#oliver phelps x y/n
Prankster Darling, George Weasey x Female OC
1991-1992 : Le Chupacabra (Partie 1)
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❀ George et Fred l'avaient rencontrée en troisième année et l'avaient tout de suite prise sous leurs ailes. Ils l'appelaient le chupacabra et sa réputation de bagarreuse était légendaire à Poudlard. George, quant à lui, n'avait jamais vu Théodora Tonks autrement que comme le garçon manqué en colère qu'elle était.
Un fameux été 1994, Théodora change du tout au tout et est bien décidée à réclamer le cœur de George Weasley.
/!\ Cette œuvre ne m'appartient pas en totalité. La plupart des personnages (et quelques évènements) qui apparaîtront dans cette fiction sont issus de l'univers du Monde des Sorciers, créés par JK Rowling. /!\
La fraîcheur de l'hiver s'installait doucement sur le château de Poudlard. Dans le ciel noir, les chouettes et les hiboux peinaient à trouver leurs chemins parmi les nuages d'encre. Théodora dévalait la colline en direction de la petite cabane accueillante d'Hagrid. Ce dernier lui avait demandé de passer pour qu'elle rencontre le nouveau botruc dont il s'occupait. De là où elle se trouvait, elle parvenait à sentir le parfum alléchant de ses biscuits rochers. Elle se frotta les mains à la perspective de bientôt pouvoir fourrer les fameux gâteaux dans sa bouche. Théodora semblait être la seule à Poudlard à apprécier la pâtisserie du garde-chasse. Elle avait immanquablement des goûts douteux en matière de cuisine.
Elle se trouvait à quelques mètres quand elle entendit les éclats de voix qui émanaient de la lisière de la forêt. Elle plissa les yeux pour ajuster sa vision. Théodora reconnut aussitôt la tête blonde pale de Drago Malefoy, encadré par les carrures imposantes de Crabbe et Goyle, ses fidèles acolytes. Elle tendit l'oreille tout en poursuivant sa route. Malefoy semblait aboyer des insultes sur quelqu'un. Les injures fusaient en un flot ininterrompu de lave ardente. De temps en temps, il marquait une pause pour laisser le temps à Crabbe et Goyle d'assimiler ce qu'il disait. Ces deux derniers s'écroulaient de rire, applaudissant comme des primates devant un spectacle de clowns. 
Théodora s'arrêta pour voir à qui il s'adressait. Son regard tomba alors sur les visages identiques de Fred et George Weasley. Les jumeaux dardaient Malefoy d'un œil brillant, retenus chacun par un Lee Jordan et une Angelina Johnson essoufflés. Un sourire triomphal s'étalait sur le visage du Serpentard qui reprit de plus belle. L'on pouvait lui reprocher bien des choses mais il fallait reconnaître que sa pugnacité n'avait pas d'égal à Poudlard. Théodora se réfugia derrière un arbre pour les observer sans être vue. 
-...une honte pour les sorciers du monde entier,sifflait la voix trainante de Malefoy. Pas étonnant que vous vous comportiez de la sorte. Moi aussi, je me rebellerai contre le règlement si j'habitais dans un tel trou à rats. Je me demande comment fait leur mère pour passer la porte quand on sait qu'elle est aussi imposante que ce balourd d'Hagrid !
Crabbe et Goyle s'esclaffèrent une nouvelle fois. Les visages des jumeaux se durcissaient sous les paroles de Malefoy. Théodora fut aussitôt submergée par une vague de compassion envers eux deux. Les médisances de Malefoy n'épargnaient personne ; elle en avait elle-même fait les frais en son premier jour d'école, le lendemain de la cérémonie des répartitions. Elle avait subi ses attaques sans rien dire et s'était contentée de serrer les poings en se détournant. Cependant, le voir se défouler ainsi sur les frères Weasley avec une telle véhémence la remplissait de rage, sentiment auquel elle était souvent sujette depuis quelques temps.
- Mon père dit que le père Weas-moche n'en a plus pour longtemps au ministère.  Apparemment, on s'est finalement rendu compte de sa médiocrité. Ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant qu'on l'expédie avec un bon coup de pied au...
Théodora ressentit une douleur cuisante sur ses phalanges, les mêmes qui venaient de frapper Drago Malefoy à la mâchoire. Ce dernier s'étala sur le sol, faisant se soulever les mottes de terre. Il leva des yeux surpris sur Théodora qui se tenait au-dessus de lui, le visage toujours déformé par la fureur. Sa lèvre inférieure étaient fendue et un mince filet de sang souillait sa cravate rayée de vert et argent. Il esquissa un sourire douloureux.
- Va jouer ailleurs Malefoy !
- Tiens tiens, on a réveillé la bête, pouffa-t-il en se relevant. T'es le dragon de garde des Weas-moche maintenant ?
Ces derniers semblèrent s'être calmés après l'arrivée de Théodora. Ils parvinrent à se défaire des poignes de Lee et d'Angelina. Théodora les entendait respirer derrière elle. La tension était palpable. Elle sentait leur colère fendre l'air alors qu'ils continuaient d'observer Malefoy.
Il épousseta les pans de sa robe. Une lueur s'alluma au fond de son regard gris ; visiblement, l'idée de molester Théodora à son tour lui donnait une grande satisfaction. Il avait l'air d'un chien venant de débusquer un rat dans les buissons. Son visage trahissait sa malveillance. 
- Comment oses-tu poser la main sur moi, infâme sang-mêlé ?
Théodora frémit. Les yeux de Malefoy se posèrent sur ses poings serrés. Il jubilait. Derrière lui, Crabbe et Goyle s'agitaient, curieux de connaître la suite des évènements. Théodora n'avait pas peur d'eux ; en revanche, elle redoutait les paroles acerbes de Malefoy. Qu'il s'attaque à elle était une chose, qu'il s'attaque à sa famille et à ses parents en particulier, en était une autre.
- Tu sais ce qu'on chuchote au sujet de ta mère, Tonks ?
Les oreilles de Théodora bourdonnaient. Elle savait parfaitement ce que pensait les Malefoy du style de vie de sa mère. Elle savait également que les sentiments qu'ils entretenaient à l'égard d'Andromeda Tonks n'avaient rien de tendre.
Théodora ne lui laissa pas le temps de terminer sa phrase et laissa sa colère exploser. Elle s'élança vers Malefoy et levant sa jambe, asséna un coup de genou dans l'abdomen du garçon qui se plia en deux sous l'effet de la douleur. Sa figure se colora d'une belle couleur pourpre. Elle brandit alors, son poing évitant de justesse la main potelée de Goyle qui cherchait son bras pour le retenir. Elle sentit le nez en pointe de Drago se briser sous la puissance de son coup. Le bruit de son os qui cédait envoya une décharge délicieuse le long de son épine dorsale. Crabbe et Goyle s'affolèrent en voyant le sang gicler. Ils prirent Drago chacun par un bras pour l'entraîner vers le château. 
Les quatre autres n'avaient toujours pas bougé, la bouche béante. Le cœur de Théodora bondit dans sa poitrine. L'idée qu'elle ait pu infliger la douleur à Malefoy, même infime fût-elle, la délectait. Le bruissement léger du feuillage au-dessus de sa tête suffit à couvrir le murmure de sa respiration haletante. Elle entendit vaguement les clameurs admiratives provenant du petit groupe de Gryffondors mais préféra se retrancher dans sa solitude. Elle se para d'un sourire et reprit la direction de la cabane d'Hagrid, les pensées déjà tournées vers les biscuits-rochers. 
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On vint chercher Théodora dans son dortoir quelques heures plus tard. Elle cessa de brosser les poils de Plumeau, son chat, pour suivre la préfète de sa maison. Sur le chemin, elles n'échangèrent aucun mot mais Théodora n'eut aucun mal à deviner leur destination.
Côte à côte, elles descendirent une volée de marches et traversèrent un long couloir sinistre, seulement éclairé par la lumière de torches murales. La préfète la conduisait au bureau du professeur Rogue où l'attendait également le professeur Chourave.  La professeure de Botanique posa sur elle un regard bienveillant quand elle entra dans la pièce à la lueur tamisée.
 Le bureau du professeur Rogue était de nature assez  austère et son plafond voûté lui donnait un air de donjon. Des étagères sur lesquels luisaient des centaines de bocaux couraient le long de chaque mur. 
La préfète prit congé après avoir soufflé un "bonne chance" à Théodora. Retrouvée seule avec les deux professeurs, elle se maudit elle-même d'avoir cultivé sa fâcheuse tendance à perdre son sang-froid. 
- Mademoiselle Tonks, savez-vous pourquoi vous avez été appelée dans ce bureau ?demanda le professeur Chourave.
Elle contourna le bureau en bois de frêne du professeur Rogue pour se retrouver face à  Théodora qui haussa nonchalamment les épaules. Les talons de ses bottes de cuir martelaient le sol dallé d'une manière sinistre.
- Je suppose que Malefoy s'est plaint à mon sujet...
- Monsieur Malefoy affirme que vous l'auriez agressé, plus tôt dans l'après-midi. Est-ce vrai ?
- Enfin professeure, vous avez entendu comme moi les témoignages des Messieurs Crabbe et Goyle ! intervint le professeur Rogue.
Il releva légèrement le menton pour toiser Théodora par dessus son nez crochu.  
- Je préfère écouter la version de mademoiselle Tonks avant d'établir les faits.
- Les faits,répliqua sèchement le professeur Rogue, chère professeure Chourave, se sont déroulés comme suit. Le jeune Malefoy se promenait à la lisière de la forêt en compagnie de ses camarades de classe quand mademoiselle Tonks l'a agressé.
- Il s'en est pris aux frères Weasley, il fallait bien que quelqu'un riposte !se défendit Théodora en dardant sur Rogue un regard plein de défi.
- N'avez-vous pas jugé utile de faire appel à un professeur au lieu de rendre justice vous-même ?
Théodora se contenta de baisser les yeux, préférant se murer dans le silence. Elle avait beau jouer les dures, le regard glacé du professeur de potions l'intimidait. Elle croisa les mains derrière son dos pour les empêcher de trembler mais se redressa pour faire croire à ses interlocuteurs qu'elle n'avait pas perdu sa contenance. Elle entendit nettement le professeur Chourave pousser un soupir.
- Le règlement de l'école interdit les duels à la baguette magique mais les jeux de mains sont tout autant sévèrement punis.
La ton de sa voix fit frissonner Théodora qui n'avait pas l'habitude d'entendre le professeur s'exprimer si durement. 
- J'enlève cinquante points à Poufsouffle, reprit-elle.
Théodora étouffa sa plainte en mordant sa lèvre avec force. Elle pensa à la lettre qui tomberait bientôt entre les mains de ses parents, celle qui relaterait ses dernières frasques. Elle sentit un frisson d'effroi caresser son échine lorsqu'elle imagina leurs mines déçues. Ils l'avaient prévenue maintes fois de se faire toute petite, d'éviter les ennuis et surtout les bagarres. Mais Théodora avait toujours eu du mal à taire ses pulsions. Elle s'exprimait avec ses poings et n'hésitait pas à cogner si elle en ressentait le besoin. C'était sa façon bien à elle de rendre justice. Rogue grimaça et grogna doucement en croisant les bras sur sa poitrine, faisant onduler les pans de sa robe et lui donnant l'allure lugubre d'un corbeau.
- Seulement cinquante points ? Je vous rappelle qu'à l'heure même où nous parlons,  le jeune Malefoy se trouve à l'infirmerie, souffrant le martyr.
Le professeur Chourave leva un regard surpris vers lui.
- Qu'êtes-vous en train de suggérer ?
Le professeur Rogue esquissa l'ombre d'un demi-sourire, le seul geste de bonheur qu'il fût capable de réaliser.
- Je propose qu'on enlève cent points à mademoiselle Tonks, une sanction que j'estime plus que clémente.
Le professeur Chourave secoua énergiquement la tête en signe de dénégation.
- J'enlève cinquante points à Poufsouffle et Théodora Tonks sera également de corvée dans les serres pendant un mois.
Elle se tourna alors vers Théodora dont le cou s'enflammait d'embarras. 
- Vous arracherez les mauvaises herbes et vous occuperez de mes plantes. Je vous enverrai un hibou pour vous présenter plus amplement les termes de cette punition.
A côte d'elle, le professeur Rogue grinçait des dents, visiblement peu satisfait de la sentence prononcée. 
- Vous pouvez disposer.
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Thédora reçut un hibou au cours de la semaine suivante, la sommant de se rendre aux serres de Botanique le vendredi après-midi après les cours. Elle s'y rendit en traînant des pieds. Quand elle entra dans la serre numéro quatre, une bouffée de chaleur la frappa de plein fouet et colla à sa peau comme une ventouse. Le professeur Chourave était là, penchée sur un bubobulb dont elle extrayait le pus avec une douceur infinie. Elle n'avait pas semblé remarquer l'arrivée de Théodora qui toussota pour attirer son attention. 
- Ah bonjour mademoiselle Tonks !chantonna-t-elle en scellant un flacon de pus.
Elle paraissait étonnamment joyeuse compte tenu des récents évènements qui les avaient toutes les deux poussées à se réunir dans cette serre, un vendredi après-midi ensoleillé.
