#omg i meant to say i forgot to post to TUMBLR
ikkosu · 6 months
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(pharma x gn.reader)
oh my god, Tumblr won't let me save the thing and I deleted the entire post my accident 😭😭😭 thank God I already uploaded the fic to my AO3. anywhoo!! I adore the song omg it's got a new spot on my playlist <333
THIS is fine.
Oh, this is totally fine. What more could a few hours do? You've toiled through haggard days of insomnia, wrought yourself off from your dry, unmade bed that’s likely rotting in that basement (Pharma doesn’t seem to understand the prospect of human comfort “I’ve slept on metal. You’ll fare well, darling.” ) and inhaled cold breakfast that’s rooked from a can.
Surely, this proposition isn’t all bad?
The devil — he who sits before you now — has his servos in a delicately intertwined lattice. A chesire grin, glimmering white rooks clear on his face, with blue optics that creased into a half-moon.
Disconcertingly enough, he’s got the mien of a charming salesman and the only difference between those two is that at least one of them doesn’t have unethical usage of medical malpractice written all over.
"You see, darling I'm not exactly holding you hostage, here." A digit taps the datapad.
The screen flares brightly and a myriad of texts warbled into view. They’re Cybertronian and much to your un-surprise, through the quick minutes of skimming, it's a contract.
He forged your signature?
"What I'm doing, to be succinctly accurate, is providing you an opportunity a human like you is not often so offered with." He drawls. Then, catching your gaze, placating servos shoots up with feiged sympathy. "In a rather un-delicate manner, of course. Apologies."
You blink slowly. "Unethical labor." Was all you said.
"Ethical. Doesn't have to be labor, either. We're both surgeons."
"I'm a nurse."
His lips keeled over his teeth and the latticed fist clocks the desk with a vexed thump. A   polite miffed look eased over his face, that very well meant displeasure.
“Nonetheless, you're fully able to grasp Cybertronian medical procedures, no?” He hooked up a brow.
“I guess. I— what does this have to do with me strapped to the chair, though?” He leans over, almost boredly, to peer at your gesture around the ropes curled over your flesh, taut and tight, docking you to the chair.
“Ah, I figured you’d be more convinced if I had handled you this way.”
You look to the ground. Up. Down. Then, up. “I’m not getting out of this aren’t I?”
“No. You’re not.” He smiled. Politely.
“And, if I run you’re still going to catch me?”
“Without a doubt, darling.”
“And if you catch me you’re going to kill me?”
He hummed. “That much, I can agree on.”
Wonderful. First, you’re stalked by your boss, now captured by your boss, now threatened by your boss. Can this day get any more absurd? Who are you kidding. Absurdity lies at an abstract form when comes to Pharma.
But you can say this, though : he’s not all bad of a fighter, and a protector is what you needed after meddling with a few of his rather unruly patients. And, so you relent— not without an amused grin which is something you should’ve clocked yourself in the skull for.
“Something funny, darling? Do indulge me in your amusement.” He leans over, the smile is now taut. almost forced. “I’d love to know the source of your pleasure.”
Don’t say it like that that, you grimace but towed on, anyways. “Nothing, you just reminded me of something.”
His wings flare up. The smile, brighter, child-like. Ah, his ego. You forgot. He lavishes himself in praises like they were gold. “Oh?”
You’re not sure if you should continue, given he’d probably keel over and die the moment you’ll concede, but he seemed so eager it was infectious.
And, strangely (you’re going to kill your self for this) you found it adorable. You could use that to an advantage. Like, getting yourself out of this poorly undisguised bondage kink, for example.
“….A song, preferably.” You said.“Can you loosen the straps? It’s kind of hurting.”
“Not a poem— but a song? Oh, I’m incredibly flattered.” He prods you on, almost giddily, with a servo. “Not often do I have the pleasure of pleasing you. Do continue. This is getting rather interesting.”
You cringed. “….Its a pop….song?”
The grin falters, but the benign, persistent streak teetered on. “I see. What’s the, ah,” He gestures vaguely, like he’s convincing himself that whatever you said meant something important. “…Name of this song, you’re willing to divulge?”
You wince. Oh, god. Should you lie? Are you kidding, he’ll dig you a grave deeper than the Himalayas can go. He’s a master manipulator, a concierge to deception, deception at his hands handled with care , and white as they were — it’s never pure. You licked your lips. Your throat is dry.
Here goes nothing.
“Crazy Chicks.”
A slow blink. The optics fizzles out. Dim for a moment, then bright. The smile thinned. “Crazy Chicks.”
“You heard me, right.” You said nervously. “It’s a banger.”
“I am not a banger, or whatever you call it in your human, fleshie terms.” He seethes, cutting off your surprised stammer at his sudden aggressiveness. “How utterly insulting. Are you seriously diagnosing me, with this— this— unearthly, poorly fledged ailment, whoever the pitiful doctor is, inclusive of the features of a poultry?”
“It’s slang for women.” Should you say often offensive? No, he’ll gut you for that— oh god his chainsaw is sheathing. (It’s not, you’re just seeing things.)
“Why would they—“ And, he halts, staring at you for a moment before closing his optics. He kneads his face then sighs, figuring that maybe it wasn’t worth an explanation for. He leans back, a lethargic look on his face. “I appreciate the sentiment darling but I don’t see how this would remind you of me. I’m far from an organic, and I’m far from an unbridled, unculturally deranged Cybertronian.”
So you say. Was your inner deadpan. “The context does.” And, a little squeak of : “Maybe you should try listening to it?”
He seemed offended at the prospect and leans forward, staring you down with his unusually baffled optics. You’re about to call it off , even offering to grovel, when — whether it was the strange flattery that he’s, to you, reminiscent of an object to your liking, or another reason entirely — relents with a grimace.
“Fine. If you’re so insistent.” He mutters. “The least I can do as a compensation for your cooperation.”
A quick tap of his digit to his helm, you can hear the thrum of the familiar tune against his audio processors.
Oh, dear.
Where should you start. At first, the digit tapped along. ‘How typical’, he mutters before, you think he’s finally got the gist of the lyrics, rooked on the most abstruse look you’ve ever seen him don.
Worst three minutes of your life.
You’re here, strapped to this rickety wooden chair Pharma probably pulled out of someone’s ass, sweating, andrenaline pulsing at your throat. All the while your boss is left listening to your inner turmoil poorly disguised through a song, blatantly disparaging his very much unique disposition.
Pharma leans against his chair. The song is done. You’re too eager on the prospect of sudden death to look up. A vent eases out.
“Thats certainly something new. I never thought I'd be addressed this way, more so by a human, of all kinds. Ah, though it’s hard to admit…” His voice was strangely seductive, bordering on a purr, and a wide grin curled the corner of his mouth.
“That's something I can get around with.”
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raylangivins · 10 months
Omg I completely forgot to post about a harrowing conversation I had with my dad!
Dedicated followers will remember my dad and I have a weekly phone call every Saturday. A few weeks ago he was like “what are you doing this weekend” and the new Beatles song had just come out and the BBC was airing a bunch of Beatles programming so I was gonna host a little watchparty for the Beatles tumblr girlies, which I then relayed to him but I said online Beatles friends. So he asks me where I met my Beatles friends and I tell him tumblr because I’ve had a twitter account since I was 15 and not once in that time has he asked or attempted to see it, so telling him I have a tumblr is like whatever. He’s like: “cool, I like Reddit.” The conversation moves on.
Fast forward a week: I’m home for the weekend, dad takes me out to Yamamori for dinner, I’m full up on gyoza and cocktails he’s paying for, it’s a good time. I look at my phone for a minute and he goes, “what’s happening on twitter?” I go, “not much”, because there’s not much. He goes “I’ve been going on tumblr.”
Reader, I am startled out of my body. I am flabbergasted. My brain short-circuits. I literally do not know what to say to that except what. in this like, loud, forced, try-not-to-panic tone.
Anyway, turns out he meant Reddit again, but when I tell you I have never felt the fear of god until that moment…..
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dognonsense · 1 year
My original folkpunk song Train Track Diorama
its about how my bus stop was being redone so they keep skipping it now when im taking the bus home, so instead i have to take a route where i take the train tracks home.
When walking home i like to listen to folkpunk and sing as loud I want cause ill often be heading home at 1am and be like ah yes karaoke time on the train tracks.
But when its not 1am and brighr out I'll hunt for train spikes since i think they look cool. The most I collected was twenty in one day but i changed it to nineteen because i enjoy lying and think its a funner number to say. I think I have about 30 spikes total. I keep 4 spikes in my bedroom inside the diorma box that i keep random crap i find. Sometimes i take photos and draw whats there. I also pick up random thrown away toys, art supplies and bits and bobs :3
the chorus is kiss me with teeth, rip into me and take a bite, show me a fight. i like to bite :33 monch monch I'm a puppy girl i bite what can i say. I guess its kind of an exploration into my own repressed sexuality of growing up in singapore and having so much of sexuality being taboo, to the point where if i kissed ppl with teeth theyd always be like woah omg ive never kissed someone like that ur such a violent kisser and its just so weird. Repression of sexuality and all that and just outright yelling KISS ME WITH TEETH!!! and i also really like the imagery of teeth. I have a human teeth necklace and about 10 fake tooth necklaces!
I feel like I should reveal that I am stoned right now writing this. So stoned that i was meant to be grinding my weed and got 4 nugs in it before writinf this essay. And now my cat is yelling at me from outside my door. Allow me to compose myself. I was always meant to be watching ruthless lesbians on the button by film cooper on youtube. My life is so busy yall. I have to watch youtube, smoke weed, and post on tumblr ALL AT ONCE!!! I dont know how I manage it.
I forgot where I was in the song. Oh then! Look up at the ceeeeling! Greet the spiders!! Im looking up right now and there she is a cobweb with a spider above me in my bed. I'm working on having a good relationship with spiders and treating them as friends since they kill bugs.
oh but im new to spiders because in singapore our lil bug eater is a gecko! So growing up in the tropics ur little geckos live in ur house year round and eat ur bugs hide behind paintings and stuff. I was going to add a verse about how my dad tried to train a gecko in his room by killing ants for it and leaving them out and leaving bottle caps woth water out for it. My dad was not a fan of ants. It was very silly of him.
hope you enjoyed this deep dive into train track diorama with your favourite folk punk jester: Meme!!!
