#only he’s allowed to make fun of him okay
igotanidea · 2 days
New rules: Damian Wayne x reader
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part 4 of "Family rules" series.
A/N: bit of a filler, cause it's been 3 months(!!!!), but promise next part will be more eventful :D
„What is this?!” her father yelled, almost throwing the Gotham newspaper in her face.
“Let me tell you what this is! This is you kissing Damian Wayne! And your face is all over the newspapers’ front pages!”
“Stop screaming at me!” she spat back feeling her self-control slipping.
“You better tread carefully young lady. Last time I checked you were still living in my house.”
The nightmare began the second she got back from school, still reeling from everything that happened in the principal’s office. Y/N could barely step over the threshold when a tight grip on her shoulders yanked her back, pushing her into the chair in the living room, with a very angered Mr. Y/L/N hovering above her. Felt like a freaking interrogation because she dared to behave like a teenage girl falling in love for the first time in her life.
If her mother was still alive, she would understand. She would sit down with her, ask a lot of questions, let Y/N blush and be supportive as a mother could.
Instead the young girl had to deal with her father, who clearly forgot that part of the role, focusing only on acting as a CEO, whose daughter was fraternizing with the enemy.
And it made her feel guilty.
Guilty for her own feelings, as if falling in love was something shameful. As if he had to pick the right person to whom her heart should start beating. Or not. Not that she could have experienced that, yet¸ but judging by the screams and rage she could say that in the future her father might try to marry her off out of reason.  
“Dad, please listen, I –” her pleading tone was supposed to make the man realize that she wasn’t just a bargaining chip in his business’ development.
“I understand.” The response was cold, emotionless, almost ruthless, leaving no space for arguing.  
“No you don’t understand! You don’t understand! How could you possibly understand love when even mom was nothing more than a trophy wife for you-!“
Her outburst was immediately cut off by a slap and sharp stinging on the cheek followed by the reddened skin and pulsing blood.
“This is what your mother’s upbringing caused.” Her father hissed “ungrateful, stupid, snouted brat. But let me tell you something. This ends here. And if you want to keep living on my expense, you will do as I tell you!”
“I’m 17! I’m underage, you can’t just cast me out!”
“Unless you want to find out what I’m capable of, I advise you to listen to the plan you’re just a pawn in.”
“What is it, Damian?” Bruce asked his youngest son when he came back from school. If there was any anger or disappointment in him, he did a great job hiding it.
“It’s nothing.” Said youngest muttered bellicosely.
It obviously had to come to this stupid awkward conversation with his father but Damian was not going to admit anything easily. And the fact that the boy only just realized that he might be slightly in love with Y/N Y/L/N was causing him to act even more coldly and aloofly than usually.
“I said it’s nothing!”
“So you kissing that girl was just you having fun? Or maybe you were trying to humiliate her?”
“What? No!”
“Look, you are a boy. It's okay if you want to blow off steam. It’s understandable.” Bruce smirked, clearly setting a trap for Damian with the reverse psychology trick.
“You understand? Because you had so much blowing off steam when you were younger?" Obviously the boy raised by Thalia Al-Ghul and Ra’s Al-Ghul was smarter than to fall for something so childish. “Besides, it’s such a humiliating experience. I have no interest in primitive youthful pleasures and amorous activities, father.”
“You sure about it?”
“Positive.” Damian crossed arms over his chest, having his face expression under perfect control.
“Good. Get ready for patrol then. We’ll be leaving soon.”
Damian nodded and with stern look and pursed lips left the room, allowing Bruce to finally let out a sigh of worry. His son may have been a skilled vigilante trained in restraint of emotions, but he could not trick Batman himself. It was impossible to notice how Damian’s eyes were focused on that little Y/L/N during all of last night’s gala. Showing much more than just resentment. And then the dance, which Bruce didn’t even have to force him into. And the way his boy was holding that girl. It was almost obvious that Damian had in fact an interest in amorous activities.
And unlike Y/n’s father, Bruce was not mad about it. In fact, he was quite relieved. As long as possible the relationship would not detriment Damian’s Robin duties of course. But seriously, as a father of a 17 year old, Bruce knew that it was only a matter of time when dilemmas and problems related to love and adolescence would come forward.
And unlike Y/N;s father Bruce was going to watch it carefully, intervening when needed, giving a push here and there, but without obvious control.
She was crying a waterfall, holding onto the bruised cheek wondering how to best cover it up so no one at school would ask silly questions.
Locked in the room on the first floor, making the most stern resolution to avoid Damian Wayne for dear life. Even if that was the last thing she would do in her life, she wouldn’t get closer than three rows of desks in the classroom.
For what Y/N cared, Damian Wayne was now officially dead to her.
He was sitting on the branch of a giant tree next to her house, dressed in Robin costume, observing how the girl walked into her room with a hand on her cheek, though the distance didn’t allow him to uncover why. Was she sick? Would she be at school tomorrow? Maybe the press got to her and she hurt herself running away from the paparazzi?
