#on the one hand it doesn't seem like Alastor and Lucifer are exactly on good terms
blue-rose-soul · 7 months
Arghg I love your au!
I was wondering how public the knowledge Alastor’s and Lucifer’s relationship would go?
In other posts the other hotel residents find out but I’d imagine Alastor wouldn’t want this to get out as it might not be good for his image (and not wanting someone like Vox finding out). But I also can’t imagine Charlie or Lucifer (or really any of the residents) being all that discreet.
Arghg thank you! Much appreciated!
With Lucifer now a permanent fixture at the hotel and Charlie becoming increasingly involved in the destabilization of Heaven's foundation, the secret does have an expiration date. Particularly once Lucifer himself learns Alastor's his son. I don't think that any of the hotel residents would go spilling it, since they're a pretty tight knit group. So far, only Angel Dust is really shown to have a social life outside of the hotel, and I think he of all people knows how important it is to keep a tight lid on certain family secrets, given he was a gay man in a mafia family in the 40s. Frank might, but he says insane shit all the time. Possibly Adam if he returns as a sinner, and if Vaggie doesn't punch his teeth into the back of his throat first.
I imagine his guilt over not being there for Alastor when he was a kid, the revelation that Alastor nearly died fighting Adam, and Alastor's lingering wound and broken staff would lead Lucifer to be a tad protective. Alastor, on the other hand, would prefer to go about his normal routine as though nothing's changed. Vox is very actively trying to tear down his reputation, so it's more important than ever that Alastor show his face in public so everyone knows he's as strong and dangerous as ever. Lucifer's hovering doesn't help with that. With cocky sinners trying to take their shot, and the Vees scheming, Lucifer only clings tighter, and Alastor fights harder to prove he's unaffected.
I can see either Vox finding out the truth through his stalking, or by making some overt move against Alastor that forces Lucifer to step in to protect him. Either way, once Vox knows, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the Pride Ring does. And the public blows up over it.
Alastor's famous for being the only mortal soul to manifest in hell with such incredible power. Only, he's not a mortal soul after all! He's a royal bastard masquerading as one. No wonder he's helping out at Charlie's stupid hotel. Obviously he has a soft side towards his sister! Suddenly he's not the Radio Demon anymore. He's just the Devil's Bastard.
The carefully cultivated reputation Alastor has built suffers a heavy blow. Although Lucifer is undoubtedly the most powerful being in Hell, the sinners don't have much respect for him as a ruler. They don't so much fear his power as the idea of it, since he hasn't really done much with it in his time as King of Hell. There's no real prestige to be gained from the relation. Plus, a very large part of Alastor's power came from the mystique behind his rise. The reason was so feared was because nobody knew how he was as powerful as he was, and now that there's an explanation, he loses that. Needless to say, he's not holding up so well when the truth comes out to the public. (Cue another dramatic musical monologue.)
Knowing what jerks the people of Hell are, you can imagine the field day the news would have. Lucifer gets ripped apart by Katie Killjoy for being a no-good husband on top of being a no-good king, people are questioning whether Alastor's really as fearsome as he pretends to be, and the Vees are trying to find a way to spin this to their advantage. Lucifer's panicking - it's not like he was embarrassed of Alastor or so he says, but he wanted to be the one to tell Lilith, not have it get back to her like this - and Alastor feels like he's being strangled - by his deal, by the public response, by Charlie and Lucifer. He needs to do something to fix this, but the situation is spiraling ever out of his control.
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geekgirles · 8 months
Even though we all saw it coming from a mile away, I really do think Vaggie being a fallen angel is the best direction for her character and the one that best explains it.
First of all, it explains how one of the most decent demons in Hell after Charlie would even be there in the first place. Because she never belonged there.
Then we have an immediate explanation for her hinted military background back in Scrambled Eggs. Of course she was a warrior, she went out to massacre demons each year!
It also sheds her attempts to protect Charlie in a more meaningful light. Because let's face it, admirable as it is, a mere sinner, and not even an Overlord, acting like the Princess of Hell's loyal guard dog and facing off against threats like Alastor seems extremely foolish; if she were a mere demon, she would definitely be biting more than she can chew. But she is not a demon, she's an angel, an exorcist; a species that isn't just far more powerful than demons, but that can even kill Overlords. And even if she lost her wings, given Lucifer's angelic nature is the reason he got to rule Hell in the first place, then clearly, Vaggie still is more powerful than most demons.
And finally, it explains her stance on Charlie's plan; that unyielding support coated in rightful doubt. On the one hand, her devotion comes from the fact that Charlie, Lucifer's daughter and a demon, showed her more compassion and care than her fellow angels, the supposed personification of everything good and perfect. Not only has she seen first hand how not all demons are that bad or deserving of death, but she stands out as the only angel so far to feel any mercy for them even before being exiled.
And what did that get her? Exactly. Exiled from Heaven and with both her eye and wings amputated. Again, Vaggie knows first hand how truly vile Heaven is. How, when it comes to demons, everything is a mistake that must be rectified through the most violent means possible. If Heaven, which is supposed to reward virtue, punished Vaggie, one of their own, for displaying a virtuous behaviour towards a demon, what chance do actual sinners have to ever be redeemed in their eyes and hence accepted in Heaven?
I guess this all comes to show how that just because a development is obvious, it doesn't make it any less good or fitting.
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voxisdaddy · 5 months
İ have a request, how would hazbin hotel and angels (or archangels) reacts to a coqquette girl demon?
İf you dont know what iş coquette is, here some ideas
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Coquette Sins
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairings: Alastor | Lucifer | Husk | Angel Dust | Sir Pentious | Charlie | Vaggie | Cherri Bomb | Rosie | Carmilla | Vox | Valentino | Velvette | Adam | Lute | Emily | Saint Peter | Striker
C/TW: Sexual themes, swearing, some way longer than others, a lot of these are based off appearance sorry, made reader a sinner rather than demon since demon is very vague in the hellaverse lol, not proofread
In which how various Hazbin Hotel characters + Striker react to a demon who brings a fresh aesthetic to hell-aka, a coquette sinner!
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ I can't say you'd be very intriguing to Alastor based off this aesthetic if I'm completely honest. He frequents Cannibal Town a lot-which while not coquette at all-the colour palette are closely similar and blends in together. Your look being more romantic and innocent looking in comparison however at a longer glance. So you wouldn't per say stand out at first glance, but even when he notices he isn't exactly intrigues. Hell is filled with many people who can look however they want, whatever way they want after all. So at first you're just another one of these poor sinners in this forever inferno. Somehow once you do get to know one another though, he picks up on certain mannerisms and certain things you like. One of the first being when he saw a little plushie you had purchased one day, now decorated with a neat little bow that matches with pretty much everything of you. From then on, he's sure that when he gifts you things, to keep an eye out for more specific things. It clashes with his aesthetic, but it's okay. Slowly he'll start to change your wardrobe to match his.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Lucifer doesn't think very highly of sinners, typical for the sin of Pride, but you're something new to him. He's well aware that human souls come in many different forms and that anyone can present themselves anyway they want, but coquette was a rare one. Anyone who resembled innocence, sweet romantics, and softness was often the target of bullying and harassment in hell-which serves him all the more reason to roll his eyes and dismiss a lot of sinners. Meeting you was a blessing in his eyes. Regardless of whatever judgements you may face you seemed to never stray away from who you are. He's become protective of you because of this. I mean he's protective of you regardless, you're very special to him after all, but you're basically a walking target for unnecessary bullying. Whenever he gifts you rubber duckies and carving of ducklings, he makes sure they are painted and decorated to fit in with your room. Because of your aesthetic by the way, you can match for date nights-which he loves very much!
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Husk wouldn't find you that intriguing either. He's been in hell for a very long time, seen lots of folk looking very different from one another. Nothing new. I think the longer he knows you though, the more he starts to question things. Nothing bad per say. It's more so because he starts to grow a crush on you and just now finds you more interesting. He'd definitely gift you things that match with your whole look. Especially plushies because come on, who doesn't like a good plushie.
Angel Dust
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Loves your look and aesthetic. It's like you're a different version of him-visually at least. You almost go hand in hand together in a sense. I can imagine two different first impressions of you based on appearance and just getting to know your personality on a very base level. One; he thinks you're one of Charlie's goody two shoes who don't know how to have fun but know how to ruin the fun of others. And two; if you're a dude here, someone he can have fun flirting with because don't you look like an inexperienced doll faced angel~
Sir Pentious
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ I think your contracting aesthetics is lowkey a recipe for a cute af looking couple not gonna lie. Sir Pentious would probably be very adoring of you. Don't you look so darling! I feel like out of the main cast, he's been in hell the longest and has definitley seen your type of look before-especially when he was alive. You kind of remind him of those porcelain dolls that would be on the front of store windows. It's probably the leading factor as to why he adores you and treats you as if you're made of porcelain. Even if you're a baddie, yoiu're his baddie-who's also his sweetheart darling.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Charlie loves your aesthetic and how you carry yourself. It feels like such a breath of fresh air in this hellscape she calls home. She's definitely the type to ask what your hobbies are and if she can tag along to whatever it is. Now she'd never change herself to please anyone ever but she would likely, just for fun, dress up and match with you sometimes. Oh but please return the favour every once and awhile! It would make her so happy!
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vaggie as we know is from Heaven, so your type of look isn't new to her per say but it in a sense it does surprise her. This is hell, most people are usually clad in reds, pinks, and black. So your more, dare I say angelic, appearance is a mild surprise to her. She quickly gets over it though ass even in heaven the angels all didn't look like angels sometimes. Sure theirs halos and the feathery wings, but some peoples appearance mirrored some of the folk in hell. Vaggies own appearance and aesthetic clashing with heaven back in her angel days too. So she gets over her initial surprise. You're almost...nostalgic to her in a sense. She's definitely soft with you.
Cherri Bomb
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You're both like polar opposites honestly. She at first has her reservations on you. Based on appearance and personality actually. She understands that this is hell and that everyone can look however they want and some just fall looking a certain way. However this hoe likes to fight, thrives in the night life, high party girl energy, and being that bitch. So you'd naturally clash but after some time, especially in a relationship with you, she wouldn't wish for you to change yourself at all. As even Cherri Bomb needs some relaxing down time every now and then. So going to you and your relaxing and romantic sweet nature is almost spa like to her.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Like Alastor, you wouldn't stick out much to her at first glance because she sees people like you in Cannibal Towne at like every turn. She's wise though, she knows theirs a lot more to you and that you even find a way to stick our visually-intentionally or not. Your romantic look is just darling to her! She has to meet you! And once you do, to say this woman is smitten is an understatement. During a gossip session with Alastor, she definitely mentions you. You're the pearl of her eye. Even as your bond deepens, her smitten ways with you don't fade one bit. Probably has a few garments specifically catered to you with her own Rosie taste. She loves to match, so she'll hope you'll agree to meet her in the middle somewhere.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ She likes to think you're a romanticized version of her. You're...not exactly that but it's close enough. You're a breath of fresh air for her honestly. Being an overlord and especially of her status, she tends to get migraines a lot. So seeing you and your more romantic soft look is already easing her a bit. She'd love to dance with you sometimes honestly. A nice slow dance with fun twirls, perhaps a music box or old record player even, as you unwind together sweetly. If it's alright with you, she'd love to fashion you with some angelic ballerina inspired shoes. Matching is cliche to her, but I headcanon she's lowkey a sucker for that stuff. Plus, it would be great for you to protect yourself with if worse comes to worse.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You're an interesting one to him-especially since no one looks like you on his side of the Pentagram City. It excites him in a certain way-now get your head out of the gutter. It's a power thing. You look quite easy to manipulate, frail, weak, obedient-you could be a mindless doll. Getting you under contract would be easy, he tells himself. Of course, falling for you is the last thing he thought would come from this. But when that happens, you're no longer some doll he thinks he can control into being another one of his little workers. He can easily find out what type of music you listen to, what you like to do, furniture you may like, little shop items you always keep an eye out for, ect., He loves coming back home to you, or even when you visit him in his office. He's a stressed out guy with a lot on his plate. You're more soothing to him than you think.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Valentino being Valentino thought you were quite the delectable thing. It's as if you're begging to be ruined, honestly. He's of course quick to try to coerce you into at the very least having sex with him. He's charming, he knows how to use that and be sweet into getting people to trust him. Say you guys are in a romantic relationship though. You somehow managed to take this monsters heart, he's surprisingly not as rough with you vs if you were some one and done bitch he had instead. You look like too much of an angel for him to wanna break so soon. He's still rough and loves it when its rough, but I mean, what do you expect? It's Valentino. He definitely gets you lingerie that match your look. Loves either seeing you wringle in it beneath him or degrading him while you're on top. Believe it or not it's not all about sex with this guy though when it comes to you. When he's in one of his tantrum moods, you're like his own personal angel to give him a hug til he calms down enough to go do something else more level headed.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ She admires your dedication to your aesthetic, but I can't say she likes it very much. It's cute and with the correct look it can look quite fashionable, but she of course has her own standards and strong preferences. I can imagine that when you move in together, she has a love hate relationship with your guys shared massive walk in closet. One half screams Velvette, and the other half screams you. It's satisfying to see the difference in aesthetics, but also annoying because of the obvious clash. She puts up with it though. It's not all bad, seeing as sometimes you two trade outfits. Not often cuz again this woman is very of her own preferences and makes the effort to maintain her aesthetic as often as possible. It does happen though, as sometimes something from your closet catches her eye and she'll either borrow it or design something inspired based off it.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Adam first saw you when you went to visit Heaven with Charlie and Vaggie. He at first didn't even know you were with them. You looked like you belonged in Heaven, he had thought you were an angel tagging along with their running around with Emily. He didn't immediately catch onto the lack of halo and feathered wings but that's besides the point. He actually probably went to bother you several hours before the trial. He didn't like any of the sinner souls or demons, but damn it-why do hell get a lot of the hot bitches? I mean yeah everyone in heaven is hot, but maybe he just has a thing for demon bitches, he doesn't know. Plus, it would probably be a good time to grill you and maybe tease you. What? Are you a wannabe angel? Is that why you look like that and came to argue for that hotel?
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Lute does not give a fuck because hello~you're a sinner. She first noticed you during an extermination. She had thought you were an angel actually, because of how you looked. She was initially startled and angry because why the hell would of the extermination angels just be out of uniform in a time like this? But she was very quick to catch onto the fact that you are not one of them so she moved to kill you. Ah but little miss angel wannabe, her words, is more vigilant than she thought. You don't get killed this extermination so when the angels are called back to return to Heaven, she glances back at the last place she saw you run into for shelter. She smirks to herself; you got lucky this year, angel wannabe. She almost wishes you see you again next year.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Emily would notice you with this Angel Dust character when they viewed Angel's night out during the trial in Heaven. You seemed to be friends with this group. Even though the focus wasn't on you, she found herself hoping to see you appear through the heavenly lens more frequently. You looked so adorable! Internally she nicknamed you Hell's Angel. She must remain professional and focus on the trial at hand though, which she very much does. She still wishes to get one more glimpse of you once the move on from viewing Angel Dust's night out though. Even when the trial ends, after she deals with the harsh reality she didn't now about, she hopes that Charlie's dreams come true for a chance to properly meet you in Heaven.
Saint Peter
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ This angel met you when you came up to the gates with Lucifer's daughter and her friend. When he realized who Charlie is and where this trio just came from, a part of himself silently wondered about you. You looked so...heavenly. You're really only visiting from Hell? Ha ha m-maybe theirs been some sort of mistake. You look like you belong up in heaven. Oh well. Eventually he get's to actually talk with you of course. It's not long but it's something. He almost feels foolish for thinking Hell wouldn't have sinners and demons who have certain aesthetics and preferences. Heaven has those things, why wouldn't hell have it? Maybe hell isn't the shitty eternal hellfire he and many other winners believed it out to be. I like to think that Peter when he's not wearing his robes, has a pastel filled wardrobe. Real soft boy energy. So if you ever get redeemed or can somehow be together, bc this man was whipped almost immediately, you'd match pretty well together.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You intrigued Striker a little bit at first glance. With a raised brow he watched as you smiled sweetly at him and waved before continuing on your way. He doesn't like interacting with the sinners much but he knows enough about them that you being you makes you a target for bullying and harassment. He naturally keeps his distance regardless and doesn't think of you again until he actually sees you again. By the time you end up dating, many compromises need to be made. First of all, sinners can't leave the Pride ring so he can't bring you home to the wrath ring. So he often makes trips to the pride ring to visit you, at some point your home becomes his home before either of you realize it. It kinda makes him feel off-he stands out like a sore thumb in your place. But he tries to not get you place dirty and tries to make sure he's not totally bloody when he shows up.
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK OVER A WHOLE MONTH LOVLEY STAR! I had no idea how to write about various characters reacting to a coquette!sinner!Reader without having so much overlap and I just evbsfvhsbk-
Here it is, finally TvT sorry for taking forever. Thank you for your patience!
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Are your requests still open? I was hoping for a request for a Lucifer x sinner reader where she was once in love with someone when she was alive but they betrayed her leading to her death causing her to be afraid of letting others in. She's been a resident of the hotel since the pilot, but doesn't really talk much about her feelings or past life but is convinced by Charlie who says singing helps her when she needs to get out her own emotions. So when she thinks everyone is gone for the day on one of Charlie's bonding field trips, she uses the piano in the main area to sing her heart out, not realizing Lucifer decided to stay. The song I'm thinking of is "Perfect Doesn't Last" by Beth Crowley. So when she sings it and he overhears listening and watching her he's reminded of Lilith and feels for the reader understanding her more than when they first met during his first visit to the hotel (ep 5). I'm not sure of how to end it, so if you want to add anything to it I'm totally up for it. I just thought this song would match him so well.