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vukovich · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @orange-peony @schmem14 and @teledild0nix for tagging me in this game! Sorry it took me eons.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
47. 46 under "Vukovich" and one that's anonymous.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Harry Potter.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Crane Lord of Gringotts Beauxtiful Boy "I'll Figure It Out" It'll Come Back Fearful Trill
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
No, as a general rule, I don't. I just feel like it's awkward to treat an AO3 comment as a conversation starter, I guess. Like, if someone wants to talk to me, my email address and Tumblr are in my AO3 bio. I do reply to AO3 comments if there's a question about the fic. Especially if the reader says their first language isn't English. I also will reply for the purpose of harassing friends.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Return to Sender and "I love you, (too/also)" are way up there in the angst department. For "I love you, (too/also)" I actually recorded a podfic of it, and I couldn't read the ending out loud without crying so I scrapped it. NO WAIT!!! I forgot about The Seven Weasley Horcruxes. Oh, Jeebus. Apologies in advance for that one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Eagles in Truro, just for the sake of everyone getting to have their polyamorous cake and eat it too.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. Just... yes. Big yes.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, most of my fics are explicit. I'm not really sure what kind of smut I write. I feel like my smut is probably more graphic than some. More jizz dripping on the floor and errant pubes in teeth than what's fandom typical.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I can barely hold the HP universe in my head.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, several of them. I think it's cool as hell. If it's a language I'm familiar with, I help with phrasings and subtext and stuff.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah. I have a WIP collection that people can leave unfinished fics in, and then I finish them. And I'd say when I collaborate with an artist, there's enough back and forth that it counts as co-writing. Oh! And there's a WIP with @oknowkiss and @mintawasalreadytaken I'll eventually get back to writing, I swear, you guys, for real, I will finish that shower piss scene.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Joker/Harley Quinn, actually.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
OMG just one?! I have (briefly leaves to check Google Docs) about 100k in unfinished fics, plus outlines for about ten more. I think those are all going to get dumped as-is on AO3 in an anonymous collection, and I'm only going to finish the ones I'm actively posting (Seahorse, Glitch, 24k9).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Weird turns of phrase, I guess. Or at least that's what people tell me. I feel like I'm pretty good at not bogging down the pace with descriptions, but some people like to know the threadcount when they read smut. Honestly, I have way more strengths as an editor than as a writer.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Complete disregard for the em dash. If I were meant to use it, it would have a key on the standard QWERTY keyboard. I even bought an expensive-ass keyboard, programmed an em dash key for it, and still didn't use it. It wasn't meant to be. Who would like to buy a very fancy keyboard? I will also die on my double-spacing at the end of sentences hill. Going down with this typewriter skills ship. Maybe YOUR language evolves over time, but mine's stuck in 1987.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
That's one of my favorite puzzles. How comprehensible can I make the foreign language excerpt solely through the use of cognates and cues? Love it. 10/10.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
My most masterful works of fiction are letters of recommendation. But this sonnet is fun.
Tagging everybody already tagged, as well as @peachpety @@epitomereally @tontonguetonks @diligent-thunder @wheezykat @lou-ifyouwant @corvuscrowned
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uroboros-if · 2 years
Heyo! Was wondering how the ROs felt about nicknames/pet names and if they are fond of any particular nicknames/pet names.
P. S. Sorry if this was asked before. I can't find one like this but then again my tumblr has been acting up lately.
P. S. S. Whenever I listen to a song (When The Sun Loves The Moon), I just can't help but think of this IF <3
UGHH I forgot to post this yesterday!
SALVATORE. I think they'd be absolutely ecstatic about nicknames. Their nicknames are probably super cheesy and over-the-top ones like, "my love", "my sun," "my star", or "my life." They would be particularly delighted if you call them something similar, but honestly, they'd swoon over any cute endearment.
LUCIEL. They wouldn't know what to think of it at first. They'd probably be slightly confused or surprised at first to know what to feel about it. However, it doesn't feel... bad. They'd let you call them anything, and they'd eventually warm up. It's actually really nice. It makes them feel warm. They'd stick to the classics of "dear" or "beloved." They'd feel happy if the MC said something similar, but if it was over-the-top, they'd feel a little flustered, but they'd still be just as happy!
CIOCANA. They'd gasp if you proposed to call them nicknames, or if you start calling them as such out of the blue. "MC!" they'd exclaim, sidling up to you and grinning. "Did you call me that?" They'd most definitely use them, probably things like "dear" or "sweetheart," or even some equivalent of "babe." If you challenged them to say the cheesiest pet names, though, they'd most certainly go to town with it! Just don't call them that in public -- they get a little shocked and flustered. Do you... really want to call attention to their association with Ciocana that badly? (They're very pleased with that.)
ALESSI. Gets all dopey smiley about nicknames. They'd ask you what you want to be called, and even if you say something as a joke or something seemingly stupid, maybe they'd laugh a little, but they'd take it to heart and most definitely call you that sincerely. Even something like "sugar-butt." Don't test Alessi's determination and just how seriously they take things!
These would all be true for platonic partners as well (except love is meant platonically), but if you prefer more friendly terms, like "beautiful," "partner," or even just a simple "my friend," they'd all be equally be up to that!
P.S. No worries at all ❤️❤️ don't think I've gotten too popular to get repeat asks, and it's such a sweet ask and I'm glad you asked!
P.S.S. I just listened to it and omg..... you're right. Your mind, Anon, it amazes me sometimes. My partner in particular loves Reinaeiry's stuff!! I'm super honored you think of this IF, that makes me so giddy <3<3 djdkjd
Thank you so much for the ask! ✨
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zyafics · 4 months
It is kind of crazy how we never actually like our work, right? Or maybe we do, but not as something that is good, just something that we really wanted to read(?) Idk if that makes sense. However, i'd like you to know that the mean voice in your head telling you your work is not  good is not true and it's not you. I'm really glad you liked my ask, I only tell the truth. And I meant what I said about Play Fake being my favorite story <3. I actually consider it an entire universe in my head. I have some ideas about those moments that we don't see in the story, you know?  Maybe we can see some drabbles about those scenes, huh, huh... what do you think?  *pleading face emoji* 
Also, I'd like to ask if you ever thought about Cameron Twins... you know, like TWO Rafes? Two brothers who share... everything. Oh, wait...what was I saying? Oh, yes, yes, I love your work. 
P.S.: I might or might not have forgotten my tumblr password hahah   (don't worry, I'll remember it... I hope so.
- T.
for me, it's definitely because the voice in my head cannot comprehend that people like my stories. i always hyper-analyze every little details when i post—why i didn't do x, or why reader is doing x and is it too annoying, or something about the way my writing feels stiff and unnatural. i'm trying to get better at it, i swear!! honestly, hearing you guys feedbacks and sweet words honestly motivates me to keep going. like i'm on part ten right now and i feel so stuck but i keep rereading all the nice asks and comments people have left and i push forward 🩷🥹 but omg, having a whole universe in your head is crazy!! tell me about some of the drabble ideas you have! i would love to write them 🙂‍↔️
also, woah?? did you read my mind?? i swear to god, this morning, i was walking and toyed with the idea of cameron twins. it's down the darker route, but like, what if one twin died and one had to take up the role of the other brother? forcing himself into that lifestyle and have everything the dead brother had—including his gf? it's twisted, but it was definitely there!
and ily!! seeing u in my inbox again warms my heart and i really hope you remember your tumblr password (i, too, had that problem when i forgot my phone's passcode. i was in shambles 😭)
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cinnaminsvga · 5 months
omg so i saw your account pop up on that bit at the side with accounts to follow and stuff and immediately was thrown back
i don't know how long ago it was actually but based on the fact I've recently revived my own writing account after like 3 years away and forgetting tumblr even exists, but it's been at least that long since I last saw your account but immediate like nostalgia
this sounds terrible but i genuinely can't remember what exactly I read of yours (other than probably most of it back in the day) but I just remember you were one of my fave writers, i don't really read bts anymore because i'm up seventeen's ass these days but ima have to go through your masterlist and reread stuff for the memories now
im pretty sure that there was one specific fic series you wrote that you made group chats for on kakao maybe, i was there for it i just have terrible memory. now watch it turn out it wasn't even you that did that 🥴
i actually meant to send an ask last night when I saw your account and followed you (i think i used to follow you from my personal but idk) but it was late so I thought "hey let's wait until tomorrow when you can string together more cohesive sentences, yeah?" and then this shit show happened. but at least im not actually screaming at you in this ask like i probably would've last night
anyway, just wanted to just idek just sort of reminisce a lil and tell you that it made me really happy to see your account after these years even if you're not always active, it's nice to see that you still pop back now and then 💖
(I apologise for the mess of this. i'd say im usually more eloquent but that's a fucking lie, im a complete mess all the damn time <3)
WOAGH this was an unexpected letter in my inbox i'll tell you what (a pleasant surprise!) but hello hello welcome back and thanks for taking the time to send a message after all these years :D the tumblr algorithm, in all its mystery and dysfunctionality, sometimes makes little fun things happen like this lol
judging by your description, that fic series you're talking about is very likely "the lonely hearts club", which i suppose is an smau rather than a fic but yenno... it was something alright... if you were there during the peak of it, when i had kakao group chats for it... then it must have been 6 years since youve been around these parts (i posted that in 2018!! aint that a strange thing!!)
also, i appreciate all and every screaming ask sent my way HAHA this was actually very fun to read because like you said, i'm not very active on this blog, but getting messages once in a while is still a sweet treat!! nice to know that strangers on the internet just feel... compelled to talk to me, yenno?? especially you, who had somehow stumbled onto my patch of land by some algorithmic miracle :D it's nice reminiscing with ya!! if you really were here back in 2018, then you've known me a long time (even if you forgot most of it HAHA but i dont blame ya... my memory is pretty foggy even on a good day) so thanks for making a short stop my way <3
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vintagedoctor · 3 months
ok heres my ocs part two cuz i reached the tumblr picture limit
heres a skin im currently wearing cuz
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its june duh! happy pride! i love this skin and only wear it during june. my base skin is also a pride flag so im not doing the rainbow dollar thing anyways. i just switch it up for some color, thats all.
next up is a skin i spent so much time for next to no payoff.
