#one of my fave fics I’ve ever written tbh
1+1 = 4 (Mason Mount x Fem!Reader)
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WC: 3.0K
Warnings: mention of c-section, post-surgery recovery
A/N: i haven’t written anything since last month and i’ve missed writing so here it is... dad!Mason for me and y'all my loves 🥰🫶🏻 apologies if this isn’t so good lol tbh i wrote this for my own comfort cuz it's been an extremely rough few weeks so i kinda needed this and i’m a huge sucker for my faves as attentive partner and dad fics! not to mention this is officially the longest fic I've written + posted here! hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any grammatical errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
You just woke up from a short nap after your C-section. Your baby was not supposed to be born for another month, but when your doctor saw the umbilical cord was wrapped around their neck during ultrasound, they told you and Mason that an emergency C-section had to be done the next day before your baby moved to the birth position. You recalled the day it happened.
You were really scared and nervous even though you have given birth before – but your first pregnancy and labor went smoothly so you didn’t exactly anticipate this. Plus, you had never gone through any major surgery your whole life ­– you just were not ready at all. You wanted another vaginal delivery but since the circumstances changed, you didn’t have a choice and all you cared about was your little one coming into the world safe and sound.
Mason was scared too, but he tried to conceal it from you. He just knew he had to be by your side all the time, as you were about to go through another life-changing moment but not as you planned. He was worried about the baby but even more about you ­– he felt so helpless because he basically couldn’t do anything but be there for you. If he could, he would make himself be the one who bears the pain instead of you.
On the way home after the checkup, you sat in the passenger seat and just silently stared at the road with your hand resting on top of your belly – subconsciously rubbing it sometimes – while thinking about the sudden news. Mason noticed how quiet you were, and as he drove he grabbed your hand to hold it tight.
“My dear, everything will be okay,” he said softly, “little peanut will be just fine. So will you.”
You sighed. “Maybe you’re right, but Mase...” Your voice was shaky, “I’m terrified. I really am...”
He took his eyes off the road for a second to glance at you, then kissed your hand and rubbed it with his thumbs repeatedly.
“I know, Y/N. But you’re the strongest person I’ve ever known and you’re going to get through this like the badass you are.” He assured you.
“And I will be with you the entire time and take care of you. I promise.” He added.
You smiled a little, still nervous but way less than before. You knew he was also worried yet he still gave you the comfort you needed. That is one of the things about Mason that made you fall in love with him in the first place.
“Also, picture how excited Gem will be when she finds out she’s going to meet her baby sibling soon!”
Before Mason even finished his sentence, the possible scenario was already playing in your head. You looked back to the time you and Mason broke the news to Gemma, your 4 year-old daughter – she screamed then cried out of happiness. She has been so excited to have a little sister or brother since and kept asking when will the baby be born. You could clearly imagine how she would react this time.
“Oh God,” you put your hand on your forehead and jokingly groaned, “she’s going to scream her ass off again isn’t she?”
He shook his head playfully and laughed. “Well that’s my daughter alright!”
During the surgery, Mason was sitting next to you the whole time, not wanting to let go of your hand. You were fully conscious since you had regional anesthesia, and to distract yourself from your anxious thoughts you and Mason chatted about the most random things – and it helped calming you down.
You both decided not to find out about your baby’s sex just like when you were pregnant with Gemma. Of course you two were curious, but you wanted to surprise yourselves. A boy or a girl, it doesn't really matter because you will love the baby regardless of the sex.
Suddenly, you both heard the sound of your baby’s cry. The doctor lifted them up so you two could see and excitedly announced, “Congratulations, it’s a girl!”
You and Mason had your mouths wide open and looked at each other immediately once you knew you had another daughter. She came to join your little family sooner than expected, but she was healthy and all your worry was gone in an instant. Mason kissed your forehead and your lips, then whispered to your ears, “Thank you baby, I’m so proud of you.”
The nurse then brought the baby to you so you could see her up close. She put her next to your face, and you could feel tears of happiness streaming down your face – the presence of your newborn girl warmed your heart.
“Hi baby girl,” you tearfully greeted your daughter, “welcome to the world! Mommy loves you so much.”
Mason watched that moment and he was left speechless. He couldn’t stop smiling and crying as he couldn’t find the words to describe the overwhelming joy and immense love he felt at the moment. He was still processing the fact that he had another girl to love for the rest of his life. As he wiped his tears, he quietly whimpered in awe, “she’s so precious… My little peanut.”
As you woke up from your nap post surgery, you could feel the anesthesia started to wear off. You moaned and pressed your lips together over the pain you felt on the incision area. You couldn’t really get up because when you tried to move even a little bit, it would hurt so bad. You looked around the hospital room you were in and you saw Mason sitting on the sofa near the window while holding your newborn daughter.
He didn’t take his eyes off of her even for a second, you could tell he was so in love. This reminded you of the day when Gemma was just born – once he held her in his arms, his eyes were locked on her.
You couldn’t stop staring at him as you found this moment so heartwarming and adorable. He then took a quick look at you and when he saw you were awake, a wide smile appeared on his face.
“Oh look, Mommy’s awake,” he said as he got off the sofa to come over to you, “how are you feeling sweetheart?”
“Uh… pain...” You muttered. “But don’t worry, I’m okay.”
“Oh no… I’m sorry, Y/N.” He knitted his eyebrows, the tone of his voice showed how worried he really was. “Tell me what I can do to help ease it. I’ll do anything to make you feel better.”
You smiled as his hand was stroking your arm.
“Thank you love,” you said to Mason, “but let’s just wait for the nurse. With you two here with me right now I can handle this pain.”
“By the way… Can you stop hogging my baby and hand her over to her mom?” You jokingly asked him.
“Oops, sorry!” He laughed while gently putting her on your side.
Few hours later, the nurse suggested you get out of bed and try walking around for a bit. Even though you were still experiencing discomfort, you gladly took her suggestion as you didn’t like laying in the bed for too long. Mason, who wasn’t fond of the idea, expressed his concern to the nurse.
“Ma’am, are you sure it’s okay? The wound on my wife’s stomach is still fresh… Isn’t it too soon?”
“Sir, I get your concern and I can guarantee you it is necessary as it is a part of the recovery. Moving around after the surgery helps the recovery process. Don’t need to worry, we’ll check in on you every so often. If you need anything, you can call us by pushing the button next to the bed.” The nurse explained to both of you in a calm manner.
Mason sighed in relief and nodded.
“Thank you,” you said to the nurse, “this is my first time going through a C-section and my husband and I have been very anxious about it. Not to mention this was unplanned so we didn’t exactly come prepared.”
“Understandable. It is normal to feel nervous, Ma’am. We are happy to help.” The nurse acknowledged your worries.
As soon as the nurse left the room, you tried to get out of bed and grimaced while one of your hands was on your wound area. Mason was getting you a glass of water when he saw you – fright was written all over his face immediately.
“Baby!” He spontaneously yelled as he rushed over to your side and helped you. out.
“Ssshh, Mase, I’m alright,” you put your arm around his neck and tried to soothe him, “just want to get up, that's all.”
“Don’t be so stubborn!” He was shaking a little – he felt a genuine fear. “My God, Y/N, you almost gave me a heart attack.”
“Oh please, don’t be a drama queen,” you couldn’t help but make fun of his reaction. “I said I’m alright, hahaha!”
He playfully rolled his eyes in response. You laughed at him and suddenly felt stabbing pain on your wound.
“Ouch!” You shouted. “Man, I can't even laugh without feeling pain!”
“Well, I’m glad you were amused but I guess no more comedy for a while for you, Mrs. Mount.” he said as he stroked your back.
Mason gently supported your body and carefully assisted you on taking your first steps post surgery. You squeezed your eyes, ground your teeth and winced as you were still experiencing the sharp pain – especially when you moved. Mason’s heart ached seeing you struggling like this, he felt guilty even but he knew nothing else he could do but support you throughout the recovery.
