#only for her outfit to literally just be lucy's but blue
magicalmyu · 1 year
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i like the idea of kenny and nathaniel being close but also i think it would be funny if they had the pettiest beef with each other
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needsmth · 1 year
Hey! I’m KINDA new here so Idk how it works? But Anyway could i request a Edmund x g/n reader. Where there’s a storm and Edmund is looking for reader beacuse he’s worried, and finally he finds them in the middle of courtyard just to see them having the best time of their life running dancing spinning and enjoying the weather? (i like to Imagine that at that moment he would think something like "I wanna be theirs” iykyk)
If it’s not a problem ofc! And thank you <333
Thank you so much omg!! I loved writing this one and I look forward to getting to know you more :)
A disclaimer to all the others reading though, the reader will identify as she/her as I'm not very good at writing with non-binary pronouns. I deeply apologise.
Also, I highly recommend that you read this with the song 'Lovers Rock' by TV Girl. It just fits the mood and I swear you won't regret it <3
- slight cussing (literally just one swear word)
- tooth-rotting fluff :p
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Edmund is not worried, alright? In fact, he's been feeling himself as of late. But that's the problem. He's only been feeling himself when she's around.
And yes, there's very heavy rain today so there's plenty of reason to worry. Especially since Lucy last recalled seeing his best friend in the courtyard, which, he'd gladly remind to anyone, is open-air.
And no, he's definitely not speeding down the long, pristine hallways of Cair Paravel towards the courtyard. He simply isn't. He's just... Walking at a faster pace.
Edmund pays no mind as he passes the meeting room, the throne room, his own bedroom. That's not important right now.
When he reaches the steps that lead to the courtyard, he takes note of the very heavy rain. (Susan, being the most helpful person in the world says there is probably a high chance of lightning striking.)
Edmund eyes at his navy blue silk and cream-coloured linen outfit and then back to the rain. 'Fuck it,' he thinks, stepping out into the unmerciful rain that instantly ruins his hair and clothes.
Never mind that, he needs to find her.
His dress-boots stomp against the slosh that was grass and tried avoiding puddles as best as he could. Lord knows what Peter would say to him later.
The young king shakes his mind off his older brother. Not the time, he reminds himself.
Now that he's finally here in the courtyard himself, he realises how much he's never spent his time here. (A bad situation to be finally realising this, but oh well) He made up his mind on how he's going exploring again when he's not in such a state and when the fields are dry and the sun is peeking from the sky.
He continues wandering for a good three minutes before noticing the spin of a light-pink dress in the distance.
His dark eyes widen, little specks of hope visible in the irises. He rushed to where he saw it, and there you were.
But instead of the cold, wet, miserable you that he'd previously imagined, it was actually quite the opposite.
You twirled yourself around, his presence to you unknown. Your eyes were closed, but your smile shone just as bright. Occasionally, Edmund would hear a little laugh from you, an indication of the fun you were having.
His eyes widen again, but instead of surprise, it's filled with cheeky, malicious intent.
Tip-toeing quietly so you don't hear him, (although the rain made it hard to hear anything, really) his strong arms wrap around your waist, enveloping you into a hug.
You open your eyes with adrenaline, before recognising his strong jaw and milky-white skin. You laugh in relief, pulling him impossibly closer to you. When you open your eyes again, he has a handsome grin playing at his lips before he leads you to dance.
It's not like any other dance you've learned to teach yourself for all the balls and parties you and the Pevensies had been invited to.
It's a ridiculous dance, really, if you think hard about it.
The way Edmund just keeps shimmying you around him and twirling you in ways you never thought he could, it's childish of him. A side he rarely shows but will always be open to you.
Although, you did recognise some of the steps from the more elegant dances, like the waltz. When asked, he smiles wistfully and replies, "Once a king, always a king."
Most of the time your laughter filled the air, only the dark clouds and trees as your witness.
Suddenly, you stop your feet from moving. Edmund catches onto this and stops as well. His hands were still very much around your wrist and on your lower back, however.
You hear each other's panting and the both of you look up to see a wide smile on the other's face.
You take the moment of silence as an excuse to drag your eyes around his lean figure, studying the way his wet hair shone (Very attractively, though you wouldn't admit it to him. Ever.)
God, she's beautiful, he thinks, oblivious to your shifty eyes and red face. Just how much I want her by my side... He continues in his head, How much I want her to be mine.
Of course, he hadn't said this out loud. That's just plain stupid.
But one day, he'll say it. He will. It's a promise.
And with the beam of your face that you make every time you see him... Oh yes, it's a promise.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Hope you enjoyed!! Special thanks to @lidlowa for requesting this in the first place. Your prompt had me kicking my feet in the air and shi.
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neewtmas · 10 months
12 days of Christmas // A Lockwood & Co Advent Calendar
Happy 4th of december! Today I'm posting a fic, and it's a Lucy x reader one. I feel like there are wayyy too little Lucy x reader fics, and I want to do something good for everyone with a crush on Lucy hehe. I wrote the fic with a fem!reader in mind, but there is literally zero description/pronouns, so it can be read by everyone.
I hope you enjoy!
I'm so sorry it's technically a day late I forgot it in my drafts
day 1 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6
The Letters I Never Sent
pairing: lucy carlyle x fem!reader/gn!reader
wordcount: 2.3k
summary: You are Lucy's closest friend, but move to London before the events of the Mill. You don't hear from her for a long time, until you meet her again by chance (I promise it's better than this description lol)
advent calendar tags: @givemea-dam-break @wellgoslowly @maraschinomerry @losticaruss @oblivious-idiot @uku-lelevillain @avdiobliss @strawberryloveyyy @strawberrycowgirly @demigoddess-of-ghosts @thefriendlyneighborhoodmomfriend @boookfreeak
You tried to smooth out the piece of paper that you had carelessly stuffed into your pocket 20 minutes ago. It had a list of different supplies on it, written in the scrawly handwriting of your supervisor that the wrinkles in the paper just made even more illegible. You knew for sure that you needed new saltbombs, so why not start there? You made your way through the tall shelves, each one filled with all kinds of different ghost-fighting paraphernalia. When you turned around a corner, you finally spotted the salt bombs you were searching for. As you started loading them in the bag you brought, you saw movement in your peripheral.
A girl dressed in blue was browsing the shelves just as you did minutes prior, and you only glanced over for a second before resuming what you were doing. But as she disappeared behind the shelf it hit you like a ton of bricks. That hair, the outfit - you knew her. Forgotten were the salt bombs, and you almost dropped the bag as you rushed over to where the girl just stood. You skidded around the corner and came to an abrupt halt as you came face to face with her. She gasped and took a step back, but when she took a closer look at you, her eyes widened. "Y/N?" It was her. "Lucy!"
This time you dropped the bag of saltbombs and without thinking, moved forward to hug her. At the last moment, you hesitated, not sure if it would be even okay with her, but the next thing you knew she had enveloped you in a bone-crushing hug. You buried your face in her hair, taking in the familiar scent you had missed so much, and you stayed like that for what felt like a few seconds and an eternity all at once. When she released you and took a step back again, your knees felt a little weak.
"Y/N, how have you been?!" Her gaze fell on your grey uniform and her brows furrowed a little. "Are you working for Fittes? You never told me!" You bit the inside of your cheek. That was true, you never told her you worked at Fittes. You never told her anything, for that matter. You thought of the pile of unsent letters you had buried in the corner of your least used drawer at your small apartment. You mentioned Fittes there. But there were other reasons why you had never dared to send these letters up north to Lucy. You shrugged. "They were the only ones that would take me. It's not that easy without a grade four." Lucy smiled bitterly. "I know."
You took a closer look at her. The outfit she was wearing didn't correlate with an agency you knew. But she was wearing a rapier - and you currently were in a shop for ghost hunting supplies, for that matter - so she had to still be in business. "Are you a solo agent now?" You couldn't help your mind immediately wandering to the both of you fighting ghosts together. For her, you'd quit immediately. Lucy shook her head. "We're a pretty small agency. Lockwood & Co? We've been in the papers a few times." You rarely read the paper, but even then the name rang a bell. "How are you doing there?" "It's great. Lockwood and George are… we're like family now." You could tell she meant it from the way her eyes lit up when she talked about them, but you couldn't ignore the tight feeling in your chest. Just some time ago, she had said that about you and Norrie.
You walked over cobblestones that slowly turned into a dirt road, hands clutched together. You had walked that street more times than you could count, and thinking about how this might be the last time made your heart hurt. When you reached the small house of the Carlyle's, you knocked on the door, and almost immediately it flew open to reveal Lucy. She grabbed you by the arm and pulled you inside. "My mother is gone right now", she said, and you let out a breath you were holding. Mrs. Carlyle was… unpleasant, to say the least. It pained you to know that you got to leave this town and Lucy was stuck here with a mother that saw her as nothing more than someone to earn her money.
Lucy's room upstairs was warm and cosy, and the both of you made yourself comfortable on her bed. You let your gaze travel over all the photos pinned to the wall over her bed, pictures of the both of you together, with Norrie, some of you alone. Lucy turned on her side so that she was facing you. "Are you excited for London?", she asked and started tracing the pattern of your sweater on your arm. That was something she had started doing some time ago, and you were still not used to it. "Yes", you croaked out as you stared at the ceiling, desperately trying to ignore the feeling of her gentle fingers. It was quiet for a moment. You didn't dare look at her. "I'm gonna miss you, you know", Lucy finally said, voice just above a whisper. You finally turned your head to look at her. Her eyes sparkled with tears in the warm light of her bedside table lamp and you swore she had never looked prettier than in this moment. It took everything in you to not lean forward and kiss her senseless. There was no reason to ruin your friendship now. Instead, you forced yourself to turn your head back, tears now prickling in your eyes as well. "Well, I'm gonna miss you more." She scooched over, closer to you, and rested her head on your shoulder. Without a word, you wrapped your arm around her and closed your eyes, soaking in the moment.
