#omg I have so many hcs for them I really should post them
lowcallyfruity · 4 months
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beheaded-sweets · 7 months
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✦Yan Tartaglia Hcs✦
I have not posted on here in so fucking long- then again managing 2 other busy blogs is not easily adaptable hurgh- I don't know if I'll be consistent on here, but eh- we'll see. {More like I'll try.}
Tw: Power difference, controlling, somewhat isolating, some brief mentions of violence and murder
Type: Unhinged + Isolating
He's the type person to literally drink bleach if you asked him to. Sir Ginger has no self-control. If he wants to do something, he will. That being said, he'll truly go to any length to keep you with him.
I really don't know why, but something tells me that he would want to make you see yourself as weaker than him. Any form of weakness, whatever gives him an ounce of control.
And he won't just leave you there, he'll use that weakness to make yourself dependent on him. You're poor? Oh don't worry, he's an extremely wealthy man who can pay all your bills with ease. You're socially inept? He's got that covered too! He can talk to people easily without any awkwardness.
Physically, he will show off his muscles like an idiot. Even if it's to annoy you. He has establish his strength before, and he's working everyday at getting stronger. So please, see him as the monstrosity of a power he is.
He likes to isolate you in a more subtle way. Instead of literally caging yourself within a mansion, he tends to just get rid of any influences he doesn't like. This can be family, friends, anyone you're close with. Instead, he introduces his trusted close ones and tries to get yourself to associate with them.
Speaking of trusted close ones, he's going to try everything in his ability to get you registered within his family. He loves his little siblings dearly, and you should love them too! You're basically apart of them now, so why bother leaving all heartbroken and sad?
He's affectionate...in an odd way. Sure he likes kissing and complimenting you, but his favourite way is- really weird. What is this weird way, you ask? Killing enemies for you. (It doesn't matter if MC is someone who fights or not) He will just go running out to the woods and slaying as many enemies possible, coming back like some feral child who was let outside to play.
His reasoning for why he likes killing enemies is 1. To prove himself you can be dependent on him. 2. Killing enemies is fun, and in the end, leaves your attention more focused on him 3. Gets rid of bad influences. 4. Establishes his alpha male dominance- /JOKE/ABSOLUTE JOKE
If you want to be kind to the world, please, put this man on a leash and make him have timeouts. He needs them.
I loved him back when I played omg- He's just a goofy little ginger man needing to be put on house arrest
- Seriko
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Hello! it's ✨ anon again could you do a hc where the MC becomes a baby and the bros take care of them?thx!I saw you are working on various things so please tell me if I'm being overwhelming with my requests and ofc take all the time you need and pls remember to take time for yourself!
Of course not! But like sorry if you wanted separately because im doing it all in one and maybe a different type of writing that you wanted
Obey me! Baby MC
(Could not find a picture)
Bold is reader
Mammon slamed the door open
Mammon: hey [name]! Got my Goldie! Let's go shopping with the great Mammon—....
Baby [Name]:...
*few minutes later of staring at eachother*
Mammon: *faints*
Asmodeus: Hey! What's taking so long...OMG IS THAT BABY [NAME]?! EEEK SO CUTE! I need to post this on my social Media!
Satan: What are you yelling for? I can hear you all the way...here...I'll be right back—
*Asmodeus runs with the baby to the dining room*
Lucifer: what are you running for? I-...Asmodeus why on Diavolo ARE YOU HOLDING A BABY?! WHOSE BABY IS THAT?!
Asmodeus: shhh, you'll wake up them! And it's [name], why on Diavolo would I ever kidnap a baby?
*door slams open*
Satan: IM BACK BI—
As Satan snatch the Baby [name] from Asmodeus, Belphie is strangely awake
Beel: *whispers* Can I eat it?
Belphie: no. It's [name] and why on hell would you eat a baby???
Beel & belphie:.....
*meanwhile with Mammon*
Mammon:...was it a dream? Has to be, no way that could be [name]..ima just go..
*back in the dining room*
Asmodeus: you said that taking pictures wasn't necessary!
Lucifer: it is.
Satan: Then why are you doing it?
Belphie: you all are doing it.
*currently with [name] wearing cat ears and tail*
*beel doing a hand pose as if eating a burger*
*baby [name] walking towards Beel*
Baby [name]: beel! Beel! :D
*baby [name] plops into beels hand*
Mammon: Hey! Have you seen [name]? I had a really weird dream—
Everyone in the room:....
*dies of cuteness*
Here's some alone moments with some brothers
Lucifer: Oh Lord Diavolo...I don't think my heart can take it.
*Baby [name] trying to write with Lucifer to help him with work*
Lucifer: lucifer come on, you can do this. Just don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it—
*squish* he did it
Baby [name]: bah?
He squished [name] cheek
Satan & Asmodeus a bit of Diavolo & Barbatos
*[name] wearing many outfits and most with cat ears and tail.*
*in the background Satan yells at Asmodeus about what you should wear*
*continues to argue*
*meanwhile with Diavolo and Barbatos*
Diavolo: why does the baby that Asmodeus posted looks like [name]?
Barbatos: I do not know, but it looks quite cute
*both of them happily smile*
Belphie & Beel
*[name] being a pillow for Belphie*
Belphie: must not crush [name] do not crush [name]
Beel holding out his finger to you: cute...
Baby [name]: *nom* *nom*
[Name] back to normal self: why is everyone oddly happy today?
Luke: dunno
Meanwhile with everyone just staring into nothing, smiling.
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scarasimping · 1 year
love-avoidant princess
pirate!scaramouche x princess!reader
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synopsis: scaramouche’s crew had been planning this heist for years prior, and finally, they dock ship at the most heavily guarded kingdom on this side of the world with only one goal in mind: infiltrate the castle and steal the crown used for the coronation ceremony. The only setback? The princess had already stolen it, so now he has to go through her. 
tags: fem!reader, allusions to medieval sexism, you know how that is, mentions of blood like once, alcohol also mentioned a couple times, i believe that’s it for this part!
author’s note: ITS DONE omg, this took way longer than i thought but I guess that’s what happens when i try to throw myself in to writing actual pieces for the first time in three years instead of taking it slow. and it only ended up being 3k words TT but this is not the end, i have way more in mind for these two, this is honestly more like...a prologue of sorts!! hope you all enjoy !! so glad we actually have a plot now instead of me posting random hcs hshshshs also yes, his crew is most of the anemo characters because I said so
word count: 3.63k
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One can only see the same garden of flowers so many times before becoming bored of the sight. You have walked through here on so many occasions that you're sure that you could list each plant by its scientific name in the order they appear, from the front of the garden to the back.
So, really, it shouldn't come as a surprise to your retainer when they watch you leave a meeting with a potential suitor halfway through your millionth walk through the garden.
The suitor was confused, calling out to you and running to keep up with your fast-paced steps.
"Princess! Did I do something wrong?" He shouted, but you shook your head, an unimpressed and uncaring look painting your features.
"I apologize for saying this after you made the long journey here, but this simply will not work between us."
And thus, another man was rejected by the unromantic princess.
Known for turning down every suitor imaginable, you had gained the reputation of being entirely against romance. Even though you were clearly not interested, this only made people want you more, and your father, who was eager to get you married off, agreed to let everyone interested in you meet you, as long as they were of high enough standing. This included royalty from other kingdoms, wealthy businessmen, and other government officials or their sons who were your age. 
None of them even came close to winning your heart.
It’s not that there was anything wrong with them. To be honest, even you weren’t sure why you were so bored with every man or woman you met. It seemed to be more the life you would lead with them than the suitor themselves that made you gag. No first-born heir of a royal family wants to be married off; they want to have the throne! And if your parents weren’t going to give it to you, then you wouldn’t make it easy for them to send you away.
As you gracefully left the heartbroken businessman behind, the retainer assigned to watch over you hurriedly followed, barely keeping up with your pace.
"Princess, this is the seventh suitor you've met. Please tell me, what is wrong with this one?" he pleaded. In truth, he was scared to report more bad news to the king and queen, but frankly, that was not your problem.
"I'm sorry, sir, but I just do not see myself having a life with him," you replied, staring straight ahead and hoping he would stop following you. After forcing yourself to be nice to these suitors, all you wanted was to lay in bed and nap, or maybe practice your sparring skills with your sword.
"We'll have to tell your father about this," he gave you one last warning, but your mind was already made up.
"I understand, but I'm not altering my decision."
Just as you and your retainer thought, your father was not pleased, going on one of his long-winded rants about how you should get married quickly because it’s “better for the kingdom” and “what a princess should do.” All the while, your mother sat and watched, not saying a word because she knew that she did the same thing when she was your age. It was how your parents met in the first place, after all.
"At this rate, your little brother will have inherited the throne before you're satisfied with a man." The king ends his rant with this statement, huffing angrily as he furrows his thick eyebrows in your direction. There it was, the constant reminder that you, the eldest heir, were not to inherit the throne, which should rightfully be yours, all because your parents favored your younger brother.
However, who would dare question the king? When he makes an order, it is carried out, and what he demands is brought to fruition. So if he says your sibling shall inherit the throne, he will, and when he finally gets fed up with your high standards and simply makes you marry someone of his choosing, you will have to obey. Such is the life of a princess.
With a heavy heart, you bow to your father, asking to be excused. He sighs and waves his hand, allowing you to leave, to which you immediately turn on your heel and pace quickly toward your chambers.
When Scaramouche's crew docked at the pier, they knew the welcome they would be given wasn't going to be a warm one. It never was, wherever they stopped. It was no secret that wherever this ship docked, well-known valuables would soon go missing and trouble would follow, yet no one could prove it was them.
