#only bc i don't have a playstation
gothixm00nz · 2 years
Ex-fucking-cuse me??? CODENAME JORYU???? I wanna be mad that they made NO FUCKING ATTEMPT TO HIDE WHO HE IS... but I'm actually impressed.
Joryu Jozuma. I wonder if we'll get to meet Joro Jojima at some point... he sounds cool.
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levinbolts · 5 months
temu is bad for my spending habits which is bad for my bank acc
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savageboar · 10 months
alright hot take: people are way too outraged about the rdr1 port. like yeah $50 isn't Great but good god i don't see y'all demanding ppl boycott skyrim anniversary edition on switch which is like 80 dollars now if you buy skyrim on switch it was 60 dollars and to upgrade to anniversary edition it's another 20. where's the half hour DON'T BUY THIS GAME rants for that.
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jinnify · 1 year
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love bomb — lee heeseung
pairing: heeseung x reader genre: fluff warnings: cursing i think and idk if there's mention of 'y/n' word count: 0.7k now playing: giddy by kep1er author's note: interrupting our regularly scheduled program to post this cute heeseung one shot bc blonde heeseung brain rot ^^
You exaggeratedly sighed as you noticed Heeseung walk into your living room from his trip to the restroom. Lately, he had been busier than usual, practice picking up again for comeback promotions. Although he'd try to call you every break he got, it was often too late into the night. Today was one of his few off days. He'd called you early in the morning, hurriedly explaining that he was already en route to your apartment.
When you heard your doorbell ring, you expected endless kisses and cuddles. Not for Heeseung to kiss your cheek as he flew by you and directly to your couch. It had been about five hours since then, and in that amount of time, he'd barely spoken to you, too engrossed in the game on the screen in front of him. This brings you to your current predicament, increasingly obnoxiously sighing until Heeseung noticed you were there.
You were getting upset at this point. You don't see Heeseung for two weeks, and instead of him being happy to see you, he's elated to see your PlayStation! This was an injustice. You felt neglected and annoyed. You put down the book you were pretending to read as an idea came to mind. You would not say TikTok is the best place to go for solutions, but you were getting desperate.
And you had recently forgotten your password to Pinterest.
Whatever. Don't knock it ‘till you try it. 
You typed “how to get my boyfriend's attention” into the search bar, immediately bombarded by cringy forty-year-olds making fake scenarios and teenagers giving awful relationship advice. With an unconscious scrunch of the nose, you closed the app, regretting asking TikTok for help. At this point, you were just plain bored. What fun is it to have your boyfriend over if you aren't going to spend the time together?
Heeseung would have said you were spending time “together” if you had said that out loud. You scrolled for hours, only looking up from your phone whenever Heeseung repositioned himself before a new match started. Your scrolling continued until you came across a post, a woman making little “coupons” for whenever she wanted something from her husband. A dozen little papers, each with requests and “discount” written on them, were folded up into little stars for her husband to pick at random. You could always count on Instagram for two things, stolen content and cheesy couple ideas. This post is both.
Although it was a cheesy and borderline cringey idea, you liked it. Let's say it's the hopeless romantic in you. So, you got up in search of color construction paper. You were only going to be making one to save yourself some pride. You found one in the perfect shade of pink, grabbing a red glitter pen and a pair of scissors on your way to your kitchen table.
You quickly cut and decorated it, writing “two hours of cuddle time!” in big, bold, glittery letters. It was honestly cute. You held the small paper up, admiring your beautiful penmanship before making your way to the living room, holding it behind your back.
“Hey, baby,” Heesung quickly greeted, never taking his eyes off the screen. You rolled your eyes as you stood to the side, hoping he’d ask you what you were doing. “Ahem!” you cleared your throat, trying to catch his attention again.
When all Heeseung did was nod, you huffed, slamming the coupon onto his chest, giving up, and stomping to your room. Heeseung quickly said goodbye to his friends, grabbing the small paper that had fallen off the floor.
To say he felt guilty was an understatement.
He walked over to your room after turning off your console, knocking softly. “Go away! You missed your opportunity, loser!” You belatedly added the petty insult, assuring  Heeseung that you weren’t too angry at him, just slightly annoyed. “I’m sorry, my love. Let me in, and you can finally get those cuddles you wanted!” 
“Hm, that sounds tempting! But it’s not enough! You had to say sorry and stay over tonight if you wanna be forgiven!” you shouted, hoping he’d agree. “That sounds good, baby. Now let me in before I break down this door,” Heeseung playfully threatened, jiggling the doorknob aggressively.
You were greeted by Heeseung’s gorgeous smile, “I’d like to redeem this, please.” He handed you the coupon you had made, scooping you into his arms and carrying you over to your bed. “Now, we’re gonna lay here and cuddle for the next two hours! And you’re gonna like it!” You scoffed, “Hey! You were the one who ignored me for almost six hours!”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I got carried away, but I promise I’m all yours until tomorrow.”
