#one thing to hate about being a ipad artist
lavendersartistry · 6 months
I haven't been using my artist tablet in a good while, i need to get back to it
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lilybug-02 · 10 months
Happy 2 Year Anniversary to The Chara Timeline ✨
I FINALLY made drawing references for you guys, yippie!✨
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It’s wild how long I’ve been working on this comic without reference sheets. I’m never that consistent with my art style, so I figured it was a waste of time 🫥💀😔 this is my first full comic okay…
Thoughts and Feelings About the Comic Below ❤️💖💕💞
Wow. It’s been 2 years??? I thought I would be done with this comic in 2 months! I don’t know whether to feel worried or accomplished!!
(With months between each update, I understand why it’s been 2 years. I’m a slow writer and artist and well- many things have come up in my life that had to come first, like my sisters wedding! 💞 and college 😅)
I want to thank my family and friends (WHO DO NOT READ THIS COMIC- THANK GOD) 💕 AND I want to THANK YOU! The readers! 💐💐
You guys are relentless! I’m as impatient as traffic and yet you guys wait for weeks or months at a time for like 4 pages?! You guys don’t even complain!!! I truly want to thank you all for that ❤️ it helps me so much. Being busy and getting burnt out are common and it helps me feel relaxed that i'm not on a timer. Literally tho- you guys keep this comic chugging I swear. Tysm 💐
Unorganized rambling about the comic ahead :) ⭐️🔥
My feelings with this comic are actually so complicated. On one hand I hate looking at my older art because GOD IT LOOKS SO OFF I want to stab it, and then on the other hand I am so so proud of myself for even continuing it this far. Ngl the weird route has been one of my favorite parts of this comic. It took me FOREVER to figure out an ending, but damn do I still get chills >:) hehe.
I’m still miffed that I named this project “Deltarune: The Chara Timeline” I could have gone for something so much COOLER. Doesn’t help I use like 7 different titles for it either. We got Deltarune the Chara timeline, Deltarune chara timeline, THE Chara timeline, chara timeline, Ct??? Man,,, I’m crazy. I take after my family so hard. We have 3 names for each of our dogs 💀.
Comic/Animation Tip i have learned. It is VERY GOOD to make the character relatively simple in design. Shape language is also super important, ((but I never really got around to doing that before I was half way through the comic, woops.)) These things can make ur process go by so much faster. This whole comic has been a HUGE learning curve. LIKE OH MY GOD. I had to learn how to draw backgrounds, write dialogue, plan a story, learn how to draw fast and draw noses (which god damn I really still can’t). And I had to learn how the heck to squeeze art into a tiny page and make it not look grainy. It's intense!
Anyways.... this has been such an awesome opportunity! Thanks Toby Fox!
I totally ran out of “art time” for my iPad and wanted to finish this today. So it’s a bit rushed. I’ll add weapons and possibly the other characters later :)
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Oh shi- I forgot to add this grainy image of the next few pages lmao
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weclassybouquetfun · 3 months
We bid a very fond adieu to INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE and the coven Théâtre des Vampires.
Take a bow, luvvies!
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Especially Esme Appleton and Suzanne Andrade (who play Estelle and Celeste, respectively) the duo who are co-artistic directors of theatre 1927 which was responsible for the expressionism style of the plays and its projections.
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Fans can at least rest easy knowing that there will be a third series.
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Until then they and swoon over, swear over, sneer at or salute series two's finale.
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-Pretty much everything: Louis avenging Claudia (and Madeleine though IIRC her name wasn't even uttered this episode).
The bad thing about a fantastic villain is losing them and Santiago you had to die.
You did what with Claudia's ashes???
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But Ben Daniels, how do I love thee.
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-Armand and how he fumbled a bad b*tch part 2. My maître made mistakes, yes. But I'm going to pull a page out of Claudia's playbook of how she asked the coven if she could cry and say she's sorry too. Can't Armand cry like Lestat and be forgiven? What do you mean what he did was unforgiveable?
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It's terrible that Claudia was used as a pawn in Louis, Lestat and Armand's relationships. Louis needed her for salvation, Lestat had to turn her for the man she loved then resented her for the space she took in their relationship and then Armand, whether he was adhering to the Great Laws or not, went along with her murder IMO because he was fed up with Louis performing an affectation of love while Armand's neck was on the line.
Louis knew how to use Armand's vulnerabilities to keep him compliant and would turn cold when Armand wouldn't do what was being asked of him. Whether Santiago and the coven were gunning for Armand or not because of him letting the de Pointe du Lac de Lioncourts slide, Armand was ready to kill them because he hated that he was used and willingly let himself be used out of a need for love.
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He was so angry that he workshopped his hurt with the coven. I absolutely loved that he gave Sam a note about how the script didn't go deep enough into Louis' hoarding. Armand sat there listening to Louis talk about his Grey Gardens years like,
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Armand was fine with killing them in this protracted show trial, but had Louis burned, it would be a relatively quick death. I think when Armand heard Louis' screaming and knew he was approaching death, he had a change of heart and freed him.
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These three led their relationships as poorly as their joint hand hearts.
