#on his back as he passes by or maybe standing a bit closer than normal so his arms touch slightly
lloydfrontera · 2 years
touch starved lloyd who will lean into any gentle touch he gets without thinking about it, who never initiates anything but is also never the first to pull away, who sometimes flinches at unexpected contact but will gravitate closer to those he trusts so he's always withing arm's reach
#tged#the greatest estate developer#lloyd frontera#i would say 'someone give that man a hug' but honestly marbella and arcos do that pretty often it's really sweet <3#but like imagine javier noticing it and dismissing it at first until curiosity gets the best of him#so he starts slowly initiating small touches between them like a little tap in his shoulder to get his attention or maybe a quick pat#on his back as he passes by or maybe standing a bit closer than normal so his arms touch slightly#and it's nothing noticeable nothing lloyd could actually call him out if he even noticed it#but that's the thing. he doesn't notice. but he does start leaning more and more into every small touch javier dares to give him#sometimes even starting to stand closer to javier almost as if seeking the small presses of their arms#so javier starts getting a bit bolder. grabbing him by the sleeve and then the wrist to pull his attention to something.#sitting right next to him whenever there's a chance. subtly bumping their shoulders together when someone says anything dumb or funny.#in one notable occasion when he had to grab lloyd by the hip and guide him as they walked because he was too engrossed in his work#and also too sleep deprived to notice if he was about to walk into someone#and so it continues until suddenly one day javier has lloyd sprawled all over him and he's like 'Wait. why was i doing all of this for'#but by then is too late lloyd has become to used to javier constantly touching him and has subconsciously decided he's his personal plushie#btw this is all without lloyd actively realizing anything as far as he knows everything is perfectly normal#and he's doing great he's gonna get a good grade in being a Functional Adult something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve#i talk a lot <3
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screeching-bunny · 11 months
hi, can you be part two of yandere concubine harem
Yandere! Concubine Harem pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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God fucking damnit it happened again. Currently, you were standing in front of your father as he was lecturing you. The reason for this scolding? Well, it was due to the fact that yet another one of your concubines had passed away. You wanted nothing more than to just go to bed and take a fat nap right now. Like how was this even remotely your fault? Everyone knows that once someone joins your harem there’s like a seventy percent chance of them dying. Yet they still do it! Why were you being blamed for their stupidity?
“I can’t fucking believe you!!! How could you let another one of your concubines die!?!? How on Earth are we supposed to explain this to the family!?!?”
“I honestly don’t understand why you're putting so much of the blame on me. Everyone literally knows the dangers of entering this place. This is the twelfth concubine to die. Can anyone really be surprised? Most people already know the fatalities, yet they still send their children here in hopes of being married to me. If they're shocked, that's on them.”
“What– I honestly can’t deal with you right now. Just go away. I can already feel my blood pressure rise…”
Man what a drag. You’re gonna have to start planning another funeral again. What did she even die from anyways? Probably just by some poison, that seems to be what’s popular nowadays. You started to make your way towards your bedroom so that you could finally relax. When you were by your window outside you noticed that a figure was already in your room. Any normal person would see this and start freaking out but you had a suspicion that you knew who this was. Taking a closer look, your suspicions were deemed correct when you got a clear view of one of your male concubines there. Not only that but they were digging through your dirty laundry. Man this is seriously gross and did they just smell your underwear!!! Man he really needed to touch some grass. Yeah… maybe it wasn’t the best idea to bedroom anyways. Whatever, to the hot springs it is!
With that you started to call a maid over and order her to bring all your bath supplies. The hot springs were in a secluded part of the palace so hopefully no one was around there. With a quick walk you finally reached the area and you patiently waited for the maid to come over and hand you your things.
“Sorry for making you wait, your highness here are all your things. I’ll make sure to tell everyone not to come here so as to not bother you. Enjoy yourself and let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you, I will.”
Stepping into the waters, you start to feel your body relax as that hot water begins to hit your body. You began to just sink yourself into it. You love how calming and peaceful this place was. This was soon interrupted when you saw the waters begin to ripple with movement. Rolling your eyes a bit you then look up at a figure. Low and behold it was another concubine. This time however, you remembered his name. You think his name was Atlas… probably but you were certain that he was the prince of a southern boarding nation.
“Your highness, what a coincidence running into you like this. Mind if I have the honors of joining you?” he said with a large smile.
Coincidence my ass but nevertheless you gave him a small nod. His face immediately began to light up as he made his way towards your side. He had the eagerness of a puppy and the speed of a cheetah.
“Your highness, let me rub your back for you!”
He began to rub his hands all over your body eager to not leave one spot untouched. You were honestly so dumbfounded by him but just let him do his thing. Something else that you noticed while he was doing all of this was the fact that he was packing! It took you all your willpower to not look down and just stare at it. You couldn’t help but think and ask yourself in your mind, “was it heavy?” Man you really need to get out of here before your mind turns into the gutter. You were seriously turning into one of your perverted concubines. Before you could say anything and make an excuse to leave he beat you to it.
“When we’re finished, let's go to my side of the palace where we can relax with each other.”
Feeling that you could use a change in scenery you agreed and began to get dressed. As the two of you made your way towards his courtyard you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful it was. The place was filled with flowers and many butterflies roamed the area. The both of you sat near a nearby bench and started to make conversation.
“I’m sorry for the lack of entertainment. If I had known that I would be meeting you I would have set something up. I do have some tea that I made this morning and it would be lovely if you could try it!”
With your hum of his approval he quickly made his way inside to go and fetch it. Something that you’ll never understand about your concubines is their constant need for approval from you. You could not imagine why one would be so desperate for praise from someone else. The thought of yourself being like that almost made you laugh. Your thoughts were quickly broken when you heard the sound of someone's footsteps.
“I’m back I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for long! Let me pour the tea for you!”
He swiftly grabbed the teapot and poured it into a teacup for you. Then presented you with some biscuits.
“I made this all for you! They probably don’t taste as good as they did this morning but they're still delicious!”
Taking the sip of the tea you noticed that it had a pleasant sugary taste to it. The cookies were also quite delicious. When you finished your snack the two of you continued to make small talk until you started to feel your vision begin to get blurry. You noticed that your body became hard to move and sluggish. God dammit you knew better than to accept food from anybody. Now look at where it got you!
“My love, it seems like the tea is starting to kick in but don’t worry I’ll make sure to take care of you.” he said with a lovesick expression.
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zegrasdrysdale · 1 month
Heyyy could I ask for an Ethan Edward’s fic where him and the reader have been together for about a year and a half or something and she unexpectedly goes into labour at the frozen four game, neither her nor Ethan had any idea that she was even pregnant.
[ a tiny surprise ] e. edwards
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paring : Ethan Edwards x fem!reader
summary : Ethan’s girlfriend has to leave the Frozen Four game versus Boston College because she’s having intense cramps, but the biggest surprise of all time waits for her and Ethan when she gets to the hospital
warning(s) : labor and cramps, pregnancy, childbirth, mentions of period
author’s note : i thought this would be a good request to tackle since it’s mother’s day. so anon and everyone, enjoy !! <3
From the moment she woke up that morning, she’s been cramping. It wasn’t any worse than her normal period cramps so she took some medicine and went on with her day. There was some pain in her lower back though. She wasn’t worried that it was something else. Sometimes there is some back pain when she’s dealing with period cramps.
They eventually got to a tolerable level where she wasn’t curled up in bed anymore so she got ready for the Frozen Four game that Ethan and Michigan are playing in that night. She throws on the jersey that Ethan left for her, drawers a ‘73’ on her cheek right under her eye, then heads down to the lobby where she’s meeting the other girlfriends so they can head to the game together.
For a moment in the elevator, it feels like her uterus is stabbing her right in the gut. She winces and doubles over in pain with a hand flat on the wall. She lays a hand on her stomach and breathes out until the cramp passes. Sometimes they get painful like this.
Hopefully one of the girls has some medicine she can take in a little bit.
Once she gets to the lobby, the girls pile into the bus that they rented as a group since the boys had to go to the arena early. She sits with her arms crossed over her belly because the cramps are stronger than normal.
Rutger’s girlfriend, Kayleigh, sits next to her as the bus pulls out of the hotel parking lot. “Hey, are you okay?” she questions as she lightly rests a hand on her shoulder. “You don’t look very good.”
“I don’t feel very good,” she admits with a light laugh. “I think my uterus is trying to kill me or something. I’ll be okay for the game.”
Kayleigh laughs. “Oh, I get it,” she replies. “I have Advil in my backpack if you need it. I can grab you a drink so you can take the meds too.”
“Thanks, Kay,” she says with a small smile. “Mind if I take some now? I’m really hurting.”
She nods and grabs the bottle of Advil out of her bag. As soon as the pills are in her hand, Kayleigh grabs her small water bottle and lets her take a sip to take the meds.
The ride to the Xcel Energy Center seems like an eternity because of how much pain she’s in. She’ll just have to push through the pain until after the game because she just wants to support her boyfriend in one of the most important games of his life. The Frozen Four games are always important games. She wants to be there for him.
When the bus arrives to the arena, the girls walk inside together. There is a half hour until puck drop so the boys are probably warming up on the ice. Or they’re about to start warming up.
She sits in a seat until the boys start warming up. Even after the medicine she took, it feels like the cramps are getting worse and closer together. Maybe she shouldn’t have come. Ethan would’ve understood if she told him that she wasn’t feeling good. She would’ve watched on the television in the hotel room.
As soon as the boys come out for warmups, she stands up and cheers with the other girls. Ethan skates by and she bangs on the glass, trying to keep a smile on her face despite her insides trying to kill her. Ethan looks at her with a smile on his own face as he warms up.
Then it feels like someone kicks her in the gut. She cries out in pain and wraps an arm around her stomach. Kay is right at her side. “Sit down for a second,” she orders. “I don’t think standing helps cramps. The Advil should kick in soon.”
“They’re never this bad,” she says. Her voice is so shaky. “I’ve taken so much medicine. I don’t understand what’s going on.”
There’s banging on the glass in front of her. She looks up and sees Ethan. “What’s wrong?” he shouts. His voice is able to carry over the glass because fans are still making their way to the ice from the concourse.
Kayleigh taps her stomach in response to Ethan. “Bad,” Kay yells back.
“I’m fine,” she reiterates. “Meds just need to kick in.”
“Are you sure?” Kay asks. “I don’t think he’ll be mad if you need to go to the hotel, or the emergency room since I think every urgent care in the area is closed now.”
She looks up at Kayleigh and Ethan. “The emergency room?” she questions. “They’re just really intense period cramps.”
Ethan points up the steps. “Go to the ER, baby,” he calls. “It’s okay. I know you’ll be watching.” With a frown, she shakes her head. “Please. You’re never in this much pain. I don’t want you to be in pain.”
Kay helps her stand up even though she doesn’t want to go. “I have her, E,” she calls. “Can you tell Rut?” Ethan nods.
He holds up half a hand heart. She holds the other half up before she and Kayleigh slowly make their way up the steps.
As soon as they’re on the concourse, another more painful cramp hits her. Her entire body shakes with pain and she groans. “Kay, hold on,” she begs. “I can’t-”
Something starts dripping down her leg, wetting her leggings. Confused, she looks down and sees a puddle at her feet. It’s clear fluid. She looks back up at Kayleigh.
“What is that?” Kayleigh asks.
“I don’t- ah!” she cries out in pain again. Her legs almost give out and Kayleigh has to hold her weight.
“Okay, I’m calling an ambulance,” Kayleigh explains as she sits her friend against the wall. “You’re in too much pain to walk and clearly something is very wrong.”
She nods as Kayleigh dials 9-1-1 and tells them what’s going on. Her entire body shakes and she has to curl up in a ball to elevate some of her pain. Some of the medical staff has come over to her to try and help. She’s in too much pain to speak.
When paramedics do arrive, Kayleigh manages to let her go to the hospital with them. She also has to do some begging, and she mentions that their boyfriends are on the ice at the moment and there is no one else to go with her.
She’s given some morphine on the ambulance, but it doesn’t do much. The ride is shorter than the ride to the arena from the hotel.
When she gets to the emergency room, they do an exam. When they poke at her stomach, they decide to do an ultrasound because of how ridged her torso is.
The doctor comes back with the machine and puts some of that cool gel on her belly. She grips Kayleigh’s hand as another cramp hits. She bites her lip and winces in pain.
“Miss, did you know you are pregnant?” the doctor asks after a moment.
Her eyes widen. “Pregnant?” she questions. “There’s no way. I still have a period and I never gained any weight. I have no belly.”
The doctor turns the screen in her and Kayleigh’s direction. On the screen is a full term baby. “That’s your baby,” the doctor explains. “And this baby is coming in the next hour or so. Your water has broken, which is what happened at the hockey game.”
“My baby,” she echoes. She blinks and begins to panic. “I have a baby? Oh my God. Ethan has no idea and he’s on the ice.”
Kayleigh asks, “Do you want me to call someone to get him so he’s here?” She nods. Kay disappears a second later to make a phone call.
As the doctor wipes away the gel, she says, “I’m going to get you admitted to the maternity ward and into a labor suite.”
“How is this possible?” she questions as the doctor pulls the jersey back down. “I mean, I had no idea. No signs.”
“It’s rare but it might be because you have two uteruses,” the doctor explains. “One continues to have a period and the other holds the baby. I don’t know why you didn’t show but it happens sometimes. Most women have a belly, some don’t show much or at all.” She puts away the wand and stands up. “I’ll be right back.”
She nods and rests her hands on her belly. Somehow, there is a baby in there. She had no idea that she was even pregnant. Neither did Ethan.
He’s going to be in for the biggest surprise of his life in a few minutes.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
She has never screamed more in her life than she has in the last hour. Her contractions, not cramps, are intense and close together. This baby is coming, and Ethan isn’t here yet.
Kayleigh got a hold of someone, who got a hold of Naurato, who told Ethan what was going on. He said he was leaving as soon as he could, but he’s still not here.
“Where is he?” she cries out as she feels a contraction. “I need Ethan. Now!”
“He’s on his way,” Kayleigh tells her. “He left during one of the TV timeouts. He should be almost here.”
Her OB is checking to see how many centimeters she’s dialated. “Okay, you’re ten centimeters,” she explains. “I can wait a few more minutes but this baby is coming.”
Another contraction and she screams. She grips Kay’s hand so hard she’s afraid she might’ve broken her hand. She feels bad but she needed something to hold.
“I need to wait for my boyfriend,” she pants as soon as the contraction passes. “Please.”
Her OB nods and leaves the room. She looks up at Kay. “Let me go see where he is,” Kayleigh tells her. “Give me literally ten seconds and I’ll be right back, okay?” She nods and breathes.
Kayleigh walks out of the room and she looks out the window. Looking outside helps her stay calm sometimes, even when she’s in sudden, active labor with a baby she didn’t know she was carrying.
Another contraction hits and she takes deep breaths. The door opens a second later and she’s ready to beg the doctor to wait for Ethan when she sees her boyfriend running in the room. He’s still in full gear, minus his helmet and skates. “Oh my God, baby,” he gasps when he sees her on the bed. “How is this-”
“I have no idea,” she replies as Ethan presses a kiss to her sweaty forehead. “All I know is that in a few minutes, we are going to have a baby. I’m scared.”
Ethan grabs her hand and kisses it. “I’m right here,” he assures her. “I’m right beside you through this, okay? I love you and I love our little baby even though neither of us knew.”
Her OB comes back in as she nods. “Are you dad?” her doctor asks. Ethan nods in reply. “Great. We need to push on the next contraction, okay?”
She grabs Ethan’s hand and sits up a bit. As soon as the next contraction hits, she pushes as hard as she can. She screams in a lot of pain since it feels like her body is tearing in two. Ethan has a hand on her back and helps her out. Kayleigh stands on her other side as she pushes.
When she takes a break from pushing, she looks at Ethan. “How are you guys doing?” she questions. “Are you winning?”
He shakes his head. “No, but it’s fine,” he tells her. “I’d rather be here with you. The guys told me to be here with you when Naurato told me what was going on.”
“Full hockey gear,” she teases him.
“I needed to be here for the birth of our baby,” he replies with a smile.
She smiles right back, but it’s short lived as another contraction hits. She pushes more. Her OB tells her to push a little longer.
Then the sound of a baby crying fills the room. She feels almost immediate relief between her legs a second later. She slumps back against the pillows as the doctor stands up with a baby in her arms.
“Congratulations, mom and dad,” she says with a smile. “You have a beautiful baby boy.”
She smiles at the crying baby as he’s handed to her. “Hi, baby boy,” she laughs. “You were quite the surprise.”
Ethan is given the chance to cut the umbilical cord and is right beside her. He puts a little blue hat on the baby’s head as he stops trying. She gives the baby her finger and he seems content.
The OB cleans her up a bit then takes the baby to clean him up. Her eyes never leave her son. “E, we don’t have a name for him,” she realizes out loud.
“We don’t have to think of one at this moment,” Ethan tells her. “I mean, up until an hour ago, we didn’t even know about him. I think we can take a day or two before we name him.”
She nods as her son is handed back to her. The OB leaves the room. Kayleigh snaps a picture of the three of them and says, “Sending this to Rut so he can show the guys. I think they’ll want to know that a future hockey star was just born.”
Ethan laughs and Kayleigh leaves the room to give them a moment alone with their baby boy. She caresses her son’s cheek and tears up.
“I already love him,” she admits. “This is our son, Ethan. We have a baby.”
He kisses the side of her head. “You’re gonna be the best mom,” he tells her. She looks up at him. Ethan wipes away the tears that have rolled down her cheeks. “We’re going to be the best parents. The team is going to spoil him so much.”
“So are we,” she laughs as she looks down at baby boy Edwards. “We have nine months of lost time to make up for since he decided to be a little surprise.”
Ethan laughs and gives his son one of his fingers. “We do.”
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immoralkombat · 9 months
Kenshi has been blind for maybe an hour or two.
Johnny looks over at him with sympathy. He's not sure what he could possibly do or say to make things seem any less bleak for him. The man was just trying to get his family's heirloom back and now, after months of training and dedication, one of his five senses is gone permanently through no fault of his own. If Johnny were in Kenshi's position, he's sure he'd be feeling just as desolate, if not more so.