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© jinnify — reblogs appreciated
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tamelee · 7 months
Can I just go on a rant about how much I hate them forcing naruhina down our throats? Like idk if you know about it, but there's a really popular naruto game for playstation called "naruto ultimate ninja storm", and there's 4 of them. The first one covers all of the events of part 1, the second one everything in shippuden up to the pain arc, the third one everything after that right before the war, and the fourth one is the whole war and the final fight. After the fourth one's events, they made some side quests in the adventure mode which briefly shows some of the characters lives after the war, but no one's story is as forced as hinata's. Not only can you not skip it like you can skip the others, but there's literally MULTIPLE small quests that have to do with her and ppl tryna pathetically force her and naruto together 😭 even SAI (??) to make things worse, sasuke, an objectively really important character both in the story and in naruto the MCs life, is nowhere to be seen. Ik he's traveling at this point but they could've easily shown him writing letters to naruto or maybe have naruto go on an adventure to meet him somewhere, but nope. Instead they have sakura playing matchmaker and telling naruto to take hinata around the world to different important places in naruto's life to show her his adventures (including the final valley!! that really pissed me off 😡) and the whole time naruto's just confused why he has to do alla that 😭 like that cringey quest not even working makes the whole thing even more annoying and pointless. It felt like they were kinda incorporating the last movie's storyline into the game. And the one with sai has him literally call hinata an angel and every other konoha girl the devil bc they dared to call out naruto's flaws, but good little missy hinata bug eyes princess hyuga kept finding good in every one of his bad flaws so she must be a sweet little angel 😭 she worships him like he's a God and they call it being in love. I mean naruto and sasuke are in love with each other and neither worships the other so 🥴 the quest was basically the konoha girls getting together to tell hinata about naruto's flaws so she can know him better if she wants to pursue a relationship with him. like the whole thing is so fucking cringey and weird idek where to begin with it. Like first of all who the fuck are all the girls tryna tell hinata about naruto as if they even know him that well? Besides sakura who still doesn't even know him well enough to give that kinda advice. But also why the hell is sai complimenting the hell out of hinata as if he even knows who she is? Like other than the last movie he has no idea who she is and canon shippuden sai is under the impression naruto's in love with sakura so it makes no sense for him to do this. Another one has hinata's sister analyzing naruto to see if he's good for her and once again naruto's just confused. In fact he doesn't even know who she is until she tells him and he realizes they look alike 😂 This whole thing is so obviously the very definition of forced. First we have to witness her in canon and now I can't even play a game peacefully without miss "n-n-n-n-n-n-naruto-kun 👉🏻👈🏻" or other ppl praising her highness being shoved down my throat 🙄 I like that they made naruto confused the whole time tho, at least that was ic. Wish sasuke was in it more tho. I'm glad at least they didn't have that happen to him cuz that would be too far for me 😭 I don't wanna have to witness weirdos approaching sasuke to shove sakura up his ass like they do with poor naruto. Anyway rant over, I'm gonna read narusasu fics to fill the hole in my heart now :/
Hi <3
“Can I just go on a rant about how much I hate them forcing naruhina down our throats? Like idk if you know about it, but there's a really popular naruto game for playstation called "naruto ultimate ninja storm", and there's 4 of them. The first one covers all of the events of part 1, the second one everything in shippuden up to the pain arc, the third one everything after that right before the war, and the fourth one is the whole war and the final fight.”
Ofc, you can always come and rant <;3 (I myself had to hold back so much to not go on a major Hinata rant after reading this though 😒) Ah yes, I actually planned to play the fourth one and the one that’s coming out (storm connections). Other then having seen some gameplay and trailers I’m not too familiar with the games yet.. I do find it interesting that they always exploit teen-SNS for promotional material even if their adult-selves are the subject of the promotion and how Naruto's always next to his son when they're around the same age, lol.
“After the fourth one's events, they made some side quests in the adventure mode which briefly shows some of the characters lives after the war, but no one's story is as forced as hinata's. Not only can you not skip it like you can skip the others, but there's literally MULTIPLE small quests that have to do with her and ppl tryna pathetically force her and naruto together 😭 even SAI (??) “
You can skip sq’s except for Hinata’s 🥲? Well, I’ve never seen ‘the Last’, but that’s exactly what they do in that movie, right? The entire plot is to force a version of a dumbed down Naruto that suddenly lacks all development and emotional intelligence for the sake of miss princess to then “screw” (Boruto; bolt) them together through Naruto's utter confusion and canon retcon because he'd never otherwise, lmao it’s so pathetic. Instead of giving us a proper blank period story they come with this bs. So I’m guessing the story in the game went the same direction... 
“like that cringey quest not even working makes the whole thing even more annoying and pointless. It felt like they were kinda incorporating the last movie's storyline into the game.”
Ah yeah. 
“to make things worse, sasuke, an objectively really important character both in the story and in naruto the MCs life, is nowhere to be seen. Ik he's traveling at this point but they could've easily shown him writing letters to naruto or maybe have naruto go on an adventure to meet him somewhere, but nope."
He is canonically just as important as Naruto to tell the story (harmony), but do you really think that if they've actually shown Naruto meeting up with Sasuke during the blank period that it's then possible in any way to make the sequel happen the way it is now and force every traumatized-from-war-etc-19yo to marry and have babies as quickly as possible? No.
Every time I start typing the reasons why I end up ranting so I gave up, but you'll understand why, yes? 😆 Too much happens when they're around each other, both in text, subtext, body language and emotion. If you want anyone to believe Naruto and Sasuke are happily married with wives (they're not happy) then they should avoid this. Alas.