Still, seeing every guard on patrol look at them with a noticeable glare and watch their every move was more than unnerving. All Scaramouche was doing was going for a stroll, after all.
But, so were his crewmates, Kazuha and Heizou, in separate parts of the city. And it's not their fault if they happen to notice which areas are more guarded than others, when the guards switch shifts, or which buildings have the least amount of foot traffic coming in and out of them. It's all coincidental, of course, not on purpose at all.
It's definitely not intentional when Heizou reports that the only guards that step into the tavern are always there to get so drunk after their shift that they won't remember what they say.
And who's to shame Scaramouche if he wants to step in and have a drink or two, and happens to run into a guard who's slurring his words and would have fallen over if he ever tried to stand up in this state?
"And that princess…god! She's so stuck up.." the guard ranted, taking another swig from his pint. Scaramouche listened with faux sympathy to the drunken man in front of him, but he wasn't sure how much more he could take from this man. He too often leaned too close as if whispering a secret, the stench of sweat, metal, and cheap booze radiating off of him. 
"That princess! She keeps rejecting every suitor who's interested in her! Do you know who has to deal with the king's fury after she does this? Us!"
He leans in once more, and Scaramouche gets a whiff of his rancid breath  "I hear….the king wants her married off to someone wealthy because he's in debt…but she just wants the throne instead! Can you believe it? Too stuck up to let her brother be the heir to the kingdom…."
It seemed all this guard was going to reveal was pointless rants about the king’s only daughter, and today he was not going to get any information that would be helpful to him. After all, if this princess was to be married off, it’s unlikely she would be able to get hold of the crown that was to be used in the coronation ceremony when the prince came of age.
Like an answer from the heavens, his doubts were quickly proven incorrect when the guard’s voice drops to a whisper, and he leans across the table to speak in Scaramouche’s ear.
“I hear…that she got so jealous, she stole the crown. The king says it just got lost, however, we guards know the truth. But what grounds could we present that would warrant a search through the princess’s private quarters? It’s useless…”
And just like that, Scaramouche knew whom he should target. 
The captain stands from their booth in the corner, excusing himself. He buys the guard another drink as thanks for the “lovely conversation” and to ensure he really wouldn’t remember the information he spilled.
The next few nights, Scaramouche and other members of his crew alternate between taverns to gather as much information as possible. Each night, a different person hit a different establishment to not raise suspicion. This heist was going to be big, and after it was pulled off they wouldn’t be able to dock for months to avoid being caught and interrogated.
Stealing the crown from the most heavily guarded kingdom on this side of the world was no easy task, but it had been Scaramouche’s dream ever since he started his life of piracy. Something like this would earn them respect like no other on the seven seas but also put a huge target on their back. His crew was prepared, of course, they wouldn’t have docked here if they weren’t. It’s not like they couldn’t fight, either. They were notorious for many reasons: their crimes that left no evidence behind, the sheer intimidation their crew gave off, and the fact that no crew member lost any duel they were challenged to.
After a couple weeks of solely gathering information, Scaramouche’s crew was ready to take things to the next level. They learned that the princess was unable to leave the castle without supervision, which only occurred on rare occasions. She lived a secluded life and many of the kingdom’s citizens didn’t even know her face. His first mate, Kazuha, who was always good with his words, even managed to get one of the guards to reveal which terrace on the castle belonged to the princess’s room and that the staff had recently increased security in the city and outside the castle because of a suspicious ship that had docked at the pier, which lessened the amount of military inside the building.
Kazuha was always better with people than any other crew member, and Scaramouche was forever thankful he was a part of his crew, even if he didn’t show it.
However, it seemed no one was able to learn that the princess provided enough security for herself, not even needing guards.
Scaramouche quickly learned that when he was finally ready to attempt to get inside the castle, scaling the walls during a shift change and approaching the terrace he was informed about prior.
A candle on your bedside and the illumination from the moon were the only sources of light in your quarters at this time of night. Every other member of the royal family was asleep, but not you. Far too frequently would you stay up reading a novel you “borrowed” from the castle’s library, even though books weren’t supposed to leave the area. 
All was silent except for the wind blowing outside and the rare footsteps in the hall, metal clashing with each step from the guards’ armor.
Though silent, and easy to miss, a sound from outside your window caught your attention. 
Breathing, silent steps getting closer, the scraping of someone climbing the walls and terrace.
You turned, blowing out your candle so that whoever was coming wouldn’t know you were awake. With the time it took for them to reach the glass door that separates your room from the balcony, your eyes had already adjusted to the darkness and you had your sword out from underneath your bed, drawn and ready to be used.
The door cracked open, slowly, and it was obvious that whoever was there was trying to use the element of surprise. They must not know you, considering they thought you wouldn’t discover them. One hand pushes the door open all the way, then pulls the person inside. It was a man with indigo hair and eyes. Everything he wore was black - his boots, high-waisted pants, and tricorn hat, - besides his shirt, which was a white poet shirt with purple and black accents tucked into his pants. Adorned on his hat were feathers that spewed from the back and gems which were sewn on, each one catching the light from the moon. He was obviously a pirate, and based on the whispers from the staff in the castle, he was probably from the ship that docked recently and made everyone nervous. The captain of the guards had even told you to report anything suspicious you happened to see, which told you they were no joke, Normally, if there was a threat, you wouldn’t even be informed. 'No one wanted to worry the princess, of course' is what they would say, but you know they just think you can't handle it.
Before he even has time to process you're there, you point your sword at his throat, the tip pressing against his flesh, but not hard enough to draw blood. Just enough so that he knows he made a mistake.
The pirate stares down at the sword at his neck, his gaze following the blade to its holder; the very princess he intended to come in here and threaten. It's a funny thing how easily the tables can be turned. He eyes the princess warily, one eyebrow raised and an awkward smile on his face, knowing he's been caught so easily.
"Well, isn't this a surprise?" He chuckles to himself, raising his hands up beside his head in a phony sign of surrender, but your sword never wavers.
"What do you think you are doing here?"  You demanded, sword to the pirate's throat. The captain remained silent, weighing his options. He could try to talk his way out of this or use his cunning tactics to somehow overpower the princess and make a break for it. Whatever decision he made, it could mean the difference between life and death.
"Sure, as soon as you put that sword down. I'd rather have a conversation than an encounter between your blade and my jugular if you don't mind," he reasons, staring right back into your eyes with a look that screams mischief. Still, you sigh, and lower your sword, taking a step back and never loosening your grip on its handle. 
He chuckles, lowering his hands and letting a cocky smile spread across his face.
"You see, princess, there's a rumor going around that you've stolen and hidden the coronation crown. I'm here to simply…take it off your hands," he explains. Everything about him seems sly, and even though it seems he's at a disadvantage, he's acting like he has the upper hand. There's not an ounce of fear on his face.
Your hold on your sword is steady, ready for combat at any moment, and it seems he's thinking the same thing.
"I'm afraid I can't allow you to do so. I can, however, offer you a deal. Leave now and I won't report your attempt to rob the royal castle and have you thrown in prison."
The pirate shrugs and sighs, his hand reaching for the sword that hung from his belt. 
"Oh well, looks like there's no other way."
And with that, he draws his sword from its scabbard, a sleek, steel sword with a curved blade,  and lunges forward, dealing the first strike. Blades clash and the sound of metal on metal echoes throughout the room as you parry his sword, pushing him back further. He doesn't let up, dealing strike after strike, yet landing no hits nonetheless. 
While the pirate’s blows are strong and aggressive, his attacks powerful and relentless, yours are both quick and agile with fast and precise strikes.
He expected the princess to be less of a hassle, yet here you were, not only putting up a good fight but winning too. Similar to him, there wasn't even a hint of sweat dripping from your brow, no signs of exhaustion as you dueled him in just your nightgown and slippers.
Your sword comes down once more towards his chest, and he raises his own to block it when suddenly you change your direction and aim to land a hit on his arm instead.
Ever quick on his feet, the pirate steps out of the way, dodging an almost fatal attack, but not before your blade can tear through his shirt and leave the faintest wound on the flesh of his shoulder.
He hisses as he feels the sting of his skin splitting, looking down as red stains the sleeve of his shirt.
"Not bad," he mumbles, his eyes sharp as he glares at the princess, a cocky smirk adorning his face. "Haven't struggled this much with an opponent in a while."
"Likewise," you muse, tightening your grip on your handle as you raise your eyebrows, almost taunting him.
"Tell me, pirate, what is your name? I want to know what to call my attacker before I slice your throat." 
He chuckles, rolling his wounded shoulder back and getting into a better position to keep fighting.
"Oh, I don't believe you really could. Wouldn't want to get your pretty hands dirty after all." He, once again, swings his sword, but to no avail. You continue trading blows with him, barely giving each other a chance to breathe. No matter what he tries, he can't seem to get the upper hand. Mentally, he wants to blame it on the fact that he was caught off guard, or that the way the silk of her nightgown hugs her body when she twists and turns to use her sword is distracting, but really he knows he's just finally met a well-matched opponent. 
"But the name's Scaramouche, consider this knowledge a gift before I beat you at the game of swords.”
It was then that the sound of armored footsteps approaching rapidly caught both Scaramouche and the princess’s attention. You bite back a laugh, glancing at the door and then back to the pirate in front of you.
“Looks like that will have to wait, Scaramouche.”
