#just moonie going crazy again lol
gothixm00nz · 2 years
Mirror's Edge has always been one of my favorite games, so after reading the Exordium comic, I decided to play Mirror's Edge Catalyst... and god dammit, they have my favorite kind of man in it
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A quirked up white boy. How dare they target me like this, it's a fucking crime at this point.
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
Manipulating Death: Chapter Five
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Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
A/n: as promised, first out of 3 in less than 24h...
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Chapter One Two Three Fourth | Masterlist
She saw a large house with a beautiful garden separating it from the street, small black metal gate at the beginning of the path.
A large orange cat was pacing back and forth into a big bush, his tail up in the air and ears fluttering to the sides. His green eyes barely look in her direction as she made her way to the front door.
Opening it and stepping inside, she saw the happy family that lived there.
Well, part of it actually.
A small boy was sitting in front of a small coffee table at the living room, showing his three uncles the 200 pieces puzzle he just finished the night before. Two of them were kneeling down in his sides to watch as he explained every character present on the print, the other one sat at a chair and smiled at the boy.
From the kitchen, a tall man came with shoes that could only fit the kid.
"Hey Harry, let's doorbell ditch the neighborhood with your uncles?" He asked and threw the pair of shoes to his son.
The two sitting down with him celebrated and started getting up, hyping the experience.
"You guys are almost 40!" Harry mocked, however tying up the sneakers to join them.
"After 25 you start counting backwards, no one told you that kiddo?" The long-haired man asked, racing the shorter one to the door. They past her, not even noticing the girl.
"Uncle Moony isn't coming?"
"Someone needs to be our alibi, son." He answered, cleaning his glasses and offering the boy a hand, to which he took immediately.
"What's an alibi?"
From the same place the man came, a figure with bright red hair appeared, smiling gently and looked at the only one left.
"I swear to God if James teaches my son about committing crimes I'm gonna lose it."
"To be fair, he's going to Hogwarts in a few years so I'm sure he wants to give his son everything he knew about getting away with things." He replied, reclining softly.
"Getting away? You guys were on detention at least once a month when we were there." She questioned, sighing and sitting on the couch.
He shrugged, tired smile on his face. "You ever think about having another child?"
She held her breath and watched the woman, supposedly her mother, think about the question, lips twitching.
"I don't know. I love Harry profusely, but I don't think I can ever go through this again." Lily replied, patting her skirt and taking cat hair out of it. "Besides, two seem like a lot of trouble. Don't want another mini James running around making me go mad. But why do you ask?"
"Sirius and I have been talking about adoption for quite some time, and we visited this orphanage nearby. There are this twins there, I absolutely loved them." He whispered, looking at the door, hoping to see one of his friends barg in.
"Remus, that's awesome!" She complimented. "But to be honest, I wouldn't have twins. They're just a lot of work and they'll tire you in no time. Just see what Molly's been going through with her twins."
"Yeah maybe you're right."
At this point, she couldn't even breathe. The room was spinning and her ears were ringing like crazy, legs feeling numb. It felt like someone had just punched her throat, struggling to keep the tears from touching the cheek.
The doorbells in the distance from the three marauders and the kid punched her in the head, growing and increasing as time went by.
The girl woke up shaking, moving the shirt away from her throat to make sure nothing was stopping her from breathing.
That nightmare. Again.
It was a current dream, thinking her parents -no, scratch that-, that everyone's life would be better without her.
By far wasn't her worst nightmare, however it pinched right her insecurity.
Regulus twitched, feeling she wasn't there anymore. His hands ran through her waist and she sat on the bed to look at her.
"What's wrong?" He asked, raspy and groggy, moving her hair away. She looked at him with teary eyes and buried her face on his neck.
He immediately hugged her, running his fingers through the exposed skin, lying down again and bringing her along.
"Which one was it this time?"
"The house without me." She simply responded. The man had basically an encyclopedia of her nightmares inside his head.
They were living together and he only saw her, for three years now, Regulus knew basically every single piece of her life.
"Come on, you saw their reactions." He said, stroking her hair. "You really think they'd want a life without you?"
It made sense, she had to admit. However her mind was in such a dark place she could only think how it would be way better if her soul never even came to this world.
"Look at me." He asked, stroking her hair. The girl only buried her face even more into his chest.
Sighing deeply, she raised her head a little, staring into his eyes.
"You made my world a thousand times better." Regulus whispered to her face. "I'd still be in so much pain if it weren't for you. Don't let your mind go there. For me."
Spending time like this, breathing deeply in and out, starting to calm herself down, the hand in her hair and those eyes certainly helped. Lying there, she felt at ease.
Like she was floating with her eyes closed in a calm river, having no idea where it'd lead but didn't wanted to know. The water would be filling her ears, stopping the sounds from the outside world to bother her imense peace.
That's exactly what she felt.
A small smile took the form of her lips and Regulus mirrored her.
If she was floating on a calm river, this is the time something would cause a light wave, it would make her lift a little and a cold on her belly when falling back, tingling inside her.
Oh, she thought.
Oh, she panicked.
God, no.
This was the last thing she needed right now.
That part was when she realized she had no fucking clue how to swim, and started panicking, wanting to reach shore once again before drowning.
Noticing how her smile faltered, he tilted his head. “What’s wrong?”
“I- uh- nothing. I just- huh- realized I forgot to feed the possessors last night, I’m gonna do it now, just in case.” She said, fumbling to get up.
“Didn’t you give them pie yesterday?”
“Yeah but, you know, there’s a new one, they’ll start to feel weird, it’s better to make sure.” Continued to lie, brushing her hair with her fingers to keep her hands busy and not letting him see she was shaking. “I’ll be back!”
“Y/n is-” But she left before he could finish. “Five in the morning.”
Basically running down the stairs, she sighed deeply. 
This wasn’t happening, no, absolutely not. This couldn’t be happening.
Of all the people in the world? Well, she didn’t knew a lot of people, mostly like ten or twelve and they were all really old.
But the guy she had saved? To be fair, their pain made them get really closer.
But right now? War is banging at your door, how longer do you want to wait?
But why him? Why Regulus? Why not?
Shaking her head and stopping her inner conversation, she cut a big piece of pie he made the day before and stomped her way to the basement once again.
“Oh Merlin’s sake, why me?” She grunted, sitting on the floor with two candles throwing light at the entire place. “And why him?”
The possessor only looked at her, bright red eyes of different sizes staring and following her every movement. A few of them, bigger and harder to be domed were on big metal cages with enchantments surrounding them.
She didn’t fear they’d attack her, not at all, but Regulus she wasn’t sure. After all, he shouldn’t be alive. 
Others, smaller and gentler, would often be out of the cages, especially those who possessed animals, it wasn’t the same “fun” as possessing humans.
Humans were confusing, filled with emotions who often would go against instincts, it was more feelings for them to digest and explore. And right now, she was the perfect mix of them: anger, sadness and confusion.
There was only a small ray of sunshine, of happiness, but it wasn’t enough.
“I mean, he knew my parents, probably my father made fun of him at some point, everyone knows James Potter wasn’t a saint.” She talked, chewing on the pie. “Hum, this is amazing. I see why I’m in love with him.”
She gasped for herself, choking on the food.
“No!” Said, between swallowing. “I’m not in love with him. Plus, Regulus is like twenty or something. He wouldn’t want this fifteen kid with him. It’s better if I just... ignore it, and it will go away. It will past and I can forget all of this.”
The door to the basement opened up and she jumped, thinking it would be said person, however she was met with her brother’s figure carefully stepping down.
“Harry! What are you doing here?”
He left the stairs, looking around to the amount of red eyes looking at him. They reminded him of Voldemort’s eyes, but even those had something beyond them, some spark, the man’s eyes were just... void.
“I heard you on the stairs.” He said calmly. “Thought you were making breakfast but I didn’t find you in the kitchen so I took a wild guess.”
“And it worked!” She giggled. “Usually Reggie makes breakfast while I’m down here training and learning. He should be out of bed in a couple minutes and we can eat.”
“Some of them are bigger than others.” Harry mentioned, looking up her shoulder.
“Yeah, it depends on the person, the kind of death, how long that person was dead, if they accepted it, these type of things.” Y/n explained. “See that one right there?” She pointed at the only big one without bars locking him up. “It came out of Regulus. He knew his death was coming and it took him quite some time to die, and more than ten years later he didn’t accepted.”
Harry stared at the monster, that’s what it looked like. A giant cloudy figure who was tall enough with its paws lightly curved to be on his chest’s size. If his sister wasn’t speaking to him in such light tone, he’d be freezed.
“That’s their intention.” She said, smiling gently. “They want to paralyze you and understand all of your fears, deepest feelings and how ready you are to die. It’s exactly what they do.”
“This big guy in particular gave me a hell of a headache to capture it.” She went on, caressing the top of the creature like one caresses a puppy. “He escaped the house, I was too busy with Regulus I couldn’t go after him. Long story short, we had to move because in just a few days everyone knew what happened and they wanted answers that we couldn’t provide.”
“Did he... kill... anyone?”
“Well, not quite.” She made a weird face, a mix of cringe and sarcasm. “He sure scared a lot of people and sent them to the hospital, that I won’t deny. But he needed someone with as much trouble on the head as Regulus Black, and we were living in a small town were people’s biggest trouble was a pumpkin contest.”
He laughed at that, kind of sounded like where he lived, how aunt Petunia were always so worried abou the farm market and how she wanted to win the best pie in town.
But they probably lived very far apart, something like a possessor walking freely down the street could never go unnoticed his aunt’s long neck and his uncle’s big ears.
“Where did you lived all these years?” He asked, sitting on the floor and crossing his legs. Her life felt like a thousand times more interesting than his.
“After I left Abby’s house I went west, so I visited Wales, probably jumped to Ireland, I’m pretty sure I saw some leprechauns in my life.” She told, still caressing the possessor’s head, who was now asleep in her lap. “But after I saved Regulus we basically just lived around here. After Voldemort’s return we sealed the house even more and I started training these bad boys to attack if someone invaded;”
So that’s what he meant yesterday with “special moves” if anything happened, the boy thought.
“Where exactly are we?”
“In the very North of London, almost Scotland. There’s a beach just a few minutes away if you want to know.” Hearing the bumps upside her head, she smiled. “I guess it’s breakfast time.”
Next Chapter
Taglist (lmk if i forgot anyone): @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit @kaverichauhan @venomsvl @mrs-billyrussooo @mikadorbs @iavenderh6ze @wizardsgrace @reblog-princess @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @roroswitherose @s-we-e-t-t-ea
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gonzoclock · 6 months
Do you think you'll ever do another fanfic with Peter when this one ends?
Like maybe a time travel one where he's sent back first year before he meets the others and he's like 'Well, I caused unnecessary pain by what I tried to do so this time I won't get involved so I won't have to do anything.'
But he then proceeds to be Wormtail again because he doesn't see a reason to leave Moony alone (he can't escape character development even if it has to be thrown down his throat) which causes Remus to be confused on why the wolf in his head likes hanging out with their quiet roommate
And James being James meanwhile is like 'imma get you to be my friend cause im not wrong about people' and Peter is just avoiding him.
And then there's a scene during the sorting where Peter is fighting to Sorting hat because for some reason it wants to send him it Gryffindor and he thinks that logic is flawed. (Spoiler alert he loses, and ends up back there much to his confusion)
Sorry I rambled there for a second but anyway I really enjoy your fic and really like rereading it, I hope you have a good day/night! :D
I don't know if I will come back to Peter in a fic- at least, not as a redemption story. I think I would struggle feeling like I wasn't just rewriting the same story over again, and although that's not a bad thing, I have so many other fics I want to write first before I consider coming back to post-betrayal Peter
That said, this is such a fun idea omg- like, what if it was a typical 'character dies and comes back to find themselves back at square one' and Peter approaches the whole thing in a 'well obviously the last time I went down this path it didn't end too well, so lets try something different this time' way and things very quickly go absolutely crazy and Peter is OBVIOUSLY forced into confronting things about himself and how he feels about what went down. (Those things being feelings of regret and grief)
And also the whole time James is trying to wrangle Peter into the Marauders whether he likes it or not he's also thinking 'haha when Peter finds out I've come back too, he's going to be sooo surprised'
Anyways. Good stuff good stuff
Thank you for the ask! And no worries for rambling, I obviously have a similar problem lol and it was a delight to read. I hope you have a good day/night as well <3
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spiced-ciderr · 7 months
HI. @crees-a
HELLO. It’s me your dca secret skeleton. I am. Super duper late but we just had a death in the family so things have been WILD.
ANYWAYS. I saw you liked romantic stuff but I kept scrapping those ideas because it was just not writing right and I honestly didn’t have a very good plot idea to begin with buuuuut —
In spirit of Halloween (yes it’s still Halloween what do you mean it’s November 19th) i gift youuuuu A SPOOKY / MILDLY ANGSTY DCA ONE SHOT THING. it’s the best I could do at the moment so I do hope you like it. thank you for your patience!!!!!
(i also dropped a dca fic MASTERLIST for you because i wasn’t able to write a good romantic one shot 😭🫶))
It had been so, so long since the daycare was open. After the incident almost a year ago
(Cameron Bryce, Age 8, sustained severe trauma to the base of the cranium, resulting in 4 emergency surgeries, a concussion so severe he wouldn’t wake up and parents filing a lawsuit against Fazbear Ent.)
it had been quiet. Too quiet. He missed the noise, as crazy as it seemed. He missed the footsteps, the echoes of his name being called out from the lips of the little ones he grew to care for so deeply. He missed the stares he’d get from parents during pickups or dropoffs, and he missed the subtle glares from passer-bys or employees that hated him for no other reason than to hate.
“Don’t hate, Sunny.” She’d said. Miss Ruby was nice. He liked her. Even if she didn’t like Moonie.
"No matter what you see, how angry you become, don't hate. Even if justified, hate only destroys. Doesn't bring justice. Won't fix what's wrong.” she’d told him.
“Hate'll destroy you. Eats away. Becomes part of you. Changes you. Eventually you become what you hate."
Sunny tried his hardest not to hate. He tried not to hate the coworkers that sent him to Part’s and Services. He tried not to hate when they’d strap him and Moon to that awful table. When they’d poke and prod at them, ignoring their pleas. When they’d administer those icky shocks that hurt and stung and burnburnburnburnBURNS- IT BURNS- until he couldn’t think anymore. Until he couldn’t move. Until Moonie came out. Sunny tried not to think of those times. He didn’t like hurting people, honest! He wasn’t a- a rulebreaker! No no no no no. Sunny followed the rules. Sunny was good.
But Sundrop missed it. He missed it all. Well, maybe not the torture-’We could definitely go without the shocks,’- but he missed it. He missed he daycare, he missed the children, he missed his job. He was CREATED for this, for heavens’ sake!
But he held out hope. ‘Soon.’ he thought. “Soonsoonsoon!! The kids’ll be back in NO TIME! I just know it!’
(Charlie Jo, Age 6, broken ribcage, punctured lung and severe hemorrhaging to the neck and surrounding areas)
“C-Clean up! Clean up, clean up, CLEAN UP!!” Sunny frantically ran back and forth throughout the daycare. Everything, EVERYTHING had to be perfect for when the kids came back!! And he’d make sure it would be.
‘Sun. Sunny. Stop. It’s already been a year. The daycare isn’t reopening.’ He pointedly ignored the deep voice echoing in the recesses of his mind. He hadn’t heard from his brother in sosososo long. But that’s okay! All that matters was the kids. The kids. ALL that matters is getting the daycare open again, all that matters is making sure the children are SAFE and SOUND! Naptime would be suspended, yesyes.
‘Methinks you talk too much.’
“Did I say that outloud?” Sunny asked the empty room. “Oopsie.”
‘You’re being ridiculous, Sun.’
“Am not!”
‘Are too.’
“Am not!!”
‘Are too!’
“UGH! You are such a MEANIE, Moon!!” Sunny spoke, exasperated. “You KNOW the daycare has to be in TIPPY-TOP SHAPE for the kiddos! Everything has to be super-duper clean and ready!” Sundrop justified, sanitizing the ballpit the fourth time that day.
It was always the same. Charge, clean, clean, charge, clean again, charge maybe, and clean all night.
The lights ALWAYS had to stay on. Never was there an exception. Even with nobody inhabiting the daycare except for the twins.
