#one time i drunkenly left my water bottle at some guys apartment
mag200 · 1 year
the way young kids feel attached to their phones is the way i am about having a beverage. like water or coffee or iced tea or a smoothie or something else idc. if i dont have a beverage accessible at all times i will cry like a little baby. im like if a guys idle animation was sipping a drink. if im leaving the house its with my water bottle and possibly another drink of some sort. at all times i am aware of the threat of dehydration. sipping a drink is like a hobby to me. you could ask me if i have any plans on my day off and im like oh i’ll definitely be having some coffee.
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
All I Need
Pairing: Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Words: 4512
Summary: Andy has been drowning his grief at your bar for weeks. You help him dry out after a particularly bad night.
Warnings: Major angst!, softish Andy Barber, slight AU (spoilers for Defending Jacob book), explicit language, explicit sexual content (fingering, unprotected vaginal intercourse), descriptions of excessive drinking by adult of appropriate age, SMUT, 18+ only!
A/N: I have officially jumped on the love train for everyone’s favorite floofy lawyer. The sad!boi activated my caretaker instincts so this is pretty soft compared to my normal fics, and extremely angsty. Plus the smut kind of got away from me, I actually had to stop myself from writing even more! 
Checkout my masterlist and join my taglist if your inclined!
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“Shit!! Jesse!” you screamed over your shoulder towards the kitchen, grabbing the bat from under the register as you jumped over the bar to break up the fight.
You swore under your breath as you moved toward the two men who were brawling. The smaller one seemed to have the upper hand, but it didn’t seem like the larger man was putting up much resistance. Maggie just stood there watching them with bambi eyes as you heard your giant cook rumble behind you, ripping off his apron to lend you a hand.
“What the fuck happened, Mags?” You hissed at your bartender, trying to haul the men apart with little success.
“Neal just came over and said he was sorry, and he just lost it.” The poor girl looked like she was on the verge of tears. Granted, she probably wasn’t expecting to have to deal with brawls in downtown Newton at a lawyer bar, but Neal sure seemed to invite violent reactions whenever he opened his stupid mouth.
You lost your patience and smashed an empty glass on the floor next to the two men, shocking them out of it. Neal rose to his feet with a look of fury on his face, but you kept your eyes on Andy Barber.
He’d spent pretty much every night this week since the funeral at your bar. His face was pallid and he had dark rings under his eyes. He was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, and he smelled like stale bourbon. Now he was rolling around on the floor aimlessly like a slug.
“Get the fuck out of my bar, Neal.” You said exasperatedly, spying the mostly empty bottle of bourbon on Barber’s table.
“What, I didn’t do anything!” the giant whined at you.
“Really?! You couldn’t just leave the poor guy alone? Jesus Neal! I don’t wanna see you in here for a month.” You hooked your arms under Andy’s and dragged him to sit on the bench, his head lolling drunkenly on his neck as you tried to assess how far gone he was.
“Fuck you, bitch.” Neal spat at you as he turned on his heel and stormed out, slamming the front door behind him.
“Have a great night!” You called after him, sarcastically, flipping him off.
“You sure that’s a good idea, boss?” Jesse asked, his massive arms crossed over his chest as he shook his head at you.
“Who cares, I hate that smug asshole. Hey, Andy?” You snapped your fingers in front of his face and he slapped your hand away lazily, growling under his breath. “You sneak behind the bar again, man?”
“I swear, I didn’t sell him a bottle, Y/N.” Her chin was quivering as tears slowly leaked down her cheeks.
“I know Mags, he’s a sneaky bastard. Don’t worry, sweetie, you’re not in any trouble. Go to the bathroom and splash some water on your face.” You watched her scurry off to the bathroom and rubbed a hand over your face. “Fuck. I’m gonna call in Emma to give Maggie a hand. You ok locking up tonight Jess?”
“Sure, what’re you thinking?”
You just stared at Andy with overwhelming pity as he almost slid of the bench, forcing you to keep a steadying hand on his shoulder. “I’m gonna take him back to his hotel and help him dry out. Wouldn’t feel right just kicking him to the curb.”
“You’re too soft, Y/N.” Jess chortled at you.
“Yeah, maybe. Can you bring me an ice bucket?” You hooked his arm over your shoulder and hauled him to his feet so you could make your way out to your car.
Jess got your bucket from behind the bar as you hobbled outside. You managed to get your passenger door open and you slid Andy inside. His head rolled on his shoulders as you buckled him in before shoving the bucket into his lap.
“Andy, can you hear me? Don’t you fucking puke in my car!”
He grunted in acknowledgment and wrapped his arms around the bucket, curling himself over to hang his head above it.
“You sure you shouldn’t be taking him to a hospital, Y/N?”
“No… mmph… no fucking hospital!” Andy slurred at you as you slammed the door closed.
“I’m pretty sure he’d jump out of the car if he thought I was taking him to the hospital Jess.” You murmured as you circled to the driver’s side. “Thanks for closing, you’re the best!”
You watched him wave in your rearview as you drove off, making sure to keep one eye on Andy as he groaned over his bucket.
You reached his hotel in 15 minutes, grateful for the short drive as the man was looking greener by the second. You dug your hands in the pockets of his coat, searching for the keys to his room and you thankfully found them quickly. You were relieved to see he was on the first floor, as you didn’t trust your ability to safely get him up the stairs.
Getting Andy out of your car was a deal harder than getting him in, as he slipped further into his alcohol induced stupor. You almost dropped him when you wrenched him out of his seat, and you basically carried him to his room.
You somehow managed to get the door unlocked and drag him inside right when you heard his stomach roil. You cursed under your breath as you scrambled to get him to the bathroom, shoving his head in the toilet just in time as he emptied his gut.
“Shit, Andy.” You hissed, your hands on your knees as you tried your best to breathe deeply and get accustomed to the scent of his alcohol-soaked stomach contents. Once you were sure he was relatively stable, you moved to the kitchenette and filled a glass with tepid water before returning to find him leaned back against the wall. “Drink.” You ordered, kneeling beside him and bringing the glass up to his lips.
His eyes locked onto yours as he chugged the water down greedily. No sooner had he swallowed the glass’ contents than he was lunging forward to throw it back up. You tutted worriedly as you rubbed a hand over his back and used the other to start the shower.
“Why the fuck are you here, Y/N?” He grumbled miserably, not bothering to lift his head as you dragged his coat over his shoulders and threw out into the living area.
“I couldn’t have you killing yourself in my bar, Andy. Where’s your phone?” His stomach seemed to have calmed down, so you drew him to lean back against the wall and started to tug off his boots.
“S’in my back pocket.” He slurred at you. You rolled him over and drew the phone out of his jeans to set it on the counter. “You could’ve let me do it here.”
“Nah.” You said. “If you quit coming around, what excuse am I gonna have to kick Neal out?” You rolled up your sleeves and thrust your hand under the shower’s flow, checking the temperature. “Hey, don’t you dare pass out on me!” You slapped him in the face as he started to doze off and you worked on getting him undressed. “I’m fucking serious, Barber, you don’t get to drink yourself to death on my watch.” You finally got his shirt off and started to drag his jeans down his legs.
“But why?” His eyes were boring into you now, pleading for some kind of answer to what possible reason there was for him to stick around as they welled up with tears.
You chewed your lip as you thought about it.
Andy had been a fixture at your bar for years. Always coming by for a celebratory drink after a win, or when he was working late on a difficult case. Even during Jacob’s trial, he’d stopped by with Joanna a few times to hash out details of the case. No matter how much stress he was under, you were always able to make him smile, and he always left a very generous tip no matter who was serving him. Your bar had been one of the only places he’d always felt welcome, and you had no qualms about kicking out anyone who wanted to give him a hard time.
Then the crash happened. He lost Jacob first; he was DOA to the hospital. His visits to your bar were more somber then. You didn’t try to make him smile, you barely even talked to him. But you’d drink with him in silence when he was the last patron in the bar, sitting across from him in his booth as the rest of the staff shut things down, occasionally placing your hand over his and rubbing your thumb over his knuckles in a comforting gesture.
They had taken Laurie off life support 2 weeks ago, and after her funeral was when he really started to spiral. Rather than nursing his usual three drinks, he was downing whole bottles a night. You had to instruct your staff to cut him off after 6, or he would end up like he was tonight. This wasn’t the first time you had caught him with a stolen bottle.
You couldn’t say why you cared so much. You weren’t even sure you were really friends. But through everything that happened, you seemed to be the only constant, an anchor point for him as his world fell apart.
“I dunno Andy.” You murmured as you drew off his socks before rolling him into the tub with a lurch, making him gasp as the cold water hit his skin. “I guess I’d miss you.”
He glared at you as he shivered under the shower’s stream, huddled around himself in only his boxers.
“Do I need to wash you, or do you think you can handle that on your own?” You asked, handing him a washcloth and some soap.
“I can handle it.” He hissed, snatching them from your hands as he braced himself against the wall and drew himself slowly to his feet.
“Good.” You started gathering up his soiled clothes. “Make sure to wash the vomit out of your beard.”
He ripped the shower curtain closed and tossed his boxers over the rail at you, grumbling the whole time. You bagged up his dirty laundry and set some clean sweats on the counter in the bathroom before you set to work on cleaning the rest of the hotel room, doing your best not to gag at the week-old takeout containers.
Andy staggered out of the bathroom 30 minutes later, rubbing a towel through his hair as he wobbled on still drunk legs.
“How’s your stomach?” You asked, stretched out on the couch and sipping a glass of ginger ale.
“S’better.” He murmured, stumbling his way to the bed and collapsing on it with a groan.
“And your head?”
“Fuck you.” He murmured with his face buried in the pillows.
You grabbed the garbage can from the bathroom and set it next to the bed. “Make sure you sleep on your side or your stomach. I’ll be on the couch.” You turned to leave and he grabbed your wrist, pulling you back.
“No, stay with me.” He mumbled, peeking up at you through those stupid long eyelashes, his damp hair drooping over his forehead.
“You’re still drunk, Andy.” You scolded, snatching your wrist away from him. You couldn’t deny you’d thought about it before, but there was no way you were going to let him make a move on you after the night he had. “I’m just 20 feet away, here to make sure you don’t choke on your own vomit overnight.”
You turned back to find him passed out, a thin trail of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth. You rolled your eyes and turned off the lights before collapsing on the couch in a huff.
Andy woke up to the smell of sausage and eggs as you slammed the hotel room door, carrying some takeout from the greasy spoon down the road.
“Shit, I was hoping to sneak out before you were up.” You murmured as he rose up off the bed, his bedhead a sight to behold. “I got you breakfast.”
“What happened last night?” He groaned, his stomach churning as he inhaled the smell of the food you had brought in.
“Well, you stole a bottle of Woodford Reserve from my bar, drank more than half of it, then fought Neal.” You shoved a plate of food in front of him as he sat down at the island. “Then I brought you back here and held your hair while you puked your guts out.”
“Fuck.” He murmured, fighting the urge to gag as he eyed the plate in front of him. “How did I get in these sweats?”
“Don’t worry, I dumped you in the shower in your boxers, no looks at the goods. And even if I had, last night was decidedly unsexy.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” He murmured, burying his head in his hands.
“Mmhmm. Eat.” You ordered, making him groan. “Suck it up, Barber, you’ll feel better after a couple of bites.” You watched him shovel a bite in his mouth and chew dutifully, taking a deep breath as you steeled yourself for what you wanted to say. “Are you talking to anyone, Andy?”
“’M talking to you.” He said around his second mouthful off breakfast, starting to feel a bit better.
“I mean like a shrink.” You said, seriously.
“What the fuck is this?” He threw his fork down on his plate, pissed. This was none of your business.
“Andy, you’ve been drinking yourself stupid every night for the past 2 weeks. It’s not healthy, and I don’t want to be responsible for you ruining your life.”
He gave you a snort of derision and rolled his eyes as he stood up to walk away. “Fuck off.”
“Hey!” now you were angry. “I care about you asshole! You think I enjoyed last night? I’m sick of it!” You followed after him, grabbing his shoulder and turning him around sharply.
“It’s not your problem, Y/N.” He seethed at you, ripping your hand off his shoulder as he took a menacing step towards you.
“You made it my problem when you decided to use my bar as the stage for your descent to rock bottom, dick!” You were yelling now. “Y’know what, fuck this. Figure your shit out Barber. Until then, don’t step foot in my bar.” You stormed out, slamming the door behind you as you slipped your coat back over your shoulders.
“Fuck!!” Andy screamed before charging after you.
He managed to catch up to you as you were about to open your car door and he slammed it shut over your shoulder, pinning you against the driver’s side of your vehicle.
“I swear to god, Andy, I’ll mace you.” You hissed at him, turning as you dug your hand in your bag. He wrapped a massive hand around your wrist, stopping your turn halfway.
“I’m sorry.” He murmured, pressing his forward to yours as he leaned against you. “I need you.”
“Andy…” this was such a bad idea.
“Why’d you stay last night?” He muttered, bringing his hand down to cup your cheek. “You said you care about me.”
“I do care, Andy.” You sighed as he took another step into you, pressing his body against yours. “Fuck, what’re you doing?”
“Stay.” He whispered, dipping his face to catch your lips with his and sending every objection you had right out of your head.
You sighed against him as you wrapped your hands in his hair, rolling your body against his. He ran his tongue over your bottom lip before pressing it against yours, his hands moving down to your hips and drawing you into him. You let out a whine as you felt his growing erection grinding against you.
“Shit.” You hissed as you felt a rush of arousal soak your panties. “Andy, we need to go back to the room.”
“Right.” He muttered, deepening your kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he lifted you off the ground as he drew you away from your car and started to head back towards the room, thankful he had left the door ajar.
You kicked the door closed as he carried you inside, giving a small huff when he sat down on the bed with you straddling his lap. You slipped your coat over your shoulders and tossed it aside as his mouth devoured yours, lips molding to each other as your tongues tangled.
Andy slipped his fingers under the hem of your tee and drew it over your head, throwing it on top of your jacket before unclasping the front of your lacy bra and nuzzling himself between your breasts. He rolled the two of you gently until he was on top of you.
You sighed as Andy moved his mouth over the slope of your breast to wrap his lips around one of your nipples, sucking softly as he moved one hand to dip beneath the waistline of your jeans. He groaned against your chest when he found you sopping wet for him.
“God, I need you, sweetheart.” He mumbled against your skin as he worked at unbuttoning your fly, dragging your jeans and panties down your legs and flinging them aside before bringing his hand back up to cup your heat. “Need to make you feel good. Lose myself in you for just a bit.” He moved his lips up to brush against your neck as he rubbed his fingers through your folds, spreading your slick over your mound and making you gasp, your fingers gripping his massive biceps tightly as he teased you.
“Andy, please.” You whined, canting your hips into his hand, your clit throbbing with need as the pads of his fingers brushed against it.
He brought his face up to yours as he plunged one thick finger into you, a smile teasing his lips as he watched your face screw up in bliss. He dipped his lips to meet yours as he added another finger, swallowing your small cry.
“You feel so good, beautiful. So warm and tight.” He scissored his fingers inside of you, drawing lewd squelches from your canal as your arousal soaked his hand. “Fuck me, you’re perfect.”
You scrabbled your hands over the broad muscles of his back as he curled his fingers inside you, massaging that soft, spongy muscle deep within your canal. He buried his face in your neck, murmuring soft praises as you came apart beneath him.
You mewled as he inserted a third finger, your cunt clenching around him as you thrust yourself onto his hand, fucking yourself on his digits.
“You close love?” He asked, his thumb brushing against your clit before he started massaging it gently. Pressing soft circles into your core as you writhed beneath him.
“Oh, fuck.” You muttered. “fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck……”
He felt you tense underneath him when he drove his thumb into your clit, hard. You choked on your tongue as every muscle in your body vibrated with pleasure, your release gushing over Andy’s hand and soaking him to the wrist. He felt your nails digging through his sweatshirt as you came.
He kept his fingers moving inside you as your rode out your orgasm, your body rolling in waves underneath him as your pleasure wracked you, leaving you breathless. Once you sagged back against the bed, he withdrew them, disconnecting from you reluctantly to remove his own clothes. Staring down at you, all he wanted was to press himself against every inch of you. Claim every slope and curve of your body for his own.
He gripped one ankle and brought it up to his mouth, skimming his lips over the jut of bone as his fingers skirted over your calf, pressing into the firm muscle there. His lips followed his fingers, searing your skin with each lingering kiss and brush of his tongue as he worked his way further up your leg. Your cunt clenched around nothing when he reached your thigh, his beard scratching at the soft skin between your legs as he marked you with lips and teeth. You tangled your fingers in the blankets and moaned when he bypassed your core, moving up the line of your hip as he claimed you.
Your breath was coming quicker as worked his way over your body. His lips swept against your abdomen now, his tongue dipping into your navel as he nuzzled over the midline of your torso. All you could focus on was the feel of his mouth on your skin, leaving a trail of electricity as marked you as his. He laved his tongue over first one nipple, then the other as you arched into him, pressing your thighs together as your pussy throbbed with need.
He moved to trace the curves of your shoulders, his breath hot against your skin as he kissed his way down first one arm, then the other. You were panting now, your thighs soaked as arousal seeped out of you. Andy traced his fingers over your torso, skimming over the slopes of your breasts as he moved to kiss the curve of your neck, sucking gently to draw light bruises as his hands moved lower, kneading into your hips. He drew your knees apart slowly, slotting himself between your thighs as he dragged his hard length through your folds, making you keen as he ground into you.
You were a mess, your breath coming in ragged gasps as his hips rocked against you. You were desperate for release, every inch of you tingling with need and when Andy’s cock brushed against your clit, you lost it. You threw your head back in ecstasy as your fingers scrabbled in the sheets, desperate to hold onto something to keep you anchored.
Andy just stared at you, one massive palm cupping your cheek as he watched you falling apart. He needed you so much, you were the only constant he had. The only person who didn’t make him feel like a charity case or a failure. He hated what he was becoming, what the secrets and the tragedy were turning him into, but he knew if you stayed with him, he could come back.
“Y/N,” He whispered as you relaxed and he stilled his hips, his thumb tracing your cheekbone as you slowly opened your eyes, gazing up at him through your lust blown pupils. “Promise you won’t leave me.”
“Andy,” a small voice in the back of your mind was trying to warn you, telling you not to commit to anything now while he was still drowning in his grief. But you were overwhelmed with the pleasurable assault he had subjected you to and when he pressed his lips to yours again, that little voice went away. “I promise.” You gasped when he released you.
He grinned at you as he lined himself up, resting his forehead against yours as he gazed into your eyes. You were so wet that he slid into you easily, bottoming out right away with a hiss.
“Fuck, honey.” He murmured against your lips as you whined, his hips setting a languorous pace as he pulled out halfway before thrusting back into you. “God, you’re so tight, you feel amazing.”
You couldn’t reply, you could already feel another orgasm building as you thrust your hips to meet his, mewling softly as the warm coil in your stomach tightened. You ran your fingers over his auburn beard before burying them in his hair, panting into his mouth as he brought you closer to the edge.
Andy brought one hand between the two of you and strummed his thumb against your clit, making you tighten your fists in his hair until it was painful.
“God, Andy, right there.” You sobbed, your cunt clamping around him as he moved to bury his face in your neck, nuzzling against the hollow behind your ear.
“Go ahead, beautiful.” He scraped his teeth over the edge of your jaw as he drove his thumb against you, and you screamed.
You fluttered around him as your body spasmed, multiple waves of pleasure rippling through you. Your knees gripping around his hips and squeezing as your torso rolled against his. You sank back against the bed with a sigh as your body relaxed, Andy still fucking into you and starting to pick up speed.
“I’m gonna move you, pretty girl.” He wrapped his arms around you and rolled until you were on top of him, pressing you against his chest as he kissed you deeply. “Wanna watch you ride me.”
You gave him a smile as you sat up, bracing your hands against his chest as you ground yourself against him. He was seated in you deeper than anyone had ever been, his cock dragging against that secret spot inside you with each drive of your hips, making you groan. He thrust up into you and groaned at the bounce of your tits while you let out a cry at his tip hitting your cervix.
Andy dug his fingers into your hips as he took over, pistoning up into with increasing speed as your cunt clamped around him. Your head rolled loosely on your shoulders as you let go, eyes fluttering as you felt another orgasm gathering.
You gripped his hips tightly with your thighs as it hit you like a truck, sobbing with pleasure while your muscles shivered over him. Andy sat up quick and caught you before you could collapse back on the bed, wrapping one hand around the back of your neck and catching you lips with his as his hips picked up even more speed.
“Shit.” He murmured against your lips. You felt his cock twitch inside you as his hips faltered in their rhythm. “Are you on the pill honey?”
You nodded vigorously, unable to speak as Andy’s violent thrusts had knocked all the breath out of your lungs and you were gasping.
“Good. Fuck.” He nipped at your lips before shoving his tongue down your throat.
You felt warmth spread through your abdomen as he shot his release into you, his thick spend coating the slick walls inside you and leaking out over your thighs as he fucked you through it. He slowed his thrusts as you felt him soften inside you, groaning into your mouth as he came down and collapsed back against the bed, holding you close to his chest.
His chest hair scratched against your cheek as he breathed deeply, trying to slow his heart rate back down and rubbing his fingers over your spine as you panted on top of him.
Neither of you spoke for a while, content to lie in the comfort of each other’s arms. You made Andy feel safe, and he made you feel needed, and that was all the two of required for now.
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Three’s Company (part 2)
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Harry Styles x Reader x Florence Pugh
>>>PART ONE<<<
Story Summary: You deal with your breakup.
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Language // Angst // Pretty sure I made the reader an alcoholic // oh and you know smut!! YEAH bet you didn’t think you were getting makeup sex but oh you are. (threesome so proceed with caution, thanks)
Authors Note: I got carried away... but don’t we all when it comes to them? Anyways, feedback is always wanted and deeply loved. Hope you you guys like it!! xx
"Is this color too moody?" You asked your neighbors cat that was lounging in your living room.
The midnight black ball of fur lazily blinked open his eyes long enough to croak out a "meow" before going back to sleep. Your head nodded in agreement as your 5th beer bottle of the day pressed against your lips.
"No, you're right. It's allowed to be moody." You agreed with the very large, very old, cat who always wandered over to your apartment. His owner, Ms. Thompson, gladly let you babysit him for a few days after she came to your door to find him the first night. Your blood shot, tear filled eyes when you answered the door, fully gave away the fact you'd been crying for the last few hours. 
A bowl of Tupperware with hot chicken noodle soup laid on your doorstep the next morning along with the first gorgeous bouquet of flowers. 
It had been four days since your break up with Harry and Florence. Four days of sleepless nights, alcohol filled days, and meaningless activities to keep your mind off how you were feeling.
Four vases of flowers that you couldn't bring yourself to throw away sat on your cluttered counter. The delicate petals were starting to turn brown around the edges from your lack of care. The notes on each one seemed to glare at you everytime you walked to your fridge to grab another drink.
Each one a variation of, "I'm so sorry. -H"
"When we broke up it was for totally different reasons. I wanted to raise the kids Jewish; you wanted to sleep with men." Debra Messings' voice and the horrible laugh track of 'Will and Grace' filled your lonely apartment. Your comfort show played on repeat. The same jokes, the same voices, the same fucking void in your heart.
It'd be four days and you felt like you were a second away from losing mind.
And sure, maybe, you could have called them. You could have said you overreacted and that you messed up so badly. Instant regret hit you as soon as you had walked out his door.
You'd get over it, get over them but it didn't seem to be as easy as you originally thought.
Everything reminded you of them.
"Love this one." Harry said the last time he'd spend the night with you. Your favorite record played softly in the background when he placed the needle down on it.
"Oh, this is one of my favorite episodes!" Flor cheered as she ran out of your kitchen to the living room at the sound of a 'Friends' episode starting.
"Got yeh this when I was out today." Harry handed you a dumb pen holder. A small Julius Caesar that had pens jetting out of his back.
"Take this before you freeze." Florence mumbled as she moved your blanket slightly off Harry and towards you while you all cuddled in your bed.
Everything that reminded you of them had been boxed off, separated, put away somewhere else until you could look at it again. You were left in an almost barren house that no longer felt like a home, with a cat, that wasn't even yours, sleeping on your coffee table that was littered with empty beer bottles. All while you drunkenly painted your walls at 2 in the afternoon. 
How did shit get this bad?
The sound of a knock at your door called you out of your mind. An instant sinking feeling started in your chest as you walked across the floor. The wave of alcohol that ran through your system calmed some of the nerves but not all of them.
They wouldn't show up here, right?
You could feel the sweat starting on your hand as it rested on the doorknob. Another knock came from the other side of the door made you jump in your skin. 
"You haven't answered your phone in four days! Open up!" One of your brothers yelled from the hallway as his fist pounded on your door. You rolled your eyes as you stood there debating if you could avoid him. Your plan to stay as quiet as possible quickly went to shit. 
"Y/N, do not make me call dad." Your other brother, the one who's slightly fucking scary, voice boomed through your door like it wasn't even there.
You threw your door open to the absolute shit show that was your family. All four dumbass brothers stood outside of your apartment door. All four let out a simultaneous sigh of relief before walking into your very messy apartment.
"Jesus." Jason, the youngest, breathed out when the smell of alcohol hit him right in the face. His nose scrunched as his worried eyes flashed over the room.
"Did you drink an entire liquor store?" Tommy, the one you were closest to, asked as he scanned the damage done to your living room and what the hell you'd been doing to your liver the last four days. 
"Shut up." You mumbled as you sat down on the floor, the couch was deemed unusable by you until further notice. Way, way, too many memories on that dumb thing.
Raphael's lips pursed as he studied the new living room color. He didn't even bother to hide the fact he was judging your meltdown as he turned to you.
You two were the closest in age. You were only 6 months older, and were both adopted at the same time. It definitely didn't make getting along as children necessarily easy. The both of you butted heads so much the other 3 acted more like referees than siblings. Which is why the room seemed to shift dramatically as he turned to you.
"So, you stonewall your way out of a relationship and then ignore everyone who checks on you?"
"Here we fucking go." Jack, the middle child and probably the most sensible brother groaned as he sat down cross-legged on the floor. His head rested in his hand as he stroked Marshmallow's black fur.
"Hey! We said we weren't going to bring you if you started a fight." Tommy snapped right before Jason interrupted.
"He has a point, Tomás."
"Like you haven't had your heartbroken."
"She's the one in the wrong!"
"No she isn't!"
"You can't defend her forever. She has to own up to her shit."
You groaned, your head laid back as you listened to them argue about you, right in front of you. 
There wasn't enough alcohol in the world to deal with this.
"Get out." You said as you stood from your place on the floor, all eyes darted to you as you demanded for your own space. 
"Wait, what?" Tommy asked as the rest of them looked at you like you had magically grown three heads.
"I said, get out. I'm not listening to this. You guys want to fight, go to dad's." You opened your front door, held it wide open for all of them to filter out. Each one gave a sad or sympathetic smile as they left.
"Y/N, I think you should really give them anoth-" Jack tried to reason with you before you shut the front door, hard. The slam echoed through your now quiet apartment as you stood there yet again, alone. 
Your hooded eyes stared at the same spot on your ceiling. Your back rested on the cold hardwood floor of your wrecked living room. Your head swam with a fuzziness that only happens when you spend too many days on a bender.
You were fucked and your heart, your soul, hurt in a way you didn't think was possible. 
You could feel the prick of tears starting again in your eyes as your mind ran over everything. The good times, the bad, the moment you wished you could take back.
Why did you leave that damn house? You could have at least let him explain.
You sighed as you sat up. The uncomfortable feeling of the room spinning only got worse as you shifted forward to grab the drink you'd poured earlier. The glass pressed against your dried out lips as the same laugh reel ran in the background.
Was this your life now? You wondered as you sat on that cold floor of your apartment. You used to be okay with nights like these. You used to be fine being alone.
Now, the silence felt like a stab to the gut.
Your phone that laid on the table vibrated non-stop. The worried texts of people who loved you flooded your phone, you were worried about you too but you couldn't admit it.
Why did this hurt so bad?
Was it because you'd never experienced a loss like this before?
Or was it because deep down, shut away in the corner of your mind you dared to never go to, you knew exactly how you felt about them? And it scared the shit out of you.
You gulped down the rest of your drink. Not wanting to begin the vicious cycle of why you were so quick to give up on them. Why you were so determined to leave before any explanation could be given. 
Fucking hell, you needed therapy.
Your shaky legs walked over to the TV, turning off the reruns. Your glass placed on the edge of your coffee table as you made your way to your bathroom. A hot shower would always fix everything. 
The stream of warm water pounded against your back as you sat in your bathtub. Your mind fluttered around the idea of taking a job that required you to permanently leave the country for a while. Maybe you could fall in love with a nice coast side in Italy or a small Cafe in France.
You didn't notice the sound of your front door opening or the footsteps in your apartment. Your eyes were already so heavy. The steam of the shower only made the low lullaby of sleeper louder in your mind.
Sleep and everything will be better. 
You woke up the next morning in your bed. The bright sun burned your eyes as you blinked away the foggy feeling of sleep that still lingered around you. Your brain felt like a pile of mush as you reached for the bottle of water you kept on your side table.
How did you even get to bed?
The last few days had blurred together into a muddy picture. Everything jumbled together; drinks, painting, TV, organizing your kitchen, looking at apartments in foreign countries online.
"Morning!" Your brother chirped happily as he walked into your room. 
You could have literally jumped out of your skin. You screamed, loudly, almost falling out of the bed.
"What the fuck!" 
"I came back last night and you were asleep in the shower!" He said like you were the dumb one. "A thank you would be nice."
"Why are you in my apartment?" You asked, but only received the blankest of stares back. You knew why he was here. "I don't want to hear it."
"Too bad. Obviously, you need to hear it 'cause your apartment smells like a bar and you haven't talked to anyone in almost a week." He shrugged as he sat on the edge of your bed. The black ball of fur you'd eventually have to give back to your neighbor wasn't far behind him. Small black paws circled around you before he found a place to sleep comfortably.
"This sucks." You mumbled after a bit of silence. You could tell Jack didn't want to push you. Usually, this was a thing Tommy would handle but for some reason, the tribe had sacrificed Jack to be the emotional voice of reason this time.
"You know," he said as his hand ran through Marshmallow's fur. His teeth bit the inside of his lip as he debated what to say for a second before continuing. "you could just admit you were in the wrong and go apologize. I mean, you clearly fucking regret it." 
"I don't." You answered so quickly even Marshmallow didn't believe you. His green eyes stared in lazy disbelief. "I mean I do but… I don't know, Jack. It's weird 'cause I'm so sad but… what if this never gets better? What if it's always like this? Like, we're always struggling to be a normal couple?"
"You're not a normal couple so why would you try to act like one?" 
Your eyes shot to his at the words that poured out of his mouth so carefully. You'd never thought of it that way before. Your brows furrowed as you stared back at the bed. 
Was there a chance for you to make this work with them?
"Look, Y/N, relationships are fucking hard no matter what but you can't just… walk out on people before they get a chance to hurt you."
"I didn't."
"You did. It's kind of your thing, you know?" He smiled softly to you. Not condescending or in a know it all way, in the way only a sibling could without getting smacked. "Not that it doesn't make sense but if they made you happy, maybe you should try to hear their side of it."
"When did you become the smart brother?" You teased with that wide smile across your face.
"Right after I came out of the closet." 
"Shut up." You said through a laugh. The first one you'd had in days. That weight that laid on your chest seemed to have lifted a small amount.
Maybe, just maybe, you could talk this through with them.
You stood on the same doorstep you angrily stormed across not even a week ago. The pink door that you used to love, suddenly felt like a door to the electric chair. 
Maybe you couldn't do this.
You sighed, your eyes darting back to the old Camero you loved just a little too much. Arms crossed over your chest to keep you warm as you stood in your place. You knew you couldn't go back to your apartment this quickly without getting asked questions. 
Raphael, Jack, Tomás, and Jason were all waiting for your post-breakup meltdown if this didn't go well. Each one said they'd stay with you on rotation shifts until you felt better if you needed it.
Which was sweet, but you kind of wanted to rot in silence and alcohol if this went as badly as you thought it was going to. 
Your tongue grew thick as your stomach churned. Your eyes closed as you sighed heavily, your ass plopped down on his front steps, head rested in your hands.
You didn't know where to even start when it came to talking to them. Your feelings were hurt but you shouldn't have walked out without giving them a chance to explain. You didn't want to feel like the odd man out but didn't want to broadcast your relationship. 
The whole thing was messy and complicated. You wished so hard that it'd be easy. That talking about what you felt would be easy.
But you knew it wasn't, it never was, at least not for you. You shoved all your emotions down and kept chugging along your whole life. You pretended everything was fine, even when it wasn't. Which was exactly what ended you up here in the first place.
If you would have told them sooner they would have ended the PR shit.
"Hi." The thick accent from behind you startled your thoughts for a second but you didn't turn around. Your fingers messed with the edge of the rip in your jeans as your eyes focused on the crack in his sidewalk.
"Hi." You said quietly after what felt like a full minute of silence. You heard him let out a small sigh, his feet shuffled forward until he sat down quietly beside you.
You tried to not look at him, knowing if you did you'd burst out into tears. So you stayed focused on the ground, the dead leaves that floated along the road, the grass that was getting crunchy from the cold weather. 
"Y/N, 'M-" he started but you waved your hand to get him to stop. Your head rested against his shoulder that tensed up from your touch. 
You didn't want to talk for a second, just a second. You breathed in the familiar smell of him, the cologne he always wore was faint on his skin. The sleep shirt he wore was your favorite, you realized. The blue sweatshirt always made his eyes look so beautiful.
"I missed you." You said into his shoulder. Your lips brushed against the soft fabric as you spoke. 
"'M missed yeh too." His voice cracked as he rested his cheek against the top of your head. His fingers laced through yours as you moved closer into the warmth of him. "Flor's inside if y'wanna talk."
You sighed, you knew you needed to talk, knew you had to talk about it. You just didn't want to. The feel of him being close to you again, the intoxicating smell of him near. 
Your head lifted from his sweatshirt, only to see how rough he'd been doing himself the last few days. His bloodshot green eyes had large bags under them. His scruff on his face, messy brown curls. He'd done just as bad as you.
You only caught sight of his lips for a second before saying fuck it. Talking could happen later, you'd missed him so much.