Kung Lao is sitting in the far corner, talking to Baraka. He seems genuinely fascinated by Tarkat as a disease. Were Johnny not in the same situation as them, he would find that particular conversation topic a bit morbid. Right now, it's really all they have to talk about. They've already exhausted all the small talk options you normally go through when first meeting someone. They might as well start talking about the disease that'll eventually kill Baraka.
The salve on the cloth seems to have worked a little, because at least Kenshi isn't moaning in pain every few seconds anymore. Not that it makes things significantly more cheerful, but it does help the atmosphere a bit.
Johnny taps on his knees as he sits, eyes darting between looking at Kung Lao and Kenshi. He's kind of in between where the two have sat themselves, a visual and metaphorical median between the two ways one could possibly react to getting imprisoned by a sorcerer that's almost 100% going to kill you. (To be fair, there isn't much that connects the points of "casually talking about a stranger's terminal illness with them as though you're both standing by the office water cooler talking about whatever hit TV show is airing these days" and "rocking back in forth in the corner about how a different terminally ill stranger took your eyes and you have nothing left in this world." Johnny supposes the best middle point is "looking anxiously between your two co-workers and not saying anything because Jesus Christ, what the fuck are you supposed to say in this situation besides aforementioned terminal illness.")
He really wishes that Kenshi still had his eyes, because every time he looked at Johnny, it always seemed to make everything feel okay.
Johnny thinks for a second and then scoots closer to Kenshi. It's only once he accidentally bumps up against Kenshi's foot and scares the living shit out of everyone in the cell that he realizes he probably should've given an audible cue that he was going to be approaching the newly blind guy.
After Kenshi's done having a mini panic attack over the sudden Hollywood A-lister jumpscare he's gotten, Johnny looks at him and asks, quietly, "Do you want to hold Sento for a bit?"
Kenshi turns to face him and even underneath the newly christened blindfold, Johnny can tell that Kenshi is looking at him with the most surprised and reverent eyes in the universe. The kind of look that you'd get and say "fuck this stupid sword, I'd pay $3 million just to get this guy to look at me like that again."
Kenshi's mouth opens as though he's going to say something, but it shuts again before any words or sounds can come out. He opts to nod in response and Johnny takes the scabbard from off his back, holds it in his hands gently and passes it to Kenshi. Their fingertips graze one another, a way to indicate that the blind man is in the right spot. The touch sends crackles of electricity through Johnny and he wonders if Kenshi feels them too.
It's like the tattoos on Kenshi's hands are swirling around him, colors dancing in front of his eyes. It's more beautiful than any lame fucking Disney movie ever could be.
The yakuza's voice is hoarse as he says "Thanks." It's so small that Johnny can almost see it breaking in the air. He wants to put his hand on Kenshi's and tell him that things will be okay, that he's going to pay for a sight companion, any kind of corrective surgeries he wants, whatever it takes. He wants to tell him that he's still just as strong and fierce and goddamn handsome now as he was before. He wants to kiss him so fucking badly it makes his entire being ache.
He settles for saying "You're welcome," and then sitting next to Kenshi in silence.
He watches the way that he holds Sento in his hands, feels every single nick in the scabbard, every single imperfection. It's the first time in Johnny's life that he's ever wanted to be a sword and, if he keeps hanging out with Kenshi after this, (which he hopes he can), it almost certainly won't be the last.
Johnny wishes that Mileena had taken Kenshi's tear ducts with her after she'd stabbed his eyes out, because the short sad sobs that wrack through his body are almost too much to bear witness to. When he cries, it moves through his entire being. It sends a shockwave from his gut upward, makes him lurch his shoulders forward and hug himself.
"H-Hey, what's wrong?" Johnny asks. He knows it's a stupid fucking question, obviously everyone knows what's wrong, most of all the guy it happened to. But it's all he can think to ask as he watches Kenshi continue to awkwardly jerk alongside his cries.
Kenshi's head turns to face Johnny. From beyond the thin red cloth that covers his eye sockets, Johnny can feel them boring into him.
"Cage, could I touch you? I want to remember what your face looks like."
If Johnny were operating on his full mental capacity, he would probably explode at this question. He would become the fireworks they popped last night at the banquet over their heads as they feasted. He would be attached to one end of a fuse with Li Mei holding the other end, readying herself to spark it and send him to the stratosphere.
"Y-Yeah, of course you can, Ken-doll. Just make sure not to damage the goods - people pay good money for this mug to show up on their big screens."
The smugness in his voice would normally earn him a "tch" or a groan, (or an eye roll), from Kenshi. Hearing him chuckle under his breath makes his heart soar.
He turns his face toward him and waits, but no touch comes. His eyes close, he anticipates the electricity to come back... and instead he hears Kenshi clearing his throat awkwardly.
Johnny opens his eyes and finds that Kenshi's still got his hands on Sento. He tries not to be jealous of the sword again, but as with any other time he's tried not to be jealous of someone or something that has what he wants, he fails miserably.
"Could you get closer, Cage?"
"Not the first time I'm hearing that question, won't be the last. How close you need me, handsome?"
The words come out before he can even process them. Jesus Christ, is he really that much of a disaster that he can just openly call a guy he's been crushing on for at least a month handsome without even thinking about it? He's a fucking mess. His wife left him and now he doesn't know how to act. She was gonna be the only person he'd ever be able to trick into loving him and now she was gone.
"I'm going to turn, and I suggest you do the same. I want to be facing you. You can sit with your legs touching mine if it helps."
Great, now Kenshi has a colorful blindfold that also serves as a perfect swatch for the shade of red Johnny's face turns every time the man says something that's totally fucking normal for two people that are acquainted with one another.
Johnny does as he's told, because if there's one thing he's good at, it's taking directions. (Ignoring literally every single major motion picture he's ever been in, every statement he's ever made to the press after consulting his legal teams and public consultants, and generally living life up until this point.)
His knees knock against Kenshi's and it takes him aback for a second, how giddy and childish the butterflies he feels in his stomach are. Getting to know Kenshi was so simple. He wishes he had just taken a second and been less of a dickwad back when they'd first met, because maybe then it'd be easier for him to grow a pair of cajones and tell Kenshi that he doesn't spend a single night without thinking about how much he wants to trace the tattoos on his hands and arms. Maybe if he had just given Sento over, it'd be easier to admit that the low rumble of Kenshi's voice does something to stir up the pool of heat in his stomach that he thought had been long since gone after getting married to Cristal. Maybe if he hadn't tied Kenshi to one of his kitchen chairs, it'd be easier to ask him if kissing washed-up celebrities was something he'd be interested in doing.
"I'll put my hand out, you lean forward to match it."
Kenshi's palm is extended and it takes every ounce of willpower in Johnny's aching body to not press his lips against it. He leans forward until his cheek is lightly touching the yakuza's hand.
He must be hearing things, because he swears he hears Kenshi's breath hitch when they make contact for the first time. Nah, surely not. Must've been the wind.
If Kenshi's senses are heightened because of the loss of his vision, then Johnny's senses are heightened because of the gain of his touch. He purses his lips together to stop from letting out some sort of obscene sound as he feels Kenshi's hand slowly smooth over his cheek. He thanks whatever fucked up Gods exist other than Liu Kang that he finally got on that moisturizing routine that he learned off of TikTok three months ago.
As Kenshi's hand slowly feels out every angle and curve of Johnny's face, his thoughts rush a mile a minute. He wonders if he should've done a closer shave today - maybe his stubble is gonna be too sharp and it'll hurt Kenshi and leave him with little cuts or rug burn on his pretty perfect wrap-around-my-throat-please hands. He wonders if his nose is too big. He wonders if he maybe should've invested in hair plugs after that one weird SNL dropout made a comment about his weird square hairline back when he guest starred on the Comedy Central roast of Megan Fox. He wonders if his eyes are too small or too large or too close together or too far apart. He wonders if he should smile so Kenshi can feel his dimples.
"Yep, it all feels just like how I remember it. Although the stubble has gotten a little longer."
That is certainly not the answer he was expecting to hear.
His voice is small, barely there, as he chokes out his question. "You remember what I look like?"
Kenshi nods. "I do."
Johnny goes to open his mouth to ask, "Then why did you ask to touch it if you already knew?"
But then Kenshi's fingers are on his lips, tracing them with the reverence he'd have holding Sento, and for a moment, Johnny finally thinks he's better than that stupid fucking sword. His smile has the same curves, the same edges. The only difference is that Kenshi can't accidentally hurt himself this way. (He can, however, accidentally hurt Johnny. But even that would be better than the alternative, he thinks.)
Kenshi's thumb is on his bottom lip, the rest of his hand now holding Johnny's chin. If he tilts it up even one degree, Johnny thinks it'll be over for him, that he'll be kissing Kenshi before he can even think to stop himself. He'd always had poor impulse control - why else would he have spent $3 million on a fucking sword to hang up in his living room?
"These are the same, too. I'm glad you weren't hurt in the fight, Cage."
Johnny feels so fucking overwhelmed. He wants to ask so many things. First of all, what does "these are the same, too" mean? Second, why does he care about the guy who bought his fucking family heirloom and refuses to give it back? Third, why does he insist on calling him Cage like one day he won't end up calling him Johnny and breaking his heart? Fourth, what in the goddamn fuck does he mean about Johnny's fucking lips being the goddamn motherfucking same?!
Johnny decides to play it up like he always does. "Well, 'course. Gotta keep my pretty mouth. It's what makes the big bucks. I wouldn't be the same without it."
Kenshi smirks, and thank Liu Kang's weird god siblings that he's blind right now, because Johnny is beet red, mouth agape, with his eyebrows raised (and he's fairly certain that something else also rises).
"That's true. You would not be the same without that infamous mouth." Kenshi accents the compliment(?) with a playful slap to Johnny's cheek, and then his hand is withdrawn entirely, leaving an empty ghost where he should still be holding Johnny's face in his hands.
He bites back the urge to immediately ask if Kenshi wants to know just how infamous the mouth is, and settles for clearing his throat and moving back to sitting against the wall next to Kenshi.
He looks over at him after he's gotten calmed down. His heart is still jackhammering against his ribs, but as long as Kenshi can't feel his pulse, he doesn't have to know. Kenshi seems to sense Johnny's eyes on him because he turns to face him, red blindfold all that stands between the gaping holes where Kenshi's eyes used to be and Johnny's gaze full of adoration.
The yakuza grabs Sento from his lap and hands it back to Johnny.
"Thank you. I appreciate you letting me hold it. And I appreciate your help in grounding me back to reality."
Johnny nods, taking Sento back and putting it where it so wrongfully deserves to be, strapped against Johnny's sore fucking back.
"No problem. Lemme know whenever you get the urge to feel out what an Adonis looks like, I'm happy to oblige." His comment is a means to an end. He plays up the egoism to ignore the shock that courses through him as Kenshi's fingertips touch his one last time.
He resolves then and there to give Sento back as soon as they escape from here, and they will escape.
This cannot be the last time he feels Kenshi's hands on him.
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Baraka whispers, about as well as he can without lips or an inside voice, "Do they not realize how much they yearn for one another?"
Kung Lao shakes his head, putting a hand on Baraka's shoulder and immediately regretting it once he feels a spike tear into his palm. "They've just gotta be stupid about it for a bit longer. They'll figure it out."
"Surely their pining has to cause some sort of agony for you as well, does it not, Earthrealmer?" Baraka looks genuinely confused, or as close to it as he can get from what Kung Lao can tell.
Kung Lao hangs his head, sighing languidly. "Of course it does. But what else am I gonna do about it? Tell them? They're not gonna believe me. Trust me, they've got to figure it out on their own time, or they never will."
And as he sees Johnny's hand inch closer to Kenshi's, finally overlapping the tattoos and interlocking their fingers, Kung Lao thinks that maybe the agony won't last much longer.
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fun-loving-peach · 3 months
Warnings: Pregnant reader other than that pure fluff and Protective Ghost <3
Being 8 months pregnant Ghost didn’t let you do anything, cooking, cleaning, putting your shoes, not even go to the bathroom alone. He would stop you from lifting a single finger and do it himself. Like right now, you wanted to get a head start at setting up the crib, but Ghost was passed out asleep from a long work night. Not wanting to bother him you took it upon yourself to put it together. Not even halfway through, Ghost showed up behind you.
"Love, what are you doing?” His deep voice asks from behind you.
"Ah!!” You jump looking back at him. "Don't do that you scared me." You let out a breath as you hold your chest.
Ghost laughs, smiling gently at you. "Baby, why are you trying to put the crib together?"
"I just really wanted to do something." You say, not being able to do normal tasks because of how overprotective he is was taking a toll on you.
"Sweetheart, I said I'd do it for you," Ghost says, pulling you up as he turns you around pulling you close to him, gently rubbing your back. “You’re not allowed to lift a finger.”
"But I wanted to help, I feel useless not being able to do anything.” You say softly as tear’s were beginning to well up in your eyes because of your damn hormones.
Ghost immediately leans forward, gently wiping the tears with his thumb. "You're not useless. You're hardworking, and more importantly you're carrying my child."
"Then let me help, please honey.” You pout leaning into him.
Ghost sighs. "Fine, I'll let you set up the crib. But only if I can help. And no other chores afterwards." he says, tone firm, yet warm.
"You're the best." You kissed his cheek turning to the parts of the crib. “Let’s do this.” You say excitedly.
Ghost chuckle’s, he begins helping you, making sure to look over you from time to time.
After an hour or so, the crib is put together. He stands watching you admire it with a smile planted on his face.
"Awww, it looks so cute. It's gonna suit her so much when she gets here." You grinned proudly at your hard work as you move to stand beside him.
Ghost smiles at you, wrapping his arm around you. "Bet she'll be the most spoiled girl in the world once she arrives," he says with a grin, looking down at the tiny crib.
"She will, specially by her daddy." You laughed leaning into his side, a fond look rest’s on your face.
Ghost chuckles, pulling you closer to him and laying his head on top of yours. He sighs tiredly. "I think you're right. Maybe I've been going a bit overboard with how protective I'm being with you nowadays.”
"I know you mean well though. Just let me help from time to time. It gets boring when I can't do anything besides sitting in the couch watching tv." You say softly holding his hand as you played with his fingers.
"I know sweetheart…. Promise me you won't do anything too stressful on your body. No lifting heavy objects, no straining, and call me when you need help.” He sighs knowing he couldn’t keep you from not doing anything anymore.
"Deal." You leaned up pecking his lips, feeling content to move around more freely.
Ghost smiles back at you, relieved that you agreed.
"Now let's go lay down, you must be exhausted." He wraps his arms around you, leading you to the bed and laying down beside you, pulling you into his arms as he rub’s your swollen belly tenderly.
"I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you too, honey."
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504py · 3 months
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Candlelight and Calluses - Knight!Leon Kennedy/Reader
A particularly unruly thunderstorm begs you to ask your knight to stay by your bedside, just for a little bit.
i see quite a bit of bodyguard leon fics so i always thought he'd fit into a knight au rather well. art by me!!
Historical inaccuracies, I'm terrible at old-timey speak LOL, reader referred to as "my lady" but no other gendered terms or descriptors besides that, no use of Y/N, relationship is dubious so this could be seen as platonic, romantic, or however you'd like.
1, 2, 3
It seemed like life would continue like normal after your former knight was discharged for stealing from your mother, and Leon came to replace him. He definitely feels more trained, more skilled, more refined, someone very reliable, so you can see how he was hired so quickly.
Somehow, you just can't get used to his presence, though.
You see him at very scheduled times of day. He sleeps in a room close to yours, mother said its safer to have him closer at night in case someone breaks in. If you're awake early enough, you can catch him leaving his room. You see him training in the courtyard through the window you pass by when you head to the kitchen. He always escorts you to your bedroom and says goodnight when you decide to call it a day, and stays posted near your door for a few minutes, before retreating to his own for the night.
Tonight, you ask him to stay just a little longer. Rainy days never really bothered you, but the thunder today was particularly bad. It was painfully loud and booming, each strike and roar making you flinch in the anticipation that the ceiling might cave in on you any moment and swallow you whole. You knew he was there to protect you, that's the main reason he was here, but your cheeks burned at the loss of your pride when you give him your request.
His expression, illuminated by the lantern in his hand and highlighting the sharp planes of his visage, is slightly different than usual at your query. His dark eyebrows are slightly raised, the frown on his lips not as deep as it usually is. His eyes are softer.
"Of course, my lady."
You head inside your bedroom, your sight settling on your nightwear set on your bed by one of your maids. You turn to Leon, asking that he leave while you change, but his back is already turned to you. You figure he got the hint, and you undress.
He's listening intently to the sounds of cloth shuffling, till he hears your weight dip your mattress, "Have you finished dressing, my lady?"
"Yes, I'm all done." You reply. Your voice is weaker than usual, perhaps scared that the thunderstorm will hear, and a crackling boom will respond, instead of Leon.
He turns back to you, seeming to pause for a moment, thinking of what to do. You've never seen him do that, perhaps this situation is new to him. That thought makes your face warm in shame.
"I... Shall I stay in the room, or shall I stay at my post, milady?" His voice is quieter than it usually is, too. Admittedly, it's a little hard to hear each other with how loud the rain is.
"If... If it would be alright, Sir Leon, could you stay by the side of my bed? Just until the storm subsides. I'd hate to keep you here for too long."
"It is no trouble to me, my lady, I promise."
He makes his way over to you, confidence in each step despite being so unfamiliar with such a strange, intimate request.
"...You can grab that chair by my vanity, Sir Leon, you don't have to stand."
He obliges, grabbing said chair and setting it by your bed.
He's dressed in a simple cream-colored linen blouse and trousers. You can see his neck. You breathe out a laugh realizing that this is probably the first time you've ever seen it. He wonders what you find amusing. You rarely ever see him without any armor on, maybe just a glimpse when he leaves his room in the morning, and even when he's not in full steel plating, he's usually donning chainmail.
"...Is it heavy?" You mumble, drowsily.
"What is, my lady?"
"The armor you wear. Is it heavy, Sir Leon?"
"Well... Not particularly, milady, but perhaps I've just gotten used to it. It does get hot, though."
"Mm..." You hum, "Always wanted to try it on, always wondered what it was like... I know mother and father won't let me, though." You chuckle.