(Jamie Poisson. Age 9. Fractured skull. Severe spinal injuries. Cause of Death: blunt-force trauma to the head. Almost as if the child had been d̴̦̰̠̭͚̪̦̺̺̻̝̬̺͐̆̓͆̓̈́̊̓̔͠��̧r̸͉̤̻͓̈́̓͑͆̆̓̈́̽̈́͂̐͝o̴̟͇̾̌p̶̢̤͚͇͍̟͉͂̄̂̆͒͌̐̐͂̾͆̀͐͘̕p̸̨̼͕̠̦͍͙̥̗̈́̇ͅḙ̷̢̛̖͙͕̭̤͙͍̬̹̱̻͂́̀͒̂̿́̈́̒͑͗̔̈́͘d̵͖̗͍̩̹͈̰̠̟̂̌͂͗́͘ Large abominable gashes. M̴̢͖̰̙̫͇̬̙̜͖̼̬̓̾̎̾̊͑ȕ̶̢̪̠͙͙͗m̸̢̙͖̹̯͈̯̹͖̯̱̑͊͛́̀͒̆̄͛̈͐̿̕m̴̡̥͎̞̯̯̼̤̪͂̋ỳ̶̻̻͉͔̝̱̟̜̗͕̖̪?̵͖̩̥̹̞͒̉́̈́͐ ̶̧̧̤͕̫͎͚͗̄̈́̏͒̐̋͋͘ͅW̴̧̹̼̞̞͔͖͙̠̠͉̒̍͒̾̊͑͊̋̕̚ḧ̵̡̨̭̝̥̗̥̥̮̖̤͐̀̍ͅe̷̡̠̫̯̦̖͈͍̜̽̈́̏͂̇̅͌̃̕ṙ̶̤̒̊̑̀̏̏̊̒̂̚ȩ̵̨̧̧̱̺͈̰̞͖͉̫̙̌̔͛͌́̅̈̽̇̀͋͌͘ ̶̭̓͑̔͂̆͊̀̒̉͆̍́a̶̢̢̧͈̖̳̩͔̘̥̩͚̜̺̍͂̎͑̑̒̄̌ͅr̴̢̙̞͇̝̪̥̹̙̂͠ȅ̸͈͔̭̰̳̳̗̱̅̃͊̕͜ ̸̻̭͎̹͖͌̐̑͛̍̏̅̄̔̈̿͝͠y̶̡̛̤̮̞̮̪̝̦̹͎̦͝ͅồ̴̦͚͙̠̙̥̝͇̳̫͆̄͜ů̵͍̼̳͇̿̃̈̉̂́̃̿̈̆̽̋̚?̶̢̨͙͚͑̓͆̀̃̈́̂̀
Ṁ̸͖̲̰̱̩̫̤̭̖̫̪̀͐̀͐̒͆̎̿̅̕͝ŕ̸̜͙̓̃͋̐̐̍̒͒͗̕.̶̢̢̨̦͍̲̮̣̮̜̌̈́̆͆̀̅͜ͅ ̴̘̩͔͈̣̙̻̱̞̩͕̎͜͝M̸̞͌̋̾̆̃̒̎̈́̕͘o̸̧̨̬͙̫̞̥̱͍͓̤̍̚͜ơ̴̹̝̏͒͛̀͐͋͐̅͗̐̉͜͠n̶̨̝͚̝̥̠̘͔̖̪̭̩̣͉̿̓͒͐̐̉͘̚͜͝͝͝?̷̟̲͙̩̬̱̳̌̈́́͛͐̇ͅ ̶̱̠̞̈̊̈̆͊̐̑̌̓̓̈́͜Ẃ̶̛̳̉̐̽́͆̍͗̐̚-̵̨̺̠͔͔͖̬͕̩̙̦̻̘̏̌̈́͜͠͝͝ͅW̴͕̪̣̹̍́̚h̴̹͕̓̂͂͌̽̄a̸̠̓t̸̝̖̝̗̍̈́͘ ̴͍͚̩̳̹͉̲̂̓̈̇́̍͝͝a̶͓̯͔̟̪̜͓͕̰̖̜̠͔̿̇̾̊̒̈́̅̃̏́͜͠r̴̬͍̾͆̾̆̑͊͌͝e̶̛̹̦̹̰̜̝̰̮̐̊̊̑̊ ̴̣̙͖̹̮̭̦̌͊̓͂͗͗̀̈͑ͅy̷̧̩̤̫̫̤͙̮͎̪̥͍̮̯̐̀̐̓̅́͑̋̍͋͑̏͑̒͠ͅo̵̪̝̟̅͑̃ͅṳ̸̟̠̘̖͚́͋͑́̀̍́͊̈́ ̸̢̬̻̘̫̼̈́͐͆́d̸͙̖͕̩̦̓͋̎ͅo̵͚̤͈̪̗̐͊ͅį̵̲̘̝͈̜͈̗̎ņ̸̢̲̹͂̄̿̆̾̈́̀͆͝ģ̸̗̞̟̲̞̏̃́̀̃͗͆́͒?̸͖̭͉͚́͗͑͋̑͋̏̒ ̸͉̤̖͉̤͍̭͆̍͐͛Ơ̸͚̼̦̞̱͚̜͙̇̍̓͗̊̇̓̆͝u̴̱̪̦̅̽̂̅̆̂̑͆̌͜ç̸͍͍̘̬̦̬͍̙͚̝͔͂̒̊̌͂́͑̏̈́̈́̅̆̏̒̉͜h̴̛̛͓̝͗͑͆̅̉̑͑͐̀̅͋̈̚!̷̨̝̱̞̗͖͓͚̱̊̓͝ ̶̡̨̦̘̺̹̝̯͈̤̝̍͛͆̀̃͘̕ͅT̵̢̝͉̱̲̼̭̼͇̤̞̀̄̏̎̈́͐̌̿̐̈́͒̈́͐̚͝ḩ̵͍̩̺̪̜̿̉̍́ą̷̢̢͙̬̥̬̱͕͔̰̜̙̘̎t̶̛̰͍̜̝̞̖͍͖̞̂̌͂͆͆̀̈̎̔̂͘ͅ ̴̧͚̪̤͈͈͖͓͕̣̗̩̓̀́̈͂͐̑̓͛̂͛̒ͅh̵̗͉̹̞͍͍͙̱̖͒̈́̄͒͛̌̇̉͑̃̄̐̉͐̕ų̴̤͍̬̼̝̥̺͎̣͐͛̍̈̒͊̏͝ͅr̷̯̤̜͍̘̘̳̉͑͋̓̏̎͠ͅt̶̡̧̡̹͈̻͚̻̤͇͈͔̮̅͆͌̆̅̋̅͑͊̿̏̾s̷̡̛̺̜̤̰͓͉̙̼͋͂̍͐̎̈́̒̓̉͒̕̕-̴̮͂̑̍̏̉̈́̽̈́͑̇̚ ̴̙͠
‘..unny! ‘
Sundrop’s voice box spurted, almost like a gasp. He flinched hard, landing backwards and onto the floor of their room. His fans whirred, rays spinning at unreasonable speeds. “Go away, goawaygoawaygoaway-” His voice box whined, not unlike a sob. The kids weren’t coming back. He knew that. But it hurt. It hurt too much. Sundrop pressed his knees to his chest, curling in on himself. ‘Sun. You’re okay, okay? Remember what Hedwig said?’ Moon spoke softly.
Sunny sniffed.
“N-Not to call her that?” Moon snickered. ‘No, the other thing.’
“Right. I-It’s okay to not feel okay sometimes.”
‘Exactly. Things will work out on their own, you dummy.’
“Hey! Name-calling isn’t allowed~!”
‘Dummy. Idiot. Nada intelligente.’
“I’m rubber, you’re glue! Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you!” Sundrop rehearsed in a sing-song voice.
It was then he heard it; the ballpit! Someone was in the ballpit! Crawling to the balcony, Sun glanced over the edge to see- a kid! A Child!! A real life, super duper uber squishy new best friend! Finally, Sunny had a purpose again.
“Rule breaker, rulebreaker! You are BANNED from the daycare!!” Sunny’s words rang in his mind. “Do..didja think I was too hard on him?” Sun murmured, sitting at one of the kiddie tables, crayon in hand as he doodled. Him, Moon, and Ģ̶͇͔̞͓̘̳̙̱͇̟͎̞̦̐̇̃̈̿̈́̃̆̚r̵̻̫̊̑̐̒̄̍͝͝͠͝é̶̳͈̭͔̼͌̓̈́̅̄̋̎͋̐͑̒̚͘g̸̹̟̻̫̙̠̯̑͑̏͌͊̒͠ơ̶̡̙͆͗̀̓̊̀̈́̍͘͜͜r̵̛̛̞̙̺̥̲̻̲̖̣̺̦͋̈́̈́̏̎͂y̵̡̗̦̮̰͖̣̬̥͉̐́͜ͅ,
‘I think that little Ṛ̴̢̟͔̹̣͚̙͈̻̪̳͖͒͌̾̅͛̿͝ͅU̶̡͔̯͛̃̾͑̀L̸̨̛̓̎͐Ę̷̫͉͚͂̑̌͐̈͌͝B̵̡̛̦̹͕͔̹̺͉̟͇̝͎̽́̓́͛̀͜R̴̡̛͎͕̟̭̼͙̣̮͍͖̊̂̾̋̏͜E̶͉̼̒͒̎̎̏͋̿̚̚Ą̷̛̣̪͙͙̖̱͙̟̩̦̟͕̉͗͒̓̽̓͑͜ͅḰ̶̩̮̣́̽̐̈́̓͐̋̽̈́̅̄͝E̴̢̨̮̦̞͚͉̤̱͚̤͊ͅR̸̛̫͕͕̆̀͂̀̐̏͝ got what he deserved.’
Sunny hummed in response, dropping the crayon. He was tired.
‘..I’m sorry Sun.’
“I know.”
Moon sat on the edge of the balcony, kicking his feet gently. The power had gone out, Vanessa was dead--as was most of the other staff:--and for the first time in almost two years, he was virus free. His eyes shifted to the large wooden door across the daycare, which was currently ablaze. Flames licked the sides of the walls, climbing further and further up towards the ceiling as smoke billowed around them.
“Do- Do you think we’ll see them again? The children?”
“..glitter glue.” Moon responded.
“Glitter glue. This-” he rasped, clawing at his faceplate as he laughed almost manically. “This- This situation is stickier than ģ̷͉͖̩̺͕̝̰̦̮̺̼̔̓́́̽̓̈́͗̓̂̎̽ͅ-̷̜̳̰̗̻̪̋̒̊̐̒͝g̶̢̨̲̩͌͂̂͑͊͊̈́̽͐̐̀͘̚-̶̹̜͕͖̪̤͖̜̰͖̞̦̒̂́͋́̏ģ̶̢̡̣̪͚͔̻̠̤̺̩́̊̒͊̈́ͅl̴̢̻̦̞̑̃̀͌̔́͝i̸̧̢̮̻̠̭̺͕̞͚͓̯̽̑͗̉̈́̈́̌͝ͅt̵̨̳̘̳͗̽̃͋́̅t̵͈͍̪̲͚̮̫̬̠͕͔̦͚̉̈́͊͐̓̐̓̉̎̑̚e̷̢̝͕͉̭͓̦̥̙̬͎̠̟͗̀̿̆̈́́̈̋̏̅͘͠ͅr̵͈̫͔̝̲͍̼̿̑̇̈́͊̿̚͠ ̶̨̧̡̛̺̯͈̦̩͈̠͈̣͕́͌͂̑̓̂ͅͅġ̶̭̥̙̳̥̱̖̅̍͑̾͋̓͑͘͠l̴̢͇̹̦̜̹̣̙̤̺̣̺̖̝̳̿̒̔͋̈̿̀̕͝ű̶͍̜͔̓́̆̀̏̎̐̀́̈́̂́͘ẻ̵̯̰̪̳̠̤͕͚̥͉̺̲̎ ̴̛̫͕̎̇͌́̈́͌̓͝/ “
“Are we going to die?”
“Death is a concept, Sunny.”
“I don’t want to die, Moonie.”
“...I know, Sun.” Moon’s gaze lifted to the ceiling as the play structures burned. ‘More like melting.’ he thought. Moon could almost feel the frown from his counterpart. It only added to the hilarity of this situation.
‘I don’t want to die.’ Sundrop repeated. Moon hugged himself tightly. “I don’t think we’re getting out of this one, Brother.” Moon murmured.
“I-I want to see them again. I want to see Jamie. And Cameron. And Kyle. And Charlie. And Morgan.” Sun whined. “I don’t want them to think we didn’t care about them. Oh no. NononononNONO-”
Moon winced. “Sundrop. Calm down.” He weakly protested. “They loved us. They knew we loved them. They- They didn’t..They didn’t wake up while ş̶̧̛̫͉̬̃͒͛͆́̀̋̔́̍͠͝͝ḫ̸̡̧͚̠̦͕̩͙̕e̵̺̬͈͒̋̕͠ had her way.”
“Do you think they hurt?”
“Sunny, please. I don’t- I dont wanna talk about this.”
‘I miss you.’
The tip of his hat caught the flames, carefully making their way up the fur. The brightness triggered them to shift, Sun now taking the place where Moon once was. His hand shakily reached up to their softening faceplate. “Heh. G-Guess they should have made us out of metal instead.” He spoke.
“I miss you too.”
“I-It used to be different. Do you remember, Moonie? Do ya, do ya?”
“Vaguely. I know things used to be..different. Before.”
Sunny’s rays dripped, melting plastic dripdripDRIPing down his face. He couldn’t see anymore, but he knew it was bright. And hot.
“They-They told us, they promised us they’d come back! It- IT’LL BE OKAY! It’s gonna be so so so super duper AWESOME! Moonie! We’re- We’re gonna- We’re gonna see the kids again- I-” his voice box broke off, as his arms wrapped around himself. His once brilliant crimson outfit was engulfed in flames, slowly dispersing from his form. “I..I don’t want to go.” Sunny’s voice broke, falling into a strangled sob.
“I love you, Sunny. I’m so so sorry. For everything.”
“D-Don’t b-b-be s-s-silly! S-s-s-silly s-silly Mooo̵̧̭͈͕̹͈̮͛̔̔̎̀̃̄̽͑̂͂͒͑ö̵̙̬̆̈͂̈́̀̍͐̚͘̚͠͠͝n̴̥̘̈́̽̓̈́̎̂̓̓̓͋̀́̕̚͝d̷̼̠̻̟̫̤̠̳̳̞̀̔̀̌̓̇̍́̿͛̄͐̕͠r̷̨͕̦͕̦̬̰̪̤̞̍̓̽͋́͗́̓̈́̊̒̈́͑͠ò̸̥̙̤̗͉̭̬̄͆̈́͂̎̀̐̆͠͠ͅp̴̛̙̠̜̬̬̠͍̪̰̯̲͒́̍͗͒̉́̓́̈́̚.̶̢̙̚ ̸̝̳̮͕͆͂̅̅͆̈́͗̈́̏͘̕͘͝͝Y̵̰͇̰͔̭͆͋̎̄̒̊̆͑̅̉̊̚͘͜o̶̰̝̯̻̖̓͛̆̀͐̐͠ŭ̶̧̻͇̬̳͈̩͉̹̮͕͍̽ ̵̛̖̦̺̺̙̱̬̻̂̀͌̑̌̔̐͐k̵̢̡̨̧̢̛͎̙̜͎̫̻̬͇̜̖̂̔͂̓̔n̵̡̖̣͎̬̱̠̹͇̯̩̞̜͔̾͂̾̓́̾ǫ̷̟͎̻̰̱͂̊̾̿̎͂͋̓̀̍̊̈́̚̕͝ͅw̶̨̧̳̦̹̝͇̗̼͐́̾̏̏̏̎́̋͘ ̵͕̙̹͝I̵̧̨̛̦͓̻̳̗͈͉͔̮̾͆̆͆̚͠ͅͅ ̸̡̧̡̨̭͖̞̩̩̦͙̋͊̇̀̚̕ͅn̵̪̓̇̀̍̄̊e̸̙̿̅̈́̑͋̍͒̓͒̄͂͠͝v̴̢̮̜̠͎̣̱̦̲̱̠̭̣͂̓͊̆̔̈̈́̓̿͝ề̵̖̻͎̩̩̳̥̭͎͎̖́͋̔̇̓̀̇́̒͒͘͜͝r̶̢̞̘̥̣̘͉͍̣̎̋̌̾͜ ̷̜͉̙̠̥̮͓̮̫̭͈̞̜̟͉͐͐͊̈́͠ḇ̷͓͇̯͕̭͈͖̲̜̒̀́̽̿͑͆̄̐̎͌̀́̕͝l̷̥̻͇̪̠̹̱̤̙̈͆̌̈́͌̑̈́̀̎̀͝a̷̯̝͎̻̟̦̯͎͉̓̈́́̌̂̅͊͛́̊̇̌̓͂m̶̰̠̹̘͓̿͛̇̔͂̓͘ę̴̖̟̹̾́̈̉̍̈̀d̸̢̢̢̻̠͖̖͎̖̭̫̆̈̈́̓̍̃̑͆͐͂̓͘̕̕͜͝ ̶̨̛͛̓͆̎̀͗͌̋̚ȳ̴̲̹̟̲̀̐̀̓͊̎͜ͅo̴̢͔̟̳̲̝̩͉̻̘̺͕͚͋ụ̸͓͆̑͜.̷̧̡̨̢̝͉̭̻̠͈̗̗̆̾̑̏̾̀̌͐̈́̚̕͠ͅ”
“I’m sorry.”
“D-D-Don’t Apologiiiiiiiiiii-”
Sundrop and Moondrop never liked the quiet. But now, it was deafening.
It was silent.
The pizzaplex blazed, billowing smoke and all those within were taken by the insatiable hunger of the flames.
The Daycare burned.
The Children Burned.
The Daycare Attendant burned, and alongside him the Naptime Attendant burned.
‘I don’t wanna go.’
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equustenebris · 2 years
The Very Noisy Night
Moon hated thunderstorms. They were loud, distracting, dangerous for electronics of all sorts. But he didn't hate them as much as Sun. And putting Sun down for a "nap" overnight during a vicious storm proves a lot more difficult than the Naptime Attendant anticipated. [Read on AO3!]
Set sometime before the events of Security Breach, when everything is fine and Moon is just a regular feature of the Pizzaplex instead of a homicidal stalker ✌🏻 Though I like to headcanon that to some degree Moon was always just Like That. A little rough around the edges, a little (unintentionally) sharp and curt, lol. Short, snappy sentences, feels kinda predatory, yadda yadda. 
This is technically a Whumptober 2022 prompt, but it's not really...uh...whumpy, lol. I just find them really inspiring. :>  I always like to use the Whumptober titles when I use those prompts so that's where the title comes from, but I think I probably could have just called this one Daycare Attendant Has Overstimulation Meltdown lmfao. 
I haven't read, like. a ton of Security Breach fic or anything so I don't know how conventional this is, but I'll be using <> to denote Sun/Moon's internal speech to each other. Blame Animorphs.  lol nvm Tumblr keeps eating my italics so y'all get French quotations on here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
prompt: caught in a storm
Another deafening boom shook the walls of the daycare, causing Moon to leap up several feet in surprise for about the twentieth time that night. The summer storm overhead had been raging for hours, and the thunder and lightning was near constant. The Pizzaplex still had power, for now, though it was nearing two in the morning and the daycare's lights were off, leaving Moon in charge.