- J'espère que vous avez apporté vos gants de protection.
Théodora acquiesça vivement en tapotant la poche intérieure de sa robe, là où elle avait casé ses gants.
- Comme je vous l'ai expliqué dans la lettre que je vous ai envoyée, vous serez de corvée tous les vendredi pendant un mois et au-delà si besoin est. 
Elle retira ses gants en peau de dragon et les rangea dans l'armoire derrière elle. Théodora réalisa que c'était la première fois qu'elle voyait le professeur sans ses protections. Ses yeux tombèrent sur ses doigts fins, sur l'anneau brillant qui ornait son majeur. Avait-elle une vie en dehors de l'enceinte du château ? Avait-elle quelqu'un de spécial qui l'attendait à l'extérieur ? Le professeur surpris son regard. Elle ne tenta pas de cacher ses mains, comme Théodora s'y était attendue. Elle lui sourit et des rides se dessinèrent autour de ses yeux. 
- Inutile de vous dire que j'ai été très surprise d'apprendre ce qui s'était passé entre vous et monsieur Malefoy.
Le visage de Théodora s'assombrit.
- Surprise parce que j'ai réalisé que je m'étais trompée à votre sujet. Jusqu'à présent, je vous croyais différente de votre sœur mais maintenant, je sais que vous êtes aussi prompt à l'indiscipline que Nymphadora.
Elle rit doucement, suscitant un sourire sur les lèvres de Théodora.
- Je ne risque pas de m'ennuyer avec vous.
Son rire s'évanouit. Le professeur Chourave retrouva son sérieux.
- Vos raisons étaient louables, c'est pourquoi je ne ressens pas le besoin d'être sévère avec vous. De plus, vous êtes une très bonne élève et vous avez montré un réel talent pour ma matière. Je ne doute pas que vous traiterez mes plantes avec respect et soin. Peut-être vous découvrirez-vous une vocation dans cette branche, qui sait ?
Elle lança un clin d'oeil en direction de Théodora et ajouta :
- J'ai pris le soin de dresser une liste des tâches à accomplir que vous trouverez sur mon bureau. Je reste disponible si jamais vous veniez à être en difficulté. 
Théodora la remercia et le professeur quitta la serre en sifflotant joyeusement. Retrouvée seule, la jeune sorcière se dirigea vers le bureau. Elle parcourut d'un œil vif la liste du professeur Chourave et poussa un soupir en comptant le nombre de corvées à effectuer. Loin de se laisser abattre, elle rassembla ses cheveux en une queue de cheval et attrapa un balai et une pelle. Elle entreprit de nettoyer les tables maculées d'engrais. Elle rangea les produits contre les limaces sur les étagères, recompta les cache-oreilles, arrosa les plantes, rempota les pots. Elle travaillait en fredonnant, se trouvant ravie de pouvoir accomplir toutes ces tâches. Théodora se rendit vite compte que sa punition n'en était pas vraiment une. Elle se sentait apaisée au milieu de toutes ces plantes. Même la chaleur étouffante de la serre ne semblait plus la déranger. Les heures s'étiraient mais Théodora se complaisait à aller et venir dans la serre, redoutant le moment où elle devrait raccrocher ses gants et retrouver le brouhaha de sa salle commune. Il y avait encore tant à faire !
Munie d'une pince et de ses gants en peau de dragon, Théodora s'approcha d'un figuier abyssinien. C'était la première fois qu'elle en voyait un d'aussi près. La plante n'était pas au programme de première année mais elle avait lu assez de livres de botanique pour savoir  exactement comment s'y prendre avec elle ; visiblement, le professeur Chourave avait assez confiance en elle pour lui laisser la responsabilité d'une plante aussi capricieuse. Elle taillait en silence, les sourcils arqués, concentrée sur ses gestes. 
- Pas mal ta punition ! 
Théodora sursauta et laissa échapper un petit cri aigu. Elle se tourna vers la voix qui l'avait interpelée. Les jumeaux Weasley lui souriaient à l'autre bout de la serre. 
- Pourquoi on n'est jamais de corvée dans les serres ?s'enquit l'un d'eux en grognant. 
- C'est comme s'ils faisaient exprès de nous tenir éloignés des plus grandes sources de divertissement,commenta l'autre.
Ils secouèrent la tête avec un air faussement consterné et s'approchèrent de Théodora d'une démarche bondissante.
- Qu'est-ce que vous faîtes ici ?
- Avec George, on s'est rendu compte qu'on ne t'avait pas remercié pour ce que tu avais fait pour nous.
- Nous ne sommes pas facilement impressionnés mais je dois avouer que ton crochet du droit était incroyable.
Ledit George mima le coup de poing que Théodora avait asséné à Malefoy. Son frère grimaça et s'affala sur le sol de la serre, dans une parfaite imitation du serpentard. Ils éclatèrent de rire, se tenant le ventre. Théodora était trop stupéfaite pour parler. Ils l'avaient rejointe volontairement ; ils s'étaient donc renseignés pour savoir où elle se trouvait. Ils étaient là pour elle, pour lui exprimer leur gratitude. Elle sentit une boule de chaleur se former dans sa poitrine. 
Théodora les regarda tour à tour. Elle n'avait jamais eu l'occasion de leur parler et ne les connaissait que de nom. Elle savait qu'ils étaient assez populaires dans l'école, connus pour être des farceurs impénitents, au cœur de tous les évènements à Poudlard. Qu'on les apprécie ou non, personne ne pouvait s'empêcher de les admirer, de rechercher leur compagnie et d'applaudir leurs méfaits. 
Plus vieux qu'elle de deux ans, les jumeaux entamaient leur troisième année à Poudlard. Théodora les avait remarqués dès le premier jour du mois de septembre alors qu'elle se faufilait sur les quais pour rejoindre le Poudlard Express. L'un d'eux câlinait une tarentule géante sous les regards excités de son frère et de Lee Jordan, heureux de leur présenter son animal de compagnie. Curieuse, elle s'était demandée si une telle compagnie était autorisée à l'école. Dès lors, elle n'avait jamais cessé de s'intéresser à eux, toujours au premier rang chaque fois que leurs farces troublaient les couloirs du château.
Les jumeaux avaient retrouvé leur calme et l'observaient en silence.
- Tu as encore du pain sur la planche on dirait.
Théodora haussa les épaules.
- Pas vraiment, il ne me reste qu'à choyer quelques plantes et passer la serpillère et j'aurais fini en un rien de temps.
- D'accord,firent-ils en chœur.
Ils attrapèrent une serpillère chacun.
- On va te donner un coup de main.
- Non non non, ne vous en donnez pas la peine. C'est ma punition.
- Punition que tu dois effectuer après nous être venue en aide. On te doit une fière chandelle, alors laisse-nous au moins te rendre la pareille.
- Vous n'êtes pas obligés.
Le jumeau qui venait de parler leva les yeux au ciel. Il se dirigea vers un coin de la serre et posa la serpillère à terre, prêt à frotter, aussitôt imité par son frère. Celui-ci prit la parole :
- Au fait, moi c'est Fred et lui c'est George.
- Je m'appelle Théodora Tonks.
Les visages de Fred et George s'illuminèrent.
- Attends ! T'es la petite sœur de Tonks ?
Théodora esquissa un sourire gêné. Jusqu'à présent, lorsqu'elle mentionnait être la petite soeur de Nymphadora Tonks, les gens la dévisageaient avec un regard noir avant de se plaindre avec passion des méfaits de la métamorphomage. Elle soupira.
- Je tiens à m'excuser de sa part pour tout ce que...
George l'interrompit, les yeux brillants et désinvoltes.
- Tu plaisantes,s'écria-t-il. Cette fille est un génie de la farce, une de nos meilleures rencontres à l'école. Son esprit facétieux ne sera jamais oublié, nous lui devons tant.
Il posa la main sur son cœur et leva les yeux vers le plafond avec un air solennel. Théodora ne put s'empêcher de sourire. Il émanait de lui quelque chose d'étrange ; une lumière radieuse et bienveillante. 
- Tu es une métamorphomage toi aussi ?s'enquit George. Comme ta sœur ? 
Théodora perdit son sourire. Elle leur tourna le dos, faisant mine de s'intéresser au figuier abyssinien. 
- Je n'ai malheureusement pas hérité de son talent.
Elle les entendit alors s'activer derrière elle. Théodora leur en fut reconnaissante de ne pas s'attarder sur le sujet. Les jumeaux s'appliquaient dans leurs tâches mais cette attitude sérieuse s'évanouit aussitôt quand George glissa dans l'eau laissée derrière par la serpillère de son frère. Celui-ci partit dans un grand éclat de rire, bientôt rejoint par Théodora. George se releva en pestant mais ne parvint pas à cacher le sourire qui étirait ses propres lèvres. Il jeta une poignée de bouse sur Fred qui s'étala par terre sans s'arrêter de rire pour autant. 
Théodora eut tout le loisir de les observer discrètement et remarqua plusieurs traits chez l'un qui le distinguaient de l'autre. Le visage de Fred paraissait légèrement plus rond que celui de George et ce dernier était légèrement plus grand. Un petit grain de beauté saillait le cou de George, petit détail introuvable chez son jumeau. Leurs regards ne pouvaient pas non plus être plus différents. Bien que tous deux étincelaient de malice, celui de George était tinté d'un velours plus doux, plus chaleureux. 
- On t'intrigue ?
George la considérait lui aussi. Théodora se détourna en rougissant et retourna à ses plantes. 
- Je suis juste étonnée de vous voir si appliqués. Vous donnez souvent l'impression d'être chaotiques de nature.
Fred ricana.
- Rassure-toi on l'est. Disons que nous savons rester sage quand la situation l'impose.
Il y eut plusieurs autres imprévus, durant lesquels Fred se fit mordre par un plant de snargalouf. Il paniqua et prétendit que la plante l'avait mordu avec tant de force qu'il faudrait sûrement lui amputer le doigt. George l'accusa de dramatiser et ils passèrent le reste du temps à se chamailler et en quelques minutes, la quantité de corvées avait sensiblement augmenté. Théodora en fut quelque peu ennuyée mais elle y voyait également l'opportunité de passer plus de temps avec les jumeaux. Ils se confondirent en excuses et promirent de tout nettoyer en quatrième vitesse.
Epuisée et affamée, Théodora s'arrêta pour consulter sa montre et réalisa avec amertume que le professeur Chourave ne lui avait pas précisé l'heure de la fin de sa retenue. Elle se débarrassa de ses gants et les fourra dans la poche de sa jupe.
- Je vous serai éternellement reconnaissante pour votre aide. 
Fred et George qui s'étaient accordé une pause étaient allongés sous une table. Ils tournèrent vers elle des visages usés. 
- Encore une fois, nous n'avons fait que te rendre la pareille pour ce que tu as fait pour nous dans la forêt.
- Même si on aurait pu faire autant de dégâts,ajouta Fred. Pas avec nos poings, bien entendu.
- Une farce soigneusement préparée peut aussi faire office de vengeance parfaite.
Théodora sourit. Elle devina sans mal ce qu'ils avaient en tête et espérait bien avoir raison.
- Vous compter piéger Malefoy ?
Les jumeaux haussèrent les épaules, un air malicieux passa furtivement sur leurs visages.
- Nous préférons garder cela secret pour le moment.
- Pour garder l'effet de surprise.
Ils complétaient la phrase de l'autre. Théodora n'était pas étrangère au phénomène de gémellité mais elle se trouvait toujours fascinée devant l'étrange lien qui unissait les doubles. Leur synchronicité ne manquait jamais de l'amuser. Elle poussa un cri d'excitation.
- Comment ? Vous allez remplacer son shampoing par de la teinture ? Piéger son chaudron pour que celui-ci explose en cours de Potions ? Ensorceler sa plume pour transformer toutes ses dissertations en chansons grivoises ? Remplir ses chaussettes de veracrasses ? Lui envoyer des lettres d'amour en lui faisant croire que c'est Rusard qui les a écrites ?
Les jumeaux riaient, visiblement surpris de témoigner de tant d'espièglerie de sa part. Plus Théodora parlait, plus les idées fusaient dans sa tête. Elle avait toujours adoré les farces. Quand on grandit avec une sœur comme Nymphadora Tonks, la malice et la facétie devient une partie importante de votre vie. 
Petite et pas encore en âge d'étudier à Poudlard, à chaque vacance d'été, elle attendait le retour de sa sœur de l'école  avec impatience pour entendre toutes les fabuleuses aventures qu'elle avait vécues avec son amie Tulipe Karasu. Nymphadora ne manquait jamais alors de lui rapporter des produits de chez Zonko et les deux sœurs s'amusaient à les tester sur leurs parents ; ceux-ci faisaient d'abord mine de les réprimander mais finissaient toujours par s'écrouler de rire avec elles.
- Est-ce que je peux y participer ? S'il vous plaît, ajouta-t-elle face à leur étonnement.
Les jumeaux firent une moue appréciatrice.
- George, est-ce que tu penses à la même chose que moi ?
- Que Théodora devrait rejoindre notre trio chaotique ?proposa George d'un ton excité.
- Il nous faut un quatrième cerveau et elle a l'air plutôt futée.