Leon smiles a little, maybe the first time you've seen him do so. "Maybe I'll let you try on my helmet someday, milady."
"Really?" The drowsy smile you send him makes him feel warmer, "That'd be nice... I always thought the armor you knights wore looked so fashionable." Your eyes close.
He laughs slightly, and the sound is clearer now. Without realizing, the storm had passed, and you feel at ease. Leon waits a little longer, counting your breaths and seeing if your eyes will open again. He thinks the way your eyelashes rest against your cheeks look beautiful.
"Sir Leon?" You mumble, barely legible.
"Yes, milady?"
"Have a good night..." You add, before dozing off.
"You as well, my lady. Good night."
He waits a few minutes more, like he usually does when he escorts you to your door. He's never watched you sleep before, despite this being part of his nightly routine. He wishes a little more that thunderstorms would happen more habitually so he could do this more often.
Leon gets up, and quietly places your chair back to your vanity. He returns to take his lantern from your bedside table, and he pauses, watching you for a few beats more, before retreating to his bedroom for the night.
"...Calling me just Leon would be fine." He ends, with a whisper of your name.
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lunargrapejuice · 2 months
birthday boy
keishin ukai x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, oral (giving), a little bit of hair pulling, cream pie
for my goji🩷 repost from my old blog<3 i originally wrote it for his birthday but blow jobs require no special occasion ever and i only missed it by a few days so yeah
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peeking inside the sakanoshita store, you ensure no customers are in before you quickly shuffle inside, locking the doors with a quiet click and a flip of the ‘open’ sign to ‘close’. heat pools in your stomach and rushes to your cheeks from the moment you step inside but you don’t let it stop you from your little plan.
“oh?” keishins voice comes from behind the store counter where he sits as he normally does; book in hand, the end of his apron bunched up in his lap. “what do you think you’re doing, little minx?”
you smile innocently, slowly stepping towards him. “happy birthday baby,” you coo, placing your hands flat on the counter when you finally reach him and lean across, stopping only inches from his face. “how old are you now? not a day over 20, right?” your smile is wide and doesn’t falter with the smashing your lips against his, tasting the cigarettes he last smoked on his lips.
he chuckles against your lips. “mhm, try adding a few years onto that sweetheart.” 
you return his mirth with your own lovely laugh and round the counter in order to be closer to him, your fingertips brushing against the top of the white painted wood. keishin leans back in his chair as you draw nearer but it doesn’t stop you from capturing him in another kiss, lips moving against each others with more fever than before until it’s all heat and tongue and he thinks he’s going to get carried away here soon. 
neither of you know how long passes until you’re pulling away for air and you get a glimpse of his cheeks tinted pink, chest rising and falling as he tries to catch his breath but you’re in no better shape. “are you spoiling me with kisses for my birthday?” he asks with a smirk.
your heart starts to pick up speed as you straighten yourself, feigning innocence. “wellll, not just kisses.” you admit, biting your bottom lip as you stand between him, spreading his legs with one of your knees. maybe you weren’t acting all that innocence after all.
“is that so, princess?” his voice is low and husky and you can practically hear his pants tighten as his cock hardens quick when you lean in, kissing the side of his neck in an open mouth kiss, eager fingers coming behind him back to untie his apron.
“yeah..” you murmur quietly into his ear before lifting the off white fabric from his shoulders. “wanna make you feel good for your special day.” 
once the apron is off and tossed to the side you place your hand against his chest, pushing him back slightly so you can easily lower to your knees all the while your hand trailing from his peck and down his stomach. you stop just above the edge of his pants, running your fingers along the hem from his hip to the middle button, popping it open with your thumb and index finger.
keishin groans low in response, helping you wiggle down his pants to his upper thighs. he bucks his hips as you palm his dick through his thin boxers, grabbing lightly at his balls with your other hand as you wander from the tip to the base.
“rude girl,” he says through gritted teeth when you continue to tease him.
you giggle and the sweet sound makes him that much harder. grabbing onto the hem on his underwear, you pull them down to where his pants sit in time with you falling to your knees between his spread legs, your mouth watering at his hard and thick cock slapping against his stomach, mushroom tip flushed pink and beaded with pre.
you run your wet, hot tongue from the base to his tip and grab onto his shaft with your hand, pumping him a few times as your tongue swirls around his tip and you kiss the licking slit of his cock.
“fuck..” he moans, one hand tangling into your hair lightly. 
leaning back in his chair more, he watches through leavy lashes as you start to take his cock in your mouth inch by inch, filling your pretty mouth until he hits the back of your throat. you contracts around him in a small choke when he bucks his hips just a bit, pushing himself into you more to where he knows you can take him. 
“you look so beautiful like this baby. so fucking beautiful,” his hand in your tightens, a pleasurable pull against your roots that helps you set a pace he knows he won’t last long going with for long.
knowing you need to breathe despite how eager you swallow him and hoping to not cum just yet, he helps you pull away slowly but like the little minx he called you earlier, you run your tongue along the vein spanning his length as you do, sinful and lewd, and continue to pump him in your hands, your saliva coating your fingers and running down your wrist.
“touch yourself for me princess,” keishin instructs through labored breath, your grip on his dick tightening at his words and he throws his head back with a curse at how amazing your hand feels. 
you do as he says, taking your free hand and pulling up the hem of your dress, letting him see how you aren’t wearing any underwear as you run a cold finger up your folds and come back down to rub your clit in circles, just like he does but though it feels good, you wish it were his bigger hands on you. 
his hand finds it way back to your hair and he pulls your mouth back to his cock with a devilish smirk and a chest rumbling groan when you take his tip in your mouth and start to suck, enjoying the salty precum that coats the back on your mouth with every tap against it, your fingers never leaving your wet folds as you bob your head up and down on his length.
your watery eyes make it hard to see clearly but it’s impossible to miss the way keishins back arches in his chair with your movements, coming undone under your hot tongue.
he moves back in his chair, a gentle hold on your hair keeping you from following after him but the sudden loss of him in your mouth makes you gasp and pout. a string of saliva connecting your abused lips and his throbbing cock. 
“kei-” you whine in protest but can’t even get his name out before he’s cutting you off with his hands cupping your chin.
“come here,” he sounds needy and desperate for you with how husky and urgent his words are but even if he hadn’t, it’s not like you would have denied him. on wobbly legs you try to stand, his touch moving from your face to your hips to help you onto his lap steadily. “wanna come inside your pretty pussy.”
“anything for you birthday boy.”
you feel yourself getting wetter at his words, your pussy suddenly feeling so very empty at the lust and love in his eyes that mirrors your own. his hands tug up your skirt, letting it pool around your hips before he’s thrusting along your folds, cocktip catching on your clit over and over until you’re clinging to him.
you gasp in surprise when he thrusts partially hard against you, your walls clenching around nothing. 
cradling the back of your skull with one hand, he brings you to his lips, groaning his words. “you’re so wet for me,” and then he’s kissing you passionately, slipping his tongue past your lips and humming in pleasure at the taste of both of you on your tongue. 
“keishin..” you moan when he pulls his tongue from your mouth. “please fuck me.”
straddling his lip on his chair, you do your best to lift yourself up and shiver at the feeling of him from your clit to your entrance as he positions himself, never breaking your kiss.
you slowly yourself down, your velvety walls stretching so perfectly to his dick, just like you always do. he’s already close to his orgasm, having your mouth around him was enough to do him in and you aren’t far behind him. not when you found so much pleasure of your own from having him in your mouth and touching yourself at his instruction didn't help. 
he always knows how to work his dick, hitting just the right spot inside you that has your vision blurry and white, the knot in your stomach hot, begging to burst from between your legs and there was no doubt in his mind that you were always so perfect riding him, taking him so deep and fuck feels like heaven.
grabbing onto your hips tightly, the sound of skin slapping against skin as he thrust harder into you fills the shop, your muffled moans and heaving breaths quiet against the wet lewd noises from between your legs.
you cry out his name as your orgasm washes over you, your walls impossibly tight around him, milking him of all he’s worth as he finds his own at the same moment, white hot seed painting your walls.
you collapse onto his chest with his softening dick still inside you, legs hurting from kneeling on the cold floor of the store and straddling your boyfriend’s hips on a chair as he eagerly fucked you. 
“mhm,” you hum into his ear and feel him shift underneath you, bringing you closer to him. “happy birthday again my love, there’s plenty more where that came from once you’re off.” you add with a smile against the damp skin on his neck.
“i can’t wait princess,” he slowly lifts you off of him and somehow you feel so empty now that his dick isn’t in you but also so full from his cum that you already feel dripping down your helps. he helps you fix your skirt, adjusting it like nothing happened before running his hands underneath the fabric, gathering the mess of you both on his fingers and pushing his sticky cum back into your hole.
you can’t help the little moan that escapes you at his fingers on your sensitive sex but smile through it as you lean in for more kisses, chaste and loving and sweet until he’s pulled his own pants back over him.
“i’ll see you for your birthday dinner, handsome,” you say sweetly, once you’ve broken your locked lips and collected yourself.
“see you then gorgeous,” he blows you a kiss as you walk out the door, flipping the sign to ‘open’ before you go.
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thought--bubble · 4 months
She Brings The Darkness Pt. 2/2
Michael Gavey X (Goth Classmate Reader)
Warnings after the cut
Word Count: 1869
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She Brings The Darkness Masterlist
Michael Gavey Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners & Dividers by @arcielee
A/N: This was the winner of the 300 followers vote! Sorry it took so long! I hope you enjoy! It was fun to see what you all wanted more of. Plus my bad for not getting this out before starting the next vote LMAO the timing was weird.
This is the sequel to THIS
Warnings: Swearing, Unprotected PinV Sex, Oral female Receiving. a little bit subby Michael, Whining Michael, Whimpering Michael.
Since your little rendezvous in the library, things had gone back to normal. You were yet again invisible, and Michael avoided looking at you at all costs.
You fight with yourself constantly. You had wanted Michael to leave you alone. That was the entire point, but now that he was, it was driving you crazy.
You find yourself seeking him out, in the library, the courtyard anywhere, really. Boring holes into the side of his head or back of his head willing him to look at you, yet he never does.
"Why am I like this?" You huff to yourself after yet again staring at Michael as he walked through the courtyard. "I am actually chasing Michael fucking Gavey" You rub your hands over your eyes and sigh.
Yet when your feet start moving again, they follow the path set forth by Michael. You can't seem to stop yourself from seeking him out.
When you round the corner, you smash directly into the cause of your ire.
"Why are you following me?" He asks sharply. "I was under the impression we came to an agreement."
You stare back at him speechless. He's right. What do you even say in this situation?
"I .... I ... ummm, " You scramble for words inside your head, but any sensical excuse seems to allude you.
Michael smirks as you stammer. "You don't want me to leave you alone now, do you?" He steps closer to you and tilts his head, trying to get a good look at your eyes. The eyes that were currently avoiding him.
"Hmmmm... seems I may have you hooked. " He chuckles.
Cockyness doesn't suit him, you think, or maybe it does?
"No. I'm not hooked on anything!" You protest with a little too much enthusiasm.
He lifts his eyebrows and smiles. "I've seen you outside of my dorm. Clearly, you know where it is. Meet me there tonight." Michael turns from you and walks away quickly out of sight as you stand there bewildered.
What the fuck just happened?
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Michael walks away from you with a cocky stride, yet the moment he is out of view, he wipes his palms on his trousers and shudders.
"What am I to do if she actually shows up?"
The whole thing was his brother's idea. He had called him explaining what had happened between the two of you in the library and your subsequent behavior.
"She wants the dick Michael" His brother had said while laughing. "Give it to her."
It all seemed so easy when talking about it jovially on the phone but actually going through with it? That is an entirely different matter.
Michael was no virgin, thanks to the kindness of a sweet girl at his secondary school who wanted to get back at her cheating boyfriend, but he was far from experienced.
He had gone out and purchased condoms. Cleaned his dormroom and knew his roommate would be out tonight.
Everything is in place. Now he just has to wait and see if you actually show up.
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Back in your dorm, you are in turmoil. Do you go?
You decide to go and convince yourself it is for one reason. To get the power back. Somehow, the power has shifted to Michael, and you can't have that.
So you rummage around your closet. The outfit needs to be sexier than last time. You don't want him to sweat, you want him to pass the fuck out. Forget maths. Something extreme. Something to tip the power back into your hands.
You pull out a red and black pleated miniskirt to match the red lacey bra and thong you already chose. With a silky red corset top.
This should do it. You choose a pair of black fishnet thigh highs with little red bows on the bands and strap up your docs.
You fix yourself up in the mirror and giggle, "Michael Gavey prepare to grovel."
You arrive outside his dorm room and stop at the door.
"Knock." You tell yourself, yet your hand doesn't move. "Fuckin knock!"
The door opens, and Michael looks at you with a curious expression and a half smile. "Having trouble then?" He opens the door wider to let you in.
You grit your teeth. Embarrassing yourself before you even stepped foot in the room was not part of the game plan.
"Michael." You turn to look at him attempting to put on your most seductive face.
He falters briefly, swallowing loudly before righting himself and falling back into the cocky boy persona.
It's a battle of wills.
"So why did you want me to come here?" You play with the collar of his shirt, bringing your fingers dangerously close to his neck. You can see the goosebumps cross his skin, but he plays it off so well.
"So we can discuss the ....... situation we have going on. " You cringe as he uses the same words you used in the library. This is as much a game of wits as it is wills, and you may be outmatched.
When he looks at you with another cocky smirk, a smirk that says, "I win." You decided to go with your last move. Your fatality move.
You move toward Michael, quickly wrap your hand around the back of his neck and pull his face towards yours, kissing him harshly. He freezes for just a moment before he starts to kiss you back, the mashing of tongues and lips messy and arousing.
This was not the plan. It was better than the plan. You push him back by the shoulders toward his bed. You know if you get him on that bed with you on top, you have him. He will melt just like last time.
He allows you to push him back on the bed, wrapping his arm around your back to pull you down with him. Your lips staying connected.
You crawl up onto him, placing your thighs on either side of his hips. He pulls back briefly and chuckles before gripping your back tightly and rolling you both over, pinning you beneath him.
"Not this time" He growls before he bites into your neck pressing his hardening cock up against your heat only his trousers and your thong separating the two.
You gasp as you feel his teeth tugging at the sensitive skin of your neck, ripples of pleasure traveling down your spine.
"Fuck Michael" You moan the words overwhelmed by the shock of his aggression and the pleasure he is making you feel.
"I got more," He mumbles as he starts kissing down onto your chest, unclasping the hooks on the corset. He gazes down at your half-naked form with a gleam in his eye. "So this is what you've been hiding under all those baggy clothes"
As he makes his way down to your skirt, you lift up your hips. "No, this we are gonna keep on." He pushes your hips back down onto the bed and pushes your skirt up.
You feel heat pooling in your stomach, traveling down to your core. How are you this turned on by Michael fucking Gavey?
He pushes your thighs apart and looks at your cunt. "Fucking brilliant" Is all he says before he shoves his head between your legs pulling your thong to the side and lapping directly at your clit.
"Oh fuck!" You whine at the sudden sensation.
He reacts to your whines with moans of his own as he continues to lick and suck at your pearl. Your hands travel down to his head gripping his hair and rutting your pussy against his face.
It feels too good and you need more pressure. You're sure you are suffocating him, but you don't care.
"Just like that, just like that." You whimper your legs, clamping around his head. "Fuck, right there, right there!" You arch your back as your climax tears through you, Michael continuing to lap at your folds as you ride out your high.
"Too much, too much." You whine afterward, pushing his head away.
He stands up a little dazed, face glistening with the proof of your arousal.
"Come here." You gesture for him to again join you on the bed, and he quickly obliges, crawling onto your body and slotting himself between your thighs.
When he brings his lips back down upon yours, you can taste yourself, and it only serves to increase your arousal. "Take those off," you whisper, tugging at the waistband of his trousers.
He quickly shuffles them off before turning to pull a box of condoms out of his bedside drawer.
"I'm clean and on birth control." You pull him back towards you. "Let me feel you."
He speechlessly nods at you, eyes half lidded, like he's in a trance.
You spread your legs wider for him.
"Fuck I... I really didn't expect it to get this far" he mutters more to himself than to you.
You can't help but giggle before grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him towards you. "Hurry up and fuck me Michael Gavey"
"uhhh .... yeah..... fuck yeah" He leans forward again nipping at the skin of your neck before pressing the head of his cock against your entrance.
"Fucccccccck," He moans as he starts to push into you, feeling the warmth and wetness surround him.
You grip his hips, pulling him forward, digging your nails into his soft, tender flesh.
"I said fuck me Michael." You growl biting down harshly on his bottom lip.
"Yes," He whimpers as he starts to rut into you, quickening his pace. "So good... so good, " He mumbles into the crook of your neck.
You feel the heat start to pool in the base of your stomach and dig your nails into his back. "Harder Michael" You demand.
He ruts into you harder and whines. "Oh god, oh god"
You feel him batter the spongey spot inside of you and arch your back, the sensation nearly sending you over the edge. "Faster"
"Oh shit, oh shit." He moves faster, and his legs start to tremble at the sheer force he is using. "I'm not gonna make it, fuck I-" He groans loudly. "Oh God"
"Not yet, Michael. Don't you dare." You dig your nails into the skin of his shoulder. "You cum when I say so"
He nods furiously. "Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He pants heavily and whines into the crook of your neck.
You clench your legs tightly around him as you are overcome by your climax. "Fuckkkk, good boy!"
"Please, please." He pants and whimpers.
"Just a little longer." You pull his face towards you and gently kiss him as he whimpers into your mouth. You smile at the thought that you were able to get the power back.
"Cum Michael, you can cum now"
He yells out as he grips your hips tightly rutting into you roughly a few more times before his entire body stiffens and he gasps. "Thank you, Thank you"
He collapses on top of you resting his forehead against your chest, as you stroke his hair.
"Shhh Michael, shh," you coo as he pants into your chest.
"You're mine now"
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soft-mafia · 9 months
Crush [Buggy x Reader] [Part 2]
warnings: female reader, nude drawings
a/n: here’s part 2!! I know a couple of people have been asking for it so I have delivered!! :D
part 1
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Buggy sighed, standing in front of Y/n with nothing on but his socks, “Disappointed?” He said with a gruff sigh, “I know I’m not as.. hunky as some of your drawings but.. just try to make it work.”
