#one more day until we're officially open...
dumpywrites · 5 months
Cat-astrophe - Min Yoongi / Suga
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Summary: Your pet cat keeps going to your neighbor’s apartment and it’s a problem. 
Genre/tags: Fluff-ish, strangers to ???, minor mention of anxiety.
Pairing: Yoongi x she/her reader
a/n: cus we're all soft for long haired Yoongi, right? hehe
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It had been officially a month since you had moved to a new apartment place. You loved the new place honestly. It was cozy and the neighborhood looked nice. There were many convenience store nearby and the street was always still busy until late at night, making you feel a little bit of secure when coming home late.
While the place was nice it had one tiny downside. It was rather on the far side from your workplace. It took you an hour of bus ride just to get home from the office, so some days could be more tiring than others. And today was one of those tiring days. 
It was around nine at night on a Monday. Having to work overtime for the deadline and missed the bus, really dreaded you out. You were both tired and hungry, arriving home only to find that your pet cat was missing. It really just was not your day.
To say you were panicking would be a bit of an understatement. Cookie was barely a four month-old cat and had a very tiny body. All the negative possibilities start filling your head and you were horrified by all of them. Not to mention how it was basically forbidden to bring pets in the apartment complex. It was one of the policies but you couldn't help it since Cookie was a rescue.
When you arrived at your apartment lobby with a cat snack on your hand, there wasn’t that many people there. You walked past a guy by the front desk, who had medium-length black locks and fair skin, with headphones dangling on his neck. You began to call your pet’s name as soon as you were outside the lobby, but suddenly you felt a light tap on your shoulder. 
“Are you looking for a small black Bombay cat?” It was the same guy who just walked past you.
“Oh my god, I am! Have you seen him???” You said, your voice was a little bit shaky. 
“He’s in my place, I’m on the seventh.” 
“Oh, me too!”
“I know.”
“Oh.” You said, surprised at how stoic he sounded saying that, but didn’t further question him on it. “I’m so sorry for bothering you, can I go get him now?”
“Sure, I was just gonna go up as well.”
When you both entered the elevator, you made a mental note to ask his name or at least introduce yourself. He was a neighbor after all. It was pretty silent inside the lift and you just hoped he didn’t hear your stomach rumbling ever so slightly. You took a deep breath, bearing the hunger for a little while. 
When the elevator door opened you followed him from behind as he led you to his door. When he stopped at his front door, your eyes were widened in shock. 
“You live next to me?!” 
“Yeah.” He said casually and unlocked the door. "I've seen you multiple times."
You chose to not further question and followed him but stopped when you had only took two steps in, because technically, the homeowner had not really officially permit you to come in. The guy seemed to notice how you just stood awkwardly and looked back. 
“You can sit down for a sec, I’ll go get him.” 
“Oh, right… yeah. Thank you.” You said awkwardly and walked to sit on his couch. 
A few seconds later the man came back with your cat in his embrace. Cookie was clinging on his tshirt before he tugged him and gave him onto your lap. 
“Cookie!” You called, almost teary. 
“I think he jumped from your balcony to mine. Make sure to close your balcony door next time.”
“Thank you so much, I owe you… uh…”
“Thank you, Yoongi.” You repeated and introduced yourself in return. “I’m Y/N, and if you ever need anything please let me now.” You said as you stood up, already making your way out. 
“Also, thank you for not reporting it…”
“No problem.” Was all the guy said and by this point you figured he was not much of a talker. 
You bid your goodbye to your neighbor, which only gained a small nod before he closed the door on you. You walked to your door and let Cookie down as soon as you got inside. Sighing deeply, you began to feel your stomach rumble again, this time it rumbled quite loudly. Your feet were aching from standing on the bus and now your body finally got on how tired you were. 
Cookie meowed and immediately went to his cat bed and laid down. You sighed and smiled at the small creature. 
“You little rascal… you’re lucky I love you.” 
You then went to your kitchen to cook yourself some instant ramen. 
The next day you went to work and had to take another overtime. Unfortunately you had to for the rest of the week until your current project was done. It was exhausting but you had to make it and mostly thinking about the bonus pay from it helped quite a bit. You spent the next few days the same, repeating the schedules, and the tiring work. 
It was almost ten at night that you arrived home and found out Cookie had gone missing again. For some reason your first instinct was to knock on your next door, in hope the neighbor who once helped you, could lend you a hand again, and hoping maybe Cookie just ran to his place again instead of being gone somewhere where it wasn't safe for him.
You knocked on the door and didn’t get immediate answer. You waited for what felt like five minutes, before the door opened and you were greeted with the sight of your neighbor with wet hair. He had a small white towel around his neck and the hoop earring that you saw him with before was absent. His skin looked glowing, you probably needed to ask about his skin care routine later.
“So sorry to interrupt you, I was wondering if Cookie might have gone to your place again?” 
“He’s right there on the couch.” He casually pointed. His expression was straight and had you wondering if he did not mind it, bothered, or simply didn’t care. 
You slowly walked to approach your cat and bent down to its level. “Cookie, you need to stop this…” You tapped the cat's nose, as if scolding the poor cat would do anything. 
“He jumped to my balcony again, did you forget to close the door?” 
“But I made sure to close it this morning…” You looked at your neighbor, who walked closer to inspect the cat. 
“I think he knows how to turn door knobs, since he’s quite a jumper. You need to lock the door.” 
“I can’t believe this little demon…” You sighed, fingers still stroking the purring cat. 
“He’s… alright.” 
You were slightly taken aback by the response and looked up to him, but much to your disappointment, his expression still looked the same. You were about to get up and excuse yourself, but you notice a small steel bowl under his dining table, half full with what you assumed to be cat milk (I mean, it would be weird if it was his, duh!). 
“You also have a cat?”
His eyes followed yours. “Oh, that. I got it the first time Cookie came here, I figured he must be thirsty since he came in around noon time.” 
“That’s… that’s very nice of you.” You looked at him and smiled. Somehow him addressing your cat by his name sounded lovely. 
“You can have the rest of the milk if you want, since you’ve figured out how he escaped and all…” 
“It’s okay, you can keep it! Just in case he ran into you again…” You chuckled but then stopped after realizing how that just sounded like you did not mind troubling him with your cat continuously. “I mean… I’m sorry, I’ll make sure he’ll never escape again.” 
“It’s alright, I’ll keep the milk for now.” He paused for a second, rubbing the back of his neck. “Just in case.”
You looked at your neighbor and couldn’t help but to feel all warm inside. He seemed like a nice person and from the looks of it he also liked your cat. 
“Thank you so much, Yoongi. I’ll be taking this little guy here then...” You smiled at him and stood up with Cookie in your arms. 
“I got some dim sum…” 
You looked at the guy questioningly. 
“Do you maybe want some?” 
“That’d be too much, it’s okay, you go ahead and eat.” You politely declined. Although you were hungry, you could bring yourself to bother your neighbor any more than what you had done. 
“Have you eaten?” 
“Y-yeah?” You asked, afraid you heard it wrong. 
“Have you eaten?” He repeated. “If not, then I insist you take some.”
“I…” You wanted to lie, but at this point it would come off as rude if you refuse him again. “I actually haven’t. Thank you very much though, I feel so bad that you’re being this nice to me.”
“You can just eat them here.” 
“I don’t wanna disturb—“ You were awkwardly cut by the sound of your stomach rumbling. 
“You’re not disturbing me.” He cleared his throat and looked away. 
That was embarrassing. 
And that was how you ended up sitting down on your neighbor’s dining table, eating dim sums. 
In silence. 
This Yoongi guy really did not like conversation it seemed. He was sitting down on his couch and had turned the TV on. The volume was on but not quite loudly, and Cookie was on his lap, sleeping as he occasionally stroked the cat’s head softly. Funny that somehow you could see some resemblance of Yoongi with your cat.
“So… how long have you lived here?” You bit your bottom lip as you waited for his answer. You kind of regretted asking as soon as the words came out from your mouth, afraid it would be awkward. 
“Around ten months or so.” He paused. “No, I think it’s been almost a year cause I spent two months overseas.”
“Really? What were you doing overseas?” You regretted asking again. Looking at how quiet Yoongi was, you didn’t want to ask too much or indulge into too much conversation, afraid it would be too much for him. 
But much to your surprise, he answered. “I’m a producer. I was working for this artist and all the work had to be done in America.” 
“Wow, that sounds amazing!” You said. At this point you no longer were sitting facing the table, but to him. “Who was the artist?”
“Uh… Halsey.” He replied while looking at the TV screen, seemingly to avoid your stare.
“Oh my god???” You gasped. “That’s incredible! So you’re like crazy talented?!”
“I’m alright…” 
“You should show me some of your work someday!” You said enthusiastically. When Yoongi did not reply to it and stayed silent, you cursed yourself internally. “I mean compared to what I do that’s like really amazing.” You chuckled nervously. 
“I’m sure you’re great at what you do.” He looked at you, a small smile was on his lips. 
You realized it was the first time you saw him smile and it made your heart raced rather faster than usual. It was the first time you saw him with facial expression other than his usual poker face. 
“I’m just a normal product designer at a very normal company.” You shrugged. 
“Don’t downplay yourself like that. You work very hard.” 
“Thanks…” You replied shyly. 
After finishing your food, you got up and went to wash the dishes, which immediately got stopped by the homeowner. He politely told you to go back home and rest. Which again, you could not thank him more for. 
You took your pet in your arms and said your goodbyes to your neighbor. Right when you arrived back in your place you came to realize something. Yoongi did not eat with you and there was only one portion of the food. While it could just meant he had already eaten beforehand, you felt giddy, thinking about another possibility. Was this a crush you sense forming? Frankly speaking, you could not care less. You were welcoming the possibility with open arms.
Friday finally came and you were ready to take it in. The days of working with your company project was going to an end, which meant you no longer need to work overtime after this. The thought of it put you in a very good mood. 
This time right after arriving home, you walked to a nearby chicken restaurant and grab some not only for you, but also for your neighbor. You wanted to repay his kindness the past few days. After changing into some comfortable clothes, not to mention the multiple times you had to re-check the outfit in the mirror for some reason, you took your cat in your left hand and the food in the other. You knocked on your neighbor’s door hoping he was home. 
And he was. You were greeted with his silence but he opened the door wider as soon as he saw your face without question. One thing that caught your eyes though was how he was dressed up like he was ready for a night out. He wasn’t in his usual sweatpants and baggy t-shirt, but instead in a ripped wide legged jeans and a light blue shirt, unbuttoned, with a plain white tee underneath. He looked handsome. And here you were, in your so-called comfy outfit that you were starting to regret.
“Before you ask, no, Cookie’s right here.” You smiled awkwardly as you raised the small cat in your hand for him to see. “I’m just here to drop by some chicken I got for you… as a thanks for your help these past few days.” You handed the plastic of food to him. “Alright, that’s all…”
He took the food from you hesitantly. “You don’t wanna come in?” 
“Aren’t you going out or something?”
“I was… but you are here.” He said, sounding unsure. 
“That’s ridiculous, why would I stop you from going out?”
“I was gonna go to your place…” 
Your mouth formed a small O shape, unable to form a word. He was going to your place? But what for??? The butterflies in your stomach were having a blast. 
“But you’re all dressed up…”
“I was gonna change back.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair, which made you gulped at the sight. “I knew this was a bad idea I shouldn't have listened to Hoseok—”
You stopped his rambling. “What do you mean?”
“I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go eat together at that one Chicken restaurant nearby…”
“Oh.” You widened your eyes.
“Yeah.” He looked at you, biting his cheek in annoyance. 
“This is awkward.” You chuckled. 
“Whatever, just… just come in first.”
You saw Yoongi putting the plastic of food on his table. You offered help after putting down your cat on his couch and walked to his direction. Both of you plated the food in comfortable silence, it felt oddly domestic and you liked it. At this point you were used to him being not talkative and see it as his charm. 
After you took the plates to the living room, Yoongi suddenly came back with cans of beers and soju in his hands. 
“We’re drinking?” You said with an amused grin. 
“You can drink, right?” 
“Sure, but can you?” You playfully eyed him. 
“Don’t challenge me.” 
You could see how he was trying to hide his smile, and it brought colors to your cheeks. 
You did not know how you got in this situation. Five episodes in randomly rewatching Avatar The Last Airbender and you both were drunk. You were resting your head on his shoulder as you watch the screen. It seemed like the booze gave you confidence, or made you shameless, or both, but the guy didn’t complain so it could be a sign of a good thing. While you could see Yoongi holding his alcohol better than you, he was not completely sober either. 
It was at this very moment where you saw things through a pink tinted lense. Had Yoongi’s hair always looked that soft? Had he always looked this handsome? You began to question things you should not be questioning.
“Why didn’t you change your clothes?” You randomly asked. 
“Do I look bad?” He replied, eyes still on the screen, hands stroking the sleeping cat on his lap. 
"Of course not, I just feel severely underdressed now..." You chuckled.
He eyed you from top to bottom, which made you nervous, but he shrugged, seemingly to not have any problem with your clothes.
“You look… handsome.”
“You think I look handsome?” He suddenly moved to face you, making you move to look at him as well. The tone of his voice sounded like he was teasing more than asking a question.
You nodded and bit your lips. “And you kinda look like Cookie.” You giggled. 
He raised one of his eyebrows, clearly not satisfied with your answer. 
“Your eyes…” You began to ramble. “They look just like Cookie’s, and when you look annoyed, or just your plain expression… you look like a cute cat.” 
“Really…” Yoongi hummed. 
“Yup!” You giggled like an idiot. 
You failed to notice how at this point, Yoongi has put Cookie down from his lap to the floor. His face only inches away from you as you kept rambling. 
“Your hair look so soft… like a cat’s fur.” You reached your hands closer to his hair, but stopped mid-way, scared he’d get uncomfortable. 
Yoongi surprised you again by grabbing both of your wrist and putting your hands on his hair, letting you stroke his head slowly. You saw his expression softened and as you kept playing with his hair, he closed his eyes. You swore you heard him purr. 
“Pretty.” You said with a drunk smile. 
“Hmm. Pretty.” He mirrored. 
“Okay, call me crazy but why do I kinda wanna kiss you right now.” You said, totally losing the battle with your common sense. 
Yoongi chuckled. “You’re crazy.” He ran his fingers through his hair, looking to the right. “I like it.” 
To be frank, you could not recall what happened after. You recalled some bits of karakoe-ing? Singing random PSY songs in your broken Korean using a bottle of whiskey as your mic. That was probably all? You couldn’t think while the throbbing headache was present in the room with you.
So why were you now in a bed that was not yours, wearing a t-shirt that was too big for you and was clearly not yours, also for heaven’s sake, WHY IS YOONGI SLEEPING NEXT TO ME??? 
You froze. Did you??? There was no way. Sure you found him attractive and all, and you definitely had this huge crush on him, but you couldn’t just sleep with a guy you barely knew. Besides your headache, your body didn’t feel any pain, so that was probably a good sign. What if he was just that gentle? Okay, you need to stop thinking at once before you started a whole fiction about you and Yoongi in your head.
When you turned your back, you felt the other side of the bed shifted as well. 
“You’re up?” He asked with a raspy voice. 
“Yeah.” You said, still back-facing him. “We didn’t… you know…”
“No, we didn’t.”
“Oh, okay good.”
Yoongi did not answered to that, but instead you felt him scooting closer. 
“I’m sorry, this isn’t probably how you’d wanna spend your weekend.” You chuckled. 
Your breath hitched when you felt a hand over your waist. “Is this okay?” He suddenly stopped when your body tensed at his touch. 
You nodded, heart beating too loudly for you to form any sentence. 
“This is nice.” He said, resting his forehead on your back. 
When you stayed silent, he took your hand and turned you over to face him. Heat immediately took over your body as soon as your eyes meet. You noticed he was back in his usual home attire, oversized tee and sweatpants. His hair was messy, but it seemed like universe had its favorite cause he still looked good. 
“You know, I haven’t had good sleep in… weeks.”
You were surprised by his sudden confession.
“It’s half past eleven now, and it’s not even ten minutes after I woke up…” He tittered. “My anxiety has been getting worse the past month and out of nowhere a black cat suddenly jumped to my balcony, meowing non-stop while I was working.”
You looked at him, letting him finish his talk. This was the most words you had ever heard coming out of Yoongi’s mouth and it made your heart flutter. 
“I haven’t been caring. I’ve stopped caring, for a while now. Seeing you care so much for such a small creature… I don’t know, it feels good. It makes me wanna care.”
“Yoongi…” You cooed, caressing his cheek. "It's not true, all you have been since I first met you until this moment, was caring."
"I'm sorry if it feels like it came out of nowhere but I feel at home with you and I don’t know why...” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yet, at least.”
“I… like this too. A lot actually.” You said shyly. 
“I would like to get to know you more if you’d like.” He was being honest and exactly to the point, no flirty bullshit to spice his sentences.
“I’d love that...” 
Suddenly you heard a low meow from under the bed and Cookie jumped into the bed, joining you two. Apparently his bedroom door was left opened and none of you noticed how Cookie had entered. You giggled and he smiled as well, the widest smile and the most genuine you had ever seen from him, as he took the cat and cuddled both of you close.
"I think it's about time you give me your number..." You squinted at him playfully. "You know, so we don't repeat the whole chicken restaurant accident again?"
“Okay, but promise me first you won’t apologize again after kissing me.” He chuckled. 
“Okay, call me crazy but why do I kinda wanna kiss you right now.” You said, totally losing the battle with your common sense. 
Yoongi laughed. “You’re crazy.” He ran his fingers through his hair, looking to the right. “I like it.” 
“I can be crazier if you open that whiskey.” You wiggled your eyebrows.
Yoongi just shook his head, smiling at your silliness. He stood up and went to grab his Hibiki anyway, which earned a shout of celebration from you. 
Things escalated quickly after opening the bottle. Somehow you were starting a drunk karaoke session which followed by many dance breaks. You ended up crying when a sad song randomly came up in the playlist and when Yoongi asked why, you replied. You replied with your lips on his.
In your head it just made sense. It was his lips’ fault for looking so juicy. Yeah, totally his fault for looking so hot that it was driving you insane.
None of you moved and it only lasted seconds before your mood turned sour again. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean…” You pushed him gently. “Oh my god, you’re so gonna hate me!!!”
“Hey, calm down…“ 
You started to panic, tears now forming in your eyes again. “Please don’t hate me, I just wanted to kiss you…” You cried. 
“Okay, I think that’s enough drinking—“
And you puked. 
Yes, Yoongi did see your lilac colored bra when he helped you change into his t-shirt. But that’s a secret between him and little Cookie. 
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Thank you for reading! 💎
part 2 is here!
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irafuwas · 4 months
The Night Ravens - 「Piece of my World」
The very first official soundtrack for Twisted Wonderland just released today, and one of the tracks included was the long-awaited full version of the opening theme, "Piece of my World". I took a crack at translating it, which you can view after the cut!
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聞こえるだろう 扉の向こう キミを待ってる 行こうぜ Wonderland!
You hear it, don't you? What's there beyond the door is waiting for you Let's go to Wonderland!
ドキドキいつも欲しいんだ [さあ 合図して]
I'm always on the hunt for an adrenaline rush [Now give me the signal]
瞬きなんてしちゃダメさ [魔法は始まるよ]
Don't even blink [The magic's just beginning]
誰もがそうさ 負けられない [月が煽る]
I know people say it all the time, but I'm not going to lose [The moon's urging us on]
尖る靴音鳴らしていこう ほら 夜が明ける前に
Let the sharp clang of your footsteps resound Come on, before day breaks
手探りだね 僕のカタチ 貫く熱は在るのに
I'm fumbling around, still trying to figure out who I am I know I can keep pushing on, and yet-
ねじれた リズムで踊ろう 俯き張る 意地も愛嬌さ かまわないよ ちょっとワルいくらいがいいじゃない? 刺激は僕であるためのピース 闇の中魅せてあげるよ イカした世界を
Let's dance to this twisted rythym The way you hang your head, acting all stubborn, there's a certain charm to it Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with being a little bad, you know? The thrill of it all makes me who I am, it's a piece of me Here within the darkness, I'll captivate the entire world
覗いてみて 扉の向こう キミを待ってる 行こうぜ Wonderland!
Go ahead, take a look What's there beyond the door is waiting for you Let's go to Wonderland!
時計の針が滑り出す 「さあもっと上げて」
The clock inches ever forward [Now turn it up even more]
逸つ靴音 弾ける鼓動 ほら 誰よりも前へ
Your piercing footsteps, this throbbing beat Surpass everyone and everything
描いていた 僕のカタチ 歪さも気に入ってるのに
The concept of myself I've come up with I adore how distorted it is, and yet-
ねじれた世界で歌おう ざわめく胸の熱はほんとうさ シラけちゃうジョーシキ破り捨てていいんじゃない? スリルは僕らが輝くピース 闇の中 見つけ出せるさ 繋がる答えを
Let's sing together in this twisted world This warmth stirring deep in my chest, I know it's real I'm sick and tired of these societal rules So why don't we just rip them up and throw them all away? The thrills we seek become part of us - look at how they shine It's here within the darkness that we're able to find the answer that connects us all
夜が分かつ時 超えてゆけるだろう [ねじれた世界が導く…]
When the night drives us apart, I'm sure we'll get through it [Guided by this twisted world…]
僕だけの運命が 拒めないように
So that I won't be denied my destiny
溢れだす魔法飲み干し 痛み苛立ちが邪魔をしても かまわないよ 全部 手に入れて見せるさ
I'll drink up this overflowing magic until there isn't a single drop left No amount of pain, no amount of frustration will stop me The world will be mine, just you watch
ねじれたリズムで踊ろう 俯き張る 意地も愛嬌さ かまわないよ ちょっとワルいくらいがいいじゃない? 刺激は僕であるためのピース 闇の中魅せてあげるよ イカした世界を
Let's dance to this twisted rhythm The way you hang your head, acting all stubborn, there's a certain charm to it Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with being a little bad, you know? The thrill of it all makes me who I am, it's a piece of me Here within the darkness, I'll captivate the entire world
覗いてみて扉の向こう キミの中へ繋ぐWonderland!
Go ahead, take a look There beyond the door connecting to your heart lies Wonderland!
A-ha NaNaNa… Yeah-- Come along Wonderland!
TL Notes: This is not a 1-to-1 translation, and I took creative liberties with it :)
And many thanks to my friend Yuurei-san for helping me parse through this!!
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luveline · 1 year
jadey!! would you ever write something for spencer where reader gets tipsy/drunk and is all over him? i just think he would be so cute and flustered, especially if she isn’t usually this forward with him (either established relationship or mutual crushing!)
thanks for your request lovely♡ —you really want spencer to be your boyfriend. fem!reader, 1k
The smell of your lip balm is the very first thing Spencer acknowledges, rather than the soft press of your lips to his cheek, or your hand on his neck. When he does realise you're kissing him it's like a shock to the system; Spencer hadn't thought about what his neck might feel like to a new hand until you're cupping it sweetly, hadn't worried about the neatness of his hair before you ran a hand over it with reverence. 
"Thanks for coming to pick me up," you say, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Best boyfriend ever." 
Which is a great sentiment and all, but Spencer isn't your boyfriend. He holds your back in one arm, the other busy strangling his shiny car keys, his mind racing. He isn't your boyfriend. Right? You have to ask someone for it to be official (according to Derek, Penelope, and Emily) (JJ was a little more lax about it) and Spencer's been too scared to ask you. 
"Are you okay?" he asks softly. You're wobbly. 
"Super drunk," you say, like it's one word, a diagnosable affliction. "Sorry." 
"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to be sober for me to drive you home. I'm really glad you called me." 
You're drunk enough to miss his confused tones. "No,  I'm sorry 'cos I knew you'd say yes even though you hate driving. I honestly didn't even think you had a car." 
Spencer pulls you closer as a couple stumbles out of the same bar you'd been inside of, though when he arrived you were sitting on the cold sidewalk with your knees pulled up and your dress slipping out of place. He adjusts his grip to put an arm under yours and begins leading you toward to the parking lot. 
"Next time, I'll come inside to get you, okay? I don't think I need statistics to remind you that it's not safe to be inebriated by yourself in the city, especially now." It's pitch black outside, stars like a scattering of tint salt grains visible to only the most dedicated of eyes. "It's dangerous for you. I don't mind coming in to find you." 
"You're the nicest," you declare, letting your head fall onto his shoulder. 
He's fitter than he used to be, but Spencer doesn't have a chance of getting you to the car if you're not conscious. "Hey, keep your eyes open. It's not far, okay? Work with me."
"Will you call me something nice if I do?" you ask. 
