#one of my really favorite scenes because of the brilliant expression on their faces
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The Untamed | Episode 42 [Single-Log Bridge]
⤳WangXian’s Favorite Scenes [8/∞]⬿
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soft-girl-musings · 8 months
Comedy of Errors (MK Spring Bingo #3)
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Steven Grant x GN!Reader
cross-posted to ao3
tags: theater kid slander (affectionate), amateur references to Shakespeare, steven and reader teach high school, no use of y/n
wc: 1,341
fic summary: The course of true love never did run smooth. And neither does the play you watch unfold.
A/N: as a recovering theater kid, this was a fun one. enjoy!
It's poor etiquette to laugh. Right?
How you ended up sitting in a high school theater on a Sunday afternoon, you have no idea. Well, that's not true: you never can say no to your favorite students. When they begged you to come to their closing matinee, you had no choice but to cough up the ticket money (with no faculty discount, to add insult to inconvenience).
So here you are, seated in the darkened auditorium, watching what could only be described as chaos unfold on your school's professional-grade thrust stage.
In the lobby you'd heard whispers of how last night's cast party had gotten a bit too rowdy, rendering a few upperclassmen unable to attend their final performance. It didn’t matter what circle you ran in at their age: you’d learned years ago that a “mysterious illness” following any high school party probably isn’t the flu.
Thankfully there were enough students to fill in the missing principal roles, but with only the morning to prepare, it’s a wonder they've gotten through each scene. Draped in ill-fitting costumes with scripts in hand, the students have tried their best to piece together one last staging of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. All you know about this play is that it’s a comedy, but you don’t think you’re supposed to laugh at every blunder and mishap.
(It’s very hard not to.)
Across the house you see Mr. Grant, one of the younger teachers on campus, whose face mirrors how you feel. He’s probably trying for a look of statuesque stoicism, but all he's managed to pull off is mild bewilderment.
You haven’t spoken to your coworker much– mainly because there’s rarely a moment where he’s without another colleague talking his ear off or hanging on every word of his (admittedly delicious) accent. He’s a newer hire, having come from London to teach a few history courses but was moved to the literature department the moment your principal saw the top of his resume. The modern education system, ladies and gentlemen.
The man is dressed to impress: black turtleneck under a sharp tweed ensemble, his usually wild curls tamed a bit as they grace his forehead, he certainly looks the part of a private school instructor. But there’s no denying the entirely unserious look on his face: he is one blunder away from losing his cool.
You don’t realize how long you’ve been staring until his bright brown eyes connect with yours. In an instant you understand why so many students doodle his name in the margins of their notebooks: his exasperated stare has you instantly weak.
–which is poor timing, given the scene unfolding onstage between you. An unrehearsed kiss goes wrong, and the two of you slap your hands over your mouths to subdue your laughter.
The rest of Act I goes the same way. You try to follow along, but every so often your eyes drift to Mr. Grant white-knuckling his way through the rough performance. When your eyes connect again (and again, and again) you both struggle to contain your laughter. Knowing that tears are likely stinging your colleague's eyes the same as yours makes you feel like less of an ass.
The curtain closes for intermission and you rest your head in your hands. How is this only half over?
“Bit of a rough watch, yeah?”
Your head snaps up– those brilliant brown eyes widen at your expression, now only one row of seats between the two of you.
“Mr. Grant–”
“Steven,” he says quickly, offering his hand. You take it and smile.
“Steven,” you begin again, giving your name in return. “I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t some of these kids–”
“–in my Shakespearean Studies course? Quite a few, really.” He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “But we’ve focused more on the historical tragedies. Don’t think a textbook can teach comedic timing.”
“Oh, I've laughed plenty.” You fidget with your program and look back to the stage. “At least they’re trying their best, I’m sure part of you is proud.”
Steven’s smile grows as he shakes his head. “I’ll be honest, it’s nice to know they’ve looked at the material for once.” He leans in. “Last week I asked them where the phrase ‘double, double, toil and trouble’ came from, and someone said Harry Potter.”
You laugh out loud for the first time all evening. It feels nice to not hide it. You miss how Steven takes in the sight of you, as well as his loss for words when you calm down.
“I have a confession to make,” you say hoarsely, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye. “I have no idea what’s supposed to be happening. I’m lost as hell.”
“Maybe I could–” he trips over his words and his feet as he clambers around the seats to sit next to you. “Maybe I could help you out. Bit of an expert, myself. What they pay me for, and all–”
“Sure,” you stop him with a smile. “I’d like that.”
He breathes a sigh of relief and settles in. Pulling out a pair of reading glasses, he opens his program.
“Right. So, A Midsummer Night’s Dream…”
The rest of your intermission is spent receiving a crash-course in William Shakespeare. You’re amazed at how he spouts the most minute details about recurring symbolism, character motivations, and even the historical context of the play up until the lights dim and the show resumes. You squeeze his forearm to silently suggest taking a break, and he chokes down whatever factoid was about to tumble out next.
Maybe it’s because the students have found their footing. Maybe your mini-lecture has filled in the gaps so you can better follow along. Or maybe it’s the sight of Mr. Grant– Steven– sitting beside you, rapt attention on the stage as his readers slide down his nose each time he laughs and leans in to explain the joke, drawing closer and wafting his subtle cologne your way between still-too-loud whispers. Whatever the reason, you’re enjoying the second half of this show much more than the first.
The play draws to a close with a happy ending. One of the fae characters comes downstage to address the audience as the rest of the cast departs.
“If we shadows have offended,
Think but this and all is mended:
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear…”
“Star pupil, that one,” Steven whispers once more. “Deserves every bit of the spotlight.”
You squeeze his arm again, this time not moving your hand or looking his way. You both take in the last words of the performance in dazed silence.
“...Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.”
With that, the fairy bows and the stage fades to black.
The audience erupts into applause as the cast returns onstage. You and Steven cheer and swap last-minute quips about the performance as the standing ovation thunders around you.
You exit the auditorium together and are immediately swarmed by a handful of students– some yours, some his– who eagerly await your feedback. You each congratulate the cast, getting them to sign your programs to commemorate the day.
Finally you’re able to break away and step into the brisk evening air.
“Well that was… something,” you laugh.
Steven grins as he fastens his coat. “‘Least they’ll be tuckered out in first period, yeah? Might get a bit of peace tomorrow morning.” He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to you. “Sorry, don’t want you to leave that behind. Could be worth something someday.”
You take your folded program back from him. “Oh, I'm sure.”
With an awkward wave, Steven steps back. “Right. Well, see you around.”
“See you, Steven.”
You turn to head toward your car. As you walk, you unfold your program to see a new signature on the back page, followed by a phone number.
Let me know if you need any more Shakespeare translated. I’m fond of the love poems, myself ;)
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A/N: mk bingo has been a blast, i'm grateful for the chance to put these guys in Situations. that's one for each of em now. we'll see who gets attention next...
also, some inspiration was taken from this post (rip)
as always, ty for reading <3
event tags: @moonknight-events @spacecowboyhotch @juneknight
addtl tags: @mrs-lockley @lunar-ghoulie @shadystarlightgentlemen @casa-boiardi @nerdieforpedro @queerponcho (lmk if you'd like to be added to/removed from this wee tag list)
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sideprince · 9 months
for the snape asks: 1, 12 and 14 please :)
Your favorite thing about Snape?
He gives no fucks and yet also cares so SO deeply.
He doesn't care what people think of him. He has a wonderful tenacity that comes from standing up for himself and not being intimidated by how others perceive him. We see it on the Hogwarts Express when he meets James and Sirius, we see it in the way he fights back again and again when they bully him, and we see it in him as a teacher. He doesn't care if people don't like him, because he's certain in his perceptions and perspectives. He doesn't care what the students think of him, or what Fudge thinks of him as he shows him his Dark Mark, or even what someone like Umbridge thinks. He can't help but be snarky because however full of self-loathing he might be, he also knows that he's the smartest person in the room and ran out of patience for everyone else's bullshit a long time ago.
At the same time, he is so deeply invested in serving Lily's memory and protecting her son, and as he grows as a person he comes to care so much for saving any lives he can, that his dedication ultimately costs him his life. As he works towards that moment, knowing it's on the horizon, his lack of needing to be liked by anyone serves him every step of the way. Chef's kiss.
12. While on the topic of Movie Snape, what’s your favorite Snape-shot from the films?
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Brilliant. Best moment in the entire film series, without a doubt. Not one word of dialogue, yet it says so much. This is why Rickman was right for the role, in my opinion. He was incredible with physical work, and Snape, being a terse, serious, closed off character needed to be portrayed by an actor who knew how to speak through their eyes and movements.
The way he lowers his wand to signal he means no harm to Harry and isn't threatening him. The way his eyes convey a trust in Harry while also asking him to trust him in kind. The certainty in his hand as he puts his finger to his lips to convey that he knows something Harry doesn't. The look on his whole face, that says, we're not teacher and student right now, we're both here to serve the same greater purpose and we both know what's at stake. It starts with these these two characters who have a history of not trusting or respecting each other raising their wands to each other, and ends with him having Harry's trust and being in control, all in the span of three seconds. It shifts the dynamic between these two characters entirely. It’s the most connected and intimate these two are in the entire film series.
Snape's motivation is that he knows the moment he's dreaded has come, that he has to kill Dumbledore now, and he also knows that he needs to keep Harry quiet and below the action of the scene to protect him. Even though seconds later he will kill Dumbledore, in this moment Rickman is able sell the audience on the idea that this character has Harry's trust, serving both the goal of the moment between these two characters, and of the story itself because having that trust gives him something to subvert and raise the stakes in the drama of the moment that follows immediately after. There's an incredible amount of storytelling packed into three seconds here, and it's all character work. It's not the dialogue, and it's not the direction, it's pure physicality and decades of acting training and movement work culminating in a moment that looks deceptively simple and is beautifully, profoundly effective.
