#only another 2 months and then i can start the process of testosterone
wings-of-angels · 2 years
Oh no big mistake to have looked at my reflection in the glass door in the kitchen </3 my gender dysphoria just skyrocketted :(
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kickflippinginurheart · 8 months
I need help
I hate needing to make this post but the government is screwing me the fuck over, what’s new. This is a long story so scroll to the bottom if you just want the cliff notes.
I transferred from one college to another in the hopes of being safer, I was being targeted for my queerness and for not being white. So I moved to a new school that was much more accepting and (thankfully) cheaper to attend. I was supposed to get some money from Fafsa as a return which I would use for rent, as I live off campus. With rent taken care of I was planning on getting a job to take care of my groceries and anything else I wanted to do.
However, I never got my return. So I started making calls. My school told me they actually never got my Fafsa in, and I owe them money for this semester. So I start making calls to Fafsa asking what’s going on. They tell me why the issue was, that I need to make certain corrections, everything like that. I try my best to do so, but I start getting an error on my form. It won’t let me go past a certain section because a false error, so I can’t actually send in my corrections electronically. They’re unsure why I’m receiving this error and can do nothing to fix it.
The only option is to send me a paper copy of my form and have me fill it out and mail it back to them. It will take:
- 10-14 business days for me to receive the forms
- 2-3 weeks for them to receive and process it
- 2-3 business days for my school to receive and process it
- 3-5 days for me to receive my return
I need this money for rent, for cat food, and testosterone. By the time this money actually comes in I’ll be two months behind rent and at risk of being homeless, not to mention starving. My family gives me no financial support because of the fact I’m trans. I pay for my own testosterone, my own college and my own food.
I’ve been having a lot of trouble finding jobs because I’m also physically disabled. I walk with a cane and have days where my leg gives out and I can’t walk at all. Finding a place to work under these circumstances hasn’t been easy and still, two months after moving here, I haven’t been able to get one. I draw and can do commissions if anyone is interested, I’d just really appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you for reading this far
TLDR; the government is stopping me from receiving money and I’m at risk of going homeless and hungry
I’m on most money apps (PayPal, Venmo, cash app) as @ Heavytiredeyes and again, anything is appreciated
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Unhinged fic idea incoming...
An AU where Buck is the one looking for a sperm donor.
Buck is trans in this AU fyi and there's trans pregnancy and related stuff involved
He's obviously in love with Eddie, had been for a long time, and for a little bit after he and Taylor broke up, he hoped.
But then nothing happens. Because nothing ever happens between them, no matter how many nights he stays over, how many dinners he cooks, how many times they go out, how many times they spend the evening like a family -- they're not. Chris is not his son, Eddie is not his partner, and there's nothing happening.
And Buck, at that point, is tired of hoping for and waiting to have his own family.
This is when Connor shows up -- Buck was stealth back when they lived together so he explains, that sorry, dude, no dick or anything like that here, so can't give you sperm.
But Connor gives him an idea.
At first he thinks it's crazy and pushes the thought back because it seems to be more of a fantasy than anything - Buck having his own child without another person involved.
But then, well, why not? There are single mothers that decide to keep a baby from accidental pregnancies all over the world and Eddie is a single dad himself -- if he can do it, why couldn't Buck? He's got a stable job, financially he's okay, he hasn't had any health issues in a while, he wants to be a dad more than anything, and he wants a family more than anything, even if just a small one.
So he sets a plan in motion, talks to his doctor, goes off both HRT and birth control and starts looking for someone willing to donate sperm to him or sleep with him.
He's got a few candidates lined up - past friends, mostly, because he wants someone he knows and can trust with such a delicate process, someone who won't take advantage of the situation - and when his period finally comes back after two months off testosterone, he starts calling up.
He's got one guy he used to date in the fire academy who has agreed to try and get him pregnant. They meet up, they talk about what they're more comfortable with - Buck was going to go with the good old cup and syringe method insemination, but Gabe says they could have some fun while at it.
It's going alright - they meet up for sex two-three times a week, there's absolutely zero feeling to it, and after two months of trying, nothing happens.
And then the crew finds out.
There's lots of opinions and questions why ('I'm tired of waiting to have my own family') and why couldn't he just wait until he finds someone ('I want a baby, not a partner, and I'm not getting younger and the timing is right'). Eventually, he explains everything and tells them the plan and all the preparations he's done -- medical, financial, housing, etc. and everyone realizes this isn't something he's doing on a whim and agrees to support him.
Everyone except Eddie.
Who seems to be incredibly offended that Buck 1) didn't tell him about the plan, 2) didn't ask him to be the baby daddy donor and instead asked some other random guy.
Buck, because he's oblivious, thinks Eddie's weird behaviour is only due to the first reason and gets defensive that he doesn't have to tell Eddie about all his life choices any time Eddie brings up the topic.
Cue month three of trying to get pregnant and Buck tells Gabe hey, I actually would prefer to switch to the cup and syringe method. And the dude blows up about how he's only doing it for the sex and he's infertile anyway so whatever Buckley.
Obviously, that's upsetting because he's just wasted three months but also because he trusted Gabe and it turned out like this - so how is he supposed to trust any other guys on the candidate list?
Everyone on the team is sympathetic - Athena offers to get that guy for extraction of sex under false pretense - but Buck just kinda feels like giving up. Hen mentions he can just use a clinic's donor, doesn't have to be doing IVF for that, just get a donor catalog and go for the specimen to the clinic or have it delivered to his house and do the syringe method anyway. It's going to cost some money but still cheaper than IVF.
Eddie still hates the idea.
And Buck gets one catalog and brings it to the station so he can talk to Hen about it (since she and Karen had gone through the process before) and Eddie is really snarky the whole day about it, with little comments here or there.
At some point, Buck just can't take it and tells him, 'If you think I'll make such a bad parent why don't you just tell me to my face, loud and clear.'
Obviously, Eddie tones down immediately. Explains that hey, this isn't what I meant, I just don't like the idea of you having a kid with a stranger you know nothing about.
They have a whole discussion when Buck confesses he doesn't like it either but he's desperate and please don't make me question it even more, I just want a baby at whatever cost.
So Eddie takes the opportunity and says, 'I'll be your sperm donor.'
Buck knows it's a bad idea but it's also the best he can get from Eddie - maybe he won't love him and maybe they won't be a family in a little unit of four, but he'll have a baby that's a little bit like him.
Because he has the rest of his self-preservation and doesn't want his heart to break any more, he insists on doing it with the cup and syringe method.
Which backfires spectacularly since he's literally sitting outside Eddie's bedroom while he comes into a cup and when it's his turn to lie down on the same bed and do the insemination, Eddie is like, I could help you with that, probably easier if someone else does it for you. What was supposed to be a simple procedure of draw the sperm into a syringe, inject the syringe's contents up your vagina has just changed into something very intimate.
They try for three months like that and once again, Buck is starting to think there's something wrong with him because he's not getting pregnant. And like, he cries about that a little bit even though he knows it takes six months on average to get pregnant and Eddie offers, you guessed it, let's try it the standard way because maybe that will help (knowing fully well it only busts the chances of getting pregnant by like five percent tops). Buck is desperate, so things happen.
They start having sex.
And Eddie gets, like, really obsessed with it too, just so Buck finally gets pregnant and stops feeling like it's his fault it's not happening faster. He is also tracking Buck's cycles, too, now, and plans for them to have sex on all his predicted fertile days. When one of those days falls when they're on duty, they have sex in the back of the (parked inside the station) truck.
The universe apparently thinks it's funny because that's the lucky time...
Buck is pregnant and so happy he doesn't realize Eddie is mentally freaking out because 1) that means they'll stop having sex and more importantly 2) Buck is having his baby and he's expected to let him parent them alone and never say a thing, just observe from the sidelines as a friend (which ironically is how Buck's felt about Eddie and Chris...)
It quickly proves to be impossible - Buck's got his first ultrasound scheduled and Eddie is like, 'I'm going with you' because he can't imagine not being there for Buck in such an important moment and not seeing the baby for the first time with him.
Which sets off an argument because Eddie was supposed to be a donor not dad and Eddie finally loses his cool and yells, 'I can't.'
Buck is definitely not getting it and is upset because Eddie still doesn't love him but he's already gotten attached to the baby that was meant to be his only in DNA. It's irrational but he feels like Eddie's going to take even this from him, the baby that was supposed to be the small part of Eddie and his dream family he could have.
And Eddie feels guilty because he promised he'll just be a donor but it turns out he can't, he feels like he tricked Buck into this situation. He can't quite literally make this worse so why not just come clean, right? Tell Buck he's sorry and he's in love with him and he really did offer to be a donor thinking he could be just a donor but he can't let go.
Obviously they get together before the first ultrasound.
The only problem now is no one at the station knows that Eddie is the baby daddy, and not some anonymous donor from a catalog.
Chaos ensures
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marcelinesghost13 · 1 month
Okay blog we got some things to talk about. So about midweek of last week my dog was swarmed by ticks which made him really sick and I had to put him down. That was a really hard thing to do and it pretty much broke me. It's in exactly help that my wife was very angry and did her normal gaslighting the shit out of me think so that didn't help with my emotional state. Especially with the amount of bullshit that's been going on. I did go up to the mountains to try to get some air and possibly talk to somebody on the phone family member, a friend, pretty much anyone that I could find. I did not find anybody. I even called the trans hotline and the suicide hotline and they weren't even willing to talk to me which didn't help my mental state. Which caused me to play with my knife and gave me some ideas of maybe just kind of saying goodbye to the world. Luckily my conscience stepped in and she basically told me what the fuck am I doing. I did pass out in my car for about an hour and a half and then woke up and went home. There I dealt with some more drama and then I went back to sleep on the couch. So that's pretty much that day.
Then I've been dealing with my dad which some of you know has dementia. It is definitely affecting him very intensely he does not have a clue where the fuck he's at. So I have to go down there in order to calm down sometimes because the nurses don't know what to do with him. There was one day this week where I had to convince him to take a shower because he hasn't done that in about 2 or 3 weeks. And he did smell a little ripe. So I did convince him of taking that shower with the nurses which is a good thing. Then later today he was very upset and very angry and wanted to leave so I got called again to calm him down. Fortunately that means that I only got three hours of sleep so today is going to be a long day at work. But I did call my dad down and got him a Snickers and a coke which made him really happy and hopefully things will get a little bit better. The part that's really pissing me off is none of the administration or the doctors have actually talked to me about what kind of game plan they have for my father and how to deal with him having issues like this. It looks like I'm definitely going to have to climb up their ass and find out what the fuck they're doing.
As far as my wife goes she's still very sick and still very pissed off at the world like normal. We did have an appointment today and it got canceled after she was waiting for about 6 months for that appointment. There was another appointment earlier this week where they were supposed to put in injection in her back in order for her back when inflame the way it does but they told us to leave because she was recovering from a kidney infection. We also found out some bad news she has some bladder stones, two tumors and her kidneys and her lungs are collapsing. So she is definitely not in good shape. It sounds like her body is falling apart on her and there's not a fucking thing I can do about that. To be honest I am scared to death and I have got a feeling that if everything continues the way it is that she might pass away I don't know when but I'm absolutely terrified. I know she can be overly aggressive and abusive at times with me but she is my best friend and I have been with her for 30 years. And I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. I wish these doctors would get off their ass and help her but it doesn't look like they're doing fucking anything.
As far as me going my testosterone and estrogen test came back last week. My testosterone levels are really fucking low and my estrogen level is actually kind of high. Which my doctor decided to put me on testosterone blocker. I fucking hate it it makes my fucking God damn boys downstairs hurt like fucking hell. I know this is part of the process of becoming a girl but God damn it is painful. Then I'm supposed to be starting estrogen or better known as frt and a couple weeks. I'm really excited about that because it's one step forward and to becoming who I should be. Yet I'm also kind of scared cuz it's something totally different and I have to face the reality that I will be spending my ending years of my life as a girl. And I've spent half of my life being a guy. It's just beyond comprehension sometimes for me but it seems like it's just not real. Also I've been on the hunt for a therapist. I tried an online eight week therapy thing that my insurance provides but that therapist told me that my head's too fucked up and I got too much drama for an eight week program and that I need an actual permanent therapist. So I called a couple places today and hopefully they'll call me back.
I am so mentally exhausted and burnt out from everything that's going on. I also forgot to mention that one of my other dogs is being attacked by the ticks that killed my other dog. And the ticks are actually from Colorado they don't actually live in New Mexico. So I'm pretty convinced that my crackhead neighbors are the ones that introduced these ticks in order to get rid of my dogs. They have killed four of my dogs with their tactics I absolutely hate these fucking people. I don't like using the word hate because using that word indicates murder and death but I have no problem admitting to the fact that I want these people dead. Especially if what they did to my furry babies because I see my furry babies as my children. So something bad happens to them I hope it happens soon and karma needs to hurry the fuck up. I am sick and tired of life just handing me a plate of shit every fucking day it's getting so beyond fucking old and I'm doing my best to handle it. And I do have a lot of amazing friends online and I've got some family that are being supportive but for the most part the journey I'm on it's me by myself and I seriously got to be an Amazon warrior.
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Yeah when doctors ignore the issues people with uteruses have, I always get fucking PISSED!!! Because my uterus legit almost killed me when I had it.
Basically, as soon as I got my period for the first time, I had UNBEARABLE cramps. I mean, I suffer from chronic pain that no OTC painkillers can do a damn thing about, and that chronic pain is NOTHING compared to my period cramps. I would be stuck motionless on the couch screaming in agony with a heating pad on me at all times and like 1800mg of Ibuprofen at once, and still the pain continued.
Furthermore, my periods would come around every 20 days. One summer, I literally had my period for all 3 months of the season. It didn't stop. At all. Not for a moment. I was just PMSing and cramping and bleeding to no end. I was 14. And no doctor would take me on because I was too young.
After that stopped, my next period came, and 14 days after that one, another period. I was losing so much blood.
When I came out as trans, doctors saw no point (and neither did I) of putting me on birth control for this because I was planning to start testosterone.
BUT THAT WAS A YEAR-LONG PROCESS IN AND OF ITSELF!!!!! By this time, my periods were coming every 10 days. Heavily. To the point where I'd go through a super ultra long thick overnight maxipad roughly every 10 minutes. I was ripping through a full case of those things every period.
Anyway, when I did finally start testosterone, my pain had only ever gotten worse over the many years. I was 18. I was told that my periods would stop entirely, or just be like 2x a year, after 3-6 months max on hormones.
And 9 months in, they were still coming every 10 days, just as bad, just as unbearable. I was anemic. HIGHLY anemic. After 2 more years of this, my doctor wanted me to get blood transfusions because I was so anemic that, I could barely walk, I had headaches and ringing in my ears 24/7 that often developed to migraines, and I was constantly exhausted to the point I could only stay awake 3 hours at a time.
I finally, at 22 iirc, got my hysterectomy. Because there literally was no other option for me, and I wanted it out, and I didn't want to have kids anyway.
After that, whaddya know?! My life went back to how it was before I got periods! My blood count went back to normal after a time, and I no longer was anemic.
But for a good portion of my life, doctors ignored my issues, said they'd get better, or that I was too young to make the decision to have my uterus taken out of me. I did not stop. If I'd continued without blood transfusions, there's a very likely possibility that I would have eventually died from losing so much blood so frequently.
Every fucking 10 days. With that much blood loss. When I was barely even 20 years old. To the point nothing worked at all ever to ease the pain, or stop periods.
So yeah. If a doctor is brushing your issues with periods and your uterus off, go fucking find a new doctor ASAP!!!! Your life could literally depend on it. I'm not saying you have to get a hysterectomy, there's stuff out there like IUDs which iirc have a 20% chance on average to stop periods and if they don't they're at least lighter (but they're apparently very painful to put in, and have to be replaced every few years, and there's a small chance your body will reject the IUD or even less likely that it will go in wrong, but I met someone who experienced this). Additionally, if you're cis or just in general not planning to go on HRT, birth control works great from what I've heard!
Basically, just don't let your problems get brushed off or go unheard. It's unethical of doctors for one, and you deserve better as well.
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assumptionprime · 3 years
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Whooooo! This is a lot more than normal. If I do another of these in a year it’s not gonna be this long.
(More thoughts and a transcript below the cut.)
Also, I was tempted to hurt everyone (including me) by making the title a RENT reference. You're all welcome.
Have a bulleted list of other thoughts that I couldn't fit into the comic:
Everything in here is about my experiences specifically. My medications, my doses, my injection cycle, everything is specific to me and my body. Your body might handle a lot of these things differently! Nothing in here is medical advice. Please talk to a healthcare provider if it’s at all possible for you.