Your lips pressed against his with a force that knocked him backwards for a second but you didn't care. No, this was the most "at home" you'd felt in days.
He felt like home.
His lips molded to yours so perfectly, once he got a hold of himself. His hand slipped to the back of your neck to pull you closer to him.
Your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest as your lips parted, welcoming him back. 
He pulled you up with him. His hands around your waist, lips still connected with yours as he walked the pair of you inside.
You wished you could slow down the moment. The way he was holding you tightly to him, like he never wanted to let you go again. The fleeting feelings ran through your mind but they all ended the same way.
You fucking loved him, so much.
All your energy was going into not crying from your surge of emotions. The rush of adrenaline was intoxicating, your shaky hands danced in the messy tangle of his unkempt brown curls as you tried to hold onto that shred of sanity you had left. 
"I missed you." You breathed out when you came up for air. His forehead pressed against yours, his body crowded yours to the wall. "God, I fucking missed you." 
He chuckled, a slight smile on his now swollen lips but you couldn't help it. It was the only thing your brain could come up with besides how sorry you were for not giving him a chance to explain.
"Miss me any?" Her voice made you look around Harry. Her arms crossed over her chest but that hint of a smile smoothed across her lips as she leaned on the doorway that led to the entry.
"Wanna see how much I missed you both?"
Maybe this wasn't necessarily the healthiest way to deal with your problems as a couple. But at this moment you could have cared less what a therapist would say about your tendency to avoid things that were important.
You laid on your back, your legs wide open, toes digging into the mattress as Florence's tongue pressed a wide thick lick through your folds. Circling around your bundle of nerves before slipping into you. 
You would have moaned out loud, if it wasn't for the dick rammed down your throat. Your head laid off the side of the bed, your vision upside down as Harry's pulsating member slid down your open and waiting mouth. His hand around your neck, squeezing himself.
"Missed fuckin' yeh throat, pup." He groaned out as his hips snapped against your spit soaked face. He backed out long enough for you to catch your breath before shoving his way back in. Your abused throat would hate you for this in the morning but right now you didn't care.
"Feel good, baby?" Flor asked as her finger curved inside of you, hitting that sweet spot that always made your eyes roll back. She didn't have to ask if it felt good, she knew it did, she just wanted the bragging rights of who gave you the better orgasm of the night.
Harry's member pulled out of your throat. You tried your best to catch your breath as he crouched down to your level. His hands doing the best they could to wipe away all the saliva that ran down your cheeks. Playful green eyes met yours.
"Gonna cum, sweetheart?" He asked even though he really didn't need to. The sound of your moans alone was enough to tell you were close.
"Mhm." Was all you managed to get out, your hands threaded through Florence hair as her mouth joined her fingers. Your eyes closed as you got closer to your high, your skin raised in goosebumps as she did that fucking flicking, swirl, of her tongue that always did you in.
"Good, 'm gonna make you cum harder than that." Harry's words faded in your mind as that crashing sensation washed you away. 
Florence scoffed as her head lifted from between your legs. The back of her hand wiped your juices away as she rolled her eyes at Harry.
"Good fucking luck trying to top that one." 
"Guys," you groaned, your hand over your eyes. "Supposed to be makeup sex, not a competition." 
"Can be both." Harry mumbled under his breath, quietly, but you still caught it. Your eyes glared at him as you turned around on the bed.
"Shut up." You mumbled as you reached forward, your hands around his neck as you brought him up to your level. Your mouth enveloped his quickly to stop the argument.
You pulled him onto the bed with you two. His knees hitting the edge before climbing up the rest of the way as your tongue took control of this kiss. It didn't happen often but when it did you ran with the opportunity. His mouth following your lead until you pulled away slightly, your teeth catching his bottom lip softly causing him to moan.
"Fuck," he cursed as you pulled away that sweet smile on your face like you didn't know that he loved that.
Florence came behind the pair of you, her lips pressed against your shoulder, up your neck, small love bites left here and there before she took the chance to kiss you when Harry pulled away. Her hands pulled on your waist, tugging you down to the bed to lay on your back.
"Ready?" She asked as Harry stroked himself, the nod of your head was all he needed to hoist your legs up. His pulsing tip ran through your folds as you reached for Florence, your arms wrapped around her thighs as you pulled her down on your mouth.
Harry continued to tease your opening. His tip slipping in and out of you easily as your tongue ran rapid through Florence's pussy. Her wetness was almost to the point of dripping down your face. You groaned as you pulled her by her thighs down harder onto you as your tongue circled into her hole. Fuck, you missed her taste. 
You heard the sounds of their kissing, her moans, before he finally pushed his way into you. Your walls clinging around him immediately, pulling him closer into you, making him hiss lowly.
"Jesus, she always so fuckin' tight." His hands embedded themselves into your thighs as he held you open for him. His fingers pulled back the lips of your pussy briefly before you felt Florence shift forward, her core off your mouth as her tongue circled your clit.
Your loud, unabashed moans filled the room. Your mind clouded with nothing but desire and lust, barely functioning at all. Thoughts weren't making sense, you were going based on instinct when your fingers slipped into her cunt that was inches in front of your face.
Harry's grunt and groans as he fucked into your tight cave halted for a moment, his erection pulled out of you briefly. The unmistakable sounds of your girlfriend choking on your boyfriends cock filled the room.
You moaned at the sound, your core clenched as your fingers finally twisted into the right angle. Her velvet walls pulled you in as she tried her best to keep breathing around Harry's thick member.
"Fuck, keep doing that." He panted, accent thick, voice deep with pleasure as you hit that spot in her again. A flood of her arousal coated your fingers as she let out another loud moan, her body slacked on top of you as Harry pulled out of her throat. 
You weren't prepared for when he thrusted himself back into you. Your moan cracked as you gripped tightly onto Florence's thighs. 
"Told yeh I was gonna make you cum harder." He mumbled as Florence let out a laugh. She rolled over to lay beside you, her lips lazily kissing yours the best they could through Harry's rough thrusts into you.
"Make her cum harder than I did and you can cuddle her tonight." Florence smirked, her hands ran over your hair as you pouted.
"Hey! I wanted to cuddle both of you." Your head shot off the bed as you glared at the both of them, who were both very very clearly taking their competition too far.
Leave them alone for four days and you come back to them acting like children.
"Tomorrow night, sweetheart. I got somethin' prove." Harry smiled as he leaned down to you, his lips capturing yours before you could protest, a roll of his hips had you moaning.
Maybe this bet wasn't that bad.
"Yeah, proving I'm better." Florence scoffed again, adding fuel to the fire as her hand leisurely traveled between her legs. A soft moan passed through her lips as Harry basically growled at her through his teeth.
You rolled your eyes at her as she gave you a shrug and a smile. His length pulled out of you again as he lifted you up, switching you over to be on top of him.
He was pushed back into you in less than a second, his hands grasping the round flesh of your ass tightly as he leaned you forward into his chest. His legs pushed himself upwards, hitting your sweet spot every single time.
You were thankful he pulled you into his chest. Your moans rolled easily as his hands dug deeper into your skin, you were teetering on the edge with in minutes. His gruff groans as his sensitive pulsating member pushed into you only added fuel to the fire. 
"Come 'ere, baby." He said as he slowed down his punishing pace his hand left your bum, fingers slipped into Florence's mouth for only a few seconds before finding their way back to you.
The pressure from his finger prodding into your back hole had your eyes rolling in the back of your head. The deep, low, sound that resonated in the bottom of your chest had a smug grin on Harry's face.
He knew he'd won.
His finger and along with his cock fucked into you until you could hardly register your own name. You could feel your heart beating in your core, your nipples so sensitive you could barely stand to have them brush against his own chest. 
Harry hummed as you seemed to lose yourself in the feeling of your mounting high. Florence's hand between her legs, stroking herself faster as her lips pressed to Harry's.
You felt a pressure in your stomach you'd never felt before, building and building, ready to bust any second. You didn't even have time to warn him when you felt the dam release. Your head floated in the clouds as your juices ran down him, soaking the bed.
"Well, fuck, I've never made her do that." Florence mumbled after Harry's final thrust into you. His gloating laugh filled the room as you laid limp.
"Told yeh so." He cooed as his hand ran down your back in soothing circles. Florence kissed softly on your shoulder, your arm, wherever until your eyes finally focused on her.
"You okay?" She asked as she brushed away the hair that was stuck to your face.
"Mhm, wanna sleep." You whined, your head pressed into Harry's shoulder tightly as you felt him soften inside of you. Your hips shifted to move off him but his hand quickly pressed your ass down again.
"Go to sleep, darlin'." He kissed the top of your head before he nuzzled into your. Florence arm wrapped around the both of you as Harry opened one arm for her to cuddle into his side. 
"Mornin', sweetheart." Harry hummed as he rounded the corner to his kitchen. A quick kiss placed on Florence's lips before he picked up the cup of tea she already had made for him.
"Morning." She mumbled into her cup. Her legs pulled up beside her as she sat on the counter. 
"Wot's wrong?" He paused before taking a sip, his eyes studying her as she sighed.
"It's just…" she stared at the coffee pot that hadn't been used in a week. The steaming brown liquid dripped into the vessel below it. She sighed, shaking her head. "I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was make sure she didn't leave again." 
Harry's eyes softened, his hand ran through her hair, lips pressed to her forehead. Trying his best to comfort her which is what he tried, and usually failed, at doing all week long.
"We'll talk to her, okay?"
Flor nodded her head, her lips pressed to his one last time as they heard the door to the bedroom creak open. A shirt you'd taken out of Harry's closet hit your knees as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
"Morning." You said as you gave both of them a kiss, your eyes more trained to the pot of delicious coffee than either one of their faces.
"Y/N?" Florence asked as you poured your first cup, the smell wafting into your senses had your knees almost buckling. 
"Yeah, baby?" You asked without turning around. The glass pressed to your swollen lips from all of last nights kissing, the warm mug felt like a relief to them.
"Can, uhm," she started, you finally turned around to see her looking uncomfortable. Her tongue wet her lips, eyes glanced to Harry before she continued. "can we talk, you know… about everything now?" 
"Right, yeah of course, we should… just-" You could feel the nerves pit in your stomach growing as you nodded towards the table. The three of you sat in your usual chairs, your usual mugs in your hands, but it wasn't an usual morning.
No, now you actually had to talk about what was bothering you.
"Right." Harry said, hoping to get the conversation started with already but the room was dead silent.
"Right." You repeated mostly to fill the awkward silence that was growing thicker in the room by the second. You could feel your ears rushing, the room was so quiet. No TV to drown out the weird atmosphere, no music to cover up the fact you had to talk about what happened.
"So, I guess 'm gonna start." Harry said after he glanced at the both of you two, seeing he was going to have to get the ball rolling on this whole thing.
"Yeh know 'm really, really, sorry 'bout the Gemma stuff. I was gonna tell her the next week after the last interview but she decided to come in early and surprise me." Your lips rolled in your mouth as you listened to him. You knew the whole time you sat in your apartment, drunk, that a version of this was what happened. "And I didn't want yeh to get hurt and 'm so sorry it seemed like I was hiding yeh away from people."
You could feel the start of tears in your eyes. You sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down from a blubbering meltdown that was about to happen. Which you might have been able to avoid if his hand didn't wrap itself around yours from across the table.
"Just," you sighed, your hand squeezed his as you tried to wipe away the tears that rolled down your cheek. "Just, I should have said it was bothering me before it got to that point and I'm sorry I didn't and I blew up then walked out."
"It's okay." Florence said softly, her other hand laced through your free one. "But… maybe, we should agree to talk about stuff a bit more."
"Yeah, think that would probably be good." Harry agreed as he scooted forward in his chair, his hand wiped away the rest of your tears. "So, yeh gonna stay, right?"
You smiled up to him, your hand laced tighter through Florence's fingers as you nodded your head.
Yeah, you think you'd stay with them.
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matbarzyy · 4 years
To Love Is To Let Go [A.B.]
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How can the heart and mind find a balance when love and yearning are mixed up with distance and responsibilities?
A/N: I’m so excited for you guys to finally read this! Another conversation about Tito with @itrocksmysocks​ made us create this story and I ended up writing it, so I hope you’ll like it!
Word count: 12219
Warning: A tiny bit of smut
“If you don’t go get that man I swear!” Adeline’s friend, Maya, exclaimed as she gave her shoulder a push.
They were out to celebrate together in Montreal because a month had now passed since Adaline moved there for her internship assisting a book editor, and it had to be memorable.
“Okay okay! I’m doing it!” The brunette adjusted her skirt, fixed a strand of her hair, and took a deep breath. “I’m going,” she said more for herself than anyone else.
            The man across the bar had finally gotten up from the table he was at with his friends to order a drink, and that was the perfect opportunity for Adeline to go up to him. She might not get another chance during the night, so with an extra push from her friend, she found herself walking over to where he was.
“Hi,” she greeted him shyly, making him turn his attention to her. Her voice felt a little weak and looking straight into his blue eyes was more destabilizing than she thought it would be.
“Hi,” he replied as he waited, his tone suggesting she had to continue quickly if she didn’t want to lose his attention.
“I, uh,” Adeline struggled before getting a hold of herself again. She wasn’t a fifteen years old high school girl admitting her crush to a boy, she was a confident woman in a bar, and she was going to act like one. “I saw you sitting with your friends earlier and I figured now was a good time to come ask if I could get you a drink.” She let the sentence out without a hitch, and a little sense of pride filled her until his lack of reaction made her deflate. “Or not, it’s fine if not.”
“No, no,” he reassured her as a smile spread on his face. “I mean, yeah, you can get me a drink, if I can get your name,”
“Adeline,” she told him without hesitation.
“Adeline,” he repeated before nodding. “That’s pretty, I’m Anthony, but most of my friends call me Tito.”
            With the introductions over, Adeline leaned against the bar beside him and the bartender came over to them. One drink soon turned into two, the alcohol was going down fast to erase the nervousness, but their conversation was flowing surprisingly easily. Nevertheless, three drinks were all it took for Adeline and Maya to be reunited in the bathroom.
“So?” She grilled her for the details while Adeline pressed her palms over her cheeks, trying to get herself to cool down.
“I really like him,” she admitted to Maya and shushed out her excitement immediately after. “But he could still be a weirdo, he’s too nice to be true.”
“Honey, he’s not a weirdo, he’s a professional hockey player,” Maya chuckled as she revealed everything she knew. “Why do you think he’s so hot?”
“How do you know?” A frown settled on the brunette’s face as she pieced everything together.
“He’s a NHL player, how do you not know?” Her friend countered and reached up to remove a small piece of fluff from her hair.
“Oh my god,” Adeline breathed out. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“It was sweet you didn’t know,” Maya shrugged. “Now go back out there and make him swoon.”
            When they returned, Anthony was sitting at a small table by himself, and she didn’t hesitate to join. Maya was friends with one of the bartenders there, so it wasn’t like she minded being left alone.
“I figured it’d be more comfortable,” he explained as she took a seat. “Especially if we keep on going at that pace,”
“You figured right,” Adeline, put her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her hand. “My friend told me something interesting about you,”
“Should I start worrying?” He exhaled a nervous chuckle, but she shook her head almost imperceptibly.
“You play hockey?” She looked into his eyes to gauge his reaction. Maybe the alcohol was hindering her perceptiveness, but if she was right it looked like the question made him sad.
“Ah,” Tito’s nervousness settled but a sense of disappointment replaced it. “I kinda suspected you knew already,”
“I had no clue until five minutes ago, figured it was only fair to tell you,” Adeline told him the truth because she knew instantly that the kind of attention he got from being a professional athlete wasn’t necessarily the kind of attention he wanted. “Was it better when I didn’t know?”
“Yes and no,” he replied honestly. “Yes, because it meant you just liked me and not for shitty reasons. No because I wasn’t going to hide it anyway, and you didn’t know for the past hour, so I feel like we’re good,”
“Good,” she smiled. “Feel like having another drink?”
            Tito wasn’t one to turn the offer down, and the two spilled things to each other that they would have never considered sharing with a stranger before. It was freeing to talk without boundaries, to be able to say anything on any subject and listen to someone else’s perspective of the world. Adeline thought he was interesting for someone so different. He was down to earth and witty, constantly making her laugh with the dumbest jokes, and maybe it was because she was drunk, but deep down she knew the butterflies and giddiness she felt weren’t from the alcohol.
“You’re so damn adorable,” Tito blurted out in the middle of one of her sentences, and silence fell onto their conversation.
            Adeline stared at him while a smile spread on her face, but the cuteness of the moment was cut off by both of them bursting out laughing for no apparent reason. It was a fit of uncontrolled giggles at first, followed by an outburst of deep laughs that they thought would never stop.
“We’re so fucking drunk,” Adeline managed to squeak out through shakes of her chest.
“Yeah, you might wanna let go of this,” Tito reached to gently push her drink a few inches away from her hand, but his inhibitions were low and he underestimated his strength, sending the glass sliding all the way to the edge of the table.
            Their eyes widened in shock when it stopped just before falling to the floor, and with that another fit of unstoppable laughter began.
            It was something neither of them ever experienced that strongly, that connection with a stranger that made them feel like they had known each other their own lives. In the middle of their busy, messy lives, they had found a bubble of happiness and oxygen within each other.
            It took several minutes for them to calm down, and when a relatively normal conversation resumed, Maya walked over to them to ask if she should leave on her own or wait for Adeline. Time had flown by and it was past one in the morning already.
“Five minutes?” The brunette barely looked away from Tito, and Maya took the hint.
“Well, before you go,” He waited until she had walked away to continue. “Can I ask for your number or do you have to be the one taking all the first steps?”
“You can have my number.”
            Getting into the uber with Maya was a blur, all that Adeline knew was that she was feeling like a kid on Christmas eve after her night with Tito. She wasn’t drunk enough that she couldn’t make a sentence or walk, but definitely drunk enough to zone out and say everything on her mind no matter how stupid or embarrassing.
“Oh my god, he’s already texting?” Maya took the phone from her inebriated friend’s hands after it buzzed multiple times. “Damn,” she looked over the few messages they had started to exchange.
            Adaline didn’t respond, only giggling drunkenly before getting her phone back and focusing on the screen to type another reply. Everything was a little bit blurry, especially in the moving car, but once it stopped in front of her building she sobered up a little.
“Drink some water before bed, yeah?” Her friend told her as she opened the door.
“Yep! Text when you’re home!” Adeline gave her friend a loud kiss on the cheek before getting out and somehow walking to the door without stumbling.
T: Fries would be sooooo good right now
            The text came just as she kicked her shoes off while the door fell shut behind her. She groaned out loud at the idea, heading to her bedroom with her phone in hand.
A: Don’t talk to me about food I’m starving now
T: Make food?
A: I can barely hold my phone
            Adeline struggled to take her clothes off and sighed in relief once she was finally naked.
T: What if I come over with fries?
A: Omg you would?
T: Address?
“Well shit,” she laughed to herself as she grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants, pairing them with a comfy t-shirt because she was too drunk and tired to put in an effort with sexy pajamas. She was pretty sure sex wasn’t an option for tonight anyway, they were both too drunk, it wouldn’t get anywhere.
            Adeline sat on her living room floor to stay awake as she waited, her head lolling from side to side as she scrolled through social media, laughing and snorting out loud in ways she’d never do sober. It only took ten minutes for Tito to text he was there, and she jumped back up with renewed energy at the idea of food.
“My savior!” She exclaimed as she opened the door for him and saw the paper bag in his hands.
“Shh, your neighbors!” Tito laughed at her, letting himself in and giving her the bag before following her to the living room.
“Fuck Tito,” Adeline took in the smell of the fries as she opened one of the boxes and handed it to him. “I owe you big time,”
“They’re just fries,” he sat on the carpet with her. “But I’d take some ketchup,”
“Oh, yeah!” She crawled over to the fridge that was easily accessible since she had an open kitchen. The apartment wasn’t huge, but since the kitchen and living room were merged the living space was big enough.
“Mph,” Tito groaned as he stuffed fries in his mouth. “Best decision ever,”
“And does this look like a good decision?” She said to catch his attention, a bottle of tequila in hand.
“It looks like a terrible decision and I’m so down for it.”
            Adeline sat on the floor with him, food, condiment, and bottle of tequila all within reach. She took the first gulp, big enough that it was worth more than a shot, and Tito followed her lead.
            The rest of the night was erased from both of their memories.
            When she woke up, Adeline felt her body ache in ways it rarely had before. She was still on the floor and there was a bad taste in her mouth as she opened her eyes. The paper bag that Tito brought over was on the floor along with two empty boxes that once held the fries. Tito himself was on the floor too, and his position looked more than uncomfortable, but his mouth was slightly parted, and his chest was rising and falling at a steady rhythm.
“Hey,” Adeline rasped out, nudging him with her foot. “You alive?” She asked as he stirred awake.
            An unconvinced grunt reached her in response, and Tito brought his hands up to rub his face.
“Time?” He groaned, counting on her to have her eyes open.
“Eleven,” she pushed herself up and grabbed the counter while a wave of nausea washed over her. “Advil?”
“Fuck yes,”
            Tito managed to get up too and downed two glasses of water with the pills Adeline handed him. They were both silent as they sat on the couch and took some time to really wake up. The apartment was on a low floor, and for the first time since she moved in, Adeline was glad for the lack of light that came from outside.
“I’m gonna make pancakes.” She eventually said, deciding breakfast was the only way her stomach would settle.
“Oh, so you’re going to beat me to every nice gesture?” Tito teased although he was glad he was about to eat. She gave him a look and he only smiled, leaning back more comfortably on the couch. “Jokes aside, this was the best night I’ve had in forever.”
“Me too,” Adeline hummed, already pouring milk into the rest of her ingredients and stirring. She cooked breakfast so often she could make pancakes with her eyes closed. “It was a lot more fun than any stupid party I’ve gone to lately,”
            The conversation shifted to small talk after that, something to keep themselves busy as they got lost in thoughts. There was some unspoken communication going on, they obviously had chemistry, but they had only known each other for one night and they were already being so domestic it was scary for both of them.
It was clear they could build something together if they gave it a try, but Tito didn’t live in Montreal, and why the hell was Adeline even thinking so far ahead already? She tried her best to focus on cooking to get all of the ideas out of her head and stacked the pancakes in plates before bringing them over to the table.
“I want to eat these every morning for the rest of my life,” Tito almost moaned when he took the first bite of his food.
            Adeline always kept maple syrup around, and this morning she even had some chocolate spread and strawberries left from this week’s grocery shopping. It made for an amazing breakfast.
“Thanks, I cook a lot,” she explained as she dug into her own food. “The cleaning up is the not fun part.”
“I hate dishes,” Tito nodded his agreement.
“A nice guest would offer to do them after I just cooked,” she pointed out to see what’d he’d say, and he put on his best angel face.
“Mmh, but a nice host would politely refuse that kind of offer,” he tried to serve his half ass excuse with a smile.
“Do you want more pancakes, or do you want to get kicked out?” Adeline gave him a murderous look in response, and Tito forgot to chew as he swallowed his next bite.
“Pancakes, definitely the pancakes. Promise I’ll do the dishes.”
            When the Sunday ended, Tito went home and Adeline spent hours in a bath trying to set her mind straight. She liked him a lot, there was no denying that, but would they ever be able to make anything work? He was an amazing person and they had a great night together, but it didn’t mean he’d let himself fall for her too, especially since he lived in New York most of the time.
            A sigh fell from her lips in the steam-filled bathroom, and she let her body slide down for her head to be submerged. The world turned silent and dark for a few seconds, it helped her empty her mind of all thoughts. When she pushed herself up with her feet and oxygen filled her lungs again, Adeline felt a little better.
            Little did she know that Tito was dealing with the same dilemma in his own shower. He had tried to work out to sweat the hangover off, but seeing that the twenty minutes of running only worsened his headache, he didn’t take it further than that. It wasn’t really the hangover that was bothering him, it was the feelings he was catching for a woman he had known for less than twenty-four hours.
            Was that what love at first sight was supposed to be like? Sure, it wasn’t exactly at first sight, Tito had only felt a connection with her the second she opened her mouth, not the second he saw her, but what even was the difference at this point? How could he even think of the word love? It was a crush at first sight at best.
            No matter what they told themselves, Tito and Adeline couldn’t stop thinking about each other. Their constant texting the following days didn’t help either. The conversation was never boring enough to die, and when one of them fell asleep they picked up where they left off as soon as they were up in the morning. Sometimes, Adeline found herself giggling out loud because he reminded her of something he just remembered they laughed about when drinking tequila on her living room floor.
            It was Wednesday when Adeline found herself in her bed wishing she could talk to him like they did a few nights prior. There weren’t many boundaries with Tito, they were obviously flirting and open about it, so she didn’t hesitate to tell him she missed seeing him. His name flashed on her screen a second later with a cute picture of his drunk face she didn’t remember taking Saturday night. He was smiling like an idiot, obviously still half laughing, and his blue eyes were sparkling with joy. Adeline hadn’t seen it, but she knew he had one of her too.
“Hello,” she said a little shyly when she saw her face on the screen. She looked like a bit of a mess.
“Hi beautiful,” Tito grinned from his bed, his short hair somehow messed up from the pillow.
“Shut up,” Adeline covered her face with her hand, but he only laughed on the other hand of the line.
“You know, it’s not fair if you get to see me and I don’t,” he reminded her to make her drop her hand. “I missed seeing you too.”
“Mmh, so when are we having a repeat of Saturday night?” She asked him because he had vaguely mentioned making plans during the day.
“Never,” he rolled his eyes. “That headache was killing me. We could do something else, maybe dinner?”
“Are you asking me out on a date, Beauvillier?” Adeline teased, hiding the way her heart jumped in her chest.
“Yeah, how do you feel about it?” His smile was as big as hers when he replied, confident she’d say yes based on the look on her face.
“I feel like I’m free tomorrow night and I’d love to go out.”
“I’ll pick you up at seven?” Tito thought of a restaurant to bring her to immediately, and he made a mental note to call for a reservation in the morning.
“It’s a date.”
            Hugging Tito when he came to pick her up felt natural to Adeline. Butterflies erupted in her stomach the second he knocked, and her heart was ready to beat out of her chest when his arms closed around her.
“Hi you,” he kissed her cheek and she just about melted against him.
“Hi,” Adeline greeted him and let go before she made things awkward. “You look nice.” She complimented as she took notice of the navy shirt he was wearing. It matched the blouse she wore tucked in her tweed skirt. August wasn’t too cold in Montreal and she knew she’d be okay with tights.
“Thank you,” he smiled. “You look great too, I like your hair like that.” Tito had to stop himself from reaching up and touching it “Are you ready to go?”
            Adeline murmured a quick thanks and nodded while her cheeks burned. She wasn’t easily intimidated but something about the prospect of a date with Tito was making her nervous. What if they didn’t click now that they were sober and seeing each other in person?
“Hey, everything okay?” Tito asked once they were both sitting in his car and Adeline still hadn’t said a word.
“Yeah, sorry, I’m just…” She coughed a little to clear her throat and he finished the sentence for her.
“Kind of.”
“Me too,” he admitted and glanced at her for a second, keeping his main focus on the road. “That night was great, I just want everything to live up to those expectations now,”
“I feel the same,” Adeline told him, her nerves settling now that she knew he could relate. “But if we can get along when we’re drunk and stupid we can handle a first date, right?”
“Right, as long as you don’t make me sleep on your living room floor tonight, we’re good,” Tito joked, he could still feel the ache in his back.
“First of all, you passed out on said floor, I didn’t make you. Second, bold of you to assume you’re getting invited in again.” She laughed at him. Thoughts of how the night would end had filled her mind all day long despite all the work she had to get done, but none of the scenarios involved him sleeping at her place yet. It wasn’t that she didn’t want it, but it was far too early for something like that. She didn’t want to risk ruining whatever was between them by rushing in.
“What if I bring fries?” He pushed his luck, but it was all playful, and Adeline shook her head again.
“Nice try, but you’re feeding me before we get home this time,”
“Mmh, I’m sure I’ll figure something out.” He rested his hand on her knee, and she moved a little closer to him until the end of the drive.
            Tito didn’t get invited in that night, and he was okay with it. He would have been okay with anything after the way she kissed him in front of her door. Maybe it was stupid, but he’d never gotten a kiss like that after a date that didn’t end up leading to something more too fast. There was something more between him and Adeline, and this was easily the best kiss of his life.
“Is that too soon?” She had hesitated, her hand on his cheeks and lips less than an inch away from his.
“No,” Tito replied, anything else he might have wanted to say cut off by her kiss. His body melted against hers, his hand pulling her waist closer as they moved their lips slowly, exchanging a passionate yet sweet kiss.
            He replayed the moment in his mind the whole ride home, grinning stupidly and humming along to songs on the radio with renewed cheerfulness. For a while he thought they’d keep kissing in front of her door forever, but noise from a door slamming upstairs reminded them they were still in a corridor. With a few nervous chuckles and one last kiss, Tito had left, and now nothing could ruin his good mood.
            That date was followed by another the next week, and another a few days later, until they were so attached to each other they spent every free second they had together. Tito sometimes showed up to her place in the morning with coffee and a bagel from her favorite café so that he could drive her to work. When it was time for her lunch break he’d pick her up and they’d eat out somewhere.
            Since it was the off season he didn’t have many obligations, and while Adeline insisted he didn’t have to drive her everywhere, Tito just really wanted to. He usually spent the morning in the gym to stay in shape, and he used the afternoon to see some friends and his family. Every other moment was reserved for Adeline only.
            Her internship kept her busy outside of working hours too, but she always managed to make him fit in her schedule and doubled her efforts on some nights to be free during others. It was tough but Adeline’s motivation had never been higher, there was so much happiness in her life that no task seemed too big to accomplish.
            Before meeting him, she’d spend all her free time outside or writing poems, which Tito often said she should still do without him. He didn’t want to take away from her personal space and habits, but she simply shook her head and shut him up with a kiss every time. She had never been more inspired than she was when he was around, and her poems gained in quality and length even with less time spent working on them. They weren’t the work of her brain, but of her heart.
“You got me flowers?” Adeline beamed one evening when he picked her up and she spotted the bouquet in the car.
“I should have hidden it in the back,” Tito sighed at the ruined surprise. “But yeah, I haven’t done that for you before. Do you like them?”
“I love pink gerberas,” she leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”
            The rest of the drive was quiet, and when they reached her apartment, Tito got to come inside with her for the first time since they were drunk together. Adeline placed the flowers in a vase at the center of her dinner table and smiled to herself. They matched her coasters; it was her favorite color when it came to flowers. It was only a lucky guess, but Tito really had a way to make her swoon with every little gesture.
“It’s not very big, but let me show you around properly this time,” Adeline had cleaned the previous day and made sure to make her bed in the morning so that she could show him.
            They spent the end of the day together, Adeline cooking for both of them and Tito doing dishes as she cooked to help out. It was nice and comfortable, but they were both more than happy when they could finally crash on the couch together.
“Wanna watch something?” She asked, cuddled against his chest. She could have stayed like that forever, just listening to his heartbeat, but she didn’t want him to get bored.
“Mmh, what are you thinking?” Tito rested a hand in the middle of her back, relaxing into her warmth and the soft comforting smell of her place.
“You pick,” Adeline turned the TV on, picked Netflix and handed him the remote so that he could scroll through what was available.
“TV show or movie?” He took note of the things she was currently watching as he scrolled down, and she shrugged against him.
“Movie?” She decided randomly. Her only thought was that she didn’t want him to leave after just one episode of a TV show.
            It was clear they were attracted to each other, but everything had been so perfect in their relationship so far that neither pushed for dates to end with more than a kiss. Adeline’s work was a lot to handle on some days, and she was exhausted on most nights, so Tito never felt like insisting he should come in, even just to spend the night cuddling. He knew he’d keep her up forever because they could rarely stop talking once they started.
            He picked a movie that looked half decent with her approval, oblivious to the fact that neither of them was planning on watching it anyway. Adeline only wanted to enjoy the feeling of being in his arms like that, and he couldn’t care less about anything in the world as long as he could feel her against him.
“You ever think of how crazy it is that we started getting along so well so fast?” She eventually whispered, wondering if he was one to talk during movies or if he liked watching them without interruption.
            The usual answer would have been without interruption, but Tito was much more interested in Adeline than in the movie that night.
“I do, yeah,” he rubbed motions with his thumb on her back. “And it just makes me glad I found you,”
“I feel good around you,” Adeline lifted her head so that she could look at him for a second, she was met with a soft smile, followed by an even softer kiss.
“Should we…” He panted as she kissed back with a little more purpose. “Should we maybe ditch the movie?” Her lips moved to his cheek and down his jaw, making him bite back a groan until she was leaving kisses on his neck and he couldn’t hold it back anymore.
“Yes,” she didn’t hesitate in her answer, lifting herself off him.
            Tito got up after her and pulled her back to him for a passionate kiss, both of them stumbling as she tried to step back towards her bedroom. They chuckled against each other before parting long enough to make it there, and the heaviness of the moment settled on them when they finally sat on the bed.
            Adeline got a condom out of her bedside drawer and placed it on the bed so that they wouldn’t have to worry about it later, and as soon as that was done Tito’s lips were back on hers. Feeling him close to her helped her relax, so she followed his guiding hands until she was straddling him and sitting back on his thighs.
            There was no rush to their movements, they made out slowly and let their hands wander to begin exploring each other, over their clothes at first, and then slipping underneath the fabrics. Their shirts were first to go, and the sight of their bodies like that was enough for them both to need a moment to just breathe. When their lips joined and they found themselves chest to chest again, the desire and heat of the kiss grew stronger.
            Tito’s hands were on her waist, caressing softly before trailing up her back and finding the clasp of her bra. He murmured a question between kisses, and the breathy yes he got in response encouraged him to undo the clasp and remove the material from her body.
            His touches were gentle, pulling quiet gasps out of her as soon as he left her lips to kiss over her neck, looking for the tender spots that made her hips roll so close to his. Adeline’s hands were on his chest, discovering every muscle and the way they clenched when he moved to gently push her back on the mattress. She resisted the urge to hide herself from him, and Tito was nothing but loving as he found the spots that made her breathing hitch with the tips of his fingers.
            Her jeans were next to go, her underwear following a second after while she tugged at Tito’s clothes to get him to remove them too. She used the opportunity to get him on his back and kissed her way down his chest, earning a quiet moan that turned her on so much she almost moaned back just from the noise.
