#i need to go on testosterone and get top surgery
wings-of-angels · 2 years
Oh no big mistake to have looked at my reflection in the glass door in the kitchen </3 my gender dysphoria just skyrocketted :(
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craperonipizza · 1 year
You know what? Yes, top surgery WOULD fix all my problems. Fuck you
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snazum · 2 months
life update!!! I started vyvanse (though I'll have to stop when I run out it's not covered by my insurance lmaoooo, wonder what I'll be switching to XD)
so things are looking up for the snazums everywhere, I start school in like 2 months so that's exciting and now that I'm diagnosed with ADHD that should help me get supports and meds n shit to deal with my terrible education habits. (look lets just say i've switched my degree 3 times, fell into academic probation and took a year off school)
now i just need to get a job which should be in my future soon, like no way I just don't get one XD But I'm feeling good, which i hope that means the meds are working (praying that's why, and i'm not just in the up swing for the next couple weeks. or at least if i hit the down swing it's not like rock bottom it's like aw that sucks oh well keep chugging ya know?)
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blubushie · 3 months
Why are intersex people called 'collateral damage'? What does that even mean
Giving an example–
"Hermaphrodite" is an intersex slur. It has always been an intersex slur. Trans people cannot reclaim this slur because while it's been used against them, it's always been used against them to compare them to US.
People—even, ESPECIALLY the queer community—often ignore blatant intersexism in favour of calling it transphobia, even when it's blatantly targetting us specifically—for example, the idea that children AREN'T being put on hormones or given top or bottom surgery. The queer community likes to promote this as a thing that's not happening when in fact it is—it just happens to intersex kids. We are FORCED onto hormones, FORCED into genital mutilation, by an intersexist medical system. But in the defence of trans people, we are "collateral damage". Our medical abuse is ignored in favour of trans people promoting a lie that these things don't happen.
I was born visibly intersex. I had surgery at birth and then again at 12 days old. I DID NOT LEARN OF THIS UNTIL LAST YEAR. I AM TWENTY-THREE YEARS OLD. When my body began feminising at 12, it took TWO YEARS before my therapist would refer me to hospital for gender dysphoria. It took another six months to be put on testosterone and to have my ovary removed. I ended up needing top surgery at 16 to remove the breast tissue I grew. Most intersex people have the opposite experience—instead of being allowed to exist in their natural intersex body, they're forced into the hormones that "match" their assigned sex at birth. They are forced into surgeries WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT to make them look "normal".
Don't even get me started on the connotations of "assigned" sex. Perisex people have an OBSERVED sex at birth. Intersex people, if they have ambiguous genitalia like I did, are ASSIGNED a sex based on what the doctor thinks they can make them pass more easily for. Most are ASSIGNED female through mutilatory surgery as newborns, because it's easier to make a vulva and vagina than it is to make a penis. Do not get me started on how the brains of children process routine neovagina dilation (which must be done daily from the time the child is mutilated, usually at birth) as SEXUAL ASSAULT. That's right, for many intersex people, the medical system assigns you as female and then sexually abuses you until you stop growing.
In many countries, intersex people who identify as a sex different from their assigned sex at birth cannot seek out transgender care. If you are assigned female they will never allow you to go on testosterone, never be approved for top surgery, etc. If you are assigned male you will never be allowed to go on oestrogen or get bottom surgery, etc. The medical system ASSIGNED you your sex, and the medical system can never be wrong, can they. This in places where trans people can receive care. We are told it's transphobia, that intersex people are just collateral damage, when in reality these policies EXPLICITLY ARE MEANT TO AFFECT INTERSEX PEOPLE. When perisex people can receive trans healthcare but intersex people cannot, that is not transphobia, THAT IS INTERSEXISM.
Or for example someone calling a trans person a hermaphrodite, and a trans person trying to reclaim the term despite it being an INTERSEX slur. This intersexism is ignored, labelled transphobia instead, and intersex people are just told we aren't actually being attacked and that we're just collateral damage. It was an intersex slur first. They are comparing them to US.
Our experiences are ignored or outright erased. The queer community does not care for us. Even when we speak of blatant intersexism we experience, we are told that we are not the target and that we are just collateral damage.
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muddi-gutz · 2 years
want top surgery so bad 😭 someone i used to know got it recently and i’m like 😭😭 i’m failing at being trans because i can’t afford/am scared to transition
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coinandcandle · 6 months
Help Coin Get Top Surgery!
If you'd like to hear my story, read the post. If you'd like to go ahead and donate, click the link below:
Check out my kofi link to donate to my fund! 
Who am I?
My name is Coin and I'm a trans man looking to get top surgery--shocking, right? A bit more about me, I have two cats and 15 plants and I love writing and creating.
Why am I setting this goal?
Earlier this year I had to get off of testosterone due to medical issues and since then my chest has gotten bigger and I can no longer adequately hide it any more with tape or a binder. I've tried saving on my own but I am a college student who has been paying his own bills since I was 17. Of these bills, I have too many current and past bills to pay to afford saving much of anything towards my goal.
That said I have asked everyone in my life to put money towards this goal instead of giving me birthday/holiday gifts and extra money (from gigs or freelance) is being put into this.
However, my goal is to have top surgery by April 2025 so that I can enjoy summer with a huge weight--or weights--off my chest!
Why $5,000?
I'm asking for $5,000 because my insurance won't cover any of my surgery and I will also be out of work for two or so weeks after the surgery, more if I am unable to work from home. This would leave me with a gap in paychecks enough that I would need that buffer of money to make sure I don't go totally broke.
Truly, anything helps. If you can't donate, please consider sharing as I would really appreciate it.
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tenjikufag · 1 month
Silly ask but, is it alright to request to see a Laios x male Reader story, where the reader is a transman? Maybe to how Laios would react to that information or how the reader would go about/could bring that up to Laios, esp for how scary it is to bring it up to a loved one. …and possibly for it to be fluffy/smut (stupidly sweet kind…?), fluff (maybe angst if you wanna throw in some tussle XD) will do just as good :}
Thank you if you see this! I enjoy what you make!! :D
No Problem.
Laios Touden x Trans!Male Reader
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-fluff, light angst, comfort, ftm!reader, afab anatomy mentions, coming out, pre-op reader (no top/bottom surgery), hrt characteristics (T-Dick), fluffy smut
-(please proceed with caution if you are uncomfortable with said topics x.)