A/N this is my first time writing for this man. Also,, i think it’s so funny that everyone is just like “short king” even tho alastor is canonically at least seven feet tall and charlie is at least like six feet tall. that’s so silly of us.
Encore (Lucifer x Reader)
Paring: Lucifer x Reader
Warnings: Domestic abuse briefly mentioned.
Word Count: 2,169
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Lucifer had just wanted to visit Charlie. With their relationship on the up and up, he was eager to not give up his chance to fix things with his favorite and only daughter. However, when he arrived at the hotel, throwing the doors open in unadulterated excitement, it was to find the normally busy lobby area empty.
The door fell shut behind him and his smile slipped from his face. Carefully, he ran his eyes over every inch of the room. There really was no one to be found.
"Maybe they're just all in their rooms, yeah." he said aloud to himself, "Charlie is probably... in her office! It must take a lot of work to run a place like this. Yeah, that's what it is."
Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor had asked her to come with them to the movies. It was supposed to be a reward, for how hard they had all been working. They had really tried their best to convince Y/n to join them but, as always was the case when activities that took them out of the hotel were not required, Y/n had declined the offer.
Y/n was still getting used to Hell in all its big scary wonder, she still hurt. Everything was so complicated and while spending time with her thoughts didn't make her feel good per-say, spending time with others had been making her feel even worse. Besides, Charlie had given her some advice a few days ago she wanted to test out and she didn't exactly feel comfortable doing that while the hotel was crawling with people.
Y/n trusted Charlie. She was the first person to have extended a kind hand in her direction since her arrival in Hell. When Charlie had found out Y/n had been a concert pianist in the living world, she was elated.
"That's perfect!" she had said, leaning across the desk towards her, "We have a piano in the Hotel's auditorium!"
"I... I don't know if I really can... perform, right now. If that's alright." Y/n had replied, wringing her hands and unable to keep eyecontact.
"What? Oh no! That's not what I meant at all. It just seems... well if you did it for a living, you must have loved it. And it seems like you always have a lot on your mind, lots of stuff to process, and I know you don't like talking to people about it and, well, music always makes me feel better. It feels freeing, like I'm getting everything bottled up inside me out when I sing."
"I... I don't think I've ever really thought about it that way." she had admitted in response, "It was just something I had always done. I started lessons when I was three."
"Well, you should try it some time." Charlie had smiled back, "Maybe it will help."
Once she was sure everyone was gone and the hotel was hers alone, Y/n had slipped quietly from the confinement of her room. It had taken her a bit to find the auditorium. When she finally did and saw the piano it held, her breath caught in her throat.
It was a beautiful old baby grand made out of a warm cherry wood that matched the hotel's theming well. The lid had creaked when she had opened it, the keys had been dusty to the touch.
It had been a long time since she'd played. With mild joy, she let her fingers run the usual scales and arpeggios, finding a comfort in the familiarity of it all. Once satisfied her fingers were all warmed up and ready to play something real, she posed them over the keys.
Lucifer had lost himself in the depths of the labyrinthine hotel. The twists and turns of the hallways were unfamiliar to him despite the tour Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor had lead him on. His hope at finding his daughter and spending some time with her had long since flickered out. He was on the verge of going home, his hand half raised to open a portal, when he heard it.
A faint echo of music flooded the hallway and Lucifer froze. It was haunting and distant, it drew him in. His sights set on a new sort of entertainment for the afternoon, he listened carefully and began to follow the sound.
As he got closer to its source, Lucifer realized that who ever was making the music was not just playing the piano but singing. Their voice was soft and lovely, nearly ethereal in its sheer humanity and anguish.
I would have bet on us
We were untouchable, you and I
I couldn't get enough
It was a fairytale come to life
Lucifer at last reached the half open door to the room the music appeared to be coming from. Not wanting to disturb the artist just yet, he transformed into a snake and slithered his way silently into the room. There, sitting at the piano on the stage, was Y/n.
I had your heart
At least that's what I thought
Now I'm second guessing every moment
Wondering where we went so wrong
He didn't really know much about Y/n except that she was new to Hell. Charlie had mentioned off hand that she had died in an incident of domestic abuse. Lucifer had no idea why she had ended up in Hell or what she was really like. When he had visited the hotel the first time, Y/n had been quiet and reserved. She had stood to the side and watched, barley even introducing herself to him.
At first, he had thought it to be disrespect. Not every demon in Hell was his biggest fan after all and while he was used to it, it still stung that even one of his daughters would be reformed sinners would be blatantly rude to him. He had quickly realized however from her flittering eyes and the way she clutched at herself that it wasn't disrespect at all. Y/n had been nervous.
Of course, Lucifer had made an attempt to make her feel more comfortable but, when he had extended his metaphorical hand, Y/n had just closed herself off even further. According to Charlie and Angel Dust, that was just what the demoness was like. She was shy.
You got inside my head
Taking up every inch of space
'Til there was no room left
Her hands flew across the keys with a practiced grace. Lucifer felt she knew he was there, watching. He felt that she just might be performing for him.
So many parts of me erased
You had my heart
And tossed it in the dirt
As he listened to the words she sung, they resonated with him. For a split second, he could have sworn it was Lilith sitting there at the piano, not Y/n. He shut his eyes, shaking his head slightly. He was oddly grateful when he opened them again to find it had just been his imagination.
Now that was a first. Since Lilith had disappeared seven years ago, Lucifer had been a mess. Lucifer was always a mess but, Lilith leaving like that really did him in. She had been his rock, his guiding light, his everything. He had risked everything for her and he had lost. At least, back in the old days, he had gained something out of the chaos. A daughter, a wife, a world to try and shape. One after another, they were all taken from him. Even now, even with their relationship improving the way it was, he felt Charlie slipping away again.
Now I'm second guessing every moment
Wondering where we went so wrong
I just keep asking
Would this have been worth it if I knew the ending all along.
Without really thinking about it, Lucifer retook his normal form and sat down in one of the auditorium's front row seats. Thankfully, Y/n was too wrapped up in her own world to notice and she just continued to play.
What started so perfect was over too fast
I should have seen the warning signs
'Cause perfect doesn't last
Perfect doesn't last
Light shined off her face, that was how Lucifer had realized she was crying. Despite the tears, her voice never wavered. A performer at her core, just like him.
I would have bet on us
We were untouchable, you and I
As the last lingering notes echoed through the room, he began to clap. Y/n jumped at the noise, turning to face him with wide eyes and cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Lucifer was undeterred and, getting to his feet, gave her a standing ovation. After a few moments, he ceased in his applause.
"That was beautiful." he said, breaking the new silence that had fallen between them.
"Um, I'm sorry." Y/n's gaze fell back to the piano.
"No! No no no!" Lucifer exclaimed, jumping up onto the stage.
He kneeled before her, lifting her hands from her lap and taking them in his own. She turned to him, surprise drawing out the features of her face once again.
"Don't apologize for taking up space."
"I... I just didn't mean to disturb you is all. If you're looking for Charlie, she's out at the movies with everyone else."
"I was but, I can talk to her later, when she gets back. You didn't disturb me at all, Y/n. As I said, it was beautiful. It was..."
He trailed off, the smile slipping from his face.
"Oh fuck!" Y/n exclaimed, "I didn't mean to upset you! I'm really sorry, what can I do to make it better?"
"You didn't upset me." Lucifer shook his head, "You just... somehow managed to put words to the very things I've been struggling with the past couple years."
A smaller, much kinder and more genuine smile made its way onto his face.
"If you'd like to play more, I'd love to hear it."
Y/n's cheeks flushed red again.
"Theres no pressure." Lucifer shrugged, "Just giving you the option."
"An audience of one... well, it's a little intimidating." she admitted bashfully, "I'm used to the faceless mob of the crowd."
"I can see why. You have an undeniable gift."
"I guess... I don't know. Charlie just said it might help me process stuff. To play again, I mean."
"Was she right?"
Y/n paused in thought for a moment before nodding slowly.
"I think she might have been. My chest does feel a little lighter now."
"Then play."
"Um, mister... king of Hell? Sir?"
Lucifer laughed.
"You can just call me by my name. No formalities necessary. 'Mister king of Hell sir' was my fathers name."
Y/n laughed lightly at his terrible joke. The sound sparked a sudden joy in Lucifer's chest, one he hadn't felt in quite a long time.
"Well, Lucifer." she began again, stumbling a bit over his name.
"I'll... um, I'll need my hands back. If I'm to keep playing."
He looked down and his eyes widened. Lucifer hadn't realized he had still held her hands in his. Immediately he dropped them, getting to his feet and looking away in mild embarrassment.
"Sorry, about that."
"Don't apologize for existing." Y/n parroted his earlier words.
When he turned back to her, it was to find she was smiling slightly.
"How bad would it be if I said sorry again right now?"
"You'd be sounding like me."
"Lets make a deal then: no sorries unless something is actually wrong."
"What if I can't tell if your mad at me or not?"
Lucifer looked down at the seated demon. In not one of his wildest dreams could he ever imagine being mad at her but, that wasn't exactly something he could say.
"Then you can always ask."
"And you promise you wont lie to me?"
"I promise."
"Promise promise?"
She eyed him suspiciously for a moment before nodding her head. Turning back to the piano, her hands found their place on the keys once again. She hesitated.
"I..." Y/n shot Lucifer a look over her shoulder, "Thank you."
"Thank you. There is some solace in knowing someone else out there feels the same way I do, if for different reasons."
"Yeah. There is, isn't there? Maybe part of our deal can be helping each other figure that all out too."
The suggestion had been half thought out. Y/n hadn't really meant to give it a voice, it had escaped her locked lips. She quickly turned back to the piano.
"Sorry. That was dumb."
"What did we just say about sorries!" Lucifer exclaimed, "No apologizing for existing. I think that suggestion sounds rather nice."
"Okay. I... I'm actually going to play now. Is that okay?"
With a snap of his fingers, Lucifer reappeared in the seat he had previously inhabited. He crossed his legs, resting his hands on his knee.
"Whenever your ready."
Song is Perfect Doesn't Last by Beth Crowley as requested :)
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nayomi247 · 6 months
I cant believe like... no one in the fandom has done a post like this yet that I can find?? It seems like a staple, and Im sending it here cause your wonderful and need more requests mwuah (´ з `)
What do you think would be some of the Hazbin Crew's ideal s/o? Like, what would attract them/get their attention initially, what they would need in a longtime partner, that type of thing! I would LOVE if you did Lucifer, Alastor, and Vox (my BOYS *sobs*) but feel free to do anyone and everyone you want to!
Their Ideal S/O
A/N: Thank you for this lovely request mwah😙 Also I sprinkled in other hcs to that I thought of while writing this
Pairing: Lucifer/Reader, Alastor/Reader, & Vox/Reader
Work under the cut🤞🏻
I feel like this man would love a clingy lover. Please always hold his hand. Sit on his lap while he does his work. Cuddle him to sleep at night. He LOVES physical touch.
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He'd also want a person he can spoil. He wants you to know he cares. He shows this by gift giving; (another one of his love languages) anything in his power is yours for the asking, you just name it!
As for looks, he wouldn't really care about those. He loves you for who you are.... THOUGH, if you were tall, he'd like to be topped by you. Or if you were short, he would tease you for that and act all proud bc he's taller than someone.
The thing that initially attracted him though was your smile. He always adored it. Just seeing you laugh and be happy always made his heart flutter.
He wants someone who can take care of him. He's a very needy man and is almost like a toddler to some degree. Of course he could do this stuff himself, but it makes him feel better knowing that you're willing to do it for him.
If you're gonna be with him, you have to be nice to Charlie. That's non negotiable. He doesn't want to put you in a spot where you feel like you have to parent her, of course not. All he wants is for his 2 favorite people to get along.
He needs someone who's willing to commit to the relationship as much as he is. He's still a bit hurt from Lilith, and he's trusting you to not break his heart like she did. He would be crushed.
He isn't one to like physical touch very much. Maybe a peck on the cheek here, holding hands a bit there, but other than that he doesn't want to be touched. Don't get me wrong, he loves you a lot! But he's not really the.. touchy type.
I see him more as lover that would like words of affirmation or quality time. Just your presence alone is enough for him. Though if he's with a clingy partner, he'll probably get them a plushy or something of the sort to hug and cuddle when he's in his 'no touch mood'.
He'd like if if you could cook. You could help him prepare jambalaya and other dishes his mom showed him to make. It'd be a great bonding experience.
Like Lucifer, he doesn't care much for looks. As long as you're willing to commit to him as he does for you, then it doesn't matter to him what you look like.
To be completely honest, he doesn't know exactly why he loves you or even fell for you in the first place. But he does, and did. Who is he to question that?
This man is also a big physical touch lover. He always has his hand on your thigh, holding your hand, or just touching any place he can.
Please let him spoil you. You'd always have the latest phone and other tech like that. If you want something, he'd be glad to give it to you.
He wants someone that's loyal to him and only him. If he sees anyone else trying to flirt with you (*cough cough* val) he'd go absolutely insane. You are his.
If you could cook, he'd always love to eat your meals, breakfast lunch and dinner. Would 100% brag to the other Vees when he has lunch.
He'd prefer it if you're good with tech. He wants to be able to brainstorm ideas with you and show off his latest inventions. Also it would make it 10x easier to clean his system if you were the one to do it.
He cares more about looks than the other 2, but it's not a deal breaker for him. He'd like it if you were good looking (You're beautiful no matter what though ofc) but it's not a need. Regardless, he'd still call you beautiful and his pretty thing
He fell for you because of your of your personality. The way you walk about and present yourself. You take bullshit from anyone, you know your worth. Much as he does. You're like him, you both understand each other. That's why he sought out your love.
I'm sorry if this exactly what you hoped it would be, I know I added a few random things but I hope you like it regardless :]
Once again thank you for the ask<3
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rubra-wav · 6 months
There was a post a while a back you did where it was a toriel like reader and you mentioned Lucifer becoming your ‘adopted husband’.
Lucifer x reader - 'Adopted husband'
<< [ Part 1 ]
A/N Plsssss I'm so happy you were so excited for this to be written anon hsjsjdjsj
Cw: SFW, gn!reader, platonic to romantic, hurt/comfort - fluff ensues after depressing stuff, mutually awkward confession, suggestive type territory at one point
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- You handle his daughter behind the counter of the kitchen with such care as you put the finishing touches on the baked goods you are bringing out, all the while animatedly talking about things he doesn't know of or understand.
- You, someone who is not even her parent, is acting all so maternal and close to his daughter.
- The gaping hole in his heart aches at the sight.
- He's filled with jealousy and despair that he allowed his daughter to drift so far away from him that she'd had the time to attach to someone else to fill what assuredly existed to Charlie about him and her mother as well.
- But he can't even bring himself to be angry at you.
- You greet him kindly and oh-so warmly. Unlike Alastor, it's clear that you truly care for his daughter like a parent. There doesn't seem to be a bad intentioned bone in your body about his daughter's attachment to you.
- The whole exchange he feels all too distant. Feels like he's just intruding on you and Charlie - an outsider to his own daughter.
- He says goodbye after a cordial afternoon tea, but as he goes to leave he finds himself stopped by you.
- He's snapped out of his depressing reverie as you looked him in the eyes very seriously, hand gently holding his arm.
- "I want to say, I'm not trying to steal her away from you," you preface before your brow furrows. "From what she's told me, you weren't okay either after Lilith left. You weren't okay for a while."
- Lucifer opens his mouth to speak as a conflicting mixture of embarrassment and feeling truly seen for the first time in thousands of years well up in him, but he stops and goes bright red as you pull him into a tight hug.
- His heart goes crazy in his chest, and he fights but can't stop the way tears well up in his eyes. He crumples against you and rests his head on your shoulder.
- Thank God it was a less popular hallway to travel down where you two had some privacy because crying against the stranger who had become a caretaker to his daughter would be a lot even for him.
- After a couple of seconds, you pull back much to his disappointment and tell him with a sympathetic but also stern expression that you wanted him to play more of a real role in Charlie's life alongside you, and that you'd be willing to help him through what he was dealing with in the process.
- And well, he of course agreed.
- It really did not take long at all for him to fall in love with you. It wasn't a slow process.
- He watched how you bridged the gap between him and Charlie, caring for her like Lilith should have and also caring for him like Lilith should have and was stumbling head over heels almost instantly.
- In the days spent with you, he basked in your platonic care of him, gentle encouragement, validation, and helping him take care of himself better where he'd ignored it.
- In the nights, though, he stayed up at night sleeplessly, heart longing desperately for more with you. Thinking about what it would be like to kiss you, what it would be like to cuddle up to you with no sense of it just being in a friendly way, and above all; if you felt the same way.
- He had it bad, and he was terrified.
- His past history of love didn't exactly end well. He fell head first hard, and then they turned out bad in the end. Left him all alone and beaten down.
- This of course changed, however.
- You had proposed a picnic with him and Charlie in a place that was relatively untouched by hell's disgusting burning flesh stench and pollution in the middle of a field.
- The sun had shone brightly on you as you sat on a red checkered rug, not too hot but not cold either.
