#one last note. that’s just yakuza 0. that’s not including other games
designernishiki · 1 year
in a couple months im gonna be asked what I did over the summer and I’m just gonna sit there unresponsive because I don’t want to admit to playing between 250-300 hours of yakuza 0
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retphienix · 4 years
I did it :)
So, I cried. That's a given.
Also this might be the most overwhelmingly happy ending in the series so far, you know, if you're used to every entry ending with "KIRYU DIE?????"
Bonus points because this ending DID NOT immediately reveal that he lives! I know my intro here is all unserious and the like but genuinely, that does a lot for making the scene so much more impactful and it worked here even though I know he returns for Y6.
So, I'm gonna do this post like the last big post because there's too many thoughts to expel.
Timestamps as I rewatch so I can share my thoughts. Then a short conclusion because honestly? This game has taken all my words multiple times.
I just want to calmly and happily say my final piece at the end :)
0:39 - Spoiler, this ending SUCKS because it doesn't include a final rhythm battle for Haruka! Now I think I read somewhere that there's a member of that assassin clan she can dance battle as a final challenge but I clearly didn't do that right and missed out and that's beside the point- THERE'S NO RHYTHM GAMEPLAY IN THIS FINALE >:(
13:00 - Spoiler for later, Shinada doesn't get to say this from what I recall. Instead Baba gets a different wake up call, but that works out :)
17:00 - Not now, but this will come up, I offer to you my johns for what happens in the first boss fight. My eyes were dry as hell so I missed some QTEs which means I didn't get the flashiest stuff to happen. This actually happened at the end of Y4 also but I restarted just to capture good footage- not this time.
17:30 - MOUSE. MOUSE MOUSE, A LITTLE RAT, MOUSE. Love to see it.
19:00 - The audible sigh I let out when they played the same song I've heard like 40 times in my playthrough was palpable. I do dig the song! But there are what? 4 Idol songs? They really needed more or to not saturate their use so much :(
19:40 - I legitimately gasped and went "Oh no... of course it's you!" at Baba's role in this. It added a lot of weight to the way he practically begged Haruka not to show up.
20:50 - So here's the gist. Majima's plan didn't work out, we know that. Majima has a REALLY good line and motivator moment where he says he's following orders now to protect Haruka because she means more to Kiryu than anything (and that's how Majima rolls), Majima then reveals some shit which can be amounted to "I think you've gotten weak and wanted to protect you!!!!" which does ring slightly hollow since we saw Majima at a ridiculously low point earlier. So either his low point was him contemplating Saejima's survival chances, or his low point was sincere (it sure sounded it) and his worry over Saejima being weak was just also happening at the same time. I don't really mind either way to be honest, we beat him up. I fail some QTEs.
33:00 - Baba deciding not to fulfill his orders on his own accord is actually extremely important and good as hell. It shows that all this changed him and gave him the motivation to forge his own path- or rather it began to though he's overwhelmed with doubt. It's extremely good.
33:50 - The fact he intentionally leaves evidence shows how much doubt he has though, he's giving up entirely more than forging his own path, he's just refusing to follow the orders of another but hasn't found the strength to continue on his own. It's really good is all.
38:00 - This was the first cry I had beating the game x.x Shinada is just a phenomenally likeable character, and watching him accept where his life has gone and what it's meant to others is way more touching than I'd assume considering it's a tale of a baseball star.
40:50 - THIS WAS HYPE AS HELL AND LEAD TO MY SECOND CRY. THIS PRISON FAMILY HAS NO RIGHT BEING THIS ENDEARING. Also, more or less, they get to deliver the message Shinada was supposed to lol.
42:50 - THIRD AND BIG AS HELL CRY. SHINADA YOU FOOL, YOU'VE A FOUND FAMILY AFTER-ALL!!! I genuinely adore this moment so much is all. It's such a wonderful payoff for this loveable fool. After all the runnin' away he has a home.
43:36 - I love Shinada so much the silly fuck.
46:00 - I got a laugh out of Akiyama KICKING ASS in the news footage (didn't mention but the first brawl cutscene was rather lacking wasn't it?) and Kiryu just like... punches a guy. It's hilarious to me. Also you best believe- I UNLOCKED IT, I'M USING IT!!!
48:00 - Now this is a, well, it's a bad reveal. Like look, there is a metric ton of good going on in this finale- but the reveal that Aizawa is his son and is evil and is the final boss is just too much zero-build-up-payoff. It's the worst part. It's not like extremely detrimental or anything- like it doesn't take away from the good stuff- but it's just entirely uninteresting and bad. It makes Aizawa's interest in Morinaga bizarre and uninteresting since he got no payoff, he had buildup with Saejima and then in the final scenes he's just like "Yeah, Mori was nice but who gives a fuck I am the one who killed him (I think he said) and I aspire to be strong as fuck because all of YOU IDIOTS have FRIENDS and CHARISMA >:(" and like, who fuckin' cares bud.
52:00 - Now I'll more or less sum up all of Akiyama's payoff here. 1- I unlocked it so I'm gonna use it! 2- He offhandedly says he wants to be a legend in this town, which in Y4 he already was- he was a myth, a city mystery- but of course he means like Kiryu not the loch ness monster. 3- He gets to be a legend by being the only civilian (or person in general) the Omi would bow to. It's kind of not built up at all and is a bit lame, but to be honest Akiyama has a pretty bit part in this entire game. He's kinda just a convenient returning character with motivation to assist Kiryu and a career that allows motivation to get involved through Park. To be blunt, his part in the story is weak. I wish it was stronger. But it's inoffensive and he at least gets something- as minor as it is. Getting to say he's king of the world is something, you know?
56:00 - I will say that the build up of "Oh shit, these are Kanai's men!" and the reveal that "Oh shit! They are WATASE'S men and all the clans who the Tojo were seeking alliances with!" is a good one. Watase is a fine enough character which I bring up only because I was told he was a standout- but he wasn't for me. His scenes are great, his growth with Katsuya is nice, but he's barely in the game and really only exists to be betrayed and then to be like "I'm one of the good yakuza despite being a war-lusting one because being a good yakuza is just complicated enough to allow this overlap" which is interesting for sure, but I don't know. Unless he does stuff in the subsequent games I didn't catch much in this one. Maybe he does- I assume he runs the Omi now!
1:00:00 - I kinda summed it up but yeah. Here's the final boss, Aizawa, a character we were mislead on and who's motivation is empty as fuck. It's, whatever. It's not the good part of the ending. The good part is everything prior and directly after. Like his entire deal is anti-silver-spoon talking points but also he includes being charismatic or capable as silver spoon-isms??? He pretty much just wants to be leader because he's strong. He'd arguably be more interesting if he just said it that way.
1:11:00 - The lyrics to Dream are anything but subtle and I love them and I love Haruka. Sliding this in here- Majima gets no payoff >:( Park's dream is accomplished in seeing her star on the stage, but no Majima moment? No sight of him accepting her loss? Lame.
1:14:00 - I genuinely LOVE that Aizawa focuses in on Kiryu's gunshot wound. He still accepts it as a fair fight because Kiryu presents it as one, but even then he pays mind to it as you'd expect someone wanting to fight at their strongest would- he wants to fight Kiryu at his best and he's accepting this because Kiryu presents as his best even when wounded- it's pretty cool. Fight happens. It's fine stuff, flashy and fun. Still maybe the weakest final boss yet because he has no build up. I'd be the first to admit without looking it up I can't list every final boss thus far, but like, Nishi was built up, Mine was built up, Goda was built up, I just, in this moment, don't recall having a big "WHO THE FUCK, THIS MEANS NOTHING?" fight in yakuza and this is certainly one of those.
1:25:00 - I cried AGAIN. Haruka just hit me with a truck of emotion here is all.
1:41:15 - This is a beautifully shot, emotional, and tragic looking ending. Heck, at 1:43:00 I initially thought he was being awoken in a hospital bed and I was like "Heh, there's the old Kiryu dies fakeout!" but no! They hammer home, they go for broke, they give a TRAGIC AS FUCK bitter ending on top of an ending that's like 99% happy as fuck in terms of offering everyone involved hope for the future. This was a good end :)
So then, some overall thoughts I maybe didn't get out- I mean there's no way this post touches everything but I want to at least try to because I like sharin' the experience and what I got out of it.
The fighting styles were mighty uneven as far as strengths or fun factor. To be blunt,
Kiryu has an overpowered counter attack and heat mode and since heat mode is underwhelming as hell that means he has JUST a counter attack- his strikes don't really hit all that well considering the improvements other characters saw this time around, so he's a bit one note here.
Saejima feel even meatier than before, nothing particularly 'stands out' but the fact that he has super armor as long as he has heat is a pretty big factor in making him feel good to use.
Akiyama got the short end of the straw this time around. His new gimmick is the launch combos and they are... well... less than shit at least from what I could feel during gameplay. They don't hurt much, they burn heat like crazy, and they can MISS, all while being a move that targets just one enemy- has no counter to blocking or armor- and provides no armor in turn.
Despite not losing anything, he kinda got screwed.
(I'm lead to believe Akiyama is invulnerable during his aerial combos which my blurb in my finale post complained felt worthless and cited that as a reason.
If so then I was wrong but I still hold all my other complaints towards it, just not the 'it has no armor or invuln' bit assuming that's true.)
Shinada wins out for being unique and being a weapon oriented character that actually does well with weapons. Weapons have always been something I pretty much ignore in Yakuza and the series itself has always desperately tried to make them interesting with things like weapon skills, Kamiya works, and the like. But other than the god weapons like the golden gun weapons just never felt good to manage.
Using them, sure, that's fine, but managing them? Durability and skills and limited movesets and all that? Nah. But Shinada really does a lot to make them less shit! His innate abilities that raise durability a metric ton REALLY make weapons feel better to use with him- and his unique movesets with weapons are pretty damn good (mostly. The pipe/'normal one hander pole size object' moveset is worthless as heck, it regularly misses).
He's fun.
Revelations were a miss this time around for me. Since you couldn't have seen them if you tried on my blog let it be known- I ONLY got the quest related revelations for each character- which is to say- ONE rev per character.
Revelations in 5 are weapon based, and not just 'bat or pole or gun' or whatever- they are DISPOSABLE TEMPORARY weapon based.
What you are supposed to do is go to the specific place on the map where that one revelation weapon spawns, hope like hell you find an enemy, and wail on them like crazy. If you use a weapon x amount of times then you'll get a revelation according to the internet. This is beyond ridiculous and means a normal playthrough will get none of these, while a focused one will be bored out of their mind GRINDING to get these.
I did not bother.
Yakuza 5.
This might be my favorite Yakuza overall.
I still think 0 is probably the best overall for most people, it has the best style, it has from what I've experienced the best gameplay, it's story is tear jerking and exciting and fun.
But as a yakuza game overall, I really have to give it to 5 personally. Because 0 tried to work within its bounds- it made itself a great entry point to the series or a great addition to Yakuza 1 / Kiwami as background.
But 5 is building on 4 previous games and it does so fucking phenomenally.
There's something to be said about a later entry in a series gaining extra payoff thanks to multiple entries of build up and character depth and 5 fucking does it.
I just. It explores the motivation of some fan-favorites so well, it expands characters so fucking well, I know I've harped on about it but just Saejima- man! Saejima goes from a run of the mill "Decent" character to a fully fledged and explored entity! And I LOVE him!
And no he's not the only shining spot, like hell he is, but he's such a posterchild for what 5 does right in my eyes- take something that's already good and breath some life into it. Also I adore it's laser focus on a singular theme and all the ways it wanted to explore it.
Like. I think Kiwami and Zero take the cake for the most fun I've had " 'playing' Yakuza so far, but 5 takes the cake for the most fun I've had 'in general' like gameplay and me just thinking about it because there's so much to think on.
More time will tell as I compartmentalize my thoughts and perhaps forget some details as one does, but right this moment- this might be my favorite Yakuza game.
I love it.
Also, woot! I beat Y5 before Monhun Rise came out :D Now I can start that game without putting a story on hold!
Except I also told my sister that I'd start Omori after Y5. So I guess alongside monhun I'll be playing through a game with a hefty and wonderfully done story. Which is what I didn't want to do with Y5.
I just can't win, lol.
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tarhalindur · 4 years
Running through the solution space for Watadamashi-hen
With Watadamashi-hen in the books and the obvious and traditional remaining question of “whodunnit?” in everyone’s heads, methinks it would be useful to see if there’s anything we can lock down for sure as constraints on possible solutions.  (Or, seeing as we’re in Gou’s version of the question arc that focuses the most on the local yakuza clan, perhaps a (forum) Mafia phrasing would be more appropriate: who is still in the PoE/Process of Elimination, and who is out of it?)
Here’s what I’ve got, under the cut:
- I do not believe we have quite enough information to say anything definitive about which sister Sonozaki is which during this arc. There’s two big questions here, and both are mostly related to the backstory: did the tattoo incident happen in the backstory as usual, and why is information about Satoshi so scarce this time around?  And both of those in turn boil down to a single issue: the level 0 answer for Watadamashi-hen (or perhaps more accurately level 3 -> level 0) is that Shion is responsible for at least some of the deaths as usual, but if that’s actually Shion during episode 8 then her behavior towards Keiichi here (especially the confession in the last episode) is hard to square with her devotion to Satoshi’s memory in OG. So the obvious questions: 1) did something happen in the backstory to switch which twin has the personality traits likely to drive L5, and 2) is there an easy explanation for why a Shion-born-Mion wouldn’t be as attached to Satoshi this time around?
The one thing I do suspect is that we only see one of the twins in Gou episode 5.  (The question is which - present!Shion impersonating her sister for the game tournament, or present!Mion impersonating her sister for the rest of the episode?   Leaning the former, but that’s not guaranteed.)
(Note: One of the theories going around is that the ending credits spoil which twin(s) are present in which episode of this arc.  I believe this is possible but doesn’t actually tell us much even if so?  The only conclusion that would give me that I wouldn‘t have arrived at anyways is that only one sister Sonozaki shows up during Episode 8 - that would rule out worlds where one of Mion/Shion is attending school at the start of the episode and then dies no later than Keiichi meeting kimono!Mion.  Other than that, as I just noted I’m leaning towards only one twin being present in episode 5 anyways, and everything else including which twin is in 5 is potentially drowned in “yes, I told you it was Mion, but did I mean Mion now or Mion by birth?” unless the tattoo incident never happened and Mion was born Mion... and in that case Mion is the prohibitive favorite for being a culprit anyways because the reasons Mion never goes L5 in OG would now apply to Shion instead, so once again it would just be confirming things I would have already suspected!)
- For each of Oryou, Kiichirou, and {Shion, Mion}, at some point, somebody had access to both their dead bodies and the Sonozaki disposal well.
This is more restrictive than it looks.  There’s really only four groups of people with even potential access to the well: a member of the Sonozaki family, another member of the Club (who could get Mion’s help, wittingly [ala Tsumihoroboshi-hen] or otherwise [Tatarigoroshi-hen]), the Yamainu (courtesy of their raiding the residence), or the police.  Of those, the only people who don’t have severe issues wrt opportunity for both the Oryou and Kiichirou murders are the Sonozakis and Rika (who might have been able to use her position as last surviving member of the third gosanke to set up a suitable opportunity to kill both of them if she went L5 or a Bern personality came out to play), and IIRC the sisters Sonozaki are the only Sonozakis with screen time while alive this arc.
The most likely permutation here is that the obvious inference from OG holds: one or both of the twins are responsible for all three of those deaths in some combination.  Looking it over... I think the second most likely possibility may actually be that the Mion who was at school during episode 8 was telling the actual truth about Rika? (#FeelTheBern)
- Whoever killed kimono!Shmion and Satoko had access to firearms, given both the death pose and the reported gunshot.