You were still thinking about her as you watched the meadows flow past the train window. To think that for the longest time, moving to London had been your biggest dream, and now you had to try your hardest to find even a spark of excitement in you. Your dream had always involved Lucy and Norrie. The three of you were supposed to move down there together. But now your aunt died and had left you a small apartment in London and your parents had more or less just kicked you out.
The next few months you spent working for Fittes, every morning coming back to your apartment that felt empty and cold with just you in it. You were writing a lot of letters. Some to Norrie, most to Lucy, none to your parents. But you didn't send any of them. Until the day your supervisor handed you the daily newspaper with a pitiful expression and you had to read about how all your old colleagues had died in a tragic accident. Everyone, except Lucy. Your supervisor sent you home that day and told you to take some time off. You cried on the way home, and when you arrived at your apartment, you sat down at your desk and wrote a letter to Lucy. You never received an answer.
You smiled. "That sounds great. I'd love to meet them sometime." You had to know who it was that she had replaced you with. Lucy checked her watch. "You can come join us for dinner tonight." She cleared her throat. "Just if you want to." "Yes, of course! I wouldn't miss it." Lucy smiled brightly at you. "Fantastic. I gotta go now. 35 Portland Row, at six?" She hugged you again, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. "I'm so glad to have you back", she whispered in your ear before she stepped back, giving you a little wave and walking off. You didn't know how long you stood there, frozen in place, the feeling of her lips lingering on your skin.
At precisely six o'clock, you stood in front of 35 Portland Row. You rang the bell, and a few seconds later the door opened. In front of you stood a boy, taller than you, but about the same age. Weirdly enough, he was wearing a shirt and tie, and you briefly wondered if you were underdressed. But then Lucy appeared behind him, in the same blue outfit she was wearing earlier, and you relaxed a little. The guy smiled politely, extending his hand to you. "I'm Lockwood." You shook his hand. "Y/N." The three of you stood for a moment before Lucy opened the door wider. "Come in! Dinner is almost ready." You stepped past Lockwood into a hallway that was filled to the brim with stuff. Much of it on the wall looked like old artefacts, while the floor was littered with shoes, bags, salt bombs, and a single rapier. Lucy kicked it to the side. "George is in the middle of a deep clean", she mumbled, a little embarrassed. But you didn't mind, it was cosy. You could already start to understand why Lucy liked it here. It felt more like a home than one with Mrs. Carlyle in it ever could. Luy led you to the kitchen, where the table was already set with four plates. The guy on the stove gave you a slightly awkward smile and introduced himself as George. You sat down on the chair that Lucy offered you and your gaze fell on the table cloth that was covered all over in drawings and notes. You immediately spotted some of Lucy's sketches.
The stew George had cooked tasted fantastic. The atmosphere was nice, conversation flowed easily. You talked about how your first few weeks in London went back when you started at Fittes, and Lucy told you the story about how she ran away from home and ultimately ended up at Lockwood and Co. After dinner, Lockwood and George busied themselves with the dishes, while Lucy led you up a few staircases to a room in the attic. When you climbed the last little steps up into her room, you could immediately tell it was her she lived here. It had the same cosy atmosphere as her old room. You sat down on the edge of the bed, clasping your hands in your lap.
Your eyes travelled around the room, over to the sketches hung up on the wall next to the window. Finally, you took a look at the photographs above her bed. There were photos with Lockwood and George, of course. But there were also photos of Lucy and you, and of you alone, several of them. Lastly, your gaze fell on a photo of Lucy, Norrie and you. Your throat closed up as you looked at the bright smiles and happy faces. You'd never get that back.
"I'm so sorry about Norrie", you said quietly, not looking away from the photo. "I should have stayed." Lucy had laid down on the bed behind you. "You couldn't have done anything. I couldn't either." Her voice was full of so many emotions, anger, grief, sorrow, and regret. You clasped your hand tighter, fighting back the tears. "I sent you a letter", you said. "Afterwards." Lucy was quiet for a moment. "Do you wanna lay down?", she asked, and without thinking, you curled up next to her. That position was so natural for you, you had spent so many hours like this - and you had no idea how much you had missed it. Lucy moved so that her head was on your shoulder. "I left a few days after it happened", she said quietly. "My mother probably threw it away."
"Oh." A small part of you was relieved. You thought maybe she had thrown it away because she hated you for leaving her behind. "I thought about you a lot after you left", Lucy said and started tracing patterns on your arm. Heat rushed to your face at her words, and you tried to calm down your heartbeat that had picked up at her touch. "I thought about you too", you said with a hoarse voice. "I wrote you so many letters." Lucy turned her head up towards you. "Really?" You tried to ignore how close her face was to yours. "I sent none of them", you admitted. "Why?" You could tell from her tone that she was hurt.
"I was scared", you simply said. Lucy didn't say anything, and you could tell she was waiting for you to continue. "I wrote about…" You trailed off. Maybe this was it. Maybe this was the moment you'd confess your feelings for her, and she'd either throw you out of the house and would never want to see you again or… But no, you didn't allow yourself to get your hopes up. Instead, you slowly moved your hand over next to hers so that your fingers were touching, just to gauge her reaction. You half expected her to pull away, but instead, she interlaced her fingers with yours. "You wrote about what?" She was looking at you again, and just like that, you forgot how to speak. "I -" She moved impossibly closer. "Yes?" Your heart skipped a beat. "Can I kiss you?", you breathed out, almost inaudible. She squeezed your hand, smiling up at you before she leaned in. "I thought you'd never ask."
Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated :)
Here is part 1 of the advent calendar
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dizzybevvie · 2 years
Hello B!
Do you have any opinions on the character designs within the aphverse?
Example: too many characters have blue eyes, there aren't enough (x) traits, etc etc
[Keeping this to MYS because thats what I know.]
I mean, I DO think too many characters have blue eyes. Between Dante, Laurance, Garroth, Katelyn, Zane - thats already the majority of the friend group.
I dont mind the blue hair/blue eyes combo, but Dante AND katelyn having it is a bit much 🤷‍♂️ AND they couldve kept Laurances original colour pallet :( I totally get changing the design bc of the skins, but in MYS theres no lore reason for Laur having blue eyes so at least they shouldve been green right??? Im also devastated hes not ginger but alas <\3
I think overtime the girls in the show have less variety, particularly in the hair. No different lengths or anything. I mean, just take Cadenza! She has longass hair in s1 but it eventually gets cut the same length as Kate, KC and Aph. The girl with THE most variety in character design - and probably one of the best designs imo - is Kim, and i literally couldnt tell you a single one of her character traits other than 'possessed'. Her highlights are different and I like her colour pallet.
The guys all look... kinda similar too. But they did well differing them in little ways, like hair partings and such. I do want Laurance's long hair back tho. Jess dont be a coward give us ling hair ginger laurance
I think its very funny that Laurance has ABSOLUTELY NO fashion sense, but i would like clothes to be more consistent! I like Dante's outfit with the button up/button up/shirt combo, even if it was ridiculous it felt in character - although its a shame that after Aarmau was made canon no other character could wear purple or red, because dante looked good in red!! I love Garroth's hawaiian shirt getup and they should bring that vibe back for him for sure.
I dont think there are enough brown eyes im gonna be real brown eyes are beautiful and like. way too many inbred eyes /lh
this isnt so much an issue with character designs because. minecraft. but there arent many different body types. Like, I think Aphmau and Zane are fat, and then Travis has broad shoulders (according to 1 line of dialogue in s1, and hes still buff). and everyone else is just somewhere on the sims4 slider of skinny and strong.
It wouldve been neat seeing disabilities other than zane's blindness purely because of limited differentiation in design. Like, going forward into s7 I would love to see Travis keep the wheelchair bc im pretty sure he cant. recover from that. unless they pull some aphmau magic bs
All in all im torn abt Luci because I think its cute for her to be the odd one out (as i said in my If-I-Was-Tasked-With-Rewriting-Mystreet post), but thats clearly not the intention and you kinda forget shes a witch at all. Which would be cool if it was brought up? idk. Her black dress + bow was her best outfit i think. The red eyes and the bright ginger hair is a lot on the eyes and the black is a good combo for that.
TBH, the only Aph outfit I liked was the one from Season 3, but her current skin (non-mystreet) is actually very cute. I like it a lot
People have said this a lot, but one BIG issue i have with the mys designs is the colour pallets. Im a big fan of shows where one character is heavily associated with one colour, and though this doesnt HAVE to be the case for Mystreet, Id like then to be consistent. Kate's colour has always been blue, Travis' colour has always been green, Aph/Aaron Purple/red, Kc pink, zane black/grey, and Garroth is usually blue. but Dante, Laurance, Lucinda, Melissa, etc have had some super inconsistent ones.
One character design that I like across the series is actually KC. Once they know how to pair the pinks and black/white well, they do pretty well with it! Its just a lot of pink and easy to get wrong. but they do well
Travis' also isnt that bad, the outfit of his i really remember was fhe green hoodie and black trousers which felt correct.
To go back to the eye colours, Its fun to see Jess' thought process bc like. almost ALL of her love interests have blue eyes except aaron? idk. food for thought.