-thank you for the request, sorry it took so long to get around to. This man would be the most supportive and loving partner.
Listen, in a world where there are a thousand or more different races, anthropomorphic beings, monsters, magic, cults and guilds- being trans really isn’t that big of a deal or even something to blink twice at.
That doesn’t make it any easier though, coming out, even with all the “diversity” an ever present looming prejudice and bigotry was held among the heads of said margins- the ones who have managed to fall through the cracks of what had been somehow deemed ‘normal’ in this world..
It’s scary.
Especially when it comes to your relationship with Laios.
No, you doubt he’d hold any form of hatred or even really.. care about someone coming out to him. But that was just the problem, it almost felt like an unpredictability in his ways of emoting or showing how he reacts.
What if he didn’t accept it? What if he really did care about you not having “the right parts”…
You weren’t sure, really.
And that’s why you’d put it off for so long.
You’d been with Laios for some time now, but most of it was spent in dungeon and when you’d resurface neither of you had any of the energy to actually get physical aside from hugs and brief cuddling before he overheated and moved away in his sleep.
He hadn’t felt the layers you wore to conceal what you deemed a “secret”, neither him or the party ever seeing you without a shirt or even naked despite all the shared baths and such. Never once had they’d managed to catch you in a “slip up” of revealing yourself.
Also, why the hell would you drop such a comment and come out in the middle of the dungeon?! Who does that? Definitely not you, if it were to go sideways who’s to say they wouldn’t tie you up in vines and leave you to the giant frogs to eat?
None of them would be that cruel, you knew that. It was still hard, though.
Everyone knew you as a guy, you are a guy, your secondary characteristics prominent from the lapsed time on testosterone. It was easy to “pass” and you were worried.. really. It ate at you, even if in reality you didn’t exactly owe non-intimate partners your bodies explanation, Laios was the outlier.
An intimate partner, a boyfriend.. you’d wanted more and you knew he did too.
It felt all too difficult to do, dozens upon dozens of scenarios playing out in your hypothetical coming out but you wouldn’t know the true outcome until you actually.. told him.
Picking at the hem of your shirt, Laios came into your bedroom changed into his freshly washed sleep wear. His eyes scanned you, a soft smile on his lips as he slid into the bed- laying himself beside you.
You knew his next move was to wrap his arms around your waist but you needed some space to tell him. It hurt your heart a fair bit when Laios looked up at you like a whining puppy when you moved away from him..
“Are you okay?”
He asked, eyebrows crossed in concern.
“Yeah.. I just.. there’s something I need to tell you.”
The blonde sat up, crossing his legs and leaning forward towards you intently.
God, he didn’t make this any easier. His dumb almost dog like demeanour with bright golden eyes boring into you.. it sent a jolt up your spine.
“What is it?”
After all this time, rehearsing it over and over again, memorizing how your body would move and react to emote yourself to him and when he’s sitting here waiting patiently for you to tell him-
The words failed to find themselves on your tongue. Instead your throat felt tight, almost hard to swallow the word vomit that itched instead.
Your fingers continued to play with your shirt hem, trying to distract from the obvious tension.. sighing, your body decided on its own and through an incredibly impulsive action
You now sat on the bed without a shirt, binder on display.
You’d shocked yourself with the move, face burning and tears pricking at the corner of your eyes and catching on your eyelashes. Only flinching when Laios thrummed his finger on the clothing.
“You got hurt? When? Are you alright?”
He got closer, trying to inspect further but eased up at your clear discomfort.
“No. I’m not hurt!”
Unable to control your tone or volume, Laios flinched himself and moved back just a bit.
“Oh. Then what is this?”
Biting your lip, you could’ve guessed Laios wouldn’t have been familiar with these types of undergarments. With a deep, heavy sigh, your hands pushed themselves pressed into your cheeks and your neck dragged your head down to stare straight at the bed.
“I’m trans. That’s it. It’s a binder.”
It was quiet, just barely audible to him. The churning in your stomach twisted and ached, feeling like it was taking him a hundred years to respond..
Having enough with the silence, your head slowly tore itself away from your hands- Laios was still staring at you with the same care and concern he held before you came out with it.
“So? What.. what do you think?”
He blinked, tilting his head quizzically
“That was it? I thought it was something.. more? Not to uh, be mean or dismissive but-“
An amused laugh left your lips, startling your more conscious side of mind- what did he mean expected more? You didn’t want to guess, but the look of relief that washed over him told you all you needed to know.
“Are you okay with it? Okay with.. me?”
His bright eyes widened, realizing what you had actually wanted as a response
“Yeah! Of course, I love you.”
He loved you? You covered your blushing face with your hands, Laios was far too nonchalant with his words but they were sincere.
You hadn’t known why, well you did, but you had for some reason expected an explosive or more emotional response? But again.. it’s Laios. He’s not that kind of person.
“Is that why you never let me hug you for more than a few seconds?”
Pulling away from your hands, Laios sat there pouting. It was a fair question and he was right..
“I thought you didn’t like my hugs..”
The poor man seemed so upset! Sighing out a laugh, your body moved to hug his large frame.
“I love your hugs, it’s just scary.. I wasn’t sure what you’d think.”
His large arms wrapped around your body tightly, a satisfied hum escaping his chest. All this worrying, all this pent up stress.. all for nothing basically. Still, this was a big moment.. Laios knew what he would see when the time came.
You felt fingers inspect your binder, one slipping under and pulling it back- losing grip on it and accidentally letting it snap back onto your skin.
“Hey! That hurt!”
Shoving him away, you rubbed the spot where it snapped back.
“Wow, it’s really tight..”
“That’s the whole point Laios.”
He pursed his lips, hand scratching his chin as he thought for a moment. Eyes glowing at whatever epiphany he had
“Why don’t you take it off? I read somewhere you shouldn’t wear it for too long and I’ve been here all day! Take it off!”
Panicked, he moved and grabbed one of his shirts from your drawer and tossed it to you.
“Someone also said you could asphyxiate yourself! Were you wearing that the whole time in the dungeon?!”
Genuine concern oozed from him, stress in his knitted brows. You motioned for him to calm down, reassuring him you were fine and that you would not get asphyxiated from wearing it- giving him a brief lesson on binders and that you made sure you were absolutely safe the whole time.
