#one wants to take care of him and it’s literally the kindest person
enavstars · 10 months
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This is Ninazu Rashid or Dr. Rashid, my only ninjago oc besides Cyra. He is a doctor in Ignacia that befriended Kai and Nya and cares a lot about them.
Basically I wanted to make a kind and patient adult oc because Kai and Nya need one (badly) and there are barely any nice adults in the show (not including Ed and Edna, we respect them :>).
(Cw: mentions of homophobia and ped0philia)
Dr. Rashid is the doctor of a small clinic in Ignacia who also runs the pharmacy. He met the siblings when Kai got badly sick and they called him out for help. Even when Kai got better, Rashid couldn’t keep the situation they were living in off his mind, so he would usually go to check on Kai's health... and also take care of them a bit, in whatever little way he could.
Nya used to go by the clinic after school because Rashid would usually give her drinks and snacks (she loved the hot choco in winter) and he tried, with little success, to make Nya convince Kai to come so he could eat something too.
One time, Nya got sick and Kai went under the rain to his door to ask dr. Rashid for help; of course, he went with him and gave the necessary medicine to Nya. Since they couldn’t afford it, though, Kai asked to work at the pharmacy to help Rashid as compensation, and after a lot of insinsting, the doctor finally gave in and let him. But they ended up bonding during that time, and Rashid did defend Kai even when he started stealing, but he also made him understand that he should only do so when absolutely necessary.
However, as he's gay, when the conservative village found out a bunch of nasty rumors started to spread, most of them about his sexuality and his relationship with Kai and Nya (ped0philia). Rashid tried to endure the comments but it was starting to affect his job with people simply not going to the clinic because of it. So, sadly, he had to leave to Ninjago City, unintentionally leaving Kai and Nya with even more abandonment issues and not a single safe person in the village.
In the present he spent many years trying to be Kai and Nya's general doctor for whenever they get hurt in missions (even going out of his way to study more so he could help them), until finally he made it (I know nothing of how hospital works so this may be wrong). The siblings were confused and angry at him at first, until he explained the reasons why he left and they calmed down.
Dr. Rashid then proceeded to ask what he could do to make them feel better from then on, and actually listened to them and treated them like grown people (looking at you Ray and Maya :))). Kai and Nya then forgave him and are really good friends with him now.
More stuff:
He got married and is sad and frustrated that he couldn't invite the siblings to the wedding.
He is really respected in the hospital for being the only doctor who Kai and Nya listen to and how "docile" they are with him.
Kai and Nya sometimes visit him for dinner.
He is also very kind to the other ninja and understands how hard they work for Ninjago. He is specially kind to Lloyd for that and for being Kai and Nya's younger brother.
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wonbie · 9 months
cld you do enha taking care of the reader when she is drunk?
drunk . 엔하이픈 . enha taking care of you when you're drunk
warnings ¿ readers drunk, cuteness genre ¿ fluff © wonbie
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lee heeseung
hee would laugh at you first. like you're really cute when your drunk. your lips pout and you start confessing your love for your boyfriend. heeseung takes picture of you just to embarrass you the next morning of course. but while you're drunk he gets you some water and makes sure that you're comfortable. he listens to all your ranting and in the morning he makes you a soup because he knows your head is gonna hurt.
park jongseong
THIS MAN IS SUCH A GENTLEMAN!! like im telling you he's so sweet. you got drunk at a party, no big deal for him. he's making sure no one even goes close to you. protective boyfriend fr fr. he takes you home and lays you down. he chuckles when you tell him you love him and pecks your forehead softly. in the morning he wakes you up and gives you some medicine. he makes you breakfast and is always making sure you're okay.
sim jaeyun
your boyfriend broke up with you and you got drunk. jake is there the second you get drunk. he's talking with you, letting you pour out your feelings. part of him hurts for you but he doesn't let it show. instead, he fills up the bathtub and makes sure you can relax. after you're finished he puts you to bed, stealing a peck on your forehead.
park sunghoon
okay um sorry but you thought sunghoon was cheating on you :) luckily he wasn't. but seeing with that that girl hurt you so you decided to drink. when sunghoon got home he realized how drunk you were and helped you change your clothes so you could go to bed. BUT not without an explaination. he cuddles next to you and reassures you he only loves you.
kim sunoo
sunoo is the kindest person. he'd make sure you feel okay like every second. instead of more alcohol he'd bring you some juice. he makes sure you weren't drinking on an empty stomach and even feeds you a bit just in case. in the morning sunoo makes breakfast for you and takes care of you.
yang jungwon
jungwon would kind of freak out. i feel like he was normally the one to get drunk instead of you but today's different. you drink and drink until you're wasted. at first he wondered if he's the reason you're drinking but then when you start mumbling about how stressed you were he'd understand. so he'd make a plan on how to relieve your stress. of course he'd take you home and lay you down. he would whisper how much he loves you and that he's sorry you were so stressed :(
nishimura riki
HE WOULD MAKE FUN OF YOU! the first thing in riki's mind is to take THOUSANDS for picture of you. he even puts one as his wallpaper. but once he realizes "omg you're drunk?!" he'd panic. he's never been drunk before so he doesn't know what to do. calls jay and gets step by step on how to take care of you. it literally becomes a mission to make sure you're better in the morning.
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paris' note . sorry this is so late anon :( i've been busy busy. i hope this is good too, i feel like its not but i still hope you like it <33
perm taglist .. @jakeyzzz @luvistqrzzz @minholing @rikizm send an ask if you want to be added !
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Each Yellowjackets character’s greatest strength (and why it is also their greatest weakness)
Natalie: Empathy/Selflessness
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Despite her abusive home life and edgy, intimidating exterior, Nat is one of the kindest and softest characters on the show. She has a deeper understanding of other’s trauma and pain than most due to her own experiences. Nat was the only one to show empathy towards Travis when his father died, even when he was an absolute asshole to her (and pointed a loaded gun at her!). She helped Travis cut the ring off of his dad’s finger because she knew Javi needed it. She faces her trauma and becomes a hunter to provide food for the group. When Jackie tells Travis about Bobby Farleigh and Travis breaks up with Nat as a result, Nat still helps Jackie on the night of Doomcoming. She also doesn’t hold a grudge against Travis for sleeping with Jackie and even wakes up at the crack of dawn everyday for months and trudges through snow for miles to help him look for Javi. She helps Lisa steal back her goldfish, defends her against her mother, and even dies for her (literally!).
This is also why her selflessness is her greatest weakness, she gives too much of herself and does not believe she herself is worth the care she gives to others, resulting in self-destructive tendencies. Her one act of selfishness (letting Javi die in her place) completely destroys her. Her empathy results in intense guilt and shame when she has to hurt others in the Wilderness, resulting in her spiraling into a life of drugs in order to cope and keeping people at arm’s length to avoid harming them.
Taissa: Ambition/Drive
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Taissa is driven and successful in pretty much anything she sets her mind to. Before the crash, she’s a straight A student and an exceptional athlete. In the Wilderness, she takes the lead on leaving the plane wreck, finding the lake, and forges her own expedition to find civilization. Post-rescue, Taissa is arguably the most successful survivor. She’s a lawyer and burgeoning politician with a prestigious academic background and a picturesque family. Tai’s determination and drive for success ensures not only her survival after the plane crash but also the survival of her teammates.
However, Tai’s ambition is also one of her greatest faults. Her tunnel vision towards success can result in herself and those around her getting hurt. She accidentally breaks Allie’s leg trying to get her to improve her soccer abilities. She sets out on her expedition despite Lottie’s warnings, resulting in Van nearly getting killed. And, as an adult, she (literally) drives herself mad trying to win her political campaign, pushing her entire family away in the process. Tai is fierce and accomplished, but always at a cost.
Misty: Devotion/Loyalty
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When Misty finds someone she views as her ‘person,’ she latches on and does not let go. We see this in the Wilderness with Coach Ben and Crystal; and in the adult timeline with Natalie. Misty desperately wants to be loved, and therefore she will do anything for the people she cares about, hoping that this will gain their affection. She nurses Coach Ben back to health, she shares all of her secrets with Crystal and does everything in her power to ensure that the others don’t eat her body when she dies. For Nat, she not only gets arrested trying to help her, but also snorts her cocaine to prevent her from relapsing (my favorite scene in the whole show ngl), sets up a whole interrogation with Randy, and travels to a compound in the middle of nowhere to find her after she was kidnapped.
This unconditional devotion, however, definitely comes with its flaws. Misty is obsessive about the people she loves, and this obsession often leads to people getting hurt and/or killed. She kills Jessica Roberts in order to save her fellow survivors from blackmail. She drugs Coach Ben with shrooms (and accidentally the whole team) in order to win his affection, which results in Travis nearly getting killed and Javi going missing. She intimidates Crystal off of a cliff to her death when she rejects Misty and kills Nat when she had been trying to protect her. Misty is loyal, but her loyalty results in sociopathic tendencies and the loss of the very same people she is devoting herself to.
Lottie: Spirituality/Open-Mindedness
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Lottie’s spirituality and open-mindedness has been key to the group’s survival in the Wilderness. Her ability to see, hear, and sense what other’s cannot (whether you think it’s real or not) gives her teammates in the teen timeline and her cult (intentional community) members in the adult timeline hope and purpose. Without Lottie, the girls likely would have given up on survival long ago. She has an other-worldly, healing presence that those around her are naturally drawn to, and she helps a lot of people as a result.
Lottie’s spirituality can also be dangerous and even deadly, though. Her time as the Wilderness’s prophet causes the group to spiral into ritualistic sacrifices and cannibalism. In the adult timeline, her spirituality gets her locked up in a psych ward for years. Even after she has healed and moved on, Lottie’s belief in supernatural forces catches up with her again and results in her reinstating The Hunt, ultimately causing Nat’s death.
Van: Perseverance/Resilience
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This poor butch goalie has almost died a ridiculous amount of times. She gets in a plane crash and is ditched by Jackie and Shauna in the wreckage, narrowly avoiding burning to death. Then, she’s nearly chopped into bits by a plane propeller. Then, she gets brutally and almost fatally mauled by a wolf. Then, she’s nearly burnt to death again on a funeral pyre (while still actively bleeding to death from the wolf attack). Then, her face is stitched up with a sewing needle by a 16 year-old (with no drugs to numb the pain). Then, her girlfriend starts losing control of herself and trying to run off of cliffs in the middle of the night so she has to regularly tie her down and keep watch of her all night. Then, she gets terminal cancer and only has a few months left to live. And that’s not even considering her life before the crash, living with an alcoholic mother that she has to take care of. Needless to say, Van has been through it. And through it all, she maintains her strength and witty sense of humor. She’s a light out in the Wilderness, keeping her team uplifted and laughing even in their worst moments (this girl is literally cracking jokes with her face torn to shreds). Her perseverance through hardship is next level.
However, this perseverance seems to have created a numbness in Van. Over time in the Wilderness, Van becomes more numb and reaction-less to the tragedy and trauma occurring around her. When the group eats Jackie, she bluntly tells Tai “we ate her” with little emotion. When they kill and eat Javi, Van tells Travis she has no regrets because she’s grateful to be alive. In the adult timeline, Van calls off the psych team for Lottie and goes through with the card ritual, knowing that this will likely result in the someone getting killed. Van is resilient and driven to survive through hardships, but her way of surviving means losing a little bit of her heart and humanity in the process.
Jackie: Influence
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Before the crash, Jackie is undoubtedly a leader. She’s the Yellowjackets’ team captain and has an almost magnetic force around her that seems to captivate the whole school. She’s pretty, popular, and excels in everything she does. Shauna especially is completely caught in her orbit. When her teammates are fighting at the party, she single-handedly manages to calm them all down and help them mend their conflicts with each other.
The downside to this influence, however, is that it does not transfer to the Wilderness. High school rules don’t apply to trying to survive in the Canadian Rockies, and Jackie’s influence lies in civilization and traditional society. Jackie struggles to have the same power that she did before, and those who are more unconventional (such as Lottie and Nat) have more influence in their new living situation.
Shauna: Intensity/Passion
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Shauna is completely driven by her emotions. She feels things strongly and loves people intensely. We see this first with Jackie, who Shauna has an all-consuming (pun-intended) love for. Her world revolves around Jackie, she doesn’t know where she ends and Jackie begins. In the Wilderness, this intensity of emotions translates to a ferocity that keeps her and her teammates alive. Shauna is unafraid to become the butcher of the group or to take the first bite. On the surface, Shauna appears timid, reserved, and gentle. As a teen, she’s invisible at school, hiding in Jackie’s shadow. As an adult, she’s an unassuming, soft-spoken housewife. But underneath is a darkness and fierceness that catches people by surprise and serves as her secret weapon.
The downside to Shauna’s intensity and passion, however, is that she does not have control over it. Her emotions spiral until she or someone close to her gets hurt. She loves Jackie and feels jealous of her, so she sleeps with her boyfriend, gets pregnant with his child, and implodes their friendship. She is deeply mourning Jackie’s death, so she eats a part of her to feel close to her again. She’s grieving the loss of her baby and doesn’t know what to do with that feeling so she nearly beats Lottie to death. She has a feeling Jeff might be cheating so she starts an affair with Adam. Someone stole her minivan? She’s gonna track them down, hold them at gunpoint, and nearly kill them. When she begins to feel unsafe and suspicious of Adam, this feeling, too, spirals out of control and she ends up murdering him. Shauna’s emotions are powerful, and while they do serve an important purpose of keeping her alive in the Wilderness, she doesn’t know how to express them in healthy ways and ends up lashing out as a result. I have a feeling they’re going to play an important role in Season 3, as well, as we can see that Shauna’s jealousy of Nat’s leadership is already beginning to make itself known.
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little-annie · 1 year
In This Lifetime
Vecna's dead and the gates are closed and life is finally back to normal.
Well except for one thing.
Eddie's entire view of Steve Harrington has been tipped on its axis, shattered, booted off a fucking cliff. Whatever you want to call it. Because, well, the guy's not an asshole. He's strong and passionate and so goddamn caring. He's probably the kindest, most giving person Eddie's ever met and although he'd like to say he doesn't know what to think of it, we'll he does. And he thinks he's in love.
Steve Harrington is like fucking sunshine and unfortunately for Eddie's fragile heart, that glow of light doesn't fade.
They become friends. Best Friends. Nearly inseparable. Attached at the hip throughout the years.
They move to Chicago together, rent a shitty two bedroom apartment that maybe as well be one because they still have nightmares and being plastered next to one another seems to calm those terrors.
They laugh and they sing and they dance around the kitchen while they smile and cook and inevitably burn whatever meal they had planned, opting to order pizza instead.
Eddie's in a band and Steve never misses a show.
Steve's in school, planning to become a Guidance Counselor and Eddie's by his side quizzing him with the reward of candy in hand.
It's perfect, living life together in domestic bliss. Even if all they are is only just friends.
But it's still perfect all the same and if it was up to Eddie, he'd spend the rest of his life in these years. Repeat them again and again, if only to fall asleep at Steve's side and wake up to honey-brown eyes every morning.
But he knows it can't always be like this and that's why this is the hardest thing he's ever done.
This is the hardest thing he's ever done, and he's done some difficult shit. Like surviving a near death experience in literal hell being the main contender. But sitting across from Steve Harrington as he turns a little golden ring between his fingers and goes over his proposal plan, yeah that's pretty fucking difficult.
And it shouldn't be, he should be excited, he should be cheering for his friend but there's a gnawing feeling in his gut that's telling him it should be him. It should be him that Steve drops to a knee for, it should be him that Steve professes his undying love to, it should be him that'll one day get to call this man his husband.
But it's not. It's not because even though he's known this ragtag group of monster hunters for years now he's never been able to come to terms with telling them that he's gay and he sure as shit hasn't come to terms with telling Steve Harrington that he loves him and loves him in a very much not 'just friends' kind of way.
So that's why when Steve asks him what he should say to this woman [Becky, who quite frankly could double as Eddie's twin] he spills the beans. In a very subtle way he supposes. He doesn't come out, doesn't outright tell Steve he loves him, but as he's telling Steve what to say to his future fiancé, he's letting his emotions come out like word vomit, only wishing Steve knew he was talking about him.
"I don't know man." Eddie huffs, shuffling uncomfortably in his chair, eyes avoiding Steve's as he contemplates his words.
But it's hardly more than a few seconds before they come tumbling out, Eddie sucking in shaky breath before he stares into the carpet and begins to speak, "Tell her she's like sunshine, beautiful and bold and the source of life. That she's like the blood in your veins, forever present in the most beautiful way and the only thing that keeps your heart beating. Tell her that even on the most difficult days that she's the one you want to see, the one you want to hold, the one that makes you take the breath you need and steady your heart when it's beating out of control."