"Instead they have sakura playing matchmaker and telling naruto to take hinata around the world to different important places in naruto's life to show her his adventures (including the final valley!! that really pissed me off 😡) and the whole time naruto's just confused why he has to do alla that 😭” 
Nooo ffs! Poor Naruto!!!!!! 😩😩 But yeah, this does sound like the things I read about her movie where Sakura plays matchmaker so her and Hinata can 'help' each other (sure girlie, well played), where she smacks Naruto and calls him an 'idiot' idek how many times because they are trying to tell him he's in love with someone he's not... ... but VotE??? They really went there huh? (literally) 😒 Lol I’m just imagining Naruto talking excitedly about Sasuke or even Iruka during his tour, because anything important has nothing to do with her personally 😆 “oh yeah, I had my first kiss in class... it was with 🥰Sasuke🥰 actually, but you know where that is... aaaand here we are in the middle of Konoha, hehe, Hinata remember you wanted to commit suicide here for your own sake because you wanted me to acknowledge you for a minute? Except you disregarded everything else because you knew you didn't stand a chance anyway and you didn't mind trading that one minute of selfishness for the life of your Hyuuga-slave who would lose his head for you disobeying him and putting yourself in danger? And also ignoring what I and everyone else said and wished for because you just had to be so fucking selfish.... uh, your own words hehe, and you didn’t give a shit if I would feel guilty for the rest of my life for seeing a friend die in front of me, for my sake because you were the only one not trusting me? Even though I was in despair for not having an answer to the Akatsuki for a responsibility dumped on me, ah! Not because I wouldn't be able to do anything but you clearly don't have any faith me at all which is something I struggle with a lot because I want everyone to trust me y'know? Like the village does now... at least my power.. :/ ... I mean I guess.... and also because my trauma caused me to bear this responsibility of keeping what I thought was my only source of acknowledgement (the villagers) safe until I met Iruka and Sasuke, but then you said "fuck all!!!"... yeah no I almost heard you say it hehehe and it almost caused me to kill the entire village if it wasn't for my dead father????? Yeah HAHAHAaa eh, anyway let's move on. Oh! Over there, when I was with 🥰Sasuke 🥹🥰, lemme tall you about 🥰Sasukeeeee🥰-”
“And the one with sai has him literally call hinata an angel and every other konoha girl the devil bc they dared to call out naruto's flaws, but good little missy hinata bug eyes princess hyuga kept finding good in every one of his bad flaws so she must be a sweet little angel 😭 she worships him like he's a God and they call it being in love. I mean naruto and sasuke are in love with each other and neither worships the other so 🥴 the quest was basically the konoha girls getting together to tell hinata about naruto's flaws so she can know him better if she wants to pursue a relationship with him. like the whole thing is so fucking cringey and weird idek where to begin with it. Like first of all who the fuck are all the girls tryna tell hinata about naruto as if they even know him that well? Besides sakura who still doesn't even know him well enough to give that kinda advice.” 
Oml. Here I went off-topic initially to complain about the villagers of Konoha who bad-mouth Naruto and all.. but we get how ridiculous it is that they are the ones thinking they know anything about Naruto when he represses everything for other people's sakes, right? Right. Also, lol, not only does Naruto have to give her an entire tour, she also goes to a Ted-talk to learn about him 😆? Isn't it the other way around in that movie where Naruto is stuck in a genjutsu (which is impossible at that point/retcon) to get a power point presentation about her to brainwash his dumbed-down self? "You love Hinata 101" That's kinda funny ngl. Girlie stalked his ass her entire life and only steps out of the shadow if she can profit from it in terms of acknowledgement and yet even after they are married knows nothing about him nor can say much about him to Boruto and leaves that task to Sasuke because she only knows what everyone else knows which is nothing more past the superficial surface HA!
“But also why the hell is sai complimenting the hell out of hinata as if he even knows who she is? Like other than the last movie he has no idea who she is and canon shippuden sai is under the impression naruto's in love with sakura so it makes no sense for him to do this. Another one has hinata's sister analyzing naruto to see if he's good for her and once again naruto's just confused. In fact he doesn't even know who she is until she tells him and he realizes they look alike 😂”
Well yeah, what do we expect from Sai.... Ajgharoguhwrgj I've seen things about characters 'doubting' whether Naruto is good 'enough' for princess Hinata even though... *gestures aggressively at the Manga*. They're used as mere trophies at this point :/
“This whole thing is so obviously the very definition of forced. First we have to witness her in canon and now I can't even play a game peacefully without miss "n-n-n-n-n-n-naruto-kun 👉🏻👈🏻" or other ppl praising her highness being shoved down my throat 🙄 I like that they made naruto confused the whole time tho, at least that was ic. Wish sasuke was in it more tho. I'm glad at least they didn't have that happen to him cuz that would be too far for me 😭 I don't wanna have to witness weirdos approaching sasuke to shove sakura up his ass like they do with poor naruto. Anyway rant over, I'm gonna read narusasu fics to fill the hole in my heart now :/“
Yep, but yeah I personally am happy that Sasuke is not made to be a part of that including the parts in Naruto's life that should've been a happy memory when they all end up in a disaster. That would've been contradictory would he have been by his side. I know many people have disagreed with me in the past but I stand by what I said; seeing them both miserable makes sense. It's also not what I wanted, but at least those parts are IC given we're already at this point. I don't want to bore you with a lot of marketing talk, but this is all part of its strategy. Kishimoto is the author and creator of the original Manga, but he isn't a businessman. Nor are the people in business necessarily storytellers. Professional storytellers (except for Jun Esaka, 'author' of retsuden, who's probably someone's niece or something) are hired to accomplish a goal. Everything beyond the original story goes through an entire web of business-related processes which by itself has nothing to with Kishimoto or the story but is often designed to expand a franchise and doing anything possible to make members of the audience into consumers and active participants to broaden the experience. Hence why games and such are media channels used for 'exclusive' content. These are considered a part of what we call content-mapping and they usually separate goals or subjects that need extra attention... Also, bet most of you didn't know that 'the Last' came with over 30 different types of exclusive merch and even 2 separate books to boost Hinata :') It's insane really. The main character isn't the main priority because it depends on the strategy.. which is kinda really screwed when you think about it because I do wonder how it would've played out if Naruto and Sasuke were 🥹 So yeah, it all makes sense, but it's not fun. Hope you were able to find some good fics though *-*🧡
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oh-saints · 1 year
more ødegaard fluff 🤲🤲🤲 anything really go ham there is a lack of ø fics :(
I FEEL THAT TOO people pls don't sleep on our norwegian barbie!! but ask therefore you shall receieve
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(mildly based on his latest interview)
martin's never one crazy about video games; the only reason he bought playstation was because so he can play FIFA
he's always preferred board games or lego, or maybe computer game that's more or less to solve a mystery
he LOVES anything that requires his brain to solve a problem, including but not limited to learn something to achieve that
no wonder he's dubbed mini arteta
so when he grew up, no one's really surprised he's good at carpenting or woodwork like bob the builder can you fix it
and when he met you, who have a disturbing habit of buying a furniture when you're stressed but never assembling it, he KIND OF adopts it too
at first it was to hear whatever you're complaining about life while he helps you build the furniture, bcs you sure as hell can't do it for life
"kjær, talk to me instead of hurting that piece of wood. who makes you upset today?"
