#only he wettest of socks for her
lu-twilights-pup · 3 years
just found your page and was wondering what does Hylia slander mean?? are we out here roasting the goddess herself and if so i’d like to see some examples lol
First off welcome to my page anon ! Second off- yes. Yes we are.
Both literally and metaphorically cause ooh boy do I have some words for her grace.
Now please note these are just my thoughts and I have no qualms withe the Zelda’s as Her graces reincarnates and such.
I also seem to have a built in urge to wanna fight gods
I apologize in advance this may be all over the place
First of all: Legend can fight her and win. I do not make the rules and you know I’m right. With the sheer amount of items, experience, and spite alone, it’s over and done with in 2 minutes anything after that is just for funzies. And that’s no one’s fault but her own.
Also she seems to drop the ball quite a bit, from failed timelines, to straight up not helping till the last second even if at all.
Despite being so devoted to helper her people, and proclaiming it her job to protect her people, she doesn’t seem to be doing much in the way of helping with actual threats like Calamity and all that. Miss girl seems to suddenly become blind.
Second, even though they are her ‘chosen one’ she doesn’t seem to be helpful to The heroes. She traumatizes them with these ‘quests’ and ‘destinies’ and such then just tosses them aside until the next battle needs to be fought. Ocarina of time link literally was so young that the master sword and sages froze him in time for 7 years to ‘mature’ to be able to go on and fight ganon, seemingly ignoring the fact that he still would have the mind of a 9-10 year old. I don’t think I have to explain Wind Waker links age. She’s breeding children to fight in gods wars. I have a theory that one of the only things she may do directly is keep most of them from dying on their own terms, robbing them from the rest they truly need/want.
And depending on the respective hero’s prior devoutness she really them got the out here believing that some of their adventures are their fault; that people getting hurt on their journey is their fault not hers for putting them in danger in the first place.
There’s also the prospect that Link may not have even been meant to be on Hylia side in the first place.
The triforce is a meant to represent the balance of three. Such balance can only be achieved through equal sides of all three. One good, one bad, one nuetral. A hero, a villan, and a mediator. A Lise light bearer, zelda, a powerful evil, Ganon, and a courageous umpire willing to hear out, and correct both sides. An advocate, a middle man, a passive nuetral.
But Hylia didn’t like that. She wanted her way. She gain the belief and worship of Hylians and used it to sway the mediation in her favor to then create the ever reincarnating Hero of Courage. Allow them to worship her, and make her word law to them.
Not to mention she completely used and dumped the first ‘hero’ ( I say hero because he was used like a pawn by his people and her to get the to the sky, had she truly been watching she would have, and probably did know, that there was no way he was to win against the demon king in his state, First deserved better smh), she did the whole gaslight, gatekeep and forgot the girl boss of being responsible for your flipping creations.
Tldr; she's reckless and cruel
Most of these are obviously just headcanons and ideas but there’s more Im forgetting as I have memory issues but if I remember it I will definitely put it here in an edit!
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ppersonna · 4 years
thunder - ksj | m
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your voice was the soundtrack of my summer. do you know you're unlike any other? you'll always be my thunder. - thunder, boys like girls
↳ summary- you allow your best friend Jin to take you backpacking once per year.  apparently, this year’s outing would be the wettest yet.
↳ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
↳ pairing- kim seokjin x reader
↳ word count- 6k
↳ genre- fluff, tiny angst, smut, comedy
↳ warnings- penetrative sex, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, light dom!jin, light sub!reader, fucking in tents haha ha ha ha, cum play, cum eating, possessive dirty talk
↳ a/n- wow hello! its been so long since i uploaded a fic i almost forgot how to do it! i would like to give you a fic that i’ve had in my storage since march, and one i’m excited to finally finish. i’d be nowhere without @taetaewonderland​ @xjoonchildx​ @ladyartemesia​ for hyping me up to post it in the first place.  thank u to @shadowsremedy​ for being my fav beta ily ily ily. enjoy my babes! pls feel free to message me!
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 “Kim Seokjin, if you got us lost, I’m going to murder you,” you seethed as your pulled your booted foot out of a slick puddle of mud. 
“I didn’t get us lost, dear. The map is wrong,” he replied coolly as he twisted the crumpled map from portrait to landscape, and back again. “I’m an excellent navigator, but when the tools I have are faulty…”. 
You grumbled, stopping your walk to sit on a fallen log. You sighed audibly at your best friend, still maneuvering in the small clearing in the forest, trying to match the map to where you were. You chanced a look at the sky as you sought to catch your breath and sate your anger. Dark, heavy clouds were forming, the kind that didn’t just indicate a sprinkle but a torrential downpour. 
“Shit, Jin. It’s going to storm soon,” you warned.  
He stopped his map seeking and glanced at the sky, frown buried deep in his face. 
Instantly, as if it never changed, he returned to his bright and cheery demeanor. 
“Well! Looks like we should work faster to make it back to camp, huh?” 
Seokjin would be excited for an unexpected kink in your plans. The boy was obsessed with “roughing it”. You agreed to one weekend with minimal hiking. Camping, in your opinion, was meant to be spent drunk around a fire eating s’mores and telling scary stories, not walking for miles through nothing but trees, mud, and probably bears.
Camping had never been your favorite hobby, and you allowed Seokjin to take you off trail backpacking once per year. The man looked forward to it, planned it several months in advance, and counted down the days until he stuffed you in his Jeep down a deserted forest highway to the campsite. 
Only, Jin never took the “minimal hiking” thing too seriously. 
“It’s an easy hike,” he had promised you that morning as you set up camp. “More of a stroll than anything.” 
You kicked at the dirt beneath you now, upset you had listened to the dark-haired man’s empty promises. 
“How about we just go back the way we came from?” You suggested as you stood up and brushed the dirt off your backside from the log. 
“Nonsense,” he sniffed. “I’ve got it right here. We can take this trail,” he gestured at a clearing through the trees, “for about a mile, turn left at the open valley, and we’ll be back at camp two miles after that!”  He proclaimed his findings as if it were so easy, so obvious. 
“Great, three miles of hiking. After we’ve already done four, at least.”
“Yes, my ever-positive sunshine, you should be happy I found us a shortcut.” He patted your head and smiled at you as he adjusted your backpack strap that was sliding off your shoulders. He lingered, eyes on you and your lips for just a fraction too long, before he turned and began leading you through the forest. 
Your heart was racing, unrelated to the elevation or the hike. 
You gave in so easily to Jin not because he was your best friend since childhood, but also because he was the man you were hopelessly in love with. 
You’d been smitten with the older boy since your senior year of high school, when he jokingly asked you to prom and you realized you wanted Seokjin courting you to be a regular occurrence. 
You stayed by his side through it all, all girlfriends and breakups. It hurt to watch him with another, but maintaining his friendship was more important than anything else and you weren’t about to lose him to a crush that you could easily just avoid. 
Seokjin was attached to your hip, a fact your friends never let you live down. They were relentless in encouraging you two to be alone, and for you to admit your feelings to him. They told you they were sure he would reciprocate it.  
Unbeknownst to them, you had admitted it. 
You and Jin once got messy drunk on the floor of your apartment, where you slithered up into his lap and whispered your secret devotion to your best friend. Seokjin merely laughed and kissed your nose. You were so embarrassed and rejected you never brought it up again. Best to leave it be, rather than bring a 15 year friendship to a screeching halt. 
So—you valiantly stood by him as his best friend and confidante. You were there when he excitedly told you about his new girlfriend, or when he called you crying over their breakup. Your heart twinged at both; you wanted to be the reason for his excitement and the balm to his wounded heart. 
You allowed Seokjin to take you on all his wild adventures. Like now—traipsing through the forest with no direction in sight, because you would have done nearly anything for the boy.
A crack of thunder shook you from your thoughts and you jumped at the sudden sound. 
“Ah, so cute,” he smiled at you, “still afraid of thunder?”
You blushed and pouted. “It just surprised me, is all.”
He smirked as if to say he didn’t believe you and nodded. “We should get a move on, don’t want to get caught in the rain.” 
You shivered at the thought. It was already cool in the forest; the trees providing enough coverage it locked out any sun, if there had been any. You quickly moved in step behind your best friend. It only took a few minutes of silence before the telltale pitter patter of droplets on leaves began. A fat raindrop landed on your forehead. 
“Fuck,” you groaned. “It’s starting.”  
“I know,” Jin suddenly looked worried, his confident demeanor cracking. He looked back at you and tightened the straps on his backpack. 
“Let’s run?”
You were powerless to deny any request from him. Plus, you didn’t really feel like getting drenched. 
You adjusted your own backpack and took off, running through the quickly dampening forest beside Seokjin. 
The rain came in a downpour. It hit you hard, blurring your vision. Seokjin slipped his hand into yours, not wanting to lose you in the storm. You pushed your legs in time with his, jumping around fell logs and rocks and skipping large puddles. 
You were drenched as Seokjin pulled you into a makeshift canopy of rocks, a momentary pause from the storm to catch your breath. Your hair was soaking wet, as if freshly showered. Seokjin’s hair stuck to his face, and you smiled as he looked at you with concern. It only took a moment until you were both bursting with laughter, finding humor at the moment. 
It was something you loved about Seokjin. He always knew how to make you laugh in times it seemed impossible. 
“This sucks,” you spoke through your joyful laughter.  He nodded in agreement. 
“I think we’re almost back. We need to turn soon, and then we’ve got about two more miles. You ready?”
You agreed and pushed back the slick hair in your eyes, before doing the same for him. His eyes sparkled. You didn’t know what it meant. 
In an instant, you were running again. The backpack bounced against your back and rain pounded your body. The things you did for Kim Seokjin. You were whipped, and you knew it. 
The trail seemed like it went on forever. You both became so tired of running that you slowed and trudged slowly through mud as rain pelted you, accepting your fate of soaking to the bone. You were sure you had never been this drenched in your life.  Your clothes were stuck to your body and dripping down into your shoes and socks. Your teeth chattered in the breeze—it felt as if the wind whipped right through you.  The sky rumbled again, as if warning you to hurry lest it dump more rain on you.
Seokjin was always the caring companion. He rubbed your shoulders and arms to warm them up and promised a roaring fire. You hated how much it made your heart burst.
You were very much looking forward to your one-man tent, stocked with a sleeping bag and blankets. You could strip down and dry off and slip into the warmth of your own personal nest. 