It's a building thing, slowly growing out of control, he can feel his pulse thrumming in his veins and he's beginning to think he might just do something crazy. He pauses for a moment, gauging Steve's expression. He'd gone to get them beer and hasn't bothered to sit back down since Eddie began talking. There's an indecipherable expression on his face and he's stood still, in front of the couch, beers on the coffee table and he's silent, waiting for Eddie to continue.
And you know, if Eddie was a normal man he'd stay in his chair, talk to his friend from an acceptable distance away and not profess his love, but he's not. He's a showman and as his acting skills get the best of him, he's moving, shuffling across the carpet, taking Steve's hand in his own and kneeling before him. Because why not make this a harder interaction for himself. Christ, it nearly feels like the real thing as he looks into Steve's eyes and shuffles the littlest amount closer.
Eddie shudders a breath, taking a single second to appreciate this moment, even if it'll never truly be real and then he continues, "You get down on your goddamn knee Steve Harrington and you say, ' Sweetheart you're the only thing that keeps me alive in this crazy fucked up world. Having you in my arms and my heart keeps me steady and breathing. I've been through some shit, but I'd go through it all again to find you in the end. The blood, the sweat, the tears, nearly fucking dying to be by your side for the rest of my life. I want to grow old with you Darling, I want us to grey and weather together. To find ourselves fifty years from now watching our kids and our grandkids; all the life we've brought into this world. All the love our life together has brought into existence."
Eddie's crying now, because of course he is, he's confessing his love to someone he knows will never hold the same emotions for him, but through a watery laugh and a sniffle he carries on, tightening his grip on Steve's hands.
"I want you in this lifetime and the next, in any way that you'll have me. I can't bear the thought of a single day without you let alone an entire lifetime. I'll find you, I promise I will Sweetheart, but for this lifetime, I ask that you spend the remainder of it with me."
It's cheesy, he knows, but it seems to take effect because as he looks into the eyes of the man above him he sees the swell of tears gathering along thick dark lashes.
The room's suddenly silent, save for the pounding of Eddie's pulse in his ears and the hope that Steve didn't see through his actions or words. That all he saw was his rather expressive friend acting out as per usual.
But a tear finally escapes and rolls down Steve's tanned cheek and a rather aggressive sob breaks past his lips.
Eddie's to his feet in seconds pulling Steve to his chest, one arm firmly around his waist while another wraps around his shoulders and cradles a head of mousy hair as close as he can. Steve's sobbing, short shaky breaths and surely there's snot and tears staining Eddie's shirt, but it's not like he can say much, what with silent tears streaming down his own cheeks and dripping to Steve's hair.
Steve hiccups around a sob, voice shaky and muffled against Eddie's shoulder, "I can't do this."
God, that's not what Eddie wanted to do, he didn't mean to scare Steve away from his impending engagement. No matter how much he wished it was him. He loves Steve, but if he can't have him, he just wants him to be happy. He deserves happiness. He deserves love.
Even if it's not with him.
Eddie cards his fingers soothingly through Steve's hair as he speaks, "Yes you can. I know you can. Steve, you love her, you're just scared. You can do this."
Another sob heaves against Eddie's chest while Steve continues to shake in his arms, "I can't Eddie."
"Why not Sweetheart?"
Steve's knees give out as a pained nose escapes his throat, dropping to the floor, taking Eddie with him, he doesn't answer, only continues to cry and burrow into Eddie's chest upon settling into their new position on the ground.
He's verging on a panic attack, Eddie knows this, he's seen it many times before. The way Steve's fists clench in his shirt and his breaths are short and sudden, gasping for air that's not filling his lungs, he's flushed white and Eddie knows it's only a matter of time before he gets sick.
"Stevie, come on, you gotta settle down. I'm sorry if I said anything wrong, I didn't mean to if I did. We can talk about it later. But right now you just gotta breathe for me okay." Eddie grabs Steve's hand, tight fist and all and holds it against his chest, allowing Steve to feel his steady breaths, "Breathe in with me, come on Big Guy. Take a deep breath in." Eddie takes a large lungful and holds it for a second, waiting for Steve to do the same and even though it's shaky and raspy he manages.
They repeat this process ten times over, Steve's head and hand now resting against Eddie's chest, their backs to the couch, the rooms fallen silent enough that only muffled sniffles are audible aside from the hum of electricity and the joyous screams of children outside.
After a moment, Steve wiggles himself closer, if even possible and again states, "Eddie, I can't do this."
He's not quite sure how to answer, really. Should he push or should he allow Steve to call off the engagement before it even happens. Lord knows where his own wishes lie. "You wanna tell me why you think you can't do this?"
Steve's breathing picks up again, but before he can reach hysterics Eddie's fingers card through his hair and he soothes Steve back to baseline.
"You," Steve whispers after quite some time of Eddie waiting for a response. It's a quiet thing, Eddie wouldn't have even heard it if he wasn't intentionally listening for Steve to say something.
It's a pain in the chest to know he may be the reason for Steve not to propose, sure he wished it wouldn't happen, but not like this. For him to say something so stupid that makes Steve call the whole thing off, "I'm sorry if I-"
He doesn't have time to finish his sentence before Steve's speaking, "No, not like that, you have nothing to be sorry for Eds. Its just- fuck- I wish I could tell you."
Combing his fingers through Steve's hair, Eddie reassures, "Steve, you can tell me. Please. I want to help."
Steve shakes his head, wrapping an arm tight around Eddie's waist, tucking his head in close, "It's nothing you can help with Eddie."
Nosing against the side of Steve's head, hair tickling his nose, Eddie whispers, soft, gentle, scared to frighten Steve off, "Try me."
And then it's silent. Dead quiet and for quite a long while. He knows Steve will answer, he knows he's just gathering his words, sorting things out before he speaks. It's obviously something big, something important to have warranted such a reaction from such a strong man.
It's with a sudden movement that Steve's sitting upright, turning to face Eddie with the appearance of confidence and sheer fear on his face. He looks fucking terrified. Working his jaw, eyes darting all over Eddie's face before he finally settles on his eyes and speaks, "I love you, okay." The words are far from gentle, they're sharp, rushed, sudden, like if he didn't get them out they'd burn a hole in his throat, but before Eddie has a second to even process those few words, Steve's barreling on.
"And when you were down on your knee infront of me, I wanted nothing more than for that to be the real thing, for those words to actually be directed towards me because I love you so fucking much it hurts. And I get it, I do. I know you're straight and we can never be a thing or really even get married but Eds, fuck, I love you so much and I can't marry Becky knowing I feel that way about you. I was going to try because I knew this could ne-"
He knows what Steve was meaning to say, but Eddie had to cut him off before those words could be spoken into existence because they're wrong. It can happen. Holy fucking Christ, Steve's loves him. It can all happen.
"I love you too," he says with such haste, taking Steve's face into his hands as he speaks with so much passion it nearly hurts, "-so much."
Cheeks squished in Eddie's grasp, Steve's eyes begin to well with tears once again, but now, now a smile is fighting its way to his lips, only growing with utter disbelief as Eddie quietly says, "and I meant every word of it. Every fucking word Sweetheart."
Steve's eyes search Eddie's own for only half a second before their lips crash together. It's a feverish thing, years of pent up love and need crammed into a single embrace, but their lips move as if they've met a million times before. And maybe they have. Maybe through the thousands of years this little rock in space has been turning, they've never left one another's side. Maybe they do find each other in every lifetime. Maybe they fall in love against all odds. Maybe this lifetime is no different.
Many Years Later
Turns out, it's not different at all.
When the time comes, so does the real proposal. It's been planned for years and when word of legalisation reaches Eddie's ears he's running to Steve. Dashing through streets, shouldering past strangers and dropping with a painful thud to the hardwood of Steve's office floor. In those few short moments to follow, the life he wished to have so many years ago becomes a reality.
Steve's his fiancé.
Soon to be his husband.
In this lifetime and the next.
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pepsiconcoction · 5 months
hi hi, i enjoy reading your content so much that I wanted to make a request! A Lee Know Fluff inspired by this song “Take A Chance With Me” by NIKI. It can literally be a drabble, one shot, series or whatever pleases you! thanks again <3
hi i'm so sorry i disappeared for like, so long? idk honestly, so i have no idea when you posted this, or if you even still want it lol. i finally have some free time AND i'm feeling creative again so that's fun! anyways hope you like this, i did it in like an hour and a half and its barely proofread, i hope u love it tho <3
Take A Chance With Me - Lee Know x Reader
pairing: Lee Know x gn!Reader
tags: non-idol AU, fluff, tiny amount of angst if you squint?, lee know is a goofy guy i guess
wc: 891
Being in love with Minho was hard. Unfortunately, it was a hardship you had been dealing with for a while now. He was everything to you, your best friend, your soulmate even, although he would always say that soulmates don’t actually call each other that.
The moment you finally realised you were in love with Lee Minho, the two of you were nursing hangovers, a bowl of sundaeguk steaming your face. You had both finally graduated from University, the same place you had met almost 4 years ago. He had finally introduced himself to you after sitting next to you every Tuesday at 9am, after the professor had introduced the fact that group work was required for a project. You hadn’t even heard him speak up until that point, you were kinda beginning to think that was a figment of your imagination until he spoke. 
A year later he told you that he decided to sit next to you because you were the first person who seemed ‘normal’ when he first entered and looked around the room. This confession, of course, had the two of you in fits of giggles at how neither of you turned out to be normal. You had realised you both shared a passion for dance despite your degree studying computer science and had even attended each other's dance showcases and competitions, watching him dance was like nothing else. The way he moved with such practiced precision was so captivating, that it was almost impossible to ever look away.
Beyond that, he was the kindest person you knew. He cared in ways that you had never expected of him. When your boyfriend cheated on you in the summer between years 2 and 3, he showed up to your apartment with kind words and snacks, and he did your dishes for you and even ironed your shirt for work the next day so that you could cry.
Back to the sundaeguk. It was still steaming.
The glint in his eye as he threw his head back giggling at some stupid joke you made you realise. It made you realise a lot of things actually. 
“What happens now?” you ask.
“I don’t know about you but I’m gonna eat this,” he says pointing at his bowl with the chopsticks in his hand.
“No, I mean, now that we’ve graduated.”
He stops mid sausage-to-mouth and blinks at you. 
“We get… jobs, I guess.” The sausage reaches his mouth. You laugh. You let the moment pass.
A month later you’re at a party, he asked you to be his plus one to the after-party of one of his dance shows and you’re talking to one of the other members of the choreography team. She tells you how Minho talks about you and has such admiration for you. When Minho waves at you from across the room, she asks you how you’re not dating. You manage to ramble off something about just being close friends but even you don’t fully believe it. You don’t want this night to end the way it always did. He walks you home, you hold his arm, you let go, and you both say good night. 
You watch him from across the room, the room blaring with music, the sound of voices almost competing. He’s beautiful, you know that, everyone who has ever met him knows that. He’s talking to a friend, one you vaguely recognise, and you feel a pang in your chest, a feeling of impending doom. There’s a fear in your heart that something will take him from you, a job, a person, you don’t know, but you need him to stay with you. You need him.
You finish the drink in your hand and put the empty glass back on the table. You excuse yourself from the group and walk over to him. He notices you and his smile grows wide. 
“Hey! I was just talking about you.” He’s grinning as he says it.
“Only good things I hope.” You raise your eyebrows.
“Of course.”
“Can I talk to you for a second?” you turn a little more serious for a moment. He excuses himself from his friend and the two of you walk outside into the quiet of the night, the cool summer air refreshing.
“Are you okay?” he asks, a hint of concern showing in his eyes.
“Yeah, I was just thinking about things.” you sigh.
“Oh, that’s never good.” 
“I was thinking about you, dumbass.” You roll your eyes.
“Okay, now I’m interested,” he smirks.
You pause as you look at him. You spare a moment thinking of what to say, and how he’ll react, will he accept or reject you? You don’t know. The only thing you do know is Lee Minho, you know him as if you are him, as if you’re connected somehow. You feel like this is already written for you.
“I love you,” you say. He blinks.
“I love you too.”
“No, like, I love you Minho. More than just besties.”
“But if we date, who will be my bestie?” Of course, he jokes. Of course, you laugh.
“You’d have to find a new one.” You giggle.
“Well, looks like I’ll have to get started then.” He leans into you. “I wasn’t kidding,” he says in a softer, quieter voice. “I do love you.”
Being in love with Minho was suddenly so easy, but it always was.
taglist: @lethallyprotected @lieslab @jeyelleohe @lilykatelyn-blog @mimiibear @jisungfanpage47 send me an ask if you want to be added!!
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rafesgoldrings · 1 year
lust for life💋: omggg i’m kind of so excited for this soooo i’m thinking bestfriend!rafe and reader with these prompts:
“say, what’s that on your mind? is it me” (40)
“kiss me” (16)
“where do you want me, darling?” (25)
lastly, “does doing these kinds of things make us friends with benefits?”
congratulations on the 1k baby i’m so proud of youuu! you are such an amazing writer, i’m literally so speechless each and everytime I see your writing! <3
Kiss Me R.C
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Babe I love this so much! And thank you🥺 you were one of the first people to consistently pop into my notifs and be so supportive of everything I write so thank you for that, genuinely one of the kindest people i’ve met🫶🏻😚 I adore you (also kind of changing up the wording on one of these prompts just to make it fit a bit better)
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Having feelings for someone who you know doesn’t feel the same is hard enough. You have to watch them flirt with other people, watch them go on dates, live their love life with someone who’s not you. When that person is your best friend who you’ve known since childhood, one who you see all the time? It makes it way harder to deal with, he tells you the details of every date, how pretty this girl is, how he really can see a future with her, and you have to put on a supportive front and give him the best advice you can while your heart breaks. That’s exactly what’s happening with you and Rafe, you’ve been in love with him since you were younger.
He started talking to a new girl and had told you all about her, how she made him happy and they had been on a few dates. They planned for more, he really thought they could take this to the next level and start dating. You distance yourself from that point, choosing to find comfort in liquor bottles and rolled up joins. The parties you once hated going to become your new best friend over the next few weeks, Rafe was confused as to why his best friend since childhood seemingly wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Topper and Kelce tell him they’ve seen you at the parties a lot more, drinking more than you can handle and going home with whatever guy you find, and he knows something is wrong. He decides he’s going to confront you when he sees you post on your story, drunk and high off your ass while some guy grabs all over you.
You’re sitting on your couch trying to get over the terrible hangover you had. You took some medicine about an hour ago and it was finally starting to kick in, and then you hear a knock on the door. Your face scrunches in confusion because nobody was supposed to be here, but you get up and walk to the door anyway. Your heart sinks when you see it’s Rafe standing at the door and hesitantly open it.
“Can we talk?” he asks, desperation evident in his voice.
You think for a minute, knowing you need to talk to him and get it out of the way regardless of the outcome. You open your door wider and let him in, closing the door and going to sit on the couch next to him.
“What’s going on with you huh? One minute we’re best friends and the next you’re leaving me high and dry, I have to find out from Top and Kelce that you’re at all these parties getting high and drunk off your ass. You’re hooking up with all these guys and posting about it while ignoring my texts” he’s angry and that makes you angry. He’s allowed to hookup with whoever but you’re not?
“What do you care? You have what’s her fucking name, the new bitch you’re talking to. What does it matter if i’m hooking up with guys? Don’t worry about me.” you glare at him with storms in your eyes, nostrils flaring as your chest rises rapidly.
“I’m always going to worry about you! You’re my best friend a-“
“Stop, stop fucking calling me that. Please just leave” you cut him off, tears threatening to spill. He’s not meaning to, you know that, but he’s crushing your heart with each word.
“Y/N…please. Say what’s on your mind, is it me?” he has a feeling of what’s wrong. If it’s anything like he thinks then he understands. All these girls he’s with are to try and replace you, the girl he’s wanted since he first met you. He thinks there’s no way you’ll want to be with him because you’re just friends, so he keeps quiet and fills the void with girls that will never come close to you.
“I-” now or never, you take a deep breath in “I like you okay? And not just in a best friend way, I want you to talk about me the way you talk about these girls you date. I want you to feel the way about me that I feel about you. I want you to want me the same way I want you. But I know that won’t happen and it’s okay Rafe really, I g-“
“Kiss me” he pleads, eyes staring into yours full of desperation.
“What? What about that girl” you’re confused, clearly you heard him wrong.