AH! He almost fell to the ground.
“Yes, father?”
“What are you doing?”
“The target.”
“What now?”
“Unless the target changed age, gender and appearance—”
“Our criminal is currently running down 34th street.” Damian cut his father off abruptly and roughly “his tires are about to burst in about 100 meters due to the explosive I planted there. The explosion will give us enough momentum to jump into action and catch him with the stolen goods in his trunk. That is if we get into action in 3…2…1…” he swiftly shot into the air without paying attention to his companion and even less to his words.
As if Batman was trying to suggest Damian might have been watching her.
Huh! Ridiculous!
“Hey Y/n, what happened to your face?” The same girl that used to laugh her out about ending up on the pages kissing Damian, guffawed the next day seeing the poorly covered bruise on Y/N’s face.
“None of your fuckin business -“
“Oh, such bad words coming out of the little princess' mouth, isn’t it?”
“Get lost Lisa!” Y/N shut the locker and tried to walk past her bully.
“You will not ignore me!” Lisa hissed and yanked the other girl’s hair back.
“GIRL FIGHT!” someone yelled and in a blink of an eye the corridor was filled with students cheering on one or the other girl as they started to circle around each other waiting for the moment to strike. Before teachers arrived Y/N was on the floor, blocking the hits that Lisa, who was sitting atop her kept on throwing.
“Wait… what?” Y/N stuttered and the moment of confusion ended up in the perfectly aimed nose punch and a quite decent bleeding. Followed by Lisa’s vindictive smile.
“Now your nose matches your cheek.”
“ny-noze….”  tears pricked from Y/N’s eyes from the combined pain and shock. It was not just about the fight, but everything that happened in the last couple days. Her father’s abuse because of falling in love and now Lisa’s torment because of pretty much the same followed by a girl’s jealousy.
“What is happening here?” Fuck, why were the teachers always appearing  after the drama happened.
“She attacked me!” Lisa exclaimed, putting on an innocent face. “So aggressive, I suppose it’s because she was raised only by one parent.”
For a second the principal and the tutor were looking between untouched Lisa and beaten up, bleeding Y/N. It was clear who was the casualty, nonetheless it was Lisa’s family who’s been giving generous donations to school.
“Get up from the floor Y/N.” she was finally instructed and on shaky legs and with dizziness she clumsily stood up still clutching her nose. “This is your second stunt this week. You’re coming to my office and this time, I won’t go lightly on you.”
“It was not her fault.” Someone from the crowd of the students dared to speak up and the people parted, revealing the fuming….
Damian Wayne.
“it was Lisa—”
“Oh, I don’t feel well!” Lisa exclaimed accidentally falling right into Damian’s arms “I feel like I’m going to faint—”
“Mr. Wayne, take Mrs Thomas to the nurse’s office so she can be tended to.”
“What-?” Damian swiftly avoided Lisa’s fall and the girl almost ended up on the floor. “No.”
“No. Y/N was the one who was attacked. And for crying out loud, she’s the one bleeding and needing medical attention. So no, I’m not taking her—” he threw a glance at Lisa “anywhere when there’s someone else in need.”
“U-uh…” the principal still had in mind the humiliation he was subjected to last time when he had Damian and Y/N talk to him. “Fine! Fine, you take her to the nurse, though it’s completely unnecessary and –” half a sentence and two of them were already halfway away “Fuck. I mean, you all go back to your classes! There’s nothing to see here! Now go, before I put you all in detention!”
So her resolve to avoid Damian was broken on the first day. 
And it was about to get even harder from now on. 
@6000-fandoms @beyond-your-stars @mikyapixie
@heartz4miz @crookedmakerfury @mariam12344 @celestair
@faimmm @hornyslasher
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thewayitalknj · 3 days
Just a quick blurb I just thought of while watching a WWE PPV ; Enjoy!
Okay but just imagine you and the gang hanging out. They all know you're in love with Eddie and they've been trying to get you guys together for months. Doing stupid little things like leaving you alone in a room, having you sit next to each-other wherever you go. You understand and appreciate the sentiment but now you're getting annoyed, tired even ; because you know deep down Eddie would never date you and only sees you as a best friend.
You've seen him go through so many relationships throughout your friendship and whenever it never worked out he always came running to you, just to allow himself to be upset with what happened. And it killed you ; but you were always there for him ; and he was grateful.
You all decide to go to Lovers Lake to rent a cabin for a week during the Summer. And the gangs antics continue. They 'accidentally' put you in a room together, they had you getting things for the bbq together, and of course on the whole ride up you were sat together.
You were at your breaking point one night. Jonathan, Eddie and Argyle were out by the campfire while you and Steve were getting things from the kitchen with Nancy and Robin.