Y/n looked at Buggy’s naked body with pure adoration in her eyes— he was much more handsome that she ever imagined. She was too enamored with her gawking that she didn’t even listen to what he had said.
He wasn’t going to lie, the way she was looking at him was kind of creeping him out. He detached one hand to wave it over her face, “Y/n? Hello?”
“Oh my god! The one thing I forgot!!” She gasped, Buggy’s hand flew back to his body as he was caught off guard by her sudden burst back to reality, “Your body hair! Your chest hair— that’s what was missing!!”
Buggy’s eyes widened a bit, “Huh?! Eh— aren’t those things that you want to avoid?”
Y/n set her book down and walked over to Buggy, standing closer to admire him even further, “No way! I think it makes you look so much more sexier!” She put her hands over her mouth and giggled as she blushed. Buggy’s entire face went red, he then laughed, feeling flattered and flustered at the same time.
Y/n shuffled closer to him, tracing the outline of his abs with her finger, “I think you are a hunk. I mean, yeah I kind of took a bit of— artistic liberties.. but you’re still sexy.”
“And my- and my dick..” Buggy mumbled under his breath, “Not as big, is it?” He sighed.
“Wellll, it was an educated guess. But I got pretty close.” Y/n shrugged, then looked down at it as it hung between his legs, she bit her lip. It was thick and meaty just like she imagined it. Buggy couldn’t help but smirk, “Yeah, you like what you see, sweetheart?” He grinned, putting his arms behind his neck to flex his muscles a bit.
Y/n squeaked when she noticed she was staring way too much and hid her face, “I-I’ll get back to— drawing you..” she hurried back to the chair across the room, holding her sketch book. Buggy sighed a bit, and here he was thinking he was about to get some action.. oh well.
“You.. wanted to be taller, right?” Y/n said, looking at her book, then back at Buggy.
Buggy put one foot up on a chair, his hands on his hips, “Yeah, and more buffer, maybe.. with a bigger hat or something too. Something that makes me look cool.”
Y/n giggled, rolling her eyes softly as she began to draw. A few minutes passed and she got the base sketch down, she then looked back at Buggy, starting on the actual line art.
“Jeez does it always take you this long?” Buggy grumbled, his leg starting to cramp a little.
“Yeah duh. Art isn’t easy.” Y/n said, biting her lip as she made Buggy’s abs look extra chiseled, and his hair extra long and voluminous. “So.. you don’t mind that I’m drawing you like this? You don’t think I’m creepy or anything?”
“Well..” Buggy started, looking off to the side, “I was.. weirded out at first, but to be honest I look better in your drawings than I do.. yknow, in general.”
“That’s not true!” Y/n looked at him, “I draw you because you already look hot.”
“Ugh.. don’t lie to me.” Buggy sighed, then looked back at Y/n, “Do you think-.. in your little drawing, you could draw me with a, normal nose? Just any kind of nose but not this big red thing.”
Y/n blinked at Buggy, pausing for a moment, “Why? Your nose is the best part about you..” Y/n was wondering how Buggy would react to this.. he always thought everybody was talking smack about his nose(even when they weren’t even talking about him in the first place..) she wondered how he would take a genuine compliment..
“I told you not to fucking lie to me!!” Buggy snapped, “That’s a cruel way to joke to somebody!! Disguising insults as compliments.. you should be ashamed of yourself!!” Buggy growled, then looked at Y/n’s sketch book. He then stormed over to her, making her gasp as he snatched it out of her hands.
“Is this a joke too? All of these drawings, were you purposefully drawing me like this with my nose just to insult me?!” Buggy growled, “Was everybody else on the crew in on this too?!”
“B-Buggy! That- that doesn’t even make sense, I would never do that!!” Y/n tried to reach out to grab her book, “Buggy, I think you’re handsome, really! Your nose is fine!”
“That’s Captain Buggy.” The man growled at Y/n, which quickly made her shut up and freeze in fear. “You know what.. this isn’t working out. Get out of my room.” Buggy growled and turned away from her after giving her book back, shoving it into her chest.
Y/n had tears in her eyes as she felt her heart break. Her mouth opened, lips trembling— she wanted to say something so bad, something to make things right but.. she was too scared. Y/n sniffled a little bit, she hugged her book to her chest while walking out of Buggy’s quarters.
Buggy sighed and slapped a hand over his forehead, he wrapped a towel around his waist before sitting on the edge of the bed and cracking open a bottle of booze, downing it like there was no tomorrow.
A little after midnight, Buggy was in a slightly intoxicated state. He felt awful, he felt ugly. But most of all— he was starting to miss Y/n. She was so sweet, she actually liked him, she liked him enough to obsessively draw him over and over again. And he just pushed her away. Buggy felt like an absolute asshole, and it made him want to drink even more.
He was about to put the bottle back to his lips again before he heard a knock on his door. He growled, “Go away!” He grumbled.
“C-Captain Buggy.. can I come in?” He heard Y/n’s voice from the other side of the door. Buggy’s eyes soften upon hearing her sweet voice, but then he growled again, “I told you to fuck off!!” As much as he wanted to open the door and hug Y/n until her eyes popped out— he was still pissy at her. Because in his mind, there was no way a girl like Y/n could genuinely find somebody like him attractive. She had to be playing with him.. messing with an old man’s emotions; what a cruel little bitch.
“Captain please, it’s important.” Y/n sounded like a dog scratching on its owner’s door wanting to be let inside..
Buggy growled and stumbled off of his bed, stomping over to the door before slinging it open, “Make it quick.” He growled.
Y/n opened her sketch book and flipped to a page, then showed him a drawing— it made Buggy’s gaze soften once more. It was the drawing of him that she was working on hours ago, he was so.. majestic, his hair was long, shiny and looked like it was blowing through the non existent wind. Y/n had made Buggy so handsome that he didn’t even focus on the nose at all. He had his foot up on a rock, waves were crashing behind him while there were some mermaids in the background flipping in the air. And his dick was huge as always(Y/n drew his actual size this time, now that she knew what it looked like)
“Awww.. baby..” Buggy slurred in his drunken state, wiping a tear from his eyes, “You made me so handsome— I-I’m sorry for yelling at you.. and being an asshole.” He sighed, “I should- I should give you a kiss.” Buggy stepped forward.
Y/n giggled and closed the book, holding it at her side, “I dunno Buggy.. why don’t we wait until you’re sober? I don’t really like the taste of- MMFF!” Without warning, Buggy smushed his lips against Y/n’s. She cringed slightly at the taste of his beer, but she decided to just accept her fate and kiss back.
This was all she ever wanted anyway, attention from her handsome captain. Even though he could be a grumpy pain in the ass sometimes, she thought it made him even more handsome and adorable.
Before she knew it, Buggy was dragging her into his room, then slammed the door behind the two of them.
Y/n had unknowingly dropped her sketchbook out in the hall when Buggy dragged her away. Some crew mates stumbled upon the new drawing, and they laughed their asses off about it for the rest of the night.
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mandos-mind-trick · 11 months
The Initiation
Summary: Echo doesn't quite know what he's getting himself into when he joins Clone Force 99. He definitely doesn't expect what goes on behind closed doors with their beloved medic.
Pairing: Poly Bad Batch x reader (no clonecest whatsoever)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, group sex, kind of an orgy, reverse harem, brief glimpse of the author's glove kink, masturbation, exhibitionism, oral, spitroasting, Wrecker's big dick, unprotected sex, creampies galore, squirting, Hunter loves feeding reader's praise kink, Hunter's a bit of a dom, this is utter filth someone get me holy water i need to drink it.
A/N: *sweats nervously once more* Don't ask where this came from. I'm not sure you want to know. I...have no excuse. If you need me, I'll be in horny prison.
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Echo notices not long after he joins them. 
He feels more at home with Clone Force 99 than he would have back with the 501st. The “regs” they called them. Even on the cramped ship that’s too small already, he feels a sense of comfort. Of course, in such cramped quarters, it doesn’t take him long to notice things. 
You, the squad’s medic, had been the most welcoming at first. You had been there, on Skako Minor, waiting with the ship for them to return. You’d spoken so softly, so sweetly to him, talking him through everything as you scanned his body for potential injuries. You’d wrapped him in a blanket, warming his frosted skin as much as physically possible. You hadn’t done any more than you needed to, not wanting to cause him any more stress than he was already feeling. 
He hadn’t fallen in love in that moment, per se, but he had grown to like you first, before the others. 
That wasn’t entirely the reason why he noticed it so quickly. 
It was hard to miss. 
The first were the touches. In close quarters it was hard to avoid sometimes, but this was more than that. Most recently had been coming in to land for their latest mission. You had been standing next to the seat Hunter was sitting in, in the cockpit. He had slipped a hand between your legs to grip your inner thigh and tug you closer to him. It had been far too high to be only Hunter keeping you steady as Tech expertly landed the ship. 
You hadn’t seemed to care at all. 
Then the proximity. You stood close to them. Very close. Even Crosshair who kept as much personal space as possible allowed you to break into that circle. 
It wasn’t just you. They hovered as well, standing closer than regulation would approve of when you talked, sometimes so close you had to be breathing the same air. 
Then the lingering glances. When you passed by them, their eyes would follow. When you were busy taking inventory, sorting through supplies, reading away at your datapad, they’d be sitting watching you. Their eyes would trail your form, very visible beneath your tactical suit. You don’t go out into the field with them, but due to their status as an independent squad, you wore tactical gear instead of the normal civilian medic scrubs. It had been modified, slightly of course, thanks to Tech. Despite the fact you never saw any combat, you had greater protection around vital areas just in case. 
Something’s going on. Something more than just the closeness of a squad. Something they’re all in on. He’s too afraid to ask. 
Maybe he should have. 
His first experience in Clone Force 99’s barracks is...something. It’s messy, as the Marauder is. There’s a smell too, something he can’t quite place. Something bad. None of the others even seem to notice, not even you. You toss your bag onto the couch before sitting at the table, leaning your back against it. 
“We can rig up something for you, if you don’t want to sleep on the couch.” Hunter tells him, setting his own pack down. 
His gaze flickers to you. There’s only four bunks. He doesn’t want to take your spot if that’s where you sleep. “But what about-” 
“I rotate bunks.” You say, lips curling up in a smirk. 
Hunter says your name, a warning growl in his voice. Echo’s only heard that tone once from him, when Tech had made a quick decision without informing anyone else during a fight. It had worked in their favor, but Hunter liked to know when he was going to do something reckless. 
“What?” You ask, batting your eyelashes innocently. “He’s a smart man, he’s probably figured something out by now. It’s not like you’ve been trying very hard to hide it.”
So he had been right. There were things, things beyond just the normal gawking of men enclosed in a tight space with a beautiful woman. You are beautiful. He can’t blame them for staring, or touching. It’s not exactly forbidden. He knows the kinds of things that happen during shore leave. But that was shore leave, far from the GAR and those that would report to higher-ups the goings on in the private lives of troopers. 
Hunter had told him the little shore leave they get they spend here on Kamino, far from Coruscant and where the other troopers spend their free time. 
An easier place to get caught. 
He knows the consequences of doing it, the consequences of getting caught. The reprimanding, the possible decommissioning. 
He stares at you wide eyed, Hunter passing him to stand in front of you. “That’s...against the-” 
“What, against the rules?” Crosshair says, leaning against a crate. “You’ll be quick to learn we’re not exactly ones for following the rules.” 
“It’s tradition.” Hunter says, hand cupping your chin to lift your gaze to him. You stare up at him, something shining in your eyes. Love? No, not quite. “Perhaps this time it can be more of an...initiation.” 
“If you want.” You say, turning to look at Echo once more. You’re staring at him like you did when you first met him on the flight back from Skako Minor. Your tone is the same too, that gentle, disarming voice used to calm nervous patients. Your lips turn up in a soft smile, a complete 180 from the salacious look you had been wearing seconds ago. “You don’t have to, if you’re uncomfortable. You can always go and get dinner, give us a couple hours.” 
He should. He should walk out the door and pretend he’s not about to watch his new squad’s medic act inappropriately with the other members of the squad. You don’t seem to have any complaints. There was no coercion on their part, at least that he could tell. You want this as much as they seem to do. They all move towards the table, hovering around it, around you. 
You’re beautiful. You truly are. He’d be crazy to try and deny that. He can’t blame them, and perhaps if he had still been like he was before, he’d have tried to shoot his shot. 
You rest your elbow on the table, leaning your head against your hand. “It’s up to you, handsome. You can always just watch, if that’s what you’d prefer.” 
There’s a tense moment of silence, everyone still as you stare at Echo. He swallows thickly, knowing he should walk out while he still can, but he’s not sure he wants to. Maybe he does want to see this. Maybe he does want to partake. You seem so willing, so ready. 
Hunter grabs your chin, yanking your face back to him. It’s rough, the sweetness in your eyes disappearing again, being replaced by the lusty look that had been in them before. Hunter presses his gloved thumb against your lips and you eagerly take it into your mouth. 
He’s screwed. He’s so kriffing screwed. 
Hunter stares at you as you suck on his thumb, seeming to silently communicate. This isn’t a new thing. You’ve been doing this for a while. Hunter pulls his thumb from your mouth, dropping his fingers to the neck of your tactical suit, tugging on it gently. “Off.” 
You stand, Hunter stepping back. You begin to undress, pulling off your gear and tactical suit. Echo can’t help but avert his gaze as you pull off your breastband, his face feeling warmer than usual. You’re not the first naked woman he’s seen, but this is different. He’s not supposed to be seeing you naked. 
His eyes dart back to you as you move, lifting yourself onto the table. His face feels warmer than usual as he stares at you, taking in every curve and slope of your body. You bend your legs, pressing your heels into the table, spread wide enough for even him to see the slick folds between your thighs. 
“Get yourself ready, mesh’la.” Hunter says, his voice deeper than usual. 
You lay back on the table, tracing a hand down your body. Echo can hear the thud of codpieces hitting the floor, but his eyes are focused on your hand as it dips lower and lower. 
Your fingers run through folds, gathering some wetness. You slip a finger inside, letting out a breathy sound. Your other hand drops down to circle your clit slowly as you work your finger in, stretching yourself out. Your head falls back as you add a second finger, slowly picking up the pace. 
Echo’s eyes focus on your lips, parted as you moan quietly. Anyone could walk in. Anyone could see you like this. The risks are so high, but no one seems to care. 
You’re close, your fingers thrusting into you hard as you desperately chase your orgasm. Hunter turns his head, glancing at Crosshair. The sniper smirks, pulling his toothpick from his lips before flicking it across the room. He steps up to you, fingers wrapping around your wrist before tugging your hand from your pussy. You let out a whine in complaint, Crosshair tugging you up to sit.
“Aww man, why don’t I ever get to go first?” Wrecker complains. 
“Because you’d rip her in half.” Crosshair says, delivering a sharp slap to your thigh as you maneuver yourself. You bend over the table, resting your head so you can see Echo. You make eye contact with him, lips parted as you breathe. 
Crosshair’s thin fingers trail down your spine, your back arching to press your ass up. His other hand frees himself from his blacks, jerking his hard length. You moan as he presses his cock into your slick pussy, lifting up on your toes to take him deeper. Crosshair groans as he settles inside you, hands dropping to grip your hips. 
You brace yourself on the table as Crosshair begins to move, pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts. You let out the most salacious sounds, Crosshair’s hand tangling in your hair to pull your head up. Tech steps up in front of you, slipping a hand into his blacks to draw out his cock. You open your mouth, waiting expectantly for Tech. 
He presses his cock into your mouth, his own hand taking the place of Crosshair’s. Crosshair picks up the pace, snapping his hips into yours. The sound of his hips hitting your ass, and the wet squelch of your pussy are loud. Echo glances nervously at the door. If someone stood too close to the door, they could probably figure out what was going on. 
No one else seems to care, though. They’re not stopping, nor attempting to be any quieter. 
The only things that have been silenced are your moans, muffled by Tech’s cock in your mouth. You’re moaning and whimpering, at the mercy of the two clones as they use your body. Crosshair slips a hand under you, fingers rubbing your clit. 
Your body shudders as you cum, letting out a high pitched moan around Tech’s cock. Crosshair groans as he stills, cumming inside you. Crosshair pulls free, Tech not slowing at all. Wrecker steps up, taking Crosshair’s place. He runs his fingers along your slit, gathering Crosshair’s seed that’s beginning to seep out of you, using his thick fingers to push it back in. 
You moan around Tech’s cock, pushing yourself up on your elbows. There’s a pool of drool forming on the table under you, more stringing between your lips and Tech’s cock as he pulls free for a second. Wrecker takes advantage, pressing the thick head of his cock against your slit. 
Your eyes squeeze closed, body relaxing as he presses into your pussy. You whimper at the stretch, body gaping around his thick cock. Your head ducks down, hand lifting to jerk Tech’s cock as Wrecker presses further in. Hunter steps up to your side, carding his fingers through your hair. It’s so soft and gentle, such a change from what had just happened. 
You whine, hips shifting against Wrecker’s hold. “Too much.” 
“You can take it, mesh’la.” Wrecker groans. 
“Good girl,” Hunter praises, still stroking your hair. “Be a good girl and take him.” 
You let out another pathetic whine, legs shaking by the time Wrecker is completely seated inside you. Hunter gently guides your head back up, Tech slipping his cock back into your mouth. You grip the edge of the table as Wrecker begins to move, slow thrusts as your body stretches around his cock. 
Echo’s hands have curled into fists at his sides, his cock pressing uncomfortably against his codpiece. He never would have thought he could be turned on by something like this, but the sounds, the way your body moves so seamlessly with them, the noises coming from you...it’s all too much. 
Tech grits his teeth as he stills, cumming into your mouth. You take all of him, swallowing his load. Wrecker pulls you up, holding your back to his chest as he cums with a loud groan, spilling into you. Tech slaps a hand over your mouth as you nearly scream, soaking the table and the floor with your orgasm. 
Wrecker laughs rapturously, holding you up as you practically go limp in his arms. “Got another one!” 
“Yes, well, you do have the anatomical advantage when it comes to producing such a result.” Tech says. “For some of us, it takes actual skill.” 