“She’s gone, has been for weeks. Now. Kiss. Me” he places his hands on your face and grounds your thoughts.
You waste no time, crashing your lips into his. His hands move from your face to your hips, pulling you to straddle his lap. You mentally smack yourself when you realize you’re only wearing one of his t shirts and some panties, but fuck did it feel good. Instinctually, you begin grinding down agasint him, feeling his cock harden under you, and let out a small whimper. He pulls away to check if you’re okay and mutters out a small ‘fuck’ when he looks at you. Your lips are swollen, eyes black with lust and lids hooded as you whine.
“You’re so fucking beautiful baby” his hand moves to swipe at your cheek one, trailing it down your face and to your neck before gently squeezing.
“Rafe, I want you to fuck me” he almost doesn’t hear you, almost.
“Where do you want me darling?” he rests his forehead against yours, bringing his other hand the the other side of your neck to cradle it.
“My uh, you know” suddenly a wave of embarrassment flooded you. Scared you’d say the wrong thing and he’d leave realizing this was a mistake.
“Say it. Please say it” he was desperate, rolling his lips against your clothes cunt.
“In my pussy. Want you in my pussy” you whimper out, eyes fluttering closed at the friction on your clit.
You hear him mumble something before you’re suddenly being picked up and carried to your bedroom, your back softly colliding with your matters as he hovers over you. He kisses your lips gently, pulling away and just looking at you. Eyes full of lust and love as he moves to pull his top off, you give him the okay and he does the same to you, muttering about how perfect you were when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra. His head dips down to kiss your tits, taking your nipple into his mouth and circling it with his tongue before doing the same to the other.
“Rafe, please just fuck me” you needed him right now, desperate for him to make you his in every way.
He pulled your panties down and removes his pants and boxers, reaching into his pocket and grabbing a condom. He opens the packet before pulling the condom out and rolling it onto his cock, discarding the packet into the floor and lining the tip of his cock up with your dripping hole.
“Are you sure you want this baby?” he wants to make sure before he does this, you nod your head and pull him into a kiss. He pushes into you, going slow to let you adjust to his size. You let out a cry and he stops to check on you.
“I’m okay, you’re just so big. Not u-used to it” you stutter out, nails digging into his biceps. He keeps pushing into you until his cock is fully inside you, dropping his head to the crook of your neck and letting out a loud groan.
“Feel so good around my cock, so fucking tight” he doesn’t make any efforts to move until you give him the go ahead.
“You can move now, make me yours” that seems to flip a switch inside of him, he begins thrusting into you at a pace that’s not quite gentle but also not rough. You cry out in pleasure as tears slip from the corners of your eyes, his hair hanging down and brushing against your face as he keeps himself hovered over you. His strong arms are on both sides of your head, nails gripping onto his back and leaving scratch marks as he slams into you all the way over and over again.
His lips are roaming every inch of your body that they can, small moans filling the room. You feel yourself getting close to climax and pull him into a kiss that turns out more sloppy than you planned. It’s full of passion, years of unsaid feelings finally coming to the surface.
“I-oh fuck- i’m close” you break the kiss, brows scrunched together and head falling back into the mattress as your mouth falls open. The pretty sounds you’re making bring him close to the edge as well, loud grunts and groans escaping his lips as his thrusts become rougher.
“I am too baby, fuck you’re gripping me so tight” the both of you coming undone at the same time, a string of moans and curse words echoing off the walls. Your body arched as his hips faltered in movement, his lips capturing yours as your orgasms washed over you.
When the both of you managed to come down from the rush, he pulls out of you and removes the condom, discarding it in your trash can. He walks to your bathroom and grabs a cloth, wiping you off before doing the same to himself and throwing the rag in your clothes hamper.
You feel the bed dip beside you and his arms wrap around you, pulling your back to his front. Neither of you say anything, just wanting to enjoy the moment.
“So….does doing these kinds of things make us friends with benefits?” you know from his tone that he has that stupid grin on his face that he always did when teasing you. You reach your hand back and smack his head with a small laugh.
“Oh shut up” you hear him mumble a small ‘ow, it was just a question jeez’ and smile to yourself, shaking your head.
“Okay okay, if it doesn’t make us friends with benefits…that must make us boyfriend and girlfriend yeah?” you turn around so you were facing him, he had a small smirk on his face and you had a small grin on yours. Your eyes meet his and he places his forehead against yours.
“I guess it does” his face breaks out in a large smile, pulling you into another kiss. His nose nudges against yours when he pulls away, wrapping his arms around you and holding you against his chest. He finally got his girl, nothing would ever beat what he was feeling right now.
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whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim #52: Trust
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: kidnapping, rescue, comfort, vampire whumpee / caretaker / whumper, whumper turned whumpee turned caretaker, caretaker turned whumpee, begging, humans as livestock, mild classism?
Whumpmas in July Day 12: Search & Rescue
here it is! i've been trying to write this one since literally april, sorry it took so long. i imagine the present arc as divided into 3 parts.
this is the finale of part 1!
It had been six months since Jim brought him home, and Kane was fully on a human schedule. He'd gotten into human music as well, with Jim bringing home new CDs for him on a regular basis. He liked to listen to them before bed, after Jim had locked him back downstairs and the sun had set. He would take notes on the music, his hand no longer shaking with weakness. And when he was done and the basement he'd come to think of as home was silent again, he would drift off to sleep. Plagued often with nightmares, but he always knew that he'd wake up safe and unharmed.
A quiet, peaceful life. Kane got a shallow bowl of fresh blood each day, Jim never hurt him, and he had his own little space with possessions of both need and want. He didn't care that he was a prisoner, that the now-fixed door bolted shut each night, that he was made to wear chains upstairs, that he couldn't leave if he wanted to. He was safe. He was happy, something he never thought he would be again.
So it was all the more worrying when his quiet night was interrupted by the screech of tires and the sound of someone's frantic struggling with the front door.
Kane got up from his desk and went to bed immediately, wrapping himself up in his blanket as his mind raced with possibilities. The hunters, always his first fear. It made no sense, they'd handed him over to Jim willingly, but he couldn't stop picturing it. His tormentors coming to snatch him away from his new, peaceful life, where he didn't hurt anybody and nobody hurt him, bringing him back to that horrible place where there was only pain. He shuddered at the thought.
The front door clicked open upstairs, the right key finally inserted. "Jim!" Liz's familiar voice cried.
Kane allowed himself to relax, somewhat. Yes, a hunter, but one who he knew by now wouldn't hurt him without cause. He could never bring himself to feel fully comfortable around her, but she hadn't harmed him yet. And if he kept being good, maybe she wouldn't ever.
Jim's footsteps came quickly, and though Kane couldn't make out the exact words of their conversation after Liz's initial shout, he could tell it wasn't good. She was crying, he was pretty sure.
Kane slowly got out of bed, concerned. Something was wrong, that much was obvious, but he was locked in the basement, and there was nothing he could do. He crept over to the stairs, but didn't climb them, unwilling to get closer to the silver door.
"They took Laken!" Liz sobbed. "They're gone!"
Kane felt his heart drop into his stomach. There was only one thing Liz could have meant by that, only one they she could have been talking about. The relief he would always feel when one of the more sadistic hunters never came back, his gratitude that vampire hunting was such a dangerous job, come back twisted and cruel. The kindest hunter he'd ever met had been taken.
He imagined Laken, always sweet and friendly, Laken who fed him with their own blood as his birthday present, alone and scared and in pain. Shipped off to the blood farms, or kept as someone's personal blood source, their mind stolen from them over and over until persuasion erased their warm, loving personality entirely.
Tears sprung to his eyes at the thought. He couldn't breathe all of a sudden, Liz's sobs perfectly encapsulating his own roaring despair. His head fell into his hands as he cried along with her, sitting on the bottom step. Laken was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Wasn't there?
Kane picked his tear-streaked face up as the gears started to turn. He stood and knocked on the wall, unable to touch the door itself. "Hello?"
"Kane, man, just- not right now, okay? Go back to bed," Jim called, voice choked up.
A direct order. Jim hardly ever gave those. Kane scurried obediently back to bed, listening to the humans cry.
It was only a few minutes before he got back up. He was defying orders, now. He hadn't defied orders in years, hadn't ever defied one of Jim's, not since coming here. His legs felt like gel, his hands shaking at the prospect. But he had to.
He knocked on the wall again. "Jim?" he asked, wincing preemptively.
The door flew open, revealing Liz: bleeding from a wound on her jaw, her eyes red and puffy from crying, glaring down at him with unrepentant disdain. Stakes and nasty silver weapons still hung from her belt.
"What? What could you possibly want?" she snapped, her voice breaking.
Kane took a few steps back, heart pounding as he stared at her weapons. He'd disobeyed, and now the hunter was angry with him. He knew all-too-well that hunters always got more sadistic after they'd lost one of their own to his kind.
"I- I'm sorry, never mind," he backtracked, cowering away from her.
Jim peered over from behind his sister, wiping his face. "Lizzie-"
Liz paid him no mind, stomping down the stairs. "What? What is so important right now?" she demanded through tears.
Kane felt sick with panic, his safe haven suddenly horribly unsafe. He'd been doing so well, and now it would all be over, pain introduced back into his life. He bumped back against the wall, no more space for him to put between himself and the hunter.
"No, no, please!" he begged, holding his hands up defensively. "I'm sorry! I'll stop, please don't hurt me!"
"Liz?" Jim came down after her, arms wrapped around himself, looking haunted.
She kept her attention squarely on Kane. "No. I want to know. What?"
He should just make something up, he really should.
But Laken.
"I had an idea." He drew out each word as if to stall, his voice barely above a whisper.
Liz's voice came deadpan, devoid of anything besides resentment. "An idea."
Kane couldn't bear to look at her. He looked past, at Jim. Jim who had never hurt him, who had assured him over and over again that he was safe here. "I could- if you allow it, I could go over and try to bring Laken back?" he squeaked.
Liz pounded her fist against the wall next to him, making Kane yelp and duck for cover. Jim winced at the sound.
"Are you fucking serious!?" she shouted, her features contorted with fury. "Now? You're using this to try and escape, now of all times? What, so you can go join the party and take a human too?"
He cowered on the floor, breaths coming quick, like he couldn't get enough air. He knew this would be a mistake. "N-no, that's not what I meant! I'm sorry!"
Jim approached slowly, stepping past his sister despite his apparent fear. "Kane, you can get up. It's okay," he said softly, eyes distant.
"It's not okay! Nothing is fucking okay!" Liz screamed. She kicked the desk hard, and both men flinched. She sobbed and kicked it again, shaking.
Jim uncurled his arms from himself. "Kane. Look at me."
Another direct order. Kane looked up.
He had never seen Jim so serious. "Do you really mean it?"
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up, I really didn't mean anything bad by it, I'll-"
"Did you mean it?" Jim repeated. "You could get them back?"
Kane knew he should be begging for mercy right now. The last thing he should do was double down. But... it was Jim. Jim was safe.
"I don't know," he admitted. "I would need more information." He glanced briefly at Liz, still sobbing brokenly, before looking back to Jim. "I'd need at least a description of who took them. I'm sorry. Please- I was just trying to help." He wrung his hands anxiously. "I care about Laken, too."
Jim stared at him long and hard. "I've really tried to help you, you know that, right? Make life here not suck."
"I know." It was the one constant in Kane's new life. Even when he got scared and panicked, he knew Jim would make it better, help him calm down. "I would do anything to make it up to you. If you let me go- I would try my best to find them, and I'd come back either way. I'd go back down in the basement and you could still keep me here. I don't mind. I like it here. Please, I swear I'll come back." He stood up. "Please let me help."
Liz was paying attention again, but the fury had faded. "What's in it for you?"
"I just want to help." Kane had nothing more than that. He had no way to prove himself. All he had was his word, and given what he'd done, his hopes that they would believe it were slim.
The Liebermans shared a glance.
"I think he really means it," Jim offered.
Kane couldn't believe this was happening. Jim actually believed him.
Liz sighed wearily. "It was two of 'em. They were wearing the same clothes, like a uniform."
"Blood farms," Kane realized. That was good- it would be a lot easier to get them from one of those than someone's house, and there would be a lot fewer places to check. "I mean- a blood processing facility. I can find them. There's only so many of them nearby."
That broke her. For once, Liz looked at him with something other than poorly disguised hatred or the bare minimum of tolerance- she looked hopeful. "Please bring them back to me. I can't lose them," she pleaded.
It was surreal. A hunter had never begged him for anything before.
"I will," he promised. "Jim, could I borrow a suit?"
Kane was ready. Jim only had one suit, and it didn't fit him quite right: Jim was a few inches taller than him, and while Kane had made a lot of progress in the past five months, he still hadn't completely recovered from his years of starvation. But it would have to do. He looked more like his old self than he ever had, now.
He stepped into the front doorframe. He was outside, at night, fully fed and able to run. He'd never thought this would happen again.
"I'll see you soon. With Laken," he promised, determined. He put his hand forward.
Jim nodded. "Alright. You just- yeah." He shook Kane's hand, like they were making a deal, one Kane would be sure to honor. "Stay safe out there."
"I radioed base and let them know what's going on, so you shouldn't run into trouble with any hunters as long as you stay in our district on the way to the border," Liz added. "Straight shot."
The thought that every hunter in a 100-mile radius knew where he was and what he was doing was horrifying, but this meant he had permission. This was safer, he told himself. "Thank you."
And with that, he ran off into the night.
Kane hadn't run like this in years, hadn't even been physically able to until recently. There were no chains binding his ankles, not the hunters' cruel burning ones or Jim's soft padded ones. There was no weight of starvation sucking the muscle out of his body and the energy out of his stride. He ran faster and faster, and he would have laughed gleefully into the cool October air if he weren't so worried about Laken. Even the fact of being free brought fear- Jim wasn't here to protect him if something happened.
Despite his nerves, he crossed into vampire territory without issue. Like it was easy. Like it wasn't something that had been an unattainable fantasy just months ago.
It was only about two hours before he made his way to civilization. He slowed as he got to town, got to people- it was the middle of the night, and the streets were full of vampires, like him. He didn't have to hide. He didn't have to be afraid. He stopped for a few minutes and just watched, mesmerized. He hadn't seen more than Jim, Liz, and Laken since Jim rescued him, hadn't seen another vampire in so long-
"Doesn't that guy look like Kane de Sang?" a woman whispered to her friend, a hand shielding her mouth like that would prevent her from being heard.
"Stop reading tabloids. He's dead," her friend reminded her with a roll of her eyes.
Right. Father was a very public figure, his death must have made the news. He couldn't deal with this right now. He had to find Laken.
Kane hustled away. He almost went into a store to buy a map, before he remembered that he had no money. It was a strange feeling, not having any money, one he'd never experienced before. Technically he hadn't had any money since his capture, but he hadn't been in a position to buy anything either, so it hadn't come up. But now, he really could use some.
His bank accounts would be closed, of course. Not only did he have no money, he had no ID. He felt like one of those older vampires who complained that everything required paperwork these days, like Father.
That was one way he could solve things, he supposed. He could go home to Father. The thought of confronting him with the fact that he'd been held captive by humans all this time was unbelievably unappealing, but he would of course do it if that would help him save Laken. Though, his father would surely put a stop to any plans for him to take a human from the blood farms, no matter what excuse he used, naming it an embarrassment to the family. Nobles were supposed to catch their own prey, demonstrate their superiority.
But those women had mentioned a tabloid. That would mean his face was known, wouldn't it?
Kane ran a hand over his cheek, hardly even sunken anymore.
He was Kane de Sang. He just had to act like it.
It took him a while to find the closest blood farm, the one most likely to have Laken, but he found himself there eventually. He strutted in like he owned the place. Confident and assured, everything he used to be and wasn't anymore.
The blood processing facility was not a customer service establishment, and there was no obvious place to go to find someone to talk to. He approached a man carrying buckets of human food, foul-smelling as always. Cereal, he was able to recognize one as, after months of sitting with Jim as he ate his meals. The other contained some sort of organ meat he couldn't place, aside from the fact that it thankfully didn't smell human. Jim didn't eat meat anymore, said he'd stopped sometime after his escape.
"Excuse me, I need to speak to a manager?" His first words to another vampire in years.
The man eyed him up and down. "Yeah, place is too spread out for you business-types. They really should put some signs up. Follow me."
"Thank you." He definitely wasn't acting like his old self. The old Kane de Sang wasn't polite to commoners. But after years of having politeness drilled into him, it was hard to stop, and he saw no reason to.