In conclusion,
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svnflowermoon · 4 months
☕talk about ur best friend! what're they like? what do u love about them? <3
OMG YAY OK i could talk about my best friends for HOURSSSS (i have a few best friends so i'll talk abt all of them <333)
ok so first there's 🐀 (emoji is an inside joke i made her a felted stripper rat for her birthday) i don't think she knows she's my best friend but idk?? genuinely one of my fav people ever she's literally the funniest person on earth and i love her so much, we've known each other for like 6 years now which is insane to me. on all of our school holidays we have sleepovers where we watch the cringiest movies we can find and make cursed cakes (if you want more context send me an ask lmao 😭) and honestly it's so fun. we wore matching fairy costumes last year on halloween (i was blue, she was green) bc of the whole ✨she was a fairy✨ audio it was so funny and we're gonna do a transition from those outfits into our formal dresses at the end of the year in the same colours hehe (which i helped her pick literally two days ago). also been accused of being madly in love with her which is how you know the friendship is real lmaooo
then there's 🐟(she would HATE me for this emoji LMAOOOO) and she's literally one of my favourite people in the world and ive known her for a year????? like there is a massive part of my heart that is molded perfectly for her and we only met last year??? it's insane to me honestly she's irreplaceable idk what I'd do without her i adore her with my whole heart. literally one of my favourite memories from last year is with her from the eras tour movie like it was a core memory that will live in my heart forever we sung and danced together and at that point we'd known each other for like 6 months??? crazy to me that she's so important to me after so little time like it feels like I've known her my whole life and those kinds of connections are so important to me. but anyway she's so funny and the sweetest person ever and she got me a birthday present 2 months ago??? my birthday's in june 😭😭😭 i love her endlesslyyyy and we have plans to run away to italy together to escape maths. it's so funny as well bc we've been friends for just a year and literally everyone associates us together like "oh you're ___'s lucy!!" and im like hell yeah we've known each other forever- and then it's one year
okayyy and then there's 💐 and ugh she's so sweet we've known each other for like 2 years and we bonded over music and she's literally an angel on earth im so lucky to know her. she's the sweetest, kindest person i know i genuinely cannot express how much she means to me. we go thrifting together and gossip a bunch and we have plans to go to concerts together and ugh she's my pinterest spotify soulmate she's sooo sweet you have no idea <333 cannot express how much she means to me
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karandonna · 10 months
The Hunger Games - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
I'm giving my best trying (hard) to like this movie, but eventually it just doesn't work. Despite all those sneak peek all over social media, bunch of interviews, behind the scenes, possibly fired up my hopes as I previously had with the original THG trilogy. This prequel is just boring. So boring even young love between Snow and Lucy Gray couldn't keep me well seated.
(pls dully noted that I went to see this movie out of context, no book reading, absolutely no idea bout what was Panem like 64 years prior, I just jumped off the fence and trust my gut just like I did when I watched THG for the first time. Now I'm desperate have a collectible edition from the series for better understanding and better judgement over Lucy and Snow)
Straightforward to...
Young Snow is surely a bright head and talent amongst other member of this elite school, but tell me again how exactly those 12 students suddenly being labelled as a "mentor" with no heads up about their particular aptitude or surviving skills?! Even these "mentor" cannot defend themselves, let alone their mentee.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but Lucy Gray is one confusing character to me. She had no previous detail with the covey that helps me understand why she had to survive in the first place. Back in district 12 but she moved here and there with the packs, the absence of her surviving skills, out of blue had romantically involved with her capitol mentor way too soon, super random background past with Billy Taupe (???). The Reaping Day scene was indeed pleasing to the ear but I don't think I need extra two stage performances with the guitar because I started to feel like I'm watching High School Musical drama instead of dystopian action. I'm well aware that the title literally called "ballad" but don't you think one is enough and just let the background do the rest? Love the outfit though!
Apparently, Lucy Gray is not the only confusing character here. Let's talk about Snow. This so called brothership he had with Sejanus feels artificial. Just put down the friendship bracelet off screen, we don't mind to see the rivalry between Snow and Sejanus trying to shape the world with their own preferences.
The rebellion bombing scene and Lucy feels like trying to save Snow??? I mean...this is capitol we talking about and stranger is rhyming with danger, right? This helping hand scene was unnecessary and lame. Even if this danger is on disguise with blonde curls, you better safe than sorry.
I barely see the "games" Dr. Gaul was making (was snakes count?). Where's the bloodbath scene? Isn't it supposed to be like survival of the fittest? Well, Lucy did survive the "games" and then what? Back to district 12 like the 10th annual never happened? No wonder the audience did lose the appetite of the games.
Just when I thought Coriolanus Snow would be this morally grey...
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Yes, we all have the same feeling about the buzz cut!
Well, I guess there's more to Snow other than just landing on top.
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screenmaven · 1 year
Film Share Sunday - with Banannasui
*update as of 10/27/23 I am no longer doing film shares do to a hectic time in my life, I do however appreciate anyone who has taken the time to join me in that spotlight. I may return to in the future, but for now I do not have time.*
I usually spotlight creators Top 5 Favorite Films each Sunday, via my SCREENMAVEN Instagram (now just starrymayx) but this week I welcome an extension of that to the blog. I love fashion probably as much as I love film, so it’s a two for one special when a film produces both.
I had the pleasure of connecting with one of my favorite fashion content creators Banannasui, and wanted to share her insight into why she highly acclaims these as her top 5 fashion films.
Charlie’s Angels (2000)
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The 2000 Charlie’s Angels is fast-paced, flirty, lurid in both color and dialogue, and I feel like the outfits completely reflect that. The opening scene alone give us Cameron Diaz wearing the ultimate accessory that bridged the late 90s and early 00s: gradient sunglasses adorned with rhinestones (hers specifically were from Chloé). I remember reading that the costume designer had stacked up 3,000+ outfits for the movie, with each of the three girls having a wardrobe cultivated specifically for their character; Cameron is the all-American girl, Lucy is sophisticated and mature (her cooking muffins in a leather corset is amazing), and Drew is the scrappy rebel-type. Overall the movie is such a fun, campy feast for the eyes, but I think my absolute favorite outfits are the trio of glossy red white & blue jumpsuits they don on the racetrack.
The Bling Ring (2013)
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God, it’s such a period piece of its time. A millennial’s period piece. The outfits aren’t ones I’d necessarily consider fashionable now, but (the year it came out) it was the pinnacle of it! The skinny jeans with pumps, the Uggs, the clunky jewelry, the scene of them walking out with their iced coffees wearing capes and vests and scarves and pencil skirts. All staples of that weird time period where office-chic infiltrated Polyvore boards. I love movies where the outfits are such a direct reflection of the person wearing them, it elevates the wearer to the point where you stop seeing them as the actor and start seeing them as the character. Especially when the one dressing them does their homework! Case in point, costume designer Stacey Battat said she bought every back issue of US Weekly from 2003 in preparation for dressing the cast, and then incorporated elements of the early 2010s as well, in order to make the time period of the movie feel more ambiguous. Although not included in the film, thinking of the outfits reminds me of a line from the famous Alexis Neiers phone call to Nancy Jo Sales: “..you saying that I wore six inch Louboutins heels to court with my tweed skirt, when I wore four inch little brown Bebe shoes.” It’s just so of its time.
Faster Pussycat! Kill Kill! (1965)
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I love, love, love the outfits for Faster, Pussycat! It’s campy, visceral, with an appropriate amount of violence— you can see echoes of it in John Waters and Quentin Tarantino films (both of whom have cited the movie as inspiration). The outfits within the movie are very 60s, composed of simple shirts and jeans, yet are menacing, sexy, and striking. There’s no shortage of tight pieces and plunging necklines, yet the provocativeness doesn’t feel exploitative or demeaning. I like the idea of sex as armor in this movie, a notion expanded upon by Robert Ebert in a 1995 review. Despite the much exposed skin and cleavage, Ebert notes that the director, Russ Meyers, “from the beginning of his career and almost without exception, has filmed only situations in which women wreak their will upon men.” The trio of intimidating women in this film constantly leave behind a streak of havoc, literally snapping men’s spines and running them over with cars. They do all this whilst donning tiny tops, push up bras, hot pants, and bikinis, taking full control of their situations. It subverts the girly 60s look, both in attitude and appearance. Personally, I especially love Billie’s (Lori Williams) looks in the movie, in particular her iconic white hot-pants and polka-dotted crop top getup.
Female Trouble (1974)
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I love 70s fashion, a lot. I also enjoy the garish vibrancy of camp, where the attitude of the story bleeds into the wardrobe. Female Trouble deploys all of that, served on a sickening platter of glitz and glamor. The John Waters film stars legendary drag queen Divine, and is chocked full of fashion references to the 50s and 60s, splicing decades of style together in a way that matches the pacing and overall attitude of the movie. There’s beehive hairdos and pastels, as well as brightly colored dresses, slick animal prints, heavy eye makeup, sequins, and fur coats. It’s very gaudy, very glamorous, and very much full of fashion inspiration. I actually originally found out about this movie due to fashion collections that took cues from the film, namely Miu Miu spring ‘15 and Adam Selman fall ‘15.
I love how despite the frivolity and outrageous storytelling that the outfits weave, they’re also very stylish in a wearable way. I mean, the orange transparent mini dress with a fur coat and sky-high hair? I’d wear it.