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-That leads to the reveal that Lestat made the choice to save Louis over Claudia and Madeleine. Which I don't think was even much of a choice to him. Yes, he would rather not Claudia die, but he figured it was fait accompli because he knew these vampires (as he warned Claudia in S1) and knew their ruthlessness. But there was no way he was going to let Louis die.
He brags about having Akasha blood in him, but he's still bleeding from the ear when using that mind control power. You still need to level up after Akasha?? A booster from a more powerful vamp?
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Claudia's death hurt him much more than he thought it would. He probably figured there would be feelings - she is his fledgling - but the horror and the finality of it devastated him. His daughter (and how great was it that Louis kept pushing that fact. She was their daughter.)
Which leads hovel Lestat.
Candlelit, ramshackled dwelling, with a wooden "piano", but practising with an iPad?
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Lestat, if you don't get on Amazon and order one of these!
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Lestat, know who you should bring on your tour? The grandson of Tom Anderson, Sidney.
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The Louis and Lestat reunion was beautiful and perfect in every way. But then again, I love when characters have a powerful moment while chaos is around them.
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And Louis chose himself! He didn't need to get back with Lestat, they both just really needed closure and forgiveness. The rest can come later.
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And even though we will likely never know what Louis says to Lestat, I think he says "I love you" at the end because that would be the last bit of healing Louis needs because kept himself from saying those words to Lestat their entire relationship.
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FIle Not Found
-Sam isn't author Samuel Beckett, but Sam the Talamasca informant and helmet wearing DJ, possibly Deadmau5?
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-At first I wondered why Louis' -whose family had a legacy in New Orleans- name would be lost to history, yet Lestat's alias is known. That Tom's and the Alderman's rep was still known, Louis' would as well and not just call him a Creole businessman. Then I wondered if it was because Grace "buried" Louis but her getting that crypt was symbolic. Even if their deed and other paperwork was under Lestat's aliases, the town knew who they were by name and I would think their names would be bandied about as much as Tom's as Louis and his "child bride" and Lestat went missing the same night as Tom, et al. But then I told myself I'm not Neil DeGrasse Tyson so I'm going to just enjoy and not logic police.
-In post-episode featurette Rollin says Daniel's vampire reveal happens when Daniel take off his sunglasses, meanwhile he's flashing almond shape nails throughout his interview. We know this man has been turned immediately.
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-The limo driver talking about his wife wanting to see New Edition at Essence Fest - N.E actually did play Essence Fest in 2022 so hat tip to the writers for putting that in.
-Louis returning home albeit briefly. I love that this episode addresses his family. This is completion. He has put down everything he was carrying and is ready to move into his new life. This was what he wanted to do when he and Claudia first left, but he couldn't move on because of "killing" Lestat. He's exorcised his ghosts.
-A Reddit user pointed out that the name above the crypt Louis uses to store his fresh kills is "Mapothier" and posits if it is a nod to Tom Cruise as his real surname is "Mapother".
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-Louis is still an AmEx holder, but now a black card haver.
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-Louis was the knight and now he owns it.
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Talk your sh*t, LDPDL!
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-Not from the episode, but I love how Jacob does the excited smack and it doesn't jar Sam at all.
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ju1cyfru1t · 9 months
rottmnt headcanons (pt.1?)
this is short I was just bored 🤞
(I have hella more than just these)
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- he has one of those stuffed animal net things above his bed because he doesn’t have room for all of them ON his bed
- ^ apologizes and feels bad if he knocks one off accidentally + makes his brothers apologize if they so much as move one to make room or if they knock one off (Leo throws them across the room)
- Implemented a swear jar; to no surprise, Donnie has paid the most
- has a scar on his bottom lip from his snaggle tooth and accidentally biting himself
- sobbed while watching the Barbie movie because he realized they don’t rlly have a mom 😭 (he still smothered Splinter after)
- there are just random holes and dents in the walls in the lair (especially his room) from his spikes
- said it once, and I’ll say it over and over again. He is a Taylor Swift stan, and ONLY refers to her as ‘TayTay,’ ‘T Swizzle,’ or ‘T Sweezy’
- ^favorite album is 1989
- Blasts ‘tolerate it’ when he’s “mad” at Donnie or Raph (or when they hurt his feelings)
- messiest room out of his brother, EXCEPT he keeps his shelves with his figures, comics, and stuff super neat
- ^walls are almost fully covered in posters
- makes A LOT of audible turtle noises like hissing, churring, etc.
- his knuckles and joints crack so fucking loud (he does it just to annoy Raph bc he hates the sound)
- ASTONISHING intuition. he’s one of those people who just KNOW when you’re hiding something or just like when bad things are about to happen.
- HATES carbonation
- Doesn’t usually show it, but it genuinely hurts his feelings when his family doesn’t listen to him about his science and inventions and interests
- He had a thin eyebrow phase only for like 3 days and it was NOT good 😭 he got absolutely flamed for it
- Velvet, felt fabric, and being sticky are big sensory no-no’s
- calls inanimate objects that he bumps into (and Leo) a whore
- I don’t think he likes coffee so much but if he does drink it it’s black
- his mask covers them but he has hella eyebags and dark circles
- prefers to watch a show/movie or youtube while he eats (iPad kid)
- Queen (the band) stan
- graffiti artist. not in like an illegal way, but like on alleyways, on the walls of the sewer, rooftops, abandoned buildings, etc.