It did calm him down, but he still told you to take it off. You agreed, the tightness a tad more noticeable since Laios so rudely pulled it back..
He offered to turn around or leave, but you let him watch. Even if he was turning red the whole time, shifting awkwardly while you changed.. he’d never seen your bare skin before now and it had him feeling hot and bothered.. your skin was smooth, aside from the faint pink outlines of where the seams laid on your skin.
Smiling up at him, you changed into his oversized sleep shirt and took a deep breathe of relief.
Laying back down on the bed, arms stretched out to let the large man cuddle into you. You could feel his attentive gaze on you, and you knew that meant he had a couple questioned festering in that ever-learning mind of his.
“What’s on your mind?”
He flushed, shoving himself further into you before he brought up his courage.
“Can.. can I see? I know you get facial hair and I am curious to see how it effects the rest of your body..”
Ah. Of course. Whispering a small sound of approval, you let him lift the shirt.. feeling yourself heat up again when he started fondling your chest.
“They’re not big, I think you can do without your binder in colder months.”
“Uh.. yeah. Thanks?”
He hummed, large hands exploring your torso and tickling along your skin. The motions he made, how his hands managed to squeeze just right in the more sensitive places had the space between your legs warming up and getting wetter by the second..
Laios was getting excited too, with the way he was cuddled up his hard on brushed against your leg. He shifted upwards, kissing your cheek and then the corner of your mouth. You were quick to grab his face and kiss him fully, slipping your tongue into his mouth- his hands now tightly holding onto the plush flesh of your chest.
Moaning out, you pulled away breathlessly. Laios’ eyes already hazed over, a hungry look you’d only ever seen in dungeon trickled over his features. He moved to cage you between his arms, hovering over you as he caught your lips with his again before leaving wet kisses along the side of your neck.
“Can I go further?”
His words laced with lust reached themselves between your legs, for sure leaving a wet spot in your underwear. An excited arousal festered in your abdomen, nodding at his question of consent.
With a smile, he pecked your lips before throwing off his own shirt and shimmying down to where your boxers peaked out from your pyjama bottoms. Golden eyes looked up to your own, checking to see if you were still okay with what he wanted to do.
You wanted it bad, he knew that. He felt it. Pulling down your bottoms, his eyes widened in delight. Admittedly you felt shy and kind of insecure, never being this exposed to him before but before any of your worries could settle into the pool of your arousal-
He took a long, striped lick between your folds, flicking his tongue when it met your clitoris.
Shuddering at the sensation, your legs instinctively tried to close but he remained steadfast inbetween your legs. Taking experimental licks around your folds, suckling on your tiny dick. It sent electric shocks of pleasure up your body, making the heat in your abdomen burn even more.
The man smiled at the reactions, licking and kissing your inner thighs, up your stomach, lips tracing their own path on your happy trail. He pushed your thighs back, exposing more of you and really dove in.
It was wet, the sound of slick between each lap and suckle from his mouth made blood pool in your cheeks. He had you gasping, stomach rising and falling with each groan and grunt from you.
When he pulled away, a faint sheen on his lips and chin remained. He was happy, satisfied with his warm up on you.
“Can I-“
“Yes. Please.”
You needed him, it was your first time with him and you wanted it all. He could play with you all he wanted after but for now the two of you ached and craved to feel each other whole.
While he slipped off his bottoms, you caught your breathe and ran your fingers through your hair to ease yourself into it.
You knew he was big, above average, and even with how wet you were it was going to be a stretch.
Sighing in content, you hadn’t realized he already had a condom on and was aligned with your heat until it poked just at the entrance.
Startled, you looked down between where your pelvises met.. he looked up at you with a soft smile. With a hitched breathe, he positioned the head of his dick to lay just inside the entrance. His eyes focused on yours, leaning down to kiss you.
Slowly, as he deepened the kiss he slid in. The stretch was tight, making your nose scrunch with the building pressure.
Until you felt yourself finally accommodate for his size, a wave of pleasured relief heating your whole body.
Groaning into the kiss, he rocked his hips slowly. You could feel his own muscles tense under your grip and he shared his own grunts of pleasure, letting them pool into your mouth.
The two of you weren’t going to last long, no matter how much control and how slow the pace was.
It was all overwhelming, emotions at a peaked high from what happened before and it being the first shared time.
The coil that sweltered in your pelvis was quickly coming to its end, feeling yourself clench around him and making more slick sounds with every thrust he made.
“Laios, I’m close.”
“Me too..”
It was almost a whimper, his mouth near your ear as he shyly buried his face into your neck, pleading with himself with every rut he made inside.
Your orgasm washed over you without warning, moaning out and gripping the blondes shoulders tightly- with your high almost ending, he came quickly after from every tight pulse you made on him.
Laying there breathlessly, he slumped onto your body. The two of you both smiling like idiots.
“You’re.. so.. handsome..”
His soft dick now pulled out, he caressed your ribs and kissed your cheek.
“I love you no matter what.. thank you.. for telling me..”
His post orgasm clarity made him say what he hesitated or couldn’t find the words for earlier, though it was through soft yawns and slurred sleepy words- it was what you needed to hear.
All your hypotheticals and nightmares fluttered from your mind, you almost had to pinch yourself for ever thinking the man would be anything but loving and accepting. He loved you for you, and you loved him for him. Quirks and all.
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So because apparently both parties in my country oppose trans healthcare to some extent I want to make it very clear to cis people what healthcare they're opposing.
There's a lot of fearmongering about children undergoing medical transition. So I'm gonna walk you through what might happen to a child who is transgender and wants to go the full medical route. Let's say our hypothetical transgender child, I'll make him a him because I'm a him and I'll call him Rat because he named himself when he was 6.
So Rat would probably, unless he experienced precocious puberty, go on hormone blockers at age 9 or 10, a year or two before he would start experiencing puberty just to make sure he doesn't experience any female puberty symptoms. Then at about 13 or 14 he would have an appointment with his doctor and they would decide that he has been sure that he was a boy for many years now and he's at an appropriate age to start puberty, at which point he would be taken off the hormone blockers and put onto a dosage of testosterone that is typically of what his perisex camab peers produce naturally. Because he never produced estrogen he would not have grown breasts and not need top surgery. He would develop exactly how his camab peers develop.