Blow Up (1966)
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It’s a cult fashion movie, and for good reason. The movie takes place in the midst of the swinging sixties, and the clothing is accordingly immersed in the world of mod: flats with tights, kitten heels, a-line mini dresses, sharp lines and sleek ensembles that evokes imagery of both Twiggy in Vogue, and Edie Sedgwick in her iconic black tights and chandelier earrings (though of course, Edie had shrugged away the label of mod). It’s very much representative of its time, notably featuring a young Jane Birkin, as well as legendary model Veruschka playing herself. Some of the frames in the movie might as well have been pictures of collections from the iconic designers of that era, including Mary Quant, André Courrèges, and Pierre Cardin. It’s fun, simple glamor, encapsulating the time in which it was created.
I’ve always loved the style of this era of the sixties, and how it’s portrayed in Blow Up; simple mini dresses that accentuate attention-stealing pieces such as fur coats and red tights (which are timeless, even now). Nothing beats a barely there a-line dress to me, and they are bountiful in this movie.
I myself (screenmaven) absolutely love Blow Up!! That one is definitely on my film style list.
Thanks again, for sharing with me and my followers your insight into style through film.
Follow @ starrymayx on IG & banannasui for more great content.
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j2zara · 1 month
DEVIL WEARS PRADA AU OMG OMG OMG. god. when j2 basically becomes jace's work-wife. taking care of his six terrifying kids. comforting him through his messy acrimonious divorce from porter. dressing up and doing his makeup to make jace happy. when jace keeps testing j2, throwing so much at him that should be impossible just to see if j2 will snap and leave him, and not only does j2 not leave, he actually succeeds. which jace finds so so so incredibly hot.
RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT listen this is so self indulgent but i got caught up in the fantasy of Jace being a fashion editor and being a little bossy (a lot bossy) to j2 im so so so so normal and the dual fantasy of j2 getting to wear all the awesome clothes and get Jace's approval. He deserves pretty clothes. He deserves that scene except its Jace calling J2 in like ("J2..." and j2 has to do a double take b/c he's so used to being referred to as fuckin. J3 or Ivy or Lucy or whoever i fuckin settle on being Emily. Probably j3). And he has everything handled and Jace is like oh and J2? Yes? And he just glances over J2's outfit with this strange look of approval b/c there is NOTHING to criticize (he's not the kid in the frumpy blue cerulean sweaters!!!!) and Jace just dismisses him like that's all...
The rat grinders are being little. terrors to him. But he's gonna get them their copy of an unreleased bestseller that was definitely widely anticipated at the time yet in my opinion should be considered a series failure embarrassment on the same level of game of thrones season 8 (I swore i would not bring it up by name but god. one thing you guys have not discovered about me is that i cannot shut up about how truly awful i think deathly hallows is as a book and a series finale. I could probably rant about it for weeks on end. I swore i would not bring up the books by name but dunking on how fucking embarrassing and awful deathly hallows is is sadly one of my favorite passtimes. WHAT IF WE SPENT SEVERAL CHAPTERS NORMAL CAMPING IN THE NORMAL WOODS BEING AT EACH OTHERS THROATS ABOUT HOW HARD IT IS TO TAKE CARE OF BASIC NECESSITIES IN A WIZARD BOOK WERE RULES ARE MADE UP. WHAT IF EVERY CHARACTER WAS A MEANSPIRITED EVIL CARICATURE OF THEIR OLD SELF IN ORDER TO FIT IN A CRINGE CHRISTIAN ALLEGORY THAT THE STORY HAS TO CONTORT ITSELF AROUND TO MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL)
I got off topic.
Anyway. I love Devil wears prada bc its a flawed yet like evergreen in how compelling it is and how much you route for andy to do well at the job despite knowing its bad for her. Anyway. That's J2 to me. Going from hating jace to DEFENDING Jace. Seeing jace's vulnerability during jaceporter divorcegate. (is there anything else you need from me, jace? your job. I need you to do your job) (in my heart, things go farther than that. Im practicing restraint here) It feels GOOD to get his approval after all. Jace thought. Well. I saw your impressive resume. Take a chance. Hire the smart, plain, frumpy kid. Anyway... you ended up disappointing me more than any of those other silly girls. J2 becoming IMPORTANT, superseding even J3.
J2 dropping EVERYTHING at the end to protect Jace. This job is everything! Losing it would destroy him! Jace knows everything. But he was very impressed with how intently J2 tried to warn him. He sees a lot of himself in J2 after all...
I'm being extremely normal about this. I literally rewatched the devil wears prada a few days ago when i was on my road trip and was like. I probably shouldn't say this in front of my family but like. The ending scene where Miranda smiles thinking about Andrea literally had me going like. Ok am i crazy but is this movie... kinda dykey....
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microphone-invasion · 2 years
(Chapter 6 ½: MEANWHILE: With Keith and The Imitator)
Keith: Master, when could we possibly go out to eat? It’s 6:30 P.M. and I still haven’t had dinner.
The Imitator: Don’t worry we’ll stop here for dinner cause we treat people here nicely except the battle buddies, and I wonder how they are holding off?
Keith: Thank you! But… I miss Lucy…
The Imitator: Don’t worry, I can just call her dad and see if he’s ok with it, if not, well it really doesn’t matter.
Keith: I thought you killed her. REMEMBER?
The Imitator: Well technically, she’s still alive, she just can’t control her powers, that’s all. And besides, I can bring back the dead.
Keith: Oh, good. I was starting to get worried. 
Narrator: Then the Imitator called Daddy Dearest.
Daddy Dearest: Hello? Who is this? Some sort of prank call?
The Imitator: Nope, I’m here to see if your daughter is alright to go to DisneyLand with Keith.
Keith’s Mind: I hope this works…
Daddy Dearest: Hold on, let me go ask her.
Narrator: He had asked his daughter and she said yes.
Daddy Dearest: OK, she’s on her way, on a plane.
The Imitator: Ok, and I got a ticket for her so we are good with it.
Keith: YES.
Daddy Dearest: How long could she stay? And I’m hiring you to kill that blue-haired midget.
The Imitator: She can stay for only for 4 days, and you mean Keith?
Daddy Dearest: He has a name? AND OF COURSE I MEAN BOYFRIEND.XML.
The Imitator: That’s the common name, his real name is Keith, and I already have him, that’s why I called you.
Keith: Shoot. He still wants me dead. I hope my girlfriend is ok…
Daddy Dearest: Keith better be dead. 
The Imitator: I don’t do merc stuff, and besides, I can literally wipe anyone in an instant. 
Daddy Dearest: WHAT DID YOU TO KEITH? DID YOU KILL HIM? IS HE HYPNOTIZED? …He joined your side, didn’t he?
The Imitator: He’s on my side, yes.
Narrator: Then Daddy Dearest hung up on the phone.
Keith: What was THAT about?
The Imitator: Talking about merc stuff, and I don’t do merc stuff.
Lucy: I’m here!
Narrator: The two then ran into each other and hugged.
The Imitator: If he’s happy, I’m happy.
Lucy: I missed you so much! All thanks to my cruddy dad, he made me go out with his friends. Mom came too and it was SUPER embarrassing!
Keith: Dang. That’s just sad.
The Imitator: Well I’m glad you don't have to go through that again, because that’s basically torture, and also, hello there.
Lucy: Who are you?
The Imitator: Heh, I don’t share my name, but I’ll make that expectation today.
Keith: That’s just my master Imitator. But he never told me his name either, so…
Lucy’s Mind: This name better be a good name, like his and mine.
The Imitator: Name’s Edison.
Keith And Lucy: WHOA! That’s a cool name!
The Imitator/Edison: Yep, that’s my real name, guess you can now call me Edison.
Lucy: Hey, boyfriend, what’s with the outfit?
Keith: Oh! You noticed! Want one like this?
Lucy: Yep.
Keith: MASTER- You know what to do.
The Imitator/Edison: Yep, time to get a dress for Lucy here. 
Narrator: Then in 2 seconds, the dress was done and Lucy loved it.
Lucy: Oh my… I LOVE IT!
The Imitator/Edison: No need to thank me, this is really a low effort by me, I can make it more pretty if I wanted, but hey, it's 7:00 P.M., why not go on rides in the meantime right?
The Imitator/Edison: Can’t blame them, alright, ready for the fastest rides that you ever got on, let’s see who’s a chicken here?
Narrator: The three wanted to have a race to see who made it to the roller coasters first.
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years
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just... their final Narnian outfits all matching in some way???
Peter and Susan both having blue, Edmund and Lucy wearing green, Susan and Lucy both having floral motifs, and Peter and Edmund both having the tunic-style and wider sleeves??
but the colors of their outfits are really what i want to focus on!!
Peter and Susan both wearing blue is SO important to this moment in their story:
blue is, ofc, the color of sadness, and it's heartbreaking that they have to leave Narnia, leave their country, their home, and know that they won't be returning
it's also the color of responsibility and calmness, and Susan's title is LITERALLY the Gentle Queen, and she's always been the voice of reason within the four siblings.
Peter's dark blue that he's wearing specifically represents strength and reliability, which is... like the perfect color motif for him to wear in this final moment as the High King of Narnia (ik, "once a king or queen, always a king or queen" but still)
and i don't talk about the religious aspect of Narnia much, but the only thing that i will say is that in the bible, blue represents Heaven, and while Peter and Susan aren't going to Aslan's Country, they're leaving their Narnia and never returning, so it's sort of like that.
now, Edmund and Lucy being in green:
Green represents growth and prosperity, and in this moment, Narnia is entering a new age, and while Lucy and Edmund are growing, they know that they'll still be able to return to Narnia one day
i think it's also important to note that green obviously represents envy or jealousy as well, which is why I think it's a smart choice for Edmund to have green. While he's obviously no longer envious of Peter or his siblings (because, for the first time, Edmund's getting something that Peter won't have again), his jealousy was such a big part of his character in the first movie (and into the third movie) that it just fits for him to be wearing green.