This is actually quite the restriction on possible culprits, as AFAICT there are only three groups in Hinamizawa with even potential access to firearms: the Sonozakis, the Yamainu (technically there’s also other Tokyo groups like the Banken, but only the Yamainu show up on screen this arc), and possibly the police.  (Caveat: if kimono!Mion’s gun is real, then it is possible that the culprit here successfully wrested the gun away from her and then shot her with it.)  (I wonder: is there any clear indication in the original Japanese about whether the officers who heard the gunshot heard only one shot or more than one?  I know Japanese often lacks formal singular/plural distinctions, so quite possibly not.)  I am heavily inclined to suspect the Yamainu here - I do not trust Keiichi’s viewpoint wrt Mion’s “revolver”, especially with the mismatch with the gun seen by the dead bodies, and if the shot of Shmion’s and Satoko’s body is to be believed the position of the nominal murder weapon looks really off for a murder-suicide.  (Also, they’re still on the short list of people with obvious motive to kill Satoko - if the clinic is once again “renovating” and that’s a cover for shutting down, they could be cleaning up loose ends.)
(Note: The apparent scratches on the neck of kimono!Mion’s dead body are quite interesting, because we get a clear view of that side of her neck during the confession scene and at that point there is *no sign* of said scratches!  Now, it’s possible Keiichi was hallucinating the lack of scratches, but that’s rather atypical for late-stage HS hallucinations; otherwise, those scratches must have been infliced during the events leading up to kimono!Mion’s death.)
- Whoever killed Rika was either making a delayed statement and/or did not have immediate access to either the Sonozaki disposal well or the Yamainu’s resources.
This one is pretty simple.  The school septic tank is a pretty shitty place to hide Rika’s body (pun intended after the fact) - after all, only {Mion/Shion} calling Keiichi away at the last moment prevents him from finding the body within at most a few hours of Rika being reported missing![1]  It’s certainly inferior to either the well (where the police only ever get to look in scenarios where Mion, Shion, and Oryou all die; Teppei’s body is quite secure there every time its gets moved to the well in OG arcs) or where the Yamainu would hide the body (people killed in the GHD coverup as opposed to the main event stay missing - both police officers shot on the road and villagers trying to escape into the hills).  Now, it’s possible that just like in certain OG arcs the reason Rika’s body is in such a findable place is because someone is making a statement and never intended for the body to remain hidden forever, especially if they wanted the body to stay hidden just long enough to get clear first - AIUI finding a miko’s body in a tank full of human waste would be a bit of a statement given Shinto ritual cleanliness, even/especially given certain features of local Hinamizawa practice (IIRC you could find some vaguely Western analogues in some of the ways Orthodox priests were executed during the Russian Civil War).  (This probably applies at the meta level regardless, especially given that Gou translates as karma.)  If it’s not a statement, however, then the only reason to put Rika’s body there instead of a more secure location is because the better locations weren’t an option (which, in turn, could be either because there wasn’t time/opportunity to move the body to one of the better locations or because the killer just didn’t have access to such locations).
[1] - I’m not sure how incriminating that is for whichever of {Mion/Shion} was at school at the time.  Coincidence is a very really possibility there, absolutely no reason to think it can’t be when that kind of thing is de riguer for detective story red herrings.
Piecing it together, here’s what I’ve got:
Culprit 1: Responsible for the deaths of Oryou Sonozaki and Kiichirou Kimiyoshi.  Likely candidates: birth!Mion, then Rika and birth!Shion in some order (the last probably gates around Oryou crossing one of birth!Shion’s red lines, although something involving fallout from no tattoo incident is also possible).  Corner case candidates: the Yamainu, a different club member, the police.
Culprit 2: Responsible for the death of the “Shion” found in the well.  Can be the same as Culprit 1.  Probably the other Sonozaki twin, assuming that the lack of apparent marks on the body holds and noting that self-defense is a possible motive (or technically suicide + someone else disposing of the body).  Corner case candidates are once again the Yamainu and the police (but why throw “Shion’s” body into the well but not “Mion’s”?),
Culprit 3: Responsible for the death of Rika Furude (or at least for moving her body to the septic tank - I suppose it’s technically possible that Rika left the stage on her own ala Meakashi-hen).  Likely candidates: Satoko, birth!Mion (iff the septic tank was a temporary solution until she could safely move the body to the well), Miyo Takano/Jirou Tomitake (iff one or both is still in town after all, assumes Takano no longer has Yamainu support).  Notable corner cases: Rena, birth!Shion (self-defense? plus birth!Mion caveat).  Other corner cases: Keiichi (iff unreliable narrator manifests as him killing Rika offscreen, which is unlikely but possible), someone else around school (Chie-sensei after Rika insulted curry?), the police.  Probably not the Yamainu; they might have motive but I find it hard to believe they’d leave Rika’s body where it was.
Culprit 4: Responsible for the death of Satoko Hojo.  Not necssarily also Culprit 5, depending on exact events (the notable world here is “kimono!Mion kills Satoko and is then killed by the Yamainu in turn”).  Likely candidates: kimono!Mion and the Yamainu, in some order (kimono!Mion has self-defense as a possible motive given those scratches).  Less likely: Satoko herself (suicide).  Corner cases: the police, Rena (if she somehow dodged the security cams or Keiichi was hallucinating those), Takano/Tomitake (likewise).  Alibi’d: Rika (dead), Keiichi (in the cell).
Culprit 5: Responsible for the death of kimono!Mion.  Likely candidates: the Yamainu, followed closely by kimono!Mion (suicide) and Satoko in some order.  Corner cases: the police, Rena, Takano/Tomitake.   Alibi’d: Rika (dead), Keiichi (in the cell).
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vylette-takeda · 5 years
LFRP – Vylette Elakha
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(Updated 8/10/2020!) Full details on the character can be found here! - https://vylette.carrd.co
Age: 22 (23 on 8/25)
Race: Miqo’te Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral Good leaning
Marital Status: Single (Engaged to Mai Takeda)
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5′0″
Build: Petite
Distinguishing Marks: None, her complexion and skin appears scar and blemish free.
Common Appearance: Tends to dress well. Usually dresses, high society and/or high fashion. For less formal affairs or nightclubs she is generally still seen in skirts or party dresses. She will wear more relaxed clothing when the situation calls for it, though any type of protective clothing seems rare.
Profession: Doctor & Entertainer (Musician/Singer/Performer)
Hobbies: Music/Socializing/Attending Performances/Dancing
Languages: Eorzean Common, Miqo’te huntspeak, Some Doman and pieces of other languages. Seems to know more than she lets on.
Birthplace: Black Shroud
Residence: Cottage in the Mists. Also maintains an apartment in the Goblet.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between / Inpatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Cultured / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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RP Hooks –––-
Performer - Vylette is an avid and active performer. She plays many instruments, sings and dances and has been featured in a number of venues including the Demon’s Dance Floor, Epoch Tavern, Sanguine Shadow, and Wanderer’s Elysium. Perhaps you’ve seen her at a show or can meet up with her after her next gig? You can check the “Performance Schedule” tab which is updated regularly. She also often can be found practicing or playing songs around the Quicksand on her down time.
Social Butterfly - Vylette adores social engagements and parties and attends a great many at various venues. Maybe you saw her at one of these places or can catch up to her at the next one? She is usually very approachable. Medical Practitioner - "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." In the past year, Vylette's medical knowledge has been put to the test as she rubs elbows with mercenaries, bodyguards, and other folk with the penchant for being in combat situations or otherwise being inflicted with sudden, often life threatening, injury. She has taken this change in life circumstance as a challenge, and increased her knowledge and study to compensate. Previously known as a counselor, she maintains a good balance of treatment focusing not only on the physical ailments, but also the patient's underlying mental state and the ramifications it can have on the "whole self." Technology Aficionado - Vylette has come a very long way in the past year in her acceptance and understanding of magitek technology. Previously being known for her attitude of "I do not know how it works, it just does" towards her motorcycle and other similar devices, she had been forced to learn out of necessity in order to maintain her prized and extremely expensive vehicle. As she learned more she found her interest growing in possible applications for treating the injured those who have lost limbs to catastrophic injuries. She is by no means an expert, but rather she is always seeking new avenues of discussion and learning, perhaps even a mentor.
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Dancing Queen - One of Vylette’s favorite things to do when she is out is to dance. While she is skilled professionally as part of her career, she loves to just dance to enjoy herself as well. Whether it’s a traditional dance, a disco party or a rave, odds are you can find her there.
People Watcher - Like seemingly everyone else, Vylette enjoys people watching and seeing the comings and goings in the Quicksand. You may have seen her there, or you may find her on your next stop in.
Fashionista - Vylette loves clothes, accessories and fashion in general. Are you a seamstress, tailor or dressmaker? See something she’s wearing that catches your eye? Strike up a conversation about it!
Romantic - Vylette is a devotee of Menphina and will always be a hopeless romantic. She is well known as a matchmaker who helps couples find each other.
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What Am I Looking for? –––
*FC Membership
Really I am open to many things at this point. I especially want long lasting, meaningful, platonic or familial relationships.While I do enjoy one offs and random RPs, what I really crave is relationships that can develop over time and result in interpersonal and character growth. Friendships and bonds that stand the test of time and become mutual writing and growth experiences are adored.
As a note on the * items:
I am seeking an good or neutral aligned adventure FC at this time. Something preferably with a storyline to get involved in and a place I can participate in and potentially run events as well. I am not seeking evil, “morally grey”, yakuza/organized crime fronts, purely social FCs, or bar/restaurant types (they can have this component of course, I just do not want it to be all there is).
Additionally I am hoping to meet and develop a rapport with people where we can build up enough mutual respect and trust to delve into some family things. More specifically, I have some plot development ideas for Vy that I have had for a long time that I would like to see come to fruition. While I could for instance just make an alt to be these family members, I feel the interaction with another player (and in fact several since the plots would involve Vy’s fiancee’ and friends as well) would be amazing. These would not be scripted characters. While there is some background I would provide ultimately they would be in the control of the player steering! I would also be more than willing to do the same for others!
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Available to RP on: In-game. I have, in rare instances, used Discord to RP or finish a long scene, but I prefer in game immersion so this is the exception rather than the rule. 
TUMBLR: @vylette-elakha
DISCORD: Musing Muse#2211
SERVER: Balmung
ACTIVE HOURS: Most active from 6pm - 12am EST, but can be found other hours as work schedule dictates.
EXTRA NOTE: If I have kept your attention this far then please visit my page at https://vylette.carrd.co. Important information about the character, OOC limits, an in game performance schedule and more can be found there! To ensure positive interactions and see if we are likely a good fit for one another, please peruse this information.
Boosts and Reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3
tagging @balmungrp @ffxiv-crystal-rp @ffxiv-balmung-rp @mooglemeet for visibility!
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kyndaris · 5 years
A Dust-Up with Dragons
I’m not sure how it started but ever since 2018, I’ve played one entry of the Yakuza series on an annual basis. 2020 was no different. At the turn of the new year, I began Yakuza Kiwami 2. Having played through the earlier entries, I was eager to see where Kiryu’s story would go next, especially in regards to side quests. To be honest, I was a little disappointed at the array of choices in this title. Granted, I still found plenty to scratch my head at: particularly the one where the patriarch had a baby fetish. As for whether playing Yakuza will continue as a yearly tradition, it’s hard to say. With all the delays to the games I wanted to play in March and April, I might now have the opportunity to play more Yakuza. After all, I recently purchased the remastered collection and Song of Life has sat on my PlayStation dashboard since time immemorial. Then there’s the possibility of Yakuza: Like a Dragon reaching Western shores in the near future.
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But let’s turn our focus back to the game at hand. Yakuza Kiwami 2, at its essence, is about the clash between two opposing forces seeking dominance over the other. Of course, being a Yakuza title, the plot is never so simple. Kiryu, the idealistic thug that he is, soon discovers multiple conspiracies that sees him traversing from his hometown of Kamurocho to the bombastic streets of Sotenbori. After several hours of detectives threatening arrest, sudden romance and trying to figure out why a Korean mafia is involved, the title culminates in a final battle between Goda Ryuji, the Dragon of the West, and Kiryu Kazuma, the Dragon of Dojima. And as they espoused the need for a manly fight to the death, I felt the urge to roll my eyes in exasperation. Really? Even after shot and with the threat of a bomb going off in mere minutes, these two men wanted to duke it out? It seemed inane to me.
This is a sharp contrast to the opening moments of the game, which starts a year after the events of Yakuza Kiwami. Burdened by the death of his close friend, mentor and first love, Kiryu and his ward, Haruka, visit their graves. There is a solemnity to the event that is further exacerbated by a visit from Terada, the Fifth Chairman of the Tojo Clan. Before they can exchange more than a few words, however, he is seemingly killed and Kiryu is tasked with stopping an impending war between the yakuza from the Kansai and Kanto regions of Japan. 
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If there is one thing that the first three Yakuza games have nailed, it’s how to draw players into the story and keep them invested. As I played through the game, I found myself enjoying many of these intricate plot threads and also came to appreciate the introduction of new character, Sayama Kaoru. The chemistry between her and Kiryu was just adorable to watch. And I wanted them to be happy together (despite their age difference). Sadly, after reading up on the reddit, I learned that she would be written out of the series in the next game and essentially forgotten by Song of Life.
Yes, yes, Yumi is supposed to have been the love of his life and he becomes basically a surrogate father to Haruka...but come on! He can date someone else! Haruka could have used a mum! 
As a random side note, I was very impressed with how mature Haruka was. There was even a main quest where Kiryu was debating on the best life for his young ward. Despite my best efforts, he was talked into signing her up for the life of an idol. Haruka, having a mind of her own, was adamant that Kiryu would be able to protect her and that she didn’t need to become an idol (at least, not yet), as she enjoyed her time living in the orphanage. 
Even if the drama of rival Yakuza gangs doesn’t interest you, there is also a vast array of mini-games. While I experimented with a few, the ones that stole much of my attention included the ever addictive claw machine and, of course, the Cabaret Club. I’m not ashamed to admit it, but I found running the Cabaret Club one of the most enjoyable parts of both Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami 2. Forget Majima’s Construction or Real Estate, ensuring that my clients were pleased by the hostesses was key. Despite being more than a year since I last played it, I was instantly able to pick up the cues, picking ‘Ladies Glass’ or ‘Refill Ice’ without a second thought. Sega, if you wish, you could release just the Cabaret Club portion of the game and there would be many eager to lick it up.
Combat also makes a strong return. Unlike Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami, the focus was on mostly one combat style. This made the game both easier and also a little more frustrating. I missed a little of the freedom that came from changing from beast to rush to brawler. How Kiryu gained experience also differed from previous titles. I thought it was actually quite inventive how gaining experience also tied into many of the different activities that are often overlooked. Food, in the Yakuza series has always been about replenishing one’s health. Not so in Yakuza Kiwami 2, which allowed one to also obtain very specific experience points. While I did not like that it was split into six sections, it also made one think about the food you wanted to each in order to unlock specific skills.
The sidestory featuring Majima Goro also proved an entertaining side romp for a couple of hours. It felt good to step back into his shoes though I didn’t much like the Mad Dog of Shimano’s fighting style. I also missed the ponytail and much more slick outfit he sported in Yakuza 0, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose. 
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Somehow or other, Yakuza Kiwami 2 is greater than the sum of its parts. Though I found some of the side quests a little underwhelming (particularly without Pocket Fighter and Kiryu’s interaction with an entire host of children), I still found myself mildly entertained with various shenanigans. Boys Love, anyone?
The combat also proved to be intuitive and there was a whole host of activities one could get lost in. Unfortunately, due to my horrendous backlog, I wasn’t able to simply keep playing Cabaret Club. In saying that, though, I could always dive right back in and rake in the millions.
Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a gem of a game. I’ve not played the original on PlayStation 2, but I can see that quite a lot of love was put into this title. The writing was also quite strong and I cannot wait to see the rest of Kiryu’s story (hopefully in sporadic bursts throughout this year). Forget Year of the Rat, it’s the Year of Yakuza and the Dragon of Dojima! 