“Baby,” Tito breathed out when her lips pressed over the bulge in his boxers. “Not tonight, please,” his chest was rising and falling faster.
“Okay,” she listened and lifted her head to kiss his stomach again instead, but he could still see the silent question in her eyes.
“You’re going to kill me if you do this right now.” He explained as he reversed the position, adjusting her until she was comfortably resting on a pillow.
“That’s why it’s so fun,” Adeline grinned, and he laughed before their lips met again.
            The kiss was a little messier because of how hard it was for them to stop smiling, but everything intensified when Tito’s fingers found a spot high up on her inner thigh that made her whimper into his mouth.
“That okay?” He whispered close to her ear, kissing the spot just underneath it as she gasped her affirmation.
            He didn’t waste another second before slowly sliding two of his fingers against her and rubbing gentle circles over her clit. Adeline clutched his back in response, moaning softly and moving her hips up for more contact. She was overwhelmed by everything about him, from the light scratch of his beard against her skin when he nibbled at her jaw, the warmth of his almost-naked body close to hers, to the incredible feeling of his fingers rubbing against her perfectly.
            Tito held back moans that threatened to come out just from feeling her dripping for him. He kissed her deeply as he slowly slid his fingers further down and inside of her, his thumb replacing them over her clit. The noises she made into his mouth made him roll his hips against the mattress for some relief, and his chest swelled with pride every time he felt her body react to his touch.
            There had been so much anticipation between them, such a long build up and so many kisses that lingered as they both ached for more, that it didn’t take long for Adeline to feel herself get close to the edge. She clutched Tito’s back harder, holding onto him for dear life as she tried to keep her legs still to let him keep going.
            Her moans and gasps sped up when he let go of her lips and opted for kissing her neck instead to let her breathe, and it all encouraged him to pick up his pace, curling his fingers into her sweet spot until he could feel her body trembling. Adeline’s jaw dropped as she came, her legs closing over Tito’s hand, but it didn’t stop him from moving his fingers slowly to ride her through it.
            He was slow to pull his hand away when her body finally relaxed again, peppering kisses over her face. She wanted to bask in the feeling forever, but the second Tito pulled away from her to shuffle his boxers off, a new kind of hunger overtook her. She didn’t give him time to come back on top of her, pushing herself up and straddling him again instead.
            Tito made quick work of the condom before her lips could latch back onto his and they found themselves chest to chest with no barrier between them. Adeline’s legs wrapped around his waist as he grabbed her ass to pull her to him. They stared into each other’s eyes, resting their foreheads together and sometimes letting their noses brush before Tito reached between their bodies and finally placed his tip at her entrance.
            He didn’t break eye contact for a second as he filled her slowly, tightening his grip around her until they were as close as they could get to each other. The kiss they shared let them swallow each other’s moans and groans as they began rocking together, barely pulling away from each other before making their bodies meet again.
            The temperature rose fast in the room, and a thin layer of sweat covered their skin as they clung to each other. Adeline had never felt this close to someone before, and she had to bury her face in his neck to escape the overwhelming intensity of her feelings when she looked into his eyes.
            Tito pulled her even closer at that, grinding against her and softly moaning every time she clenched around him. He was right on the edge, trying to hold back to get her to come one last time, but everything about her felt like heaven to him. His lips found her shoulder, leaving a few kisses there as he felt himself lose control, his thighs clenching hard while his teeth lightly dug into her skin.
            His pleasured groan got Adeline to fall apart right after him, her body tightening beautifully in his arms as the noises leaving her lips echoed his. They breathed heavily against each other, remaining still for a few minutes and just letting themselves enjoy the afterglow close together.
            Tito pulled away first, carefully letting her down on the bed and kissing her one last time before heading to her bathroom to dispose of the condom. She took a turn in there to clean up right after him, and as soon as she was back in bed, she cuddled close to his chest again.
“Was that okay?” He kissed the top of her head, and her chest shook with a chuckle.
“That wasn’t okay,” Adeline shuffled up so that they could be face to face. “It was amazing,”
“Yeah?” He beamed and she nodded, angling her head to ask for another kiss.
            Tito gave in easily, humming against her lips while she guided him onto his back and rested her forearms on his torso to look at him.
“I’m falling in love with you,” she breathed out without hesitation, looking straight into his eyes and watching them widen as soon as he processed the words.
“I’m falling in love with you too,” he managed to answer even with the breath knocked out of his lungs. “I’m falling so hard.”
            Their honeymoon phase lasted as long as Tito’s time in Montreal did.
She even met his parents one weekend, and a few of his friends through the weeks. It was all too perfect until his last week before having to get back to New York came along.
“What’s going to happen when you’re in New York?” Adeline addressed it as they walked in a park together on his last Monday in Montreal, her hand in his. It was late and a little cold, but the darkness was calm.
“I’m not sure,” Tito swallowed heavily, looking straight ahead because there was no good solution. “I just… I want whatever’s best for you,”
“You’re what’s best for me, I don’t want to lose you.” Her hand slipped from his as they stopped walking and turned to face each other.
            Adeline searched his eyes for an answer, but her fears kept growing with every passing moment. The feelings she had for Tito were unlike anything she ever experienced before, and she was terrified of seeing their relationship end. It was the last thing she could ever want, but he had to make the best decision for his career.
“Then I’m yours,” he reached out and grasped both of her hands in his, bringing them up to kiss her knuckles. “I know not everyone can handle long distance but… but we can’t know until we try, right?”
“Right,” she exhaled her relief and squeezed his hands tighter.
“And New York isn’t the other side of the world, we can see each other on weekends,” Tito continued, trying to work things out in his head and reassure her as well as he could.
“Weekends work,” Adeline nodded, biting back a wave of tears, but her eyes watered anyway.
“Baby, please don’t,” he cupped her face with both hands and ran his thumbs over her cheeks while she wrapped her arms around him. “I know work will make it hard for you to travel, but I’ll come up as often as I can, okay?”
“Yeah,” she hid her face into his chest and took a deep breath to calm down. Nothing soothed her better than being close to him.
“We’ll make it work. I promise.” He rocked her gently from side to side in his arms. “I love you too much to ever let you go.”
“I really- I didn’t think it was possible for me to fall in love like that.” Adeline kissed over his heart, making him tighten his arms around her.
“Me neither, and I know it won’t be easy every day, but it’s all going to be worth it, yeah?” Tito tilted her face up so that their noses brushed.
“Loving you makes it all worth it.” She whispered, closing her eyes and falling for him harder with every press of his lips against hers.
            The first month was easy.
They had just spent so much time together that it didn’t feel like the distance would ever be an issue, Tito came up to Montreal for three days, and despite all her work Adeline managed to visit one weekend too.
            Sweet attentions helped them push through too, Adeline sent him letters with handwritten poems in them, things he inspired and she thought were worth sharing. Tito sent her flowers and so many loving good morning texts that there was no way she’d ever wake up and start her day without feeling like the luckiest woman in the world.
            Their time together was a little hectic, a mix of dates to spend quality time together and just staying in bed without letting go of each other unless it was for a few hours of sleep in between. The rhythm was tiring, no matter how close New York and Montreal were, travelling was exhausting. It meant waking up early to go to the airport and have enough time to get through security, and it also meant getting home late at the end of the trip with an early morning start right after.
            Still, they were in love and they made it work.
When Christmas came around they felt like they were pros at handling their relationship. Adeline took days off to come spend time in New York so that she could see more of Tito’s world and finally meet Mat, and he came back to Canada for Christmas with his family.
            They didn’t spend the holidays together per say, but they saw each other so often that it felt like they did anyway. Every important moment was spent together, Adeline came over to his house on Christmas morning to open gifts and have lunch with his parents, and Tito spent New Year’s Eve at a party her friends organized. They got to exchange a sickeningly sweet kiss just as the year started and whispered their promise to love each other forever.
            When hockey became a priority again and Tito had to leave, everything felt bittersweet. The moments they had together felt like they were stolen, something they had to work for because nothing fit in their lives unless they forced it to. There was never a weekend when they could both be free unless Adeline managed to figure out a way to get a break from work, and even when she had things to do, Tito still flew up to see her during the moments she had to spare over two days. His games were getting more important, and the team was already dealing with injuries, so he was having a hard time handling everything without letting anyone down.
            Their relationship was strong, but when March rolled around neither of them was truly happy.
“You’re exhausted,” Adeline pointed out something she had been noticing more and more every time he visited. Now, the dark circles under his eyes were visible even through the shitty quality of their call.
“I’m alright,” Tito lied again to stop her from worrying and gave her a weak smile. “You think you’ll be free next weekend?”
“There’s no way you’re travelling again next weekend,” she shook her head, refusing to ask him to put so much effort in again when he clearly needed the rest.
“Well can you come down?” He broke it down to what he thought was simple. If she could move, she’d come visit him. If she couldn’t, he’d come visit her.
“No, I’m stuck this month, I told you,” Adeline sighed and rubbed a hand over her face. Her internship was getting closer to its end and the prospect of a job was real, so she was being drowned in extra work so that she could prove she deserved to stay. As much as she wanted to see Tito to be able to relax in his arms, she knew his training was even more intense than what she had to do.
“Then I’m coming to you,” he insisted again, so Adeline sharpened her tone.
“The hell you are.” She gave him the glare he had received many times before. It was the one that told him ‘I love you but you’re being an idiot,’ and if things were normal, Tito would have laughed and agreed with whatever she wanted.
“So you don’t want to see me now?” He got offended instead, unable to understand why she wouldn’t want him to come. He was doing everything he could to make things work, no matter what.
“Not in that state!” She shot back, feeling tears brimming in her eyes. She was calmer as she spoke her next words. “Tito please, just get some rest… I miss you like hell all the time, but this… it’s not worth it. I’d rather see you a little less and in better shape, okay? We can facetime every night this week or something to make up for it if you want,”
“It’s not the same as holding you,” Tito’s emotions settled too, as defeated as he felt, she was right.
“I know champ, but you’ve got to take care of yourself. Get some rest, okay?”
She made him promise he’d slow down, but Tito didn’t last long. He figured that if he trained extra hard by going to the gym earlier and spent more time on the ice then he’d deserve to spend his days off with her.
Everything was going in the opposite direction of what she asked, but he couldn’t let himself rest if it meant he wouldn’t see her.
“Wake the fuck up!” Anders slammed into him on the ice and sent him stumbling a few feet away. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” Tito gritted his teeth, anger clear in his features.
            The captain muttered something under his breath as he skated away, hoping this would be enough to get him to concentrate until the end of the practice at least. It was the third time in a row he missed a pass to Mat, something that almost never happened. The two best friends had chemistry even on the ice, they worked well together, but Anthony was fucking everything up lately and the team wouldn’t take it for much longer.
“Alright,” Anders stood in front of him in the locker room once everyone else was gone and crossed his arms over his chest. “What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing,”
“Beau,” His captain gave him a look. “You’re a good player, but you haven’t played right in two weeks at practice. Thank fuck you’re still alright when we have games, but how long is that gonna last, uh?”
“I’m not going to let the team down.” Anthony promised, and the other man sighed.
“I know you don’t want to, so get your shit together. It’d be a waste to have you sitting on a bench during every game, especially because of some girl,” Anders made his point and watched him get offended, his voice rising as he spoke again.
“Adeline is-”
“I don’t care what Adeline is.” Anders snapped to cut him off. “Adeline is not here, and she’s not worth ruining a career over. If you don’t start showing some proper skills you won’t be playing next time there’s an important game. I need to know I can count on you to be part of the team.”
“You can count on me.” Tito’s jaw was clenched, he was angry, but now was not a good time to lash out. He knew the threat was real, and Anders was probably doing him a favor having this talk with him now rather than letting him get ripped apart by coaches.
“Then start by getting some sleep. You look like shit.” His captain concluded, dropping his arms by his side and walking out of the room, leaving Anthony alone with his thoughts.
            Tito tried his best to fix himself over the next week. He got a smile from Anders when things finally went right at practice, and everyone on the team felt relief when they realized they were getting their player back. Everyone thought things were fine except Mat.
            He could see past the fake smiles; he could see the hurt in his friend’s eyes when he came to hang out with the team on Saturday nights instead of flying to Montreal to be with the woman he so desperately loved. It wasn’t healthy.
            Even when Mat tried to start a conversation he got shut out, Tito wasn’t sharing much with anyone anymore. He was the shell of the player and friend he used to be, so lost in his love for Adeline that he didn’t even realize he was forgetting parts of himself.
“Adeline?” Mat eventually ended up on the phone with her, half of his brain screaming this was the stupidest thing to do and the other half saying it was the only solution. He didn’t want to get in his best friend’s business, but he at least needed to know what was going on on her end.
“Yeah, what’s up Mat?” She took a break from the chapter of the novel she was editing and pushed her chair away from her desk.
“I’m just- I’m sorry I’m calling, I know it’s fucked, but Tito isn’t talking to me and I’m wondering if you’ve heard a lot from him the past few days?”
“Yeah, he’s always texting or calling. Did you guys have a fight or something?” Adeline frowned. Not talking to Mat wasn’t normal, ever since she met Tito she’d been hearing all about his best friend and how well they got along. She also would have expected Tito to mention it to her if something happened.
“No, I mean, yeah. Sort of. He’s been playing like shit at practice, so Anders tried to knock some sense into him, and not very kindly,” Mat explained with a sigh, which only made her worry more.
“Oh. What does that have to do with you?” She asked so that she could finally connect the dots, and the response she got was not what she had expected.
“Well Anders said something about how he shouldn’t let some girl fuck up a whole career, and, uh, it was a shitty thing to say, so I tried to put it more nicely, and he didn’t like it.”
“Right,” she looked down at her lap and fiddled with the hem of her skirt. Was that how the team felt about her? Like she was some girl messing with one of their best players? And if so, wasn’t it her responsibility to make sure she didn’t interfere with his career?
“You’re not fucking up anything, it’s not what I meant,” he quickly caught himself. “But Tito’s just… he’s not himself lately. He’s pretending he’s okay but the travelling back and forth is seriously getting to him, he’s not sleeping, he’s just a mess. It’s bad for the team, and he’s my best friend, I’m worried about him,” Mat was quiet as he spoke the end of his sentence, and she was glad he couldn’t see her.
“I just… I’m not sure what I can do about that Mat,” Adeline felt the tears brimming in her eyes, because she knew.
There was only one way to fix this, and she had been avoiding it for weeks already. The day Tito left Montreal they promised each other they’d do anything to make things work, that they’d never stop trying, but was this promise more important than his health?
“Can you try to talk to him, please? Just make him rest for one weekend,” Mat brought her back to earth as he asked, as if that was all Anthony needed. It would be a start, but it was far from enough. He was already staying in New York most of the time, and it was barely helping.
“I keep telling him to stay home,” she reminded him while pressing her palms over her eyes.
“So he’s not listening to you either?” Mat’s heart deflated at that. He knew his best friend was stubborn, but he didn’t think he’d turn away every attempt you all made to get him to take care of himself.
“No… I’d come if I could, but work doesn’t really allow it right now. I’ll try to get him to stay in New York for the next two weeks, hopefully I’ll get somewhere by talking to him,” Adeline promised herself to make more efforts, to give it one more try in case that was all they needed to make things work again.
“Okay,” he fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt, hoping that by the end of those two weeks things would look a bit better.
“Are you thinking of anything else?” She prompted him after he turned quiet, and Mat sighed.
“No, you’re… you were really good for him at the start, you know?” He delved into the part he probably shouldn’t be saying out loud, but he needed her to understand how bad things were. “It made him so happy, and I know you guys are still happy together, but with the way things are right now, he’s messing himself up. Badly. It’s not your fault, I just hope you guys can find a balance that works for you both again.”
“I’ll figure it out, have a nice day Mat,” Adeline put an end to the conversation, and he rubbed his hand over his face as he sighed.
“Yeah, you too.”
            When Tito called her less than twenty minutes later, he couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to talk. Adeline declined his call after the second ring and told him she’d call later even though they had planned on talking to each other at that time. Her lack of texts and explanations made him overthink everything, so when Mat and a few other guys showed up to his place an hour later, he wasn’t in the mood to hang out anymore.
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Mat told him when he expressed his concern. “Just have a beer and chill out,”
“You can’t be sure she’s fine,” Tito argued as he grabbed the beer and took three long gulps.
“I talked to her for a bit today, so she’s fine. She’ll probably call you tomorrow, yeah?” Mat let the information slip because he figured it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Adeline was bound to tell him at some point anyway.
“You talked to her?” Tito frowned, the information not sitting well with him. Mat barely knew Adeline; they hadn’t gotten many chances to hang out because Tito always hogged her attention whenever she was around.
“Uh, yeah,” Mat was suddenly more than uncomfortable. He didn’t want to lie to his friend, but with the way he was reacting he felt like he would have been much better off keeping his mouth shut.
“And now she’s not picking up my calls.” Anthony grew suspicious, and the look on Mat’s face didn’t reassure him in the least. “What the fuck did you say to her?”
“I just told her I’m worried about you, you’re not yourself lately.” He admitted, feeling like being honest was the best option.
Tito didn’t lose his cool easily, but somehow this made him angry.
“Can’t you all stop with that? I’m fine.” He replied harshly, and Mat kept his mouth shut.
He thought for a second looking at the wall ahead of him and nodding. Mat was done fighting, he had offered his help, he was there to listen, but he wasn’t going to sit and let Anthony get mad at him when he was only trying to show he cared.
“Yeah, right.” Mat got up and headed out of the room, abandoning him to his thoughts.
            Tito sighed and checked his phone to distract himself, knowing he had to get out there and apologize in a minute or two. A text from Adeline caught his attention, and his mood lifted instantly.
I’ll be in New York tomorrow
            He almost screamed right there, but he bit his lip and contained his smile instead as he typed back.
For real?? What time am I picking you up?
            He had been feeling so off, he couldn’t wait to hold her. It had been too long since he got to see her and it was hard for him to hide his excitement.
I’ll just meet you at your place
            The response Tito received made his heart deflate. Something was wrong. He always picked her up from the airport, he’d done it every single time, so why shouldn’t he do it tomorrow? Between his conversation with Mat and that, the uneasiness he had felt since the declined call only increased.
“You okay?” Brassard asked as he walked out of the kitchen.
“Sorry, I’m just not in the mood tonight,” he walked past everyone and went straight for his bedroom, closing the door and locking it so no one could come bother him.
            It wasn’t fair to shut his friends out like that, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Nothing mattered anymore, he was in a constant state of numbness when he was in New York. Playing hockey helped, the games put him in the right mindset, but as soon as he stepped off the ice his world fell apart all over again.
            Adeline was the only thing keeping him together, but she was also the reason he was being torn apart. She had watched it happen too, she saw the way it started, his sudden disinterest for anything that wasn’t hockey or her, the sadness she caused and tried to fix so hard. She thought that with more time together their time apart would be easier, but nothing she did helped Tito work it out. Their relationship had been rushed, they fell in love and their feelings for each other became an obsession, one Anthony couldn’t manage anymore.
            He was only happy when she was with him, but even then parts of himself were missing.
            Mat and the other guys left soon after he disappeared, giving up for the night and deciding they’d try to spend time with him another day. Anthony was too stubborn, there was no point in them staying. He didn’t care about what was going on that night, he couldn’t think of anything except Adeline.
            Just one night of sleep, one day of work and she’d be in his arms.
            Tito was in his head and time flew by, so when he made it home the next night he was constantly checking his phone to know where she was. She texted when she landed, so he was waiting close to the door when he knew she was about to arrive.
            The front door was open before she was even out of the elevator.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Tito let her walk in and pulled her into a hug to take in the sweet scent of her perfume. His eyes fell shut as he finally felt his body relax. Adeline was the remedy to everything in his life, nothing felt better than having her close.
“Tito,” she pulled away a little as she spoke, trying to put some distance between them.
“Mmh?” He kept his hands on her waist, tugging her against him because he wasn’t ready to part from the hug just yet.
“Anthony, stop,” she pushed on his shoulders and took a step back. “I’m here because I need to talk to you.”
“What’s going on?” Tito frowned at the use of his full name. Deep down, he had known for days that something was coming, but now that he had to face it he didn’t feel prepared enough at all.
            A heaviness settled over the room, the usual playful and happy atmosphere of their reunions nowhere to be found.
“I don’t think we should be doing this anymore.” Adeline said, her hands linked together in front of her.
            The words hung in the air for several seconds. There was an apologetic look in her eyes as she waited for Tito to react, his expression going from shock, to panic, and to confusion all within a few seconds. He had expected her to want to talk, to ask for a break from things at worst.
This was something he had never considered.
“What?” He whispered, unable to form a word any louder than that.
“I know you don’t want to hear it, but you’re not happy like this,” she felt her heart break as he stammered to start a sentence. He looked exhausted, there were dark circles under his eyes, and now his features were twisted in pain.
“Adeline, don’t. You- you don’t know what you’re saying, I’m fine, and-” Tito struggled to say anything coherent, he spoke too fast, but he was scared that if he didn’t say anything she’d vanish.
“You’re not fine. You’re not in the right headspace to train because you’re always thinking of how to get away from New York, you’re not focusing on what should matter to you the most and you’re making yourself sick because you’re not sleeping,” Adeline shook her head, looking down to avoid crying. She couldn’t take the look in his eyes, they used to be so full of joy, but now the blue was dulled by tears that blurred his vision.
“I am sleeping,” he croaked weakly and reached for her.
“That’s not the point!” She stepped back to dodge his touch. She wasn’t strong enough to fight him on this for long, he held too much power over her, she’d cave in no time if she let him touch her. “This was never the point. You were right, not everyone can do long distance and we couldn’t know unless we tried. Now we know, it’s not working out.” She swallowed back her sob and took a shaky breath in to calm down.
“Adeline, please,” Tito shook his head, teardrops rolling down his cheeks already. “No, please,” he didn’t know what else to do but beg.
“I’m sorry,” she looked up. As hard as it was, he deserved at least that, but the broken look in his eyes made her fall apart.
“No! You’re the love of my life, I can’t just let you go,” he refused to go down without a fight, not when she was the only woman he had ever loved. He saw his entire life with her, they could have everything together, and he couldn’t let it go so easily.
“You have to. I’m asking you to.” Adeline wiped her thumbs underneath her eyes to catch her tears. She knew he’d respect her decision, no matter how much he hated it, because he always respected boundaries. She just had to tell him she didn’t want him anymore, and that was the hardest part, having to lie to protect him. “This isn’t healthy for you, and frankly, it’s not healthy for me either. I’m always on my phone, I can barely focus on work because I’m wondering when you’ll be free to call, I’m going to sleep so fucking late every time we call and I just… I just can’t keep doing this any longer knowing it’s hurting you.” She explained, and he used that time to settle his breathing.
“We can work through a rough patch,” his voice was a little raspy, but he pushed through. “I’ll… I’ll stay in New York for longer periods, and we can schedule calls so that it’s not as messy,” Tito brought up every solution he could think of, but she already knew they were pointless.
“You’re making this so hard,” Adeline sniffled quietly, glancing down at her feet again. “I’m sorry, but I’m not changing my mind.”
“So that’s just… it?” He felt like he’d just received a punch to the stomach. Adeline looked up as he took a step back, shaking his head a little and looking completely lost.
“I guess,” she whispered, her lower lip trembling.
“I’m in love with you, isn’t that worth trying a little bit harder?” Tito couldn’t believe the feelings settling inside his chest. He was slowly processing every word she had said, and there were so many things wrong with this conversation. What happened to their promise?
“You think I haven’t tried hard enough? You think I haven’t tried my fucking hardest?” Adeline let the tears flow down her cheeks, and her chest shook with a sob, but she fought to keep her voice steady.
“Well you’re the one giving up now!” He clenched his jaw, sniffling loudly and tugging at his hair in despair. The hurt had kicked in, and he was angry now.
“Because you’re not okay! And I had to find out from your best friend because you keep lying to me and you’re not taking care of yourself!” She raised her voice to his level, and he scoffed, pacing around his living room.
“Mat doesn’t fucking know what I’m doing, if I’m saying I can handle it, then I can handle it!” Tito was sick of everyone around him telling him how to feel and what to do. Focus, train harder, take a break, sleep, travel, don’t travel, call me, don’t call me, spend time with friends, call your family. It was all too much, and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
“Mat just asked me to check up on you, and he was right, you’re not fine, and I’m the reason you keep getting worse. I just can’t do this anymore,” Adeline’s voice softened to hide the way it cracked halfway through, but he caught it anyway.
“Fucking great.” He bit his cheek to stop himself from breaking down. Watching her like this, the woman he loved more than anything in the world, was destroying him. She felt the pain too, and he was causing it.
“You’re angry, and I get it,” Adeline took a deep breath in and dropped her hands by her sides, wondering when he’d snap. She was the one giving up, so she was ready to take it. “I’m so sorry, this isn’t how I pictured things going between us... I’ll just go… I’m really sorry.” She turned around, ready to walk out so that she could break down somewhere he wouldn’t see her.
            It was better if he was mad at her, his anger was much easier to handle than the look he first gave her.
“Adeline wait,” Tito crossed the room in two long strides and wrapped his hand around her arm before she could reach the door.
“What are you-” Adeline turned around to face him and he released her arm to hold her waist instead.
“Just one more.” He murmured with his lips so close to hers she could already feel how soft they were through a brush. “Please, just one last night,”
            He kissed her to stop her from replying, to stop her from thinking rationally, and to fucking beg her to give him this last thing. Adeline wasn’t strong enough to pull away. Instead, she melted into his touch and responded to the kiss with a passion fueled by her heart falling into pieces.
            Just one last time, she told herself as she kept on kissing him, blindly letting him walk back to his bedroom.
            They could taste the saltiness of their tears as they moved their lips together, tangled in each other with her straddling him and her legs around his waist, just like they had been the first night they were together like that. They didn’t exchange any words, kissing and hiding their faces whenever they had to so that they wouldn’t see the other breaking inside.
It was all too much and not enough, so when Tito kept her tight against his chest to lay in bed, Adeline didn’t fight him. She closed her eyes and bit back tears, pretending she wasn’t about to leave so that he would let himself fall asleep.
Tito was safe with her so close, his grip was tight, he wasn’t ever letting her go. It was what he told himself as he drifted off to sleep, telling himself they’d talk in the morning, that he’d find a way to convince her they could still fix things.
            Adeline felt like her heart was being torn apart when she crawled out of his arms in the early hours of the morning. She hadn’t slept for a second, but she couldn’t bring herself to get up. For a moment, she even thought she should stay. What if Tito was right? What if he could stay in New York for more time? They could schedule the calls like he said to make things easier.
The idea disappeared from her mind with every moment she spent looking at him, fast asleep in his bed when he used to always wake up whenever she moved. There were dark circles under his eyes, he was exhausted, and she was only making it worse. Leaving was the only way.
Adeline grabbed as much of her things as she could carry and got dressed in the living room as quietly as possible, but with how hard she was crying she was surprised none of her sobs had woken Tito up yet. A few of her things were still in his room, but it was nothing she desperately needed back, and if she woke him up she’d never be able to leave. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from going into his bedroom to look at him one more time.
He was so beautiful when he slept, so peaceful and relaxed. Adeline wished she could see him smile one more time, just to be able to admire the spark in his eyes whenever he did. She knew that if he woke up they’d only be filled with sadness and fear, all because of her, so she took a deep breath and scribbled one last thing on a post it note, placing it on her pillow before leaving his apartment silently.
            An hour later the sun was up, and Tito was shaking as he woke up. He sat up immediately to grab the cold bed sheets on her side of the bed. It all felt like a nightmare. The bedroom was silent apart from his heavy breathing, and he turned his light on before looking around for any sign she was still here.
            After they held each other so tightly during the night, the way they loved each other, how could she have left? Tears stung in his eyes as he took notice of everything in his room. Her clothes were gone from the floor, her notebook wasn’t on the nightstand, and he could see his closet cracked open with two empty shelves. Her shelves.
            Tito’s heart tightened in his chest as the reality of the situation hit him. His body was tense but he couldn’t move. His whole world was falling apart, he was completely lost, scrambling for something, anything he could hold onto.
He found it in a single blue post-it note on his pillow, her pretty cursive handwriting recognizable easily.
I’m sorry,
Please reblog and let me know what you thought!! Writing is a lot of time and effort, I appreciate all comments, asks and reblogs more than you know <3
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
Drunken Confession–Zac Efron
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The last thing I expected to come home to after a long week at work was a drunk Zac sitting on my doorstep.
"There's my girl," he slurred. When he looked up at me, I saw he had a black eye and a busted lip. I looked down to see his knuckles were bleeding.
"What the hell happened to you?"
He tried to sit up but ended up falling back down, laughing way harder than necessary.
"The last thing I remember is being at a bar," he giggled.
"Clearly," I sighed as I bent down and helped him up.
Once we were standing, I wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I unlocked my door and carefully led him inside. I slowly put him down on the couch before heading into the kitchen. I grabbed some crackers, a bottle of water, and a first aid kit.
When I walked back into the front room, Zac was laying down. I knelt in front of him and quietly started cleaning his cuts without waking him. I was able to stop the bleeding on his lip and the cut on his forehead. I was rubbing some face lotion on his bruised eye when he started to wake up.
"Morning," he whispered. I coughed when I got hit in the face with his alcohol-soaked breath.
"It's 5 o'clock," I sighed as I helped him sit up.
"AM or PM?" He joked.
"PM," I sighed.
I sat on the coffee table in front of him and continued cleaning him up. The entire time I fixed his cuts and bruises, I could feel him watching me with a weird look on his face. When I was done, I put everything away without breaking the silence.
"Okay," he sighed, slightly laughing. "I know you're mad at me."
"I'm not mad," I shrugged. "Just concerned."
"Awwww," he cooed. "You're concerned about me."
He tried to hug me but I stood up and angrily turned towards him. "Of course I'm concerned about you. Not only are you drunk off your ass, but you're also beaten up. You can't just show up on my doorstep, looking like someone beat the shit out of you and act like nothing happened."
"Y/N," he stuttered as he tried to stand but drunkenly fell back down.
"What happened to you, Zac?"
"Nothing," he tried to say.
"Who did this to you?" I angrily cut him off. "Tell me what happened. Now."
"Okay," he sighed. "Just promise me you won't get mad."
"You're my best friend, Zac," I sighed as I sat next to him. "Of course I'm going to be mad that someone kicked your ass. Just calm my nerves by telling me what happened."
As he hesitated, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. When I looked up and saw the expression on his face, my stomach did flips. Whatever happened that led Zac to get in a fight must've been bad.
"Zac," I whispered. "Just talk to me. You're really scaring me."
"I got into a fight with Adam," he finally confessed.
"What? Zac, why would you and Adam get into a fight? You're friends."
"We were drunk," he continued. "He started running his mouth and I got angry and. . ."
"And you punched him," I sighed. "You started the fight?"
"I had to," he stuttered. He looked up at me, the look in his eyes changing. He turned towards me, slightly scooting closer to me.
"What was he running his mouth about?"
"Zac," I sighed.
"He called you my shadow," he cut me off. He let go of my hands and ran his fingers through his hair.
Zac stood up and started angrily pacing back and forth in front of me. I sat back on the couch when I saw his shaking hands. He was still extremely drunk.
"So you aren't a big actress. You still have a tv show that's been going for five seasons. Besides, why do people keep thinking that we can't be friends because our careers are in different chapters? That's not why we're friends. And it shouldn't matter."
I jumped up when he stumbled. He would've fallen onto the coffee table if I hadn't caught him. He drunkenly giggled as I led him back to the couch.
"You're so good to me," he slurred. I gasped when he pulled me into his chest and laid us further into the cushions.
"Can I be honest with you?" He asked.
"You're going to be whether I say yes or no," I sighed.
"You're too good for me, Y/N," he mumbled. "And sooner rather than later, another guy is going to see how amazing you are and he's going to take you away from me."
"No one is going to take me away from you, Zac," I said even though he definitely wouldn't remember this tomorrow.
"Yes he will," he whined. "And I'm scared."
"That someone will take me away?" I stuttered.
"That a new guy will come around and you'll leave me for him," Zac pouted. "As soon as you find a guy who treats you amazing, like you deserve, I'll lose you. And that fucking terrifies me."
"Zac," I said, my voice breaking like my heart.
"You're gonna leave me," he said, sounding like a child.
"No, I'm not," I said instantly. He just scoffed as he pouted. I sat up and turned towards him. "Zac, look at me. I am not going to leave you. Ever."
"Not even when you find a new guy to spend all your time with?" He asked, pursing his lips like he was pouting.
I reached up and cupped his cheek in my hand. I gently rubbed his skin with my thumb.
"Listen to me very closely," I said softly. "It doesn't matter if I meet someone new. I will never leave you. Okay?"
"I promise."
He reached up and grabbed my wrist, not pulling my hand away from his face. I got chills when he dragged his fingers up and down my forearm.
"Let's get you to bed," I said, clearing my throat. I stood up, pulling him with me. When we got to the spare bedroom, Zac suddenly pulled on my arm and stopped me.
"I love you," he slurred.
"You're drunk. You don't mean that," I laughed awkwardly as I took a step back. I gasped when he grabbed my hands and pulled me back into his chest.
"Yes, I do," he said oddly seriously. "I'm in love with you, Y/N. I have been since forever! Remember when we were little and you called me your superhero? That's when. The first time you said I was your hero, I was done for. I was in love."
"Stop," I cut him off. I had tears streaming down my cheeks as I pulled away from him. I took several steps back and wrapped my arms around myself.
"You don't know what you're saying, Zac. You're drunk. Sleep it off and we'll talk about it in the morning."
I quickly turned around and walked to my room, a sob getting stuck in my throat.
                               * * * * *
I woke up the next morning to dishes being set down in my kitchen. I sat up, grabbed my cardigan, and left my room. My heart stopped and my breath got stuck in my throat when I saw Zac moving around in the kitchen.
"Shit," he said when he looked up and saw me standing in the doorway. "I woke you up, didn't I? Damn it. I was trying to be quiet. I was going to surprise you, but clearly, I screwed that up."
"What are you doing?" I stuttered.
"I was trying to make you an 'I'm sorry I came to your apartment drunk off my ass' breakfast," he shrugged, smiling goofily at me. Usually, that smile always made me laugh. It fell when he saw it work.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
Instead of answering, I asked, "What do you remember from last night?"
"Everything," he laughed. "I wasn't that drunk, Y/N."