Spencer helps you down off of the curb and across a naked stretch of asphalt shining like grease in the light from the lamppost. "I'll call you whatever you want me to." 
"You called me pretty on Thursday." 
Spencer feels the heat of a blush blooming at your slurred proclamation but doesn't back down. "You looked pretty on Thursday. You look pretty every single day. Watch the curb." 
"What about, uh, pet names?" 
"Like what?" he asks. 
"Like honey, and sweetheart. Angel, doll, dove." 
"Is that what you want?" he asks, trying to sneak a look at your face. You're concentrating hard on your footsteps, your tall shoes slippery on the wet ground. 
"If we're together…" 
"Are we together?" Spencer asks. He shouldn't ask while you're drunk, and it's not like he's going to take your word for it now over any sober discussion in the future, but he wants to know. 
"You don't think we're together?" you ask, frowning. He's horrified to see the crushed tremble in your lip. 
"I haven't had the chance to ask you yet," he says quickly. 
You sniffle, looking at him with a wide-eyed hope. "But you're going to ask me?" 
"Yeah, I'm going to ask you." He lowers his voice. He's not afraid of other people hearing him. If anything, he's afraid you will. He's afraid you'll hear him and reject him, despite every sign that says you won't. "I've wanted to ask you for a really long time, but you're– I was scared. You're beautiful, and kind, and you make me feel like I've found something I was missing, now. I guess I thought holding off would change the odds." 
"I thought you got banned from all those casinos," you say, clinging to his arm. 
Spencer's nose wrinkles. "What does that have to do with anything?" 
"You count cards and pr… probability," —you sound it out— "right? Have you not been doing that with me?" 
Spencer stops walking to help you pull your jacket back onto your bare shoulder. It's too cold to stay out here long. "It's different. You're different." 
"Oh." You smile at him dreamily. Eyes squinting until your lashes kiss in the corners, you smile like your lips have been stuck together with honey. You pout at him very gently, and he thinks you might want a kiss.
Spencer pats your back. "Come on. I'll take you home. You can sleep it off." 
"Can I come home with you?" 
He sees his car in the distance, a beacon of hope. "Yeah, if you want. But I don't have any pyjamas or anything for you." 
"Not yet," you say. 
Spencer goes pink to the ears, and unfortunately for him, you notice. You refuse to walk a step further, throwing heavy arms over his shoulders to beam at him eye to eye. Your fingers tangle gently into the ends of his hair and twist in circles that have butterflies exploding in his stomach. His breath catches when you tug on a strand, clearly bemused. 
"I really want to be your girlfriend." 
"I–" He swallows roughly. "I really want you to be my girlfriend." 
"Will you ask me?" 
"Tomorrow?" he asks delicately. He might be shy with you, but he has no qualms now showing you how vehemently he returns your affections, his arms curling slowly but surely behind your back. 
You fall into his arms for another hug. "Yesssss," you cheer under your breath. 
He sneaks a kiss against the shell of your ear. "Wanna go get something to eat first?" 
You gasp like you've been offered the world. "You really are the best boyfriend." 
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matthewswifeee · 24 days
Surprising Matt On Tour
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In which Matt and his brothers start the verses tour, this is the longest that the two of you have been away from each other in a long time so you decide to surprise your boyfriend by going to see him on tour. . . .
Its about half way through the verses tour and the boys have a show in Chicago tonight. I decided a few day ago that since I had a few free days that I would go surprise Matt on tour. I packed up everything that I needed to go and headed to the airport. I go get my bag checked and head through security and now I'm just waiting to board the plane. The flight wasn't to bad but as soon as I got to the hotel it started to snow. After I get settled in I hurry to get ready before the show starts. I put on a fitted cropped long sleeve blue shirt with a pair of blue jeans and my black Ugg's. Then I do some light make up and pull my hair half up with a blue bow matching my shirt. Then before I leave the hotel I send Matt a text.
Good luck tonight I love you <3
I get to the venue while the boys are doing their first meet and greet of the night and I text Tril to come get me. He comes and lets me in then takes me to one of the rooms backstage. "Only a few more people in line so they should be back soon" Tril lets me know before going back to what he was doing to prepare for the show since he was preforming with them tonight.
A few minutes pass and I can feel the nerves in my stomach getting more intense as I hear the three familiar voices getting closer. The door opens making me turn around to face them and Matt immediately engulfs me into a huge hug picking me up off the ground as I wrap my legs around his torso. "No way you're real" Matt says as we pull away but he still holds me. "I wanted to surprise you" I say then he leans in for a kiss and puts me back on my feet letting me also greet Nick and Chris.
"That's going in the vlog" Nick says holding the camera. "Kid trampled me to get to her" Chris says making us all laugh. "Ok guys six minutes till show time" some guy with a headset tells the boys before exiting the room. "Have fun, I love you" I say kissing Matt once more before he has to go out on stage.
The entire time the boys were out on stage Matt just kept on looking over at side stage smiling, where I was standing watching them. The lights were hitting him just right, enhancing all of his best features. Making me even more infatuated with this man. I cant wait till after the show when we can actually spend some time together.
Matt ended up wining tonight's show and after his two brothers crowned him he walks over to side stage and pulls me out there with him. "Thank you to my amazing teammate and of course my good luck charm" Matt says pointing over at the girl he chose to be his partner tonight and pulling me close to his side. "I LOVE YOU" he yells at me into the microphone before pulling me in for a kiss. "You are crazy" I say pulling away and smiling at him. After the boys were done on stage and Tril performed a song at the end they had one last meet and greet to get through before they were officially finished with their Chicago show.
The meet and greet didn't take to long maybe another two hours or so. "Hi my sweet girl" Matt says hugging me with sweat pouring down his face. "You need a shower" I say scrunching up my nose teasing him and I watch him playfully roll his eyes. "You love me, sweat and all" he says wrapping me in a tight hug.
We all pile up on the tour bus and drive to the hotel since we're not going to their next show until the day after tomorrow. "We have our own room" I whisper to Matt and watch the look in his eyes shift to a look I know all too well. His hand tighten on my leg just above my knee as he bites his lower lip a little and I lean my head on his shoulder.
We arrive at the hotel and everyone is frantically trying to get off the tour bus and into an actual bed since they have been sleeping in bunks for a majority of the tour. Matt shoves his phone charger and a few other items into my purse before grabbing his suitcase from underneath of the bus. "Do you guys wanna get dinner, there's a smash burger like two blocks down" Chris asks Matt, Nick and I. "We're good" Matt says speaking for the both of us. "Yea I'll go just let me put my shit in the room first" Nick responds.
I lead Matt up to our room, he quickly throws his suitcase in before taking off to get a shower. While Matt's in the shower I open up his suitcase and reorganize the mess that he has made of it. I take out a pair of pajama pants and a white tank top, knowing that's what he will want to wear. I the take out his deodorant and hair brush from his backpack and place it on top of the clothes. After I'm finished situating all off Matt's things for him I decide to get changed. I peal off my jeans first since they were getting uncomfortable. As I'm bent over rummaging through my suitcase looking for pajamas I feel hands on my ass making me slightly jump at the sudden contact.
"You had these on all night" Matt asks as he traces his fingertips over my blue lace thong. "How about" he starts as he twists me around to face him, making me drop everything that was in my hands, "We get these off of you" he says continuing his sentence. "Jump" he instructs and I do as he says, wrapping my legs around his waist as he grips my ass tightly to hold me up.
He gently places me down on the bed and connects our lips. "You have no idea how much I've missed you" Matt whispers making me smile. He pulls my shirt over my head and quickly unclamped my bra that matched my blue panties. "You are so beautiful" he says kissing me once more. He then carefully slides my panties down and removes the towel from his waist as he hovers over top of me on the bed.
"I can't wait to be inside of you" Matt says trailing kisses down my neck. "I'm gonna make you feel so good baby" he says squeezing my ass as he continues kissing down my neck, earning breathily moans from me. "I need you" I whine at him with my arms wrapped around the back of his neck. I then see him grab his wallet off the night stand, assuming to get the condom that he always keeps in there. I look over and see a look on his face. "Fuck" he mutters throwing the black wallet back on to the night stand.
"What's wrong baby" I say sitting up to see what the problem is. "I never put a new one in here from when we used it last time, when we were at the cape" he says obviously irritated. "It's fine we don't need one" I say rubbing his arm. "(Y/n) I love you but we don't need a baby yet" he says. "No it's ok I started taking birth control a couple moths ago" I say and I see his face return back to his normal lustful gaze as he smashes his lips back on to mine.
"I cant wait to slide right in and see how good you really feel" Matt says kissing down my neck. " You are so perfect" he says as I feel his hands travel down between my legs. "Are you ready sweetheart" Matt asks as he rubs his tip between my wet folds. "Yes Matt please" I moan. He slowly slides into me all the way and begins to slowly thrust.
"God you feel so good" Matt moans making me want to cum right there. " Mmm Matt" I moan loudly as he continues moving at the soft slow pace. "Look at me baby" he says grabbing my jaw and making me look him in the eyes. "I love you so much princess" he says as I moan underneath of him. "I-i love yo-you" I moan barely being able to get out the words. Matt wasn't just having sex with me tonight he was making love and he made sure that I knew it.
"M-matt I th-think im" I try to tell Matt that I'm about to finish when all the sudden it came over me all so fast that I wasn't able to finish my sentence. My legs started to shake and feel weak as I became an even louder moaning mess as Matt continues to chase his own high. "Where do you want me to cum" Matt asks barely being able to contain himself any longer. "Please please please cum inside of me baby please" I beg him and after a few more soft slow thrust I feel him fill me up with his cum.
"You were so good" Matt says laying beside me and pulling my naked body onto his making me smile. "When did you get on birth control" he asks. "Like four months ago, after that one time when the condom broke and we had that scare" I respond. "A nd you didn't tell me... I could've been feeling how wet you really are and how good you actually feel" he says making my stomach flip, I love when this man praises me. A nd with that we both fall asleep tangled up in each other.
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honeyhotteoks · 8 months
this night together - chapter fourteen (j.yh + s.mg)
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chapter fourteen: what we mean to each other
chapter summary: making amends is hard, moving on is hard, but you have a home now in a way you've never had before. together, you move forward through it all.
warnings/notes: this chapter still deals with the aftermath of the attack, so all previous warnings apply, but i think you'll see we're coming out of it now and into much happier times. this is the start of an absolute fluff fest, and we'll be back to smut in the next chapter. specific warnings for: discussions of physical attack, anxiety, ptsd, consent conversations, past s*xual assault (mentioned in passing), issues with police and the legal system because lbr the cops aren't doing anything good for assault victims, and reader has a triggering moment with her neck but she works through it just fine
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 14.3k
previous chapter | next chapter | AO3
It’s been days. Days of staying safe behind the walls of their apartment, days of dodging calls from your friends, days of cocooned self preservation. They haven’t left you for a single minute. You spent the weekend trading off who’s lap you were cuddled on and bickering over episodes of Single’s Inferno and you’ve never needed anything more. 
Slowly though, things start to shift. 
You’re showered, for one. And Yunho and Mingi both have settled back into their routines as best they can without leaving the apartment. Video games, mindless scrolling, paging through books and cooking balanced meals instead of another day of takeout. 
On Monday, Seonghwa confirms your worst suspicions by texting you a photo of the formal letter he received via Minseok’s attorney. You expect Yunho and Mingi’s are in the mail. Every time your phone chimes you expect it to be the police or some other official legal summons. Your mind has started to turn over every detail of the event with calculated detail, and your internet history stretches long with research. 
By Tuesday, you’ve caved and finally started answering Wooyoung’s texts with more than just single word responses or emoji confirmations that you’re still alive. The moment you do, he takes the opening and runs with it just like you knew he would. 
As you wait for the hot water for your tea to boil in the kettle, you re-read his most recent text again. 
Do you want to get out of the house for a bit? We can try that new spot by the bookstore?
Your stomach feels tight at the idea of going out and you do your best to tap out a reply that you think sounds casual and relaxed - Maybe next time, let’s just catch up and relax here? 
You watch the message send and deliver and in nearly real-time it flicks over to read. Dots appear as he types. 
Sure - his message reads - I’ll be there in an hour
An hour. You shouldn’t be so nervous to see your best friend, but the idea of opening up your little sanctuary to anyone right now feels a little fraught. The kettle whistles, and you hear feet shuffling against the vinyl flooring as Yunho crosses over into the kitchen and you lock your phone and Wooyoung’s messages away so you can focus. 
“Hey,” You murmur, giving him a smile as you pull the kettle off the heat. 
“Hey,” Yunho smiles back, leaning against the opposite counter, “everything okay?” 
“Mhm,” You tell him, just a little white lie. 
“Is Woo still coming by?” He questions.  
“Yeah,” You nod, setting the kettle on a pad so it doesn’t damage the countertop, “he said around an hour,” 
Yunho nods and then slides a bit closer to you, his hand stroking up and down your back once until he settles it on your hip. “Hey,” he says again, “can we talk?”
A nervous pang strikes in your gut, but he doesn’t look upset, so you take a guess at what he wants, “Is it okay that he’s coming?” 
“Wooyoung?” His brows draw together, “Of course, that’s not what I meant,” 
“Oh,” You turn towards him more fully, leaning against the counter with him, “okay, what’s up?” 
“I want to apologize,” He says, swallowing tightly. 
“Apologize,” You blink. 
He nods. 
“Okay,” You can see how whatever he’s about to say is bothering him, the stress under the surface, but you have no idea what he’s sorry for. 
“Listen,” He reaches and takes your hand, pulling you a little closer to him, “I know you know I’m sorry, but I haven’t said it clearly and you deserve that,” 
“Oh,” You relax further into his space until you can feel your bodies brushing together, the warmth radiating off his skin. 
“The way I reacted at the studio after your last heat was wrong,” He says in a rush of air as he laces your hands together, “and I haven’t gotten the chance to really say that,” 
“It’s okay,” You shake your head, soothing him a little, “you don’t have to,” 
“No,” He insists with a squeeze of your fingers, “I do. That day, I was worried and jealous and confused, but I let my anger get the better of me and that’s not something I normally do.”
You squeeze his fingers back, letting him know you’re listening. 
His eyes flick up from your joined hands to your eyes as he continues, “It’s not something I should have ever put on you or something you should ever see,” 
“People get angry,” You start to say. 
He’s firm when he shakes his head, “People get angry, but I don’t get angry at you. Ever.” 
“I yelled at you,” He squeezes your hands, “I cursed at you,” 
“I did the same thing right back,” You remind him. 
“It’s not the same,” He presses, brushing right past your words, “and I’m apologizing because I’m telling you, y/n, it will never happen again.” 
“You think we’ll never have a fight?” You smile, “That’s optimistic,” 
“This isn’t a joke,” He sighs, “please,” 
“I’m sorry,” You tuck closer to him, unlacing your hands so you can snake your arms around his middle, “and I appreciate you apologizing for that fight, but I was upset you were being possessive and emotional after all the cold shoulder, you yelling wasn’t really high on my list of concerns,” 
He’s quiet for a moment, but then he nods, “I’ll get to that in a second, but will you hear me on this one thing?” 
“I’m listening,” 
“I hate to bring it up again,” He grimaces a little, “but I’ve just spent four days watching you jump at every noise around the apartment and wake up every night fucking terrified,” 
Your eyes shoot down. 
“And before I apologize for all the other ways I’ve been an ass to you,” His warm hands settle on your skin, thumb brushing along your jaw, “of which I know there are many,” 
You smile at that. 
“Yelling at you like that,” He sighs, “talking to you like that has been bothering me for months. I need to apologize for it because I need you to know that you’ll never, ever hear it again. Mingi said his peace, but it’s important to me that you know you’re safe with me in every way. If we’re going to do this, I need you to know you can tell me anything, including telling me off when I make mistakes, and I won’t get angry like that again.” 
“I already know that,” You look up, meeting his firm gaze and reaching for his cheek, “and I hope you understand that I know the difference between how you were angry then and what he did and how he spoke to me.” 
“I just had to say it,” He nods, “I would hate it if anything I ever did made you afraid to be honest with me, or made you feel like you’ve been feeling the past few days, I’d never,” 
“Baby,” You cup his cheeks in both hands, holding his eyes so he hears you fully, “I forgive you, and I am not afraid or uncomfortable with you or with Mingi. Not at all.” 
“Good,” He exhales hard, his eyes a little shiny and you press forward to wrap your arms around him and hug him close, his arms closing around your back. 
“If you’re being idiots,” You kiss his chest through the thin fabric of his t-shirt, “I’ll tell you you’re being idiots,” 
He laughs low, the vibration running through your chest, “Good.” 
“And if I’m being an idiot,” You add, “I’m not going to freak out if you get pissed at me or yell at me,” 
“I appreciate that,” He squeezes your shoulders, “but I don’t want to be the guy that yells, that’s not really an alpha stereotype I’ve ever wanted to fit.” 
“Okay,” You nod against him. 
He clears his throat a little roughly and you’re about to pull away but he holds you steady for a moment, “There’s one more thing,” 
Your hand strokes a line down his back, as you hum softly, “Hmm?” 
“I have more to say and to apologize for,” You can feel his heart beating a little faster under your cheek and you stroke his back again, “but I’m still figuring out how to do that, and it might not be fair of me to ask, but I wanted to see if you can be patient with me for that.” 
“Yunho,” You murmur, “what’s going on?” 
“I, uh,” His fingers flex tightly against your skin, “I started seeing someone,”
“Professionally,” He adds, “Mingi used to and I know it helped. I didn’t think I needed to, but I think we can both agree I am not the best at managing my own emotions here,” 
“So,” He breathes, “after our fight, when I finally cooled off and realized what we did I asked him for a referral. I’ve been meeting with her once a week and it’s been helpful, but I’m not ready to apologize to you for the rest of it until I understand why I treated you like that,” 
Emotion fills your chest like a balloon and you nod into him, “Yunho,” 
He clears his throat again, “Sorry,” he says, “this is a little uncomfortable for me to talk about, but I’m working on it,” 
You wriggle out of his arms to find his face again and press up on your tiptoes to catch his mouth, kissing him with as much surety as you can before you lean back, “That means everything to me,” you tell him, “everything. You have all the time in the world from me, okay?” 
“Yeah,” He smiles, “good, okay,” 
“Is it helping?” 
“Definitely,” He nods, “it’s almost like the professionals know what they’re talking about,” 
You smile up at him. 
“I know I mentioned it before,” He adds quickly, “and I won’t press it, but if you do feel like it would be helpful for you too, you can come to me and I can ask my therapist for some numbers for you to call. I’ll even help set up an appointment if you need that,” 
Your chest goes tight at the thought, “I’ll let you know,” 
“Okay,” He smooths a hand up and down your back, “no pressure,” 
“For sure,” You manage. 
His lip quirks up and he presses a long kiss to your forehead as he gives you one more squeeze, “I said I won’t press, don’t panic,” 
“Sorry,” You breathe. 
He makes a noise dismissing that and then steps back, “So,” his eyes are bright again, everything equalizing back to normal with his smile, “you were making tea, can I help?” 
Your shoulders relax, tension bleeding out of you in an instant, “No,” you turn back to the warm kettle, “but can I make you a cup?” 
“Sure,” He pulls two teacups down from the cupboard, “so Woo will be here in an hour?” 
“Mhm,” You tap your phone to light up the screen to check for any other texts.
“Got it,” He nods, “would you feel alright with Mingi and I stepping out for a while?” 
“I need to run by the studio and check in on things,” He explains, “and we need to get some food in here. I figured we could do that while Wooyoung keeps you company,” 
“Yeah,” Your heart picks up a little at the thought, but you press that feeling down and drop a teabag in each of your cups, “I’ll be just fine,” 
“Good,” He drops another kiss to your hair, keeping his fingers lingering on your skin while you pour hot water into your cups. 
“Do you,” You almost stop the question, but you find the words bubbling out of your mouth before you can second guess, “do you need to leave right away?” 
Yunho smiles wide, taking the kettle from your hands as he shakes his head, “No,”
Your heart eases a little. 
“Let’s have these together,” He nods to the tea and picks up both cups, “we’ll go when Woo gets here,” 
You follow him out into the living room, and he sets the cups down on the table before settling himself into the corner cushions and reaching up for you. It’s easy to take his hand and to melt into the familiar position on his lap, and you let him draw you in close and cuddle you, his arms wrapped securely around you as he nuzzles your cheek with his nose. 
You sigh, resting your hands on his chest and turning your face a little to catch his mouth in a kiss. 
He hums pleasantly against your mouth, “Is it strange to say that I’ll miss you while we’re out?” 
You smile, shaking your head, “No,” 
“Will you miss us?” He pecks your lips again. 
“More than I want to admit,” 
“You know,” Yunho smooths his hands over your body to rest in their familiar homes, one on your thigh and the other curled around your waist, “I hate what happened, and I wish I could take all the bad memories away, but I’m also so glad you’re here with us,” 
“I know what you mean,” You nod. 
“The months we spent apart were terrible,” He confesses, kissing you softly. 
“We’ll have to make up for lost time,” You agree quietly. 
“A proper date,” He smiles, “or a vacation somewhere warm?” 
“Mm,” You hum, thinking of being stretched out on a beach somewhere with your boys on either side of you, “perfect,”
“I’ll think on that,” He runs a hand down your hair and relaxes back into the couch, “you deserve something nice,” 
Twisting on his lap you reach for both of your teacups before settling back into the same, comfortable position, “I think it would just be nice to come over here without having something traumatic happen beforehand,” 
He frowns a little. 
“I’m kidding,” You nudge him softly, “kind of,” 
“I know,” He nods, “still,” 
“Yeah,” You quietly agree, taking the first sip of your tea. 
Yunho takes a sip too, and then hums a short, quick laugh, “This smells like you,” 
“Like me?” 
“The tea,” He takes another sip and nods, “you smell just the same, but sweeter,” 
“Do you like it?” You find yourself asking. 
Yunho’s head cocks slightly to the side, a line between his brows, and then he says, “Have I not made it clear how much I love your scent?” 
Your cheeks heat and he smiles at the way your skin reddens. 
“Sweetheart,” He shifts, pulling you in while still being careful of the tea, pressing warm, lingering kisses over your jaw to the hollow of your ear, “if I could drink you instead, I would.” 
You swallow, heat curling in your belly. 
“Soothing tea,” He murmurs, “sweet honey,” he adds with a kiss, “and the willow is sharp and fresh. You wake me up and calm me down all at the same time,” 
Your pulse quickens, and slowly your head drops to the side, extending the column of your neck to his lips. 
He takes it slow, remembering the way you jerked back in bed a few nights before, and he’s careful not to press too firmly or give you any inclination that he’s going to touch you with anything but his lips. 
“You smell like home,” He murmurs, his hand coming up to cup your head in his wide palm, kissing just a little lower still. 
Your muscles are stiffening up at the feeling of his mouth getting lower towards your exposed gland and your fingers tighten on his shirt where you hold yourself steady. 
“I’ve got you,” He whispers, “stay with me,” 
You nod, just a little, enough to tell him not to stop, “W-what else?” 
He smiles against your throat, “Well,” he kisses again, to punctuate his words, “when you’re happy, really happy or excited, there’s lemon too,” 
Your breath feels staggered, thready, and you focus on the feeling of him and the warmth of the teacups against your thigh. 
“When you want us,” He takes a deep inhale, sighing hot against your skin, “it’s all honey, thick and syrupy. After your heat I smelled that honey here for weeks,” 
You feel a whine building a little in your throat, and you bite down on your lip to keep it buried. Your body feels like it’s fighting itself with every touch of his mouth, hot arousal knots up at his scent mingling with yours and at his words, but the isolated touch alone has you fighting little flashes of a place that isn’t here and isn’t him. 
“I’ve got you,” He repeats, “I love you,” 
The reply settles on the tip of your tongue, but then he presses one last closed-lipped kiss directly over your gland and withdrawals entirely. You blink hard, a shudder running up your spine. 
“Alright?” He checks, smoothing his hand down your hair again. 
You nod, letting your fingers unknot from his shirt while you collect yourself. 
“Hopefully that answers your question,” He clears his throat softly. 
You start to nod, but the sound of the bathroom door opening cuts through the moment and you start, tea spilling over the lip of your cup onto your fingers. 
“It’s Mingi, baby,” He assures you. 
“I know,” You have to tear your eyes off the hallway though. 
His mouth is set in a concerned little line, and you know he’s probably thinking about your conversation in the kitchen again, but he lets it lie and doesn’t push it, just like he promised. 
Mingi appears a moment later, a towel slung around his hips and his shoulders and hair wet from the shower. He smiles widely when he sees you both, “What’s going on in here?” 