Now I want to put an interlude here that literally all of this is reversible. At any point Rat could change his name back and go off the testosterone jabs and his ovaries would start functioning again and they would produce the appropriate estrogen to give him breasts and hips. He could take the same vocal training classes that trans women take, he could get laser hair removal on the places where appropriate, and it would be as if he'd never been on the hormones at all.
But he doesn't want to do that. He wants a penis so let's move onto that.
As far as surgery goes, he would not be able to have either metoidioplasty or phalloplasty until he was on hormones long enough to experience the necessary bottom growth to occur, which takes a couple of years. (At least that was what I was told in 2016 please lmk if standards have changed since then). So at this point we're already about 16 years old before surgery even comes up as an option at the doctor's office. And Rat, if he is particularly gung ho about getting a penis and his parents can afford it/insurance will pay for it, probably gets put on a waiting list for a consultation with a specialist in genital reconstruction. Let's say at that consult which probably takes a few months minimum to get into, he opts for the most similar to perisex male genitalia: phalloplasty with testicular implants. Right there we're looking at at least three different surgeries and not all of them are going to happen at the same time. He's 17 before he's ever even on the operation table and he's been consistently identified as male since elementary school. This is the fastest possible bottom surgery route I'm laying out for you here and he still not slanging it until senior prom when he'll give it an ill advised test run in the back of his parents Subaru with Kelly from the anime club. All of that is assuming there's a doctor who will do it for him that can fit him in. Some people wait years for surgery.
Now some people get top surgery younger, but guess what, breast implants both exist and can be removed. If a 14 year old gets a double mastectomy and regrets it when they're 23 they can get implants. If a 16 year old gets breast implants and regrets it when they're 20 they can get those taken out. Top surgery is not complicated and I've heard from guys who truely would not have made it if they hadn't gotten theirs done.
I know this won't convince anyone who opposes trans healthcare but I hope it at least explains transition to cis allies who support trans people getting healthcare but still might think minors not being allowed to have surgery is a moderate position. I invite any trans person to add onto this with a MTF perspective or how their surgeries helped them.
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yanderestarangel · 10 months
˚。⋆.☆TW: afab anatomy, praise, t4t, use of testosterone, mention of dysphoria, fingering, smut, soft!boyfriend miguel, eat out, switch!miguel.
˚。⋆.☆ I just wanted to write about ftm miguel ohara for a while now, I had never seen a ftm miguel x ftm reader, so... I wrote it.
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♡ ₊ ˚— Contrary to what everyone at spidersociety thinks, dating Miguel is a happy and comforting experience, especially when you share the same struggle, experience and pain - being trans men - he is much more open to a debate when he knows that you. He is also an FTM person, thus beginning a calm friendship that in the future led to the two of you dating.
♡ ₊ ˚— However, obviously, O'Hara will not fall in love with you just because you two are equal, but because he saw in you a more peaceful and welcoming future, away from the pain that being a Spider-Man brought, he lost a daughter and he doesn't want to lose you either. He is a lonely, rude man, but deep down, he just needs to be loved too - if you are his safe haven, he will be yours.
♡ ₊ ˚— He will want to know everything about how you feel about your body, gender, etc. If you want to make a complete transition like him - major surgery, testosterone etc - he won't hesitate to recommend the same doctors who took care of him and will also go to every appointment you go to. Miguel will always be by your side, helping you make the best decisions to be comfortable with yourself, he will even give you the list of exercises he does and also help you train every day. However, if you don't want to touch anything and you feel good about your body, it will support you in the same way, regardless of everything, Miguel O'Hara is your boyfriend and respects you more than anything in the multiverse.
♡ ₊ ˚— If you suffer from dysphoria, he will find a way to make you see the incredible man you are, he will praise you, talk to you and use all the resources he can to make you feel good about yourself, Hugging you for hours and leaving you in his lap while he listens to your every outburst, running his hand down your back while whispering that everything is going to be okay.
♡ ₊ ˚— Miguel likes you to kiss or trace with your finger the scars from his top surgery, whenever he is shirtless, sweaty after a list of exercises, he will show off for you - he is attention-starved, Please pay attention to Miguelito - he will stand in front of you, smiling seductively as he watches you drool over his physique. "-You can touch me if you want, mi amor..." He would speak in a provocative tone, but soon the leader's 'don juan' banner would fall, when he saw you kiss his scars, making him blush and let out a soft moan, taking his big hands to your hair and caressing the locks, you are his soft spot... And he doesn't mind being a soft boyfriend with you.
♡ ₊ ˚— O'Hara also likes to hold your hand every time he gives himself testosterone injections. He's not afraid of needles, after all, he needs to apply ruptures too to make himself weaker. However, every time he applies it, being with you by his side is a refreshing sight, it's a quick action but one that means a lot to him and to you too. The futuristic Spider-Man will always hug you afterwards... But be prepared to also deal with the uncontrollable lust he gets after that.
♡ ₊ ˚— Miguel likes to fuck you, and be fucked. He will return home with a dripping pussy after an extremely stressful tiring day, the Mexican will not even give you time to think straight, just lifting you over his shoulder and taking you to the surface closest to the house - opening your thighs , exposing your pussy to him while he brought his lips to your core, hungrily licking your wet skin. “-Give me that pussy, be a good boy...” Miguel growls out, fucking you with his fingers and tongue at the same time. His own pussy twitches in anticipation as he continues to tease and tantalize you. "-So fucking good..," he mutters between suckles - Miguel pushed four fingers inside of you, curving them upward towards your G-spot. You let out a gasp of surprise at the intense stimulation causing waves of pleasure to course through your body. "-Like that?" He'll make you cum first, and then you'll be able to return the favor.
♡ ₊ ˚— O'Hara will rub himself against your face, his pussy dripping, taking extreme care not to hurt you with his weight. “-Fuck... cariño...” Miguel groans loudly into the room. “-Suck my clit harder... make me cum all over your tongue.” He feels your mouth enveloping his pussy, the warm wetness enclosing him in a way that sends shivers down his spine. His hips buck involuntarily against your face as he reaches out for your head, trying to guide it further downwards. He will shake and moan over your mouth, holding your hair tightly.
