little. "O-okay. I know its all a little hard to believe… I just hope you find it in your heart to believe me one day! I was totally isekai'd!" ----
Poor girl. Even with her bombshell body, she had little luck in love. I think Summer's journeys in wherever-the-hell left her a little naïve. She had texted me to pick her up from the bar. I wonder who broke up with her this time- wasn't too soon since her last girlfriend?
When I got to the local pub, Summer was in her favorite quiet spot in the corner. When she saw me, she instantly motioned me towards her. God, she was unreasonably cute, even as a sobbing mess.
"Da Mayor… waz just the farmer with a hat. Da Demon Lord waz just the farmer with a mustache." Summer glumly sniffled at me, like any of this meant something to me.
"Slow down- " I slid into the booth to comfort her, "What's bothering you?"
"The barmaid was the goddess, but wizout the wings and the glowy lights!" Summer complained into her drink
"Uhm… who broke up with you now?" I rubbed her shoulder to try to calm her
"I WAZ ABDUCTED BY FAERIES THE WHOLE TIME!" she slammed her mug for emphasis "Isekai obsessed fairies… The other swordsman on my team…. Waz named Kirito! He WAZ JUST KIRITO."
Summer continued. "Grandma was right." Grandma did have a tendency to be right about these things. "The faeries tricked me… I had tropey-est isekai adventure ever! They made me do BEACH EPISODES! They told me it WAS A YEARLY HOLIDAY. I don't think medieval societies invented bikinis yet…"
I tried to calm her. "Its okay! It doesn't matter what kind of adventure you had! You're back now!" With a few pats, Summer seemed to calm down. Slowly, she seemed to be returning to her natural cheer, a state not unlike an excitable and innocent puppy.
Summer wiped a tear from her eye. "Really?"
I helped Summer get up, and slowly moved her to my car.
Maybe another day I'll let her know that she exhibits a number of fae-touched qualities. And at a different time, tell her comical levels of clumsiness, which always leaves her ass-up on the ground on a daily basis, is not normal.
But those are revelations for other days.
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kimkiln-teacup · 2 years
What kind of tea could be cooked?
Yu Dafu said: “Anyone who spends the winter in the northern country always misses cooking tea by the stove, or eating mutton, peeling peanuts, and drinking white wine.”
According to media statistics, as of now, the topic of “Stove-Boiled Tea” has been played 2.75 billion times on Douyin, and topics related to Xiaohongshu have also been viewed by nearly 12 million people. The popularity of “Stove-Boiled Tea” seems to have quickly overshadowed the camping craze and frisbee craze and has become the new trend of the moment.
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If you still don’t know what “Stove-Boiled Tea” is, imagine a scene like this:
In the winter afternoon, friends sat around the table, set up a charcoal stove, put on a teapot, and roasted some persimmons, sweet potatoes, peanuts, corn, etc. By the way, with the help of the charcoal fire for making tea. Looking at the sun, drinking tea, chatting and laughing. Such a quiet and leisurely experience, it is hard not to be fascinated.
In fact, brewing tea is not a new thing. In the traditional Chinese tea culture, brewing tea has always had a place.
“Stove-Boiled Tea” was also called tea banquet in ancient times. It began in the Northern and Southern Dynasties and flourished in Tang and Song Dynasties.
In the Tang Dynasty, Lu Yu had detailed descriptions of tea making in the “Tea Classics”. In the Song Dynasty, on the basis of tea making, there appeared techniques such as tea ordering, tea distribution, and tea fighting. At that time, the tea had to be crushed, boiled, stirred, filtered, and then the tea soup was poured into the teacup for drinking, just like the scene of boiling tea in the TV series “Menghualu”.
The tea culture that has lasted for thousands of years and is deeply integrated into people’s lives has always been the gene and heritage of “Stove-Boiled Tea”.
So, here comes the question. Tea is the key to brewing tea around the stove. What kind of tea should be brewed? Which teas cannot be boiled?
The cold wave is coming. Not all teas are suitable for drinking in winter. In winter, it is suitable to brew and drink tea with a high degree of fermentation and a mild nature. After time has passed, the quality of the aged tea tends to be mild. After cooking, the substances contained in the tea leaves are fully released.
Retro teapots in a variety of designs are available from Kimkiln, letting you enjoy “stove-boiled tea”
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What kind of tea should be brewed?
The cold wave is coming. Not all teas are suitable for drinking in winter. In winter, it is suitable to brew and drink tea with a high degree of fermentation and a mild nature. After time has passed, the quality of the aged tea tends to be mild. After cooking, the substances contained in the tea leaves are fully released.
Cooked Pu-erh tea
As we all know, Pu-erh tea can be boiled and drunk, and older Pu-erh cooked tea can precipitate rich substances. After a long period of aging, Pu-erh tea has lost its greenness and coldness, and its content is more balanced. The stored sugar and pectin are also richer, making it more palatable to drink after boiling.
Liubao tea
In the cold winter, a cup of warm and mellow Liubao tea will warm up the whole body.
After simmering, the color of the tea soup will deepen, the taste will become mellow, exuding a unique mellow aroma. The entrance has the dense and throaty rhyme of red bean soup, and the aftertaste is sweet and moist.
Old white tea
Old white tea is a rare and exquisite product. When it is boiled with water, the strong jujube aroma comes to the face. You can also add tangerine peel appropriately, tangerine peel and old white tea can be said to be the best match. The color of the soup is as bright as amber, and the taste is smooth and sweet. Taste carefully, there are jujube and zong leaves, which are rare and natural.
Hand-built Fucha
Hand-built Fucha is a kind of black tea. After brewing, it tastes sweet and smooth. The tea soup is mostly dark brown, which is even more memorable.
Retro teapots in a variety of designs are available from Kimkiln, letting you enjoy “stove-boiled tea”
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Which teas cannot be boiled?
Green tea
Green tea is a kind of non-fermented tea. The tea leaves are tender and tender. Boiling and drinking will destroy the vitamins in the tea. At the same time, a large amount of caffeine will be leached, and the taste of the tea soup will become bitter.
Yellow tea
Yellow tea is a lightly fermented tea. Like green tea, the buds and leaves are relatively tender. Boiling and drinking will destroy nutrients and taste bitter.
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“Stove-Boiled Tea” the combination of refreshments can be similar, as long as it has the characteristics of direct consumption and grilled food, such as peanuts, oranges, pears, hawthorns, sweet potatoes, rice cakes, jujubes, baked longan and so on.
Adhering to the principle of “everything can be baked”, it has the fun of doing it yourself, and the color matching is very good.
Or throw the roasted jujube and longan directly into the pot, and a pot of tea soup with full color, fragrance and taste is freshly baked, and you can rest assured that you can make no mistakes in any combination.
The sense of ritual in winter is to pass time slowly, the temperature of the charcoal fire and the sweetness of the grilled food dispel the cold in winter. Have you made tea around the stove this winter?
Retro teapots in a variety of designs are available from Kimkiln, letting you enjoy “stove-boiled tea”
0 notes
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Temperance - Card 14
Upright-   Balance, moderation, good health, cooperating with others, finding solutions
Reversed-   Imbalance, discord, hastiness, overindulgence, risky behavior
Yes Or No- Yes
Avoid all extreme situations when pulling the Temperance card in your reading. Although there are times to ‘go for the jugular,’ this is not the angel’s message. Some situations are complicated and require patience and special care, even when your emotions are telling you to react. Temperance is actually a skill, and like any other skill, practice makes perfect. Hold back from quick judgment. Resist the temptation to react immediately. Are there areas of your life in which you need to find balance? Could you benefit from learning to remain calm during moments of distress? Temperance has arrived to help you find the strength to do so.
(Information from Here)
D.J has always seemed to be a chill, calm character. Very rarely in the show, though he rarely shows up much at all, has he shown anger. D.J seems to the most zen of the puppies, outside maybe Deepak on certain occasions. He never is too quick to judge and seems to erh on the side of caution. Often teaching even the older pups to step back and see the bigger picture. I wish we got more of D.J honestly. (He’s also very good at balancing a good beat!)
Master Post
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The Lawsuit
Randy nodded, and hiccuped again. “.. Look, this is a s- simple case… She tripped, and knocked over your merchandise. Y- you have witnesses wh- who are willing to testify against her, you have footage th- that clearly…” his voiced trailed off as he rescanned over the document. “… How long w- was that sign up?” he asked, being unintentionally vague.
"Okay yeah see? Easy! I knew it was.... Easy." He blinked as Randy trailed off, then tilted his head and wrinkled his nose in confusion. "... The sign? Erh." He wondered how to play it off like he knew what this was about. "Jog my memory, I remember a few signs."
