#one of my coworkers makes fun of me for always having a beverage but i make fun of her bc she’s allergic to drinking water ever
mag200 · 1 year
the way young kids feel attached to their phones is the way i am about having a beverage. like water or coffee or iced tea or a smoothie or something else idc. if i dont have a beverage accessible at all times i will cry like a little baby. im like if a guys idle animation was sipping a drink. if im leaving the house its with my water bottle and possibly another drink of some sort. at all times i am aware of the threat of dehydration. sipping a drink is like a hobby to me. you could ask me if i have any plans on my day off and im like oh i’ll definitely be having some coffee.
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darth-does-stuff · 1 year
Better Things Yet To Come
(but darling, misfortune always has to arrive first)
Four superheroes in the city of Cyrin, a gilded and fantastical city full of exalted and wondrous powers, according to any outsider you asked. To the locals, it’s a city with destruction around every corner, villains rearing their heads in an attempt at building a reputation, and fighting daily. And if you asked the heroes…they’d say that it’s a city that has been their home for years on end and, deep inside them, they feel a need to protect it. But if you were to take a closer look at them, you’d see the heavy burden on their shoulders, for, ultimately, Cyrin is not a city without its prices.
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Chapter Three: Tock
a meeting
“—and I was like, ‘Todd, you’re hallucinating, literally nothing happened on that night. But he keeps going on and on about how he saw it happen, he swears, but there was no body found when he went to check! No blood, no weapon, the camera footage showed nothing, but he still thinks he saw a murder! It’s kind of concerning.”
Virgil nodded along to his coworker’s story, mindlessly making a drink. 
“Hot chocolate for Deckland,” he called out, seeing somebody shuffle to the front and grab their beverage, and he only bothered to remember their light-ish colored hair as he tuned back in to whatever Haisley was saying. 
“Was anybody reported missing the next day?” Virgil asked absently, already starting on the next drink.
“No! And that’s what’s fucking crazy, and by ‘what’s’ I mean Todd, because he is going insane! Like,” she let out a laugh, “what kind of crime has nothing leading back to it?” 
“A cold case?”
“Nah, this is different.”
Virgil just hummed indifferently, but as he was putting on the lid of the drink, the door to the coffee shop opened, revealing a tall figure with blonde hair, brown and green eyes, a burn mark on the left side of their face, and a smug fucking smile that made Virgil want to punch him immediately. 
Janus fucking Drewitt, just the man Virgil never wanted to see again. 
He heard a crunch noise from his hand and looked down, seeing the lid of the cup completely mangled. They gently set it down, hands shaking, and turned to Haisley. 
“Um, hey, could you cover for me for the rest of my shift? I’m really sorry, but I just remembered I have a…doctor’s appointment I have to get to, it completely slipped my mind.”
Haisley sighed, “Whatever, fine, but you owe me one. And you have to say you believe me and not Todd!” 
Virgil forced a smile, “I believe you, not Todd.” 
Haisley nodded, satisfied, and shooed him off. 
Virgil forced himself to walk away calmly, hanging up his apron, but once he was out of sight, they booked it through the back door. 
“Fucking bastard, why does he always have to turn up when I never want to see him, which is goddamn always—"
“Well, it is nice to see you think so highly of me,” a voice called out from the alley next to the Golden Roast. 
Virgil was in the middle of shoving their arms through his jacket and almost dropped it, jumping 6 feet in the air before landing, a dent in the concrete where his feet now stood. 
“Leave me alone, Janus,” he snapped, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning away. Janus smoothly stepped in front of them, giving them a smirk.
“That’s no way to treat an old friend. Come on, Virgil, won’t you give your oldest accomplice a hug?” 
“Fuck off, Jan. I told you, I’m done with you and your whole…deal. I’m out, and I’ve been out for years. I don’t know why you feel the need to show your face now, but go back to skulking in the shadows or whatever the fuck it is you do.” 
“Why do you automatically assume I’m here to persuade you to do something? I can’t just be here for a chat?” Janus raised an eyebrow, eyes gleaming mischievously.
“Cut the bullshit,” Virgil said flatly.
“Ugh, you’re no fun,” Janus dropped any fun pretense he had been keeping up. 
“Fine! Listen, I know you told us your whole spiel about how you’re done and whatnot and you’re gonna do better things, butttt, consider this. Remus and I are planning a heist. A big heist. And we’re kind of being looked for right now, not anything serious, but we got spotted last time and it kind of fucked us over. Just a bit. So! We, mainly me, had the absolutely brilliant idea of bringing you back in! We like to operate in the shadows, and part of your whole deal is shadows, so it’s practically perfect. And it has the added bonus of never seeing us again after this heist. Just one. Last. Heist. That’s it.”
Virgil was quiet for a long moment, and from a few blocks away, passerby would see clouds gathering and casting a shadow, the ominous rumbling of thunder reverberating throughout the city. 
He stepped into Janus’s space, jabbing a finger into their chest. 
“I am done with both of your guys’ stupid bullshit you try to rope me back into. I’m not helping you with this heist, and I’m not helping you again. Ever. You say that if I do this I’ll never see you again? Try something fucking new, Janus. You’re getting predictable. Take your deal and shove it up your ass,” Virgil jabbed his finger into Janus’ chest again, “When I said I was done, I goddamn meant it. You don’t get to try and bring me back when you aren’t even remotely sorry for how you treated me. You and Remus. So fucking leave.” 
Janus looked shocked, his perfectly crafted mask of indifference for once slipping away into genuine astonishment. 
“Don’t,” Virgil warned lowly.
“Please just—"
“Don’t! Janus, I swear to any fucking deity out there that if you don’t leave right now, I’m going to freak the fuck out.”
Out of reflex, Janus instinctively took a step forward at those words, reaching out a hand. Virgil jerked back, stumbling over his feet to stay out of arm’s reach. Janus’ face pinched and his hand fell limply to his side.
They nodded tightly, once, before turning away. 
His appearance slipped into a man with brown hair and stubble and grey eyes, a button up and slacks replacing the turtleneck and overcoat they had previously been wearing. He looked side to side before stepping out of the alley, walking off into the streets until Virgil could no longer see him. His shoulders sagged immediately, a long breath escaping him.
“Motherfucker!” Virgil cursed under his breath, leaning his forehead against the brick wall of the building next to the coffee shop. He felt the urge to punch something, scream, cry, collapse on the floor, just do something, and before he had registered it, they had raised a hand to punch the wall. 
A very specific memory of the last time he let his powers get out of control flashed through his mind and he forcefully unclenched his fist, letting it fall against their side. 
Virgil muttered, “Fucking bitch,” with his head still leaned against the brick wall.
a/n: look. look at them. idiots i swear
taglist (ask to be added!): @star-crossed-shipper, @flowercrownsandtrauma, @lesbian-pattonsanders
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girderednerve · 1 year
whining! complaining! kvetching!
yesterday i didn't eat breakfast before work (running late) and then i forgot to eat lunch (no excuse for this one) and then i wasn't hungry for dinner again (did eat it though). this is very inconvenient and it makes me feel kind of frantic and useless. everyone is like "listen to your body!" okay well my body is not helpful for this kind of thing. that is my fault too but :(
i am trying to eat. i would like to not be a fall-downy spaghetti noodle of a man. aim high right
anyway i am like six weeks away from being completely done with graduate school & i am so excited about it, graduate school sucks so bad. wildly overhyped. group projects are the devil &c. but soon hopefully i will be free of this particular set of problems & will have to find another
i have a job interview on friday for a youth services job (i think it actually focuses on teen services?). it is remote so i don't have to go anywhere and it'll be fine. i do feel kind of despairing about it, like there's no chance that they'll really hire me & i'm not sure i want the job anyway even if they offer it to me (no manager; previous manager widely loathed and now in an involved administrative role; rampant adultism in my library district; red state woes, &c.). i am trying to remain loosely optimistic & i could do important work there if hired! so. fingers crossed i guess.
anyway. list. list time. list as hell
we watched the dragon ball super hero movie this weekend & it was very fun. i love PICCOLO
my partner made bread. we have homemade bread now. i love bread so much. staff of life &c
my coworker is having her baby today & we are all worried for her but mostly really excited. hugged her goodbye & good luck yesterday & she promised to share pictures of the baby in the yoda-ears hat i crocheted for her
sharing work stories on here always feels kind of lame but we do a book giveaway program at my library where kids fill in a little form telling us some stuff they like in a book & then i go pick out a book for them & write them a little note in marker & stamp a bag for them to pick it up in. it's very fun for me. anyway on saturday while i was working a kid came by to pick up their book kit & got really excited about the book i picked out :) if u work @ a library & want more details about this program hmu i love sharing
my brother texted me yesterday looking for recipes, he wants to try branching out & cooking more (he used to live on kraft mac). grateful every day that my brother & i are friends now
pc that i vaguely attempted to help my partner build is really great :) now she has a bunch of stickers on her case. very fun
got a nice decaf & am slowly figuring out how to make decent pourovers. i love coffee
good luck to all of us & if you would like to tell me about a food item (incl. beverages!) that you have really been enjoying lately i would love to hear about it
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honeyfuloves · 2 years
I am so tired of working like this is not fun at all.
Recently, we were on like a water boil and so we could only make a certain amount of drinks and we had to boil our own water why we didn't just close down idk but I get paid either way so, this women comes in who is a regular and gets the same thing a mocha latte like she gets the same drink everytime so I explain to her that yeah we can't make your mocha latte due to the water boil so she's sad but she's like okay and leaves. Hours later a man comes up to me mind you this is like one to two hours later and tell me I think the lady who order the mocha latte got something from the beverage case we have in the store so I'm like idk because I have went on break and came back at this point so idk if she came back and got something or not and he kept repeating it so I was so confused on why he kept telling me this when my interaction with her was two hours ago so many more customers have came since then okay? But after he leaves my coworker explain that he was trying to tell me I should have told her that she could have got something out out of the beverage case instead of telling her I cant make her latte and I was like ? She is a regular number one so why would I tell her about the beverage case that she sees everytime she comes in. Number two that happened hours ago and you are bringing this up now. Number three why are you in my conversation that I am having with a customer if you wanted her to know about it you should have told her yourself like what you can always apply if you want to work here.
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softholand · 3 years
ive been trying so hard to think of a moodboard i havent asked for already and totally forgot to send a blurb request, my bad 😩🤚🏻 here it goes: can i have “You bought me flowers?” “Yeah, well I noticed you’d seemed kinda down, so I wanted to cheer you up.” with my sweet angel baby pls 💜🥰 ily — kit xx
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞
⤷ harrison osterfield x barista!reader, coffee shop au
prompt: “you bought me flowers?” “yeah, well i noticed you’d seemed kinda down, so i wanted to cheer you up.”
words: 1.3k
a/n: hi bestie 👋🏻 thanks for sending this, i had so much fun writing it, i hope you like it as much as i do :’)) ily and i hope you have a great day xx 💜
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It was that time of the month again, you were currently exhausted, your cramps were killing you, your eyes felt heavy and your head carried a pounding headache that made you want to smash it against a wall. To sum up, today was definitely not your day.
To make matters worse, the coffee shop you worked at was extremely busy today. The little bell at the door that indicated a new customer didn’t stop ringing, groups of tired students coming to drink their much needed coffee to keep them awake for the rest of the class day.
You had just finished giving the last customer in line their coffee when you saw your coworker slide one of the paper cups your way. “Drink it, you need it! You look like shit!” They said in a flat voice. “Damn, thanks, Ro!” You scolded, taking the drink nonetheless. “What? I’m just looking out for you, don’t give me that look.” They said, rolling their eyes. “I know, I appreciate that, Ro! Today is just not my day, sorry!” You groaned, taking a few sips of the hot liquid, feeling your body relax almost instantly. “Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it.” Your friend said, going back to wiping the counter.
You were quietly enjoying your beverage when the bell at the door rang again, making you sigh heavily, not ready to put the happy facade up again. Leaving your coffee aside, you turned around, being met with the most beautiful set of blue eyes you had ever seen.
Harrison was a regular at the shop, always coming in earlier than everyone else so that he could study in the quietness of the space before the rush of tired students came barging in with their laughs and loud chatter.
He was kind, funny, and very charming and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a little crush on him. Okay, maybe little wasn’t the right word to describe, in fact, if you’d ask your friend, they’d probably say you had your whole wedding already planned in your mind. You hadn’t, by the way, but you couldn’t deny the attraction between you, and his flirty behavior towards you didn’t help at all in your situation.
That’s why you suddenly grew nervous as you saw him entering the shop, a bouquet in hand, your mind already playing tricks on you and making you believe he was off to see someone else. “Hey! Here for another boost?” You joked, earning a chuckle from the blonde. “Hi! Yes, I am!” He said, scratching the back of his neck. “The usual?” You asked, trying to keep your nerves at bay. “Yes, please!”
Once you turned around to prepare his order, Ro was looking at you with a huge smirk on their face, making you glare at them, before finishing Harrison’s coffee. As the machine did the work for you, you couldn’t help but notice the way he nervously held the bouquet, his knuckles almost white from how hard he was holding it.
“Going on a date?” You asked, already regretting it since his private life had absolutely nothing to do with you. Harrison seemed very confused by your question at first, so you signaled to the bouquet in his hands, making him finally realize. “Oh, no! This… this is— uhm, this is actually for you.” The blonde stuttered, offering you the bundle of small pink and white flowers, a white ribbon tied in the form of a perfect bow holding everything together. What?
“You bought me flowers?” You asked, completely dumbfounded, taking the bouquet from his hands, holding it closer to your face. “Yeah, well I noticed you’d seemed kinda down, so I wanted to cheer you up,” Harrison stated, your heart swelling up at his words.
You felt like melting right then and there, while Harrison’s blue eyes stared shyly at you, waiting for your dumb ass to just say something. “I— wow, I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much!” Your voice was hoarse, and if that wasn’t enough, your eyes were also watering, a very clear sign that you were about to cry.
Harrison seemed to notice your state by the way he frowned, but before he could say anything, you sniffled, getting your friends' attention. “Ro, can you cover for me a little bit?” You asked, to which they nodded. “Sure!” They said, sending you a knowing look. “Thanks! I’ll be right back!” You informed them, but your friend just laughed, “Go on, I promise not to set the shop on fire.”
After taking your apron off, you guided yourself and Harrison outside, where the cold December air hit you, making you shiver, holding the flowers closer to you as if they were some kind of heater that’d warm you up. “Is everything alright?” Harrison asked as soon as you were out. “Yes, it is, I just… fuck! Today has been such a shitty day for me and then you show up with flowers? This… this means more than you know to me, Haz! Thank you so much, you really didn’t have to!” You rambled, feeling yourself grow flustered as the words left your mouth.
Harrison’s expression seemed to change from one of uncertainty to one of relief, “It’s alright! I— I wanted to!” He stated, a smile now appearing on his lips. “And I’m sorry if I seemed a bit down earlier, I just…” you started but Harrison was quick to cut you off, “Hey, you don’t have to apologize for not feeling your best. It’s normal, we all have our days.” The blonde exclaimed, putting his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to make eye contact.
You didn’t know if it was your hormones or the fact that Harrison looked absolutely ethereal with little snowflakes falling down his face that made you lean in and close the gap between you two, connecting his lips to yours in a quick kiss, that left you wanting nothing else for the rest of your life.
You were a stuttering mess when you pulled away from him though, apologizing for what you had done, saying how inappropriate it was but Harrison cut you off once again, this time with his lips. “It wasn’t inappropriate. In fact, I have been wanting to ask you on a date for quite a while now, I just didn’t have the courage to do it.” He said, a smile forming on your lips. “I’d love to go on a date with you!” You said, your cheeks hurting from how wide your smile was. “Yeah?” Harrison grinned, “Yeah!” You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip.
You were just about to lean in and kiss him again when you heard a couple of knocks on the shop’s door, Ro’s face showing an apologetic smile. “I have to go back to work.” You sighed, and Harrison immediately pulled away, “Yeah, no… sure!” He said, making you chuckle. “I can give you my number though, that way we can plan the date?” You asked, feeling like a teenager all over again, sharing your phone number with your crush. “Yeah, that sounds great!” He said, taking his phone out of his coat pocket, before handing it to you.
Once your phone number was secured on his phone, you passed the device back, “You’re coming back inside?” You asked, heading for the door. Harrison seemed completely clueless, raising an eyebrow to you, which was actually pretty adorable. “For your coffee?” You exclaimed and it was like a light switch went on inside his head. “Oh, yeah! Coffee, yes!” He mumbled, making you chuckle.
With a coffee and his favorite muffin in his hands, Harrison made his way out of the shop, giving you an adorable little wave before disappearing down the street. By your side, Ro cleared their throat, raising their eyebrows, “So… got something to tell me?”
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—don’t forget to reblog and leave your feedback ♡
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blownbybakugou · 4 years
Office Hours
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x Reader
warnings: CEO!Shouto AU, FEM! Anatomy, breeding kink, hair pulling, oral (m! receiving), unprotected sex, praise kink, slight voyeurism. 
Word Count: 2.6k
A/n: Took me all day to write, I even pulled an all nighter because the ideas were swarming inside of my head. So I was just chilling at two am with Rick and Morty on, typing away. Probably disturbing my neighbors and my roommate, but whatever.