His name spilled from your lips easier than you’d like to admit, sounding almost natural when it came from you. Scaramouche noticed this too, stiffening as you say it and running his tongue along his cheek. It was annoying whenever he found himself having to make an enemy of an attractive woman. He takes one last look at the princess, before stepping away towards the glass door he came in through. He keeps his sword pointed at you as he backs away, not taking any chances.
“This was lovely, princess. I’ll be seeing you again very soon, but for now, I bid you adieu,” He takes his hat off, bending his arm at his waist and bowing overdramatically before opening the door and launching himself over the fence of the terrace, disappearing into the night.
As the footsteps get closer, you kick your sword under the bed, praying it wasn’t damaged, and toss yourself onto your mattress, throwing the covers over your body just in time for the door to swing open. A few guards peer inside, seeing nothing but you sleeping soundly in, your back turned to them as your body rises and falls to the rhythm of your breathing. There was no sign a fight had even occurred, despite the noises that multiple knights had heard coming from here.
As they close the door, the sound of their footsteps moving away from your room, a giddy smile creeps onto your face. After all, if no fight happened in their eyes, there would be no reason to increase security and you could see that intriguing pirate again.
After Scaramouche escapes down the castle walls, he books it for the treeline that separated the castle from the ocean. It was just past there that his ship resided, where his crew was eagerly awaiting his return with good news. A sinking feeling resides over him whilst he runs through the trees, kicking up dirt and leaves with every step. There is no reasoning he could possibly give that would excuse his failure. Not when he knows it’s caused by his own faults as a man. He, just like all of her numerous suitors and admirers, simply got distracted by her appearance. At some point, he had to stop as his head became too muddled by his thoughts, leaning against a tree, taking a deep breath, and trying to calm his thoughts.
Before, when hearing about rumors of the princess and all of the men interested in marrying her, he assumed the stories all came with a tinge of exaggeration.
Yet, after seeing her and fighting with her, he knows each metaphor and story told of her had to have been nothing but the truth. Tales of her beauty were honestly an understatement. It’s not often he finds himself this distracted by a woman, especially a princess, and he can’t help but feel ashamed in a way. He just failed to execute the plan his crew had been working on for years prior to docking it this kingdom, but all he can think about is her smile when she taunted him, her confidence because she knew she could fight, or the way her nightgown revealed the shape of her body, expensive silk clinging to every curve of her flesh. She was a princess rarely even seen by the public, but he got to see her in such a private setting, and god was it worth it.
He starts running again, her face in mind doubts infecting his every thought. His heart pounds heavily in his chest, and his lungs burn with each breath, but he doesn’t stop running. He would much rather face his crew than the entire royal army. He was sure the princess had reported what had happened by now, and he didn’t want to stick around so they could remember his face.
As he runs, he starts to feel the ocean breeze brushing along his face, and it reminds him that he’s almost home. His crew is smart; they’ll be able to come up with a new plan together. Maybe next time they’ll send a different member of the crew. 
As soon as the thought of someone else seeing her like that enters his mind, he quickly shoos it away. 
Just for now, he’d like to keep the image of her to himself.
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taglist: @danfelions @bleachisfood @klanxii @nillajhayne @call-me-nayo @pinkiepiescanonn @etherisy @kazuuhhaaaa @featuredtofu @ulquiorraswife @skyoverkill1 @wandererskitten   @lxkeeeee
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getonite · 5 months
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hiiii! seen a couple of people do this, plus i realized i don't appreciate my mutuals as much as i should. and since the year is ending (literally today), i thought i'd appreciate y'all for a lil bit.
→ if the tagging irritated you, i apologize 🙏🏾. if i missed you, lmk, i was 100% half asleep while making this! (this is actually so embarrassing ngl. but i luv yall 🫶🏾)
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(🎧 : avian) → @sensivs
starting off with my pookie with a beautiful (horny) brain. im dead fucking serious i have zero idea how we became mutuals (🧍🏾‍♂️). i just remembering talking to you one day, and the we were having full conversations in dms lmaoo. an emoji ring, helios, an unborn baby (??), and multiple fic ideas...now we're at the end of the year. i really appreciate you and all of your chaotic energy, it made me laugh! and all of your prompts are immaculate (🤌🏽). i await the days you post more fics or drabbles so i can support you the way you have me! :) luv u pooks, i def wanna ramble u more about hcs!
→ (i sound like im about to die omg)
(🎧 : snail/seraph) → @flimsyichigo
again, zero fucking idea when we became mutuals (i don't remember shit). we don't talk too often but i be seein you likeing my horrendously down bad and chaotic thoughts...i appreciate you bro (🙏🏾). i love your fluffy blue lock sruff, and your overall vibes are (yes, through the screen) amazing! thank you for dealing with my bullshit.
→ (as i type this, i realize just how many mutuals i have jeez, (half of which i barely talk to but still))
(🎧 : ame) → @pastelclovds
ameeeee, number 1 ive always loved your writing (iterally giggling and kicking my feet as i press the like button). your themes r so fucking gorgeous omg. we don't talk as often, but i love when we do interact. i hope we can more (im just easily embarrassed).
→ (i sound like a teenager leaving a love letter in a locker. omggggg)
(🎧 : ace ) → @acefantasyy
another person who puts up with my horrendously down bad bullshit takes. i applaude you for dealing with my ass lmaoo. but, on another note, i smile when i see you in my notes (no, i didn't originally mean that 2 b a joke). i really appreciate the reply you made when i went on a little break, thank you! i hope you continue to deal me, and i hope we interact more!
→ (i really gotta start talkin 2 yall more)
(🎧 : riri) → @pynkkgeto
we're friends irl. i don't have 2 say shit 4 u (luv uuu 🫶🏾)
(🎧 : rome) → @satocidal
yet another person who delt with my nonsense lol. you're quite busy, so you won't see this for a second. but thank you for being awesome and making me laugh with your naobito jokes. thank for the reply you left when i was the one going on break. hope all goes well for you!
(🎧 : idk ur name TvT) → @infrunamie
i feel so bad omg. but i wanted to appreciate your writing for a sec. whether its a drabble, headcanons, a fic, or just 100 words, your brain is miraculous when you write cuz it always leads to me wanted more. seriously, i love it. i was actually shocked you followed me, literally looked up to your writing ong (🙏🏾). i love it when you show up in my notes even if it's just a like. thank you for your reply when i went on break, trust, all of them got me through those shitty ass exams! ty!
→ (im sure this isn't what my therapist meant by being outgoing but im gunna do ts anyway)
(🎧 : spirit) → @spiritfrvr
literally the best vibes on earth i swear. your blog is like a fluffy hug omg. and (imo), you kinda bring that over to other blogs. i'd really like to talk to you more and ramble about random shit! :)
(🎧 : arlan) → @asuyaka
your drabbles r so cuuutee! i love them so much omg. especially the taking care of suguru one! i was surprised you liked my writing sm, and i love yours the same! i really appreciate the little reply under the break post and the christmas tree! seeing notifs of u makes me smile!
(🎧 : qi) → @yaekiss
i don't think we've been mutuals for too long, but omg we reeally should speak more!! i loved your message on the christmas tree! i love the vibe and look of your blog omg. i hope we can interact more!
(🎧 : juno) → @arlertdarling
hi junooo! ty for the message on my christmas tree, and i agree! we really should interact more! you seem like a realllly cool person, plus im on my fucking knees for your writing, dead serious. hope we can talk more, i hope you have a great 2024!
→ (srsly, y tf do i sound like im moving far away or smth TvT)
(🎧 : najma) → @honeybleed
ilysm ong. number one, we cousins (😔✊🏾; im joking pls help), number two, your theme was downright gorgeous (still is), number three, your writing it delicious. i haven't had too much time lately, buuut, i love how you post content that isn't completely smut (as a smut blog that fails at angst lol). its nice to get a break and see fluffy or angsty stuff in the tags instead of the same repeated material. you know you what you like and you stand firm in what you say (i need 2 b more like u fr), and your overall vibes are amazing! i love seeing your anime takes omg. i hope we can interact more in 2024!
→ (that kinda rhymed...and unrelated, but im listening to the mean girls soundtrack or 4 hours of sleep writing this)
(🎧 : yoru) → @dilfverz
number one, thank you for the messege on my christmas tree. number two, your so cool (😭). i love your themes and your writing, how you interact with ppl and anons is funny lol. literally look up to your writing ngl. i super appreciate your for explaining genshin impact to me, cuz im definitely not playing that damn game lol. your reblogs and likes in my notes make me wanna cry ngl. thank you for being so cool! (🙏🏾)
→ (am i over using emojis? i am so tired omg)
(🎧 : sy) → @wrizzesley
we just became mutuals like a week ago lmaoo. but i love your writing so much. and your themes?!?! (:O). i know damn well that shit is time consuming and exhausting, i applaud you, i could never lol. but anyway, i hope we can interact more in this new year. i think your really cool!
(🎧 : astro? idk im so sorry) → @astroknottt
i love your writing holy fuck. but other than that, i love it when you reblog my stuff! esp with those little comments, they've given me a bunch of motivation. and seeing you write such toe curling shit, that gives me motivation too! hope we can interact some more in the new year!
→ (pls ignore my silent pleas for help in these notes, but my vision is wonky. i promise im going to sleep in a second)
(🎧 : ) → @naee0
your probably locked out of tumblr again lol. but if you see this, thank you for your chaotic energy! and even if it was one sentence, what you sent on thr break post, i really appreciate it! even if you or me aren't on tumblr much, i hope we can interact a bit more! you're pretty cool! and i loved those drabbles. i hope your doing great!
