#ominis gaunt pov
darknights04 · 1 year
Sensing You
Pairings: Ominis Gaunt x reader
Summary: You and Ominis have been friends for as long as you've been at Hogwarts. He's felt more for you for almost just as long. He's never thought about telling you, but that was until the new fifth year put you in great danger.
Warnings: Spoils for Hogwarts Legacy (obviously), pain, cruciatus curse, unedited, not proof read. Reader is not mc
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When it came to you, Ominis was no stranger to the idea of the long game. You, Ominis, Sebastian, and Anne had been friends for as long as you could all remember. Ominis has had a crush on you for almost just as long. It was worst this year. With Anne staying home all your attention was turned to the two boys. Usually you would turn to Anne some days and have girl time between the two of you. Now, Ominis had nothing but time to grow more and more infatuated with you. 
Ever since the new fifth year beat him in a duel, Sebastian had been mostly with them, giving you and Ominis even more time alone together. It was driving him crazy. Every time you laughed in the way that he loved, rested your chin on his shoulder to look at what we was doing, leaned your arm against his to whisper something during class. He had to hold himself back so he didn’t just grab you and slam his lips onto yours. One of the only parts of you he has yet to be able to identify. As children you would play games, Ominis feeling all of his friends’ faces and guess who was who, so he knew the general idea of what your face looked like. But your lips was a mystery to him. A mystery he badly wanted solved. 
Today, you were sitting with Ominis in a corridor near the slytherin common room. You had spent most of the day trying to cheer him up after Sebastian repeatedly would bother him about Salazar Slytherin’s Sciptorium. You knew that he wanted nothing to do with dark magic after the hold it has had no his family for generations. Sure, Ominis had been exaggerating his hurt feelings just a bit, but if all it took was a little pouting to get you this close to him, then you best believe he was about to win an oscar for this performance. 
“He just doesn’t understand how dangerous it is!” he complained with a dramitic sigh, smiling internally due to the hand you had running soothing circles across his back.
“He’s just trying to do anything he can to help Anne,” you replied, wanting to defend him. 
“I know. I don’t like seeing Anne suffer either, same as you. But I know where this path leads, and it’s never a good place.”
Ominis’s internal smile fell as he heard you greet the new student Sebastian had befriended. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked them with a small scoff.
That scoff, of course, resulting in a small smack on the shoulder from you, muttering a small “Manners,” in his ear. Ominis rolled his eyes, but the smile he had inside, reserve just for you, came back once more. 
“Do you have a moment?” the new student spoke up. 
Ominis didn’t want to, but he heard them out. After lying about Sebastian showing them the undercroft, Ominis has been wary about this student. Even so, he was feeling at ease due to your presence, and in turn agreed to show them where Salazar’s Scriptorum was located. 
“I hope we don’t regret this,” he said with a sigh as he revealed how to access the door. 
“We’ve just been sitting outside of it?” you asked with a chuckle, noticing you didn’t have to even move to be at the door. 
Ominis shrugged, his internal smile showing through just a bit on the outside. “It was the first place I thought of.” 
“First place you thought of to go and complain about the scriptorium?” 
Before any of you knew it, Sebastian and his new friend had opened the door, ushering each other inside. 
“I just hope we’re ready for this,” Ominis continued to sigh. 
“We’ll be fine,” you tried to reassure. 
“We?” Ominis had repeated. “You’re not coming.” 
“What? Ominis you can’t possibly expect me to stay behind.”
“I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“If you’re going, I’m going,” was all you said, standing your ground. 
“Y/n…” he had tried to coax. You didn’t say anything, hands finding their way to your hips. Ominis sighed. He knew you were stubborn, so he also knew there was no talking you out of this. “Fine.” 
Your stubborn glare quickly faded into a cheek to cheek grin as you almost skipped next to Ominis, linking your arms together before making your way into the door, following behind Sebastian and the fifth-year who had already found their way inside. 
Not that you would ever admit it, but hearing Ominis speak Parsetounge did something to you. Yes, the language often ties a witch or wizard to dark magic, and for Ominis it serves only as a reminder to his family, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate how attractive it was when he spoke it. 
“It worked!” the fifth year spoke as the door opened. “Ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed.” 
“It’s nothing,” he brushed off, retreating back towards you and linking your arms once more. 
“Truly,” you agreed. “It’s fascinating.”
If you weren’t near positive that Ominis would never think about you in a romantic way whatsoever, you would have sword you saw a small tinge of red grace his cheeks at your comment. But it was probably just the lighting. 
Once the door was open, the other two were fast to start figuring out the puzzles and the maze in order to get through the scriptorium. You and Ominis had stayed behind. Ominis wanted nothing to do with this, his job was just to open the door. You were curious about the area, yes, but Ominis was more important. You wanted to make sure he was okay. Usually throughout the days he would have plenty of distraction from his family and their legacy. But now? In the heart of Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium? All that surrounded him were reminders. 
As the doors opened one by one, you all moved further and further until you reached a black door. 
“Looks troubling,” was all Sebastian had said. 
Ominis scoffed. “This whole place is troubling.” 
As the other two went into the strange room, you didn’t budge. As Ominis was stopped from the firm grasp you still had on him, he turned towards you confused. 
“I don’t like the looks of this room,” you whispered. “I have a bad feeling about it.” 
“So do I,” he responded,his hand finding the top of yours to comfort you. “But for my aunt’s sake, we cannot stop now.” 
“You’re right,” you nodded, taking a deep breath. “We’ll be okay.” 
As soon as you stepped into the new room, the door closed behind you. 
“The gate!” Sebastian called out, “We’re locked in… again.” 
“Then Salazar Slytherin is not yet finished with us,” Ominis sneered. At this point, you began to panic. There was no clear way out. You began to lose even more hope when you looked in the corner and noticed-
“A skeleton,” the new student pointed out. “And Noctora’s last journal entry. She mentions being trapped here. Trapped by… and unforgivable curse.” 
Your eyes widened. The incantation “crucio” etched into the floor suddenly making sense. 
“No,” you said in a slight panic. “No there has to be some other way out of here. Another puzzle? Another brazier to light?”
“What?” Ominis asked, confused. “What are you talking about? What is it?”
“They know what we need to do,” Sebastian said plainly. “One of us needs to cast crucio.” 
Sebastian turned to his friend by the door, discussing the curse with them while Ominis began to pace. 
“Ominis,” you called to him. “Ominis relax, we will figure something out.” 
“No,” he said simply. “No this all could have been avoided. I could have refused, we could have just gone to dinner. I could have protested more to you joining.” 
“Ominis none of this is your fault.”
“Yes it is! Don’t you see? I put you in danger.”
“I chose to be here.” 
“But you had doubts, and I assured you that it would be alright.” 
“And we are alright. We’ll find a way around this.”
Before anything else could be said, they heard the new fifth year shout out “Crucio!” in Sebastian’s direction. The two of you looked towards the pair with wide eyes, about to call out towards Sebastion until… nothing happened. 
“Did you do the movement wrong?” Sebastian asked. 
“No,” they responded, shaking their head. “No, I think that I just couldn’t mean it. I care for you, Sebastian.” 
“You have to try,” he urged.
“I can’t.” 
“Cast it on me,” you spoke up suddenly, taking a step towards the pair. 
“No!” Ominis had interjected quickly. 
“They can’t cast it on Sebastian,” you began to explain. 
“You can’t-”
“We don’t have the same connection so they could-”
“Not you!” 
“Ominis,” you sighed, quieting your voice as you pulled him aside. “I will be fine.”
“I’ve felt the cruciatus curse before so I-”
“Shouldn’t have to go through it again. Let me do this, please.” 
Ominis didn’t say anything more. You took his silence as a sign of agreement, so you approached the door. 
“You ready?” Sebastian had asked you. 
You nodded. “Ready.” 
Ominis braced for the moment that the spell left their wand. He knew what to expect, but he’d never heard the sound of excruciating pain from you. That was something he was not curious to find out. 
Ominis listened as the screams left your throat, as you fell to your knees on the ground. He expected this. He expected the screams to last for several seconds. But this was too long. If they had just cast the curse and left it at that, the pain would have subsided by now. This was prolonged for too long. 
“Stop!” he yelled over the screams. “That’s enough!” 
He waited for what felt like eternity for the screams to stop. For any sign that you were no longer in pain. But when your screams had cut off abruptly, it did not give him the relief he was waiting for. 
“Y/n?” he asked into the silence. “Y/n are you okay?” Never had there ever been a moment in his life that Ominis had wished more that he could see what was happening around him. When you didn’t respond, he began to walk towards the door, calling Sebastian’s name instead. “What’s happened? Are they okay?”
When Sebastian didn’t respond either, Ominous really began to panic. “Answer me, Sebastian!”
“They fainted,” the student told him flatly. 
“What?” he hissed, rushing to where he last heard your voice, hands failing about to try and find any sign of you. When his hand landed on your shoulder, he let out a small breath of relief, almost as if he expected you to have disappeared entirely. “I’m taking them to the hospital wing,” he then announced, following down your arm to find the bend of your knees, intending to pick you up.
“No!” Sebastian protested. “You can’t.” 
“And why not?” 
“They’ll know we were using unforgivables,” the fifth-year stated. 
“What if we need you to open another door?” Sebastian commented at the same time. 
“Glad to see you both care so deeply about their safety,” Ominis scoffed.
“You can’t carry them and use your wand to lead you both,” Sebastian continued, looking for another excuse to keep the boy there. “Let’s find the end of this tunnel and then we’ll take them there together, deal?” 
Ominis sighed, head faced towards the floor. He didn’t want to delay getting you the help you needed, but Sebastian was right. He could crash you both into a wall and injure you further. As much as he hated to admit it, your health was in their hands now. 
“Just hurry up, will you?” he muttered quietly. 
When you finally awoke from your unconscious state, Ominis was asleep next to you. Looking around you noticed you were no longer in the dungeons, but instead in the hospital wing under watchful eyes. Well, not that Ominis could very well be included in that. 
As you turned to look at the boy next to you, you moved as quietly as possible. Lacking his sight, Ominis seemed to have much higher hearing abilities than anyone else you knew, so you knew that any sudden noise would be enough to wake him. Your theory was proved correct as he stirred awake at the small ruffle of the sheet. 
You watched as he opened his mouth, but no sound came out as if he changed his mind on speaking up. Instead, you saw his hand slowly reach out towards you, as if to confirm you were there. 
“I’m awake,” you told him with a smile. 
Ominis let out a small breath of relief. “Are you alright?”
“I’m alright,” you nodded. “I didn’t expect it to last that long.” 
“It shouldn’t have,” he said, almost with a sneer. “That new student had to curse on you for longer than it needed to be. All we needed was for it to hit you, they made it linger. They’re lucky I don’t go straight to professor Black and have them expelled.”
Ominis’s thoughts stopped in their tracks when he felt you lay your hand on top of his. 
“I’m alright,” you assured him again. “Lay with me.”
“I- What?”
“Please? I don’t want to think about any of this anymore.”
Ominis sat still in thought for a moment, stammering slightly to himself before standing from his chair, feeling around the bed to make sure you were out of the way before laying down beside you. You layed your head onto his chest and exhaled deeply with a contented sigh. Ominis smiled gently to himself, his nose falling into your hair as he inhaled your scent. He decided then and there that it didn’t matter that he could never see you. Every other sense he had t otake you in was just fine for him. Your voice was enough to bring a small smile to your face, your laugh even more so. Your smell felt like home to him. He could tell you were in a room just by the smell of your shampoo. He could pinpoint which brand it was in a shop just with a small whiff alone. The touch of you skin never failed to comfort him in times of distress. The soft, delicate touch of your hand on his would always bring a smile to his lips. Your taste.. He was yet to be abpe to experiance. The only one of his available senses that has yet to experience you. The rest thought you were perfect, he could only imagine that would be the same.
That is, assuming he ever decides to do anything about his feelings for you. 
For now, however, this was enough for him.
Part Two
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domesticated-goth · 1 year
Can someone remind me how to breathe? Please and thank you 🫠
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hogwartslegacypics · 10 months
POV: You’re the MC and Ominis is confronting you about the Undercroft
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animasola86 · 1 year
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Just another adventure, right?
My interpretation of the infamous Scriptorium scene:
2.2k words
Sebastian x gn!reader/mc (1st person POV)
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(Original screenshot by @gamesscreens, this post here)
“Cast it on me,” I said and stared up at him in a determination I didn't know I still had in me.
“What?” Sebastian exclaimed. “No! You can't be serious!”
“What do you expect we do then?” I hissed, looking back to where Ominis was pacing up and down the dark corridor nervously. “Ominis refuses to have anything to do with this and I completely understand it. I don't see how I could ever cast the curse as well, but, since you know it, you should cast it. It's our only way out of this, Sebastian!”
He stared at me with his jaw clenched and his lips tight, his eyes dark and conflicted. Then he shook his head and turned away, staring at the door that kept us from leaving.
I walked up to him and placed a hand on his back, gently curling my fingertips against the fabric of his robes. He slightly stiffened at my touch, but then turned his head towards me.
“You can do this,” I whispered. “I trust you...”
He turned around fully, his height and dark demeanour towering over me like an even darker shadow in our grim surroundings.
“You trust me to hurt you?” He inhaled deeply. “I don't want to hurt you. I... can't do this... to you,” his voice was low, vibrating through my very core. “You realize I have to mean it... for it to work...” He shook his head and turned around again, his profile set. “And I certainly do not mean to hurt you...”
“Then pretend I'm somebody else!” I said with a sudden idea. I saw him frowning at that. “Here, I can even put up my hood and turn around!” I started grabbing my hood, but he quickly got a hold of my wrists. I stared up at him with my mouth open. “Sebastian, please!” I breathed. “I know it's a lot to ask, but... only you can do it.”
He looked at me with an intensity that made my heart hammer against my ribcage, that made my knees weak. A shiver ran down my spine as his fingers let go of my wrists and turned to the hood of my robes instead, as he very carefully pulled it over my head. His hands found my face and while his thumbs gently caressed my cheeks, he leaned down towards me. I could feel his breath on my lips as he brought his face even closer until he pressed his forehead against mine, closing his eyes for a moment.
“Just another adventure, right?” I heard him whisper, or rather I felt his voice humming deeply against my skin.
My hands found the front of his robes and I gingerly dug my fingers into them. “Yes,” I breathed.
He inhaled deeply, then leaned back up and pressed his lips quickly on my forehead. I looked up at him unable to say anything else. I couldn't imagine the turmoil (well, a little bit) raging inside of him. Perhaps if I had been forced to do this to him, I would have struggled in the same way, probably even more, considering I still found it hard to fight even the bad guys like goblins or Dark wizards. But to purposefully hurt someone you... loved...
I swallowed hard and turned around, facing the wall, showing him that I was ready (even though I clearly wasn't, I had no idea what to expect). I braced myself, but hearing his equally strained breaths behind me didn't really ease the knot that twisted my stomach. But it was nothing compared to what was to come.
His voice was almost cold, detached, when he shouted: “Crucio!”
The impact was immediate. Like a fiery hot breeze of the sharpest needles imaginable it rushed through me and then it spread. I heard my own screams echoing loudly off the walls as I staggered, sinking to my knees, my muscles tightening painfully. I grasped at my chest as my body convulsed in never ending spasms of agony, like tiny blades piercing my skin, penetrating deeply, twisting around mercilessly, through every fibre of my being. And it was lingering, sinking deeper, corrupting every nerve. I screamed and cried and my tears felt hot and raw on my hurting skin. All I felt was pain, there was nothing else.
Everything hurt.
And it took me the longest moment to realize that I was suddenly no longer alone on the floor. Two arms had wrapped themselves around my writhing form, holding me tightly pressed against a warm chest. And as the worst seemed to be over slowly, though I kept feeling the occasional twitch from my still highly stimulated nerves, I noticed the shaking of another body. Shuddering breaths that were not my own echoed in my ears. Then I felt his voice, puffed against the skin of my neck as he pressed his face against me.
“I'm so sorry,” Sebastian breathed barely audible, his voice shaking badly. “I... I didn't... want this...” He hugged me to his chest, held me as if I was slipping away, squeezed the pain away with every passing heartbeat. And I just lay in his arms, my head resting on his shoulder, trying to fight the urge to just let go and sleep... forever...
When I finally found the strength to move again, I raised my hands gingerly, snaking my arms around him, grabbing at the back of his robes. My movement caused him to hold me tighter, as he inhaled sharply. Then he leaned me back a little and our gazes met. His eyes were dark and clouded, the skin around them red, and his cheeks were wet. He looked at me with his eyebrows knitted and the saddest look I had ever seen on his freckled face. His lips were trembling. I swallowed hard, then winced at the still hurting sensation of it. His gaze immediately grew even darker and I heard him take an unsteady breath.
“Are you...” His voice broke before he could finish his question.
I slowly, weakly raised a hand to touch his face. My fingertips slid over his wet skin and when I did so, I saw a single tear leave the corner of his eye. He tried to blink it away, but I caught it with my thumb and gently caressed his cheek. I raised my other hand and grabbed his shoulder, trying to pull myself up a little. He helped me by pulling his arms tighter around my waist, lifting me onto his lap as he did so.
Now both my hands were holding his face and I held onto it as I pulled myself even closer to him, until his warm, shuddering breath ghosted my lips. “I'm fine,” I whispered, looking into his dark, conflicted eyes. “I'm fine,” I repeated as I caressed his face, my fingertips slipping between his dark, messy locks as my thumbs wiped at his heated skin. “It's alright...”
When he closed his eyes, a few more tears slipped from his lashes and the tension in his face eased a little. His hands clawed at the back of my robes, before they, too, relaxed and started rubbing my back gently. I breathed deeply against his slightly parted lips, my thumbs drawing circles on his cheekbones. The longest moment passed with my heart drumming against my ribs, as the last tremors of the curse slipped from my body.
I leaned in a little more, the tip of my nose nuzzling his skin, before I turned my head and pressed my cheek against his, merging the tears we had cried for and at the hand of each other. I felt him inhale sharply at that and his embrace became even tighter, to the point I had to push my elbows against his chest to not get completely smothered by the immense bear hug he was providing. “Sorry,” he breathed against me and loosened his grip with a tiny snivel.
I grabbed his face again and leaned back, and when he looked at me, his eyes were warm and intense. My thumbs found the corners of his mouth, my gaze wandering over the shape of his lips, and before I knew it, just when my body was finally relaxing again, I had closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his. It was just a short peck, out of instinct, but when I leaned back only the smallest bit, I felt his hand taking hold of my head, his fingers slipping into my hair as he held me close, and then it was him who pressed his lips against mine. It felt ten times more intense as he deepened the kiss, the warm feeling of his breath and the taste of his tears causing me to shiver against him.
His other hand found my face as my own hands wandered up and around his head to get lost in the thickness of his messy hair, my fingertips scraping over his scalp in a desperate attempt to hold onto anything to keep me from falling. But fall I did. Right into the warmth of his mouth, the safety of his embrace, the gentle caresses of his fingers. He tilted his head and adjusted his position beneath me, his lips closing around mine, gently sucking and pressing, tasting every inch of my mouth. I was utterly breathless when he eventually leaned back enough to allow my lips to part slightly, only to dive back in immediately at the sight of it.