- Moi, j'apprécie ses talents de bagarreuse. Elle a l'apparence fragile d'une licorne mais elle est aussi féroce qu'un chupacabra.
Ils échangèrent une poignée de main avant de passer chacun un bras autour des épaules de Théodora. L'odeur de la bouse de dragon restée accroché sur la chemise de Fred la fit grimacer.
- Théodora Tonks, je suis fière de t'annoncer qu'à partir d'aujourd'hui tu rejoins officiellement la cour des Grands.
Théodora demeura interdite. George resserra son étreinte et le halo de lumière qui l'entourait lui et son jumeau sembla s'étendre pour envelopper la jeune sorcière. Elle sortit de la serre à leurs côtés et quand les têtes se tournèrent vers ce nouveau trio, elle sut que sa vie était sur le point de changer à tout jamais.
- Bienvenue, petit chupacabra.
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l0standn0tf0und · 6 months
more of my fav works with George Weasley
first part
third part
fourth part
fifth part
♡ = smut, 18+ only
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her rhinestones, they shine endlessly
i think he’d look worse in pink
wish it on your worst enemy
goofy summer morning
dear george, love (y/n)
the rest will be history (I'm not afraid of these words: THIS IS LITERALLY THE BEST THING I'VE EVER READ! I mean, I cried, and I laughed, and it's just the best 4,9k words in my life)
what once was mine
don't make her wait
freckles and smiles
pretty good idea
little white lies
pay attention
in disguise
only angel
space girl
♡alone at last
♡one more night
♡decorated for me
♡delightfully devilish
♡each other's first time
♡george weasley during sex
♡george weasley headcanons
♡nsfw alphabet for george & y/n
♡kinktober 2023 - george weasley
♡george overstimulating you, and you cry
all the love to the authors of all these masterpieces: @dracoxsworld @george-weasleys-girl @siriusblackloml @acciojaeyun @gimme-gimme-georgie-weasley @desideriumwriter @pinkandblueblurbs @thebadgerclan @horrorxweasley @elfenbensord @honeymoonblues @lightininglydia @hpimaginesandblurbs @weelittleweasley
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val-made-a-mistake · 1 year
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(not my gif)
summary: liquid courage - that's firewhiskey. a drink you and george can both overindulge in, sometimes, but it always seems to bring you closer together.
warnings: fluff central, alcohol (obviously), underage drinking, hangovers, mentions of vomiting, just a disclaimer, it’s been several years since i last picked up the harry potter series, you can probably guess the reason why, so i SINCERELY doubt everything will perfectly follow the timeline. my friend asked me to write something for the twins for her birthday and gave me her blessing to post, please know i’m trying my best lol. this is set loosely during the summer where the weasleys and friends attend the world cup. (google confused me on the twins’ ages so they’re seventeen, not sixteen.)
word count: 1k
tag list: @mizu-soup
a/n: happy birthday fred and george! psst...when i first posted the sneak peek of this fic, i said i had written SCENES for george, not just this singular one you'll (hopefully) read after the "read more" line. i'm planning to post these scenes as a little ficlet series eventually and develop george and reader's relationship more (firewhiskey is the main theme in all of them, as you can probably guess) but my life is a total dumpster fire at the moment, so who knows how fast that'll happen. please enjoy for now :) i love you
Up on the highest floor of the Burrow, the window was a thin, uncurtained rectangle stretching up to the roof, and early in the morning, if, say, you’d gotten so drunk on Firewhiskey the night before you’d blacked out and subsequently forgotten to hoist Ginny’s old mattress up against the wall to cover it, the sunrise nearly blinded you and every other occupant of the room come 7 AM.
Not the most pleasant awakening one could have in the early morning.
“Merlin,” Fred moaned, wincing at the stream of sunlight and shoving his face into the pillow. “Ron, get the bloody mattress.”
“Why does it have to be me?” Ron cried, bounding up from the misshapen heap of blankets on the floor.
“You’re closest, you moron!” George snapped back. “Dunno about Fred, but my head’s pounding, Y/N woke up with her head in the bucket…”
“I’m awake, George,” you bit out from the opposite side of the room, absentmindedly grabbing onto the rim of the bucket in case you were to throw up again: your mouth tasted like something had died and rotted in your throat, and your voice sounded rough and gravelly from the dehydration. “Fuck, that’s the last time I’m drinking Firewhiskey…”
“You lot okay?” Harry whispered from opposite Ron on the floor. You didn’t think anything of it at the time, but he was clutching his forehead, gently rubbing his scar. Regardless of what it may have meant, you felt pity for him: you, Fred, and George might have just turned seventeen, and had drank Firewhiskey plenty before you’d legally been able to, but Harry was fourteen, much too young for a hangover. God, he’d only wanted a sip, why’d you let it go this far?
“We’re alive, I think,” Fred groaned as Ron got up to block the window; his voice was still muffled from his head in the pillow. “Mum will have everything in the pantry for a Rejuvenation Potion, right?”
“Reckon we can nick the cauldron from Percy’s room?” you put in tiredly, rolling over onto your back to stare at him.
George snorted and rolled his eyes. “Oh, no, Y/N, that’s gonna be impossible.”
You’d opened your mouth to hit him with a snarky remark of your own, but too late: in a blink of an eye, George had vanished.
Before you could even roll your eyes at how abruptly he disappeared— and how clever he obviously thought he was as you’d failed your Apparition Test three times in a row and still couldn’t legally do it — he’d Apparated back into the room with a small rusty cauldron in his hands.
“Percy’s in the kitchen,” he told the room, his grin as smug as ever. “Go down and distract him for me, will you? Look alive, you lot.”
The sunlight no longer a threat to his wellbeing, Fred rose from the squashed, broken mess of a couch, rubbing his eyes. “I’ll see what Mum’s making for breakfast.”
He Disapparated, but not fast enough for you not to spot his identical grin. You had to glare at the wall. They loved teasing you, and no matter how much you may have loved them, you’d never hear the end of it.
There was an awkward silence as everyone seemed unwilling to move.
“Ron, get out,” George said, looking over at the misshapen heap of blankets that bore a wincing Ron.
“Fuck you,” he shot back immediately, and George grinned.
“You better not let Mum hear that sass. Harry, I love you mate, I don’t want to sound like I’m kicking you out, but can you leave me and Y/N alone for a moment? Potion’s gonna take, like, fifteen minutes to brew.”
“No problem,” Harry groaned, reaching for his glasses as he climbed to his feet. “Ron, c’mon.”
Much slower than either of the twins, Ron got up, wobbled to the door with his best friend’s aid, and with the loud CREAK of the door opening, they were gone. George was already taking the ingredients he’d gathered out of the cauldron: you saw several packets of herbs, tiny vials of juices, and a large stirring spoon.
Working deftly, he pointed his wand at the pan underneath the cauldron. “Incendio.”
A fire ignited immediately.
“Do you think you’re gonna vomit again?” he asked you as he ripped a packet of herbs open and dumped them into the cauldron. His voice was so gentle you almost didn’t register he was talking to.
You probably weren’t going to, so you finally let go of the bucket. “I don’t think so.”
“Last time she’s drinking Firewhiskey, she says,” he mocked you, wiggling his shoulders sarcastically. “That’s what you say literally ever morning after, you know.”
Slightly above him on the only bed of the room, you pinned him with the most searing death glare you could manage.
George grinned at you - his real grin, completely free of sarcasm or smugness. “Hang in there, love.”
A small silence fell as you watched him.
“I think if you had any ounce of ambition, you’d be a Healer at St Mungos,” you told him absentmindedly.
“St Mungos!” he gasped, his eyes jumping up to yours as he uncorked a small vial of a mysterious reddish juice. “How dare you, Y/N! You want to set me up with Snape for a few more years?”
You laughed, even though it upset your stomach, which was already growling incessantly. “No, I - I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Jesus, I need some of Molly’s scrambled eggs.”
“Go on without me,” he told you, eyeing a measurement of an equally mysterious brown powder that your Muggleborn background likened to hot cocoa mix. “Tell Mum I’m sleeping and am not to be disturbed. And tell Ron if he rats us out about what happens last night, he’ll wish he was never born.”
“I don’t think he will,” you said tiredly, rising. “But I’ll tell them nonetheless. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he responded. “Stay alive for me.”
You smiled gently; your head was still pounding, and now that you were on your feet, your whole world was spinning. “I’ll try.”
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simmywrites · 2 years
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                                             Larry Johnson x Reader
                                         Warning: Swearing & Crimes
                                     LOADING… LOADED! POV: Y/N L/N
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I said, looking at Larry. “Not if we get caught.” He responded with a huge ass smirk on his face. I was pretty sure we could get arrested, so I looked at him with a look of pure disappointment, “You are a dumbass sometimes, you know that?” He started chuckling, “Love you too, sweet cheeks.” That’s new. Usually he just calls me ‘babe’ or something like that. Eh, a nickname is a nickname. “Uh, Babes? Could you help me?” 
I stop swimming in my own thoughts for a second and I turned to him, “What happened Lar- Oh my god. How the hell did you manage that!?” He got himself caught on the fence. By his shirt. “Magic?” He sighed, “I don’t fucking know either, so just please help me down.” Oh jeez, how did I fall in love with this man again? “Okay, i’ll help but after we egg this god forsaken church, you’re buying me dinner.” He nodded and got to work on freeing my adorable idiot. After I freed him from the fence, he succeeded in jumping over whilst I waited for him. “Let’s go egg a homophobic ass church.” He said, grabbing the pack of eggs we bought from a grocery store that is literally 5 blocks away. He got closer to the church and threw the egg with such strength oh my god, anyway we threw more, until I made one mistake. I was throwing the eggs until I misfired and I threw the egg at a window, breaking it. “Oh shit.” I mumbled “Nice shot.” Larry praised. “Larry.” I turned to him “Yeah?” He said. “What time is it?” “11:42pm, why?” Shit. S H I T. “They would have started preparing for midnight mass, Larry, we should start running.” As soon as I said that, Travis came out of the church. 
“Ay! What do you f*****ts think you’re doing!?”  Larry crossed his arms and said, “Arruinando tu iglesia, pendejo.” (Ruining your church, asshole) He kind of shouted the pendejo part but eh, I don’t judge. “What?” I looked at Travis and said “The joke is less funny if I explain it, Phelps.” Travis started shouting and then his father came out and chased me with a vile of holy water. “Let me save your soul child!” I continued running but I turned to him and said “You can save your mom, bitch!” I flipped him off and he threw the vile at me, missing completely. “Larry! Let’s go!” He turns to me, “Ok!” He flips off Kenneth and Travis, so double birds. We managed to get out of there, and I got dinner from Olive Garden which was their garlic bread. That was probably the best night of my life. 
(Hey Guys! Simmy Writes here! Ok so, some explanation why I have been gone for some time. I have on planes nonstop, so I haven’t been able to write much and also no requests have been requested of me so writer’s block has been kicking my ass. This is my first Sally Face post so please be nice, constructive criticism is welcomed, hate isn’t.)
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kawaiichaoscomputer · 10 months
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James phelps x female reader
Its been 5 years i have met my two best friend, i missed them so much that i had planned to vist them over the summer. Im pretty they are quite with all the travling and Harry Potter movie. We been friends ever seen we were babies and to be honest i have one feelings towards a certain twin, and its been like that ever since we 15, i wanted to suprise them. So as i walked to the building i saw oliver standing talking to a blonde woman , they were chatting and lauging about something But then he turned his head a saw me.
Y/N !!! Oilver shout as the Blond woman laugh
I looked and turned as Oliver ran to hug me, i felt enjoy but then i saw the same blonde girl behind him
Y/n : are u going introduct me to your girlfriend Mr.Phelps
Oliver : hahaha very funny and yes i am ;)
Oliver : Y/n meet katy , katy meet Y/n
Katy : hello Y/n
Y/n : hello katy and btw have u seen james around, i wanna talk to him
Y/n : alright thanks oillie
As she was walking through the whole set she finally saw james but what breaks her heart.
She saw james kissing another girl, she is was about to walk out, james spotted her as he looks in her seeing her for first in 5 years
James : Y/N IS THAT U ?? he asked as he let go of girl hand
Instead answering him , you ran out as fast you can but then Oliver dropped You
OLIVER : WHAT in the bloody hell are u running
You stop and stare, as You said...
Oliver just looking at You confuse and trying to understand what you were saying ...
As You cried in Oliver shoulder, Oliver looked up and see his twin just standing there looking dumbfounded.
OILVER: You met want to turn around
Feeling gulity has he should but he knows its part of the best
You turned Your head around and saw James standing look like he has seen a ghost, even worst he met heard everything.
You try walking up to him but your body wouldn't let you. Between the three of you, Oliver walk up to james and whisper something in his ear
Oliver : good luck mate you need it but dont hurt her ...
Has he left to go meet up with some friends , james decide to ran up to her
James: why you didnt tell me?
Y/n: because its only going to break our friendship , i thought of telling you but then i saw u with her ..
