#omega proxy
tarachamplain · 9 months
OmegaProxy.com offers an extensive network of over 62 million residential IP addresses spanning 190+ countries and city-level regions. This proxyomega enables users to access global content, enhance online privacy, and conduct web scraping activities with ease. Count on SwitchyOmega OmegaProxy.com for reliable, high-quality residential proxies.
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reallyromealone · 6 months
Hello there, I was wondering if we can get a part 2 of the alpha Kirishima x alpha Bakugo adopting to mega pup reader and the reader is meet most of their aunts and uncles?
Title: adoption part 2
Fandom: my hero academia
Pairing kirishima x Bakugo x male reader
Type: platonic fluff
Warnings: omegaverse, child reader
Notes: none
(Name) was an absolute precious little guy, always following one of his dad's when he could and trying to help in the best way he could with such little hands as the two adults tried to include him in their day to day, currently on maternity leave to acclimate (name) better.
"Yaaay! Good job!" Kirishima congratulated (name) as the babe put his plastic bowl in the dishwasher, (name) beaming at this and hugged his dad's neck for comfort "were getting ready to meet some people, they're your aunt's and uncles and are very excited to meet you" when their friends learned if their tiny pup they practically exploded with excitement, mina taking everything within herself to not bust down that door to see the pup.
(Name) held the Dynamite toy close, either that or an old sweater of Kirishimas that the babe saught comfort from, a quick Google search showed Omegan pups saught comfort from their parents items it was early stages of a familial bond settling in.
Bakugo was the one to collect the little one after his nap, the aunts and uncles sitting in the livingroom to meet him "hey squirt, it's time to wake up" they changed the crib to a toddler bed when (name) tried climbing out, the little one starfished with a cute pair of pajamas on "nnh" the boy grunted as Katsuki huffed and gently lifted him "come on you" the boy nuzzling into his dad's shirt as he was brought out to the livingroom "(name), can you say hi?" Katsuki was surprisingly soft with the pup who looked confused and face had marks from the sheets "awww he's so little!" Mina gushed as she stood up and (name) clung to his dad nervously "slowly mina, he's shy" Eijiro said watching his sons movements.
The itty bitty pup looked nervous as Katsuki spoke to him "this is your aunt, she's a bit annoying but she's not gonna hurt you"
Carefully he set (name) down, the boy fidgeting before running to his other dad for protection, the redhead holding his stuffed doll "awww he has a dynamite toy!" Ochaco cooed and they watched (name).
Eventually everyone began chatting and (name) grew more comfortable and began wandering around as he normally did as he noticed the snacks on the table, things the others brought "oh look he's staring at the (treat)" denki snicked as the babe reached out and grabbed a handful, little hands getting messy in the process "well at least he likes it" Momo said as the dad's looked at each other and Katsuki cleaned him up and Eijiro got the boy a small serving "so how's being a parent?" Iida asked as he sipped his tea, glancing at the pup "he keeps trying to make nests everywhere, we don't think he knows what he's doing though" Eijiro chuckled as he let (name) get comfortable in his lap.
Later on came his former teachers + Eri and Shinsou, the two tagging along.
Katsuki saw the two as his own parents, his real parents and him had.. a hard relationship.
His mom and him never got along and when he showed up with Eiji... That went bad fast, he was seventeen at that point.
He hadnt even graduated yet.
His dad loved him but being an Omega, he couldn't really go against his alphas word but did send letters to him in secret.
After that Aizawa stepped up, using his custody over Bakugo and taking care of him and by proxy so did Yamada, the men treating him like a son.
"Hi little listener" Yamada was soft with the pup as Aizawa looked at the two fondly, Eri chatting with kirishima about her classes and her plans to join U.A under recommendations by not one but multiple heroes.
"Oh? Thanks..." Shinsou was awkward around children and when (name) handed him a Cheeto he wasn't expecting it to be so...soggy "you don't gotta eat that, just walk to the kitchen and toss it" kirishima whispered and the other man nodded and did so.
"Hello there" little (name) reached to the black haired man who had the forethought to have his hair put up "you can smell I'm an Omega" Aizawa smiled softly as (name) sniffed his face and bounced slightly "omegas feel calm with other omegas" he explained "safety in numbers sort of deal"
(Name) smushed his face, a silly baby attempt at scenting "I think he thinks I'm apart of his pack"
"Well you are" Eri said simply and everyone smiled at the interaction.
"Minas gonna be pissed that he's getting this and she's not"
When everyone left, (name) was tuckered out "he sure enjoyed those snacks"
"He's so sleepy" kirishima gently traced the boys face "let's get him to bed yeah?"
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peachesofteal · 9 months
Very curious about the aftermath of darling having to explain why they lied about taking the suppressants— would they refuse to say anything? Or during their heat would Simon & Johnny contact their doctor for something— maybe if darlings fever was higher than it should be— and found out a bit what happened to them when they were younger because they’re their medical proxy.
Takes place after this / thank you to @ghostlythunderbird for her help!
18+ MDNI / dead disco omegaverse au / cock warming / mature themes
Simon leans over the tub, fingers swirling through the extremely hot water while you whimper and gasp against Johnny’s chest, mouth half open, nearly asleep astride his lap.
“Alpha.” You whine when he shifts, face burrowed against his skin.
“I’ve got ye, darling. I’m here.” He smoothes a hand up and down your back, soothing you, all while trying not to grit his teeth too loud.
He’s teetering on the edge, cock hard again inside your body, recovered from earlier when he finally took you as Simon soaped you clean.
Simon spreads his fingers across the the small of your back, dripping water droplets up your spine before twisting a bunch of your hair into a clip to keep it from getting wet. You’d be mad if you weren’t out of your mind in a heat haze, and your hair got wet outside of a wash day.
“Johnny.” You whimper, and the Alpha’s hand disappears beneath the water in response, patting your hip and pressing his lips to gland to settle you.
Simon really wants to pluck you from the tub and spread you to wide on the bathroom floor. He wants to spread towels out to prevent your skin from being chilled and then lay you on your back, wants to fuck his come deep into your womb until you’re gushing with it, until it takes. It’s the same way Johnny felt, when you were sitting on his lap, bouncing with your desperation, crying in need for him to fill you.
If he was in a rut, no one would have even made it to the bathroom. He would have already bred you, already fucked you full of his seed and plugged it.
But he’s not. And he’s not the one in the tub right now either, so he has to attend to the other things. Just as important, not as much fun.
“A-alpha please.” You gasp, eyes wide and teary and Johnny nods, pressing a thumb against your bottom lip, and starting back up a deep, harmonic purr in hopes of getting you back to sleep.
“I know, I know.” He coos.
Simon bends, swallowing Johnny’s lips, kissing him lazily, indulging in his pants and gasps as you tighten around him. You push at Simon’s shoulder, face screwed up in irritation, and he chuckles softly before kissing you sweetly, long and deep until you’re whining for him to get in the tub behind you.
Now that they’ve started, you’ll only stop for food and rest, and getting you to eat and drink will be a challenge in itself. Everything is shifting, your unease, distress has faded away to your instincts, your drive to be bred by them, and they’ll spend the rest of your heat giving you everything you need, soothing you and praising you, comforting you and making you feel safe, satisfying and taking care of you. They’ll flood you with their DNA, their hormones, their pheromones, completing the cycle over and over until it passes.
Simon relishes it. He loves caring for you with or without your designation, loves the idea of growing their family, of him or Johnny fucking you full of themselves until you’re swelling with their baby. It’s instinct, and primal, but so, so much more with you. You’re not just some Omega… you’re theirs. Their darling. You’ve always been theirs.
Which is why he can’t stay in the bathroom, even though he dearly wants to.
Your fingers latch onto his forearm when he pulls away, and he folds you farther into Johnny, until his mouth is above your gland and he’s licking, distracting you enough for Simon to slip away.
“Her last prescription was written six months ago, but it was a lower dosage, preparing for the weaning off time frame.” The kitchen knife slows to a stop in the middle of the apple he’s cutting, and he places it down to hold the phone firmly in his hand.
“Sorry, you said… six months?” His heart thunders in his ears. Six months? Half a year? He struggles to get a handle on the ache in his soul when he thinks about you struggling for so long, without them even knowing.
The doctor sighs.
“She was advised to inform you, to see if your work schedules could be adjusted for her heats. After being on suppressants for so long, they were anticipated to be more intense, more debilitating.”
“I- I don’t understand. Why did she come off the suppressants?”
“The long term use of suppressants have had negative impacts on her body… did she not tell you?” His stomach twists.
“No, she… failed to mention. We came home to her in the beginning of a heat but, she wasn’t herself. She was self soothing, we’re very concerned.”
“As you’re aware, yourself and Mr. MacTavish are listed as medical proxy… I can email an encrypted chart with her medical information if you’d like.” He grimaces. You’re going to be so pissed, so bloody heated when you come out of this and realize they’ve trampled all over your boundaries in this way but what else can he do?
“Alright, that will work fine.”
He reads the file alone. He doesn’t think it appropriate, to read it with Johnny while you’re practically attached to him, even though that makes him feel guilty too.
But he can’t run the risk of upsetting you, not when they finally got you settled and comfortable.
So, he opens it on the couch. It’s a massive file, as he expects most Omega’s are, considering their unique genetic needs, complicated endocrine systems and of course, reproductive health needs.
He finds the chart notes from your appointment, six months ago.
“-advised pt that stopping suppressants should be considered due to impact in pheromone production and reproductive health. Advised pt that continued long term use may have permanent effects. Pt stated she understood, agreed to start next month with a lower dosage to wean off.”
He scrolls, to a visit from last year. It’s fairly standard, mentions of blood work and labs, appropriate levels and other medical jargon, but something sticks out.
“-pt inquired if it was possible to successfully bite and bond without a heat. Informed pt it was not advised.”
Why were you asking about bites? You’d never expressed interest in that to them before… you had always told them you were happy the way things were. That you didn’t need a bond to be theirs, just like you didn’t need a heat. He’s still frowning when a note from your visit three years ago jars him.
“-pt advised she feels she’s in a safe, healthy relationship, and would consider coming off suppressants. Previous feral state symptoms have seemed to completely dissipate. Pt seems happy and very healthy. I advised I feel it would be safe if she did come off her suppressants if she chose.”
Feral? Feral state?
“Oh, darling.” He murmurs. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
He scrolls farther, eyes scanning through years and years of visits, going much farther back since they’ve known you, until he finds an intake form from a hospital, when you only 16 years old.
His heart stops in his chest.
“-female Omega brought in with the group who was rescued from the trafficking ring. Fluctuates between catatonia and feral state. No bites or bonds, gland intact. Unable to verbalize her name, or memories. Started on sedative drip until specialist arrives.”
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eyesthecolorofarson · 11 months
Best Man
Dick didn’t know what to expect when he arrived at the Manor, but it certainly wasn’t a flustered, obviously swooning Damian.
He’d came to check on him after another one of his balls with other royal families. This one being the first to be held in a place called the Infinite Realms with family’s from other dimensions and universes.
It was stressful for everyone, letting the packs youngest omega leave and go to other countries–and now other dimensions–to mingle and chat up princes and princesses like himself.
Unfortunately he would be the only one besides Alfred to talk with Damian when he first gets back. Tim and Bruce were stuck head first into a bombing, Jason was tracking down the guy who killed three of his workers, and the girls were away for a well-deserved vacation.
That left him to walk in and immediately be hit with the scent of maple syrup, sweet and earthy in a way Damian’s scent had never been before. Damian made a beeline for him from where he was sitting, obviously waiting. “Richard!” Damian smiled, “We must speak! At once!”
He let himself be pulled to Damian’s room, his mind turning. What could have happened to make Damian Al Ghul-Wayne smile, let alone flustered? Why was he so happy, because he was obviously, very openly, happy?
Damian pulled him into his room, locked the door, then pushed him onto the bed and began pacing. “I will first explain to you the way I, and by proxy every other heir in attendance of this ball, communicate.” Dick let him speak, knowing he wouldn’t appreciate being interrupted.
“First and foremost, every little thing matters. From the way you position your hands to the tilt of you head, where you look, and even the position of your feet, every little thing means a completely different thing. This means that there are over a million–billion, really–things that you can say and express without a word.”
Damian looked to him for confirmation that he understood, then continued. “Not only that, but in the ballroom setting the order of which you introduce oneself to those in attendance is equally, if not more, important. As one could expect you go from those you deem most important to least. The shape of which you do these introductions also showcases this, moving past one party to another of higher standing.”
Here he paused, flushed again, and began fanning himself. “So, as you can imagine, a straight line means that you are the most important person in the room to this man.” “‘This man’?” He asked, some prices falling into place.
“Yes!” Damian said, turning towards him with a love struck, dazed expression, cupping his face and swooning. “Oh Richard, I met an alpha! The most wonderful, handsome, benevolent alpha in the world!” Dick couldn’t help himself; he squealed and hugged Damian, squeezing tight before setting him down next to him. “That’s amazing, Dami! Tell me everything—start from the beginning.” His little brother found someone! Someone who made him this happy—It was a miracle! Damian seemed very pleased with his reaction and grabbed his pillow as he began again.
“As I said, a straight line means you are the most important person. But what you do while you cross the room matters as well. Where you look, where you stop, how quickly you go, understand?” At his nod Damian flushed again, squeezing the pillow. “So, a straight line, with no stops, never looking away, and coming to me from the other side of the ballroom in less than a minute?”
“That means your very important to him.” Dick couldn’t help his high tone, Damian’s happiness seemed to be affecting him. Not like he minded; this was the first time one of his sibling came to him practically bursting with excitement about a potential relationship. This was a moment he would cherish forever.
“Yes!” Damian said, his tone matching Dicks own. “But that’s not all! The first meeting is also incredibly important, for so many reasons I don’t have time to name them all. But the first handshake can say a million things just like everything else. And since he was the first person I talked to–and in accordance to his standing-I gave a half bow to show I respected him but that I was also of high standing as an Al Ghul, dipped my head since he is a king and I am a prince and held out my hand waist high as an invitation.”
“And what he did in return?” Damian’s voice dipped into an excited whisper as he clutched the pillow and leaned in. “He did a full bow, bent his right knee and put his right foot behind his left with the heel raised, his left arm behind his back, took my hand with his right and kissed it long and deeply, all while maintaining eye contact!”
Damian pushed his face into the pillow for a second, then looked up. “And the meaning of that? The kiss? The eye contact?” Dick leaned forward, “What dose it mean?” Damian flushed again, his scent growing sweeter. “All of that combined means ‘there are no words in the languages we speak to describe your beauty’.” “Oh. My. God!”
“I know!” Damian voice was muffled as he screamed into his pillow. “And that was only the introduction, Richard! The introduction! Oh, and everything after was a dream.” He raised his head and grinned—a real, genuine smile. It warmed Dicks heart to see his usually stoic brother so happy.
“All while we were talking he wanted to know me. Not the Al Ghul heir, not the son of the bat, me! He asked about my interests, my favorite things—Richard, he called me Damian! You almost always refer to a heir by their last name because that’s what’s important to you. But he called me only Damian! I was important to him!”
Dick couldn’t help but laugh as he asked, “You called him by his name, right? Oh! His name! What’s his name? And you said he was a king, what’s he the king of?” Damian blushed–blushed!–and nodded. “Yes, it was only appropriate. His name is Daniel Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms, the afterlife dimension. Simply put, every afterlife that exists is located in this dimension.”
“Oooo, do you think there’s a queen? If the seats open~” Damian blushed at the implication, pushing his face into his pillow again and taking slow breaths. He was a little concerned about the whole ‘king of the afterlife’ thing–and wait, wasn’t the ball held in the Infinite Realms? Does that mean Damian was in the afterlife?–but if the Percy Jackson books have taught him anything it’s that the specifics matter. King of the afterlife is different from king of the dead or death itself.
“No, there is no queen. Daniel was only recently crowned after defeating Pariah Dark, the previous king and tyrant. Oh, I almost forgot to mention! You remember how the JLD marked Amity Park, Illinois an area of concern and in less that 72 hours lifted the warning without doing anything?” “Yeah, drove B crazy cus’ they wouldn’t say why or how or what happened.” “It was Daniel and Pariah Dark fighting for the throne!”
“What? Back up a bit,” Dick asked, confused. “What do you mean ‘it was him’?” Damian’s eyes shined as he explained. “Apparently, the entirety of Amity Park–Daniels home town–was dragged into the Infinite Realms due to Pariah Dark waking up and attacking! Daniel had to fight Pariah Dark to stop him from continuing his assault of this earth and the surrounding dimensions and universes, which is why he was trapped in the forever sleep.”
Damian swooned again, hugging his pillow as he sighed, “He saved not only earth but the surrounding multiverse, and confined in me that he didn’t even know he would become king! He said that the only thing that mattered to him was keeping everybody safe! Isn’t it heroic?” Dick expressed his agreement, making a mental note to tell all this to Bruce. He’d want to know about a kid Damian’s age who’s saved the multiverse seemingly all by himself.
Which reminded him, “How old is he?” Didn’t want another Midnighter situation. Damian’s advances on his first crush were hell to handle. “He’s one year my elder, and oh Grayson I was not exaggerating when I said he is gorgeous. He—well, hm.”
