#one day i will see if any roller rinks near me are still open and i will train myself to become StEx material
clown-machine · 5 years
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current mood
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lalaangeldust · 3 years
- 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐯𝐢𝐛𝐞 -
𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐡𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ] : none :)
[ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ] : sero hanta // kirishima eijirou // ashido mina // kaminari denki // jirou kyouka
[ 𝐦𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ] : i came up w this at like 2 in the morning while i was listening to my playlist and i was like: wow this song sounds a lot like kirishima. it all kinda escalated from there... yuh
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𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 | Sero gives me the vibe of a small, dark apartment at midnight illuminated by nothing but the warm light from an open fridge and the streetlights peeking in from the sheer curtains hanging on the windows. slow dancing in the dim lighting with him in comfortable silence </3
Velvet Light - Jakob // Morning Sex - Ralph Castelli
Sero is just very warm and vibe-y. i rlly like the cords in morning sex and it sounds a lot like sero to me but both songs remind me of deep, moody lighting and like i've said before here.. sero just has moody lighting vibes
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𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 | Kiri reminds me of the smell of the wet pavement after heavy rain. it's still cloudy outside with the slightest bit of sunlight peeking through making the ground glisten ever so slightly depending on where you are... and also musk... he reminds me of musk.
Power Freaks - Jean Johnson // The Thrill - Wiz Kalifa
the very specific part of the Power Freaks that i think resonates w/ kiri's vibe the most is literally the last 30 seconds of the song. the guitar solo is just *chefs kiss*
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𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐨 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚 | Mina gives me the vibe of being at the roller skating rink near closing hours and you're the only one there. particularly the vibes of your feet being decorated by the crazy lighting dancing around the rink, making patterns in sync with the music as you swivel and swerve around.
You know How We Do It - Ice Cube // feel u - okayceci
particularly the whiney instrument in the back in You Know How We Do It, idk what it's called and i can't explain how that's mina's vibe. it simply just is... or literally any other early 2000s american hip hop / r&b.
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𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 | Denki gives me the vibe of being in the corner of a pool and sinking yourself to the bottom. Your eyes are open and through your fuzzy vision you can see the legs of other people in the pool shuffling around.... I literally cannot tell you why I think this but yes.
supermarket - carwash // One Day - Lovejoy
do i rlly need to explain? the vocals in supermarket just exudes kami vibes to me and the almost childlike yet mature energy of Lovejoy rlly reflect how I view Denki's personality
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𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐤𝐚 | Jirou's gives me the vibe of skating in an empty car park at ungodly hours of the night. Filming yourself skating with an old film / 2000s camcorder filter or even fisheye and jamming out; kinda like making a shitty "homemade" music video.
Control Freak - Doll Skin // I Got Love - Mother Mother
Again... do I rlly need to explain..?? The way Doll Skin sings sounds exactly like how i envision Jirou completely. In I Got Love the parts where they yell "I GOT LOVE" sounds like what her aesthetic looks like <3
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𝒇𝒊𝒏 . ✩
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fruitcoops · 4 years
I love your babysitting jules fic and the tell me how you know your boyfriend won't cheat on you fic. I was thinking, like remus and sirius have a day off and spend it with jules, and sirius goes somewhere and comes back to find remus and jules sleeping on the flour and they look similar and he just smiles.
Idk, hope this makes sense, I love all your fics.
It totally makes sense and it’s super cute! Thanks for such a wonderful suggestion <3 This is Part 4 of Adventures in Babysitting (1 2 3)
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
As much as Sirius loved hockey, he had to admit break days were his favorite part of the week. Most weekends, he and Remus would roll out of bed sometime around eleven, have lunch, go for a walk, and then turn into total couch potatoes if they didn’t have anything important to do.
But they had a kid now, so that plan had to change.
They managed to stay in bed until nine before soft rustling sounds began in Jules’ room—Remus’ aggressive cuddling delayed them for a bit longer, which Sirius did not have any complaints about, but eventually they knew it was time to move.
“Dinner’s at six, right?” Sirius asked as he washed his face while Remus tracked down a t-shirt. Shirtless mornings were another tragic sacrifice while Jules was around.
“Yep. Dumo said we could get there at five-thirty, though. Apparently, Katie’s been dying to see Jules again.” Remus kissed the back of his shoulder as he reached for a toothbrush. “I was thinking we could just let him choose what we do today.”
“Makes it a lot easier on us.”
“And it makes it extra special for him,” Remus mumbled around a mouthful of toothpaste. “We still get veto power, though.”
“That’s probably for the best.”
Jules was still in his bedroom when they went downstairs and for a fleeting moment, Sirius wondered if they had woken up early for nothing. “He’ll be down soon,” Remus said as if he could read his mind, pressing two coffee cups into Sirius’ hands. “All those cool knickknacks in the guest room will keep him distracted for a bit.”
Sure enough, excited footsteps followed a sharp gasp less than ten minutes later. Remus smiled over the rim of his coffee cup and walked over to the pantry to pull out the pancake mix. “Morning—"
“Is it true you won the regional All-Stars when you were in high school?” Jules blurted as he skidded into the kitchen and shoved a small trophy into Sirius’ hands, panting like he had run a mile.
Sirius squinted down at the little figurine; in all honesty, he had forgotten he even had it. “Where did you find this?”
“In the nightstand. Is it true?”
“Uh, yeah, it is.” He set it on the counter with their other random items. “Thanks for finding it, bud.”
Jules glowed under his approval and Remus bit his lip to stifle laughter. “Re, can we have chocolate pancakes?”
“We don’t have any chocolate chips, sorry,” Remus said as he mixed the batter. Liar. Sirius shot him a look, and he stuck out his tongue playfully behind Jules’ back. “We’ve got some fun news, though.”
“There’s no practice today and you get to decide what we do.”
Jules’ jaw dropped. “Really?”
“Awesome! Mom and Dad never want to see the cool stuff because they’re busy with museums and games and friends but there are so many places I wanna go,” Jules said in one rushing breath. Sirius blinked in shock, but Remus seemed unfazed as he handed the spatula over. “Thanks!”
“Sure thing.”
“Sirius, what are your favorite places?” Jules turned to him, still licking the spatula like his life depended on it.
Sirius took a moment to think and suppress a smile. “I like the roller rink, and the aquarium, and the park.”
“We already went to the park.”
“We can go again if you want,” he laughed. “You made friends, right?”
“Yeah, but I probably won’t see them again.” Oh, to have a child’s nonchalance when it comes to friends. “The aquarium sounds really neat!”
“It’s pretty cool,” Remus agreed as he ladled out batter into the pan. “They put in a new exhibit recently.”
“Sweet! Can we go now?”
“Don’t you want pancakes?” Sirius asked. “I know I do.”
Jules nodded rapidly. “I do, too. Can I ride on your shoulders?”
“At the aquarium.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“How tall are you?”
Sirius paused, then gave him a conspiratorial look. “Eleven feet tall.”
Remus burst out laughing and nearly burned himself on the pan; Jules rolled his eyes. “Come on. I’m ten, that doesn’t work on me anymore.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Sirius took a sip of coffee. “I’m 191 centimeters tall.”
“Almost two meters.”
Jules looked over to Remus, who shook his head with a smile. “He’s six foot three, Jules, and he’s messing with you by being fancy and Canadian.”
“How tall are you?” Jules asked, folding his knees under himself to reach the butter with his fork as Remus passed him a plate of pancakes.
Remus sighed. “Five foot eleven and a half.”
“Ha! Short.”
“Shut up, you’re still an Oompa Loompa.”
“I’m more than a foot taller than Oompa Loopmas,” Jules said haughtily, shoveling pancake into his mouth. “I looked it up the last time you called me that.”
“Look at you go! Gold star!”
Sirius cheeks were starting to hurt from holding down his laughter and Remus winked as he passed another plate over. “Thanks, love.”
“Why do couples have nicknames?” Jules asked. “I always thought it was a little weird. Mom and Dad have actual names, but they never really use them. It’s always honey, darling, other sappy stuff.”
Remus shrugged as he sat down with them. “Why do you call me Re? That’s not my full name.”
Jules thought for a second. “Partly because ‘Remus’ sounds like a stuffy old museum name.”
“Oh, and ‘Julian’ doesn’t?” Remus teased. “Usually, people give nicknames because they care about each other. Couples just have an extra level to that.”
“I don’t really like it when people call me by my full name, either,” Sirius added.
Jules frowned. “But people call you by your first name all the time.”
“They do. But my friends usually don’t. There’s Cap, Padfoot, whatever your brother comes up with that day…”
“I call you Sirius.”
“I don’t mind as much when you say it.” Because you’re adorable and I would literally do anything for you. “You can call me whatever you want.”
Jules seemed satisfied by that answer and turned back to his pancakes; Sirius caught Remus quickly looking away when he glanced back up and smiled, giving him a quick nudge with his foot. Baby, Remus mouthed with a slight smirk. Sirius rolled his eyes.
The aquarium was busy, but it was a weekend, after all. They only had to wait in line for ten minutes; during that time, Jules made three new friends and every single one of the parents thought he was their son. Even the ticket salesman offered them a family discount that Remus politely declined.
But…it wasn’t a bad thought. Sirius let it ruminate in the back of his mind as he helped Jules onto his shoulders and Remus grabbed a map from the kiosk for when they inevitably got turned around. Definitely not this year, or the next, but someday Sirius did want to say ‘yes’ to the parents and kids discount, though he couldn’t place his finger on why.
And then they reached the whale exhibit. A huge humpback skeleton hung from the ceiling in a smooth curve, its mouth open to reveal perfectly preserved baleen. Jules reached up and trailed his fingers through the space below its massive ribcage—he was too short to touch it still, but the pure awe on his face took Sirius’ breath away more than any deep-sea creature could.
“Baby, can you get a picture of us by the glass?” Remus asked. Ahead of them, a huge tank stretched into a tunnel that lead to the tropical exhibit; Sirius nodded and bent to let Jules down.
“Race you there!” he called, running across the well-worn blue carpet at full tilt. Remus followed him with a laugh and caught him just before they reached the glass, swinging him off his feet by the armpits and turning to face Sirius.
His throat tightened a bit as he took his phone out for the picture. They beamed at him with almost-identical smiles, right down to the dimples. That. That right there, he thought. That’s what I want. “Got it.”
“Awesome, your turn.” Remus put Jules down and began walking over, but an older man motioned to Sirius just before he put his phone away.
“Excuse me, would you like me to get a picture of all three of you?” he asked. A little girl—his granddaughter, perhaps—watched them shyly from behind his legs.
“Oh. Yes, thank you.” Sirius handed him his cell phone and went over to the glass, wrapping one arm around Remus’ waist and draping the other over Jules’ shoulder. They smiled, backlit with blues and greens and aquamarine.
“Alright, I took a few.” The man gave Sirius’ phone back and patted him on the arm as the little girl tugged his sleeve. “You have a beautiful family. Have a good day!”
Sirius didn’t fully snap out of his daze until they were in the tropical tunnel, where fish in colors he could never dream of darted back and forth and fascinated Jules. The aquarium used to be his favorite place in Gryffindor; now, it was probably his favorite place in the world.
Remus led them through a series of corridors, pausing every now and then when Jules scampered toward the next tank, though he seemed to have something on his mind. When Sirius shot him a questioning look, he kissed his cheek and held his hand instead of answering. They wandered past the sting rays, the turtles, and the sharks, until Sirius recognized the multicolored lights from the next room over and stopped in his tracks. “No.”
Remus grinned. “Yeah.”
Jules looked between them in clear confusion. “What?”
“I gotta show you something, c’mere.” Sirius crouched down and helped him back onto his shoulders, then ducked into the adjacent exhibit. Immediately, he heard Jules gasp as jellyfish surrounded them.
“Isn’t it cool?” His smile was staring to hurt his cheeks. “Here, this in my favorite part.”
Sirius walked to the twelve-foot arch near the middle of the room and stood beneath it, basking in the warmth of the bright lights below as jellyfish of a billion sizes floated overhead. He sighed and leaned his head back slightly to get a better look.
Jules stretched his arms up, trying to touch the glass. “Wow,” he breathed.
When Sirius looked back down, he saw Remus lowering his phone with a small smile. “Had to get a good one,” he said as he stepped under the arch with them and leaned into Sirius’ side. Jules reached down and flipped his baseball cap backwards. “Thanks, buddy.”
“I’ve been waiting to do that for ages.”
“Good to know,” Remus laughed. “Ready to move on?”
“Just a second,” Sirius said, pulling Remus’ arm around his waist. “Just a bit longer. We’ve got nowhere to be but here.”
They did, in fact, have somewhere to be, though Sirius didn’t remember that until 3:30 pm. He also remembered that they were supposed to bring dessert that night and unless Remus wanted to out himself as a liar by busting out the chocolate chips in the cupboard, they needed a plan B.
The grocery store was blessedly empty when he arrived, which meant he could use self-checkout for the two containers of cookies he bought—thank god. As much fun as the aquarium was, there were so many people, and they were everywhere.
I need a nap, he thought as he walked back out to the car and watched his breath steam in the December air. And, like, half an hour by myself to listen to music.
The first thing he noticed was that the house was quiet. Hattie didn’t bark when he got out of the car, or when he unlocked the front door, or called out a hesitant “hello?” while he took his shoes off. Nothing seemed amiss, other than the fact that Jules had been bouncing off the walls when he left.
The living room held the answers to all his questions. Hattie was passed out on the couch, splayed with her belly to the ceiling. Jules and Remus were asleep on the carpet with The Fellowship of the Ring between them; clearly, they had been mid-chapter when they dozed off. Sirius set the cookies on the counter and carefully slid the book out of Remus’ hands, setting it on the coffee table before pulling the thick knitted blanket off the couch.
Hattie grumbled at him and cracked an eye open. “Shhh,” he said softly, kissing her forehead before laying the blanket over the other two. They looked so alike—their hair was nearly the same shade, and Jules’ jaw was only slightly narrower than Remus’. Sirius bet that in ten years, it would be hard to tell them apart in photos.
He crept upstairs and set a timer for 4:30. James had recommended a new band ten minutes before midnight, and Sirius figured he should at least give it a shot if it was so important. He grabbed his headphones, pressed play, and let out a deep breath as he sank back into the pillows.
Half an hour went by too fast, and before he knew it the alarm was ringing instead of the steady bass of the new song. He squinted at the clock, praying it would be wrong, and sighed when he saw that technology had won out once again.
Remus and Jules were still asleep on the floor, though they had cuddled closer at some point and the blanket nearly covered Jules entirely. Sirius crouched down next to Remus and brushed his hair off his forehead before gently shaking his shoulder. “Re. Sweetheart, it’s time to get up.”
“No,” Remus murmured.
“Come on, mon loup, dinner’s in an hour.”
“ ‘m tired. C’mere.”
“I would love to, but we promised Dumo we’d be there.”
“Sirius?” Jules blinked up at him sleepily.
“Hey, buddy.”
“We hafta get up?”
“Don’t listen to him,” Remus said without opening his eyes.
“Love you, too,” Sirius laughed quietly. “I got cookies.”
“Cookies?” Jules sat up fully at that and rubbed his eyes; Remus groaned and rolled onto his back.
“Technically, they’re for after dinner, but an exception can be made.”
Remus stared at him for a moment, then sighed and held his hands up as Jules hurried into the kitchen. “Alright, fine.”
Sirius pulled him to his feet and kissed his forehead. “We’ve got about forty-five minutes before we need to head out, okay?”
“So we could’ve napped for thirty more.”
“You could, but then you’d both be cranky.” Sirius leaned back to look into the kitchen. “Just one, Jules! Save some for Katie and the others!”
There was a beat of silence, then a heavy sigh. “Okay.”
“Thank you.”
Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius’ waist and leaned his forehead against his chest, nuzzling into his sweatshirt. “You’re so soft. And warm.”
“It’s a gift.”
“Perfect place to take a nap.”
“Oh, no you don’t.” Sirius carefully detached Remus’ grip and he exhaled slowly.
“Thank you for picking up cookies, baby. Was there anything else we needed to bring?”
“Just ourselves.” He placed another kiss to his cheek and Remus stretched his arms over his head.
“Oof. Okay. I’ll go get a different shirt on and wrangle the kid if you want to find a plate to pretend the cookies are ours.”
“You read my mind,” Sirius said, earning himself a proper kiss before Remus turned and headed into the kitchen.
They pulled into Dumo’s driveway at 5:40, which wasn’t bad, all things considered. Jules and Katie disappeared in a hurricane of excited rambling as soon as the door opened and Dumo burst out laughing the second he saw them. “Welcome to parenthood,” he said, pulling them each in for a hug. “How are you liking your free trial?”
“I’ve never been more exhausted in my life.” Remus shook his head as he took his coat off. “But I love it, for some reason.”
“That sums it up.” Celeste stood on her tiptoes to kiss each of Sirius’ cheeks. “Did you bring dessert?” He wordlessly held the plate out and she raised an eyebrow. “You remembered at…4 pm.”
“You’re getting better, mon fils. Marc, Adele, come set the table!” Upstairs, two different sets of footsteps tumbled over each other as they came running down the stairs; both crashed into Sirius for hugs, just like they had when he first moved in.
“Bonjour,” he laughed, squeezing them tight and planting kisses to the tops of their heads. “I hope Regulus hasn’t been driving you too crazy.”
“I think he’s still asleep,” Adele said as she stepped back. Celeste shooed them both toward the dining room as Sirius raised his eyebrows.
“Un moment, s’il vous plait.” Dumo and Remus wandered off to supervise the kids while Sirius headed for the basement door. Regulus was nearly twenty years old—it wasn’t like he needed those blankets at six in the evening, anyway, and Sirius was only too happy to give him a rousing wake-up call. It was his right as an older brother. 
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lavendersuh · 4 years
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jaemin x reader | 70′s roller rink au | fluff | 2.8k words 
part of @nct-writers neo’clock event! 
warnings: none
summary: its the era of disco balls and groovy tunes, and you love working at your local roller skating rink. if only na jaemin wasn’t there to annoy you all the time.
note: hi friends!! i recently started roller skating this summer and it’s been so fun!! i finally was able to go to a roller rink (i masked up i promise!) but i wrote this beforehand while i was yearning to go haha. it was so fun and skating makes me so happy. i don’t think i’ve seen many roller skating aus so i hope you all enjoy!!
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“Hey! Will you stop going the wrong way? I have kids learning to skate and you’re getting in their way!” 
You huff out a heavy breath from your exercise. It’s always tiring to teach young kids to roller skate, but you enjoy the smiles it brought to their faces. One day soon they would be able to easily join the adults that waltzed across the shiny wooden floors. 
Your job at the local roller rink is perfect. You love the smoky atmosphere and the big disco ball. You love hearing the latest groovy songs play over the speakers. You love being able to zoom around in your favorite bell bottom jeans and best pair of skates. 
What you don’t enjoy is annoying boys that obnoxiously skate around the rink. 
You look back at the boy in question. It isNa Jaemin, of course. The boy has been the bane of your existence since he came to the rink for the first time a little over two weeks ago. 
Na Jaemin, with his blonde hair and constant grin, always so cocksure about everything. You had to admit, he’s an incredible skater, but you could never admit that to him. 
Especially when he is doing everything in his power to annoy you at the present moment.
“Are you even qualified to teach people how to skate?” he asks, with narrow eyes, “Can you even go backwards?”
You know he’s just teasing, just trying to get a rise out of you, and you fall so easily into his trap every time.
“Of course I can go backwards Jaemin! That’s not what I’m teaching right now though!” you reply. 
“Well then, I can do a demonstration!” 
“Jaemin, no.”
“Jaemin, yes.”
You let out a sigh as you watch him show off in front of the kids. They were a nice little bunch, but they were easily distracted, especially when the distraction was putting on such a show. 
Once again, you knew, it would be a long night.
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Not even a week later, you encounter the nuisance again. Tonight, someone that usually works the food counter called off, meaning you’re stuck making hot dogs and grabbing bottles of cola for a bunch of little kids and teenagers. It wasn’t the worst job, but it certainly wasn’t your favorite. 
Especially since you can’t just skate away when Jaemin comes around to annoy you.
You spot him skating around the rink with a few of his buddies, doing laps around the younger kids. You can’t help but roll your eyes. 
The last you recalled, Jaemin never ordered much from the food counter when he was at the rink, so you assume he won’t bother you tonight. You couldn’t be more wrong.
You were back behind the pretzel machine when someone came up to the counter, ringing the bell to get your attention.
“I’ll be right there!” you call out, “What can I get for you?”
“A second of your time perhaps?”
You whip your head around to see Jaemin standing at the counter, a cheesy smile across his face. His hair is ruffled and wild, and he seems to be breathing a bit heavy from the exercise he was just doing.
You huff as you walk over to him, “Jaem, if you’re just going to annoy me, go away. Do you actually want any food?” 
He doesn’t miss the small nickname that crosses your lips, but he doesn’t have time to think too hard about it. As always, he is on a mission. 
“I wanted to show you my new skates!” he says, moving backwards a bit to show you the new boots, “Nice wheels, right?”
You can’t help the snort of amusement that comes out. The skates are bright yellow, with orange wheels and laces. They certainly will stand out under the glow of the neon lights and the disco ball over the wooden rink.
He starts moonwalking around in front of you, and you can’t help but marvel with a smile of your own at the skates and the silly boy in front of you. He must catch you staring, because he breaks you out of your trance by coming closer.
He says , “I wonder how fast I’ll be able to go in them.”
He bounds off towards the rink, zipping around the people on his new wheels. He looks back over to see if you are watching, causing a triumphant grin to grace his face when he realizes he still has your attention. 
The only problem is, with his eyes on you instead of where he’s going, he nearly runs into an older lady, and quickly diverts his course to keep from crashing into her. His new skates take him directly towards the wall, sending him on a collision course with concrete. 
His fall is anything but graceful, as his friends laugh at him. You also let out a chuckle of your own at the silly boy who will do anything for even an ounce of attention.
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It is once again the end of a long day, and the quiet of the rink surrounds you. The music is turned off, and you’re the last one here, finishing up some cleaning before you finally go home. 
You always loved being the last one at the rink. The roller rink was constantly alive with lots of people, lots of sounds, lots of activity. It was calming to be the only one, skating around the rink with a broom to wipe down the surface. 
As you are making your way around the outside of the rink one last time, you hear a loud noise near the entrance to the building. You can’t help but grip the broom a little tighter, before you see Jaemin come through the door.
He glides over to the opening of the rink, his boombox in his hand. You do nothing but stare as he sets it up on the ground, pressing play before starting to skate. Finally he acknowledges your presence with a casual wave, like he isn’t here after hours or anything.
“What do you think you are doing?” you ask. “The rink closed ten minutes ago, and aren’t you tired? You were here all night.”
You couldn’t ignore the slip up you made, realizing you let it slip that you were aware of his presence all night. You didn’t need him thinking you were looking at him a lot, because you weren’t. Ever. 
“I like skating to my own tunes.” he says, as nonchalant as ever. 
He apparently doesn’t see a problem with the way things are unfolding, and you let out a huff. 
“Oh my god, I’m trying to clean the floor! Can’t you just come back tomorrow?”
“Aw, so eager to see me again?” he smiles as he makes his way to you, “Anyways, I can help!”
He takes your broom, skating around while casually sweeping. You might not have brand new skates like him, but you easily catch up to him, snatching it back.
Why was he even here? Just like you had pointed out, he had been here all night. What was keeping him from going home like the rest of the crowd?
“Go, Jaemin!” you exclaim out of annoyance, “And take your annoying boombox with you!”
His face morphs into a pout at this, “You turned off the music, what was I supposed to do?” 
“Go home?”
You glide over to the portable machine producing the loud disco music, turning off the switch. You manage to pick it up, shoving the boombox towards Jaemin.
“Jaemin, I’m begging you, go home! I can’t clean if you are still here, and I want to go home, too.”
He must see the exhausted look in your eye behind all of your annoyance, because he rolls over to you.
Jaemin grabs his boombox again, “Am I too much of a distraction if I sit on the bench?”
He gestures to the bench just outside of the rink, where little kids often tied their laces. For some reason, he just doesn’t want to leave, so you nod your head. 
He sits down, and turns on his boombox again while doing so. He turns the volume down lower, and looks out at you, jokingly saluting you in a promise to not be bothersome. 
You roll your eyes, finally resuming your cleaning. 
As you clean, Jaemin talks aimlessly. He talks about his classes at the local university next fall, and about how he just can’t figure out how to land a specific jump on his skates. 
While you were reluctant to let him stay, his presence ends up being really nice. His voice is soft as it fills the empty building, and as you both walk out to your cars after locking up, you are grateful to have someone by your side. 
It feels a little weird that you are having nice thoughts about the boy who is constantly a pain in your side, but you ignore the slight upbeat in your heart rate when he bids you goodnight.
You throw him a smile as you get into your car, “Goodnight, Jaem.”
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It is once again a slow Tuesday night, and you are almost about ready to fall asleep at the admissions counter. Every so often you are assigned a shift in the ticket lobby, which you don’t mind typically. On a weekend day, you would be busy taking care of admissions for people as they came and went.
The rink is not busy today. 
And you’re about to doze off. 
You sigh. The one day you don’t have a book or a newspaper or any homework to do. 
You find yourself brushing off invisible dust from your new vest and turtleneck outfit when you hear the door chime, signaling a new customer. You look up from your seat.
Of course, it is Na Jaemin.
“Hey, are you stuck out here today?” he asks, his skate laces tied together to rest over his left shoulder.
“Yeah, it's so boring tonight, kinda empty too, but at least that means you won’t plow into a sixth grader again.” you smile.
“That was one time!” he says, also grinning at the memory.
He pulls out some money for admission and you hand him the paper wristband to show he paid and brought his own skates. Just as he is about to walk through the door to get to the rink, he pauses.
“Hey, uh, what’s your favorite song to skate to?” 
“Yeah,” he scratches the back of his neck. He tries to explain his reasoning, “Maybe if I play it on my boombox, you won’t make me turn it off.”
You let out a chuckle, “I’ll still probably make you turn it off.”
“Y/N, can you please just answer the question?” Jaemin seems serious now.
And while you are taken aback by the change from his normally aloof demeanor, you clear your throat, “Okay, umm, I really love that new movie Grease, right now. Have you seen it? There’s this one song that’s kinda slow, ‘Hopelessly Devoted to You,’ and it’s really pretty and fun to just skate around the rink to.”
You flush out of embarrassment for the cheesy song choice, but Jaemin nods with a smile. You ignore your traitorous heart reminding you that you had definitely played your Grease soundtrack cassette tape a few too many times since meeting Jaemin. There was definitely no correlation. 
“That song is nice.” he says, before turning away and heading into the rink, leaving you alone at the ticket counter once again. 
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A few days later you once again are stuck at the ticket counter. And finally, your shift is over. The ticket counter was nice every once in a while, but you feel tired of standing there, especially more than once in a week. You much preferred the satisfying exhaustion that came from being on wheels for your entire shift. 
The staff has mostly gone home, even your boss who just needed to lock up the cash office. You had offered to lock up the building after he left, since you felt like skating for a bit before going home. 
There is something about skating on the wooden floor when no one else is around. It is entirely quiet, with the music turned off, just the sound of your wheels spinning., And peaceful, with the air clear of cigarette smoke and loud screams of children playing. It was calming.
Your calm is interrupted by soft music coming from near the entrance. It’s only when you see Jaemin’s face and his stupidly large boombox that you realize what song it is. 
Your favorite song.
You can’t help the goofy smile that spreads across your face as he skates over, leaving the boombox on the ledge of the rink wall, coming over to you as ‘Hopelessly Devoted to You,’ echoes throughout the building.
He’s mouthing the lyrics as he skates to you, his eyes bright with mischief and something else that you can’t quite place. 
“Hey,” he says once he’s finally in front of you, “Can I join? It seemed a little quiet in here.”
For some reason, this flusters you, as you look at his ruffled hair and jean jacket. “Uh, yeah sure.”
With your approval, he begins skating, beckoning you to follow him. The song ends, but starts up again, and you give Jaemin a questioning look.
“I made a mixtape of this song on loop a couple of times,” he says, running a hand through his hair leisurely, like that’s the most normal thing in the world for someone to do. “It’s nice right?”
It makes you smile regardless. The two of you skate around for a bit, simply going around the rink as you would if lots of people were there. It’s comfortable, you realize, with just the two of you all alone. 
Finally on the third loop of the song, Jaemin comes a little closer, and grabs your hand quickly, as if unsure that he is able to do that. You squeeze his hand in reassurance.
It’s strange, wherever this night is going, but you can’t remember a time that you seemed happier to be at the rink. 
“I recall you mentioning you can skate backwards, yes?” Jaemin asks, after a few moments.
“Yes, of course—” you begin, but stop talking when he spins you to skate backwards in front of him, causing you to let out a slight squeal at the change.
It’s almost like dancing in a way, as he pushes the two of you forward around the rink and you impulsively grip his shoulders to make sure you can keep your balance. 
Eventually, the two of you slow down, and he leads a few spins, which sends laughter through the air and chills down your spine. It's hard to believe just a few weeks ago this boy was the most annoying pain in your side. 
The boombox finally goes quiet after its few repeats of the song, and the building is plunged into silence again, as you stand in front of Jaemin with a small smile and a sweaty complexion. 
The neon lights glow around you and Jaemin’s face turns serious. He readjusts his grip on your waist, sliding ever so slightly closer to you. 
“I’m sorry I was an asshole at the beginning.” he says, just above a whisper to be heard by only you, “I didn’t know how else to get your attention. Finally I changed the plan to this, and I think it’s working out better.”
“The plan?” you ask, your brain cloudy from his proximity.
He has the nerve to look bashful, making his face even more cuter, “I’ve, uh, kinda liked you for a while, and I needed a plan to tell you and see if you felt the same.” 
You smile, moving your left hand from his shoulder to his jawline, stroking his cheeky tenderly. Every piece of him that you touch leaves a burning feeling within your heart, and you finally are thinking you know how to fix it.
With a bold move like when he picked up your hand, you touch your lips to his, letting them sit there for a moment. It’s a chaste kiss, leaving Jaemin to decide what to do next.
He deepens the kiss, smiling as he fully wraps his arms around you and keeps you from sliding away by using his toe stops. 
The disco ball overhead isn’t turning anymore, and the music that typically fills the roller rink isn’t playing, but you’ve never found the rink more spectacular in your life. It’s not the atmosphere of the rink that you love, but the people within.
And right now, the person in front of you is your favorite.
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
Falling Face First
bro i’ve never written poly and there was a request for Lercy so yknow i have to at least try :( anyway here’s Leo being a simp and the reader also being a simp but hiding a little better than inferno boy.   - day
pairing: Leo x gn!Reader x Percy
warnings: I mean it’s poly so??? Fluff omg so dangerous, swearing too but that's the norm for me
imagine being someone who roller skates and dating Percy so going to the skate park for dates + Could I request Leo with a reader who really wants to learn roller skating but is scared to try, since they know they’d be bad at it at first and they’re scared of people judging them for falling/being bad at it? I’m kind of in this situation at the moment 😅 + poly!Lercy aswell, ugh i can't <3 <3 <3 so cuteeee
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You shivered and turned into the warm embrace behind you, feeling their chest rumble as they held you. You could hear Leo’s whining still, unfortunately. He was reluctant to come back to the very spot he made a fool of himself in front of his boyfriend. It seemed like he wasn’t aware that his poorly planned scheme actually pushed Percy into your lives, but you were too cold to explain that to him.
Instead, you reveled in the warmth that came from the tall man, his chin resting atop your head as he spoke, “Leo I don’t know why you’re so hung up on that one moment.” He laughed, “there’s plenty to get hung up on!”
Leo cracked a smile at Percy and waddled over in his skates, sandwiching you in a circle of warmth. Leo felt like a fireplace, warming you up after walking home in the snow, and Percy was comforting, like a couch after a long day of work. Oh my gods, did you just compare one of your boyfriends to a couch?