I could feel his tongue gingerly pressing against my lower lip and I couldn't help but gasp as he pushed past it and slid into my mouth, my own tongue meeting his like a long awaited friend. (No. Lover.) I smiled at the thought, grabbing his hair tighter as I deepened the kiss by seemingly pressing my entire jaw against his. His hands grabbed my face, holding me in place as he circled his tongue around mine, now really tasting every inch of my mouth, his lips brushing over the sensitive skin of my own.
I breathed loudly against him, completely forgetting everything around us, because there didn't seem to be anything else but the mouth and hands and taste and feel of the boy close to me, when a timid voice suddenly broke through the stupor of our kiss.
“Are... are you two alright? Can anyone say anything?” Ominis asked from the other side of the corridor, luckily completely oblivious to what was happening.
I felt Sebastian tense against me, the movement of his lips halted as he withdrew his tongue and leaned back only enough for us to lock eyes. I breathed against his lips, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. He smiled back feebly, his thumbs caressing my cheeks before he reluctantly let go and leaned back even more. I retrieved my hands from his hair, leaving it even messier than it was before. We looked at each other for another second, then I licked my lips and said, with my voice barely audible and slightly strained:
“I'm fine, Ominis, we're fine.”
“Did it work?” he asked and I heard his footsteps coming closer.
Sebastian quickly stood from our weird entanglement on the floor and helped me to my feet as well. I felt my knees shake, but I couldn't be sure if it was the curse or the kiss that had weakened them. While holding me with one arm, I saw him wipe at his eyes with the other, inhaling deeply as he did so. Then his gaze wandered past me towards the now open door and yet another room visible behind it.
“It did,” he said, his voice low and raspy.
I looked up at him, my hand finding his face. He met my gaze when my fingertips brushed his jaw. Before Ominis eventually reached us, Sebastian leaned down once more and gently pressed his lips against mine. I grabbed his face and kept him there just long enough, my lips desperate to feel his, until a deep sigh echoed through the corridor. We broke apart again and straightened up quickly.
“Could we please leave this place now?” Ominis said quietly, the glowing tip of his wand pulsing rhythmically in the air in front of him. For a moment I thought I saw a frown on his pale face and I blushed deeply when I wondered what he might have heard.
Yet as I saw the tiny smile on Sebastian's lips and the warmth inside his eyes, I knew I didn't care.
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(Original screenshot by @deathlysallows, this post here)
Dear diary, today I had my first kiss with Sebastian. It was a wet one because we had both cried because, oh right, he had hit me with the Cruciatus Curse just before. I was in so much pain and he had been devastated about it and then it just happened. Hmm, yes, a moment I will never forget!
Bonus 2:
Ominis in the back, while the two of them are tongue deep inside the other's mouth: “You realize you're making out on top of the bones of my dead aunt, right?”
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libellule-ao3 · 6 months
The Snake's Duality
🔞 | One-Shot | 2 049 words
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Also on AO3
Summary: Sebastian has just been released from Azkaban after more than three years in prison. 1 223 days to be exact.
His first instinct is to find Ominis, whose weekly letters rekinkled in extremis his desire to live, drained by the dementors, and he realise that a shadow reeking of malevolence is following him like a shadow.
Relationships: Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow => Friendship/love
⚠️ This story is rated 🔞. It contains graphic descriptions of violence & torture (Cruciatus curse, torture method inspired by lingchi, also known as "death by a thousand cuts", etc.), dark themes that may be disturbing to some readers.
Dark!Sebastian deserves his own warning: ⚠️
tags: ambiguous relationships, dark drama, sebinis, gauntlow, Sebastian is so protective he's dark, if that makes sense, POV Sebastian, Ominis Gaunt's father mentioned
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Sebastian's wand whips through the air and an orange flash of magic strikes this bastard full force, his legs collapsing as if made of jelly. Then ropes spring from the end of his wand and bind him tightly. Sebastian glances furtively towards the entrance to this dark cul-de-sac that leads into Knockturn Alley, barely lit by the yellowish streetlamps that turn onlookers into shadowy silhouettes. None of them notice them. Proof of the effectiveness of his magical protection. Then, with unhealthy glee, the wizard watches the agony and contained rage wring his prisoner's bruised face.
This guy should have known better than to bother Ominis Gaunt.
An unbearable image of his oldest friend being followed down Diagon Alley by that dark wizard flashes through his agitated mind. He saw Ominis' haunted eyes again, tense with the anguish of feeling spied on, stalked like a beast. Unable to bear the situation any longer, the blind wizard probed his immediate surroundings with his echolocation magic and flushed out this invisible predator. For a moment, hope lit up his face as he muttered the name "Sebastian", before fading away as he realized that the man following him was not the one he had hoped for. The stunning spell he cast missed its target but offered him the opportunity to flee into a dark vortex of transport magic without being followed.
Sebastian clenches his fist around his aspen wand as it whips through the air again, letting the anger of this image perforate every nerve ending nestled in his target's tender flesh, like a thousand incandescent needles. Screams more excruciating than those of a prisoner tasting a dementor's kiss tear through the night and pierce the hermetic bubble of magic surrounding them.
"What did you intend to do? Why were you following him?" growls Sebastian for the third time.
Part of him doesn't give a damn about his motives, which he guesses effortlessly, but another, far more fearsome part yearns for them. Sebastian needs to hear the aims of this nuisance, so that they fuel his hatred even more. So that they give this destructive feeling a solid reason to exist!
"I don't know what you're talking about," replies his prisoner, denying any involvement in malicious schemes.
Sebastian's freckled face cracks into that boyish grin that makes some people want to kiss him, and others want to uppercut him. The anticipated pleasure of breaking through that resistance spreads like an oil slick through every cell of his being.
"Don't take me for a moron. Did you think you were being discreet? You've been following him around for at least a week. At work, on walks, at the opera... everywhere!"
Sebastian knows all about it. On his release from Azkaban, his first instinct was to find Ominis, whose weekly letters rekindled, in extremis, his desire to live, dried up by the dementors, and he realised that a shadow reeking of malevolence was following him like a shadow.
First flaw. The man turns deathly pale as he realizes the implications of his words..
“What do you want with him? Who sent you?" insists Sebastian.
The prisoner's stubborn silence is broken by a succession of cracking bones, then by the inhuman-sounding howls that emerge from his throat. This guy doesn't know that the sharp pain of fractures is nothing compared to the pain of their healing - the paradox of a pain as sharp as it is stabbing brought to a climax. That's why the bone-healing potion is always accompanied by powerful analgesics, of which this bastard will of course be deprived.
The nobility of his cause legitimizes all the dark, unhealthy tendencies of a sorcerer overtaxed by years of imprisonment in Azkaban and who has only managed to preserve a few remnants of benevolence from the dementors.
Sebastian grabs hold of his captive's hair, pulls his head back and shoves the vile contents of a vial of Skel-gro into his mouth. He then rubs his throat to force the swallowing reflex, keeping his mouth closed as he would with a small, recalcitrant animal.
Then he waits patiently for the potion to work on his broken skeleton. Beneath the skin, the bones realign, then re-solder. Inconvenienced by the unpleasant noise, Sebastian winces, without looking away.
The man is tough. Despite the excruciating pain, he still finds the courage to spit in his face.
"How could you know I was spying on him if you weren't spying on me? Me, I'm acting on the orders of a powerful person, but you... Look at yourself, boy! You're just another maniac on the streets of London..."
A punch shatters the man's jaw.
"It was Charon* Gaunt who commissioned you, wasn't it? Why? What does he want with Ominis?"
The man spews unintelligible insults and spits out a molar amid bloody mucus. Right on Sebastian's shoes!
The Gaunt name sends shivers down everyone's spine. It's a name synonymous with mysterious disappearances, Dark Arts and atrocities beyond imagination. The head of this family, Charon Gaunt, is a cold, ruthless man. The king of pure-blooded wizards and the dark arts. The one no one dares defy. Except his own son, Ominis, whom Charon wants at his command... And by extension, Sebastian Sallow.
"What did the dead man on probation say?" asks Sebastian, lifting his prisoner's chin with the luminescent end of his wand.
If Sebastian wasn't there, this guy would have hurt Ominis. Too bad for this guy, now that the gates of Azkaban have opened on his freedom, the wizard will always be there. And like all those who tried to hinder the well-being of his loved ones, this man will die under his wand.
But this one is a privileged one who will receive special treatment.
An invisible fire devours the prisoner's clothes with a crackle of sparks, then a severing charm sharper than a scalpel incises his naked body. Then another... The cuts are clean, precise. Superficial. His hand doesn't tremble, the fruit of inflexible determination. The blood beads, then trickles, creating a crimson lace against the pale skin.
At first, the man threatens, curses, promises a thousand abuses in retaliation for standing in the Gaunts' glorious way. But nothing works. As the incisions follow one another, relentless, his pride disintegrates and fear seeps through his bloody wounds.
The wizard doesn't stop as this henchman pisses piteously on himself, mingling the acrid smell of his urine with that of hemoglobin. His bloody agony feeds the relentless monster that consumes every cell of Sebastian Sallow.
Impotence now overwhelms the bastard, smothering his last glimmer of hope. He begins to beg for mercy through his tears, his nose full of snot. This predictable change of attitude stretches Sebastian's lips into a sinister smile. Let him take it out on himself and face the consequences of his actions with dignity, as Sebastian has done by facing each day for three long years. It was his punishment for killing Uncle Salomon, driven by rage against an intransigent authority figure who had dashed all his hopes of curing his sick sister. A man devoid of any understanding when it came to his rebellious nephew.
When he's finished, the guy is unrecognizable, bloodless, lying on the cobblestones draped in his own blood. Inert. Death has reaped him. Or rather, it has ripped his life from him, shred by shred, without anesthetic.
Sebastian turns away from his abominable creation, cleans his soiled shoes with a spell and brings the tip of his wand up to his own temple. Then he gently pulls it apart to extract a luminescent trickle of the last few hours' memories, which the sorcerer deposits in a vial destined for the Gaunt household. A warning that Charon Gaunt could fully appreciate in the Hogwarts pensine, providing him with a pretext to invite himself between the asses of the Headmaster, Phineas Black, unbeknownst to their respective wives.
Most people would probably feel guilt or disgust after torturing this man the way he just did, but Sebastian feels nothing. Or rather, he simplifies things by choosing to feel nothing.
Nothing except relief.
The wizard sighs, his chest lighter with the disappearance of this threat. Ominis is much safer now that Sebastian has annihilated him. And that's all that matters.
Although a reunion is impossible due to a soul too dark, intoxicated by the blackness of Azkaban, the wizard makes sure no one harms the only lingering light in his dull, dreary world. Not even him!
This scum deserves no burial, so Sebastian makes the body disappear into nothingness and leaves the scene.
He reappears on the outskirts of a modest residence, in the heart of a large clearing, surrounded by tall trees. Powerful protective spells surround the building, but they have never hindered Sebastian's incursions as he wraps this cocoon in his own magical shields. From the edge of the adjoining wood, he watches the room glow with a warm light and Ominis' silhouette, against the light, stops in front of the window, his face pressed against the glass and his blind gaze fixed on him.
It's as if he knows...
The thought fills him with emotion and his throat knots.
How long can Sebastian watch him live before desire consumes him? Every day, the wizard must fight against the intense need to find him again, which eats away at his every rational thought.
Forcing these impulses to recede before they take root, he looks up at the stars hanging from the velvet of the night, lingering on the gibbous moon slowly gliding across the sky. Then he turns his attention back to the house, where all the lights are now out.
Taking a few steps towards the building, he almost gives in to the urge to sneak inside, but as always, he clenches his fists to prevent himself from joining in and contaminating him with this gnawing darkness. It takes a Herculean effort!
Ominis is pure and vibrant, even though his family has long since stripped him of his innocence. Sebastian's darkness could dull his light, suffocate him... and that reminder alone keeps him away, but never too far. He remains in the shadow of Ominis Gaunt.
It's the only place where the sorcerer can be himself without harming him.
With a flick of his wand, he wraps himself in a veil of magic to conceal his presence and approaches his bedroom window, plunged in half-light. Moonlight caresses his sleeping figure. His gaze wanders over his pale face, where long black eyelashes spread like crescent moons over his prominent cheekbones. His lips, pink and dry from nervous nibbling, are parted in sleep. Looking at him like that, you'd think he was an angel. Sebastian doesn't know how much longer he stays watching Ominis Gaunt, looking at his forehead wrinkle in thought. He turns onto his other side, his back to Sebastian. The position reminds him of the time long ago when they slept together, curled up in the same bed at Uncle Solomon's, nestled innocently together like two spoons.
Every cell, every atom, in Sebastian is drawn towards his latest friend, and when he can't bear the tension any longer, when the pain in his chest becomes too overwhelming, he gently places his hand on the cold glass and steps aside. Even when everything inside him is screaming to satisfy his instincts.
It's a torture he submits himself to almost every night.
Ever since his dear sister died without having forgiven him for killing their uncle, his affection for Ominis Gaunt is the last good thing left in his life. So Sebastian will never again cause him the slightest grief by involving him in his criminal sins. Because if he ever did, he would lose Ominis forever - in the same way as if he let his sinister family target him. Then there would be no light left in Sebastian and darkness would engulf his whole soul.
Without a sound, the wizard leaves. Each step heavier than the last.
His best friend deserves a peaceful life, the carefree existence he's always been deprived of.
For that, someone has to protect him from the malevolent family he can't see. Wizards who won't bow to reason, let alone morality. Only to an implacable power that outclasses them.
And who better than Sebastian to fight evil with evil?
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A/N: Charon was the ferryman of the Underworld in Greek mythology, so he's linked to the passage from one state to another. Considering that in my HC, the birth of Ominis' father marks the decline of the Gaunt family, this name is almost metaphorical, hence my choice of naming him so.
Thank you for reading!
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hippogrifffeathers · 11 months
Mentor Privileges
'What just happened?' 'I just got us out of trouble.' 'No, you just pulled an Ominis.' 'I what' 'Excuse me?' _ When Professor Weasley catches MC, Sebastian, and Ominis sneaking back into the castle after curfew, it seems like only one desperate move might keep them out of serious punishment. Except, before Ominis can even murmur a syllable about his family connections to the Headmaster, MC is speaking, claiming Professor Fig authorised their excursion, and it turns out there's another trump card among their ranks. Afterall, how could a professor argue with another professor?
ao3 link if you prefer!
Not two seconds after the grand doors to the main hall of Hogwarts had swung open, did the room echo with the sound of whispered bickering.
“You know, we could have gotten here a lot quicker if you two didn’t insist on flying the scenic route back.”
“How do you even know we took the scenic route? Not like you could see it .”
“I heard you talking about it Sebastian!”
“Would you both stop it?” MC hissed, voice barely above a whisper as they crept through the school entrance, large doors thankfully silent behind them. Seeing nobody in the entry hall, their posture relaxed, as they raised one hand to massage their neck, pouting, “Oh Merlin, we’re all going to fall asleep in class tomorrow, I’m exhausted .”
“That didn’t stop you from agreeing to fly out to Pitt-upon-Ford this afternoon, did it?” Ominis quipped, falling into step on their left. Sebastian quickly joined the pair, walking on their right.
MC rolled their eyes, a fond smile on their lips, “You both didn’t have to come with me, you know.” 
That was ridiculous, of course they did. “Oh come on, like we were going to let you have all the fun.”
“I want it on the record that invading and destroying a Poacher camp isn’t my idea of fun.” Ominis rolled his eyes.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, “Does that mean you don’t want your share of the loot? Because I’ll gladly take it off your hands.”
“Paws off Sallow.”
“Yeah Sebastian, paws off." MC grinned, "If anyone gets Ominis’ share, it’s me, since I did most of the work.”
“Okay, first of all, nobody is getting my share because it’s mine , and second you only took most of them out because they were already targeting you. It’s a matter of access.” 
“It’s a matter of excuses , Gaunt. Besides, I can’t help it if I’m popular.”
Sebastian raised one eyebrow mockingly, “Oh, is that what we’re calling it now? Cute, and here I was thinking ‘there’s a price out for your capture’ had a nice ring to it.”
“ Funny . I’ll remember that one next time I come across old spellbooks in an Ashwinder camp and need to find them a home.”
Ominis paused momentarily, outraged, “You’ve been giving him what?”
Lost in their conversation, or perhaps the easy confidence that came with spotting no prefects scouting outside the Library doors, the trio didn’t think to cast any disillusionment or remain so vigilant as they crossed the Viaduct hall. Over the sound of their conversation, and the gentle lullaby from the nearby portrait, they fail to hear the click of footfalls until it’s too late, and they’re stopped in their tracks by a familiar, and very displeased, voice.
“And just where have you three been?”
… ”Merlin’s saggy left ball sack.” Ominis’ head turned sharply to right as MC subtly kicked Sebastian in the shin, hoping the already very-cross Professor Weasley didn’t hear his vulgar language, and schooled their expression into one that hopefully looked the picture of innocence as they spun on their heel to face her, Ominis and Sebastian mirroring their actions.
It took all their willpower not to immediately cower back.
She did not look happy, arms folded and her scowling expression may as well have been made of stone, carved with fury. Somehow, the Deputy Headmistress made pyjamas-with-a-cloak-over-the-top look intimidating.
MC bit back a wince as they took in that detail. Pyjamas. Oh, it was late late.
Sebastian turned on the charming schoolboy act, “Professor Weasley! We were just..ah, getting some late night studying done.”
“Oh? And does that studying involve flying Hippogriffs across the Black Lake ?” Sebastian tries not to deflate at being so clearly caught out, and readies himself to ignore the ice in their professor's tone, about to counter with what would undoubtedly be a cunning lie when she cuts him off, “Not another word. My office. Now .”
Wisely, the trio fall into silence, not daring to provoke the Deputy Headmistress any further.
They follow after the furious professor, turning their backs on the path back to their Common Rooms, wishing more than anything to be sneaking their way through the protected doorways and not walking across the chilly Transfiguration courtyard to certain doom.
Sebastian spares a look to his companions, the worrying crease in Ominis’ brow, the almost eerie calmness to MC, and wonders if they’re feeling the same edgings of dread as him.
Detentions and getting into trouble with professors were no strangers to him, but this was different than breaking a simple curfew or sneaking into the restricted section. This was weeks of detentions, points off, and letters-home levels of rule breaking.
Merlin, the last thing he needed right now was Uncle Solomon getting a letter from the school about Sebastian being off-grounds.
They’d been playing with fire this whole school year, especially himself and MC. Breaking into Loyalist Camps, exploring Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium and messing with Unforgivables, he supposed it was only a matter of time before they’d been caught- their luck had finally run out, and there was only one desperate card left to play that might save them from the bollocking of a lifetime.
It seemed Ominis was having the same thoughts, judging by the grim acceptance on his face, the stiffness of his demeanour- all part of ‘Gaunt Look’ that had gotten them out of serious trouble a few times too many in their earlier school years.
As they near the Transfiguration Classroom, Professor Weasley doesn’t even bother using magic to open the door, instead holding it open expectantly, her expression unwavering.
Before either of the boys can take the first step, MC takes the lead, head bowed slightly in a marker of shame that Sebastian can’t help but mirror as he follows in their footsteps, forced to confront the disapproving glare of their professor as he passes.
At least Ominis doesn’t have to deal with such awkward eye-contact.
Their footfalls echo through the empty classroom, empty desks seem to judge them as they walk past, only vaguely registering the door being shut behind them.