14. Favorite Snape line/moment? (books or movies!)
I love the moments where he lets the control over his facade slip for a moment and gives away who he really is, like when he's in the middle of an Occlumency lesson with Harry and hears a scream upstairs and immediately runs off without locking his office or telling Harry to get out. Or like when he runs upstairs from the dungeons in his night shirt in the middle of the night because he hears the opened TriWizard egg screeching and doesn't know what it is, just that it sounds like wailing. He forgets his own vulnerability, running out in a nightshirt that would, no doubt, make him look silly in front of colleagues or rogue students, and definitely doesn't help when he's confronted with Moody who already has him on the back foot Not to mention that the castle is described as cold and the man doesn't even think to throw on a dressing gown, he's just off like a bullet because someone might be in danger. I love seeing this character who's controlled, meticulous, who thinks first and then speaks, who observes more than he reveals, who's set up as a foil and is villainized by the protagonist of the narrative, drop everything because he thinks someone is threatened. Love a good chink in the armor.
I also love his first scene in the PS film. Dramatic. Ruthless. Establishes exactly who this guy is and his zero tolerance policy on bullshit. Irrevocably changes the vibe in the room when he walks in. Threateningly charismatic. Love to see it.
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Im the anon from yesterday who asked about your favourite win x team scene :)
Your favourite kiss scene?
Your favourite cuddly scene?
Your favourite romantic scene?
Your favourite “tease” scene?
I like to know peoples opinions so i hope this isn’t too hard for you to answer :)
Hello, Anon! Sorry for the delay! I wanted time to collect screencaps and the energy to write a lot of feelings. <3
This is a beautiful ask. A phenomenal ask. I applaud this ask.
I genuinely can't choose between two of them. From the same episode.
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Team's heel is the star of this shot. Prem is a genius. Even if he didn't do it on purpose, his subconscious is a genius. I know some people didn't like this wide shot and wanted to stay rammed up on their faces, which I totally understand, but I love the wide shot because it introduced me to my good friend Team's Popped Heel.
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The panting as they change angles? GEE. ZUSS.
Okay, fine, this one is my favorite. Like, holy shit, to bring this out in episode two was brilliant. There's no, like, "Team was so shaken by his first time, he doesn't know what he really wants." Nope. This is clear attraction.
(The BU specials honestly worried me when I first saw them in 2021 because of how hard they leaned into the weird heteronormative Nooooo I Don't Want to Have Sex with You for I Am and Have a Pure and Chaste Bottom angle, so watching this kiss at, like, 2am while I was in Japan for work reassured me that they weren't going to show Win as, like, some predatory bisexual and Team as stereotypically reluctant. Team's just as into Win.)
That kiss is legendary. They just look like they'll die if they don't make out next to the pool on camera. (Moment of silence for Dean.)
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Not just "the locker room scene kiss" because 1) they kiss a lot while they're back there, and 2) this one specifically. Look at Team! You can't see his lips (because Win is on them) but you can tell that he's smiling.
And whyyy?
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'Cos Win's a menace. <3
I love this whole scene because it doesn't exist in the novel! After their one-night stand in the novel, WinTeam don't kiss again until much, much later. Including this scene really establishes the nature of their physical relationship that, for me, made the upcoming struggle between True Intimacy and Casual Sex all the more turbulent and realistic.
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I mean, you've got Team biting his lip, the wrist-pinning, the panting. They're viscerally attracted to each other. This isn't just Win pursuing Team like he does in the last scene of episode one; this establishes interest from both of them. Team followed him in episode one, but he didn't give it much thought there. And he looks kind of like, "……Well, fuck it, I guess."
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In episode two, he thinks about it much longer, and his expression is
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much more determined. He wasn't caught off-guard this time. Win asked for consent, he got it, they kissed, and then Win gave him space to decide if he wanted more. Team could have easily left! He already had his backpack, and he had his own car to get home.
Win, my Green Flag Son. <3
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I think this was one of the more challenging scenes for Prem based on comments he made early in filming, and I can honestly see why. Kisses are difficult to film. You have to think about technical aspects like what the camera can see while balancing the authenticity of what you're doing, and you're working with another person, so even if you're doing fine, your partner might not be. Like, I'm obviously biased toward WinTeam and BounPrem, but I genuinely think this episode has the most realistic kissing I've seen in any series. Because they both look starving for it. They don't just mash their mouths together and wait for the scene to cut. The heavy breathing, where they're looking, all the little details create a really nuanced atmosphere to the scene.
I don't know that I'd call New a great director from an audience's perspective (especially if he was the one in the editing room for this series), but he's undeniably fantastic with actors. Filming a scene with this much raw honesty and physical passion could have been wildly awkward, but Boun and Prem are both visibly comfortable and that allows them to show the best of their abilities. Award-winning kiss, mwah.
OKAY SO. There are so many? SO MANY OF THEM in Between Us. And I'm very grateful for that because cuddling is my favorite. So it might be surprising that in the vast array of options I picked something so quick, but it's this:
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It's only seconds long, but there's something especially soft about WinTeam asleep together on Valentine's Day. Win's arm around Team all bundled up because Team runs cold, Team tucked into Win's side, the two of them all peaceful before Tul ruins their night. :'(
Also, like, poor View. Win probably called him like, "Go next door, our brother is unconscious," and View just like, "How…did you know? HIA, ARE YOU PSYCHIC."
Like, it's the implication that this is their new normal. They know what they are to each other now, and they're happy and safe with each other. I'm going to cry I love them so much.
Maybe it's an odd choice for this category but honestly, this scene:
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For multiple reasons!
Because I think it's the first time Win actually decides to rely on Team, which is something Team's made clear that he wants.
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Because I think it's the first time they're acting as true equals on an emotional level. Team wants to know Win better than anyone, and this is Win letting him see what he hides from literally everyone else in his life.
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And I think my definition of romantic has changed as I've gotten older, but to me there's nothing more romantic than trusting your moments of fragility and vulnerability to someone.
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Hands down this one:
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Because as much as I love cuddly, sweet WinTeam, at their core they're a feral pair of loud dumbasses. <3
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spaceorphan18 · 11 months
Glee Musical Retrospective: Like a Virgin (The Power of Madonna)
Sung by: Rachel Berry, Jesse St. James, Will Schuester, Emma Pillsbury, Finn Hudson, and Santana Lopez (It's a sextet. I wonder if that was intentional.) Original Artist(s): Madonna
Okay guys -- this is kind of a big one. The interesting thing is that, as a stand alone song, I probably enjoy every other song of this episode more. But! This is probably one of my favorite performances of the entire show. Yes - a bold statement. But here's the thing -- Glee usually uses music to shed light on character. This song moves the plot along, and tells the story of these three couples. And it's so. well. done. It's so good.
True, it all ends up being somewhat of a fantasy - but you really get to see the inner struggles of the characters here, and... there are consequences of what happens after.
So. Let's dig in...
Story Analysis & Technical Thoughts
I have a lot of thoughts on this one, so I'm going to have to roll all of it into one...
Let's start with the most obvious angle, because Glee is going to hit a point over the head when they can. The song actually isn't about virgins -- it's about someone feeling discovered for the first time in a new relationship. So, Glee takes it both literally and figuratively. We have our literal virgins in Finn, Rachel, and Emma -- and we have a figurative start of physicality for all of these couples.
I love that Rachel, Finn, and Emma all start the song looking in the mirror. It's a nice way to say that this song is a reflection of reality, as well as non-verbally setting up what each character is thinking. They're all a little nervous going in, but each have their own reason. They don't need a line to express that because the visuals set it up so well.
Also, I love the somewhat ridiculous costuming on Rachel with her little cape. Both she and Emma have more 'innocent' looking nightgowns on, while in contrast - because she's doing the seducing- Santana has on something more revealing and sexualizing.
The choreography of this is really brilliant. How to shoot a sex scene while not really shooting a sex scene and keeping it PG-13. Nothing explicit actually happens nor do even any clothes come off. There isn't really even any kissing. But it's all very charged, and at various points, simulating sex even if it's technically not what they're doing.
Plus, each couple is doing the same choreography -- but the uniqueness of each couple's situation keeps it fresh.
Will and Emma - being the adult couple here - are probably the most explicit of the bunch. Matthew Morrison really pushes all in here -- but, even knowing that Emma doesn't follow through, this is perhaps the most equal pairing here. Will and Emma, emotionally, are on the same page about how they feel for each other - and there's a love there. But of course, Emma has her mental illness on top of it. It's less about where they are more emotionally, and more about Emma facing her own fears. (As a side note - I think it's interesting that Emma will be the last one of these three to lose her virginity - despite being the most mature person in this whole sextet.)
Also, I believe Will and Emma have the most screen time as well. I wonder if that was a network note because they were the adults? Interesting.
Anyway, then we have Rachel and Jesse - which, I don't have a whole lot to say about. Not only do they have the least amount of screen time, but we barely see anything from Jesse's POV. We get conflicted Rachel, but unlike the other two, not much exploration - which I find interesting, too. I wonder if it's partly to keep it ambiguous and partly because there's more going on with the other two couples. I will say there's something interesting about how Rachel always wants to push forward with things, even when they scare her. And sex is no different.
I do think she cares about Jesse. But there's a multitude of things going on. She is fifteen and this is the most physical any boy has been with her. That's exhilarating and also frightening. There's the idea of status -- as if not being a virgin is somehow going to define her differently in her teen world. And then there's the complicated notion that it's not Finn whom she's losing her virginity to. And while I roll my eyes that all these teen shows wanting their main character to hold out on sex for their one true love, it is apart of her story here.
And then there's Finn and Santana. This is the aspect I find most fascinating here. Because they not only flipped the script here by having a female be the seducer, but Finn is the most nervous about this. Because he doesn't care about Santana and is here for only the sex. And - kudos to Cory Monteith's acting because he stays scared the whole way through. Both Will and Emma and Rachel and Jesse have moments of tenderness in the song. Finn and Santana don't. Because it is only about sex. And while not in the song, I love that at the end of the day - he is the one who may have lost his virginity, but he's the least satisfied with his decision.
Also, can we talk about Santana's stand out line where she sings ' you make me feel like a virgin'. While I don't think she got much of anything out of this encounter. We do later learn that Santana was grateful that Finn was kind to her during this experience. Yes, she has some dark motivations for doing all of this. But she doesn't end up being completely used in the way that probably most of her sexual experiences have gone up until this point.
Which... leads me to an interesting aspect I want to talk about with the set decorations. Finn and Santana are in a (probably crappy) motel - with a noticeable red light coming in. A lot of the room has red decorations as well. And is probably a nod to the whole 'red light district' thing. And signifies that this encounter is the most sexual based of the three.
