#on the scale from 1 to 10 how in love are you with me rn malia hOW MUCH
vivid-dreamscapes · 3 months
Period cuddles <3 ~Bakugou x Reader~
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(I have hella bad cramps rn and I’m waiting for the meds to kick in, so I’m writing this as a distraction)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tw; Swearing, cause Bakugou. Minor suggestiveness.
Themes; Fluff
Summery; You manage to rope Katsuki into cuddles to soothe your cramps.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pain. Pain. PAIN.
You were lying on your bed in your dorm, one arm draped across your eyes as you waited for the meds to kick in.
It felt like every knife within a 700 mile radius of your was violently jabbing at your inner thighs, abdomen, stomach, and of course, the ever so lovely low room that caused this all.
Cramps. PERIOD cramps. Your heating pad was being borrowed by your best friend Mina, so the painkillers were your only hope right now. And they were failing at being the thing you were here at UA to be,
After a moment, you heard a knock on your door. You looked up to see your ever so lovely boyfriend Katsuki leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, a plastic bag hanging from his finger.
“Oi, dumbass. You sick?” He said, raising an eyebrow at you, looking at your position. To him, it looked like you were just being lazy, but any other person out there with cramps would understand.
You groaned, clutching your stomach slightly as you looked at him. Lucky ass men. They didn’t have to deal with nothin like this. Cause they didn’t get burn with a uterus.
“I hate your dick.”
You grumbled, getting him to raise his eyebrow higher. Ironic, you had saying the exact opposite two nights ago.
“Remove the ‘H’ babe.” Katsuki said with a completely stoic face, walking over. You rolled your eyes. “Haha.” You said flatly, looking away. He sat down next to you, setting down the plastic bag. Your could see some instant ramen and a really good boba kit in the bag, causing your mouth to water.
“You on your period or somethin’?”
“Wowwww, he had a brain.”
Katsuki frowned and rolled his eyes at your sarcastic remark.
“Shut up, smartass. You don't have to be a jerk about it. But seriously, are you on your period or not? That why you're acting all moody and crap?"
“I’m on a high amount of pain killers, is what I’m on.” You responded simply. Wow. Your sarcastic self still managed to pull through at a time like this. Lucky him.
Katsuki's frown deepened as he heard your response. He knew pain killers could only help so much…
“That doesn't really answer my question, dammit." He reached out and gently pushed the hair back from your forehead, looking down at your face intently.
"How bad is the pain? On a scale of 1 to 10?"
Katsuki's eyes widened in surprise at your exaggerated response.
"Wow, really? Fuckin’ 20697? That high, huh?” He paused for a moment, his mind trying to process the pain level you mentioned. 20697? That seems impossible… “You're just shitting me, aren't you?"
“Try getting kicked in the balls for sixteen minutes straight with a metal leg. Thats about half of what I’m feeling.” You said with a small eye roll.
Katsuki winced at the thought, his hand instinctively moving down to protect his own family jewels. Which of course, almost made you laugh.
"Jesus, that sounds painful as hell. Why do girls have to deal with this shit every month?" He looked at you with sympathetic pity, unsure if there was anything he could do to help. "Is there anything I can do to help? Get you some chocolate or something?"
You paused silently before looking up at him with innocent eyes, ever so subtly poking out your bottom lip. Not in a lay someone would know you were pouting, and yet it had the same effect.
“Cuddles have been scientifically proven to help with period cramps.” You said, looking up at him.
Katsuki raised an eyebrow at your suggestion, his expression shifting from sympathy to a hint of amusement.
“Seriously? Cuddles? You're asking me to cuddle you to ease your period cramps?" He gave a small smirk, folding his arms across his chest. "And here I thought you were just being a drama queen, but you actually want me to cuddle you?"
“It works twice as well if your big spoon.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes at your insistence, but he couldn’t help but feel a little bit amused by your request.
"Of course you want me to be big spoon. Typical…" He sighed heavily, acting as if it was a big inconvenience, before reluctantly crawling into bed next to you. "Fine, you big baby. I'll cuddle you."
You immediately smiled as he got under the covers, and wrapped your arms around him. His own muscular arms found their way to your waist as you scooted closer, nestling your face square in his chest.
You could smell his natural scent as you closed your eyes with a smile. Carmel and Burnt pine. Strange but extremely comforting. Wow. You felt better already.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close against his chest. He tried to maintain his usual tough and nonchalant demeanor, but couldn't help but soften a little as he held you in his arms.
“You're such a pain in the ass, you know that?" He grumbled, but his voice lacked any real venom. He gently ran his fingers through your hair, his touch uncharacteristically gentle.
“I can be a pain in your ass.” You said with the smallest of smirks, eyes remaining closed.
Katsuki let out a small scoff at hearing your suggestive remark, but a smirk tugged at the corner of his lip.
"You really have a talent for turning something romantic into something filthy, don’t you?" He tightened his arms around you, his hand moving down to rest on your lower back. “Love ya dumbass.”
“Love ya too boom boom bitch.”
“…what did you call me?”
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Riordanverse Characters as quotes by people i know have said
dedicated to @lord-of-pterodactyls, i know you asked for friends in particular but i’m broadening it as even people i consider my nemeses (old ass philosophy teacher) are funny
Percy: i truly feel as if nothing will ever incapsulate my being as truly as the singing monsters water wubbox
Annabeth: *screaming from adjoining room* GET LOST APPLE MUSIC PRIVACY
Piper: *in bikini* i don’t like people with big boobs
Jason: *trying to compliment piper* your hair looks like dementia
Leo: *emerging from the stinky depths of his room after being in there for 16 hours straight and no showers with clothes from 5 days ago, red scabs all over his body and lips so dry it looks like a snake shedding its old skin by how crusty it is* guys on a scale from 1 to 10 how sexy do i look rn?
Hazel: *yeets her foot out and jiggles her toes menacingly at people she dislikes as an intimidation tactic because her toes are particularly hideous*
Frank: *after literally being targeted by a racial ‘joke’* worse than that, you white people eat spam
Grover: *pats air purifier* a good trusted friend
Nico: *drifts into hazel’s room* bro i ain’t even gonna lie, the holidays are better than the black plague *leaves room before she can question him further*
Reyna: *sleeptalking* stallion le meghan
Rachel: *pretending her coloured markers are vapes*
Thalia: *pointing at luke* my bro be the victim and the perpetrator
Tyson: *when talking about doing math* all i have are my fingers and a dream
Clarisse: *sees a sick person in bed* you’re looking pretty vulnerable *proceeds to ransack their room and steal their sheets like some gremlin*
Octavian: i am THE riddler *speaks in riddler voice and puts on devious little expression* what is... a curtain?
Will: *sees a dying person and looks pointedly at nico* and thats because they didnt take their cenovis vitamin c
Luke: i am constantly one snap away from either committing homicide or suicide
Apollo: *feeling face after new skincare routine* gosh my face feels as soft as a silicone tit
Meg: *pointing at apollo after redemption arc* YOU WON’T GO TO HEAVEN BECAUSE YOU ARE A COMMUNIST!
Magnus: *eating falafel* this is an orgasmic experience
Samirah: *substituting random words in english for arabic and not realising no one understands what she’s saying*
Alex: *laughing at the death threats she gets online after posting a meme about BTS in the military*
Blitz: *does something naughty* omg sorry im such a libra(^ν^)
Hearth: *walks into room* god is dead.
Carter: *walking into sadie’s room visibly upset with a box of cadbury favourites* here take them. if you don’t im going to eat them all. please, dont make me do this
Sadie: take a shit and be late to school or dont take the shit and be on time hell loop
Zia: my top artist on spotify this year will be xi jinping’s wife
Walt: *simply, appreciatively and completely without context* yeah, buddha is a pretty amazing guy
Anubis: i dislike being emo because i can only go as death note characters for halloween
Bast: *absolutely entranced by watching love island uk and is just repeating everything any person says back in a treacherous essex accent*
Bes: *walking into classroom full of young teens with an oversized ‘free james assange’ shirt* today i am a nice, trendy leftist. tomorrow, who knows?