Seokjin waxed poetic about his own spacious tent—a lofty family sized one, and how he made sure he brought his sleeping bag along with 8 thick blankets, and how he couldn’t wait to snuggle down into his own.  Seokjin was the picture of preparedness. He even kept a locking box full of snacks in his tent because the boy was a foodie and couldn’t survive without the treats. It came in handy. 
“What would you do if we were stuck out here forever?” You posed to your best friend, curious about his response and desperate to pass the time as you hiked. 
“Well,” he thought aloud. “I’d miss the guys. But I’d be happy to be stuck out here with you.”  
Your cheeks flushed. 
“You wouldn’t miss, ah—what’s her name? Miya?” 
Seokjin shrugged. “She’s fun. She’s not you, though.”
You couldn’t help but grumble internally. She was good enough to date, and you weren’t. She was different in some respect. 
“Are things not going well with her?” You asked, secretly hoping they weren’t.
“It’s fine. She’s nice and all,” he sighed.  “Just, there’s no spark there, you know?”  
You knew all too well. Any man you tried to date paled compared to your best friend, and the fireworks behind your every heartbeat when you were near him.
“What about you?” He was peering into your eyes and into what felt like your soul. “You and Jungkook sure seem cozy.” His tone sounded annoyed, sarcastic even.
You couldn’t help but bark a laugh. 
“Oh god, no,” you shook your soggy head.  “Not my type. We’re good friends and that’s it. Plus, I’m sure he’s into Jimin.”
Seokjin shrugged again. “You sit on his lap and cuddle up to him all the time…”
“Are you jealous?” You smirked, nudging the man.  Please, god, please be jealous.
“N-No!” He was sharp. “I’m not.”
You remained silent, eyes downcast at your muddy boots as you walked alongside the man.
“Sorry,” he mumbled after a beat of silence. 
“Don’t worry about it, Seokjin. I got it—loud and clear.”
Seokjin looked hurt, a wave of dissatisfaction crossing his features. He wanted to say something, mouth opening to continue his apology. You ignored it wholly. He knew your feelings. There was no way he couldn’t remember that night. You pushed ahead of the man, walking in front of him to avoid his pained gaze and likely hurried apology.  
The light of day was leaving. Everything around you was steadily getting darker, and the rain showed no sign of giving up. You silently begged to be back to the safety of your camp soon, lest you become walking mountain lion bait.
“There’s camp!” Seokjin finally pointed and ran through the rain ahead of you.
“Oh thank fuck,” you sighed, feeling as if it lifted a weight from your shoulders. You couldn’t wait to strip out of your soaking clothes and slither into your blankets.
“Oh shit,” Seokjin whispered, stopping where he stood.  You followed his gaze, concerned about what stopped the boy so quickly.   
Your tent was ripped open, the insides of it exposed to the wind and rain. Everything you owned was soaking wet. You had set it up in a clearing with not too many trees above it, and it appeared the lack of protection against the wind and rain tore the poor fabric to shreds.
A worn-out and distraught sob left your lips.
You ran to the tent and nearly cried. Fortunately, beyond just being soaking wet and useless for the night, everything was intact. There was only no warmth to be had. No warm clothes to change into. Nothing.  
“What the fuck am I going to do?!” 
Seokjin placed a hand on your shoulder.  
“You can share with me?” He sounded hopeful. “We can hang your clothes to dry and when the storm passes, we can build a fire and let your tent air out.  But you should probably sleep in my tent tonight.” 
You bit your lip. You had slept with Seokjin in more beds than you could count, always being forced to share a bed as the designated ‘best friends who don’t care’.  And it was never easy for you. You always woke up with the delicious scent of his cologne and shampoo, and your body curled around his. His hardness would always be pressed up against you, and it took all you had not to wrap your mouth around it to wake him up.
“Yeah, thanks Seokjin,” you breathed. “I’m fucking freezing. And I’m tired. I just want to get some sleep.”
Seokjin slipped his backpack off and pulled yours off your frame. He hung them from a sturdy branch, protected by layers of trees overhead, to let them dry.  
“I have some towels in my tent, go on in. You can get dry and hand me your wet clothes to hang. Then you can get in the blankets and I’ll make us something to eat.”
You blushed. Seokjin hadn’t seen you fully naked, ever; at least not since you were toddlers.
Slipping into his blankets while stark nude would be a dream. It was something you fantasized about more than you’d care to admit. But, in the current conditions, being naked and clammy in the blankets next to your best friend who didn’t return any feelings for you sounded more like an awkward moment waiting to happen.
If Seokjin noticed anything, he didn’t show it. He acted as if making you strip in his tent was a normal thing, nothing out of the ordinary. 
“I’ll wait out here,” he nodded dutifully. 
You slipped out of your muddy boots and socks, and into his tent. It was nice and spacious, and the blankets looked incredibly enticing. It was kind of Seokjin to let you stay with him, even kinder that he would remain soaking wet to make you something to eat. Your body felt so worn out and drained, and you were sure he did too. 
You peeled the wet clothing off of you, every bit, before sticking your head out the door and handing him the clothes.  
“Don’t worry about food, okay? You should get dry too.”  
He wrinkled his forehead. 
“You sure?” 
You bit your lip and nodded. 
“I’m sure. Plus, we have your snacks.”
“Ah, good thinking,” he shot his finger guns at you. “I’ll be there in a minute, then. Hand me a towel and I’ll get undressed out here.”
You shyly handed him a towel, now very aware that you and Seokjin would be in the same tent—naked. The thought thrilled you as much as it scared you. 
It didn’t take long to burrow yourself into his freshly made bed roll, sliding into the neat layers. Seokjin was nearly military in his routine and order.  Everything was always tucked, pressed, and laid down perfectly. 
Your body wracked with shivers and chills—the blankets and sleeping bag were cold from the ambient air outside. You folded yourself together in a fetal position to maintain some warmth. It felt good to lie down on the soft bed mat, but the blankets were doing nothing to provide warmth. 
The sound of the zipper opening the front door flap of the tent made you shake harder. You could feel the wind blow through the opening now. The sound of the storm was loud, and you were grateful for the heavy tarp covering Seokjin’s tent. It provided some respite from the wind and kept all water off the tent. At least Seokjin had been smart in his setup. You ignored the man’s suggestions to set up better, and you were fully regretting it now.
Seokjin had the towel wrapped around his waist and stepped about the tent easily. He dabbed at his upper body with a smaller towel from his suitcase and rubbed his hair dry. The normally perfectly coiffed head was now static-y and sticking up wildly. It would have made you laugh if you weren’t so cold. 
Seokjin moved around you and slid into the blankets, leaving a large space between you, before he threw the towel around his waist onto the floor. He was naked now; you noted internally. You both were. A shiver ran down your spine, unrelated to the relentless chill.
It was silent. All you could hear was the beating of the rain on the tarp and your teeth chattering as you shivered. 
Seokjin stole a look at you, finally, and noticed your position, holding yourself to build warmth. 
“Shit, are you okay?” He asked. 
“I’m j-j-just col-l-ld,” you whispered. “And t-t-tired.”
Seokjin didn’t reply, but you heard the scratching sound of a moving sleeping bag and rustling of blankets and suddenly felt a very warm, very naked body pressed against you. It was blissful, and you moaned out loud at the feel of him spooning you. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. You didn’t know what for, and couldn’t bring yourself to reply. 
You burrowed yourself down into his warmth and felt his arms wrap around you, securing you against him. He radiated heat. He felt like heaven. Your eyes closed—he had you feeling like you had stepped into a delicious sauna.
Seokjin’s muscular arms hadn’t moved an inch since they wrapped around you, but now his hands slowly rubbed at your torso, warming you everywhere his hand dragged. It felt electrifying and your body relaxed easily under his delicate fingertips. 
It started out innocent, rubbing along your stomach and side to warm you further. But his hand began straying north, reaching the crest of your breasts. Your breath hitched as he rubbed over the cold swells. Your nipples were hard from the chill and pebbled even further with the touch of his hands. It made a gasp stick in your throat.
His lips touched your neck, lightly. They were warm too. It seemed his entire body was twenty degrees warmer than your own, and every touch felt like a raging flame. His hands continued rubbing along your breasts as he laved and sucked.
 at the column of your throat.  
As instantly as it began, Seokjin stopped. His hands hovered above your breasts. 
He pressed kisses to your neck and face. “We should sleep, babe,” he sighed.  
You wanted to protest, to push him further, to take care of what he started, but you couldn’t find the energy. Seokjin’s warmth matched with the comfort of his bedroll, and the soothing rise and fall of his breath was lulling you into sleep. Even though it was still early evening, the hike and the run back to safety took it all out of you.  
Seokjin’s arms felt like safety. He secured them around you, slipping just underneath your breasts where his thumb could trace alongside the bottom as you easily succumbed to sleep.
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It was still dark when you woke.  
The rain was still coming down, light this time. It sounded relaxing, soothing. Seokjin was still spooning you, sleeping soundly behind you. You twisted in his grasp to gaze at him. 
His hair was dry now, sticking out randomly about his pillow. You were sure if he saw it he’d panic, normally so precise with his looks. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep, none of his chaotic energy and dramatic charisma. 
You loved every facet of Seokjin. You loved the flamboyance, the sensitivity, the deep compassion for his friends.  
You turned around, as gently and quietly as you could, and pressed a hand to his cheek—rubbing at the warm and soft flesh. He sighed softly in his sleep, moving against his pillow. An eye cracked open, and he stared at you. 
“Why are you awake?” He whispered, his voice gentle. “It’s still dark.” 
He was confused, and the look that graced his features was adorable. You wanted to photograph it and frame it, make it the lock screen of your phone. 
You shook your head. 
“Don’t know.”
Seokjin’s hand rubbed at your shoulder, then up to your face. He tucked your hair behind your ear and smiled at you. 
“You look so cute in the moonlight.”
You closed your eyes, letting his compliment wash over you. You couldn’t find the words to reply. You let him continue caressing your cheek, feeling as if you were living a fantasy where Seokjin touched you like a lover. 
You were so close to him, chest pressing against his own. Something about the quiet storm, the dark tent, had you disregarding any embarrassment you should have felt pressing your naked tits to the man's chest, but the spell of the forest had you pressing closer. Your lips were inches apart, and you could feel his breath on your lips. 