Interestingly, I noticed that Rachel's bed has a red blanket hanging on it - that gives that little red nod into the dressing, too. Intentional? Maybe? But also maybe suggestive that this relationship is walking on that line that it might be about just sex or might be something more. There isn't any red in Will's bedroom (I looked!) - hence this is couple has the most emotional grounding when it comes to sex.
It's a nice detail if they did that intentionally.
Okay, so I know I didn't really get into the lyrics all that much, but I feel like Glee kind of visually demonstrates the lyrics pretty literally here.
There's a line about feeling sad until your partner comes around and makes you feel good again. Close in on Rachel and Emma having strong feelings about their partners after feeling down and out.
A line about hearts beating next to each other? Close in on the couples as they embrace each other tightly, heads near hearts.
Line about feeling bold and strong - look at Emma having fun with the sexy times.
Glee is still Glee -- and it's still going to be as obvious as possible when it can.
I don't have a ton to say about the vocals either. Everyone sounds great! It's nice to have have a group song where you can hear everyone clearly, and not have a million back up singers in the background. It's nice that we get to really hear Naya's voice, too, she stands out but in a good way, as it's a fresh sound.
I think I want to wrap up contrasting this to Vogue. Both numbers are really great, look great, sound great. But Vogue is a set piece meant to be an isolated spectacle. Like a Virgin is very grounded in the story -- and even as a fantasy, each of these stories are going to continue on. This may not have been exactly what happened, but we can get the gist of what happened through the song, and there are consequences. On top of that, and unlike Vogue, Glee isn't trying to force this song into some kind of reality -- maybe it's in their brains because Sue is blasting Madonna all day long -- but no one in reality sings this song.
And that's okay! This is how this episode changes how Glee does music. I think, unfortunately, they're going to pull a Vogue more often than Like a Virgin, but in both cases, it's wildly different than how Glee was using music before. And, honestly, I kind of love it. But kind of love the unrealistic fun absurdity of it.
vs. The Studio Version : There's about a minute of added music - which is mostly bridge and a repeated chorus featuring Santana and Finn (which is kind of cool - I don't know if I've ever listened to the studio version of this).
vs. The Original Version: I mean, this is one of Madonna's most famous songs, and has a really iconic opening now that I think of it. I had forgotten that 80s synth sound -- but here it is in all its glory. Glee is very good at keeping the original arrangement - but really strips away the 80s sound, which isn't a bad thing as it wanted to be a modern interpretation. I only have on question - why the lion?
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My Poysunal Favorite Shots of Jerry
Part Six
The Nutty Professor
*Edited by me with finishing touches and enhancements by @lovejl12
So this is going to double as a "Crazy Chemistry" post (been a hot minute since my first one). There's more to say about these shots than just Jerry lookin good, though that is still true.
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This is the precise moment when I first watched the movie (after the initial shock of the reveal settled) that my stomach plummeted out my bum because I realized this was the same person I had overheard screaming and guffawing like a parrot with a sinus infection and I'd had the firm opinion that I could never ever be into him or watch his movies because I can't deal with that level of insanity...
Little did I know, it was not the sounds or the high energy that I would not be able to handle - it was the incomprehensible levels of sexiness.
When I tell you my jaw dropped and my eyes bugged out seeing him as Buddy Love...THAT'S Jerry Lewis??!! Holy crap...and it still blows my mind every time I watch the movie, the impact of characterization and performance - the effortless, minimal, and astoundingly distinct transformation from Professor Kelp that makes it genuinely feel like two separate people...and Buddy being closer to actual Jerry while still feeling like another individual into himself - it's mind boggling. Jerry Lewis is not only a gorgeous man but a great actor.
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Speaking of moments that get me every time...
This part, where Buddy comes through Julius during a class lecture makes me squirm in the best way. I have an actual physical reaction to it that I can only describe as my body and mind going into a state of brief shock and awe. Hearing Buddy's tone of voice coming out of Julius' face is so jarring and so brilliant; as you start the scene you don't see it coming and you feel like Stella, just along for another classroom scene. Then the voice changes and you react exactly as she does - wtf was that?? It's perfectly played to put the audience in Stella's shoes and react along with her (especially if you're watching for the first time).
Also, hearing Jerry talking normally or as Buddy when he's dressed as Julius is one of my most favoritest things ever it just tickles me so much.
Also, the dad joke that Buddy makes about carbon dioxide has always been a gas is chefs kiss fantastic comedy. Love it. Would say something like that myself. Much appreciated.
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And finally, I wanted to highlight this part during Buddy's song to Stella at the dance. I love the genuine, pure happiness on his face as he sings and keeps looking down at her. In the previous photo it was about Buddy coming through Julius and in this one it's Julius coming through Buddy to do something "really important" (essentially propose to Stella). After all of the outrageous bravado and peacocking, Buddy is finally fully human and vulnerable enough to express his love and appreciation to the woman he admires. He's just happy; he looks like a giddy school boy who's high on the energy of his crush. This is the first time the whole movie where Buddy is being honest in a way that's sweet and tender; he's letting the "inner man" out and by the look on his face, he's enjoying it. I just love how different Buddy is during this song compared to the others (more symbolism to talk about in another post). He's charming in a way that is truly romantic and pure of intent. Just from his smiles and his playfulness as he sings, we can see how much Julius has also had an affect on him - and how this experiment has combined the best of both men into one.
With all of that said, I view it as symbolic that the formula wears off when he tries to do "Old Black Magic". It's like Buddy tries to revert to his old ways but at this point there's no turning back. He (and Julius) are at the point of "If we're together forever, I've got a world that, you've got a world that, we've got a world that swings". Committed, joyful, walking on air, true love. He sang what needed to be sung, just for who it needed to be sung for. I think the intimacy of Buddy's song here - singing to Stella like she's the only one in the room - and it being a proud declaration- singing to her this time in bright exposed lighting and as a mature suitor who loves his woman and doesn't care who knows it - is a fantastic mirror to the "Old Black Magic" scene, shows great character growth and is pretty darn cute.
I have a lot more to say, but I'll leave it there for now. Once I start talking about anything in Nutty I start to compose a full on thesis. That darn Jerry and his brilliance are like too much.
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Xiao Yue is Coming - New Year's JZEU Series (7)
With fig number 7 in this series, we're leaving behind the splendors of costumed drama for the real world.
This is another one of those figs I fell in love with at first sight. I mean, how do you not love a fig on a scooter? Especially with such a cutely woebegone look on his adorable face?
The woebegone cuteness is because this is our dear Wang Yue, who's had a rough go of it in his life. I know this because my Best Fig Friend finally convinced me that despite the adult subject matter (in the decidedly non-fun bills and tough life circumstances way), Brother was a brilliant performance by Zhang Zhehan and worth watching, and also a super short film. She was right, as usual.
The inspiration for this particular scene isn't even one I need to screencap, since the fig maker has extremely helpfully provided it for me in her sample fig pics.
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So we have his outfit in the top pic, and the scooter itself in the bottom. WHERE is your helmet in the bottom pic? Safety first, Xiao Yue!
Ok, with that inspiration in front of us, let's turn from the prototype to the real thing.
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This little man arrived complete in one piece on his scooter, and with a separate road platform. You can see the little pegs on his scooter wheels that should fit into the little holes on the road.
SHOULD. I mean, technically, they did fit just fine in the slots. What they did not do was stay. I tried putty, I tried wax - finally I gave up and glued him in.
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And that worked well! Maybe tilting ever so slightly to the right, but on my shelf he looks great.
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He's so delightful! I love his expression, it makes me laugh whenever I look at it. A+ to this figmaker (she's indeed one of my favorites!) for the fringe of hair and the enormous cute helmet. Of course, I also love the Junzhe iconography of the moon and stars.
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Despite the fact that the pegs don't quite snap into the base, I think the fig modeling is fantastic. It feels balanced and even, with the tiny scooter visuals making it cute and adorable vs. undersized.
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There he goes! The back box on his scooter is quite large in the short film, so this is pretty proportional.
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Ah, you can really see the bit of lean here in my amateur gluing job. On the shelf, though, it'd have to have a massive lean over to the side for it to be noticeable, so this is nothing (she says to make herself feel better).
Notice instead the cute moon and stars pattern replicated on his bag! Super cute.
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I also like how the scooter has a little mud flap (which is true to the original). The stripe on his back of his shirt vest looks sharp and clean.
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The visor on his helmet looks like it should move up and down, but it does not. Which is fine, since that face is too cute to hide behind a visor. I know in the inspiration pic above that he's not wearing his helmet, but this is exactly the one he's wearing in the short film.
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And now we're back around!
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The top view - this is a nice angle for his pose and hands and the moped itself. His face looks even more concerned from this angle!
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And the back view as he putt-putts over to the hospital to see a certain Dr. Ling.
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Once again this fig maker does not disappoint with her gorgeous box art. I love the four seasons here of him going about his work - beautiful and poignant at the same time.
Material: PVC (fig) and plastic (road platform)
Fig Count: 259
Scene Count: 19
Rating: Tiny and adorable!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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(26/10/2022) HKMOA - "The Road to the BAROQUE"
Today I visited the art museum to watch an exhibition on baroque art. This is the second time I went to this exhibition because I lost the booklet I got from the first time. Due to having stuff to do, me and my friend only had around 30 minutes to enjoy the exhibition. It is not a big problem for me tho because I've seen the paintings before. I used this chance to take photos of some of the drawings that I like in the exhibition.
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Here is the booklet of the exhibition. Besides of this, I got a pin from HKMOA too! Nice.
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Pierre-Jacques Volaire, Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1777
This painting is the first one that caught my attention in the exhibition. The balance of colors and lighting are just amazing! The contrast between the orange and blue are so natural yet so bold. There are so many light sources, like the volcano and the moon, but still I can see that the scene is at nighttime, as huge proportions of the scene is shrouded by the shadow. However, the light sources are so cleverly places so every details can be seen clearly, even for the people and stuff at the bottom shadowy corners can be seen as their contour are highlighted by different light source.
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Mattia Preti, Saint John the Baptist, 1653
This painting is surrounded by bunch of nude paintings. At the first time I went to the exhibition with another friend, we were talking about why everyone look so hot in baroque paintings. Even this old man looks hot af lmao. From the info in the exhibition, I guess it’s because they believe beauty=righteous that time. So the main characters in the paintings, which are often the good guys/woman, look so unrealistically hot.