Ahead, MC’s steps have faltered slightly, the only show of hesitation they’ve demonstrated since the trio were caught. Sebastian is quick to take the lead, brushing MC's side in what he hopes is a reassuring move, as he makes a beeline for the door in the topmost corner.
The office is cool when they enter, the only light coming from embers dying on the fireplace and the pulsing red glow of Ominis’ wand. With the minimal amount of shuffling, the three line themselves up opposite the desk, MC once again in the middle, and wait.
Their silence persists as Professor Weasley follows into her office, re-igniting the fireplace with a wordless flick of her wand. The warm glow should be comforting, but against the dead black of night in the windows, and the way the shadows cast over the Professor’s glare deepen the appearance of her ire, it’s anything but.
She takes her time walking around them, letting her footsteps fill the silence of the room, before standing behind her desk, eyes on them all. For a moment, all she does is stare.
It’s an effort not to fidget under her gaze and act like the guilty students they very much are. Sebastian had never been one to worry about his appearance, least of all after a spirited fight or hippogriff journey, but he suddenly regretted not at least checking for any singed or blood-stained marks on his uniform before entering the Castle.
No , that worry was the exact kind of thing Professor Weasley was hoping her students would act on, more guilty admissions. He fought the urge to check.
Besides, if MC- who was decked out in one of their usual (and very flattering) adventuring outfits wasn’t concerned about looking suspicious, then surely he had no need to be. 
Finally, the professor spoke, her tone icy cold, dripping with repressed anger. Even with the Gaunt-protection failsafe, Sebastian felt very unsafe.
“Three students out of school grounds, unauthorised, breaking curfew, I have never seen anything like it,” She seethed, and Sebastian wondered for a moment if they were about to witness their professor breathe fire, maybe being charred alive would be less painful than this , “What have you got to say for yourselves?”
A pause. 
Sebastian’s eyes darted to the side, watching his friends carefully. MC hasn’t moved, not even the slightest fidget of their hands, while Ominis’ posture straightens even further as he opens his mouth, preparing to intervene with a smooth diversion and not-so subtly drop his family’s connections, get them out of here with as much showboating to the Headmaster as will be necessary.
But it’s not Ominis’ poised and perfected tenor that speaks next.
“I’m sorry, it’s my fault, Professor. I asked for their help and we completely lost track of time.” MC sounded so sincere in their apology, their tone didn’t waver for a moment. Sebastian tries not to let his surprise register on his face, and sees Ominis do the same, momentarily jared from his earlier plan. What are they doing? “I was working on one of my catch-up assignments, for Professor Fig.”
Sebastian hopes he doesn’t look like this story is of any news to him, but judging from the way Professor Weasley’s gaze had narrowed in on MC, he needn’t have bothered.
“ Professor Fig gave you an assignment that requires you being off-grounds in the middle of the night?”
The lie sounded ludicrous even to Sebastian, no professor would ever assign a student homework that required leaving the Castle grounds, let alone to venture into the Highlands in their free time.
He should know, it had been a fight for him to be allowed to return to Feldcroft to see his sick sister during term time. There was no way MC genuinely thinks that Weasley is going to believe a fellow professor would let them leave the school so freely-
“Yes, Professor, he did. Staying out so late was an accident though.”
- Merlin, they are fucked.
Clearly, from the sudden tension in his frame, the slight upward turn of his eyebrows, Ominis feels the same way. The pair of them stand to either side of their friend, and wait for the lashing down to begin, for Professor Weasley to accuse them of thinking her to be so dim as to believe such an outrageous lie, to attempt to implicate another professor in whatever rule-breaking scheme they’ve concocted. Sebastian wonders if it's possible to intercept a Hogwarts Owl before it reaches Feldcroft- or maybe MC can do it for him, it’s the least they’ll owe him for provoking the professor like this.
Except, instead of a raised voice, threats of punishments and letters home, Professor Weasley only sighs, the fight leaving her body like a snidget on a Quidditch Pitch.
At the mention of the Professor of Magical Theory, something seemed to have changed in the Deputy Headmistress’ demeanour- it would have been funny to observe in any other situation. Her posture slouched slightly, as if suddenly overtaken by exhaustion, but the look in her eyes had become razor focused, a glint in them as she regarded MC.
Something had changed, and Sebastian longed to know what.
“What in Godric’s name is Elea-Professor Fig asking you to do, that requires you travelling away from the Castle?”
MC shrugged, the picture of casual honesty, which was jarring to watch when Sebastian knew they were being everything but, “Professor Fig emphasises real-world applications to enhance my understanding. I do have a lot to catch-up on.”
The counter didn’t seem to surprise Professor Weasley, almost as though she had been expecting such an argument. “Yes, he has mentioned as much. It would certainly be a more school-focused explanation for the rumours of your activities in local hamlets.”
There’s a tone of false lightness that Sebastian is familiar with- one of a Professor who knows more than they’re letting on, who is giving you the opportunity to come clean.
(Personally, it was one he’d never fallen for)
There’s so many rumours surrounding MC and where they go when they’re missing from the Castle- which is nearly all the time these days- that he can’t even begin to speculate about which ones have made their way to Hogwarts Staff.
MC doesn’t even appear phased by Professor Weasley’s suspicions, or the possibility that rumours of their more dangerous stunts have reached the ear of the faculty, “There’s so much still to learn, I’m lucky to have Professor Fig’s guidance in navigating my studies- it’s been very helpful.”
It’s such a perfect answer. The kind professors would expect from a dutiful, high-achieving student such as MC, one that might make them perk up with pride in their pupils.
Professor Weasley only narrows her eyes, and Sebastian suspects this isn’t the first time she’s heard MC pull such a line, “Indeed, you two are quite the pair.” Understatement , “Between your absences, and Professor Fig’s, it’s a miracle either of you still know your way around the Castle. Although, I suspect sneaking in late at night from your various, ah- assignments , is plenty of practice.”
Wow . Sebastian tries not to look too surprised at the subtle dig, unaware the Deputy Headmistress was capable of such underhandedness. Then again, Fig and MC had been sneaking about the Castle after curfew?
Perhaps in light of Fig’s involvement with MC’s restricted section mission, he shouldn’t be surprised.
MC had no such unawareness for the Deptuy Headmistress' tactics and continues, unphased, “Catching up on my studies is certainly a busy task, Professor. It’s true, we spend so much time learning new spells in Professor Fig’s classroom that I haven’t had much time to explore the castle yet.”
Sebastian wishes he had stood next to Ominis, if only to nudge his friend while they watched this conversation- no, interrogation unfold, see if Ominis had picked up on the same thing he had.
Whatever this was about, it clearly had absolutely nothing to do with tonight’s excursion.
“No? That’s a pity, Hogwarts is full of wonderful magic. Considering you’re excelling in your classes, I’m certain you can afford to take some time away. I never see you around the Castle, it seems you’ve made some good friends here, yet I seldom see you enjoying their company outside of studies. I'm concerned your, ah, extracurriculars are taking up all of your time.”
It felt like the world’s longest, most confusing exploding snap game, two players taking it in turns to put a card down- except all the cards were blank and Sebastian didn’t know what would happen if there was a match.
“I have plenty of time to enjoy school, Professor, and have fun with my friends- everyone’s been so supportive in helping me learn more about magic.”
MC hadn’t provided any specifics, Sebastian wasn’t remiss to notice. It really was an entirely new level of vague- even for them, who had entered Hogwarts surrounded by mystery and cloaked in secrets, and hadn’t changed much about that impression since they got here. 
He wondered why MC was so hesitant to elaborate- was it a hesitation to share anything with Professor Weasley, or did they really not have many examples of ‘fun’ times at Hogwarts, that didn’t include danger or rule-breaking? Come to think of it, when had he and MC done anything together that didn’t include danger or rule-breaking?
Merlin, he’d make them relax even if it killed them. Drag them out for a fun day at Hogsmeade where they were banned from helping any locals retrieve their spare robes or whatever ridiculous request they’d force on his friend.
Although, that had been their plan for today- and look how well it turned out.
“I wonder, what academic prospects could have drawn yourself and Professor Fig all the way to Feldcroft?” Despite himself, Sebastian jolts at the mention of his home, and from his periphery he sees Ominis’ head snap to the side to stare in his direction, questioning. “It is a rather dangerous area, you know, I’m sure Mister Sallow can attest to the current occupation of Goblin Loyalists in the Hamlet.”
Professor Fig and MC, in Feldcroft? He’d heard some rumours, of course, but this was all but confirming it as true- especially as he saw MC momentarily falter at the direct questioning.
Questions burst forth in the back of his mind, irritation pricked at his skin with the knowledge they hadn’t told him - Sebastian of all people, what they’d been doing back in Feldcroft, without him and with Professor Fig no less. He endeavoured to ask them, later.
MC quickly regains their composure, hands folded delicately at their front, and tilts their head to the side inquisitively, “Is it? Professor Fig was showing me some ruins ,” Fractionally, the corner of MC’s lip curled, a flicker of amusement they quickly squashed, “We didn’t come across any trouble, certainly no Goblin Loyalists. We are always very safe when we leave the castle.”
Now that Sebastian knew was a bold-faced lie. MC hadn’t told him everything they and the enigmatic Professor got up to, but they’d shared enough about their pursuit of Ancient Magic knowledge and Ranrok. Whatever the pair got up to when they were absent from the castle, it was far from safe .
Judging by Professor Weasley’s unwavering expression, the stone cold doubt and suspicion written clearly across her features, she shared the same sentiments.
“I see, so yours and Professor Fig’s trips away from the Castle have absolutely nothing to do with the reason your mentor has been spending so much time in contact with the Ministry lately? Particuarly, the Auror Department and the Minister himself?”
That was news to Sebastian, and not for the first time in this coversation  he wondered if Professor Weasley had forgotten he and Ominis were here too.
As if feeling the weight of his friend’s gaze on him, Ominis tilted his head in Sebastian’s direction and gave a small shake of his head, before staring fixedly down at MC.
One thing's for certain, they weren’t letting MC get away with not answering their questions as easily as they seem to be Professor Weasley’s.
Honestly, Sebastian was tempted to take notes on their artful evasions, his old tricks with the faculty were getting….well… old .
“I wouldn’t know, Professor.” MC shrugged, “Professor Fig doesn’t talk about his work outside of our tutoring sessions,” Then, as if realising some lies were too obvious for even them to get away with, “The Headmaster sent him to the Ministry a few times earlier this year, perhaps Professor Fig is in contact with them on orders of Professor Black.”
Did they really just bring the Headmaster into this?
Either this whole topic went a lot deeper than either of them thought, or MC is pulling all the strings to get out of this tense exchange.
The funniest part was that it was working.
Bringing up the Headmaster seemed to snap the final thread of Professor Weasley’s patience, and suddenly she seemed exhausted, grimly accepting of the fact that clearly she would be getting no answers out of MC tonight.
“I see, well it’s already very late and you all have classes in the morning,” She sighs, before pulling her shoulders back, still the picture of staunch authority you wouldn’t dare cross, “You’re free to go, but don’t think I won’t be speaking with Professor Fig to confirm your story,” At this, Sebastian sends a panicked look MC’s way but they don’t notice, eyes only on Professor Weasley as she continues, “That said, I am still taking twenty points from each of you, and if this happens again I won’t be so lenient- 'assignment'  from Professor Fig or not.”
MC still doesn’t appear worried, not as much as they should be- given they absolutely will be doing this again. Then again, Sebastian and Ominis weren’t any better.
Still, they all had the courtesy to look abashed, and ducked their heads, echoes of their ‘thank you professor’, ‘sorry professor’-s following them out of the Deputy Headmistress’ office, and away from her disapproving glare.
Seconds later, the door swings shut behind them with an echoing ‘thud’, and Sebastian whirls on MC, but before he can speak, there’s a hand over his mouth. Over MC’s shoulder, Ominis looks distinctly amused.
“Not here.” MC whispers, with a knowing tilt of their head in the direction of the office they had just left. Then their hand drifts from from Sebastian’s mouth to wrap around his wrist, mirroring the same action with Ominis, as MC pulls them both away from eavesdropping range.
Feeling MC’s warm grip on his, Sebastian praises himself for not licking their hand earlier when they silenced him. This was much more satisfying.
They don’t stop until they hit an alcove just to the side of the Main Hall entryway, hidden from view but the perfect spot to detect Professors on the pry. 
“I cannot believe we got away with that.” Sebastian grinned, revelling in the adrenaline rush that always came with getting out of trouble punishment-free. He takes a moment for them all to bask in the easy way they had all just avoided what could have been a nasty punishment, before his attentions turn to the mastermind of their escape, looking quite smug with themselves, “So, make a habit of lying to the Deputy Headmistress, do we?”
“No idea what you’re talking about.” MC retorted cheekily, but their wide smile was a giveaway against their words, just as quickly dropping the faux-denial, “Besides, it worked, didn’t it?”
They punctuate their words with a knowing poke at his shoulder, and he doesn’t deny it.
“Please, like you had any doubts. You could have warned us you had a plan!”
“Funny, that doesn’t sound like ‘wow thanks for getting us out of trouble MC, you’re such a good friend MC, to show my gratitude I’m going to write your potions essay next week MC!’ ”
“Even if I was going to thank you for nearly gaslighting our Deputy Headmistress- artfully done by the way- I certainly won’t be writing your potions essay for you.”
MC grinned, “Good, I didn’t mean you, I meant Ominis. His potions essays are way better, plus he never leaves it till the last minute.”
“Don't even try it, MC, flattery won’t work on me.” The pleased flush to Ominis’ cheeks said otherwise, but nobody was about to point that out, “But I at least am grateful for your intervention. I wasn’t looking forward to using my family name to get us out of trouble.” His nose scrunched at the thought.
“It was almost comical, the way Weasley immediately dropped it and all you had mentioned was-“ The realisation struck Sebastian like lightning, a wide grin threatening to split his face, “Oh Merlin- you pulled an Ominis!”
“I what?” “Excuse me?”
Not getting the hint from Ominis’ outraged expression, or simply not caring, Sebastian continued, “You pulled an Ominis! All you had to do was drop Professor Fig’s name and we were never getting into trouble! I can’t believe there’s two of you now!”
“We are not calling it ‘pulling an Ominis ’ for Merlin’s sake Sebastian!” Ominis hissed, looking thoroughly displeased about the expression, and Sebastian immediately endeavoured to add it to his vocabulary from now on, “That said, I was surprised at how effective it was.”
“I didn’t…I mean….it wasn't like that!” MC stared between the pair, lost in the sudden direction their conversation was taking. Sebastian continues rambling, grin growing in his face.
“What do we even call that? Is it still family privileges or… mentor privileges? Playing favourites? I mean, half the school thinks you're both secretly related anyway, so I suppose it doesn’t really matter-”
MC’s mouth dropped open, “Half the school thinks what?”
“Weasley was right, you need to get about the Castle more if you haven’t heard that one yet, it’s old news at this point.” Sebastian waved it off, like the fact half the school was gossiping about MC was nothing. Maybe it was, it’s not like they got involved in school gossip enough to have a comparison point.
Ominis frowned, “Speaking of Professor Fig, it’s all fair and well to name drop him like that, but what happens when Professor Weasley actually does go to him to confirm your story? She’s going to find out we lied.” He can’t help the worry from bleeding into his tone, and Sebastian frowns at the reminder of the hole in MC’s plan. At most, they’ve been bought time, and the punishment could end up being so much worse if Weasley finds out they deceived her.
To the boys’ shared surprise, MC chuckles lightly, shaking their head, as if their friends had missed some huge point. “She won’t- I’ll be surprised if she even talks to Professor Fig about it.” Okay, they were definitely missing something, by the knowing tone in MC’s voice, “Even if she does, he’ll cover for us, so don’t worry about it.”
They sounded so assured about exactly how this would all play out, the staff dynamics at work here- Sebastian and Ominis longed to question them further on it.
That easy confidence that Professor Fig would lie to one of his colleagues for them, covering up serious rule-breaking with no questions asked? The Professor of Magical Theory was known for being somewhat enigmatic and mysterious, someone with so much practical skills for a supposed expert in theoretical knowledge, but the idea of a professor blindly covering for a student was too much, even for him.
Then again, MC wasn’t exactly ‘just a student’. Not if the pair were sneaking out of the Castle and being spotted near Goblin Loyalists areas, of all places. Deceiving all the other professors, telling lies to cover one another’s backs- because that had been the other side of this, Professor Fig wouldn’t be the only one lying to the Deputy Headmistress to protect another.
“He’ll cover for us, like you covered for him in Professor Weasley’s office, you mean?” Ominis felt the pieces falling into place. “His contact with the Ministry has nothing to do with the Headmaster, does it?”
MC grinned, shrugging lightly, “I mean, technically that wasn’t a complete lie- Black did send him on fools errands to the Ministry at the start of term, as some sort of ridiculous punishment for what happened on our journey here.” Bitterness bled into their tone slightly at the memory, and Ominis couldn’t quite blame them. Being attacked by a dragon was hardly something you could control. MC’s tone brightened as they kept talking, an edging of mischief creeping in, “But since then? No, it’s got nothing to do with the Headmaster, but I doubt Professor Weasley is going to question it.”
He wonders what it’s actually got to do with, but this wasn’t the time to ask them about that.
“It’s no wonder Weasley looked so tired, you’re both menaces .” Sebastian laughed.
“Oh like you’re both any better, Misters ‘I have a way with the faculty’ and ‘My father is friends with the Headmaster’. I didn’t stand a chance at having good influences around me.” MC playfully rolled their eyes, recalling the fact that they weren’t the only ones who had their ways of getting out of trouble.
Sebastian whirled on Ominis, seemingly choking down another laugh, “You did not say that to them.”
“Oh, be quiet. Both of you.” Ominis wasn’t pouting, he wasn’t, “Besides, don’t turn us into your excuses, sounds like you’ve been lying to the faculty well before we became friends.”
“I prefer to think of it as keeping a few secrets. Not lying, just not telling the whole truth.”
Ominis couldn’t bite down on the smile their antics caused, and hoped a small head shake would hide his fond amusement, “That’s called lying, MC.”
They were so casual about it. From the moment Professor Weasley had begun with her vague-yet-intense questioning, MC had obfuscated and dismissed her every suspicion with a shamelessly vague answer, hadn’t shown weakness for even a moment, and now they stood joking about the whole affair, like lying and keeping dangerous secrets from professors was an everyday activity.
Well, for MC, they supposed it was.
Then again, given their recent exploits, perhaps Ominis and Sebastian were not in a place to cast judgement.
Merlin, what a group they made.
“I’ll admit, it was surprising how much Professor Weasley knew,” MC confessed, the edgings of worry outlining their now furrowed brows, “I honestly didn’t think she was paying that much attention, I knew she’d been keeping her eye on us but…where does she get her information?” Their gaze drifted off in the direction of the Transfiguration classroom, worrying at their lip as they thought.
“You see, it’s this magical thing called ‘The Hogwarts Rumour Mill’- you’d know what that was if you actually spent any time playing normal student, you know.” Sebastian mocked, and delighted in the way his teasing interrupted whatever journey into overthinking MC had stepped into, as their face playfully scrunched up in confusion.
“‘Normal Hogwarts student’? Like ‘student who learns non-curriculum spells in a super secret undercroft’ or ‘student who picks fights with goblin loyalists and poachers’?”
“Hey, I never said we were normal Hogwarts students.”
MC grinned, gently knocking against Sebastian and Ominis’ shoulders, “I suppose that’s why we all get along so well.”