James laugh as he watch Y/n confuse and upset; In which he though it was very aborable to see. The girl he loved for 5 years pass. James explain to her why the girl kiseed him and it does not really matter but what matters the most is seeing his love of life cried in his brother arms
James : I love you and only You
Has he said he pulled y/n close so he could kiss her. She was very shocked on what happening
But she cant help but kiss back slowy; little did they know their friends was placing a bet behid their the backs
Oliver: HAHA Pay Up you shit heads screaming toward tom felton
Tom felton place 10 pounds onto oliver hand, has he accepted his defend
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lovelyyy-luna · 3 years
mischief managed {pt.4}
fandom: harry potter
fic summary: Y/N’s life is full of secrets. Moving to the place where the answer lies could be the death of her and those around her.
chapter summary: Y/N is met with someone who wishes her dead and she hasn't even stepped foot on school grounds.
warning: like one cuss word, bullying
word count: 1102
date: september 9, 2021
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 |
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You interrupted the group and asked them who those students were.
“Oh them? That blonde one is Draco, the shaved head is Goyle, the girl sitting across from him is Pansy, the guy next to her is Zabini and the girl staring right at you is Kali.” Fred said.
“You know,” George started.
“Kali looks,” Lee then continued.
“A little like me,” you whisper but loud enough for them to hear.
The staring between you two became intense that George had to snap you out of it.
You and the group continue the conversation but you could still feel Kali’s eyes on you.
The train came to a stop and the other students grabbed their luggage and headed out the doors. You waited back so you can go to the cart you were originally in to get your stuff.
You open up your bag so Stella can get in there and when you open the door you are met with Kali and the rest of her group.
“Oh um hi,” you say nervously.
“So Y/N,” Kali says to you and you start to form your question but she interrupts you, “Yes I know your name, I know everything I need to know about you. Now, since you are going here to Hogwarts I should warn you to stay out of my way, or you’ll regret it.”
You look at the group behind her and then back at her. You chuckle, “Um okay. Thanks for the threat I guess.”
You squeeze past them and walk down the aisle, in an instant you are frozen.
You saw Kali and her group come around to face you, “Oh little Y/N, I hope this proves that you shouldn’t fuck with us,” her evil smile spread across her face.
You were thinking, it’s all you could do in this situation. The spell? What was the spell to undo this? Finite. Finite. That was it. Finite.
“Ha! Look at her Kali! She’s completely helpless!” Pansy said with joy.
With a sly look on your face, you say, “Well I wouldn’t say ‘completely’ helpless,” they all look at you with shocked and confused faces.
“Now if you excuse me I have to get to the dining hall,” you walk off of the train.
You saw the carriage and in it was one of the last groups heading for the school. It was with Lee Jordan, Fred, George, and a few other students you didn't know the name of.
“Hey Y/N where did you go?” Fred asked.
You look back at the train and see Kali and her group staring back at you.
“Oh just got help up a little bit.”
“Well come on. Get in Y/N.” Lee said.
You hop in the carriage and put your luggage between your feet. The carriage started to be pulled by itself. The students began chattering about the start of the new school year and you were silent. You managed to keep your cool in front of Kali and her friends but inside you were freaking out about that interaction.
The carriage pulled into the front of the school and everyone left their luggage on the carriage and went inside. You followed them. Walking towards the dining hall you looked at the walls and how they were full of paintings that were alive.
The dining hall was grand. You sat next to the twins and the ceremony for the first year started.
When it got towards the end, Professor Dumbledor made another announcement. “We have finished with the sorting of the first years, and we also have someone joining our Sixth years. A student from our sister school, Ilvermourney, Miss Y/N L/N. Now Miss L/N if you could come up here so you can get sorted.”
You got up and grabbed Dumbledors extended hand and he helped you up to the stool. You sat on it and Dumbledor placed the hat on your head.
“Oh. What have we here? Any certain requests?” the sorting hat said.
“Hufflepuff. Like my mom,” you whisper.
“Your mum? She was Slytherin.”
“Slytherin? No, she was Hufflepuff.”
“Interesting. Maybe I got them mixed up. But if it’s Hufflepuff then you got it. Hufflepuff!!”
The room erupted in applause and cheering and you made your way back down to where the Hufflepuff sat. You look back at George and smile at him.
You revert to your fellow Hufflepuff and then some guy sits next to you.
“Hi. I'm Cedric Diggory.” he sticks out his hand for you to shake and you do.
“I'm Y/N L/N.”
“I know.” his smile was bright and friendly, “I’m so glad you’re in Hufflepuff.”
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“And you’re out of it,” Lee said to George. The boys were staring over at you and Cedric.
He whipped his head back at Lee, “Wait what am I out of?”
“The game man. Look over there. Cedric. Great guy, love him. But all the girls swoon over him and he just got Y/N to swoon.”
“What are you talking about? She hasn’t swooned.” George defended.
He looked over at you and you were laughing and smiling at Cedric.
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Was Cedric cute and nice? Yes but you were majorly crushing on George and nothing could change that.
The night went on and the feast was amazing. Once everyone was done the prefects took their house to their dorms. The Hufflepuff dorms were located near the dungeons and the kitchen. The students who were here the previous years went to their rooms and the first years followed the prefects.
You were left alone in the common room, you sat on the couch and waited for someone to come and help you. A girl then walked up to you, “Hey! Are you okay?”
“Oh, I'm fine just waiting for someone to help me to my room.”
“Well, you’re just in luck. Im Opal Hatch, 6th-year Prefect.” she reaches out her hand and you shake it, “you must be Y/N L/N, I can show you to your room.”
“Thanks,” you get up and walk with her. You head over to a wall, “Where's the door?”
“Well since you’re a new addition to the sixth year we had to put you in our ‘Extra Dorms’ ” she raised her wand and drew a line up the wall and the bricks moved and a passageway appeared. You looked up the dark hall and saw the stairs that lead up, you followed her.
When you reached up the stairs and saw the room. It hadn’t been used in a while.
“Why don't I help you out?”
You smile and begin to unpack your bag, Stella pops out and hopped on the bed. You and Opal dusted off the curtains and she got you new bedding.
With your room all done you and Opal say your goodbyes and she heads back to the common room. You get settled in for the night. You were nervous and excited about what this school year had in store for you.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 |
♡please like comment and/or reblog♡
wanna be tagged? (X)
tags: // @fandomxreader // @mrspetxrs // @negan-lover // @detective-oof // @woaharrys //
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arrantsnowdrop · 2 years
Dementors - Fred Weasley x Reader
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Summary: Takes place during Prisoner of Azkaban. Reader is in her fourth year (one below Fred/George) and has been having a rough year because of the Dementors. Fred steps in to help.
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and stress
Word Count: 4,500
A/N: I’ve had this fic idea for a few months now, and finally got around to writing it! Fred is genuinely the love of my life and I hope you enjoy reading! :)
The Hogwarts Library was your favorite place to study. It wasn’t necessarily because you enjoyed the silence more than anyone else, but rather stemmed from your inability to work when other people were around. The moment you broke off from your group of friends’ “study sessions” and started studying by yourself in the library, you fell in love with its quiet yet comforting ambience.
Studying alone didn’t necessarily mean you were lonely while studying. There was an unspoken sense of camaraderie between the regulars who frequented the library most nights of the week. Hermione, for example, had become your unofficial “study buddy” during your second year, with the two of you sharing a table or a couch to do your work on every time you were in the library together. Despite her being a year younger than you, she was one of your closest friends.
Even on nights like tonight, with buckets of rain falling down outside and the wind howling louder than a banshee, the library remained one of the coziest spots in the castle.
It was Saturday, one of the few nights Hermione didn’t come down to join you, and so you’d abandoned your normal desk near the windows in favor of a cushioned armchair near the fireplace (which Madam Pince only lit on nights like this).
You relished the warmth radiating from the fire in front of you, admiring the soft, flickering light it cast on the piece of parchment in your lap. You were taking a break from your half-finished potions essay, transfixed by the rain cascading down the tall library windows like a small waterfall.
You squinted as a dark figure floated into view, brows furrowing as you recognized it as one of the many dementors assigned to Hogwarts’ ground this year. You shuddered, quickly reverting your eyes to your essay.
How ironic, you thought, that you were writing about the Calming Drought when you hadn’t felt calm once all year.
You came from a muggle family, and while many creatures of the wizarding world were still unfamiliar to you, dementors were one aspect you wish had remained secret. They terrified you, to put it plainly.
You hadn’t slept soundly since the first day of the semester when one of them had just floated into the train compartment you were sharing with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. You’d almost passed out right then and there, and you weren’t even the person it was interested in.
You understood why they were there, but you still hated them. You could hardly go anywhere without seeing one hovering lifelessly through a window or lurking slowly over the Quidditch Pitch. As Hermione had said herself, you didn’t need to be near one for it to make you feel absolutely awful.
And while you didn’t like to think of yourself as an anxious person, the dementors’ presence this year had completely degraded your mental state. You were sleeping less, eating less, and trying to cope by putting all your effort into your schoolwork. At least when you were preoccupied with an essay or studying, you’d get a small distraction from the horrible creatures that permeated your everyday life.
“Oi, (Y/n)!”
You jumped about five feet in the air at the sudden noise, essay and quill falling unceremoniously to the floor. You groaned, twisting in your seat and eyes widening at the sight of Fred Weasley approaching you, a concerned look on his face.
“Sorry, love, didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized sincerely. You gulped, ignoring the term of endearment, and shook your head dismissively.
“It’s alright,” you replied with a wave of your hand. “Just caught me off guard is all.” You reached down to pick up the items you’d launched off your lap. When you sat back up, Fred was walking over with a chair he’d grabbed from a nearby desk. You gave him a small smile as he sat down next to you.
“I’m assuming you’d like help with something?” you teased knowingly. He grinned and nodded.
“Hermione said you were in the middle of writing a potions essay, and seeing as Georgie and I have spent the last week studying for our potions OWL, I figured I’d come ask you all the questions Hermione couldn’t answer for us,” he explained. “If that’s okay with you, that is.”
You feigned offense. “Wow, Hermione first then me? I see how it is, Weasley.”
He rolled his eyes, pulling a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket and smoothing it out on his thigh.
“These are our areas of concern,” he said, handing the paper to you.
“Areas of concern?” You raised an eyebrow as you scanned over the paper, chewing your bottom lip lightly as you tried to figure out what topics you could actually help him with. You glanced up at him, cheeks flushing at the sight of him watching you intently with a small smile on his face.
You’d always been a bit infatuated with Fred Weasley, but then again, who wasn’t? Fred and George were Quidditch legends, insanely popular (but in the truly social way, not the stuck up “I’m better than everyone” way), and quite smart. They were funny but caring, and stood up for anyone who needed it. He was also a year older than you, and thus you regarded him as completely unattainable.
“I understand everything up until this here,” you said finally, pointing at where ‘Draught of Peace’ was written. “I think this is where the fifth year curriculum begins, and obviously I’m not there yet.”
“I will gladly accept whatever help you can give,” Fred replied, grimacing as Madam Pince interrupted him with a loud “Shh!”
You startled again, exhaling quickly and glaring at Fred for causing the reprimand.
“Someone’s jumpy today,” he said, brows furrowing slightly. “You alright, (Y/n)?”
“I’m good, thank you,” you replied, looking down at Fred’s list once again. You went to hand it back to him, only to find him staring at you with an apprehensive look. “What?” you asked defensively.
“Have you been sleeping lately?” he asked quietly. You gulped, realizing you hadn’t concealed the dark purple bags under your eyes before you’d left your dorm.
“It’s just been a tough week,” you replied firmly, shoving the list into his hands and reaching down to gather your things.
“It’s late,” you stated, cutting him off before he could interrogate you further. “How about we get together to study sometime this week? That way I can find all my essays from this year for reference.”
“That works fine for me,” he replied hesitantly. “Are you-”
“I’m free any day except Wednesday, and Thursday morning because I have a Charms test,” you interrupted again, standing up quickly. “Just let me know whenever.”
He nodded slowly, pushing himself out of his seat as well, concern still etched across his face. You tried to give him a reassuring smile.
“How about tomorrow in the Great Hall? After my Quidditch practice,” he finally suggested. You nodded eagerly.
“Sounds perfect, I’ll see you then.” You gave him a small wave and rushed towards the doors, trying to ignore your heart beating ten times faster than normal and the memory of Fred’s worried gaze.
• • •
When you woke up from yet another night of hardly any sleep, you realized you had absolutely no idea when Quidditch practice was. You had walked down to the common room looking for Harry, but lo and behold, Oliver Wood was already up and annotating a book on Quidditch strategies at nine in the morning.
Practice was from three to five on Sundays, as you quickly found out, meaning you had a whole eight hours to stress about studying with Fred before it actually happened.
You spent an hour trying to fall back asleep and another working on your potions essay, then decided you’d had enough of your own room and went to bother Hermione in her dorm. You found her sitting on the carpet surrounded by a copious amount of notes, with Lavender and Parvati helping her sort through them.
“Transfiguration,” Parvati explained as you sat down to help them. “We have a test on Friday.”
“A bloody hard one, too,” Lavender said, slightly exasperated. “Four chapters worth of short ended questions and two essays.”
“Where’s Kellah?” you asked, realizing the fourth inhabitant of the dorm was missing.
“Interrogating McGonagall about all this.” Lavender jabbed a figure at a stack of notes spitefully.
“Maybe Kellah will convince her to give us all bonus points,” Parvati suggested. Hermione laughed softly, head still bowed over a lengthy piece of parchment in front of her.