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PRODUCER MESSEGE: "i think that was all. again, if i missed you, please lmk. i might have been blind (my eyes prolly look like that squidward meme). but i appreciate all of you! thank you, and pls dont hate me 🙏🏾"
51 notes · View notes
kybelles · 3 months
hi love! I'm feeling devious so for the choose violence asks, 24 and 25
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HIII BABY 💞💞 i sincerely hope you don’t mind me answering everything via your ask 🥹 i just didn’t want to spam the tl with my non-stop posting!
1.the character everyone gets wrong
JOKASTE!!! 😩 sooo many times in fan creations she’s a mustache twirling villain and look i get it! she needs to go in order to lamen to be together but i don’t know why each time she needs to cheat on damen…. people can break up for other reasons yk…..
i feel like people don’t really get how much jokaste holds damen in such a high regard. the first time she talked to laurent she was full of praises for damen and yes although the majority of the reason was to taunt laurent, it was too heartfelt to be faked entirely. i find her a quite tragic character honestly. in another world she would be proud and happy to be to be damen’s queen 🙁 i wish more ppl cared about her OR stop portraying her as this cold unfeeling girlboss who was sooo sick of damen’s bs that she punished him by gleefully fucking kastor….. i really really don’t think that’s who she is. she loved damen in her own way. she was also a sentimental woman. (her last letter to damen will never make me not emotional….)
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
SCREENSHOT OMG hats off to any brave soul who actually posts it….. also the collection on bad takes is so rich idk what to choose… ok i got one: so i genuinely don’t remember the details but a few years ago there was a post circulating about how laurent was actually Good All Along (yes even in book one where he drugged damen and then threw him into a rape ring and also had him whipped after intentionally setting him up 🙂 ) and it had so many likes…. i’ll never ever understand the need to whitewash book 1 laurent’s actions. like why do you even stan a controversial character if you don’t like his controversial aspects…. i really believe this is quite the disservice to such a multidimsensional character like laurent. :/
7.what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how the fandom acts about them?
hmm i wouldn’t say hate but some posts i read about auguste made me sorta dislike him  😬 idk when and where i read it but there was one post in particular that said they wish auguste would come back to life and beat the shit out of damen and i was like WOAHHH??? you want the mc (who you spent three books with) to be beaten brutally by some canon fodder?? for what crime???  i was honestly weirded out.
there’s also the fact that i genuinely HATE l*uguste (despite not being an anti shipper in general or anything! this ship just rubs me the worst way bc laurent experienced so much trauma from the way ppl made up incest rumors about him and auguste) so any interpretation (even if they aren’t written as a romantic pair intentionally) where auguste and laurent have this unhealthy codependent bond with auguste acting like a ferocious caveman to any potential romantic suitor of laurent and laurent being all meek and allowing this treatment is a big no for me. ✋ so yes even tho i don’t hate auggie boy i can’t say i care a great deal about him. sorry baby i’m sure you are just dandy.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
that damen is an unreliable narrator 😩i talked about it in my previous post!
12.the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
EGERIA THE MF QUEEN OF AKIELOS 🗣️🗣️ i actually like every member of the akielos trio (theomedes-hypermenestra-egeria) sm because their situation reminds me of turkish harem dramas. 🤭 the lack of canon information about them allows me to make various hcs and backstories and idk i just think it’s fun!
13.worst blorboficiation
JFC i’m SOOOO old i’m ANCIENT bc i have no idea what this means….. i’d be happy to answer it if you give me some clarification (hiding my face in shame)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
oh luckily i already answered it here!
17.there should be more of this type of fic/art
I’m always a huge advocate for bottomianos even though i myself shamefully haven’t made a contribution 💔 as for art i’m beyond grateful for our wonderful artists and i humbly would like to see more of the old gang! (theo, egeria, aleron, hennike etc.)
21.part of canon you think is overhyped
hmm i unfortunately can’t think of an answer for this one, i’m sorry!
24.topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
OH DEAR… so one of the first times i actively participated in the fandom i made a post about how frustrating it was to see theomedes portrayed as an absent father despite the glaring lack of canon evidence while aleron got off the hook much easier despite laurent actually confirming he was an absentee and said i think it was about the way people perceive them (theomedes=brown and toxic, aleron=white and tastefully distant) anyways, some user whom i never talked to before (and they’re still blocked to this day despite the fact i pretty much never block anyone here) said i was “making it up” and right after i blocked them after they continued talking to me in a very rude manner some asks ✨mysteriously✨ appeared in my inbox and the person who sent them called me an “illiterature white bitch” who made up nonexistent drama…….. so yes i guess the colorism issue really ruffles some people’s feathers :) i wonder why :) 
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
“why didn’t damen figure out the regent’s abuse of laurent sooner is he stupid” setting aside the 574619 different pacat interviews where she talks about how damen needed to be oblivious bc otherwise laurent would never open up to him, why is it so wild to think damen wouldn’t assume the regent would do something like that to his own nephew? as if the entire canon events didn’t happen bc damen believed families would never hurt each other…. just wow
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
i am OBSESSED w ur hcs 😭😭 can i have one where the bat boys are like modern royalty?? Prince Rhys 😍 Prince Cassian 😍 Prince Azriel 😍 id be screaming at them to colonize me
ooooh that is so interesting, here we go❤️
okay, Rhys, Az and Cassian are biological brothers in this with Rhys being the oldest, Cassian the middle brother and Az the youngest
Rhys is the one who will be the next king of the country
he already partakes in many royal and court business
he takes and took his education very serious, was always the most diligent and hardworking out of the three brothers
he values his reputation a lot and gets easily nervous when something not so rosy is written about him in one of the news papers
he worries a lot about what people say and think about him, he wants to be a good future king and he does not want his people to think bad about their future king
Rhys is also the one to host many charity events and also attend just as many, not only for his reputation but also because he knows about his influence and wants to help as much as he can
Cassian as the second oldest knew from the beginning on that. he would not be the next king, but he would play a vital part for the armies of the country
they armies are subject to the king, but it is soon clear that they are actually under Cassian's control
he is the most skilled general
Cassian doesn't care too much about his reputation in the media
of course he does not want people to think bad of him but he does not have to be as flawless as Rhys, he thinks
he likes to party for example and he knows that there is one or the other drunk picture or video of him, but he doesn't care too much about that
he is Rhys' royal guard on many outings and takes this job very serious
and he obviously always attends the charity events with Rhys
he loves to help, knowing that he is just as influential as his older brother
Cassian works out a lot and I could totally see him in those Vogue videos where he is asked to show his pre and post workout routine as well as his workout routine
as the youngest of the three brothers it was also soon clear that he was not going to be king either but that is very fine
Azriel would not have liked the fuss and the attention
he is more reserved and loves calm and peace
but he soon got interested into international business and the secret agency of the country
now he is mostly working behind the scenes, helping Rhys a lot with court business
but also joining him on outings, gathering information while pretending to just be an interested prince
he obviously also comes along to charity events
often helps Rhys host them, helping him plan those events, also going through lists of who they should invite, who they have to keep an eye on etc.
can you imagine family pictures of them? omg. those royal paintings with king and queen sitting, Rhys, Cassian and Azriel standing behind them
they have a very strong brotherly bond
Az and Cass grant Rhys the crown; they had talks about it, but both are very fine with Rhys being the next king
them talking about future wives, who could be. a good queen and if they really want a woman to have to fit into the royal standards, knowing what it meant and how much attention would be on this woman
also I could see them going to many events together
like horse races together, betting and actually not really being interested in the horse races but rather having fun drinking and snacking
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midnight-omega · 5 months
omg i saw your repressed omega headcanons do you have any for repressed betas (trying not to froth at the mouth)
Heyy yo I was not ignoring u anon but tbh ! I haven’t thought about betas in my verse all that much so I needed to take some time to actually think about them so thanks for forcing me to do that snsksk /gen/lh
🌙 Soo I decided that in my verse betas can experience a soft heat or a soft rut depending on their bonds (who it’s with I mean) and environment. By soft I mean it’s not as intense as an alpha/omega and they don’t always have the anatomy to work with their instincts but that’s for a different post !
🌙 What I mean here is ! If a beta is used to heats and goes into a rut or vice versa it could create a bit of an identity crisis that leads to some mild repression
🌙 A sudden rut could cause a beta to suddenly really lean into more omega coded activities or feel a repulsion around alphas
🌙 Betas panic nesting ♥️
🌙 Meanwhile a sudden heat night make a beta start being overly aggressive and competitive to “make up for” the omega coded heat
🌙 Outside of rut/heats maybe the beta jsut isn’t happy being a beta
🌙 If ur verse has it so ur characters don’t know what they are until presentation…
🌙 A beta who so badly wanted to be something else only to be awfully disappointed when their body doesn’t react to presenting the way they hoped
🌙 They would probably use a fuck ton of artificial scent (maybe special perfumes with pheromones in it makes you smell like another dynamic)
🌙 Forcing their way into classes or careers dominated by their desired dynamic
🌙 Acting the part more, aggressive or submissive! Insisting they too have these instincts that are unique to one of the other dynamics. While it’s true betas share some instincts with a/o it’s not that many and it’s not as intense !
🌙 Ignoring their own instincts bc they don’t see them as important or useful
🌙 In my verse betas are swifter, silent stalkers, the chefs, the gardeners! Why? Bc they’re the providers of food! They hunt and gather as the omega rears and takes care of the home and the alpha marks territory and protects that home (traditionally/evolutionary speaking that is)
🌙 So a beta who’s not proud of being a beta might lock themselves inside a lot. They hate the outdoors 🙄 they don’t feel the urge to water flowers at all 🙄
🌙 They probably refuse to cook for themselves as well claiming they’re bad or awful
🌙 Or maybe they actually just don’t believe they’re not literal Gordon Ramsay level in the kitchen and beat themselves up about it massively
🌙 Going back to presenting if ur verse is one where they know since birth
🌙 Maybe the beta was born to a family or pack lacking in betas. The parents maybe don’t know how to nourish their instincts (outside is dangerous stay inside or they lean too much towards a betas more alpha coded instincts or smth like that since they have a mix of alpha and omega habits!)