 “… Th- the “freshly waxed” sign…” Randy said, a bit of morbid dryness in his voice. “.. Y- Your janitorial staff, put out th-the sign, that was fine… but it disappears l- literally m- minutes later…” he flipped through the security footage papers, his eyes desperately scanning the images. “… Oh th-this i-is bad,” he whispered, tugging at his collar as papers began to drop from his lap and scatter out on the floor below. “Th- this is very very bad....”
"What? What did someone fuck with it?" He grew tense now, seriously having no idea what any of this meant and trying to scoop up the papers with his magic. He squinted through the pages curiously. "What the hell does a sign have to do with this?"
“I- It’s about r- regulations,” Randy said, looking at Spinel with a very disconcerting look. “Y- You have t- to have a sign out u- until the wax is set,” he stuttered, standing up and pacing, his balance offset by his drunkenness. “Y- You could be fa- facing a serious l- lawsuit h- here…” he swallowed nervously, and turned on a dime, staring at Spinel. “An- and if she g- goes through with this, your whole es- estate could be jeopardized…”
At first he just looked annoyed, thinking all this over a stupid sign was ridiculous. But that composure was soon lost as slowly something that resembled horror crossed his features and his jaw slacked. ".... What....? " He very slowly sat down in a stool, levitating some white wine in front himself and popping the cork out. He put on a smile, one that read out 'I will kick someone in the balls if I don't hear what I like'. "You can't be serious."
Thomas Theo: Randy continued to flip through the document, his eyes searching for some kind of detail they were missing. “I- I don’t… oooooh this is v- very very bad…” he fell back on the couch, dropping the stack of papers next to him. “I- I don’t understand…” he looked over at Spinel and frowned. “Y- You said she tripped!! N- Not slipped !!”
"Well what the fuck is the difference?!" Nope, smile gone, now he was in a mix of anger and panic. He took a few deep breaths then turned away a moment to down a good portion of the wine.
“W- Word choice Mr. Spinel!! WORD. CHOICE .” Randy shivered, and looked over the papers again. “Okay, okay… th-think Randy think…” he stuttered and mumbled to himself as he continued to leaf through the remaining papers. “Okay okay… um… we can um…” he continued to stumble over phrases, trying to think of something that could remedy this catastrophe.
He took heavy gulps of air once he had downed about two thirds of the bottle, wiping his mouth and sniffling slightly with a clear of his throat before he turned back to stare at Randy. "When you say whole... estate... Just- how bad are we talking here? Why can't I just pay off a fee and be done with it? Isn't that how it works?!"
“Th- that’s the thing ab- about lawsuits,” Randy said without looking at Spinel. “Sh- she can sue you for just a- about anything…  i- including e- everything you have. I once took on a case wh- where an older pony had twisted his ankle on a non-regulation si- sized stairwell at a Bucky Barn’s, an- and he won a t- ten million bit settlement…”
A long silence, and soon the rest of the wine was gone. Spinel stared off at a wall with his eyes slowly getting bigger the more he thought about this. "She can't." he finally spoke, his voice coming out shakey. "She can't fucking do that to me!" The wine bottle went flying in to a wall where it shattered, and he breathed heavily with an expression full of rage, teeth gnashing, nostrils flared.
Randy studied diligently, channeling out the bottle and rage. As he read through the documents, something caught his eye. “… H- Hey w- wait…” he said softly, his hoof stopping on a single page. “… i- it says th- the janitor at the time th- this footage was taken… y- you just hired him the week prior, yes?”
He continued breathing, but forced himself to calm down enough to listen when Randy spoke, looking at him almost pleadingly. "It does? I mean, yes obviously it does but I don't deal with any of that." he waved a hoof, looking frustrated, "All of that crap goes through my secretary, I have a fully payed staff keeping this business functioning. So she'd have hired him. Why?" He tried to grin hopefully, "Can this shit be blamed on him rather than the company?"
“N- No, b- but…” Randy said, flipping back to a page. “… U- Unless y- your janitor i- is a changeling, I- I’d say the janitor in this footage i- isn’t wh- who he said he was…” He gestured for Spinel to come over to him, and placed the tip of his hoof on a fuzzy image of a pony placing the sign down. “Th- there are a lot of d- details missing, an- and maybe… i- if we do some d- digging…”
"....Eh...?" By now he was lost. What was this, a fucking mystery novel? He leaned closely over Randy, a hoof firmly planted on his shoulder as he squinted. ".... What the fuck...?" he mumbled in confusion. "Randy, what the hell is going on here? I mean shit, one minute I'm thinking some fat bitch just tripped and wanted some money, and now what? How is a sign and a janitor going to fix this?" There was a long pause, he bit his lip. "...It can be fixed, right?" for once in all this time he'd ever interacted with the ram, he sounded vulnerable.
Randy nodded slowly, and looked over at the unicorn. “I- I can fix this,” he said, his eyes full of confidence. “I- it may require us to go to court, b- but wi- with the ri- right team, w- we can make this go away… y- yes, I- I’m sure of it.” He managed a thin, genuinely comforting smile. “I- I promise… I- I can fix this."
"You have to." he said in an oddly serious tone, staring Randy in the eyes. "Out of everything you've ever done for me, this is..." He looked off, in a mix of shock and anger, not sure where his words were going or what he was supposed to say. His lip quivered. "... This is my life."
The ram nodded, and looked back at the document. As much as he hated to admit it, this could be career breaking. He could have his old life back yet. Without a single stutter, he placed his hooves on the document, staring out over the city again. “… I can do this.”
Spinel had apparently been holding his breath in waiting for a reply, considering he let it all out at once after Randy spoke. He shakily stumbled off to lean against the bar, quivering and looking ill as he nodded. Next, he simply dropped on to the bar counter and slammed his hoof on it a few times, giving a few shouts of anger. All that wine was probably a terrible idea.
Randy set the document aside, and slowly managed to get to his hooves. He looked over at Spinel. Seeing him this upset and distraught… He walked over to the bar, and stood next to Spinel, staring into the wood. There were a few moments of silence, the situation sinking in. This was not going to be easy, they were going to have to go to court. But, he knew some ponies from that still owed him a favor. And, if they played their cards right, things would work out. “… hey,” Randy said, breaking the silence. “… I promise, I won’t let her take anything from you. Not a single bit,” he looked over, and softly touched his hoof. “You have my word.”
Spinel's composure just continued to spiral out of control, with a mix of the wine and the crystals he'd consumed earlier he was in a whirlwind of emotions he didn't expect nor knew how to confront. The moment his hoof was touched, it triggered an unexpected reaction, causing him to turn and pull Randy in to a tight and clinging hug complete with a horrible trembling that wouldn't go away. He spoke with a slight slur. "I don't understand. I earned every bit. I worked my ass off for all of this, and what the fuck- what the fuck is right about getting all of that for slipping on your ass!!!"
Randy very slowly returned the embrace, not sure how to feel about this. He knew Spinel was just as drunk as he was, and he had feeling that whatever else he had taken was making him vulnerable. But, him being so emotional when he was drunk, the ram began to sympathize with Spinel, thinking back to some of the things that had landed him where he was today. He softly rubbed Spinel’s back, trying to help him relax. “You haven’t lost anything yet, and you never will. You’re going to be okay, I promise…” he gently rocked Spinel, something that his grandmother used to do to comfort him. He hoped the soft, swaying motion and the gentle massage would help him calm down.
He nodded, trying to reassure himself really. The rocking was weird however, he wasn't sure why it was being done and even worse, he wasn't sure why it felt nice. Randy was a confusing little shit but he went with it, going a bit limp in his arms and steadying his breathing. "I swear t'Celestia..." he murmured, slurred still, "If you pull this off, y'can fuck me any time y'want... Ghfhahah... Nnnh.."
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
(Gonna Getcha) Suna or Later (Haikyuu)
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EDIT: 6/10/24: Went back in and edited this fic cause reading it back caused me unnecessary amounts of cringe. I think it reads better now :D
That was a terrible pun
Heyo everyone! So...I think I’ve fallen in love with another Haikyuu character, lols! Seriously though, I’ve just been struck with the sudden urge to write for Lee!Suna, and I couldn’t get the idea of the Miya twins just wrecking him out of my brain! I hope you like it!
Summary: It’s after practice, and Suna just wants to head home. The Miya twins won’t let him go that easily.
“Suna? Suna Suna Suna!” 
The mentioned boy didn’t bother looking up from his stretch, knowing full well what Atsumu wanted. “No.”