Percy pulled away first, grinning widely and stomping in place, “C’mon! Before the amateurs get here!”
You and Leo separated, Leo giving him a incredulous look, “I’m an amateur, babe. What are you talking about?”
Percy tugged Leo’s hand into his own, gripping it tight, “Sweet, now I have an excuse to hold your hand.”
You scoffed and held Leo’s free hand, bringing both of their attention to you, “You need an excuse to do that, Jackson?”
Leo chuckled, “You guys, there’s more than enough of me to go around”
You smirked when he lost his footing briefly, increasing his grip on your hand to avoid falling. He never got any better at skating.
 - - -
The cold wind nipped at your nose causing you to bury your face in the scarf you had wrapped around your neck. You definitely were not built for this snowy weather, but you were excited to skate and show up Leo’s egotistic ass. Well not entirely egotistical, but he definitely thought he would be better at skating than you despite having never gone skating before.
When the idea was originally brought up to Leo as date night sort of thing, he was a bit too enthusiastic and said you should go to one rink in particular—even though that was much farther than the one you were thinking of going to. Although you were glad, he wanted to go, you were curious as to why he was set on the rink uptown near the Queensboro Bridge.
“I’ve just heard a lot of great things!” He stammered, fiddling with his camp beads, “Very big, very… icy.”
Turns out it wasn’t just because it was very big and very icy, but because Percy Jackson frequented the skate park not far from this rink. Leo had concocted this scheme of throwing himself in the path of Percy to grab his attention and in turn, you as well.
You hated how much you looked forward to how it would turn out. If it went badly, you could laugh at Leo’s hopeless attempts at flirting. If it did work, well…
So, you sat there, freezing your ass off and tying the shoelaces of your skates. You decided to keep your head down and let Leo do all of the pining, it was what he was good at. He was always the one to shoot his shot first and joke about it if he was rejected, he got too ahead of himself when you actually said yes and nearly rejected himself.
Leo hadn’t put his skates on yet and was looking around for his love interest rather obviously. You were just about to reprimand him for paying too much attention to someone who wasn’t his partner when he hurriedly rushed over to you.
“Shit shit shit he’s actually coming, oh my gods I don’t even have my skates on. He’s gonna think I’m stalking him!”
You laughed loudly and watched your boyfriend struggle to tie his shoelaces, “He’s not going to accuse you of stalking him when you’re just tying your skates, dummy.”
You laughed and glanced around the mostly empty rink, seeing couples skating hand in hand and siblings racing each other on the track. You wanted to skate a few laps before the kids got there and to get used to skating again before you had to help Leo. It wouldn’t do him any good if you were getting used to it while he was flailing about.
“I’m gonna make a few laps, okay?”
You didn’t wait for his reply and stepped onto the ice, pushing off and doing your best to remain upright. It would definitely take you a minute to get back into the rhythm of skating but teaching Leo wouldn’t be that difficult. If he’d let you help him, that is. Just as you were turning the corner at the very end of the rink you spotted a tall, dark-haired guy standing in front of Leo holding his hands as he led him forward on the ice.
You really couldn’t leave him for 5 minutes without him getting into trouble.
You hurried over and nearly knocked the pair over much to their surprise. Upon closer look you realized that Percy Jackson was here just as your boyfriend planned and he was more than happy to assist Leo in skating.
Percy looked up at you with a breathtaking smile, “I was wondering where you might’ve been!” His attention went back to Leo who was overplaying how bad he was at skating, “Leo basically fell flat on his face as soon as he stepped on the ice.”
“Did not!”
You hummed and took one of Percy’s hands away from Leo, seeing him flush at the contact, “How about we share Leo? You take one hand and I’ll take the other, so he doesn’t fall on his face again?”
Leo huffed, “I did not fall flat on my face!” He paused and watched as both you and Percy took his hands, interlacing fingers and feeling how cold both hands were against his own warm ones. He couldn’t lie and say that you weren’t smooth about including Percy in on your plans, but he would still take the credit that Percy came over to help him first. So, he saw it as a win on his part.
Percy’s mind was spinning at the interaction though. He was always attracted to both Y/n and Leo, but when they started dating each other, those thoughts never did stop. He wondered if it were possible to date both of them at the same time. Would they be open to that?
He almost missed the mischievous look Leo shot your way and the smile you sent back, the message behind it though clear to the couple were up for interpretation in Percy’s eyes. He made up his mind that today wouldn’t be the last time he went out with these two and he’ll be going out with them more frequently.
Much to your pleasure, Percy didn’t say his goodbyes after helping your overzealous boyfriend learn how to stay upright. He stayed and talked to you long after Leo mentioned that he needed to sit a down for a bit, accompanying you on your trips around the ice rink. 
You could understand why Leo had a crush on him now, he was too perfect to be real. Of course, you’ve talked to him before, but then it was only in terms of the ongoing war and no real bond had come from that like it had with Leo, though you wish it had now.
He talked animatedly about his little sister, Estelle. He must’ve taken 15 minutes to tell one story completely, but it didn’t matter much to you. You were admiring the twinkle of affection in his sea green eyes and were ashamed to admit that you wondered what it would be like if he looked at you with the same twinkle.
You were so busy looking at him that you didn’t notice a rock on the ice in front of you, although he did. He reached out and grabbed your arm, pulling you to him gently and quickly so you wouldn’t fall over.
“You good?”
You could only nod and give a small smile, your eyes drifting to his lips breifly before coming to your senses. You didn’t want to scare him.
He seemed to notice though and was reluctant to let you go, feeling his face warm up; whether it was from the cold or the interaction he didn’t know for sure.
You cleared your throat and jabbed a thumb over your shoulder at Leo who was doing a horrible job at minding his business, “I’m gonna go check on Lee, he might want some hot chocolate or something to eat soon.”
Percy, finally coming back to his senses stammered out quickly, “I’ll go save us a seat at Astoria’s!” He wasn’t sure if you heard him, but he went anyway, hoping to collect his thoughts if he was away from you for a while.
You fumbled over to Leo who tried to meet you halfway, practically falling into you. His wide grin was infectious and you soon you were doing the same.
“Shit Percy is so cute, dude.”
“See? I told you!”
“My gods you didn’t tell me his eyes sparkled, this is important information Leo.”
“Must have slipped my mind when I was trying secure him as our boyfriend, my dear.”
You took a breath and helped Leo back to the bench so you could both take off your skates and return them. Leo was hungry for Percy content and kept pestering you on the way over, “Well?! What did he say? Was he talking about me? Did he talk about how bewitching my eyes are?”
You scoffed and moved to help him unlace the skates before moving to your own, “Of course he did, who wouldn’t talk about your eyes, babe? He said you had a cute butt too.” 
Leo leaned back on the bench with a quiet gasp, “I knew it.” he mumbled before smiling widely, “But for real, tell me what he said!”
You both stood, intertwining your hands and moving toward Astoria’s. You filled Leo in on the things Percy said, well what you could remember anyway. You were too focused on his eyes to remember every detail.
You were only a few steps from Astoria’s when it finally clicked in Leo’s mind that you weren’t headed home, “Hey wait, why are we going in here--” He made eye contact with Percy who grinned and waved at the pair.
“Why didn’t you say we’re grabbing hot coco with him? I’m not mentally prepared for this.”
“Chill out! Aren’t you supposed to be cool boy supreme or something like that?”
“Right, right.”
The bell on the door chimed as you walked in and headed to the table in the back. Percy looked all too cute bundled up in his blue scarf and puffy jacket, he sat in the middle of the booth so that Leo and yourself would be on either side of him. Which you didn’t mind entirely.
Leo messed with his curls with a small smile, “Hey Perce, I didn’t know you liked hot chocolate.” He blinked at how dumb his own statement sounded but decided to stick with it.
Percy chuckled and leaned forward, resting his head in his palm, “Yeah, yeah I do.”
There was a weird pause and you let out a loud sigh, “Well, sit down already Leo!”
He slid in next to Percy, his eyes looking up at Percy like the tall male just gave him his favorite candy. It was obvious that Leo had already fallen hard for the son of Poseidon and you knew it wouldn’t be long before you followed suit.
After getting some of the best hot chocolate in New York, conversation flowed easily. Leo got to see the sparkle in Percy’s eyes that you were so infatuated with, and you got to see the lopsided smile Leo always seemed to put on his face. It’s a wonder that you all didn’t become close during the war, but with circumstances being what they were, you could understand why it wasn’t a priority to play icebreakers.
“So...” Percy spoke after a short pause.
Both Leo and you leaned in unconsciously to hear what he had to say next, eager to keep talking to this boy for the next 5 hours if he’d let you.
“We should meet again soon?”
You cocked your head in confusion, “Huh? What are you-- are you saying you wanna go out with us again?”
Leo looked toward the flustered boy with interest, “Did you have fun with us today? What was your favorite part-- ow!”
You gave him a look, bringing your foot back to it’s former place. You were pulling for a certain answer and Leo was diverting from him giving it. You’ll apologize for kicking him later; if you remember.
Percy glanced worriedly at Leo but answered you a little nervously, “Yeah like maybe, I don’t know... tomorrow?” After a shocked silence overtook the table he added quickly, “I mean you guys don’t have to and you might already have plans but I have to go soon because my mom made pasta and--”
Leo made a bold move, resting his hand on top of Percy’s and giving a reassuring laugh, “Percy, we’d love to go out with you again tomorrow.”
Percy’s eyes shifted to Leo’s hand and he tried hard to fight the ecstatic grin that wanted to crawl onto his face. He made a quick glance up at Leo’s pretty brown eyes before letting out a happy chuckle, “Cool! We can meet here tomorrow at noon?”
You nodded and shared a victorious look with Percy, “Yeah! Sounds great.”
Another pause, but this one was full of joy from each one of you. Although you could sit in his presence for a few more hours, you remembered that this boy had some pasta to inhale at home.
“Percy, do you need to go? You said your mom was making pasta tonight.”
His eyes widended at your words and looking towards Leo who had moved his hand and scooted out of the booth so he could get out, “Yeah uh, yeah uh I gotta go but--” He slid out and turned to face the table before leaving, “I had an amazing  time guys and I can’t wait to see both of you tomorrow. See ya!”
And he was gone. 
Leo went to say something but you beat him to it, wrapping him in a hug and kissing him firmly on the mouth, “I have never been more grateful for your dorky ass!”
He decided to ignore your remark and relish in this moment for now, both blissfully unaware of the sea green eyes that watched outside the shop. 
Percy had turned back to glance at the couple one last time and saw a scene that made his heart swell up in affection. He grinned and looked away, a silent hope that tomorrow was the start of something new in the back of his mind.
(a/n: bro i’m deadass about to cry bc i wanna date both of them now)
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hyetomi · 3 years
Pairings: gn reader x taehyun
Genre: soulmate au, angst, a little bit of fluff
Warnings: mentions of death, major character death
Summary: Kang Taehyun was so in love with you. You were so in love with Kang Taehyun. You were both in a lovely relationship, one that friends and passersby would always be jealous of. No one expected the ending of the relationship that should’ve lasted forever to be this tragic, though. Alas, happy endings only happen in fairy tales. This, however, is reality.
Notes: not proofread !! im so sorry it's really bad because i'm so busy with school i'll edit as i post this tysm for understanding!
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Dear Taehyun,
Hey, love. How are you? If you’re reading this, that would mean that I’m either gone or I’m nearly there. I hope you don’t miss me too much. You might be wondering: why didn’t I tell you? Well, it’s because I was afraid. I was afraid of everything happening. It all just… went by too fast. One day I was playing Mario Kart with you on the sofa, then I fainted the next. I was so scared. The doctors told me I had an incurable disease which I had since I was a child. There was no more hope for me, unless I got a heart transplant. Of course, I couldn’t. I had 3 months to live. It was hard as it is to find a heart donor. And even if we found one, my parents couldn’t afford it.
So, I lived the next 92 days to the fullest.
I had 2 goals 一 missions 一 to fulfill within those 3 months. One, it was to complete my bucket list. Two, to make sure you know I love you. So, I went around the city trying my best to tick off my list. Roller skating, rock climbing, go-kart riding… I tried (and succeeded) to persuade you to join me in my adventures. Honestly, I wanted to go bungee jumping as well, but my sickness wouldn’t allow me to do so. We had a lot of fun, didn’t we? I was so happy! It might be because the activities were fun itself, but I believe it was because you were there. There is a reason why the universe chose us as soulmates.
Remember when you first met me? I’d be forever thankful that Huening introduced us. Without him, I’d be too shy to approach you and we wouldn’t have met. When we shook hands while introducing ourselves, the glow in your eyes was so pretty. I would do anything to go back to that time. The feeling of meeting your soulmate… I will never forget it. I’m so glad you’re mine, I would have never thought that the boy I had been crushing on would be my soulmate, the one destined for me. 
I never told you why I love you, have I? Buckle up, Tyun. You’re in for a ride.
I first saw you in English class. You helped that one boy in our class and I was literally the heart eyes emoji. I’ve never seen someone so gentle in teaching. When he didn’t understand your words, you explained it over and over to him, not a hint of annoyance crossing your face. If I were you, I’d give up right there and then. But you didn’t. You taught him again and again and again until he understood. I admire your kindness, truly. Not just that, but you’re so pretty! I know you’re probably tired of me saying this every day, but I’m serious about your prettiness. My first impression of you was: ‘So pretty… your eyes are so big… your nose is literally perfect….’ It’s literally illegal to be this pretty, Tyun.
Not only on the outside, but you’re also pretty on the inside. You’re so kind, brave, thoughtful… you’re basically every good adjective out there except I can’t think of anymore because I’m in so much pain. You’re basically perfect. I’m very lucky, aren’t I? I’d like to think I’m the luckiest person in the world because I’m dating you, Kang Taehyun. I mean, no one else would ditch their most important class of the day just to take care of me because I’m sick. Or walk for 20 minutes during Winter only because I wanted my weekly donut. I didn’t even ask you to do these things for me, you did it from the kindness of your heart. 
I’m really sorry. I’m sorry for being sick. I’m sorry for not being able to spend the rest of our lives together. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for leaving you. I’m sorry for everything. I wish that we weren’t soulmates so that you don’t have to bear the pain of losing your soulmate at the age of 19. Maybe, in another life, we could be together again. Maybe then, we could be as free as the wind. In another life, we would be soulmates again. I’m sure of it.
Promise me this: be happy. I don’t want my death to cause you any pain nor stop you from being you. Tyun, you’re one of the biggest positives in my life and I don’t want you to stop being a source of happiness for others. Go live your life, do things you love, be free! But please don’t forget about me. Ha.
I’ll end this letter here. I attached a picture of us in the roller skating rink that I took with the polaroid camera you gave me. There’s still some film left in the camera so you can use it! Take a picture of the stray cat near my house, or of the boys, or my funeral for I care, I just want you to make memories with that polaroid just like I did. Anyways, I love you a lot. I’ll miss you so much, but I will always look after you from above. We’ll meet again when the time is right. I love you!
With lots and lots and lots of love,
Taehyun curls up in a ball in your untouched room. It has been 3 months without you. 3 months way too long. He misses you everyday. He misses your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your hugs, your everything. He hasn’t opened the letter because he holds onto it like a lifetime. He fears that when he does read it, you’ll truly be gone. Without his soulmate, it hurts so much. He wipes his tears away, sniffles, and faces the ceiling, holding onto the polaroid you attached with the letter.
“I miss you. You’re looking after me, right? So you can hear me saying this. I miss you a lot. I miss you more everyday.” he voices out, his throat in pain after crying, voice dry.
He looks across the room to see the desk where you two would usually do your homework together, annoying each other and laughing while the night goes on. There sat the polaroid. A pastel blue one, your favourite colour. Next to it lies your photo album. He still remembers every photo, but he decides to open it anyway.
Although his legs ache, he still walks toward the desk. He grabs the album and flips through every page. He holds onto it tightly, like it might slip through his hands and he’ll lose it forever.
He sighs. Taehyun looks toward the polaroid. He puts the album down and grabs the polaroid softly, sniffling once again.
“I’ll make more memories for you, Y/N. Thank you for everything. I love you.” he whispers.
Taehyun grabs the photo album, the letter and the polaroid, trudges towards the door and pulls it open. He took several steps before looking back onto the now unowned room. He smiles, and closes the door. He sniffles again before finally leaving the house. He takes in a deep breath of fresh air and walks home to try and start a new life without his soulmate by his side.
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Prompt: "It's not a double date. We're just third and fourth wheeling." - Bucky x Reader Ft. Steve x Prism - Words: 1,683
"Please?" Your friend Prism begged you. "It's out first date but Steve's really nervous and, to be honest, so am I, and he'd really like a chaperone and-"
"Ok, ok! I'll do it!" You laughed. She let out a huge sigh of relief and hugged you tightly.
"You're a lifesaver, Y/N!"
Later that evening, you and Prism were heading downstairs to meet up with Steve for their date. "So where's he taking you anyway?"
"Not sure," She grinned. "Oh! And I forgot to mention! He said he's going to bring one of his friends too so it's not too weird. You know, just you? 'Third-wheeling'?"
"A friend?" You groaned as you walked out of the elevator into the lobby of the building. "As long as he doesn't bring-"
"Bucky!" Prism exclaimed excitedly, running up to her other friend. 
"Oh no," You said. "Why'd it have to be him?" 
"Well well well," Bucky smirked. "You didn't tell me you'd be bringing the stupid with you.” You rolled your eyes at his comment but decided to let it go. For now.
“Alrighty, then,” Steve said. “Shall we?” He asked, offering his arm to Prism. She grinned and took his arm, happily walking out with him. However, when you reached the door, Bucky let the door close in your face. 
“Oh I see how it is!” You yell, running out the door as fast as you can. “You want trouble?” You quickly shift into a cheetah and bolt ahead. Turning back as soon as you get in front of him, you pounce on Bucky, knocking him back and growling loudly. 
“What the-” Steve yells as Bucky shrieks girlishly. “Y/N! Down! Now!” You hop off and prance over to the couple, purring happily.
“What was that?” Bucky demands, getting up and dusting himself off. 
“Hi there,” You say, shifting back to yourself. Bucky looks utterly confused and you revel in the feeling. Steve shakes his head and sighs. 
“Ok, ground rules.” You realize that you may have gone a tad too far and so you listen quietly. “You two had better get along at least for tonight. It’s our first date for pete’s sake! Don’t make me regret not accepting Tony’s offer to be chaperone!” The rest of the walk to the restaurant was silent, at least from you and Bucky. You did notice he was watching you warily from the corner of his eye though. Thankfully, it wasn’t a long walk and you got there soon. 
“Oh! Italian! I love italian!” Prism exclaimed. Steve grinned and chuckled lightly.
“I figured everyone loves it, so,” He shrugged. “Safe option.” Dinner too went smoothly and before you knew it, the waitress was coming with the check. 
“One or two?” She asked.
“It's not a double date. We're just third and fourth wheeling,” You spoke up immediately. 
“Oh, well, um,” She stuttered. “I’ll just have to go re-split it. I-uh, hang on.”
“You’re new?” Bucky asked. She nodded nervously. “Just leave it in two.” She smiled gratefully and handed the two men their checks. 
“You didn’t have to do that, Bucky,” You said. “I have my own money too you know.”
“Yes,” He replied as he finished paying. “And I also am about to send you a request for your part of the check.” He tapped a few more things on his phone and you promptly felt your phone buzz. “Not too bad for a centenarian, huh?” You groaned loudly but sent him his money. He looked back at his phone with a smirk. “Finally seeing things my way?” His smile faltered, though, when he saw you’d labeled the payment ‘Medicare Payment’. “Now look here you little-”
“Stop it you two!” Steve growled. “I asked you two to come with us because you’re our best friends. Could you at least pretend to get along for one night? Please?” You both mumbled a quick ‘sorry’, genuinely embarrassed. It was their date night after all. After dinner, Steve decided to take Prism to a nearby roller rink that was, apparently, having a sock-hop night. The two of them immediately hit the rink while you and Bucky lagged behind. 
“I’m not so good on wheels,” You chuckled. Bucky laughed lightly and shook his head. 'He doesn't look so bad when he's happy,' You thought involuntarily. Realizing what you said to yourself, you shook your head slightly to push away the unwieldy thought.
“Me neither to be honest,” He replied. "Steve's always been better so you can guess how lousy I am." You chuckled and gave him a small smile across the table, falling into a surprisingly comfortable silence as you watched your two friends glide across the hardwood floor. Well, Prism glided. Steve, not so much.
A few days later, however, you found the truce from that night had very obviously expired. "What do you think you're doing?" You yelled, storming into the kitchen. 
"Whatsoever do you mean?" Bucky asked innocently, sipping on a cup of coffee as he sat next to Steve and Sam. 
"That is my mug, you dunce!"
"Oh it is?" He replied. "I didn't notice." He took another long sip, holding the mug with both hands to cover the 'Property of Blackmist' stamp on the bottom. 
"Give it back!" You yelled. Trying to grab it from him. Steve went to help you but Bucky slipped out of your grasps. Unfortunately, so did the mug. It went flying across the room and shattered on the floor.
"Doll, I'm so sorry," Bucky quickly apologized. You didn't hear him though, as all you could see was the mug your childhood best friend had given you shattered to a million pieces. You felt yourself get very angry very quickly but it was almost like watching a movie. You weren't really thinking. "Uh, doll? What are you doing?" Bucky asked. Your perspective seemed a little off, like you'd somehow gotten taller, but it didn't really register.
"Yep, this one's on you, Buck," Steve said, patting his friend on the shoulder and booking it. Sam just cackled and followed Steve.
"Ok, since I have no idea what's going on or what you're able to do, how about we just calmly discuss thi-woah!" You came running at him and went to punch him with your left hand. He ducked out of the way and that's when you realized what had happened. You saw a metal fist slam into the wall and felt the pain shoot up your arm. "Y/N?" Bucky called out carefully from behind you. You closed your eyes, consciously forcing yourself to return to normal, and turned around slowly. 
"I'm sorry," You whispered. Walking over to the broken mug you tried to see if it was possible to put it back together. 
"That was pretty special wasn't it?" He asked, still keeping his distance from you. You nodded and explained that Y/BFF/N had given it to you when you were teens. After gaining your powers, you had to move and really didn't see her anymore.
"I don't know exactly what happened. I've never done that before, turning into someone else and not an animal or something like that," You said. "I just got really angry and I guess I lost control of my powers. I'm sorry."
"No, I'm sorry," He said. "I haven't been very kind to you. You're a really nice gal and you do great work. I guess I haven't really given you a fair chance. Can we try again?"
"Alright," You smiled. Walking to the door together, you both were surprised when they didn't open. "Um, FRIDAY?"
"Captain Rogers ordered me to keep the doors to this room locked until you both, quote, 'realized how stupidly in love with each other you are.' To which Mr. Wilson added: 'And get your heads out of your butts long enough for you to realize that.'"
"Well," Bucky said, running his fingers through his hair nervously. "I guess we can use this as an excuse to spend some time together if that's alright?" 
"More than alright," You smiled. "Since we have the kitchen and living room area, how about I whip us up a fantastic brunch and then we play a few rounds of your favorite board game?"
"Really?" He replied, eyes lighting up. "Everyone else usually prefers movies or TV shows." You shrugged, getting out some eggs and bacon.
"Well, it's not that I don't love a good flick, but I guess I'm just old-fashioned that way. I'd prefer to talk over Clue or joke during Scattergories than veg in front of a screen." Bucky ginned widely and went to find his favorite game while you finished cooking. 
A few hours later, Steve and Sam stood outside the locked doors, trying to hear anything from inside. "Captain," FRIDAY suddenly asked. "Would you like to hear the audio feed from inside the room?"
"Yes please," He replied quickly, throwing a worried glance at Sam. "I just hope this was a good idea." Sam shrugged and didn't seem too worried.
"Barnes! You better watch yourself! You're going down!" They heard you yell. 
"Oh yeah? You think I'm gonna let a dame like you kick my butt? Ha!" Now Sam was worried.
"You think we should go in? They don't sound any better."
"I'm not sure, Sam. Maybe they'll work it-"
"No!" You screamed. "No! Stop that!"
"FRIDAY! Open the doors!" Steve was horrified at seeing Bucky pinning you to the ground near the coffee table. However, he was oblivious to the game and food set up around you.
"Bucky!" You squealed. "Stop tickling!"
"No way, doll! You build a hotel on Boardwalk, you pay!" 
"Boardwalk?" Sam mumbled. "Hey!" He called out. "You guys good?" Bucky rolled over, leaning back on his elbows next to you.
"Good?" You laughed, sitting up slightly as well. "We're better than good!"
"We're going steady!" Bucky grinned, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
"Steady?" The two men exclaimed. You laughed at their stunned reaction and grabbed the spare Monopoly playing pieces, holding them out.
"Now who'd like to get beaten at Monopoly Extreme?" 
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noladyme · 4 years
xo - Red (A Clark Kent/Superman oneshot)
Just a really funny; warm; kind; built like an Olympic athlete, with perfect lips friend? Tag-list: @wolf-lover-bookdragon @wonderlandfandomkingdom​
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TW: Fluff. So much fluff. Explosions.
Fifth date. Things were supposed to happen, right? I mean, at least a kiss; other than a peck on the cheek. But he was a friggin’ gentleman; which I couldn’t help but be a little annoyed about; as it made it very difficult to get to the fun part of our relationship. Not that we didn’t have fun, mind you. Clark had an uncanny way of turning my frown upside down.
Ever since I’d run in to him – literally – at that coffeeshop a few months ago. I had left home early, so I wouldn’t be late for my first day at my new job, at the elementary school. I’d been so nervous about it; I hadn’t been able to fall asleep until 3 am; and was now battling exhaustion, nerves, and the fact that my new red shoes were really uncomfortable – all at the same time. I’d ordered a large black coffee; extra strong; and was on my way out the door – the sun in my eyes – when I tripped on the steps; my drink splashing out of the cup.
Suddenly; two strong hands were grabbing my shoulders; and pulling me up to stand. “Are you ok?”, a warm voice said. I looked up, and found two friendly blue eyes looking me over. “Yes, thank you”, I smiled; before noticing the large brown stain on the man’s white shirt. “Oh, crap. I am so sorry!”. He looked down himself; and smiled. “It’s fine. White isn’t my color anyway”. I laughed. “Still, I’m so sorry. Didn’t I burn you?”. The coffee had been scolding; I knew. He smirked. “I’m thick skinned”, he insisted.
He was still holding on to me; and I felt a warmth spreading in my stomach; making me short of breath. “Miss?”. His eyes suddenly looked worried. “Are you sure you’re ok?”. I smiled. “Yes, absolutely. It’s just been… a morning”. He chuckled. “Can I buy you a new cup of coffee?” I simultaneously nodded and shook my head. “Yes… no… I mean, I should buy you one; as an apology”.
He removed his hands from my shoulders; leaving me to stand on my own. “No need for an apology”, he smiled. “But I’ll take the coffee”.
We’d spent 10 minutes sipping at our hot drinks – for which he’d insisted to pay – and talking about what we did for work, and what our favorite movies were; having noticed an advertisement for some superhero movie on a passing bus. Apparently Clark wasn’t a fan of superheroes; but found it hilarious that I loved The Wizard of Oz – being from Kansas himself. Then; Clark had asked for my number, and I’d given it to him. He shook my hand, and we’d said goodbye.
The next afternoon; he’d called me, and we’d gone to see a movie – one about aliens instead of superheroes. He’d still been frowning all the way through it. “It was just really… unrealistic”, he said afterwards over a beer at a local bar near my apartment. He walked me home, declining my offer to come up for coffee; and had given me a short hug, before saying goodbye.
The next time has been a trip to an apple picking farm. “You can take the boy out of Kansas…”, I’d chuckled, as he’d carried a bushel of Granny Smith’s back to his car. “I just really like pie”, he’d smiled. He’d driven me home; and on the way there, told me about his moms pies; and how it was his favorite thing in the world – next to sweet potato fries. When he dropped me off; he leaned in, and kissed my cheek. “Goodnight”, he’d whispered; and I’d bit my lip – and hoped for more. More didn’t happen.
Then there was the quick cup of coffee on both our lunchbreaks; where I’d told him about how I’d sprained my ankle on roller-skates – 3 times in the same amount of years. He’d snorted a laugh. “Well you are kind of clumsy”, he’d said, and removed a strand of hair from my face; putting it behind my ear – before running off for a sudden work emergency.
And lastly; the roller-skating rink. Because I insisted. And he said he couldn’t say no to me. That night, he’d held my hand as we went about the floor; and grabbed my waist several times, as I was about to fall. “Careful, slick”, he’d said. “Oh, is that my nickname now?”, I’d chuckled. “No. I think I’ll call you Red. From those godawful shoes you were wearing when I met you”. It was another kiss on the cheek; and a hug that lingered, and made my knees weak. And then just… goodnight.
So yes. I was just about desperate to kiss the man. He was gorgeous; which at times had made me feel insufficient and a bit self-conscious – but then there was the way he looked at me. His eyes would light up as I talked; as if I was the most fascinating person he’d ever met. Even when our conversation was about cereal, or how one of the kids at my school had put bead up his nose. It was like his eyes drew me in; and then – as my breath would hitch, and I’d part my lips – he’d pull back as if nothing had happened.
I couldn’t help but ask myself; does he just want to be my friend? My really funny; warm; kind; built like an Olympic athlete, with perfect lips friend? I’d decided that I needed clarity on where we were going with our relationship – even if that thought did make me feel like I was living in a sad rom-com, where everyone was always talking about their feelings.
Tonight, it was dinner. Nothing fancy, just a steakhouse I’d suggested. If Clark turned out to just be in it for the apple picking and coffee; then at least I could drown my sorrows in a medium rare steak, with enough bearnaise-sauce to drown a small elephant.
Putting on my favorite jeans, black pumps, and a snug top; I waited for the call to let me know Clark was by the door on the street. He’d never been inside my apartment; and didn’t seem very interested in it either. This isn’t real, I told myself to guard my feelings against the inevitable rejection I’d have to face that evening. We’ll eat, laugh; and he’ll walk me home – and then tell me that he’s got a wife and three kids in Smallville, waiting for him to come home for game-night.
A text message made my phone light up. Hey Red. I’m late. So sorry. Be there as soon as possible. – C
Great. That gave me even more time to just hang out… and be anxious.
No worries, Kansas. See you. xo – R Send… Crap, why did I write xo? What am I; a teenager?
I sat down on my couch. Deciding I needed to pass the time doing something other than stare at the wall; I turned on the television. Landing on the news; I dropped the remote.
In Stockholm, Sweden, the building of a new sky-scraper in an old neighborhood; had made a nearby building begin to crack in the foundation. The old residential was quickly giving in; and families were being evacuated from their homes. There were firetrucks spraying water at the structure, to avoid flames from any electrical fires.
Though it was a terrible situation for those families; I was confused as to why one building falling apart half way around the world, was a breaking news story here. That was until I saw a figure at the bottom of the screen; seemingly supporting the weight of the building on his shoulders. Oh, right! That guy! The Superdude…, I chuckled to myself; and went to see if Clark had texted me back yet.
Nothing. It was probably the xo-thing. He didn’t know how to reply to that.
The news story ended when cameras filmed Superman handing a shaking and wet puppy to a little girl; who kissed his cheek in thanks. I always found it kind of neat, that the flying caped man managed to know where every camera was; so that anyone watching would find it difficult to make out his features. From what I could see; he was sort of cute. If Clark doesn’t work out; I could always throw myself of a building; and have that guy catch me. It must be lonely in that fortress of solitude; maybe he’d like some company.
A text. Outside in 5. Can’t wait to see you. xo – C
xo. He’d written xo. Right. Big girl pants on, and go talk to him.
Outside the door of my building stood Clark; a smile the size of the sun plastered across his face. My heart jumped. He opened his arms; and took me in for a hug.