but now you sometimes HAVE TO COME AND HELP HIM when he builds an IKEA furniture of his own AND GOAD HIM TO TALK about anything while he's doing it
bcs god forbids if you don't
he doesn't exactly lash or throw the piece across the room BUT HE SURELY NAILS IT HARD AND LOUD ON PURPOSE
but it becomes your bonding activity every once a month to change some of your smaller furnitures
measuring the space, going to the shop to look for suitable pieces, bantering which one' better looking, stolen kisses between alleyways, have a munch afterwards before going home or have a takeouts on the floor while your incomplete work lies not far
like he wasn't one of the most popular norsk figure on earth
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horrorfilmlesbian · 9 hours
I've been toying with the idea for a while but I've decided I'm getting into dragon age so Here We Go.
I'm playing inquisition bc it's the only one on PlayStation and I don't yet have a PC yet so
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toyota-supra · 6 months
for context, I did have a lot of consoles throughout my life bc as I've said video games pretty much are my life but they were:
Mega Drive 3 or whatever its called yknow one of those TecToy things that comes with games already in it - older cousin didn't want it anymore
Polystation (famiclone) - 1980's console sold in the 2000's yeah this was probably like 10 dollars. we gave it away eventually. my parents barely remember that we had this but if there's something I don't forget it's video games
PlayStation 2 Slim - cheapest version of the PS2 you could get at the time when the PS3 was already out. I think my parents divided the cost with someone else in the family. we pirated all our games.
black Nintendo DSi - my mom asked a friend of hers who was visiting the US to get it there cheaper and she'd pay it back. I was disappointed to find that every other kid on the planet had a DSi XL instead which deeply insulted me because 90% of them stopped playing with the thing as soon as it wasn't cool anymore and my hands grew to be larger than average so I kind of needed that. I pirated all my games.
normal white Nintendo Wii - I don't remember how many years after the console's release this was but it was a standard Wii. my uncle who doesn't live here happened to have bought this in fucking Syngapore and gave it to us. yes that means it used PAL games. in a region that only sold NTSC games. we pirated all our games except for the Wii Sports and Wii Play discs that came with the console and the second controller respectively
normal 8GB storage release year Wii U (as opposed to the 32GB black one that actually came with a game already) - my parents divided the cost with another family member and bought it for me on the christmas of the year that thing released because I really really really begged them so I could play Smash 4. I didn't know how to mod a Wii U, so this was my first console with original games. I had to wait a month or two after I got it to actually have something to play though, since they couldn't afford it. I don't regret wanting a Wii U, all things considered
release year Nintendo Switch with the red and blue joycons - I got this used from a colleague in late 2022 (nearly 6 years after it came out) because of how expensive this shit is. the joycons were brand new due to stick drift replacements. I got a few games since then and found out that I actually don't like this thing at all it feels so bad to play in any form possible and every game is like 300 bucks
besides that I would play stuff on old used laptops or whatever we could get emulators running on. always keep gaming and buy a ps vita for me if you can
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callmearcturus · 1 year
im the patron saint of stoking petty fires so i'd love to hear your beef with TLOU and ND (which. idk what that is? my brain keeps trying to call it New Degas). feel free to rant
(hey this is a WHOLEASS RANT about how much i hate TLOU! if you even remotely like those games, maybe don't read this!)
my god. lottie. /drags hands over face. you need to understand that this is the beef of a person who has not played TLOU, will never play it, and haaaaaates it regardless. when TLOU2 won GOTY at the fucking game awards over more deserving titles with less fraught developers, i was incensed. i hate this games in the same was a child would hate broccoli. except instead of being good for you, broccoli is an emblem of everything wrong with the gaming industry, up there with Red Dead Redemption (which I fucking hate too).
Oh and ND is Naughty Dog, the developer of TLOU. Also there is some fucked up labor shit and sexual harassment shit at ND.
But what it comes down to is
I fucking hate prestige games as a genre. I hate what they have done to the industry. One of the markers of TLOU and ND's work is that they have codified what the Sony Studio Game has to be, and it's these incredibly cinematic, incredibly filmic, hyper-photorealistic dramas that want so fucking bad to be movies, I don't know how anyone talks shit about Kojima's movie boner while these fucking things are being made.