The man took him to an office, Kane thanked him again, and it was over. He wanted to take the man's hands and weep, tell him how he was the first vampire he'd spoken to in years upon years, but he couldn't do that. He just watched him walk away to deliver the food to captive humans.
Right. Captive. Everyone in this place was keeping defenseless humans captive. They'd likely taken Laken, and even if they hadn't and Laken was at a different facility, they'd taken so many more.
He knocked on the office door twice before pushing it open. A normal office, an environment Kane was more familiar with.
"Hm?" An older man, clearly a manager, looked up from his desk.
"Ah, yes, I'd been told you're the manager? Kane de Sang," he introduced himself.
The manager raised an eyebrow. "Like the dead noble?"
"Like the living noble," Kane corrected. "I've been living off the grid, as they say."
The manager squinted at him, shock slowly dawning on his face. Perfect: he was recognizable enough to be believed. He wouldn't have to involve Father.
"I see. And what can I do for you, Mr. de Sang?"
"I believe a couple of your employees accidentally snatched up my escaped human." It was a lie that would have been completely unbelievable for anyone else except for him, given his lack of persuasion. "It wouldn't be hard to find mine, one with blue hair, just brought in earlier tonight?" It was possible that Laken could be at a different facility, but this one was so close to where they'd been captured that Kane was almost certain it was this one.
"I'm afraid I can't help you, Mr. de Sang," the manager said. "All of our humans are sourced directly from human territory. If you lost track of your human so much that it was willing to make it back there... well, a human belongs to whoever's taken it over the border."
There was no way a commoner would speak like that to any other noble besides him. The old anger rose up in him, like being back in vampire territory had allowed his old self to come crawling out of where Kane had buried him. He almost went to push away the bubbling rage, but...
He didn't need to anymore. He wasn't in danger. He was in vampire territory, and this man was keeping Laken away from him. Keeping Laken captive, hurt and scared-
Kane slammed his hand on the desk. "You will return my human at once!" he shouted.
He winced at his own outburst, visions of punishments flashing through his mind, eyes wild with fury and terror. Still, he did not stop. "Or I will do everything in my power to ruin you, through means legal or otherwise. I am not leaving without my human."
The manager seemed to mull over the idea before deciding that dealing with Kane was far more irritating than losing one human. He sighed, standing up. "Very well. Follow me."
Kane pulled his hand back, trembling. He should be punished for that. The hunters would have a field day with him if they knew how he'd acted out. Though, he doubted they'd care that he was disrespectful toward a fellow vampire.
"Yes, sir," he said on instinct.
The manager didn't seem to take it as unordinary, nodding and leading him to where the humans were stored. Kane followed along, bewildered it'd been that easy. They passed hundreds and hundreds of humans with dazed eyes and gone minds, packed into livestock pens. He was just glad they were too far-gone from persuasion exposure to feel anything at all.
Past that were closed rooms. Kane could hear someone shouting expletives behind one of the doors, like he had when he'd first been captured, and someone crying behind another, like him in all the years after. But he couldn't do anything about that: he had to focus on Laken.
"We keep the new captures in isolation," the manager explained, briefly peeking through small peepholes in the doors.
Kane remembered how Jim was when he first brought him home, a defiant teenager who hadn't yet learned fear. "That makes sense."
At last, the manager stopped in front of one of the doors, satisfied with what he'd seen through the peephole. "Blue hair, brand-new capture. This one was reported as a hunter, though, so probably not yours. I can-"
Kane practically leapt at the doorknob. "No, this one's mine! This is my human, you must be mistaken! Open the door!"
The manager sighed again, but obliged, unlocking it.
And there they were.
Laken sat huddled in the corner inside, just like Kane had been in his cell, stripped of their hunting tools. They were in bad shape: it was obvious they'd put up a fight before being taken. Their shirt was torn in a huge gash at the side, blood staining the edges, though Kane could smell that they weren't bleeding anymore. They clutched their arm to their chest defensively, like it was hurt, and looked up at him with fear in their eyes.
But he couldn't comfort them yet. "This is my human," he insisted.
"Kane?" Laken asked, voice drenched in fear and betrayal.
It broke his heart to see Laken so terrified. Of him, at that. They either didn't realize what his plan was, or... didn't think him morally capable of coming to their rescue, after everything they must have heard from Jim about what he'd been like in vampire territory.
"Huh. I guess this is your human. Up you get, then." The manager waved them over.
Laken slid up the wall and shuffled over, shaking.
Kane scooped them into his arms, careful to avoid aggravating their injuries. Laken was bigger than him, but far weaker, he realized. He was strong now. He'd been strong for a long time, ever since Jim started feeding him. He just felt so consistently vulnerable that it hadn't really sunk in until now.
Laken didn't resist, the fact of their helplessness equally obvious to them.
"Thank you," Kane told the manager, curt. He turned and hasted toward the exit, relieved it had gone so smoothly.
As soon as they got out, he opened his mouth to start explaining, but Laken beat him to it.
"Kane? Buddy?" Their voice was too strained to sound natural as they peered up at him with nervous eyes. "We're friends, right? Remember when we did your birthday together? Listen, if it's my blood, you can have some! That's fine! I just-"
Kane hugged them close. "I'm here to rescue you," he choked out, trying not to cry. "It's okay. You're safe now."
He felt Laken untense all at once. "Oh, thank fucking god. I totally thought..." They laughed giddily, wiping their tears away with their good arm, but more came anyway. "Dude, you're a lifesaver. Like, literally."
"I'm- I'm trying to be good. I want to be better." Not just well-behaved. Good.
"Well, you're being pretty damn good to me right now." Laken reclined in his arms. "Hey, how fast can you get going? Those assholes who took me were pretty fast, and they didn't even seem like they were trying all that hard. What's, like, the fastest you can get?"
Kane burst into a grin. "You want to find out?"
He could tell it wasn't as fast as he'd ever gone. Kane was still in the process of recovering all the muscle he'd lost during his captivity, and though his speed was still at least forty miles per hour if he had to guess, it wasn't top-level for a vampire. Still, Laken seemed impressed, so he took it as a win.
Liz was waiting on Jim's porch, Jim just inside, talking to her through the window. As soon as he set Laken down, they ran at Liz, but not as fast as she ran at them. They met in the middle with such force that Laken cried out in pain, but neither stopped, wrapping each other in a tight embrace.
"I thought you were gone!" Liz wept. "You were gone, they took you!"
Laken laughed, alight with joy. "Can't get rid of me that easy."
Jim opened the front door, and almost took a step out onto the porch, but hesitated, obviously frightened by the night's events.
Kane scampered up to him. "I came back. Just like I said," he reported, grinning.
"You really did. Huh." Jim stared at him like he'd never seen him before.
"And- and now you know. You know I'd always come back. And if anyone ever tried to take you, I'd bring you back, too. Just like how I saved Laken." Quieter, he added, "Just like how you saved me."
Jim smiled at that, finally finding the courage to step onto the porch. He nudged Kane's shoulder. "Right back at you."
Kane beamed. Jim had promised him he was safe from the hunters over and over, but it felt different this time. Not an attempted comfort during an episode of panic, but mutually-assured protection. There was something to it that felt stronger, more real. A bond.
"I'm gonna take Laken to the hospital!" Liz called back. "And hey, Kane? Thank you."
A thank-you from Liz was almost as precious as the fact that she was trusting him unrestrained, alone with Jim, at night. She still wore her hunting gear, but she felt less scary for once.
He nodded back at her. "Any time."
"See you guys!" Laken gave them finger-guns, punctuated with an "Ow," when they moved their injured arm wrong.
Liz laughed and helped them into her truck, leaving him alone with Jim.
"I'll go back in the basement," Kane promised. "Just like before. Nothing has to change."
Jim blinked with disbelief. "Are you kidding me? Kane, I'm not gonna keep you locked up anymore. I'm not saying I'd never be scared around you again, but... you're not a prisoner anymore."
Kane should feel happy about that, shouldn't he? That's what he'd wanted for so long, trapped in his cell back with the hunters.
Why did it make his stomach turn with dread?
"Um, I don't-"
"I mean, there's not enough time left before sunrise for you to get home tonight, especially if you wanna pack first. But you're not trapped in my basement anymore. You're free to go, man. You can head back home tomorrow night if you want."
Kane shuffled his feet awkwardly. "What if I... don't want?"
"Don't... want? You don't want to be free?" Jim asked, baffled.
Tears sprung to Kane's eyes. This was his home, the only home he'd known in years. "I don't want to leave," he whispered.
Jim exhaled a long breath, the smile dropping from his face. He was silent for a moment before taking Kane's hand. "Okay."
"Okay?" he sniffled, fingers curling around Jim's.
"Okay, you can stay. Long as you keep your promise and protect me. Plus you gotta get your own blood now. And I guess-" Jim chuckled, shaking his head. "I guess we can figure it out as we go."
"I can still wear the chains," Kane offered. "So you feel safe."
"Man, fuck the chains." Jim led him inside, kicking the door closed behind him.
Kane went back down to his basement, tucking himself into bed. As the sun crested over the horizon, he fell asleep behind an unlocked, open door.
thank you all for coming with me on 50+ chapters of this journey so far :) i hope you guys like present arc part 2 just as much as you liked part 1! we've got some fun stuff coming up! i know a lot of you have been asking after two things in particular, a kane/bellamy reunion and kane reading jim's book. both of those will be in present arc part 2! as well as a bunch of other fun stuff :)
tune in on saturday for some non-K&J vampire shenanigans, and more K&J (jim recovery arc) on the following tuesday. present arc part 2 will start in august.
taglist in reblog, as usual.
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event: @whumpmasinjuly
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Do you have any Engineer headcanons?👉👈
Engineer Headcanons!
Hi Lone!!! FINALLY got around to writing these!! I hope you enjoy!
I personally think a LOT of the mercs knit. Including Engie. I think he, Sniper, and Demo all knit together. It's mainly comprised of Engie and Demo talking away while Sniper listens. I definitely think Engie likes to do big knitting projects. Like this man has spent months on huge blanket just because he likes devoting MANY hours to any project he starts.
I think Engie collects rocks. It stared because Pyro would always gift Engie cool rocks it found and he just kept them around in a drawer. Then one day Engie found a rock his own and gave it to Pyro. And Pyro started collecting the rocks Engie gave it. So now it's a little back and forth where they collect rocks to gift each other, and now they both have pretty big rock collections.
I think Engineer has a lot of nightmares. Never the same one twice though. They range from just general fears and your typical nightmares to really haunting ones that tend to stick with him. He doesn't know where they come from or why they happen so often but he's become pretty used to dealing with them. Definitely a reason he stays up working late...
Speaking of working late. He has and will continue to pass out at his desk after staying up for days on end. But! Inexplicably, he always wakes up back in his room. He doesn't know HOW he wakes up in his room. He always chalks it up to waking up in a daze and stumbling his way back. After all, none of the mercs seem to know either, or at least, they won't admit to anything...
In the same vein, absolute KING of forgetting to take care of himself. He's just behind Medic and just above Scout in the ranks actually. He gets so focused in on things that he forgets to do those pesky things like, eat...and drink. You know, minor things! He's sure it's no big deal. At least Pyro drops by with snacks to share sometimes.
For the life of me can't headcanon him as JUST a black coffee drinker even though I want to. You can't convince me this man doesn't like flavored coffee creamers. French vanilla, hazelnut, Italian sweet crème, you can't tell me he doesn't enjoy the occasional seasonal flavor. His love of coffee creamers however, does not stop him from brewing an entire pot of black coffee and only drinking that. Likes his coffee all ways.
Okay. Hear me out. This man hates criticism. He can't stand it. And not in an arrogant way, like he doesn't think he's above it by any means. I just think a part of him always takes critism to heart because he's trying his hardest and giving things his all, so sometimes hearing he isn't doing enough or good enough, even in the kindest or most constructive way gets to him.
I think his workshop is actually never necessarily "quiet". I feel like most of the mercs (Scout and Pyro specifically) come and talk his ear off a LOT. Literally telling him about anything and everything because, we'll, he likes to listen to them. Medic has also been known to drop by, but doesn't spend as much time as the other two. But even when he isn't being talked at by someone, he's got music playing, he's humming to himself, I can't imagine him actually ever doing anything in silence.
And that's all I've got for you. Hope you liked them, and sorry they took so long 😭
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eldritch-bf · 4 months
Herbert West identity related headcanons:
ftm (obviously) gay and demi
if he’s 24 in 1985 then he was born in 1961 oof
I’m also using some info from the novelization as canon so he is Canadian and his parents died in a chemical fire in the house when he was 12-13
was forced to take ballet when be was 5-10 (something Jeffry Combs joked about in the commentary from Bride)
his parents were neglectful of him and didn’t really care about him wanting to have short hair or boy clothes plus they chalked it up to his presumably undiagnosed autism
realized he felt weird about the older boy in the foster home (13-18) but didn’t really understand it; mostly he is jealous when girls take away the boy’s attention; closest friend he ever had as they were alone together but Herbert knew he could never act on it so he kept those feelings to himself
he wants sex but only from someone he’s emotionally connected with which itself is rare and at the same time intellectually he considers sex to be debasing, while also being curious about the sensation and knowing the benefits of the chemicals produced during orgasm
this is coupled with the fact that at least before starting T any thought of sex or masturbation made him extremely dysphoric and repulsed so his whole relationship with sex is very complicated
he is deeply repulsed by femininity bc it reminds him of his childhood spend as his agab and the stupid gender norms his parents thrust upon him including dismissing him being a scientist just because he had the wrong parts
he is canonically annoyed by pretty much all sounds and I suspect higher pitched sounds including women’s voices are worse; lower register sounds like thunder and men’s voices can be calming to him
upon moving from Canada to the U.S. as a student at NYU he used his new name on everything and making a clean break from his old identity was a big reason why he picked a different country to study in
hated NYU and the only good thing was it was easy to synthesize testosterone
T made him so fucking horny and also eviscerated his dysphoria; man was cranking it fucking constantly for a year straight and did some of his best work before moving to Switzerland for 3 years
Dr Gruber immediately figured out what his deal was but didn’t say anything and just treated him normal and for that Herbert was extremely devoted to him; Dr Gruber also did his top surgery in Switzerland despite having never done such an operation before
Dr Gruber was the one and only member of his support system the only person who knew everything about him and understood him and accepted him, losing him was a devastating blow and Herbert decided he would keep himself closed off
Also Dr Gruber didn’t have anyone either and adored Herbert and according to the book fucking left Herbert his money when he died which paid for his tuition and moving costs etc
if I didn’t genuinely like the father/son dynamic they have, I would absolutely say he was fucking that old man
So he was cool and clipped to Dan when he first met him and when he moved in trying to keep Dan at arm’s length away but he saw how smart and hardworking Dan was and he knew how difficult it was to conduct this research alone and he desperately wanted the company
and Dan reminded him a lot of the first boy he ever had a crush on and it would give him a certain satisfaction to vicariously have his first crush through Dan yet also knowing that Dan is way better than the idiot teen boy he was in the foster home with who never gave him the time of day; he’s also pleased with the idea of dragging Dan (normal, supposedly heterosexual, law-abiding) down with him; he’s pulling the brightest kindest handsomest hardest working med student out of Miskatonic into his orbit and making Dan’s life revolve around him
literally “look at the bad bitch I pulled by being a little freak” absolute nightmare Herbert West takes personal pleasure in ruining sweaterboy Daniel Cain’s life
the chaos of everything they do is so much more important that when Dan finds out Herbert is trans and gay it doesn’t even phase him.
(Daniel Cain is bisexual and basically decided it was just easier to be pretend to be straight and get a girlfriend so he ignored his feelings for men. But now with Herbert he doesn’t have to.)
he is completely shocked by sex with Dan however despite knowing that Dan is experienced he was not prepared nor was Dan prepared for how awkward yet demanding the virginal Herbert West would be, yelling at him one moment before becoming cock stupid the next
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 months
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“I'll be there to comfort you. I build my world of dreams around you. I'm so glad that I found you…”
“I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love that respects you. Just call my name, and I'll be there…” (“I’ll be there” by Mariah Carey feat. Trey Lorenz)
21 years of my life, I was seeking for comfort in my love for Severus Snape. From the very first moment, when I’ve found this bitter and sarcastic dungeon bat in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone”, it felt like embracing the love of my life. All I wanted, was to care for him…to be there for him. In all my fictions and imaginations, I only tried to make Severus feel loved and cared for by my OC Jules. I devoted my heart and soul to him, no matter how much mockery and disbelief I experienced from others for my dedication.