Lucy's light green sleeves represent youthfulness and relaxation, which is perfect paired with the darker green, because she's maturing and stepping into a new role now that her older siblings are leaving.
and also, the color matching creating an obvious split between the four, with the two who are leaving have the color representing sadness, whereas the two who will be able to return have the color representing rebirth and growth??????
so yeah, i'm obsessed with these final Narnian costumes and what they represent for the siblings, and i WILL overanalyze every single costume in this movie and no one can stop me <3
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sapphicwritergal · 2 years
Lucy Heartfilia In My AU
Polyamorus! GraTsuLu, I just want it, didn't mention just to keep the toxic piece of the fandom away, sadly there are toxic people out there that can't respect a ship to save their lives.
Lucy has a closet full of clothes with a pretty normal color palette, white which means happy in her opinion, yellow is a color that represents happiness but since she's a blonde, she has enough of that. Blue represents her being civil or normal at least, brown just goes with the outfit, no real meaning💀 Pink represents Lucy's feelings that spill out, that's when she wears it the most in my opinion and she won't even realize it, Orange goes with her hair and cream colored garments just go with her.
When it comes to money, Lucy has it, sorry no more dumb ass running gag of Lucy not having enough rent and after her first few jobs with Natsu, she realizes that this mf is pure destruction so she goes on normal jobs alone, Natsu goes on his jobs and does what he has to do because Natsu is destructive so he works away from civilization, he may be a dumbass but not fully.
Lucy helps with decoration and planning, other times she does jobs that really help out Natsu and Gray, Erza comes along with her sometimes since she views Lucy as a good friend (I'm not saying sister after I thought about it, it just didn't sit right with me since ErLu is a good ship too, but Erza isn't within the relationship triangle)
Lucy has muscles, not muscles to where you can define that she has them, but you can still see them and she has no issue to her she sees as her getting stronger as a wizard.
Virgo is one of her left hand women, alongside Aquarius, Virgo isn't only a maid but she has class and elegance as to why she and Capricorn get along as Earth dwellers, even if this isn't about Virgo, I'm going to be honest Virgo's constant ask for punishment unnerves me, and the maiden doesn't have to be a maid, maiden can referred to a woman, but I won't change too much, Virgo looks like herself but she's more reserved and helpful, getting angry isn't worth and she just fights, Tag team CAP & VIRGO, team full of elegance and earthly energy, they also have big meals.
When it comes to Natsu and Gray, she loves them both unconditionally, she and Gray are the brainier ones in the group, where as they get each other's sarcasm and flirt, Natsu saves her and she saves him, Natsu is thankful for Lucy being around and helping him read better job than Erza, Happy is fond Lucy even if he does act a bit dramatic about it, in a dumb way. (Yeah in the manga, Lucy could be encouraging Happy to do his best and he took it as an offense💀 I swear.)
Aries is a ram, so she's a bit aggressive, that sweet and roses shit doesn't suit an Aries too well considering this zodiac spirit is a personification of Aries, and Rams aren't the kindest and so Aries has normal clothes but has wool on her jacket, which isn't everywhere.
Leo is Loke, Loke is Leo. I hate his eclipse form even if Loke does look cooler, it wasn't giving flirtatious, playboy it was giving Mufasa who went downhill. Literally💀.
Taurus was set straight by Capricorn after he got back from being possessed by Zoldeo, and Taurus has never been the perverted individual since all though he does gawk a bit, never all the time.
Libra and Pisces were done dirty, especially Ophiuchus who was deemed and I quote by Lucy, "Apparently that key belongs to a celestial spirit that's stronger than all the zodiacs." only for the mystical purple mist to come from the pits of hell and let the iron snake try intimidate Kagura and in the process get sliced, like... Uh?????? Did the batteries get fried oRR???
Cancer being a stylist is unique, I like that but these people are gentle- nvm, I mean sensitive in a way, and passionate and determined do I have to hear this mf say, "Baby." Everytime he BREATHES??
Fairy Tail Sagittarius is a weak example of one, I don't care HOW Mashima decided to do this but did he think carefully about the zodiacs he was dealing with, like?? I'm not one, the representation just felt a bit off, if he was going to make Sagittarius a sensible person at least have moments where Sag, snaps.
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starglow-xx · 3 years
hello ! when requests are open could you write atsushi x younger!sibling reader (maybe 13) who has a crush on kyouka? i think that would be cute ^^
awh you’re totally right, that sounds adorable! 🥺
i hope this is to your liking anon!! thanks for requesting! (and sorry for the wait!) ⸜( ˙˘˙)⸝
a/n: this was actually supposed to get published like two days ago, but my computer broke so i finished writing this on my phone; sorry if anything is off! enjoy the hcs!
edit: please see this post and this post regarding this request! me and someone else had been double requested and this explains a little bit of the situation :)
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atsushi w/ a younger sibling who has a crush on kyouka
(slight izumi kyouka x gn! reader)
she may have been trying to kill your brother at first but ADHAKF she was pretty
your little crush on her was obvious to just abt everyone but her and your brother
go figure
but your heart ached at the girl who to you, was in a lot of pain :((
you truly wanted to help her and if jumping out of train alongside your brother was one way to do that then so be it!
when you found out what akutagawa had done to her in the mafia ooh boy you were ready to throw some hands
but your brother wouldn’t let you and kunikida was ready to give you an earful for it
unfortunately kunikida made you leave the restaurant with him leaving your brother w/ kyouka, and when you learned that he took her out on a date later that evening well...
“nii-san how could you?!”
“why would you do that?! i wanted to do that!”
“do what?!”
“take her out you fool! i can’t believe my own brother is going to be my love rival!”
“your what?! (y/n) we almost died!”
“but you lived!”
that happened after you fretted over the well being of both your big brother and and kyouka
you loved your big brother dearly, so his health and well being was one of your top most priorities
another priority was his self-confidence and his insecurities
you made sure that he knew that you were so proud of him for saving kyouka and beating akutagawa
you yelled at him after yosano cleared him to be good to go
when you and atsushi walked into the agency that one morning you basically passed out seeing her in that maid outfit
you also gave your brother a heart attack when you woke up literal .2 seconds later
you thought she looked adorable!
and you loved that instead of the blank, empty stare she wore the day before, her eyes were bright and they had sparkles in them
cue lovesick sigh
unlike in the canon, you were the one to first vouch for kyouka to stay at the ada
atsushi then followed you shortly after!
“nii-san stop stealing my thunder!”
remember that one scene when atsushi woke up to kyouka in the dorm?? well hehe
you woke up in your usual spot next your brother only to be met with blue eyes
you were kinda still half asleep so you went
“oh look, an angel”
then like .4 seconds later you realized who said “angel” was and started screaming
your screaming caused atsushi to wake up confused, then his eyes met kyouka’s and then he started screaming too
just nakajima things
you were over the moon when you found out she was going to be living with you and your brother
it gave you a chance to get to know her!
granted, atsushi would be third wheeling all the time, but it’s still a chance
both you and atsushi made sure to make sure she was comfortable every step of the way
the two of you made sure not to overstep any boundaries and to speak in quieter tones bc it was obvious to the two of you that she wasn’t a talkative person
as for sleeping places, your brother took the closet, you gave her the open area where you and atsushi used to sleep, and you simply moved your futon to the kitchen area
you also made sure to go run by to the nearest convenience store to buy her the essentials like toiletries, a towel, etc.
remember when kenji got taken by lucy in that one episode and at the end kyouka ran and gave atsushi a hug bc she got worried abt him??
well she did that w/ you too
and you were frozen for a good couple seconds bc ANWBDKDSHE WAS HUGGING YOU
when you met kouyou for the first time ahaha yeah that didn’t go so well
both you and atsushi were there after kyouka’s first job and 😬😬 it wasn’t pretty
your brother stayed with kyouka on the bench outside and you went to buy her a crepe to help make her feel better
you sat next to her as she spoke and then suddenly a fricking katana pierced through atsushi’s chest
and ooh boy were you pissed
bc 1) why won’t ppl leave your big brother alone and 2) this random lady keeps trying to take kyouka to mafia and to leave the “light”
like hell you’d let her
you may not have an ability like everyone else but you’d be damned if you let someone, port mafia executive or not, bring her back to a place that she wants to leave behind
so atsushi, kouyou, and kyouka all watched as you mouthed off the mafia executive (or herself, in kouyou’s case)
you impressed her slightly (both kouyou and kyouka)
i think that’s when kyouka really started to see you if you get what im trying to say
ah young love
time skip a little bit to when kyouka nearly died in that aircraft thingy due to her ada entrance exam
you were sent on the moby dick despite you not having an ability bc you were supposed to try and head to the controls to make the whale descend while atsushi takes care of fitzgerald
so you were there when kyouka was explaining her plan to yk, basically die
before you were dragged off by akutagawa, you heard her say
“thank you, (y/n). thank you for everything”
obviously, both you and atsushi were devastated but then relieved beyond measure when she came back safe and sound
you were very very surprised when she kissed your cheek after she nearly suffocated from being hugged by both you and your brother
both yours and atsushi’s along w/ kyouka’s cheeks flushed, but you were far, far worse
atsushi was mostly suffering from secondhand embarrassment
“y-you k-kissed (y/n)! a-and wait—(Y/N)?!?”
yeah you passed out like how aku did a few moments prior
for whatever reason, i personally hear a lot (like very very often, it’s rlly weird) that first crushes don’t last long and or never work out, but in this case? for you? id say it worked out pretty well (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
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like i said earlier, my computer is out of commission rn and i finished this on my phone so im sure that there are a couple errors here and there. when my computer gets fixed, i’ll go back and edit it there! using my phone to post my writing feels weird haha
but as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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bonniebird · 2 years
Point them out please 😭
Ok these are the ones I've noticed on my first watch through there might be more I missed lol:
Some of them are a little bit of a stretch and some are just cool aesthetics that they've used.