- At one point, Charlie ran after a group of butterflies with patterns she had never seen before.
- You two were left alone to leisurely munch on buttery biscuits as playful banter was exchanged.
- You laced your fingers together in your lap as you smiled softly at him. Lucifer animatedly discussed something he was trying to make to help demons become more redeemable to push them towards the hotel.
- You normally would just have listened, nodding along, but something slipped out impulsively instead. "You're so cute."
- Lucifer choked on his words, already rosy cheeks darkening further. "I-" Lucifer stuttered.
- He watched you fumble over your words, mutually embarrassed and shocked at what you had blurted out. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me-"
- "I think you are too!" Lucifer exclaimed.
- You felt yourself somewhat awkwardly go quiet. You'd come to admire him as he had you, but you didn't wish to push further just in case it really was just him wanting someone like a spouse.
- "I like you a lot (name). And I uh- I have for a long time. I want you to be closer to you-" Lucifer fumbled over his words, adrenaline making his brain stupid.
- "Would you marry me?" He choked awkwardly, panicking.
- You snickered in disbelief, putting a hand over your mouth to keep from openly laughing.
- "Wait, no- that's not - would you be my actual spouse- wait, uh, that's not right either-" Lucifer was just getting more and more flustered, various iterations of marriage requests tumbling from his mouth like word vomit as he grew more embarrassed.
- It came to an abrupt end, however, as you pressed your lips to his gently, closing the space between you.
- Lucifer's hands flew up to your shoulders as if to tether himself as his mind went fully blank as your lips softly moved against his, prompting his heart rate to absolutely sky-rocket.
- You slowly pulled back from him, noticing that he wasn't reciprocating at all and feared you'd made an error in kissing him.
- Your instinct to apologise was stopped short however, as you noticed he had the most pathetic, lovesick expression on his face possible.
- "Please." He whispered, eyes half lidded and red eyes blown out massively.
- You didn't need a second longer to fulfil that request as you pressed your lips against his with a soft giggle, tumbling backwards onto the picnic rug as his arms wrapped around your shoulders to squeeze you closer to him.
- The kiss was slow and deeply passionate despite how gentle it was.
- Lucifer sighed into your mouth as he attempted to deepen the kiss, tongue running over your bottom lip.
- You didn't reciprocate, however, as you watched Charlie come back from the corner of your eye, looking at you two with absolute beaming glee.
- Your hand moved to grip his arm slightly to try to alert him to stop trying to take it further, but that proved the wrong move as he gasped slightly and his wings quickly unfurled from his back.
- You pushed him off before he could misread your body language anymore, him looking somewhat disappointed, but then let out a shocked "Oh!" As he quickly scrambled up off of you at the sight of his gawking daughter watching.
- You looked at him with an arched brow, somewhat amused at his sudden dilemma.
- Thankfully, Charlie didn't pick up on where the exchange was going for her father.
- "Finally! I've been waiting for so long!" She cried happily, clapping her hands together.
- Lucifer awkwardly recovered, face practically burning in embarrassment as he fought to compose him and bring his wings back into his back with a cough.
- Charlie excitedly exclaimed about how long she'd been waiting for the two of you to finally become not just friends as the both of you went to start packing up the picnic stuff while barely making eye contact outside of stealing shy glances at one-another.
- It was very evident that both of you felt the same about each other, and it really was hard to deny the perfection a relationship would be with Lucifer and yourself.
- You really were like a missing parent to his daughter, and you were like a missing lover to Lucifer - yet so much more than just filling up the place Lilith left.
- You weren't a replacement. You were the one. He was sure of it this time.
- And yeah, sometime down the line, he would marry you.
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I was sweating trying not to make Undertale references throughout this (I had to stop myself from pulling a 'it filled him with determination' so bad lmfao)
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furicookiebndz · 8 months
Lucifer x !FemReader : My old friend
Hello everyone, it is my first time writing this, i hope it will be good enough, have fun! This fan art isn't mine. Full credits to the amazingly talented artist/creator.
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It has been thousands of years since evil began.
Lucifer, whose pride blinded him, attempted to dethrone the creator, only to ultimately fail and be banished from Paradise.
Lilith, who refused to submit to Adam, in turn fled from this magical place, but which hides many facades.
Yet few people know that with them, a third person flew out of Paradise. And even rarer are people who know the cause, 3 to be precise.
However, behind this unusual act lie very dark secrets, seen as…
-Can you stop, Vag'? You're giving me a headache.
The young woman turned her head towards the source of this execrable voice, a spider who was visibly lying carefree on the sofa, arms behind her head, a bored expression on her face.
Refraining from answering him, she continued:
Tragic, some thought it was another rebellious woman, others a fallen angel because of a serious crime, but that wasn't logical, what's worse than to confront the creator?"
-That doesn't help all of us, the young woman noted, running her hand through her hair, frustrated.
-It would be beneficial to have her on our side, especially if she has such a significant influence on the world of the living and beyond, Charlie concluded thoughtfully.
-But she hid from the world, living as a hermit. Many think it's a myth, but given what's been happening lately, I believe it's much more present than sinners think.
Vaggie rubbed her temples, trying to come up with an idea.
-Who the hell are you talking about? I hate it when you pretend to be Sherlock and leave me like the old cookie in the back of the cupboard.
-Are you interested in what we do? retorted Vaggie sarcastically
-No, more about why you were busting my balls, joked Angel.
-You don't even have one, asshole, mumbled quietly Husk, taking a sip of his cheap booze.
-Want to check~? It is free for you kitty cat.
-Not even for a thousand balls, growled quietly Husk, who was beginning to lose his patient.
-Ouuh finally a price there is progress, Daddy, the spider sent him a kiss
Alastor, who was reading a book by the fireplace, decided to speak
-Charlie, Darling, you seem concerned about this person Let me see…
He seemed surprised for a moment, before smiling more, if possible.
-My my, what a terrible coincidence. The person you are looking for is one of the most sought after. Didn't Lucifer tell you about Lady (Y/N)?
-Um… We're not exactly talking about all that-
“Daddy issues,” Husk muttered.
Alastor continued:
-As reported in this document, she flew away shortly after your parents. She was a person living in Heaven, she was not human, but not an angel entirely though, she had two pairs of wings, although she is the appearance of a mortal, yet she had her own power, not to be underestimated. She embodied humor, justice and determination. In short, all these things that are way too boring-
-Cut it short, Alastor, Vaggie said, snapping her fingers.
-But when Lucifer challenged God, she did not follow him, not because she had to beat him, but because he knew just as well as she did that what he was doing was wrong. For the first time in her life she felt an immense disappointment in the love he had once inspired in her, and the semblance of a relationship that was perhaps tending to end disappeared with the appearance of the first demon, your father, Charlie.
However, you are aware that shortly after the creation of Lilith, she quickly became friends with your mother, and when she flew away from Paradise, and she learned the cause, she entered in a black anger, so black that Gabriel had difficulty in containing it, Until then, she had always been obedient, never contesting the decisions, which were of infallible Justice, but this departure had torn away part of her herself. She confronted the lord, she tried to rally the others to her cause, but nothing changed. Disappointed, she left that place, and no one ever saw her again.
There was a heavy silence for a moment, before Angel said:
-So…Is she still a virgin?
Vaggie rolled her eyes before Charlie had an idea:
I'm sure she's not that far away. Maybe I should ask my father to contact her again. She must care about him, at least I hope so, and if I convince her, Gabriel won't be able to object!
Vaggie refrained from adding a comment, she knew it was too good to be able to do it, but in front of her girlfriend's adorable face, she couldn't refuse anything.
-No, Lucifer said firmly, before Charlie could even finish his idea.
-But dad-
-End of discussion, I don't want to hear anything, he turned around and mechanically squeezed the rubber duck in his hand, like an anti-stress ball.
Lucifer seemed elsewhere, deep in thought. His friend, his old friend…
“Luciferrrrr!” A burst of joy appeared as she walked towards him, a smile on her lips, a book in her hands.
Lucifer as usual had a lyre in his hands. He looked up at Y/N and smiled.
One discussion led to another, he shared his ideas about the mortal world, while she agreed with some and shared her opinion on others. They would sometimes just stay silent, or she would read aloud from a book, and he would then accompany her with his lyre.
Such a beautiful memory…
Why Lucifer?! Why did you do this?
This same friend was there with her eyes filled with tears, disappointed in him.
Lucifer looked down. One mistake, just one mistake, had caused him to lose those he considered family, and his closest friend.
He wanted to tell her that it was just a misunderstanding, that it was for the best, but the damage was already done.
He took Lilith's hand and without a word, left for their new home.
The young woman, in tears, could only watch them leave, the man she loved and her friend, without being able to do anything, because her principles prevented her. Gabriel placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, and said nothing. If she knew, he couldn't imagine how she would have reacted
Lucifer seemed to come out of his thoughts and focused on a family portrait. Lilith was already gone, after their separation he only had his daughter left, and after a second of thought he sighed and said:
-I'll see what I can do…
-It's true? Oh thank you Dad, thank you thank you thank you!, cried Charlie enthusiastically.
She took him in her arms, and Lucifer said to himself that finally, if having a hug from his daughter meant having to seek the 7 rings of Hell and even the beyond, he would do it without complaining.
Now all that remained was to find it, the most complicated part…
Lucifer, Charlie and the hotel members thought for several days, using all their knowledge and powers to find her. If she was neither in Hell, nor in Heaven, or even in the mortal world, she must be between the latter options-
Lucifer suddenly had an idea, remembering a conversation they had shared long ago, and he cast an incantation, which opened a portal to a world- no, a unique place, so messy and blurry, and yet so… familiar, as if he were…
“In the middle of a dream,” Charlie whispered softly. The rest of the team followed her, looking around curiously. Lucifer asked himself so many questions, was it a place where souls rested between life and death? He did not know it. After all, the soul left the body for a while when it slept, that would explain the place.
-Who are you? I sense human souls, but something else…
They saw several women advancing, of great beauty, similar to fairies, but armed, ready to defend themselves, if it was not for another who stopped them by raising her hand, she advanced slowly, and Lucifer recognized her completely. right now.
-(Y/N)..Lucifer seemed upset to see her, and tried to pull himself together by talking to himself. "Ok, Ok. It's going to be okay buddy, you can do it, you can do it", When he met her gaze, he lost all his courage and hid behind Charlie.
-What? I-I'm just covering your back Charlie.
-At least what I thought of you is true, you're just a sissy Lucifer, Alastor sneered.
You looked at him for a moment, the man you had loved for thousands of years, it was..strange. You didn't know whether you should greet him or hit him.
-Lucifer, what is the honor of this visit worth to me? In 10,000 years you have never had the decency to come visit me.
Sarcasm. Something unusual about you, he couldn't help but admire you. Your two pairs of wings were now grey, but your eyes were still this soft (e/c) shade, but now full of resentment, and perhaps.. mockery?
-And you, you must be his daughter, mhh?
You moved closer to her and observed her suspiciously, while she was sweating profusely, and Vaggie seemed on the edge on attacking you, and to her surprise, you smiled widely and took her in your arms, with surprising strength.
-My lord you are his carbon copy, so pretty~, you squish her cheek cheeks and gush about her, while she laughs awkwardly.
Everyone was stunned by how fast the tension dissipates, and the women behind you giggle, seemingly aware by how fast your emotions tend to change. Lucifer smiles, maybe he still had a chance..
-But you seem so polite, unlike some, you cast a dark look at Lucifer, and greeted the others with a sympathetic and curious look, their offering to sit down for a while to talk.
...maybe not finally.
-If I understood everything, you created a hotel to rehabilitate sinners… and are trying to convince Heaven, is that right?
She nodded and Lucifer tried to add something, but you stopped him:
-I don't speak with traitors and liars, especially if they forget to send me a life message for eons.
Lucifer doesn't say anything wanting to make anything worse. He knew he was wrong, and sighed heavily.
(Y/N)-1 Lucifer-0.
-Damn, this girl is awesome, Angel whispered excitedly.
Vaggie continued:
-Lady (Y/N), you still have decent relationship with heaven.Could you try talking to some highers-up about it? Like Gabrie-
-No, this thing is no longer part of my circle of close friends, I can still try to talk about it again with Sera and Emily, but I can't do anything with the other weirdo.
Charlie felt hopeless, and she took your hands and looked at you with a miserable expression.
-I beg you, you must speak to him, my people are dying every year at the hands of the exorcists, and I-I cannot stand by and do nothing. Can you try..?
At his beaten puppy look, you widened your eyes, it was exactly-
Please don't tell them where I was, Lucifer pleaded with adorable eyes. You sighed but smiled, nodding your head.
-Well, i will. But I'm not promising anything though-
-Thank you thank you thank you, she hugged you, and you hugged her back with a smile.
Lucifer felt his heart beat faster, these two women who are precious to him have finally met, and got along better than he expected.
Now all he had to do was sort out one last problem.
Explanations were made. You listened patiently, and after a while you answered:
-Why Lucifer, didn't you tell me before? I-I thought I was your friend.
Lucifer held her gaze, and for the first time in millennia he took his courage in both hands and took hers:
-I didn't want to see your disappointed look, I know I made a mistake, but I only thought about doing the right thing. And I-
-You got scared?
He nodded, and you sighed:
-I don't blame you, at least not anymore.
He raised his eyes, feeling a bit of hope, and feeling Charlie's encouraging look, he continued:
-So, can we try again? I mean our relationship- Well our friendship!
He blushed slightly and you chuckled softly:
-Yes, always Lucifer.
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allastoredeer · 4 months
Discussing fandom and its trends is one of my favorite things 🤓 I hope you don't mind me sharing some of the pseudotheories and pseudoanalyses I've seen before (to me they're all fun and I don't think they should be taken 100% seriously, please no one be offended)
1 The name of the boat that goes first is the favorite.
Quite funny in my opinion and from what I have seen it is not necessarily false, but many times it is that putting it differently sounds *wrong*, especially when they are combinations of the name
(Although after seeing that apparently apple radio and radioapple are not the same now I need an explanation of what radiosilent is as opposed to radiostatic)
2 The sub is The favorite
The first time I saw this was in a SW comment thread with a Chinese reader who was commenting with the author about top/Bottom preferences for the language and commented on this theory. They said that the Bottom gets all the love and since you want your favorite character to be adored that's why you write it like that
3 you project yourself into the Bottom
This came from another fandom, things got heated and toxic and a common accusation from a ship is that half the ship "had no personality" and they were using it to project themselves into a relationship whith the top
Personally I think they are all true to some extent, but I also see them as renunciationist and I myself am not without my own prejudices.
Part of the problem is that in relationships m/m and w/w, they continue to be written as one part a hairy-chested alpha male and the other part a blushing, submissive (and I have a weakness for ABO bulbs but there the problem is worse). In the case of radioapple Alastor has been reduced to his ego and need for control (so he could never let go. And is there something strangely allosexual about the way they write it?) and Lucifer to his depression (so he needs to be adored... And the truth is, I do think 3 applies here)
With what we see, I think that Lucifer has no problem being at the bottom, but his preference is at the top, even bordering on the Dom.Lucifer has insecurity and depression but he also knows he is powerful and we see him being authoritarian even if he later recants.He seems to be the type who would enjoy being the one to give pleasure to his partner, but I also don't see him giving up control easily when there are already so many things in his life out of control.Lucifer doesn't want someone to come in and take control by emptying his head, he wants something he can control and show exactly how good he is at it.
Alastor, on the other hand (this is where my prejudice comes in): what does he gain by being the top? Some kind of power play? Because I feel like Alastor can find that high without involving genital play.How ace (and probably aroace and almost certainly on the gray or demi side for most fics to work) Alastor would need something more to really get involved like that, which is why I feel like the top Alastor fics almost always feel too Allo for my taste, he just fucks like anyone else.When Alastor is the Bottom the writer gives him a little more nuance.
So that's my two cents to the discussion 🙃
Honestly, I think you're on point with most of these. (I too would like to know the difference between radiosilence and radiostatic - i see a lot of different names pop up for Alastor/Vox, whether its reciprocal or unrequited, and I can't keep up with it. I think radiosilence means the attraction is one-side? Maybe?? I think??
I can see the logic behind people having their fav be the bottom because they want them to feel loved and adored. I, too, am guilty of this. It also probably helps that the top is usually depicted as doing most of work LOL (Bringing Doms and Subs into this, there are a lot of fics that explore sub-drop, usually with their fav character--which I totally get--but it'd be interesting to read more fics that explore dom-drop too).
Personally, I've never felt any real attraction towards the characters I like, so I've never projected myself as a bottom or top through a pairing to be with one of the character. I project my insecurities and life experiences on them 🤓☝️ LMAO same basic concept, just a different shades But characterXreader fics/posts are super popular! So, I see that one too.
Part of the problem is that in relationships m/m and w/w, they continue to be written as one part a hairy-chested alpha male and the other part a blushing, submissive (and I have a weakness for ABO bulbs but there the problem is worse). In the case of radioapple Alastor has been reduced to his ego and need for control (so he could never let go. And is there something strangely allosexual about the way they write it?) and Lucifer to his depression (so he needs to be adored... And the truth is, I do think 3 applies here)
Very much agreed. I enjoy Omegaverse fics too, but it's one of those fanfic tropes that I'm picky about. It needs to be written a certain way for me to really enjoy it.