Sebastian’s expression softened as he registered their affection, warm fondness spreading across his features, “I suppose it is.”
For a moment, they all stay like that, three students hidden behind a corner of the Transfiguration courtyard, packed so tight their arms press against each other, warm with the rush of their evening adventures, and share in the peace they so seldom get to appreciate.
How fortunate they all were, to have found each other.
“It’s getting late, we should be heading back.” Ominis’ voice breaks through the quiet, sounding almost regretful to have done so, as the warm press of his friends was stripped from him, replaced with the bitterness of the outdoor air.
Lightly, MC laughs, and takes the lead to start walking back towards the Viaduct hall, Sebastian and Ominis at their side, “I think we went past ‘getting late’ flying over Upper Hogsfield, but you won’t hear me complaining about getting some sleep- even if it is just a few hours.”
“Better than nothing, and we always have History of Magic to get some extra sleep in.” MC hummed in agreement, Ominis smiling already at the prospect, their shared naps during the notoriously dull class has admittedly become something of a highlight in his school curriculum. A few hours where he knows he’ll sleep unhaunted (mentally at least) and utterly at ease.
“Oh do rub it in, why don’t you?”
“It’s not our fault you didn’t take History of Magic, Sebastian.”
The walk back was over far too quickly, light taunts becoming wishes of well rest and promises to meet again at breakfast, as they parted ways- finally laying rest to the evening’s events.
MC’s promise proved to be good and true, when the trio managed to make it through their first class of the day without being summoned by Professor Weasley for a sequel to the previous night’s ‘punishment’. Whether the Deputy Headmistress had actually confronted Professor Fig about MC’s claims remained a mystery for the entire morning, however by midday, Sebastian was starting to have his suspicions that Professor Weasley had at least been talking to someone about his, MC, and Ominis’ out-of-grounds escapade.
“Is it just me, or are the other professors…watching us?”
“Sebastian, think for a moment about who you’re talking to, then ask me that again.” Ominis rolled his eyes, completely oblivious to the dubious look Professor Hecat had been giving them with all class.
“Oh right, sorry,” He cast a quick look to the Defense Professor, and when she wasn’t facing the class, he elaborated, “Since this morning, it’s like every Professor we see is expecting us to do something wrong, waiting to catch us out. Hecat’s been looking at us like a Kneazle to a Sneakosope since we walked in here.”
“Well, we were caught breaking curfew last night, Sebastian.”
“This is different! All the times I’ve been caught breaking the rules, not once have the staff watched me like this. I feel guilty and I haven’t even done anything yet.”
They didn’t get an answer for their suspicions until after class, making their way through the Tower, MC now joining the duo at their side. Lost in conversation, they almost didn’t spot the Professor until it was too late, side stepping just as Professor Fig rounded the stairs.
It wasn’t uncommon to see the Magical Theory Professor, but he was renowned for his elusiveness- Sebastian would know, he’d tried to talk to the Professor on several occasions last year as he searched for a cure for Anne, but Fig had always been too busy to stick around for long. 
Despite himself, and MC’s earlier reassurances Fig wouldn’t be upset his name came up the previous night, his heart hammered in his chest, and from the corner of his eye Sebastian spotted Ominis’ posture stiffen, as he so often would whenever they were about to get scolded by a Professor. 
They waited for the gentle expression to fall into one of disappointment, or anger, for the reprimand they knew would be coming.
MC too, had changed, but in notable contrast to their friends they brightened up, energised to see the Professor- and Sebastian supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised that the fondness was reciprocated. What he was surprised by was how Fig’s warmth extended to their friends, greeting them all cheerfully.
“Ah, MC! Mister Sallow, Mister Gaunt, good morning!”
Momentarily taken aback by the unexpected friendliness of his tone, one which they absolutely hadn’t anticipated after using him as a get-out-of-punishment-free pass the night before, they were delayed in wishing him a good morning back, compared to MC’s spirited response, “Morning, Professor Fig! Are you on your way back to your office?”
It was kind of cute, the way they perked up in Fig’s presence.
“I am, and I suppose you’re all off for lunch?” 
“Actually, if you have some free time, I was wondering…”
Fig smiled, understanding, “My door is always open, come, I’ll have some sandwiches delivered! I had a very interesting meeting with Professor Weasley this morning, perhaps you can catch me up on the finer details of yours and Misters Sallow and Gaunt’s excusion while we’re there.”
Ominis startled, “Ah, yes, Professor, about that-”
“I’m afraid I can’t award points, Professor Weasley might have my head, Mister Gaunt- even if it would be well deserved!” Fig is quick to interrupt whatever apology Ominis had been about to offer, a sly smile on his face- one that strongly reminded Sebastian of MC’s expression after they had gotten out of Weasley’s office the night before, “I am glad MC has such supportive friends to help them with their studies, excellent work boys!”
Fig caught Sebastian’s eye and gave both himself and Ominis a knowing wink before continuing on towards his classroom, MC falling into step beside him easily, the pair immediately locked into a lighthearted conversation. Sebastian and Ominis stayed put for a moment, baffled by the casual interaction.
Ominis spoke first, “Did he just….”
“Yep.” He’d definitely covered for them, had seemed amused by it, no less.
Not a word was mentioned about last night’s escapades, no dubious look thrown their way like the rest of his colleagues had been doing all morning. Instead, all there had been was immediate recognition as he crossed paths with the trio, even though he hadn’t taught two of the three pupils in years, and a wink.
Suddenly, they had the sneaking suspicion they were in on some sort of conspiracy.
“Good morning, Professor Hecat!”
“Good morning, Professor Fig, good to see you about the Castle.” 
Sebastian and Ominis jump at the voice, turning around to see Hecat at the top of the stairs, where she had no doubt just watched the four crossing paths, the spirited exchange before Fig and MC had whisked away. 
Suddenly, the professors’ earlier attitudes towards himself and Ominis made a lot more sense, and Sebastian suspected that Professor Weasley wasn’t the only one who had her suspicions about MC and Professor Fig’s extracurriculars.
And, if the way they had been keeping an eye on him and Ominis was anything to go by, the staff’s conspiracy had just gained two new suspects.
“Ominis, I think we’ve become accomplices.”
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kiwiplaetzchen · 1 year
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(⌐■_■) 💚 inspired by this post 💕💖
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annachu-cannot-write · 3 months
A Guiding Light
Rating: General Audiences
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
Relationship: Ominis Gaunt/Player Character
Additional Tags: POV Ominis Gaunt, Slytherin Player Character, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Developing Friendships, Developing Relationship, Jealousy, Tragic Backstory, Eventual Fluff, Ominis Gaunt Needs a Hug
Story Summary: Ominis Gaunt has been blind for his whole life, relying solely on his wand to show him the way. But when his wand one day goes missing, he finds guidance in an unlikely place, and soon a whole new world opens up to him.
Chapter 4 - however long it takes (to make you realise)
Word Count: 3342 [published on archive 14/03 2024]
Notes: chapter 4 is finally here, so enjoy!
(i know this one took a bit longer to post, but i'm still playing the game, so from here on it might take longer between each upload)
alsooo down below is a picture (of bad quality, i know, so don't at me) of my MC aka Kieran Everbleed, cuz i thought you might want to know what he looks like (seeing as i can't really have Ominis describe his looks...)
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It was Saturday morning and Ominis had just been rudely woken up by the shrill noise of an alarm clock going off. Blasted little bugger, he thought as he stirred in his four-poster. Why would anyone set an alarm on a Saturday? It was totally barbaric. 
“Sorry.” someone mumbled to his left - it was Albert Hickling. Of course it was Albert Hickling. For over four years he had tinkered with his own inventions, putting spells on them to make them do all sorts of unimaginable things. Never before, though, had he done anything with an alarm clock. 
“It wasn’t meant to do that, I thought I had bewitched it to transform into a duck every morning so I could have it in my bath.”
“What?” Either Ominis was still too groggy from sleep, or it was the silliest thing he had ever heard. 
“It wouldn’t be a real duck, of course!”
“Never mind that, could you just make it stop?” he said, because the alarm clock was, in fact, still ringing. 
“Oh! Sorry.” Hickling mumbled again, fumbling with the noisy gadget for a good couple of seconds before it finally became quiet. 
Ominis rolled his eyes. Idiot, he thought as he dragged the covers over himself again. 
It wasn’t until he heard Hickling leave the dormitory a moment later, that it occurred to him that none of the other boys had woken up. Sebastian, he knew for a fact, was a heavy sleeper, and could sleep through most things - though something as loud and obnoxious as that alarm clock would surely have woken anyone up. As for Everbleed, he hadn’t learnt what type of sleeper he was - but even if he was a heavy sleeper as well, there was no reason why he shouldn’t have woken up. 
Ominis regretted that he hadn’t asked Hickling what time it was when the clock had rung - if he had, he would have known now, if it was a time in the morning when the boys would normally be in bed. 
Lifting himself up to his elbows, he called out for Sebastian but got nothing in response. It was awfully quiet, now that he thought about it. On most mornings, he could hear faint snoring coming from Sebastian, but right now, the room was completely silent. 
“Sebastian? Are you there?... Everbleed?” Still no response. Ominis frowned. Normally, he and Sebastian would wake up at roughly the same time, a consequence from sleeping in the same room since they were 11, he was sure of, then Everbleed would slowly start to wake up, and eventually the three of them would go to breakfast together. But now there seemed to be only him here. 
A voice in the back of his head told him that the two of them had gone on without him - but he tried not to listen. After Sebastian had talked to him on the bridge last week, Ominis had been under the impression that things had gone back to normal between them - but now he wasn’t so sure anymore.
He let his arms fall to his side and his head was once again reunited with the pillow. He sighed, but found that when he did, his chest ached a bit, so he brought his hand up and clutched the fabric of his pyjamas, right over his heart. As he did so, he thought about how pathetic he was, and that it made perfect sense that Sebastian would want to abandon him. 
He closed his eyes shut, hard, and wished that he could just fall back to sleep, but he knew there was no way he could do that now. Not with all these thoughts filling up his entire mind. Things will be all right, he told himself, I will be all right. 
Sleep had, unbeknownst to Ominis, swept him away an hour later, easing his mind as well as his body. When he came to, it was because he had, for a second time that morning, been woken up. 
“Are you still sleeping? You’re going to miss breakfast if you don’t get up soon.”
Ominis could only respond with a sluggish ‘Mm’ for he was too tired to be able to make a, perhaps more coherent, response. 
After a moment, he heard his stomach rumble as hunger overwhelmed him, and he woke up more and more. When he eventually sat up in his bed, stretching his arms over his head, the thoughts that had occupied his mind earlier came back and hit him straight in his gut. Breakfast didn’t seem so inviting all of a sudden. 
“You wouldn’t happen to know where Sebastian is, would you?” he asked before he even realised it. 
“No, but I heard him and Kieran early this morning, talking about Feldcroft. They seemed to be in a hurry.” 
The answer threw another punch to his gut and he felt sick. He was sure he would have thrown up, if it wasn’t for the fact that Hickling was in the room. 
“I thought it was strange that he left without you.”
‘Left without you’ The words echoed in his mind, taunting him, cutting him. ‘Left without you’ He could feel the bad taste in his mouth as the words only grew louder. ‘Left without you’ He ran out of the dormitory, running like a wild beast that had been let loose. … Then he fell and hit the floor, and everything came all at once - the vomit, the tears, the blood. 
For a third time that morning, Ominis was woken up. This time, however, it wasn’t whilst lying in bed - but on the cold stone floor of the common room, and not when he had been asleep, but when he had been unconscious. 
Everything was a big blur to him. His head throbbed violently and he felt dizzy. He could hear rushed murmurs coming from all directions, but he couldn’t make out any of the words over the ringing in his ears. Someone shook him by the shoulder, calling his name, but Ominis just lay there, unable to produce any sort of response. Then he could feel a pair of arms picking him up, and a warm body against his own. In the state he was in, he couldn’t understand anything that was going on. 
He felt something soft touch his back and he realised that he must have been laid down. No more than a second later someone’s hand was on his forehead, then at both sides of his head, prodding at him, wiping at his face. He could hear a woman muttering to his side, but her words weren’t any clearer than the voices earlier had been - these, too, were rushed. Then, before he could even register it, his back had been lifted up and something was placed in his hand to hold. Ominis blinked, still feeling very out of it. He heard more muttering, and the next thing he knew, someone grabbed the object from his hand, brought it up to his lips, and then a nasty liquid hit his tongue. He wanted to spit it out immediately, but found that whoever was feeding him this liquid was still pouring it into his mouth, making it impossible to do so. 
Whatever it was that he had been forced to drink, he felt an instant effect from it as soon as he swallowed it. The throbbing in his head died down to a level where it was almost completely gone, and his ears no longer rang. The woman spoke to him again, and this time Ominis could hear every word. 
“Mr. Gaunt? This is nurse Blainey - you are in the hospital wing. It seems you fell and took a blow to your head.” 
As he registered her words, Ominis brought his hand up to his head, and frowned  - he couldn’t remember falling and hitting his head. 
“It’s best if you stay here for a couple of hours, so I can keep an eye on you. Now, be still, so I can put this on you.” 
He didn’t know what ‘this’ referred to, but felt the matron’s hands on his head again, apparently putting on some sort of bandage. 
“Do you remember how this happened at all?”
“No.” he replied, his voice coming out slightly hoarse. 
“Your prefect, Mr. Hickling, arrived with you in a hurry, just moments ago. He told me he saw you running out of the dormitory looking sick, and that when he heard a commotion in the common room he went to see what was going on. That’s apparently when you had hurt yourself.” 
The matron finished wrapping him up and said “You don’t have to remember now, it will all come back to you after you’ve had some rest, so don’t strain yourself. Now, if you would be so kind, Mr. Hickling…”
Ominis hadn’t realised Hickling was still in the hospital wing with them. 
“Of course, nurse Blainey. Ominis, I shall leave you now. Hopefully you’ll feel better soon.” 
Ominis made his second incoherent response to Hickling that morning, but it was the best he could do - he was still trying to understand why the other boy would have shown him such kindness.
“Oh, I almost forgot, nurse Blainey, Ominis hasn’t eaten his breakfast yet…”
“Why didn’t you say so? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Here I was, giving him medicine on an empty stomach…. Oh well, best call for the house-elves, so they can bring some food up then.” 
The rest of the morning and afternoon went by faster than Ominis thought it would, considering he was meant to spend it in a hospital bed. He had managed to rest for the most part, albeit shorter periods at a time, and the rest of the time he had spent listening to nurse Blainey moving across the room, tending to other students. At some point Hickling had come back with his clothes and schoolrobe so he could change out of his pyjamas. 
Later, when the matron finally came to remove his bandage, she announced that he was free to go, and Ominis felt relieved. 
“Be careful not to make any sudden head movements though, and should you feel anything at all, come back and see me again.” 
“Of course, nurse Blainey-” he said, and started stepping away from the bed, but realised soon that he was without his wand. “-My wand…” 
“Oh, it’s right here, dear-” she handed it over to him, placing it in his hand. “-Mr. Hickling brought it with him when he dropped off your clothes.” 
“Ah… thank you.” he managed a smile, and then proceeded to walk away from the bed, and out of the hospital wing. 
As soon as Ominis reached the Grand Staircase, he was overwhelmed with loud voices. All around him students were chatting away with their friends, talking about what they had been up to during the day, and what they planned to do tomorrow. Some students, further away from him, mentioned being in Hogsmeade, eating and drinking at the Three Broomsticks. A group of girls talked about how they went down to Lower Hogsfield and what a lovely little place it was. 
It all made Ominis feel like he had been stuck in a sort of hazy dream the entire day - coming in and out of consciousness, and not really knowing what had been going on for the most part. He had missed out on a whole day he could have spent doing the things the students around him had done. But it was just one day, he told himself, no matter. It’s not like he normally spends his free days visiting Hogsmeade or the neighbouring hamlets, anyway. Nonetheless, a sense of gloominess washed over him as he descended the stairs towards the Reception Hall. 
A waft of delicious food reached Ominis’ nostrils as the doors to the Great Hall opened and closed by students coming in and out, and the gloomy feeling turned to hunger. It felt to him like no time at all had passed since the house-elves had brought him breakfast. Here I go, eating again, he thought to himself. All he had done this day, so far, had been eating and sleeping. 
Dinner had been exquisite. All the things Ominis loved tasted particularly good this evening - the roast chicken was juicier, the sausages fattier, and the roast potatoes crispier than ever. He couldn’t think of a time when he had been this full - not even on his very first day as a first-year. 
I wonder if I still have room for some dessert? But it probably won’t arrive any time soon, he thought as he rubbed his belly. Though I might as well stay here for a while, I’m too tired to go anywhere at the moment. He let out a content sigh, but was interrupted halfway. 
“You look like you swallowed a dugbog - were you that hungry?” It was Sebastian.
 Ominis was just about to give a snarky retort when suddenly there was a strange feeling in his head. It didn’t hurt, exactly, more like it made him a wee bit dizzy. He shut his eyes, but when he did, memories of the early morning came back to him - very fast, and very vividly, and he felt increasingly dizzier. He didn’t even notice nearly falling off of the bench, until a pair of hands steadied him. 
“Don’t touch me.” he spat out instantaneously. 
He was met with something he could only assume was a stunned silence. Then, whilst still a little shaky, he stood up and began to walk away, bumping into Sebastian on purpose. It didn’t take long, however, until Sebastian’s hand was on his arm, trying to stop him. 
“Ominis? Wha-”
“Don’t talk to me.”
“Did something happen?” 
Ominis ignored the question at first, just puffing out air, shaking his head in disbelief, trying to convey the message that he was upset. Then he grabbed Sebastian's arm forcefully and dragged him to the side of the hall, where they could have some privacy. There, he answered the question with a question of his own.
“What do you think?” he said through gritted teeth.
“Well, you’re obviously upset, I can see that.”
“How observant of you, anything else?”
“You’re being really snappy towards me.”
“Oh, yeah?” 
Sebastian sighed, and after a couple of seconds said  “Why are you being like this, Ominis? If I did something to offend you, just say so.” 
“Offend me?” he huffed loudly. “I think you would know for yourself if you had done something to offend me.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like!” 
“Okay, so I have offended you? When exactly?”
“You haven’t offended me Sebastian, you’ve hurt me!” he yelled out, tears starting to form in his eyes. “Are you really that oblivious?”
“If you’re talking about the Undercroft again, I’ve already apologised for that-”
“That’s not what this is about!”
“Then, what is it about?!”
“Everbleed!” he practically screamed out, tears now streaming down his cheeks. 
“What does he have to do with this?”
“Everything! He’s got everything to do with this, can’t you see? You spend so much time with him, you barely have any left to spend with me anymore! And as if the Undercroft thing wasn’t bad enough, you even bring him to Feldcroft to meet Anne? You didn’t stop to think that perhaps I wanted to go meet her again? That I, who happen to actually be her friend, would be happy to hear her voice again? No? Did it never occur to you?!” 
He fell backwards against the wall, shaking with uncontrollable sobs, feeling utterly miserable. 
“Am I not your friend, Sebastian? Do I mean that little to you?” 
Several seconds passed in a suffocating silence, and he thought that this had to be it - the moment he would lose his most dearest friend. He knew that if Sebastian didn’t want him anymore, things would go back to how they were before they were friends, before he got to Hogwarts. He would be on his own again, the only company the one found in solitude. But he didn’t want that, he didn’t want to go back to being all alone, with no one to talk to, or to laugh with, or to create memories together with. But that had already started to happen. It started on the very first day of their fifth year. A tear in a bond that he thought was so strong that nothing could break it, but has just kept on growing. 
