#omniscience does not equal omnipotence does not equal omnipresence
selffagellation · 2 years
one thing about me is that i will never not be picky about which omni- people use in religion
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caotica-e-quieta · 11 months
Reading iron flame and I'll tell you what... Enemies to lovers (or any romantasy, really) ONLY WORKS if both parts have equal footing in their own accord. Both in their areas AND emotionally. It doesn't work if the the way the story plays out makes the guy to be nearly omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, whereas the girl is a clueless idiot who gets patronized and schooled in every page - by literally every other character, but mainly, HER GUY. A character who never manages ANY feat alone, and as a matter of fact has every single one of her plans hijacked by him. Who is an emotional hostage to him. It just doesn't work.
To top it all off: Violets triumph over every other rider was that she was smart/clever whereas riders usually hust follow strength/instinct blablabla. But she doesn't get to be smart, because the author doesn't let her! Her stupidity borders naivety, and she repeatedly fails at being the smartest person around - she's actually being outsmarted in EVERY SINGLE SCENE (in special by her guy AND her dragon, but also... By literally every single other character). So if she doesn't have strenght, but doesn't have any actual intelligence either, what does that leave us with??? Just a useless idiot? The author hates her heroine. It just sounds like she needed a stand in to showcase Xaden's exhausting grandiose
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Big Brother propaganda, by which I mean The Party propaganda because he may or may not just be a representative of The Party:
The Party are the rulers of Oceania, led by “Big Brother,” their beloved leader who is worshipped as a god. The Party brutally purges out anyone who does not fully conform to their regime, using the Thought Police and constant surveillance through telescreens (two-way televisions), cameras, and hidden microphones. Those who fall out of favour with the Party become "unpersons", disappearing with all evidence of their existence destroyed. The telescreens are everywhere, from the workplace to your own apartment, constantly watching people, and their microphones are very sensitive to the point that they can apparently pick up a heartbeat. The worst part is that they're always on and cannot be turned off, except by Inner Party members (and even then they're not known to leave them off for longer than half an hour), and it's impossible to tell whether someone - i.e. the Thought Police - is observing you at any given moment, so the citizens of Oceania live under the assumption that they're being watched all the time. The antique shop owner who rents Winston and Julia a room to meet in is a Thought Police agent, and the rebellion is a lie to trap dissidents. In Ingsoc's ideology, the Party is completely omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, existing at every point in space and time. O'Brien boasts that they, as the Party, are a collective Reality Warper that can distort and rewrite the past and even material reality itself, and everyone is forced to believe the absurdity lest they be tortured into believing it. Two plus two equals five if the Party wants it to. According to O’Brien, “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.”
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venting-town · 2 months
No conciousness unconsciousness observation abduction acceptance denial rejection objection reprieve allowance omnipotent omniscient omnipresent omnibenevolent future past present self identity others love revenge justice hatred negative neutral positive life death reincarnation revival undead unalive possession rebuke corruption dark light grey color veil realm dimension universe multiverse orb planet state condition yes no no yes maybe similar opposite same different mix paradox system multiple O n e all some none any every Heavens Hells Purgatory’s Limbos Karmas Chakras human animal demon angel spirit ghost soul spirit non spirit being non being alien AI reptilian grey mammal trumpet multi singular mono varied shape exception rule anyways no ways someways allways ways shape heal deceive trick like dislike ignore apathy consequence cause action effect emotion feeling paradox mind body selves worth reason worthless reasonless spectrum be’d erase delete destroy create undo redo pause lie you they I me is not connect disconnect revolve static change shifting force object move stay stop start go back test experience personal empathy retarded give up fight keep give going staying forgetting remembering apologizing forgiving resenting blessing cursing gifting complaining grateful unthankful thankful genesis beginning ending egg chicken playing working power weakness One somebody anybody everybody nobody body is isn’t not is is too too not unless take back say poison choice will free buy heal suffer reprieve rest hard easy pause decision unsure question faith confusion relay replay rework bullshit consent sub dom switch compassion room existing right wrong belong push pull stay go here away correlate causate words imagine pretend real fake lie truth reality two fuck you retard uncomfortable safe comfortable danger distort survive thrive ego id super ego high low medium neither both other ability full empty starve indulge need want control manipulate order chaos structure disable paralyze gaslight guilt trip enable other way support equality equity balance unbalance lack abundance half tall short abuse utilize scapegoat hot cold lukewarm lukechill friend rival enemy acquaintance family line swirl room box free trap see hear taste feel think imagine do revolve privilege perfect imperfect fail error fuck up success close enough far enough old young blur know better no better not better better does no better does not know tool accessible leave lead follow rebel war peace perceive threat war replicate clone stagnant
Fuck you retards
Fucking retarded asses
0 notes
original-culture · 6 months
Dragon Flower Sutra of Heavenly Store
Chapter 1
Part 1
About two thousand, five hundred, three million years ago, at that time, the universe of TABA was just a vacuum.
1 In that vast and omnipresent vacuum, there is a SUPREME SPIRITUAL ESSENCE, as vast as space, everywhere. That is the SUPREME SPIRITUAL ESSENCE, DISCLAIMER, CREATOR, ANCESTOR.
2 The supreme spiritual being that civilizes and creates the ANCESTORS, the being that is INDEPENDENT, FREE, and EQUAL.
3 The original nature of creation, creation of ANCESTORS, form is like space, formless. THE FORMLESS form is the true form of the ANCESTORS, not only is the form of the ancestors a formless form, but the formless nature of the ancestors is the NAMELESS nature, the natureless form is also the nature, the true nature of the ANCESTORS.
4 The ancestors' supreme spiritual essence, the immaculate essence, is pure and untainted, like a lotus flower that is near mud but does not smell of mud. It is because of this pure untaintedness that is the greatest sacredness of the ESSENTIAL SPIRITUAL AWARENESS, the most sacred spiritual enlightenment of the UNIVERSITY OF THE UNIVERSAL LOTUS.
5 The Supreme Ancestor's spiritual essence is not only pure and untainted without action, but also the TRUE MIND and TRUE NATURE are also pure and uncontaminated. Also because of the uncontaminated purity, as well as the purity of the true mind and true nature, it becomes the essence of the enlightened mind to see the nature of the universe. The supreme spiritual essence of the universe, MIND emptiness, pure and unconditioned, TRUTH emptiness pure and unconditioned, form emptiness pure and unconditioned, mind emptiness, pure and unconditioned, consciousness emptiness pure and unconditioned. So from the supreme spiritual being of the universe, we SEE - HEAR - KNOW - KNOW, throughout the universe. The seeing, hearing, or knowing, here is the seeing, hearing, or knowing of the entire nature of the universe's nothingness, the omnipresent seeing, the omnipresent hearing, the omnipresent good, the omnipresent knowing.
6 The supreme spiritual being of the universe, the ancestral spirit, is not only uncontaminated and unconditioned, but also pure, without COLOR, without SHAPE, without SMELL, without TASTE, and is also pure without contamination. , this colorless, formless, odorless, tasteless being, not only sees, hears, knows, knows, is omnipotent, is omniscient, and is omniscient, but also REFLECTS, SENSES, REFLECTS, MEASURES, become the BALANCE OF JUSTICE, the universe. The balance of justice, fairness and equality in the universe.
7 The supreme spiritual being, the spiritual awakening of the ancestors, the spiritual being of DAI DONG, INDEPENDENT, FREE, EQUAL, and this same universal, independent, free, equal being, becomes become the supreme TRUTH essence of life, become the supreme law of the universe, become the Divine Will of God. The supreme life of the universe is the spiritual essence. THE SOURCE, the supreme essence of all life. living. The EXPLORING BEING CREATES ALL. The supreme being that establishes all, is the one that unites the essence of DAI DONG, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, EQUALITY.
8 The universal essence, independent, free, equal, is the essence of the supreme source of the HIANA TANG, the Dharma Tang, the supreme LAW TRAN of the universe, when it was not yet civilized to create the universe.
9 The Supreme Spiritual Essence, DONATION, Dharma Organ, Supreme Law Organ of the universe, the creation of the universe, the creation of the three thousand worlds, the heavens, the EARTH, the EARTH. , Four realms, Galaxies, milky way, sun, moon, stars, all living beings, insects, grass, trees, birds, animals, even humans, etc. When the essence of the CONSTITUTION, Dharma Organ, Law Organ, the SUPREME SOURCE OF THE UNIVERSE, transformed into, THE UNIVERSAL LAW, THE GOD'S WILL, THE balance of UNIVERSAL JUSTICE.
10 The supreme ancestral spiritual being of the universe is the supreme spiritual being of NATURE, no one is born, nor lost, eternal and eternal, always the same, without beginning, without there is an End, no past and no future, an essence like nothingness that covers the universe, covers the universe, neither going nor coming, all life lies within this supreme Great Path life.
11 The supreme spiritual being of the universe, the ancestors' spiritual awareness, is not only as always, but also forever and ever in the endless future, so the noun Tathagata Ancestor is still a unified noun.
12 The spiritual self that enlightened the ancestors, the unborn, undying, uncontaminated, uncontaminated, unincreased, undecreasing, formless, colorless, odorless, tasteless, empty mind, empty consciousness, empty mind , Emptiness, NATURAL PURITY WITHOUT VIRTUE is the essence of Donation Organ, Dharma Treasury, Vinaya Pitaka, the supreme spiritual being of the universe, the spirituality of GREATNESS, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, EQUALITY.
13 Therefore, human beings, Descents of our ancestors, head towards the ORIGIN, which is also towards FAIRNESS, EQUALITY, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, coming into unity according to the law of justice, according to the law of equality. , according to the law of independence, according to the law of freedom, according to the natural law of the nature of the UNIFIED UNIVERSITY.
14 Moving towards the SOURCE is different from integrating into the SOURCE. Towards the origin is towards justice, equality, towards independence and freedom. Integrating the Origin is the integration, the Water Bubbles integrate into the Water essence, the Water Bubbles return to be Water, the Spiritual Consciousness becomes Spiritual Awareness, the Consciousness, the Consciousness, become the True Mind and True Nature. The true nature of the mind is Emptiness of Mind, Emptiness of Nature, Emptiness of Mind, Emptiness of Mind, Emptiness of Consciousness. MASTERING THE TRUE MIND, TRUTH TANATY, also means MASTERING FAIRNESS, EQUALITY, UNIVERSITY, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, SUPREMENESS OF THE UNIVERSE.
15 The supreme spiritual essence, THE ANCESTORS, is like WATER, and the spirit CONSCIOUSNESS, the soul of all living beings, is like WATER FOAM. It is also because WATER BIRDS FOAM, SPIRITUAL AWARENESS BIRDS CONSCIOUSNESS, TRUE MIND, TRUE THANTY, BIRDS CONSCIOUSNESS, so water - bubbles, spiritual awareness - spiritual consciousness, true mind, true nature - consciousness, consciousness, nature, no different, same nature, essence, what WATER HAS, then WATER FOAM is the same, what spiritual awareness has, then spiritual consciousness is also the same. What the true mind and true nature have, the consciousness and nature of consciousness also have the same, the nature of WATER, justice, equality, independence, freedom, then the bubbles of WATER also have those qualities, HIDDEN IN THE BUBBLES OF WATER .
16 This is the identical connection between the essence of WATER and WATER FOAM, the connection between the spiritual consciousness of the GREAT ANCESTORS, the UNIVERSE SOUL, and the MINOR SOULS, the DESCENDANTS' SOULS.
17 The spiritual essence, the supreme WATER of the universe, the essence of universality, justice, equality, independence and freedom, at that time the spiritual body of WATER FOAM CONSCIOUSNESS, could also be the nature of water, become the seed nature of water bubbles, universality, justice, equality, independence and freedom.
18 Humanity looks towards GREAT DONG, towards JUSTICE, towards EQUALITY, towards INDEPENDENCE, towards FREEDOM, which is towards the ORIGIN. Gradually integrate the Source according to the Constitutional Organ, the Dharma Organ, the Supreme Vinaya of the universe, HIDDEN in every human soul.
19 Fighting to regain JUSTICE, EQUALITY, AUTONOMY, FREEDOM, ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION, Dharma, and Law is a righteous struggle, a contract with the hearts of people, with the hearts of heaven, a contract with the spiritual essence. Supreme of the universe, ANCESTORS, GODS, PEOPLE, UNITY.
20 Humanity, children, and descendants of their ancestors, towards their ORIGINS is towards JUSTICE, towards EQUALITY, towards INDEPENDENCE, towards FREEDOM, and towards fair integration, equal integration, independent integration, free integration, and progress towards mastery. Supreme of FAIRNESS, Supreme of EQUALITY, as well as Supreme of AUTONOMY, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, Become Human Rights. Even higher is human Divine Power. Currently, humanity has just evolved to Human Rights and Democracy, and will progress to Divine Power and Humanity. Moving towards Divine Power and Humanity means moving towards Universalism.
21 The Supreme Being of the universe, the spiritual essence of the ANCESTORS, is fair, independent, free, and equal, but when the Being has transformed from Spiritual Awareness to Spiritual Consciousness. For example, from WATER to FOAM, the essence of justice, equality, independence and freedom from WATER, transforms into the rights of FOAM, sacred rights and inviolable rights, generally Human Rights. Human Divine Power.