- Copies Leo and also blasts ‘tolerate it’ by Taylor Swift in his room at full volume when he’s mad at Donnie or Raph /if they hurts his feelings, but he screams the lyrics (specifically the bridge)
- there’s still a family portrait he drew when he was like 6 hanging on the fridge
- his nails are always painted; yes orange, but also tries like every color you could think of it
- ^ spent a lot of time perfecting nail art (like smiley faces, flowers, patterns, etc.)
- has THE fastest fucking metabolism you have ever seen. the teenage boy hunger is STRONG
- Melanie Martinez stan
- ^ his favorite album is Crybaby
- has his own little game where he tries to see how many stickers he can put on his brothers shells without being caught
- 20+ hours of screen time on YouTube every week
- rarely ever sleeps in his own room and rotates sleeping in Leo, Donnie, or Raph’s room
- Conan Gray stan
- dreams of having his own talk show like Wendy Williams 😭
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twosoulss77 · 6 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but you are allowed to have a favourite ship, canon or not, out of a particular show.
Shipping is just a way for artist and what not to explore different dynamics, or even their own. That’s why I believe we should let people enjoy what they like, without forcing our own image of a certain spectrum into them. Especially cause shaming those people, for trying to explore their identity through art, might cause actual harm to them or cause them to not enjoy doing what they like anymore, bc of hateful comments from someone who hides behind a fake identity to hate on a fictional ship, which in itself it’s a very sad and pathetic way to live, but just cause your life is miserable doesn’t mean you need to make others people’s life miserable you know. Go touch Grass when you feel like being a dick!!!
As an AroAce fellow with no desire for a sexual relationship, I applaud and adore all those people making content of my fav husbands, let it be a fics smut or just normal fluff, I love it all SO MUCH Hazbin Hotel ep 5 changed my whole chemistry, and Say what you will about radioapple / appleradio, but I will always be entertained by the idea of Lucifer angrily doing acts of kindness for Alastor because it's what ‘Charlie would want’, and Alastor being a stupid ‘Bambi’ and try to wiggle himself out of it at the beginning, but then realise that he actually doesn’t mind the king of hell company at all. Both slowly growing to actually tolerate and maybe even like being around the other. Exchanging snarky remarks in a more playful way, playing music together, telling dad jokes, hating on the same delusions glorified iPad …like there is so much potential there that it’s crazy how much it pisses people off. It might be cause I am a sucker for Enemies to Friends to Lovers, but by God if that isn’t the best trope.
I know there will be some smart people out there, that are gonna be like “Alastor is ace”, but so are half the people who ship him!!! I hate when people make assumption on us, on who and how we want to love. I might not be interested in participating in sexual stuff myself, but that doesn’t stop me to explore my own ace-spectrum with these two characters, who if they wanted to could and would kiss each other, Cause for one I says so, I have the power to make that happen *insert hysterical laugh* And second It was confirmed that Alastor is a repulsed Ace, but would also be down to date someone if they were strong asf, (Confirmed in a stream, take that with a grain of salt) still makes this ship more possible than others.
Al being Aroace, doesn't mean he can't date or have sex, he's just not all that interested in it, but that could also derive from the fact that he hasn’t found the right person yet, so it doesn’t feel important to him yet. (fun fact aromantic wasn't the part of my struggle accepting that I was aroace it was actually accepting I was ace bc of my hyper sexual tendencies)
Also Alastor being aro just makes radioapple infinitely more funny to me, or any relationship with him for that matter. He is just this 7 feet tall demon with zero interest in romance, but always managing to find himself having beef with someone, possibly a guy, and act like he is either about to kiss or kill him XD
I really needed to get this off my chest and I absolutely mean every thing I said in here. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, but you'll be surprised to see how much happier you will be when you stop focusing on what other people are doing and instead focus on what you like.
Thanks for listening 😊💜
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lime-ether · 8 days
Why the , fuck are you blocking your fans? They just repost artists that are Russians, and it’s not their fault that their Putin attacked you
I didn't want to write something like this on this blog but damn. I wanted to close this topic once and for all. There's quite a lot of text here but I'm just tired of being called guilty for the fact that I'm still alive
Ahem, The most important
Don't talk to me in Russian. Do I understand it? Unfortunately, Yes. But I don't want to see it here in my safe space. There is UKR/ENG in my description for a reason.
Maybe when you come to this blog, you think that I am a friendly creator who treats everything neutrally, but no.
If you repost, draw, promote any content in Russian or Russian projects - go away, I'm not happy for you here.