Steve laughs grabbing the chocolate and looks over, "You know, a campfire is a pretty romantic setting for you and -"
"Would you please just STOP?" You yell, practically scream while throwing the marshmallows on the countertop. They all look over at you, shock written all over their face from your sudden outburst. "Look, I know this has been going on for awhile but it needs to end. I'm sick of it, okay? It was fun in the beginning but it's been a long ass time and nothing has changed ; nothing will change. He will never see me as more than a friend, and I've come to terms with it ; and you should all too." You point to them, holding back tears as your voice begins to crack. "I'm suddenly not hungry anymore, I'm going to go shower and head to bed." You make your way upstairs, slam the door and bury your face into the pillow ; trying to keep your muffling and crying to a minimum.
Your friends watch as you leave. Once they heard the bang from the second level they look over to the outside door ; And Eddie is standing there.
"Did you, hear all that?" Robin asks.
"Loud and clear." He whispers, staring at the top of the stairs.
Quick Notes - if you want a Part2 just message, comment? Idk, I'm still new to writing on here lol.
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strwberri-milk · 1 day
Hiiii ! I really love your work, you are amazing♡ .
Can I request how lads boys react when reader ignores them on purpose( like teasing them, , although they already figured it out ) , and how they try to attract attention ,maybe they have their own methods.. (╯✧▽✧)╯
Love ya!
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Zayne decides if you're going to be childish he has no problems treating you like a child. He clocked it immediately that you're being passive aggressive teasingly and ignoring him just to mess with him. He's used to your antics and honestly, doesn't mind humouring you.
He does ignore you right back but he'll say things that pique your interest, knowing that your stubbornness won't allow you to ask him about them further. He will make mentions of wondering what to do for dinner, maybe wanting to order in as a treat but it's too bad you won't talk to him so he can't figure out what to get.
He'll putter around your home making similar statements, almost playing a game of chicken to see if you'll give up once the prize is enticing enough. It comes to an end as he's actively ordering dinner, messing with you by ordering the healthiest option - aka nothing that you would prefer - and you practically jump at him to beg that he orders something you'd enjoy eating. He simply smiles and presses a kiss to your forehead, amending the order quickiy as he gives you a smug look.
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Xavier doesn't really understand what's happening. All he knows is that you keep giving him pointed looks but you won't respond to anything he says. He thinks you need space from him so he decides to oblige, walking away and entertaining himself as he waits for you to start talking to him again.
You follow after him after a bit of time passes, finding him on his phone in bed. He gives you a questioning look and it's only now that you realise he still is unaware that you were messing with you. You feel so guilty when you meet his soft gaze, Xavier asking quietly if everything was okay.
You duck under the covers with him immediately, telling him that you were just messing with him because you wanted to see how he would react. It takes a couple of minutes for him to understand what you're telling him but once he does understand he unintentionally gives you the cutest pout as he sulks, asking why you wanted to mess with him like that.
You feel so guilty after he asks you that that you promise you'll never do that to him again, cuddling him closet to make up for it all. He assures you that it's okay and he isn't upset with you at all - but he will keep a mental note of it so he can mess with you back to exact his revenge on you.
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Rafayel was the one who started this. He decided to start sulking after you "slighted" him (read: didn't cuddle him for long enough when the two of you woke up) and thought the best course of action would be to ignore you until you begged for his forgiveness (read: kiss him until he forgets his name).
It's more fun to ignore him in response and gives you some peace and quiet for once. You decide to read a book in the bedroom, curling up on the sheets and keeping yourself out of his way. Rafayel notices your absence immediately, throwing the door open as he stares you down. It'd be menacing if Rafayel could muster even an ounce of dislike towards you but he really can't looking more like a kicked puppy as he asks if you're seriously ignoring him right now.
You open your arms up for him to join you and he very happily joins you, nuzzling against your neck and collar like a cat. You card your fingers through his hair, teasing up as you ask if he's learned his lesson by now. You can feel him nod but you know it means nothing - you just have to bide your time until his next bid for attention starts.
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ratedfleur · 2 days
what would a ffm threesome look like between the members of zb1 hyung line and u?
i wasn’t sure if this was what you wanted but i hope u like it! :)
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jiwoong wouldn’t be phased at your proposition, he would’ve been all “okay, just invite her whenever.” and he’s all smug about it too. if you did invite your friend over, jiwoong would pay attention to her first, he was simply talking to her but immediately her panties are pooling with slick because of how intense his staring was. sparing you a quick look, all jiwoong needs is one smile from you before making your friend sit on his lap, kissing her softly as you got busy with yourself, watching as jiwoong fucked her. one rule of his was that you were not to interfere with him fucking your friend, you were only allowed to watch and instruct him ever so often before you get your own fucking session after she cums.
hao would melt at your proposition, he wouldn’t even be ashamed about it because he’d ask you to pull specific moves— hao knows you know what he likes so you’re taking the reigns in the bedroom, but this time, with a friend. his special request was that you and your friend would be on all fours, kneeling beside each other before hao takes turns fucking you both and his hand would be fucking the other empty cunt. you knew hao loved oral— both giving and receiving, you and your friend got to work and all hao could do was moan against a cunt and buck his hips into a warm cavern as he made a mess all over himself, cumming within a quick minute.