"Zac," I said sternly. I looked up at him, frustrated tears in my eyes. He put down the spatula and ran over to me.
"What's wrong?" He rushed out as he rubbed my arms reassuringly. "Did I hurt you last night?"
"What?" I gasped. I sighed as I shrugged his hands off me. "No, Zac, you didn't hurt me. You just. . . You said something that is really confusing and unfair if it isn't true."
"Wait, what did I. . ."
"You said you were in love with me," I rushed out, looking away from him. "You said you've been in love with me since I called you my hero when we were kids. Is it true? Or was it just some stupid drunk thing you said? Because if it wasn't true, I don't think I can go back to normal. Not when I. . ."
I gasped when he grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine. It took me a second before I started to kiss him back. When I did, I let out a small moan as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him smile into the kiss when he let go of my face and pulled me tightly into his chest. We broke apart, laughing, when we had stumbled backward and bumped into the island.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, out of breath. "I just. . . Maybe I shouldn't have kissed you. I needed you to stop talking so I could show you that it was true. I guess I could've just told you it was true instead of jumping you. . ."
This time it was my turn to cut him off by kissing him. He laughed into the kiss as he moved his lips in sync with mine.
"What is it with us kissing each other to shut the other up?" He mumbled into the kiss with a small chuckle.
"I don't mind," I whispered as I deepened the kiss. I gasped as he picked me up and set me on the counter, standing between my legs without breaking the kiss.
I moaned as he dragged his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. The second I opened my mouth, he started exploring every inch of it with his tongue.
He broke the kiss, both of us struggling to catch our breath as he started kissing my neck. I tilted my head back, giving him better access, and moaned when he found my sweet spot. I gasped when he bit down.
"I'm sorry," he said breathlessly as he quickly pulled away. "We're probably. . . This is. . . I mean. . . We should talk about this before we do anything."
"You're right," I whispered, still trying to catch my breath. He gently grabbed my waist and lifted me off the counter. When my feet were back on the ground, he didn't remove his hands. I looked up at him, nervously biting my bottom lip.
"Or we could talk about it later," I whispered. Zac smirked as he pulled me closer into his chest, wrapping his arms tighter around me.
"Later it is."
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ur-jinji · 4 years
wallflowers: part three
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zuko x f!reader modern au
summary: things get heated and tense when zuko gets jealous at a party with you
warning: alcohol consumption, angst :(
a/n: @teelagurl558 and i had a good discussion about zuko & alcohol and i really wanted to make a part three lmao
You gazed out the car window, watching the passing houses and streetlights. You turned towards the driver, Zuko, and he moved his head to look at you for a quick moment, smiling softly. He took one hand off of the wheel and placed it on your thigh, giving it a squeeze before resting it there. Your heart melted completely. This guy made you into putty every time he touched you.
You spent the last month with him and your friends so happily. But sadly, the long break was coming to an end. A new semester was starting in a few days, so this was your last night together; you were leaving tomorrow afternoon to head back to your town. You had been staying at both Suki’s apartment and Zuko’s. Your relationship with him had blossomed so naturally. He asked you to be his girlfriend about a week before. You two weren’t rushing things, and took the time to really get to know each other, go out, spend time together, and even sleeping over at his house. You were willing to do long distance, but you weren’t sure if Zuko was, so you had been afraid that this would simply be a fling. But when he asked you to be his girlfriend, he told you he was more than happy to have a long distance relationship. He told you how special you were to him and even started planning the next time he would want to see you after you left. You really, really liked him.
“I wish you could stay one more day,” Zuko spoke, breaking the comfortable silence.
“I know, me too. I just have so much packing and preparing to do for the new semester,” You replied sadly.
The two of you were headed to Suki apartment. She and Katara had planned a surprise going away party for you. One last hoorah. You were under the impression that it was a simple get together that would include ordering pizza and hanging out. Little did you know, they invited about ten other people you befriended through them during your stay, Toph brought a big ol’ speaker, and Sokka bought a bunch of alcohol (everyone who planned on drinking helped pitch in money for it, of course). And obviously there would still be pizza, among other snacks.
Zuko pulled up outside of Suki’s apartment building. The two of you made your way inside and a couple flights of stairs until you made it to her door. He put his hand on the handle and slowly opened it. Your eyes widened when you saw it was completely dark inside, not a soul in sight.
“What the hell?” You said, very confused. Zuko shrugged in response before grabbing your hand and walking inside. As you did so, the lights flickered on, and a bunch of familiar faces jumped out of nowhere.
“Surprise!” They all yelled somewhat in unison.
You felt your soul leave your body as you flinched.
“Holy shit, is it someone’s birthday?” You asked in response, gaining some laughs.
“No, dummy! It’s our ‘y/n-going-away-and-we-are-sad’ party!” Suki said, appearing from the crowd of people.
“I’m celebrating!” You heard Sokka say from across the room.
“I love you, oh my god! You guys didn’t have to do this,” You said before hugging her and planting a kiss on her cheek. You turned to Zuko. “Did you know about this?!”
Zuko nodded and smirked. You pulled away from Suki and hugged him tight. “Might as well have some fun before you go,” He said, a hint of sadness in his tone.
“Well, thank you, everyone!” You yelled as you pulled away from your boyfriend, but not before giving him a peck on the lips. You made your way around the room, hugging and thanking everyone who was there. Toph surprised you the most by hugging you the tightest and the longest. You swore you could hear her sniffle a little. You eventually made your way back to Zuko, who was holding a wine cooler out for you.
“Thank you, hun,” You replied before cracking it open and taking a swig.
You spent the night eating snacks, talking with your friends, listening to music, playing card games, etc. It was the most fun you’ve had in a while. Zuko was attached at your hip all night, which you were fine with, but it made you a little concerned. Something seemed off with him. He slammed a few drinks with Sokka and went through more pretty quickly after. When you suggested he slowed down, he mumbled an excuse like, ‘I thought this was a party’ and shrug it off. You eventually found yourself on the couch, feeling the alcohol hitting you, but you felt fine. Just a little dizzy. Zuko had drunkenly walked away for a moment to get you some water. Sokka plopped down next you, placing a hand over his eyes.
“I should’ve stopped a few drinks ago,” He grumbled.
“Are we gonna have a repeat of the last party?” You asked jokingly.
“God, I hope not,” Sokka replied under this breath. He slouched over, his head accidentally falling onto your shoulder. You heard some snores. You decided to let him stay there since he clearly was feeling sick. You looked up and saw Zuko enter the room, tripping slightly. His eyes landed on you and then glanced over at Sokka’s head on your shoulder. He gripped the water in his hand tightly.
“Hey, baby, mind giving the water to Sokka? He doesn’t feel too good,” You asked, sitting up forward. Sokka’s limp, sleeping body fell behind you. Zuko suddenly tossed the water bottle at Sokka and walked away. What the fuck?
You got up, letting the drunk boy fall roughly onto the couch, causing him to wake up.
“What happened?” Sokka asked, slurring his words.
“I don’t know. He came in and threw that water at you and left,” You explained. Sokka sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“Maybe he got jealous. He gets weird sometimes when he drink. I can go talk to him,” He said, surprising you at how level headed he was suddenly being. He got off the couch and walked down the hallway, and you followed closely. You found Zuko standing at the bathroom vanity, gripping the sink hard and holding himself up. His head hung low.
“Zuko, buddy, what’s wrong?” Sokka asked the weirdly angered boy.
“I don’t know. Maybe don’t make moves on my girlfriend?” Zuko replied nastily as his head shot up, glaring at the two of you through the mirror. He turned around, falling slightly but catching himself.
“Dude, what?” Sokka questioned, confusion in his tone. He walked towards his friend. “I’d never do that to you, bro. Plus I have a girlfriend? Who I love more than anything?”
“Zuko, what are you talking about?” You pitched in from the bathroom doorway.
“Go put your head on Suki then, buddy. Don’t touch my fucking girlfriend,” Zuko snapped, suddenly charging the other boy and pressing his puffed out chest against his aggressively.
“Hey! What has gotten into you?!” You yelled, running over to break them up.
“Yeah. What has gotten into you, dude? Don’t pull this shit right now,” Sokka replied with a bit of an attitude, but trying to keep his cool to not make the situation worse. “You’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I know what I saw!” Zuko sneered, pushing Sokka away roughly. His eyes were filled with rage. You backed away in shock, not liking this side of him. Why was he being like this?
“Really, Zuko? My last fucking night here and you want to start a fight over nothing? Sokka is fucking drunk and wasn’t feeling good, and fell on me,” You explained angrily.
“Yeah, man, what the hell,” Sokka added, sounding disappointed. “I’m not fighting you, dude. This is ridiculous.”
Zuko suddenly pushed Sokka again, causing you to break.
“Zuko! Enough!” You screamed before grabbing Sokka by the collar of his shirt and dragging him out of the bathroom. You pushed him away once you exited the bathroom and stormed to Suki’s room, slamming and locking the door behind you. You sat on the edge of the bed, anxiously running your hands through your hair before fishing your phone from your pocket. You bounced your leg nervously, trying to busy yourself and calm down. You couldn’t believe this was happening.
A few minutes later, a knock at the bedroom door startled you.
“Y/N? It’s Suki and Katara! Can you let us in?” A voice from the other side of the door asked worriedly.
You got up and unlocked the door for them. Two worried looking girls strolled in, closing the door behind them.
“What happened?” Katara asked.
“Sokka’s drunk as fuck, his head fell on my shoulder, Zuko walked in, stormed out, and then we confronted him about it what was wrong, and then he tried to fight Sokka!” You explained irritatedly.
“What? Why would he get so mad about that? Sokka always falls on people when he’s drunk?” Suki questioned. “He falls asleep!”
“I’m just so pissed. You should’ve seen him. He was being so irrational. I didn’t even recognize him,” You muttered, replaying the scene in your head. The girls sat down beside you at the edge of the bed, rubbing circles on your back.
“I’m sorry, honey. For what it’s worth, Zuko sounds like he feels awful,” Katara offered with a light smile.
“I don’t care. I hated seeing him like that,” You mumbled. “I just need to be away from him right now.”
“Sokka told me he’s been feeling down knowing you leaving. Maybe that has something to do with tipping him over,” Suki suggested. You shrugged and buried your face in your hands. The image of the anger in his eyes was stuck in your head.
“Can you guys leave me alone for a bit?” You asked. “I need to cool off and think.”
The girls nodded sadly before getting up and exiting the room. You fell backwards on the bed, staring at the ceiling miserably. A couple minutes later, a few knocks sounded and the door knob started to jiggle. They must’ve locked it on their way out.
“What?” You yelled at whoever was at the door.
“Y/N?” It was Zuko. His voice sounded scared and worried. “Please let me in.”
On the other side of the door, Zuko was leaning against the wood, his hands pressed against it. He felt horrible. He didn’t know what had gotten into him. After you left the bathroom, Sokka got Katara and Suki and reasoned with him, calming him down. After the intervention, he realized what he had done. He felt terrible knowing he had hurt you. He couldn’t imagine how scared and upset you were to see him like that. He hadn’t acted like that in a very long time.
“Y/N, baby, please,” Zuko begged. “Please open the door for me. I’m so sorry.”
The quiet from the other side was deafening. A pit formed in Zuko’s stomach. Was he going to lose you?
a/n: don’t hate me pwease🥺 part four is coming soon! ah!! thanks for reading!!!
taglist: @teelagurl558 @complainsalot @coldlilheart
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2996-sana · 4 years
Lucky - Jisoo
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request: Please can you write some fluff/angst where Jisoo finds out her girlfriend used to have a bp stan account and had Chaeyoung as her bias so Jisoo gets jealous/insecure and starts acting differently? Thank you!!!
i kinda went another way but it still has the same gist, really ! only that the reader didn’t have a stan account hehe 
p.s. i have received the requests for rosé and jennie but i will be doing a lisa request first since i haven’t put one out for her yet but i am still accepting requests atm
You would like to consider yourself lucky. You were currently in a very happy and healthy relationship with someone who you share an effortlessly rock-solid bond with. Someone who appreciated you for you and prioritized you over everything else. Your friends would always point out how smitten you both were but you never did pay it no mind – they could only wish to have a love as resilient and fun.
Oh yeah, and the person in question? Kim Jisoo. One of Korea’s most sought-after idols.
No big deal. Adding the fact that you were a fan before getting into a relationship with her, you would say lucky is an understatement.
If it wasn’t for your close friendship with Soojoo (who is one of Jisoo’s best friends in the industry) and your persistence to be introduced to the girls of Blackpink, you wouldn’t be where you are today. It took the right timing and the decision to come over at Soojoo’s apartment, only to find out she already had a certain guest over, for fate to lay a hand. Though your constant flirting also definitely helped create a permanent spot for you on Jisoo’s mind.
It wasn’t everyday someone had the guts to flirt with her and usually when someone did, she never had any trouble turning them down. She had bigger and better things to focus on: her career and her Blinks. She had no time for silly relationships at her young age, especially since they were at their peak, but there was something about you that kept her coming back.
That was over a year ago and the relationship that you both have built still leaves everybody in awe. You give majority of the credit to Jisoo who knew exactly how to handle you. She dealt with everything with a maturity you could only wish to have. Although you’d like to think it was already rubbing off on you. Something that your parents will forever be grateful to Jisoo for.
Your girlfriend carried with her a very laid back and goofy disposition. You’ve always admired how calm she was during times when you’d expect the exact opposite and loved her ability to bring comfort to those who weren’t, especially to her own members. Even her fans noticed how caring and protective she became when needed. You always chalked it up to her being the eldest in the group and feeling the need to be the one stable thread that kept everyone together. She was always the strong one when everything seemed to be falling apart.
But this also meant not a lot of people get to see Jisoo the way you do. Because with you, she allows herself to completely break down the walls she surrounds herself with when she’s at work. Gone is the Kim Jisoo of the biggest girl group in the world. All you were left with was Jisoo – your girlfriend.
The first time you saw Jisoo cry was a turning point in your relationship.
You and Jisoo were lounging on your couch on one of her few days off. Both of you were directing your attention to the documentary playing on the TV when you all of a sudden hear sniffles coming from your right. You immediately face the girl you have been seeing for a few months and see her fixing her gaze on her lap whilst she played with her fingers. Her eyes glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As she blinked, they dripped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks. She bit her lip tightly in attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from her mouth
“Jisoo?” you hesitated. At this point, your mind was going wild with the probable reasons why she was suddenly upset. Your brain cogs turning trying to remember if you did anything wrong or maybe she was going to break things off. Of course, she was too busy and didn’t have time for a relationship. Why did you even think this would work out?
“Y/N…” Jisoo’s eyes moved slower and always more down-cast, skimming the floor, rarely raising to eye level as more tears started to fall. It was in her voice too, quieter, with a meekness that wasn't usually part of her speech patter. This was very unlike the Jisoo you were used to. She was sad in a way you hadn't seen before. She brought her hand to intertwine yours together, taking a deep breathe to calm herself.
“Talk to me,” you whispered. “You never have to be afraid to open up to me.”
It was this that made Jisoo’s tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her face. The muscles of her chin trembled like a small child and it took everything in you not to start crying too. It was not the time.
“I’m just tired,” she mumbled. “There’s been a lot of stress about the album process being delayed again and everyone is just so drained.” she leaned backwards, letting her head fall on the back of the couch and closing her eyes. “I’m so tired.” she emphasized, wiping her tears. You let her cry for a few more minutes waiting until she calms down as you put your arms around her shoulder.
“I will never understand firsthand what that feels like as an artist to go through that but I want you and the girls to know that so many people believe in you,” you consoled. “This is what you guys have been waiting for and you deserve it and more. The process was never gonna be easy but I know that you all love what you do and it will all be worth it because of that and your fans.”
She let out a shaky sigh before turning to face you. She studied your face silently for a second before giving you a small smile. “Thank you. I honestly went to see you tonight because I didn’t wanna be upset in front of the girls. Not right now when they’re all feeling really down too.”
She leaned forward to wrap her arms around you in a hug. “You’re my safe place.”
Before you, Jisoo didn’t think she could ever find a soul, aside from her members, that would ever understand the things that brought her pain.
To be the one Jisoo was able to turn to during her toughest moments was a badge of honor you would gladly wear everyday for the rest of your life.
Right now, you joined the Blackpink girls in their dorm chatting over some chicken and soju. You were all on your fourth bottle and you could sense how tipsy Rosé was becoming, but you knew Jennie and Lisa weren’t too far off either.
“I think its so funny how Y/N was annoying Soojoo to introduce her to us and now she’s practically married to Jisoo unnie,” Jennie giggled, raising the shot glass to her mouth.
Both Rosé and Lisa apparently thought this was the funniest thing ever because they laughed their little hearts silly.
“Oh my god!” Rosé squealed. “I was your bias remember?”
You hid your face on your hands as you shook your head, “Jesus, you’re super drunk.”
“Still doesn’t change the fact I was your bias!” Rosé laughed, putting her head on your shoulder.
“Yah, unnie, look!” Lisa slapped Jisoo’s shoulders, staring at her wildly. “Rosé is trying to steal your girl.” she pointed towards the both of you.
Jisoo only raised an eyebrow towards you before giving Lisa a smile but you knew Jisoo well enough now to differentiate a real smile from a fake one and that did not look genuine at all. Before you could scoot over to your girlfriend, Jennie decided to dig your hole a little deeper.
“I never knew that before Y/N. Why Rosie?” Jennie glared. “Why not me?”
“Yeah! Tell us!” Rosé exclaimed clapping her hands.
And that started a round of chants asking you to tell them the reason.
“Just tell them, babe.” you hear your girlfriend say. You look at her searching for signs not to but she only nodded in encouragement. You knew she was only doing so to appease her wasted members.
“I…I don’t know,” you stammered, looking at everyone. “She just caught my attention, I guess. That was way before I knew you guys though and what you were like. Everything is different now.”
“Well duh, you’re like in love with Jisoo unnie now,” Rosé drunkenly whispered.
You smiled at her words pulling Jisoo closer to you, “That I am.”
It was around 3AM when you and Jisoo arrived at your apartment after putting the drunk girls to bed. You and Jisoo decided to spend the night together since it had been weeks since you saw each other. You’ve noticed how quiet Jisoo had been after the whole Rosé being your bias thing and you couldn’t help but worry and wonder why. You’ve caught her in moments of reflection for the rest of the night before remembering where she was and trying to act normal.
You were in bed when you find her uncharacteristically quiet and staring up at the ceiling.
“I know you’re not okay,” you deadpanned, laying on your side to face her. “What’s on your mind?”
“It’s stupid,” she sighed as the words slowly made its way out of her mouth.
“You know I would never invalidate your feelings, right?” you questioned, reaching up to caress her cheek.
“Why me?” she said quietly. “I always asked myself that when we first started dating. Whenever Soojoo mentioned you, she would always talk about your obsession with Chaeyoung and we’d both laugh about it. When I first met you and you started showing interest, I thought you were only using me to get closer to Chaeyoung.” she laughed but you could sense no humor behind it.
You wanted to interject and tell her how wrong she was but you sensed she had more to say.
“So, I put you in arm’s length because of that. I didn’t think you had the best intentions towards me. It was okay at first until I really started to get attached to you too and I thought ‘great, I like someone who is probably into Chaeyoung’. Chaeyoung was your type and I couldn’t be more different from her. I was so confused and didn’t know what your deal was. I started to get really scared when I realized you had to meet the girls.” she recounted. “I was scared that you’d start to like her for real and that she was what you were after all along. I felt lost and confused, but at the same time happy and certain that I really wanted things with you to work out.”
She turned to face you for the first time since she started talking, “I was wrong. You had the most genuine intentions towards me and you proved that time and time again. I guess that tonight, that irrational fear just crawled back to me like a shadow of what I used to feel and that freaked me out.”
After that, you slipped off the blankets and got on top of her, grabbing her face and bringing it closer to yours. “You are the best thing to ever happen to me, Kim Jisoo. I fucking mean that, you know that, right? The moment we met, we clicked, you know that. You were all I could think about the moment I step foot out of Soojoo’s apartment. The only reason Rosie was my bias was because I didn’t know any better. I literally knew jack shit about you guys but the more I got to know you, the more I knew I wanted to be with you. It was never about Blackpink, it was about me getting to know another human being that I adored and respected.”
You were looking down at her probably looking at her like the sun came out of her ass but Jisoo wasn’t complaining. “You curse a lot, you know?” she giggled.
You rolled your eyes, “I come up with that great speech and you choose to talk about a couple curses.”
She leaned up and pressed your lips together.
“You’ve never failed to make me feel that, Y/N. Thank you for putting up with me when I get bouts of insecurity and doubt.” she smiled. “You know I’ll do the same for you too.”
“Yeah, you’re gonna be doing that a lot more for me because you guys are only going up from here,” you pouted. “I’ll have more people to compete with especially with your new drama coming. Your male lead better watch out, whoever he is.” you scoffed.
“There’s no competition in the first place,” she flicked your forehead. “And if there was, it would be a no brainer to know who would win.”
You smirked from above her, “Sure win?”
She crinkled her nose at how corny you were but gave you the biggest smile nonetheless, “You know it, babe.”
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kitty-cat-is-back · 4 years
What Am I Doing with My Life? Chapter 2
Pairing: Sero Hanta x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Holy moly guys! I know I said this is another post, but I am still in shock about how well recieved the first chapter was! Thank you so so much everyone! Now, I just want to say before anyone asks, I have no idea how long this will be. I’m basically just writing as I go, but I do know how I want it to end! Hopefully you guys will stick around til the end! Also, let me know if I should do a taglist for this! Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
Chapter 1
Warnings: signs of depression, angst (I guess), a bit of cursing
‘How did I end up here?’
You sat stiffly at a wobbly table in the corner of the cafe, staring down at your lap intensely. Honestly, this just seemed like a dream. Or a nightmare. You hadn’t quite figured out which one it was yet. You hesitantly glanced up to see Hanta at the counter, chatting up the barista with his usual big smile. He hadn’t changed at all. Well… That wasn’t necessarily true. Actually, he had changed quite a lot. His once lanky body had filled out quite nicely with age, starting at the top with broad shoulders and going down to what you would assume was a muscled abdomen, or at least that was what the tight heather grey t-shirt was telling you. Your gaze traveled back up to his face, noticing his strong jawline and how well it complemented his features. You realize you might’ve been staring a bit too long when you notice him staring back at you, amusement in his eyes, and a cunning grin. Your eyes widen a bit before promptly looking back down at your lap, your face burning with embarrassment.
Hanta grabbed both of your drinks and came back to the table, taking the seat across from yours, “Here you go! A nice, tasty water,” he teased, “Are you sure you don’t want something else? I really don’t mind paying to get you something better,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee.
You cleared your throat and grabbed the water, “No, this is fine. Thank you though…” you replied softly, taking a quick drink in hopes it would smooth out all of your awkwardness.
Sero hummed in acknowledgment and kept his focus on you, “Well, anyways… How have you been? I don’t think anyone’s heard from you since graduation!”
‘Why is he being so nice to me?’
You adjusted uncomfortably in your seat and gave a small shrug of your shoulders, “Oh, y’know… I’ve been good. Moved here to go to school, got my masters in psych, and now I’m working as a therapist essentially.”
Hanta’s eyes lit up with interest, “Wow, really!? That’s so cool! You’re basically like a doctor! You were always pretty smart back then, so that actually shouldn’t surprise me all that much… Not to mention moving all the way to Chicago straight out of high school. That must’ve been a pretty tough challenge…”
‘He’s talking as if nothing happened…’
You laughed awkwardly, scratching your cheek in discomfort, “Well, I’m not a doctor! I think that’s offensive to actual doctors who did the extra schooling. I can’t prescribe any medication, but I do provide them with therapy and advice… And I guess the move was a little challenging, but after eight years I think I’m used to it. B-But enough about me! My life isn’t all that interesting, what about you?”
Hanta quirked an eyebrow, “Me? Well… I tried community college for a semester, but pretty quickly decided I wasn’t ready to take on four more years of schooling. So I dropped out and started job hunting. Had an office job for a while, but I wasn’t very happy doing that either. It wasn’t until one night when I was out with the squad that we all, drunkenly, of course, decided that we all hated our nine to fives and wanted to work for ourselves! So we made our own company! So now we get to work on our own time, make good money, and actually have fun doing it! Plus, we get to do cool things like going on a trip to Chicago with the excuse of it being ‘marketing research,’” he stated with air quotes.
‘His life sounds great, so why is he talking to me?’
“Wow, that takes a lot of guts, but at least it all turned out for the best. Finding happiness in life and job fulfillment is something a lot of people struggle with…” you noted, briefly pondering your own work-life balance, “But you said you’re on a business trip? For how long?”
“Yea, it’s for about two weeks. We wanted to make the most out of our vacation! But… We actually have to do a little bit of work. Katsuki would kill us if we didn’t!”
“Oh, yea! I came with Kaminari, which was probably a terrible idea in hindsight… Actually, I was just with him walking around the city and that’s when I saw you! I thought it was you that I walked past and I just had to be sure! Thank God it was you, otherwise, I would’ve just been a crazy person yelling in the streets,” he said with a cheery laugh.
“So… You just abandoned Kaminari.”
“...More or less, yes.”
‘How can he be so carefree?’
You couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh. You couldn’t tell if it was from actual amusement or disbelief. You felt like you had been transported back to a time when you were… happy. You felt something you hadn’t felt in years and… you didn’t feel like you deserved to feel this.
Hanta could feel something uncertain left in the silence between you, “Speaking of this, I’m sorry if you’re uncomfortable by all this. That wasn’t my intention! I just happened to see you out in the street and my legs started moving to you before I even had a chance to think of what I was going to say if I got to you. I missed you, y’know?”
At those last words, your throat clenched and your eyes began to burn with tears. You’ve kept everything locked up so tightly all these years, not letting anything get to you. How was it that a few words were able to crack your walls? The shaky breath that you released along followed by a sniffle became an instant giveaway to your current state.
‘He missed me…?’
Hanta’s eyes practically bulged out of his head when he realized what was going on, “Oh shit, I’m so sorry! I’ve made you uncomfortable, haven’t I!? Fuck, I didn’t mean to make you upset…”
‘He missed me…’
You turned your face away from him and desperately started trying to cover up your blunder, “No, no! I’m fine! Don’t apologize! I um… There must be a cold breeze that’s blowing on me. Yea, the air is just making my eyes water… I’m n-not crying! I-” you paused when you felt a warm hand placed on top of your own. Your head snapped back and met Hanta’s eyes, shocked to find a loving and gentle look in them.
“Y/N… What’s wrong?”
You couldn’t hold back anymore. Tears streamed down your cheeks for the first time in years. When was the last time you cried? You don’t even think you could remember. You choked back a sob and lowered your head.
“Nothing,” you started.
Hanta squeezed your hand while gently caressing his thumb over the top of it, “Don’t act like I don’t know you. We might have gotten older, but you’re still exactly as I remember you. Bottling everything up until you burst. If this is about back then, I’m just going to set the record straight and tell you outright that I don’t care. That’s in the past and I wouldn’t have chased after you today if I was mad at you. Please… Just talk to me.”
You squeezed your eyes shut as you tried to get yourself under control, but it was no use. Hanta had made a large crack in your wall and you couldn’t patch it up. You weren’t ready to bring that up just yet, but you knew he wouldn’t just let this slide. You had to come up with something…
You shook your head, “No… It’s just-” you paused and swallowed thickly, “It’s… my apartment.”
Hanta narrowed his eyes, searching for any trace of lies, “...Your apartment?”
You nodded and sniffled, using your free hand to wipe away some of your tears, “Uh-huh… It’s um… There’s no light in my apartment. I have windows, but they face a brick wall of another building. Every morning I wake up in a dark apartment and just stare at the brick wall, hoping one day it’ll just turn into a nice backyard in the suburbs, like back at home. Most mornings, I don’t even want to get out of bed, knowing that even when I leave my apartment, it’s still dark outside. I thought when I moved here every day would be a fun adventure in the big city. But… Even when the sun is shining, it still feels… dark,” you finish, realizing even despite yourself, you still opened up. Just maybe not in the way he wanted.
Hanta stayed silent for a moment, processing everything you had said. It seemed real to him, but he knew there was so much more wrong than just where you lived, “Do you even want to live here anymore?”
“It was always my dream to live in a big city…”
“Well, what’s your dream now?”
You didn’t answer.
Hanta nodded, knowing that’s all he was going to be able to get out of you for now, “So… Your apartment, huh? Well, let’s go check it out! I’ve always wanted to see what a lavish big city apartment looks like anyways!”
Your head snapped back towards him, “Wait, what? No, Hanta, I don’t think that-”
“Besides, I consider myself to be a gentleman. If something is distressing you, I have to try and fix it, right? I think that’s written in the gentlemen’s code, right?” he retorted quickly, not giving you the chance to tell him no. He had a newfound mission and he only had two weeks to do it. He stood with conviction and pulled you up by the hand he was still holding, “Well, lead the way!”
‘Not again…’
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javier-djarin · 4 years
Como Me Duele: Chapter 4
Ship: Javi x Reader
Rating: M
Word Count: 5,649 words
Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendos, fluff
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Summary: You and Javi both have to come to terms with some difficult revelations. (That’s it. If I summarize any more, I might spoil it).
A/N: Whoo. I’ve really enjoyed writing this chapter, so I hope you all love it! Thank you again for all the love and support! So, please let me know what you think. Please let me know if you want to be on my tag list! Also, translations are at the bottom.
Days passed by since Lara’s murder, and since he kissed her. She’d been spending her time with Kate, though, and he decided to leave the pair of them alone to catch up. He also had been spending most of his time at either the embassy or with Carrillo. Despite what she said to him, he still felt like this was his fault. If he would have done more, been less distracted, he could have kept a good man alive. On top of that Escobar had attacked the Palace of Justice, causing them to lose all the evidence they had against him. That hit Javier hard. He spent the last few nights reading reports and trying to find the end of a whiskey bottle. Steve would call it quits at around ten, but Javier didn’t want to go home. He would be forced to face his mistakes. At least here, he could focus on something else. 
Carrillo walked into the “war room”as they so aptly named it. It had a large bulletin board filled with pictures of everyone in The Medellín Cartel, with Escobar at the top. Peña was bent over a stack of folders, standing there with a whiskey glass in one hand and his other hand on his hip. He had his usual stern look on his face. “¿Alguna suerte?” Carrillo asked. 
Peña looked up at him and sighed. “No. Estoy mirando archivos viejos.” Carrillo sat down at the table and slid a file over to him. “¿Qué es esto?”
Peña’s eyes lit up. “Gacha?”
Carrillo nodded. “Sabemos dónde está el cabrón.”
Peña grabbed another whiskey glass, filled it, and slid it across the table to him. He leaned forward and held his glass up to cheer Carrillo. “Salud, hermano.”
“Salud.” They both finished their glasses and sat in comfortable silence for a brief moment before Carrillo spoke again. “Salimos en la mañana.”
Carrillo nodded. “Sí. Necesito su ayuda. El cabrón está con su hijo. No sabemos los armados que están.”
“Sí. Claro.” He stood and stretched. “Entonces, voy a salir. Hasta mañana.”
Carrillo held up his glass to him as he left. Javier looked at his watch and saw the time. 1:00 AM. He was barely going to get a good night’s sleep before having to wake up early and chase down Gacha. He finally made it back to the apartment complex when he saw Kate, Connie, and Y/N walking down the sidewalk, giggling. It was obvious they had been out drinking and dancing. He felt envious of every guy she could have possibly danced with. He noticed this time she was in a little black dress that was low cut and tight like her other one. He leaned against the railing on the stoop and waited for them to see him. Kate and Connie stopped first and smiled. “I mean, I donknow whathis fucking problemis,” you drunkenly slurred, “s’like he’s avoiding me.”
He saw Kate elbow her and she looked up at Javier. “Shhhhit,”she added. 
“Evening, ladies,” he said with a grin, “have a good night?”
Kate was clearly as drunk as Y/N, because all she could do was giggle. Connie, who was better off than the other two smiled. “Just like senior year,” she replied.
Y/N sat down on the stoop and put her head in her hands. “She looks like she’s not standing back up,” Javi added. 
“We might have had a little too much to drink.”
She slumped against the railing. Kate tried to sit down next to her, but Connie stopped her. “No, we need to get you upstairs.” Connie started leaning a little too much with her, and they both almost fell over, which caused the three of them to break out into a fit of giggles. 
Javier felt his chest tighten when he heard her giggling. She was so….what’s the right word? Adorable? No. Beautiful. Yes. Perfect. He leaned over to Connie. “Take Kate on up,” he said, handing her Y/N’s purse, “I’ll carry this one up.”
Connie ran her hand through her hair and sighed. “Thanks, Javi.”
He held the door open for Connie and Kate before scooping Y/N into his arms. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his chest. He heard her mumble something. “What was that, hermosa?”
“I’ssaid you smell nice,” she said picking her head up to look at him in his eyes. Her’s were so glossed over that he doubted she was actually looking at him. 
She grabbed his face to make him look at her. “Don’t hurt me, Javi.” 
She had a few tears in her eyes. He felt his heart break a little for her. Fuck that asshole, Javi thought to himself. He didn’t know her fiancé, but he hated him for ever considering hurting her. “Never, mi hermosa.”
Her head lolled forward a little. “I’m sorry,” she pleaded.
“Don’t. You have nothing to be sorry for. You’re perfect.” His voice cracked at the last statement. He was trying to keep his feelings under control, but she was exactly that and deserved to know.
She rested her head back on his chest. “You smell nice.”
He laughed and was pretty sure she wouldn’t remember anything from tonight. “You smell like you drank the bar,” he joked.
She picked her head up and smiled at him. What he would do to make her smile every day. “It’s his fault,” she replied, losing her smile faster than he could comprehend. 
He made it to her floor. “He’s a fucking moron to choose anyone over you,” he said. She was weightless in his arms, that he didn’t even realize how long he’d been holding her in front of her door. 
Connie opened the door and stumbled out. “I was about to come looking for you!”
He bounced her a little in his arms. “Lugging this up the stairs hasn’t been easy.”
She didn’t even bother responding to him, because she was still gazing at him teary eyed. Connie looked between the two of them and smiled. “Well, Kate’s asleep on the couch. If you got her, I’m going to go to bed.”
“I got her. I’m sure as soon as I set her down, she’ll pass out.”