“I hear you’ve got a study date with Fred Weasley this afternoon,” Hermione said, glancing up to give you a grin and an eyebrow wiggle. You groaned, blushing as Lavender and Parvati squealed.
“It’s really not that serious-”
“Except that it is!” Lavender all but shrieked. “You’ve liked him for forever!”
“Sweet Merlin, this is your chance!” Parvati gushed, grabbing your hand and squeezing it tightly. “I’m genuinely so excited about this.”
You laughed and shook your head. “I’ll be sure to give you all updates tomorrow, though I can’t promise they’ll be all that interesting.”
The four of you continued to talk about your looming study session with Fred as you combed through Hermione’s notes.
“This’ll be good for you, (Y/n),” Parvati said thoughtfully. “I mean, Fred’s a great guy, he’s always cared about you-”
“Maybe hanging out with him more will help with the whole, y’know, anxiety situation,” Lavender added. You shrugged.
“I mean, I saw him for literally five minutes yesterday and he’s already figured out that I’m not sleeping,” you said, chewing your bottom lip. “And I don’t why but the thought of him knowing everything makes me nervous.”
“Why?” Hermione asked curiously. You shrugged again.
“I guess I just don’t want him to be upset, or worried.”
“(Y/n), Fred would never be upset with you,” she said reassuringly.
“I think it’s romantic that he’s all in-tune with your emotions,” Parvati said wistfully.
“And he cares,” Lavender sighed, staring at the carpet emotionally. You rolled your eyes.
“Thanks, guys.”
• • •
At 2:30, you tried to convince yourself that you were heading down to the common room to relax, not to catch a glimpse of your favorite Weasley twin on his way to practice. That was a lie.
Fifteen minutes later, Fred Weasley ambled down the steps with the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, laughing loudly with George while Oliver trailed behind them muttering something about maturity. Fred’s face lit up as he caught sight of you curled up on the couch and smiled at you brightly. You gave him a small wave in return, hoping he wouldn’t be able to see the faint blush on your cheeks.
“I’ll see you later!” he called on his way out of the room. George paused in the doorway to give you an exaggerated wink, giggling when you glared at him before turning to catch up with the rest of the team.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, cursing your quickened pulse and sweaty palms - he’d only been in the same room as you, for Merlin’s sake, there was no need to get so worked up.
And yet Fred had all your nerves on edge as the clock on the wall ticked closer and closer to five o’clock. You pulled out your potions textbook and a spare piece of parchment, deciding to make a few notes for later.
At some point you dozed off, your lack of sleep catching up with you as it often did in the middle of the afternoon. You’d become a frequent napper in the last month or so, finding it easier to fall asleep when it was still light out. Today, however, was not the best day for one of your four hour recovery naps.
You woke up with half an hour to spare before you needed to be in the Great Hall. You went back up to your room, gathered your typical study things and changed out of the pajamas you’d been in all day, opting for a sweater and a new pair of sweatpants instead. This time, you made sure to dab concealer under your eyes, erasing all evidence of your insomnia before you left Gryffindor Tower.
There were only a few students sitting in the Great Hall when you got there. You took a seat in the middle of the Gryffindor table and inspected the baskets of assorted snacks in front of you as you set your bag down.
One of the first years, a girl named Amara, pushed a basket of pumpkin pasties towards you from her seat across the table. She gave you a shy smile. “I know you like them.”
“Thank you, Amara,” you said, grinning at the young Gryffindor and grabbing two of the pasties.
“What’s that about?” she asked as you pulled your textbook out of your bag.
“Potions,” you said, setting the book on the table in front of you. “I’m helping Fred study for his exams.”
“Fred Weasley?” Amara asked with wide eyes. You chuckled.
“The one and only.”
As if on cue, Fred made his way through the doors of the Great Hall, head turning as he scanned the room for you. He grinned as his eyes met yours and hastened his pace just a little bit. Your heart skipped a beat, admiring the way his sweatpants hugged his legs and the slight flush to his face.
“Hello, love,” he said, sliding into the seat next to you. You gave him a small smile, eyes widening as he wrapped an arm around your waist. If he noticed the blush tickling your cheeks he ignored it.
“And hello to you, too, Amara,” he continued, giving her a wave. “You look lovely today.”
She squeaked, face turning a bright shade of red as she scampered down the bench towards her classmates. You rolled your eyes, giving him a playful slap on the shoulder.
“You’re a menace,” you scolded.
“Sure am,” he replied proudly, removing his arm from your waist and clasping his hands together on the table in front of him. “So, potions.”
You nodded, flipping open your textbook to the Wit-Sharpening Potion (which you’d bookmarked earlier). “This is the first thing in the fourth year curriculum.”
“Which is where Hermione left off,” he added with a nod.
“I’ve already read it over,” you explained, pointing at some of the annotations you’d made earlier. “So we can review it together and then you can copy down all the important bits to study later.”
He looked down at himself and then gave you a sheepish look. “Do you by chance have something I could write on?” he asked. You sighed, reaching into your bag to grab a piece of parchment and a quill.
“You’re going to be the death of me, Weasley,” you said sarcastically.
“Oh, I hope so,” he replied cheekily, giving you a heart-melting grin.
You spent the next hour or so guiding him through the effects and recipes of each potion. He actually did a surprisingly good job at paying attention, taking detailed notes and only interrupting every once in a while to point out Amara staring at the two of you from a distance.
“She’s so cute,” you remarked softly, watching her gossip energetically with her friends.
“She reminds me of you when you were a first year,” Fred said. You gave him a confused glance.
“What do you mean?”
“Very enthusiastic, easy to rile up,” he explained.
“Now I understand why you and George pulled so many pranks on me,” you groaned, turning the page to the chapter on Skele-Gro.
“It’s was our job to terrorize the new students,” he said, raising his hands in defense. “Peeves’ orders.”
“Uhuh,” you said sarcastically, unable to keep the grin off your face.
“This is the stuff Madam Pomfrey gave to Harry last year!” Fred said excitedly, pointing at the book. You grinned and nodded.
“Yes! Now what’s it made of?” you asked, covering the ingredient list with your hand.
Fred’s nose scrunched as he concentrated. “Erm, puffer fish, and an arm bone, and…spiders?”
“One spider,” you corrected, lifting your hand off the page. “And a bunch of other things.”
“Chinese chomping cabbage, five Scarab beetles…” he mumbled, scribbling onto his parchment as he squinted at the list.
“Invented by Linfred of Stinchcombe,” you added.
“Funny name,” Fred chuckled.
“Which one?” you asked. “Linfred, or Stinchcombe?”
You giggled softly, gaze trailing upwards as the light emitting from the ceiling changed from a pale yellow to a deep blue. The floating candles gleamed brightly against the dark night sky. Despite the change, there was still enough light shining on the tables for you to be able to work.
“Lovely nighttime ambience,” Fred remarked from beside you.
“You sound like you work in real estate,” you replied, gaze moving from the ceiling to the large window at the front of the hall.
You inhaled sharply, noticing the all-too familiar silhouette of a dementor floating just beyond the glass.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Fred asked softly from behind you. You hardly noticed the hand he rested gently on your arm, focused entirely on the dementor hanging in the air like a twisted puppet.
“Dumbledore said they weren’t going to come on the school grounds,” you muttered.
Fred followed your gaze to the window, and you felt him stiffen behind you. “Ah.”
You turned back around in your seat, knocking his hand off you, and cleared your throat as you looked back at your notes.
“I think we can move on, yea?” you said, flipping to the next chapter.
“Antidotes,” you announced, clapping your hands together dismissively. “Very specific healing potions-”
“(Y/n)!” Fred interrupted, reaching out and covering your hand with his own. You sighed, finding yourself feeling oddly uncomfortable under his concerned gaze. “What, Fred?”
“Exactly, what the bloody hell was that?” he asked, a bit harshly.
“What are you talking about?”
“The dementor!” he said exasperatedly, frown deepening as you shivered. “(Y/n)?” His voice was much softer this time.
“I don’t like talking about them,” you said finally, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath. “They scare the shit out of me.”
“Are the dementors why you haven’t been sleeping?”
Your eyes snapped open, giving Fred an incredulous look. “I’ve been sleeping just fine, thank you.”
“I hope you don’t think last night in the library was the first time I’ve noticed,” he said softly. Your heart skipped a beat. “All year you’ve seemed…more reserved. Tired. You yawn all the time, I hardly see you eat.”
“I’m just…stressed,” you managed, glancing at the pumpkin pasties you’d set aside earlier. The dementor had taken your appetite away completely.
“It seems more serious than that,” Fred muttered, placing his hand on top of yours and squeezing gently. 
You sighed, glancing down the table to where Amara and her friends were staring at you intently. “Could we continue this conversation elsewhere?” you asked quietly. Fred nodded, helping you put your things in your bag.
“When did it start?” he asked as the two of you walked towards the doors at the end of the Great Hall.
“It’s been all year,” you admitted, cringing at the way Fred exhaled sharply. “I didn’t know you noticed.”
“Of course I noticed,” Fred said, pushing the door open for you. “You’re worth watching.”
You blushed and followed him down the corridor. “Where are we going?”
“I was thinking the kitchens?” he said. “It’s warm there, plus the house-elves are just starting dinner.”
Fred stayed by your side as you walked down the stairs, hand brushing against the back of yours lightly every time he took another step down. You bit your lip, imagining how it would feel to get to hold his hand.
“How was Quidditch practice?” you asked softly, breaking the silence. Fred looked down at you and gave you a small grin.
“You really want to know?”
You nodded.
“Absolute shit,” he replied, emphasizing every syllable. You stifled a laugh as his brows furrowed in frustration. “Wood has been up in everyone’s business for weeks trying to get us to learn this new play. You know who invented it?”
“Who?” you asked curiously.
“The Pride of Portree!” he said exasperatedly. “They’re bloody professionals, and Wood can’t seem to understand how we’re not performing as well as they are.”
“Wood’s a bit of a lunatic when it comes to Quidditch,” you agreed.
“A bit is an understatement,” Fred snorted, stopping at the fruit bowl painting that concealed the entrance to the kitchens. “Do you want to tickle the pear or should I?” “Don’t think I’ve ever been asked that before,” you laughed. “You can do it.”
Fred reached out and gave the two dimensional fruit a tickle, grinning as it turned into a door handle. He pulled it open. “After you, m’lady.”
You grinned and waved hello to Krafty, one of your favorite house-elves.
“Hello, Krafty,” Fred called, pulling the door shut and coming to stand beside you.
“Mr. Weasley,” Krafty said, giving a slight bow. “Krafty must go help work on dinner!”
You glanced up at Fred as the house-elf scurried off. “I didn’t know you knew Krafty.”
“George and I come here all the time to steal food before bed,” he explained, grabbing your hand and tugging you towards one of the tables. “We know quite a few of these guys.”
He sat down and patted the bench next to him, grinning as you followed suit and rested your head against his arm.
“Comfortable?” he asked. You nodded.
“Your mother’s sweaters are always so cozy,” you mumbled. “I stole one of Ginny’s old ones to sleep in.”
Fred chuckled. “I’ll just ask her to make you one.”
“I don’t want to burden her,” you whined.
“She loves you, she won’t mind.”
“I miss your mum,” you said. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen her.” “You should come visit,” Fred suggested. You shrugged, sitting up straight. “Maybe.”
Fred reached around your back and grabbed a roll out of a basket behind you. You gave him a confused look as he forced it into your hands.
“Would you please eat this,” he said. “I haven’t seen you eat a full meal in weeks and it’s starting to make me nervous.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled, taking a small bite of the bread.
“I don’t mean to make you feel bad,” Fred said softly, “it’s just that you have to eat.”
“It’s not like I’m trying not to,” you explained. “I want to eat, but I get so…so nervous that I stop being hungry.”
“Because of the dementors?” he asked.
“Yea.” You cringed at how small your voice sounded.
“Why do they freak you out so much?” he asked genuinely. “I mean, they’re creepy and all, but you seem more affected by them than most other people.”
“You remember how one came into our compartment on the Hogwarts Express?” you asked. “At the beginning of the year?”
Fred frowned and nodded. “Don’t think Ron slept for two weeks.”
“Yea, well, I haven’t really slept since then,” you muttered.
“(Y/n), it’s been months,” Fred said incredulously, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “I genuinely have no idea how you’ve been functioning this whole time.”
“I know it’s bad,” you sighed, leaning into his chest and trying to ignore the way his caring tugged at your emotions. “But it’s just…so dark in my room at night. And I’m always the last one awake and I feel so alone, and then I’m just reminded of how lonely and terrified and cold the dementor made me feel.”
“You have to sleep sometimes,” Fred said, pulling you in closer to him. “I read somewhere that you’ll die if you don’t sleep at all, and you’re clearly alive.” He pulled back and gave you a once-over. “Well, kind of.”
You snorted. “I take a lot of naps.”
“Is it easier to fall asleep during the day?”
“Yea, and I can hear people moving around and talking and stuff, so I don’t feel as isolated I guess,” you said.  Fred hummed, thinking to himself.
“Would it be okay if I proposed a rather outlandish and potentially polarizing solution,” he said finally.
“Uh, sure,” you replied, motioning for him to speak.