“Don’t rush it, sweetheart. It hasn’t been 12 hours after the surgery,” he emphasized. “Just take one little step at the time when you’re ready, okay?”
“Baby, Gem is coming here with my parents!” He excitedly shouted from across the room.
Your eyes widened and a squeal left your mouth when you heard that Gemma was coming. As you were in the hospital, Mason’s parents were taking care of her. You have been looking forward to the moment when your girls finally met. She had been impatiently waiting to be able to hold her baby sibling – she even practiced with her doll all the time. 
At this point you could stand up, walk, and sit down. The incision still hurt and discomfort came and went all the time but the painkiller was working well and the bliss of having a newborn was able to distract your mind from the pain. Mason had been so attentive to you and always ready to help you. He thought you needed a day to rest, therefore with your permission he respectfully asked everyone – except your parents and siblings – not to pay a visit at the hospital and wait until you all settled at your home instead. 
“Where is Gem now? Is she close? Are they here already?” You eagerly asked.
“I don’t know,” he answered, “I’ll call my mum.”
And before he even pressed call, Debbie texted him to let him know they just arrived at the hospital. He was beaming when he saw the text, and passed the news to you.
“They’re here! I’ll go get them,” he said as he kissed your forehead and got out to pick them up.
Trying not to hurt yourself, you didn’t act too excited on the outside but you sure were within. Sitting down on your bed, you pulled the baby crib closer and carefully picked her up.
“Hey little angel,” you whispered softly into her tiny ear, “you’re about to meet your big sister. She’s been waiting for you… You’re going to love her as much as she loves you.”
She made a slight smile and you noticed that. You chuckled, you thought it was like she was also excited to meet Gemma. You gave little kisses all over her cute face, and as you did that you could feel how you were completely filled with great love and glee – one more girl has stolen your heart. 
Suddenly, you heard the door was opened, followed by a little giggle you love so much. Your heart was beating really fast – it was going to be one of the biggest moments in your life – you didn’t know if you could handle your emotions when it happened.
You saw Gemma walking in with one hand holding her dad’s and the other covering her mouth. She looked so eager to finally see her baby sibling – she didn’t know it was a girl beforehand – and you wanted to see how she reacted when she found out she had a sister. Behind them were Debbie and Tony, and Debbie had already started recording with Mason’s phone. Gemma then saw you and excitedly yelled, “Mommy!”
You giggled and waved at her in response. 
“Do you want to sit next to Mommy and baby peanut, Gem?” Mason gently asked her.
“Yes Daddy! I want to see my baby peanut now!” She responded impatiently.
Mason picked her up and sat her down next to you. When she saw her sister up close, she squealed and said “Wow, baby peanut is so small and cute!”
You introduced your firstborn to your newborn.
“Gemma, meet Iris…”
She gasped and looked at both you and Mason in disbelief.
“You have a sister, Gem!” Mason cheered.
Gemma was so happy to have a sister and she started to cry. You might have pictured this beautiful moment in your head before but what really happened was a lot better than you had imagined. It was quite overwhelming to see how emotional she was and you eventually cried as well. Mason was really touched, almost shed a tear when he saw how you and Gemma were crying. He immediately grabbed some tissues from his pocket – he was aware this was going to happen – to wipe the tears off his girls’ faces.
“Mommy… Can I hold Iris?” Gemma nervously asked, her big brown eyes were still watery but you could see the sparkles of joy in them.
“Of course, sweetie.”
You carefully handed Iris onto Gemma’s lap, teaching her how to support Iris’ little body. She was so gentle and cautious, uneasy at first as if she was afraid to hurt Iris. Mason tried to ease her since he got how nervous Gemma was – he kissed the top of her head over and over again while assuring her that she was doing fine holding her sister – and it worked out even though it took a while.
Finally feeling comfortable, Gemma gently let go of one of her hands and started caressing Iris’ cheeks. Her eyes were locked in just like his dad earlier, and you just knew she was so deeply in love with her little sister. 
“She’s so beautiful, isn’t she, Gem?” Mason was beaming in awe and Gemma nodded in agreement.
Both Gemma and Mason showered Iris with kisses. The immense amount of love Iris was getting made your heart soar. You looked at your husband and your girls and thought to yourself: how did I get so lucky?
Mason then gave you a quick but passionate kiss on your lips. He looked deeply into your eyes and expressed his gratitude and appreciation for you.
“Y/N, the way you had to bear the pain to bring me two amazing kids to our life is unbelievable. You are the most incredible woman and I can never thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me, for us… I’m so lucky to have you as my wife and the mother of our girls. I will always try to make you happy, feel loved and give you everything you need and deserve because you have given me the life I’ve always dreamed of…”
You had no words and were about to cry again. You pulled him closer and pressed your lips against his – it was a moment full of tenderness and sweet affection. As your lips parted, you two whispered “I love you” to one another.
Debbie – who was still recording – and Tony were also emotional although they were trying to keep themselves together because they thought they didn’t want to ruin the beautiful moment between your little family. You then asked the grandparents to come see the newest addition to the Mount family.
“Iris Mount… Such a beautiful name, Y/N!” Tony complimented.
“That’s perfect for her! Thank you, Y/N, for giving us wonderful grandkids!” Debbie chimed in and gave you a hug.
“Uh, Mum… I contributed too, you know. Why don’t I get a thank-you? ” Mason jokingly protested.
“Yes but you weren’t the one who carried them for months and gave birth, were you?” Debbie lightheartedly replied.
You chuckled at their banter – you held yourself back from laughing as usual because it would hurt you.
With his mother clearly winning the argument, Mason humorously backed out, pouted then stated his closing statement.
“That’s true. But Y/N and I do make the most beautiful babies.”
Debbie and Tony couldn’t help but laugh at his comeback.
Yes, he might not be the one who was pregnant and given birth, but he has always been an amazing and present father to Gemma. No matter how tight his schedule could be, he would always make time for her daughter. He might have missed a few milestones that happened unexpectedly but other than those he never wanted to miss out so much on his daughter’s life. When he was out of town for away games, he always asked for daily updates on Gemma and called you on Facetime in every chance he got.
Mason is an ultimate girl dad and takes great pride in it. He would dress up as princess wearing a tiara and Gemma’s little dress that barely fits him and have a tea party with her, buy a makeup set she asked for, and sometimes he would show up at training wearing a headband with the biggest bow on his head because Gemma put it on him before he left. He always said he loves being a girl dad and would do it all over again – now he really gets to do it all over again…
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @masonspulisic @swimmingismywholelife @chelseagirl98 @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @mortirolo @masonsrem
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bookyeom · 1 year
Seventeen Fic Recs (September 2023)
Hello everyone! I wanted to make an official post to share some of my favourite Seventeen x Reader fics that I’ve read lately, or ones that have continued to stay on my mind. I guarantee I’m going to miss a bunch of them because there are so many talented people on this website, but I plan to make another one of these soon!
(Also, a side plug for my own fics here. I’ve finally gotten around to posting some of my writing, and hope to continue, so if you want to have a browse and reblog/message me your thoughts, please feel free!)
@wqnwoos first up, I wanted to shoutout Hana for all of her writing. I’m going to include some of my favourite recent drabbles, but I literally love all of them, so please go read everything over on her blog. A couple of my faves here, here, here, here and here.
Secondly, I need to shoutout @savventeen: Savv!!! You know how I feel about your writing, and I need to include my favourite Dino fic of all time immediately or I WILL burst: Got My Heart in My Feet (Cause They Lead Me to You) aka one of my favourite fics in any fandom ever. I cannot express how many times I have read this.