Imbeciles who have never experienced real thought and learn about the world solely through fandom love to tell you wrong with the certainty of a gnat. They relax in their armchairs, scroll through TikTok, think poverty means not owning a house, maybe an iPad, and maybe check one article a day on Twitter/ X — only if it's about pop culture. Then they slide in a news of someone who survived the bombing, acting like they're the moral police. If you know nothing and your understanding is woefully shallow, at least try to resist the urge to write all kinds of nonsense
"bUt wHy cAn't I tAlK aNd sPrEaD fUnNy rUs mEmEs" or "LANGUAGE CAN'T HARM YOU" of course. but the people who use it have killed my neighbors, my parents friends, my uncle, Friends and EVEN A NIECE WHO WAS NOT EVEN A YEAR OLD and many more than just my family.
destroyed other people's houses and my plans for the future
They wish death on each of us every day and the saddest thing is that I grew up with this I don't remember what it was like to live without war, do you think it was three years? 10 years? No. It was practically always like that
So you know they organized the Holocaust–Or famine , made 'fraternal' wars between Ukrainians, simply KILLED OUR NATION EVERY TIME, but we manage to resurrect ourselves almost every time, And every time they try to break us again. It's not just Putin who comes and kills everyone, it's a whole nation that steals, kills and erases important things from history, it's a nation that comes and steals and abuses and steals our children, or do a crimes to women or men.
The most big thing
I hate when westerns joke about 'soviet'
But what I hate most is when they hypocritically repost pro-Palestinian posts and are completely calm about Russians who post what a good day they are having after bombing another residential area
If you are a western that somehow supports Russians and reposts their work, arts, animation, game's, Creation
you are a bad person for me, I'm disappointed in you, get out of here, And don't you dare come back here.
Because Is it THAT HARD for you to at least try to understand what other people might be feeling? It's so hard to check that the person you follow pays taxes and continues to support the nightmare?
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cammiluna · 3 months
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For maybe half a year, I wanted an Android tablet with a pen after hating the idea for almost a decade because Android's tablet ecosystem is garbage and it lacked good art software for a while.
Currently, there's a 2024 Galaxy S6 Lite refresh that's exclusive to Amazon at around $250, and I jumped on that to try out the Android artist space again.
Since I already have a tablet PC and an ipad to do my main art projects, I didn't need a high end android tablet. Just something I can take on my regular commutes for notes and doodles which the other two devices are too bulky for.
I can tell you though, that this is pretty slow. Takes a while to load anything, charges maybe half as fast as modern phones or tablets in the $500 range, and while Clip Studio ran fine for drawing, I've had slight lag using the Concepts App. I suspect you can't make print-resolution comics with this thing, but it draws, and i do all my media consumption on other devices anyway.
Another thing to note is that the pen (which is included, yay) looks exactly the same as the S-pens that come with the normal Galaxy S models (at least my S7 from a few years ago), but it's not as weighted because there's no bluetooth hardware inside. I'm drawing with it fine, though I do switch pens sometimes.
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If anyone is interested, I can write a long info post one of these days about all the S-Pen alternatives I know of and tried. At first, I was gonna save up extra money to get the new XP-Pen android tablet, but I like the flexibility of Wacom-powered EMR pens where i can choose between things like comfortable grip or something that magnetically attaches to the device or something. It's also easier to get cute cases and screen protectors for samsungs since they've been around forever!
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There's three versions of the S6 lite. The new one has a slight spec bump and runs Android 14, so it should last a few years (both the XP Pen and Huion Androids are permanently stuck on Android 12). I believe the 2020 version is still supported, upgradeable to Android 13 and the third version is the 2022 version. All three are exactly the same in size and features- they just have different processors and android versions out of the box.
I won't call this a beginner's tablet. If you're a beginner artist who hates apple and wants a standalone drawing tablet, but you also happen to have $500-700 standing around, splurge in getting a better tablet. If you don't like it for drawing, it can still be used for media consumption.
I don't regret this purchase because it does what I need it to in the most basic sense, but I would only recommend it if your needs for an android drawing tablet are the same as mine (super casual art and being able to try out android versions of drawing apps), or you are on a super tight budget. I believe the Galaxy S9 FE and the XP-Pen Magic Drawing Pad are good mid-tier models while the normal Galaxy S9/Plus/Ultra are the high tier.
This is probably the cheapest EMR Android tablet that comes with a pen and oh boy does the pen write so smooth!
I wish i can retire from using an ipad for art, but I need to learn how to use Clip Studio first since I've become overly-dependent on Procreate.
ah well!
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dissociationdude · 2 months
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Hi everyone, my name is Milos, and I felt it was time for a new introduction. 
I’m a 24 year old neurodivergent nonbinary queer multimedia expressionist artist. 
Wow, a lot of labels I know! I just feel these are the most important ones for me.
I’m based in Ontario, Canada.
My work is a very personal part of me. I use art for therapeutic reasons most of the time, and the expressionism is a very important aspect of that. Most of the time I do not think of the final product of what I am making, just focus on what I’m feeling while I create and evoking those emotions with my art. I have a lot of work based on traumatic events, but the reason for these creations was never to evoke the feelings of being alone, unwanted, etcetera; they were created to make the viewers who deal with the same emotions to feel less alone in those things. It is for those who have survived trauma to know it’s hard to have that trauma and carry it, and there is safe spaces to put it down. My art is aiming to be a safe place to survivors who are struggling, to provide a place to weep, to provide a place to be seen. Many of my works are graphic, talking about the trauma I went through in ways others find grotesque. And to that I say: Why should I have to carry something so grotesque, alone? Why can’t I put it down somewhere, and put the appropriate context warnings? My work is not to promote the grotesque in a way that is profiting, but to show that this is what some people endure in life. I want to be allowed to show my darkest vulnerabilities with my art, because I shouldn’t have to feel shame for what others have done to me, and nobody else should hold onto shame caused by others harming them, in my eyes. My work is a conversation starter about how trauma manifests in people. I want it to be that way. Other times, my work is very bright, happy, storytelling. It depends on what I’m going for in the respect of the piece being about the trauma events, or the trauma recovery. I basically just make a lot of work based on different trauma. I tend to pull inspiration from musicians I like as well. Many people knew me for my Crywank album series, I did art for almost every song of every album they have made. 