“Oh come on, I didn’t even ask for anything!” The setter half whined, golden eyes adding to his childish pout. It was the end of practice, which meant Atsumu was back at his mission to get Suna to set for him. He had already tried for Aran, but the older teammate had left with their captain. 
Osamu was nowhere to be found, though Suna suspected he might be hiding in the locker room. “Go ask your twin to set for you if you want to practice more.”
Atsumu made a face, sticking his lower lip out further as he stared down the middle blocker. “Osamu sets for me all the time! I want to try someone different, and you’re still here. Come on, please, Suna? Pleeeeease?” He scooted closer so he was practically on top of the middle blocker, raising his hands to his chin in a cat-like pose.
Suna gave him a deadpan stare before looking away, pulling his arms over his head and twisting his torso. “No. I’m heading home after I stretch. You should too.”
The setter dropped his hands in defeat, the childish stubborn side of him coming out. “Just one set, Suna? Come on! I’ll even help you block! You can do that funny thing with your spine like you do during our games!” He reached out, poking the blocker in the ribs to emphasize his point. 
Suna spasmed, arms shooting down to his torso as he scrambled away. “Don’t.”
Atsumu blinked, eyes wide with surprise at Suna’s sudden reaction. “Don’t what?” He darted forward to poke at Suna’s side again, watching the blocker dart away.
“Geez, what’s the problem? Why are you running away from me?” He stepped forward, taking in Suna’s strange posture. He was hunched over, arms glued to his sides protectively. His eyes were watchful and guarded, not fear exactly but...embarrassment?
More importantly, did he smile just now?
“Atsumu? What’s going on?” Osamu called out as he left the locker room, tugging on his jacket. His twin didn’t answer right away, eyes trained on the blocker.
“You keep moving away...I wonder-Oh!” He grinned suddenly, clapping his hands. “I get it now...Suna, you’re ticklish?”
The middle blocker froze, cheeks flushing a rare pink as he backed away. “Atsumu...” 
Beside them, Osamu watched with interest, putting down his gym bag to join. “Suna’s ticklish? I would have never guessed. He’s always so deadpanned. He rarely ever laughs.” The twins shared matching smiles, a silent conversation passing between them.
 “Yeah. And when he is, it’s at our expense.” Asumu, raising his wiggling fingers. “Let’s give him something new to laugh over.”
The middle blocker looked between the pair, arms glued to his sides as he began to sweat. They were getting closer. If he didn’t move now, he was done for.
Throwing caution to the wind, he made a mad dash towards the gym doors, hoping he could escape. 
“And he’s off! After him!” Atsumu yelled out in glee, charging the brunette with his twin on his tail.
“Stay away!” Suna tried to shoo them away, just barely making it to the door. His hands touched the handle before he was tackled, flying face first into the aluminum flooring and pinned. 
“Oof! Careful! Don’t break my face-erh!” The blocker shivered when Atsumu’s hands found his ribs again, pressing and prodding at the sensitive skin. “A-Atsumu! Stop it!”
 “Come on, let’s hear that laugh, Suna!” He teased, grinning as the other immediately began to squirm. His lips were set in a firm line, eyes squeezed shut as he swatted at the blonde’s hands. 
“Aww, he’s not laughing. Osamu, help me out!” Atsumu moved his hands up to Suna’s armpits, letting out a noise of delight when the brunette’s arms locked down tightly. “Oo, I think I found a good spot! “Come on, laugh! It’ll make you feel better, Suna.”
The brunette squirmed even more, his lips quirking upward as muffled giggles started to escape. “N-Never! Sc-screw you!”
Osamu snickered before reaching down, running his fingers against the blocker’s neck and adding to the tickling. “Are you ticklish here too?”
Oh that bastard! “N-No! Stahahp it!” The blocker bit down more giggles, cheeks warmed to an adorable pink as he scrunched up, trying desperately to get away. Above him, the Miya twins seemed to be laughing even more than him. 
“Ooh, he’s about to crack! Let’s try here!” Atsumu announced as he moved his hands back, pinching at the spot below Suna’s ribs. The action made the brunette arch sharply, a gasp of air breaking his defenses as he began to laugh. “Gah! A-Atsuhuhmu! Nohoho!” He yelped, shooting down to grab his wrists.
“Listen to that! He’s finally laughing, ‘Samu!” Atsumu cheered, focusing all his efforts into that one spot as Suna flailed like a fish- muffled giggles just barely concealed.
“He is- though, I don’t think his ribs are that ticklish, ‘Tsumu.” Osamu noted, pausing to observe the blocker once more. “He’s not giving us that big of a reaction.”
“Yeah, I think you're right, ‘Samu.” The twins paused their tickle attack, giving the blocker a chance to breathe.
Suna laid his cheek against the cool aluminum flooring, closing his eyes. He wouldn’t give in to their game. He refused to! If he could just outlast them a little longer…
“Oh, I know!” Atsumu cried out, bringing his hands back down before Suna had a chance to react. With a flick of his wrist, he ran a finger down the blocker’s spine, from his nape down to where he sat against Suna’s back.
Immediately the blocker arched with a yelp, not at all prepared. “GAH! Atsumu! Don’t! Not Thehehehehehahhahhahahhahhre!” He burst into cackles as the setter scribbled his fingers against his back, scratching and drilling into the sensitive skin. 
“Aha! I knew it! You always stiffen up when Aran pats your back. I thought at first you were hurt, but now I know you’re just really ticklish!” Atsumu teased, positively glowing with pride as Suna’s squirms renewed, light, breathless giggles and laughs escaping his lips. 
“Ahehahhahhahhahaha! A-Atsumu! Stahahhhahaahp ihhihihiit!”
Osamu laughed beside them, reaching out and claiming one side of Suna’s back, gently tracing random patterns and shapes along the muscles. “I’ve never known someone who’s back is this ticklish. This is a discovery for the books. I wonder if Kita and Aran know?” He easily dodged Suna’s half-assed attempts to elbow him. 
“Gahahhahahhahha! Doohohohohon’t you dahhahahhare thehehehehehll theehhhehem!” He threatened, only to arch with an uncharacteristic squeal. Atsumu had started to knead the spots just beneath Suna’s shoulder blades.
“Oh, I think we found a sweet spot for Suna, ‘Samu!” The blonde laughed. Osamu nodded, changing his direction and targeting the shoulder blade on his side, relishing the shrieks of laughter escaping their middle blocker. 
“I think you’re right, ‘Tsumu. Let’s investigate further.”
Suna writhed and thrashed, tears of mirth dotting his eyes as he swatted helplessly behind him, barely catching either twin. “AHEHHHAHAHAHAHAHA! GUUHUHUHUHUUHYS! STHAHAHHHAHAAHP PLEHEHEHEHHHAHASE!” He pleaded, banging his fist against the aluminum flooring for mercy. 
The Miya twins cackled, finally deciding to give their usually quiet teammate a break. “Okay, I think he’s had enough, ‘Tsumu.” Osamu said, pulling his hands away.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right, ‘Samu.” Atsumu pulled his own back, still sitting on the blocker as he recovered. “That’ll teach you. Now You know not to laugh at us!”
“Heh...hehe...you two...suck…” Suna wheezed, earning a few giggles. 
“Maybe, but you love us.” Atsumu smirked, reaching down and poking the blocker again in the ribs, earning a yelp. “So, will you help us practice more?” He boldly asked, giggling at Suna’s side eye. 
“Fine, I’ll help you…” Atsumu cheered, his whoop of victory quickly turning into a squawk when Suna’s hand latched onto his knee. “After I get my revenge!”
“Wait! Suna! Suhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhnaaa!” The blonde twin cried, falling into helpless laughter as the blocker tickled him mercilessly. “Sahahahahahahmu Hehehhehhehelp mehehehehehhehe!” 
Osamu knew he was next. Accepting his fate, he reached over, joining in the tickling frenzy and adding to Atsumu’s tickle punishment. “Sorry ‘Tsumu. We knew this was gonna happen.”
Thanks for reading!
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dellyduck · 3 years
A Pirate’s Life For Me
@rip-in-pieces-my-last-braincell It took me a day and a bit but I DID IT! 2.145 words, I hope you like it!
Just so you know, it has been ages since I’ve watched the movies, and this is not an official version, I just wanted to use as many characters as possible. The only characters that are mean to be in place are Kit, Della and Wildcat.
At some point of their long travel, even Della’s endless energy had come to an end. Donald felt relief for that at first, enjoying the rare peace and quiet in his life. However, as time passed by, the minutes being dragged at the same pace their ship calmly, quietly sailed through the fog, Donald almost wished his sister would still be running and climbing and screaming around.