(Tumblr wont let me upload all my lost boys gifs to the post atm lol I'll try and add more later)
Stranger things s4 Vol 2 spoiler:
Most obvious is Steve and Robin dressing as the Frog brothers which is deff a nod to the movie by the Duffer brothers as there's influences from the lost boys all the way through the show and the movie in cannon didn't come out until 1987 so there's no way they could have seen it. This is the best image I can find of Robin and Steve's outfit but It's impossible to miss that they're dressed at the Frogs especially after the Duffers said Vol 2 is influenced by them,
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2. Vecna's 'End' - Vecna dies with fire Max Lawrence the head vampire of the Lawrence brood dies by being impaled on a massive stake by Grandpa Emerson, catching on fire then exploding. Like Vecna he reveals that he's really the one behind all the bad stuff happening in Santa Carla / to the Emersons
3. 'Death by stereo' - Dwayne is killed by Sam Emerson shooting him into the stereo with a bow and arrow which causes the stereo to explode and Eddie dies having played master of puppets both actions cause a distraction, David is lured to them to fight Michael and the bats are lured to Eddie
3. The makeshift spears - Star in the Lost boys has this big moment where she finally gets over being scared of her vampire brothers and tries to attack Max to save the Emersons and the weapon to uses is a spear made out of a wooden lamp. The Hawkins group makes spears to use as weapons.
4. Sam Emerson carries around a bow and arrow for a huge amount of time in the final fight and only uses it on one vampire actually missing one of his shots. There's a kid (Suzie's brother?) with war paint similar to the war paint Edgar and Alan wear and shoots Mike in the face with the arrow.
5. Mrs Wheeler - Mrs Wheeler has been promoted a lot this season and was one of the only parents in town to really clock in that anything was off. Lucy Emerson also does that throughout the first Lost Boys movie and is more of a supporting sound board for Sam and Michael which is the role Mrs Wheeler fulfilled for the Hawkins kids at the end of the season.
6. The Byers fireplace being destroyed - The Emerson Fireplace literally explodes
7 Argyle - Argyle and Grandpa Emerson are both potheads who appear to be completely out of it 24/7 but then also manage to be completely in the loop and helpful with no questions asked.
There's probably more I've missed as there's been loads over the seasons but this one is the one where it's really blatantly obvious if you're an avid lost boys fan.
8. Nancy's hair, colour pallete and costuming in the first half of the season is very similar / reminiscent of Star throughout the first film with the long skirts, soft blues, purples, silvers, whites and pinks. And both Characters styled it with a dark blue jacket over the top, Star's is a dark navy and Nancy's is a denim jacket. The way they style characters has been influenced by TLB throughout since season 2. (I can't find a photo of nancy that Tumblr will let me upload lol)
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It's also a little worrying as Edgar Frog ends up alone and really depressed at the current end of the Lost Boys franchise after Alan is turned into a vampire and goes insane during a failed rescue mission and Steve if dressed as Edgar, Robin is dressed as Alan and Dustin, Nancy and Eddie have all filled the role Sam Emerson plays over the last two seasons. In TLB Edgar ends up having to kills Sam and gets cut out of the Emerson family, so I'm hoping Steve doesn't have to kill Nancy or Dustin and get run out of town. Hopefully the Duffers just keep to the aesthetics.
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honey-dewey · 3 years
A Challenging Affair
Pairing: Shane ‘Dio’ Morrissey/Reader
Word Count: 1,976
Warnings: None! This is 100% fluff
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
Shane wasn’t exactly the most up to date on current internet trends and challenges, but when you introduce him to a very interesting clothing challenge, it seems he can’t say no. Could today finally be the day New York City sees the Goth King wear some color? 
“Babe!” You said, falling onto the bed beside Shane. “Babe, look at this!” 
Shane rolled over from where he’d been working on his laptop and looked at your phone. “The fuck is that?” 
“It’s a TikTok challenge,” you explained. “Aren’t you on TikTok?” 
“Maybe?” Shane said, confused. “I don’t even know anymore.” 
You groaned. “You’re such an old man!” You said. “Shane Morrissey, the goth king of New York City, and he can’t operate his own damn phone.” 
Shane elbowed you, causing you to squeal with laughter and roll away from him. “Watch yourself,” he warned you with a smile. “Or I’ll feed you to the dogs.” He rolled on top of you and blew a raspberry into your exposed belly, causing you to kick him, laughing uncontrollably. 
“Shane!” You screamed, flailing. “Quit!” 
“Aww,” Shane said, sliding off you and pouting. “But tormenting you is such fun.” 
You gave his shoulder a small shove, reaching for your phone. “But did you see the challenge?” 
The mattress creaked as Shane flopped down next to you. “No.” 
You held your phone out. “It’s a couples challenge. The two people go to a thrift store or something and buy an outfit for their significant other, then they wear those outfits on a date. It looks cute.” 
“Is this a coincidence?” Shane asked, raising his eyebrows. “Or do you know we’re doing date night tonight.” 
“It might be a coincidence,” you said, nudging up against Shane. “But since you said we have date night tonight, why don’t we try it!” 
Shane made a very unimpressed face at you, but shrugged. “Okay. I don’t care. But I get to pick the store.” 
You held your hand out to shake. “Deal!” 
In the end, Shane picked a place you and him both knew very well. The owners were good friends of yours and they were all excited to help you with the challenge when you explained it to them. 
“Alright,” Elon, one of the owners, said. “Here are your bags.” They handed you and Shane each a solid black bag so the other couldn’t peek. “You have each other’s clothing sizes. Go forth and conquer!” 
Immediately, you and Shane split up. You headed towards the sweaters and he headed for the shoes. Humming along to the music, you went through the soft shirts, ruling most of them out because they had too much of a pattern. You had quite the opportunity to put Shane in the most colorful shit you could find, but you weren’t that mean. Instead, you tried to find a balance between color and Shane. 
Finally, your digging around rewarded you with a perfect sweater in Shane’s size. It was a faded grey blue with small black stars, and you knew just by looking at it that it would work well on Shane. Putting it in your bag, you left to go ask your boyfriend a question. 
“No peeking,” Shane said warningly as you approached him. You smiled, looping your arm through his and leaning in to kiss his cheek. 
“I’m not peeking,” you said. “Just wanted to ask you a question.” 
Shane continued to look at shoes, although you could plainly see the outline of a pair in his bag. “Fire away.” 
“Do I have to get you pants?” 
Shane froze for a second, trying to comprehend what you’d just said. “As opposed to getting me what?” 
You shuffled your feet a tiny bit. “A skirt?” 
“Oh.” Shane loosened, shrugging. “Yeah. Go ahead. I don’t care. I’ve told you plenty of times that gender is just a construct meant to control the masses.” 
You giggled. “Don’t go all Dio on me,” you said. “I know you’re a giant dork under all that leather.” 
Shane scrunched his face up, coughing you to laugh. “Mhm,” he hummed. “Now go away. I’m shopping.” 
Giving Shane one last kiss, you walked away to find the right skirt for your sweater. 
It wasn’t hard. You knew what would look good on him, and you found his size in a soft black overall skirt almost immediately. The skirt flared pretty well, and upon further examination, you found that it was a circle skirt. Tossing it and a pair of sheer black tights in your bag, you only had one more thing to find. Shoes. 
On your way to the shoes, you got distracted. You’d intended to let Shane wear his regular jewelry, but passing the small display, you backtracked and grabbed a small ring with a beautiful Aries constellation on it.
You bumped into Shane, almost literally, as you rounded a corner. He smiled at you, gently guiding you around him so you two didn’t collide. “Watch it,” he said. “Wouldn’t want you hurting the pretty face of yours.” 
Blushing, you scowled at Shane, sticking your tongue out at him as you walked away. He mimicked the gesture, showing off his rarely seen tongue piercing. 
Shoes weren’t hard. Shane cycled through three different pairs of platform boots and two pairs of solid black Doc Martens, so you decided to let Shane continue with his current pair of shoes, which were one of the Doc pairs. You almost put a pair of hot pink crocs in the bag, just to screw with Shane, but you had told yourself you’d be kind, and hot pink crocs didn’t seem very kind, even if it was hilarious. 
“I’m done,” you said cheerfully, walking over to where Shane was looking at shirts. “You?” 
“I’ve been done,” Shane said. “Here.” He held out the bag for you. You exchanged it for your bag for him, swapping. “Ready?” 
You nodded eagerly. “Yep! Let’s go!” 
Elon’s girlfriend, Lucy, got you both set up in changing rooms, smiling at you knowingly. “Oh honey,” she said to you. “Dio got damn lucky with his pick.” 
Suddenly nervous, you began to get changed. 
The outfit wasn’t bad. In fact, you liked it. A cute pair of mom jeans with embroidered flowers around the folded ankles and the pockets, a white jersey knit shirt that you tucked loosely into the pants, a pair of white socks, and a pair of yellow buttercup earrings made up the outfit, but you couldn’t find the shoes. 
“Shane?” You said, confused. “Where are the shoes?” 
“There aren’t any in my bag either,” Shane said over the gap in the wall. 
“You’re supposed to wear your Docs,” you said. “Should I wear my sneakers?” 
“No,” Shane said. “I have your shoes. I wanted to see your face when I gave them to you.” 