The rest below the cut:
Promise Ring by @lovelyhan - Dino x Reader, F2L royalty/fantasy au aka two of my all time favourite things put together, smut at the end
The Physics of Love by @cheolism - As a DK bias, I have such a hard time finding DK fics, but this one… This is it. This is the one. DK x Reader, F2L (god, I really have a type)
Coming home by @fairyhaos - DK x Reader, Established Relationship
Under the Collar by @miraclewoozi - Go read this fic immediately, but don’t talk to me about it unless you want me to cry. DK x Reader, F2??
What? Like It’s Hard? By @starsstuddedsky - THEE Hoshy fic. Hoshi x Reader, F2L/idiots-to-lovers, Star I love ur mind
These Endless Summer Nights by @blossom-hwa - One of my favourite Hoshi x Reader fics. Absolutely stunning. S2L, smut if i recall correctly, summer romance
2.22AM by @secndlife - Hoshi x Reader, F2??
Burn, Palace, Burn by @fairyhaos - So this was written as part of the 2k celebration (!!!) and I loved it so much, but everything Yena writes is iconic tbh so go read them all. This one in particular is a Jeonghan x Reader historical/fantasy au and… hehehe. See for yourself
“I Know, But Don’t Say It” by @taetaespeaches - Jeonghan x Reader, angst, ouchie, so good.
Heart is Full of Fairy Lights by @savventeen - Another one by the inimitable Savv. Joshua x Reader, Friends/Roomates-to-Lovers
Golden Hour by @dkfile - Joshua x Reader, F2L
you are my kingdom by @fairyhaos - Jun x Reader, royalty au
Other People’s Weddings by @neoneun-au - Seungcheol x Reader. Fake dating. Help
You say the stupidest (sweetest) things by @savventeen - Seungkwan x Reader, F2L. Look, I know this wasn’t solely written for me, but it was requested by me, therefore I claim this as mine and Seungkwan’s life story. xoxo
On Idiocy, Bugs and the Prospect Of Forever by @wqnwoos - Vernon x Reader, F2L, one of my favourite lil Vernon fics ever tbh
Every Page is Empty by @neoneun-au - Another one of my favourite fics, ever. Vernon x Reader, F2L
Sure by @beahae - Why am I just now realizing that all of my favourite fics are Vernon fics? No comment… Anyway! THIS FIC!!!!!!!!! Wow. WOW. Vernon x Reader, F2L, smut, absolutely stunning
Tidal by @eoieopda - Vernon x Reader, established relationship, smut (it’s just smut but it’s SO CUTE HELP)
Don’t Sweat It by @miraclewoozi - Aka the best Lee Jihoon fic ever written. Woozi x Reader, S2L, smut, I’m obsessed with them
The Spring to Your Smile by @wooahaes - This is a link to all the members’ parts of this series. Loved every single one of them! Genre changes based on member :)
All of @nonranghaes little drabbles hit deep (go read them all) but here and here are two faves!!
A/N: awful, horrible, terrible Hao, Wonwoo and Mingyu slander here. I am so disorganized and couldn’t find any of the fics I wanted to post, so they will be back in earnest in the next one, I swear it.
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fic rec friday 31
welcome to the thirty-first fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Skirt, Dirt, Worth by @ardett
Lance wants to see Pidge wear skirts and makeup. (But really he doesn’t.)
i know the description doesn’t give much, so you’re going to have to trust me. and i really truly do recommend this one. this one...it’s one of the first vld fics i read, actually, as it was early 2017, and i’ve only had the strength to read it once. it’s not that it’s traumatizing or gory or particularly hard to read except that it’s...heavy, is the word? it made my heart pound and my breathing go fast. i couldn’t...i was feeling absolutely everything lance was feeling and it was scary in the way being vulnerable is scary. it has influenced everything i have ever written. if you’re looking for really early team dynamics and a quietly emotional exploration of gender that will change your perception of it for eternity then i cannot recommend this enough. and i hope i will find the strength to read it again soon
2. putting it into words by @jilliancares [EXPLICIT]
Lance decides to bottom for the first time. (This one's so full of fluff that you MIGHT have the visit the dentist afterward.)
very soft and sweet and emotional! exactly what the description says, you go into this fic expecting something specific and you are satisfied by the end of it. jillian has always been and will always be very talented at exploring young, barely adult klance learning how to be with each other and be themselves.
3. Say Yes To The Mess by @astrolatte
"Yes, Lance?"
"Is that a dead Altean boar on our front porch?"
"Yes, it is."
"Did you bring the dead Altean boar and leave it on our porch?"
"...do you like it?"
Keith wants to sweep Lance off his feet with his proposal, that is if he doesn't get himself killed first.
one of my fave post-war fics ever tbh. like this made me LAUGH. i love how awkwardly earnest and affectionate keith is, i love how many mean lesbians are included, i love keith & lance’s family, i love long suffering and endeared lance. the whole thing is a sweet and funny masterpiece
4. competitions by @jilliancares [EXPLICIT]
After a certain competition goes wrong, Allura tells Keith and Lance that they're not allowed to compete anymore. Naturally, they bring the competitions to the bedroom.
i love this one bc its so real. like of COURSE these losers would do this. and of course it would work for them. they are rivals first and foremost. rivals to lovers? no. they are rivals AND lovers. they are somehow something more homoerotic than rivals
5. teamwork makes the meme work by muuni 
Allura creates a groupchat for the newfound members of the Gender-Sexuality Alliance club at Voltron University. Everything goes downhill from there.
Keith Why was I never considered
Shiro You know why.
Keith For fuck’s sake You shank a guy once and suddenly you’re “violent” and have “anger issues”
Pidge keith you;re gonna make me piss my pantsnhdjkljdhjh
people like to shit on chatfics all day long ‘oh they’re cringe’ ‘they’re not funny’ ‘they’re overdone’ false. you need to learn how to have fun. chatfics are SO MUCH FUN. dorky dialogue?? memes?? vines bc this fic is old enough for that?? occasional regular scenes to flesh out the story? a sequel? team as family? klance?? MATT/HUNK, WHICH I HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE AND HAVE NEVER SEEN SINCE?? this fic is amazing and i will hear no slamming of the genre
that’s it for today (and sorry i was late)!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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freeuselandonorris · 9 months
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(thanks to @mostlymaudlin for the template!) pls forgive my scrawl!!
i read soooo many good fics this year so to narrow it down i have limited myself to a) fics that were written in 2023 (i think) and b) F1 fics. i could’ve done a whole directory for each category tbh, and i’m sure i’ve forgotten something really obvious, but these were the ones that came to mind first. links and my commentary under the cut!
1. fic that made me laugh: adagio by debrief (lando/oscar, ballet AU. debrief is sooo good at these gorgeous, funny landoscar AUs, and the lando in this fic is so effervescent, camp and ridiculous. so many great laugh out loud bits.)
2. fic that made me cry: ode to a conversation stuck in your throat by prettyrotten @prettydangrotten (alex/george, miscommunication at its finest. so much incredible, layered emotion in this one, a real masterclass in how to use sex scenes to portray emotions instead of dialogue too.)
3. fic that gave me a story hangover: the fire is slowly dying by peachbellinis @strawberry-daiquiris (mark/oscar, oughhhh. never heard the term story hangover before today but that’s exactly what this fic gave me. eyewateringly sexy, leans into the age gap and the generally rancid vibes, evil temptress oscar rights. i was fucking useless for the rest of the day after reading it because it’s so vividly drawn and claustrophobic in the best possible way. ate my brain.)
4. fic i want to discuss book club style: grand theft august by chelem @chelemlem (lando/oscar, gorgeous canon compliant slowburn. the fic that gave me the landoscar brain rot for real. i basically only started writing ‘monday’ because i adored this so much; it’s essentially a tribute act. so many glorious little details that i would love to pick apart at a forensic level.)