The feel of Seokjin’s lips pressing against yours was light, but felt as if all the fireworks in the world exploded behind your eyes and within your belly. It started sweet, gentle. You kissed him like you always wanted to, full of unrequited love and unwavering desire. Your arms slithered around his neck, pulling him even closer against you.  
The kiss turned deeper, mouths opening to allow the passage of tongues. He sought into your mouth, caressing yours with his own, pouring what felt like his very spirit into you. His hand left your back and slid up your sides to press against your breast. 
“Seokjin,” you murmured, feeling your brain swirl headily. “Feels good.”
He didn’t reply, only kept kissing at your neck and pinching gently at your hardened nipples. It made you cry out, gaping at the slight pain.
“If you want me to stop, tell me.” 
His words were gentle. His hands stilled, stopping all ministrations against you.
Your breath was hard and shaky, matching the erratic beat of your heart in your ribcage. Your unrequited crush of years was now roaming your body, touching you as a lover rather than a friend.
“Please, don’t stop.”
He was on you again, now bloodthirsty for any part of your skin to touch. He tugged at your nipples, suckled up your neck to kiss and lick at the shell of your ears.  You pressed against him, gasping at the feel of his now stiff cock. He circled his hips, relishing in the feel of you against him. You wondered how he would feel inside you. He was thick and long—it would be a stretch, and a most delicious and welcome one.
He pressed you back against the pillow, hovering over your body as he kissed down your neck and sucked at the pressure points there. A pleasured sigh passed through your open lips, reveling in the feel of him on your skin. It was something you dreamed about often. It felt unreal to finally have it. 
You were on display for him, and his eyes raked over you as if you were a Dalí in the Louvre. His hands slid up to cup your breasts, and you tilted your head back to moan. You didn’t care at all about how you looked, how this might be awkward in the next few hours. You cared only about feeling Seokjin within you, getting him off, succumbing to your own pleasure wrought by his hands and his cock.
“Fuck, babe,” he sighed. “Wanted this for a while.”
“Me too,” you gasped as he slid a finger down to your core, circling faintly over your slick folds.
“Have you?”
“Seokjin, I’ve been in love with you since high school.”
Seokjin closed his eyes and smiled, breathing through his nose in contentment.
“You weren’t just saying that when you were drunk then.”
You shook your head, and Seokjin opened his eyes to peer at you.
“No, Seokjin,” you whispered needily, his finger still so torturously close to your clit. “I meant it.”
He leaned down with a smile and planted gentle kisses on your cheeks, adoring and gentle.  
“I’ve been in love with you too. I thought you were just drunk. I never acted on it because I didn’t want to get my heart broken.”
He pulled up and allowed his free hand to cup your cheek.
“I’m going to fuck you now, okay?” He asked. “Like, really fucking hard. You good with that?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. A deep, hearty chuckle passed between both of you, enamored with each other and the situation of being naked and intertwined together, the warmth of your matched confessions surrounding you.  
“Fuck me, please,” you begged.
And Seokjin would be loath to deny you.
His teasing finger finally slid into your core, fucking into you with ease from your slick walls.  You gasped at the welcome intrusion, eyes fluttering closed as he began a slight pace and watched the way you fell apart.
“So pretty,” he whispered. “So fucking pretty.”
He slipped another finger in, scissoring them open as he worked at you.  Your legs trembled, and it made the older man smirk.  
“Look at you,” he praised. “So easily turned into a *gushing* puddle for me.”
You nodded pathetically, back arching as he added yet another finger and pressed at the spot inside you that had your mind spinning and thoughts erasing.
“Oh—God, Jin!”
As much as Jin wanted to see you get off around his fingers, he was desperate for more. You were finally all his—something he’s wanted since he could remember. All he’s wanted was for you to be his.
He pulled his fingers from inside you and smiled as they came out slicked up with your own essence.  He ensured you made eye contact with him, then popped them into his mouth one-by-one, to suck them clean.
It made your mouth nearly fall to the floor as you watched him suck his fingers clean of you. Your body trembled with a need you hadn’t felt before. It was stronger than anything you’d felt before. It was unadulterated desire for Seokjin.
“Mm,” he sighed happily as he pulled the final digit from his mouth. “Delicious, as I thought.”
“Oh, my god,” you gaped. “Jin…,”
The man merely shook his head and smiled, crowding you down and hovering over your lips.
“You’re mine now, you got that?” 
His eyes tracked yours, watching your every movement. It took you a moment to swallow your nerves, to regain any ounce of confidence.
“I’ve always been yours, Seokjin.”
He held you down, watching you with a gleam of wonder in his eye, before surging forward and planting his lips onto yours. His tongue dove in instantly, seeking solace in the warmth of your mouth. Allowing him passage was easy, almost natural. Jin’s tongue swirled around your own as your arms slithered around his neck to bring him closer. Kissing Jin felt like everything you’d imagine it would be, and yet like nothing you could have even dreamed.
Jin didn’t just kiss you—he consumed you. He lapped his tongue into your mouth like he couldn’t get close enough to you. His chest pressed against your body and he groaned into your mouth at the feeling of your perky breasts pushing into his own broad chest.
“Baby,” he whispered as he pulled away. 
It sounded like a dream—the pet name fell from Jin’s lips so easily, as if it were always meant to be spoken to you.
“You’ve always been the one I wanted,” he breathed as he pressed his lips down your neck. “Always the girl I wanted and could never have.”
“Jin,” you gasped as your fingers carded through his hair. “Jin, you’ve always had me.”
He lifted his head and peered deep into your eyes again, so deep it felt like he was glimpsing into your soul.
“I only want you. No one else.”
It knocked you breathless, and it took a moment for you to refill your lungs before nodding.  
“I’m all yours.”
There was acknowledgement in both your admissions. An understanding that there was no more separation of you, and of Jin. That after tonight, it would be a partnership, and the beginnings of something more, something you’ve only dreamt of with the older man.
“Mine,” he whispered, before pressing his lips back to yours.
The kiss was sweet, nearly cloyingly sweet, as his hands cupped your face. He kissed you with every intention, every desperate plea he’s held in his heart for you.
Jin’s length pressed against you—his hips rutting minutely as he kissed you.
“Jin,” you gasped as you pulled away from his lip locked embrace. “Please, I need you.”
Jin’s charming smile spread across his lips, blooming your heart along with it.
“As you wish,” he whispered as he pressed in for another soft kiss..
Instantly, Jin flipped around and switched positions, guiding you to sit atop his hips while he settled down into the mess of blankets and pillows.
“What?” He asked as he noticed your confusion at the sudden mood change, a smirk rising on his puffy lips. “You think I’m gonna let you lay back and make me do all the work?”
There he was, your Seokjin. Never able to keep a comment to himself, regardless of the situation—always working to make you laugh. It made your heart sing.
His hands slid to grip at your hips while you lifted yourself up to hover over his hardened length, lining up the tip to just graze the wetness there.
“You see what you do to me?” You asked with a coy smile. “You see how badly I want you?”
Jin bit his lip, mesmerized by the way your cunt slicked up the head of his cock, desperate to spear into you but holding back.
“Fuck—,” he breathed. “P-Prove it.”
A smirk crossed your features before you took the plunge and allowed his length to slip inside you as you sank to his hips.  The intrusion was welcome, and you gaped at the sensation of him plunging deep.
“Oh, my God!” Jin gasped as you had taken him to the hilt.  His eyes bulged for a moment before they closed in bliss.  “You feel so fucking good.”
You didn’t need to speak. The feeling of Jin’s thick length inside of you was more than enough agreement.  He felt so thick, so long, prodding at the spot inside you that had you weak and stretching you wide to make you gasp at the sizzle of pain.  After a moment of adjusting to his size, you let your hands fall to his chest as you began to slowly rise and fall and set a pace on his cock.
“Oh, fuck, baby,” he whined—eyes wide open and watching you bounce on him. “Shit, this is where you belong.”
You eagerly pinched at your nipples as your pace quickened, nodding at Jin’s encouraging words. Your mouth felt dry, and you felt unable to even vocalize your pleasure beyond your loud sighs and moans.
“Jin,” you breathed.
He nodded, assisting your pace by gripping your hips.  He tugged you down, face to face, to rest on his chest while your hips kept their quick speed of enveloping his cock in your tight heat.  He let a hand cup the side of your face, the other moving to grip your ass.
“You’re all fucking mine,” he grunted as he thrusted his cock up into you, matching the rhythm of your rise and fall. “Gonna make you feel so fucking good every day, baby.”
You nodded quickly, heartbeat rising as you quickened each pound.  Jin’s lips pressed to yours again, this time messier, hotter.  He licked into your mouth, desperate for any more of you he could consume.
“Fuck, you drive me fucking crazy,” he said, cock still thrusting deep inside you. “Let me fuck you from behind?”
You didn’t bother replying, simply removing yourself from his body and assuming the position on your hands and knees.  Jin scrambled to line up behind you, hand pumping his slick cock as he marveled at the sight of you presented for him.
“Take me, please,” you whispered, turning your head to peer at him with a desperate smile. “Fuck me until I can’t see straight.”
Jin hissed an expletive, before lining himself up in your sodden folds and plunging in without a second thought.  Your eyes widened at the new angle, gasping as you felt it hit different areas inside of you that had you squeaking with each hard thrust of his cock.
Jin’s hands gripped your ass, your hips, anywhere he could leave his brutal fingerprints.
“God, you take my cock like a fucking queen,” he gasped as the sound of skin slapping echoed around the tent. “Look at your pussy, so fucking wet for me.”
He marveled at the way his cock plunged deep inside you, then came out covered in your creamy slick.
“You gonna cum for me, baby? You gonna let me claim this pussy with my cum?”
The pleasure was overwhelming—it felt like every nerve ending was lit on fire, and you were a burning fuse about to detonate into a thousand brilliant explosions.  Each thrust of Jin’s thickness had you crying for more, moans echoing off the trees outside.  You were suddenly thankful you were in the middle of nowhere, allowing you to be loud and needy.
Jin reveled in your desperate sighs and the way your body pushed back against his to match his pace.  He knew his end was coming, knew it was going to be short-lived from the start. He’s wanted your body for as long as he could remember, and wanted you in his life as his lover, his girlfriend, more than just what he had been relegated to for so long.  