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Francesco Guarino, Saint Agatha, ca. 1640
This, is my favorite painting in the exhibition. Just speechless. The torture she’s been thru was horrendous but it is not the focus here, as you can see it’s only hinted by some blood stains, and her pale skin. The torture is not stopping her from radiating beauty and confidence. No sorrow or pain in her face as she believes in her faith and decision. Just… beautiful. (Reminds me of Viktor lmao)
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Matthias Stomer, Supper at Emmaus, ca. 1632-1635
The dramatic yet cozy lighting makes me feel like I am sitting with these guys. The expressions on these guys faces are amazing. They be like, “WHAT? THAT MF IS JESUS? WE HAVING A MEAL WITH J E S U S?¿” (Tbh I forgot the context of this drawing and I didn’t have time to read it this time as it’s kinda crowded)
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Giuseppe Recco, Still Life with Fish and Basket of Seafood, 1655 ca. - 1670 ca.)
I should really take a picture of the name tag next time I go to the museum. I have no idea if the date and the translation (I google translated it lol) are correct. The Italian name of the painting is “Natura morta con pesci e cesto di frutti di mare”. If you want to do more research you can find the painting with this name. Anyway, let’s go back to the drawing. Among all the still life shown in the exhibition, this one is my favorite. The colors of the fish are brilliant. I can look at the scales all day if there’s no one in the museum. The white belly on the red fish in the centre… it’s so wonderful. The use of more saturated yellow to highlight on a less saturated colder color, then the purple in the shading. Fish must’ve eaten the rainbow! Now I’m glad that the museum is crowded because I may cry if I have enough time to truly appreciate the amazing colors of the fish. Besides of how beautiful the fish looks, I can feel the fishy smell from the painting, which is unbelievable? Must be the reddish haze and lighting that introduced the fishiness to my brain!
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Giuseppe Recco, Still Life with Festoons of Flowers and Game, 1671
Here is another still life that I enjoy. I like this painting because of how well-planned the arrangement of stuff is. The line of flowers is the thing that grab you attention at first as the flowers are im vibrant colors, which pops out from the less saturated colors of everything else in the painting. You want to look closer to see how beautiful they look and then your sight are being guided by them. First, I discovered the old hunter chilling in the shadow. Then, the bust and the pile of game in the corner. After that, I discovered the horn and being guided by the horn to look at the sky and trees at the background. Then, I saw some dude at the back and then being attracted by the flowers again. But this time, I have the attention to admire the trolley that seems to made of some high quality wood. Thanks to the big brain arrangement, I watched the whole drawing in detail, one by one, even when there’re so many details going on. However, there’s at least one detail I missed, which was the dog on top of the game. I know there’s a dog somewhere in the painting because I read the introduction but I just unable to find it the first time I went to this exhibition. I finally found the dog the second time, thanks to my friend, who pointed out the dog immediately after I told them how brilliant the arrangement is. She is built different I guess.
In conclusion, the exhibition is an amazing and inspiring experience. It’s the best 10 dollars I’ve every spent. It made me realize the photo is nothing compared to the real thing. I can never forget the shock when I saw paintings emitting rainbow glow in front of my eyes. They look so magical. It told me that I should really go to watch more exhibition to learn more about the magic. There’s no reason not to do that since covid is gone (not completely but at least the museums are opening). Also, I am an ART STUDENT TOO? I mean my course is kind of shitty, which I seldom have chance to draw stuff and explore art but THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE? NO WAY THIS IS THE FIRST EXHIBITION IVE SEEN IN THESE YEARS? I have worked so hard on my drawing grind all by myself in these two years so there’s no excuse to not do the exhibition grind too. From now on, I will be visiting the museums more often, and I hope one day I can see Dali’s work in person?? I really need to be moistened by Dali’s art. At last, I hope you enjoy this not very professional and informative report of the exhibition. I will keep recording my visits to exhibitions in the future. If you don’t enjoy it, I will try my best to make this more enjoyable by actually knowing more about art haha.
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I finished watching Teenage Bounty Hunters some days ago, knowing it had been cancelled, but I loved it anyway.
And after watching the first episode, I did wonder if the mom, Debbie, had a twin. Because I figured if the woman in the wanted poster was Debbie, then the police would already know to arrest her, or that Bowser would do it. Weirdly enough, Bowser didn't even pay much attention to the wanted poster until that big moment in episode nine. If he had, he would have believed Debbie was the woman in the poster much earlier. Also, I considered the possibility that the woman wasn't even Debbie, or her twin. Because their actress looks so different in the poster.
Maddie Phillips, who plays Sterling, is a great actress. I love how expressive her face is. When Sterling is feeling something, happiness, anger, etc. you can really tell. Sterling was also my favorite character.
I am bummed out the twins are actually cousins. On a related note, I wondered if their twin telepathy was actually real. It seemed like a figment of their imagination until the final episode, when Blair knew something that she would have only known if she telepathically communicated with Sterling. That was a brilliant moment. I love how it proved that the twin telepathy thing undeniably real. Before that, it seemed ambiguous on whether or not it was real. When Debbie and Dana had their own telepathy moment, it was unexpected, and that's what made it funnier.
I liked the girls better as sisters. They're still sisters, of course, but I wish the cousins twist hadn't been included. Also, I liked how they actually seemed like real siblings. The way they would argue was so sibling-like, especially in the intro of the last episode, where Blair says Sterling's hair looks stupid. And Sterling says Blair's face looks bad. Then they growl at each other. I love that scene, including the moment in it when the girls arrive home.
I wish the show had focused more on bounty hunting. Sterling, Blair, and Bowser were awesome as a group. Plus, I loved the girls' bond with him. I also noticed that Bowser was closer to Blair than he was with Sterling. His "that's my girl" line after she shot the lights in that one episode was heartwarming, though. And him calling Blair "baby girl" and comforting her over the phone in episode nine was sweet, and he did all of that while he had a job to do, but he decided to help Blair anyway. But I do hate how he denied that the girls were like family to him during his conversation with Yolanda in the last episode. That was a jerk move. Are you really going to tell me that he didn't love Sterling and Blair?
Something I don't like about the show: it wasn't that funny. Blair's first boyfriend crying after he talks about how his mom is his soulmate was probably the funniest moment, but this show is hardly a comedy. There's not a lot of laugh-out-loud moments.
Bowser also gave a helpful speech to Blair about whether or not the afterlife is real. So much better than that cliché "Dying will be like it was for you before you were born," which I never found comforting. Unfortunately, that's the first line people go to when they're attempting to comfort someone who is afraid of dying. It sucks.
That speech Bowser gave happens in the strip club episode, which was pretty cool. I always go back to Cherry's dance routine, not because I'm a pervert or anything, but because that scene is so fun to watch. And I love Sterling's dance movements she does in the background, especially when Bowser sits back down after he thinks Cherry is going to run away, and Sterling bobs her body up and down. Also, the song that plays throughout that scene makes me love it even more.
And about Dana, Sterling's real mom. You can tell Dana genuinely cares about her, like when she wants a hug from Sterling in the truck, and how she affectionately calls Sterling "Muffin". Also, I think she kidnapped Sterling instead of Blair because she wanted to finally reunite with her and spend time with her.
I'm depressed TNB got cancelled. That plot twist at the end raised so many questions, ones that will never be answered. And things didn't end well. Sterling is back with Luke instead of April. And Blair and Miles aren't a couple anymore. And the girls seemed pretty sad when they found out they weren't sisters. We will never watch a scene showing them accepting the fact they are cousins, but still seeing each other as sisters anyway.
Also, people hated the title. Why? If I had to come up with a better one, I wouldn't be able to. It sounds fine just the way it is. The original title was Slutty Teenage Bounty Hunters, which is pretty bad, because the girls were hardly slutty, and that title would have been too long. Plus, it would have sounded awkward to say to people.
And Blair called herself depressed during her last scene with Miles. Blair didn't seem depressed at all. I never got the impression that she was deeply sad about her life. If Blair is supposed to be depressed, that could have been shown better.
It was pretty heartwarming when Sterling and Blair told each other I love you in their telepathic conversation in the last episode, and apologized for what they said to each other in the intro of this episode. That was sweet. I can't deny that TNB had some nice heartwarming moments, which I love to see in fiction and in real life.
I like how clever the characters are. Like when Bowser makes Sterling shoot the light bulbs so the naked skip can step on the shattered glass and fall. And Sterling's method of getting Blair to track her down in the final episode. Plus, how Sterling gives Dana false information about the family dog to confirm that Dana isn't Debbie. I love seeing characters do genuinely intelligent things.
TNB is a good show. I won't call it a great one, but it was pretty enjoyable. But the flaws were irritating enough to make me not give it a higher rating. I think the thing I hated most about it was that it wasn't that funny. Still, there was a lot I loved about the show.
3 out of 5 stars.
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gffa · 3 years
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I absolutely love the moments we get of Mace and Yoda’s friendship, that one of the earliest scenes we see of them is where they’re reacting to Qui-Gon’s whole, “I have discovered a vergence in the Force.”      “You're referring to the prophesy of the one who will bring balance to the Force... you believe it's this boy??”      “I don't presume...”      “But you do. Revealed your opinion is.” That scene is joy because they’re calling Qui-Gon onto the carpet for trying to pretend that he’s not presuming anything, when he absolutely is presuming things about Anakin, but ultimately they end up doing what Qui-Gon asks without any real fuss, like sure they roast him a little bit, but it’s clear that Yoda and Mace are listening to Qui-Gon and considering him. They just do it with the most amazing faces ever.
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Mace’s face is just, “You know those days when you’re like, ‘this might as well happen’”? It’s one of my favorite things about them, THEY DESERVED AN ENTIRE EPISODE OF THEM TEAMING UP AND SIDE-EYING EVERYONE AROUND THEM, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO FUNNY.