I don't know, just the default that one person has to be dominate and the other has to submissive never sat right with me. For a long time, I was super squicked out by even the thought of being in a relationship because of this. I'm a small person, most people are taller than me, and I'm pretty thin, so the mental assumption that I'd have to be "the submissive one," considering that's what almost always happens in these depicted relationships, made me feel so much anger, anxiety, and discomfort. I hated the thought that that's what would be expected of me. (Personal lore drop: considering I also grew up in a hyper-religious, extremely patriarchal town, the expectation felt 10x worse and 100x more real. I dreaded getting older and starting romantic/sexual relationships).
Also, yes, with a lot of top!Alastor content I've seen, there is something very strangely allosexual about it. Or, at least that's how it comes off to me. Asexuality is a spectrum, so there's no "perfect" way to be ace, it's just...there's just something about it that feels very allosexual, and maybe why I keep shying away from it. It squicks me out a bit, ngl.
People keep saying they see Lucifer as a switch, and funnily enough, it was actually confirmed by Vivenne Mendrano that he canonically is a switch! Of course, if people want to see him exclusively as a bottom or top, that's fair. You do you, boo. We're here to have a good time. But I'm very happy with his canon sexuality, so that's where I keep him. I can see him as a sub and a dom, too.
I also see Lucifer as the type who enjoys giving his partner pleasure! Be it bottoming, topping, subbing, or domming. He'll try out kinks and position and role-play, because I headcanon him and Lilith having a very healthy, very explorative sex-life. They were freaks in the sheets, and they tried all the new, crazy shit sinners brought with them into Hell.
I keep Alastor exclusively as a bottom, though. Some of it is because I see him being kind of grossed out with the idea of a part of him going into someone else (hello self projection!) but I also see him generally being sex-indifferent. Like, he'll have sex, and he'll enjoy it, but it's not something he typically seeks out for himself. Maybe once in a way, when he's in the ✨mood✨ he'll initiate. If his partner wants sex and he doesn't, he's not forcing himself. If his partner wants sex and he's kind of just vibing--not feeling horny, but not really against it either--yeah, he'll have sex. It's not like he's getting nothing out of it, he still feels and enjoys the pleasure in the act, even if he's generally indifferent towards doing it.
If he's comfortable with it he'll even indulge their kinks (and indulge his own 😉 not all kinks have to be sexual, afterall. And even if his are, that is still valid and does not take away from his sexuality because aces can still have sexual kinks 🫵 I'm looking at you, people who assume aces can't have sexual desires). (I also gave Alastor a power kink 😏 because I think he'd be into his partner displaying immense amounts of power. It doesn't even have to be directed at him. He'll watch his boo destroy a city block and then fuck them later because that was hawt.)
A lot of it could also be because he feels too allo for me when he is written as a top. Lol "he fucks like everyone else," is a very good way to put it 😂 When he bottoms, it feels like he's written with more of his ace-identity in mind, which I love!
But also, I like Alastor being a bottom just because. I vibe with it. 'Nuff said.
Thank you for your two cents!
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tired-fandom-ndn · 7 months
The fact that Alastor is canonically more comfortable around women is so interesting to me.
He doesn't seem to mind it when Rosie and Nifty touch him or enter his personal space. Rosie also seems to be aware of his plans to some extent. Mimzy has been using him as a get out of jail free card for DECADES before he told her to stop.
Meanwhile, when he interacts with other men it is usually much more hostile. He humiliates Vox, keeps Zestial at a distance and refuses to share information, has a rivalry with Lucifer, and we all remember how the Husk scene went.
And that makes the idea of Alastor being in a lavender marriage in life so much more interesting, too.
Because Alastor is good with women, he genuinely LIKES spending time with them. Chances are he got along well with his wife, possibly being close friends.
And the more I think about it, the clearer I can see Alastor being raised by a single mother and developing "girly" hobbies, such as cooking or sewing, and being used to housework. A well-dressed man who hangs out with plenty of women but never makes an advance. There would be rumors about him being gay, and men would hate him either for getting too close to their wives, for being a pansy, or both.
Alastor, in hell, waiting patiently for his wife. Because she was his friend. Because she never loved him and he never loved her, but extra souls never hurt and he'd rather keep her close than let someone like Vox get his hands on her.
Like this is EXACTLY what I was picturing holy shit. Alastor raised by a single mother (or with a very absent and/or abusive father), taught how to cook, clean, sew, and garden. I headcanon that he was also a hunter from a pretty young age, but even then they worked together to make an income from the hunting, not just eating or selling the meat but also making clothes from the hides and furs. Alastor is, at his roots, a homemaker which was NOT at all typical for men in his time.
His mother also taught him how to respect women and treat them well, always the perfect gentleman, and that combined with his "oddities" and distrust of men definitely led to his friends being almost entirely women (probably with scattering of queer men). The rumors about him would've been RAMPANT, especially when combined with the racism he'd be facing anyway (Word of God says he's mixed, I headcanon him as Black and Choctaw on his mom's side, white on his dad's), which would just drive him further away from forming any sort of relationships with other men.
I think his wife (I've been headcanoning her as Black too, from a lowerclass family like Alastor's) was probably one of those friends, one of the many women who was easily charmed by his bright smiles and kindness but maybe one of the very, very few people who saw a hint of sharpness in his smile or heard the little thread of truth in his darker jokes. She didn't truly understand Alastor, not like Mimzy did, but she saw enough that he trusted they could have a relatively happy and open life together, with him using their marriage as a shield against suspicion. And the fact that their marriage would benefit her too, giving her more freedom than she would get from living with her family and letting her carry on her relationship with her own lover, was absolutely a bonus.
And they were happy. She didn't tell him about her lover, he didn't tell her about his little hobby, but they were happy. They made a home together, laughed and gossiped over meals, and filled their house with constant music and warmth. Their garden was the envy of their neighborhood (and if she wondered where he got the bones and blood their flowers loved so much, she never asked) and they were the life of every party they were invited to. They didn't love each other, but they didn't need to. They were friends and that's all that mattered.
And yeah, I think Alastor absolutely waited for her or sought her out in Hell. Maybe he never found her and was content in the knowledge that she made it into Heaven. Maybe he found her a few decades after his own death and offered her up a simple contract, something to protect her from other overlords while giving her as much freedom as an owned soul has. He keeps her on as one of his reserved souls (like I mentioned here) and they share meals together every so often and sometimes he summons her to act as a background singer or play an instrument to accompany his singing.
They never talk about their previous relationship, partially because it's just not important to who they are in Hell and partially because it would put her in too much danger. Alastor probably mentions having been married in life a few times and everyone just assumes that Mimzy was his wife and that her contract keeps her from talking about it.
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androgynousblackbox · 6 months
Welcome to Hazbin Vale. Epilogue [Radioapple, Appleradio]
"And so, that is how it goes, my dear sinners! Our beautiful Hazbin Hotel is going to open its door to receive his Majesty King of Hell himself, Lucifer Morningstar!" The radio host reclined in his chair, letting his perpetual grin grow ever wider. The red lights above him declaring that he was on the air seemed to glow even more for a second, but no one on the other side would be ever to tell. After so many years, he had finally learned to control that damn static. For the most part at least. "It's truly an honor to receive him today and we hope that it doesn't end up on such a fruitless endeavor like his reign here has been, ha ha! Tune in next time for more hellish updates! Your good friend Alastor will see you all soon."
He turned off the microphone finally and stand up, letting a soft jazz tune to follow him around as he put on his coat. Humming along softly, he looked himself on the mirror for a moment. A few strands of hair stand out, but nothing that some brushing couldn't fix. His bowtie was perfectly centered. His smile was as deadly as always.
He grabbed his cane and sighed presenting his best pose, standing tall to show off the confidence that he absolutely, no doubt about it, had. Not a single nervous spec of cell on this entire display, no sir. No one would ever be able to tell what was going on inside of his head. Just another normal day in Hell for the Radio Demon himself.
Not at all wondering himself if maybe he had changed too much. If he was even recognizable anymore. If even if everything turned out exactly how it was supposed to, too much time had passed already for any of his hopes to have any point.
If he had wasted years expecting something that was never going to happen anyway.
Because that was a totally pointless thing to even think about, of course! The slight trembling of his hand as he fixed up the front of his shirt? A trick of the light, don't worry about it.
Taking a big breath, Alastor came out in direction to the lobby, where he could hear everyone moving about.
Thank god none of the sinners here was a party planner because they all would have been fired at their first job. Alastor doesn't know if he is more dissapointed on how bad did it look or in how much effort clearly still went into it. But oh well, he supposed that was to be expected from this group.
"That is great, everyone, it looks amazing!" encouraged a very clearly already stressed Charlie, indicating to Razzle (or Dazzle, one of the two) to fix a WELCUM DADDY sign up.
"Ssstop trying to grab one!" was saying Sir Pentious to the sneaky hands of Angel Dust, constantly trying to grab one of the pastries he had brought.
Alastor looked over where Husk was, casually drinking out of another bottle, but following Angel Dust attempts with the same attentive look of a bored cat.
Well, they were definitely together in the same space.
He had fulfilled his part of the deal and thankfully that whole thing was over. What they decided to do after that was completely out of their own volition and, frankly, he could not care less.
It had been truly a blessing in disguise that Charlie had already recluted one part of the pair before he ever spoke to her. All he had to do was bring the other with him and made sure he couldn't just ran away.
"Everyone, please, stay calm" said Charlie to no one specific, clearly needing a break herself as he clasped her own hands. "This no big deal, no big deal at all!"
"Hon, it will be fine" tried to reassure her Vaggie for what must have been the fifth time of the day. "If anyone can sell this hotel, it's going to be you."
Charlie smiled, grateful, but before she could say any more they all heard the door bell of the hotel. Alastor used one of this shadow to travel along with her to the entrance, standing politely close to the door, a respectable distance that would not look either desperate or impatient whatsoever, like some pathetic dog waiting for a treat. He was curious for seeing the king, as anyone else would.
But he still didn't even tried to open the door. Charlie didn't mind at all before she took a gulp of air. In fact, she probably haven't even noticed he was there.
"Hi, dad!"
"Charlie! It's so good to see you!"
Oh, well, this isn't fair at all, thought Alastor spitefully as he squished his cane behind his back, feeling again the rising of that familiar indignation.
Was it possible that he was even smaller now? How come that his eyes looked even bigger now? The red was definitely a good color on him. And who the fuck had the brilliant idea of giving this tiny man that sharp pointy smile, that was still somehow so warm when looking at his daughter?
He had seen pictures of him. This version of Lucifer was notorious enough that he would appear on fashion magazines from time to time, despite his reclusive nature. He had seen his wink at the camera, showing his slitted tongue playfully, had seen him even model for Asmodeous's fashion line one time or not.
The impulse of buying every single one of those images, so no one else could see them, and build his own altar out of them was there for a while, but he had managed to squandered it by sheer force of will. Truly, one of the most difficult test he had to endure. And yet, none of that had actually prepared him to seeing him in front of him. To actually hear his voice.
Who needed to breath anyway? Not him, that is for sure!
But the worst offense, the one he had to concentrate on to keep it together, was that hat. That stupid tall hat that was hiding his stupid perfect hair from view. The audacity! Clearly he had to be doing it to just annoy people as much as possible.
Charlie, the estranged daughter now, was doing her best to present the hotel without seemingly picking up how clearly not interested her father was. It was more than obvious that he had only come there at all for Charlie, to be around her, and her little side project was nothing he cared to think about too deeply.
In a way, it was weird seeing him like that. The Lucifer he knew at least pretended to be interested in other people out of a pure sense of politeness. But he imagined that it made sense that a king would not bother with empty gestures like that on his own kingdom.
Maybe the Lucifer he knew was truly gone now?
On this reality this tiny man was centuries older than him. He had lived a very long and eventful life completely on his own. He had never even put a single hoof in Earth. Everything he had experienced was far beyond what a simple toy maker on a small town could ever hope to see.
What could even be there about that Lucifer?
To say that the thought was crushing would be an understatement.
But if there was something he ever refused to be was a defeatist. He would have never reached the level of power that he was enjoying on that reality with a mentality like that. So grabbed that thought, cut his throat and buried it's body on the basement, just as he followed around as Lucifer kept going with Charlie's little tour with a much less than impressed expression.
"Well, it's got a lot of character! But what in the unholy hell is that?"
His opportunity to intervene.
"Oh, that is just some of the renovations we have done" said, transporting closer because somehow he knew he couldn't move his feet out of place. But still not too close, as if he didn't want to get caught on his orbit. Not yet at least. "Adds a little bit of color, don't you think?"
Lucifer looked positively annoyed at being talked to directly.
"And you are...?"
His heart had no right to jump the way it did as now he teleported to the side of the king. His head still reached just above his stomach so he was wrong, he was still the same height.
"Alastor, sir. Pleasure to meet you, quite the pleasure!" He took a step back to admire him full again. "It's nice to finally put a face to the name. I must say, you are lot shorter in real life."
The magazines pictures were never even close to make him justice, so that wasn't surprising either. He paid attention to Lucifer looking to Charlie for further clarification in who was the rude demon in front of him, not blushing at the sudden reminder of his height like he would in another life. Even his frown was different, more pronnounced, agressive. He truly did not care at all about appearing more approachable, did he?
"You might have heard of me from my radio show!"
He tried not to think too deeply about what it would mean if Lucifer did do that. That all of this time Lucifer had listened his voice and never once had a face either to relate to it or find anything especial about it outside of a mere form of entertainment. Just some white noise in the background while doing something else.
Luckily for him, Lucifer had not, which was still weird on itself. How out of touch was the king of hell himself to not know about one of the most notorious overlords in hell right now? They were all in the same ring. Was that some kind of classist attitude or something else?
"Well, on top of that, right now I am the host of this distinguished establishment that our dear Charlie is managing" added, brazing himself for potential disaster as he extended his hand forward. "The Radio Demon at your service, sir."
For a moment he was concerned that Lucifer would reject it or ignore it completely. His tiny toy maker had been an open book, and maybe because of that, he couldn't quite get a grasp of this man. But king of hell or not, Lucifer took one look to his daughter before taking it, rolling his eyes like this was such a big ask out of him.
The gesture seemed to froze in place at their contact. Alastor literally would not dare to move a muscle as he saw the expression of Lucifer gradually soften. By the time his red pupils looked up to him again, Alastor felt a wave of relief to see something else. Something that looked as fragile and lost like a bunny abandoned in a forest to it's own luck.
The man was looking at him as if suddenly had no idea of what to do or say.
"Alastor has been a great help around here!" helped Charlie out.
Lucifer blinked, disoriented, and Alastor regrettably let his hand go to brush at his blond hair. Was still as soft as it looked? Or it had become rough here in hell, like his hand had?
Alastor hated that is where his mind went. Hated that no doubt he was going to think about it again.
"Has he...?" questioned Lucifer, as if for a moment he had forgotten where he was. He looked over at Alastor again, squinting. "Is this the reason why this place is the Hazbin Hotel?"
Alastor's grin grew wider, realizing that none of them would truly understand that question. Not in the same way they did now.
"It was my idea" commented, now taking a step towards him.
Lucifer's eyes went up and down his figure and moved closer too, seemingly taking on the challenge.
"Well, that is not very clever, isn't it?" teased the king, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, I beg to differ, your Majesty" answered Alastor, connecting his hands on the back to resist the urge to go touch him again. Maybe if they touched enough more of his toy maker would come out. It was an stupid idea, born of a stupid impulse, but it was a very tempting one. "I think it is a very good name."
"Do you now?" Lucifer got even closer, a little smile forming on his face, enjoying the game.
He did always loved games. That at least haven't changed. The warm that expanded over him at the realization made his shoulders relax. His voice dropped an octave, almost a whisper on that space that they had created. Soft enough to not break it.
Lucifer crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side. The pointy smile was a great look on him like that as he absent mindlely played with a lock of hair.
"You would know, I suppose."
"I do."
He could have stayed looking at that little cocky smile for an eternity. Two if he got lucky.
"Um, dad? How about I present you to the rest of my friends?"
Idiot. He had completely forgotten what was the reason for that visit.
He cleared his throat and took a step back, pretending that he had lost interest on their... whatever it was. His hand gripped the top of his cane as he forced himself to calm down.
Lucifer still dedicate him one last look before turning to Charlie, letting her go through each other of the residents and staff.
Alastor couldn't help but to find amusing the way his eyes light up for a moment when it came to the turn of Husk and the slight frown when he heard the voice of Angel Dust greeting him. Did he remember far enough for that? Had he realized that was the Anthony of this reality? Or was just like the remmant of a dream, half forgotten, half remembered now?
That was something that he was also concerned about. Memories could be tricky things even on human minds that lived and died on a normal lifespan. But what effect could it actually have to add a entirely different existence on top of that one of the creator of hell? Could it hold on at all or it would vanish?
And even if he did remembered perfectly well, just as clearly as he himself did, there was no garantee that was really going to amount to anything. Not that he truly expected that it would, but the not knowing truly was the worst part.
By the end of the day, he was drained.
Between Mimzy suddenly appearing with a bunch of shark demons that he had to eat to protect the hotel and Lucifer getting swayed by Charlie into supporting her proyect, they didn't had any chance to exchange a word and he just felt cheated now.
Even their handshake seemed to have been far too short now. Thousands of years of waiting to see each other again and that was it? Why did he let it go at all?
The presence of that golden ring on his finger bothered him far more than what he would ever admit. Wasn't that thing with Lilith be finished already? Wasn't that a free man then?