This day had been mildly annoying. Your new coworker had claimed to have been sleeping with your boss, saying she would have you fired by giving him a blowjob, and then continued to shred the paperwork you had worked on all week. You were in near tears from the stressful events of this week, and everyone, including the bitch could see that if anything else went wrong, you would snap. You could clearly hear the annoying pitter-patter of the horrid woman's shoes against the black marble heading towards your cubicle, making you groan in exasperation. "What do you want, Neca?" You sigh, your bloodshot eyes glaring at her smug face. "I have to leave early, so you'll have my work" Your eye twitched. The audacity this lady had was getting on your last nerve. "I'm not doing your work after you shredded mine, especially if you'll get the credit. Now leave. I'm trying to finish my work so I can go home." You look back down to your work, but your head is suddenly yanked back up by your hair. "Go home to what, exactly? You're single, you have no kids and no pets. You can put in the extra hours, and you don't need the extra money. So stop being a bitch, and get over it. I have a date with the boss, so I'll be leaving now" Neca slams down a fresh stack of papers for you to revise and categorize and walks over to the elevator, leaving you here to deal with her work. You looked at the clock on your desk, seeing that in only two hours it would be midnight. Era, too late for you to be at work. You yawn and take your pencil back in your hand to begin your reviewing, already dreading the outcome of this night.
At around 11:30, you got up to go to the breakroom for a new cup of coffee, and you swore you could feel your eyebags darkening by the second. Everyone had left at about 11:00, which left you here completely by yourself. Even the janitor had checked out for the night, handing you the building keys and telling you to lock up when you go home. You take a big swig of the luke-warm beverage, praying to the gods that you would finish your work faster so you could get some sleep. You look out the break-room window at the 12-inch stack of documents you had to look over, realizing you'd be lucky if you got to leave at 3:00. You gulp down half of the coffee, toss the empty disposable cup into the trash bin, and tread back to your personal hellhole. You were concentrating as hard as you could, but even when you were zoned out, you could clearly hear the sound of the elevator going up, and stopping at your floor. Your eyes widen, looking over to the clock that read 1:00 am and then trying to think of who would be here this late but only came up with fear and panic. You shake wildly as you watch the polished silver doors slide open slowly, and then you see the expensive leather shoes step out. Your breath hitched. You were somehow more afraid than before, seeing your boss look over to you, and begin to walk over. He stopped in front of your chair, looking down on you with suspicion and confusion in his eyes. "What are you doing here so late, L/n?" Your throat quickly becomes dry, making it harder to speak. "I, um, p-paperwork." You attempt to explain, pointing to the now 10-inch tall pile with a quivering finger. "I didn't give you that much, who's work is that?" His deep voice asked. "Neca's, Mr. Todoroki. She said you guys had a date and asked me to finish up her paperwork. I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you." You explain, regaining your once lost composure. "We did not have a date. What happened here, is that she played you." Your brows furrow in frustration. So the hours you put in were for absolutely nothing? The fear of getting fired, the times she left because of the 'bosses demands', were all fake? "I...I'll finish it anyway, Mr. Todoroki. I promise I won't take too long." You mumble, turning back to the documents with clenched teeth. "No, I will call her right now. If she is going to rearrange your sleep schedule, I will rearrange hers." our heart warms at his kindness, as you thank him for his generosity. Todoroki pulls out an expensive-looking phone, scrolling for a while before holding it out, and putting it on speaker. On the second ring, Neca picks up. "Yes, Mr.Todoroki? Do you need me to come over or...?" She seemed insistent on wanting to come over to his home, but your boss shuts her down rapidly. "No. After many, many complaints and reports from the other employees, it has come to my attention that you have been passing your work onto Y/n L/n, as well as destroying the companies sacred files. I have called to confirm these suspicions." You both could hear shuffling on the other end on the line, and then you heard the buttered up voice speak. "Did Y/n tell you this? I didn't want you to find out this way, but Y/n has been skipping out on work and burning the company files. I didn't tell you because Y/n is such a dear friend to me and I didn't want her to get fired." Her obnoxiously fake sympathetic voice made you want to gag in disgust. The faux voice was way too sweet for her contrasting personality and the word 'friends' left a bitter taste in your mouth. "Oh? Well, if that's true then I have some interesting news. I'm at the office right now, looking at Y/n who has an 11-inch stack of papers that I certainly did not give to her. And by looking at one of the documents," Todoroki picks up one of the stapled worksheets and flips through it briefly before continuing. "These look like the oriented reference materials I asked you to finish before you left. Now, if you do not come to the office right now to complete your and Y/n's workload, I will fire you, and ruin all future opportunities for you to get a job. Am I clear?" The line goes silent, but then you hear a light sobbing sound accompanying a meek 'yes, boss'. He hung up and then gestured you into his workroom, silently closing the door behind him. "L/n, how long has this been going on for?" Todoroki asked calmly, sitting down in his exquisite black leather chair. "A week after she came here, sir." When you added the sir on the end, he seemed to flinch, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. "I see. Why didn't you inform me of this?" You take notice of how he had crossed his legs. It was almost as if he were trying to hide something from you, and that fact made you internally grin. "She said she was your lover, sir, and I didn't want to be fired for claiming against her." The CEO glares at you, warning you to not step further into this. "I can happily say that we are not in a relationship, nor are we participating in any...fun, activities." A playful glint flashes in your captivating orbs, seizing the boss's attention. "I am glad to hear that sir. Shall I take my leave then?" Todoroki's jaw stiffens, and his eyes darken. "Only if you want to. But I believe it to be bad to drive when tired, you could always sleep here, for convenience reasons." You wanted to agree. But you knew that Neca would arrive here shortly, and if you slept here, she would surely do something to get back at your tattling. "I'm not very tired, sir." You remark, standing to make an emphasis. Todoroki stands as well, showing off his delicious-looking bulge forming in his black slacks. "Oh really?" He walks around his desk, eyeing you like a predator would its prey. "Is there a problem, sir?" You ask, a smirk present in your expression. "No, but I think that I'll have to make you tired. You know, for convenience reasons." His face was a mere inch from yours, his breath gently fanning your face. He finally took initiative and grabbed the back of your neck to bring you into an electrifying kiss that made every nerve in your body tingle. You were swiftly flipped around and sat on his desk, your legs wrapped around his torso as he hungrily forced his tongue onto yours. They slid across each other in unison, sending hot flashes throughout both of your bodies at the amazing contact. "Mr.Todoroki, Neca will-" "What happened to sir?" Todoroki purred, sliding his warm hands up your blouse and playing with the hem of your bra. You start softly panting as they glide to your back, fiddling with the clasp. "S-Sir, Neca will be here any min-" "Stop being a brat, I'll deal with her when she gets here. But I think you should deal with the problem you made." Todoroki unbuttons his trousers, stripping himself of them before placing your hand on his clothed cock. "Why don't you get to work, and I might reward you with a bonus." You pushed down his black boxers, almost drooling when you see the length and girth of his dick. It was almost unreal, it couldn't be. He was huge and heavy. Even with him being fully erect his cock drooped and hung right above your mouth. You were starting to even wonder if he could fit inside of you. Todoroki was staring at you expectantly, so you carefully lifted your chin to take the head into your mouth and looked up at him with big, doe eyes. A subtle grunt is produced from your actions and you decide to take it a step further. You guide his dick down your throat, feeling his width stretch out the walls of your windpipe and block your source of oxygen. You pull back, watching as strings of your salvia extend from his cock to your mouth, a low groan emitting from your boss at the sight. You take him back in, this time moaning around him for added effect and enjoying how his hands thread their way into your hair a glide you along his impressive dick. It was then that you began to hear the familiar sound of the elevator opening, and the annoying pitter-patter of shoes you have learned to hate. It seemed that Todoroki heard it too, but he only pushed you down deeper and leered at the way you gagged and squirmed. The clicking of Neca's shoes came to a halt as she shoved the door open with such haste you were surprised it didn't break. "Mr. Todoroki, please forgive me, I promise it won't happen again-" Your watery eyes open to give her a petty glare, releasing another moan around your boss so she could watch the way his eyes roll back in pure and utter pleasure at the vibrations you gave off. Neca's face turned a bright red at your bold decision and let out a high-pitched huff of anger. The irony of this situation was so satisfying. You flipped her off, making her storm out of the room, still enraged. That was until your boss yelled something to her "Neca, you still have to finish the documents you passed onto Y/n." You got no response, but you honestly didn't care at this point. She could hear you guys going at it like animals if she wanted to, but as far as you're concerned, she doesn't exist. You were yanked up and you look down to see that his cock was completely covered in your spit. "I think you deserve a reward, baby."  You were forced onto the desk chest first, your skirt flipping up making your panties on display for him to see. "I bet you have the cutest little cunt under these thin panties." He pressed two fingers against the damp fabric, swiping against your clothed slit before getting fed up and tearing them off. Todoroki kneeled, blowing cool air onto your soaked pussy and watching as you try to push your hips back onto his face. Your hole was clenching around nothing and it was practically driving Shouto against the wall. He got back up, stroking himself a few times before poking at your hole with his tip. He leaned his head into your ear with his chest pressed against your back, his breath making your heart race faster. "I'm going to fucking ruin you." He pushed himself in halfway, rocking his hips in a steady motion and chuckling at your small pathetic moans. "I'm not even all the way in and you're whining. Do you even want my dick?" You nod vigorously, trying to move backward to sheath the rest into your weeping cunt. "You want it all in? Use your words, pretty girl." He prolongs his movements and observes that way you try to fuck yourself on his cock, your orbs starting to form more tears from the lack of stimulation. "Please sir, I want to be stuffed full by your big cock." You whimper, letting his hand grasp at your strands of hair once more. Growling, he shoves the rest of his awaiting member inside of you, basking in the way your walls fluttered and twitched from the intrusion. "Good girl. Now let me use you the way I want to, little thing." He starts rapidly pounding into you, with your poor cervix being mercilessly rammed against in the process. "How's it feel getting railed like this, huh? You know, I could really use an heir to the company." Your pants began to mix with your moans, and you could tell your orgasm was coming on strong. You couldn't even warn Todoroki because right as you were about to tell him, you felt him nudge that special spot that made you see stars. And after that, you had no choice but to release. You expected Shouto to pause and let you rest after that intense orgasm, but he fucked you through your release and yanked on your hair harder, overstimulating you easily. "S-S-Shouto." You stammered, feeling his dick pulsate inside of you. Todoroki started pistoning his hips into yours at a more brutal pace, seeing you come undone for the second time. "I'm gonna fuck you full of my cum, and you're gonna be my pretty little girlfriend. How's that sound?" A gurgled yes left your mouth, too far gone to even properly validate his question. A loud groan echoed through the room as spurts of your boss's hot semen shot into your unprotected womb with full intention of getting you pregnant. You lie there, panting for a while before he picks you up, and sets you on the small leather couch in the corner. "I promise that Neca will no longer bother you. And that you and our child will have the best luxuries in the world." He murmurs, lying down in front of you and petting your moist hair. "I'm glad this happened, Shouto." He chuckled. "Yeah. Me too." The dreaded sound of the elevator returned, and this time, you could hear many voices chatting. You look over at your newfound lover's desk to read the time. 5:00 am. Also known as, office hours.
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comelylust · 4 years
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That's right I deliver what I promise, Request through my discord, Anon asked for some Miguel with plot so I made a plot attempt haha. if you find spelling or grammatical errors sorry I do this from a tablet 👀read the warnings 👀.  
Warnings: Smut content, +18, street fights, mentions of alcoholic beverages.
 "Ugh I really can't stand it" You mention this to your boss with an irritation in your voice, pacing back and forth with both hands on your head "how the hell are you two friends?! it's so... agh"  
Seeing how frustrated you were all your boss did was scoff at it, he continues to clean the glasses and arrange them on the shelves in the back, he looked like he really didn't care that two of his workers don't get along as well as he would like.  
"You're just stressed, go take a break" Your boss laughed, gesturing towards the employee door where you already knew who was there, Miguel, chances are he was listening to everything, instead instead of embarrassing you your anger continued to rise.
"He's a nice guy, you're just not used to his temperament."  
He's right, you still don't know him well enough just a couple of months ago you moved to Spain for personal reasons, but let's say things were getting difficult and you decided to venture to a new destination in search of opportunities, at first you didn't know where you were going, you were coming and going without a previously planned route, this didn't bother you at all you felt better about yourself above all you felt free for the first time in your life.  
On one of your countless trips you heard a group of strangers talking about a certain wrestling tournament which caught your interest. You decided to join that event after they finished their talk, grabbed your stuff and headed to a new country.  
When you finally arrived in Spain the first thing you did was to look for a temporary job, difficult at first you didn't have the necessary documentation to back up your identity, yeah shit, it wasn't the best idea to leave with nothing but your passport.
You continued your search now in the slums of that country, hoping that someone would offer you help, instead the only thing they offered you was endless fights showing the wimps not to mess with you, earning you a little respect from the locals.  
"Strange" You thought "People usually loathe people like me".
It didn't take you long to figure out the reason why the inhabitants were so used to subjects of your ilk. Miguel Caballero Rojo, a subject without a shred of compassion when it came to street fights, was brutal and violent making his opponents regret it on the spot.
Going to where he always made his appearances you found on the way an old cantina: on the outside it was crumbling, but the old letters of the place were still visible. Entering with your best hard face you asked about that mysterious man, without receiving a clear answer, again you let out a disappointed sigh and a pout formed on your lips.
"Hey, don't be so sad" A middle aged man catches your attention offering you a drink which you cheerfully accept "You're not from here are you, cutie?" Your eyes widen like saucers when he found out you're just an outsider, without taking the drink away from your lips you nodded.  
"Well, I need a bartender so why don't you stay for a while while you wait for him" He offers the old rag along with the apron, you were in doubt, but you really needed this job, the opportunity to work and hit on a guy sounded exquisite without hesitating a second longer you made your decision.  
"Okay I accept, just for a while".  
"I'm Daniel by the way" The old man who is now your boss mentions it.
You worked in that bar for the next few weeks, you didn't do much, just make drinks and take out old creeps trying to be smart. Now the main issue, if you met Miguel, yes, he really looked violent, and yes he had hated you.
When he first walked into the bar he was fuming, his nostrils flared, his muscles tensed and the fingers on his hands were crusted with dried blood, in short he's pissed, to add more to the mix you lunged at him with incredible speed that even Miguel himself was taken by surprise.
"What the fuck" He exclaims as his head face down is resting on the dirty floor, you crossed his wrists and paralyzed him with a knee on his back "Get the fuck down, what's wrong with you".  
"It's nothing personal just that I liked the idea of defeating the best fighter in this neighborhood" You licked your lips forming a fuzzy smile of joy. Miguel tries to move, but you strengthen your grip, raising your hand now in the shape of a fist ready to punch him in the Spaniard's face, until someone interrupts you.
 "Sorry Daniel" You fiddle with your fingers as the pout returns to your face along with a blush forming on your cheeks. "B-but you already knew what my plan was!"
"Plan?! What's going on Daniel, are you conspiring with this Chiquilla?" Miguel points at both of you accusingly, scratching the back of his neck furiously.
"Eeh, who are you calling a chiquilla, brat?"
"The only person who is behaving like a brat is you" The two begin a verbal sparring match with overly childish insults. Daniel for his part lets out a loud sigh catching both of their attention.
"You both are behaving like brats, Now Miguel she is the new Bartender she will work here for a while be nice" The last sentence was thrown remarking that she will behave "Same goes for you, Be nice he is your co-worker"
"Coworkers!? That if ever!" Both mention at the same time throwing each other murderous looks.
And here we are back where we left off at the beginning. Working with Miguel was annoying, he is always drunk, when he is lucid he gets in a bad mood and even starts fights for stupid reasons, the problem is when you have to interfere when things get too intense, this didn't bother you, you were annoyed by the idea of saving his ass.
Instead of thanking you he starts a useless fight questioning why you helped him and all the crap you decided for your and Daniel's mental health more than anything else for your boss it's better to ignore him.
But what happened?  
You were not a sports fan, much less a soccer fan, however since you arrived to this place the only thing that the bar TV broadcasts was soccer, getting used to it, you noticed that Miguel on special occasions wears a jersey of his favorite team, your lips curved into a cheshire smile at the prank you were going to do, your plan is only to support the opposing team for no apparent reason, this would annoy Miguel as a "revenge" for what he had put you through.
Tonight you put your new plan into practice, you borrowed a t-shirt from the opposing team that is playing tonight, you put it on by buttoning every button, oddly enough this shirt highlights your beautiful figure, accentuating your breasts and molding to your abdomen/torso, you hope no one notices this, but who the fuck cares, you look great.  
The bar is more crowded than it normally is, you complained about the smell it smelled too much like Cologne, alcohol and sweat hopefully your brain will adapt to it. You headed to your work station serving the drinks to their respective buyers. Until you saw him come in of course with his charming outfit, fuck, you have to admit the man is hot, his manly appearance and his well toned and thick muscles soaked with a light layer of sweat would make anyone drool, unfortunately this was his only virtue.
He gave you a small smile and of course foolishly you returned it, you shook your head forcibly bringing yourself back to reality and remembering the reason why you had decided to do this in the first place.  
"Are you kidding me?" he approaches you intimidating as always, the difference is this time his voice framed mockery as if he knew what you were trying to do.
"What are you talking about, I'm just working" you bite your inner cheek avoiding emitting a laugh, You poured him a pitcher of beer waiting for him to forget the topic of conversation.  