♡ ₊ ˚— He and you have a variety of sex toys, especially a custom-made and technological strap-on, which sends waves of pleasure through his pussy with each thrust he makes in your cunt. You'll be able to fuck him too, Miguel really doesn't mind letting you take control sometimes. He will want to be praised too, things like that. "-Such a good boy for me" "-Fuck Miguel, you are so beautiful fucking my pussy like that" "-I love you so much mi guapo" among others, make the brunete blush and whimper with pleasure, especially if you suck your nipples him, while fucking him until you're both a shaking, sweaty mess on the bed - he also loves to dominate you and talk dirty to you when it's his turn to dominate you. Things like: “-You make me so fucking wet.”, "-Let loose all those dirty thoughts about me… say them.", “-You like this? Wanting me so bad that even my pussy craves yours?", "-Do you want me to finger-fuck you hard and fast? Or should I take my time, exploring every inch of you?", "-Cumming soon mi amor..."
♡ ₊ ˚— Miguel also likes the 'scissor' position, making your two clits touch, a wet mess from both of your overstimulated pussies - he'll hold you close to him with his strong arms, dictating the speed - Or, he'll hold you close make you rub your pussy against his muscular thighs, while teasing you, just breaking you to the point of seeing you squirt on him, but, you can also do the same, kissing him while fingering every creamy wall of your spider boyfriend.
♡ ₊ ˚— After you two exhaust your energy fucking all over the house, he'll make sure you're okay, cleaning you up and kissing you, whispering how you pleased him and how lucky he is to have you in his life. The two of you will sleep cuddled together afterwards, with Miguel reassuring you and telling you that you can sleep in peace, that he will be there when you wake up.
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werecreature-addicted · 10 months
So I'm not sure do you write m!reader or ftm! reader (ofc feel free to ignore if you don't) but I remember reading that one post with ftm!werewolf and... dreamy sigh, it was amazing. (And that latest post with female werewolf with cock inspired me to send this ask)
Being big, bad alpha's pretty boy :(( him knotting me and growling how he'll breed me even if I can't get pregnant, him tracing my top surgery scars and getting excited over every new milestone with me and fucking me silly when I get too horny or needy due to testosterone :(( I need it sm
ofc I write for trans readers, I'm somewhat of a trans reader myself.
Big werewolf boyfriend who hypes you up at any given opportunity. He'll cheer you on as you take your injections/ apply T-gel. side note if you do use the gel he'll be so upset he can't hug you for a while afterward.
His kind value scars, and the stories they tell, he likes to lay his head on your tummy and run clawed fingers over your top surgery scars. he fawns over them a little, but he can't help but think they're cool.
Imagine your werewolf boyfriend in a more human form helping you shave for the first time. kissing your chin when you nick yourself. don't feel bad that you're not as skilled as him. Even if he shaves he'll have a 5'oclock shadow in ten minutes flat, he has lots of opportunities to practice.
and of course- he's more than happy to help you with your needs. He might tease you a little for being a needy slut who can't help but think with his cock but that doesn't mean he won't fuck you out of your mind.
he will live between your legs if you let him. He has suuuuuch an oral fixation, he'll use your thighs as a chew toy if you let him he's happy to go down on you and just go crazy on your shit any time you're horny.
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gatorbites-imagines · 6 months
i was wandering if you can write bane x reader [ i'd ascent to god if its trans/ftm reader, it's ok if you can't or dont want to write it :) ] with a big size difference that's all! have a good day/night and take care of yourself <3
Bane x FTM reader
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Still have no internet in my apartment, but luckily my sister is letting me visit her place to do assignments, so I can upload stuff from there.
This is based off of comic Bane more than anything, but i cant really find any gifs of that guy, so comic panel it is.
All in all, I don’t think it matters much to Bane that you are trans. It isn’t something he would see as a dealbreaker, or even care too much about. As long as you guys get along and both have feelings for one another.
Bane is extremely smart too, so if you can’t legally find ways to get treatment, then he would probably know at least 10 different ways to get the result you need.
If you want to build muscle, then Bane is also your guy. He knows as much as one can about the process of working the body and getting the result you want, so he would be able to help you get the look you want, even if you aren’t on any testosterone or hormone blockers.
If you want to work out then Bane could also help you out if you aren’t one for top surgery, as you can get a similar look through the right diet and workout routine. But if you want top surgery, you bet he’s taking care of you afterwards, since he would know a thing or two about medical procedures.
Bane being who he is probably also knows different ways to get you to the hormone level you want, but he would most likely avoid doing anything as drastic as his own mix up with chemicals and the likes, unless that’s what you are trying to go for as well. Would make sure you knew all the dangers first though, just in case.
If you want neither and don’t care much for hormone treatment, surgeries or even presenting masc, then it doesn’t pose any issues either, since Bane wouldn’t really care. Hes one of those “wear whatever you want, I can fight” kinda boyfriends. As long as you are happy and comfortable, then he is comfortable and happy.
He seems like a big scary dude, but Bane would be very respectful of you and how you present yourself. Gives very much “big scary dog privilege” when you guys go out, and you do go out sometimes, as I could imagine some of the bats would let you two go on dates, as long as Bane isn’t causing any trouble. You’ll have to live with being shadowed the entire time though.
The huge size difference also strengthens the whole scary shadow thing, so even if people wanna be transphobic too you, they sure as hell don’t dare to do so, since Bane is towering over literally everyone there with muscles that could kill.
Sharing clothes with Bane would also be entertaining, since hes so much bigger than you. Even just his tank tops would hang off you and slide right off you. You would have to tie it with something or tuck it into your pants with a belt, and even then, it would still look super baggy.
You don’t get the chance to borrow his mask, since he needs it himself. But I could see him finding it kinda sweet if you worked the pattern or colors into your own style. It also helps to tell anybody who wants to hurt you that you hand in hand with Bane. So, crossing you is crossing Bane, even when he’s locked away in Arkham.
The extreme size difference also means you can climb him like a tree, like hanging onto his back like a backpack, or hanging around his neck with your arms without your feet being able to touch the ground if he stands up straight.
You being Banes lover also probably becomes some of the “in the know” knowledge around Gotham. The bigger fish know not to mess with you since Bane would be breathing down their necks if they as much as thought about it.
But being Bane’s partner also means you’d know how to protect yourself and even kill if need be. Being much smaller than him and also being trans puts you at risk, so your lover would want you to know how to take care of anybody that tries to harm you when he’s not around. So, you end up knowing how to use a lot of different weapons and fighting styles one way or another.