Logically he knew that was none of his business. But what he knew on his head and what he actually wanted to do were two completely different stories.
For one, he shouldn't have let him just teleport away like that, without at least having a talk. But he didn't even know that was a thing he could do in the first place! No fucking magazine or newspaper had ever bothered to detail it. How many bullshit fallen angel abilities was hiding on that tiny body?
Not just that either. He had just reconnected with his 200 year old daughter after who knows how long and he didn't even think to staying for dinner? Just poof and until next time, kiddo. If Charlie wasn't annoyed by that, then fuck it, he was going to be annoyed on her behalf instead. Just what could be so important that he needed to get away as fast as he did and without even looking at him once? Did he had any care at all for the shit he went through in order to reach his hand? All the bodies he had to walk over to get to it?
And this time he couldn't judge him for it either, because he was already serving his time for it anyway.
Once inside of his room, he let the angry static fill the air as he took out his coat and got ride of his bowtie, each movement causing another cracking. He didn't know what did he expected, but it wasn't that, certainly not! He could leave a note or something! A promise of a another visit soon!
When he started to unbutton his shirt, that is when he heard it: a little tap tap against the glass door to his balcony. That immediately turned the static off as he got closer, confirming it further. That was peculiar. He wasn't near any tree for it's branches or leaves to ever bother him like that.
A insect, perhaps? Well, if it was big enough at least he could find some form of catharsis by crushing it himself. He moved the curtain away and looked up to see... a yellow bird.
In hell there were no yellow birds.
That alone was confusing enough until he realized the wite bird had a stupid tall hat on top of it's head and two red dots at the sides of his beak.
Ignoring the thunding on his chest, Alastor used every bit of his will to move the glass door out of his way as calmly as possibly and not desperately like the starving dog that he felt as.
"Hey" said the bird, flapping his wings towards his railing. One red poof later, Lucifer was sitting against it with an awkward smile.
Shapeshifting. Another fucking power he had no idea he had. Alastor saved that as another note on the back of his mind and smiled. Well, he always did, it was part of his brand now. But more sincere than before.
"Majesty, we have a front door if you ever need anything from us" commented, deciding to play it safe.
For now.
"Yeah... no, no, no, it's okay. I don't wanna bother Charlie for this" Lucifer looked so adorably, familiarly, lost that Alastor was pleasantly surprised. His tiny toy maker would have sported the exact same posture so many times before.
"And what this would be?" asked with fake innocence, walking towards him.
"Oh, come on" Lucifer sighed, the corner of his lips lifted in annoyance. "Are you really going to make me say it?"
"I don't understand what ever could you mean, your Highness" Alright, maybe he was enjoying a bit too much the teasing. He had a thousand years worth of it that he had to catch on. Yeah, that was going to be his excuse and not the fact he managed to see Lucifer blush, a hand scratching at his nape. Absolutely not the pure delight of knowing he could get those reactions out of him still. "Did we had any unsolved business you and I? I wouldn't have known with how quickly you left us. You seemed to be in a hurry."
Maybe he also just liked to be petty.
By now they were so close that he just had to extend his hand a little and he would touch him again. He would feel his stripped vest so easily if he wanted to. But his hand remained in place.
"Okay" Lucifer took a deep breath and let it go, both of his hand lifted to brush his hair back. When he looked up again, he almost seemed pained. "I am just going to ask this one time and then I will leave. Please, don't make a big deal out of it."
The smile on his face froze. Leave? Again!?
"Sure" said as if talking through nails.
Lucifer's eyes still darted around, hesitating. Alastor would have usually find that endearing in a nostalgic way, but now it was just making him even more impatient.
"Alright. So... this going to sound very crazy, but... have we met before?"
Alastor internally screamed.
Lucifer was confused. That was to be expected. Just suddenly having a bunch of memories out of nowhere in someone's head was bound to do that for that peson.
He knew that, rationally speaking. But more importantly, what was that talk about leaving if he did remember? Didn't he know already that was literally the worst thing he could do to him?
"Why?" said and he knew that was mean, and didn't care. He had done plenty of work already, he could do the rest for a change! "Did my face suddenly reminded you to someone you knew?" Lucifer looked again doubtful with himself, and he could not do it any longer. Fuck it. "Yes, your Majesty."
"Yes. Now if you want to talk about it we could come inside..."
Lucifer didn't let him finish his offering for a cup of coffe before he had lunched himself to his arms, wings out and all. It wasn't really that what shut up him quite as effectively as the fact that he was kissing him like his life depended on it. Instinctively he had grabbed the tiny king by the waist.
When they separated for a moment, Lucifer just about as surprised as he was. He seemed to be waiting something out of him, to him being pushed aside or anything.
Alastor simply stared at him back, knowing full well that falling from the side of his own mouth was drool.
But the stillness lasted just one second before Lucifer grabbed him by the front of his vest, forcing him to his height as he walked foward and Alastor backwards inside of his room, until his shin touched the side of his bed and he fell on top of it.
"You like it when I am more active" gasped Lucifer, pushing him all the way until his back was against his covers with one hand. Alastor gulped when he saw the black claws burying themselves on the fabric over his chest, just above his heart. "That I remember."
"Yes" said in a sigh. Tentatively he lifted a hand to wrap it around the wrist of Lucifer and went up, not intending at all to fight the pressure, but just wanting to feel the muscles of his arm. Knowing that those muscles were probably a lot stronger than they were ever when he was human was doing things to his body that he haven't known it could do in ages. His tiny toy maker was decisive and confident in these situations, but this Lucifer could kill him if he really wanted to. They were both as aware of that as of the fact that it wasn't going to happen. The risk of it was still intoxicating. "What else do you remember?"
Lucifer smiled, wide and mischiveous and absolutely beatiful as he quite literally ripped his clothes out of him like some savage beast.
Somewhere inside of his mind Alastor lamented that now he was going to have to go to the tailor again, but that mild voice was quickly drown out when Lucifer came down to kiss and nibble at every portion of skin he had exposed. The sensation of sharp teeth against his neck was something new he didn't knew he was missing until now.
The way Lucifer would moaned his name had forever being engrained on his brain, worse than any prayer could. But his wings were so big that they created a shadow on top of him, breaking the illusion that they were back on their little town, back on a Earth, passing another afternoon together.
He understood now that this Lucifer was always going to be inherently different. He was never going to be the same toy maker that he had missed for thousands of years. But as long at least this Lucifer was his, he would take it gladly with as many differences as it came.
"I missed you" whispered softly, kissing the side of his head as he ran his fingers through the blonde hair, soft and cool against his skin.
Lucifer let out a small chuckle.
"Me and my stupid hair?"
He didn't realize in what moment his pants had received the same treatment as his vest. Suddenly the pressure that was starting to annoy him was gone and Lucifer was touching him, lifting his legs up as he kneeled in front of him.
"Wait, wait" said without breath. The slit tongue of Lucifer was out and something about how long it was making it very difficult to grasp the words he needed out. "I... I haven't done this on this reality, so..."
"Oh, yeah" said Lucifer, as if a new memory had unlocked for him.
Alastor covered his face with an arm when realizing he knew exactly which one. The one where he had to explain to Lucifer that he barely had any sexual attraction towards anyone before meeting him so he never did anything sexual previous to their relationship. Even touching himself was extremely rare, mostly a hazzle that left him with a headache right after and really wasn't worth it. He just lacked whatever impulse made people seek out those sensations on the regular.
That is why he and Lucifer had worked on that area. The initiative of Lucifer was the kindle he actually needed. Without it, he just wouldn't have the drive to keep going without it feeling forced and unnatural.
"Aww, babe, you still get embarassed for that?" Lucifer come up again to take his face between his hands and kiss his lips, far gentler than any of their previous kisses. It made his heart flutter inside his chest all the same. "Honey, it's okay. Everyone works differently and it wouldn't be the same Alastor I knew without that. If anything, it makes it even better now."
"Why?" asked, having an idea of where Lucifer's mind was at but wanting to hear it from him.
It seemed that Lucifer read his mind as he got close to whisper into his ear.
"Because it means that I get to teach you everything all over again. I might even teach you some things that I learned only on this reality. Would you like that, Alastor?" Lucifer accompanied those words with a deep chuckle as his claws buried themselves on his thighs without breaking the skin. Alastor just knew that some mark was going to be left on him after and he couldn't wait to see them again.
He lifted his legs, grabbing onto the almost fully clothed fallen angel closer to him.
After they both finally settled down under the cover of his bed, Lucifer spoke up.
"Sorry about your suit. I will buy you a new one."
"I have my own money, thank you" Alastor nuzzled the top of Lucifer on top of his chest, hiding his eye roll. "It's fine. I didn't exactly stop you either."
"No, you didn't, slut" Lucifer of course had to show off the grin on his face. "Did I just unlock a new kink for you?"
He didn't had to be so smug about it.
"Aww, Al, don't pout, I am just playing" Lucifer laughed before kissing his cheek.
"I am not pouting. I don't pout" said Alastor, poutingly.
"Sure you don't" Lucifer's head returned to his chest, the twinkle on his eyes just as loud as his laughter. "You have no idea how weird this is to me. You look so different now to the image I have in my head."
"Yeah, well, I wasn't exactly given an option about it."
"I like it" Lucifer's hand went up the to tug softly at the portion of red hair on his chest and then up to this other ears on top of his head. Those shook and move at the contact involuntarely. Alastor wasn't still sure if he liked the attention on that zone or he could become indifferent to it. "Especially those. They are softer than the rest of your hair. And your tail is the cutest thing I have seen."
Alastor turned his head, not pouting at all. That was a good reason as to why he hide that last trait with his coat.
"You on the other hand, barely changed at all" commented, booping him where a nose had never been.
"You see, that too. It's weird to think of me as a human at all."
"I can imagine" commented Alastor, nodding.
"It's like waking up from a dream. But instead of waking is just another dream and the dream is actually reality. Does it make sense?"
"Yes, I felt the same when my own memories were translated to this body."
Lucifer frowned at that.
"Hey, how long have you had your own memories back?"
"Since my first killing as a human on this reality. I want to say... maybe 200 years ago now? I figure it wouldn't send me to a reality where I wasn't a serial killer. Not a lot of entertainment to be had then."
"Wait, so you have known the entire time you have been in hell? Why didn't you try to touch my hand before?"
Alastor blinked.
"Do you mean to ask me why I didn't try to touch the hand of the king of hell as a simple overlord? The king that is notorious for not making many public appearences and lives in a castle with the best security anyone could ask for because he is, wouldn't you know it, the king? My goodness, you are so right, my lord. I have no idea why I didn't thought of doing that before."
"Yeah, okay, okay, I got it" Lucifer sighed, now he sporting the pout. "You know, you are still an asshole."
"We are in hell, darling. Everyone is an asshole here."
"Touché" Lucifer got back to resting his head against him. "What happens now? I can't really explaint to Charlie that I am fucking her friend on the side because we met in another life. And I don't really want to explain the whole interdimensional eldrich monster that killed us all before. She has so much on her plate right now and I don't really want to add to it."
"Agreed" Alastor also couldn't imagine a scenario where they could make any sense of their situation to other people. Normally that wouldn't mean much to him, but now there were so many other factors to take into account. "If I might propose something, I believe the best course of action right now is to keep our relationship between us."
"We have a relationship?"
Alastor stared a Lucifer with a sarcastic comment at the tip of his tongue, but then saw the face of the fallen angel and realized that was a question out of giddy amazement rather than needing a clarification. Like he couldn't believe how lucky he was. That thought made him feel warm all over.
"Yes, we do" said instead, caressing his cheek. How silly could he be to ever think otherwise? "You thought this was only going to be sex?"
"I didn't want to assume" Lucifer blushed, taking the hand of Alastor on his to kiss his knuckles. His blush now was a soft gold that expanded beyond the red dots on his cheek. Angelic blood was truly fascinating. "So I came here because my daughter invited me over and I come out with a new boyfriend. Best day ever."
"If you say so" Alastor chuckled too, kissing his forehead. Lucifer wrapped his arms around him and lifted himself up to kiss him more deeply. "But it's a secret for now."
"Yeah, I heard you. Until when though?"
"No any time soon, I am afraid. I would personally prefer to not give my enemies any amunition either."
Lucifer snorted. He lifted over his arms on top of Alastor and sat on his stomach, looking down to him.
"Is that a joke? I am Lucifer Motherfucking Morningstar. I can obliterate any sinner barely lifting my pinkie" Alastor had no doubt that he could and that was exactly making him find out things about him that he didn't expect. "Come on, just give me their names and you won't ever have to worry about them ever again."
He still needed a moment to clear his head again before he could speak. This version of Lucifer was just full of surprises. Did he know how beautiful was like this? He did probably. This Lucifer would know.
"For as... lovely of an offer that is" said slowly. "I prefer to deal with them on my own way, darling. Not to brag, but I have done a lot of stuff to get where I am today and I would hate to see it wasted."
"You mean killed a lot of people."
"On top of other things."
"I don't need to know the details" Lucifer fell to his side of the bed again, the murderous intent already gone from him and back to the relaxed state of before. "Are you sure?"
"Positive, darling."
"Fine. But you have the head honcho of hell one text away if you ever need me."
"I still don't have a cellphone, love."
"Still?! How did you managed to survive this long without ever being connected?"
"I talk to people, darling."
"I talk to thousands of people everytime I post on Pentagram! At the same time! And we could text! It would be so fun!"
"And we would have one of those enemies I told you immediately knowing all about it" Just thinking of Vox getting to use that kind of information to undermine his reputation made him sick. He wasn't about to give him that satisfaction. "Before I didn't really like those cellphone, but now less than ever."
"How come now I am the older one here, but you are still the old man in this relationship?"
"I am not changing my mind, dear."
The groan from the fallen angel was muffled against Alastor's shoulder.
"Fine. But I don't have a landline either so what are going to do for communication?"
"You could get a radio. I can always transmit even if I am away from my studio now. The line is secure and you can talk to me back."
"Can I come visit?"
"Of course you can, love. Charlie would be happy to see you around too."
Lucifer didn't jump on happiness at that, which surprised Alastor.
"I don't... know about that. Today was a good day, but I don't really want to just impose on her life like that. She is all grown up, in a good relationship, has a job. A mission even. She probably has better things to do than to deal with her old man."
"She would still like it" pointed out Alastor softly, taking up the hand over his chest and squeezing it once.
He wasn't an expert when it came to daughters and fathers, his own father was a horrible example that nobody should follow, but seeing these two together had reminded him of how much Lucifer still loved his daughter above all else. Maybe love wasn't always enough, but it certainly did a lot and he could clearly see that Lucifer would try as harder as he could.
"I-I will think about it" Lucifer gave him that tiny smile that meant he didn't want to talk about it now, so Alastor didn't push. "But I can still portal here if you would have me."
The thought of coming to his room at the end of a hard day and finding Lucifer casually waiting for him made his heart a bit faster. There was so many books that he fantasized talking to him about for years, so many more music that he wanted to see his reaction to and now he could finally do it.
"You are always welcome, darling" assured, giving him a soft peck on the lips. "I could visit you too, you know. Through the radio. If the king of hell is not too busy for me, that is."
"I can make a space for you" Lucifer giggled, like it was still somehow funny to him being able to do that or having that particular excuse for it. Alastor thought that was still true to his toy maker too.
"Oh, what a benevolent king. What ever could I do to deserve such grace" joked without malice, brushing his hair lazily with his own claw.
"Yes, I am, actually. Not many people appreciate it here. Glad that you can see it" The beaming that iluminated his face was so adorable that Alastor had to laugh too, some of the static of his radio accompanying it. Lucifer gasped. "You still do that?! Aww, cute! I didn't know I missed it so much until now."
"I can do a lot more things than that" Any opportunity to show off his power was a good one. For now he was just happy to put music that seemed to come out of nowhere. "Do you remember this one?"
"Our first date at that jazz club."
There was a lot of new things he wanted to talk to him about it and also ask him. Find out how much of his life was different, what did he liked to do now, everything and anything so he could start knowing this version of him even better. But reminisce through their own shared history was interesting enough for both of them.
Eventually, Lucifer had to get up and dress again. Outside was pitch black, only the city light breaking up the total darkness. Alastor didn't protest at first just because he always enjoyed the way that Lucifer fixed himself, so methodic and careful in every movement until he was the very image of composed. He felt blessed even to being able to witness his little ritual.
"Are you sure you can't just stay, darling?" said at last, when Lucifer was putting his boots.
"If I stay I won't ever want to leave" said Lucifer sincerely, sitting on the bed again.
"Would that be so bad?" Alastor already knew the answer to that one, but could he be blamed for trying at least?
"I still have to fix a meeting with heaven" Lucifer sighed, clearly not really wanting to do that. The way his eyes looked so sad for a moment gave Alastor a lot to think about later. "I still don't have any idea of how I am going to do that. They don't particularly like me up there."
"Obviously they don't have a taste as impeccable as mine then" said, taking the hand of Lucifer over his bed and squeezing it. "I am sure it will be fine. If you can convince humanity to create sin, you can fix a mere meeting. It will be easy for you."
"Oh, I am sure heaven very much appreciate me doing that" Lucifer sighed again, more deeply, before reclining to kiss his head. "I will get the oldest, rustiest, clunkiest radio I can find in hell. Just for you, babe. If I am lucky is going to be powered by a hamster so not electricity can contaminate it."