Moreover, obsessing over other trans people’s doses and hormone levels and results is never helpful. My first few months, any time I read something online about doses or results that differed from mine I’d fall into a rabbit hole of unnecessary anxiety, furiously googling for half an hour until I found something that reassured me that yes, I’m fine, and I’m going to get a good grade in HRT, something is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
Yes, the Spiro makes me pee a lot. It didn’t at first, but it turns out I was just not drinking enough water and was a bit dehydrated all the time. Whoops!
Yes, I sometimes get cramps that resemble period cramps. It’s weird, and sucks, but is not nearly as intense or frequent as people with uteruses deal with. (No stolen valor here)
Therapy can be really good, actually. The fact that so many doctors or governments require therapy before one can start hormones is bullshit, but if you can get a good therapist, it can be really helpful to unpack and process your feelings while transitioning, even if you don’t need a stupid letter where you live.
And perhaps most importantly: transition, medical or otherwise, isn’t a cure-all for depression. It’s helped me immensely, but that’s me. You’re not broken or failing your transition if going on hormones or changing your presentation doesn’t solve your depression. It only means you need to find what does help you. And there is something that can help.
Comic, 7 Panels Panel 1: Robin leaning out from behind a panel "So! I've been on feminizing HRT for one year now. How'd that happen? How's it going?" Panel 2: A PDF file on its Table of Contents. Caption: I found my doctor through a local LGBTQ+ group's "Trans Best" list. It's a listing of local doctors and businesses that were recommended by other local trans people as trans friendly. Panel 3: A piece of paper that reads "she trans fr tho." Caption: I gave her a gender dysphoria diagnosis letter from my therapist, but I don't know that she needed it? We never talked about it, I just assumed it was necessary since many doctors need one. Panel 4: 2021 Robin, with the eggiest hair you've ever seen, talking with her doctor. Caption: We talked about what I wanted from transition, and if I had any specific medication questions. I said I wanted shots, she said if I was willing to do shots, she was willing to give them to me. Panel 5: 2021 Robin holding a prescription sheet. Caption: I had my prescription in hand! Panel 6: A neighborhood with snow dumped all over it. Caption: Then it snowed harder than it ever has since I started living here in Memphis, shipping was held up, and I had to wait another two weeks to get the meds! Panel 7: An irate Robin fumes, "...fucking inconvenience powder."
Comic, 1(?) Panel Robin hanging upside down from the top of the image says "Now, what do I actually take?"
(little pictures of medications beside their listings)
100mg Spironolactone daily (started at 50mg, upped to 100 after 2 months) - Anti-androgen, Blocks testosterone receptors; can lower testosterone production.
100mg Progesterone daily (added at 2 months) - Sort of a helper for estrogen in promoting physical changes; can lower testosterone production.
5mg Finasteride daily (added at 2 months) - Another anti-androgen, specifically promotes thinning of body hair, and stops or can partially reverse hair loss
5% Minoxidil foam once daily - It’s Rogaine. Yeah. My hair was Not Good.
2ml of 5mg/mL Depo-Estradiol injected intramuscularly every 10 days (started at 1 mL every 14 days, increased to 2mL at 2 months, increased to every ten days at 4 months) - The most important bit. Performs the more vital bodily functions that all that blocked testosterone is no longer doing, but more importantly, induces physical changes to feminize the body
Robin, now laying at the bottom of the image, speaks, "Remember, this is just my regimen. Your provider might prescribe different medications in different amounts, or start you on fewer types and add more over time. Talk with them about what you are and aren’t being prescribed and why."
Comic, 9 Panels Panel 1: Physical Changes (Or: the part everyone's here to read about) Robin in a cheerful pose, with little notations drawn on various parts of her. Panel 2: Skin. Robin poking her face. Caption: Softer and less oily. Minor, but nice! I didn't get much acne before, but I almost never get it now. Panel 3: Body Hair. A hairy forearm, next to a much, much less hairy one. Caption: It's thinner and much slower growing. I'm also getting laser hair removal, but this is still wonderful. Panel 4: A disappointed Robin rubbing her face, she mutters "Still scratchy..." Caption: It hasn't had the same effect on my facial hair, I'm sorry to say. Panel 5: Chest. Robin gesturing vaguely at her upper torso. Panel 6: Robin trying and failing to be nonchalant, says "It's... I mean... There's a little going on there, but it's not a huge change." Panel 7: Robin looking down at her chest, continues "I know it's supposed to take a while. And I have lost weight these past few months, which doesn't help, but..." Panel 8: Robin keeps looking down at her chest. Panel 9: Robin starts nudging her chest, and says "C'mon... Do Something..."
Comic, 8 Panels Panel 1: Fat Placement. Robin, hands on her waist, speaks, "But! Between the weight loss and hormones, I kind of have a waist now?" Panel 2: Past Robin lifting her shirt up slightly, and marvelling with starry eyes at her slightly curved waist. Caption: My spouse pointed it out to me one day and I was like: "Ohhhh! I do!" Panel 3: Muscle Mass. Robin waving her wiggly, weak arms shouting "ARMS! LIKE! NOODLES!" Panel 4: Robin huddled in a blanket. Caption: I get SO much colder now. I used to be a walking furnace, now if it gets below 70 in the house i need a blanket and long socks. Panel 5: Hair. Robin combing her hair. Panel 6: Pre-transition Robin examining the thinning hairline. Caption: Before hormones, my hair was falling out. It sucked. But I also though there was nothing I could do about it. Panel 7: Current Robin holding a bottle of medication and gesturing to her hair, speaks "But actually! I totally can do something about it, and I am, and it works!" Panel 8: Robin laying on her bed, smiling and kicking her feet, talking to herself "Yes yes yes!" Caption: When I first noticed the difference, I couldn't stop smiling for days.
Comic, 7 Panels Panel 1: Mood and Emotions. A joyful Robin surrounded by various hearts with faces and different emotions. (Yeah, a Super Princess Peach reference in 2022, only the best from me) Panel 2: A smiling robin leaning back in her Gamer Chair(tm) and holding a tablet pen thoughtfully to her cheek. Caption: After a while, my mood started to shift. I generally just... happier. Panel 3: Caption: I have bad days, sure. I'm not immune to falling into a slump. But my baseline for what "normal" feels like is so much higher than it used to be. "How are you doing?" A pretransition Robin face, with a somewhat down expression "I'm okay." a current Robin face with a little smile "I'm okay." Panel 4: Robin looking down into the lower half of the panel where pretransition Robin sits, looking annoyed/angry. "It's certainly a combo of HRT, therapy, and being happier with myself. But I'm not... frustrated all the time anymore. Panel 5: Robin steps in front of the previous panel, which is grayed out and paused like a VHS so I really show that I'm old. "Quick side note: There's this attitude among some transfems that testosterone makes you a zombie whose only emotion is anger, but I don't think that's the case. Panel 6: Robin continues, "I think that's the way a lot of depressed and repressed transfems feel and it fades as they transition, so they equate the two." Panel 7: Robin holds a vial of Estradiol to her cheek, gesturing to it as she speaks. "Tons of cis men and transmascs like the way testosterone makes them feel. And good for them! My precious estradiol makes them feel like shit! It's about what's right for you."
Comic, 7 Panels Panel 1: Caption: Anyway, before transition I still had other feelings, but I felt less... connected to them? I would feel happy when good things happened, but even on my best day as the old me, I never got so happy that I cried. An arrow labelled "Just married the love of my life" pointing to a pretransition Robin in a three-piece suit, smiling and looking pleased. An arrow labelled "Got a really sweet greeting card" pointing to a current Robin holding said card and wiping away tears with a big wobbly smile on her face. Panel 2: Robin gesturing sheepishly while speaking "And yeah, a lot of that sounds like it's because I'm no longer really depressed. And... true. But I do think having my right hormones is definitely playing a part in it. Panel 3: two big numbers, 14 and 10, Robin is pointing at the 10 while saying "You might have noticed back when I listed my medications that after a few months I moved from injections every 14 days to every 10 days." Panel 4: Past Robin laying down, looking anxious and upset. Caption: I had noticed that every now and then I'd have a run of crummy days out of nowhere. I just felt worse and would lie around and anxiously spiral. Panel 5: A calendar, with E vials on alternating Sundays. The Wednesdays through Saturdays before each vial are labelled "Feel Shitty" Caption: Took a look at a calendar and whaddaya know! It was always in the 3-4 days before my next injection. Panel 6: Caption: I brought this up with my doc and she said: (Doctor, speaking) "Let's move yo to injecting every 10 days, then. Panel 7: Robin holding the calendar, with no more red "feel shitty" zones on it, speaks "And poof! No more cycle of feeling shitty for half of every other week!
Comic, 8 panels: Panel 1: Robin speaking "The most important thing I've learned from a year of transitioning is this: It's not "all or nothing."" Panel 2: Gesturing more emphatically Robin continues: For a long time, I was stuck in this idea that transition is does a ton of work-" Panel 3: Closer to frame, she spreads her arms, looking worried. "That may not have the results I want-" Panel 4: Closer, looking more serious, "And after several years-" Panel 5: Closer, gesturing desperately, "And a lot of money-" Panel 6: Closer still, the panel edges are breaking, as she looks intense "If it's all gone perfectly-" Panel 7: Almost against the screen, panel cracked and jagged, pleadingly, desperately "Then I can maybe start being happy." Panel 8: Wide shot, Robin smiling and arms out shouts "But that's not what it is at all!"
Comic, cascade of no panel dialogue Robin, relieved and happy, speaks "Almost every step I’ve taken in my transition has made me feel better now, made me happier now. Some a little, some a lot." A list of various steps in transition from the past year with little smiley faces of different levels. Come out to friends, medium smile, Start hormones, big smile, New clothes! medium smile, Name change, big smile Robin gestures to herself, "And don't get me wrong, I definitely have goals for my transition. There's still a lot I want to do, and I have my worries." Robin gripping her upper arm and speaking, "But that paralyzing fear of reaching some "endpoint" of transition only to realize it was a "failure" was nothing but hurtful." Robin looking up toward the reader, holding up two fingers and smiling, "And I'm better of without it. All it did was keep me from discovering all that transition could do for me along the way. Here's to year two!"
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mueritos · 3 years
This might sound weird but idk how else to phrase it, do u have any tips/insight/whatever on like,, telling whether testosterone is actually Changing Things or not? I only started 5 days ago but im already having trouble telling whether certain things are actually effects of the t or if im just placebo-ing myself and overanalyzing it djbdjfbf
haha don't worry! what youre going through is normal. It's not talked about as much as it should be, but starting HRT can actually be way more dysphoria inducing and stressful than being OFF it, mostly because for months-yrs, you're going to find yourself constantly comparing your transition to other people, as well as hyper analyzing every little change in your body. The best thing I can tell you is 1, take some notes and pics! future you will appreciate it, and it's also easier to see how far you've come over the months if you're able to compare yourself by them. Comparing yourself by day is the quickest way to get you spiraling, so try to distract yourself and get into a routine of life so you aren't constantly focusing on ur transition (easier said than done). another thing is 2, remind yourself that you are going through puberty AGAIN! I mean, how long did it take you get through your first one? years! and its gonna take a similar amount of time for the testosterone in ur body to really settle, and just as long to see and experience the changes your body will have on t. everyones transition is different, youre going to see changes at different times and at different rates, so give yourself kindness and talk to other trans people. i unfortunately had very few people who understood what i was going thru when transitioning, so being around queer and trans people really helps the transition process. I wish you luck, and dont worry so much! Let the testosterone do its thing, you just have to take care of your body, health, and mind <3
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I’m considering going on T. Which way of taking T has been most effective for the mods? I know that different ways are better for different people but I want to hear peoples experiences before I decide to go on it
Lee says:
The most effective method of T really depends on the person. Maybe your lifestyle is different than mine and you want to do your T once and forget about it for a few months while you go camping; maybe you want to do it daily to minimize hormone fluctuations which can be an issue for some people with certain mental illnesses. 
In general, I’d recommend considering the likelihood that you’ll be able to actually be compliant with your HRT treatment with each method knowing yourself and your abilities and so on, consider the practicality, and consider the cost. 
1: What method are you able to use?
If you decide to do injections but you have a needle phobia and you avoid doing your shot and go for months without doing it because you’re too anxious, then injections are not going to be the most effective method for you and you should try gel
If you decide to do gel, but you’re not able to consistently apply it every day because you forget or you’re too busy, and you end up only putting it on once or twice a week when you remember, then gel (which requires a daily application) isn’t the best option for you and you should try injections 
If you want to do injections but you have motor control issues or other disabilities that mean you can’t hold a syringe and inject yourself safely, and you don’t have reliable access to a caregiver who can do it for you or don’t want to be reliant on someone else, then maybe injections aren’t the best option for you and you should try implantable testosterone pellets
2: What method is best for your particular body?
If you use patches and develop an allergic reaction at the application site, maybe patches aren’t the best option for you and you should switch to gel or injections
If you’re using gel and you don’t experience enough changes and have low T levels, maybe switching to injections is better for you
If you’re on injections and find that having high testosterone levels at the start of the week and low levels at the end of the week/injectable cycle causes mood swings/exacerbates your mental illness/cause PMS-like symptoms from fluctuating hormones, then maybe injections isn’t the best option and switching to gel is better for you. With gel you’ll have more stable T levels that mimic cis men’s levels, and there’ll be a slight high in the morning when you put on the gel and a slight dip at night but overall fewer big swings.
3: What method is most affordable with your insurance?
If your insurance doesn’t cover testosterone gel and you appeal and they agree to cover it but the generic still has a $300/month copay for you, then maybe that is not affordable for your situation and you might end up not being able to pick up your prescription every month because you run out of money and can’t pay for it, so you should do the cheaper injections and pay like $15 per month instead
If you want to have pellets placed, but travelling to the doctor’s office for appointments every 3 months is prohibitively expensive because you can’t afford appointments that often or the office is too far away for you to easily get to without paying a million dollars in uber fares, then maybe pellets aren’t the best option for you
If you want to do injections but want to use an autoinjector instead of your typical syringe and your insurance won’t cover an autoinjector, then maybe you should consider using a typical syringe or switch to another form of T
If you want a longer-lasting injectable form of T that only requires injections every 6 weeks instead of every other week but your insurance doesn’t cover that form, then decide if it’s worth it, etc
I might say that the form of testosterone that was most effective for me personally is weekly subQ injections because I was depressed when I started T and didn’t shower often enough so the gel built up in a gross layer on my skin and didn’t absorb, but if you know that you’re someone who could never stab yourself with a needle on a weekly basis then daily gel is going to be better for you than missing two out of three or four injections every month. 
And you don’t necessarily need to stick with the form of T that you start with. Say you start with gel and find it isn’t effective for you. Then you can talk with your testosterone prescriber and raise the dose! If the higher dose works, then great! If it doesn’t work, talk with your testosterone prescriber and switch to shots, or patches, or whatever else you want to try! 
It can be a bit of a trial-and-error process to find the right for of medication for you, and it’s pretty typical to switch forms of T at some point on your T journey. So you aren’t necessarily permanently locked into using the form that you started on forever. 
There are different pros and cons for each type of T, so there’s no one “best” and most effective way to be on T. How effective it is depends on your body’s reaction and you can’t predict that in advance, you have to find it out as you go along and experiment. 
So all things aside, if every form were equally accessible in price and availability and practicality, there still wouldn’t be a universal “best” and most effective option because different people have different bodies.
That being said, most people tend to have good results with injections after finding the right dose so it’s a good place to start if you are comfortable with needles— but some folks are allergic to the carrier oil and need to switch from cypionate to enanthate for example, and there is more than one type of injectable testosterone and more than one way to inject it (intramuscular vs subcutaneous, and even if you choose one type of injection like SubQ there different sites like thigh vs stomach) so even saying “do shots!” leaves you with a lot of choices too, and none are clearly superior, just different.
The various options for testosterone are listed in our Testosterone FAQ, and as always, talk to your healthcare providers about what they recommend for you!
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haztory · 4 years
𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝. (2)
-chapter two: the story of us; warnings for this chapter include a brief discussion and mentioning of sexual assault. it is not described in detail nor does it happen to anyone in this fic. i will not ever be using sexual assault as a plot device as i think that’s unnecessary. however, because it is prevalent in female culture, or at least the discussion of it is, it is briefly mentioned.
if this makes anyone uncomfortable, please skip over! i will not be offended at all! 