Yunho raises up his cup, “Tea,” he smiles, “nothing much,” 
“Mm,” Mingi nods and stretches, “nice,” 
“Will you be ready soon?” Yunho asks, “Wooyoung will be here in a bit,” 
“Yeah, sure,” He confirms and then glances at you, “you’re good with us going out?” 
“I’m good,” You confirm. 
“I’ll stay if it would make you feel better,” Mingi adds, “I can hide in the bedroom and listen to music or something if you want privacy,” 
You love them both so much in this moment you feel like your chest might crack right open on its own, and you shake your head at him with a smile, “No, I have to get comfortable at some point, it might as well be while Woo is here with me,” 
He nods, “Well, we won’t be too far, just call us and we’ll turn around.” 
“Thank you,” You reach up to take his hand and he twines his fingers with yours immediately. 
Yunho shifts, pressing his lips against your shoulder, “Are you and Woo going out anywhere?” 
He’s clearly trying to be subtle, but you hear the anxious note in his voice and it occurs to you that they might be just as nervous leaving you as you are staying here without them. 
You shake your head, “No, just staying here,” 
“That’s good,” Mingi adds a little too quickly, “if you do go out, would you let us know?” 
“I will,” You promise them, “but you don’t have to worry,” 
“It’s in our nature to worry over you,” Yunho sighs, “but I think we’re both trying not to be overbearing about this whole thing,” 
“Trying,” Mingi shrugs, “but also the idea of not knowing where you are feels like it might give me hives,” 
You laugh at the image, easing back into Yunho’s chest. 
“To be clear,” Yunho shoots Mingi a look, “that’s in a nice ‘we care about you’ way, not in a ‘controlling boyfriend’ kind of way,” 
“Relax,” You tell them both, “I get why you want to know, it’s the same reason I want to know where you are.” 
“Studio first,” Mingi offers without you asking and your chest warms, “then groceries, and then I want to swing by that cafe that has that caramel cheesecake you like, then home,” 
“Don’t say we don’t have to,” Yunho adds, “we want to,” 
You smile as he takes the words right out of your mouth. 
“Plus, I want some,” Mingi says with ease. 
You’re not used to this type of relationship yet, having alphas of your own who actually want to be with you and take care of you, who worry for you and feel for you in all the deep nervous ways you feel for them. You hush the nagging voice in your mind that tries to tell you not to show them how much you need them, the voice that doesn’t want you to jump too fast, you already know what you get by listening to that voice. 
Instead you ask them what you want to ask, “How long do you think you’ll be gone?” 
“Two hours,” Yunho offers, “maybe three at the most,” 
“Okay,” You exhale, weight dropping away from your shoulders, “that’s perfect,” 
“We’ll let you know,” Mingi adds, “and if you need anything special while we’re out, we can stop,”
You shake your head, “I’m fine,” You assure them, “a little anxious, but you know, it’s good for me.” 
Mingi smiles warmly, brushing his hand over your cheek and tilting your face up with his thumb and forefinger on your chin, “We’re a phone call away,” 
“I know,” You nod. 
Yunho sighs as Mingi’s hand drops away, and he kisses your shoulder again, “It’s funny,” he says, “I really don’t want to leave you,” 
“We did just spend three months not seeing each other and in a state of constant relationship limbo,” You point out and give him a squeeze, “we really went from nothing to a whole lot of something fast,” 
“Not too fast?” Mingi checks, trying to sound casual. 
“No,” You say, “and even if it is, I don’t care,” 
“We’ve always felt right together,” Yunho adds, “we’re just letting ourselves enjoy it now,” 
He’s never said something so true. 
Mingi gets dressed and collapses onto the couch next to both, pushing closer into your space with Yunho until you’re both practically on his lap, but it works. You stay knit close together until there’s a knock on the door and then it’s fast kisses goodbye and big hugs from your best friend, and before you can really process it you’re without them for the first time in days. 
Your stomach is fluttering, a nervous quiver deep in your gut that you really don’t want Wooyoung to over-analyze. A moment later you find yourself back on the couch in the warm spot Yunho left, wrapping yourself in the blanket you had all shared the night before. You can smell them on it, earthy, warm, and sweet. 
Wooyoung watches as you start to relax, and he takes a seat right next to you to keep close, a closed smile on his lips. 
You can’t believe you miss them already. 
They must miss you too though, because Mingi only makes it a scant ten minutes before he texts you, his message lighting up your phone - Forgot to say I love you - I love you.
“What?” Wooyoung nudges you under the blanket. 
You pass your phone to him and he reads the message, his eyebrows shooting up high, “I leave you alone for a few days and you’re all saying ‘I love you’s?” 
You grab the phone back and tuck it away, “That’s the thing about life changing trauma,” you laugh, “it really accelerates the big feelings,” 
Wooyoung nods, keeping things light, but finds your hand on the back of the couch so he can hold it. 
“Also we’re not all saying it,” You confess, “they’re saying it,” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean they’ve told me,” You explain, “the day after the studio we had this big talk,” 
“Don’t tell me they put all that shit on you like that,” He wraps his hand around yours, “y/n,” 
“Not like that,” You shake your head, “it’s actually hysterical, they thought that Seonghwa and I have been dating,” 
His eyes go wide, “What?” 
“It’s truly the longest story of miscommunication,” You tell him, “at this point I think someone should write a book about me and make it a romantic comedy,” 
“Erotica,” Wooyoung smirks. 
“Shut up,” You swat at him. 
“There have been too many good orgasms for a romcom,” He shrugs. 
You roll your eyes, “Anyways, it turns out the whole not talking period while you were all away was just me pining but feeling like I fucked it up, and them pining but thinking I had moved on with Hwa,” 
“But when they realized that they were wrong about that,” You continue, “we just got it all out there,” 
“And they love you,” He smiles a little, “and they actually said it,” 
“Yeah,” You soften into the cushions. 
“I hate to ask the obvious,” He squeezes your hand, “but if you’re so happy about that, why haven’t you told them? You do love them?” 
“So much,” The words fly out like you’re defending something, and you run a hand through your hair as you get your real thoughts steady, “I do, Woo, so much. We’re scent matches,” 
“I know,” He nods warmly. 
“You do?” 
“Anyone with eyes can see that,” Wooyoung smiles, “well, apart from you three.” 
He nudges your thigh with his foot under the blanket, “Honestly, though, after what happened I could see it on them. You couldn’t keep your hands off each other, and they kept flanking you, watching you like you might disappear,” 
A memory of the studio plays like a clip in your mind, the way they held you between them, the three of you against everything. You nod, “They’ve been doing that for days,” 
“Which…” Wooyoung trails off, trying to guess where your head is, “you’re happy about?” 
“I am,” You nod emphatically, “and I love them, I just… I can’t get the fucking words out of my mouth,” 
He sobers a little, sliding closer to you on the couch so he can draw your legs over his lap and give you exactly the kind of comfort you need, “I’m listening, babe, talk to me,” 
“I don’t know why,” You hold his hand tighter, “but every time they say it, and I think I’m going to say it back, I’m right back in that room with Minseok’s teeth on my neck and I can’t,” your chest feels tight, “I can’t get it out,” 
His eyes soften, empathetic in the way that only he can be, “Does being in love with them scare you?” 
“No!” You pull your hand back from his. 
“Babe,” He takes your hand back and holds tight, “I’m not saying they scare you, I’m saying does being in love, being vulnerable like that scare you?” 
Your shoulders drop, “A little, but,”
“I thought about it for three months,” You argue, “I had it rehearsed, I knew exactly what I wanted to say and the big reveal was supposed to be the ‘I love you’ part not the ‘I’m sorry’ part,” 
“Your plans on that kind of fell apart when that asshole tried to claim you,” Wooyoung pushes back a little. 
“Yeah, no shit,” A flurry of anger bubbles in your belly. 
He nods, “And now you’re off kilter,” 
“You could say that,” 
“You rarely do anything without thinking it through,” He offers, this thumb drawing a comforting line over your palm, “and your plan got fucked, and you’re emotionally vulnerable, and traumatized, and stressed. You feel like you’re out here without a life vest,” 
His words stun you silent. 
“And this thing you worked up in your mind for three months is now totally derailed,” He continues, “am I on the money?” 
You nod. 
“Can I ask you something?” He says. 
You nod again. 
Wooyoung asks this question softly, his voice quiet and gentle, “Do you want to bond with them?” 
Your heart thumps in your chest. 
“It’s just you and me,” Wooyoung soothes you, “and whether or not you bond with them is your choice, okay? But, babe, is that something you think you’ll want?” 
Suddenly you remember the feeling of your heat with them. The way you begged for them, the way it felt so right and so sure that you belonged to each other. You remember how your mind spun imaginary futures that all ended the same way. 
Silently, you nod. 
“Loving them isn’t bonding,” He murmurs, “you can just love them for now at your own pace.” 
Tears prick at the back of your eyes, “What if I can never do it? They can barely touch my neck without me falling apart, what if I can never take a real claim?” 
“Oh, babe,” He pulls you towards him, crushing you to his chest, “I wish you called me earlier, you shouldn’t be thinking like this,” 
“It was so terrible,” You confess into his shoulder, “I can’t even tell you, I don’t even know how to explain,” 
“You don’t have to,” He hushes you, a hand stroking up and down your back, “and I don’t know if this is going to help or hurt, but I know right now you feel like there’s no way you’d ever be able to take a claim without it being scary and awful, but someday you might be able to without even thinking of him.”
A few hot tears escape your eyes. 
“And I know I give Yunho and Mingi shit,” He adds, “but you know that both of them would rather die than do something to hurt you or scare you,” 
“And if I can never bond?” You manage. 
“Then I’d say thank god your scent matches are two men who would never, ever push you into a bond you weren’t ready for,” He says, squeezing you tight, “and I think if you asked them, they’d tell you that they’d rather be with you unbonded and happy than bonded and in pain.” 
“You’re right,” You wipe away the wetness on your cheeks, “I know you’re right,” 
“They’re not going to try to push you into a bond just because you love each other,” He lets you lean back but he slides his hand back into yours, “especially not now,” 
“I know that,” You sigh, “rationally, I was just,” 
“I’m telling you, I get it,” He eases you, “sometimes you go through something and you think a part of you is wrecked forever, that you’ll never be able to do something again or feel normal again, but you will. I promise,” 
You know the truth of him so suddenly you can’t stop the words, “Woo,” you feel your heart beating faster, “did something happen?” 
“A long, long time ago,” He says softly, “and today’s not the day for that story, but I’m telling you it does get better and it does soften in your memory and someday your alphas are going to touch your neck and you won’t even think about it, it just won’t be there anymore.” 
Grief and relief mingle in your gut at his words, and you want to ask him more, to be there for him like he’s been there for you but you can see it in his face, today isn’t the day for that story. 
You squeeze his hand, “I love you, Woo,” 
“I love you too,” He assures you. 
Silence sits between you for a moment while you turn over his words, and though you can’t imagine the day he’s describing, you still believe him. You have to. You don’t know what happened to him or when, but you’ve never met someone as bright and open and happy as him, and you have to hold onto that truth. 
You look down at your combined hands, “Yunho offered to make an appointment with a therapist for me,” 
“Say yes,” Wooyoung replies without a thought, “I waited years and I wish I hadn’t,” 
“Does he have a contact?” Wooyoung asks, drawing your eyes back up, “I have some options for you if not,” 
“He said he can ask his therapist for a referral,” 
“His therapist?” Wooyoung grins, “I knew I liked him,” 
“You’ve been friends for years,” You nudge him. 
“Liked him for you,” He corrects, “that’s different,” 
“Yeah, yeah,” 
“My best friend deserves an alpha who is fully therapized and capable of complex emotions,” Wooyoung says with confidence, “nothing less.” 
“Don’t mention that I told you,” You add quickly, “he told me that in confidence, it just slipped out,” 
“I wouldn’t,” Wooyoung shakes his head, “that’s private. But between you and me, I’m glad to hear it.” 
“Me too,” You sigh. 
“And as far as you going?” Wooyoung circles back to the real question at hand, “Say yes, the sooner the better. If Yunho’s offering to help set it up, let him. Making that call is hard, and if he can make it easier, just say yes.” 
“Okay,” You sigh, your shoulders dropping. 
“And tell them how you’re feeling about bonding,” He adds, “trust me.” 
“Maybe,” You say, “I know you’re right. We’re just moving so fast,” 
“So slow down,” He offers. 
“I don’t know if I want to,” You admit, warmth and nervous energy filling your chest, “it feels right like this, I just don’t know if I can handle a claim,” 
“Tell them,” He reiterates, “don’t let them stumble into that one, they might hurt you without even knowing it if they bring it up sooner than you’re ready for.” 
“Right,” You nod, “you’re right,” 
He huffs a laugh, “Usually am,”
You flick his arm, rolling your eyes, so grateful at him for helping you work through something this hard while still keeping you smiling. You should have called him earlier, he’s right about that too. 
You let silence stretch around you both for a moment, and then something occurs to you. 
“Do you know anything about the charges Minseok is filing?” You run a hand through your hair, “Not to bring up yet another pleasant subject,” 
Wooyoung snorts a little air through his nose and shrugs, “I probably know what you know, have you talked to Hwa?” 
You shake your head. 
“At all?” He seems surprised. 
“I have,” You correct, “but it was quick and we were all on the call. I haven’t been to my place to see if there’s any mail, but I’d guess Yunho and Mingi will get a summons soon.” 
Wooyoung nods, “That’s what the police said,” 
Your eyebrows raise, “You talked to the police?” 
“Seonghwa did,” He clarifies, “and he gave San and I the run down.” 
“Why is no one telling me what’s going on?” You exhale heavily. 
“Because last we heard you were having nightmares,” Wooyoung rests a hand on your folded legs, “and we don’t have a lot of information to give, and I don’t think any of us want to cause you more stress than you need.” 
“Do Yunho and Mingi know?” You press. 
“Not exactly,” Wooyoung says, “though, I guess Seonghwa might be telling them now if they stopped by the studio,” 
You wait for him to continue, but you’re a little relieved at least that your boys aren’t keeping anything from you directly. 
“Seonghwa spoke to the police who explained the charges. Minseok is alleging that the guys misunderstood what they saw and ignored his attempts to explain, and that they used unnecessary force intervening on your behalf.” He says it plainly. 
“Misunderstood?” You repeat the word. 
“I know,” Wooyoung nods, “we all know, but that’s what he’s saying. The police advised Seonghwa to get an attorney and let him know that further charges were being filed. I think we can safely assume that’s Yunho and Mingi, maybe San if he’s really going after it.” 
“Maybe me too,” You add. 
“Maybe,” He nods, “but that would be tough to prove I think,” 
“Hmm,” Your eyes feel a little unfocused. 
“Hey,” Wooyoung gets your attention with a squeeze, “we don’t know anything yet, and we thought this might happen. It doesn’t change the truth and it doesn’t mean any of them regret what they did to make sure you were safe, okay?” 
“Tell me you understand,” He presses, “because I’m not letting you put this one on yourself,” 
“I do, I understand,” You nod, “it just sucks,”
“That’s fair,” He gives you a soft smile, “but it’s going to take a lot more than this to fuck us over,” 
“Yeah,” You murmur, “you’re probably right.” 
Wooyoung says something else but you hardly hear it, in the back of your mind all you can think of is that first night at the hospital. The detectives who interviewed you were kind, but bordered on dismissive, and you know Minseok and his family have deeper pockets than you do. You have to figure this out, you have to.
  “Babe?” Wooyoung nudges you. 
“Yeah,” You snap up, coming back to the present moment and letting those anxieties fade into the background until you can really think them through, “sorry,” 
“It’s okay,” He soothes you. 
Your phone buzzes on your lap again and you pull it up to see the message. It’s Mingi again - Budae Jjigae for dinner, ask Wooyoung if he wants to stay? We’ll have plenty
It’s like he felt your anxiety from miles away and you can feel the tense knot of your shoulders unlocking. You send back a quick heart emoji and then look back up to your friend, “You want to stay for dinner?” 
He smiles, “Who’s cooking?” 
“Mingi,” You tell him, “he’s been on a comfort food kick for me,” 
Wooyoung smiles, “I’ll stay,” 
“Great,” You tap out a reply to Mingi letting him know and take a big sigh. 
“They make you happy,” Wooyoung says, “it’s nice to see,” 
“It’s nice to feel,” You tell him, “after all this time, and after everything,” 
“You deserve it,” He murmurs. 
You smile, a little tease at the corner of your mouth when you nudge him, “So do you, and speaking of,” 
His face lights up fast, “I wasn’t trying to bring my too-good mood over here if things weren’t going well,” he sighs, “but now that I know you’re all in love,” 
“So you and Yeosang?” You turn the conversation to something so much happier, and feel lighter the second you do. 
“It’s so good,” He gushes, head falling back against the cushions, “he’s kind of quiet, kind of hard to get to know at first, but y/n, he’s so funny,” 
“Yeah?” You smile. 
“And smart,” He adds, “and considerate, he’s always getting me coffees or refilling my water, just like, those little things,” 
“Wow, look at you,” You squeeze his hand, “serial dater of alphas, turned into a blushy mess over a funny, smart, considerate beta,” 
“He’s packing like an alpha, I’ll say that,” Wooyoung grins wolfishly. 
You smack his chest, “Woo! Literally that is too much information,” 
“Please,” He rolls his eyes, “I share a locker room with your boyfriends, I know what you’re working with,” 
You feel your face flush red. 
“Cute,” He teases. 
“So,” You divert, “does Yeosang feel as strongly?” 
His smile drops a little, “I mean,” he says, “I think so? But he’s not really an oversharer,” 
“Have you told anyone else?” You try to be casual about that question, but if you’re being honest you’re dying to know where things will land with San and Seonghwa. 
Wooyoung shakes his head though, “Not yet, but I think when everything calms down I might have him pick me up at the studio or something? I want you to meet him and I want everyone to know, I just,” 
“I get it,” You assure him, “you go at your own pace.” 
“Yeah,” He sighs. 
“Just don’t follow my lead,” You smile, “if you like him, don’t run away in a panic,” 
“Noted,” He laughs. 
He looks so happy, bright from the inside in a way that matches his sunny scent, and you think he’s not far from sharing ‘I love you’s of his own at this rate. 
You squeeze his hand again and catch his attention back, “You really look so happy,” you tell him. 
“I am,” He sighs, “he’s exactly what I needed,” 
You smile, and then push his legs to the side, “Move over, I know you have pictures, you’re holding out,” 
He laughs sharply, head falling back but letting you manhandle him a little so you can snuggle into his side. Wooyoung tugs the blanket around you both and pulls out his phone, “Fine,” 
“Like it’s a burden to show your best friend pictures of your hot new boyfriend,” You smack his chest, “come on,” 
Wooyoung drops his arm around your shoulders until you’re slotted together on the corner of the couch, but he still hasn’t lit up his phone. You’re about to nudge him again, but then you feel him press a soft kiss to your hair. 
“You know,” He says softly, “when Sannie called me and told me what happened, I just felt so sick,” 
You find his other hand under the covers and lace your fingers together, “I’m okay,” 
He nods, sighing into your skin, “I just want you to know,” he says, his voice a little tight, “you mean so much to me, and I’ll be grateful to them forever for stopping him,” 
You blink back a few tears and nod, “I am okay, though,” 
He nods again and clears his throat, “I know,” 
“I think you’re avoiding my questions about Yeosang,” You squeeze his hand tightly, an acknowledgement of his emotions and his words, while steering the conversation back to happier topics. 
“You’re right,” He laughs, “you caught me.” 
“Come on,” You nudge him again, pushing down the little swell of emotion that his words brought up. 
“He’s not really a selfie guy,” Wooyoung slides his finger across his phone screen until he finds Instagram and then navigates to his new man’s page, “but, I don’t know, I think you’ll like his vibe.” 
Your face cracks into a wide smile when you see the profile, clearly that of an artist, a photographer. The first post on his page is of Wooyoung, though you’d have to know Wooyoung well to know it. He’s walking away from camera through a dark Itaewon street, the lines of his body accented by the neon club signs. 
“Oh, Woo,” You relax against him and open that photo to see it larger, “he really likes you,” 
He snatches the phone away, a little pink in his cheeks as he rushes to downplay the truth of what you can see plain as day, and you fight to get back the phone, your cheeks starting to hurt from how much you’ve been laughing. 
You and Wooyoung stay like this for ages, warmly locked together as you swap stories and funny things on both your phones. By the time your phone chimes with another text from Mingi, at least two hours have gone by.
Almost home! His message reads. 
Your chest feels warm, your heart whole at the words. 
“They’ll be back in a minute,” You tell Wooyoung as you set your phone aside. 
“Perfect,” He grins, “so exactly how much teasing can I get away with before you get mad?” 
You fall apart again into laughter, happy tears stinging at your eyes. You don’t hear the front door open at first, but when you finally look up you see them standing frozen in the doorway with such softness in their expressions. You feel the words bubble up at the sight of them, but again they stay resting at the tip of your tongue.
Wooyoung rolls his eyes and pushes off the couch, “Alright, alright stop making heart eyes at each other and tell me what’s in the box,” 
Your eyes flick down to the large white box in Mingi’s hand, the perfect cheesecake nestled inside waiting just for you. Wooyoung takes a few grocery bags out of their hands and heads off to the kitchen, and just like that your night falls together naturally. 
You don’t think about Minseok again until later that night. For a beautiful, blissful four hours you just laughed and ate and relaxed with your best friend and your boyfriends, and he doesn’t enter your brain at all. 
It isn’t until you’re lying in bed alone with your thoughts, Yunho and Mingi deep asleep on either side of you, that you realize what you have to do. 
In the morning you wake from a dreamless sleep, and you start to put your plan in motion. You slip out of bed and leave them to their rest, light only just stretching its way through the Seoul skies outside. Seeing Wooyoung made you feel lighter in a way that you can’t explain, and within minutes you’re scrawling out a note, stealing Mingi’s key, and lacing up your sneakers. 
Out for a walk, be back in a little while, don’t worry too much x
You leave it on their kitchen counter and you hope it’s enough to keep them from looking for you. You need a little space from your own scared reflection in the mirror, and a new perspective on the plan you’ve been turning over since your head hit the pillows last night. 
The note isn’t a lie, strictly speaking, you are out for a walk, but you also know if you told them exactly where you were on a walk to, they'd worry. They wouldn’t just worry, they would have insisted on coming with you, but this is something you have to do alone. 
You take the long way to the hospital down the river path, letting the cool day calm your mind and keep you centered. You go over in your mind all the things you want to say to him when you see him, assuming you actually make it into his room. You wonder how hard it will be to convince him. You wonder if you’ll even be able to get a single word out of your mouth. 
You have to try. 
Yunho’s words from yesterday morning in the kitchen sink into you. The tenderness in his eyes when he mentioned how jumpy you’ve been around the apartment. You hadn’t even realized it, but now you feel it in your shoulders and your stomach with the sound of every opening door, every squeak of a shoe on vinyl flooring. Everytime you look up into a mirror you expect to see a face over your shoulder, to feel hands on your hips.  
Minseok had taken so many little things from you in the span of three minutes. 
You need to take something back. 
Every step leading into the hospital is heart pounding and nerve wracking, stress inducing on a level you’ve never experienced, but standing in front of reception you suddenly feel an overwhelming calm. Your mind is clear, operating on something wholly unconscious and you don’t know where you’ve mustered this feeling from, but you let it take you. 
You give over Minseok’s full name and provide the kindest smile you can to the woman behind the desk,“I’m his sister,” you tell her. The lie rolls right off your tongue, so clean and easy you surprise yourself. 
“Oh,” The nurse nods, “well visiting hours don’t start until eleven,” 
“I have work,” You counter, softening your face, “I’m sorry, but do you think you could make an exception? I’ll be very quick, I just want to see him for a few minutes before I have to run,” 
She considers it, and you know you have her the minute she checks the nurse’s station to see who else is there with her before she breaks a rule, “Alright, but just be quick, five minutes,” 
“Thank you so much,” You smile, “really, you’re so kind,” 
She waves you off, glancing around her again, “He’s in 305, the third door down on your left when I open the doors,” 
“Thank you,” 
She presses a button on the wall and the lock springs free, opening the heavy security door to your side. With one last smile and deeply grateful bow, you slip through the door and make it through into the hospital hallway where you are most definitely not supposed to be. 
Third door on the left. 
You have to be quick, not so you don’t get caught, but so you don’t chicken out. If you stand in this hallway and let yourself really think about what you’re doing, you’ll turn right around and go home. Steeling yourself, you rush forwards and find the door to 305 and with a deep breath you slip inside. 