"Aren't I honoured?" replied with irony, rolling his eyes. "Look in pawn shops" added, not without some pain over finding out that is where the majority of radios found it's place nowadays. People had no respect for the classics. He hoped that attitude was going to change now that at least he was back on air.
Lucifer nodded, searching for his lips for another kiss. Alastor let him find them, barely containing himself to not just bring him to bed again. Not even for sex, just to feel him close, to know that he was really there, to hear his dorky laugh again.
"Hey, I just had an idea" said Lucifer, perking up. "If you are an overlord now, then you like a good deal, don't you?"
"Oh. What do you have in mind?" asked, finding it rather amusing that it was the king of hell himself the one to propose a deal to him with no hesitation, when his own naive daughter had wisely refused to do so.
"Here are the terms. If you ever have to change reality again for whatever reason, you will do whatever you can to always find me and make me remember you. This or any other life that we have together."
"Mmm, tempting" So tempting in fact, that Alastor was sure he was going to do just that anyway. But he was too curious to hear the rest. As Lucifer had said, he just couldn't resist a good deal. "That is my part of the contract. What does His Highness can offer me in return?"
A lovely gold came to color Lucifer's face as he smiled, the sparkles of his eyes softening his looks even more. Alastor had never seen someone finding such pure joy in a transaction like this.
"In exchange for doing that, when the time is right, when our enemies are defeated and my daughter is safe" said, remarking every conditions by getting more closer and lowering his voice until it was barely above a whisper, "and of course, if we both want it, I, Lucifer Morningstar, will marry you. Do we have a deal?"
It was always fascinating to him how a mere look from him could be enough to choke him out, to make him forget that words existed. For a moment Alastor did nothing else but hear the static that he wasn't controlling just around him, going up in volumen with the almost painful beat on his chest.
"Yes" was the only thing he could force out of his lips, thankfully remembering that deals needed clear consent.
"Then it's done" Lucifer lower the whole way to join their lips.
Alastor had closed his eyes at first, but opened them up again when he felt the familiar grasp over his sould. Under the eyelids of Lucifer he could see his golden magic shine through, just like he knew his own had to be glowing in green. Their magic combined surrounded them, mixing together, and finally came back to their bodies with a piece of each other.
Was this one of his bullshit fallen angel powers?
"We didn't shake hands."
"You can actually make deals with any contact that is freely given and mutual" explained Lucifer with a wink. "But people don't tend to realize that. For the majority of cases, a handshake is the most neutral and safest option. I just wanted to make ours something different."
Alastor saved that tidbit of information for later on the back of his mind. He was so intrigued by the fact that there was still things to learn about the topic, that it took him a second to catch on the fact that they had technically just gotten engaged.
They had only talked about marriage once before, more than 200 years ago, in another life.
This was the first day they saw each other since then.
And he had said yes without even thinking.
Had he lost his entire mind?
Lucifer seemed pleased to see the realization reaching his face and chuckled, kissing his cheek.
"Now I really have to go. But I will be hearing you later" promised the king, and he lifted to leave, opening a new portal just behind him.
Before he realized that is what he was doing, Alastor reached for his wrist. The tiny king tilted his head and Alastor suddenly knew perfectly why he had done that.
"I love you."
He didn't want to wait another disaster in order to say it. The words could still feel somewhat weird on his mouth, but the way that Lucifer's whole body relaxed made it worth it.
"I love you too."
One last kiss and then Lucifer was gone. But at least he would have their music until the next encounter.
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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𝒜𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯 ; Canon divergence / Misc info drop pt 2.
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I mentioned a bunch of these things on Al's blog and in the past across my various other blogs but !!! Theres some new things I wanted to add / mention so heres a new post / and a repost of some things I've already mentioned. These are things I established before the show released and frankly while Alastor in the show pretty much looks exactly like how I imagined him characterization wise, there are some things in my personal canon that are either not canon to the show / not intended to be or that might never be in the show so yeah ;
• Alastor grew up in the 1910s. His mother owned her own home and a salon, she came into these things passed from his grandmother who was the mistress of was a wealthy white man. When he passed away, he left a substantial chunk of his wealth and properties to Alastor's grandmother. He may not be Alastor's biological grandfather, however, Alastor doesn't know the details of this and frankly he's never really asked because he IS aware his family history is fraught with the usual complications to be found in families who were outside of the times idea of normal and legal. If you mixed, you know.
• He doesn't really remember his father and his mother doesn't speak of him often. As far as Alastor understands his father was a bit of a loser and seemed to feel threatened by his mother's independence as both a woman and a black woman at that. He thinks nothing of the man honestly. He has the distinct impression it was probably his birth that caused the proper separation of his mother and father which really doesn't get his father any points for anything. Side note : this is somewhat a source of Alastor's disapproval of Lucifer's absence as a father for Charlie.
• He is a voodoo practitioner, just like his mother and grandmother before hand. More than that though, in life Alastor was / would be considered a Bokor, albeit a young one / one who was still coming into and learning their craft. Without writing up a huge ass explanation about everything and to heavily simplify this : Alastor would be equivalent of what most people would recognize more as a "witch" or even a "medium". In fact combining both of those things is probably the best way to explain and give you an idea of what this resembled for Alastor in life. • Alastor's mother more saw Alastor as having the potential to become a houngan, however, due to the "loose" definitions of good and evil, personal discretion and duality being a big thing in voodoo Alastor's darker nature wasn't necessarily discouraged or really thought about. Alastor on the other hand was never particularly interested in being an actual houngan.
[ I'm gonna say I think the show *MAY* be kind of "erasing" or perhaps "obscuring" a lot of Alastor's ties to Voodoo and the Lwa which I personally have mixed feelings about. I know why they might be aiming for this but, imo, I think that approach "white washes" him a little and I don't think it was/would be necessarily disrespectful to portray Alastor as a Voodoo practitioner, so I kinda hope this does stick as part of him in canon, personally, but we'll have to see. ]
• The 20s were massive on occultism so Alastor was real riot to have at parties, where he'd get drunk and treat the ritzy white people to some 'magic' / "read the fortunes" of the party goers. Despite incredibly racist and dangerous ideals toward the religion of Voodoo and anything not white at this time Alastor managed to skirt most of this negativity by being dark, charming, handsome and having the wits to basically not tell anyone much about himself or what he was really doing. Most people thought of him as a bit of an eccentric and if they did believe he had any actual magical powers they usually tended to think of him as more of a funky magician. Nearly synonymous with his racial identity, Alastor's always been careful to hide a lot about himself behind a wall of ambiguity. But also keeping in mind, people that got to witness his "party tricks" tended to be as drunk as he was if not more so.
• He's always had a strange/toxic relationship with Mimzy. They're the "match made in hell" type where they tended to emphasize each other's darkest selves. For example, Mimzy would feel emboldened by Alastor's presence and protection as for a while they were an actual couple and Alastor would take pleasure in the violence he could enact on others in the name of looking after her. Mimzy would start fights. Alastor would gladly finish them, so to speak.
• In fact, Alastor's first murder came very much because of this messed up relationship with Mimzy. He was of course protecting her after one of her misadventures and things got out of hand. He'd do it again. And in fact, he did but the following murders weren't for Mimzys benefit. Once he started putting shitty, women bashing men out of their misery, he didn't have any intention of stopping. Its been stated before Alastor's killings were done with a strange moral code in mind similar to Dexter. For Alastor this was him taking out pos men in the community.
• I think Mimzy is aware Alastor killed for her in their human lives. It pretty much solidified their twisted bond and a secret they kept together even in spite of their "break up". I don't know, however, if she was aware of Alastor going on to kill others, though its likely she suspected it. Not that she would have really cared, Alastor has always been her version of scary dog privileges and knowing he was capable of and willing to murder was just icing on a twisted cake they shared.
• Alastor was generally considered a bit of a con-man and a jack of all trades when he was alive. His first "serious" job was when he became a radio host. Before this, Alastor dabbled in a little bit of everything but mainly he had a shady surgeon position, as at one point he'd wanted to become a doctor. This was considered a noble aspiration but the reality is Alastor's interest in the medical field was very much due to his morbid fascination with death and dismemberment and the close proximity doctors have to these things. He liked cutting things up and stitching them back together, basically. He never actually had a medical degree, however, he often preformed usually minor surgeries on people who couldn't afford them or simply weren't able to go to an actual licensed professional for whatever reason. Abortions were also very popular. He had a very good reputation for this, actually. Generally if you needed help with something like this but but didn't want the "proper" people to know, Alastor was your guy.
• He pretty much got his radio job by accident. He picked this up due to a performance he did in a club. Song and dance had always been among Alastor's talents but he ended up really enjoying the radio gig and stuck to it. Racism of the time meant it was hard for POC to get good, staple positions in the community but radio worked perfectly for Alastor as no one could actually see him to realize he was anything but the normal assumption of well bred white man.
• Alastor's  death  wasn't  as  "simple"  as  a  hunter  mistook  him  for  a  deer.  Yes,  the  reason  Alastor  was  out  on  the  swamp  that  day  was  because  he  was  discarding  remains,  but  he  wasn't  "mistaken"  for  a  deer.  He  wasn't  even  "caught".  But  this  action  ironically  put  him  in  the  wrong  place  at  the  wrong  time.  Alastor  was,  essentially,  the  victim  of  a  hate  crime  perpetrated  by  a  hunting  party  and  their  dogs.  This  is  the  wilds  of  Louisiana  in  1933.  Alastor  was  confronted  by  a  group  of  men  who  instantly  took  a  disliking  to  him.  Yes,  this  was  because  Alastor  is  not  actually  white  but  he  was  also  wearing  very  nice  clothing  (  especially  not  the  sort  you  would  expect  for  someone  walking  around  the  swamp  )  and  he  was  also  very  articulate  and  spoke  very  well.  This  rubbed  the  racist  hunting  party  who  stumbled  upon  him  the  wrong  way,  resulting  in  Alastor  being  chased  around  the  swamp  a  short  way,  mauled  by  the  dogs  and  then  when  letting  the  dogs  chase  and  maul  him  got  boring  they  finally  put  him  out  of  his  misery  with  a  shot  to  the  head.  This  is  why  Alastor  dislikes  dogs  so  much  and  feels  deeply  bitter  about  his  death. Alastor was no stranger to racism, and again he was very good at using his education and racial ambiguity to his advantage, so having the things he'd learned and projected so carefully to protect himself fail him entirely was a deeply scarring and humiliating experience to say the least.
• Alastor  was  engaged  in  cannibalism  while  he  was  alive  but  no  where  near  to  the  extent  of  his  unlife,  in  fact  it  was  pretty  new  to  him  at  the  time  and  would  have  been  defined  as  a  form  of  exocannibalism.  As  a  demon  Alastor's  cannibalism  is  still  obviously  exocannibalism,  but  his  animalistic/inhuman  aspects  are  also  heavily,  heavily  emphasized  meaning  he's  literally  just  eating  and  taring  whole  mfs  apart  like  a  wild  animal  more  often  than  not.  He  also  has  very  disturbing  scavenger-like  qualities  as  he'll  happily  eat  things  that  were  not  killed  by  him  and  he  doesn't  care  if  they've  been  dead  a  while,  which  is  horrifying  and  hilarious  given  he's  also  known  to  be  a  massive  food  snob  and  will  judge  others  for  eating  things  like  take  out  because  ew  and  lazy
• Alastor's  'true'  demon  form according to me  is  more  monstrous/animalistic  than  we've  seen  in  canon.  He  can  call  on  his  true  size  and  mass  outright  or  focus  it  on  certain  parts  of  himself.  (  For  example  lengthening  his  arms  and neck or  opening  his  jaws  in  an  unnaturally  wide  way ).  No  one  has  ever  seen  Alastor's  true  unleashed  form,  only  hints  of  it  here  and  there.  I  personally  view  it  was  a  horrifying  love  child  between  the  Xenomorph  Queen  from  Alien  and  the  creature  in  Antlers.  It  has  reptile  traits  along  with  stag  traits,  because,  as  mentioned  before a  kind  of  "unique"  and  duel  motif  for  my  Alastor  is  crocodiles/alligators  and  thats  the  creature  he  can  be  related  to  more  than  any  deer/stag,  despite  his  disarming  buck-like  appearance.  Alastor's 'true form' isn't something he really shows anyone, but his shadow gives clues.
• Speaking of Alastor's shadow it very much acts independently of him and is both a manifestation of his true soul as well as its own entity. It was born from Alastor's arcane bond with the lwa and his death. Its technically the "source" of his power. He's able to use it as a weapon, a shield, and transportation both for himself and other objects and even places he wants to manifest. Alastor's eldritch abilities are pretty vast and defiantly unique. Its actually really interesting that Alastor literally resembles one of the Lwa himself as an "enigmatic young man depicted in red who works with his shadow". This is a description often related to the Lwa Kalfu. Essentially an African god associated with destruction, crossroads and black magic. In demonology, Alastor is a possessing spirit of vengeance similar to the goddess Nemesis and she is typically considered a force who brings retribution, specifically on the other gods / deities. Very interesting given Alastor's role in the show and the fact he very much acts as punisher of other demons and potentially deities if he is indeed strong enough to rival them.
• Due to Alastor literally consuming souls as I believe the canon has heavily hinted, he has immense power. Its been shown in canon that Alastor's powers are very different to those of a normal human soul and that he typically outclasses other overlords easily. I actually have the word of a pretty reliable source saying that yes, Alastor's powers are pretty much on par with Lucifer's but his mysterious deal with an "unknown" force is restricting him somehow. I believe this given what we've seen Alastor do in canon, the fact we've been aware from the jump that Alastor's powers shook the foundation of hell when he first arrived and the fact that the season 1 final seemed to very much suggest something of this nature as well. Ultimately I'm not gonna force OP Alastor on anyone but A) don't be surprised if this is canon and B) regardless to my personal take it is canon that Alastor is restricted somehow. Man was going to fight/kill Adam without an angelic weapon and challenged Lucifer without any fear, I don't think this was a dumb ego thing on Alastor's behalf because we have seen Alastor takes no shame in things like retreat, so I don't think he'd act like that because of something stupid like being too full of himself. I think his shit is legit, he's just struggling against his restrictions from this mysterious deal and I'll be playing it that way until we see otherwise basically.
• My Alastor cant actually lose his radio filter. It never turns off and its not something in his control like that. In fact, my Alastor's voice is a "separate entity" from him just like his shadow. As a result he can speak without "speaking" and sometimes his mouth movements don't completely match with his words because technically he's "lip-syncing" what he's saying. His radio staff is also part of him but even if its damaged, it doesn't change the way he talks. Its really just there for the aesthetic, however, it can be used as an actual microphone if need be.
• Spent a lot of time exploring the swamp / wet lands around New Orleans, especially as a kid. Was pretty good at catching rabbits, squirrels, and some egrets. Would bring them home to his mother to cook because he was always felt an urge to eat the things he killed. Given these were animals and Alastor was a young boy in the 1900s this wasn't looked at strangely in any way.
• Often reported strange visions and encounters with spirits even as a child. Given Alastor's family religion and their beliefs, this wasn't considered unusual either and was actually considered something very positive and normal.
• While Alastor was new to cannibalization in his human life it really did just seem like the natural progression of disturbed bullshit for him, a guy who had always been a bit obsessed with death and gore. • He tried to get a job at a morgue at one point but didn't end up getting hired. Probably a good thing he didn't. Then again, it might have kept him away from Mimzy, but given Alastor's Issues ™ its likely he would have always started killing whether he became involved with Mimzy or not.
• Alastor's mother hated Mimzy. She lived a long but tragic life because she never knew what happened to Alastor and always grieved for him. He vanished one day, never to be seen or heard from again. The talk on the town was he found a girl and they took off to California together. Alastor's mother never believed this for a second because he would have told her or she would have received letters from him at least, so she always suspected that something bad happened to him and and her eyes it was because of Mimzy.
• Alastor considers himself a feminist, however, funny thing is none of Alastor's victims in life were women. You might imagine this supports his pro-woman image, however, in a way more twisted way a you could say Alastor's target on men had an element of the fact that, ultimately, as prey men were more of a challenge. Yes, he possesses a strange sense of moral reasoning behind the killings and is kind of a misandrist, thats all true, but there is an idea floating around of women being weaker and easier to kill and therefore really unpalatable targets to him. • This said two of Alastor's victims in hell were women. However, this also has some twisted reasoning behind it so as not to conflict with Alastor's pre-established morals and sensibilities in his own mind. A) these women weren't "easy" kills as they were both overlords and B) he didn't kill them in his eyes - they were already dead, he just snatched their souls. Sure thing, Alastor.
• Killed about 7-8 men in total while he was alive. Cannibalized around 3-4 and a half. When bodies started getting pulled out of the swamp and the local police started to suspect something was up, the idea was beginning to be dubbed "The Bayou  Beast" given they were still not 100% certain the killings were being done by another human and not an alligator or a bear. These murders took place over a roughly 4 year period up until Alastor's death in 1933.
• The first two of Alastor's murders were more violent and rage fueled and then turned ritualistic and torturous as he became more focused and calculated in what he was doing. Either way, he tended to leave his victims in a mess, which is precisely why local police still weren't sure if the killings were done by a man and not just accidental run-ins with hungry wildlife. The clues for them to begin to suspect a serial killer was a lot of the men Alastor killed weren't really the type to be out in nature long enough to fall victim to an alligator or a bear as well as the spike in bodies found in the swamp. Ironically, when Alastor went missing there had been whispers that he might have been a victim to The Bayou Beast.