hanbin would’ve attempted to get out of your request, he swore to himself to not get into situations like such but he couldn’t resist when you and your friend cornered him in a cafe, both yours and her foot was pressed against his crotch as your chins were in your hands, showcasing your tits in a sweetheart neckline top. hanbin would’ve brought you both into the restroom, scolding you both for acting like sluts in a public place. he would punish you both for acting like whores, smacking your behinds before he fucks you both in front of the mirror, making tears stream down your faces as hanbin got rough with you and your friend.
matthew’s own expressions would fail him if he acted all fine about your little request, immediately you could tell that matthew’s flustered and shy about the thought of being surrounded by two women at once in the bedroom. matthew would’ve tried to dart his eyes all over the place when he saw you kissing your best-friend in the kitchen, she had her bottoms on the ground as your hand busily prodded in between her folds. your smile is erotic as you opened your eyes, looking straight at matthew as your friend was busy moaning against your lips. he would’ve liked to stay on the sidelines, watching as you made yourself cum as you and your friend scissored. all matthew would need is one command from you before he joins in on the fun.
taerae’s smile is eerie when he said yes to your question about a threesome, the only condition is that he’d choose who would join and that he would be in charge of both of you. he had one trick up his sleeve and you didn’t know that he would choose one of your sworn rivals in uni, it was silly but he loved seeing you both bicker in bed even if you both were clearly having fun scissoring each other. if either of you were getting a little too loud and angry, taerae would make you or her suck him off so he could have a little fun watching the other make fun of the other for being forced to shut up.
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bashslash · 3 days
WAITER WAITER MORE BASHSLASH HCS PLEASE!!! *aggressuvely rings bell*
OKAY 😣😓🤭 (set in the movie timeline)
— dean has a thing against people touching his hair + calling him dean. He gets uncomfortable when people touch his hair and being calling dean pisses him off because of his older brothers (they would always call him by his first name when teasing him). Fulton is the only one allowed to :] (he’s the only one allowed to do a lot of things, like cup dean’s face and pet his cheek with his thumb , or gentle touches of any kind).
— they skip breakfast every morning to cuddle (and more often then not they skip half the day)
— they have the most daily detentions ever. and the most detentions for skipping detention. They are trying to set a record.
— dean is the biggest shit talker ever, he and fulton constantly eavesdrop on preppy girls conversations and make fun of them. sometimes dean is unable to stop himself from talking back. (*preppy complaining about her boyfriend not liking her* “well maybe he’d like you if you stop caking your face in makeup” “portman” fulton laughs out before hitting his boyfriend’s shoulder. The girl did not think it was funny).
— they both compliment each other in their native languages (fulton is german, dean is dominican + puerto rican). (“Du bist sehr schön.” (You are very beautiful) “eh? Qué dijo?” (huh? what did you say?)).
— they love clueless
— their kind of dates are going to the record store. They love picking out music together :3
— fulton loves dark chocolate while dean loves milk chocolate. They buy each other candy.
—(game changers) they are married (they just don’t wear their rings to work), they have two golden retrievers, and a chubby cat.
— fulton likes to wake dean up at like 2 AM to have conversations about whatever is on his mind (because he’s always overthinking all his thoughts and panicking over them). Sometimes it’s about what’s on dean’s mind. But after Dean complains about being woken up , the conversation always starts with “hi.” (this one is based on my favorite hc about them)
— fulton is really good at drawing while dean can only draw stick figures. Fulton loves finding random doodles dean makes on any paper he can find.
— (also based on my favorite hc of them) dean is a deep sleep, fulton is a light sleeper + insomniac
— dean enjoys cooking, he finds it relaxing. Whenever the team goes on trips (to the banks vacation home) , he’s the designated cook.
— they like stargazing , fulton tells dean about different constellations or stars, and poems that use space and stars as metaphors.
— fulton enjoys reading, he loves poems too. he enjoys edgar allan poe. Sometimes he reads to dean.
— their first kiss happened at a concert
let me know if you want more hehe :33
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aflairforthedramattic · 17 hours
bedless - chris sturniolo
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summary: your mental state is getting worse but chris is there for you.
warnings: mental health struggles. so angst. hurt and comfort. that’s it.
it was silent throughout your apartment. the only noise heard was the soft white noise emanating from your ceiling fan.
you were exhausted. mentally, physically, and emotionally. you don’t remember when you started to feel this way. maybe it’s when you subconsciously decided to stop taking your antidepressants. you don’t know why you stopped; you just forgot to take them one day and never retook them. they were working, though, and maybe some part of you was scared, so you stopped.
you tried to hide it from them, chris and his brothers, and you were doing a good job. from forced smiles to light-hearted conversations and engaging in fun hangouts, you perfected the routine. masking yourself and pretending like everything’s fine when it’s not, your whole world felt like it was crashing and falling apart.