"Yeah right, I know what you're planning, cutie" He takes a long swig of the drink wiping the rest of it off with his arm "And it's not going to work" He winks at you you roll your eyes so much you're able to see your brain, it really is unbearable.
As the night continues, Miguel continues to make fun of you and how your "shitty" team is losing, the strange thing is that you ended up joining him, drinking the whole keg of beer answering his comments with sarcastic remarks.  
You were wrong to think that his only quality is being a handsome man when you noticed that his resistance to alcohol is quite high happened exactly with you, your resistance to alcohol was the best, however, the drinks were doing in you a kind of aphrodisiac turning you hotter as you kept talking to Miguel.
"How about...if we go to the back" your voice comes out smaller than you would have liked you play again with your fingers waiting for an answer, instead he didn't give you one he just grabbed your bicep with his hand and dragged you to the employee only room.  
Before partially closing the door, his free hand wrapped around your jaw pulling you closer to him in a hot kiss, intertwining their tongues licking every part he could, he pushed you into the room closing the door behind you. He connected his lips this time on your neck leaving you with purple and bite marks.
 He held your wrists guiding you to the lounge chair obediently sitting there, still kissing you enjoying your taste despite the bad beer you had chosen.  
"Apparently you're not a rough girl anymore" Separating slightly so he could speak.  
"H-hush don't ruin the moment" You turned into a red, stuttering mess, all Miguel did is smile at you and get up from the seat, your mind raced hoping he wouldn't leave.
"On your knees" His hoarser than normal voice made you shudder and let out a low moan, he had never been so dominant and you would be lying if you didn't say you didn't like it. You quickly went down on your knees looking up at him with eyes clouded in lust.
"Fuck" Solo said unbuttoning his pants, you helped by pulling them down along with his boxers "I'm going to punish you for being a spoiled brat."
 You finally released his cock from its confines, you gasped at the sight previously you could picture it, but your mind didn't do it justice, it's big with veins that framed its outline the red tip was already dripping pre-semen, you licked your lips and included its head between your lips, giving kitten licks.
 "Stop teasing" He growled, you opened your mouth wider with your tongue hanging out, shoving his cock in your mouth touching your throat, you looked up as you gagged which made him let out a guttural gasp.
You pulled back pulling his cock partially out before thrusting harder into your throat, you moan and the vibrations you throw are so delicious he can't take it. Getting rid of his remaining clothes he continued to pound your throat rapidly as he watched your face fill with tears and you try to breathe through your nose so you don't choke.  
"Will you stop teasing?" your eyebrows flex in anger, but this action doesn't last that long, still gagging on his cock you nod energetically. "Good girl."
Thick, hot ropes sprouted from his cock covering your mouth, trying to swallow as much as possible. Inhaling and exhaling heavily catching your breath, you struggled to stand up before Miguel lifted you up placing you face down on the couch climbing behind you, your instinct was to raise your ass and spreading your legs apart, giving him a perfect view of your already slippery pussy.
 Miguel looked at you with carnal hunger re licking his lips as he looked at your innocent form, his palm slapping against your ass in a thud, you squealed as you felt another series of spanks follow leaving your buttocks red.  
 "Remember it's your punishment pretty girl."  
He rubs his fingers over your wet folds and plunges a finger inside you, you yelp at the sudden action pulling away, Miguel firmly holds your hips so as not to go any further and continues to plunge his fingers stretching your tight walls.  
"Easy I'm getting you ready" Miguel works on your sex pulling his fingers in and out "She's too tight".  
Your legs trembled with excitement and your moans echoed in the room loudly, before you could come he pulled away from you collecting your essence smearing it on his long shaft lubricating it.  
The tip of his cock rubbed between your folds teasing your entrance, you moaned needy moving close to him.
"Don't tease" you pout and he teases you, he pushes his member slowly into your pussy. The sensation of your walls squeezing his cock made him throw his head back as you rolled your eyes at the bliss of being filled.  
Miguel pulled your hair back into a ponytail using it as leverage to go faster and deeper, the lewd noises you make are music to his ears instigating him to move.
You could feel every part of his thick cock and how it exquisitely hits that rubbery spot inside you, through your mouth overflowing saliva and your eyes still rolling back. Your walls tremble giving hints of your come.
"Cum on my cock pretty girl" his voice a few octaves lower brings you to the edge, a lewd moan escapes your sweet lips and he quickens his pace chanting your name between curses, his load shoots inside your sex painting them white.
He pulls out of you and you both catch your breath. When you realize what has just happened your face turns red and you try to hide it between the cushions of the couch. Miguel notices this and pats your head.
 "So..." You say shyly.
"Then I'll ask you out, mi amor."  
"Ha, I really love your temper."  
"Idiota" this wasn't the plan nor much less the expected result but you're happy.
I must improve on the fast way it ended haha I hope you liked it.  
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otonymous · 4 years
A Bolt From The Blue (MLQC Shaw - NSFW) - Part I: A Matter Of Convenience
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Description: An extraordinary man arrives to shake up your ordinary life Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language & mature themes — reader discretion is advised.  Potential trigger warnings: robberies and mentions of firearms, physical violence, mild depictions of bodily injury, blood and masturbation, profanity Word Count: 1650 words (~8 mins of action, drama and the start of a slow burn 🔥)  Author’s Notes: This multi-chapter fic is dedicated to the lovely @op-peccatori​​​, one of the winners of my Follower Milestone Celebration!  Thank you so much, Nana, for requesting a mafia AU story starring everyone’s favourite lavender-haired man 😆 This is actually my first time writing an AU fic, and the experience thus far has been incredibly eye-opening and lots of fun!
For this piece, I wanted to localize the AU to better fit the world of MLQC, so instead of using a traditional mafia setting, the events take place in the milieu of the triads and “black societies” that are more likely to be found in corresponding parts of the world.  For those who are interested, Wikipedia has an incredibly comprehensive article on triads and organized crime.
This piece turned out to be much longer than I anticipated and is still ongoing as of the time of this post!  That being said, I hope you’ll join me on this wild ride 😂 As always, wishing you all a very happy read 😊
Jump to Chapter(s): Two | Three | Four
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“Put the money in the bag and no one gets hurt.”
A black duffel bag is thrust onto the counter before you, panels wide open like a gaping maw.  You look up at the man in the bomber jacket and the only things you can process are:
One: his nostrils are flaring.
Two: why bother trying to be nondescript by dressing in all black if you’re going to leave your face uncovered during a robbery?
“I ain’t playin’ around, little girl.  Put the goddamn money in the bag right now or else I’ll shoot—”
The man’s eyes widen in the split second before his face crumples, teeth yellowed and uneven protruding in an ugly grimace.  His hand flies to his head, trying to stem the blood already streaking down his face when he collapses onto the counter, taking out a display of collectible miniature keychains next to the register as he does.  They scatter, some rolling across the floor before being stopped by a pair of purple Chuck Taylors tapping out an impatient rhythm on the linoleum.
You look up from those sneakers in a daze, eyes following the silhouette of a pair of jeans so worn in places you doubted the rips and tears were purely for aesthetic purposes.  And if you’d had to guess, you’d say that purple was your saviour’s favourite colour, given the lavender hair that fell over his eyes the moment he pulled back the hood of his sweatshirt, also in a shade of violet.  His other hand — clad in a fingerless leather glove — gripped the skateboard that had just connected with the head of the would-be robber, still groaning before you.
You startle at the sound, heart slowing only when you see the pink bubble deflating between the young man’s lips before the gum is pulled back by the tip of his tongue.  And from where you stood — glued to the spot behind the counter — you swear you can detect the hint of cinnamon.  
He crouches, picking up the gun that had slid out of the thief’s hand when he was unceremoniously hit from behind, and when he chuckles — the sound dangerous and cocksure — it ignites something deep within you.
“Tsk, tsk.  Can’t very well go around robbing people with toys guns, now can you?  Especially not on my turf.  Piece of advice: don’t mess with Boss Li’s territory or else I’ll be doing more than just breaking your head the next time around.  Don’t let me catch you here again.”  
Letting out a pathetic whimper, the robber snatches the empty bag from the counter, running for the doors in such haste he almost trips over his own feet.  The electronic refrains of the door chime still ring in your ears when you realize the man has already made his way to the beverage dispenser, one long finger pressing the Pepsi button before switching to Coke, both drinks mixing in the same paper cup.
Smoothly stepping over the mess on the floor, he places the drink on the counter right next to a smear of blood.  Mind still reeling, your customer service instincts take over.
“H-hello.  Just this?”  
He nods, popping a purple straw through the plastic lid before fixing you with his amber eyes as he pays, a hint of a smirk on his face.  And that is when it hits you that he is actually…actually…
…incredibly gorgeous.
An intense wave of heat washes over your face and you can’t help but look down.  By the time you’ve worked up the courage to lift your head again, he is already at the door, merging with the dark night beyond.  He throws up one hand in goodbye, not even bothering to look back when he says, “Relax.  That guy won’t be bothering you again.”
You hear his skateboard hit the pavement, listen to it rolling away.  Only when the sound completely fades do you remember to breathe.
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There was a certain tranquility in working late-night shifts at the 24-hour convenience store — aisles empty save for the occasional customer breaking the monotony: high-strung lovers grabbing last-minute condoms and overworked salarymen buying the beer and discounted meals they subsisted on.
And though your coworkers complained bitterly about the graveyard shift, they were more than happy to pass them on to you, making up every excuse as to why they were unable to show up during those times.  It was unnecessary, really.  You didn’t mind it, even preferred the solitary calm it afforded.
Until now.
Your peace has been shattered, replaced by something that made your hands ball into nervous fists — fingers gripping at the hem of your polyester uniform and wondering for the first time ever whether blue stripes made you look ridiculous.
Because for the first time in a very long while, there was something, someone, to look forward to.
Night after night, it’s the same.  Repeated glances at the clock above the magazine rack, your breath growing shallow to see it approach 1:30.  Heart leaping into your throat to hear the automatic doors slide open followed by the scuff of purple sneakers, tracing a path through the store.
Since the night of that foiled robbery attempt a month ago, he has visited like clockwork and you still haven’t figured out how to remain calm.  So you find contentment from behind the safety of the counter, watching the man with lavender hair — soft, even when lit beneath a harsh fluorescent glare as he stands at the drink dispenser, always filling a cup with Pepsi first, then Coke.
Only ever buying the same thing every time.
This strange ritual lasts all of ten minutes, fifteen at most.  And it takes just as long after he leaves for the hairs of your body to cease standing on end, as if electrified by the intensity of his eyes on yours.  
That gaze of molten gold stays with you even when you return home in the early morning hours, pulling blackout curtains across your window before falling into bed to pretend your hands were his: tracing the outline of your lips, caressing the swell of your breasts, dipping between your legs.
And when your breath falters in a quick succession of shudders, you wonder at your own sanity.  Because in spite of your suspicions about the guy with the purple hair, the warning signs that pointed to his obvious involvement with the triads that extorted money from local businesses as ‘protection fees,’ you still couldn’t help but think about the man who visited you every night without fail.
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“You’re hurt—”
“I-I’m fine.  Just…just ring this up, will ya?  I’m…in a rush…”
One arm crossed over his abdomen, he places the cup onto the counter as if it took all the concentration in the world — his efforts squandered anyways when his hand spasms at the last minute to send dark liquid sloshing over the lip.  He hadn’t even bothered to put a lid on.
“…Emergency responders have just arrived on scene and are dealing with scores of injuries.  Eyewitnesses describe what appears to have been a violent clash between rival gangs in a longstanding feud over contested territory.  The police are seeking help from the public in locating several key suspects believed to have fled the scene.  Please do not approach them under any circumstances as they are considered armed and dangerous…”
The news anchor’s face on the wall-mounted television is replaced by another: that of a youthful man with lavender hair and multiple piercings on his ears — challenge exuding from amber eyes.  You scramble for the remote on the shelf behind you, mashing the power button until the screen goes black.  And in the eerie silence that descends upon the store, all you can focus on is the laboured breathing of the man slouched before you.
Skin pale, beads of sweat dot a face drained of colour save for the crimson protrusion above his left eye — soon set to transform, ironically, into his favourite shade of purple.  He tries to suppress a cough but it is too late: you’ve already caught sight of the blood spreading out from beneath the palm pressed to his stomach.
“It’s on me tonight.”
The words leave your lips without second thought as you make for the storefront, flipping the light switch even as you reach to turn the lock on the automatic doors.
“No, don’t…don’t get yourself involved…”
Ignoring his protests, you gingerly place his arm over your shoulder, doing your best to support his weight as you make an awkward attempt to hobble together towards the back of the store.
Suddenly, the darkened interior is lit by flashes of red and blue and you are pulled in the direction of the nearest pillar, a strong arm flexed as it tenses around your waist, holding you to him in an intimate embrace.
He is close…so close that your senses are flooded with him: the heartbeat thunderous in your ear, leather and sweat tickling your nostrils; the scent of blood thick enough you can almost taste it on your tongue.  The hand on your hip — grip firm in a way it almost seemed possessive, and you are ashamed to find that you can become aroused even in a situation like this.
When you finally gather the courage to look up at his face — seeking a sign in the tension dissolving from the firm set of his jaw that the police cruiser had passed — you are shocked to see his pale lips stretched into a smirk instead.
“You know...I’ve been coming here every day…for weeks now…and this is the most you’ve ever said to me.”
He is still smiling when he passes out.
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Thanks so much for reading!  Hope you all enjoyed it and please stay tuned for part 2!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
(Updated): Jump to Chapter(s): Two | Three | Four
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haikyuuwriting · 4 years
02 - meeting
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➤ It was a “fortunate accident” that Akaashi found out what his boss was up to. Now that he’s in the know his friends are too, and Y/N and Bokuto find their lives suddenly filled with scary guys, smuggling, and even more sleepless nights.
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“Hey owl man,” Y/N replies, taking a sip from the cup of water sitting in front of them on the bar. Bokuto takes the seat next to them, waving at Akaashi from across the room.
“If he called us here on a Wednesday night you guys must’ve found something else,” Bokuto says, staring at Y/N expectantly.
“You really don’t choose favorites, do you? I just want to know,” Bokuto whines, slouching his shoulders and resting his cheek against the bar’s smooth polished wood that Akaashi had just finished wiping down. He stares up at Y/N with wide eyes, but they just shake their head at him.
“No, I do. Aki!” Y/N beams at one of the new arrivals, completely ignoring the shocked gasp that escaped Bokuto’s lips and the loud “Hi Y/N!” from Kuroo.
“Y/N!” Konoha coos in the same tone, sliding into the seat beside them. Kaori and Yuki arrive immediately after, leaving no time for Bokuto to loudly complain about Y/N’s blatant favoritism in the group. They all settle into the stools facing Akaashi and Kenma behind the bar, the latter of whom is busy on his laptop. Akaashi pours himself a drink, drawing everyone’s attention as he does.
“So as you guys know my boss—and Bokuto’s boss technically since he owns that restaurant too—is a total dick,” Akaashi sighs. “And I overheard my manager talking about missing alcohol shipments, tighter budgets and him just being an even bigger ass than usual.” He pauses to take a swig at his drink, earning a low whistle from Kuroo. Akaashi hardly ever drank what he called “nasty alcoholic beverages meant for the unhappy. He got drunk too easily and he never enjoyed it. 
“Akaashi asked me to check some stuff,” Kenma continues, looking more awake than Y/N’s seen him in a while. “And eventually we ended up looking at banking statements and we found something. Money trails leading overseas and to lots of accounts.”
“How do you just go from missing alcohol and an asshole boss to looking into bank accounts?” Kaori asks. She’s frowning in that way, and Y/N knows a speech is coming if someone doesn’t reply fast. And honestly they’d like to know too—Kenma and Akaashi didn’t elaborate on how they took such a leap.
“Akaashi’s been hearing rumors for a while,” Bokuto muses, looking at his friend with alert eyes. “Is this also about my fired manager?”
“Yeah. Basically the boss, the one who owns all of these bars and a few restaurants, has been firing employees that try to stand up to him and try to fight for a higher raise since it’s pretty low and the ones that generally just ask questions. They go missing afterwards.”
“And I checked bank statements to see if he hired hitmen,” Kenma adds, taking a casual sip of his water as he finishes, acting as though he were simply describing the weather. There’s a brief moment of silence before everyone starts talking over each other.
“Hitmen?” Yukie yells, fanning at Kaori’s suddenly pale face with her hands.
“Wait so you guys think he’s stealing money from the businesses and killing people too?” Konoha asks, looking more curious than concerned. Kuroo’s eyes are wide and he’s holding Bokuto by the shoulders - Bokuto’s staring at Y/N, his eyes also wide and questioning.
“I helped Kenma with some of the digging,” Y/N says loudly, silencing the talking quickly. “The money goes to weird accounts that all link back to his personal ones and I couldn’t find any leading to anyone else’s besides another rich dude. So as of right now we think he just fires employees who get a little too nosy and pays them some money to keep quiet.”
“Quiet about what?” Bokuto asks. “I’ve lost like three coworkers already.”
“Honestly it doesn’t seem like much,” Y/N says, fidgeting with their glass of water. “I told Akaashi and Kenma it’s just your standard rich people shit. Stealing money and getting away with it. But he’s hiding something - no one goes to this much trouble with money just for fun.”
“I have so many questions,” Yukie says. “Why’d you call us all here?”