🌙 Or maybe that family is just straight up haters, anti beta, beta-ists. It’s not a useful dynamic in modern times, who needs a hunter when there’s like 12 Walmarts within an hour of here?? (That depends on ur verse tho fr)
🌙 Ultimately I feel like when it comes to betas their self hatred or repression would create them leaning towards one of the other two dynamics too hard instead of just being content in their own unique strengths
Sorry if it’s a little shorter than the other one I still haven’t thought as much as I should have ! I should probably make a beta hc post soon :))
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bunglegaydogs · 1 year
Hiiii I'm just sending an ask because they're all different posts (read : I'm lazy) so please don't mind me lol
First and foremost, YOU ARE AMAZING AT EXPRESSING YOUR THOUGHTS AND YOUR ESSAYS ARE ALWAYS SO NUANCED?? SO YOU SAYING THAT WAS A HUGE COMPLIMENT OMG- I love reading your bsd essays so much and it's just now that I realised that they're all your essays abaammw some of the best in the fandom really. I'm always baffled when in the middle of an essay you go "I may not be articulating my thoughts right" or "this is kind of just put together" because girl you're amazing! Never stop writing these please ajajahsbw ALSO! Hearing your little thoughts and feelings pop up in the middle of an essay makes it so endearing to me. Like, that's a whole ass person writing these many words just to express how much they like this show and they're so adorable! (So sorry if that's offensive idk if calling someone adorable is)
Also, completely unrelated lol but this is exactly why I prefer to ask people questions instead of googling! Knowing that the person explaining is a human has their own opinions and hearing their feelings and experiences is so much more better and relatable than reading stuff off a Google website. Also your pfp is the cutest everyone has cute pfps nowadays 😭 anyways yes cute pfp :D
Actually getting to the point now:
1) yes yes Oda and Dazai's relationship is so dear to me I love them sm and I adore seeing Atsushi all caring for his mentor 😭 he's basically Dazai's emotional support cat!! Dazai let the boy in please I'm begging you he can purr probably and it would melt away your stress pls pls (Maybe everyone in the ADA sees Atsushi as their emotional support cat...)
2) Mori is a piece a shit, and you should be allowed to say it. I'm never biased in my writing but I loathe that guy with my very being and the whole people who like Mori thing really got me reconsidering...was *I* the bad guy for not liking a character when I actively liked a character very similar to him? Then I realised, I completely respect and treat equally all the people who don't like/hate Dazai. I don't treat them any different just because they don't like a character. And that's what I should expect too!
There's no post defending Dazai, and yet I still like him because I accept his wrongdoings and want him to keep getting better, like Oda told him to. Yknow, the argument would be MUCH different if Dazai was a woman and not a man, imagine bashing someone for liking a teen girl and not liking the guy who groomed her to be his heir. Yeah, really puts things into perspective. I'm not sexist, I treat (respectful) men and women equally, but Mori is just. No.
3) I haven't see it before in any canon source material but I feel like it's definitely true. It's clear that Dazai WANTS to want to keep living, but he can't bring himself to want it because of all the pain he's endured. He literally said in dark era that the reason he joined the mafia was to try and seek meaning in life by being close to death and violence. It's ironic, Dazai feels the most alive when he's about to LOSE that privilege. It could also mean that Dazai only realises the "value" in living when he's about to lose it. Perhaps he thinks of things he could've done, things he'll regret, and that helps him to stop before he actually does it. But in my opinion? I don't think he finds anything of worth in that time. He just convinces himself that he does. This is a personal hc but it's probably likely to be the case.
If you've listened to the song My R, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.(totally recommend btw!).The girl in the song speaks to herself about her woes and the 'other' version of her comforts her telling her about all the things that she DOES have, but by the end of the song, she has lost everything of meaning and she can't comfort the "girl". It is only revealed that the girls she comforted are different versions of HERSELF that she stopped from jumping.
oh my god oh my god oh my god
i am sat here on the verge of TEARS in my goddamn chuuya cosplay
okay okay give me a second i need to collect myself
you are singlehandedly the SWEETEST person ever im sobbing
literally i cant- thank you so fucking much! you dont understand how much this all means to me WOWOWOWOW <33333333
literally, my brain doesnt let me consume my content positively and so i always think that theyre quite bad or that im the only person who thinks that or that im saying all the wrong things lol
i have so many words and thoughts floating around in my little brain that i just cant find the words for, so thats honestly what those rants are, my delusional 4am thought processes when i deep things too much
and YOU THINK??? genuinely, thank you!!! i love reading people's essays and thoughts, so hearing you say that genuinely just warms my absolute heart <3
and yes yes i do get quite sidetracked very often and start just rambling and adding my own personal twists- genuinely i thought that was annoying for people to read, but you're just putting a big smile on my face right now :) and PLS DONT THINK CALLING ME ADORABLE IS OFFENSIVE I LITERALLY GIGGLED READING THAT SHIT FR. <333
i like to add personal experiences and thoughts into it, just to get my point across, put it into an irl perspective and let people also relate and see what im getting at. (unfortunately) i have the same experiences as most of these characters, and so that is why they're so dear to me and why i get very defensive and passionate writing about them!
and yes! getting your answers and stuff from irl people instead of strange irrelevant responses is much more preferred lol. it's more raw and in depth and definitely a lot more personal! and thank you so much!!! it's genuinely one of my favourite dazai panels istg hes such a pretty mf
1.) i love love LOVE their dynamic, i think it's one of my favourites in the show along with skk and ranpo and yosano. it really fucking hits hard, as all family dynamics do with me fr, idk what it is about them, they just get me. and yes!!! i love when atsushi shows that he cares for dazai it MAKES ME FEEL NICE <3 and that's so real oh my god hes a tiger please PLEASE he can fucking PURR (there was a tumblr post i saw, i can try and find it but it made me actually cry laughing)
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THIS ONE i was fucking howling but yes! their relationship is also one that really really gets to me! and yes, he is just the ada's support cat, it's canon, i'm ranpo's sweets
2.) thank you thank you THANK YOU mori is an actual degenerate human being. he's not made to be liked or appreciated or revered, it's just fucking AEUGH. i'm not going to demonise the people who enjoy him as a character, but seriously, it's a big red flag to overlook the canon pedophilia. i saw someone make a defense against him saying "yes, but he's never actually touched kids, so that doesn't mean anything" SORRY? they also went on to say that he "restrains himself" from having pedophilic thoughts with elise, and basically praised him for that. needless to say, it got me feeling fucking icky. and yes! i feel exactly the same. i always think that "oh, maybe i'm the awful one for not liking him? am i bad?" even though, no, i'm perfectly fine thinking that way and i am allowed to think that way. and exactly again! dazai is my favourite character, but i recognise his flaws and his mistakes and don't forgive them. but he's actively trying to "be a better person" (i say this in quotation marks because dazai sees everything he does as inevitably pointless, but still wishes to uphold oda's dying words. i am definitely going to make a post about this in the near future lol) and i dont make my analyses biased towards him, and i stay on neutral ground UNLESS personal opinion comes up, to which i then say that it's my personal opinion, not fact, and that it's anybody's choice to think however they want. if somebody doesn't like dazai; okay! i'm interested in talking with them, and we can both talk about things we're very passionate about and have healthy conversations! unlike some people i have seen on reddit, goddamn. but no, we're not the bad people for hating that knobhead fr. we should all treat and be treated the same as any other fan in the fandom and get along, and i wish we could ALL do that in non-toxic ways. 99% of this fandom are the loveliest people ever, but that 1% just needs to get a grip like omg. we should treat others how we want to be treated, regardless of who favours what ship and who likes what character. and real!!! if gender roles were reversed for dazai, this would be much more problematic, and that's upsetting! dw dw, i dont think its sexist, i think its putting things into perspective bc, either way, its shitty how he was treated. i fucking hate mori. whenever i see people defending him to like, the bone, like not getting into a decent discussion and being civil but instead bashing everyone who says otherwise and completely overlooking the abuse, manipulation, grooming, pedophilia and just him as a sick and twisted person in general, it just really irks me. as someone who has in fact had to deal with separate strands of abuse including many fucking counts of sexual abuse and pedophilia, it disgusts me seeing people overlooking it and it makes me feel fucking sick. that shit is not just something to be overlooked because of the fact that you enjoy mori as a character, he's not supposed to be a character that's consumed positively, he's a bad guy. a lot of characters in bsd are morally grey, but mori is just fucking morally black. he's downright evil.