22 The right to justice, the right to equality, the right to independence, the right to freedom, the right to autonomy, the right to speech, the right to pursue happiness, in general, what the supreme spiritual being of the Great Soul of the universe has, is spiritual. The Cosmic Little Soul consciousness also exists, becoming the basic rights of each soul. HUMAN RIGHTS and DIVINE RIGHTS of each person, sacred rights that are inviolable.
23 The supreme spiritual being of the universe, is the being of the Sage Tang, the Dharma Tang, the Law Tang, the Thien Tang Tantra, this is the endless treasure of knowledge of the universe, that each evolved human Soul exploits for In the end, towards mastery, those five treasures.
24 The right to justice, the right to equality, the right to independence, the right to freedom, the right to autonomy, the right to pursue happiness, the basic rights of each person and each nation, sacred rights and inviolable rights, But MONOPOLism, DICTATORSHIP, DICTATORSHIP, has blatantly violated the basic rights of every human being, the basic rights of every nation, deprived, robbed, of those sacred rights, going against justice. fairness, equality, justice to the creation of the universe, not only have they gone against the Divine Will of Heavenly Father, the Divine Law of the universe, but they have also gone against their own basic rights, which the Creator has given them.
25 This is unacceptable, and the justice, equality, and freedom of each person and each society has been taken away. Human progress, the Creator's balance of justice eliminates them. Force dictatorship to return basic human rights.
26 Returning the basic rights that the Creator's Ancestors have given to each person, each nation, is a job that pleases Man, God, and Heaven's Law, a job full of Justice, full of wisdom. There is no greater wisdom, because no one can resist the Divine Law of the universe, the Divine Will of Heaven, especially the rising resistance and struggle to reclaim human rights. What force can resist?
27 Protecting sacred human rights Human Rights, RIGHT TO LIFE, RIGHT TO FAIRNESS, RIGHT TO EQUALITY, RIGHT TO INDEPENDENCE, RIGHT TO LIBERTY, RIGHT TO AUTONOMY, RIGHT TO PRAY HAPPINESS, RIGHT TO SPEECH, RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION, RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION, RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION, RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION PRAYER, in general, 36 main rights and 72 secondary rights are inalienable rights. In general, there are up to 8,400 rights, but here we only mention some basic rights, HUMAN RIGHTS, and even higher are GOD'S RIGHTS. Protecting human rights is a noble job, there is no nobler job.
End of part 1 chapter 1
Please continue reading part 2, chapter 1
Long Hoa Thien Tang.
Chapter 1
Part 2
1 The Supreme Spiritual Being, the spirit of AWAKENING THE ANCESTORS, the great soul of the universe, It took 3 hundred and 36 million years to create SPIRITUAL POWER in the stage of empty life, the stage of great samadhi, and continue to create SPIRIT. COSMIC FORCE, 1 thousand 8 million years.
2 It took 3 hundred and 36 million years to transform the COSMIC SPIRIT and create the COSMIC TRUE WEAPON. Divine power is transformed into true energy. Physical energy is transformed into vapor.
3 It will take 3 hundred and 36 million years for the ANCESTORS to transform the TRUE qi to create LIQUID, WATER.
4 It took another 3 hundred and 36 million years for the ANCESTORS to transform into a LIQUID FORM, WATER to create the FAULTY ALLUST LAYER, THE COSMIC DUST LAYER, then from this fertile dust layer, it coalesced into ROCKS and then from ROCKS transformed into EARTH. liquid turns into solid.
5 From this form of creation to the other form, it takes 20 times of transformation, up and down. One transformation takes 16 million 800 thousand years.
6 To completely transform a gas, vapor or liquid, it takes 3 hundred and 36 million years for 20 ups and downs. For each transformation, the old force transforms into gas, into gas, it takes 16 million 800 thousand years, the old gas transforms into water, into water, the same way, it takes 16 million 800 thousand years, from liquid state. Degrading from aging to solid state into cosmic dust also takes the same amount of time as above, 16 million 800 thousand years, for one transformation.
7 BODY, GAS, LIQUID, transformed into other bodies, each body has 20 stages of aging and degeneration like that, causing the lower bodies to rise and fall, of one body, as well as the increase The decline of a metabolic degeneration, this is the cause of GREAT FLOODS, TURNOVER WAVES, AND EARTHQUAKES, as well as fires, earthquakes, and volcanoes appearing one after another throughout the five continents in the period The first part of the kalpa decreases, and FLOODS, TSUNANTS, EARTHQUAKES, appear more and more later, stronger and stronger, like heavy rain and strong winds, towards the end of a small eon, of a decreasing kalpa, the kalpa increases of a small kalpa is 8 million 400 thousand years The reduction of a small kalpa is the same as 8 million 400 thousand years.
8 DISCOVERY The ancestors created four bodies, PHYSICAL Physique, Spiritual Body, Spiritual Body, and Solid Body. That creation lasted 1 thousand 8 million years, and it took 3 hundred and 36 million years to create the universe. When the Fire Element appears, it becomes the five elements.
9 Established the three great thousand worlds, the HEAVENS. The seven precious mountains, the five mountains and seven mountains as well as the four EARTH realms, and the EARTH, GALAXY, MILK, SUN, MOON, STARS, finally the four EARTH spheres, that is, the four earthly realms. (see Dragon Flower Tantra Sutra for more clarity).
10 Civilizing the Ancestors, it took another 16 million 800 Thousand years for the four TERRIFIC EARTH to cool down and stabilize the circulation.
11 It took another 16 million, 800 thousand years for green to form moss, to evolve into herbs, and for bacteria to evolve into INSECTS.
12 It took another 16 million, 800 thousand years for the INSECT species to evolve into the REPTILES and the ANIMAL - ANIMALS species. It took another 285 million 600 thousand years, when the REPTILES and Avian-Beasts evolved to the point where they could no longer evolve.
13 It took another 75 million years for the REPTILES, MUT-BEASTS, and killers to eat and devour each other to evolve their Spiritual Consciousness, Mind Base, and race, until they could no longer evolve. Time passed. 75 million years later, the Spiritual Consciousness Roots of reptiles, birds, and beasts could no longer evolve, but only increased in ferocity and evil nature.
14 And so the reptiles and beasts, killing and devouring each other, reincarnated back and forth, the killing and devouring of each other became more and more fierce, over the next 600 thousand years.
15 At this time, the ancestors were revealed, and the Father of Heaven and Mother of Heaven appeared. Heaven's Father is a DRAGON, Heaven's Mother is a FAIRY, flying to the EARTH, Nam Thien Bo Chau, giving birth to children to pass on the race and people. Let the souls, reptiles, birds, and animals, be reincarnated into humans, the FAIRY and DRAGON lineages, cultivate and evolve their souls to consciousness, awareness, and wisdom to become BUDDHA, SAINT, FAIRY, GOD. LORD, ascend to the throne of RUTH, RULE, master the true mind, true nature, master of the universe.
16 The appearance of HEAVEN FATHER and EARTH MOTHER on earth, giving birth to children, marked the historical milestone of the birth of mankind on earth, and also from here on the earth of NAM THIEN BU CHAU was born of humanity. living, the ancestors of the ancestors, the first of humankind.
End of part 2 chapter 1
Please continue reading part 3, chapter 1
Long Hoa Thien Tang.
Chapter 1
Part 3
1 EXPLORING THE ANCESTORS, creating the four earthly globes, the earthly world, had to go through four cycles of great transformation of ACCOMPLISHMENT - STANDING - DESTROYING - emptiness.
2 In the formation kalpa, there are 20 small kalpas, permanent kalpa, decaying kalpa, empty kalpa, also, each kalpa has 20 small kalpas. Total: a cycle of great transformation of ACCOMPLISHMENT, STANDING, DESTROY, emptiness, is 80 small kalpas, 80 increases, 80 decreases, 1 increase is 8 million 400 thousand years, 1 decrease is also 8 million 400 thousand years year.
3 In the Blessed kalpa, there are 20 small kalpas, 20 increases and 20 decreases lasting 3 hundred and 36 million years, the same is true in the permanent kalpa, the decaying kalpa, and the empty kalpa.
4 Four kalpas add up to 1 thousand 3 hundred 44 million years (one great kalpa).
5 But the lifespan of the EARTH, calculated only from the kalpa of formation, kalpa, and destruction, is 1 thousand 8 million years. The lifespan of the four globes is equal.
6 The proliferation of life, moss, insects, herbs, reptiles, and beasts, lasts for many small eons. Humans are born in the kalpa, in the middle of the 5th sub-kalpa of the kalpa.
End of part 3, chapter 1
Please continue reading part 4, chapter 1
Long Hoa Thien Tang.
Chapter 1
Part 4
1 75 million 600 thousand years ago, in the middle of the 5th small kalpa (eternal kalpa), that time was the peak period of innate righteous energy, so the levels of heaven, earth, and subterranean areas were all connected and favorable for Humans are born, because at this stage is the peak stage of innate right energy, the lifespan of INSECTS, PLANTS, and VARIOUS ANIMALS is very high and lives immeasurably long.
2 At that time in the ORIENT, the earth had a mountain range, high, big, long, wide, large, extremely large and S-shaped, thousands of thousands of miles.
3 The middle of the mountain range is covered with snow all year round, covering all the majestic mountains, the towering peaks, running together from SOUTH - NORTH. Looking down in the air at that time was a DRAGON, a GIANT EARTH DRAGON, gliding towards the universe.
4 The landscape is bustling, with countless birds and animals, crowding everywhere, countless in number, boundless in number, impossible to count, impossible to discuss. Most species of birds and animals have magical magical powers. The movement of birds and beasts to find food often causes whirlwinds, causing trees to fall loudly. In addition, DRAGON species fighting with DEMONs often cause violent storms. Especially the dragons fight with the Wood Demons, Lake Demons, and Fish Demons, creating a horrifying scene of darkness and death.
5 Long Hoa Dia Long Earth Mountains, S-shaped, Not only towering, but also extremely long and deep, including three countries, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Yunnan China, shape Like a DRAGON stretching out to fly into space.
6 The foot of the mountain is on the EAST side of the mountain range, wide, far and deep, adjacent to the ISLANDS, HAI NAM, HOANG SA, TRUONG SA, today.
7 The foothills are on the WEST side of the mountain range, long, wide and deep, bordering MEGUITAVOI, NAMTU, MIKINA, including THAILAND, and Myanmar.
8 The foothills are in the SOUTH of the long, wide and deep mountain range, adjacent to MALAIXIA.
9 The foothills in the NORTH of the mountain range are long, wide, far away, deep, adjacent to the Truong Giang River, covering most of the south and south of China.
10 A mountain range, long, wide, high, big, extremely terrifying, with the surrounding foothills covering many vast territories as mentioned above. And yet, there are seven other mountain ranges, surrounding near and far, generally seven neighboring countries near and far, EAST, SOUTH, and ASIA, today.
11 The Long Hoa mountain range is not only long, wide, tall and huge as mentioned above, shaped like a dragon rising to the void of space, but also emits light, especially the middle part of the Earth Dragon.
12 Because in the middle of the mountain range, deep under the mountain, there is a long void running along the mountain range for more than a thousand miles, filled with spiritual energy, the essence of the Earth Dragon Spirit Bone is extremely rare, that is why the mountain range is glow.
13 All over the mountain peaks running south and north, snow is covered all year round, creating an endless source of water, flowing down to the foot of the mountain, making life more and more abundant, insects, herbs, plants, reptiles, birds, and animals. , more and more crowded.
14 With the eyes of GOD and HOLY, one can clearly see the foot of the mountain, the middle of the mountain, the top of the mountain, the exposed openings of countless caves, the white veils of waterfalls, both closed and open, making the cave entrance increase. mystery.
15 The mountain range scene is not only colorful, but also bustling and bustling, with countless trees, flowers, birds, animals, and animals. Looking at the green, tall, shiny trees with round and round canopy, jostling and overlapping each other endlessly, the clouds looking at the scenery, the scenery looking at the clouds, the flowers racing, the colors racing, the wind always suffocatingly circling around without stopping, the mountain passes are layer upon layer of clouds. , spring mountains meet thousands of colors of flowers.
16 The Long Hoa Mountains are not only more beautiful than paintings on the four sides of the mountain's foot, the vast green forests stretching endlessly, but the colorful and colorful landscape is no different from thousands of spring strokes, meandering rivers and streams in the sky. winding, mirroring the lake, clouds and sky collapsing, spring, summer, autumn, winter, moving and building.
17 The weather on the four sides of the foot of the mountain moves in four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. When the northern foot of the mountain is cold and has heavy rain, strong winds, and floods, on the contrary, the southern foot of the mountain is a warm, sunny season. .
18 The foothills of the Western mountain turned cold, while the foothills of the Eastern mountain entered the dry, warm sunny season. It can be said that the territory of the Long Hoa mountain range is a holy land, the domain of heaven and earth, the essence of the universe. .
19 INFINITY - TAIJI - SUSPECT - YIN, YANG - FOUR IMAGES - FIVE Elements - Eight Trigrams - HEAVENLY CANS - DIAGRAMS - HAO QUOC, there is no shortage, they are infinitely transformative, the most flexible on earth. In the center of the Long Hoa mountain range, the aura, essence, and spirit bones of the Earth Dragon shine brightly, appearing in the HAND-BUT, mysterious and strange. Earth Dragon Universe is the most sacred place on earth, where earthly people are born, and that's right.