“Hi, Red”, he breathed. “I’m so sorry I’m late. It was a work emergency”. “It’s fine”, I said and looked up at him; and opened my mouth to say something more – until I noticed something strange.
“Clark?”, I said. He was still holding on to me. “Yeah?”. “This is going to sound weird, but… why do you smell like wet dog?”.
He pulled back. “Yeah… I was doing a story at an animal shelter”, he said. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Let’s go!”, he said, and took my hand.
It was a beautiful night; so we decided to skip the cab, and walk the few miles to the restaurant. We walked down the street, hand in hand. It wasn’t the first time we’d held hands; but then it was because he was trying to keep me from falling. This was different. It wasn’t strange; but warm… familiar. I swallowed hard. “I want to talk to you about something, Kansas”, I said. He looked down. “You don’t want to do that at the restaurant?”, he said with a strained voice. “No, I think I need to do it now”, I answered. He nodded. “Ok. Do you want to sit down?”, he asked; and gestured at a bench on a playground we were passing.
Once seated; I let go of Clarks hand. “What’s up, Red?”, he asked earnestly. “You seem… tense”. He laughed nervously. I smiled. “I like you, Clark. A lot”, I said. “I like you too. A lot”, he smiled. I matched his nervous laughter. “It’s just… lately, I’ve been thinking. About us… and what we are”. He looked down. “Yeah, I figured we’d get to this at some point”. I nodded. “We have fun”, I said. “Like friends. But I don’t know if we both feel like this is more than that. Friendship, I mean”. He sighed. “Right. No, I get it”, he said. “You’re new in the city, and shouldn’t be settling down with anyone serious”.
I looked at him confusedly. “I’m not sure I follow”, I smiled. He took my hand. “You’re an amazing woman, Red”, he said “And I’ve enjoyed spending time with you. But maybe you’re right, and this is a good time to call it quits. If that’s what you want”. My heart fell into my stomach. “Is that what you want?”, I asked timidly. “I want you to be happy”, he said, smiling sadly. “With or without me in your life. I’d just hoped I’d have a few more dates before you came to your senses about me”.
I frowned. “Clark… you need to be clear with me here”, I said. “Are you breaking it off with me?”. He looked at me with a frown on his face. “I thought you were breaking up with me…”, he said. “You suggested that restaurant; and I thought you wanted to be in public when you did it”. I laughed. “No. I just… really like steak”, I smiled.
He exhaled with relief. “Good. Because I was lying. I really don’t want you to be happy without me…”, he said. “I mean… crap… I want you to be happy; I’d just really like to be a part of it. If you’ll have me”. I bit my lip and nodded. “I’d like that”, I said. “I thought you saw me as a friend because… you haven’t…”. I couldn’t finish the sentence. He took my hand, and tried to meet my gaze. “What? Tell me”, he said. I took a deep breath. “You haven’t kissed me”, I said; meeting his eyes for a second; before looking down in embarrassment.
He put his hand under my chin, and raised it to finally meet my eyes for real. “Red, I’ve wanted to kiss you since the moment you spilled scorching hot coffee on my least favorite shirt”, he smiled. “I was just waiting for the right time, and…”. He exhaled and took my other hand; playing with my fingers.
“My life is… complicated. The work I do; sometimes it’s dangerous”, he said. I raised an eyebrow at him. “You write fluff pieces for The Daily Planet”, I chuckled. “That too…”, he muttered and looked down.
I smiled; wanting to ease the tension. “You know, I was watching a news story while I was waiting for you”, I said. He looked up at me with questioning eyes. “Yeah?”. I chuckled. “It was about that Superman guy. He was helping some people; in Sweden I think”, I said. “I was telling myself; that if you didn’t want to see me anymore; I could always just… throw myself of a building, and he’d rescue me. Then I could hook up with him”. He laughed nervously. “What? Like a rebound?”. “More like a… third choice. If you didn’t work out”. He narrowed his eyes at me. “Only third?”, he said. I scoffed. “Have you seen Aquaman? I mean, come on!”, I grinned.
His lips tightened, and he stifled a laughter. “So… if Superman is third… and… Aquaman…”, he raised an eyebrow at me, “… is second. What does that make me?”. I sighed. “The guy I’ve been waiting months to kiss”.
He looked deep into my eyes; and my breath hitched. He put his hand on my cheek; and he leaned in close to me, stroking my temple with his thumb I brushed my nose against his; and closed my eyes, letting my lips part.
Suddenly; he pulled back. “Clark?”, I asked. His eyes were scanning the area; before they met mine again – alarmed. “Red, go home.” “What’s wrong?”, I said. “Did I say something?”.
He stood up and began backing away; his eyes again searching his surroundings. “Listen, go straight home. Don’t stop for anything. I’ll… I’ll call you when I can”. He ran around a corner, and was gone. I heard a strange woosh, and a stray cat ran from the alley he’d gone in to.
I felt suddenly cold. This was the weirdest date I’d ever had; and it hadn’t even really started. Then there was the fact that the guy I was falling head over heels for, finally said he care about me too – and then just… left. That’s it, I laughed to myself. I’m finding a really high building to jump off.
I began walking home. Slowly. I didn’t want Clark to have the pleasure of getting me to do what he wanted me to. Jerk. Not a jerk. Crap; I really like him. More than like. This is real.
I heard a crash, and then a screech; like metal being torn apart. I felt a warm gust of wind, forceful enough to make me stumble. I looked up. Was that seriously a bus flying through the air?
Another crash; this one even closer. I fell to the ground; and was scrambling to get up, when I saw a minivan sliding on its roof towards me. I got on my feet, and bean running out of the way; when something red and blue slammed into the minivan; making it alter its course. Was that?…
I ran towards my block. Red, go home. I’m going; but where are you Clark? Are you ok?
I kept running; fishing my phone out of my pocket, and dialing Clarks number. It kept ringing, but went to voicemail. Hey. This is Clark Kent. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you… beep. Come on, Clark. I need to know you’re ok!
I redialed. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing near me. I looked into a bush; and saw… Clarks jacket? His phone was ringing in his pocket. 2 missed calls from Red – heart emoji. Damn it, Kansas. If I wasn’t so pissed at you; I might think this was really sweet. Where are you?
Screeching�� a car landed on the ground 10 feet from me; the force of it throwing me to the ground again. I got up slowly; rattled from the shock.
I began running again; getting closer to my block.
Suddenly; a tank truck was blocking my path; crashing into a bus-shed. My heart was in my throat, and my chest hurt from having run so fast. I tried turning around, but a bus had crashed into an RV, blocking my path in both directions. I was trapped.
I looked up. The sky was covered in smoke from the many burning vehicles around me. The sound of a large crash made me look towards the truck. Something made the vehicle fall onto its side, and slide towards me with such speed that the shock of it made me fall.
I looked back – there was nowhere to run. In three seconds, I would be smashed between the truck and the bus.
Three… Oh God…
Two… Clark, where are you?
A gush of wind; and I flew in to the air. No… I didn’t fly; I was lifted. My feet were dangling in the air; and one of my shoes fell of, landing on the ground hundreds of feet below me. Someone was holding on to me; his strong arms around my waist; and my chest pressed to his – which was adorned with a red S on a yellow background. What?
I let out a terrified whimper. “It’s ok. I’ve got you”, a warm voice said. I looked up into my saviors face. “Clark?”, I gasped. “Hi”, he said with a crooked smile. I opened my mouth to say something. “Don’t speak…”, he said. “The air is kind of thin up here”.
I looked down; and realizing how far up in the air we were, I panicked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let out a weak squeal. “It’s ok, Red”, he chuckled. “I won’t let you fall”.
He set me down on the top of a building a few miles from the explosions. Once on stable ground, he held on to me for a second; making sure my legs would carry me. I stepped backwards, holding my hand up in front of me. “Y-you…”, I stuttered. He looked at me apologetically. “I know. I should have told you. It’s just… complicated”. He tried to smile.
I stumbled; and fell to my bottom. He took a tentative step forward. “I know. I get it. You’re scared”, he said. I shook my head. “No… it’s… you!”, I said.
He reached his hand out to me. “Please, let me help you up”. I gave him my hand; and he gently raised me to my feet. “Are you ok?”, he smiled. I simultaneously shook my head and nodded. “Yes?”. It was almost a question. He sniggered.
Suddenly I began laughing – the ridiculousness of the situation too comical. “I was supposed to fall off a building; not land on it”, I chuckled. He began laughing with me. “Yeah, I must have gotten those two mixed up”, he said. “It’s like I’ve said; I can’t say no to you”.
I sighed, and gently laid a hand on the S on his chest. “So… what now?”, I asked. He smiled. “I really want to continue what we started on that bench”. I chuckled and bit my lip. “Ok”.
He slid his arms around me – his tall and broad frame almost enveloping me – and I melted into his arms. His face came close to mine; and the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes; where his striking blue ones, boring deep into me.
He tensed up; and when I opened my eyes again, he was frowning, and turning his head, as if listening.
“I’m so sorry, Red; but I have to finish this”, he said. Another gush of wind; and he was gone. “Seriously?!”, I yelled after him.
I made my way down the skyscraper Clark had left me on; where I was met by the sirens of police cars, and people pointing at the sky. I was out of danger – I knew – but no less rattled. I was wearing a pump on one foot, and limping barefoot on the other; until I simply gave up; and took off the shoe – throwing it in a trashcan.
I walked all the way home; confused and dizzy. On my block, people were standing in the streets, murmuring to each other; and looking at the fires in the distance. It was as if there was line drawn through the city. On one side; havoc, and crashed cars – on the other, where I was… nothing. It was as if nothing had been touched.
One of my neighbors tried to stop me in the doorway; noticing the shell-shocked look on my face, and my bare feet. “Were you in that? Are you ok”, he asked. I shook my head. “I’m fine. It’s nothing”, I smiled.
I stumbled into my apartment; threw my jacket on the floor, and grabbed a beer from the fridge – plopping down on the couch.
Well… that was something…
Without anything else to do, I took a large swig of my beer; and turned on the television.
“… explosions in downtown Metropolis this evening; as terrorists connected to the incarcerated Lex Luthor, placed explosives on multiple vehicles, throughout the city…”
Footage of explosions, and scenes of police cars and firetrucks racing down the streets.
“… no casualties, due to the quick intervention of the group calling themselves The Justice League…”
A man who looked like Robocop, pointed at the camera, and the screen blurred. There was a flash of red; and just after it, footage of a group of men captured by a shiny lasso, held by a woman dressed like a Greek goddess. A burning building was drowned in water; and a smirking longhaired man – still hot… – was yelling booyah’s at it.
“… headed by the Batman; and Metropolis’ own Superman…”
I saw the Gotham Knight shaking hands with…
It was Clark. It was always him.
There was a knock at my door. When I opened it Clark stood outside. Not red and blue Superman – just my Clark; dressed in jeans; a plaid flannel; and wearing his glasses.
“Hi”, he said. “Hi”, I answered. “I brought you something”. He pulled out my black pump; the one I had dropped from the air. I chuckled. “Great, now I just need the other one”. He pulled out the other one as well. “It might smell a little. It was laying in a trashcan”. I took the shoes from his hands, and half smiled at him. “I have something of yours as well”, I said, and gave him back his phone, from my jacket on the floor. “Thanks”, he said. “The suit doesn’t really have pockets”.
He clenched his jaw. “Can I come in?”, he asked. I stepped aside, and he walked into my combined kitchen/living room. “You have a nice place”, he smiled. “Thanks”, I said quietly; as I closed the door behind him. His large frame seemed to fill the entire space. “Do you want a beer?”, I asked. He looked at me warmly. “Yeah, sure”. I handed him a cold one. “You can sit down”, I said. “Unless… you pulled a muscle flying me through the sky”.
He chuckled at me, and sat down on my couch. “No, I’m fine”, he smiled. I raised a brow; and sat down on the couch with him – leaving some space between us. “Right; you can lift buildings and stuff like that”, I muttered.
He exhaled, and took a swig of his beer. “Yeah… about that”, he began. “I was going to tell you”. “Why?”, I muttered. “It seems like something pretty big. I get why you’d want to keep it private. Have a… secret identity”.
He frowned. “I wanted to tell you, because I care about you. And I want you to be a part of my life… all of it”. I met his eyes. “Really”. I bit my lip. “You… care”, I said. He reached for my hand; and I let him take it. Our fingers linked into each other. “You’re funny; smart; passionate”, he said. “And you’re beautiful”.
I scrunched up my face in embarrassment. “Ok, now I’m uncomfortable”. “Why?, he said, and stroked my cheek; moving closer to me on the couch. I sighed. “Because you’re… you. The Superdude. You can see every flaw…”. “There isn’t a flaw on your body”, he smiled. I scoffed at him. “I’m serious! Every little thing… the wrinkle between your eyebrows when you’re concentrating… how your one hand is a little bit smaller than the other… that beauty-mark on your back…”. “How did you know about that?”, I interrupted. He smiled embarrassedly. “That loose fitting top you wore on our last date. The dark blue one”, he muttered. “I love all of it”. I half-smiled. “There’s actually two of them… the beauty-marks”, I said. “I didn’t want you to think I was creepy for looking”, he smirked.
“You love it?”, I mumbled. He swallowed. “Yeah, Red”, he said. “I mean… I’ve fallen hard for you”. I giggled nervously. “So, this is real…”, I muttered. “I want it to be”, he smiled. “Do you?”. I nodded, and looked at him through my lashes. “Yeah, I do”, I said.
He let out a relieved sigh, and chuckled “Good… Are you sure?”, he smirked. “I could introduce you to Arthur”. I frowned. “Arthur?”, I sneered. “In that case, never mind!”.
We laughed together; before Clarks face became apprehensive. “And…”, he couldn’t form the words. “Your other side?”, I said. He shook his head. “It’s not my other side. It’s me. It’s who I am”.
I squeezed his hand gently, and placed it on my knee. “I fell for you, without knowing everything you were”, I said. “What I know now… just makes you… better”. His eyes lit up. “Really?”, he half-whispered. “Yeah”, I smirked. “Besides; I kind of like how the suit makes your butt look”.
He raised his brows at me and laughed – putting his free hand to my cheek, and stroking my temple. “Oh!”, he said. “Well… yours isn’t half bad either”. I frowned. “Did you x-ray my pants?”, I asked; narrowing my eyes at him. He tightened his lips. “Not yet… do you want me to? I mean… I’m up for it”, he smiled, and moved his other hand up my thigh.
I chuckled; and put my hand on his cheek; pulling him closer. “Let’s do the kissing part first – we can get to what’s in my pants later”, I smirked. “Unless, of course, you have another superhero emergency you need to tend to".
He closed his eyes and listened; then opened them again. “Nah, we’re good”, he smiled; and his lips met mine.
He tasted like apple pie and sunshine.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch25: Keep it Simple
Chapter Summary: The events of Boston behind them, Frank, Fliss and Mary look forward to Christmas…and Frank has a big surprise planned. 
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut…NSFW and NO UNDER 18s!!!
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
 A/N: So here it is, the last in the series Riding High. Thank you to everyone who has helped and re-blogged and commended in any way. Do not fear, Frank and Fliss will be back in the next instalment of their adventure Riding On
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 24
If you should ever leave me, thought life would still go on, believe me, the world could show nothing to me, so what good would living do me? God only knows what I’d be without you…
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"Mary can you just hold on a second, please!" Frank sighed, grabbing the back of her coat to stop her shooting off into the crowd that streamed down the busy Manhattan sidewalk. "But Frank!" she turned and looked at him, her woollen hat jammed down over her ears "I just wanna see the stall!" "Yeah but you can't just run off!" He grumbled and beside him Fliss gave a chuckle. He turned to look at her "who gets so excited about damned wooden tree ornaments?" "Oh hush!" Fliss leaned up to give him a pack, her cold nose brushing his. In retaliation he pulled the front of her baby blue sparkly bobble hat down over her eye and she shoved him in the chest, laughing. "Fuck you!" "Chance would be a fine thing" he grumbled, taking Fliss’ hand as they headed after Mary. "Awww is that why you're grumpy?" Fliss grinned as they walked "Coz you haven't had any in nearly 3 days?" Frank pouted "No." "Liar..." "Ok, look...Frankie has needs..." he whined "I completely over looked the fact hanging out with an 8 year old in the room would be a cock block." "Always the shower..." Fliss teased and Frank snorted. "Yeah, right. Can you imagine? I give it 3 minutes before she came looking for us." "We go home tomorrow. I'll make it up to you then." Fliss grinned and he sighed. "What?" She laughed. "It’s just...you look so hot in all this winter clothing." Frank grinned. And he meant it. Seeing her wrapped up in a coat, hat and scarf had made her look all cute and cozy...and it had done inappropriate things to him for some odd reason. "Hmmm, you know most men get more turned on the less clothing their girls wear." She teased and he grinned. "Yeah, well, I'm not most men" She gave him a smile which he returned with a soft kiss as they stopped by the stall where Mary instantly dived into looking at the array of ornaments. After a few moments of looking she handed Frank one in the shape of a reindeer stag, and a doe for him and Fliss before selecting a robin for herself. "I think they're so pretty." She looked at the bird in her hand "I saw one at Evelyn's over thanks giving." "Ever heard the saying robins appear when loved ones are near?" Fliss asked. Mary shook her head. "No" "Well, I don't know about here but certainly in England we say it because there is an old belief by some people that a robin is a message from heaven, that a loved one is watching over you." "Do you believe that?" Mary looked at Fliss. Fliss hesitated "Well when my Dad's dad died I was 20 and I remember getting up the morning after he died and there was a robin on the fence of the back garden. Bill told me it was my granddad Alex come to check I was ok." "Do you think it was? Really I mean?" "I dunno sweetheart." Fliss sighed "I'd like it to be true..." "Then you should believe it was." Mary said, looking at her "Because isn't that what faith is? Believing something you want to be true?" Fliss looked at Frank who smiled and gave a small shake of his head. She turned back to Mary, smiling softly as she dropped a hand to the back of her head. This kid was unbelievably wise, but with such an innocence behind it all. "Yeah, I suppose it is." Fliss nodded. "Do you think the robin I saw could have been my mom?" She asked, her eyes wide. Frank at that point stepped in, carefully picking an answer that was ambiguous so as not to say yes, but also not dampening her spirits. "If your mom could I'm sure she would come and see you, make sure you're ok." Mary gave a nod, before she turned back to the stall, her attention back on the ornaments. "We need a dog for Thor, and a cat for Fred oh...and a pony for Monty." "What about Cap and Heidi?" Fliss asked, moving to inspect the selection of decorations. "Oh, yeah!" "This is gonna bankrupt me." Frank grumbled, his hands on Fliss' hips, chin resting on her shoulder as he observed the two of them. "Scrooge" Fliss shot back with a smile "Do you think Verity and Bill will like this one?" Mary held up a snowman. "Absolutely" Fliss nodded. "And can I get one for Evelyn?" She asked, selecting a snowflake. Despite the fact that they were now well into the fifty buck range for fucking tree decorations, Frank couldn't help but want to smile at Marys face. She was so thoughtful, the purity behind it all was, as usual, humbling. So he nodded "Sure she will appreciate it." He smiled. He moved to lift her up so she could hand the ones they had picked over to the guy behind the counter who asked Mary what names she wanted on each one. As she told him, he allowed her to sit up on the edge of the little surface, held in place by Frank to watch as he burnt the names into each ornament before he bagged them up and she took them with a thanks. "Our first family tree stuff!" Mary grinned and Fliss smiled, bending down to give her a hug. They set back off towards the hotel, stopping by a burger joint for dinner before they dumped their bags and returned back out for their final evening in the City. Frank had loved every second of their trip, and so had Mary and Fliss. Seeing Mary's reaction to snow and the Christmas lights had been amazing, along with all the bands on street corners, people walking around dressed up. It was magical and he wasn't afraid to let his inner child come out to play either, as Fliss had just found out. "Whose idea was this again?" He asked as Mary was bouncing up and down in the queue. "Yours!" Fliss scoffed as he took Mary's hand in his right "I seem to recall the very visible horror on your face yesterday when I told you I'd never done it before..." "That’s because it's an abomination that someone who's 34 has never been ice skating." "I was a professional athlete." She shrugged "I was banned from doing anything deemed dangerous " Frank looked at her "What do they consider more dangerous than flying a half tonne animal almost 2 meters into the air?" "Bungee jumping, sky diving, jet skiing, water skiing, ice skating.." Fliss shrugged "just to name 5" Frank shook his head as the queue shuffled forward a little. It wasn't too long now, luckily they had timed it right by arriving 20 minutes or so before the next lot of General Admission to the famous Rockefeller rink opened so there weren't too many people ahead. After another 10 minutes they got to the front and Frank nudged Fliss out of the way as she tried to pay. She scowled at him and he simply rolled his eyes and handed his card over. It wasn't cheap but then, he was in New York. What was? Together they headed onto the ice. Frank, having done it a few times as a kid found his legs fairly quickly and didn't stop himself laughing as Mary's completely went from under her and she landed with a thump on her ass. "Here..." he chuckled, offering her his hand. He pulled her up and moved her in front of him. "Give me your hands..." Mary extended her arms to the side and he took her mitten clad hands in his, holding her in front of him. Fliss was moving tentatively behind him, using the sides for support a little. "Ok slide your right foot forward, like on your roller skates..." Frank said. Mary did as she was told "now left...right...left...right..." He continued his chanting and glanced over his shoulder to see Fliss was concentrating on her feet, her tongue poking out slightly. "You good?" "Yup." She said, raising her hand to give him a thumbs up before she skidded slightly and went down in a tangle of limbs. Letting out a laugh he gently pivoted Mary so she could hold onto the side and offered Fliss his hand. Pulling her up into his arms he held her steady for a moment whilst her laughing subsided. He watched her for a second, her face creasing up into those adorable dimples, eyes crinkled so much they were almost shut and her shoulders shook with the force of her giggles. "I fuckin' love you..." he grinned and she smiled at him. "Back at ya sailor" After another few laps Mary and Fliss had managed to get the hand of it which meant Frank could leave them a little bit as he went off for what he called a proper skate. The girls watched calling him a show off as he crossed his feet and turned, skating backwards a little. Both of them debated sabotaging him and tripping him up but they decided not to, instead they simply pretended they didn't know him, resulting in him grabbing Fliss from behind just beneath the large tree, and spinning her round to face him. "Can I help you?" She teased and he gave a snort. "Yeah, you can... Mary?" He called to her where she was trying to perfect a turn and failing as she almost stumbled again. She looked up and headed over. "Can you take our photo?" "Only if you're gonna kiss..." she replied, making smooching noises. "Well we can’t disappoint her..." Frank shrugged and Fliss grinned, her smile turning into a shriek as Frank quickly grabbed her hips before he took one hand, keeping the other round her back and dipped her so she was bending backwards, planting a sloppy kiss on her lips. She laughed against his mouth as he gave her a wink, before kissing her a little deeper and then setting her upright, his eyes boring into hers which were shining in the Christmas lights surrounding the rink. "Oh that was great!" Mary howled and he turned to face her as she handed his phone back. Frank checked the photo and had to smile, it was a dammed good shot. He showed it to Fliss and she beamed. "A framer?" She asked. "A framer." He agreed. It took them ages to get Mary to finally leave the rink. Even a bribe of hot chocolate, marshmallows and cookies wasn't doing it. Eventually Frank put his foot down and told her it was time to go as it was almost 9pm and they still had that tree to go see before they headed to Central Park for one last walk in the lights. After handing their skates back and retrieving their belongings from the lockers they followed the path to the tree. As they round the corner Mary gasped. "It's huge!" She turned to look at Frank and Fliss, her eyes wide "Oh my God!" Frank smiled kissed Fliss' cheek as Mary walked slightly ahead of them down the walkway that was flanked with smaller trees and the famous lit up trumpeting angels . As they caught her up he slipped his spare hand in his pocket, his fingers curling round the small, leather box inside. The damned thing had been burning a hole in his pocket since he had bought it in Boston just after Thanksgiving. Fliss, Verity and Bill had all stayed for a very pleasant week rounded off with a damned good proper Thanksgiving dinner and the three of them had flown home on the Friday, as Fliss was starting to stress about her business. He and Mary followed on the Sunday after she had been given the all clear to fly after a week’s check up at the Hospital. On his spare afternoon, he'd taken a trip into the city with one goal, and it had been surprisingly easy. The first jeweller he has walked into had a perfect ring, and despite the fact he had visited several others none of them caught his eye like that. So he had gone back and asked the assistant for a closer look. It wasn't a huge rock, white gold and emerald cut with in a pave setting, but everything about it had screamed Fliss. It was delicate and feminine but with a wonderful sparkle just like her. He knew that sounded so lame when he had told the assistant but she has just smiled and told him that if he had that much conviction, it must be right. He had been lost when she asked him what size, but in a sudden inspiration he had remembered the Pandora ring he had bought her when he had gotten his first new pay check as supervisor. He mentioned this to the assistant who beamed and said she could easily size it from that by using a simple conversion chart and told him to come back the following day. His sudden good spirit had fallen as he explained he couldn't do and asked her to see if here was anything she could do, even contemplating taking it and having it sizes back in Florida. But, after the shitty run of events over the last week, his luck was in after she returned 5 minutes later with a slip of paper, informing him it would be ready by the end of the day. When he had told Mary he was going to ask Fliss to marry him, she'd been so excited. She'd asked when, where and when he said he didn’t know she'd given him the most exasperated look on the planet. The only one of his friend who he had confided in, Greg, hadn’t been much help either, simply telling him to do it in a way that meant something to them both. Simply put he just hadn't a fucking clue. He had agonized over how to pop the question. On the boat? Or maybe a sunset on their favourite spot at St Pete's beach? Did he wait for New York? As such, Frank had taken to carrying the ring around with him, waiting for that moment when it felt right. So far it hadn't happened at home and as it stood New York wasn’t faring any better. He had thought about it at the top of the Empire state, but it had been too busy. Then there was a moment in Central Park after they had been snowman building that might have worked...until Fliss had nailed him in the face with a snowball. So they'd had a snowball fight instead. Then when walking over Brooklyn Bridge, the skyline behind them… then when they walked back to the Hotel after seeing the Lion King on Broadway, going the long way round to see the display in Macy's window all lit up...and then that moment before when Mary had taken a picture of them kissing under the tree on the ice rink... but none of it felt right. It didn't feel like the moment for them. But now something stirred in his gut. This could be it. It wasn't too busy, the place was gorgeous, right in front of the tree Fliss had been so desperate to see... Ok Adler, you can do this. Taking a deep breath he pulled the box from his pocket when he heard Mary give a squeal. "Oh...wow! Frankie look..." Fliss' voice was a whisper and she nudged him, pointing to the base of the tree. He followed her gaze to see a blonde haired man down on one knee, presenting a ring to a dark haired woman who had her hands clasped over her mouth. Frank slipped the box back into his pocket and stared at the man as he placed the ring onto his now fiancés finger and did his best to look like he cared when Fliss let out a soft "Awwww" The man looked around excitedly, his eyes falling on the three of them before he asked Frank if he or Fliss would mind taking a photo for them. "Course not buddy, congratulations." Frank smiled. Fucking prick... ***** "It was AMAZING!" Mary gushed to Verity as they walked to the car, Fliss' parents having come to pick them up from the airport. "we saw so much stuff but nowhere near all of it but Frank said we could go back next year in the summer maybe and do a bit more." "Looks like someone else had a good time too." Bill smiled, nodding to Fliss who let out a loud yawn. Frank chuckled "She was up all night, I told her not to have more food so close to bed time." "I wanted a hot dog and a pretzel." Fliss mumbled, "Besides, it's nothing to do with the food...we did a lot of walking." Bill gave a snort "You ride horses for a living, you should be fit enough to walk round New York" "I probably skated about 4 miles too..." Fliss said looking at Mary "Someone wouldn't come off the ice rink" "You been sleeping ok otherwise?" Verity looked at her "I'm fine mum." She smiled "No anxiety?" 'V, she said she's fine so leave it" Bill said gently and Fliss shot a grateful look at her dad. She knew her mum was only concerned but she was fed up of assuring people she was fine. After the attack from John she had suffered a bout of delayed shock which had manifested in a few panic attacks, nightmares, and restlessness at night and on one occasion nausea. Luckily Frank had been brilliant at keeping calm when she had an episode, helping her work through it and the last incident she had suffered had been over a week ago. Once they were all in the car, Frank took the passenger seat after Verity offered it to him, Mary continued to chat all the drive home about New York, Fliss and Frank butting in here and there. They arrived home little after 30 minutes later and Fliss headed up the steps with Mary, Thor almost sending the pair of them flying when they opened the door. "Oh puppy I missed you!" Fliss smiled as she gave him plenty of attention and he kept licking her face, whining and emitting quiet little barks. "Did you miss me? Did you?" "Yerress" Frank did his best Scooby Doo impression as he walked past and Fliss let out a laugh, as she stood up and headed into the living room behind Mary, bumping into the girl as she stopped dead, giving a squeal as she saw the Christmas Tree in the corner. "Mum, Dad?" Fliss called, smiling "I take it you did this?" Frank appeared behind them both, smiling as Fliss and Mary exchanged a glance before they all turned to Bill and Verity who were stood in the doorway. "Well we know how much you like to get your tree up as early as you can and, well we were picking one up for ourselves so we got you one. You don’t mind do you?" Verity, looked at Fliss then Frank. "No, of course not!" Fliss grinned. "Saved me a job." Frank nodded "Thanks guys." "Can we decorate it tonight?" Mary asked "Pleeeeeeeaaaasssseee Frank!" Frank glanced at his watch before giving a sigh, he knew she wouldn't go to bed if he said no anyway so what was the point? Plus she was at the University tomorrow which didn’t start until 10 so... "Ok, but if you so much as grumble tomorrow morning when I get you up you'll be in deep trouble." He looked at her sternly as she stooped to pick Fred up. "Cross my heart, hope to die, we all know Fred's got one eye..." she chanted off, nodding. "We brought your box of decorations from the annex." Verity smiled at Fliss, nodding to the box on the floor. "We thought you could pick what you want to keep now you're combining."
“Speaking of decorations…” Frank said, looking at Mary.
“Oh…yeah…hang on…” She said, running to the sofa where she had dumped her little pink rucksack. She fished out the paper bag they had gotten from the stall and found the Snowman they had bought. With a smile she handed it to Verity who looked down at it, her face curling into a smile as her eyes started to prick with tears.
“Fliss said you wouldn’t mind the names Mary wanted on them.” Frank said, watching carefully.
“Of course we don’t mind!” Bill smiled, picking Mary up to give her a hug “We are Nanny V and Poppa B ain’t that right kiddo?” “Yep!” she grinned, hugging him.
“We’ll save it to hang tomorrow when you come over after school.” Verity said as Bill set Mary on the floor and she hugged her tightly.
After a little more chat Verity and Bill left and Frank instructed Mary to change into her Pyjamas before they did the tree. Deciding that was a good idea, Fliss did the same and before long they were all in the living room. Fliss and Mary going through the boxes of decorations, Frank wrestling with the tangle of fairy lights. How they managed to get so fucking knotted up after simply being in a box for 12 months was beyond him.
He had just about managed it when Thor came over to inspect what he was doing, and dropped straight onto his back on top of the string.
“Thor…get out of it…” he grumbled, pushing the dog who simply rolled over, taking half the lights with him, tangling them round his legs and his tails. “Jesus Christ…stand still…for fucks sake…”
Thinking this was a huge game, Thor started to bounce around, barking, and Frank shook his head. “Fliss, sort this mutt out….” Fliss gave a laugh and dropped off the sofa, calling Thor to her. He sat down, allowing Frank to remove the lights before he stood up, shaking them out. Together the 3 of them wound them round the tree before they made a start on the decorations.
“Frank got me this for my first Christmas.” Mary said, hanging a red bauble which had her name on it. “The glitter has all fallen off it now.”
“We can add more if you want.” Fliss looked at her and Mary shrugged.