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beevean · 4 months
I see a lot of fan art for Charlie x Alastor
I see a lot of fan art for Lucifer x Alastor
But I rarely see any fan art of Charlie X Vaggie lmao
(I know it's because Charlie and Vaggie's dynamic is bland compared to the other ones but I still find it funny)
What's with stories always making the main couple so boring and formulaic?
Multiple factors, I'd wager.
in HH's case in particular, Alastor is the most popular character in the show, and therefore the most shipped. This goes way back to the days of the pilot, where Radiodust gained a lot of traction despite Alastor and Angel only having one interaction, and it was Angel jokingly proposing to suck Alastor's dick lmao. Anyway, dude is nowadays shipped with... pretty much the entirety of the main cast except Velvette and Valentino lmao.
With very few exceptions, M/M and M/F ships tend to be more popular than F/F ships. There has been infinite discourse about this disparity, and I can't tell you exactly why, you draw your own conclusions.
Charlie and Vaggie are an already established couple, and have a very healthy, stable relationship with only a few hiccups, including the very big reveal that Vaggie hid her nature from Charlie, but the rushed pace of the season made them get over it quickly. From a representation standpoint, this is pretty good, it's nice to have a very normal lesbian couple not treated any differently. From a shipping standpoint, it's boring lmao. There's no conflict nor a journey to follow like in the case of Huskerdust.
Vaggie was also toned down from the pilot, possibly because some people criticized her as a stereotypical angry Latina - now she's just grumpy, as well as out of focus, and no one song shared with Carmilla is not enough. Not a good way to endear your character.
However, in theory, one could elaborate on those hiccups. Vaggie is basically Charlie's guard dog, and she admits in one episode that she ties her selfworth around being able to make her happy, but when you look at their interactions, Vaggie doesn't seem to ever be on board with Charlie, creating fiction. You can even see the hint of a power imbalance, which is always appealing for shipping. Then there is, of course, the reveal, that could shake their relationship even further and make them go on a journey to learn how to trust each other. Now, why won't many fans think of this? Well...
I don't go there so I don't have personal experience myself, but stereotypically, F/F shippers tend to favor sugary scenarios. I hear all the time how female characters are only allowed to be cute and hold hands, and never be as twisted and edgy as many, many M/M ships :P so the potential of making Chaggie a bit "spicier" to fix the shortcomings of the show is hardly explored. And even if it is...
... Charlastor is right there. Charlastor, with Alastor happily helping Charlie but hiding his own nefarious agenda. Charlastor, with Alastor teasing Charlie in a much more playful way, even touching her. Charlastor, with the two genuinely, openly trusting each other, Charlie with her feelings in general and Alastor with his ultra powerful mic and believing in her potential. Charlastor, that ended with Alastor breaking down about a deal that constrains him and is implied to be the very reason he's serving Charlie in the first place. Even if Alastor wasn't the fandom blorbo, no shit Charlie is much more shipped with this guy! The dynamic is much more unique and is bound to go somewhere!
Main couples don't have to be boring. For example, no one ever dared to break Rupphire apart because they were just that lovable together, both in Garnet form and separated: they had chemistry, we saw how we got closer, we saw them argue for a whole episode, we saw them being openly affectionate towards each other. Chaggie in my opinion is just another victim of HH's rushed, unfocused pace, that left poor Vaggie in the dust and reduced her to Charlie's grumpy but loyal gf.
(now don't ask me why Radioapple got so popular lmao. I don't get it. I guess Hell's Greatest Dad slaps that much)
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androgynousblackbox · 3 months
How To Lose A Lucifer In 10 Days. 3 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
Step 3: Make a deal with him
After Bel was gone, Charlie promised that first thing on the morning she would help out Lucifer to think of a solution to this whole mess. Lucifer seemed biting his tongue strong to resist the urge to just break all hell loose right there and then, his hand squeezing at his hat like a stressball. At least he thanked Charlie for being understanding.
"And uh…" added, scratching his cheek. "Sorry for freaking out like that at seeing you. You are really pretty and I am sure your Lucifer thinks the same, but to me it was like seeing my kid without some of the parts that make her, you know?"
"Aww, it's okay" Charlie rubbed his shoulder. Lucifer squeezed his arms against his chest as if hugging himself, smiling up to her. "Don't worry about it. This has been quite a shock for everyone. Hopefully we can solve this quickly and you can get back to her."
"Thank you, sweetie" Lucifer could not believe his luck in that even other versions of his daughter, in an another whole dimension or pill bottle or whatever, was still the best thing anyone could find in Hell. "Have a good night you two" wished to Vaggie, the two of them returning the gesture as they went back to their room.
"Well, that was mildly entertaining" let out Alastor, conjuring his staff as he walked past the king to the lobby. "Now, if you will excuse me, I do actually have a bed to go back to."
Lucifer blinked at him.
"You are not even a little concerned about your Lucifer?" asked, following him behind.
"No" answered Alastor with ease. "I would hope that the literal king of hell can take care of himself anyway. Not that is my business either what happens to him, that is for his daughter to concern herself with, as she is so used to it. Regardless of what kind of… partnership you may have with your own Alastor" Alastor said like those words were objectinable on themselves, " I assure you that is not the case here. I wish you all the luck with your endeavor though. Have one Lucifer or another here does not make much of a difference for me."
"First of all, that partnership is called marriage. Don't make it sound like a transaction" said Lucifer, frowning. "Second of all" added, teleporting suddenly to stand in front of Alastor before he went inside the elevator, "I do not believe for a second that you don't know at least someone that could have a solution to this. If you are anything like my Alastor, then you know every person on this ring with any amount of power or someone that knows them. Isn't there anyone that could just, I don't know, open a portal or something?"
"I thought you agreed with Charlie to wait until tomorrow?"
"Charlie doesn't need to worry about this more than she does. You may not care about the Lucifer of here, but she obviously does. So I prefer to work on this as fast as possible and if you can help, then I am taking my chances."
"The king of hell wants the help of a simple sinner?" Alastor smirked. "Now that is a new one. But I am afraid that I will have to dissapoint, your Majesty. I can't think of anyone with such power. How unfortunate, but oh well" He summerged himself on his shadows, goinger under the feet of Lucifer, and only came out inside the elevator, already pressing the button to his tower. "Good night, your Majesty" said with a little grin, letting the doors close over the expression of total desolation that was so beautifully painted all over Lucifer's face.
In his humble opinion, it was the best face he ever saw on him. It was almost a pitty he wasn't going to be able to see it all the time, but have this other Lucifer as a permanent presence wasn't exactly his first choice either. Not if he was going to continue telling people about his Alastor and whatever bizarre choices he had made. The joke about him being a father for Charlie only worked as far could elicit a strong negative reaction on the most powerful being of hell, not if Lucifer was going to fully suscribe to it and expect him to take it seriously. Then it was just weird, uncomfortable and he didn't like it anymore.
But in any case, that was truly nothing worth losing any second of his precious sleeping hours over. Either they were going to return that Lucifer where he came from or they won't, simple as that. As long that Lucifer understood to keep away from him and don't ever call him with those ridiculous nicknames again, then there was no reason why his routine had to be affected at all.
He changed into his sleepwear and slipped into bed, hearing the subtle sounds of his bayou to lullaby him into sleep. For a fleeting moment he considered how hilarious it would have been for their Lucifer to find himself in the presence of an Alastor who considered him a husband and how truly shocking that would have been. He chuckled to himself in the dark, almost wishing he could have seen that trainwreck happen. That if he wasn't in a completely different place altogether. Maybe one with beings more powerful than himself that could teach a little bit about humility, for once. Maybe he was dead already for all he knew and that made Charlie the queen. Who knew. Alastor stopped thinking about it soon enough, enjoying the comfort of his bed instead and not bothered one way or another.
Someone was knocking on his door. Alastor peeked one eyes open to see his window, the relative darkness of the night still present. He went to grab his clock at his nighttable. He had barely had two hours of sleep.
"Who is it?" asked, willing to throw out of the window to anyone that wasn't Charlie or wasn't an actual emergency. The place better be burning up or someone had to be in the middle of a especially painful dead to make it worth bothering him like this.
"Lucifer. Can I come in?"
"No" said Alastor, turning on his bed. Literally the only being in hell he couldn't just kick out. Just his luck.
"I went to Stolas's house because he knows a lot about the stars, so maybe he would know anything about this. Thank goodness that kind of thing is still the same here" continued on Lucifer, not minding at all to talk through the door. Alastor grumbled to himself. "The issue is he has to go through a bunch of books and he seemed to have already a bad night, so he told me he would look into it tomorrow in the morning. Apparently he is still dealing with his divorce so, you know, you don't want to be an asshole to a guy who is already down either" Lucifer waited a moment, as if expecting that Alastor was going to talk. He didn't, waiting for him to take the hint. But how could this be Lucifer if he didn't dissapoint someone. "Can I stay with you?"
Alastor sighed deeply, resigning himself to leave his bed and put on a night robe on top, going to open the door.
"No" said as soon he opened up. Lucifer looked up, pouting like a fucking puppy. "Didn't we make it clear already that I am not your Alastor? We have no relation at all. I find that to be the best kind of arrengement."
"But you are an Alastor" said Lucifer, twisting his fingers together. "Just let me sleep on the same room. You don't have to do anything else. I can make my own bed and you can stay in yours. I um" Lucifer swallowed thick, looking down "kinda really don't like sleeping alone. At all. My Alastor had to… go for a long time, so now I get a little bit nervous when I don't know where he is. And you are not him and I know where he is, but… please, I don't want to wait until morning awake."
Alastor passed a hand through his face, already knowing this Lucifer was definitely more annoying than the other one.
"Still no" said with a sigh. His room was a sacred space and to trust in another demon to be there while he wasn't conscious or able to defend himself was unconceivable. The fact one of those demons was one he could never take in a fight made it all the more easy to reject. "Take those pills the queen left you if you are so desperate for a pleasant sleep."
He was about to close the door when Lucifer blurted out:
"How about a deal?"
He opened it up again. Lucifer's brow was slightly crinkled, a determined look on his head.
"What kind of deal?"
"Hah, that never fails" Lucifer chuckled to himself and then cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "Well, it's pretty simple. Just let me sleep on the same room as you until I can get back to my Alastor. I won't try to do anything, I swear. I just really want to sleep. If you do, then for every night you let me do that I will tell you one weakness of mine you can use on your Lucifer."
Alastor's eyes shined with interest at that.
"The king has no weaknesses" pointed out carefully, not paying close attenton to whatever trace of trickery on his face. "Not physical at least."
"Oh, he has weaknesses. I should know, I am him" Lucifer nodded. "I don't garantee you will be able to kill him, though."
"You would be willing to sell out another Lucifer for such a simple favor?" asked Alastor, not knowing if to be impressed at the casual disregard or at how obviously stupid it was.
"I know what I am asking of you and is not small" said Lucifer, frowning again. "I am basically asking you to trust me, something that nobody ever does in hell, so I have to offer something of equal value to you. As long you promise that Charlie will be safe, you can do whatever you want with the other Lucifer when he returns. It won't be my problem to deal with anyway."
Alastor considered this for a long moment. Maybe this Lucifer was a little more interesting that he gave him credit for.
"What is stopping me from using those same weaknesses against you?" asked, narrowing his eyes.
"I mean, you can try" said Lucifer, shrugging. "But my Alastor already went through them all so they won't work the same on me. On another Lucifer that won't expect it, though? That is different. He won't stand a chance."
"And all you want to do is stay in my room and sleep away from me in your own bed?"
"Exactly" The eyes of Lucifer turned red with golden pupils as he extended his hand, a smile on his face. "What do you say then, radio demon?"
Alastor looked from his hand to his face, feeling the increasing energy like an electric feel that was putting every hair on his arms up. A sound of estatic filled the room when he returned the same room and shook hands with the devil.
"You got yourself a deal, your Majesty" said, their energies twirling in the air around them. A portion of golden energy entered his body, just as a green one went inside of Lucifer. Alastor was the first one to break the contact, whipping away his hand on his robe. Lucifer didn't seemed to mind, his face brighting up a little as Alastor made himself to a side to let him in. "I hope I don't have to ask you to please don't go through my stuff or destroy anything."
"I have shared a bedroom with my Alastor before, I am not an idiot" said Lucifer, looking up to his bayou as a smile extended on his face. When he turned again to Alastor, he looked a bit more sheepish than the devil he shook hands with. "Thank you, I know this is a huge bother" said, so casually that Alastor found himself uncomfortable.
"This is not out of generosity, your Highness. I expect something in return" said, opening his night robe and letting one of his tentacles to put it away.
He sat on the edge of his own bed, waiting. Lucifer blinked.
"Oh, right" said, turning to him. "His first weakness is lemon tea with sweet cookies on the side. At least five sugar cubes. Give him that for breakfast and he will be putty on your hands."
Alastor stared at him without understanding.
"Is that a joke?"
"I am just giving you what I promised" said Lucifer, a mischiveous smile appearing on his face. "I said I would tell you his weaknesses. I never said of what kind" He winked an eye as he snapped his fingers, a small bed appparing in front of Alastor's library, one half on the soft grass of his bayou and the other on the wooden floor.
Alastor stared at him, going over their previous conversation and realizing, suddenly, that it was true. He just assumed that Lucifer meant the kind of weakness one could use in a fight and Lucifer used that against him. That was unquestionable his mistake.
Alastor looked at the tiny king changing his own clothing for a blue pajama decorated with a duckie pattern, with a new found respect he never had before.
"Touche" said slowly with a snear. Just because he had lost fair and square didn't mean he had to like it. "What I am supposed to do with that kind of information?"
"Whatever you want" said Lucifer, accomodating on his own bed. "Use it, don't use it. Maybe actually try to be friendly with him when you see him? I don't know" Lucifer rested his head on the pillow, exhaling deeply at last. Alastor slowly got on his bed too, making extra sure that the king would stay there. Lucifer turned to the other side without minding the inspection, his eyes still shinning a bit of red in the dark. "You two seem like pieces of work for what little I could gather."
"Some people are just not meant to get along" commented nonchalantly Alastor.
"My Alastor and I do. We don't always agree on everything and sometimes he is a dick, but we usually get along" Lucifer let out a tiny yawn. "Good night, b… Alastor. Sorry, force of habit."
"Mmm" Alastor let that be his only response as he saw the king turn around, giving him his back with full confidence.
He waited and waited as the breathing of the king became slower, his body seemingly fully relaxed in his presence. Like a complete fool. Maybe being the king of hell gave someone that inflated sense of security, of thinking that even if someone tried to attack them on their sleep they would be able to fight it off. Alastor wasn't stupid enough to try his luck that way.
Eventually, looking at the king, he also fell asleep too. He didn't saw when Lucifer turned on his bed, staring up to his side.
"I understand, Stolas" was saying Charlie, walking back and forth on the kitchen. After a while listening on the line, she covered the mic of her phone and looked at Lucifer sat at the table. "Stolas wants to know if you have been in contact with any disruption in the time space, as in…" She listened again. "Some kind of black void floating in the air or a zone where the light wasn't right?"
"None of that" sighed Lucifer, passing his fingers through his hair. "I told you, I literally just woke up from my bed and I came down to eat breakfast. I didn't see anything else or felt anything different, until this one started talking to me" commented, pointing at Alastor, who have been alternating between glaring at him, as if he had the fault of any of this somehow, and looking at Charlie as she made the call.
Lucifer was starting to feel that whatever had made him nice before had already dissapeared in the air as if never existed. He had heard the cliffnotes already of what kind of life the Lucifer of this place had before him and how different it was from his own. This Lucifer had fallen alone, as horrible as that sounded. There was never any Lilith to share his dreams with. Only after many years he got to know this one sinner that originally was supposed to be his guard, fell in love with, married and later have this Charlie by magical means to by pass the whole sinners can't reproduce norm.
It was just a total coincidence that the sinner this Lucifer was married to turned out to also be the assholes that worked with his daughter.
"He says no" Charlie added, walking again. Lucifer had to see again her little blonde tail to convince herself that this was all real. As cute as that tail was, it only remind him of his actual daughter he wasn't seeing. "Have you maybe step up to any machinery designed to open portals? Even if just be on their vecinity. Or know someone that would make a machine like that? Experiments of any kind related to that?"
"No and no. And frankly, if I did know someone like that I would be back home already. No offense, sweetie" added, smiling up to Charlie and she returned the gesture briefly, before listening again.
"Also no" She nodded, biting his inferior lip. "Mmm. Are you sure? Yes, I understand" She sighed, rubbing an eye. The red one, noticed Lucifer. It was so weird to see a face that otherwise was so very familiar and still see something that made it completely different. "Okay. Yes, thank you. Thank you a lot. We will see you then. Have a good night."
Charlie put down her phone on the counter and sighed, squeezing her brow. Vaggie squeezed her shoulder.
"Alright" Charlie patted the hand of her girlfriend, grateful. "Stolas says that this if there isn't any sign of scientific intervention, then this problem has a magical origin. He might be able to descipher the origin of the magic and it's nature, which might help us know how to undo it, but he needs to read more on it to be sure. He says that we should visit him tomorrow morning so he can see papa."
"He is not papa, little fawn" commented Alastor, his face soften up when he saw Charlie. "You don't have to call him like that."