I always want to evoke emotion with colour and narrative, and I do that with various tools. Digitally I work on an iPad Pro 4th gen 12.9 inch and an Apple Pencil that I bought used off a friend. I also have a Wacom bamboo tablet for my computer and when I use adobe products for university. I have a variety of magazines, books, paper, that I use for collage works. I often paint with acrylic paint on canvas for paintings, but sometimes wood boards as well. When I work in sketchbooks they’re usually max size 5x7inches for travel purposes, but my pencil case is huge and loaded with supplies. I always have a bag of words handy for collage poetry.
I am really not into talking about myself in regards to my personality, but I feel like I’m a very anxious but always trying their best kind of guy. I don't have other socials I'm sharing on because I have grown to hate social media. I don’t really do much for work aside from lawn care because my disabilities, but I am in university full time pursuing to be an art therapist, and I’m doing my best to adapt to living in a safe, non traumatizing environment. 
Thanks for enjoying my art in the process of me learning to love myself fully, and accept my trauma. 
Love to everyone,
Milos / Dissociationdude 
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urapunk · 15 days
bryce montrose headcanons? and if you ship him with chad, hcs for their ship as well ?
i dont know literally anything about bryce but im gonna try
Bryce Montrose & Chad Morris HCs!
Some are about Bryce singularly, some are about Chad singularly.
Bryce loves debating. He loves making up valid arguments and having the exhilerating feeling of being correct. Bullworth once had a debate team but after like 3 months everyone in it left except for Bryce and... Gord for some reason? I HC he likes debate too. Chad loves to support this, to give him topics for him to write on.
Speaking of writing, bryce loves writing ANYTHING. He writes like he talks, fancy words sprinkled in with a bit of 'like, uh' unless the paper is supposed to be professional.
Grape Soda Gobbler. He LOVES grape soda to no end, and would probably sell his friends on the conditions he gets an endless supply. He just likes grape soda... And only he likes grape soda. He and 3 other folks at bullworth, ew. Special mention; cherry coke. The preps love cherry coke, but nobody loves it more than derby.
Has an odd love for board games. He will rip you apart in Monopoly or Sorry, just becaude he can. He loves to ask chad id they can play a board game because it's just fun. And chad usually complies, modtly because when it comes to bryce he think son thing and one thing only. 'Whatever you say beautiful'
Chad LOVES Lesley Gore. His head'll be totally gone while he's humming Little Girl Go Home. He also adores other 1960/50s artists, like Paul Anka or A LITTLE bit of Johnny Cash. He thinks his music is pauper music.
Chad cannot stand the winter. He hated the cold, hates how his feet feel like ice cubes and mint gum when he walks, and how his lips get more chapped in the winter. Also, nobody likes a stuffy nose.
Bryce likes to help with his hate of the cold, they are certified cuddlebugs your honor.
Chad cant eat without something distracting him sometimes. He just cant, it's boring like that. He's like the 2006 version of an ipad kid, just always infront of the TV in his spare.
Chad loves Purple. His silk sheets? Purple. Journals and notebooks? Purple. PENS? PURPLE! His first car would be purple too, maybe with gold colored accents. His car would be expensive is what I'm saying.
They dont like to he seperated. Bryce likes knowing that chad is there so he could smush his cheek against chads shoulder, or hold him and sway with his face buried in the collar of chads polo. They hook pinkies when they're sitting in class all focused because bryce never wants to stop touching chad.
Chad's face flushes insanely. It only shows up as a slight blush on his skin but trust me, he's redder than a tomato in lipstick. Bryce always gets worried when he feels chads face is insanely warm.
Chad once threw a tennis ball into a bush of flowers for chester to return with.. A sloppery half attempt at a wedding photo worthy moment and bouquet, but Bryce got the idea and nearly melted. It was adorable.
Bryce loves to buy things. Small, or big, if chad wants it he gets it. He mentioned a particular scent? Bryce searched for hours to find it. He's dedicated and its adorable, especially when it's just something small like a specific flavor of lip balm or a discontinued drink he likes.
Bryce loves Chad's dog Chester. He cant stand when the slobbery little animal looks at him. He goes straight to scratch attacking his body before behind the ears and chin. If chester is laying down Bryce will sit criss cross beside him and rub his tummy like he needs to make electricity with the friction.
(i was wondering why i wasnt getting anyone to interact then i realized I FORGOT TAGS. I DIDNT ADD ANY TAGS THE FIRST TIME.)