Connie patted his arm. “Ever our hero, Javi.”
He slid into her apartment and lightly closed the door behind him, so as to not disturb Kate. He pushed open her bedroom door and gently set her down on her bed. He knelt down in front of her and delicately undid the straps on her heels to slide them off her sore feet. He massaged each of them a few times, causing her to fall back on her bed and let out a soft moan that drove him mad. Javi didn’t notice her dress had ridden up a little too high until he started on her other foot. To which, he quickly averted his eyes and stood up. “Don’t move. I’m going to get you some water.”
She didn’t respond. He figured she was passed out. He quietly rummaged around her kitchen looking for a glass and the Tylenol. By the time he walked back into her room, she was gone. Then, he heard the sink faucet turn on. At least she’s conscious, he thought. The bathroom light turned out and the door opened. He almost dropped the glass of water when she walked out in nothing but her lacy black bra and underwear. He tried to look anywhere but at her. She seemed oblivious to his embarrassment. “Here,” he said, in an almost prepubescent voice. He handed her the Tylenol and water.
Without missing a beat, she took it from him, and then crawled onto her bed on top of the covers. He sighed, knowing she would get cold. He pulled back the covers as much as he could before picking her up in his arms again. Her skin was so soft against his. She sent electric shocks throughout his body. She was so warm, so delicate. He refused to check her out, though. He was not about to take advantage of this beautiful woman when she was drunk. Instead, he laid her in bed and covered her with her blankets. As he walked away, she grabbed his wrist, at an impressive speed for someone as drunk as she was. Sitting up, she pulled him towards her, planting a sloppy, but gentle kiss on his lips. “Thank you, Javi.” 
“Of course,” he smiled. 
In her drunken stupor, she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. Javi turned around before he saw too much. He saw her shadow toss it across the room. He peaked over his shoulder to make sure she was back under the covers, and thank God she was. “Your water is right here on the nightstand,” he whispered.
He saw her smile in her half asleep state. He walked to the door and shut the light off, and he could have sworn he heard her say, “Mi Javi hermoso.”
Your POV
The second your eyes flew open, every incident flooded your memory. Even the part where you sloppily kissed Javi. You let out a loud groan and grabbed your pillow to cover your face. If you were lucky, you’d suffocate yourself so you didn’t have to face him this morning. You pulled back your covers and looked down, realizing you had, in fact, ripped your bra off in front of him. You clearly remember being offended that he turned around, but the moment he leaned in to tell you about your water, your anger faded. You also prayed he didn’t hear what you said as he left, but at this point nothing could get any worse. You let out another groan and walked across your room to pick your bra off the floor. You stumbled around, trying to find clothes to throw on so you could march downstairs and thank Javi, or at least apologize. 
You opened your bedroom door and saw a very hungover Kate sitting on the couch. Surprisingly, your hangover wasn’t as bad. Thanks to Javi. You smiled a little as you walked further out into your living room. “Morning,” Kate mumbled.
“I’ll be right back,” you said, making a beeline for your door. It was locked. Your heart fluttered, because you knew that meant he locked it before he left. 
“Where are you going?”
You didn’t answer Kate, but instead marched to Javi’s door, lightly knocking on it. There was no answer, so you knocked a little louder. You were hoping he wasn’t still asleep….or preoccupied. There was still no answer. This time you knocked like you meant business. “He already left. He won’t be back for a couple of days.” 
You turned and saw Steve behind you. You felt a blush run across your face. “I just wanted to thank him for helping us last night.”
“Mhm,” Steve said, not believing you. “Look, Y/N, Connie and I care a lot about you. Just be careful with Javi.”
You nodded. “I know his type,” you smiled, “and I don’t plan on going any further than friends.”
Steve nodded, again not believing you. “He’s a good friend.”
You wrapped your arms around yourself. “You know that I’m not going to trust anyone enough to get that close to me.”
He wrapped an arm around you and gave you a brotherly side hug. “Connie just worries about you. She doesn’t want to see you get hurt anymore.”
You felt a few tears form and you quickly wiped them away. “Thanks, Steve.”
You turned to head upstairs. “Do you want me to tell him you stopped by?”
You looked at Javi’s door. The same door you’ve seen countless women leave through. “No,” you sighed, “I’ll just talk to him when he gets back.”
Steve nodded and jogged down the stairs. You slowly made your way back to your apartment. You opened the door and saw Kate sitting at the counter eating her leftovers from the other night, so you decided to take the couch. “What’s your problem?” Kate asked with a mouthful.
“Last night.”
“I thought we had fun!”
“No, we did. It’s whenever we got home.” The memory of Javi carrying you up the stairs suddenly hit you. 
You grabbed his face to make him look at you. “Don’t hurt me, Javi.” 
You had a few tears in your eyes. “Never,” he said.
Your head lolled forward a little. “I’m sorry,” she pleaded.
“Don’t. You have nothing to be sorry for. You’re perfect.” His voice cracked at the last statement. Your heart stopped. “He’s a fucking moron to choose anyone over you,” he said. 
You slowly turned to Kate. “We have a huge problem.”
She took another bite of food and then turned to you. “And that is…?”
Kate shook her head and rolled her eyes. 
“I’m serious!” You recounted everything that had happened the night before. 
Kate swooned out of her chair and onto the couch. “He said you were perfect?” She made a crying sound. “If that’s not the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard, I don’t know what is.”
“What am I going to do?” You worried.
“Call Connie and tell her to get her ass over here.”
You leaned back on the couch and threw your arm over your eyes. “I’m serious, Kate. I can’t trust him.”
“What is there not to trust? He had every opportunity to take advantage of you and didn’t, for starters. He also thinks you’re perfect.” She sighed and slumped back against the couch,”he carried you like fucking Prince Charming, made sure you were safe and comfortable. What don’t you trust?”
“He’s a womanizer. How do I know he’s not going to run off with the next hot thing that moves in next door?”
“He’s not Michael,” Kate argued.
You growled. “He knows what he’s doing. He’s had enough women to know how to woo them right into bed with him.”
“If you don’t trust him so much, then why are you friends with him?”
You looked at her and glared. “Because I want to trust him.”
Kate folded her arms and looked at you. “And why is that?”
“Are you seriously going to make me admit it?”
She looked at you, dead in the eyes, and waited.
“Ugh. Fine! Because I have a teeny tiny crush on him, and I don’t want him to turn out like Michael. I don’t want him to hurt me the way he easily could.”
Victorious, Kate smiled at you. “Was that so hard?”
She was clearly satisfied by your misery. “I’m going to take a shower.”
“I’m so glad you came down.”
Kate skipped off to your guest shower, ignoring your sarcastic remark. “Call Connie. She should be ready for lunch soon.”
You wanted to cry out of frustration, but instead you called Connie to see if she could meet for lunch. She could tell by the tone in your voice, something was wrong, but she figured you’d tell her when you three met up.
You and Kate walked to a little cafe just around the corner from the hospital, where Connie was already waiting. She waved you both over to the table. “Is everything okay? You sounded upset on the phone.”
Kate smiled and snacked on the bread in front of her. “She’s just mad at me.”
“What happened?”
You glared at Kate, refusing to talk. So, Kate told her for you. Connie turned to you with wide eyes once she was done telling her very embellished version of the story about the night before. “I can’t say I blame you,” Connie said, “he’s very suave.”
You nodded. “And you agree with me that I should stay away from him, right?”
Connie took a sip of her Coke. “He said you were perfect?” She asked, still contemplating your question.
“And that Michael was a ‘fucking moron’ to let her go,” Kate chimed.
She folded and unfolded her hands. “Steve is going to be so annoyed with me, but I agree with Kate.”
“You what?!” You exclaimed softly.
“I’ve known Javi for a while now. I’ve seen him with the women he dates and the women he fucks. His eyes are practically dead. They would walk into the room, and he wouldn’t even turn to look at them. With you, Steve and I had both said, it’s different. He hasn’t actually slept with anyone since that night of the club.”
“What? But I’ve seen women leave his apartment!”
Connie nodded. “I know, but he says that they come over trying to get his business, and he turns them away. Says it doesn’t feel right.”
You shook your head, confused. “I’m sorry, what?”
“He confessed it to me. Not even Steve knows that. He came to me the day after he kissed you to talk to me. I didn’t want to say anything until I knew where you stood. Look, he reminded Steve and I of Michael, and we wanted to protect you from that. However, Javi is a good guy. I honestly think he whores himself out to girls like that, because he thinks that is what he deserves. Since he met you, he’s changed. His biggest fault is caring so much that it gets him into a lot of trouble. He thinks he needs to save everyone. Which is why he felt like he needed to take you to get Kate. He told me after what happened to Puff and the threats Steve was getting, he couldn’t bear the thought of any of that happening to you. And, when you tried to comfort him after he started blaming himself for Lara, he couldn’t help it. He said you had touched some part of his soul that he thought he sold to the Devil years ago.”
Kate covered her mouth and looked at you. “Could he be anymore perfect?” 
You felt tears escape and run down your face. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt so cared for, desired. You wanted to run and jump into his arms right now,  but you had no idea where he was. You wiped your face with the back of your hand. “Well, this information does me no good, because I don’t even know where he is to talk to him.”
“Steve said he got a lead last night and is helping Search Bloc take down one of the Kingpins.”
You felt your heart race. “Where?”
“Cartegena, I think Steve said.”
You took a deep breath and sipped on your Coke. “Again, a lot of good this does for me. You leave in a few days, probably by the time he gets back, and by then I will have chickened out.”
Kate reached across the table for your hand. “Hey, six months ago you survived the single worst break up any of us has ever experienced. You uprooted your life and are starting over in Colombia. You’ve got the hottest man I have ever seen after you, and more confidence because of him. You carry yourself differently when he’s near, because the way he looks at you gives you confidence. The confidence that Michael is a moron and he’s the one who’s a worthless piece of shit.”
You smiled at her and squeezed her hand. “Thanks.”
“Besides,” she said, leaning back in her chair, “I need someone to fuck him and tell me about it.”
You gasped and flicked a breadstick at her. She looked at you innocently and continued picking apart her own piece of bread. Connie laughed and shook her head. “If you think about it, he has to be good. He slept with a girl I used to work with here and she said he’s the best sex she’d ever had.”
Kate turned it. “I knew it. You better call. I will pay for the charges, happily, to learn every nitty, gritty detail.”
You felt your cheeks turn bright red. “For all you know, after we talk, we might just remain friends.”
Kate and Connie both laughed at you. “Yeah,” Kate said, “and I’m going to run for President.”
Two days later when you woke up, you turned on the news to see if there was any update on Javi in Cartagena. Steve was gone on his own mission, and so you couldn’t beg him for information. Luckily, you had turned it on just in time. Valeria Vélez was reporting that Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha was killed, along with his son, in a raid on his house in Tolú late yesterday afternoon. This raid was assisted by the American Drug Enforcement Agency, with an unnamed agent leading the mission alongside Search Bloc’s Colonel Carrillo. It was unclear how many casualties each side suffered, but in the end Gacha was brought down and this was marked as a huge win for Search Bloc.
You felt your heart race with apprehension. You wished Javi could get the recognition he clearly deserved, but you also worried that he was one of the casualties of this raid. Easy, girl. They would have mentioned the death of an American DEA Agent if he was killed in combat, you told yourself. But your anxiety was almost too much to handle.
Kate looked at you when the broadcast ended. “He’s fine,” she said.
“Of course he is.” You grabbed your breakfast dishes and headed to the sink to clean them. You were wiping down the counters and headed to get dressed when you heard a knock on your door. 
“Kate, can you get that? I’m going to hop in the shower.”
“Es tu decisión,” Carrillo said into Javi’s headset.
And without blinking, without any hesitation, he turned to the man next to him and ordered, “Dale plomo.”
It wasn’t until he and Carrillo landed did he take in the gruesomeness of the scene. The past twelve hours flashed through his memory, realizing that he wasn’t any better than the putas he was hunting. He killed this man in cold blood. He may have not pulled the trigger, but he gave the order without a second thought. Even though today was a huge win, he still felt like a piece of shit. Who really was the good guy in this situation? That was all relative.
Javier walked away from the scene and sat on the side of the road running his hands through his hair. Yeah, Gacha was a heartless son of a bitch, but how was he any different? He’s done plenty of terrible things over the course of his career just to catch the bad guy. Not too long ago he told Steve while they were stealing evidence, “Sometimes you gotta do bad things to catch bad people.” But at what point is there no return? At what point is bad too bad?
He tried to clear his head. Let his thoughts wander, and they always went to her. She was so innocent and fragile in his arms as she pleaded for him not to hurt her. She was flawless and beautiful when she crawled across her bed in her lacy black bra and underwear. She murmured in her sleep “mi Javi hermoso.” He felt a smile creepy across his face, bringing him out of the darkness, and it was in that moment he knew what to do. Javier rapidly stood up and walked to Carrillo. “Necesito ir a Bogotá. ¿Nosotros hemos terminado aquí?” he asked.
Carrillo nodded and continued talking to his men. Javier hopped in the helicopter and ordered the pilot to take him to the airport. It was a three hour flight home, and he would have to stop by the embassy first to make his statement. He wanted to see her, have her tell him everything was going to be okay; he was just doing his job. He fidgeted the entire plane ride, trying to think of an explanation he would give her, but he thought of nothing. Out of exhaustion, he did fall asleep during the second half of his flight, but he dreamed of her. He dreamed of him carrying her up the stairs to her apartment as she rested her head on his shoulder; of her kissing him; of the small smile she made when she slept. When they landed, Steve boarded the plane to wake him. “Hey, jackass, wake up,” he said, shaking his partner.
Slightly startled, Peña woke up, disappointed to see it was Steve shaking him. “You my ride?”
Steve sighed. “I am. I just got done with a meeting with Gaviria. How did Cartegena go?”
“Ended up in Tolú, but we got the bastard.” He followed Steve down the stairs and out to the car he had waiting for them. “I need to stop by the embassy and make my report first.”
Steve acknowledged him and climbed into the driver’s seat. Once the car was started and put in drive, Steve said, “Y/N stopped by your apartment.”
Peña felt his heart race. “What did she say?”
“She said she wanted to thank you for helping her while she was shitfaced.” 
Javi smiled and looked out the window. “Is that all she said?”
Steve pulled the car over and looked at him. “You know,” he began, “Connie tells me everything. Well, she tells Y/N more, but she tells me when certain people talk to her about her friends.”
Peña’s face instantly became flushed as he slowly turned to Steve. “Someone is asking about Y/N? Is it that fucking doctor who couldn’t keep his damn hands off her?”
“Peña, you know what I’m talking about.”
“Yeah, so?”
Steve sighed. “So, have you really not ‘talked to your informants’ since the night we went to the club?”
He rubbed his hands down his face and then grabbed a cigarette from his pocket. He was trembling as he tried to light it. After several times, he was able to activate the lighter and he took a long drag off his cig. “We really haven’t had time for me to relieve stress,” he said.
Steve let his head fall back against the headrest. “Javier,” he said. It threw him off, since Steve normally addressed him by his last name. “Cut the shit.”
“Fine,” he said through his teeth, taking another pull off his cigarette and flicking ashes out of the window. “No, I haven’t actively sought out sex in a couple of weeks. The girls still stop by, hoping to persuade me to give them business, but I send them packing.”
Steve looked at his partner completely surprised. “Weeks? Jesus, I’m married and I’ve had more action than you recently.”
Peña huffed. “Rub it in,” he grumbled.
He shrugged and finished his cigarette. “I guess none of them have piqued my interest lately. I just haven’t felt like paying for it anymore.”
Steve cracked a smile and laughed at him. “You’re whipped, man.”
“Fuck you.” He reached for another cigarette.
Steve leaned across to stop him. “You know you’ve only really been smoking when I bring this up.”
“So.” He jerked his hand away from Steve and grabbed another. 
“So, I just want to know what’s stressing you out about her.”
Peña leaned back against the headrest. “Can we just get to the embassy?”
“Connie is making me do this, and I figured you’d rather it be just the two of us.”
“Dios ayúdame,” he said under his breath. “She doesn’t stress me out. You do. Telling me to stay away from her; saying I’ll hurt her - that I remind you of her ex. And then every time you bring her up, those thoughts go through my head. Thanks to you, I actually believe all of it. When all I want to do is make sure no one hurts her again. And after today, when I didn’t think twice about killing Gacha…” he trailed off for a second, “all I wanted to do was run back here, but every time we talk about her I’m reminded that I’m nowhere near good enough. So, if I really want to make sure no one hurts her again, I should just listen to you and leave her alone. But I can’t.”
“Fuck, Peña,” Steve breathed. “All this time I was just thinking about protecting her…”
“That you didn’t bother to think you’d hurt your partner in the process?”
“I mean, come on. You haven’t actually been one to keep a steady girl around.”
He sighed. “Yeah, well it wasn’t until I met her that I realized that I’m pretty fucking empty inside.”
Steve grabbed Peña’s shoulder and gave it a brotherly squeeze. “You’re serious.” He wanted to make that sound like a question, but instead it came out like a statement.
Peña glanced over to him before looking out the window again. “About what?”
“You have real feelings for her. Like this isn’t something random. You’ve actually thought about it.”
“I slept at the office for two nights after I kissed her, because I couldn’t face her rejection.”
“Have you told her any of this?” Steve said, starting the car again. He watched the passing cars before pulling back out onto the road. 
Peña huffed. “I’d rather get shot. At least I can keep her in my life as a friend.”
“I’m not trying to tell you what to do…”
He rolled his eyes and stared accusingly at Steve. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Just tell her. If Connie forced me to have this uncomfortable as fuck conversation with you, that has to be a good sign, right?”
He shrugged his shoulders and flicked some ashes out of the window. He started to reflect on all of his favorite moments with her, which was every time they were together. He thought of the way she moved against him as they danced; how peaceful she looked when she fell asleep on his couch after they both drank a little too much.  He smiled at the thought of Kate’s passing comments that told him she’d talked about him to her. 
He felt Steve slap his chest with the back of his hand. “Get that fucking grin off your face,” he laughed. 
Peña lightly shoved him back and said nothing. They rode in silence for a bit before Steve cleared his throat. “Hey, Javier?”
“I’m sorry. I should have trusted you more.”
“I understand.” He replied. “You and Connie wanted to protect her. But it’s fine.”
“I should have been a better partner.” Steve paused and glanced over at Peña. “Friend.”
He made a gagging noise and turned his nose up at Steve. “Don’t you think I get enough of you at the office, and now you want to be friends?”
Steve chuckled. “Fuck you, Peña.”
They got to the embassy late. Many had already left, especially the ambassador. Javier knew that if he didn’t have his report on her desk first thing in the morning, it would be his ass. He worked tirelessly, but it wasn’t until the sun started to slide through the window panes did he realize what time it was. It was 6:00 AM. Fuck. He thought to himself. He finished what he was working on, and dropped it off on the ambassador’s desk. Javier was exhausted and longed to walk into his apartment and pass out on his bed. He drove with the windows down to keep himself awake. He arrived at his apartment complex a little after 7. He contemplated just taking a nap in his Jeep for 10 minutes, but he decided against it. Javier stumbled up the stairs and started to unlock his door. Then, something tugged his attention up the flight of stairs. “Just tell her,” Steve’s voice rang in his ear.
Without realizing it, he was taking two stairs at a time to get to her door. He held his hand up to knock, but paused. It was early. What if she was asleep? Then he heard Kate’s voice through the door. “He’s fine,” she said.
“Of course he is,” she replied.
His heart stopped. She was worried about him; he knew it in his soul that’s who she meant. His chest was so tight that he couldn’t stand it, but then he remembered all of his insecurities. He was heartless, broken. She deserved someone a thousand times better than him. “You have real feelings for her,” Steve’s voice said again. 
He did. He couldn’t help it, and dammit, he was going to tell her. He knocked on the door. Each footstep that drew closer to him behind this goddamn door acted as a countdown to the moment his heart would stop. Then time froze. “What the fuck am I going to say?” He thought, immediately regretting his decision. The door opened but his heart dropped when he saw it was Kate. “Where is she?” He growled, not meaning to sound so aggressive.
With very wide, slightly titillated eyes, Kate didn’t say a word and pointed to Y/N room. He stormed past her. What he didn’t see was Kate sneak out of the apartment and close the door behind her. He didn’t think twice about barging into her room. He did not see her when he opened the door, but he heard the shower running. Debating on what to do, he took five large strides over there and knocked on the door. “Who was it, Kate?” She asked.
He didn’t reply, but knocked again. “Let me get my robe.” 
Javi saw her shadows moving under the door frame. She slowly opened the door and froze when she saw him. “Javi!” She gasped. “What are you doing here?”
He had no idea what to say to her, but instead wrapped her in his arms, pushing her against the bathroom wall as he kissed her, deeper and more passionately than he did the last time.
“¿Alguna suerte?” - Any luck?
 “No. Estoy mirando archivos viejos.” - No. I’m looking at old files.
“¿Qué es esto?” - What is this?
“Sabemos dónde está el cabrón.” - We know where the motherfucker is.
“Salud, hermano.” - Cheers, brother.
“Salimos en la mañana.” - We leave in the morning.
“¿Nosotros?” - We?
“Sí. Necesito su ayuda. El cabrón está con su hijo. No sabemos los armados que están.” - Yes. I need your help. The fucker is with his son, and we don’t know how armed they are.
“Sí. Claro.” - Yes. Of course.
“Entonces, voy a salir. Hasta mañana.” - Then I’m going to leave. See you tomorrow.
“Es tu decisión.” - It’s your call.
“Dale plomo.” - Give him lead.
“Necesito ir a Bogotá. ¿Nosotros hemos terminado aquí?” - I need to go to Bogotá. Are we done here?
“Dios ayúdame.” - God help me.
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Dear Diary Prt. 15
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Word Count: 1,750 (Roughly) 
(I promise the word count is going to pick up again once we get through some of the shorter enteries, and into long ones again, at the moment we’re all just in Graces brain.)
December 25th, 2011
Dear Diary,
Happy Christmas!!
I don’t have time to go over the events of the morning right now, (Aunt Mildred sat me down and went over the first time she gave a blow job), Mum’s called me downstairs, apparently, I have a gift from Harry that came in the post.
I’ll write more soon!
Love Y/N,
December 27th, 2011
Dear Diary,
Sorry I didn’t write again the other day, after reminding myself about Aunt Mildreds blow job story I went downstairs and stole a bottle of vodka and spent the rest of the day drinking for God with my oldest cousin Jesse.
I did remember to drunkenly open Harry’s gift, it was a thick diary, with a handwritten note on the front page. It says;
Dear Y/N,
I didn’t know what to get you for Christmas but knew I had to get you something.
I always see you scribbling down in that old tattered diary of yours, so I thought I’d buy you a new one. Maybe when you write you’ll think of me.
Love Harry,
Isn’t that the sweetest! Harry Styles has to be the most thoughtful guy I have ever met.
Love, Y/N.
December 29th, 2011
Dear Diary,
I’m finally home. After an excruciating six days, (It was five an a half, but six makes me sound like a better daughter) with my family driving me mental about my medical degree, my love life, and how much wine I was drinking at dinner I’m finally home in my own bed.
Harry and Dean aren’t home until tomorrow, so I’ve got the flat to myself for the whole night. I’ve already messaged Tom and he’s on his way over with some food, and you guessed in more wine.
It’s good to be home Diary,
Love Y/N.
December 30th, 2011
Dear Diary,
It has become so extremely utterly apparent to me that I am utterly useless when it comes to sex and the opposite gender… Even more so than I already thought I was.
Let me tell you about last night, and how my utterly useless self realised I know nothing.
So Tom came over, and when I saw him standing at my front door with wine, take away and flowers, I swear my heart did a thousand backflips and well, diary I began to feel guilty about that kiss with George, so I did what any rational woman would do, and I practically jumped him at the door.
“I’ve missed you, Darlin’,” Tom whispered against my lips as I pulled him into the apartment, moving us back towards the settee. “Six days, too long,”
“Mhhm,” I agreed, lips still flush against his. Something took over in the back of my brain and I needed more of him as we fell onto the settee. “You’re jacket,” I began to pull it down his arms, “Take it off,”
“Y/N,” He pulled away, his full hands moving to my shoulders holding me still, “Slow down, we have all night for that,” He pulled me into his chest, “I’m beginning to think you only called me over for a booty call,”
“No,” I stuttered. “I missed you, that’s all…”
“Alright,” He conceded pulling away from me and standing, “If my girlfriend wants me to take my jacket off, then my jackets coming off.” He began to pull the fabric down his arms, stopping midway when he took in my shocked face, “Unless my girlfriend isn’t in this room?”
“You want me to be your girlfriend?” His jacket was halfway down his arms when he nodded his head.
“Yeah, I do,”
“Your girlfriend wants you to take your jacket off,” I whispered, watching as a smile broke out onto his face, the jacket falling to the floor.
“Whatever the girlfriend wants, she shall have,” He fell back onto the settee with me, a mess of limbs. “Well girlfriend,” He stroked my cheek softly, “You’re still coming to the party tomorrow aren’t you?” Tom’s New Year’s party.
“Yes, the boys and Charlotte are still right to come as well aren’t they?”
“Of course,”
“Then I will most certainly be there,” He smiled kissing me softly on the lips, “We should eat,” I whispered through another kiss, “Or we could do other things,”
“I’ve never seen your bedroom,” His hand drew over my knee in circles soothing my rapidly beating heart,
“You want to see my bedroom?” He nodded his head, “Okay,” I stumbled standing from the settee and crossing. The short distance to my small room. “It’s not very tidy, I was studying last night,” He walked inside, fingers running over nicknacks, picking up the diary Harry gave me. “Harry gave it to me for Christmas,” I missed Harry, and Dean being here without their constant football talk didn’t feel right. He smiled at it before setting it back down on the desk.
“It’s all very Y/N,”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“I’m not too sure anything about you could be bad,” He laughed laying on the bed. “Beds not too comfortable, squeaks as well,”
“Loud bed,” as George had aptly put weeks before. “Not so great when you have a bad sleep,”
“Oh really?” He raised his eyebrow,
“Wakes everyone up,” He reached his arm out towards me beckoning me to join him on the bed. I padded over and sat beside him on the hard mattress. He reached out and pulled me down beside him, laying us close together. “Hi,”
“Hi,” He breathed our noses brushing softly as he moved.
“Hi,” I whispered back. He smiled, fingers resting softly under my chin as he brought our lips together, letting them brush together softly. The kiss became rougher as Tom pulled me closer, his hands running down my arm, stopping at my waist. My heart rate spiked as Tom’s lips left mine and moved across my cheek leaving a trail of kisses from my lips to my neck, the skin of my neck being pulled deviously between his teeth. “Ugh,” A strangled moan escaped my lips as I pulled at his short hair. “Tom,” My breath was whispery, nearly unrecognisable as Tom bit into the skin again. “Fuck,”
“You okay?” He pulled his head back up, meeting mine,
“Yeah,” I pulled his lips back to mine, unable to stop the hunger I’d found for him, for the feeling of his lips on mine. He pulled me over so we spun on the small bed, I was on top of him looking down at him as my hands worked on their own to pull his shirt off. He leaned up, pulling the shirt off his body and tossing it on the ground beside my bed. His skin was toned, and nicely tanned. My fingers traced down the expanse of exposed skin as his right hand went to my hip, squeezing the skin before moving back up, fingertips tracing underneath the thin fabric off my shirt. He looked me in the eyes as he moved it upward, exposing a small part of me to him.
I felt underneath me him hardening, God, it felt a lot bigger than Julians had when we made out, and I didn’t know what to do with his, how am I supposed to know what to do with Toms… His hips slowly, subconsciously rutted up against mine hitting me in my most intimate areas.
“Y/N,” He groaned as my hips accidentally moved down against him. “Do you have anything?”
“No,” I sat upright, the cold water of his words rushing over me. “I don’t have anything,” I swung my leg off him and sat down beside him, hand resting on his bicep. I looked down to the bulge in his pants. “I’m sorry,”
“Yeah,” I moved my head so I motioned to his crouch. “About that,”
“Hey,” He sat up, putting his hands under my chin, “Don’t be sorry about anything Y/N,” He kissed me softly. “It’s fine,” He whispered. “How about we go have tea before it gets cold?”
“Yeah, Please,” He stood up and helped me up, holding my hand the entire way to the living room where the forgotten bag of food sat. “What’d you get?” I asked as I sat on the settee watching him riffle through the bags,
“Italian,” He smirked sending me a cocky wink.
And that was it Diary, Tom asked me to be his girlfriend, we made out for the first time… I mean really made out, the kind of made out where you’re sitting there, and you feel everything… everything!!! and I am now constantly worrying about how his Penis…. more so the size of it… (Which felt quite big as we already know) and how it is going to fit anywhere near (or in) me.
When Sarah told me about losing her virginity to Freddie Ashmore in tenth I assumed she was making up how painful it was, you know, the stretching, but now having felt how big Tom is, I don’t think she was lying.
Not that I’m planning on losing my virginity to Tom ANY time soon… I don’t even know if it’ll be him I lose it too, maybe he’ll end up breaking my heart and I’ll die alone an old spinster virgin lady.
I hope not,
Love Y/N,
December 31st, 2011
Dear Diary,
I’ve been Tom’s girlfriend for nearly twenty-four hours now, and it’s kind of weird… The relationship already feels more mature then the one Julian and I were in, I think it’s because we’re in Uni, and we’re practically adults… at least he is, I’d rather be an adult in training - the juice in the bottle can be wine - Last night he went home after Midnight, giving me a final kiss and a promise of seeing me tomorrow, as we enter the New Year - together.
Speaking of New Year, How crazy is it that we’re nearly in 2012… Since finishing school the year has flown by, the first year of Uni is halfway finished, and I can’t believe it.
I really lucked out meeting the people I met this year and having them to spend my first year of Uni with.
I’ll give you an update of how the party went tomorrow Diary, hopefully, the hangover isn’t too bad.
Wish me luck,
And Happy New Year Diary,
Love Y/N,
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Angel with a shotgun Final
part 1| part 2
wordcount: 3466
A/N: Real quick thanks to @nankri @fukyouthink @terrifying-testicles @domtamaki who made suggestions to me! It really helped me finish this! Thank you!
“Alright, let’s go Blasty,” Kaminari panted to himself as he practically dragged a half-aware Bakugo down the street.
He wasn’t drunk enough to not shoot back with an insult though. “You are weak as shit, Drooly.”
This was just not Kaminari’s night; instead of picking up chicks after a night out with his bros, him caring for a drunk, heartbroken Bakugo. “Well, not all of us can lift a building over our heads like Midoriya or Sato.”
He was in no mood to deal with anyone’s shit, especially Bakugo’s. “Stop insulting me and just focus on walking.”
“Kaminari,” Bakugo spoke in such a serious, broken tone that he couldn’t help but to stop to look at his friend. Kaminari stared at Bakugo, anxious to hear what he had to say. Maybe he was about to drunkenly open up to him like he did to Kirishima, finally admitting that they were best friend—
“I’m gonna throw up.”
Or not. Kaminari began to panic as Bakugo slammed a hand over his mouth. “Ah, not on me! I just bought this jacket! In the bush, man! In the bush!” Kaminari supported Bakugo as he spilled his guts into a poor plant. Looking around, he saw that there was a convenience store across the street. “Okay, stay here while I go into the store to get you some water.”
Kaminari was inside the store for five minutes. Just five short minutes.
“Bakugo?” Kaminari dropped the bottle of water on the ground, frantically looking around for his struggling drunk friend. The ash-blonde was long gone. “What? How?! He can’t walk five feet! I was just— five minutes! Ugh!” He yelled at the empty street, yanking at his hair. This is why he shouldn’t be in charge of Bakugo!
Pulling out his phone, he called the only person who could get Bakugo to do anything. “There better be a fucking villain on a rampage.” Kirishima growled into the phone; someone giggled in the background.
“I lost Bakugo.” Kaminari didn’t feel bad for what he had possibly interrupted. That’s what they get for dumping the drunk on him.
“How do you lose a half-asleep drunk? I’ll send you Bakugo’s location.”
“You have Bakugo’s phone chipped?”
“Trust me; it’s been useful in the past. Call me in the morning when the sun is up. Where do you think you’re going?” Kirishima hung up, abruptly but not before Kaminari heard his wife squeal.
Gross; he had a pretty good idea of what his bro was getting into now. “Man, I need to find a wife…not a drunk Bakugo…” Following the coordinates that Kirishima had sent him, he found that Bakugo had wandered off only three blocks away. That wasn’t too bad.
“Angel! Open the door! I know you are there! ___! Please!” He’d spoken too soon. As he approached an apartment building, Kaminari heard Bakugo screaming.
There he was, in all his drunken glory: Bakugo Katsuki. Ground Zero, the number seven hero, banging his open palms against a door, shouting and trying to look through a peephole, all while struggling to stand up straight.
“Dude!” Kaminari tried to pull Bakugo back away from the door, but despite being drunk, he still had his strength and was holding onto the door handle. “Bakugo, come on— you can’t! Ugh!”
Bakugo shook his head, pouting like a five-year-old. “No, I want to see her.”
“Oh no. You’re really gone, aren’t you?” Bakugo had only gotten like this once before, when he first started drinking. He had been hugging everyone and refused to let go of Mina, who was moving to an agency further away. All night, he cried that he was going to miss her. Mina was ecstatic while Bakugo was so mortified by the fact he’d spilled his true feelings; he refused to hang out with anyone for weeks. “We need to go.”
“No!” They continued to play tug-of-war till the door opened and the two of them went tumbling down to the ground.
You love sleep. It’s one of your favorite pastimes. After the week you’d had, sleep was exactly what you needed. When you are in a low mood and not producing any of the needed chemical for your quirk to work, you are left in a depressed state, causing a lot of stress on your body. So being woken up at two in the morning by someone screaming and banging on your door did not exactly put you in the best of moods.
“Oh my god! What are you doing?! Shut up before the cops come, dumbass!” Slamming the door open, your eyes went wide as you saw Bakugo sitting on his ass with another blonde man standing behind him, his arms hooked underneath Bakugo’s arms.
“Angel!” Bakugo smiled at you, his voice sounding oddly cheerful as he pushed the other guy’s hands away.
“Bakugo, wha-what are you doing?”
You blinked as Bakugo began to crawl on his hands and knees towards you, giggling. “Angel is grumpy when she wakes up.” You looked up at his companion, completely confused, but were only given a shaky smile and shrug as a response.