The small twins were sitting side by side on a crate, eyes on the fog and ocean ahead without really paying attention to it. Donald didn’t know why or exactly when, but Della suddenly broke the silence by humming a not so unfamiliar melody. His fingers moved almost like an involuntary reflex and before the boy noticed, he was carefully playing the melody on his guitar. That was the moment Della chose to turn her humming into words.
“Drink up, me harties, yo-ho. Yo-ho, yo-ho... A pirate’s life for me. We extort, we pilfer, we filch, we sack, drink up-”
Della’s voice and Donald’s fingers where abruptly stopped when each twin had an adult hand grabbing their shoulders.
“Hush now, kids,” said the adult, in a tone of warning and looking around in agitation. “Real pirates travel in these waters, and the legends say that singing their songs is basically calling for them.”
“Wildcat!” shouted the voice with a tick Scottish accent that the kids knew very well. Their Uncle Scrooge didn’t look pleased as he approached them with his cane. “Ah would appreciate it if ye could not fill ma nephew and niece’s heads with untrue legends of the sea.”
“But they are true, Mr. McDee,” Wildcat insisted. “It’s bad luck to sing about pirates, everyone knows that.”
Donald gulped at these words, dropping his guitar at once; as if he needed more bad luck. Della, by other hand, didn’t look frightened in the slightest as the talk continued, captain Baloo breaking in to add his two cents.
“Wildcat’s not lying, Mr. McDuck, it’s common knowledge between us mans of the sea. And specially with us in the middle of this weird fog, I dunno ya but I’m not here to take risks.”
“Bah, fine,” Scrooge dismissed the topic with a hand. “If ye two are so bothered, they will stop singing.”
For Donald, his uncle didn’t need to say twice, looking forward for when the adults decided to change topics.
But Della didn’t seem ready to let go of this talk yet, “I think it’d be exciting to meet a real pirate,” she declared with her usual, innocent cheer.
Scrooge chuckled humorless, “Think again, lass.” He narrowed his eyes at the fog, as if daring the pirates who could be hiding behind it.
“Vile and dissolute creatures, all of them. Stealing without a care from those who earned their belongs fair and square.” Scrooge felt very much like spitting on the floor, but that was a habit from his old life and not a proper reaction from a governor. “If ye ask me, any person who dares to answer by the name pirate deserves the same fate: A short drop and a sudden stop.”
While Donald’s confused eyes didn’t move from their uncle’s face, Della turned her head to Baloo in search for answers. The captain hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he dropped a hand from the rudder, using it to grab the kerchief around his neck. By the way he stretched the tissue, dropping his head and letting his tongue roll off his mouth, Della quickly caught the message.
With a now frightened gasp, the girl snapped her head back forward, her wide eyes staring at the ship’s floor.
It was her reaction that made Scrooge notice his wee niblings’ faces to his last commentary. He then dropped his vexed expression for a concerned one. Oh marvelous, Hortense was going to kill him.
“Erh, but enough of pirate talks, aye? Ye kids enjoy the rest of the trip, with no singing,” he added before walking away to another part of the ship.
The twins just exchanged a look between each other, as if asking “what now?”. After a moment with no answer, Donald simply decided to jump off the crate and walk towards Baloo. Donald loved ships, boats, and the sea itself, and he was always eager to learn more about them, so it wasn’t hard for Della to imagine her brother’s plans.
Because of that, she stayed behind, looking around for something that would be of her interest. She found it when her eyes once again fell over the nets that leaded to the crow’s nest. Della had climbed it not even two hours ago, but the current boredom and the memory of the way she felt being up there were enough to make up her mind.
Della was lucky. Her parents were less strict than her friends’ about how a young lady should behave (although dresses and good manners were still a must) and her uncle didn’t give a feather if his ten-year-old niece acted boyish during their expeditions. That was how the girl got so good on activities like climbing.
Firmly grabbing the ropes, Della climbed up every step with patience, but no hesitation until she hit the middle of the net. There, she stopped. Dropping her right hand from the net, Della turned around on a complete 180°. She was facing the ocean now.
The fog turned the view way less appealing than it was a couple hours ago, but the duckling didn’t really mind. Just being up there, with wind in her hair, felling so free that it was almost like she could fly, was everything the young girl could wish for.
Della closed her eyes to breathe in deeply. But when she opened them again, her smile was quickly dropped when something through the fog caught her attention.
There was something on the water, floating.
Della needed to narrow her eyes to recognize a large wooden board. And laid on it, there was…
“A boy!” she exclaimed, starting to climb down the fastest she could, while still shouting. “Uncle Scrooge!! Baloo, Wildcat, look!”
The three men rushed to her, Scrooge grabbing her shoulders and checking his niece up and down after any wound in the instant Della was back on the ground.
“Lass, what’s the meaning-”
“A boy!” Della didn’t wait her uncle to finish, this time pointing a finger to where the floating board was. “Look, there’s a boy on the water!”
In the meantime that it took Della to climb down, the board had floated to even closer to the ship. Which allowed the three men to easily catch sight of the young, unconscious, brown-furred bear on it. Baloo’s eyes went wide, and he shouted,
Five more men from the crew came running to help, and with all of them working fast and together, it was a matter of seconds before the boy was out of the water and in Baloo’s arms. Della could just watch all the commotion from some steps behind, trying to get a better look, but the men were too tall and crowded to allow her any sight. She was able, however, to hear when Baloo declared,
“He’s still breathing.”
“For all the seven seas!” Della almost yelped at that sudden scream. When had Donald stopped by her side??
Nonetheless, her brother was looking even more frightened. Turning around and following his gaze, the girl could easily see why: hundreds of different types of merch floating on the water, them all coming from a ship, not so different from the one they were, crashing and burning in the middle of the ocean.
Scrooge, Baloo and Wildcat rushed to approach them and see it too, every man around trying to understand what could’ve happened there. Baloo wanted to believe in the easiest option, that merchant ships carry a lot of weaponry and somehow, accidentally, the powder was lit. But a tiny, distant voice in his mind wouldn’t let another, more scary option rest.
“P-p-pirates?” Donald gulped.
“Ah donnae know, lad, but we better be prepared for everything. Captain!” Scrooge started to command, and quickly everyone on the boat had a new role to play. Except for the little ones. “Donald, I want you to stay with me. Della-”
Scrooge cut himself off when he saw his niece wasn’t standing by her brother’s side anymore. Luckily, he just needed a quick look around to find the white duckling in a gray dress. It shouldn’t have surprised him that she was standing near their new crewmember. Scrooge walked to them, arriving just as a sailor took the boy from the ground, to take him away from the ship’s side edge.
“Della,” he called again, this time getting her attention. “I want you to accompany the boy. He will be in your charge. Take care of him.”
“Yes, Uncle Scrooge,” Della nodded, before following the sailor.
The brown cub was put to rest over the same crate the Duck twins had been sitting just some minutes ago. As she approached, Della knew she had a better chance to observe the boy now. He looked her age, maybe older for one or two years, if that much. His worn, patched up green sweater was completely soaked, and so was his fur, causing some of hair to fall over his eyes.
Gingerly as her housekeeper had taught her, Della touched his locks, gently moving them away. But no matter how gently, that disturbance alone was enough to wake the boy up with a chocked scream, grabbing her wrist with a shaking, yet strong hand.
Della sighed, trying to calm down her heart from the scare, before meeting his eyes. Petrified browns against calming light blues.
“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe now,” she guaranteed. “My name’s Della. Della Duck.”
“Kit,” he sounded breathless, scared, and tired. “Kit Cloudkicker.”
At that new piece of information, Della smiled.
“I’ll be watching over you, Kit.”
It’s like that was all the boy needed to hear, his grasp on her wrist loosening as his body fell unconscious once again.
Della kept her promise and stayed by his side, glad that now Kit looked more asleep than dead. It was while watching him that she noticed something loose around his neck. Touching it, Della easily recognized a red kerchief. Chances were high that it was just a piece of tissue, a cheap, meaningless adornment… But what if it was something his parents gave him? A memory of his family who, if traveling on that now burning ship, were probably no long in this world?
Biting her cheek, Della carefully took the kerchief within her hands, planning to keep it safe, maybe even wash it, before giving it back to Kit when he woke up-
Any thought was frozen, her heart leaping in surprise when she saw the drawing printed on Kit’s kerchief. She had never seen it before herself, but by the stories, Della knew exactly what the drawing of the white skull meant.
“You’re a… pirate?”
“Vile and dissolute creatures, all of them,” Uncle Scrooge’s words echoed in her head, alongside everything Della had heard about the bandits of the sea. But as she looked up to the boy again, she couldn’t see it. Kit didn’t look vile; he didn’t sound vile. He was just a kid, like her and Donald.