it’s been three days since you last saw or spoken to chris. you knew he had tried to contact you since, but you couldn’t find it in you to respond. so now you lie in bed, staring at the ceiling fan, listening to it hum.
you eventually got up from your spot in bed and relocated to the shower. you hadn’t even bothered to remove your clothes and just stepped in. the water was freezing, practically inducing hypothermia if you stayed in too long, but you couldn’t care less. at least it made you feel something. so you sat on the shower floor, knees to your chest, as you let the water consume you.
chris became worried about you. he messaged and called you multiple times tonight, and all left unanswered. the thought of something terrible happening to you, eating him alive. what if you had gotten kidnapped? or have gotten into an accident of sorts? or even been brutally murdered? his active imagination was running wild now. he had to make sure you were okay.
after forcing matt to drive him to your place. he made his way up your apartment complex and to your door, entering the code on the keypad and unlocking it. as he stepped in, he noticed the disarray your apartment was in. dishes piled up in the sink, trash scattered about your place, and laundry, dirty and clean, piled on the couch. this was so unlike you. he dismissed it, though, and made his way towards your room, knocking at the door before letting himself in.
hoping to find you in bed asleep, he was met with disappointment as you were nowhere to be found. it quickly faded as he heard the shower running and saw the light emitting through the cracks of the bathroom door, indicating that you were in there.
assuming you were showering, he sat on the bed and waited for you to come out. half an hour passed, and you never did.
feeling anxious again, chris went to the bathroom door and spoke.
“ma? you alright in there?” he questioned.
no response.
that was enough to have his heart race. testing, he twisted the knob of the bathroom door, and when it showed zero resistance, he pushed it open.
the sight was heartbreaking. there you were, fully clothed, in the shower, soaked. chris let out a shaky breath and made his way toward you, shutting off the shower and pulling you out, not caring if he got wet in the process.
“shit, you’re freezing.” chris blurt out.
he immediately started stripping you of your damp clothes, and you stood, allowing him. finding fresh clothes to put you in, chris dressed you and led you back into the bedroom. no words were uttered the entire time.
you felt so weak. chris wasn’t supposed to see you like this. he wasn’t supposed to find you in the shower, practically freezing yourself to death. he wasn’t supposed to know. he wasn’t supposed to know you were hurting. but now he did.
you broke down, sobbing as you muttered apologies after apologies to chris, feeling sorry that he had to deal with you.
“i’m sorry, chris,” you hiccuped, trying to speak through the tears.
“for what?” chris asked, feeling confused about what the hell you were apologizing for.
you stayed silent, and chris took that as an answer. he pulled you in an embrace and ran his hands up and down your back, attempting to soothe you.
“you have nothing to be sorry about,” chris whispered in your ear.
you pulled away from his embrace and sat on your bed, speaking. “i’m so tired of everything, chris. i can’t do this anymore. i don’t want to do this anymore.”
chris’s eyes began to tear up, hearing you spill out your guts. hating the way you were hurting and wishing that he could take it all away and do the hurting for you if it meant that he would never hear you utter those phrases ever again.
the bed dipped as chris sat down next to you, “i’m here for you always,” he murmured. “let me help you, please let me help you.”
you looked up at him, making eye contact with him for the first time since he arrived. “okay,” you whispered.
“okay.” he repeated.
“let’s get some rest for now, yeah?” chris spoke again as he started to coax you under the sheets and into his warm embrace.
chris fell asleep first, and you lay on his chest. now, the only thing you could hear was his heartbeat, lulling you to sleep and reminding you that you were going to be okay.
a/n: please tell me yalls thoughts in comments and need some sort of validation. sorry not sorry for the sad shit but if you couldn’t tell i have problems. also this was sort of inspired by the song bedless by pierce the veil so yeah. any ptv fans reading?
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oreo102 · 2 days
Not really an ask but a mutual complaint. I don't get why because 14 settled down and 15 is "healed" that we're supposed to be OK that they got to find love and happiness easily but 13 didn't.
We’re supposed to be okay with it because no one likes 13. The majority of the fandom either won’t give her a chance because of bad faith criticism or are the ones making it. I had someone tell me before I even started watching her, after I mentioned that if I were to watch Dr who, it’d be her, tell me that I wouldn’t like her because the writing was atrocious(it’s not).
13 can’t even have a relationship with the woman who she said she wants to spend eternity with (or smth of the like in legend of the sea devil), can’t kiss, can’t hold hands, can’t even hug! Yaz and 13 hug a single time unless I’m remembering wrong, which is as likely as it isn’t with how much I’ve watched her era.
But 14 gets to settle down with Donna and her family. He gets to have a tardis and his old bestie from like 1000 years ago, he gets to heal. He gets what everyone and their mom wanted 10 to get. He gets a happy ending.
And 15 gets to mention his trauma in a light tone, he doesn’t have the crushing weight of guilt every other doctor had, no, he’s healed! He gets to go on silly little adventures with his best friend who is actually super mysterious and that’s a totally good thing to hold up like a treat to a fucking mutt. They get to hug! 3 times in one episode. I remember that specifically because every time it happened I felt a pang of annoyance and pettiness.