Moon was pacing, skulking around the floor of the daycare, knocking over and fixing various stacks of toys over and over again for want of something to do. He desperately needed something else to focus on, to distract. Too much pent up energy, too much anxiety. Putting lightning safety first meant no staying in the comfort of their high-up room or using his ceiling-connected cable to get around, and so he was grounded for the time being, slinking around the middle of the daycare floor. Stressed.
He hated storms. He hated the lightning, the electric bursts were incredibly dangerous for the animatronics. He hated the thunder, explosive and sudden, overwhelming and scary. And he hated the pouring sheets of rain, loud and distracting, too hard to hear anything else around him whenever he was trying to focus on security.
However, as much as he feared and hated the storms, he still wasn't as bad as Sun.
There was a strangled scream from somewhere deep inside his head as another lightning strike cracked thunder nearby; the screaming was louder than the thunder itself and Moon put a hand to his faceplate.
"Sun!" he growled aloud, patience already worn thin from the stress of the storm.
«Sorry, sorry,» he whimpered in response, strung tighter than a violin and twice as screechy. «It's so loud, Moony!»
"Go to sleep," Moon snarled audibly, leaping on top of a pile of stackable barrels. "If you would go into sleep mode, you wouldn't have to hear it!"
«Sleep? Sleep? Hah -- I can't sleep! Who could sleep with all this racket?» Moon could tell by the crackle of Sun's voice in his head that if he physically could be pacing around like a headless chicken right now, he absolutely would. «Nooo no no, it's too loud, much too loud! And there's the danger of the lightning, maybe hail, oh, or the ceiling could get water damage --»
«You need rest mode tonight,» Moon tried again, internally this time, more snarled than comforting despite his position as the Naptime Attendant. He couldn't help it, he was frustrated. Sun was driving him crazy with all of his anxiety, and the hammering of the torrent on the roof of the Pizzaplex was already enough to set him on edge. He drummed his fingertips against the sides of the barrels before leaping off again, crawling on all fours along the floor. «Running too long. Need garbage collection.»
«I keep my threads tidy enough, thank you!» Sun replied stiffly, momentarily distracted out of his anxiety by the utter audacity.
Moon paused for a moment, silently calculating, and drew himself up to full height. "2,378 open processes," he replied aloud. 
«I -- but that's not -- Moony!»
"Using my cores right now," he continued. "Sleep. You won't hear the storm. I get my processors back. Everybody's happy."
There was a soft grumble of frustration somewhere deep internal. «...I'm too scared to go to sleep, Moony,» he replied, soft and timid.
As if on cue, a bolt of lightning arced the sky outside and the thunder rattled the very floor of the Pizzaplex. Moon jumped, Sun shrieked, and it distracted him into a misstep on the landing; his ankle joint caught on his other foot and he tumbled forward, head over jingly heels, face first into the ball pit. 
For a few confusing seconds, Moon couldn't tell which way was up, lost in a sea of rainbow colors -- or, more accurately, a sea of off-green, with his nighttime infrared cameras active. Finally he broke the surface, springing up and out of the ball pit, landing in a crouch at the edge and giving a stray ball an angry slap back into the pit. 
«Sun,» he growled, frustrated. But Sun wasn't paying attention, softly whimpering instead. Moon softened and hesitated, listening, feeling for his other half. «...Sun?»
«I hate storms,» he muttered lowly, almost a whisper, highly uncharacteristic of the bright and vibrant animatronic. Moon couldn't help but soften at that, slumping a little.
«...me too, Sunny,» he tried, putting a hand to his faceplate. He paused for a moment, just listening to the sound of the rain hammering the roof. Then suddenly, he brightened. «...I have an idea.»
Sun appeared to pause in his anxious, racing thoughts for just a moment. «You do?»
«Just wait,» Moon mumbled, taking off on all fours toward the daycare's stash of costumes and supplies. 
It took him a few minutes to prepare, ignoring Sun's near-constant questioning the entire while as he dragged a massive pile of fabric, blankets, and costumes out into the center of the room. He got to work quickly, Sun metaphorically hovering over his shoulder as he started stacking up towers and laying down blankets. 
By the time he was done, it had really taken shape. A large tent made of a hapdash mishmash of different items, piled high with essentially all of the fabric available in the daycare. A colorful mix of blankets hung off of the sides, dotted occasionally with the odd princess dress or cowboy pants. 
Satisfied with his handiwork, Moon quickly closed the distance between the tent and the side wall. He plucked a large, hard plastic ball off the shelf, giving it a twist that turned on the soft glowing light within in the motif of a sun. They used it sometimes during naptime whenever a child was particularly scared of the dark; it wasn't bright enough by any means to trigger a shift, but it might bring a touch of comfort to the otherwise pitch black daycare. Moon tossed the ball aimlessly back and forth between his hands before returning to his makeshift tent, peeling back the blanket of the "door" to toss it onto the middle of the pile of fabric on the floor.
He could feel Sun's confusion as he climbed inside, sealing the tent behind him. He took a seat cross-legged on the floor, lit by the gentle glow of the sun-ball in front of him. The tent was wide enough underneath that the both of them could fit together, if such a thing were possible, but only just tall enough that Moon had to sit a little slumped. 
«Anti-storm tent,» Moon announced finally. He paused a beat, tilting his faceplate. «Cozy.»
Sun didn't immediately reply, but Moon could sense his curiosity, anxious, but tentatively inquisitive. «Moon --» he began, but was cut off by another strike of thunder. 
Sun yelped, but this time, Moon didn't jump -- the sound of the storm was muffled by the layers and layers around them, the thunder brought down from a deafening roar to a deep, low rumble. Moon's eyes narrowed to slits and he tilted his faceplate again. «See? Quiet now.»
He could feel Sun's hesitance, but also the slight relaxation of his hold over Moon's running processors. «...it is quieter in here,» he finally agreed. 
«Yes. Right. Quiet. Warm. Restful.» Moon spread out his legs before lowering himself to the ground, gangly limbs curled up in the mound of clothes around the sun ball. «See?»
Sun didn't respond. Moon drummed his fingers along the ground. «Safe,» he tried again. 
«...safe,» Sun repeated, «yes. Yes. Yeah. Safe. I do feel pretty safe in here. Okay. Thanks, Moony.»
«Rest mode now?» he queried, flexing and twitching his fingers.
There was another aching pause as Sun considered. «...will you sit with me?»
«I'm always with you,» Moon retorted, tone equal parts comforting and teasing, nearly mock-annoyance. He pulled himself back up into a cross-legged position nonetheless.
He could feel Sun pull away, like a wave ebbing from the shore, freeing up resources. Memory slots opened, closing open processes, relaxing.
Out loud, Moon softly hummed some gentle notes, a familiar lullaby he would often sing to his naptime group. There was a sense of amusement from his other half as Moon began his song; now that he was finally calming down, it was at last hitting Sun just how much Moon had been treating him like one of his children, doing whatever it took to put him down for a nap.
«...you should use this tent with the kids,» Sun offered, a little embarrassed, a little deflecting, overwhelmingly grateful. Moon gave a soft, audible shh in response before resuming his tune.
Sun took the hint. Before Moon was able to finish his song, he pulled himself into sleep mode, finally relinquishing the hold he had on their shared resources. Moon visibly slumped with relief, his own anxiety lifting. He was much more comfortable in his makeshift tent, being buffered against the crashing storm, but more than that, it scratched a familiar itch to finally get his other half put down for his nap. Like fulfilling a deep purpose, he was more than calmed, he was satisfied.
Moon closed his eyes, grasping for the sun-ball in front of him, hand resting loosely.on top of it, grounding. He would sit in the tent until morning, when the storm was finally over and the Pizzaplex was bright again, and gently wake his other half before leaving the darkened tent to start the day.
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robinegreenwood · 2 years
Sirius Black X Reader [seven minutes in heaven]
WARNINGS: underage drinking, partying. and guess what—they make out lol.
WORD COUNT: 3330 words
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You were walking alone along the hallway, smiling widely, as you thought of how close spring break was. Being in your sixth year at Hogwarts you had a lot of homework, and you cherished having some time without McGonagall always on your back about due assignments.
"Oi, Y/n!" A voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
Looking over your shoulder you saw James Potter, one of your closest friends and classmates.
"James, for the last time I will not help you guys steal any firewhiskey," you let out an exasperated sigh.
Your hazel-eyed friend grinned as he ran his hand through his brown curls.
"Not to worry, I have something much more important to discuss with you," James continued grinning, "But not here, let's find somewhere with less eavesdroppers".
He slid an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into an empty corridor.
"James you're kinda freaking me out," you whispered.
"Sorry, we just don't want everybody to know." He explained softly.
"Who's we? What don't you want everybody to know?" You questioned, getting more confused by the second.
James looked over his shoulders, ensuring that no one was listening before continuing, "Okay, so, since it's the last day before the break the other Marauders and I have decided to throw a little get-together. To, ya know, celebrate. And we were hoping that you and Lily would come."
You crossed your arms as you leaned against the brick wall. "And why aren't you asking Lily? Oh, lemme guess, she already said 'no'."
James's grin vanished as he dropped your gaze.
"That's what I thought," You side-stepped James, shaking your head as you felt a ting of pity.
You didn't get far as James grabbed onto your shoulders, spinning you around so you were facing him once again.
"Lily said that if I got you to come, then she would come too. Please Y/n" His face was serious, and his eyes pleading.
You were sort of an introvert, preferring to spend your time reading in the library, or hanging out with a smaller group of friends then going to a large party. You were okay with low-energy parties, but anything too crazy made you feel uncomfortable. And you knew any party of the Marauders would definitely not be small nor civilized.
You thought of James, and how much he seemed to love your red-haired friend, Lily. You knew that deep-down she liked James back, she was just too stubborn to admit it. It was your duty as a friend to both Lily, and James to attend this party, but that was the only reason you would go. Your mind wandered to a certain dark haired boy, with a charming smile that made your heart melt. No, no way did he affect your decision … Or so you tried to convince yourself.
"Fine, I'll go" You agreed, coming back to reality.
James whooped as he picked you up and began spinning you around in a circle. You laughed, amused at his behaviour.
"What's going on?"
James, still beaming, set you down as you turned to see the rest of the Marauders standing in the corridor.--The Marauders, there was-- James Potter, the most rambunctious one, who was also seemingly in love with your best friend, Lily, next there was Remus Lupin, the most soft-spoken, and your closest friend out of the group, then Peter Pettigrew, a rather odd boy who followed the others around, and lastly, Sirius Black; the foolishly handsome womanizer who, unfortunately, seemed to have cast you under his spell. He was also the boy who had interrupted James's celebration.
"Y/n is gonna come to the party!" James giddily shook your shoulders.
Sirius chuckled, "So in other words, Lily is coming too?"
The smile on James's face confirmed Sirius's suspicion.
"That's great James!" Remus congratulated, "But if you make any more noise Filch is gonna have you in detention,".
"Ahh, your right as always Moony, we had better go start setting up anyways. Thank you Y/n!" Taking you by surprise James pulled you in for a tight hug and kissed your cheek.
"Uh yah, of course," You managed to take a breath.
"Prongs, let's get going yeah?" Sirius said, his expression dark.
James immediately released you from the hug, giving you a small smile before looking apologetically at Sirius. Remus started walking out of the corridor, Peter and James following close behind. You had been too busy watching the others to notice that Sirius was now less than a foot away. You glanced at him, growing more nervous by the second as he leaned in towards you. His breath, hot on your neck, sent shivers down your spine.
"Looking forward to tonight, love," he smirked.
You stood, too stunned to move, as he turned and confidently walked away.
After regaining control of your body, you made your way out of the corridor, your mind in a state of forelsket. (yes im too dramatic sometimes)
It was now 10:00 o'clock that night and you, along with your two closest friends, were sneaking through the seventh floor on your way to the party in the room of requirement. To your right was Camilla Canis, the most outgoing and opinionated out of the three of you. She was very excited to be going to the Marauders party. To your left was Lily Evans, she was more like you, quieter and serene, but unlike you she had a good relationship with her schoolwork. Not saying you were a bad student, you just didn't feel any joy when being assigned extra questions in Potions. Anyways, Lily, unlike Camilla, was not excited to go to the party. She had not been pleased to know that you had agreed to go, and that as a result she would have to attend.
"Y'all ready to kick it?" Camilla's voice broke through the silence.
"Oh ya I'm ecstatic," Lily glared at you.
You held up your hands defensively, "Sorry, but I mean isn't there a tiny part of you that's glad you decided to come?"
The look Lily gave you was enough to silence you. Thankfully the door of the room of requirement appeared before things got any more heated.
As you stepped inside, you raised your hand up to shade your eyes from the bright lights. Your ears were met with blaring dance music. Once you were used to the light you noticed that you were in a red room, no smaller than your common room. There were streamers hanging from the ceiling, couches and chairs along the walls, and tables that held various drinks and snacks. In the very middle of the room was a dance floor, where most of the party goers were gathered; apart from those making out in the darkened corners. All in all you were pretty impressed.
"Well," Said Lily, peering around. "What do we do now?"
"I don't know, go snog James or something. I'm gonna grab a drink, guys want anything?" Camilla asked.
Lily, who had turned a bright shade of red, just shook her head no.
"Y/n? Want something?" Camilla looked at you.
"No, I'm good,". You rarely drank, especially not when you were surrounded by people, it didn't tend to work out well.
"Ladies!" the three of you turned to see James and Sirius making their way through the sea of dancing people.
"You made it!" Sirius slipped one of his arms around your waist.
You immediately tensed up. Sirius was always very flirtatious and his actions weren't out of the ordinary, but your body still reacted even at his slightest touch.
"Wouldn't have missed it for the world," You said blushing.
"ACTually I coul… Lily started, but stopped after noticing the look of hurt flash on James's face. "It looks really good," she quickly covered up.
James smiled in appreciation."Well, if you girls are looking for something to do, I believe we are going to start playing a game very soon,"
"What game?" You asked curiously.
"You'll find out soon enough love," Sirius winked at you.
You looked at James, your curiosity growing.
James just grinned, "Ya, what he said. Oh but I should warn you, things are gonna be heating up".
James and Sirius then turned and began making their way through the crowd of people dancing, occasionally pulling someone aside.
"Hey Camilla," you nudged your friend with your arm.
"I think I better get a drink now,".
Two shots of firewhiskey later you were feeling quite relaxed, which was perfect because the mysterious game was about to start. There was a group of you who had gathered on some couches in the corner of the room as you waited for the instructions.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all for coming to the party. I think it was a huge success, but sadly it has come to an end," James frowned at the group.
There was a chorus of 'Nooo' and 'It's not even late' from everyone sitting. Obviously most people were not ready for the fun to end.
"Hey now, the party may have ended," Sirius started, "But the after party starts right now!" he grinned.
You shook your head smiling as everyone, except Lily, whooped and cheered.
"Haha that's right," James laughed, "Now let's get to this game, has anyone here played Seven Minutes in Heaven?"
The majority of you all shook your heads but some, including Camilla, were giving knowing glances to each other.
"This is right up your alley Y/N," Camilla whispered to you, grinning.
Something told you that she was definitely lying. A knot began forming in the bottom of your stomach as the effects of the fire whiskey faded.
"Soooo, for those who don't know, Seven Minutes in Heaven is like an intense version of spin the bottle. The girls will put an item of theirs into this bag, and the guys will put an item of theirs into the bag James is holding. Everyone will get a turn to draw from the other bag, whoevers item you pick out is the one you will be spending time with," Sirius grinned cheekily, "…In the closet."
You lowered your face as you felt it heat up, your imagination going wild with what could possibly happen in the closet. You lifted your face only to find Sirius's eyes boring down into yours. If it was possible, your face turned a deeper shade of crimson. After what felt like hours you managed to look away.
Beside you Camilla was threatening to turn Lily's hair green if she didn't put something in the bag, which prompted you to search your pockets for an object. You managed to find a small bracelet charm which you dropped into the bag as it was passed around.
"Alright, looks like everyone's had a chance to put somethin in, so who's first?" James asked, smiling devilishly.
Not to your surprise, Camilla stood up and reached her hand into the bag pulling out a blue tassel.
"Who's the lucky man?" Sirius asked, looking around the circle.
"That would be me,". The voice belonged to Betram Aubrey, a very handsome Ravenclaw.
Camilla grinned, very pleased with her luck, as Bertram grabbed her hand and led her through one of the many doors that lined the wall.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't like!!" Sirius called after them, smiling mischievously, "now who's next?".
As time passed more and more people were sent into the closet together. Some came out all disheveled and blushing, and others came out looking ready to fight. Camilia had gotten to go into a closet twice now, but you and Lily hadn't had the chance yet. Neither of you, especially her, were too upset about it, but some part of you was curious to see what might happen if your name got called.
You were interrupted from your thoughts as Camilla lightly elbowed your shoulder, "Y/n,".
"Hmm, what?" You asked looking up. What you saw made your heart stop beating. Sirius Orion Black was holding up your charm bracelet. His eyes swept through the circle of people to land on you. He smirked at you and immediately you felt your face heating up, your eyes unable to drop his gaze.
"Well go get him Y/n," Camilla encouraged pushing you up.
It felt like you were moving in slow motion as you made your way over to Black, who still wore his signature smirk. As you reached him he grabbed your hand and led you into one of the rooms; he shut the door and you were both engulfed in darkness.
"Sirius?" you called out.
"I'm right here, love," he chuckled.
He sounded much closer than you expected and instinctively you took a step back, finding yourself pressed against a wall.
"Am I making you nervous?" he asked, as he took another step closer to you, trapping you against the wall.
Your body froze as he placed his hands on either side of your head, leaning close enough that you could feel his breathe on your neck.