“Mm, baby, you look so good on your knees for me, fuck,” he gasped as his speed increased. “I can’t wait to make you cum on my cock every fucking day, love. This is my pussy now.”
Jin’s possession of your body made you see stars, vision blurring as your cunt tightened its grip around his cock.  Jin gasped at the grip and his hips stuttered.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groaned. “I feel you, baby, fuck. Cum for me, angel. Let me feel this tiny little cunt milk me.”
The coil inside you was tightening, pulling tight and making you gasp and scream at the oncoming rush.  Jin’s pounding was relentless, making your entire body shake with the anticipation.  
Your hand dipped to circle at your clit, the ultimate piece to your end. 
The coil snapped, and your cunt pulsated wildly around his cock, vice-grip tight.  It felt as if you had been catapulted off into space, vision blurring and all sound indiscernible from the blood rushing in your ears.
Jin’s climax quickly overtook him at the feeling of your delicious heat gripping at his cock.  With just a few strokes inside you, his cock pulsed hot stripes of cum within you and painted your channel.  Something primal in Seokjin loved that he was within you now, a piece of him deposited inside. 
He allowed a few moments to pass to catch his breath, before slowly easing his spent cock from your dripping walls.  He groaned as he watched a bit of his seed drip out, and he was careful to collect it on his fingers.
“Come here,” he whispered as he pressed his chest to your back and lifted you upright, sitting on your knees.  He presented his fingers to your lips, dripping with your combined slick, and wrapped his free arm around your stomach.
Obediently, you opened your mouth and allowed the man to swirl his cum-coated digits in your mouth. It made your stomach erupt in butterflies, the taste of you and the man you’ve only dreamt about for years now on your tongue.
A crack of thunder shook you from your silent reverie, and Jin removed his fingers from his mouth before wrapping both arms around you and tugging you down to lie face to face on the mused sleeping bags.
“Now, aren’t you glad we did this?” He asked with a chuckle and a kiss to your nose.
You wrinkled your brow and smiled coyly.
“I would have enjoyed it more if you hadn’t gotten us lost.”
Jin pouted and huffed.
“I didn’t get us lost,” he sniffed with indignation. “The map was wrong.”
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twilitty · 3 years
Moonlit ch.1
This is the first chapter in my new fic Moonlit, it will be posted on Tumblr, ao3, and ffnet. New chapters uploaded every week and a half. Message/comment to be added to my tag list.
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3k words
big thank you to my beta reader @effervescentlyirrevocable who has given me the absolute best criticism and helped make this chapter so beautiful :)
Bella moves to Forks Washington, her first week is uneventful. This fic has aged up characters, making them all at entry-college level ages.
Chapter One
My senses are sharper in Forks than they were in Phoenix, I’ve only been here a handful of days yet everything seemed brighter, louder, more alive than my past home. There was something here for me, something that made me feel more alert than I have in years.
The sound of heavy rain slowly pulls me out of my restless sleep, an elbow is thrown across my eyes in an attempt to keep the real world at bay. It’s always raining, the mist layering the ground never abandons its post, and the chilly air seemingly lasts indefinitely. The rainy town of Forks Washington sooner resembles my personal hell than it does a sleepy old town. The forest that borders the town at each cardinal point is layered in green moss, damp dirt, and an endless supply of fresh animal tracks. I’d moved to Forks only a week ago, the sum of which was spent unpacking dreadfully thin clothing and acquainting myself with the few stores and public access areas the town has to offer.
My father, Charlie, has had little to do with this process apart from moral support and the occasional bag of fast food that he’s picked up while on shift. Charlie is the town's police chief, a job that both seems ill-needed and also unbearably boring. How much crime can be committed in a town of fewer than ten thousand citizens? Other than the odd tag on a school building or bush party, what does his shift consist of? I have yet to bring my insulting opinions on his career to his attention, and likely will never do so. He’s a good man with a heart of gold and a passion for the judicial system, which is ever-present in his TV browsing as he cruises through endless episodes of Law & Order.
I’m not a big TV person, even back home in Phoenix, I preferred reading to the television. Perhaps this was related to my mother’s endless stack of yoga DVD’s that seemed to consume our viewing; her in a downward dog position gossiping about her latest advancements at her newest club membership, me sitting on the couch finishing a craft for her so she won’t be late submitting it. My favourite of her crafts was embroidery, one month I embroidered nearly two hundred dandelions on a pair of jeans for her. She gave them to the club administrator as an apology before she quit.
Regardless, at night when the TV is blaring the intro theme to a cop show, I am curled in bed with a book under my nose and headphones in my ears. Blocking out the rain is a full-time chore.
This morning is a particularly eventful morning, not because of any specific events, but rather the events that will be set into motion because of this morning. Today is the first day of my online college courses. I’m currently enrolled in an undeclared major. My hope is that the three courses I’m taking this spring term will help me decide on what I want to do in the future.
Charlie had given me a new laptop upon my arrival in Forks, a current model with modest upgrades to “enhance my academic experience”. Or at least that’s what the box boasted. I am not entirely convinced that a larger memory will miraculously cure me of my educational despise. High school was tortuous, I had few friends and fewer interests outside of my mother’s hobbies. I had no extra-curricular activities that were not synonymous with financial responsibilities. The monthly budget book was mine to care for, as was the constant, intrusive phone calls of the bank when my mother got too engaged in a store. She’s a gullible woman if nothing else. If a store clerk tells her a blouse suits her figure, she’ll purchase ten colours in the article along with two in a size lower just in case she finally loses the ten pounds she’s been trying to shed.
My eyes have barely opened, the down of my forearm just a fraction away from my pupil when Charlie pounds against my door. You’d imagine I was fostering a fugitive in here with the noise he’s making, but this is just the way my father is, loud noises and soft voices. I wonder, idly, if perhaps he has minor hearing loss from spending so much time around guns.
“I’m up!” I call out, my voice is thin and calloused with morning sleep. I clear my throat as the knocking cuts off, “Good morning, Dad.” Charlie doesn’t like me calling him Charlie.
“Morning, Bells,” he calls back through the door, quiet enough to not be taken as aggressive yet loud enough to sound authoritative. He is a father, my father, at heart. He pauses, and it’s as if I can hear the mental gears shifting in his mind. He hasn’t had to be a father since I was a baby, after that Renee was the parent. Charlie was the summer distraction. “Don’t be late for school.” I grunt a response, reaching for the alarm clock on my nightstand and groaning at the early hour of the morning. Barely eight, class doesn’t officially start until noon. I guess there’s nothing wrong with logging in early, although I’d much rather catch up on the sleep I’ve lost to the thunderous storms we’ve been experiencing recently.
As if he could sense my intentions, Charlie knocks against my door again. “Bella, I mean it. You didn’t come here to slack off, now.” No, I think nastily, I came here for peace and quiet.
Between unpacking my belongings and touring the town, I’ve developed a routine in my new living situation. Charlie is fond of my company, enjoying having a woman in the house outside of his ex-wife, my mother and ex-roommate. Although, his fondness of my presence does not directly translate to time spent together. He makes me breakfast, occasionally placing it in the oven to keep warm, and then immediately heads off to his family that is the Forks police station. We meet again for lunch, depending on our individual plans for the day, and then reunite again just in time for dinner. Food really is the great American pastime.
I dress in jeans and a light blue sweater that smells mysteriously of mildew although it’s a recent purchase and has yet to be worn outdoors. I suppose the rain permeates every available space, closed windows be damned. My socks are tall and I have to roll my jeans up at the bottoms to accommodate for the thick, high fabric of them. It’s a trick Charlie taught me for wearing rain boots, the higher the socks the less likely they are to run down to your toes as you walk. Immediately after that trick was taught I went to the nearest hiking store and purchased a pair of rain boots. My first pair of rain boots at nineteen years of age. Unfathomable yet ironic considering my lineage marks back to the wettest town in the continental US. My ancestors roll in their graves every time I step outdoors and forget a jacket or umbrella, I’m sure of it.
Charlie is waiting for me downstairs, both a surprise and unwelcome presence. I had a battered copy of Dorian Gray under my arm, I was expecting philosophy and moral ambiguity, not idle conversation. Before the chief notices my book, I slide it over the back of the couch and enter the kitchen with a polite smile. There’s bacon frying on the stovetop, the police chief is dressed in uniform already, but has a stained white apron tied around his neck. “Dad?”
“Oh,” he turns around and gives me a tight smile, “Excited for your big day?” You’d imagine it’s my first day of preschool with the amount of enthusiasm he’s trying to keep hidden from me, not my first day of online school. I don’t say anything to dampen his mood, I’m glad he’s excited about something. His life is repetitive, if my existence here proves to be no more useful than just disrupting his schedule, it will still be a success.
“Yeah, I guess.” He turns back to the bacon and shifts it around quickly, the grease snapping up at him. If it burns him he doesn’t show it, just maintains the stiff-backed posture of a respectable police officer cooking his daughter breakfast. “I’ve gotta ask, what’s up with the apron?” I stifle a giggle behind a bite of the toast that’s sitting in the middle of the small table. He shakes his head in faux annoyance.
Charlie takes the pan off the hot element, sliding the bacon onto two plates and pouring the grease into an open can. The second trick he taught me since arriving here: never pour grease down the drain.
“I’m in uniform, it would be disrespectful to the badge to stain it.” He slides a plate of bacon in front of me, sitting down in his designated seat across the table. “Besides,” he takes a sip of coffee from his to-go mug. “Can you imagine walking into a police station smelling of fried pig?”
Breakfast ends quickly. We each eat a piece of toast, Charlie stuffing a second piece into a plastic bag “for later” and heading out the door. I still have half a plate of bacon in front of me after he leaves, the maple glaze filling the small kitchen with its smell.
After my Mom and Charlie got married, Renee redecorated much of the house. Her lace curtains still hang in the master bedroom window, constantly drawn closed. The rest of the house has been minorly updated with age, the TV got bigger, the couch more comfortable, new bed linens and even newer rocking chairs on the porch. I had asked Charlie if they were Moms when I first came up to the house a week ago.
They were rocking gently in the wind, the wood seemed to be polished as it shined in what little light filtered through the depressive clouds. They were sitting side by side, matching pillows on them both, a coffee table in the middle with a stack of coasters. It was an old person's porch, where husband and wife would sit all grey and wrinkled, waving at the neighbourhood kids as the bus dropped them off from school. I could almost picture Charlie and Renee sitting there, her knitting a scarf and him content to just watch her and the scenery.