This isn’t to say I don’t like 15. I really do like him, he’s fun and he’s really the only reason I’d continue watching the newest season. I just- can’t juggle my love and loyalty to 13(srsly I’ve had to stop myself from starting fights multiple times in the last 24 hours) with seeing him get what she never did.
I understand why they brought David tenant back. He is a great ways to get views, the majority of people really love him and I know at least my mom watched she specials especially to see him, my friend started watching Dr who bc they love him. I just wish they would’ve given 13 a happier ending. I wish they would MENTION yaz. Even if not by name. It’d be easy- really it would, have them spend some time in the tardis- have Ruby touch something and 15 be like “no touching- only one human is allowed to fly her” or smth like that (idc if that’s wrong. I don’t. Don’t comment telling me if this is wrong.)
We’re supposed to be fine with 13’s ending be bittersweet, when the doctor after her gets an almost too perfect happy ending, and 15 gets to be healed from his trauma (not how trauma works) because they don’t care. They don’t care about 13, they don’t care about yaz, they don’t care about thasmin fans, they don’t care about fans they got with her, they just don’t care. And that’s- fine. But I won’t watch his series
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p-redux · 1 day
Well, folks, the day has finally come, I'm so angry about something, I can barely speak, let alone write. But write I will...
Here goes. I, Purv, in NO WAY, approve of Bcac's blog or her. It has come to my attention that after Bcac's account was deactivated by Tumblr and then quickly reactivated, she made this mention of me. 👇
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First of all, what I said I said privately in a DM. If I had wanted to offer public support, I would have. I thought my DM conversations were private, apparently not. The person I DMed with has already apologized to me for betraying my confidence. Secondly, just because I said Bcac shouldn't lose her account does NOT mean I'm cool with her or her blog. I said in DM that I didn't think Bcac should have lost her blog, but because I think everyone should have freedom of speech, in general. That's it.
But now Bcac has taken what I said privately and weaponized it to try to legitimize herself with those other than the Sam-haters and Purv-haters she surrounds herself with. And THAT I'm VERY upset about.
Bcac has toned down her blatant displays of Sam hate because she realizes she has a captive audience of Sam fans who are waiting on his every move. And she provides that for them. But let me be VERY CLEAR, Bcac has disdain for Sam Heughan. And, she welcomes people who have disdain for him on her blog. And people who have disdain for me. She regularly commiserates with and allows comments from KNOWN Sam haters. They have harassed and bullied Sam and talked sh*t about the women he dates for years.
Here's a quick sampling of MANY examples, showing Bcac talking badly about Sam and allowing others to. 👇
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Aside from the Sam-haters that Bcac welcomes on her blog, she also welcomes those who have made MY life hell for years and years. I recognize so many names from the past. People who harassed me all day and even tried to dox me. That's who flocks to Bcac's blog. Sam-haters, Purv-haters, don't be fooled thinking that's not the case. I can name names if anyone is interested in DM.
Bcac herself has talked sh*t about me privately and publicly on her blog. Here's a quick example of her making fun of me and also putting Sam down in the process. 👇
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Here she is continuing to put me down, even making fun of my eye issues! 👇
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Like I said, this is only the tip of the iceberg of Bcac and her followers mocking me. And she's toned it down significantly because she knows many of my followers now look at her blog too.
So, yes, I don't think Bcac should have had her blog deactivated, but ONLY because I believe in freedom of speech. Even for b*tches who talk sh*t about Sam and about me. And make no mistake, Bcac and her minions are b*tches. They're just hiding it better these days. Except for the blogger who shared my DM, she's not a b*tch. But I will be parting ways since I can no longer trust her. Silly me, I thought it was possible for someone to be best friends with Bcac and also be friendly with me. I should know better after 10 years in this Godforsaken fandom.
Tumblr only lets you post 10 pics, but if anyone is interested in more crap Bcac has posted about me or Sam, hit me up in DM, and I'll show you.
So, today is the day I draw the line in the sand. I don't want to ever hear Bcac's name or anyone associated with her. Why would I want anything to do with someone who puts me down? I'm not going to tolerate that. No one should. Soooo, anyone who is chummy to me on my blog, but then I get wind you're also chummy with Bcac, will get blocked. I'm done with this bullsh*t. I get it, she finds out Sam's every move and people want that info. So, go ahead and get it from her. But, you won't ALSO be able to stay on my blog. Am I making people pick sides? Absofuckinglutely. If that means I lose a lot of followers. So be it. I've decided I'd rather have no followers than two-faced people. I like Sam and I like myself. She doesn't like Sam and she doesn't like me. You can't be okay with her and her sh*t talking of me, and be okay with me. It's impossible. Simple as that.