“Did he say anything?”
Della jumped, quickly crumpling the tissue in her hand, and hiding it behind her back as she turned around to face Baloo. He was accompanied by some other men of the crew, and not so distantly, the girl could see her uncle as well. Before she could even notice there was a choice to be made, Della was already executing her decision.
“His name’s Kit Cloudkicker. That’s all I found out.”
Baloo simply nodded, not looking suspicious of anything. After the last events, it was normal that such a young girl would be a little jumpy.
“We’re gonna take him bellow, alright missy? Our doctor can treat him better there.” The captain explained.
It was Della’s turn to nod, stepping behind so Baloo could take Kit in his arms again. The girl watched as they left, knowing she should be following them, but first and foremost, she needed a better place than her closed fist to hide that kerchief.
Confirming there was no one around her, Della opened her hand and the tissue again. Her eyes meticulously scanning the red fabric as her fingers caressed the skull figure.
At this point, this day was clearly one to be remembered by Della. But when she raised her head to catch sight of another ship on the distance, the same skull figure flapping on a black flag at the mast… Those few seconds were marked in her memory like a burn.
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allbeendonebefore · 3 years
For the tea ask: teapot, pu-erh, and irish breakfast?
teapot: music preference?
uhhh eclectic? I guess? xD; I listen to a lot of soundtracks when I'm working for both movies and video games - I realized how to rip the music files off cd-roms when I was younger which kind of formed the basis of my music library. I try to listen to local music as much as I can these days but I also just like a lot of the late 90s / early 2000s stuff - mostly dance music or alternative rock - that reminds me of being a kid/teenager. But I try not to limit myself too much to one or two genres and I've pulled myself out of the "i hate country >:(" attitude I had as a kid.
pu-erh: 3 random facts about myself
1. i try a little to dress like i'm in grade 3, or more accurately "what grade 3 me would pick out for me given the chance", which has the dual benefits of indulging my younger self's obsessions and making me completely invisible to men (except all the men who MUST perceive my cowboy boots for some reason). Oh, and a third benefit is that older ladies LOVE when i wear bright purple tights
2. Semi related to the above but I think I'm starting to come to terms with my relationship to being genderqueer. It's something that I've skirted the edges of in the past because I didn't feel "x enough" but I'm starting to realize that there is no "enough". I have trouble separating out "things that i am/feel" with "things that have been imposed on me" and "ways i have been punished/alienated for not conforming correctly" but I realized I never had these issues when realizing I was ace as a teenager though I could have easily. Now that I'm seeing these high correlations between people with distant relationships to both sexuality and to gender I'm like... ah. oh. And maybe regardless of how I came to be here I should just live my life now and be cool with it since other people didn't have that decency.
3. Don't ever try to get me to guess things by saying stuff like "it's obvious" to me or "can you guess x" because it's like the equivalent of putting horse blinders on my brain, except instead of staring straight ahead i shut my eyes and go WAIT I CAN'T SEE.
irish breakfast: what country do you want to visit?
My appetite for travel has gone way down with the pandemic but Quatsch and I still daydream of travelling internationally together for once. We both like doodling about the UK (mostly for the food don't laugh) and we both like the idea of going to Japan (or maybe Germany) specifically to fill a suitcase with stationary/art supplies xD; We just have always been travelling abroad separately in the past and haven't had a chance for a big international trip somewhere. She also wants to make me go to Italy still and I'm like :' )
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lchufflepuffcorn · 4 years
As the dragon roar (Charlie Weasley x Hufflepuff!Reader)
Words: 2206
Warning: Angst, I do not own the gif, they belong to their owner/creator. Their will be spoilers from the Hogwarts Mystery game, they are marked so you can skip them, it won’t affect your reading, but you are warned. 
You can find my masterlist here! 
There is one thing marked with a *, its because I was inspired by a post I found on here, but I can’t find it so if anyone knows, just write it to me so I can give credits to the original author pls... 
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Charlie was known to be passionate. About his grades, his friends, his love for dragons, his family. He was, after all, a Gryffindor. But Charlie was also, deep down, a little bit jealous. Bill, his older brother, was calm and - as their mother would say- the example to follow. Charlie was not. While he was less of a trouble maker than his younger brothers Fred and George, he still was more troubling than Bill. 
And now that Charlie was in his first year at Hogwarts, where he thought that he could become something else than Bill's little brother, said brother took his chances away. 
Charlie had witnessed a duel in the courtyard between Merula Snyde and (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the was said to be Jacob (Y/L/N) 's sister. And as you had defeated Merula, while knowing two basic charms, he found himself to be in awe before you. And so he talks about it to Bill. That was his first big mistake. 
Soon, while Charlie was doing his best to try and talk to you, Bill became your friend easily, and it was now him who was talking about you to his brother. Making Charlie jealous. But that, Bill didn't know. 
The second year, Charlie found himself yet again second in line -well, third really- as his friend Andrew became your friend too. First, his brother, then his best friend. Really Charlie has no luck. And it seemed that during the summer you had become even more friendly and shining - you become more like the sun- it was making it hard for him to try and talk to you even more now that people flowed around you. Andrew too, would start talking about You, Rowan and Penny, Bill, and once again, Charlie would become jealous. 
The third year, he shares a class with you this year, for the first time since his first year, he can see you up close again. Bill told him about your escapades, and he longs to do the same. At the same time, he wonders if he could see dragons too. He talks to you a little more in care of Magical Creature, but nothing too elaborate, as you seem to be more preoccupied with what was the secret Jacob was hiding before his disappearance. He can't help but wonder if you use magic in the morning to be this radiant. 
Year four, he did it! Andrew officially made him entered your closed group of friends. Bill gave his name so you could choose to take him to the forbidden forest. He got to meet you, become your friend and share your secrets. You look nothing like the little girl he saw battle Merula in the first year, you look more and more like a lady now. Once again, he wonders if you used that magic cream his mother buys at a high price. That summer, Bill invites you to spend some time at the Burrow. 
Year five, he's prefect, you helped him get some money during the summer, and he hopes to buy a dragon egg. You look more gloomy than usual, but you too are a prefect, so he can spend more time with you. Bill is at his last year at Hogwarts, and Charlie feels somewhat bad that he feels relieved by that. Now he can spend much more time with you without his brother around as much as before. But at the same time, have your eyes always been so shiny? Have our cheeks always looked so soft? As your lips always looked so plumped? He can't tell. His this bad, his heart races each time you smile, is he sick? When he asks Andrew, he's not much help, as all he can do is start laugh, so he asks Penny, and she tells him that he can answer that on his own. It's Tonks that makes him realize. 
Year six, you are not your usual self. You seem like you sleep less, you look paranoid, your nose is always inside some book, you learn spells like you change clothes and you start skipping meals. Charlie is the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team, and starts having less and less time with you and the gang, but mostly with you. And it makes his heartache. He finds you one night while patrolling the castle, walking quietly in the corridor, your wand before you. You walk aimlessly doing your round, and Charlie can't help but come see you. You're fast picking up a smile and make it seem like nothing is happening, it looks like you became a better liar during the summer. Charlie is nearly fooled. He gets you to spend Christmas at his house, and his goal is to make you smile as much as possible during that time. 
You are never the same after that night in the forest. Your eyes are dull, dead, your smile seems fake, and your voice lost its passion. All you see is vengeance. 
Rowan was your best friend, he gets that, but Charlie doesn't want to lose you like you lost your brother. You spent more and more time alone before the Idea of the Circle of Khanna is spoken. Of course, you take that opportunity, and because Charlie is your friend, he follows. 
*Spoilers end*
Year seven, Charlie took the famous courage that Gryffindor was renowned for and asked you on a date. He knows that it's his last year before leaving, he still doesn't know where yet, but he'll find out. Maybe he can use it to distract you. He knows that you want to become a curse breaker, like your nickname, and he finds himself jealous of his older brother once more. He doesn't want to lose contact with you. 
Charlie knows he's not one for sex, it doesn't interest him in the slightest way, but he would like a family, one day -with you- maybe. And he knows that maybe it won't be as soon as both of you leave Hogwarts, too many bad memories and loss come with your family, and he's okay with that. He can have a family just of you and him for a while, or forever if you want. 
But he doesn't tell you that. 
1991-1992, Charlie and yourself did not lose contact, you even go and see him in Romania quite often. Apparently, you became an employee for the endangered magical and mystical creature, you travel around the world to see if all camps for endangered magical (or mystical) creatures are all in order, which means that sometimes you pop in Romania and stay a little to pass the time with him. 