The cost that the rise of TLOU has wrought on the industry pisses me off to no end. Developers, especially the ones who work with Sony bc this is very much the House Brand of Playstation, fucking brag about "oh yeah we spent 6 months building the rig to animate this character's hair" and "we modeled these horses with such precision their balls get smaller in the cold" and "this lighting engine accounts for the dew point of the scene which we also coded an engine for"
all these things feel to me like feats of crunch, of throwing money at problems that don't exist, because it's a fucking blurb to tell IGN to hype your game, not anything the actual game benefits from or needs. making games is already such a fucking labor intensive artform and this shit feels like adding completely unnecessary complication in pursuit of a perfect simulacrum of reality.
i also hate the violence of them. i feel like ND thinks it's sooooo fucking ahead of everyone else. look at this, look at how BRUTAL it is, look at Ellie slit a human's throat in high definition, doesn't that make you feel something, GAMERS?
bitch, no. it doesn't. because that's one of the two verbs in these fucking games. you kill people or you watch a cutscene. and making players go "oh shit are we the baddies" has been an extremely common trope for years. Spec Ops The Line was 11 years ago, bruh, you need to learn a new trick than "making the player feel bad about violence, ooooooooo spooky". it's our ONLY. FUCKING. VERB.
they pour so much effort and money and time and labor into these games, these apex projects, and their verbs are the fucking same as the first goddamn Halo game. you kill things or you watch a cutscene. you just made the violence more visceral.
in the gaming industry, the people who really make shit that changes the landscape are people who try for something more worthwhile than "here, now you can play this gory movie." it's shit like new vegas asking me to make complex ethical decisions backed by hundreds of years of context and history. it's hades teaching players that failing is its own reward. it's toby fox using pixel art and a leitmotif to make me feel something. it's spiritfarer trying to teach people not to fear death and that kindness is important even at the end of everything.
i am philosophically opposed to the Sony Studio Model, to Naughty Dog, and to TLOU. I think they are holding the industry back. they're mediocre games because they're trying to be movies, and their mediocre movies because they're supposed to be games. I haaaaaaaate them.
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n0brainjustvibes · 7 months
Tagged by @vikugnavikugna!
coke or pepsi? beverage BITE miette?? beverage STING her tongue like the insect??? jail!!! jail for beverage for One Thousand Years!!!
disney or dreamworks? dreamworks did HTTYD, right? them.
coffee or tea? tea
books or movies? books hehe
windows or mac? never used mac so windows it is
dc or marvel? ok, exposing myself here, worm was like my 2nd superhero media ever. i haven't read either 🙈 i have seen a few marvel movies but i'm not sure whether that should count for or against them
x-box or playstation? mine crafdt on my laptop
dragon age or mass effect? mass effect bc incuriouscat on youtube makes sick ass fan PMVs
night owl or early riser? night owl
cards or chess? chess, you can narrate stories about the pieces and thoroughly annoy your opponent (sibling) even as you lose >:3
chocolate or vanilla? chocolate all the way!!
vans or converse? wgat
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? I can't tell if these are fantasy names or antidepressants
fluff or angst? uhhhhdfcgvhbjnk gonna have to say fluff
beach or forest? beach
dogs or cats? cats 100%! (or secret third option: fish...)
clear skies or rain? clear. god. please... 🙏🙏
cooking or eating out? cooking :P
spicy food or mild food? Mild by any sane standards, but spicy according to my family and/or BBC Food haha
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? chris mas :))
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? uuuhhhh .. hh. hard one here. gonna have to also go cold
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? SUPERSPEED!! Or time powers. My irl friend has convinced me of their usefulness.
animation or live action? animation
paragon or renegade? renegade, it's the name of my serial killer dark forest!hollyleaf fanfic (only half kidding...)
baths or showers? shower
team cap or team ironman? hm. remember when I said I watched a few marvel movies? yeah none of them were this one :(
fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy baybey!!! but I adore both
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? oh god okay. hm... "Where did we learn it, this talent for insatiability?" from The Handmaid's Tale still Lives In My Head from high school english. If song lyrics count, then, "You don't know me / don't you question my love" from Berlin, Without Return. "Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing" (I don't recall the exact wording) from... Oathbringer? is my fav cliche cosmere pick. Oh! And I forget the episode or even who said it, but at some point during the s3 All Might/AFO fight in MHA, one of the side characters stuck on guard duty said "You're confusing difficulty with importance", and that changed my life.
youtube or netflix? youtube :) it has fun little AMVs
[REDACTED] [Clearance Level 9]
when do you feel accomplished? when I bake something! making concrete stuff is really fulfilling, especially if I'm baking for other people.
star wars or star trek? spaceballs (jk, star wars, but I haven't seen star trek so sw wins by default)
paperback books or hardcover books? paperback
to live in a world without literature or without music? [sad character song assigner noises]... without music.
who was the last person to make you laugh? that would be @ty-bayonet-betteridge with several lines in their riley fic hehe
city or countryside? city! much as I complain about missing nature :') ideally a city that's near the sea
favorite chips? anything plain sea salt and properly crunchy 🤌
pants or dresses? pants, though dresses are fun for fancy occasions!
libraries or museums? is it a natural history museum? pleamse?? if so museum! otherwise library all the way.
character driven stories or plot driven stories? I don't really have a preference ngl
bookmarks or folding pages? i was one of those heretical kids who just plonked their books face down open 🙈😭 and now I mostly read online so... idk? Probably bookmarks.