Those of the more reasonable calm, Switzerland type personalities may not understand my choice. Those of the passionate, take a stand, have your back no matter what persuasion, will understand. Maybe it's my Italian blood, maybe, I've put up with too much betrayal and bullsh*t in this fandom. It is what it is. And what it is...is that I'll leave this post up for a few days for people to read it, and then I'll start blocking people. So, if you find yourself not being able to see my blog, you'll know why.
Again, this is not me being upset over some minor disagreement or Bcac constantly accusing me of stealing her stuff (funny, how a few days ago, SHE stole two exclusive pics I got of the Outlander cast at the Taylor Swift concert, but whatever), THIS is because she has said and says horrible things about me and about Sam. Obviously, she does it more in private now since she wants to keep her Sam fan followers. And so many eat her info up, not knowing she's secretly laughing about you in DMs with the Sam haters. I'm done turning a blind eye to it. And I want people to know how toxic she is to Sam. And to me. And that she used what I said about her blog in a very misleading way to make herself look good. "Look, even Purv thought I should have my blog back, I must be okay." Nope, don't get it twisted, sister. And the industry people in L.A. I know who know Sam personally were made aware a long time ago about all the Sam hate blogs, which means Sam was too. Those liking, reblogging, or commenting on Bcac's posts are guilty by association. JS.
For those who have supported me all these years, you mean the world to me. Loyalty is everything, so thank you. ❤️
PS. So much for not writing a long ass post. 🤷‍♀️
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nhothicket · 3 days
is it too late for Halloween?
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Some close ups and silly spare thoughts about this half-baked au below the cut ^v^
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Some thoughts:
It's extremely important for this au that Etho is very enthusiastic about his clowning, okay? Nobody's forcing him to do this he is a PROUD CLOWN.
The setting is probably somewhere in the 80s-90s at an amusement park with a carnival vibe. I thought it might be fun to have all the Halloween hermits be canon, but I also see this being a world unaware of the more supernatural goings on, so I'm not sure if that could pan out. Maybe some sort of veil from the supernatural might be in play? Who knows.
Anyway! This is about Ethdubs not those other nerds.
> So, in this amusement part there's an oddities attraction of sorts. There resides Bdubs, he is a haunted heart preserved in a jar, not an actual attraction though just set dressing for the creepy shed vibe. As the story goes this jar has been passed around for decades, but its progressively gotten heavier despite being untampered with. The preservatives have gotten thick and changed colors over time. This is actually just Bdubs' spirit taking its sweet sweet time to manifest, as he slowly materializes around his heart, the preservatives turn to ectoplasm.
Most of the time he's sealed up in the jar, thanks to this mystical veil regular people usually can't hear him grouching about the tight space. The jar itself is part of his haunting, which means its technically part of him and he can't pass through it. So, until Etho realizes the disembodied voice he's been hearing come from the little building is not all in his head, Bdubs was stuck there.
> Bdubs' more human less goopy form is also a bit translucent in that form and he's not at all solid. If Etho were to poke him in the arm his finger would go through with some pressure. A firm hug would be fine at first, but he'd quickly start sinking into the ghost. It takes a lot of energy to be that physical, so Bdubs hardly does it. He's capable of leaving his heart in the jar and being a more traditional wispy ghost in that image, but... he feels left out when he can't touch things, so he'll usually choose being a bit gooey over being a beautiful beautiful man.
His heart is the only part of him that is completely physical. It is a real object in the world still, he's possessing it. It's what allows him to be more physical, so if someone were to reach into his chest and pluck it out he'd turn into a wisp. (He and Etho have both done so repeatedly to make bad jokes about heart stealing). How did Bdubs' heart get in a shady unmarked jar? Who knows. The people who ran the place probably don't even know its a real human heart anymore.
> Bdubs frequently lies about how old he was (recalling and inserting himself into historical events he wasn't even born for), Etho humors it.
> Bdubs died before Etho was born, this is the subject of mockery on both sides. (Etho would've been born maybe a decade or so after Bdubs died, he's in his 30s at present)
> Etho's gimmick is being comically good slight of hand and magic tricks. He's not supernatural, but he's like fantastical in his competence when it comes to looking magical. Etho invents (realistically jmpossible) contraptions to make his magic work.
> Horse drawn buggies would've been on their way out as Bdubs was growing up, so he could be nostalgic for that, I thought it might be cute if Etho took him out on one of those horse drawn tours as a surprise. Don't mind the clowny guy carrying around a jar with a heart in it.
> Another funny thought I had, Bdubs asking for a grand sarcophagus after getting jealous of the attention a new mummy is getting in the attraction. Etho doesn't buy him a sarcophagus, but he does get him a novelty canopic jar from the gift shop of a nearby museum.
Okay, that's all for now. ^v^;
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autisticaboutstufflol · 19 hours
Accidental Adoptions Vinsmoke Headcanons
So Chapter 7 of Accidental Adoptions is out, and I promised Vinsmoke information! This AU for all who don't know, is Cora deciding that getting Law and the brand new baby that just got adopted into the DQ Pirates out of there is priority #1. Shenanigans occur, and now he's somehow ended up with not only Law and Dellinger, but all the Vinsmoke Siblings. Onto the headcanons!!