But in the end, Bane is a respectful guy whose too damn smart to let you being trans get in the way of a relationship. Your big size difference is also cute in his eyes, since he can easily pick you up or just wrap you in his arms. It’s pretty damn great.
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sykosomatic · 1 year
Thank you for accepting my request!! It was delicious😭❤️ i love the way you write Hannibal. Not to be greedy or anything, could i request hannigram x ftm reader? He just took his first shot of t, and his two lovers want to celebrate *wink wink*
you’re so welcome!! this is perfect, i love it so much <3 i love all the ftm x [insert character here] i’ve gotten recently! it’s so inside my comfort zone it’s crazy <3 companion fic to this.
i hope you enjoy!!
hannigram x ftm reader taking his first t shot!
(reader wears a binder/is pre-top-surgery)
cw: threesome/group sex, praise kink, creampie finish, double penetration, oral sex (afab&amab receiving), anal sex (afab&amab receiving), p in v sex, fingering (afab&amab receiving).
thanks to your lover, hannibal’s, connections in the therapy world, you’d finally gotten your hands on something you’d been waiting on for what felt like forever: a prescription for testosterone. at this point in your social transitioning, you figured you were ready to take the next step. it was a little nerve-wracking, as most new things are, but so exciting all the same.
your other lover, will, had kindly offered to go pick up the prescriptions with you; you’d shown some apprehension at the thought, and he’d immediately offered his assistance.
once you’d gotten back to hannibal’s place, you got all settled in; your testosterone vials and needles sitting up on the counter. they looked a little daunting; you’d never used a needle on yourself before, so this was going to be a really different experience for you. the doctor had explained to you how to do it, and it seemed pretty straightforward. but still. nervous.
you didn’t necessarily want to do it with hannibal and will watching you; just because you were nervous you may look silly, and you didn’t want them to get worried if you did it wrong. but then again, you didn’t want to do it without them, because what if you did do it wrong?
you decided to do your first shot on your own; you wanted to make sure you could do it by yourself, and wouldn’t they be so proud of you when you did?
you took a breath, grabbing the stuff you would need and heading to the bathroom. sitting on the toilet, you prepped everything the way the doctor told you to, and prepared yourself for the feeling of the needle going in.
it was surprisingly easy, but the sting and pinch were going to need some getting used to. letting your breath out, you cleaned up and put everything away, opening the bathroom door to see the two men standing outside the door.
you smiled at them, shaking your head. “worried about me, huh?” you asked them. hannibal stepped closer to you and inspected you, asking you how you felt. “i feel fine,” you assured him with a small chuckle. “it went really well… it was a lot easier than i thought it would be.”
will smiled at you, nodding as you spoke. “we knew it wouldn’t be a big deal. well..” he corrected, looking at hannibal. “i did, at least.”
“we should celebrate, no?” hannibal asked, kissing the top of your head. “such bravery and expertise should be rewarded!” he exclaimed, leading you and will to the kitchen.
hannibal popped open a bottle of wine and started pouring three glasses, handing them out. before long, he and will were discussing how proud they were of you, making your face flush; the wine wasn’t helping, either.
“so handsome and so perfect,” hannibal said, in response to will leaning in to put a hand on your thigh. “both of you,” he added playfully, making will sport a wry smile. hannibal stood and walked over to stand behind you, massaging your shoulders gently. he leaned in to kiss will’s lips deeply. it was clear the two of them were planning a different kind of celebration. you were excited.
hannibal’s hands dipped to start rubbing your chest, his fingers brushing over your nipples once he’d found them. you leaned your head back against him, watching him and will kissing passionately. warmth spread into your stomach and you could feel yourself getting ridiculously aroused.
will pulled away from the kiss he shared with hannibal to start kissing you, his hands starting to tug at your clothes; he was asking permission, and you eagerly allowed him to undress you. hannibal watched the two of you, starting to undo his own pants and taking his shirt off. before long the three of you were undressed and the two of them started leading you into the bedroom.
will pulled you into his lap on the bed, his legs draped over the end as hannibal came up behind you. being sandwiched between the two of them turned you on an insane amount. will started to kiss your neck, licking stripes up your neck as hannibal leaned in to kiss your lips. both of the men’s hands explored your body, hannibal’s on your hips and grabbing your ass and will’s exploring your chest and pinching your nipples.
you moaned into hannibal’s mouth as you felt will’s fingers exploring your wet slit, playing with your clit while he teased your nipples. hannibal put his fingers in your mouth for you to slicken up as he followed will’s lead. he slid one finger into your asshole, making you moan and buck your hips against will’s fingers. will slid two fingers into your pussy, curling them up to hit your g-spot. the two of them played with you for a little while before you ended up squirting all over will’s hand.
the two of them praised you for how handsome you were, how well you took their fingers and came for them, peppering your skin with kisses before they moved positions. will laid on his back, starting to slide his cock into you, stretching your sweet pussy out. hannibal began to finger will’s ass as will fucked up into you and grabbed your ass. you leaned in to kiss him as he got finger-fucked, and then leaned back to kiss hannibal as he slid his cock into will’s stretched asshole.
the two men moaned in beautiful succession with you, all of you in complete bliss. their hands explored you and each other. after a few final rough strokes, hannibal bottomed out inside will and came deep in his asshole, making him in turn cum deep into your pussy.
but they weren’t done; hannibal slid his cock into your asshole next, making you shiver and whine, scratching on will’s chest. his curls lay over his face, covered in sweat. will hadn’t taken his cock out of you yet. he started rocking his hips again after you’d gotten adjusted to hannibal’s cock, the noise of the creampie inside you squelching as his balls slapped your taint.
the three of you finished again, and you were flipped over on your back so that hannibal could eat you out; his tongue was magical as he licked will’s cum out of your hole. his tongue slid in and out, and circled your clit. you shuddered and came a third time, grabbing his hair and wrapping your legs over his shoulders. hannibal proceeded to clean off will’s cock as well, will laying right next to where you were as he got sucked off. he gave you sleepy kisses, waiting for hannibal to come back up for air. the two of you shared slurping on hannibal’s cock until it was cleaned off, and fell asleep naked on the bed, fully satisfied.