“Ominis…” Sebastian’s voice was not more than a breath of air, and Ominis could barely hear it over his own thoughts. “I am sorry. I am truly sorry… I didn’t know you felt like this. You know you mean a lot to me-”
“No, Sebastian, I don’t.” he cut him off quietly, and Sebastian sighed. 
“You and Anne are the most important people in my life; I wouldn’t know what to do without either of you.”
“Then why didn’t you let me come meet her?”
Sebastian sighed once again, and took a step closer. 
“What you have to understand, Ominis, is that there are bigger things going on. War is almost upon us and goblins are terrorising people everywhere. There’s not a single hamlet that is safe anymore, especially Feldcroft. It’s just a matter of time before they curse someone from the village again, and I just don’t want that to be you.”
Ominis closed his eyes. He just didn’t want to hear it. 
“You don’t think I can handle my own.” 
“That’s not what I said, Ominis.”
“But I know that’s what you meant. You didn’t want me there with you to slow you down, so you brought Everbleed with you instead - perfect little Everbleed who can defeat a whole troll on his own.-” He pushed himself off of the wall, and stepped closer to Sebastian, stopping right in front of his face. “-Isn’t that right?” 
A few silent seconds passed. 
“You’re being ridiculous.” Sebastian said and moved away. Ominis clenched his jaw. 
“I’ll leave you alone then, if that’s what you think. I have no interest in being here anyway.” 
He didn’t get very far though, before Sebastian said “Before you go, I want to speak to you about something else, if you care to listen.” 
Ominis made no sign of moving, and Sebastian continued “You remember me mentioning Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium, right?-” 
“-I’ve already told you how I feel about that.”
“Yes, well, I hoped you could give it some more thought. I believe, if we were to enter the Scriptorium, we could find something that could provide us with useful information about a cure for Anne.” 
Ominis clenched his jaw harder. 
“That Scriptorium means only bad things, and I want nothing to do with the dark magic that lies within it-” 
“-Even if it means finding a cure?” 
“I will not change my mind on this matter! Anything to do with the Dark Arts should be avoided. It’s too risky.”
“Anything to do with Salazar Slytherin is worth the risk.”
“I can’t agree, and I’ll not say a word more. I’m sorry.” 
With those final words, Ominis walked away from Sebastian - his head pounding and his heart aching. He couldn’t even be bothered to care when he realised he had collided with Everbleed, he just wanted to get away from the Great Hall as fast as possible. 
It was cold in the dormitory, where he lay in his four-poster, thinking hard on everything that had transpired that day - first hitting his head, then spending the day in the hospital wing, and lastly, everything that had gone down between him and Sebastian in the Great Hall. Perhaps he hadn’t lost his most dearest friend that day, but he wasn’t sure how much longer it would take before their bond would eventually break. 
He turned onto his side and dragged the duvet over his head, trying not to think, because he just wanted to go to sleep, forget about everything and for this day to finally end. 
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sailormushroom · 1 year
Hello, Hello, so first time creating this POV videos, and I looove it, is currently without subtitles but I’ll work on that. Hope you like what ChatGPT and I wrote for you.. pt.2? 🐍💚🖤 BTW
 that will be my tiktok account where I’ll upload more of this and fanarts in case you like it.
Hola hola! Primera vez que hago un video POV, y me encantó. actualmente estan en ingles y sin subtitulos pero prometo que trabajaré en eso. Espero les guste lo que ChatGPT y yo escribimos para ustedes...pt.2?  🐍💚🖤 Por cierto,
esa será mi cuenta de tiktok donde subiré más videos de estos y fanarts, por si les gusta.
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lovemedead-222 · 1 year
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cicidarkarts · 1 year
Hospice - 4: Anne
< Previous Chapter | Chapter List | Finale >
The more his mother declined, the more Ominis needed to get out of the hospital room. Not only was it too much hearing her struggle to breathe or listening to her groan in pain whenever the nurses helped her get up, but she began to take it out on him whenever she could.
“If I didn’t have to worry about you so much, I’d be feeling better,” she would say. Or worse, “If you were just a normal child, you could help me”.
He found himself locked in a bathroom stall sobbing after that comment. Behind the closed door in the quiet, empty bathroom, he felt hidden enough to let it out. He, too, wished he could be a normal child, with a normal life, and normal loving parents.
Seeing what Sebastian had before his parents’ demise, how much they loved and cared for their twins, made his mind boil with undue rage. He wanted that. So badly. And his heart fell with heavy guilt when he noticed his rage being directed at the now orphaned Sebastian. It wasn’t Sebastian’s fault that Ominis’ mother fell short of her role.
The bathroom door opened and Ominis hurriedly wiped his face and stopped crying. One treacherous sniffle snuck out.
“Hello?” came Sebastian’s echoing voice. “Are you all right?”
Ominis stayed silent. He listened for Sebastian’s footsteps, hearing them through the bathroom and over by the urinals. Sebastian went about his business so Ominis buried his face in his arms, feet up on the toilet seat, and he waited. But after washing his hands, Sebastian’s footfalls didn’t exit the bathroom. He knocked on the stall door.
“Ominis, is that you?” “How did you know?” “I can see your cane.” “Oh…” Right. He’d shoved it in the corner of the stall when he rushed in here. “Are you okay?” Sebastian asked. “My mum hates me.” “I’m sure she doesn’t hate—” “She wishes I could be normal.”
Silence again. Ominis got down off the toilet and exited the stall. He felt Sebastian’s presence before him and thrust his arms out. Once he grabbed on, Sebastian reciprocated and pulled Ominis into a hug. Ominis cried again.
Later that afternoon, Sebastian didn’t allow Ominis to go back to his mother. Instead, he and Ominis got dinner at the cafeteria and headed back to Sebastian’s room.
“I can’t wait for you to meet Anne!” said Sebastian. “She’s so excited to see you. She’s just been exhausted this past week, moving in here and all. I didn’t want to overwhelm her, you know?” “I understand. I can’t wait to meet her, too.”
Anne’s room was brighter, filled with the sunlight gleaming through the open window. There was a smell of sweets and delicious food. Unlike the lung-constricting air of his mother’s room, he found it easy to breathe here.
“Hi, Sebastian,” said a weak but excited girl. “Oh! Is that the boy you’ve mentioned?” “Hello. I’m Ominis. You must be Anne.” “Hello, young man,” came another voice—a large one of a man. “I’m Solomon Sallow. Our Sebastian has told us a lot about you.” “All good things I hope, sir.”
Ominis heard the shuffling of sheets, then felt arms around him. Long hair tickled his warming face as he hugged Anne back.
“I’m so glad Sebastian has found a friend!” said Anne. “Don’t smother him, Anne,” said Sebastian.
They soon gathered around their dining table by the window, with Ominis sitting between Anne and Sebastian. They ate their cafeteria food, chatting between bites. Ominis stayed quiet.
“Why do you have to stuff your cheeks, Sebastian?” Anne asked. “Shu' up,” Sebastian said, his mouth so full. Anne giggled. “Don’t go for another bite!” “Do wha’ I wan’.”
Anne and Sebastian’s laughter made Ominis smile. He didn’t speak for the whole of dinner, and no one tried to force him.
Afterwards, Uncle Solomon let Anne out with Sebastian and Ominis. Ominis watched the twins glow in each other's presence, laughing and giggling, whispering to one another little in-jokes that Ominis didn't understand. He avoided the urge to read their minds and get involved. Seeing them be so loving was all Ominis needed.
In the kids' playroom, Anne demonstrated a very Sebastian-like confidence. She ran up to everyone and chatted without fear, and thrust Ominis into the midst of several uncomfortable social interactions.   "This is Ominis!" Anne introduced. "He's such a sweet guy!" The girl giggled. "Hi, Ominis." "Uh, h-hi," he said, fiddling with his cane and cursing that his voice sounded so weak.
Both Anne and the other girl giggled again, skyrocketing his heart rate and leaving him all out of sorts. Sebastian tried his best not to laugh at Ominis floundering, stuttering over his words in front of a girl, but he still heard his friend's snickering.
He was thankful to return to the normalcy and comfort of the death betters that Sunday. He and Sebastian sat with the men who all put up their bets, with a couple high-rollers. Ominis read the mind of a passing nurse and confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that a man named Herman was on the chopping block for the week. Not wanting to be outshone, Ominis whispered to Sebastian who then counted the money. 
"50 bucks on Herman," said Ominis. "50!? Didn't want to chicken out, eh?" asked Phil. "Told ya not to tempt the boy!" said Marcus.
But they accepted his bet either way. All they needed to do now was wait for the results.
As he and Sebastian headed back to their rooms, they got to chatting.
"50 bucks, eh, Mr. High-Roller?" asked Sebastian. "That nurse has never been wrong in all the weeks I've lived here. It's an assured win. 25 for each of us." "You'd really go 50/50 with me?" "Of course. You're my friend." "Wow, thank you, Ominis! You have no idea how much that means to me. If we can keep getting these payouts, maybe I'll finally get enough money to cure Anne." Ominis smiled. "I really hope so, Sebastian. I want to see Anne healthy, too." "What about your mum?" "Don't get me wrong, I'd rather her not be sick, but I'm not so sure she's going to pull through. I'm just trying to make her comfortable as much as I can before she dies." "I'm really sorry, Ominis." Sebastian's hand cupped his shoulder. "You're very brave, you know." "Yeah, not everyone can survive my mother."
Sebastian cracked up, making Ominis join in. The release of his tension, the sounds of their joy, and the heartening of his chest eased the fears and worries of his mind. Temporary as that fleeting moment was, Ominis knew he'd cherish it forever.
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the-right-thyme · 9 months
In the Shadow of Family- Chapter 3
Characters: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Original Characters
Warnings: Mild swear
Relationships: Friendships
Summary: Sebastian is trying to worm his back into Ominis’ good graces. It’s not going well. Until it is.
Chapter Three: Occasus
Sebastian Sallow and I are not talking. 
I’m not talking. Sebastian is doing plenty. Incessant talking. Forcing a one sided conversation over even the most trivial of things, all afternoon, as if he can deliberate his way back into my good graces.
I’ve not been able to flex my not talking to him, because Sebastian simply hasn’t let me not get a word in. Just to be contrite, I even took to striking up a conversation with a rather bewildered Amit Thakkar, the poor hapless creature, during our afternoon Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, about the weather of all things, just to prove that I was just not talking with Sebastian, not people in general.
When the lesson finished, I had tried to leave hastily, hoping Sebastian would want to stay behind, as he often likes to do, so he could quiz Professor Hecat about the new spell we’d been practicing, the aquectum charm, that is, granting the caster perfect vision under water, obviously one I’m going to get a lot of use from. But no, no such luck, instead he followed behind me, a constant stream of chatter spilling from his lips as I tried to walk away with obvious purpose, but he wasn’t taking the hint. Or, more likely, ignoring it.
‘-seem to go, I’ve even seem them, just stopping in the middle of the road to stroke every stray cat wandering about in Hogsmede. And where are all the cats suddenly coming from? Because even Everleigh thinks it’s odd, which is saying something, but-’
I twisted, turned 180 degrees on the spot, my outstretched hand at arms length in front of me, I felt Sebastian bump into it, chest resting lightly on my palm. 
‘Excuse me, can I stop you there.’
We stood in blissful silence, finally, for a few seconds.
‘Nothing, I just wanted you to stop there. Take a hint.’ I didn’t wait for a reply, turned and marched off as quickly as my wand allowed for.
Sebastian didn’t follow after that, was probably stood there like a wounded puffskein as I walked away, though the lack of insistent footsteps behind me oddly made my heart sink a little for no decipherable reason. Strange.
My feet subconsciously led me to the Undercroft, as they often do. I hoped Sebastian would give me the common decency to let me sulk in peace in our, my, private spot. As long as Sebastian’s uninvited plus one didn’t barge in, blowing up the candelabras with a confringo they have no right being as proficient in as they are. One day, they’re going to set the whole castle on fire and I’m going to hold Sebastian personally responsible. I know it was him that taught that maniac the spell. 
Once the door grated shut behind me, the breath I had apparently been holding since my outburst at Sebastian came out in a forced rush. I rested my back against the gloriously cold stone and slid down until I hit the floor, my knees tucked under my chin. A touch too theatrical really, even for me.
Thing is, I know I’m being stubborn. Sebastian calls it brooding. But then, Sebastian calls lots of things brooding. Annoyed in potions when our concoction exploded after Sebastian tried to shortcut our thunderbrew to completion with extra leech juice and melted my cauldron? Brooding. Disapproving of him hiding dung bombs in Imelda’s quidditch robes when she had carelessly left them unattended in the Slytherin common room? Brooding. Even that one time in third year I stalwartly refused to try whichever Bertie Bott’s bean it was that was causing Anne to ineffectually stifle her giggles behind me as I was offered it had been deemed ‘brooding’. The bar, it seems, is pretty low.
No, I’m not really angry at Sebastian for following me. Not truly. One isn’t friends with a Sallow  and expect them to toe the line of the socially acceptable friendship codes, uphold chivalry, and respect your wishes. We’re not, thank Merlin, Gryffindors. No, of course they’ll sneak about, pry and poke inquisitive noses into not-their business. 
I’m angry because he knows now, what that heinous spell does and, by extension, what I have done too. I don’t think Sebastian gets quite how dark it all is, but that’s an argument for another day.
Presumably he also watched me writhe around on the floor, in the aftermath, but that bit doesn’t bother me, not any more. Physical violence has always been fathers’ love language. I actually think he held back a bit, going soft in his old age maybe. Either that or he’s worried about his precious legacy. Marvolo and Umbra are yet to produce any heirs, and I think Father is starting to worry he may have to rely on me. Not that I have any intention of such nonsense like that. I’d rather cut off my own arm than subject more tiny Gaunts to the world.
At least Natsai Onai had been graciously herself in our shared Herbology lesson earlier, passing my dragon hide gloves with an airy ‘how about the surprisingly clement October so far.’ I’m fairly certain she didn’t see anything of major importance, only the after-effects, so to speak. I can’t imagine her simply standing by without diving in to save the day if she’d seen anything before. Maybe I got lucky, for once, maybe she hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary, she is a Gryffindor after all, awfully valiant bunch, but their heads are rather in the clouds. 
Still, I can’t hide out in the Undercroft all afternoon, I’m sure my rebuttal will only hold him back for so long. I’ll camp out in the common room instead, see if I can’t get an unsuspecting first year to procure me a long weight for potions. Ha! Never fails. 
As I leave I know he’s right there, his aura of pure misery clear as day, even to my limited senses. I could let him apologise, grovel for forgiveness in a way he’s far too proud to do normally; but in a sudden surge of pettiness, must be the Gaunt in me after all, I don’t let it slide.
You see, I have the distinct feeling Sebastian thinks me a pushover. And even I can’t deny, I almost always crumble and relent, despite Sebastian’s insistence that I'm the obscenely stubborn one. It’s not a good position to be in. Maybe I should flex my proverbial stubbornness muscle. Without making any indication I know he’s there, I march with intent and- oh blazes, he’s talking again.
This will never do. If I sit in the common room he’s going to talk my ear off.
I change direction, cross the transfiguration courtyard, down the north hall to the bell tower, his voice echoing in the corridors along with the bell sounds which have made a reappearance after our esteemed headmaster had them removed, how nice to hear them again. I consider the library. Madam Scribner won’t stand for Sebastian’s constant chatter in there, will definitely kick him out. But then, I’d have to do something, and I’m far too wound up to concentrate on something as sedentary as homework right now. I turn left instead, out the main door into the circular gardens of the grounds. Hogsmede it is. Surely he’ll get the message now. He knows how much I hate trudging to the village. The guidance spell is second nature to me at this point, I’ve been able to cast it non-verbally since third year, but it’s harder to do outside, he knows this. And Hogsemede is busy, bustling, full of sounds. Exhausting. 
We’re all of five minutes from Hogwarts gate before I realise I’m not wound up at all, I’m exhausted. The kind of fatigue that drains all the ire from you without a moments warning, leaving you weak limbed and weary. I locate a bench, thankfully the path to Hogsmede is paved with them, and sit heavily, cross my arms in what I hope looks like indifference.
Something has sunk in because Sebastian is now silent. If I wasn’t so tired I’d start celebrating, my persistence is finally paying off. 
It doesn’t last long, I hear heavy footsteps approach us. Great.
‘Excuse me boys.’ It’s a man’s voice, gruff around the edges with age, not a student then. And not anyone from the faculty at Hogwarts I recognise.
‘Can I help you?’ Sebastian thankfully takes the lead.
‘I’m looking for someone, a student, a new fifth year?’ A local, if the accent is to be judged correctly.
‘I’ll replace anything they stole’ He says quickly, I wonder if he’s thinking of our mutual friend’s quirky, and quite frankly alarming, garment collection that has boomed in recent weeks. Indeed, if courtyard gossip is to be believed, they had even been spotted clanking around the highlands in a repurposed suit of armour. Mind you, the same courtyard gossip seems to think the fiend currently sat next to me is dashing and charming, which I intimately know to be false. They’ve clearly never heard him snoring like a graphorn even through a silencio spell at 3am.
‘No, nothing like that. I have to ask though, do they…often run around casting revelio every few steps?’
There’s a pause, a shrug if I had to guess by the way it’s followed by, 
‘I suppose so? You get used it.’
‘Odd sort of character aren’t they?’ The man chuckles, almost to himself. ‘Actually, I was hoping to run into them, word has it they have a stash of thestral hair, and I need some for a rather complicated potion I’m trying to brew. Brood and Peck doesn’t have any in currently, Young Miss Peck said their supply mostly came from them anyway. Thought I might as well skip the middle man, well, middle woman I suppose, and go straight to the source.’
I can’t help but frown, where in the worlds are they getting thestral hair from, and, more importantly, when do they have the time? I let Sebastian deal with the man, only half listening as he gives a few suggestion to the possible locations our wily friend could be, which is anywhere really. I nod politely as the man gives his thanks and excuses himself.
‘I didn’t even know there were any thestrals living this far north.’ 
‘Maybe they’re getting it from the stables?’ I muse. It’s not a discussion, I’m merely thinking aloud.
‘Thestral hair doesn’t shed. And I cant imagine Professor Hewin would allow students to take samples.’
‘It’s a Hogwarts mystery.’
I feel Sebastian nudge against my shoulder companionably, let myself be rocked by it.
‘So we’re talking again, then.’ Sebastian sounds painfully hopeful. I sigh.
‘It would seem that way. You are bloody insistent, you know that?’ The cracks in my, albeit weak, resolve are beginning to show.
‘I’m sorry.’ I hear myself say after a beat. It’s too late, I’ve conceded.
‘Me too.’
‘Yes, thank you; but I’m sorry I got rather, irked-’
‘Understatement’ Sebastian huffs under his breath. I deserve some sort of medal for overlooking that particular comment, as if he hasn’t been the melodramatic drip all afternoon.
‘-but I never wanted you, or anybody for that matter, to witness… that. People already think I have the same views as them without a public display.’ It’s purely selfish reasons, really. While I might not be overly proud of the fact, I am a Slytherin after all.