“Hey hey,” Kuroo interrupts, putting his hands in the air like he’s pausing the conversation. “This is the only remotely exciting thing to happen since the dating profile. Plus, this guy owns the places where Akaashi and Bo work - and who knows where the hell this money is going. We could bring it back.”
“No,” Kaori shakes her head. “That was freshman year we cannot do that again.”
“This is why I told you you didn’t have to come,” Akaashi says quietly. “I just wanted to give you all the heads up. NC is back in business.”
“Sweet!” Konoha grins, high-fiving Yukie and a disgruntled Kaori who, despite her protesting, has a small smile on her face. Kuroo’s smiling at Y/N and miming the typing motions with his fingers, wiggling his eyebrows as he does.
“So what’s next?” Bokuto asks, looking much too serious considering he’s still wearing his work uniform of an obnoxiously bright orange apron.
“Right now it’s just me and Kenma poking around,” Y/N says. “Akaashi said he’ll try to figure more stuff out while he works and we’ll see if there’s anything actually going on. If there is, we’ll deal with it.”
“God we’re cool.” Kuroo sighs. “I’ll start asking around.”
“Yeah Konoha and I will chat up the customers we get at the salon,” Yukie says, elbowing the boy as she does.
“I’ll keep an eye out at the hospital. I know the drill,” Kaori says, looking concerned. “If any of you wind up in there I swear I’ll make you regret it.”
“Kaori you’re so kind,” Konoha touches his hand to his chest delicately. She shakes her head at him in disappointment.
“No one got hurt last time,” Kenma says, closing his laptop. “And we aren’t doing anything bad.”
“I know,” Kaori says. ”I expect the same this time around, too.”
“Great. I have to close up now, but I’ll text a list of things to watch out for. Don’t talk to anybody alone without checking with Kenma or Y/N first,” Akaashi says, his shoulders slumped and his eyes looking even more tired than before. Everyone quickly moves to help with the glasses, washing them at the sink and wiping down the counter once more. Akaashi finishes his glass, smiling in thanks at Y/N when they gently take it from him to clean. Soon they’re standing out on the sidewalk watching Akaashi lock up for the night. 
“Can I say it?” Yukie interrupts the silence, smiling widely. “Kuroo always says it.”
“Fine,” Kuroo huffs in mock irritation.
“Nocturnal Crew is watching out for you!” Yukie cries, throwing her hands in the air enthusiastically. Kaori claps and Y/N joins in. Bokuto mumbles that he appreciates the rhyme.
“Mines better,” Kuroo sniffs, crossing his arms as they start walking down the street.
“Yours is like a three minute speech about blood,” Konoha laughs. “And we need a consistent, short motto.”
“As long as we say it it’s fine,” Kenma says. “But I still think it makes it seem like we’re in a weird cult.”
“It makes us seem official!” Bokuto exclaims. “And if we were a cult we’d be an awesome modern day superhero cult. Oh god I need sleep.”
“Yep, time for bed,” Konoha yawns, linking his arm with Kuroo’s in an attempt to get him to walk a bit faster than his usual aloof stride.
“Nocturnal Crew!” Yukie shouts, looking expectantly around for her friends to finish her chant.
“I’m not saying it,” Kuroo yawns, ruffling his already messy hair with his free hand.
“Watches out for you!” Everyone shouts, and even tired Akaashi laughs at his friends expression as they all walk down the dark streets, breaking the stifling night’s silence with their laughter.
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straymackerel · 4 years
idk if your requests are open but if they’re not then feel free to ignore this. 😅 id like to request an imagine with dazai having a long, deep conversation with his new co-worker who happens to be a former member of the port mafia but she left for obvious reasons and only fukuzawa knows for now but ofc dazai being dazai, he’s sharp af so he decided to talk to her bc one, he understands her and second he developed feelings for her shortly after she joined ada. thanks in advance! 🥰
➽─{done! they were actually closed, but this was such a fun request i made it 2k long (✿´ ꒳ ` )}─❥
You often wonder if it was something you said.
Ever since you joined the Armed Detective Agency, all of your new coworkers have been nothing short of friendly and accommodating. All of them––except for the bandaged mystery who can’t quite take his eyes off of you.
At first you thought it was just your imagination. When he answered your questions dismissively, you thought maybe he didn’t have a way with words. When he bailed on group trips to Café Uzumaki––but only when you were going too––you brushed it off as a coincidence. And when you first ‘caught’ him fixated on you, looking you square in the face from his own desk, you hoped he was actually looking at something above your head or next to you.
After all, in the Port Mafia, you always felt as if you were being watched, precisely because you were being watched. Your every move was silently documented, your behavior acutely observed within a larger culture of distrust and suspicion. You wondered if maybe you carried that instinctive unease with you to your new day job. (The only proper day job you’ve ever held.)
But there was no need for deft maneuvers to realize that this intimidating brunette was, indeed, staring you down in silence. He has no intention of hiding it; he’s openly tracking your movements, peering into your essence. And the most unnerving part of all: he’s smirking half of the time. If you didn’t know any better, you would confront him the first chance you got; but your situation is precarious, delicate. You have no business drawing attention to yourself, a former member of the Port Mafia. Sure, the President is already aware of your circumstances, but the Mafia has engrained the virtues of secrecy into you. You hope to keep your past on the down low.
Besides, there’s something off about this brown-haired detective. Something you realized at the beginning of your employment, way before he started staring into your soul. Something you hope you’re wrong about.
So you wait it out, anxiously. Drained by the presence of your colleagues, you find yourself in Café Uzumaki alone one slow-moving afternoon. The paperwork was piling up, the tension in the air almost tangible as Dazai declined yet another offer to do actual field-work with the others in favor of keeping tabs on you (unbeknownst to anyone else). You’d left the office at your earliest convenience, hoping to relax in the corner with your favorite beverage.
It is all you can do to keep from spewing the profane as he invites himself to your table, waltzing in without a care in the world. 
You’re trapped.
Ordering himself a double shot espresso, your coworker ignores your apparent apprehension as he gets comfy in his booth seat. Downing his drink while you’ve barely touched yours, he glances behind him to check out the waitstaff. No words are exchanged until the baristas are out of earshot.
“Well, you certainly seem to have a vested interest in me,” you say in the most nonchalant manner manageable––nervous because of his constant surveillance, but also because he’s quite handsome for a borderline stalker.
“You can drop the tight-lipped smile,” Dazai replies, eyes darkened.
You lower your voice, hackles raised. “How much do you know?”
“I suppose it’s all speculation, but my hunches are rarely wrong. You chose to work at a detective agency after all.” Though he’s avoided your question, the look on his face tells you everything you need to know. Eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth upturned, he most definitely has your former occupation pegged.
“What gave it away?” is the only thing you can think to say.
“Are you sure you want to know?”
“Perhaps it will aid me in playing detective,” you quip. He chuckles dryly.
“Oh, where to start. That concealed weapon you carry––it’s not issued by the Agency. Though its outline is comparable to our standard Beretta 92FS Inox sidearm, there are some subtle differences, even when it’s tucked away and wrapped in cloth.” You raise your eyebrows, surprised that anyone would notice.
“The way you move soundlessly and seamlessly,” he continues, not bothering to pause. “It’s obviously second nature. You hardly make a sound if you can help it. And then there’s your understanding of the underworld, even though you try to hide it. You obviously know much more than you let on; your knowledge is too convenient. You claim to know just the perfect tidbit or two for a case, having overheard a street vendor or a barkeep, but the expression on your face is all too telling of a certain sense of pride. Such a seemingly mild-mannered sweetheart as yourself. Did you know that when you flinch at violence, you always react a hair slower than everyone else, as if you’re simply following suit? Also––”
“Okay, OK, I get it,” you say, defeated. “So that’s the reason why you’re leering at me every day? To add to this never-ending list of yours?”
“Well...” Dazai’s voice trails off. His features relax for the briefest moment, more alarming than reassuring to you. And then that nagging thought resurfaces. That is, the very first thing that came to mind when you were first introduced to him. Again: something you hope you’re wrong about.
“You’re quite suspicious yourself,” you interject. “Let alone your little stalker habit... you have the same name as him.” The corners of his eyes crease. 
“That’s an odd way of putting it,” he says with a hint of mirth in his voice, and not a smidgen of denial. Fuck.
Logic dictates that you should be scared shitless right now, sitting across from one of the most dangerous men in Mafia history. Logic dictates that you should’ve used more covert methods of uncovering his past. Straightening up, you tell yourself not to think about it.
“Well, I was under the impression that Dazai Osamu was only a legend and nothing more. I mean, a teenage orphan prodigy who threw their life as a Mafia exec away, only to disappear forever? Sounds like bullshit,” you state with as much cool-headedness as you can muster.
“I take that personally!” he gasps, twisting his arms every which way in mock offense, as if to shield himself from your harsh commentary. 
“You didn’t consider changing your name?”
“Not even once.” He winks, to which your heart may or may not skip a beat. Are you scared, or oddly enamored?
You push your cup along your side of the table. “How come you turned tail too? You had the status to do literally anything you wanted.” He brushes it off.
“What is this, my interview? The last time I checked, you were the one on trial,” he says, waving his hand like he’s batting your assertion out of the air.
“I’m on trial?” you ask, the cup coming to a stop. “Do the others have suspicions as well?”
“Oh no, nothing in particular to go on. Though Ranpo most definitely has you figured out,” he says, to which you startle. “...but he couldn’t care less, so don’t worry.” You unintentionally sigh relief as he continues: “My colleagues have this peculiar way of testing their new recruits. We call it an ‘entrance exam.’ And before you ask, I’m not responsible for administering yours, but I might be able to push you in the right direction.”
“Any hints?” 
He shakes his head, “Not really. No general tips or tricks. I need some more information,” he says, leaning in a bit. “So tell me about yourself. Why leave the Mafia for the ADA?”
You press your lips together, realizing he’s asking you the very same question he himself dodged moments ago. “I needed a change of atmosphere. And scenery. I wasn’t quite taken up with the constant death threats and daily bloodshed.”
“Oh, death threats? And bloodshed? I don’t suppose you were on the receiving end?” Dazai asks, one eyebrow cocked.
You laugh a restrained laugh, nodding. “I wasn’t. But those kinds of tactics... they aren’t in my nature. Everything about that job was suffocating, and I just couldn’t do it anymore.” Dazai looks at you thoughtfully.
“It’s interesting, though. You carry your past line of work in all of your mannerisms. Any chance you were born into it?”
You nod again, “Not my choice.”
“What a coincidence.” He flashes a toothy smile, silence thickening the air. You scramble to break it, eager to talk about something else.
“...So? Any advice for my test?”
“I’d be a little more forthcoming if only you’d tell me the full truth,” Dazai responds, and your face falls.
“What do you mean?” Your strained voice comes out meeker than you’d like, and it’s Dazai’s turn to sigh. He leans back into his booth seat, as if a little distance might solve your unease.
“I lost someone. The best friend I’ve ever had. He told me I wouldn’t find what I was looking for in the Mafia, so here I am. And I’m pretty sure you have someone like that too.” How does he know? Why is he telling you this? Your hands––they’re clammy. You turn your gaze to your lap, realizing that he’d dismantle anything but the truth. There are no options but one.
“It was... a family member.” More silence. Is your nose getting red? You hope your nose isn’t getting red.
“The Mafia threatened them?” he prods.
“They were collateral,” you say slowly. You hadn’t expected to talk about them today. You hadn’t expected any of this from a coworker who kept you at several arms’ lengths for days. Another coworker might respond “that’s horrible,” or “I’m sorry for your loss,” but not Dazai.
“Dazai, do you ever wonder if it’s our fault they got hurt?”
“No,” he replies immediately. Then he hesitates. “I mean, yes, and for a very long time, but not anymore. Evil will do evil; if not to our loved ones, then to someone else.” 
He’s right. Of course he’s right.
“But does it make it any easier?” You peer at him, hopeful, and he dismisses your expectations with a quick shake of the head. “Right.” Pause. 
“But you’ve come to the right place. Unlike the Mafia, this is an environment where you can heal. Sometimes the wounds reopen,” he says, “but I promise you that your feelings will go towards something productive.” You swallow, blinking back would-be teardrops. The salty marinade seeps back into you.
Then, under your breath: “Okay.” “Thank you.” 
“Of course. I could talk about this all day.” The tightness in your throat dissipates, the water in your eyes no longer threatening to spill.
“So, the entrance exam? I’ve told you everything now,” you pry. He thrums his fingers, amused.
“Oh, that won’t be necessary. I figured pretty early on that you would be okay. You’re gonna pass just fine without my help––I only wanted to get to know my new coworker better.” His fingers stop as he gauges your response.
“Wha–?” This guy! He played you, straight to the verge of tears..! Shoulder tense, you jump to your feet.
“Sorry to deceive you. I’ll see you upstairs, then.” Jeez, the bandaged bastard’s already heading out!
“Wait!” Cheeks flushed, you’re unsure why you’re calling out to him, but it makes him stops in his tracks.
“...You’re not gonna tell anyone, right?”
“I’ll think about it.” Dazai’s coy voice is all but reassuring.
“No, seriously,” you plead, eyes wide. “I really need this. God forbid someone else prompts a retelling of my life story.” He turns to face you.
“Then let’s make a deal.”
“What kind of deal?” 
He steps towards you, leaning in to whisper in your ear: “Meet me in front of this building tomorrow at 10 PM. There’s a restaurant I want to take you.” You feel your mouth open, then close by itself. 
This is it. This is why he can’t look away from you. If he was only observing you, he could, would do it without being so obvious. You’re sure of it now. You replay each once-menacing occurrence of eye contact from the past few days in your head, and you notice something new. Hunger? Want? Even greed? You can see it in his eyes right now. Those eyes, they threaten to dance around, maybe even travel a bit... lower. 
(You jest yourself. ‘Once-menacing?’ He’s still menace, still a danger.) He turns away, heading for the door again, not waiting for a response:
“Don’t be late.”
A chill runs up your spine. It’s a mix of fear, and bitterness, and panic, but most of all... 
A growing anticipation.
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girderednerve · 2 years
i haven't made a list in forever! i'm making a list!
i have these cool muscles aches & joint pain (not covid or otherwise contagious) & it sucks, do not recommend. also we're under a boil water notice for the next however long, which sucks. however! multiple OK things.
went to see a middle school basketball game with two youth services librarians recently so we could cheer for our beloved library teens. we made punny signs & embarrassed them. it was really fun although i have to say middle school basketball is a lot more physical than i was strictly expecting, i kept being like, um, please keep your hands to yourselves??? so maybe i am not a very good basketball spectator. but the teens were pleased we went, which is what matters
we got nonalcoholic margarita mix, nonalcoholic tequila (it's. weird), and nonalcoholic beer, which for some reason we still got carded for. i am not getting into ""mixology"" but it is fun to make silly beverages. it may even be, dare one say it, festive
i am going to see my family later this week. this is exciting because i like my family & also my cat lives with them so i will see a cat
i'm watching dragon ball z for the first time & it's really fun. my partner keeps telling me which bits got the daycare all up in arms when they aired back in the day which is great
i ordered & received a very silly monthly planner with little birds on it. i am hoping that it will be helpful with staying on top of stuff etc. but right now i am just enjoying the cute little birds. yay stupid office supplies
i cleaned up one small patch of our apartment & i feel very accomplished about it. cleaning is very difficult for me because i have no idea what to do with anything & it feels high-stakes because my partner gets frustrated with me for being messy, so instead of just going "i am cleaning so that this will be clean" i am like "i am cleaning so that i will not be a blight upon our relationship!!" which is probably counterproductive. anyway i did accomplish cleaning & i am pleased about it & it was truly not that bad so i am recording the experience in the hopes that it may encourage future cleaning. maybe i am not a comprehensive fuckup. etc.
i have a job interview coming up & i've applied for like four jobs in the county because they are open & i would like to have health insurance & more money. this is all very stressful & i hate it. however, all of my coworkers have been really nice about my jobquest & that's been great so like. holding onto that part of it
also of course always i am grateful for the friends i have online, however loose our acquaintance. good luck out there
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urbancripple · 4 years
I’ve updated my gear page and added more of my recent recommendations. I also fixed the shitty image formatting so stuff isn’t cut off :D
Each purchase made through those links helps support my site. So many of your have done that recently and it’s been a great help with keeping things running around here. I deeply appreciate it.
This article contains one or more Amazon Affiliate Links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Urban Cripple’s Wheelchair Gear and Accessories
If you want suggestions on what kind of gear you should get for your wheelchair, check out this list.
Wheelchair Tools
Every Day Carry (EDC)
In the Kitchen
Around the House
Bags and Carrying Cases
Food and Fuel
Wheelchair Tools
I don’t carry a ton of gear with me when I go out, but what I do have is super critical to staying safe and mobile while rolling through god‐knows‐what in the streets. Most of this stuff falls in the “Oh shit!” category. You won’t need it every day, but you’ll be glad you have it when you do.
Tekton Long Arm Ball End Hex Key Wrench Set
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Most wheelchair components are held together with either with some kind of hex screw. If something goes wrong, you’re going to need a set of wrenches to fix it.
I like this particular set because it comes with both metric and standard wrenches and folds so it can lay flat in your bag or tool wrap.
Pedro’s Tire Levers
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Don’t let their size fool you: these are great tire levers. What I love most about these things is the fact that they come in pairs and are designed to wrap around a spoke so you can keep one in place while using the other to remove the tire.