-summary:  His eyes are a sea of green that you can't seem to stop drowning in.
a/n: this chapter is a doozy yall, im so sorry. this is mainly to serve as complete exposition of reader and iwa, so it’s hella long. i had an original idea of how i wanted this to go and then i started writing and this happened. lmfao. thank you all for being patient and loving and your comments are so wonderful! i had midterms all last week and all i could think about was writing this! so thank you all and i hope you all enjoy! next chapter will be pure chaos and fun!
i was listening to “cloud 9″ by beach bunny for this chapter! so that might help you understand how i see reader and iwa <33
(w.c.: 8,662 words)
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You’re ten years old when you meet Iwaizumi Hajime for the first time. 
He’s an inch shorter than you, skinny, hair set in an unorganized mess of spikes, and he smells of sweat. It’s the least enticing first impression you’ve ever encountered, wondering briefly if this is what all of Miyagi Prefecture has to offer.
Because if so, you’re not looking forward to it.
He’s blocking the entrance to the neighborhood park with his bike, back facing towards you and an arm stretched outward-pointing at something across the park. The same park that your mother has forced you to attend, kicking you out of your new home filled with moving boxes, a warm smile on her face and a simple request to “go have fun”.  
A request that was starting to seem like more of a problem than you anticipated. 
You’re halted in front of the gates to the area for a solid minute, the boy in front of you being less than aware of your presence as he continues to shout from across the park.
“Grab all of them, Oikawa!” 
There’s another boy roughly the same age holding several items that look to be action figures close to his chest. His face is scrunched up and his shoulders slouched as he takes exaggerated sluggish steps while crossing the courtyard. He’s sweaty too, just like the boy in front of you.
“But there’s so many, Iwaaa. Can’t you help me?” 
“You’re such a baby, Oikawa.” 
The one named Oikawa is about to respond when he stops his movements altogether. He merely points his finger, eyes fixated on something behind his black-haired friend.
You realize a bit too late that he’s pointing at you.
The friend, Iwa as he was called, turns his head with a questioning hum, green eyes meeting yours. A sea of emerald. 
“Oh,” he breathes out, voice high in timber and flooded in awkwardness, raising his hand in a shy greeting, “Uh, hi.”
“Hi,” you respond in equal awkwardness, the kind that only a new kid can embody. Uneasiness has been settled into your bones ever since the move was announced, and now, as you stand before two physical embodiments of your displacement in this area, the feeling seems to sink even deeper into your stomach. “You’re blocking the entrance.”
“Huh? Oh! Sorry ‘bout that.” He begins a cumbersome shuffle of pushing the bike he was sitting on backward, small grunts escaping his mouth as he tries to make space for you to enter. It’s a slow process, considering he teeters from side to side and struggles to smoothly retreat from the space. Oikawa snickers in the background, some teasing words being aired that you are too far to hear, but they must be irking enough considering Iwa mutters a “shut up, idiot” in response.
The friendship is formidable, you don’t need to know them for long to see that. Envy and all its bitter acid coat your tongue.
“Are you the one that just moved in?” Oikawa speaks up.
You nod.
“How old are you? Are you going to Kitagawa Elementary? Have you already—”
Iwa interrupts the ferociously excited boy with a gentle scoff, “Calm down, Oikawa. Give her some air. Geez.”
“I just want to know more about the new girl, Iwa-chan!”
“Yeah, well you’re doing it wrong.”
Oikawa rolls his eyes and clutches the toys in his arms tighter, “You do it then!”
“Do what?”
“Introduce us! Make friends!”
“I think you blew it already.”
“Ugh, you’re no fun. If she’s going to the same place as us, she might as well join us! What do you say, new girl?”
You’re shaken from the brief exclusion of the conversation— realizing they’re including you this time—  when Iwa tears his eyes away from his friend and meets yours once again. Upon connection with the emeralds, your throat constricts your throat and the relief of ease washes over. The hesitancy that was bubbling in your stomach starts to dissipate when he looks at you— almost comforted by his dark yet steady stare— but the sense is quickly replaced by something else that shakes you. Your skin prickles, like fire ants marching up the pattern of your skin, and your palms start to sweat despite the cooling temperatures and the light breeze blowing against your skin. 
You’d have to tell your mom about this, just to make sure you weren’t getting sick.
“Would you like to join us?” Iwa asks. There’s no trace of a smile on his face but the invitation isn’t lacking in warmth. It’s a subtle kind, almost imperceptible if it weren’t for the look of curiosity residing upon his features. He speaks gently, like there wasn’t a distance between you two and another person listening in on the conversation, pointing his question and attention solely at you. There was a center of his gravitational pull and it was in your direction.
He’s waiting for your answer, and not the kind that results after courteously asking someone a question; You can tell he is really waiting, wanting to know what you say because his eyes hold onto yours in a way that is much more mature than a boy at the tender age of ten should be looking at someone.  
He’s sincere. He doesn’t even know you and yet he waits upon you as though your response were one he was to weigh considerably with his agenda. He’s a stranger, only said two things directly to you, and yet you feel weightless in the most minute of his attention. 
The rocks of anxiety that were sitting heavily in your stomach for the past month have disappeared and the answer that he waits so intensely for comes rather naturally. It’s the surest you’ve felt in a while. You don't know them at all, aren't even sure if you'll like them, but what would you be other than a fool to not follow the path of certain safety laid out in front of you, disguised as a black-haired boy with the spiky hair? How can you be sure unless you don't see for yourself?
“Yeah,” you sigh out, burdensome weight lifting off your shoulders at the answer, “Can I?”
“Yeah. You can.” He affirms with a nod, the corner of his lips quirking upward. Oikawa, rather befittingly, shouts a cheer, resuming his incessant chatter in throwing an onslaught of questions your way but you’re not listening. Pulled elsewhere you find your gaze being drawn back to the calm and steady boy, with the sea of emerald in his eyes.
“I’m Iwaizumi Hajime, by the way. And that���s Oikawa Tooru.”
“I’m (Y/N).” 
You spend the whole day with them, quickly finding a natural place in their relationship, serving as the happy in-between of the flamboyant nature of Oikawa and the pillar of stone that is Iwaizumi. It’s fun, the most fun you’ve had in the entirety of your move that you find yourself trying to make some kind of excuse to extend the day when the sun starts to set. 
But Oikawa has to go home, and so does Iwa, and the disappointment is more than apparent on your face. There’s the unmistakable promise of seeing one another again, that of which was affirmed when Oikawa held out his pinky for you to take and solidify the statement on.
“I can walk you home if you want.” Iwaizumi tells you after you both wave your goodbyes to the other brunet. It’s a godsend, a miracle from the heavens who heard your building plight and decided to spare your jilted mind with some form of comfort. 
“Oh, you don’t have to,” you tell him, purely as a formality. Your mother’s lessons of never burdening others kicking into gear at his offer, but you plead, secretly in the deep recesses of your brain that he disagrees. Hope desperately that he’ll take the initiative and stay with you just a moment longer. 
He shakes his head, bearing a toothy smile that is missing one of his canines. “I don’t mind. My mom always tells me to make sure girls get home safe.”
Calm, steady, comforting. You selfishly agree before you have half a mind to say otherwise, “Okay. I live this way.”
And as he trails beside you, holding his bike in his hands as he walks at the pace you set, telling you the details about his favorite monster movie, you find yourself incredibly enamored with the short, sweaty boy that hates green tea and loves summertime.
And not for the first time.
You’re thirteen when you realize that you have a terribly, horribly, deeply incessant crush on Iwaizumi Hajime. 
It’s lunchtime and while you’re usually quick to eat with the resident bickering duo of Sendai, they’ve ditched you for volleyball practice— and not for the first time. So you sit with your other group of close friends, the ones you made through the conventional school setting, and not because they impulsively adopted you into their routine. They’re the necessary and equal balance to the growing testosterone you religiously spend your weekends with, so ultimately you’re not too upset at being left behind for a sport. 
Besides, it’s nice to be surrounded by girls who talk about normal things instead of sweaty violent boys that only talk about volleyball and occasionally the things you like.
Mai, a girl with a short bob that frames her round face, shakes the table with her loud laughter, the curtain of her hair swaying in tune to her joyful movement. She was the first friend you made in this group, and easily the one you’re closest to. The complete opposite of Hajime if her unabashed, frantic excitement is anything to go by. But much like the spaces in this Miyagi heart of yours that’s dedicated to Tooru and Hajime, there’s one for her too. She grabs onto one of your arms and holds it tightly, seeking stability as her melodic laughter rings through your table. 
It’s hard not to laugh alongside her. 
“Please!” She begs Yua, a blonde girl in the year above you, and wipes her eyes free from the laughter-induced tears, “No more! I’m gonna pee!”
Yua huffs, shrugging her shoulders to say that Mai’s inability to hold her urine was beyond her control, “I’m serious! That’s how I found out Kaito had a crush on me!”
“And what did you do?” You ask, laughter lacing your own words at the tale Yua expertly weaved, describing in excruciating detail how Kaito from your third period wrote a love letter comparing Yua’s lips to that of a whale as if that was somehow a compliment.
“I ran away! What else was I supposed to do?!”
Mai howls with laughter, her body being thrown against yours and her arms flailing with the movements, unable to contain herself. You’re almost identical, finding that you follow Mai’s gesticulation in perfect countering. Where she pushes you left, you move in sync, allowing her to lean her weight on you as you both lose yourself in the story.
For as much seriousness as she tries to implement in her words, the quirking of her lips betray Yua, “Laugh all you want, but wait ‘til this happens to you! Then you’ll get it!”
“I don’t think Mai and I have to worry about that,” you tell her, the remainder of your laughter dying out of your words. Mai snaps upward, her body no longer slumped against yours, and instead of facing you with furrowed brows and an offended expression.
The two friends speak simultaneously, one with indignation and the other with confusion “Why not?”
The pointedness of the question makes it seem as though your words were wrong, a misstep in a direction that you have to apologize for. Regardless of whether or not you know why. “Uh, ‘cause no one likes us like that?”
Mai scoffs, crossing her arms and tilting her nose upwards, “Speak for yourself.”
“Sorry, no one likes me like that. So I don’t have to worry.” You say with a smile punctuating the statement with a scoop of rice into your mouth. It wasn’t a statement meant to be considered deeply, it was a simple fact. There were hardly any thirteen-year-olds looking your way, and even if there were, it wasn’t like your attention was focused on them either. All the boys in school were either too annoying or too stupid.
Except for Hajime. He was the only tolerable one. Oikawa fell into the “too annoying” category. But you still loved him—sometimes.
Yua and Mai share a glance, a fleeting look before they look back at you, “You’re joking, right?”
You look up from your food to meet their furrowed stares, “What?”
They share another glance, Mai answering Yua’s silent question with a shrug of her shoulders. You’re completely left in the dark. “Wait, what’s going on?”
“Okay, so what if,” Yua begins, the familiar teasing lilt that you’ve widely associated with the blonde returning, stressing on the ‘if’, “someone did like you. What would you do?”
They both look at you with waggling eyebrows, like they’ve cornered you into the exact hypothetical they want you to be in. While this isn’t necessarily an unfamiliar place to be in, it is a weird one, considering you and boys have never really been the topic of conversation unless Iwa and Oikawa were somehow brought up. But your friendship with them was well known and not exactly hidden at all. It wasn’t sensational, nor was it the topic of gossip. Neither was the fact that you aren’t exactly the kind of girl the boys of Kitagawa First were looking at if they were even looking at girls.
“But no one likes me like that.”
“Answer the question.”
You gesture in exasperation, “I don’t know! I’m not really into anyone like that, so I guess I’d say no?”
The two girls pause again, sharing another look. 
“Okay, can you two stop that?”
Mai speaks up this time, almost disbelieving, “You really don’t like anyone?”
“Am I supposed to?”
Yua sings, “Not even Iwaizumiii?”
The chopsticks that you held deftly in your hands go limp and a straight shot of shock runs down your spine. Time stands still in this cramped cafeteria and it feels like your head has been dunked into a bucket of cold water, halting the train of thought and highlighting every possible exit in this building.
The red lights of panic have turned on in your brain and they’re screaming at you to run.
“I— I don’t— what are you guys talking about?” 
Your two best friends, who now resemble Satan’s assistants more than anything remotely positive to you, share their third unspoken glance, and you’re about to lose it. 
“So,” Yua starts again, tearing her sly eyes from Mai’s excited ones, “You do like him?”
Code red. Abandon ship. Abort. R-U-N.
“No! He— I— We’re just friends!” 
“Oh my god!” Mai slams her hands on the surface of the table, her brown eyes boring into your widened ones as she leans over to invade your personal space and poke your chest.
“You like him!”
The brain that is usually so quick with an excuse, trained to be sharp-witted and smart from years of intense teasing from Tooru and Hajime, suddenly feels like mush in your head. Ooey, gooey mush that can’t come up with anything but stuttering, “N-No” at the idea of having some romantic inclination towards Hajime. The best friend you hang out with every weekend; The boy that always walks you home and always makes sure your comments are heard; The spiky-haired idiot with a sea of emerald in his eyes that you always seem to drown in.
But, that’s not— that doesn’t mean— No. 
You don’t like Hajime like that. He’s just a really really good friend. That you enjoy spending time with. That makes you feel comfortable with just a single look. The friend that you always want around, regardless of the kind of day. Yeah. That’s it. 
Hajime is just that kind of person.
Yua gives an unconvinced hum and taps her bright pink nails on the table surface, “When you think about another girl liking him, do you get jealous?” 
Mai backs up from your face to give a wide smile at the blonde, pointing at her wickedly and almost shouting, “Ooh! Good question!”
“Thanks, I read it in my sister’s magazine.”
Mai turns back, almost touching your nose with hers, “Well? Do you?”
The “no” is on the tip of your tongue as an instinctual defense against this personal interrogation, but it doesn’t come out. Partly because of the mush of your brain but also because you know any denial of that question just simply isn’t true; Because when Saran followed Hajime around all day in grade six, you distinctly remember being in a foul mood for a while.
A mood that could only be fixed when Hajime indirectly affirmed that he did not like her.
Oh god.
You like Hajime.
You like his stupid face and his stupid laugh and the stupid way he teases you and the stupid way he makes you feel.
Your friends laugh in your face for a solid minute while you hang your head in your hands, certain that your life was completely over with the new revelation. Yua is the instigator, teasing you relentlessly over the silent confession while Mai asserts that this is the beginning of a fairytale. 
She says it with such conviction that you’re almost inclined to believe her until reason kicks in, and the shamefulness of the situation kicks in. You push it down, fine with keeping the acknowledgment exactly where it is, right under your thumb. That is until Oikawa finds out about it and then suddenly, it’s no longer in your control.
You’re fourteen when he corners you after school. He’s walking you home, taking Hajime’s usual role when said boy and subject of your plight had to stay home with the sick. 
You don’t think he’s going to bring it up, hardly aware he even knows about it, but he does making you choke on your spit and trip over a crack in the sidewalk. He clutches his stomach in a guffaw. 
“Did you really think you could hide it from me?” Tooru teases, his finger poking at your heated cheek that you quickly swat away. 
“I’m not hiding anything, Tooru,” you mutter, keeping your head turned downwards. If Oikawa even sees a smidgen of embarrassment he would never let you live it down.
“Oh, please. You’re so easy to read, especially when Iwa-chan is around. You’re all, ‘oh Iwa, you’re so smart and funny. I want to be with you forever. Mwah, mwah, mwah!’” His hands are interwoven beside his head and he attempts a poor, high-pitched imitation of your voice. Again, Oikawa Tooru belongs in the “too annoying” category that most eighth-grade boys find themselves in. 
You lift your left leg, thrusting your shin outward to kick the taller boy in his behind, a move all too familiar. Really, Oikawa should have seen it coming, having had it done to him so often by Iwaizumi. He’s too swept up in the antics of teasing, though, that it surprises him and the pain in his bottom is sharp. His hands cover the stinging area. 
“Ow, (Y/N)!”
“That’s what you get for being stupid.”
“See! You even act him like him!”
You raise your fist upward and he raises his hands in defense, cowering at the threat of more pain, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
He lowers his hands, one eye closed and the other peeking from behind his lowering fingers, “Gosh, so violent. I’m only trying to help!”
“I don’t need help.” You grumble.
You continue your trek onward, desperate to put as much distance between yourself and this nightmare of a conversation. But it’s not that simple. There are now three people that have realized the truth of your crush in less than a year— all of which are your closest friends. It’s only a matter of time before the friend above them all realizes it too. 
Worst off, only a matter of time before someone tells him. 