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seuonji · 8 months
QUICK QUESTION!!!! (im asking like a bunch of carats so-) rate svt on a scale from 1 to 13 where 1 is husband material, 7/8 is bf material and 13 is bestie material.
from aya: OMG?? thanks for asking this!! I LOVE THIS IT SOUNDS SO FUN. okay actually ive talked about this with my friend and i was so passionate lol. ngl i find all of them husband material.
i’m sorry if these don’t make sense. i have the worst stomach ache in the world…
also a lot of these may have been influenced because i’ve seen some of them with children but..anyways.
aya’s standards: funny, sweet. should be a bit mean.
1, MINGHAO. girlll the the way he said its his wifes choice on how many kids she wants because its her body</3 husband MATERIAL. in general he’s just so sweet, gentle and passionate and he can cook??? also he’s kinda mean and brutally honest. recently i’ve realised i want someone like that.
2, joshua. there’s smt about him that screams husband. the gentleness but joker type, he’s someone i want to come home to.
3, seungcheol he’s actually my husband alr so. i want him for him ofc he’s just the sweetest and he’d definitely treat you right i love him sm, someone i want to come home to as well. we both have dogs, we both literally parent the same kid it would work so well<3 but idk if i can handle the sulking that’s why he’s not number 1</3
4, jeonghan, responsible, trusting, reliable. he’s husband. like i feel like he’s someone that you’ll have so much fun with especially in the long term sense.
5, seungkwan IS HUSBAND TYPE AND PEOPLE DONT TALK ABOUT IT ENOUGH. he can cook, he has great humour and he looks husband. i love the way he is.
6, jun husband quality, someone i would want to wake up to and we’d have fun together. he’s good with kids and he’s just silly + he’d be so nice. also he reminds me of a crush i had when i was younger.
7, vernon. i have this crush on vernon idk what it is but i have a huge crush on him. he’d be a great boyfriend but he’s also someone i’d admire from afar.
8, seokmin urhhehrh he’s husband type but also he has such first love feels? i’d be super in love with him but it just didn’t work out💀??
9, jihoon actually he should be higher on the list because i’ve always found him funny but it was only recently he started to like going out and as someone that loves going out he’s definitely leaning to husband type. but rn he feels like a boyfriend you learn so much with.
10, chan. he’s someone i’d be so curious in dating. would probably be a boyfriend that made me really happy.
11, soonyoung HED BE SUCH A GOOD BOYFRIEND. but even better as a best friend—we’re both so loud i’d want him to be my hype man or smt. he’s a bit like me and i’ve dated someone like me i didn’t really enjoy it, i preferred them more as a friend😭
12, wonwoo…idk maybe it’s the fact he reminds me of half of my situationships. but that isn’t to say i’d hate to date him. he’s a green flag amongst all and he’s someone i can see myself going to for like a nice chat with.
13, mingyu. i know y’all are gonna hate me for his placement but like. i want him to be my best friend so bad😭😭😭 like a guy that can listen, he’d cook you a meal when you’re feeling down
thanks for listening.
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kennysboxergf · 1 year
Attractiveness scale
Im trying to sleep at the moment but the sleep just ain’t coming ya know so im gonna post this and dip but I wanted to rate the Beta Squad members and a few of the guests by attractiveness for fun 🤷‍♀️
this is personal so like not who’s conventionally attractive but who is to me 🤭
the ten ppl I will be ranking are Sharky, Kenny, Chunkz, AJ, Niko (obvs) and then Darkest, Filly, Gib, HP and Johnny Carey cus i cant remember no one else
also no one talk about the spelling mistakes in this it’s late and i dont wanna spell check rn
Coming in on Number Ten its
10 - Harry Pinero
his hairlines reached the base of his skull at this point and he’s just never really been my fav guest so he gets last place unfortunately 😕😕 i think this is only bcus he violates my faves and I stand up against bullying thank you very much
9 - Yung Filly
ok yall gonna get mad at me for this one but he’s very bf material i cant lie just not very attractive for me? There’s some vids and photos where he’s like FINNEEE but then most of the time he’s mad funny and cute just not that attractive ya know and he looks like he’s 4’3”, like I KNOW he’s taller but he dresses and the way he moves idk he moves short af
8 - AnesonGib
ok so I had him 6th originally but I acc looked at pics of him and changed my mind, I have not seen a single Gib vid like from his own channel, ive seen gib in the Mafia vid, some old Chunkz vids and ive seen his fights but he’s so FINE and underrated as fuck like?? Appreciate this man?? And he seems mad kind. I <3 Gib. I do not know anything about him tho but I recently saw a vid of Chunkz from like 6 years ago with him in it and Young gib? Mad fine but also he looks almost child entertainer ish so do with that what you will
7 - Chunkz
aight ya ok, my BAD, im SORRY but like he’s just not it for me, he’s leng i wont lie but like he’s so authoritative and i cant with that ya know? Like I need a chill man for me im somehow worried this man gonna slap my neck if I talk back and im not tryna get treated like toddler im tryna be your girl? calm ur ass down and we talk
6 - AJ
ok SO I know, I know, im going to get absolutely dragged and maybe even jumped for how low this is but like once again he’s very aggressive and sh and I cnat deal with that, he MAD fine tho he’s so Hahrhdhhfbdnsk but like I rate the others better he is taller then me tho so he can have that
5 - Johnny Carey
YALL SLEEP ON THIS MAN, YALL ARE SNORING AND DROLLING AND EVERYHTING CUS THIS MAN IS SO FINE like I cnat deal with him he’s so fine to me? Like yeah he looks a little wonky and asymmetrical but like? Have you seen the wya he looks at people? Omgmgmmgmg
4 - Kenny
considerably low considering my username but ive developed as a person dont judge me but he mad mad good looking, when he boxes?? 10/10 in a track suit?? 10/10 this entire man is one big SMASH like ❤️
3 - Niko
this man is so cute but also hot its weird to believe he exists like?? I want to climb him like a tree, nuff said and maybe he IS a little lanky but he’s MY sorta lanky (ive always been this way, the nickname for my crush in middle school was lanky tree like taht legit what he called him and looking back he WAS lanky af)
2 - Sharky
Sharky, Sharky, Sharky where do I even start? I think the Sharky girlies on here have said enough for me, he’s hot, he’s cute, he’s nice, he’s funny what more do you even want? And he dresses so NICE and his smile is so SWEET and he’s CARING like omg I might fall in luv and his Hands. Thats it. Look at his hands my Lordy lord.
1 - Darkest Man
my bae, my love, I will defend his bald head for life, Aaliyah has SPOILED me by mentioning how fine he was cus now i cant Stop watching every video ever with him in it, ive watched FootAsylum, his own channel, Chunkz Channel, Sharky’s Channel, even JD sports just to watch him on my screen like he’s so funny I’m cracking up every other second and he looks good doing it too and the faces he makes and HIS HANDS omg dont even get me started heiwkwkskfb I cnat even he’s my no. 1 🫶🫶
ok so taht was my list and now im gonna nominate my mutuals to do this too, you can go for the same guests or choose your own its entirely up to you but I wann see some more opinions so please do it 🫶🫶
Taglist- @b4tasquad @allygatcr @shuuuuush @vctrvn-ls
Sadly that is all my moots, I thought I had more but thats it I guess, I hope yall can find time to do this otherwise its fine 😭🫶
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ramennoodlezzzao3 · 3 months
nobody asked me to answer, but I’m gonna anyways 😝
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
Idk how to do that lol
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I couldn’t find any fics that I wanted bc I’m too specific, so I started writing. It was purely for fun and I wasn’t fully thinking about the fact that people might actually read it AND enjoy it lol
  🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
me and some of my moots from TikTok created this playlist lol (it’s, like, 14 hours long)
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? Idk what that means but ima go off of what I’m thinking and that is just editing while proof reading and I enjoy it! 10/10
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🙏👉😁🔥💀 (no, it’s not abt the burning church 💀🙏)
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I’m new here, I have no EXTREMELY close moots so idk. But @paul-ster seems pretty chill so probably them (
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I HAVE SO MANY I LOVE! But if I had to choose rn Soracha for the author and “Ron Weasley and His First Year at Hogwarts” by snoopy_owl. Two of my favs!