(Chads favorite Lesley Gore song. vvv)
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So I went ahead and deleted my last post because honestly- I get the criticism with the skin tones now. They do need to do better when designing characters of color in this show- I do think there’s an issue with many artists making darker skin look ashy and gray and while for some characters it makes sense, it loses the meaning when it’s every single character in a series.
Personally, if I ever draw a character who is a POC- I try to research and find as many different references as I can so I don’t get any of it wrong. I’m not the best artist, but I try to have variety when it comes to what I draw. I also love learning new things, before my iPad broke I had a study I was doing where I practiced drawing characters with box braids, locks, textured curly hair, and I had been working on different Afro styles most recently. It was hard, but that’s why I was doing a study of the styles (RIP iPad- that’s all gone now). As for skin tones- I love doing a variety on that as well. I will say that I have seen plenty of people being borderline colorist when it comes to these characters- the fact that the skin was lighter was not the problem, I think it’s more so the lack of warmth and saturation?
Since you have characters with a more vibrant color palette in heaven- there’s not much of a reason to make Sera and Emily very desaturated (though I argue that Em is worse than Sera in this situation). I do hope we have more variety with characters in seasons 2 and 3- but I’m actually very unsure. Based on what we’ve seen so far.
Also, just a side note, don’t even get me started on Alastor- he was brought up quite a bit on my now deleted post. I have plenty of issues with the design and just slapping the “oh yeah he’s half creole” just to excuse the use of voodoo symbols in the show- I absolutely agree that’s that’s shady. I know that his demon form is supposed to reflect whatever he did in life/ how he died but like- he has NO ethnic features?? I know there’s mixed people who have light skin and practically no ethnic features- but I feel like we need some visual indicator rather than a “yeah hes mixed” randomly said on a stream one day. Most people are going to assume that he was a white man. Maybe that’ll change once we get his backstory- but who knows.
Anyways- that’s all I’m gonna really say about it. I do love this show but it absolutely has its flaws. I hate how the genuine criticisms are overshadowed by people who just hate the show and Viv- because there are some really valid takes out there, it’s just hard to find the ones who are genuinely just pointing out the shows flaws in a constructive way.
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moonsundra · 1 month
GUYS I think I found my style, still working on it, but I'm definitely getting there. That's the first time I loved my digital drawings, omg. That has never happened before. I have already made 2 drawings( well, one done and the other one is a sketch) for the fraxus week prompts, I'm so excited and nervous about my first entry. Anyway, here's my "little" rant, because I have no one to talk to about it and I know no one will see it( kinda treat this blog as a diary at this point) but I guess if you want to get to know me better here it is. I was always drawing only realism - portraits, skeletons, skulls and nature with a pencil on paper( can you tell I major in biology lol), a little bit of anime style too. i find it a lot easier to do realism, I just have to copy what I see. I love artists with stylized styles so much, you don't understand how much🛐, it's a lot of work and I love all of the unique styles. If someone who makes art is reading it, I want you to know you're very loved by me, no matter if you're a pro or a beginner, I love you❤️ I'm not an artist and I'm fine with that ( I'm a science teacher lol, I hope none of my students will ever find out about my hobby) I just love drawing, learning how construction and color work and it takes away my anxiety and worries, makes me focused only on the art I'm making. I really did feel like I was already good at art. But not that long ago I got an iPad with procreate and wanted to try digital art. I have never been so humbled. I couldn't understand how layers work, I was chicken scratching all the time, because I couldn't get the pressure sensitivity right and IT DIDN'T FEEL LIKE PAPER AT ALL😭 probably didn't help that I use a fake ass apple pencil, that can't do it right. I needed like 3 months( probably less, but felt like it) to finally start being confident in my lines. I knew I didn't want to draw realism anymore. It felt boring. At first I tried mixing it with an anime style, but I hated it. You have no idea how much time those first drawings that I posted took. No less than 10 hours. And a lot of the lines there were traced from my paper drawings. I was only starting to get into digital art, it's all so embarrassing to look at right now. If I could redo them now I would change a lot of things. I didn't know anything about blending modes, now that I look at the hair and eyes IT'S SO BAD, I didn't know how to change the size of canvas and so on. I have never been in any art community, because I didn't really own any social media, my friends are all from STEM and I'm forever an outsider :) I don't think I have ever even talked to an artist, even though I wish I could. I was very stupid back then about many digital art topics, but now I've educated myself a lot more. everyday I draw and everyday I learn something new and it's so exciting, I haven't felt that way about art in a long time. But at the same time I'm this 🤏 close to give up on digital art, delete this whole blog , break down and hate myself for ever trying
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lofibeanie · 12 days
I have never been an Apple iDevice person but imma be honest, since Procreate put out the statement on anti-AI generated images and stuff, I have been looking into buying an iPad purely so I can start learning how to use Procreate (gdi for only being on iOS)
I have 3 pays until my birthday so HOPEFULLY I will be able to have enough saved to get it as a bday present to myself lol. I also have a con in a couple weeks so. Who knows how that will turn out. Artist Alleys make me wanna spend all of my money...I need to be careful :') I'm going both days so I need to be even more responsible LOL
Still umming and ahhing between the 11" and the 13" iPad Air M2 (I cannot justify the Pro, oof, I ain't made of money), and I definitely want the 256GB one. Obviously need the Apple Pencil too (Pro? Maybe?). Then there's the stuff like the case, need nib protectors too bc I want a paperlike screen protector bc I have a Samsung tablet atm and it's a glossy screen and it kinda sucks for drawing on. My Cintiq is a more matte screen which is SO MUCH NICER to draw on.