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this was for a lore event in s1 of the smp and.. i think.. was the last "canon" lore event. this is the skin where i first changed the mask color to match the vibe. i love it so much. i spent so much time building the venue, making the skin, sending out in character invites and getting everyone good on a time. it was the big finale we didnt expect but surely needed. this skin serves as a reminder of that. then i wished it ended a bit better but now i think its kinda ironic. that server "ended" with a chaotic explosion with much confusion and all planning going out the window much like how the server felt while playing.
anyways next up is a skin i like but really shouldnt be as good as it is
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this is a pirate skin i had just laying around but used for my second village minecraft event with that one youtuber. they announced it was an ocean theme and omg i immediately knew i had to use that skin. no one recognized me cuz i didnt have the plague doctor mask but i couldnt pass up a chance to use this. its a good looking skin
this next skin was for s1.5 of the smp... (we were bored).
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im not the biggest fan of this skin but i remember spending a while finding the right skin base. this was for a server on 1.19 bc the server owner then wanted to try a new server to keep the community alive. this server was short lived. this was meant to be another corrupt business man or actor? i forgot. but it looks good, ig.
i think the last skin i wanna talk about thats not so deep in the smps lore that id need paragraphs explaining it would be
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my pokemon skins! my friends made a couple pixelmon servers years ago and i had to make skins for them. the 1st one is for the one that actually lasted but i think i prefer the 2nd more. i do wanna play around with changing the eye color. ive only done it a couple times for cringe things but i think its cool.
anyways thats all the skins i wanna talk abt rn. im not ashamed of these two long posts; i had to get it out somehow. anyways hope any of this made any sense and maybe inspires you to create variants of ur skins. its fun and ud be surprised how creative u can get.
i do wanna address something real quick. i wanna say that about 99 to 100% of these skins were bases i put my face on. im not a skilled pixel artist and i want to thank everyone who made these skins. if you recognize any of these as urs, thank you ever so much for making a beautiful skin that inspired my creations. i hope youre proud of your work cuz i was honestly blown away by the skill of the minecraft skin making community. you guys are so dedicated and cool i wanna shout out all of yall.
so yeah thanks for reading all this. look out for my server lore explanation and... i said something else but i forgot atm.
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lqfiles · 5 months
day 2874838 without checking lqfiles page… im losing the will to live…
jokes aside, its kind of sad that i cant send as many messages as i want to :( i’ll try to be more of a consistent anon but school here in Chile is ass, i have a seminar (i think thats how u say it in english) about circular economy and the impact of humans on natural resources and allat + chemistry test + english presentation + spanish essay + biology test this week. now im not even joking when i aay that sometimes i could js sitting in class and suddenly start thinking like hmmm i wonder if lqfiles is still on that break you spoke about, it sounds weird but trust me it isnt my intention 😪
now are u still on that break? i really hope u are and in case u aren’t, u must be doing a great job so far. sending prayers and love, hoping that safety surrounds you and danger refrains from making its way towards you and your loved ones ! <3
i know its disappointing… but i’ve only been able to read two chapters of pay the price 😞😞 IM REALLY SORRY but i still liked those two! sometimes i will read someone texting “istg” and instantly think of score that goal and it immediately makes me open your page and boom you’ve published six more chapters 🤣🤣🙏🏻 not funny, did not laugh, i’m aching to read them but if i open tumblr i will NOT close it and i can’t risk my grades since i really need the NEM rn (notas enseñanza media = high school grades i think) which basically determines whether i will get to the university i want or not based off the grades i’m currently getting 😟
HOWEVER i already had the two weeks filled w exams that i needed for this trimester so i can finally take a break !! i’ll make sure to read ptp and send as many messages as i can ! :D
p.d: whenever i get notis from your page i still get as happy as the first time i got them 🫶🏻🫶🏻 sending lots of love your way
- 🐣 anon, i almost forgot to put it lolz
IM TEARING UP OMG I MISSED SEEING YOU IB MY INBOX 😭😭😭😭 you’re still as cute as ever omg..
please don’t feel bad for not being active !!! i always encourage all of you to put your own personal life and everything else before my blog because i don’t want me or my work to be the thing holding you back from your full focus 😣 it seems like you’re in a stressful position tho :(( please take care and take enough breaks !!!! that sounds like a boring topic tbh lmao but i’m sure you’ll do well in all of those, i’ll be personally cheering you on i swear!! YOU’LL ACE THIS WEEKS TESTS AND THE UPCOMING ONES TOO‼️🔥
i truly don’t find it weird i find it sooo cute honestly like i never imagined ppl would think about me and my blog throughout their day other than when i post but to answer your question, i’m not </3 i did have the day off on monday tho so that was nice because that meant i had 4 days off in total (the weekend + monday and tuesday) so that made me happy :D you’re always so sweet i genuinely hope nothing but good fortune for you too i will personally pray for it :( <3
AGAIN, DONT FEEL BAD LMAOO put your own personal life first because that’s something i would do too, i’m currently not writing much either lol all these are chaps i managed to make in like a few days and had on my drafts lolll. DONT EGEN THINK OF PUTTING THIS FIRST WHEN THESE GRADES MATTER SO MUCH PLS.. i’d feel so guilty if you didn’t pass
THE IMPACT stg had, the way i always think of stg too whenever i type istg 😭😭😭😭 i’m happy you liked the two chaps tho and i hope that you’ll like the rest too when you have time :) i’m serious when i tell you i was literally thinking about you today or yesterday like i was thinking about your previous messages and was like “i hope they’re doing well..” i’m glad to see you again and and to know you still have my notifs on :) take care my love again i hope you sleep peacefully and i hope you eat well and gozar of good health!!!
0 notes
wooahaes · 1 year
hii its tattoo anon again <3 i just wanted to update you i loved cheols part of uts and cheol is one of my biases and i am so in love with his part!! i found this series almost a year ago and its bittersweet now that it has ended. i am so excited to see what comes next for the poly fic and your new works in general. i also hope that u saw my last message!! also i wanted to ask because idk if i didnt realize it or missed it but did you ever reveal who gave mouse the little stuffed mouse? if im not mistaken was it jeonghan? i have been wanting to figure out who it was but idk if i got it wrong lol. have a good day!
omg hi lovely!! i 100% saw ur last message and meant to respond and then. either forgot or got busy w school stuff, im blanking on which is it which probably just means it slipped my mind :( sorry!!
im literally gonna copy it over here and answer both this ask + the previous one to make it easier so uhh long response under the readmore !! i hope that's okay :(
okie dokie ill address this ask first
hi!!! you've been following the series since like... very close to the beginning then haha which is v v sweet and ill sob rn!!
i think i mentioned jeonghan working on the lil plush mouse during cheol UtS but didn't address it further, but yes! it was going to come up during poly fic at some point where he made all of the plushies for each person as a way of like. giving ppl comfort, esp when they show up & don't join the group at first (so that they have Something there w them, im the kind of person who needs something in my arms in order to sleep haha so that's where it's mainly coming from).
and for ur last ask:
hi its me again the tattoo anon LOL. i just wanted to reply to what you said and im so glad that i made you happy with what i said and i genuinely mean it. this is a little vulnerable but ever since i started liking svt i think a major reason why i love them so much is because they are a big group of friends and i have friends, but not that many so stanning svt in general is so comforting because of the closeness of all of them but finding this fic was like. a fucking dream for me because them being such a big close knit group and it being like the found family trope is perfect and the way you write and portray them is so comforting. genuinely i meant it when i said its one of my favorite things i have stumbled upon in my life, i have shared this story with my friends and they love it too and when we watch some edits of seventeen or see something in general that reminds us of this fic we say “this is so under the sun coded” and its like an inside joke with me and my friends. you literally changed the trajectory of my life with this fic lol. when im having a hard time in my personal life i come back to this little world u created by either just thinking about it before i fall asleep or rereading it and i want to thank you for being a writer. i hope you enjoy writing what you write bc i know that i certainly enjoy it and i hope you are proud of urself. anyway i think selling subtle stickers would be so awesome and i will definitely buy them. also since i submitted my last ask i have thought about little ideas for a tattoo maybe?? like what about like a small drawing of a church and like 13 little people around it with a little sun?!? or flowers like you said OR getting little drawings of the animals each person has? i think that would be so cute. or like maybe a little sash blindfold?? anyway ur awesome i love u thank u
the first time i tried to answer this ask, my long response ended up deleted bc i switched tabs for a second to check something and then tumblr just... deleted it??? which was v frustrating, kind of makes me hate the new post editor a Lot!
but to be vulnerable as well, i think i started writing UtS at like... a difficult point in my life? not difficult as in the painful way, but difficult as in 'there's a lot going on right now and i've never felt more alone than i do now' i guess? it's like... i started writing it right before my final semester of college, and i'm an online student, so i don't get to go out and be in a classroom with other people. sometimes i call myself an introvert when i think the term 'ambivert' has always fit more--i don't detest being social, i do tend to enjoy it! but i still need alone time to make up for it since it's draining. and idk, i was lost for a while on who i am and what i want to do with my life?
and i feel like writing UtS has put me in a vulnerable position to like... question a lot more about myself as a person. i have friends, sure, but no one i go out to see in person since i'm not exactly like... in a good place for that kind of interaction (deep south bible belt, haha... makes not being straight something i struggle with sometimes). i think the important part of UtS is the acceptance they all have for one another, and it's something i personally wish to have a lot more of in my offline life. i think even if i had the idea without darl+ing, it would have ended up being a svt fic due to how close they are and how much they care for one another.
also tbh i just love the found family trope. i love the idea and process of choosing your own family in a sense and saying 'these are MY people and i love them' ig.