“I kinda like it.” It didn’t take them long, and their wooden trinkets from New York were the last ones they hung, Mary ensuring they took pride of place. Frank then lifted her up so she could place the star at the top before they stood back.
“Ready for the big turn on?” Frank asked, grinning. Mary and Fliss cheered and began a countdown from 5. When they hit 1 Frank hit the switch and the lights on the tree came to life. He stepped back, looking up at it, his arm curling round Fliss’ shoulder, his other dropping to Mary as she grinned.
“Best Tree ever.” she smiled.
“Yeah, and now it’s time for the best bed ever…” he looked at her.
“Seriously?” Mary complained
“No moaning, remember?” Frank instructed her. “That was in the morning.”
“Well I just extended it to now as well.” he said, shrugging “Because I can, so get…” “Fine, fine, I’m going…” she grumbled. “Night Fliss.” “Night sweetie.” Fliss dropped a kiss to her head before Mary shot a filthy look at Frank who met her with a passive one of his own.
“I’ll be in in a second.” Frank shot after her, watching as she headed down to the hallway. He turned back to Fliss who was watching the tree, a smile on her face.
“Not exactly up to Macey’s standards…” Frank chuckled and she shook her head.
“I love it.” “It looks like an Elf threw up on it.”
“All trees should be like that.” Fliss shrugged, before she gave his cheek a peck. “Now, you go sort Mary and I’ll get us both a beer.” “Actually…” he said, looping his arms round her waist. “I believe there was something else you promised me tonight…” “Oh, yes, of course, Frankie has needs…” she replied with an almost uncanny impersonation, which made him snort. “Does that mean no beer?”
“No beer.” “You want me to wait in bed.” “Yes I do.” he nodded “Go, I’ll let Thor out and lock up.”
Grinning she accepted his kiss and smiled as she turned around, casting him a quite frankly sinful look over her shoulder which almost had him hard right there and then. Not wanting to wait a moment longer he sorted the dog, locked the door, poked his head into Mary’s room to wish her goodnight, and headed into their bedroom. Fliss was hanging her jeans in the closet after having simply discarded them on the bed earlier, and wasting no time Frank pulled off his T-shirt, tossing it to the side before he stepped up behind her, spinning her round to face him. He pressed his lips to hers, deepening the kiss as he slid his hands down to cup her ass and she smirked into the kiss.
“I like your ass.” he muttered. “I like yours too” she said back, “And your arms”
He laughed and pulled back to look down at her as her fingers trailed up his biceps. “My arms?”
“Yeah, your big, strong arms, and your big, broad shoulders and your stupid, handsome face…” she muttered, pulling him back down to her. In between the dizzying kisses Frank steered her towards the bed, and as her legs collided with the edge he stopped to gently trail kisses across her bare collar bone. His lips found her jaw and then, with a wicked quirk of his eyebrow he reached down for her thighs, and grabbing them he pulled them forwards, causing her to fall backwards as he pitched them both onto the bed. As she laughed he chuckled slightly before he kissed her again, and then it was a scramble to get out of his clothes as fast as he could before he fell back on top of his girl, his hands pulling up her camisole top, lips kissing at the spot just below her ear before he slid down her shorts, his mouth gently kissing a trail up from her belly through the middle of her breasts, up her neck and finally back to her mouth.
Fliss was utterly lost now, in the usual whirl of love, and lust and passion and kissed him back, hard as his hand gently dropped between her legs and he felt her slick against the tips of his fingers as he gently coaxed at her clit, continuing until she was nothing short of a writhing mess clawing at his back, aching for him. They locked eyes as he took her left hand in his, and slowly worked into her, both moaning simultaneously at the sensation, Fliss’s eyes rolling back at the exquisite stretch inside. Frank began to move his hips slowly, deeply, his thrusts weren’t measured in the slightest despite the fact he was absolutely aching for her. He wanted to take it slow, end what had been an amazing trip in the same mood it had started in, absolute pure love.
His mouth moved back to Fliss’s neck, nipping gently at her skin and she let out low moan as he picked up the pace ever so slightly, his spare hand kept hold of her hip, keeping her as close to him as she could possibly be.
“Fuck, Frank, right there…” she groaned as he hit her spot and he smirked slightly, he loved the way she got like this with him, ever so demanding at times, such a far cry from the timid woman he had fallen for the previous year.
“Yeah?” he panted as she gave a soft cry, her body tensing underneath him “Good.” “So good…” she moaned, arching her back. His mouth found hers again and his hand slid from her hip to gently tease her nipple and she rolled her hips to grind up against him, changing the angle slightly causing him to go deeper.
“Lissy…” he panted as he drove into her deeply, slowly, and then again and again, his pace increasing ever so slightly. Every single sense Frank possessed was on fire and he broke the long, lazy kiss that they were sharing to stifle a moan against her cheek when he felt her clench around him, a tell-tale sign she was nearing her release. The sheets rustled underneath and around them both as his hips pushed up against hers, and Frank saw Fliss’ head tip back, her throat bared to him in utter bliss as she came hard, her moans soft and breathy into his ear. Frank picked up his pace slightly, chasing his own end as he pushed her through hers, and when he felt that snake in his belly beginning to unravel, he gave a low grunt which morphed into a gasp as he clung to Fliss, spilling himself into her, his hips slowing to a stop as he collapsed forward. Fliss gave a soft chuckle as her hands gently slid up his back and into his hair, as she moved and pressed a soft kiss to his head.
“I know I keep saying it but I really do fuckin’ love you Cowgirl.” he said, voice muffled as his face pressed into her neck.
Fliss gave a chuckle “I’ll never tire of hearing it Sailor. “
He moved to look at her, flashing her a grin before he caught her mouth in a sweet kiss. **** "You still not managed it?" Greg asked as they stood at the bar, waiting for their drinks. Frank sighed and glanced at Fliss who was sat with Bonnie in the booth, the pair of them sniggering at something. "Do you see a ring on her finger?" He looked at Greg. "No" "Well there's your answer." "What's the hold up, man?" Greg frowned. "Nothing has felt right." Frank sighed "she won’t want a huge fuss in front of people so that basically ruled out all of New York...bar one moment when I thought it was time, in front of the tree at Rockefeller...and then some douchebag went and beat me to it, proposing to his girl whilst we watched..." "You're over thinking it." Greg said, looking at Frank "Take a step back. When are the pair of you at your best? The time you enjoy most, I mean" "Honestly?" Frank shrugged "at night when Mary's gone to bed and we finally sit down and just watch TV or joke around." "Well there you go." Greg shrugged "What, at home?" Frank frowned "Why not?" Greg looked at him "the point isn't to be showy or flashy but to show her you wanna spend the rest of your life with her." Frank pondered this for a moment. Greg has a point. They were at their happiest doing the simple things, spending quiet time together, being fucking normal. Fliss loved it when they curled up and Frank would simply cuddle her close and kiss her head, easy signs of affection that she had craved all through her wreck of a marriage. And Frank loved it too, because it made him feel grounded, time for him to simply be Frank in his own right, the very thing he used to use his Friday night drinking sessions for. Now he could feel it every night, thanks to Lissy…
And then, suddenly an idea came to him, out of nowhere.
Oh, it was perfect! "Greg..." he smiled, slapping the man on the back "you are a genius." "Glad I could be of service." Greg smirked "This means I get best man duty, right?"
Frank smirked at him, shrugging, not giving anything away. His eyes flicked back to Fliss who had now stood up, Simon having returned to the table sliding in next to Bonnie. Frank’s eyes travelled up her bare legs, from her high-heels up to the short little pink playsuit she was wearing, which was printed with black palm trees and other patterns, the small straps settling on her tanned shoulders, the front showing him just enough cleavage. She was wearing a black butterfly necklace that she had bought in New York and her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders in soft curls. Her brown eyes locked onto his and he smiled as he remembered the last Circle Of Truth Christmas outing the previous year, when he had told her he loved her for the first time. And here they were, now 5 days away from their second Christmas together.
“Hey beautiful” he smiled as she reached his side. His arm curled round her and he pressed a kiss to her cheek “You ok?” “Yeah, just thirsty.” she smiled. “Can I get a water as well as my gin please?”
“Sure…” he turned to look at the bar tender who was pulling their drinks together. Once he had attracted his attention and added a bottle of water to the order he turned back to her as Greg spoke up.
“Frank said you enjoyed New York.” “Oh, it was fantastic.” she smiled “Every bit as magical as I thought it was going to be.”
“Good, I’m glad you all had a good time.” Greg smiled “You deserved it after everything that went down.” “Yeah well, he’s banged up now. His brother is going to go down for Endangerment or whatever it is you call it, its’ done, it’s over.” Fliss smiled, “We got the rest of our lives ahead of us now.” “Well, if that doesn’t call for shots then I don’t know what does…” Greg smirked as the bar tender placed their drinks in front of them.
“No, Greg…” Fliss started to protest but Greg cut her off.
“Yes Greg!” he smirked, turning to the bar tender, “Can I get a bottle of Tequila pal and 8 glasses.” Fliss groaned “I’m teaching at 9 am!”
“Dumbass…” Greg looked at her and Frank gave a snort.
“I told you to switch them out…”
“I can’t!” she pouted “I already did for Boston and New York…” “Well…” Greg smirked as the bar tender set the bottle and glasses down in front of him “Looks like you’re doing it with a hangover honey.” “Fuck my life…” **** Fuck my life indeed. Fliss spent the following morning throwing up, groaning once more that she was never drinking tequila EVER again. Frank reminded her of how many times she had said that over the time he had known her and she’d simply let out a huge fake sob and thrown herself face down on the bed again declaring that she didn’t want to adult anymore as it sucked.
The days before Christmas passed in the usual chaos. Presents were wrapped and stashed under the tree, more drinks were had with Friends. Evelyn visited for a few days, which had actually almost pleased Frank a little. She wasn’t staying for Christmas, her arrangements having already been made, but she had hinted that maybe next year she could, to which Frank and Fliss had both agreed. She had been taken with Mary’s gift to her and had laughed out loud when Bill and Verity had presented her with a case of Malbec, the same Malbec she’d smashed a bottle of over John’s head. Her gifts to them both had been a substantial chunk of money, in the thousands, and when Frank had protested at the amount on the cheque she had waved it off as 8 years of owed presents. Mary’s was wrapped so it was placed under the tree for Christmas morning. Evelyn headed back to Boston on the morning of Christmas Eve, Frank and Mary driving her to the airport instead of her driver, where they had both bid her a Happy Christmas and waved her goodbye as she headed off to spend it with her friends in Newton.
After the final preparations were made Frank, Fliss and Mary collapsed onto the sofa for a Marathon of Christmas Films. Mary was, as usual, excited and the copious amounts of chocolate and candy she was shovelling down weren’t helping either, but what the hell, it was Christmas after all.
"You ok?" Frank glanced at Fliss as she sat on the other side of the couch. Love Actually was playing, the final film of the evening before Mary went to bed. Fliss, however didn't look like she was paying attention. "Huh?" She looked at him, blinking. "I said are you ok? You look like you were miles away"
“Yeah, sorry, I was errr…just running through things in my head, making sure nothing was forgotten.” Frank smiled. They were hosting Verity and Bill tomorrow as Steven and his family were at his wife’s parents for this year, flying out instead of the 28th to spend New Year’s with them all. Fliss had asked Frank if they could host, as she’d never had the chance to do that before and of course he had agreed, not least because of the excited look on her face when she had asked.
“The table is set, food and everything is ready to go…” he chuckled, looking at her “Just relax…”
He reached round Mary, his hand gently rubbing at Fliss’ back and she smiled at him, turning her attention to the TV.
20 minutes or so later the film finished and Mary jumped up, grabbing Frank’s hand to make him dance to God Only Knows as the final closing scenes played out. He smiled and picked her up, resting her on his hip as he twirled her round to the song, the pair of them laughing before he eventually dropped her down and told her it was bed time. She scooted off, Fred trotting behind her, his tail swishing as she skipped and Frank headed in about 5 minutes later to tuck her in, before he came back to the living room.
“She wants you to go and say goodnight.” he smiled,
Fliss nodded and stood up.
“You sure you’re ok?” Frank asked.
“Yeah, honestly, I’m just tired.” she assured him. Giving him a kiss she headed up the hall and Frank watched her go before he smiled to himself, and set about quickly putting the last touches to his plan.
She came back about 10 minutes later and he smiled at her as she walked into the room.
“OK, now she’s out of the way…I got something for you...” Frank smiled.
Fliss looked at him before she shook her head, chuckling a little “I got something for you too…Frank, I have-” “Me first.” Frank cut her off.
She looked at him for a second, his bright blue eyes were shining as he grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.
“Fine…” she smiled, “Ok, you first.” He grinned and then folded his arms “You gotta find it.” “What?”
“It’s hidden, on the tree, and you gotta find it.” Her face lit up as she gave a laugh “You are such a dork!” “Yeah, I know…” Narrowing her eyes playfully she moved to the tree, glancing at it. “Ok so it’s not very big then, seeing as I can’t see it straight away.” Frank shrugged as she continued her search.
“I haven’t put it high up, seeing as you’re a short ass…” “I’m perfectly average for a woman thank you.” “Trust me baby girl, nothing about you is average.” he winked and she let out a snort.
“Charmer.” she grinned, turning back to the tree.
“Ok, you’re miles off…” he said, and she moved to her right “Gettin’ warmer…warmer…ok, yep, nearly there…” Fliss continued to search, and then something caught her eye. There was something shiny handing from the nose of her Doe ornament. She stepped forward slightly, and when she realised what it was her right hand flew to her mouth. Frank’s breath caught in his throat as she spun to face him, her eyes wide.
"You, me and Mary have been hanging out together since August last year now...” he said, clearing his throat slightly “How do you feel about hanging with us forever?" He watched, holding his breath as Fliss' chest heaved with emotion as she looked at him, those brown eyes he could happily stare at all day were full of tears, the hand which had flown to her mouth in surprise was now shaking as it slid to the spot beneath her throat, that dip in her neck that he could nuzzle at forever. "I'll hang with you for as long as you'll have me..." she whispered, taking a deep breath. "Is that a yes?" Frank inhaled sharply and a watery laugh burst through her tears. "Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes!" Frank's face split into a huge grin "shit..." he sputtered before she threw herself into his arms and he lifted her up easily, her legs wrapping around his waist as he held her close, kissing her neck. She pulled back and placed a kiss to his lips, long and short pecks being shared as she laughed and he laughed, the pair of them simply lost in the moment until eventually he set her down and with a shaking hand he reached out to retrieve the ring from where it was hanging. Taking her left hand in his, with a deep breath he slipped the diamond onto her finger.
Fliss looked at it, admiring the way the delicate band sat underneath her knuckle, the beautiful diamond twinkling in the lights of the tree.
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"Oh Frankie...it’s gorgeous..." she whispered, before she looked at him, taking his face in both his hands and pulling him down for a deep kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." He smiled, kissing her again before he pulled away, his hands linking behind her back. 
"I err, got us some champagne." He smiled, "I know it was presumptive of me but figured we could have it tomorrow if you turned me down." Fliss looked up at him, blinking before she took a deep breath “First I need to get you…just wait here…” He released her from his hold and she turned and headed out of the room, Frank watched her go, blinking for a moment before he shrugged and headed to the fridge, the smile still plastered on his face. She said yes! 
Not that he had doubted she would, not really, but there had always been that little bit of fright she may have done. But that was all gone now. As he popped the cork on the bottle he found himself thinking about how he would be doing that soon enough on his wedding day. He poured 2 glassed and headed into the living room with them wondering if maybe a late Autumn wedding next year would be nice, October perhaps when it started to cool off slightly. They could do the beach wedding she always wanted, hire a marquee... Lost in his thoughts completely he jumped a little when Fliss spoke his name and turned to look at her as she stood in front of him, the back of his thighs brushing against the sofa slightly. He noticed her hand was in her pocket, clutching something. Playfully he nodded towards it “I assume that’s not a spanner." He chuckled, referencing the joke they often shared and Fliss shook her head, biting her lip. "No it’s a bit bigger than that" With a shaky hand she pulled out a small, white stick of plastic and held it towards him. It took Frank a moment to understand what it was and as soon as he did his eyes widened and he looked at her, then it, then back again.
"You're...we're...no!." he stuttered, reaching out to take it from her. "I found out this morning." Fliss whispered, watching his reaction carefully "I suspected last week but thought it might all be down to stress and stuff but..." "How, I mean..." "I should have started a new pill packet when we went to Boston but I forgot to take it with me. I thought I'd be ok if I started as soon as I got back but..." "There's a baby in there?" Frank cut her off as he stumbled over his words, nodding to her stomach "Yeah" Fliss nodded. "You put it there." Frank's legs grew shaky and he dropped onto the sofa, staring down at the test in his hands.
2 blue lines. 2 blue lines that had just changed his world forever. "I'm sorry, I know this is sudden and I should have been more careful..." Fliss took a tentative step towards him and he reached out, his hands on either side of her hips, gently pulling her t-shirt up. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her belly, his forehead resting just above her navel. "I'm gonna be a dad." he pulled back, his eyes watering. "Frankie, you already are." Fliss said, her own tears once more springing forth. "I know you hate it when I say that about Mary but it's true." He looked at her, a dazed smile split his face into two as he pulled her onto his lap, where she straddled him, and he kissed her, hard, leaving her slightly breathless before he rest his forehead against hers. "Fuck, Lissy." he whispered, his eyes closed "You're cooking a little person..." She spluttered a laugh, nodding, her forehead brushing his as she did. "Was it made in Boston...is that the right word?" He pulled back to look at her and she laughed, brushing her hand through his fluffy hair as his gently reached out to rest against her stomach. "Yeah and most likely." "It's a little Boston Bean" he grinned and she laughed again, pressing her lips to his. "You're ok with it then? I know it's probably not what you would have planned but..." "Ok? Of course I'm ok!" He smiled "I love you and the thought of us making a little person that's half me, half you...fuck, it's amazing." She smiled and nodded, her voice a whisper "I know..."
"There is one problem." Franks said, his arms wrapping tightly around her. "What?" "You just ruined Christmas forever...because nothing is ever gonna live up to this ever again."
****** Fliss, Frank and Mary’s adventure continues in RIDING ON
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rightsockjin · 4 years
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Summary:  Jimin spent all of his time practicing for the performance at roller rink on skates. And he means ALL of his time. He was a little frustrated to say the least. Won’t someone lend him a hand? Or possibly... a mouth?
Genre:SMUT! Tiny fluff if you squint.
Warnings: HARD BLOWJOB YALL! Female oral receieveing and giving. Partially public. Slight Exsobitonist. Sexual activities in a public bathroom. Loud Jimin! Slight soft Dom. Mentions of “ruining” reader. Little experiences reader. Panty theif! Gagging. Oppa!
Word count:4,444
Author’s notes: I’m so soft for Jimin:( This turned out much sweeter than I intended but I'm not at all mad at it.  Its kinda cute and I'm down for it.
 Jimin’s pants were long and wide at the bottom so that his skates would be partially covered by the fabric. It wasn’t necessary. It wasn’t like his boss was harping him about wearing bell bottoms. On the contrary, he usually got reprimanded for his choice in pants because it was out of uniform, but Jimin thought that it gave him a little umph! It made him look like he was gliding across the roller rink. He looked ethereal. At least that’s what they had told him. Duh its jimin
        But, he thought as he looked at you as your mouth bobbed up and down on his shaft and soft moans caught in your throat, there was no way he looked anywhere near as majestic and ethereal as you did under the fluorescent lights of the food stand.
        His toned thigh muscles clenched as you sucked your cheeks in and pushed your head even farther down on his shaft. A high pitched moan was ripped out of his plush lips. A little bit of drool embarrassingly dripping from the corner of his mouth. His thick hand was placed gingerly in your blown out hair, every once in a while tightening and guiding you up or down.
        A little bit of saliva dribbled down from your mouth. You noisily slurped it up. Normally, you would try to keep it down in a place so public but after Jimin had performed his elaborate routine, the entire place emptied and the cameras couldn’t see behind the counter and had no sound, so you weren’t worried.
        “Fuck!” And it seemed that neither was Jimin.
        His feet were covered completely by the dark jeans, his green and white bomber jacket hung on the back of the metal chair that squeaked every time he jolted against your hold. And Jimin was one of those men that like to thrust up into your throat. You gagged as he thrust particularly hard into the soft part of your throat. The muscles constricted around its more than average length.
        “Yes baby right there,” he groaned, forcing past your reaction. His hips flush against your lips. You squeezed your thumb in your hand, a hail mary that you had read about somewhere on the internet that was supposed to stop you from gagging too harshly but Jimin’s erection was too hard and too thick for it to work.
        Slightly disappointed, you tapped his thigh so he would let you up for air. Jimin held you for only a second longer. Then his hand let go of your head and he situated his ass back on the squeaky chair effectively pulling a good amount of his erection out of your mouth. You pulled your head up the rest of the way. He slipped out of you ungracefully, coated in your spit, gleaming with the purple and blue of the lights.
        Not wanting to pause his rising pleasure, you wrapped your hand around his shaft and gave a few experimental pumps. It was slick. Despite how much your throat hurt after how deep he’d pushed his member in your throat, you couldn’t help but salivate at the sight, wanting to take him back in and make him make those pretty noises again.
        “uhgnh, damn it, Y/N that’s it. How are you this fucking good at this? Even your cute hands feel better than anything I’ve ever had before…ngh…yes fuck.”
        Jimin panted, his chest rising and falling exaggeratedly. Like he’d just finished one of his four hour long rehearsals and the song he’d chosen was fast and his choreography was  extremely difficult. You had been there before, your mouth watering and your panties soaking through. There was a sort of allure that Jimin had when he was dancing on his skates. A grace you could never hope to replicate and damn it all to hell if it wasn’t the sexiest thing you had ever witnessed.
        Now you got the chance to do all of the nasty things that you had dreamed of. The fantasies you had on those numerous days watching from the side lines. Park Jimin was wasted on a place like this. If only he would audition for a company of some sort. But that was a conversation for another time.
        “Don’t stop,” he breathed, his eyes closed slightly, his lips hanging open.
        “Jimin,” you whimpered, collecting the precum from his tip on your thumb.
        “Yes baby?”
        With what looked like a great deal of effort, he raised his head and looked down at you. Your smirk was confident. Ready to please. And who could blame you when you had Park Jimin in your hands?
        Your eyes locked on his, you made a show of sucking the precum off your finger. It was salty, like the popcorn that sat behind you under a lightbulb to be kept warm even though no one ever bought any. Who wanted salt when they were sweating?
        “Are you teasing me?” He asked, his smirk mirroring your own.
        You shrug, tightening your hold slightly on his penis. It twitched in your hold and he bit his lip, holding back what looked to be a painful moan. You planted a soft kiss on the underside, letting your tongue roll on the same little section before you popped off of it.
        Then, with a cheeky smile you said, “Maybe.”
        Jimin laughed deep in his chest. His whole body convulsed. You jerked your wrist and twisted slightly as he chuckled. Almost instantly, he choked on his own laughter, his muscles once again tightening. His dick twitched in your hand. What you would give to ride him right then and there on the loud ass chair, but as it was, you were kneeling so the cameras couldn’t see you. It would be too suspicious if they caught you on tape.
        “If you would have told me you were this good, I would have fucked you months ago,” Jimin said through clenched teeth as you experimentally licked the tip of his dick like the Lollipops that you always bought from the snack stand so you could have a brief conversation with the sexy roller skater when he wasn’t on the rink.
        “I’ve had lots of practice,” you joke, your lips partially on his member.
        Jimin opened his mouth to say something but suddenly, he straightened, his back ridged and his eyes wide. Without hesitation, he yanked his green and white bomber jacket and threw it over both yourself and his exposed sex.
        Your heart began to race as you heard heavy footsteps walking up to the candy counter. You were caught. There were no if’s and’s or but’s about it. Would you get arrested? Would Jimin lose his job?
        You didn’t dare move. You forced all of your consciousness to your hearing, hoping you could hear anything that would tell you in how much trouble you both were, but what you heard made your blood run cold.
        “Great job today Jiminie,” a nasally voice that you would recognize anywhere said. It dripped with honey that to you felt tainted with what could only be described as bitterness.
        “Hey! Jess! I uh…you too,” he said, moving the chair farther under the counter. You shuffled back on your knees awkwardly, careful not to hit anything and give away your position.
        Jess. So that was her name. The many practices that you’d attended had been plagued with her as well. She was Jimin’s partner after all and, to your dismay, his ex-girlfriend.
        “Well we do make a good team,” she gushed. You scrunched your nose at that. Sure, she was a graceful dancer but she was a shit person. Any time you had tried to politely compliment her on anything she did, she’d shut you down by simply ignoring you and you had noticed that she tended to do this to any girl that spoke to her.
        “But then again, we have a,” she paused and you imagined her biting her lip and pushing her boobs together in that knotted crop top with the flouncy sleeves she’s worn for the day to entice Jimin, “special understanding of how our bodies function together right…Jimin?”
        You growled under your breath, Jimin shifted uncomfortably also understanding what Jess had meant.
        “Y-yeah, ri-right,” he laughed trying to defuse the tension he clearly felt. Just then, you realized that you still had his very much erect member in your grasp. This was your chance. She had hers and whatever the reason be, you were not going to let it slip through your hands.
        You gave his erection a solid tug. His reaction was instantaneous. He jumped in his seat, the chair scraped against the concrete floor. His legs began to shake. You imagined his pretty lips formed into a surprised ‘o’. His puffy eyes wide.
        “Got you thinking, huh?” Jess said, her voice smug. You rolled your eyes knowing that no one could see you.
        Jimin’s member hardened even more. Rock hard, maybe even painfully so. A smile tugged at your lips as you leaned in and blew softly on the sensitive skin.
        A hand found its way to your head once again but this time, he was pushing you away from his sex instead of onto it but you weren’t going to give up. The material of the jacket slipped over your hair smoothly letting you get closer towards your goal.
        “Ha, yeah uh Jess so you think we could-ah,” you licked a thick wet stripe from the base of his dick up to the tip. He was leaking like crazy. Begging you, basically, to suck him off.
        “Wow Jimin,” Jess breathed clearly thinking that his reaction was for her and not for your skilled tongue, “I didn’t realize you missed me that much. Hey,” she said conspiratorially as you licked another strip up his shaft, “why don’t you and I take off of work for a bit. No one’s around…I can take care of you if you are…up to it.”
        Without even giving him time to think over her suggestion, you opened your mouth wide and let his penis fall back in where it should have been this whole time.
        Jimin hissed from above you. A tiny, almost inaudible moan, vibrated in your throat as you closed the seal and sucked wantonly. A vein in his cock pulsed against your tongue. Jimin’s legs fell apart as if to give you more room. He’d already started to buck his hips slightly into your open mouth but this time you were determined to see it through to the end.
        “Sound like a good idea? You don’t have to say it Park Jimin. I can read you like a magazine. Meet me in the men’s room in five. I have some naughty things planned for you.”
        You let go of his erection and grabbed onto his thighs so that you could pull the last inch of his length into your mouth. Jimin tensed so violently as your gag reflex kicked off once again. It convulsed around the sensitive tip.
        “Shit,” he nearly yelled. From the annoyingly sweet giggles, Jess thought that was for her as well. You found solace in knowing that it wasn’t. Knowing that the reactions he was having were solely for you and the things you were doing to him.
        It was only when the footsteps had faded and in the distance you heard a door close a little too loudly that Jimin pulled his jacket off your head. The sight he was met with was nothing more than what he considered pure heaven. Your nose was flush against his hips. Your hands wrapped loosely on his thighs. He pulled your hair out of your face so he could more clearly see your features and were it not for his experience and many a night masturbating, he might have cum right then and there.
        Determined to keep his mind on you and not on the quick fuck he could have in the bathroom if he chose to, you began to bob your head again, this time making sure that his tip hit the soft part of your throat every time. Jimin opened his legs wider still, nearly flat to the back of the chair, to give you more room to work.
        You would have smiled had your mouth not been preoccupied. Quiet, delighted sighs rang in the air with the sound of a song that you hadn’t heard before. The lights in the roller rink dimmed slightly and a disco ball dropped down. This, you only knew because you’d seen it happen enough times in a day.
        You reached under your chin and cupped his balls in your small hand, steadily massaging them. Instantly, you felt them constrict in your grasp and Jimin’s hips, which had been lightly bobbing in time with your head, stopped entirely. You had little to no warning as he pushed your head down onto his disco stick and hardened more in your mouth. You hadn’t even thought it possible but his length fell heavy on your tongue and the inside of your cheeks. Your eyes watered as a shot of cum was pushed down your esophagus, then another and another and possibly one more. You weren’t sure. You’d zoned out so that you could stop yourself from fully barfing on him and weirdly enough, it had worked. As the last stripe of hot cum hit your throat, you pulled your head off of him and sat back on your heels, your mouth full.
        You waited patiently for Jimin to catch his breath. He was sweating slightly. The heady scent of his cum and sweat was doing wonders for your libido. Finally, with heavy lids, he looked down at you and without hesitation, you opened your mouth. Filled with his white seed, you displayed your mouth full before you winked, closed your mouth and audibly swallowed it whole.
        “You’ve got to be joking,” he groaned, covering his pretty face with his ring clad fingers, “fuck you’re so hot. Get up.” He instructed.
        You tilted your head to the side like a lost dog but he gave you no further explanation. He took one of the hands resting on your jean clad legs and gently pulled you out from under the concession stand. Now that you were out in the open, you felt a little bit self-conscious about what you had done.
        Quickly, Jimin tucked himself into his underwear, still as hard as could be, and buttoned his pants. He tossed his jacket over his shoulder, his hand firmly grasping yours as he led you towards the bathrooms. Panic took over as he neared the separate restrooms, thinking he might make you have a threesome with that awful girl Jess, but with a quick wink in your direction and a shrug, he b-lined for the women’s restroom and locked the door behind him.
        Your heart calmed slightly, glad that neither you nor him were going to go to the men’s room. That is, until he turned to look at you with lust dripping from his eyes. His bulge strained against his tight jeans. All for you. The white of his shirt had become slightly patchy in some areas due to sweat. The chain around his neck hung between his pecs, his nipples clearly erect. He was sex incarnate.
        “What are we doing in the bathroom Jimin?” You asked innocently, hoping for what could only be described as the opposite of such.
        “Fuck, Angel,” he laughed taking a couple of steps towards you, his heeled boots clicking against the tiled floor, “we’re here for your turn.”
        Your doe eyes widened. Heat flushed your cheeks and excitement filled your veins. When you had propositioned Jimin earlier that day, you hadn’t thought it would lead to anything. You weren’t even expecting him to reciprocate or to even remember your name, but life was full of surprises and you had clearly done something really great in a past life to be standing there, in a roller rink bathroom with the king of sex himself, offering you a chance to fall apart at his tongue.
        “I’m going to ruin you, Angel,” he whispered, taking your cheeks in his hands and rolling your head on your shoulders. You let him maneuver you, too weak to think for yourself. He pushed your back onto the sink which had a barney purple rim around the outside that served as a table. Before you could sit yourself though, Jimin took his jacket from his shoulders and set it down as a barrier between what would soon be your bare ass and the sink table.
        “What a gentleman,” you joked, placing your hand over your heart and blinking rapidly at him.
        “Always,” he joked, squatting down so he was face to face with your jean button. He glanced up at you, making sure that you were okay with what was about to happen. You nodded eagerly, his hands working of what seemed to be their own accord to unbutton and unzip your bell bottoms. He grabbed onto the part of the jeans that began to fan out then tugged roughly.
        You held onto his shoulders and let him maneuver your pants off of you. Your heeled boots didn’t put up much of a fight. He neatly folded them and placed on the baby changing station for safekeeping and again you were struck at his thoughtfulness.