Fred cleared his throat. “You could, y’know, if you wanted to, come sleep with me. Only if you were okay with it, of course.”
You were sure you’d heard him wrong, eyes bulging as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.
“Jesus, (Y/n), don’t look at me like that,” he teased with a nervous chuckle. You blinked, trying to force your face into a more normal expression.
“You…you want me to sleep with you?” you asked.
“Not sexually!” he clarified quickly. “Just like physical sleeping, and I could keep you company so you wouldn’t feel lonely.” A pause. “Unless you’d prefer sexually.”
You felt your face turn increasing shades of bright red, stuttering for an answer as he grinned at you adoringly. Your eyes widened as he reached out and grasped your thigh gently, staring down at his hand and then back up at him.
“Would this be a bad time to tell you I fancy you?” he asked quietly, his eyes searching yours for any trace of an answer.
“No,” you managed breathlessly. “This is a perfect time.” His lips were on yours in an instant, your eyes fluttering closed as one of his hands came up to cup your jaw, the other resting on the small of your back, coaxing you closer to him.
You sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, kissing you senseless and caressing your face with his thumb.
And suddenly you remembered you were still in the kitchens. In the kitchens snogging Fred Weasley.
“Fred,” you murmured, pulling back and taking a deep breath. You opened your eyes, relishing in the sight of Fred panting, his eyes still closed. “Fred, we have an audience.”
He opened his eyes slowly, blinking at the small crowd of house-elves watching you from a distance, all donning shocked expressions. “Krafty! Doesn’t (Y/n) look ravishing this evening?”
Krafty blushed furiously, turning around and hurrying away with the platter he was carrying.
“Fred Weasley!” you scolded.
“I wasn’t completely joking, you know,” he muttered, looking back at you. “You look gorgeous. Absolutely stunning, inside and out.”
You blushed. “I, erm, fancy you too,” you said, realizing you hadn’t said it back before. “In case you were wondering.”
Fred grinned, pushing himself to his feet and reaching down to help you stand up. “Let’s take this back up to my dorm, yea? We can make tea and look at that potions book a little more, and then maybe you can spend the night?”
You looked up at him, beaming at the thought of spending a night in Fred Weasley’s arms, and potentially sleeping well for the first time in months. “That sounds marvelous, Freddie.”
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skarsbabe · 2 years
Okay ik I'm probably late but the twins looked soo good at the bts of harry potter return to hogwarts and I AM GUSHING they're soo cute
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Honestly all of them looks good ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
Photos from @phelpswow on ig 💕💕
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mayraki · 3 years
“the stolen sweater” - george weasley
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-> not my gif. let me know if it’s yours.
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summary: the first night that you slept at the burrow, you accidentally wear george’s sweater the next morning. but here’s the thing, your relationship is a secret.
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Some people say the way you start your morning is the way your day will go. Well, let’s hope that that isn’t the truth because this wasn’t the morning you hoped you’d had when the Weasley family invited you to stay over for the night.
Specially when you had to keep your relationship with one of them a secret.
You knew the family since your first year at Hogwarts. So many trips, dinners, sleepovers shared with the family you couldn’t even count them with your two hands after that. You saw them as another part of your family with only one difference, red hair on their heads. Like the Weasleys, your family was as big as the house itself. You were the middle child, having two older brothers, one little brother, and a little sister. So, when you needed to talk about how everything was too much sometimes, you had someone to talk to; George Weasley.
Since the moment you met him at the Hogwarts Express on your first year at Hogwarts, you two clicked instantly. Well, let’s just say that when he accidentally exploded your just bought drink, there was nothing much to it. He expected for you to get angry at him, but for his surprise, laugh started coming out of your mouth and without even hesitating, took revenge on that instant by grabbing another drink from the trolley and pouring it on him. Obviously, you two got detention for almost two weeks. That was not a great start of your first year at Hogwarts, but something good came out of it. A new friendship.
But that wasn’t all, with that relationship came another one, just like a package. Fred Weasley, George’s twin. They were always together so automatically you three became inseparable and unstoppable. But, even if you loved the two Weasley twins equally, you always knew since that moment at the Hogwarts Express, your relationship with George was different. He was the best friend you could ever asked for, he was there when you most needed it, when you two were together it was like the world suddenly got better and laugh like it was the last day you two would live.
Obviously, with that, came people that thought you two were dating. But your relationship with George wasn’t like that at all, you even helped each other get dates and celebrate when the other one took a chance and talked to their crush. You finished your last year at Hogwarts with your best friends next to you the happiest you could ever be. It was all perfect. Until, something inside of you changed.
The second that Fred asked you to go on a double date, with George as your date, you immediately said yes. The girl that Fred suddenly got interest in was a coworker of yours, so when the idea that the four went out came into Fred’s head, it was all settle. You didn’t think much to it, since it was just helping a friend out. That was it.
Well, it wasn’t.
The moment that Fred gave you and George the look, you two nodded saying that you needed to go the toilet, and George, kindly offering to go accompany you, leaving Fred alone with the girl he was so strangely interested in. The idea was that after ‘going to the restroom’, you two got lost, giving more time alone for Fred to make his move. But those minutes that you had planned to be ‘lost’ turned into the rest of the night. You couldn’t even count with one hand the amount of times your heart started to beat faster when he got closer to you, or when he noticed you were feeling kinda cold, so he landed his sweater to you. You didn’t know what it was, maybe the dark sky full of stars, the couple of drinks you had minutes ago, but you started to see George differently after that night. You wanted to spend more time with him, but not like those days at Hogwarts, were you helped him and Fred planned their next prank, it was different. You wanted to be more close. Maybe physical or emotionally, you didn’t know.
You spent the entire week confused at your own feeling and thoughts, it was consuming your brain so much that you decided to talk about it with him. Of course, you were terrified. Terrified that he didn’t feel the same way and it was going to ruin the friendship. But the moment that you couldn’t even focus on your work, you took that as a hint that it needed to be talked about.
So, when the weekend came, your heart started to beat faster because you already knew it was the day you were going to... confess your feelings towards him.
Was it the word ‘confess’ your feelings, when you don’t even know what you’re feeling?
The moment you saw him, standing there with that big cheeky smile that you loved so much, your heart started beating so fast that you got the feeling it was going to jump out of your chest. It had to be done, you knew that. You couldn’t stop. You needed to know what he felt, and you wanted him to know how you felt, even if you didn’t even know it yourself.
“What is that pretty head of yours thinking right now?” You heard George asking behind you the moment you put your tea cup on the table, making you snap out of your thoughts.
You turned around giving him a little smile. “Thinking about the time I told you I liked you.”
George let out a smile and gave you a kiss on the forehead, before sitting down next to you. “Can you believe it’s going to be already three months?”
“Honestly, no. I didn’t even know you were going to say you liked me back, so thinking about how much time has passed, I can’t believe non of it.”
Without thinking about it, George grabbed your cheek with the intention to pull you closer and unite his lips with yours, but you grabbed his hand and stopped him from doing it.
“We can’t here, anyone can come in at any second.”
“Dad’s working, mum and Ginny are in the back, Fred is at the shop, and who knows where Ron is with his friends. It’s alright.” He said with a smile and you gave in, since you loved when he got so needy.
You spent the rest of the afternoon talking to George about some new ideas he had for the shop and you got so happy seeing him so excited and passionate about it. You couldn’t take your eyes away from him while he was talking, you felt how your heart was slowly melting and your ears loving that sweet sound of his voice. You were so into the moment, that without thinking about it, you took your hand and left it on his shoulder to caress it with your thumb. He didn’t even notice, since apparently this particularly idea he was talking about was the best he had in weeks.
“Sweetie! Don’t forget to make sure there’s no gnomes left. We don’t want those nasty creatures stealing the food again.” You heard Molly talking fast while entering the house backwards, facing you and George with her back. You immediately took your hand off George’s shoulder once Molly turned around and gave you one of her famous warm smiles. “Darling! I didn’t know you were here.” She said.
“I arrived when you started doing the housework in the backyard.” You said getting up, and once Molly left the heavy box she was carrying, welcomed you with a tight hug, like she always did.
“It’s so good to see you darling.” She said after breaking the hug. “Oh! Do you want to stay for dinner?”
“I don’t know, it’s getting pretty late. Probably should get home before it gets too dark.”
“Then you should stay the night!” A familiar voice talked on the front door. Ginny Weasley walked closer to you to wrap your body in a tight hug. “I love when you stay the night! I miss our sleepovers, Y/n!”
You let out a laugh. “I missed them too.”
“That’s settle, then.” Molly said while Ginny was clapping in excitement. “I’m already ready to feed another mouth.” Molly did a little tap with her hand on your cheek and walked away, leaving you with the two siblings alone in the kitchen.
You turned to lock eyes with George to see that he was already smiling at you, and when Ginny turned around to take off her jacket, he winked at you making you melt on the inside.
“C’mon, I have something to show you.” Ginny grabbed your hand and quickly walked you upstairs, after you shrugged your shoulder at George and he just let out a tiny laugh.
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“I’m never going to get tired of eating Molly’s food.” You said as you and Ginny were walking upstairs with George behind you.
“Then you have to come more often, too bad.” Ginny said sarcastically and you let out a tiny laugh. “Alright, see you tomorrow George.” She said but then when she turned around noticing that you weren’t moving towards her room and were staring at George, she quickly asked: “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You shook your head turning to face her. “I just need to go to the toilet.”
Ginny nodded still a little bit confused of your sudden strange action, but still, turned around and you lost her as deeper as she got into the house.
“I may be wrong,” George said once you turned to look at him “that when we tell everyone about us, Ginny is the one that’s going to be the most happy.”
You let out a tiny laugh and nodded. “Maybe.”
“She does love you, a lot.” George grabbed your waist to pull your closer and caress your cheek with his thumb. “I don’t blame her.” He said almost in a whisper while staring at your lips.
“Hold yourself, anyone can see us here.”
“You’re no fun, what happened to the troublemaker I met at Hogwarts?”
“She’s still here,” you got closer to his lips “but this Y/n likes to tease you, a lot.” The second he tried to unite his lips with yours, you pulled back leaving the poor George and his needs all by himself.
“You’re awful.” George said jokingly as you were walking backwards and waving at him. “I’ll be waiting for you.” He said, as you winked at him and turned around, finally heading towards Ginny’s room.
“That was fast.” Ginny said the moment she saw you crossing the door.
“Didn’t you had to go to the bathroom?”
“Right!” You said normally, but on the inside you were slapping yourself on the forehead with the palm of your hand for being so stupid. “I forgot.”
“You forgot to go to the bathroom?”
Ginny furrowed her eyebrows confused. “Strange.”
“Not really.” You shook your head and quickly looked for something to change the subject. “So, what to do you want to do?” You hoped that Ginny didn’t ask more questions, and that seemed to work, since she did a single clap excited and started naming all of the things she wanted to do on that sleepover.
You spent the last hour and a half talking non stop with Ginny while playing some games you two would love playing as kids. It was like you two were teenagers all over again. It didn’t matter that you were a couple of years older than her, she was just another little sister you adore so much. One more is just nothing to you at this point.
As much as you enjoyed talking and hanging with Ginny, you couldn’t wait for the moment she would go to bed and fall asleep. And for your luck, that time came. You started to hear little snores that were coming out of her nose and you smiled to yourself on your bed. Without making any noise and slowly as you ever moved, you walked towards the door and once you were outside, made sure no one was around. And with quiet steps, walked to George’s room.
As you moved the door, your eyes saw him laying on his bed next to an empty one, Fred’s bed. He had his eyes closed while his arm was behind his head, making him look as beautiful and peaceful he has ever been. You bit your lower lip trying to not wake him up as you were walking with your slow steps, but the second you were next to the bed, with his other arm he quickly grabbed your waist and pulled you to the bed, making fall on top of him. “You took your sweet time, gorgeous.”
“I like spending time with your sister, if you would like to know. We were just talking and time flew fast.” You said as you were getting comfortable on the bed, letting your head rest on his chest and your hand caressing his stomach.
“About what?” He asked almost in a whisper.
“Life. Our memories at Hogwarts.” You said and George let out a tiny laugh.
“Hope all good.”
“Yeah. I mean, I had you and Fred as best friends, what could possible go wrong?” You asked sarcastically since almost everything, like you remembered, went wrong ending up in detention.
“We had a great time.” He said and you nodded against his chest. “But it did go fast. Look at us now.”
“Yeah.” You said so softly while remembering all those old memories that your word were almost covered by the wind blowing outside. You felt your feet getting a little bit cold so you pressed them against George’s legs and immediately felt his heat going towards you, but it wasn’t enough.
“Do you think it’s time?” George asked out of the blue and you lifted your head to give him a quick look with your eyebrows furrowed, but then went back to his chest.
“Time for what?”
“To tell everyone.”