You turn towards Tooru with a speed that has him flinching and thrusting his hands upward for protection again. A yelp echoes around the empty street and was it not for the intensity behind your desperation, you probably would have laughed.
“Tooru.” There’s a rasp in your voice, one that you aren’t exaggerating. It makes Oikawa uncomfortable hearing such a serious depth to your previously annoyed cadence. In his continuously growing height, he stares down at you, fear crumpling his face.
“Don’t say my name like that—”
“You cannot tell Hajime.”
He straightens his posture out, hand rubbing the back of his neck. A brow is raised quizzically, “Isn’t that the whole point of having a crush? So that you can eventually tell that person about it?”
It’s not like you expect him to understand, hell, you don’t even understand it yourself. All you know is that Hajime cannot know about it; There are too many factors, too many problems that can happen. Besides, you’re sure it’s just a tiny crush, one that will go away after a couple of months. 
And even if it didn’t, you still wouldn’t be able to tell him. Because you’ve been best friends for four years now, and if there was anything remotely remarkable about you, you’re sure something would’ve happened already. Because Hajime is strong, decisive, and steady. If he wants something, he goes for it; And if he wanted you, in any capacity like the way you want him, he would’ve said something. 
But he doesn’t because you’re his best friend. Nothing is outstanding about you, nothing that would make you more than just the girl he’s friends with. Nothing that would make you any different from “just one of the guys”.
He would never see you as anything but. 
So, it’s just easier to have Hajime as a friend than to risk it all for a likely rejection. You could swallow the feelings, bury them deep inside of you for the rest of time. It would be significantly easier than never talking to him again because you couldn’t be a big girl and not make things awkward. 
You try to tell Oikawa as much, “It’s— I just— It would be easier if he didn’t know. It’ll go away soon.”
The brunet tilts his head to the side, kind of like a pouty puppy. When he’s not being a teasing butthead, he’s rather gentle with you, considerate of your emotions, and above all, eager to understand.
“Do you want it to go away?”
“Like I said, it would just be easier.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
A quiet settles between the two of you and it feels like it’s oceans wide. You, stranded out at sea in the terrorizing waves of emotions, and he, the lighthouse built on the rocks. Tall and fixed, beckoning you towards his stable ground of reason. It’s a brief reminder that when Oikawa tries, he’s not that annoying. He’s rather kind and empathetic.
“Do you want Hajime to like you?”
The deep cocoa eyes dig into you and the waves crash even more ferociously around you.
Cotton dries up your mouth, and the ache that always pains your heart whenever you think about Hajime returns in full force, “He never will.”
Oikawa huffs out a breath, back becoming imperceptibly straighter while he crosses his arms. It’s hard to imagine him as anything but that sweaty boy you met on the playground, but he stands before you a giant, body filling out from all the volleyball practice and the baby features of his face evening out to become the handsome boy girls were starting to see him as. He radiates his kind of steadiness, one different from Hajime, but equally as comforting.
It’s admirable— he’s admirable— when it's not pinned against you.
“And how do you know?”
“Tooru,” you sigh, exhaustion suddenly creeping up your shoulders along with the overwhelming urge to cry, “Please.”
You don’t feel like explaining all the intricacies of your perceived inadequacy and thank the gods above he’s a good enough friend to know when to stop prying, “Fine, fine. I’ll leave it alone. For now.”
You stare up at him, searching his face for any notion of deceit or subterfuge, “You promise you won’t say anything?”
“Yeah, yeah,” He waves his hand in dismissal, rolling his eyes in that way that portrays annoyance but the love is there. He understands you, at least. 
You hold out your pinky for him, “Pinky promise?”
“What are we, ten?” 
You hold your finger out further, almost waving it in his face. It’s the staple of trust in your friendship, instituted early on between you and him, and only you and him. He can’t back out now.
He takes it with a sigh of his own, huffing out his breath, and twisting his long, slender finger with yours. You shake his hand in affirmation, letting go only when you feel comfortable in the validity of his promise and resuming your walk home. 
He throws an arm over your shoulder, squeezing you tightly to his body, “Eventually you’re going to have to say something.”
“I know.” 
“I hope you know I’m never letting you live this down.”
“It’s like you want me to hit you again.”
Maybe he’s right. Maybe in the future, when you’re more comfortable with the fact that it’s your best friend of all people that gives you butterflies in your stomach, you’ll do something about it. But not right now, not when he spends all his time in volleyball and especially not when you were barely confident in yourself. Or maybe, it’ll go away, and you can look back on this as a funny memory rather than anything serious.
You’re fifteen when you finally accept the circumstances and become resigned to it. Finally understanding that your crush is more than just a crush, but knowing full well that that’s all you can let it be.
Hajime sits on the floor, surrounded by your regular friends plus a couple of others at Oikawa’s birthday party when he says it. You’re not supposed to hear it from your place in the kitchen, but you do and it’s a dagger to both heart and confidence. He’s confirmed everything you knew and quelled any potential rebuttal of thoughts Mai or Tooru have planted in your head. 
You were stupid to think Hajime could ever see you as anything more than the girl he’s just friends with.
Your appetite quickly dissipates and you have to work extra hard to make sure pure despair doesn’t show on your face. Especially when Oikawa hears it too and he makes that face that looks like he wants to give you a hug, which makes everything ten times harder.
A kid named Matsukawa is the one that asks. You don’t blame him. He’s only fifteen, after all, asking what normal fifteen-year-olds normally talk about.
“What about (Y/N)? Would you date her?”
Hajime scoffs, a laugh on his lips as though it were the weirdest question he’s ever heard.
“She’s my best friend. That would be like dating my sister. I don’t like her like that.”
You’re fifteen and you’ve become resigned to it all, because it’s better to have Hajime as a friend, than to never have him at all. Because you would never have him; At least not in the way you want. 
You don’t blame him for that either.
You cry about it later on, after the party is over and after you deny Hajime’s insistence to walk you home. He has a weird look on his face when you tell him you’ll be fine, your house is only a few blocks away. He wants to fight you on it, can see the argument forming it in that storm of green. It’s a shitty feeling to deny him so blatantly, but you really can’t stomach being around him at the moment. Not when your heart pangs longingly for him and your insecurities increase tenfold at the confirmation of your inadequacy.
Not when all of this is happening at once, showing as clear as day on your face, and he sees it. Worst of all, not when he wants to solve it, hardly understanding that he’s the cause of it.
His eyes narrow, staring intently as he studies your features. The scrutiny is uncomfortable and if he does stares a second longer the tears will fall.
“Did… something happen during the party?” Hajime asks hesitantly. There’s a whirlwind of possibilities crossing his mind, all indicating rather unsavory and horrifying ideas that have his worry bubbling beneath his skin. You’re barely meeting his gaze, hands clasped tightly before you and body way too stiff. The complete opposite of your normal demeanor, especially around him.
Usually so open, so vibrant. And here you stand before him, the dark of night surrounding you and the fluorescent glow of the streetlamps casting a ghoulish light on your face, exaggerating your dejected features more prominently. 
He’s heard of worst-case scenarios when girls and boys get together, something mentioned in passing when his mother was on the phone with his aunt. He never really thought much about it, considering he would never do something like that and he doesn’t hang around many girls, to begin with for something like that to be an immediate concern.. 
In this stark contrast of a moment, however, he’s briefly reminded of the fact that he so often tends to forget. You’re a girl; A living, breathing, pretty girl. Everyone likes you, would be fools not to. And while he would never allow himself or anyone else to force themselves upon you, you weren’t with him for the whole party. Disappearing for a brief moment after he saw you enter the kitchen. The idea of something like that— something that horrible— happening to you under his nose has all of his instincts on fight mode, forget the flight. A shattering of the innocence he was so previously impervious to. 
The implication is clear in his voice accompanied with the fear-stricken features, so you can hardly miss what he means. 
“Did— Did anyone…?” His voice cracks and he hurriedly tries to clear it up with the clearing of his throat, but you heard it. It happens often when he’s wrestling with an onslaught of emotions, trying his hardest to remain calm and clear-headed and focused that sometimes his voice just gives out. Also, puberty.
The act doesn’t matter though, not when he’s silently amping himself up to fight someone if you were touched inappropriately. He would win; He’s been in a couple of fights before, usually off school property, he doesn’t mind getting into another one. Not if it was for you. And he would win; Would make sure of that.
The tussle for calm is transparent on his face. Lips struggling to stay in a closed, neutral line rather than the frown he has to hold back. His fists clench, blunt nails digging into the skin of his palms to alleviate the growing anger, only to prove futile. He so badly wants to grab you by the shoulders, shake you furiously, ask what the hell is going on because you’re never like this—
He doesn’t. He knows better. Even if the suspense is driving him up the wall and the tension that encapsulates the empty street is thick and choking him. 
Finally, you say something.
“No, Haji,” you say softly, “No one did anything to me.”
It’s what Iwaizumi wants to hear; Should be ecstatic to know that you are physically unharmed, free from the taint that comes with a foreign touch, the one he’s intent to protect you from. Your voice is too quiet though, and the smile you give him is too small for him to feel any modicum of ease. You're lying. Someone did something.
“I’m fine, really!” You try again, amping up the energy to convince him. It falls flat. 
“(Y/N).” That spiky head of hair tips forward, pushing himself in your averting line of sight, refusing to let you hide from him. He’s taller now, finally taller than you. While his hair is still that fluff of mess on his head, his eyes are still that piercing green that can always read you like a book and his favorite season is still summer, only this time he no longer enjoys going to the park, but instead the beach. 
He’s the same Hajime you fell in love with and the remainder is enough to cause a lump swell in your throat.
“What are you hidi—”
The familiar melodious voice rings out in the empty street, its owner sauntering his way over to your departing figures. There’s that recognizable air of flowering confidence rolling off of him like a humid heat and the sly shining of his pearly whites that serves as a buffer from the thick air of tension between you and Haj— Iwaizumi.
Just, Iwaizumi. No added affection.
There's magic in Oikawa’s stroll, you’re sure of it. It looks perfectly coincidental, like he just so happened to stumble upon a tense scene, instead of the very much needed and purposeful intervention for his emotionally crushed best friend and worry-fueled other best friend.
And they call him the idiot.
He sighs that flowery breath of his, throwing his arm around Iwa’s shoulders and watching the desperation that filled your gaze wash away with relief at his intrusion. Iwa’s confusion only seems to increase, but truthfully, Oikawa isn’t too concerned with his hard-headed friend. He’s really only keen on getting you out of there— out to safety and away from the source of your heartbreak.
“Iwa-chan, you have to go set up the movie player. I have no idea how to work it.”
“I’ve shown you how to do it four times, Tooru.”
“But it’s so much easier when you do it. Don’t worry, I’ll walk our precious flower home while you set up for our sleepover.”
Iwaizumi hesitates, his eyes bouncing from the self-assured smile of Oikawa to your downturned gaze. There’s something wrong, he knows it. But it’s obviously a secret he isn’t allowed into. 
He won’t pry, he’s never been one to beg for secrets— never been one to want secrets told to him at all. However, there’s a particular sting at knowing that it’s you who’s hiding something and refusing to tell him. That there’s something Oikawa is aware about, that he isn’t allowed to know.
It’s not his business, he surmises. You’re not his business. He swallows that bitter pill, accepting Oikawa’s offer with a brief nod. He’s not happy, that’s plain to see, but he knows better than to insert himself where he’s not wanted.
Calm, steady, comfortable. Iwaizumi will fight for what he wants, but not when it hurts you in the process.
He bids you a brief goodbye, voice tight and rigid, clearly displaying his dissatisfaction but accepting it nonetheless. He doesn’t even look back at you. It’s what you want, you suppose. Some distance from him for your benefit, so you can at least try and forget about how you feel; Save yourself from the devastation of falling even deeper in love with him. 
He enters Oikawa’s house. It’s a place you’ve been many times, slept over on many occasions yet, when Iwaizumi crosses the threshold with a strain on his shoulders and a grimace on his face, you can’t help but wonder if he’s finally going someplace that you can’t follow. If you’ve spent all these years pining over him, wondering if you would ever be enough for him, only to push him away into an area of no return. 
Oikawa doesn’t give you a moment to think long about it before he’s ushering you away from the crime scene where your uncontrollable and childish feelings have brutally injured a fraying friendship and guiding you home. He talks the entire time, about everything and nothing, and you’re rather grateful for the background noise. To finally think about something other than your broken heart and Iwaizumi’s betrayed face. 
He leaves you at your door with the promise that things will get better, that it won’t hurt so much, and that he’s always there for you. He places a sweet kiss on the crown of your head, turning his back with a final wave and leaving you alone with your thoughts. The promise of meeting one another again is unspoken, instinctive. You know deep down, though, it’ll be different from here on out. You’ll have to be more careful, more guarded with the things you say and do.
You wonder if Iwaizumi has as much trouble sleeping that night as you do. 
(He does. He doesn’t sleep at all.)
Things do get better, which is a blessed curse. The tension eventually resolves after a couple of weeks of tiptoeing around each other. Normality returns in full-swing and you’re able to talk to Hajime without the overwhelming feeling of guilt and need to explain everything; If he holds any issues about what happened that night, he doesn’t mention it, following your lead and letting the friendship return to normal.
The problem lies in the fact that Oikawa was ultimately right, and he makes a point to show that he’s right. That things did get better, and the fragmentation of your splintering relationship with the boy you love eventually gets patched up.
Life moves on.
The feelings don’t go away, but you get better at managing them. It’s significantly easier to push the pining down and not think too much about any passing romantic comments in school that pair you and Iwaizumi together; Nor do you think twice about the harmless flirting that occasionally comes your way. You dish it back, continuing the joking nature of the friendship and after a while, it doesn’t hurt so bad. You exit the stages of puberty and things don’t feel as hectic as they once were. 
The turbulent waves of emotions finally die down to a steady roll, and for a while, you’re able to float. It’s safe, peaceful, exactly how you want it to stay. 
That is until you’re seventeen, almost eighteen, and Iwaizumi asks you to be his fake girlfriend. The waves pick up steam and you’re drowning again. You have the girls of Aoba Johsai to thank for that. 
This time though, you’re determined to protect yourself. The anxiety of it all starts to settle in between your shoulders and instead of falling victim to the whims of an unsuspecting Iwaizumi once again, the urge to protect yourself and your pathetic emotions takes precedence. You will not be reduced down to the unconfident, love-sick girl you once were; You’ve worked too hard to do that. You matter more than Iwaizumi’s stupid girl problem.
It’s why you don’t think twice when you blurt it out after agreeing to help.
“We need a contract.”
“A contract?” Hajime parrots back, broad arms crossed over his equally broad chest and the intense training you’ve instilled in yourself to not stare at him meets its limitations, lest you stoop down to the level of the girls he’s so desperate to evade. He’s grown so much, physically and personally, that it's hard to not look at him. You force yourself to glance around the crowded cafe, look anywhere but his veiny arms, and instead replace your view with the small restaurant you two frequent every Monday— the only day he has off from volleyball practice. 
It’s a small establishment that sells teas and noodles, a pleasant find to make one day when the both of you were hungry pre-teens and full of time on your hands. It’s usually rather empty during this time as it’s just out of the line of sight to avoid the after-school rush of students, but today the line extends outside of the door, all attendees eager to have a taste of miso ramen and pushing against bodies to do so. The people behind you are respectful enough to give you as much space as one can afford in the cramped venue, but you end up still having to press yourself into the stiff body of the boy— no, man— beside you. 
You have the decency to look at least a little uncomfortable in the tightness of the situation, but Hajime shows nothing. Whether it’s because he doesn’t even care that your chest is bracing against his arm or he’s too distracted with the complicatedness of his “girl” problem, his face betrays no embarrassment at the closeness. No frustration, no discomfort, not even annoyance. He merely exists, dealing with your body pressed against his as if this were a regular occurrence and not an awkward preemption to the farce that you’ve stupidly agreed to. This would surely haunt you for the rest of your years. 
This man of steel, this monolith of lean, corded muscle, was going to be your “boyfriend” for the next couple of weeks. You would be lucky if this arrangement even lasted for that long considering the confession of pure unadulterated adoration is crawling up the canal of your throat and tearing the fabric of your skin, sticking a middle finger at the rational parts of your brain trying desperately to hold it back. 
Your fate is signed, knowing full and well that in your inability to deny Hajime— especially when he’s so desperate, which is a rarity in and of itself— you’ve willingly agreed to have your dignity and confidence stripped from your person and your feelings thrown in a loop for the sake of his sanity. 