Damian paused and then pulled out his phone. “Please allow me a moment to acquire the correct knowledge of the colors blue, white, green and black so I can accurately portray to you just how otherworldly beautiful Daniel is.” Dick let him pursue the internet for a while, mentally filling out the start of a report form for Bruce. He returned his attention to Damian when he was ready.
“Now fully educated I can describe him in the detail he deserves. His skin is colored light blue grey and his face, possibly his whole body, is covered in freckles that take the shape of constellations colored passport blue. His hair is a dancing flame pulled back into a ponytail colored Mint cream, a greenish shade of white. His eyes are Lazarus colored, as is his tongue and blood. His teeth are sharp canines, piercing skin easily.”
A little worried how he knew that, but Dick would ask later. “His crown, the Crown of Fire, is a halo of Vantablack ice. The other piece showcasing his status is the Ring of Rage, colored same shade of black with a gemstone colored Carmine red.”
Damian sighed dreamily. “He was dressed elegantly, a Lazarus green suit vest over a vantablack button up and tie. His cape was clasped around his shoulders with a gold chain, pure white on the outside but a galaxy on the inside. It moved, Richard. He told me it changed galaxies and that at the moment it was showing the galaxy of dimension 62V-K.”
“Richard,” Damian said softly, his face flushed and eyes shining. “When he took my hand….I shivered. At first I thought nothing of it, but the longer I stood by his side it became harder and harder to deny it. His scent was….attractive. Like hickory and rain, maple and lightning. He smelled like a rolling thunderstorm, a summer morning.”
“I wanted to be closer, to drown in his scent. But it wasn’t just me.” Dick was certain he was about to die. It wasn’t just him? Oh no. “Were there others?” Dick asked worryingly. Damian blushed more, shaking his head then pushing his face into his pillow. When he raised his head he looked dazed. “It wasn’t just me, Richard. He...My scent…we were in the garden when he brought it up.”
“He’d wanted to show me the animals in the sanctuary, star seals and pomerantulas. We were sitting under a wysteria tree watching them roam. We were….I guess you would call it ‘cuddling’. Just…leaning against and holding each other. His arm was wrapped around my waist while his other held my hand.”
Damian blushed again and pushed his face back into the pillow as Dick ‘aww’ed. He raised his head once more and continued. “He turned to me and told me he couldn’t contain his desire any longer. When I asked what he meant…..” Damian took deep breath.
“He asked to smell my scent gland.” Dick blue screened for a moment. “He WHAT!?” He leaned forward, thinking he had misheard. Asking to smell a scent gland was more than a big deal. It was practically a mini proposal! “Did–what did you say?” Damian smiled again. “I said yes. He pulled my hand and put his lips to my wrist gland. He inhaled deeply and shivered. Richard, he growled.”
“He kissed my gland and told me it was taking all his strength and willpower not to mark me as his mate right that second. I…I didn’t know how to respond, and without thinking I told him he could scent me if I could scent him.” Dick gaped at him. Damian was very particular about physical contact, even more so about scenting. For him to ask an alpha to scent him, to ask if he could scent him—Damian was more than interested.
“He immediately agreed, and then….” Damian paused and Dick thought his head was going to explode from how red it was. “Theeeen??” Dick inquired. “Oh Richard, he pulled me onto his lap and against his chest.” Damian fell back into the bed, still clutching his pillow. “He began scenting and kissing my neck, telling me he wanted me in ways he didn’t know how to describe.”
Damian sighed dreamily. “He told me he wanted to court me, to make me feel like the most special and important person in the multiverse because that’s was I was to him. That he wanted to spread every waking and resting moment with me. Richard, he asked my opinion on children.”
“Oh and scenting him was heaven,” Damian swooned again, “to claim him as my alpha, even in the smallest ways, made my head spin. Richard….I began kissing his neck.” Dicks jaw was so open it was practically in the batcave. “You kissed him?? His scent gland?? Did he like it? What did you say to him???”
Damian nodded, eyes blown wide with a smile on his face. “I told him I accept his advances and that I wanted to mate as soon as possible. I told him I’d never wanted anyone–anything–more than I wanted to be his omega. That I wanted him to be my alpha. And then…. Oh it was so foolish and irresponsible of me to do, but I couldn’t wait any longer.” Damian put a hand over his heart.
“I kissed him.” Dick gasped. “Wh–did he kiss back?” “Yes!” Damian said, sitting up. “He kissed me back! It was so….soft at first, but then—oh it’s embarrassing to say.” Dick clasped his hands together. “ please please pleaseeeeee tell meeeee. You can’t leave me on a cliffhanger!” Damian laughed a little, laughing louder when Dick pulled him into a hug, still pleading.
“Ok, ok, I will tell you!” He giggled, allowing Dick to keep hugging him, which said a lot about how happy he was. “We–well, I don’t really know how, but one moment we were sitting up and the next he had me pinned to the ground.” Dick choked. Damian only laughed again. “Yes, I was surprised as well. He—we were…” Damian cleared his throat.
“….I believe it’s called ‘French kissing.’” Damian his his face in his hands at Dicks scandalized gasp. “It…was so warm. He tasted wonderful, and I wanted it to continue forever. I….I’ve never been more impulsive than I was in that moment. I put my hands in his hair–and I’m surprised it didn’t burn me–but anyways, I pulled him closer to me. But it wasn’t enough.”
Damian laughed a little, peeking through his fingers. “I…ha…I flipped us. So I was–dear lord Richard, I was sitting on his lap! I was straddling him!” Dick gasped again. “My baby brother, straddling someone? Oh pinch me, I think I’m dreaming!” He teased, smiling as Damian pinched him. “It certainly felt like a dream.” Damian sighed.
“Did he like it?” Damian hid his face again. “Yes, very much. I could smell and….feel him, if you understand.” Oh my god. Dick ‘ooo’ed and Damian laughed airily. “He obviously liked it, but did you?” Dick laughed as Damian squeaked, gasping again at his small nod. “Ooohhhh my little brother is growing uuupp,” he cried, hugging him again. “He has a boyfriend, he’s being courted, pretty soon you’ll be mated; it’s too much! Just yesterday you were eight!”
Damian didn’t try to push him away, leaning into him instead. “You are ok with this?” He asked hopefully, “You will allow him to court me?” Dick pulled back so he could look at Damian fully. “Damian, I’ve never seen you more happy than you are now. If this alpha can make you smile and laugh like this just after the first meeting, he has more than my blessing. He should be more worried about what I’ll do to him if he doesn’t court you.”
Damian laughed happily, hugging him. “I am very glad. I was worried you’d be against it, for I know Father will be.” He had a good point. Bruce went over-protectively ballistic when he found out Roy and Kori were courting Jason. When he finds out Daniel is the fucking King of the afterlife? It’ll take every super to hold him back from going to the Infinite Realms and interrogating it’s king.
“After a few minutes of, um….kissing, he pulled back rather quickly, so quickly in fact that I believed I’d done something wrong. Thankfully that was not the case.” Damian said, continuing after a moment. “I’d asked him and he quickly told me that I’d done nothing wrong, and that—that I was perfect. He said that he was having trouble controlling himself, and that if we continued…”
“Oh my god.” Dick whispered. “Damian, show me your neck right now.” Damian gasped and almost shrieked a scandalized ‘RICHARD!’ as Dick pulled at his shirt. Thankfully, there were no marks, some light bruises, but that was normal with kissing. He allowed Damian to smack his arm after. “How irresponsible do you believe me to be?! I tell you I do something without thinking once and suddenly you treat me like a harlot!?” Dick laughed as he apologized, conceding that it had been a little rude. Damian took a moment to collect himself before continuing.
“It is embarrassing to say, but while we were, ahem….busy, his sister appeared to inform us the ball would soon be over and Daniel had to give his closing speech as the host.” Dick laughed at Damian’s expression. He knew the mortifying feeling of a sibling walking in while you were making out with someone, and was glad Damian got to experience it.
“Her name is Jasmine, and I do hope you do not meet. I know your history with tall redheads.” He laughed again at Damians expression. “But more importantly, after Daniels speech he gave me a courting gift.” Dick gasped and watched as Damian quickly went to his dresser and dug under everything to bring out a small black box.
Damian came back and sat down next to him, opening it to reveal a ring. It was a green gemstone with a black band. The band was carved into a blooming flower with the gem in the center with leafs coming out the sides slightly. The gemstone wasn’t one of this world, or dimension most likely. The color changed shades of green depending on the light, the cut changing with it. To the left it was zigzags, to the rights it was a jagged bismuth, and when Damian pulled it back Dick saw it change to liquid.
Damian pulled it out and put it on his left ring finger, and Dick watched as it changed shape to fit his finger. Damian sighed dreamily as he turned his hand this way and that, tracing the gem with his other thumb. “He told me this was his mothers wedding ring, and that she had given her engagement ring to his sister and her wedding ring to him. Apparently his father created this jewel for his mother and carved the band, and he said he’d do the same for my wedding band.”
“Man, Daniel knows how to make a move!” Dick whistled as he took Damian’s hand to see the ring better. “I’ve seen some amazing courting gifts in my day, but his mothers wedding ring as the first gift? You said his dad made this gem for his mom? Does that mean he’s going to make the same gem for you?” Damian blushed as Dick admired the ring.
“I believe so, since according to Daniel this gem is currently the only one in existence, making my wedding ring the second.” Damian stopped for a second, making Dick pause too. Damian was still and silent for about thirty seconds before he exclaimed “My god, it’s a tradition!” Dick blinked. “..what?” “It’s a family tradition! It’s something his father did, he’ll do, and our children will do as well! It’s generational!”
Damian was fanning himself and blushing again, and Dick couldn’t help but laugh. Of course thats what does it. A tradition. And probably also the fact that Daniel was already talking about their wedding. Damian was also going on and on about the wedding, who would be there and what type of flowers and what he would wear.
“Father and Mother will walk me down the aisle, of course, and Jon will be groomsman as well as Colin, Jason, Tim, and Duke.” Dick raised an eyebrow. “What about me?” Damian smiled at him. “You’ll be my best man, of course.”
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catierambles · 8 months
Feral Instincts Ch.20
Tumblr media
Pairing: The Rogue’s Gallery (Geralt, Syverson, Mike, August Walker, Walter Marshall) x Stephanie Daniels (OFC)
WC 1651
Warnings: Some racy bits in the beginning, but nothing overly explicit. Recalling prior domestic violence
Sy had been a man of his word and she had woken a few hours later to Walter's fingers moving between her legs as Sy eased into her. They took turns with her until all three of them were spent, collapsing into an exhausted pile and going back to sleep. Her alarm went off to start getting ready for work and she stayed awake only so long as to call out before falling back asleep with Walter's arms around her.
August and Geralt had been equally as insatiable and she lost count of how many orgasms they pulled from her. Good thing she couldn't have kids anymore, or there definitely would have been a bun in the oven after this, possibly more than one. They always made sure she was prepared for them, always made sure she came first, taking care of her needs before their own.
She lay on the couch, scrolling through her phone when the text came through from her supervisor.
Got the email that you called out. Can you walk at all?
She paused before typing out the reply.
No and shut up.
LOL yeah Alphas are like that on the full moon, especially with their Mates.
And I got four testosterone disasters keeping me occupied.
Technically five, but Mike isn't an Alpha. He's back at the apartment, I spent it with the others.
But you have four Mates? The only wolves I've heard of having multiple Mates are female Alphas.
Heather. I am a female Alpha.
It took about half a second after hitting send before her name came up on caller ID.
"You're what?!" Heather exclaimed before Stephanie had the opportunity to say hi.
"I'm a female Alpha." She repeated.
"I mean, we were notified that you took over the pack occupying your apartment building and the one next door, but we figured you were just a proxy for one of the others." She said, "It's not uncommon for an Alpha to take over a territory and assign a proxy to run it if they can't be there in person. We all figured you were a Beta as they tend to be the proxy."
"No, Heather, I'm not a Beta. Mike is the Beta, he's my Beta. I'm his Alpha." Stephanie said.
"Shit." She said and sighed, "I honestly shouldn't be surprised, actually, just based on how you were before getting infected. Stubborn with a problem with authority figures. Makes sense, you are an authority figure."
"Yeah, they thought I was going to be an Omega before my first shift." She said and Heather gave a heavy snort on the other end of the line.
"You? An Omega?" She said, "I can sort of see how, but not hardly."
"They weren't feeling the protection fuzzy-wuzzies because I was an Omega…"
"They were feeling it because you're their Mate."
"Well, shit. I'm gonna have to tell my Alpha that we were wrong." Heather said. “Knowing him, he’s going to want to schedule a get together. Does it with all the packs with territories touching his, foster good relations and all that. The previous Alpha of your territory basically told him to fuck off when he extended the offer.”
“I’ll talk to the others, but I don’t see why we wouldn’t show up.” Stephanie said, “Based on the number of people in my pack, I would say maybe a cookout at the park? There’s kids and I wouldn’t want them cooped up while the boring adults do boring adult things.”
“Sounds like a great idea, actually.” Heather said, “Weather has been nice, bring out the grills for food and games for the pups. I’ll pitch it and let you know what he says.” Stephanie covered the phone with her hand, pulling it away from her ear.
“Hey, Sy!” She called out.
“Yeah, doll?” He called back.
“How do you feel about a cook out with my boss’ pack? Our territory touches his.”
“Sounds like a fun time. We can have it here, lottsa room.”
“Thinking more about the park? Neutral ground and all that.”
“Yeah, that makes better sense. Don’t need him goin’ on the defensive straight away.” Sy said and she pulled her hand away, putting the phone back to her ear.
“He says it’s cool.” She said, “Still have to talk to the others, but again, I don’t see why they would have an issue with it.”
“Awesome! I’ll let him know and we’ll coordinate a day and time.” Heather said, “Is it okay if I give him your number? I’ll text you his so it’s not a mystery.”
“Go for it.” She said and a familiar feeling crawled over her mind right before she was jumped on, the wind being knocked out of her lungs. “Jesus!”
“I just got ambushed by a buck fifty of wiggling Beta. I’ll talk to you later.” She wheezed and hung up, letting the phone fall to the floor as Mike squirmed in excitement, his wolf jet black and leaner than the others. He licked at her face excitedly, letting out happy whines as he scrabbled on top of her. “Mike! Cool it! You’re gonna break something! That something being me!” He finally settled, laying belly up between her and the couch, paws tucked against his chest. She held him, pressing kisses to his head and blew a raspberry at him when he licked at her face again. The fur under her hand turned to skin and he moved on top of her, looking down at her with a wide smile.
“Hi, sweetcheeks!” He said and she snorted, pulling him down into a kiss. He giggled against her lips, his hands going to her waist and pushing up her shirt. "Missed you."
"Walter came and got me." He said and kissed her again, pushing his hands up her shirt to palm her breasts through her lounge bra, squeezing gently. He shuddered as she ran her fingers through his hair, but halted when he saw the wounds on her wrists from the silver chain. They were healing, but still ugly, the skin mottled and blistered. "Steph…"
"Hey, it's okay."
"It almost wasn't."
"But it is. I'm here, right now, with you." She said and he laid his head on her chest, his hands going to her waist. She held him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her lips to his hair.
"I almost lost you."
"But you didn't."
"If I hadn't--"
"Stop. No "what-ifs", okay?" She said and he was quiet.
"Okay." He said finally, nodding against her.
"Stephanie." Geralt said, coming into the living room. "Mike."
"Sup." He said, waving at him with a couple fingers before settling again.
"What's up?" Stephanie asked.
"I need to ask you about Lewis." He said and she went quiet.
"What about him?" She asked finally.
"How long were you two together?" He asked, folding his arms over his chest.
"Almost two years." She said.
"And in that time you never suspected anything was wrong with him?" He asked and she went quiet again, only this silence held weight. "Sweetheart?"
"He always apologized." She said and Mike picked his head up to look at her. "Yeah, I know how that sounds, but it's true. He told me he loved me so much it made him crazy. We would fight, he would hit me, and then he would apologize saying his love for me made him unable to control himself."
"You knew he was a wolf." Geralt said and she nodded.
"He was open about it from the beginning." She said, "He would keep me locked up in my apartment for days at a time, telling me he was doing it to protect me from the other wolves in the area. I finally had enough and I told him we were over, we were done."
"And he suggested a camping trip." Mike said and she snorted.
"Not right away. I think he knew if he did I wouldn't have gone with him. Girl breaks up with an abusive boyfriend and agrees to be alone with him out in the middle of nowhere? Yeah, she's never being seen alive again. He begged me to reconsider, said he would do better, he would try to control himself better. Just give him another chance. As if I didn't already give him more than enough chances."
"It was bullshit, wasn't it?" Geralt asked.
"Actually, no. He did change. At least, he appeared to. He started being nicer, more attentive, he'd diffuse arguments before they started, let me see my friends again. He was a whole new Jordan." Stephanie said, "Six months later and then he suggested the camping trip. Just the two of us. It'd be nice, romantic, good to get away from everyone and everything." She stopped with a shrug, "You know the rest." Sy and Walter had frozen in the kitchen while they had listened to her talk, August halting at the top of the stairs. "I don't know if he planned on killing me, or if he was always planning on infecting me as another way to control me. I suppose it doesn't matter."