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t4tstarrailing · 2 months
honkai star rail stone top headcanons
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
what is a stone top? a stone top is someone who only strictly gives in sex. they will never bottom for someone and, depending on the person, will never receive oral or handjobs. each stone top will have different limitations and boundaries for their bodies, which i'll be aiming to highlight in this post. you can be a stone top for any reason, be it a result from past sexual trauma or gender dysphoria or literally anything. you can also be a sub stone top if you want to introduce power dynamics into your relationship. remember, top =/= dom and bottom =/= sub.
stone top does not apply to cishet dynamics. as such, even if gender isn't explicitly mentioned in the post, please recognize that does not automatically make it a cishet dynamic. i write mostly t4t content, and everything i write tends to have an undertone of queerness, even if it's a gender neutral reader.
post contains: blade (t4t mlm), luka (trans masc), pre-bottom surgery jing yuan (trans man), gallagher (trans masc bear butch), sugilite (still figuring out gender), sunday (trans fem soft butch), robin (trans fem high femme), ruan mei
as this is nsfw content, minors dni. if you think stone tops are weird or hate the headcanons i have for characters, go argue with a wall, i really do not care.
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blade... bladie, bladie, bladie. honestly my favorite character in hsr, but i just don't write him frequently due to reasons.
blade is a non-op trans masc, meaning he hasn't had top or bottom surgery, and has no plans to get either. high testosterone dosage and hairy as fuck. he is also t4t mlm, so all content i write for him is t4t mlm.
he's a fairly strict stone top. he refers to his strap as his strap and, if it's ever referenced, refers to his bottom growth as a tdick. he distinguishes between them and doesn't see his strap as his dick.
in terms of giving, he is happy to give his partner head (favorite), fingering, hand jobs, and penetrative sex. due to his chronic pain and shaky hands, he frequently uses a finger vibrator to avoid cramping and help with his tremors.
in terms of receiving, he typically doesn't receive anything from his partner. if he wants to get off, he'll do it with his own vibrator when he's alone. he really doesn't want to be touched in any way, and isn't comfortable with his strap being serviced orally or with a handjob. kissing him is fine (he loves hard and heavy makeout sessions), and the only touch he's comfortable with is slight hair pulling.
in terms of clothing, i think he wears a light compression top and wears his boxer briefs under his harness.
luka is trans masc non-op, but frequently binds his chest with athletic tape. low dose testosterone, has a fear of needles and uses gel.
i can't really see him leaning one way or another in terms of gender preference, so i usually write him with a gender neutral reader. i do, however, think he would make a nice butch lesbian.
i can see him wanting to get bottom surgery in the future, but not a full phalloplasty. i'm thinking moreso a metoidioplasty, or a "meta" dick.
he's also a fairly strict stone top, similar to blade. he refers to his strap as his dick/cock, and sees it as an extension of his bottom growth. to make it feel like he's getting the stimulation his cock is getting, he frequently uses grinders (x, x, x [leads to literal sex toys, not sponsored or affiliated]) to get himself off while pleasing his partner.
in terms of giving, he isn't really a big fan of giving head and prefers to using his fingers and hands to please his partners. he tends to "babble", he explains to his partner, and likes to walk them through their highs, making sure he can get feedback as needed. of course, he is always down for topping if his partner wants it.
in terms of receiving, he kinda loves it when his partner sucks his strap or giving him a hand job. the visual for it absolutely drives him wild. but, until he has bottom surgery, he's only having his strap touched.
during sex, he typically wears either a sports bra or binding tape, as well as wearing boxers under his strap to keep his grinder in place.
pre-bottom surgery jing yuan
... this is such a weirdly specific headcanon i have for jing yuan. he is only a stone top before his bottom surgery (full phalloplasty), but not after his bottom surgery. after his bottom surgery, i think he tends to lean towards being a pillow prince and wanting to bottom without doing the work.
he doesn't have a real gender preference, and he also doesn't lean towards being t4t. he just dates/fucks whoever he dates/fucks.
he refers to his strap as his dick/cock and absolutely nothing else. he wears a packer most days to lessen his bottom dysphoria.
in terms of giving, he's happy to give anything. oral, fingering, hand jobs, penetrative sex. he's happy to have a power bottom partner, a pillowy bottom, whatever they want to be for him. for this reason, he does border on being a service top.
receiving anything is an absolute no-go for him pre-bottom surgery. he does not want anything to be touched. the only touch that he's happy to receive is his partners gripping his waist to hold onto him.
during sex, he always wears boxers and a top of some sort, no questions asked. it isn't until he is post top and bottom surgery that he has sex fully unclothed.
... post retirement jing yuan becomes a shameless bear and an even more shameless flirt.
gallagher is a trans masc butch? bear? butch-bear? idk, i just know he's hairy and fat. he's another t4t guy, dating and fucking only other trans people.
top surgery only and hairy as fuck from high testosterone dosages. he's also bearish, so he's fat and loves when his partners grab onto his love handles.
he refers to his strap as his dick/cock/strap, really whatever he feels like referring to it as at that moment. he does get bottom surgery but not a full phalloplasty like jing yuan, more than likely a metoidioplasty. despite his bottom surgery, he still uses his strap to please his partner.
in terms of giving, i can't really see him being into head. he's got thick fingers that he'd prefer to use on his partner while cooing out praises to them. he verges on a service top as well, but more of like a "playful, teasing" service top that likes to give his bottom a bit of lip service about how needy they are.
in terms of receiving, he doesn't really want his hole or dick touched. i'd imagine he'd let his partner give him head or a handjob or a rimjob, but he wouldn't really be a fan of it. it's moreso to let his partner explore their own preferences, what they like, etc. and it's only with partners he's especially close with and after his bottom surgery.
in terms of clothes, i don't think he's really picky. with newer partners, he'd prefer to keep his boxers on. but after a few fucks, he'd be happy to take his boxers off.