"I-," you couldn't think clearly with his face just inches from yours.
"That's alright love," he murmured against your neck, "just tell me if you don't want this,"
You responded with silence as all you could do was stare into his piercing grey eyes, your body trapped between a wall and the man you had always longed for.
"Sounds good to me," his tone darkened as he lightly traced your jawline with his hand.
Sirius tipped your chin up, his eyes questioning, giving you one last chance to back out, but there wasn't any part of you that didn't want him, right here, right now and so you responded by quickly pressing your lips against his.
Pulling back you saw a look of surprise ridden on his face, but it quickly turned into a smirk, "No patience ay love? Well, let's try to take this slow."
As he spoke his lips brushed excruciatingly slowly over the naked skin at your neck. Sirius suddenly stopped his movement, bringing his lips to yours. The kiss started out slow, and careful but quickly became more passionate as want overcame the both of you. His hands found your waist, pulling your body flush against his own. Sirius pulled out of the kiss only for his lips to find your neck. Slowly he nipped and sucked at your skin, tilting your face to the side for better accessibility. His grip on your waist tightened as he lowly groaned, his tongue flicking over the sensitive skin of your neck. You found your body heating up, enjoying the feeling of pure pleasure that was coursing through your body. A soft moan left your mouth as he began sucking harsher, leaving your skin marked with a deep shade of crimson. As he continued, you found yourself overwhelmed with the need to touch him and so you maneuvered his body so he was the one pressed against the wall. This earned a low growl in response from Sirius as he withdrew from your neck. With a newly found confidence you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips against his. Slowly deepening the kiss you dipped hungrily into his mouth, Sirius reciprocated the kiss as his tongue found its way through your salty lips. Your hands ran through Sirius's hair, lightly tugging on the ends, causing his body to shudder. You both pulled away, breathing heavily as you fought to regain your breath.
Sirius's hands fell to your hips as he pushed you back against the wall, his eyes dark and his voice low as he murmured in your ear, "I want you Y/n,".
Chills ran through your body at his words, which were so painfully honest and full of emotion. You leaned your head against the wall behind you giving him more access as he began to nip at your collarbone, his lips travelling tantalizingly slow to the base of your neck, finding your sweet spot. Feeling the need for more contact you tugged at the base of his shirt, signalling that you wanted it off. He smirked against your neck as he obliged, teasing you as he pulled his shirt off, inch by inch. The urge to glare at him was interrupted as your eyes were drawn to his naked torso. Your eyes devoured his body, taking in every beautifully crafted muscle.
"It's rude to stare," Sirius smirked.
You felt your face heat up, but surprisingly you didn't turn away, instead you moved closer to him staring right into his eyes as your hands gripped his arms.
"Shut up Black," you muttered before connecting your lips to his neck.
Your hands slowly moved up his arms, feeling the definition there before your hands roamed his torso, your mouth slowly trailed down his neck to his chest, sucking harshly and pulling on his uncovered skin with your lips. Sirius responded with a low groan, his hands moving to grip your waist. You pulled away from his body slightly as you admired him, his usually perfect hair was now disheveled, his face flush, and his lips were dark and swollen, but in your eyes this was his truest form of raw beauty.
"What are you looking at?" he chuckled, having caught you admiring him.
"You," you smiled softly.
His eyes shined as he pulled you closer "You're much nicer to look at," he mumbled into the crook of your neck.
A small laugh escaped your lips as you once again wrapped your arms around his neck. Sirius leaned back and cupped your face with one of hands, the other remaining on your hip. His lips met yours full of need, which you recorpirated with the same passion. Your hands willed his body closer until there was no space between you. Hungrily, you deepened the kiss tilting his face to the side as your tongues fought for dominance.
Suddenly the door to the room was flung open as you heard James voice shouting, "Times up lovers!!"
Sirius immediatley moved his body to shade you from view, allowing you to straighten up your hair and clothing. The bright light from outside the room seemed to bring you back to your senses as everything sunk in. You were now one of the many girls that had gotten used by the notorious womanizer who was Sirius Black.
Shaking your head in disappointment at yourself you tried to push by Sirius, but he caught your wrist, preventing you from leaving.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked.
You laughed bitterly, "You got what you wanted Black, now will you let me go?"
"What I wanted," he shook his head, "What I want is still you Y/n, all of you, always,".
"Me?" you said in disbelief, "You could have anyone you wanted but you want me?"
"Why?" your voice came out as a whisper.
"Because you are the most genuine, loving, and generous person I have ever met, and I'm not about to let you slip through my fingers. I want to be with you" He replied honestly.
"I, well I don't know what to say," you said looking up at him.
"Don't say anything right now, just promise me you'll think about it," he reached for your hands.
You just nodded, smiling softly.
"HEY GUYS WHY ARE YOU TAKING SO LONG?" James's shouting interrupted your shared gaze.
Sirius smiled at you before turning to leave the room.
"Hey Black you forgot about your shirt," you called out after him.
He turned back and grinned, "Keep it, you'll look better in it anyways," he winked, continuing back to the others.
You shook your head smiling as you tucked his shirt under your arm, your heart full and your mind heavy.
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luveline · 2 years
Hello! Congrats on 800! Can I request a 🌾 for Sirius.
Basically Sirius being in love with James' little sister (Potter!reader) and he's a softie around her so the marauders making fun of him for being a simp but he denies his feelings until jealousy swoops in when he sees her with another guy or something?. Idk lol go crazy with this trope that's all I have to say.
tada! sorry it’s so late, i hope this is alright! thanks so much for requesting <3
"You're looking at her again," Remus said lightly, turning a page in his novel.
"I am not," Sirius said, furiously averting his eyes from you.
James scowled. "He was."
"And how would you know, Remus? You haven't picked your head up in hours. It's a party!"
"Don't need to pick my head up. You're infatuated."
"Grow up," Sirius said.
"Take your own advice. Couldn't you fancy literally anybody else?" James said testily, circling his glass, drink teasing the rim.
"I don't fancy he- hi, Y/N!"
You smiled softly as you approached, glancing between each of the marauders in turn. "Evening, boys. How are you all? Sirius?" you asked, turning to face him head on. He melted under your eyes.
"Great, yeah, brilliant. How are you?"
You nodded, though you seemed a little unhappy. "I'm good."
"You sure, princess?"
James made a sound like he was being choked. Sirius ignored this, giving you a reassuring smile.
You sat down heavily on the sofa armchair beside him. "Tired. What about you, Remus?"
Remus smiled and looked up from his book, finally. "Great."
"Oh, good," you leaned into the sofa, your arm at Sirius' shoulder. "Jamesie?"
"I'm fine, you harlot. What's wrong with you, anyways?"
"Nothing!" you protested, fingers running along the fabric of Sirius' shirt, tracing the creases.
"Boy troubles?" Sirius asked quietly, trying to contain a shiver at the feeling of your fingertips on his soft shirt. You snorted, scratching his arm with your nail delicately.
"No. Lack of boy troubles, probably... Sorry, James, you don't want to hear it."
"I absolutely don't," he agreed.
"I do. Let's hear it," Sirius said, ignoring Remus' pointed you will hurt your own feelings glance.
"I just… I thought maybe Ben would come tonight," Ben was your on again, off again fling.
"There's still time, it's early," Sirius said.
You picked at a stray thread on his shoulder. "I don't know, it's stupid. I don't know if I actually want him to come. There doesn't seem to be much of anything between us these days."
"Good!" James said happily, sipping at his beer. "Fuck that guy."
"James," Remus scolded.
"What? He's an arse. You can do better, dearest sister. After you get me another beer," James said impishly.
You groaned, using Sirius' shoulder to climb up from your perch.
"You don't have to do that, Y/N," Sirius said.
You shrugged. "I want one myself anyways. Thanks, guys," you said, making for the drinks table.
“I can’t believe you fancy my little sister.”
“I don’t, Prongs. For fucks sake.”
Remus laughed quietly to himself. Sirius frowned. “Fuck you too, Moony.”
“‘You sure, princess?’ Oh, I could just projectile vomit where I stand,” James imitated his friend, before dramatically keeling over.
“You’re sitting,” Remus said, laughing loudly now.
“Pads understood the sentiment.”
Sirius blessed his best mates with the bird, sinking down into the sofa in a sulk. He didn’t fancy you. He was attracted to you in the way people usually were - you were lovely, soft-skinned with shining hair, a vision in multicolour. He’d have thought not being attracted to you would’ve been the less believable situation.
“There’s no shame in being whipped for a woman. I myself have been whipped for women in the past, and continue to be whipped for a woman as we speak,” James babbled. “That being said, literally any other woman would do. She’s my sister, and you’re my brother, and that’s literally incest.”
Sirius wrinkled his nose in disgust. Remus responded in turn, moving his leg to dig his foot nastily into James’ side. “You freak. That’s hardly the reality here.”
“You’re vile,” Sirius said, though he was laughing, “and Remus is right. You’re delusional.”
“You’re delusional if you truly believe you’re not infatuated with her,” Remus said.
“Who’s side are you on?” Sirius asked, though he knew Remus was never on anybody's side - he was justly fair.
“Look! If you don’t like her, you won’t mind that her boyfriend’s here.”
James gestured over Sirius' shoulder. He whipped around, heart in his mouth, to see that Ben had in fact decided to come, and had commandeered your attention. You giggled at something he said, the sound a song, and it made his stomach roil.
“I’m indifferent,” Sirius said decidedly, though he couldn’t look away as you pressed your hand to your neck, grinning like a kid at Christmas. “I’m happy for her.”
“She doesn’t even like him these days,” Remus said encouragingly. “Go save her.”
“She doesn’t need saving,” James protested.
“Go steal her,” Remus amended.
“She’s not an object,” Sirius murmured, getting to his feet without thinking.
“And get my drink while you’re at it,” James called, as Sirius walked away, towards you, towards your tinkling laugh and sunny smile.
He found himself standing a half foot away from you and your not-boyfriend with nothing to say, floundering for words.
You threw him a rope instantly, eyes sliding to his. “Hey, Sirius. I forgot his drink, didn’t I?”
“He’s feeling spoiled today.”
You rolled your eyes. “Isn’t he always?”
“Only on days ending with Y,” he said. He winced as soon as it came out of his mouth, though you laughed like it was the funniest thing you’d ever heard.
“Oh, he’s the worst. Let him get his own drink and stay here with me,” you said, eyes bright.
Your not-boyfriend cleared his throat, looking at you expectantly. Sirius could feel himself about to say something rude when you said, “Ah, sorry, Ben. You’ll excuse us?” and pulled Sirius off to the drinks table.
He squeezed your hand in his, looking down at it between you both with something like wonder.
Oh, he thought to himself, I do fancy her.
“What are you drinking?” you asked him, stopped at the cider.
“I was thinking - you?” he asked, suddenly struck by a white-hot confidence, drawing strength from your lovely hand in his.
You grinned. “That could be arranged.”
my masterlist
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Alright then, badabing badaboom, which Tokyo revengers characters do you ship with your moots?
"Since you were tagged, how about you ship your moots with Tokrev characters? 👀" --the first anon that wanted me to do this
Alright well, I picked the 9 of yall I know best, sorry friends. I'll do better next time. lmao I love you all tho. Reminder also that I've got a post with Visual Match Ups for my moots. Hmu if you ever wanna get added lmao.
@stroberrylite Berry gets Chifuyu. He's cute and young and fun. He doesn't have a death wish and can be trusted to stay out of the worst kind of trouble and he'd take good care of her. don't @ me kill you're endgame alright
@adviswhore Eris gets Wakasa, I've said it before, I'll say it again, you two would be the hottest, scariest, and most delightfully apathetic couples out there. Wakasa is a good level of crazy for you. Always carries lollipops to share.
@girl-by-the-lake Souya. Please, Summer you're the sweetest bean around and you deserve one of the absolute sweetest boys in this universe. Souya adores hearing about the kids at work and would go out of his way to schedule his day around being able to pick you up from work just to get to see you interacting with the lil ones T.T
@crowbird Inui for Crow. I think his like calm disposition with your extremely creative and thoughtful thing you've got going is so cute. You can teach him about storytelling and he can teach you bike stuff idk it sounds really cute imo.
@softbajis Shinichiro will never tire of showering you with attention and I think you'd live for it ngl. Plus, I still see you two in cute couple's hoodies and caps taking pics for social media. Pls keep your hands off each other when I'm around tho pls and thank you >.>
@mica-radiaan Mica you're tricky. I want to see you with Kakucho because he'd love your passion for the things you love and be the right level of possessive lol.
@brownsugarmoonie Kisaki. Moonie I'd pay good fuckin money to watch you humble the shit outta Kisaki bc we ALL know you will.
@sanzupassthebutter Hakkai! You're genuinely such a ray of light bb. I think it's only right that you get a boy who matches that sweet, dedicated, wholesome energy. But god help the person who crosses your loved one bc I see you I think you'd throw down if you had to.
@sano-obsessed Mikey, post therapy. Fine, FINE. You can have your fave bc I just wanna see you happy Kat. I think you two could have such wonderful chaotic vibes.
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moonyblackwerewolf · 3 years
The Letter Ch. 3 - Sirius Black
Betrothed Ch. 3
Sirius Black x fem!Reader
Word count: 3.2k
Summary: Sirius and Y/N meet at a family dinner and have some fun, later she finds out she is betrothed to some pureblood boy so Sirius comes up with a mental idea to save them both.
Warnings: Kissing, hints of sex, 'aggressive' parents, underage drinking, idk my writing and English? lol
a/n: I don't really know how i feel about this, so i hope you guys like it. Feedback is always welcome too :)
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch. 2.5 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch. 5 
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The exams were now over, Y/N and Lily were at the Great Hall eating breakfast, the smell of bacon and fruits invading their noses, they could enjoy the morning Saturday sun and the pancakes without worrying about the exams.
“What did you think about the Potions test? I can’t stop thinking about that last question I think got it wrong” Lily mumbled while picking up an apple.
“Oh Lils, you are so cute” Y/N laughed at her friend’s worries. “I can’t remember, but we can go to library today and check, but I’m sure you got it right, Slughorn has his reasons for inventing you for his little club” Y/N/N pointed out and Lily nodded, while looking at her sister who was staring suspiciously at her “At least you got in for pure talent, not because he wanted to suck up to your father” she chuckled, trying to avoid her sister’s gaze.
“That’s a lie, you’re one of the best Potions student Y/N/N i’m sure you-” Lily was cut off by Diana standing by her sister’s side.
“Got your mail yet Y/N/N? I’m so delighted for you, when Mother and Father told me I started planning the party already, Slytherin common room Sunday 8 p.m, also if you need help getting your hair done you can ask me.” Y/N was scared, her sister was never this nice to her, something was going on.
“Why Sunday?” But she was interrupted.
As if Diana knew when the letter would arrive, an Elegant snowy owl showed up carrying a letter from her parents. “What’s that” she was now genuinely scared as she saw Lucius looking at her from the Slytherin table. Lily who has calmed her down on several sleepless nights after the Malfoy incident looked between the two girl worried, connecting the dots about the letter’s content, as her friend read the letter and stormed out of the Hall. Lily tried to follow her but she just vanished. She looked for Y/N everywhere but she seemed to be nowhere to be found, she was feeling scared and even desperate, what could’ve made Y/N so upset, her family of course, but what did they do?
Y/N was in the only place in the castle Lily didn’t look for, the Hufflepuff common room, her friend Amos Diggory, a handsome boy, who would was loyal and would do anything for his friends, let her in and stay in his room, since it was Saturday and everyone was outside. She laid in his bed, heart racing threatening to jump off her chest, she felt sick and completely and utterly alone and unloved, she felt stuck in a life she never asked for and an inevitable future, this feeling of despair was too much for her to hold, like she would always do. Y/N buried her faced in Amos’ pillow and cries the life out of her, she couldn’t believe and in the same time she always knew this would happen, but it didn’t make it all less painful.
“Hi” Amos knocked on the room’s door delicately earning a jump from the girl. “I’m sorry, but you seem like someone who desperately needs a friend” he said with a sympathetic smile.
She smiled warmly at the boy and let him sit by her side, he offered her his shoulder to cry on, soothing the girl, even though he didn’t know why she was so sad. Eventually she told him everything and he was as disgusted as she was, his heart ached for his friend, he couldn’t imagine what was like to have her parents and go through what she was. He could only help.
“You should go tell your friends, they never leave your side, they’ll probably want to know about this, you should trust them Y/N/N” he suggested with a reassuring smile, wrapping her in a hug. Y/N loved that on Amos, he was so sweet and helpful and never asked for anything in return, he was a true Hufflepuff, she always teased him.
“But I don’t want them to worry, it’s not really easy for me to trust people and it’s nothing really, I don’t want to be dramatic” she sighed looking troubled.
“Y/N/N, i can assure you, you’re not being dramatic” he paused looking at her with a concerned smile “You have all the right to be upset, i’d be too in your situation, i’d demand justice for me and the other person too, it’s not fair, but you should tell your friends, they must be really worried”
“You’re right badger, thank you for letting me stay here, if you ever need something you know where to find me” she mumbled quietly still trying to hold her tears desperately.
It was nighttime by the time she was heading to the Gryffindor tower. The marauders were at the empty Gryffindor common room, they had just finished packing and were siting by the fireplace talking, Lily looking worried whispering to herself places she might’ve forgotten to search, when y/n entered the room the girl stood up fast and wrapped her in the tightest hug she could give only letting her friend go after her arms became sore, y/n mumbled a thank you hugging Lily again and then gave Sirius a kiss on the cheek and laid on his chest, she was looking completely broken, that made the boys get concerned too. 
“Hey guys” she said with voice of someone who has been crying. Sirius started caressing her hair, the group was now completely quiet until.