‘Ominis,’ And, Merlin help me, his voice is soft, so full of understanding it makes me glad for my lack of sight, so I don’t have to look at whatever pitying expression is most likely plastered all over his face. ‘No one thinks you’re like them.’ 
Oh Sebastian, my dear Sebastian, so pitifully oblivious.
‘Sebastian, I’m blind, not deaf. I have ears. You might be woefully insensible to idle classroom gossip, but I know what people say about me.’
We fall into silence, the companionable sort, my favourite. So many people try to fill silences with meaningless words. I don’t need constant auditory input to make up for the lack of visual. 
Although it’s ruined, somewhat, by incessant fidgeting. I can hear him minutely shuffling on the bench, crossing and uncrossing his arms with a rustle of his school robes, smacking his lips as though he wants to say something. I’m already a step ahead.
‘Go on then. One.’ I say, careful to make the tone friendly lest I quash our tentative truce. I know Sebastian is painfully desperate to ask questions, has been holding back since the oddly touching tea-by-the-lake gesture at lunch. He hasn’t, out of respect I’d like to think, but probably more likely the knowledge I’ll eventually bend to his will and tell him all. I really do need to work on that. Tomorrow though. Today has been…trying to say the least. I can feel the left-over tension in my limbs from the morning cramping up, I know, from prior experience, they’re going to be sore tomorrow.
‘One question, and then, hand on heart, I promise, schtum.’ 
‘The snake within?’
My lips twitch of their own accord. Of course he had to go there.
‘Yes, it’s… the family motto.’ 
‘Sound’s pretty pretentious.’ I can’t help but smile at that comment. He’s certainly not wrong there.
‘In parseltongue, naturally. If it could be anymore melodramatic.’
‘Don’t want anyone to forget the ol’ Salazar pride eh?’
‘Father likes us to say it at every opportunity. Thinks it makes us sound important. Reminds people of the ancestry.’ 
Sebastian snorts, an ungainly noise. Turns thoughtful. 
‘Although you sound pretty badass speaking snake.’
I know I pull a face at that remark. 
‘I most certainly do not.’
‘Well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree.’ I can feel his shrug as he says it.
‘Want to go back to the castle? I’ll even graciously let you lecture me about stealing school crockery for private use.’
I know an olive branch when I’m offered one, know how to hand one back.
‘Yes, but…’ I put my wand away as we stand, hold my hand out, expectant. ‘Do you mind? I don’t think I’ve the energy to concentrate all the way back right now.’ It’s a half truth, Sebastian would be proud.
Truth is, I’ve not needed to use Sebastian as a guide in a long time, years in fact, once I’d mastered the spell Professor Weasley so kindly spent hours helping me perfect. But my gently guided hand still slips into the crook of his elbow as easily as it ever has, as if it had been no time at all, and, as we start our trudge back to Hogwarts, I know with almost unwavering certainty that all will be fine.
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domesticated-goth · 1 year
A man with charm is a very dangerous thing🫢
Artist @azaflor
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hogwartslegacypics · 11 months
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sebastian through the mc’s eyes
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hyuckkaiji · 9 months
my love - ominis gaunt x f!reader
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summary; pt.2 to only mine. Ominis has loved you since the moment he met you. He found the universe cruel to give him such a love yet allow you to love his best friend. But now you're his, and he can never let you go. Not after all he did to get you in the first place. Ominis!pov up until the actual smut then it's kinda dual!pov pt.3: ominis , pt.3 sebastian
word count; 5.1k
warnings; 18+, explicit sexual content, dark themes, dubcon, porn with a plot, dark!ominis, sub/dom dynamics, mentions of cheating/infidelity, manipulation, obsessive behavior, controlling behavior, If I'm gonna be real with y'all ... yandere!ominis
note; in love with this man, need him to treat me like this. idc if he locks me up in his basement as long as I'm with him. maybe went a lil overboard. Second ever smut 🥴🫶 also ik I didn't specify but the spell he used locked her in the house so she couldn't run away 🤪
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The memory of meeting you is ingrained in Ominis' mind, every part of you is. The sound of your laugh, the smell of your hair, the feel of your skin against his. You are undoubtedly irrefutably the most beautiful creature to have ever walked this earth. He's known that since he was fifteen.
But you didn't love him back, much to his dismay. Although he could understand it. Who would love him? Not even his own family did. No, he didn't fault you for not loving him. He faulted you for loving Sebastian Sallow.
He would tell himself he understood, of course he understood. He loved Sebastian too, Sebastian was one of only three people he had ever loved. He understood it, he did not blame you, he understood it, he did, he swore he did. But he didn't, not really, and as time went on, his lack of understanding only furthered.
And he began to blame you, such an intelligent witch, and yet you continued to be fool when it came to Sebastian. You watched him make all the wrong decisions, for merlin's sake, aided him in those decisions. You not only stood by but stood with Sebastian as he delved deeper and deeper into the dark arts, all in hopes of saving Anne.
Constantly defending his decline into utter insanity, "If it were my sister..." But you didn't have siblings, Ominis did, and he would never do what Sebastian was doing. It wasn't right. When would you stop being such a fool? He told you and told you and told you some more how bad the dark arts truly are. But you always did favor ignoring his warnings.
Did you just not care about what he had to say? No, you cared, you told him you cared, and he knew you spoke truly, but you cared about Sebastian's happiness more. Even when he couldn't take it, even when he begged you to speak some sense into Sebastian, you defended your lover. "Would you not use the unforgivables to save a loved one?" For you he may, but he had pushed that thought away, doubling down, telling you under no circumstances would he ever.
His last straw was the killing curse, the bloody killing curse. There was no coming back from that. He could no longer stand by his friend, his brother, really. The only family he had, he couldn't stand by Sebastian when he wouldn't even stand by his own blood for using such heinous magic. He had expected you to side with him. You weren't that much of a fool. His heart broke when you didn't, Sebastian it was always Sebastian. You begged him not to tell, Sebastian had good reason for his actions. No one need know what he did.
According to you, Sebastian always had good reason, and you begged so prettily, the word please sounded so right coming from your lips. Until he remembered why you were saying, "please," why you were begging. But he agreed none the less, agreed to keep Sebastian's secret. But that was a lie, a lie he swore to take to his grave. Sebastian had gone too far.
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Ominis hadn't slept. In fact, he was on his fourth cup of coffee. Tea, tea, you had told him, with some of the other ladies, wives, of Feldcroft. But tea does not take all night. He had opened up a book when you left, opting to read until your return.
He had wanted to beg you to stay in with him, wanted to let his hands roam your bare skin, wanted to drop to his knees, and hike your leg over his shoulders then and there. But he is a gentleman. So he decided to wait until you got back home to satiate his desires, you wouldn't be long and he's not an animal, he could wait.
Waited he did, waited until the book began to bore him. Waited until the moon hid away, waited until the vibrant colors of dawn began to paint the sky. You were like this sometimes. He had learned to work around it. So, like the good husband he is, he waited. Other men would have demanded you stayed. Other men would have gone out and dragged you back home, beat you bloody perhaps. But he isn't like that he loves you and he'll work around your moods. You always come back to him any how.
He knows it's just one of your moods or moments as he calls them. Those times where you think you want to leave him, where you think you'd be able to. But you know and he knows, he's all you have and you'll come back. He'll wait until you feel better, but he'll not sleep without by his side.
So there he sat, swirling a fourth cup of coffee, with just a hint of milk and sugar. He didn't like it too sweet. The sun not yet fully in the sky when he hears you shuffling your way to the front door. Perhaps you thought he'd still be asleep. He did enjoy extra time in bed on his days off. Perhaps you thought you could climb into bed with him and pretend you hadn't been out contemplating running away, again.
You did that semi-often. He would pretend to be asleep, he would pretend not to notice you'd walked your night away, lost in that pretty head of yours. But he knew, he knows everything about you. It doesn't bother him the way you feel, not really. He would love it if you loved him back. Hell, he'd be over the moon about it, but it's not important. You can hate him, he doesn't really care, as long as you're his, your feelings don't really matter.
As long as you sleep by his side at night, as long as you have breakfast with him every morning, as long as you welcome him home with false kisses in the evenings, as long as you quiver when his cock enters you, he's perfectly happy letting you have your little day dreams about leaving.
Something about tonight had felt different, though. He had felt off. It was not long before dawn when he let his worries get the best of him, the sky more dark than light when he cast his spell. His intuition was right, it always was.
Sebastian Sallow was in Feldcroft. Ominis should have been more diligent with his wards, he knew he had been getting slack. It had been so many years now, he thought surely Sebastian would have moved on by now. But no, he supposes, had roles been reversed, he would not have moved on either. It's his own fault, he should have never slacked on his wards. He would need to remedy his mistake.
Perhaps you hadn't run into Sebastian, perhaps it had just been a normal walk for you. No, Ominis knows Sebastian, even after all these years, he knows him. He found his way to you, his perfect little wife. Gods help him if he has touched you in any way.
How to deal with this dilemma? Oblivate maybe. No he doesn't feel right casting such a spell on you, a good husband would never. He needs more information before-
"Husband." Merlin, how he loves hearing you say that. Yes, yes, he is your husband, you needn't ever speak his name again. Only call him husband, stake your claim on him, call him yours. Yes, your husband. Your good husband, your sweet husband.
"Wife." His voice is calm, he looks over in your direction. Wand in one hand, coffee in the other. "You did not sleep, darling." A statement. "You did not come home, I couldn't sleep without you." True.
"I-I-" You didn't continue, letting the awkward silence settle, thick and heavy. "Come sit, my love, I was worried when you did not come home, but as you said, this is Feldcroft, so I did not necessarily worry for your safety." A lie, normally true, but tonight had been different, "Do not take that the wrong way. I always worry for your safety, I only meant-"
"I know what you meant, husband." You tossed your coat over an armchair before sitting next to Ominis. He set his wand and coffee to the side on a small table, uncrossing his legs, patting his lap for you to rest your head. A common gesture, he enjoys the way your hair feels like woven silk between his fingers. You obeyed, such a good wife, his wife.
You wiggled a bit before finding a comfortable spot on his lap. He was still in the same outfit. Though he was only in his dark blue trousers and his white button-down shirt. "Where were you?" His fingers started their routine, your hair was knotted, more than usual. His fingers gently worked out the knots regardless.
"Walking, I'm sorry, I should have come home. Should have come back to you." Liar, his fingers twitched, wanting to grab you by your hair and force you to speak the truth. He knows where you were. He always knows where you are. Just as he always knows where Sebastian is.
It was one of his main reasons for becoming an auror. Of course, he enjoyed his job and enjoyed taking down dark wizards, scum of the earth. But his main reason was to keep Sebastian away from you, to keep you all to himself. You, you have been his reason for everything, his reason for living. His need for you is insatiable.
Before he met you, had Sebastian went down this dark path he might have mourned his friend, would have left his life but never betrayed him, never turned him in. But after you, you his sweet wife, his one true love. You're the reason Sebastian is on the run, this is really all your fault. If only you had loved him to begin with, he would have never needed to get rid of Sebastian.
Never needed to do all that he has done, for you, he did it all for you. Do not misunderstand, he regrets nothing but still it must be acknowledged, he is no betrayer by nature, he is only what you have made him.
"Speak the truth, y/n." He has no tolerance for liars, your falsities he could deal with but blatant lies, he could not. You shot up from his lap, moving to look in his face. Though his eyes could not see the worry etched into your features, he could feel it radiating off of you.
"Ominis." He perfers when you call him husband, but his name has never not sounded heavenly on your lips. "I speak the truth. Why do you accuse me otherwise?" Do you think him a fool? Blatant lies, by the gods, he never took you for a liar, yet here you are. He is a fool. He stands quickly, grabbing his wand.
"Ominis." You sound afraid, your voice coming out in a slight whimper. You've never sounded afraid of him before, something about it sends a jolt to his cock. You should sound afraid. He is a powerful wizard, after all, one of the most renowned aurors of your time. Him and his partner are responsible for putting almost half of the new prisoners in Azkaban, several he managed to capture on his own.
You should be afraid of him, you should respect him, you should love him. After all this fucking time and everything he has done for you, given for you, why don't you love him? Why is it still Sebastian. You would rather live a life on the run, a life of a criminal, than be with him?
He casts the spell while you still cower before him, one of his own creation. One, powerful witch you are, even you could not take down. "What...what was that?" Still whimpering, he'll give you a reason to whimper, a reason to beg.
Too long he has been the gentleman, the good auror, the perfect husband. Clearly, you crave something different than what he's been providing. "A spell."
"Cleary." You snap, fear gone, back again is his angry little wife. He loves you, anger and all, but dear, this not the time. His hand connects with your cheek, the sound of the slap vibrating in the silent house. He can smell the tinge of blood in the air, he must have broken your lip. He does not know his own strength, he should not have struck you so hard. No, you deserved this, he needs to teach you a lesson. He grips your face harshly, forcing you to look him in the eyes. He knows it's bothers you, makes you squirm to look a blind man in the eyes.
"You will not speak to me like that again. Unless you enjoy being struck?" You did not respond, at a loss for words he supposed. He's never been harsh with you, never even raised his voice at you. He can be a cruel man, truthfully he is a cruel man, just never to you. It's a side of him he has made sure you were never subject to.
He leaned down, until your noses were almost touching. He could feel your eyes scan his face, hear your short rapid breathes. Fear or anger? He wished you would speak. "Do you understand, wife?" He could barley hear you and he has superior hearing to most men, "yes."
"Yes, what?" He did not know what he wanted more, for you to anwser correctly or incorrectly so he could strike you again. Feeling you tremble beneath him, it was exhilarating. You need to understand how good you have it, need to understand all the leniency he gives you is a courtesy, one he will rescind unless you learn to behave like a proper wife, the wife he deserves.
"Yes husband." Such a good girl, his good little wife. He should be kind, he wants to be kind to you. But making you bleed, making you afraid has awoken some animal instinct in him, unchecked need.
He tilts his head letting his tongue dart out to swipe away the blood building at your lip, letting the metallic taste settle in his mouth. A part of you he is only tasting for the first time, a taste he wants more of. But he pulls back, he needs to control himself at least some what, at least until you beg him to continue.
He crouches before you, his hands against your knees, face tilted up towards yours. "My love, I know where you were." You shake your head, "I was walking, I just needed to breathe, needed to be away from the house for some time. I-" You let out a choked sob, fighting back your tears, he wants to comfort you, he hates when you cry, "I just wanted some time alone, sometime to feel like my own person. Not just Ominis Gaunt's wife."
His wife, his wife, his wife. Those words made his cock twitch, not the time. He stood and struck you again, this time you cried out, this time you brought your hands up to shield your face from another blow. His hand snaked into your hair, wrapping the loose strands in a fist, yanking your head back painfully.
"Speak the truth woman, unless you wish for me to forcefully extract the information." He was a master at such tactics, an empty threat when it came to you. He would never harm you in such a way, but you needed to believe he would.
"Ominis." Tears streamed down your face as you pleaded, but the way you said his name didn't have the intended affect on him. "Truth." Was his only response.
"I was with..." A hiccup, a sob, "Sebastian." The truth. Ominis released his harsh hold on you. Taking a seat next to you, pulling you into his chest, gentle hands stroking your head, rubbing your back as you continue to cry. "There, there my love. All I needed was the truth, if you had only been truthful to begin with." That only made you sob harder, but you did not pull away, instead burying your face deeper, holding his shirt tightly in balled fists.
When you finally calmed down, the only remnants of your break down being dried tear streaks and the occasional hiccup, Ominis held your face in his hands running a thumb over your busted lip softly. "I did not mean to hit you so hard, my love. I apologize."
"I-I can forgive you husband. Can you forgive me?" Did you mean it? Do you regret the night you spent with that fugitive? It doesn't matter, as long as you're in his arms, his wife, his love. "Tell me why you did it? Why you are not happy with me?" You face snaps to his, shocked at his words.
You stutter, unable to form a reply. "Yes, I know, I've always known. I just," He paused, leaning in to brush his lips against yours, "hoped you would learn to eventually." A shiver runs down your spine.
What made you do it, he isn't sure, but you lean in, closing the distance, locking your lips in a frenzied kiss, hands coming up to bury in his sleek blonde hair. Guilt? Best just to enjoy the moment. He kissing you back just as hurriedly, hands tearing your clothes off in a manor of disregard he has never shown before. Slow and loving has always been his way .
In a matter of moments both of you are naked, your kiss a mess of teeth and tongues, hands gripping hair and nails raking across bare skin.
His teeth bury into your neck, sucking and biting an angry red mark into your skin. You moan in response, using his shoulders to steady yourself, nailing digging into his pale flesh. "You're mine, my wife." His mouth is back on yours before you can respond.
This feeling is new for you, this way that Ominis is treating you. But you can't help the spark you feel, the tingles making their way through your body. You rub your thighs together to ease some of the friction, to feel some sort of sensation where you need it most. Where you need him, your husband, Ominis.
He slowed down, feeling you shift around, kissing soft chaste kisses, his normal kisses, into your skin. "Are you feeling needy, my love? Tell me what you wish." You always come first, "Your mouth, fuck, please Ominis."
Normally he would, as soon as the words "your mouth" left your lips he'd be down on his knees lapping away at your juices, swirling his tongue around your clit just the way he knows you like, the way that makes you come undone and shake beneath him. This is not a normal day.
He forces you down on your knees, your face aligned almost perfectly with his waiting leaking cock. "Ominis?" You're confused. He looking down, looking into your soul again, it's sends a shiver down your spine. But it's different this time not kind, not loving, but angry, hungry, a beast in a man's skin.
"I always give you what you want, I do my best to make you happy, I fuck you the way you want to be fucked. And still you have the gall to shut your eyes and imagine Sebastian while it's my cock you come undone on." His hand is in your hair, firm but not painful, "No more love, you're going to start being a good wife to me. You're going to listen and you're going to learn."
For the first time you want to, you stare up at Ominis' face, taking in every minute detail, the way his hair clings to his damp skin, mapping out the moles the scatter across his body, the ridged muscles he gained from years in the field as well as the scars he's got in battles, you've never cared to notice all this before. But right now I this moment, you can't deny, he's beautiful.
"Lesson one," He leans down, pressing a quick kiss to your waiting lips, "use that pretty mouth of your for something other that talking back to me."
"How do you know my mouth is pretty when you can't even see it?" He sneers at you, holding your hair a little tighter and it sends a wave down to your core. With his other hand he grabs his cock directing it down to press again you're lips.
In the four years you've been married to him, you've never done this. Sex has never been about his pleasure, only yours. Time and time again he had delved between you legs until you came apart on his tongue, yet he never asks for anything in return. You're not quite sure what to do, not sure you want to, not sure you could make him feel good if you did.
He taps your lips once more, "Open." His voice is gruff, he looks like he's barely restraining himself. You open hesitantly, but he's pushing his way in before your ready. You moan around him in protest, hands shooting up to push against his thighs, to no avail.
He's using his grip on your hair to make you bob around him, your tongue wrapping around the underside of his cock almost instinctionally. His head in thrown back, his chest rising and falling in rapid pants. "Fuck, pretty girl, I always knew your mouth would feel like heaven." He's jutting into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat repeatedly, making tears well in your eyes as you gag around him.
He keeps at this, holding you in place until he find his release. He lets go of your hair, moving both his hands to hold your face in place as he fucks the last few thrusts roughly into your throat. Your nails claw into his thighs at the assault. He doesn't pull all the way out, forcing you to swallow his load, the salty flavor settling, not nearly as bad as you would have imagined... almost pleasant.