Before Charlie could respond, Lucifer spoke up.
"I don't mind" He smirked, winking an eye at Charlie. "I technically am papa, aren't I? You can call me whatever is that you want, sweetie."
"You might have raised a Charlie, but not this one. Don't flatter yourself" pointed Alastor with a tense smile, narrowing his eyes, and Lucifer chuckled softly, now understanding why being on that position was so fun for the other Alastor. To see the perfect control of this demon slip away from his hands was a treat for his gaze.
"I am just saying, she still has my magic. I dare say a smidge more than she has yours" added with a full grin.
Alastor's lip twitched on the corner, drawing half of a snarl.
"Let me make something clear now" said slowly, standing up. He walked over where Lucifer was at, gripping both hands behind his back. "You can stay here. We will help you out get back to your own place so my husband can get back. As far as royal duties go, you will keep fulfilling them because nobody else will want to do it. But you are not our Lucifer and you are not part of our family, so don't start getting ideas. You are just a temporary guest, an uninvited one at that. Understood?" Alastor finished the word, looking down on him.
Lucifer almost let that hurt him. He couldn't care less about being the replacement husband for this guy, but being told that about someone that was essentially his daughter did struck a nerve inside of him he tried hard to suppress to not give this asshole the satisfaction. He stand up from his chair, staring him back.
"Shouldn't be Charlie the one to decide that?" responded, keeping up his own smile. "There is no reason why you should get jelous, buddy."
"Jelous?" Alastor scowled.
Charlie groaned loudly, going up to him.
"Enough" she said, looking at both of them, but landing in the end on Alastor. "Dad, it's okay. I don't mind calling him that. I know that papa will return soon enough, so it's fine."
Alastor's gaze threw a final dagger in Lucifer's direction before losing all the edge for Charlie. He nodded slightly.
"If you say so, little fawn" he sighed, taking a step back. Lucifer tried to make it no obvious how much that surprised him. "If there is nothing else to do…"
"Not right now" Charlie confirmed. "Papa is going to be okay where he is, dad. One night away from home won't mean much and then he will be back" She looked over at Lucifer, who suddenly had the impulse to reassure her of every concern she could have.
"Oh, yeah, totally!" said, implanting a smile for her. "The worst that can happen is some stupid comment from the Alastor over there, but otherwise he will be just fine. My Charlie surely will want to help him out too so who knows, maybe he could be coming here sooner that I can get back!"
"Exactly, see?" Charlie looked over at Alastor and hugged him by the shoulders, squeezing him against her. "Everything is going to be okay. Don't worry."
Alastor patted her back with one hand.
"Who is worrying?" said and booped Charlie's nose with one finger, smirking. Lucifer had to look away at how nonchalant they both were. It made his chest ache thinking about his Charlie. "You are right, as usual, little fawn. You should probably get back to sleep now. I will be going to bed too."
"Alright" Charlie got on her tip toes to kiss his cheek before letting him go.
Lucifer perked up to receive his own hug. Instead Charlie smiled at him and gave his shoulder a squeeze.
"Go to rest too, papa."
Lucifer cleared his throat, hiding his admitedly stupid dissapointment. No matter how she decided to call him, it wasn't still the same, just like she wasn't the same for him. Charlie didn't notice, but Alastor rolled his eyes behind her.
"See you tomorrow, kiddo" Lucifer smiled, seeing the two girls wishing them a good night as they went down the hallway.
Alastor didn't say another word. He barely threw a glance to Lucifer before he got lost on his shadows, seemingly melting into the floor. Lucifer snapped his fingers and gave a single stept, landing outisde of the elevator. In front of him it was either the door to the room he thought was his or beyond that the radio tower. Neither options was particularly attractive. Even less so when between his feet a dark figure extended to the door, Alastor straighen up his back as he manifested himself.
"You are not sleeping here" declared.
"Who the fuck was asking?" replied Lucifer. "It was just force of habit to come here. I will pick any other room anyway."
"Glad we are on the same page" Alastor opened up his door, but before he could close it Lucifer put a hand on it. Not making pressure to close it again, just to make himself known. Alastor regarded him with an arched eyebrow. "What now?"
"I think I understand most of everything here" started Lucifer, looking him up and down. "The part that is still nagging my brain is why Charlie called you a sinner and then you stink up as a fallen."
"Does it matter?" Alastor rolled his eyes. "If you are going to get back to your world tomorrow, you don't need to know all the details."
"Are you seriously asking why I would be curious about fallen angels? Me? Come on, man" He smirked, pointing with his eyes down to his hand over the door handle. "I couldn't help to notice too that despite all your my husband, my husband that you do, that ring is not the ring of a king married. I would know" said, showing his own. "What happened? Did you had a big fight and had a quick divorce that already regretted?"
For some reason, he had to know. Not only it would make all the sens eof the world that a marriage between a version of himself and Alastor wouldn't work out, but it would also make him feel less of a failure about the ending of his own marriage. It wasn't his fault that all Lucifer were just doomed to never have a happily ever after. At least he got a few amount of good years with Lilith instead of the thousands of single years. Maybe it wasn't the best thought processs to have. He comforted himself thinking that he had the decency to wait until Charlie wasn't present to satisfy his own curiosity. A divorce is never a pleasant subject for the kids to talk about.
Alastor's lip twitched, the static sound that surrounded him expanding, wrapping his presence like another barrier.
"We have been married for almost a century and I am the father of his children" said calmly, his eyes wrinkling. "I will call him whatever I want, I earned that right. If you are really that desperate to know, there was a mistake that neither of us had any control over that separate us briefly. But as my lovely little fawn could tell you, we have full intention of fixing that mistake in the near future. Not that is any of your business in the first place" He huffed through his nose, looking him down and up. "As for that stank you talk about, I will let you come to your own conclusions. I am sure you can manage a theory or two if the crown is not too tight in that head of yours, your Majesty."
Ah, there it was. That was the Alastor he knew and couldn't stand being around with. Lucifer was almost relieved to seeing that. An Alastor who gave hugs and was genuinely kind to Charlie was a lot less ennerving than one who felt the need to throw cheap shots just to see if it annoyed him. Finally something he was more familiar with.
"Alright, sure" said Lucifer, smirking. "Here is the first one: you ate a bunch of angels during extermination day and with your weird voodo magic that mixed it into your body, making this weird fake fallen smell."
"My husband has eaten more angels than I did, actually" commented Alastor with an smile wider than his face should allow, a glim of something light and fun in his eyes Lucifer couldn't quite define. "Full body too. So no, nice try."
"Wait, seriously? He is a cannibal here?" When Alastor shrugged with apparent delight at Lucifer's grimace, Lucifer sighed. "Why I am not surprised you would introduce him to that?"
"Careful to judge too harshly, sire. That is still another version of yourself you are talking about. Although a infinitely more tolerable one."
"Yeah? Well, you are still the same creepy asshole no matter what universe I am in" He frowned, looking at that engagement ring for a moment too long. "I still haven't completely rule out that you are just manipulating the poor guy. Without any Lilith to keep him company, it can get lonely. Some people would love to take advantage of that, I bet."
"Oh, is that what we are doing now? Putting doubt about my intentions with my own husband?" Alastor chuckled. "What an adorable little thought experiment you have cooked up now, your Majesty. Do please tell me" continued, resting his elbow above Lucifer's hand as he supported his head on his hand. "In that marvelous mind of yours, what reason could I ever have to staying married to my husband for more than 80 years?"
"Power, obviously" Lucifer shrugged. "Money, influence, authority. You won't tell me that this is the version of you that just so happens to not care about those things, don't you?"
"Mmm, I will give you a quarter of a point. I won't deny that was a thought that crossed my mind at some point, but who wouldn't have it in front of a king? Especially one so impressive as mine is? So what is the reasoning for why I would want to have a child with my husband then? That is just an heir that is going to take the throne away from me if Lucifer ever decides to stand down. Why would I create such an obstacle for myself if my motives are that simple?"
"Are you kidding me? To trap someone with a baby is one of the oldest tricks on the book. Even if he gets tired of you and kicks you out, a kid garantees that you will forever be tied together. You can also just use her as leverage whenever is convenient for you."
Alastor let out a short, loud laugh at that.
"My, you must have a very high opinion of my manipulation skills if you think I could raise a daughter that unquestionably loves me with such an agenda in mind. I am flattered, your Majesty."
"Charlie loves everyone. That doesn't mean much about if you deserve it or not" pointed out Lucifer, beaming a little bit at bringing one of the best qualities his daughter had. "Don't act as if you wouldn't. If you are anything like that guy, you don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself."
"You two must had a very close relationship to be so sure about that, sire" said Alastor, relaxed as ever, chuckling softly when Lucifer made another face of disgust.
"I don't need to be close to a piece of shit to know what it is. You understimate how much I have seen of hell and it's sinners if you think you are that especial in that regard."
Alastor sighed, as if dealing with an annoying little kid now.
"Your Highness, you are the one who has decided, entirely on your own, that I must have tricked a version of you into a sham of a marriage and is using our daughter just to get a taste of your power. If your position was supposed to make you oh so wise to my tactics, then how come my Lucifer allowed it to happen in the first place?"
"I don't know, desperation? Maybe he doesn't care as long you at least give him what he wants and don't hurt Charlie. The fuck would I know?"
Alastor's arched eyebrow went higher, his own face reflecting such contempt that Lucifer was a little taken aback.
"Now who is understimating the king of hell?" sneared. "You don't know anything about him or about us, sire" Alastor pronnounced the honorific like an insult. "If we are done with this little trip of yours through your wildest imagination…" Alastor opened up the door, throwing Lucifer briefly off balance, as he came inside. Lucifer impulsively went behind him, phasing through the arm that closed the door. Alastor blinked at him and snarled, his ears going back on his head.
"I told you are not sleeping here. Get out."
"I still don't know about why you smell to Heaven" said Lucifer, squinting his eyes. Something about his phrasing did bothered Alastor personally, if his clenched fist are anything to go by. He took as a good sign that something else was happening. "I just never seen something like it unless it's an actual fallen, so just imagine my surprise at finding that essence stick to you of all people. Just tell me how you do it and I will get out of your hair."
"I could kick you out too" Alastor's antler grew his antlers on top of his head and his body become larger, so much that the back of his head quickly hit the ceiling. The display of magic all around gave Lucifer pause for a moment, mostly out of surprise than any actual fear. This felt so much more different than anything he had seen with the other Alastor. He wasn't about any ordinary soul, that was for sure. "I have sparred with my husband before. I have no illusions about defeating you for good, but I can at least keep you away if needed."
"Yeah, cool. Destroy your entire room trying to defend it, that sounds smart" Lucifer dismissed the display of power, looking to a side. Seeing for the first time some family pictures frammed and hanging on the wall, some with Charlie smiling with her arms around one or two of her parents. There was another girl on them he did not recognize, probably a friend of this Charlie. "Oh, also, worry Charlie with all that noise in the middle of the night like I did already. That is oughta to come out excelent" The static and expansive darkness stopped on their tracks. He sighed, impatient. "I don't know why you can't just tell me. I have no reason to use that information against you if that is even possible. It's an easy question that shouldn't have such a complicated answer."
The head of Alastor twisted to a side, neck cracking. His form did shranked a bit, but it was mostly still there, his long claws scratching at the air as if wishing to have a target to strangle.
"Is the idea of privacy just a foreign concept to you?"
"No, no, no. Privacy is whatever you two do here, something you both can take to the grave for all I care. If it's a matter of fallens in my realm and someone possibly messing with angelic magic, then that is very much something that concern me" When Alastor didn't gave him any sign that he cared at all about that, he rolled his eyes. Fuck it. Time to take out the heavy guns. "How about a deal?"
"Deal?" Alastor's smile was already fixated, glowing a soft yellow light through his teeth eveytime he spoke, but something on his face told Lucifer that was exactly the magic words.
"Yes. A pretty easy one: tell me about why you are like that and I promise to not enter your room or involve myself at all on anything that involves your… relationship with your Lucifer. With the exception of Charlie that is. That already involves me too, since our magics are the same."
The green dials that Alastor had for eyes inspected him carefully, as if he had any other trick up his sleeve. For once, he didn't, actually, but who was going to say that to any Overlord in hell and expect to be believed?
"Fine" Alastor offered up his giant hand and Lucifer barely could contain rolling his eyes as he was force to shake the pinkie, knowing full well that it was intentional from his part. After the exchange of magic was done, Alastor returned to his normal form. "First of all, I want to know out of my curiosity that I hope you don't mind indulging me in. The day of the extermination, did someone died from your side?"
"Ah, yeah" Lucifer winced. "Sir Pentious, one of the residents of the hotel, and Razzle. I didn't know the man a lot, but everyone told me he was brave and selfless during the battle so I have to respect that. He gave his life to try to protect the dream of my daughter. Why?"
A moment of silence passed as Alastor seemed to struggle to take out the words out of his mouth. Lucifer almost got the impression there was some sense of embarassment as he waited for the other to speak.
"That is the first major difference then. Our Pentious is alive and well in this side. Razzle is also still Charlie's companion" started Alastor. "During the battle, I confronted Adam" Lucifer nodded. That also happened with them, for what Charlie had told him. Right after the fucker just disssapeared for months doing who knows what and came back when everyone else had finished the hotel already, without explaining anything to anyone and his own tower at the ready because Charlie really insisted on it. "I lost" Alastor pushed the word out of his mouth as if disgusted with himself for pronouncing them.
"So that is still the same" said Lucifer, not knowing where he was going with this.
"I meant definitely. My neck got cut off and I didn't manage to heal myself in time. I lost consciousness. When I woke up again, I was on another place. A place that wasn't here" Alastor put more emphasis on the last phrase, clearly hoping that Lucifer would get the idea without actually spelling it out.
He didn't seem particularly happy when Lucifer actually did, his eyes going wide at the realization.
Alastor screeched, making a face that tell of how much he wasn't proud of it. He nodded slowly, avoiding looking at him.
"IS THAT… so it is possible! Redemption can happen!" Lucifer laughed, brushing his hair back. "Holy shit, my baby was right! She is going to be so happy when she finds out!" said, before noticing that the ear of Alastor were still flat and his posture haven't changed at all. "Wait. So you came back after that?"
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't" Alastor retort. "They wouldn't let me so I had to see myself out."
"Oh, fuck" Lucifer had to snort just imagining the face of Sera at seeing one winner who wanted nothing to do with Heaven. A winner like Alastor was such a hilarious image he found himseelf almost wishing he saw it. He must have been so utterly miserable there, without being able to cause the mayhem and destruction that hell gave him so freely everyday. "That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Heaven must have been pretty upset about that, I bet."
Alastor's smile reflected some mirth at that.
"They are not fans of me now."
"Join the club!" Lucifer laughed again, whiping away the tears from his eyes. "Ah, that is so good. So, how did you do it?" asked, crossing his arms, now genuinely invested on that story. "How did you came back here then?"
"Aren't you going to question that they let me in in the first place?"
"Nah. I stopped questioning why Heaven does the things they do a long time ago" Lucifer shrugged. "They don't ever explain themselves anyway, so what is the point, right?"
Alastor nodded, as if reluctantly agreeing with him.
"So?" insisted Lucifer. "How did you manage to get back?"
"I caused some massive fires, killed a lamb cherub as a sacrifice to summon my husband and then made a deal with him to bring me back. The end" said Alastor on a roll, as if it was a very practiced joke that he knew killed in all the parties.
Such as one, Lucifer bursted out in a fit of laughed, holding onto his knees. He was positively wheezing as he looked up again to Alastor, looking satisfied with himself.
"Oh my name!" he said, almost breathless. He shook his head up and down to himself. "Yep, that is exactly how I would expect your redemption to go down. That is fucking hilarious. Oh, please tell me that Sera was there. Please tell me that your Sera was a pain in the ass the entire time."
"She was" confirmed Alastor and Lucifer had to support on his cane as he cackled.
The mental image of the stoic, composed, righteous Sera having her hands full with disasters around him and a winner dealing with the devil was the single best thing he could imagine. Show her the power that souls could still have outside of the rules they were so fond of. Show her that their paradise wasn't actually fit for everyone. Not to mention the simple chaos of releasing something of that nature in a place fully unprepared for it as Heaven had to be a total shitshow worth admiring.
After what seemed a pretty long time, Lucifer finally managed to regain himself enough to clean his cheeks. He couldn't remember at all when was the last time he ever laughed that much at anything.
"Oh, fuck, that was great. Dare I say it, divine? Hah! I am so glad I asked now. Thanks for telling me."
"It was a deal" said Alastor, regaining the tight smile as he opened up the door again. "I fulfill my part, now it's time for you to do the same. Have a good night, sir."
"Yeah, yeah" Lucifer conjured up a hankerchief to clean up his eyes. He passed to the side of the radio demon and patted his shoulder. When he Alastor took a step back, he pulled his hand away without losing the smile. "Ah, sorry. I will get out of your hair now. You are a much funnier man that I thought, I will give you that."
Alastor made a neutral hum sound as Lucifer walked out. When the door firmly closed behind him, Lucifer let out a chuckle and walked back to the elevator. The magic revolving around their deal made a barreir between himself and the door that only he could feel. He shrugged and made his way to the elevator, thinking of how happy his Charlie was going to be tomorrow when she was told the news. Maybe she could even appreciate the humor of the first redeemed sinner actively sabotaging it all up to end up in hell again. He did at least.
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