“Are you drunk?” Bakugo was now standing on his knees, hugging you. You could smell the alcohol on him. It was like he’d taken a bath in cheap beer. “I thought you couldn’t drink while in therapy. Let go.”
You tried to push the oddly clingy Bakugo off; you looked to his friend for help, only to see that he wasn’t standing there anymore. You turned just in time to see blonde hair disappearing down stairs. “Hey! Get back here and take him!”
Arms tightened around your waist. “I wanna talk…”
“No, you said you needed time, well so do I. You accused me of faking our whole relationship. My quirk is not strong enough to even do that. All I can do is make people relaxed and content, but that isn’t special. Anyone if they are close to you can do that for you, there is no need for a quirk like mine.” The two of you struggled in the hallway; you kept trying to push him off but his hands clung to your clothes.
“I realized that and—”
Your voice broke as you spoke. Why won’t he just let go of you?! “You don’t. Many people have misconceptions about my quirk. I told you from the beginning what my quirk could do and I thought you understood. Then you stopped talking to me, cut me out, because you made assumptions about me. Like everything meant nothing to you.”
“You didn’t bother to ask me and just…I would have talked to you…” You whimpered, arms starting to giving out, no match for Bakugo’s strength.
“No, I need you!” Bakugo held you more tightly against him, causing your knees to buckle slightly. He buried his face into your stomach as he pleaded. “Please Angel, I can’t do this anymore! I miss you! Even the fucking singing, you can sing “It’s a Small World” over and over and I’d be over the fucking moon.”
Instantly, you stopped struggling, hands resting on his shoulders. “Katsuki…you hate my singing…”
He leaned harder into you, the two of you awkwardly scooting into your apartment enough to close the door. “I don’t…I hate that song, but I love your voice. I could listen to you reading the street signs for all I care, as long as I can hear you.” You could feel his hands shaking as he gripped onto your shirt.
“You do things to me. I can’t even describe it. You completely fucked me up inside. I dated and fucked around out of boredom in the past. I never understood how Kirishima or fucking Deku could feel so intensly for one person, but I get it. I fucking get it now.”
He sucked in a shaky breath. “I need you in my life; you came into my world and made it a goddamn mess. You not in it makes me a mess. I’d do anything to keep you; I babysat Kirishima’s kid for free for a fucking month and a half just to see you! And it freaked me out.” His shoulders quivered under your hands.
Katsuki pulled at you; you let him pull you down to the floor. The desperation in his eyes took your breath away.
“You…you’re just too perfect. Everything was too amazing. My mind was looking for fucking anything to explain why. I never get exactly what I want without effort or any issues. There had to be something wrong with you. Something always goes wrong and it ends. This time, it was me; I fucked everything up. It was my fault. I should have been out celebrating getting reinstated today, but all I could do was bitch about how fucking stupid I was losing you.” He kept you close to him, hugging you so desperately you were practically in his lap, his face shoved into your neck and a hand in your hair to keep your face next to his.
You only noticed that your neck was wet when he pulled away to look at you. Bakugo Katsuki was crying? Even if he was drunk, it was shocking. His hands engulfed your face, thumbs rubbing at your cheek and wiping away your own tears. “The first time I saw you, you fucking captured my attention without even trying. You fucking little thief stole my heart while I was frozen in the doorway, listening to you read a shitty kids’ book. I was nowhere near you for your quirk to even affect me in the slightest. It was all you, baby.”
You chuckled awkwardly for the first time in weeks, a small smile on your face. “Sounds like you fell in love with me at first sight.”
“I did.” He answered seriously to your joke, eyes looking straight into yours.
Katsuki sighed, leaning against your door and taking you with him, your body between his legs and head against his chest. “I did. I won’t say it outright while drunk. I don’t want you to doubt me, not after all this shit I put you through. Just know I feel it.”
It was your turn to cling to him; gently, you wrapped your arms around his waist as he ran his fingers through your hair. “Katsuki…even when my quirk makes me overly emotional and react violently?”
“Have you fucking met me? I’ve done way worse. Besides, you’re pretty sexy when you’re angry.” You sat up to glare at him, smacking his muscular chest. The stupid jerk just smirked at you. “Though I do prefer you glowing and not throwing plates at me.”
“Your fault, do it again and I’ll kill you. Also you owe me new plates, asshole.”
“Love it when you talk dirty. Deal.”
“Miss __? Why aren’t you doing the glowy thingie?” You looked  up from your lunch to see one of your kids. It’s been a week since you seen Katsuki. The morning after his drunken fiasco, he made you breakfast while acting completely shy and embarrassed about what he’d said the night before, and then he asked if you two were back together. He looked so nervous, you couldn’t help but to mess with him, not speaking as you ate a couple of bites before smiling at him. He smiled back at you and it was peaceful again. The two of you were okay. It was nice to sit with him, eating his cooking, and just talking like you did before. But the little bubble around you two had to pop when he had to go to work, full time hero again.
Text messages and random quick calls in the middle of the night was all the time he had. He had to do some publicity stunts to get the public’s attention again since he’s been out of the game for so long. He was furious when he saw that the hero Deku had gone up in ranking. So now here you were, moping from not being able to talk to your now official boyfriend and making children worry about you. “I’m sorry; I usually glow when I’m really happy. I’m not feeling okay today…” You patted the child on the head when she nodded and leaned against you.
“Look! I colored a kitty for you!” Another little boy came over to you, jumping up and down while holding the drawing over his head.
“Oh, I’ll draw something for you too!”
You giggled as multiple kids started drawing pictures to help cheer you up. Bless these children, they give you hope for the future. “Um ___, there’s something for you in the front.” A co-worker of yours came into the room; it looked like she was trying to hold back a smile. You just gave her a nod and let the kids know you’ll be right back.
As soon as you made your way to the front of the daycare, a bouquet of orange and red roses were dropped into your arms. It was so large that you had to hold it with both arms wrapped around it. “What in the world?” You thank the delivery man and looked at the information card.
In the language of flowers, red and orange roses symbolize love and passion. Eighty-eight roses are to express that they are sorry from the bottom of their heart.
You snorted, sliding the card in your apron pocket and hugging the flowers to your chest, inhaling their scent. This was just too much. What a dummy. “Miss ___ is glowing again!” The kids were peeking around the corner of the doorway, all of them voicing how pretty the flowers were.
Running to the breakroom, you placed the flowers down and made a call. He answered within two rings, as though he was expecting you. “Katsuki!”
“Speak of the devil… or should I say angel?”
You shook your head at his joking tone. “Katsuki, stop.”
“I assume you got the flowers.”
“I did. You didn’t have to, you know? You already said you were sorry.” You played with one of the rose petals, feeling its soft, velvety texture.
Katsuki chuckled into his phone, his deep voice sending a shiver down your spine. You could picture the suggestive smirk on his face. “I wanted to. For you.”
“You didn’t have to do so many; I can barely hold them all.”
“I don’t half-ass things. Besides, I can hear you glowing, so it’s worth it.” It was true; your quirk was fully active right now. Much better than just a few minutes ago. All thanks to him. You heard someone yell Katsuki’s hero name distantly, talking to him urgently. “Yeah, yeah, I fucking heard you.”
You tried not to sound disappointed, your lower lip jutting out. “You gotta go?”
“Some fucking interview; going to let the public know about my arms and stuff. PR said it would be a good way to get my ratings back up. I’ll call you when I’m off work.” He let out a heavy sigh, letting out a frustrated groan. There has been a lot of Ground Zero on the radio and news lately; he’d mentioned having to do a modeling gig and a commercial for some random product soon. “I miss you, I love my job but I’m actually kind of disappointed that I won’t get to spend all day with you.”
“I miss you too. And you still owe me plates.”
“We can go shopping on my next day off.”
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
“It’s a date. I’ll call you later, Angel.” You sighed happily, holding your phone to your chest for a moment before going back to work. By the end of the day, your arms were full of drawings and flowers. You were glowing brighter than the street lights all the way home.
Breaking news: Ground Zero is in love?! The explosive hero has recently returned to hero work and disclosed that he was on medical leave due to a four-man villain group who terrorized the Tokyo four months ago (read more here). During his interview, the host started probing the hero on what he did while on leave and about his love life. GZ refused to provide any information about his personal life, but earlier the hero was caught backstage on the phone with an unknown person, making date plans for his next day off. When questioned and faced with video evidence from the staff, you wouldn’t believe his reaction! Click here to read more.
Today, you were helping out in the infant room; there were a few upset teething infants that needed constant calming. Your quirk came in handy to soothe them. You were feeding one of the infants when you heard the door open. “Psst. Psst. Ms. ___.”
A familiar black-haired boy poked his head out from around the corner, a red bandana over his mouth and wearing a Red Riot shirt. “Fujio, what are you doing—?”
Fujio held up a hand, pressing his finger to his lips and loudly shushing you. “No! You can’t use my suvillian name. I in hero mode, like Daddy; I can’t call him daddy when he in hero mode. I’m a hero on a super-duper top secret mission from Ground Zero.” He reached into his shirt and pulled out a note.
Standing up, infant secured against your shoulder, you took the small note from Fujio. “Oh thank you, hero.”
“Mission accompished! Now I must return before anyone notices I’m gone.” He saluted you and then turned to run back to his class, arms behind him. Once you knew for sure Fujio was back in his class, you looked at the note, which had Angel written on it. What does that silly man have planned now?
“You’re still using Fujio to see me.” You fed Katsuki a piece of sushi over your shoulder. You were currently sitting between his legs, his arms wrapped around your waist and you leaning completely into him. The huge, super-secret mission that Katsuki had given Fujio was inviting you to the sushi place you’d gone to when the two of you had first met. He’d booked a private room for the two of you and had a huge spread prepared for when you arrived.
Katsuki hummed, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Hey, I thought you would like that cute romantic shit.”
He reached over to grab a cup of saki, but he’d already had a couple cups. Quickly, you took the cup from him and placed it back. “Ah, no more drinking. I’ve had enough of drunken Katsuki. As adorable and cuddly as he is, it’s much harder to get him home.”
“Hmm, fine, but only because my guardian angel told me to,” he purred into your ear, kissing the junction of your neck. You roll your eyes; who would have thought that Katsuki would be someone who liked wordplay?
This man was much sillier than you expected him to be, giggling as he opened his mouth for another piece of sushi. Not to mention clingy and needy. Relaxed Katsuki was so entertaining now that he wasn’t busy thinking stupid things. “I’ve already forgiven you; you bought me some nice plates after all. You don’t need to keep doing stuff like this.” He had been putting in so much effort, it was hard not to forgive him.
His arms tightened around you, pulling you closer. “Don’t give a fuck. I want to, so I’m going to.” He pulled one hand away and placed an envelope in your lap before returning his arm back around your waist. “I got you somethin’.”
Another gift? Flowers, dates, desserts delivered to your home, and surprise dinners. What else could he possibly have up his sleeve? You opened the envelope and pulled out the small items inside. “The happiest place on earth…Tokyo Disneyland? You got tickets to Disneyland?” You looked back to Katsuki, a slight blush on his cheeks. “You hate Disney.”
“You don’t, so I’ll go.” His eyes didn’t waiver from yours.
“Is Fujio going too?”
“Fuck no. Just you and me. Only kids I’ll be willing to take there is ours.” He snorted but then quickly squinted at you. “You must save a lot on your electricity bill.”
You covered your face with the envelope, trying to hide the stupid grin on your face that wouldn’t go away. How does he just say things like that? There is no way you will be able to stop glowing for hours now! “Shut up. You said something so adorable, I can’t help it.”
He hummed again, pressing light kisses on the back of your neck. “___.”
“Hmm?” What else can he possibly say now?
“I love you.” Your quirk wasn’t needed to tell just how happy you were that night.
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kutemouse · 4 years
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Disclaimers: I made and edited the gif above (I know it’s not that good but w/e lol). That’s why I’ve posted this under the #btsgif tag. Feel free to use however you like, just please give me credit for the edit. Thanks 💜
I did not create the gorgeous edits in my header, but I did edit them together into the frames, add my title, and my name. Credit for these amazing edits (from left to right) go to @jixio, @yeonkiminsgirl, and @kookbite. I did not touch their edits in any way, and their watermarks are intact. Please check them out, they do great work.
Age Recommendation: 21+
Genre: Bartender AU w/ Jungkook, Angst, Smut
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, swears, JK being the sexy, manly man that he is, very soft dom JK, making out, angsty feels
Word Count: 1,847
Damn, why is JK so fucking sexy? C;
You can find the original request here. They used my Prompt List:
Angst #26 He/she/person is hot, but evil.
Smut #46  Awww, you’re playing hard-to-get. That’s cute.
Smut #56  I’m gonna fuck you so good you won’t even remember that asshole’s name.
So I kind of took this and ran with it… enjoy C; Part 2 (with smut) coming soon!
Preview: Damn. This bartender might be hot, but he was evil. We sat in silence for a moment before Jungkook took my hand, startling me. I looked up into his large, dark eyes, his expression earnest, his mouth turned up in a half-smile. “Look, I know we just met, but… Can I drive you home tonight? I don’t think you should be alone.”
I rested my cheek on my hand, taking another swig from the beer bottle in my other hand only to find it empty. “Hey, can I get another?” I asked, trying to keep my words from slurring together.
The bartender glanced at me as he filled a shot glass. “You okay over there, sweetheart?”
I nodded slowly before resting my head on the bar counter, looking up at him through the strands of hair that had flopped over my eyes. “‘M fine, whadda mean?”
He chuckled, striding over as I sat up, setting a glass full of liquid in front of me. It was clear, but it wasn’t in a shot glass. It was in a tall one with ice in the middle. “What’s this?” I asked, sitting up.
I grimaced. “This isn’t what I ordered.”
“Yeah, I know, I’m cutting you off. You’re done for tonight.”
“The fuck?” I muttered. He tossed a smirk at me that made my insides flutter. Damn this bartender. He was extremely good-looking, with raven-black hair parted down the right side of his head, shiny from a bit of gel. His white shirt stretched over his toned torso, and his tight, dark jeans left almost nothing to the imagination. And if that wasn’t enough, he had lips that were a perfect shade of pink, his top lip half the size of his bottom lip, coming together in the middle to form the most perfect cupid’s bow I’d ever seen.
I blinked, shaking myself out of my stupor. “The fuck?” I said even louder. “Where do you get off?”
“Lower your voice, sweetheart,” he said, pointing to the glass. “And drink up.”
I reluctantly obeyed, wincing as I the cold drink hit the back of my throat. I downed the water in one go. “Can I have another beer now?” I asked.
Damn. This bartender might be hot, but he was evil.
“Fine,” I muttered, leaning my head against my cheek once more.
I watched as he served the rest of his customers, biting my lip every time his muscles shuddered whenever he picked up a glass or pulled on the handle of the beer tap. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I got dumped, what, only two hours ago, and I was already checking out another guy? Shit, I was pathetic.
That was nothing new, though. Just last week my best friend had told me she thought I had issues with being alone. Apparently that’s why I decided to stay with my asshole boyfriend even though I knew damn well he was fucking my other so-called best friend behind my back.
Once he finished serving everyone else, the bartender walked back over to me and refilled my water glass, setting it down in front of me before crossing his arms over the bar counter and leaning over it towards me. I flushed, not-so-subtly noticing the way his biceps flexed.
“So tell me, sweetheart,” he said. “Why are you here tonight?”
“No reason,” I mumbled.
“Just… needed a few drinks, y’know?”
He tilted his head, the black strands of his bangs falling into his eyes. “Sure. What’s your name?”
“None of your business.”
He chuckled. “Awwww, you’re playing hard-to-get. That’s cute.”
“Nothing cute about it,” I muttered, downing my second glass of water.
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
I could feel the effects of the alcohol slowly ebbing away, and I sat up even more, feeling more coherent than I had all night. “Fine.”
“Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.”
“So… y/n. Wanna tell me the real reason why you’re here?” he asked, looking me up and down.
I sighed. “My boyfriend’s a jerk.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
“He’s a cheating, lying bastard,” I replied matter-of-factly. “Hey, can I trouble you for another water?”
Jungkook grabbed my glass and filled it once more. “If he’s such a bastard, why are you still with him?”
“I’m not,” I said, gratefully taking the now full glass and taking a sip.
“So you dumped his ass?”
“No,” I sighed, slumping over. “That’s the sad part. I should’ve dumped him, should’ve made him feel bad for doing that to me… but I didn’t. I kept struggling with what to do, and before I could figure it out, he broke up with me.”
My voice cracked towards the end of my story, and Jungkook looked at me with concern in his large, dark eyes. His mouth had tightened as he listened, his large hands now gripping the edge of the bar so hard his knuckles turned white. “I hate cheaters,” he growled. “You know, it seems every week, I get someone in here, drinking themselves half to death, so wasted they don’t even know their own name… all because their significant other couldn’t be faithful.”
“I believe it,” I croaked, my throat thick. “People can be assholes.”
Jungkook sighed before leaning back. “Look, do you have anyone to take you home?” he asked. “So you don’t have to be alone tonight?”
I shook my head. “Nope. My two best friends are unfortunately out of commission. One is out of the town, and the other… Well, she was the one my boyfriend was fucking.”
Jungkook shook his head in disbelief. “Wow.”
“I know.”
We sat in silence for a moment before he took my hand, startling me. I looked up into his large, dark eyes, his expression earnest, his mouth turned up in a half-smile. “Look, I know we just met, but… Can I drive you home tonight? I don’t think you should be alone.”
I hesitated before nodding. It was quite late, I did need a ride, and although he was a stranger, something about him seemed trustworthy.
(Author’s note: Please, for the love of god, don’t accept rides or get in cars with random strangers irl)
Jungkook glanced over his shoulder at the other customers, some of whom were starting to pack up and stumble drunkenly out into the street. “We close in fifteen, then I’ll need half an hour to clean up, is that okay?”
I nodded once more. Nearly an hour later, I found myself out in the parking lot, scuffing my shoes against the pavement as I waited for Jungkook. The bar’s lights flicked off, and he came out, wearing a black leather jacket and making sure to lock the doors securely behind him. He turned, a smile spreading over his lips when he saw me. “You’re still here.”
“I still need that ride.”
He chuckled as he pressed a button on a key fob, a black SUV lighting up as it unlocked. “You feeling sober yet?”
“Sure am, thanks to you,” I teased as we clambered into the car. He started the engine and drove down the streets, following my directions until we came to a stop in front of my apartment.
Jungkook shut the engine off then looked at me. “You sure you’ll be okay tonight?”
I swallowed, the lump in my throat returning. “Well, if I’m being honest, no, I’m not sure.”
He gripped the steering wheel. “What can I do?”
“Nothing,” I said, swiping at a stray tear that had leaked out.
Jungkook unbuckled his seat belt and leaned towards me, tentatively reaching out a finger and caressing my cheek, wiping away a second tear. “You’re lying,” he murmured. “I think there is something I can do.”
He lunged towards me, crashing his lips into mine, surprising the fuck out of me. I shoved him back. “What the hell?!” I gasped.
Sitting there, with his large eyes staring at me, pupils blown beautifully wide, mouth parted as he held his breath, waiting for my next move, only three words came to mind. “Awww, fuck it.”
I took hold of his shirt collar and yanked him back towards me, pressing my lips feverishly to his. He shoved his tongue into my cavern, tasting it, exploring it, forcefully dominating my tongue with his in a way that brought my buzz flooding back, no alcohol needed. I began to push back, swirling my tongue around his before drawing back just enough to wrap my lips around the muscle and suck. Jungkook grunted and kissed my cheek, my jaw, then my neck, stopping to nip at the skin right where my neck and shoulder connected, drawing a loud moan out of me.
I clambered over to his seat, straddling him, and I could feel his hardening member even through both of our jeans as we continued our heated make-out session. Jungkook pulled back to once more kiss his way down my neck, and my senses came to as he started unbuttoning my shirt and mouthing at my cleavage. “Wait,” I panted. “We… We can’t do this.”
He groaned before leaning back in the seat. “Why, what’s wrong?”
“It’s just… I don’t know you, and I’m probably doing this just because I’m emotional, and I don’t want to be even more pathetic than I already am.”
Jungkook’s brow furrowed at my words. “You’re not pathetic,” he said. “You were hurt. You didn’t know what to do, that’s normal.”
I looked down at our laps, letting my hair fall around my face. “I was… I was weak,” I mumbled, my voice husky as my throat once again grew thick.
“No, you weren’t. So you don’t have some crazy revenge story… so you’re more careful in your decision-making than other people… so you took some time to figure out your next move… so what?” Jungkook said, lightly grasping my jaw and lifting my chin so we were looking at each other. I was surprised to see his wide, dark eyes so full of determination. “That doesn’t make you weak,” he growled. “That makes you rational and thoughtful… traits I like in a girl.”
A blush spread over my cheeks, but I didn’t look away. “Yeah, and that’s another thing,” I said. “I don’t want you to just be a one-night stand or a rebound fuck… If I’m gonna sleep with someone, I want it to be real.”
Jungkook leaned forward, our noses nearly touching, and I suddenly became very aware of the fact that I was still straddling him. He reached up and combed his hands through my hair, the strands falling between his fingers as I closed my eyes at his touch. “Who says this isn’t real?” he murmured. “You caught my eye the second you walked in my bar. We have a real connection, y/n. I don’t want you to be just a one-night stand, either.”
I didn’t know if what he was saying was true or not, but if I were to ever fall in love again, I knew that was going to be a risk I was going to have to take. I reached over Jungkook and pulled on the handle, popping open the car door and clambering off of him to the ground. I grabbed his hand, intertwining his fingers between mine. “Come on,” I said, nodding towards my apartment. “I have a bed up there that’s dying for some use.”
Part Two coming soon!
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decayedflower · 5 years
Stranger I
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⋆ gif is mine
Pairing: Yang Hongwon x Reader
Genre: Underground rapper!Hongwon, Barista!Reader | angst, fluff
Word Count: 6.5k
Summary: Don’t get attached. This was his number one rule. Attachment means getting hurt. Attachment means vulnerability. You are the only person you can trust. So how could she so easily sneak past and break the walls he had worked so hard to build around his heart when all she is, is a stranger?
Warnings: some cussing, underage drinking, mentions of sex
A/N: Please note that there will probably be more mentions of mature content in the future. Do also keep in mind that this is all fictional, and Hongwon is a grown ass man so if you cannot come to terms with that then this fic is not for you!
You stood at the foot of the apartment; your hand still in its grip on the knob. A pair of glossy red high heels sit prettily at the entrance; right next to your boyfriend’s white Nike Air Jordan 1’s.
There was no way right? Surely this wasn’t what you thought it was.
You hesitantly walk into the apartment, careful not to make any noise. There is no one in the kitchen or in the living room. Your heart booms loudly in your chest. It’s 6pm. Why is he even home? He’s usually out of work by 8pm so it’s a bit early for him to be home…Maybe his sister came over?
Relax, Y/N. Stop overreacting.
Oh but wrong you are and overreacting you are not. As you draw closer, you notice the bedroom door has been left ajar. His naked back is to you, his body caging a girl beneath him, her long curly hair sticking to her face. The bedsheets cover them, but you don’t need to imagine what is going on underneath them. His back muscles flex as he pounds into her. For a moment you’re frozen, all you can see and hear is the way she screams out in pleasure, her nails clawing into his back. You back away, not wanting to see anymore than you have, but finding yourself unable to look away. And then, because the universe hates you, the floorboards creak underneath you.
The girl snaps her eyes open to you and gasps, holding onto your boyfriend to cover herself, “oh my god!”
“What?” Jaewon eyes widen when he turns back and sees you standing through the crack of the door. Your legs hit the back of the couch before you snap out of it and decide to make a run for it.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
You hastily grab your bag off the floor, tripping over your own feet, wanting nothing more than to get the fuck out of there. You hear a voice ask faintly in the background, “you know her?” You squeeze your eyes and try to block them out, not wanting to hear his answer. You’re about to leave when you turn to see Jaewon shirtless and buckling his pants in a hurry to get to you. “Y/N, wait—”
And then you’re gone.
“You know, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were upset.” Hoon says, filling your glass for the fourth time now. You chuckle humorlessly, “Oh yeah? No shit?” You chug half of your drink, Hoon’s stare piercing through the side of your head. “Alright easy now, tiger. What’s got you getting all shitfaced within 10 minutes of you getting here? I’m on the clock you know, I can’t exactly babysit right now.”
“I’m not a baby,” you huff. “And I’m not even drunk yet you asshole.”
“Uh huh,” he rests his cheek on his hand, staring at you expectantly. “You can’t fool me kid, I’ve known you since you were just a little brat. No one goes and gets drunk all alone at this time of night for the shits and giggles.”
You’re huff quietly, stubbornly trying to pretend nothing is wrong but alas, you were never a good liar. “He cheated on me,” you say, your grip on the glass tightening. “What?”
“He cheated on me, Hoon. Jaewon cheated on me,” you finally look at him, tears starting to prick your eyes. Honestly, you were shocked you had lasted this long without crying your eyes out. When you left the apartment you still hadn’t fully processed what you had seen. But now that you sat here in front of Hoon, reality was sitting heavy on your heart.
You have plenty more drinks after that, drunkenly relaying all the details to your friend, coming to terms for the first time that night that your boyfriend of 2 years cheated on you. Eventually, after trying to soothe and calm you down but to no avail, Hoon decides to call your roommate. He loves you and really wishes he could comfort you, but he had already spent quite some time talking to you and his boss was starting to give him stank faces. Also, he was pretty sure anyone within a 5 mile radius had overheard your emotional breakdown with how loud you were being. You’d thank him later.
“Please come get her. My boss will chew my ass out if I don’t get back to work soon. Plus I’ve got her snot all over my shirt and it’s kind of fuckin’ disgusting.”
“Shit, it’s that bad? I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“A-A-And then h-he—aghhhhhhunghh,” you bawl into Hyeri’s coat as she struggles to help you out of the passenger seat of her car. Hyeri loves you. She really does. But she was two seconds away from leaving your ass on the sidewalk with how difficult you were being. “HE SAID HE LUHEED MEE!! HE’S UH LIAR!!!”
“Okay okay, I know honey. He’s a fucking asshole but you need to stop yelling before someone calls the cops on us for a kidnapping, okay?”
You sniff loudly and nod your head at her. “I swear I’m going fucking kill him. Don’t you worry, sweetie he’s not going to get away with this.”
After much tripping and fumbling she manages to haul you to your shared apartment. She sits you on the couch and hands you a water bottle. “I need you to drink this okay? All of it.”
You pout, “don’t wanna.”
“Y/N,” she warns.
She glares at you, her stare unwavering.
“Fine,” you grab the bottle from her and chug it.
“Thank you,” she smiles at you. “Let’s get you to bed. We can talk about it tomorrow when you’re feeling better okay?”
And you do. The following day you tell her in detail how you walked in on his two timing. You’re embarrassed, to say the least. Embarrassed that you didn’t notice anything was wrong. Embarrassed that you allowed yourself to be made a fool out of. In truth, if someone had asked if you thought Jaewon would ever cheat on you, you would have wholeheartedly said no. Your relationship with Jaewon was perfect. Or at least you had thought it was. He was such a loving boyfriend, a guy who never failed to make sure you felt treasured. He worshipped you body, took you out on nice dates, always told you how pretty you are. You thought he was the perfect guy, but had you just been so blind to the attention he gave you that you didn’t notice when his eyes strayed?
How skilled was he at this game that you had not even dared to think he would cheat on you? For two years he had you wrapped around his finger. You were an idiot for letting him play you like that.
The weekend drags on with you cooped up in your bedroom for the entirety of it. Luckily you had the weekend off to cry to your heart’s content with a tub of ice cream in your lap. You were thankful for Hyeri, always there to comfort you and feed you your favorite foods. Of course she had her own colorful words to say about your ex boyfriend, swearing she’d cut his balls off herself the next time they crossed paths.
Speaking of balls, he sure had a pair on him. (figuratively, not literally, he wasn’t that impressive) He was actually trying to apologize through text.
Jae ♥♥♥: can we talk please? [7:58 PM]
Jae ♥♥♥: i wasn’t in my right mind please believe me [9:58 PM]
Jae ♥♥♥: just let me explain [8:02 PM]
Jae ♥♥♥: baby please [8:17 PM]
You leave his ass on read.
Jae ♥♥♥: Talk to me [11:37 PM]
Jae ♥♥♥: I know you’re reading these [11:45 PM]
Jae ♥♥♥: Y/N? Baby please. [11:57 PM]
Hyeri sits at the foot of your bed, painting her toenails. “He won’t stop texting me.” You watch your phone as texts come in one after another, tears long dried on your cheeks. She snaps her head up, nail polish brush between her fingers in the air, “don’t you fucking dare.”
You sigh, “what if—”
“Y/N, please don’t tell me you’re even considering forgiving him.”
“Oh god no! I just…it’s hard. He’s a fucking pig for cheating on me…but my heart can’t help it. I spent two years of my life with him, Hyeri. He’s the longest relationship I’ve had. This probably sounds stupid, but I really thought he was the one.” You sniff and roll over on your bed, sinking deep into your pillows.
“It’s not stupid, honey. Anyone else in your shoes would feel the same way. But you don’t deserve that shit. Any guy stupid enough to even stray their eyes from someone as goregous and smart as you for their girlfriend, has some real fuckin’ issues. But he did what he did, and let me tell you sweetheart, that shit will not be flying with me. He’d better hope we don’t even get within a 10 mile radius of each other cause so help me those will be his last living moments.”
You grunt a response.
“Stop pouting. If I didn’t have wet toes right now, I’d be engulfing you in a koala hug but just wait til these bad boys dry.”
The beginning of your shift at the cafe goes by quickly. It’s a monday so the early morning rush keeps you busy for a while. After the rush of people in need of their daily dose of caffeine before work and school, only a couple of patrons remain in the shop. The small break allows you to clear up tables and replace empty bottles and containers on the shelves while it’s slow.
Jaewon continued to bombard your phone with texts over the weekend in hopes that you would give in and talk things over with him. You wanted to block him, but a small part of you also enjoyed the little power you had over him when you read his desperate messages only to leave him with silence. You have seen plenty of shitty relationships where people stay even when they get cheated on but you’re smart enough to recognize a toxic relationship when you see one. Forgiving someone after they are unfaithful just seems impossible to you. If they cheat once, they could certainly do it again. Call you a dumb bitch for not seeing the signs earlier but you’re not stupid enough to do that to yourself.
You chastise yourself for letting your thoughts wander to him again and finish wiping down the last table. The ding of the bell at the front entrance signals the entrance of a new customer, and you call out instinctively, “Welcome! I’ll be there in just a moment!” Let me catch my breath for a second, will you universe? You grumble inwardly. You quickly grab the rag you were using and make your way to the kitchen. You toss it into a bin in the back and greet them at the front counter.
“Good morning,” you say in your best work voice, only briefly acknowledging the customer’s presence, “What can I get for you today?”
To be honest you only half-assedly spoke, contrary to the sickly sweet voice you were using. You were hoping to quickly get through this order so you could go back to moping quietly at the back of the cafe. You keep your gaze on the register’s screen, ready to punch in whatever drink this guy wanted.
The deep timbre of his voice slightly startles you and you try to not make it obvious in the way you snap your eyes up to get a peek at him. You instantly regret it. His dark hair hides beneath a black beanie, small curls peeking out from the back of it. He’s dressed casually in a dark gray hoodie and loose black cargo pants, but he somehow makes it look like it belongs on a magazine cover. Fuck. He’s the epitome of grunge emo boy hottie. You cover up your gawking with a nervous smile.
He returns your smile with a boyish smile of his own that you find quite endearing.
“Can I get two medium iced americanos, please.” Two drinks, huh. Maybe he has a girlfriend he’s meeting here. Fuck. You really don’t need cute emo boy here to get all lovey dovey with his (probably) really pretty girlfriend in front of you to remind you of just how broken and unmendable your own relationship is.
“Of course,” you punch in the order (perhaps a bit too aggressively). “Can I get a name for the order?”
Fuck this guy. Even his name is cute. How’s that even possible? “Hongwon,” you repeat, grabbing two medium sized cups and writing it down. “Alright, your total is going to be $6.50.”
He hands you his card, your fingers brushing slightly as he does so. You ignore the way your cheeks start to heat up and quickly ring him up before you hand him his receipt. “Your drinks will be ready soon.”
Okay, get a hold of yourself, Y/N. It’s not his fault you’re single because your boyfriend turned out to be a douche. You sigh and make a grab for the coffee beans when your coworker emerges from the back of the kitchen.
“Hey Jungkook, back from break?”
He yawns and nods, “Yeah. I should have taken a damn nap though.” You chuckle, “what, you stay up playing Resident Evil all night again?”
He gasps dramatically and stops what he is doing to look at you, “Rude of you to assume I wasn’t up studying!” You fill two cups with ice and water. “We both know your ass wasn’t studying, you big goof.”
“Okay, I wasn’t. But that shit still hurted bro.”
You laugh again and shake your head. Jungkook tops the two cups with espresso and places the lids on them.
“Hongwon?” He calls out, reading your handwriting. You try to not look when you hear his footsteps draw closer and instead busy yourself with replacing an empty bottle of vanilla syrup.
“Thanks man.”
“No problem dude.”
As you go to toss out the empty syrup bottle, you note that the chocolate syrup is nearly gone as well as the caramel. Who the hell closed the shop last night? You swear it was probably that new guy Namjoon. He was really sweet and funny, but he was also incredibly clumsy and forgetful. You groan to yourself, remembering that both boxes of chocolate and caramel syrup are placed at the highest rack on the shelves where you can’t reach.
The bell rings again and a tall boy enters the cafe; one you recognize as Choi Hamin, one of your regular customers who you had befriended not too long ago. He smiles and waves at you. You return the gesture and blink confusedly when he doesn’t come to the register to order himself a drink.
“So how have you been, Y/N?” Jungkook asks, bringing your attention back to him.
“It’s been a while since we worked a shift together.” You internally groan when he asks the one question you’ve been dreading all day. Jungkook tosses out the syrup bottles you left on the counter and heads towards the storage room in the kitchen, probably having watched your inner mental breakdown. You follow him into the room, opting to joke around with him to avoid voicing how you actually feel. “That’s because you keep giving your shifts away, headass. Maybe if you actually came into work…” you tease.