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But they’re not just funny together (though, Yoda gently teasing Mace when he’s helping Queen Julia and Jar Jar was pretty hilarious), but that Mace genuinely respects Yoda and Yoda genuinely respects Mace. Their discussions do a lot of the Jedi position and philosophy in the films, where you see they’re genuinely turning to each other for discussion and consideration, but I just love the body language Mace shows around Yoda:
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There’s something almost youngling-like about the way he sits, the way even someone as respected and disciplined as Mace Windu probably still feels so very young around someone like Yoda.  That there’s no discomfort about that, that Mace seems fine with it and maybe even appreciates that there are things that can still make him feel young in this galaxy, even if it probably turns a little embarrassing when Yoda decides to start teasing him. Further, it’s not blind hero worship, either.  In the episode “Voices”, Mace already knows that Yoda is fallible and respectuflly but clearly expresses it right to Yoda’s face:      Ki-Adi:  “We have to consider that this may be a deception by the Sith.”      Obi-Wan:  “Surely you are not suggesting Master Yoda is susceptible to such manipulation?”      Mace:  “Master Yoda, you are older and wiser than any living Jedi, but this does not mean you are beyond the corruption of the dark side.”      Yoda:  “Agree I do.” That speaks volumes about the kind of relationship Yoda has with other Jedi, that he’s dearly loved and respected, looked to for guidance, and some will tend to put him on a bit of a pedestal, but others are just as ready to point out that Yoda is just as mortal as the rest of them, that being wise and respected doesn’t mean he’s beyond the traps everyone is vulnerable to.  And that it’s Mace who says this, that Yoda agrees without any hint of annoyance, is another thing that says so much about how comfortable these two are in their friendship, both as Jedi Masters who are balanced within themselves and with each other. I love Mace and Yoda’s friendship for being really funny, but they’re also important to each other, they’re such brilliant and accomplished lights within the Jedi Order that they could have been larger than life, they could have been imposing and distant figures without any human touches, but instead their humor and their firmly being grounded in their own potential fallibility makes them much more personable and relatable. They’re both good, they’re both firmly rooted in the light, but they’re still hilarious and down to earth and give me all the feelings.
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denizenhardwick · 2 years
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okay, so this is one my favorite moments in the entire anime, i absolutely adore it. i have a lot of gripes with the anime in general, but i think this here is a demonstration of what it is when it’s at its best, and why i do have generally positive feelings for it.
animation is a different medium than a highly-stylized, sprite-based rpg video game. obviously. and that gave the creators an opportunity to do things that simply were not possible in the original game, and they absolutely took it. while they fumbled joshua in both character and design, they absolutely nailed neku, and because of that were able capitalize off of the medium they were working with to bring him to life in such an authentic way, one that really feels true to how he was in the game. he is incredibly expressive, and it makes moments like this one land in such an impactful way.
look at the first and second images. you watch his face and he transitions from being surprised to see joshua, to deeply, genuinely happy that he’s okay. in the third image, shiki and beat pick up on this happiness, and smile as well, because they’re happy he’s happy--even shiki, who has no idea who joshua even is. in the fourth and fifth images, you see joshua’s reaction: his genuine surprise at neku thanking him and then the sinister smile as he prepares to tell neku who he is.
i cut out quite a few shots in between the fifth image and the last one because they aren’t as visually interesting, but the sixth image shows neku’s reaction to joshua’s admission that he’s the composer and it’s incredible. the juxtaposition between that and the soft little smile he’d been giving just a few seconds earlier is stark. shiki looks lost and bewildered, beat looks surprised and a bit taken aback, and neku, framed right in the middle of the screen, with shadows falling on his hair and face, looks stunned and horrified, though those are by no means the only two emotions you can read on his face there.
also, can we talk about the framing in the last shot? because it’s weird, and intentionally so. neku is the main subject of the shot, and not only does his placement break the rule of thirds, he’s also not even entirely centered, instead positioned near the bottom of the frame, with the bottom of his chin awkwardly cut off, both by the collar of his shirt and by the shot itself. the shadows on him--his clothes, his hair, his face--are much more pronounced than the shadows on beat or shiki, or anywhere else in the rest of the shot.
this all adds on to the sense of unease that the scene is building, the ways this revelation makes neku realize how helpless and out of his depth he is, and it’s brilliant, it’s absolutely brilliant.
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gwynrielendgame · 3 years
Gwynriel antics
Okay writing from Mor’s perspective is actually kind of difficult. There is enough ambiguity around Mor’s sexuality in the series that I try to veer away from her perspective to avoid potentially problematic content. I do think that Mor would struggle when Azriel finds his mate/significant other because he’ll no longer be paying her much attention. At least not in the way she’s used to. Anyways enjoy
The first thing Mor noticed as she entered the living room was that Azriel was in a bad mood. He was brooding, more so than normal while standing in the far corner of the room by the piano. The only person brave enough to engage him in conversation was Nesta, who looked as bitchy as usual. Mor considered consoling him, but reconsidered as his shadows seemed restless. She would never admit it to him, though she presumed he might already know, but his shadows unnerved her. They would never hurt her, but something about them reminded her of the Court of Nightmares. She felt guilty and like a bad friend. The only thought that could console her was the knowledge that no one would be able to get him out of this mood. Nesta may be brave enough to face the mood head on; however, she would never be enough to pull him out of his own mind. It had always bothered Mor that nothing she could do or say would make him feel better.
"How was you trip?" Elain asked sweetly from the couch. Her frilly, pink dress made Elain's beauty less intimidating and more approachable.
She often wondered if that was on purpose. She was the complete opposite from Mor in every way, yet Mor felt grateful to her. Grateful that she had caught and kept, at least partially, the attention of the Shadowsinger. A jealous part of Mor was glad that Elain could not, although she speculated that Elain did not want to either, pull him out of his mood. Mor sat across from Elain on the other couch, taking baby Nyx right from Feyre's lap. Feyre sent a small smile to Mor before returning to her conversation with Rhys. Her legs were tossed over his lap with their sides pressed firmly together. Mor suddenly ached for what they had. The publicity of it, the intimacy of it, and the comfort of it all was something she wanted so desperately, but felt so unattainable. Mor dropped a kiss on Nyx's forehead as he pulled at her hair before answering Elain.
"It was fine. Politics can be so dreadfully boring," she rolled her eyes as she said it. Elain nodded along as if she might understand even though they both knew she didn't. Mor bounced Nyx on her knee to keep him preoccupied.
"Do you know what is wrong?" She lowered her voice while nodding her head in the direction of Azriel. Even though he was behind her, Mor knew who Elain was referring to.
"Your guess is as good as mine." She replied with a shrug. It was almost impossible to tell. Rhysand felt the need to add in his two cents, annoyingly enough.
"Leave it be, Elain. He likes to be left alone when he's like this." Rhysand gave her a hard look that Mor did not understand. Seemingly Elain did because she turned away to stare at the fireplace with a blushing face.
"The party is officially here!" Cassian shouted as he burst through the double doors into the living room.
Gwyn and Emerie, who trailed in after Cassian, made a beeline for Nesta who was still standing next to Azriel. Not so much conversing, but standing in solidarity to their bad moods. Cassian dropped a kiss on Nesta's cheek which had Mor rolling her eyes. She would never understand what a good fae like Cassian ever saw in Nesta. Even at her best, she was miserable. Emerie eventually floated over to Mor.
"How was your trip?" She awkwardly played with the end of her braid as she stood towards the side of the couch. She was clearly struggling with where to sit now that Cassian and Nesta took up the rest of the couch Elain was sitting on.
"Peachy. Dealing with entitled males is my favorite way to spend my time." She said it in an ultra cheery voice as she held up Nyx closer to her face. She was hoping his tiny baby body would block her blush. No need to let the Illyrian female know that Mor was flustered by her attentions. Emerie sent her a brilliant smile.
"So just a normal Tuesday huh?" Mor smiled back at her before moving over. There was a small amount of space between Feyre and Mor, but Emerie's slender body could probably fit.
"Would you like to sit?" Mor motioned to the spot. Emerie hesitated for just a moment before accepting. Her side was smushed to Mor's. She would be lying if she said it didn't elicit a spark in her.
Quiet murmurings in the back of the room drew Mor's attention. As she turned around she saw the priestess, whose name was on the tip of her tongue, talking with Azriel. Brave girl is the only thought that flittered through her head. They both had serious expressions as they discussed something quietly. It was so quiet that even with her fae hearing, she could not make out what they were saying. Azriel's shadows were moving rapidly around him now, making him obvious instead of blending him in like they were meant to be doing. Mor realized that Gwyn was holding a dagger that Azriel was showing her how to handle. He corrected her arm position a few times and she practiced it. Surprisingly, the brooding expression was replaced with one of concentration. He was more focused on teaching her than with whatever he was upset with. Mor cocked her head to analyze the two further only to be called back to attention.
"Mor!" Cassian all but shouted.
"What? Yes?" She turned back to the circle she was part of to see Cassian looking at her expectantly.
"I asked you how your trip was? I haven't seen you since you have gotten back." Cassian tossed an arm around Nesta's shoulder who was in an animated conversation across the couches with Emerie about some book they had both read. Mor was distracted for a moment. What could Emerie see in Nesta as a friend?
"Same old, same old."
Elain moved to grab Nyx from Mor's lap before reclaiming her spot on the ruby colored couch. Without the baby as a buffer, Mor felt exactly how nice it was to have Emerie so close, even if she was paying more attention to Nesta than herself. Elain blew raspberries on Nyx's face when a sound caught Mor's attention once again.
"Cassian!" The priestess, whose name Mor finally remembered was Gwyn, called as she dragged Azriel by the hand to the center of the room. Mor could not stop her eyes from widening and it appeared Elain, Feyre, and Rhys couldn't either. Mor even thought she might have heard a small gasp from Elain. "Tell Azriel that I really managed to escape that knot earlier."
Gwyn's face was barely containing her excitement. When they finally stood next to the couches, Gwyn dropped his hand gently, but did not move away from him. Almost the entire room was raptured by the scene. Azriel's acceptance of her hand holding, the shadows that appeared to guard the redhead as they peered over her shoulders, and the disbelief on his face that took over from the brooding as Gwyn insisted that she accomplished her goal. Cassian laughed while shaking his head.
"She is telling the truth. She's quite crafty with those ropes." Cassian admitted. Azriel's face continued to show his disbelief as he turned his narrowed gaze to Nesta.
"If you don't believe her, I guess she'll have to show you tomorrow." Nesta shrugged. Azriel sent a look to Gwyn that Mor could not exactly decipher. It almost looked like admiration, but there was no way it could be that.
"Why wait?" Gwyn started pulling Azriel back to the doors. "I'll show you now." Azriel allowed Gwyn to tug him around like a rag-doll. Mor could not stop the giggle from escaping her lips.
"Gwyn!" Emerie whined. "You promised you would stay until we at least ate!"