also u showing the fic to ur friends + the comment abt being like 'this is UtS coded' ill SOB!!! i will!!! thats literally so cute and sweet of u!!! (pls feel free to send me any of ur 'this is UtS coded' thoughts i would always love to hear them haha)
but like. this is why i write. i like being able to impact people and help them escape life and be happy for a while. its why it always means a lot to me when i get feedback on my work and see people be happy with what i write (... even if sometimes its angsty haha--moving people to feel is a huge compliment by itself!). im glad you have UtS. im glad i have it now, too.
i do enjoy writing, btw, and i loved writing uts. even with the frustration periods where i didn't touch it for a while, i genuinely enjoyed writing uts a lot. i think i owe a lot of that to people like you, who read it and show support for the series! its always easier to read something when i know there's someone who will enjoy it. i remember smiling hard when i rewrote the ending to cheol uts bc of how fucking stoked i was to share it tbh!!! also bc i messaged savv 'lol this is gonna be devastating (/pos)' at one point i think sdkfhsdf but i was genuinely excited to finish it and get it out to u guys!! i dont know who i would be if i didn't write, and despite like... all of the bad shit that's happened in my life that i've turned to writing to pull myself out of it, i don't think i'd ever give it up. i think it's too deeply a part of me to ever give up. maybe one day i'll get published lol
ill definitely put more thought into subtle stickers for UtS (and maybe some other series haha cant remember if i mentioned that last time but UtS felt like the bigger one)! might have to ask around my friend circle for tips on designing them >:3
ohh i like ur tattoo ideas :0 im not sure what would look good so i hope u consult a tattoo artist with ur ideas eventually!! the idea of the lil church w a sun + 13 ppl is rly cute? if u do the sash-blindfold thing, u could always have a lyric inside of it or something if u wanna play w that :3c pls feel free to keep me updated further!!
sorry i didnt get to this ask until now but i hope u are doing well mwah mwah have a good day ur awesome ily
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kladraws · 4 years
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dad’s on tv!!!
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violentdevotion · 3 years
when I was a kid and I wanted smth enough to pray for it I would make barters with God, like small stuff like "if I get this ill do the dishes everyday for a week" the big one I used a lot was id learn my native language, which in hindsight makes no sense cos why would God care if I can speak apni or not, but it was smth my parents were constantly making me feel bad about not being able to do. and I was never really taught how to pray for something so during Ramadan I had asked my mum and she said you just gotta ask and if it's good for you it'll come
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
Can I request a teen mc who is like YUJI from jujutsu kaisen as in they are the vessel of SUKUNA PLSS? Like maybe they can manifest SUKUNA in his curse form as another being as well like megumis dogs? (If you don’t know JJK can you just do a chaotic teen mc? ❤️)
So let me tell you: I started reading the manga but have yet to watch the anime 😭 it’s really good though and I’m probably gonna start it this week, but I’m not sure if I’m 100% confident in writing Sukuna. BUT this request was too good to pass up, so if you don’t like it I will write the other scenario instead just let me know!
So for these headcanons, I made it to where MC is Sukuna’s vessel like Yuji, and that they can manifest him if needed. But, I still kept it to where he’s not exactly a good guy with MC’s best interest at heart. Reader is gender neutral and younger than the Bros, so the dynamic is more family instead of romance just a heads up! Hope you enjoy!
TW: Minor cursing, spoilers for Lesson 16 in Mammon’s, Beel’s, and Belphie’s part
The Brothers with Teen MC who’s Sukuna’s Vessel
Was very irritated with this revelation, but still curious
Still annoyed either way though
He already had to make sure that you stayed alive during your stay and not disappoint Diavolo, but now he had to make sure that you kept this curse at bay too!
He’s very skeptical of you: not only because of you being a young human but also being a human with essentially a demon inside of you
A very troublesome demon if not kept under control at all times
Honestly Sukuna was like an buzzing gnat who wouldn’t just go away, so Lucifer didn’t see him as a threat personally. More of a nuisance that could grow into a threat if remained unchecked
After you explained the whole situation, he still assigned Mammon to you, but he made sure to personally keep an eye on you too
Your presence was seen as a threat at first, but as time passed, he, along with his brothers knew you meant no harm, but the same couldn’t be said for this Sukuna
He wanted to have faith in you, but he couldn’t bring himself to fully believe it. After an incident at RAD with another demon attempting to attack you, your powers (or rather Sukuna’s) came out to play
He saw the markings, the extra eyes, the malice spread on your face, and he then realized just how serious this has become. You were able to gain control back, but the damage was already done. You were so distraught, sobbing before you, trying to apologize and swearing that you didn’t mean for this to happen, all the while Sukuna was laughing, morphing a mouth on your cheek
It was so bizarre to see, and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity for you. You were such a kind person, always going out of the way to spend time and help wherever you could. You essentially became a part of the family, but he knew that you didn’t feel accepted because of him
After that, your “punishment” was to practice holding control over Sukuna with Lucifer, every day after school (which can just be seen as him checking in on you on a daily basis, and trying out different techniques to make sure repeats of this incident doesn’t happen again). Meaning that you trained on manifesting him at will, instead of him completely taking over
Not gonna lie he’s acting like a proud dad when he sees you making progress and Sukuna just sitting in your head tired of all this positivity lol
Lucifer cares for you, he’s accepted you fully even if you hadn’t for yourself. He wants to protect all of his family (including you), and he doesn’t want to think about what could happen if Sukuna becomes a danger to the Devildom or Diavolo...
Is impressed but also low key nervous
Humans are not suppose to be like this, ya know!
He’s not the smartest demon in Hell, but he definitely knows that you can’t summon demons without a pact, and he knows your baby face doesn’t have one with the King of Curses
You had to break down the whole deal, and it made him even more confused and distressed
Was still acting annoyed being your designated babysitter, I mean seriously, just how annoying can you be?!
Just kidding! You guys are totally partners in crime in no time and you both make Lucifer get 2x the wrinkles now
“MC, let the Great Mammon show you how’s it done!”
“Mammon, you’re going to be the reason why we’ll be strung up again for the third time this week.”
“It’s going to be both of your idiots’ faults. Such a pathetic display.”
He HATES whenever Sukuna makes an appearance, whether you call on him or he makes his own special appearance. He’s like a gritty and more sadistic version of Lucifer, minus the style and uptight personality (and honestly the finesse too), which made him 10x the more aggravating
He honestly hates Sukuna in general. Here you are, his MC, one of the only people to stand up and defend him always, struggling to live a normal life because of him. It was bad enough that you got sent down here with no warning, but now you got sent with him, and from what Mammon could hear with the conversations between you two, he wasn’t exactly your BFF
Denies being excited about seeing you perform your cursed techniques, but only because it brings him out (and he guesses it’s a little cool that you know how to do it). But human, you don’t need that lame curse, you got the great demon himself to protect you!
On a darker note, you made Mammon swear to you that if Sukuna took over and you for some reason couldn’t gain back control, that he would protect himself and his brothers first before worrying about you. He hated this even coming up, you should be worrying about what’s the next scheme you guys could pull off, not some weird sharpie colored entity causing problems. But you were dead serious, and you made him promise that if the worst case scenario ever happened, he would make sure it’s taken care of
Mammon realized you were the missing piece to their family. It felt nice to have someone depend on him, to actually treat him with respect and care for him truly. He refused to accept Sukuna as a part of you (really he just acted like he didn’t exist, which he didn’t in his mind), and he refused to let him or anyone else harm you
You’re family now, and he wasn’t going to lose anyone else ever again
Oh look, another normie
Wow, you’re such a normie that you’re even talking to yourself through a manifested mouth on your palm-wait WHAT
You broke it down to him, and you just...stared at you, with a blank expression on his face. Until-
How ironic lol
He practically had a fanboy overload moment whenever you showed off your cursed techniques to him after he begged asked you countless times
You guys remember that vine with the kid saying, “I have the power of God and anime on my side”? Recreate that while doing your moves and he’ll be in awe and dying laughing at the same time
Will post it to his Devilgram and DevilTube
His envy will start to show at first. How is it that someone boring like you get to have all these cool powers and have an actual king reside in you?? You’re living the Shonen dream and not even grateful for it!
But this reality for him would soon shatter after he saw Sukuna for himself, and the way that he behaved towards you. The way that the curse would just look at with disdain in his eyes just made Levi’s skin crawl. He was made well aware that you were in fact not living the anime dream he thought you were. The look in your eyes reminded him of how he would feel whenever he felt like a scummy otaku, and from that point forward he would find ways to cheer you up
You can plan on having anime marathons, game nights, even talking with Henry (I hc that he can talk and understand aquatic animals) when you get into these moods. Anything that helps him get out of his funks he’s hoping it helps you too. You don’t deserve this type of treatment from anyone, especially someone that even he can no doubt eliminate
You were honestly one of the coolest people that he knows, and one of the strongest too! Not just physically, but mentally too. He can’t imagine what could be going on in your head since Sukuna became a part of you, but he knows that you’re strong enough to overcome anything that he throws at you. And if you had moments where you faltered or doubted yourself, that’s okay! Levi would be right beside you the whole way, doing anything he can to keep pushing you forward
Be the teen anime hero that he’s know you can be MC! You wouldn’t be his Henry if he didn’t have any faith in you, you know?
Bonus: you don’t have to worry about your anime nights being ruined after one night when Sukuna somehow found a spoiler to an anime that Levi was really anticipating became a very visual warning for the curse. Levi convinced you to let him take over, and whatever was said resonated with him because you never heard a peep after that, both out loud and in your head
Oh he was BEYOND fascinated
We all know how much Satan loves to read and how smart he is, so while you look at your condition as a curse (no pun intended), he saw it as an opportunity
Could you feel this curse coursing through your body? Did you feel stronger? Could he see through your eyes all the time or only when you let him? He had so many questions it wasn’t even funny
Very understanding of your situation surprisingly (but still called you dumb for eating Sukuna’s finger)
Satan would be one of the only people you could really trust when dealing with Sukuna. Yes, you trusted all of the brothers, but if you were really in a bind you could count on Satan to come up with a solution quickly
The only issue was his anger. Everyone knows just how angry he can get, and to avoid him ASAP if you even think he’s getting frustrated. Sukuna knows this too, and will be more than happy to taunt him to truly bring out his wrath. While he does need you alive (for now), it wouldn’t hurt to have some type of fun around here. Plus, this could cause your bonds with these brothers to weaken, and the weaker the bond, the weaker the will to help you keep him at bay and defeat him
But Satan knew better, and you did your best in keeping Sukuna away. He may be the Avatar of Wrath but that didn’t mean he was stupid. However, he did have one slip up unfortunately
You see, he was just having a bad day and already got into a spat with Lucifer, and you sensed that he certainly needed his space. So while you slowly backtracked to your room and from his path, Sukuna decided to be the evil ass that he is, and proceed to provoke him. What finally made him snap was his comment that, “You would be a formidable opponent if you weren’t in your older brothers’ shadow, but oh well. Can’t help who you come from I see.”