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now? 
none, believe it or not. I constantly check it for ao3 updates. But I also have three separate yt accounts so I get regular emails abt comments and updates and I normally check them everyday. The only exception is one email I use for spam sites like grammarly, that email has 408 unread emails.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
ooo, neither tbh. Unless its a one-shot or a mini fic where I add a S/O or like my unpublished Uber fic where I had to add several OG characters, I don’t like adding new ones bc I think it disrupts the story a lot and I normally don’t read fics when people do that. And personally, unless it’s the ones that are supposed to be halrious and satire, I think self-inserts are kinda cringey bc most people who write them over-sexulize the characters and add weird stuff in that makes me cringe (key word: MOST not ALL) but also I just cant imagine myself dating someone let alone my comfort characters.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I don’t think I have any
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
I just can’t get into the writing mood. But when I start it’s really hard to stop
  🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
PURLY! I love to think Curly calls pony “Mi Amor” or like calls him pet names in Spanish. I think it’s really cute
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
literally don’t be fake as hell. Don’t be all shy and sweet like, if you are comeback or Yapping king/queen then tell me bc we can yap together. Like, If I can call you Pookie within the first four interactions, we are besties, considered us married at that point
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I’m redecorating my room, I got a new puppy, and- wait, bitch, who gives a fuck, let’s be honest 💀🙏
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
can’t say bc it’s an unpublished chapter of a on going fic 😝
  🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Harry Potter is kinda an ass
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don’t write anything too bizarre so I can’t think of anything
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
strive to accomplish what you set as a goal, not what society set as a standard or a must
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
My comfort character gets ignored hard core, makes new friends, get into shenanigans, and then a lot of angst ensues. Who would write it best? Mmm…Fictionalcharacter graveyard or Soracha
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
if you have a scene you want to write for a fic, start writing it but ONLY WRITE THE DIALOGUE. You can add who said it but I do it all the time and it gives me new ideas and gradually helps me continue a fic. It’s also easier to add detail in between when you are focused on that instead of getting to the next dialogue scene.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Nick Sturniolos iconic “Then he will taste the rainbow while he goes out”
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
“I LOVE THIS, I CAN’T WAIT FOR ANOTHER CHAPTER!” Then they go on an entire yap session about how they think the fic will turn out or parts they’re excited for. It always makes me happy to see someone enjoy my hobby as much as I do even though we have different perspectives 🤭
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Alr, ik im gonna get backlash but i cant stand Cherry Valence. 1. I will give it to her, she’s a downright badass.
2. her hair is really pretty
3. She was nice to pony at the drive in, I’ll give her some points (still don’t like her too much tho)
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
Not much. Okay, this is gonna sound so fricking clique but that last lie I told was “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired” even though I know damn well I’m probably depressed asf
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
I have only older siblings and every time one moves out, I stop talking to them so I don’t become the annoying youngest sister, so I’m afraid their gonna forget about me, and they probably will. I only have two siblings that still live with me so that’s only two more people left to forget me before I’m totally alone lol. (Depressed, see?)
  🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
book writers that can describe really well.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I think I’m too impatient and give myself an unrealistic deadline for stuff
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I like them a lot!
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
I’ll add that later lol
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
it was a name my family wouldn’t be able to find. I’m embarrassed to write bc my family LOVES to pick out your insecurities and hobbies and never let you live them down.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
again, I’m new here, so nobody here is my “supporter” but @shae-pine has liked all of my posts so ig them? I got to say, that “The Youngest (The Favorite)” fic I really liked! Ur also just the sweetest person ever! 😭🫶🏻
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
I have 7 (I had 8 but my cat passed away yesterday, RIP in the comments for Sophie 🩵)
I won’t post pics because that’s a large file 😭🙏
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
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🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
self insert, too much OOC scenes, pairings I don’t like, oc’s/characters unless it’s the character I’m reading abt, pure smut or p*rn, over sexulization or romanticizing R*pe, over detailed non-con, specific characters are dead, and the fic doesn’t focus on a character that I wanna read about.
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uriekukistan · 1 month
waiter waiter can i get uhhhhh:
sorry sorry 😞 ur tags were just too good
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
0. i hate reading my own writing. bleh.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
im trying to think of smth i havent told you? considering i am actively sharing my Deep Dark Past with you as i type this 😭😭 although ig it says smth i havent posted....hmmm.
i used to play violin and i was also pretty good at it, i was first chair in my orchestra and i ranked pretty highly in competitions when i did them. but i haven't played since like. 2020. and i've been enjoying having longer nails so.
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
uhhhhh i think i just go on vibes tbh TT_TT megumi or yuuta pfp is usually a good first impression for me i suppose. also i prefer if the majority of recent posts are abt something im interested in i guess
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
um. i am still alive. my cat exists and she loves me and i get so happy whenever i see her. uhhhhhhhhhh. i've written some decent things recently.
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
im gonna ignore the emo shit i wrote last night. not sharing that on tumblr dot com. the last thing after that is me studying for my spanish exam. i would share but it does mention where i live so uh.
i got an A on the exam tho
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
this ballet megumi piece by @melloneah is one of my favs, they drew it for my birthday and i was super super touched that they did this, especially bc the posing was so difficult <333 (fun fact the pose is from swan lake, the variation with That One Song Everyone Knows)
also im Always thinking abt hinamie's art. in particular i like this one rn. fushiguro touch-starved megumi...............................
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
my baby….her name is daisy btw
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send me an ask perhaps :D
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ms-moonlight-inn · 8 months
🥨Tag Game Wednesday🥨
Tranqed & tagged by the National Wildlife Association & @juliakayyy, @skylerwinchester, & @jrooc on this fine Wednesday.
name: super productive cutie patootie who's doing laundry on a school night 🤯
age: twice the hypotonus of purple divided by pi
star sign: taurus ♉ (born in the year of the dragon🐉; it's my year, y'all!)
your first language: English/Spanish
second language: Spanish/English (ok, that was snarky of me, I'm bilingual from the cradle)
favourite lip product: I used to use Maybelline Baby Lips tinted lip balm, but have recently stopped using it due to their continued use of palm oil. CoverGirl's tinted lip balm runs a close second. They've updated their policies on palm oil (though it's not perfect). I'm on the lookout for that "perfect" shade with the "perfect" ethical model.
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: Enchiladas & spanish rice. (The basic bitch, low rent version.)
If you drink tea, what kind? I like anything from Stash, especially the sweet n' spicy blend.
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? I love a deep, dark roast. Something full-bodied & complex.
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: Ugh... here's where I expose myself for the giant nerd that I am. I watch a lot of "facts" and "tutorials." So: plant videos, crochet tutorials, knitting tutorials, yoga videos, guided mantras, macrame/knot tying. Fuck, how embarasing.
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: Oh, back then, it was probably music videos & dumb people narrowly avoiding death & people in other countries doing normal shit.
favourite item of clothing right now: This hoodie from LL Bean. I genuinely get upset when it gets too hot to wear it. It's on sale rn & I'm thinking of getting one in a different color. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Someone stop me!
favourite item of clothing in 2012: More than likely, it was my UC Irvine hoodie.
three movies you recommend: Green Street Hooligans, Rise of the Guardians, King of Staten Island
your favourite concert: The last one I went to was Foo Fighters, so that one?
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? No.
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? No.
the best tv show you watched last year: Interview with the Vampire was good. Heartstopper was, too. Nothing has gutted me like Shameless.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? No.
a ship you’ve abandoned: Fangirls don't die, they evolve. No 'ship left behind.