(TW for suicide and self harm next btw :) )
3.) yes yes yessss!!! again, bringing personal stuff into it, i deal heavily with the whole topic of suicide and self harm. i've attempted twice and still deal with thoughts of it every single day, as well as self harm. so, this is one of my main reasons of dazai being my absolute favourite character, because of the representation and actual presentation of these topics. at first, we're shown them in a whimsical and whacky way, then it gets so much darker once we get into the dark era. it's a complete tonal shift, and it really sets in the gravity of the situation for him. and, as you said, he wants to have that ability to want to keep going and living, and he wants to be able to put the effort in, but he can't/ he physically cannot. as much as he would want to try, he can't. and yes, when he said that it fucking BROKE me fr. just at the chance that he's not able to keep living on anymore as a human is the one thing that keeps him alive, i fucking love asagiri's writing, it's so complex and beautiful. and its so so so real!!! youre literally right idc lmao. youve so eloquently said it im crying, youre putting all my thoughts into words <3
and yes!!! i have listened to the song, i absolutely LOVE it! and i never fail to think of dazai whenever i listen to it </3 and, i also think it's very very much like dazai, because of the multiple different versions we see of him too. chuuya hasn't exactly changed much, but he has gone through some very very complex and deep character developments, such as in fifteen and stormbringer. hes a lot more "tame" and respectful now, and a lot more mature. (except with dazai lmao) aku, we see he's changed slightly thanks to atsushi, but still no major character fucking flip arounds. all these characters we've watched slowly become better and more complex throughout the series. dazai? he just does 180s every single fucking year. hes different at 14 and 15 than he is at 18. hes different at 18 than he is at 20-22. and the different faces he puts on for each and every person, all his masks that he has. there's much variety to dazai; you never know what you'll get. there's so many different sides to him, because he doesn't know who he is. as odasaku saw him, "a lost child crying out". no matter the age, no matter the state, dazai is always going to be harbouring that broken child with him, trying to hide it and build up walls around it, because the only time he's ever shown it, he's gotten hurt or betrayed and lost some key figures in his life. trust issues much?
anyways i am sorry i am sorry i rambled too much lmao
thank you so so so SO much for your kind words!!! sweetest person EVER fr <333333
thank you my love!!! /p have a lovely day/night :) <3
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armed-saphire · 7 months
if you had been writing the women in metal gear what would you change with them (a lot i know) because i feel like just the idea of women being written well in metal gear will benefit us all
I'm answering but just so we all know my qualifications here are just that I'm a woman I am not a writer or game designer or whatever also as it goes on I get more pissed off so it gets a little messy structure wise hope that's ok anyways here's what I wrote:
Um ok, so it would take sooo long to write a full structured analysis so I'll give little things for each character. Uhh mgs1 make Meryl less of just a flat love interest stand-in because the rest of her backstory in that game feels like it’s shoehorned in to make it seem like she has actual character when she's just meant as the glorified damsel in distress (not to say she can't need help but a lot of it felt like a bunch of "leave me Snake, I can't help you I'm just a GIRL!!"). Also, this is just my personal HC but it would add so much to her if she was transgender but it's not like NEEDED- anyway also Naomi was meant to be brown idk what happened but I would return her melanin to her I think. Mei Ling is mostly fine character-wise but I would remove all of Snake's weird advances and comments about her. I would actually remove that from all of his interactions with women in that game I think. OH and Sniper Wolf should put the thangs away I'm thinking like a fur coat and also I want her whole character to be more than just a sexy lady with a tragic past. her speaking in a seductive voice 80% of the time and just being honestly creepy was stupid. I think she could just be a person maybe. that would be cool I think. She could've been just tough and standoffish and then revealed her true feelings as she was dying instead of all the weird seductive stuff
Ok now Mgs2, Fortune is pretty much fine but I wish she didn’t have her booty cheeks out on the seemingly cold big shell bc Raiden was shivering and sneezing like a little wet dog when he lost his suit so I'd assume she’s cold too. if she was wearing some cool pants or something that would be neat but other than that I think she's pretty well written. next Emma ummm her personality itself isn't the issue to me but I didn’t like how Raiden was kind of creepy towards her (not really but like. “You should wear contacts” I'll punch him maybe). Also, she should've had a cooler outfit but that's it. Honestly, I’d have to rewatch or replay Mgs2 to get a good grasp of her character but I see no crazy issues. Rosemary omg I think she’s fine but I hated how it kind of felt like it was Raiden and Campbell vs Rose and she always loses even in non-canon codecs it was so annoying. Other than that once again I will have to listen to the codecs again because I haven't heard all of them in a while. Actually, I just remembered I didn't like how she was kind of written to be oddly insecure?? Ig?? I mean she spent a lot of time in codecs talking about personal stuff and not the mission which I guess was intentional but I found it odd. Olga’s fine no notes. Don’t think there's anyone else. (skipping mgs3 bc it only has 3 women and I think they’re all written ok I don't have many issues.) Ok, mgs4 for the B&B unit I will refer you to this post because I’ve already talked about it. other than that Meryl was actually really good until the final part on outer haven that was so bad “I can't protect anyone” or whatever she said girl fuck off the only reason she said that was so that big strong man Johnny Sasaki could come to save her omg fuck you also Johnny Sasaki should die that's crucial to this anyway, Mei Ling was fine but I’d remove the codec call where Otacon and Snake say that Mei Ling probably just slept with older men to get to her job position I just think I wouldn't have that in the game probably. Naomi ok so I haven't finished mgs1 so I can't tell you exactly if what she does in Mgs4 is fucked up compared to how she is in mgs1 I mean personality wise but also I was eating a really gross ass sandwich when I watched one of her long cutscenes and it skewed my perception of her a bit oh also I would personally like to button her shirt up for her. uh idk Rose once again was fine but also I’m killing everyone for the mistranslation from the JP version of mgs4 that in English made her seem like some evil liar idk anyway you look that up if you really wanna know it’s on Twitter. uh who else does Sunny count doesn't matter she's fine no issues. 
GZ you already know what I'm going to say also TPP so I'm skipping it also I'm not wasting my time getting triggered for no reason so like read my mind or something
Because I skipped 3 games I’ll do MGR Courtney her character itself was fine I didn't like the codecs where 1 Raiden jokes that she should get lipo and 2 the call that's just Raiden and Kevin talking about how much they don't wanna date her also her design is so like beauty standards boring as shit at least make her look cool or something idk. and Mistral I’m so tired of femme fatale characters in Metal Gear it’s not cute it’s not like empowering the way it’s done her entire character is sexualized and it is JUST because she's a woman. I said this about Wolf too it’s hard to feel bad for a character’s sad war backstory when it is also very clear they’re just meant to be a sexual object with no substance it’s not cute either it's just stupid. Also, there’s other stupid sexist codecs about her too obviously lastly uh Sunny’s also in it she's fine whatever
also i just noticed i skipped peace walker but like whatever its fine lol
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patrice-bergerons · 1 year
Now you've got me thinking about how fanon treats Q and Bond, I'll share with you my favourite headcanon: Something that somehow makes it into most things I write is that bond plays stupid to get out of writing reports but can handle Q telling him to do basic shit on a job and Q puts together he's playing up his tech illiteracy to get out of it. Or he looks it up. Maybe its because I work as a network engineer but you can find any issue on google/stackexchange with minimal looking and it'll be a detailed guide a 5 year old could follow.
Bond doesnt like to feel out of his depth but he doesn't like showing just how much he knows. Also he likes to mess with Q and throw him off. It really bothers me when they write James as stronkman who relies on Q for smarts, and Q who cant do shit besides press buttons. When people write them sniping at eachother its always so cutesy, bond is very self destructive and totally goes way too far sometimes, And Q should be someone who doesn't take that shit from him. It's why they work. More people need to rewatch skyfall because it sets all of that out so well.
OMG yes yes yes - absolutely what you said.
I have a post about this floating somewhere but I too hate the genuinely tech illiterate Bond hc so fucking much, especially because he is quite clever for one and for two we see that he is quite good with technology in Casino Royale and Quantum. Especially in CR, the man hacks so many computers/phones to track things down on his own when M tells him off.
I think by the time we get to Skyfall, technology maybe has moved faster than he has, and he can no longer go hack into networks on his own and so on but still he has that lightning quick mind and for example: helps Q break Silva's encryption.
Which is all to say I love your interpretation of him actually being quite capable but playing dumb to get out of things and to mess with Q and keep his cards close to his chest - that's absolutely on brand for who he is - and also that Q is not going to take that shit from him. You are so right that many in the fandom need to rewatch skyfall!
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
The fic about the crossover that really good , i can't stop laughing when i image anakin would said that.
Anyway , the new chapter about Elysia make me sad ... I wanna have her so bad but the story aaaa i refused to believe
Can you image Elysia! Reader ,reader have personality like Elysia and the appearance too with Yandere! Star War ? Pretty please
I heard / read Elysia sometime 'gone' that make people panicc , she just like hiding cmiiw👀
Luvv you , have a nice day xoxo
i’ll give you the prettiest flower~!
Elysia!reader x yandere!star wars character (HC)
warning : typos, bad grammar  
attention! please do not try to repost my works, i only post my works on tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!  
Anakin Skywalker
i would say these two is the chaotic together
Anakin is having a high-level of jealousy and you’re the friendly person that like to hangout with everyone
you two good together, its just the jealousy that makes your relationship weird
“You flirt with how many people today?”
“Flirt~? i’m just a sweet talking, and oh! only to Senator Amidala and Rex today!”
“that’s a new record, i hope tomorrow you’ll do none- thank lord the mercy”
because we talking about yandere, i think he ever locked you up once..
no- twice...
three times?
but all of that attempts of him locking you up, you managed to escape easily and without even thinking that he’s locking you up.
“Where did you go?”
“The council, Senator’s room, Visiting the padawans, and Master Kenobi’s room!”
“alright that seems like a nice place to go- wait- MASTER’S ROOM? WHAT FOR?”
“giving flowers~!”
“You giving flowers to many people but me? do you not love me anymore?”
“*gasp* Who said that? oh my sweety baby cheeks my lovey dovey, i prepare you something more than just flowers just for you!”