You let out a sigh and closed your eyes while thinking your next words. You remembered the moment that you two decided to finally be a thing and to also, keep it a secret. At the moment, it seemed the right thing to do. His family and you were extremely close, so close that they were your second family. The idea of dating never crossed your mind as you were growing up, until it happened. You had denied liking George romantically multiple times, so when it finally happened it was even weirder for you. And it’s not like you expect it to be weird for the Weasley family, the opposite. The amount of times Molly said jokingly that you would make a perfect couple for one of the twins you couldn’t even count them with one hand. So, it wasn’t news that you dating one of them wasn’t going to pass as some news that they talk for a week and then carry on like it’s normal. Because it wouldn’t. You didn’t want to get anyone hopes up of you two working and living the happily ever after, like Molly and Arthur wanted for the children, and then the relationship not working and ruining what you had with the entire family.
You and George not working out was not even in your list of things that could happen, but in reality, it could. So, you two decided to wait and see how the thing was going to turn out. And it did, better than you ever imagined it could.
“I mean,” George added since he noticed your silent. “we decided to tell them once we were ready and we started to noticed our relationship was working... do you think it’s working?”
“Yeah.” You said softly after looking at him with your elbows against the bed. He let out a tiny smile and you couldn’t help but unite his lips with yours. You immediately felt his cold lips but you didn’t mind, somehow it did bring warmth to your body.
“You’re freezing.” George said once he touched your arm and he felt the coldness of it.
“I didn’t plan to stay the night, so I didn’t bring any warmer clothes.” You said shrugging your shoulders with the intention to go back to your prior position but George gently pulled you back and got out of bed and went to the tiny closet he had between the two bed.
After a couple of seconds looking for something, he finally did and let out a tiny smile. “Here.” He said once he handed a tiny sweater that had the letter “G” on it. “Mum made it my second year of Hogwarts, I think it’s going to go well.”
“Perfect.” You said once you put it on and you felt how the warmth or if immediately hit your body.
“You look adorable.” He said getting closer to you and leaving a kiss on your forehead.
“Bless your mum.” You said caressing your arms while you waited for George to get back on the bed so you could rest your head against his chest once again.
Moments had passed in silence while he was caressing your head and you were slowly feeling how your eyes were getting heavy and your body giving up to the bed and comfort you were feeling. But when your head remembered you were on his room, your eyes quickly went open.
“I should probably go, we don’t want anyone coming in and seeing me here.”
George didn’t respond immediately, so you looked at him and let out a tiny smile when you saw him so peacefully. You got closer to his face to give a kiss on his lips, but before you could do it, he said “5 more minutes?” You let out a tiny smile and melted on the inside.
“5 more minutes.”
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“I’m disappointed you guys didn’t invite me to the party.” That was the first thing you heard before you opened your eyes with a familiar voice. It took you and your just woken up brain to realise what was in front of you.
You looked at the red haired boy that you had in front of with a cheeky smile on his face. You were about to smile but then you noticed it was the wrong twin.
“Fred!” You said in a loud whisper getting up from the bed, making George quickly wake up and stare with sleepy eyes at his brother.
“Did you two had fun last night?” Fred asked grinning at you and then his twin.
“What?” You asked and then closed your eyes with strength. “Oh fuck.”
“Oh fuck indeed.” He added. “So, when did it all start?”
You turned to George who was staring at you with a smile. He just shrugged his shoulders and you nodded, biting your lip and locking eyes with Fred, who was patiently waiting for the two of us to talk. “Do you have time?” You asked before deciding to tell every single detail.
After telling everything to Fred, he just shrugged his shoulders and added, before leaving the room; “I’m not surprised. Still sad you didn’t invite me to the party.”
George threw a pillow at him and you bit your lower lip trying to hide the smile that wanted to come out.
“Breakfast!” You heard Molly yell once you stepped on the staircase towards the kitchen.
“Mum! Smells great.” George said.
“Like always.” Fred added, giving Molly a kiss on the forehead.
“Y/n, darling,” Molly looked at you while walking towards you with her arms wide open to give you a tight hug. “did you sleep well?”
“Perfectly.” You said with a smile and gave George a quick look.
“Did Ginny let you sleep? She gets a little bit chatty sometimes.”
“No I don’t!” Ginny appeared at the end of the staircase and you let out a tiny laugh. She walked closer to you and wrapped her arms around your shoulder. “Where did you go last night?” She asked and you quickly turned to see if Molly was gone, and for you luck she was and didn’t hear Ginny’s question.
“What?” You asked pretending to not have heard her but before she could repeat herself, Molly spoke before her.
“Was it cold in Ginny’s room yesterday?” She asked and you quickly turned to her.
“What?” You and George asked at the same time. Both Ginny and Molly turned to George confused but then carried on.
“Was it?” Molly asked again. “Because I’ve noticed you burrowed one of her sweaters.”
You felt how your heart dropped to your stomach once you looked down and noticed you were still wearing Goerge’s sweater that he let you use last night. Your brain was looking for excuses to say, but nothing was coming to you.
“That’s not mine.” Ginny said.
“What?” Molly asked confused. “But it has the ‘G’ in it.”
“I don’t remember this sweater being mine.”
You turned to George when your brain couldn’t think of the next thing to say. You two kept staring at each other and even though no words were coming of each other’s mouth, you two knew exactly what the other was thinking.
“Oh, now I remember!” Ginny said, before any words could come out of your mouth or George’s. You turned to her and you noticed something clicked on her brain, since she saw you and George staring at each other. “Yes, it’s mine. I forgot I had it.” She said and then a big smile appeared on her face.
“Oh, good. Now, everyone come sit down, eat your breakfast.” Molly said, thankfully, forgetting about the whole thing immediately.
You turned to George who had a little smile on his face, and when no one was looking, he winked at you which lead you to melt on the inside and your heart to skip a beat. But before you could do anything about it, you felt Ginny grabbing your arm and pulling you aside where no one could hear her.
“So that’s where you were last night?” She asked in a loud whisper and you furrowed your eyebrows confused.
“What?” You asked, hoping that she would soon forget and drop it, but knowing Ginny she wasn’t going to do it. And you knew her very well.
“C’mon, the ‘G’? That’s George’s sweater!” She said more loudly and then looked back hoping no one heard her.
“You’re too smart for your own good, you know that?”
Ginny let out an excited smile and then added, more calmly: “Mrs. Y/n. Weasley. I like that.” She nodded and then without giving you any time to answer, turned around to join her brothers at the table.
You stayed there for a couple of seconds smiling, pretending to not be so in love with that too.
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idyllicbunny · 3 years
Hide and Seek | G.W
So I’m writing a George fic and felt it only right to also post it on Tumblr! Especially since I can hardly find George fics/oneshots with ✨spice✨and a plot line. If you have an recommendations comment them! Anyway enjoy!
"I'll love you forever Elirah" George whispered tightening his grip around his best friend as they sat on the edge of the Astronomy Tower.
"You will?" Elirah smiled nuzzling into George feeling her heart flutter.
"Yeah that's the problem." George replied stroking a stray piece of hair out her face.
"What do you mean George?" Elirah felt her heart drop. She turned around and faced him cupping his cheek in her hand wiping the stray tear from his face.
"You don't love me the way I love you." George murmured closing his eyes to avoiding the harsh reality of rejection.
"Your right. I don't." Elirah says removing herself from his lap. George opened his eyes feeling his nose burn and eyes sting as she stood watching him. He chuckled sadly unable to respond his heart crushed.
"I love you more than you love me George Fabian Weasley. I love you so much it hurts. Especially when you can't see just how much I love you and only you. So yes I don't love you like you love me." Elirah kneeled in front of him wrapping her arms around him and wiping his tears.
"M'so sorry Lirah I was scared. I didn't want to ruin our friendship." He mumbles as she pecks his face.
"Georgie, you should've just asked me." She shakes her head leaning into him.
"I'm going to give you a proper kiss now. As much as I enjoyed the one we shared when you fucked me in the broomstick closet that was represented lust. I want to show you just how much I love you." With that Elirah connected their lips.
George pulled her back into his lap feeling like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders as Elirah tenderly kissed him. He swiped his tongue along her bottom lip groaning when she massaged her tongue with his.
It felt like hours they were tangled together lost in each others touch but it had only been mere minutes. Elirah pulled back breathing deeply as she stared into George's eyes. Which were focused on her swollen lips.
"How was that for love?" she teased rubbing her nose with his.
George laughed pecking her before replying.
"I think you might need to remind me one more time." with that he connected their lips once more.
George moaned as she tugged his hair. He felt like his body was on fire. Wherever she touched him seemed to burn.
"Better?" she panted pulling back.
“Much better." He smiled.
Once again they were wrapped in each others arm watching the stars.
"You know Georgie, as much as I hate to say it especially because he a foul, loathsome little cockroach but if it wasn't for Malfoy we wouldn't be here."
George scowled at the mention of the gits name.
"Never say that wankers name. Your mouth is too pure for filth like that to come out of it."
Elirah smirked trailing her hand down George's chest before palming his cock.
"Wasn't it just three hours ago this pure mouth was being fucked by your-"
"Lirah!" George gasped as she pulled his zipper down.
"What's wrong Georgie?" she questioned innocently as George focused on her hand.
"You know what you don't act all coy."
"Me .. coy.. Never!" she sighed dramatically pulling his boxers down.
George shook his head and threw Elirah over his shoulder. He pulled his trousers up hastily making his way out the Astronomy Tower.
"Looks like I need to remind you what happens when naughty girls run their mouth." Elirah felt her pussy dampen at the sound of George's voice.
"Clearly you didn't learn your lesson earlier today."
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fxramir · 4 years
I’ve made a George Weasley playlist on Spotify and I would really appreciate some feedback and/or some song recs that you think would go well with the overall vibe of the playlist!
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ok i’m gonna need some more poly fics where fred and george are both dating the reader/mc, step it up ya’ll 
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val-made-a-mistake · 7 months
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(not my gif)
summary: the second part to the firewhiskey series, this time liquid courage brings you to the aftermath of the world cup. the drunken celebration and the we are the champions euphoria and the singing and dancing inside of your enormous tent - possibly the last time you and george would feel invincible, just hours before the world was flipped upside down.
warnings: domestic fluff, alcohol again, obviously, mentions of near-death experiences/being trampled, the phrase “drinking like a maniac” is used but in no way is alcohol being abused
word count: 1.4k
a/n: okay, okay, i know like 95% of what i write is smut, but i seriously love writing domestic fluff. :) hope you enjoy!
“Let’s fucking go!” Fred shouted the moment he’d stomped back into the tent, flinging his arms into the air, “Break out the Firewhiskey, lads, it’s time to get our Irish party on…”
“Stop shouting, Fred,” Percy said irritably from the couch, shutting his outdated copy of Witch Weekly with a sharp SLAP. “You wouldn’t want Mother to hear about this, I assure you, I know you’ve been drinking like a maniac.”
“You’re so right, Weatherby,” George chortled from alongside Fred, and as Percy’s ears glowed red, you had to slap a hand to your mouth to suppress your laugh.
“Where did the boys go?” Arthur asked blankly from behind the twins, pivoting on his heel. Whether genuine or otherwise, he appeared not to have heard Fred’s desire to get drunk. “I - Harry?”
“Sorry, Mr Weasley,” Harry said as he ducked back into the tent, out of breath and red in the face. “That was - um, we ran into a couple of people.”
“That was the stupidest stunt I think you’ve ever pulled in your life, Ron!” a young, shrill voice you quickly realized was Hermione Granger’s shrieked from just outside the tent. “Five Galleons? For what?”
“Please don’t ask,” Harry tried weakly.
It had been an awkward stretch of time between the initial finale of the World Cup in the late afternoon and however long it had taken for the rest of them to get back to the tent after they’d decided to fetch some water from the opposite side of the campground. First getting back to your tent in the influx of wizards leaving the arena had been a terrifying endeavour, when everyone was shouting, cheering, dancing, singing, setting off green and gold bursts of sparks from their wands, and leprechauns were scampering about.
In fact, the horde had almost trampled you in their excitement, and you knew you’d never be able to repay Charlie for snatching you out just in time.
So it was understandable why you’d been reluctant to return to the festivities since then: you’d been lounging in the flat-sized tent with the older Weasley siblings, sipping tea and watching your leprechaun gold disappear on the counter while you waited for everyone to come back.
“I am ready to sleep for three days,” Ginny announced as she flounced back into the tent, her hands on her hips. “God, what a match!”
“Moran - Mullet - back to Moran - they score!” George cried out, laughing heartily at himself. “Where’s Bagman, eh? We’re bloody rich.”
“Where’s your girl?” Fred asked, looking around blankly, but he spotted you instantly. “Oh, there she is.”
You felt your cheeks warm at the title.
“You survived the campground,” you mumbled with a small smile on your face.
“We did,” George replied, stepping forward to wrap you in a hasty, one-armed hug. For seemingly no reason, he leaned in to kiss the side of your head, but you recognized the gesture for what it was.
“You still got the Firewhiskey?” he whispered in your ear.
You did: until Fred had openly announced his intention to get drunk, it had been kept a bit on the down low that you had the rest of the five Galleon bottle hidden away in your bag in the girls’ tent, because you knew there wasn’t a chance Molly would allow you to bring liquid courage to the World Cup.
(Honestly, it had been a bit saddening, knowing you were about to drink the rest of it. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get to Diagon Alley before you went off to Hogwarts to replenish your stash, and you’d be damned trying to getting a glass from Madam Rosmerta at Hogsmeade, so this was your summer’s last hurrah.)
Looking to the positive, you nodded slightly and released him.