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? Um, with who, prey tell? (pun intended)
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) Not YET. Wifey won't let me get knuckle tats, so I have to get creartive.
what fandom do you wish was bigger? None, they are the exact size they need to be.
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? Swear to god, if we don't get one more season if OFMD. Also, we need a Shameless reunion and/or spinoff. That's all I'ma say about this topic.
have you…
swam in an ocean? Two of 'em.
ever been vegan/vegetarian? No, but I do enjoy going to vegan restaurants with my sister who is lacto-ovo.
gone skinny dipping? Yes, kinda.
gone skiing? No. I have always had shitty knees.
been to a convention? Yes, for work and fun. When I was in the industry, I used to go to health food conventions often. And I've been to NY Comicon twice. I almost went to a tattoo convention this year, but I got lazy. :-)
Check this shit out, I'm on time with this one! 🦚 I'm tagging @notherenewjersey, @mybrainismelted, @lingy910y, @francesrose3, @sleepyfacetoughguy with no pressure to play, as always. And anyone who wants to play!
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applestorms · 1 year
CLENCH UP BITCHES WE'RE DOING THIS. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS READ WITH CAUTION my hands are still shaking from finishing season 2 approximately 13.420 minutes ago so everybody clam the fuigk up/down. we're getting IN to this one. 10 sections.
okay, before i get into anything specific, i just wanna say: this series has had some of the best writing i've seen in a tv show & it's really fucking gratifying to watch. this season in particular had some really clear, distinct themes that were evolved upon and executed pretty much perfectly imo, to the point that i almost feel like i can guess what a good deal of season 3 is probably gonna look like (see section 12). this is great!! it means the writers are really paying attention to what the story is doing & what the characters are feeling/going through at any given moment in the story, & it just makes the series that much stronger on a rewatch. this season in particular really hits that sweet spot for me of being overt & clear w/ its themes w/o treating its audiences like idiots, it just. works.
i'm not going to touch on season 1 as much here since it's not as fresh as s2 for me rn, but hopefully this post can help bring some additional analysis/reflection to the new season. not sure how much of this will be totally crazy wild & new, but perhaps some interesting points will come outta the process. hope you enjoy the read!! there's 13 sections so feel free to skip around.
1. aziraphale as the beautiful execution of a flawed protagonist (ft. crowley's pining)
one of the best parts of this season by far comes from the character writing, particularly for the main two & especially for aziraphale. aziraphale was my personal favorite to watch for this entire season actually, he & crowley are both such a fucking mess but aziraphale in particular hides it in such a fascinating way to me. it's not just like watching a car crash, it's like sitting on a park bench watching a man drive a bus into a stoplight, like full on crunch the vehicle in half squish, and then just get out & carry on walking like nothing is wrong & he isn't dripping blood & scraping broken bones across the concrete.
on a broader scale, there is something incredibly appealing about how aziraphale & crowley are presented, even at a very base level. even w/o the fantastic acting of michael sheen & david tennant specifically, it's a pretty common thing that fandom will default to shipping Narrative Foils, & these two are the epitome of that. a demon who can't stop being a nice guy & an angel who keeps cutely being an asshole- this is a great base to work off of, & again the execution thus far has been excellent.
what i like about aziraphale in particular is how complex his character ends up being while still fitting into a very particular role. while crowley to some degree fits into an already pretty popular & well-loved character model (that of the grumpy nice guy), aziraphale has to hit a couple of very important & precise traits, being both outwardly very likeable & endearing while simultaneously constantly fucking up & doing increasingly egregious shit. i really can't commend michael sheen enough for his acting in helping to get the balance right- it would be STUPIDLY easy to make aziraphale the most obnoxious character to ever grace the screen if performed or written incorrectly, the kind of outwardly-kind asshole that does horrific shit w/o reflecting since the show runners seem incapable of seeing the character for what they are & it all just ends up driving viewers up the wall (e.g. emily in paris).
what i think makes aziraphale work is the fact that he is just genuine enough in his actions that when he does something legitimately horrible, it's both so subtle you almost don't even pick up on it, too distracted by the emotions you feel in following his perspective, & just motivated enough that it's easy to write him off w/o thinking any deeper. as much as crowley calls aziraphale out for being a bad magician, i think it's spot on that the one thing he is quite skilled at is misdirection. you spend a lot of time in this show following very closely with either aziraphale or crowley's POV, but in s2 especially the contrast between those two views is quite overt. while crowley's perspective is often a lot quieter, more reflective & also overtly anxious as he throws himself into stressful situations purely for the sake of supporting az, aziraphale's POV is always very loud & chaotic as he runs around, finding pubs & fighting demons & doing whatever the fuck else he wants to at any given moment.
the main flaw of aziraphale in this season is, imo, selfishness, a direct contrast to crowley's continual self-sacrifice when it comes to aziraphale. in both cases though, this is (pushed to become) a flaw that i think ultimately leads to their inability to connect at the end of the season. but in order to understand that more, we're going to have to take a closer look into the circumstances that have thus far shaped both aziraphale & crowley's characters.
2. denial as a defense mechanism: heaven & hell as life threatening danger
if there's one thing s2 has not forgotten when it comes to a&c, it's the circumstances of s1 that led them to their current emotional/mental states.
slight tangent to lead back into this point: in my work as a librarian, i end up dealing w/ a very particular set of clientele when it comes to the kinds of people that regularly use a public library. parents w/ young children, older gentlemen & ladies looking to escape the more extreme weather, and (for my city, at least) lots and lots of people who no longer have stable housing. since an often forgotten about goal of a public library (well, to the general population) is social services, as a part of my training i've recently been working through a book on what is essentially trauma-informed customer service, which has led to a lot of insight.
one point in particular that i want to highlight here is the idea that traumatic instances are both common & intensely significant in how they can change a person's behavior. defense mechanisms that may make sense in the context of a traumatic event will often stick w/ people even as the context they're in changes & the instincts are no longer useful, instead making the individuals' life even more difficult.
if there is one trauma that defines a lot of the current problems that a&c are going through, it's the fear that originates from the constant surveillance and, in turn, threat of complete eradication that comes from both heaven & hell.
significantly, crowley & aziraphale both respond to this threat in distinctly different ways: where crowley clings to the idea of escape, of creating a place where it's him and aziraphale against the world (alpha centauri), in part idealizing aziraphale as both his only friend ("friend") & the only person he could ever truly trust (crowley also likely has some trauma from the fall but we'll get to that), aziraphale viciously denies that they even have a relationship, all the while simultaneously relying on crowley heavily to do a lot of his dirty work for him. (see this post for the endgame twist on that idea.) it's significant to me that a good chunk of aziraphale's earliest morally dubious actions involve lying- since he's been doing it for so long, it's probably one of the easiest things for him to write off as not that bad, so it's natural that he would default to it as a defense mechanism here too.
to clarify, crowley does engage in denial too, though it's obvious from the emotional climaxes of both season 1 & 2 that he is much less committed to it, likely doing it for the sake of easing aziraphale's mind and/or giving himself something to fall back on so he doesn't attract too much attention from the people that can really hurt them. overall though, these are both basically just fight/flight responses- crowley ultimately wants to run away from or fight everyone that can hurt them (& betrayed him by letting him down in the past) and aziraphale ultimately just wants to deny that the problem even exists.
if we see aziraphale's later stated goal of, "Let's change heaven for the better," as an evolution off of his earlier mindset, this is also basically what their final argument in ep6 comes down to: crowley wanting to run away and aziraphale wanting to go & fight for change. what's so aggravating about this conversation is that they also want the exact same thing: EACH OTHER. (idiots.) (maggie & nina were spot on, of course. it's not just nightingales missing in that silence.) this is not even to mention the fact that they are utilizing these defense mechanisms not just in an attempt to protect themselves, but ultimately to protect one another. think about that one late at night if you wanna get up the motivation to key mr. gaiman's car.
it's also interesting to note that in s1 crowley basically wins this argument, getting the chance to settle down (albeit, still under pretty questionable circumstances) as he & aziraphale (supposedly) create their own little corner of the world away from everyone else. it still doesn't work though as neither of their solutions really get at the core of the problem, which is 1. the horrific bureaucratic systems of heaven & hell that Don't Give a Shit about People at all, and 2. their own unspoken fears & feelings (romantic & otherwise).