Wrecker lays you on the table on your back, your body limp as you breathe heavily. “Yeah, well I’ve done it more times than anyone.” 
“Enough.” Hunter says, stepping around the table to where you’re laying. “You can debate skills later. We’re not finished here yet.” 
Their gazes all turn back to you, Hunter stepping between your legs. He reaches up, stroking your cheek gently. “Hi, mesh’la. Still with us?” 
You nod, leaning into his touch. “Present, Sergeant.” 
Hunter smirks, reaching down with his other hand to pull out his cock. “Good girl.”
You let out a little whine at the praise, his hands folding your legs against your chest. You hold the backs of your knees, keeping your legs in place. 
Hunter smiles, trailing his hand down your front. “Such a good girl for us.” His fingers circle your clit, your legs twitching. “Can you take one more?” 
You nod, looking absolutely fucked out as you stare up at him. “Yes, sir.” 
He smiles, moving his hand to press against the back of your thigh as he guides his cock to your slit. You groan as he presses into you, giving you no time to adjust as he begins moving his hips. You make the sweetest little noises as he fucks you, eyes trained on him. 
It feels different than with the others, softer and more intense. Echo wonders if it’s simply the dynamic. The others pick you apart and Hunter pieces you back together. He can’t help but be curious. How had this started? How long had it taken? Who was first? You’d probably tell him if he asked. It wasn’t like you were hiding it anymore. Not that you really had been from the start. 
Your knuckles are white where they’re gripping under your knees as Hunter rolls his hips against yours. He can tell just by the sounds you’re making how close you are. He can already pick up the cues your body gives. 
Hunter grips your hips, pulling you to the very edge of the table. His movements change, thrusting shallowly into you. Your legs begin to shake, moans getting louder and higher pitched. He knows what’s coming already, your hips jerking as you soak the front of Hunter’s armor, sending a squirting into the air and onto the floor. Hunter takes his cock in his hand, jerking it a couple times before he cums onto your pussy and thighs. 
Wrecker stares in disbelief, making a disappointed noise. 
“Looks like you won’t be in the lead for much longer.” Crosshair teases, slipping a toothpick back into his mouth. 
Tech grabs a questionable looking towel off the floor, wiping down the table and the floor. You let your legs go, both flopping bonelessly over the edge of the table. 
“So?” Hunter says, turning to Echo. He’s still standing between your thighs, the front of his armor dripping from your explosive orgasm. “What do you think of our girl?” 
Echo’s throat feels constricted. He’s not sure he could speak if he wanted to. He’s hard, fists still clenched at his sides. 
“You’re a part of this squad now.” Hunter says, placing a gentle hand on your stomach. “Which means you can be part of this if you want.” He glances down at you. “She’d like you to be, wouldn’t you, cyare?” 
You nod, still lying limp on the table. “Want your cock, Echo.” Your voice is raw, hardly more than a murmur. 
Hunter stares at him, waiting for an answer. Echo knows he can say no. You’ll be disappointed but not upset. He should say no. You’ve had enough, he can tell, but the way you’d worked Tech with your mouth, giving control over to him. His cock twitches at the thought. 
“So, how do you want her?” Hunter asks. 
“I-I want her mouth.” Echo finally says, stumbling over the words. 
Hunter helps you sit up, easing you off the table. “Come on, mesh’la. Show him what you can do with that pretty little mouth.” 
You take the couple steps to him with a distinctive limp, dropping to your knees. You’re hazy eyed and soaked with sweat, sticky from your cum and theirs. You look absolutely fucked. If someone walked in, there would be no question. All they’d have to do is look at you to know what had transpired in the barracks. 
You wait patiently on your knees as Echo reaches into his blacks pulling his hard cock out. You lean forward and for a moment he’s worried you’re passing out, but instead you stick your tongue out, running it along the bottom side of his length. His jaw clenches, hand closing around the base of his cock so he doesn’t cum immediately and embarrass himself. It’s been a long time since he’s felt anything, and your warm mouth might send him straight into space. 
You grip his thighs as you lick along his length, swirling your tongue over his head. Your eyes lift, no longer hazy as they meet his, staring deeply into them as you take him into your mouth. He keeps hold of his cock, watching as you sink lower and lower until your lips are pressing against his hand. He swallows thickly, the warmth of your mouth and the press of your tongue almost too much. 
He understands now. Not that he hadn’t before, but he can see how they’ve all fallen so heavily for you, risking being discovered just for this. Just for you. 
You bob your head, fucking his cock with your mouth. He desperately squeezes the base, not wanting to cum just yet. He holds on for dear life, keeping his gaze locked to yours as you suck the very soul out of him. 
He lets go, cumming with a curse as he spills into your mouth. You swallow around him, taking every last drop before releasing him. You lick at his head, cleaning every last drop before you sit back, licking your lips. 
Hunter steps up next to you, gently patting your head. “Good girl.” 
Wrecker helps you into the ‘fresher, Tech cleaning up the rest of the mess you had made. Echo tucks himself back in his blacks, trying to wrap his head around what had just happened. Two years ago he would have never considered taking a civilian medic to bed, much less with his own squad. They’re so nonchalant about it, slipping back into their routines almost instantly. 
When he had first met you, he would have never thought you did something like this behind closed doors. It’s not hard to see why they would take advantage of your willingness, though. You’re captivating, not just in your skills and your beauty. 
Kriff, he’s in deep now. 
He’s not as upset about it as he should be. 
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@kaminocasey, @rosechi, @mxkyrie, @bobaprint, @star-trekker-0013, @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka, @rain-on-kamino
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lavouredior · 12 days
At this point I literally stalk your tumblr page 🤫
Idk if there are parks in hell 🤷‍♀️ but maybe if Val or Vel took bunny to the park for the day and they take their eyes off of her and she climbs a REALLY tall tree 🐰 then Vox has to put up with that fact that they let her fall and get hurt 😧
-My third time requesting and I literally love how you respond EVERY TIME 🤍🤍🤍
when i tell you i LOVE this idea !!!
also bunny reader imo is a little along with being as sensitive as she is normally and that’s why she’s so babied with everyone, that’s how i interpret her but if you guys wanna interpret her in a different way you definitely can !!!
warnings: none!!!
Don’t Hurt The Bunny
“valentino. let the girl off the fucking leash.” vox told velvette & valentino to be watchful over you when he let them watch you and they decided to take you to the park. valentino took that a bit too serious after he decided to make you put on a backpack leash, velvette was not a fan.
“wan’ go!” you complained as you tried running but the couldn’t due to the backpack leash. “vox is gonna kill us if she gets hurt vel!” she just rolled her eyes before taking the backpack off of you causing you to run over to the park.
“she’s not gonna get hurt piss baby! just let her fucking play!” she smiles as she sees you running back over to them knowing you get upset over fighting. “hi babes.” all you did was give her grabby hands.
“babes, i need you to tell me what you need.” you just sighed and leaned your head against her. valentino, who knew well enough that you didn’t like to voice your wants and that when you start acting like that it means you’re five seconds away from a meltdown, which letting you have a meltdown then vox finding out was something neither of the two needed to be yelled at for.
he immediately grabbed the bag that velvette brought of your things then kneeled down so he was closer to your height. “bun, look at me.” you kept your head against velvette but turned your head so you were facing him.
he pulled out your water bottle and you shook your head, he then pulled out one of the snack bags they brought for you “no!!!” you whined causing valentino to start to panic a bit.
“bun. look inside the bag yourself.” and you did, grabbing your stuffed animal bunny before running back over to the park.
“she’s going to be a handful today.” valentino sighed, he sometimes missed when the two of you didn’t get along. it only happened because valentino cannot deal with you throwing a tantrum. all over the fact you accidentally left your bunny stuffed animal in the limo and he had ran to get it for you.
“hey! piss baby! where’s the bunny?” velvette asked as you had ran out of their line of sight. “oh fuck! we got to find her before voxxy finds out.”
technically you weren’t out of their line of sight. they told you that you couldn’t pass the tree, so when you were pushing your stuffed animal on the swing and it went flying up the tree, you knew you had to climb to go get it.
they ran over and looked for you until valentino got hit in the head with your bunny stuffed animal. “stuffy!” they both looked up to see you at the top of a tree that was taller than velvette & valentino if they were standing on top of each other.
“i told you we needed to keep her on the backpack leash!” valentino sighed as his panic started to set in as he wasn’t planning on getting killed by vox today. “babes! do not move we will figure out how to get you down.”
they were trying to think of a rational plan but you refused to be away from your stuffed animal for any longer. which is why you started to climb down the tree, which was working fine. until it wasn’t.
about halfway down, you had gone to put your foot on a branch that wasn’t actually there and ended up falling, causing you to immediately start crying and velvette and valentino to run over to you.
“hey bun it’s okay it’s okay.” valentino said as he picked you up and put your head into his shoulder to try and keep your crying down. “vox is gonna kill us.” velvette muttered as she picked your stuffed animal up.
“wan’ bubs!” valentino sighed starting to bounce you on his hip to try and get you to calm down. “i know you want voxxy bun but we can’t bring you to him like this.” that just made your crying to get louder.
“idiot! we need to bring her to him now. she could be seriously hurt and you know that she’s not gonna calm down until vox is with her.” velvette shook her head at the moth.
when they got back to the vee tower you were still sobbing, they got you to calm down in the limo on the drive back but it started up again after valentino had tried to move you and had hit one of the cuts you got from falling.
vox had heard your crying from his office and immediately came and ran over to you. “what the fuck did you guys do!” he said to valentino and velvette before taking you out of valentino’s arms.
velvette and valentino remained silent. “princess, talk to me, what’s wrong?” vox said to you but, all you did was put your head against his chest still crying.
vox wasn’t mad at you. if you were ever crying he always took your side knowing you rarely ever cried unless something happened to you. he was more pissed that the two people that were supposed to be watching you weren’t telling him what happened.
he sighed before setting you down, hoping you’d at least point out to him who did it that made you upset but that’s when he noticed all the cuts on your legs.
“let us take her out to the park vox. she’ll love to have fun at the park vox. we will make sure she’s safe vox. and you let her get fucking hurt?!” the rooms lights started to flicker as he started seething.
the lights only went back to normal as he heard you start crying louder due to fear. “i’m sorry princess, can you please tell me what happened?” he picked you up, but didn’t let you rest your head on his chest.
“bun bun wen’ in tree so i go get and then fell.” vox nodded, glaring at his business partners. “where’s her stuffy?” valentino held it up and vox nodded. “good you two follow me, i’m gonna get this one off to sleep and then we need to talk.”
he went to his office and sat down in his chair with you on his lap. “let me see the stuffed animal.” you shook your head at him causing him to let out a chuckle. “i’m sorry princess.” he said softly before turning back to valentino “val. give me the stuffy.” he said sternly still pissed off at him.
vox got the stuffed animal from valentino then handed it to you which you immediately cuddled resting your head on his chest, starting to fall asleep as you usually did after crying.
“you two. what the fuck were you thinking?” he said quiet enough so that it wouldn’t wake you up. “i wanted to put her on a leash but-“
vox sighed at valentino’s excuse. “you two are going to do whatever she wants until every cut and scrape are healed. okay?” the two just nodded, knowing it’s the best punishment they could get after letting you get hurt.
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brooooswriting · 7 months
Can we get prompt 22 & 25 with Maria Hill (angst w/ hap end (maybe slight smut if ur comfortable)) PLEASE 🙏🏼
22. “You can still use your legs, so don’t say that I was jealous again”
25. “Don’t cover my bite marks, or I might just have to add more”
A/n: so this was my first time writing Maria and I didn’t wanna immediately write smut. Sorry :/
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Maria was normally a totally closed off person, the team often tried to engage her and it took several years for her to finally tell them something. But it was never something really really personal which made them even more surprised when she brought a girl to Starks party. On her arm was a beautiful y/h/c girl wearing a shorter dress and gazing up at her with utter admiration.
“Oh wow, who’s that?” Sam asked Steve who was also starring at you. Next to him on the couch, Natasha, Bruce and Wanda were also starring at you.
“I do not know but I am going over there” Wanda said and walked over to you. By now you were standing at the bar, ordering for you and your girlfriend. “Hey there” the brunette spoke up as she slid next to you, shooting you an overconfident smirk.
“Hello” you smiled at her friendly before looking straight ahead again, you weren’t really interested in having a conversation.
“You know, I would have thought that god would keep an angel like you to himself” She asked coming a bit closer again. You had to bite your lip to stop your laugh.
“Is this how you talk to everyone here?” You asked with a grin and turned towards her.
“No, just pretty girls. My names Wanda” she stretched out her hand for you to take, her smile even cockier than before.
“I’m y/n and I gotta go” you said after shaking her hand as your drinks arrived. While Wanda was nice and kinda funny you’d rather be with Maria. So you took your drinks and walked away and past the couch were the others sat.
“What was that?” Maria asked once you were back, taking the drink from your hand. She eyed Wanda who walked back to the couch with a small pout.
“She just wanted to say hi” you weren’t going to tell her the flirting stuff because you didn’t want the agent to hurt her. But she could see through your lies and only gave you an ‘mhm’ before continuing her conversation.
The whole evening went like that, somebody’ either from the team or somebody else, came to you and tried to flirt. It annoyed Maria unbelievably but she didn’t wanna cause a scene and she trusted you. So she let you be on the other side of the room, but always keeping an eye on you, just in case somebody made you uncomfortable.
You could see Maria’s face turn red once Wanda came back and started to touch you. They weren’t forceful or anything, her hand on your arm or your shoulder, sometimes innocently grazing your thigh. It was hard to hide your grin, so you turned your head the other way.
At one point nearly everybody left except the team, some dudes you didn’t know, you and Maria. Fury even came to visit once it was just you guys, he was the one who wanted to introduce you. “Everybody, this is my assistant and new agent y/n y/l/n. She will be here the next couple of days when we have our conferences” he said and gave you a pat on the shoulder before sitting down. You sat down between Maria and Sam which turned out to be a big mistake.
“You know, you could assist me in my bedroom tonight” he told you with a smile, his arm laying behind you on the couch.
“I’ll pass but thank you” you mumbled leaning further into Maria. You wanted to climb on her lap and hide your face in her neck but she didn’t wanna tell the team so you just scooted away a bit.
At one point Natasha came to rescue and made you sit next to her and on the edge of the couch. Sure she was flirting too, but it wasn’t as sexual and way more funny. Plus, you kinda liked the way Maria looked at you once Natasha was flirting with you and she wasn’t close enough to stop it.
“Alright, it was really nice to meet everyone but you know, early day tomorrow. So I’ll see you then, thanks again Tony” you said as you stood up, waving everybody except Natasha and Wanda who decided to hug you. Much to Maria’s dismay.
You waited outside for about ten minutes, knowing that Maria wasn’t gonna take long. A small grin on your lips as you leaned against the wall, purse in hand. It took her longer than you thought to come down, 25 minutes passed when you finally saw her. But your smile fell when your girlfriend came down the stairs with one of the dudes you didn’t know, his arm slightly wrapped around her waist and a smile on both of their lips. They talked for a short moment, Maria typing on his phone before he leaned down. You weren’t stupid and Maria wasn’t either, be planned to kiss her, probably hoping to take her home but she turned her head in the right moment for him to kiss her check.
You were fuming when she came over to you. A stupid cooky smile on her damn face. “What the hell?” You asked with a strong voice, an annoyed look on your face.
“What? You think you’re the only one who can flirt?” She asked walking to the car before you could answer. You rolled your eyes and sat in the passenger seat.
“Flirting? I was being flirted with, I didn’t do anything actively. You were the one who gave a dude her number and he nearly kissed you” you tried to stay reasonable but it was no use. “God what the hell were you thinking?” You shook you head looking out of the window.
“You started all of this, they were all over you” her eyes flickered over to you as you stood on a red light. She watched as your brows furrowed and your head lightly shook.
“So what? I didn’t do anything except being nice, they’re your friends!” You told her as you got out of the car, house key already in your hand. Both of you walking through the door and letting everything fall to the floor.
“Oh so suddenly being nice means whoring yourself out?”
“What the hell? I was being nice, you were the one who flirted around and nearly kissed somebody else! You wanted to keep this secret and now you can’t deal with the fact that other people might want me too”
“Please, this is not what this is about” she screamed back making you roll your eyes and turn around. “What are you doing?” She asked.
“I’m leaving Maria, this is useless. You don’t trust me but you wanna keep me a secret. This won’t work like that and I do not feel like arguing with a brick wall right now” you argued back, your keys already in your hand.
“You’re being pity, y/n” this time you couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’m being pity? You’re the one who’s pity, you’re jealous and you can’t deal with it Maria” you told her sternly, pulling of your second stiletto with an annoyed sigh.
The next sound that escaped you was a yelp as the brunette had picked you up and carried you into the bedroom. “Wanna say that again?” She asked teasingly as she threw you onto the bed. You were in for a night.
A couple of hours later, Maria fell next to your own sweaty body. She waited a couple of moment before doing so to make sure you had calmed down. She then stood up to get a cloth to clean you. “Open your legs love” she mumbled which made you whine but do so nonetheless. “You can still use your legs, so don’t say I was jealous again” she told you with a raised eyebrow and a grin.
Once she was done cleaning you and got you a glass of water she laid behind you, her arms wrapped around your waist as she carefully intertwined your legs. “I gave him the wrong number by the way” she suddenly whispered into your neck, placing a soft kiss there. “I wouldn’t have given him my number under any circumstances” she added, her thumb carefully stroking your hand.
“You better” you mumbled before falling asleep.
The next morning Maria woke up before you, but instead of getting up she decided to stay in bed with you a bit longer as she admired her work on your neck. There were countless hickeys scattered across your neck, your shoulder, your breasts and your thighs. She couldn’t wait for the moment you saw them.
Not long after your alarm started to ring which made you stir, immediately turning towards Maria and hiding in the crook of her neck to avoid getting up. “Come on sleepy head, we gotta get going” she mumbled and pressed a kiss to your head before getting into the shower. Once you were awake enough you followed her, the bathroom already full of steam, covering the mirror.
You showered way longer than you actually should have, but if you have the opportunity to shower with your really beautiful and smart girlfriend, you don’t say no. So you hurried out of the shower, grabbed some clothes and dried your hair before returning into the bathroom to do your makeup. Your mouth fell open once you looked into the mirror. “Maria hill! You better move your ass in here right now” you screamed.