He informed me that they were relatively new, a purchase from a shop down on the Reservation. We haven’t spoken about them since, but I wonder if perhaps he wishes he had someone to sit out there with him.
I spend the morning before class doing odd chores around the house. It’s nice living at Charlie’s, nicer than I had expected it to be. I’m not a fan of the weather or the fact that I currently have no social life, but it’s nice to just sit. I throw my laundry in the wash and manage to get the kitchen cleaned up with just enough time left over to sit on the couch and read a chapter of my book before class.
School has never been my strong suit. That’s not to say I get poor marks or intentionally skip classes, I just never found it as fulfilling as my peers seemed to. I never woke up and looked forward to the social or academic aspect of high school. Perhaps this contributed to me postponing my college experience and only starting it now when I should already be a year into my program.
When I log into my schools online database and click on my first class, Social Psychology 1001, I’m immediately transported to a screen filled with windows and the faces of my classmates. “Hello, class!” The professor's voice calls out over my computer. Perhaps online school won’t be my strong suit either.
Class ends and the next one starts, and I get through all three classes and an hour's worth of homework by the time Charlie pops in for dinner.
“Hey, Bells,” He calls as he opens the front door. I can hear him from where I sit in the kitchen, hanging his gun belt up by the front door and kicking his boots off into a heap on the floor. I imagine Mom back in Phoenix, walking into the house with arms full of bags and tossing her flip flops onto her pile of shoes beside the coatrack she used for purses. Some things won’t ever change.
“How was work?” I ask. He pauses to poke his head into the kitchen, moustache moving as he chews on his lip. I can’t remember when Charlie initially grew out his moustache, just that one summer I arrived and thought could he look more like a cop?
“Good, good, just some meetings. New family moving into town, all foster kids around your age.” He takes pause, staring off into some middle ground in the hallway as if deep in thought. His eyebrows furrow, “Don’t want any trouble makers coming in, but the father seems nice. Respectable.”
“That’s nice,” I contribute conversationally. Charlie and I rarely have material conversations, always just idle talk of the weather or what's for dinner. I’m not entirely sure how to approach this topic, which clearly seems to be occupying his mind.
“Yeah, he’s a doctor.” He grins at this, toothy and a little crooked to the right side. A pang of embarrassment settles in my chest before he speaks, as if knowing where this will turn. “Perfect for you, considering how often your clumsiness-” I wave a hand over my face, grimacing at his words. “Don’t speak it into existence,” I mutter with a half-hearted plea underlying my words. He chuckles, disappearing up the stairs.
I hear the shower turn on after a few minutes of him fumbling around, presumably trying to get undressed. I’m sure once he’s showered and in sweatpants it’ll be twenty questions about my day of school. I’m not sure I have the heart to break the truth to him: it absolutely sucked.
The material was interesting enough, psychology has always been close to my heart. I loved the idea of people being more than their actions and thoughts, that there was something making them say that or something making them act that way. Perhaps this was yet another symptom of having Renee for a mother.
I sit at the kitchen table for a moment longer, my computer is closed in front of me and my pencil case- dreadfully unnecessary with school being online-sits closed and untouched. I haven’t made any friends in my classes, not that I had expected to. Twelve years of public school and no friend group to show for it, just a few texts every couple of weeks. Why would I have believed college, and an online college at that, would be any better?
Having enough with my thoughts, I get up from the table and pack my things into my bag. I’ve completed enough work for today, the rest of the evening I’ll spend either with Charlie or in my room. I’d rather not be nose deep in pdf textbooks and youtube videos constituting as follow-up lectures, I’ve had enough of that today. As if sensing the immediacy of my departure from the kitchen, the shower cuts off and I hear the bathroom door squeak open. For a man who, until recently, lived alone with too much free time, you’d imagine he’d have taken better care of the house. Nearly every door, except my own, creaks open and closed. I made sure to oil my hinges nearly immediately after moving in, I didn’t want Charlie to wake up every time I sneak downstairs for a comfort snack or warm glass of milk to help me sleep. He’s lived alone for nearly twenty years, he doesn’t need his sleep schedule disrupted now.
“The game is on in-” Charlie pauses as if double-checking the times mentally, “- an hour and a half. Are you interested?” He’s calling from up the stairs. I wonder if he truly wants me to watch the game with him, whatever sport it may be, or if he’s only being polite.
“Uh, I was just going to organize my room right now and then maybe make something for dinner,” I say in response. The floors don’t make a noise and I know he’s heard me, but he doesn’t respond. A lump forms in my throat, perhaps he really did want to watch with me.
“That’s fine, but if you want we can order in?” The lump passes and I convince myself that there is no reason to avoid the TV. It’s not like I’ll be a disruption, if I get bored I can read on the couch. I’ve only watched TV with Charlie on a few occasions since my move here, and each time I strategically saved my questions for the commercial breaks.
“Sure! That works.” The floorboards creak and I hear him retreat into his room, the door closing with a pitiful squeak.
We eat pizza on the couch, a large meat-lover for the carnivorous father and a small vegetarian with extra mushrooms for the daughter who cares about her cardiovascular health. We eat slowly, occasionally Charlie will make a face at the television or mumble something under his breath, but other than that we’re quiet. The sport turns out to be baseball and I recall a few of the basic rules from the tragic gym classes of my past. It’s not disastrous in any way, and surprisingly I don’t get bored. There is something relaxing about the repetitive nature of the game.
After the game ends we box up the remaining slices and put them in the fridge to be eaten tomorrow, say good night, and go our separate ways at the top of the stairs.
@musingsofvenus @maybesandohnos
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bitch-banshee · 5 years
Let’s dice roll it babe ;) OC (I won’t roll that because it’s all my OCs) x Scott McCall, Smut, 18. “Blindfolds heighten your senses, maybe that’s why you’re whimpering louder than usual.”, 12. “I want you to be rough with me, please leave marks on my skin,”. Oh baby girl HAVE SOME FUN ;)
God knows I love you @terminallygenius thank you bb for this ask/request
Let’s dice roll it babe ;) OC (I won’t roll that because it’s all my OCs) x Scott McCall, Smut, 18. “Blindfolds heighten your senses, maybe that’s why you’re whimpering louder than usual.”, 12. “I want you to be rough with me, please leave marks on my skin,”. Oh baby girl HAVE SOME FUN ;) 
WARNINGS: SMUT. Unprotected sex. (Wrap before you tap otters) Blindefolds. Over stimulation(I guess) Alpha!Scott being a bit of a tease.
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Christmas break was finally here, and I stood in front of the newly built Hale house. Derek had been hounding me to just move in after my parents had basically disowned me for not attending Harvard like they had. Always saying ‘just come and stay Ryn, you’ll be much happier here’ i huffed and shouldered my bag higher up on my shoulder. 
“Der?” I knocked on the screen, the heavy oak door behind the screen wide open. Wafting smells through the door. “Amaryn? Is that you?” I groaned at that voice. The deep notes that slipped through the cracks of the screen and settled in the pit of my stomach. The door was shoved open just nearly missing my face and I was met with something from my wettest dreams.
 Scott stood tall, filled out, his adorable crooked jaw was covered with enough hair for me to press my thighs together at the slightest thought of what it would feel like against my skin. His hair was long, so fucking long my fingers twitched to get my hands on his head, it curled softly around his head. And Jesus fuck are those tattoos. I realized i was still staring at him, no doubt the beat of my heart giving me away if my sex pungent scent didn’t. 
“Hey scotty, long time” I threw a small smile and went to move passed him. He however had other thoughts, his hand soft and firm on my hip. “Yeah, rynni it has been a long time. You’re still the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on” his gaze darkened before they flashed red, quick and hard. 
Words had deserted me and my throat dried up, so I coughed out. “Scotty, al-always the charm-charmer” i patted his arm and slipped away. 
I felt his gaze follow and flow over my body, as I made my way into the kitchen. I came face to face with my Alpha. “Ryn, Hi, why didn’t you tell me you were landing today, i would’ve picked you up from the airport” strong arms wrapped around me, the scent of fresh dirt and sandalwood swirling around me, making me feel at home.
 “Surprise?” I sighed heavily against his chest. Derek scented me gently, soft touches of his face to my cheeks, putting his wolf and mine at ease. “Still got room for me” I looked over the backyard teeming with people. Erica and Boyd laying on a blanket talking to Issac and Allison. Small children either wrapped up tightly in blankets or floundering about being chased by Stiles, Lydia and Malia were wrapped up in each others arms a large dog settled at their tangled feet. 
“Of course, there’s always room for my pup” I rolled my eyes as Scott sauntered into the kitchen. He leaned next to me, his arm brushing my hip and sending an involuntary shiver through my body. “We built up some cabins on the property. Scattered all around, fairly private” his grin was mischievous, the brown pools alight with laughter. 
“Yeah, yours is in between mine and Scott’s, closest to the pack house” Derek continued around the kitchen, either ignoring Scott’s soft caressing fingers or was completely oblivious. The former more plausible when he turned to us both with a wide smile, “Scott why don’t you show Ryn her cabin, so she can get settled before dinner” and as if he was a beta again he nodded. 
Scott scooped up my bag and led me through the back, I said my hellos to everyone, even the big ass bear named snow. A brief introduction of the smaller humans, Erica’s son, Valerin. Allison’s son, Idris and Lydia and Malia’s daughter, Maryn. With a promise to play later Scott and I found ourselves in the treeline. 
“You smell so good, you know. I can barely keep my hands off you. It’s been so long Rynni” Scott nosed my neck and I whimpered. I’d missed his touch so much. My heart pounded in my ears as he slipped his hand over the small of my back and hooked it on my belt loop. “The sounds you make baby. Wait just a little longer, when we get to your cabin i’m gonna make you remember why it’s terrible for us to be apart.” The heat behind his words warmed me, then his hot tongue was darting out and licking across my neck.
 And like the dirty little whore i am, when his scruff slid over the wet spot I let out a borderline pornographic moan. “Oh, my sweet girl” 
“Scotty, please” we continued walking, a beautiful cabin coming into view. I was unable to properly appreciate it because I was burning up with need for this man. “Scotty please, I want you to be rough with me, leave marks on my skin, Let everyone know i’m yours” I fumbled up the steps, my vision hazy with lust, the only thoughts in my mind were I needed him.