It’s annoying. Every potential hypothetical plays itself in high definition across the theatre of your mind and each one ends with you being brutally rejected once again. There’s no way you could handle something like that again, no matter how much you’ve matured. 
This is a bad idea, and you need to tell him that.
But then the sight of pleading jades enters your vision and you distinctly remember the permanent frown that etched itself on Hajime’s face these past three months. Remember how the feelings of deep discomfort forced him to confide in you on a late-night phone call when sleep evaded him and he detailed the dread he felt at the prospect of going to school the next school day.
If your mouth even opened a fraction to breathe, you’re sure the “I’m in love with you and have been since sixth grade” will come tumbling out, but even the fear of that happening doesn’t overpower the overwhelming desire to help the man you’re madly in love with.
There’s a limit to what would be forsaken in the name of Iwaizumi Hajime’s happiness, but your sanity isn’t it.
The situation worsens when the subtle shifting of the patrons behind you throws you off balance and forces you impossibly closer to him. The shuffling of feet knocks into your own, tilting you off balance despite your leaning against Hajime. A rebuttal is on the tip of your tongue ready to be released in rapid-fire when Hajime beats you to it. 
He quickly wraps his arm around your waist, allowing your unsteady feet to find balance against his lean body of stone, clutching you tightly to his side as if the accidental push against you were a personal offense. 
The protective nature that so often lies dormant in his personality rears its head forward and you swear your heart stops beating altogether. 
“Easy,” he mutters, a layer of strict dismay interweaving in his words as he casts a pointed side glare at the two boys standing behind you. You hardly hear it, much too occupied with trying not to drown in the sudden flooding of his cologne in your nostrils. 
Musk and spice. His usual scent, but even more addicting when it’s this close. 
This is a bad idea. This is a horrible, bad, awful idea. Bad, bad, bad idea.
You have to end this. You won’t survive this. 
“C-contract.” You, somehow, manage to spit out, shaking your head free from the waft of his scent and the strength of his arm across your back. 
Okay, not necessarily ending this but protecting yourself. Yeah, that’s it. Because there is no way you want him to keep acting like this, no. You’re just doing this to help and totally not to selfishly indulge in the delight of being his, even if it is fake. 
He tears his narrowed eyes away from the boys behind you to glance at you, the remnants of disapproval flickering in the sea of green that you swear only evens out when he looks at you, “Right. What’s in this contract?”
“The, uh, basics,” you begin, voice slowly finding its footing after the intense whiplash you just experienced. You're surprised you can even form words that aren’t resembling proclamations of desire, “What we can and can’t do, how long this is for, and so on.”
“That’s a good idea,” He breathes out. The line shifts forward, and the cashier finally enters the field of view. With a quick recoil, as though his skin were burned by the action, he removes his hand from around your waist. The warmth of his arm rescinds with it, and that thirteen-year-old girl that has fantasized for years about this, whines in desperation. You quickly tell her to shut up.
He clears his throat, awkwardness filling the cramped and stale air, “Uh, sorry. About that.”
He avoids your eyes and you quickly look around too, “It’s fine.”
A silence ensues. It’s not uncomfortable, per se, but it’s a far cry from the brief pauses in conversation that usually occur between the two of you. The comfortable silences that occur naturally between friends of five years. You wonder if you should address it, address the fact that if you two were to pull this off— and pull it off well— there were going to be more moments when he was going to have to touch you like that. 
He was going to have to hold your hand and give you frequent hugs and actually act like he was in love with you. Act. 
You swallow at the prospect. Not like that would be hard for you to do, you think rather pitifully.
There are two more couples in front of you when you say, “I’d like to institute the first provision.”
Hajime quirks an eyebrow, his lips lifting upward, an obvious sign of gratefulness at being able to brush over that weird moment of physicality. He doesn’t know why it was instinctual, or why he even thought that placing his hand that low around your waist would be a good idea. But, he did it; And it’s quite the revelation when he realizes he didn’t mind it. 
At all.
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” He glances at you to his right, the teasing smile gracing your features and the recognizable glint of mischief in your eyes. 
“You have to buy all of the food we eat together.”
He scoffs out a laugh, shaking his head, “I already buy all of our food.”
“I always pay you back!”
“You owe me at least three-thousand yen.”
“Okay, an addendum to provision one.”
“You buy all of our food and forgive my debts.”
He laughs louder tilting his head back as his teeth peek from his pink lips. It’s the bark of laughter that swells your beating heart with confidence. You may not have him romantically, but there’s no denial of the fact that he likes you in his life, especially when you can make him laugh like that, “I’m starting to think this contract is only beneficial to you.”
It’s your turn to raise an eyebrow at him, the body still tucked tightly beside his as feet shuffle forward in the line, “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m doing you a huge favor.”
“Trust me, I haven’t forgotten.” A silence befalls again, this one not as tense as before. A small smile plays on his lips and there’s a sincerity behind his gaze that reminds you of how appreciative he really is for this. Hajime isn’t sure he’ll ever be able to repay you for stepping in and helping him in the most intimate of ways that you most likely would rather not do. There wasn’t ever an expressed interest in the dating scene from you, always denying the occasional confession that came your way and never thinking twice about the romantic holidays that come and go.
He wonders why because if you tried, you’d have every guy within a ten-foot radius begging for your attention. Surely one of them would be worthy of your love. (He doesn’t agree though. There’s no one in this world who could ever be worthy of you. Not when you smile so brightly and tease so enticingly. No one would ever deserve that part of you. No one that he would ever approve of, anyway..) He’s not dumb in realizing that your willingness to engage in a romantic relationship with him— even if it is a fake one— is a large deviation from the norm. It’s not something to be taken lightly.
So, he owes you. Big time. Whatever you want, whatever you put in this contract, he’ll do. He’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. 
(Fake boyfriend, he has to remind himself. He swallows down the disappointment.)
“Thank you.” he breaks the silence, rubbing the back of his heating neck, “Again. For doing this for me. I don’t—”
“Ah, ah!” You interrupt, holding your hand upwards and wagging a finger at him, “I haven’t done anything yet, so don’t start thanking me so soon. Who knows? I might sabotage this whole thing, be the worst girlfriend you could ever imagine.” 
 The couple in front of you finishes their order, stepping to the side to allow the both of you forward. You step up, dragging him with you but you don’t miss the low throaty chuckle he emits when he says, “You like me too much to do that.”
He pats the top of your head, smoothing the fly-away hairs with a wink and a sly smile, and then, like nothing even happened, he steps up to the counter, taking the initiative and placing your usual orders. There’s both too much nuance and not enough to his statement to determine if you should be scared at his words. Does he know? Did Oikawa tell him?
You don’t even notice when he puts both food items on one bill. 
It’s then that you remember, with little humor like someone who’s forgotten a necessary step to an important project, that while you’ve done a lot of growing and building these past four years to fortify the walls of your heart, so has he. He’s stronger, more confident, more sturdy. 
Fourteen-year-old you built the walls for a fourteen-year-old Iwaizume Hajime. She didn’t even think to consider the damage eighteen-year-old Ace and Vice-Captain of the Seijoh Volleyball Team could do. Not with a spike those strong arms could make and a sea of green that you still drown in.
The first large crack in the barriers has been made. 
He turns to face you upon finishing the order, stepping to the side and bracing his body against the far wall of the restaurant to allow the next customers to the counter. That damn sly smile is still on his face, and it’s then you realize that he has to know. He has to know what he’s doing, or at least know that it’s doing something to you.
“So,” he tucks his hands into the pockets of his uniform pants, biceps bulging at the action “tell me about this contract, sweet girlfriend of mine.”
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end notes: god damn glad that’s over. what did yall think?? too much? not enough? lemme know! i love reading all of your tags and comments, it fills me with such happiness :))))
tag list: @bruh-kill-me @owlnymph @airybnb @yukiilu-personal @cathwritestragediesnotsins @berna-dette​
82 notes · View notes
lachlanwrites · 3 years
Black market hormones: How red tape is forcing a trans generation to self-medicate
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 HORMONE THERAPY: Treatment for trans people in the UK is woefully inadequate, forcing many to consider risky alternatives
Lachlan Mykura reports on the difficulties of treatment for transgender people, documenting his own experiences and the bureaucracy surrounding them.
Transgender issues have long been a source of controversy and debate. In recent years, these issues have come under the spotlight. Younger generations are more able to explore their gender, and the concept of a strict binary is being slowly replaced with a far more fluid and flexible umbrella.
Not everyone who is transgender will transition medically, but for those who do it can be an arduous process bogged down by bureaucracy. While it is important to note that those who choose not to transition, or have no desire to transition, are valid, this article will specifically focus on the people that do.
I am Lachlan Mykura, and I am FTM - female to male transgender. My transition has been marked by wait times, delays, gatekeeping and uncertainty, so I did what a growing number of transgender people are doing. I decided to start taking hormones without a prescription.
To understand why I, and many other trans people do this, we need to look at the system and its failures. There are currently seven NHS gender identity clinics (GIC’s) in the UK, with plans for three more in Manchester, London and Merseyside. In 2015 there were 1,408 referrals to these clinics. In 2020 there were 2,728. With only seven clinics for thousands of referrals, wait times for NHS GIC’s have skyrocketed, and many clinics no longer publish their times, estimated to be years. Indeed, many of them seem to have completely ground to a halt.
One such clinic, The Laurels in Exeter, has 2,592 people currently on its waiting list, and yet saw only 2 people in 2020. One patient has been on the list for nearly 6 years, 17 times the NHS legal guideline of 18 weeks.
Many GP’s are uneducated or unused to trans issues, and don’t know the proper procedures for referring patients on to a GIC. I found this myself when I was beginning to consider medical transition, with one GP outright telling me they didn’t know how to help me.
Nearly a year later I managed to get a referral, and my waiting game began.
These wait times add to an already time sensitive process. Transgender people under 18 cannot go to most GIC’s. Tavistock is currently the only GIC that will see underage patients, and even getting to this clinic before you become 18 is a struggle.
Although transition can be successful at any age, the younger you start medical transition, the better the results are likely to be, especially for male to female (MTF) patients. By the time you can start hormones on the NHS, you will likely have gone through puberty entirely, and will have the sex characteristics of your assigned gender at birth (AGAB).
The NHS is a clumsy beast when it comes to gender care, and with the rapidly rising number of referrals, it may fall even further behind.
The NHS is also not currently very supportive of non-binary people looking to transition. A diagnosis of gender dysphoria is necessary to start hormones, and while the NHS has become more accepting of non-binary identities in recent years, some non-binary people may struggle to meet the criteria.
If you don’t want to wait for NHS treatment then there is the option for private treatment. In the UK this comes in the form of two providers, Gendercare and GenderGP.
Gendercare is a private network of doctors, and is staffed by some of the most experienced gender specialists in the UK. Unfortunately, this means it also has a price tag to match. Each of the doctors working at Gendercare set their own prices, but most tend to be around £300 for an initial appointment, and then £150 for follow ups, which are necessary to start on hormones.
GenderGP is a cheaper alternative, although the quality of treatment they offer is arguably worse. They are a telemedicine service, working on a system of ‘informed consent’. This means that during their consultations, they will tell you about any possible risks and effects of the treatment, but the end choice to start hormones is down to you. They don’t require any formal diagnoses. On paper, this sounds like an excellent choice, and I originally decided to go with them, paying my £65 initial appointment fee and talking to one of their psychologists.
However, GenderGP is not the most reputable service. Doctors Helen and Mike Webberly, the couple who started the service, have both been struck off by the GMC for providing hormones and puberty blockers to those under 18. This gave me cause for concern, but having seen firsthand the politicization of trans treatments, especially for those under 18, I thought that this wasn’t enough for me to stop using their services. The nail in the coffin for GenderGP came in October 2020, when their pharmacy, ClearChemist, said that they would no longer be working with GenderGP. This put GenderGP’s ability to prescribe hormones in jeopardy. Even though their services were cheaper, faster and accessible online, I didn’t know if they could fulfil what they promised. I decided to switch to Gendercare instead.
“The NHS is a clumsy beast when it comes to gender”
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TESTOGEL: One of the forms of hormone treatment available to FTM transgender people.
I contacted two of the doctors working for Gendercare, who I thought would have the shortest wait times. One of them said that he could not accept me as a patient, and the other said that he could offer me an initial appointment in January 2021. Progress.
This January appointment would be followed up by another appointment or two with one of Gendercare’s endocrinologists. I would have paid around £1000 without even being sure I could get a prescription. As a student, I had more important things to spend money on, like instant ramen and rent.
I was sitting with friends one evening and the topic came onto hormones. I was lamenting the trials and tribulations of transgender treatment in the UK when one of the friends I was with, another trans man, piped up “I could give you my spare bottle.”
 I thought about the prospect for a while, I knew people who took testosterone without a prescription and their transitions were going well. However, I was really nervous about it, I had no way of knowing my hormone levels, I wouldn’t have a consistent supply and, well, it just wasn’t a very good idea.
I did it anyway.
A few weeks of soul searching later I realised that I had known I was trans since I was a young teenager. I had been sitting on these feelings, hoping they would ‘go away’ or second guessing myself as to whether or not I was ‘really trans. But they hadn’t. They had stuck like toilet paper on a shoe throughout my teenage years and into my twenties. My excuses of waiting until I was an adult had no weight, after all, I was an adult now. Years of waiting, doctors appointments, and questioning and now here I was, being offered hormones on a silver platter over a glass of wine. I had to take it.
I contacted two of the doctors working for Gendercare, who I thought would have the shortest wait times. One of them said that he could not accept me as a patient, and the other said that he could offer me an initial appointment in January 2021. Progress.
This January appointment would be followed up by another appointment or two with one of Gendercare’s endocrinologists. I would have paid around £1000 without even being sure I could get a prescription. As a student, I had more important things to spend this money on, like instant ramen and rent.
I had no way of knowing my hormone levels, I wouldn’t have a consistent supply and, well, it just wasn’t a very good idea. I did it anyway.
Gel is, in my opinion, the easiest and best way to take testosterone, the other popular one being injection. Gel is a daily application which means that your hormone levels don’t suffer from the same rises and falls that weekly injection causes. However, with these smaller doses comes slower changes, on average.
I wasn’t too worried about this, since I didn’t really want incredibly quick changes when I had no access to a specialist to help monitor my levels. Injections are also cheaper than gel, but I didn’t need to worry about that, after all, I was getting mine for free. Besides, even if I didn’t hate needles, I wasn’t about to go injecting myself with drugs unless a doctor had told me to.
In order for trans men to do their injections, they need to be shown how to by a nurse, generally at their first appointment. If done wrong, injecting testosterone can cause pain, swelling, and infection.
The gel I use is called Testogel. Testogel dosage is measured by pumps, the bottle is designed so that each pump will give the exact same amount of gel. I started on one pump, since I wanted to stretch out the amount of gel I had for as long as I could. I didn’t know if I would be able to get another one on time, and I was fully aware that I was relying only on the generosity of my friend.
The changes have, as expected, come rather slowly. I have been on testosterone for around a month and a half now, and, unfortunately, I’m no closer to resembling Chris Hemsworth or Zac Effron than I was when I started. All in good time. What I have noticed is that my voice has dropped, and I’m plagued by embarrassing voice cracks at the worst of times. Every man has to go through them at some point and I’m no exception. God help me when I get stuck trying to grow a beard.
None of my fears about making a mistake have come to pass. I have been happy with all the changes, which is not something I could ever say about going through my first puberty.
The reasons that people choose to self-prescribe hormones are vast, not least because of the cost and time that goes into getting a prescription legally. The reasons, however, run much deeper than just personal cost.
Transgender treatment is a subject of fierce debate worldwide, and the UK is no exception. Recently, a lawsuit was brought against the Tavistock GIC by a woman who started taking puberty blockers when she was a teenager, and then detransitioned at 23. She believes that the NHS did not take enough precautions before prescribing her puberty blockers - which are fully reversible.
As a result of this, under 16’s in the UK may now no longer be able to give informed consent to start taking puberty blockers before they start on hormones at 18. While people who detransition are facing a very difficult time in their lives and deserve support, the backlash falls on actual trans people.
TERF groups (trans exclusionary radical feminists) see these detransitoners as martyrs who have been brainwashed and victimized by ‘the trans cult’. As a result, actual trans people face not only increased waiting times and inaccessible appointments but also increased media scrutiny and online vitriol.
Trans issues are in the limelight. Recently, Elliot Paige, who plays Vanya in The Umbrella Academy, came out as FTM, becoming one of the most high-profile celebrities to come out transmasculine. Trans men are often left out of public conversation, as trans women are more often the focus of transphobic tabloid media and TERF rhetoric. With more and more people coming out, either as transgender, or in support of transgender rights, trans treatment should hopefully become more and more accessible.