5. fic that got me a lil flustered: side by side in orbit by glasscushion @glasscushion (lando/oscar/max f, spiky weird vibes cuckolding threesome. also a strong contender for category 1 because the max dialogue is deadly precise and hilarious, but lando all fucked out and high off being watched?? does me in every time i even think about it. insane.)
6. fic by one of my fave authors: practice makes perfect by charlotte_stant @boxboxlewis (alex/george, first time/practising sex. as always, insanely good, sharp dialogue; so elegant at sentence level, no wasted words. funny, sad, sexy. whenever i read her fics i’m taking notes because there’s always something to learn.)
7. fic i reread more than once: break my rules by venerat (lando/oscar, mile high club with crafty bastard lando and out of his depth but loving it oscar. i’ve read most of venerat’s fics multiple times this year tbh, but this was another formative landoscar fic for me so i’ve singled it out here.)
8. fic i sent to everyone i know: trade offer by chelem @chelemlem (girl!lando/oscar rule 63, they can’t fuck for semi-spurious reasons. SWELTERINGLY hot. entire lines from this fic live rent free in my head. i’ve said this before but this is one of my top, if not my favourite ever, rule 63 fic.)
9. fic that made me fall in love with an author: recreate the sun by glasscushion @glasscushion (lando/oscar with background mark/oscar, stoned sex. oughhh. such a sleazy, sexy fic. i kind of came to landoscar via mark/oscar fics and this one was a bit of a gateway drug (sorry). grotty spiritual teenager lando my beloved, horny sloth stoner oscar my beloved, viscerally hot descriptions of stoned sex my beloved. makes me want to take an edible to get the full effect.)
so so many i didn’t have room to mention argh. i bookmarked 10 pages this year!!
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crazybutgood · 1 month
ooh pick one or a few or all ( or none if you don't want to answer any of them or if there's so many it's overwhelming 😅 )
last fic you read?
last fic you read that you loved and wanna gush about? (please gush about it if u have one!)
is there a fandom you sort of faded from and then came back to and if yes is there a particular reason why you came back or did you just suddenly feel like getting into it again?
favorite drink? favorite drink that you don't get to have often (if the two are different)
what's a drink you have regularly (not necessarily your fave, could be water)
favorite snack
a food that you don't like and why and how many times have you had it
how'd you get into taskmaster?
have you watched/do you like the versions from other countries? (TM)
do you watch compilations or just the straight episode? (TM)
would you watch it in person if you had the opportunity and were easily able to go and come back? (TM)
do you have a favorite season of taskmaster?
is there any origami that you gave up on making halfway through and why? would you try again? have you?
what's the biggest origami project you've tried (objectively), whether you succeeded or not?
what's the biggest origami project you've tried (subjectively), whether you succeeded or not?
what's the smallest origami you've ever folded?
what's the most complex origami you've ever folded?
is there a fic that has a line in it that you adore (whether you can remember it word by word or just the general idea of it)
what hat style looks the weirdest
what's the weather like right now and how do you feel about that, if you feel anything at all?
if you could change the colors of a duck, would you? what would its new colours be?
Omg nonnie! 🥺 Thank you so much for taking the time to send these thoughtful questions, I really appreciate it❤️ Answers under the cut 😊
the best laid plans by @nanneramma! it's a sweet, delightful double drabble, very cleverly and wonderfully written. Longer gushy comment here
Both my favourite drink and drink I have regularly is tea! I love it sm~ I’m having it as I type this. Favourite drink that I don’t get to have often is bubble tea.
Oh hm,, I will try most foods tbh! I think sometimes it’s cos of certain foods being of too different a palate (even tho I’m chill with other foods of the same cuisine??). Like a memory that suddenly came to mind is of sushi. I’ve only tried it once, when I was 12. One of my classmates bought sushi for lunch once and offered some to me. The second I bit into it I knew I didn’t like it but she was so nice and earnestly asked how it was so I politely ate it anyway. That was years ago tho so maybe I will like it if I try now! 
Omg great question! I had come across a clip of James Acaster’s stand-up, and I loved it. I looked up some more of his clips on YouTube, including his appearances on panel shows like WILTY. Then I watched some iconic moments from Taskmaster S7 and decided to look more into it, and the rest is history. 
I have watched some tasks and some eps of Taskmaster AU and NZ! They are nice to watch but the UK one just hits different, esp re the Taskmaster himself. 
I watch both compilations and the straight episode! 
Omg I would say absolutely BUT I don’t like a lot of the food tasks ghkdjf so, yes on the condition that I knew in advance I wouldn’t have to watch any of those. 
I like many series for different reasons!! Probably recency bias + lots of rewatching of S16 has made me like it quite a bit. I think I’m more sure of the series I absolutely don’t like fkgjds,, it’s the only one that I haven’t been able to continue watching beyond a short while, and I don’t think I ever will. 
Oh gosh probably some four-legged animal. I think it was a goat, or a llama, or both. I’ve only folded a few of those (somehow managing it), and I don’t know what possessed me to try them in those moments 😅 There’s a particular folding common to them (and even some birds) that’s required to bring about the symmetry that just makes it so hard to me. That’s the reason why I much preferred to fold a unicorn, cos that tutorial split the body of it down the middle into two different models that were then slotted together to form the whole thing,, I found controlling that much easier. 
Objectively, it is probably origami comics! I wasn’t sure if it would work, mostly re the reception of its execution, given the unusual medium. I sketched and brainstormed a lot to figure out how to work best with origami for it, and I was pleasantly surprised by how things went in the end :) I tried to push even further with subsequent comics I made. 
Subjectively,, is a bit harder to answer, because I’ve tried to go big in different ways at different points and stages of learning and brainstorming depending on what type of project it was, be it solo or collab. And so I’ve felt differently about what’s been the biggest endeavour. I’ll probably say tho as I’m sitting right in front of it rn + it means a lot to me, is probably the artwork I did on my room wall. I was itching to get started but I hadn’t even formed a concrete design beyond some vague concepts, and I was really pleased when it all came together. 
Oh hm interesting question, esp cos many things can be (feasibly) downsized into smaller dimensions, so I’ve tried to make tiny versions of whatever I could when I wanted to (one fave is stars, they’re already so small, I like to see how tiny it can go, especially with random scraps of strips I find). Off the top of my head, I rmb a very smol rabbit I made (as my first try of making it) using a little square torn from the corner of a hotel room’s notepad. 
Complex origami ahh umm ok uk what I would say this round twist bowl I made. I don’t rmb if I ever posted it because I just picked the tutorial when I was trying to focus and ground myself so that was the main objective. I honestly don’t know how I managed to somehow zone in and fold it and idk if I will be able to do so as easily as the first time! I will try it again sometime soon~ 
The line “Today’s sooner” from @rockingrobin69's fic “Favourite” is often on my mind! My friend @getawayfox and I quote it at each other sometimes too.
Haha this question made me pause and realise I've never thought about that,, I haven’t seen many types of (weird) hats I think
The weather here all year round is the same and gross af, climate change is making the tropical weather here especially gross,, high 30s (Celsius) with 70-88% humidity :’)))
Haha omg what an interesting question XD I would say pink, cos of this video. Or resembling Lolly Adefope’s “multicoloured kidney”
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j2zara · 2 months
YAAAAAAY EHEH I GET TO SEND YOU A BUNCH OF ASKS 💖💖💖💖💖(<- these ones are just me being excited)
HIIIII SORRY THIS TOOK ALL DAY im so exhausted which is why i feel like my answers are not the best but here u go
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
Argh…. Ngl i sent this one to more than one person in the circle of perverts bc I want to force ppl to say nice things abt themselves and now i gotta do the same thing. I feel like my answer before this year would’ve been my dialogue!!!!!!! Like. I do think i’m good at that. It’s hard to even say that because I feel like when I do enjoy a good quip and i feel like whenever i reread my original stuff im like “oh. I’m so marvel brained”. I don’t think dialogue is my strength in cloneverse tho.  At least. I don’t think it stands out. But otherwise that’s what i would land on.