3. good, evil, & narrative foils: crowley edition
since i extrapolated on aziraphale's character in section 1 and a&c's relationship in 2, i think it's only right that i look into crowley more for 3.
for all the pain & agony & tears that it brings, i really do think that ep6 is the best ep of s2. specifically, i think that ep6 is the one that shows the primary issues of a&c that have been plaguing them throughout the season (& even previously in s1) the most overtly, and this is especially true of crowley.
there are two things that aziraphale gets wrong about heaven in their final argument: 1st, the idea that heaven is necessarily better than hell, & 2nd the idea that crowley would ever want anything to do w/ it again.
i've seen some people talking about crowley like he's the voice of reason this season, but i don't necessarily agree, or at least not entirely. he's completely right when he says that heaven & hell is toxic in their final argument, yes, but i don't think his motivation in saying that is purely from observation either. remember that point i mentioned earlier, about crowley also having trauma from his initial fall? where aziraphale naturally trusts people to a fault (see: gabriel, but also picking up shax, the graveyard, etc.), crowley is plagued by a complete inability to trust anyone around him, & it's my opinion that a lot of this comes from the trauma of his initial fall.
the one exception to this is, of course, aziraphale, who we can see attempting to be a friend to crowley both before & long after his fall, but aside from him crowley Does Not trust anyone else around him & honestly for good reason. while we can write off hell as just being Like That, even if crowley didn't initially want to fall (as is heavily implied in a few flashback scenes), he certainly doesn't want to be dragged back into a supposedly great position that he knows he could lose again at any wrong comment. this is also (in part) why i think crowley reacts so strongly to aziraphale's "Nothing lasts forever," comment- after going through the horror of losing his divinity & all the stress of the last few seasons, the one thing crowley probably wants is stability, & he's been relying on aziraphale as the source of that. you're both doing the dance for this one, boys.
to reiterate: don't forget the graveyard scene when it comes to crowley doing absolutely anything for aziraphale to the point that it hurts him, both in terms of the supposed punishment he got from hell (that az skips over real fast in his narration) & how aziraphale continues to deny both the reality of their relationship & how much his denial hurts crowley.
4. beelz & gabe the weirdest couple imaginable. good for them. good for them. also: heaven & hell as two equally controlling/toxic sides of a bureaucracy
the Big Bads of the last few seasons took more of a backseat for this one which makes sense considering the focus on a&c and all of the parallel couples, but i do think the one point that was emphasized for them is very important, and that's the ways in which both heaven & hell parallel each other as shitty bureaucratic pyramids of power.
if we consider this meme to be true, i think crowley really is right when it comes to his analysis of heaven & hell, though we're probably just gonna have to wait until s3 to see the exact route the show decides to take.
a big running thread w/in either of these two groups is the fight for promotions, both in terms of people clawing their way up to get more power & in terms of people being replaceable. crowley & gabriel getting kicked out of their positions is just a vacancy of power to the companies that are Good Omens Heaven & Hell, and there is a very clear parallel between shax & michael & their desire for control. what's notable is how that parallel might also now extend to aziraphale what w/ his new promotion. all very fitting concepts to cover in a post-covid, writers-strike context, which i have seen our resident mr. gaiman posting about.
5. yuri on ice, hannibal, & the beauty of acknowledged romantic tension
if there is ONE thing i am disgustingly grateful for in this show it's the fact that we finally have some concrete follow-through on the romantic tension between a&c that permeated through s1. there's only so many times a man can call his best bud "Angel" completely unironically before it gets fucking stupid (cough cough dean winchester cough). but also, to put it in the words of another text post around here: I love how the kiss was awful.
even if there wasn't a kiss, the fact that this fucking entire season fucking revolved around love & featured all kinds of parallel couples should be enough to clue you in on the romantic tension between a&c, if you somehow were blind enough to miss it before. that being said, i'm really glad that the kiss was executed the way that it was, essentially summarizing all of the tension & anguish that had been built up over the last few seasons in an explosion. the state of aziraphale & crowley's relationship hurts more because they kissed, because the tension finally overflowed & it still wasn't enough to stop him from getting in the stupid elevator & running away again.
sorry had to take a break to aggressively listen to the better call saul theme song again. anyways, while i know there are some other shows that have set precedent for this in acknowledging the romantic development between their leads, i can't stop thinking about two in particular in comparison to good omens: yuri on ice, for the literal cinematic parallels between the kiss, and nbc hannibal, for the creator acknowledgement & slow lead up to the climax.
what i am desperately hoping & praying for w/ good omens is season 3, since it feels like all too often when we finally get a good, Gay:tm: show it's always this big, flashy thing right at the end that everyone freaks out about & adores (around these parts, at least) but is never evolved upon. i think gomens has a good chance since we've got more precedent now, the creators/actors/etc are more open about it, & the season is clearly unfinished w/ a ravenous fanbase, but something something supernatural trauma i'll trust it when i see it. can't always believe these corporate fuckers. at the very least though they probably wouldn't write this kind of ending if they didn't think they had a good case for another season, so.
ok, a couple shorter sections cause i'm undoubtedly gonna run out of space if i keep at this pace:
6. the resurrectionists was a really good arc that i enjoyed a lot
exactly what it says tbh, the writing for this arc in particular really stood out to me.
i mentioned earlier that s2 has some really good character writing & i think that's in part because it's necessary as a kind of transition season, reflecting on the chaos that happened w/ the first go at armageddon & setting up for the next apocalyptic event that is likely planned for s3. it's for this reason that i think the resurrectionists arc is really strong, establishing in particular all the flaws of aziraphale's character that i went over previously in a very interesting way that still manages to weave into the previously established, albeit quite sparse flashback timeline established in s1. the morally dubious nature of grave robbing for the sake of science & medicine is the perfect context to put characters like a&c in, and the more overt look into class w/ a character like elspeth works really well in helping to ground the more abstract social commentary associated w/ heaven & hell.
7. ramblings about sequels & whatnot
it can be really difficult to write a sequel, especially when the first go at the story cleaned up its plot so well by the end, but where s2 is strongest imo is in establishing the ways that crowley & aziraphale still need to grow.
i almost think that this season had to end horrifically tragic, in a similar way that i think book 2 of the simon snow series wayward son had to end on a pretty dour note. in order for 1 & 3 to have decently high notes, 2 just often has to be pretty miserable to balance it all out.
this is also why i think the maggie/nina storyline is so important overall. not only do those two establish the most overt romantic parallel to a&c, helping to transition the story from s1 & set up for ep6, but they also end on a distinctly hopeful note that's in direct contrast to the scene that comes immediately after they leave. the parallel plants at least the tiniest seed of hope that a&c can sort their shit out if given some time & communication, similar to maggie & nina. it also makes a lot more sense in establishing why crowley chooses that moment of all times to bother w/ a love confession- i genuinely don't think the kiss would work if m&n didn't have a little sit-down intervention w/ him beforehand.