It took Beel, Mammon, and Lucifer to properly restrain him from ripping Sukuna (really you) limb from limb, with him laughing manically and you scrambling back in fear. Which called for a very long, detailed family meeting (of course after Satan fully calmed down) that resulted in mediated meetings between you and him for the next month. You felt guilty, you should have done better containing him, but you couldn’t predict whenever he decided to pop up!
But after a long talk, Satan didn’t blame you. He blamed himself for losing to his anger and especially blamed Sukuna. He decided that it was time to get rid of this pest once and for all. Be ready MC, cause once he puts his mind to something, there’s no stopping him
Prepare for your bonding time to be deep into books and practicing new hexes and curses. But don’t worry, it’s not always boring and Satan makes sure that you’re having some type of fun. He’s really doing this to have some sort of protection for you: whether it’s against Sukuna or himself. He wants you to know something besides your cursed techniques just in case they fail for some reason
Will shockingly want you to manifest the curse, one main reason is to obviously collect information on him, the other reason is to test said hexes and curses on him
Can a curse be cursed? Let’s find out
You helped Satan with him realizing that anger isn’t the only emotion that you can feel, and with you being so young, he wanted you to experience life as much as you can. And while you had an extra...passenger with you, he will do his best to make sure that it doesn’t get in the way of you enjoying life. It was nice to see a joyous smile on your face
Also you guys did find a hex that made Sukuna meow for the whole day and it was the best thing to ever happen with him lmao
Honestly wasn’t really bothered with it at first. If anything, he treated it like hot gossip when you told him in the beginning
One thing he will say though: humans can be so revolting at times. I mean you ate a rotten finger, a cursed, aged, sharp, disgusting- you get the point. He did cringe at that, but everything else was pretty normal besides that
Still talked about your daily gossip, painted nails, the works. But recently, Sukuna’s name has been coming up more and more in your recent convos. Asmo, being quite the messy curious demon, wanted to know more about this curse
He really treated Sukuna like he was just your show and tell act and would want you to bring it out to see how he really was. He was amused with your cursed techniques, but he wanted to see more!
He heard you both talking with one another, and he wanted to see him in person! He hasn’t done anything and you’re among the seven strongest in Hell, so what could go wrong?
So much. So much could go wrong
And so much went wrong
After you manifested him, it went downhill from there. The large amount of control you did show caught his attention, but then it moved to the King of Curses himself. He was very delighted to see him up close for more than a couple of seconds, and took his time admiring his physique up close. It was fun for him, but not for you. Sukuna could feel your will slipping since your focus was being divided dealing with Asmo, so he took this as his time to shine
You had an exhausting day, and you were tired, which he used to his advantage. Asmo started to complain when Sukuna suddenly disappeared, but didn’t have a chance to voice it as your arm suddenly gripped the front of his shirt. He felt himself jolt, feeling his heart pumping. He looked into your eyes and realized that this wasn’t you, this was now Sukuna. The black markings that lined your face along with the new eye color (and the extra pair of eyes) came with a grin that stretched across your face
“What’s the matter? You were so eager to be in my presence, is it not to your liking now that the tables have turned? You claim to be one of the strongest, yet I would be able to kill you just being in this form-Ah, the brat is trying to come back, what a shame. Do me a favor, little Asmodeus, don’t insult me like this again. I am a King, and you will remember that. I might have to pay you another visit and take your heart with me next time to make sure you’re aware of that.”
He didn’t give Asmo time to answer, as his grip loosened and you were back. He saw you stumbling, shook out of his own thoughts and reached to catch you. He knew that this curse was an issue, but he didn’t understand just how serious this was, how serious it had gotten so quickly. The thought of Sukuna didn’t scare him, but the promise of him coming back just for him caused some worry. He wasn’t the weakest, but he didn’t want to hurt you! As much as he couldn’t stand his new found scorn of Sukuna, it wasn’t enough for him to take the chance of injuring you
You didn’t strike fear in him, rather the opposite. To see someone he has grown to care about be the one to try and bring his demise was...saddening. He could just feel his heart breaking at the notion. And if this experience taught him one thing is to be more understanding of what you’re going through
You remembered bits and pieces of the incident, and whenever you asked Asmo about it, he would divulge a tad in what happened, but wouldn’t go into too much detail. He didn’t want you blaming yourself, and he didn’t want you to distance yourself from him either. You already proven yourself of formindable you are ever since you gotten down here, and Asmo wasn’t going to let some jealous wannabe demon get in the way of that!
So no more talk of the thing, and whenever it did want to make an unsuspecting visit, Asmo would be ready. The thing was immune to most curses, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t be charmed to some extent, right?
Has covered the eye slits up with makeup and other beauty products every morning, becomes both of your favorite bonding activity. Anything to erase any evidence of it existing and to hear your giggles brightens his day everytime!
Is very sympathetic of your ordeal
Has mad respect for you eating that finger though, even he doesn’t think that he would eat that
Maybe with some sauces and some Hellroast he might
Is another brother that tries to keep an eye on you. If this Sukuna really is as dangerous as you make him out to be, then he would make sure to be prepared if things went south
Beel’s motto: stay ready you ain’t gotta get ready
Will want you to practice your moves with him. Beel’s pretty powerful, and on muscles alone is one of the strongest brothers. He wants to make sure that you can recognize your full potential, and to always do your best. Expect to be in the gym or the HoL’s backyard working out and training majority of the week
Is thoroughly impressed with your cursed techniques
Beel doesn’t understand that while yes, you have a whole curse residing in you, doesn’t make you less of a human. He forgets that you still have some limitations, and you have to remind him at least twice a week. You gotten more powerful yes, but you still weren’t at Beel’s level
“You can do it MC! Don’t give up!”
“Beel this is over 500 pounds...are you forgetting that I’m still HUMAN-”
But you can never stay mad at him, he’s just too sweet and he means well. He genuinely wants you safe and prepared if anything happens with Sukuna, and if getting you buffed up makes him feel somewhat at ease, then you’ll deal with it
Shares his food with you sometimes. He makes sure that you eat properly too, so no skipping out on meals!
Great listener! Whether you’re complaining about class, talking about a new restaurant you’re interested in (he’s definitely tuned in), or venting about Sukuna, he’s all ears. Even gives you advice if you ask for it or if you really need it
Has encountered Sukuna while he took over your body once, and let me tell you, he was not happy at all
Beel is one of the brothers that are in touch with his emotions; he doesn’t really fly off the handle into a rage unless someone has done something to his family or if he’s being denied food. But now that you’re family and vulnerable not only to other demons but to this curse inhabiting your body, he wasn’t taking any chances
He made sure to be very clear when talking with Sukuna. He wouldn’t stand for anything happening to you, and he made sure that the curse would wish he stayed scattered if that boundary was crossed
Beel is a very protective big brother that’s constantly looking out for you all the time. Even if you feel like that you need to bare this burden on your own, he makes sure that you never feel alone.
He already lost Lilith, and he doesn’t want to lose you too. He won’t mess up this time
See, he knew that there was something wrong with humans, and you were living proof of that
How can you trust humans not knowing if they have another creature living within them?!
Whatever, he’s too sleepy to even care about it
And you weren’t one of the worst so...he guesses that you’re tolerable, but don’t push it!
In the beginning, he thought it was easy to manipulate you, but he could just sense that something wasn’t right with you (and no, it wasn’t because you were just human). He would hear you talking aloud to yourself, except that you were...responding to yourself too?
He thought you finally cracked up lmao
He brought it up as a joke once, but the way you reacted was tense and...ashamed? Oh, he just hit a gold mine. This could make things much more interesting. You shared a little bit of your story with this so called “King of Curses”, but he was smart enough to make a plan off of the information. Maybe he could take advantage of Sukuna like he is of you. Kill two birds with one stone
Well his plan backfired swiftly. After he was freed from the attic and went straight in for the kill, things went array. His hands were wrapped around your neck, he could-should see the life leaving your eyes, but instead he was met with Sukuna’s gaze. Belphie thought he planned this right, he made sure that he didn’t give you enough time to manifest him or to use your curse techniques, so how was this-
“You think I don’t recognize the look of bloodlust, you spoiled child? You were foolish enough to believe that you could get rid of me this easily like the brat?!”, and he was sent flying across the room. How was this happening, this wasn’t suppose to happen!-
“As much as I would like to see them die, they’re useful to me for the time being. Once they are of no use anymore, the only one who will be relishing in their demise is me. They’ll be dying by my hand, not by some weakened child.”
Those words still resonated with him still to this day. Honestly, the whole incident did. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that you forgiven him and want to build a real bond together, his mind refused to erase that horrid memory, and he deserved it. When Belphie remembers back to that day, he remembers the horrified and heart breaking looks on his brothers’ faces, the way that your eyes show how betrayed and petrified, and how you were gasping out begging him to stop, before he comes out and puts everyone in danger
He felt disgusting, guilty, mortified, regretful, a disappointment. Those feelings only escalated after having them explain the truth to him, both about yourself and being a descendent of his dead sister. He could see how much you touched his family, and you extended that kindness to him too, and he just exploited it
He stayed far away from you for a very long time. He didn’t try to approach you at all, only staying in the planetarium or even the attic, to avoid crossing paths with you. He didn’t deserve to make a connection with you like his older brothers, as much as he wanted to. He was remorseful, it wasn’t because of the whole Lilith revelation, but because you really didn’t deserve that happening to you
You made the first move to make amends, to have a fresh start, and he couldn’t have been more grateful, albeit nervous. He was so terrified of messing things up again, but you were there to help keep him grounded. “I won’t lie to say that what you did was okay, but I’m willing to move on from it. You aren’t completely forgiven, but we can work towards fixing things, together.”