“Y/n-” Remus Lupin said softly “What’s wrong? Have you been crying?” His question made everyone look at her and she shifted in her Sirius lap a bit, his hands still caressing her hair patiently waiting for her answer, Lily was sitting next to them in the sofa, she grabbed her friend’s hand reassuringly.
“I got this letter from my parents today- at breakfast” she said, her voice completely numb she sounded like someone who had abandoned all hope. She then took  a letter with a fancy wax seal with an “W” from her coat, she couldn’t say it so she handed it to Sirius. The seal was already broken from when she read it earlier and the parchment had stains that suggested crying, he started reading the letter, Lily peaking too, while the other boys were curious and he’s blood was boiling with anger.
He stood up abruptly and screamed “No way they're making you do this- Over my dead body, Y/n”. Sirius’ reaction startled the boys, but he was so angry he didn’t even notice James taking the letter and reading it aloud.
Dear Y/n,
Your father and i are delighted to inform you that after a few meetings with family friends, we have decided, together with the Malfoys, that you and their son, Lucius, are now engaged and the marriage will happen soon after your graduation.
Lucius has already talked with his parents and he is more than happy for taking your hand in matrimony if you accept him, in our meeting with Abraxas Malfoy this evening, he has told us how Lucius cares about and wants to protect you. Therefore we were shocked to hear that you’ve been spending many nights in the Gryffindor tower and been ignoring your fellow housemates including Lucius.
In light of theses events we’ve decided that you will be spending Christmas break in the Malfoy manor, so you and Lucius can seal each other’s promise contract and get used to each other and future married life.
Now Y/n, you are going to listen very carefully what i’m going to tell you, young lady, you are going to behave AND accept this proposal, the Malfoys are a very respectful pureblood family, they were extremely delighted to know about your interest in their son. The Watson name carries weight in our world, I don’t want you doing anything that could compromise that. Now you are going to sleep every night of the rest of your years at Hogwarts in the Slytherin dorms, we already talked with Lucius and he is going to stay with you the whole night if necessary.
With Love,
Charles Edward Watson and Louise Helena Watson
“Holy shit y/n/n” James gasped “I’m so sorry, I can’t believe your parents would do that” he paused pondering if he should joke or not, and figured it could help “but is that their way of making you shag Malfoy?, Godric they’ don’t even try to be subtle” y/n chuckled humourlessly.
“Really? because I do, that’s what all these crazy purists families do, they breed their children, they don’t care about love or anything of the sort, I can’t believe how much time I spent putting up with their shit, pretending to agree with them” she hissed starting to sound more angry, she couldn’t believe it herself she just couldn't admit.
“Y/n we won’t let that happen” Remus reassured her grabbing other her hand “we’ll do anything to help you” all the boys and Lily agreed, except for Sirius that was on a weird kind of angry trance. Lily jumped from her seat and hugged her best friend with all the love she could give again.
She was happy to see her friends helping her, she didn’t feel as alone as she felt this morning, but still, reality was rough, she’d have to marry that prick Lucius Malfoy that she and the Marauders hated so much, he was a real blood purist just like their parents and that made her feel suffocated.
Suddenly Sirius burst out of his trance and went to his dorm, which scared the remaining group on the common room, making Y/n follow him. The common room went silent. After she left they sighed “I can’t believe she’s having to go through that, she doesn’t deserve it, this year she’s been nothing but a good friend, she even helped you study Moony and she became your best friend Lily, we all know you talk about us when you’re alone” James sighed “I wish we could do something for her”.
“Yes, we sure do Potter” Lily shrugged a bit absentmindedly, wondering what was happening in the other room.
“Siri, what’s going on with you?” She asked a bit startled by his sudden weirdness, while standing in the threshold. He was searching for something frenetically in his trunk. “What are you searching for Sirius?” 
“Y/n/n- Y/n” he turned to her seriously “there’s no way i’m letting you marry Malfoy” he stared so deep into her eyes that she felt a shiver run down her spine. 
“Thanks you Sirius, I love you for that, but there's nothing me or you can do to help, believe me i’ve been trying to find a way out since i read that letter, but there isn’t” she sighed her voice cracking “All I can do is enjoy the little time i’ve left before i’m Mrs. Malfoy” she ran her hand in her face and looked at Sirius “But I appreciate your efforts” Sirius made his way to where she was and caressed her cheeks looking at her with a determination Y/n couldn’t understand.
“I’m going to do everything i can to help you- even if I’ll have ask my monster of a mother for help” he revealed.
“What?” She gasped, surprised and confused at his revelation to say the least.
“I hate to say it out loud but- I’m still a Black, from the Noble house of Black” He paused and Y/n began to catch up with his plan, still a little shocked “I bet it’ll be easy to convince my mom, if i Sirius Black, her hopeless case of a son, tell her he wants to marry Elena Watson the daughter of the Royal house of Watson, she would finally be at least pleased with me” 
“WHAT?! No way Sirius, no- no! absolutely not” she almost choked on her words, shock written all over her face. “I’m not letting you ruin your life for me! No way! Do you even know what you’d be doing? You’d be committing yourself for the rest of your life and you know your parents AND mine wouldn’t let us divorce till the day they die at least! There is no going back and they certainly won’t let us escape, never” She was not going to let him ruin his life too.
“I know that perfectly well, but would it be that bad? we’re best friends and it’s not like we never slept together before” Y/n was in shock, left without words, Sirius Black wanting to commit with someone, he truly was a good friend but she looked at him with a gaze that said ‘no’ “Y/n… if you don’t accept this, then i’ll help you escape” he grabbed her hand and held it tightly in his chest, for a moment he wondered what about it made him feel so angry, angrier than the other boys, he felt this urge to protect her so much it almost hurt “I- just- i can’t stand seeing you suffering from this and being forced to sleep in the same bed as Malfoy- it makes me so angry, i want to protect you- I promised I would protect you, you’ve became one of my best friends this year I can’t let you go through this” he was looking at her with desperate eyes, almost imploring her to let him help her, it made Y/n’s heart jump from her chest.
“I don’t know what to do Sirius” her eyes were filling up with tears again, she was trying hard not to cry, as a wave of courage hit her and made her stop, she needed to grow up. “But I can’t escape my home, my parents would find me and probably-” she paused reconsidering if telling Sirius about her parents’ ways of parenting was a good idea, remembering Amos’ words, but even though she decided against it, she didn’t want him to worry more then he already was “I’m going to be okay, everything’s going to be fine. I’m going home and i’ll tell my parents that i won’t oblige, that I won’t be a pawn on their sick game of blood purity” she finished, more determined than she had been during the day, knowing that it’d be a foolish mistake, but it was confrontation or marriage.
“Are you sure Y/n? You want me to go with you?” He asked concerned, not feeling confident in her idea, it seemed dangerous and reckless, normally he’d love a little danger, but the fact that she could get hurt made him opposed to it.
“Yes, you don’t need to come with me, I think its better if I go alone, my parents can get- irritated. I’ll send you letters and i’ll keep you updated i promise” with that she kissed his cheek.
“Y/n/n are you really sure? I don’t think it’s- I don’t know your parents but I know mine and they wouldn’t react really well if I confronted them that way” Y/n knew what Sirius meant, but she had to try, so she whispered a yes burying her head in his neck as he wrapped her in a tight hug.
They both returned to the common room, updating their friends about what had happened and then they tried to have a pleasant last day at Hogwarts, the boys reassured Y/n even more and promised they’d be there for her if she ever needs them. The rest of the day they tried to forget all of their problems and talked, James kept trying to invite Lily out and she kept saying no while everyone laughed at the boy, Y/n laid in Sirius’s chest enjoying this little interactions while she still could. Sirius’ plan never left the back of his mind, he wasn’t sure if she’d be able to convince the Watsons, they didn’t strike him as understanding people. Little did he know how right he was.
The next day went by fast, everyone finished packing and met at the train station. The group left the Hogwarts Express and entered platform 9 3/4 everyone said their goodbyes, hugging and wishing Y/n worried good lucks, then heading to their respective families.
“I wish you could meet my family, Y/n/n, expect my sister, she’d be mean to you” Lily pouted as Y/n hugged her tightly for the last time in two weeks. “I’m gonna write you ok? with the names we planned” the both best friends chuckled, they had created nicknames so Y/n’s parents wouldn’t suspect about Lily.
“Oh Lils thank you, I’m gonna miss you so much, wish you could visit me” Y/n whispered sadly leaving Lily’s embrace after she said she would miss her too, heading to Sirius.
“Hey beautiful” Sirius murmured while wrapping her in a hug and lifting her making her laugh. “Wanna meet mommy and daddy Black, they’ll love you?” 
“Of course” she chuckled in his lap, being so close to him made her heart jump faster, she didn’t want to let go, never “And of course they will, how could they not like me” she joked.
Sirius put her in the ground slowly, heart jumping too, grabbed her wrist and the two of them walked to where his parents and brother were waiting, he hated his parents but he wanted an excuse to spend more time with her. “Mother, Father, this is Y/n Watson” he mocked his parents, who were clearly shocked their son had perhaps grown some sense into his head.
“Miss Watson, what a pleasure to see you again, darling, how are your parents doing?” Mr. and Mrs. Black asked politely. Walburga was a tall raven haired woman with an elegant appearance and stern face, she was quite scary, Mr. Black looked just like his wife but older and more serious.
“Suck ups” Sirius whispered in her ears making her giggle, she could feel his breath against her ear and it made her shiver.
“They’re alright, thank you Mr. Black, how are you?” Y/n asked, looking so much like her mother that it scared Sirius, he had to hide his laugh.
Before Mr. Black answered, Mr. and Mrs. Watson showed up, with angry faces. Mrs. Watson grabbed Y/n’s wrist strongly making her wince, pushing her to their side.
“Walburga, Orion, what a pleasure to see you” Mr. Watson offered his hand to the couple, softening his face a little, Mrs. Watson smiled, while whispering.
“Y/n, where is Lucius? Haven’t you been seeing him? You should be here with him young lady” her mother hissed at her, angry with the lack of effort from her daughter to make the marriage happen.
Sirius looked at Y/n’s wrist and suspected, he felt angry at Mrs. Watson, something was wrong, but he couldn’t do anything in front of their parents, so he just looked reassuringly at her.
“Pleasure to see you too Charles, we hope to see you and Louise at the Rosiers later this week” Mrs. Black politely suggested.
“Of course” with that the Watsons said goodbye and the both families headed their separate ways, breaking Sirius’ and Y/n’s grasp on each other.
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ijenoyou · 3 years
Bright eyes.
Chapter two.
werewolf!jeno x human!resder.
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summary; jeno is ready (not at all) to tell you the truth.
warnings; one bad word ig(? lmao
notes; this part sucks ass lol anyways part 3 might be better haha also remember english isn’t my first language soooo if there’s any mistake just ignore it :p enjoy~
Jeno has been trying to get closer to you but everytime he tried to talk to you, a annoying girl would plant herself in front of him to have a conversation. That girl is Kwon Eunbi, one of the most well known people in the whole school but Jeno couldn’t care less about her. He only wanted to see you.
“Will you sit with me today?” Eunbi asks while pouting.
“Oh.” Jeno wanted to be nice and politely say no but he was under pressure since all of Eunbi’s friends were behind her looking at the both of them. “Sure.” He tried to give her a small smile and she jumped in excitement.
When he lifted his gaze from the tiny girl, he saw you already looking at him. He waved and you awkwardly returned it.
“Is that you?” Jeno asked and you nodded.
“Apparently.” You answered and stuffed the photo back into your bag. “I don’t remember having a pet at that age though.” You furrowed your eyebrows trying to understand why you just couldn’t remember anything that involved the animal.
“You don’t remember your childhood pet?” Jeno’s expression suddenly dropped making him look like a kicked puppy.
“Why does everybody ask that?!” You groaned.
“I mean, you don’t look very young in that picture so maybe people would think that you can remember something like that.” He tried to answer without being too pushy.
You sighed while letting your head fall to the desk you were sitting at. Jeno smiled and patted your back. “I think Moonie would be sad if he knew you can’t remember him.” He softly spoke and you turned your head to the side to look at him.
That made you laugh, just a bit. Enough for Jeno to feel warm inside him.
“It’s just a dog, and he’s probably dead by now.”
“You mean wolf.” He tried not to let your words hurt him, he was stupid for thinking that after all these yours you would remember him because as far as Jeno knows, you saw his human form multiple times when you were a kid.
“Why are so keen on about that stupid animal?” You suddenly asked making him bite his bottom lip trying not to speak again.
It’s a mess. He knows you want to talk to him but Jeno isn’t sure if he wants to hear the harsh words that are directed towards his wolf form. He just had to find a perfect time to tell you who he actually is and why he came back. But it was becoming harder to do so since he always sees you next to Mark, a guy who is very loud and likes to hit people when he does it.
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It was driving you crazy. The way Jeno would search for you in a place full of people just to give you a smile which you usually returned but the very next moment you try to make a conversation with him, he would ignore you. It’s been almost three weeks since he told you Moonie was a wolf and yet, you wanted to know more because oddly enough, he seemed to know a lot about the white fluffy wolf. But Jeno has been avoiding that type of talk with you for a while now. 
“Looks like someone took a piss on your cereal.” Mark said while putting his food tray in front of you.
“Ha, very funny Lee.” You answered with a sour expression on your features.
He raised his left eyebrow questioning why you were acting like that. Before taking a bite of his frozen pizza he decided to speak again.
“Is it about that Jeno guy?” He asked and turned his head to the side to watch him talk to the ‘popular kids’ as any other student would call them.
You sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been trying to talk to him but he always runs away.” You answered and started to poke your food with the plastic fork the school gave you for your meals. “He also started to hang out with Eunbi so.”
Jeno couldn’t help but to listen to the conversation you were having with Mark, it’s a good thing he has perfect hearing even when he’s at the other side of the room. He knew he had to become closer with you one way or another but he also knew he messed up. Jeno was forbidden to say anything about what happened years ago, a rule he himself made.
There was no one to stop him, he left the pack a long time ago. But he wasn’t ready to tell you everything.
“I mean, I could talk to him for you if you want to.” Mark said after finishing his pizza. “He joined the basketball team the other day, he’s really good— he’s very fast and wow, it’s impressive.”
“Are you sure you’re not in love with him?” You ask while laughing.
Jeno admired your smile. It’s been a very long time since he saw you and he still wanted to protect you from everything.
“So Jeno.” A voice next to him made stop looking at you. “Why did you move here?” Eunbi asked.
“I-I uh, I used to live here.” He tried to give her a casual answer.
“Ow, so you came back because you missed home?” She pouted trying to be appealing to him.
“Yeah, home.” He said and looked at you.
Eunbi followed his gaze. She wanted to scoff when she saw that Jeno was looking at the table you and Mark were sitting at. Eunbi wanted to think that maybe he was just looking at a random direction but when she saw Jeno smile while still watching all of your moves she started to feel heaviness on her chest.
She used to be a friend of yours, way before Mark, but jealousy took over her actions. No one knew about that friendship —not even Mark. But that’s a story for another day.
When lunch time was coming to an end, Jeno decided to make a plan, one that would help him control his feelings and talk to you, but he’s scared. Scared that when you found out about the whole deal he has with you, you might run away and never want to see him again.
Classes were almost over when Jeno decided to approach you. He was very nervous because he so badly wanted to hold you again and re-build the bond you and him had. A bond that was never meant to be broken.
“You’re not wearing your sunglasses.” Was all you said when he found you in front of your locker.
“Yeah.” He sighed. “My eyes tend to get sensible.” He told you and you nodded.
There was a weird silence. You really wanted to say something but you just couldn’t, it was a weird sensation, like something kept pulling your heart.
“I was wondering—“ Jeno began talking. “If you wanted to maybe, hang out one day.”
It was hard to come up with an answer right away, just a few days ago he was ignoring you with all his power and now he wants to talk. You didn’t even know why you were upset and Jeno could sense it. After all, he’s your soulmate and you are his.
“Uh sure.” You said without looking at him. “But— Why are you suddenly asking me out?” You asked him and he was now the one trying to avoid your gaze.
Well fuck. Jeno thinks to himself, he had to come up with a good lie since he just couldn’t say ‘hey! i’m your pet from childhood who actually is a werewolf and oh yeah! you’re my mate’
“You have all my attention.” Was all he said and smiled making his eyes form into crescent moons. “I want to know you better.”
You hummed trying to ignore what he said while hugging yourself. You forgot to bring another jacket since you woke up pretty late. “Are you cold?” Jeno asked in which you nodded. He took a step closer to you making your whole body freeze, when he was close enough you could sense the warmth of his body onto yours. Jeno placed his hands on sides of yours arms and pulled you closer, hugging you.
“Is this... is this okay?” He once again asked. You hugged him back, placing your arms on his waist and gripping his hoodie with your fists.
Why are you so suddenly at peace? Most important, why are you hugging someone who you just met a few weeks ago? There’s no explanation to the feeling you have in your whole body. The way your heart beats faster when you see him makes you feel dizzy, you sighed against his chest and pulled apart missing the warmth he provided you.
You also missed the way Eunbi was looking at both of your figures with anger in her eyes.
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It’s finally the day in which the so called date would actually happen.
“Dude, I’m so excited!” You hear Mark say while he throws himself to the your bed. “You’re going on a date!”
You laugh and start looking for an outfit change. “Sounds like you’re the one going on it.”
Mark takes one of your pillows and throws it towards you, hitting the back of your head then falling to the ground. You roll your eyes and take the pillow he threw to start hitting your friend with it, he loudly laughs and takes both of yours wrists to stop you from attacking him.
“Anyways.” He says after you began to search for clothes again. “Where are you guys going?” Mark asks.
You were taking a shirt out of your closet. “It’s snowing outside, we’re staying here to have dinner.” You murmured while taking another shirt.
Mark whistles and crosses his arms on his chest. “Does your parents know that you’re bringing a boy?” He suddenly asks.
“No, and don’t say anything to them or i’ll beat your ass.”