Dream job? honestly would love to be on the management council for a small nature conservancy. second choice would be ecological research, but data-based, not fieldwork (animals scare me >.<)
What gives you comfort? thinking about The Characters...
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? literally ANY pun or double meaning lyric by idkhow!! gonna go with "lose yourself inside the city / lose your mind inside a week".
favorite ice cream flavor ever? chocolate my beloved...
first fandom? warrior cats......
deep ocean or deep space? (personally, i gotta pick ocean, because theres fish in there 👍😊)
Your desert island band?
@thesternest @seroquelfan @chaoticrushu, but no pressure to answer, and anyone is welcome to join! add your own question at the end if you answer :]
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goldensunset · 6 months
tbh kh2 is my favorite game in the series and i have complicated feelings about the mobile games but people in the kh fandom who think nothing other than the numbered games should matter are literally so stupid 😭 i thought we left that mindset behind in like. idk. 2015 or something. especially since the whole "but i only have a playstation and i can't afford to buy a million consoles for every game!!" thing has been invalid for ages since the HD remix collections were released. i also always kind of hated calling all the non-numbered games "side games" since... you know... they make up the vast majority of the games. i can't believe it's almost 2024 and there are still people like this on tumblr.
valid and valid. there's having personal preferences and then there's being actually aggressively nasty toward others about the direction the series has clearly been headed for a while. ok but like yeah playstation gamers have no grounds to stand on... every game is available on one console and the rest are on your phone or at least youtube. but like i'm a nintendo switch girlie and am desperately trying to stave off the necessary Big Purchase of a playstation because i don't feel this annoying sense of entitlement for square enix to cater to me. see like i think getting a ps4 at this point would be relatively cheap but i'm betting kh4 will be a ps5 exclusive so like idk. idk what to do. for the time being i'm ignoring the thought of it. i hope kh4 doesn't come out for a long time lowkey bc of it
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perilegs · 2 months
my dad is so funny, he's not afraid to get his teeth kicked in, he's deathly afraid of the dentist, he used to do nothing but get in fights when he was my age, he doesn't swear, he's so claustrophobic he can't get an mri and the only open model of an mri machine in this country is owned by some school who won't agree to use it on anyone but people researching stuff for it, i know this bc my dad called them and asked about it bc he is genuinely incapable of feeling shame about anything ever, his fave sport used to be boxing and then everything and now all he does is disc golf, i've witnessed food crimes some could only dream of bc my dad mixes any food bc "it all gets mixed up in the stomach anyways," he won't eat anything that's fallen to the floor, he's so allergic to cats he almost developed asthma, he has a cat and will let both her and my cat rub their little faces on his face as much as they please, he genuinely believes in a lot of ufo sightings, we used to have inflatable alien toys growing up, he taught me to hold a playstation controller before i learned how to talk he used to play all sorts of video games but he doesn't play anything outside of cod anymore, he doesn't understand a lot of things but he knows he doesn't need to and he's an ally, he's allergic to seafood but yearly ends up in situations where some place he's visiting has put fish in the weirdest of dishes, he didn't have any education besides middle school until his 50s but he had a good job due to how good he is at talking to people, i can't go anywhere with him bc he knows half the town so it takes ages for him to catch up with people, he knows a guy for everything, he remembers the names of like 3 of my friends and always makes the exact same jokes about them every time they come up in conversation, he's never in his entire life yelled or even raised his voice at me and one time in kindergarden some child attacked me when dad was picking me up and his reflexes were too quick so he instinctively hit the child with a backpack he was holding and the child flew across the room and my dad was ready to get charged with something but literally no one there cared about that, he got drafted but got out due to having stomach problems, he believes in the supernatural, all the older cops in my hometown hate him, i have no idea what crimes he's committed in his youth considering one of his friends who used to play dinosaurs with me when i was a kid got shot and killed over something drug related and i don't think that's any of my business, he's the most average middle aged small city man ever, i'm pretty sure he's autistic and some of his teachers even picked up on that when he was in elementary school but they did nothing about it so everyone just forgot it, he started smoking in 3rd grade but stopped when i was born, people often tell me a lot of things about me start making sense when they meet my dad, he's weird but not even remotely special bc that's what half the dads in his area are like. everything about him can be explained by saying he was born in the 70s
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kunselxsoldier · 3 months
alias / name : I don't really have an alias, my own personal blog is @kisarastrife if that counts, but only if you enjoy my own personal ramblings and YuGiOh! fangirling. :) I also have a handful of FFXV muses and two Far Cry 5 ones too.
birthday : October 15th BC
zodiac sign : Libra
height : 163cm (Just slightly under 5'4" for others who use this scale)
hobbies : Writing, cooking, playing my Playstation, small bit of reading and a lot of baking cakes and crocheting.
favourite colour : Red, childhood constant.
favourite book : This will sound soooooo odd. But I read a book called 'Fire Bringer' when I was about 9 or 10, which was based in what I believe was Scottish mythology (and I adhered to that, being Irish) and it had a deer fawn born with a prophesised birth mark and was very interesting. I believe the author was David Clement-Davies. I still adore this book a lifetime later.