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All the TOP 10 OF THE DECADE posts made me want to make one of my own, so here’s my 10 fave games this decade:
Yakuza 0  Shovel Knight  Nier Automata  Metal Gear Rising  Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger IX Final Fantasy XV   Scott pilgrim vs the world the game Undertale Persona 5  Doom
Danganronpa 2, New Vegas, Touhou Luna Nights, Katana Zero and Mario Odyssey all only barely missed out, and it was a tough decision not to include them. I loved the shit out of those games but thinking it through I decided they were just slightly less loved by me than the above.
Below the cut are some extended thoughts (of varying length) on the games included:
Just CTRL F if you wanna find a specific one
Yakuza 0
Every Yakuza game is delightful and this is definitely the best one, in my opinion. The Yakuza games appeal to me for a lot of reasons: the combat, the story, the variety of activities, the look of it all and the music. I feel like its a very unique game experience with its blend of weird in-depth side activities, serious crime drama, manly man masculine combat friendship melodrama, metal gear-esque convoluted conspiracies and a surprisingly compassionate view of the world it takes place in. 
The combat is what drew me in initially because it just feels good, the feedback of stomping on a dudes face in yakuza is delivered perfectly, and the attacks are brutal, hard and flashy. Its a very solid and satisfying combat system and in 0 its the best it has ever been. The ability to switch between 3 different and equally fun fighting styles on the fly really lets you mix things up and adapt your approach, every style feels fun and useful. If i had to pick a favorite it would be slugger, but its a tough choice, and they are all very viable and FUN.
Yakuza 0 also gets big points for having the best story in the series. The protagonists feel much more interesting in this era, the fights feel more earned in this game than others, the relationships are incredibly touching (I’m almost mad majima didnt stay with makoto) and the substories (and some parts of the main story) are the funniest they’ve ever been. Stuff like the quasi-stealth mission where you have to make sure women don’t see you buying a porn magazine for a child, and the extended scene of kiryu trying to guess the right business manners for a meeting had me laughing so much i was i was almost in physical pain.
The extensive business and host club substories get you tons of extra game content and are good enough to almost be there own game. The other games in the series have extended side activites of varying quality, but i think 0 had a rare case of all of these being, basically, perfect. The team obviously agrees since host club management came back repeatedly, but never as good as it was here.
Being set in the 80s elevates almost everything in the game because of the outfits, money flying out of every enemy you attack, the classic sega games you can play at the arcade (Outrun is so much fun and I’d have never have given it a proper go otherwise) and the disco minigame everyones made a meme out of (that music is so catchy).
As a final note this game has the best boss fights and music in the series, which is a very high standard to surpass when you look at the rest of the series. The dual final boss fights, the recurring boss for kiryu and almost every majima fight are highlights of the entire series for me. 
0 is going to end up being one of the few games I’ll never sell my copy of because i want it available for me to play forever, its a complete delight.
Shovel Knight
This game has been analysed to hell and back, so i wont have much original to say i suppose. Admittedly i did enjoy the first campaign but it didnt completely win me over, plague knights campaign and beyond was what really made this an all time greats for me. It’s one of very few games that gets the NES+SNES platforming appeal 100% right and essentially surpasses most games of the day, with almost perfect pacing, challenge and level design. IT helps that the whole world and story and look is charming as all hell. It’s an easy game to love and the more you play it the more that feels justified. Being PACKED with great content is also a plus. If you liked the first campaign you can just keep going through a set of campaigns about as good that only really rehash some level assets. I would say its one of the best 2D platformers ever for me, if not quite my true number 1.
Since i have little else to add to the shovel knight discussion, here’s my ranking/thoughts on each campaign
Plague of shadows. BEST storyline, great levels with a really cool gameplay gimmick, the characters are all cute and the ending really makes me feel for him. both sorry for him at first and then a very real AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW for LOVE
King of cards. king knight is just fun as hell to play as, he doesnt have that many tools but his movement is just crazy fun and i love the flair in all his animations. also has that rad final boss. joustus is ok i guess.
Shovel of hope. uuuuuuh what can i even say about this. its good, and the melancholy dream bits add a lot to the mood of the story. we’ve already analysed this campaign within an inch of its life i dont think i can say anything new. wish we could fight the battletoads on pc.
Specter of torment. still fun and i appreciate the tone change, but i didnt care as much for the characters and the mega man-esque level select doesnt suit shovel knight imo. specter knight has a lot of fun movement options though. mainly i just love GRINDING and the diagonal slash. i dont give a fuck about reize
Nier Automata
I feel a tiny bit ashamed i have so little to say about this considering it is one of the most emotional experiences i have ever had with a story. If i lsten to the final version of weight of the world i still cry just from remembering this game and how it made me feel. i think its one of the greatest narratives of the century but i can barely get across the appeal to anyone who hasnt already played it. its a story about hope, despair and the nature of the human race that never feels like its preachy or pretensious or taking on more than it can handle. it made me feel all kinds of emotions deeply and intensely, it genuinely made me burst into tears about 10 times, maybe more. even putting aside the ggrand narrative, theres so many cool character moments and bits of world building and visual eements and tragic little side stories that you would need a whole book to talk about them all while doing any real justice to them. i loved it so much that im paying £70 to see an orchestra do the soundtrack live. I want to hug and kiss 2b and 9s better. i just love it deeply and i find it hard to explain why it makes me feel that way, but its a dark beautiful and hopeful story where every moment feels earned. the despair of the story giving way to genuine hope with the rest of the world helping you fight for it is such an intensely emotional moment that you could never replicate outside of this kind of story and medium. how the fuck do i explain that to anyone that doesnt already get it. I’m glad this game exists
Metal Gear Rising 
Well, complete tone shift here. Platinum made a lot of great action games in the last decade that all dig into that same itch for DODGE SLOW MOTION BANG BANG BANG alongside great soundtracks, visuals and awesome set piece moments. Just intense, flashy, awesome combat. Picking a favorite of the decade was the hard part, because a platinum game had to be one of my faves of the decade. The closest was transformers, but mgr has a couple of things about it that put it above the rest of the platinum catalog for me.
The story actually works very well at still being metal gear while in the platinum formula, its about the cycle of violence and FINDING YOUR OWN PURPOSE and it works weirdly well. The strangest part is that it feels like a legitimate sequel to metal gear 4 tonally while still being the crazy action game it is
Raiden is just super fun to play as, while I’ll always miss the DODGE SLOWMO in a platinum game parry and zandatsu give a great flow to fights and there’s real exhilaration to parrying a hard chain of attacks and tearing out a bunch of enemies spines at once every time
raiden is also just  a fun protag, it truly allows me to embrace that kind of stereotypical edgy cool anime swordsman he embodies
Bosses just rule
one of the best final bosses ever, in my opinion? maybe that’s controversial, but armstrong gets an insane amount of characterization and pure PRESENCE out of such a small amount of screen time and the fact he feels like such a perfect rival to raiden so quickly is kind of nuts to me. within about half an hour you are ready for the ultimate final showdown with everything at stake, and then the gameplay 100% delivers on that with a fight that is challenging as hell and just feels climatic and intimidating. its a little thing, but having this dude just smack you around with his hands and almost no fighting skill after a game filled with crazy flippy cyborg ninjas makes him feel TOUGH and the way you finish him off? it just rocks, plain and simple. I don’t think i need to justify slices a massive dudes chest open and ripping out his giant still beating robot heart as the music climaxes and our cool edgy protag literally says WE’RE DONE HERE. truly, it has to be this way.
Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger IX 
For fast twitchy 2d platformers this barely beat out Katana Zero and Touhou Luna Nights, but i think its just a little better. The skill ceiling on this game is high as hell and once you really get to grips with it, its an experience you cant find anywhere else. its just satisfying as hell to be able to get through the point where you can ZOOM  through these levels by making use of copen’s dash and lock-on and weapons well enough. once you get good enough to get through a hole level without touching the ground, you just cant go back. I liked this enough to get an S rank on almost every level. this game just rules, man.
story, art and music are all great as well. but they pale in importance next to zippy jetpack zoom zoom fun time.
also great for having a cool twist that i genuinely did not see coming at all
Final Fantasy XV   
For context, my experience of FFXV was not the base game so i cannot personally address the concerns of the version at launch, which i hear from others was a total mess! The game has been updated and changed so much that it is probably almost unrecognizable aside from the absolute base aspects of it. The version i am talking about is, as far as we know, the “final” version released right before Episode Ardyn. There was of course an update after this, but it only added DLC compatibility and a few items, so it means very little in the grand scheme. I also played all of the dlc and watched all the periphery material to get the full, messy disjointed experience. it is also worth noting that the only other FF game i have played is the classic title Mario Hoops 3 on 3 Basketball. I feel it important to tell you this before getting into things so that you can have a full idea of the perspective i come at the game from.
This was chosen over Mario Odyssey and someone will probably kill me for that. I just think its a great emotional story that does a fantastic job of making you care for all the characters, and the world feels massive and full of cool stuff to see. It’s my favorite open world game and i love The Boys.  its not the kind of thing i usually play but i think it genuinely had a great story and its a very fun game to just explore and spend time in. ffxv truly understands the emotional bond between The Lads and it is fun to kill big monsters with your party
(they kinda ruin the last cutscene in english, in japanese he says I LOVE YOU GUYS and it makes me cry but in english he goes U GUYS ARE THE BEST which just isnt the same. a small nitpick though. a lot of this game made me cry regardless, its just great at creating an emotional bond)
I admire the insane level of ambition in the visuals and scope, and i bought every dlc for it because it was just that good. the ifrit boss fight and all the giant monsters are just amazingly epic in scale. the “found a cool rock” post is what i truly admire about this game summed up. 
all the ancillary material for the game is great and worth getting into, with the exception of the Comrades multiplayer expansion. Everything else adds depth to the story and the world without being entirely necessary for you to get through the story. the anime and the dlc all really feel worth getting into without being something you have to see to get The Full Experience
the giant monsters are cool
Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game
Being from 2010 this game only just makes it in, but it was my favorite beat em up this decade and a source of great nostalgia for me. It had a pretty big impact on music and art tastes in regards to games, and in retrospect this games existence was very much a dream team scenario. Paul Robertson is a great sprite artist who does a lot of good work, Anamanaguchi have gone on to become one of my favorite bands (another winter is still one of their best tracks imo) and at the time this came out i was obsessed with scott pilgrim. That plus the beat em up gameplay makes this kind of a perfect blending of a lot of my specific tastes. Playing this brings me back to the time in my school life that i played it very distinctly, a more comfortable time in my life for sure, and i think the game still stands up excellently. I hope that someday it will get a rerelease so others can enjoy it. I give this another play through every year or so, but i wish id gotten the dlc while it was still available
i like this game because of the intense adrenaline rush and violent catharsis it gives me, essentially a constant dopamine rush
fun game good
I’m glad i got to this before the massive wave of spoilers and popularity came about. It’s a great story with some fun gameplay, and i think SANS UNDERTALE was one of the best boss fights this decade. Its a shame that for so many new players this experience is going to be ruined by spoilers
Persona 5 
Danganronpa 2 and fallout new vegas were close contenders for this last spot. I actually made a post about my thoughts on this game before https://journaloftomfooleryandjapery.tumblr.com/post/184341270554/nue-is-great-love-his-goofy-design-when-life-will but essentially 
Essentially, its got a great cast of characters, a cool slick look, great monster designs, a fun gameplay loop of collecting monsters and grinding stats while waiting for the next big event, and a surprisingly good story
No idea if royal is any good, but its on a pretty small list of games that i might actually take the time to replay
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pinclock · 5 years
Big Birthday Update
It’s my birthday tomorrow! Yay! I’ve been meaning to give you guys an update on how things have been going on my end, and since my age is about to go up another number, now’s as good a time as any. At the start of the year I made I think 6 or so New Year’s Resolutions, so I wanna cover those. from most important to least important. -Finish Brawl Minus 4.3 I’m putting this one out of my personal projects first because I feel like people are counting on me for this and anticipating this the most. I’ve been out an SD card reader for a while and am getting myself a new one for my birthday, so I’ll be able to get back to Wii testing, which will help us with Subspace fixes now that we have a lead on it. Also trying to figure out more costumes to include, but besides those there are plenty of other major hurdles that keep us from release. It’s still 2019, but I’m going to focus on this one more actively rather than re-animates and Smash videos like I’ve been doing. I can’t just keep this waiting forever. -Johou Battle Getting it finished this year is pretty unlikely. It’s in the same rut it’s been in since October, that being the replay system being coded. So long as there’s no replay system I can’t really get good bugfixes going, which is keeping the game in limbo for longer. Commissioning a replay system is more often than not out of my price range, so I’m stuck still. I have other stuff to focus on in the meantime, but in my free time I will be seeking solutions. Maybe if I find even better work I can afford the commission. Here’s hoping. -Smash Ultimate meme videos This one isn’t a resolution, but I’ve been thinking about this one so I’m gonna talk about them anyways. I’m probably gonna stop making these, or at least the full length videos. It was fun and it lasted longer than my silly Smash 4 attempt thanks to Ultimate’s in-game ability to record replays as .mp4s. I still have a lot of clips from a planned Joker video, and I will be posting those on my twitter. I’m pretty proud of the End of 2.0 one so I think it’s a good note to end those on. Maybe I’ll pick it up again in the future, but for now I’m gonna take a break from these. -ReAnimated Collabs I picked up a good amount of these purely out of spite of the Kirby one. I made 4 parts so far, and will continue to work on these as animation exercises monthly (outside the Summer months as I will be focusing on Clock Day then). I’ll let you guys know which ones I’m in as they come out, and I can’t wait to show you all them! Now for the personal stuff -Find a job with better income I can actually mark this one as done: I started Substitute Teaching back in January, and now make more a day than I ever have. Problem is it’s only $100, and that’s not really enough. It’s still a step forward and lets me be more aggressive on my loans though. I went to my school for advice but they still as of yet haven’t given me feedback on my resume. -Keep Losing Weight! Started the year at 187, am currently 172. 15 pound loss, just gotta keep going! -Reach 202 Twitter Followers Currently at 130. If you don’t follow me on twitter now, you can find me here! -Vidya Backlog hitting 0 again Yakuza 0 and Smash kept it from going down for quite a while, but I beat Yakuza so I can at least progress again on other games (at least until I get to Yakuza Kiwami, but I digress). I’m currently playing through DMC3, and it’s a blast so far! Honestly I wish there was more of me, there’s so much stuff I want to do but only one of me to cover it! I’m also interested in things like re-animating Agents of K. Corporation and other projects, but I gotta focus on what’s on my own plate first while also aiming to make enough money to survive. Wish me luck as I continue my quest to be so awesome, make cartoons, and much more! Cheers, ~Pin Clock
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09-21-2011, 18:14 (This post was last modified: 01-29-2012, 11:52 by _Smile_Man_.)
I've seen that Faramir made a list from all the mods on BO, I thought that it would also be handy to have this for MW2. I placed downloads for all mods and all sections, but don't download them without thank the maker of it okay???