When she came in she was already wearing her annoyingly sexy smirk which meant that she definitely knew what this was about. Her arms wrapped around your waist as she stood behind you, holding the hand that was getting the concealer down. “Don’t” was the only thing she said as she smiled at you through the mirror.
“What? I can’t go to work like this”
“Don’t cover my bite marks or I might just have to add more” she said sternly, “you know I mean it��� a heavy kiss was placed on your neck before her arms unwrapped themselves.
“This is gonna be fun” you mumbled as you put down the concealer and tried to move your hair so it was covering most of your neck. Unsuccessfully so.
The moment you set foot into the conference room it was clear that this was going to be the most embarrassing day of your life. You were still standing at the door when everybody’s eyes were on you. “Damn! Y/n got lucky last night” Tony laughed causing your face to turn red. You were teased her and there before Maria came inside, her hand immediately going from your waist to your ass as she pulled you closer and led you towards your seats.
She was quick to turn around and send Sam and Natasha a wink before pulling out your chair. Now it was their turn to blush and look down which made you chuckle. “Who would have thought?” Clint said clearly surprised as he watched you and Maria while Tony grinned.
“Maria” he called out and threw a piece of paper towards her to gain her attention. “Nice” he said with a nod and a proud look on his face which made everybody laugh.
“I will just say this to be clear, the next person who flirts with her is gonna get their ass handed. Is that clear?” Suddenly she was back in full commander mode as everybody nodded at her. She smirked before placing a kiss on your lips, a happy sigh leaving her.
So maybe, jealousy wasn’t always the worst thing.
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pollypenname · 2 years
Below is a single chapter of The Tinker, a Bakugou x Reader slow burn with smut. If you’d like to read the whole story, click HERE for Wattpad and HERE for AO3. There are over 3.5 million readers, and we'd love to have you too!
Content Warning: Oral (female receiving), Intoxication, Penetration, Domination, Multiple Orgasms
[The Tinker, chapter 92]
"I don't feel anything," Y/N said. "Maybe everyone online is just dramatic."
"Could be," Bakugou shrugged. "Or maybe this bottle's a fluke."
The two of them sat on the floor of the plane, Y/N leaning her back against the wall and Bakugou against the couch. They weren't quite sure what else to do– it didn't feel right to be apart, so they'd decided to stay in the common area while they waited for the effects to hit, but they both were too nervous to get too close to one another. If the internet was correct, it might be a good idea to start at a safe distance.
Katsuki had put headphones in to try and attempt a minor distraction. In all honesty, he wasn't really listening– his mind was busy swirling with the anxiety of what was going to happen next. Unlike Y/N, he had taken the recommended dose, and it was a few minutes after her too.
Whatever he was going to feel would only be a fraction of what she would; but he wanted it that way. Online sources said that for men the love potion would eliminate the refractory period. That was why he'd taken those 3 drops: no refractory period meant he could help her as long as she needed, and he wanted to help as much as he could.
"Maybe we should eat," Y/N suggested. "If it's anything like alcohol, food could minimize the effects. I've got stuff in my bag... we can eat that so we don't have to order from the attendants." She climbed to her feet and stepped over Katsuki to grab her bag on the dining table.
As she passed, Katsuki caught the smallest whiff of her perfume as he breathed in. Wow. Had she always had that? It smelled amazing. He blinked a few times as he exhaled.
Y/N rustled through her backpack and pulled out a small bag of plane snacks. "Probably not as good as what the attendants could get us, but I don't wanna risk calling them in," She muttered. "C'mere, take your pick."
Bakugou obeyed, standing up and turning to sit on the couch with her. He hadn't meant to, but when he sat down he was much closer than intended– that sweet smell of her perfume was stronger now. He blinked a few times again to try and remember what she had said. Candy. He was picking candy.
"I've got suckers, chips... granola bars..." She stopped moving for a moment and looked up at him. "Damn, are you wearing cologne?"
"No," He huffed. "Are you wearing perfume?"
The silence stretched out while they stared at each other, unmoving. Katsuki was the first to break away from her gaze. "I'm not hungry." He slumped down into the couch and closed his eyes a bit to at least try and focus on his music.
"Suit yourself." Y/N dug out a sucker, ripping off the wrapped and popping it into her mouth. "I don't think the effects are that bad. I mean, you smell nice, but I think that's it so far. I feel pretty good."
Bakugou's chest was starting to feel a bit odd. His breathing had picked up, he was noticing that now– and his heart was pounding faster than normal. His adrenaline was up.
Y/N moved to the couch across from him to try and keep her distance. It had already been thirty minutes, but she didn't want to be blindsided by the effects– from her or from him. Neither of them knew what to expect.
Katsuki's eyes weren't closed anymore. He sat up slowly, unable to pry his eyes away from Y/N– specifically her mouth. She was on her phone now and didn't notice his staring, which caused a small shiver to run up his spine when her tongue lolled out of her mouth to lick up the flat loli.
He felt like a pervert, but no matter what he told himself he was unable to look away. Each time her tongue flicked over the sweet treat, an odd sensation surged through his veins and made him cross his arms tighter.
"Stop it," He muttered impatiently.
Y/N looked up from her phone, oblivious before but now understanding what was happening. "Shit. Bad choice on my part, sorry," She said, tossing it into the nearby trash can. This time, she didn't go back to her phone; she met his gaze and pulled her legs up onto the couch with her. "Do you... feel anything?"
"I dunno," He lied. "Do you?"
"I guess it feels a little hot in here. Is that just me?"
Bakugou shook his head. "No, it's hot," he agreed. He sat up a bit to shrug off his jacket.
The action made Y/N dizzy. All at once, the potion seemed to take its effect– her muscles felt weaker and a long shiver ran all the way through her body. Her heart began to race when she saw Bakugou's arms flex under his shirt as he tossed his jacket.
Y/N swore she could physically feel the potion seep into her bloodstream and spread to through her. It was warm– no, it was hot as her body pumped it to every extremity. Her breathing picked up and she couldn't help but squeeze her thighs together; but the friction made her shiver again. "Shit. I think I need a minute," She said under her breath, hopping up from the couch and making her way to the bathroom.
Bakugou wasn't doing much better. In an attempt to dull the sensations he pushed himself further into the couch, but it only made him feel more hot; with Y/N out of the room, he ripped his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside with his jacket.
The thrumming of the potion in his body was making his head cloudy. Whatever anxiety he'd felt before was long gone, now replaced with a heavy need. This was a lot stronger than he thought it was gonna be. Bakugou moved to the edge of the couch and leaned forward onto his knees with his elbows, running his fingers through his hair repeatedly to try and shake the relentless heat spreading across his face.
He didn't expect to feel so dazed. A few deep breaths didn't help– in fact, it only seemed to aid the surge of sensitivity that racked his body. When the wave hit his dick, he doubled over with a shaky breath.
Bakugou sat back, which he regretted almost immediately. The friction from his movement sent a jolt of red hot pleasure through his body and his jaw dropped open in a soft moan when he reached down to palm his erection. Fuck, the relief was indescribable. No way was he gonna be able to pull his hand away. Thank God Y/N wasn't here to see that he–
Y/N. Shit. Was she okay?
Funny enough, Y/N had also taken her shirt off. And her pants. The heat that seemed to radiate from her body somehow wasn't apparent in her reflection aside from her flushed face. How was there not a single drop of sweat? She wished she could sweat right now– then maybe she could fucking cool off.
Y/N gripped the edge of the counter as her body heaved with every breath and nudged the bathroom door open with her foot in hopes that a draft might enter the little room. Nope, it was hot out there too, and heating up as every second passed. Jesus Christ.
With nothing else helping, Y/N slumped to the floor with her back pressed against the counter. There was no way she was going to be able to ignore the feeling between her legs for much longer. She'd never experienced arousal at this level. It was primal, desperate, and unavoidable– at this point, there was really only one way to solve it.
She finally let her hand snake down her body, even the sensation from that making her breathing pick up again. When her fingers barely brushed her clit, even over her panties, her body seized up and she cried out. Loud. How could one small touch feel that overwhelming?
Before she could continue, she saw Bakugou's hand grip the side of the door and slide it open the rest of the way, both of them now having a clear view of each other. It felt like ages that he stood there, staring at her with his chest rising and falling.
"Why the hell aren't you wearing a shirt? Are you trying to torture me?" Y/N whined. She closed her eyes and turned away to try and avoid the onslaught of hormones from seeing his bare chest.
Bakugou took another shaky breath. "It hit you too, huh?"
Katsuki's voice seemed to bounce around in her head and heighten the arousal she felt. Now it was getting physically difficult to breathe, and the heat was reaching unbearable heights. "It's hot," She gasped out. "Fuck. It hurts."
"It's hurting you?" When she looked at him this time, he was holding each side of the doorway, watching her closely with concern. Bakugou had always been attractive– he was physically fit with a wickedly beautiful face, and his mannerisms only added to the dominance he exuded. It's everything her body told her she needed right now. The hormones coursing through her surged when he said, "Let me take care of you, Tinkerbell."
Y/N clawed at her skin. Now that she had seen him, there was no alternative. It had to be him. Her body craved him in every sense; his voice, his warmth, his body– he could take care of her. He could fix this. He could end the unbearable heat and make her feel better. Y/N wasn't sure if it was the potion, but she trusted him more in that moment than she ever had. "Help me," She begged.
It was all the confirmation Katsuki needed. He fell to his knees and crawled over her shaking body. "I'm going to make the pain stop," He promised, holding the back of her neck and peppering soft kisses over her face. "I'm gonna make you feel good, baby. Promise."
His lips made her delirious. "Can you stand?" She heard him ask. She could only shake her head no in response, worrying that they wouldn't be able to continue, but the ground disappeared from under her and she realized he had lifted her up. Y/N wanted to look at him desperately but she was far too dizzy.
He set her down in a standing position in front of the sink, but his arms were still wrapped tightly around her waist for support. "Find your legs, Tinkerbell," He whispered. "Bend over for me."
At the promise of relief, Y/N was able to rest her weight against the countertop with her elbows. His fingertips danced across her bare stomach and she almost moaned when he said, "There you go. Hold still, alright?"
She couldn't have moved if she wanted to– she was surprised that he was even able to get her to stand on her feet. Her body ached with desperation at how slowly everything was unfolding. "Kat," She groaned impatiently.
"I know," He said. He hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties and slid them down her legs, a string of her slick connecting to the fabric and making Bakugou exhale shakily in anticipation. Once her panties reached her ankles he lifted her foot to fully remove them and toss them to the side.
Y/N gasped when she felt his hands hold the back of her thighs firmly before spreading them open, making her lower a bit until her stomach touched the cold marble of the counter. The cold air against her sopping wet cunt made her shiver involuntarily. Anticipation churned in her stomach as she waited.
"Katsuki, I need– Ohhhh shit," She moaned.
Somewhere in the back of her mind where the rest of her conscious thoughts were she had assumed he was going to fuck her against the counter, but instead of his cock she felt his tongue glide up through the folds of her pussy.
The relief was explosive and immediate– without warning and without another touch, she was cumming. Bakugou stared in awe as Y/N convulsed in front of him. Unable to help himself, he used his thumbs to pull apart her folds and watch her hole spasm around nothing. "Kat," Y/N whined. "I think... I think I need–"
He wasn't listening. Overpowered by his own lust and the need to watch it happen again, he closed his mouth around her entire heat and started again, letting his tongue glide through her slick with ease and lap it into his mouth to taste.
Peaches. The potion made her taste like peaches.
Bakugou's eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head as he continued. He could feel her squirming and panting above him, so he gripped her hips hard to hold her still as he licked and tasted every part of her cunt. She was downright addictive– this was dangerous. He could spend hours with his face in between her legs.
Once again without warning, Y/N came undone from his mouth, and Katsuki slipped his tongue as deep as he could to feel her walls clench around him mercilessly. He was pretty sure it was the hottest thing she'd ever done, finishing on his tongue like that. He was becoming ravenous for this.
When he pulled away from her for a breath he couldn't stop the groan from slipping past his slick-covered lips. "Do that again," He ordered, this time using his hand to rub tight circles against her clit, and she did as he commanded; just in time, he pushed his tongue back inside her.
She was powerless to stop him as she clenched and tightened around him once more, the orgasm even more powerful than the last with the stimulation to her clit. He was free to live out his sick fantasies with her pussy, and she couldn't be more relieved to let him as the pleasure washed over her in waves.
"I... I need you deeper," She begged. It didn't matter that she'd already cum three times; in her lust ridden body it still felt like she needed to finish. Relief was temporary and explosive, but the unrelenting need always rose back to the surface. Her insides throbbed mercilessly around his tongue as her legs shook.
Y/N felt two fingers slide into her pussy with ease and her eyes squeezed shut at the intrusion. There was no pain, only the spasming of her walls around him as he felt around inside her.
She whimpered when Bakugou pulled his fingers apart in a scissor motion to stretch her further. The motion made her body tense against him, but he didn't seem to notice. In the mirror she could see him staring right at her cunt in a way that could only be described as pure desire. Bakugou's fingers bent at the knuckle and he moved around to find that spot she loved.
When he found it, Y/N gasped and he responded with a wicked grin. "There it is," He said lowly, beginning to piston his fingers in and out to rub against the spot repeatedly. "Right here? Does that feel good, sweetheart?"
The sensation on its own had almost sent her towards her next orgasm, but the pet name falling from Bakugou's lips was what pushed her over the edge again. It was so unnatural to hear him use terms of endearment but it was such a turn on. "God, you get so tight when you finish," Katsuki gushed, not letting up on his ministrations and instead going harder to make her orgasm last longer. "Fuck. There we go."
At this point it was clear that Katsuki was doing this much more for himself than he was for Y/N. He was fulfilling his needs even more than hers, regardless of her countless orgasms– he hadn't finished once but was more riled up than he'd ever been.
He could do whatever he wanted to her helpless little cunt, and he was getting off on it, too.
Somehow Y/N was able to push herself up and off the counter to turn around and look at him. "Bedroom," Was all she could say before her muscles started giving up again. Katsuki was quick; be bent down and hoisted her weak body over his shoulder without hesitation and walked them into the other room.
After lowering her onto the bed, Bakugou finally pressed his lips to hers with a sigh. "You taste like heaven, you know that? Lemme taste you again," He said, about to move his head back between her legs, but Y/N grabbed his jaw and pulled him back up.
"I need you to fuck me. I need your dick this time," She said. "Please."
He almost didn't listen– he was in a frenzy of sorts, desperate to pry her legs apart again and devour more of her– but the look of sheer desperation in her eyes sent a wave of desire right to his throbbing cock. He'd gotten used to the ache while he'd eaten her out, but with her words he realized just how badly he wanted to feel her cum on his dick instead.
Bakugou nodded at her and she released him, allowing him to sit back and pull his raging hard on from his pants, giving it a few pumps before doubling over at the sensation. He'd almost forgotten how significantly the potion impacted his sensitivity. A shiver ran up his spine and he choked out a moan in front of her.
"Kat, hurry," She begged.
Katsuki grabbed Y/N's thighs and yanked her onto his lap to line his cock up with her dripping entrance. Rubbing the tip against her throbbing hole made a smile form across his dangerously handsome face. As lovely as it would be to tease her, he knew now wasn't the time– he pushed inside of her slowly, crawling on top of her as he did so and watching her face contort in relief.
"Does that feel good, baby? Can you feel my dick in you?" He rocked into her and she moaned against his lips in desperation. "Aw, don't get shy on me now. Do you like my cock?"
Once again, Y/N didn't respond, much too overwhelmed at the pleasure he was forcing her into. "Pretty girl. Going dumb on my cock, arentcha?" He teased, kissing the tip of her nose gently before rocking into her again. "Good girl. Y'look so beautiful like this."
Y/N wasn't quite sure what he was saying; she only knew that each word seemed to send her spiraling deeper and deeper into the sensations, making her clench and throb as he worked his way in and out of her wet cunt.
Katsuki picked up the pace, but this time he hooked his arms under her thighs and pulled them up by her chest, trapping her against the bed as he plunged his cock deeper and deeper inside her. "Fuck, you got tight. You like when I split you open like this, pretty girl?"
She cried out in response when he started thrusting harder. "W-wait, Kats, I think I'm gonna cum again–"
"There she is," He teased. "Thought I lost ya there. You wanna cum for me?"
Y/N nodded frantically which only spurred him on. He pushed against her legs harder to keep her still and kicked into high gear, going so deep he swore he was in her stomach. The angle had Y/N seeing stars and he didn't let up, even when her orgasm came crashing down and made her clamp hard against his dick like a vice.
The clenching of her walls sent Katsuki spiraling into his own orgasm, his hips seizing as his cock pumped out rope after rope of his cum into her spasming cunt; he came so hard he nearly lost consciousness from the pleasure.
A moment later Bakugou was panting for air, trying to recover a bit. Y/N was breathing just as desperately but still looking a bit dazed. Her chest rose and fell over the passing seconds and seeing her like this was doing things to him again. When he shifted his hips he felt the cum seeping out around his dick while her pussy continued to flutter around him.
That was enough to awaken his arousal once more and Bakugou wanted to sing praises to whoever made that fucking potion. Ever so gently he began moving back and forth, the mixture of his cum and her slick letting him push back inside her with ease. He moved to perch above her again. "How are you feelin, love? Do you want me to stop?"
Still a bit delirious, Y/N shook her head no. "Keep going," She breathed.
And they did.
For the next several hours, Bakugou ruined her over and over again, and each time she came with a cry of his name. It woke a part of Katsuki that he didn't realize was there– an insatiable need to force her into overwhelming pleasure as many times as he was able. Each time she cried out for him or grabbed at him desperately, it made his cock stiffen up again and he couldn't help but wreck her insides once more.
Katsuki took overwhelming pride in his ability to do this to her. Potion or not, he knew this need to please her and make her scream for him wasn't ever going to fade. For hours he used his dick, his hands, and his hips to send her into total explosive bliss. He'd lost count of the amount of orgasms they both had– dozens, probably, and it didn't end until the early hours of the next morning.