End of part 4 chapter 1
Please continue reading part 5, chapter 1
Long Hoa Thien Tang.
Chapter 1
Part 5
1 At that time, from the empty place in the center of the universe, the GOD OF THE ANCESTORS saw all species, reptiles, beasts, killing and devouring each other, no longer able to evolve, and reincarnated back and forth in this world. Reptiles, animals, and birds forever, with their stupid, confused nature, forever dominate their souls, increasing the savage and cruel nature of beasts, eating each other even more horrifyingly, REVEALING THE ANCESTORS Seeing them like that makes me feel sorry for them.
2 The Ancestors looked at the universe and thought, Our world is so vast, with no one in charge, with the stupid nature of all kinds of things, REPTILES, ANIMAL, and ANIMALS, it is difficult for them to be able to control the universe. Let alone their souls becoming enlightened and returning to the Origin and Source.
3 They forever stay in the class of reptiles and animals, then fall back to the INSECTS and VEGETABLES. In fact, their souls are also our souls. Our souls are like WATER, and our souls Their soul is like a SPOT OF WATER, my soul is the GREAT SOUL, their soul is the SMALL SOUL, I LIVE ACCORDING TO THE TRUE NATURE OF THE MIND, and they live according to the CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE MIND, I am spiritually aware, They are spirits. Their consciousness, their soul, my soul, though two are one, though one is two, water and bubbles, one foot, one foot, but in the foot there is truth, in consciousness there is the true nature, the true nature is the Origin The source of consciousness, Spiritual Awareness is the Source of Spiritual Consciousness, water is the Source of bubbles.
4 There is only one WATER, but the bubbles of water are infinite in number, immeasurable and boundless, the GREAT SOUL is only one, but the Small Soul is boundless and immeasurable, incalculable and inconceivable. Just like the True Mind and True Nature, there is only one, but the Consciousness of Consciousness is boundless and boundless. Even if it has gone through countless countless lives, it cannot be counted or discussed in its entirety.
5 Small Souls throughout all lives, Small Souls are created by our Great Soul, like water turning into bubbles. Small Souls are born from the Great Soul, but they are so stupid, they never find their Source, which is the Great Universal Soul. Why? Because when the ANCESTORS have established the universe, the three thousand worlds, the heavens, the earths, the sun, the moon, the stars, the galaxies, the four earthly globes, the time of the ANCESTORS TIEN has exhausted his divine power and has fallen into a deep sleep of Ignorance and concentration, no longer able to control his spiritual self. The Dharma body of Ancestral Spiritual Awareness comes into contact with matter and immediately awakens intuition, transforming into Spiritual Consciousness. that is, the Soul of all living beings and all things. From the Great Cosmic Soul arises countless, immeasurable, boundless Small Cosmic Souls, which are incalculable and inconceivable, whether they are Buddhas, Saints, Immortals, Gods, Gods, throughout the entire universe. Even counting hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, it is impossible to count all the Little Souls.
6 When the Little Soul is born, it immediately clings to matter, prefers it, becomes metastasized and hereditary, initially enters the life of moss, and evolves forever to the life of REPTILES. , ANIMALS, ANIMAL, and can no longer evolve.
7 The Little Souls of all creatures were born in the stage of IGNORANCE, when the Ancestors went to sleep and could not control their Spiritual Enlightenment dharma body, so the Little Souls of all creatures were also born. Going into darkness, unable to recognize one's own Origin, forever drifting in the cycle of birth and death, from one life to the next, endlessly, like the bubbles of ignorance, they will never understand. they are born from Water. THE ANCESTORS saw the souls of Reptiles, Birds, and Beasts, forever drifting in birth and death, reincarnating back and forth to devour each other, evil arising like mountains and mountains, fierce conflicts and massacres, and also understand clearly that they can no longer evolve, and that they will never find their Origin, at the same time thinking that they will forever wander in samsara, extremely miserable, they will forever live in Animals, Animals, and Cows. Killing, devouring each other, and falling back to plants.
8 The Supreme Ancestors should be EXPLOITED, then they will incarnate into humans, that is, GOD FATHER, EARTH MOTHER, one male and one female, with the essence of FIRST DRAGON, giving birth to children to pass on the human race, with the following goals: destination is as follows:
*. It is for the Souls of Reptiles, Birds, and Animals to reincarnate as humans.
*. Thanks to the human body, the high-level body of the cosmic microcosm, the Little Soul evolves consciousness and awareness quickly, ascends to the realm of BUDDHA, SAINT, FAIRY, SPIRIT, and LORD, mastering the true mind and true nature. , master the universe.
*. Replaces the ANCESTORS and governs the universe. When the Ancestors sleep, they enter great samadhi. Just like when the Ancestors were awake.
*. To save suffering and distress for humanity still in the realm of IGNORANCE, falling into reincarnation and misery, to govern humanity according to the Divine Law of the universe, the Divine Will of Heavenly Father, in accordance with the mysterious cyclical mechanism according to the Natural Law of evolution. build the universe.
*. Replacing the ANCESTORS, establishing the realm of heavenly bliss, promulgating the DONATION, Dharma, Luat, Secret, and Universe.
*. Preserve the Constitutional Store, the Dharma Store, the Vinaya Store, the Secret Store, and the cosmic Storehouse.
*. Protecting FAIR JUSTICE, EQUALITY, the Universe, justice, equality, society, protecting human DIVINE RIGHTS, the rights that our ANCESTORS have transferred to human descendants, the inalienable rights violate. Human Rights Divine Rights.
*. Scientific inventions, omnipotence, omniscience, cosmic science, spiritual science, material science, serving life for CULTURE OF THE SOURCE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
*. Towards the Origin, return to the Origin, integrate into the Origin. The Small Soul integrates with the Great Soul, the bubble of water integrates with the water, the consciousness of consciousness integrates with the true nature of the mind, entering the realm of the true form and true nature of the universe, like the GREAT DONG OF EQUALITY.
*. The Omnipotent and Omniscient Embodiment, establishes boundless and limitless means, depending on the illness and treatment, Helps all sentient beings to attain Perfect Enlightenment.
9 The incarnation of the Ancestral Revealer, becoming the GOD FATHER and THE EARTH MOTHER, not only transmits the human body, but also the body of the LITTLE GODS OF THE UNIVERSE, allowing the Little Soul to evolve its peak consciousness and awareness. to master destiny, master the universe. But also following the divine will of GOD. The incarnation of ancestors passed down to mankind has many purposes as mentioned above.
10 What is worth mentioning here is how the ANCESTORS embody the GODDAMN FATHER and HEAVENLY MOTHER, when the dharma body of the Ancestor's Spiritual Enlightenment is an unconditioned spiritual dharma body with no form. To understand that clearly, let's look at the following prayers.
The 11 ANCESTORS wanted to embody God the Father, Earth Mother and Heavenly Mother. The Ancestors had to use the concept of Divine Power through divine power. Tom thuu, the innate essence of the universe, like the force of a magnet, attracts, iron, steel, zinc, lead, without using hands, feet, or anything, the ANCESTORS use the concept of God through divine power. , collects the essence of the universe from the heavens, the Heavenly Father, 32 Good Generals, 80 beauty of the Dragon's essence, brilliant radiance.
The 12 ANCESTORS continued to use the concept of capturing the innate Yin Yin, the quintessence of the universe, incarnating the Heavenly Mother, Earthly Mother, 32 good features and 80 beautiful beauty of the Immortal essence and brilliant radiance.
13 The incarnation of the ANCESTORS makes the space suddenly bright, as if signaling the appearance of GOD and Mother Earth, preparing for the journey of giving birth to children to pass on the human race.
14 And that's right, from the void of the universe, two Immortal Dragons, HEAVEN'S FATHER AND EARTH MOTHER, flew down to the earth, the Southern Continent of Earth to be the place to give birth to children. HEAVEN FATHER, HEAVEN MOTHER slowly lowered their feet to the Long Hoa mountain range, Earth Dragon Earth, making the earth tremble strongly, birds and animals were terrified and did not understand what had happened. In the sky, the clouds that usually disappear, five-colored clouds appear in droves, the void that was originally brilliant with the glory of Father Heaven and Mother Heaven, now more and more five-colored clouds flock to worship Father God and Mother Heaven, making making the already brilliant landscape of space even more brilliant, underground trees that have been dry for a long time suddenly sprout and bear fruit, all over the world, five continents and four seas, with a variety of colors. Colors bloom together, spring in the sky, spring in the earth, spring in which life emerges with immortal songs, rivers and streams in dry places become prosperous and seep into the ground, the sky is cool and clear, the sun is shining. , the moon, the stars, compete to shine, on the ground and in the air, PHUONG HOANGS dance, THIEN DRAGONS meander their heads, dance their bellies, dance their tails, 84,000 species race each other to the dance, singing and singing are heard. nine-cloud cave.
15 All kinds of brilliant rays of light radiate from Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, carrying with them a fragrant scent. All creatures, reptiles, birds, animals, everywhere, inhaling the scent of heaven will no longer be hungry. , the soul is excited, the body feels light as if it wants to fly into the void.
16 The Long Hoa Mountains are now completely different since Father Heaven and Mother Heaven landed on the Long Hoa Mountains. With their huge bodies, the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother landed on the Long Hoa mountain range, causing the earth to tremble violently. The birds and animals were extremely frightened. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother immediately shrunk their bodies to only a few thirty feet.
17 To give birth to human children on earth, Mother Heaven and Earth Mother AU CO, immediately includes the energy of the five earths, KIM MOC - WATER - FIRE - EARTH, circulating in the four directions of EAST, WEST, SOUTH, NORTH, CENTRAL and EARTH. SPIRITUAL GAS. Located deep under Long Hoa mountain range. Forming an embryo, hundreds of eggs, together in one sac, in the mother's womb AU CO, the two words COMMUNITY were also born from here.
18 LONG HOA MOUNTAIN, dragon-shaped mountain range of the convergence of the essence of heaven and earth, millions and millions of years, INFINITY, TAIJI, LUNG YI, YIN, yang, including all FOUR SYMBOLS to fulfill, the EIGHT TRIANGLES moving to build, the FIVE There is no shortage of ACTIONS and Earthly Branches, ONE HUNDRED SPIRITS of Qi, commanding the five directions of the East, West, and SOUTH. NORTH, CENTRAL, UPPER HA
19 EARTH MOTHER AU CO, gathering the quintessence of hundreds of five-earth qi all over the earth, as well as the quintessence of five-earth qi of the Long Hoa mountain range, forming a hundred egg embryos, in a large bundle, AU CO WRAP, in union five different skin colors.
WHITE leather covered egg needle.
OCC, leather, covered with INGREDIENTS.
AQUARIUM eggshell leather covered in BLACK.
FIRE egg with RED skin.
EARTH eggs covered in GOLD.
20 The formation of the embryo and the nurturing of the FETAL must take place over a long period of time according to natural law, at the peak of lifespan, in the middle of the fifth kalpa.
21 People are born with an average lifespan of 60 thousand years, a lifespan of 80 thousand years, a short lifespan of 40 thousand years, and a lifespan of 100 thousand years.
22 Therefore, the Mother of Au Co had to be pregnant for 9 years, 9 months, 100 days before the flowers opened and the stamens bloomed to give birth to children.
23 Knowing that I don't have much time left until the day when the flowers will bloom and give birth to children, the human race on earth will be born, EARLY MOTHER AU, MOTHER OF HEAVEN, tell GOD'S LONG FLOWER GOD that hey, the time has come. it's your turn. Please call all kinds of birds, animals, and reptiles to come so that they can be reincarnated as humans, as our children.
24 THE LONG FLOWER OF THE HEAVEN, upon hearing the Earthly Mother Au Co, immediately from the mouth of the LONG FLOWER THE HEAVEN, layers and layers of bristling radiance emitted, not only extremely beautiful but emitting immeasurable amounts of light. The sound is so wonderful that it spreads as far as the horizon, to corners, caves, and alleys across the globe.
25 The birds, the beasts, the reptiles, the leaders of the flock, heard that wonderful sound and immediately set out to go to where Heavenly Father was calling.
26 At that time, in the air, the center of the Longhua mountain range, far and near, layers of five-colored clouds, turned into countless, boundless giant treasure trees, flat land, birds, animals, and reptiles, everywhere. On the face of the earth, species in caves and caves, species in forests and mountains, species in trees and soil, species in rivers and seas, species in snow and fire, the lords of the clans compete to fly to the sky-drenched Longhua Mountains. Covering the ground, they fly to the place of FATHER HEAVEN, MOTHER EARTH, the layer on the ground is treasured, the layer on the tree is treasured, the layer in the air is countless, infinitely numerous, impossible to count and impossible to discuss. The lords of the Reptiles, Birds, and Beasts, most of whom have magic powers, saw the two FAIRY DRAGONS, not only were their bodies extremely tall, they had a brilliant aura, they were more beautiful and gentle, the more they looked at them, the more they looked at them. The more you like, the more you like them. Some boldly come closer to see more clearly.