Private rooms are expensive, that thought occurs to you as you shut the door tightly behind you. That fact, plus the reality that he’s already talking about pressing his own charges, tells you Seonghwa was right, he has some kind of family money. You hope that when you turn around and actually face the room you won’t have to contend with his mother or father or god forbid some girlfriend you know nothing about. You need him to be alone. 
Blissfully, the room is quiet, the only sounds are medical and simple. With your palms flat against the door you take a deep breath, and if Minseok is awake he says nothing, makes no sound, while you gather the nerve to do this. 
Finally, you turn. 
He is awake, studying you with a careful expression, but then your eyes flick over him. He’s more than injured, he’s completely incapacitated. You catalog it all quickly - his leg suspended in an elevating sling, ankle wrapped up tight, wrist sprained and in a brace, his face is bruised and battered and you realize in seconds that his broken jaw is wired shut. He has an oxygen cannula tucked into his bandaged nose, and you remember that his ribs are broken too. 
You wonder which of your boys delivered each piece of punishment. 
Your mouth feels dry, and your pulse is quickening, the sight of him so close is enough to induce panic but he can’t really do anything to you in this state so you have to just be brave. You push yourself off the wall and walk to the end of his hospital bed, “Hey,” 
He gestures to his jaw and shrugs to communicate that he can’t really talk. 
“I know,” You nod, “I heard.” 
It’s strange to be here with him like this when last week you were working side by side. It’s bizarre to suddenly feel this bubble of uncomfortable space and distance, and to feel the fear underneath it all. 
He gestures towards you with his bandaged hand and you know he’s asking why you’re here. 
“I heard about the counter charges,” You came here with a purpose and you have to stick to it, “and I came here to ask you to drop them.” 
He shakes his head and looks down at himself and then back up to you. 
“After what you did?” Anger curls up in your belly, “I think they took it pretty easy on you.” 
He huffs, a puff of air from his closed lips. 
“Listen,” You try, “you and I both know what you tried to do, and whatever your excuse is, it doesn’t matter. If they hadn’t gotten you off me… I guess what I’m saying is do the right thing now. You said you were sorry, just drop these charges and we can all move on.” 
His eyes harden and he shakes his head. 
You thought he was apologetic after, coming to his senses and realizing in the haze of his rut he almost broke someone’s mind, but now you’re starting to think he was just pleading for his own beating to stop. 
“You won’t consider it?” You ask, stomach clenching tightly. 
He shakes his head again and points to his injuries. Jaw, ribs, leg. 
You want to hit him yourself, so suddenly that your fingers curl tight into fists, “You tried to fucking claim me because I wouldn’t go out on a date with you, and you think you’re the victim here?” 
He seems irritated by your question, and he reaches for something on the tray table to his side. He pulls up a small whiteboard and marker, clearly given to him by hospital staff to communicate, and he wipes away the words that were there to write out his message to you. 
I’m the one in a hospital bed.
“You bastard,” The words just slip out, “why do you think? They put you here for a fucking reason, Minseok,” 
He wipes the message away and writes something else. 
Keep your alphas on a leash.
You’ve never understood the phrase ‘seeing red’ before, but now it’s meaning is crystal clear, “You should keep yourself on a leash.” 
He huffs. 
“Using tone to submit an omega is illegal, Minseok,” You round the corner of the bed, “the prison time for something like that is long. It’s not even just assault, I think that’s something like three or four years? But using tone… claiming against an omega’s will? That’s irreparable damage. I wonder how many charges they’d stack on top in court? Psychological trauma? Sexual assault?” 
His eyes darken and he wipes the board again, his marker squeaking roughly against it as he angrily writes out the next message. 
I never touched you like that.
“You would have,” You shake your head, “as soon as I was your nice obedient omega and couldn’t say no.” 
He stares daggers, but says nothing. 
“They might be able to prove intent,” You tell him, “throw a few more years on top for good measure. How old do you think you’ll be when they let you out? Do you think a dance studio would hire a forty year old man?” 
His face pales, he looks sick suddenly. 
“You’ll drop the charges,” You tell him, “and when you do, I’ll drop mine.” 
His eyes widen. 
“You’ll never set foot in the studio again, and you’ll go find another job somewhere else.” 
His eyes skim over you, trying to gauge your honesty. 
“Do you understand me?” You don’t know what’s possessing you, what’s holding you up so you can get these words out, but you’ve never felt more sure. 
He says nothing. 
You lean in closer, close enough that if he was uninjured he could easily have you back in control, but with his jaw wired shut and his lack of mobility, he can’t do a thing. Nerves flutter up your body as you lean in, and you’re sure he can smell Yunho and Mingi on you, but the guarantee that he can’t touch you is filling you with a sick sense of power, of sure joy. 
“You tried and you failed,” You tell him, and he huffs, “and that’s on you.”
His cheek twitches and you’re sure he’d be clenching his jaw if he could do it without exceptional pain. 
“You’ll do this for me, you owe me,” You hold his gaze despite the flutter of fear it brings you, “and if you don’t, I don’t care what it takes. I’ll see you in court and if that doesn’t work, I’ll make sure that you never, ever get hired again. Every studio in Korea will know what you did, and every omega in Seoul will know what you really are, and if you ever get close to me again after today I’ll break your jaw myself.” 
His eyes flick down. 
“Do you understand me?” You repeat, enunciating clearly. 
He nods once. 
“Good,” You push back from him and get some distance, “get the charges against all of them dropped by tomorrow and I’ll call and withdraw mine. Don’t ever come back to the studio, if you left stuff there consider it gone.” 
He holds your gaze, and then he writes out a question - How do I know you’ll keep your word? 
“You don’t,” You shrug, “but I promise you I wouldn’t be here in this room with you at all if I wasn’t willing to drop them.” 
He turns your words over. 
“Minseok,” You sigh, “they mean more to me than watching you go to jail, please, just do the right thing.” 
He wipes his hand again across the whiteboard and then he shifts, looking back up to you to nod in agreement. 
“You’ll do it?” 
He nods again and then picks the marker back up to write something. 
“Don’t,” You stop him, “there’s nothing you can say I want to hear. Just do this and we’ll be done.” 
He looks away and without meeting your eyes again, he nods.
“Don’t make me come back,” You press him, but he doesn’t respond and that will have to be enough. You’ve done what you came to do. 
You’re out of his room in a flash, back through the security doors and quick past the front desk. You don’t spare a single glance at the nurse who broke the rules for you, you just need to get out of here before you let the reality of what you’ve done hit you sideways. You don’t let a single thing consume you until you’re out of the hospital and on the street again, and you sink down onto the first available bench. 
Your heart is pounding, hands trembling. You need to get this under control before you go home because the last thing you want is to cause Yunho and Mingi anymore stress or heartache. You give yourself some time to come back into your body, to forget the hard set of Minseok’s eyes and the way his fingers twitched when you got too close, the way you fought the curling panic in your gut to get the words out. 
When you do feel whole again, you order a taxi back. You’ve been gone a while, probably a little longer than they expected, and you hope they’re not worried.
Using Mingi’s borrowed key, you slip into the apartment and let their scents wash over you, soothing you instantly. You shut the door quietly behind you and toe off your shoes before calling out, “Is anyone home?” 
You hear movement immediately, Mingi from the kitchen and Yunho from his bedroom and it fills you with warmth. 
“Hey,” Mingi gets to the living room first, “how was your walk?” 
“Really good,” You tell him, and that’s the truth. The walk itself was nice until you cut it short with your little errand. 
“You look good,” He smiles, and Yunho appears from his side of the apartment as Mingi continues, “fresher,” 
“Yeah,” You sigh, “it’s a beautiful morning out,” 
“Hey,” Yunho says, smiling at the sight of you. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t wake you,” You say, “I just wanted to clear my head a bit, so I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your key,” 
Mingi shakes his head as you hang his keyring up by the door. 
“We’ll have to get one made for you,” Yunho says, “if you want,” 
You let the implication of that lie and you nod, but excitement sparks in your belly.
“Is there any coffee?” You ask, moving into the apartment and heading towards the kitchen. You need to tell them where you’ve been, but you just need a breath before you can. 
“Mhm,” Mingi says, “I just made a cup,” 
“Oh,” You shake your head, “I don’t want to take yours, I’ll make my own.” 
“No, no,” He slides behind you and presses a kiss to your hair as he does, “take it, I’ll make another. Yunho, do you want one?” 
“I’m good,” He replies, coming to stand next to you at the small kitchen island. 
Mingi looks like he’s thinking about something as he finishes off your cup of coffee and throws an electric kettle back on to make another pourover, but Yunho draws your attention away. 
“Jagi,” He starts, “I don’t mean to… well, can we talk to you about something?” 
“Sure,” You angle towards him, his words making you a little nervous, “is everything okay?” 
“Absolutely,” He assures you, brushing his hand down the length of your arm, “but Mingi and I were talking while you were gone, about how to handle everything with these charges,” 
“Oh,” His timing is impeccable. 
“We just want to include you,” He says, squeezing your hand, “and make sure we’re handling things the way we should, but it might be smart to try and hire a lawyer before this goes any further,” 
You’re not sure how you’re supposed to say this. 
“We talked to Seonghwa and he agrees,” Yunho continues, “this will be the easiest way to protect all of us,”
“Yunho,” You start, “hang on,”
“If this is upsetting we can talk about it later,” Yunho adds, “but Seonghwa has some connections through his parents, he wants to make some calls.” 
Your stomach twists at the idea of Seonghwa needing to lean on a favor from his parents, and every choice you made that morning becomes perfectly validated with just that thought. You would never, ever let him do that, not after everything he’s done for you.  
“It’s not upsetting,” You assure Yunho, trying to interject, “I just don’t think that will be necessary,” 
“Getting a lawyer?” He clarifies. 
“Yeah,” You swallow hard and glance at Mingi, “I don’t think we’ll need to.” 
“I mean, having representation would be best,” Yunho says, “I know it’s stressful, but we need to be careful,” 
“Right,” You sigh, needing him to give you a breath to explain, “that’s if there’s a suit,” 
“Well sure, but,” Yunho starts but the penny drops for Mingi. 
“Tell me you didn’t,” Mingi turns to you fully and the words die on Yunho’s lips as he plays catch up. 
You stay quiet, holding his gaze, but when you let out a soft breath he sets his coffee back down. 
“y/n,” Mingi says, voice serious and leaving Yunho visibly more and more confused, “tell me you didn’t do what I think you did.” 
“I took care of it,” You settle on the most neutral words you can. 
“No,” He shakes his head, “you can’t just say that, you have to give us more than that.” 
“I was planning on it,” You push past Yunho to approach Mingi, resting your hands on his upper arms as you get closer into his space, “I swear, you just guessed it too fast,” 
“You smell like the hospital,” He explains, his nose crinkled up. 
“Whoa, whoa,” Yunho finally catches up, “why were you at the hospital?”
You just have to say it, “I talked to Minseok,” 
“Absolutely not,” Yunho pushes around the island and closer to you, “are you insane?” 
“He’s completely incapacitated,” You tell them both, “he couldn’t have touched me even if he wanted to,” 
“Yes, but you didn’t know that!” Yunho presses, his voice running high in surprise, but you can see he’s doing his best to keep level and cool. 
“Look at me,” You settle him, “do I look hurt? Upset?”
“No,” He admits with a puff of dejected air. 
“Am I myself?” You take both their hands in yours. 
“Yes,” Mingi admits. 
“Okay,” You sigh, “now stop freaking out and listen to me, because I promise you I’m perfectly fine,” 
Mingi nods once, and Yunho stays silent, which is enough for you to do what you need to do. 
“I went there to talk him out of the charges he’s filing,” You explain, “and I guess… I just wanted to understand what he did, so I wanted to talk to him.” 
“And?” Yunho prompts. 
“He’s an asshole,” You start. 
“Did he touch you?” Mingi asks, his voice a little tight and thready, “Say anything to you?” 
“No,” You promise, tugging him closer until his hands are properly on you, “come here,” 
“You can tell us if he did,” Yunho’s fingertips stroke a gentle pattern over the back of your neck, “we’re not angry, we just want to help,” 
“Speak for yourself, I still want to kill him,” Mingi says sharply. 
“Hey,” Yunho nudges him, “chill,” 
“Both of you relax,” You interject and they fall silent, “he didn’t do anything, he couldn’t even talk, his jaw is fully wired shut,” 
Yunho huffs a laugh, “Good,” 
You smile, “Honestly, he looked pretty pathetic,” 
“He is pretty pathetic,” Mingi points out. 
“Right,” You sigh, “well, aside from some choice words written out on a whiteboard, he didn’t have much to say or do. I explained that if he didn’t drop his charges things would be much worse for him in the long run… and he saw reason.” 
“He agreed to that?” Mingi’s eyes go wide. 
“Why?” Yunho’s brows draw together, “Not out of the goodness of his heart, I assume,” 
“No,” You shake your head, “but when I tell you, I need you both to promise me you won’t be angry.” 
“That’s unfair,” Yunho says. 
“Just say it,” Mingi nods, “we won’t know until we know.” 
You chew the inside of your lip as you search for the right way to say this, and you know they’ll be upset no matter what, but they deserve honesty. You nod, “I agreed to drop my charges if he drops his,” 
They’re silent, deathly silent. 
“y/n,” Yunho swallows tightly as he gets his voice even, “why would you do that?” 
“He didn’t want to listen to me at first,” You explain, “and I thought it through on the walk. That’s the only piece of leverage we have right now,” 
“But he did something wrong, he should be held accountable,” Mingi exclaims, taking a full step away from you and running a hand through his hair. 
“You heard the questions the police asked me,” You interject, “how close was I to my next heat? Did I know Minseok was in pre-rut? Why did I stay in the room if he was making me uncomfortable? What was I wearing?” 
“But it wasn’t your fault,” Yunho insists, “he used tone, that’s fucking illegal,” 
“I said he used tone,” You counter quietly, “but he’ll say he didn’t and he’ll say I got confused or misunderstood. He’ll use our relationship against you both, and my relationship with Seonghwa to paint… a very particular kind of picture about me. We all know what he did but I’m telling you, legally? We’re on the losing side,” 
“But,” Mingi shakes his head, “that’s…” 
“I know,” You nod, “believe me, I know.” 
“You should have taken us with you,” Yunho says quietly, “we could have talked to him for you,” 
You shake your head, “No,” you need them to understand, “you got to hit him… you got to do something, I didn’t get to do anything but be fucking scared,”
His expression softens, “Oh,” 
“You protected me when I needed you,” You feel tears welling up now at the thought of it, “it’s my turn to protect you,” 
They’re so quiet, watching you carefully. 
“Nothing is taking you away from me again,” You say it, plain and clear, “nothing is taking away you or my friends, I won’t let that happen,” 
Mingi’s arms fold around you fast as he tucks you into his chest and you feel Yunho step close too, laying a warm palm on your back as he leans into you both. 
“Whatever you want, we’ll do it,” Mingi murmurs, “okay?” 
You nod, closing your eyes as you snuggle into the warmth of him. 
“And we’ll handle it together,” Yunho says, “but don’t make this decision for us, make it for you. We,” Yunho’s voice trails, but then he clears his throat and says what he wants to say anyways, “we love you. No matter what happens,” 
“I know,” You sigh, snaking an arm out of Mingi’s hold to find Yunho’s hand and tuck him a little closer too, “but I’m sure,” 
“I hate to state the obvious here,” Mingi pulls back from you so he can look at you both, “but if he’s not charged with anything, then he’s a free man.” 
That thought does make your stomach flip, but you knew that when you walked into the hospital room, “I know,” 
“It’s your choice,” Mingi reiterates, “but I still don’t know if I’m comfortable taking that kind of risk with you.” 
“I don’t even want to think about that,” Yunho says, his hands finding your shoulders as he tucks closer behind you. 
The image of Minseok’s face when you asked about his dance career flickers through your mind and you smile, “I think he got the picture,” 
“y/n,” Mingi’s voice is hesitant. 
“I told him in no uncertain terms,” You can’t get the smile off your face now, “that if he came anywhere near me again I’d break his jaw myself.” 
“You didn’t,” Yunho looks down to see your face. 
“I did,” You nod, “and before you freak out again, please remember that I’m here and totally fine in front of you,” 
Mingi gives you a truly withering look but lets you speak. 
“Honestly,” You breathe, “you should have seen him, he was lying there and could barely move, and when he didn’t want to drop the charges at first, I kind of got in his face,” 
Yunho’s hands tighten on your shoulders and Mingi scrubs a hand over his face, “Don’t tell me that,” 
“But I did,” You press your palms flat against Mingi’s chest, “I told him that if he didn’t drop his charges he would never get rid of me, I told him I’d make his life hell, and he couldn’t even move. He couldn’t touch me,” 
Mingi’s quiet, his eyes flicking up to Yunho behind you. Yunho sighs, dropping his forehead to rest against your hair and then his arms relax, wrapping around you from behind. 
“I really hate this story,” Yunho says, “but I’m also really proud of you,” 
“Me too,” Mingi’s hand closes over both of yours to give you a squeeze. 
“I just wish you had told us,” Yunho admits. 
“If I had told you I was going there you would have never let me go alone,” You point out. 
“Exactly,” Yunho’s arms tighten. 
You turn your head to press your lips to his arm where it wraps around your shoulder, and you nuzzle a little into his warm skin, “You know why I had to go though, right? You get it?” 
He nods against your head. 
Mingi smooths his hand up and down your forearm, “We do,” 
“I just hate the thought of him seeing you again,” Yunho admits, lifting his head and readjusting you in his arms, “or being close to you at all,” 
“I know,” You lean back into his embrace, “but this is the thing, he got to see me be fine after what he did,” 
“And you got to see him,” Mingi puts two and two together with ease and nods, “and he looked pathetic?” 
“More than that,” You smile, “he looked… afraid.” 
“Good,” Mingi says firmly. 
You remember the way he looked in that hospital bed, his eyes darting around the room. He shrank back when you got close, no doubt the scent of Yunho and Mingi lingering on your skin, and you smile up at them at the thought, “He was terrified my alphas were with me,”
Yunho’s lips quirk and he leans around you to meet your eyes, “He wasn’t afraid of us, sweetheart, he was afraid of you.” 
“No,” You laugh that off, but they don’t join in and Mingi makes a funny expression at your words. 
Yunho slides away, shoulder to shoulder with Mingi now as he looks down at you, “Yes, y/n,” he shakes his head, “he was vulnerable and alone and stuck in a hospital bed, and you’re…” 
“A powerful fucking omega,” Mingi supplies. 
Yunho nods, “And he knows that you could ruin the rest of his life.” 
You don’t know what to say. 
“y/n,” Mingi sighs, tugging you in until your bodies are close together, “if you ever do something that reckless again, I’ll lose my mind,”
You move to lift your head and push back, to keep trying to get him to understand why this was so important for you to do alone and why you made the choices you made, but he stops you short. 
“But,” He adds, kissing the top of your head, “it was also very brave, and I love you for it.” 
“Yeah?” You nudge him. 
“Yeah,” He admits. 
“I do wish I could have seen it,” Yunho grins, “that asshole scared of you,” 
Mingi’s hands slide to your hips, tightening their grip and he swallows hard, “Our fierce little omega,” 
A ripple of something needy and unexpected passes through your belly, “Is that what I am?” 
Yunho steps closer, finding a home for his hands on your body too, “You called us your alphas,” he says softly, “isn’t that what we are?” 
Mingi’s thumbs brush a warm steady pattern into your hips and you feel yourself melting into their hands, “Yes,” 
“That makes you our omega, sweetheart,” Yunho eyes flick from yours to your lips. 
The way they say omega to you doesn’t sound cold. It doesn’t sound cruel or commanding, no undertone of ownership despite the content of their words. When they say it all you hear is love. 
“Say that again,” You murmur softly. 
Mingi smiles, lifting his eyes to watch you.  
Yunho dips closer, his lips dangerously close, “Our omega?” 
You nod a little, heat flushing your cheeks. 
“Our omega,” He repeats, pressing his lips to yours. He waits to make sure you want it, he waits to feel you twist in their arms and reach up for him, and then he lets his body follow his thoughts, lips opening and his tongue dipping into your mouth. 
Mingi’s hand shifts, spreading wide over your lower belly, his fingertips at the waistband of your pants. You’re not ready for that, and you hope he doesn’t notice the way you twitched in his hands when he first adjusted his grip, but either way he makes no move to take anything further. Neither of them do. Despite Yunho’s lips on yours, and the breath between you both, his hands stay put on your back and your cheek while Mingi just holds you, patient and soft at your side. 
When your lips break from Yunho, settling back down your heels after pushing up on tiptoe, Mingi uses his grip on you to spin you to face him, his mouth finding yours with ease. 
You hum pleasantly against his mouth, your hands gripping his broad shoulders for balance. 
“Ours,” Mingi murmurs between kisses, and then his hands spread to your backside, maneuvering you up into his arms in one quick motion, “you’re ours,” 
You wrap your legs around his middle and sink into the kiss, “I’m yours,” 
“Fuck, I missed you,” He mumbles between kisses, nuzzling your cheek with his nose. 
You nod against him, stealing one more kiss before you lean back, still perched comfortably with your legs around his waist. You smooth a hand over Mingi’s cheek and then reach for your other lover to bring him close, drawing him in by the hand until he’s nestled against both of your sides. Yunho’s hand reaches around to cup under your thigh and you settle your own hand on the back of Yunho’s neck, fingers stroking the shaggy bottom of his dark hair.
“This is nice,” Mingi smiles a little, eyes flicking between you and Yunho. 
Yunho nods, his free hand settling on Mingi’s back. 
“I can’t believe I convinced myself that we weren’t scent sympathetic,” You sigh a small, unfunny laugh, “this just feels so right,” 
“Knowing it and knowing it are two different things,” Mingi says, emphasizing the word. 
“I guess so,” 
“And it’s not like all scent matches work out,” Yunho adds, “we still have to work at it,” 
You nod, relaxing into their hold, “I want that,” 
“We do too,” Mingi squeezes your thigh a little with his wide hand. 
It’s funny how different it all feels now than months ago during your first panicked heat here, how settled you are with everything. You glance between them and ask the obvious, “When we go back to work, what are we this time?” 
“Pack,” Mingi says easily and your head snaps to his, eyebrows high. 
“Mingi,” You blink at him, surprised at his easy reference to such a permanent state of being. Scent matches and compatibility is one thing, but pack is something so much more. All of it flickers in your mind - claims, bonds, tying you together permanently. 
“Someday,” Yunho interjects smoothly, giving you a soft, reassuring kiss to the head, “far in the future, if you’ll have us.” 
“Someday,” The word slips out of you like an agreement, and despite all the fears shared with Wooyoung earlier, you do want them like that. You want to someday be able to give each other that.  
“Then we’re pack,” Mingi lights up at your words, “officially, unofficially, I don’t care. You’re with us, we’re with you.” 
Your body fills with warmth, but you can feel your heart rate picking up. 
Yunho smiles, “What did they used to call that back in the day?” 
“Courting,” You fill in the blank for him, and the word feels strangely old fashioned considering the fact that you’ve already spent a heat with them. When packs were more common, groups of alphas would court compatible omegas until it was sure they were a good match in more ways than just scent. The implication then was something more akin to a modern engagement and you can’t believe after everything you’ve been through with these two men, this is the conversation you’re having suddenly so casually in their kitchen. 
“Well,” Yunho laughs, “we don’t have to call it that,” 
“We’re,” You trail off, trying to find the words, “dating?” 
“Partners?” Yunho offers a slightly less casual word. 
“Together,” Mingi cuts in, “that’s what we are. We’re your alphas, we belong to you, and you,” he draws you closer in his arms to press a soft kiss on your lips, “are our omega.” 
“And at work?” You trail off. 
“We’ll be ourselves,” Yunho suggests, “people probably already know after last week anyways,” 
Mingi nods, dipping forward and pressing a kiss to your lips, “No more pretending we don’t mean something to each other,” 
“No more pretending,” You shift in his arms, wrapping your arms properly around his shoulders so that you’re hugging each other tightly. 
Mingi hums appreciatively, his breath warm against your hair and then he chuckles a little as he readjusts you in his arms, “Is it too fast if I start calling you yeobo, though? I feel like it suits you,” 
You pull back from the hug, “We’re not married, Mingi,” you remind him, “and I didn’t hear a proposal,” 
“You want to get proposed to, baby?” He teases and you shove his chest. 
“Knock it off,” Yunho smacks the back of Mingi’s head, “our relationship doesn’t have to break the sound barrier,” 
“I’m kidding,” Mingi squeezes you, shifting to take a few steps and deposit you on the kitchen counter before stepping back with a quick peck on your lips. 