        It was when he turned around that you froze realizing that you had picked the most unsexy pair of underwear you owned. They were pure white, and high waisted like the pants you had been wearing. A tiny little bow sat right at the center of the elastic that was holding it in place. You blushed, wishing you could go back in time and tell yourself to choose literally anything other than these granny panties.
        Jimin stared at your choice of undergarments for what felt like years. His expression was blank, like he couldn’t quite make up his mind about what he wanted to do or say. You sighed, dejectedly pointing at the door. Your head down so you didn’t have to see the lust melt away from his body.
        “If you want to go with Jess instead, I understand.” She was more experienced than you were, and she had been right about one thing. She knew how Jimin’s body worked and while you had found your way around him fairly well earlier, you felt he might have more fun with someone who knew what they were doing.
        “Are you kidding me? And miss unwrapping this pretty little present? Angel, did you wear this just for me?”
        In one step, Jimin was before you, his thumb and forefinger tilting your chin up to look him in the eyes. A devious look present in his brown irises that you couldn’t place.
        “You don’t think they’re…”
        “Not even a little bit. I told you, Angel,” Jimin began, his hand traveling slowly down the valley of your breasts until it reached the elastic of your panties, “I’m going to ruin you.”
        Then he bent down, wrapping his arms around your thighs and carrying you up and onto his bomber jacket. He positioned you so that you were close to the edge to make it easier for him when he kneeled down.
        Without warning, he leaned in and took a deep whiff of your core. Humiliation thrummed through your muscles. You fought your instinct to close your legs, wanting to enjoy what he was doing.
        “Shit you smell good… and you’re so wet,” he said, more to himself than to you but the praise made you feel a little less self-conscious about the situation, “I wonder if you taste as sweet as you smell.”
        His lips pulled over his white teeth. He planted soft, open mouthed kisses on the inside of your thighs as he hooked two fingers on the elastic of your underwear. On pure instinct, you pushed yourself up off your butt, holding your weight on your palms so he could slip them off your body. He balled them up and tucked them into his pants pocket with a cheeky smirk.
        “Ready for me, Angel?”
        You barely nodded before he’d leaned in, and with his eyes locked on yours, licked a thin line up from your entrance all the way to your clit. Maybe it was all the tension from before or the fact that you were inexperienced but his tongue felt like a mixture of all the good and bad things in the world. It was wet and warm and shot a spark of something equally pleasurable and painful into your stomach.
        “Eugh, fuck you taste just like honey,” he commented, diving in once again, this time flattening his tongue so it covered more surface area. Your legs convulsed at the sensation. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before. It was smooth and yet somehow rough. Wet but not unpleasant. He did it again, pushing it harder against your folds as It got closer to your clit which you could feel pulsating with the need to be stimulated.
        “How does that feel, baby? Good? Is Jimin oppa making you feel good?”
        You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head as he flicked his tongue a couple of times over your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your muscles burned with need. You wanted -no- you needed more.
        Jimin sucked the top section of your lower lips into his mouth and a loud kiss noise echoed in the restroom.
        “Answer me, angel. I need to know that what I’m doing feels good.”
        “Ngh- yes,” you whimpered, trying to keep your legs open as he rubbed the middle of his tongue on your clit over and over again. The pressure was building quickly. You wouldn’t last like this. And maybe that’s what he wanted because next thing you knew, he chuckled against your pearl then clamped his plump lips around it. You felt him pull your legs over his shoulders rather than saw him because the pleasure was too strong, too pure for you to keep your eyes open.
        You locked your heels behind his head as an obnoxiously loud moan was ripped from your throat. You felt two of his fingers push your slit open only to circle your sopping wet entrance. The anticipation was killing you. You needed to be filled.
        “Please Jimin oppa,” you begged in a high pitched breathy moan, “please touch me.”
        A guttural groan vibrated against your clit. You saw stars behind your eyes as Jimin plunged two fingers into your wet opening. He worked you open slowly, his tongue and lips never letting up. Your toes began to curl and uncurl in your boots. Your thighs were shaking on his shoulders as you got closer and closer.
        “Oppa,” you gasped, “I’m about to- ah,” and it happened. You could only see white behind your closed eyelids. You could feel Jimin’s fingers relentlessly pushing in and out of you at a good pace to help you ride out your orgasm. Over stimulation set in so quickly that your head spun and your body twitched. Your legs flew open trying to push him off of you with blind gestures and groans and moans.
        Jimin got the message and pulled his lips off your sensitive skin and slowly pulled his fingers out of your entrance. He stood, towering over you. He brought his fingers up so that you could see them and spread them wide like your legs had. Thick strings of your arousal clung to them, falling into his rings.
        “Wanna share?” He asked, sucking his index finger into his mouth and licking it clean. He moaned erotically, like it was the best dish he had ever had, then held out his middle finger to you. Hesitantly, you opened your mouth wide enough for him to slip his finger in between your lips.
        To your surprise, he had been right. You did taste sweet, almost like honey with a little bit of musk or something you couldn’t place. You greedily sucked all of your essence from his finger before you let him pull it out of your mouth.    
        “That’s a good girl,” he praised turning the fossette on and quickly washing his hands, “did you like it, Angel?”
        “Mhm,” was all you could manage as he turned over and grabbed your pants. He began to slip them on each of your legs when you realized that he hadn’t put your underwear back on. You pointed this out to him, with curious confusion and he only laughed.
        “Those are mine now. What am I supposed to do the next time I need some help and you’re not around? Be a good girl and pull your pants up for me.”
        You weren’t exactly happy about having to forgo your undergarments, but a part of you found it incredibly hot that he wanted them so you sucked up your pride and stood, pulling your pants up and buttoning them. It was slightly uncomfortable, especially since you were still a little sensitive from your orgasm but when Jimin placed his bomber over your shoulder followed by his hand, you didn’t remember to care.
        You smiled up at him, and he smiled down at you. A gleam in his puffy eyes, made you want to ravage him again.
        “Next time,” he whispered in your ear, “I’ll show you what I can really do.”
        Next time. There would be a next time! Jimin unlocked the bathroom door and opened it at the exact same time as the door to the men’s room opened. Out came a very confused looking Jess, her shirt unknotted and her hair seemingly disheveled. When her eyes landed on Jimin’s arm around you, her features turned to anger.
        In a burst of confidence, you reached into Jimin’s pocket and pulled out your white panties. You waved them around like a flag, smirked at her shocked expression, then tucked them back into his pocket so that they hung out slightly. You wrapped an arm around Jimin’s waist before you sent a wink her way.
        Jimin only chuckled as he walked you back to the main lobby. People were starting to come back to the roller rink. Jimin sighed, pushed the underwear farther into his pocket and clicked on the giant outdoor sign as it had started to get dark.
        “I’ll call you later, okay, Angel?”
        “You better,” you confirmed, turning to leave as the first customer opened the door.
        Jimin greeted them with his usual greeting as you walked out into the night, “Welcome to Dynamite Roller Rink, what size skates can I get you?”
Read the rest here!
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so I joined a sk8 server recently, and @lo9lziz shared a headcanon involving the sk8 boys doing karaoke, and even though i hadn't been in said server for very long and wasn't very active, i felt like i just HAD to write this fic. i just had to. so here you go dudes
here's the ao3 link if anyone's interested in that!
The karaoke place was loud.
There were a lot of people in the lobby that night, their ages ranging around about late teens to early to mid-twenties. Some of them were squealing and shouting, others were just talking loudly. There was music playing on some sort of speaker that didn’t seem visible to the eyes of the public, some sort of loud, denpa music playing loudly.
It was all way too much, so much noise. It made Langa’s brain hurt, with the loud noises echoing through his skull. He gripped his arms tightly, his fingernails digging into his pale skin.
The Canadian felt a familiar hand on his shoulder. Reki.
“Are you okay? Is it too loud?” Reki’s voice was reassuring, with a caring tone, that reminded Langa of his mother, yet was still his best friend and crush. When Langa nodded, Reki dug in his hoodie pockets, putting some earbuds in his friend’s ears. Music started playing through the buds, one of the songs that Reki would play while they were skating. It might not be relaxing to others, but it was to Langa.
“Better?” Reki asked, taking Langa’s hands in his own, smiling as Langa nodded. “Good. I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
Langa mumbled a thank you in English before looking around. “I didn’t know there were places like this here in Japan.”
“Oh yeah, there’s tons of karaoke joints here,” Miya chimed in, glancing up from a sort of menu with bright neon colors on it. “This particular place is part of some karaoke lounge chain. Karaoke is a really big deal here for some reason.”
Langa nodded, looking around the lobby. There were lots of neon colors and bright lights, and the carpeting looked like it belonged in an 80s style roller rink.
“Okay kids, does anyone want any drinks before we go up to the room?” Cherry called out, adjusting his glasses slightly. “Feel free to get any drink you want, provided it doesn’t have alcohol.”
“I’m cool with whatever,” Miya mumbled, staring at a poster on the wall.
“I’ll have a cola!” Reki shouted, grinning widely.
“I’ll have what Reki’s getting.” Langa held on tightly to Reki’s hand, which felt warm and comforting.
“Ewww, get a room you two.” Miya teased, smirking as Reki shot a look at the younger boy.
“We are. The karaoke room.” Langa shifted his weight from side to side, still holding Reki’s hand.
“You’re fucking with me, aren’t you.”
“Language, Miya,” Cherry scolded, handing the boys their drinks. “C’mon. We have the room on the top floor for the next hour and a half.”
The earbuds came off once Langa was in the elevator.
The room had plenty of open space, most likely because Cherry didn’t want the gorilla (Joe) to take up a tiny ass karaoke room. There were couches and some tables, and some sort of phone that looked like a common landline on the wall, with a laminated copy of the menu from downstairs hanging on the wall. There were several microphones on the table, which was near a small yet decently sized stage in the front of the room, next to a large TV on the wall. Langa noticed some sort of tablet-like object on a table, and picked it up, staring at the screen.
“How does this…” Langa mumbled in his native language, tapping on the screen. He didn’t even know what did what, he was just pushing buttons, since everything was in Japanese, and reading it was in no way his strong suit.
“Hold on, bud. I’ll show you the ropes.” He scooted over to Langa, pointing out the buttons and translating them for the Canadian. “This button shows you what songs are most popular, and if you click here, you can filter them by language and genre. And this button shows you all the songs they have in that specific language.”
“Wow, you’re really familiar with this, Papa,” Miya noted, sipping his drink.
“Of course he does. The thirsty gorilla probably drags girls here all the time,” Cherry muttered, shaking his head as he sipped his cherry cocktail. Of course, this spiraled into a fight, which proceeded as normal, aside from the fact that Cherry was already slightly tipsy.
“Should we do something?” Reki asked. “I mean, I’m used to them fighting, but I don’t want us getting kicked out…”
“Eh, I’m pretty sure they’ll settle things after—”
“Reki. Miya.”
The sudden, unnatural tone change in Langa’s voice caused the both of them to turn their heads. Langa showed the screen to them, where bright as day, the song Sk8r Boi was highlighted.
“Oh my God, they have it on here!” Reki’s smile was so wide, you would have thought his face was going to split in half. “Miya, c’mon! We gotta sing it!”
“You think I was gonna pass it down?” Miya grabbed a microphone and bounced onto the stage. Langa queued up the song, going onto the stage next to Reki, the opening notes of the song beginning to play. Joe and Cherry stopped fighting, glancing at the small stage. Reki was doing a dorky little air guitar riff, Langa awkwardly trying to copy him while Miya bounced on his toes.
“Oh God, not this song again,” Cherry groaned, rubbing his temples. “I was hoping they didn’t have it here… fuck, are we going to be hearing this for the next hour?”
“God, I hope not.” The muscled man looked at his kids. “Don’t tell Reki I said this just now, but his singing’s kind of awful.”
“I mean, we’ve heard worse,” Cherry sighed, tilting his head back and chugging the rest of his drink. “Remember our freshman year of college? We went to a party in one of the bigger karaoke bars, I think somewhere in Tokyo, and we had a singing contest?”
“Do I? Man, that guy sounded horrible. I wanted to throw up five seconds in.”
Cherry chuckled, leaning back. “That was fun. We were fun.”
“Hey! I’m still fun!” Joe shoved Cherry playfully.
“Yeah. But we have kids now. And two out of three of them are dumber than you.”
Joe decided to let that one go for now, glancing back at the boys.
The three of them were dancing around wildly as they sang, bumping into each other and nearly falling off the stage. Langa clearly had two left feet, his dancing making it look like he was having some kind of seizure, while Reki was fairly coordinated in his movements, though it clearly looked like he was trying to match up with Langa, even somewhat.
Miya sat down on the stage after the song was over, panting softly from the intense singing and dancing. Langa took the little song selector thing, swiping through the songs, looking for something to sing.
“Let’s join the kids.” Cherry announced to Joe, standing up and stumbling slightly, tugging Joe’s giant arms, trying to pull his childhood best friend to his feet. “C’mon, you big assed gorilla.”
“You’re drunk off your ass, aren’t you Karou?” Joe stood up, trying to support Cherry as best as he could.
“I’m just tipsy. And I can be fun again,” Cherry pouted, pulling Joe to the boys. “Boys! We wanna sing.”
“...you’re drunk, mom,” Langa commented.
“A brilliant observation, snow slime,” Miya scoffed.
“C’mon, what’re we singing?” Cherry smirked, grabbing a microphone and flipping it in his hand.
“I was thinking something like—”
“NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP!” Reki shouted, loud enough to make the room shake, maybe. Langa jumped slightly, Miya returning the shit-eating grin that took up almost all of Reki’s face.
“I’ll sit this one out,” Miya giggled. “I wanna record this.” He pulled his phone out, hitting record as Langa searched up the well-known rickroll and pressed play. The familiar tune played through the speakers, and nobody looked at the TV. They knew the words by heart, thanks to a certain snow-haired teenage boy.
It was pure chaos on the stage. Langa was doing his weird seizure-like dancing, Joe was taking up a good portion of the stage, and Cherry and Reki were tied for the loudest voice in the room, though the latter was singing horribly, and the former had no shame, being drunk.
Miya was trying his hardest to not laugh his cat whispering ass off. This was going to be pure gold when he showed this to Cherry the next morning, especially if the calligrapher didn’t remember jack shit.
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mylutteoheart · 4 years
Fic day 4: Should I Love You Or Hate You?
Another day, another simbar fic, this will be the last one of the week. I didn’t plan for this ending but I wrote it anyway. Anyway, enjoy some lovestruck Ámbar.
Prompt:  “Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge.” –“Can I pick?”
find my other fics here
Ámbar woke up excited today. Today is the day that her and Simón started dating 5 years ago and she couldn’t wait to celebrate the anniversary with her boyfriend. It’s weird how Simón made her feel. He made her feel loved and special and because of him, she wanted to do the right thing. It’s was different but refreshing.
She never thought she could be happy like this but she had no complaints. She’s been in relationships before but none of them felt like this, none of them made her feel like she wanted to be a better person. She looked forward to what the future has in store of her but that was a worry for later, she needed to get ready for the day.
She was curious about what he had planned and he seemed to have big plans, he had to stop himself every time from saying anything about it. His excitement was contagious, she never really cared about this stuff before. She loved getting gifts but the anniversaries didn’t seem all that important at the time, all that mattered was that she was dating the most popular guy.
In other words, Simón turned her world upside down and her priorities had changed. She no longer wanted to be the best in everything, all that mattered was that she had people who love her by her side, who support her.
She had a hard time finding the right outfit, nothing seemed right to her. She looked at every  outfit she owned and none of them were good enough. She looked and looked until she found a pastel colored dress at the back of her closet. The skirt was made out of lace and the top was strapless. She picked out a pair of white pumps, it was her favorite pair and put on some make-up. She didn’t want to overdo it because she still had no idea what they were going to do.
Simón still had to work today so she decided to pay him a visit at the Jam & Roller, she couldn’t wait until tonight. She had missed him and all she really wanted to is hold him. It always brought her comfort.
When she walked into the cafeteria, it was pretty crowded. Nico and Pedro were running around, there seemed to be a lot of customers today. That wasn’t the thing that was so unusual, the fact that Simón was nowhere to be seen was unusual. He told her he had to work today, he had an early shift. Why did he tell her that when it wasn’t true? It left an unsettling feeling inside of her. She didn’t like all the reasons she came up with. But she knew she couldn’t jump to conclusions. Simón loved her and he wouldn’t just lie to her like that. He would never do something like that to her.
So she decided to wait it out and see if he may be late today. She sat down at the table and ordered a drink. She tried to hide the anxiousness she felt and she seemed to do a good job at it since no one came to question her.
As the hours slowly passed by, the unsettling feeling inside of her started to grow bigger and she started to fidget with her clothes and hair. She tried to call and text him a few times but she got no answer.
This was definitely not like Simón and she started to get scared. What could be so important that he didn’t even answer a text.
To try and get rid of the negative feelings growing inside of her, she decided to go skate for a while at the rink, it always made her feel better and she hoped it would do the trick this time as well.
What she didn’t know was that Simón was just as anxious as her but not for the same reasons. He wanted his surprise to be perfect and he needed all day to get everything right. Luna was helping him and tried to calm him down because he was so stressed about it all.
He wanted to do everything he could to make her happy because he knew she never felt loved in her life and now he did everything in his power to show her how much he loved her. He didn’t mind showering her with affection, he loved doing it as much as she loved receiving it and it just worked for them.
After a whole day worth of work, he took out his phone to check his messages and was surprised to see that his girlfriend tried to reach him several times. He felt guilty for not thinking of her trying to contact him. He was too focused on getting everything right. He tried to call her back but it went to voicemail and he hoped she wasn’t mad at him for ignoring her all day once she saw what he did for her.
It was time for their date and he called Pedro to see if he knew where she was since she still wasn’t answering any of his calls. It seemed that she was still at the rink skating and he decided to go to her in person and give her his surprise.
It was near closing time for Roller so the cafeteria wasn’t nearly crowded as before and she was relieved. She couldn’t handle a big crowd right now.
“Ámbar, how are you?” asked Pedro once he spotted her.
“I’m fine” she simply answered, not feeling like talking.
“How was skating?” he tried to keep up conversation to keep her here so his best friend didn’t have to look for her.
“Great” she kept up with the short answers, feeling dejected about how the day turned out.
That’s when Simón crept up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She gasped when he kissed her on the cheek, not expecting the sudden contact. But as soon as she felt the arms around her, she knew who it was.
She didn’t return his embrace because she was a little mad about how the day turned out and she kind of blamed him for it.
“Hey, bonita” he greeted her warmly with a loving smile on his face.
She didn’t respond and he knew she was mad.
“I’m sorry for today, Ámbar but I have a perfectly good excuse for doing what I did” he waited for her response and when he didn’t get any, he continued, “Would you please give me the chance to show you why I didn’t go to see you today. I promise you that it’s worth it.”
“Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge” she couldn’t resist saying since she was so conflicted about what to do.
“Can I pick?” he heard the teasing tone in her voice and decided to tease her right back.
She felt her resolve weaken when he said that and gave him a short but mind blowing kiss. It left him dazed, this was definitely unexpected.
“Now, what are you waiting for?” she continued teasing him, trying to get him out of his daze. She loved the effect she had on him still.
This was enough for Simón to smile again and he took her hand and pulled her with him to the exit. She couldn’t help but let a giggle escape, his excitement really was contagious.
Soon enough, they were at the garden of the mansion and she was surprised she didn’t notice anyone walking around carrying stuff for the set up that stood there. There was a big screen in the middle of the garden with a blanket laid out in front of it. It seemed they were all kinds of home cooked meals that laid on plates around the blanket. There were Mexican specials but Argentinian specials as well. Rose petals were scattered around on the grass. Her breath got stuck in her throat, it was a beautiful sight in front of her and she couldn’t believe he did all this.
“What’s all this?” she asked and looked up at him and saw that he was looking at her to gauge her reaction.
“Happy anniversary, bonita” he smiled at her.
“This is amazing, Simón” her eyes watered, this was the most beautiful thing anybody’s ever done for her.
“After you” he gestured for her to sit down and she sat down, Simón following closely after.
As soon as they got settled, he started up the big screen and a video started to play. In the video, there were all kinds of pictures and videos of them together as a couple. She looked at all of them with a big smile on her face.
After the video ended, she turned to him and saw him holding a tiny, square box in front of him and she held her hand in front of her mouth in surprise.
When he opened the box and she saw the ring inside of her, her eyes started to water again. “I know I was a bad boyfriend today, bonita but I want to know that I didn’t mean to do what I did today but this moment, right here, had to be perfect. I was so focused on getting it right that I forgot how you must feel and I’m sorry but I love you so much and I want to show you just how much. I want to show it to you for the rest of my life so Ámbar Smith, will you marry me?” he said.
She was speechless so she ended up kissing him and taking the breath right out of him. It didn’t last long, but it still left them both a little lightheaded. “Is that an answer for you?” she said after the kiss and all he could do was smile.
He put the ring on her finger and they spent the rest of the night eating the homecooked meals and laughing together. This definitely was one of the best anniversaries they both had.
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 020
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: Hello everyone. Thanks for clicking in to read. Billy and Evie continue to explore their new relationship together. Max's fourteenth birthday party marks a change for the teens, reminding them that danger isn't too far off. TW: Neil being Neil. Mentions of abuse. Something close to an almost assault/abduction off screen near the end. Light mentions of Pica & fatphobia. Sexual themes
***My tag list is wide open, just shoot me a msg to join it! Chat with me about the chapter if you have the time! Enjoy! xoxo 
Chapter 20: Rose Tint My World
  “Hold still, I’ll poke your eye again.”
   “I can’t breathe, you’re killing me.” Came a sniffled whine.
   “Such a baby. You asked.”
   “I said I was curious after you put the gunk on my nails!”
   “That gunk was a great color on you. You whine just like your big brother.” Carol had Max’s face clamped in her grip as she applied mascara. “Don’t blink, you'll smear it.”
   “Evie, she’s killing me,” Max lamented aloud. “This is not worth it.” Evie just laughed, setting a bowl of pretzels aside. Carol flicked a mirror up to let Max see her handiwork. “Whoa...It’s not terrible.” She gruffed in a mumble, tilting her head to see each angle. "Kinda like Madonna."
   “I’ll take it.” Carol stole some M&Ms from another dish as they shared a spot on Heather’s fuzzy carpet. A movie rolled on in the corner TV.
   Max about howled when Heather came in from the bathroom, face covered in green.
   “It’s a face-mask!” Heather planted her hands on her hips, prompting more laughter. “You’ll be more into them once your body really changes.”
   “Girls are way scarier than boys.” Max poked at her blushed cheek which had Carol smacking her hand away. Evie was draped across the bottom of the bed in her robe and nightie, half-watching the TV. “Can you do a zombie make-up?”
   Carol gave a snort.
   “I can do anything. kid.”
   “Eves, you want another piece of pizza?” Heather crossed with the box.
   “I’m so full.” Evie shook her head.
   “You had like one piece.”
   “I ate a big lunch. And lots of pretzels.” Evie snatched the pretzel bowl again for good measure. Truthfully, her appetite had been up and down lately. Mostly down. What with the pangs in her stomach that always passed and… “You sound like my mother.”
   “She was...extra peppy at the salon today. My mom and I got our monthly trim.”
   “Probably some guy she’s seeing, it’ll pass and another will come. Men are like Kleenex to her. Soft, strong, and disposable.” Evie shrugged to pluck up a magazine.
   “Hey,” Max began as Carol fussed over her, “so I didn’t want to make a thing of it, but my mom keeps insisting. My birthday party is coming. She and Neil saved so I could have it just at the roller rink and...they said I could invite whoever I wanted. But, I can’t ask the guys to come. So I figured I’d ask El. She’s really cool. But, maybe if you guys wanted to come? You can bring boys and pretend you’re not even at my party if it’s not your thing. I just-”
   “Max, we’d love to come.” Heather piped up first. “Evie and I rule the rink too.”
   “I look very cute in skates,” Carol agreed with a twitching smirk. “I'm in. I’ll bring Tommy, he sucks and he’ll fall down a bunch. We'll pretend we ran into each other so your stepdad can get the stick out of his ass.”
   “Billy has to go too cause Neil says it’s a family event.” Max turned to Evie. “I think he’d be happier with you there.”
   “I think Billy and I both are fine being there for you. I had my fourteenth at the rink too. It’ll be fun.” Evie beamed, legs up to sway idly. “Plus we haven’t met the Chief’s kid. She’s home-schooled, right?”
   “Yeah, she might be joining us in school next year.” Max stayed still for Carol’s brush. “Depends. She was uh...adopted under weird circumstances. You’ll like her. I taught her how to do that felting thing because of you and she made this funny one of her dad.”
   “I’ll bet Hopper loved that.” Evie winked. 
   “He’s kind of a babe in like a scruffy, rugged way,” Carol remarked. "Strong mountain man type."
   “Ew. He’s so old.” Max reeled back to laugh.
   “I’m just saying! I like a man in uniform. He rocks the khaki.” 
   “The moms in town do eat him up.” Heather shrugged, joining Evie on the bed with a handful of candy. “We all have our strange crushes. I like high cheek-bones. Guys with a little Bowie. Evie? You got one?”
   “Gia Carangi even if she isn’t modeling any more, I love her face.” Evie was flicking pages without looking. Howls from the TV went ignored through the chatter.
   “I called that. Fenny being into ladies. Try Iman.” Carol winked which earned her a look as if she hadn’t planted a kiss on Evie in a fit of rage.
   “People say Billy’s pretty like a girl.” Max had added which got the other girls giggling. 
   “I like this one, we’re so keeping her.” Carol got up to root for a bag of chips, popping them open. “Like the zombie face better?”
   “I still look too pretty.” Max appeared more goth than zombie.
   “You are pretty. Deal with it. We redheads stick together.” Carol stole Evie’s magazine. “Let us know when the party is, we’ll be there.”
   Max looked at the three older girls squished together on Heather’s bed. Chattering and supporting. Happy to have her around.
   A bright smile touched her face for the first time since Neil Hargrove walked into her home. 
** ** ** 
   Most days, all it felt like was floating. Floating through her house. Through Hawkins. Up and down streets. Through school. A stunning illusion she pulled like wool over her dark eyes.
   A woman in rippling silks walking endless halls toward a great, cherry red door at the end, but the door gets farther away and she's thrilled to continue on even still. Feather wings glittering to unfold from her back because heaven's light is beyond the door. Crystalline eyes with their hold. Waiting for her. The sky awaits her with caressing clouds. Opulent gold sun rays and twinkling stars when the world lies down.
   Evie knew she was too big for her wings most days. Too heavy to leave the Earth.
   Knew in her beating heart of hearts that was the first thing people think when they see her. This magnificent soul with drive and neon and talent reduced to a single shrewd glance. And they don't think twice until she's something vaguely sexual. Something marketable you can package and process and sell to the last drop.
   Easier to stomach something uncomely if you can slide into it ruthlessly to rut. They always come like animals, wailing as a banshee would to get off better than they ever will in their small lives. They eat it up. Cover it in sweat and regret and blame.
   These things that hang as little weights on her heartstrings swinging back and forth. They make her not want to attempt extending those wings to fly. Fear of heads shaking in judgement. Fear of looking uglier. More foolish for even trying. Poor thing.
   All because of one glance that couldn't be bothered to see worth in another human life. Sometimes Evie wanted to be skinny not because of beauty, but because she'd get a privilege pass to exist in this world.
   They think she shouldn't dress the way she does. She's probably lazy and self loathing because of added pounds. She has no real aspirations or means to achieve them. Those eyes that watch her eat. That shift away before they decide on another seat because the one open next to her just isn't right. They glare because of the extra room she might take up. Even sharing a few cordial words with fat girls seemed to be a task.
   Evie always notices and does the polite thing pretending she doesn't. She knows what her body looks like, no need to point out the obvious.
   Strange, how these snap judgements, these eyes that don't look twice; can villainize a body utterly. A body. Flesh, bone, and muscle. We're all made in heaven's image. All destined for paths we seek to control. Superiority should have been an illusion. But no, too much or too little, your worth dips low. Fetishes and internalized hatred for things that were shaped and colored differently. Blame.
   But, some days, when the wind soars just right...just strong enough...Evie can spread and illuminate. See the births and deaths of a million stars. Drop the little weights to feel the winds between her fingers. In her curls. In her wings. Feel her feet leave the floor for just a few fleeting seconds.
   The fleeting seconds of soaring always seem so worth it against a world of unsightly aches. Against snap judgements she can toss back to live in a flower petal haze.
   Evie tried hard to live in those moments when they flashed into her. Spotlights. Butterflies delicately landing on her flesh to open and close their stained glass wings for kisses. Evie felt crushed utterly in the most decadent way.
   Billy's soft lips on her neck to get lost in the pulse. Deft fingers that would push up her clothing as he moved in her. Eyes that wanted to see her. All of her. The prayers he could whisper against heating skin.
   A lot could be said about him. But, Billy was always happy to see her and that alone was air spinning into gold. His eyes would light up. Lips twitching. She could hear the single beat that his heart skipped. Even if they didn't speak, they felt this awareness for each other in the vicinity. Truly magic.
   Those eyes. That love of a face. Always staring pointedly to read her up and down. Always plucking the weights from her heart by listening. Always unafraid to touch her. Evie hoped she returned that. She really did.
   Fleeting seconds began to linger between them. Seeping slow and saccharine as fresh pouring honey.
   Sneaking away on walks while he let her hold his hand. Flirtation against school lockers that ended in several 'just one more' kisses. Double dates to the movies with Tommy and Carol. Sitting separately to make out.
   Driving up near Lover’s Lake to kiss in a parked Camaro while the sun laid itself down to sleep. Fumbling playfully to undress and explore. Watching the construction of a coming mall with Slurpees from the gas station. Tongues and lips colored all artificial cherry and strawberry.
   Evie would stretch her wings completely. Let Billy admire them until the world was all satin rose-tinted. She could forget her urges and worries and insecurities. All together. This was fine.
   She was fine. More then fine.
   He so liked to admire her wings. Pleasure crushed in as she moaned. Let his fingers explore contours and notches untouched before. Billy would take those prayers on his lips and drape them over her body. Spell them between fleshy thighs. Pulling more fleeting seconds for himself too.
   They could roll around under sheets and not worry about anything else. Have conversations that always felt silly and wonderful and weighted because they both mattered to someone so ardently. That alone was an ocean both could sink into.
   Something beautiful to behold. The real vision behind the great red door. Your soul mattering.
   Evie was in a bubble with Billy Hargrove. A stupid, dopey look on her face when Mona settled dinner down one evening. Steam rising from a huge pot.
   “Going out later?” Evie began to create sound or she'd be lost. "You colored your hair brown again."
   “Needed another change. Ah, I'm going out just with Karen and Claudia. Dessert and wine night. I asked Susan but that poor thing keeps standing me up. Did you finish Max’s gift for her party?” Mona scooped up huge portions in a bowl that Evie would only be prodding at.
   “Yeah, it’s set. Turned out perfect. She’s not much for jewelry but I think a personalized tie dye shirt will be fun. Might look cool while skateboarding. I also have that goody bag of sweets for her to fill up on we made.” Evie reminded herself to pick up her spoon. Took a few bites.
   “You’re not scarfing it down like usual, you love my crawfish soup.”
   “It’s delicious, I just had a big lunch.” A lie. Evie pressed herself to eat quicker, tearing a piece of fresh bread to chew. Thing was, she wanted to eat. She wanted to eat so badly despite the sickness welling inside her. The heavy ache made it a task. Mona eyed her daughter there. “My stomach's in knots a lot, just school stuff.” 
   “Well, you are a senior.” Mona pushed her own soup around. “I haven’t been around as much as I’d like to be. Just the salon and I met-”
   “I get it.” Evie’s lips spread in a flash, not wanting her mother to finish that sentence. “I’m with friends a lot and I keep busy with my music and the cat. I even wrote a new song.”
   “That’s two this week, you. Strumming along blissfully.” Mona gushed. “Whatever has you all creative and dewy, chase it.” Silverware clicked around and Evie stared at her dish. A broader smile crossed.
