#online policy
spectruminsurance10 · 4 months
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indiesellersguild · 8 months
Q13-14 of our COOL Online Act analysis FAQ:
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"What are the marketplaces’ responsibility in all this?"
Marketplaces are required to notify sellers of the new country of origin labeling requirements. They are also required to provide a way to list that information in the product’s description.
"How will this be enforced?"
Anyone who violates this rule is subject to Federal Trade Commission’s regulations about unfair and deceptive business practices. But this is a civil violation, not criminal. The process can involve a hearing or interviews, or even formal subpoenas for information from the company. The FTC then brings the complaint to a judge, who either issues a cease and desist order or dismisses the complaint. Only if the company violates a cease and desist order are they liable to penalties.The penalty is up to $10,000 per violation. FTC cases tend to result in financial penalties paid back to consumers. The FTC can also forward a case on to law enforcement agencies if they believe a crime has been committed. Source 1, Source 2
Read the full analysis and FAQ here.
Have you been screwed over by dishonest resellers? Tell your story to help this bill get passed.
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bunabi · 6 months
everyone I care about knows that racism is serious enough of a red flag to not associate with somebody or something, and at the end of the day that's all that matters to me lol
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contrappostoes · 3 months
i don’t want to get into this at 7 in the morning but so much of the current (and wack) thought around lgbt stuff came out of 2010s tumblr which came out of 15 year olds misinterpreting gender theory and feminist philosophy texts and and cherry picking historical information to validate their existing world view. and it makes me nuts that almost no one talks about or remembers it
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
So I know this isn't anything that like actually needs an apology but it'll make me feel a bit better to say it. Oof whoops this ABoT chapter is super late. Timing kinda sucks since I wanted to have some updates out while s3 was airing but
Been kinda mega busy and stressed since October with the whole condo buying thing which rolled right into immediate day 0 plumbing and boiler issues I had to get fixed and general moving hassle and financial commitment stress and I kinda just fried myself hard. Plus then acclimating to a new place without my familiar street or familiar grocery store or familiar room or any of that. Like there's no "just go home and take your mind off it" to this cuz home is the "it". So I'm just kinda enduring until I can calm the hell down.
And anyway I definitely have progress on ch47, like 7000-ish words of it, but it's the kind of like "there is writing there" and hasn't exactly hit the "there is substance there" that I want ABoT chapters to be. Like this in particular is a chapter I want to be good, not just be done. So it's taking time to get my brain somewhere that can do that.
#anyway#i mean just in case anyone was like wondering if its discontinued to anything#its still going i just can't make it Good quite yet#(plus i need to get furniture cuz as it stands the place is really quite empty and bare except for like my room and the kitchen)#(also the bank had my address wrong so they havent been able to send me any of the mortgage information which was technically due already)#(ive been in contact with them but it's a whole thing)#(plus im still not quite finished with all the utility switching. i still need to get water in my name)#(and the boiler issue fucked up my gas bill so now ive got a crazy high gas bill i just need to... pay)#(i have actually started seeing a therapist but thats a whole other Thing now figuring out insurance and deductables and using my HSA#account and just... it's a lot)#(oh also my homeowner's insurance policy number doesn't actually work for getting me into the online portal. and the geico guy said he was#looking into it but I havent heard anything in a while)#(its a lot im just gonna melt for a while i guess)#(plus all the upfront stress has made it really hard to associate the new place as 'home' instead of 'place of great many plumbing evils')#(i sat on like 4 million couches this week and the only one i really really like probably doesn't quite fit in my living room)#(the downstairs neighbors tv is too loud and i need to talk to her about it in a way which isn't 'hey im holding on by a thread and this#one small inconvenience is the thing which is making me turn into ash')#(oh thats right i have to go pay my january HOA dues...)#(oh also I need to file for the owner-occupied tax exemption thing now that its 2023)#anyway......... ill be normal eventually. im just not normal right now.#chrissy speaks
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dimonds456 · 1 month
Hey, guys?
People on the opposite side of the political spectrum can be good people too.