“Yeah~! come on walk with me! i’ll show them to you!”
honestly you’re just taking him around the Jedi Temple and then kiss him sweetly in the quiet place and the last, run!
but you guys a powerful couple, you good at negotiation, distracting and also you’re strong in force + able to masters many forms of lightsaber fight etc, while he’s a good pilot, strong, tall, dominating, and plus you both good at making sudden plan or well-prepared plan
so when you’re gone somewhere or he lost you he’s losing his patience
he kill anybody that he suspects while he’s searching for you
but after all he does, he can’t find you, so he’s badly coming back at his place
but then he saw you, sitting with a tea and wrapping yourself with a blanket, he thought he’s hallucinating
“Welcome home Ani! where have you been? i really miss you... :(”
“Is it really you? i should be the one asking where have you been, im worried sick about you..!!”
Obi-wan Kenobi
he’s the protective yandere
he can’t really like giving you limit about your friendship and locking you up or such, so he’ll just be very protective, so he’s watching you 24/7
he feels relieve when you don’t feel bothered by his appearance most of the time, making sure you’re okay
“You know, Obi, you are a true gentlemen, you guard and making me safe, thankyou for your love, i love it so much~”
you often find him looking out for you 24/7 when he’s free, even though he try to be sneaky 
“No Y/N don’t approach him, i have a bad feeling abut him”
“Remember if someone asking you to stay longer with them, tell them you have a husband” -Obi
“But i don’t have a husband?? we haven’t married ye.. you want us to married theenn~?”
if he’s jealous, he’ll just told himself that ‘come on, Y/N does this everyday’
but if you talking buddy acts to far, he’ll pulling your hand, and then “alright that’s it, you’re coming with me”
even though he’s watching you close, he sometimes just lose you, stupid maybe, but that’s what happened..
“Y/N? where are you? Y/N??”
he puts 100% effort on finding you, telling his clones, telling the other masters, but a bit with acting spice, they didn’t think that he search for you because he’s scared of losing you, just worried for general like losing a not-so-close friend.
and then in the middle of his searching, Cody carrying you, who’s holding a bucket of crown flowers
“Surpriseee, seems that you miss me, doesn’t it master Kenobi?”
this whole time you’re just wandering from place to another place, gathering everything that you catch your eyes on.
when you’re in private, he’ll scold you, but he manages to give you food, sweet drinks and dessert while scolding you, so you eat and listen.
“can you please stop hiding and roaming around the way you likes? i can’t always protect you from somebody who knows!”
but as a form of apologies, you place a kiss in his cheek and a warm tight hug, then let out a giggle
“I’m happy that you’re worried over me, such a gentlemen~”
“I love you, please don’t make me worried again, okay love?”
“Okie dokie!”
Padme Amidala
oh god the lovey dovey couple-
she’s a sweetheart, you’re a sweetheart
if you’re both going as a couple in a formal party, or even a normal party, everybody would say that you both are a happy, full of glitter, romance, fluff couple
y’all are the sweetest couple people could ever see
anything happens to you, she doesn’t insist on releasing her full power to solve it ngl
loves loves loves when you both having a skincare routine or a make up-ing session before both of you start your day
gifting is her way to show her love when she’s not able to show up and cuddles then sharing warmth, so she pick the best jewelry, dress, flower, accessory for you when she has to work most of the day
and every single Padme’s gift that you accept, you’ll wear it when you both have a chance to spend time together
when you’re gone, she’s surprisingly handle it well
connection and money baby
the longest record of her effort finding you that goes missing is 12 hours and 30 minutes
well she remembered it lmao
if you sweet talking or even flirt with your friend or sometimes stranger, she wouldn’t mind
that’s you being you anyway, so no problem she guess
but if somebody flirt with you... alright it depends actually
if you flirt back = soon to be friends 
if you’re silent = mayday mayday, red flag, you’re uncomfortable or worst case, you start to like them
“Alright here’s the plan, stop meeting them ever again”
“They play with at least one woman every day” she could be lying she could tell the truth
“Oh they’re bad... thankyou dear, i’ll take a distance from now on!”
Luke Skywalker
damn this boy is the protective and the paranoid yandere
“No don’t talk to them”
“stay here”
“Y/N, stay right here and wait for me, okay?”
“no don’t go there!”
“You can’t do that!?”
at first, he lets you to have fun with your friends
but the way you’re having fun is your friend makes him reconsider his decision
but he doesn’t want to put a limits on your life, he doesn’t want you to be sad
so he ask Leia, Han, or everyone in the rebellion to keep an eye on her or sumn
“we could watch after her, we promise”
well they lose you anyway
“kriff Luke, we lost her!”
well of course he check on the whole place at the base, so does with everybody, and then if he hasn’t found you, he’ll grab his helmet and then using his x-wing to search for you in the whole planet
i swear he drop at least one tear when he’s searching for you 
but guess what?
you’re at the back area of the base
how tf nobody find you in there?
feeding some animals...
okay he forgive you because you look pretty and cute while feeding them
but he will not let you go for the next 24 hours
“i swear you scared me, what if you’re not in the base? what if you’re being kidnapped by the empire and i late to save you? what if you’re being hunted by bounty hunter? oh i can’t lose you you know it!”
“hehe sorry, but at least i’m safe, and that’s all that matters right now right?”
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niceinchnails · 8 months
you should post more about marianne i want to know about your idea of her
ok all we get in canon is Kind woman. thats i she has like 0 flaws Im not saying this in a shes perfect omg way 😍 im saying it in a she doesnt have much depth in canon kind of way but i think In my mind shed be a little pushover And stinky too but in my mind shes a little moreeee. like daring and a little bit of a people pleaser. Like if you told her to eat rotting fries of the ground shed be like Aww. Well if you want me to thats ok :) And she eats it up a little ravenous with it you know. But on the other side of the coin shes also more adventurous and less cautious like if someone told her NOT To listen to people who tell her to eat rotting fries of the ground shed be like. What if i want to :/. And adding to the people pleaser thing shes willing to put herself in a little danger To get peoples attention (kinda like bender but like. more kindhearted and stinkier ). Shes basically my oc at this point with how much i extrapolate off her character like im making this up from like the single episode shes from and the fact that she chose zoidberg the scary alien and i want her to come back so bad . Im adding depth to her character that i so desperately wish she has you see.
Some misc headcanons that dont really make sense but are fun to imagine. In my fucked up world Shes zapp brannigans sister and her last name would be marriane brannigan. Only evidence i have is that theyre both blonde and mariannes last names never revealed. I think it would be fun to imagine just cause of how different they are and i like the idea of them being related I genuinely dont have any evidence for this i just think it would be funny and fitting
Other headcanon which i hold less strongly is The brown haired little girl (tonya) of the same episode who tap dances in the b plot is either her daughter or sister. This hc i have even less evidence for cause she would seem like kind of an important thing for marianne to mention but still it would be funny . Its fun to imagine marianne as a single mother Or older sister she has the kindness and lovingness for it i think.
If she comes back i reaaaaaaaally hope they explain why shes been gone for a while. My most ideal explanation that the writers probably wont deliver is that shes not part of the timeline that season 11 was in. Like after time broke in the s10 finale Meanwhile and they just kind of jumped back on s11 & I basically interpreted the entirety of season 11 as one of the many alternate timelines that split since fry broke the time button in the s10 finale. but since the finale of season ELEVEN kind of dealt with simulation-breaking shit I think the timeline fucked up a bit.
Realistically if they brought her back they wont add to her depth and shed prob be back for just a single episode, or broke up with zoidberg or something, but my timeline theory is a little cooler. I WANT HER BACK.
edit: also if tonyas her younger sister then it contradicts my zapp brother hc cause i cant imagine tonya and zapp as siblings. Thats all
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Do you have any particular hcs about the snakes and their personalities?
this is probably in reference to that art i made right?? where everyone gets a lil snake in their hair :3 I LOOOVE THAT HC... i think the snakes only appear occasionally and they hang out <3 ALSO UUUHHH!! YEAH I DO HAVE SOME HCS!!! in there i drew the ones i thought about but i'll repeat them. concealing being very shy and hiding in kido's hoodie when out, and kido is NOT GOOD with A SNAKE coming out of their hair so essentially they're both frozen whenever concealing it's out.
the funniest to me would be stealing because honestly i think the snakes would have somewhat similar personalities to their hosts but stealing not really. i think it'd be so gossipy and when it's out would be making seto lose control all the time bc it's like OMG!!!!!!! I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHINGGG and seto's like AUUGHHH drawing serves cunt. momo and her snake are literally best friends. out of everyone momo's like, the only one who fucking loves when her ponytail becomes a snake. she thinks it's so cute and takes1 million selfies and drawing also loves the selfies. they cant be posted anywhere but momo puts them up in her bedroom<3
i think ayano and favoring are so cutesy and favoring gives her snake kisses and ayano nuzzles it all the time. listen. so cute. (holds head) shintaro's awkward because. this is just ayano. as a fucking snake. it's awful. when out retaining is just There. and Watches. Everyone. and it's super awkward. mary has two!! combining and locking!! i dont have many clues about their personalities but i think they'd all get along with each other. and it's similar to ayano where they're besties. theyre the ones out most often i think :3 also extremely protective of mary and hiss at people <3 for haruka it's just konoha lol. it appears like hi. can i eat <3 and haruka's like buddy. ur my hair. i dont wanna start thinking about what goes on in my human digestive system if u eat :(... but also ur asking really nicely so let's not worry about that here's a sandwich<3 that aside i think haruka would enjoy the opportunity to talk to konoha about all his conflicting feelings over getting his body back but... konoha doesnt really get it, so it never responds anything. it frustrates haruka further lol kano, hibiya and takane are the ones i can't think anything for! i think kano would be awkward bc there's this lil creature that knows Everything about him and it makes him really awkward. for hibiya and takane all i thought is that it'd be funny if their snakes are constantly stretched out bc they're snooping someplace else their host isn't at. but that's all i came up with lol sorry if this is cringe or whatever. i think the snakes should be little buddies.