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always watch the thread of the mod for more information Here is the list: MW2 Mods newest ones new old oldest ones Zombie Mods Rotu1.1 ALPHA BETA (By Se7en & Rendflex) OMA Zombie Mod Beta (By Yamato) Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod v3.1 + Smart Bots (By ddaavvee) Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod v5.0 (By ARES clan, posted by ddaavvee) Chaotic Invasion Zombie Mod V2 (By Rendflex & Yamato) Chaotic Invasion Zombie Mod (By Yamato & Rendflex) AIZombies - My Version! (edit by barata) MoD AIZombies (AlterIWNet version) (edit by The_Marck_One) Quarantine Chaos Zombie Mod 4.5 (by Killingdyl, edited and posted by fallky) Granny's Zombies 1.5b (The Last Update) (By 4FunPlayin) Quarantine Chaos Zombie Mod v2.5 (By Killingdyl modded by Adaragas, edited by Realtec) Quarantine Chaos Zombie Mod V2
Razor 1911 Cod Mw2 Steam Patch Download
(By killingdyl, edited by iZ3r0 and posted by d0h!) Zombie Mod (zmod) (By by DoZzeR, help from Carentan Killer and posted by d0h!) Nemesis v2.0 (Met PL, pyromanic5 Co-Credits: 4Funplayin, Killingdyl, (MW2U)Mathieu, Nukem, Goldenknife, AZUMIKKEL, Tribulex&d0H, posted by d0h!) Granny's Zombies (By 4FunPlayin, posted by d0h!) No Hope: AI Zombies (Bots) (By d0h!, RowanFTBL, GoldenKnife, Tribulex, Nukem aka b0mber21) No Hope Zombies 3.0 (By iZ3RO, posted by d0h!) download: Zombie.rar (Size: 2.01 MB / Downloads: 4,578) GunGames GunGame with doors (By Mathdu91) Smiles GunGame v2 (By _Smile_Man_) Smiles GunGame v1 (By _Smile_Man_) Team GunGame (By alteriwnet modders, posted by ddaavvee) Gun Game (another one) (By -Az-, Banana and posted by d0h!) Gungame V1 + V2 (By Azumikkel, 2 edited versions by dunno and GHOST (DS), Posted by d0h!) download: GunGame.rar (Size: 151.45 KB / Downloads: 2,681) QS & Sniper Mods (Mod Quickscope-Lobby (By Mathdu91)) EpicSniperMod (By Yamato) QS Mod by GeKKo v 6.5 with Custom Maps (By GeKKoFL0X) Sniper Mod: AccScoutzknivez (Probably by agent god, posted by d0h!)
Razor 1911 Cod Mw2 Steam Patch Notes
NoScopeMod (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!) H4RDC0R3's Sniper Mod (By H4RDC0R3, posted by d0h!) Lucky numbers and Quickscope Mod (By novakane, edited by freeway, posted by d0h!) download: QS & Sniper.rar (Size: 204.69 KB / Downloads: 2,865) VIP Mods & Mod-menus MOSSY v9.12 Re-edit by BloKK187 (By Elite Mossy, Re-edit by BloKK187) Ultimate Mossy v9 (By Elite Mossy, posted by ddaavvee) Admin mouse menu (By met94) Vip Mod (By Gladio & iZero) Grief Mod (Posted by Bloopbloop, Maker is unknown) GodlyModz V4 (By GodlyModz, posted by d0h!)
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MW2 Ultimate Admin System v3 (By ZerO (iZ3RO) & d0h!) HaVoC UnDeaD mod V6 (By HaVoC, posted by d0h!) download: VIP & menus.rar (Size: 466.4 KB / Downloads: 3,937) Flyable and Drivable Mods Tank Killstreak (By Yamato) Chopper Gunner (By Yamato) Drivable Cars Mod (By Yamato) Bumpers Car Mod (By Yamato & Killingdyl) Water Roller Coaster (By Yamato) other Tank Killstreak (also By Yamato) Flyable Jet (By 4FunPlayin, posted by d0h!) Flyable Helicopter (By MetPL, posted by d0h!) download: Flyable & Drivable.rar (Size: 133.17 KB / Downloads: 2,068) Prestige mods, unlock everything, .. 10th prestige // 70 lobby // unlock everything (By d0h!) prestige 10th mod + more (By xI cHOcOLaTe, posted by d0h!) Mike Myers and knife mods Knifing Mod (Ballistic knife) (By Yamato) mike myers v3 (Posted by nickdiesel10, no credits from creator) mike myers v2 (Posted by nickdiesel10, no credits from creator) Michael Myers Mod (By iGhost) Fun Knifing Lobby (By iGhost) download: MM & Knife.rar (Size: 189.33 KB / Downloads: 1,426) RTD & Mods like in Black Ops For GunGame watch in Gungame list Roll The Dice 4 (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by Bloopbloop) Sharpshooter (By d0h!, -Az-, Banana, PhantomGamers) Black Ops Mod (By master131, posted by d0h!) One In The Chamber Mod (By d0h!, -Az-, Banana) download: RTD & BO MODS.rar (Size: 158.95 KB / Downloads: 1,459) Team Vs other team Mods Bounty Hunter (By NeckTop) GDF vs Robots (By 4FunPlayin, mathieutje12, Lost4468, master131) CSS: Jail Break Out (By d0h!, (MW2U)Mathieu & |TPC|Lt.Homer) Aliens vs Predator v2 (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!) Juggernaught Mod 2.0 (By iGhost, posted by d0h!) Juggernaught Mod (By iGhost, posted by d0h!) Prop Hunt by zxz (Hide&Seek) (By zxz, posted by d0h!) download: TvsT mods.rar (Size: 256.67 KB / Downloads: 1,478) Other Mods (new) ProMod v3.2 pub + war (by Heinrich1980, tehwhynot, P.Ness, ScareD, Zalew, iNuke, dekart811, lmaobox, iAegle and the cod4 Promodlive dev Team) (not yet added to downl) (V5) MW3 Mod for aIW With MW3 ANNOUNCER FILES (by mans123) (not yet added to download) !LaserTag! (by ScHmIdTy56789) (not yet added to downl) Preditor Killstreaks (by Puffiamo) (not added to download!) MW3 Team defender for MW2 (by Jadjkorn64) (not added to download!) (older) xTreme 1887 Mini-Mod (By BloKK187)
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Hexer Mod v2 (By Lemon) MW2 Campaign CO-OP (By Rendflex) CraZy-JaV3L!N (updated) (By GeKKo, posted by BloKK187) R_bullets (By _Smile_Man_) Hijack sentry guns (By ownedtom, posted by iAegel) Retarded(Smarter)Enemys (Posted by ddaavvee) SPAS CHAOS (By eliteCVDelite) MW2 Old School v0.2 (By iAegle) Crazy Mod | RELEASE! | DixiHD (By DixiHD) Lolz mod modded server (By Fallky) Random Weapon v2.5 (By GeKKoFL0X) PubFun & MapEdit (By Gladio) Battle-Ship Mod v2.1 (By Cgallagher) The Pack! (By TheSaboteur, all his non-finished mods) Realism Mod V2 (By AgentGod, posted by d0h!) 1887Akimbo (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!) ac130 madness (By Ghost, posted by d0h!) Counter-Strike: Warfare (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!) Custom Killstreaks (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!) Halo 3 Mod (By iGhost, posted by d0h!) Gold Desert Eagle Mod (By ~Legic, posted by d0h!) download: others.rar (Size: 1.78 MB / Downloads: 1,662)
Download all mods (thank the creator of the mods and watch to the threads):
allitsmodsmw2.rar (Size: 5.4 MB / Downloads: 4,428)
Plz say it when I'm wrong or if I forgotten something. Press thx button! _Smile_Man_
+rep me plz
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0 notes
windrocklibrary · 6 years
Galemont Talks About: Things That I Recall From E3 Conference (now that they’re over)
These are a collection of things that I mainly remembered the most in regards of the 2018 E3 Conference and my thoughts on it. They’re all a combination of things that I both like and not really like. Either way, all of these are my own opinions and spins on it.
Disclaimer Note #1: Yes, I like video games. No, I don’t/can’t play them or rather to an extent that I can play MAJORITY or ALL of them. Why? Because I’m poor -- so I might as well revel around other people’s emotions and mine (makes me sound like a vampire or something).
Disclaimer Note #2: I won’t include the sideshows or extras (e.g. Nintendo Treehouse). I am going to state things based on the things that are presented at the conferences.
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Frankly not the most memorable for me. They mentioned not much from EA other than sports games like Fifa, NFL, and NBA (ones I remembered at least), Battlefield V, Command & Conquer Rivals, and Anthem to name a few.
I kind of like how the folks at EA are somewhat self-aware on what they’re doing when talking about Battlefield V, stating that they want to depict their own image of WWII; though that’ll probably start a conversation for some folks I can imagine. It’s a bit of a downer for me considering that people are applauding at the information that there won’t be any lootboxes. Whether or not this will be true is beyond me.
Anthem looks interesting, to say the least. Though it’s such a shame that they didn’t mention, let alone, showed much. So with that being said I can’t say anything and even be very excited about it. We’ll see how it’ll go.
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Lot’s of games. They showed off first party games like Halo: Infinite, Gears 5, and Forza Horizon 4. Ori and the Will of the Wisp was pretty neat and made me somewhat interested in trying out the Ori series.
The reveal of Devil May Cry 5 and Jump Force was very wild! The rumors that I often hear regarding DMC5 since last years Game Awards were very enticing, it was very cool to see it actually be true on E3.
Seeing Jump Force was surreal, especially when you’re watching Naruto, Goku, Luffy, and Frieza beating up each other in a hyper-realistic depiction of New York City’s Time Square; the shot of Ryuk and Light from Death Note is pretty wild too--would love to see what other Shounen Jump characters to be revealed there.
The trailer for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice looks very slick, kind of expecting it to be shown here especially after the teaser during the Game Awards.
The Amazing Adventures of Captain Spirit looks charming; a story that sets in the same universe of Life is Strange makes it interesting in my book. The game’s also free.
I’m super glad that Studio MDHR is making an expansion for Cuphead! It has always been a dream of mine to for Cuphead to have an expansion of some sort and I’m actually really excited that it’s real! They even made Ms. Chalice a playable character so that’s cool!
The game Cyberpunk 2077 was almost thought to be a myth until now. It’s essentially one of those games where you heard it and you’ll never know when the game will actually be released or revealed again; so seeing it back up again is pretty cool especially with their own flares for an introduction. Hopefully, it won’t go off into dark again.
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What’s the deal with that big dude during the Rage 2 presentation? He was like silent for a straight 15 seconds or something, some said that maybe his prompter bugged out? Who knows. Most of the presentations there were a little awkward, though it’s probably because most of them aren’t exactly used to standing in front of a big crowd or something.
Speaking of awkward, the Andrew W.K. live performance was whacked. He didn’t sound good there if I have to be honest, I don’t think most of the audience were jazzed about it too.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood was interesting, DOOM: Eternal caught me by surprise. Most of the other games shown there were interesting but didn’t really move me a lot.
Frankly speaking though despite the often awkwardness, there were some funny moments as well. Todd Howard’s presentation was a fun one to me; he was very self-aware of the jokes that went all over about him. I’m glad that Fallout 76 was expanded more in this conference because it was showed on Microsoft’s; it’s going to be an online multiplayer experience but apparently, it’s pretty divisive among folks, I personally think it’s neat--the nukes, however, is probably going to be a little sketchy in my opinion.
They also announced Elder Scrolls VI. Well, I say announced, it’s basically a tease; then it’s over.
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Same thing they did last year: a satirical shitshow that makes fun of the conferences. It’s pretty fun, but admittedly I kind of got bored with it and I just want to see games more than them losing their minds. I say that because most of the jokes they do are basically beating on the same old topics that have been talked by folks for so long. Their conference is basically a self-contained story-arc, this one being the continuation of the previous one and I’m sure they’ll probably continue it next year.
They did show some games. 3 I believe. A battle royale shooter (I think?) called SCUM, a frenetic and comical platform shooter called My Friend Pedro (the one I’m most interested), and something called Meta Wolf Chaos XD which is a remaster of the cult favorite FromSoftware game of the same name. I’ll probably need to look it up on that more, looks fun.
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Not really intrigued with it to be perfectly honest. Some of the things that they showed there have already been shown during the Microsoft conference (Kingdom Hearts 3, Just Cause 4, and Shadow of The Tomb Raider). While they did somewhat expand on it a bit, it kind of lost the impact that I think it could’ve had.
They announced an expansion of sort for Final Fantasy XIV Online along with a crossover with Monster Hunter World, showed Dragon Quest XI, and a new title called Babylon’s Fall by Platinum Games that is basically a teaser. Speaking of teasers, they also teased another new title called The Quiet Man; which admittedly has the strangest trailer.
Somewhat disappointed that they didn’t show anything about Final Fantasy VII Remake. It’s been so long since they announced it and showed a gameplay footage of it. Hopefully, they’re doing alright because the longer it goes on like this, it might become stale.
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The things that they showed there feels rather unsurprising because I kind of expected the things that they would do at the conference.
Kind of happy that they showed their new Just Dance game as their first thing, that way they cut the fluff and make the rest of the show focus on larger titles. There’s also a dude who tripped himself into a television.
Beyond Good and Evil 2 showed a new cinematic trailer, featuring Jade--but evil or something. The presenters said they want to show a gameplay footage but they showed very little. Joseph Gordon Levitt popped in and talked about putting people’s creative work into Beyond Good and Evil 2 (at least, that’s what I recalled)--didn’t really go into details on the incentives though.
For Honor got a new update featuring Chinese warriors into the mix, and they’re making the game available for free to grab for a limited time until June-18-2018.
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 was showed again but explained a little more there, it looked interesting despite feeling like another generic rpg shooter. It looked interesting, they mention how they’ll do season updates throughout the year for free and I thought that’s cool. I do hope they’ll do well on this one.
Starlink: Battle for Atlas was showed a bit more again there and good golly they made a surprise with Star Fox crashing the scene, especially making Fox McCloud being playable with his Arwing. Pretty slick. Yves Guillemot even made a surprise by giving Shigeru Miyamoto a gift and I thought that was adorable.
The DLC for Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle that features Donkey Kong was shown there, looks neat but didn’t show much, it was explained in further details during the Nintendo Treehouse though.
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey was announced there and it’s surprising to me considering that Origins was out since last year. It looks pretty I’ll say that much. You can also play between two characters in the game: Alexios and Kassandra. It also looks like they’re making the game very action rpg-esque, kind of like Origins.
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This flipping conference went on for WAY too long. 2 hours for crying out loud! I also fell asleep halfway through or something because many of the things they showed there weren’t fascinating to me.
Satisfactory won the award for the punniest game title.
Lot’s of SEGA games are coming to PC, ones that caught my attention being Shenmue I & II and Yakuza Kiwami and Yakuza 0.
 Untitled Publisher, a publisher that’s new to me announced 3 new indie games--2 of which I found the most interesting: Bravery Network Online and Overwhelm.
The game Maneater is basically a game about you being a shark and I have an iffy feeling it’ll shed a bad light on sharks for the public (I hope not).
Took so long for them to show Ooblets, a game that I’m very excited for, showed a new trailer though it showed some things. Wished there was more though.
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The conference kicks out with The Last of Us: Part 2. Ellie is pissed as hell and I have no idea why and I’m scared. She also kissed a girl so that’s something. It kind of caught me off guard because I didn’t follow the previous game and its DLCs, so the whole information of Ellie being a lesbian is pretty new.
Resident Evil 2 Remake is revealed and it looks slick. The fact that Capcom released and announced games lately that actually looked cool as heck is wild. Hope it goes well for them in this one as well as DMC5!
This year’s E3 Conference showed off not one, but THREE samurai games; two of which were shown off in Sony’s conference: Ghost of Tsushima and Nioh 2. Not complaining, they all look slick.
Kingdom Hearts 3 also appeared in this year’s E3 Conference not once, but THREE times as well at different conferences. I should’ve mentioned before that every trailer did show something different, with the one in Sony having the most difference. It looks like Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to have Ratatouille and Pirates of the Carribean joining in.
I remember wanting to see more of Death Stranding and know what the heck the game’s about, and they showed some gameplay footage during the presentation. Still have no clue what it’s going to be about though.
There’s a weird looking game called Control, something to do about a girl with a gun who has telekinesis. Looks minimalistic and clean; it might be good too.
Spiderman features a handful of villains beating up on Spidey in the end. It’s a gameplay footage and oddly I don’t feel that intrigued by the trailer for some reason.