You pouted, leaving the dressing room and making a face at Lucy, who had her lips pressed together in barely contained amusement. 
Shane stepped out of his dressing room, and your pour melted away. “You look so good!” You said eagerly. 
Truthfully, Shane did look really good. The sweater was a tiny bit big, but that added to the aesthetic. The skirt was just the right length, and you couldn’t wait to run your hands across his thighs in public and give him a taste of his own teasing medicine. He shuffled in his shoes, shrugging. 
“It’s too much color,” he said finally, and you rolled your eyes playfully. 
“It’s one faded blue sweater,” you pointed out. “Be glad I didn’t pick the neon rainbow tie dye shirt.” 
Shane fake gagged, causing you and Lucy to laugh. 
“Okay,” Shane said, holding out a shoe box. “Sit.” 
You sat down on a stool, closing your eyes at Shane’s request and putting your feet in his lap when he sat on the floor. You could feel him sliding each shoe onto your feet, and you tried to guess what they were. 
“Are they platforms?” Shane adjusted the laces on the left shoe. 
“No.” Shane pulled the laces on the left shoe tight. 
“Docs?” Shane was adjusting the right shoe laces now. 
“Yes.” Shane pulled on the right laces. You could feel your foot move as he tied them. 
“Can I open my eyes?” You were super eager to see the shoes. 
You felt Shane shuffle back, so your feet were no longer in his lap. “Yes.” 
You opened your eyes, immediately gasping. The shoes were hideous and you adored them. You’d been trying to find a pair of these Docs in your size for years, but they had stopped making them a decade ago. “Are these the Pascal Darcys?” 
Shane was smiling. “Those are the god awful Pascal Darcy Docs you desperately wanted,” he confirmed. “Lucy said Elon found a pair a few days ago, and when she told me they were in your size, I knew I had to get them for you.” 
You all but launched yourself into Shane’s arms. “You absolute bastard!” You said happily, hugging him tight. “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” Shane said, holding you almost as tight as you were holding him. “Now c’mon, I believe we have a date tonight.” 
Reluctantly, you took everything off and paid for it, carrying the bags home  and trying to resist the urge to pull your new boots out and break them in with a trip around the block. 
When you got home, you and Shane changed, and Shane wiped his heavy makeup away for something lighter and simpler. 
“Can I do your makeup?” You asked, standing in the bathroom with Shane. “I picked your outfit, so it makes sense.” 
Shane looked at you with his eyebrows raised. “No sabotage?” 
You gasped. “You think too little of me!” You said, picking up Shane’s liquid eyeliner pen. “I would never.” You quickly kissed Shane’s nose. “I promise,” you added softly. “No sabotage.” 
Shane sat still as you did his makeup, not going overboard because you didn’t want to. Instead, you kept it simple with a small amount of eyeliner and a bit of extra blush across his cheeks and nose. 
“I think I should return the favor,” Shane said, standing once you were finished. “Gimme the brush.” 
“I’m already perfect,” you shot back, but handed him the brush anyway. 
You ended up with the same treatment as Shane. Some eyeliner and blush was all he decided you needed before he was telling you to go put your shoes on. You didn’t need to be told twice, racing off to go put your new boots on. 
“Do you still love them?” Shane asked, putting his arm around you as you walked out of the building. 
“Do you still think they’re ugly?” You asked back, smiling. 
Shane sighed, smiling. “They’re really not my thing,” he said. “But I’m glad you love them.” 
You grinned, kicking your foot as best you could while walking. “I love them,” you said. 
Your date ended up being an early dinner at a local cafe and then you and Shane wandering around a tiny used bookstore for almost an hour. You didn’t buy anything, you just enjoyed the book smell and the calming atmosphere, losing yourself among the stacks of old books. The owner was a witch, and you found Shane talking to her about tarot cards. You pressed yourself to Shane’s side, yawning and snuggling closer to his sweater. 
Shane instinctively put an arm around you, holding you to him. You smiled. “Can we go home?” You asked softly. “I’m tired.” 
“Of course,” Shane said, kissing your head. “I’ll see you tomorrow Beth.” 
Beth waved as you two went, walking silently home. 
When you fell into bed, in your pyjamas and half asleep already, you were surprised to see Shane follow you, still wearing his sweater. The skirt and tights had been exchanged for sweatpants, and his shoes were discarded somewhere in the bathroom. 
“Did you have fun?” Shane asked, snuggling close to you.
You nodded, sleepily humming. “Yeah. Thank you for indulging me today.” 
Shane smiled, pulling the blankets up to cover the both of you. “For you, my dove, anything.”
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emo-rejects · 2 years
Note that I don’t really care much for Fairy Tail, so I’m gonna simplify and remove some things, BS a tiny bit, go fo a little bit more of an original canon, somethin’ like that Jesus I just looked at her wiki this series went on for way to long
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Lucy Heartfilia
Age: 21
Birthday: 1st, July
Gender: Cis Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bi Curious
Height: 165.09 cm (5’5 ft)
Weight: 61.23 kg (135 ibs)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Bio: Born into a wealthy family, Lucy had a very happy early childhood, living among her family estates staff and her parents. However, this would not last, as her mother passed away of an illness that wasn’t noticed until it was too late. For many years after, Lucy’s relationship with her father became estranged, and when she was a teenager, she ran away from home. In the following year, Lucy developed an interest in magic, specifically in the area of Celestial Spirit Magic, and even managed to join up with the legendary Fairy Tail magicians guild. In the years since, Lucy has been on many epic adventures, and made many good friends.
Additional Background/Personality: Lucy is a rather independent young woman, stemming from when she ran away from and home and the year that followed. However, she does enjoy camaraderie, and the presence of her friends never fails to bring a smile to her face. However, unlike her friends, Lucy does not share their same sense of enjoyment for violence and roughhousing, often opting out of the many guild brawls and squabbles that occur within Fairy Tail on the daily. This trait also applies to her adventures, as Lucy tends to seek peaceful solutions to certain situations before fighting becomes an absolute necessity. This aspect of her may stem from how she had a cowardice streak in her early days at Fairy Tail, though this part of her personality has greatly diminished over the years, becoming almost nonexistent. Through experience, Lucy has molded herself into becoming a brave person, who is not afraid to back down in the face of danger. Lucy has also gotten rather stubborn in her time with the guild, a trait that rubbed of on her from spending time with Natsu. She is kind to both her friends and her Celestial Spirits, and always gives her her all for their sake.
Appearance: Lucy is a young woman of slightly below average heigh with a slender and busty figure. She has soft facial features and brown eyes. Her hair is blonde and long, hanging all the way down to her hips, and she often does it up in ponytails or pigtails with ribbons. Lucy has a multitude of outfits in her wardrobe, but consistently, she wears shorts skirts and tops that have a light blue and white color scheming. She always wears a brown leather belt that keeps her skirts, and has a holster that holds her Celestial Spirit Keys and her whip. Her most common piece of footwear is a pair of long black leather boots, that go all the way up and cut off past her knees. Her Fairy Tail stamp is located on the back of her right hand.
Abilities: Lucy is a practitioner of Celestial Spirit Magic, a type of magic that allows her to summon Celestial Spirits, magical entities that reside in the Celestial Spirit World. Lucy accomplishes this through use of Celestial Spirit Keys, which are literal keys that open metaphysical gates between the regular world and the Celestial Spirt World, and allows the Spirit to pass through. Lucy can summon up to five Spirits in a single day. It should be noted that before being able to summon a Spirit, Lucy must form a contract with them that states when she can and can’t summon them. She can summon five at once, however this heavily taxed her magic reserves, so she can only hold her control over five separate Spirits for a handful of seconds. In the event that she either completely drains herself of magic or maxes out her summons for the day, Lucy has become skilled in hand-to-hand combat after learning from Erza, plus she is also rather skilled with a whip. Lucy owns multiple Celestial Spirit Keys, though she consistently uses a few, which are listed here. As for her hobbies, Lucy enjoys reading and also has a bit of an interest in the fashion industry.
Ships with: Natsu Dragneel
AUs: None at the moment, feel free to request
(Sources: Fairy Tail Wiki)
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
Preference: When They Get Jealous
Characters: Nevada Ramirez, Okoye, George “Digger” Harkness, Lucifer Morningstar, Clyde Logan
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Nevada Ramirez
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Nevada Ramirez does not get jealous. Don’t get anything in that pretty little head of yours twisted: Nevada “El Trujillo” Ramirez does not stoop so low as to feel jealous. Jealousy is what a pussy incapable of keeping his woman feels. And Nevada don’t never gotta worry about that type of bullshit.
Nevada Ramirez does not get jealous. Not even when he sees some jackass getting a little too handsy with you. He gets angry, sure. But not out of jealousy: It’s because that dumbass just doesn’t know his place. He knows you’re too sweet for your own good, that you’ve never been particularly good with confrontation or speaking up when it came to strangers; luckily for you, your boyfriend is more than happy to lend you a hand with that problem.
He sees you smile all wobbly at the asshole, brows ever so slightly furrowed over eyes that whimper in panic. Maybe even reads your lips a bit. He can’t hear you over the thudding bass of the club, but he knows you well enough to know that you’re stuttering, your voice quivering as you try ever so gently to politely shut him down. It almost makes Nevada want to smirk: You’re trying to help your own pest, give him a head start and give him a chance to escape. But it’s too late for that, and you know it the moment you see two of ‘Vada’s boys stalk up to you and your new friend, with one of them grunting that it’s “time to go.”