“Hmm,” Yunho rolls his eyes and slumps back against the counter next to you, one wide hand smoothing over your thigh, “we just got you back, I’d like to avoid scaring you off,” 
“I’m not scared,” You shake your head, and as you say it, you realize it’s true. Six months ago you would have balked at Mingi’s veiled promise of his intentions, you would have told them all their hormones were mixed up and confused. You would have told yourself the same. It feels strange to feel completely at peace with the idea of a real someday with them. 
Yunho’s eyebrow quirks up in a question at your words and Mingi grins, a little self satisfied. 
“Actually,” You exhale heavily and straighten up, “I talked to Wooyoung yesterday and he helped me figure some things out,” 
“Things?” Mingi asks. 
“Um,” Your pounds in your chest, “yeah,” 
Yunho gives you an encouraging squeeze to keep going. 
You meet his eyes and take the leap, “Can you make that call? For me to talk with someone?” 
He softens and nods, “I’ll do it first thing,” 
“Okay,” You say, taking another deep breath, “then there’s one more thing to tell you,” 
Mingi doesn’t say anything, but he steps back closer to you, resting his hand on your opposite thigh. 
“It’s my turn to ask you to be patient,” You give them both an anxious, close lipped smile. 
“We’re listening,” Mingi soothes you. 
“Okay,” You take both their hands in yours, “here goes. The idea of bonding with you both is kind of sending me into a tailspin right now, and I’m terrified that it’s something I’m never going to get over. Wooyoung told me to talk to someone to work through that and I want to. I thought about it all day, and the truth is that I want to be with you both for as long as you’ll have me. You feel like you’re mine, now more than ever, and I’m scared, but I’m also scared of not trying,” 
“And if I can be yours like this for now,” You continue, “without bonds like you said, pack even if it’s unofficial, then maybe I can work through this and make it official someday. I’m just scared your definition of ‘far in the future’ and my definition are different though, and I,” 
“Fuck bonds,” Mingi interrupts, moving to cup both your cheeks and draw your eyes to his, “that shit doesn’t matter to me at all. We’re together by choice, not by claim. If you want my bite someday, I’ll give it to you, but you won’t ever hear me ask, alright? Never.” 
“Me too,” Yunho’s hand brushes down your hair, coming to rest on the back of your neck, “as far as I’m concerned it’s secondary, I don’t care what anyone thinks. I’d sooner leave you than push you into a bond you aren’t ready for,” 
You jolt forwards, throwing an arm around each of their shoulders and nearly slipping off the counter when you do, but they hold you steady as you pull them in. 
“We just want you,” Mingi’s rough, low voice murmurs, “just this.” 
You feel their warmth, the steady thrum of each of their heartbeats, their scents curling around you like a safe, easy memory. The words find themselves right on the tip of your tongue again, only this time, this time they come. 
“I love you,” You take in a sharp, emotional breath as you get yourself together, overwhelmed by their words, “I love you both so much,” 
Yunho dips back to find your mouth, locking his lips on yours and sighing a breath of true relief against your mouth, “I love you too, sweetheart,”
Mingi redirects your gaze with his fingers on your jaw the moment Yunho starts to lean back and he kisses you hard, leaving you gripping his shirt for balance, “I love you,”
“God,” You smile, every part of your body alight with joy, “I think we might be crazy, but I don’t care,” 
“Good,” Yunho glances between you both, “because I think I’m having a crazy idea,” 
“What idea?” 
“Move in,” He blurts out, and he can’t stop smiling, “fuck giving you a key, fuck calling you our girlfriend. Move in properly, be ours. If we’re together, let’s be together, we’ve lost enough time,” 
“Who’s moving fast now?” Mingi says, but he’s smiling too. 
Everything in your body feels right, feels safe. You’ve been calling this home for days, and you’ve been calling them yours in your head for so much longer. 
You’re nodding before your mouth can catch up with your brain, “Okay, okay, yes, let’s do it,” 
Yunho pulls you up into his arms and holds you close, peppering kisses across your temple, “We’ll figure everything else out later, but at least we’ll be together,” 
“Thank God,” You melt into his embrace, meeting Mingi’s eyes over Yunho’s shoulder, “because I really didn’t want to leave,” 
“No leaving this time,” Mingi smiles softly as Yunho nods his head against yours. 
“Mm-mm,” You shake your head, agreeing with his words. 
“We’ll get everything from your place as soon as we can, make it official,” Mingi adds. 
You nod, and then a thought occurs to you, “Is there even enough room for me here?” 
Yunho unwraps himself from around you and nods, “We’ll need a bigger bed,”
“For a start,” Mingi nods, “and you need a nest,” 
“Yeah?” Your very own nest, a real one. 
“Oh, babe,” Mingi finds your hand, tugging you in, “you’re about to get fucking spoiled, anything you want, we’ll figure it out.” 
“You don’t have to, I just want to be here,” You tell them. 
“Doesn’t matter,” Yunho says, “we’ve waited for you for so long,” 
“Too long,” Mingi wraps his arms around you both, “way too long,” 
It doesn’t matter anymore what pushed you into their arms, what kind of day you’ve had, everything you’ve had to get through. Not a thing in the world matters but this choice, the safe home of their arms, three of you against the world like it was always meant to be. 
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star-suh · 7 months
Don't Chew More Than You Can Swallow
Johnny Suh x Male Reader
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cw: top johnny, pseudo-incest, underwear kink, musk kink, degradation, praising, breeding, hickeys, blowjob, deepthroat, manhandling, implied size kink, snowballing, age gap (yn is 20 and johnny is 25).
an: this is the other idea from @ldrei
also i was lazy to think about names for the mom and the stepfather so yuh.
“ok yn, i want you to put on a smile on that face we're almost near the house” yn's mom said while driving towards their new home.
some years ago yn was part of a loving and happy family until one day his father, an honorable police officer, died during a raid against a gang. yn and his mother were devastated, mourning his death for the next couple of months. but life goes on and we have to let go and move on, right? after like a year yn's mother started dating another police officer, months later they made their relationship official and decided to get married, which brings us to the beginning of the story, yn and his mother would move to their new home, where yn's new father and new brother, a 25 years old guy, live already.
“hello we're home” yn's mom greeted, “hey honey” yn's stepdad appeared and kissed her, “hey yn, how are you?”; “i'm good.. thanks” he replied, “glad to know that” the older man said with a smile on his face.
yn walked towards the kitchen searching for a glass to drink some water, “the cups are up there” someone said, yn turned around and there he was his new stepbrother “the name's johnny” he extended his hand and yn grabbed it to shake it, his hand was way bigger than yn's, “i'm yn.. n-nice to meet you” he laughed nervously, “i say the same, see you later then” johnny said winking at him and waving a goodbye.
a couple of months have passed, everything was going good for everyone except for yn. he was thirsting over johnny 24/7, when he walked around the house with just a short on and no underwear because he can clearly see his bulge swing around everytime he walks, his body is to die for ‘god i wish i could lick those abs right now’ thought yn. it was even more harder for yn to not think about johnny fucking him when he was on the room next to him rearranging some woman's insides, the banging sounds going straight to yn's ears, ‘i wish that was me’ he thought. and that's the only thing yn can do, fantasize about him because well… his stepbrother is straight.
johnny sent yn to search something in his room, he did as he was told but something catches his attention, a pair of underwears resting on a pile of clothes. driven by his impulses, he grabbed one and began to sniff it, his face immediately turning red and a bulge growing in his pants "johnny~" he moaned softly.
he went quickly to his room, locked the door and began to jerk off, wrapping the underwear around his cock sliding it up and down while biting a pillow to suppress the moans.
the weeks passed and yn's desire for johnny only increased. every time johnny brought someone home to fuck, while his parents were away, yn always masturbated listening to their moans.
one day yn was masturbating again with his the underwear until a voice interrupted him, "hey yn!" a shirtless johnny called opening the door with a bang "what the hell were you doing? i've been calling you for a while" he asked with a somewhat angry tone. "sorry johnny, what do you want?" yn questioned, "these last few months you have been the one picking the dirty clothes to take them to the laundry room, have you by any chance seen my underwear? they have been missing” he scratches his head. “i have no idea johnny” yn replied with a nervous laugh. “hmm… it's okay” and just like that, johnny left.
worried that johnny would find out, he grabbed all the dirty clothes and ran down to the laundry room. there he turned on the washing machine and placed the underwear there and just when he was going to press the button to start the washing cycle a big hand stopped him, a low and very deep voice whispered in his ear "i thought you didn't know where my fucking underwear was" the warm breath sending shivers down his spine, “you're such a dirty pervert yn” he laugh was deep and sexy.
“j-johnny i-i” yn didn't know what to do, “you thought you were slick with it but no, did you think i didn't notice how you stared at me every time i walked around the house shirtless, how your eyes went from my abs to my bulge, shit i even could feel how you fucked me with your eyes”. johnny positioned himself behind yn, his huge bulge rubbing against yn's ass, "even every night i fucked someone i could hear your slutty moans on the other side of the wall, how you moaned my name was… so sexy... now i kinda want to hear them again" the taller was leaving small kisses on yn's neck, he then took out his huge cock from his shorts and rubbed it on yn's clothed ass “do you want to taste my cock, yn?", his sexy low voice doing things down there on yn's crotch area.
“j-johnny” yn stuttered “i-i'm sorry” a little moan escaping his mouth. “if you want to apologize you have to take responsibility about this” he slams his thick heavy cock against yn's ass again. “y-yes” yn fell to his knees and started kissing the tip, using one hand to stroke the rest of the shaft while the other was stroking his own.
“you're so nasty yn, look at you sucking at your brother's cock. aren't you such a nasty slut huh?” johnny grabs his head and starts to mouthfuck him, forcing yn to deepthroat him, “come on you can do more than that, it's barely halfway in”, little by little yn swallowed it all, johnny locked his head with his arms. the gagging sounds being like music to his ears. “there you go, you're doing so good for me”.
johnny lifted yn and fold him against the washing machine, rubbing the tip of his cock in the other's hole “want me to destroy you, cockwhore?” he says once again using that sexy low voice that drives yn crazy “p-please~ do it”.
johnny was slamming so hard that the washing machine was moving too, yn's legs were shaking due to how good johnny was fucking him, "how does my little fucktoy feel.. is this what you wanted? my thick, heavy cock opening your ass?"; “yes johnny please wreck me” yn replied withiut thinking, “so desperate”.
johnny lifted yn and carried him from the laundry room to his bedroom but without stopping fucking him. the thrusts were slow but as powerful as the harsh ones because he always manages to brush yn's prostate with the tip of his cock, drawing whimpers out of his mouth that made johnny chuckle, ‘so cute’ he thinks.
they're finally on the bedroom, johnny throw yn towards his bed, attacking his neck with kisses and leaving some bruises here and there. his big, tall body towering over yn's. “i have a deal for you” the taller comments, “if you can take me without cumming you'll be my little fucktoy boyfriend. what do you think?” he keeps on kissing yn's body until he reaches the nipples and suck on them. “hngh i really w-want that” the bottom squirmed.
the fat cock went in and out, going in even harder than the last time, johnny's balls slapping against yn's ass “who's being a good cockwhore?” the top asks, “m-... me” yn struggles to answer due to the harsh thrusts “i'm johnny's g-good cockwhore”.
“but you're only mine right?”.
“yeah i'm only yours…”.
both sealed the deal with a gentle kiss, contrasting with the rough thrusts. “fuck i'm gonna cum” johnny growls, he took advantage of the fact that his cock reached so deep inside yn to make him cum, however he let himself be carried away by the moment and filled yn's ass up with that warm sperm.
yn barely managed to hold off his cumming so johnny now has to fulfill the deal they just made. "it seems like i'm your little fucktoy boyfriend now"; "i think so," johnny adds, “and a cute one”.
“you took me so well pretty boy, i think you deserve a threat” and as he said that he went down and started to suck yn's cock “j-johnny you don't have to~”; “mmm mmm, i want to, prince” the sweet name embarrasing yn so much that he covered his face with his arms, feeling the little chuckle the taller let out. with a few more strokes yn came inside johnny's mouth, “shit that's some good blowjob johnny” yn rode his high while johnny crawls up until he is face to face with yn, with one hand he opens the bottom's mouth and spits the sperm in there, then kisses and plays with it between their mouths.
johnny carries yn to the bathroom where they both take a bath, then get dressed and fall asleep in the bed.
“look at them, aren't they cute” yn's mom said watching them both sleeping while hugging, “yeah i think they're gonna be good brothers” the stepdad adds with a huge smile in his face.
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minus-plus-zer0 · 24 days
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Dead of Night
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♡ Genre: Slight hurt/comfort or angst ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader ♡ Tags: Aged up, friends with benefits, pining (Bakugou's side, as always)
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Old habits die hard. Bakugou couldn't spend tonight without you once again.
You weren't official, you told Bakugou that this whole ordeal would be no-strings-attached. And like an idiot, he agreed. But now he was trained to sleep by your side, and without you there he felt like a magnet searching for his opposite and equal.
You were much sweeter than he was, and given your caring nature he was hoping you wouldn't mind him wobbling over to your house in the dead of night. He texted you ahead of time so he wouldn't surprise you like a creep. If you said no, then there was always a bar nearby where he could drink until he got home and blacked out again. He was never the type to drink heavily... until now.
He was never the type to do a lot of things until you came along, and brought him out of his shell.
You finally texted him back. "You can come over, but we're not doing it tonight."
Bakugou sighed at the second half of the sentence. He expected the rejection but it didn't feel any better. He wasn't used to being rejected.
Firstly, he didn't usually want any type of relationship/situationship. Secondly, what he did want (power, good grades, etc.), he usually got with some effort. Though he's had to struggle hard for the latter in the past, he's never had to struggle for the former. It was like starving for the first time in his life. Some days he couldn't deal with it, wanting what he couldn't have. He just wanted to spill his heart out to you, but he knew you'd say no...
Bakugou finally reached your door and knocked. It took you a minute before you opened it. Your hair was messy, your pajamas were somewhat disheveled, and your expression was one of total sleepiness. He hoped he didn't wake you up, usually you were more of a night owl than he ever could be. But regardless, he really enjoyed seeing you in such a clumsy state. It was something only he got to see and he cherished having that privilege.
"Don't fall over, dummy." He poked your sleepy head while you were nodding off.
You barely mustered the energy to pout at him before heading back inside, mumbling "I'm not a dummy..."
He chuckled below his breath and closed the door behind him, locking it as per your guys' routine. Admittedly, he was a little offended you immediately hobbled back to your bedroom without acknowledging him, but maybe he did wake you up while you were sleeping and that was why you barely had anything to say to him. Although Bakugou felt excited every time he went over here, to you it was just another night of dealing with Bakugou. He'd make it up to you in the morning by cooking breakfast, complete with an apology kiss.
You slid underneath your covers and curled up into a ball, leaving room for him. Bakugou followed you into your bedroom, taking off his clothes and putting on some pajamas he brought over. He slid into bed after you, arms wrapping around your tinier form.
He kissed the back of your head and sighed in relief. It was hard for him not to show his softer side around you when you slept together. He kept trying to hide his deeper feelings (as impossible as that was), but nobody would notice it at this hour. Honestly, he was wondering if you'd ever notice. It was like he never crossed your mind outside of hanging out or hanging out in private.
Maybe you thought that because Bakugou never had feelings for anyone, he would never feel anything for you. And maybe one day, you will tell him you've had enough and you don't need this arrangement anymore. But it was times like these where Bakugou could lie to himself and say that you were all his, and with you sleeping in his arms he could believe it very readily.
"Love you..."
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moonlight-prose · 1 year
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a/n: we have officially reached the end of week one and we're ending it with a bang! i feel like it's mandatory i do a threesome fic with these two every kinktober. but i can't help it. they're so perfect for this dynamic. the amount of love i go for my hangman fic is overwhelming so thank you to everyone. i hope you enjoy this one just as much!
day eight - double penetration + threesome | kinktober 2023
summary: "you were the gravity keeping these pilots on the ground, the reason they came home after every mission, after every training and debacle. you were it for them. their lifeline."
word count: 2k+
pairing: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x f!reader x jake 'hangman' seresin
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, double penetration, threesome, assplay, ass eating, anal, overstimulation, bradley and jake being sweethearts, they're in love y'all, m/m.
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So this is what death must feel like. What leaving this earthly plane was at the end of things when you took your last breath—leaving behind everything you’d ever known. There was no sure way for you to tell. No way for you to understand that what you were experiencing was like that, because you could barely make sense of where you were. Of what your name was.
His teeth dug into your shoulder, hands spread along your hips as he took you apart with ease. You were on top of him, pressed into his body until there was no space between you and him, but that’s what you wanted. What you craved. His lips met yours, silencing the loud whimpers that echoed in the room as his hands slid to your ass, spreading you obscenely.
“You want it don’t you honey?” he cooed in your ear, his fingers digging into your flesh, keeping you open for the second pair of eyes that burned into you.
The eyes that you knew so well you could practically see them yourself. Bradley knelt behind you on the bed, watching as you sunk onto Jake’s cock, fucking yourself on it in the hopes of getting either of them to move. But they held you steady. Keeping you still as they kept the pace—ever so patient and diligent in their nature. You understood that came with being a pilot, the strength to keep yourself poised and ready, but fuck if you didn’t hate it when it came to this.
“Please,” you whimpered, hips pressing down—Jake’s cock slipping in even further.
“Please huh?” He dipped his hand even further, sliding into the slick that practically leaked out and around his cock. “Look at our girl Rooster. She’s leakin’ for us.”
You pressed your face into his neck, your body responding to his words in a way that should have made you feel ashamed. Except there was that small niggling feeling that bloomed in your chest, forcing its way to the surface with ease. Pride. You liked knowing he was unable to stop staring; that while they rendered you a mess, you did the same for them.
They could keep their composure all they wanted, but when it came down to it. They would fall to their knees for you with a single look—pleading to feel you like this. Which is why you fell into it with ease; pressing yourself into Jake’s hands and allowing him to spread you even wider—giving Bradley an even better look at what awaited him. You heard the audible grunt he let out, the bed dipping as he shifted, his head falling down and forehead pressing into your back.
“So pretty for us baby,” he said, awe tinging his voice, his breath hot against your skin.
“I—” You wanted to ask them to keep going, to beg them, but Bradley’s tongue sliding along the base of Jake’s cock gathering your slick silenced you.
It sent heat streaking up your spine, your toes curling at the sensation. A choked sound stuck to your throat, muffled by Jake’s shoulder, but they heard it nonetheless. His tongue slid up higher, pressing against the hole they’d only teased before. The place that they had yet to claim as theirs. You unconsciously pressed back into it, asking for more as he worked your slick and spit along you—making a mess with his mouth.
“She likes that,” Jake grunted, feeling your walls clamp down around his aching cock. “Keep licking at her and she’ll cum.”
“That right baby?” Bradley asked, sinking his teeth into your ass. “Like my tongue back here?”
A sob echoed in the room, your eyes rolling back when he continued, pressing a finger against the tight ring. He moaned audibly into you, spitting where his finger was now knuckle deep, pressing on something eviscerating. You shook against Jake’s body, your hips pressing down and taking him until the hair at the base of his cock dragged perfectly along your clit. And that was all it took to bring you to a sharp end.
“Oh—fuck—” You cried, gushing around Jake’s cock as the pressure snapped in two, flooding your body with that sensational bliss.
Jake groaned, his hands pressing you tightly to him as he shoved his hips up—pushing you even higher. “There you go honey.”
You were completely unaware that Bradley had added another finger, stretching you gently as you came down from your high. But then it began to build again. That slow steady heat that trickled through your veins, singeing your nerves and stopping your brain altogether. It threatened to break you, to completely drag you beneath the surface of awareness. You pushed back against him, a guttural moan falling from your lips as you moved, begging him for more.
“Think she’s ready?” Jake asked, watching as Bradley sunk another finger into you, nearly turning you immobile.
He hummed in pleasure, spreading a hand up your spine and soothing you with soft strokes of his thumb. “Nearly there. Yeah baby? You almost ready to take me?”
A garbled echo of what they assumed to be yes came from you as they continued to take you apart. Your body shaking from the overstimulation of your first orgasm never truly coming to an end. You were left on the precipice of pleasure—about to be dragged over again, but then he pulled away. His fingers disappeared altogether, ripping a broken whine from your lips—your hips chasing the feeling.
You heard him chuckle, heard the way he stroked his cock—spreading your slick and his spit along the length. Which made you want him even more. Jake’s hands slid up and down your back, his lips pressing along your throat as he shifted. Slowly sitting up with you in his lap—his mouth finding yours and swallowing the soft moan you let out. At this point you weren’t able to move on your own. They had turned you into a pliable form beneath their touches and you fell into it—gave them everything they could have wanted, because they did the same to you.
“He’s gonna be gentle,” Jake said in a low tone against your ear. “Gonna take it slow with you.”
“I will,” Bradley promised against your shoulder, his hand sliding between your bodies and cupping your breast. Thumb running along your sensitive nipple. “Tell me when you’re ready baby.”
You let your head fall back against his shoulder, nodding slowly as you blinked up at him—coherency no longer a part of your skills. Bradley smiled sweetly, his thumb curling around your chin and bringing your lips to his. Licking slowly into your mouth—tasting the desire on your tongue and returning it in kind. They loved you. That much you knew. But this was something else. A flickering feeling that began to grow the longer you were there, wrapped in their arms.
“Pretty,” he mumbled, notching his cock at your backside, his thumb continuing to run a soothing circle along your chin, keeping your eyes locked on him. “So fucking tight.”
The breath caught in your throat, fingers digging into Jake’s shoulder when Bradley began to press into you. Thrusting into you with small movements and giving you time to adjust with every inch. Originally you believed this would be enough to break you, but you were wrong. It was earth-shattering. A sensation that shoved you so high you nearly screamed. But the sound was trapped in your chest, your mouth falling open silently as he panted against your cheek.
“You’re doing good,” he grunted, biting gently at your cheek.
Jake moaned, his head falling against your shoulder when your cunt tightened around him, nearly strangling his cock. “Fuck honey. Rooster ‘m not gonna last man.”
“Almost there,” he gritted, pushing forward a bit more until his hips met your ass.
And that’s when you screamed. Your voice finally back the second he sank to the hilt, filling you in a way that had your body shaking. Pleasure struck your body with such a strong wave you felt light-headed. The breath left your lungs faster than you could get it. You felt yourself gush, felt the wetness trickle down your thighs, but it barely registered in your brain that you were coming. That your body was wound so tight because of it.
“Fuck, fuck,” Jake spit, thrusting up into you and shoving you even higher. He bit down on your shoulder, hands grasping on your hips as he fought against finishing.
“You good?” Bradley asked over your shoulder.
“Yeah. Just…damn.” He turned his attention towards you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “How are you honey?”
Finally after so long, you managed to speak. “G-good,” you whispered hoarsely. “Feel good.”
“Yeah?” He thrusted up gently, watching with a grin as your mouth fell open, your hands scrambling for purchase against his chest. “You like being filled with us? That it?”
“Ah!” You nodded, nails biting into his skin as Bradley shifted, meeting Jake’s thrust with one of his own.
It was a strange sensation to feel both of them at once, nearly touching one another but still apart. Yet that’s not what drove you back to the very precipice of finishing. It was the sound of Bradley dragging Jake closer, his lips sealing over the man’s with ease—tongue licking into his mouth. Your walls fluttered at the sound, chest heaving as they sped up slightly, their bodies pressing you between them so tightly you could barely move.
“Can feel you baby,” Bradley whispered hotly against your ear. “You want to cum again? I know you do.”
“Yes—” Your eyes rolled back when his hand fell down to your clit, swiping against it gently. “Hng—FUCK!”
As if on cue, your body spasmed, walls clamping down on both of them and sending you reeling. Another gush of wetness spilled along your body, coating Jake’s stomach and the tops of his thighs as he fucked himself into you rapidly. You could feel it. The way they were both holding onto their releases by the very skin of their teeth, their nails digging into your skin with enough pressure to draw blood.
With a hoarse shout, Bradley spilled into you, his hips slamming into your ass with a speed that shoved Jake even deeper. A choked sob caught in your throat, your body arching into Jake’s as he quickly followed Bradley. Spurting into you with a cry, his body falling against yours—face pressing into your heaving chest. It was a mess of pleasure, the three of you now in shambles.
“That was…” Bradley panted, his chest pressed tightly to your back, lips trailing against your shoulder.
Jake softly whined when he pulled out of you slowly, seeing the way the sticky release spilled from you. “Never seen anything better than that.”
Bradley chuckled. “I think we broke her.”
“She’s still here.” Jake kissed your lips gently, his hand pressing against your stomach softly. “C’mon baby. Open those pretty eyes for us.”