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Surprisingly not a lot of big games were announced on Nintendo Direct. I’ll say it here and now that the majority of the Nintendo Direct is mainly for the new Super Smash Bros. Aptly named as Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Needless to say, a lot of people were happy and so was I; though I’m surprised and mildly sad they didn’t show anything about Metroid Prime 4.
The first thing they showed was a mech game called Daemon X Machina. I first thought it was Armored Core, but the surprising part is I somewhat half-correct. The game was actually made by the same people who made Armored Core! Pretty funny to me considering that the design of the mechs in Daemon X Machina and Armored Core looked very similar. The trailer was wicked sick too so I’m sold.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 got a new DLC called Torna: The Golden Country that is available this September, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses is also announced to come out next year. So I’m sure the fans of those series would be very excited.
Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee got a small spotlight there, but it’s mostly on the accessory Pokeball Plus. Turns out, every Pokeball Plus comes with a Mew for free inside; which to me is basically a way to make people want to buy the accessory then (that’s marketing ploy right there). This is interesting to me because it reminds me of the message in the last Let’s Go trailer that mentioned: “you’ll meet a special Pokemon”. This could either mean Mew or something else. So we’ll see.
Fortnite is on Switch, not a surprising thing to me and I think it’s good for the game and the devs who made it. I personally think Epic Games deserve the success with their game in my opinion.
Overcooked 2 is coming soon and now features online co-op which is great! Killer Queen Black looks interesting and my personal favorite Hollow Knight is finally out the day the Direct was on! If you’re into metroidvanias I highly recommend Hollow Knight very easily--the game is generally worth having as well in my opinion.
Super Mario Party was also revealed and I’m genuinely happy; it would feel weird for a Nintendo console to not have a Mario Party game. It also has a Goombah as a playable character there too!
The Direct also bust out a montage of games; the ones that caught my attention were Dragon Ball FighterZ, The World Ends With You, Splatoon 2 Octo-Expansion, Wastelands 2 Directors Cut, Megaman 11, Paladins: Champions of the Realm, Arena of Valor, and Ninjala.
Now for the big one. Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The announcement was great and crazy long, and you can definitely tell that Masahiro Sakurai and the devs were busy when they made this game. It’s essentially a port of the Wii U, but it’s brand new and it adds so many things it might as well be a new game. The game’s biggest feature is the fact that they’re having ALL of the characters throughout the history of Smash Bros. ever; being someone who got introduced to the series since Brawl, seeing Snake and many other old characters was super cool.
They also showed off new characters as well. Princess Daisy is finally in Smash and that was very exciting to me; she’s treated as something called Echo Fighters, which is a fancy term of a character that is a clone but with some variations (other Echo Fighters being Lucina and Dark Pit). They showcased Inkling and what they can do, and in the end, they announced Ridley from Metroid.
And thus concludes the many things I found interesting in 2018 E3 Conference. I think this year’s E3 Conference has been rather modest as so many of the games are mainly coming out next year--and these are the ones that are meteoric as well. As to who won E3, well that’s beyond me, especially considering all the factors on what makes someone win E3. If you’re talking about the number of games revealed, I’d say Microsoft. If regarding the games released in 2018, I’d say Nintendo. Either way, I just want to see great games that are fun for people to play with. If the anyone can have a good time and be genuinely happy with a game; then that’s a win in my book.
2 notes · View notes
Now that Black Friday 2019 is here, Amazon has kicked it into full gear with all of its video game and tech deals. We've got everything from video game consoles and PS4, Xbox One, and Switch games to controllers and Amazon smart devices. Finally, the biggest Black Friday deals have gone live.
As with Prime Day, Amazon's holiday deals page includes a mix of Lightning Deals--which are only available for a limited time--and longer-term deals that should be available throughout the duration of this first round of deals (or while supplies last). Following a round of early deals, the official Black Friday countdown has begun at Amazon, marking a week of deals that will run right up until November 29, Black Friday itself. Aside from this week of deals, expect one-time-only deals to launch throughout the day on Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. We won't know what those are until they're live (thanks, Amazon).
So far, Amazon's Black Friday sale includes many of the official offers from Sony and Microsoft. That includes an excellent PS4 Slim bundle with three console-exclusive games for $200, a limited-edition Xbox One X console with Gears 5 for $349, controllers for $39 each, and a 12-month PS Plus membership for $45, among other deals. Many of Amazon's own smart devices are starting to see steep discounts as well, like the Fire HD 10 Tablet for $100 ($50 off) and the Kindle Paperwhite for $85 ($45 off).
Nintendo Switch console deals have been limited so far for Black Friday 2019. Later this week, Amazon will be offering the official Nintendo bundle, which is recycled from last year--the bundle will include a launch model Switch (without improved battery life) and a digital copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. We'll have to wait and see if Amazon offers any exceptional Switch deals on its own, but we do expect to see some nice Switch game discounts as Black Friday grows closer.
See more early Black Friday deals at Amazon
Black Friday 2019 Deals & News
Black Friday 2019 Start Times, Store Hours: GameStop, Best Buy, Target, And More
Black Friday 2019: Best Nintendo Switch Deals So Far
Black Friday 2019: The Best PS4 Deals So Far
Black Friday 2019: The Best Xbox One Deals So Far
Black Friday 2019: When Does It Start, Deals To Expect, And More
Black Friday 2019 Best Gaming Deals: PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, And PC
Live Now: Amazon's Black Friday week of deals
We've highlighted some of the best games on sale already at Amazon below, but you can find even more game discounts at Amazon as part of the Black Friday countdown.
Best games on sale now:
Nintendo Switch:
AI: The Somnium Files Day One Edition -- $30
Civilization VI -- $20
Guacamelee! One-Two Punch Collection -- $25
NBA 2K20 -- $27
Opus Collection -- $25
Shining Resonance Refrain -- $25
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD -- $30
Team Sonic Racing -- $20 - sold out
Will: A Wonderful World -- $24.65
AI: The Somnium Files Day One Edition -- $30 - sold out
Battlefield V -- $15
Borderlands 3 -- $28
Catherine: Full Body -- $30
Concrete Genie -- $20
Days Gone -- $20
Dishonored 2 -- $10
The Evil Within 2 -- $10
Ghost Recon Breakpoint-- $28
God of War -- $10
Gran Turismo Sport -- $10
Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition -- $10
Infamous: Second Son -- $10 - sold out
Judgment -- $25
The Last of Us Remastered -- $10
Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition -- $15 - sold out
MediEvil -- $20
NBA 2K20 -- $27
Need For Speed Heat -- $30
Nioh -- $10
The Outer Worlds -- $49.94
Persona 5 -- $10 - sold out
Persona Dancing: Endless Night Collection -- $54.97 ($100)
Contains: Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight, Persona 4: Dancing All Night, and Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight in exclusive collector's box
Resident Evil 7 -- $24
Shenmue I & II -- $15
Steins;Gate Elite -- $30
Team Sonic Racing -- $15
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III -- $40
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy -- $10 - sold out
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Launch Edition -- $20
Yakuza 0 -- $10
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life - Essence of Art Edition -- $15
Xbox One:
Assassin's Creed Odyssey (digital code) -- $18 - sold out
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Gold Edition (digital code) -- $25 - sold out
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ultimate Edition (digital code) -- $30 - sold out
Battlefield V -- $15
Borderlands 3 -- $28
Crackdown 3 -- $15
Devil May Cry 5 (digital code) -- $19.80 - sold out
Dishonored 2 -- $10
The Division 2 (digital code) -- $15
The Division 2 - Gold Edition (digital code) -- $25 - sold out
The Division 2 - Ultimate Edition (digital code) -- $30 - sold out
The Evil Within 2 -- $10
Forza Horizon 4 (digital code) -- $25 - sold out
Gears 5 -- $25
Gears 5 - Ultimate Edition -- $45
Ghost Recon Breakpoint -- $28
Grand Theft Auto V -- $15 - sold out
Monster Hunter World (digital code) -- $15
NBA 2K20 -- $27
Need for Speed Heat -- $30
The Outer Worlds (digital code) -- $40
Rainbow Six Siege - Deluxe Edition (digital code) -- $12 - sold out
Red Dead Redemption 2 (digital code) -- $30 - sold out
Resident Evil 2 (digital code) -- $19.80 - sold out
Resident Evil 2 - Deluxe Edition (digital code) -- $23.10 - sold out
Resident Evil 7 (digital code) -- $15
Sega Genesis Classics -- $15
Shenmue I & II -- $15
Team Sonic Racing -- $20
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Launch Edition -- $20
Console bundles and accessories on sale now:
PS4 Slim 1TB bundle with God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, and The Last of Us Remastered - $200
PS4 Slim (1TB) with God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition, and The Last of Us Remastered | $200
Sold out at last update
Another official PlayStation offer, the PS4 Slim holiday bundle is a great way to get your hands on some of the system's best games. The 1TB console will $200 and comes bundled with Marvel's Spider-Man, Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition, and God of War. It's available now at Amazon and other retailers.
See at Amazon
PS4 Pro with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - $300
PS4 Pro (1TB) with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | $300 ($400)
Sold out at last update
We first spotted this excellent PS4 Pro bundle at Walmart, and now Amazon seems to be price-matching the offer. This is a nice discount on its own, but with a free copy of the newly released Call of Duty: Modern Warfare included, this PS4 Pro bundle is a great opportunity to get the more powerful console at its lowest price.
See at Amazon
PSVR Mega Pack bundle - $200
PlayStation VR Mega Pack with five games | $200 ($300)
Sold out at last update
It'll be hard to find a better deal on PSVR than this mega pack, which includes the headset, PlayStation Camera, and five great games: PlayStation VR Worlds, Skyrim VR, Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Resident Evil 7, and Everybody's Golf VR.
See at Amazon
PSVR bundle with two games, motion controllers - $250
PlayStation VR with Blood & Truth, Everybody's Golf VR, and motion controllers | $250 ($350)
Available now
Alternatively, you can pick up this two-game PSVR bundle for Black Friday, which includes Blood & Truth and Everybody's Golf VR. While more expensive than the mega pack, this bundle includes two PlayStation Move motion controllers, which can cost as much as $100 a pair.
See at Amazon
Xbox One X with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe - $349
Xbox One bundles with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition
Available now
Xbox One X - $349
Xbox One S - $200
Microsoft is offering a wide range of steeply discounted Xbox One bundles for Black Friday, and we imagine they'll make their way under a lot of Christmas trees this holiday season. You'll find Xbox One X bundles for $349 and the corresponding Xbox One S bundles for $200 each. One of the best options is this Xbox bundle with the brand new Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition, available for both Xbox One X and Xbox One S.
See Xbox One S bundle at Amazon
See Xbox One X bundle at Amazon
Gears 5 limited-edition Xbox One X console - $349
Xbox One X (1TB) limited-edition bundle with Gears 5 | $349 ($500)
Available now
Gears 5 is included with Xbox Game Pass, but if you're not a subscriber or just want to own the game for yourself, there's a pretty sweet limited-edition Xbox One X with matching controller available for $349. This particular bundle not only includes Gears 5, but also Gears of War: Ultimate Edition and Gears of War 2, 3, and 4, making it the perfect gift for fans of the franchise.
The standard black Xbox One X bundle with Gears 5 is also available for $349 along with the white Xbox One S bundle for $200.
See Gears 5 limited-edition bundle at Amazon
See standard Xbox One X bundle at Amazon
See Xbox One S bundle at Amazon
Xbox One X bundle with NBA 2K20 - 349
Xbox One bundles with NBA 2K20
Available now
Xbox One X - $349
Xbox One S - $200
Released just a few months ago, NBA 2K20 is also bundled with the Xbox One X or Xbox One S for their Black Friday discounts.
See Xbox One S at Amazon
See Xbox One X at Amazon
Xbox One S All-Digital Edition - $149
Xbox One S All-Digital Edition | $149 ($250)
Available now
If you primarily want to buy games digitally, the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition may be the way to go, especially at its lowest price ever, $149. Please note this console doesn't come with a disc drive, so there's no option to play physical discs like games or Blu-rays. The bundle comes with three games as well: Minecraft, Sea of Thieves, and Fortnite with bonus content.
See at Amazon
Special-Edition Xbox One Controllers: Gears 5, Sport Blue, and Night Ops Camo
Xbox One wireless controllers | $39 each
Available now
As part of Microsoft's official Black Friday deals, Xbox One wireless controllers are down to $39 each, and you can find them on sale at Amazon right now. That includes standard colors like black, white, and red as well as some of the special editions, like the Night Ops Camo controller and the Phantom White controller. The Kait Diaz special-edition controller is also included but was sold out last time we checked--it may come back into stock later this week.
Phantom White Special Edition
Night Ops Camo Special Edition
Fortnite Special Edition
Kait Diaz Gears 5 Special Edition - currently sold out
Sport Blue Special Edition
Grey / Blue
Grey / Green
See more controller deals at Amazon
Razer BlackWidow Elite gaming keyboard - $140
Razer BlackWidow Elite Mechanical Gaming Keyboard | $140 ($170)
Available now
This mechanical gaming keyboard from Razer includes an ergonomic wrist rest for long play sessions, customizable inputs, options for clicky or silent buttons, and more. It's $30 off for Black Friday.
See at Amazon
Razer Kraken Tournament Edition gaming headset - $55
Razer Kraken Tournament Edition Surround Sound Gaming Headset | $54 ($100)
Available now
Compatible with PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC, the Razer Kraken Tournament Edition headset features 7.1 surround sound and allows you to configure volume, bass, and game/chat balance. It's a full 45% off for Black Friday--not bad.
See at Amazon
Sega Genesis Mini - $50
Sega Genesis Mini | $45 ($80)
Available now
For those who have held off on getting the Sega Genesis Mini so far, this might be a great time to snag it for yourself (or someone on your shopping list this Christmas). The mini console comes with 42 classic games pre-installed; it also includes two classic three-button controllers, a USB-to-Micro-B power cable, and an HDMI cable. You can check out our Sega Genesis Mini review for more info.
See at Amazon
PS Plus yearly membership - $45
PlayStation Plus 12-month membership | $45 ($60)
Sold out at last update
PS Plus gets PS4 owners access to online multiplayer, free monthly games, and exclusive game discounts. Normally sold for $60, a 12-month membership is available for $45 during Black Friday week at multiple retailers, including Amazon.
See at Amazon
Amazon smart devices on sale now:
Amazon Fire HD 8 tablet - $50
Fire HD 8 | $50 ($80)
Available now
Don't expect a tablet with the power of an iPad, but if you want something to read e-books, watch Netflix, or any other media-based thing, then the Fire HD 8 can handle it. It's equipped with 1.5 GB of RAM and comes in 16 GB and 32 GB storage options.
See at Amazon
Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids Edition tablet - $80
Fire HD 8 Kids Edition | $80 ($130)
Available now
The Kids Edition of the Fire HD 8 bundles the tablet with a kid-proof case and a year's subscription to Free Time Unlimited, which gives its users access to more than a thousand books, movies, TV shows, apps, and games suitable for children.
See at Amazon
Amazon Fire 7 Tablet - $30
Fire 7 Tablet | $30 ($50)
Available now
The Fire 7 tablet is Amazon's seven-inch tablet, both cheaper and less powerful than the Fire HD 8. It's equipped with 1 GB of RAM and comes in 16 GB and 32 GB storage options.
See at Amazon
Amazon Fire 7 Kids Edition Tablet - $60
Fire 7 Kids Edition | $60 ($100)
Available now
Like the Fire 8 Kids Edition, this bundle includes the Fire 7 tablet, a protective case, and a 12-month subscription to Free Time Unlimited. The subscription gives your kid unlimited access to a ton of child-friendly books, movies, shows, apps, and games.
See at Amazon
Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet - $100
Fire HD 10 Tablet | $100 ($150)
Available now
The Fire HD 10 tablet is Amazon's ten-inch--and most powerful--tablet. It's equipped with a 1080p screen and 2GB RAM. It comes in 32 GB and 64 GB storage options but also features upgradeable storage via microSD.