It's starting to make me really uncomfortable how divided everything is. People have adopted an "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality when talking about the other side, and it's so jarring going from online where that's the norm to being in an Uber and your driver is the other side.
Online parties make the other side out to be monsters who want nothing more than to watch the world burn. And while that is absolutely true for some people (on BOTH SIDES), most people are far more sane than that.
Everyone's actions make sense to them. Everyone thinks they're in the right, at least to some degree.
Left-wingers aren't monsters under the bed out to kill and eat kids or something.
Right-wingers aren't shadows on the wall that stalk their prey at night.
But holy fuck the way they talk about each other, you'd think they are.
I'm not saying you gotta switch sides. What I am saying is that you're not helping out anything by "us vs them"ing the other half of the population in your head.
Most offline people either don't think some issues are as prevalent as they are, or just don't see how it applies to them and focus on their own lane. This (the second half) can be a bad thing, absolutely, but it can also be a good thing, too. Mostly it's neutral from what I've personally seen. The first half just means they should do more research, but if someone doesn't see why it matters then convincing them to do so in earnest will be hard.
That doesn't make them bad. Just means they're focused on other things. Just because someone doesn't get it doesn't mean they're the scum of the earth. There's plenty you don't know about, either. How dare you not know about every tiny conflict happening out there right now, y'know?
Love thy neighbor n all that. We're all just trying to live as best as we can at the end of the day.
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1o1percentmilk · 4 months
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notbeetle · 3 months
it's interesting how the vast majority of the people on this website just don't actually know anything about like the broader internet politics sphere. Like... you see liberal bloggers reblogging articles from The Grayzone about the Israeli genocide in Palestine and then two posts later reblogging something from like. prismatic-bell about how you should vote for 99% hitler or whatever.
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avi-on-jumblr · 5 months
sometimes i think back to my grade 7 self who took like 2 political compass quizzes that aligned me with like. fucking noam chomsky. whom i had never heard of before that moment. and how i went around for like half a year going "oh yeah i'm basically exactly like him politically" and saying i was an anarcho-communist because i thought that meant "like, uh, everyone gets equal things and it's all nice and happy and good and stuff".
anyways i think back and cry.
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littleesistler · 1 month
⛔️⛔️⛔️On the topic of creeps…
ugh yeah I forgot about this one that interacted with me yesterday so guess what, I’m in a bit of a mood today to expose @rizz1er or Rishie🌄 and here’s a direct link to his blog: https://rizz1er.tumblr.com/
trigger warnings: kinks, fetish, uncomfortable and awkward interactions.
So he sent me a message and was very formal. I looked at his blog and he wrote tickling is a kink for him, so I sett a clear boundary that I do not allow any type of sexual or explicit interaction with me or my blog. He said he didn’t know what platonic means and purposely ignored the 3 first boundaries set in my bio that I ask everyone to read and answer before interacting with me, it’s platonic, sfw and I’m not a therapist.
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Can’t believe I met two creeps one after another, this shit yesterday and that other guy today. Ugh PELASE stay safe and be clear with your boundaries.⚠️⚠️⚠️
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xannerz · 6 months
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
Ok new headcanon that shu brings mika aaaall the milka products he can find as souvenirs and mika is really attached to the purple cow mascot
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gayvampyr · 11 months
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commiepinkofag · 1 year
TikTok kept tabs on users who watched clips that were tagged under topics such as “LGBT,” short for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and monitored them for at least a year.
Social media companies are known to maintain user profiles in order to offer them personalized ads. However, social media platforms are advised not to collect sensitive data like sexual orientation as it has the potential to make users into targets.
lists… tiktok and every other corporation
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togekissies · 5 months
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anyway, have some churros. and some of the last pictures i took of coconut for good measure.
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aropride2 · 10 months
we have gottttt to start shaming people for saying shit like "fuck the police includes the identity/fandom/whatever police" like 😭 regardless of ur opinions on exclusionism or fandom discourse u have to be able to acknowledge that those are not even close to actual real life cops
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