8. SPECULATION: aziraphale vs. crowley apocalyptic fight, dissolving of the current organization of heaven & hell, affirmation of the beauty of humanity & morality?
a list of my speculation about what may or may not happen in s3:
apocalypse part 2 only this time aziraphale & crowley are actually gonna be fighting each other & it's going to be fucking agonizing to watch especially in direct contrast to s1
there's probably going to be some sort of attempt to get crowley into an equal/parallel position to aziraphale in hell. whether or not he actually decides to take this position is kinda up in the air, but either way he's going to fight it at first out of a hatred of both sides. if he does eventually agree it'll be under some sort of condition to save aziraphale, and/or a fake out trick that also is to save aziraphale.
i just don't think i can see a happy ending where heaven & hell stay in their same structure. w/ such big characters as gabriel & beelzebub just fucking gone into the middle of nowhere there's gotta be some kind of re-establishment of the two sides & their relations. the only way it might not change is if the Religion Lore gets in the way, but w/ the established politics of this show & mr. gaiman i can't see an ending that just allows the status quo to continue on exactly as horrible as it's been.
crowley back in his apartment? (plsplspls.) also something really heart-wrenching & emotional related to the car & the bookstore after a&c have been separated from them because of course. personally requesting additional exploration of the car as a symbol of crowley himself/able to be influenced by aziraphale e.g. scooting towards az, yellow is so pretty, etc. etc.
more flashbacks, maybe more from crowley's pov this time? like something to do w/ that period where he was supposedly being punished for helping aziraphale, more about his experiences w/ hell & the fall, etc.
something something affirmation of the beauty of humanity & the world, ft. a&c bonding over their mutual love of it again. they were each others only real friend for how many thousands of years, if they're gonna be fighting OR attempting a romantic bond that's going to be significant.
when the actual romantic reconciliation happens is kinda up in the air, but it depends on what the Big Bad ends up being, an external force of heaven & hell or a&c themselves. personally, i think that heaven & hell are just gonna keep getting weaker but w/ aziraphale in charge maybe that'll change (or maybe it'll be the catalyst lolol). if it's external they'll probably get together earlier in the season, if it's more internal probably not til the end, though there might be a momentary reconciliation for the sake of fighting something else.
i'm a bit more up in the air about this one, but maybe something more w/ satan & god as the top of the pyramid when it comes to heaven & hell? good omens is all about that kind of contrast so it might make sense. this also assumes that s3 is the presumed end of the series, which may or may not be the case.
if this does end up being the end of the series: i really, really, really, would not be surprised if crowley & aziraphale end up fully human. it's quite the obvious answer but it just makes so much sense for their characters, w/ their love of the world & whatnot. then again a lot of their relationship has also been related to immortality, but also then again there's a lot of stories out there about immortals hating their long lives & wanting to just settle down like normal people so. ehh. oh speaking of settling down,
9. they're NOT married, that's the PROBLEM: thirteen seconds.
thirteen. full. seconds. of the Most Awful Kiss. known to contemporary tv.
they're not married that's th eentire fuckigngggng proble m.,,..,,..,.
10. "I forgive you."
this is such a nonsensical line it makes me so absurdly angry. what the fuck are you doing aziraphale. well, presumably the exact same thing crowley was trying to do by kissing you, but i digress.
bonus edit, i thought of this literal seconds before falling asleep & now i can’t get it out of my mind: crowley needs aziraphale for stability, aziraphale needs stability to have crowley. mic drop
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castleaudios · 2 years
Why hello there Castle 👀 I came to ask more questions 🤩🤌 Let’s start shall we:
1) (This probably already has been answered) Let’s say there is a situation where Ranger goes to the library. As we know the ‘magical books’ only show to those who are registered (from what I understood). But what would happen if our dear Ranger stumbled upon the magical section? Would he have to know what they are looking for or would they just brush it off?
2) What can you tell us about Dewdrop? There’s only so little we can go off now and I need to finish their backstory in my head :)
3) This isn’t a question BUT I totally imagine that when Beth shifts she is at the exact eye level with the Seer and it is the cutest thing I could think off. Anyway…
4) How long do you plan on torturing Ranger (and your audience)? In other words, when are we getting some romantics steps in the relationship between them and Claire? Will we get there before summer?
5) I want to hear some headcannons for our Open-wielder. Shoot them at me.
Now on to the more technical side of your recordings. We love some personal questions (if you don’t feel comfortable answering sth just skip, no pressure)
6) How long does it take you to write a script? I swear I had so many difficult moments while writing my own. Could use some tips if anything :)
7) Do you often re-write a script even if it’s almost finished?
8) What mic do you use? I will not believe it is some headphones mic.
9) What programs do you use for editing? And how does the process look like?
10) Do you usually record the audio and then add sound effects or do you make sound effects whilst recording?
I think that’s it for now. I will come back in the morning. More questions. Yay :)
But seriously I can bet that your ‘question box’ is overflowing rn. Hope you have a great day/night! <3
Hi Max!
The books in the library have a glamor over them that make them undetectable to non-wielders. Dear and Rose see through the glamor because of their magic being made apart of the magical coding (This is the best phrasing I can think of at the moment). If the Ranger happened to pick up a book without looking and it was magical, there is an additional ward placed on every book that a wielder must "unlock" in order to read, otherwise the words on the pages will blur and cascade off the reader's mind. A similar ward is laid over Glenwood as a whole to prevent suspicion. Many cities with a high population of magic beings use these types of wards to lay undetected by non-wielders without completely blocking them out.
Dewdrop was born and raised on the West coast studying water elemental magic with a focus in botany. They met Chloe while they were studying and come to move to Glenwood with her after a few years of dating. Since they didn't have much family left on the coast, it was easy for them to pack up and leave. They do a lot of work with taking samples of flora and fauna, studying the ecosystem around the park, and keeping track of the natural waterxystems. Because they spend a lot of time bending over and taking an endless amount of notes, it leads to a lot of chronic pain which Chloe does her best to help with. They are an absolute little shit.
Ya can't avoid the puppy dog eyes if they're at eye level with you
I promise I don't want to torture you all for that much longer! Ranger, I kind of want to torture a lil bit longer, but not you guys! We'll start see the two of them getting closer in the next few audios, especially as the poacher arc comes to an end. I can't give a proper deadline, but it should be soon.
Wielder is someone who greatly underestimates their own potential while simultaneously holding themself to impossibly high standards. They're close to completing their independent studies at the library and soon won't be an employee. At any given moment they have 5-7 books in their bag. They have been to Rose's house before to visit ex-scale-ibur and he loves to crawl into their hoodies.
Technical questions!! Let's do it!!
6. I usually break up writing my script over a few days since I find it really hard to sit down and focus for long periods of time. On top of that, I'll do a mock improv of the audio in my voice memo app then upload that audio onto a word document using the dictation feature. I'll edit and polish the script from that which is really helpful for editing and refining the content of the script itself.
7. Absolutely. I've had scripts that I've written, edited, recorded, and then completely tossed because it didn't match what I needed it to.
8. I use a USB Blue Yeti mic! Though I am hoping to upgrade that soon, I'd love to get an XLR mic eventually.
9. & 10. Up until recently I used Audacity for editing my audios, now I'm starting to learn Reaper. In terms of videos, I use Veed.io. Normally I'll record, clean up the doubles and outtakes, flatten the background noise and then use Epidemic Sound to round up any SFX I need that I don't already have downloaded on a hard drive. I edit the pacing of the audio as I include the sound effects and background noise so it all flows together. Additionally I'll make my own SFX while recording so I don't have to waste time looking for the perfect audio file online. Depending on the audio, the while process takes a few hours. I've had days where I wrote, recorded, edited, and then posted an audio in a single day. SFX are usually the last thing I add before making the thumbnail and background image for the video itself. I'll listen back to the audio to make sure I didn't miss anything while I use Canva, but sometimes that leads to me leaving in a double take because I'm too focused on something else. I do need to get better at that but that's pretty much my entire process!
Thank you for all the kind questions! Sorry it took a while to answer but hopefully this offered some insight!
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zimithrus1 · 6 months
Oooh, could I get 🕯️, 🛼 (your latest fic if you don't have a WIP you want to talk about rn, I guess?) , 🏜️, ☁️, and 🧩 for the truth or dare ask game, please? 💗
You sure absolutely can!! (Sorry for the late response I've finally just had enough time to answer this on my computer!)
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing?