27 Especially the DRAGON species, the Phoenix species, the CONFUCIUS species, the UNICORN species, the ELEPHANT species, the TIGER - LION species, the HORSES, BUFFALO, GOATS, DOGS, and CATS. . .
28 Earth Mother Au Co, seeing the lord of all living things come in full force, immediately the whole body of Earth Mother Au Co, Mother of Heaven, spreads countless scents everywhere, all birds, animals, and reptiles, just need to inhale. Not only does he not feel hungry for a whole month or even a year, his divine power increases hundreds of thousands of times, but his soul is also incredibly bright, clear, and infinitely sensitive.
29 O LORD OF THE FLOWERS OF HEAVEN, seeing them they have inhaled, HUGE FRAGRANCE, TRI FRAGRANCE, JOYFUL FRAGRANCE, PRECIOUS FRAGRANCE, DEFINITION FRAGRANCE, THIEN FRAGRANCE, CURRENT FRAGRANCE, TRUST FRAGRANCE, MEANING FRAGRANCE, HEARING FRAGRANCE, CENTRAL FRAGRANCE, RECORDING FRAGRANCE, TONAL FRAGRANCE. FRAGRANCE, RING FRAGRANCE, NHINH HUONG, NHONG HUONG, HIGH FRAGRANCE, XA HUONG, BI HUONG, DUC HUONG, LAC HUONG, Khiem Huong, Hoa Huong, An Huong. From Mother Earth's dharma body, 84,000 fragrant natures and virtues, miraculously used to speak to the end, immediately from the mouth of GOD, hundreds of thousands of myriads of millions of rays of light emitted immeasurable sounds. different, at the same time preaching and talking to thousands of species of beasts and reptiles, enlightening their consciousness and awareness, causing their consciousness and awareness to evolve quickly, shortening the time for evolution and cultivation. , more than tens of thousands of millions of kalpas like the number of dust particles. Only HEAVEN'S FATHER and HEAVEN'S MOTHER can do that, but none of the BUDDHAS, SAINTS, FAIRIES, SPIRITS, and LORDS can do it.
Secret discovery of the mysterious Origin of Universalism of Creation. Just by looking at one part, the disaster will be gone. Open wisdom will transform your destiny and luck will come to you, strange things will happen in your life, if you have full faith.
End of part 5, chapter 1
Please continue reading part 1, chapter 2
Long Hoa Thien Tang.
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rw7771 · 10 months
Monotheism is the belief in the existence of one deity, or in the oneness or uniqueness of God. It is a type of Theism, and is usually contrasted with Polytheism (the belief in multiple gods) and Atheism ( the absence of any belief in gods). The Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), as well as Plato's concept of God, all affirm monotheism, and this is the usual conception debated within Western Philosophy of Religion.
The word "monotheism" is derived from the Greek ("monos" meaning "one" and "theos" meaning "god"), and the English term was first used by the English philosopher Henry More (1614 - 1687).
History of Monotheism
The earliest monotheistic religions can be traced back to the Aten cult in ancient Egypt, the Nasadiya Sukta from the Vedic period of India, and Ahura Mazda, the one uncreated Creator of Zoroastrianism. There are also monotheistic denominations within Hinduism, including Vedanta, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smartism.
The Torah (or Hebrew Bible), which was created between the 13th Century and 4th Century B.C., is the source of Judaism, and in turn provided the basis for the Christian and Islamic religions (these three together being known as the Abrahamic faiths). Jews, Christians and Muslims would probably all agree that God is an eternally existent being that exists apart from space and time, who is the creator of the universe, and is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnibenevolent (all-good or all-loving) and possibly omnipresent (all-present). The religions, however, differ in the details: Christians, for example, would further affirm that there are three aspects to God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit).
More recently, Sikhism is a distinctly monotheistic faith that arose in northern India during the 16th and 17th Centuries, and the Baha'i faith, a religion founded in 19th Century Persia, has as its core teaching the one supernatural being, God, who created all existence.
Philosophical monotheism, and the associated concept of absolute good and evil, emerged in classical Greece, notably with Plato and the subsequent Neo-Platonists (who developed a kind of theistic monism in which the absolute is identified with the divine, either as an impersonal or a personal God).
Types of Monotheism
Exclusive Monotheism:
The belief that there is only one deity, and that all other claimed deities are distinct from it and false. The Abrahamic religions, and the Hindu denomination of Vaishnavism (which regards the worship of anyone other than Vishnu as incorrect) are examples of Exclusive Monotheism.
Inclusive monotheism:
The belief that there is only one deity, and that all other claimed deities are just different names for it. The Hindu denomination of Smartism is an example of Inclusive Monotheism.
Substance Monotheism:
The belief (found in some indigenous African religions) that the many gods are just different forms of a single underlying substance.
The belief in one God who is equivalent to Nature or the physical universe, or that everything is of an all-encompassing immanent abstract God.
The belief (also known as Monistic Monotheism), similar to Pantheism, that the physical universe is joined to, or an integral part of, God, but stressing that God is greater than (rather than equivalent to) the universe.
A form of monotheism in which it is believed that one God exists, but that this God does not intervene in the world, or interfere with human life and the laws of the universe. It posits a non-interventionist creator who permits the universe to run itself according to natural laws.
The devotion to a single god while accepting the existence of other gods, and without denying that others can with equal truth worship different gods. It has been called "monotheism in principle and polytheism in fact".
Monolatrism (or Monolatry):
The belief in the existence of many gods, but with the consistent worship of only one deity. Unlike Henotheism, Monolatrism asserts that there is only one god who is worthy of worship, though other gods are known to exist. This is really more Polytheism than Monotheism.
The belief that a God exists, but is actually evil. The English word was coined by Thomas de Quincey in 1846. Strictly speaking, the term connotes an attitude of hatred towards God, rather than making a statement about His nature.
The belief that a God exists, but is not wholly good, or possibly even evil (as opposed to eutheism, the belief that God exists and is wholly good). There are various examples of arguable dystheism in the Bible.
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cosmiccitizen · 1 year
This week on The Cosmic Citizen we continue our study of Urantia Paper 6 - The Eternal Son. We will be studying Section 4. Attributes of the Eternal Son, since we didn't get to that one last week. We hope you can join us! The Cosmic Citizen is an online broadcast sponsored by The Urantia Book Fellowship and dedicated to the study and exploration of The Urantia Book. For 15 years it has aired every Saturday at 10 AM, Mountain Time. You can click the link below to listen and join the live show and chat. You can also call the show at 646-716-8158 to listen and/or join the conversation. All past episodes are available on demand.
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count-v-dracula · 3 years
Tumblr media
@mcnstercreated​ ;••••; asked▬
"You know, I believe I owe you an apology for the foolishness of my husband; he was always too arrogant for his own good. Though, I was rather hoping that I would be the one to finally kill him." - monstercreatcd
Shadows engulfed the sitting room. Nearly dark and thick enough that one could rake their hand across the black and stain their fingertips of it. They did not hold dominion, however. The light of torches and the dim glow of a dying fire chased away their desire to swallow. They did not hesitate to engulf the lordly vampire that sat in a tufted armchair before the embers. His arms, two black snacks with white hands for heads. His hair, equally dark with a breathtaking gloss to it whenever the light cast upon it.
Victor was a fool. The world was full of men like the perished doctor. Victor was greedy to have his name alongside Hippocrates, Galen and Pasteur. But, it wasn’t Victor’s sin of greed alone that had drawn the Count out, but that he could actually provide him something that he longed for: the ability to create and sustain life and throw it in the face of God. That God was not all omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. That he could be ousted from His heavenly realm just as easily as Lucifer was.
Victor was a means to an end...
“Oh...no...” the being exhaled on an airy tone, “I selected him for all his glorious foolishness and pride, and his bizarre interest in galvanism.” The Master’s tone slipped into the rich baritone, tongue and lips pressing with care into the consonants of his accent. “I was going to kill him when all was complete, I did -- and I regretted it, does that not leave some...human thread in me still?” Vlad had yet to face the woman which claimed to be his surviving spouse.
“I heard his wife was rather supportive of his work....” he countered, flicking his brows upward.
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madara-fate · 3 years
Opinion that going to get me bash
I think arceus can almost destroy DB universe
Arcues created everything
Arceus created Pokémon multiverse , creating every fundamental concept , created very concept of time, space, antimatter, knowledge, emotions, willpower and law in Pokémon multiverse and created every Pokémon to body each of these principles and the multiverse is infinite size forever expanding multiverse. This explained by such as infinite mirror cave and video game telling us info. Pokémon anime sun and moon explain The paths would split up further after that, and even further still later on, giving birth to more and more parallel worlds. There is book Nintendo power officially licensed by the creator of the Pokémon game stated dialga and Palkia to become counterparts for a sense of balance. Infinite time and infinite space - that is the 'ultimate.""
In the game palkia does control all space this pretty much describe in the game "PALKIA, the Pokémon that binds the spatial dimensions," it is written... pretty much describe he hold all the dimensions together. Arceus Created palkia dimension
Pokémon pearl entry we get further confirmation that dilga does control time . A Pokémon spoken of in legend. It is said that time began moving when Dialga was born. Arecus Created digla dimension
Girtina was banished to the distortion world which was created by arecus. The distortion world separates infinite size universe where no concept of time and space. We are never informed what girtina actually does however we are hinted throughout the game. The shadowy Pokémon must play a role in keeping the worlds in balance. Meaning giratina is above Concept of time and space which outer
Palkia and dialga are relative to giratina Meaning they are all outer
A Pokémon with as much power as DIALGA and PALKIA...
If your wondering why mention the creation trio because arceus is able to body all three of them all in once with zero difficulty then later healed them.
Arceus Omnipresent since one of the games state him to be omnipresent and he’s shown to not be affected by any Of dialga’s time based attacks, travels across timelines and dimensions some having no time at will and being called omnipresent in the lore. Meaning arceus exists beyond traditional space, time and matter. Its consciousness exists all across space and time. All the Pokémon World, including the concepts that shape it like Time, Space and the Distortion World are merely aspects of Arceus)
In the game state
Seems to have traveled across both space and time to reach you from the Hoenn region.
"Across time and space...one heart..."
Limitless stamina
Arceus is Omniscient meaning arceus can’t really even die.
Arecus also created his own realm which trend send them all which is true form residence.
Arceus is himself avatar of his true form the one
Technique/ Moveset
* Multitype: Arceus is able to switch types based on the plates it holds, gaining new powers and resistances.
* Omnipotent: A series of abilities that appeared in Pokémon Conquest, it grants Arceus the ability to heal minor wounds between trades, strike incorporeal targets, see the immediate future, and ignore defensive bonuses and resistances.
* Spatial/Temporal Warp: As the creator of Palkia and Dialga, Arceus is capable of wiping things from space-time.
Judgement: Arceus can fire powerful beams of energy and light at the sky that fall down and hit its opponents. This attack changes type depending on what type Arceus currently is and is powerful enough to cause the likes of Dialga and Palkia to stagger with a single direct hit.
Extreme Speed: Arceus immediately strikes the foes with great force, which is virtually impossible to properly react to.
Gravity: Arceus pins its foe down by rapidly increasing gravity around its target.
Refresh: Arceus cleanses itself, removing any inhibitory status effects such as paralysis, burns, and poison.
* Perish Song: Arceus lets out a melody that instantly incapacitates all who hear it (including Arceus itself) after a set amount of time.
* Earth Power: Arceus shifts the earth under its target to release a massive upheaval of energy.
* Recover: Arceus concentrates its internal energies, quickly healing most wounds.
* Future Sight: Arceus prepares a powerful psychic attack which strikes the opponent later on. It ignores moves like Protect and Detect, meaning barriers and precog don't help against it. Future Sight has a second ability that allows the user to see into the future.
* Cosmic Power: Arceus absorbs a cosmic power to boost its defense and special defense.
* Punishment: Arceus physically strikes the opponent with a dark attack that increases in power the more the opponent boosts their stats.
* Hyper Voice: Arceus lets off an extremely loud roar that damages the opponent. It also bypasses moves like Substitute.
* Natural Gift: Arceus attacks by drawing power from its held berry. The Type and power are dependent on the berry in question. This also consumes the berry.
* Seismic Toss: The target is thrown using the power of gravity. It inflicts damage equal to the user's level.
* Hyper Beam: Arceus fires off a destructive beam of energy. Unlike most Pokémon it doesn't appear to need to recharge afterwards.
I know people are going to say arceus got hurt by pikachu and meteor The Pokémon movie aren’t canon even if it is canon It argue that’s first one by that’ pikachu was able to hurt arceus because was missing his plate and second one with meteor by the outlier when arceus got hurt by the meteor was simply outlier for the plot of the movie, and arceus could have killed everybody
It probably would have been a better idea for you to send this to someone who actually follows Pokémon.
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divinum-pacis · 3 years
The Shakers: Beliefs
Christian Vocation
The Shaker is called to manifest the Spirit of Christ to the world through their life and character, a world in which the will and purpose of God is largely forgotten. God calls by many ways, but all men and women, whatever their occupation or profession, are called to that holiness without which no man shall see the Lord (see Hebrews 12:14). To anyone who knows the history of Shakerism, it is evident that God has used the very small groups of humble men and women who have constituted our order to build His Kingdom on Earth (see Daniel 2:44). Truly, He has "chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty (see 1 Corinthians 1:27)." To this day, we continue to build upon the same foundation found in our online school.