In these past 21 years of my existence, I had to endure some hardships, which only moulded my character even further into the woman, I am today. Yes, I must admit…on the one hand, I’m a bitter and sarcastic bitch person with suicidal tendencies (well, thank you, ME/CFS, you cruel disease!) and a dark and twisted humour. But on the other hand, I’m still a very caring and loving person with a pathetically weak black little heart. I’m literally the combination of my interpretation of Severus and my OC Jules…with all their flaws and vulnerabilities.
Since I’m struggling with the torturous symptoms of ME/CFS, I’m dependent on other people’s help…which is probably the most challenging thing for me. I’m imprisoned in myself, solely surrounded by darkness and solitude in my room. Suddenly, there are people, who are helping me with my children and my household. There’s my best friend Miri, who’s either forcing me to eat and drink something from time to time…or who’s helping me to wash my hair. She’s also the person in my life, who will always listen to my pathetic complaints about my misery or the latest episode of the “Sevy & Jules Show” in my head. 😅 And straight off the wide universe of the internet, two other idiots lovely human beings slithered into my life…enlightening at least my inner gloominess with their wit, their chaotic energy - which will drive me into madness sooner or later - and their loving presence.
Miri, Magda (@vulnus-sanare) and Richie (@preciousthelmadonna), you are the kindest, most compassionate and undeniably most beautiful souls, I’ve ever met. Without you all, I would have gone insane, already! I’m thanking the universe every single day for allowing me to be your friend…even though I wished, I could repay you for everything tenfold by being a better companion to all of you. Please, believe me, when I’m telling you, that I love you. 🖤🖤🖤
This mesmerising artwork of my OC Jules, who’s taking care of her sleepy husband Severus, was made by the incredibly talented and kind @severus-snaps. My dear, it was a pleasure to witness the process of creating this masterpiece and I enjoyed our nocturnal conversations immensely. I’m glad, that I dared to reach out to you after seeing your work on your blog….and I’m looking forward for our next project, which is already in the making. Thank you for everything! 🥹
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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jackiepackiee · 3 days
𝒟𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝒮𝓁𝒶𝓎𝑒𝓇 𝐻𝒞
𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁! 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝒲/ 𝑀𝓊𝒾𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓇𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝒶𝓃𝑒𝓂𝒾
@zandik-kidnaz request
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It’s not too often that Muichiro sees something he is taken aback by so much he stops
He is the sort of boy who doesn’t look twice, acting at first and not backtracking
Then… he met you
Wings on the back of your head, perfectly entangled with your hair
Soft and bright skin, such kind and gentle eyes
You even had eyes on the back on your hands!
He never before considered beauty to be a factor he cared much more… but wow
You changed his mindset a little
He didn’t for a second think you were a demon
Even with your otherworldly appearance
He knew demons
Their coldness, hunger, and evil eyes
A sort of aura of destruction
But not you
You seemed to brighten up everything you came in contact with, not kill
And he was floored
He follows you around like a puppy, unaware of anything else
Staring at your wings and comparing them to the clouds he sees
He’ll even make paper airplanes the same colors as your wings
If you get closer, he doesn’t ask very many questions
It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s actually the opposite
He doesn’t want to come across as rude he also just don’t mind too much for details
The mist hashira may have a lot to learn, but an angel would definitely help ;)
Sanemi is a man… a complicated man
Even if you are the kindest, and most loving person on earth he won’t immediately be kind to you
It’s not that he doubts your credibility in kind character, he is just like that
He doesn’t want to become to close with anyone
Now… when you first met
He is ashamed to say it, but he did mistake you for a demon
It’s not that he was going to attack, he is just so paranoid
Ready to fight anything and everything
That’s until he really looks at you
A gentle smile that takes your whole face in expression, eyes that seem to comfort him wordlessly and reassure him everything is okay
He freezes… how could one person be so perfect?
As you get closer, don’t expect many questions from him
It’s not that he’s not curious, he’s actually dying to know
It’s simply that he doesn’t wanna come off as overbearing and he’s afraid of offending you
When you two get together most everyone is surprised
How is that hotheaded man with a literal angel?!?!
It’s easy, your kindness is perfectly reflected by his
He’s just not the best at showing it
He always makes sure to detangle any hair of yours that gets stuck in your wings
And holds your hands/waist gently as to not bother your eyes
He is immensely protective
He would do anything to keep you safe
Especially with how you are, he trusts very few people with you
The wind hashira is a harsh man, so an angel is just what he needs
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androgynousblackbox · 7 months
Alright, I am watching the reaction stream of another person to see the video of Jamesy and I have thoughts! -Jamesy is REALLY counting on buttering up to Jessie Gender specifically. He named her so many times trying to "apologize" for weaponizing his audience against her when she told him to not erase her work in Nebula just because his whiny entitled ass couldn't accept that he wasn't invited to the platform. Not a single word about actually going to her and talk privately though, just a bunch of "ooh, Jessie Gender is the kindest, best human being ever and I am so sorry to her", like, bitch, WHY ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT HER? Jessie wasn't the worst victim of your actions! Your bullshit with her happened long BEFORE anything of this happened, so why the fuck are you even bringing her up?? My only guess is that Jamesy wants Jessie to speak on his favor and "forgive him", hoping that will bring him new good will from the queer community in youtube. I am fucking crossing my fingers and touching wood that Jessie does not fall for this manipulative bullshit. This guy is literally clout chasing because, again, when it came to the plagiarism, Jessie had NOTHING to do here. Jessie, if you want an easy win, don't say anything about this. Don't even aknowledge it. Pretend like a mosquito just farted in another building. You had nothing to do with this and I am sorry this piece of shit is trying to drag you into it to take advantage of your good nature. -"I only cared about the production side of making videos, that is why I bring Nick in as the main writer." This motherfucker really went and did it. He is literally blaming Nick squarely now, because now he is just not a co-writer. No, now he is the MAIN WRITER. Jamesy here was just trying to making his little films and buy expensive ass equipment while telling everyone he was starving on the streets, he only cared about the production. NICK, THOUGH, HE WAS ALL ABOUT THE WRITING. He was the one who put the words and little Jamesy baby boy here only "produced, directed and edited" (omg, shut the fuck off, man, your editing skills are mid at best) everything. -Way too many sob stories. I don't care, man. I don't fucking care that you got fired or whatever conditions you had. Do you have any fucking clue how many people do really struggle to reach the end of the month and they still never even think of stealing someone else's work? Everyone is struggling and yet, you were the one who made a career for fucking years out of stealing the works of everyone else in this community AND THEN, when call out, tried to paint them as the bad guys.
-A lot, and I do mean, a lot of time to "apologize" to Jessie Gender, but you know who he didn't apologize to? Literally none of the authors he stole from. Not the fan whose edit of Korra he used without credit. Not Alexander Avila. Not that person who was harassed to hell and back by Jamesy and his audience when they showed how he plagiarized on his disney video. Jessie deserved to be name dropped at least thirty times, but those people?? They are fucking nobodies. They don't matter. Why name them at all? It's not like their WORK WAS STOLEN BY YOU OR ANYTHING! And that is another thing! Even if Jamesy is really out there blaming Nick for all the words that they took without credit, then what the fuck is up with all the footage, edits and audiovisual works that weren't for you to take? You said your passion is production. That is part of the production, Jamesy. Is this you admitting you fully just fucking stole them and hoped nobody would notice because you are a lazy piece of garbage?
-"Having to do multiple edits because youtube copyright issues was so hard for me, guys, you don't understand uwu. It was so hard on me to make it less obvious I had plagiarized people!" THAT IS ENTIRELY YOUR OWN FAULT, BRO.
-So, hey, funny thing. I was looking to see if other people were reacting or had reuploaded the video so I could put it here. They haven't yet, there is only two reactions, but while I was doing that I found a video of ANOTHER person talking about Jamesy ripping them off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsD-wodn288 Apparently Jamesy had stolen a blog post that this person wrote about Lord of The Rings and they weren't known by anyone, they don't even like that article anymore, but still! Go see that video instead of watching Jamesy and support them if you find value on their work.
-Hey, Jamesy. Jamesy. You do know that epilepsy and head injuries or memory issues don't take you threaten, lie and weaponize your audience against people who call out your plagiarism with the evidence in hand, right? That has literally nothing to do actually, because you had to be aware off of the issue for you to lie about it after someone else brought it up. After the first time it happened, you could have hired another beta reader to tell you that ups, your memory/epilepsy/memory issues/ADHD strike again and you don't remember from where you took that quote from, sorry! You had money for that expensive ass camera, you could have. -Like, my guy, there were so many steps involved here. So many steps from writing, production, backlash and your response to the backlash. Even if any part on this was an honest mistake, something I don't fucking believe in because fuck you, you had millions of opportunities to rectified it and change it. And yet you didnd't. And so here we are, without you receiving not even a miserable fucking like. Go to hell. A mistake doesn't get repeated so many times for years. That was all a choice, bitch. Fuck you.
And here is where I stopped because his voice is like nail on my ears.
Don't look at his video, it's truly not worth it. DON'T LEAVE COMMENTS EITHER, YOUTUBE TAKES THAT AS ENGAGEMENT ANYWAY.
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typhea · 1 year
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﹐♡﹒featuring : izuku, shoto, katsuki, eijirou, dabi, hanta ♡
﹐♡﹒infos : fluff , gn!reader, reader is called a pervert, reader is called kinky, it’s just for fun dww ♡
﹐♡﹒summary : judging you according to ur fav (don’t take me seriously 😭) ♡
i wanna be friends with you.
you’re the sweetest, kindest, and most caring darling and everyone knows it.
you act cute and innocence to hide that you’re a pervert.
you’re the “it’s mean, it’s not funny.” friend.
you have abandonment issues.
you’re either really smart or really dumb, no in between.
you have the prettiest smile like, smile rq? 😍
izuku would definitely love you <3
you overthink a lot.
you’re quiet but you have wild thoughts, like are you ok?
you probably have family/parents issues or you have the weirdest friends.
i bet you got a pretty voice.
you’re sweet but .. nobody knows it?
you have mood swings.
you’re really funny when you want to.
shoto would take a while to confess tbh but he would definitely give you the best signs 🤭
you got serious issues to be liking this type of men.
i bet you would make him shut his mouth sometimes, like in awe with how crazy you are.
you’re not cute i’m sorry, maybe you’re hot? 😏
all your clothes are black.
you’re delusional, like.. really.
you’re cute when you shut your mouth, not in a mean way like you really are. i mean like lost in thoughts idk i’m sorry, dont punch me 😞
you’re sensitive..
katsuki literally hates you but he’s even more pissed when you’re not there like, he loves to hate you :D
hii, i wanna be your friend.
i bet you’re literally a sunshine. like YOU’RE MAKING ME SMILE
no one notices when you’re sad but denki will
you have insomnia! :D
you got the best taste in everything ; clothes, music, food, .. anything!
you’re unable to say no to anyone, scared to hurt them. sometimes you even let them disrespect you or your boundaries BUT YOU SHOULDNT 😫
your handwriting looks like a 6 years old’s, im sorry. are you left-handed by any chance..?
denki would be obsessed with you ngll <33
you’re cute.
you look like a mitski song and a the weeknd song at the same time.
smile more? im obsessed.
you’re the sweetest butterfly in the world, you deserve love and affection 🤭
i bet people be telling you you’re beautiful but you still think the opposite :<
i see you with 7 kids.
you’re so patient and understanding, i know you listen to everyone vent but you never vent to anyone.
eijirou would treat you like the most precious person in the world <3
um .. you’re scary.
you’re kinky.
you get wild murder and bloody thoughts when you’re bored.
you love sweet food.
you’re mentally ill.
you’re manipulative, ahhh.
you got the prettiest eyes, IM SHAKING.
dabi would definitely fuc.. i mean he would enjoy ur company ig..
you got the best vibes fr!
i know you’re a great dancer, you’re just shy.
i bet you’re stunning, like only beautiful people likes him.
you’re kinda nonchalant.
you got a mirroring personality, you love making others comfortable with you.
your cooking skills are amazing like lemme have a taste 🙇‍♀️
you act dumb but you’re really smart.
sero would be your bestest bsf fr with benefits
thanks for reading darlin! don’t forget to like and leave a comment :)
mha m.list | request here!
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seneitut · 1 year
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Yoru/F!Reader][Slight Gekko/Reader(?)]
Words: 10K
Tags: Fluff, break-up, jealousy, introspection, technicality of the game (Wanted to play with the AFK idea oopsie), NSFW +18, handjob, oral sex, teasing, dom/sub undertones, vaginal sex, more fluff, aftercare.
[Sorry for the wait, I had matters to take care of before posting this and, as you can see, is literally the longest fanfic I’ve written so far so I had to make a lot of revisions before posting it.]
A few weeks later, Gekko breaks up with you.
Sudden and quick, from what he's been told.
Is surprising how fast the news travels within the few agents who are interested in something so mundane as gossiping inside the protocol. And Yoru is certain he wouldn't indulge in it if it weren't for Jett's loud mouth and perfect timing to witness the event unfolding in front of her very eyes.
The part where she decides Yoru should be the first to get the news was out of his control. Jett made sure the gossip was spread around like wildfire, starting with him and consequently Phoenix, to later on be told to Raze and Killjoy, and like dominoes, it all went downhill.
You didn't deserve something this personal to be vented out like it was nothing, and while he reprimanded Jett for being so careless and stupid for breaking your trust, her apologies wouldn't quell what has already been burnt.
What were the reasons? He asks himself that night. Why did this happen?
There is a faint clink between the tools he switches from hand to hand, discarding the one he doesn't need at the moment, before he goes back to fixing his bike. 
The loose screws and the heavy puffs of breath he exhales are the only sounds accompanying him in the empty room, too deep in thought and simply mulling over what developed in the conversation that culminated in your relationship with Gekko.
Is unhealthy of him to think about your love life when he has nothing to do with it; but Yoru is nothing but a curious human, and as flawed as he might be, the need to know nags him unceasingly. 
Yoru wonders if you ever told Gekko what transpired between you two that night. And if so, wouldn’t he understand that he was the one to take advantage of you? Yoru initiated the approach. He kissed you without asking for your permission—and while it is true that he acted upon impulses and you miraculously reciprocated, he is still to blame and be taken accountability for complicating things.
But if that wasn't the case, if you decided to keep the secret of your little moment of weakness and passion to yourself, has Gekko been planning this beforehand and simply decided to toy with your feelings for this long? Because that wouldn't make any sense.
Gekko has always acted like you were his everything; his light, his moon, his whole world. Gekko always made sure to let everyone know how much he was in love with you, much to Yoru's chagrin, and has been your personal cheerleader at everything since day one.
And now, he decides he's tired of it and breaks up with you without any explanation?
How fucking dare him.
The man is stupid for letting go who could possibly be the strongest and kindest person he's known; just what the fuck was he thinking to break your heart like this? Wasn’t he boasting about your amazing relationship a couple of weeks ago? What changed? Why was he backing off like a coward?
The shock about the separation turns into confusion, which soon boils into pure anger sizzling from the inside of his heart.
Anger is a very known feeling to him, an acquaintance to his impulses when he was younger. When he used to fall under his emotions with no regards to whoever received them, it got him into trouble more often than not, sometimes to the point he would wake up in a hospital bed after a bad beating against Tokyo’s gangs or whoever dared to mess with him.
Was it worth falling under those impulses again, when he has come far and grown from those times?
It is not his place, in truth, to be this angry. You are nothing to him, a friend at most after all. Should he be reeling in anger just because someone hurted you?
No, but he does it anyway.
Inside the rift, everything has its place. Time, space and matter all have their purpose set straight unlike him, who doesn’t really belong in this dimension and he bends them to his liking. When he goes through it, his body feels like it sinks underwater, although his movements are not deterred despite the feeling, it gets overwhelming if Yoru stays for too long. 
Omen has once mentioned how it feels to leave a part of himself everytime he goes through the rift, does it hurt? Can he feel himself tearing apart? He doesn’t, he doesn’t feel any sort of pain, and Yoru wonders if that should concern him or shall not be too worried.
But no matter, that is of no importance right now.
It doesn’t take long for him to find Gekko while running through the base, the tip of his fingers tingling with the want to release some steam and chest heaving with anger seeping off of him. 
Gekko is lounging at the range with Reyna by his side. His whole posture is slouched, head between his hands and avoiding Reyna’s gentle but confused expression.
Both are lucky he doesn’t carry a weapon or else a crime would have taken place at the base. He's bluffing, of course, because he wouldn't dare to harm others severely. 
Yoru wishes he could, though.
For the time being, he will remain inside the rift and watch in silence. If he's going to punch Gekko until he becomes a pulp, he rather do it alone without witnesses. That and he doesn’t want to deal with Reyna’s wrath if she were to be present when he beats the shit out of this scum.