 On me, in me, wrapped around me. 
It had been so long. Since id been touched since, I touched myself. Scott always made sure that I knew my orgasms belonged to him and him alone. 
“Okay princess, just this once, ill mark you up real good hmm? Give you my mark? How does that sound, Do you want that, my sweet girl” I did, i think i nodded, i didn’t know anymore. All I could feel was the searing heat coming from his hand on my heaving chest. With dropped eyes I looked around, we were inside. A large, beautifully decorated bed before me. Hardly in focus, I was drunk on Scott’s scent, on his touch, on his words. 
“How about we try something baby huh? You wanna try something for me?” When he was like this I’d give him the damn moon if he asked for it. So I opted for a quick nod, dissolving into soft whimpers as Scott’s lithe fingers slid over my too hot skin. I was aware of his hands pulling away my clothes, while also discarding his own.
 The soft press of his fingers against my peaked nipples brought a gasp to my lips. “Always so good for me princess. Shall I make you cum like this?” the hot pads of his thumbs and index fingers rolling over the peaks before pinching. The quick motion causing my hips to roll and jut, trying to get something to alleviate this knot in my stomach. “Scott” my voice was breathless, broken. Pleading, he needed to touch me, right now. 
“Alright my love.” His warmth pulled away from me before he returned, spinning my gently a cool fabric sliding over my arm, pulling goosebumps to my skin. “Now listen to me kitten. Blindfolds heighten your other senses, i’m gonna put this on you, is that alright?” I opened my eyes, and i’m sure i didn’t look much better than he did. 
Eyes lidded and heavy, pupils blown to all hell, heart pounding. “Yes” Scott wasted no time leading me to the edge of the bed. I toed out of my shoes and pulled off my socks. Scott took careful care in wrapping the purple satin over my eyes. 
Seconds passed and i felt his fingers ghost over my hip and I twitched. “Look at that, you can already feel me, can’t you beautiful?” my only response was a mewl. Fingers as light as feathers slid over my mound and a cry ripped from my lips.
 The knot tightening even further as finally being touched. “I gotta say, maybe the heightened senses are too much. Your whimpers are louder than usual” I ignored him, as my hips rolled and sank closer to his hand. Willing him inside me.
 “Scott, Jesus, please. Kiss me, Touch me, Claim me. Something, please” I breathed. Those were the right words because Scott’s lips attached to my lips in a bruising kiss. At the same time his fingers sank into my dripping core. The pattern of his fingers matching the path of his tongue in my mouth. Long, and pressing licks, strong fingers pulling and tapping that special bundle of nerves. 
I pulled my head back “oh my god” Scott didn’t stop, he continued to worry that spot inside me, his hot mouth latching onto a nipple. His unoccupied hand twining itself into my hair and tugging. It was too much, too little. 
Then his teeth sank into my neck at the same time his hips snapped to mine. Perfection, Over stimulation, then like a whip i cracked. “SHIT” i yelped out and my release snapped through my blood. Something akin to white light flashed over my covered eyes. As i came back down, spent and sweating I became aware that the blindfold had been removed. Scott stared down at me.
 “You know, watching you cum like that was enough to send me over the edge with you” he kissed me again. The gentleness making my heart sigh. “You’re mine now Amaryn.” I only hummed. Not nearly as spent as i wanted to be. He was still fully sheathed inside me and I rolled my hips. “Oh my little vixen” 
Scott and I never made it back for dinner. 
Taglist: @terminallygenius @teenwolfechoes @just-jordie-things @dreamsfollowed99
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cullen-collective · 6 years
I have a minor cold and I'm feeling melodramatic about it, so I gave Bella a cold too have fun with it!
This must be what hell feels like.
Sore throat, congestion, headache, fever, and as the icing on this craptastic cake, I was pretty sure I felt my skull vibrate a few minutes ago. I may not be a biologist, but I was fairly confident that skulls are not supposed to vibrate. Luckily I had yet to vomit, so I had that going for me, but I knew it was only a matter of time before he showed up and promptly fell into a deep panic.
Edward was not going to like my having a cold. Not one bit.
Despite the fact that I'd told him on several occasions that I was not about to drop dead of the flu, and that even if I were about to drop dead Carlisle would probably put the kibosh on the entire mortality thing, Edward panicked any time I even sniffled.
We live in the wettest place in the country. How he expects me to maintain perfect health, I cannot possibly fathom. Edward can't even get sick. He has no frame of reference! Last week he used his jacket as a shield between me and Angela, who was just trying to have a conversation with me about the Bio final. I could only see her eyes over the top of the wool, but I think they were sparkling with amusement. Of course she found it funny. He didn't follow her around with a hazmat suit.
Oh, but today... today was going to be a nightmare. Not only did I feel like hot garbage, but I knew the second Edward arrived he'd be micromanaging my treatment until I had a clean bill of health.
He might even drag me to the hospital to see Carlisle. Which would be unnecessary and embarrassing, to say the least. I can't imagine breaking in on Carlisle's full schedule because I have the sniffles.
I heard the window creak, and then a soothingly cold hand laid atop my forehead. "Bella, love, you're burning up!" Edward exclaimed. "We have to get you to Carlisle." Well, kudos to me on seeing that coming a mile away, even in my weakened state.
He started to scoop his arms under my shoulders and knees, and I used what little strength I had to bat his hands away. It was completely ineffective, though. "Stop, stop, stop!" I said, my voice sounding rough from the coughing.
"Bella, you're ill," he said, maneuvering his arms completely underneath me, blanket and all.
"I'm aware," I replied, coughing a bit at the end. "Please, please can I just stay in bed?" I stared up into his eyes, the muted gold color indicating he was about halfway between hunting trips. I tried my best to pout, but I was sure it came off as disgusting with my red nose and puffy eyes. "It'll pass. It's just a cold. Please, just today?" I clutched his shirt and held fast, snuggling as close to his chest and his scent as I could. I felt better already.
Edward seemed conflicted. He looked down at me, and then up at the ceiling, and back to me several times before sighing exaggeratedly. (Vampires can only sigh exaggeratedly, it turns out, because they don't actually need to breathe.)
"Okay. But I'm staying. Call me Nurse Cullen." He grinned before settling me back onto my pillows.
I smiled weakly. "You will hear zero complaints out of me, Nurse."
He kissed the tip of my nose and started to stand, turning as if to head back toward the window, and I clutched his sleeve, drawing him back to me.
"What happened to no leaving?"
"I'll only be gone a minute, love."
And he was. Or at least it was a minute to me. I may have fallen asleep. He was back quick as a flash, and he had provisions. In his arms he carried his brand new iBook, several of my favorite movies and CDs, orange and apple juices, rice crackers, cough syrup, tissue, Gatorade, applesauce, a pair of fuzzy socks, vaporub, and a heating pad.
He looked like a vampire pack mule.
"If you won't come to the doctor, the treatment's coming to you," he said, meticulously arranging items around me where I could reach them. He lifted my blanket and put the socks on my feet, one normally and one stretched over my wrapped leg. They were shockingly toasty. He put the heating pad near my feet and tucked the blanket around it, and then climbed in next to me with his laptop and a stack of DVDs. "I brought The Breakfast Club, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Lion King, and two versions of A Star Is Born. What'll it be, love?"
"I think I'd like to mess with the bull," I said, smiling wide.
Edward shook his head. "You're gonna get the horns," he warned me, acutely sarcastic.
"Bring 'em on!" I said, my voice coarse and scratchy as I tried to make the declaration.
I took a moment to have a sip of some juice and blow my nose while Edward set up the movie.
Looking around at the assorted care items Edward had compiled, I thought that maybe having him around while I was sick wasn't so bad. He hadn't made enough fuss to land me in the E.R, and he had really only brought the things he thought would help me. He hadn't commented on my atrocious hair, or my lack of hygiene, or my running nose. Holy crow, he'd kissed my nose earlier! He genuinely didn't care about my hideousness.
But he obviously did care about me, very much.
"Edward," I said, a few minutes later while watching Ally Sheedy cram pixie stix into her sandwich.
"Yes, love?" he replied, quickly glancing over to check that I was still stable and comfortable.
"Thank you."
"Any time, love."
Edward shifted on the bed, clearly uncomfortable with the question.
"For as long as you want me."
I laid my head down on his shoulder and breathed in his scent and enjoyed the sounds of the movie until I fell asleep.
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zehecatl · 2 years
Zel turns to her, expression deadpan, eyes accusing, and the silence that settles over them is a sharp, thin, thing.
It really only lasts for a second.
She gasps, puts her hand to her chest, makes her eyes wide and wet and pleading.
"Zel!" she wails, and his expression is getting sourer by the minute. "How could you! I'd never do anything like that- I'm just a little guy!"
Gourry's "don't you mean little girl?" is decivesly ignored, thought she files it away for later- she is not letting that go, oh no.
"Lina," Zel says, tone as dry as the desert, as bland as- as vanilla ice cream. "You are literally holding someone else's purse."
And okay, she maybe forgot that part- but the guy had been so easy to pickpocket, it was almost a crime not to, and besides, he was clearly a bad guy, okay! He was wearing socks! With sandals!!
"I was doing the world a favor!" she gestures, big and grand, and pushes that damned purse into her backpocket. "Besides!! How could someone with this face-" she gives him her wettest, saddest, puppy dog eyes, as pathetic as a rain soaked kitten. "do something like that?"
"She is just a little girl," Gourry adds, unhelpfully, and she slams her heel into his toes, revelling in his choked curse.
"I am just a little guy," she corrects, and smiles as innocently as a seven year old with their hand down the cookie jar.
Zel is, in fact, not buying it.