Written December 2020 By Lachlan Mykura
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My Journey
Hey everyone, As you will likely know by now I am a trans woman and I live in the UK where lately trans people have been under significant scrutiny by the press, government and groups claiming to be acting in the name of feminism.
One of the arguments used when not directly attacking trans people, is that the medical institutions that help us in the UK fast track us through transition, even the NHS and I know so many trans people in this country that I can say without a shadow of a doubt this is not true. This includes a significant number who have been under the care of Tavistock and Portman, the under 18s service which was recently banned from giving its patients hormone blockers without the approval of the courts.
But anyway, I’m gonna share my story and how lengthy the process actually is and I will warn ahead of time this deals with suicidal ideation, gatekeeping, mental health, etc. So proceed with caution. This will also be a long post.
September/October 2008
I can’t remember which month but it was just before my 16th birthday, my Dad encouraged me to go to my GP regarding my gender dysphoria. I lived with my transphobic Mum at the time and had to go behind her back which was terrifying to say the least. I saw a doctor called Dr Moulsher and explained everything I was going through and his response was, “I don’t think the NHS funds any of this.” He was very ignorant on trans issues but it actually fortunately worked out in my favour, I got lucky, I know, but he just wanted me off of his hands.
I explained in Sheffield there was a GIC (gender identity clinic) operated by the NHS known as Porterbrook and he was just like, “Oh right. Well I’m more than happy to refer you but they likely won’t see you till you are 18.”
He asked me some questions, wrote up a detailed report and put in the referral to “get the ball rolling” as he worded it.
I was terrified at the time of the referral letter going to my home address though and he was like, “Well it needs to be sent somewhere.” So he agreed to send it to my grandparents address.
Later That Year
About a month or so later a letter arrived at my grandparents saying I had been accepted onto Porterbrook’s waiting list, explaining it is substantially long, that they wouldn’t be able to see me till I’m 18, etc. Your typical boiler plate stuff. Also as I understand it they don’t typical accept referrals for under 18s so I got lucky there. I remember getting so excited when I got my letter though, that I took it into school to show all of my friends.
Back then it was a requirement that I have a mental health assessment while on the waiting list though. So I returned to Dr Moulsher who I had become rather comfortable with and had made him my regular GP. He made a referral to the local mental health clinic and that was that.
January/February 2009
A letter came in the post asking me to ring to book at appointment at the local mental health clinic. I couldn’t ring from home cos my Mum would overhear and she was spying on me a lot at the time due to really being against the fact I’m trans. My school - which was a Catholic school shockingly enough - had already decided my home environment had become so toxic that I needed removing from my Mum’s care. They would be a process that wouldn’t be completed till June 2010 but yeah, it had got that bad. Anyway, I ended up asking the school receptionist if I could ring on their phone to book the appointment. That was booked for February.
The appointment was a weird one to say the least. The doctor asked me a quite a lot of questions but these are the ones that stuck out.
So with this first one, I am going to preface with that as far as I am aware, I am white and of white ancestry for all the generations I know of. However I do have remarkably curly hair that left to its own devices grows into an afro (or at least what looks like an afro). So the first set of questions that stood out; Dr: What’s your mother’s ethnicity? Me: White British.
Dr: Sorry, did you say Afro-Caribbean? Me: No. White British. Dr: And your father’s ethnicity? Me: White British. Dr: Sorry, was that Afro-Caribbean?
Me: Nope. White British.
Not really sure how you can get Afro-Caribbean and White British verbally mixed up but he seemed very adamant at least one of my parents must be Afro-Caribbean.
He then later goes;
Dr: Do you have a partner?
Me: Yes.
Dr: Are they male or female?
Me: I have a girlfriend.
Dr: Then you can’t be trans. You can’t be trans if you like girls.
Me: What about lesbians?
Dr: That’s beside the point.
Shockingly, in the end he agreed with my GP’s assessment that I am trans but Jesus, as you can probably guess from above that mental health assessment was a minefield of weird.
24th October 2010
In June 2010, I was finally removed from my Mum’s care at the age of 17 and placed in supported housing and on the date about I got a phone call from Porterbrook GIC on my 18th birthday no less, inviting me to my first appointment in November.
22nd June 2012
I legally changed my name and title by deed poll to Miss Lily Nichole Robinson.
22nd October 2012
I’d now been at Porterbrook for almost 2 years, had lots of appointments, most of which repeated the same mundane questions and it had started to feel like nothing was ever going to change. I had become increasingly depressed and suicidal and I had decided that if nothing had changed by my 20th birthday I was going to take my own life. I did not want to enter my 20s still living my life as a man. I didn’t want to lose another year of my life.
I remember this date exactly, not because I marked it in my calendar but because Taylor Swift’s album “Red” came out that morning. Despite everything, I was dancing along to 22 that morning while ironing some clothes, before I headed off to Porterbrook. I didn’t really feel like it mattered, I was going to kill myself 2 days later but I figured what is the harm in going through the motions one last time.
I sat there, trying not to let on how miserable I was, didn’t see the point in letting them in on how I was feeling. Nothing would change.
I remember being asked some really gross questions that day though. I got asked if I masturbated and I just declined answering. When challenged I was just like, “I maybe trans and I may hate that equipment but I’m a human being. I still have sexual urges. What do you think the answer is.”
The appointment though, shockingly ended with them telling me they were going to put me on hormones. I was gonna get my estrogen. It was enough to give me a reason to keep on living.
But just bare in mind how close I got to taking my own life there. 2 days away from my 20th birthday. Also it took almost 2 years for them to say they’d be placing me on hormones.
January/February 2013
In January, I had my bloods taken to get a baseline and I was told about options for storing gametes. I did decide to consider this but in the end it ended up being too costly for me at the time. So in February, on a day it was snowing I got the train and was adamant the snow was not stopping me getting to Porterbrook and I had an appointment with the head clinician, Dr Kevin Wylie.
He oddly listed all the testosterone blocker options to me with side effects and risks and all the estradiol options to me with side effects and risks. In the end I chose Cyproterone Acetate for my blocker and Estradiol Valerate pills for my hormones.
50mg per day of Cyproterone Acetate and 2mg per day of Estradiol Valerate. I was ecstatic and took them both the second I got on the bus 😊
May 2013
Slightly unrelated to the medical process but just 3 months in and my mental health had improved drastically. Since I was removed from my Mum’s care I had become a bit of a shut in. I didn’t have any friends, my anxiety was through the roof, I was insanely depressed and I just avoided everything and everyone, only leaving my house for work. Hormones changed that though, I just felt so much happier and I also remember that Spring just being like really vividly aware of the colours of all the flowers and plant life for like the first time in my life. I actually wanted to go out and social and make friends and there was a local LGBT youth group for 18-25 year olds that I decided to join and I started to have and social life again. And by September 2013 I started university and soon came getting drunk with the LGBT Liberation Group at the various socials. I was happy and finally starting to feel like myself.
2013 - 2016
Porterbrook became very gatekeepy in the final stage of my transition. They didn’t like how I dressed. Apparently girls wear dresses while I preferred jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. I didn’t like wearing make-up. I wasn’t the 1950s image of a girl that Porterbrook seemed to expect. I actually have a trans guy friend who around the same time had been told he couldn’t start on testosterone unless he cut his hair short, cos apparently men don’t have long hair.
It pissed me off to no end because I transitioned to be me, not to be a performance of how the world thinks a woman should be. I refused to give ground on how I dressed, etc but in the end I ended up telling a few white lies to get past the final level of gatekeeping. And I can’t remember most of this dates as they happened while uni was going on in the background. But eventually Porterbrook gave me the go ahead for surgery, about 6 months later I had my second opinion and then I was referred for surgery.
January 2016
I had my pre-surgery assessment at Nuffield Health Brighton and I was told if I wanted I could have my surgery as early as March 2016. Due to university though, this proved a bit too soon and the date was pushed to June 2016.
22nd June 2016
The day before the EU Referendum I had my gender reassignment surgery. I don’t actually remember feeling all that ecstatic after the surgery. There was lot of pain and I was on a lot of drugs. But a friend, Rosie, who I hadn’t seen since high school lived in the area and she was at my bedside when I woke up. I was in hospital a week and had 3 months of recovery ahead of me.
Post Surgery 2016
Having surgery had been great, things finally felt right. My entire body felt right for once but I had tunnel visioned my life towards surgery and put a lot of stuff on the back burner and had some major post-surgery depression so I sort counselling at my university to get through these issues and once that was sorted I felt a lot more stable in myself and like nothing was in my way.
October 2016
I put in my application for my Gender Recognition Certificate only for it to get rejected because they did not like the assessment from Porterbrook GIC and Dr Wylie who wrote the assessments was off on leave. Me and a nurse had to sit down and look through my medical record to find a medical report they might accept and we finally found one. However they wouldn’t say what was wrong with the original which made Porterbrook kinda stumped on what was wrong.
February 2017
I received my Gender Recognition Certificate and my new Birth Certificate.
March 2017
I was discharged from Porterbrook GIC.
For those who are under the impression gender reassignment is a fast process it isn’t, it took me 8 years and 6 months start to finish, from initially seeing my GP at 15 to finally being discharged from Porterbrook GIC at the age of 24. It is a long ass process with a shit tone of gatekeeping and honestly going through the process as it stands isn’t something I’d wish on my worst enemy. When I was discharged from Porterbrook GIC in 2017 my first thought was, “I’m free. I’m finally in control of my own life.” As up until that point, I felt I had no autonomy and that my life and happiness was in the hands of doctors. It was miserable.
But there it is.
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bi-rising · 3 years
hey I just saw your post about PCOS being a hormonal issue not a gyno one while I was surfing the tag. I was diagnosed a couple months back and all my gyno did was a 2 min ultrasound and then prescribed me birth control. I would like to have actual help and more info on it but I'm not sure who I'm supposed to go to for that. Seeing as you were in a similar situation I'd appreciate your help.
seems like gynos really suck with pcos, don't they? 🥴 warning you now, this is going to be a very long post, because i'm essentially writing out absolutely everything i did and everything i've learned, so strap in for a ride aldksfjasldf
the first thing to do is research, research, research. i spent a whole week constantly on pcos websites (such as pcosaa and this article, tho fair warning, the article does use academic speech so it might not be the easiest thing to read) and watching videos and doing what i could to inform myself. the way you can know if you're looking at a credible resource is how the source defines pcos: does it pose it as a reproductive system disorder? or an endocrine (hormonal) disorder? if it talks about it as a reproductive system disorder, then it's probably wrong.
please note that i am not, obviously, a medical professional, but this is how i understand pcos works. i'll use me as an example just so i can use first person perspective, but it applies to pcos patients in general.
so, my cells are insulin resistant. that means that when i eat, my body releases, lets say, 100 (x measurement) of insulin. because my cells are insulin resistant, they say "hey, i'm only gonna use 50x of that insulin". but they still NEED that 100x to function. so my body releases ANOTHER 100x of insulin, so my cells go "ok i'll take 50x" and so while my cells now have the 100x they're supposed, to i now have 100x insulin floating around.
that extra insulin not only wreaks havoc on many systems of the body, it is the reason why most people with pcos that goes untreated end up with type 2 diabetes. the extra insulin is also converted (or spurs the creation of? i'm not entirely certain on the how here) into testosterone and other androgen (male) hormones. so your body has too much insulin, and now it has too much testosterone, too. that extra testosterone is what fucks with your reproductive system and prevents the follicles on your ovaries from maturing (which is what the 'cysts' are). it also often creates increased facial hair, acne (especially on the 'beard line'), and worse body odor. between the testosterone and the insulin, it's nigh impossible to lose weight.
also note that because your body has to release more insulin for your cells to get an adequate amount, you likely crave carbs and sugars (salty/crunchy things and sweets), and you're likely frequently fatigued, bc your body isn't, well, working correctly and it's taking more energy to perform basic functions.
secondly, take all this information that you know to your doctor. i legitimately wrote down some notes about this process in a little notebook and took it with me so that i wouldn't forget/get too anxious to bring any of it up. i also wrote down the things i had been doing to help up to that point (working out, what my diet was, etc etc) and what i was concerned about. lastly, i also wrote down what medications and supplements i had heard of in my research to see what my doctor thought of them.
my doctor's first 'attack' choice is ozempic--it's a weekly shot that helps to regulate insulin levels and also is pretty good at helping weight loss. be aware though that most commercial insurances don't pay for this, but if your doctor is good, they'll try to work around that so that you're not paying a frankly outrageous amount for it. also look out for sometime this fall, my doc said that the ozempic manufacturers are trying to get ozempic approved for weight loss (it's approved for other things) and that should help bring the price down?? anyway, that's my doc's preferred method, but because of my finances, we currently can't do that.
his second attack, which i'm now on, is metformin. it's a medication mostly used for diabetics that helps with blood sugar levels which, again, is that insulin issue. my mom has been on it for 14 years bc diabetes runs in our family anyway, so it's perfectly safe for long time use and definitely helps with keeping either away from or within the pre-diabetes phase. again, i've only been on it now two days so i can't say anything for me but we'll see how it goes lmao
he also approved of me using omega 3 (fish pills) supplements because they help balance things out in general, not just pcos, and he was good with me using spearmint, too. i'm starting out on one cup of spearmint tea a day and see how that effects me, but i've heard of people having up to two spearmint supplement pills and a cup of spearmint tea a day, too. spearmint is a 'defense', as far as i can explain it: it has (tho limited) research that it lowers the testosterone levels in women with pcos. so while it doesn't help with the insulin so it doesn't attack the source, it can help with the testosterone aspect, aka facial hair, acne, etc. i've also heard of cinnamon supplements and inositol supplements helping, but i didn't get a chance to ask about either of those from my doctor, so make sure if you want to give those a try, you talk about them and make sure they won't interfere with any of your other medications and get your doctor's approval on them, first.
thirdly, ask about what else you can do to help yourself. my doctor stressed the importance of a proper night's sleep, as well as advised to try to cut back on carbs and sugars (IMPORTANT NOTE: some people claim that you HAVE to be on a keto diet to get results with pcos. WRONG. please don't do this. keto diets are entirely unsustainable. and cutting back on carbs and sugars does not mean cutting them OUT, it just means if you want a snack, try reaching for a protein or a vegetable instead of a carb. but don't limit yourself!! please, be conscious about what you eat, and remember that sometimes yeah, a slice of cake or a serving of chips isn't going to kill you or set your pcos back. don't risk getting an e.d. just for the sake of your pcos). he also told me that the best exercise that i personally should do is either HIIT exercises or cardio, and to do at least an hour a day, even if it's 30 mins in the morning, 30 in the evening--and to work up to that so even doing ten minutes a day, then increasing it from there, is healthier and better than jumping straight into a whole ass hour. he also told me to aim for a certain heartrate. i don't remember the formula he used, but for me at 22 (based on age) he wanted me to try to aim for 150-160 bpm. again, especially with exercise, that was what he recommended for me. you're likely different from me, so ask your doctor and see what he says.
fourthly, and perhaps most importantly, DON'T BOTHER WITH A GYNO. all of this that i've gotten done for me was from my family doctor, so just the guy i go to for yearly check ups. see if you can do some routine blood work to give him (or her) as wide of a picture as possible, and then go in and talk with a regular doctor about this. a friend of mine also has a friend who actually goes to an endocrinologist to get her pcos sorted out, so that's also an option. gynos seem to just treat the symptoms; birth control gives you a regular period by helping with your estrogen, but that doesn't decrease your testosterone OR do anything with the insulin. my doc is keeping me on birth control pills just so that i have a regular cycle so we can watch and see if anything else happens to it, so it's okay to stay on the birth control, but ultimately, birth control pills don't do anything for pcos.
i know it's difficult and probably kinda scary/anxiety inducing if you're younger or just have anxiety, but you've gotta advocate for yourself in this case. you have to show the doctor that you know what you're talking about and that you're able to call him out on his bullshit if he doesn't take you seriously. also, if your doctor is helpful, don't be afraid to be frank with him about what your gyno did. like i've said with my experience, i got the validation of knowing that my gyno was wrong by explaining to my doctor how he treated me. you deserve better than what your gyno did, and you deserve to actually be treated as a person and your disorder be taken seriously.
i'm wishing you the best of luck, and i hope that you'll be able to get the help that you need 💕💕💕
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werevulvi · 4 years
It is the first day of yet another of my menstrual periods. Yes, I wanted to share that information with you. I want to be vulnerable and honest, for a moment. Being a woman can be a bloody mess sometimes, painful and feel shameful. And I'm writing this post to tell you why I'm not ashamed. After I've told you all about those embarrassing little things that no one wants to talk about, or hear about. That alone, you see, makes me wanna talk about it. You're welcome. This post might be very triggering for dysphoric females, but this is written with especially you in mind. But because healing is painful, I won't hold it against you if you'd rather choose to scroll past this. That is entirely up to you. The author of this post (me) is a mostly desisted/detrans woman, still male-presenting, formerly trans man. But despite my first hand knowledge of sex dysphoria, I am not particularly smooth when talking about what used to cause me dysphoria but no longer does. Sorry about that. Otherwise, I do mean well. And secondly, this post is for any women/females who get periods and just don't like it for any reasons, obviously. Now let's get right in there. *
At this point, a little over 2 years of not taking testosterone anymore, I know my body so well that I know exactly when my period will arrive, from a few days prior. I can literally feel my estrogen levels plummeting, which it typically does a few days before the uterus lining starts shedding, and this drop in estrogen production is a perfectly normal part of the cycle as a whole. Then progresterone will rise sometime during the period, and the estrogen will start increasing slowly again after you're done bleeding, and will be at the highest typically somewhere right in between periods. I tend to feel the worst when my estrogen is low, and the best when it's high.