They seem to be talking about something, but it doesn't seem to be escalated enough to label it as an argument but it wasn’t a normal conversation either. 
When he decides to take a closer look, he finds Gekko with a devastated expression on his face and eyes misty with a thin layer of tears. Is shocking, to say the least, being the witness to such an abnormal expression on the usual happy man.
Reyna is frowning, a tight line set on her lips and hand hovering over his shoulder, hesitant whether to touch him or not.
Through the rift, the sounds come garbled and sometimes impossible to discern with the huge gap between the time passing by and him floating in nothingness. Yoru approaches further, cautious, for maybe Reyna might be able to distinguish his soul in between the subtle breaking in the rift.
“Why did you have to break it off, though?” She mutters, a confused expression painting her features. “Las cosas iban bien entre ustedes, ¿no es así?”
Gekko shrugs, not wanting to voice his thoughts.
“She likes you, Teo,” Yoru doesn’t know what’s going on. “She likes you a lot, mijo.”
Gekko’s eyes look downcast, a sad smile tugging his lips.
“She might like me.” he whispers brokenly. “But she doesn’t love me.”
Yoru might be a killing machine on the field and a cold-hearted person towards others if he so desires; he’s been told so many times before. But at this moment, he understands that his anger should be quelled and tone it down a little bit, for he is not the only one who is hurt and he might have misinterpreted the whole situation.
What could be worse, than finding out the person you love doesn't share the same sentiment to the same degree as you do? 
He's gone through the path once, way before meeting you, but never considered himself hurt because he was experimenting with said emotion. Because love is weird, a state in oneself where you are the weakest and he hated feeling like that. 
It was thanks to you he decided to transform this weakness into a strength, despite knowing it could bite his ass one day. Yoru gave in to his desires with you, and he admits you acknowledging his intentions and reciprocating them gave him the sort of euphoria he doesn’t find often in fights.
Gekko is as upset as you might be, more hurt than one might think.
What should he do now?
Staring off into the distance, Yoru thinks emotions are bullshit and way too difficult to deal with.
Gekko and yourself have been a clear example to how far he can go because of some petty feeling like jealousy or lust, and how pathetic it made him act without thinking of the consequences—not like he's cared about that before.
But because of this, Jett has been his shoulder to cry on, and Phoenix his ear to lend when he feels like he cannot handle the mixed emotions into a devastating concoction of overwhelmingness. 
Both have been the key to fix himself up and rebuild after learning of your relationship, despite reassuring with anger that he was fine when it was not true.
His friends are good and he doesn't deserve them, in truth, with how shitty he has been in the past. But for so long he has been denying himself the pleasure to get things that are meant to be his, and this is one of them. 
Yoru will learn to heal and move on, sooner or later, and he hopes he can face you without feeling troubled or confused as to what he wants in life.
Things never get easier from afar.
“Launch site, be there in ten.” Brimstone calls out to him one day. 
To say he scared the shit out of him would be an understatement, choking on his beverage before glaring at the commander with the dirtiest look he could muster. 
He did not hear him coming, even when his loud stomping could be heard from down the hallway, but that is mostly his fault because of his lack of attention and disoriented mind. It should be obvious with the dark bags under his eyes and tired expression that he hasn't been getting enough sleep and was most likely out of it because Brimstone regards him with solemnity.
“It’s Ice box, Yoru.” he mentions. The name of the place alone makes him perk up in attention. “Anomalies have taken place recently, coming from the lab holding onto the samurai's armor.”
“We’ve tracked down a wave of radianite that was ignited on icebox, but we weren’t sure from where exactly.” Brimstone takes out his device, approaching him on the kitchen table and laying it out for him to see. “Cypher was able to narrow it down to A site only, and by the looks of it, we aren’t the only ones who are after it.”
“The omega?” he asks, uncertain. 
“They are approaching rapidly. We need to leave soon.”
That wakes him up, “I’ll be there in ten.”
Brimstone nods and takes his leave.
There is not much time before parting nor question who else was coming to Ice box with them. Not like it matters, but he rather have teammates that will work well alongside him for something as important as this.
Taking his jacket from his room and his butterfly knife, he wonders if the sudden anomaly on Ice box had anything to do with his restless nights for the past weeks.
An incognita were the nightmares that Yoru has had lately. It was never anything clear for him to guess or simply have a vague idea as to what it wanted, but with what Brimstone has told him, a lot of things cleared up. 
Not the whole picture, but it was something to start from.
At the launch site, he encounters Sage and Reyna talking in hushed voices. Both of them regard him with a silent nod and go back to the conversation, but Reyna's eyes never leave his form while he keeps on walking—and if looks could kill, he would be underground in an instant. Yoru does his best to ignore it until he can no longer feel her threatening aura sticking to the back of his neck, and once to a safe distance, he sighs in relief.
Brimstone is at the entrance of the jet carrying an operator, securely strapped to his back, and a few other weapons on the carriage. He seems to be talking to someone inside the vehicle already, handing out the guns and the operator, but can't figure out who.
“Step in, Yoru, we are getting ready.” The commander calls. “I'll coordinate with Sage and Reyna, and we take off.”
Nodding, he enters, but his whole serious façade is gone the moment his eyes land on yours.
Perhaps it had to do with time, or the light working in your favor, but the moment you lock eyes, you literally take his breath away with surprise painting his features. It almost seems like you were expecting him with the way you perk up in excitement as soon as you see him.
Smiling softly, you pat the seat next to yours, beckoning him to approach you. 
“I didn't know you were coming.” He comments, clearing up his throat. “Should've said something.”
“It was a last minute call.” Shrugging, he notices the strap of the operator in arm, but says nothing. “Brimstone was unsure whether to call you in or leave you out of this. But with how things were going, I decided it was for the best if you came and asked him to look for you.”
“Hah, missed me that much?” 
Yoru really never learns, huh. 
Is natural for him to want to tease you, so used to it that now, even after so long without speaking nor crossing words, he has the urge to interact with you this way.
“I did, Yoru.” You answer with honesty. The look in your eyes has him paralyzed, feeling his face flush with the short distance between you two. It reminisces the moment where you first kissed in the kitchen, and that only fuels his embarrassment because it could be so easy to lean in and kiss you again. “I-um, I missed you a lot.”
Brimstone stomps in the jet, raising a brow when he sees Yoru jump on his seat, startling him once again, and fixes his composure before the two of you look at him. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, we’re just catching up.” Your hand covers his own hand laying on his lap, squeezing it with gentleness until your fingers intertwine. “Been a while.”
Brimstone nods, going to the cockpit without any further questions. Sage and Reyna follow up next, both of them regarding you two with a respective nod and taking a seat in front of you.
Cowardice isn't a term known by Yoru, scratching it up and dunking it on the trash since he is by no means a coward. But with how heavy Reyna's stare is, burning holes into your gentle but loving clasping hands, he is starting to get why some people are afraid. 
You distract him enough, though, speaking in a soft tone about what has been going on lately and the missions you haven't shared since Lotus—there is no mention of the situation you had when you first kissed, but he is soon to push it to the back of his mind to save you the trouble.
Surprisingly, he is able to maintain eye contact for longer than he expects without embarrassment clouding his senses, following up your peppy conversation with a few grunts and short replies.
Throughout the whole flight, your hand never leaves his.
x    x    x    x
Ice box is just as he remembers. 
Empty, freezing, but with a whole new wave of unknown power radiating from the old labs. 
Yoru gets why Brimstone was so unsure to bring him along. 
The pulsating beckoning of energy was nauseating and tiring; a migraine approaching fastly and making him lose his footing as soon as he steps off the jet.
Sage is there in an instant, clear worry across her features and helping him to stabilize himself. 
“Are you okay?” She asks. Her hands are glowing a soft blue, her healing abilities ready for him if need be. 
Yoru is close to dismissing her help, annoyed to be treated so delicately, but before he could muster a word, a spike of pain strikes his head, groaning in discomfort and his side hits the entrance of the landing. 
Leaving the operator on the floor, you run to where Yoru has fallen to the floor, and grasp him tightly by the shoulders to help him sit comfortably. 
Holding his head between his hands, he grunts, eyes tightly shut and breathing heavily through his nose. His head is pounding horribly, sounds he doesn't know where they were coming from was deafening him heavily that all your voices were melting together in the background. 
He sees the moment the sounds stop completely, mouths moving and actions on going but nothing else. Instead, a gruffing and heavy voice is what resonates inside his brain, like an echo, and a womanly voice accompanies it when they call to him.
‘Come’, they whisper, ‘Come to us.’
Your hand goes straight to his back, caressing him with soothing motions and whispers of gentle words. Respectfully, nothing you are doing helps with his pain nor confusion drowning him. It is kind of annoying, too, but Yoru likes you too much to say something of the sort and lets you do whatever you want.
‘Find him.’
And then it ceases completely. The sounds from his environment come back with a sudden burst he feels his ears sensible with the many voices trying to talk one above the other. Is overwhelming.
“We cannot continue with Yoru in this state.” Brimstone walks up to where Yoru is sitting, patting his back with a strong push. The japanese man holds back an insult at his action. “You’re staying. There is no time to go back and bring someone else to replace you, so stay here.”
“I can still fight-”
“No. And that’s an order.” He nods to Reyna and Sage to go on ahead. “Survey A site, I’ll take mid and we will strike as soon as I give the order.”
Sage glances at him from the corner of her eyes, worried, but complies with Brimstone's request. Reyna follows after her without regarding him at all but with a scoff, vandal at hand and the most graceful walking she could muster.
If Yoru wasn’t in so much pain, he would have laughed to mock her. He can have all the respect for Reyna and her tactical abilities, but to be this childish over whatever she was feeling was ridiculous in his eyes.
Brimstone calls you out, startling you, “Survey B site but don’t push. You’re gonna be alone so we can’t gamble losing a team member this easily, understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
Brimstone gives a brief glance at him before leaving you two alone.
Grunting, his fist hits the side of the floor, frustrated. The only time where he needs to be in the best shape is ruined by god knows what, that he doesn’t know who to blame it on.
“Yoru, is it okay if I speak this softly? Does it hurt you?” Your hand hovers over his fist, thumb running up and down his spiked knuckles. 
He breathes out harshly, nodding. 
“The enemy team has brought Yoru, too, and the chances of him suffering what you're going through are high.” Hand under his chin, he lets you raise his head gently to lock gazes. The pain subsides for a little bit, enough to have clarity and melt under the beautiful color of your eyes looking at him with so much emotion. “Don't worry about not coming, their Yoru might have to back off from this just like you, so there is no need to worry.”
Kissing the top of his head, you stand up and take your gun back. Reloading the ammo, you strap on the operator and send him a small smile before walking away.
“We'll figure out what happens after we're done, for now take a rest.”
The normality of your actions only furthers his want to go after you, seeing you walk away with a steady step. Nevermind the pain clouding his senses, he cannot help but worry for whatever might happen if you were to stay alone.
And it doesn’t have to do with him doubting your skills, but the inability to do something to help because of some dumb bullshit about the radianite and the armor still under vigilance in the labs.
The voices from before might have something to do with the anomalies, but he isn’t sure whether to trust his guts or just wait for some miracle to happen to figure it out. The headache won’t be going away anytime soon nor the pain racking his whole body, and he isn’t going to stay at the landside where there won’t be any action unfolding.
Standing up slowly, Yoru grunts in discomfort, losing his footing the first try but finding support on the wall the second time. 
He taps on the private line immediately, breathing a sigh of relief when you answer quickly to his call.
“Yoru, what’s wrong?” Your voice comes in rushed, a subtle undertone of worry honeying your words. “Are you okay? Do you need me to come back?”
“I-I’m okay. I need-”
Everything turns black for a second. The single second where all matters and nothing does at the same time.
The numbness on his limbs, the rush of memories, the excruciating pain destroying him from the inside; this all feels familiar and nostalgic, reviving the moment where his life changed and there was no turning back from the powers gifted to him.
‘Look for us', they plead. ‘Find him.'
The moment he blinks the sky greets him with a bright shine, blinding him for a moment and taking his time adjusting to it. Your face comes into view after a few seconds, a frown between your eyebrows and mouth set in a tight line. 
The light from above gives you a crown of light, glowing softly against your skin Yoru might have commented on it if it weren’t for his lucidity and catching his tongue on time.
When he breathes, he doesn’t feel any sort of pain. 
It almost feels like it never was there to begin with, which is surprising given the circumstances.
“Yoru?” Your voice quivers with anxiousness. 
“Hm.” he sighs, running a hand through his hair in a weak attempt to appear cool. “M'fine, just…dizzy.”
“Here, sit.”
You manage to make Yoru sit without any trouble, looking for any signs of injury or distress from his pain early on, but find nothing to worry about. He seems fine, better than before, for sure.
The japanese man pushes you to the side gently, creating enough space for him to stand up and pat down his clothes to clear it from debris or snow sticking to the fabric. You are still watching him like a hawk in case he starts losing his footing, but Yoru scoffs, offended, and walks past where you're kneeling.
“Aren't you coming? We've got a mission to fulfill.” 
Flabbergasted, you blink up at him, mouth opening and closing without any words making it out. 
“Yoru,” you start gently, standing up. “Brimstone was very clear with his instructions. You have to stay here if you are unable to perform.”
“I look fine, don’t I? Let’s go.”
“Wh- Yoru, you couldn’t even stand minutes ago and now you’re acting all tough?” You point at the jet, “Go back. This whole act isn’t cool.”
The wind blows by strongly, ruffling his well kept hair, but no words of daring come from his mouth. Instead, he leans into the side, cocking his head and smirking at your attempt to be bossy.
“Who’s going to make me stay, you?” Giving a dry laugh, he crosses his arms. “Go on, try it, little minx.”
“Don’t make me start, Yoru, or else-”
“Or else what?”
You breathe in heavily, counting to ten inside your head to not snap at him nor disrespect him.
 “You have to follow what Brimstone has told you.” You retort, muttering through clenched teeths. “You stay here because I say so, too.”
“Oh yeah? And when has that stopped me?” 
Spluttering, your anger rises with the tone in your voice, “I have no fucking idea, so stop acting like a fucking brat and stay!”
Not wanting to give him a chance to reply, you turn around and stomp your way to B site just like Brimstone delegated. You hear Yoru walk right behind you, oblivious to your demand, and you cannot help the little vein protruding on your forehead with the anger consuming you.
“Fucking bitch.” You mutter under your breath. Walking backwards, you shout at him. “Is it that hard to listen to instructions?! What is your deal?”
“I can’t leave you alone.” is his reply, which infuriates you more. “I’m good. I will go with you.”
“Do you really not trust my own abilities? Weren’t you the one who said that you all should be more trusting of my skills when we went to Lotus?” Scoffing, you turn your back to him, climbing up the stairs to the kitchen. “Unbelievable, you are truly unbelievable and a hypocrite.”
“It has nothing to do with your ability or not. I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“Hah! Sure, as if that were all.”
“Would you even stop for a second if I were to say anything else?” Rolling his eyes, he continues. “You cannot even trust me when I tell you I’m fine and now you want me to follow your rules?”
Not even looking at him, you reply, “Yeah! That would be nice!”
“Stop for a second damnit! Listen to me!”
You don’t. You cross the threshold of the kitchen and he runs up to you like a little kid about to throw a tantrum. Taking your hand into his, he tries to make you stop and look at him, but you snatch it away immediately.
“I love you.” he blurts out.
That is enough to stop you dead in your tracks, not giving him a glance nor reply to his words. Yoru feels his face burn with embarrassment but is determined to let his feelings be known after so long. Whether you reciprocate or not, is all up to you. Whether this is the correct place to be outing his feelings, he is not sure.
The contrast of the cold brushing his warm cheeks in gentle breezes sends a shiver down his spine, blaming the weather for the wavering puffs of air coming out of his mouth and not because of the sudden nervousness eating him from the inside. 
After a long minute, that almost feels like many years in his opinion, you resume your walking with him tailing behind you. Yoru wonders if you’ve heard him correctly or perhaps you misunderstood his words. 
“I said I love y-”
“I know.” you interrupt, gaze set straight in front of you. “Gekko told me so but I didn’t believe him. It wasn’t until we kissed that night that I realized I was pretty dumb for not noticing your feelings.”
Yoru would think this was some sort of rejection, not really understanding if you were reprimanding him for kissing you or telling you he loves you when you already know. But looking closely, he sees the tip of your ears redden with each step, refusing to meet him in the eye.
“You should go back to the jet. Brimstone is going to be mad at us.”