He laughs loudly and raises his hands in defense, “Whoa whoa whoa, I did not ask to be called out like that! You’re full of sass today aren’t you? Besides, you didn’t answer my question.” he immediately finds the boxes he’s looking for and reaches for them. “What’re you up to these days?”
Your fingers play with an open box of coffee creamers on a nearby shelf absentmindedly. “Oh uhm nothing much. I’m good. Just, you know, school. Art projects and stuff.” You internally cringe at the way you are unable to form a lie on the spot. “Nothing too crazy. How about you?” you ask quickly, hoping to pass the attention back onto him.
Jungkook looks over his shoulder and studies your face for a while before he decides to speak. “I’m good but…is everything really okay?”
“Yeah, it’s not too stressful. Besides, you know me, always keeping my head buried in those—”
“That’s not what I meant.”
His expression is unreadable, but the concern that laces his voice is clear. You stare at him blankly for a while, unable to find your voice. You both look at each other for a moment before a voice breaks the silence.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Ah, uh—coming!” you call out. You head back to the register quickly, eager to avoid Jungkook’s little interrogation.
“I’m really sorry if it’s any trouble…” Hamin starts, “I was just wondering if you guys changed the wifi password… It’s been a while since I was last here. Sorry.” He stands there hesitantly, obviously sensing the tension between you and Jungkook who takes to replacing the bottles of syrup behind you.
“Oh! No, it’s no trouble at all,” you say quickly and move to grab a sticky note so you can write down the server and password. “Actually, I forgot to make a new poster for the wifi since we changed our service provider last week. Sorry.”
“It’s okay, thank you Y/N,” he smiles meekly and turns on his feet. “No worries.” You’re still watching after him when you see him sit down across from Hongwon.
Ahhhhh …so he was meeting Hamin. Hamin is friends with cute emo boy.
Jungkook’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. “Did something happen?” He asks you tentatively. You sigh. “Why would you think that?” You avoid his gaze and start wiping down the counter.
“You’re not looking at me.” He points out.
You halt your movements and look at him. “What do you want me to say, Jungkook?”
“I don’t know! The truth! It just…it feels like something is bothering you.” He says quietly.
“I’m fine. Honestly, Jungkook. Nothing is bothering me. I’m fine.” You continue wiping down the counter. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice he flinches slightly when you say it a little too aggressively.
The front entrance bell dings once again and for a second you thank the heavens for yet another momentary distraction from Jungkook’s prying until you lift your head up to greet them.
“Hell—” your voice dies in your throat along with every ounce of confidence you thought you had in yourself should this encounter occur. You freeze for a moment, unsure of how to react to his unannounced visit.
Ah, so that’s what it is, Jungkook realizes. He decides to let the scene unfold a bit before he intervenes.
“What are you doing here?” You demand immediately.
“Y/N…When are you taking a break? Can we talk?…Please?”
“I’ve had my break. I can’t talk. I’m working.”
“Just five minutes, please bab—”
“Don’t call me that.” You mentally scold yourself for the way your voice cracks slightly when you say it.
“Okay, I’m sorry.  I just…when are you off? I’ll wait for y—”
“I’m not talking to you!” You yell, unconsciously taking a few steps back every time he takes one forward, even though there’s a counter that separates you both. The volume of your outburst startles Jungkook beside you, realizing how the exchange is slowly gathering the attention of everyone in the cafe.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” You repeat softly “Please respect that, Jaewon. You should leave.” You refuse to look at him, instead opting for the dirty tiles on the floor. He doesn’t say anything as he takes his leave. Your only sign he’s gone is the sound of the bell as the door closes after him.
Half of your lunch break has passed when you finish relaying all of the details to Jungkook, who has finished his shift but stayed back to talk to you.
“He’s a fucking piece of shit! He doesn’t deserve you, Y/N.” Jungkook paces around the break room with his hands on his hips. When he saw you tense at the arrival of Jaewon, he figured that you two had probably just gotten into a heated argument, at best. But he was less than ecstatic to hear otherwise when you revealed to him that he had actually cheated on you.
You sigh and shove your face into your arms on the table. “I’ll stay here and walk you home when you finish your shift.” You quickly pick your head back up. “What? No, Jungkook you don’t have to do that.”
“What if he starts harassing you when you’re walking home? He seemed adamant on getting a chance to talk to you.”
“I really don’t think he cares that much, Jungkook. Plus, even if he wants to talk to me, it’s not like I plan on giving him another chance. I’m not that dumb.”
“You’re not dumb. This isn’t your fault okay?” He remains quiet for a second before he grabs a chair and scoots it close to you, sitting on it backwards. “Listen. He doesn’t deserve you. Anyone who is stupid enough to throw you away like that is a fucking idiot. You deserve someone who will treat you like a queen.”
You chuckle lightly but say nothing, keeping your gaze cast on the floor. “If you won’t let me walk you home,” he continues “at least text me when you leave work and let me know right when you get home. Okay?”
“Jungkook,” you laugh, “you do know it’ll still be light out when I’m off right?.”
“That doesn’t matter. People do bad shit at any time of the day Y/N, they don’t care.”
“Alright, alright. Yes, dad.” you joke.
“I think I like daddy better.”
“Ew, Jungkook.”
“I’m just kidding! But on a serious note, please be careful, alright? If he gives you any trouble, call me. I’ll have you know I’ve been taking boxing lessons recently.” He says proudly.
“Are you actually concerned or is your ego really that big?” you deadpan.
He whines and grabs your hands. “Y/N. Hyeri will kill me if anything happens to you. You do know that right?” You push his hands away.
“You asshole! So you just want to get on Hyeri’s good side!”
“Noooo, I do care! Hyeri is just a plus! I swear!”
You roll your eyes playfully, “Yeah, yeah whatever. Go home, Junglebook.”
“Fine,” he pouts, grabbing his backpack and putting his bucket hat on his head. “Don’t forget to text me and call me if anything okay?”
“I will, I will.”
“Okay. Bye Y/N, get home safe.”
“You too Jungkookie.”
Me: the one across from the Chinese restaurant right? [7:50 AM]
Hamin: yea the Grind [7:52 AM]
Hamin: I’ll be there in 10 [7:53 AM]
Hongwon stuffs his phone in his back pocket and shivers slightly. Hamin sure had some nerve making him wait. Especially when it was this damn cold. So goddamn early too.
The pair were in the middle of working on a song together and their deadline was steadily approaching. To be honest, they had been pushing it off so much because it just wasn’t coming together. Something wasn’t clicking. With just two weeks left, they figured they had to try to conjure up some lyrics that at least sounded decent.
Hey, I have an idea! Let’s wake up at the ass crack of dawn when our brain juices are hardly flowing! Surely we’ll make a masterpiece this way! He has no idea what the hell was Hamin thinking, because he sure as hell wouldn’t do this to himself intentionally.
He parks his motorcycle on the side of the curb and kicks the kickstand to keep it in place. He squints at the sign of the coffee shop, making sure he’s at the right place. He sighs, finding that unfortunately he is, and his ass will indeed have to get into work mode. He drags himself to the door, pulling on it and immediately noticing the lack of people upon entering. He silently thanks his friend for making at least one smart decision in this dumb plan of his. Looking around for free tables, he mentally picks out an empty table to claim by the window.
“Welcome! I’ll be there in just a moment!”
Hongwon nods at you silently, sweeping his eyes around the coffee shop. He notes that the decor is quite minimalistic, which he appreciates. He hates it when coffee shops try to do the most with overly expensive and fragile looking tea cups and such adorning the walls.
“Good morning. What can I get for you today?”
“Mornin’,” he smiles at you, the sullen look you had before you plastered a smile on your face, not escaping him.
He briefly looks down at the menu, even though he already knows what he’s going to order. Hamin likes americanos right? Who doesn’t? Even if he doesn’t, it serves him right for making him get up so early. “Can I get two medium iced americanos, please?”
“Of course.” He watches you punch in his order, your teeth biting into your lip in concentration. Your hair is neatly plaited into a braid, some strands falling loosely around the frame of your face.
“Can I get a name for the order?”
“Hongwon,” he says, watching you write his name on two cups.
“Your drinks will be ready soon.”
“Thanks,” Hangwon takes his receipt and finds the table he had picked near the window. He fishes out his phone and opens up his conversation with Hamin.
Me: I ordered drinks [8:12 AM]
Me: why is ur noodle looking ass taking so damn long??? [8:13 AM]
Chamin: fuck you I had to take my sister to school dingus [8:15 AM]
Chamin: i’m almost there chill i’ll buy u lunch or smth [8:15 AM]
Me: hell yeah [8:16 AM]
Me: screenshotting this [8:16 AM]
Hamin: why do i already regret that [8:19]
Hongwon chuckles and puts his phone down on the table. The inside of the coffee shop is warm, baked goods and coffee beans wafting through the air with dark mahogany bookshelves gracing the walls. If he’s being truthful, he would never step into a place like this on his own even. Although now that he’s sitting here he finds himself enjoying it. He guesses he’s thankful for the quiet seeing as though he actually has shit to get done. Usually though, his scene is more a rowdy one.
Hongwon watches you as work, joking around with your coworker, whose name he catches is Jungkook. He notices again how your smiles seem halfhearted, always keeping your gaze on the floor. He stops himself there. He’s over analyzing everything about you when he doesn’t even know you.
“Hongwon?” your coworker calls out.
He stands to receive his drinks, mentally cursing Hamin for making him look like a loner with two drinks. He sighs and glances outside the window to people watch. He taps his fingers along the wood of the table. I guess I can work in this atmosphere. Hamin’s lucky he had his morning cigarette.
Speak of the devil. Hongwon glares at his friend as he makes his way towards him. Hamin smiles sheepishly, “Hey man sorry, Samantha couldn’t find her pink sparkly sweater and she ‘just had to wear it!’” He mocks his younger sibling’s voice in what he considers the whine of a 6 year old girl.
He cringes at his taller friend, “Eww, you’re forgiven just please never make that repulsive sound ever again.” Hamin punches his shoulder playfully, taking a seat across from him and reaching for the laptop in his bag. He fiddles around with for a bit before he sighs. “Shit, I can’t get a connection.” He squints at his laptop and then rises from his seat. “Hold on, I’ll be right back.”
“Sure,” Hongwon dismisses half heartedly; too busy going over lyrics he has written in an old notebook, trying to pick something they could potentially use for the track they had been agonizing over for weeks.
“Hey Y/N?” Hongwon watches as you meet him at the counter, smiling at him apologetically. He wonders how well you two know each other. He shakes his head and continues to bury himself in lyrics. He should be focused on this and not on things that don’t concern him. What was wrong with him? Must be the lack of sleep, he thinks. He sighs out loud thinking he could use another cigarette.
“Undress the pants like Young B,” Hamin slaps his hand on his thigh and laughs like he just said the funniest joke on the planet. “That would be fucking hilarious! God, I still can’t believe you did that.”
“Oh my god, dude! That would be sooo fucking funny!” he says, sarcasm dripping from his words. “Fuck you! I was drunk, alright. And just for that, I will add that in so suck my dick.” Hongwon smirks and types it out on the lyrics file. The taller boy puts his hands up in mock apology, “Sorry, I don’t swing that way.”
“Go to hell.”
“Are you really putting that in there?”
“What do you think I’m doing?”
Hamin peeks at the laptop. “Damn, didn’t think you’d actually do it. Gimme creds though.”
“You’re really fuckin’ shameless you know that?”
Hamin is about to reply when your voice raises an octave. “What are you doing here?”
They both turn to look at the scene where you stand behind the counter, backing away slightly from the man in front of you.
“Y/N…When are you taking a break? Can we talk? Please?”
“I’ve had my break. I can’t talk. I’m working.” You reply curtly.
“Just five minutes, please bab—”
You flinch slightly at the word, “Don’t call me that.” It’s clear that you don’t seem too keen on talking to him. He puts two and two together and decides that this guy is probably your boyfriend. “I’m not talking to you!” You yell at him. You’re obviously upset with something he did to you, and much to his surprise, he leaves without too much of a fuss.
The patrons of the cafe had all been watching the whole thing, the shop deathly quiet until he takes his leave.
“Poor Y/N…” Hamin says before turning back to the work in front of him.
“Yeah,” he agrees “sounded rough.” He watches as your manager comes out upon hearing the commotion, your coworker explaining the situation before you’re ushered to what he assumes is probably the breakroom. “You know her?” he asks nonchalantly.
“Yeah, I met her when I first started coming here a few months back. She’s really sweet, she’s our age actually. I guess something happened with her boyfriend...”
“Huh,” he responds, taking this information quietly, trying not to appear too interested.
Work after Jungkook went home became increasingly boring. Your other coworker Yoongi replaced him, but the cafe only became more quiet as time passed. It wasn’t that Yoongi was boring, he was just more of an introvert. On the contrary, you often preferred Yoongi’s presence because the silence with him was never uncomfortable. Of course today, however, the silence is your enemy, leaving you alone with your thoughts and nothing to block them out.
There is one good thing that was left though. You glance at his table for what feels like the millionth time that day. The cute emo boy had remained in the cafe, writing away in his notebook, his taller friend long since gone. They had spent a good six hours chattering away with each other and hovering over that laptop ever since they came in this morning. It strangely brought some peace to you, seeing him so committed to whatever he was writing in his notebook. You felt embarrassed that he and Hamin had been witnesses to the whole fiasco with your ex boyfriend in front of everyone. You wish the earth would just swallow you whole already.
“Hey,” Yoongi says, popping his head out from behind the kitchen door frame “Boss says you’re good to go home, Seokjin just came in.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks Yoongi.” You go to move past him before he stops you.
“Hey,” he starts “…it’s getting pretty cold outside, so make sure you’re bundled up alright?”
Neither of you has to say it, but you both know his words carry a double meaning. He knows what happened. But Yoongi is not the type of guy to feed you bullshit just to comfort you. You smile at his small way of taking care of you, “I will.”
The time on your phone reads 2:23 when you finally clock off and find yourself outside the shop staring up at the granite sky, the cold air biting at your skin.  Although the gloomy weather does nothing to lift your spirits, it’s still your favorite type of weather.
“Looks like it’ll probably start raining, huh?” The deep voice behind you startles you, and it’s not until you turn to look at him that you realize who it is. He stands there looking at the rapidly increasing clouds, with his lips turned down and his hands shoved in his pockets.
It’s cute emo boy. “Huh?” he looks at you, tilting his head in confusion. Shit, did you say that out loud?  “A-ah-uh…you’re Hamin’s friend, right?” you blurt out. “Saw you guys sitting together.”
“Oh, uh yeah,” he nods, scratching the back of his neck and looking out into the street, “he suggested we meet for a project since he really likes the coffee here.”
“I think he likes more the fact that I give him free drinks sometimes rather than the coffee itself,” you giggle to yourself. Your nose crinkles slightly when you do, shaking your head to yourself in amusement. Cute, he thinks. Wait, what the hell? Did he just think that about a random girl he just met? Damn he really needed to get laid.
“Well,” you say, pushing your bag up higher on your shoulder. “I should probably get going before it starts to rain.” You begin to walk in the direction of your apartment when he internally begins to panic.
“Oh—uh, I’m actually walking this way too,” he blurts. Why the hell did he say that???
“Oh really? Guess we can walk together then,” you laugh.
“Uh yeah, sure,” he shrugs casually.
You both begin your trek “home” in silence. Neither of you speak, not quite knowing what to say but wanting to say something. Hongwon mentally chastises himself for being such a fool and irrationally lying to you just so he could talk to you for a bit more. He doesn’t even know why he said that but he reasons that it’s just because you’re Hamin’s friend and he probably wouldn’t want you walking alone. Even if it was still day time.
“I’m Hongwon by the way,” he blurts.
You stifle a laugh with your hand, “I know, I took your order this morning remember?” Fucking idiot. “I’m Y/N,” you say.
“Er well, I didn’t really think you’d remember,” he says lamely.
“Of course, I did! Oh, right!” you say suddenly, “you mentioned you were working on a project with Hamin. What kind of project is it? If you don’t mind me asking” you add.
Hongwon watches you from the corner of his eye; your eyes trained on your feet, fingers playing with the fringes of the scarf around your neck. He looks away and smiles slightly at your politeness. “I don’t mind,” he shoves his hands into the warmth of his hoodie pockets, suddenly shy. “We’re working on a song. I uh—we write music.” He feels nervous somehow, saying that to you. He avoids saying the words “SoundCloud” and “rapper” in fear that you’d laugh at him. He knows there isn’t the best of reputations associated with soundcloud rappers. Not that he’s embarrassed of being one himself. He just inexplicably wants to make a good impression on you.
Your lips form into a little ‘o’ at his admission. “Really,” you breathe, a puff of air coming from your mouth when you do. “That’s so cool!” Hongwon shoots his head towards you at your reaction. “Huh, I always wondered what Hamin was up to working on that laptop of his for so many hours! So, you guys in a band or something?” you ask him, your eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“Um no, not really…” he replies, still taken aback at your reaction. “You must be pretty good then. Since you guys were working in there for so long,” you tease. Hongwon flushes, remembering how Hamin had left hours before him since they had surprisingly been able to power out some good lyrics. He only stayed behind to work on some of his own stuff though, he argues to himself.
“Ah well, we have a deadline to meet so we kind of had to,” he admits, scratching the back of his neck. “A deadline? Wow, I guess it’s really serious then. That’s really cool,” you smile. “Might have to ask you to play me something of yours one day.” You flush at your own words when you realize what they imply and backtrack immediately. “If you ever plan on coming back to the Grind that is,” you bring your hands up in front of you, coming to a stop. “If not, maybe I can convince you and Hamin with a drink on the house,” you laugh nervously.
“Of course I’ll be back! I-I mean, we…err, I really liked your coffee,” he stutters. Hongwon internally slaps himself. You had an iced americano, you idiot! Just how exotic and delicious is that?! And quit acting like a 5 year old girl!
“Awesome! I basically live there so you’re bound to see me sometime,” you laugh softly. “Well, this is me,” you say pointing to a street behind you. “Thanks for walking with me, Hongwon. I know it’s probably only because I’m friends with Hamin, but I still really appreciate it.”
“Hey, I enjoyed the walk just as much as you did. Besides, I was going this way anyways,” he looks away, scratching his cheek.
“I guess I’ll see you around then?” you ask, walking backwards.
“Sure,” he calls out, putting a hand up in farewell.
Okay so, in hindsight this was probably not his best idea. Hongwon looks up at the stormy sky as small raindrops begin to fall from the sky. He sighs dejectedly and begins his walk back to his motorcycle. Oh yes, let me walk with you! I’m going this way anyway! Tell that to the Venom X-22 GT you left parked on the side of the curb, moron.
part II
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love-dreams · 4 years
for the last time
jeonghan/reader | mental illness!au | angst, fluff
synopsis: in which jeonghan wants to do everything for one last time
content: depression, suicidal thoughts, character suicide
notes: WTF TUMBLR APP DELETED EVERYTHING anyway...more a/n in the m.list!!
wc: 1.3k
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“please, y/n, don’t leave me, i’m sorry, i’m so sorry-!”
it was almost like a ritual at this point, waking up to nightmares, drenched in sweat, with his heartbeat pounding in his chest while lying in bed. holding his head with trembling fingertips, jeonghan tried to recall the events of his dream, trying to pinpoint the cause of his nightmare. he sighed before giving up, running his fingers through his sweaty, damp hair.
looking over at his bedside table, jeonghan saw his phone lit up with multiple messages from his best friends. 
jeonghan grabbed his phone and got out of bed, checking messages from seungcheol and joshua while brushing his teeth. recently, the pair had been checking up on jeonghan to make sure he was getting out of bed everyday. 
jeonghan knew he didn’t have much time left in the world, but even with that impending doom in the back of his mind, he didn’t want to see his other friends suffer like he had. mustering up his strength, he put on a smile and before leaving the bathroom, flashing one last smile at the mirror. 
>>[p.sc] jeonghan, don’t forget to take your meds
jeonghan checked his phone again as it buzzed on the table, smiling to himself at how caring seungcheol was. these days jeonghan couldn’t find the motivation to even make breakfast, instead, he just filled up a glass of water, sitting down at the table to reply to his friends. 
<<[me] already did, mwah
<<[me] @joshua, i’m dropping by your campus later today, you forgot your notebook
>>[h.js] thanks bro!! remember to eat breakfast
after sending the message, jeonghan let out a sigh and leaned back into his chair. his life really was miserable after you had left him. jeonghan had no motivation to do anything, he couldn’t sleep or even eat. the only thing that kept him going was staying with seungcheol and joshua. tapping his fingers against the polished wood table, jeonghan tried to recall the event of his dream again. 
then, taking a sharp breath, jeonghan stood up determinedly; he wanted to go back to your shared apartment for the last time. 
he remembered the painted walls and pictures on the table during the dream and all jeonghan knew was that he needed to be there again.
but he needed to see seungcheol and joshua first before he left.
“how was your day so far, jisoo?”
“it’s been good so far. thanks so much for bringing this with you, jeonghan!”
jeonghan laughed, “aren’t you taking advantage of me living with you a little?”
seungcheol seemed to notice something wasn’t right about jeonghan’s manner, and piped up, “jeonghan, did you get my text this morning?”
jeonghan nodded, smiling as he showed him the pill bottle. “yep! i even brought it with me so i wouldn’t forget to take some this afternoon.”
seungcheol relaxed, “it’s been awhile since we’ve gone out together.”
for a moment, jeonghan’s smile fell off his face before he quickly forced it back upright. jeonghan nodded, reading between the lines of what seungcheol was saying: “it’s been awhile since we’ve gone out together, because you used to always be with y/n.”
after that lunch, jeonghan left to take a walk by the han river, marveling at the beautiful weather today. as he followed the trail, he slowly made his way to your apartment complex, the old building had the same charm it always had. 
as jeonghan climbed up the concrete stairs, he suddenly had a rush of deja vu, causing him to slightly stumble. 
“i don’t even get why you went to that stupid party, you know how shit you are at drinking.”
jeonghan dragged your body up the stairs as you struggled to maintain balance.
panting, you huffed out, “shut up jeonghan, i just wanted to have some fun.”
jeonghan grunted as he looked down at you from above, “are you saying i’m not fun? ‘cause i can totally be fun.”
you laughed as you made it to the last stair, collapsing onto the dirty cement. 
jeonghan panted beside you, still standing up, “get up, y/n, we’re almost at the apartment.” he tapped you on the side with his foot, his height towering over you. 
you smiled drunkenly, “you’re so pretty, jeonghan.”
jeonghan sighed, propping you up. he squished your cheeks together, “you know that i like to be called handsome more. now, up you go!” 
jeonghan chuckled at the memory. before he knew it, he was at the top of the stairs, on the floor of your apartment. 
it had been what seemed like a lifetime since he climbed these exact stairs. 
when you died, he didn’t have the heart to sell your apartment. it held all the memories jeonghan cherished so much, it felt like losing a piece of you. 
standing in front of the door to your shared apartment, jeonghan got hit with a wave of nostalgia. unable to push back at the rush of emotions, jeonghan leaned against the wall, his chest suddenly unbearably tight. 
he should have been there for you.
straightening up, jeonghan put on his brave facade and unlocked the door. after you died, jeonghan hadn’t returned to the apartment you shared, the pain was too great. looking around the room, jeonghan could almost smell your perfume and shampoo that you always wore. nothing had changed since your death, your parents hadn’t come to collect your things. dropping his bag, jeonghan started to wander around the small room until he came to a stop in front of your room. 
he couldn’t hold it in, breaking down in front of your room, sobs wracking through his slim frame. jeonghan covered his face, as if you could see him, tears running down his arms. guilt was rushing through him and his chest became unbearably tight. out of the corner of his eye, he saw his bag, the pill bottle in the compartment outside of the backpack. 
“jeonghan, i’m so proud of you, baby!”
jeonghan smiled at you cheering for him, he tickled you, “i can’t wait to go to your art gallery as well.” 
you laughed, bubbly happiness surging through the both of you. jeonghan had just performed his first concert in front of your university classmates. there weren’t a lot of people there, a couple of hundred, but it was stunning to see him on stage.
you cupped his face gently, “make sure you don’t miss it, okay?”
jeonghan choked at the memory, his chest tightening even more. it felt as if his heart was being squeezed, suffocating him. taking raspy breaths, jeonghan  could finally breathe again. crawling over to his bag, jeonghan collapsed against the front door. picking up the pill bottle with his trembling fingers; jeonghan stared at it. 
“i just wanted...you to be there for me, this one time!”
you were crying now, a tear streaming down your face. 
jeonghan sighed exasperatedly, “i know and i’m sorry okay? i had to practice for the next concert and i just forgot.” 
you glared at jeonghan, “that’s the problem, jeonghan. you always forget about us,” then you turned on your heel and spun out of the apartment, slamming the door on your way out.
jeonghan unscrewed the cap, peering though his tears at the pills inside.
“jeonghan, i’m so sorry...they were too late...”
their voices were all so muffled and distorted at that time, jeonghan couldn’t even hear them over the rushing of his blood.
jeonghan collapsed on the hospital floor, sobs wracking through his body. he would never see your smile again, never be able to hold you, never be able to-
“oh god,” jeonghan gasped out. he had never told you he loved you..
jeonghan reached a trembling hand in and inspected the single pill before swallowing it. 
“she wanted you to have this.”
jeonghan reluctantly took the letter. flipping it over, he saw his name written in your handwriting. jeonghan left your letter in his coat pocket for two days before gathering the courage to open it. 
gathering some more pills into his hand, jeonghan pulled out the folded piece of paper from his pocket; he always kept it with him no matter where he went.
“my love, jeonghan,
if you’re reading this, it must be too late for me. you must think that this was your fault, but i want you to know that it wasn’t. being with you these years have been my happiest moments, but i want you to be happy as well, jeonghan. you deserve better, i guess. i’m crying while i’m writing this because i really miss you right now. i regret yelling at you, i regret walking out. i’m sorry, jeonghan. i must be really cowardly, to not tell you these words in person, but jeonghan, please know
i love you. be happy for me,
jeonghan re-screwed on the cap, dumping the pills back in. he had to honor your last wish. slowly standing up, jeonghan pulled out another piece of paper: the pledis entertainment business card. 
i’m sorry, my love. i can’t be happy without you here, but i’ll try. i promise i’ll try.
pulling out his phone, jeonghan quickly sent out a text to joshua and seungcheol.
>>[me] i’m trying out with you guys. 
jeonghan loved for the last time.
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allywolf45 · 5 years
Remebering The Roadhouse Part 1
*First fanfiction I'm posting to tumblr. I thought a Dewey Finn X Rosalie Mullins fanfiction would be appropriate because they are pretty rare. Hope you like it! 😊"
At this time of day year ago, the Halls of Horace Green would have been completely clear of all students and most teachers. Principal Mullins and some of her closer co-workers would be the only one's remaining, and aside from the scratching of a pen on a desk, the shifting of papers, the clicking of computer mouse, and the occasional clacking of heeled shoes, the school would be very quiet. But that was almost a year ago.
Now, an entire class remained, and Rock music blared from the classroom now used for music coaching. Dewey Finn was cheering and excliaiming excitedly, the way he always did when his students impressed him. They were pretty good at picking up on newly written songs, and his pride in them was evergrowing.
Then the clock struck six. The students packed up their things, while Dewey caught his breath.
"Water, Mr. Finn." Summer reminded him.
"Thank you, Summer." He replied
grabbing his water bottle off of the desk next to him, and taking a few good swigs from it.
"Alright guys! Keep up the good work! You're doing amazing! They're gonna choose us first this year, I know it! We're gonna show em' that we're even better than last year!" He announced happily.
"I still don't understand how you got Miss Mullins to move parent's night this year." Freddie said. "It's been the same night for years."
"I actually didn't get her to." Dewey responded. "She was willing to move it for you guys to be able to compete in Battle of the Bands again this year."
"That reminds me," Summer cut in. "You never did tell us what strings you did manage to pull last year, before everybody untimately found out what we were doing. How did you get permission to take us?"
Dewey's eyes widened at the memory of him convincing Rosalie Mullins to meet him at the Roadhouse. He'd intended to trick her into drunkenly giving him permission to take the children on a 'fieldtrip,' but what he did not intend was to fall for her.
After getting through the initial awkwardness of him impersonating a substitute teacher, and having no actual qualifications to be teaching children, he'd eventually mustered up the courage to ask her out, for real. But, it all had started on that night. Watching her sing along to Stevie Nicks, and listening to her open up about the more calm and layed back girl she once was. He found himself listening to the song again the morning everything went downhill.
"Mr. Finn!" The sound of Summer's voice brought him back to the present. "Are you okay?" Dewey shook his head to clear it.
"Huh? Yeah! I just remembered there's something I need to do. Um... Goodbye guys! We're gonna do great!" He waved to the students as they left the room.
He let a sigh escape him when everyone had cleared out, and leaned against the desk going back to the memory of that night. He wondered if Rosalie remembered, and whether or not he should bring it up. There was a sinking feeling in his stomach when he thought of how it must have hurt her when she found out he'd been lying. Still he felt that it was special. He and Rosalie wouldn't be together now if it had never happened.
This time the clacking of heels nearing the classroom snapped him back to reality. He turned to see Rosalie waiting for him at the door, the corners of her lips turned up into a smile upon seeing his face. He sighed happily upon seeing hers.
"They sound amazing as always." Rosalie said stepping into the classroom.
"They're amazing kids." Dewey replied. Rosalie straightened the sleeves of his sweater vest. "They have a pretty amazing music coach too."
Dewey couldn't help but blush even as he put on his cocky air. Even though they had been dating a few months now, he wasn't used to being complimented, especially not by a woman. It was definitely a confidence boost for him, and a nice replacement for the insults Patti constantly hurled at him.
"Yeah, I guess I am pretty awesome."
Rosalie rolled her eyes before kissing him. He grinned as he kissed her back.
In short, she made him feel good, the best he'd felt in a long time. And, in turn, he hoped he was doing the same. He knew how to calm her when she was stressed, and though this time it was a week away, parent's night was already starting to drive her crazy.
She pulled away from the kiss. "Are you ready to head home?“
"Mm-mm...“ Dewey whined.
"Is Patti in a bad mood?"
He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah..."
Rosalie took his hand and smiled. "Come on." She said. “We'll go get coffee, and go back to my place. I have some things to finish up, but we can talk a while.“
“Coffee." He thought, The memory once again played in his mind. He nodded.
"Yeah... sounds good.“
"Are you alright, Dewey?" Rosalie asked. Dewey blinked, once again coming out of the flashback.
"Hm? Yeah! That sounds great!" He grinned at her.
"Alright then!" Rosalie returned the grin, though a bit of worry was still prominent on her face. She led him out of the room.
"Are you sure you should be driving?" Rosalie asked once they got outside.
"I'm alright, Rosalie. I promise." Dewey said giving her a reassuring smile. She nodded.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just..." Dewey wrapped an arm around her waist.
"Hey, it's alright. I know.“ He moved his thumb up and down gently against her side. "What if tonight we skip the coffee, and just relax a while."
“Oh Dewey, I can't. I have so much to do, and you have your battle to prepare for." Rosalie replied.
"True, but there's nothing wrong with taking a break every once in a while."
"I'm sorry, Dewey. But I just can't tonight."
Dewey sighed. "Yeah... I understand.“ He tightened his hold on her waist. "Let's go get that coffee."
The drive had been a quiet one aside from the growling of the van, and ordering the coffees at a drive in. They arrived at Rolsalie's apartment around six forty-five. Dewey sat on the love seat in her office while Rosalie sat at her desk going through the plans for parent's night and other documents for the school.
Dewey lay back, and strummed his guitar as he usually would on nights like this, when Rosalie was working on stuff that stressed her out. He turned his head in hopes of seeing the usual smirk that would come across her face. After a few minutes he almost gave up. It seemed to him like she wasn't listening at all. So, when she looked up at him and smiled, it took him pleasantly by surprise.
A couple hours passed. They hadn't talked much, and a growling from Dewey's stomach had reminded him that neither of them had eaten. He looked over at Rosalie who was still hard at work, but he could tell the caffeine from the coffee was wearing off. He got up, walked behind her chair, and put both hands on either of her arms, rubbing them gently.
"Rosalie, you need to eat something. Let's take a break for now, okay?" She looked up at him, and after a moment, she nodded. She stood from her chair practically exhausted.
"There's some leftover spaghetti in the fridge.“ She said going to heat it up. Dewey pulled her into his arms from behind and nuzzled her cheek.
"I got it." He said. "You go rest on the couch.“ For a second, she looked like she might protest, but she kissed his cheek, and went into the living room.
Dewey went to the kitchen, found the spaghetti in the fridge, and heated it in the microwave. He put some in a bowl for Rosalie, and decided he was hungry enough the eat what was left. He brought the bowl and the container into the living room, and sat next to Rosalie on the couch.
They ate while watching a sitcom on TV. Rosalie leaned against Dewey finally beginning to relax, and wind down. She ate fairly quickly not seeming to realize how hungry she was.
Dewey finished off the spaghetti, feeling full and very relaxed. He lay back and allowed Rosalie to rest on top of his belly and chest as they continued to watch TV. As he cuddled her he kept thinking of how he might try and do something special in honor of the night he'd first started really getting to know her.
He wasn't lost in thought long before he realized Rosalie had fallen asleep. He smiled and rubbed her shoulder before yawning.
"We should really get to bed." He thought before falling asleep himself.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Pitching a Tent ⛺️ (1/1)
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Emma Swan does not want to go camping. Who even goes camping anymore when things like air conditioning, indoor plumbing, and the internet exist? Why would anybody in their right mind sleep on the ground instead of the softness of a mattress? David says that it’s an adventure, and while she doesn’t believe him those first few hours of trekking through the wilderness, she does once she drunkenly wanders into a British man’s tent in the middle of the night.
Created by the 2 trope game of | wilderness + awkward first meeting |
Rating: Teen (yes, I know, the innuendo in the title is not indicative of this)
A/N: Can I give one big shoutout to @galaxyzxstark for sending me the prompt  that created this story but also for literally brightening my day every time I see her tags underneath one of my stories? You are the best! Thank you❤️
And thank you to @captainsjedi for organizing @csseptembersunshine to give me the motivation to finish writing a lot of little things that I’ve been working on☺️
Found on AO3 | Here |
Tag list: @kmomof4 @snowbellewells ​@tiganasummertree @xellewoods @galaxyzxstark @thejollyroger-writer @idristardis @snowbellewells @karenfrommisthaven @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @a-faekindagirl @emmas-storybook @searchingwardrobes @ultimiflos @jamif @dreameronarooftop15 @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @wellhellotragic @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @superchocovian @ultraluckycatnd @cs-forlife @andiirivera @qualitycoffeethings @jonirobinson64 @mariakov81 
“Toothbrush, toothpaste, bug spray, sunscreen, sleeping bag, whatever, whatever, whatever.”