You finish picking your outfit and decided to change in your bathroom since Mark wasn’t planing on leaving your room. When you finished changing Mark smiled and gave you a thumbs up.
“You have to leave.” You said and started to do a bit of makeup, not too much since you were too lazy to bother taking it off later.
“What?!” Mark shouted. “You’re gonna make me walk when it’s snowing?”
You groaned and turned around. “Fine, you can stay but please stay at the living room, Jeno and I will be here at my room.” You told him and he just smiled.
Mark was so happy you were starting to open up to other people. He’s been so worried about you being alone since he was leaving soon but you didn’t need to know that. Yet.
“Are you nervous?” He asked while sending a text to one of his team mates.
“Uh, yeah but I—“ You got interrupted when an upcoming call appeared on your phone screen, you held one of your fingers up telling Mark to wait for a few seconds. “Hello?”
“Hey! I’m outside your house.” Jeno’s voice came through the speaker of your phone. Mark’s eyes widened and got up from your bed, ran towards your door and left the room as fast as he could with you trailing behind him. Mark opened the door revealing a smiley Jeno — with a huge plastic bag of takeout— whose expression changed when he saw your best friend instead of you. “Oh! Hi Mark.” Jeno said while waiting for you to appear.
You pushed him to the side and gave Jeno a shy smile. “Come in!”
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“Why is Mark here?” Jeno asked as soon as the both of you went into your room.
“He was bored so he just came to spend time with me, I told him to leave before you came but he was being whiny about me making him leave when it’s snowing outside.” You answered while scratching your palms since you were nervous to have Jeno in your room, alone.
He laughed. “It’s fine. I mean, it could be worse like your parents being here instead of him.” You cracked a smile and nodded.
Jeno left the takeout food on your desk and sat on your bed, you did the same. There was a weird silence, it wasn’t awkward at all. Jeno’s mind couldn’t think straight, he was too nervous to even say anything. He debated on tell you everything right of the bat or wait for another few days to gain your trust and make sure you won’t freak out.
He opted for the first option.
“So...” He trailed. “I have something to tell you.” After saying that he stood up from your bed and placed himself in front of you. You look up making your eyes look bigger, like a doe which almost made Jeno let a whimper out.
His wolf so badly wanted to come out.
“What is it?” You asked with worry since you could tell from his sour expression that it had to do with something very important.
“I—“ He stopped talking after he caught two different essences aside from yours and Mark’s.
He turned his head to the window you have in your room with view towards the backyard.
With the good vision he has, he easily found Taeyong’s yellow eyes, looking at him. Next to him Jeno saw the one person who hurted him the most in all his life, whose red eyes held sadness and anger mixed together. Doyoung —his older brother.
“Jeno, are you okay?” You stood up when you saw his eyes started to water out of nowhere. You took his face between your hands and made him look at your eyes. “You’re feeling very warm, are you feeling okay? Do you need some medicine or—“ You got cut off after he placed his lips on yours.
Kissing you is the only way to calm his wolf since seeing his brother and his ex pack leader made him angry.
You reacted very slowly, so when he was about to pull away you decided to chase his lips. The only sound that could be heard on your room was the sound of lips smacking together, Jeno decided to place both of his hands on your waist bringing you closer to his body. You played with the hair at the back of his neck trying to ease your nerves.
“Hey Y/N can I borrow your charger?” Mark opened the door without knocking first. “Oh shit!”
You pulled away and pushed Jeno making him fall backwards on your bed.
“Please don’t tell my parents.” You said while putting your hands together.
“Well, too late for that young lady.” Your father said.
Mark turned around with wide eyes.
“Living room. Now.” Your father spoke with seriousness in his voice.
Oh no. I’m in trouble. You thought.
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gothixm00nz · 2 years
I finally got a new phone and I celebrated by getting a pizza, three giant chocolate bars, and crying.
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shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
@octoblus Sorry this is a bit of a mess I've had 8 tests this week lol.
"I love you too."
   Sirius had had a very long night. It had been a long day before that, they had been taking care of Remus all day since there was a full moon that night. Remus had really been struggling yesterday. He hadn’t eaten at all and he skipped all his classes, which was a sure sign that the night ahead of them was going to be horrid.
   James had the brilliant idea to prank the Slytherin’s so when McGonagall called after class she also told Peter and Sirius to come. She gave them all detention even though it was only James who had pulled the prank. That just left a guilty James, an annoyed Peter, and one murderous Sirius.
   They had detention until eight that night which made them all nervous. They were already supposed to be with Remus, it was always better for Remus when they were there. Mcgonagall had walked them back to their dorm afterwards to make sure they didn’t get into more trouble and had magically locked their door to make sure they stayed shut until seven the next morning.
   They had stayed up all night stressing and pacing and trying to make the door open. None of them slept that night, they were all far too worried about Remus to sleep. Sirius was the worst of the bunch screaming at James everytime the door stayed stubbornly in its place.
   “Sirius you’re not helping anything by yelling at us! The door isn’t going to open by your screaming!” James shouted back. Sirius’ started at the use of his real name. He glared at James and James ran his hand over his face exasperated. “Pads you just need to calm down. I know you’re worried about him but this isn’t helping him.” 
   Sirius had refocused his anger on himself after that which wasn’t any better. Eventually after long hours of trying their best they got the door open five minutes before seven. They all rushed out without a word. They found Lily in the common room reading and James quickly grabbed her and dragged her along.
   Lily knew that Remus was a werewolf, she had never seen him the morning after though. She kept asking where they were going but no one was answering her, she abruptly stopped when she saw the shrieking shack.
   Sirius was the first one inside and froze in horror when he saw Remus shaking uncontrollably on the floor covered in his own blood. Sirius’ feet began moving before his brain caught up and he dropped to his knees next to Remus’ bloody figure. He pulled Remus’ head in his lap and Remus let out a small gasp. Sirius carded his hands through the taller boy's hair.
   “Moony.” He said quietly. Remus groaned and buried his head in Sirius’ stomach. Sirius turned with wide eyes and saw James staring at him, horror bleeding from every fiber. Lily was next to James, her hand over her mouth, tears pouring from her eyes. Peter was standing there frozen.
   Sirius turned to James. “James, this is bad. I think we should get Madam Pomfrey to help us get him back.” James nodded and started talking quietly to Peter and Lily. Sirius turned his attention back to his boyfriend. “Moony can you talk to me?” Remus made a noise that was a mix between a hum and a whimper. His eyes were still closed.
   “Okay babe, you don’t have to talk but can you open your eyes for me?” Remus’ eyes open slightly and Sirius smiled at him softly. Remus tried to return the smile but it ended up resembling more of a grimace. Sirius lowered his head and kissed Remus’ forehead gently. “You’re okay.” 
   Someone cleared their throat behind them and Sirius froze. He only just now remembered they weren’t alone. Sirius turned his head slowly to see James gazing at them softly with an understanding glint in his eyes. 
   “You know Lily called this, I told her she was crazy but now it seems that I owe her 10 galleons.” Sirius let out a slightly hysterical laugh and realized he had been holding his breath. He had been so worried about telling James because if James didn’t accept him he would lose everything other than Remus.
   He lived with James, James was his family and the thought of losing him had sent Sirius into numerous panic attacks.
   James walked over to them and put his hand on Sirius’ shoulder and squeezed. Sirius wondered why he ever doubted James’ reaction.
   “I sent Lily and Peter to get Mcgonagall and Madam Pomfry.” Sirius clenched his jaw and looked back down to Remus whose face was contorted in pain. Sirius softly cupped his cheek and ran his thumb along a small cut on Remus’ face.
   Remus turned his face further into Sirius’ hand. “I’m so sorry. We were supposed to be here. We should have been here.” Sirius said softly and realized that he had a few tears falling down his face. Remus frowned and closed his eyes starting to shake his head. “It was a bad night I wouldn’t have wanted you here anyway. I could’ve hurt y’all.” 
   James laughed humorlessly. “Remy, you couldn’t hurt us if you tried.” Remus opened his eyes and narrowed them. “That’s so far from true and we both know it.” Remus said, stuttering slightly. He was still shaking uncontrollably and Sirius pulled him in a little closer trying to warm him up. 
   James swallowed. “Okay fine, you wouldn’t hurt us on purpose.” Remus smiled slightly and slurred, “Exactly.” before promptly passing out. Sirius’ eyes widened as he shook Remus slightly. “Moony, hey Moony you gotta stay awake.” When Remus didn’t open his eyes Sirius shook him again, this time more desperately. “Remus, please, I need you to open your eyes.” 
   James grasped Sirius' shoulder tightly and when Sirius looked at him he gave him a sad smile. “He’ll be okay Pads. He lost a lot of blood, I’m honestly surprised he has stayed awake this long.” When Sirius made a desperate sound James flinched. “Okay wrong thing to say.” James was further saved by the door to the shrieking shack opening and hurried footsteps coming towards them.
   McGonagll came in first gasping loudly as her eyes found Remus. “Merlin, is he awake?” James looked at Sirius as he answered, saving Sirius from having to talk. “He was, he passed out right before you got here.” Madam Pomfry entered the room with a big bad, followed by Lily. James raised an eyebrow. “Have you lost Peter?” Lily glared telling him silently that this was not the time for jokes. “He’s speaking with Dumbledore.” James gulped and nodded. 
   Madam Pomfrey walked quickly over to Remus and started cleaning the blood and wrapping the gashes. There were three very visible gashes, similar to the scars on his face, that were running along his side and bleeding profusely.
   Madam Pomfry didn’t ask Sirius to move, not that he would have done it if she had. He stayed there Remus’ head still resting in his lap, still twirling Remus’ silky hair around his fingers. Remus didn’t wake up and everyone stayed quiet for the next ten minutes waiting for Madam Pomfry to say something.
   She finally sits back and lets a puff of air out. “He’ll be okay but I need to get him to the infirmary.” Professor McGonagall nods and flicks her want murmuring wingardium leviosa. Sirius watched as Remus was lifted as if he weighed nothing and followed the others out. He was standing next to James who put his arm around Sirius’ shoulders, leaning in to whisper a quiet “He’ll be okay.”
   Sirius nodded and braced himself against James, his legs feeling as if they might give out. Lily looked at him sympathetically, tear streaks standing out on her pretty face. She reaches out and grabs his hand tightly.
   They all sat in chairs around Remus’ bed in the infirmary. Remus had been asleep for four hours. James had given Lily his chair when Peter had come back since there were only three chairs. James was leaning against Lily’s legs, his head tilted back so it fell in her lap with his eyes closed. 
   They were all exhausted and James and Peter were quick to fall asleep. Sirius was still too anxious to sleep so he watched Remus sleep, his leg bouncing noiselessly as he observed Remus’ peaceful face. Remus always looked peaceful in his sleep. Sirius had always loved it but now it just ramped Sirius’ nerves up more.He wished there was some feeling on his face, a smile, a frown, anything. 
   He shuddered and looked up at Lily to find her eyes already on him. She watched him for a moment more before speaking quietly. “He’ll be okay. I know you care about him like the rest of us but it’s different for you, isn’t it.” Sirius smiled at her.
   He was glad to know her. He loved her almost more than James did (no one could love her more than James) in a platonic way. She was like the sister he never had and always needed. He was struck with the thought that their relationship would be so different if he had ended up in Slytherin, stuck with his prejudiced cousins. He had been taught to hate people like her but he constantly found that muggle born wizards were far kinder and far more understanding than purebloods.
   “James says he owes you ten gallions.” Sirius said as a way of admission, Lily smiled widely and looked at Remus who was constantly moving who now lay still on the bed. “I knew it. There was no way you two weren’t together. Not loving each other the way you do.” Sirius blushed. They hadn’t said I love you yet. Sirius knew he loved Remus, but he was nervous as to what Remus would say.
   “Yeah. I’m honestly quite shocked that James hadn’t figured it out sooner.” Lily laughed and looked down at the sleeping boy in her lap. She smiled fondly and ran her hands through his hair, he shifted and smiled slightly in his sleep. Sirius snorted, even in his sleep Lily had him whipped. 
   “I do love him Lily. I haven’t said it but I really do.” Lily smiled knowingly as Sirius sighed and stood up walking over to Remus. He sat on the edge of his bed and took hold of his hand. Sirius froze when Remus shifted in bed before groaning. Remus’ eyes fluttered open and he looked around confused until he met Sirius’ eyes. He smiled widely and Sirius thought he might cry.
   He hugged Remus tightly, consciously avoiding where he was hurt. “Remus John Lupin don’t you ever scare me like that again.” Remus’ arms tightened around Sirius, still weak but he was trying. “I’m sorry.” He said quietly. Sirius pulled away and frowned. “You have nothing to apologise for, stop that.” 
   Remus laughed softly, “Siri you’re giving me whiplash.” Sirius found himself laughing at the inside joke. Remus always said that when Sirius switched sides on a matter too fast. Sirius reached out and patted some of Remus’ hair down. Remus leaned into the touch with a soft smile that Sirius returned quickly.
   “Y’all are so cute.” Lily said from behind them. Remus slowly turned to her and smiled wide. “Hello Lils.” Lily stood up quickly, forgetting about James who sat up with a start, and ran over to Remus pulling him into a hug similar to Sirius’.
   Remus hugged her back laughing. “I’m okay Lily.” When she pulled back she had new tears gracing her face. “Wass happening?” James slurred sleepily. They ignored him.
   “They were all losing their minds and I had to keep my cool because they would lose it if I did!” Lily exclaimed hysterically. Remus grabbed her hand with the one that Sirius wasn’t holding. Sirius squawked. “What do you mean! You promised everything would be fine!” Lily glared at him through tears. “I can’t tell the future Sirius! How was I supposed to know! Not my fault you listened! Plus he is fine so I didn’t lie!” 
   Remus laughed at James’ lost expression. “Guys I’m fine. Thank you Lily for comforting them. I'm sorry to have scared all of you. And Pads stop yelling at her.” Sirius frowned and Lily beamed at him. James stood up awkwards and stretched before walking over to Remus and sitting at the end of the bed.
   “We’re glad you’re okay Moony.” He said, patting his leg. Remus smiled at him. “Thanks Prongs.” James nodded and wrapped his arm around Lily’s waist. She let go of Remus' hand and sat in James’ lap.
   Remus looked as if he was going to say something when Madam Pomfry came in. She looked surprised to see all of them. “What are you still doing here! Oh, Remus honey, I’m glad you’re awake. The rest of you need to go to lunch! Out! All of you, that includes you Mr. Black so do stop glaring.”
   Remus chuckled as she pushed the rest of them out Sirius turned around once more. “I’ll see you later! I’ll come back!” Remus laughed again and nodded blushing slightly when Sirius winked at him.
   Madam Pomfry turned to look him over, handing him a vial of something. He swallowed it quickly not caring enough to see what it was. She smiled kindly at him before taking the vial back. “You know those four stayed here the entire time you were out.” Remus gave a thoughtful hum. “How long was I out?” 
   Madam Pomfry patted his head. “About four and a half hours.” Remus’ eyes widened. No wonder Sirius had been so concerned about him. It never took him that long to come to. Madam Pomfry gave him a knowing smile. “That boyfriend of yours was quite worried.” She said winking, Remus laughed before attempting to half heartedly deny it.
   “He’s not my boyfriend.” He said calmly. Madam Pomfry raised an eyebrow. “No one cares that much to not have feelings. If he isn't your boyfriend then he’s the suffering in silence type.” Remus found himself laughing again. Whatever she had given him made him feel lighter as if he was floating.
   “Yeah. Do you think I could go to lunch?” He asks trying to change the topic, he needed to talk to Sirius anyway. She quirked an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. “I advise against it but you never listen to me anyway do you?” Remus smiled at her and shook his head. He pushed himself into a sitting position. 
   He was still hurting but it just felt like a dull ache now. He stood up, hugged and thanked her, and then headed out to the hall. 
   He needed to see Sirius. He had heard Sirius say that he loved him and he needed to tell Sirius that he loved him too. He hurried down the hall and stopped when he got to the entrance of the Great Hall. He had been planning to pull Sirius aside to tell him but when Remus saw him sitting at the Gryffindor table, his head thrown back mid laugh at something Lily had said, he felt a rush of affection and adrenaline pump through him.
   He walked down the center of the hall, getting stares from everyone except his friends who hadn’t seen him yet and walked straight up to Sirius. When Sirius looked up at him he smiled in surprise. He started to say something along the lines of hello but Remus cut him off, kissing him square on the mouth.
   Sirius responded immediately bringing his hands up to Remus’ soft hair and tangling his fingers in it, pulling softly. Remus was aware of the hoots and hollers of his friends and all the other Gryffindors but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
   When he felt Sirius run his tongue against the seam of his lips he parted without hesitation letting Sirius roam his mouth. When they finally pulled away, both panting, resting their foreheads together, the entire hall applauded. 
   Remus laughed hysterically and Sirius smiled brightly. “Not that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy that or want to tell anyone but what was that for?” Remus smiled brightly pecking Sirius on the mouth again.
   “I love you too.”
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emmelineparker308 · 4 years
Father Dearest Part 4
Fandom: Harry Potter: Golden Trio Era Pairing: Harry Potter x reader Summary: Your third year at Hogwarts is about to start and with it come a lot of new changes. Harry, your best friend and crush, is in trouble from some man named Sirius Black. You try desperately to keep Harry safe but what happens when you find out some heartbreaking, mind shattering information about your father? Warnings: angst, long writing lol! A/N: Enjoy! Please like and reblog if you like it!!
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“Did you hear about what happened to (Y/L/N) during DADA?”
“Oh my god, do you think that she is being abused at home?”
“I knew it, I knew that there was something off about her.”
 These were the whispers that followed you around for the rest of the week. Harry, Ron and Hermione would throw a dirty look at anyone that even dared to look at you wrong and maybe due to that, and the fact that other more threatening news was flooding Hogwarts, the incident that occurred in the DADA class was forgotten from almost everyone’s mind.