Belphie was shaken by Sukuna’s words, but he wasn’t necessarily scared of him. In fact, he would personally find a way to cast him out of your body and destroy him permanently as the perfect apology and thank you gift; the thank you for reuniting him with his family, and for helping them develop healthy relationships with one another. They weren’t as separate as before, and it made him feel so warm every time he thought about it
Not that he would ever say that to anyone
You both spent time together either napping or plotting for future LYS (Lucifer You Suck) pranks. And since Belphie is pretty good with magic himself, he would be teaching you some new spells or curses that you could use to protect yourself, even against the curse inside you
Belphie will make sure to not make another huge mistake when it comes to you ever again. He’ll have his little slip ups, but you were never put into harms way because of them. He doesn’t want to sabatoge this bond, and he wants you to truly be happy spending time with him. He’s not the greatest role model (obviously) and may be tight lipped about how he feels most of the time, but he really does have your best interests at heart
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sunshineandbnha · 4 years
Unexpected - Denki x reader (Valentine’s Day)
Word count: 3,978
Warnings: none, aside from a case of “Did not edit, just finished this this morning”
A/n: HOW DID THIS END UP SO LONG?? I swear, I started it with the idea and intention that it would be 1.4k or 1.9k words. How did I accidentally write two thousand more words? Anyway, I hope this is a good valentine fic for Denki boy. I thought of it due to a prompt on tumblr. If I can later remember who it was who made it, I will edit this and have a link to that post.
Edit: Found it. The prompt was made by @love-me-a-good-prompt
When was it you started to look at him differently?
You looked over your shoulder to find Kaminari making his way past several students in the cafeteria to get to you. You turned your body to face him. Though, you felt awkward about still holding your lunchtray, as if it was a barrier between you and him.
"Do you got a date for tomorrow?" he asked with a grin.
Your heart gave a weep at the reminder of Valentine's day. As if the hearts and commercials all over the place weren't enough. "What do you think?"
"Just checking." He dashed to get his lunch tray he had set down, and sped walked to your side as you picked a table to sit at.
Kaminari had been your friend for several months. One day you had simply overheard him talking about a manga, the same one you had read, and you jumped into the conversation. After that, the both of you became easy friends, and frequently had lunch at the same table.
"Why would you even ask?” You slid into a seat at the table. “You know there's no one I'm really interested in."
"Except for fictional characters," he added while getting into his own chair across from you.
"Yeah. Unfortunately they aren't available for me to ask out."
He leaned back in his seat. “We’re really missing out on these things. I thought by the time I was in high school training to be a cool hero, I would have tons of girls who like me by now.”
“And I, for some reason, thought I would magically manifest a special someone. But that’s clearly not happening anytime soon.” You stared down while absent mindedly stirring your food.
He suddenly sat straight and looked at you with a twinkle in his eyes. The kind that told you he had an idea. "What if we did all of that classy Valentine's day stuff together?"
"I think you meant cliche."
"Banana, ba- ... oh wait, that's not how the saying goes."
You let out a large laugh and nearly choked on your food.
"Something with tomatoes or potatoes," he continued with a wave of his hand as if throwing away the topic. "Well, what do you think? You wanna do it?"
"You just want the chocolate, don't you?"
"No! I would never!" He waved his arms around. "... Well, that too."
"I knew it!" You lifted your fork/chopstick of food into air in triumph. "Just make sure you get my favorite chocolate once White Day rolls around."
"Sure thing!" He gave a thumbs up. "I'm sure I can get enough money by then!"
"You've been using all of it on manga and snacks again, haven't you?"
"What else would I use it on?"
"Okay. Just don't use the money for my chocolate on manga."
"If I did, It would be a great manga and be worth a lot more than some chocolate. Actually, that should be a thing. Instead of getting girls chocolate, get them manga! And we should get manga too. ... So, are we doing it?" he asked when he paused long enough to think.
"I don't know,” you shrugged while taking another bite.
He slammed his hand on the table. "But you said it like you did! I just agreed to get you chocolate next month!"
"I was saying if I agreed. If I agreed then you would have to get me chocolate.” You internally laughed at his response.
Kaminari slumped in his chair. "Okay, but my point is, how long have we been single? And it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon, so I was thinking why not we experience some of it while we're still in high school?"
"Hmmm," you tapped your finger against your lip. "Well, you have a point. And I guess I got nothing better to do tomorrow."
“So it’s a yes?” his eyes lit up.
“I guess so.”
“Yes!” He jumped up and some heads turned towards him. “I got a—!”
You hastily pulled him back down and got a hold of his ear. He yelped in pain before you shushed him. The attention he had gained was beginning to die down after doing that, much to your relief. You released a small puff of air, grateful that you didn’t feel like you were in a spotlight anymore.
“Kaminari,” you whispered into his ear, an edge present in your voice, “Don’t go announcing it to the world, especially if it’s not an actual date. Do not ruin it for me.”
You let go, and he got out of the awkward position of being pulled half way onto the table. Thankfully, he hadn’t landed in his food when you pulled him down. He settled back in his chair and rubbed his ear.
“Okay! You can count on me!”
 Maybe it was a bad idea to suddenly agree when that meant you had to make chocolate for him that night. You already had some chocolate you bought from the store for family and friends. One of those giri chocos was originally going to be his, but now you would have to actually make him honmei choco if you were going to have the whole Valentine's Day experience. You considered skipping on that for a brief second, but you had already agreed to do it. Plus, you weren't sure if you would ever get to do this during high school at this rate. And you wanted to at least have done it once.
You'd have to run to the store to get better quality chocolate, a cute wrap for it, and a heart shaped mold. In order to save time, you went directly to the nearest store after school. It would save time, which you didn't have much of it. You didn't know how long it would take to make them, and you wanted some extra time in case you make a mistake and had to do something over again.
It was more crowded than you thought. You also didn't realize how many stares you would get just for being in your U.A. uniform. Thankfully, everything you needed was there and you made your way to the counter to pay. As you were weaving your way through the people, you thought you saw another student. You did a double take. Uniform. Pink skin. Ashido.
You tried to duck and hide, but it was too late.
"Oh, hey!" She waved you down and ran to you. A bag of purchased goods was hanging from her arm. "What are you doing here? Are you getting last minute giri choco too!"
“I, uh.”
“Hey, isn't that stuff to make chocolate? Wait a second… OMG! Who’s the lucky person!”
You nervously held the items close to you. This was why you didn't want her seeing you. "No one, really. I'm just... making it for the experience." You put a smile onto your face and did your best to make the last half of the sentence sound cheery.
It wasn't technically a lie. You just hoped she bought it. Because if she kept prying and learned it was for Kaminari, you would never hear the end of it.
"Okay. Can I have some when you're done?" She joked and bumped your arm with her elbow.
"Only if I didn't eat it all first." You internally high fived yourself for the quick reply.
"Okay. Well, see you at U.A." She waved before dashing out the door.
"Bye!" You watched her go. When she was out of view, you exhaled a breath you didn't know you were holding.
 You stood nervously in the park. You wore a Valentine Day themed outfit you had put together, with the help of some ideas from the internet. It was 5:45 pm, the time you agreed on meeting. You had honestly expected him to be slightly late. Though it did nothing to make your feel less jittery.
There were quite a few people who also had the same idea of going to the park. Some friends playing Frisbee. A family walking by. And some couples. You scanned the area for him, multiple times, but still couldn't see him.
Why were you even so worried? This was your friend. It’s not like it was an actual date with someone you liked. If he forgot or something, you could just chew him out later. Then that 'what if' situation made you sick to your stomach and you forced yourself to stop thinking about it.
You head turned up within a split second and you saw him. He wore a dark blue button up shirt. This plus his smile and hair... somehow made him look nice. A smile spread on your face, yet your nerves didn't completely calm down just yet.
"Hey!" You greeted back.
"You look nice," he commented.
"You too." You nodded. "So, what were you planning on doing first?"
"I thought we'd walk around here first, then go to this one restaurant. And after that we can wander around shops." he shrugged.
"Okay, sounds nice." You began walking side by side with him.
Your brain tried to sabotage the moment by beginning to make you feel awkward. You did your best to push it away. But were you supposed to be walking in silence? Or talking?
"You wanna hold hands?" He offered.
"Hmm," you joking held your finger to your lip in deep thought. "I think no."
"Oh, come on!" He acted upset, but there was a big grin on his face.
You laughed and he joined in. A few more jokes were thrown back and forth as you passed trees and other people. Though within a seemingly short amount of time, the conversation hit dead end. You pulled on your sleeve and look in any direction but him.
"Okay, this is getting boring,” he said. “Can we go to the restaurant now?”
"Lucky for you, I think we're almost at the end of the park, and I'm hungry."
“Yes!” he cheered. “They always make walking through the park look more fun in the movies.”
“Yeah,” you agreed with a laugh.
Kaminari led you to the place he picked out. Well, more like he tried to go there, then got lost and had to give up on relying on his memory. He made the brilliant move of pulling out his phone, setting the location on his map app, and he following it. But you both realized that he had gotten the point where you going mixed up with your location.  This resulted in having to backtrack and ignoring your growling stomach as it took even longer to get there.
Finally, you found it. You entered through door with him. Inside were tables placed around a large circle. The conveyor belt had several plates of food with different types of sushi and other dishes. The chiefs in the middle of the circle conveyor worked hard to keep the food coming. Almost every table was filled.
“Aw, man. We should have gotten here earlier,” Kaminari grabbed your hand. “C’mon.”
You both ran until you spotted a free table and slide in. It took a second to catch your breath after the sudden sprint. Sitting in the chair, you looked around more closely. It was a nice place. There were people chattering, some clanking of plates, and mouth watering food slowly passing by you. You reached up to begin to grab one, but then you stopped yourself.