When the potion had finally subsided, the two of them were barely able to move from exhaustion, but that didn't stop Bakugou from carrying her to the shower with sore arms and making sure to hold her up under the stream of hot water. Without a word spoken between them, Katsuki washed and dried the both of them before laying her down gently under the satin bedspread.
He kissed her forehead before climbing in next to her, pulling her against him as they drifted off to the deepest sleep of their lives.
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elijahslittleprincess · 6 months
Lost Without you
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WARNING ⚠️ : This one shot is really angsty, it's really sad so you are warned. It end up well tough :'3
Recently, Saturo wasn't really spending a lot of times with you, he wasn't coming home until late and you rarely could see him before going to sleep. It was the same thing in the mornings when you were waking up, he wasn't in bed with you anymore. You were always waking up alone in your shared bed. You know that he had a lot of responsibility as one of the teacher of Jujutsu high but you couldn't help to feel terribly lonely and lost without him.
It was really hard for you to be apart from Satoru, you had always felt like he was the other half of you and without him you really didn't know what to do anymore. It had became hard for you to wake up in the mornings, to carry on with your life. Even eating was a terrible task and at some point you just simply stopped ingesting anything. After all, Satoru wasn't really present so he couldn't really be aware of that fact. You just figured it wasn't going to hurt anybody in the end.
To be completely honest, you felt like a child instead of a adolescent in college when he wasn't there to take care of you. It had only been a week or so that he started this behavior but for you it felt like a whole year and you started wondering if maybe there was another reason than work that caused him to be away from you like this.
Could he be tired of you, maybe he had enough of being your boyfriend... You knew after all that you were a really neady girlfriend. You needed a lot of attention and love maybe he just realized that he couldn't give that to you.
Without him being there to tell you the truth, those ideas were starting to get the better of you. Days after days that passed, you were getting worst, taking less and less attention to yourself and you had stopped attending to your classes that Gojo was normally teaching. However of course, he didn't realised that since Kento was taking his place during the time he was on missions.
Every night, you were crying yourself to sleep wishing that he'd come back soon to you, that his mission would come to end. After all it has been two week now and you were so desperate for him. You wanted to hear his voice, feel his touch on you and his kissed on your skin and lips. Satoru...the only man you loved more than anything.
By now, you haven't eaten in 14 days, not a single bit. To say that you were weak was an understatement. You could barely stand up or get out of bed by that matter and every single effort that you were doing seemed like a collosal one. You felt sick and noseous all the time, even if you literally had nothing to get out of your organism. It was just getting out of hand really and you came to a point were you didn't even wanted to breath anymore, so you slept incessantly feeling so weak.
The fifteenth day or so you thought, as you woke up after who knows how much time you slept, your eyes fell on deep blue ocean pool that your knew and loved. You at first tought that you were dreaming so you closed your eyes shut hard and reopened them to see if you were right. Yet, you saw Satoru's blue icy eyes shining again. He was laying asside of you on the bed looking at you. He seemed absolutely terrified and worried now that you observed him better. He was frowning and he instantly brought his hand to your face when he saw you awake.
Y/n...you are awake...finally.
He said with a voice that you barely recognize. It was shaking and full of sadness like you had never heard and you trembled a bit at it. You felt so relived to see him, he had came back to you but you wondered why he looked so troubled.
A weak smile spread on your lips and you moved a bit to be closer to him. You layed your head on his chest and took a long breath of his scent before letting a sight out of your lips. You couldn't tell how much you were happy that he was back, you forgot about all your other issues and your condition as you spoke up to him.
You came back to me...Satoru i...I tought you didn't wanted to see me anymore.
Your voice sounded so innocent, so happy...how could you be so happy when in that condition?! Satoru tought as he looked at your shaking body. You looked terrible...You had lost so much weight and you barely had any energy that he could see with his powers. When he had learned by Kento about you skipping class he took it upon himself to go and see you, to ask you why you were not attending school. Yet, when he came home, what he found was you laying half dead on the bed. You were so pale, like a corpse and you felt so cold for a second that the exorcist tough you were dead and he almost lost his mind as he tried waking you up. He had cried and  sayed your name so many time that he couldn't count them anymore. He tried to calm himself down a bit at some point and checked your pulse in desperate mesure to realised you were simply in an unconscious / sleeping state. Saturo was relived but he was still in shock at the realisation of your state. What has he done not to realise how desperate and broken you were...how much you had neglected yourself. He felt like a monster and knew all of this was his fault. His job has taken way to much of his time these past two week and he neglected the only thing that is more important than all. You. His precious princess.
Satoru was disgusted of himself, he felt like the worst boyfriend ever and he certainly felt like he didn't even deserved to look at you anymore.
Now that you had woken up and that you were in his arms like if nothing had happened, Satoru couldn't help himself to cry openly. All the desperation and the panic he had felt when he saw you practically lifeless on the bed came out at once and his body started shaking with the sobbing and cries that was leaving him. His arms tightened around you and he hurried his head in your hair desperate to have you closer.
I'm so sorry baby! I'm such a monster, look at what I did to you. I don't deserve you my love...I bring you so much pain. I didn't even think one second about what you could be feeling when I was away I...I can't even look at you in the eyes anymore.
Satoru let out in a voice that was so broken that it made you feel so desperate to stop him from saying any further. Your eyes raised up to look at him and you took his face between your hand in a distress motion. You were taken aback by his reaction, you had totally forgotten about yourself to be fair and you didn't even cared about your health, he was all that you wanted anyway so to eat him say such things wasn't expected. He looked so desperate and so broken...it was destroying you to see him like this and you tried so hard to made him look at you.
Toru please look at me! I'm fine...you are back and we are together why are you saying such things?
You were so oblivious, it was making Satoru even more desperate, how could you not hate him right now?! Was your love for him so strong that you literally forgot that you were in the verge of death? His heart was beating so desperately and was hurting so damn much inside him. Satoru couldn't stop crying and at some point as you pleed he finally looked at you but with a desperate and broken look.
Y/n...How can you say that?! Do you even know how bad your current condition is?? You've been sleeping for five days straight! I tought you were dead.
He said to you with a voice full of unbelief and sadness. Your eyes opened wide at his words, compleatly stunned by them. You've been sleeping for 5 days...so it's been 19 days since you last eaten. You had difficulty believing him really you never realised anything to be fair, you were so desperate to see him again that you lost interest in anything else.
I...I didn't knew...I'm sorry Satoru.
Your boyfriend stopped breathing your reaction...he couldn't believe that you were apologizing. What in the hell?! He stopped breating for an instant and his eyes became grey like a tornado. He took hold of your face and made sure you looked at him before speaking.
Don't, don't apologize for anything...you did nothing wrong princess I'm the one that should be praying for your forgiveness right now. I don't deserve you y/n...and I certainly don't deserve your love and forgiveness. I'm so so sorry that I was away for so long...that I neglected you and my duty as your boyfriend. I would understand if you think it best for us to stop our relationship after all I did everything wrong.
The longer you listened to his words and the hardest it became to hold your tears to fall. The only idea of being away from him again was enough to make you wanna die. You wouldn't survive without him, you didn't wanted to. Their was no way that you would let him go and you sniffed a bit as your emotions finally broke out.
Satoru Gojo, if you leave me again I will kill myself.
You just said bluntly like if it wasn't something absolutely horrible. You never stopped looking into his eyes as you told him that, so you saw his eyes opening wide and the fear that covered his feature. He became white as snow and for an instant you really tought he'd pass out. Yet, the next thing he did was absolutely not what you anticipated. He had pressed his lips hard against yours, shielding your body with his like a blanket. You kissed him back of course with all the passion you kept just for his all this time. It felt so good and your cry calmed down. After a little moment, Satoru parted from your lips and just let his forehead fell on your.
He spoke up afterward with a serious and surprisingly apparently angry voice.
Don't you ever say that again...you hear me.
Your heart stopped in your chest and you shivered at the tough of him being so mad at the only idea of your death. You loved him so much and their was nothing you couldn't do for him...it felt good to know he loved you so bad too. The seriousness of his words and his tone made you answer him quickly, your kissed his cheek to calm him down and just told him what you wanted in a whisper.
Yes i hear you, it won't happen again Toru I'm sorry.
A sight left Gojo at your words and he just nod before caressing your face. He seemed to calm down after this and he looked into your eyes peacefully before speaking yet again, this time however much more sweetly and gently.
How long has it been since you ate Y/n...
The relief you felt at him calming down dissipated quickly when he asked you that question. You knew he would be even more distressed If you told him the truth so you tought about lying. Yet, before you even could speak a lie, Satoru stopped you and looked at you more sternly.
Don't even think about lying to me princess... I can tell when you do remember. I promess I won't be mad at you love, I just want to know.
You sigh at his reaction, it was true that Satoru knew you very well, he always could tell when you lie and now that you had no choice but to tell him the truth you felt cornered. Your eyes as they look at his seems full of worry and uncertainty. You were scared to tell him honestly you didn't wanted to worry him even more. Yet, since you knew Gojo wouldn't give up until you answer you just went for it.
I...I didn't wanted to eat anything that wasn't given to me by you...so I stopped eating 19 days ago.
You observed Satoru's reaction as you said that and you panicked when he said nothing and just stayed there with tears falling from his eyes.
On my god...you have been starving yourself since the day I left...
You hurried on wiping his tears with your finger and instantly placed kisses all over his face.
Please don't cry Toru...I'm sorry I will eat right now if you feed me just please stop crying. I love you so much Satoru...whitout you I'm just lost, in couldn't thing of taking care of myself when the only thing I wanted was you...
Satoru couldn't believe what you were saying honestly, you were so careless and it was making him feel so bad. You needed him so much and he wasn't there to take care of you. He needed to make things right and to take care of you right now. First he had to make you eat and since you told him you would if he was the once giving it to you, the exorcist didn't think twice before standing up with you in his arm and walking to the kitchen.
Fine, you will eat then right now because I won't forgive myself an other second to be the cause of your suffering. I'll cook a lot of things, I want you to eat every bit of it for me. Could you do that my love ?
Satoru asked you as he sat you down on the counter, his eyes looking deeply Into yours showing all the love he had. You were so happy that things were back like they were, he wanted you to eat so you would.
Yes I can do that.
A smile finally made his way on Satoru's feature after so much tears when he heard you tell him yes. He was going to do everything in his power to be the best boyfriend ever starting form now on. Never again will he leaves you like that, Satoru was ready to stop missions if it meant you were well and happy. For a moment just before getting ready to cook, Gojo came closer to you and kissed you sweetly.
I will never leave you alone again my love, I promise. Now and forever you will stay my only priority and I will take care of you. You will get better again soon and I will keep you until the day I die. My perfect princess.
And that was it, all you ever wanted him to say. All you ever wanted him to do. Things would be better from now on, you were sure of it and with a smile on your lips, you kissed him back with the promess of a forever happily after.
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scribbling-dragon · 1 year
20, team ranchers, limited life? 👉👈
sleep is for the weak
Jimmy laughs, “Bad Boys don't need sleep!” He crows, “We’re better than sleep!”
“Uh-huh.” He nods along. The picture is beginning to be pieced together, and he’s slightly less worried about Jimmy keeling over and dying, moreso just him keeling over in general. He loves Jimmy, but there is not enough love in the world that would allow him to lug Jimmy’s tall-ass and passed out body somewhere safe so he can sleep when he inevitably passes out.
(ao3 link)
(878 words)
“Funny seeing you here,” Jimmy startles as Tango speaks up, wings puffing up as he spins around. Tango watches him, sees the way he’s slightly unsteady on his feet as he turns- just a little too slow to respond to Tango suddenly appearing behind him.
“Tango,” Jimmy says. He can't see his eyes, the sunglasses block that. It’s nighttime, and Jimmy is still wearing sunglasses. Tango understands commitment to the bit, but even this is taking it just slightly too far. He frowns at Jimmy. “What are you doing here?”
Jimmy tilts his head to the side, in his endearingly bird-like way that Tango always finds far too charming for it to be funny. The only thing that makes it less endearing is the fact that Jimmy seems entirely serious in asking him why he’s here…on top of his own base.
“It’s…my base?”
Jimmy continues to watch him. At least, Tango assumes he’s watching him. He can't actually see his eyes behind his sunglasses- which still look really stupid because it’s nighttime and it’s dark and he doubts Jimmy can actually even see anything.
“Oh,” Jimmy looks around, as though he hadn't realised where he was. And this is quickly becoming more and more concerning. “I didn't realise.” Maybe it’s a good thing Jimmy’s wearing sunglasses because it means Jimmy probably can't see his face. Or the worry that is probably incredibly obvious on his face.
“Where did you think you were?” He asks, taking a step closer. Jimmy doesn't take a step back- he doesn't react at all. Which would be more of a cause for concern if it didn't mean that Tango was able to get closer to him. Closer, he can see that Jimmy is shaking, hands trembling as he stands there.
“Don't know,” Jimmy shrugs, looking back at him. “Didn't really think about it.” He’s swaying in place as well, Tango realises, as though he’s about to keel over at any moment. He blanches at that thought- having Jimmy keel over here would not look good for them, and he’s absolutely confident in the fact that Joel and Grian would kill him if Jimmy died here right now.
He presses a hand to Jimmy’s arm, which seems to get his attention at least.
“Jimmy,” he looks into Jimmy’s sunglasses, because he can't see his eyes. “Tell me the truth here, when was the last time you slept?”
Jimmy laughs, “Bad Boys don't need sleep!” He crows, “We’re better than sleep!”
“Uh-huh.” He nods along. The picture is beginning to be pieced together, and he’s slightly less worried about Jimmy keeling over and dying, moreso just him keeling over in general. He loves Jimmy, but there is not enough love in the world that would allow him to lug Jimmy’s tall-ass and passed out body somewhere safe so he can sleep when he inevitably passes out.
“Yeah,” Jimmy grins, and then leans far too far into the motion and slumps over onto Tango. He winces as Jimmy’s head knocks against his own, blinking away the stars in the vision. He continues to struggle, because Jimmy makes no move to support his own weight.
He’s momentarily worried about Jimmy having passed out on him, and struggles for several moments to pull Jimmy’s sunglasses off so he can look at Jimmy properly. His eyes are still open, though they're half-lidded and just…staring at him.
“Hey,” Jimmy grins up at him- which is a new experience, normally he’s the one smiling up at Jimmy. “Come here often?”
“This is my base.” He can't help the smile that spreads over his face as Jimmy continues to watch him though, even when the staring goes on for long enough that it’s beginning to border on unnerving. “I live here.”
“That’s funny.”
Tango has never seen Jimmy drunk. He reckons it’s not far off of what this is right now.
“Impulse!” He yells over his shoulder, waiting for a few moments for a response. He scowls as Impulse fails to respond. “I know you're there, Impulse, I can hear you talking.” Impulse grumbles at that, but pokes his head out anyway, looking around for a moment before his eyes land on Tango.
He grins, resting his arms on the sand in front of him, upper body just barely poking out of the hole in the island. “Having fun?”
“No,” he grits out. “Jimmy is heavy.”
“Mhm.” Impulse looks like he’s about to burst out laughing. He can hear someone else giggling, quietly. He can hear Skizz even though he’s trying to muffle his laughter.
“Help me,” he grits out. Impulse sighs, incredibly put upon, but heaves himself out anyway, assisting Tango with carrying Jimmy down into their base. Tango sets him down on the bed, going to step away. Jimmy holds on.
“Jimmy,” he tries to tug Jimmy’s hands off. “C’mon.”
“Tango,” Jimmy blinks up at him. “I'm a Bad Boy, no sleep…for Bad Boys.”
“Of course,” Tango nods along, giving up on trying to pry Jimmy off of him. “But can't you sleep, for me?”
Jimmy hums, eyes shutting for several long moments, and Tango almost thinks he’s actually fallen asleep- his eyes blink open again, as though Tango’s thoughts alone woke him up again. “Okay,” Jimmy says, “for you.”
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polka-popia · 22 days
Worth it (Part 2/4)
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(A Huskerdust story)
An AU where Husk has had enough of watching Angel's abuse go down from the sidelines and challenges Val to a game. Winner gets a new soul...
Warning(s): Mentions of Abuse, Suggested SA, Cursing, Fluff, Angst, Happy Ending though...
Author's Note: Now, this is based off of an idea by "Maddie's Minis" on Tiktok. It sounded too good to pass up writing. I hope you enjoy!
Part 1
The door was locked.
The sexy and sultry smile Angel had given to his fellow co-stars and camera crew could know drop from his face. With a deep breath, Angel was now left to his own devices. And all he wanted was his pig, and maybe a grumpy cat too...
Slowly sliding the red wig off his head and dropping it to the floor, Angel focused more on looking clean than anything else. Husk would never say it, but Angel knew he had a really good sense of smell. And coming back drenched in the scent of sweat, sex, and... Whatever else those damn hellhounds had left on him, didn’t exactly scream ‘put together’ material.
And how old was Angel anyways? 9? Why was bringing up what happened on his birthday so damn hard for him? He woke up in Husk’s arms, head pressed against his chest where he could actually hear a heartbeat.
No way the cold drunk actually had a heart, right? Wrong! Cause he did! Angel could feel it, count along with it, try and match his heartbeat to it...
The door was locked…
But in the next moment, a figure appears behind Angel in the mirror as he’s cleaning his face of all the heavy makeup.
“Angel, baby...”
Angel stiffens instantly but tries not to show the difference as he sets the wash rag down. He turns instantly to face Val, his third arm slowly reaching for the robe that was once tossed carelessly to the floor so that he could fully clean himself in the mirror.
Val’s eyes instantly narrow a bit. “Shy, mi amor? Nothing I haven’t seen before...” He teases a bit as Angel wraps the sheer pink robe around himself.
“Your hours are over. It’s my time now. So, yeah. I’ll stay covered.” Angel mutters as he stares up at the man whose height once made him feel safe...
God, Angel was an idiot…
Val clenches his jaw, but quickly relaxes his face. “Angie, honey, how long will you make me suffer before you stop this?” He asks instead, pouting as he moves a bit closer to Angel who steps back a bit but tries to stand his ground.
“I was bad, I know that now. I’ve changed. The thought of losing you… Has made me change.” Val says and Angel stares up at him with a hard glare.
Did that shit really used to work on him?!