I have ideas and I want a portable option so I don't have to just sit at my desk, I can sit anywhere in the house or even bring it when I go out places, etc, etc...also Procreate has some really neat features (I love you CSP but I am not paying for 2 subscriptions) I was trying it out on my sister's iPad and it's pretty nice indeed, I could get used to this. Also the amount of user-made assets and tutorials for Procreate is so cool, I know I can definitely find something that's in the realm of what I'm wanting to do :3
Also I am one of those people who loves customising their devices and it's so much easier to do on an Apple device over an Android. I use a Samsung phone and I do have it to a point where I really like how I've customised it, but my tablet is another story - it's okay but ehhhh, I want it different. Yes I am going to change my icons when I get my iPad, this thing is gonna be so fun when I am done with it. Still thinking about if I should get a clear back folio case so I can stick prints and stuff in the back or if I should just go for a regular folio case, but that's a problem for idk, a few weeks from now.
Oh god my birthday is in just over a month-
Anyway yeah. Hoping to get the iPad and stuff around my birthday but knowing me it'll prooooobably be closer to Christmas but also I hate waiting so we'll see if my impatience is stronger than my impulsively spending on other stuff I don't need - place your bets now /hj
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Writer Artist Interview Game
I am not really a writer. I write short drabbles on occasion but it's really not what I'd call my vocation. Hence, I dared to change the topic of this game. :-)
When did you start drawing?
The usual: very young. Always preferred images over letters. They reached me quicker and more reliably than words on paper. For the same reason I hate phone calls or even chats without emojis, as I cannot SEE what's going on. So, drawing a lot, always, for any fandom I liked and many other things, too.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy seeing than what you draw?
Since the images that wow me are not from one particular genre or style, I can't really gauge what I like and what not. I am easily affected by colours and I will always cherish anything drawn with intent and passion, no matter the skills of the artist.
Is there an artist you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Oh no, this would be such a good opportunity to shout out so many amazing artists out there! But... I don't have so much time to go research, as sadly I don't have it all in my head. T_T (I am so sorry!)
But I often find myself inspired by art I see, and then attempt to copy that style. Here is a collection of images that were done specifically inspired by other artists:
(If asked, I can probably name two of these four artists... it's been a long time...)
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And a lot more images showing how I try to emulate a canon style:
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Can you tell me a bit about your drawing space?
Office table, weirdly wedged into my room, height adjustable so I can stand, too. I'm currently using an iPad Pro and ProCreate as my tools to create.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I don't worry about it. When you do something for fun, then there is no point in forcing you when you feel like you haven't been productive lately. I can be sad about it, sure, but in the end, you only do what you do and that's good and enough!
Distraction works also, as much as being busy with work. The little bit of free time then is more urgently used to get that one particular idea onto paper.
Are there any recurring themes in your drawings? Do they surprise you?
Uhm... I don't think so.
What is your reason for drawing?
I like seeing things! I draw to be able to see on paper what I imagine. Somehow that gives me a good feeling.
I also love to draw for others, because it's just as awesome for them to see their imagination on paper! Plus, I get to see these people happy. xD
What do you feel is your greatest strength as an artist?
Well, the above, I guess. I can visualise things and bring across an idea pretty much exactly as it is to someone else. I think I consider that my purpose as artist.
How do you feel about your own art?
I am finally at a point where I enjoy my own art a lot. That doesn't mean I am free of doubts, for I regularly still run into problems, like a face that refuses to look like I want, or a pose that's just too complex without reference etc. But by now, I shrug and move on to the next, with knowledge and more experience to make it better then the previous one. So, the learning curve has definitely not ended yet!
Thanks a lot for being tagged, @noisette-tornade.
I'll tag these guys: @feli026, @afktales ( you can change it back to writing!), @mochiandturtles, and... anyone who would like to do it. Please tag me, so I can read it! My mind is empty, I can't think of so many people right now. ...
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
1. Would you say you're more likely to be a Sibling of Sin or a Ghoul? Why?
I see myself being both a Sibling and a Ghoul. I'm very reserved and silent when I first meet people but once I know them enough I become very open, eccentric and loud, Im a very hypersexual person and im open with friends so I see myself fitting in with the ghouls, I can be 'feral' at times.
2. Which Papa would you prefer to work with? Why? (Sister Imperator is included)
Terzo or Copia, I am very sexual and provocative so I think we would work together well, but I love rats, and juice and enjoy showing off the sweet side of myself
3. Are you an introvert, ambivert or an extrovert? Tell us a bit more about it.
Ambivert; as stated earlier if I don't know you I won't interact with you a lot or talk but once we know each other ill talk about anything really
4. What chore do you like the most/hate the least?
Like; barely any but I suppose sorting items and cooking if you count that?
I hate cleaning.