When not in use, they snap together and can easily be tossed in a bag or stashed under your chair.
PRO Bike CO2 Inflator
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If you realize your tires are dangerously low after leaving the house or you pop a tube and need to reinflate the replacement, you’ll need a C02 inflator.
Make sure you always keep a couple of spare cartridges on you and remember to never store a fresh C02 cartridge in the inflator: it’ll just be flat by the time you need it.
Black And Decker ASI300 Air Station Inflator
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For regular tire maintenance, I really love this air compressor. It’s powerful enough to fill a standard wheelchair tire but small enough to travel in a vehicle. It can even be powered by your car’s DC outlet.
Every Day Carry
This is the stuff I keep with me and use every day.
Foldable Phone Stand That Fits In Your Wallet
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It’s a ridiculous piece of plastic and aluminum, but it fits in your wallet and actually works really well to hold your phone up. I use it when doing video calls with coworkers so I don’t have to move my laptop, open it up and plug in my wired headphones.
Harbinger Pro Non‐Wristwrap Weightlifting Gloves
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By far, gloves are the most important piece of gear for your chair. City streets are super gross and full of hazards that can stain, cut, or bruise your hands. A good pair of gloves should offer you plenty of protection from hazards while allowing you to maintain your grip, dexterity, and the ability to use touch‐sensitive devices like a smartphone.
That’s why I love these weightlifting gloves from Harbinger. They have enough padding in the palms to protect from dirt, grime, and heat (gripping your tires while going down hill can burn your hands) while the fingerless design lets you keep your dexterity and use a smartphone.
Tactical Flashlight
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I know we all usually use our phones when we need a flashlight, but I find a dedicated flashlight to be a lot more effective ( and a lot less expensive if you drop it.)
These flashlights are small, light, and crazy bright. They also come with various modes including strobe and S.O.S.
Contigo Extreme Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel Travel Mug with Handle
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The only way you can safely carry a hot beverage while pushing a wheelchair is by keeping it in an airtight container. I really like this mug because it’s insulated and has a clip. The clip is great because you can easily attach it to your bag or to the back of your chair (I use the backrest release bar). Because it seals so well, you don’t have to worry about it spilling.
Snap Lock Folding Pocket Knife
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I like this knife because it’s small, sharp, and easy to carry. Just don’t accidentally leave it in your jeans for the TSA to find (true story).
AmazonBasics Lightning Cable
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Fun fact: lightning cables are super cheap if you get them from anywhere except Apple.
Cocoon Grid‐IT Organizer
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These things are great for taking all the small stuff that usually ends up rolling around in your bag and keeping it in one place.
Portable Charger Power Bank 22400mAh
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Having your phone die is terrifying. This thing will charge your phone and tablet several times over. However, it does take a long time to charge the battery itself.
Slim Portable Charger Power Bank 10000mah
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It won’t charge your device as fast or as many times, but it won’t take up nearly as much room in your bag as the other battery.
In the Kitchen
Cooking while everything that is boiling or on fire is at face‐level can be a bit daunting. Here’s some stuff that’ll make it safer and easier.
Meal Prep Containers: 3 Compartment with Lids, Food Containers
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These meal prep containers are microwave/dishwasher safe and they stack. It’s a great way to prep meals and save yourself some time and energy.
Extra‐Large Silicone Freezing Tray with Lid
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These trays are great for freezing stews and sauces and such. I do a lot of large batch cooking and these are waaay easier than trying to portion stuff out into ziplock bags. The lids make it easy to move it around one handed (what wheelchair user hasn’t gotten wet trying to refill an ice cube tray?)
Silicone Baking Mat
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These things are a life saver in the kitchen. Basically, if you use them, you’ll never have to clean a baking sheet/pan ever again.
16 inch Kitchen Tongs
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When sitting in a wheelchair and using the stove top, it can be really tough to reach both the temperature dials and anything sitting on the back burner. These super long tongs let you easily reach and turn the knobs on your stove and anything that might be sizzling away on your back burners.
Ove Glove
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These things are machine washable and can withstand up to 540 degrees of temperature. They grip well and make it easy to get stuff in and out of the oven. In a pinch, they’ll even double as a makeshift pot holder.
OXO Steel Press & Pour Insulated Cocktail Shaker
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If you’re looking for a cocktail shaker that doesn’t freeze your hands off, won’t burst open, and can be operated with one hand, you should get this one. I make a lot of cocktails at home and I really hate cocktail shakers. Your standard Boston style shaker has a tendency to break open on you if you don’t seal it right (and that means your chair gets covered in booze) and it’s a pain to open if you seal it too tightly. This cocktail shaker has a really straight‐forward design. The top is screw-on, it has a simple push button in the lid for pouring and sealing, and it can pour from any direction. I highly recommend it for folks who wanna mix drinks at home but don’t wanna risk wearing their beverage.
Around the House
This is the stuff I keep around specifically because it makes daily life easier for me when I’m at home.
Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
For folks trying to keep their place clean while avoiding using up too many cleaning wipes or paper towels, I’ve found that having a stack of cheap microfiber cloths on hand plus a mix of water and vinegar in a spray bottle really helps keep things sparkly while cutting down on waste.
Multi‐Position Heavy Duty Folding Hand Truck and Dolly
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This dolly is great if you need to move something that’s too big or too heavy to carry on your lap. It can be configured in multiple ways and folds up easily for storage.
Retractable Dog Leash
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Walking your dog with a standard leash can be tough if you’re in a wheelchair. I use a retractable dog leash with my dog so that I can easily adjust the amount of slack I need to keep her under control while not getting the leash tangled in my chair. In addition, the size of the handle lets me easily loop it through the buckle of my Grab‐It Pack, which means I can securely hold onto the dog while pushing my chair with both hands.
Bags and Carrying Cases
All of the various bags and slings I use to carry stuff when I’m out of the house.
13.3 Inch Sling Bag Riding Hiking Bag Single Shoulder Backpack
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13.3 Inch Sling Bag Riding Hiking Bag Single Shoulder Backpack
This bag is small and doesn’t have a ton of storage, but I wanted something that I could wear constantly and had just enough room to hold my backup charging cables and small tools so that I could go out without having to have as much physically strapped to me. If you need something with more storage, they have a bunch of different sizes that are meant to hold more stuff.
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This isn’t the exact bag I use day‐to‐day but it is the correct style. I really like the sling style bags: they’re light enough to not restrict my movement and the single strap means it won’t shift around as I push my chair.
Food and Fuel
This is the stuff I carry with me in case I’m too busy to pack a proper meal.
ThinkThin High Protein Bars
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It’s always a good idea to keep some kind of portable snack in your bag if you think you’re going to be out and about for an extended period of time. I like to keep a couple of these ThinkThin bars in my bag just in case I’m stuck between meal times. They don’t taste like death or cardboard and they’re not just a glorified candy bar.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
April Contest Submission #15: Schrödinger’s break
Words: ca. 3,700 Setting: modern AU Lemon: no CW: wrong Witcher facts (sorry Yen!)
“What do you mean it doesn’t count?!” Anna could tell that her face was tomato-red, since she could feel the heat in her puffed-up cheeks.
“Well, they clearly were on a break, were they not?!” Elsa’s voice was positively dripping with restrained annoyance.
That was the difference between them - while Anna got heated up and was all fire, Elsa turned cold and icy. Anna hated that version of her sister. Ice queen, indeed. Yet with sick satisfaction, she noted that Elsa’s usually pale complexion also sported a hefty colour in her cheeks. She felt a flare in her throat and belly and, like an out-of-body experience, she couldn’t stop herself and this argument, and so pressed on:
“So you think cheating is okay then at the first sight of trouble - is that it?!” 
“Well, how exactly is it cheating if they are not even together, Anna! Of course it’s scummy to-” 
“So you think cheating is okay on a technicality? Wow, that’s very assuring, thanks a lot.” Anna huffed and crossed her arms indignantly. What does one even do with arms in situations like this? 
“Why are you making this so personal - this is so stupid - I mean, how old is this show exactly now? 20 years?!” Elsa almost whispered to hopefully calm the situation down. 
She was painfully aware of the people in the little cafe, giving them harsh side-looks and judging them quietly. Anna was immune to stuff like this, but Elsa felt their stares almost physically. And this was their usual cafe and go-to place on late-work mornings, which made it even worse.
Her fingers found the rounded edge of their table as she rubbed her thumb against it, until she finally found an imperfection that she could push her thumb in even harder.
The blonde side-glanced around them, not making any real eye contact yet trying to mentally ward off the surrounding people. Most of them quickly looked away as Elsa furiously glanced in their direction. She felt a headache coming on.
“So I’m stupid now for caring what my girlfriend thinks about cheating?”
“What, NO- how is that - I-I didn’t say anything like that!” Elsa’s fingers gripped the smooth wood of the table even harder; the pressure on her knuckles made her whole hand ache.
“Anna, let’s not do this right now” she tried to lower her voice even more, but could immediately tell by Anna’s face that it was a mistake. A big one.
“Yeah- okay, I get it. Let’s NOT do this!” The younger sister shuffled her phone back into her backpack, and yanked her haphazardly placed jacket hard from the chair at their table.
“Are you seriously storming out because of-“
“Yeah! Yeah, I am!” Anna roughly pushed her arms through the sleeves of her rain-jacket. Her braids were rabidly bobbing with every jerky action of the furious redhead. “Do you think I’m too stupid,” she angrily signed quotation marks at this “to not know how embarrassed you are right now?!” 
Elsa couldn’t help but glance around them, to the other patrons of the cafe, as Anna practically yelled their grievances into the air.
“See!! You’re doing it right now! If I’m too embarrassing for you as it is, I’m going! So - have fun!” 
Anna quickly slung her backpack on her shoulder, stomping out as quickly as she could and leaving a speechless Elsa at their table.
She didn’t dare to look around again, since it would have been pointless anyway. She could practically feel all of their stares like daggers.
She kept her eyes down on her now lukewarm chocolate and angrily blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. She stopped gripping the table to nurse her aching head with her fingers.
She always hated Ross.
“What crawled into your morning coffee and gave you the biggest resting bitch face I’ve ever seen? And that’s already accounting even your usual standards!” 
Elsa pinched the bridge of her nose. She loved Meg, she really did. In fact, she was her favourite coworker in all of Arendelle Corp, but today she felt like she was not capable of the banter and dry wit this required.
“Meg, just leave her alone already! Can’t you see she’s struggling as it is?!” Raps piped up. Leave it to her PA to fend off the inquisitive brunette. But knowing her, it will do no good anyway.
“Hey blondie. I meant snowflake over there. Leave the talk to the grown-ups.” Meg countered with her usual dismissiveness. 
“Oh stop it, you two! You’re giving me a bigger headache as is.” Elsa slapped her papers on her desk. When she looked up, she could practically see the concern in her friend’s eyes - a rare sign indeed, to see Meg so open about her emotions.
“I think someone needs a sugar fix - blondie, get your boss some hot chocolate… and make it extra sweet.” Meg sat on the edge of Elsa’s desk, looking over to the short-haired PA to gauge her reaction.
Rapunzel looked over her boss and saw the plea in her eyes, pleading for peace and not the usual shenanigans those two got up to. She sighed.
“Alright, I’m on my way.” She slowly packed her things up, made sure to turn down the volume of her little hot-pink Bluetooth speaker and took her purse with her.
When she quietly closed the door, Meg didn’t waste another second.
“Okay, so what’s wrong? You look like you’re… ” She briefly touched Elsa’s shoulder but didn’t leave it there. She knew her too well for that.
Elsa dropped her head into her hands and breathed in deeply.
“I had a huge fight with Anna this morning… and the worst part is I don’t even know for what and why? We started to talk about what we used to do as children-” she swallowed harshly because she knew she had to be careful.
The official story was that they were childhood friends. It was easy to change the general logistics of their meeting. But it was hard, in some specific cases, to veil how deep their connection was.  
“-and we talked about Friends.” she concluded.
“Wait - the TV show?”
“Yeah, Friends.” Elsa clarified “So all of a sudden we get to the topic of Ross and Rachel’s break-up and it goes all downhill from there about cheating and about how I didn’t think he did-“
“You don’t?” Meg asked her surprised.
“No, I don’t. They were on a BREAK.” Elsa felt her cold anger gripping her again. It was so pointless and unnecessary - stupid Ross! - why did this keep happening?!
Meg’s laughter snapped her out of her thoughts.
“I’m sorry snowflake, but this has to be the cutest yet most idiotic lover’s quarrel I have ever heard in my whole life, so far.” Meg ran her fingers through her hair. “I know it’s rude to laugh… but Elsa. I mean.” She stopped there but let out another snort. 
“I know, I .. it’s positively atrocious.” She breathed out her frustration. “I really don’t know what this means or what even caused this. Nothing has been out of the ordinary lately. At least I think so…?” She frantically started to question herself. Was she just not seeing it? Was she so inconsiderate and not noticed her sister’s pain or grievances of late? What if it wasn’t nothing and it turned out-
“And is she by any chance on her period or getting there?”
“Meg, that’s sexist!” Elsa said indignantly.
“Yeah, but it doesn’t make it untrue.” Meg shrugged “I always get bitchy around that time and boy, do I get all the feels when it happens.”
“You’re always bitchy.” Elsa deadpanned.
“I know. But you love me for it.” Meg nudged the blonde’s shoulder as another small snort escaped Elsa.
“So in any case” Meg soldiered on, “what’s the grand romantic gesture you planned to show your undying love now that it happened?” 
“A… grand gesture?” Elsa didn’t like the sound of this. Not at all.
“Oh Elsa, Elsa… why are you so clueless about women when you are one yourself - of course grand gesture! Something that’s bigger than your fight, so as to leave that the only big impression of the day!” She side-glanced at Elsa, a mischievous grin on her lips.  
“Get her something big or better: get some poor street performers and make them sing some positively sappy love-song or something while you stand in a sea of roses telling her how dumb you have been.”
“Well, that sounds totally feasible.” Elsa shook her head into her hand, cradling her chin as she stared into space. She never was someone to openly show her feelings… or her life to others. And the idea was simply ridiculous.
She startled as her PA quietly opened her door with one hand, the other cradling the promised hot chocolate and a paper bag with something positively lovely-smelling in it. 
“I thought, what’s better than hot chocolate? A fresh chocolate croissant to it! So… double the fun?” Rapunzel smiled, all teeth, and it was hard to not feel her heart softening at that. She had it good here. 
“Alright snowflake, enjoy your spoils and tell me your battle plan once you have it!”
Meg fished out one of her reports on Elsa’s desk - thank god it was already finished - and sauntered off without looking back. 
Rapunzel placed her beverage and pastry bag on the very same spot Meg just sat on, and went back to her desk to turn up the volume on her little radio. 
“Thanks Raps. You’re an angel.” Elsa smiled as she opened up the lid of her steaming hot chocolate, savouring the smell of the sweet concoction. 
As Rapunzel laughed at that, she tugged her short hair back behind her ears “You tell Mr. Weselton that, when you have the chance.” 
The radio tuned into an upbeat song they played at least 3 times in the span of a day. If Elsa recalled correctly, her PA told her they’re a Korean girl band and all the rage now. Pink something… hm. 
“Say… how does that little speaker of yours work and where did you get it?”
Anna tugged on her new and tight yoga pants, trying to get the seam out of her crotch. To no avail. Typical.
“… at the same time there is a lightness; a sensation of floating. Feel both of these things at once. You feel the waves lapping at your feet. They beckon you to step closer. One step at a time, you feel the purifying power of the ocean. Its body envelopes you. Notice if your tongue is touching the roof of your mouth. Let your tongue soften down…” 
Anna stood in the middle of the living room, the furniture haphazardly pushed against the walls. 
The TV was still on and the PlayStation was still running, but at least it was muted. The Witcher was still standing in the maze, waiting for any input to further this party along. Amiss in between all those pompous Novigrad nobles and probably feeling kind of lost? …
Wasn’t he supposed to look for his missus? Jennifer… or something? It was already some time ago she played it last and had a hard time keeping it all straight.
But Anna tried to not think about this. About how this reminded her of Elsa. Elsa, who loves reading and who devoured the whole series in a matter of days. She just got the game to be able to talk to her about it - and it was really good, actually! She started with the third and last one, but she could piece things together with Elsa’s little anecdotes and the overall pointers in the story, but no - here she was. NOT thinking about it. No sirree!
“… it carries away your sorrows. It affirms the power within you. Life is good. Life is precious. Say it-”
“Say it.” Anna murmured and tried to concentrate on the voice again, pushing any thought of Jen or Elsa out of her mind.
“- out loud.”
“Out loud.” Anna’s voice rose with the last word.
“Life is peace.”
“Oh.” She opened her eyes. Now she felt silly.
With a deep breath, Anna closed them again and envisioned the waves lapping at her feet. Again and again. She pictured seagulls in the distance, imagined hearing their distinctive cry. They got closer. Their cries got shriller as the waves of the water, imaginatively yet unruly, lapped against her feet, quicker and quicker, with harsh -
“Fudge this!” Anna tugged on her braids as she groaned out loud. 
Wasn’t meditation supposed to make her feel better? To forget and relax? What a mess she was still feeling. Still an undercurrent of anger and hurt, but mostly regret now. She could see how she took this way too far, how it tugged on her insecurities - mostly unfounded, she could admit! - of her constant abandonment issues, even if Elsa showed no indication of leaving her. Even if she could tell that, sometimes their .. unusual situation was still not sitting right with the older sibling at points. But mostly, it was good! Really.  