You pass Christmas together that year and receive your very own handmade Weasley sweater with the first letter of your name on it. It's your third, but this one also has your old quidditch number on it, so it means that Mrs. Weasley, erh, Molly, and Charlie talked a whole lot during the year. 
Charlie is also surprised to receive a letter from his little brother Ron about a dragon that Hagrid hides in his hut. So he takes the opportunity to ask some members of the old gang to reunite*. You, Andrew, Merula and Penny go to get the baby dragon, and Charlie waits for you guys not far from there. 
1992-1993, Charlie finally asks you to marry him. "So you can be family in your own way." You don't want children, and he okay with that. You don't need children to be a family; plus, there are enough Weasley on the earth (His argument, not yours). You choose not to tell Mrs. Weasley -erh- Molly, yet. She's already set on cutting Bill's hair and finding him a lover, and Charlie doesn't want to be pestered about children. He knows that it's a touchy subject with you. 
At the end of the year, he learns that his sister has been abducted, and starts panicking. That summer, you spent some weeks with them. That throws you back at your time in Hogwarts, but for Charlie, you let it slides. You went to Egypt too and saw Bill. That made you happy, even with all the things that kept you in the past with Ginny. 
1993-1994, Sirius Black escaped? Nothing really important happens except for that new. Your group of friend reunite and remembers your times together. You finally tell Mrs. Weasley… Molly about your engagement, but Charlie is prompt to tell her that you and he won't have any children. What surprise Charlie is that his mother is okay with it and doesn't ask questions. When he announced the same thing to Bill and say the reaction their mother had, he's surprised to see that Bill only smiles and responds, "I know, I told her about it…" But instead of being jealous, this time, he's glad. 
However, he's happy to tell you that his father won places at the 422e Quidditch World Cup that summer and that both of you can come. 
1994-1995, it's the first time you meet Harry Potter, Ron's friend. And he makes you think of Rowan, tho that doesn't make you feel sad. Fred and George are happy to see you again, and Percy is all high and mighty, but because he doesn't,t really know of your past as a trouble maker, he's still sweet with you. You find a way to find Murphy, Orion and Skye in the camping, so you spend some time with them before the match. 
That night, however, you rush Ginny with Fred and George, look at Hermione and run back to where the action is. Death Eaters are destroying the place, and you throw charms right and left, scavenging for any hurt person you could help. When you reunite with Charlie again, you have dirt all over, and nobody knows where the others are. He's relieved that you're alright, but his big brother's attitude is kicking in. You decide it's best if you go back home to Mrs…. Molly. 
Then school starts again and so does your job. Charlie wants to have a private wedding, simple, his family, your family, some close friends, that's it. You agree. 
You wed in October after Charlie went to Hogwart with four dragons for the Tri-wizard tournament. After that Molly starts sending infuriated letters to everyone about how poor Harry is not meat, and should get through so much and while your not certain you understand, when Cedric Diggory's body arrives at the center of the spectator's view with a hysteric Harry by his side, you are one of the first to be exited the ground following that incident. Too many memories, too much, the flashbacks are unbearable. 
That summer, your group of friends joined the order of the Phoenix. 
1995-1996, Sirius Black is not a bad guy, Voldemort is back, you reunited with Tonks. You are now sent all around the world for work, but also to get information. Charlie wasn't really happy that you became a member, but he can't stop you. You were close to young Cedric, he was the first year when you became a prefect for Hufflepuff. And you once said that he reminded you of a young Jacob too. Of course, you would be invested in something that took another one of your loved ones away. 
Sirius Back dies. 
1996-1997, Tonks is in love with Remus. H's about fourteen years older then her, but she loves him, and he's sweet, and even if he's a werewolf, he doesn't really seem bad, just like Chiara. You remember him from her. And you still have the picture she gave that was from him. You give him back. Charlie wants you to quit, says that it can become too much. He doesn't think your mentally ready for a war. 
Tonks often come to your house crying. Because Remus doesn't want her. You're always there to tell her that it doesn't matter, maybe he's just scared. Maybe she's better off without him. Maybe they just need time. 
Dumbledore dies. 
1997-1998, You can't stand it anymore. You can feel people watching you, you can feel something following you. Maybe Charlie was right. Tonks and Remus married. Bill and Fleur married. Tonks is pregnant. She asked you to be the godmother. It surprised you why she didn't ask Tulip first. But you agree. 
For a while, as Charlie stays with his family because of the new rules, you flew. Your parents died during the years before, you go stay with Penny. You listen to the radio every day, and as soon as you can, you try to contact Abelford, so students know it'll be safe going out the school by his tavern. 
When Charlie comes to you about the war, Penny goes with him, but you arrive at Hogsmeade, to Abelford, so to make the younger students travel back home safe. 
You can't face the truth that is right in front of you. Next to Fred's body lies both Tonks and Remus. And you can't help but weep in Penny's arms. 
Harry Potter is Teddy's godfather, Remus and Tonks's son, but after Tonks' mother, Andromeda, dies, the boy comes live with Charlie and You. 
That's what becomes your family. 
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destiny-smasher · 4 years
SO we finished She-Ra. And our initial feelings were "Huh, this is the CLOSEST to Avatar any cartoon has gotten since Avatar" (which is true imo despite LoK existing because, erh, yeeeeaaa...) our second feelings were, "WOw, the way stuff like Life is Strange or Legend of Korra ended was some BULLSHIT" and that got Jenny ranting about how annoying Legend of Korra was and she couldn't even remember character names or plot because the show left that little an impression
There's definitely areas where She-Ra could've been even better, it doesn't quite reach the consistency or depth of Avatar, but it IS for sure the closest a cartoon has gotten to it since and that's high praise as it is, imo. Plus, it's THE most openly gay kid's show I've seen. And it's not gay in a weird, kind of forced way that feels like it's using its platform to make a statement or push "the agenda" for its own benefit (see: LoK) nor is it trapped in having to play smoke and mirrors with contrived plot secrets (see: Steven Universe)
She-Ra makes it pretty plain from a specific episode in Season 1 that its protags are going to come to realize gay feelings for each other, and it keeps that as a core thing that gets developed over time and you get to SEE the characters learn to accept their identities. Plus, lot of characters break stereotypes regarding gender and sexuality, not to mention there's a fair amount of open, organic queer rep going on. It makes a specific W/M couple feel almost out of place (though even that one is not at all a surprise and emotionally makes sense)
One thing that stuck out SHARPLY to me was subtext in the finale episodes that REALLY felt like an allegory for queer people in religious communities; I won't go into specifics but it definitely felt poignant with regards to gay history and expressing a specific kind of struggle. By concluding its narrative with the messages it does, there is a good message for general audiences but a specifically pointed message for youth who might be figuring out things about their own identities, and I think that's especially important during times like this. I knew by the end of S1 that regardless of how She-Ra ended, Adora and Catra's relationship was always intended to end where it does, and if it didn't, that was on corporate bullshit. Thankfully, the creators seemed to get to do what they wanted to do from the get go. In either case, I think the strengths of this show illustrate what happens when queer people get to tell a story THEY WANT TO TELL. We need more of this. We need more stories from people of color, from people of different kinds of mental and emotional backgrounds. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is targeted at kids (middle school to early high school, I'd say), but it has a lot of fun quirks and charming characters where older viewers will be able to enjoy it, and I think it will be some kids' equivalent to 'Avatar' as they grow up. Hopefully She-Ra will give the gates a fierce kick open wider to allow more creators to more openly represent people in their cartoons, and likewise serve as a positive influence on the kids who watch them, and we can move further and further away from "being gay" as "PLOT TWIST"
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queenaryastark · 4 years
Why do think Jon can't or won't have any romances if he died and is resurrected? Like uh... erh you think he physically won't be able to uh get it up again so he'll never have a sexual relationship again or do u mean that you think he won't be able to emotionally form romantic attachments or...? I deff think Jon is going to be darker after and all that but i think him inhabiting Ghost might result in him being slighty different than Beric and Stoneheart. Idk what is ur speculation on it? Thanks!