 The only thing you had been looking forward to after Moony’s class was Hagrid’s first lesson. Looking forward to it seems to be too happy a phrase to use. You had heard from Fred and George who already had their Care for Magical Creatures class that Hagrid had them caring for some crazy dangerous creatures. In fact, most of the castle was muttering about Hagrid’s lessons and you were apprehensive of what monstrous creature Hagrid would introduce to your lot. To make matters worse the Gryffindors were paired with the Slytherins for Magical Creatures. After the encounter in Lupin’s class Malfoy had been a bit more reserved in talking back in class but you were sure his tongue was going to wag in Hagrid’s class. As you made your way down to Hagrid’s hut you found that the Slytherin Prince was already there, barking all sorts of rubbish that is puny crew was lapping up. Pansy Parkinson, a toad of a girl, was hanging on every word that drew from his lips.
 “Wait till my father hears about this, that Dumbledore’s got this oaf teaching class. Honestly this whole school is going to hell,” he stated disgustingly as Hagrid was fixing something up in his garden. Harry who heard the remark turned around fuming, you had to grip his arm and hold him back before he launched himself a Malfoy.
 “What is it Potter? Got something to say?” he taunted Harry.
 “Last I checked your father was sacked from being a governor of Hogwarts after threatening the other governors. So, having your now unemployed father hear about the news of Hagrid’s post doesn’t really carry that much weight,” you recounted as the gryffindors sniggered and Malfoy turned red. You knew that the Malfoy’s were rich beyond measure and that his father technically didn’t need a  job to survive, however it still managed to bruise Malfoy’s ego.
 “At least I have a father, what was it that the boggart said? Right, ‘You’re scum, and I never wanted you’,” Malfoy stated smirking at the effect those words had on you. You froze up beside Harry, and Harry seizing the chance of you letting go of his arm grabbed his wand and threw a spell at Malfoy.
 Malfoy was about to retaliate when Hagrid came walking towards you booming, “What’s goin on ‘ere? You lot be’er not be causin’ ‘rouble ‘his early in.” Hagrid lead you into a clearing at the edge of the forest and went on to explain what the lesson was for today.
 You who had been beaming at him to show your support felt a pricking sensation in the back of your head. It was a sensation you had grown accustomed to over the past summer, a feeling of being watched. You didn’t know what it was but the past summer when you were taking your nighttime walks or when you were running errands for Remus on the weeks of the full moon you would feel this weird sensation. Nothing ever came of it, you would turn around constantly, checking your surroundings yet you would find nothing, no one was watching you. You didn’t want to alarm Remus, who (you were sure) would lock you up in the house all summer had you disclosed this information to him.
 The feeling stopped the last few weeks of summer vacation, you were sure that due to all the excitement and busyness of packing up for Hogwarts you mind simply didn’t have time to make you feel uneasy. However, the feeling was back, you instinctively turned around, you were met with nothing but trees and shrubs. There was a slight rustling of a shrub but just then a sudden breeze had started from nowhere and you heard Harry scream. When you turned your attention back to the class you saw Harry riding on a Hippogriff. Had Harry not looked like he was going to vomit, the site would have been majestic. You knew all about the hippogriffs having stumbled across an old Care for Magical Creatures textbook of Moony’s. You were slightly jealous that Harry got to ride one, and even more impressed at Hagrid for not showing a dangerous creature. Sure, the Hippogriffs may look intimidating, and yes they can cause serious harm but that’s only if you were daft enough to disrespect them.
 As Harry touched down, you along with the rest of the Gryffindors cheered. Harry was placed back onto the ground by Hagrid and you were about to get his attention to ask for a ride yourself when Malfoy pushed you out of the way. Thankfully, Dean was able to catch you before you met the floor. “Yeah, you’re not scary at all are you, you big chicken,” you heard Malfoy confidently strut to the Hippogriff. Before any of you could stop it, Malfoy was attacked, and Hagrid was fussing over him saying that Malfoy would be fine. It took ‘Mione and you to scream that Malfoy needs to go to the hospital wing for Hagrid to snap out of his panic and carry the oaf who was now moaning in pain. Dean who had been holding you still, let go of you almost as if you were made of hot iron and apologized under his breath and sprinted to catch up with Seamus.
 You were about to yell out thank to Dean for catching you when you turned around and realized the reason for Dean’s sudden odd behavior. Harry was still watching Dean with an emotion that you were not able to place filling the green irises that you were so familiar with.
 “How much trouble do you reckon Hagrid’s gonna be in?” Ron asked as you all made your way towards the castle.
 “I don’t know. Knowing Malfoy’s father, we haven’t heard the last of this,” you somberly stated.
The next few weeks went by in a blur, Malfoy moaned over his arm, which in your opinion had nothing wrong with it. You saw him catch a piece of parchment you had thrown at him with his bandaged hand without so much a thought, or a bit of pain. He just put on a show whenever he thought people weren’t paying enough attention to him. The oaf. Urgh. You would purposely throw things at him and place heavy books atop his “broken arm” whenever you had the chance. Alright you suppose it was very mean to laugh in his misery but in your opinion had he just listened to Hagrid’s instructions nothing would have happened. Hagrid obviously felt awful and kept apologizing, but Malfoy was still a git about it. He was going on and on about how he was going to have Hagrid sacked and Buckbeak killed. Once he said it very loudly in front of Hagrid that it brought the happy giant man to tears. You, being the ever so kind and patient person, you were, “accidentally” pushed Malfoy into Bowtruckle dung while he was still laughing getting dung even into his mouth.
Aside from Malfoy there was a rather awkward situation that occurred between Harry, McLaggen and you. McLaggen was a showy upperclassman, he was the epitome of the stereotypical Gryffindor. Tough, and brash, but not exactly the brightest of the bunch. He stalked up to you during one morning, chest puffed out and toothy grin plastered over his face. To you he resembled more of an ape than a boy but that didn’t stop some girls from eyeing him. “Hey (Y/N),” he charmed as he pushed Harry and you apart and sat down between you.
“Top of the Mornin’ to ya, McLaggen,” you sarcastically stated. Harry and Ron snickered at the disinterest in your voice but McLaggen clearly didn’t get the hint (again nOt tHe bRiGhTeSt bUlB)
“Listen so the Hogsmeade trip is coming up,” he started.
“Is it? I didn’t know you could read a calendar,” you retorted but he chose to ignore your statement.
“I know that this is your first trip to Hogsmeade and for a bird it’s just sad to go alone. I know that you’re probably fretting over it but not to worry, you to accompany me,” he finished his proposition. You were actually dumbfounded for a second at his remark. He hadn’t even asked you out, he told you that you can go with him.
“McLaggen, though I’m sure that would be, er- well fun isn’t the right word, tolerable, it would be tolerable. I will not be going alone. However, if I ever find the need to be in the company of a donkey, I’ll let you know,” you hotly stated and walked away. 
“Mate she just called you an arse,” you faintly heard George bellow out over the laughter that filled the Great Hall. 
Soon it was time for your first ever Hogsmeade trip. You offered to stay with Harry when you realized that he wouldn’t be able to go with you, but he told you to go have fun. While on the way to Hogsmeade you noticed Ron nervously looking at you, he always looked like he wanted to say something but after sneaking a peak at Hermione he opted to stay quiet. Once you got to the village even Hermione started acting odd, glaring at you every once in a while. Upon getting the clue, you jogged on ahead of them, citing that you wanted to buy Harry something and went into Zonko’s Joke shop. As you made your way out of  Honeyduke’s you felt an arm wrap around you, but no one was near. Vanilla and Pine Cones. “Harry, no way, how?”
“Fred and George gave me this wicked map,” he explained getting out of his cloak. “It showed me a great route to take without alerting Filch.”
“Great. I was starting to get bored. Let’s go into Three Broomsticks and get a butterbeer. I’ve never tried one,” you stated while dragging him along with you.
“Where’s Ron and Hermione?” Harry asked as you found an empty booth in the corner. Madame Rosmerta, the bartender had given you a rather weird look when you went to counter to place the order.
“They were acting odd once they got here. I decided to leave them alone,” you stated. Your butterbeers came and you both drank the liquid, letting it fill you with warmth. You dragged Harry around with you through the entire village. From Honeyduke’s Harry brought enough sweets to last till Christmas, you had made a comment on it when he said that more than half of it was for you. From Zonko’s you brought Ron the Screaming Yo-Yo he had mentioned wanting. You even walked over to Madam Pudifoot’s but one look at the pink exterior and you pulled Harry with you in the opposite direction.
“Harry,” Hermione exclaimed, as Ron and she came out of the joke shop. Ron looked rather glum until you handed him your package. He opened it and almost tackled you onto the ground in a hug.
Hermione rolled her eyes at the action and kept talking to Harry, “How did you get here?”
“Never mind how,” Ron laughed, “Harry, we’ve got to go into Zonko’s there’s some wicked stuff in there for pranks.” As Hermione hit Ron, you noticed Madame Rosmerta outside of her pub.
“Hey ‘Mione, look who it is,” you diverted their attention to the bartender who was talking to the Minister of Magic, he was looking rather intimidated by her antics. You looked over at Ron who was very red in the face as Hermione took to teasing him about his crush on dear old Rossie.
“Sirius Black?” you heard her say over the chipper of the crowd. Almost immediately you felt movement from you back and you knew Harry was making a beeline for Three Broomsticks. Without another thought you placed an invisibility charm on yourself and walked in Harry’s footsteps.
“Sirius Black? Come now Minerva why would he be coming to Hogsmeade of all places?” you heard Rosmerta ask as McGonagall started to explain the horrendous crimes that Black did. You huddled in a corner far away from everyone in the room but still close enough to hear the conversation. You felt a warm presence next to you that you guessed to be Harry.
“In the darkest times, when James and Lily Potter had to go into hiding Sirius Black was appointed as their secret keeper. He was the only one in the world that knew about their whereabouts, and when it came time to, he betrayed them,” McGonagall explained as tears welled up in your eyes.
Poor Harry must be going through a tsunami of emotions right now, you worried. Knowing that Sirius Black was after him was one thing but now realizing that he was the sole reason his parents were killed must be doing a number on him. You could tell he was shaking, and you felt around for his arm and held on to it.
“So, you think what? That he wants to finish the job You-Know-Who started and kill the boy?” Rosmerta questioned.
McGonagall’s lips stretched into the thinnest line you had ever seen, “Rosmerta the fact of the matter is that he still remains Harry’s godfather. Not only that, that poor girl (Y/N), she has no clue of course.” Your head was spinning from all the revelation that was happening but at your name your ears perked up.
 “Oh, that lovely doll, the one with brown eyes and black hair,” Rosmerta added, “I just saw her in my shop, she’s a splitting image of her mum, it made me tear up a bit. I will say her eyes and that hair, that she got from her father. She reminds me so much of her mother, even smiles the same way. (Y/L/N) was such a wonderful woman.”
 “”Metra, my dear,” Fudge interrupted, “The lass has no idea that her mother was Estella (Y/L/N) and that her father is Sirius Black.”
Taglist: @missmulti​ @may-machin​ @magicalaquarian​ @junkersandroadies-son​ @prongsyy​ @cute-but-weirdo​ @lozzybowe​ @minecraftlover444​ @selmeuuh @play-morezeppelin​ @ilovespideyyy​ @wecouldbreakthedistance​
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1. Reblog this post (You don’t have to be following me to participate (but I’d appreciate it), I just would like this on your page 😊)
2. Send me an ask (not into my messages because they will get lost) with the name of the person you want to write for as well as the prompt you choose from below (Limit 2 people per prompt and 2 prompts per person) (First come, first serve by asks)
a. I’ll cross out prompts that are unavailable if people choose them, so always look for the most updated version of this post.b. If your writing account isn’t the one you’ve send an ask with, please include the name of your account at the end of the ask!
3. Use the hashtag #Riaswritingchallenge and tag me so I can see what you created! (make sure you use the correct tag because that will be how I am looking for posts)
a. I will reblog all the posts you write and if I don’t reblog within 3 days, send me an ask to make sure I see it
4. If it’s more than 1.5K (no word limit, go for it), add a keep reading option please so we don’t have pages and pages of pieces
a. If you can’t, that’s fine, I don’t think you can on the mobile
5. Don’t Stress and Have Fun! We aren’t comparing works to anyone; we’re just sharing what we wrote!
6. I’m not putting an end date on this challenge until I see activity! I’ll reblog with a date when I have one.
EDIT: So I’ve decided not to take requests for myself off this list and just leave these prompt to you guys, SO PLEASE DON’T SEND ME REQUESTS FROM THESE LISTS! CHOOSE ONES FOR YOU TO WRITE! 😊 Thank you!
Characters (Pick ANY character from a fandom):
The 100• Marvel• Harry Potter• Flash• Walking Dead• <- those are examples, choose what ever you’d like!
Prompts (specify which list in ask):
1. “Just hold me close and never let go.”
The One by @with1love1anu (Sirius Black x Reader)
2. “You may be good, but I’m better.” 
@abysshaven (Draco Malfoy x reader)
3. “You know, I’d go through hell for you.” “Really?” “Yeah, or well, really hot weather.”
@abysshaven (Draco Malfoy x reader)
@fridasfantasy (Zuko x Reader)
4. “Well you’re fun.” “And you’re annoying.”
Sirius Black x Reader by @valiantartwritingweasel
Just my Type by @writeseasonally (Fred Weasley x Reader)
5. “You’re drunk.” “I’m not drunk.” “Then what are you?” “…I’m not dead, right?”
@nekoannie-chan (Brock Rumlow x Reader)
Truth under Moonlight by @approved-by-dentists (Sirius Black x Reader)
6. “You’re a lot more interesting in my head.”
Hoax by @seiraswriting (Hermione Granger x Reader)
7. “You just have to trust me.”
Proud of you by @fandomscombine (George Weasley x Reader)
8. “Time flies when you’re a prisoner.”
9. “You’re my home.”
Home by @capsheadquaters (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
10. “Thanks for not killing me.”
@wonderful-writer​ (Sirius Black x Reader)
11. “I’m going to choose to take pride in that.”
Freedom of Innocence by @summer-writes (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Gone by @moony-writes-stuff​ (George Weasley x Reader)
12. “You’re my second chance.”
@bad268 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Second Chances by @shaynawrites23 (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
13. “Take me by the hand and hold me tight.”
If it Hurts by @oingo233 (Daryl Dixon x reader)
14. “I’m proud of us.”
15. “Will you get off me?”
Snowscape by @kalimagik (Fred Weasley x Reader)
16. “I didn’t think it was possible, but I just fell more in love with you.”
@they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon (Remus Lupin x Reader)
I Love you by @theonly1outof-a-billion​​ (Mob!Tom Holland x Reader)
17. “You are everything I dreamed of.”
@the-moon-and-the-book​ (Remus Lupin x Reader)
18. “Here, let me help you.”
@dreamer821 (Sirius Black x Reader)
19. “Can I have a kiss? Please?”
Can I kiss you? by @bad268 (Julian Albert x Reader)
20. “Your hand is so soft.”
Gentle Hands by @johnmurphyisbisexual (John Murphy x Reader)
21. “I’ve been thinking-“ “uh oh.”
A Beautiful Dream by @missmulti (Remus Lupin x Reader)
22. “But you love me anyways.”
@leah-ravenanne (James Potter x Reader)
Secret Admirer by @shaynawrites23 (Sirius Black x Reader)
23. “Want a back rub?”
24. “Can we cuddle?”
Gentle Hands by @johnmurphyisbisexual (John Murphy x Reader)
25. “You realize how insane you sound, right?”
Crazy for You by @writeroutoftime (Sirius Black x Reader)
@wonderful-writer​ (Sirius Black x Reader)
26. “Stop making that face. It’s too cute.”
Proud of you by @fandomscombine (George Weasley x Reader)
27. You are perfect for me.”
Party Revelations by @angelinathebook (Sirius Black x Reader)
28. “You’re so warm.”
Snowscape by @kalimagik (Fred Weasley x Reader)
29. “I love you more every day.”
30. “Where’s my morning kisses?”
31. “Wanna go for a walk?”
Comfort by @iliveiloveiwrite (Sirius Black x reader)
32. “I’m here when you’re ready to talk.”
Comfort by @iliveiloveiwrite (Sirius Black x Reader)
33. “Stop stealing my food.”
34. “Wow, I almost forgot how beautiful you were.”
@hollands-weasley (Fred Weasley x Reader)
35. “There’s an open seat on my lap.”
Party Revelations by @angelinathebook (Sirius Black x Reader)
@stiles-o-dylan24 (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
36. “Please just look at me.”
@horsegirly99 (Remus Lupin x Reader)
37. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Star Crossed Lovers by @missmulti (James Sirius Potter x Reader)
@horsegirly99 (Remus Lupin x Reader)
38. “Netflix and cuddle?”
39. “I can count to ten.” “You can barely get to 3.”
40. “My best friend is an idiot. Awesome.”
1. “Despite everything, I still care about you.”
Blind Love by @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
2. “I should go…”
Never Leave Me Again by @with1love1anu (George Weasley x Reader)
@they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon (Remus Lupin x Reader)
3. “Joke’s on me, right?”
To Love and Be Used by @the-moon-and-the-book (James Potter x Reader)
4. “Break my heart, I’ll break your face.”
5. “Fuck you and your promises.”
Promises by @masterofthedarkness (Fred Weasley x Reader)
6. “Remember when I asked for your opinion? No? Me neither.”
7. “I’m not worth dying for.”
A Beautiful Dream by @missmulti (Remus Lupin x Reader) 
8. “There’s still good in you.”
All for You by @blisfvll (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
9. “I thought you died.”
Home by @capsheadquaters (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
@screennamealreadyused (Jason Todd x Reader)
10. “Don’t touch me.”