You responded to his words, sinking into Bradley’s hold a bit more as your eyes fluttered open. They were glassy and dazed, the fucked out look on your face more prominent than it had ever been before. And that made them smile. Hell you could barely form a single word in your head, but you’d never felt better in your life. Your body sluggish as they moved you to lay down—Bradley pulling out as Jake grabbed a warm cloth.
“You want a bath baby?” he asked, his eyes roving along your body to make sure you were still intact—still okay after something so extreme.
You nodded, curling your fingers into his hair slowly. “That sounds good,” you rasped.
He grinned, hands sliding up your waist. “Whatever you want, baby. It’s yours.”
There was no doubt that he meant every word. That you came before anything. You were the gravity keeping these pilots on the ground, the reason they came home after every mission, after every training and debacle. You were it for them. Their lifeline. So when Bradley gathered you in his arms, Jake coming up behind him with a glass of water and your favorite silk robe in hand, you believed him.
Whatever you wanted.
Even if what you wanted was both of them. At once.
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firewasabeast · 1 month
Bucktommy prompt - maybe something fun and summery? beach day or Tommy knows a guy who lets them use his pool for the day or a cook out in the backward, could be just the two of them or them dragging Eddie along to cheer him up or the entire crew. Just something fluffy and happy!
this is... not what you asked for. Although it does include dragging Eddie along. But, I still hope you enjoy!
“Tommy!” Eddie greeted, a little surprised to see the man at his door. “What are you doing here? Did I miss your call?”
“Uh, no. I'm kidnapping you, apparently?”
Eddie raised his eyebrows. “You're what?”
“Kidnapping you,” Tommy repeated with a nod. “You have to come with me.”
“I don't understand what's happening.”
Tommy sighed. “Listen, man, Evan told me I had to be the one to come to the door. Said you'd fight him more than you'd fight me. Told me to tell you we're kidnapping you and taking you to a spa thing.”
“You're not supposed to tell him where we're going!” Buck's voice rang out from the driveway. Tommy took a step back so Eddie could poke his head out. There was Buck, sitting in his Jeep with the window down.
“What the hell are you doing, Buck?”
“Ugh! Just get a change of clothes and get your ass in the Jeep or I'm gonna have Tommy hoist you over his shoulder and shove you in the trunk!”
“What?!” Tommy exclaimed. “Yeah, I will not be doing any of that.”
“You're my muscle, Tommy!” Buck yelled.
“Okay, Buck,” Eddie took a step out onto the entryway, “you can just take your Jeep and your spa and your,” he motioned to Tommy, “your muscle someplace else. You're nuts!” He went to head back into his house, but Tommy placed a hand on the door before he could shut it.
“Please just come with us,” he practically begged. “He's had his clipboard out for two days and it's usually cute and, if I'm being honest, kinda hot-”
“-but this time it was just terrifying. His checklist was seven pages, Eddie. Single spaced. Help me.”
Eddie glared at him, but his shoulders fell and he relented. “Fine.” He stepped back out and pointed at Buck, “But I'm doing this for Tommy, not for you!”
Buck smiled brightly. “Don't care!”
They were quiet for the nearly hour long car ride to wherever Buck was taking them. It wasn't until they pulled up to some giant pop up tents in the middle of the desert that both Tommy and Eddie realized they had both been duped.
“What the hell is this?” Eddie asked.
“This is a meditation retreat.”
Tommy stared over at Buck from the passenger seat. “You said we were going to an overnight spa.”
Buck nodded. “It did include the word 'spa' on the initial brochure I received.”
“You've got to be joking!” Eddie exclaimed. “Are you clinically insane?”
“Not officially.”
“Come on, guys! It- It'll be fun,” Buck said, turning off the car. “This lady told me all about it on a call. I checked everything out. They've got different activities in each of the tents, tons of food, a trail to go on. We can connect with each other and nature.”
Eddie's eyes drifted between Buck and the keys in his hand.
“No,” Buck warned.
Eddie lurched forward and grabbed for Buck's keys, nearly elbowing Tommy as he and Buck got into a cat fight for control of the car.
“Give me the keys, Buck!” Eddie yelled.
“No! This is for your own good!”
“Buck, I was promised a spa day!”
“I promised nothing!”
Somehow in the chaos, Buck managed to open his sweatpants and drop the keys inside. Eddie stopped, pulled back just enough to turn to Tommy. “You get 'em,” he instructed.
“Excuse me?”
“It's nothing you haven't touched before!”
“I am not grabbing at my boyfriend's dick to get the keys, Eddie.” Tommy opened the passenger door and stepped out, leaning down to face the other two. “Let's just get this over with and we'll be home tomorrow.” He slammed the door and headed for the trunk to get their things.
Buck smirked over at Eddie. “Are you ready to transcend?”
“Sleep with one eye open, Buck,” Eddie warned, scooting over to the door to get out. “One eye open!”
After dropping off their things to a tent that they'd be sharing with nearly 40 other people (something Buck apparently didn't know judging by the look on his face), they headed to the meditation tent.
“I heard this is a great way to lower your blood pressure, increase pain tolerance, and reduce anxiety,” Buck whispered as they entered the space.
“All true,” a woman with the softest voice they'd ever heard greeted them at the entrance. Her nametag read Shawna. “We do like to warn that transcendental meditation can, while very rarely, cause anxiety symptoms, physical pain, dizziness, depersonalization, and derealization. All temporary, of course.”
The three men shared looks, then slowly backed out of the room, with Buck explaining. “I think we'll, um, look around and uh, try this later.”
Next they headed to the 'cleansing center' which turned out to be a mud pit that everyone was entering sans clothes.
“This does not look sanitary, Evan,” Tommy said, grimacing at the thought of where all that mud would end up.
Eddie shook his head. “I am not bathing nude in mud with either of you.”
“It didn't... They didn't mention this online,” Buck admitted.
“Maybe you should start with some refreshments.”
Tommy jumped when he realized Shawna was right beside him. “Oh God! You are quiet.”
She smiled gently. “A lot of our newest members are often thrown off by some of our methods here. But we have a tent over there with delicious food and drinks. You could start there.”
Leaving Shawna behind, they walked to the refreshments tent. There were two tables with food spread out over them, along with cups of lukewarm water.
“Mung bean salad,” Eddie read off an index card beside a plate of food. “You brought me out to the desert for mung bean salad, Buck?”
“That can't be all they have.” He pointed to something in front of Tommy. “What's that?”
“Garlic vegan-parmesan white beans,” Tommy read. “It's like eighty-five degrees out here and they've got garlic parmesan beans?”
They moved down the line until Buck stopped at something else. “Okay, this! How about fifteen... bean... casserole. Why is everything bean?”
“Because beans are a great source of protien.”
“Jesus!” Tommy jumped again, Shawna beside him. “Seriously, do you glide or something?”
“You know what,” she said, placing her hands on her hips, “I think I have the perfect place for you three. Come along, follow me.”
Reluctantly, the group followed her to yet another tent, this one empty. She gestured for them to sit on these little towels that were lying on the ground in a circle, and once she closed the tent doors she joined them.
“I'm sensing tension between you three,” she began. “When we sense tension in a group, we like to take you here to the reflection tent and have conversation.”
“There's no tension,” Eddie insisted tensely.
Buck scoffed. “Yeah. Okay.”
“See,” Shawna motioned between them. “There's the tension.”
“I'm actually pretty fine,” Tommy said. “Can I go?”
Shawna shook her head. “If one part of the throuple has an issue, then you all have an issue.”
Eddie snorted at that one. “We are not a throuple.”
“Oh.” The softness of Shawna's voice broke for a second. She cleared her throat to recover, “You're not?”
Buck shook his head, pointing around the room as he explained. “I'm dating him, he and him are good friends, and he and I are best friends. At least, we're supposed to be.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on, Buck.”
“Alright.” Shawna stretched her arms out to stop them. “Let's take a breath and readjust our inner monologue.”
“I actually have a question,” Tommy said, raising his hand.
Shawna nodded. “Please, lead the way.”
“Yeah, alright. Are you actually a certified therapist or...?”
Shawna smiled, although a bit coldly. “I believe life gives me all the certification I need.”
“So that's a no then.”
“Tommy,” Buck warned through gritted teeth. “Eddie needs our help, so that's what we're going to do.”
“I do not need your help, Buck! I don't even know what you're talking about. Everything's been fine.”
“Ha! It has not been fine, Eddie. I mean, look at you!” he exclaimed, waving his hand up and down in Eddie's direction.
Shawna and Tommy both looked over at Eddie, seemingly confused.
“Buck,” Shawna instructed, “why don't you tell us exactly what you mean?”
“The mustache,” he clarified. “It's a cry for help if I ever saw one.”
Tommy ran his hands through his hair. “You brought us here because of a mustache?”
Eddie glared. “You cannot be serious.”
“I am very serious. First Christopher left, then Gerrard came, you- you started working out more and more, and finally the mustache appeared. That's when I knew something had to be done.”
“Who is Christopher?” Shawna asked.
“He's Eddie's son,” Tommy explained, “that Evan helps take care of a lot, and I was starting to get to know.”
“And he left?”
“Because he,” Buck took over, “started a relationship with a lookalike of Christopher's dead mother.”
Eddie shook his head. “It was not a relationship.”
“It was a something-ship.”
Tommy was beginning to take pity on Shawna. Poor woman looked in way over her head.
“And Gerrard?” she asked.
“Gerrard was my old captain at the fire station I used to work at,” Tommy said. “He got transferred for being an asshole, but now he's back and he's currently their captain.”
“But not your captain?”
“No, because I transferred.”
Shawna paused. “But that's where you met your boyfriend and your friend?”
“Oh, no, I met them years after I transferred when I agreed to fly them through a hurricane to find their captain-at-the-time, who also used to be my captain, after their cruise ship got caught up in the storm.”
Shawna stared off into the distance. “I'm not sure life certified me for this,” she murmured.
“Let's get back to my mustache,” Eddie demanded. “There's nothing wrong with it.”
“Cry. For. Help,” Buck replied pointedly.
“His mustache doesn't even look bad,” Tommy defended, turning to Eddie. “It doesn't look bad.”
“Thank you, Tommy. See, Buck, Tommy likes my mustache!”
“Tommy also likes fanny packs. He's not the best for advice on fashion.”
“Hey!” Tommy folded his arms over his chest. “Fanny packs are convenient and they've made a comeback.”
“Fanny packs are just fine,” Eddie agreed. He held up his hand for a high-five, which Tommy returned.
“So now you're both ganging up on me?”
“No one's ganging up on you, Evan. We're just confused as to why we're here. Especially me though, because I'm good with both you and Eddie.”
“I thought we were good too!” Eddie exclaimed.
“We are good,” Buck reassured, “but you're not good. I- I don't know, Eddie. You're home all the time, you don't do much except work out and brush your mustache-”
“Brush your mustache?” Tommy questioned.
“-and I wanted to do something that got you out with your friends for a little bit. Something different. Maybe you find yourself in the process.”
Eddie took a breath, relaxing a bit at Buck's reasoning. “Buck, I appreciate you trying to help me, and I admit that I haven't exactly been social lately, but do you really think coming here is what's best for me?”
Buck glanced around the tent. Dirt under their feet, sweat dripping off their clothes, hunger pains already starting from the lack of edible food. “Probably not. Besides, the uh, the research I did online didn't mention like any of this stuff. I'm pretty sure we're at a cult right now.”
“It's a way of life,” Shawna interjected on deaf ears.
“Pizza and beer at my place?” Tommy suggested. “We'll have a movie marathon and, you know, air conditioning.”
They all began to stand.
“I'll get our stuff,” Eddie offered.
Buck nodded. “I'll start the car.”
“Thanks for all your help, Shawna,” Tommy said, sending finger guns her way. “You really... You did something.”
Shawna simply waved at them as they left, not even trying to get them to stay.
She needed to head to the meditation tent, stat.
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yikesmary · 9 months
how about idol mingyu hypnotized by reader from the moment he sees her -you can choose where and how they meet- I just mingyu pining over her 💚
HYPNOTIZED — kim mingyu x reader
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summary: where you've got seventeen's mingyu hypnotized, and he doesn't mind it one bit.
note: hey everyone🧍‍♀️
I don't know if I'm officially back, I just wanted to post something right before new years since I haven't posted since september and you guys deserve more than that. I might post here and there, but nothing too serious so don't expect me to come back with consistent posts. hope you guys enjoyed this though! <333
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"We're going to be late, love!" Mingyu called out from outside of your room and you could practically hear him pace, as if he wasn't the guest of honor and the party couldn't exactly start without him and the other guys.
Dating an Idol wasn't at all like you expected—and you didn't even have any expectations in the first place. You had been introduced by Mingyu by Wonwoo, whom you had known for a couple of years now. Initially, you were a bit wary of going on the date, considering you've heard all kinds of stories from Wonwoo.
However, what won you over was how Wonwoo described Mingyu; 'the human version of a golden retriever'. Now, if anyone else said that, you wouldn't have believed them. However, this was Wonwoo, and the fact that he had said this with the most monotone voice ever and his face as serious as ever, so you just had to meet the guy that got Wonwoo to say such nice things about him.
You then went on one date with Mingyu and many more dates after that, until you guys started dating and eventually moved in together. The relationship wasn't totally public; while fans knew that Mingyu was dating (thanks to Dispatch, who had photographed you guys together, but your face was pretty well hidden), no one knew who he was dating specifically.
You supposed that it was a blessing in disguise that people knew Mingyu was dating but didn't know who it was. Most CARATs were happy that Mingyu had been dating, which you were happy to see since you didn't know how exactly they'd react when news first broke out.
Of course, there were some instances where people tried to sleuth and find out through various methods on who Mingyu was dating, but the two of you knew better and did everything you could in order to hide your relationship.
Those who know about your relationship have commented on how it must be hard dating someone like Mingyu, but you've told them that it was worth it and that you'd do it if it meant staying with Mingyu. Usually, you've said this with Mingyu not around, but the first time he heard it, you swore that he had never looked more in love than that moment.
"The car is waiting for us and— oh," Mingyu started to say, but had interrupted himself as he spotted you, who was fastening your heels.
You stood up and adjusted your dress accordingly, making sure that there were no wrinkles. You opened your mouth to say something, but there was no time as Mingyu quickly moved across your bedroom to you and captured you in a kiss.
Startled, you eventually kissed back once you realized what was happening. To balance yourself, you wrapped your arms around Mingyu's neck, your arms lightly touching his hair. Meanwhile, his hands went around your waist, pulling you closer.
You kiss for a few moments before you realize where you guys weren't, so you pull away. "I thought we were going to be late," you said, a bit breathless at the kissing.
"Did I say that? Now that I think about it, I don't have to attend. There's 13 of us, they wouldn't notice if I was missing," Mingyu said before trying to kiss you again, but you stopped him, making him pout.
"Nope, you've already used that excuse. Remember when you thought you could not attend an award show to spend the day with me and Seungcheol noticed? The guys didn't let that go for a whole month," you scolded him, this time pulling fully away from him.
"I'll take the fall for it, let's just stay home," Mingyu practically begged, but you weren't having it.
"How about the driver?" you countered, moving away in order to get your bag.
"I was going to pay him anyways, and I'll give him a tip or something," he shrugged.
"We're still going,"
As you and Mingyu walked towards the front door, Mingyu albeit walking slightly slower than you since he was sulking, he abruptly blocked the front door, stopping you in your tracks.
"Gyu, we're going to be late, like you said. You can't resort to using your strength to stop us, no matter attractive I think it is," you retorted.
"You think I'm attractive?"
"Of course you are! Look at you!" You exclaimed, gesturing to the entirety of him.
Mingyu blushed but grabbed one of your hands to pull you closer to him. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful today?" He asked, putting your face in between his hands gently, making sure he didn't mess up your make up.
"Just today?" you teased.
"Well, you look beautiful every day. And all the days after that,"
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taglist: @belladaises @winterpaos @minhui896 @baekhyunimochibbh @x-alightinthedark @whywontyousetfree @coffeesandrains @slaveofmydreams @bmkgemz @dandycharmer @outrologist @stagefrjghts @dahliatopia @exo-saranghajaaa @uhlatcha @watermelon-sugars-things @miniminimingi @venzline @withloveyjh @lockburn-castle @userjunhuii @mypsychicpizzaworld @violetvoo @maevadobreva @soonyoungblr @baekhyunstruly @ryusol @dunixxd @minhwa @ovai @scorpiobitch88 @icyminghao @cookiehaos @duskunt1ldawn
507 notes · View notes
mayuichi · 2 months
Spending your birthday with them.
Genshin Impact [ Alhaitham, Wriothesley, Heizou ]
Honkai: Star Rail [ Aventurine & Veritas Ratio ]
Persona 5 [ Akechi Goro ]
Moriarty the Patriot [ William James Moriarty & Fred Porlock ]
Content Warning: fem!reader, I'm sorry for men that may read this! If you easily switch pronouns in your mind then go ahead, but there's mention of the reader wearing a dress at some point! (kind of irrevelant though, so I think you can imagine something else then?), pet names and.. that's all i think-. it's just a fluff so...
may's note: im so sorry i took so long to come back!! ive got a lot on my plate recently, i had planned another oneshot to come out but but BUUT!! My best friend's birthday is right around the corner when I write this (aha just a day before.. hi..) so im writing this for her, with her favourites and some that i know she loves <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! I HOPE YOULL HAVE AN AMAZING DAY AND THAT YOU GOT THAT PLUSH YOU WANTED TO GO WITH AVENTURINE!! ive kinda rushed this to come out ngl, because its been a month im like "i have the time" until i didnt have time anymore.. sorry if it sucks :(
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This artwork has been made by susucre! Do not steal/use it! every other used for the headers are official arts!
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Even if he doesn't want to, he has duties now. Or at least, unexpected duties. But you can be sure Alhaitham always makes some time for you. How can he not? You're his sweetheart. Well, he isn't one to give sweet names but he still thinks so.
However, how could've you expect him to forget about your birthday? It's once a year, and he doesn't really care much about them usually. But we're talking about you. Of course he can't forget about it. He wants you happy, and he knows you'd hate if he doesn't at least wish you a happy birthday.
But what was your surprise when you find him still in bed, beside you, his right arm drapped over you as he reads from the other. Isn't he supposed to be at work, at the Akademiya? You don't even have the time to inquire, he saw your eyes fluttering open.
“Good morning.„ he briefly looks over you, before focusing back onto his book. But he strokes your side with his hand gently. He isn't much of a talker, but his small gestures are everything, aren't they?
He rapidly finishes his page, and places the book down to turn to you. “I'll let you take a shower and I'll prepare you breakfast.„ you can't even reply that he's already out of bed and heading to the kitchen. You'll just have to go shower.
It's your special day. Of course you'll wear a pretty dress, you want to feel extra pretty for today. When done, you head to the living room, finding him waiting for you to eat. It isn't a feast, but more than enough for the both of you. The silence is comfortable, only your breathing.
“Where are you going?„ he inquires when he sees you about to open the front door. You thought you'd go on a walk. “I haven't overworked myself for a week so I could have a full day off for you to ditch me, you know?„
It wasn't much, maybe even a bit offensive for some. But the idea that he paid attention enough to be certain to have a complete day off for you is enough to make you smile. And so, you chuckle and walk towards him.
“The weather is nice. It's sunny. We should go out together, don't you think?„ you tilt your head, waiting for his approval.. or for a compromise.
“It is. It's the perfect weather to do nothing at all. Or to read next to a window.„ without further notice, he stands and pulls you with him to the nearby window. Making you sit in his lap, he pulls out a book and rests his chin on top of your head.
“Maybe it isn't the best birthday you'll ever have, but I hope my company is enough.„ he isn't necessarily insecure, far from it even. But it's your special day. He just wants to make you happy, doesn't he?
And even if he says so, just reading in his lap with him, is enough. Spending time with him makes it nicer. Leaning further into his chest, you sigh and start to read with him. He's careful to wait for you, to ensure you finished before he actually turns the page.
He'll take breaks from time to time to make you both a drink, or to let you talk a bit. It isn't partying, but being able to spend the day together, reading and talking, without him possibly thinking about his duties is a luxury he doesn't always allow himself.
And he's more than glad for it to be with you.
∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒˚ ◌༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ⋆·˚ ༘ *︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚༊*·˚
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Until now, Wriothesley was used to stay in the Fortress most of his time. It never bothered him. Sigewinne keeps him company, and his prisoners aren't too bad most of the time. Even Neuvillette or Clorinde comes visit him from time to time.
But it changed when he met you. He didn't want you to be that often in the Fortress, and yet he couldn't help but want you. You don't know it, but he even asked Neuvillette for your birthday. It has never been that much of a talk in between you. You were both kind of over it after all. You aren't toddlers for who it is extremely important to get one year older.
But he wants your first birthday with him to be special, to be something you'd remember. He wants to make this day amazing. And for that, he had to have permissions and ensure the paperwork was done before that day. He had to be prepared for any possibility, to be called in for an emergency if someone tried to escape, or if they get overwhelmed and for your day to be ruined.
But he was willing to take that risk.
On your occasional weekly visit, you both talk and drink tea together, as any other time. You're not sure when, yet now, he has you in his arms, holding you close. It is as if he believed you were leaving. He's quick to compose himself and just steals a kiss from you, to hide his worries behind that smirk he always has when he surprises you.
“By the way, I've heard your birthday is soon, isn't it?„ you raise an eyebrow. You haven't told him, yet he knows. “Would you like us to spend the day together?„
You were so sure he meant inside the Fortress of Meropide, that when he mentioned that it wouldn't be there, but in the city, your eyes widened. Of course, you firstly worried about his work. It isn't like he's just a guard who could take a day off or a sick day. He has a prison to keep in place.
But he assured you it'd be alright. And so you trust him. There's no reason for you not to.
Your birthday was soon to come, and you waited for him in front of the Fortress' entrance. Dressed in a pretty outfit, that you kept on for this occasion, you obviously felt amazing. And upon seeing you, Wriothesley grinned. “Someone made herself extra beautiful for today.„
His tone flirty, he wraps his left arm around your waist and pulls you close, pressing his lips on your hair. “It suits you perfectly. But you're always beautiful.„ his words meant the world to you.
And so began the day. Wriothesley is careful, meticulous even. He makes sure you stay hydrated, well fed and have fun. If you want a pastry, he'll buy it without a second thought. This piece of jewerly looks pretty on you? He'll offer it to you, no matter the cost.
It's weird for everyone to see the Duke out of the Fortress. He's respected for sure, and well known. You hold hands all day long, sometimes stealing kisses when you're in a alley or when no one's looking.
When the sun fades away to let the moon takes place, stars show up too. Now sitting near the water, you both look up at the navy blue sky. Wriothesley lets out a sigh and clears his throat. “I hope you had fun. I'm not sure when I'd be capable to have such a long time outside the Fortress without it being work related.„
Sure or not, you're just happy he manages to have time for you. And he's relieved everything went smoothly. He leans closer to you, his lips grazing your cheek. “Happy birthday.„
And even if it has caused him some stress, he's ready to do it over again next year if it makes him see your eyes so sparkly and shiny with delightment and happiness.
He'd risk anything to see you smile and hear your laughers echoing in his ears.
-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ‧̫‧ ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-
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The good part of being a detective is that he knows how to not leave any clue about his true intentions. And so, he can surprise you whenever he wants and you won't even realise he has planned it for a while!
Since Heizou can hardly take a day off recently, you agreed it'd be better if you spend the day with your friends and just leave your evening for him.
It was an amazing day, your friends and you strolled around the city, went to some fancy places and just spoiled you entirely. But it felt off, knowing that Heizou wasn't with you like you wished he could've.
They dropped you by your house, and with a sigh, you stepped inside. Of course Heizou wasn't home yet. It wasn't surprising, he's quite overwhelmed with work lately. Yet there was a small disappointment in your chest. Your heart was a bit heavier. But you brush it off.
By the time he gets home, you had just finished preparing dinner. He steps closer with that shitty grin and clears his throat. “Such a sweetie, making dinner when I hoped I'd have time to treat you today.„ of course, he doesn't want you to do any effort for today, but his schedule decided otherwise.
And so, with a swift movement, he shoves a bouquet against your chest. “I know it isn't much compared to how it could've been nicer to spend the day together, but I hope it'll make it up for it a bit.„
Heizou has always been a romantic at heart, he loves it when he sees your cheeks flushing and feels your breath growing faster from his teasing. And he's delighted to see that sweet blush spreading slowly.
Leaning in close, he takes your hands in his, and presses a chaste kiss on your lips. “Let's eat dinner and enjoy the time we have tonight, alright? I need to make it up for you.„
He lets you take care of the bouquet first, ensuring it won't die just yet. He teases you about your day, plays with you some games and even let you win for once. And needless to say the night ends in something.. more than just flirt and teasing.