See at Amazon
Kindle Paperwhite - $85
Kindle Paperwhite | $85 ($130)
Available now
The Kindle Paperwhite is Amazon's most popular e-reader, with a screen that looks more similar to paper than a tablet. It has weeks of battery life and comes in 8 GB and 32 GB storage options.
See at Amazon
Echo Show 5 and Ring Video Doorbell Pro - $190
Echo Show 5 + Ring Video Doorbell Pro | $190 ($240)
Available now
This bundle packages the Echo Show 5 with the Ring Video Doorbell Pro. The Echo Show 5 is Amazon's compact smart display, similar in size to an alarm clock but with features like video calling, music and video playback, and Alexa voice control. The Ring Video Doorbell Pro, on the other hand, is a camera-equipped doorbell that you can put on the front of your house. It gives you video access to your front door with motion alerts sent directly to your phone, tablet, or PC. You can pick up the bundled pair for $190 now.
See at Amazon
Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K with Alexa Voice Remote - $25
Fire TV Stick 4K with Alexa Voice Remote | $25 ($50)
Available now
Starting November 24, Amazon's Fire TV Stick 4K will be available for $25. It gives you access to a bunch of apps, such as Netflix, Hulu, and Prime Video, all streamable in 4K. The Alexa Voice Remote lets you control your media with your voice.
See at Amazon
Amazon TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote - $20
Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote | $20 ($40)
Available now
On November 24, you'll also be able to pick up the regular Fire TV Stick for $20. This gives you the same access to all of your favorite apps but in 1080p instead of 4K. It also comes with an Alexa Voice Remote, so you'll be able to speak to your Fire TV Stick without fumbling with the buttons.
See at Amazon
Amazon Fire TV Cube - $90
Fire TV Cube | $90 ($120)
Available now
The Fire TV Cube gives you everything the Fire TV Stick 4K does, in addition to complete smart home control, Alexa voice assistant, and a built-in speaker. Starting November 24, you'll be able to grab it for $90.
See at Amazon
Nintendo Switch bundle with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | $300
Sold out at last update
No, we haven't entered a time machine and gone back to Black Friday 2018. Nintendo is offering the same Nintendo Switch holiday bundle that was available last year. For $300, you can get the Switch and a digital copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. The potential snag with this bundle? It's the launch model Switch, which means you won't get the upgraded battery that comes with the newer Switch model released a few months back. That said, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is an incredible game that normally sells for about $50.
See at Amazon
Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons - $53.60
Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons (Gray or Neon Red/Blue) | $60
Available now
Nintendo's pricey Joy-Con controllers will be down to $60 on Black Friday at many retailers, but if Amazon's press release is correct, each pair of Joy-Cons will be available for $53.60, a full 33% off rather than 25%. It appears that only the original gray or neon red and blue Joy-Cons will be eligible for this awesome deal. Nevertheless, if you're gifting a Switch this holiday or want to have some multiplayer fun at your holiday party, you shouldn't pass up this deal.
See at Amazon
Blink XT2 3-Camera Kit - $185
Blink XT2 3 Camera Kit | $185 ($250)
Available now
Starting November 27, you'll be able to pick up Amazon's three-pack security camera pack for $185. With its cloud storage, these cameras can store hundreds of clips for up to a year. The cameras also feature two-way audio and two years of battery life.
See at Amazon
Ring Indoor Cam 2-Pack - $100
Ring Indoor Cam 2 Pack | $100 ($140)
Upcoming deal
The Ring Indoor Cam pack comes with two cameras for the interior of your house. Starting November 27 for $100, you can equip your home with two Ring Indoor cameras that feature two-way audio, motion alerts, and Alexa support.
See at Amazon
Amazon Smart Plug - $5 with the purchase of Echo Dot, Echo Dot with Clock, Echo Show 5, or Echo Studio
Amazon Smart Plug | $5 with Echo Dot, Echo Dot with Clock, Echo, Echo Show 5, or Echo Studio
Available now
For $5, you can pair an Amazon Smart Plug with the purchase of an Echo Dot, Echo Dot with Clock, Echo, Echo Show 5, or Echo Studio. The Amazon Smart Plug gives you the ability to control whatever you plug into it with Alexa smart home control. This deal starts on November 27.
See at Amazon
Amazon Echo Dot with clock - $35
Echo Dot with clock | $35 ($60)
Available now
The Echo Dot with clock is Amazon's compact Alexa speaker that comes with a clock, so you don't have to ask for the time whenever you need it. Starting November 28, you can pick it up for $35.
See at Amazon
Echo Dot - $22
Echo Dot | $22 ($50)
Available now
The Echo Dot without the clock comes with all the Alexa features you need in a compact form factor. Ask for music, the news, weather, traffic, and more, thanks to the thousands of skills you can have your Echo Dot learn.
See at Amazon
Amazon Echo Auto - $30
Echo Auto | $30 ($50)
Available now
Amazon's Echo Auto puts an Alexa speaker into your car. Even more compact than the Echo Dot, equip your vehicle with all of the Alexa skills and features you can enjoy at home. The auto smart speaker goes for $30 on November 28.
See at Amazon
Amazon Echo (Gen 3) - $60
Echo (Gen 3) | $60 ($100)
Available now
The Echo is a slightly-less compact speaker with better speakers, so if you're looking to use it more seriously as a music player, this could be a good choice for you. On November 28, its price goes down to $60.
See at Amazon
Amazon Echo Show 5 - $50
Echo Show 5 | $50 ($90)
Available now
The Echo Show 5 is Amazon's compact smart display that works as an alarm clock, video caller, music and video player, and much more. It goes on sale for $50 on November 28.
See at Amazon
Amazon Echo Show - $150
Echo Show | $150 ($230)
Available now
The Echo Show is Amazon's smart display with a bigger screen and better sound. The screen comes in at 10-inches with speakers that feature Dolby processing. You can pick one up for $150 starting November 28.
See at Amazon
More Black Friday 2019 Deals
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GameStop Black Friday 2019 Game Deals Deals
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Target Black Friday 2019 Deals
from GameSpot - All Content https://ift.tt/2rw91bJ
0 notes
reshrodancer-blog · 6 years
The long awaited Yakuza 0 review
To make things clear, this is my first Yakuza game. I haven’t played any other ones and i’ll most likely compare the game to Far Cry 3 or Nier: Automata since i’ve played those games recently and are fresh on my mind. There’ll be slight spoilers for the first 3 chapters. You can skip this part if u don’t wanna hear about the pacing problem. I’ll put the different parts into segments like i did the first time. Starting with the story, the biggest problem that the game has is it’s pacing. I guess it’s kinda unavoidable to not have pacing issues since you play as 2 different characters and their events unfold in different speeds, but the start is a real mood killer. The game opens up with you playing Kiryu in a high tension cinematic, then just makes you walk around with your best friend for like good 5-10 mins. After some bullshit, the game ramps up and gives you, probably, the best fighting gauntlet in the game, and a fantastic boss fight at the end. Next chapter, running around and doing fetch quests for buncha homeless people, the “fighting gauntlet” in this chapter is non existent, and the boss fight is less than stelar.  The first boss fight has stakes, Kiryu knows the character for a while, and we’ve had enough time to get to hate him. The second one, the stakes are considerably lower and we get like 2 scenes with the character, which is obviously not enough time to flesh out the character, and the reason for fighting him is kinda dumb. We beat the boss, have a talk and the chapter ends. Next chapter begins with quite a long cutscene, following bunch of unrelated characters, this is obviously made this way to make Majima’s(second MC), reveal as big as it is, considering the following games, but i haven’t played any of them so the bait didn’t work. The game doesn’t shy away from re-using bosses multiple times, but the reusal doesn’t bother since most of the have a huge role in those current events and the title card before each bossfight makes it very much worth it. Otherwise, the game has a great story, the characters are well thought out, kinda 1 dimentional but they do their job GREAT. The twists are good, and the ending might be a bit bitter-sweet, it still is a good wrap-up to everything. The game has horrible pacing issues in the first few chapters, the middle’s pretty decent, and gets kinda bad towards the end but not as bad as the first part. That’s the story-based pacing issues. The gameplay part doesn’t get any better during the main quests all you do is: 1.watch cutscenes 2. fight. That’s all there’s to it, no different minigames, considering there’s shit ton of it in the game. Well except 3 parts of the game where u play Karaoke twice and a toy grabbing machine once and well, 2 “stealth” sections”.  And the last problem that the story holds is the presentation, there are 4 different ways the game presents it’s story: 1. Fully animated cutscenes with voice acting, 2. In-game-engige with voice acting, 3.In-game-engige with no voice acting, 4.weird visual novel style. My problem with this begins with the fact that the fully animated cutscenes are not that long, also there are multiple time where the game switches from animated to engine to animated again. I know the game is made with a low-budget but these are still problem. Second problem being the in-engige cutscenes, the amount of animations the in-engige cutscenes have is pretty low, and it gets obvious pretty fast, the characters start doing the same movements and this might be a problem of mine but some of those animations really annoyed me. I don’t have any problems with the visual novel style, except that it’s not used a lot during the game, maybe about 5 times in the whole game. To leave the story part in a high note, the voice acting is amazing, you can feel every bit of emotions whenever characters talk and it enhances the story by a thousand easily. Huge amount of work is put into the side content into the game, considering Kamurocho and Sotenbori are basically few streets big, it’s filled with stuff to do to the brim. Starting from Karaoke to bowling, from western gambling to japanese gambling and 100 different substories, which are well-written. It has it’s cheesy moments but the writers knew about that fact and double downed on it which just makes it much better. The amount of care that’s put into the mini-stories is amazing, you do different things almost every time, it doesn’t have the same problem as the main story. Comparing this to smth like Far Cry 3, Yakuza 0 beats the game with ease. FC3′s side quests boils down to, go shoot ppl and fetch smth, i’d give’em a pass if they were well written but the story in the side quests is dogshit. Here’s an example: A lady asks you to check a plane wreckage, you go inspect the place, a man asks you what you are doing, you tell’im about the lady and he goes “There’s no lady in this village”, quests ends. Like what the fuck is that supposed to be, that’s it, no conclusion, Jason doesn’t question it, nor does he react. Meanwhile in Yakuza 0, you teach a Dominatrix how to act dominant, kids see you doing it and the game turns that awkward situation into a lesson for the dominatrix. The problem lies in the fact that non of the side quests have voice acting and they use the in-engine cutscenes. But i can forgive that for being amazingly entertaining. And the reward you get from the side quests are worthwile, almost everything in the game connects to something else. The biggest side-quests in the game are Kiryu’s Real Estate plotline, and Majima’s Cabaret Club plotline, which is the main way of making money. Both have similar story beats, both has to fight against the best 5 respective businessmen.  Kiryu’s job is to go around buying real estate and turning it into profit. This takes a long time and you aren’t doing anything to make the money, you buy the land and wait until the money flows in. Meanwhile Majima has a minigame where you have to keep the customers and your hostesses happy. The way you acquire managers and security for kiryu, and hostesses for Majima is through substories, which also tie into a lot of the minigames in the game, like dancing, fishing and such. What people complain about is the fact that you make the most money from Kiryu’s story while doing nothing, meanwhile you make 1/10th of the money with Majima since you actually have to pay attention for that. But i think the fact that those 2 thing contradicting each other works for it’s favor, you can swap characters after the game’s main story ends, you can send your advisors to collect the money and swap to Majima to do his part of the story. And to kinda offset the money problem early game, Majima’s upgrades cost considerably less than Kiryu’s. The upgrade system, i think it’s pretty bad. Most of the upgrades feel insignificant, for someone who’s new to the game i don’t think they’ll remember most of the combos that you unlock and the ones they’ll upgrade doesn’t change much aside from “deal more dmg”, “get more heat”. And the weird upgrade grid that the game has just adds unneccesary confusion. The fighting on the other hand. The fighting is great, the hits have weight to them. Every hit gives off a great visual and audio feel. The heat actions are over the top and gruesome. The game has 3 different styles for each character: Balances, fast and weak, strong and slow. Kiryu’s styles are more “practical” meanwhile Majima has the more “fun” styles. But both have broken styles which just makes the other styles obsolete. You can unlock a 4th style for each character if you complete the business subplots. One big problem with the balance of the game comes from the healing system. You can hold 20 healing items which heal the character for 75%. You can get these the moment you are allowed to roam the world, there’s no lock behind these and make the game a cakewalk even on the highest difficulty and ruin the mood of the game quite a bit, especially on bossfights. Imagine having 20 health bars, meanwhile the bosses have 2 to 6 maximum. Hence why i decided to handicap myself and only you maximum of 2 healing items per fight, after that each fight felt like a challenge and the victories felt a lot more impactful. But i shouldn’t be handicapping myself to make the story games feel more impactful, the game fails at that pretty badly. But if the game has a great soundtrack, even the most unbalanced fights can feel epic. And needless to say, Yakuza 0 has a phenomenal soundtrack, each fighting style has a different music tied to it, almost all of the bosses have music attached to them and the way they are integrated into the fight is fucking amazing. Especially towards the end, the music reaches amazing heights. Doesn’t matter how dull the fighting gets, the music will keep you pumped up until the last second you play. And you will get bored of the fighting, if you want to 100% the game. This game has one of the worst 100% metrics. The game makes you do EVERYTHING and sometimes do stuff multiple times. It took me 186 hours to 100% the game. Did i get frustrated of how bullshit the gambling is ? Yes, absolutely. The way the game adds up your score is when you stop playing certain minigame. This automatically sets your brain to quit the moment you go below the number you started with, so u quit after winning a round or losing a round and it becomes quite frustrating after some time. Catching every fish, playing every song in disco, beating up 200 enemies which each style, which one of them is unlocked really late into the game, you’ll get sick of it. And like i said before, there are japanese gambling minigames, like koi-koi and mahjong. I love Mahjong, it’s fucking fantastic but Sega could’ve done a better job if they wanted to include a japanese minigame with japanese symbols in the game. Thankfully this is fixed in Yakuza 6 and i’m glad. There are a lot of flaws with the game, but i love it without any doubt. The way the game captures the Japanese environment and culture, the amount of stuff you have in the game, the out of this world soundtrack, the high points of the story, the way the different side contents bleed into each other without any problems, and i’d recommend this game to everyone. 9/10
0 notes
Rapid Plans Of Playstation 4 Emulator for PC - Where To Go
PS4 Emulator for PC Despite offering with accusations to be fanboys on the nearly an everyday base, we hassle-free PlayStation LifeStyle only adore video sports. Guaranteed, we specialize in deal with PlayStation wild animals (with they've already a particular invest the cardiovascular due to of which), yet we additionally adore participating in contests in various other systems. In reality, sometimes there are trophies on added scheme of which permission us totally envious. As it’s good to help definitely not have a home in a totality bubble, I thought we would emphasize a number of fantastic Xbox One particular complete (at least gaming system exclusives, at any rate) i always want survive happening PlayStation 4. I regularly ration the listing to help video game that will occur dated, but I did include things like 2 upcoming freedoms to stay turning up incredibly before long (these are contests that will I’ve spent hands-on spell with). Have a look at each of our checklist down below connected with 10 Xbox One brave that we desire become playable upon PlayStation 4! Sega's grasping in the the Yakuza series continues. That has a remake in the original ready just times left, a PSN inventory have got revealed in which Yakuza 2 can seemingly end up being having the same treatment. Seeing that declared in NeoGAF, Yakuza Kiwami 2 temporarily looked at Taiwan's PlayStation Stock. The file possesses due to the fact ended up being cut off, other than a rendition lands which it will eventually operate on the engine powering Yakuza 6--the most recent unique note inside the progression. While the tilt was very likely not necessarily intended to rise, it does are most often legitimate, provide it had been coupled with a logo. While it absolutely was survive, the site tilted a free night out regarding Dec 7, 2017. That completely probable that was just a placeholder or maybe simply untrue. Having said that, although Yakuza Kiwami (a rebuilding with the creative Yakuza) should be only only releasing this kind of go Tuesday, September 29, it's been obtainable inside The japanese as early 2016. Tuesday's release of Yakuza Kiwami may be the next Yakuza release in the yr inside Western, adhering to Yakuza 0 in Economy is shown. Yakuza 6, made public with Japan last year, is due unacceptable in the Western with Goal 20, 2018. Because written inside your Yakuza Kiwami examine, the upcoming video game became a terrific reprise, though it performed lead some really catches in one piece.