   "I will."
   “What’s it called?”
   “Ocean Eyes.” 
   Evie could be pretty transparent in the early stages of a relationship.
   These short weeks in with Billy. Lyrics flooded free. Sometimes he liked to watch her write and strum when they hung out. Trips to the lounge where she worked other nights got him a full show, but not of her original stuff. Songs marched forth.
   “Ocean Eyes.”
   “Cupid and Psyche.”
   “Honey Stardust.”
   “Neon-Tinted Hearts.”
   Rock. Pop. Lush and obscene with her glowing heartstrings. She wrote them for Fredrick too when they got together.
   “Doll Joints.”
   “Lollipop Lolita.”
   “Prince Charming.”
   After dinner, Evie stole a notebook filled with her every sinful lyrical confession of her time with Fredrick Bowers. Burnt it in an empty pot out back until Billy wandered out the back steps of his place. Asking her if she was trying to set the neighborhood on fire.
   “How can I help?” He’d snarked while the sky went all pretty peach fuzz. Evie just laughed and never explained what she’d burnt or why it felt this cathartic to watch the smoke rise toward a falling sun. She figured maybe this was the day she'd stop eating foreign and sharp objects. She could do it. She was happier. Lighter. It had to stop.
   It had to. She couldn't think about this haze shattering, it hurt too deep.
   Billy used the flame to light his cigarette comically and kissed her before inhaling the smoke. 
   “Can we take a drive? Or walk if you’re low on gas?”
   “Let’s walk, I got some cash doing my odd jobs for the damn neighbors, but I need it to last a bit longer with Max’s birthday. Got her this new board she was too chickenshit to beg our parents for.”
   “Aren’t you a darling big brother?” Evie crossed her arms to follow him when the flame dwindled low. They went around the house to the front, started down the street. “Iris has some hours for me that next Saturday night.”
   “You going to tell your mom about the secret job thing?” Billy inhaled and let smoke billow up into the afternoon light. They walked along Cherry Lane. Not touching. Counting steps while their shadows cast and the streetlights came up. A brisk night loomed, spring begging to creep through the month of March. 
   “I figured I could this summer. Around graduation. Just say I got something bigger since I’m eighteen and Iris can get me steadier hours. Gigs day or night. Maybe I’ll get to host a couple more drag shows. I miss those damn girls, the funniest performers know. I'll just let my mom down easy about the receptionist thing, hopefully she’s fine with it. Make it sound like I took initiative cause I'm a big girl.” 
   “And your grand singer plans?” He liked to ask about her and hang upon the syllables.
   “Still up in the air. I’m taking the year off to work and write. Try for a talent agent or manager. I can record maybe...try to get airtime. There’s this contest thing, they do it every year and the winners always do well. But, I’m honestly too afraid to ask my mom about it just yet. I’m saving though here and there.” Evie beamed. “You? Summer and on.”
   She was clearly asking if he was sticking around for summer. 
   “Odd lawn, house, and car jobs are getting me by. This whole street is a mess and the moms in town like to watch me work."
   "It means better pay and tips. I’m taking Heather up on her lifeguard offer this summer. I'll save up, Dad's already going to be asking for rent when I graduate."
   "Yeah. Don’t wanna bank on that mall they’re opening with all the other little shits trying to get jobs first.” Billy leaned back to let the cooler air kiss his face, sighing before he tossed his smoke out. 
   Evie came to the end of the street near the forest, swayed around a streetlamp like she was in an old Hollywood flick. Dreaming long and endless. Sometimes she worried so often that she wasn't living. Just dreaming it all away. Maybe a center line was possible.
   Maybe she'd be able to soar over it all.
   Billy waited for her to swing back around it before he pressed into her for a slow, lingering kiss. Even better, maybe they both were sharing a dream. Making it of something stronger.
   “So, how am I doing?” He joked lighter. Evie gripped the lamp to stay level, head tilting. “Two weeks in, almost three. This whole situation.”
   “Situation.” Evie mused, slyly hiding half her face behind the lamp to hum. The shadowy starlet of a femme fatale she loved to watch on television with her mother. Glinting. Dangerous. "This whole situation?" She lingered to sigh it even slower.
   "You and me." He'd sounded out, drawing nearer. "Us..." Evangeline, always the playful nymph, flitted off playfully. Spinning the other way to walk along so Billy came to her side easily.
   “I think you’re doing fine." She tapped her chin. "What about me? Evaluate my performance.” 
   “Ah. In a sea of slithery tadpoles, you’re a goddamn firecracker.” He’d laughed and Evie followed, covering her lips with one hand.
   “I don’t know how any of that correlates or makes sense, but I’ll take it.”
   “Neither do I. Just made it up to see you do that. The scrunchy thing you do when you’re too happy or upset with me.” Billy’s nose crinkled as he grinned there. Evie came up to peck his freckles.
   “You’re a total sap, Hargrove.” Evie continued, hands clasped behind her back before she inhaled the air. “Let’s hit that mini mart nearby. I’m craving a Dr. Pepper. Buy you a soda. It’s my turn.”
   “No, it isn’t. You’re just being too nice again,” Billy remarked, feet shifting slower as they crossed the street. “I can’t take you fancy places.”
   “I don’t need to go to fancy places, I just like hanging out with you wherever.” Evie turned her head to see him. “We’re both poor, we make due. Summer will be better. We can just work and...figure this out. I like it right now though, so don’t worry because I know how you shiver in those boots.”
   She pondered it.
   “Do you like it?” Evie offered quieter, earning Billy’s eyes searching her expression. Lip twitching, he tossed his arm around her. Brought Evie taut into his frame with an easier grin so they could keep walking toward the whirling, illuminated sign in the distance.
   “Yeah, I like it.” He decided. “I like you plenty. What's not to like, Evangeline?” His free hand gestured out and Evie beamed to point at that darling face. Her Eros. Encouraging her wings to unfold without pressure.
   "Wow, you're getting better and better at that." A beat. "Making me blush without rolling my eyes."
   "Please, Angel, your knees quiver every time I hit you with this smile. You might as well toss off the panties for me." For good measure, he flashed it and Evie hid from his absolute burning charm. Cheeks felt that fire bloom and billow.
    A car hurried past them. Sweeping budding flowers and loose leaves about. Delicate, they danced. Trees wobbled back and forth to the wind picking up. Evie stayed looking away to smile that time. Knew this wind would carry her easily.
   "Did you have a best friend back in California?" She moved her arm around his back as they went. 
   "I don't know. Guess I had a few in orbit."
   "Am I your best friend here?" She piped back up and Billy slowed to glance, chuckling.
   "I thought you and I were avoiding labels."
   "It's different." Came the protest.
   "No, it isn't." He paused. "Heather's your best friend."
   "Yeah, but I figured I could have more than one. Perfectly carved places for each." Evie shifted in front of him, hands smoothing up Billy's shoulders to clasp fingers round his neck. Blue eyes glittered to search.
   "You trying to push some admission outta me, Fenny?"
   Lashes batted with all the innocence they could hold.
   "Just admit it, Hargrove," she pulled him down for a lip lock, pecking his jaw and cheeks until he broke to laugh and hold her at bay. One brow lifted. "It'll be our dirty little secret."
   "Fine. Only cause you twisted my arm about it and it gets you hot. You are my very," he palmed her bottom to make her gasp in one motion, "very best friend. Happy?" Billy stole a kiss when she was still dumbfounded, molding their frames together.
   "Maybe I am." Evie sighed, sounding too raw and honest about it. She came out to see his eyes there. Tried to read them. Billy blinked to say something else.
   “So, you're already thinking about graduation and summer, huh? Moving quick.”
   “I’m optimistic is all. It’s a rare thing with me so I'm just enjoying it. I’m not used to happy and good.” Evie got cheeky to hide anything else, winking over her shoulder before she went inside the tiny store.
   Fluorescent lights washed out too many colorful packages. They picked cold cans of soda and bright yellow packs of Jujyfruit candies to curb a sweet craving. Billy gripped the paper bag in one fist and Evie snatched his free hand when they got outside.
   “C’mon!” She picked up the pace. “Let’s catch the bus to the other side of town.”
   “Billy Hargrove doesn’t take the bus. It’s all full.” He’d complained, still rushing after her to the stop.
   “Try something new.” Evie was giggling, tugging at him to get on.
   With the bus full of residents leaving work, they took some standing room with a group up front. Fingers curled into the handles above, swaying closer together due to the rocking and crowding. A hard turn sent Evie into Billy’s chest, her hand sprang out over his shoulder to catch the bar just above his head.
   “Trying to jump my bones in public, little Miss Fenny?” He feigned a look of awe, brows lifting playfully. His free arm slipped around the small of Evie’s back, bracing her there into his marble frame. “You know how much easier it is if you just ask, Angel?”
   Evie wanted to scoff. Wanted to scrunch that annoyed look she was known for. Wanted to send him to the floor and kiss him for miles and miles. But, she just stood there in the dim, flickering bus lights. Watched his expression relax. Not really breathing until she reminded herself. 
   Billy seemed to remember as well. At the back and forth shifting of the vehicle, they squished together. Forcing looks away to see the path again. Billy pushed his thigh further between her legs. Both of them idly rubbing together now. Evie felt the heat crawl up her cheeks, lungs tremoring. Billy’s fist holding the bag shifting a little lower on her back, firm and scalding hot. 
   She peered up at his jawline. Looked away. Felt Billy’s eyes wander back after before he flickered elsewhere. Denim pushed against denim. Billy hitched this breath as if he might whimper. Swallowed it down. Hips swaying back and forth and back again. A thumb pushed deftly into her back. Evie shifting in, lips parting. Trembling as Billy turned his head to see her centimeters from him. 
   “This is our stop.” She’d said in his ear. Leaning flush into him to pull the cord down. Billy inhaled the amber. Brushed his nose into her own while she came back out.
   “Don’t wanna stop.” His freckles looked especially glowy outlined in a rare blush. The bus skidded and Evie veered back with some amusement. Brown eyes casting Billy up and down before she skipped off in a hurry, leaving him to chase her because he’d always chase her. Bag still wrinkled around Billy’s fist, he caught up with her. Under the streetlamps surrounded by dancing moths. 
   “We near Lover’s Lake?”
   “Yeah, the park nearby. Figured some loitering would do us good.” Evie stepped across the grass and sand. Listened to the dark structures creak. “C’mon. I love the swings.” 
   She plopped back into one, legs kicking some before Billy joined her. He cracked one can of soda to offer it, feet shifting over the sand to sway closer together. Chains creaking. 
   They clicked drinks and guzzled fizz before Evie snagged the candy out. Stealing a few chewy pieces. The bright box got passed back and forth during a comfortable silence. Billy watched Evie as she observed the moon there. 
   “Do you know any constellations?” She’d asked quieter, forcing him out of the daze. Curls caught the illumination with stars dotting her dark eyes. 
   “Not really.” He took the candy back as she swallowed a piece.
   “You see that crooked line? Those four little guys, they call that...Salem’s Lot. And...” Evie touched her lips, pointing again. “Those two bright boys there. Called Shawshank. Oh, and that one-”
   “These are Stephen King references.” He pushed her.
   “No, I’m very smart and they’re real-life constellations. Listen and learn, Billy boy.”
   “So, are you gonna call that grouping, The Shining or The Overlook?” He pointed to a cluster and Evie snickered.
   “Obviously that’s Carrietta White’s Constellation. Duh. Cause it looks like a rain of blood.” Evie snorted and Billy joined her, heads pressing together as they giggled like school children.
   “You know she wears a crushed red velvet dress in the book? Not pink as seen in the movie.” Billy stretched out, finishing his soda.
   “You know she’s fat in the book, too?” Evie winked at him, eyed the trash, and tried to toss her can at it. Missing badly, it smacked the rim and fell in the sand with a clatter. “Damn it!” Billy laughed at her louder.
   “Don’t try for a career on the court, Evie.” He watched her pout as she plucked it up to throw it away properly. “Now, watch the master work.” He aimed as she sat down. One deft hand reeled back and launched it only to have Evie’s palm smack it easily the other direction. Almost falling out of her seat cackling, she got the candy pushed into her arm before he gawked and went to get it.
   “Oh,” she kept up without air, “I thought you were the master? You should have seen your face!”
   “Yeah, yeah.” He grumbled, dunking it in the can with an echoing clank. For some cheery consolation, she offered the rest of the box to him. Tiny candy pieces fell into his palm before he pushed them all into his mouth at once, eyes lifting to the sky again. Billy made a face and turned to go to push her swing. “Gimme another constellation.”
   “Hmm.” Evie held the chains, began to swing properly at his coaxing. Felt like they were in a secret garden together. Water rippling against the air distantly. Cold chill not bothering either of them. “Those two stars. The little one and the big guy. See?”
   Billy gripped the chains, keeping her swing up against him to follow the gaze
   “That’s Neverland. Second star to the right and straight on till morning.” She snickered again as Billy pushed her forward. “Bet I can beat you there. I’ll jump from the swing.”
   “You’re on.” Billy stole the seat next to her, both of them pumping higher. Curls fluttering. Laughing. Happy because they were together and that mattered.
   “I’m going to overthrow Pan and Hook. Become the most fantastic Lost Girl with a siren song to command the island and you’ll write your stories.”
   “Think so?” Billy pushed himself higher. Actually thought he might fly with Evie there.
   “Yes! You’ll tell the greatest stories ever heard through the land and they’ll echo back down here to be loved too.” She proclaimed that. Not having heard Billy’s stories, but believing what was in his heart. 
   Time slowed. Wild laughter crackled toward the sky. Utter sparks as they jumped together and collided to roll around the sand. Evie was still alight with joy under him, hair splayed everywhere as Billy snapped up to check her over, hovering. Evie’s giggling tapered off against the night air. She stared up at him. Framed in twinkling stars. He said something she didn’t catch.
   “You have beautiful eyes,” Evie sounded out slower, lost in the endless crystalline blue. “Did you mean it?”
   “Mean, what?”
   “What you said when we were lying in bed together. You said I was the best thing about this place. People never say things like that. Not to girls like me. I believed it when you said it though and it was easy too.” Evie skimmed her fingers over his jacket. Watched Billy’s eyes flicker to recall that moment and the clouds he floated upon like lily-pads in a pond.
   Billy swept down. Planted a hot kiss that was all lips. Swelled her mouth when he pulled out. He left Evie fluttered and came to her ear.
   “That was a yes.” He pushed up, eyes too sly. “By the way.” Evie took a hand when he offered one and got pulled to her feet, bodies stumbling together. They tried to brush the sand off fabric. 
   “Do you think about that night? The dance, I mean. Not...the sex. Well, I guess it’s okay to think about the sex actually.” She blushed there when Billy’s lip quirked. His fingers still wrapped around her wrist. “Before all that went down with Brock. It was-”
   “Not terrible.” He finished.
   “Not at all. The first part of the night, sometimes I wish we could go back and-”
   “Rewrite it.” Billy looked around, giving Evie a tug. He pulled her up on the metal roundabout, painted red and blue that was chipping away. “Hold on.” Another smile had curled as he braced to get it spinning.
   “Billy!” Evie jerked to hold tight to the bars. Hair flying up. Curls coiled out. Fire billowing gracefully. “What are you doing!”
   “Turning back the clock,” he charged and jumped on with her, wobbling to hold something, "to redo it.” Evie grabbed for his coat. Fisting the fabric when they locked eyes. Wind rushed in a thrill with memories tumbling together and apart. 
   Her wings sprang forth.
   Billy made Evie the still point to his turning world. For just a moment. Knew, if anything, that meeting her was something truly important. An unseen force that would twist his heart forever.
   Spinning round and round. He recalled the metallic confetti dancing and the way the music pulsed. The carousel began to slow, both teens holding the bars and each other to say level.
   Slower, Evie pecked a kiss upon his lips to mirror the first. Unable to come out far, Billy was already closing the distance for the second. Trying to pay her back with a thousand sweet kisses. 
   Cheers rang and fireworks burst. She remembered it all too. How dizzy and still the world seemed to be. How it hushed for her too sweetly. Billy’s hands on her face, cradling delicately to angle the second kiss a little deeper. They felt the metal clink to stillness under them and inched back out.
   “I want to go home with you,” Evie said the words she wished she had that night. Huge dark eyes glittering. She found his lips again. Not worried about air or what the future held for them. Lost on a rosy haze and perfectly fine for these stolen fleeting seconds. “Can we go?” Billy searched her, thumb sweeping a circle into her jaw. He smiled fully.
   “Only if we can take the bus again.”
** ** ** ** 
   “Happy Birthday!” Evie gushed, offering a gift to a small pile. Max had her arms around her before she’d gotten a chance to turn. One hand shifted to the shorter girl’s back. Music whirled with a campy light show, made the horribly patterned carpets glow. “Carol and Heather are on their way in. Tommy’s around but he won’t hang near the table.”
   “Neil’s going to be late. Work stuff.” This explained why Max’s smile was so bright. Evie nudged her chin, head cocking. “You brought your own skates.”
   “I know it’s dorky, but they’re my babies.” Evie gestured to the red skates swung over one shoulder. “Evie Fenny doesn’t rent her skates.”
   “That’s El, come meet her,” Max pulled Evie off after she got one wave at Susan behind the table setting up. “Billy’s grabbing stuff from the car. He drove us.” 
   El Hopper was a tiny thing. Almost like a little bird compared to Hopper’s hulking frame behind her. She peered around and seemed at instant ease upon seeing Max.
   “El, this is my neighbor, Evie," Max introduced them, "she’s cool.”
   El made this gesture like she had a needle and poked at her hand.
   “Yes!” Max got it, tugging Evie’s arm. “She taught me the felting thing.”
   “Hope the sharp objects weren’t a bother in your house, Chief Hopper.” Evie perked up at Jim with a sheepish expression. “I should have asked you, I know it might seem a little dangerous.”
   He actually laughed at that. If only she knew the danger these kids had gotten into prior.
   “Believe me, crafts are a welcomed change.”
   “El, nice to meet you. I’m Evie. Max talks about you all the time.” Evie held out her hand and the young girl looked shocked. “Good things.”
   A slower smile crossed. She took Evie’s hand to shake it. Awkward about her navigation but trying to take everything in. Clearly never been to a party like this one. Kids of various ages circled the floor on skates. Laughing. Holding hands. 
   “Max...talks about you too. I like your hair.” El mirrored. Peered to Hopper with a pleased expression he matched. She offered Max a wrapped gift. Evie grinned and touched her curls, pulled up into two high, rounded buns.
   “C’mon, let me show you the table they’re setting up.” Max took El’s wrist to usher her off.
   “Are you...staying to skate?” Evie turned to the Chief.
   “El’s, ah, not used to crowds. She came from some unfortunate circumstances. I’d like to stay close. First party. Maybe I’m hovering.” He pushed his hands into his pockets. Not in uniform. Evie beamed a little.
   “She’s young, you’re worried. It’s sweet, actually. You’re just being a good dad.” The smile seemed to dither in her eyes. Even when Jack was married to Mona, he wasn't always around. Work and trips kept him busy, but he stayed to close to Evie the moment he arrived home with his little gifts and endless stories. “Don’t come running over if she falls, we got her.”
   “Yeah, uh, if you could keep an eye on El when you see her around. That would mean a lot to me. I know you babysat the Henderson kid. El doesn’t need a babysitter, she’s just… This is new for her.” Jim gestured. Digging for a smoke he couldn’t have in the immediate area. 
   “Heather, Carol, and I will keep an eye out.”
   “Carol?” He chuckled. “Perkins?”
   “Oh, yeah, we made up. Funny thing.”
   “Almost as funny as you hanging out with the Hargrove boy through winter.” He quirked his brow.
   “What can I say, Chief...” Evie shrugged. “I’m...branching out.”
   As if on cue, Billy paced in a side door. Bag clutched under one arm. He caught Evie’s glance instantly. Both of them locked in and back out on cue. Blue eyes shifted up and down because she was wearing his denim jacket over a little lacy, floral top tucked into her jeans.
   Neil would arrive and they had an act to keep up. Ignoring each other.
   “I’ll sit far." Jim offered. "Pretend I’m not here.”
   She about cackled, lost in thought still.
   “I’ll just pretend you’re my real dad,” Evie winced at herself, saw him pause with some subtle awe, “oof, I’m not sure where that came from. Ouch. Okay. Walking away now. Sorry, Chief.”
   “Evie.” He eased a gentle hand toward her. “What I said. If there’s...anything going on. You can talk to me. On or off the record.”
   “Yeap. Right. I’m okay. I’m...I’m gonna...skate. Yeah. Sorry. Oh, my…” Evie whirled to hurry off, cringing all the way to the table. “I think I just had a mental break.”
   “What?” Heather had chuckled.
   “Nothing. Time to skate?” Came Evie’s begging. Agreement followed.
   Hopper made himself scarce with a cigarette and plate of cheese fries in the corner. Billy plopped himself into a chair behind the decorated table, looking disinterested. Not catching Evie’s eyes while she sat with the girls to put her skates on. Just watched Susan set out plates for pizza and cake. 
   Evie went out with Heather first for a lap, both of them giggling and pulling little stunts to show off for Tommy who was on the ground as Carol pulled at him. Max jumped over his leg, cackling before she tried to get El to come out with them. 
   “Kinda reminds me of us. They’re too cute.” Heather quipped, whirling to skate backward. They joined the younger girls, hoping to get El relaxed and away from the wall she seemed to cling to. Every turn, Evie shot Billy a look. Got his lips quirking before he ruefully was peering away. 
   “Do you want to skate, Billy?” Susan had asked after a beat, weary of the music already. Bit of a glittery disco mess. That same dreamy rose haze in the air.
   “About as much as I want to give my old man a sponge bath, Susan.” Billy frowned for effect and dropped it when she actually laughed at him. It was an easier thing for them to talk without Neil’s shadow. 
   “Well, the offer is open if you want to.” Susan thought to tell him Evie looked beautiful today when she caught him staring at her for the third time but decided not to be obvious. Not yet. 
   “You’re supposed to tell me I’m being inappropriate and I’m going to send your only daughter down with me.” He recited easily.
   “I was your age once, Billy, I know how to laugh still.” Susan seemed surprised at the revelation herself. Slowly, she took a seat next to him. Not leaving another chair as a buffer like she usually did. “It might not be so bad. Her following you, you know, after this. When she’s older. She still looks up to you.”
   It became clear what Susan was asking him. Max would resent her one day down the line. For the choices she made. The things she couldn’t stop no matter how hard she tried. Maybe Billy and Max didn’t always get along, but he’d be a safer place for her than whatever was leftover in that house. Susan would always be under Neil Hargrove, but she could ensure her daughter would not be. One day.
   Billy leaned forward on his elbows, palms rubbing. He felt for his ring and remembered it was hidden under Evie’s dipping sweetheart neckline. He didn’t say anything, but met Susan’s eyes.
   “Evie’s been a good friend to her.” Susan crossed her legs and sat back to watch the girls laugh. Slowly easing into the conversation. El wobbled, holding hands with Max and Evie to gain some speed. Heather was trying to help Carol steady poor Tommy. “Don’t you think so?”
   “I haven’t noticed.” Billy turned his head aside.
   “She’s very pretty. Kind. That’s all I’m saying. She and her mother, they’re nice neighbors to have on Cherry.”
   “Jesus, Susan, why don’t you date them both?” Billy shot up to go to the snack counter. Susan ghosted this smile after him, hands clasping. “Cheese fries. Jalapenos...Extra jalapenos.” He got his plate and turned to see Chief Hopper’s cigarette glow red. “You got any more of those? My pack is out and they don't have a machine in this joint.”
   Jim just eyed him.
   “I’m legal.” Billy puffed before a stick flicked across the table. “Camels. Unfiltered. Disgusting. Are you a flannel hobo of some kind with those?”
   The Chief gawked at him.
   “Don’t you smoke Reds? Baby’s first cigarette.”
   Billy matched him. Offended.
   “I’m smoking with the big boys, Hop. You should try it.”
   “You in a place to complain, kid?” Jim reached to take it back before Billy swiped, lighting up to puff. 
   “No, sir.” His lighter snapped shut. “You unable to cut the cord or is dressing like a lumberjack to hang out at a 70s roller disco a hobby?”
   “Haven’t seen you down at the station in a while. Few months, in fact. Turning over a new leaf this year?” Jim remarked instead, leaning forward on his elbows.
   “Aw. You miss me or something? Your boys finally get tired of chasing me down? Or trying to.” Billy gave this comedic pout, head turning to eye Evie again. Graceful swan that she was out there. His jacket hanging off her shoulders, exposing that neck. Little wisps of curls swayed about from her space buns decorated with matching glittery star barrettes, loose hair framing her face. Brown eyes flicked up and he snatched his gaze away. “Guess I found something else to get into that isn’t trouble. You guys bore me down there, I like to be amused.”
   “The real crime-stopper, boredom. Color me impressed and shocked.” Jim seemed to like that, eyes rolling. Billy puffed and swept a piece of tobacco from his mouth. “I guess whatever you’re doing, keep it up.” He watched Billy crunch on some salty jalapenos, plucking five gooey fries at once to swallow them down. Almost starved.
   “I intend to.” Billy flicked his greasy fingers to his brow. “Chief.”
   Billy mumbled as he went off, finishing the smoke to flick it out a back door. Eyes shifting to watch the girls plus poor Tommy. El was already better than him.
   “Man, I’m dying out here. Help me. I’ll tag you in.” Tommy scrambled up the sidewall and clung, out of breath. Freckles all dewy.
   “You wanted to be a good boyfriend,” Billy cackled for good measure, "that'll teach you."
   “Feed me a fry,” Tommy begged over the barrier.
   “Fuck out of here, they’re mine. My dad will show soon so you can disappear to a corner and get your own damn fries.” To make it a point, Billy stood there and fed himself.
   Behind Tommy, Max skidded and fell with Evie barely catching her. Both girls had gone down in a fit of giggling.
   “We’re fine, go on!” Max waved to Heather and El ahead of them. Carol came to steal Tommy back as Billy craned to see his step-sister.
   “You alright?” Evie was picking her up when Max’s shirt slipped closer to her pale shoulder, flashing a burst of purple there the size of a softball. “Oh, my god.” It slipped out before she could stop it.
   “That’s-!” Max cut herself off and fixed her shirt. Spring was creeping and all she donned was long-sleeved and frumpy. Dressing almost like Susan. “I fell, you know, on my board.” Evie tried to give her the dignity of a look that said she believed it. Must have cracked. “Evie, it’s nothing. Don’t worry. Please.”
   Dressing like Susan. Sounding like Billy.
   “Max, my house is-”
   “I know, but don’t… Don’t say anything. Not to Billy or my mom, ah… Neil’s here.” Max put her head down and skated around Evie to go away. 
   There was something particularly helpless about watching a young girl flee obediently to her monster. Evie wondered if this was what she looked like to Billy headed to Fredrick's place.
   Small. Scared. Lost.
   Neil Hargrove started with words. Lots of horrible words that whittled Max down to a hard pit. Then pushing. Then some grabbing. Then shoving. Into walls mostly.
   The hit didn’t bruise Max. It was more of a swipe to make her go to her room for talking back. Whatever that meant to Neil. But, he was drunk and he caught her jaw with an open palm. That stayed red for the day until she snuck a pack of frozen peas, not wanting Susan or Billy to know.
   But, the swipe sent her into the dining room table. Left the violet petals bursting under her skin. Evie lost the urge to skate and came out. Saw Billy’s eyes again and paused to help Heather usher El out for food. 
   “You’re a natural.” Evie complimented which earned a full smile. El opened her mouth to speak before Billy appeared in front of them.
   “They’re making us sing.” He cocked his head, peering at El. “You’re the one with the funny name, aren’t you?”
   “Jane. But,” she seemed to have trouble staring at him for more than three extended seconds and pointed to her chest, “El.” Red crept across her cheeks. Billy towered over her, cocking a wider grin to play up the fact that she was all blushy for a pretty older boy.
   “El?” He raised one brow. “What’s the L stand for?”
   “Ignore him.” Heather pulled the younger girl around Billy as he chuckled, pausing to see Evie. Her colorless expression.
   “You okay?” He said it hard with a furrowed brow.
   “Fine.” She tried to make it sound cold but it came out near silent. Head turned down as she flitted around him to join the party.
   Neil, stiff and stoic, pressing his lips like he was at the damn DMV. Susan plastered a broader grin to dote on him after his long day, lingering close to his side as they set out pizza and readied the cake.
   It was all so routine. Like getting your shots. 
   Pizza. Sing. Candles. Wish. Cake. Gifts. Thank you.
   Billy and Evie took the farthest seats from each other. Played a game of glance and ignore that they’d made up on the spot. They both were either losing or winning.
   “Strange,” Neil remarked as he pulled Max aside for another slice. “You and the high school girls.”
   “Oh, I invited El too, she’s my age. I didn’t want to leave Evie out and the girls...they’re nice to me.”
   “They don’t dress like nice girls.”
   Heather and Carol both donned perfectly normal tees and jeans. Nothing would suffice for Neil Hargrove. Max shifted her cake around. No longer hungry for it.
   “Maybe we’ll talk about the type of girl you should hang around at a later time. The Fenny girl is nice enough, even if her shirt is a little too...low. Dresses kinda tight. Bit of an odd one. She’s different. Her friends, well...I’m just not sure, Maxine.”
   “Yes, sir.” She looked at her birthday cake like it was infested with worms. Carefully forced a bite and set it aside. 
   Max hung around. Smiled and thanked everyone after each birthday present. Even hugged Neil only cause he opened his arms at her. She said bye to El then Heather. Carol seemed to be turning in as well so Tommy went out back to get the car. 
   As the party went on and dwindled, Evie caught Billy’s eyes gesturing to the rental counter. He slipped around the corner into the many shelves and Evie turned back to see Max and Susan at the table. Neil seated in a chair not helping them clean up, eyes elsewhere. Casually, she skated around and got her arm snatched. A gasp snuffed against a pair of lips. Kisses hidden away from the world. 
   “Paid the kid a few coins and a threat to leave for ten minutes."
   Music vibrated the shelves. Evie put her arms around Billy.
   “I still have skates on.”
   “Even better. I might have a thing for girls in red skates.” Billy was all hands, holding Evie steady. Pulling one leg around his hip. Pushing denim into denim. Hot friction might have done her in any other day.
   “We are not hooking up with all the smelly rental skates.” Evie laughed into his lips, still pecking back and peering over her shoulder. She paused to see his eyes. Wanted to blurt what she’d seen on Max’s body. Even to Billy now, it felt wrong. So, she said something else.
   “Hey, we should…keep an eye on your sister, you know. It’s her birthday. She’s...She needs her big brother.”
   Billy huffed into her neck.
   “Fine, fine, but you’ll regret not taking the adventure on here.”
   “Yeah, I’m sure.” Evie shifted. “My feet hurt and we can make-out in my bed later.” She kissed his neck. “I’ll do that thing you like if you promise you went easy on the product down there.”
   “Only dotted the gold crown. Scout’s honor.” Billy winked and she rolled her eyes. He peered out first. “Give it a second then follow.”
   “Wait.” Evie thumbed her red lipstick from his mouth. “Now, shoo.” Billy licked his lips and snuck out. She waited a moment. Let the happy butterflies land in her stomach then followed. Pausing, her skates came off for more comfortable tennis shoes.
   “Evangeline, do you need a ride home with us later?” Neil had asked. 
   “No, thank you, I was getting a ride with Carol now.” She smiled and looked for red hair to say her goodbyes. “Where’d Max go?” Evie collected her coat and Susan paused to peer around.
   “She was here a second ago. Neil?” Hands dropped a stack of plates into the trash.
   “Probably went to the bathroom.” He shrugged, squinting at all the moving lights that were making his head pound. “Billy, go find your sister.” 