But he hopes next year won't be as busy, so he can treat you like the princess you are in his eyes.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. *ੈ✩‧₊˚ ☽ ✧˖*°࿐ .* :☆゚. ───
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A gambler. That's what he'll always be no matter what, no matter the day. He needs to work every single day, to be a good asset for the IPC. He can't afford losing. He will never accept it.
But today, Aventurine thought it'd be nice to let you experience gambling too. Well, not as much as he usually does, but more in a regular casino. He's obviously well known here, and has some free drinks. But he wants you to enjoy it too.
He teaches you how to do, the ropes of each games. To guess when to stop, and more importantly of course, to understand the rules and that losing can cost a lot. But deep down, Aventurine doesn't give a fuck about how much money you'll lose. He has way more than someone can think of.
Each games were fun, but you hated seeing those girls eyeing him like you don't exist. Don't they see you, the gorgeous girl sitting next to him, with who he holds hands? Or perhaps they don't care. But it frustrates you.
Even more so when one comes closer and accidentally spills wine on Aventurine's jacket. He doesn't react at first. But he grows more and more impatient as she tries to clean her mess.
But he got fed up when she literally sat in between the both of you. Who does she think she is? “Excuse me, Miss,„ with a dry chuckle and bright smile, he stands up and walks behind her, “don't you see her?„
Swiftly, almost as if he has always been ready for it, he pulls you close, your head resting on his chest. Your face flushes bright red of course, but you don't say anything. “She already holds the string. And compared to you, she doesn't care about my money. So if you please, do not dare to bother us further on her special day.„
He leads you away, and yet, casts them a last glance, “Except if you want to face the consequences, that is. But I doubt you would like it.„
He'd never let anyone makes you feel inferior, nor worthless, and even less when it's supposed to be your day. The day he caters to your every need without any complaint or question.
Upon arriving to a new game, away from those nuisance, he holds your hand in his, pressing his forehead against yours. “I'm sorry, darling. But I promise you, you're the only one in my eyes. The prettiest, the cutest, and the most loveable woman I've ever set my eyes on.„
He'd cherish you. He knows the pain, and he wants to keep you away from it. He struggles at time, but every effort is worth of your smile. Every day is a delight to get home to you, to know you're his, and that he's yours.
That he has a home. A home with you.
☆.。.:* ❥ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ☽ .。.:*☆
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What were you thinking when you first confessed to him? Of course you thought he'd reject you. We're talking about Veritas Ratio. But to your surprise, he accepted! But maybe you should've been careful... He's a teacher.
It isn't uncommon for Veritas Ratio to call you stupid or dumb, because you don't understand something or that you made a mistake on something simple. But you also know he'll always be here for you.
Compared to one of his colleage, he isn't particularly rich. Don't get me wrong, he is completely financially stable, and he won't be anytime soon the type to get ruined. But basically, if you need special teaching in something he doesn't master, he won't hesitate to help you with it.
He can't help but put intellect into a bit everything he does. But he knows it can piss you off at times, especially when it's not the moment for it.
Today, he has a long day. Longer than intended. So you nicely bring him lunch. Yet he requests of you to stay until his break is over. You know he isn't one to care about birthdays, but he does remember them if he is supposed to know them. Yours is no exception.
“I'm going to be home later than usual tonight, but perhaps you have any wish for how we spend our time?„ it isn't often that he lets you so openly choose. But you don't wait more time to ask if you could watch a movie and snuggle. You need nothing more than some rest, and so does he.
Laughers fill the empty classroom, except for the both of you. He knows when to not overdo it, especially with you. He will never admit it entirely, but he doesn't want to risk losing you. He can't. Not when you bring him so much by just existing.
There's a reason why he doesn't want you to be to close to that blonde, don't you think? But it doesn't matter.
In the evening, after you shared dinner, you set on the couch with him, snuggling up. His left hand caressing your side while his right one is holding a pen. Of course he can't only watch a movie, he needs to keep on going with his paperwork. But he doesn't entirely focus on it.
However, from time to time, you'd hear from Veritas that he clicks his tongue. He seems rather.. unpleased. And when you take a look, you don't see anything wrong. “Of course you don't, you're too much of an idiot to realise that student's mistake. What a pity.„
Unfortunately for you, you dared to ask what was the mistake.. and now you're in for a lecture. He sits you up and explains to you, in a rather annoyed tone. It isn't a surprise to say that you both don't even noticed when the movie has finished.
You're about to stand up when he holds you back, pulling you in his lap. “Don't you dare run away from my lecture. You asked to know, so you'll know.„ It promises to be an interesting evening and night, especially if you try to push your luck.
Veritas will make sure you get the appropriate punishment if his patience runs out by the time he's done with you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ੈ✩‧₊˚ೃ⁀➷˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚.ೃ࿐
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Have you ever imagined he'd steal your heart? A detective by day, a Phantom Thief by night. He earned his title well, he's definitely a prince in your eyes.
“Are you still listening?„ Akechi inquires. You have to admit, you weren't. You were too charmed into his eyes, shining as he shares his day with you.
“I've been thinking, there's an amusement park not far from here. Would you like to go with me?„ he asks. He isn't really scared of asking you on a date anymore. Of course, he couldn't help but feel like he isn't enough at times. But you love him, right? He can't let his insecurities win over.
And so, you are now on a date with him, on your birthday. He cares for a bit everything. He makes sure the sun isn't hitting you too hard, that you drink enough, and especially have fun.
You're the only one lucky enough to see him almost constantly out of his detective prince persona. To know the real him. He has his issues, and sometimes he may snaps at you. But he apologises and proves that he changes. He already does, but he tries to make sure you know he's willing to become better for you.
You're his light, and he can't lose you. At first, he even thought you loved that coffee shop's employee, but he felt lucky when you reciprocated his feelings.
Since then, Akechi would take you out often. To the beach, at restaurant, or even just for a walk. He wants you to know he cares, and he wants you only. He needs to be careful though, but he makes it work out.
Getting into a bit every attractions, he even ends up winning you a teddy bear. No one is ever too old for one after all, right? As he hands it to you, he presses a kiss on your lips, soft and tender, as if he wants the time to stop.
The sun sets slowly, and you get into the Ferris Wheel to end up the day. It's cozy, just the two of you. He holds you close, his nose in your hair as he breathes in your scent. “Happy birthday, my love.„
Why would he need to say anything more? Your heart races, and you look up at him with a sheepish smile. No one can mistake that expression on both of your faces. You're so undeniably in love with each other.
“I know I fucked up, especially when you discovered what I've done. But I'll become better. For you, and for us. So please, stay with me.„ he couldn't help but squeezing you tighter against him, as if you won't allow him time.
“I love you. So fucking much.„ he whispers as the sun disappears from view, letting the moon rise slowly. He'll always do his best for you, to be worthy of you.
Because he loves you. And he'll make every birthday from now on special for you.
·:¨༺ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ✮ ☄. *. ⋆ ༻¨:·
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It took him time to allow himself to be vulnerable in front of you. To allow you to see the worst part of him. To see the monster beneath. He was certain he'd lose you. And yet, you're still here, beside him.
William is more than delighted to know you aren't ready to leave him. To know you'll stay. He doesn't entirely understand his feelings himself, but he has them, and that's all that matters.
To say William cares about birthdays is an understatement. He doesn't make big things, but he shows his care for sure. So don't you dare think you'll be an exception.
He has been quite busy lately, but he made sure he'd be here for your birthday. From waking to sleep. He stays in bed with you until you stir awake. Your eyes flutter open, the first sight being his blonde locks.
He presses a gentle kiss on your forehead and lets you get ready while he goes preparing breakfast for you. Going downstairs, you smell the sweet scent of food filling your nose.
He serves you, as well as himself, before eating and letting you talk of whatever comes in your mind. He could listen to you all day long, but today wasn't that. He'd spend some quality time with you, no matter what.
He helps you putting on your coat, and holds your hand as you get inside the carriage. He feels your head resting on his shoulder, and he simply caresses the back of your hand with his thumb.
Getting into town, he dismisses the carriage for now. No need for that. He wants you to enjoy the place. If there's something appealing to you, he'll be ready to let you have it. But in the end, he's mostly the one who wants to buy you things.
A beautiful necklace, it'd go perfectly around your neck. Gesturing you to get closer, he carefully puts it around your neck and smiles. “It looks beautiful on you.„ his voice, smooth and quiet, holds so much love. Without hesitation, he buys it for you.
You walk hands in hands, past bakeries and shops, stopping when something would be nice for you. You're definitely spoiled, and it was unexpected for you. You aren't with William for his money, and he knows it. But today, he wants to make sure you'll remember it.
By the evening, inside the carriage to get back home, he lets you rest against him. It has been a tiring day after all, yet so thrilling. But the best was to come in his eyes.
Entering the manor, the living room has been decorated especially for you, a bouquet from Fred's garden waiting as well as a freshly baked cake by Louis. And they were all here too. Well, some like Sebastian aren't so happy, but they could make that effort.
He has planned it all, and it was worth it. For that smile, those happy tears, and those laughers and happiness filling the manor for the rest of the evening.
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He has never been much of a talker. Ever since you both met, he mostly listened to you, no matter what you'd say. And he has a great memory too.
Fred is a caring man, he just stays quiet. He doesn't want to be noticed, he likes his tranquility, despite the circumstances of his current work under William. He absolutely adores the idea of being in charge of the garden, though.
He doesn't show it, but he appreciates plants and flowers. And whenever you may search him, you always find him there. He's peacefully repotting some flowers, to make sure they can grow further.
His head snaps up when you ask him if you can help. “Shouldn't you.. be with the others, celebrating your birthday..?„ he's unsure. He looks at you with suspicions, but in the end, he relents. You must have your reasons to not be celebrating it with them.
He loves spending time with you, but he doesn't want you to restrain yourself from having a good time just because he's tending to flowers.
But when he sees you, right here, with a smile as you carefully move a flower, it feels him with joy. He doesn't show his love much, he does it through small gestures like making sure there's always some of your favourite flowers in the bedroom for the scent. Or to stay with you throuhough breakfast.
It's those small gestures that makes you love him even more each day. And you just want to spend time with him, especially today.
He shyly scoots closer to you, to correct you. “You shouldn't be doing it like that.. it can hurt the roots.„ he doesn't scold you, he just tries to teach you.
Yet, he doesn't move away once done. He stays close. Until he gathered the courage to press his lips against your temple. “Happy birthday.„
It's cute, the way he quickly walks away to care for other plants. But you just thank him quietly. The day passes in a blur, and without even noticing, the moon is in the sky, and you're both still in the greenhouse.
He holds you tight against him, the garden not over yet but it's too late to keep working. And he has cut a rose to give you, making sure to also cut the thorns so you can't get hurt.
“We should head back inside, it's getting cold.„ he helps you up, until you're both home. He even helps to wash your hands, in your sleepy state.
He never thought he'd enjoy gardening with someone so much, and yet..
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuchi's property. do not repost, copy or translate without permission.
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peaxhxhair · 3 months
Raising Kids with them - Overwatch Heroes
Featuring: Cassidy, Mercy, Moira, Roadhog, Junker Queen Warnings: Moira. A/n: this isn't exactly the official setting for each character - but this is fanfiction so we're gonna ignore it lol Navigation Overwatch - MASTERLIST Consider becoming a member! <3
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Odessa Stone (Junker Queen)
She wouldn't be into having kids at first - thinking that something so small would make her weak.
It does - but she refuses to admit it.
You both decided adoption was probably the best option - adopting a sweet baby girl.
I think Dez would be all about teaching her kids to fight.
Even before they've learnt to walk.
"C'mon kiddo! I was fighting at your age!"
Sometimes you would find her playing with your baby - making it look as if they were both boxing.
It was quite a funny sight.
You'll come home from work and find them watching wrestling or something.
Probably swears around your kid.
Your babies first word is probably 'cunt' or 'fuck'
You're usually the one to take your daughter to school, but on the off chance Dez does - the rest of the parents are scared of her.
The kids adore her though.
She'll struggle doing stuff like diaper changes at first - as anyone would
As your daughter gets older - she grows into a mini version of Dez.
She wont call her 'mom' - instead calling her something silly like 'cunt' or 'fuckwit'
Dez gets a real kick out of it - and does the same.
Dez would be a little disappointed if your kid didn't want to fight, though she'd still be supportive - even if she didn't really understand.
Cries on your daughters wedding day - but tries to hide it.
"I'm not crying cunt, you're crying"
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Mako Rutledge (Roadhog)
I think Mako would be really good with kids-
Big brooding dad & cute tiny daughter combo type vibe
Maybe she's really talkative, and he just listens.
He'd let her put clips in his hair and paint his nails.
It's giving Gru when his girls are doing ballet.
He's always the one to hold the kids when needed - since he barely has any issue.
His hands are just so big.
Even if you had like - 4 kids he would have no trouble carrying them all.
You were grateful that you could have some time alone sometimes, as Mako is a very competent father.
'crane's hand back while driving when kid opens snack' dad
Your kid might pretend to wear his shoes - and they can barely even stand properly in them, let alone walk.
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Moira O'Deorain 
Does not want kids.
Only agreed because you would make a face at her whenever you saw a baby.
test-tube baby fr
Literally will not go to another doctor about her kids health.
Does she know anything about kids? No.
Does she think she knows more than the QUALIFIED children's doctors? Absolutely she does.
MIGHT agree to taking your kid to see Angela - if you're not too keen on her doing science on your kid.
HATES being called mom.
She's fine with your kid just calling her by her name.
This was weird on the first day of school - most parents thinking your kids other parent wasn't in the picture.
She was fine with that idea - meaning that you 'left' your old partner for her. Narcissist.
Your babies first word was definitely her name.
but in the cute baby way.
When your kid gets a little older, maybe they'll ask about Moira's arm.
"This is what happens when you smoke"
Your kid will never even THINK about smoking ever again.
It isn't until they're 30 that they realise that wasn't true.
Prefers to keep her kids away from science - as much as it was important to her.
She'll barely talk to you about it either - which may be hard if you're also a part of Talon.
Having to bring your kids to work with you is definitely SOMETHING.
You'd prefer for them to be with you rather than with Moira, though.
Your kids are NOSY, so you have to bend the truth a little bit.
Just to make sure they don't view their mom as the ruthless geneticist that she ACTUALLY is.
"Why is miss Amelie blue?"
"She didn't eat her vegetables"
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Angela Ziegler (Mercy)
BIG on consistent check-ups.
Sometimes she'll do them herself, but she prefers the professionals.
She doesn't specialise in child care, but she does make sure that your child is going to the best doctor in the field.
Definitely enjoys shopping for baby clothes.
Works with baby on lap - letting the little guy play with her fingers.
Aeroplane noises while getting the baby to eat.
does NOT let the kid eat candy until they're like 10.
This was hard for you - because it meant you couldn't have candy in the house.
Secret stash of sweets hidden somewhere in your car.
One in Overwatch HQ too.
ALWAYS prepared.
Baby needs a snack? She's got cut up grapes in her bag.
Always has wipes and diapers.
"Hey babe? Where's their bottle?" She's already retrieved it from the drying rack.
Tiny first-aid kid in her bag at ALL times.
If your kid wants their ears pierced at Claire's. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Angela is panicked at any idea of infections - especially when it comes to your kid.
Your kiddo is made to wear clip on earrings until they qualify to be pierced by a professional.
Will always make sure places are baby safe before you take your kid there.
She's calm 90% of the time - she just cares about general safety and health.
Matching onesies with your kid.
Chilli and Bingo core :)
Angela would LOVE doing Halloween costumes for your kiddo.
They're always so CUTE.
If she has the time, she'll put together matching family ones.
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Cole Cassidy
Baby carrier dad.
Like he'll just carry your baby everywhere.
Gets upset when he has to put the little guy down.
"We're just fine over here. No need to pull us apart"
Your child definitely prefers him to you - which you're fine with.
It's just so cute seeing them play together.
I'd say he's a girl dad - the type to teach her how to shoot, or play football with.
9 times out of ten, he'll fall asleep while reading her a bedtime story, so he always just ends up sleeping in your daughters bed with her.
The two of them cuddled up on the tiny mattress - he's holding your little girl so protectively.
The moms at the nursery you take your daughter to all think Cole is hot.
Too right.
They just need to learn to keep their hands to themselves.
Your kid is very protective of him - and your relationship.
If you're married, she'll be like;
"Daddy, show her your wedding ring!! Isn't it nice?"
It makes Cole chuckle every time.
Cole didn't even need to shut the women down - your kid was doing all the work for him.
Definitely the dad that all of your kids friends like
"Your dad is so cool!"
He's always invited to their little tea parties and stuff.
Yes, he will put on the crown and princess dress.
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thatacotargirl · 3 months
Shadows and Surprises (7)
Part 7 of Azriel x Reader fanfic! Sorry for the delay!
Summary: Azriel meets y/n at Rita's and spends a single night of passion with you before heading your separate ways. Only, the Mother had different ideas.
Warnings: none.
Tag list - @nickishadow139 @dee-writes-smut @minnieoo @st4r-girl-official
@courtofjurdan @mirandasidefics @lilah-asteria @nyxbranwenn @impossibelle
@mybestfriendmademe @hauntedstudentobservationus @julesofvolterra @acourtofbatboydreams @rogersbarnesxx
@skylarkalchemist @sidthedollface2 @aehllitas-blog @fullmoon-94 @acourtofbatboydreams
@aehllitas-blog @fullmoon-94 @5onedirection5 @mindofthescattered @rcarbo1
"And hook the right arm a little, no, I mean like thi-, no wait that's not, y/n, hold your, yes ok now we're getting somewhere".
Absolutely nothing that Cassian just said to you made sense. But, he said you're getting somewhere, and he's the expert after all.
You throw your arm around in a right hook, attempting to catch Cassian in the jaw, but he blocks you and brings his clenched fist up to your throat. He, naturally, stops short and doesn't actually touch you, only showing you where your weak spots are when you throw the first punch in a fight, but it was enough to feel Azriel's wrath seeping across the training ring.
"That's enough, Cassian", he calls out, standing to approach you both in the centre of the ring.
"What?! I'm fine Az, I'm not even tired" you protest, attempting to throw another hook at Cassian whilst he is distracted, which he again blocks - only without even looking at you. How does he do that?
"Az, brother, you need to relax. If y/n needs to stop, she will tell me - she did the other day and we stopped straight away. I promise", Cassian reassures Azriel, but you see his eyes darken.
"Why did you need to stop the other day? You didn't tell me that? Were you hurt?".
You let out a frustrated gruff and start to walk away towards the stairs that lead back down to the house. You are almost 7 months into your pregnancy now, and Azriel is only getting more protective and overbearing by the day. Just this morning he wouldn't even let you put your own socks on so you didn't bend down and 'squash the baby'. As you descend the stairs, you see a tuft of golden hair fly past and run into a nearby room, slamming a door. Peering in the direction the tuft of hair came from, you see Rhysand staring ahead blankly.
"Should I ask?".
Rhys just shakes his head to you and wanders off in the other direction. Looking at the door that had just slammed, you walk over and knock quietly.
"Fey?", you call out, resting your ear against the door. No answer.
"Feyre?", you try again. No answer.
"I'm coming in, Fey", you say as you push open the door to one of the many spare bedrooms. When you poke your head in, you see Feyre curled in a ball on the bed, sobs racking her body. You walk over and perch on the edge, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"What happened?", you ask quietly, rubbing soothing circles along her shoulder and back. She stayed quiet, sobbing into the pillow, so you stay silent too, keeping up the gentle circles until you feel her body still underneath you. Thinking she's asleep, you go to stand, but you hear a soft sniff and Feyre looks up at you.
"I kissed him".
"Kissed who? Rhys?"
Feyre just nods, hiding her face back in the pillow, but at least this time it isn't accompanied by tears.
"What's the problem with that, Fey?"
"I'm in love with Tamlin!"
Who the fuck is Tamlin?
"He's the High Lord of Spring", Feyre whispers.
Ah shit, I said that out loud.
"Yes, you did".
SHIT. It must be the pregnancy brain.
Silence follows.
Right ok, I didn't say that out loud then.
"No, you didn't".
Cauldron boil me now.
"I am with Tamlin, I am to marry Tamlin, look", Feyre holds up her hand showing a huge emerald rock on her finger. There is no mistaking that she is a soon-to-be bride.
"Was it a mistake?"
"Yes", she says quickly. Then pauses. "Maybe?"
"Well I wanted to kiss him in that moment. But maybe it's some kind of survivor's guilt thing, Rhys saved me under the mountain and so I owed him a thank you?"
"Maybe Fey, but you don't need to beat yourself up over it. If it was a mistake, it was a mistake. Rhysand will not hold that against you, he's a good male".
"I know", she whispers. After a short pause, she adds "but if it was a mistake, why do I want to do it again?".
You have no answer, so you simply go back to rubbing her back, hoping it is offering her at least some comfort. Your situation was a difficult one, but at least you and Azriel were on the same page. Although, thinking about that, were you? You hadn't discussed the future nor the circumstances of your relationship. Would Azriel see other people? Would you move out when the baby was born and co-parent? You hadn't admitted your feelings to Azriel, certain that he didn't return them, but you hadn't stopped to think about how difficult it would be to watch him start a life with another female one day. A knot forms in your chest as you realise how uncertain your own circumstances are, and you have absolutely no advice to offer Feyre because, if you did, perhaps you'd take that for your own.
You look down and see that Feyre had, in fact, cried herself to sleep. Standing gentle, making sure not to rock the bed too much, you retreat from the room and pull the door closed, wandering off to the library in search of Azriel.
You find the trio in the library, sat spread out across the various sofas and chairs in the room. Cassian gives you a wave, sloshing his glass of whiskey and causing half of it to land on the carpet. Rhys only shakes his head and waves a hand, the mess disappearing instantly. Azriel sits himself up from lounging and pats the space next to him on the sofa, a glass of sparkling water appearing on the small table next to the seat. You smile and join him on the sofa, appreciating the water more than you probably should, but you hadn't had a chance to hydrate after your training session since you had found yourself in Feyre's room. Rhys looked at you, a question in his eyes, but you could only shrug a response. You had no update for him.
"How are you feeling", Azriel asks, sipping on his whiskey.
"I'm ok, starting to get a bit sore and achy now, but nothing I can't manage".
"Should we speak with Madja?", Rhys asks, but you shake your head.
"No need, it's all normal pregnancy stuff, nothing to be concerned about". It didn't make Azriel's face look any less concerned.
"I'll stay in tonight", he says, setting down his glass.
"Yeah, I'll stay in". You see Cassian glare at him from across the room and raise your eyebrows in question.
"I only went out of my way and wingmanned him a hot date, and he's going to bail only a few hours before. Way to make me look bad Az", he guilts, pulling a pout. But you stopped listening after you hear 'hot date'. Your ears start ringing and your eyes prick with tears which you quickly blink away. Not quickly enough to avoid Azriel's attention, though.
"Are you ok? Does something hurt?".
"I'm fine", you snap a bit harsher than you meant to. Standing from the sofa, you throw a look his way and add a soft "don't worry". You start to walk away, but he calls you back.
"I'm actually quite tired, Az. I'm going to head to bed and get an early night. Have fun on your date and I'll see you tomorrow, ok?'. You leave the room before giving him a chance to respond.
Azriel's POV
"You look great, Az!", Cassian says, straightening my bow tie. He doesn't seem to realise that Azriel will be tearing it off the moment before he takes the sky.
"Yeah, yeah, thanks Cass", he offers, looking at the wall.
"What?! I'd definitely do you", Cassian replies, still fiddling with the bow tie. Azriel only look at him with a glare, to which Cassian chuckles.
"Right, you're all ready, off you go", he says, patting Azriel's shoulder and steering him towards the balcony. "Go get her", he winks, before walking back into the House of Wind.
Azriel sighs, rips off the bow tie, and jumps from the ledge, heading into the centre of Velaris.
He arrives at the restaurant and finds his date standing outside waiting, even though Azriel himself is 10 minutes early. She is pretty, there is no denying that, but Azriel can't clear his mind of the beautiful female back at the House currently carrying his child.
"Hi!", his date calls, walking over to him.
"Hi Tori", he smiles, offering her a quick hug. The pair of them walk into the restaurant and are seated at a private table on the roof, as arranged by Cassian and Rhysand. The pair of them seem to think that a date will help Azriel's 'brooding', as they call it. But Azriel's mind is in one place and on one thing, and it isn't the female sat opposite him at this table.
The date is nice. The food is good, the drinks are flowing, and the live entertainment is a dream. But Azriel can't stop thinking about y/n.