You’re pretty sure your “new friend” knows it’s too late as well, given how he tenses, but the hand he has on your lower, lower back stays. Maybe even applies further pressure. He tries (stupidly) to hold his ground. But the ground can’t hold him; not as Nevada’s boys pick him up effortlessly and drag him off to a more dimly-lit section of the club. The only thing shining brightly from that corner being the exit sign.
Fifteen minutes later, your boyfriend joins you. He would pretend that he doesn’t know why your lips are pressed in disapproval, and that he doesn’t see how your brows are still furrowed but this time, in a way to suggest disapproval. And you would pretend that you don’t smell the smell of cigarettes smoked in the alley, or sweat worked up from an activity he got too into. More importantly, you pretend that you don’t see his bruised and bloodied knuckles as he rests and arm about you, gently ushering you closer to him as he murmurs about how lonely you looked without your Papi around.
Instead, you give in to the kiss he gives you. His idea of an apology without outright owning up to it.
Nevada Ramirez does not get jealous. He gets even.
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On the outside, she is calm and collected. The very image of the perfect warrior. But on the inside? Okoye is blaze with passion. Of course, her fierceness shined through when it came to protection, particularly that of her country, her king, her queen, her princess, and, of course, you. But it was ultimately her taciturn countenance that people took note of, which makes her all the more deadly to the unassuming.
Case in point, if she sees anyone putting the moves on you — man or woman — they will find themselves in one of two situations: They will either have the tip of an often-used vibranium spear pointed at them, or they will be requested to help Okoye spar. And, more often than not, the latter is what she chooses to apply.
Mind you, the challenged needn’t be a member of the Dora -- they needn’t even be a seasoned combatant or even have so much as an orange belt in Tae Kwon Do. Which frankly isn’t very fair, considering they’d be receiving a challenge from the head of Wakandan security, but oh, Okoye will insist: “There are few things more patriotic than assisting your protectors where they need the assistance,” she says. The smile she speaks with is very slight, but there’s no doubt from anyone who knows here that there’s a sliver of malice in them.
There’s really no need to go into how the match goes, especially since it’s obvious who the victor is every single time. Generally speaking, there are only four things that bare mentioning:
For one, no matter how much of a sweat or how bruised and banged up her opponent gets, Okoye always goes easy on them. Always. For two, every blue moon, Okoye might let them land a hit on her. However, this is out of pity as well as being for show. Because in the event they so much as scratch her, there’s the third thing: At the end of every sparring match, you go up to your beloved, singing her praises or to offer her a cloth to dab what little sweat she might have shed, or to tend to whatever sores she might have received. But whatever the case, you always go to her.
Fourthly, none of Okoye’s opponents ever try getting cozy with you again.
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George “Digger” Harkness
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Digger’s got a lot of nerves, daring to actually exhibit jealousy. He’s not a cheater, no, but he sure doesn’t exactly keep his eyes locked and loaded on you as much as you would like for him to. The amount of times he’s earned your ire for glancing at a jiggling ass or checking out a pair of swaying hips could fill a small novel.
So you (pretend) that it isn’t petty when you finally gain the opportunity to enact revenge on him.
Considering that his release from Belle Reve wasn’t exactly officiated by actual personnel (and was, in fact, just a flat-out jailbreak), your beloved Aussie had to lay low for a bit. That meant that in order to keep the feds from knocking down your door and getting you more involved than what you already were, Digger had to hide from place to place for a bit before he could even dream of returning back to you and setting up shop in your humble abode. But just because his life was sort of on pause didn’t mean that yours had to be.
It seemed like every time Digger gave you a ring from a burner phone, you were about to be headed out somewhere or were planning on going to an event with friends. Really, the fact that you wanted to go somewhere wild should’ve been a big indication to Digger that you were pulling his leg, but it didn’t matter: On the occasion that you sent a pic of what you planned on wearing, the jealousy consumed him.
You were going out? In that outfit? In that color you know makes you irresistible to both him and probably literally anyone with functioning eyes and a working downstairs!? Well, no, actually: While you did occasionally join your friends for a night out on the town, it was rarely ever in any of the outfits you implanted in Digger’s mind. And even then, for the most part, you weren’t actually going anywhere except to the couch to scroll YouTube or binge watch New Girl until you fell asleep.
But of course, Digger never thought this might’ve been the case. Instead, he thought to enlist the help of “friends” to keep an eye on you and report back to him if any bastard’s eyes or hands went anywhere they didn’t belong, aka on you. And when those efforts came up fruitless (he refused to believe them when they insisted you weren’t acting up), he took matters into his own hands: His dumb ass cut his location-hopping a bit short, appearing at your door a frustrated and possessive mess as he wasted no time storming through the door, hoiking you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes so he could take you to the bedroom and “remind you who you belong to.”
So, in short, Digger’s main resort when he can actually be around you is his go-to for most things he gets involved in that isn’t thievery: He, ahem, “smashes your back out”. Lovely.
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Lucifer Morningstar
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Lucifer swears he doesn’t get jealous but since he doesn’t think it’s a lie, he’s technically not lying. But he’s most definitely not being forthcoming with the truth. And that truth is that when he gets jealous, Luci becomes the most petty baby of them all!
Normally, he’s pretty confident that he has your attention. After all, what’s not to love? He’s sexy, talented, witty, interesting, and, oh yeah, the literal embodiment of enticement and charisma. Regular men just simply cannot compare! . . . So why in the Heaven would you be smiling at such a drab, bipedal specimen who thinks that they can replace having a personality with simply owning a pocket watch in this day and age!?
He doesn’t care that that guy is your coworker, he’s boring and stupid and there’s no way you really find him interesting, right? . . . Right?
If left to his own devices (hell, he’ll make the devices himself even if you protest), Luci will go out of his way to try and prove that that guy isn’t worth your attention and that you should please keep it on your loving Devil instead please. He’ll bequeath him unpleasant sobriquets; he’ll enlist his connections to dig up some dirt; if you leave them alone together for too long, Lucifer might even ask him what his deepest desire is. But these will often fall flat on the ass: The nicknames will roll off the “opposition’s” back like water off a duck (or you’ll fuss at Lucifer to quit it); the worst thing that could be dug up was that he was a college republican or something; and apparently his deepest desire is to acquire a copy of the Star Wars holiday special.
And somehow, that’s even worse!!
He might actually become a little pathetic (which, considering it’s Lucifer, probably just means his hair becomes a bit less combed, his clothes become more disheveled, and he might even somehow become even more clingy and demanding and even direct his pettiness towards you) because (Y/N), please, you can’t seriously be considering leaving your handsome, interesting, Devil for some boring, sad, oblivious piece of --
Really, the best way to get Lucifer to stop pestering is by reminding him who you’re with: Himself. After all, you’re not going home with the guy from work. Nor do you let him rest his head on your lap so you can play with his hair, or giving him your kisses, or letting him touch you in places only Heaven and Hell know drive you wild.
No . . . Those are reserved only for Lucifer, your beloved Hell bastard, for better or for worse. But mostly for the better -- even though he can sometimes just be the worst.
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Clyde Logan
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It really depends on the environment, because it ultimately can go one of two ways based on that alone. Clyde thinks the world of you, that you must be some kind of angel to see something good enough in him worth dating. And while it’s a bit of a confidence-booster in some respects, it also leads to a lot of other worries, highlighting even further his own long-term insecurities.
In a way, he’s both shocked and glad that you don’t get hit on every moment of every day the moment you walk out the house: You’re clearly the most gorgeous gal ever. You deserve acknowledgement of this! But then again, he doesn’t want so many eyes on you; one pair might most definitely belong to somebody better for you than him: Better-looking, better at talking, better socially, better job . . .
So when the two of you are out grocery shopping or visiting a local farmer’s market or anything and some rugged fox of a man casts a sensual smirk your way, Clyde can’t help but gain the demeanor of a nervous puppy, his large frame seemingly shrinking as his long hair curtains his face. If he had a tail, it would most certainly have tucked itself between his legs. It only gets slightly better when you only return a polite but small smile and take your partner’s hand to gently lead him elsewhere. But only slightly. It may take some cuddles and smooches when you get home to properly perk Clyde back up, but that’s far from something you mind doing.
However, should you both be at Duck Tape, or any other gathering that might make use of a mixologist for that matter? Clyde is in his element.
Clyde isn’t one to boast or show off; it’s not compatible with his shy nature, and his belief in the Logan Family Curse just doesn’t allow for him to get greedy about it. But if one night you drop by to visit him at work and he sees some guy making goo-goo eyes and hokey small talk at you? It’s on.
It doesn’t matter what drink the guy orders: Clyde immediately knows how to make it and make it perfectly, utilizing only his organic hand. The concoctions are mixed with such ease and precision, his every move emoting a sense of confidence that the unsuspecting would never have guessed a man like him could possess. And if he would be so bold, Clyde might even do so while barely breaking eye contact. It’s all the more better if the guy flirting with you tries ordering a drink for you himself. Because that’s when Clyde can start off with the man’s drink . . . before making you a completely different one entirely. The patron’s brow furrows.
“That’s . . . not what I ordered for her,” he points out.
And Clyde nods. “Nope. But that’s her favorite, and I reckon she’d prefer that over what you wanted her to have.”
You toasting at your beloved and offering a, “Thanks, honey” only sweetens the deal.
There aren’t many opportunities where Clyde feels like The Big Man on Campus, so to speak. But moments like that, where he feels he gets to show some of his worth? He can’t help but be a bit emboldened by them.
Of course, it goes without saying that it isn’t the drink-mixing or skill that drew you to him: It’s that sweet, thoughtful disposition of his. Because let’s face it: In a county of foxes and wolves, you can’t beat a sweet-eyed puppy-dog.
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