Maybe it’s bc i’ve been in a very sorry for myself slump lately bc my current wip is giving me such a struggle but i don’t even know. Before now and my latest wip driving me crazy I would’ve said. Maybe coherence or theming? Like i don’t even know if thats a thing i CAN say like is it possible to be good at themes? Sorry im being so hard on myself rn I think if i were to look at my writing i would say i think it’s halfway decent but i don’t know the answer to the question…
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Oh this is an interesting one. For such a long time the answer would’ve been my old Talentswap fic for DR, tbh it always was like. Surprising and honestly kinda nice to get like a random comment of someone being like ‘hey i just discovered this! Sad its not updating but i really enjoyed it!” something like that. And I think b/c it was multichap it was very interesting and different when ppl were reading Almost for sure.
My secret weird answer is IYWD. Like. I’m at peace with the fact that its practically dead and nobody is gonna find it again i guess but a small part of me still considers it my favorite thing i’ve done in a long time so nobody does comment anymore but. That would be the thing i secretly kinda want. I’ll take literally anything tho obviously i love anybody that ever comments on anything.
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
I have a Love is Blind au for a fandom I’m not gonna mention. Idk i might’ve mentioned it somewhere but eh. Its like ten chapters but only the first 5-ish are done i’m kinda 
And i’ve talked abt this this isn’t really a. Like. Oh I’m hiding this forever thing but. I have a DR Togakure hookup fic that’s written like. To take place during a naegiri wedding like in the post first game canon. And it is one of my favorite things i’ve ever written even tho it is smut, ngl my friends have been trying to convince me to post it and i might but im genuinely terrified nobody is gonna read it and im gonna be. Sad about it
📊 Current number of WIPs
Lol um… lj3porter fic. I’m two sentences into twelfth night coded j2 wooing Jace for Porter fic. Unfinished creeper Jace + j2porter fic…  a Jace topping Zara zarajaceporter fic. A fic that is in the IYWD verse that’s like a prequel that’s normal SB related. And if we could old fandoms I have semi abandoned talent swap (the ch 3.3 doc is like 10k lmao). Love is blind au.
If we’re counting original projects. My fantasy pseudo taming retelling. Horror comedy / locked room mystery called Date / Die. I have a. Sports romance (don’t look at me). And my weird lofty rom com thing that is this decade spanning story and used to be abt a “platonic” romance but idk I was like. They’re best friends they’re the most important ppl in the world to each other and they like having sex does that make this a normal romance. Maybe. Maybe not.
So ten. Yikes.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
This is such a weird pull b/c i haven’t read it in years but Wing Man is a Bokuaka fic thats one of my fav of all time that makes me so happy idk its so like. Sweet and tbh i feel bad i never commented on it i really should bc they deserve to know i still think about it. but i just don’t reread fic all that often even my favs.
Actually that’s a lie i just remembered! I’ll cite something recent and i’m a little shy to cite something from the circle of perverts but also this is completely sincere i know i jokingly call @innskeep bambi’s LJ3 fic the perfect piece of fiction all the time but i do reread it… I just like them. I think it’s really cute and i like my little guys…  I love getting J3’s pov so much like i genuinely think its so comforting and special…
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
I won’t lie I have a total DurDawn soft spot so like. I do think it wouldn’t fun to write something small for them. Also fucking hilarious as zukkacore that I’ve never written zukka and like. In my heart I would like too but they’re almost too precious for that? It’s hard to explain. Actually another answer might be for Mailee I actually think Mailee is soooooo underrated as a ship bc they have so much potential to be good for each other that wasn’t able to foster under azula’s thumb so I like that slightly toxic edge 
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
I do a little bit of research but honestly not at much as i should. Last super deep dive i did was on the different filipino mythologies and history throughout the different regions bc ithink that subject is so interesting. but that has nothing to do with the sb circle that was for my own stuff. Lately I had to look up a little bit of elvish for something sb related lol. im such a fake fan of LOTR i love it but i’ve never actually read the books
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
A few! I’ve talked abt Jace hireling au I think that would be fun. And I joke abt Clone gamechanger au all the time and I SAID I wanted to try and make it work so like. Maybe. I’d love to try clone gamechanger au i think its funny and cute and i wanna do something indulgent.I feel like i’m forgetting something. Jess has real estate in j2porter vegas roleplay so i kinda wanna try maybe doing J2porter 50s housewife roleplay as a sort of sequel? I still like the idea of doing a You’ve Got Mail Shop Around the Corning fic. And. I feel so so so so indulgent wanting to write LJ3 stuff but like i just like them. I don’t know what i would wann write for them but i just like them
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altruistic-meme · 11 months
Abram i was curious and i don’t think i’ve asked you this before, what are some of your favorite aftg fics? you know one of mine will always be yours (wit)jitp but… what are your faves???
-miels 💜✨
hiii miels my beloved <3<3 i am always down to share some favorite fics >:D
(side note: for a lot of these, i actually am not fully caught up with them due to my shifting hyperfocus meaning i wasn't reading them when they updated, so it generally goes without saying that i am planning on rereading and catching up on these all!)
Scared to Live (But I'm Scared to Die) by Major_816 this is my #1 favorite fic and i will scream it's praises until the day i die. it's so so good. i am wayyyy overdue for a reread, especially since it's got a sequel that i haven't started yet, but alas that will have to wait until next month. i will say though that it is DEFINITELY not for the light of heart. it is very trigger heavy and dark, and it still holds place as the only fic i've ever read that i have had to set it down and step away from it because of one scene. the tags on the fic itself don't say much about this, but i can always go into further detail if you want :) (as much as i can remember, anyway ;; or once i actually do my reread)
Flavors of Fall by NikNak22 i know i've mentioned Flavors of Fall in the past because i will always credit it for inspiring me to experiment with the way i write!! especially when it comes to (wit)jitp!! the limited pov in (wit)jitp is a direct result of this fic!! but the fic itself is SO WELL WRITTEN it makes me lose my mind. it's my perfect type of cozy tbh. i remember following along with the updates to the point where even my MOM knew what day it updated on bc i wouldn't shut up about it skdhvskhd
Promise of an Unbroken Boy by elesary this fic hhhhhhhhh this is probably my MOST reread fic bc every time it updates i reread it!! mostly as a reminder of where it left off but also it's just so enjoyable every single time around that rereading it is a joy every single time (i am also currently rereading it!!) this fic actually also has a scene that i usually skip over bc of graphic details, not half as bad as the scene in Scared to Live, i just have already read it and can skip it since i know what happens now this is also one of the fics that i know has influenced my writing! it was a while ago now, but i remember rereading this before and going "hey this wording is familiar" only to discover i had mirrored this story in my own stories!
the upper hand by plantelty i don't remember a lot of the plot of this one (alas it's been quite a while ;;) but i remember it having these very calm sort of dark vibes? not dark like Dark but it just felt like the type of story that takes place in the twilight hours. idk. it makes me smile. not quite as chaotic as some other fics (i will cry when we finally get the final chapter)
The Butcher's House by Fire_Bear ghost neil ghost neil ghost neil i love love love the mystery and story-telling in this one. it has set such a high precedent for ghost aus for me.
i think i will leave it here ;;; like i said, i am in the process of going through and rereading most (if not all) of these fics right now bc i've missed updates so i am SO down to talk about them
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rowanisawriter · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @mightymizora for the tag!!!!!! i’m always ready to go into my ao3 for stats and stuff lol
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
a lot…. 13 total but these days i’m primarily writing dragon age and bg3
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
parlor tricks (dc/young justice)
lucky one (avatar/legend of korra)
riposte (dragon age)
mirrors (assassin’s creed)
heretic (bg3)
5. do you respond to comments?
yes always!