Ooh, I'd give that a solid 9 actually! Most of the time when I'm editing, I just enjoy reading through my fic again while finding little spelling and grammar errors. Most of the time I'll say to myself 'Okay, I'm gonna write tonight, for sure', and then I end up doing a little bit of editing and then I just start reading and yeah, needless to say, I edit more than I write sometimes 😅
Describe your latest WIP with five emojis
What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
Oooh, that's hard to say. I love and appreciate and freak out over every comment I get! But if I had to choose, I think the ones that make me super excited and engaged are the ones that mention their favorite parts or lines that stood out to them, coupled with some cute/fun emojis! Those do stand out more in my head and are usually the first ones I think of when I think about certain comments 💖
What made you choose your username?
Time for a little bit of backstory here as I've used this username since I was 8. Picture it - the internet in the 00's, online games are popular af, one of those being a little something called Runescape. My older brother gets me into said game, as he and his friends played it any chance there was an internet connection (because back then internet was more of a luxury than it was a necessity). It comes time to name my green-haired warrior girl. I can't think of shit. So my brother helps me come up with a name. 'How about Zimithrus?' And I thought that name was so freaking cool, I was all [8-year-old equivalent of]: 'Fuck yeah!!' And any time I made an account anywhere else (Toontown, Webkinz, Quizilla, etc.) I used that name. Now it's like, my second name lmao. I love being called Zim or Zimi or any other variant. 💚
What will make you click away from a fanfic immediately?
Big blocks of text. Every time, without fail. No paragraph breaks, no separate lines when characters start speaking, just a massive wall of text. Can't do it. Even if it has my favorite characters and my favorite ships and all of my favorite tropes and genres, it could tick every single box but if I click in and see a big ass wall of text I'm gone 👋😆
Thank you so much for the ask @isleofair!! It was a blast answering them all!! 💕💚❤
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foxcort · 8 months
2023 AO3 Year-End Fic Review
thank you for tagging me @praetorqueenreyna 💚🤗
What is your AO3 account?
foxcort @ ao3, but im also gonna link my account on squideworld (which has nothing rn but im going to start posting there instead and its got about the same vibe as ao3)
2. How many words did you write total in 2023?
i wrote 10773 words and it was all for acotar!
3. How many fics did you publish in 2023? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
i wrote 6 fics for the entire year (which is surprisingly more than i originally thought!), 5 of which were oneshots and 1 of which was a collection of drabbles. im hoping to start writing at least 1 multichapter in 2024
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
my longest was a heart of scales and storms at 2785 words, which was a feylin mermay oneshot and my shortest was spring memories at 714 words, which was the first fic i contributed to this fandom (and one that has a very special place in my heart)
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
comforter was my most popular fic at 447 hits and my least popular was a court of ice and fire at 43 hits, which is completely understandable considering its an oddly specific au and the only chapter i have posted is tamlin-centric, but i still love the idea and hope my muse can come around to contributing more to it this year!
6. What fic didn't perform as well as you thought it would?
hmm maybe a heart of scales and storms? the statistics show that it only got 53 hits, but i still remember the comments i got for that fic and @haniaaaaaaaaaaa drew ✨this✨ beautiful art piece inspired by it! so from the reception the fic garnered it feels like it should have more than 53 hits but honestly i had so much fun writing it and i remember smiling so wide my face hurt for days after bc of the comments/artwork that it didn’t feel like it didn’t perform well (as far as hits go)!
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
oh wildfire at 192 hits (this is a lot for me lol), which was an erisweek entry and the first time i ever attempted writing from his pov. honestly i don’t expect any of my character-centric stuff to take off, so i was pleasantly surprised at how it performed!
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote in 2023?
most probably comforter, more specifically the neslin chapter. i’ve had this super angsty, acosf divergence multichaptered neslin idea in my head for a while now, but i suck at long term fic planning and like most people i want to jump right into writing the interesting parts of it, so the neslin chapter was a scene from that idea and i felt so happy writing it and getting into the mindsets of nesta and tamlin in that au.
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2023?
definitely rosemary by @bittermuire (thank god for this survey because in my effort to link the fic i realized ITS BEEN UPDATED!!! and as i read through it, i became even more convinced this was 100% my most favorite fic of 2023 💚) honestly, anything muire writes has me immediately hooked, but its the characterizations of the archeron sisters in particular that are so special to me. especially in rosemary. it also happens to be an october/fall fic, which are bonuses and pluses as far as im concerned. if you love the archeron sisters, give rosemary a read. if you need more convincing, allow me to provide one of my favorite quotes from the fic—
Lucien Vanserra watched her leave, his heart threatening to give out, and cursed himself a thousand times. Then another thousand times. Then, drowning in table salt, dreaming of her hair, thinking of getting himself a few sessions of therapy, he decided he would not, could not possibly, let her go. / rosemary (ch.1) by iriy @ ao3
honorable mention to plus 4 by firenaition @ ao3, because this is a fic i read at least once every month, a fic that i've shown and begged my rl siblings to read and quite possibly my favorite azulaang/atla fic of all time
10. Tag your friends to have them do this year-end fic review as well!!
if you haven’t done it already and you want to, do it! and tag me too, i love reading these!
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menlove · 5 months
🕯️ 🌵 🏜️ 🦋
on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? 0. i cannottttt stand it i just want to be Perfect first go and just release that shit into the wild like a horse girl releasing a horse in a horse movie you know?
share the link to a playlist you love asdfasdf i rarely listen to other people's playlists bc i'm picky as fuck so have one of mine but i have this charles xavier playlist that got me through my last semester of undergrad. it's vibes. my road trip playlist is also pretty good if i do say so myself.
what's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work? i LOVE specific shit. let me know what lines of dialogue you liked or which parts of the prose you thought were compelling! i ADORE those people who go line by line sharing their thoughts it makes me giddy. i do love every single kind of commenter though.
share something that has been on your heart and mind lately  oh i don't even know honestly if i shared half of what's going on in my mind and heart rn i would be hospitalized fajsdfasdf so all i'll say is. old man yaoi. that's the safest one and also the one Constantly On The Brain atm
writing ask game!!
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fruityuncleskeletor · 6 months
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
seen on and snatched from @bunnakit
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
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🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?  I started writing my own stories about cartoon characters because the episodes on TV were too far apart
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
Chan's room episodes
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? a fucking solid 2, because the more I see my own fic, the more disgusted I grow with it and lose the will to post it. The 2 is because I do realise editing is necessary.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
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🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help? I am calling @hardcandythinking but only to vent, I already know where to rent a woodchipper from
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love @ellieellieoxenfree
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now?  in my business inbox, 51. In my personal account, 0
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis@sparkly-butthole-on-ao3
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?  I used to be really into writing the OG characters
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before I have come to terms that I will always have an eating disorder, the difference now is that I've decided to profit from it.
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? I am fucking exhausted, fam. And the supreme lack of interest in my writing in this new fandom. Feeling unwanted and tired has managed to give me a writer's block that I have successfully dodged for 20+ years.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Here's two-
Geralt and Jaskier are so in love with each other, even platonically. They don't want to admit it, but they have a really warm and cozy love bubble around them and both are afraid that if they speak about it, it'll make them feel less giddy and elated and pull this bubble into reality, making it vulnerable to being popped by evil forces.
Jace's nonchalant attitude re: the people he bangs and his unflinching love for Alec always made me think he is an in denial asexual - he is obviously not sex-repulsed but he wields sex like a weapon or like a quick fix to avoid looking at deeper emotions affecting him. I fucking love Jace to death, he gets so little credit.
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
talk to me on tumblr
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
My cat's health is better
I am losing weight and gaining muscle, feeling fitter than in my 20s
I found a hairdresser I absolutely love going to
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? some Korean words for reference. In Korean.
  🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character Yennefer is a gigantic selfish asshole, with only moments of emotional clarity and kindness and she treats Geralt like absolute crap most of the time.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? yeah not gonna make the FBI man's job easy. stay wondering, bro!
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
It's always better to assume people are assholes by default and then let yourself be pleasantly surprised when they are decent than the other way around. Saves you a world of disappointment.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I can't pick rn.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
The only way around it is through it. It helps to do various other creative things, it will recharge your creativity in the realm you feel it's low in. Like if you have writer's block, make some art. Draw some shit, splash some colours, bake and decorate a birthday cake, go outside and photograph some flowers.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh "My butthole! I blew out my butthole!"
  🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work? When someone picks their favourite parts of the chapter or fic, and details their thoughts on it for my enjoyment.
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate Alec is a good leader, perseverent and insightful.
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told? God I used to lie more often than I breathed when I was a kid and a teen. Lately I just lie to get out of having to socialise.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
I find stanning a K-Pop group to be 20% fun and 80% disheartening if you're older because you definitely feel like you can't sit with the cool kids and everything is just a really good, hi-def illusion set up to make you bust your wallet wide open, so every moment of genuine relatability and connection is invalidated by the feeling that these people are part of a marketing strategy. It's kind of like going to see strippers and even if you like one, you know that even if you fell in love with them, you're not allowed to get to know them because for them it's just work and you are only worth the cash you pay in their eyes. The closeness is an illusion that leaves you feeling even lonelier and sadder than you were before.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?  There are a lot of them but my core reference is Anne Rice's writing. Now I am writing something that was inspired by the portrayal of Jack Reacher in the "Reacher" series on Amazon.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing It would be nice if I could write stuff that's relatable to others, not just to me. But that would mean biiiiiiiig consciousness shift and I'm extremely pussilanimous when it comes to this.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises? I think the delivery matters a lot - a surprise is being told something that you don't know yet, and if the person breaking the news makes it seem like a heart attack from shock is the adequate response, then better don't tell me, just show me.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Hyunjin had made himself comfortable on his bed, with his legs propped up on the headboard, leaving just his shirt and his socks on. He intended to drag it out as much as he could and get the most out of those pics.
Magazine in one hand, dick in the other - that’s how Changbin had found him, walking in to ask a very pressing question. (65 words bc just the 50 didn't make sense alone.)
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username? Thinking about my love-hate relationship with writing.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@hardcandythinking is my bestie and my number 1 fan. She's the real MVP.
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
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🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
This is so surreal - Chan is a human with two sets of ears and the rest of the members are tiny wee animals - and the love, goofiness and fun are so well captured. This artist also depicts Chan as shy and cute, and I prefer this to the hard dom or arrogant inaccessible guy takes I see more often. Like I get it's appealing to others but I like a squeaky, shy guy better than any alpha dude character.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
poor characterization on a macro level
crass and goofy consistent misspelling like "nobbing" instead of "nodding", "viscous" instead of "vicious", "colon" instead of "cologne"
offputting descriptions like "chubby little cock" or "fat mushroom" (used for dick tips). I would lose my erection if someone talked to me like that irl
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quotidian-oblivion · 10 months
For the ask game, the candle and the mushroom, but instead of ship, make it sibling duo
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Depends on what I'm editing.
If I'm editing a crack oneshot, then I'd say 3. If it's an angst or hurt/comfort oneshot, I'd say 6 or 8 depending on how proud of it I am. If it's a multi-chap, then for me it's 9 or 10.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships siblings or pairings
Okay, since I'm in like. a buncha of different fandoms at once rn, I'm gonna do Ninjago cuz honestly I love those idiots so much.
Comics and video games smuggling. All the boy ninja indulge in it. Zane too, he's the supplier.
Master Wu punishes them when they behave out of line by banning them from comics and video games (because most of the time, the only reason they're "out of line" during fights is cuz they're trying to replicate a comic book character fight move). Nya is not involved in this punishment because she doesn't get carried away by comic books and video games unlike the other idiots. She knows where fact and fiction lie in her abilities.
But since it happens so much, Wu bans it completely once. So they create a comic book and video game smuggling ring. Dareth is their informative and Zane's the one who brings it inside their home because he's the least likely suspect in Master Wu's eyes.
The ring went on for a good week until Pixal managed to get a confession from Zane and reported to Master Wu because their "punishments are issued in place for a reason". And she's right. Because Lloyd heads to the hospital the very next day with a fractured arm when he tried to jump off the roof while doing six flips and a triple axel without his powers- and what do you mean that it isn't physically possible??? Captain Awe-Knight managed to do it!
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
*quietly slides the door open* so what's new?? 👀
Heh, sorry I couldn't help myself and not say a few thing on MY FAVORITE BLOG ON TUMBLR ㅋㅋ Sooo 3D... I think we've been so spoiled by the tannies all these years that the moment western musicians are making a song with one of the boys it just sooo obvious, idk how to put it ... but as overall quality on a scale from 1 to 100, while bangtan's music (both group and solo) is 90 something to 100, songs like 3D are like an 8 😶 and it's not even the fact that it's explicit, it's just sounds eh. (I liked Seven more too)
I've seen so many people pressed about the fact that some don't like the og version with Jack and I'm like "????" As long as they're not straight up hating everyone should be allowed to like/dislike whatever they want, if sth really makes them uncomfortable they can always choose not to listen, it's not that big of a deal. We don't have to call anyone a prude or some other stuff I've seen for not liking a song 💀 and if we're being honest almost 90% of western music nowadays has something to do with sex so it's understandable that we're fed up with that.. and about the lyrics.... I won't even go there 😅 I have an entire playlist of sexy songs that have wayy better lyrics and vibe.
Anyways, we indirectly promised the boys that we're good with whatever they choose to put out, freedom i guess, however we might not always be in sync and that's okay. I'm sure they're aware that everyone has different tastes. There will be many years ahead of us, to do and try a variety of things. Once everyone accept this fact, it'll all fall into place.
Again, so sorry that you always have to listen to our rambles, Jen 😂 buy yourself something nice today so you won't get too stressed!
- 🎃
favorite blog asdfhkhfkas PUMPKIN 😭
an 8 lolllll i had to reread that to see if you meant an 8 on a scale of 1-10 but nope it's 1-100 😂 that's a fair assessment. i'll just say this as it is. basic pop and western collabs have little substance but they're easy to top charts, easy to rake in numbers, easy to push for awards (cough, grammys 😑) which seems to be what hybe is doing rn with jk. i guess they're succeeding so... good for them?
this fandom is so quick to tear people apart for not kissing the ground that the boys walk on lol. it's literally just music. tastes are subjective. what's not clicking? coming after someone just bc they don't like a song is dumbass behavior lol i'm sorry. wait till you hear that i haven't listened to seven since july 15 (it was released on july 14) 🤣 i'm sure there are people out there who wanna bring back the guillotine just for me
yes that's true. the boys can release any kind of music they want, but we as listeners - literal consumers - don't have to vibe with it. it's not mutually exclusive. not liking something they do / not liking a song does not and should not make you public enemy no.1 lol
pls i am always open to discourse! 🤣 i love hearing your different thoughts and opinions instead of just uniformed, robotic screaming all the time. i usually have a lot to say too hahahhaha i just don't wanna do it unprompted 😂
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
i am cringing at all the typos in that last ask of mine don't look at me oh gods
messed up fic? what messed up fic? everything is fine and dandy and lovely. i work for the best boss in the world. good looking and kind, plus the pay is good! :)
*slides you a paper* from the scale of 1-10, with 1 being an idol quitting teyvatpro, and 10 being producer snail finally having had enough of this company and decides to unleash their full power to destroy the whole world, how bad of an idea is it to throw my resignation letter on his desk and board the plane to new zealand rn?
- ✾
"10." Ansy accidentally slipped up. They laughed awkwardly as they pretended to yawn.
"We'll have a meeting at 10 PM, right?" Ansy shrugged, lying through their teeth. "I nearly forgot about that, hold on, let me write it down so I won't forget as well– can I borrow a pen?"
"Sure thing."
Ansy wrote something... You think. You're not sure. Their handwriting is sloppy– you nearly thought it was a doodle at first. For the sake of their pride, you decided not to mention it.
You bit your lip.
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You looked at them, smiling in a look of defeat. They seem to misunderstand your expression as bitter acceptance, but the truth is...
You couldn't understand a single word of what they wrote down.
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