* Also I adore the trilogy by Marita Conlon-McKenna (Irish Author) which chronologies An Gorta Mór (the Great Famine) in her books Under The Hawthorn Tree, Wildflower Girl and Fields of Home. Brilliant short stories which pinpoint a time in our history through the lens of children. I read them as a 8 or 9 year old and still consider them very treasured reads.
last film / show : Last show was Avatar: The Last Airbender (live action) and Shogun. I have to finish Avatar yet, but I adore the animated series and I like the live action series so far, so I'll have good thing to say. As for Shogun, I came in arse-ways and watched the 5th episode first (because my dad watched all the rest and both of us were drinking together and he put it on ... anyway, I ate, no crumbs.). Looooving it so far. Need to do my retro-watching of the previous episodes. Cosmo Jarvis is giving me Jax Teller vibes for some reason and I can't pinpoint it.
recent reads : Ooooooh, such a changeable topic. At the moment, I'm adoring the author 'Tom Marcus' - a former British intelligence agent publishing under a pseudonym. Fantastic author who plops you right into the action and faultlessly explains usable aspects of spycraft and response/operational tactics. Really puts you into the mindset of an operational agent with this kind of burden and assignment.
*Very good read for anyone interested in the Turk aspect of FFVII .. just FYI. And the author is an absolute polite gentleman on Insta.
inspiration : I don't really know. I have a terrible habit of picking up muses which are overlooked by their own creators/developers and I fucking adore them. I loved Kunsel the first time I saw him back when I was 14 (many moons ago) and he had no voice and just him with his helmet, then fell back in love with him the millisecond that security trooper mentioned his name in Remake. But 99% of my muses are NPCs or side-characters with very little input such as Kunsel [FFVII], Shotgun[female Turk] FFVII, Dave Auburnbrie [FFXV], Petra Fortis [FFXV], Nyx's mam [FFXV], Carmina Rye [FC5], Eli Palmer [FC5] and a few others - anyone want to interact, just holler at me!!!!!!
story behind url : His name is Kunsel and he's a SOLDIER. I don't like using '-' so I used 'x' instead. Simple is as simple does. :)
fun fact about me : I am an identical twin and I'm lucky enough that my twin sis also writes RP, she can be found at @proxnotxaxfool or @exiled-turk
tagged by:@holyguardian and @soldier-lodbrok Tagging: @proxnotxaxfool, @exturk, @brokeniisms, @makoblue, @speedchasing, @lockhartred, @uponthyhonor, @wingsdreamt, @wingsandsteel and anyone else who sees this and wishes to do it!!!!
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
Hello! I'm normally a ghost reader but I really have to tell you the following; I love your writing! Wholeheartedly! It really makes my day, even my whole week when I read your oneshots/short stories! I'm currently in love with "What's all the buzz about?" and "Our Angel" - the submas twins are sitting rn rentfree in my mind and reading your awesome stories really makes me happy! Also, I really, really love "Love that bites" - I never played Castlevania and never watched it but still; your writing pulled me right in! Now I'm even considering buying one xD (do you have a recommendation?) Anyway! Just wanted to tell you that and wondered when a next part might come - if you don't know/have no idea or don't feel so good bc of health problems, that's fine! Don't pressure yourself and take your time! :) Kind regards crimson anon
Hello Crimson Anon! (o´∀`o)/
Thank you so much for the kind words!! I’m really touched you like my writing 🥰 When I started this blog, I never really thought people would like it this much, so its nice to see messages like this 🥹
I’m glad you enjoying all my stories, and even gave my Castlevania fic a shot!
If you do want to try the games out, there are a few good ones out there to start with!
I first recommend Symphony of the Night. It’s a classic, and redefined the series, and even created the Metroidvania genre with the help of Metroid games!
It was specifically designed to be a Castlevamia game anyone could play. It starts out a little tough if you aren’t sure what to do, but it still considered a gem, and I enjoy playing it. I’d even do daily randomizer runs of it when I still had a computer! This game was a lot if people’s first Castlevania game too!
(Word if advice, if you play it, explore every cranny you can, look at every item description, and there are technically 2 clocktowers. One in the middle if the castle, and one that is an actual tower. The first is a kinda a mistranslation, but if you want the full experience, it’s easier to figure out some things if you know that. The game is deceptively longer than you might think.)
You can get SotN on playstation 4, and on a few other consoles I believe! You can even get it with Rondo of Blood, one of the best Castlevania games before Symphony came out. If you want a more original Castlevania experience, Rondo is the way to go. Symphony is actually a direct sequel to Rondo, but you don’t have to beat Rondo to know what’s going on.
Though if you do get the Rondo + Symphony bundle, Symphony is technically a remaster, with new text and voice acting. A lot if the iconic lines were changed or redone. Its still done nicely, but if you get this version, make sure to look up the original cutscenes on youtube. Dracula’s lines may be memed a bit, but he put his whole non existent soul into those lines, along with Richter. Evil Richter my beloved~
Rondo has some of the best sprite work, level design, and enemies before Symphony, while still being a classic! It technically took a long time for it to get an english release too, and i had a lot if fun with it!
You don’t have to know the overarching story to play Rondo either. Most of the games don’t really require knowledge from previous games.
But if you want to start somewhere based on the story, I recommend Lament of Innocence. Its the first game in the timeline, though you would probably have to emulate it since this was only released in the ps2 i believe.
It’s an amazing game, and plays similar to Devil may cry 1. It has its issues, but i genuinely love it, and it IS first in the timeline.
If you can’t find it, or emulate it, i know some lets plays are on youtube, and one of my favorite streamers has played it as well.