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
god i love angst so probably most of my stories have an angsty ending but i’m going to go with attrition (dragon age), it works towards cullen going back on lyrium so the end is a gut punch lol delicious
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
gonna go with riposte (dragon age) for this one, it has a sweet ending that comes after just a little angst to make it go down easier lol
8. do you get hate on fics?
no everyone’s been very nice to me :)
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
kinda?? i’m not sure if what i write is considered smut, i do like to pack in a fair bit of sex but it’s all really emotional and written with a lens on feelings rather than the actual act… so yes? i think i do??
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i haven’t!!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yes back on ff.net a bunch of times!! always really cool!!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i haven’t and i would like to but my writing method is so chaotic and insane that i’m afraid of alienating all my writer friends if i ever tried to collab 😭
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
i can’t answer this lol as someone who moves from fandom to fandom and then back again so often, but i do come back again and again to the same few ships so my top like 2 would probably be dick/zatanna (dc) and shepard/kaidan (mass effect), and i haven’t written shepard/garrus but i loVE THEM
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
man i wish i could summon the willpower to finish my dragon age inquisition treasure hunter au, its a retelling of the jaws of hakkon dlc but the mummy-esque, it’s so cool i have to get back to it but i keep getting sidelined by other stories 😭😭😭
16. what are your writing strengths?
character study, lots of feelings, telling a story with a lot of missing pieces like being intentionally vague and annoying generally
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
being intentionally vague and annoying lmao i feel sometimes that i’m not direct enough with the story i want to tell and trust too much that my intentions are clearer than i sometimes think they are… does this make sense…. also i don’t like my dialogue most of the time
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i wouldn’t tbh unless it’s a made up language
19. first fandom you wrote for?
harry potter lol back in the day when i was like 12
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
i’ve reread ceasefire (dragon age) the most i think, it’s one of my faves and i’m super proud of it!!
your turn…. @zenstrike @samseabxrn @smoreofbabylon @nirikeehan @theluckywizard @jtownnn and anyone else who would like to share 🫧
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daisyvisions · 2 months
Some questions for you. Just for fun. No obligation to answer any of these.~ <3
1) What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
2) What music do you listen to when you write?
3) What time of day do you prefer to write?
4) What is one fic idea that you loved at first but then scrapped?
5) What’s the dumbest thing you’ve written?
6) Have you ever made yourself cry writing a fic?
7) What’s one trope you wouldn’t write, except for money?
8) Do you drink anything when you write? Coffee, tea, alcohol, etc?
9) What is the fic you’re most proud of?
10) What is your fave fic from another writer?
11) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been inspired by?
12) What’s one genre you’ve never written that you’d like to try?
13) What is the WIP that you are most excited about?
14) Do you have any words/phrases you use habitually? 
15) What grammar mistakes do you always make?
16) Is there a comment of feedback that stands out to you amongst the rest? One that you think of often, remember the clearest, etc.
17) What advice would you give yourself of the past in regards to writing, planning, running the blog, etc?
18) Who is your favourite member to write for and why?
I wanna cry… I've been waiting for someone to ask me a bunch of shit like these tbh HAHAHA OKAY:
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What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
➺ oh man, there’s so many! I can’t seem to recall one that stood out the most BUT readers who comment their fave part always get me because sometimes it’s not even a part I would think someone would get affected by haha! 😆
What music do you listen to when you write?
➺ I definitely like listening to instrumental music specifically asian lo-fi hip hop playlists OR Lana Del Rey’s West Coast but instrumental on repeat mainly because I can never focus on writing when the song has lyrics ✨
What time of day do you prefer to write?
➺ I try either afternoon or after dinner before I sleep! Usually times when I find myself alone and unbothered.
What is one fic idea that you loved at first but then scrapped?
➺ Ooh interesting… I think it was during my Kinktober 2023, I had intended a stripper!au for a member but whenever I would try to think of a basic idea for it, nothing came out so I ultimately scrapped it
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve written?
➺ It was one of my asks for Sunwoo, wherein he times on his phone how fast he can make his girl c*m HAHAHA I looked at it a week or two ago and I just went “…what?” HAHAH 🤣
Have you ever made yourself cry writing a fic?
➺ Sad yes, but cry? not yet! haha mostly me trying to create dialogue in my head and the moment I feel the angsty coming in I just know it’s good (to me at least)
What’s one trope you wouldn’t write, except for money?
➺ not even for money but I can never get behind writing idol!au’s (which is ironic) because I guess it seems too personal to write? vs a made up au and all lol
Do you drink anything when you write? Coffee, tea, alcohol, etc?
➺ coffee when it’s an afternoon writing session OR alcohol when I really need to zone in on writing at night!
What is the fic you’re most proud of?
➺ Hate is a Strong Word series, because it was one of the first that I've done and especially for part 1, the scene wherein they were in the closet, that was in my mind for ages, the one scene that started the story, I saw it come to life through words and I was incredibly proud of myself for that!
➺ Other honorable mentions would probs be my camboy!Haknyeon fic, Screw It In Tight, Forget About It, Not Part of the Mission, generally most of my sangyeon fics bcos I’m biased, and of course my very first fic Dirty Little Secret hehe
What is your fave fic from another writer?
➺ I will die on a hill for Get F*cked by kyufiber, I can't stress that enough and was probably one of the fics that made me start liking hyunjae too
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been inspired by?
➺ Hmm, I can’t say I’ve ever been inspired by something weird! I usually get inspired through sharing ideas / scenario’s with friends, music, or anything nsfw that might pop up on my twitter!
What’s one genre you’ve never written that you’d like to try?
➺ Definitely Royal / Historical AU’s! Setting the tone, the scenery, the research for proper timeline accuracy, I would like to go through that process someday!
What is the WIP that you are most excited about?
➺ I’ve had this idea / outline of a summer series I've been wanting to push out since last year (involving 5 members 👀), it’s nowhere near a WIP but it’s one thing I’m super excited to write about when I get the chance!
➺ but if it was a strict WIP, most like the WIP I’ve got for Jacob coming soon!
Do you have any words/phrases you use habitually?
➺ It’s always gonna be those transition phrases like “as soon as” “instead” and etc that I'm guilty of using akjsdnkajsnd 😭
What grammar mistakes do you always make?
➺ run on sentences…..
Is there a comment of feedback that stands out to you amongst the rest? One that you think of often, remember the clearest, etc.
➺ If we’re talking about one comment, there was one that I still remember the most mainly because the feedback was negative and it didnt make sense to me because I literally wrote a warning on the fic and the person did not see that and proceeded to make the comment when the premise of the story is meant to have a dark tone… 😪 (and I guess I wasnt really in a mood that day so maybe it stuck too because it kinda ticked me off lol)
What advice would you give yourself of the past in regards to writing, planning, running the blog, etc?
➺ Just keep doing outlines, don’t focus on perfecting it. Don’t get too caught up with word count too!
Who is your favourite member to write for and why?
➺ Y’know what? Changmin! At first I just wrote for him normally but when I look back at all the fics I've written so far, his always are the ones I had the most fun writing and in my opinion are some of my personal best!
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Thank you so much for sending these in! Seriously I've always wanted to answer questions like these and when I saw this ask I couldn't wait to sit down and write out my answers as soon as I got home! hehe 🤭
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Are ever planning on adding to friends in crucible? I love that au so much, Maureen and Bucky conspiring against Bucky’s virginity was magnificent but I also love how well characterised all of them are. It really is one of my comfort fics in this fandom 🥺 plus it’s so refreshing in comparison to so many other works and shows quite different side of this terrible conflict. I totally understand if you don’t want to continue it, I’m so grateful for those two parts! Gale and Maureen are my babies in every one of your universes ❤️
Do you know how happy a Crucible ask has made me?! Love that anyone cares about that series still!