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frenchfrywrites · 1 year
Georg, Sunny D, hiiii, yeehaw partner!! 🤠 And Musty Wail (but not really)
Ok so, I'm not really waiting for you to post something similar, because that seems rude and stress introducing. I would still follow you no matter what you post, so this is more just me rambling about some of your posts I REALLY like. Ahem.
"Pounding the characters so hard the bed breaks" this one I find SO funny, and it's so well written!! Often when I write my hcs I think back thus post and try to make it as well written and funny lol.
"Beel's favorite beverage" I'm not rhat into piss drinking but man. (Picture of horse looking at ocean). You really convinced me. It is soooo hard to find Beel smut in this Fandom, never mind sub!Beel smut, never mind AMAZINGLY WRITTEN SMUT!! I don't even have a piss kink but I would let Beel drink my piss after this.
"Holding their dick when they pee" LISTEN LISTEN TO ME. LOOK ME IN THE EYES. I. DO. NOT. HAVE. A. PISS KINK. (Or if I do I only have like, 10% of a pisskink. A pisskink with a few hard lines)
Listen, this is one of my Weird Kinks that most people wouldn't even *consider* is a kink but. Taking care of a character?? Helping them out with things they don't Need help with, but doing it anyway? Either because they're your little baby or because they're too dumb to it themselves??? Amazing. 10/10. No notes. And this checks off a lot of this boxes. I just want a subby demon who can't get their own dick out of their pants to pee so they need me to do it for them.
"April showers day 6: pissing in public": I'm pretty sure I've come into your inbox and talked about this fic before, but I am doing it again. This is like, the Book of Mormon of piss kink to me, personally. You knocked on my door and showed me this fic and I was like "maybe I CAN indulge in a little piss kink". And now here I am. 3/4 posts on here containing piss kink. You're converted me. Ok but this is absolutely my favorite fic of your and I frequently go back to it. This definitely ticks off my "taking care of kink" and was probably part of the reason I realized that I hard that kink.
Anyway, you have so much cool stuff but I've felt like I've rambled on enough lol.
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And wahhhhhhhhhh!!!! This ask is so sweet !!!!! You've got me rolling around on my bed and giggling and shit!!!
I'm so so so so so happy to hear about the posts you like so much!! Idk if u relate but i find it really easy to forget how my work has affected ppl lmao. Needless to say there's many of your posts that linger in my mind and that i go back to over an over again!! (You have so many good Lucifer fics! And ur hcs.... Devine)
Some of these posts especially surprised me! I'd no idea u liked the bed breaking post of mine! I went back and reread it bc it's sooo old and i was like damn u know what this is kinda silly. What an oldie tho like wow that sent me back hfhsjskajs!
And omg yes on the kink of taking care of people!!!!! Idk that's just so much fun and I'm sure it's glaringly obvious that i love it, but yes yes taking care of ppl to the extreme is so good!!!! (Looks hard at your bathing HCS and sighs dreamily)
Oh! And u should embrace ur piss kink!! 😇💖 Even if u have hard limits surrounding it, liking piss even a little bit is awesome and sexy and so much fun!! And I'm so happy u like so many of my piss fics 🫂💖 sometimes my fics are just so self indulgent that again i forget that other ppl would like them lol
Ahh this ask is just so nice i could cry really really thank u so much 💖 ‼️
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by-glass-and-waves · 11 months
oh dude dude what do you MEAN "sorry guys who are looking for delicious Courtship/Restart goodies" I LOVE DEPRESSION QUEST, and i love the fact that theres someone else out there that has a runaway narinder AU
the idea of a completely power hungry lamb who disregards narinder as a person is so uncommon, i dont think ive actually seen that dynamic played out in a story/hc tbh ??? so i am LIVING for this, it truly is the spice of life
n like letting him runaway n waits for him to come crawling back??? absolutely maliciously delicious content
but nARINDER OH NARINDER angry, break down, self imploding beloved!!! again there isnt enough completely broken down ISOLATED(emotionally) conceded narinders, so many au's have him conceded, but they always including the lamb trying to get him comfortable and okay, never narinder just being tolerated and treated like property or a trophy and i love that fucked up dynamic
i'd really love to know more abt baal and ayms place in the cult too, are they like mini trophies ? or are they just "eh another follower"
either way the idea of narinder self imploding to the point of complete isolation (running away) is such a good idea, im living for it !!! and the idea of a ratoo & narinder friendship from this has consumed my brain greatly, i love that idea i actually had a brain wave pic pop up in my brain, so i'll draw fanart of this AU later bc i adore it
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WHOA I was at work and I was like "I got an aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" oh man I'm glad you really like the idea! I think I did see some fics like this (well not Narinder dips fics)
I will let you know that these qs making me go "wait hm this would fit into the AU better than my original ideas" so please bear with me!! at any rate omg aw thank you for loving these idees maybe I should just masterpost and mark spoilers for whatever comes to mind here also this is gonna be a long answer post pardon me
so spoilers for Depression Quest and Courtship I guess?
also trigger warning: depression, thoughts of self harm, mentions of mental breakdown
So this is me not reading cotl shit in like, literally months in order to try to preserve my headcanonideas like a loser but damn whoaaa I'm happy that you really like this AU
The initial idea actually did have just plain old Lamb being all okay bb i'll be here waiting for you when you ready I won't push you, I'll let you run away and live your life bb just want you to be happy uwu like they did want Narinder to love them back but they were fine with just making him happy and brought back the Bishops and stuff so they could reconcile but as said before, things didn't seem the same for them
Then as Courtship took form I kind of moved those kinds of feelings Lamb had to the new AU and really honestly removed them from the equation because I wanted to focus on Narinder and Getting Over It™ and just living his own fucking life instead
What did remain was Narinder's complete and absolute breakdown when he locks himself into the house they built for him and his eventual escape. Like goddamn, I was like this man needs to break
The amount of broken furniture, crying and screaming onto the floor and bed, throwing items at whoever manages to get into the house, laying down and staring at the ceiling in a catatonic state, etc
I liked the idea of him meeting other people and them remarking on his fallen status or having to hide his identity when interacting or going to public places and it's pretty much how I came up with the Ratoo encounter/friendship
Imagine Kudaai laughing when he requests a scythe and giving him the smallest, lightest one for his weak upper extremities
addendum: like after escaping he does get better like he runs into kudaai and gets scythe at least but he still sucks since his hands/arms more likely to spaz more when he exerts himself too much (aka combat)
Imagine Narinder trying to stay inconspicuous when he goes to Plimbo's stall at the Lighthouse, etc
Once the idea of resurrecting the Bishops came up around the time I started writing Courtship I kind of went, tbh Lamb would only do that to get Narinder back and then that idea of the Lamb just stuck
The Lamb knew where he was the entire time. The Lamb let him think he was finally free from them. The Lamb decided to uproot his life when he thought he finally found peace (by reintroducing his siblings) and from there the Lamb became the kind of famous hero/whatever who would 100% use Narinder as a trophy SO and show them off while he feels awful and drinks every night to cope
i'd really love to know more abt baal and ayms place in the cult too, are they like mini trophies ? or are they just "eh another follower"
So initial idea was that Baal and Aym weren't crazy about it but came around after Lamb invited Forneus for a visit, then they would be like yes Master should see how good Lamb is
Now thinking it over, it could have a good twist to it:
Baal and Aym think that Narinder should come around because Lamb is a good person and his life would improve
In this, his guardians become his jailers. They've become the ones most actively working for his "rehabilitation", and Narinder hates it because he knows it's another way for the Lamb to break him. He's thinking that it's their mortality that made them cave so easily.
Once Narinder makes it out, they want to make their presence known once they find him, but Lamb explicitly commands them not to until they say it's time. So they go and check on him and obvs this is stwess for Narinder since he feels like he's being watched
Still though, Depression Quest is more Narinder-based than Narinder/Lamb relationship-based because it's him trying to live in a new Lamb-ruled world while trying not to show off his shitty power level or something, Lamb didn't really pull up much once he gets out except for really sending Baal and Aym to keep tabs on him and maybe probably when the Bishops are resurrected but even then it's just like... there's still this kind of sad underlying everything.
So fun fact: a few of Courtship's ideas originated in Depression Quest! Such as the shared love for gardening/camellias by Leshy and Narinder, and the relationship/dynamic between Kallamar and Narinder. I don't know why but their relationship felt fucking devastating once I came up with it hence why I think Chapter 9/Kallamar's quest in Courtship has been my favorite to read and write so far.
Courtship and Depression Quest do share quite a few things, so I'm worried I might echo too much of the same shit should I actually come to write it. While writing out this answer I posted an unedited bit on a prototype for Leshy quest and you may see some parallels to the one for Courtship :o
the idea of a ratoo & narinder friendship from this has consumed my brain greatly, i love that idea i actually had a brain wave pic pop up in my brain, so i'll draw fanart of this AU later bc i adore it
pls show me when you done I want it I'm so glad you like it and yes Ratoo and Narinder friendship is one and only
I think there was more but it's like 2am and I have to wake up in like 3 hours and I think I should just do a fucking masterpost on these AUs
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