"And when we find him," Geralt said, his eyes hard, "He won't be hurting you or anyone else ever again."
"Tripped and exploded on impact." She said with a small laugh, recalling when Sy had said it. "August told me the Pack Council wants him alive."
"The Pack Council won't be there." August said, stepping onto the landing at the bottom of the stairs. "I was going to kill him just for using silver on you, but now…" He stopped with a low growl, "I'm going to take my time with him."
"Get in line." Geralt said through his teeth that had gone sharp.
“I’ll make popcorn.” Mike said and she snorted with a smile, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
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listles-s · 1 year
jett’s knife necklace
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ok i’m probably looking way too deep into this but just hear me out
jett being able to wear one of her signature weapons as a necklace is a dead giveaway that the pov we’re seeing is that of the mirror world (omega) and not our world (alpha) and is a confirmation that though the agents are the same there are still subtle differences between the two that keep them distinct.
if mirror world jett is the one responsible for the venice (ascent) incident, she wouldn’t be proudly displaying her knives, the very weapon last found on site after the radianite exploded, if she were on alpha earth.
she would most definitely not be casually out and about with raze and kj either, and on alpha earth, phoenix and yoru are the ones shown to be going out with them, rather than jett.
while it Has been shown that jett is still able to be out in the public (sage’s lunar new year posts are evidence of that), it’s still significant that she’s wearing her signature knife, as it also shows evidence of pride in herself.
this creates an interesting juxtaposition between the two earth settings:
omega earth’s valorant protocol is seen as a hero organization and, by proxy, its agents as heroes of their own right. it would make sense, then, that jett would be proudly displaying her main weapon of choice, rather than hide it or herself away.
 the events and chaos she caused on alpha earth never happened on omega, so why would she ever need to feel shame for something she technically never did?
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
I have personally never read straight abo specifically because of the weird straight misogyny thing, but I do sometimes write abo where the alpha will tell the omega where their place is or the omega thinking about belonging to the alpha.
Sometimes I am specifically writing something fucked up. it is supposed to be the omega losing their personhood in a way that is uncontrollable and terrifying (when they start thinking about their alpha as their god or something).
Other times, however, I am writing it that way as a form of escapism. Omega gets to stop thinking and just be taken care of by their alpha who is inexplicably, uncontrollably drawn to them. I too would like to turn my brain off and be taken care of (preferably with sinister undertones but this explanation is already too long).
It's still bioessentialism based on the secondary gender when i do that because it implies the omega has a place under the alpha (as an object or pet). And, yeah, sometimes that'sthe kink of the day. I have to assume it's similar for the people who write the straight stuff but in a misogynistic way that demeans women??? Or they have unhealthy ideas of alpha males and are showing it off. Possibly both.
The monster thing though I think I understand (as in i know where it comes from). I know that a lot of works portray the monsters as wanting to breed regardless of their human partner, so I think straight works just sort of lean into that and reduce cis women in specific down to their anatomical functions and the monsters possession of those functions and, by proxy, the woman.
to be clear, when i talk about the weird sexism thing i am specifically addressing those AUs where all the omegas are either women/femmes and all the alphas are, like, Secondary Gender Chads and everything else is incredibly normal except for the weird essentialist undertones. if you're doing it for horror reasons or brain-off breeding kink fuel, then congrats, hope you find what you're looking for king. may the slick be plentiful and fertility rates sky-rocket or whatever.
in all honesty, it's the monster stuff that really gets under my skin. i think it's because i consider monster-fucking to be such a staple in queer erotica, so whenever i stumble into something written by a straight person and, for whatever reason, the snake deity who's been living alone in a cave for the past three-hundred years starts talking about 'the natural submissiveness of women' and how the heroine was 'made to be bred by a man' just,,, rubs me the wrong way. i am so alright with absolutely no reason given other than that the person getting fucked was looking cute and breedable while the monster was down to do some breeding, but trying to make it so dependant on gender just takes a little fun out of it.
i don't fully know how to explain it, but it feels like part of the monster-fucking fantasy is usually to escape the limitations and expectations of society, whereas this monster-fucking is basically just reinforcing the same shitty system we have now. the monster cock is an improvement, but like, still.
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ridingtorohan · 7 months
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Content: Spoilers for AC1-3 and the events surrounding Lucy. A paragraph pushes it to PG-16 with reader lamenting wanting Desmond with direct references to the below verse. AU: Alpha/beta/omega verse Alpha Desmond, Omega female reader. Cross-links: ao3 A/n: Written 2018, formatted but not edited 2022. This first section is written non-linear.
Desmond had been something of an urban legend back at the Farm- he wasn't someone you knew personally, but now was someone you couldn't imagine being without. Surviving the Eye didn't change that fact- but it leads to something else.‏‎
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ WHAT LIES WITHIN YOUR EYES ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ part I (you are here) ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ───※ ·❆· ※───
It had only taken two days for them all to reach a general agreement about the place. William had held initial reservations about the Manor and Shaun had all but complained the entire way there. Rebecca had spoken earnestly about the idea, voice chipper as she twirled the headphone cord around her index finger with a face-splitting grin. Desmond hadn't particularly reacted to the suggestion- but nobody really pressured him into giving one either.
The Davenport Homestead hadn't felt particularly welcoming - but only in the sense that it was unlivable, hostile to everyone by proxy. Every other building other than the Manor was rundown and barely more than splinters held together by nails, a crude mockery of the fine establishment it was supposed to be. It also felt like home though, enough like the Farm that the three of you had once lived on, with the wooden walls and trees that dotted the horizon, so thick it was a wonder that it hadn’t overtaken the buildings itself.
It was almost hard to believe that the Manor still stood as it did, forgotten by the civilized world as it was. Your lessons spoke of the siege during the 1920's that ripped the Assassins from it. As Desmond traced his fingers fondly along the stair railings and the faded paintings in the basement, you found your tongue stilled. You wouldn't do anything to hurt him and with part of his mind still living as Connor, it might not have turned out well for him if you brought it up.
Connor was the reason why you all ventured there - he had never left the Homestead, not even in the end. Where else did he have left to go? Rebecca swore up and down that the Templars weren't interested in the place since the siege and even Shaun begrudgingly admitted that as a former Assassin stronghold, it would be able to support them. William had relented and admitted to wanting any artefacts left behind but you had a feeling that it more likely had to do with Desmond. You all had agreed to be there for Desmond.
Desmond was … different since the Temple.
All of you had expected him to die - and each time you think of it the fear clogged up your throat and made your hands clammy. His resoluteness was the worst of it - even back at the Farm he had been calm and flippant but that had been something different. None of you spoke of it - of how he almost hadn’t made it out alive.
Somehow, he had saved the world. It was only right that the four of you saved him. When one was haunted by ghosts, the ghost had to be put to rest. Connor's body would help with that - all the missing years from his daughter's conception to his death.
What the four of you couldn’t tell was if it did help more than hinder - Desmond had been quiet since they arrived, barely gave more than one-worded answers or a shake of his head. You had all opted to leave him be and while you didn’t know what it was like to be stuck inside your head, not to the degree that he was, you didn’t leave. Not too far anyways.
You wished you could say that you had always been close with Desmond - that you had always looked up to him and that you only knew the concept of love through him. The truth of the matter was far from it. As a boy years your senior, he was in a separate training class from the Farm. Even then, there was the matter that you weren’t really from the Farm. From a sister branch, your family moved there to help pater out the bloodline and prevent too close of inbreeding. Assassins tried to teach the people of the world and the truth of it, but it is a hard and bitter pill to swallow and not many acclimate to the lifestyle.
No, you hardly knew Desmond. You met him once. Before. He had been a withdrawn boy even then, pock-faced and pudgy but from your limited interactions with him he had never been unkind to you. Your memories of him were foggy at best.
Months and years after the fact, Desmond became something of an urban legend at the Farm. They spoke of rebellions against his father, of a short temper and quick comebacks. He had been the only one foolish enough to leave. In the end it was later transcribed to be bravery.
Desmond told you once of what Juno and Minerva offered him - save the world or damn the world. How the world would have burned but the lot of you would have been safe, trapped in a place separated from the rest of Earth by time and otherworldly constructs. They’ve lied once before, he had said and in the same breath, I couldn’t be a leader to anyone. And that was enough to know that he had thought about it, even for just a moment.
You had thought of how he had been the first to leave from the Farm of their own volition. How the Assassins tried to tail him and lost him somewhere in Kansas, something perceivable due to lack of credentials but no small feat compared to how many Assassins came after him.
Desmond had been the first but he hadn’t been the last. The rest of the younger members took a chance of their own. Stories came back that some were captured and tortured for information or lost at sea, the fact remained that he had started a revolution of his own. His kindness had not gone amiss at a desolate place like the Farm. Even before his ancestors had left their imprints on his mind he had been a leader. He just hadn’t realized it.
You hadn’t told him that, not when he had looked at you with woeful eyes. Self-belief was a difficult thing to nurse.
Some days, it wasn’t Desmond that spoke to you. The horrible thing was that it was difficult to tell when the slip happened. On occasion he would slip into another language and the lot of you would work to soothe him out of the Bleed, but other times none of you had caught onto it until he would have a slight misstep and fumble or even dazedly ask what happened. Those were the days that you would end up holding his hand or sitting close to him, fingers always a constant on his skin when you could. There was a sense of dreaded hopelessness about the situation where all you could do was reassure him of his own presence there - his name in every other sentence or a newspaper detailing the events. Anything to keep him in touch and rooted here with you.
Perhaps it shouldn’t have been a surprise that he had kissed you. Perhaps it was his own fumble with reality, his own tightened grip on his sanity. Certainly not one of his ancestors at any rate - there was enough tentativeness to not be Ezio, it simply wasn’t like Connor to do that, and from what you knew of Altair he wouldn’t have kissed you like that, it would’ve likely just been another task for him. You had sworn it was Desmond who did, who leaned down and breathed you in and pressed his fingers to the back of your nape and tilted your head up.
Desmond hadn’t been your first love, hadn’t lain out that foundation for the rest of your life. You had every bit of belief that he would be the last. What you felt for him was slippery - intangible and messy and so horribly painful and bright. A thunder in your veins and the tension in your skin - it was easy to get lost in him, to believe with full conviction that you would not object to anything that he wanted.
The problem was that Desmond did not want easily. You both knew the Farm - knew of how easily and firmly its own code could constrict someone. You hadn’t known you had been a prisoner of a cult in near everything but the walls and name until you had left with William.
It hadn’t been much of a choice on his part - you were one of the few who hadn’t left after Desmond, let alone died on the initial rescue mission. The Creed advocated for freedom but it was difficult to believe in it when it encroached upon everyone there, where the only law you followed was the Tenets that still stood.
Desmond was a pushover to an extent. Even with all the rumours that followed after him after his departure, all the rebellious streaks that was supposed to have happened … it all seemed moot when in comparison to the young boy that you had known. He had followed after his father in the end, had gone through the rigorous training and submitted himself to that way of life. Until he hadn’t anymore. But even then, he had hung low and out of sight, only caught by a foolish mistake. He had been admirable in that, that he had lasted for years without being found out by the very people who specialized in stealth.
He had not objected to the Animus though, hadn’t uttered a word of regret or denial concerning his own impending death. You could recall his resolution back in the Temple, his tired voice and knitted brow. Even as he faced death, he had not turned his back on it. Every time he was told to get in the Animus, he eventually did. He hadn’t even protested when they all came to the Manor the second time, when Rebecca had brought it up to him.
There was nothing but the sound of silence and snow in the stillness of winter. There was no other choice, not when they had made it and followed through on it. None of them were keen on traveling once snow blanketed the ground. Spring was still a few months off especially in the frontier. Desmond had a tendency for cabin fever from what you knew, had reportedly been out of sight every night back in Italy. He had been adamant about leaving to face Cross and Vidic himself, to collect the power sources and carry on his way.
Desmond had sworn he wasn’t capable of being leader and yet the four of you had agreed willingly. William had come as a surprise to you given his accompanied alpha status, the very same as his son. The fights that you had witnessed between the two of them hadn’t been pretty. Desmond had wanted to confront Vidic. Shaun and Rebecca had no conflicts about it in the end, resigned themselves to the best option.
You hadn’t spent long in the field yourself, could not argue that this wasn’t the best course of action. Your work was better covering your tracks and finding signals on the web - all proven moot when in comparison to the likes of Rebecca. You hadn’t been worth much now that both you and William had met up with the group but while it had been the two of you it had suited the both of you just fine.
Somewhere along the way, the five of you had unwittingly become a pack, had every dynamic of one that completely functioned. Lucy had been the alpha of the last one, the head of the group. Here, it had fallen to Desmond and he wore it exactly like how he settled into his genetic memories. Easily and seamlessly. Even with your heart in your throat, you had offered no protest to him going to Abstergo.
You had cared for Desmond in your own way, had admired his steadfastness and determination until he had nearly killed himself for it. Your first introduction to him was to a boy with a face with a frown and the second was to someone equally as desolate. His sleep had not been peaceful, comatose and unresponsive to the world.
“Get him in the Animus” William had said and Desmond was strapped in. Even when the Animus went on the fritz and tried to deny his mind, when he had outright flatlined more than once, he had remained strong. When Desmond chased after Vidic, stood tall on that skyscraper, mic attached to his shirt, you could hear the wonder and awe in his voice. While you couldn't see his face, you could see what he did. Despite the grainy feedback, you saw where he stood at the end of everything.
It’s it beautiful? He had said. With your heart permanently glued to the inner lining of your throat, you had agreed. Desmond had stopped to admire the view and you had done it with him. Until it had been time to go, time to kill and move on and go go go go go.
None of you could stop, not even for a moment, not for some sight seeing or to catch their breaths. But the memory had implanted itself in your mind, solid and true. You had understood then why Desmond had left. And when Desmond took a Leap of Faith afterwards, you had inadvertently fallen with him.
Desmond had not forgotten your agreement. Even when everyone else had ushered him to hurry on, you had spoken in positive response. Even when the threat of the world hung around all your shoulders - and the doom it had spelled for him - he had pulled you aside on the rare occasion that he had been lucid and handed you his phone.
“You had liked the view too,” he had said with a worn smile and half-lidded eyes. It was not something that you had easily forgotten either. You were all but deftly reminded of his unfailing kindness and selflessness then. How he had taken the time to take a picture just for you.
“Thank you,” you had said. It was almost all that you could. He had smiled, something far more genuine that only solidified the feeling in your chest. He had clapped a hand to your shoulder and was ushered back into the Animus.
The situation between you two had shifted then. Because alphas and omegas were historically known to generally get along you had to endure nearly a dozen of Shaun’s ribbing comments already. It had been senseless banter and shameless teasing before, implications present in the edge of his voice. It was not something that could be ignored anymore, not anything that you wanted to let go of.
You didn’t want to replace Lucy, nor could you properly. She had been an alpha. You had known of her importance to the group, how hard her absence and betrayal had hit them. William hadn’t tried to replace her, even as another alpha he could sense her own placement there.
Lucy was a sore subject, a soft whisper if even that. You knew she had been close to Desmond but the truth hadn’t hurt before. If you could even call this feeling hurt- you couldn’t envy a dead woman, couldn’t chastise her for her own wasted opportunities and lament about what could have been between the two of them.
But in a way, you had taken her spot. She had tended to Desmond and now you did. The wedge between you - the wall formed by your arrival with his father had began to dismantle. Desmond didn’t necessarily need to be cared for, he could stand on his own and effortlessly carried the weight of the entire group. The admiration you had felt for him shifted since the phone, since returned to him so he could fiddle with it and record some audio clips you believed, had settled into something warmer and more wanting.
You couldn’t help him entirely, not in the way that mattered most or most effectively. You would like to believe it had been enough.
You were not entirely obtuse in your feelings for him - Rebecca had eyed you plenty a time over the edge of her computer. Shaun for his part had tried to arrange it so that the both of you were together. William pretended it wasn’t happening and perhaps for that alone you were thankful. Desmond, in his own way, had not remained oblivious either.
Rather, it had been Desmond-as-Ezio who had caught on. As Rebecca had told you, Ezio was a flirt through and through. While Ezio knew the ways of sex like the back of his hand, he knew love even greater. He had always fallen hard and fast. You had known it was Ezio at the forefront of Desmond's mind by the way he had watched you and curled his vowels.
Shaun had translated once, had remained stone-faced for far longer than you thought he would, before he said that Ezio suggested you tell him. “I have known love and I have lost it,” is what Shaun had translated. “Do not lose your chance.”
Time waited for no one. When Desmond had stood before the pillar and said his goodbyes, begged them to leave, to let him be to his fate, you thought to ask him to stay. Desmond pressed his phone into your hand and pulled you into a hug in the same motion.
He smelled of alpha-sweat-blood-dust-cold metal-whiskey-cinnamon-home-home- home. You hadn’t wanted to let him go. “I should have kissed you,” you whispered out. Instead, Desmond had let go of you - and leaned in to do exactly that.
Hours later, when the rumble of vehicles threatened overhead, their position compromised, you all struggled to gather what you could. You all had left him there to stand before his end. The end of the world had not come - but neither did Desmond leave. Time was wasted sitting there, incapable of mobility after most of your items had been packed - none of you had wanted to touch Baby, not yet. You feared you would still feel his warmth there, that if you so much as touched anything that belonged to him you would break down and cry.