“May as well put dinner on,” said Arthur, wandering around the kitchen kind of aimlessly, “The festivities will be starting soon...”
Ginny laughed, tossing her fiery red mane over her shoulder. “You say that like they haven’t already started, Dad.”
“We won, lads!” Fred took the opportunity to shout again, and everyone laughed, except Percy, but you saw his slight smile.
As the evening progressed, the party atmosphere around the campground intensified. The sound of drums and bagpipes echoed through the night, people sang songs in the beautiful Irish tongue you couldn’t understand, and at some point, people began setting off colorful Muggle fireworks, casting dazzling spells into the night sky. Wizarding and magical entertainment combined together, it made for a wonderful and chaotic night.
The Weasley family and their friends gathered around a small campfire outside the tent, toasting marshmallows and giving each other a play-by-play of the afternoon’s match for the millionth time. It didn’t matter how many times they went over the match, how many lively debates erupted, or how many times somebody claimed to see the Snitch flying around before Krum, nobody could get enough.
“Moran was doing things with a Quaffle I’ve never seen before,” Ginny was saying, her eyes shining. “I cannot believe she was able to get that second goal past Zograf, it was honestly astounding-“
Above your heads, fireworks were detonating in fascinating spirals and twists bursting with colour, drowning out Ginny’s voice.
Tipsy, you stared up at them in wonder. There were leprechauns giggling and frolicking among the twinkling stars, taunting those sitting below, and the fireworks were consistently a mix of orange, green, and white for Ireland’s flag - you hadn’t seen any retaliation from the Bulgarian corner of the campsite just yet, but it wouldn’t have mattered, Ireland was demanding all the attention.
George had pulled you into him on the log, the Muggle fire was crackling in front of you, orange and warm. Your throat was still on fire from the first sips of Firewhiskey, but you were already feeling the warmth of the drink in your belly, and for a moment, all was well. Your face fit perfectly in the crook of George’s neck. He smelled like a spice you couldn’t quite place, and Chocolate Frogs.
“No time for losers…’cause we are the champions…” you heard a crowd singing in the distance, and you smiled gently, delighted that a Muggle song was so catchy, it had found its way into the wizarding world.
Amid the laughter and cheer, you couldn't help but express your curiosity about the mysterious stunt that Ron and Harry had pulled earlier, so you discreetly tapped Ron on the shoulder.
“Come on, you two, spill the beans. What did you do for those five Galleons?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
On his other side, Harry exchanged a glance with Ron before sharing a mischievous grin.
(Merlin, did he ever look like his father.)
"Let's just say we had a little bet with some fellow fans, and things got a bit competitive," Harry said, trying to be vague while his green eyes twinkled with mischief.
Ginny, who had been chatting with Bill, Charlie, and Percy, overheard their conversation and couldn't resist chiming in. "Oh, I know exactly what they did. You see, they challenged a group of Bulgarian fans to a broomstick race. They had to fly around the campsite three times, and the first one back won.”
Ron laughed, confirming Ginny's story, "Yeah, and I flew like a bat out of hell. Harry and I beat those Bulgarians fair and square. I've never seen Harry fly so fast, bloody hell.”
The group erupted into laughter as Ron continued his story in a melodramatic tone, describing his daring flight and the impressed expressions on the Bulgarian fans' faces. Even Percy, over on the other log, couldn't help but crack a smile at the ridicule of it.
“You know you weren’t supposed to do that, Ron,” Hermione reminded him, but her sourness seemed a bit forced: she had clearly enjoyed the spectacle just as much as everyone else.
With everyone laughing and merry, it seemed like a good time to slip away.
“Want a tea, George?” you asked rather pointedly, without looking at him.
Catching on, George was already getting up from the log. “Isn’t the kettle in the tent?’
“Be right back, everyone,” you announced, before you hurried back into the tent that positively stunk of cats.
As the clock ticked toward midnight, you couldn't help but reflect on the incredible bond you had formed with the Weasley family. Your last summer hurrah had turned into an unforgettable adventure, and you looked forward to more magical moments at Hogwarts in the coming year.
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mykababyxx · 4 years
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Edit by me💕
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transweasley · 3 years
Winter Things
George Weasley x female!reader
words: 653
female reader, picnic dates, playful banter, the charmer of the Weasley twins ;)
for @myfairverona​  ♡
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"It's cold."
"It's the middle of March." George walked with a determined gait, crunching the poor shriveled grass blades under his sneakers. He kept your arm hooked with his, pulling you along at a pace that had you half-running to keep up with his longer legs. "No one in their right minds would join us by the lake."
"Then why are we going to the lake?" You pulled your eyes away from the boy and scanned your surroundings, eyeing the murky darkness of the water just a few yards away now. "Is this a dare?"
"Can't I just enjoy a lunch alone with my girlfriend?" You fixed him with an unamused stare, even though the words very much did make your chest flutter, and he shot a grin right back. "Alright, I want to see if the giant squid would trade me some ink in exchange for pastries," he admitted, lifting his other arm to indicate the basket swinging from it. "But I thought a picnic might be nice."
It made you smile, just like he always did, and you leaned up on your toes to kiss his cheek. He tilted his head down a bit to help you reach, and then you continued your strides towards the edge of the water. George passed you the picnic basket once you were close enough. "There's a blanket in there, if you want to spread it out," he noted, walking closer to the lake. He knelt down and brushed his hand over the surface of the water, fingertips plunging into blackness.
"So, first you drag me out in the cold," you mused, setting the basket down in the grass so you could open it. You pulled out the yellow checkered blanket tucked amongst the items that George had received (or stolen, you weren't sure) from the kitchens. You unfolded it in one swoop and laid it gently on the grass. "And now you're making me do all the work."
"Guess I forgot to look up how to attract the squid in the first place," George admitted over his shoulder, drying his hands on his trousers. His scarlet robe billowed around his knees as he stood, taking long strides to reach you. You patted the spot next to you on the blanket and he finally took a seat. "But if you get too cold," he smiled, draping an arm around your shoulders. "I know how to warm you up."
"Such a gentleman." You almost missed the wink he gave you as you leaned in for a kiss, slipping your hands up the sides of his sweater. He jolted as your chilled fingers brushed over his skin, but you kept them there, drawing the warmth from his winter attire. "Hope that means you offering me your sweater, Georgie."
He rolled his eyes at the nickname, but placed his hand on your jaw to tilt your face up towards him. He left another kiss on your lips and then one on your forehead, holding your gaze for an extra moment until a blush crept up to your cheeks. "Like that," he stated, a smirk tugging at his lips as he felt your face grow warm beneath his palm. "Worked, did it?"
"You're lucky I don't push you in the water," you huffed in response, but placed one hand over his to keep it there. The shiver at the base of your spine stayed put as you leaned into his chest instead, letting him wrap the extra fabric of his robe around you like a blanket, encasing you in his arms. Cozy and warm and safe.
"Then we'd both freeze," George pointed out, his lips against the top of your head. "And what kind of boyfriend would that make me, to let you go cold?"  The picnic basket sat untouched behind him, but there would be plenty time for that; for now, you were perfectly comfortable where you were.
requests are open!
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lovelyyy-luna · 3 years
mischief managed {pt.3}
fandom: harry potter
fic summary: Y/N’s life is full of secrets. Moving to the place where the answer lies could be the death of her and those around her.
chapter summary: Y/N and the group go to the train station and bid farewells to their parents, then y/n meets someone oddly familiar.
word count: 1178
date: july 25, 2021
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 |
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Then your door opens, it was Ginny and the rest of the group.
“Mum says dinners are ready and you're not supposed to be in a girl’s room with the door closed,” Ginny said with an attitude.
He gets up embarrassed by the comment and walks out the door following his brother. He then pops his head in your doorway, “You coming?”
“Yeah I’ll be down in a minute.” he gives you another smile and goes down the stairs. With everyone gone you can’t help but smile and your ring can’t help but glow. Even though you just met him today you can’t help but be head over heels.
Dinner went smoothly, you and George would shoot glances now and then. It was pretty obvious that you two were making eyes at each other but you were young and dumb.
Dinner ended and you helped with the dishes and Molly had everyone go to bed early because the train left at 11 a.m. sharp and with 7 kids in the house it was going to take a while for everyone to get ready. She advised you all to get your stuff packed tonight so we can leave on time tomorrow.
Everyone went upstairs and did as they were told. You packed what you needed along with the textbooks you got today and got ready for bed.
You were laying on your bed reading a book you got at a No-Maj shop back in the states when a knock came from your door. It was your mom.
“Hi, darling. All packed?”
“Yup, everything’s ready to go.”
“That’s great. What’s that?’
She was pointing to the ring on your hand. “Oh it’s a mood ring, George got it for me today.”
“Oh is that what took you both so long at the shops?”
“Yeah I guess.” you put your book down and admire the ring, smiling.
“So, George. He seems nice.”
“Yeah, he is.”
“He's pretty cute.”
“Yeah, he is,” you say, lost in your thoughts about him, “wait what?”
Your mom laughs. “Oh stop it, mom.”
“What? Can a mother embarrass her daughter before she leaves for school?”
You pause for a moment, “Um no she can’t.” you both laugh.
“Well darling I know you're growing up, becoming a young lady and all but just be careful, I know what I was like at that age getting up to no good behind those walls.”
“Oh, gross mom.”
Both of you laugh again. She says goodnight and closes the door behind her.
You were nervous about going to Hogwarts. Even though you were friends with the group you still felt completely alone. Even at Ilvermorny, you didn’t have any friends. The students there never like you for some reason.
But it was a new start, a fresh start.
Morning came and Molly was rushing everyone to get ready. Ginny took the longest in the bathroom to get ready, once she was out everyone was moaning and groaning ‘finally’ when she left. You were waiting in line behind Hermione.
“So Y/N which house were you in over at Ilvermorny?” Hermione asked.
“Oh, um, Thunderbird.”
“Oh, that’s interesting. Which house are you hoping for at Hogwarts?”
“I'm not sure. Maybe Hufflepuff, that’s the house my mom was sorted in.”
A voice came from behind you scaring you and Hermione. “Don't go to Hufflepuff,” it was Fred, “Yeah try and get Gryffindor,” George chimed in.
“Oh quit it George you just want her in Gryffindor so you can stare longingly in her eyes like you were doing yesterday.”
You quickly turn away back facing Hermione with your face beet red.
Molly came around the corner, “what are you kids doing here lollygagging around? Ron! Hurry up in the bathroom!” she yelled banging on the bathroom door.
“I just got in Mum! Ginny was the one holding up the line!”
She walked away rolling her eyes.
Once you were all done getting ready and put all of the luggage downstairs you grabbed everything and headed down the street to the train station.
“Mom, where's 9 3/4? “ you asked confused
“Right through here darling,”
You looked at the pillar and you saw that the rest of the people were running through and disappearing.
You ran with your luggage cart in hand and ran behind them.
You were met with the smoke from the train.
The conductor yelled for 10 minutes. You were scrambling to get your things on board and saying goodbye to your mom. You’ve said goodbye to her countless times but this one was different. You were going to a place where you didn’t know, everything there was new.
With goodbyes said and Stella in your hands you make your way to an empty cart.
You wanted to be alone at this time to collect your thoughts. But deep in the back of your mind, you didn’t want to be.
The train whistled a couple of times and you were pulling out of the station. You see students filling up the charts around you. Not coming in yours for some reason.
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"Hey where's Y/N?” asked George.
“You just wanna know because you probably wanna make out with her,” Fred said dramatically and their friend Lee laughed along with him.
“Shut up Fred,” George said hitting his brother in the arm.
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You sat there in the lonely cart just thinking, you were nervous to go to a school where you had to start fresh again.
Stella nuzzled into your arms obviously wanting attention and you gave it to her.
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Hermione passed by your cart and saw that you were alone. You didn't see her because you were distracted by your cat. She rushed over to where George was and opened the cart door.
“George I found Y/N, she's only 4 cards down if you want to go get her and have her hang out with you,” she said smiling.
“Why are you telling me?” he said, trying to act as if he didn't care but everyone in that cart could see through him.
“Oh come on man you were just wondering where she was,” Lee pointed out.
The cart was silent hoping that George would stand up and get you but he didn't. With a huff, Hermione walked away and went to your cart.
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Scaring you half to death Hermione opened your cart door with some force.
“Y/N why don't you come with me?” she said forcefully.
Not wanting to make her angry you got Stella and followed her and she opened another cart door and you saw the twins and another boy.
With both hands on your shoulder, she places you directly across from George. With that done she closed the door and you were left in awkward silence.
“Well you must be Y/N, I'm Lee Jordan. I heard a lot about you, all good things of course,” he said with his hand out and a smile.
You shake his hand and he just goes on and on about some of the pranks he and the twins have done over the past couple of years. You all laughed and had a good time until you looked over at the cart next to you and saw a group of people looking at you in disgust.
You interrupted the group and asked them who those students were.
“Oh them? That blonde one is Draco, the shaved head is Goyle, the girl sitting across from him is Pansy, the guy next to her is Zabini and the girl staring right at you is Kali.” Fred said.
“You know,” George started.
“Kali looks,” Lee then continued.
“A little like me,” you whisper but loud enough for them to hear.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 |
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