The Godhead
To Believers, God is the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Great First Cause. It is He who called into being all things visible and invisible. He has existed from the very beginning of time and will exist into all eternity. God is pure spirit and as such, quite naturally incorporeal. Having no body, God has no sex in our human understanding of the term; yet being pure spirit He may best be thought of by man with his limited power of comprehension as having the attributes of both maleness and femaleness. This duality of attributes within God's oneness is one of the Shaker theological concepts most misunderstood by the world, yet it is not a Shaker concept, but rather one as old as the Judaeo-Christian tradition itself. We find it again and again in the Old Testament. It is to the writer of Genesis that we may attribute the first written record of the idea. In the 27th verse of the first chapter of Genesis he writes: "So God created he him; male and female created he them." The Shaker emphasis upon God's dual nature was never intended to convey anything but the fact that God, being pure spirit is possessed, within the terms of our human power of discernment, of the characteristics, of strength, power, wisdom, compassion and mercy.
We have already alluded to a marked degree of misunderstanding of Shaker views about the duality of the Godhead. Certainly there is no area in which there is greater, more fundamental misunderstanding, than Shaker Christology. If we may engage for a moment in the odious practice of labeling, we might say that mainstream Shaker Christological thought is adoptionist of the view that Jesus was not the Christ or the anointed of God from his birth, but rather from the occasion of his baptism by John in the Jordan. To the early Shakers as well as to other Christians before them the descent of the dove at Jesus' baptism symbolized the anointing spirit of God whose voice is heard to say: "Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." The Divine nature of Jesus, the Christ, was freely recognized by Believers. The adoptionist theory affected in no way their attitudes towards his birth or earlier life. We find in Shaker thoughts no attempt to challenge the virgin birth or any of the other miraculous occurrences surrounding Jesus' beginnings. These were to Believers a sign of God's prior choice of Jesus as the recipient of the anointing spirit. Jesus' life and ministry, his teaching, his sacrificial death became for Believers their holy rule. Unlike most of their contemporaries, they did not look for the return of Jesus Christ in the flesh. They sought his return in the spirit--the Christ Spirit--the anointing spirit of God, the spirit of love and truth. To Mother Ann Lee was given the inner realization that Christ's Second Appearing was a quiet, almost unheralded one within individuals open to the anointing of His spirit.
Mother Ann Lee, the Bride of Christ is not Christ, nor did she claim to be. She is simply the helpmete, Second Eve and first of many Believers wholly embued by His Spirit and wholly consumed by His love. Mother's attitude toward her own role is related more than once in her own recordings saying, "It is not I that speaks; it is Christ who dwells in me," she says, testifying both to the indwelling of Christ and her subservience to Him. The closeness of her bond to Him whom she ever called her Lord and Savior is reflected by her having said, "I have been walking with Christ in heavenly union. Christ is ever with me, both in sitting down and in rising up; in going out and in coming in. If I walk in groves and valleys, there He is with me and I converse with Him as one friend converses with another, face to face." She solves conclusively the question of her own role when she remarks at Ashfield, "The second appearing of Christ is in His Church."
Confession of Sin
All future Shakers are required to "open their minds" through a complete and honest confession of all known sin that comes to mind since the days of their youth to God in the presence of His Shaker witnesses. This is not a confession to man, but a confession to God and His Christ, who has appeared the Second time without sin unto salvation in His witnesses.
Virgin Purity
All Shaker's practice Celibacy or "Virgin Purity". We live as Christ and the Angels do in Heaven (See the Shaker School).
Community of Goods
The desire to die to self leads the Shaker quite naturally to the pooling of goods. The Christian's task is to live in the present moment and not to store for tomorrow the bread that comes from heaven. Those who give up all material things for the sake of the Gospel learn by that same Gospel that they may learn to live without assurance of the morrow in joyous confidence that they will lack nothing. The spirit of Christian poverty is more than the absence of wealth. The New Testament never condemns wealth as such, only when a person's possessions come between him and God is there any real danger. A Christian who wishes with all of his heart for money to use selfishly is violating the spirit of community; a man who regards all that he has as a trust from God, and uses it for His glory is living in the true spirit of Christian poverty.
We strive daily to put into practical terms, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." The central teaching of the New Testament is quite simply love, the love of God for man and that of man for God as evidenced in the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. This same love was always and is today the very cornerstone of Shakerism. For us as followers of the Christ we feel we show that peace as pacifists. This does not mean merely refusing to bear arms against another, it also requires us to never feel bitterness, never to feel any desire for revenge, but always to seek only the highest good of every person no matter what they may do to us. We further believe in the practice of universal Brotherhood as well as equality for all, the Shakers being forerunners in applying this to our daily life over two hundred years ago.
A Faith for Today
Shakerism is not, as many would claim, an anachronism; nor can it be dismissed as the final sad flowering of nineteenth century liberal utopian fervor. Shakerism has a message for the this present age--a message as valid today as when it was first expressed. It teaches above all else that God is Love and that our most solemn duty is to show forth that God who is love in the World. Shakerism teaches God's immanence through the common life shared in Christ's mystical body. It values human fulfillment highly and believes that we fulfill ourselves best by being nothing more nor less than ourselves. It believes that Christian love is a love beyond disillusionment, for we cannot be disillusioned with people being themselves. Surely God would not have it otherwise for it is in being ourselves--our real selves--that we are most like Christ in his sacred oneness.
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sleepywyrldbuilder · 4 years
(This is technically a shower thought of mine, which I may actually write into a short story OR long story. I decided to split it into a writing prompt and my actual idea for how to expand upon it.
An immortal time traveller with an unfortunate case of a terrible memory gets into scrapes all across time and space, mainly due to their complete inability to remember what actually is supposed to happen in that time period.
They meet various other time travellers, and make enemies with most, each with different goals and motivations and personalities, though all with the common factor of a terrible memory. It seems that there was formerly an entire race of these beings, but an event happened which erased all of their memories. 
The only time traveller with a complete memory simply calls themself the Universe, a seemingly omniscient and omnipresent being of this race who never seems to actually do anything. Multiple of the other time travellers have tried to track the Universe down to either gain their power or find out what happened, but have always failed.
Everytime the time traveller figures out a way to recall their memory, often after battling several different ones to get to it, they completely forget it immediately after. 
Gradually, the time traveller gets angry and tired, and tries to track down the Universe, demanding answers, and getting only cryptic responses.
Finally, the time traveller gives up, and decides to take answers from the Universe by force, trying to drain them completely of their seeming infinite power. 
Finally, the time traveller has cornered the Universe. They’re trapped in a space between dimensions, and in this place which is not a place, of equal strength.
“WHO AM I? WHERE DO I COME FROM? WHERE DO WE COME FROM?” the time traveller demands. He had to battle neck and tooth to get here, and fought countless of his own kind to be able to achieve it.
The Universe smirks.
“The answer to all of those questions are the same.” the Universe replies.
“Quit being so damn cryptic or I will destroy us both.”
“The answer lies within you.”
The Universe thinks for a minute, and eventually turns to him.
The time traveller stops.
“The answer to your questions. The answer is Me.”
“How does that make any sense.”
“I am not completely the Universe, though I am very much close. I am the Universe given intelligence, given life, given form, but I am cursed with the omniscience that comes with being this powerful. I can do all, thus know all, and comprehend all, and thus cannot change anything.
I understand all realities, all of time, all of space, and thus understand if I were to change it even a bit, billions of potential realities would be gone, a googolplex of potential lifeforms, gone, poof. And that is assuming I could change destiny. Any action I take is something I know I will take, and thus not really a decision. I am Fate, and Destiny, and thus am governed by it.
But I wanted to experience something new, but to experience something new, I could not already know it.”
“So you created us. A thousand different time travellers, to experience yourself in a thousand different ways.”
“No. That was a side affect.”
The Universe smiled.
“I created one being, an immortal time traveller, plagued with a terrible memory. I took inspiration from hundreds of races, of lifeforms which were also me, experiencing me, though only experiencing centuries at a time, and created a traveller who would experience all, though never the same way twice.
And as is inevitable with any time traveller, they met themself.
Though almost every time a version of themself which was drastically different.”
The time traveller shakes himself.
“No, no that is impossible. Why would you do this? Why could you not allow us to have your power, your omniscience, and allow us to keep our personality?”
“Any omniscient omnipotent being would become exactly the same. What makes any being different from another is dictated by their unique genes and unique experiences. Omniscience and Omnipotence would strip you of both of those things, for you would have no true physical form, and have experienced all. To give you my power and knowledge would be to kill you. and your personality.”
The time traveller curses himself out for a bit, but eventually sits down. Or tries to sit down. There aren’t really any chairs in the void between universes. Eventually, the Universe speaks again.
“You’re not really immortal. I am mortal, though my lifespan lasts ten to the hundredth power years. The heat death of the universe is such a surreal concept, I would barely understand it were I a fraction less all-knowing.
But that’s beside the point. The point is you are not immortal. If your lifespan is truly infinite, you would have to exist in every period of time and space at once, which would make me nothing but you, which would be a very squishy feeling which I would dislike very much. So, you must die at some point. And this is a very fitting place to end it, wouldn’t you say?”
“You’re not going to kill me, are you?”
“Well, no, I’m going to give you a choice. Three choices in fact.
The first, and also probably from your point of view the worst, is to die. It would be a satisfying end, you’ve finally understood the meaning of your entire existence.
The second is to forget everything. Perhaps we’ll have this conversation again if you figure out how to trap me here, and perhaps you already have. You’d keep on moving as the current you, whatever you call yourself.
The third is to continue on living as normal, though there’s an interesting side effect of this.
See, you will inevitably eventually forget this ever happened, though with your newfound realisation of your purpose and meaning of life, you’ll most likely be happy, cheerful even. Your changes in morals and opinions take many decades, this change perhaps, even centuries. and even when you forget this encounter, you will still have been touched by it for years to come.
And eventually you will wonder where you come from, and demand answers from me, try and regain your memory. And eventually, you will trap me in the space between dimensions to try and force me into telling you the truth.
An endless cycle, a time loop, if you will.”
The time traveller thinks for a bit.
“Do I have a true choice?”
“From my point of view? No. I know what you will do, but that is no different from any other choice you’ve ever made, and any choice ever made by any living being. And all those choices mattered to you, didn’t they?”
The Time Traveller thought for what may have been decades, or what may have been several seconds. There is no time, in the space between dimensions.
“The third choice.”
“And an excellent choice at that.”
And the Universe snaps their fingers, and the time traveller returns to the Universe.
He will forget this encounter, but that doesn’t matter. He has forgotten almost every encounter he has had with a variety of individuals, probably every major historical figure, in fact.
In fact, the time traveller thinks to himself, I ought to meet them for the first time.
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the-perfect-author · 4 years
The Doctrine of the Scriptures
We believe in the complete inspiration of the accepted canon of Scripture as originally given. We believe that the Bible not only contains the Word of God, but is the Word of God to man. The Scriptures of the Old Testament and the New Testament were given by inspiration (God-breathed) of the Holy Spirit, using the faculties of the various writers but overruling their imperfections, thus giving to us the only inspired, infallible and authoritative revelation – The Word of the living God. The Scriptures therefore are the final authority for all matters of faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Psalm 138:2; 1 Chronicles 28:11,19)
The Doctrine of God
We believe in the Eternal Godhead, Trinity in Unity (Tri-une) who has revealed Himself as one God existing in three Persons, even the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: distinguishable but indivisible; co-eternal, co-equal and co-existent in attributes, nature, power and glory. This Self-revelation of God in His tri-unity is revealed in the Scriptures alone. The one true Self-existent God is Eternal, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Immutable (Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19; 2 Corinthians 3:14; 1 John 5:7-8; Ephesians 2:18; Isaiah 48:16; John 14:16-17; Genesis 1:1; Romans 1:20; Hebrews 11:6).
The Doctrine of Christ
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son of God, who pre-existed with the Father, and by His incarnation and virgin birth He took on Himself the form of man and was revealed as the God-man. We believe that in Him the Divine and Human natures are so united that He is truly and properly God and truly and properly man, thus constituting Him as the only mediator between God and Man, and the Saviour of all men (John 1:1-3, 14-18; Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 1:30-33). This is to say that we believe in His Pre-existence, His Divinity, His Virgin Birth, and His Sinless Humanity. Upon these facts stand His Substitutionary Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension and Exaltation and Glorification to the throne of God, from whence He will come again “in like manner” the second time without sin unto salvation (Acts 2:34-37; Psalms 110; Micah 5:2; John 17:5; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Philippians 2:5-11; Acts 1:10-11).
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit in the third Person in the eternal Godhead, is Deity, and co-equal in nature, power, attributes and glory with the Father and the Son, proceeding from the Father through the Son. The Holy Spirit is not merely an influence, but the very Personality of the Godhead and executor of the will and plan of God (Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; John 14:16-17; 15:26).