Desmond had came out of the Temple and you had done exactly that anyways. “It didn’t need to be me,” he had say in way of explanation, eyes a swirl of that familiar glint of gold before he blinked, voice full of disgust, rigidness, and resignation. “It was my blood. It has always been my blood.” Then he had tucked himself in the back of the van right next to you and pressed his chin to the flesh between your shoulder and neck.
He Bled regularly as you drove along. William cursed up a storm each time he regressed and you could only clutch him tighter each time that he did and with every harsh motion of the van. You had almost lost him. You all had.
Even if you all hadn’t tried to Bleed Connor out of his system, the drive back was well worth it. The tires hadn’t survived and all of you had cricks in your neck but it had been enough. The Manor welcomed you all well enough but Desmond most of all.
Perhaps it had been the Connor inside of him that reacted, that still saw it as his den. Unlike his other ancestors, Connor had no proper pack of his own, not outside of his children, Achilles or even for that odd encounter with Shay. He had found solace in the Manor and so had Desmond.
William spoke of leaving after spring, of reports about a modified Animus and how Abstergo hunted one of their own. You had read the reports yourself but you had Desmond in your mind’s eye and so that was all that William’s comments had remained - comments. Even as an alpha, he couldn’t dictate what the pack chose. No one dared speak of going their own separate ways despite what the eldest seemed to imply.
Even with nearly two years as William's accomplice and with a reliable bond, it couldn't compare to what you shared with the others. William had not asked you to leave with him though, not then. For all that he had done wrong, from what you knew, it was a saving grace. You would not have picked him.
Connor was never an aggressive presence with Desmond though. The younger Altair, when he bled through, was a downright terror and an equally as young Ezio was too rambunctious, Connor had never mucked up much trouble. So when each Animus session with Desmond that lead him closer to the end that was written for Connor, you had seen less of him. It had been almost February when Desmond had whispered into your skin with a slur to his words, “He’s still there. Just resting.” Desmond ended up telling the others but you had been the first.
William eyed the van then and you had seen Shaun’s mouth form words of his own to comment but Rebecca had only smiled and clasped her hand to Desmond’s own. “You’re doing good, Desmond.” And he had softened and sent her a smile of his own and everything seemed right in the world, a little more sturdier.
Desmond did not want easily. He always put everyone else’s needs above his own, always followed their rules and their dictations. Even lost in his own world he obeyed the commands rigorously trained into him. He still chose his own meal if given a choice, still wanted to watch a surprisingly high quality movie on Rebecca’s computer with you - but he didn’t contribute to the discussion of where to go and what to do. He had fought so hard for his own life and it was barely with a fumble that he slipped back into that same old mold.
You remembered the day of when he had been found to have disappeared. How it had happened without warning. Ages past the fact had twisted the story, had stated that he had been found missing and his mother had crudely screamed and woke the whole household. The stories went that he had rallied up a small group of fellow recruits and taken a few with him after burning down an old outhouse. That he had threatened to leave numerous times before and successfully done it and that he would leave for good. That he took a car and blasted out of there with the radio on full blast.
You remember the truth of it. It took near four hours after wake up for anybody to even notice. It wasn't unusual for Desmond to venture out to the forest or to go horseback riding. There was no screaming or crying fest, nobody hollered or threw things. You knew well enough that Desmond and William had fought the night before. There had been no border patrols or guards or even gates.
He had simply walked out and never looked back, hitchhiked and bussed as far away as he could. Nobody had expected for one of their own to walk out - hadn’t expected that anybody would want to. Desmond had already been gone long before he had run away, it was just a matter of his physical body getting the memo.
It had been a quick and quiet affair with nary a word from him then. While you doubted that he would leave the four of you there, that he would so quickly up and leave, you knew well enough that history repeated itself. Desmond’s genetic memories proved that time and time again. You feared that the man you loved wasn’t the one you thought he was.
So every so often, when that same feeling niggled at the back of your mind, you went looking for him.
You found him in Connor’s old room. Relief had came in with a sloppy tidal wave. A shudder passed through you the moment you stepped through the doorway.
All of you slept in the living room, had set up that room to be the most hospitable during the cold months. The fireplace had kept you all warm enough and if it hadn’t, Desmond would be there at your back, holding you to his chest. Even then, there were moments like these that he was separated from you, far away both physically and mentally.
He turned towards you at the sound of your cleared throat. Shaun’s words from Ezio haunted you. You almost lost him. “Desmond?” you asked, voice shrill in the slow trickle of the air. You sneezed twice at the dust that floated around. He had drawn a mattress up there and even placed it atop the bed frame still present. Not Connor’s, you knew, but old enough. You touched your hand to his blanketed shoulder.
“Yeah,” he sighed and ran a hand up his face. “It’s me.” It … hadn’t been what you were going to say, let alone ask. You frowned.
“Why are you up here alone?” you whispered. The bed creaked beneath you as you sat beside him. His blanket was drawn up around his shoulders, huddled around his head like a hood. There was an edge of sleepiness to his eyes and a few creases around his mouth, bruises beneath his eyes. Desmond hadn’t slept well since Abstergo, since the first Animus session. That or it was literally his genetics. He has been tired long before that.
Desmond let out a slow exhale of air. Not quite a sigh. Desmond never sighed. Your frown deepened. “I’m thinking,” he confessed, eyes not on you. He’s focused at something on the wall. You almost thought there was a painting there once, a long time ago. His focus slipped and he instead shifted his hand to rub at his eyes. “Didn’t realize I spent so much time up here. Are you doing okay?”
You thought about how to answer that. For someone who had the whole world on his shoulders, you’d almost have hoped that he’d take some time to himself. You retracted your hand to tug at his own, to stop his restless fingers and to soothe him with small strokes of yours across the back of his hand. “I’m worried about you,” you said truthfully.
“I’m okay.” The reply hadn’t come as quickly and selflessly as you thought it would. There was no conviction in the words. Your fingers stilled. His flesh was so warm, so present - you didn’t want him to leave you. But you didn’t want to be selfish either, didn’t want to cage him down. “I’m about ready to go. Dad was saying something about Egypt, I think.”
“You listen to your dad?” you joked, eyebrows raised. There was a soft huff of an exhale from him, never quite a laugh but almost. Almost.
“I try not to,” Desmond said with a light tone of amusement. He turned his hand around, palm against yours before he twined your fingers with his. He let out a hum of consideration, mouth twitched at one corner. It was the most display of emotion that you had seen from him in quite a while.
“I don’t think he appreciates that.”
“Yeah, probably not. But he can deal with it,” he quipped back just as easily. You reflectively sent him a smile and the tension eased out of his arm, hand going lax against yours. He was always so tense, so rigid, so prepared for the worst to come yet. You hoped that wasn’t the case - you’re not sure you could handle the rug being pulled out from beneath the both of you.
Desmond’s smile stilled at the sight of your frown and with another exhale he let go of your hand to grasp at the corner of his blanket to drape across your shoulders too. It meant that you had to draw closer towards him, not quite sprawled into his lap as you would have hoped for but at least hip to hip. Not even that was necessary. You just liked to reassure yourself that he was there.
You echoed his exhale, drew it out into a sigh. “How are you really, Desmond?” There was a slight twitch in his eyebrow at that, at the pronunciation of his name. His expression lacked confusion though which was more comforting than you had expected.
“Tired.” His posture wavered and you worried he’d pitch to the side but instead he just pulled you closer towards him, one leg draped across his and his shoulder almost awkwardly pressed against your sternum. It was usually a hesitant fumble between you two to find an appeasing position for the both of you and eventually he settled to wrap an arm around your waist and let you rest your head against his chest. “We aren’t … happy with how things have turned out here.”
You stiffened against him involuntarily. ‘We’. Desmond had a penchant of referring to all the memories and voices inside his head as a collective ‘we’. Rarely did he refer to himself in the singular tense. It was just fortunate that he had been referring to himself for the most part.
Desmond drew away from you - and despite your initial thought, it wasn’t to get a better look at your expression. He drew a couple pillows from the headboard, shot a load of dust through the air in the process and positioned it up behind himself. He tugged you down beside him as you dragged the blanket with you and made sure to toss it over his socked feet, tucked your knees closer towards your body and curled towards him. “Why? What’s wrong?”
Desmond let his hand rest along your head and began to casually thread his fingers through the strands. There was a frown present on his lips again, deep enough to pull the scar across his lip tight. There was a shadow of a beard on his jawline, dark against his skin. He looked so aged from this position. You wanted to ease his burden.
“Achilles had entrusted this house to him,” Desmond spoke up finally, something sharp and jagged in his voice. His hand had stopped all motion in your hair. “It was-,” a pause as he searched for the right word, a violent lurch of his eyebrow as he knitted it and a hot breath of air from his nose before he relented with, “Connor’s house. When I was in the Animus, I - as Connor - had helped repair it. We had built this place, the entire Homestead. It was made by my hands - to see it like this...” His voice trailed off into silence.
There was a vacant glaze to his eyes, a ripple of uncertainty and fractured lifetimes. Desmond may have been with you in the room and that may have been his heartbeat beneath his hand but he has left you alone all the same.
“Desmond.” It was on the fourth time that he turned to face you, a couple pronounced blinks to his gaze as he seemed to focus on you. You raised your hand from his shirt to his face, cupped his jaw and let your thumb rest along his cheek. “Desmond, what you and Connor built was … was amazing. It still is. It’s just a little run down, that’s all.”
“It’s forgotten.” The impact behind his words had you falter for a moment. He didn’t say anything after that but he waited all the same. You bit your lip, wondered how much time he would give you to think of how to respond to that, to the tone of his voice.
“This is more than just about the house, isn’t it?” you asked him. Desmond didn’t immediately respond but his eyes didn’t trail from your face, insistent on staring into yours as he processed it. He closed his eyes, lovely brown obscured by the dark of his eyelashes. His head settled deeper against the pillow.
“Connor lived and died in this house. His wife lived here with him until she left. She took the kids. Connor had nothing left. Nothing but an old rocking chair and this house. And now here it is in ruin.” You wondered then if he would cry, if this would be what finally broke him.
You had heard that he had been unhappy when Monteronigirri had perished to flame and blade, when little to no one had been spared. You wondered if the memory was buried somewhere deep inside him, if it settled there as an unscabbed open wound. If it pestered him day in and day out. Ezio had years to get over the tragedy, if he ever did. Desmond didn’t have the luxury. It was still a fresh ache to him. To reopen the wound with Connor and his unlucky end ... 
“You remembered it,” you told him. “You’re here right now. Connor isn’t alone because .. he’s with you. You’re with him, and I’m with you. We’re all with you, Desmond. We’re not going anywhere without you.” You were firm to implant his name there, to affirm his hold on reality. You all had thought that if he relived Connor’s memories it would help soothe the Effect, that Desmond could go back to the life that he had before, that he could live unhindered and unburdened by it. Anything for it all to be easier for him.
“My Dad talked about Egypt,” there was a slight scoff to his voice. (I’m losing him.) “Why don’t we just go? I’m just holding you all back, this isn’t anything-”
“No.” You moved both hands to cup his face and he stared at you with impassive eyes. Desmond has not wanted much. He gave up a lot before, to get all of them to the end, to get them knowledge otherwise lost. He was willing to give it all up again with just a word. He would. “You’re keeping us all together, Desmond. We’re your pack, don’t you understand? Yours.” You leaned up to kiss him and your knee knocked against his before you settled your leg on the other side of his waist. He didn’t respond at first, let you pepper his face with kisses. Gradually, he seemed to react, upturned his face to return the gesture, to press his lips against yours. His hands settled along your hips, thumbs pressed into the clothed skin there. Your mouth lingered a fair deal more but it was him who dragged his tongue across your lip, had you shudder in response.
You could feel him smile against your skin, felt the uneven skin of his scar catch on you when you allowed him at your throat. You could feel a pattern begin to emerge in the light rubs of his thumbs, something almost like dialect. His kisses were slow, languid and light, a butterfly touch if you had ever felt one. You let out a breathy sigh of his name and he paused then.
“Desmond?” you prompted him and sat back on your knees, a leap in your chest, worried that you had overstepped a line.
“Just thinking,” he promised, a few seconds too slow. There was an upturn to his mouth, an appreciative look in his eyes. His hands hovered along your hips though and you knew that there was no use pushing your luck.
Desmond would likely relent if you pushed him to have sex with you now, if you begged him with a breathy tone to let you take his knot but you also knew that his heart wouldn’t be in it. That he might not want it. You couldn’t push him like that, you didn’t have it within yourself to.
“You think enough for four people,” you said pointedly and made sure to throw in a grin for good measure. You threw your leg off of him, tried not to let your disappointment surface in your scent. He had your neck exposed to him, he had already likely caught your arousal and anticipation in it alone. You weren’t disappointed in him though, never him.
“Hm,” there was a lighter turn of his mouth then, something pleased and adoring in that gesture alone. Even though he just had his tongue in your mouth and his lips and fingers on your skin, it was his smile that made you flustered. Go figure. You averted your gaze, tried to ignore the wider spread of his lips. “Definitely smart enough for four men.”
You swatted your hand against his chest as you collapsed next to him, made sure to draw your legs tighter together before you tugged his arm down and settled down against it. “Definitely,” you relented. Desmond’s look was appreciative and genuine, fond to the very end. “Or at the very least ripped enough for them.” You reached out a hand to pat against his stomach and then there was the laugh that you missed so much.
At some point, Shaun had started a running joke about Desmond being pudgy. He had been in his youth, sure, but most children were. Being on the run and doing a bunch of parkour promised at least some muscles. You grinned wide enough for the both of you when he rolled onto his side, albeit with a little bit of struggle with his trapped arm beneath you.
“Thank you,” Desmond said after a moment. “For trying to help.” You shifted enough for him to draw his arm out and he flexed his fingers experimentally, a falter to his earlier cheer as he stared at his hand. The very hand that he had supposedly clasped onto the Eye.
“Of course.” You told him. You leaned forward to press another kiss against his lips, let it linger and rest against the swell of his mouth. He inhaled your exhale and let his lips move against yours, calm and pleasant. When he pulled back, it was a wonder you hadn’t confessed to loving him. It would have been terribly easy. But the truth of the matter was despite your fear and insecurities, you knew that you had nearly all the time in the world - and isolated in the Manor as your pack was, it very well could have been.
Suddenly, you knew, that if this was what the end of the world had been like, you’re fairly certain you wouldn’t have minded at all.
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redpenship · 8 months
i made this a long time ago but here: my sorting of which robin certain sonic characters would stan
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full justifications under the cut:
dick grayson tier:
sonic - blue-themed and likes the bird motif jewel - she's boring jet - toxic nightwing stan who swears hes better than the other robins at literally everything and WILL get mad if you say that tim is a good detective within earshot orbot - dickbabs shipper who fights with dickkori fans online silver - grew up on teen titans go (its still airing in the future) knuckles - doesnt know there are other robins
jason todd tier:
shadow - he's just like me fr (died and came back) rouge - he's just like my friend fr (edgy loser) charmy - thinks the idea of an ex-robin who kills people is really cool (he's six) rough and tumble - they think jason is right and criticize batman's no-kill rule in youtube comment sections storm - unironically enjoyed new52 red hood + the outlaws cubot - hes just like me fr (father figure is mean to him)
tim drake:
starline - relates to tim trying to fix someone he admires tails - kid with a cool older brother complex vector - grew up with robin tim and still hates damian for replacing him whisper - friends died eggman - gets beaten up by kids way younger than him
stephanie brown:
belle - dad is a villain big - likes her purple costume
damian wayne:
amy - thinks it's cute when he kills people zavok - really into grant morrison wave - talia defender that supports damian by proxy cream - animal lover omega - violence is always the correct answer to a problem blaze - relates to his struggle to be his own person in the shadow of responsibilities placed on him
duke thomas:
espio - can turn invisible + forgotten in most major arcs
carrie kelly:
tangle - youthful optimism mimic - believes 9/11 made frank miller a better writer metal sonic - dreams about aiding in the defeat of his world's blue boy scout
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frownyalfred · 6 months
I feel like Lex is only just barely holding himself back from making the most insane Omega related jokes to Bruce and Jason
He's got YEARS more experience of being in tune with his instincts
There's no way he doesn't use that to tease and poke fun at both of them
The way I felt like Lex was being SO kind during the last chapter by keeping his jokes/teasing to a minimum…like it could have been SO much worse. He really likes them, huh?
I think once Jason is fully presented Lex is going to rub his hands together with glee and teach Jason (and by proxy, Bruce) the worst/best parts of being omega. The salacious details. The jokes. The sly, traumatized humor…
(and then Bruce will be there for Lex when he crashes emotionally. where Jason can’t see him, he can be vulnerable and realize hey, these are useful skills, but he didn’t deserve to learn them via pain and heartbreak)
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gojotenshi · 1 year
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No one should have found out that she was an omega, least of all the crown prince of Yuei.
But Izuku Midoriya was smart.
With two other lives on the line, Lia made the choice of accepting the deal given by the prince - her submission for his secrecy.