I googled that stuff for my own sake, and I found it fascinating, and that it helps me understand what practical hell my poor body is going through.
How I feel that my estrogen is plummeting, is mostly physical, and a little bit psychological. First I get bloated and no matter how much I fart, my stomach feels tense and sometimes slightly painful. Then comes the hot flashes. First just one in a day, fairly mild. The next day it's stronger, and more than just one. That day I usually also get easily irritated, and my skin feels more sensitive. Everything feels more sensitive. It's as if I'm more exposed in some abstract way. The third day the hot flashes are really intense and often, I'm very bloated and the irritations are exchanged for a hightened awareness of everything I feel. Happier, curiouser, sadder, angrier, more of everything. Kinda like being drunk, but without the rush. I'm getting mild cramps, a light pressure deep within my lower abdomen. Like a gentle tapping on my door.
That is when I really need to make sure I have a pad put securely in my underwear, because she's close now, my period. Tapping on my door. I can feel it.
Late that day, or early the next day, I will get my period. It's always like that. Bloated, hot flashes, light cramps, hightened senses, then bam. First it's medium flow with mild cramps, so I can continue whatever I was doing and not really overthink what's going on. And no panic about staining my underwear, because I was already padded up to begin with. That gives me a feeling of security and control. Like already having coffee prepared for your untimely guest.
On the second day, however, and the following 2 after that, I will need to keep on my toes, change often and be very mindful of my clothes not getting stained, as well as exist carefully because of the pain and lack of energy. Those 3 days my flow will be extremely heavy, which requires an hourly change of the thickest possible pads, slow movements, and being generally very gentle with myself. My body needs to focus 100% on this intense process of shedding my uterus lining very fast and effectively. It's very delicate business, apparently. I will not be able to exercise, or do much of anything, during these 3 days, but I don't mind. I let my body do her thing, because she knows what she's doing, and I know best to be helpful, but not controlling. And I'm thankful that my body lets it all out so fast and effectively, allowing me to resume my normal life quickly after my period's arrival.
I'm also thankful for those 3 days of completely unashamed self-care. Yes, I will indulge in a lot of tea-drinking, movie-watching, hot showers, playing of World of Warcraft, doing low energy arts and crafts, incense burning and cupcake eating. Those 3 days are painful and draining, but they are also very healing, soothing and bring me closer to myself. They ground me, a lot. They are the painful reality that I need to sober up from my previous weeks of ranting about gender dysphoria, the up's and down's of living as a man while female, missing being on testosterone, obsessing about my gender expression, and so on. Those 3 days are when I close the door on that gender noise and... just exist with myself, my material reality, and remind myself that fresh pads, warm rice bags to soothe cramps, the need for comfortable clothes, and standing up for women's rights - are the only gender struggles I really need to be concerned with. Perhaps relatable to you as well. Perhaps not.
In other words, those 3 days may be the worst 3 days of the month for me, but they are also... kinda the best 3 days, and I don't want for my period to behave in any other way. It's perfect the way it is.
The 5th day, after the first mild-ish day and then the 3 heavy, is a medium flow again, and I'm starting to feel better physically. The cramps ease up and the bloating is gone. The hot flashes typically end sometime during the heavy flow. Then on the 6th day, my period is practically over, by my standards. Light flow, no cramps or any other issues, my life resumes to normal. The 7th and 8th day there will be some light spotting, enough to just wear a pantiliner, or even go bold and free-bleed in black briefs.
So that's how I experience my period, every time. But enough about the presumably cringey, awkward, gross, whatever you wanna call them, parts.
I wanted to talk more about how getting my period effects me mentally. It acts kind of like a "reset", not only in my endless gender chaos, but in everything. Those 3 days that I dedicate to self-care, as my body forces me to slow down and focus on being mindful, stop spinning about, sit the fuck down and re-think my situation. It definitely works as a natural "restart" similarly to going to sleep at night, but in a way that instead of just knocking me out, makes me more awake and more aware.
That sense of increased awareness and awakening, which hyper-activates my senses yet slows me down, is what also grounds me. It has become kinda like an unintentional meditation ritual. That as soon as the toilet paper turns red, everything slows down and I change. This change is vital to my mental health. It helps me rebuild myself a little, and I believe that has a lot of valuable healing properties. And that makes me thankful that I'm a woman, because I get to experience this very healing, grounding process, every month - which I had entirely forgotten about, for 5 years, when I was taking testosterone and my period didn't come.
I was of course relieved back then, that I could go on for years without a single period happening. I'm not gonna brush aside that it was a huge relief at that time, back when I was still busy being angry at my body and at nature for causing any females to bleed monthly, because it felt like a punishment for the crime of simply having been born female - but now that I have her back, my period, I don't want for her to go away. It's the ONE thing that makes me hesitate and doubt if I even wanna go back on testosterone again, despite really badly wanting most other changes. And I will grieve losing my period again, if I go back on it!
I need my period. I do not hate it. I do not feel ashamed of it. It's a painful process to go through, which I have somehow managed to turn into something beautiful, and something to be celebrated. Every time it arrives, my instant self-care routine is also a celebration. I look forward to this celebration, every month. I look forward to my period. Every. Single. Month. This is something I thought I would never, ever say. But there it is. I am thanking nature for that wonderful opportunity to sit back, relax, reflect and focus on what really matters: loving myself, and making the most out of the one life that I have.
I hope this post gave you something to think about.
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What is The InstaHard?
The InstaHard Supplement is a male reproductive hormone enhancing solution to alter changes in your sexual life that are caused by erectile dysfunction and other related problems. The supplement is entirely different from the doctor prescribed medicines that are dangerous and pose threat to your overall body to malfunction. With InstaHard pills, your orgasmic bedroom fantasies will be reborn and your partner will be pleased with your back to back performances like never before. To induce better libido, the InstaHard pills will help you stimulate and improve the performance of the Perennial nerve and dorsal nerve that will boost your energy level and virility like how you were in your early 20’s. The InstaHard is the ultimate and the only natural ingredient filled health supplement formulated specifically for men who are having a hard time facing a hardening dysfunction during intercourse. instahard-performanceinstahard-performance With all the InstaHard reviews you find, you will realize that the InstaHard capsules are very powerful and potent enough to supercharge your sex drive, improve your libido, erections that are firmer and bigger than usual, increase penis size, and get a long-lasting effect. Based on InstaHard pills reviews, this is by improving the blood flow to those veins around the penis with the help of powerful ingredients that you will be valued more in your bed. You can be relieved of the immaculate change you will go through that will never take you back to those doleful and impotent days of life. So let me disclose to you the important ingredients that will enhance your potency in bed.
The InstaHard Ingredients
TheInstaHard is a patented natural formula that can be a savior in your life to bolster the male sex hormone, unlike any other treatments or medications that your doctor prescribed. So let’s get started with the ingredients:
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  ✓ Tribulus Terrestris Fruit Extract: This ingredient is a leafy plant that is normal sized and known to increase the testosterone level. It will also increase the libido levels that will result in a better and deeper approach to seducing your partner in bed. The intensity of the sex would bring orgasmic nights like you never had.
✓ Ginseng Root Extract: This has been used even in energy drinks for boosting energy. The ingredient is going to keep you hyperactive and strong, both physically and mentally and your sluggishness would vanish away. You will never get tired of your partner and you will be able to multiply and arouse her feelings easily. Ginseng Root ExtractGinseng Root Extract ✓ Muira Puama: This is a special ingredient that will stop you from being disheartened from doing sex. You will never have erectile dysfunction or other sexual imbalance with InstaHard pills as per the information given on the official product website. Muira PuamaMuira Puama ✓ Eleuthero Root Powder: With this ingredient, there will be a sudden surge in your energy levels because it contains elements that can keep away tiredness and exhausted feelings from your life. Eleuthero Root Powder Eleuthero Root Powder ✓ Biovine Orchic Powder: To be honest, this InstaHard ingredient is made from cattle testicles which are better than having chemicals and toxic substances in a fake supplement that you must have tried.  This has been a great source of boosting testosterone levels that will increase the depth of your sex drive. Other than the above-mentioned ingredients there are other ingredients including 50 mg of Niacin and 21 mg of Zinc.
What benefits can you expect from InstaHard?
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Talking about the benefits of instaHard, you will go through changes that are never going to come back to you. All the obstacles that weaken your sexual happiness will be driven out of your life with the help of InstaHard ingredients. Benefits include: ✓ Improved Sex Drive and Libido: Restores the potency level of your testosterone hormone and the energy that you had lost will be pumped back effortlessly. So your intense pleasure and sexuality will increase like never before, forcing the libido levels to step up and create orgasms. ✓ Erections: You will never have to worry anymore if you have started to go through erectile problems that stopped you from having sex. You don’t have to worry about losing your erection in between which makes things absurd. Going through any InstaHard Reviews, you will notice one thing that the blood flow to your penis and the area surrounding it will be better and improved resulting in activation of the veins and vessels. So you will earn a better time with your partner through longer, stronger, and harder erection like never before ✓ Long-lasting: There won’t be any unpleasing and quick ejaculations of your semen anymore as the holding capacity of your penis will be strengthened through improved blood flow. This will delay the ejaculation process resulting in long-lasting sexual intercourse sessions that are going to be intense and deep. Your partner will be satisfied to see her man of desire without having an unending streak of intense pleasure. ✓ Increased penis size: A better erection and an improved size of your penis are possible if you are ready to use InstaHard for a continued time without any disruptive changes. This is only possible when the blood to the penis is pumped like never before. InstaHard Side effects InstaHard is a sex hormone balancing supplement that can bring all the necessary changes to your sexual life. You will never go through a bad impact using the product as safe and risk free ingredients are only present in the formula. There are no chemicals or toxic substances added along in the formula. You must also abstain from an overdose of the InstaHard supplement so that there won’t be any side effects.
The InstaHard Dosage & How to use it?
Talking about InstaHard reviews, every claim on each InstaHard bottle states that it can be easily used without having any health alarming side effects. You don’t have to change your diet or anything as the supplement can be taken without problems. From the official website of the InstaHard pills, it is clear that the serving size of the supplement is 2 capsules and each bottle of InstaHard pills has 30 capsules to be used for a month. InstaHard-dosageInstaHard-dosage Since InstaHard is made of only herbs, you do not need any prescriptions to use it. But pregnant women and children under 18 must refrain from using it. In simple terms, you need only 3 steps to follow: Use the supplement, benefit from the ingredients, and continue following the program for better erections, strength, and increased penis size. Also Read Quietum plus Review
 Is InstaHard a magic pill?
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To eradicate a man’s sexual inabilities and erectile dysfunctions, InstaHard supports with a natural herbal formula to clear all the flaws caused to the penal veins. It enhances the corpora cavernosa chamber in the penis that supports the erection to be steady. It is due to a lack of proper blood flow to these regions that erectile dysfunction occurs and that weakness can never be your problem anymore. With a proper blood supply, the ingredients of InstaHard are doing it right to improve your erection and lasting problems. The overall hormonal balance will be activated and you will regain that stamina by strengthening the muscles around your penis. The antioxidants present in InstaHard pills support the cell regeneration process and provide more energy to improve your virility at night.
It is obviously not magical but is the power of natural ingredients that were found abundantly from nature. So call it a unique pill extracted from natural magical herbs that God has created for us to increase the concentration of testosterone level and improve the quality of orgasm. How long will it take to see the result from InstaHard? Energy drinks and shots are giving your temporary relief and they are not at all safe for you in a long run. With The InstaHard, you need to be patient as the damage caused is to the core part of your body that is responsible for creating generations. So I would say that patience is a necessity if you are expecting fruitful results. Don’t expect results if you are willing to use InstaHard for a week or a month. The ingredients need at least 3 months to do the clean-up of the mess you have done through unhealthy eating, smoking, and drinking habits. Having a glance at the Instahard reviews will prove to you that everything I told was true. instahard-ed-pillsinstahard-ed-pills
 How long would the results from InstaHard stay?
If you are looking for a long-term improvement, then you better use the Instahard performance supplement for a minimum of 3 months. So you can expect the results to stay for at least a year or more depending on how well you maintain your sleep cycle, diet plans, and exercise. InstaHard Price Plans
    1 bottle of Instahard will cost you only $69 with free shipping and 180 days 100% money-back guarantee
    3 bottles of Instahard can be yours for $59/ bottle where you pay a total of $177. There will be 5 free bonuses, free shipping, and 180 days money-back guarantee you can enjoy.
    6 bottles of Instahard will cost only $49/ bottle and you will only have to pay $294 in total. You get 5 free bonuses, free shipping, and 180 days money-back guarantee that is 100%.
   InstaHard Bonuses   
You will be enjoying the benefits of 5 bonus EBooks when you order the 3 bottles or 6 bottle Instahard packs. The bonuses are listed below:
    Sexual Obsession Code Ebook
    The Pornstar Diet Ebook
    Text her panties off Ebook
    Big Dick Blueprint Ebook
    Last Longer Ebook
  Where to get InstaHard?
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Due to a pandemic situation and the rise of fraud and fake groups have forced the manufactures to make Instahard exclusivity through its official website. So get it directly from their website and not from a retail store that might be selling fake Instahard ED pills that are truly unethical and against law. So click on the link towards the end of this review if you find this product can save your life. You will be redirected to the safest online payment transaction through click bank portal. So there is no risk at all.  InstaHard Product Complaints The product won’t have any side effects on your body unless you overdose. So there is no need to worry at all. Product complaints happen when people overdose and they have to deal with the side effects. So take only 2 pills daily as recommended behind each bottle of Instahard pills. InstaHard Customer Reviews As mentioned on the official website of the product, below you will find the Instahard Customer reviews of people who have known the potentiality of the product after changing their life. InstaHard has a balanced blend of ingredients that have been clinically proven to support male virility.- Dr. Steven S. InstaHard has restored my sexual strength and stamina, making me feel like I am in my 30’s! A game-changer.- Wayne D InstaHard has stood up to its tall claims, and the fact that my wife is a bigger fan of the product than I am, says it all.- Chris
Is The InstaHard legit?
Instahard that you buy from the official website link is legit and made of natural ingredients that are safe for you to enhance your testosterone levels and solve your erectile dysfunctions. But what you get in a store near you is a duplicate made with fake ingredients that are highly dangerous and might be expensive as well. So make sure you do not fall for such traps. What you get from the official website is the only authentic Instahard supplement because you get 180 days money-back guarantee without any questions asked. InstaHard Reviews: Verdict People have seen great improvement in their hormone balance and were able to reverse the erectile dysfunction problems that have haunted them for years. I have already shared with you a few InstaHard reviews posted by its real customers. They are very happy using the product and have improved their hormonal balance and boosted their energy like never before. They never have to worry about the size and the duration of their sex. Their virility has gained momentum that their partner has achieved that special dream come true moment. If you’re still hesitant about using the InstaHard supplement, remember that you are given 180 days 100% money-back guarantee and free shipping with 5 free bonuses to pamper you better. Without any health risk, you can change what you are truly in need of. So get a life that you have wanted to live that guarantees endless sexual pleasure. Any doubts persist after reading my InstaHard review, then I would suggest that you should try out InstaHard for at least 3 months to see the best results and return the product if you are unhappy using it.