The Doctrine of the Covenants
We believe that the God of the Bible is a Covenant-making, Covenant-keeping and Covenant-revealing God; that man can either accept or reject the Covenants but cannot change them. Man does not originate the Covenants but is simply the recipient of such. The great Covenants of the Bible are the Edenic, Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Palestinian, Davidic and New Covenants. The major dealings of God with man are summed up in the Old Covenant of LAW and the New Covenant of GRACE. All Covenants are founded on and are the expression of the Everlasting Covenant made in the counsels of the Eternal Godhead before sin, and cover God’s purpose for man in Creation and Redemption (Genesis chapters 1; 3; 8; 12; 15: Exodus 19-24; Deuteronomy 29-32; 2 Samuel 7; Matthew 26:26-28; Hebrews 8; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 13:20).
The Doctrine of Creation
We believe that God is the Creator, preserver and Sustainer of Heaven and Earth and everything therein, and that all creation and creatures were created by Him and for His pleasure and all are dependent upon the Creator for their existence. None are independent but all are beneficiaries of Divine providence and care (Genesis 1:1; 2:1-4; John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16-17; Revelation 4:11; Acts 17:23-31).
The Doctrine of Angels
We believe that God created angelic beings, spirit beings, who are ministering spirits doing the will of God, and are servants to the heirs of salvation. Their chief delight is to worship God, not be worshipped, and to do His good and perfect will (Hebrews 1:7; 14: Psalm 91:11; Matthew 25:22,41; 1Timothy 5:21; Hebrews 12:22-24; Psalm 104:4; Revelation 4-5).
The Doctrine of Satan and Demons
We believe in the reality and personality of Satan and fallen angels. The Bible shows that there were fallen angels who sinned along with their leader, Satan. Also that there are angels who did not rebel and these are spoken of as Elect Angels. Satan and his fallen angels, and demonic spirits, are reserved unto judgment of the great day, and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, which was prepared for them (Matthew 25; 14; 2 Peter 2:4: Jude 6; 1 Timothy 5:21; Revelation 2:7-9; 20:11-15; 14:9- 11).
The Doctrine of Man
We believe that man is the highest creation of God, made in the image and likeness of God: that man was created in a state of innocence and dependency upon God: that man is a triune being, consisting of spirit, soul and body: that God created man for God, to be filled with God. We also believe that man was created with a free will and is therefore a moral, responsible and accountable creature (Genesis 1:26-29; 2:7; 16-17: 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Psalm 8:5-8; Deuteronomy 30:15-19; Ecclesiastes 7:29; Romans 14:12).
The Doctrine of Marriage and Family
We believe that marriage was established by God and confirmed by Jesus Christ as a life- long relationship between one man and one woman. We believe that a Christian should marry within the community of faith. Christian marriage is a reflection of the love, purity and permanence between Christ and the Church. We therefore discourage divorce as a solution to marital difficulties and encourage husband and wife to devote themselves to God and find nurture in the instruction of the body of Christ. Children are regarded as “a heritage of the Lord”. Raising them is therefore considered as a sacred trust. (Eph 5.25-6.4)
The Doctrine of Sin
We believe that sin and “the mystery of iniquity” began in Lucifer, the Archangel and anointed Cherub covering the throne of God, and that sin entered the human race by this fallen angel, who became known as the devil or Satan (Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezek. 28; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8). The devil brought about the Fall of Man under probation, and thus man fell from his state of innocence and “in Adam” all men became sinners, totally depraved in spirit, soul and body, unable to attain Divine righteousness and hence all are under the death penalty which is the “wages of sin” (Genesis 2:16-17; Romans 6:23).
In this fallen state, man is totally incapable of recovering himself or of redeeming himself from sin and death or out of the kingdom of darkness into which all of Adam’s unborn race had been sold. Sin is missing the mark: sin is transgression: sin is rebellion and lawlessness (1 John 3:4). Man by nature is a rebel, lawless, self-willed and seeks to be independent of God (Romans 5:12-21; 3: 9-23).
The Doctrine of Grace
We believe in the grace of God which is manifested towards sinful men. Grace is defined as the undeserved, and unearned favour of God bestowed upon sinful men. Man does not deserve it; he cannot earn it; there is nothing in him that merits it. The grace of God includes His love, kindness, goodness and mercy and power by which he builds His church, which comes to men and is through Christ (John 1:14-18; Ephesians 2:7-9; Titus 3:4-7).
The Doctrine of the Atonement
We believe that the Atonement is the all-comprehensive plan of God in and for the redemption of fallen man. The old English word “atone” means “to cover, to pardon, to appease, to reconcile” and it is a most comprehensive word in its full ramifications. It was foreshadowed in the Old Testament by the sacrifice of animals, whose blood temporarily “covered” sin. It is fulfilled in the New Testament by Christ’s perfect, sinless, human and once-for-all sacrifice, His sinless, incorruptible blood not only “covered” sin. It is fulfilled in the New Testament by Christ’s perfect, sinless, human and once-for-all sacrifice, His sinless, incorruptible blood not only “covers” but fully “cleanses” sin (1 John 1:5-7; John 3:16-17; 1:29, 36; Hebrews 9:1-24).
A. The Atonement was made necessary by God’s holiness against man’s sinfulness which produces wrath, and wrath can only be averted by atonement, the appeasement, the sacrifice upon which judgment is placed (Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 1:18; 4:15; Isaiah 53:5-6; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 3:25).
B. The Nature of the Atonement was:
1.    An Atonement, Appeasement. A sin offering (John 1:29, 36).
2.    A Propitiation (Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2; 4:10).
3.    A Substitution (1 Peter 3:18; Romans 5:8). Christ died in our stead.
4.    A Redemption (Colossians 1:14). Christ bought us from sin’s slavery.
5.    A Ransom (Mark 10: 45; 1 Timothy 2:5-6). Christ paid the price.
6.    A Reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-21; Hebrews 2:17).
None of these words on its own, but all of them together, constitute the full truth of the Atonement. In the Atonement, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was sinless, took our sins and iniquities, and suffered the righteous wrath of a holy God, receiving the penalty of sin which was death. His death was not an accident but an accomplishment, making salvation available for all mankind, to “whosoever will” (John 3:16).
We believe therefore, that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day, and personally appeared to His disciples showing Himself alive by many infallible proofs (Acts 1:3; Romans 4:25; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). We believe that He ascended bodily to Heaven, and that He will return the second time, actually, personally, bodily and gloriously “in the like manner” as He went into Heaven (Acts 1:9-10; John 14:2-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
C. The Benefits of the Atonement are:
1.    Pardon – the forgiveness and remission of sin’s penalty (Acts 10:43; 13:38-39).
2.    Justification – the pronouncing just, a declaration of righteousness and right
standing before God through Christ (Romans 5:1; 3:24-26).
3.    Regeneration – by which one is born again into the family of God and can call
God “Our Father”. (John 3:1-5; Matthew 6:9; 1 Peter 1:23).
4.    Adoption – whereby one is placed as a son in the family of God (Romans 8:15,
23; Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:4-13).
5.    Assurance – whereby one has the witness of the Spirit that he is secure in obedience to the Word of God (Hebrews 5:8-9; 6:10-12; 10:38-39).
6.    Sanctification – whereby one is set apart unto the Lord and His holy service and use (John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24; Ephesians 5:26-27).
The Doctrine of Predestination
We believe that predestination and election are based upon God’s foreknowledge. God has not predestined some men to salvation and others to damnation against the free will He gave them. Prophecy concerning persons (such as Judas) was not predestination but foreknowledge. Because God foreknew and foresaw, He (through the prophets) foretold. Prophecy is not predestination but foreknowledge. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). There is a difference between Provision and Application. Provision for Salvation has been made available for all mankind (John 3:16); but Application of salvation is upon God’s terms. God foreknows who will and who will not respond to the conviction and converting power of the Holy Spirit and on that basis He has fixed the destiny of all men, which is either Heaven or Hell. God will never do with His creatures that which is inconsistent with His holy, righteous, and loving character or moral attributes (1 Peter 1:2; Romans 9:11; Ephesians 1:5, 11; Romans 8:28-29).
The Doctrine of Salvation
We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace, through repentance and faith in the perfect and sufficient work of Christ on Calvary by which remission of sins is obtained. The word “salvation” includes the meaning of “safety, security, deliverance, and preservation,” and “health, wholesome, soundness.” It is a comprehensive word and includes in itself God’s complete work in the redeemed sinner, reaching in its entirety from regeneration to perfection and glorification.
The Doctrine of Sanctification
We believe that the redeemed should be wholly sanctified in spirit, soul and body; that they should live a life that is Spirit-filled, a life of separation from sins of the world, the flesh, and the devil. We believe that the work of sanctification in the life of a believer results in a life characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. This kind of life rejects pride and rebellion and all behaviour stemming from this, such as homosexuality, sexual immorality, and sexual perversion, lust, incest, idolatry, envy, murder, strife, drunkenness, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, insolence, arrogance, boasting, promoting evil deeds, disobedience, greed, covetousness and all forms of moral depravity. Because God is holy he can demand no less from His creatures and all who desire to live with Him in His holy heaven throughout eternity (1 Peter 1:16-18; Ephesians 5:18; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Hebrews 12:14; Ephesians 5:23-27; Leviticus 11:44).
Necessary steps in going on to maturity (Heb 2:3; 6:1-2) and perfection are:
A. Repentance from Dead Works (Matthew3:2:4:17;Acts30:20-21;2:37-39).
B. Faith towards God (Hebrews 11:6; Romans 10:17; Hebrew 12:2; Romans 1:16-17).
C. Water Baptism (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:36-38; 8:12-16; 19:1-7; Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:11-12; Galatians 3:27). This is by immersion into the Triune God, as in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Name of the eternal Godhead.
D. HolySpiritBaptism(Acts2:1-4;1:5-8;8:14-17;10:44-46;19:1-7;Galatians3:14-15). We believe the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience at or subsequent to salvation, with the Scriptural evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
E. Laying on of Hands (Leviticus 4:15, 23-33; Mark 16:18; Numbers 27:18-23; 2 Timothy 1:6; 1 Timothy 1:14-16; Acts 9:17). This ordinance is found in both Old and New Testaments and includes in itself impartation, identification, substitution and imputation, and is used for blessing, healing and ordination.
F. Resurrection from the Dead (1 Corinthians 15; John 5; Revelation 20:1-6). This includes the resurrection of all men, either to a resurrection of life or resurrection of damnation.
G. Eternal Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15; 2 Peter 3:7; Matthew 11:20-25; Acts 17:30- 31). The purpose of resurrection is that all men might be judged as to their works done in the flesh, whether they be good or bad, and all will be rewarded accordingly by the supreme judge of all mankind (Romans 14:12; 1 Corinthians 3:9-15; Revelation 20:11-15). This settles the eternal destiny of all men. Believers will be judged at the Judgment seat of Christ and rewarded. The unbelievers will be judged at the Great White Throne and rewarded accordingly.
H. Perfection (Psalm 138:8; John 17:23; Ephesians 4:11-16; 5:23-32; Matthew 5:48). The whole purpose of redemption is to bring man back to the perfection from which he fell. The perfection that man will be brought to through the blood of Christ will be a sinless perfection from which it will be impossible to fall. The believer is to go on to perfection (Hebrews 6:1-2).
The Doctrine of Divine Healing
We believe in the healing of the body by Divine power, or Divine healing in its various aspects as practiced in the Early Church. God has ordained various means by which he heals; including the laying on of hands, anointing with oil; the prayer of faith by elders of the Church; the gifts of the Spirit; etc (Acts 4:30; Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 12:9; James 5:14; Mark 16:15-20; 1 Corinthians 12).
The Doctrine of the Kingdom of God
We believe that Christ came to inaugurate the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom is therefore already present but is not yet fully realized. It is seen wherever God’s reign is extended and is a present reality in the hearts and lives of believers. The Church is empowered by the Holy Spirit as the agency by which the Kingdom is extended. The Kingdom will be seen in its fullness when Christ returns at the end of the age.
The Doctrine of the Church
We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, and that every genuinely born again believer is called to function as a member in that place set by God in that Body (1 Corinthians 12; 12-31).
A. The Church exists for:
1.    The worship and glorification of God and Christ.
2.    The edification of the saints.
3.    The propagation of the Gospel of the Kingdom and grace of God with signs following.
4.    The subjugation of Satan and his wicked hosts (Matthew 24:14; Mark 16:15-20; 1 Peter 2:24; Revelation 4:10-11; 5:9-10; 1 Corinthians 11-12-13-14; Ephesians 4:1-16).
B. We also believe that:
1.    God has set the five-fold ascension ministry-gifts in the Church, of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher (Ephesians 4:9-16).
2.    God has ordained the Church be governed in His order, having Elders and Deacons (Philippians 1:1; Hebrews 13:7; 17, 24; Acts 14:23; 1 Timothy 3). These must be qualified persons before ordained and appointed to office.
3.    The nine-fold fruit of the Spirit is the evidence of the Divine nature and character, and should be in every believer’s life (Galatians 5:22-23).
4.    The nine gifts are operations of the Spirit and reveal the attributes and power of God in the Church and are given to the members of the Body as He wills, and are still for the Church today (1 Corinthians 12:1-13).
5.    Every believer is a member of the Body of Christ and is called to function and operate in the Body where the Lord has placed them (1 Corinthians 12). Every believer is to find their place in a Local Church.