It should have been an easy arrangement, if not for the group of homicidal maniacs that had been using omegas as a bartering coin in order to take over the kingdom and the prince’s penchant for wanting more than she was willing to give.
Fate was just one big joke, was it not?
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Chapter One - fight so dirty, but you love so sweet
a/n: Hello, this has been first posted to ao3, where you can find me under the pen name pcrscphcnc. It's uh, a very long chapter that I hope you guys like. Not beta'd
wc: 12 538
warnings: oral ( m receiving ), coercion, blackmail, general foul language, manipulative behavior, dubcon, omegaverse dynamics, omegaverse based sexism.
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Dark pink liquid slipped through parted lips. The taste was a strange mix of bitterness and sweetness, as if the potion couldn’t find in itself to be happy with just one flavor, but neither of the women actually bothered much with it. They had gotten used to the taste, after all.
“God, I hate the flavor.”
Maybe not.
There was no helping the laughter that left the other two at their partner’s voice rang out, a respite over the tension that had filled the room. The three of them had been friends all their life, and Lia trusted the two with her life, and having into account what could happen were anyone to find out exactly what the pink liquid they had drank was… well, she was very sure that both Mina and Ochako also trusted her implicitly.
“Do you think the dose will be enough?” brown eyes met green and the brunette had to grimace at the thought that what little they could produce wouldn’t suffice. But really, they had to up the dose every few months to keep the effectiveness. God, she really hoped that they could find a way to make the tonic way more effective than it was.
“I don’t know.” Lia sighed “What we’re doing, it’s…”
“Crazy?” Mina chimed in, arms resting on the shoulders of the two smaller brunettes.
“Unorthodox?” A quirk of Ochako’s lips.
“And more.” Her fingers flexed around the vial before it was dropped in the table with care that she didn’t really want to give at that moment. She was glad for Mina’s willingness for physical proximity, it meant that the swirling of anxiety on her stomach could be staved off until both women went back to their own quarters. “But if we wanted to achieve anything, it’s also an inevitability.”
A frown from Ochako “Because we’re women.”
A huff from Mina “Because we’re omega.”
A nod from Lia “Because we’re both.”
Silence fell stifling on top of the three of them, though Mina made sure to cling even tighter to her and Ochako with a sort of restless energy that most times was contagious and that now was obviously just making things even tenser for the pink haired girl. Mina was the extrovert of the group, the one that always bounced into everything head first and that had made it easier to blend into the crowds of betas and alphas that populated the bustling city and as proxy the castle where they all worked and resided.
Omegas were… rare. As in hide them inside four walls and wait for the highest bidder kind of rare. Betas had become the norm these past few centuries, but alphas didn’t really dip in number from before, did they? No, omegas had been the ones that had been the only dipping statistic, with omega births declining over the years as if the magic that had sparked on their veins had somehow had to do with the change. No, no one had understood what had led to such a change, but the fact was that the lesser omegas there were, the less probably one was to be born. It was simply a matter of genetics, really.
And as they became rarer, the search for them caught on fire. Omegas were taken to be the most fertile, the best parents, the best healers. Their quirks often revolved around something that would help with day to day chores, from healing small cuts to producing food. Quirks as theirs… well, they should have belonged to alphas if customs were to be taken into consideration.
Having into account the three women in the room could very well care less about what the fuck everyone thought was customs…
“Can you secure more ingredients for the next batch?” Lia asked Ochako with a tilt of her head, watching as her friend leaned her head against Mina’s arm in thought.
“I’m not due for scouting for another two weeks, so I’ll have to wait until then.” Part of the royal guard, Ochako Uraraka was on the lower ranks, but still making a steady climbing for someone who had only been through training for the past three months. The fact was that her gravity manipulation quirk was well suited for both stealth and combat, and she was a damn good asset for anyone.
And to think that would have all been wasted if she had been carted off into a marriage at a young age like it happened to any omega that appeared on society’s radar.
Sold to the highest bidder, locked away between four walls and bred over and over again. Only there to look pretty and nothing else.
“I can get my part by the end of this week.” Mina chimed in with a thoughtful nod of her head. “Aiwaza is out on a diplomat mission until the end of the month and he has left me in charge until he comes back.”
Poison specialist Mina Ashido was a force to be reckoned with. The acid she could produce was highly corrosive, and as such, more than potentially dangerous. But it was her knowledge of how to actually apply it to her mastery of other dangerous materials that had allowed her to raise through the ranks as Aiwaza’s apprentice. Another good mind would have been lost in the lack of omega rights if they hadn’t grabbed life by its horns.
“I know I can count on you.” Emotion swirled on her green eyes, deep and unsettling as it was, those two women were her friends. Her family. They had been together when their small village had been raided and the three hidden away by her mother’s protective quirk. They had been together as grief struck at the loss of what had been their everything. They had been together as their quirks first developed. They had been together as they followed the old journal her mother had left and found the ingredients for the potion. They had been together as the first rounds made them so sick they thought they wouldn’t survive. They had been together and found ways to change the recipe, make it better, more effective.
They had been together when they had succeed.
And now they were together as they passed as nothing more than betas, scents and cycles halted and hidden away by the concoction that had been their salvation. There were still instincts, and though their own scents couldn’t be felt by anyone, that didn’t mean that they couldn’t smell the world beyond. It wasn’t like betas didn’t have scents because they did, it was more of the fact that they had to actively want them to come out that was the difference. Their pheromones were hidden, untapped.
They could have never passed as alphas, but betas was good enough. Betas had given them more than enough cover for what they wanted to do. They just wanted a chance to be themselves, to utilize their quirks to the best of their abilities and make a name for themselves. Well, Mina and Ochako wanted to make a name for themselves, be the heroes of their own story. Get revenge on the band of bastards that terrorized the kingdom. The same one that had murdered an entire village just to get to the few omegas that had presented that year. The same ones that hadn’t noticed the three little girls hidden away in a secret space.
Oh, it didn’t mean that Lia didn’t want revenge. No. Her blood still boiled and her heart still ached and she would have their bodies on the ground in front of her. But… fuck, she didn’t want to draw attention on herself, didn’t want to be indispensable to the castle and the military like Mina and Ochako. She was going to finish her studies and then she was going to leave. She would never stop her friends, no, her sisters, of searching for the life that had been denied to them after the designation had been found. But well, her suicide mission would be her own.
“We should return.” Ochako finally said. There was a shared nod, a finger on a shadow and the room was suddenly cast in darkness. It was the closest one to all of their quarters, but at a safe distance from the most frequented parts of the castle. She had found it during her first few days, back when they had arrived. Knowing very well just how important it was to know every corner of the place. They need a spot to meet, one where they wouldn’t be found.
Ochako slipped away first with a kiss to their cheeks, a smile, and a promise to see them after breakfast. Because of her entanglement with the army, the brunette was the only one of them that didn’t reside on the castle per se but its grounds. On the barracks that were site for the female dorms. Mina slept in the ground level of the castle, near the large doors that led to the private gardens of the herbalists, doctors and of course, poison experts. And Lia, well, Lia slept two floors up, and two doors down from the library and hall of records she was the keeper of while Nezu was busy doing gods know what. Her bets were on espionage. The elderly man had always been too smart for his own good, and she had been scared at first that he would have sniffed the ruse the three women had put up the first couple of weeks.
Mina slipped out after enough time had passed that it wouldn’t be too suspicious. There was the same affectionate kiss to her cheek, a meeting of their foreheads in a silent please be careful gesture, and then she was alone. The darkness didn’t bother her, and it did give her time to gather the three vials and secure them on the hidden pocket of her skirts. They clinked together, but the sound was muffled by the heavy fabric of her winter dress. Hm… things would be more difficult as the season changed and so did her clothes. Then the sound wouldn’t be so easy to hide in the silent halls.
No matter, that was something that she had to consider later. Maybe wrap the vials in some kind of fabric to make them less likely to make sounds. As enough time lapsed, Lia finally moved from her place near the door, being careful when closing it so the sound didn’t carry. She had expected the click of the door, what she didn’t expect where the words that rung in the air.
“You know…” the tone was light, familiar, shining with amusement. “I always wondered why a librarian would meet with a foot soldier and a poison’s apprentice.”
The breath got knocked out of her body by surprise, heart hammering on her chest as she was quick to turn and bow, eyes coming to rest on his shiny leather boots. Fuck, she had not smelled his approach. Why hadn’t she smelled his approach?
“Your highness.” A greeting, she still did not straighten up. “We traveled together for a long time before arriving on these four walls.” Be as close to the truth as possible, do not let him see through the omission and lies. “We’re kindred spirits and we enjoy being together for some tea.”
Finally, she did straighten up, but her eyes still did not meet his. Not because of his station, but because crown prince Izuku Midoriya was a menace.
“Tea, uh.” His voice was so jovial. There was probably a smile etched on his face right now, and as much as she tried not to, Lia had to see for herself. Green met green and ah yes, there it was.
Sharpness, interest, mirth.
His eyes never lied, did they? Izuku was smart, cunning, a throve of knowledge that was impressive to everyone around him. Statistics of the battles his kingdom fought, names of not only those closest to him but the every living soul that lived on the castle. He knew their quirks, and she would bet her own ass that he knew their weaknesses.
“Why have tea at such a late hour?” still that trivial tone, as if this was a mere conversation between friends. As if she didn’t think that the prince was hiding something very well lethal. Izuku was friendly, charismatic, never once had he ever acted like he had something to hide, something that he couldn’t let come to light. Everyone was always dazzled by the sunshine that was his personality. She had been dazzled by it at first.
“My friends live very busy lives, this is the only time they have for themselves.” Her words were careful, thought over so she didn’t make him think they were spies. Well, not more than he probably already thought, because why would he be in such a dark corridor? Why would he have waited until both her friends had made their way out only to stop her on her tracks? No, he had something planned, and she wasn’t going to be fooled.
“That is true.” A gloved hand was raised to his lips in thought, but his eyes never left hers, even when her own decided to focus on his boots again. She hid the sniff of the air with a heavy breath, his scent was still somewhat hidden, she could only smell the distinctive sharpness of an alpha, but not exactly what made it his own scent. Hm, maybe moonclover, that explained why he had managed to get the drop on her.
Silence stretched in the air and Lia tried not to fidget, he made her too anxious, too nervous.
“Is that all, your highness? I find myself tired and I have to be up early to open the doors of the library for the scholars.” A step towards her. Ah, no, that wasn’t good. “Your highness?”
“I saw the funniest papers before I took my night stroll.” Oh, so that was what the excuse he was giving to having been in this part of the castle? Smart, anyone would fall for it, hell, she should fall for it and use it next time anyone caught her out of her quarters after hours. “Have you heard of the League?”
Suddenly her heart was on her throat and her palms were clammy and why the hell did darkness have to be so effective in fucking up her power? It hid the shadows that she could touch, that she could manipulate. She just needed one touch and she could immobilize him and make her escape. He didn’t need her to speak to continue.
“Of course you haven’t.” That same jovial tone, but as Lia dared to look at Izuku’s face, there it was, that same sharpness in his eyes. And his smile was different too, it had an edge to it. Lia was sure that she had been very thorough in hiding the papers in the hall of records, and her research never left her private quarters. “I mean, that is very confidential information.”
There had to be a point to his prodding, right? “Confidential?” play dumb, play dumb. “Your highness, I must say I do not know what you are speaking about.” It was good that she couldn’t really smell him, she didn’t need that weighting on her mind and instincts. “I only keep things organized at the library and records, I do not have the permission to read the documents.”
“Of course not.” A laugh, so sweet and tilting that it almost relaxed her. She wanted to relax, and if it had been coupled with his scent, she would have definitively had a harder time keeping her muscles tense and ready to bolt. Izuku Midoriya was a menace. “And you’re a good girl.”
There was no helping the way the drop in tone washed over her, how the two words affected her. It was silly and idiotic, but beneath her buried scent and halted cycle, she was still an omega. And omega that had just been praised by an alpha that she was attracted to. A hitch of her breath that she covered with a cough, green eyes looking anywhere but at the prince. Alarms were blaring on her mind and all she wanted to do was book it, but fuck, if she gave as much as a step, she would give up the fact that it had been something illicit that the three friends had been doing. That she had done more than read over the classified records.
“I try to be, your highness. All I want is to be of help.” Not a lie, really. She did enjoy being of help, but the fact was that her help would be in making sure the League couldn’t get to more villages like her own. Couldn’t keep wrecking terror in the lives of the people in the country. She just needed to solidify her information, needed to know exactly how many they were, what their quirks were. Needed to have a plan at ready so it wasn’t a suicide mission without a point. After all, she already had the perfect bait. “Is there anything else?” The can I go went unsaid.
“Their last attack was two days ago.” Her heart halted, her breath hitched and against her will, her eyes were once more meeting his own. That was new information, one that had yet to be recorded so she could have a look at it. Izuku continued through her shock “There was a small force of the army stationed at the town because we knew it would be their next target, one of them survived, so we finally know what they’re really after.”
“Did you not know before?” she did. Ochaco did. Mina did. They had never shared it with anyone else. After all, they didn’t even know the League was the one responsible until Lia had found out the name of the band just last month. They were after the best bargaining chips of all. The one thing that could buy entire battalions. The one thing that could give them enough riches to arm said battalion.
“A cremated village does not give much of information.” His comment was so light but it still brought grief to choke at her throat. She would have nightmares that night, she was sure of it. Of charred bodies and debris. Of the sickly scent of death and cut off pheromones. Of destruction and loneliness. Fuck, the years did not make it easier, did they? “As I was saying, one of the betas stationed there survived. I think you knew him. Yo Shindo.”
“He is part of my friend’s training group.” What was his quirk? Something to do with vibrations, right? She didn’t really know the guy, not more than her friends did, if she was honest. They still kept everyone at a safe distance.
“Correct, part of the thirteenth battalion. It’s really a miracle he has survived with such extensive burns, not to speak of the smoke inhalation.” His eyes did that hazy thing they sometimes did when he was about to spout his knowledge. Lia was enraptured. “We still don’t know if he will survive the next few days, but he was lucid enough to give his testimony. It’s impressive really, what someone can do with adrenaline in their systems, with the need to protect ingrained in every fiber of their being. Shindo said they destroyed half the men in one single hit. Awful fire power, blue flames.” Dabi. That had to be Dabi. “Then there was a woman, wicked aim, thirst for blood.” Toga Himiko. “A lizard hybrid, so I can only guess it’s an animal traits quirk.” There wasn’t a name on the files, but during the attack she had heard the name Spinner called out. “I guess the most dangerous is the leader, though, Shindo said he decayed one of the warriors to ash with just a touch of his hand.” Tomura Shigaraki. “It’s impressive just how much destruction four people can do.”
Lia opened her mouth but found that she could not get her voice to cooperate, so she closed it again. His eyes still hadn’t focused so it wasn’t like he wasn’t going to keep spewing information. “Shindo said they had a very specific reason for attacking that village. And you really have to wonder where they get their information, because it had just been submitted the week prior to the attack.” A thoughtful hum “They must really have a far reach, so I doubt that they don’t have accomplices. All black market traders must have them. And if not accomplices, at least helpers, people who will dispose of the goods.”
She wanted to run, so damn much, but he was still talking and it was information. It would come at a price eventually, but for now he was still spewing it and she was still very much taking it all in “They had registered an omega the week before.” Finally the sharpness returned to his eyes, and oh, it was so much worse to have the full force of his gaze on her. “They’re trading omegas for power, connections to the most ruthless of families.” The cape he was wearing shifted as he tilted to the side, weight coming to rest on just one of his legs. “Shigaraki wants the throne.”
Again with the silence, the stretchy kind. The one that seemed to wrap around her and suffocate her because what could Lia say that wouldn’t incriminate her, that wouldn’t show Izuku just how privy to that information she had been? The League had brought her village to the ground in search of the three of them, had killed over a hundred people in the matter of minutes. They were terrifying. Horribly so.
She would still like their head on a plate.
“Why are you confiding this on me, your highness?” she tried to play it as if she was confused, but her voice was so tired. She was so tired.
“You know, at first I thought you might be working for them.” He didn’t let her gasp of outrage interrupt him “But you never looked for information about battle strategies, about defense. They were all at your grasp, you could have been as careful with that as you were with the actual information you were looking for.” Something was thrown to her feet, something that made a soft thud as it landed. Lia bent to pick it up, paling at the small ring that had been wrapped in silk. It was nothing fancy or expensive, it was made of steel, after all. But it had been locked together with her research.
“You’ve been to my room.” She felt violated in a way. No one had ever dared to intrude upon her privacy, not even the people she considered family.
“I did always think you had pretty handwriting.” Izuku commented lightly, but there was a flash of teeth, and suddenly he wasn’t so jovial anymore. He was a predator, dangerous and callous and oh very ready to strike. “Those notes were very meticulous, you know? Mine are better though.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. She really needed the clouds to get away from the moon so she could have a way to reach a shadow, any shadow. At least all he knew was that she had an unhealthy obsession with the League, there was no way that he could know about the real reason of it all.
“So, I study the League. I am in no way in cohorts with them, you don’t need to worry about me, your highness.” His eyes were too sharp, too dangerous.