He pulls you up, peppering kisses on your face. "You did so good, my sweet girl, my lovely wife." You don't know what to say but you feel an odd sense of pride, having made him feel so good, having made him come undone as he has you so many times before.
"Do you want me to touch you?" He's nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in the scent of your skin. You hum in response, "Please husband." You can feel him smile against you, one hand grips your hips and the other trails up and down your spine.
"Good start, my love. But I know you can beg a little better than that." He presses a kiss to the tip of your nose. "Do you remember how you begged me not to out Sebastian, you almost got down on your knees, you were on the verge of tears, begging me, it was so pretty, you were so pretty. I used to touch myself every night to the way you sounded that day." He chuckles, "Ominis, Ominis, please, I'm begging you Ominis, please. Fuck I can never forget how you sounded." He groans.
"Be a good girl and do it again. Beg me to touch you." Your face flushes, a mixture of anger at him for bringing up that situation, embarrassment at his mockery, plus an overall heat radiating through your body at his confession and demand.
You don't give in at first, you need not be at two men's mercy, allowing two men to abuse your body in such a way. But Ominis' hand shoots out, wrapping around your throat, your breath catches, unable to successfully suck in another. "P-lease." The word is rough and broken. "Atta girl." His grip loosens and you suck in a greedy breath but he doesn't let go all the way, "Go on, love, beg."
"Please husband." Your tone is soft, low, testing the waters. Ominis says nothing. "Please, Ominis..." You debate, will you really lower yourself to this, begging your own husband to have sex with you? But he struck you, forced his cock down your throat without permission and you still stand here, aching to feel his long slender finger burry themselves inside you. You need it and you will grovel to get it.
"Please touch me, please husband, I'm burning up, I feel as though I will combust if you do not touch me soon. I need to feel you inside me, please Ominis." He moans, actually moans at your words alone and without missing a beat his hand is between your legs.
"Fuck." He groans, leaning in to nip at your neck, "You're so wet, pretty girl." He run a finger between your lips, gathering the fuilds with his fingers, bringing it back up to circle your clit. You buck at the contract, electricity coursing through your veins as his slender fingers circle delicately, the pace and pressure teasing.
"Is this what you want, wife?" You grab his hand, trying to force him to put more pressure, how you like it, how he knows you like it, what will make you come undone in a matter of minutes. But he only tsks at you catching your hand with his free one, pulling it away as he continues his teasing ministrations.
"Yes, husband, yes, please" You whine, moving to grip his shoulders for balance. At your surrender, Ominis moves his free hand back to your hips, holding you in place.
"Did you beg Sebastian like this?" He doesn't stop touching you, "Did he make you this wet?" The teasing is becoming too much, you really do feel like you'll combust, "Does he know how to touch you just the way you like?" His fingers adds more pressure, pace quicking and in mere moments you're putty in his arms. Body tensing and convulsing against him as his strength only is the only thing to keep you upright.
His free arm wraps protectively around your waist, his other collects your juices, giving one final swipe over your clit that makes you jump in hypersensitivity. He brings the his wet fingers to your mouth, forcing them in with little resistance. "Do you taste that, pretty girl?" You hum around him.
"I did that to you. Not Sebastian. Me, your husband. This," his arm slides from your waist down to your bottom, grabbing the flesh roughly, "is mine. You are mine." He pulls his fingers free of your mouth with a pop, a thin string of saliva still connecting you two.
Before you can prepare yourself, Ominis' hand is back between your legs, three fingers buried deep inside you, curling at that spongy spot that makes you jump, that spot he always knows how to hit.
"This." Another curl of his slender fingers, "is mine. Only I get to touch this, taste it. Do you understand, wife?" That sensations is building in the pit of your stomach for a second time, it's too much you think, you always stop after the first one, he never pushes you further. You try to shove at his chest, he doesn't budge, but it's more so that your arms are too weak to actually push.
"Who do you belong to, my love?" You're so close, you can feel your resolve snapping like an old rope, string by tedious string. He stopped when you don't respond and you cry out in protest, trying to rock your hips against his still fingers. "Who do you belong to?"
"You, Ominis, I belong to you, my husband, my beloved. Fuck, please, I'm so close, please Om" His pace is punishing and in all of three strokes you feel the coil snap, see white behind your. You hold onto Ominis, trying to ground yourself to this reality as his fingers continue, drawing out your orgasm.
You couldn't stand if you tried, couldn't move a single muscle. But Ominis isn't done with you yet, no, his plan is to break you. You are his, only his, today is the day you finally get that lesson through your thick skull. He picks you up, carrying you in his arms to your shared bed.
He lays you down and you give an appreciative moan, your bed is so soft, familiar and welcoming. It smells like him you realize in your haze, you've never stopped to notice how his scent clings to everything in this house. How his scent gives you a feeling of safety, of home.
Ominis lines himself up with your entrance while you aren't paying attention, half gone nuzzling your face into the comforter. You moan at the intrusion, a mix of pain and pleasure and total oversimulation. You screw your eyes shut, trying to adjust to him inside you.
"Over my dead fucking body." Ominis grabs your face, forcing you to look at him. "Keep your eyes open, I want you to watch me, look at my face as I fuck you. Remember who's cock it is that's inside you." You nod, or you think you did, your body is so heavy, so far out of your control. All that exists is the overwhelming pleasure and Ominis face.
Ominis, you watch as his jaw clenchs, his head falling into your chest before picking back up just so you can see him, his brows scrunch together in pleasure, his eyes screwing shut. His hold on your waist is brusing as his hips jut against yours. Once again your struck by how beautiful he his, how consumed he is by you. You feel that pride again. You make him feel like that, why has it taken you so long to see it.
You reach a hand up, just as his trusts become erratic, your own body falling in sync with his, you pulls his face down just just enough to let your lips meet his in a ghost of a kiss. You finish for the third time this morning just as you feel him shoot his load inside you, he pulls you up holding you tighter against him, burying his face in your chest as he rides out his orgasm.
You rest your head on top of his, running a near limp hand softly through his blonde hair. "I-" the word catches in your throat, "I love you, Ominis."
He pulls away at that, bringing you into a gentle kiss. "I knew you would. I knew it. That's why I had to get rid of Sebastian. My wife, my love, you're mine."
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ppomumgranatum · 2 months
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when time runs out, what comes after?
Available on Ao3
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC; Ominis Gaunt x Anne Sallow
tags: one shot, you POV, post-Hogwarts life
word count: 6.9k
Warnings: 🔞 angst as fuck, use of profanities, smut, 18+ explicit sexual content, adult characters, mild fingering, grief sex?
Summary: Because time is like a relentless river that will eventually run its course. Yet, amidst the uncertainty of what lay ahead, you found solace in the knowledge that new beginnings awaited. And you can’t wait to start your new journey with Sebastian.
Notes: I was watching FB and somehow Queenie and Jacob reminded me of Ominis and Anne. Then it led me into thinking about what life could've been for our MC and it got me feeling sappy as fuck like???? Tbh idk what this is? but enjoy it, anyway.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the quaint hamlet of Feldcroft, the autumn breeze enveloped the village in a serene embrace. The sky was painted with hues of orange, pink, and purple as if nature itself was bidding farewell to the day in a grand display of colours.
Over the years after the quaint little village was free from the gruesome terror enacted by goblins and dark wizards, Feldcroft has beautifully regained its liveliness.
In the centre of it all, a lively marketplace had sprung up, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns and fairy lights. Stallholders peddled their wares– handcrafted jewellery, knitted scarves, jars of homemade preserves– their voices mingling with the laughter and chatter of the crowd.
The place that Sebastian once called home now truly feels like home.
His childhood house is now occupied by Ominis and his sister Anne. His best friend had promised that when they graduated, he would stay with Anne and take care of her with whatever time she had left. That was three years ago, and they’ve been living together ever since. Meanwhile, you and Sebastian found purpose living in the city. Your careers are thriving and you found solace in each other's company, living in a little space you happily share.
After your triumph over Ranrok, you had managed to gradually learn how to wield your ancient magic to its potential. Although you’ve not truly mastered how to completely cure diseases or curses yet, you found a way to somehow ease it. And that’s what you’ve been doing for Anne. Your effort managed to give more years to her life, hoping one day you would eventually master your magic to cure her.
You and Sebastian would regularly visit Feldcroft to do your mending routine on Anne, and this weekend was one of the occasions.
The breeze enveloping the hamlet felt like a gentle caress as it danced through the narrow path you were sharing with Sebastian. You were returning home after a quick grocery trip to the marketplace, accompanied by your boyfriend, who gallantly carried the grocery bag with one arm while the other was wrapped around you.
When you entered the house, Ominis and Anne were seated at the dining table, already eagerly awaited for your arrival. Your brows furrowed at the sudden lively greeting from the couple, “What’s going on?”
“There’s something we’d like to share.” The grin on Anne’s face was suspicious yet delightful.
“Come, have a seat.” Ominis’ tone was rushing the both of you to do as he said.
You and Sebastian quickly exchanged glances, feeling just a tad worried at what the other two had in mind, before finally doing what Ominis had asked.
After Sebastian put aside the grocery bag on the table, Anne quickly grasped his brother’s hand with that grin that has yet to dissipate, “You guys are freaking me out. What’s going on?” Sebastian said.
“Okay, Ominis and I were talking and we’ve been thinking about this for quite some time now..” Anne began slowly, “We have decided that..”
“We want to get married..” Ominis quickly picked up on Anne’s sentence, tone filled with excitement.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed, equally excited, “That's wonderful news.”
“..Tomorrow.” Anne completed the sentence that was apparently unfinished.
“What?” The tone of Sebastian’s voice dropped, “What do you mean tomorrow?”
“As in the day after today, Sebastian.” She clarified like Sebastian was a Flobberworm.
“Yes, I know what tomorrow means.” He was ticked off by the treatment, “But what– how– why so soon?”
“Why not?” Anne sounded disappointed that Sebastian wasn’t as excited.
“Are you pregnant?” Sebastian bluntly and inconsiderately shot his chance.
“No, I am not!”
Sebastian's face winced at the overlapping aggravation that came out of everyone, “What? It’s a valid question.”
“You don’t think it’s a good idea?” The timbre in Anne’s voice made you feel bad for her.
“Of course, I think it’s a fantastic idea to get married.” He was quick to reassure her, trying not to sound lacking in spirit, "But don't you want more time to prepare for something like this?"
Anne sighed softly, her disappointment evident as she exchanged a glance with Ominis, who seemed equally deflated by Sebastian's response, "It's just.. we've been together for quite some time now." Anne began, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "And we don't want to wait any longer than we have to."
“And it’s not like we got a selection of family to invite.” Ominis added, “You guys are our family.”
Sebastian’s turned to you like he was looking for an extra pillar of certainty. And his expression softened with understanding dawning in his eyes when he was met with your supportive smile.
“I’m sorry,” He tightened his grip on his sister’s hands, “I didn’t mean to dampen your excitement. If this is what you both want, then I’m behind you one hundred percent.”
You nodded in agreement, "We're here for you, whatever you need. And if tomorrow is the day you want to have a wedding, then we'll make sure it's perfect."
Anne's face brightened at your words, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion.
“I can’t believe tomorrow you’re going to be Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt.” You're basically kicking and giggling at the thought of your two best friends finally sharing their names.
“Sallow.” Ominis corrected, “It’s going to be Mr. and Mrs. Sallow.”
Sebastian couldn’t help but smile ear-to-ear, “That sounds even better.”
Everyone seemed to be filled with joy at the decision. But you understood where Sebastian’s suspicion stemmed from. If they were so worried about waiting, why not three years ago? And if there wasn't any particular urgency, why does it have to be tomorrow?
While everyone was exchanging joyous hoots and gazes, your eyes met with Anne’s and you almost didn’t notice that tiny twinge of gloom behind the yawning grin on her face. But it was there, ever so subtle. The sight gave you a small discomfort but you didn’t want to ruin the mood.
So you pushed the thought aside and were ready to get on with the dinner you promised everyone you’d prepare. There’s no room for anything but delight when a celebration awaits everyone tomorrow.
Since the wedding practically only had an invitation for two, naturally, you became the maid of honour. Today your service and dedication were solely in the courtesy of Anne Sallow to make sure that you had everything perfectly prepared for her.
As the bride settled into the chair in front of the vanity, you stood behind her, ready to assist with her makeover. With gentle hands, you brushed through the thinned and fragile strands of her hair, feeling the delicate strands beneath your touch. Taking Anne's fragile hair into account, you opted for a gentle half-up, half-down that would be both elegant and comfortable. Soft tendrils framed her face, lending a touch of romance to the look without adding any unnecessary strain.
Once it was arranged to perfection you moved onto her makeup, selecting colours that would enhance her natural beauty without overpowering her delicate features. You couldn't help but notice the prominence of her cheekbones like a stark reminder of the weight loss she had endured. Her complexion, though still beautiful, lacked the healthy flush of vitality it once held.
While you were intently putting your best work into Anne, both of you shared jokes and stories to accompany the duty. She had a way of making even the most mundane moments feel effortless and joyful. Her laughter was infectious, and her ability to find humour in any situation never failed to lift my spirits. Despite everything she had endured, Anne's eyes still sparkled with a glimmer of mischief and resilience.
As you shared laughter and fond memories, Anne suddenly clutched her abdomen, her face contorted in pain. Your heart skipped a beat as you realised the source of her distress—it was the curse. With a surge of panic, you hurried to grab your wand and kneeled beside the chair where she was sitting. Anne attempted to contain the pain at first, her efforts were evident in the furrow of her brow and the tight grip of her hands on her abdomen. But soon, the intensity became too much to bear, and despite her best efforts, a soft yet pained groan escaped her lips.
You had one hand holding hers, allowing her to clutch into yours while your other hand began to work your wand, channelling your ancient magic to help her ease the pain. Your heart clenched at the sound of her agony and your hands trembled with fear.
“Hang in there, Anne..” Your voice provided soothing comfort. You could tell the magic was slowly doing its work as the grip on your hand loosened and Anne regained control of her breathing, “I’m here..”
You stayed by her side, hand never leaving hers like a silent comfort as the magic continued to work its healing touch. After Anne's strength gradually returned, she managed to open her eyes and gave you a knowing smile, “I’m alright now.. Thank you.”
You put down your wand so both of your hands can grasp into hers. Worry still settled over you. It was only yesterday since you did your mending on Anne. The effect would usually last her a month– or two even when she was doing so well. But for it to not even last twenty-four hours meant the curse was only getting stronger, and your magic was becoming futile.
“How long?” You began to ask. Your voice was soft but still laced with anguish.
Anne let out a heavy sigh before answering, “Almost six months now..” Her breathing was still a little bit unsteady, "I’ve noticed the effects have been getting shorter and shorter.”
“Oh, Anne.. why didn’t you tell me.” Your heart ached even more knowing she must have endured it on her own.
“I didn’t know how to.” She admitted.
As a deep sense of despair washed over you, you couldn't help but grasp the gravity of the circumstances. Meeting her gaze, you glimpsed a reflection of your own emotions mirrored in her eyes. While kneeling beside her, you took a moment to observe the woman before you, her faint smile betraying the anguish she must have been enduring.
How awful it must’ve been to pretend everything was fine while she was crumbling inside.
“Does Ominis know?”
She nodded, “Not long ago.” Anne didn’t have to say it, but now you understand the underlying reason for the impulse on the wedding, "I tried to hide it for a while, but that man knows me too well not to find out something was wrong."
"How are you feeling?" You gently asked like a fragile little petal that she was. There were layers of concern in your voice.
She hesitated for a moment like she was contemplating whether to share the truth, "Not so good." disappointment coloured both her expression and tone, “I knew it couldn’t cure me. But I truly thought it would still last me forever, you know.”
“I know..” Your thumb caressing the back of her hand, "I thought so, too."
She let out a heavy sigh, "Well, it was good while it lasted."
“Have you told Sebastian?"
"Not yet. Not today," she said, eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I just want to get married to the man that I love and pretend, at least for this day, that I am not withering."
You felt a surge of empathy for Anne. Despite her hardships, there was a quiet determination in her voice. She just wished to find joy amidst the challenges she faced.
"You don't have to pretend with us."
"I know that." She smiled softly, "But it makes me feel a little bit better. Just for today."
She lifted her trembling hand to gently stroke your hair. And when her eyes met yours, the sorrow that reigned over her eyes pierced through you, shattering your heart into a million pieces.
"You have no idea how grateful I am that Sebastian's questionable behaviour ended up being the thing that brought you two together.” You chuckled at her remarks, and the twitch in your eyes finally allowed the tears that had been so desperate to fall to cascade down your cheeks, "And I'm grateful to have found a sister in you."
At that moment, neither of you could hold back the tears any longer. The floodgates of emotion burst open, releasing a torrent of tears that had been held back. Amidst the overwhelming grief, there was also a profound sense of gratitude for the strength you had found in the brief but powerful bond you shared with her.
"You can fight this." You choked out, "Please.. Just a little bit more, Anne. I'm getting better with my magic. I think I'm almost there."
"No.." She shook her head, "I don't think I can wait anymore."
You nestled your head on her lap, finding solace in her gentle touch as she continued to stroke your hair. It felt as though she was the one offering comfort.
“Promise me.” She said softly, “That you’ll watch over them when I’m not around. Merlin knows what those boys will do without supervision.”
And once more, amidst the tears and sobs, a faint chuckle escaped from both of you. It was a moment of bittersweet release.
And when you lifted your head, you met Anne's gaze with a solemn nod, though your heart felt heavy with the weight of her request. "I promise," You vowed, "I won't go anywhere. But you have to know, Anne.. I could never replace you."
“You already have.” She reached out to wipe the tears that streamed down your cheeks, “When I'm gone, they’ll have no one but you in this world. You are their family– my family. You have to understand that you mean the world to all of us.”
You took a heavy, deep breath, trying to stifle the uncontrollable sobs threatening to consume you. But it was no use– each inhale and exhale only trembled more with emotion. The thought of Sebastian and Ominis losing Anne, the person they loved, filled you with crushing despair. You couldn't bear the idea of witnessing their pain, knowing that you held the power within you to help her, if only you knew how.
Everything felt agonisingly close yet impossibly out of reach, leaving you feeling utterly helpless in the face of Anne's impending fate.
You don't want to lose her.
"I wish we had more time."
“You gave us more time when we thought there was none left. You gave me a chance to live, to love Ominis, and Sebastian..." Her voice trembled from the emotion, "You have no idea how much joy you've brought back into his life. And you've given me the gift of witnessing that happiness.” She managed to put up a smile and you wished she didn’t. Pretending was no longer necessary, and you wanted her to feel free to express her true emotions, “You have given me a lifetime. And for that, I owe you everything.”
You reached out and pulled her into a tight hug, holding her close while trying to imprint every moment of this precious connection into your memory. This could be one of the few last hugs you'd be able to share with her, and you wanted to cherish every second of it.
"Alright, that's enough tears for now," she said gently, pulling away and wiping your tears. "You've got to save it for when I'm actually dead."
“Anne!” You protested at the inappropriate joke. Although you’ve got to admit there was a mix of amusement inside of you at her attempt to lighten the mood.
“I’m sorry.” A faint smile playing on her lips.