"Wait, am I paying for myself or where you...?"
"You can have whatever you want. My treat," he replied with a ish eating grin. Probably meant that he thought what he just said was very cool.
You laughed to yourself and picked one and he did the same. It was good. You were pleasantly surprised, though you weren't sure why. Maybe it was because he had only learned of the restaurant while looking up ones online to take you to. And it was only yesterday that you agreed. Then again, you had made honmei choco the other night...
You suddenly remembered something and nearly choked on your sushi roll.
"You okay?" Kaminari said, unfortunately dismissing any hope you had that he didn't notice.
"No, I'm good. I just need to make a phone call. One second." You excused yourself and walked outside while pulling out your phone.
It was an uncomfortable change to suddenly be greeted by the chilly February air. Was it really that cold when you  were with Kaminari? You dialed your mom's number and resisted the urge to pace.
As soon as you heard the other end being picked up, you began. "Mom, I need you to get something for me. If you look in the kitchen, somewhere on the counter is where I left a bag of chocolate for Valentine's day. Can you bring that to me?" You had been so busy trying to get ready and be on time, that you had accidentally left the honmei choco you made.
"Uhh, okay. But where are you? It’ll be awfully hard to give it to you if I don’t know where you are."
"In a little bit I should be..." you tried to think of a good point to meet up, "near Takoba Municipal Beach Park. Probably close to that one gazebo. I'll text you that so you don't forget after I hang up."
"Okay. I hope you appreciate this. I really don't feel like going all the way out there to give you something you forgot."
"If I could go back and un-forget it, I would. Thank you. Bye."
With that, the call ended. You took a deep breath to calm your heart, which seemed to think forgetting chocolate was a catastrophic event, and went back inside.
When you caught sight of Kaminari again he was dunking a chunk of seaweed and fish into soy sauce, before shoving it into his already full mouth. He stopped  and paused upon seeing you. He chewed and swallowed as quickly as he could and finished by the time you sat back down.
"So, what was that about?" he started it off as a joke, but his voice seemed shaky for whatever reason.
"I just forgot something and asked Mom to go get it for me." Technically wasn't a lie.
"Oh, okay." He began eating more. He started counting the plates and you could see his face pale a tad.
"Is everything alright for you?"
"Huh? I mean, yeah, everything's great." He smiled at you.
You shrugged and focused your gaze on the conveyor belt. A particularly delicious looking morsel. It was clearly more expensive, with a nice layer of tuna in it. You reached out your hand, considering getting it when you saw Kaminari flinch at your action.
You turned to him. "Do I need to pay for my own meal?"
"No, no," he tried to retain the coolness he built up, "I can pay."
You sighed. "No, you are not going broke because of expensive fish."
"But, that's not-"
"What? It's not cool? Denki- oops.” You realized you accidentally used his given name.
His face turned the slightest bit pink, though you hardly even noticed in your own embarrassment. “That’s fine. You can call me Denki. We’ve known each other long enough.”
“Thanks,” you nodded and continued, “Denki, you are my friend," why did the word 'friend' leave a different taste this time 'round? "and I don't want you doing something stupid because you think it makes you look cool."
He struggled to make a comeback and ended up blurting out, "Doing something stupid that makes me look cool defines me."
"Look, let's split the bill between us, that way you pay for some of mine, but you don't spend up the money for the chocolate you promised me."
"Wait, you didn't care about me, you just wanted to make sure you still got chocolate." He faked an offended expression.
You exhaled a laugh. "Yeah, sure. Whatever makes you feel better. As long as you agree."
"But don't purposefully buy more just because I'm offering to pay half."
"Can't make any promises~"
"You little-"
Eventually, you became full enough, or rather reached the maximum to what you were willing to pay. Then you left. You blinked when you stepped out. You hadn’t expected it to become this dark. Kaminari began walking off, probably to some store or the mall, but you grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Is it alright if we stop by the beach?"
His eyes lit up, like the stars in the sky. "Great idea! That'd be much more romantic."
You expected to roll your eyes, but what you found was your face growing warm and your mouth being lost for words. Thankfully, he didn't notice and just started running for the beach, pulling you along. Buildings loomed over you in the dark, until they finally cleared and the beach came into view. The sea seemed to become the night sky. It gently washed over the sand in a rhymic pattern. The sound of it filled your ears and your senses listened. A sense of calmness washed over you.
You both walked up to the gate that separated the beach from the road. Kaminari leaned against the metal gate, resting on his arms. The two of you stared at the view in a comfortable silence.
“Wow, this is nice,” he commented.
“Yeah.” There was a weird feeling, somewhat reminiscent to a flutter or squeeze, in your chest. Something that made the moment seem more magical. You could almost feel this feeling rising and beginning to climb up your throat.
More silence, then a movement caught your attention out the corner of your eye. Your mom was waving to you and held a small bag that slightly reflected in the small amount of light there was.
“One second, I need to go get something,” you let him know and ran to your mom. “Thank you so much.”
“Just don’t make this a habit,” she handed it to you. Then she glanced to where Kaminari was and squinted. “Is that your date? Is that why you were making chocolate?”
“No,” your voice came out more unsure for some reason, “well, I… was just making that for myself. This is just giri choco.”
“Okay.” She shrugged. “Don’t stay out much longer.”
“I won’t.” You quickly ran back. “Hey,” you greeted him.
“Hey. What was that about?”
“Noting important,” you shrugged and leaned on the gate. “Oh, and here.” You held the bag out to him, trying to act cool and nonchalant, but you knew you had a big smirk on your face.
He gasped and snatched it out of your hold. He wrestled with the bag, trying to get it open. Once he succeeded, he looked inside. A big smile spread across his face and he pulled it out. He held a large chocolate heart on a stick, almost like a lollipop. You thought that would be fun to make. Of course, now that he held it, you could see all the tiny imperfections. Like where a small air bubble had been, or how some chocolate had gotten on the stick. But Kaminari didn’t seem to care at all. He stared at it in awe. Like he had just been given something he wanted for years.
“Wow! Wait, did your mom just give this to you? Did you forget?” he looked over to you.
“What, no, I would never…” you laughed nervously. “But I did make it. You better like it, or else,” you joked.
“I’m sure I will! Wow. You made this?”
“Yep. Last night.”
“Thank you!” He took a bite out of it and began happily chewing.
You smiled. Your eyes locked onto the gazebo on the beach. It looked really nice. The thought of you being in it made you want to go even more. Currently there was a couple there, but then they walked out and started going down the beach. Your eyes lit up.
You looked to Kaminari, tugged on his sleeve, and pointed to the now empty location.
He grinned. “I think I know what you’re thinking and I think we should do it too.”
With a couple of small laughs you both hurried down to the beach was fast as you could. The sand made you slow your pace into a walk, but you didn’t mind. The sea air on you felt refreshing, chilling your skin. The moon was beautiful and the water reflected slivers of the moonlight that danced.
"It looks really nice." You smiled.
"Yeah... wanna hold hands?" He offered his free hand to you.
To your surprise, this actually sounded nice. And to your greater surprise, you accepted. Your hand slipped in his perfectly. Almost like it found its home. The second you skin touched, it was like electricity ran through you and jump started your heart. You were about to ask if he was using his quirk, but quickly realized that it didn't feel exactly like electricity. But the strange feeling in your heart continued. You couldn't tell if it felt nice or if you wanted it to go away.
Your feet kept sinking in the sand until you reached the pier and had to get used to walking on concrete again. You made your way to the roof on the end of the pier, hand in hand. You stood by the edge. Staring at the water.
Kaminari took the last bite. “That was delicious.”
“So…” he looked around. He put the stick back into the bag and placed it in his pocket. “Wanna dance?”
Instead of your usual joking reply, you felt flustered, but shyly accepted. He pulled out his phone and started some music up. You put your hand in his and the other on his shoulder. He held you by the waist. You tried to regulate your breathing and calm down. The two of you began spinning in time with the music. He twirled you around. You even did that one move you would see in movies. When you’d spin out, like a door opening, while still holding his hand. The he’d pull you back to him. It all felt simple, and fun.
Right as the fourth song was ending, you had an overwhelming urge to ask him something. “Umm,” then you stopped yourself when you realized exactly what it was you actually wanted to ask. But why did it feel like it was rising out of your throat, desperately wanting to be said.
“Yeah?” he looked at you. His yellow eyes made you feel like melting, an effect they never had up until that point.
“I… it was nothing.”
“No.” You cursed yourself for automatically saying the truth.
 “Then what is it?” He looked at you more intently.
Your mind was doing somersaults trying to figure out what to do or say. “Date, please,” you blurted out.
“Well, um.” You really wished you had kept your mouth shut. You stared down and said in the most quiet voice possible, “I think maybe I kinda like you and maybe, kinda, want to go on a real date with you. Maybe? If you’d be fine with that, maybe.”
“Wait,” he stepped back as if in surprise. “You. Want to date… me?”
Your face was burning to the point you wanted to stick into the water like an ostrich. “Yes?”
He threw his arms in the air and jumped around. “Yes! I got an actual date! I’m finally dating someone! They said I couldn’t do it!”
“You don’t need to announce it to the whole world.” You laughed.
“Well, you are m—”
“I swear, if you say finish with ‘my world’ I will knock you over the head.”
He let out a big laugh. “Why? You don’t want to be my world?”
His laughter was contagious. “No, it’s cheesy, and this literally just happened a minute ago.”
You both started to walk back, and hardly even noticed when your hands slipped perfectly into one another.
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ntamain · 4 years
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Is my (24F) neighbour (27F) into me or is she just being friendly? How do I know if she's gay?
another gay gem from the r/relationship reddit
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Image ID under the cut, please let me know if I did it wrong!
[Image ID: four screenshots of a post from the relationship subreddit by tumblr user nta-main. The title reads “Is my (24F) neighbour (27F) into me or is she just being friendly? How do I know if she’s gay?”
The text reads “Update post is now locked, I cant believe so many people were interested in us!! Thank you again for your support, comments and messages.