“I have an extensive record of their previous attacks.” There had to be a point to why he was telling her this, right? It just had to be. “So of course, with this new information I just had to search the records to see if there was a pattern of omega registrations and their attacks. And can you guess what I found?”
A hole. He had found a hole of her own making because the first thing that Lia had done when she had been alone in the hall of records was find the damn omega registration corner and make sure no one could ever find their names on that list. “You found what you were looking for, your highness?” she tried for light, for curious, for something that would get his off her scent as if he wasn’t a bloodhound ready to pounce on its prey.
“I found an outlier.” Of course he didn’t get the bait, what was she expecting? “Every single village attacked had registered an omega sometime before the attack, all but one.”
Breath in. Breath out. Steady. No emotion on her face. She could do it, couldn’t she?
“So that left me with a very big question. Why would they go off pattern? I would understand if it was a port of commerce or even if it held a noble that put their full support on the kingdom, but no, it was a small village with just one trait. An uncommon number of omegas.”
Mei was a very small village, but it had boasted really good fertility rates. In all accounts.
“Maybe they hoped that by killing the mates they could get the omegas.” Please take the bait, please take the bait.
“We both know it doesn’t work that way.” No, it didn’t. Once fully mated, an omega would be crippled by the death of their mate. Some had lost their quirk, others had lost their will to live. But she didn’t think it would have mattered much to the league of villains. But it probably mattered to those that were counting on a whole omega, not just a shadow of themselves. “So that led me to think about the quiet little beta that I’ve seen sneak out of the hall of records more than once.” He had seen her? How long had he been watching her do her research on the league? How long had he concealed his presence and how long had he been planning to confront her with it?
And what did he have to gain by doing so?
“Your highness, I have done nothing to hinder your power or reign.”
“That’s the thing, what could you possibly achieve by collecting information about the League’s patterns?” Hints of pine and leather, his scent was starting to unravel. “You have not contacted with anyone besides your friends, you spend most of your time on your duties. You have nothing to gain in all of this. You do not wish for the downfall of the king. You don’t wish for the downfall of the kingdom.”
A step closer. Leather boots on the ground and an increase of her heart rate… and her need to bolt for the nearest exit. Could she jump out of the window and make a run for it? Probably not, prince Izuku was already quite quick on his feet, let alone if he used his quirk to improve his speed.
Leather, pine and lightening. His scent hit her full force as whatever he had taken finally wore off. It was as overwhelming as it always was, and in such close proximity nonetheless.
“So you can only wish for one thing - secrecy.” He stopped halfway towards her, enough that he could lower his voice “But secrecy over what? The three of you are already pretty secretive about your past, no one really knows where you come from and you’ve claimed that you’ve been nomads all your life. So why settle now?” oh. She had given him a mystery to solve. He liked mysteries. “So that had to be part of it, right? That little village, no records of new omegas in the registry. It all didn’t add up.”
“Your highness.” Her voice was high pitched even to her ears, fuck, how the fuck had he gotten all this figured out? “I do not know what you are hinting at, you can smell it for yourself. We’re betas. We’ve always been betas.”
He stilled, and suddenly his gaze was back on her. “I didn’t say it was the omega part that didn’t add up.”
She had fucked up. Would the ground just swallow her up?
“Which begs the question. Why are you so keen on saying you’re a beta when I can obviously gather that on my own?” alarm bells all around her. Loud and chaotic and was it her heart? Beating at a mile a hour? “You’re not worried I think you’re a spy.” It wasn’t a question, so she didn’t even bother to answer. She could see the cogs on his head turning, could see the pieces falling into place.
He relaxed. “It has crossed my mind, but I put the possibility as an impossibility because one could never mask it that well. Even when I make use of moonclover I can never get the scent of alpha to stop clinging to my skin, then there’s the fact that you’ve been here enough for your cycle to have hit already. And it has not.” It would not, the potion they took halted it. It was a stasis of sort. But she wasn’t about to tell him that and give him more ammunition. “But that’s exactly it, isn’t it? You’re…”
His words were halted by her hands pressing to his lips. Lia hadn’t even felt herself move before he was on the tips of her toes, palms covering his mouth so the word would not pass through it. Her heart was beating so fast and her breath was coming in pants, she was becoming dizzy. His gloved fingers wrapped around her wrists, and she had never been gifted with strength, so it was easy for him to pull her hands from his face.
His smile was positively demoniac.
Lia had just confirmed what he thought was only a possibility.
And still he did not let go of her.
“Interesting.” It was very deliberate the way each fingers pulled away from her skin, it was even more deliberate the way he pushed past her to open the door of the room she had just been in with her friends. Was it that night? Or was she in a strange time warp? It felt like so long ago. “Do enter. Or would you rather discuss everything else in the open?”
No, she would not. And he was well aware of that, wasn’t he? How could he not be? Lia entered the room without complaint, but she did make a play to light the lantern she had turned off. Once more his fingers found her wrist. How had he approached her so quickly? “Ah, ah, ah.” He chided with a shake of his head “I’m not going to give you ammunition to run away.” Of course he knew about her quirk, of course. “I didn’t plan for this to be your secret, but it does not change the outcome.”
“The outcome.” She let her hand fall down to her side, so Izuku let go of her. Good, because Lia put as much distance between them as possible.
“Well, yes, you see. Blackmail.”
She blinked at that. “What? I have nothing you could possibly find useful, your highness”
“No? I guess you are but a peasant with no information to give me. Your quirk is useful, but you did not go into the army as Uraraka has done. You also do not have the expertise of a poison master like Ashido does. What can I possibly want from you?”
Lia frowned. All that he said was the truth, and she had no shame in that, after all, she wasn’t there to give her skills use, she was there to gather information and then bolt towards what was probably certain death. “Then what do you wish from me?”
“Entertainment.” His smile was easy going again, but there was still that edge to it that didn’t let her fall into the lull of security. Not that she would have when he had let the mask fall just a few minutes ago.
“Hire some bards for that.” The words escaped her mouth before she could stop them, and Izuku seemed surprised that she would bite back. But his smile seemed to widen at that.
“There it is. I’ve wondered where your claws were hidden, kitten.” Of all times that her mouth had to run its own course, it had to be when she was being threatened with exposure by the damn crown prince himself. “I’ve seen you use that sharp little tongue on a few soldiers before. But you’ve always been so polite to me.”
“You’re the crown prince.” She countered.
“Ah yes, that puts a dampener on tempers.” Was he mocking her? “But not that kind of entertainment.”
Lia frowned at that “I do not understand. What kind of entertainment can a prince wish for? You have a full library at your service. A kitchen full of the best chefs. A purse full of coins for what you cannot make for yourself.” His mirthful eyes egged her on “You have courtesans at your beck and call. I have nothing you do not already have.”
“You have my attention.”
“I could destroy your life with this information, you know?” his comment was so flippant it made her want to slap him. “Omegas are supposed to be nothing but caretakers of children and home.”
“Then destroy my life.” How was it possible that his smile only increased? What was he getting at? She felt more like a mouse than a cat.
“Do you wish to bring Ashido and Uraraka down with you?” her heart dropped.
“What do you mean? I’m the omega.” She paled, but thankfully it was hidden by the darkness in the room. “Do not bring them into this.”
“Do you think I’m stupid, kitten?” he leaned his hip against the table, worked his gloves off his hands “You’ve made it a point to defend that the three of you were betas, not just that you were, as if I was going to wonder about their designation as well. You keep meeting up in this very room. And you have come together to work at the palace. If you’re capable of hiding so well, what’s to say you can’t hide them as well?” He leaned forward “They’d lose their jobs, the positions they earned through effort and merit. Such a shame.”
“You would not.” Would he?
“Want to bet their lives on it?” it wasn’t like Izuku didn’t know the answer that would leave her lips.
Shoulders sagged in defeat “No, I do not.”
Lia thought he would be speaking after that, instead she was met with silence. One that didn’t waver until she was looking at him once more. When had her eyes moved from his frame? Maybe during his speech about destroying the lives of the two people Lia would give her own for. “Alright.” She finally allowed “State your terms.”
Once again with that sharp twist of his lips, that smile that was more teeth than anything else. It was strange how attractive it was. “Your submission for my silence.”
Her mouth opened in surprise “My what?”
“Your submission.” He gave a tired sigh “I believe you are smarter than this. Why do you keep parroting that question?”
“You must know that I still don’t understand what you gain with any of this.” Besides pleasure that was, she wasn’t going to play dumb and pretend she didn’t know exactly what kind of submission he wanted from her. “Money buys everything, even submission. You have no need for blackmail to achieve that.”
“I have no need for money to achieve that.”
“Alright, so that makes it more baffling that you’re using blackmail to get what you can do with a few sweet smiles and words.”
Izuku chuckled. He chuckled as if it was funny that she was questioning his reasons for wanting such a thing from her. “You forget the value of entertainment in all of this. I could very well charm a pretty thing or buy the favors of a courtesan, but then where would be my fun?”
“In sex?” she looked at him as if he had grown another head. Maybe he had.
“You find sex fun?” Oh she’d fallen for that one.
“I would not know.” No point in lying if she was going to go through with this. “But your soldiers are pretty vocal.” So was Mina. But she wasn’t about to sully her friend’s name in front of the crown prince when the dirt wasn’t even dirt to begin with. Not if she had been anything else than a woman, than an omega.
His glee increased “Untouched.”
“Would it have mattered?”
“Not really.” He admitted with a shrug of his shoulders “But I can’t help but be pleased.”
“You also shouldn’t have been surprised. An omega is rarely touched before marriage.” It didn’t matter that marriage was usually so quick the ink had barely dried on the registration, it was still the truth. “So you wish for submission because it’s entertaining?”
A nod of his head and that damn smile “And because I’ve always wondered.” He didn’t continue, so she sent him a pointed but questioning look. He still left her to wait for a couple of unnerving seconds. “How you look with tears running down your face.”
Oh. Her face burned and once again she was glad for the cover of darkness, though by his chuckle, Lia could bet that Izuku knew very well the state his words had left her in “Pain achieves the same effect.” Would she rather have pain? She truly didn’t know.
“Maybe. I much prefer to see the tears for another reason.” A shrug of his shoulders, as if he was rolling her words off of them. So annoying. “Though I guess a little pain mixed with pleasure only heightens the sensations. I’m no stranger to some spanking from time to time.”
“You’re not going to put me over your knee like a misbehaving child.” She ground out with a huff, arms crossing over her chest.
“No, not like a child. You’ll see.” He waved her words as if they were nothing “You are in no position to make demands, are you? If I say jump, all you have to ask is how high. Secrecy of this magnitude comes at great cost, you know.”
“My self worth and agency, you mean.”
“You measure your own self worth, and the beauty of this arrangement is that your agency is to bend to my will. To fulfill my every whim. You’re going to submit out of your own free choice, kitten.” Lia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, which was a mistake as it did give her a whiff of his scent. He had no right smelling as good as he did. When he didn’t continue, she opened her eyes “Don’t try and fool yourself into thinking you had no agency in all of this.”
“The other choice is rubbish.” A glare directed at him, another laugh from his part.
“Ah, but a choice nonetheless.” Did he make fair deals? Probably not, but the fact was that it was a deal, one she could back out of. But doing so would have consequences that she could have shouldered if they had been hers alone. But she had Ochako and Mina to think about.
“My submission for your silence.” Lia finally agreed with a nod of her head, hands clasped behind her. “When should we do it.”
He leaned backwards, one hand idly reaching for the lantern to flick it on once more. Light filled the room, weak at first and then growing in strength as more fuel was added to the flame. “You seem to think it’ll be an one time thing.”
Lia frowned “Is it not?”
“Of course not. For as long as I want. Or at least as long as you want your secret kept.” He returned to his initial position, as if he hadn’t just dropped her in what seemed like a bathtub full of ice for all the cold that had sunk in her veins.
She grit her teeth. Stupid smart alpha. Instead of biting the bullet, she instead tried a diversion “You were against me turning the light on before, so why did you do it now?”
“You hadn’t agreed to anything before. You were still undecided, but now you have given your word for our deal, so I know that you won’t try and skirt away from it.” Izuku tilted his head “Who could have said that you wouldn’t have commandeered me through my shadow? Killed me and then ran away?”
“I would have not killed you, your highness.” As much of a manipulative guy as he was, she held no ill intent towards Izuku.
“What?” ok, maybe she was starting to harbor ill intent towards the crown prince.
“When we’re alone, that’s what you will call me. Because that’s what I am to you know, your master.” Oh, that was so self satisfaction on his tone. Lia did take back her words, she could very well kill him. But that would have meant putting herself in the shoes of a fugitive, and she still hadn’t gathered enough information to be sure she could take out at least one of the main elements of the League.
But the fact was that with him forcing her hand, well, the idea was something she couldn’t shake out of her head. His eyes are darker than hers, still a vivid green, but not the aqua that her own vision held. And they were amused, the sharpness in them out in the open because he had already shown her just who he was behind the smiles and laughter. Izuku was a good strategist, had always been, and he probably had been planning everything for a while had he not?
“You look positively murderous.” He leaned forward then, fingers stretching and catching onto a lock of brown hair, twirling it around without much thought. “How much of a difference is it to call me one thing over the other? As your prince, I still hold power over you. My word is only surpassed by my father’s, you know that.”
“As a prince, you do not hold full power over my free will.” He was studying her again, fingers letting go of her hair so he could grip the table instead. “A Master does.” She pressed her lips together. “So no, it’s not just a change in words and you know it very well.”
“Aren’t you a sharp one, kitten?” once again with that nickname, Lia frowned but did not comment, instead, she crossed her arms and looked out of the window and into the night sky. What could she say? What more could the omega voice out that hadn’t been said already? “So will you do it?”
Fuck, he was pushing her buttons.
Her shoulders tensed and then… And then she was relaxing because she was trapped and he had her in the palm of his hand because one wrong move, one wrong word and all they had built these past months would be crumbling down.
“I will.”
The sound of his hands clapping together brought her attention back to the alpha, his scent swallowed up the room, slowly digging into her reserves until the way her muscles relaxed wasn’t due to her defeat, but by her own genetic make up. The concoction that halted their cycles and hid their scents didn’t actually erase their instincts. Scents still affected them, as did alpha behaviors in general. Lia wasn’t sure how an alpha tone would make them react because that hadn’t happened yet, but she didn’t doubt that if it ever did their cover could be blown.
“Come here.” It was a soft request, and one that she heeded, walking the few steps until she was near enough for one of his hands to grasp her hip. The heat of his hand was searing even through the fabric of her dress as he moved her to his liking, his legs opening so she could fit between them. His eyes were darker, and finding herself not really capable of handling them, she slowly moved hers to the side. Her eyes caught the earing he was wearing, an onyx pendant in the shape of a diamond that reached the raised collar of his cape. It was pretty, and it fit him in a way that she wasn’t expecting.
They spent a few minutes like that. Her hands twitched as she wondered if she was supposed to do something but she didn’t really want to ask, and Izuku didn’t seem very keen on going further than just being close to her. He wasn’t touching her anymore, his hand had fallen away the second she had slotted herself between his thighs, and even them were parted enough that the omega had enough space to leave her hands at her side and still not touch him. Once again she was met with the question of what exactly did he want? Why her?
And still he was close enough that she could feel the heat radiating from his body.
Her hands twitched again and she finally gave into the temptation to cross her arms over her chest, if only for something to do. The alpha reached for her wrists before she could actually do it, though, thumbs running over the scent glands on her wrists and leaving her heart a stuttering mess.
It was enough to snap her out of silence. “You cannot do that!” He let her pull her hands away, back to her sides, and she would not think she had actually been strong enough to get out of his grasp. That would be fooling herself because Izuku was and would always be stronger than her. “I cannot smell like you or rumors will spread.”
“Uh.” From the corner of her eye Lia watched his head tilt as if he was in thought “I guess it would be strange if you suddenly had the scent of an alpha on you.”
She didn’t bother to tell him that it would be even stranger that the scent came from the crown prince himself. He wasn’t supposed to have his attention on her, that was for certain.
“How do you manage it?” curiosity laced his tone and it brought her eyes to him, he was looking at her with the biggest and most expectant eyes, they weren’t a ploy, that was just what he looked like when he was faced with shiny new information, with a shiny new puzzle. “I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that you do not have a scent on you.” He was talking faster now and it was almost endearing, the way he appeared almost child like in his curiosity. “Me and Kachaan used to try and see who could stretch their scent in the widest area right after transitioning, but then it’s been more than a nuisance when dealing with political ambassadors because they are always waiting for that one tell from you and your scent just gives it away.”
Like his was now, becoming brighter, lighter, the pine in a sunny day, well worn leather from good use, and the field after a thunderstorm. In lieu of herself, Lia couldn’t help but take a heady breath of it. He didn’t seem to notice. “You don’t know how good it’d be for us if we could just tamp down the scent for longer than a couple of hours, especially for Kachaan, he never quite got the hang on control of his emotions. And father sent him in a political tour of the kingdoms, that wasn’t the smartest decision if I can be honest. But if I was the one to go then I would have probably missed you.”
And just like that his attention was back on her even though her mind was still reeling for all that information dump he had decided on giving her. Was she even supposed to answer him? Apparently not as he continued.