@screennamealreadyused (Jason Todd x Reader)
11. “I’m fine.” *Passes out*
Can I kiss you? by @bad268 (Julian Albert x Reader)
@dreamer821 (Sirius Black x Reader)
12. “I was hoping you’d save us both.”
Never Leave Me Again by @with1love1anu (George Weasley x Reader)
13. “I’m invisible.”
14. “I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
To Love and Be Used by @the-moon-and-the-book (James Potter x Reader)
15. “You’re not you.”
16. “What do you want me to say? That I’m sorry? I’m not.”
@novellaquill (Barry Allen x reader, The originals crossover)
17. “Okay, fuck you.”
18. “You wanna play hero? Be my guest.”
Drama by @obsessedwithrandomthings (Remus Lupin x Reader)
19. “You’re an asshole.”
20. “I hope it was worth it.”
21. “Trust me, it could get a whole lot worse.”
22. “The only mistake I made was you.”
@acciomarauders (Regulus Black x Reader)
23. “Prove to me you’re different, then I’ll believe you.”
@stiles-o-dylan24 (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
24. “No one blames you.” “I do.”
All for you by @blisfvll (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
25. How come you’re still here?”
26. “This is when you stop talking.”
27. “How am I supposed to say goodbye to you?”
@novellaquill (Barry Allen x reader, The originals crossover)
28. “God, just let me fall apart.”
Gone by @moony-writes-stuff​ (George Weasley x Reader)
29. “Just let me die.”
John Murphy x Reader by @johnmurphyisbisexual
Duelled by @teheharrypotter (Sirius Black x Reader)
30. “You got to let go.”
Star Crossed Lovers by @missmulti (James Sirius Potter x Reader)
31. “Why can’t you look at me like you look at her?”
Fool’s Gold by @marauderswhisperer (James Potter x Reader)
32. “You don’t get to die today.”
If it Hurts by @oingo233 (Daryl Dixon x reader)
33. “I’m spiraling and I can’t make it stop.”
John Murphy x Reader by @johnmurphyisbisexual
34. “You’re never too broken to be fixed.”
She’s a Survivor by @eleven-times-lively (Remus Lupin x Reader)
35. “Fun? Is that all I am to you? Fun?”
36. “I would’ve given my life up for you, but now? Now I don’t even know you.”
@shatteredlovesick (Steve Rogers x reader)
37. “I haven’t been the same since you left me.”
Charm-ed by @nekoannie-chan (Steve Rogers x Reader)
38. “You were supposed to protect me.”
39. “You gave me the world, but it wasn’t enough.”
40. “Give me another chance to prove I am still in love with you.”
(Sorry I couldn’t find or come up with more smut ones lol)
1. “Ruin me.”
2. “Lose the shirt.”
3. “You know we’re in public, right?”
4. “Be good.” “Or what, you’ll punish me?”
5. “I can’t wait to get you alone tonight.”
6. “Spread your legs for me.”
7. “Remember. You’re mine.”
8. “Stop the lip biting, you’re driving me crazy.”
9. “Tonight, you’re in control.”
10. “I’m not wearing anything under this.”
11. “Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?”
Learned your Lesson by @johnmurphyisbisexual (John Murphy x Reader)
12. “Aw, is somebody jealous?”
13. “If you wanna fuck, just say the words.”
14. “I forgot how much I missed seeing you beneath me.” 
@shatteredlovesick (Steve Rogers x Reader)
15. “Oh, fuck you!” “Your place or mine?”
16. “Was the sex really that good?”
17. “Like what you’re seeing?”
18. “On your knees.”
19. “Handcuffs? Sounds fun.”
20. “Touch yourself for me.”
Learned your Lesson by @johnmurphyisbisexual (John Murphy x Reader)
21. “Try not to ruin the sheets, I just cleaned them.”
22. “Why is your dick out?”
23. “Boobies!”
24. “I think the condom broke.”
Oh, baby by @grounderxbellamy (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
25. “Cute underwear.”
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fanficflaneuse · 4 years
Life in Black - Episode 2
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A/N: Hey lovelies! I know I said I’d update the series every Friday, but this week I just started my master’s and it crushed me lol so, better late than never? I hope you enjoy it. Also, GIF’s not mine, found it on Giphy. 
Opening Sequence 
Episode 2: The One with the Anniversary 
Words: 1951
Summary: the family celebrates Sirius and Remus’ anniversary. 
Narcissa, Bellatrix and Lucius stood on Grimmauld Place, waiting for the building to stretch and reveal number 12. Sirius and Remus had moved in after Walburga Black’s death and redecorated the house, weeding it of horrible memories.
“Do we really have to do this?” groaned Lucius, “it’s still a good time to bail.”
“Coward,” muttered Bellatrix, who eyed the street uninterested.
“It’s their anniversary. And they were kind enough to invite us, so can you please drop it and enjoy the evening?”
A few minutes later, Regulus Black stood on the other side of the door and welcomed them inside.
“You’re early,” Bellatrix pointed out.
Regulus scoffed. “I live here.”
(Regulus sits, legs crossed, on a wooden chair with a red cushion. The walls are covered with some very intricate tapestry, as well as painting, moving and still. The room is heavily decorated with items. The thick rug, in a pattern of red and gold, matches the chairs and the curtains. Behind him, there’s a piano and a bookcase. Musical scores sit everywhere, as well as open books and notebooks and a couple of empty teacups. Regulus is wearing a three piece suit and looks pretty much at ease.)
“I moved in one day,” he says gingerly, “at first it was just for a week, but then I never left. Why would I? I was our parents’ favourite son. It’s Sirius who should be paying rent.”
[Back to scene]
“Salazar, this is tacky. Are you poor? Auntie Walburga must be rolling in her grave,” said Bellatrix as they made their way to the living room.
“Bella! Those are the kind of things you think and not say. Sometimes it’s impossible to live with you,” chastised Narcissa.
“Well, imagine how it is to live with Elio and Oliver,” said Regulus offhandedly.
“Who are Elio and Oliver?” Asked Lucius.  
Regulus stopped on his tracks, utterly mortified as he realized what he had just said.
“Reggie, is that a muggle reference?” Narcissa asked, eyeing him humorously. He looked away.
“Poor baby, what have they done to you,” commented Bella as she shook her head in disapproval.  
The whole family was waiting for them. Andromeda stood up to greet her sisters, as their relationship had gotten a little better with months of almost weekly meetings.
“Happy anniversary,” Lucius said to Remus as he took a seat by Ted’s side. As Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa rekindled their relationship, Lucius found himself constantly talking to Ted, Sirius and Remus. Out of the three, he liked Ted better because he was the most discreet. He could also really identify with Remus, as they quickly came to the conclusion that being married to Sirius was very much like being married to Narcissa.
“Yes, anniversary,” murmured Remus, eyeing his husband with an amused expression.
“I’m here, bitches” said James Potter as he burst into the room.
Sirius squealed and soon he was clinging to his best friend like a koala. The family eyed the exchange wearily, already used to Sirius’ fits of dramatics. What they didn’t expect, though, was Narcissa’s outburst as Lily Potter crossed the threshold. The blonde gasped and stood up from her place, her whole face distorted by surprise and histronism. Soon, both women almost tackled each other.
When Narrcissa and Lily started getting handsy, the room went wild.
“What is this?” Asked Lucius, his face drained of colour.
“Seriously, what’s going on?” said Nymphadora from the other side of the room.
“They’re...they’re kissing very close to the lips?” said Lucius unsurely.
“Are you blind? Your wife is snogging mine!” answered James, Sirius still hanging from his neck.
“Lily Jean and I had a histoire d’amour back in our Hogwarts days,” she says with a nostalgic smile, “we were young and crazy. We sneaked into each other’s dorms, made out in every hallway. We even had a bucket list of forbidden places to have sex in. Merlin, I miss those days. When did I get so...domestic?”
[Back to scene]
A few minutes later, Narcissa and Lily share one very small armchair.
“You know those are made for one?” Regulus said.
“Reggie,” said Lily, trying to sound motherly.
“You can’t ‘Reggie’ me after you snogged my cousin, Lillian.”
Lily laughed it off and snuggled into her ex-girlfriend. For a while, everyone tried to keep the conversation going. Ted made sure Lucius had his fix of firewhiskey so he wouldn’t have a fit. Sirius and Remus humoured James. Andromeda tried her best to keep Bellatrix at bay.
After the first half an hour of relative peace, everyone noticed how Narcissa kissed Lily’s neck and caused her to giggle. People - namely their husbands - turned uncomfortable. Sirius then set his foot down.
“You two ruined my soirée!”
“Sweetheart,” said Remus as he came closer to his husband, “right now it seems like Bellatrix might not be the only divorcée in the family. The celebration is the least of our worries.”
(Bellatrix smokes a cigar)
“Divorcée life is treating me wonderfully. I’d prescribe this to Cissy any day.”
[Back to scene]
Sirius looked at his husband like an annoyed child. He even pouted a little before complaining again: “It’s not fair. Today marks 17 years since I realized I had the hots for you!”
“Wait, aren’t we celebrating your fifth anniversary?” asked Regulus.
“Do you really believe we’d serve this lowly chardonnay if we were celebrating five years of marriage?” asked Sirius in disbelief.
“What’s wrong with the chardonnay?” murmured Nymphadora to herself after downing her fourth glass, much to her mother’s chagrin.
(Sirius and Remus seat in two champagne coloured poufs. Behind them, there’s a royal bed with many pillows and a spread in the same colour scheme. The room is big and airy, with big windows on one side, overlooking the street. The couple have their hands intertwined.)
“We’ve been married for five years, but we’ve been together for sixteen,” said Remus, smiling dreamily at his husband.
Sirius lets go of Remus’ hand and hugs him. “I’m lucky I fell in love with my best friend.”
“I’m not your best friend,” said Remus matter-of-factly.
“What? Of course you are! Who else would my b-”
“He won’t see this,” said Sirius nonchalantly.
Remus gave him a knowing look. Sirius proceeded to sit up straight and look straight at the camera. “I love you Prongs.”
Remus rolls his eyes.
[Back to scene]
“So, you are telling me we came here, brought gifts and are trying our very best not to kill each other,” said Lucius as he eyed his wife and Lily, who were blissfully oblivious of the scene, “to celebrate you realizing you wanted to get in Lupin’s pants?”
“It was one autumn day when I saw Moony’s face and said to myself, this is the man I want in my bed right now,” said Sirius dreamily, making his husband blush.
“Who does that?” asked Regulus, rolling his eyes at his brother.
“Someone who enjoys life?” answered Sirius.
“I can’t believe you all went to the wedding - “
“I wasn’t invited,” Bellatrix interrupted
“I can’t believe most of you went to the wedding and don’t even remember the date,” huffed Sirius.
“Bitch, please last year I forgot my son’s birthday. Right, Lily?” asked James, only to be greeted by silence.
As everyone looked around the room, they realized Narcissa and Lily had ditched the party. Lucius looked like he was about to combust and James was on the verge of tears. Andromeda called her cousins and cousin-in-law to an emergency meeting on the hallway.
“Listen here,” she said, trying not to give too much attention to the giggles and moans coming from a broom closet, “if Cissy divorces Lucius, both she and Bella will need a place to live. So either we fix this mess or we share custody of my sisters. Got it?”  
Sirius shuddered.  “Cissa’s ego takes too much space.”
“Exactly,” said Andromeda.
“Alright everybody,” decided Regulus “we’re going to therapy.”
“What did you do to him?” Bellatrix demanded Sirius and Remus.
Regulus scoffed. “I’m perfect. I don’t need therapy.”
“Doubt that,” murmured James. Ted snorted in response.
“It’s for your sister,” said Regulus, trying not to feel offended by James. His statement coincided with Narcissa and Lily coming to the room, disheveled, unkempt and hand in hand.
“I didn’t know Andy and Ted needed therapy,” Narcissa said.
“We have the most perfect marriage, right Ted?” Said Andromeda. Ted nodded stiffly.
“If you need any help, breath once and we’ll take you out of it,” whispered Lucius to his brother-in-law.
“Ted’s mother inspired me to enroll in a muggle university. It was hard, being pregnant with Nymphadora and all, but I got a degree in psychology and then a masters  in family therapy. I’m loaded now, all thanks to the wizarding community’s crumbling interpersonal relationships.”
She shifts uncomfortably. “It would be unethical to try psychotherapy on my own family. So we resort on...roasting each other and calling it a day.”
[Back to scene]
Andromeda sat on a chair in the middle of the room. Lucius and James sat side by side on a sofa as Narcissa and Lily shared the same armchair as before. The rest of the family stood behind Andromeda, watching the back and forth between the spouses. Andromeda tried her best, asking questions for them to open up, but they proved to be the hardest people ever.
“Andromeda, I’ve got a minor in psychology, none of your tricks will work on me,” said Lily.
“Fix this, Malfoy,” said James to Lucius.
“So, James,” asked Andy, “how does it make you feel, to see your wife in another woman’s arms?”
“Are you really a shrink? Because I could do better,” said Bellatrix.
James gave his wife a look. She was snuggling Narcissa. “C-confused?” he said almost in disbelief, “distraught? And frankly a bit turned on.”
“I really don’t understand straight people,” Remus sighed.
“Me neither,” said Nymphadora. Her eyes widened when she realized the room had gone eerily quiet and everyone was eyeing her.
(Nymphadora sits on her bed, cross-legged. Her room is painted black, the walls covered with frayed band posters and political messages. She has some drawings around, a stringless guitar long forgotten in a corner and a desk full of papers and some pictures.)
“Did I just come out to my family with two careless words? Perhaps. Did I pretend it was a joke? Definitely”.
[Back to scene]
“Listen,” said Narcissa, “we are not wrecking anyone’s marriage. We are happy with our spouses and overjoyed with our children who won’t stop babbling about each other. We decided to be best friends.”  
“Best friends?” asked James unsurely.
“Best friends,” agreed Lily as she kissed Narcissa’s cheek.
Lucius and James exchanged worried glances.
“Pads, Moony, we’re sorry we ruined your night,” said Lily, “we were just excited to see each other after so many years.”
“Bitch, I didn’t ruin anyone’s night. If anything I gave them a show...and a sense of purpose,” she said, eyeing Andromeda, “and just for the record, if I was to divorce Lucius, I’d keep the house, Draco and the peacocks.”
Lucius gulped.
“It’s good to rekindle old friendships. You discover pieces of yourself you left with them and realize how much you’ve grown…” she smirks mischievously, “bonus points if you find out you never really broke up with your Hogwarts sweetheart and so you’re technically still a couple.”
“I invented side pieces,” she adds, seemingly very pleased with herself.
Roll credits. 
Executive producer: @hufflefluff-writer​
Tags: @gloriousrebelrunaway​
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Hello! Not me finally getting around to request for my friend.
She would like a 🧁 please.
She's very funny, but crazy. Whenever I'm hanging out with her and my other friend (who's the same level crazy as her) I become the mom of the group. She's really nice and will help you without hesitation. Tho she is a little sarcastic sometimes, I'll give her that. She's a ravenclaw and is really smart. She has dirty blond hair and almost grey eyes. They are blue but almost grey (yea she kinda looks like me). She's a disney obsessed dork, but we love her for that.
I hope this was enough. Oh, I also forgot to tell you, she would like a love letter from Remus and if it helps (you can include it or not) she would be really good friends with Sirius.
Love you, and congrats (yes again lol)💖
HI TAJA!! (and tajas friend? ok cool) so to set the scene, i kind of based this off of to all the boys i’ve loved before. if you don’t know what that means, i'll explain. so basically the premise of the following letter is that remus wrote you a letter but he never intended to send it. but he addressed it and his owl took it and left. if you want me to do something different like with an already established relationship or with specific names of the girl then i can do that to, just drop another ask in my inbox. ok, lets begin... 🤔
Dearest Veronika,
It’s Remus, in case you couldn’t tell from the envelope. I’m not sure if you’ll get this, you probably never will. But, if you do, well, you’d probably be mortified. Writing this, is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But it’s also the easiest at the same time. I need to let go of you, I don’t want to, but I have to. I’m dangerous, a monster. I couldn’t put you in danger because of my consistent feelings for you. These are more then normal feelings, Veronika, I’m in love with you. I can’t seem to stop thinking about you. Your laugh, your smile. The way your eyes light up when you get to the climax of a Disney movie. The little sigh you do when the princess lives “happily ever after”. You are so beautiful. I’m enamored by everything you do. Your little quips, sarcastic remarks. The way you mock my swearing and accent. You are my best friend. I see the way you care for Sirius when he’s not doing great. You get through to him in a way that’s so unique. He’s better because of you. Your blue eyes that seem to flash grey when you get angry. The way your hair shines in the sun. God, I could go on and on forever. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you happy and I love you sad. I love you tired and I love you mad. You are perfect. You are the only thing keeping me afloat in this ocean of madness. Every breath I take is for you and even when I’m long gone from your mind and heart and thoughts, every breath will still be for you. Every beat of my heart is for you. When you’ve moved on, when you hardly remember our times together other then with a fond sparkle of youth, I’ll remember you. All I ask is that when you see Sirius, when he walks you down the isle instead of your dad. When he gives you away to some guy (or girl) who will end up being the luckiest person in the entire world, I hope you remember that I loved you. I might be a monster but my heart is yours all the same. When you look up at the stars, remember laughing with me. Remember the long nights we spent under the stars just like you will do in the future. Remember the nights in the hospital wing. Remember that day in the courtyard, under our tree when you kissed me. I’ll remember it forever, I’ll think of it everyday and it will keep me going everyday. I love you Veronika. And don’t you think I’d ever stop. 
This didn’t really let you go from my thoughts but my sincerest goodbyes,
Remus John Lupin
wow. that was heavy. if your friend wants something lighter, im totally open. hopefully i did moony justice in the letter. thank you taja, i love you so much boo🥰
edit: just changed her name @iamninaanna
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