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Isn’t that a great deal for you to try out?
Are you ready to get your InstaHard pack today and benefit from the special discounted rates and bonuses?
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maryellencarter · 4 years
Queer asks copied from @corelliaxdreaming :
1. Is your family accepting? -- Hah. No. My bio-family is not accepting at allllll, so I went and got myself an internet family instead.
2. What is your sexuality? -- Weird. The strongest part of my identity is Aromantic. I seem to be pretty much allosexual, maybe bisexual; most of the people I find myself attracted to are men within a fairly specific category (physically fit to muscular, at least as competent as me, kind, and often a bit dorky; I also have a weakness for clever hands and sexy voices), but the women I'm attracted to cover a much broader range of appearances and personalities. I fall pretty much in the category of the one Tumblr post that said something like "Being bisexual means you're attracted to three specific fictional men and all women", even though the attraction to men... feels... more attraction-y? I'm still really struggling to figure that difference out.
3. What is your gender identity? -- Sort of genderfluid, sort of genderqueer, sort of maybe agnostically agender? I used to ID really strongly as a trans man, and then after a year or so of being accepted, I found myself turning female. I bounced back and forth for a lot of years but seem to have settled down at a point where it doesn't especially matter to me most of the time. Which is a lot more comfortable than hurtling around to different points on the gender spectrum without warning.
4. Favorite color? -- Blue. Royal blue, mostly. That really deep sky blue you get sometimes during the fall. A bunch of really bright colors.
5. When did you find out your sexuality? -- Oh, it's been a process. For a long time I identified as asexual. It took me years to figure out I was actually romance-repulsed, and more years to figure out I had any attraction to women. I'm still sort of confused by that part. Like I mostly just want to look at them being pretty, but I also definitely want to look at their boobs? Maybe touch some boobs? I'm honestly not sure.
6. What do you wish you could tell your past self? -- Oh lord. Sexuality and gender wise? I'm not sure young me could have been hurried along the process of self discovery. I'd really like to tell her she was being abused and gaslighted and that she needed to take her great-aunt's offer of a free ride and major in geology *before* she broke her health, and maybe also tell her she needed a CPAP machine, but she might just think I was a temptation of the Devil. Also I'm not sure if the CPAP machine was an option before Obamacare. Or the psych meds she needed, either.
7. Have you changed labels since realizing you were queer? -- Oh yeah, all over the place. Asexual, trans, genderqueer, biromantic (for about a week), aromantic allosexual bisexual maybe pansexual... some people apparently even count PCOS as an intersex condition, since I have a lot more beard and chest hair than is normal for perisex women, to the point that I always have to explain to a new doctor that I'm not in fact on testosterone, my body just does that. I've never quite felt right claiming the intersex label, but I've tried on a lot of others. I think my header may still say "queer on every conceivable axis".
8. How was your day? -- Um. I got stuck wandering Cracked.com for most of it. Then I drove up to check out my pulmonologist's office, which doesn't *say* they're closed for the pandemic, so I guess I'll go up again on Thursday and poke them about whether my appointment still exists. Then I went and wandered around a very large very dead mall on that side of town, hatched a bunch of pokeymans, then came home and ate some split pea soup.
9. Do you have any queer friends irl? -- I don't have *any* friends irl, and it's kicking my ass. I have like one or two coworkers I could hypothetically hang out with outside of work if we weren't so all-fired busy. But if we're talking "friends I have seen irl at some point", I'm pretty sure they're all queer. They might also be limited to @tigerkat24 and one other person who doesn't use Tumblr, I'm not sure.
10. What's your favorite hobby? -- Probably knitting. It's soft and squishy and brightly colored, and it can be as brainless or as complex as I could possibly want.
11. Who's the best queer icon in your opinion? -- I honestly don't have an opinion. I've always been too far outside the community to figure out whomst the options were.
12. Which pride flags do you like the most design / color wise? -- Pansexual. I'd probably have a lot more pride merch if I IDed as pan, but it just never feels like it fits quite right.
13. Do you wish you could change any pride flags? -- YES. The aro flag is the exact same colors as the agender flag, just in a different arrangement, and it pisses me off because you can't distinguish aro merch from agender merch unless it's specifically flag shaped / has the stripe arrangement. I liked the yellow/orange/green/black aro flag, I found it much more cheerful, but apparently it was too similar to something Rastafarian. But you can't find alloaro flag merch at *all*, even though it has the green and yellow, which I like.
14. Are you openly out? -- Can't really help it, since I legally changed my name to a distinctively masculine one back in the day, and I do not remotely pass as male. So anybody who both sees or hears me and knows my legal name, knows there's *something* queerish going on. (I go by a gender neutral name these days, but haven't yet been arsed to change it legally because it's an entire hassle and a half.)
15. Are you comfortable with yourself? -- Mneh. I'm not *un*comfortable with my gender and sexuality, particularly. Sometimes I wish I could pass as male, sometimes I wish I could have cute cleavage. Sometimes I tie myself in knots with my feelings about women.
16. Do you experience dysphoria? -- I used to, very strongly. It hasn't been very aggressive lately.
17. Bottom, top, or verse? -- *shrugs* I guess I'd be a switch or "verse" because I'm down for whatever.
18. Are you femme, butch, or neither? -- I swing wildly between wishing to present Extremely Butch in a lumberjack style, which is impractical in the Southwest, or wishing to present Extremely Femme but being unable to do so, and tying myself in knots over the inability. (I can't wear femmey shoes due to my stupid feet, I can't have pierced ears as they get infected and the one pair of nice lightweight handcrafted earrings I paid $50 for is gone with the rest of my shit, I'm too lorge to find any nice dresses or be able to like try on prom dresses and stuff, I have a tendency to break jewelry as I'm extremely rough on my possessions... etc.) In practice my gender presentation is Fat Slob. :P
19. Do you bind? -- Not technically, but I do wear cheap sports bras which tend to flatten rather than lift or shape.
20. Do you shave? -- Only by necessity. I shave my face when I remember, because my beard looks extremely douchey and rather like pubes. Occasionally I shave my cleavage if I'm trying to present femmey. I pretty much never shave anything else unless the hair is getting Smelly.
21. If you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be? -- Um. Good question. The thing is, I am fairly strongly romance-repulsed, but I do want and enjoy queerplatonic relationships, so I would draw a distinction here between "dating" someone and being "in a relationship" with them.
22. Are you in a relationship? -- Yes, in fact.
23. Describe your partner. -- @camshaft22 . Um. She's very much the Hobbie to my Wes. She's very snarky and dies a lot and I love her very much.
24. Have you ever dated anyone of the same gender? -- Given that we're both genderfluid, I would say I'm in a relationship with someone of the same gender, yes.
25. Dated anyone of another gender? -- I've never dated or been in a relationship with anyone else, so I guess the answer is no.
26. Tell me a random fact about yourself! -- I always use this one, but I once lived in four different states (mostly non-contiguous) within a calendar month.
27. Do you own any pride flags / merch? -- No. I used to have a whole-ass collection that I added to every Pride, and then I lost all my damn shit and haven't had the heart to start looking again. Well, I have a rainbow necklace Kat sent me which is pretty nice. Can't wear it till my damn sunburn heals, though. :P
28. Have you ever been to a pride parade? -- Yes, when I lived in Bisbee. They have quite an excellent Pride which draws people from as far off as Denver.
29. Any advice to someone who isn't out or is exploring themselves? -- Take your time. It's okay if things change. You don't have to solve yourself all at once. It's more important to find people who will accept whoever you turn out to be.
30. Pineapple on pizza? -- I've honestly never tried it. Part of me feels like I should, in order to develop an opinion, and part of me feels like I'm just as happy being outside of that particular debate.
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delcat177 · 5 years
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Text in captions, if that won’t read on text to voice please let me know <3
This is a half-year old, but I only paid Blobs Magician to help me out once and I’m fresh out of delicately painted acorns and he gave me commission rights so I’ll be tipping him a ziploc bag of goldfish later
I feel awkward writing about all of this--there was a bit of jealousy when I got my hyst (not projecting, I was told flat by a trans friend), and I worry that I may be making other people feel alone, anxious, or less-than in their gender by talking about it.  If you feel that at all, please, stop right now.  Don’t look in the mirror, because mirrors are scary. Like, really scary, they have ghosts or stuff probably, but also in the genders sense, so instead, look in your head.   Look at your self.  It’s in there, because it is you.  What is happening to me now is a shell upgrade, a hermit crab moving domiciles.  I was a boy once, then a young man, then a oldman, and now I’m a oldman with a society man shell.  Never mistake the shell for the crab, go “hey crab, I like your shell, I hope you find the perfect shell, because you are the perfect inhabitant” and celebrate that crab.  Because we are all crabs, and we are all beautiful, and we all deserve the shells that reflect us as individuals, and anyone who says otherwise can fuck off into a spiny urchin bush and not have a shell.  Or.  Something.  Did I say I felt awkward?  I AM awkward.  But anyway, drive-in movie totals and such after cut, potential TMI, and protect yourself love yourself, you lovely crabs <333
 (with cut ‘cause longtext is looong)
Alt-text: I'm always the last one to know
so uh
I'm a blithe idiot and somehow never processed or dared to dream that this was possible
which makes the timeline look SPECTACULARLY dumb but I was going through SO MANY LIFESTYLE CHANGES
2017: Me: Man, living in the townhouse has really amped up my leg game, all that up and down stairs.
Me: I'm down ten pounds since the hyst! Megan: That's probably your natural weight. Me: That or getting there.  Not surprising, I'm not feeding the beast constantly.
Me: *punches Megan playfully in the arm* Megan: OW goddammit Del that hurt like SHIT! Me: oh my God I'm sorry I didn't mean to! Megan: It's okay, just be careful! Me: That's so weird I'm sorry D8
Me: man is it just me or am I good in bed lately? oh right I'm the only one here...I guess it's because I'm more confident?
Me: ghghjh my hair's thinning out at the temples, well been expecting that one for awhile, at least it waited for 30
Me: Holy shit, the stairs plus the shopping is paying off!  My thighs are HUGE!  I wonder if cracking a watermelon with these bad boys is hyperbole.  I bet I could though.  I BET.
Me: Down to 162 and holding, fuck you past doctors!  I just needed ENERGY goddammit!
Me: Wow, I've lost a lot of weight from my face especially.  That makes me super happy.  Anyway better pluck these stray hairs.  ...have I been yanking these more lately?  Getting old is weird.
Me: (struggling with shorts) Megan: Do you need a belt? Me: I'M WEARING A BELT (lifts shirt to reveal belt double wrapped around hips) Megan: Well then Me: I just need to buy new shorts, my ass is just GONE Megan: In the meantime maybe pay attention to what underwear you have on Me: yeah thank God for boxers
Me: My acne scars are heck of acting up.  I wish I hadn't picked at my face so much as a kid, I guess the pores are just kinda fucked, I've read about that happening.
Megan: New shorts look good Me: I am so bad at shopping Megan: At least you have them now Me: I'm an assless chap is all Megan: Go to bed Del Me: It's four in the afternoon
Me: My throat feels so *thick* lately.  I haven't been hitting the vape that often, why does it feel weird?  And why am I noticing my own voice more?  I NEVER notice my own voice, I make a point of it.  Am I subconsciously pitching it lower like I used to do talking on Skype because I'm more socially active?  What is my brain I'm so AWKWARD Me: UGH I'm falling back into derma habits, I haven't picked in my face in years, I think I need to change cleansers.  But...my face looks...good?  I guess I had this hiding under that baby fat all these years.  ...I guess? Me: Am I getting a hump from my bad computer posture?  Shit. Me: Oh no, it's not a hump, my shoulders are starting to put on muscle!  That's a relief.  That must be from the...laundry?  Carrying...laundry?
AUGUST 5, 2019: Me: (lying in bed) 2 + 2
Me: wait why am I putting on shoulder muscle now?  I've been doing laundry for years, and it's never done that.  And my legs didn't get this buff with a routine job where I was walking three hours a d--
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AUGUST 14, 2019:
New Endocrinologist: We'll test your levels to make sure it isn't a pituitary gland issue or (some syndrome I've already forgotten the name of), and it could be because there's some small element of testosterone in the estrogen replacement, but the brain does produce androgens.  We can definitely look into switching you to T if you want, but if it's facial hair you're worried about...well, once the follicle is there, it's there.  These are irreversible changes.
Me: No on that then but irreversible,, like,, what I have now,, is forever,,,,,,,?
New Endocrinologist: Forever, and I would expect to continue to see muscle gains if you work out.
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welcome to my second puberty please be aware it apparently involves as many mood swings as the first one but i'm tryin'
Since then, it’s been continuing confirm, confirm, confirm. 
My acne turned out to be little follicles growing in odd places--not fullblown hair, just enough to irritate the skin while it was developing. Tiny tufts of 1-3 entirely white, downy hairs have popped up in a few places on my breasts.  The real fuzz proliferation has been in the southern quarters--with all delicacy, there is no itch like the itch of hair beginning to grow anywhere sweat can proliferate, and I now understand why cis men scratch privates in public.  Having NOT gone through a unified social experience with a peer group accepting of such measures, I am sure there is footage on grocery store cams of someone with an agonized expression walking like he has a weasel down his pants and worrying that 30 is early for hemorrhoids.  Both have settled in for the most part, leaving me with a very fluffy, barely-there peach fuzz mustache that’s only noticeable in the right light, some spare hairs across my chin and neck that I keep in order, and a profound relief that I prefer boy shorts and swim trunks.
I went through a few weeks of being especially rank despite all the showering and was worried that was my new normal, but apparently T sweats be like that, and I’m back to smelling like...whatever I smell like, probably lavender with our fabric softener.  I experienced what I believed was a relapse a month later that turned out to be a false positive--specifically, our thermostat was slowly dying and frog-boiling us until it got hot enough that my sister also went “dear God it is a sauna in here”, leading to replacement of the faulty element and another notch in the “my life is dumb” bedpost.
My face bonebs, which I frankly expected the least out of (when I wasn’t expecting at all), have slowly but surely been rearranging, a visual effect doubled by the much faster redistribution of fat.  I honestly have no idea how this one works.  I know more about dead bonebs than live ones.  I would doubt it if I didn’t have pictures to back it up.  I would say it’s easier to look in the mirror now, but I already stated my opinion on mirrors, do it too much and a skeleton will pop out.  It WILL.  My brain tells me this and it is never wrong about fears and or phobias.  Don’t do it kids.
If there’s been a single most beautiful moment so far, it’s been getting back into Steven Universe after a long hiatus, opening my mouth to sing the opening like I did years ago, and realizing all at once that I was singing falsetto.  I ran it back, dropped a register, and the first names I sang became those who would believe in me most.  There were tears, and later, showing it off, there were fierce hugs.  (Yes, the first ep I watched once I realized was Stevonnie, and YES GARNET GOING “GO HAVE FUN” wah)
I can’t begin to express the validation--I am no gender essentialist’s data point, this is MY experience and no one else’s, but I keep going “my aunt had a hyst and didn’t transition and I had one and I am because my brain makes androgens my brain makes androgens MY BRAIN MAKES ANDROGENS IT HAS BEEN MAKING ANDROGENS ALL THIS TIME IT HAS BEEN TRYING” and living in that, living in “not even SCIENCE is against me”, which is a tremendous thing as a scientist.  (As a scientist, I would be a blithering dullard to claim this is the only thing that affects or proves my gender, and I do not.  Again, TERFs fuck off.  This is simply a very validating thing to me, personally, in my experience.  I’m not thrilled that I have to underline that this hard dammit internet.)
What lies ahead is...I don’t know!  I thought I was done changing, but the post I saw that nudged me to finally do this on here went “you may stop being able to cry for awhile” and this is Important because I have been trying to figure out if I have Sjogren’s but apparently I have androgens which is slightly easier to pronounce.  I’m not sure how I feel about that, because transitioning is a lot of “I’m not sure how I feel about this” and then things being okay.  I would definitely say that the more I learn, the easier it is to feel steady and normal, which is important because the mood swings have been REAL.  This is more than I asked for or bargained for, but I still only have one regret, and that’s that my hyst scars are just slightly asymmetrical and it Bothers Me, but even that is growing on me.
I don’t know how to end this post.  I love you all to death, and I hope if you’re seeking transition, you find it and twenty dollars, and if you’re not seeking transition, you still find twenty dollars.  Thank you so much for you and all you do and are.  Remember--you are great!
Unless you’re truscum.  Then this post isn’t for you (dammit Internet) and you can fall off a boardwalk onto a dead fish.  Have fun with that!
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