Angel shakes his head. “Val. I’ve gotta go. Charlie… Charlie’s got a strict curfew.” He lies swiftly as he moves away from the moth man and grabs his normal clothes from the drawer to change into. Fuck this. He’d just wash up at the hotel…
“This is why you shouldn’t have left, Angel, baby. A curfew?! We’re in hell!” Val laughs as Angel focuses on getting dressed. Val’s smile fades into a hard glare slowly as he realizes Angel’s no longer listening.
“Do you know… What I loved the most about you?” He finally asks and Angel wraps his lower arms around himself as his upper arms focus on grabbing his things from the nightstand.
That damn door was locked.
But in one quick motion, Val’s hand grips Angel’s shoulder hard and turns him around to face him. “It was your love. Oh, Angel, you loved so good. A natural, really. I knew the first time I had you, your skills had to be shared with the rest of hell. Face it, Angel, you can be so… Sweet...” Val whispers, arms snaking around Angel’s slim waist to pull him in closer.
On instinct, Angel drops the phone in his hand to place it on Val’s chest, wanting far from his scent of cheap cigarettes and fruity perfume from his arm candies.
“Val...” Angel warns quietly, looking up at him. He wasn’t above fighting the taller man off anymore...
Val ignores the warning, hand slowly going to the gold chain around the spider’s neck. He squints his eyes a bit before looking back at Angel. “After every shoot… When it was just us... Do you remember what you’d tell me?” Val asks softly.
“Are we done here?” Angel guesses flatly, trying not to remember the old times. The times where he felt seen by Val. Loved by him even...
“No no. You’d say that they get Angel Dust, but only I can have Anthony. How romantic of you. Made me feel so special. I got this side of you that no one else could see…” Val smirks smugly as Angel tries to move out of his grasp again, but Val shoves him up against the nearest wall.
“But now…” Val growls a bit, moving down to be face to face with his best talent. “You’re giving me Angel Dust. Who gets to see Anthony, hm? Who’s better than me?” Val whispers as he plays with the chain more, twirling it between his fingers so it tightens around Angel’s throat.
It’s just as tight as those damn chains...
“Anyone!” Angel grunts in anger, voice slightly shaky as he shoves back on the more dominating frame, and Val looks at him with no expression on his face and that’s the scariest thing Angel has ever seen…
The door was locked.
Yet Val was here. And he was mad. In one swift motion, he back hands Angel to the floor before kicking him hard in the face. The pain, the ringing in his ears, the numbness, it’s all normal for Angel.
‘Fuck him. He’ll leave now...’ Angel thinks to himself as he wipes the blood from his nose, struggling to get himself to sit up.
But Val doesn’t leave.
A hand slides between Angel’s hair on his head, gripping on tight and lifting him up by it. “Ah! Fuck! Val!” Angel shouts as he squirms, but Val is too strong, dragging him out to the balcony as Angel uses his top arms to try and pry Val’s hand from his hair and his lower ones look for something to hold on to. To keep him from being dragged outside in just his blazer and boots, but it’s all no use.
“You made me feel special. And now you plan to throw me away? Make someone else feel what I did? No. No, I’ll kill you before I let that happen.” Val snarls, grabbing Angel up by his neck as soon as they’re on the balcony. Effortlessly, Val picks him up by his neck and holds him over the balcony railings.
“Shit! No! No! H-Hey, Va-Val! Fuck! Stop!” Angel tries fast in a panic, seeing nothing but his own reflection in Val’s glasses. “Help! Help!” Angel shouts as best as he can when he realizes he won’t be able to reason with this crazy man. But the hand around his neck just clamps tighter. Angel’s top hands try to pry it off of him while his lower ones look for anything to hold on to, trying to reach the railing bars but he’s too far out…
The fucking door was locked!
So how did Angel find himself dangling about 800 feet in the air? Panicked, he looks towards the cameras located on every corner in this room.
There was one time where Val lost his shit, throwing things sporadically around the room and Vox had to come in to calm him down. Maybe he’d pop in again! Maybe he’d see Val hanging his favorite toy off the balcony and come rushing in! Remind Val that Angel was their biggest money maker. Remind Val that this would just look bad for the Vees if anyone saw this!
But as Angel made eye contact with the many cameras in his room, he watched as they all mechanically swerved away from the sight in front of them. Slow and purposeful.
Angel was on his own.
“Val. Don’t… don’t do this...” Angel pants out, feeling lightheaded and it could be from the fear, the choking, or maybe just the climate hitting him all the way up here.
“Do you still love me?” Val asks calmly and Angel clenches his jaw. Maybe he would survive a fall like this, actually… No! No.
He nods his head, hoping that’ll be enough for Val. “No! Say it. I need to hear you say it...” Val orders and Angel squeaks when Val loosens his grip.
“I love you! I-I love you... I still love you. You, Val. Only you.” Angel stammers fast. Val pauses in surprise. Like how someone does when they leave flowers for themselves to surprise themselves.
“You do? Still?” Val asks, his other hand touching his heart as if honored by the words he’s forcing out of Angel.
“Still! Still… A-And forever. I love you.” Angel agrees fast. Val pulls him back on to the balcony and Angel wants to kiss solid ground in that moment, but instead, his lips are met with Val’s. The kiss is sloppy and full of far too much tongue.
The fucking door was never locked…
And that’s why Val can hold his body right. Can kiss him passionately. Val pulls away and with a quick flick of his hand the necklace around Angel’s neck is ripped off and tossed off the balcony like it’s scrap. And it takes physically biting his tongue to keep him from objecting this.
Val’s hand grabs Angel’s face, making him look up at him, a wide grin sliding along his moth face. “I’ve missed you. My Anthony…” Val whispers before kissing him again.
And Angel has never felt more suffocated…
Angel wakes with a start, usual fluffy fur matted with sweat. Looking around, he finds himself laying in Husk’s bed smelling of the usual thick scent of pine and bourbon. Husk was nowhere to be found though. Angel sighs. He was safe now. Far from that tower, far from Val.
With another deep breath to steady himself, Angel takes a second to shut his eyes. To really feel his surroundings. And in the next moment… It’s all gone. All the fear, all the pain, all the worry. He’s fucking Angel Dust! What’s he got to be panicked about?!
Hopping out of bed, Angel tangles himself in a bed sheet and then heads off to the door, cracking it open and peeking out. Nobody in sight. Quickly, Angel scurries from Husk’s room, finding his own and opening the door fast, finding Fat Nuggets waiting for him on the other side.
The pig squeals happily at the sight of his owner, making Angel scoop him up. “Nugs! Mornin baby. Daddy’s sorry he didn’t come to bed last night. Things were… iffy.” Angel mutters and the pet’s joyful manner switches to concern very fast at seeing the frown on his best friend’s face.
Last night had been rough. And for an addict like Angel… it was a bit too much. But he didn’t use alcohol, and he didn’t use drugs… Angel used Husk.
Was it right? No.
Did it feel good to at least replace the feeling of Val’s sliminess with Husk’s soft fur? Yes.
Angel pets Fat Nuggets softly before sighing, just wanting to forget about last night altogether. “Let’s get a bath goin...” He says softly, just wanting to make today normal…
Today was not normal.
Alastor’s gaze trails along Husk’s frame, smile never leaving his face. “You’re serious.” He notes finally, voice always cheerful. “You came to bother me during my breakfast to tell me you want to challenge another overlord...” Alastor continues, smile somehow growing at the statement, as if finding that funny. Husk glares at the demon whose owned his soul for the last… who knows how many years now...
“I’m gonna do it no matter what you say to me. This wasn’t for no damn permission. This was a heads up.” Husk finally says. Alastor’s eyes narrow, smile still unmoving however as he sets his fork and knife down now.
“Why challenge him and not me?” Alastor finally asks, voice sounding curious.
“Because I ain’t got a plan if I beat you. But Angel does. He’s trynna get redeemed. Get out of here. And when I win-“ Alastor cuts him off.
“If.” He corrects smugly.
Husk growls lowly.
“When.” Husk snarls, much to Alastor’s amusement. “Angel can get his soul back. Get a move on with this whole redeem bullshit. I don’t believe in it. But Angel does. He’s tryin.” Husk states and Alastor hums pleasantly.
“So you care for our feminine friend. Enough to challenge an overlord. As an ex-overlord, you still hold some authority, sure. But you’ve been gone for so long… How will he take you seriously? Even if I do let you run around, saving poor defenseless souls...” Alastor taunts. “What do you have that he’ll want? I know you don’t expect me to just give you back your soul...” Alastor tisks at the idea as if to say ‘shame on you’.
“You’ve got more like me in your damn grasp. And where would I go after? Hm? I got nobody…” Husk reminds.
“Not the point, Husker. I worked hard for the souls I obtained. I don’t plan to let any of them go...” Alastor says simply as he leans back in his seat. “You know nothing about that though. You used to trade them like they were nothing...” He recalls and Husk looks down at that, hands gripping the seat in front of him since he’d refused to sit down when first interrupting Alastor early this morning.
Husk hadn’t slept much last night. Mostly because Angel kept crying in his sleep and Husk would have to whisper to him a bit to get him to calm down enough to continue sleeping.
“You sat so smug at your table…” Alastor continues as he watches Husk shrink back a bit under the weight of guilt for his past. “Loser souls under your feet. Now you want to help one. How the circle completes itself...” Alastor laughs joyfully as Husk grits his teeth.
“Does he know?” Alastor finally asks before Husk can speak. The bat/cat hybrid finally looks up to meet his gaze.
“Does he know what?” Husk finally asks slowly.
“You know. How you’d reap souls so casually. Promise them another chance to win it all back and when they had their hopes up, you’d play them so well. Always hard to read, Husker, my friend. Does he even know why I got involved with you in the first place?” Alastor’s voice begins to glitch a bit, smile turning sharp as Husk falls into the memory...
“Huh. You did it.” Husk smiles warmly at the shark in front of him who was now quickly gathering the chips from the table, still sweating and shaking. But he’d done it.
He’d beat Husk at his own game.
“How’d you do it? Hm? Hid cards? Had a Buddy glance at my deck from behind me? Counted cards? Let me know, because whatever it was that you did to win… you’re a natural at it.” Husk praises calmly as he leans back in his seat, watching the shark’s tense shoulders slump a bit.
“I uh... I was just lucky, I guess.” The shark finally says, and Husk smiles warmly.
Husk was a friendly man. At his casino, everyone was welcome. The stage always had live performances, jazz music always blasting, cigars and whiskey complimentary of the man of the hour himself. This wasn’t just a casino to Husk. This was his house. And everyone deserved to drink at his house. Everyone deserved to smoke at his house. And everyone deserved to win at his house.
As long as they weren’t winning against him…
With a swift motion, Husk pulls his gun from under the table and shoots the shark in the head. His body falls limp on to the table, and Husk sighs deeply at the mess his blood is making on the cards.
“Niffty, baby. Please.” Husk calls. The four foot cleaner of the casino runs over fast. She’d been found by Husk in an alleyway by the casino, and… Honestly, Husk loved how helpful she was while she loved how dangerous Husk was.
You could never read that man.
“Yes, Mr. Bad boy...” She giggles a bit, fixing her hair, making Husk smirk as he gently tilts her chin with his claws so she looks up at him.
“There’s a mess. Take care of it for me?” He asks politely. He had many souls working for him, but he had a soft spot for Niffty. Hence why she actually had a job at this casino as his personal cleaner.
She nods fast and rushes over to push the dead body from its seat. The large man falls from the seat to the floor with a loud thud that isn’t noticed from over the music. Niffty then makes quick work of dragging him away by his fin as Husk gets up from his seat to watch from over his balcony at everyone playing below. He was trying to find his next victim for the evening.
“Mr. Husk?” He hears and rolls his eyes at the voice before putting on a sly smile.
He turns and hums at the sight in front of him. “Mimzy, honey. You’re late. Why isn’t your sexy self on that stage singin? You forgot the guides of your contract already?” Husk teases as the plus size beauty fixes her blonde hair a bit and glares at Husk.
“No. But I came with a friend tonight. He was hopin to play you in a round of any game.” She smiles slyly as a tall figure emerges from the shadows, smiling down at Husk.
“Well, I’ll be damned. If it isn’t the Radio Demon. You’re coming up on the charts, my man.” Husk smiles warmly like always. He usually knew how to play this. How to act. The image he’d show off before finally dropping his cards. But this guy’s smile… it was definitely hiding way more than Husk’s.
It was doing it better too.
“The name is Alastor. It is a pleasure to be meeting the man who thinks owning a woman’s soul makes him a threat...” Alastor says calmly and Husk hums, fake smile slowly turning more into a forced smirk as he eyes Mimzy.
“What is this?” Husk asks flat out.
“Alastor doesn’t like that I’m a held woman right now. He’s gonna be playin for my soul.” Mimzy says smugly as she flips her hair over her shoulder again as if flattered over this princess treatment.
Husk eyes them both. He didn’t like this. A gambler like him could read people through and through. And he didn’t like the never faltering smile on Alastor’s face. “It’s real busy at the casino tonight, and-“ Alastor cuts Husk off.
“I get it. It’s not worth it to you. Let’s up the prize. If you win… You keep Mimzy’s soul. And you can also have mine.” Alastor says and Husk freezes.
So damn tempting.
The power trip of owning a soul like Alastor’s? He couldn’t say no.
“Then please,” Husk begins after a deep breath. “Sit down at my table. Put your mind at ease…” He recites his usual invitation as he grabs the cards to shuffle thoroughly.
There was no way he could lose…
Husk’s throat feels as tight as it did that night when the collar first appeared around his neck. He growls louder now. Louder because of Alastor’s taunting, louder because of his own stupid pride letting him get caught, and louder because he knew his past was wrong. Deep down… He knew.
He knew if Angel had ever found his way into that damn casino, Husk would be the one owning his soul today without a second thought…
“I’m doin this! I don’t need your damn consent!” Husk snaps finally, and Alastor really looks at him. He smiles wider.
“Looking just as tall as the day you lost it all. Haven’t seen that stance in a while. Don’t worry, Husker. You have my blessing. It could be fun to watch you gamble everything away again. What will you lose this time, hm? Just a friend, a defenseless soul, a lover…” Alastor lists. Husk’s eyes widen and Alastor nods, showing that he knows all about Husk and Angel.
“He’s bringing this out of you. Honestly, you two together might not be such a bad thing. Might get you to stay in line a bit more. Since you’ll have something worth losing if you don’t...” Alastor says so pleasantly that the threat would go over most people’s heads. But it makes Husk’s blood boil.
“You don’t go anywhere near him, you psycho fuck. You understand me?” Husk whispers, the glare on his face completely serious, much to Alastor’s delight. He enjoyed these moments when Husk would fight back. Would remind him that he had an actual overlord in his mitts.
“Find something worth it for Val. And I’ll happily watch from the shadows. I won’t interrupt. I won’t get involved. Trust me.” Alastor smiles innocently as he holds out his hand to shake Husk’s.
“And you won’t care what I find?” Husk clarifies, eyeing Alastor’s hand.
“As long as it’s not your soul or any of mine? No. No, I won’t…” Alastor smiles. With a nod and shake of their hands, the deal is set. Alastor won’t get involved, and Husk won’t gamble his soul, or any other soul owned by Alastor.
“Now please. My breakfast is getting cold…” Alastor says finally. Husk nods and walks towards the door.
Now to tell Angel.
And that should be easy.
“Have you lost your fucking mind?!” Angel shouts as he sits on his bed, Fat Nuggets squealing in surprise at the outburst.
“Angel, listen to me...” Husk tries softly. “No! No no no. You’re not goin anywhere near Val. That’s first of all. Secondly, you’re definitely not gonna gamble away ANYTHIN on my behalf. Fuck that.” Angel says.
“You don’t understand.” Husk tries calmly.
“Oh, I don’t and I don’t want to try!” Angel confirms. “Matter fact..” Angel pauses and gets up fast, storming out of his room and taking the stairs down to the main area where the bar is.
Angel knew that’s where he’d find everyone. It was Tuesday! Charlie loved holding ‘Hotel Staff Meeting’s on Tuesdays…
“Angel! Angel, where are you goin?” Husk calls as he follows him quickly down the hallway.
Angel enters the room and finds everyone in there already. “Ay! Listen to this. Husk wants to gamble away the hotel to win my soul from Val. He’s crazy right?! Tell him he’s being crazy!” Angel says as he looks on at everyone’s faces.
Everyone is quiet and solemn in this moment, as if mourning something that is yet to accrue. Angel pauses at everyone’s faces as Husk finally enters the room, looking ashamed. Like he wanted to let Angel in on a secret everyone already knew.
“W-What’s goin on? Hey, radio fuck! Tell him that he’s bein crazy.” Angel demands and Alastor just continues to smile at Angel, unmoving, not speaking. But this smile… It isn’t smug. It isn’t even pleasant. It’s forced. Teeth sharp and clenched together.
Shaking his head, his eyes spot Vaggie on the couch, looking down at her dagger, gripping her cleaning rag tighter. “V-Vaggie? Come on. You know this is nuts, right?” Angel tries and she just shakes her head with a deep sigh.
“Afternoon, everyone.” Charlie says from the entrance of the main gathering room, and Angel sighs in relief.
“Charlie! There you are!” He says fast as Charlie finds her spot standing next to Husk with a small smile on her pale face.
“Husk is trynna gamble your hotel. Nobody’s sayin shit to him. Tell him somethin.” Angel says. Charlie eyes Husk and he silently shakes his head, as if answering an unspoken question. Charlie hesitates a bit.
“Uh… Hello?!” Angel snaps finally.
“Angel…” Charlie finally says. “Husk isn’t putting the hotel on the line. It’s just attached to the actual deal.” Charlie says softly.
Angel pauses.
“And... What’s the actual deal?” He asks so quietly as if whispering it would make the answer never come. It’s quiet in the room. The air is thick. And Angel finally notices something.
A paper.
In Charlie’s hands. Gripped tightly, showing her nervousness better than her actual face does.
And Angel knows that glowing paper all too well…
It’s a contract.
Angel feels the room begin to spin and his breath quickens as Charlie finally answers him.
“It’s me.” She says certainly before Angel’s world gets dark…
-Part 3 will be out sometime this weekend! I hope you enjoyed, and my mailbox's always open for any Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss story ideas!
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