“You would have passed right under his radar.” That would have been a dream come true “He’s really good when it comes to battles, and heck, he as a mean brain inside that thick skull of his, but he also doesn’t really pay attention to most things that don’t revolve around a battle field.” Was he complimenting his brother or was he insulting him? Lia was unsure and Izuku kept spewing information at a quick pace and she had to listen really closely to be able to actually take it all in “I barely noticed. If I hadn’t seen you sneak into the hall of records I might have thought you an innocent bystander on all of this.”
“I am an innocent bystander.” She was a victim. Family slaughtered. Life thrown in the air. And when she had tried to make something out of it, the rug had to be once again pulled from under her feat in the form of an alpha with too sharp green eyes. “I am not a spy, your….”
His eyes dared her to continue. His earlier words resonated in her mind, so she closed her eyes before taking a deep breath. “I am not a spy, Master.” Lia corrected herself.
“I am still unsure about that.” His hands came up to grab at her hair, not really to pull but to move the strands until they were framing her face, tips falling down to her hips. Maybe she should have cut it short like Ochako and Mina’s, but they had done so in favor of practicality, after all, one was a warrior and the one dealt with poisons every day of her week. She dealt in bound tomes and loose papers. “Tell me, why the interest in the League?”
“Don’t you have everything figured out already?” her voice was bitter. “I offered you my submission, I never said anything about my secrets or my mind.”
“You’re right.” The sting to her scalp was so sudden it made Lia hiss and open her eyes, he had caught a handful of brown hair in his hands and tugged. In a way it felt like punishment for her refusal to give him the answers that he sought “But you must also know I will find out eventually.”
“If you wanted answers that bad you could have made that your deal.” His fingers let go of her hair to massage her stinging scalp, and the attention felt too good. A soft exhale from her frame as her body relaxed even if he had been the one to cause the pain in the first place. “Does that mean you want to change your deal?”
A pause. He surveyed her with those green eyes of his, this time she didn’t shy away from his gaze, not even when his fingers moved down her neck and over her shoulders. Down through her arms until his hands came to rest on her elbows and bent her arms, it was instinct for Lia to clutch his forearms, and it was probably his intention on all of this, was it not?
“You’ll tell me.”
“Alright.” She was going to continue but Izuku shook his head, making her frown in confusion. “Isn’t that your way of telling me that you want information now?”
He smiled at her “It’s my assurance that you’ll eventually tell me.” A hum, drawn out, his arms retreating so he could grasp her hands and lead them to his thighs. The fabric beneath was soft, and she thought they might be satin. What a strange detail to hang on. “For now I’ll be happy with the fact that I have you under my gaze. If you truly are dangerous, there is not much you can do if I keep you occupied, is there?”
“So you still…” she frowned.
“Yes, the deal still stays.” She didn’t know if she should feel disappointed or not. The fact was that there wasn’t much harm about telling him why she was so interested with the League. It was more a question of principle when Izuku had already figured out so much about her past, even though what was one last piece, it was still hers to give. And Lia liked the fact that she got to keep something for herself. “Hey, look at me.”
She set her eyes on his, why did they keep wandering? Why was it so hard to actually look the prince in the eyes for more than a couple of seconds? Maybe because she felt like he could read her like an open book whenever his gaze stayed on her for too long, maybe because getting such undivided attention was strange and climatic and she really did not know what he truly wanted.
A pressure on her lips, the brunette was going to look down to see what it was but his voice kept her locked in place “Eyes on me. Do not look away.” A couple of seconds ticked by and when her gaze stayed on his, he finally gave a nod of approval. “Open up.”
Her lips parted, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he was pressing two of his fingers into her mouth. A blush raised on her cheeks as he stopped just short of the second knuckle, not really doing anything but staying there. And yet, she still squirmed under his watchful stare, still tried to will herself relaxed because she didn’t really know the why or how of things. God, everything was strange and she was caught in his web and in a way, at that moment, it all felt a bit dreamy.
His fingers were long, and though they had seemed thin and lithe when in contrast with his own body, they were obviously thicker than she expected when near her own. When inside her mouth. And God, it was filthy the way he pushed them further in, just up to his second knuckle, only to pull them out to the tips and push back again. Was she supposed to do anything? Should this be heating up her body like it was? To take her mind out of everything, her eyes focused on the freckles on his cheek, barely visible as his body mostly blocked the light from the lantern, but if she could count them…
Izuku stilled, a disapproving sigh leaving his lips “Thought I told you to look at me.”
She could only form words because his fingers left her mouth, wet with her drool that he traced over her cheek and down her jaw, leaving a wet trail that cooled down in the night air. “I am looking at you, your highness.”
Another heavy disapproving sigh “You do not do well with direct requests, do you?”
Her mouth opened to retort, his words stopped her.
“You looked away from my eyes. You called me by the wrong title. If I had issued another order, would you have also breezed past it as well?” she hadn’t even noticed. Her lips remained closed, though, she didn’t really care to give him an apology when she wasn’t sorry about her behavior. A beat of silence, he was waiting for an apology. Lia still didn’t give him one.
His laugh was unexpected, so loud she wanted to cover his mouth because she was afraid it would be heard out of the room. Did he want to be caught? It wasn’t like his reputation would be the one to fall into shambles. So did he even care? “Brat.”
“You keep repeating that question.” Another full body chuckle that she felt because her hands were still on his thighs. He leaned forward a bit, still not fully entering her personal space in a way, but still too close for comfort. “But yes, a brat. I had something else planned, but can’t really let you get away with defying me twice in a row.”
Something different planned? Was that the reason he had his fingers in her mouth? She couldn’t really see how having them between her lips would have aided anything that would give her pleasure. Lia tried to wrack her brain for the details of sexual exploits that Mina had told her, but really, all she could think about was…
His hands moved to her own, stilled them from moving and helped her steady her body as she moved to her knees. Now she was eye level with his crotch and could notice the obvious raise on the fabric. She half wondered what was he drunk on, if on the control he held over her in that moment or the fact that he had watched his fingers do a facsimile of what he was going to do now.
As she settled into the knew position, Izuku’s hands moved to the ties that kept the front of his pants closed, undoing them with a dexterity she wasn’t sure she would have. But unlike what Lia was expecting, he didn’t reach to take himself out of the confines. She chanced a glance at him and oh, he was watching her.
“Do you know what I want from you?” his question caught her off guard.
“Overall? Sex. Right now? My bet’s on my mouth.” A quirk of her lips, not really a smile, but close. He hummed and his fingers were once again pressing against her lips, this time, he didn’t have to tell her to part them. Izuku resumed what he had been doing before, thrusting them in and out at a leisurely pace, as if they had the whole night for him finish what he wanted. In a way, she guessed that they did have it.
“Yes.” His voice was lower now, and as Lia looked up at him, his eyes were transfixed by the sight of his fingers on her mouth. “More than that.” His eyes darkened as his fingers stopped their thrusts to push farther into her, until they were down to the last knuckle and her throat was constricting around them in an effort to get them out. “You’re going to take me in this pretty mouth of yours.” His fingers pulled enough that they weren’t testing her gag reflex anymore “And I’m going to fuck it until you’re a sobbing mess.” He pushed his fingers forward once more, showing just what he meant by forcing them even further down if that was even possible.
His words were dirty and his actions were dirtier, and yet, surprisingly, she found herself aching between her legs at the idea of being used by him. She was going to blame that one on his scent still clinging to her nostrils and making her light headed. Or maybe that was the way that she had stopped breathing the moment his fingers had pushed down her throat again.
A heady gulp of air as they finally pulled back, a thin strand of saliva connecting her shiny lips to his equally shiny fingers “Breathe through your nose when you have something on your mouth, otherwise you’re going to pass out.”
“Okay.” That was good advice that she didn’t know if she would remember when it was his length in her mouth instead of his fingers, but really, it was almost sweet the way he was trying to ease her discomfort in some way. Or maybe it was just to heighten his own pleasure? But Lia thought she had heard some of the soldiers mentioning they liked when someone gagged on their cock?
The hand that hadn’t been on her mouth slipped inside his pants, and her attention was stolen away from her own mind towards the length that was taken out of the fabric. A shade darker than the skin in his body, somehow she had expected it to be harder than it was, or angrier looking. It was definitively thicker and longer than she had expected though, not that she had any kind of comparison. Maybe they were all that size. Lia could feel Izuku’s eyes on her, as if he was expecting her to say something, what was she supposed to say? “Uh. I don’t know what to think.” That did sum it up and it would probably be enough for him.
“Would it help if I told you it’s not fully hard yet.” Her eyes snapped to his face to be met with the most amused glance that she had ever gotten from him, she flushed furiously and looked back at his cock with narrowed eyes. What did he mean when he said it wasn’t fully hard yet? It certainly didn’t look floppy to her.
He laughed at her reaction, increasing her embarrassment by twofold. Her eyes watched in fascination as his hand started to move up and down the length, his chest expanding as he gave a pleasurable breath that somehow made that dull ache between her thighs grow thicker. And it was then that she understood that he hadn’t been kidding, as more blood flowed to his length, he grew harder and thicker, the head of him becoming redder. Okay, so that was obviously way thicker than his fingers had been.
Lia licked her lips, and she could feel the way his eyes had zeroed in the motion. A drop of liquid collected on the tip of his cock, and Izuku swiped it with his thumb, but instead of rubbing it on himself, he brought it against her lips. The invitation was clear. Once more she opened her mouth, and once more his finger found its way inside.
This time her tongue touched the pad, took in the drop with a small swipe. It tasted salty sweet, not unpleasant, but at the same time strange. A pleased hum from him as his thumb slipped from her mouth but he still didn’t really tell her she should start, was he waiting for her to make the first move? Should Lia bend down and take him into her mouth? Or maybe she should lick him just as she did with his finger?
God, she really didn’t know what to do and a part of her really, really wanted to make sure she pleased the alpha. That was the omega in her, wasn’t it? The one that was taken by being on her knees in front of an alpha that only had eyes for her at that moment, one whose scent enveloped her in a way that made her tremble. His scent had become headier with arousal, she hadn’t even noticed before, but it was impossible not to now.
What was he waiting? Why wasn’t he saying anything? Lia squirmed, nervous and unsure, trying to make sense of the thoughts running through her mind though some of them didn’t really seem to be hers. They were flashes of instinct, the omega inside of her unfurling because of the situation she found herself in.
Finally, Izuku took pity on her. Or maybe he had worked her up to the place he wanted her to be. One of his hands cupped the back of her head, applying pressure so she leaned forward, mouth opening tentatively as the distance became smaller. His grip on her hair stopped her just shy of pressing her lips against what she thought would be a very soft skin. Lia swallowed, not really keen on breaking the silence that enveloped them like a blanket. It flitted across her skin and left her feeling wired and aching, it was a strange kind of adrenaline that had the brunette huffing out a breath wondering just what he had planned for her.
Her heart hammered on her throat, eyes closing as she tried to get her breathing to fall back to the regular rise and fall of her chest. The waiting was killing her, literally leaving her breathless and squirming and Lia still didn’t know what the alpha wanted and it was too damn frustrating. His fingers wrapped around her throat. Her eyes shot to look at him, and it was… her lack of breath had nothing to do with the hand splayed on her neck. The green of his eyes was dark, pupils swallowing up his iris, under that gaze one would think that they were the most desired being on the planet. She hadn’t doubted him before when he had told her he could get submission without paying for it, but the idea was burned to ashes just by that look. Anyone would have killed to be pinned by such a stare.
Her fingers curled on the fabric of his thighs, looser now that they were untied and pushed just bellow his hips, her breath puffed against his cock and she could see more precum glistening on the tip of it. How strange was it that in that moment she almost thought it pretty? What a silly concept. Lia still didn’t know if the arousal was for her or simply for the headiness of control over her.
Maybe she was no better than the sluts someone claimed omegas to be when faced with a dick so close to her face, maybe all she needed was an alpha looking at her for more than a second and she was weak. Or maybe, just maybe, it was her own reaction to him. To Izuku.
“Tongue.” His voice was pure sin. Low and growly and her thighs pressed together in answer as though he had said it between her legs instead of above her. Would his sounds of pleasure be voiced in that same tone? Oh, she really hoped they would.
Lia stuck her tongue out, amazed when he finally pressed his length to the small muscle. The skin of him was saltier than the taste she had of his precum, but as he rubbed the head of his cock firmer against her tongue she felt the taste of it again. A soft hum from her, eyes half lidded but still looking up at him, watching as the corners of his eyes crinkled just so when she gave a tentative lick. She did again and was rewarded with a soft groan, his hand giving so she’d be allowed to move as she wished.
The brunette still didn’t move her hands, kept with fingers curled on his pants, even as she leaned further into him, tongue running down the vein on the underside of him. He was velvety and warm, the taste wasn’t unpleasant, and his heavy breathing made her conscious of her own. The two of them stayed like that for a while, green eyes settled on her frame as she explored the length of him with varying strokes of her tongue.
It was slow, it was bewitching, she had to break it.
Her cheek pressed against his thigh, aqua eyes looking up at him “You said you were going to make me cry. I don’t see how this will achieve that.” Was that her voice? It was as breathy as his had been a couple of minutes prior, an octave lower than her normal tone.
His laughter was as unexpected as the hand that cupped her free cheek, Lia looked up at him dumbfounded, not really understanding what was so funny about what she had said. “You’re a brat.”
Heat filled her cheeks at his words, face pressing against his thigh as she groaned “Shut up.”
“I’ve been going slow because this is your first time taking a cock inside of your mouth, just because I’m not immediately jumping to have those pretty lips wrapped around me doesn’t mean I won’t get to my end goal just the same.” Okay, yeah, that kind of made sense and made more embarrassment flush deep inside of her. She shouldn’t have said anything, should she? His fingers tugged at her hair, bringing her attention back to him, letting him lead her head from his thigh back to his cock. “But I’ll bite this time.”
The blunt head of him pressed against the seam of her lips and she opened without qualms, letting him thrust the length into her mouth with another one of those groans that made her thighs press together. His hand weaved itself into her hair, tugging at the scalp as he guided her up and down his cock. Lia pressed her tongue against the underside of him and was rewarded with a breath that sounded more like a moan, so she knew she had done well. With every tug of her hair, her mouth went farther down, though he was still only letting half of it slip inside of her mouth.
She discovered why when she forced herself to take him further than he was pushing her, cock slipping into her throat and making her shudder and gag. The panic was immediate, and his look as Izuku allowed her to pull away from him was the visual of ‘I told you so’. Lia squirmed under the gaze, upset with herself for pushing but at the same time upset at herself for not being able to take it. A determined breath was given before the brunette was returning to his cock, taking him into her mouth again.
“Relax your throat.” His thumb rubbed against her jaw and she looked at him before closing her eyes with a hum. And oh! Did he just twitch against her tongue? Did that mean that humming against him felt good? Maybe it was the vibrations… Taking his previous advice, his newest and poor sheer stubbornness, Lia pressed on, taking more and more of him until her lips were pressed against his navel.
It was an accomplishment that was uncomfortable, and she had to pull back up straight away because her throat constricted around him so much she was afraid she would forget how to breathe. She would probably have chocked if she didn’t pull away straight away. Still, she looked up at Izuku with triumph in her eyes and lips shiny from her own saliva.
His thumb rubbed the wetness down to her chin “Such a good girl.” Oh, oh. The praise traveled down her spine and to her core, making it clench around nothing, making her feel empty and pent up. “I wasn’t going to make you deepthroat me yet, but you did it all on yourself.” Was that whine her? By the way his eyes sparkled, yeah, it had been. Izuku straightened his posture so he wasn’t leaning against the table anymore, and Lia did have to raise on her knees so she was still eye level with his length. “So you’re going to let me cum down your throat too, won’t you, kitten?”
“Yes.” She breathed.
“Yes, what?”
A beat of hesitation “Yes, master.”
“Very good.” She didn’t have time to deal with his praise before he was pushing into her parted mouth again, and this time? He let go of all pretenses of keeping himself in control, the grip on her hair sent tingles down her spine, his pace wasn’t punishing, but it wasn’t soft either.
She gagged and choked more than a couple of times, forgot to breathe through her nose, forgot to relax her throat. He slowed down then, but it soon picked pace once more when she calmed down. Her jaw was starting to ache from being open without reprieve, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes from the times she had gagged on his cock. And yet, she found herself enjoying having him take control of her, enjoyed being used for his pleasure in a sick sort of way. His praise was still ringing on her ears and her core felt empty and neglected and how bad would it be if she snuck a hand under her skirts to touch her aching clit?
Lia didn’t even get to try. With one last groan, he pushed her head as further down as it could go, buried himself in her mouth, down her throat. She chocked as the first spurts of cum shot, panic welling inside of her and tears streaming down her face. She was dizzy by the time he pulled away, coughing up spit and cum into her hand with cheeks red and shiny from tears.
When she finally stopped coughing, Lia looked up at Izuku only to find him already tucked back into his pants, clothes as straight as if nothing had happened. There was a tell tale flush to his cheeks, and his eyes were still dark and lustful, but no one would have said he had just finished orgasming. “And that’s why you have to breathe through your nose.” He ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her bruised ego with his touch and then his words. “You were a very good girl letting me use your mouth like that.”