"Don't let her leave, Azriel!" Nesta shrieked. "She's trying to escape. You are not as clever as you think little missy." Nesta sent one of her nastiest glares towards the two escapees. Shockingly, it only made Gwyn laugh. She turned to Azriel with a slight pout.
"Please? I know you want to see it." She taunted him.
It appeared that those in the room who had not been to training had missed quite the development because as Azriel threw his head back in laughter, Mor, Elain, Feyre, and Rhysand jaw's all dropped in shock. It appeared the priestess was able to accomplish something that none of them had been able to in all their years of knowing the Shadowsinger. She was able to retrieve him from his bad mood. The shadows that seemed so territorial over Gwyn, now rested calmly around the both of them. It surprised Mor how unaffected Gwyn was by them. The interaction was so shocking that none of them could look away.
"You can show me tomorrow." He replied quietly with a smirk. Gwyn sighed but returned to the center of the room.
"Fine, you guys win."
Nesta and Emerie beamed at each other. Even as others recuperated from the shock, Mor felt herself analyzing everything Azriel did after that. Every interaction he paid to the priestess and how that was different from his interactions with her and Elain. She paid attention to how often he laughed and how his shadows acted. All throughout dinner she tried to understand it. What Gwyn could do that Mor could not. She wanted to know for next time, so that it could be Mor that made him smile when he was upset instead of Gwyn. The ugly, jealousy feeling made no sense. But there was a part of her that did not want to share Azriel with anyone, but especially with Gwyn. It was odd how Mor did not feel the same way with Elain.
"What's wrong with your shadows?" Elain asked innocently.
It was the wrong question to ask. The neutral face he had been sporting shifted into a scowl and the shadows retreated altogether. Before he could say something, Gwyn spoke up.
"There's nothing wrong with them. They just want to play." She continued to push her food around on her plate.
"Play?" Rhysand asked with raised eyebrows. He sent a look to Az. An annoyed look, one that rarely ever showed, crossed Azriel's face.
"They are not playing." He enunciated the last word, seemingly for Gwyn's benefit. She simply rolled her eyes as if the Shadowsinger's annoyance was no skin off her back.
"You are just jealous because they like me better." She sent him a mischievous smile before humming a short tune. A traitorous shadow lunged for her. It stopped short and retreated when the tune stopped.
"Gwyn." He whined. Mor ended up choking on her food at the sound. She has never once heard the male whine for any reason. Everyone at the table sent her an amused stare except for Gwyn and Azriel who appeared to be stuck in some sort of staring competition.
"Really, you two? You're worse than Rhys and I were when we were nine." Cassian muttered.
"3 books for Azriel." Nesta piped up.
"Are you serious? No way." Emerie argued in an adorably annoyed way. "Gwyn all the way. You owe me 5 books anyways. I want new leathers."
Mor made certain to note that in the back of her head.
"What are they doing?" Elain asked. Cassian shook his head in amusement.
"Staring contest. First to blink loses."
"Why?" Elain looked amused. Actually the entire table looked amused at their antics.
"Because they are the two most stubborn Fae to have ever lived." Emerie said with a smile.
The table went extremely silent as they watched the two battle it out. Mor was intrigued to see who would win. A thud under the table was the only sound to be heard.
"No playing dirty." Azriel said without so much as an inclination that he had just been kicked.
"You pulled my hair last time."
"Because you threw a dagger at me the time before. I'd say mine was much milder."
Rhysand laughed a loud and hearty laugh that caused the two of them to blink at the exact same time. Nyx clapped his hands at the excitement.
"Hey!" Gwyn and Azriel yelled simultaneously.
"Dammit." Emerie muttered.
"I'm claiming that win." Gwyn announced with a smug smile.
"Of course you are." Az sent her a glare, but there was no malice behind it.
He did not correct her though, allowing her to claim the win. It was then and there that it hit Mor.
Azriel likes Gwyn.
He isn't in love with her. He isn't pining after her. Mor isn't even sure if he knows it himself yet. But Mor knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that he likes the priestess. The slithering jealous feeling only increased tenfold. She sighed heavily. What was wrong with her? She should be happy for her friend.
Shouldn't she?
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woozapooza · 2 years
Breaking Bad: The Verdict
For many years I thought I would never in a million years watch this show. It looked intense and violent and depressing and I could handle those things in historical fiction and fantasy, but not in a story set in the real world in the present day. I credit It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia for making me realize that my tastes in media had changed, and therefore I ultimately credit IASIP for getting me to give Breaking Bad a shot. AND I’M GLAD I GAVE IT A SHOT! WHAT A SHOW! WHAT A LITERAL SHOW!
Favorite character: Jesse, obviously! Love of my life! He is everything Walt could never be. He is the heart of Breaking Bad and he deserves only good things ever.
Second favorite character: Saul! Every time he was on screen I was like YES IT’S THIS GUY AGAIN YES. I completely see why he got a spinoff. Also, I called his number and oh boy it was worth it. I highly recommend doing so if you haven’t already. 505-842-5662.
Even though he sucks so hard, Walt is undeniably one of the most fascinating main characters I’ve ever seen. And really, I shouldn’t say “even though he sucks so hard" because that makes it sound like his awfulness is an impediment to him being such a fantastic character, which couldn’t be further from the truth. The seeds of Heisenberg were present all along BUT you can also 100% see how he justifies every decision he makes and why he’s able to continually convince himself that he’s not the villain. And honestly, this might sound bad, but I found myself sympathizing with him a lot, even when I knew objectively that he had only himself to blame for whatever problem he was facing (which is the case most of the time). And I’m fine with that! It’s literally just a testament to how well written and acted he is. Part of me thinks it shouldn’t be allowed for an actor to win multiple Emmys for the same role because it’s not really fair, but part of me is like, no, actually, it is good and right that Bryan Cranston won four Emmys for playing Walt. He deserved every one of them.
And Walt and Jesse have one of the most interesting dynamics I’ve ever seen. “Dynamic” is a special word I like to employ when “relationship” just doesn’t feel strong enough to express the depth of what’s going on between two characters. Other “dynamics” include Uhtred and Alfred in The Last Kingdom and Flint and Silver in Black Sails. It’s pretty undeniable that Walt feels genuine affection for Jesse, however twisted his ways of expressing it are. Walt turning against Jesse in Ozymandias was one of the most painful things I’ve ever seen a show do. I was very relieved that their last interaction in Felina ended on a not-utterly-terrible note.
Skyler White has done nothing wrong ever in her life.
Neither has Marie Schrader.
Walter Junior is my son now. I adopted him. He’s mine. I kept wishing that he would meet Jesse, and I’m so disappointed that he never did. They have so much in common! Since finishing the show and reading stuff that other fans have said, I’ve learned that this is a common sentiment. Ah well, that’s what fanfic is for, I guess.
What a perfect blend of comedy and drama this show is. One example of BrBa’s comedy that stands out to me is in the second or third episode when Walt and Jesse are cleaning up after the bathtub incident. After they clean inside the house, there’s a shot of the two of them outside, each standing in an inflatable pool, passing a hose between the two of them, taking turns hosing the blood and gore off of each other. The most brilliant thing about this scene, the thing that elevates it from funny to hysterical, is that the pools are decorated with adorable cartoon sea creatures. The contrast between the horror of what’s happening, the cutesy pools, and the characters’ trance-like demeanor had me DYING.