The both of you shared a final chuckle before you set to work on redoing Anne's makeup, realising that almost everything was ruined from the intense sobbing. But you didn't mind– in fact, you welcomed the opportunity to spend more time with her, cherishing every moment you had left together.
After you finished, you picked up your wand and cast a spell on Anne's clothing. In an instant, she was adorned in a stunning white dress, radiating an ethereal beauty that took your breath away.
You took a moment to cast the same spell on your own clothes, transforming them into attire more suitable for the event. You left Anne to rest inside and headed outside to begin setting up for the ceremony this evening.
Working your wand with precision, you crafted a beautiful yet intimate setting in the confines of their backyard. Despite the limited space, you conjured an enchanting atmosphere, transforming the modest surroundings into a magical haven fit for a wedding. The flowers bloomed in colourful bursts, intertwining with lush greenery to create a picturesque backdrop for the ceremony.
Despite the simplicity of the setup, every detail was carefully curated to evoke a sense of intimacy and romance, ensuring that Anne's special day would be nothing short of unforgettable.
While you were immersed in the enchanting setup, you were surprised by the sudden embrace that came behind you, “Hello, beautiful.” Unable to resist the exposed skin from your updo hair, he planted tender kisses along your neck. Sebastian is always such a tease.
With a soft smile, you leaned into his embrace, “I’m doing something here.” you teased, but still couldn't help but enjoy the affectionate gesture.
Sebastian chuckled then nuzzled his head into your neck. His warm breath sent shivers up and down your spine, "Anything I can help with?" he whispered in your ear. You could feel his strong arms wrapped around you, holding you close.
Just as you finished with your setup, you leaned back against his strong frame, feeling completely secure in his arms. "You can be here with me, holding me."
A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, taking in the intimate moment and the romantic decor. The scene before you stirred thoughts of your own future wedding, prompting a gentle curiosity about when that moment might come.
"How's Anne doing?" Sebastian's voice broke the silence, drawing your attention.
You turned to face him, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you loop your arm around his neck, drawing him closer. "Very happy," You replied softly, "She's ready."
“Ominis is, too.” There was a mix of joy and relief in his face,“I’m so glad they finally get to have their happy ending.”
His words hit you hard. Sebastian remained unaware of the true extent of Anne’s condition. Because the happy ending he thought she’s having isn’t as perfect as it seemed.
“Are you alright?” He noticed the change in your expression.
You nodded, masking the trouble brewing inside.
“Are you sure?” He persisted. His voice sounded more concerned this time.
You wanted to confide in him, but it didn't feel right. Anne deserved to share the news with her brother herself. "I just think it's a beautiful day for a wedding," you lied.
Sebastian smiled, leaning in to give you a sweet kiss on your lips, his affectionate gesture momentarily distracting you from the weight of the secret you carried.
As the ceremony finally commenced, you and Sebastian stood side by side, bathed in the glow of the evening sun. The gentle breeze carried the soft rustle of leaves and the sweet scent of wildflowers, adding to the serene ambience of the outdoor setting. In the distance, the rolling hills provided a breathtaking backdrop for the intimate gathering.
Anne, radiant in her flowing white dress, walked down the aisle with grace, her eyes sparkling with love and anticipation. Ominis stood at the altar, his expression a mixture of nerves and excitement as he awaited his bride.
The sound of their vows filled the air, heartfelt and sincere, weaving a tapestry of promises and dreams for the future.
It was time for them to exchange rings. And finally, as they shared their first kiss as husband and wife, the world seemed to stand still, capturing the beauty and magic of this momentous occasion. You and Sebastian watched with pride and happiness, your hearts overflowing with love for the newlyweds.
But the joyous atmosphere shattered in an instant as Anne fell to the ground, her agonising scream piercing the air. Shock and fear gripped everyone present as they rushed to her side. The curse had struck once again.
The pain seemed to be worse than before because Anne's consciousness began to fade. Ominis lifted and carried her inside while his face etched with fear and worry. You and Sebastian followed closely as Ominis gently laid his bride on the bed.
You quickly tended to her side and began using your magic to ease her pain once again while Ominis sat beside you, holding Anne’s hand tightly in his own.
Sebastian stood by, watching his sister fighting her pain, feeling utterly helpless. Her screams tore at his heart, shredding it into pieces.
He finally began to realise the true situation of Anne’s condition.
Unable to bear the sight any longer, he stormed out of the house, his breath ragged from the onslaught of negative emotions. He wandered aimlessly, searching for a space where he could calm himself down and gather his thoughts.
After tending to Anne's needs and ensuring she had something to eat to regain her strength, you realised that Sebastian had been conspicuously absent. Concerned, you stepped outside and immediately knew where to find him. Following the familiar path atop the hill that overlooked the hamlet, you remembered how Sebastian always loved this spot for its breathtaking view of the village below.
Upon reaching the hilltop, you were greeted by the sight of your lover, standing at the edge and gazing out over the village. The fading light of the setting sun casted a warm glow over the landscape.
Sebastian's shoulders were tense, his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he stared into the distance. You approached him quietly, the soft crunch of gravel beneath your shoes barely audible over the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.
You stood just a little bit behind him, giving him the space he needed to collect his thoughts. Despite the distance, you could feel the stress emanating from him.
"You knew, didn't you?" He finally said, breaking the silence. You expected something sharp and judgemental coming out of him, but there was none of it. His stare remained fixed in the distance.
You nodded even though he couldn't see it, "Just today."
"Did she tell you how long ago?"
You hesitated for a moment, "Six months."
Sebastian scoffed and his expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with a hint of anger. "Six fucking months," he muttered, "Why didn't she tell us sooner?"
You felt a pang of guilt at his tone, knowing that Anne's decision to keep her condition a secret had hurt him deeply, "I think she was trying to protect us."
He shook his head and his jaw clenched tightly. "Protect us?" he repeated, voice rising with emotion. "From what exactly? From the tremendous amount of pain we’re already living with every single day? We're her family, for Merlin’s sake, we should have been there for her."
You knew that Anne's silence had shaken him to the core, and the road ahead would be filled with challenges as they grappled with the consequences of her decision.
"I should’ve been there for her." The quiver of regret was evident this time, “How many times have we gone to visit her in the past six months? And not once did she mention anything. She pretended like she was alright.”
“That’s exactly why, Sebastian.” You replied gently, "She didn’t want to keep pretending. She just wanted to cherish the time she had left without constantly dwelling on her illness. By allowing her to live her life the way she wants to, we were already there for her."
“But she’s my sister.” His voice cracked with emotions.
“I know..” You murmured, feeling the weight of his pain.
Then, a single tear escaped from the corner of his eyes that was clearly betraying the emotions he struggled to contain. He instinctively turned his head, his hand moving swiftly to brush away the tear.
You wanted to give him space to be in his own vulnerability, so you stood in place.
“To think of the fact that she decided to endure it on her own..” There was so much guilt in his voice. Then he fell quiet for a moment before continuing, “It's funny, isn't it? How time seems to slip through our fingers, no matter how tightly we try to hold on."
You listened in silence, feeling the weight of his words settle over you like a heavy blanket. The realisation that time was finite– that eventually, it would run out.
"We spend our days chasing after hope, trying to cure Anne," Sebastian continued, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But the truth is, time waits for no one. Even for those who possess magic, it marches on, indifferent to our hopes and desires."
It was the first time you’d seen Sebastian being this vulnerable. It only showed how much love he carried for his sister.
"And when it's gone," Sebastian murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "all we're left with are the memories of what could have been– what I could’ve done for Anne.” His tone carried a sense of despair and it unsettled you deeply. It felt as though the fierce determination of a man who would move mountains to save his sister had been extinguished.
"I just wish I had done more for her," He admitted.
“Hey,” Closing the distance, you gently lifted his chin, urging him to meet your gaze with compassion while his eyes were shimmering with tears, "You've been there for her in more ways than you realise. And she knows that.” His tears flowed more freely at your comforting words. Without hesitation, you cupped his cheeks and brushed away the tears, “She’s made her choice, Sebastian. The most important thing now is to cherish the time we have left with her and make every moment count. Because you can’t go back in time, it only runs out."
As harsh as reality was, Sebastian knew you were telling him what he needed to hear. Because if you don’t make the most of your time, the only thing that will remain is regret.
“I can’t promise you that it will be easy," you continued. "But I can promise you that I'll be here every step of the way."
He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch as if seeking refuge in your warmth. Taking your hand, he pressed a tender kiss to your palm before meeting your gaze, "I don't know what I'd do without you." He whispered,
"You won't have to find out." You replied with a reassuring smile.
Sebastian's eyes held yours, filled with gratitude and a hint of vulnerability. In that shared moment, you both understood the depth of your connection and the support you offered each other.
Then he pulled you into a tight embrace and you yielded to his warmth, feeling the comforting strength of his arms around you. Resting your head against his chest, you listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a reassuring cadence amidst the uncertainty that surrounded you.
He fell quiet for a moment. Stroking your hair with one hand while the other rubs your back with comfort.
“Thank you.” He finally said.
“What for?”
“Everything.” He whispered as he reflected on how different things could have been for Anne, and how her current happiness was beyond anything he had dared to hope for. “If you asked me five years ago what life would be like for Anne today, I’d say she’d be long gone and buried deep in the ground. I never thought I’d see her get married. This is all happening because of you.”
“You know I would do anything for Anne.” You replied softly.
He pulled away to meet your gaze, “And I would do anything for you.”
There was something special about the way he looked at you, the way his dark eyes were captivated by yours. The warmth of his embrace and the tenderness in his touch made you feel cherished in that moment.
It felt like the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of intimacy. Everything else ceased to exist as you were enveloped by his presence, captivated by the depth of his gaze and the warmth of his embrace.
Sebastian drew nearer, his eyes locking onto yours with intensity. His hand trailed through your hair, tenderly caressing your cheek as he leaned in closer. The sensation of his chest against yours sent your heart into a flurry of anticipation.
It was kind of funny to you, how this man could still make your heart flutter in the most exciting ways ever even after sharing hundreds of kisses.
Right before his lips touched yours, he paused, looking at you intently. The intimacy grew with each passing second as he leaned closer until finally connecting his lips to yours.
Sebastian's touch was sensual, yet tender. There was a delicate balance of passion and tenderness in his kiss. His lips felt warm and inviting, like the gentle warmth of a summer in the middle of the cold autumn breeze.
The kiss deepened and the intensity rose with every passing second. Lost in the kiss, you could feel all the worries and stresses of life wash away– like maybe Anne wasn’t dying, or Ominis wasn’t about to face his worst heartbreak, and Sebastian wasn’t going to lose his sister, and all that was left was the warmth of his touch.
As the weight of everything going on amplified the intensity of your emotions, it also seemed to intensify your desire, heightening every sensation, every touch, every whisper of longing. It was as if the urgency of the moment fueled the fire burning between you and Sebastian.
You didn’t want this to end. You wished you could live in whatever intoxicating illusion this feeling was.
The kiss went on and Sebastian tightened his grip, pulling you closer to him. The sensation of his lips and the heat of his body pressed up against you had your mind spinning. Every touch of his lips on yours was more arousing than the last.
The heat was becoming too intense, and you wanted more.
Sebastian continued to explore your body with his hands, grazing his fingers along your curves. He moved his hands upwards towards your chest and your breath hitched at his touch.
Despite the lust that was slowly eating away your rational thinking, deep inside, in the back of your mind, you had a sudden realisation. Sebastian’s griefing and this felt like an unhealthy outlet. The guilt weighed on your mind but the brunette began trying to unzip your dress.
“Sebastian..” You pulled away and whispered breathlessly against his lips, “You’re grieving.”
He shook his head, “I want you..” He put trails of kisses along your jaw and neck, making everything even more irresistible.
You bit your lip. “Not like this.”
“Please..” He whispered in your ear and you couldn’t hold the soft moan that escaped your lips.
The sensation of Sebastian's kisses sent shivers down your spine, his breath hot on your skin. You tried your best to resist him, but it was becoming too much to bear. And when his hand slid under your dress and touched your heat, temptation took over you and your body yielded under his touch.
“Fuck.. Sebastian.”
"I know you want me, too," He whispered. Your body betrayed your words as you grew wetter with desire. The sensation of his touch on your clit, using your own fluids as a lubricant, sent waves of pleasure through you. At that moment, you no longer wanted him to stop.
Your body responded instinctively to Sebastian's touch. Your back arched into his hand as pleasure washed over you and your hips rolled around to the movement of his finger. Giving in to the pleasure, your eyelids fluttered shut and your head fell backwards.
As Sebastian kissed your collarbone, your dress slipped off your shoulder, exposing more of your skin and eventually revealing your breasts.
Sebastian groaned softly at the sight before him, unable to resist the temptation of your hardened nipple. With eager anticipation, he lowered his lips to take it into his mouth, his fingers continuing their skilful movements. The combination of his touch and his lips against your skin sent your senses reeling.
Your moans were like music to his ears. With each gasp and whimper that escaped your lips, his craving only intensified, driving him to seek out more ways to please you, “Oh darling, I can’t take it anymore.”
He pulled away, allowing your dress to fall to your feet with a soft rustle of fabric. With gentle yet firm hands, he lifted you, then carefully guided you to lie down on the ground beneath you.
As you lay there, the cool earth beneath you provided a stark contrast to the heat of your desire. You watched Sebastian undress himself, his muscles rippling beneath his skin with every movement. With each article of clothing he shed, your anticipation grew, knowing that soon you would be able to feel his warmth inside of you.
When his thick, hard cock came into view, your hand instinctively reached out to touch it, but Sebastian was quick to grab your wrist and pin it above your head. Leaning in close, his hot breath washed over your skin. While his cock, wet with precum, brushed against your stomach. "So eager now, aren’t we?" he whispered huskily.
“Just fuck me already,” you begged so desperately wanting to feel him inside of you.
Sebastian's lips curled into a wicked smile at your boldness. You didn’t have to tell him twice.
With a low growl, he released your wrist and positioned himself between your thighs and without a word, he entered you slowly, savouring every inch of the delicious friction between your bodies. His hand slipped under your thigh and pushed your knee so he could gain better access into your depths.
And just as he expected, the position allowed his length to slide inside you so gracefully deep. As he settled fully inside you, a groan of pleasure escaped his lips.
He began to move and each thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, you surrendered completely to the ecstasy of the moment, lost in the rhythm of Sebastian pumping you, “Ah.. fuck– yes..”
Your moans echoed through the silent night, mingling with the rustling leaves and whistling wind. The sounds of nature seemed to fade into the background and were replaced by the sound of your lusts.
His movement was slow but he hit you deep and right exactly where you wanted him to be. You clenched hard around his cock and it sent him frantic, “You feel.. so damn good..”
Your hand gripped his toned arms, your back arched, and your head leaned back in ecstasy. Without missing a beat of his thrusts, Sebastian seized the opportunity to lavish on your bare skin, trailing kisses along your neck and collarbone.
Then, he took the moment to give your bouncing breasts some attention, taking one in his mouth and sucking it gently. And by Merlin’s beard, this man knew how to multitask.
You spread your legs wide and angled your hips, meeting each of Sebastian's deep thrusts with equal fervour. When his rhythm intensified, the nails of your hand dug into his arm and it elicited a sharp intake of breath that came out of him.
With each thrust, you felt a different kind of connection with Sebastian, a deeper sense of intimacy. It was as if every movement, every caress, carried the weight of the world and the depth of your emotions. This felt more than just physical pleasure– it felt like a shared understanding of the fleeting nature of time and the preciousness of the moments you shared together.
Sebastian brushed aside the strands of hair that obscured your face, his gaze penetrating, filled with a tumult of emotions—lust, grief, love, all swirling together. At that moment, when his eyes locked with yours, you felt the depth of his presence. The way he looked at you, the way he felt inside of you, it was overwhelming– it was so, so good it made you want to cry.
Your legs wrapped around his hips, urging him to delve deeper. Sebastian's deep, husky voice filled the air with a moan, your name escaping his lips in a desperate plea for more, “I.. I love you..” He declared breathlessly, his words laden with raw emotion, “I love you.. so much..”
“I love you too..” You cupped his cheek, pressing your foreheads together, “I-im so.. so close..”
He tightened his embrace around you, his thrusts becoming more urgent as he chased his own climax. With a fervent kiss, he whispered against your lips, "Come with me, darling.”
The intensity built and you felt the tension coil within you, ready to unravel at any moment. And then, as if on cue, you felt it—the wave of pleasure crashing over you. Your body tensed, every nerve ending alive with sensation as cries of ecstasy escaped your lips, filling the air with the sweet sound of your orgasm, “oh fuck– Sebastian!”
With a guttural groan, he cried out your name and reached his peak, his body shuddering with release as he spilled inside of you.
Sebastian collapsed against you, his chest heaving in an attempt to catch his breath. You wrapped your arms around him, basking in the afterglow of your moment.
He kissed the line of your shoulders, then your cheek, and eventually your lips.
As he pulled back slightly, he took a moment to stare at your face, his eyes filled with all of the emotions that were left, like he was trying to memorise every detail, every curve, every expression– he never wanted to forget this moment.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said with a smile that reminded you of all the reasons you fell for him.
“Oh, shut up.” You kissed him to mask the way your cheeks flushed red.
When you both pulled away from the kiss, you found yourselves lingering in the intimacy of the moment. Your noses brushed together softly, eliciting a gentle smile from both of you. Sebastian's fingers traced the contours of your jaw with delicate precision, his touch telling you how much he loves you.
You reciprocated by running your fingers through his hair, feeling the silky strands intertwine with your touch. The closeness between you felt electric.
“Marry me.” He suddenly said and your loving gaze swapped into confusion in an instant.
“Marry me.” He repeated, “Today, tomorrow, next week– I don’t care.”
Sebastian's sudden proposal left you speechless as his words sank in slowly. His eyes bore into yours and you searched it for any hint of uncertainty. You know he’s grieving, and this could be just that. “Sebastian..”
“This is not grief talking or merely an after-sex impulse.” He assured you as if he could read your mind, “This is something that I’ve been thinking about for some time. With everything that’s been going on with Anne, don’t you think it’s telling us something?”
He was begging for your consideration, wanting you to believe that he meant every word.
“Cherish every moment we have left, you said.” He stroked your hair with a touch so gentle it felt so tender and reassuring, “You gave me a life to live. And I want to spend the rest of my time loving you.”
You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts amidst the chaotic feelings swirling inside you. Sebastian's proposal was unexpected, but you know it felt right. There was something about his sincerity that was hard to deny.
"Do you really mean it?" You whispered.
"Yes." He brushed a loose strand of hair from your face, his hand lingering by your cheek. "I mean it with all my heart. I want to marry you."
A smile painted across your face, your lips curling into a wide grin. Without any inhibitions, you pulled him into a kiss, expressing your love and acceptance through the tender gesture. The passion ignited once again.
You lost yourself in the intimacy of the moment, wrapped in Sebastian's firm grasp, letting your mind and body surrender to the joy.
Sebastian quickly pulled away, eyes flickered with anticipation when he realised you hadn’t really given your answer, “Wait, is that a yes?”
A playful glint danced in your eyes as you nodded, a grin spreading across your face. “Of course, it’s a yes.”
Sebastian's face lit up with a radiant smile, relief washing over him as leaned in to resume the kiss.
Because time is like a relentless river that will eventually run its course. Yet, amidst the uncertainty of what lay ahead, you found solace in the knowledge that new beginnings awaited. And you can’t wait to start your new journey with Sebastian.
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