“I don't care.”
“Well, you should! I ain't taking responsibility if something happens to you.” 
“I don't need protection nor for you to take responsibility. I'm here right now because you need to know that I love you and I won’t be leaving you alone.”
“Okay! I get it!”
Smirking slightly, he jogs to your side and bumps shoulders with you. You shot him a dirty look, pouting when he finally sees the red on your cheeks is not because of the cold but from his words.
“What about you?” he dares ask.
“What about me?” you echo, annoyed.
Yeah, what about you? Was he expecting to hear the same words of professing love from you? He just wanted to get rid of these thoughts cluttering his brain and distracting him, to be free, in some sort of way. Yoru hopes he didn’t make you uncomfortable with his sudden confession.
Humming, you give him a side glance and a grin, “You sure are very confident for someone who doesn't know what the other feels.” Bumping his shoulder back, you walk ahead of him. “I love you too.”
You love him.
Having you say those words sparks some sort of hope he buried deep within his heart, digging them back to surface. His face is lit in flames within seconds, and he tries to hide it behind a raised hand and looks the other way to avoid you seeing it.
Is clear he does a poor job trying to conceal his embarrassment and excitement because as soon as you get a glimpse of his face, you laugh brightly, poning his side to mock him. That only worsens his state, face hot and red as a pepper.
Once you two are deep in the kitchen, you take a bold decision.
Pushing Yoru against the halls, your hand tangles behind his head, pulling on his roots and clashing your mouths together on a bruising kiss. Is obvious he wasn’t expecting this kind of action from you because he groans loudly, leaning into the hand pulling at his hair harshly and melting under your liplock with a sigh.
He doesn’t take long to hold onto your waist and turn the tables, caging you against the wall this time and giving you the same treatment of roughness by holding you behind your neck and his left hand grabbing you by the waist, slotting your hips together. 
Is a little uncomfortable being in this position because the operator is still strapped to your back, but Yoru makes it work with bending you to his body and making you forget about the gun when he takes your chin between his fingers and makes some distance. 
Whining, you close the gap once again, not giving him time to take a breath and sticking your tongue inside his mouth to maintain contact. 
He consumes your fire from within like a starved man, sucking on your lower lip and biting it as gently as his hands paws over your whole form, basking in the feeling of your mouths clasped together and the tight hold you have on his hair every time his hands travel to to your backside.
You pull on his hair harshly when his left hand grabs a fistful of your ass and he groans, trying to make distance to breathe in some air, but you gasp loudly when his lips attach to your neck immediately, nibbling on the skin and sucking desperately to mark your skin.
“We need to survey B site, Yoru, let go.” You moan at one particular bite, sighing when his hands try to go under your clothes. You smack his hands away, flustered and a little bit angry. “God dammit, Ryo, not now.”
“Says the one who started this, little minx.” he teases, licking up a strip of saliva from your collarbone to your neck.
Huffing, you push him off of you, resuming your walking with the little dignity you still hold and cleaning the spit in the corner of your mouth. Yoru prides himself in seeing you this disheveled over him, imagining what else could he do if you let him be.
Gotta calm down, now. He doesn’t want to deal with the bad guys with a hard-on now, does he?
“So?” he asks. You blink up at him. “What’s going to happen now?”
“Feelings are difficult, I guess.” Shrugging, you strap off your operator. “I understand why the fraternization rule was made, it only gets in the way of our job. That’s why Gekko and I never worked.”
“Does it, now?”
Brimstone is saying something through the comms, but neither of you pay him any mind. Yoru nudges your side with his arm, and you cannot escape the small smile tugging at your lips.
“We can talk about ourselves later.” is all you say before setting off. “We have all the time in the world, Ryo.”
Smiling, he straps off his Sheriff. 
He likes the way you say his name.
“Whatever, you idiot.”
x    x    x    x
Yoru doesn't want to admit that he was weak throughout the fight. 
Not because of his abilities nor aim—he would fight whoever thinks he whiffs his shots— but because he let the enemies run away in one piece when he had the chance of eliminating them for good.
The excuse of running out of bullets was believable, having only a sheriff and a few reloads while defending the site, and you backing up his report helped a lot. Besides, Brimstone was more focused on his disobedience in a clear order than letting go of the omega agents, so he supposes that was enough of a distraction.
The intel was right, omega Yoru was here, alongside your omega version. It seems like they were set off to lurk while the rest of the team attacked A site and they were to wrap around your base to corner you all. 
It backfired immediately.
Your aim was impeccable, as always. He didn't know you were proficient with the operator but it was no joke when you had the gun in hand and targets to shoot. 
But, in truth, he is tempted to think you let them go, too, because they were injured enough but not dead by the bullets that were fired. 
Your omega version stood in front of omega Yoru, protecting him from the bullets that weren’t coming through anymore. Both of them were bleeding and with wounds that could probably kill them if it were not to be treated correctly and on time.
“Please,” your omega version begs. They have a shorty, only, discarding it to the side to mean no harm. “Take me if you want, but don't touch him.”
Yoru's eyes travels from you to omega Yoru, who is panting harshly behind the other you. The omega snarls, furious, to be witnessed by his mirror to this weak state.
He knows himself, knows the other must feel pathetic and frustrated for not doing more and failing so miserably on this mission. The pride is high and wild, so who better than himself to understand the situation at hand.
Yoru loads his last bullet to the sheriff, and you shrivel up in panic. Your stance hasn't changed, your tattered body still shielding omega Yoru despite the pain and that is something he respects. 
“Should I shoot?” your voice comes from the comms. He knows you're still aiming and watching in silence whatever is unfolding on site, but you don't interfere further than to ask that question. 
“I have it under control.” Is all he answers.
A bullet is shot, and your omega version gasps in unison with omega Yoru when they see the bullet go a few centimeters off the side, not even gracing them.
“Leave.” Yoru straps on his sherriff, taking out his butterfly knife instead to play with it while he waits in silence. When neither of you react, he raises a brow. “Want me to carry you to your own base or what? Leave now before Brimstone comes, he won't be merciful.”
That was their cue to start moving.
You try to carry omega Yoru as best as you could, having his arm around your shoulders and your hand holding onto his jeans for leverage. Giving him a brief glance, you thank him quietly before starting to walk away with urgency.
“Wait.” Omega Yoru tries to turn around, glaring at his alpha version. “It's because of her, isn't it? Is it the same for you?”
You nudge him, eyes pleading for him to keep walking,“Yoru, stop.”
“No. I want to know why.” His mirror grunts in pain, almost colliding against the wall if it weren't for your hold. “I know me. And I know I would have shot if it weren't because of her. So I need to know if it's the same for you.”
Yoru decides to not answer, since everything is already laid out for them. He knows you are listening through the comms, so whatever his answer is, you should've known by now.
“So it is.” he mutters, giving a dry laugh. “This is going to be the death of us one day.”
“Love, let’s go.” Your mirror mutters. He nods, and they take off.
“Ice box is fucking cursed, Yoru.” The other says. “The voices are torturing, trying to be helpful, but this place is cursed for us.”
You never said anything, watching the duo walk away as best as they could with the sun setting in the background. 
The trail of blood they leave behind is the only clue that a battle has unfolded and they were once again victorious, although it felt nothing like a victory to him.
The words from omega Yoru would stay with him, storing the information for future investigation, and haunting him until his next confrontation takes place. 
“I think you did good.” Eating a slice of the apple, you glance briefly at him, interrupting his thoughts. “Letting them go, I mean. I think it was good.”
He scoffs, “I was weak. A mistake I won’t be making again if we encounter them in the future.” 
Shaking your head, you lean your head to the side, “You had mercy on them. I think this is a step that was necessary to take to change the dynamic we’re living in.”
Blinking down at you, he raises a brow, “What do you mean by that?”
Your fingers tap the table in a rhythmic motion, mulling over his question for a moment before replying, “I don’t think it is necessary to be killing them, despite having done so already many times before.” Shrugging, you take another slice. “Call me naive or just a hopeless romantic, but what they had is something I respect a lot. They are humans, too, not just some kind of experimentation we can look over. They…they might have an explanation for the radianite and their need.”
Yoru rolls his eyes with skepticism, crossing his arms with disappointment in his eyes. 
“This is my way of thinking.” You defend. “You can have yours, but we both know that nothing might change unless we are the one’s meddling in the battlefield.”
“You’re willing to risk it all to prove that an amicable relationship can be doable?”
Humming, you nod, “I do.”
“You’re dumb, then.”
“Maybe, but only time will tell if I’m right.”
“Suit yourself.”
Both of you fall in silence, eating from the plate the few slices of apple that are left. Only the buzzing from the refrigerator makes a background noise to cover up the long and suffocating topic that none of you want to touch now. 
Yoru is nervous, you are nervous, but you are too cowardly to take the first step.
Mission aside, what happened at ice box when you kissed again was supposed to be the bridge to start a conversation about what would entail knowing each other’s feelings. One would believe that something might have happened by now, but here you are.
In silence.
“I think I’ll take my leave.” He coughs awkwardly, standing from the chair. “Goodnight.”
It was almost like a mirror situation many weeks ago. Where he leaves and you are left confused, wanting, and you cannot bear the thought of dealing this by yourself again.
When he bids you goodbye, you unconsciously reach for his hand, immediately stopping him from going further and he looks back at you. 
When none of you say anything, you brave yourself through your nervousness to break the distance and take his face with your free hand, caressing his cheek with tenderness. 
Yoru lets you do whatever you want, anxiousness seeping out of him when you tiptoe to reach him and, in an act to fulfill your impulses, you kiss the corner of his mouth with a gentle touch.
The japanese man stifles at the contact, gasping when your lips travel from a mere graze, to groaning when your mouth captures him in a passionate kiss, lips melting together sweetly like honeycomb.
You hold him like you desire to be devoured completely; reaching, grabbing and tugging everywhere until his body engulfs yours against the counter of the kitchen and you hold onto his shoulders for leverage. His hands rise goosebumps under your clothes, big palms caressing the skin on your back, racking down his nails until he feels your shudder. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wonder if this was wrong of you to do. If Gekko would mind you chasing after what you really want despite having failed him miserably while together. 
Gekko is none the wiser, your brain supplies, and you hope it stays that way. 
You tug playfully at his lower lip with your teeth before diving to get more of him, mouths slotting together on a more profound kiss and tongues fighting to claim dominance. It is then that any rational thought goes out of the window.
His hand finds purchase on your hips, yours tugs at his hair, earning a groan from him which you immediately swallow with greed. Yoru has half the mind to think about what he's doing when his hand brushes your thighs and pulls you up until you're seated on the counter. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, breathless. 
Yoru's mouth kisses every inch of skin to his availability, sucking on your neck with want until you have your head thrown back, enticing him to mark every part of you. 
“We should stop.” He begs, but his actions betray his words when he rolls his hips against your core, cock twitching inside his pants. You whisper his name, returning the favor and caging him between your legs. 
You can feel his erection even through all the clothing between your bodies, lust clouding your mind with nothing but the good sensations despite feeling guilt gnaw at the pit of your stomach.
That does not deter you from purchasing the euphoria coursing through your body when you rock your hips again, his clothed cock rubbing deliciously against you till the point your words get slurred.
This is not the right place for this kind of situation to be unfolding. You both are too exposed for anyone to walk into, and the least he wants is to show the other agents the boner he is sporting right now. Besides, he is sure to go feral with anger if anyone dares to see you this disheveled and flustered. 
This sight is for him alone.
Claiming his mouth, your hand let go of his hair to reach for his belt, unbuckling it quickly. Yoru freezes when your hand goes into his trousers to grab at his dick shamelessly, thumb running over the head of his cock. Gasping, he hides his blushing face in the crook of your neck, hips thrusting in tandem to your slow pumps to rile him up. 
“You feel so hot.” you whisper in his ear. He bites your neck and sucks on the skin to have his mouth occupied. “You are so hard, love.”
He gasps when you twist your wrist and your thumb runs over the head of his cock again, spreading the pre-cum and messily using it as a lube to pump your hand faster on his shaft. You feel him twitch in your hand when you accelerate the pace and tremble when his warm breath hits your cheek in gasps. 
“Faster…” he mutters, groaning. The timbre of his voice lowers a few octaves, and it's of immediate urgency to keep listening to more. “Shit, go faster.”
You indulge in his request, hand moving to a faster pace, and feeling the veins protruding on his cock between your fingers. Your mouth glues to his neck, nibbling it softly and biting down, hard, until a mark is visible against his pale skin. 
The schlik-schlik sounds in the background are filthy to the ears, Yoru feels his face flush up with embarrassment to have been reduced to a puddle of lust and trembling legs from the overwhelming sensations.
Pushing him away, Yoru groans in frustration because he was close to being ripped to the seams with the upcoming orgasm. The momentum is gone, and he is not sure whether to be angry at you or beg you to please keep going.
But by the time he decides what to do, you’re already on your knees, pulling down his pants until his member is freed from its confines and your mouth sucks on his cock with an invigorated enthusiasm that has him grasping the counter for leverage.
His right hand goes to the roots of your hair, pulling and pushing your head in tandem with the thrusting of his hips. Yoru abuses your mouth to his liking, chasing after the little fire burning him on his lower abdomen and to let loose. 
Groaning, his eyes roll to the back of his head when your tongue comes into play, licking the underside of his dick with each stroke of your mouth. Yoru leaves your head to hold his weight with both of his hands onto the counter, knees weak and breath taken away.
You use your hand to keep the stimulation going, giving you time to catch some air and glare at him from down there. Despite having his face flushed, sweat rolling down his temple and trembling under your touch, he dares smirk at you, as if he has gotten away with something he’s been wanting to do for a long time.
“You fucking brat.” you whisper, mouth latching onto the side of his cock and your free hand toying with his balls.
Yoru whimpers, he fucking whimpers, the moment your mouth sucks on the head of his dick and your hands wrap around the rest of his member with fast strokes, bobbing your head up and down, and timing it with his weak thrusts, you hum, vibrations running up his cock deliciously.
You try to close your legs while kneeling, trying to get some friction to alleviate the pressure on your lower belly and the need to touch yourself; but you are prioritizing Yoru’s pleasure above else right now, enjoying his salty taste in your mouth and gulping down the pre-cum gathering with your spit.
“Fuck!” he curses. His hips stutter wildly, head thrown back and eyes closed when the sudden rush of euphoria courses through his body. 
Yoru cums inside your mouth moaning your name and gasping for air.
He holds your head with a tight grip, spurting his seed inside your mouth in big spurts until you have no other option but to swallow it, choking on his cock when the tip hits the back of your throat. 
Yoru rides his orgasm as if his life depended on it, breathless and hitting a high point where his noises couldn’t be contained. 
Backing off, Yoru slides down next to you, breathing heavily and slumping against your form in defeat and burrowing his head on your neck, nuzzling it affectionately. Is funny how he seeks physical contact like a little cat, voiceless and going for it.
You’re coughing up harshly, part of his cum still drooling to the side of your lips.
“You owe me one.” You say, knocking your heads together. 
He only hums, satisfaction oozing out of him, and cleans the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
“You can cash in right now, baby girl.”
Trembling, you look to the side, bashful, “Don’t get all flirty with me now.” Giving him a brief glance, you blush when you see his dick still out of his pants and butt naked against the floor. “You fucking idiot, put on your pants!”
Yoru laughs softly, nuzzling your neck and kissing the pulse with gentleness. You can’t help but sigh at his change in demeanor.
“I’ll do so if you promise to come to my room with me.” his lips caress the shell of your ear, kissing it. You give a surprised giggle at that. “Hm, what do you say?”
x    x    x    x
The moment your back hits the bed, Yoru is taking your pants away, pulling them with carefulness but urgency in his actions until you are bare from the waist down. He messily takes your shoes, too, and you save half the work by unbuttoning your shirt and unclasping your brassier so you can be bare for him.
Yoru is grunting, snarling almost like an animal, when he pounces on you and his lip attaches to your neck with ferociousness, biting and sucking harshly on the skin till it reddens. He makes room between your legs, your glistering folds rubbing against his jeans while he cages you against the bed and devours you with hunger.
Your hand tugs at his hair, finding out that he seems to like the rough treatment as much as you do, and your legs closes around his waist, grinding against him in search of some friction to alleviate yourself.
His right hand palms over your breast, fingertips running over your nipples while his mouth makes way to your other breast, sucking in with the same fervor he did with your marked neck. Biting softly on your nipple, his tongue flattens against your skin, licking it up and sucking until you curve your back, shrieking from the sudden action.