Overall grade: A+
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myhaikyuuacademia · 4 years
Maybe I don’t mind if it’s you | Saiki Kusuo x reader
Summary: Part of my Mistletoe Series where I write different characters with the same trope - Mistletoe Kiss! My favorite Holiday trope hehe Mistletoe Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Requests
Teruhashi had the brilliant idea to host a christmas get-together. You were sure it was just to get close to Saiki. You were even more sure of that when you arrived and saw a lot of mistletoes hanging around. And with a lot you mean A LOT. Everywhere you went, every room you visited, there was at least one mistletoe branch hanging somewhere. Sometimes a little hiden, sometimes plain obvious. Apart from you and Saiki, she had also invited the other people from your friendgroup, so Nendou, Kaidou, Kuboyaso, Mera, Yumehara and surprisingly Aiura. Well maybe she invited herself, you never knew with her. So far only you, Yumehara, Aiura and Saiki had arrived. You were pretty certain Kuboyasu, Kaidou and Nendou were going to arrive together later. It was a little awkward, mostly because Teruhashi and Aiura were ‘fighting’ over Saiki. Yumehara was only waiting for Kaidou to arrive and you were sitting next to her, hands in your lap, watching the almost comical scene of Teruhashi and Aiura arguing without Teruhashi wanting to explicitly state that she had what she thought was a crush on Saiki, who was standing close by eating coffee jelly. That was probably the only reason he wasn’t more bothered by what was going on. The doorbell rang and a sigh of relief escaped your mouth because that meant Teruhashi was forced to go get it and stop talking to Aiura. You stood up to walk over to the table where Saiki stood, almost finished with his coffee jelly. ‘‘If you weren’t a psychic, Teruhashi probably would have managed to get you under one of the mistletoes.’‘ You remarked as you grabbed a biscuit. ‘‘Probably.’‘
You turned around, leaning against the table and saw Teruhashi guiding the three, late boys into the living room where you all currently stayed. Greeting them with a short ‘‘hey’‘, you returned your attention to Saiki. ‘‘Why are you even here? I mean, you must’ve known what her plan was.’‘ Your eyes fell to the coffee jelly cup he was now placing on the table. Amused and with a smile on your lips you shook your head, ‘‘You’re so easily bribed.’‘ Before he could say something Teruhashi called him over. It wasn’t hard to miss that she was standing under a mistletoe. It also wasn’t hard to miss that Saiki was thinking about what to do. If he went over there right now, he probably would end up having to kiss Teruhashi, if he ignored her he probably would draw even more unwanted attention on himself. So what he did instead was simply grabbing you by your arm and taking you with him. This caught you by surprise and you stumbled the first few steps, and maybe even choked a bit on your biscuit. He sent you an apologetic look but continued to hold you and take you with him. Teruhashi seemed surprised as well, her eyebrows shooting up for a brief moment before regaining control over her expression. You had to give it to Saiki, this was a smart way out. Teruhashi wouldn’t mention the mistletoe if there were three people standing beneath it. There was too much of a chance of her plan failing, for instance by you and her kissing, or you and saiki. Or like a weird throuple kiss, where all 3 of you had to kiss each other at the same time. ‘‘What did you want Teruhashi?’‘ You and Saiki had arrived and stood in front of her. It didn’t take long for you to notice that Saiki’s hand still held your arm. Right after you noticed Saiki quickly removed it, probably because he heard you thinking about it. Teruhashi started stammering, thinking of an excuse, ‘‘Ah! Uh! Hmm, oh! Actually I need you both to um get me something from the kitchen! I am very sorry for not doing it myself, I know that makes me a bad host, but... but I need to stay here! And make sure everyone feels welcome!” ‘‘Sure thing!’‘ You grinned. ‘‘Happy to help!’‘ Saiki and you turned around to find the kitchen. ‘‘Oh!’‘ you turned around halfway through the room, ‘‘What was it you needed?’‘. Teruhashi looked like a deer in headlights. ‘‘Plates!’‘ She exclaimed. You decided to ignore the big tower of plates that were already on the table and turned around again to continue the way to the kitchen. ‘‘Let’s get some more plates then.’‘ Saiki only hummed in response. ‘‘You know where the kitchen is, right?’‘ Looking over at Saiki you heard him tell you ‘yes’ telepathically. ‘‘Okay then.’‘ You continued your way to the kitchen in silence. Finally, after quite a long way, you reached the kitchen. This house mansion was really big. You and Saiki started searching the cabinets for plates. Once you and Saiki had found what you deemed were enough plates to satisfy Teruhashi, you couldn’t help but wonder if she was so prepared as to have placed some mistletoe branches in the kitchen. Just in case she and Saiki would end up here. ‘‘She did.’‘ Saiki told you. ‘‘Really? Where?’‘ There was a spot on the plate on top, so you cleaned it with your sleeve. Saiki didn’t reply, so you turned to look at him. He was already looking at you. ‘‘I didn’t see-’‘ Saiki moved his hand to point at the ceiling. A place on the ceiling that was right above you and him. As in: you and Saiki were standing beneath a freaking mistletoe. ‘‘Oh..’‘ was all you managed to say. Your cheeks were most certainly very red at this point. You had no idea what to say, or to do. It’s not that you didn’t want to kiss him, you just didn’t think he wanted to kiss you. And you didn’t want this stupid tradition to force him to. Saiki kept looking at you, and you kept looking at him. He probably, no, he had to know what you thought. He is a psychic afterall. So why wasn’t he saying anything? You were about to say something, about how you knew that it must be annoying how Teruhashi was trying to kiss him under the mistletoe and that you didn’t want to do the same thing to him, when he turned his head, eyes trained on somewhere, anywhere that was not your face. ‘‘Maybe I don’t mind if it’s you.’‘ You were stunned. Did this mean he liked you back? ‘‘Yes, it does.’‘ The blush on his face was now fairly obvious, and you were sure yours was too. ‘‘Oh..’’ was again all you could manage to say. He was still looking away from you. Collecting all your courage, you slowly reached up and put your hand on Saiki’s cheek. He turned back around to look at you. Smiling, you joked ‘‘Are we about to kiss?’‘ He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t hide the smile on his lips. You felt his hands softly resting on your hips. And his breath on your face. You felt the soft skin of his cheek, where your hand still rested. And then you just went for it. Closed the gap. Put your lips on his. Kissed him. You were kissing Saiki. You. were. kissing. Saiki. And he was kissing you. After a few seconds you pulled away. You couldn’t help but smile. He seemed to have the same problem, though his smile was small and barely noticeable. Most of it could be seen in the way his eyes softened. ‘‘We should probably get the plates to Teruhashi, before she comes looking for us.’‘ You whispered. He hummed in response. Yet, neither one of you moved. Your head fell towards his shoulder as you let out a giggle. ‘‘Come on, let’s go now.’‘ A/N: I’m open for writing a part 2 if people want it!
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Can I just say Bones does not get nearly enough credit for how well he reads people?? Like, we all forget that he is not only a doctor, he's a psychiatrist as well. And not only is he insanely good at reading Jim, we also see him read and understand Spock (who is his opposite and with whom he frequently disagrees) and push him when it's necessary. It's Bones' words that make some of the most powerful exchanges out of all the 79 original episodes. Here is proof (and there's a lot of it):
Balance of Terror
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Jim's doubting himself and is dealing with a lot of stress because of all his responsibilities and the burden of making decisions, and asks Bones, "What if I'm wrong?" This is an incredibly vulnerable moment for Jim, who always has to be strong, and when Bones starts to answer, Jim gets up and says "I wasn't really expecting an answer."
Bones immediately puts his hand on his shoulder, stops him, and says, "Well, I've got one." Completely unexpected by Jim. Bones starts off by saying "This isn't something I'd usually tell a customer," then gives the speech we all probably know, about how there are millions of possible earth-like planets, "but in all of that, and possibly more, only one of each of us. Don't destroy the one named Kirk."
Let's break down why this is so good. First, Bones lets Jim know that he sees how vulnerable Jim is being and that he's talking to Jim as a friend. He recognizes that Jim's identity is fundamentally tied to his role as a captain, and also acknowledges how deep Jim's doubts are going, and at the same time reminds Jim that he is the one in control of himself (something very grounding for Jim) and he is not alone (because Bones is supporting him). Most of all, he doesn't dwell on the vulnerability Jim's expressing, but encourages him to take action, which is Jim's natural bent. He perfectly adapts to how Jim functions and knows what to say to get him back into a place where he can do what he does best: lead.
The Ultimate Computer
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Jim has been been feeling insecure and threatened this entire episode, because a computer may take away his role as captain. Twice he seeks out Bones for comfort. First, he tells him that he has concerns about the computer, but worries about his motives. "You have my psychological profiles; am I afraid? Of losing my job? ...Daystrom's right, I could do a lot of other things. Am I afraid of losing the power, the prestige? Am I that petty?"
Bones replies, "Jim, if you're self-aware enough to ask that question, you don't need me to answer it for you. Why don't you ask James T. Kirk? He's a pretty honest guy."
Breakdown: Bones responds beautifully by once again reminding Jim that he knows himself and is in control. That sense of confidence is all Jim is after. He also establishes earlier in the conversation that what Jim is feeling is not unusual and can be understood. Brilliant.
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The second time Jim reaches out to Bones (this episode is my favorite for a reason), he's doubting his role even more intensely, having just been blatantly insulted and called useless (affirming his insecurities). He left the bridge, silently, by himself, and even Spock didn't follow him out. Bones knew he needed help and went to him, with some drinks (Jim initially responds that he's not interested in eating--coping by losing interest in food) and a joke and light-hearted attitude, so that Jim can feel comfortable expressing himself. Jim puts on an air of not caring (shutting himself off from his emotions) and says he's never felt so useless, and makes a cynical joke as a toast, "To Captain Dunsel" (the insult from earlier, meaning "unnecessary").
Bones stops him, looks him in the eye, and says "To James Kirk, Captain of the Enterprise." Jim says softly, "Thank you, Doctor," and when he downs his glass, Bones follows suit.
There's just so much good about this. Bones seeks him out even when he was trying to isolate himself because he knew Jim tends to distract himself and unhealthily repress things. And he doesn't let Jim get away with being blasé about how he's been hurt, but he doesn't force him to be honest either; instead, he lets Jim know he sees how he's feeling and how deeply he's hurt, and also reaffirms that Bones still cares about, respects, and most of all, believes in him. When Jim starts talking after the drink, Bones just listens and lets him talk, and when Jim responds to the call to the bridge, he follows him out. Back in action, and another job well done.
The Trouble With Tribbles
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Just a brief point with this: Spock is just being silent here, which is typical for him. But Bones asks him "What's the matter, Spock?" seemingly out of the blue. Spock responds with, "There's something disquieting about these creatures," which means that he was feeling off, and Bones picked up on it. Bones then makes a joke ("Don't tell me you've got a feeling!") which lets Spock know that Bones sees what he's saying but isn't treating it as unusual (since the joking between them is their normal behavior). And when Spock continues talking, he hears him out (although it eventually degenerates into their typical spat).
All Our Yesterdays
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Spock has begun degenerating into a pre-reformed-Vulcan version of himself. He gives up on trying to get back to their proper time and becomes irritable. Bones notices that something's wrong almost immediately.
He starts by asking about Jim (because he knows how deeply Spock cares for him), and Spock responds apathetically. This clearly shocks Bones, who then says "I don't believe it, Spock. It's just not like you to give up trying." When Spock doesn't acknowledge something's off, Bones presses him: "I understand. I never thought I'd see it, but I understand. You want to stay here. In fact, you're highly motivated to stay in this forsaken waste!" Spock deflects again, and Bones keeps pressing, which leads to Spock grabbing him by the neck and saying angrily, "I don't like that. I don't think I ever did, and now I'm sure." Bones simply looks him in the eye and asks calmly, "What's happening to you, Spock?"
Instead of hassling Spock about why he isn't doing more, he focuses on what's wrong with Spock himself, and he clearly has a deep understanding of who Spock really is. He starts by trying to get a feel for Spock's emotional state by going to ground 0: Jim. And he doesn't back down when Spock tries to blow him off.
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Seeing that he's getting nowhere, Bones bides his time, and then starts something with Zarabeth, knowing Spock will jump to her defense.
When Spock pins him against the wall, Bones calmly says, "Are you trying to kill me, Spock? Is that what you really want? Think! What are you feeling? Rage, jealousy--have you ever had those feelings before?" Spock is clearly affected by this, and says it's impossible, since he's a Vulcan. Bones sees his opening, saying "The Vulcan you knew won't exist for another 5000 years! Think, man! What's happening on your planet right now, at this very moment?" Spock answers with the facts, and Bones tells him flat-out what's going on: he's reverting. Spock falls quiet, and says, "I've lost myself. I do not know who I am."
Bones is specifically structuring his responses (both here and earlier) to cause Spock to evaluate himself--to think, which has always has grounded Spock. Bones indirectly (so that Spock doesn't feel as threatened by the accusation) indicates that Spock's being too emotional. He wants Spock to see for himself that something's wrong, so Bones asks questions or makes open-ended statements so that Spock will have to respond. He also provides enough evidence (pointing out the emotions Spock is feeling) to prove he has a point and guide Spock towards a conclusion. He's talking Spock through it, using reason and logic, which Spock has always responded to. Bones' questions are also phrased so that the answers are objective facts--he's bringing Spock back to the verifiable, Spock's comfort zone. Finally, he does the analysis for Spock, telling him what's undeniably happening, but leaves the course of action open to Spock, so that he can regain control of himself by deciding how to proceed. Bones smoothly and logically guided Spock to the delicate realization he needed to have.