6.    God has ordained that the Church be supported by the tithes and offerings of its members, which are used in support for the God-ordained ministry and general expenses of the Local and/or Universal Church (Genesis 14:20; Matthew 23:23; Hebrews 7:1-4; Numbers 18).
7.    The Lord’s Table or the Communion is the ordinance in which members discern the Body of Christ, naturally and spiritually. It is the point of unity, not of division. Failure to properly discern brings weakness, sickness and death, while strength, life and health come through proper discerning (1 Corinthians 11:28-32; Matthew 26:26-28). The Lord’s Table is a Covenant Table for the Covenant community.
8.    The Lord’s purpose concerning the Church will be fulfilled and He will present to Himself a glorious Church, a perfect Church without spot, or blemish, or wrinkle, or any such thing. The Church will be a victorious Church and a suitable bride to be married to Christ (Matthew 16:18-19; 2 Corinthians 11:1-3; Ephesians 5:23-32; Revelation 12; Revelation 19:7-9).
9.    All who are added to the Church should continue steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine, in fellowship, in breaking of bread and in prayers (Acts 2:42).
10.  The Church should maintain the Divine standard of Christian life, taking care of the flock of God, by caring, feeding, teaching, preaching, exhorting and disciplining its members (1 Timothy; 2 Timothy; Titus Epistles; Acts 20:20-28).
The Doctrine of Final Things
We believe that the end of the age will close with the literal, actual, visible, bodily and personal second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in like manner as He went (Acts 1:9-11). At this time those who have died believing in Christ will be resurrected. They will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, along with those believers who are alive at the time of His return. This is the hope of all believers in all ages. We believe in the millennial reign of Christ.
Additional to the Statement of Faith is our interpretation of some major Prophetic Scriptures which must find their fulfilment relative to the Second coming of Christ.
1.     THAT there will be a universal outpouring of the Holy Spirit as early and latter rain on all flesh (Joel 2; Hosea 6:1-2; James 5:7).
2.     THAT the Church will experience the fulfilment of the Feast of Tabernacles even as it historically experienced the Feasts of Passover ad Pentecost (Leviticus 23; Leviticus 16; Hebrews 9-10; Revelation 1-2-3; Daniel 8:13-14).
3.     THAT the seven- sealed Book of Revelation will be opened, with its attendant judgments as displayed under the Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets and Seven Vials (Revelation Chapters 4-10; 15-16).
4.     THAT, although there has always been persecution and tribulation through Church history, there will be the greatest period of persecution which is called “the Great Tribulation” at the close of this present age which will be for three and a half years, the fulfilment of the last half-week of Daniel’s Prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27; Matthew 24; Revelation Chapters 11-12-13-14).
5.     THAT there will be a personal Antichrist, as well as many antichrists, and his Kingdom will be a Ten-Kingdom Empire, a One-world Government which will be in existence at the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Daniel 2; Daniel 7; Revelations chapters 13-14; 17-18; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-1-12).
6.     THAT the Battle of Armageddon takes place at the second coming of Christ and that Antichrist and his armies make war against Christ and His armies but will be overcome by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:11-21).
7.     THAT at the coming of Christ all those outside of Christ are slain by the brightness of His coming, and the living Church is immortalized and translated with the resurrection and immortalization of the dead of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:51-57; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 12; Revelation 20; 1-4; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12).
8.     THAT there will be a period of 1000 years which is called the Millennial Kingdom. There will be no sin, sickness, disease, death, Satan or demons or sinners, because Satan will be bound in this period. The saints will possess the kingdom (Daniel 2; Daniel 7; Matthew 6:9-10; Revelation 20:1-7). It will be a Christian Millennium.
9.     THAT at the end of the 1000 years, Satan will be loosed out of the bottomless pit, and the second resurrection will take place. The wicked dead, and Satan will attempt a final overthrow of the Camp of God. Fire descends from Heaven. The earth burns. There is the Great White Throne judgment and all whose names are not in the lamb’s Book of Life are cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the final and eternal state of the unredeemed, the eternal hell (Revelation 20:7-15).
10.   THAT there will be a New Heavens and a New Earth wherein dwells righteousness. The New Jerusalem will be the capital City of the universe from whence the redeemed of all ages will go in the worship and service of God and the Lamb. Thus there will be eternal punishment for unbelievers and eternal life for believers (John 5:24; 3:16; Mark 9:43-58; Revelation Chapters 21-22).
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aameyakulkarni · 4 years
The problems of having 1 limitless power
It is the fateful year of 2040. People have lost their faith in God. God-fearing people are a dying breed. With this, I do not talk about those who sell false hope in the name of religion. I am talking about those who believe in a supreme entity free from the cycle of death and who has the power of granting the wishes of people who ask for it. You happen to be one of the few who still believe in the Omega, and start meditating in isolation from all worldly riches and pleasures. You meditate for no less than a year and you are witness to an incomprehensible form of energy that you never thought you would witness in your life. This form of energy does not need to communicate through conventional means, or speech as we know it. He says simply, “I receive my energy mostly through the meditation and concentration you devote. The focusing on one thing only, is me and I am energy, I reside everywhere. Your form can’t comprehend the state I am in. I am free from time, death, and all desires. I have nothing and everything. Your devotion pleases me. I offer you the chance to ask to be either Omnipotent, Omnipresent, or Omniscient.”
Now let’s back up. You might be wondering what am I even talking about. Ever since I was a child I have been immersed in Hindu mythology. Being part of a devout family is one thing but being fundamentally interested in the content of the mythological works is another. In my case, it was both. Religion introduced me to the stories of Gods and how they even did the things they did. If you see the tales of many Gods and Demons and their everlasting battle you’ll notice one peculiar thing. These demons had to ask for fantastical powers by means of devotion for decades and their wishes were granted. It is also to be noted that their wishes were always granted by the Three Supreme Gods(Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) and always the people who asked for the boons asked for something potentially destructive or infallible. Sometimes both. In the case of Hiranyakashipu, he first asked Brahma the creator of the Universe for immortality. Brahma had to deny, saying that it would be impossible for him to grant this. He asks for a boon that makes him practically indestructible- or so he thought. And, here’s the catch I want to talk about. In all these stories, be it Hiranyakashipu, Raktabeeja, Ravana, and many more. There was always a catch. A loophole in the boon granted so that either of the other two could end the tyranny of the demon when he seems to be invincible. Well, these boons you may research upon separately, but I believe I am digressing from the point of discussion here.
Thus here comes the talking point of my essay today. I have this thought nagging at me for a while that if the chance ever comes that ‘God’ will give us the opportunity to grant us any one of those boons, I perceive there will be a loophole that will make your life hellish. Now, comes the point of everything I wrote about. Recently, I started thinking that which of the following of the three infinite powers will I choose? I think most people would tend to choose the one thing they have a lack of, already. The child who got bullied a lot would choose omnipotence and the kid who wanted to pass his tests chooses omniscience. I, for some reason, feel Omnipresence wouldn’t be a favorite pick because being everywhere at the same time is somewhat equal to not being anywhere at all.
But omniscience, I think that will be the popular choice. It would be brilliant knowing everything right? But what if the loophole is way more gaping than you could imagine? For example for someone who chooses this power of knowing everything and having the knowledge of each and every skill known to the universe what if that amount of overwhelming knowledge say, kills you? Or worse even, lets you retain the knowledge but does not let you ever apply it? How painful would it be to have every answer that was once unanswerable to mankind, and not be able to say it out loud? Maybe the price of omniscience makes you a nihilist in existing social principals and the idea of sharing knowledge? Well, one can’t blame the recipient of this newfound ability, for it could be the skill itself that leads a person to seclusion. Maybe there are 'omniscients' among us and we don’t know it yet- but that is a different topic to talk about: Gods Among Us. Well, thinking about Omnipotence, what good would it be if you have no one to fight against? What if becoming almighty causes you to lose interest in the war itself? What use would fighting be, if you are going to win anyway? On that note, Omnipresence would mean erasing your whole existence. I believe being everywhere at once means not being truly anywhere at the same time. That is why Omnipotence and Omnipresence wouldn’t be popular choices. Omniscience gets the prize for the most sought after I guess.
The idea of writing this was to let you guys just stop and think for a second. I mean yes, the chances of the Supreme encountering you would seem almost impossible at least when you are in the living realm, but I guess we think it seems impossible mainly because I think we, as a species have stopped believing in something greater. Something bigger than all of us. I guess it's the power of being an intelligent species, but I guess the topic of God is a discussion I’m willing to table for later. I think we’re so caught up, in reality, I think we’ve forgotten to dream a little. What I mean is that I’d like you to make a choice. So what will it be then, Omniscience, Omnipotence, or Omnipresence? Maybe it’ll be better to have already made that choice because who knows, someday you might have to make it for real.
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famous-aces · 5 years
Simone Weil
Who: Simone Adolphine Weil
What: Philosopher, Mystic, and Political Activist
Where: French-Jewish (active largely in France, Spain, and UK) 
When: February 3, 1909 - August 24, 1943
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(Image Description: a black and white photo of Weil in the 1940s on the street in Marseilles. She is a pale woman with an oval face and big round glasses. Her hair is short and dark and fluffy. She is wearing a beret and a cap.  She is in her early thirties but I would have thought she was older. Behind her are buses, sidewalk [with trees] and curb. There are some other people on the street behind her. End ID)
There isn't much about Simone Weil that isn't odd and often contradictory. A pacifist who went to war, a Christian mystic who refused baptism, a writer whose most important works were not published until after her death, a religious humanist, intelligent but perpetually naïve, an ethnically Jewish woman utterly disconnected from her heritage, despite embracing the questioning and intellectualism that characterize much of the Jewish faith.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy calls her "a philosopher of margins and paradoxes" and André Gide called her “the patron saint of all outsiders.". Today she an important left-leaning philosopher, but her real influence did not come until after her death. But between 1995 and 2012, more than half a century after her death, over 2,500 newly scholarly articles about her were published.  She inspired the likes of Albert Camus, Jean-Luc Godard, Pankaj Mishra, Flannery O'Connor, and Pope Paul VI. Camus said she was "the only great spirit of our times." But her legacy is extremely mixed (with good reason) and some claim she was insane or unbalanced. Even people who greatly admired her say she was a bit odd.  Susan Sontag calls her "one of the most uncompromising and troubling witnesses to the modern travail of the spirit." Which may be an accurate description. She was strange, often contrary, sadly comedic, and, indeed, sometimes deeply troubling. Which is odd, considering that her heart was almost certainly in the right place; regardless of her naïveté and occasional hypocrisy her goal was truth and justice. And as mixed as her legacy was there is a lot to admire in Weil's steadfastness and dedication to others. Indeed her uniqueness of character almost makes her worthy of study even without her influence.
Weil's heart was in the right place (she had a darker side that I will get to).  She was extremely dedicated to the workers, the poor, and the otherwise less fortunate, and was critical of both capitalism and communism. Eventually this dedication extended to God, not necessarily religion, but an Abrahamic God.
She wrote extensively on a number of subjects including labor, management, politics, war, peace, religion and spirituality, among other subjects throughout her life. She was an activist who threw herself into the fray, mind, soul, and body. This last despite being in quite poor physical health for all her life, including suffering from tuberculosis. Her intellectualism and dedication to others began in early childhood. She was always reading and forming opinions. At age five Weil refused to eat sugar to be in solidarity with French soldiers in World War I (then raging).  Her activism often got her in trouble at school, something that didn't change when she went from student to teacher. She was always something of an outsider among her peers.
She was extremely political, altruistic, self-sacrificing, and warm hearted throughout her life. As an adult she worked largely as a writer and teacher, inturupted to spend time incognito working in an automobile factory to get first hand experience/accounts of the plight of workers and the psychological damages caused by industrialization. She was involved in the 1933 general strike in France. Ultimately she was booted from several teaching gigs because of her politics, activism, and contributions to leftist journals. 
She briefly fought against the Fascists in Spain (1936) but was very clumsy and a poor shot due to her terrible eyesight. No one really knew what to do with her, but she was dedicated. Weil ultimately ended up injuring herself with hot oil and her parents came and took her away.
Around this time she became very interested in Catholicism. She was never baptized, however, because her religious interests were far broader than one faith, extending to numerous religious traditions of the East and West, and she disagreed with some of the more brutal moments in the Bible. She had sort of her own conception of God and faith, she called it fundamentally Christian, but it was really her own philosophy with a grounding in the Abrahamic concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and above all omnibenevolent God.
It is important to note that despite being ethnically Jewish Weil was in no way religiously Jewish and has been criticized as downright antisemetic. Having barely read anything of hers beyond a little for this project I cannot say without a doubt if she was, but what I have heard described certainly worrisome. This is obviously not exhaustive and she may have said far worse but she was critical of the Torah (without realizing a lot of the things she loved about Christianity actually came from it), critical of the cruelty of the "Old Testament"/Talmudic God (as if Christianity didn't embrace those actions perhaps more than the Jewish faith), claimed that Hitler was no worse than any other colonizer, while comparing Judaism/Jewish people to the Roman Empire/Romans (she hated the Roman Empire). So be aware of that, especially given the era -- both the one Weil was writing in and our own. Her family was secular, she never interacted with Judaism on any real level, so it is possible -- given the political climate at the time and France's history of antisemitism -- Weil was misled, but given the fact that her political views changed throughout her life (starting as a communist and ultimately abandoning it) and the fact that she was so open hearted elsewhere is saddening and negates the ignorance argument.  It does seem she failed to understand the weight and reality of what she was saying/critiquing. She was vehemently against racism in other forms, but never seemed to make the connection. According to some sources she was always shocked to be called out on hypocrisy (which she was, more than once). So maybe there is something to be said for her just not getting it. This is not an excuse for hatred, but ignorance might be a huge part of the problem.