Emma runs through the list that David sent her in email after email and text after text. It’s ridiculous. The man puts a ring on Mary Margaret’s left hand and all of the sudden he starts making her highly organized lists and reminding everybody of everything at all times. And by everybody she most definitely means herself and possibly Ruby, but since Ruby is dating Mulan, Mulan usually keeps everything organized for the two of them. So that just leaves Emma to be this mess of a person who is pretty much treated like David’s child instead of his friend.
They have a weird relationship, but it’s fine.
And she really does probably need packing lists sent to her two to three times so that she can make sure to pack everything and have time to buy what’s missing on the list. Or, like she’s done now, she can pack the morning of and be missing everything that she needs that she couldn’t find at the Wal-Mart she went to at three in the morning. Some very interesting people were walking the aisles – and she is including herself in that.
Getting hit on while wearing pajama pants with Santa Claus’s face plastered all of over them is not something she ever thought would happen and will probably never happen again.
But David and Mary Margaret have very oddly decided that they want to go camping as some kind of joint bachelor and bachelorette party, and Emma would much prefer a half-a-day thing where they spend the daylight hours wandering around in nature or canoeing and then sleep in a nice, air-conditioned cabin that has beds and indoor plumbing and a solid roof over their heads. But no, the soon-to-be Nolans have decided that they want to sleep in sleeping bags on the floor of a forest. Supposedly, it’s a beautiful place with a gorgeous lake and human-made campsites carved out, but Emma is not going to believe it until she sees it.
This is what happens when you don’t have parents to take you camping as a kid – you are entirely unprepared to live in nature for a little over forty-eight hours even if you do consider yourself a resourceful person like Emma considers herself to be.
“Dry shampoo,” Emma mumbles to herself, moving from her bedroom to her bathroom and grabbing the bottle before shaking it and spraying it into her hair so that her hair won’t be disgusting tomorrow. She’s going to pull it back into double French braids, but still.
David better be bringing snacks on this trip. She is not going to be able to survive without snacks.
Why didn’t she buy pop-tarts when she was at the store this morning?
Probably because she was running away from the weirdos who hit on people wearing Santa Claus pajama pants in May.
Oooh, she needs to pack her pajamas.
(She really does need that list.)
Emma’s phone starts buzzing on her bed, and she lunges over her backpack to check it.
Ruby: Get your ass outside. It’s time to go.
Okay, okay, okay.
So maybe David and Mary Margaret were right about how gorgeous it is out here. Emma wasn’t sure at first, especially with the three-hour drive that it took to get to the campsite and the hour-hike through some pretty shady (literally and figuratively) woods, but once they got to their destination, she was definitely a little more open to it.
Or a lot open to it.
The air is somehow different out here, fresher and less saturated than the air of the city. There are no traces of gas or garbage or the intense crowding of people. Emma loves living in Boston, loves almost everything about it, but sometimes she can do without the crowds and all of the industrialization of the city. Walking out of the hordes of trees and into the open space of the campsite to see the sunshine sparkling down on a clear blue lake that stretches out over the grounds, ripples moving through the water as fish swim and birds coast in the sky, is now one of her favorite views in the world.
The lack of honking horns and people talking on cell phones is pretty refreshing too.
Emma could, however, do without the bugs that are buzzing around her despite the spray she’s soaked her body in and also do without the possibility of bears and snakes coming out of nowhere to attack her.
The random animals walking around terrify her. Obviously, she’s encroaching on their natural habitat, but this wasn’t exactly her idea, okay?
It’s surprisingly easy to set up camp, even if her tent gives her all kinds of fits that explain why it was under fifty dollars, and after it collapses in on itself for a fifth time, David sighs and sets it up for her. She swears that she is a resourceful person, that she could probably survive a little while in the wilderness, but that might be entirely too optimistic thinking with how the whole tent thing went. Nothing like a camping trip to humble expectations on how she would do if she ever signed up for Survivor.
Is that show even still on the air?
As soon as she gets internet service again, she’s finding out.
“Do you find the whole camping and joint bachelor and bachelorette party thing weird?” Ruby asks her as Emma lays out her sleeping bag, tucking her pillow inside so nothing gets on it during the day.
“I find it all extremely weird,” Emma huffs, twisting her head to look at Ruby who has been far too amused by Emma’s struggles today. “Except for the fact that they want to do this together. Two peas in a pod. I never thought the separate weekend trips were going to work out even though I was really looking forward to going to New York.”
“You and me both,” Ruby sighs, plopping down on Emma’s sleeping bag, “but I think this could be fun. I mean, ten of us, some beer, and the wilderness. What could go wrong?”
“As someone whose tent fell apart multiple times, I feel like the answer to that is everything. I have lived in Boston my entire life. I was not made for this.”
“You’ll adapt. I know for a fact that Mary Margaret brought things to make s’mores for you.”
“She did not,” Emma gasps, turning to face Ruby before sitting down on the ground too, a rock hitting her ass. Ruby nods, a smile on her face. “Did she really? God, I love Mary Margaret and her resourcefulness.”
“She also brought you hot chocolate.”
“Even better.”
“And I,” Ruby hums, reaching into the inside of her vest to pull out a flask, “brought whiskey and earplugs just in case all of the couples here get ideas that you, our little spinster, are not taking part in. I mean, you could, but I doubt you’d be quite so loud by yourself.”
Emma can’t help but laugh at Ruby and the smirk on her face. Anybody who brings their own flask of whiskey when they know that David, Victor, and Graham have brought an entire cooler full of drinks is a resourceful woman. And Emma can always go for some spiked hot chocolate. Well, not always, but it does sound nice for sitting around the fire tonight.
And the earplugs. She did not think about that. She doesn’t really want to.
“I love you for that.”
Ruby mock gasps, putting the flask back in her pocket before covering her mouth with her hands. “Don’t tell my girlfriend that.”
“Tell me what?” Mulan questions as she pokes her head to the inside of the tent.
“That I love your girlfriend,” Emma chuckles. She stands from the ground and brushes at her ass, the feel of the rock probably going to be imprinted there forever. “Obviously you have a lot to worry about.”
Mulan rolls her eyes. “I think I’ll be fine for about thirty-two different reasons on that front. Do either of you have a bobby pin? I’ve got this piece of hair that won’t stay back, and it’s driving me crazy.”
“I have a couple in my backpack, babe,” Ruby tells Mulan, not bothering to get up from the ground. “In the bag with my toiletries.”
“Thank you. You guys want to go hiking now that things are set up? I think our other option was fishing.”
“Hiking,” Emma and Ruby say at the same time. “Definitely hiking.”
“Is everyone wearing sunscreen?”
Mary Margaret has asked that question approximately seventeen times today, and while it has been very much appreciated, now that the sun is setting over the lake, everything cast in an orange glow, no one really needs it. At least, Emma doesn’t. What she needs is something to eat that’s not a bag of trail mix, even if that trail mix was really good. She would know. She ate the entire bag when they went hiking earlier, but they were out there all afternoon long.
She needed substance to survive.
(Okay, so she definitely wouldn’t last on Survivor.)
“Yes, Mom,” Emma teases, picking up her water bottle so that she can take another sip. “We have all protected our skin.”
“You say that like I didn’t save that pale skin of yours earlier by handing you my bottle.”
“True, true,” she sighs before getting up from her folding chair so that she can walk toward Mary Margaret and wrap her arm around her shoulder. “Thank you for taking care of me. You’re the best.”
“I also brought you snacks. You probably love me for that too.”
“Oh, I do. I’ve been told of the s’mores and hot chocolate, and let me tell you, I can’t wait. It’s what’s going to make sleeping in the wilderness bearable.”
(That kind of sounded like a pun, but it really wasn’t…and now she’s thinking about bears.)
“I think it’s kind of fun. David and I go camping all of the time.”
“You guys literally stayed in a lodge with a spa the last time you went camping.”
“David,” Emma yells as her hip bumps into Mary Margaret to tease her, “when is the food going to be ready? I’m starving.”
“You are not actually starving,” David corrects, looking back at her from the grill that’s set up at the campsite. “You’re just in that state of Emma where you’re always slightly hungry.”
“What can I say? I like food.”
David laughs at her before turning around and flipping the hot dogs on the grill. She doesn’t even like hot dogs, but she can’t wait for these.
The rest of the night idles by, everyone beginning to get a little tipsy on beer or Ruby’s smuggled whiskey – definitely a lot of the smuggled whiskey for Emma – and as the sky completely darkens so that the only sources of light are the clear stars in the sky and the large fire that everyone is sitting around, Emma completely settles into being outside camping. This is actually the kind of thing she could get used to.
It’s definitely the whiskey and the s’mores talking.
Probably more the whiskey than anything, but she knows how to hold her liquor and isn’t that affected by it.
So maybe it’s the chocolate.
She doesn’t know, and it doesn’t really matter. At the end of the day all that matters is that David and Mary Margaret are having a good time. This is their weekend, and to watch Mary Margaret have her head rested on David’s shoulder with content smiles on both of their faces is all that matters.
Emma’s not entirely sure if she believes in true love, especially not with her relationship history, but if anyone has it, it’s David and Mary Margaret.
Or, at least, they have a good love that they both choose to work every day for, and that is probably a better qualification of true love anyways.
Little by little, everyone trickles off into their tents. Graham and Belle are the first to go, followed by Ruby and Mulan, Ruby teasing Emma about using her ear plugs. Emma rolls her eyes at that, but when she goes to her tent, zipping it up so that nothing can get in – which is something she doesn’t even want to think about – she does twist her ear plugs before putting them in her ears so she can’t hear anything else.
Better safe than sorry, right?
The moment Emma’s eyes open, she notices two things.
Her head is killing her.
She really has to pee.
Like, really has to pee.
And after checking her phone and confirming that it’s only a little past three in the morning, Emma reaches over to grab her boots, stuffing her pajamas pants inside of them, and unzips her tent so that she can go find somewhere to pee.
Definitely not the weirdest thing she’s ever done at three in the morning but also not the most normal.
Victor, for some insane reason, has decided to sleep in a hammock outside, and since she can tell that he is very much awake doing whatever it is Victor Whale does while awake in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night, Emma uses the flashlight on her phone to wander into the woods to try to find a tree to pee behind somewhere Victor can’t see or hear.
If they do this again, they’re going somewhere with bathrooms. Emma is putting it in whatever unwritten rule book there is.
Her head is still pounding, the haze of the whiskey and lack of sleep definitely evident, but Emma manages to find a tree, pee behind it, and start working her way back toward the camp.
Only, which way was the camp? To her left or to her right?
Oh shit. Maybe it was neither left nor right and somewhere in between? What’s in between left and right? Straight? Yeah, definitely straight.
“You can do this,” Emma whispers to herself, giggling a little bit when she realizes that she is actually talking to herself.
Is it possible for Ruby’s whiskey to be spiked? Can alcohol be spiked with…more alcohol?
That’s too confusing to even think about it. Maybe she can’t hold her liquor the way she thought she could.
Left. Right. Straight.
Yeah, straight.
Emma trudges through the woods, having to avoid some limbs that she doesn’t remember avoiding the first time. And when did she even wander this far into the woods to begin with?
Damn Victor and his damn sleeping bag.
After what feels like walking for hours, Emma finally sees the opening of the woods back out into the campsite, and it’s just in time since small droplets of water are beginning to fall from the sky that has her putting her phone away in the waistband of her pants, wishing she hadn’t taken her bra off. It’s also what makes Emma hurry to her tent, quickly unzipping the entrance and stepping inside before zipping it back up and toeing out of her boots, thankful to be in the warm, dry enclosure of her tent, fully ready to go back to sleep before her head can hurt her anymore.
“Who the bloody hell are you?”
Okay, so her head is definitely deteriorating or something because that was a British man, and even if that’s what her GPS is set to sound like because she can’t figure out how to change it back to the default voice, she knows that it’s not what the voice inside of her head sounds like.
And the warm hand that she feels on her shoulder can’t be part of her imagination either.
She’s about to die, isn’t she? There’s nothing like being about to die that sobers a person up enough to see that she is very much not alone in this tent, the dark shadows of a man skipping across her vision. And where is all of her stuff?
“Are you okay?” the voice says again, and then suddenly there’s a flash of light, a lantern being turned on, and things start to make so much more sense.
Kind of.
Because a grown ass man with black hair and what she thinks are blue eyes is sitting next to her blinking at her with his brows furrowed together and his lips parted. He’s also not wearing any clothes, but the moment she noticed the firm muscles covered with hair and the particular piece of anatomy that males possess (wow, maybe she’s still a little drunk if she can’t even think the word dick), her eyes glanced back up to his face even as her cheeks warmed.
What is happening?
“Why aren’t you wearing any clothes?” Emma finally says, and the man simply blinks at her again.
“Why are you in my tent?”
“I asked you first.”
Wow. Real mature, Emma.
“You broke into my bloody tent.”
“I’m pretty sure this is my tent,” Emma sighs, and she does not at all watch as the man grabs a pair of boxers and pulls them on. “Or, at least, I thought it was. Is this not my tent?”
“No, lass,” he breathes, continuing to get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, “I don’t believe it is. Are you drunk?”
“Um,” she hums, reaching up to rub at her eyes just to make sure that she’s not hallucinating, and when her surroundings come back to her, she realizes that she most definitely is not.
This is most definitely not her tent.
Holy shit.
Where even is she?
“Shit,” she mutters aloud, standing up only to hit the wires that are holding the tent up, but none of that matters as she reaches down for her boots and stuffs her feet into them, quickly unzipping the tent and stepping outside only to trip on the entrance and stumble out onto the ground.
Face first.
Into the mud.
Because it’s raining.
She knew that. Of course, she knew that.
“Woah, woah, woah, lass,” the man sighs, his hands reaching under her arms to pick her up off the ground. This could not be any more embarrassing. It simply can’t. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Back to my camp so I don’t get murdered by the man I apparently just barged in on.”
“I’m not a murderer.”
Emma blinks up at him as the rain pours down on the two of them, the power of it increasing with every second that she stands out here, and she might as well get pneumonia because she’s going to get murdered anyways.
Positive thinking for the win.
“How am I supposed to know that?”
“I guess you’ll have to trust me,” he sighs, a bright smile on his face that she can see under the moonlight. “How do I know that you’re not a murderer? You’re the one who broke into my tent, after all.”
Emma chuckles and starts shaking her head before reaching up to cover her face with her hands. Her entire body is going to be bruised tomorrow. “I’m so, so, so sorry. I don’t – I may be the slightest bit drunk and was in the woods because I needed a place to pee and I didn’t want to do it near my campsite because Victor was sleeping in a freaking hammock outside. I mean, who does that? He’s so weird, and he’s probably getting soaked in this rain right now and I – ”
There’s a tug on her wrist and suddenly she’s being pulled back into the tent of the mystery man, and if she gets murdered tonight, there’s absolutely no reason for her to regret eating four s’mores.
None at all.
(It was five.)
“W-what are you doing?” she hisses, little bumps rising on her arms as a cold chill settles over her.
“Love, as much as I am enjoying your rambling, I don’t enjoy standing in pouring down rain. We were getting drenched out there.”
“I am not your love.”
“Well, maybe if I knew your name, I could call you something else.”
This man is really attractive, and Emma still isn’t entirely sure that she isn’t dreaming.
“Emma Swan.”
The man smiles before reaching back to scratch behind his ear, a half smile on his lips. “Killian Jones at your service, milady. Now, Swan, you were saying something about walking away from your camp? You’re here with other people, aye?”
“My friends for a, like, super weird joint bachelorette and bachelor party.”
“Ah, well, that explains your state of intoxication. Though, I didn’t know that women were now wearing pajama pants with Santa’s face on them to bachelorette parties. That’s a bloody shame.”
“Ha ha,” she murmurs as she rolls her eyes. “Look, bud, these pants are super comfortable and warm except for right now because I’m covered in rain. Can someone even be covered in rain? Is that a thing?”
Thunder crashes down around them, a slow rumbling that’s followed by bright flashes of lightning, and now all Emma can think is that if she doesn’t get murdered, she’s going to die by lightning strike on her walk back to the camp she’s actually supposed to be in.
(Murder, pneumonia, or a lightning strike: the three most common causes of death.)
How does she even get back? Where in the world is she?
Killian clicks his tongue, and her head snaps away from looking at the roof of the tent to looking at him, and all she wants to do is slap the cocky grin off of his face. Or kiss it.
Woah, okay, that’s definitely the whiskey talking. This is not a romantic comedy. She’s not sleeping with the random man that she found in the woods.
Horror movie. It’s a horror movie. Not a romantic comedy.
Get it together, Emma.
“What?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest and really wishing that she hadn’t taken off her bra because this guy can most definitely see her tits through this shirt. Then again, she saw his dick.
What a weird night.
“Well, I’m thinking about this little predicament we’re in,” Killian sighs, pulling his damp shirt over his head so that she gets a good flash of his abs and the trail of dark hair that dips into his pants before he’s throwing on a sweatshirt over his shoulders and all she can see is the messy shock of dark hair on his head. “First of all, you need to get out of those clothes. I have a flannel shirt and some boxers you can wear. I wish I had something different, but I’m afraid I’m going to need my pajama pants since I’ve soaked my jeans.”
“Yeah, no, I’m fine. I’m leaving as soon as I figure out how to get back to my friends.”
“Stubborn lass,” he mumbles under his breath before digging through his bag and tossing the clothes at her. She catches them, and she’s about to protest once more when he turns around so that he can’t see her. “And you’re not going to get back to your friends tonight. You may as well wait the four hours until the sun rises, but it’s too dark and the rain is too bad for you to find your way back right now. I imagine you can’t be far, probably just across a little patch of woods, but you were obviously pretty drunk and could have wandered for a long time without realizing it. Have you finished changing so I can turn around now?”
“What? Are you a gentleman or something?” she huffs, pulling her wet shirt over her head before sliding the sleeves of the flannel onto her arms and buttoning it up.
Killian looks behind him, his eyes glancing up and down her body before he winks. “I’m always a gentleman, love.”
“Whatever.” Emma finishes changing clothes, balling up her pajamas and putting them in the corner with her boots as another bout of thunder crashes down around them. “Thanks for the clothes. And the shelter and not murdering me or whatever since I did kind of intrude into your tent.”
He turns around with a nod of his head, but instead of replying to her, Killian bends down and starts unzipping his sleeping bag, spreading it out and laying it on the ground. “Now, Swan,” he sighs, “I know you’ve already seen the family jewels, but I need to get out of these pants and need you to turn around. But you may sit down if you like.”
Emma does what he says, turning around before sitting down on the warmth of sleeping bag, and she very pointedly ignores the sound of his zipper being undone and the rustle of clothes being shed. If only she had those earplugs that Ruby gave her. Those would be pretty helpful right now.
Four hours.
Emma is going to be here for four hours until the sun rises, and she is leaving as soon as she can find her way back. And she is not going to sleep no matter how much it is calling to her. She doesn’t sleep over with men she goes home with at bars, and she’s not sleeping in the vicinity of a man who might be a murderer (even though she doesn’t really think that) who could have been out here waiting for someone to stumble into his tent.
Probably not the best plan.
Probably not his plan at all.
The sleeping bag shifts beneath her, and Emma feels the warm heat of a body next to her, and when she turns to the side, Killian has laid out on the blanket, his arms crossed behind his head, and his feet at the ankles. Is he about to go to sleep?
“So, Swan,” Killian starts, his voice as even as it has been this entire time, “you’re a bit of an open book to me, and I can tell that you very much think I’m going to murder you even though I should think that about you. I’ve not heard of many murderers who wait in tents for their victims to come to them. So, I figure we might as well get to know each other since I imagine there will be no going back to sleep involved here.”
Well, that was kind of a creepy reading of the mind.
Emma twists over on her side and mimics Killian’s position, kind of wishing she had a pillow right now too, but beggars can’t be choosers. Wandering in unknown woods while drunk is definitely topping the list of her worst drunk moments over that time that she asked every woman in the bar if they would be willing to braid her hair because her arms had turned into actual noodles…and then she asked everyone if they had noodles for her to eat.
She still kind of hates Ruby and Belle for allowing her to do that instead of taking her home.
“I’m not sure there’s much to know about me,” she finally tells Killian while light flashes outside.
“Nonsense,” he scoffs, hitting his elbow into her. “You seem plenty interesting. I mean, look at how much excitement you’ve already brought into my boring weekend with my mates. Liam could never be this exciting.”
“Who’s Liam?”
“My older brother. He’s in the tent next to us, is probably wondering why the bloody hell I’m talking to myself, and then down the way are Robin and Will. It was Liam’s birthday on Wednesday, and he decided we should go camping this weekend. So, my brother is just as crazy as your friends for wanting to do this. Though, I suspect maybe I’m a little more equip at camping than you are.”
“What the hell gives you that idea?”
“The fact that you are in my tent.”
“True,” she sighs, completely and totally ignoring just how good this guy’s shirt smells. And it’s also really warm. Warm enough that she doesn’t really want to give it up. “What do you do, Killian Jones? And are you British? You sound British.”
“That’s because I am.” Emma twists her head back to the side only to find Killian grinning at her with that cheeky smile and a raised brow that she imagines must be what he does when he’s charming someone. “I’m a writer, actually. I’ve got a couple books out now, nothing big or anything, but it pays the bills. As do the occasional articles I write. It’s…tough, you know, because sometimes my mind doesn’t cooperate and the industry sucks, but I love it. And I’m able to live in your country because of it too, which is a plus since my publishing company is American.”
Okay, so British dude whose tent she invaded is a writer. That’s honestly pretty cool, and she is most definitely going to look up his books when she gets internet back. Not that she’s going to tell him that. He seems to have a bit of an ego even if it is a charming one.
“Well, that’s fancy. Am I going to end up in one of your books?”
“Absolutely. I’m already plotting it in my mind.”
“Of course you are.”
“So, love, what do you do for a living? I need to know as research for my book.”
Emma laughs, twisting a bit on the ground to make herself more comfortable. “I’m a cop.”
“Badass, Swan.”
A little swell of pride swells within her. Damn right she’s badass. “I know. I’m usually not a bumbling drunk idiot crashing tents, believe it or not.”
“Oh, I can tell. You were too flustered for this to be your first time, and you know what they say, you never forget your first.”
“Is that supposed to be an innuendo?”
“Always,” he chuckles, waggling his brows across his forehead, and her stomach does this little weird twisting thing inside of her. “So, tell me about these friends of yours who are celebrating their upcoming nuptials in the woods.”
And that’s exactly how Emma starts weaving the tale of Mary Margaret Blanchard, David Nolan, and the weird, sickeningly sweet, wonderful love story that they have. She most likely gives a little too much detail, which she blames on the lingering effects of the whiskey-s’more hangover, and that tiny underlying fear of what exactly this situation right now involves. Obviously, there are no rules for her life in these odd hours between night and dawn, and when Killian doesn’t tell her to shut up, she takes that as a sign to keep going despite the fact that she has probably never talked this much to someone she has known for under two hours in her entire life.
Sometimes she doesn’t even talk this much to her closest friends.
That does something to her insides, twisting around her heart and either the large or small intestine, but Emma is easily able to ignore it as Killian asks her questions about her friends and shares little snippets of his own, reaffirming what she already knew about the fact that every single person on earth is at least a little bit crazy. If they’re put together in a group, however, the craziness factor multiplies tenfold.
Killian is thirty-two years old, though he says he sometimes feels much older than that, and honestly, she believes it with the way that he talks, all quick wit and flowery words that are laced with innuendo. It might be a British thing. She’s not sure. She’s only ever met one other British person in her life, and that was only for thirty seconds while he asked her how to get downtown.
But this particular Brit is charming and funny and has her laughing so much that her stomach hurts nearly as much as her head is really starting to with the hangover that’s really coming in. He reads, like, all the time, which makes sense for his profession, but he’s also one of those people who does in-depth research for his books by actually going out and doing the activity he’s describing. It sounds a little extra for her, but it’s apparently how he got into both kickboxing and sailing, as well as being able to mix a mean drink, and she can appreciate all of those things.
Kickboxing because she enjoys that, sailing because it seems kind of cool, and a good mixed drink because, well, that one is kind of obvious.
The conversation flows so easily, a natural progression that almost seems false in its genuine state, that Emma doesn’t notice that the rain has stopped pounding down on the tent or that thunder is no longer making her jump every few seconds. And she definitely doesn’t notice that sunlight is beginning to peek through.
But Killian does, and when he brings it up, disappoint washes over her.
Why in the world is she disappointed that she has to go back to her friends? And her clothes. And oh God, her toothbrush. Her breath is probably awful right now.
Her clothes are still soaked through, so Killian insists that she can keep on her measly borrowings from him, and so looking like the most ridiculous person in the world wearing an oversized flannel shirt, boxers, and a pair of hiking boots, Emma steps out of the tent only to come face to face with three other men all sitting around a firepit drinking coffee.
“Damn, Jones,” one of them whistles, “I knew you knew how to pick up women, but doing it out in the middle of the woods is damn impressive.”
“Shut up, Scarlet.”
Ah, she thinks, so that’s the Will she’s been told about.
And the one with blue eyes and curly hair is likely Liam so the one remaining is Robin.
“Lads,” Killian continues, walking toward the fire and grabbing a canister sitting on the griddle before pouring what looks like coffee into a mug, “this is Emma. Emma and her friends are camping somewhere nearby. I’m thinking across that patch of woods since she mentioned a lake. But Emma, here, was a tad bit intoxicated last night – ” At this he hands her the cup of coffee, and she is even more thankful for him “ – and got a bit turned around when she was relieving herself. And then the storm started, so she stayed with me for a bit. Though nothing untoward happened. On my honor.”
Her cheeks heat at that, but she ignores them and takes a sip of the coffee, also ignoring the fact that she probably just burned her tongue and also that there is absolutely no creamer or milk or sugar in this. But caffeine is caffeine, and that’s all that matters.
“Hello,” she croaks out, waving her hand in the air at the three of them. This is about ten thousand times more awkward than barging in on a naked stranger last night. Oh shit, she really did that. “It’s nice to meet all of you. Thanks for the coffee.”
“That’s a nice outfit you’ve got on there,” Liam laughs, shaking his head the slightest bit. “I trust my little brother is telling the truth when it comes to him being a gentleman last night.”
“Younger,” Killian quickly corrects, looking between she and Liam. “I am your younger brother, and yes, as I told you, I was a gentleman.”
“I mean, he was alright,” Emma teases as her eyes squint up at the rising sun. “He didn’t give me his pillow, I saw his dick, and he wouldn’t stop talking, but other than that, he was great.”
Liam, Robin, and Will all break out into laughter that has her shoulders straightening a little bit and her confidence rising as she arches her brow at Killian. He looks both affronted and impressed with his parted lips and raised eyebrows, and that’s exactly what she was going for there.
“I thought you said you were a gentleman, Killian,” Robin laughs. He puts his mug down on the ground and wipes away at his eyes. “How did she see your dick if you were being a gentleman? Were you pitching a tent…inside of your tent? Talk about inception.”
“Alright,” Killian sighs over the laughter of all of his friends – and her too – before he wraps his arm around her shoulder in a touch that very literally might send all of the lightning strikes from last night down her spine, “I think I should probably help Emma find her friends before they start missing her, and I fully expect the lot of you to have cooked breakfast by the time I get back, yeah?”
“You can have some peanuts and whatever you catch in the lake.”
“You’re awfully cheeky for it to be so early in the morning, Will,” Killian sighs, squeezing his hand against her shoulder.
“I got a great night’s sleep last night. Unlike you, obviously, because you look like shit.”
“That’s all on Emma.”
“Hey,” she scoffs in protest even if she knows that it’s true. “You could have gone to sleep.”
“And run the risk of you murdering me? Never.” He cocks a smile at her, one that’s slanted and boyish and probably charms all of the girls Will was teasing him about, before tilting his head back toward the woods. “You ready to go, Swan?”
“Yeah,” Emma sighs, taking one more giant gulp of coffee, “I guess I am.”
With her phone – still without any kind of signal because apparently they are in the most remote place on the planet even though Boston is less than three hours away – and her wet clothes in hand, the two of them start trekking around the perimeter of the woods so that Emma can figure out where in the world her friends are. She knows that she definitely came through the woods, and Killian’s got a pretty good idea of the area now that it’s sunlight outside, so they should be able to find it.
How far can someone really wander while drunk?
That seems like it’d be a really funny question to google. The answers would be something else.
“So, your friends are interesting,” Emma says, trying to think of some kind of small talk. It’s not awkward walking in the woods, but she can still feel the lingering effects of Killian’s hand on her shoulder and figures talking might make it go away no matter how illogical that is. “Well, friends and brother.”
“They’re a bunch of assholes who I didn’t think would be awake,” Killian sighs, holding up a stray branch for her to walk under, “but I do love them.”
“That’s how all friends are, I think. At least, I think so. If not, we’ve surrounded ourselves with the wrong people. Then again, I kind of think I can be an asshole sometimes, so I probably deserve asshole friends.”
“You? An asshole? Never.”
“I feel like we have not known each other long enough to mess with each other like this.”
“Then what the hell is it you were doing back at my campsite with my friends?”
“Valid point,” Emma laughs before stopping in her tracks to try to see if any of this looks familiar. It all just looks like…wood. And leaves. “Do you know where we are?”
“Aye. We need to keep going straight. I think the rest of the campsites are out on the other side.”
“Whatever you say. I’m still not entire convinced that you’re just leading me into the woods to murder me.”
Killian barks out a laugh, his head thrown back, before he places his hand on the small of Emma’s back and gently guides her forward. “Swan, I promise you that you are going to make it out of this situation alive.” “Whatever you say, Jones.”
They idly chat as twigs and leaves crunch underneath their boots, and even though Emma knows that it’s been at least a fifteen-minute walk (damn, drunk Emma), it surprises her when the two of them walk through a clearing of the woods and the familiar sites of her actual campsite come into play.
Okay, so Killian’s tent doesn’t at all look like hers.
What the hell was she even thinking?
Obviously, she wasn’t.
“This you, love?”
“Yep,” she sighs, looking over at David and Ruby sitting by their firepit with mugs in their hands before turning around to look up at Killian. He’s smiling, that crooked one, and his messy hair has at least two leaves in it. Camping is really not for everyone, and they’ve still got another day of it. Hopefully tonight she won’t wander into a random man’s tent. “This is me. Thanks for not murdering me.”
There’s a subtle shake of his head, those lashes landing against his cheeks, and the smile stays there. “You are ridiculous.”
“You like it.”
“Yeah,” Killian mumbles while his hand reaches up to scratch at his scruff, “I do. You are surprisingly quite the charmer.”
“I don’t think it’s surprising at all.” Killian laughs at her shrug of her shoulders before swaying into her space, the toes of his boots knocking into the toes of hers, and her breath hitches at the touch. “So, thanks for helping me find my way back. I promise I won’t barge into your tent in the middle of the night. Though, you should really think about wearing clothes. Just in case and all.”
���Just in case,” he repeats, and Emma fills a chill run down the back of her spine at the dark tone of his voice. “Or, you know, you could. I don’t think I’d mind. You do have to give me my clothes back.”
Her eyes roll, but her heart flutters all the same. Emma is not the type of girl to meet a guy and immediately hit it off. There are too many things in her past, too many bad relationships that have burned up in flames, but she’s not committing to life here. She may not even be committing to anything at all. It was a weird night, and she might as well let it roll into a weird, wonderful morning.
“I think I’m going to have to keep them.”
“Huh, then maybe I’ll have to stumble into your tent in the middle of the night to get them back.”
“I’ll make sure I’m dressed again in my Santa Claus pajama pants.”
Killian laughs as his head dips so that his lips can tentatively press against hers. He’s as unsure of everything as she is, which makes a hell of a lot of sense considering how weird this situation is, but Emma responds to the kiss, slowly moving her lips against his as her hands move up Killian’s arms, gripping onto the soft material of his sweater as Killian’s hands thread into her hair, familiar and yet entirely unfamiliar shivers covering her body as soft lips move against and with hers.
What a few hours.
What a damn good kisser.
Emma pulls back, not entirely sure what kind of pacing is going on here or what she should do, and she laughs when she remembers that she hasn’t brushed her teeth and probably has awful breath. Then again, so does Killian.
Obviously the height of romance.
“Why are you laughing? I don’t usually have women laugh at me during a kiss.”
“Well, that’s because you’re not kissing women who probably have bad breath and smell like a forest.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything.”
Emma pulls back and slaps his chest, which really only makes Killian waggle his brows across his forehead, the confidence coming off of him in waves.
“You’re a jerk.”
“Only a little.”
“Or at lot.”
“Definitely a lot,” he laughs before kissing her cheek and squeezing her hip. “Do you want to go to dinner with me sometime? Preferably when we’ve both had the opportunity to shower and brush our teeth. A proper getting to know each other.”
“Can we go somewhere with air-conditioning?”
“Absolutely,” he smiles.
“Then yeah,” Emma sighs, pressing up on her toes to kiss Killian’s cheek, “we can go to dinner sometime. You can also come back to get your clothes sometime today.”
“You going to see if you can google me before that?”
“Damn right.”
Emma steps away then, walking backward to the camp and waving Killian away before turning around to walk between the tents where Ruby and David are sitting with their jaws practically on the floor.
“What the hell was that?” David starts.
“Who the hell was that?” Ruby continues.
Sighing, Emma sits down on the folding chair and looks at her friends. “Man do I have a story to tell you guys.”
Killian and his friends join their group for dinner later that night, but the dinner with brushed teeth and styled hair – plus that ever-important air-conditioning – comes a week later in Boston.
Killian is her date for Mary Margaret and David’s wedding two months later.
Two years later, they get engaged in a tent with Emma wearing her Santa Claus pajama pants and Killian wearing his boxers, but she insists that he takes them off, for authenticity and all.
And the story of how they met most definitely ends up in one of Killian’s books.
It’s a murder mystery.
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