He didn’t miss the way her thighs rubbed together, green eyes following the movement before his hand moved under her skirts, pressed against the thin shift, felt her heat through the flimsy material. Lia had the thought of his fingers doing what hers usually did when she brought herself over the edge, but all he did was give a pleased hum at her state before withdrawing.
She must have been staring incredulous at him, because Izuku let out a laugh “Next time you think about being a brat, remember that ache between your legs, kitten.” He tapped her nose before making his way to the door. “I hope you have a pleasant evening.” And with that he was gone and Lia was left alone and frustrated, aching and unfulfilled.
Her legs were gathered against her chest, arms coming to wrap around them, allowing the brunette to crawl into a ball and press her face into her knees. Eventually she would have to leave to go to her own room, but for now she just wanted wallow in a bit of self misery fueled by sexual frustration.
Crown prince Izuku knew the secret she and her friends carried, and she had just given him her submission as payment for secrecy. She didn’t regret it, but she also wasn’t pleased with herself over having been so careless as to have allowed for him to follow the crumbs right back to her.
It didn’t matter. What was done was done, and all she had to do was continue on the path she had been and hope to get enough information to form a plan against the League. She’d find them, enact her revenge and then… Lia didn’t know. But that was for another introspection.
Raising, she once more taped the shadow of the lantern, using her quirk to turn it off before leaving the small room quietly. It was much later, after she had washed the taste of semen and him out of her lips and the evidence of her unfulfilled arousal that she would have a very cathartic thought.
If the League wasn’t her death, Izuku Midoriya might very well be it.
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reallyromealone · 9 months
Tenjiku x male reader x Toman part 7
Part 6 🌸 current 🌸 part 8
It had been two days of fending off alphas and Shinichiro was ready to throw in the towel when he heard it.
Emma had arrived.
The eldest sibling smiled and felt his body relax slightly, thankfully (name)s heat has subsided considerably to the point he was coherent and he could comfortably leave his sister to deal with the hooligans. The brothers looked on in horror as Emma walked with her two mates, elegant robes and delicately styled hair, pins in it making it look like a waterfall of flowers.
Yazuha and Senju beside her in less frivolous clothes, Senju in a more millantant approach and Yazuha simply preferring simple tastes "you two idiots have been harassing a poor Omega?! Thank goodness Shin kept him away or you guys would kill him!" She chewed them out and no one dare argue with the blond omega who was currently giving the two most feared demons absolute hell on the front steps to Shinichiro's estate, said beta checking in on poor (name).
The three pups perked their little heads up as they smelt the air, takemichi doing a little dance in excitement as he balanced on (name)s knee "Emma!" Koko chewed on his knuckles happily and (name) looked confused "Emma?" He asked softly and the tots smiled "she's our aunty!" And (name) nodded in understanding "can we go say hi?!" Takemichi asked loudly and excitedly and (name) was contemplating, the door suddenly opening with three knocks "not without this... Emma brought it" Shinichiro said kindly and (name) snapped his head up to see a collar with inscriptions all around it "it's one that demons can't snap like thread, it has spells written on it so if one tries to break it... It will cause them harm" he explained and (name) smiled "why don't you three go play and see aunt Emma while I help (name), alright?"
The tots ran off and the black haired demon smiled at them "my... My apologies for kidnapping your pups" (name) said genuinely apologetic and Shinichiro laughed "don't worry about it, an omegas touch is what those roudy pups need" he joked and gently helped (name) put it on, gentle but callused hands touching his skin "I'm also sorry that they dragged you into this, I'm sure "protecting an Omega from a bunch of alphas" wasn't even remotely on your to-do list..."
Shinichiro liked (name), not in a romantic way but... He was good company, hard working and despite it all genuinely did care.
Those idiots didn't deserve him truly.
"Well, I had a few outfits made for you to wear" Shinichiro stepped out and returned with a few boxes "no doubt you wouldn't want to wear the ones previously as those idiots scented it to death"
(Name) felt his eyes water up, never experiencing such kindness from someone who didn't want something back--- hell he wasn't even mad (name) scented his pups!
Never had he experienced this kindness from his village.
"T-thank you..." He managed to choke out between tears and shinichiro held him close, the demon understanding he had gone through great struggles and his brothers clans were absolutely not helping.
By time Emma finished tearing everyone a new asshole, the sun was high in the sky "now... Let me meet him"
Most omegas wouldn't dare speak to alphas like that but Emma was the one entity in this universe that her brothers and by proxy their clans didn't fuck with, parting way for her as she walked in the direction of the Omega "Aunt Emma!" Three little voices chimed out and the blonde smiled at the itty bitty pups "my my~ aren't you three growing like weeds" Senju teased and Yazuha smiled as little Inupi asked to be held silently, lifting the boy "come meet our friend! He's a little weird but he and papa are friends!"
The trio let them lead them through the grand palace Emma grew up in, talking about how "silly " their uncles were and the new game they invented "papa! Aunt Emma is heeere!" Takemichi said happily and Shinchiro smiled as the three women looked at the crying Omega "those idiot's..." Yazuha was tempted to go back out there and lay havoc upon them but held back knowing it would make her beloved Omega upset.
"Truly barbaric" senju shook her head "(name), this is my youngest sibling Emma and her mates" (name) felt at ease with another Omega, he didn't know why he felt so safe but he did and Emma offered him a reassuring smile "I'm so sorry about my brother's, they're idiots" she knew he wouldn't be able to just walk away but comfort is something someone needed especially at times like this.
Emma helped (name) get ready, Senju making him laugh and Yazuha spoke of their trip as the pups wandered off to go play.
(Name) sighed when he was finally left alone in the evening and sat in the gardens to breathe, parts of each clan having to return to tend to things needed.
He heard whispers of some moon, the demons tense as they spoke.
He hoped all would be well.
Mikey was antsy, watching (name) from a distance.
He didn't like his Omega being out of his line of sight for long, especially with threats and whispers in the air. The moon was high when he noticed (name) had fallen asleep on a stone bench in the gardens and decided to bring him back to his room, lifting him and cradling him close "Hmm?" (Name) mumbled glancing sleepily to the blond "don't worry... Go back to sleep" he said softly and (name) subconsciously snuggled in his chest and the smell of matcha and chocolate filled his senses.
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bigdumidiot · 4 months
Yesterday I played a 2k game against a friend of mine :3
I was ultramarines (his models) and he was necrons (his own stuff)
my list comprised of
Marneus Calgar
Apothecary biologis
2x Librarian in Phobos (1x fire discipline)
Librarian in termie
Heavy intercessors
Termie Ass. Squad
Mario kart (invader atv)
Kratos tank
Redemptor dread
Bringing it to a total of 1995 points B3
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He brought a list of uhhhhh necrons loll
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(Some proxies in there, with def not a dread and helbrecht)
The game itself was interesting because the rules were the deployment zones were split to the table corners with two per player with it alternating so I had bottom left and top right corner. You would designate one as alpha and the other omega, then when deploying the unit you roll a d6 (1-3 alpha, 4-6 omega).
luckily I had some units with infiltrate that I put on the side of guilliman to help him out a bit.
Meanwhile my friend had a good balance of units on each zone . ..
On turn 1 I ended up going first , which is what I wanted. I made the destroyers with dmg 6 my oath of moment target and ended up wiping it and the void dragon as my second oath target.
On his turn 1 he did some damage on my dread (6 wounds taken) and he moved his ctan void dragon and I overwatched the kratos and did 5 damage on him. And the void dragon did some damage on my ass. termies and I removed them in a way that made his charge a 12’ charge which he failed. On the other side he moved his warriors closer to guilliman.
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On turn 2 I moved up more units to the objective near the alpha deployment zone for me. And had the void dragon killed through a bit of shooting and the void dragon exploded , which killed his doomsday ark and destroyed my dreadnought ;;
On the other side I went into the assault doctrine to advance and charge guilliman and the infiltrators and librarian into the warrior blob. I made the charge and spent a command point for precision on guilliman to kill the overlord. I used the emperors sword (14 a, 8, -2, 2) and ~11 attacks went through and 1 deb wound.
that guy is ANNOYING
He has a 4+ invuln, 4+ fnp, 6 wounds and for 1 com point he can come back to life after being killed 💀💀
(Guilliman and the warrior/overlord were tied in combat for 4 turns in total lmaoo)
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By turn 3 we were trading units, with him taking more losses than me but in points it was going 9 for me and 17 for him. It was so over for me, or rather I thought it was lost.
However on turn 4 THINGS TURNED
At this point I was able to move most of my units from alpha deployment into 3 objectives and guilliman and his group killing enough to out compete the warrior oc for that obj. So in primaries I scored max and in secondaries I got investigate signals and assassinate, AND I SCORED MAX FOR THAT TOO BRINGING ME UP 30 POINTS
at that point it was going like 43 to 31 in my favor with him having less and less units on objs.
We stopped at the top of turn 5 with me having units on 4 in of the 5 objs, the overlord finally dying , and him having only 2 units left. It was a pretty fun game that I couldn’t have guessed to have ended with me winning pretty good at the start with it going like 60-something to 30-something in my favor.
I typically play black templar with heavy emphasis on melee so it was diff playing primarily shooting and using librarians for once loll.
(Hopefully I remember to actually take more pictures next time I decide to do this again loll :3 )
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cybertron-after-dark · 10 months
Tfa lore headcanon dump
Mostly spurred by bits of existing lore in the comics and the Allspark Almanac
-The Autobots don't have visual arts, but they do have music. Unfortunately the only really accepted form of music they have is propaganda songs, and only through a few state sanctioned musicians (Windy and Rosanna being the big ones). There's a pretty big emphasis on their voices being crafted specifically for singing, whereas the layman shouldn't bother trying, stigmatized as "nobody wanting to hear that."
-Conversely, the Decepticons don't really have music, the closest thing they have being spoken word poetry. They do have some degree of visual arts, the most prominent being statues, though most of those are specifically as memorials. After the war, especially after the attacks from the omega sentinels, a lot of the bodies of the fallen were unrecoverable, and a pretty big part of cybertronian funerals (especially military) involves showing the empty shell before it's recycled into more living metal, so rather than try to hold the funeral without being able to see who's being honored, or, in really bad cases, without even having a body to recycle, a statue would be erected by someone close to the deceased as a proxy of sorts for the real body. Originally they'd be recycled as the bodies they mimic were, but for particularly notable figures, it became common practice to leave the statue up so the mech it honors may live on through its image.
-Blitzwing singing is a result of being brought online in a colony world that innovated on the more common practice of spoken word poetry with wild tones and pitches for emphasis. It sorta evolved into singing naturally, but it didn't catch on back on Cybertron proper until later, during the war, long after Decepticon culture split from Autobot, and it didn't evolve to add instrumentals until even later (which is why Megatron is unfamiliar with music as a concept until he gets to earth, even though Blitzwing sings all the time.)
-energon and oil usually come in different forms and blends with different tastes, but the military grade stuff is usually all the same cubes and barrels. The horde of it in the crashed Decepticon warship Optimus lost Elita-1 in wasnt military grade, it was what war mechs pooling their resources could afford on a less-than-affluent budget. Pretty much all the cheap stuff Megatron bought out early on in the war before it got to be in shorter supply. It was basically an abandoned Costco full of cup ramen.
-Empurata and other reformatting based punishments used to be commonplace before the war, but phased out when the higher ups caught wind that tensions were rising and the Decepticons were gaining traction. The last thing they needed was to seem more brutal or unfair than they were already being accused of. That being said, it was still in practice when the Decepticons had just started. Shockwave and Lugnut were both sentenced to empurata for the same incident, when they were both caught loudly shouting over each other at a protest about who's a bigger heretic in Megatron's honor, which eventually turned into a fistfight, and ended with a crater in the ground when Lugnut accidentally set off an early model of his Punch of Kill Everything. Next thing they knew, they were both cyclopses with claws where their hands used to be. They've hated each other ever since and learned nothing. At least Lugnut got an updated POKE after the beta version was confiscated.
-Warframes were not paid fairly, usually treated as disposable, and their only choices for work were usually low paying manual labor, law enforcement, gladiator matches, or getting shipped off to fight and die so wealthy Autobots could have a new vacation spot after they've cleaned up the corpses they had to make to get it. The Decepticons honestly had every reason to revolt. Its also the direct reason Decepticons in general seem to be an army of freaks and weirdos; The Autobots really ingrained the whole "nameless, faceless cog in the machine" thing into warframes, so the cons started a culture that leaned into the parts of them that may be considered deviant, undesirable or "defective" in a drone.
-Nonspeaking beastformers are still sentient, and sparkless drones aren't really considered "alive," so the concept of nonsapient animals is a little foreign to most cybertronians, though not completely unprecedented. It took team prime a good while before they realized animals couldnt really grasp what they were saying. Even more foreign is living beings eating each other, because the drones and beastformers only really fuel up on straight energon, same as everyone else. The first time Prowl saw a dog eat a squirrel completely uprooted his worldview, but as much as it shook him, it didn't break his love of nature.
-The sapience of beastformers seriously complicates the ethics of Autobots keeping pets (which is commonplace among Cybertron's wealthy). For a bot with a beast mode and no voice synthesizer, your only real job prospects are exceedingly simple gruntwork, farm work, scavenging, or getting to hang around some rich douchebot's estate all day at the cost of your dignity and what few rights you had.
-Cybertronians don't really feel sleepy on a regular cycle the way humans do, but dedicating a solid chunk of time to powering down and giving their systems a rest is generally considered necessary for the sake of conserving fuel. Failing to do so usually ends in overheating and sometimes system crashing, which feels more like being way too hyper until you hit the wall and pass out than slowly nodding off, but it can be staved off with coolant and refueling.
-the constructions are not the only mechs to be weirdly attracted to random earth vehicles, they're just the only ones who can't keep it behind their panels, so to speak. Every transformer who has set foot in earth, whether they be Autobot or Decepticon, mech or fem, young or old, has had a big stupid crush on at least ONE earth vehicle. Whether they want to admit it or not.
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wishing-stones · 9 months
Did error try to take cross's soul in the R&R universe? I know theres a lot of diversion from underverse but I cant remember if youve mentioned that or not
He did! It didn't go his way-- Nightmare got involved.
It's part of what made him agree to go with him in the first place, because Cross (and Chara, at the time) couldn't risk another attack while Nightmare's back was turned. Ink hung out sometimes, too, and he'd met Dream, but... Error wouldn't leave the world alone for long. They both knew that it was only a matter of time until their empty world was erased, and they could choose to be in it or not when it happened. They chose not.
XTale largely happens the same way, but that's where the canon similarities end. because Cross didn't have to go bouncing across the multiverse to create the X Event, a lot of Underverse doesn't happen. Instead, Nightmare took him around to stir up trouble in about 25-30 worlds (to prove his capability and willingness to follow orders, as well as get him used to the kind of work he'd be doing) before separating him and Chara, sending Chara to the Omega Timeline, and severing both of their connections to XTale, and by proxy, XGaster.
Cross was the newest recruit before R&R took place, but he's been with the gang probably close to 3 1/2 - 4 years, where everyone else is around 5 or a little better. Dream stole him for a little bit to try and "save" him from Nightmare and his influence, but... realized that Cross was not doing as well with him. He needed structure and a purpose, and while running around playing bodyguard for Dream gave him a small amount of peace... Dream could tell he was still worried and always watching his back. His anxiety and paranoia weren't going to go away, so he waited for his brother and the others to show up before 'returning' Cross (basically, said 'I wanted to give him a chance, but I think he'll do better with you, anyway,' thanked Cross for accompanying him, and left.) Nightmare, while angry with his brother, was not angry with Cross, and in fact, encouraged him to freely talk about his experiences in the very long debriefing in his office that followed. This helped cement Cross' loyalty to Nightmare, but the guys weren't as accepting. They got better over time, and can work wonderfully as a team, but that animosity lingered between him and Killer until the events of the story.
Cross is still not allowed to go into battle against Dream and the other two unaccompanied because Nightmare thinks Dream might try to steal him again, using Killer's dislike as leverage. This changes post-story.
Also, Cross tagged along with Dream after he and Ink's fight, so that he wasn't meandering the multiverse by himself.
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what’s homestuck?
Let me tell you about it! /ref
Homestuck is a flash based webcomic started April 13, 2009 that ran until April 13, 2016 written by Andrew Hussie please correct me if they go by a different name now (with two pauses in between called the Omega- and Gigapauses respectively). It’s a trash comic built on the backs of early Internet and early meme culture following a group of adolescents and space aliens and their guardians (more so focused on the alpha and beta kids and trolls). If you want to look into it further there’s a fan archive of the comic in full with working flash and an option to read the comic as if it were first coming out with a full and extensive list of triggers warnings for the content within—-
because like I said before it’s a trash comic we all shit on in one way or another, especially if this was your main fandom back in the day. Most people take the characters for loosely connected aus if I’m being honest since we were all having fun making fan content and “what if” scenarios while the pauses were happening. People might know it more by proxy from the Undertale fandom since Tobi Fox worked on Homestuck as a music composer for the most part. Megalovania was Virska’s theme before San’s, and before that was used in an Earthbound fan game. UwU
If you ever went to a con and saw a bunch of kids/teens/maybe young adults running around with candy corn colored horns and grey full body paint, chances are you’ve encountered a Homestuck in the wild.
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