Now all Elsa had to do was come back from work so they could talk it out, make up, and kiss it better…  So that was the plan. But it was already later than usual for her sister to return home. If only she could calm herself down enough to rationally and calmly talk through it so it wouldn’t even be a bigger mess than it was right now. What was the worst that could happen, right? No matter what, they still were family! At least that, even if -  Anna painfully tugged on her braids again.
She took a deep breath and tried to banish all feverish thoughts from her head. She listened to her breathing as it flowed in and out. She listened to the little specks of sounds coming from the window. She could almost make out a pattern as the little clanks came almost every three breaths.
- Wait, what?!
Anna hesitantly went over to the window; all the while the suspicious sounds didn’t cease to stop. Just as she reached it, she saw a tiny pebble hit the windowpane as it immediately dropped down again. Pushing the flimsy curtain aside, she looked down wearily. What kind of crazy - serial killer or stalker really- would do this?!
But what she found was her older sister flicking those pebbles up their window. Her cheeks were unusually flushed and Anna could see her breath escaping red lips in harsh puffs, curling in the cold air. Her golden hair was wind-whipped and some loose strands escaped and fluttered in the breeze. She’s never seen Elsa so…disheveled and radiant at the same time. She looked like a spirit stepped out of the night. Like a beautiful and elegant… wraith? Wait, was that even a thing?
As she fiddled with the old window lock, she watched as Elsa dropped all her stones on the ground as she frantically rummaged through her purse with one hand; the other one was clutching her phone tightly.
“Elsa?” Anna called out just as Elsa was straightening herself again, with one arm outstretched above her head with a small hot pink… device held high above her.
“Elsa - what.. ?” 
“Anna! I-I’ve been so stupid,” Elsa cried out “it doesn’t matter that we don’t see eye to eye on everything or that we’re different - but whatever happens, I’ve always-” just then a guitar riff cut the blonde off as a familiar male voice started to sing
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
-Clap clap clap clap-
Your jobs a joke, you’re broke
Your love life’s DOA -
Anna couldn’t hold back the manic laughter that escaped her as she frantically tried to take everything in. Was this really happening?!
Her sister making a fool out of herself. In front of their window. In front of their neighbours. In front of everyone. And most importantly, in front of her! That was so not Elsa and yet here she was, doing this to make her laugh and to prove to her how much she means to her. She could feel tears prickling in her eyes even as she sported the biggest grin that she tried to hide behind her hands.
your week, your month
Or even your year but
“I’ll BE THERE FOR YOOOUU” Elsa belted as she stood there steadfast yet with the pink Bluetooth speaker slightly wobbling in her hand as she pushed through the strain in her left arm.
Elsa felt terrified about the whole spectacle, but her worries took a backseat as she saw Anna clearly laughing, her eyes shining with happiness. So - huge success! And worth everything ten times over.
(When the rain starts to pour)
“I’LL BE THERE FOR YOUU” Anna joined her this time even when her voice cracked a bit with emotion.
(Like I’ve been there before)
They both laughed out loud at themselves and couldn’t make it through the last chorus. Both their eyes were trained on just one another. Elsa’s heart felt full and like bursting in any second. 
(‘Cause you’re there for me too)
The song came to its conclusion, yet Elsa was still standing there with her speaker held high. This time, Anna could tell the nervousness was replaced by elation and happiness, even through the awkward moment of silence that was now threatening to envelope them.
“Come up here already you sappy fool!”
Not a moment longer after the invitation, Elsa stuffed the speaker back into her purse and dashed to the front gate, avoiding to look into any windows as she did so.
She felt her thighs burn as she sprinted up the two flights of stairs in record speed to join her love.
She could hear the keys turning just on the last steps of the stairs, as the warm glow of their apartment illuminated the dark staircase. She looked up just as her sister stepped into the door frame. Anna was encompassed in the soft glow of the light that looked almost like a halo around the contours of her body. After this rough day, it truly seemed like a vision to Elsa.
“Anna, I’m so sorry-“ 
“Oh, Elsa. But stop. Just come to me already - please!” the redhead sniffed as she wiped her nose with her wrist.
Elsa practically flew into her arms. Her arms snaked around the scrawny shoulders as she pushed her head into the crook of her neck and breathed in deeply. She felt Anna trembling in her embrace, and she was glad to hear the snort of laughter through the tears as she did so.
“I love you so much, Anna. Let’s never do this again.” she breathed into her sister’s collarbone as she pushed her cheek further into the warm skin of Anna’s shoulders.
“It had a pretty remarkable end, if you ask me - so… I won’t make any promises” Anna left a wet kiss on her forehead as she rubbed the blonde’s back soothingly up and down. “But let’s go inside. I’m sure the neighbours are entertained enough for now.”
Elsa gently pushed Anna and herself inside as she closed the door behind her and double-locked the locks. 
Once safe inside, she let herself rest against the locked door and let her fingers push against the sturdy wood as she did so. 
Anna was taking her girlfriend in with a soft smile. She knew how much this took out of Elsa and what a big step this was for her to do. And she loved her even more for it. Anna watched her like a hawk as she pushed herself up to take off her boots and her coat and meticulously hung everything up in its space at their coat rack.
With patience never being her strong suit, Anna immediately bounced on her lover once she put everything away and pushed her back into the groaning door. Her lips sought out her sister’s as she pressed her harshly against it. Elsa frantically deepened the kiss, her cold hands holding Anna’s cheeks closely as her fingers stroked her temples. Anna felt breathless at the heat that threatened to engulf her, yet the cold and gentle fingers ground her to reality. She had to break the kiss for air but stayed close to Elsa’s lips, not being able to bear any distance between them right now.
“I love you so much, Elsa I…”
The smile the blonde gave her was a radiant one.
Elsa’s hand found its way around Anna’s hips, brushing the curve of them and enjoying the soft material. She kissed the freckles right beside Anna’s nose, one of her favourite spots in general. It always made Anna melt.
“You’re so sweet, my love.” 
Her hands started to warm up, Anna could tell, as Elsa gently tugged on hers to lead her further into their apartment.
“What happened here?” Elsa’s eyebrows rose high as she saw the mess that was left in their living room. Anna felt Elsa’s hand gently squeeze hers.
“Well .. I thought I’d try to center myself with some meditation and some yoga or something.”
“Oh, now those pants make sense… though I wouldn’t mind any occasion, really.” Anna felt her cheeks flush as she saw her sister’s eyes roam over her. “They suit you, you know.” 
Why was it that Elsa could make her feel just like a lovelorn teenager just in a matter of seconds, even when they were already together for years now.
“Oh, what’s this? You’re playing the Witcher?” the blonde studied the scene in front of her.
Gerald sitting patiently in a garden - in his finest clothes? Elsa tried to place the scene in her head, considering that Anna started almost at the very end - so very much like her, mused Elsa.
“Yeah, it makes me think of you so…” Anna rubbed her neck. “I’m just at this party with Triss and we just kissed and now-“
Elsa whipped her head around instantly with a sudden and dangerous glint in her eyes.
“You what?!”
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thewickedkings · 4 years
Between the Two of Us ~ Chapter 3
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Summary: Jurdan High school AU. Rivals Jude and Cardan are forced to partner up for a history project, and drama ensues. Filled with banter, pranks, an unhealthy amount of pining, and Jude being clueless as usual.
Trigger Warnings: I don’t think there’s anything so far, but please let me know if there’s anything I missed!
The car ride with Cardan was strangely quiet. Other than asking where she needed to be dropped off, Cardan remained silent. It seemed that besides arguing, they didn’t have much to say to each other.
The radio hummed in the background, and Jude let herself relax into her seat.
Cardan sat lazily in the driver’s seat, one hand draped on the wheel. With the afternoon sunlight highlighting the planes of his face, Jude glanced at Cardan and found herself strangely curious about his life. She wondered what he would do after dropping her off, how he spent his weekends, who he spent his weekends with.
She wondered if he was still dating Nicasia, the girl he had dated since sophomore year. She’d heard rumors they’d broken up. Nicasia was the only girl he’d ever seriously dated besides the series of girls he’d flirted with. She hated how easily they fell for his charm, but she knew better.
Jude shook the thoughts from her head, annoyed at herself for thinking about Cardan. It was probably the stress from the past week getting to her. Between school and soccer practice and now work, Jude’s semester had been jam-packed.
Once she got to college though, things would change. She would let herself make friends and have fun and be normal. She could reinvent herself as someone people could like. Then she would finally be happy, because it was a path for herself that she had paved on her own, that she had control of. For now, she would just trudge through high school so she could get into college and finally move out.
Cardan turned into the parking lot of the café, and Jude was suddenly overwhelmed with a random burst of apprehension. She had quit her last job at an ice cream parlor because of her coworker, Valerian. At first, he used her to blame for his own mistakes. And because she was new, the boss took his word. Then came the prickling glances and veiled threats, the lingering gazes on the back of her neck, watching her for any mistakes.
She remembered those fearful late nights when the store had emptied, leaving her alone with him, and shivered. Though she hadn’t let her fear show, it seeped through her veins, keeping her on high alert when she had shifts with him. She had hated the feeling of powerlessness, the inability to grasp control of the situation, and eventually quit before Valerian got her fired and ruined her future job prospects. She desperately wanted this job to be better.
Cardan parked the car, pulling her out of her anxious spiral. She fidgeted with the zipper on her wallet, not wanting to go inside just yet. For some reason, Cardan’s car seemed a better option than facing her first day at work.
Cardan turned to look at her expectantly, and Jude slid on her unworried, confident mask like a second skin. And yet she felt like his gaze could see right through her, see that what she showed to the world wasn’t always the truth.
She cleared her throat. “Thanks for driving me.”
“No problem.” He paused. “I’d say good luck, but I don’t think you need it.”
Her lips quirked up in a hint of a smile, slightly surprised that Cardan knew exactly what she needed to hear in that moment.
She exhaled, reached for the door handle, and stepped out. Cardan looked like he wanted to say more, but then closed his mouth. Suddenly feeling awkward, Jude quickly shut the door behind her with a quick “thanks again” and walked to the entrance.
Her first day at work was way better than she could have expected. Her boss told her to shadow her new coworker for her first few shifts until she got the hang of the job. Her coworker, who introduced herself as the Bomb, had a cloud of white hair that contrasted with her flawless brown skin, and she radiated a sense of genuineness that Jude instantly liked.
As she showed Jude how to make different beverages, Jude couldn’t help but ask, “So what’s with the name?” She winced, realizing how rude that had probably sounded. She definitely wasn’t a very good people person.
But the Bomb just smiled at her, unfazed. “Real name’s Liliver. I accidently, um, made the blender explode, as one does, so I got stuck with the Bomb,” she said sheepishly.
Jude snorted.
“I’m lucky I got a ‘cool’ one, I guess,” she continued. “You’ll meet my friends the Roach and the Ghost in your next shifts. It’s kind of our thing. Stay here long enough and you’ll get one too.”
Jude felt a little intimidated by their already established friendship, but the Bomb was nice enough, so she figured she wouldn’t hate working with the Roach and the Ghost.
After the Bomb went through the steps of a few of the most popular drinks, she demonstrated how to work the register as she took a customer’s order. Jude caught on pretty quickly, and the Bomb left her to man the register while she made some drinks.
She breathed in the comforting smell of coffee and let her nerves settle. She could get used to this place. The small store was the definition of cozy, with booths to the side and elegant greenery adorning the back wall of the shop. A couple students sat on the bar stools next to the counter, backpacks tucked underneath their seats.
The door to the coffee shop opened, and her eyes shifted to the guy with orangish brown hair who had just walked in.
He approached the counter, and Jude was surprised to realize it was Locke, one of Cardan’s lackeys. Jude automatically tensed. Although he hadn’t outright bullied her in middle school, he hadn’t opposed to it when Cardan and his friends did. He’d matured since then, at least from what Jude could tell, and mostly just left her alone.
Even though he was always the least cruel of Cardan’s little group, she was still surprised when he smiled at her and slid into the bar stool in front of her.
“Hey, Jude. Didn’t know you worked here.”
Jude was even more surprised that he recognized who she was so quickly. Most people from school just called her Duarte instead of trying to figure out which twin she was. “Yeah, it’s my first day. I haven’t really got the hang of making the drinks yet, but I can take your order.”
After Locke rattled off his order and paid, he took the bar stool nearest to her and said, “So, I saw your last soccer game. You literally saved the game with that last goal. Didn’t you were that good.”
Jude knew she was good, but she took the compliment anyway. “Thanks. I’ve been playing since freshman year, so you could say I’ve improved.”
“Yeah, you definitely have,” he replied, giving her a charming smile.
Jude’s brain came up with the sudden, unbidden realization that he was kind of cute. Distracted, she fumbled for a response. “Yeah, I guess.”
Before an awkward silence could set in, Locke asked, “So… how’s your history project coming along? You figure out what your topic is?”
Again, Jude was surprised he’d noticed they were in the same class. They literally never talked. “Yeah, Cardan and I figured out our outline.”
Locke’s eyebrows flew up. “I forgot you were working with him. How’s that going?”
Jude smiled at that. “It’s going. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but I don’t know how long that will last.”
“I’m just surprised you didn’t already murder him.”
Jude let out a laugh at that. “I mean, we’ll see. We still have the rest of the semester.”
Locke grinned at her, and Jude’s neck heated. Before she could think of what that meant, the Bomb called her.
“Jude, drink’s ready!”
Jude walked across to her to get Locke’s coffee.
The Bomb leaned over her and asked her in a low voice, “Who’s the guy?”
“Just someone I know from school. We’ve never really talked until now.”
“Well, he’s clearly interested.”
Jude looked up at her, surprised. “Really?”
“I’ve seen so many meet cutes here that I’ve practically become an expert.”
Jude looked at her incredulously. “You could tell he was interested from one two-second conversation?”
The Bomb just rolled her eyes at her and pushed her back towards Locke. “Trust me. Now go, before it becomes obvious we’re talking about him.”
Jude walked back over to Locke and handed him the drink.
“Thanks.” He got up and picked up his keys. “I’ll see you at your game next week?”
“Yeah. I’ll be there.”
He shot her a smile over his shoulder as he walked out the café.
Jude took the next customer’s order with a newfound spirit, and the Bomb smirked at her knowingly. Maybe this job wouldn’t be too bad after all.
Here’s chapter three!! Let me know what you think :) Yes, yes, I know, Locke sucks, but we’ll get some good JurdanTM content next chapter. Thanks for reading!
Tagging: (Bolded tags didn’t work. I don’t know why, it might be your settings or just tumblr acting up, but I’ll tag you in the comments for now! If I forgot to tag you our messed something up, just send me an ask and I’ll fix it as soon as I can!)
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
Hello, may I order some rose tea with riddle please~ thank you very much! ♡♡♡
My Rose-Colored Boy
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A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this! There’s also a song by the same name of the title (you should listen to it), but it actually isn’t the inspiration for this fic. The actual inspiration is a song called Green Tea and Honey by Dane Amar. You can listen to it here.
Coffee shop-hopping—  unhealthy pastime of yours. You didn’t even like coffee. You label yourself as a tea person yourself. Yet there is a certain atmosphere in a coffee shop that no teahouse could never replicate. While you are not so keen on the bitter aftertaste of coffee, its scent stirs up a foreign sense of solace in your mind. A day’s stress melts away after you waft in the aroma of freshly ground beans. It clears away the murky gray clouds that clog the back of your head. For that reason alone, for that feeling that you cannot get enough of, you visit a plethora of cafes a day if you have time on your hands.
You could easily name your personal favorites but you would never come back to them on a daily basis. You would usually come back at two day intervals. Yes, they were your personal favorites, but you prefer hunting for new cafes, expanding your already extensive list of places to escape from reality– or at least your responsibilities.
Keyword: usually.
For the past few weeks, you find yourself coming to the same cafe every day, on a daily basis. And today, you find yourself at the same cafe once more. This is the second time you’ve set foot into the coffeehouse. Or should you say greenhouse?  Café Rosé. A coffee shop with many rose themed beverages. The interior is heavily adorned with faux flowers. The windows were tinted with a rosy pink. The shop smelled more like roses than actual coffee. It’s.. out-putting, but it also induces yet another foreign feeling of comfort within you. Quite frankly, you favor the scent of roses and coffee nowadays rather than the scent of coffee by itself.
But.. that wasn’t the only reason.
The barista greets you as the door hits the chime, cuing your entrance: “Ah! Welcome back, (y/n).”
“Hello again, Riddle,” you curtly reply.
“What can I get for you today?” he asks, making his way to the register.
“Surprise me. I already had my usual earlier today. I would like to… try something new…”
“Alright then. I’ll be ready with your order shortly. Would you like to–”
“Card, Riddle,” you beam, handing the thin plastic over to him.
He took it sheepishly, flustered by your assertive gesture. Every day for the past few weeks had been routine. He knows your usual, your preferences, how you like your tea brewed– the little things that he managed to pick up from your brief interactions. One wouldn’t call him perceptive or observant, but he sees himself as one who is able to connect the dots and see patterns if they are frequently recurring.Of course, Riddle knows that you always pay through card, but he honestly could not break way from his mental script that he practices daily with every customer.
You watch him fiddle with his fingers as the receipt prints.
“Thank you for your purchase,” he says.