I agree that if Jon is dead, his experience will be slightly different from Beric and Stoneheart since his consciousness has probably already transferred into ghost. But even there, the mind of the human starts to fade. That’s the beauty of GRRM’s work. There are always consequences, even with magic involved. Or especially when magic is involved. We don’t know how long he will remain in Ghost or what shape his body will be in when he returns to it. So while Jon might not lose as much of his personality as his predecessors, he will still be a fire wight. Though, tbh, with Jon being the third fire wight, it doesn’t seem like GRRM’s style to have him be in better shape than the other two. If anything, just as Stoneheart is worse than Beric, it seems like Jon would be even worse. Here are GRRM’s words on this element of his series:
GRRM: “Part of it was also, it’s the dialogue that I was talking about. And here I’ve got to get back to Tolkien again. And I’m going to seem like I’m criticizing him, which I guess I am. It’s always bothered me that Gandalf comes back from the dead. The Red Wedding for me in Lord of the Rings is the mines of Moria, and when Gandalf falls — it’s a devastating moment! I didn’t see it coming at 13 years old, it just totally took me by surprise. Gandalf can’t die! He’s the guy that knows all of the things that are happening! He’s one of the main heroes here! Oh god, what are they going to do without Gandalf? Now it’s just the hobbits?! And Boromir, and Aragorn? Well, maybe Aragorn will do, but it’s just a huge moment. A huge emotional investment.
And then in the next book, he shows up again, and it was six months between the American publications of those books, which seemed like a million years to me. So all that time I thought Gandalf was dead, and now he’s back and now he’s Gandalf the White. And, ehh, he’s more or less the same as always, except he’s more powerful. It always felt a little bit like a cheat to me. And as I got older and considered it more, it also seemed to me that death doesn’t make you more powerful. That’s, in some ways, me talking to Tolkien in the dialogue, saying, “Yeah, if someone comes back from being dead, especially if they suffer a violent, traumatic death, they’re not going to come back as nice as ever.” That’s what I was trying to do, and am still trying to do, with the Lady Stoneheart character.”
Interviewer: “And Jon Snow, too, is drained by the experience of coming back from the dead on the show.”
GRRM: “Right. And poor Beric Dondarrion, who was set up as the foreshadowing of all this, every time he’s a little less Beric. His memories are fading, he’s got all these scars, he’s becoming more and more physically hideous, because he’s not a living human being anymore. His heart isn’t beating, his blood isn’t flowing in his veins, he’s a wight, but a wight animated by fire instead of by ice, now we’re getting back to the whole fire and ice thing.” -- Time
So based on GRRM’s words, we can rule out Jon having an experience anything close to show!Jon where his death was only a benefit. He essentially used it as a “Get out of the Night’s Watch Free” card, even though that line of reasoning makes no sense. Him dying and being reanimated as a zombie would not result in him being physically and mentally the same, nor would it lead to everyone being fine with what he is. He would either be killed as a deserter or burned as a wight.
So as for Jon not having a chance for romance in my opinion, I would rule it out both emotionally and physically. 
As an animated corpse who has lost a degree of consciousness, I have my doubts about him being able to form new meaningful relationships. Beric and Catelyn have become hyper focused on the last goals they had before dying. Since Beric’s goal didn’t include his fiance, he barely remembers that he has a fiance, let alone anything about her. Nor does he remember where his home is. All he is about is carrying out his last orders which were to enforce justice on the Mountain and stop the Lannister’s terrorist acts on the common people of the Riverlands. So that’s it for him. Catelyn seems to be in a similar situation where her last act was to kill a Frey while also thinking of her lost children. So she is looking for Arya while murdering every Frey she can find and extending that vengeance to Jaime since Roose delivered his regards as he stabbed Robb. Stoneheart has lost a great deal of who she was to the point that she can’t hear reason, not even with Brienne. 
Jon’s situation has to be similar. His dying thoughts were of Arya and planning to meet Ramsay Bolton in battle. It stands to reason that his diminished mind would center on that, unless his time in Ghost allows him to focus on something or someone else. 
As far as physically goes, based on Beric and Stoneheart, Jon’s heart wouldn’t be beating so no blood flow would be going through his body, he wouldn’t need food since his digestive system wouldn’t be working, and he wouldn’t even need to sleep. Essentially, he is not alive and has no normal bodily functions. Unless he dies with a permanent terminal erection, a part of physical intimacy is out. He could probably still give oral if he’s able to keep hydrated for that purpose. Sorry, TMI. In short, in my opinion, if Jon is dead emotional and physical romance are out. But JMO.
That’s one of the reasons I’m still open to the possibility that Jon isn’t dead. Before the show killed and resurrected the show version as Gandolf the White 2.0, his status was up for debate. There were many who steadfastly believed he was alive. GRRM even said in an interview that whether Jon was dead or alive was up for debate until the next installment. Since he essentially brushed off the interviewer’s attempt in the quote above to redirect the discussion to undead!Jon and went on to discuss Beric, that suggests that canon Jon’s status is still undetermined. And there are a lot more possibilities for him if he’s alive. 
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Be happy again: Chapter 1.
Index: Prologue | 
Warnings: None for this one, a lil melancholy. 
word count: 2.616
(You can change Julia’s name using the interactive fics:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/interactivefics/pcpjpdomcbnlkbghmchnjgeejpdlonli ;))  
You’re not from around here, are you?
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George’s first day back had been O.K. He’d come in around 10, checked with Verity and cooped himself up in his office most of the day, only answering any questions Verity or the others had for him. A few times he’d taken a short round of the shop but hadn’t stopped to talk nearly as much as he used to. He still couldn’t bear it. His conversations seemed cut short as if he still half expected his twin to interrupt and add to his sentences, and when Fred didn’t, George’s sentences hadn’t taken up the remaining space, instead: George Weasley had become a man of few words. Now it was half past six, and the shop had nearly closed. George had sent the other workers home, and was sorting out a few documents he’d been putting off signing, before he thought he’d go and lock the entrances. He expected he’d go upstairs, slowly, for walking into the apartment was not much different than walking around the shop without the banter from his twin. Equally empty. That was when the shops’ alarm system went off. George gave a start, he’d completely forgotten what it sounded like, and especially how loud it was. It had been Fred’s idea to make it that way, he’d figured it would scare the culprit enough to make them refrain from trying to steal from them again. It didn’t sound like a regular alarm, it was more of several alarms mixed together into a cacophony of ringing, whining and trumpeting, George thought he heard a car horn as he headed for the front of the shop. He expected to see someone running away from the shop but instead was met by the sight of a young woman hastily dragging a young girl with her towards the front door. George bent behind the counter and turned the switch as they entered. The woman stopped in front of the desk and pointed to the girl, a little exasperated, 
“I’m really sorry, it seems my daughter accidentally took something from you, and she’d very much like to return it now-” She looked down and locked eyes with the girl- “isn’t that right Fae?” 
George looked down at the girl - she didn’t look much older than 10- who placed a box on the desk and stared up at him in silence as if she half expected him to start yelling at her. George didn’t know what to say to her, so instead he looked at what she’d taken, the picture of the ship and two swooning youths told him immediately what it was, “Ah, patented daydream charm, huh?” He thought out loud, the girl didn’t answer, her mother stared, George thought the way the girl stood there petrified reminded him of Ginny a little, a smile tugged at his lips, he leaned on the desk, 
“You know, I can’t sell it to you unless you’re 16,” He said, the girl looked mortified now, George suppressed a laugh, “but, I can show you something that might be a bit more age appropriate-” He pointed to a shelf behind them and started towards it, he trailed his hand over the contents of the shelf for a moment, contemplating what would suit the girl best, 
“Ah,” He said as his hand landed on a box, “Fae was it?” 
“Yes,” the girl said, 
“How’s your spelling, Fae?” George asked, handing her the box containing the reusable hangman, she studied it for a moment, her mother peering over her shoulder, 
“I don’t get it.” Fae said, looking up at George, who frowned, 
“Well, d’you wanna try it?” 
“Sure,” Fae said, 
“Oh, I’m sure the man wants to close his shop, Fae, we don’t want to be a bother,” She looked up at George apologetically, her hands already on Fae’s shoulders, 
“No, no it’s alright,” He said, “I have time.” 
“Really?” The woman asked, 
“A good businessman always has time for his customer,” George said with a grin. Fae smiled, “Now, shall we try it?” George asked her, 
“Can I try other things too?” Fae asked, 
“Is there something else you’d rather try?” George answered, Fae pointed to the firework display, 
“What about those?” she asked, her mother looked at George, her mouth a thin line, 
“Erh, well,” George answered, “I suppose so?” he’d hardly finished his sentence before Fae was at the display, looking over the different boxes, George glanced at the woman before following, she looked nervous to say the least, which George only half understood, was he really that intimidating without his ear? 
He grabbed a Crystal Incantation Comet and showed it to Fae, who was eyeing the Weasleys’ Wildfire Whizbangs with great interest. 