So no, not “planning” but I love it so much that I want to add to it? Just don’t have a plot for anything yet. I’d take requests, without guarantee.
Tbh?! Doc Egan is my fave Egan I’ve ever written. And I’ve got such nebulous lore for him in my head. I feel like in the 40’s he’d totally have been played by Clark Gable.
Also, Maureen in that one is a babe, I love that she’s feisty but she is way more lovable than her ETOW counterpart.
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the-bi-space-ace · 7 months
I want to do something a little bit different (well… different for me at least!!)
I want to start talking about the chapter I just posted in my long fic and just talk about like… what my fave part was or how I felt writing it. Just for fun. Just because it would make me happy.
So! Let’s get started with chapter 1 of The World Tumbles Down!
I wrote this… right after I wrote the last chapter of Keep These Shadows Out. So a looooooong time ago. I’ve been editing it and working away at it as time has gone on but it was written well before this. I was just so ready to get into the larger argument between Rex and Echo and since the last chapter was still so fresh in my mind it felt like the perfect time to do it
Speaking of the fight…
Ow ow ouch ouch it hurts my heart
I knew I wanted this fic to open with an argument since I started planning the second fic. And I wanted the argument to sting. I wanted it to hang over everything else like a cloud. So unfortunately for everyone this rift will last awhile 🥲
And everyone is fighting. After everything they’ve been through it just made sense to me that there would be issues amongst themselves outside of the larger problem.
My partner and I keep joking that Tech and Wrecker are the only ones with their shit together and yet they’re still struggling to keep their cool. And we’ll be getting to how those two are handling things in the coming weeks.
I was a little nervous about trying to fix order 66 tbh. Actually… I’m still a little nervous. It feels like a big task (and it is. There’s been a lot of planning put into it.) but it’s a far bigger plot than I’ve ever tried my hand at before. I know it’s more complex than what I’ve attempted before but I’ve sunk a lot of hours into getting it solid.
Looking at the first fic compared to now is kind of cool for me tbh. I think I’ve improved a ton since writing that fic. I’ve gotten a better hold on my personal style, on what I want out of my fics. I’ve gotten better at understanding my plot moving forward and planning instead of just writing and figuring it out later.
What’s funny is that when I first started to write it I wanted it to be more ‘slice of life’ with a minor plot that was resolved quickly enough to still enjoy those fluffier more fun aspects. And I think I achieved that tbh! I did exactly as I wanted. But about half way through I was considering a sequel and when I brought it up to my partner it took us a few weeks to be solid about what the plot would be. And even then we said that we could work towards an order 66 fix it if we really wanted to. And back then I wasn’t sure I could do it. I didn’t think I had the time, the skills, or the ability to plot something more complicated than what I was already planning on doing.
I’m glad I decided to do it.
This fic will be the most intense of the three but it’ll be the most emotionally gratifying so the angst is worth it. I’m glad I started doing this. It’s brought me more happiness than I could’ve imagined.
Thanks for sticking with me this far. I hope I can give you a story worth reading 🩶
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
CIG my emojis are a little cooked because I'm an Android girlie BUT, I screenshot 4 below for you (if that's too many, don't feel as if you have to answer them all):
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also please feel free to interpret the eggplant one as your favourite nsfw fic instead of the most popular if you wish!
Thank you! 🥰
Sometimes I do drink and write, yes. Tbh, I typically have a great time writing while wine-drunk – and end up really liking what I’ve written. In a way, that worries me! I mean, who do I think I am? Bloody Charles Baudelaire? So I’m careful not to do it too often.
Spicy stuffs! Yes I do and I’m all for it. My personal fave is When Soulmates Swim. It’s set around season one so TK and Carlos are just getting to know each other, and I wanted to emphasise that their sexual connection is blowing their minds. While they’re doing it they’re like why is this so good??? What’s happening??? Why am I leaving the planet??? It was really fun to write them having great sex that was also clumsy and silly.
The WIP Flashback Fic started life as something very different. Gabriel being alive after season 4 was vital for the plot to work. I could have kept it going as an AU, but my heart just wasn’t in it. I scrapped about 20k and made lots of changes. I think Flashback Fic is my favourite thing I’ve written (and I can’t wait to share!), and it wouldn’t have been written without Gabriel dying…but I’ll always be sad that the show killed him off like they did anyway. Naughty show! (I love you 911LS come back!!!)
Lots of IRL people know I write fanfic! I’ve told: My mum: Hilariously supportive. I told her the show involves ‘a hot cop’ and she asked, “Do other people think the cop is hot as well?” and I said “Yes we are all in agreement about that.” She was pleased. My brother: A literary snob; a writer too. He was hilariously unsupportive at first, but then came around to the idea. The majority of my friends and my work team: All of them want me to link them to my Ao3 account, but I never ever will. Two lawyers at work who I happened to have a meeting with about half an hour after I found out I’d been plagiarised: I literally ended up taking legal advice. They were also very supportive while simultaneously bewildered. The deputy director of my work department because one of the lawyers got drunk and told her: Dep. Director said “well – your mistake was being so talented.” So, what I’ve learned is that people are actually very cool about it - or have been so far, anyway.
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eoieopda · 1 year
jade, im almost sure ive asked this before, but what's your favorite fic of yours? if its too hard, do you have your fave fics per member? 🤨
hi, i love you!!! and AH. okay, favorite fics of mine per member…
namjoon: aphelion. i don’t think i’ve ever worked harder/longer or put more of my heart into anything i’ve ever written 🫣 v proud of it.
seokjin: meet me at the bar. kinda self-explanatory and also very self-indulgent, lol. t’was a graduation gift for my beloved @yoongiphoria because i know bar prep is a gd monster and 1) wanted to give her a lil seokjinnie, as a treat; and 2) needed a place to rant about how stupid that whole exam concept is.
yoongi: foresight. it’s the start of the darksided cinematic universe, but i wrote it after darksided & blindsided, and i’m just really proud of it, lol.
hoseok: i think you’ve read most of my hobi stuff already, but ?? it’s a tie between the one where hoseok plays with fire and liar, liar! tbh, the hobi stuff i’ve written is most consistently the stuff i’m happiest with. idk why, but i really love writing hobi.
taehyung: reckless serenade, which is a spin-off sequel to this drabble. i never write about adultery, but this taehyung made my brain go brrrrtttt 😵‍💫
jimin: the one with jimin and the boomerang! this one is v special because i wrote it for @jihopesjoint and she is v special, lol.
jungkook: i’m torn. the one i had the most fun writing is the one with jungkook and the sharpshooter just because it was different than what i normally do. i also like the one with jungkook, the weekender, and the impossibilities because ghandi said “be the jungkook angst you wish to see in the world” and i said, “bet.”
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writingwife-83 · 11 months
For your fic asks - 3, 6, 14, 18! 🙂
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
It’s always so hard to say because I’m proud of certain fics for different reasons. But I will say, I love I Told You So partly because of the fact that I kinda tackled that one myself, aside from getting little prompts from readers for parts of it. At the time I had no friendly editor to help with detailed plotting and tweaking, and I was quite a newbie. The original finished product was not very polished tbh, so I’m really proud of how well it did despite all of that. ☺️
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Tbh, no. But that’s not because I don’t love lots of people’s fics! I just don’t tend to re-read very much. I have certainly re-read parts of fics sometimes, like my OG fave The Full House by @strawberrypatty but even that one I don’t think I ever re-read from start to finish after finishing it the first time. Again, that’s not any kind of insult to the fics, it’s just not something I do. 🤷‍♀️
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as a comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Come to think of it, I think I Told You So would make a pretty cute comic! It’s humorous and there’s a lot of twists and turns in the plot, so I can imagine it being a really fun (albeit long lol) comic series.