0 notes
symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include A Night In The Woods' cartoon realism, a history of Loom, and much more.
Well, it's almost GDC time (latest announces here), so next week's Video Game Deep Cuts will be the final one before the show. Then the weekend after that may turn into a 'Game Developers Conference 2017 highlights' joint, because I may be a BIT too busy to find new links that week, heh. BTW, while you're waiting for the show, read up on this year's IGF finalists and with alt.ctrl.GDC exhibitors via the linked Gamasutra interview series.
- Simon, curator.]
Why road-building in Cities: Skylines is a pleasure (Alex Wiltshire / RockPaperShotgun) "Cities: Skylines is a sim that feels uncommonly alive and reactive to your planning... They may walk or take a bus or train, but you’ll mostly notice them driving, creating traffic which fundamentally represents the health of your city, a pulsing network that’s driven by Cities: Skylines’ beating heart."
'Metacritic' Still Matters, But For How Long? (Chris Baker / Glixel) "Marc Doyle was headed off for a weekend getaway in Santa Barbara with some of his old college buddies when he received the news that the Washington Post's critic did not enjoy the video game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End."
Coming to Video Games Near You: Depressed Towns, Dead-End Characters (Laura Hudson / New York Times) "In the coming video game Night in the Woods, a young woman named Mae decides to drop out of college and return to the former mining town where she grew up. It’s a place where there is little opportunity and most people are struggling to make ends meet."
How to Make the Best of Working on Licensed Video Games (Patrick Klepek / Waypoint) "Bowler is used to games with unique challenges; after shipping Game Party Champions, he was seen as someone who could shepherd others like it to the finish line. It's how he ended up as lead designer on a mobile tie-in game for Zack Snyder's Superman reboot, Man of Steel."
Why Yakuza 0 is a Masterclass in Managing Tone (Writing On Games / YouTube) "Yakuza 0 is a wildly dissonant experience, swinging violently between super-serious gangster intrigue, slapstick violence and over-the-top melodrama. It's the absolute best. In this episode of Writing on Games, I analyse why embracing this dissonance allows the game to tell more human stories."
Direction (Rob Fearon) "We are in times where games are in abundance. I wrote about this a few weeks back and I think it’s (hopefully) a useful primer for understanding why Valve are doing what they’re doing. We’ve gone from not many games being sold under our noses to lots of games."
What do developers and publishers really think of SteamSpy? (Ben Barrett / PCGamesN) "It’s constantly referenced by players, journalists, publishers and developers for a variety of reasons - but how accurate is it versus Steam’s unpublished numbers? What do developers think of it, and the ways it’s used? Importantly, do they wish they could be removed from it?"
The long and troubled history of Apocalypse Now, the video game (Adi Robertson / The Verge) "In late January, an exciting and unlikely project showed up on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter: a request for $900,000 to make a video game adaptation of Apocalypse Now, officially blessed by the film’s director Francis Ford Coppola."
Bonchan Looks Back on His Rise in eSports Unfold (Mike Stubbsy / Red Bull eSports) "Bonchan’s Street Fighter origin story is one of the most unusual we’ve heard yet. As he tells us in the latest episode of eSports Unfold, back when Street Fighter was on something of a hiatus, Bonchan met up with a legend of the scene, and quickly rose to the top when things started to pick up."
The Gamer Motivation Profile: Model and Findings (Nick Yee / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2016 GDC session, Quantic Foundry's Nick Yee presents the results of a global survey that help inform game developers about the different motivations of players, showing the different types of potential customer that exist in the video game market."
Game Director Ion Hazzikostas Explains Blizzard’s Newest Experiment, the 'WoW' Token (Heather Newman / Glixel) ""It’s kind of my baby," Ion Hazzikostas says about the WoW token. Though he's now WoW's game director, Hazzikostas has worked on the initiative since its inception. Here, he talks with Glixel about how the death of the Diablo RMAH made the WoW token possible, what people have been spending it on, and its impact on gold farming."
How Chicago's Overlooked Video Game Creators Scored an Extra Life (Sam Greszes / Thrillist) "Yes, dear Chicagoans, your humble hometown, the Second City, the City of Broad Shoulders, the Many-Nicknamed City That Is Barely Habitable Eight Months Out of the Year, deserves some recognition when it comes to gaming. It doesn’t get as much credit as the tech havens on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, it really is at the forefront of video game development -- and has been for years."
Metacritic's 7th Annual Game Publisher Rankings (Jason Dietz / Metacritic) "Which game publishers released the best games last year? For the seventh straight year, we have sifted through 12 months of data to determine the best and worst game publishers of the year, based solely on the quality of their 2016 releases. [SIMON'S NOTE: I find this a little bizarre, but it's certainly interesting to peruse!]"
Loom (or, how Brian Moriarty Proved That Less is Sometimes More) (Jimmy Maher / The Digital Antiquarian) "In April of 1988, Brian Moriarty of Infocom flew from the East Coast to the West to attend the first ever Computer Game Developers Conference. Hard-pressed from below by the slowing sales of their text adventures and from above by parent company Activision’s ever more demanding management, Infocom didn’t have the money to pay for Moriarty’s trip."
For Honor's mastermind: "My greatest fear was that I would die before I could share this with the world" (Wouter McDutch / GamesRadar) "According to Jason VandenBerghe, creative director on Ubisoft’s For Honor, there are only a handful of lucky developers who get to create the game of their dreams. It took him almost ten years to get the vision he had for For Honor greenlit and the game has since been in development for almost five."
Art Of The Title: Doom (2016) (Will Perkins / Art Of The Title) "DOOM’s end credits are the perfect coda for that kind of gameplay experience. A four-minute reprise of the player’s gib-filled journey, the title sequence is a hard rockin’, shotgun-blasting, demon-dismembering battle across Mars and into Hell itself."
The story of Warframe: how a game no publisher wanted found 26 million players (Tom Marks / PC Gamer) "In early 2013, Digital Extremes finally released the free-to-play space-ninja shooter it had wanted to make for over 13 years, but that doesn’t mean it was a happy time for the studio. Every publisher with an opportunity to back Warframe had passed, and most even said outright it would fail."
How the Yakuza helped sell Nintendo's first game (Chris Bratt / Eurogamer) "Join me in today's episode of Here's A Thing, as we take a look back at a very different kind of Nintendo and how, surprisingly, the Yakuza helped ensure its first game was such a massive success."
Other Places: Hitman (Other Places / YouTube) "Other Places is a series of short films celebrating beautiful videogame worlds. [SIMON'S NOTE: not writing, but certainly beautiful and a great idea - there's a whole YouTube channel of more if you like 'em.]"
Devs discuss the history and the future of so-called 'walking sims' (Jon Irwin / Gamasutra) "In many games, walking around is just something we do before jumping over that wall or shooting that menacing enemy. But an increasing number of independent games are tamping down on feature-creep and reimagining how we consider putting one step in front of the other."
The Story Behind YouTube's Strangely Compelling 'Hot Pepper Gaming' Channel (Patrick Klepek / Waypoint) "Nothing lasts forever, not even a YouTube channel about people eating obnoxiously hot peppers and trying to talk about video games. On February 6, Hot Pepper Gaming uploaded its its final episode, a tear-filled video about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's recent remastering."
Meet Hungrybox, the Most Resilient 'Smash Bros.' Champion (Justin Groot / Glixel) "'God, I'm crying a lot, I'm sorry,' said Juan "Hungrybox" Debiedma, one of five Super Smash Bros. Melee players (the others being Adam "Armada" Lindgren, Joseph "Mango" Marquez, Kevin "PPMD" Nanney and Jason "Mew2King" Zimmerman) known as "Gods" for their lopsided domination of the modern competitive scene."
Darwin's Demons - Natural Selection Applied To Space Invaders (Scott Manley / YouTube) "Darwin's Demons is a student game project which applies genetic algorithms to space invaders to make each level harder than the last. "
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
0 notes
symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include A Night In The Woods' cartoon realism, a history of Loom, and much more.
Well, it's almost GDC time (latest announces here), so next week's Video Game Deep Cuts will be the final one before the show. Then the weekend after that may turn into a 'Game Developers Conference 2017 highlights' joint, because I may be a BIT too busy to find new links that week, heh. BTW, while you're waiting for the show, read up on this year's IGF finalists and with alt.ctrl.GDC exhibitors via the linked Gamasutra interview series.
- Simon, curator.]
Why road-building in Cities: Skylines is a pleasure (Alex Wiltshire / RockPaperShotgun) "Cities: Skylines is a sim that feels uncommonly alive and reactive to your planning... They may walk or take a bus or train, but you’ll mostly notice them driving, creating traffic which fundamentally represents the health of your city, a pulsing network that’s driven by Cities: Skylines’ beating heart."
'Metacritic' Still Matters, But For How Long? (Chris Baker / Glixel) "Marc Doyle was headed off for a weekend getaway in Santa Barbara with some of his old college buddies when he received the news that the Washington Post's critic did not enjoy the video game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End."
Coming to Video Games Near You: Depressed Towns, Dead-End Characters (Laura Hudson / New York Times) "In the coming video game Night in the Woods, a young woman named Mae decides to drop out of college and return to the former mining town where she grew up. It’s a place where there is little opportunity and most people are struggling to make ends meet."
How to Make the Best of Working on Licensed Video Games (Patrick Klepek / Waypoint) "Bowler is used to games with unique challenges; after shipping Game Party Champions, he was seen as someone who could shepherd others like it to the finish line. It's how he ended up as lead designer on a mobile tie-in game for Zack Snyder's Superman reboot, Man of Steel."
Why Yakuza 0 is a Masterclass in Managing Tone (Writing On Games / YouTube) "Yakuza 0 is a wildly dissonant experience, swinging violently between super-serious gangster intrigue, slapstick violence and over-the-top melodrama. It's the absolute best. In this episode of Writing on Games, I analyse why embracing this dissonance allows the game to tell more human stories."
Direction (Rob Fearon) "We are in times where games are in abundance. I wrote about this a few weeks back and I think it’s (hopefully) a useful primer for understanding why Valve are doing what they’re doing. We’ve gone from not many games being sold under our noses to lots of games."
What do developers and publishers really think of SteamSpy? (Ben Barrett / PCGamesN) "It’s constantly referenced by players, journalists, publishers and developers for a variety of reasons - but how accurate is it versus Steam’s unpublished numbers? What do developers think of it, and the ways it’s used? Importantly, do they wish they could be removed from it?"
The long and troubled history of Apocalypse Now, the video game (Adi Robertson / The Verge) "In late January, an exciting and unlikely project showed up on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter: a request for $900,000 to make a video game adaptation of Apocalypse Now, officially blessed by the film’s director Francis Ford Coppola."
Bonchan Looks Back on His Rise in eSports Unfold (Mike Stubbsy / Red Bull eSports) "Bonchan’s Street Fighter origin story is one of the most unusual we’ve heard yet. As he tells us in the latest episode of eSports Unfold, back when Street Fighter was on something of a hiatus, Bonchan met up with a legend of the scene, and quickly rose to the top when things started to pick up."
The Gamer Motivation Profile: Model and Findings (Nick Yee / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2016 GDC session, Quantic Foundry's Nick Yee presents the results of a global survey that help inform game developers about the different motivations of players, showing the different types of potential customer that exist in the video game market."
Game Director Ion Hazzikostas Explains Blizzard’s Newest Experiment, the 'WoW' Token (Heather Newman / Glixel) ""It’s kind of my baby," Ion Hazzikostas says about the WoW token. Though he's now WoW's game director, Hazzikostas has worked on the initiative since its inception. Here, he talks with Glixel about how the death of the Diablo RMAH made the WoW token possible, what people have been spending it on, and its impact on gold farming."
How Chicago's Overlooked Video Game Creators Scored an Extra Life (Sam Greszes / Thrillist) "Yes, dear Chicagoans, your humble hometown, the Second City, the City of Broad Shoulders, the Many-Nicknamed City That Is Barely Habitable Eight Months Out of the Year, deserves some recognition when it comes to gaming. It doesn’t get as much credit as the tech havens on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, it really is at the forefront of video game development -- and has been for years."
Metacritic's 7th Annual Game Publisher Rankings (Jason Dietz / Metacritic) "Which game publishers released the best games last year? For the seventh straight year, we have sifted through 12 months of data to determine the best and worst game publishers of the year, based solely on the quality of their 2016 releases. [SIMON'S NOTE: I find this a little bizarre, but it's certainly interesting to peruse!]"
Loom (or, how Brian Moriarty Proved That Less is Sometimes More) (Jimmy Maher / The Digital Antiquarian) "In April of 1988, Brian Moriarty of Infocom flew from the East Coast to the West to attend the first ever Computer Game Developers Conference. Hard-pressed from below by the slowing sales of their text adventures and from above by parent company Activision’s ever more demanding management, Infocom didn’t have the money to pay for Moriarty’s trip."
For Honor's mastermind: "My greatest fear was that I would die before I could share this with the world" (Wouter McDutch / GamesRadar) "According to Jason VandenBerghe, creative director on Ubisoft’s For Honor, there are only a handful of lucky developers who get to create the game of their dreams. It took him almost ten years to get the vision he had for For Honor greenlit and the game has since been in development for almost five."
Art Of The Title: Doom (2016) (Will Perkins / Art Of The Title) "DOOM’s end credits are the perfect coda for that kind of gameplay experience. A four-minute reprise of the player’s gib-filled journey, the title sequence is a hard rockin’, shotgun-blasting, demon-dismembering battle across Mars and into Hell itself."
The story of Warframe: how a game no publisher wanted found 26 million players (Tom Marks / PC Gamer) "In early 2013, Digital Extremes finally released the free-to-play space-ninja shooter it had wanted to make for over 13 years, but that doesn’t mean it was a happy time for the studio. Every publisher with an opportunity to back Warframe had passed, and most even said outright it would fail."
How the Yakuza helped sell Nintendo's first game (Chris Bratt / Eurogamer) "Join me in today's episode of Here's A Thing, as we take a look back at a very different kind of Nintendo and how, surprisingly, the Yakuza helped ensure its first game was such a massive success."
Other Places: Hitman (Other Places / YouTube) "Other Places is a series of short films celebrating beautiful videogame worlds. [SIMON'S NOTE: not writing, but certainly beautiful and a great idea - there's a whole YouTube channel of more if you like 'em.]"
Devs discuss the history and the future of so-called 'walking sims' (Jon Irwin / Gamasutra) "In many games, walking around is just something we do before jumping over that wall or shooting that menacing enemy. But an increasing number of independent games are tamping down on feature-creep and reimagining how we consider putting one step in front of the other."
The Story Behind YouTube's Strangely Compelling 'Hot Pepper Gaming' Channel (Patrick Klepek / Waypoint) "Nothing lasts forever, not even a YouTube channel about people eating obnoxiously hot peppers and trying to talk about video games. On February 6, Hot Pepper Gaming uploaded its its final episode, a tear-filled video about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's recent remastering."
Meet Hungrybox, the Most Resilient 'Smash Bros.' Champion (Justin Groot / Glixel) "'God, I'm crying a lot, I'm sorry,' said Juan "Hungrybox" Debiedma, one of five Super Smash Bros. Melee players (the others being Adam "Armada" Lindgren, Joseph "Mango" Marquez, Kevin "PPMD" Nanney and Jason "Mew2King" Zimmerman) known as "Gods" for their lopsided domination of the modern competitive scene."