   Billy seemed to notice the look on Evie’s face and feel the same chill before he hurried off without fighting. Susan looked through the sea of kids and teens meandering as Evie passed her to check the ajar side door. 
   "Max!" The one flickering light at the exit made her skin crawl. A cry echoed distantly followed by a dull crash in the dark. Like a bag of trash hitting the dumpster.
   Evie dropped her skates to follow the hollowed-out sound. Exhaust swept up her nose and tires gave a harsh wail, horns sounding while a faraway car disappeared around a row of trees to get to the main street with the rest. 
   “Max!” Evie charged out. Heart painfully thudding within her ribs. 
   “Evie?” Carol heard her and footsteps echoed around the building.
   “Max!” Evie was near tears now. A shift in some fallen trash bags made her pause when two sneakers appeared around the side of the dumpster. This odd scratching sound left her lips. Evie threw herself over the tiny body there, turned Max’s limp frame over. 
   Her shirt collar was ripped open where someone grabbed her. Or tried to. Dragging then dropping her when she put up a fight. Bleeding scrapes and dirt scuffed all over her pale freckled skin from the rough tumble. Carol got to them first and pulled off her sweater to cover Max’s torso while Evie gathered her up. 
   “Help!” Carol called because Evie couldn’t. More bodies arrived. Tommy. Susan. Billy. Neil. 
   “Neil, she won’t wake up.” Susan pulled her daughter out of Evie’s arms, shaking her. Moans filtered out, but nothing else. “What happened?”
   “I don’t know. I saw...a car. It was too dark. I just found her here on the ground. Someone tried to...” Evie wheezed out and never finished, gesturing aimlessly. 
   “Susan, give Maxine to Billy. She needs a hospital.” Neil swept down as Billy urged his sister’s tiny body away. This hard. flamed expression on his face as if he wasn't really here.
   Max looked broken. Not real. A doll left under the bed for too long without love or cherished stories to comfort it. Evie felt the knees of her jeans soak through from the wet pavement. Too many words hit the air and Evie’s eyes dropped to where that harsh car had gone to.
   Evangeline wondered what kind of monster would grab up a little girl and throw her out into the trash.
   And why the world bore so many of that same design.
Mad Max :( Her story line is gonna start to push toward the front here and there with Evie's in pieces. Thanks again for following the fic, I really appreciate it! Please please leave some words if you enjoy the fic. XOXO Taglist open
TAGLIST:: @80sbxtch​ @nottherightseason @alagalaska @alongcamedolly @kellyk-chan @10blurredsmoke10 @charmed-asylum @unmistakablyunknown @lukespatterson @arkhamasylumpatient-blog1
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Riding High Ch 25: Keep It Simple
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Chapter Summary: The events of Boston behind them, Frank, Fliss and Mary look forward to Christmas…and Frank has a big surprise planned.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut…NSFW and NO UNDER 18s!!!
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: So here it is, the last in the series Riding High. Thank you to everyone who has helped and re-blogged and commended in any way. Do not fear, Frank and Fliss will be back in the next instalment of their adventure Riding On in a little while.
And yes, I know it ain’t Christmas but…well, in my mind it should be Christmas every day!
Series Masterlist //  Main Masterlist 
Chapter Song:  God Only Knows by the Beach Boys
If you should ever leave me, thought life would still go on, believe me, the world could show nothing to me, so what good would living do me? God only knows what I’d be without you…
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"Mary can you just hold on a second, please!" Frank sighed, grabbing the back of her coat to stop her shooting off into the crowd that streamed down the busy Manhattan sidewalk. "But Frank!" she turned and looked at him, her woollen hat jammed down over her ears "I just wanna see the stall!" "Yeah but you can't just run off!" He grumbled and besides him Fliss gave a chuckle. He turned to look at her "who gets so excited about damned wooden tree ornaments?" "Oh hush!" Fliss leaned up to give him a pack, her cold nose brushing his. In retaliation he pulled the front of her baby blue sparkly bobble hat down over her eye and she shoved him in the chest, laughing. "Fuck you!" "Chance would be a fine thing" he grumbled, taking Fliss’ hand as they headed after Mary. "Awww is that why you're grumpy?" Fliss grinned as they walked "Coz you haven't had any in nearly 3 days?" Frank pouted "No." "Liar..." "Ok, look...Frankie has needs..." he whined "I completely over looked the fact hanging out with an 8 year old in the room would be a cock block." "Always the shower..." Fliss teased and Frank snorted. "Yeah, right. Can you imagine? I give it 3 minutes before she came looking for us." "We go home tomorrow. I'll make it up to you then." Fliss grinned and he sighed. "What?" She laughed. "It’s just...you look so hot in all this winter clothing." Frank grinned. And he meant it. Seeing her wrapped up in a coat, hat and scarf had made her look all cute and cozy...and it had done inappropriate things to him for some odd reason. "Hmmm, you know most men get more turned on the less clothing their girls wear." She teased and he grinned. "Yeah, well, I'm not most men" She gave him a smile which he returned with a soft kiss as they stopped by the stall where Mary instantly dived into looking at the array of ornaments. After a few moments of looking she handed Frank one in the shape of a reindeer stag, and a doe for him and Fliss before selecting a robin for herself. "I think they're so pretty." She looked at the bird in her hand "I saw one at Evelyn's over thanks giving." "Ever heard the saying robins appear when loved ones are near?" Fliss asked. Mary shook her head. "No" "Well, I don't know about here but certainly in England we say it because there is an old belief by some people that a robin is a message from heaven, that a loved one is watching over you." "Do you believe that?" Mary looked at Fliss. Fliss hesitated "Well when my mum's dad died I was 20 and I remember getting up the morning after he died and there was a robin on the fence of the back garden. Bill told me it was my granddad Alex come to check I was ok." "Do you think it was? Really I mean?" "I dunno sweetheart." Fliss sighed "I'd like it to be true..." "Then you should believe it was." Mary said, looking at her "Because isn't that what faith is? Believing something you want to be true?" Fliss looked at Frank who smiled and gave a small shake of his head. She turned back to Mary, smiling softly as she dropped a hand to the back of her head. This kid was unbelievably wise, but with such an innocence behind it all. "Yeah, I suppose it is." Fliss nodded. "Do you think the robin I saw could have been my mom?" She asked, her eyes wide. Frank at that point stepped in, carefully picking an answer that was ambiguous so as not to say yes, but also not dampening her spirits. "If your mom could I'm sure she would come and see you, make sure you're ok." Mary gave a nod, before she turned back to the stall, her attention back on the ornaments. "We need a dog for Thor, and a cat for Fred oh...and a pony for Monty." "What about Cap and Heidi?" Fliss asked, moving to inspect the selection of decorations. "Oh, yeah!" "This is gonna bankrupt me." Frank grumbled, his hands on Fliss' hips, chin resting on her shoulder as he observed the two of them. "Scrooge" Fliss shot back with a smile "Do you think Verity and Bill will like this one?" Mary held up a snowman. "Absolutely" Fliss nodded. "And can I get one for Evelyn?" She asked, selecting a snowflake. Despite the fact that they were now well into the fifty buck range for fucking tree decorations, Frank couldn't help but want to smile at Marys face. She was so thoughtful, the purity behind it all was as usual humbling. So he nodded "Sure she will appreciate it." He smiled. He moved to lift her up so she could hand the ones they had picked over to the guy behind the counter who asked Mary what names she wanted on each one. As she told him, he allowed her to sit up on the edge of the little surface, held in place by Frank to watch as he burnt the names into each ornament before he bagged them up and she took them with a thanks. "Our first family tree stuff!" Mary grinned and Fliss smiled, bending down to give her a hug. They set back off towards the hotel, stopping by a burger joint for dinner before they dumped their bags and returned back out for their final evening in the City. Frank had loved every second of their trip, and so had Mary and Fliss. Seeing Mary's reaction to snow and the Christmas lights had been amazing, along with all the bands on street corners, people walking around dressed up. It was magical and he wasn't afraid to let his inner child come out to play either, as Fliss had just found out. "Whose idea was this again?" He asked as Mary was bouncing up and down in the queue. "Yours!" Fliss scoffed as he took Mary's hand in his right "I seem to recall the very visible horror on your face yesterday when I told you I'd never done it before..." "That’s because it's an abomination that someone who's 34 has never been ice skating." "I was a professional athlete." She shrugged "I was banned from doing anything deemed dangerous " Frank looked at her "What do they consider more dangerous than flying a half tonne animal almost 2 meters into the air?" "Bungee jumping, sky diving, jet skiing, water skiing, ice skating.." Fliss shrugged "just to name 5" Frank shook his head as the queue shuffled forward a little. It wasn't too long now, luckily they had timed it right by arriving 20 minutes or so before the next lot of General Admission to the famous Rockefeller rink opened so there weren't too many people ahead. After another 10 minutes they got to the front and Frank nudged Fliss out of the way as she tried to pay. She scowled at him and he simply rolled his eyes and handed his card over. It wasn't cheap but then, he was in New York. What was? Together they headed onto the ice. Frank, having done it a few times as a kid found his legs fairly quickly and didn't stop himself laughing as Mary's completely went from under her and she landed with a thump on her ass. "Here..." he chuckled, offering her his hand. He pulled her up and moved her in front of him. "Give me your hands..." Mary extended her arms to the side and he took her mitten clad hands in his, holding her in front of him. Fliss was moving tentatively behind him, using the sides for support a little. "Ok slide your right foot forward, like on your roller skates..." Frank said. Mary did as she was told "now left...right...left...right..." He continued his chanting and glanced over his shoulder to see Fliss was concentrating on her feet, her tongue poking out slightly. "You good?" "Yup." She said, raising her hand to give him a thumbs up before she skidded slightly and went down in a tangle of limbs. Letting out a laugh he gently pivoted Mary so she could hold onto the side and offered Fliss his hand. Pulling her up into his arms he held her steady for a moment whilst her laughing subsided. He watched her for a second, her face creasing up into those adorable dimples, eyes crinkled so much they were almost shut and her shoulders shook with the force of her giggles. "I fuckin' love you..." he grinned and she smiled at him. "Back at ya sailor" After another few laps Mary and Fliss had managed to get the hand of it which meant Frank could leave them a little bit as he went off for what he called a proper skate. The girls watched calling him a show off as he crossed his feet and turned, skating backwards a little. Both of them debated sabotaging him and tripping him up but they decided not to, instead they simply pretended they didn't know him, resulting in him grabbing Fliss from behind just beneath the large tree, and spinning her round to face him. "Can I help you?" She teased and he gave a snort. "Yeah, you can... Mary?" He called to her where she was trying to perfect a turn and failing as she almost stumbled again. She looked up and headed over. "Can you take our photo?" "Only if you're gonna kiss..." she replied, making smooching noises. "Well we can’t disappoint her..." Frank shrugged and Fliss grinned, her smile turning into a shriek as Frank quickly grabbed her hips before he took one hand, keeping the other round her back and dipped her so she was bending backwards, planting a sloppy kiss on her lips. She laughed against his mouth as he gave her a wink, before kissing her a little deeper and then setting her upright, his eyes boring into hers which were shining in the Christmas lights surrounding the rink. "Oh that was great!" Mary howled and he turned to face her as she handed his phone back. Frank checked the photo and had to smile, it was a dammed good shot. He showed it to Fliss and she beamed. "A framer?" She asked. "A framer." He agreed. It took them ages to get Mary to finally leave the rink. Even a bribe of hot chocolate, marshmallows and cookies wasn't doing it. Eventually Frank put his foot down and told her it was time to go as it was almost 9pm and they still had that tree to go see before they headed to Central Park for one last walk in the lights. After handing their skates back and retrieving their belongings from the lockers they followed the path to the tree. As they round the corner Mary gasped. "It's huge!" She turned to look at Frank and Fliss, her eyes wide "Oh my God!" Frank smiled kissed Fliss' cheek as Mary walked slightly ahead of them down the walkway that was flanked with smaller trees and the famous lit up trumpeting angels . As they caught her up he slipped his spare hand in his pocket, his fingers curling round the small, leather box inside. The damned thing had been burning a hole in his pocket since he had bought it in Boston just after Thanksgiving. Fliss, Verity and Bill had all stayed for a very pleasant week rounded off with a damned good proper Thanksgiving dinner and the three of them had flown home on the Friday, as Fliss was starting to stress about her business. He and Mary followed on the Sunday after she had been given the all clear to fly after a week’s check up at the Hospital. On his spare afternoon, he'd taken a trip into the city with one goal, and it had been surprisingly easy. The first jeweller he has walked into had a perfect ring, and despite the fact he had visited several others none of them caught his eye like that. So he had gone back and asked the assistant for a closer look. It wasn't a huge rock, white gold and emerald cut with in a pave setting, but everything about it had screamed Fliss. It was delicate and feminine but with a wonderful sparkle just like her. He knew that sounded so lame when he had told the assistant but she has just smiled and told him that if he had that much conviction, it must be right. He had been lost when she asked him what size, but in a sudden inspiration he had remembered the Pandora ring he had bought her when he had gotten his first new pay check as supervisor. He mentioned this to the assistant who beamed and said she could easily size it from that by using a simple conversion chart and told him to come back the following day. His sudden good spirit had fallen as he explained he couldn't do and asked her to see if here was anything she could do, even contemplating taking it and having it sizes back in Florida. But, after the shitty run of events over the last week, his luck was in after she returned 5 minutes later with a slip of paper, informing him it would be ready by the end of the day. When he had told Mary he was going to ask Fliss to marry him, she'd been so excited. She'd asked when, where and when he said he didn’t know she'd given him the most exasperated look on the planet. The only one of his friend who he had confided in, Greg, hadn’t been much help either, simply telling him to do it in a way that meant something to them both. Simply put he just hadn't a fucking clue. He had agonized over how to pop the question. On the boat? Or maybe a sunset on their favourite spot at St Pete's beach? Did he wait for New York? As such, Frank had taken to carrying the ring around with him, waiting for that moment when it felt right. So far it hadn't happened at home and as it stood New York wasn’t faring any better. He had thought about it at the top of the Empire state, but it had been too busy. Then there was a moment in Central Park after they had been snowman building that might have worked...until Fliss had nailed him in the face with a snowball. So they'd had a snowball fight instead. Then when walking over Brooklyn Bridge, the skyline behind them… then when they walked back to the Hotel after seeing the Lion King on Broadway, going the long way round to see the display in Macy's window all lit up...and then that moment before when Mary had taken a picture of them kissing under the tree on the ice rink... but none of it felt right. It didn't feel like the moment for them. But now something stirred in his gut. This could be it. It wasn't too busy, the place was gorgeous, right in front of the tree Fliss had been so desperate to see... Ok Adler, you can do this. Taking a deep breath he pulled the box from his pocket when he heard Mary give a squeal. "Oh...wow! Frankie look..." Fliss' voice was a whisper and she nudged him, pointing to the base of the tree. He followed her gaze to see a blonde haired man down on one knee, presenting a ring to a dark haired woman who had her hands clasped over her mouth. Frank slipped the box back into his pocket and stared at the man as he placed the ring onto his now fiancés finger and did his best to look like he cared when Fliss let out a soft "Awwww" The man looked around excitedly, his eyes falling on the three of them before he asked Frank if he or Fliss would mind taking a photo for them. "Course not buddy, congratulations." Frank smiled. Fucking prick... ***** "It was AMAZING!" Mary gushed to Verity as they walked to the car, Fliss' parents having come to pick them up from the airport. "we saw so much stuff but nowhere near all of it but Frank said we could go back next year in the summer maybe and do a bit more." "Looks like someone else had a good time too." Bill smiled, nodding to Fliss who let out a loud yawn. Frank chuckled "She was up all night, I told her not to have more food so close to bed time." "I wanted a hot dog and a pretzel." Fliss mumbled, "Besides, it's nothing to do with the food...we did a lot of walking." Bill gave a snort "You ride horses for a living, you should be fit enough to walk round New York" "I probably skated about 4 miles too..." Fliss said looking at Mary "Someone wouldn't come off the ice rink" "You been sleeping ok otherwise?" Verity looked at her "I'm fine mum." She smiled "No anxiety?" 'V, she said she's fine so leave it" Bill said gently and Fliss shot a grateful look at her dad. She knew her mum was only concerned but she was fed up of assuring people she was fine. After the attack from John she had suffered a bout of delayed shock which had manifested in a few panic attacks, nightmares, and restlessness at night and on one occasion nausea. Luckily Frank had been brilliant at keeping calm when she had an episode, helping her work through it and the last incident she had suffered had been over a week ago. Once they were all in the car, Frank took the passenger seat after Verity offered it to him, Mary continued to chat all the drive home about New York, Fliss and Frank butting in here and there. They arrived home little after 30 minutes later and Fliss headed up the steps with Mary, Thor almost sending the pair of them flying when they opened the door. "Oh puppy I missed you!" Fliss smiled as she gave him plenty of attention and he kept licking her face, whining and emitting quiet little barks. "Did you miss me? Did you?" "Yerress" Frank did his best Scooby Doo impression as he walked past and Fliss let out a laugh, as she stood up and headed into the living room behind Mary, bumping into the girl as she stopped dead, giving a squeal as she saw the Christmas Tree in the corner. "Mum, Dad?" Fliss called, smiling "I take it you did this?" Frank appeared behind them both, smiling as Fliss and Mary exchanged a glance before they all turned to Bill and Verity who were stood in the doorway. "Well we know how much you like to get your tree up as early as you can and, well we were picking one up for ourselves so we got you one. You don’t mind do you?" Verity, looked at Fliss then Frank. "No, of course not!" Fliss grinned. "Saved me a job." Frank nodded "Thanks guys." "Can we decorate it tonight?" Mary asked "Pleeeeeeeaaaasssseee Frank!" Frank glanced at his watch before giving a sigh, he knew she wouldn't go to bed if he said no anyway so what was the point? Plus she was at the University tomorrow which didn’t start until 10 so... "Ok, but if you so much as grumble tomorrow morning when I get you up you'll be in deep trouble." He looked at her sternly as she stooped to pick Fred up. "Cross my heart, hope to die, we all know Fred's got one eye..." she chanted off, nodding. "We brought your box of decorations from the annex." Verity smiled at Fliss, nodding to the box on the floor. "We thought you could pick what you want to keep now you're combining."
“Speaking of decorations…” Frank said, looking at Mary.
“Oh…yeah…hang on…” She said, running to the sofa where she had dumped her little pink rucksack. She fished out the paper bag they had gotten from the stall and found the Snowman they had bought. With a smile she handed it to Verity who looked down at it, her face curling into a smile as her eyes started to prick with tears.
“Fliss said you wouldn’t mind the names Mary wanted on them.” Frank said, watching carefully.
“Of course we don’t mind!” Bill smiled, picking Mary up to give her a hug “We are Nanny V and Poppa B ain’t that right kiddo?” “Yep!” she grinned, hugging him.
“We’ll save it to hang tomorrow when you come over after school.” Verity said as Bill set Mary on the floor and she hugged her tightly.
After a little more chat Verity and Bill left and Frank instructed Mary to change into her Pyjamas before they did the tree. Deciding that was a good idea, Fliss did the same and before long they were all in the living room. Fliss and Mary going through the boxes of decorations, Frank wrestling with the tangle of fairy lights. How they managed to get so fucking knotted up after simply being in a box for 12 months was beyond him.
He had just about managed it when Thor came over to inspect what he was doing, and dropped straight onto his back on top of the string.
“Thor…get out of it…” he grumbled, pushing the dog who simply rolled over, taking half the lights with him, tangling them round his legs and his tails. “Jesus Christ…stand still…for fucks sake…”
Thinking this was a huge game, Thor started to bounce around, barking, and Frank shook his head. “Fliss, sort this mutt out….” Fliss gave a laugh and dropped off the sofa, calling Thor to her. He sat down, allowing Frank to remove the lights before he stood up, shaking them out. Together the 3 of them wound them round the tree before they made a start on the decorations.
“Frank got me this for my first Christmas.” Mary said, hanging a red bauble which had her name on it. “The glitter has all fallen off it now.”
“We can add more if you want.” Fliss looked at her and Mary shrugged.
“I kinda like it.” It didn’t take them long, and their wooden trinkets from New York were the last ones they hung, Mary ensuring they took pride of place. Frank then lifted her up so she could place the star at the top before they stood back.
“Ready for the big turn on?” Frank asked, grinning. Mary and Fliss cheered and began a countdown from 5. When they hit 1 Frank hit the switch and the lights on the tree came to life. He stepped back, looking up at it, his arm curling round Fliss’ shoulder, his other dropping to Mary as she grinned.
“Best Tree ever.” she smiled.
“Yeah, and now it’s time for the best bed ever…” he looked at her.
“Seriously?” Mary complained
“No moaning, remember?” Frank instructed her. “That was in the morning.”
“Well I just extended it to now as well.” he said, shrugging “Because I can, so get…” “Fine, fine, I’m going…” she grumbled. “Night Fliss.” “Night sweetie.” Fliss dropped a kiss to her head before Mary shot a filthy look at Frank who met her with a passive one of his own.
“I’ll be in in a second.” Frank shot after her, watching as she headed down to the hallway. He turned back to Fliss who was watching the tree, a smile on her face.
“Not exactly up to Macey’s standards…” Frank chuckled and she shook her head.
“I love it.” “It looks like an Elf threw up on it.”
“All trees should be like that.” Fliss shrugged, before she gave his cheek a peck. “Now, you go sort Mary and I’ll get us both a beer.” “Actually…” he said, looping his arms round her waist. “I believe there was something else you promised me tonight…” “Oh, yes, of course, Frankie has needs…” she replied with an almost uncanny impersonation, which made him snort. “Does that mean no beer?”
“No beer.” “You want me to wait in bed.” “Yes I do.” he nodded “Go, I’ll let Thor out and lock up.”
Grinning she accepted his kiss and smiled as she turned around, casting him a quite frankly sinful look over her shoulder which almost had him hard right there and then. Not wanting to wait a moment longer he sorted the dog, locked the door, poked his head into Mary’s room to wish her goodnight, and headed into their bedroom. Fliss was hanging her jeans in the closet after having simply discarded them on the bed earlier, and wasting no time Frank pulled off his T-shirt, tossing it to the side before he stepped up behind her, spinning her round to face him. He pressed his lips to hers, deepening the kiss as he slid his hands down to cup her ass and she smirked into the kiss.
“I like your ass.” he muttered. “I like yours too” she said back, “And your arms”
He laughed and pulled back to look down at her as her fingers trailed up his biceps. “My arms?”
“Yeah, your big, strong arms, and your big, broad shoulders and your stupid, handsome face…” she muttered, pulling him back down to her. In between the dizzying kisses Frank steered her towards the bed, and as her legs collided with the edge he stopped to gently trail kisses across her bare collar bone. His lips found her jaw and then, with a wicked quirk of his eyebrow he reached down for her thighs, and grabbing them he pulled them forwards, causing her to fall backwards as he pitched them both onto the bed. As she laughed he chuckled slightly before he kissed her again, and then it was a scramble to get out of his clothes as fast as he could before he fell back on top of his girl, his hands pulling up her camisole top, lips kissing at the spot just below her ear before he slid down her shorts, his mouth gently kissing a trail up from her belly through the middle of her breasts, up her neck and finally back to her mouth.
Fliss was utterly lost now, in the usual whirl of love, and lust and passion and kissed him back, hard as his hand gently dropped between her legs and he felt her slick against the tips of his fingers as he gently coaxed at her clit, continuing until she was nothing short of a writhing mess clawing at his back, aching for him. They locked eyes as he took her left hand in his, and slowly worked into her, both moaning simultaneously at the sensation, Fliss’s eyes rolling back at the exquisite stretch inside. Frank began to move his hips slowly, deeply, his thrusts weren’t measured in the slightest despite the fact he was absolutely aching for her. He wanted to take it slow, end what had been an amazing trip in the same mood it had started in, absolute pure love.
His mouth moved back to Fliss’s neck, nipping gently at her skin and she let out low moan as he picked up the pace ever so slightly, his spare hand kept hold of her hip, keeping her as close to him as she could possibly be.
“Fuck, Frank, right there…” she groaned as he hit her spot and he smirked slightly, he loved the way she got like this with him, ever so demanding at times, such a far cry from the timid woman he had fallen for the previous year.
“Yeah?” he panted as she gave a soft cry, her body tensing underneath him “Good.” “So good…” she moaned, arching her back. His mouth found hers again and his hand slid from her hip to gently tease her nipple and she rolled her hips to grind up against him, changing the angle slightly causing him to go deeper.
“Lissy…” he panted as he drove into her deeply, slowly, and then again and again, his pace increasing ever so slightly. Every single sense Frank possessed was on fire and he broke the long, lazy kiss that they were sharing to stifle a moan against her cheek when he felt her clench around him, a tell-tale sign she was nearing her release. The sheets rustled underneath and around them both as his hips pushed up against hers, and Frank saw Fliss’ head tip back, her throat bared to him in utter bliss as she came hard, her moans soft and breathy into his ear. Frank picked up his pace slightly, chasing his own end as he pushed her through hers, and when he felt that snake in his belly beginning to unravel, he gave a low grunt which morphed into a gasp as he clung to Fliss, spilling himself into her, his hips slowing to a stop as he collapsed forward. Fliss gave a soft chuckle as her hands gently slid up his back and into his hair, as she moved and pressed a soft kiss to his head.
“I know I keep saying it but I really do fuckin’ love you Cowgirl.” he said, voice muffled as his face pressed into her neck.
Fliss gave a chuckle “I’ll never tire of hearing it Sailor. “
He moved to look at her, flashing her a grin before he caught her mouth in a sweet kiss. **** "You still not managed it?" Greg asked as they stood at the bar, waiting for their drinks. Frank sighed and glanced at Fliss who was sat with Bonnie in the booth, the pair of them sniggering at something. "Do you see a ring on her finger?" He looked at Greg. "No" "Well there's your answer." "What's the hold up, man?" Greg frowned. "Nothing has felt right." Frank sighed "she won’t want a huge fuss in front of people so that basically ruled out all of New York...bar one moment when I thought it was time, in front of the tree at Rockefeller...and then some douchebag went and beat me to it, proposing to his girl whilst we watched..." "You're over thinking it." Greg said, looking at Frank "Take a step back. When are the pair of you at your best? The time you enjoy most, I mean" "Honestly?" Frank shrugged "at night when Mary's gone to bed and we finally sit down and just watch TV or joke around." "Well there you go." Greg shrugged "What, at home?" Frank frowned "Why not?" Greg looked at him "the point isn't to be showy or flashy but to show her you wanna spend the rest of your life with her." Frank pondered this for a moment. Greg has a point. They were at their happiest doing the simple things, spending quiet time together, being fucking normal. Fliss loved it when they curled up and Frank would simply cuddle her close and kiss her head, easy signs of affection that she had craved all through her wreck of a marriage. And Frank loved it too, because it made him feel grounded, time for him to simply be Frank in his own right, the very thing he used to use his Friday night drinking sessions for. Now he could feel it every night, thanks to Lissy…
And then, suddenly an idea came to him, out of nowhere.
Oh, it was perfect! "Greg..." he smiled, slapping the man on the back "you are a genius." "Glad I could be of service." Greg smirked "This means I get best man duty, right?"
Frank smirked at him, shrugging, not giving anything away. His eyes flicked back to Fliss who had now stood up, Simon having returned to the table sliding in next to Bonnie. Frank’s eyes travelled up her bare legs, from her high-heels up to the short little pink playsuit she was wearing, which was printed with black palm trees and other patterns, the small straps settling on her tanned shoulders, the front showing him just enough cleavage. She was wearing a black butterfly necklace that she had bought in New York and her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders in soft curls. Her brown eyes locked onto his and he smiled as he remembered the last Circle Of Truth Christmas outing the previous year, when he had told her he loved her for the first time. And here they were, now 5 days away from their second Christmas together.
“Hey beautiful” he smiled as she reached his side. His arm curled round her and he pressed a kiss to her cheek “You ok?” “Yeah, just thirsty.” she smiled. “Can I get a water as well as my gin please?”
“Sure…” he turned to look at the bar tender who was pulling their drinks together. Once he had attracted his attention and added a bottle of water to the order he turned back to her as Greg spoke up.
“Frank said you enjoyed New York.” “Oh, it was fantastic.” she smiled “Every bit as magical as I thought it was going to be.”
“Good, I’m glad you all had a good time.” Greg smiled “You deserved it after everything that went down.” “Yeah well, he’s banged up now. His brother is going to go down for Endangerment or whatever it is you call it, its’ done, it’s over.” Fliss smiled, “We got the rest of our lives ahead of us now.” “Well, if that doesn’t call for shots then I don’t know what does…” Greg smirked as the bar tender placed their drinks in front of them.
“No, Greg…” Fliss started to protest but Greg cut her off.
“Yes Greg!” he smirked, turning to the bar tender, “Can I get a bottle of Tequila pal and 8 glasses.” Fliss groaned “I’m teaching at 9 am!”
“Dumbass…” Greg looked at her and Frank gave a snort.
“I told you to switch them out…”
“I can’t!” she pouted “I already did for Boston and New York…” “Well…” Greg smirked as the bar tender set the bottle and glasses down in front of him “Looks like you’re doing it with a hangover honey.” “Fuck my life…” **** Fuck my life indeed. Fliss spent the following morning throwing up, groaning once more that she was never drinking tequila EVER again. Frank reminded her of how many times she had said that over the time he had known her and she’d simply let out a huge fake sob and thrown herself face down on the bed again declaring that she didn’t want to adult anymore as it sucked.
The days before Christmas passed in the usual chaos. Presents were wrapped and stashed under the tree, more drinks were had with Friends. Evelyn visited for a few days, which had actually almost pleased Frank a little. She wasn’t staying for Christmas, her arrangements having already been made, but she had hinted that maybe next year she could, to which Frank and Fliss had both agreed. She had been taken with Mary’s gift to her and had laughed out loud when Bill and Verity had presented her with a case of Malbec, the same Malbec she’d smashed a bottle of over John’s head. Her gifts to them both had been a substantial chunk of money, in the thousands, and when Frank had protested at the amount on the cheque she had waved it off as 8 years of owed presents. Mary’s was wrapped so it was placed under the tree for Christmas morning. Evelyn headed back to Boston on the morning of Christmas Eve, Frank and Mary driving her to the airport instead of her driver, where they had both bid her a Happy Christmas and waved her goodbye as she headed off to spend it with her friends in Newton.
After the final preparations were made Frank, Fliss and Mary collapsed onto the sofa for a Marathon of Christmas Films. Mary was, as usual, excited and the copious amounts of chocolate and candy she was shovelling down weren’t helping either, but what the hell, it was Christmas after all.
"You ok?" Frank glanced at Fliss as she sat on the other side of the couch. Love Actually was playing, the final film of the evening before Mary went to bed. Fliss, however didn't look like she was paying attention. "Huh?" She looked at him, blinking. "I said are you ok? You look like you were miles away"
“Yeah, sorry, I was errr…just running through things in my head, making sure nothing was forgotten.” Frank smiled. They were hosting Verity and Bill tomorrow as Steven and his family were at his wife’s parents for this year, flying out instead of the 28th to spend New Year’s with them all. Fliss had asked Frank if they could host, as she’d never had the chance to do that before and of course he had agreed, not least because of the excited look on her face when she had asked.
“The table is set, food and everything is ready to go…” he chuckled, looking at her “Just relax…”
He reached round Mary, his hand gently rubbing at Fliss’ back and she smiled at him, turning her attention to the TV.
20 minutes or so later the film finished and Mary jumped up, grabbing Frank’s hand to make him dance to God Only Knows as the final closing scenes played out. He smiled and picked her up, resting her on his hip as he twirled her round to the song, the pair of them laughing before he eventually dropped her down and told her it was bed time. She scooted off, Fred trotting behind her, his tail swishing as she skipped and Frank headed in about 5 minutes later to tuck her in, before he came back to the living room.
“She wants you to go and say goodnight.” he smiled,
Fliss nodded and stood up.