.... he has a funky gender but idk what it is. i think he'd make a pretty and/or handsome stud.
we don't know much about him ofc, so i'm keeping it vague. but i'm thinking about making him one of the strictest stone tops that i write.
that being said, he is completely clothed during sex (pants, shirts, everything), does not let his partner touch him anywhere, and does not let his partner kiss him anywhere. any physical touch is initiated by him, even outside the bedroom.
i'd imagine that he'd like to see his partner thigh rid him with a thigh harness, just so he can have easy access to his partner's collar bones and/or chest if they allow him.
with long term partners, i'd imagine that he's more comfortable wearing only like a tank top or boxers/shorts around them. he's a bit more lenient with touch, but he's still strict about being the only one initiating kisses.
once again, reminder that being a stone top does not automatically make them a daddy dom or aggressive/assertive. i recognize that sugilite is one of our first non-white characters in the series, and i want to establish that fact. i already know some folks are gonna be real weird about him when we get to know more about him.
sunday... sunday is a trans fem soft butch, butch4butch to me. and i love her for that. i also write her as intersex with klinefelter syndrome. she hasn't had top or bottom surgery, but has been on estrogen for a while. so she's grown to be about c-cup in terms of breast growth.
her strap is her strap. nothing else. she doesn't use the term dick/cock or anything similar to refer to her anatomy or her strap. in fact, that is a quick way for her to never speak to you again.
in terms of giving, i think she enjoys giving head, fingering, handjobs, and penetrative sex ofc. verges on service top, but not always.
in terms of receiving, she enjoys being eaten out by her partner. however, she never wants to be penetrated with fingers or tongue, just rimming. she will also never use her birth anatomy to fuck her partner, only her strap.
i'd imagine when fucking her partner, she'd enjoy possible some toy usage. maybe a vibrator against her hole but not inside, or pressed against her perineum. because of this, she usually wears panties when fucking her partner to keep them in place.
if she trusts her partner enough, she'll give them the remote for the vibrator. but she's usually the one in control of it.
... you know the chappell roan song "red wine supernova" and the whole "i heard you like magic, i've got a wand and a rabbit" line? yeah, that's robin to me.
stone high femme, post top and bottom surgery. no dating preferences, but she does tend to lean more towards femme and likes to flirt with soft butches (aka sunday's friend group) to make them nervous and sweat a bit.
robin is one of my strictest stone tops. in that, she doesn't use a strap or a harness at all. in fact, she only strictly uses toys and her fingers on her partner. her favorite toys to use are a wand, a rabbit extension, dildos, suction toys, and sleeves. really, anything her partner wants, she's happy to give. but the only part of her body she will ever use are her fingers, usually gloved as well since she has a bit of a glove kink.
she receives absolutely nothing from her partners and, honestly, she doesn't really feel the need to get herself off. she gets all of pleasure from watching her partner fall apart on her fingers and/or toys.
she also stays fully clothed during sex, frequently wearing whatever outfit she was performing in that day. she loves a quick fuck session after her performance to get the rest of her energy out, channeling it into her partner until they're a bumbling, overstimulated and exhausted mess.
ruan mei
this is honestly a bit of a new headcanon for me, so it definitely isn't as well developed as other headcanons. this is mostly just the bare bones of what i've got atm.
she feels more comfortable being a stone top because, in her mind, it helps her feel more detached from her partner. she feels if she bottoms, she will develop feelings for her partner too easily and wants to avoid doing that.
while she's willing to use a strap to please her partner, she'd much rather use her fingers or a vibrator on her partner. she doesn't do oral.
she does not cum when her partner is around. if she needs to cum, she does it when she's alone and her partner is nowhere around.
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pickle-the-lad · 9 days
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As a perisex trans man, that's not how biology works... the post that started this chain is here plus a little bit of the chain that I was a part of.
I'm responding like this because I can't reblog this one to respond...
Male isn't a dirty word, I'm biologically female. Yes! I have started testosterone. Yes! I'm planning on going through Top surgery. No! That does not make me male...
And honestly I think suggesting otherwise is transphobic. It's not as inclusive as you think it is... Accepting that some men are female and some women are male is just accepting there's a difference between biology and identity.
Yes! some women have dysphoria over the fact that they are male. Yes! Some men have dysphoia over the fact that they are female. But that's something they need to work through, not pretend is not there.
How to get on to the topic of the original post. MALE and FEMALE are literally just collections of traits that people are born with and later developed given these labels.
Intersex individuals is when these traits are Mitch Match or non-existent in an individual. These individuals are commonly forced or coherst into being one of the binary.
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zebulontheplanet · 7 months
As a transmasc, there’s a lot of pressure to figure out what you want to do in your transition journey. I’ve been socially transitioning since I was 17, and I for awhile thought I’d do it all. From top surgery, to testosterone, to it all.
As I got older, that need started to change. I no longer wanted, or felt like I needed to do anything. I have my hair short yes, but besides that I have done nothing else besides change my name, pronouns, and wear more masculine clothes.
I don’t currently feel the need to be on testosterone or get surgeries. It just isn’t in my transition journey at the moment. I will probably end up getting top surgery when I can afford it, however testosterone isn’t something I currently want. Do I want to get on testosterone for certain things? Yes. Do I want all the things testosterone brings? No. So I’ve decided to just not go on it and that’s that for me.
Maybe in the future id want to get on testosterone, but for now no.
We need to normalize transmascs who do the absolute bare minimum in their journey. We need to normalize transmascs who don’t want to get on hormones and get surgeries for whatever reason.
Just normalize it.
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anti-terf-posts · 4 months
as a very traditionally masculine, binary, extremely dysphoric trans man who sees his transness as a purely medical thing, I want to say how fucked up transmedicalism is. They seem to be acting like believing your transness is a medical issue means you can never be happy, which is just stupid because... are hospital patients always sad?? And they're also policing other peoples' bodies, which is fucked on so many levels. Sure, *I* experience excruciating dysphoria, *I* want to get bottom and top surgery, *I* want to go on testosterone, *I* enjoy things that tend to be considered masculine, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to just to be a valid trans guy.
Sorry for the vent lol, I just hate transmedicalists. We need a new term for people who see *their* transness as medical but don't gatekeep other peoples' transness (and also don't spout terfy bullshit which I've seen some transmeds do??). It just makes me so upset to see this kind of battle going on within the community, because some aresholes can't wrap their tiny brains around the fact that not all trans people are exactly like them.
I love all the feminine, non-dysphoric, non-binary, etc. transmascs :)
the part about not all hospital patients being sad is SO true. even *if* transness is purely medical for everyone no matter how they feel about it, it doesn't give people an excuse to treat them like they're mentally ill people that need to be locked up.
and of course, adding on just for the hell of it;
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