Of Bread and Circuses
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Then of course we have this iconic exchange. Jim's been separated from the both of them and they are all in danger. Spock is pulling at the bars although he knows it will be futile.
Bones calls him out on this, and then thanks him for saving his life. When Spock brushes him off and keeps his walls up, Bones says, "I know why you're not afraid to die, Spock. You're more afraid of living. Every day you stay alive is just one more day you might slip--and let your human half peek out." Spock is silent and looks away, and Bones continues, now smiling slightly: "That's it, isn't it? Insecurity. Why, you wouldn't know what to do with a genuine, warm, decent feeling." His face makes it clear he's gently baiting Spock, who then looks back at Bones and says, "Really, Doctor?" Bones replies softly, "I know. I'm worried about Jim, too."
First thing: Spock's theme starts playing when Bones corners him. So we're supposed to get that Bones is really laying him bare. But starting from the beginning of the scene, Bones recognizes Spock's anxiety through his illogical behavior. He takes the time to thank Spock for saving his life, in an effort to remind Spock that he is competent and in control--basically, trying to calm Spock down and reassure him. When Spock refuses to deal with his emotions productively, Bones is having none of it, and shows Spock just how much he knows. He can tell Spock isn't worried for himself ("you're not afraid to die") but also is well aware of Spock's actual fears (which are coloring his current behavior towards Bones). Basically, Bones is saying, "this facade of yours can't keep me out. You're understood. You're not alone." Saying it in those terms, though, would just make Spock feel weak for unsuccessfully trying to mask his behavior, so Bones frames it as a gentle challenge. When Spock looks away, he can tell he's hit the nail on the head, and he smiles because he's getting through to him. His face as he says "you wouldn't know what to do with a genuine, warm, decent feeling" telegraphs to the audience that he's not actually serious, but is looking for a response. And he gets it--Spock acknowledges, as Bones had intended, that he is currently dealing with emotions. And that's where Bones wanted to get him, because now that he's admitted it, he can move forward; but Bones doesn't want this admission to go unrewarded, and definitely doesn't want Spock to go on believing that Bones meant what he'd said about not knowing what to do with feelings, so he again tells Spock that he understands what's really going on, but without challenge this time. He just accepts it and reassures Spock that he's not alone: "I know. I'm worried about Jim too." They're in it together, and now that Spock is a little more vulnerable, he's able to see that Bones is right beside him.
So that was a lot, but there is definitely even more. Basically, give Bones the appreciation he deserves, because his emotional intuition is off the charts. (After all, as he is so fond of reminding us, he is a doctor!)
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Snapshot ~ I.L.
A/n: 🥺 - that’s all I got for this one.
Request: “...Isaac lahey x male reader. The reader is a photographer and is super shy and sweet and Isaac likes him so the pack is pushing him to talk and ask him out.” By anon
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“Oh won’t you smile for me?” His smile was wide and brilliant. Breathtaking. It made Isaac shift, awkward, feeling his body go stiff as his mind went blank.
God, Y/n would the death of him.
“Why?” He grumbled, trying to play uninterested like he always did. Easier that way, he reminded himself. No one could get close. He couldn’t be let down again, not after everything he-
“Because you’re pretty when you smile.”
Isaac jerked, then cleared his throat, feeling his face burn. “I’m a guy. Aren’t I supposed to be handsome?”
Y/n wore a coy smile. “Aren’t art pieces always described as pretty?” He shrugged and Isaac felt the need to bolt. But that would have looked suspicious, so he didn’t. “I don’t know why pretty is reserved for women when men can be art as well. It’s an adjective - describes anyone. Anything. Dictionary definition says nothing about boys not being able to be pretty.
God he was smart too. Kill me now.
It had been like this for three and a half weeks now. It had all started when Isaac and Y/n had met by accident. Isaac was overwhelmed by all the smells and sounds that were jumping out at him after a particularly rough morning that had followed an even rougher weekend with his dad. He’d come to school thinking that it would be his favorite day, like every Monday was, because it meant he could be away from home and focus on something more pleasant and also more important. But it had been too much, the time that had come before school. And he had carried that with him, every noise and touch and look and demanding question as teachers took pleasure in catching him off guard and making him look like an idiot.
So, for lunch, he’d gone out to the field and hidden under the bleachers to get some peace and quiet like he used to before he was a wolf. Before he was part of Derek’s pack. Before his life had gotten a little better and a lot more stressful. Or, that had been the plan anyway. When he got there, someone else was already curled in the soft grass, eyes close and body completely relaxed. The boy’s arms were stretched out ahead of him, fingers open and almost reaching for a camera that had been abandoned.
It seemed like the person had fallen asleep while looking at or taking pictures, or maybe just holding the camera with no purpose. Isaac had woken the person up and had been instantly stolen of all ability to speak or think or even breathe as the most beautiful eyes opened. The boy made the cutest expression Isaac had ever seen - part confused and part disappointed, but also part happy. There was a small smile mixed with foggy gazes and knitted eyebrows. The boy slowly looked at Isaac and spoke. “I’m sorry. Am I in your spot?”
His voice was so... scratchy. It was like sex.
Isaac swallowed. “No. No sorry.” He’d gone to leave but then the boy had sat up, insisting he stay, and they had begun talking after Isaac had hesitantly agreed. Ever since then, Isaac and Y/n had been very close. It was perfectly casual between them, and neither had any problem with talking about whatever, or just sitting in silence if either needed that.
They were quite similar. Both tending to be quiet and withdrawn if given the chance. Y/n saw right through Isaac’s little show of swagger and confidence, and tended to hug him if he tried too hard, as if knowing he was doing it to try and deflect how terrible he felt. They could be real with each other, no expectations. It was like nothing else Isaac had ever felt.
Then one day, things had shifted. Just a little. Small enough that Isaac hadn’t really noticed it for a while. He knew that slowly they started to look at each other longer, even when neither of them were talking. They drifted closer, leaning against each other or resting a head on the other person’s shoulder, or laying in a lap, or just really anything to be touching. Isaac had gotten into the habit of just continually resting his arm across the back of Y/n’s shoulders. They invaded each other’s space constantly. They memorized each other’s orders for all the different places they went to get food, and if one of them was without something to eat, there was no scene made if one of them stole a bit from the other. It was drastically different than how Isaac acted with anyone else and it wasn’t long before others had started to notice.
“You should ask him out,” Erica had hummed one day, looking at her nails.
“Who?” Isaac had asked, eyebrows coming together in confusion.
“Y/n,” Erica had responded like it was the most obvious thing ever.
Boyd nodded. “You two have something special, and neither of you are hiding it. Kind of refreshing to see actually.”
Derek had raised an eyebrow. “Who’s Y/n?”
Isaac had been glaring at Erica when the question had been asked, so when he looked over his face still had traces of annoyance, as did his voice. “My friend. I met him under the bleachers about a month ago. We’re just friends though.”
After that, even those from Scott’s pack had begun to play at hinting for Isaac to make moves on Y/n. While they were fighting and taunting each other, Stiles made a snide comment about “his boyfriend” to Isaac, and somehow Isaac knew immediately who he was talking about.
Even outside of fighting when Scott tried to convince Erica and Isaac to be more careful, he said something that got under Isaac’s skin. “What would Y/n think about all of this? Because if he had to pick sides, I don’t think he’d pick Derek’s.”
He’d been handling it all well, he thought. Through all of that he’d bee able to keep denying his feelings and push away anything close to daydreams... unless he was really out of it and super bored and wanted to go to some sort of happy place, where he would return to that first day under the bleachers, except... every time he went there, Y/n and Isaac always ended up kissing. Despite all of the others’ prodding and the weird thoughts he could never totally shake, he could convince himself he didn’t feel that way toward Y/n.
Then Y/n had started flirting with him.
And now they were here.
Isaac tried to keep that line between them and two boys in love clearly, but every time he did Y/n danced around him as he drew with chalk, crossing the line before he could finish. Or sometimes stepping right over it, grinning smugly, arms crossed over his chest in teasing playfulness. Isaac couldn’t friendzone Y/n if he tried, and Y/n wasn’t giving any room to even try.
“Hey there Handsome.” Isaac felt his face heat up as Y/n moved into his view. The other boy had an adoring expression on his face.
The thing was, Y/n was really never like this with anyone else. He was usually really shy and reserved. The two had been open from the start, allowing them to bypass anxiety and shyness pretty quickly. So Isaac couldn’t tell if this was a secret side to Y/n that he couldn’t get the confidence to use on anyone else, or if he was actually flirting because he was interested. It would be Isaac’s luck that Y/n though the flirting was platonic and fun and meaningless while Isaac was losing his whole shit every time it happened.
“Hey.” His voice cracked when he said it so he cleared his throat. “What’s up, Y/n?”
There seemed to be slight disappointment that colored Y/n’s eyes. “Nothing much. I was just thinking about you so I thought I’d pop over and say hello to my favorite curly haired high schooler.” He reached up, running a hand through Isaac’s hair.
God Isaac almost lost all of his cool right in the middle of the damn hallway. There was nothing he liked more than having his hair played with, and he had imagined the feeling of Y/n’s hands combing through the strands hundreds of times but none of it had prepared him for reality.
Suddenly his body was hot and his mind was foggy and the bell was ringing for class to start and Isaac had had enough. He looked around quickly for anything, and then grabbed Y/n’s hand when he saw a janitorial closet, puling them both inside and locking the door. He rounded on Y/n. “Isaac-?”
“Do you understand how incredible you are?” Isaac demanded. “I never fail when I need to get my shit under control. I learned a long time ago how to seem calm and collected when everything else inside is burning to the ground. I can do it with anyone and everyone else and then you come within five feet of me and I’m a mess. Jesus Y/n please tell me that you understand how much I want to kiss you at literally all times and how absolutely insane it’s driving me.”
For a second, Y/n was stunned. Then, slowly, the biggest grin Isaac had ever seen bloomed on and Y/n reached up, grabbing Isaac by the collar and pulling him into a heated kiss.
The rest, I suppose, is history.
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