“I think these would suit you a bit better,” he said, 
“But,” Fae hesitated, “these look cooler.” She said quietly, George didn’t hold back his chuckle now, 
“They are cool, but I suggest building up to them, start with this one.” He said and handed it to her, 
“You said that I could try them.” Fae said matter-of-factly, George shrugged a little, 
“If you mother here doesn’t mind?” He looked at the woman, who’d remained behind, eyeing the back where the muggle tricks sat, George wasn’t surprised by this; quite a few people his age (and older) were interested in them, not enough to buy them, but he suspected most wizards and witches found it amusing to see what a muggle would define as “magic”. She looked at him then at the box then at Fae. 
“Erh, aren’t they just normal fireworks?” She asked, 
“No, mum, they’re magical fireworks-” Fae said in a tone that again reminded George of Ginny at that age, and perhaps Percy too, if he was honest, “right?” She looked up at George who nodded, 
“As magical as they come.” He answered. The mother looked at the box with some hesitation, 
“Meaning what exactly?” she asked, George’s brow creased a little, 
“well mostly that they’re better, and you can affect them with certain spells, the Whizbangs are unstoppable until they run out of power in their own time, any attempt to shrink or stop them only makes them double,” when the woman gave him a look that seemed the closest a human could come to mimic the words no, thank you without actually saying it, George shifted in his track, “these aren’t so bad, they’re a bit quicker, and not as intense, but they’re just as fun.” He explained. 
“What’s the most magical thing you have?” Fae asked, again George had an inkling in the back of his head, but he didn’t react on it, 
“Well that depends on what you mean with magical, I have weather-” 
“Weather?” Fae asked, 
“Yeah, I can make it snow anywhere, is that magical enough?” 
“Yes! Can you show me!” Fae said, and George nodded,
 “If you stay right there-” He moved towards the stairs in the middle of the shop, 
“Can you really?” Fae’s mother asked as he passed her, he smirked at her while he started to climb the stairs, 
“Wait and see for yourself,” he said. He opened a cabinet with a key he kept in his pocket and took a white bottle, he walked over to the edge of the upper floor from which he could look down at an excited Fae, who no longer resembled the timid girl he’d met only minutes earlier, and next to her her mother stood, looking more concerned and slightly suspicious. 
“Are you ready?” George called, a yell from Fae answered his question, and he pressed down on the pump which made the bottle exclaim a great fizz along with a spray of soft, real looking snowflakes. George pressed the pump a couple more times, then got a new bottle and went down the stairs. 
Fae was holding her hands out catching the snowflakes in her palms, while her mother stood and stared at the real as life snowflakes slowly descended downwards, her mouth shaped into a shocked ‘O’. George had to admit, as much as he preferred the pyrotechnics and pranks, the weather series they’d created were stunning too: The snowflakes sparkled in the vivid, early summer sun, turning them orange, though the magic in them made some of them have a persistent blueish purple sheen, making them resemble diamonds more than snow. 
“Wow,” Fae breathed, as she craned her neck to look up at the ceiling, where the snowflakes continued to emerge from seemingly out of nowhere. Her mother turned to George, her eyes wide, 
“How did you do that?” she said softly, George grinned, “As much as I’d love to tell you, mrs…?” He trailed off when he realised he hadn’t asked for her name yet, 
“Julia,” she said, “just Julia- no mrs.” she added, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, 
“Right, just Julia,” George continued, “as much as I’d love to tell you, I’m afraid I have to keep that a secret, can’t have people knowing how it’s all made, it removes interest.” 
“Like magicians?” Julia said, George thought for a moment, 
“I suppose?” he answered, not sure what exactly a magician had to do with secrets, 
“Can we buy it?” Fae asked, tucking at Julia’s jacket, 
“Yes, we can.” Julia said, and George gestured to the front desk, stepping behind it and placing the bottle in a box, then in a bag, 
“It won’t ruin my floors or anything, will it?” Julia asked, smiling the most genuine smile she’d shown all the time she’d been there, George laughed, 
“Don’t worry, it won’t,” he chuckled as he handed her the bag, “That’ll be 3 galleons, 5 sickles and 12 knuts.” George popped open the register out of habit, 
Julia said a small “oh right” and found a small money bag inside her purse, which she fumbled with for a long moment, where George and Fae watched Julia pick up coins, examine them only to drop them back in again and gather another couple, George tilted his head with a frown, 
“You’re not from around here are you?” He asked, he didn’t know how else to phrase it, asking are you a muggle? seemed too straightforward, and slightly interrogative. Julia looked up at him, 
“Is it that obvious?” she asked, George frowned again, now that he was aware of it, she certainly wasn’t sporting any kind of wizard robes but that wasn’t unusual for people his age, though her confusion and hesitation towards the shop certainly made more sense now. He gave her a compassionate smile and reached out his hand for the money bag, which Julia gave him with an air of embarrassment that George shrugged off, he didn’t think there was any reason for her to be embarrassed, 
“The money system here never made sense, anyways,” He mumbled and Julia chuckled. George’s eyes flickered up to look at her quickly, then returned to the money. He picked out the correct amount quickly and handed the bag back to her. 
“I’m guessing that you don’t have anyone in your family who’s a witch or wizard?” He asked, resting his hands on the desk, Julia’s smile turned sheepish, 
“Erh, no-” her hand flew up to fidget with the strap of her purse, her other hand holding Fae’s hand, “I honestly didn’t know all this existed until Fae got her letter, and suddenly this woman was at our door and-” She shook her head as if trying to rustle all the puzzle pieces together, “It’s a lot to take in, if I’m honest.” She said, squeezing Fae’s hand, Fae simply looked up at Julia with a slight frown. 
“Well, you must’ve had an idea of Fae being a witch,” George said, then realised how strange that sounded and hurriedly added “I mean, she must’ve shown signs, right? most of us do when we’re kids.” He nodded at Fae, who beamed, 
“I made the pictures fall off the wall,” she said, puffing out her chest, Julia and George both chuckled, 
“Nearly scared the life out of me, is what you did,” Julia said, nudging her daughter a little, “but yes, she did make strange things occur but I somehow never thought to even consider- I mean you have to understand,” Julia sounded apologetic and George shook his head a little, 
“No, I do understand, it’s foreign to you, it makes sense that you’d think along more scientific lines, I suppose it’s just so ordinary for us that we know to look for signs in our own children, so we never question it when someone shows signs of magic as a child.” he said. Then he thought for a moment. “You really don’t have anyone to consult about all this stuff?” George asked, he didn’t know why but something told him to offer to help Julia, despite not knowing her at all. Julia shrugged, “I mean, no - the woman from the school told me to come here, find some books on the subject, get to know the currency, stuff like that. But no.” She said with an it-is-what-it-is smile. George searched one of the drawers in the desk, “Why don’t I-” he pulled out a quill and a block of paper, originally meant for taking postal orders- “give you my info, then you can ask for help, if there’s anything you need, like figuring out the currency, for example,” he said with a slight smirk, Julia mouthed wordlessly before stuttering: “No-No I couldn’t - it’s- I-” George held out the piece of paper, “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to but just in case, it might be nice to have someone who knows about all this stuff ready to help, don’t you think?” He said. Julia looked at the slip for a bit before taking it, “thank you, you’re really too kind- erh…” She trailed off, much as he had done himself, “George,” he said, 
“right, well thank you, George, really you have no idea- what am I supposed to do with your address?” She asked, as she looked at the paper again, George frowned, “Well, it’s so you can send me and owl, you just tell it the address, and-” He stopped, Julia was staring at him like he’d grown another head, “Owl?” she said, “don’t wizards have phones?” she added, George thought for a moment, 
“I think I might have one in the back,” he said, “my dad cares a lot about muggle technology and stuff, so I can use that one, maybe?” He said, 
“great, what’s your number?” Julia asked, 
“You don’t know what your own phone number is?” Fae asked, 
“Well, I’ve never really had to use it.” George admitted. 
“Tell you what, I’ll give you my number, and then you can call me, let it ring until after it beeps, then leave a message so I can hear what your number is and write it down, ok?” Julia said, grabbing the quill and writing down her number. George noticed she wrote something else below it. 
“Here you go,” She said, “and thank you again, George, really.” she said with an earnest smile which George gladly returned. 
“no problem,” George said, 
“Say thank you, Fae,” Julia said, 
“Thank you, George,” Fae said, “and I’m sorry for accidentally stealing from you, I just wanted to show mum,” 
“It’s quite alright,” George chuckled, “I hope you enjoy the snow.” 
Fae glanced behind her several times whilst they walked down the street toward the end of Diagon Alley, and George waved every time, until he couldn’t see them anymore. Then he headed upstairs, dreading the quiet apartment and being alone more so than he had earlier. 
Taglist: @rewritingthefictional @ickle-ronniekins @keoghans​ @lilcutekittykat​ @proflongbttm​ @silentexplorer18
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