For a beginner, those are the ones I recommend! But honestly, Symphony is probably your best bet. Its casual and fun, and has a good story that a little of the anime was based off of (though the rest was based off of Castlevania 3, but they took lore from symphony too)
If you like symphony, it more or less set the standard of modern castlevania games after that before the reboot. So playing it will help out a bit if you wanna try any others that came out afterwards, most of them on gameboy and ds are pretty good too.
As for my writing, i’m about 2500 words into Love That Bites, and about a 1000 for the next Our Angel! I’ve been working on both instead of one at a time so i can focus on Beemas, and a genshin fic i’ve been planning, and maybe another castlevania fic 👉👈
I try to get all my chapters around 3000 words before i post them. Just a personal goal of mine. If i write more, then great! But i try to write about that much first.
so thats one reason its taking a bit longer than usual, added with the migraines i’ve been fighting for the past few weeks. I’ll try to have those out soon though! Hopefully within a few days!
Thank you so much for reading and enjoying my stuff 🥰💕
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spider-xan · 6 months
I personally like when Curt is one of Peter's profs in college, which I was kinda expecting in the Insomniac game. It was mentioned in the first game that Peter was a teacher assistant at the ESU and I thought it was for Curt's classes. I think it would've added more emotional weight in Peter's quest to cure Curt in the second game, and would make players more invested if they've had some history together besides the Lizard thing. They didn't need to be super close, but Curt could've been someone that Peter respected and was familiar with.
Oh well.
Same, anon!
I'm very happy overall with what we did get in the Insomniac sequel game with Curt and he's definitely one of my favourite versions, but I was also disappointed when his intro scene at the EMF seemed to confirm that he and Peter don't have a relationship between their civilian identities, regardless of whether Curt knows he's Spider-Man or not; like you, I also thought that given Peter having been a TA, the official blurb for the Lizard on the PlayStation site saying they had first met in college (which could be interpreted in a few different ways), and how Peter obviously really cares about him in the gameplay preview that we were going to get them being close outside of Spider-Man things and that Curt was one of his ESU professors, but I guess not; it's also weird bc there was a post-release interview where they talked about how what makes the Spider-Man villains great is their personal relationships with Peter, and they specifically cited how Connors has that element of oh, he's not just a monster to beat up, but also Peter's professor whom he really likes and doesn't want to hurt, though I guess they were speaking more generally there.
At the very least, I think it would have been helpful to have a character bio provide more background information bc we really don't know much about their history and relationship, and every cut scene they had was focused on advancing the plot rather than developing their relationship - which is fine, but I do think it's part of a broader issue with the game feeling rushed and underdeveloped at times, especially in the third act, and I would have loved if they had some more personal scenes together outside of the Lizard campaign.
Something else that felt a little muddled was how there were moments where I wasn't sure if Peter actually cared about Curt for Curt's sake bc Peter does see him as a friend (beyond Peter being a hero who helps everyone) or if he only cared about him as a means to an end to help Harry, if that makes sense? Like in the church scene when he says, 'I'm just here to save my friend', it makes the most direct sense for him to mean Curt, but then I was like, wait, does Peter even see him as a friend in this universe, and if not, does he mean he's just here for his actual friend Harry and the serum only matters in the sense of bringing Curt back to help him? Especially considering how after the failed zoo rescue, the trio doesn't seem too concerned about Curt being stuck as the Lizard until they realize they need him to help Harry, which is weird writing, now that I think about it.
Anyway, I wonder how much of the seeming lack of closeness may be due to the fact that they didn't want to repeat a mentor relationship like the one the first game had between Peter and Otto, with the irony being that the Peter and Otto relationship in the Insomniac games is just like the Peter and Curt one in the 616 comics and some adaptations, namely the 90s animated series; I think it's completely possible for Peter to have two mentors in different areas though, instead of only one or the other - but I also wonder how much was also bc they had him be an Oscorp scientist involved with the symbiote, possibly with a previous day job as a medical doctor until the Lizard thing, and couldn't have him be a professor as well; I'd love to know at what point they decided to have him tied to that plot bc the symbiote was obviously there all along, and it's common in adaptations for Connors to be the symbiote expert, but I can't tell if he was linked to it from the start or if they had other possible ideas for him until deciding on that one.
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neechees · 1 year
I literally don't know what the fuck is going on with my PS account because when I got my new ps4 & tried to log in, my password didn't work even though I've literally never changed it. So the cycle goes:
Ps4 either on console or site won't let me log in because it says my password is wrong
I go to "reset password" & I'm sent an email
The email I signed up my Playstation account gets the email, so I know it's the right email & it's still active. I click the link I'm sent
It sends me to "change your password" but first I myst prove it's actually me, by birthday verification. I put in my birthday (which I used for my account & had no reason to change or fake it)
Playstation says my own birthday is incorrect (& I cannot be switching the month/day wrong, because I was born on the 28th, & the "month" scroll tab only goes up to 12 when putting in the dates. I also tried all my family members' birthdays, and none were correct)
There is no other option for a verification, which means I cannot change my own password because Sony thinks my birthday information is incorrect
I go to the bot assistant, which you have to give answers to in order to speak with a live agent for support. It's all good until the bot asks for my email/ Playstation sign in ID (which would be your email), which I give, which the bot then says it "doesn't understand" & keeps asking for my sign in ID & won't let me speak to an agent
I literally don't know what the fuck is going on, I never changed my password, I never logged out of my old ps4 or changed any information, I've tried literally ALL my other passwords I've used and other emails & tried different caps lock options & none of them worked, my email info is correct, and it literally won't let me log into my own account no matter what 😑 has anybody else had this fucking problem bc I literally don't know what to do
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