“Again-!” You plead, hips stuttering, and hands holding onto the sheets by your head. “Again, Ryo, please.”
He does as you say. Mouth sucking on your breast while his hand toys with your nipple. The left hand that was holding onto your waist goes straight to your core, fingers pressing against the outer lips but not entering, teasing you with gentle strokes, pads running softly over your clit but is not enough.
You need more.
“Ryo, I swear to fucking god if you don’t put that mouth to work I’m going to kill you.” Grabbing him by his hair, you pull, hard, and the motherfucker has the nerve to give you a cheeky grin, licking his lips. 
“You’re gonna regret that, sweetheart.”
Yoru moves out of the way until he is sitting on the floor right next to the bed, and with a strong pull, he takes your legs to rest above his shoulder and hands hold you by the waist tightly.
Before you could utter a word, nervous, he dives into your pussy, licking up a stripe with harshness that has you trembling under his touch. You moan his name shamelessly, gasping for air when he sucks on your little nub of nerves and his fingers prod on your entrance.
Coated in your juices, two of his fingers slide in easily, pumping them in and out slowly, and dragging his pads against your walls and timing it with his sucks. Being pressed between your legs and eating you out has to be one of the best things in the world, and he cannot begin to describe how aroused and hard you’re making him with your taste and moans coming from your mouth.
Your hands tangle in his hair, swapping between pulling at his roots or pushing his head to drown in your folds. Your hips are moving against his mouth erratically, riding in the feeling of his fingers and tongue on your pussy, wearing you down with each stroke of his appendage.
“Ryo, Ryo- Ah!” Head thrown back, you gasp when his fingers leave your hole to replace it with his mouth, tongue abusing your entrance rapidly and fingers going to your clitoris to rub them in tandem.
Stars were starting to cloud your vision, feeling the tight knot on your belly so close to snapping you can feel the orgasm tethering on the brim. Your hands travel to your chest, touching yourself with eagerness while being watched by your lover. You can almost feel his smile against your pussy, enjoying the show, which only riles you up.
But before you could combust and cum all over his face, Ryo makes distance, pushing you away but not before giving a last lick to your outer lips, legs trembling on each side of his face, that he smirks up at you.
“We haven’t finished yet, little minx.”
Furious for being denied of your climax, you punch him in the chest, “Fucking shit, Ryo! I was so fucking close-”
“Shhh,” he silences you, kissing your mouth with your taste on his tongue. He looks disheveled, raw, it makes you drip with want. His hands hovers over your perky nipples, flicking them with a devious smile playing on his lips. “It only gets better now.”
He strips down easily, throwing his jacket to the side of the bed while taking his shoes off. Pulling down his pants, you see his cock fully erect and bouncing slightly against his abs, flushed red with the tip smeared with his pre-cum. 
He pumps his cock a few times, pushing you against the mattress and devouring the sight as if you were a meal.
His chest is pressed against yours, leaning down to gently lay his lips to yours, and holding his weight with both of his arms on either side of your head. Yoru doesn't notice your tiny hand making its way to his cock, too concentrated on your lips and the hand pulling on his hair.
Guiding his dripping cock to your entrance, you open your legs to accommodate him easily and, with the help of your legs, you push him inside.
The head of his member breaches your entrance, a shiver runs down your spine when he bullies his way inside you slowly, walls clamping down on him and pulsating with lust running down your veins. 
Yoru groans in unison with you when he's fully in, your legs holding him in place to make the feeling of being connected this deeply last longer.
Touching your face, Yoru rests his forehead against yours, breaths intermingling in soft pants. Cupping his face, your thumbs run down his cheekbones, looking deeply into his eyes before kissing his lips in a soft peck.
“I love you,” You whisper, eyes clouded with love and affection. Smiling, he kisses your cheek.
Yoru slowly distances himself, pulling his hips away until the tip of his member is the only thing still in contact with your vagina, before thrusting hard into you. The sound of skin against skin is deafening, dirty and exciting for both who are enjoying this act of love, jolting with waves of .
His hips continue to move in a slow but steady rhythm, causing your begs and moans to rush out of your mouth hurriedly. Yoru is nothing but giving, accelerating the pace to your liking and watching in amusement the change in expression on your face.
Shouting his name, Yoru can't take it anymore. The speed increases, pelvis against pelvis, sweat rolling down your chest and seeing your breasts bounce with each thrust into your cunt only makes him lose control.
Nevermind the soft and calm Yoru from before, the moment your moans got to him is when he finally lets loose his mouth.
“You like that, huh? You fucking slut.” Grunting, he raises your legs to rest on his shoulders and bends you over in half. You can’t help but whine in embarrassment because of this position and the words uttered by him. “I bet Gekko didn't fuck you like this, right? I bet he doesn't even know how to please a woman.” 
Your walls clench painfully around his cock at his words. Yoru's eyes roll to the back of his head when your entrance gets tighter, sucking him in. With one of his hands, he starts masturbating you with fast flicks of his wrist, timing it with his thrusts rapidly. 
“Does he even know how good you taste? Or how filthy you are, sucking cock like a desperate whore?” Licking up your neck, he whispers in your ear, “Imagine if he were to see you like this, being fucked by me and cumming around my cock.”
“Ryo, I'm so close, please, so close!” You gasp, feeling your climax approach rapidly with how good Ryo is drilling into you.
“I'm going to fill that pussy of yours with my cum so everyone will know you belong to me.” he warns, a wicked smile tugging on his lips. “I'm going to mark every inch of your body as mine, understood? You’re going to be a good girl and take it all.”
Nodding, your hands hold onto his back, nails running down his back in an attempt to ground yourself, “Your good girl, yes-”
Yoru grunts heavily, loading his cum inside of you and fucking his seed deep inside with weak thrusts, riding his orgasm with closed eyes and mouthing your neck with lovebites. You follow soon after, the stimulation of his cock pushing in his cum and his fingers pressing against your clit is enough to send you over the edge and finally break, moaning his name and hips stuttering with the waves of the climax.
Slumping on top of you, he breathes heavily, trying to get in some air and enjoying the post-orgasmic experience with your hands brushing the hair out of his face gently.
You kiss the top of his head, smooching your way down until all you can reach is his forehead. He hums, raising his eyes and locking gazes silently.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
Sticking your tongue out, you pinch on the bare skin of his shoulder, making him jolt in surprise and glare at you with a pout. 
Yoru hovers over your body, resting his body weight on his arms and gives you a peck on the lips before standing up and going to the adjacent bathroom to bring a wet towel. Rolling to your stomach, you cross your arms under your head and watch him walk around freely and naked, admiring the view immensely.
His muscles ripple when he bends over to reach for the towel, watching his back with the mark of your nail alongside scars from past battles. You’ve never noticed, but Yoru with his hair down was a whole nother person to see, giving his sharp features a softer look with his hair framing his eyes and a boyish look that has you melting on the inside.
When he sees you ogling him shamelessly, he can’t help the flush on his cheeks and shyness for being this vulnerable in front of you. He throws the towel to your head to distract himself; that body of yours is enticing in every way possible, and he doesn’t want to look too eager to keep going.
“You’re a degenerate, clean yourself up.”
Laughing, you take the towel and lay down between his pillows to clean between your legs carefully. “Says the pervert who called me, what was it? A whore for your cock? A slut? Your words were colorful there, Ryo.”
Yoru grunts, sitting next to you on bed and stealing the towel from your hands. He makes you scoot closer and starts scooping out the cum oozing from your vagina with gentleness and avoiding it touching his sheets. 
The pressure he applies is enough to spark a new wave of heat on your lower abdomen, biting your lower lip to refrain from sighing out loud when the fabric stimulates you.
His fingers clean the remaining of both of your cum with a gentle brush, fingers caressing around your clit softly and watching your flustered expression focus on what his hands are doing.
Wanting to tease you, he applies pressure on the little nub, making circular motions to heighten the tension and sees you throw your head back. You whine, hips raising to seek the touch desperately. Moving your hand on top of his, you guide his movements from up and down, making his thumb tease your hole and your hips roll against both of your hands.
“Someone wants more of this pervert.” He mutters.
Kissing your legs, he licks his lips, discarding the towel to the side and making his way to your core slowly.
“Here comes round two, love.”
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Everlark (Mockingjay, Ch. 20-21)
(there's so much chapter 21 about the old peeta resurfacing and it feels like a reward for suffering through what this book has made me suffer through so far)
i take bogg's telling katniss to kill peeta as him just saying "do whatever you have to do to get the job done"
katniss being like um surely he doesn't think i can just kill peeta? like surely not. and then her literally being like i'm just gonna do the first two things he said and ignore the third
finnick putting on and adjusting peeta's mask while he's unconscious. the fact that katniss notes this. i cry
peeta realising he's killed mitchell hurts a lot. the capitol really turned him into something he's not. and he's fighting it so hard still
the compassion the other members of the star squad show peeta is actually very heart-warming, they're so understanding. finnick looking after him. holmes automatically going to carry an unconscious peeta so they can start moving again without being asked to. finnick reassuring him; actually everything finnick does. them refusing to leave him behind even though he is an actual threat to them
katniss thinking of the hanging tree while contemplating peeta's request that they kill him. the fact that she realises it might even be the more compassionate thing to do at this stage to give him nightlock. but the same way he says he can't let her take it at the end of the book, she can't do it here
"i feel the arena all around me... once again i'm battling not only for my own survival but peeta's as well"
i personally don't think katniss could have ever killed him. there's just no chance. when his survival is so intricately linked to her own. they're a package deal. and they fight so hard to keep each other alive.
peeta holding out the can of lamb stew to katniss. so mad we didn't get so many important moments from this book in the movies. they did a terrible job of showing the moments where peeta was coming back to himself. all his comments to the others, this moment
"the memories of rain dripping through stones, my inept attempts at flirting and the aroma of my favourite capitol dish in the chilly air. so some part of it must still be in his head too. how happy, how hungry, how close we were when that picnic basket arrived outside our cave."
OUR cave. like it was their first little home. first little intimate space just for them.
the fact that she paints this time in their cave as romantic and sentimental and picturesque. she's romanticising tf out of it. like she was in a death arena but in that moment, she was happy and close to him and that mattered so much to her
her hope at him returning to himself dripping off the page. that he remembers this.
(an aside: katniss being snarky about snow's puffy lips and saying his prep team need to be lighter with his blush is sooo funny)
in my catching fire summaries, i noted that katniss's desire to save peeta is actually a very selfish one. she's saving him for herself. because she wants him so badly to live. she wants him to be able to live more than herself. and the thought of him living while she doesn't is a personally comforting/happy thought for her. yes he deserves to live and he's a wonderful person but she's doing a lot of the saving of him for herself. because she NEEDS him to live. so her line here is interesting: "if it's true, it would be kindest to kill peeta here and now. but for better or worse, i am not motivated by kindness." - i think this is her essentially confirming what i believe or have gathered so far from what she tells us. saving peeta is not her showing him some great kindness. it's for her. she can't let him die for her own personal need and reasons. (and this isn't me criticising her, i don't think her reasons for saving him are selfish in a bad immoral way. just that she is a teenage girl in love with a boy and she desperately can't let him go)
she does the whole 'am i saving him because i care for him or because i don't want snow to win' but like it's been clear why she's been saving him thus far and continues to
"why can't i just let him go?" because you love and need him sweetheart. and you literally would not be able to live without him
and it's funny that despite all the emotion behind her reasoning, she comes out bluntly and says: so are you coming yourself or do we have to knock you out
"i slip it into my pants pocket, where it clicks against the pearl"
ugh. the key that keeps him restrained is now with katniss. her taking control of that part. the fact that it clicks with the pearl, reminding her of her boy with the bread who gave her this pearl that she's inseparable from. reminding her of exactly why she can't let him go, let him die.
peeta's comment to pollux when no one else can think of anything to say!! why didn't they include these things in the movies? auihfuaedhfufkeadh
the fact that his words are able to make castor laugh and pollux smile. he is so charming, so good-hearted, so good with people. and it's coming back. the boy with the bread is there, behind all that fog. he's there.
and again, katniss's hope at realising this. her glancing back at him. i can feel her emotions even though she's not always forthcoming with them
her wishing she could read his mind and go inside it to help him. settling on making sure he's eaten. taking away the lid so he can't hurt himself.
him saying mockingjays need wings to survive kinda feels like flirting/charm idk
"slowly, as i would with a wounded animal, my hand stretches out and brushes a wave of hair from his forehead. he freezes at my touch, but doesn't recoil. so i continue to gently smooth back his hair. it's the first time i have voluntarily touched him since the last arena" - never forget what the movies took from us!!
them smoothing/playing with/brushing back each other's hair has been a constant since the first book. an intimate thing, a comforting thing. and here, after all that's gone on, katniss knows what might help him sleep and she takes the risk of touching him. it could've gone so badly. but she still did it, for him. and for her.
him whispering "you're still trying to protect me. real or not real"... i want to hug him so bad. but he feels it. he feels her wanting to still protect him and he needs the confirmation.
protecting each other is what they do guysss
he has horrible circles under his eyes from not being able to sleep but, as katniss smooths his hair back, he falls asleep after a minute. do you understand how important this is?????
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misteria247 · 2 years
Was rewatching the Leo and Donnie being a murderous duo video (aka Donnie being angry) video and it was during the part where Donnie had that mafia don cornered and he literally had his bo staff blade to this guy's throat and it just.....
The look on Donnie's face man. It was so unsettling to see, it was like looking at a stranger at that moment. Like a stranger who was fueled by nothing but his rage and it got me thinking about some things. Mainly this.
What if one of the reasons why Leo was so against Donnie taking this guy out was because of his anger? Or rather who his anger was following in the footsteps of?
Like it's already pretty clear during the episode that this takes place after Splinter's death because Leo's got the black twin katanas. Which means that the events that happen in the episode happened after Leo had already made that heavy decision of taking the burden of killing the Shredder onto himself than letting his brothers do it (because as we all know Leo's pretty selfless when it comes to his loved ones, especially his brothers and he'd definitely take on that awful burden of taking a life to spare his brothers the emotional and mental backlash of making such a choice). And all throughout the episode Leo's telling Donnie that violence won't solve anything and that killing this guy isn't the way to go.
Already it's scarily clear that he's trying to spare Donnie, who when he's not angry is one of the kindest turtles amongst their group. Leo knows full well that if Donnie went through with it, his little brother once that anger died down would be completely torn up by the act he did because it's Donnie. But after seeing just how angry Donnie gets, seeing his face and voice be filled with that all consuming wrath it made me think that perhaps one of the reasons he didn't want Donnie to go through with it, was because at that moment he'd become a lot like their enemy. He'd become the one person at that moment who had ruined their lives.
Donnie became the Shredder at that moment.
Because Donnie at that moment was going purely on his anger. He was letting it get the best of him and was fully prepared to kill the don, consequences be damned. Like Donnie was on a war path, just going through it blindly with only one thought in mind.
Killing the don who had hurt him.
Even when he and Leo had nearly gotten hurt several times throughout that mission, even when their lives were on the line, Donnie didn't even notice any of it because he was so angry. And who else has done this very thing?
The Shredder.
The Shredder's main motivation was to kill Splinter. Because in the Shredder's eyes Splinter as well as his whole family had done him wrong and in his need for vengeance and in his anger he killed Splinter and his father, killed Tang Shen, manipulated Karai and in the end killed Splinter. All of it while he was angry and driven by that fury and wrath need to get back at the world that had done him wrong. Shredder didn't care who got hurt in his need to get revenge, just as long as he got it. And it'd gotten to the point that Shredder's anger went so far over the line that even if he wanted to stop it, it would have already been far too late. Because Shredder from the moment he acted on that need for vengeance and going blindly with his anger, had crossed over in an area that he could never come back from.
If Leo let Donnie go through with his anger, if he'd let Donnie get that need for revenge that he'd been so desperate for throughout the entire episode before Leo's words had made him finally think about it instead of ignoring them, then his little brother would have inevitably just started a cycle that they'd just ended all over again.
His little brother Donnie would have been no better than the man who murdered their father and hurt so many others in his fiery war path.
And that's something Leo couldn't ever let happen. It's something he couldn't bare for to happen to the only remaining family he has left from the aftermath.
At that moment I'm willing to bet that Leo's worst nightmares were possibly coming to life right in front of his very eyes.
Which is why he's so proud and relieved when Donnie makes the right decision and doesn't go through with it. It's why he tells him he did a good job because not only did Donnie unknowingly spare his emotional well being and mental psyche from making such a life changing decision, but he also at that moment became better than the person who they'd been fighting against since the very beginning.
At least that's what I'm thinking I could be wrong.
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