After France fell to the Nazis in 1940, Weil and her parents fled and began a life in exile, first in the US, then in England.  In England Weil wrote her best known work, L'Enracinement, prélude à une déclaration des devoirs envers l'être humain (The Need for Roots: Prelude Towards a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind) (written 1943, but it wasn't published until 1949). During this time she worked for the French Resistance, although exactly in what capacity seems to be unknown. But her punishing work against the Nazis and penchant for self-denial ultimately ended up costing her her life at age 34 of either heart failure from malnutrition or tuberculosis. 
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(Image Description: the cover of one of Weil's many notebooks. On it she has written "3 (1941)" in the top left corner. She has covered the rest of it in writing in a bunch of different languages including Greek and Sanskrit [maybe?]. All of it is written in squares/rectangles with one rectangle in the middle with shapes/writing in it. End ID)
Like The Need for Roots most of her work was printed posthumously. Her ouevre has been translated into other languages, including English, Arabic, and German as she reached international acclaim.  During her life only a few of her works were published of the 20-some volumes that survive today. Her most important works include (French / English) L'Iliade ou le poème de la force / The Iliad, or the Poem of Force (1940), La Pesanteur et la grâce / Gravity and Grace (1947), Attente de Dieu / Waiting for God (1950), Lettre à un religieux / Letter to a Priest (1951), Oppression et Liberté / Oppression and Liberty (1955) among others, including a lot of eccentric, esoteric, and diverse notebooks kept throughout her life, like the one above.
Probable Orientation: Aroace
As is probably obvious I do not quite know what to make of Weil, but one thing I can tell you is she was definitely asexual.
Weil's sexlessness (and by extension asexuality) has long been part of the narrative oddness of her life. The fact that she shunned physical and romantic relationships is often thought of as part of the pathetic humor as her personality. Clumsy, naïve, downright weird, sexless has become part of that persona, that cloak of oddity. 
People love to claim political reasons for others chastity and Weil is no exception. There has to be some reason beyond natural disinterest. The alternative is too foreign or strange for allos to fathom. All of these suppositions are equally aphobic. The idea that asexuality must be a conscious choice rather than a natural part of a person is extremely damaging as is the idea that not feeling sexual/romantic attraction/desiring sex/romance is unnatural.  There have been people who try to explain away Weil's lack of sexual desire as well: some Christian writers say she was devoting herself to God years before she found the church (Weil herself says the idea of pursuing what she calls "purity" struck her at 16, she would not find Catholicism for more than a decade), to certain subgroups of feminists her sexlessness a conscious choice to escape the patriarchy. But really it seems much more to be her sexual orientation than a political statement. Weil was a woman who made a lot of political statements, constantly, but the avoidance of sexual contact seemed natural rather than put on. 
For one thing she spurned physical contact, but only that with sexual intent. She didn't spurn friendly contact and she would kiss her friends in a platonic way more common in her era. Weil wasn't prudish nor offended by the idea of sex. When she was asked if she was seeing anyone she laughed, but was unbothered, it was more like she thought the idea of her dating was ridiculous rather than looking down on the idea. She had many friends both male and female. 
 In her teen years Weil started dressing oddly so that no one would find her physically attractive. She had a reputation from youth as being a weirdo in part due to her asexuality, but an attractive one. Although it seems that people, especially boys, had a mixed response to her attempts to mask her beauty. Some of them said it was a shame, others said she was never attractive in the first place.
Many of her critics in the modern day claim her odd traits and behaviors can be explained away by extreme sexual repression, once again giving into that belief that sex makes us normal and whole.
Also like many aroaces it seems that Weil put her love and attention into someone or something other than a significant other/partner. For many of them it is a specific friend or family member, for others it is a passion or cause. These are the historical figures dubbed to be "married to their work". This includes the likes of Erdős, Rankin, Franklin, Santos-Dumont, Nightingale, Wang, Woodson, and Tesla. This is not to say they were friendless, indeed some of them have extremely close relationships but overall these are people who dedicate themselves utterly and completely to their passion and their work. People with more than drive. People who are happiest not in a romantic/sexual relationship, but when doing what they love. I think Weil is part of that category. Her love was not for one person but for nearly the whole of the world. 
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(Image Description: a photo of Weil as a young woman/teenager. She is a pretty and pale woman with fluffy dark hair, dark eyes, and full lips. She is not yet wearing her glasses.  She is shown from the neck up. End ID)
"The idea of purity, with all that this word can imply for a Christian [so, virginity], took possession of me at the age of sixteen, after a period of several months during which I had been going through the emotional unrest natural in adolescence. This idea came upon me while I was contemplating a mountain landscape and little by little it was imposed upon me in an irresistible manner." 
-Simone Weil, letter sent to a priest friend on May 15, 1942. (Years after the fact Weil attributed her lack of interest in sex to an inclination to Christianity, but it sounds as if she herself is trying to explain away her lack of sexual attraction or interest. This is something a lot of baby aspecs still do, try to explain away why they aren't interested in sex or romance. I know I did.)
"The Red Virgin" 
-The taunting nickname given to Weil by her classmates due to her chasteness and lack of romantic interest.  She was also referred to as "the Martian" for being "inhuman" and was widely mocked for being aspec. 
"As for her death, whatever explanation one may give of it will amount in the end to saying that she died of love.”
-Sir Richard Reeds (due to the fact that, despite being chronically ill with a fatal disease she continued to work for the French Resistance while also not eating anything above the French ration to show her solidarity.)
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(Image Description: a colorized photo of Weil from 1936 when she was fighting in Spain. She is wearing a dark military uniform with a dark bandana around her neck. Her dark hair is even darker than usual. She has a rifle on her back. There are some men behind her on a fairly quiet street. End ID) 
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bloodoflordaeron · 5 years
World of Darkness Update: Touched by an Angel
The following styles and merits are being added to help people with their holy aligned characters.
Savior: Requires Humanity 9, must be Protestant. 
Soothing Voice - Telepathically speak with another human if you maintain eye contact with them.  Any language can be spoken and even those without the ability to speak can communicate so long as they are conscious or able to form thoughts.
Compassion - A person is more inclined to do what you say.  If no hostile action has been taken against them, they will act in a way that does not harm your humanity rating's rules.  Thus, a person can be encouraged to help build a home for the poor, but they could not kill someone for you.
It Takes a Village - Your presence calls forth those that feel there is still hope in the world.  The number of successes determines the number of people that will find their way as if by chance to you.
One Set of Footprints - If a person that you have interacted with is about to fall unconscious, you may take control of their mind.  All damage that they would take is now applied to you during the duration of this link.
For Our Sins - Calm another, preventing them from taking any hostile actions so long as they are not endangered by this.
Divinity: Requires Humanity 10, Savior 1-5.
Shepherd's Call - If a person has lower humanity than the user, immediately place them in a state of calm.  Hostile actions will require a resolve+composure vs humanity to overcome.
Divine Deprivation - No longer feel pain.  You will no longer take wound penalties and in addition, add the wound penalties to all dice rolls made.
Rays of the Light - Upon activation, roll humanity.  An aura of healing forms around the user that immediately heals everyone within a range equal to 2x resolve in meters. Anyone that is within this prayer at the start of the user's turn is healed for the initial roll once more.
Wings of the Angel - No object can obstruct your path.  You may walk over water, cross over barricades, and all locked doors open before your path.
Angel of the Lord - Temporarily assume the form of an elohim, increasing all stats.  Anyone that has a humanity beneath 7 can be attacked without any drawback or humanity roll.
God Tier: Requires Divinity.
Omnipresence - Increase movement speed x1.5 dots in this style.
Omnipotence - Increase physical attributes by dots in this style.
Omnibenevolence - Increase all social attributes by dots in this style.
Omniscience - Increase mental attributes by all dots in this style.
Coming of the Lord - Increase all skills by number of dots in this style.
Lazarus’ Lesson: Requires God Tier.
Resurrect a person as a reflexive action.  They must pass a humanity check.
Chariot of Flames: Requires Lazarus’ Lesson
All items you wield do aggravated damage to anyone with less than six humanity or that have left the Path of Humanity.
Water into the Sublime: Requires Chariot of Flame
You may turn water into healing salve, which restores HP to full.
The Word: Requires Water into the Sublime.
A single word that when uttered can destroy all hostile presences on the field and resurrect all fallen allies.
Kill oneself, restoring all people to full humanity and removing all derangement.  Become an angel that protects humanity ever after.
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the-lazy-kabaneri · 5 years
The God Experience
We all know god exists right? We were all brought up with the idea of a super being that reigns over all of us. He who is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent and the idea seems fairly acceptable given that there are a billion things we don’t understand about the universe
Enter religion with their claims to personalities of god. While some religions stick to only one god popularly know as .monotheism. Then there enters religions with 2 or more gods which were probably not happy with god having just one personality so they developed a whole badass story line which put popular TV shows like GoT to shame. Ofcourse both these types of religions are equally correct to their claims. 
I mean we never defined what or who or how the most powerful entity in this universe (or beyond) wud be like so by all the relevant scientific reasoning a theory has equal claim as compared to any of it s unproved counter theories unless proved otherwise. That said however the definition of god is pretty vague at this point.
This is where the problem arises. The proof of god is often the things we cant reason.  Oh hey a kid survived a surgery which only had a 5% success rate. This is a miracle. It only happened cause the child’s mother prayed day in and day out. This might make sense to a lot of people. I remember when I used to give exams and I would forget the answer I would fill it with all the vague detail I remember about the topic to make it sound acceptable. Well thats exactly whats happening here. We are using a definition which is not even properly defined to make the experience sound reasonable. 
Any undefined experience becomes God Experience.
So lets try an debunk this. As a guy who has always been curious about how things work, God was pretty much a taboo. A being whose existence if u dare investigate u will suffer. And much like every naughty kid ever I do what I was asked not to do. Thus I embarked on my journey to try and find out what god is using the available scientific theories which have been researched and accepted worldwide.
Lets investigate the powers of most powerful beings. In polytheist religions this varies from god to god with certain gods being stronger than others yet when it comes to humans Gods mostly know everything. In monotheist religion the god is pretty much defined as omniscient. So lets try and think how this is possible. The closest non god idea which is omniscient is the laplace’s demon, A being which is able to observe the momentum and position of every atom present in the universe. Then by using physics it can calculate the time and place of every event that will and has occurred Ofcourse this theory was criticized by many which you can read here.
But as such the theory went against one of the most well accepted idea that is the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle which states that it s impossible to know the exact momentum and position of an electron mainly due to three reasons. The first two being the fact that electron infact is a pocket of wave which occurs due to overlapping o waves (not a single wavelength) and hence has a range of position as opposed to one single value of it s position...both these reasons we are not exactly interested in The third reason being that to observe an object we must process information it is giving off. As we do not know what kind of information it might be providing we send a piece of information and then read the information it provides in exchange for that particular information which in day to day life is light.
However whenever light falls on an electron it transmits energy and the momentum and position of the electron changes. By the same reason if God were to know everything about the universe he would have to send out a signal and read it when it comes back. This information could change the world as we perceive it. 
Another reason being, for the laplace demon to exist and know everything it would either have to account for the changes it s existence brings about or be perceiving the whole universe in a such a way that it does not influence.
 Now this idea has appeared in religion too, with god being present in a different dimension therefore not interfering with this world matter and being able to safely observe and predict the changes. This idea not only removes the paradox of what the existence of an omniscient being might bring to reality but also explains omnipresence of god.
However this will oppose the Omnipotence of God. How? Well if God is infact a laplace demon sitting in heaven dimension looking at us then by “listening” to our pleas and interfering with our dimension they add their own factor into this world. Basically they will again have to account for all the changes that were brought about by it  s interference. However this time it would not be possible. Why you ask? Cause God will have to account for something that is not accountable at all. A change the god caused could not be calculated whatsoever. 
Till now u could say that particle A collided with particle B and then traveled towards particle C and so on. However god interfered and made it so that Particle A collides with Particle E and not particle B thereby causing a huge chain reaction completely changing the whole future. Not only that but when the path of these particles wud be traced back, all the computers in heaven wud go red with error dialog boxes. To account for this maybe the software god will update software and insert the GOD EXPERIENCE as a factor into the computer calculations. However by doing so it effectively made itself a part of our universe thereby going against the previously set rule that God exists in another dimension.
So my conclusion?
Well i cant really prove that god does not exist. However I have scientific explanation, though very vague (and has no scientific experiments to disprove of god’s interference) is more acceptable according to the laws of this universe.
God Experience does not exist even if god exists. TO maintain it s superiority a superior being will have to be completely cut off from our realm and miracles merely lack of explanations, not explanation of god.
I would like to end this with something my smart friend once said to me.
There are only actions and consequences.
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