You nod as you take the piece of paper, opting to sit at the table with barstools facing the counter rather than your usual nook by the window.
There is something really off about today. Today’s events move fluidly yet ever so slowly.  It’s as if the universe let you finally catch your breath. Refreshing, but with this much time on your hands, your extensive list of cafe getaways could not keep up.
Your mind wandered over to a certain redhead barista. Ah.. perhaps he is the only thing particularly “normal” and “hustling” today. He wears the same expression whenever he brews a beverage– furrowed eyebrows and a slight lip bite. He seems out of place, like the kitchen is not a place where he would belong because he has never been in one.
With a clink of a teacup and silverware, Riddle makes his way towards you, firmly gripping the tray to the point where his knuckles are white. His smile seems a bit forced, but not because of irritation. It is because he is still flustered. He has developed a slight attachment to you– a miniscule infatuation that enhances his ability to notice every little thing about you which began with your very first order– the Rosé Latte. You didn’t even like coffee. He watches you from the counter as you gag, rushing to your side. He remembers it ever so clearly:
“Hey… are you alright?” he asks.
“Oh yeah. Don’t worry about it. I’m just not a coffee person is all,” you sigh.
“Then… why did you order a latte with coffee? I could have subbed it out with tea..” Riddle let the latter half trail off into thin air.
“Hmm… I wanted to see if I could find a lover here. If you had changed something, it probably wouldn’t have worked,” you admit.
“Did it really work?”
You jokingly scan the room: “I don’t think so.”
“Hold on for just one moment.”
A few minutes later, the redhead returns to your table with another cup in hand.
“Here. One Rosé Latte– the coffee subbed out for tea.”
“Oh you didn’t have to! I’ll just get it nex–”
“It’s on the house,” he huffed, extending his arm further so the beverage would be in such a close proximity that you could not possibly deny it.
“Alright, then. Thank you… ahhhh…”
“Thank you, Riddle.”
“My pleasure, (y/n).”
“Wait how did you know my name?”
“Your order? I-I’m not a stalker! I swear!”
“Pfttt. No worries.”
It has been a few weeks since that event has occurred. Riddle is still unsure as to why you opted for coffee since you detest the flavor.
Nearly every customer orders this drink. Riddle isn’t sure as to how the rumor spread, but it seems that the latte truly does make people fall in love. Even his colleagues have found their “soulmates” with a stroke of luck. Okay. He’s a tad envious of them whenever their beloved darlings waltz into the shop with heart eyes, going on and on about the serendipitous encounter. Their interactions cause his feelings of loneliness to swell. Okay, so maybe he is profoundly envious of his coworkers– more than he’s willing to admit, that is. But… perhaps there is some hope in you. Even you aren’t his soulmate or if these unknown feelings are unrequited, he’s content with your daily visit. Seeing you every day is a gift in itself. Seeing you twice today, and right before closing, must be a blessing.
“Your order, (y/n),” he prompts, setting down the tray and handing you the ceramic cup.
You perk up from your haze, taking in the floral scent of the herbal tea waft into your nose as you sigh.
“This is–”
“Rose tea with honey.”
You stare at him for a bit. Rose tea is your usual. The only difference is the addition of a sweetener. He truly did surprise you. Riddle is, and will always be, a by-the-book person. He cannot break away from “routine”. He stares back at you with an eager expression, determined to hear your response.
You take the cup, “Thank you, Riddle.”
“My pleasure,” he beams.
That smile-!! It melts your heart. As much as you hate to admit it, you find yourself coming back here routinely for this rose colored boy and his radiant smile. He is a person of very few words when handling customers. He’s actually full of them when it’s just you and him early in the morning. Now, Riddle is absolutely terrible at small talk, but he could talk about tarts and roses for an eternity. Conversations with him feel whole, complete... as if they are meant to be. Ahhhh, you did not like the sound of that– routine. However, you did take a liking to Riddle, the rather nitpicky yet timid barista who lives everyday of his life by a routine.
Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt…
You take another sip of the tea then set the cup down, turning to Riddle who is still standing beside you, fidgeting with the tray.
“Say, Riddle, are you free this weekend?”
“I- Wha- I mean- Yes?”
“Would you like to go cafe-hopping with me?”
“It’s like going to several coffee shops consecutively in one day.”
“I would love to, (y/n),” he says softly.
“Is he aware that that person is his soulmate?” a boy with auburn hair asks huskily, adjusting himself so that his eyes met the bare surface of the cashier’s counter.
“Oi, Ace, stop being so rude. Riddle isn’t that dense! I’m sure they’re both aware!” a hushed whisper replies, shoving him aside so that he could also spy on his coworker.
“But look at him! He’s so nervous, stumbling over his words.. I’m getting secondhand chills… don’t you feel it too, Deuce?”
“Yeah, but he sat down with his soulmate and they look like they’re getting along well!”
“That’s because they’ve got heart eyes and saliva dripping out of their mouth from drooling over each other.”
“Well, I think that-”
“Shhhh! Ace, Deuce! He might hear you. You won’t be able to see tomorrow if he finds out that you’re eavesdropping,” another slightly older with auburn hair scolds nonchalantly as he kneels next to them.
“But did you really have to karate chop our heads, Cater?!” Ace hisses.
“Sorry, sorry,” he giggles.
“Cater, you were supposed to get them to go back to work,” yet another voice sighs.
“Ah, sorry, Trey! It was just so interesting. I couldn’t resist. Oh-! I have to get to a picture as a keepsake for Riddle.”
Before Trey could say: “Wait no-!”
Cater whips out his smartphone, snapping a picture.
“Hashtag: soulmates. Hashtag: Rosé-Café . Hashtag: Rosé-Latte. Hashtag: Go-get-’em-Riddle anddd posted!” he grins.
Trey shakes his head, crouching down to join his fellow baristas.
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ziaxkawaii · 4 years
I need a Hero (Kaminari X Reader)
Paring: Denki Kaminari x Reader
Warnings: Depressive thoughts, Attempted suicide, Bad language?
Other: Characters are aged up and most working as pro heroes.
Summary: One step in any direction might seem like such a small distance, but for you, it's just enough to find out what's on the other side. In honesty, you were looking forward to it, but then a certain hero makes you think differently.
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~When it came to Denki Kaminaris love life, it was basically none existent.
~As much as he was a carefree, goofy, and fun person to be around, Kaminari didn't really attract anyone's interest romantically.
~When he isn't working, he's most of the time hanging out with friends or meeting new people, be it in a baseball game or at the local park or mall.
~Even when he was at work, he would still meet a bunch of new people on the streets if they stop him and ask him to take a picture with them. He might not have as many fans as his previous classmates, but he still gets recognized here and there and he couldn't be prouder.
~He was happy that he had friends and people that cared about his well being. But there was a voice in the back of his mind, telling him he longed for something more. Someone special to care for, fight for, and love unconditionally.
~Yes, he needed to find a partner. Someone to share his life with.
~Seeing his friends with their girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, and wives made him feel a bit jealous. Of course, he was happy for his buddies and friends, but he too wanted to jump on the train of relationships and he was afraid that he never would. He dreaded the thought.
~Lately Kaminari had been busy with his hero duties. From morning till evening, he spends his time at the hero agency he worked at. Mostly doing paperwork.
~It made Kaminari curious and kind of saddened, how rarely he went on missions lately. For the last three weeks, the only "missions" he did, were patrols. Mainly night patrols because if he did end up fighting a villain on the street, there was a less of a chance of harming any civilians with his quirk.
~He was glad he at least had patrols, otherwise, he would die from boredom.
~At 0.24 AM, Kaminari along with his coworker and buddy, Hanta Sero, are on a night patrol together. The weather was nice and the city seemed pretty calm for a Saturday night. Maybe it was because the night was still young, and the ruckus is yet to start but it didn't bother either of the males to have a little breather. Currently, they were having a quick break on a rooftop.
~Sero inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes. "Man, you really start to appreciate the fresh air when you stay cooped up in an office every day." He commented. Kaminari nodded in agreement as he looked at the bright and beautiful city lights while the chilly cold air tickled his face.
~"Can't say it any better. It feels awesomely great to do something. It has been way too quiet in the office for my liking." He said as he stretched, feeling relief once he heard a satisfying 'pop' from his back.
~"That's right, you haven't been out of the office much, have you."
~"Yeah... it sucks. I kinda wish there was more action going on, it's kind of weird that nothing has been happening lately, it's somehow making me feel nervous." Kaminari admitted as he scratched the back of his head.
~"I feel ya, it is kind of unsettling. For all we know, some villain is planning something dangerous right under our noses and we wouldn't know a thing." Sero jokingly said and then both men heard a short 'ding' from their pockets. Both of them confusingly pulled out their phones to see who had texted them. One look at the text, both males groaned.
~"No way! He seriously can't dump this on us tonight!"
~The one texting them was one of their coworkers, explaining that they had "an emergency" at home and "needed" to leave work early, meaning someone would have to cover their patrol area. Guess who?
~"This is the third time he has done this!" Kaminari complained as he was ready to give the dude a piece of his mind but instead pocketed his phone before he could say something he would regret.
~"We gotta find a way to expose him." Sero nodded. This guy was known for skipping work for the most ridiculous reasons and the other coworkers suffered from it. Not many liked him for this very reason. "Not very manly." As Kirishima once put it when he heard about him.
~"Hopefully in the near future, but for now, we have to go patrol his area too. We heroes can't give the villains an idea that there are parts of the city that they don't patrol." Sero reasoned.
~"I agree, but that's gonna take way more time than what we were scheduled for." Kaminari reminded. "I don't know about you, but I want to sleep tonight." Sero thought for a moment.
~"What if we split up? That way we can get the work done and don't have to spend more time than we have to." He proposed.
~"That's a good idea, but we're supposed to patrol in pairs..." Kaminari muttered.
~"I'm sure it's fine, the city has been quiet the whole evening." It wasn't uncommon for heroes to do solo patrols, but it was always advised to have two-person teams during a night patrol. It was safer that way.
~Kaminari nodded. It was decided that Kaminari would finish their own route while Sero covered the extra. They also agreed that if either of them suddenly needed back up, they would send their location from their watch to the other person, and they would come help.
~It made Kaminari feel more secure. Nothing bad was probably not gonna happen. But if something were to happen, help was only one button press away.
~Kaminari roamed around the area checking alleyways that seemed shady enough to make sure it was empty, walking past closed shops and businesses and checking the occasional rooftop.
~By now, it has been an hour since Kaminari and Sero split up. It might sound like such a short time to be alone, but for Kaminari, it quickly grew boring. It was almost unreal that nothing was happening on a Saturday night. Or should he say Sunday morning?
~Kaminari walked into another alleyway. Nothing more than dumpsters, trash bags, and mice that ran over his shoes.
~"Ah, damn it!" He exclaimed in a whispering tone as he began shooing the pests away. As he did so, he heard soft humming. He stopped what he was doing and looked around. There was no one there.
~The faint humming kept on going and Kaminari found himself listening to the beautiful tune. He didn't recognize what song it was, but it was beautiful none the less. He spotted a ladder to the building rooftop next to him and he started silently climbing, hearing the humming louder and louder each storey he climbed.
~As he made it to the top, he was expecting to find someone mindlessly humming while they sat on a stool while maybe drinking a warm beverage in the cold outdoor wind. But what he saw made his blood turn to ice and his eyes widen.
~There, on the very edge of the rooftop, stood a young woman, barefoot and wearing a pale yellow cardigan. Their hair fluttered wildly in the wind while they looked all the way down to the street, but they didn't seem to mind as they kept on humming the song Kaminari didn't know, sounding now loud and clear in his ears.
~He didn't know what to do.
~Is that woman about to jump? If so, then how in the world is he supposed to prevent it from even happening? A case like this was a first for him, he has never been in a situation like this and somewhat hoped that he never would.
~But here he was, about to witness death from the front row seat if he didn't do anything.
~The (h/c) haired woman lifted their feet, as though they were going to step over the edge. Out of reflex, Kaminari abandoned his spot on the ladder and dashed onto the rooftop shouting the first sentence that came to mind.
~"DON'T!!!" He stood good five meters away from the girl, but he shouted so loud he might as well been standing next to her.
~The person stopped and lowered their foot back next to the other one. They didn't even flinch when Kaminari shouted. They absentmindedly turned around halfway and looked Kaminari in the eyes.
~Kaminari gulped when the person didn't show any emotion. None at all. They just stood there on the edge like a beautiful porcelain doll.
~"Why are you here?" The woman asked, not blinking once. Kaminari was at a loss for words. What should he say? Should he even say anything? Would that even do anything? The girl waited for his answer patiently.
~"I... I w-was p..passing by and... heard your humming..." Was he making the right move?
~"I see... I hope I didn't bother you." She said nonchalantly. Kaminari immediately shook his head.
~"N-no! I-I thought it was very beautiful. That's why I climbed up the ladder to see who it was..." No... he was making the right move. As long as he's talking to them, they hopefully won't do anything rash. He just needs to keep going.
~"I've heard that plenty of times." She looked back at the city. Shit... What should he say now?
~"H-has someone hurt you? What happened to you? If you want to talk about it, I-I'm here to listen." He dared to take one step forward but not anymore. The woman remained unmoving, this could be a positive sign.
~"How is my personal life any of your concern?... Hero.." Sweat started to drip from Kaminari's forehead. Now he was more than nervous. Was she one of those people who didn't like heroes? Can he handle this by himself?
~Kaminari remembered his watch. He could get Sero here at best in 10 minutes. He would just need to keep her busy. Kaminari was about to push the button on his watch when the woman suddenly spoke again.
~"Actually... Tell me something, Mr. Hero..." Kaminari paused his movements. "Is life worth living, when you are successful in your field of work you love but feel miserable and depressed every single day?" Kaminari lowered his hands, forgetting about the watch completely.
~What did she mean? If you love your work then how can you feel miserable? The stress of success?
~"I guess I can't really answer... I'm happy to work as a hero even when I have a bad day... But, if I would feel I'm unhappy in my agency, I would try another agency to see if I would be happier there." He truthfully explained. The woman nodded softly.
~"That is one way to say it. "Keep trying until you're truly happy." is one of the sentences I've heard a lot. But unfortunately, I can't just do what you would do Mr, hero, that just isn't how it works." She explained in return and then began lightly hopping on the edge as if she was playing a childhood game, which made Kaminari sweat bullets and take more steps closer to you.
~""Three steps forward, smile, come back, lift your hands to your face, and pose." That's how it usually goes. No freedom to choose what you want to do or say in your own damn craft. You just get ordered around and you don't get to decide anything, but they'll still use your name as though you did." 
~She looked at Kaminari in the eyes again. Now that he was closer he could kind of distinguish what color her eyes were. A nice (e/c) that now seemed to burn into his own eyes, the same yellow as the woman's cardigan.
~"Are you now going to say that I'm overreacting? That I just had a particularly bad day today? That I just need to go to sleep, and it will be a better day tomorrow?" It felt like she was taunting him. Daring him to say what the others have said.
~His mind was going in all the directions, trying to figure out how to save someone that doesn't want to be saved. He could easily say that you were just having a bad day because of the short story you told him. But he possibly couldn't. He hasn't seen the whole picture yet. In the heat of the moment he blurted out:
~"No..." For the first time, the woman's eyes widened slightly. She wasn't expecting that.
~"I... I'm in no position to say any of that. I can't possibly judge how much pain you're in if I haven't heard the whole story." He looked down at his feet.
~"I might not know who you are or what you are going through... But all I ask is for you to give yourself more time to maybe talk to someone, one last time. If it doesn't work, then decide what to do." He spoke. He wondered, from where exactly he heard the things he was talking about. He didn't care at the moment, all he wanted right now was for the woman to step down, and away from the roof's edge.
~The woman's demeanor changed. Instead of the blank look on her face, her expression looked... shocked?
~"You... You don't know who I am?..." She questioned, already 80% sure she knew the answer but still wanted a clear confirmation. Kaminari lifted his head from to face the surprised woman and looked at her dumbfounded. 
~"I'm sorry, but I don't. Were you expecting me to?" He asked, trying to figure out if he has seen the woman somewhere before but came up with nothing. 
~"Kind of..." She admitted while she still stared at him, looking like she didn't believe what she was hearing.
~'Is she a girl I met in High school and forgot? Or even in middle school? Why can't I remember?!!'
~'Or is she a...'
~"I'm not a villain if that's what you're thinking, I assure you. Nor have we ever met talked face to face." Like magic, she read his mind, but he was still on the edge a bit which she seemed to sense.
~"If you think I'm a villain, Mr hero, then you can just arrest me now." She lifted her hands in front of her, half-expecting him to actually put her in handcuffs. 
~"No no, there's no need for that! I believe you." Kaminari waved his arms in front of him and stopped once the woman lowered their own hands. "Also, you don't need to call me, Mr hero." He scratched the back of his head embarrassed.
~"What should I call you then? What's your hero name?" He thought deeply for a moment.
~"No... You can call me Kaminari even Denki is fine." He replied confidently and the woman cracked a small smile. It made Kaminari, in turn, to smile lightly, it felt relieving that he managed to make her smile while she was still in a dark place.
~"Alright." She said and hopped off the roof's edge, walking towards a door that held stairs behind it. "It was nice meeting you, Kaminari-kun." Kaminari turned his body to face the departing woman as he slightly panicked.