"You seem distracted?", Tori asks, slurring her words slightly after they finished their 3rd bottle of wine and gestured the waiter for a 4th.
It's like she opened a floodgate. With the question lingering and the sheer volume of alcohol he had consumed to try and distract himself, Azriel suddenly word vomits everything that is in his brain, telling his date every single detail about you and his unborn child.
"A word of advice, Azriel, if I may?".
He nods.
"You clearly care for this female and your baby more than anything on the planet. So why, on the sun and the moon and the stars and the damned cauldron itself, are you on a date with me instead of telling this female that you very clearly love her?".
He sits in silence, stewing over Tori's words, before it feels like a bucket of cold water has been thrown over his entire body. He does. He loves you. He loves you more than he has loved anything or anyone in this world. And tonight, he let you sit at home, uncomfortable and sore, carrying his child, whilst he went on a date. He had fucked up.
Standing abruptly, Azriel reaches into his wallet and throws a heaping handful of notes on the table, covering the bill and then some.
"I'm so sorry", he says to Tori, who merely shakes her head and smiles.
"Go get your girl, Az".
Crash landing on the balcony and stumbling through the House, Azriel finds your door and knocks hard.
"Y/n?", he whisper shouts, knocking again.
You must be asleep. But this can't wait.
Azriel pushes the door open, but your bed is empty. He checks the bathroom. Empty.
Perhaps you had a midnight craving? He stumbles down to the kitchen. Empty.
Confused, disorientated, and slightly nauseous, Azriel makes his way to his own bedroom. He walks in and see a small piece of paper folded on his pillow. His eyes struggle to focus but he manages to successfully unfold the paper, only for his heart to fall to his stomach at its contents.
I am so sorry.
It was too late. You'd gone.
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homelanderbutbig · 4 months
As Long As We're Together (G/T Homelander x Reader)
2538 words. Hurt/comfort and fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
Your anniversary gift exchange doesn't go exactly as planned.
Made as part of the Cozy Corner Domaystic event put together by @cozycornerevents, using prompt #11 "unexpected gifts" and prompt #29 "peace offering".
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It's officially been a month since you and Homelander started dating. Your relationship is still under wraps from the spying eyes at Vought, so the two of you can't celebrate your anniversary publicly. But that won't stop you both from having a special day.
As his personal assistant, you're trailing behind him on the set for 'Dawn of The Seven', making sure he has his lines ready. It's been a pretty busy shoot, and the two of you have not had much time to yourselves.
Eventually, there's a lull in between filming. You're following him as usual, flipping through the script to keep a strict tab on the upcoming scenes, but you are confused when he suddenly halts right in front of his trailer. Looking up at him, you can see a sly grin accompanying a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Come inside for a second," he smirks, bending down at the waist to whisper into your ear. "I have a surprise for you."
"I can't honey," you mention, pulling your phone out of your pocket and tapping the screen to bring up the current time. "I need to head back to the Tower in 15 minutes, I have a meeting with your marketing team."
Leaning back up to his full height, Homelander stares down at you in disbelief. You so nonchalantly took the ground right out from under him; he wasn't expecting any resistance, especially not on your anniversary. The day he confessed his love for you.
"N-no… no. No. Blow them off, come on," he stutters with a shaky smile, doing his best to regain his composure. "Come."
"I really can't stay," you divulge. "It'll take me at least 10 minutes to make it to the Tower and to the meeting room. Can this wait until I get back?"
Your words cut through him like a knife. All he wanted to do was to prove his devotion to you, and you're refusing him this chance. Your schedules have both been so chaotic today and he doesn't want to wait any longer for his surprise, definitely not until the evening when you're both off work.
"P-please," he mumbles quietly, his voice barely sounding audible. He can't let you leave, not yet.
Despite Homelander standing a menacing eight feet tall and you only reaching his abs, he could not seem any more small to you right now. All you see is a dejected puppy with big glassy eyes, so desperate for a scrap of your undivided attention. With a sigh, you walk up to him and reach for one of his large hands, squeezing your palm around the leather of his glove.
"This won't take longer than 5 minutes?" you ask.
"Of course not," he exclaims with a toothy grin. Your simple question is enough to wash away his fears and recapture his giddy childlike energy from moments ago. "Trust me, you'll love this."
Leading you to the trailer, he opens the door to let you in first so he can watch you spot his gift on the table. Your gasp fills him elation, ravishing in the way your body chemistry changes with delight. Carefully, you climb onto one of the oversized chairs in the dining area to get a closer look at what he got for you.
In the middle of the table is a perfectly designed bouquet, composed of a red rose heart nestled in a cloud of baby's breath. Tucked in between the flowers is a note card, wishing you a happy anniversary. Homelander even signed it himself, with a little heart doodle for you alongside his name.
"Oh hun," you exhale, bringing the flower vase closer to examine them. "These are so beautiful."
As he studies your reaction, he is perplexed as to why you appear to be blinking away tears. Are you upset at his gift? He thought this was a proper anniversary present; in every romantic movie he's ever seen the gentleman always brings his special someone a bouquet of flowers.
"Is something wrong?" he ponders, kneeling down so he can be at your eye-level. You can't help but smile at his face right next to yours, and the dread in his expression over making you cry.
"No, no…" you sniffle as you dry your eyes. "I'm just… I'm just happy. Nobody's ever gotten me flowers before."
"Thank you Homelander," you state, cupping his cheeks right before kissing him. Nearly instantly, he closes his eyes and exhales deeply through his nose as he melts into your affection. He leans more into your lips, softly keening as he chases after the genuine love that he's been searching for his entire life. Your palms petting his face have him entirely enraptured, and the noises of the movie set are long gone from his ears. Right now he feels like he's in heaven with the gentleness of your fingers running along his skin. His massive frame has practically encompassed yours with how close he's getting, but you don't mind. It's something you cherish, letting him forget his size around you.
When you pull away from your kiss, you can see how pleased he is just by the serene sparkles in his blue eyes. He has one hand placed on the back of your chair while the other is resting on your lap, taking up the length of your both your thighs.
"I have to get going now," you remark while you look up at the Vought-branded clock on the trailer wall. Sadly, your five minutes are up. "But I'll be back in an hour."
"Promise you'll come back as soon as you're done?" he asks, furrowing his brows slightly. He's so proud of himself for his gift, and he hates that he has to cut his time with you short now that he's received your gratitude.
"I promise," you respond, giving him one last quick kiss before stepping out of the trailer. You wave him goodbye as you head off, unaware that he is standing solemnly at the window as he continues to watch you with his X-Ray vision even after you've left the movie set.
You end up running a bit longer than you expected, and are confounded to find that when you finally return to the movie set, Homelander is not there. Ashley tells you that he flew off from the set an hour ago without a word. But you know there's only a few places he'd run off too, and take a taxi back to Vought Tower. As you thought, you find him in his penthouse living room, staring out the window with his arms crossed behind his back. You find it a bit odd when he doesn't acknowledge you, but you enter the room anyway.
"Hey sweetie, there you are! I couldn't find you on the set," you call out cheerily, carrying a small package in your arms. "Why'd you leave?"
"You lied to me," he answers in a blunt tone.
"…What?" you utter, confused to his change in mood.
"You. Lied," he retorts sharply, cutting you off before you can infuriate him any further. He slowly turns around to advance towards you, until you are forced to crane your head straight up to see his scowling face.
"I went by the Tower, to see how your meeting went," he clarifies as he looms his expansive stature over you. "No one had seen you. You were never there."
" Well, I-" you start to say.
"You promised," he snarls, baring his teeth. "You promised me you were different. You promised that you loved me. But you don't. You don't love me. You lied, just like everyone else."
His eyes are wild with fire, not from his lasers but from the torrent of antagonism swarming his mind. He sat alone in his trailer, expecting your return. He waited and waited, until the ticking of the clock and the ringing of his ears became too much for him to handle. He sought solace in his secret companion, his reflection, who was swift to manipulate his anxieties in order to turn him against you.
Throughout your relationship, you've come to understand that Homelander values honesty above anything else. He detests when people lie to him, even moreso when they lie to save themselves from his wrath. You have never lied to him before… until today.
On your anniversary.
Why should he have expected anything less from a human, his reflection goads him. You left him alone, with the present he so thoughtfully picked out for you, going who knows where and doing who knows what. Your kind can't be relied on, not after everything humans have done to him.
You broke his trust, and now he is out for your blood. He is a god that demands sacrifice.
Regardless of his rage, you know he really isn't going to hurt you. Gazing into his furious eyes, you can still discern the lonely little boy buried deep within his psyche. His face is twitching because he's overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. He's mad at you because you made him worry. He's upset because you disappeared; he's scared because he thought he was going to lose you. And you know you that the only way to quell his ire is with the truth.
"Homelander, just… just listen please," you breathe, cautiously planning out your next words as he stares daggers straight through your being. But he does not interrupt, and waits for you to continue.
"Today is our anniversary. This is a momentous event for the both of us," you explain, fiddling with the package tucked into your arm. "I was trying to think of the perfect gift for you, especially when you already have everything. I just… I wanted to get you something special. From the heart… Here."
You lift the box up for him, which he rips from your hands with a scoff. He can't see how a stupid present would somehow make up for what he perceives to be the ultimate betrayal of his trust. However, his irritation at your gesture evaporates the second he lifts the flaps up.
Inside is a small teddy bear, with scruffy and well loved brown fur that smells so intoxicating. It smells like you.
Totally and wholly you.
The box falls unceremoniously from his hands so he can hold onto the plush toy, running his fingers along its pelt. It's so miniscule in his grasp, practically engulfed by his fingers, and yet it feels so much larger. At this moment, it feels like the only thing in the world that matters.
"That was my bear when I was a kid," you detail to him. "I slept with it every night, it meant the world to me. I had to call in some favours to have it taken out of my hometown storage and shipped so fast."
"And now I want you to have it," you smile, walking up to him to place your hand on his thigh. "I know you didn't get to have much of a childhood, so I thought you could share mine."
Whatever anger Homelander was holding onto has completely drained from his body, filling the void with intense sadness. He can't believe he so easily let his reflection turn him against you, when you didn't even do anything. This resentment he felt was for nothing, you were never plotting some nefarious human scheme against him. Instead, you were just at the post office, retrieving your teddy bear for him.
Ever since he's known you, you have always put him first. Nobody has ever treated him with as much care and love as you have.
And now he's blown it.
The tears begin to flow freely down his cheeks as he grapples with his guilt. The constriction in his chest twists a spike deeper into his heart, fearful of what is coming next. You're going to break up with him, he just knows it. You're going to realize he isn't the big tough superhero he claims to be; you'll see him for the insecure child that he really is. Any minute now, the words are coming out of your mouth. It's over, I'm leaving, I hate you, I-
"Hey, hey. It's okay, baby boy, " you say, watching as he spirals deeper into panic. Luckily, your hands pressing into his padded suit are enough to refocus his attention. When his distressed eyes turn down to your face, you spread your arms wide to signal your intentions. "Can you pick me up please?"
With a tense swallow Homelander lifts you up with one arm, holding you close to his chest. Although he does his best to not address you, he can't fight nuzzling into your hands when you start caressing his cheeks. You touch him like he's made of bone china, so delicately, that he can't help pursuing after your affection no matter how upset he feels.
"I am so, so sorry that I lied to you," you console him, wiping away his tears with your thumbs. "I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted this to be a nice surprise, like the flowers you got me."
"S-sorry… s-s-sorry," he whispers timidly as he buries his face into your shoulder in an attempt to hide from his growing shame. However, you don't let him wallow in his irrational worries.
"Sweetpea, you don't have to apologize," you reassure him. "You're entitled to your feelings too, you shouldn't beat yourself up about that."
He doesn't know how to respond to that. During his youth he was never been given any level of autonomy over himself; he was created to serve Vought, so his emotions came second. They always came second, a trivial afterthought to the importance of what he represented to the company. And yet, here you are reminding him of his humanity, of what he had taken from him. You give him encouragement that he is more than just 'The Homelander, leader of The Seven'. Deep down, your words help the isolated little boy see the light shining through his abusive upbringing. He does matter.
"Happy anniversary Homelander," you declare, hugging his big head still snuggled heavily on your shoulder. You comb your fingers through his undercut as you feel him sink further into you. "I know this one might not have gone as well as we hoped, but I know our two month anniversary will be perfect."
"P-promise?" he mutters in a hushed tone, almost as if he's trying to hide his faith in you from his reflection, whom he is concerned might be listening.
"I promise," you assert, giving him a kiss on the top of his head. "From the bottom of my heart, you and I will get through anything as long as we're together."
"T-together…" you hear him mouth weakly to himself. It's a word he's never really thought about before, but hearing it out loud brings a whole new meaning to his life. He's not alone anymore, like he was growing up in the lab. He doesn't have to face his demons all on his own. Now he has you.
And no matter what the world brings, the two of you will always be facing it side by side… together.
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dxvxx · 5 months
It's Exit Exam day and i'm exhausted.
The wannabe overdue acrobat in my belly kicking me for all his worth isn't helping either. I waddle out of my bathroom naked and dripping wet, not bothering with a towel, even the biggest ones stopped covering my body after the second trimester.
I rub my bump as i check my phone and send William a text reassuring him that i'm fine before i open my closet and rifle through it.
I gave up on wearing my maternity jeans a month ago, so i bypass those and pick out a pale beige sundress.
Grabbing it, i shuffle to the mirror to try to see if it would even fit me. Looking at me, you'd think i'm carrying twins with how big my bump had gotten.
I hear the faint sound of my apartment unlocking and smile when, soon after, my boyfriend strides into my bedroom, looking edible in his black slacks and black button-down shirt.
I rub my thighs, looking at his rolled up sleeves and veiny tattooed forearms.
"Babe," it comes out as a whine as i look up at him. Up, because William is a 6'5 "muscled giant of a man while i'm 5'3 and petite, or at least, i used to be petite. "I told you i'm okay." I murmur but lean back against him greedily as he hugs my naked body from behind. He lifts up the weight of my heavy belly off my hips, just the way i like, and i can't help the moan of relief that escapes. "Mmm.."
"Couldn't help myself," he rumbles, dragging his nose up my neck, right to one of my sensitive spots, breathing in my shampoo. I tilt my neck, giving him more access, letting out another soft moan as i feel myself get wet.
I rub the top of my bump just enjoying being near him, but i have to ask..."No- mhmm- one saw you, right?" Even though i know he's always careful.
William is a professor at my college. We met 2 years ago when i was in a class of his and we have been dating on the downlow ever since.
While i'm no longer a student of his, it's still frowned upon and could lead to serious trouble so we're keeping it quiet until i graduate next month.
That's why he moved me out of the dorms and is renting me an off-campus apartment near his house. Something he keeps grumbling about because 'you're not close enough.' I'm pretty sure if i let him have his way, we'd already have been married by now.
He doesn't respond as he trails kisses up and down my neck, nipping and sucking, leaving me breathless and squirming "Wiiiilll" i whine.
My libido has been in overdrive ever since i got pregnant at the end of summer and had increased even more in my last trimester. The barest of touches or even friction from my clothes has me panting like a bitch in heat.
Something William takes great delight in.
"Have i told you how gorgeous you are so full and heavy with my son?" He growls while leaving hickeys on my neck. He tells me every day. William has always been possessive and overprotective, but he had doubled down ever since i started showing.
He cups my bare pussy murmuring out a rough "mine" in my ear. I'm so wet i drip a bit on his hand as i look in the mirror.
It's a sight.
My belly heavy and round, with the skin a bit pink, overstretched and taut with William's tattooed arms wrapped around it.
My heavy breasts that have doubled in size are aching with my rosy nipples pebbled, begging to be touched.
William's hardened length is nestled against my naked ass cheeks.
It's all too much.
My hips roll trying to get something, anything, but he just cups it, giving me a warning squeeze i ignore. "Don't tease mmhm meeee." i half moan half whine. That earns me a slap on my pussy. The sting shoots up straight to my needy clit and i whimper "ooh fuckk."
Two of his thick fingers tease my entrance before he thrusts them home, using his thumb to rub my clit in slow agonizing lazy circles that have me bucking against his hand desperate for more but he keeps his fingers still.
I know what he's doing, punishing me for refusing to stay home this past week, when i officially reached my due date and passed it.
I get more desperate, rolling my hips harder, trying and failing to get him moving, to give me anything. He smirks in my neck, proud of himself, and i'm close to losing it, delirious with lust and need.
"William Ivan Carmichael, I swear to- Ooomph.." He takes out his dripping fingers and stuffs them into my mouth, effectively shutting up my threat.
Fine, two can play at this game, damn it.
I suck his fingers in, swirling my tongue around them like i do with his dick humming as i lick my juices off his skin. He thrusts them deeper down my throat, lazily pumping them before he pulls out and whirls me around. The movement makes my bump jiggle before he claims my mouth in a hungry kiss.
I'm panting and aching by the time he releases me. I don't have time to process or protest as he lets me go, slaps my ass, picks up the discarded dress off the floor, and flings it at me.
He adjusts himself in his pants and says in a rough voice, "Get dressed, you don't want to be late. I'll see you in the Exam hall."
And he... leaves. Just like that.
The Bastard.
I glare weakly after him and collapse on my bed then immediately regret it and moan "ooohh" At the feel of my sheets creating friction against my aching cunt.
I rub my bump restlessly and nibble my bottom lip. I could give myself an orgasm, could even use the toys in our expansive collection, but...it's not enough, it never is. Nothing comes even close to him, to his skilled, pierced dick and his wicked filthy mouth.
"Your daddy is gonna be the death of me" i whisper to our son before i heave myself up and off the bed with a soft grunt.
William doesn't get it. I want to finish my BSN nursing degree. I don't want and will not drop out or delay my diploma another year. That's just a waste of time and money.
I open my underwear drawer and pull out a lacy black set, then think for a bit and return the bra only pulling on the thong. Anything against my nipples right now will be torturous.
I sigh as i pull on the dress next and wince at how it looks in the mirror then try to make it less tantalizing. It used to fit me and reach just before my knees but with my bump...it barely reaches my thighs not to mention how much cleavage it's showing.
But...fuck it. I'm too horny and too pregnant and too tired to care much anymore.
I stuff my swollen feet in a pair of ballerina flats, fluff up my blonde hair a bit then grab my bag and keys. Making my way out of the door, i stop and rub my belly. It feels really uncomfortable today, hotter and tighter than it has all week.
With a sigh, i keep walking, although much slower, and lock the door before i start going down the stairs.
It doesn't matter. I just have to get through the three hours Exam while trying to ignore the urge to jump William right on top of the desk he's gonna be monitoring us from.
Then we'll come back here and i'll demand he fucks me six ways to Sunday then he'll punish me, in panty melting ways for using that tone with him then...
My horny thoughts stopped abruptly, and i let out a startled gasp, widening my legs. I rub both sides of my bump as the baby drops lower, applying pressure on my lower belly and my already aching pussy.
Well, Fuck.
(This is part 1. Let me know if you're interested in part 2, maybe 3.)
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matan4il · 8 months
IDK how to write today's update post. There were so many things I meant to include info about, but now everything pales in the face of the terrible news we got this morning.
At least 24 Israeli soldiers were killed in the last 24 hours in Gaza.
Here are the faces of some of them:
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The terrorists responsible for most of these deaths, attacked in a spot just 600 meters (0.37 miles, with the border breached on Oct 7 in the middle) from a southern Israeli community, Kissufim.
[this paragraph is for the people spewing hate, on and off anon : if you read the news and smiled to yourself, or felt any kind of joy, I want you to know that's vile. It's devoid of any morality or humanity. You can tell yourself and others that you're for human rights all you want, but if you feel joy at the death of human beings, human beings who had the right to live (and would have lived, had it not been for the terrible massacre Hamas carried out on Oct 7, which the terrorists promised to recreate repeatedly, targeting Israelis and Jews alike), then you're not for human rights. It's just an excuse you use to be able to publicly celebrate the death of Jews, and of non-Jewish citizens of the Jewish state who defend their fellow Jews. It's just the same, age old antisemitism under a new guise]
IDK how to explain what that number does to me, as an Israeli, as a Jew, as the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors.
I still remember the morning of Oct 7, as the news started pouring in. First, just talking about the rockets, they had no confirmation of casualties yet. Then, we got the news of one elderly woman, killed by a rocket as she left her home to open the communal bomb shelter for others to use. Then suddenly it was 5 dead, then 10, then 22, along with the news that Palestinian terrorists from Gaza have invaded Israel's south.
And I knew then that the number is going to be higher. The way it normally goes with news of terrorist attack, is you first get a big number, those killed immediately or shortly after the attack, and then there are a few more wounded who don't make it. Basically, there's a big number, and then a small adjustment. Something like... first hearing about the 10 immedaite casualties of an attack, then the number is adjusted to 12 or 13 in the following hours, or days. But here, the jump in the number of dead from 10 to 22 told me we're not in the "small adjustment phase" yet. We're still in the "counting the initial big number phase."
That was so hard, because 22 was already hard to deal with. Up until Oct 7, if I remember correctly, we had lost 38 people in 2023 to Palestinian terrorism. That was already considered the bloodiest year in terms of terrorism victims since the second intifada. People were already grieving, asking questions about what was going on, talking about how the renewal of certain (American) funding to Palestinians (such as the Palestinian Authority's Pay for Slay program) was causing this surge in murderous activity, and what can be done to change the situation. To lose 22 people in one day meant that the number of 2023 terrorism victims was almost doubled already... and we were not yet done counting our dead. The grief and loss of almost 9 months and change almost doubled in a day... and it was likely about to grow.
The number of dead kept rising. We jumped from 22 to 50. From 50 to 100. Then 200. Still no sign of getting to the "small adjustment phase" and it was hard to breathe with every new update. We got to 300, and it was almost unbearable. Then 450. A jump of 150 dead. There was no way to process it, no way to really comprehend it, and the worst was always that the jumps in numbers between updates meant we're still in the "counting the initial big number phase." Somewhere after 600 and before the next update, I realized from an interview (nothing official, just the implication of what one person, who was in the know, said) that it was not going to be less than 1,000 people killed. And I no longer felt like I could contain any of it. The horror, the grief, the shock, the struggle to comprehend that this is real, and not the worst nightmare I've ever had.
At least 1,200 people were murdered during Hamas' massacre. It's been over 3 months, and when I write that I didn't know how to contain everything I was feeling back then, I still don't. So you might think, what's 24 people in comparison to 1,200 dead? But that's not how it works. The death of one person does not pale in comparison with the death of the many.
When I work on Holocaust research, and I work on the testimony of one Jewish girl, who had to watch her father being beaten in front of her eyes by Nazi-collaborating Italian fascist soldiers in a concentration camp in Libya, in northern Africa, when I try to process what the murder of just one parent, just one person means to her, I know it's the destruction of her whole world. It doesn't lessen the pain, that the number of Jewish Holocaust victims outside of Europe is "just" in the thousands, while in Europe it's in the millions. One death can in itself be impossible to bear.
And here's the thing. Those deaths and their impact accumulate. We didn't just learn today that we lost 24 soldiers. We lost 24 worlds (because as the Jewish saying goes, "He who kills one person, it's as if he killed the entire world, and he who saves one person, it's as if he saved the whole world," Mishna Sanhedrin 4.5) and we lost them as a part of now over 220 soldiers we lost in this war (see below a map of Israel with a red dot for every place where at least one soldier was killed), which was forced upon us with the murder and destruction of over 1,200 worlds, which comes after 75 years of a conflict we didn't want, in which we lost 28,000 worlds, and that followed a genocide in which we lost at least 6,000,000 worlds, and that in itself is the peak of almost two thousand years of persecution, during which the full and total number of Jews lost, of worlds destroyed just because of antisemitism, will never be known. All I know is that the Jews we know today, we're not the Jewish people. We are what's left of the Jewish people. And we will live. Am Yisrael Chai. Always. In the face of countless attempts at our destruction, we're still here. But we remember them all. Every single soul lost. Every world destroyed. Every child that had been murdered, every child that will never get to be born. We have lost 24 worlds today, and the fact that we have lost so many before, only makes the loss worse.
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And we would not have lost a single person in the fighting in Gaza if we had actually been guilty of the crimes they accuse us of. We could have wiped out all of Gaza from the air, without risking the life of a single soldier on the ground. Every one of the Israeli soldiers killed, died to protect Israelis, as well as to save Palestinian civilians.
The way I feel right now, I think about the words of one member of Kissufim who I heard today: "We are broken, but strong."
May the memory of those lost be a blessing, every single one of them, every Jewish person, and non-Jew killed for standing with Jews, in every generation.
You're all still with me, I carry all of you in my heart, always.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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