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breathiingg · 8 years
Hey! So I came here from your 707 meme and I've seen your other memes (plus the ones from KS) and I love them so so much~ But! I noticed you didn't have any headcanons or fanfiction published yet so I wanted to be the first to ask for headcanons :3 Can you please do headcanons of the RFA + V & Saeran reacting to finding out that MC has been cutting herself lately because of a relapse caused by overwhelming stress from work? Bring on the angst, I had a shit day anyway :D please & thank you~
first of all, thank you so so much that was such a thoughtful thing to do I’m at such a loss for words (ノ∀`♥) but secondly, I’m so so sorry you had a bad day (◕︿◕✿) if you want to, I’m always free to talk about these things or just talk in general, okay? mama’s got youuuu (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
I’ve had a really bad last three months and I’m in a loop I really can’t get out of so this topic is honestly something I can relate to pretty well, but it’s something I have hope for? like I think I can get out of this loop and find my way and it goes for everyone else who’s in that same loop ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ so for that reason, I'm gonna try to make the headcanons happier (i will still try to make it angsty no worries~)
soooooooo~ without further ado… (this is going to be very long btw)
this boy was just casually playing LOL on his pc when you come into the room freaking out
“Yoosung, where are all my long sleeve shirts?”
he looks at you confused
it’s the middle of summer???
why on earth would you need long sleeve shirts in the middle of summer????
he casually points to the laundry basket in the corner
“Sorry, MC, but I think you used up all your long sleeve shirts. Why do you need them anyway?”
your eyes just dart to the ground as you tell him you’re just cold
he doesn’t say anything though but the boy is worried
so as soon as you left the room, gamer child decides to consult google about the problem
“Why would my girlfriend wear long sleeve shirts in the middle of summer?”
google gives many answers
one of them was “Because she’s Russian”
are you Russian??? gamer child doesn’t know so he ignores it
but then an article about depression catches his attention
he looks through the whole thing about 64 times because you fit all the symptoms and child is now very very worried
but Yoosung knows he can’t just ask you about it so he waits
and that night, when you were both supposed to be sleeping, he sneaks a peek
he sees the scars, old and new, and he just starts trembling
he starts sniffling and then crying, and soon enough, he’s flooding the place
and of course, considering how FUCKING loud this child cries, you wake up
the moment you turn towards him to see what the problem was, he just pulls you into the tightest and wettest hug you’ve ever had
well considering all those shower “incidents” that’s debatable but that’s not the point
“MC, please, please don’t hurt yourself like that. It hurts me so much to see you like this. I love you so so much, don’t you know that?”
well you can’t really lie about the situation so you just mutter a quiet “I’m sorry…” under your breath
y’all just stay like that for the rest of the night, comforting each other as you sobbed in each other’s arms
he repeatedly told you over and over how much he loves you
and you told him everything
ad he understood.
the next few weeks after that, this child gives you all the love he could possibly give in the world
cooks for you, cleans for you, helps you with your work, you name it
he even stopped playing LOL just to give you the love and care you deserve
and you better bet your ass this will go on until you get better
there’s only one thing this boy loves more than anything (besides you and himself)
and you can bet your dog to the nearest pawnshop owner that it’s taking selfies
so naturally, this boy takes like 398459284 selfies everyday and you can bet your ass that he’ll get pissed every time his phone reminds him that he literally has zero storage left
so one day, he’s pretty much just randomly going through his camera roll, smiling at all the pictures he took of the both of y’all and remembering all the good times
but he notices a pattern
ever since about a few weeks ago, he noticed you wearing more jeans than shorts, and then there was a point where you just completely stopped wearing anything else but jeans
Zen doesn’t really think anything of it except for the fact that he missed seeing those sexyass legs
so guess what he does?
boy whines to you about it nonstop
“Baaaabeeeee, I miss seeing your gorgeous legs~ Why don’t you wear shorts anymoreeeeeee?”
you just shrug and make up some kind of excuse about starting to become conscious of going out in such short shorts
i mean it’s not really true but you can’t really tell him what’s really going on here, right?
 well turns out your lie backfired on you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
he sets your jeans on fire bc you’re a liar lol get it? liar liar jeans on fire? no?
okay no, he doesn’t, but he does convince you to wear shorts for him in the house bc hey, if it’s just the two of y’all, you have no reason to be conscious, right?
good job, MC
so you end up doing it for him, but you wear knee-high socks nonetheless so he won’t see a thing and position yourself so that your hands are always covering your lower thigh area
you make him uber suspicious tho
but he just pouts but he doesn’t say anything
but jokes on you, he ends up seeing them anyway when he walks in on you changing
he sees the scars on your thighs, and his eyes widens
he runs to you in the speed of fast
and this boy starts kissing them
“Zen, what the hell are you doing?”
he just keeps kissing them and nuzzling them until you start giggling bc it’s starting to tickle
“With scars or not, your legs are still gorgeous, babygirl, but that still doesn’t mean this is okay. Don’t do it again, okay? For me, and for you.”
and from then on, he makes you model in shorts for him everyday and kisses your scars after each and every time
this goes on until all your scars heal
kink master & sex god
he loves loves l o v e s to buy you lingerie, okay
and he loves doing sexy time with you too
which happens frequently
so obviously, when you stop having sexy time with him as often and then stop altogether, he’ll think something’s up
like you won’t even let him see you naked anymore, not even when you’re just wearing your bra and underwear 
obviously he’ll think something’s up
but this boy.
oh this boy.
he panics.
he thinks you don’t love him anymore.
he thinks he’s going to lose the one person he cares about the most.
jumin s t o p
i’ll have you know that his bff 4 lyfe had to talk to him about this and calm him down
“Just talk to her,” V says, so that’s exactly what he does.
but before that, he goes out and buys you some new lingerie since he hasn’t done that in a while
but anyways
when you see that he just bought some lingerie for you, you already know what’s up
and you just sigh and give him a tired smile
“Sorry, Jumin…”
he pulls you in into a sweet, passionate kiss
and just from that kiss alone, you could tell that he missed you
and god did you feel worse
he politely and gently asks for an explanation
but you just didn’t want to tell him, not like this
so you decided to show him
you grab the lingerie that he neatly laid out on the bed and you slowly put it on, your back turned to him
but as soon as you turned around, he saw the scars you traced onto your belly
he closes his eyes sighs
he understands
he understands but i think that’s what hurt him the most
he pulls you in for another kiss
“I’ll love you all night,” he whispered lovingly in your ear
“I’ll love you throughout every single night until you love yourself too, because you are beautiful. You are the most beautiful person that has ever touched my soul, and you are the only one who has ever made me feel like love was a possibility for me. I love you so much…I highly doubt that would ever change. A girl that amazing shouldn’t harm herself like this.”
and with those words, you find yourself crying into his welcoming arms
well, you know what comes after 。^‿^。
you love over the shoulder tops
it’s just your thing
it’s what you always wear when you’re working at the cafe
hell, both of y’all even have matching over the shoulder tops you got at Disneyland with those cliche “She’s my Disney Princess” phrases
and y’all would frequently wear those at work and everyone just swwwoooooooonsssss 
you’re the perky, clumsy little girlfriend who practically bounces with excitement everytime she greeted customers and she was the calm responsible one who sat behind the counter and watched her girlfriend with such loving eyes
it’s just always been that way
and then out of nowhere, it stopped.
it was gradual at first
but then it just stopped.
at first, you just seemed like you were tired all the time and you weren’t as excited so Jaehee just assumed that you were tired
but then you stopped wearing over the shoulder tops
or anything that showed even an inch of your shoulders
in fact, you seemed to hate anything that showed your shoulders
and that’s when it started becoming worrying
and let me tell you, anyone who’s been to that cafe at least once is worried af
they love you to death, you better bet your bare ass they’re hella worried about you
well your birthday was coming up so everyone plans a surprise birthday party in order to maybe cheer you up
and well, you didn’t know about it duh
so one day, you decide to wear an over the shoulder top that shows your scars and work on a Saturday so that no one would be at the cafe
“SURPRISE!” screamed practically everyone
and they saw everything
the scars
even Jaehee
you fall to your knees and started sobbing really hard
but surprise again
everyone knew about it already
and boy do they have news for you
everyone comes over with their gifts in their hands and guess what they were
over the shoulder tops
“It’s okay, MC,” Jaehee comforted. So what if you have scars? You’re going through a tough time, aren’t you? We understand that. We’re here to support you through those times, so don’t be afraid to open up to us, okay? If you don’t want to, that’s okay, we’ll understand. But we’re always here for you, remember that.”
and with that, MC practically floods the place
and from then on, she happily wore over the shoulder tops everyday until her scars healed
he saw you
every cut you slit
every time you tried to hide it
he saw you
he saw everything
and each time he saw it, he broke a little more
he was convinced it was somehow his fault
after all, everyone he loved and cared about always got hurt when they were around him
and this was what he was afraid of
but he tried his best to stay sane for you
you need support right now and he needs to offer it
and you know he knows
it’s not like you can hide anything from him with all the damn cameras around the house
so you showed them freely around him
once he saw that you were comfortable showing them around him, he immediately grabbed your wrists
“This is Wilbert,” he says, pointing to faintest and oldest (yet also deepest) cut. “He’s an old man who hates children on his lawn, meaning…”
He drew a circle around your wrist.
“This is Wilbert’s lawn.” he points to your freshest wound and says, “This is Timmy. He is the youngest.”
He looks up at you to see your reaction, and when he saw that you were giggling, he sat you down on the couch and continued the naming session
everyday, y’all would cuddle on the couch and update the life stories of your scars
everyday, there was a new story for every cut
Emily learned how to ride her bike
Kyle asked out Lily and got rejected big time
Wilbert became best of friends with Timmy
it was the only way he could keep sane
and it helped you stop the self-harm too, which in turn helped keep him sane
and this continued until your scars healed completely
and when they finally healed, he kissed each and every one
“Rest in peace, everyone. Let’s put an end to this story, okay? I care too much about my MC, so it seems like we won’t be able to have a sequel. Sorry.” he smiles faintly and turns to you
he was crying
you were crying
and y’all kiss each other’s tears away
you always slept on the right side of the bed
and when you started to cut yourself, this came at an advantage since V was the blindest on his right eye
so whenever you believed he was asleep, that’s when you would do it because unless he turned to completely look at you, he wouldn’t really be able to figure out what you were doing
but one night, while you thought he was asleep, he speaks up
“You know I know what you’re doing, right, MC?”
well fuck
he sits up as you put the blade away
“Come with me.”
he takes your hand and navigates his way to his studio with the other hand
he asks you to take your clothes off and stand right in front of the camera
you were really really confused but you did it anyway
like are we gonna make a sex tape or some shit what’s up
and he goes right behind the camera
well, he pretty much tells you to pose a certain way and takes lots of pictures of you from different angles
all of your scars are showing oh so clearly
and afterwards, he prints the pictures and shows them to you
and for some reason… you were crying?