Darwin's Demons - Natural Selection Applied To Space Invaders (Scott Manley / YouTube) "Darwin's Demons is a student game project which applies genetic algorithms to space invaders to make each level harder than the last. "
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
0 notes
symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include A Night In The Woods' cartoon realism, a history of Loom, and much more.
Well, it's almost GDC time (latest announces here), so next week's Video Game Deep Cuts will be the final one before the show. Then the weekend after that may turn into a 'Game Developers Conference 2017 highlights' joint, because I may be a BIT too busy to find new links that week, heh. BTW, while you're waiting for the show, read up on this year's IGF finalists and with alt.ctrl.GDC exhibitors via the linked Gamasutra interview series.
- Simon, curator.]
Why road-building in Cities: Skylines is a pleasure (Alex Wiltshire / RockPaperShotgun) "Cities: Skylines is a sim that feels uncommonly alive and reactive to your planning... They may walk or take a bus or train, but you’ll mostly notice them driving, creating traffic which fundamentally represents the health of your city, a pulsing network that’s driven by Cities: Skylines’ beating heart."
'Metacritic' Still Matters, But For How Long? (Chris Baker / Glixel) "Marc Doyle was headed off for a weekend getaway in Santa Barbara with some of his old college buddies when he received the news that the Washington Post's critic did not enjoy the video game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End."
Coming to Video Games Near You: Depressed Towns, Dead-End Characters (Laura Hudson / New York Times) "In the coming video game Night in the Woods, a young woman named Mae decides to drop out of college and return to the former mining town where she grew up. It’s a place where there is little opportunity and most people are struggling to make ends meet."
How to Make the Best of Working on Licensed Video Games (Patrick Klepek / Waypoint) "Bowler is used to games with unique challenges; after shipping Game Party Champions, he was seen as someone who could shepherd others like it to the finish line. It's how he ended up as lead designer on a mobile tie-in game for Zack Snyder's Superman reboot, Man of Steel."
Why Yakuza 0 is a Masterclass in Managing Tone (Writing On Games / YouTube) "Yakuza 0 is a wildly dissonant experience, swinging violently between super-serious gangster intrigue, slapstick violence and over-the-top melodrama. It's the absolute best. In this episode of Writing on Games, I analyse why embracing this dissonance allows the game to tell more human stories."
Direction (Rob Fearon) "We are in times where games are in abundance. I wrote about this a few weeks back and I think it’s (hopefully) a useful primer for understanding why Valve are doing what they’re doing. We’ve gone from not many games being sold under our noses to lots of games."
What do developers and publishers really think of SteamSpy? (Ben Barrett / PCGamesN) "It’s constantly referenced by players, journalists, publishers and developers for a variety of reasons - but how accurate is it versus Steam’s unpublished numbers? What do developers think of it, and the ways it’s used? Importantly, do they wish they could be removed from it?"
The long and troubled history of Apocalypse Now, the video game (Adi Robertson / The Verge) "In late January, an exciting and unlikely project showed up on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter: a request for $900,000 to make a video game adaptation of Apocalypse Now, officially blessed by the film’s director Francis Ford Coppola."
Bonchan Looks Back on His Rise in eSports Unfold (Mike Stubbsy / Red Bull eSports) "Bonchan’s Street Fighter origin story is one of the most unusual we’ve heard yet. As he tells us in the latest episode of eSports Unfold, back when Street Fighter was on something of a hiatus, Bonchan met up with a legend of the scene, and quickly rose to the top when things started to pick up."
The Gamer Motivation Profile: Model and Findings (Nick Yee / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2016 GDC session, Quantic Foundry's Nick Yee presents the results of a global survey that help inform game developers about the different motivations of players, showing the different types of potential customer that exist in the video game market."
Game Director Ion Hazzikostas Explains Blizzard’s Newest Experiment, the 'WoW' Token (Heather Newman / Glixel) ""It’s kind of my baby," Ion Hazzikostas says about the WoW token. Though he's now WoW's game director, Hazzikostas has worked on the initiative since its inception. Here, he talks with Glixel about how the death of the Diablo RMAH made the WoW token possible, what people have been spending it on, and its impact on gold farming."
How Chicago's Overlooked Video Game Creators Scored an Extra Life (Sam Greszes / Thrillist) "Yes, dear Chicagoans, your humble hometown, the Second City, the City of Broad Shoulders, the Many-Nicknamed City That Is Barely Habitable Eight Months Out of the Year, deserves some recognition when it comes to gaming. It doesn’t get as much credit as the tech havens on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, it really is at the forefront of video game development -- and has been for years."
Metacritic's 7th Annual Game Publisher Rankings (Jason Dietz / Metacritic) "Which game publishers released the best games last year? For the seventh straight year, we have sifted through 12 months of data to determine the best and worst game publishers of the year, based solely on the quality of their 2016 releases. [SIMON'S NOTE: I find this a little bizarre, but it's certainly interesting to peruse!]"
Loom (or, how Brian Moriarty Proved That Less is Sometimes More) (Jimmy Maher / The Digital Antiquarian) "In April of 1988, Brian Moriarty of Infocom flew from the East Coast to the West to attend the first ever Computer Game Developers Conference. Hard-pressed from below by the slowing sales of their text adventures and from above by parent company Activision’s ever more demanding management, Infocom didn’t have the money to pay for Moriarty’s trip."
For Honor's mastermind: "My greatest fear was that I would die before I could share this with the world" (Wouter McDutch / GamesRadar) "According to Jason VandenBerghe, creative director on Ubisoft’s For Honor, there are only a handful of lucky developers who get to create the game of their dreams. It took him almost ten years to get the vision he had for For Honor greenlit and the game has since been in development for almost five."
Art Of The Title: Doom (2016) (Will Perkins / Art Of The Title) "DOOM’s end credits are the perfect coda for that kind of gameplay experience. A four-minute reprise of the player’s gib-filled journey, the title sequence is a hard rockin’, shotgun-blasting, demon-dismembering battle across Mars and into Hell itself."
The story of Warframe: how a game no publisher wanted found 26 million players (Tom Marks / PC Gamer) "In early 2013, Digital Extremes finally released the free-to-play space-ninja shooter it had wanted to make for over 13 years, but that doesn’t mean it was a happy time for the studio. Every publisher with an opportunity to back Warframe had passed, and most even said outright it would fail."
How the Yakuza helped sell Nintendo's first game (Chris Bratt / Eurogamer) "Join me in today's episode of Here's A Thing, as we take a look back at a very different kind of Nintendo and how, surprisingly, the Yakuza helped ensure its first game was such a massive success."
Other Places: Hitman (Other Places / YouTube) "Other Places is a series of short films celebrating beautiful videogame worlds. [SIMON'S NOTE: not writing, but certainly beautiful and a great idea - there's a whole YouTube channel of more if you like 'em.]"
Devs discuss the history and the future of so-called 'walking sims' (Jon Irwin / Gamasutra) "In many games, walking around is just something we do before jumping over that wall or shooting that menacing enemy. But an increasing number of independent games are tamping down on feature-creep and reimagining how we consider putting one step in front of the other."
The Story Behind YouTube's Strangely Compelling 'Hot Pepper Gaming' Channel (Patrick Klepek / Waypoint) "Nothing lasts forever, not even a YouTube channel about people eating obnoxiously hot peppers and trying to talk about video games. On February 6, Hot Pepper Gaming uploaded its its final episode, a tear-filled video about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's recent remastering."
Meet Hungrybox, the Most Resilient 'Smash Bros.' Champion (Justin Groot / Glixel) "'God, I'm crying a lot, I'm sorry,' said Juan "Hungrybox" Debiedma, one of five Super Smash Bros. Melee players (the others being Adam "Armada" Lindgren, Joseph "Mango" Marquez, Kevin "PPMD" Nanney and Jason "Mew2King" Zimmerman) known as "Gods" for their lopsided domination of the modern competitive scene."
Darwin's Demons - Natural Selection Applied To Space Invaders (Scott Manley / YouTube) "Darwin's Demons is a student game project which applies genetic algorithms to space invaders to make each level harder than the last. "
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
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symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include A Night In The Woods' cartoon realism, a history of Loom, and much more.
Well, it's almost GDC time (latest announces here), so next week's Video Game Deep Cuts will be the final one before the show. Then the weekend after that may turn into a 'Game Developers Conference 2017 highlights' joint, because I may be a BIT too busy to find new links that week, heh. BTW, while you're waiting for the show, read up on this year's IGF finalists and with alt.ctrl.GDC exhibitors via the linked Gamasutra interview series.
- Simon, curator.]
Why road-building in Cities: Skylines is a pleasure (Alex Wiltshire / RockPaperShotgun) "Cities: Skylines is a sim that feels uncommonly alive and reactive to your planning... They may walk or take a bus or train, but you’ll mostly notice them driving, creating traffic which fundamentally represents the health of your city, a pulsing network that’s driven by Cities: Skylines’ beating heart."
'Metacritic' Still Matters, But For How Long? (Chris Baker / Glixel) "Marc Doyle was headed off for a weekend getaway in Santa Barbara with some of his old college buddies when he received the news that the Washington Post's critic did not enjoy the video game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End."
Coming to Video Games Near You: Depressed Towns, Dead-End Characters (Laura Hudson / New York Times) "In the coming video game Night in the Woods, a young woman named Mae decides to drop out of college and return to the former mining town where she grew up. It’s a place where there is little opportunity and most people are struggling to make ends meet."
How to Make the Best of Working on Licensed Video Games (Patrick Klepek / Waypoint) "Bowler is used to games with unique challenges; after shipping Game Party Champions, he was seen as someone who could shepherd others like it to the finish line. It's how he ended up as lead designer on a mobile tie-in game for Zack Snyder's Superman reboot, Man of Steel."
Why Yakuza 0 is a Masterclass in Managing Tone (Writing On Games / YouTube) "Yakuza 0 is a wildly dissonant experience, swinging violently between super-serious gangster intrigue, slapstick violence and over-the-top melodrama. It's the absolute best. In this episode of Writing on Games, I analyse why embracing this dissonance allows the game to tell more human stories."
Direction (Rob Fearon) "We are in times where games are in abundance. I wrote about this a few weeks back and I think it’s (hopefully) a useful primer for understanding why Valve are doing what they’re doing. We’ve gone from not many games being sold under our noses to lots of games."
What do developers and publishers really think of SteamSpy? (Ben Barrett / PCGamesN) "It’s constantly referenced by players, journalists, publishers and developers for a variety of reasons - but how accurate is it versus Steam’s unpublished numbers? What do developers think of it, and the ways it’s used? Importantly, do they wish they could be removed from it?"
The long and troubled history of Apocalypse Now, the video game (Adi Robertson / The Verge) "In late January, an exciting and unlikely project showed up on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter: a request for $900,000 to make a video game adaptation of Apocalypse Now, officially blessed by the film’s director Francis Ford Coppola."
Bonchan Looks Back on His Rise in eSports Unfold (Mike Stubbsy / Red Bull eSports) "Bonchan’s Street Fighter origin story is one of the most unusual we’ve heard yet. As he tells us in the latest episode of eSports Unfold, back when Street Fighter was on something of a hiatus, Bonchan met up with a legend of the scene, and quickly rose to the top when things started to pick up."
The Gamer Motivation Profile: Model and Findings (Nick Yee / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2016 GDC session, Quantic Foundry's Nick Yee presents the results of a global survey that help inform game developers about the different motivations of players, showing the different types of potential customer that exist in the video game market."
Game Director Ion Hazzikostas Explains Blizzard’s Newest Experiment, the 'WoW' Token (Heather Newman / Glixel) ""It’s kind of my baby," Ion Hazzikostas says about the WoW token. Though he's now WoW's game director, Hazzikostas has worked on the initiative since its inception. Here, he talks with Glixel about how the death of the Diablo RMAH made the WoW token possible, what people have been spending it on, and its impact on gold farming."
How Chicago's Overlooked Video Game Creators Scored an Extra Life (Sam Greszes / Thrillist) "Yes, dear Chicagoans, your humble hometown, the Second City, the City of Broad Shoulders, the Many-Nicknamed City That Is Barely Habitable Eight Months Out of the Year, deserves some recognition when it comes to gaming. It doesn’t get as much credit as the tech havens on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, it really is at the forefront of video game development -- and has been for years."
Metacritic's 7th Annual Game Publisher Rankings (Jason Dietz / Metacritic) "Which game publishers released the best games last year? For the seventh straight year, we have sifted through 12 months of data to determine the best and worst game publishers of the year, based solely on the quality of their 2016 releases. [SIMON'S NOTE: I find this a little bizarre, but it's certainly interesting to peruse!]"
Loom (or, how Brian Moriarty Proved That Less is Sometimes More) (Jimmy Maher / The Digital Antiquarian) "In April of 1988, Brian Moriarty of Infocom flew from the East Coast to the West to attend the first ever Computer Game Developers Conference. Hard-pressed from below by the slowing sales of their text adventures and from above by parent company Activision’s ever more demanding management, Infocom didn’t have the money to pay for Moriarty’s trip."
For Honor's mastermind: "My greatest fear was that I would die before I could share this with the world" (Wouter McDutch / GamesRadar) "According to Jason VandenBerghe, creative director on Ubisoft’s For Honor, there are only a handful of lucky developers who get to create the game of their dreams. It took him almost ten years to get the vision he had for For Honor greenlit and the game has since been in development for almost five."
Art Of The Title: Doom (2016) (Will Perkins / Art Of The Title) "DOOM’s end credits are the perfect coda for that kind of gameplay experience. A four-minute reprise of the player’s gib-filled journey, the title sequence is a hard rockin’, shotgun-blasting, demon-dismembering battle across Mars and into Hell itself."
The story of Warframe: how a game no publisher wanted found 26 million players (Tom Marks / PC Gamer) "In early 2013, Digital Extremes finally released the free-to-play space-ninja shooter it had wanted to make for over 13 years, but that doesn’t mean it was a happy time for the studio. Every publisher with an opportunity to back Warframe had passed, and most even said outright it would fail."
How the Yakuza helped sell Nintendo's first game (Chris Bratt / Eurogamer) "Join me in today's episode of Here's A Thing, as we take a look back at a very different kind of Nintendo and how, surprisingly, the Yakuza helped ensure its first game was such a massive success."
Other Places: Hitman (Other Places / YouTube) "Other Places is a series of short films celebrating beautiful videogame worlds. [SIMON'S NOTE: not writing, but certainly beautiful and a great idea - there's a whole YouTube channel of more if you like 'em.]"
Devs discuss the history and the future of so-called 'walking sims' (Jon Irwin / Gamasutra) "In many games, walking around is just something we do before jumping over that wall or shooting that menacing enemy. But an increasing number of independent games are tamping down on feature-creep and reimagining how we consider putting one step in front of the other."
The Story Behind YouTube's Strangely Compelling 'Hot Pepper Gaming' Channel (Patrick Klepek / Waypoint) "Nothing lasts forever, not even a YouTube channel about people eating obnoxiously hot peppers and trying to talk about video games. On February 6, Hot Pepper Gaming uploaded its its final episode, a tear-filled video about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's recent remastering."
Meet Hungrybox, the Most Resilient 'Smash Bros.' Champion (Justin Groot / Glixel) "'God, I'm crying a lot, I'm sorry,' said Juan "Hungrybox" Debiedma, one of five Super Smash Bros. Melee players (the others being Adam "Armada" Lindgren, Joseph "Mango" Marquez, Kevin "PPMD" Nanney and Jason "Mew2King" Zimmerman) known as "Gods" for their lopsided domination of the modern competitive scene."
Darwin's Demons - Natural Selection Applied To Space Invaders (Scott Manley / YouTube) "Darwin's Demons is a student game project which applies genetic algorithms to space invaders to make each level harder than the last. "
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
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