~"Wha-? W-W-Wait! What's your name?" He asked in a hurried tone. She turned to him.
~"I kind of don't want to tell you." She admitted. 
~"I want to have someone who sees me as for who I am, and not as someone who I was presented as." She finished and left the rooftop, leaving behind a confused Kaminari.
~'What was she talking about?'
1 Week later...
~Even after a week, the (h/c) haired woman was still in his mind, repeating the last sentence she said to him before leaving the rooftop like a broken record.
~Kaminari didn't tell anyone about the incident. Somehow Kaminari felt like he wanted to give the poor girl a chance to figure things out before involving more people. Then again, even if he did tell someone, what good would it have done?
~He didn't know the victim's name nor her exact address. Plus, no one could force the woman to therapy unless she was breaking the law or causing a disturbance, which she wasn't so his hands were tied either way. 
~Speaking of names, Kaminari was driving himself mad over who she was. In the beginning, she assumed that he knew her but he didn't. She also confessed that they have not met each other in real life, and the way she asked for his name indicated that she really didn't know him. So she wasn't someone who he might've known at one point.
~He also believed that she wasn't a villain, so his options were very limited. How come he can't think of anything?
~"Hellooo...., earth to Denki." Someone spoke from beside him and the said male jumped in his seat. He turned to the owner of the voice and sighed.
~"Wow, for a minute there I thought I won't be able to get you to your senses." Sero joked while chuckling. Kaminari shook his head and turned to his friend again.
~"So what brings you here Hanta?" He asked, trying to get his mind off his previous thoughts.
~"Uhhh... We have patrol remember?" Sero reminded him, already wearing his hero costume and ready to go.
~Oh damn it, he was an idiot.
~"Oh yeah, I remember now! Just give me a sec." Kaminari said as he headed towards the changing rooms. Sero following him.
~"Did you already hear? He got fired this morning...." Kaminaris brain turned on autopilot for the rest of the conversation.
~Before he even realized it, he was already walking down the familiar streets. Alone. What he could remember from Seros explanation was: Since the guy was fired so suddenly, there was no one to do his patrol. So Kaminari and Sero split up again and Sero went to the other route while Kaminari took care of the same one he handled last Saturday night a week ago.
~Last Saturday night...
~Would she be on that rooftop again?
~Kaminari's curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to stop by the apartment building when he got to that part of the area. Just to make himself feel more relaxed when he goes to bed for the night.
~Part of him hoped that the rooftop would be empty and that the person was doing something more mentally healthy, but there was also a 5% part of him that wanted to see the person again. Definitely, not the 'standing on the edge of the roof' way he saw them a week ago, but more like 'they just wanted a breath of fresh air and nothing more' way.
~Kaminari found himself moving faster through the area, while still making sure there was no suspicious activity going on in the middle of the night. Soon enough, he came to the familiar alley and started to climb up the ladder. He peeked from the edge and sure enough, the woman was standing there with the same yellow cardigan. This time, however, she wasn't standing barefoot at the very edge at least.
~She was wearing shoes which was a good sign.
~He made his presence know to the other person by stepping his foot on the roof with stone pebbles crunching under his boots. The person slowly turned around to face him once he walked a bit closer.
~"I wondered if you would show up." She spoke in a half teasing manner, not sounding as hollow as a week ago. Did something happen during this week?
~"Something told me to come and check on you." He told truthfully, not knowing what to else to say.
~"I figured. It must be hard for a hero to accept someone dying so they at least do an effort to see how the person's life is going if they're alive." She mused.
~"Saving and protecting civilians is what we heroes do, we like to see if our actions have made a difference in people."
~"Well, some heroes could surely do a better job if that's what it's about." She commented. Before Kaminari could ask what makes her say such a fact, she changes the subject.
~"But enough about that, instead tell me about your week, Kaminari." She addressed him by his name as she casually sat on the roof's edge, making Kaminari a tad nervous again.
~'Why must she sit so close to the edge?' He grimaced in his mind.
~"You want to know about my day?" He questioned a bit confused.
~"My everyday-life isn't something I much enjoy nowadays, so I'd like to hear someone else's day instead." She looked at him. "Perhaps that would make me feel better." Kaminari hesitantly nodded his head in agreement and started to talk about his day and the past week.
~It wasn't really anything that interesting to talk about to someone, but the look on the woman's face told him differently. They were actually listening to his non-sense rambling and asking questions here and there.
~Maybe working as a hero who likes to joke around and help people with common problems, was by itself more interesting for some, than some other career. But it even surprised him how intrigued the woman was from all the things he had done that week.
~'Maybe she hasn't done things what I have in a long time...'
~After minutes and minutes of talking, Kaminari checked the time from his watch and almost screamed out loud when he read the numbers on the smartwatch.
~"Oh dude! I've been rambling on and on for half an hour! I still haven't patrolled the area!" He exclaimed, already thinking how Sero or his other friends were going to question hat took him so long.
~"Then you should get going, I'm not going to hold you any longer." The female said and stood up. Already walking towards the door.
~"Thank you for chatting with me Kaminari, now I feel less lonely." Kaminari looked at the (h/c) haired girl, now seeing a bit more happiness in her eyes. Seeing it made Kaminari feel better and glad that he decided to stop by.
~"It was nothing, it was fun talking with you." He assured her.
~"Well ain't that nice to hear, have a good night." She lightly bowed her head.
~"Same to you." He responded.
~Week after another, it became a routine for Kaminari to visit the person who he still didn't know the name of. Both grew quite close during those visits and by now they were very good friends. 
~ After meeting two more times after the second meet up, the (h/c) haired female had proposed that they could see each other perhaps at different times, rather than during Kaminari's patrols at 1 AM. Kaminari agreed and she gave him her phone number so they could text or call each other when they would meet again.
~Since Kaminari didn't know her name, he gave her the nickname Sunflower, due to the yellow cardigan she wears every time they see each other.
~And each time they met, Kaminari started noticing that every day she was happier than the previous day. In the beginning, she only nodded to his jokes, but as time passed, she began to smile more. Fixing her smile from stoic to a small smile and then to a genuine grin was a huge achievement for Kaminari.
~He was proud that he was able to change someone's life for the better. Surely his job's not over, and he doesn't like to refer it as a 'job' since he was doing it because he wanted to, not because he was a hero.
~He mentally made a promise to himself that he'd fix her even if it was the last thing he would do because it would be worth it in the end.
4 months later...
~"Hey, have you guys heard?" Mina's voice grabbed the attention of all her companions at the table. 
~Her, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, and even Bakugou (Convinced to come by Kirishima) were enjoying a cup of coffee at a cafe. It was pretty rare for the old 'Bakusquad' to have a hung out together with all five of them there, but by some miracle, they all either had a day off from work or they had a night shift.
~"Heard about what?" Kirishima asked with his usual happy tone.
~"About the latest celebrity rumor, silly!" Mina exclaimed as she fished out her phone to open the news app, showing it to everyone. There on the screen were countless of articles of the same matter but with different theories.
~'(y/n) (l/n), a well-known song artist is sending love messages to someone with her music videos and interviews!!?'  Read more...
~'Hidden love messages!!? To whom!?'   Read more here...
~'The newest music video by (y/n) (l/n)!!'  
~"Oh, you're talking about that one singer. Yea, I watch and listen to her music videos, but I haven't really seen anything that would stand out." Sero commented while taking a sip of his coffee. Kaminari raised an eyebrow, as he was confused by what was going on.
~"What are you guys on about?" He asked.
~"Are you joking? It's so obvious that even I realized it after a while. Here let me show you." Mina opened up one of the news articles and started to explain.
~"Before, her music videos were normal and there wasn't anything out of the ordinary for her, but then two months ago the same things kept appearing in her videos, magazine covers, and interviews." She tapped the screen and started playing the most recent music videos published by the artist titled: I need a hero.
~She tapped play and the video started, showing a young woman with (h/c) hair wearing a sparkly black dress and a black blindfold. Though what caught most of Kaminari's attention was the sunflower shaped jewelry/pin on the right side of her chest.
~As the woman sang and moved around, Kaminari saw the same pin also on the woman's hair.
~"She has been either wearing sunflower themed clothing slash jewelry, or she holds an actual sunflower! There isn't a single picture of her without it from the last two months!" She giggled as if she was still in high school. Kaminari continued to stare at the phone as the video continued on playing.
~It was as if his brain had stopped working. 'This has to be a coincidence.' 'There's no way.' Kaminari kept on saying to himself, but it was hard to deny the evidence that lay in front of his eyes.
~The singer looked a lot like the woman he has been seeing for the past four months and even a middle schooler could link the nickname he gave her and the sunflowers together, not to mention her voice. But he still could not believe it.
~Then came the final confirmation. The video shifted from the singing woman to a scene where a man wearing a cape ran and jumped on rooftops, presenting a hero running to the rescue. Then it cuts to the woman standing on another rooftop, singing, and dancing awfully close to the edge.
~"I need a hero!!!         I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light.       He's gotta be sure, and he's gotta be soon, and he's gotta be larger than life."
~Then the singer jumps on the very edge, reminding Kaminari how the woman wearing a yellow cardigan jumped on the edge the same way. And no matter how high of a building she seemed to be standing on, she showed no fear while dancing.
~"I need a hero!!!     I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night.     And he's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from a fight!"
~"I need a hero!..."
~At the final line, the woman leaned back on the edge as though to fall to her demise, but a hand grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her against them to safety. The woman and the hero looked at each other for a moment before they embraced each other in a loving hug. Then the video faded into blackness with a caption:
~"Only one hero can save this sunflower."
~That was all that Kaminari needed to confirm once and for all that, his sunflower, is (y/n) (l/n).
~"Why are you looking so much into shit that might not be even true?" Bakugou commented gruffly and Mina gasped.
~"Because it's romantic and the last video just basically proves all the rumors! There's no doubt in my mind that she has someone she cares about but just doesn't know how to express it! It's basically a love story!" She argued with the ash blond. The blond 'tch'ed and went back to drinking his latte.
~"I admit that your theory isn't completely ridiculous, but aren't things like confessions supposed to be done with only the person they're confessing to?" Kirishima pointed out, kind of surprised that he himself was actually this interested about it. 
~"Who cares!? It's cute!" Mina squealed but her momentum stopped when Kaminari abruptly stood up from his seat and started to gather his things.
~"Whoa, What's the rush Denki?" Sero inquired as he watched as the blond grabbed his phone from the table and started to exit the cafe.
~"I suddenly realized that I have something to take care of!" He called behind him and bolted out of the store to the street. While running, he sent a quick text to his sunflower that he wanted to meet her at their usual spot. He pocketed the device and ran faster.
~He needed to see you. He needed to ask why you didn't tell him the truth. Why you would think that he would see you differently if he found out.
~Honestly at this point he didn't even care if you were actually a villain or a mafia boss, he just wanted answers to his questions.
~Did you like him back?
~Kaminari ran into the alleyway and jumped on the ladder to begin climbing at record speed. Just as he made it to the top, the handle on the rooftop door turned and from behind the door, out stepped you, wearing the same color cardigan as his eyes. You looked semi-happy as you stepped outside, but as you got a glimpse of his own slightly out of breath expression, yours turned into a one of concern.
~"What happened Denki? Is everything alright?" You asked him as you stepped closer to him, ready to hear him out. The said male panted and looked at her.
~"Why... Why didn't you... tell me?" He said between short pants.
~"What are you talking about?" You inquired. Kaminari breathed in deeply and looked into her eyes again.
~"(y/n) (l/n). Your name is (y/n) (l/n)."
~In a half a second, your caring demeanor changed and you looked at the ground with the stoic face you used to wear before meeting Denki. But despite your blank expression, you were shaking as if you were standing on top of a windy mountain while gripping your fists tightly.
~This was it... Now, he is either going to begin geeking out on how much big of a fan he was of your music, or he's going to leave you because he doesn't want the pressure of hanging out with someone who's known by almost every other person in Japan.
~You were surprised how long it took for Denki to finally realize who you really were. In all your videos you wore a blindfold because that's what your manager and producer want you to do. In their mind it makes you look mysterious and "Limited", referring to a limited object that not anyone can get.
~Because of that blindfold, he might've not realized it before. Now that he did, everything's going to go back to your depressing reality that he light up with his goofiness...
~"When did you notice?" You asked him.
~"Just 15 minutes ago, I was at a cafe with my friends and they started talking about this popular song artist." As Kaminari said the last words, he could visibly see you tense up. "I didn't know what they were talking about even after they said her name. Only when I saw her in a music video did I know who the person was." He stepped closer to you.
~"At first I didn't believe my eyes and ears when I saw their (h/c) and heard their voice. I was fully convinced when I saw the ending of the video, where you almost fell from the rooftop you stood on. But a hero came to your rescue and in the very ending, you quoted yourself as a sunflower." He explained and you looked at him in slight confusion. Before you could say anything he speaks again.
~"Why didn't you tell me? Did you think I would leave or treat you differently now that I know your name?" He asked stepping even more closer.
~"I-I... I Don't-" You stuttered while tearing up. "What was I supposed to expect? That's how it always has been..." You shifted your gaze downcast once again.
~"Every person I know or knew, they didn't care about me, they only cared about my fame and how it was going to benefit them if we were a couple or my small crush would leave me once they realized my identity because they could not handle being in the spotlight."
~"The last relationship I was in went just like the first scenario, he trash-talked me and made me feel unimportant. He even said that he didn't care if I took the final step from the rooftop. I was only an art-piece whats sole purpose was to make money, anything I did wasn't about the art anymore, just income." Kaminari slowly began to piece the puzzle pieces together.
~"I somehow managed to make him leave, but things mostly stayed the same about me still being a puppet. That's all I ever am to them, an object. A doll that they can make sing and dance to make a profit, disguising it as "a modern business" or "That's how things go these days." I'm amazed how much bullshit they can spit out from their mouths every day."
~"You are not a doll! You are a human! A person, a living being! Why did you stay in that toxic environment!?" Denki gathered up all his confidence and gently gripped your forearms and exclaimed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. You were suffering and almost ended your life because of it, but yet, you stayed...
~"Every time I thought of leaving and quitting, I knew my manager and everybody I work with would make my life even more of living hell if I did quit. And after every day, I thought things would get better one day. That's why I kept going, doing my best at being positive that one-day things would change."
~"And comically enough, it somewhat did after meeting you." You confessed. Denki was taken aback by it.
~"W-What do you mean?"
~"Everybody in my life didn't care about my feelings or what I wanted! You were the first person in years who treated me like a friend, a human with problems that CAN be fixed. After meeting you, I felt more confident to speak up and say no to things I didn't want. Two months ago, I even managed to change what I can do or wear in my interviews or videos."
~"You mean the sunflowers?"
~"Y-Yes... You gave me so much confidence that I wanted to have a reminder of you with me everywhere, like a form of comfort." You admitted now leaning on his shoulder while Denki shifted a bit to hug you. 
~"You did that because of me?" He felt like he was now only asking questions and not saying things he probably should be saying, but this was new to him and he didn't know how to deal with it.
~"Yeah..." You nodded. "I felt happy again whenever I thought about you, and I wanted to be truly happy again while I sang. So I fought back against my producers and demanded change. Over time, I actually started to have more power over what I wanted to wear or how I wanted to do my music again. Of course, I had to still do many things the way they wanted, but it was one step forward." Then Kaminari remembered.
"So this was what you meant by what you said back then... You love singing and acting but you felt miserable because you were basically forced to do it how other people liked it rather than how you wanted to do it." You nodded.
"I felt so powerless so I didn't fight back. But then you opened my eyes and told me I can try again!" You looked into his eyes and he could have cried out of happiness when he saw the beautiful and bright smile on your face.
~"I'm so proud of you." Kaminari hugged you tightly and you two laughed together as he lightly spun you around.
~"I'm so happy I managed to save you..." Kaminari mumbled to your shoulder a single tear staining your cardigan.
~"So am I..." You mumbled in return to his shoulder, instead if one tear, you had many flowing down your face as you felt overly emotional and couldn't stop them from coming.
~"Are the news articles true?" Kaminari suddenly asked and you pulled apart.
~"New's articles? I don't really read them." You admitted as you dried your tears with your cardigan sleeve.
~"My friends were talking about the rumor of you hiding love messages in each of your videos." He explained. "And apparently your quote: "Only one hero can save this sunflower." has caused quite the ruckus." He chuckled nervously but found his confidence once again when you smiled at him gently.
~"So, are they?" He asked hopefully.
~"Heh... Looks like I wasn't sneaky enough." You chuckled. "I made that quote to see if you would notice, and in some way you did. Now I am curious, did you like it?" You questioned.
~"Of course I did."
~"Then... Will you love this sunflower?" You questioned again.
~"I'd love nothing more."
~He abandoned all his doubts and went in for the kiss. You happily kissed him back as you hugged his neck tightly while he did the same on your waist and back. 
~The moment felt like time had stopped ticking and in the moment was just the two of you. You, a Sunflower and him, a hero. Both of you wished it would've lasted longer, but the need for air was no longer unnoticeable as you pulled apart.
~"I don't care if you're a popular singer or an ordinary office worker. I want to help you to be happy, and help you forget your dark thoughts." Kaminari confessed. "Let me be there for you when you need me." He practically pleaded, not wanting to let go of the person who he had grown to care deeply about.
~"Only if I can do the same for you." You answered.
~"I love you, my sunflower."
~"I love you too, my hero."
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