Hi all, I can't believe I'm asking for advice from a bunch of strangers on the internet but I don't really have anyone I can talk to about this. Sorry for the incoming essay but I guess I need to give history. I bought my first house in September last year, It was an odd time but everything just fell into place. It's quite a small village and everyone is really friendly so I got to know my neighbours soon after moving in - yes, socially distanced. Then I met my over-the-road neighbour, let's call her Elle. I can't describe it but it's the first time I've ever met someone and been lost for words and my heart was racing and just thought "omg", y'know?? So after I blushed my way through a welcome to the village type convo we only saw each other for a wave and hello for a few days.
To help kinda settle in I had my dog (Bea) with me for the first few weeks. During this time there was a massive increase in dog thefts in a nearby town, not just from gardens but literally wrestled away from people. If I'd have been working (furloughed off and on since March) then I would've taken Bea back to mum's but since I was home with her all day she stayed. So the local police advised to not walk dogs alone but we go out twice a day, a 10k run in the morning and a few miles walk in the evening. So obvs this scares me, but at the same time she is honestly a pain in the arse and gets upset if she doesn't go for a run and needs to be tired out so I'm kind of stuck at this point. Then along comes Elle. She knocked on the door and offered to come with us as she'd seen Bea and me in the evenings and everything kind of spiralled from there. I told her about my morning runs but she didn't really bite so I thought nothing of it. Then a few days later I bumped into her on a run, so she started joining us on those too.
A few months later and we are spending more and more time together everyday. It has now progressed to a run early morning, afternoon coffee, dinner most evenings and then the evening walk. It just seemed to happen without me really noticing. I didn't read into things that much as I don't want to get my hopes up and ruin anything until another neighbour commented about how much time we spend together and how "it's nice to see you young gals getting on" and winked. She actually winked at me. I asked her what she meant but she just laughed and said "you know what I mean". So now I'm looking back on things and wondering if she could like me too?
Here's some reasons why she might like me:
I went running along the same route at the same time for nearly 2 weeks before I happened to run into her a few days after I told her this?
I make her a coffee every afternoon (Elle is WFH) and take it over in her fave mug. She says I make good coffee but I'm pretty sure I saw a fancy coffee machine the first time I went round (it's not there now?).
Elle carried on running and walking with me even after Bea went home. I told her she was going back to mum's and she said well "I'll have to make another excuse to join you" and then we just carried on everyday.
She has tried really hard to bond with Bea. Bea is a very anxious dog and is scared of everyone except me and mum. Elle bought special treats to give her everyday and has been so amazing with her and never tried to force anything. When I asked her she said "it's important to me that she likes me and is comfortable". Bea actually fell asleep between us on the sofa yesterday and It just makes my heart skip a beat guys.
She invited me to the zoom quiz she does with her friends every fortnight or so and they were all like "oh so this is who we've heard so much about "
We realised we had become each other's support bubble. Elle asked if I was meeting anyone else and I said no, she said she was glad she had me all to herself (!!)
We gave each other quite personal xmas presents. Like, it actually made me tear up it meant so much to me. And she bought stuff for Bea!!
Reasons why she might not like me:
All the reasons above, but that she's just doing them because she's a fucking great person and we're friends?
It might sound dumb but idk I need your help guys. She is the just the most incredible person I have ever met and I really really like her but if she isn't gay or doesn't feel the same I don't want to lose her friendship as she has become such a huge part of my life. I genuinely have no experience with these kind of things as I went to quite a strict all girls school, so it's not as if there were any relationships around me as a teen and then I went to a very small uni (8 of us on my course). I guess another reason is that I've struggled with anxiety and depression for the past 10 years, as well as my weight and working on my self confidence, but I can say that right now I am the happiest and healthiest (both mentally and physically) I have ever been. I've only just really become comfortable with the fact that I'm gay and I have never really told anyone in real life, but I don't think people would be too surprised lol. I don't have any close friends as no one stuck around when I was really struggling with my MH a few years ago so I can't discuss this with anyone irl.
So I need your advice : how do I find out if she is gay? And no, I don't have the confidence to just ask!! What if she says no and I ruin everything? She has never mentioned anything about past relationships and I'm pretty tactless so not sure how I could naturally slip it into the convo. Like, "hey tell me have you ever had a girlfriend? Do you want one now?" Lol. And how can I make a move without really making a move so I don't ruin things??
tl;dr : Don't know whether my neighbour is gay and into me or is just really friendly. How can I make a move without ruining our friendship?
Edit: Ok guys, thank you so so much for all your support and encouragement. You've all given me a lot to think about. I think I'm going to casually slip some gay stuff into conversation and see how she reacts. Then bring up the neighbours comment like some of you suggested, seeing as tho the neighbour was heavily implying that we're gay. I'll do it tonight otherwise I'll talk myself out of it again. I will post an update to let you know what happens (eek). If you never hear from me again assume it went badly and I am consoling myself with cake and watching brokeback mountain in floods of tears.
Hi reddit, yes it's me the useless lesbian. First off I want to thank you all for your support, encouragement and advice - and the undeserved awards! I never expected this many of you to take the time to comment and that so many of you were rooting for us.
So I had the plan to drop these gay hints into convo like you guys suggested but honestly it all went out the window. Elle was kinda stressed friday after a shitty work zoom and just needed to vent so it wasnt the right time to start anything. Though I guess I must have been a bit off thanks to spending all day overthinking things on here, as Elle turned up Saturday morning rambling about stressing me out and apologised (!!) for ruining dinner. Obvs I said "what are you talking about you can talk to me about anything", and she said "anything?" and I said "anything" back. And guys the tension was unreal, staring at each other and hoping our lesbian mind reading powers would kick in.
Then there was some loud noise like a car backfiring or something and the moment went. So I went to make coffee and then Elle asked me why I was a bit quiet the night before and I said something about overthinking stuff and she said "what stuff" and idk you guys I wasnt prepared to be put on the spot my casual gay pop culture references were useless in this moment. My mind just went completely blank and I forgot every single thing you guys suggested and my heart was pounding and I just blurted out you know I like you, right?.
...And then she kissed me. Kissed me. We straight up just snogged in the kitchen and it was fucking great. So...you were right. You were all fucking right. She's gay, she likes me and has been trying to drop hints for nearly 5 months. sigh
We were both just too scared to make a move or ruin anything. Turns out she's been burned by straight girls in the past, so she's pretty wary and was hoping I'd straight up say I'm a lesbian so she'd know for sure - maybe the I'm a lesbian wall hanging would've been a good idea after all? Her friends have been helping her drop hints, she showed me the group chat and guys their suggestions ranged from flirting more to just turning up in a trenchcoat and nothing else lol. Also, the winking neighbour has been making comments to her as well, so shout out to her for trying to make this happen too.
So no cake and cry watching brokeback mountain, just 5 months of dating to catch up on. As for worrying about how our current schedule could be more date like during lockdown, you were right it's kinda irrelevant when you've essentially been dating the whole time. Though we never made it to our morning run yesterday, in fact we didn't leave the house at all, ha.
Thank you guys for giving me hope, even if all your suggestions completely disappeared in the moment. Maybe I'll show her the post later and ask if any of the suggestions would have worked.
tl;dr: she's gay, into me and I'm an idiot”
End image ID]
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sleepylixie · 3 years
Fic writer tag~
Thank you for the tag, lovely demoness @whiteprincessofnohr / @multi--kpop--fanfics
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)? -I used to write for BTS, way back in the old days of 2016 when they were still in HYYH era 
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for? -Stray Kids, ATEEZ ( drabbling in TBZ and NCT soon )
3. how long have you been writing? -I’ve been writing since...2012? Got into storytelling around then. So...9 years? WoW. 0_0
4. on which platforms do you post your stories - Had a Wattpad, but I only post on Tumblr ( with the occasional ao3 cross post )
5. what is your favorite genre to write? -Romance and Fantasy AUs. I have a particular soft spot for royal themes and e2l 
6. are you a pantser or a planner? - drabbles are pansted and fics( especially collab fics) are planned
7. one-shot or multi-chapter? -One shot, right off the bat. I’m intimidated by incomplete multi-chapter stories, but I have no problem reading complete ones ( More and More and Paradise Lost are the only incomplete series that get to haunt me the way they do :) )
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion? Depends on the story, but anywhere between 3-8k is okay, i think? 
9. what is your longest published story? -YOO, it has to be one of my Twisted Fairytales (Possibly Lost Boy, the Swan Lake X Felix fic)
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most? -Oh man you can’t ask a parent to chose amongst their children like that T_T I really can’t choose ! All my stories are different experiences, so it’s difficult hm... Forget and Never Forgive would be the most recent one, methinks  
11. favorite request you’ve written and why? -That Mixtape Love and Imperium Universe-3: I Hate to Admit . Both of which are Chan fics, now that I think about it LMAO OMG
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories? - must I expose myself this way :o E2L, Strong female characters and banter are some things I feel are a classic Ella fic recipe hehe
13. current number of wips? -Somewhere between 5 and 10. I have some cards up my sleeve rn :D
14. three things you have noticed about your writing? - I’ve recently started focusing on body language in my characters lately, my emotion description has always been elaborate, and I enjoy putting my characters through an unfair amount of pain >:) 
15. a quote you like from a published story? -Gonna take some liberty and choose a couple oops
“ You see, I forgot loss, pain, heartbreak- but I didn’t forget possession. “ - Never gone, my love
“Everybody knows about the youngest true incubus of Lilith who was once all blonde hair and dangerous beauty, a tale of caution for a broken heart, a reminder of how flying too close to the sun will always have end in a savage fall to the ground.” - The Dreamwalker
16. a quote from an unpublished story?
The longer you looked at him, the more boyish he looked- in the curve of his eyes, the soft angles of his nose and jawline, the almost petulant pout on his lips, all you could see was a boy trying very, very hard to look like a man. Like he’d grown up faster than he was meant to.
17. space for you to say something to your readers~~
Stay safe and happy my loves :) Thank you for joining me on this journey of writing and new experiences <3
tagging: @aliceu @chogiwow @lavenderbexlatte @popisdead @delicatewerewolfsoul @mingkii
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