you didn’t understand why but you wept and wept and wept
“You see,” he says while caressing your scars. “That’s how I feel. Seeing someone so beautiful feel so sad that she does this to her body? It hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Rip them up,” he says. “All of them. Tell yourself that this isn’t something you deserve and rip them up.”
and so you did
and god, did you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders
and for the rest of your lives together, whenever you felt like doing it again, he sets up another photo shoot for you to print and rip up more pictures
and it always made you feel so much better
you were acting strangely
your eyes were glazed over and the sparkle was no longer there
you weren’t as happy as you normally were
he always said your energy was annoying but he didn’t want this
because in reality, he loved it
he was still in the process of healing and all the positivity you were showing was helping him and making him so so happy
and he feels like this is all his fault because he never told you how he truly felt
he is panicking
but when he couldn’t take it anymore, he pretty much yelled at you in the middle of dinner
“Say something, goddammit! You’ve been acting like a damn zombie and I just can’t figure out what’s going through your fucking mind! Say something…please…I can’t take this anymore.”
the helplessness and desperation in his voice was enough to make a lump form in your throat
“I’m sorry, Saeran…” and that was all you could say
and then he starts crying
and at this point, you couldn’t take it anymore either so you start crying too
and y’all just cry through dinner
by the time y’all have calmed down, you pulled him over to the sofa and showed him your scars
he pulls down his sleeve and shows you his
and when you looked like you were about to cry again, he pulls you in for a hug, and for once, he was honest
“This isn’t right. We need help. I want to be normal again, MC, for you. For us. I want to make you happy…I don’t want to be a burden. I…care about you. You make me happy. And I want you to be happy too. I want both of us to be happy and okay. Together.”
and after that, he starts taking you to therapy with him
and it took a while for him to really open up and be honest
but one day, out of nowhere, he pulls you in for a hug after you made dinner, grabbed your wrist and kissed your scars. “Can I reword what I said to you on the sofa that one night months ago? I’ve been practicing.”
you nodded with a confused look as he pecked your lips.
“Basically…I love you.”
you smile as tears fall down your cheeks
you grab his wrist and kiss his scars just like he did yours
“I love you too.”
(I realized I forgot to make this about work stress…sorry anon;;)
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themargaret66-blog · 7 years
I have another cold - the 3rd this year!
It seems I have another cold and it is raining again.  It has just about rained every day for the last seven months. The sun was supposed to be out today - there is no sun - but it is raining again as usual!  Apparently, this has been the wettest winter that we have had in many years and as a consequence, the vegetables are rotting in the ground - especially the potatoes. This, of course, drives the price up. For the last two days, I have had a stabbing pain in the right side of my head and the right nostril of my nose is running like a river. Last night I kept stuffing pieces of tissue into the nose to stop the constant running. I went on the net to see what the problem could be - it may be a migraine.  However, I am sick of being constantly sick for this past winter! Every night I have the electric blanket on the middle setting and I leave it on all night long - which you should never do! However, I am constantly cold and I can’t sleep if I am cold.  Have decided to buy a new electric blanket every couple of years - to play it safe - so that I don’t end up burning down the house. 
Jim, Adrienne and Matheus finally turned up at about 4.30pm and stayed until 7.30pm.  We had a long talk about the election, the guy who booted my letterbox one week ago at 12.30am on Sunday.  This guy totally wrecked my letterbox. Housing NZ has promised to look at the problem in the 10 days from the time this vandalism happened - however, I am not holding my breath.  We also talked about the bus driver who will not lower the bus for me and for the past few months I have been sending emails to his boss about this problem.  One of the last times when I saw this bus driver - he told me to my face that he is not going to lower the bus - as it takes too much time! I then walked and sat down in the bus in a state of a shock! Then about three weeks after this incident - I got an email from the Ritchies & Murphy management saying that they have closed my file on the matter as the problem has now been resolved. I was furious and responded by saying no this problem has not been resolved as this particular  bus driver refuses to lower the bus! Since sending the last email - I have not seen this particular bus driver.  I have now encountered several new female bus drivers.  I haven’t caught the bus as much in the last two weeks because I have been spending a lot of time completing Photoshop work on my photos.  When I had Desiree’s car for one week - I took many photos such as the open Pit Mine in Waihi, Henry’s grave at the Manukau Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Waikumete Cemetery and so forth.  Then one week ago I took photos on the Ponsonby Church Heritage Walk and the Grafton Heritage Walk. On both occasions I was carrying alot of gear - some people were carrying nothing!  I had a back pack which had my camera, book to read on the train, rain coat, umbrella, also in a plastic bag I have a spare pair of knickers, pad for incontinence (in case of an accident), scarf and socks. In another bag (over the shoulder) I had a packed lunch (which I make the night before) and a drink of Vita Fresh. I always take a packed lunch and a drink when travelling anywhere in Auckland - so I am not wasting money on buying food.  However, I always set aside enough money for one cup of coffee. Sometimes when I go shopping at the Manukau Mall - I will buy sushi for lunch - however that is the only exception to my rule for not buying lunch when I go to some event in Auckland. 
Getting back to Adrienne and Jim’s visit - I noticed that Jim was not interested in my Polyfest photos, the images of Desiree’s girls, Pasifika photos and so forth.  Apart from the election (which Jim did not have much to say about), the booting of my mailbox, the extremely rude bus - Jim was not interested in anything else. I stand corrected - he said I had a great garden. Jim’s principal interest is going to the casino in Hamiton.  I have no idea what Mary is interested in - I don’t think she has any interests. She has never had a garden, never cooks or bakes or does anything else. She spent most of her life (until she retired last year) washing dishes in a old people’s home for many years.  Every Saturday - Jim and Mary would go shopping and pay their bills by cash - because neither could operate a cheque book! Meanwhile every Saturday - I would take Desiree and Adrienne to the courts at Minogue Park in Hamilton to play netball. Val my aunt from Thames told me at my  last visit to her - she and Dennis her husband would go shopping in Thames every Friday (when they lived on their various farms) and then go and see Anne - Dennis’s sister! When I thought about this statement later that Val had made - I thought, during all of those years you would visit my mother on one occasion and vice-versa, once a year, but visit Anne (your husband’s) sister each week for many years! So then when my mother died - Val was at the funeral service - crying and sobbing! This is from someone who never came to visit my mother and family!  But then I thought why did my mother not get her license - then she could have driven to Val’s house in order to visit. Val only lived about 30 minutes away. Val also said to me - you must have gone shopping on a regular basis and I said no we never went shopping.  However, we often went to the movies on a regular basis with my father at the Embassy Theatre in Thames.  There was also the Regent theatre in Thames - but we hardly ever went to that theatre. I remember on one occasion, I went and bought two handkerchiefs from a local shop in Kerepehi and booked up this cost to my mother. I was 13 years old at the time. I was then made to walk with my mother to the shops and then my mother explained to the shop assistant that I was paying for the handkerchiefs with my money! She told the shop assistant (Audrey Billington) that she was furious and that this sort of thing was never going to happen again! Who would do that to their own child?!  When my own children were teenagers - we often went shopping and I paid for everything! I usually bought them clothes, knickers and bras and so forth. If there was something I did not agree with - this would have been dealt with IN MY HOUSE! I would never involve people outside the house - which my mother did! AS USUAL SHE ONLY THOUGHT ABOUT HERSELF OR JEANNETTE MY SISTER - but that is another story!  Except to say that I remember that Jeanette had many fancy expensive bras - which my mother had bought for her! I had to buy my own bras (the cheapest that I could find) with money that my father gave me for birthdays and Christmas. I use to make my own clothes and knit all of my cardigans and jumpers. Jeanette never ever did any sewing or knitting. I don’t remember Jeanette ever making a thing for herself - EVER in her whole life!  My mother use to make her clothes!
For many years Jack Lord would visit our house EVERY SATURDAY - so that my mother could give him money to bet on the horses at the TAB in Ngatea!  She always had money for the horses - BUT NOT ANY MONEY FOR TWO HANDERCHIEFTS! Throughout my school years I had to use toilet paper for this purpose!  Many years later when I came back from Australia at the age of 22 years old and going on 23 years - I had taken up smoking while living in Australia.  When in Kerepehi - I use to smoke in the bedroom (where I was sleeping) at Kerepehi.  Mavis (my father’s second wife) found my ash-tray filled with cigarette butts and ash in one of the dressing table draws - I was then sent to live with Barbara and Tom. Mavis was appalled to discover that I was smoking in HER HOUSE!  SHE TOLD ME THAT THE HOUSE AT KEREPEHI WAS HER HOUSE on several occasions! I use to think to myself - your welcome to this house as I have no wish to live in Kerepehi! It is too far out in the boon-docks for me to even consider living in Kerepehi again! Then as soon as my father had died and his money had been distributed - she got 50% of his estate and me and my two sisters got the other 50% of the estate - she tried to sell her house from Kerepehi to me through our lawyers!  I refused - I did not even have to think about it! I was completely shocked that Mavis would have the gall to do this.  My sisters and I had grown up in this house - from birth and for myself to the age of 16 years! For me I would never buy anything from Mavis - out of principle! I stayed at Barbara and Tom’s house for about two weeks - then went to live and work at the Maternity Hospital in Te Awamutu. 
I had to laugh - even though it was a great visit from Adriennne, Jim and Matheus - she kept getting Desiree to phone me - (so I wouldn’t find out her new phone number)! GET OVER YOURSELF ADRIENNE! Adrienne seemed to think that it was okay (in fact it was something that she thought should be encouraged) for Silua and her mother to talk on the phone every night for many years - I just thought that this was way too excessive!  However, Adrienne has decided that she doesn’t want me to have her phone number - as she doesn’t want to receive twice weekly text messages from me! Absolutely pathetic! Adrienne hates me so much - it is very sad! I noticed that Matheus was very standoffish - which is understandable as he hasn’t seen me for 10 months. Also he had not seen me in the 12 months leading up to last Christmas! So in effect he has seen me once in the last approximate two years!
I am going to a AAAP training on Thursday in Onehunga - meaning Auckland Action Against Poverty.  If I can get there on time and if it is something I could get interested in - then I will do it.  I want to do volunteer work in order to get some referrees - so that I can go back to doing paid work.  At the present time - I don’t have any referrees to call upon! 
Anyway must leave this blog and go and do some Photoshop work!
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