5. Do you like to travel, or maybe you prefer to stay at home?
Ideally; going out but currently staying home as I'm working on my figure and working out
6. Freebie. You've got five sentences to tell us anything you want about you.
In a charming, artistic trans man who spends most of my day in bed but when I'm not in bed or asleep, I play games on my iPad and computer and buy things online and at thrift/op shops. I look after my cat and dog. I crochet things and go online I suppose. I also watch horror movies a lot.
The role in ministry event ended on July 20th
Your role in the Ministry is...Keeper of the Ministry’s thrift shop.
You work for Terzo. He actively encourages your hyper sexuality and provocativeness.
He gets excited when finding stuff for the shop. There are certain items, that you’ve had to tell him multiple times, are not acceptable/hygienic/appropriate to sell second hand.
All funds raised go towards the clergy.
You can sell your crochet works in the shop too.
Copia comes in a lot and you’ll often end up chatting while drinking juice boxes. He’ll ask you to crochet things for his rats. His little face when you made one of them a little hat and scarf.
He lets you visit his rats whenever you like.
Your cat and dog are welcome in the shop so they keep you company during the day.
The Ghouls love the shop, they love feeling the different materials of all the clothes you have.
Phantom gets so excited by everything he’ll literally pick each item up and try and figure out what it is/what it’s for.
Written by Nyx
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
How about an iPad with a cheap third-party keyboard attachment? (I you don't already have one you draw on, I follow so many artists and I'm not sure what you draw on, sorry)
I know that plenty of artists either work mostly or exclusively on the iPad and love it, but, with all respect to them and to you, for me, that sounds like hell.
I currently draw using a Wacom tablet, the kind that sits flat on the desk while I look up at my drawing program in a second monitor, with my laptop next to it. I like having a large drawing space that I don't have to block with my hand, and I like having a big screen or two to move things around on. I have an early-generation iPad that I use to draw when I'm away from home, and using it feels like being trapped in that little flat eternal jail dimension the criminals get trapped in at the start of Superman*. I hate having to touch or tap around with my stylus to select different tools instead of having tablet buttons and keyboard shortcuts, and I hate the small size of the screen relative to even my laptop.
not to mention all the stuff you can do on a normal, salt-of-the-earth, god-fearing computer that's awkward-to-impossible on an iPad, with the way the UI is laid out and structured. It looks like a giant smartphone screen. Gross.
an iPad also wouldn't solve my problem of, "software I want to use is incompatible with Mac OS".
My mind might change someday, but for now I really like flat tablet + two monitors at a desk for my personal work-from-home setup.
*I think it's Superman? You'd be surprised, but variations on "criminals superman space prison" is not a very helpful google.
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mallowmaenad · 6 months
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back when i was trying to get back into brute forcing game dev (i am very stupid) I had aspirations of making an RPG in the Doom engine inspired by stuff like Strife, Hedon and Lycanthorn as well as a Hylics mod my friend was making for Doom which gave me the idea to make it about a cartoonish wizard that used spells with goofy hand gestures in place of regular weapons. I got disheartened when I was told about the limitations of DoomBuilder and my depression and then my life when to absolute shit before I could do anything but hold onto my soul like the safety rail of a rollercoaster car. I still thought about it a lot in the back of my mind, about enemy types like necromancers that would turn dead enemies into animated skeletons, a large battle between two castles the player would get into, secret forest mazes, magic items that would give you a double jump or a hover, the Doom Eternal-like rhythm of strafing and swapping spells for certain enemies, even a small class system that affected your starting gear and a plot about animated dolls and the sheltered life of a wizard's apprentice. Inventory would be managed in a "mind palace" where you could also check your quest progress and find secret levels taking place in the player character's psyche. One of the spells in this drawing is "shooting star," where you hold down the fire button to conjure more stars and release to fire them one after the other or press alt fire to release them all at once in a shotgun-like spread.
I have a friend who might teach me rpg maker which I'm excited for but I don't think it's what would fit what I had in mind for this game. Maybe with some encouragement and guidance I'll return to DoomBuilder or something similar. I'd like to, but thinking about doing it and actually doing it are two different things. I think when I started making music I was imagining it'd be this game's soundtrack, I know making a game on your own especially the open world zelda-meets-dragons-dogma adventure game I had in my head is incredibly difficult, but I think I could at least do the music, graphics, writing and maybe a portion of the actual meat. It'd look a bit ugly on purpose like if a team of deviant art users were tasked with rebooting a 3DO game with an insultingly mediocre stab at imitating the works of graham kartna, toby fox and some of niel cic's older stuff like what he was doing under the name Deporiatz.
I don't know. Ive felt stupid all of my adult life, I hate being stupid and learning is hard, I've been extremely insecure about my art ever since ny ipad shattered and I could no longer draw with the same polish I had before, last time I asked for art criticism I was told "this looks like you don't draw very often" by an artist I really adored and that kinda put me in the muck about it. I still draw I just rarely post it out of anxiety. Idk I guess I'm trying to rip some sort of band aid off and see what happens. Probably nothing, the number of people who will see this are probably in the single digits and ill probably delete this post out of embarrassment in a few days, but the thoughts will stay with me.
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