And Idk if I ever mentioned this on here before, but this just reminded me that a couple years ago I actually had a reader from long ago reach out and say they were getting a film degree and asked for permission to adapt one of my longer sherlolly fics into an Indie film while giving credit to me for the original story idea. I was, naturally, shooketh. 🤯 😆 And extremely flattered! Ultimately I didn’t give permission though, because if any fanfic I’ve written ever gets adapted to original fiction, I’d want that to be done directly by me. Doesn’t mean I’m planning to lol, but I would want to be the one to take a crack at it if ever it happened. Who knows!
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
This is an old favorite of mine from Zephyr-
When Sherlock's lips parted, her's instinctively did as well, and then the connection became so much more than the brush of one person's mouth on another's. This was a bond that was nothing short of all consuming and mild altering. The action and reaction, touch and taste, pressure and pull, and the give and take. This was what poems were written about, songs were sung about, and battles were fought over. This was what it meant to kiss, and to be kissed.
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trippedandfell · 2 years
Ok i’ve seen you post about it a few times and now i’m interested - what hockey rpf fics would you reccomend for a buddie shipper?
omg anon!! i’ve been waiting for a reason to post a bunch of hrpf recs, and you’ve just given me the perfect excuse <3
the fun thing about hrpf is that it’s such a big universe, so there’s tons of ships that have excellent fic written for them. the downside of that is that it’s a lot harder to get a grasp on the characters and their stories because, again, there’s so. many. of them. i normally start off by doing a quick scan of wikipedia and then googling events as they come up in the fic (for instance, the 2020 asg), but you do whatever works best for you! i know there’s a fair number of primers floating around on the internet, especially for newer ships, but i haven’t read most of them in detail, so i can’t really vouch for any of them. 
i found the easiest way to categorize this is in terms of what kind of buddie fic you like, so here we go - apologies that it got so long!!
if you like…
buck and eddie as coparents
you’ll probably be a fan of brioux! this article sums it up well, but the tl;dr of it all is - a twenty-something guy moves in with a newly-single father and his three sons and uh. proceeds to basically coparent them. (they did a christmas card together, y’all. it included their dogs. it still makes me feral every time i think about it.)
some personal favourites of mine include:
this exes-to-lovers wedding fic
this one where danny goes back to school, which gives off the Strongest eddie vibes
season one disaster buck
you’ll probably like tyler and jamie! disaster himbo + awkward, anxious captain - these two are wonderful and they have so. much. fic.
some faves include:
the fic of all time, or the soulmate time loop au
the one where tyler works in pr
the obligatory amnesia au
this one, which basically answers the question of “what if season one buck dated eddie”
best friends in love
you’ll probably like tk and nolan! enjoy bitchy teasing, enough hurt/comfort to make you cry for a week straight, and some of the most fun aus i’ve ever read.
there are so many I could pick, but reccing:
the. uh. the onlyfans au
this one, featuring tk as a teacher with the biggest buck energy
this small-town werewolf au
and, if you feel like getting your heart broken, this one about the 2022-2023 season
the dynamic from 2x01
no one does hatesex and rivals to lovers like mattdrai! if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like if buck and eddie stayed enemies longer, here you go.
recs include:
this one, where they both wait out the lockout in germany
this secret relationship amnesia au
this 2022-2023 season au, which owns my entire heart and soul
this one, where they both end up playing for st. louis
the dynamic from 2x01, but with even more inadequacy issues
first overall and second overall that were constantly pitted against each other leading up to (and following) the draft. jack and connor are everything to me, tbh.
some of my faves include:
this estranged husband au (soooo many buddie vibes)
the words with friends au that lives in my head rent-free
this one where they take a road trip, which fucked me up for a solid week
the fucking. parallel universe au
this one, which kills me every time i reread it
and then just some other favourites:
this one, which is just. so fucking well-written
this jack/nolan bitch4bitch fic
the entirety of this warped tour au
this ghost hunter au
this one, about messy 20 year olds in love
there are sooo many more i could include but in the interest of keeping my sanity intact i’m going to stop here!! for further recs, i’ll direct you over to @grittyreadsfic, who is genuinely a joy to have in both the 911 and hrfp fandoms.
happy reading <3
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the-heartlines · 1 year
Hiii, I’ve been meaning to as you this for a while but never got around to it and eventually gave up (due to my own stubbornness) but how do you get the courage to post your fics, especially when you were just starting off?
I’m in the process of writing a rhaegon fic but am struggling and then I’m reminded that it probably won’t live up to the wonderful fic writers in hotd-ao3 universe. It’s also so intimidating knowing that someone could potentially be cringing at your work bc it lacks depth or proper characterization.
You’re such a splendid writer and I enjoy your use of language and imagery in each line of your stories.
Being in the Rhaegon server has helped tremendously with my confidence levels but then I go on Twitter and reminded that I’m starting at the bottom trying to claw my way to the top.
How did you start to feel comfortable enough where you were able to push content out without the fear of others?
I’m sorry if this is long and pointless but I’m too nervous to ask on Twitter and put myself out there (although I know that’s the point of writing)! Im trying to be more open in this fandom and I thought I would start in writing fanfiction (I’ve mostly written things for class or just for fun so this is kind of a new territory for me)
Like I said at the top of this long and draining text, you’re really a beautiful storyteller and you’re one of the hotd writers I admire. I can’t get over cherry wine, a masterpiece!
HI BB! Let me break this question down paragraph by paragraph.
Hiii, I’ve been meaning to as you this for a while but never got around to it and eventually gave up (due to my own stubbornness) but how do you get the courage to post your fics, especially when you were just starting off?
so as far as courage to post my fics i guess it stemmed from posting a few drabbles at a time, back in december. AND THEN i posted this rhaegon twins snippet and like idk everyone LOVED it and it encouraged me to write a full one shot (it's supposed to have a pt 2 but ya know we'll see if i ever write it =/...i have TOO many ideas). And Idk starting rhaegonprompts on twt really encouraged me to write more drabbles and THEN *BAM* i wrote hypnos (which is my personal fave- idk stalker aegon is so fucking fun to write).
I’m in the process of writing a rhaegon fic but am struggling and then I’m reminded that it probably won’t live up to the wonderful fic writers in hotd-ao3 universe. It’s also so intimidating knowing that someone could potentially be cringing at your work bc it lacks depth or proper characterization.
I would totally beta it for you if you'd like =D. I fuckinggg love beta'ing (only done it 3x but it's fun writing my little comments on the side lol). I think that's also the risk you take with ANY fic you post...potentially there will be 10 ppl who like it for everyone person who doesn't. And like FR i have days where i want to deactivate, stop writing and just leave all of social media HAHA. it's a REAL feeling, even the best fic writers experience.
Being in the Rhaegon server has helped tremendously with my confidence levels but then I go on Twitter and reminded that I’m starting at the bottom trying to claw my way to the top.
i would just go balls to the wall and post your fic in the server and and i would be more than happy to make a moodboard for it and support you!
How did you start to feel comfortable enough where you were able to push content out without the fear of others?
I will say seeing kudos and comments on ao3 do help, but tbh idgaf and writing fic has become such an OUTLET for me like...esp dead dove =) and even if one person likes it, it makes me happy.
I’m sorry if this is long and pointless but I’m too nervous to ask on Twitter and put myself out there (although I know that’s the point of writing)! Im trying to be more open in this fandom and I thought I would start in writing fanfiction (I’ve mostly written things for class or just for fun so this is kind of a new territory for me)
Like I said at the top of this long and draining text, you’re really a beautiful storyteller and you’re one of the hotd writers I admire. I can’t get over cherry wine, a masterpiece!
omg please don't be sorry! i hope this post helped =D. you just have to take risks tbh. i guess it's cuz i'm 31 and have been in fandom for A LONG time, so idk.
AND OMG A MASTERPIECE?! thank you so fucking much. i do love sapphic rhaegon afterall =')
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