“You sure you’re ok?” Frank asked.
“Yeah, honestly, I’m just tired.” she assured him. Giving him a kiss she headed up the hall and Frank watched her go before he smiled to himself, and set about quickly putting the last touches to his plan.
She came back about 10 minutes later and he smiled at her as she walked into the room.
“OK, now she’s out of the way…I got something for you...” Frank smiled.
Fliss looked at him before she shook her head, chuckling a little “I got something for you too…Frank, I have-” “Me first.” Frank cut her off.
She looked at him for a second, his bright blue eyes were shining as he grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.
“Fine…” she smiled, “Ok, you first.” He grinned and then folded his arms “You gotta find it.” “What?”
“It’s hidden, on the tree, and you gotta find it.” Her face lit up as she gave a laugh “You are such a dork!” “Yeah, I know…” Narrowing her eyes playfully she moved to the tree, glancing at it. “Ok so it’s not very big then, seeing as I can’t see it straight away.” Frank shrugged as she continued her search.
“I haven’t put it high up, seeing as you’re a short ass…” “I’m perfectly average for a woman thank you.” “Trust me baby girl, nothing about you is average.” he winked and she let out a snort.
“Charmer.” she grinned, turning back to the tree.
“Ok, you’re miles off…” he said, and she moved to her right “Gettin’ warmer…warmer…ok, yep, nearly there…” Fliss continued to search, and then something caught her eye. There was something shiny handing from the nose of her Doe ornament. She stepped forward slightly, and when she realised what it was her right hand flew to her mouth. Frank’s breath caught in his throat as she spun to face him, her eyes wide.
"You, me and Mary have been hanging out together since August last year now...” he said, clearing his throat slightly “How do you feel about hanging with us forever?" He watched, holding his breath as Fliss' chest heaved with emotion as she looked at him, those brown eyes he could happily stare at all day were full of tears, the hand which had flown to her mouth in surprise was now shaking as it slid to the spot beneath her throat, that dip in her neck that he could nuzzle at forever. "I'll hang with you for as long as you'll have me..." she whispered, taking a deep breath. "Is that a yes?" Frank inhaled sharply and a watery laugh burst through her tears. "Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes!" Frank's face split into a huge grin "shit..." he sputtered before she threw herself into his arms and he lifted her up easily, her legs wrapping around his waist as he held her close, kissing her neck. She pulled back and placed a kiss to his lips, long and short pecks being shared as she laughed and he laughed, the pair of them simply lost in the moment until eventually he set her down and with a shaking hand he reached out to retrieve the ring from where it was hanging. Taking her left hand in his, with a deep breath he slipped the diamond onto her finger.
Fliss looked at it, admiring the way the delicate band sat underneath her knuckle, the beautiful diamond twinkling in the lights of the tree.
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"Oh Frankie...it’s gorgeous..." she whispered, before she looked at him, taking his face in both his hands and pulling him down for a deep kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." He smiled, kissing her again before he pulled away, his hands linking behind her back.
"I err, got us some champagne." He smiled, "I know it was presumptive of me but figured we could have it tomorrow if you turned me down." Fliss looked up at him, blinking before she took a deep breath “First I need to get you…just wait here…” He released her from his hold and she turned and headed out of the room, Frank watched her go, blinking for a moment before he shrugged and headed to the fridge, the smile still plastered on his face. She said yes!
Not that he had doubted she would, not really, but there had always been that little bit of fright she may have done. But that was all gone now. As he popped the cork on the bottle he found himself thinking about how he would be doing that soon enough on his wedding day. He poured 2 glassed and headed into the living room with them wondering if maybe a late Autumn wedding next year would be nice, October perhaps when it started to cool off slightly. They could do the beach wedding she always wanted, hire a marquee... Lost in his thoughts completely he jumped a little when Fliss spoke his name and turned to look at her as she stood in front of him, the back of his thighs brushing against the sofa slightly. He noticed her hand was in her pocket, clutching something. Playfully he nodded towards it “I assume that’s not a spanner." He chuckled, referencing the joke they often shared and Fliss shook her head, biting her lip. "No...it’s...a bit bigger than that" With a shaky hand she pulled out a small, white stick of plastic and held it towards him. It took Frank a moment to understand what it was and as soon as he did his eyes widened and he looked at her, then it, then back again.
"You're...we're...no...that's..." he stuttered, reaching out to take it from her. "I found out this morning." Fliss whispered, watching hair reaction carefully "I suspected last week but thought it might all be down to stress and stuff but..." "How, I mean..." "I should have started a new pill packet when we went to Boston but I forgot to take it with me. I thought I'd be ok if I started as soon as I got back but..." "There's a baby in there?" Frank cut her off as he stumbled over his words, nodding to her stomach "Yeah" Fliss nodded. "You put it there." Frank's legs grew shaky and he dropped onto the sofa, staring down at the test in his hands.
2 blue lines.
2 blue lines that had just changed his world forever. "I'm sorry, I know this is sudden and I should have been more careful..." Fliss took a tentative step towards him and he reached out, his hands on either side of her hips, gently pulling her t-shirt up. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her belly, his forehead resting just above her navel. "I'm gonna be a dad..." he said, pulling back, his eyes watering. "Frankie, you already are..." Fliss said, her own tears once more springing forth. "I know you hate it when I say that about Mary but it's true." He looked at her, a dazed smile split his face into two as he pulled her onto his lap, where she straddled him, and he kissed her, hard, leaving her slightly breathless before he rest his forehead against hers. "Fuck, Lissy..." he whispered, his eyes closed "You're cooking a little person..." She spluttered a laugh, nodding, her forehead brushing his as she did. "Was it made in Boston...is that the right word?" He pulled back to look at her and she laughed, brushing her hand through his fluffy hair as his gently reached out to rest against her stomach. "Yeah and most likely." "It's a little Boston Bean" he grinned and she laughed again, pressing her lips to his. "You're ok with it then? I know it's probably not what you would have planned but..." "Ok? Of course I'm ok!" He smiled "I love you and the thought of us making a little person that's half me, half you...fuck, it's amazing." She smiled and nodded, her voice a whisper "I know..."
"There is one problem." Franks said, his arms wrapping tightly around her. "What?" "You just ruined Christmas forever...because nothing is ever gonna live up to this ever again."
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willpowerbutch · 4 years
Willpower Butch and the Son of God
By the Reverend Willpower Butch
We found ourselves in a dour, tangled wood, having strode excellently to the north of the ruins of London. We were safeguarding ourselves from the Homosexual by burning his nail polish and thrusting our pelvises as we walked – I, by virtue of my untrammeled virility, and Timpani Gayparade because I was repeatedly kicking his ass – for this display of breedful lumber-hauling intimidates even the most unhyperbolic Gay into hours of aesthetic crying. My un-non-sodomized companion, Paragon Shag, halted us before a gully, grimacing as he did at its detestable and wet resemblance.
“Quite Anti-Rimbauded Stoics,” spake he into the gap in the David’s pants, “were you capable of womanly regard for your environment, I should caution you now to take protective hold of your erections. For I scent among the pungent mosses a grievous concoction of defensive sarcasm, elderflower, and fear of guns.”
“No!” shouted Top-a-mée Christopherhitchens tremulously at Shag’s injunction. “That odor could only announce one thing: an Anglophilia of Transgendereds!”
No sooner had the flaccid, strawberry-incensed brat danced this were we come upon by these self-same Transgendereds. They were crudely crayoning beards and boobs onto the yearbook photos of children while singing the “Internationale” in Esperanto. And they were, without exception, slathered in a gloopy, glittery sludge.
“Alas, they have fornicated with Boy George,” Shag supposed.
“Nay,” I overruled him, speaking the truth because I am a Man, “they are the undead. See how they rise from the ground like a Gay asshole thrashing up toward Papalism. See how they have returned from Tim Curry’s House to torment their enemies.”
For, in the center of that discoing mass, there stood the trifecta of swallowing come at somebody else’s orgy and then complaining about the taste: Graham “transplanted his ass onto his face” Linehan, Germaine “spectacularly missed the point of her own life’s work” Greer, and JK “spent the nineties roleplaying a little boy and is desperately trying to deflect” Rowling.
The trifecta hailed our entourage, noting that we were not party to the Transgenders’ Dostoevskian lower bureaucrat fetish. “Help us!” they cried.
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Marzipan Dostoevsky, friend of Vladimir Purina and King Gay of Sierra del Fuego. His infamous bent nose is the result of giving too much head.
Forthwith, we left them and continued on our way, crossing the border into Scotland.
As we plowed further into the wilds, we encountered a strange portal carved into the rockface of a proud spire. Drawing closer, Michael Sheen exclaimed, “This is it! The secret cavern where Franc’n’o has kidnapped God. But how may we come inside?”
There was, indeed, no discernible way through, for the doorway was a mere carving on stone. Near the top, there was a message scrawled in Scotlandenisishlatin.
The David stepped forward, the arches of his hips and back as sturdy and graceful as a yew, and his mouth as red-pink, as inviting, as absolutely forbidden as yew berries, gyrating as he read the words to himself.
“Read homo in the face of Man, and enter,” he translated for us. Turning toward me, his expression was puzzled. “Homo in the face of Man?”
“Shag,” I said frowningly, “what do you make of this?”
“Perhaps it’s a riddle. Omo represents the eyes, the ridges of the brow, and the nose in the face of Man, for facial hair is too powerful to render in this Nancy language,” Shag considered. “What we do not know is the symbolism of the ‘h.’ What could that be?”
“A cowlick?” suggested Gayparade.
“One ear?” ventured Michael Sheen.
“The tongue, sticking out?” lilted the David.
“The tongue, sticking out,” I murmured, repeating him. “Why else would Franc’n’o construct such an opening? He means for us to enact something that no Man would ever do, for the genital of the Gay is magnetized to the tongue of the Straight Man.”
My companions were much astonished at this, but also greatly impressed that I had retained so many facts about the Gay from only one drunken viewing of their episode on the Discovery Channel.
Looking between them, I could perceive the fear in their rapid flacciding. “Nay!” I shouted, mustering all my strength, “MEN!” And thus, I kicked through the doorway, sending out a shockwave that turned every blushing, pristine flower for miles into beer-soaked charcoal, scented with entitlement. And we were through.
Treading into the dark, it was several minutes before we came upon a peculiar thing. At the end of the hall was a garish, stadium-lit roller-skating rink, but unlike any we may see in the world above, for this rink was tiled with a material smoother than any quality of marble or varnished wood: twinks. Our metal-toed boots clanged as we approached, and upon this clamor, the twinks rolled around, alarmed, and like cats puffing their tails, they sprang their stiffnesses at us.
“Gentlewomen!” exclaimed the vile Franc’n’o from his throne of unsexiness. “You think that I’m greeting you to your faces, but in fact, I’m admiring your thighs!”
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It was in this moment I knew that Franc’n’o had succeeded in becoming a Gay at last. And I mourned, my lords. I mourned the children unborn because Ben Whishaw and his cohort have made western Europe into a writhing accumulation of sexually ambiguous style magazine cover-shoots. I mourned that the poppy fields of yesteryear are become the pansy fields of today. And most of all, I sprayed three-in-one shampoo/conditioner/bodywash into Franc’n’o’s eyes, for this confuses the radar of the Homosexual.
Notwithstanding this, Franc’n’o pounced. And, like a quietly imposing youth who always sits alone at the bar and vanquishes toxic masculinity by making engaged straight men curious about bottoming, his fierce countenance froze me to the spot. But just when all hope seemed lost, there emerged a shot a pearly white from behind him, disintegrating the villain into innumerable molecules of coming-of-age movie nosebleeds.
At first, I could not make out the source of this blast through the shimmering dust of a thousand twinks vanishing back into the realm of the fae. But as they dissipated in the air, I saw him directly. He was a titan of a Man, impossibly contoured, possessing flawless bronze skin and a statuesque comportment. He had hair that no beauty appliance had homosexed, and yet it was both as firm and as silken as victory garlands. He beckoned Shag and me to him, and when he spoke in his engorging baritone, it was a language otherworldly and supreme, far too masculine to pass the lips of any mortal man.
Gesturing to me, he boomed, “У него толко серп, но у меня большой молот.” And then, he turned toward a large set of doors, and we could only infer that he meant for us to follow. We passed into another long, dark hallway, which culminated in a yet larger portal which emitted an indescribable glow. “Зови меня капитаном подлодки, потому что я углубляюсь,” he spoke again and urged us inside.
We were blinded altogether, so bright was that interior. Droplets rose to Shag’s eyes and to my hardness. A voice still deeper, still richer, still more impossible accosted us. “Do not fear, my good Men,” it said. “This is my Son, whom mortals have met before. He returns to you rebranded as his true form, and his name is Panzer Dzheesaskrist.”
Dimly, I made out the irresistible figure who had addressed us. At once, all was clear. Such a vision met me, my indomitable brothers with extreme personal space, that I shall remember and love forever: it was God, the Manliest Man of all.
About the Author
The Reverend Admiral Willpower Butch, who recently topped the human race by releasing God from a pervert’s Scottish underground fetish athletic studio, is hard at work on his petition to remove fruit from public markets on the basis that it is gay propaganda. Paragon Shag, his brave correspondent and roommate, is coming out with a line of deconstructed cars to raise money for Brothers In The Comintern Have Enlarged Scrota, an anti-communist mission. Their secretary and Russian fairytale character who gets no dialogue, Dead Summer Days, is treading on thin f*cking ice with his decision to start wearing sweatpants.
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A modern version of the ridge pole scene, but I got carried away
Avonlea springs were perfect in Anne’s eyes. Especially the oddly sunny days after a rainstorm, when the ground was damp and wildflowers were abundant. Today was one of those days, and Anne should’ve been tucked in a corner of the forest, her sleeves pulled up to her elbows and her usual jeans swapped for a flouncy skirt or brightly colored shorts.
But instead, she was sitting in the middle of a (thankfully, outdoor) roller rink for Jane Andrew’s 16th birthday party. Anne loved skating, and thought herself quite good at it. But she preferred to do it alone, and not in the company of Josie Pye. Despite being able to spend a whole day outside, Anne was just near the depths of despair over having to be civil towards Josie for a whole 3 hours.
At that moment, the teenagers were gathered at the picnic table, indulging in snacks and an entertaining game of truth or dare. Jane was returning from a failed attempt at skating a lap on one foot, when Josie Pye was dared by Moody to skate a few feet on the rim around the rink.
“Please,” Josie scoffed. “That’s the easiest thing ever.”
And much to Anne’s chagrin, the blonde devil completed the dare with relative ease.
Anne let out a mocking laugh upon Josie’s return. “That was nothing,” she said. “I once knew a girl who could skate the entire rim of a roller rink...” she paused for dramatic effect, “backwards.”
Both Diana and Gilbert stiffened as Josie’s bewildered expression turned into a sly smirk. “Alright then,” she hissed. “Do it.”
Anne’s eyes doubled in size and her freckled skin paled. “What.”
“Do. It,” Josie repeated, with an added air of malice.
Anne stood up steadily and narrowed her eyes at Josie. “Fine, I will.”
“Anne! You don’t have to!” Diana cried, leaping up and grasping her friend’s arm. “If you fall, it’s at least 4 feet down, you could really hurt yourself!”
“It’s a pretty wide space to work with, I’ll be fine.”
At that moment, Gilbert eased his way into the intervention. “Yes, but you won’t be able to see where you’re going.”
Anne shot daggers at the boy, his insistence only fueling the fire that was her pride. With a final huff, Anne glided over to the rink and stepped up to the rim tediously. It took her a moment to find her balance, but she hadn’t fallen.
Meanwhile, Diana was in a horrible state, already imagining her best friend in a bloody heap on the concrete. Josie Pye was stiff and pale. She hadn’t expected Anne to actually take the dare, and she was terribly afraid of the reputation she’d gain from being the cause of Anne Shirley breaking her neck.
Anne turned to face the group, keeping eye contact with a worried Gilbert. Halfway across, she stuck out her tongue and grinned. And then she stumbled. There had been a mere pebble that got caught in her wheel, but it was enough to send her barreling over the side and into a bush.
Diana shrieked as if she’d just been shot and skated over to her friend as fast as humanly possible. “Anne!” She cried out in dismay.
Lucky for Anne, she’d avoided a most horrible fate, by landing in a bush, but she still hadn’t moved. Her fiery hair enveloped her sheet white, unconscious face, and her ankle lay at a terribly worrying angle.
“Anne! Are you alright!? Are you dead?!” Afraid to shake the girl, Diana simply swept the hair from her eyes and caressed her freckled face. “Oh Anne, please don’t be dead!”
Unbeknownst to a distraught Diana, Gilbert was shoving past a huddle of children to reach Anne, his face white with shock and his entire body shaking.
Diana moved away, her mind just clear enough to recall Gilbert’s brief medical training. “Gilbert, please say she’s not dead!”
Gilbert pressed his hands to Anne’s neck, and then her wrist, breathing a shaky sigh of relief upon feeling her steady pulse. He felt her scalp for any injury, finding none. “She seems to have gone unconscious from shock,” he relayed. “But I don’t think she’s hit her head.” His eyes darted to Anne’s ankle and he winced. “She does seem to have broken her ankle,” he added. “But if an ambulance is called and we don’t jostle her, she should be fine.” He closed his eyes, blinking away tears he hadn’t realized had begun. Anne was okay. She was okay.
“Oh!” Diana yelled, startling the eerily silent crowd. “Someone needs to call the Cuthberts.” She reached into her skirt pocket, fumbling around for her phone and cursing her sweaty palms.
Once the information was given to a very frantic Marilla, and an ambulance called, the children were picked up by their respective guardians and taken home.
Anne regarded it as a downright tragedy that she’d be bedridden for the majority of and most glorious part of spring. She spent countless hours lamenting over all the wildflowers and rainstorms and breathtaking sunsets she’d miss whilst cooped up in her gable room. Despite Diana’s constant visits(and facetimes, and baked goods) she simply couldn’t bring herself to enjoy her time. I mean honestly, there’s only so many days one can spend doing nothing but reading and scrolling through tumblr.
Her horrific boredom however, was not even the biggest of her problems. She couldn’t bear the thought of Gilbert Blythe stealing her hard-earned spot as top of the 10th grade. The utter humiliation would fuel her rage for weeks to come. But she tried not to focus on that possibility, instead pouring all of her energy into assignments her teachers had emailed her and occasionally craning her neck towards the window in hopes of seeing how many flowers had grown recently.
When, 4 weeks later, Anne was able to return to school (on crutches), there was only a month left until summer break, but nonetheless, she was determined to leave that year with the prize of top student. Not that they handed out prizes, but the mere knowing that she’d beat Gilbert was enough for her.
Anne did the closet thing to leaping she was capable of to get out of bed, already having laid out her clothes the night before.
She relished the feeling of simply being able to sit at her mirror and pull her auburn locks into twin braids. She let her gaze fall onto a mass of purple lilacs, almost hiding beneath the plethora of cards and flowers on her desk, and her breath caught. She loved lilacs, more than anything. But she didn’t recall being brought them. What she did know however, is that purple lilacs symbolize ‘first love.’ She shook the ridiculous thought from her mind. Lilacs are a beautiful flower and whoever brought them was just being kind, she reminded herself. The meaning of flowers is not common knowledge.
“Marilla?” Anne sang as she precariously made her way down the steps.
Marillas face went deathly pale upon seeing Anne. “For heavens sake child!” She cried. “What are you doing? I told you to wait for Matthew to come and help you down the stairs!”
Anne scowled as Marilla placed a frantic arm around her back and assisted her down the staircase. “I’m not completely incapable, Marilla.” She muttered.
“Yes, but you have a broken ankle.” Marilla pursed her lips and pulled a chair out for Anne. “I’m still convinced that you should just do work from home for the remainder of the year.”
“And let Gil- everyone else get ahead of me?!”
“I thought you and Gilbert were friends now?”
Anne shrugged and sunk down further into her seat, grumbling a response. “I suppose we’re friendly. But that does not dissuade me from beating him... fair and square of course.”
The two sat in silence, two soon becoming three upon being joined by Matthew.
Anne was the one to finally break the quiet. She had come to absolutely despise the lack of noise after being stuck in her bed for 3 weeks. “Who left the lilacs?” She questioned. “I’m sure they weren’t there yesterday. But I’ve been brought so many flowers, I could’ve missed them.” She looked up at Marilla expectantly.
“Gilbert brought those by yesterday morning.” She replied, as if she hadn’t just delivered the most ground breaking news ever. “You were asleep, so I brought them up to your room.”
At this, Anne almost choked on her toast. “Gil-Gilbert?!” She cried. “Gilbert Blythe brought me purple lilacs?”
Marilla raised her eyebrows. “Yes, I don’t see what’s gotten you so worked up. All of your other friends brought you flowers.”
Anne’s eyes were still wider than the plate clutched in her whitening hands. Her face resembled a sheet of paper and her mouth hung open, as if she expected the words to just fall off of her tongue. “Gilbert,” she finally squeaked. “Gilbert Blythe brought me purple lilacs.”
“For goodness sake child,” Marilla sighed. “Do calm yourself. Hurry and finish your breakfast so Matthew can drive you to school. I won’t have you walking all that way in such a state.”
Anne however, did not finish her breakfast. Nor did she utter a word until she arrived in her English classroom.
“Diana, I think I am going to quite literally die on the spot,” Anne groaned, dropping her head into her arms.
“Why is that?”
“Gilbert Blythe brought me purple lilacs!” Anne spat, her tone making it seem like Diana should know the importance of purple lilacs.
“And do you know what purple lilacs symbolize?”
“No.” Diana paused, expecting Anne to explain why she was so devastated over some flowers. Gaining no response, she encouraged the disheartened redhead. “Care to tell me?”
This earned her a terribly theatric sigh. “I couldn’t bear the humiliation. Google it.”
One google search and a whole lot of squealing-on Diana’s part-later, Gilbert Blythe walked into the classroom, seemingly oblivious to Diana’s smirking.
“Morning Gilbert!” Diana chirped. She gave an all too obvious point to a pouting Anne and grinned at Gilbert’s flushed cheeks.
“I-um, morning Diana, Anne.”
If it were even possible, Anne’s head seemed to sink farther into her folded arms, until all that was visible was less than an inch of her scarlet hair.
Diana waited impatiently for Gilbert to take his seat, before turning and whispering to Anne, “Anne, please say you’ll admit your feelings now.”
A muffled “no” escaped Anne’s tiny hideout.
Diana opened her mouth to give well-meaning, but harsh and probably embarrassing advice, but Ms. Stacy spoke first.
“Because of the many up-coming exams, we’re going to take a bit of a break today.” She paused and waited for the cheering to end. “But don’t think that means we won’t be hitting the books tomorrow. I just mean to let you all have a breather.” She clapped her hands together excitedly and pulled a stack of paper and a large jar of flowers from her desk.
Anne, who had lifted her head just enough to see her teacher’s face, went white. She didn’t even dare look over at Gilbert, but Diana’s stifled snickering told her that he was probably just as pale as herself.
“Diana.” Anne hissed once Ms. Stacy had finished a explaining the activity. “I don’t know how, but you did this.”
Diana simply smiled innocently and prompted Anne to read her poem.
“Of course.”
She’d been given a poem that was simply titled “Love”, and below it, written in Ms. Stacy’s neat and concise script: ‘First love’
Diana glanced over at her friend, and was surprised to see that she’d grown even paler. “What’s wrong? What’s your flower meaning? It should be at the bottom of the-“ She cut herself off with a sharp breath. “Oh. Oh! Anne this is so romantic!”
Anne shook her head vigorously. “It is not!” She protested. “And besides, he probably just has a daisy or something stupid like that.”
“So you admit that you considered the possibility that Gilbert might be standing on the other side of the room holding, once again, a purple lilac.”
“I did not consider it, not even once,” Anne huffed. She twirled a delicate daffodil between her thumb and forefinger and hummed lightly. “Now to find someone with a poem about ‘regard and unequalled love.’ Just peachy.”
“Of course you already know what a daffodil means.” Diana rolled her eyes and skipped away, leaving Anne to avoid Gilbert all alone.
Anne shuffled along the edges of the cramped classroom, doing the closest thing she could to turning on her injured heel anytime a certain boy made to approach her. She ignored the pounding in her heart upon seeing him clutching a thin branch sprouting dozens of delicate, lavender-hued blooms. She pushed away the tiny voice in the back of her head that told her that even if he didn’t know yesterday, he certainly knew now, what a stupid purple lilac meant. And most of all, she refused to meet his adoring, slightly pained gaze.
“Uh-I think Diana needs me.” Anne limped away at an alarmingly fast speed, her heart begging to simply fly from her tightening chest.
“Anne, Diana’s in the bathroom.”
Anne winced and cursed under her breath, before clumsily turning around. “Fine, what is it?”
Gilbert looked almost hurt, but he seemed to shake off the feeling quick enough. “I just wanted to see your poem, I haven’t found one that matches my...” he pointed at the flowers in his hand and Anne nodded curtly.
“Ok.” She all but shoved the scrap of paper into his face, before dipping her head down, her eyes boring into the cheap carpet.
It seemed like several, agony-filled hours before Gilbert cleared his throat hesitantly. Anne’s gaze stayed fixated on her shabby boots, a lump rising in her throat.
“I-uh... here.”
Anne looked up to see him holding out the flowers, his hand just barely clinging onto them.
She stayed frozen, her eyes flashing up and down from the flowers to his eyes that made her stomach flip. His expression was so very hopeful and pained, it seemed that he was reaching for something he knew he’d never find. But there was something else, something else that had been there for years but Anne had been too stubborn to see it.
Just as suddenly as her thoughts had drifted off, they came back to reality. Anne jerked her head to the side momentarily, before adjusting her crutches in a futile attempt to take the flowers from Gilbert’s hands.
Realizing her struggle, Gilbert set the blooms on her desk. “Can i see your, um, your flower?”
Anne was seconds away from unknowingly crushing the yellow petals when he said this. “I, I doubt that-“
“Can I just-“
“Fine, just, take it.” Anne thrust her hand out towards Gilbert, her breath hitching in panic upon seeing the worry flit over his hazel eyes.
“Anne, you, you’ve been digging your nails into your palm,” he breathed.
Anne tore her hand from his tender grasp, hardly even realizing that he was twirling the daffodil between his calloused fingers.
“Just a bad habit,” she muttered, still determined not to meet his gaze.
“Right, well-“
“Anne, Gilbert, please sit down, everyone’s found their flowers already.”
Anne and Gilbert’s heads shot up in unison, their eyes guiltily meeting those of a thoroughly amused Ms.Stacy.
“I do believe we have enough time to recite our poems then,” she declared.
Oh no. Oh this was the worst of it all. This, this was an utter catastrophe. Anne settled into her seat, her pale cheeks burning very uncooperatively. And why, oh why on Earth was Gilbert staring at her as he spoke? Why was his gaze so unbelievably affectionate?
As he spoke, so much more eloquently than he ever had, Anne came to the same realization she had a week ago. The same realization that had caused her to call Diana sobbing and continue to do so for what felt like hours. A realization that was so powerful, so so painfully obvious, that it scared her.
It scared her 13 year old self, who was cold to one of the few people who didn’t judge her harshly, simply because she was desperate for friends.
It scared her 15 year old self, who’d warily accepted a true, real friendship, despite the voice in her head and the fluttering in her stomach.
It terrified her, because she didn’t know what to do with it. For her entire life, she’d convinced herself that she wasn’t worthy of love, especially not that kind. It had been difficult to accept that even Diana loved her, but this was something entirely new. This was like a thrashing, rolling wave, that had been chasing after her for years and had finally toppled downwards and stolen her from what she’d come to know and accept.
So, Anne did what Anne always did when she was scared. She ran. Well, metaphorically, considering her ankle. And no, she didn’t just leave the classroom, she was smart enough not to risk Marilla’s wrath. More, she waited for the moment when Ms. Stacy released her five minutes early and was out the door as fast as possible.
She managed to scrape through the day without a conversation with Gilbert, however arduous and shockingly painful it was.
And of course, right before she could step inside her house and let out a huge sigh of relief, she heard those dreaded footsteps behind her. She really hated that she knew it was him before even turning around.
“Gilbert, I’m not in the mood,” she snapped, her back still facing him. She could hear Gilbert take a shaky breath and for a moment, she almost felt bad.
“I-I know,” he said. “I just didn’t want to... not explain myself.”
“What explaining do you have to do?” Anne was facing him now, hoping he couldn’t see the panic behind her raging eyes.
“I, um, the flowers.”
“Flowers. Right.” She nodded curtly. “It was nice of you, I should’ve thanked you at school. Is that all?”
Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows and gaped at her slightly. “I- no, no it’s not all, Anne what did I do?” The last part was choked and soft, and Anne almost felt bad.
She caved.
“You didn’t do anything, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not, I shouldn’t have been so rude- can we sit?”
He nodded and helped her up the wooden porch steps. They settled onto the cramped bench, knees and elbows brushing inconveniently.
“Are you alright?”
She hated how sincere, how worried he sounded. And she hated that this wasn’t new, that this was always how he spoke to her. Sincere, genuine, caring. Why was this so difficult?
Anne shut her eyes momentarily, gathering her thoughts and her courage, before speaking.
“In books, characters always know,” she paused, swallowing the lump in her throat. “They don’t have to battle the voices in their head or the anxiety in their stomach. They always know what to say, and how, when to say it.”
“Books aren’t real life.”
“I know that, I do, but I wish that it was easier to say this.”
“Easier to say...what?” His tone told her that he already knew, he just wanted to hear it.
She wiped at the tears pricking the corners of her stormy eyes. “Easier to say everything, really. In books, in my imagination as well, everyone knows their heart and is able to bear it with seemingly no trouble.”
“Please, let me finish.”
He nodded and went quiet.
“They don’t have to... they don’t have to worry that the other person will be...disgusted. But, but I’m not-“ she cut herself off, her words caught in her throat. “I’m not a book character, and this isn’t easy. I’m just... I’m just Anne. I’m not pretty, or well dressed, or interesting. The only thing I have is my smarts and my imagination, and I cling to that. I suppose it’s difficult to accept the possibility of there being more for me. Things I always told myself, and was always told I’d never have.” Her last few words were almost lost to the wind, just barely tumbling out before she collapsed into a heap of sobs.
Gilbert pulled her towards him, letting her bury her head in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her, grounding her.
When she pulled away, breath evened and face red and splotchy, he took a chance.
He reached out and brushed his hand against her cheek gently, as if afraid it would shatter beneath his touch. “Anne,” he whispered. “You are the most beautiful-“
She scoffed.
“Really,” Gilbert continued. “You are so incredibly stunning, but that’s only one of the many reasons I’m so drawn to you. You’re so smart and creative, and incredibly compassionate. You always stand up for what you believe in and never back down, which is very admirable of you.”
Their faces were mere inches apart now, but there was still a wall between them. No longer the brick wall it was many years ago, or bulletproof glass from a month ago. It was a sheet of stained glass, so broken, so fragmented, that it would shatter with one small nudge.
“Anne, I love you, because you are you, and I would not have you any other way.”
That was the nudge. Anne’s walls fell down and revealed a vulnerability she didn’t even know she had. “You-you love me?”
“Of course, how could I not?”
Her bottom lip quivered slightly. “I- I never dreamed that someone would, could love me in that way.” She gazed up into his hazel eyes, trying desperately to capture every emotion, every meaning behind them.
The wall was gone, for the first time ever, there was nothing stopping them.
As equals, they moved to close the gap between them. There was a split-second of fear, but that melted away like sunlight dripping onto flower petals doused in morning dew. It seemed cheesy to say, but it was as if this was destiny, as if some part of something had been predetermined, and this was meant to be.
Anne had always dreamt of first kisses. She never thought hers would happen with her eyes still stinging from tears, her ankle broken, sitting on the Green Gables porch, and with Gilbert Blythe. But you could ask her many years from now, and she would attest to the fact that she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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