All Vinsmoke Siblings
They're all autistic
Are very co-dependant on each other
Distrustful of hospital environments
Reiju - 8 years old - She/Her
The second most durable out of the siblings, strong exoskeleton
Has her 'Poison Pink' abilities [Can produce poison, is immune to doses of poison that would otherwise kill regular people]
Has somewhat canon typical 'has to obey Judge's commands' modification built in [If she hears Judge's voice telling her to do something, she has to obey]
Heals the second quickest
Enjoys gardening
Helping Law out with removing the Amber Lead from his system
Ichiji - 6 years old - He/Him
Has implants in his eyes and hands to allow him to channel his red energy blasts easier
Can see further/see more detail + in fun visions [x-ray, night vision, can see shrimp colours ect.] because of these eye implants
Can't cry any more because of said implants
Least emotional due to experimentation, but is still far ahead of his canon version in terms of emotions
Likes navigation, and has essentially declared himself default captain/navigator on the ship
Niji - 6 years old - He/Him
Heals the quickest due to a combination of experimentation and a strong exoskeleton
Has super speed, which connects into the electricity powers [electricity goes fast]
Electricity powers [Can produce electric blasts from his hands, did not need implants like Ichiji because his exoskeleton was stronger]
Speaks really quickly because of his speed, sometimes forgets that not everyone processes the world like he does
Also has insane hearing
Has gotten very good at sewing because he's basically so quick he's a sewing machine. Also enjoys drawing
Sanji - 6 years old - He/Him (for now)
Most emotional out of his siblings
Has a weak exoskeleton- He's still far stronger than any normal child, but doesn't have the same invulnerability his siblings do
Does have some minor invisibility modifications [can only make parts of himself invisible if he strains himself or if he's stressed, will go full invisible if he's terrified ect.]
Everyone thinks he's got a secret extra genetic modification to talk to animals because he just makes friends with small animals constantly [He has four pet rats, Eloise, Yumi, Polly and Theia]
Loves to cook and make friends with animals
Yonji - 6 years old - He/Him
The most durable of the siblings, his exoskeleton is very strong
Both arms are half mechanical, a commenter (shout out to KitsuneNee_chan) made a remark that it reminded them of Nebula from GOTG, and I totally agree with that.
His physical modifications worked the best out of all the siblings, has had super strength since he was a baby
Has very bad sensory issues, has caused millions of berri in property damage while overstimulated
Isn't too sure what he likes to do, but absolutely loves sweet food and listening to the radio
BONUS!! X Drake Headcanons for this fic
Drake - 16 years old - He/Him
Very jumpy/skittish
An okay cook, is teaching Sanji how to use salt and pepper in moderation while making things
Good at fishing
Thinks that every zoan fruit user also has a personification of their corresponding zoan animal in their head that talks to them and will take full control when they morph into their full animal forms. He is wrong. He is mentally ill [blasts him with the OSDD1b beam]
Is very protective of the kids of the rag-tag orphanage ship that Cora has somehow gathered
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Me: Okay, let's get work done.
My brain: Or! Counter suggestion! Let's think of alternate versions of A Herrmann/Halstead Production to write. Someday.
Me: Someday?! How much time do you think I—
My brain: Right, so we've already got thoughts about a different love interest version where Bex and Beau fall in love and that's fun and all but what about an everything goes shit-sideways version?
Me: 😮‍💨😩✏️
(I'm never going to actually write this, but this is what my brain gifted me this morning: The Herrmann parents die when Bex is almost two and Chris is only 17. He's not allowed to become her guardian, none of their distant relatives will step in, and Pat Halstead won't recognize her as his so Bex goes in to foster care. Chris and Cindy haven't met yet - it's her family that becomes Bex's foster family and Chris is allowed to visit her so THAT'S how they meet and slowly become friends first. Slowly, because Chris is stressed and resentful of the situation and grieving on top of all that.
He still goes into the academy and meets Mouch who is a couple of years older than him. They become fast friends and eventual roommates. Mouch helps Chris prove that they have a stable home and they apply to be foster parents so they can start the process of Chris getting custody back of Bex.
Cindy and her family have become pretty attached to Bex by this time so they keep in touch once Bex returns to live with Chris and Mouch.
Cue slowburn romance for Cindy and Chris.
Eventually, they get married. They buy a house and Mouch buys the one next door. They keep up their foster parent license and one day they get an emergency placement for two young teens whose mother has passed away and whose alcoholic father has been arrested for abuse. It's Will and Jay Halstead.
It's a rough road, but the five of them (and Mouch 🥰) start building new relationships and making a family together from there.)
(...I might write a one-shot of this someday 😂)
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antisocial-cheesepuff · 4 months
Courfeyrac: What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
Marius: Insulting Enjolras in front of Grantaire
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
it's so important to me that johnny lawrence was basically in tears when he handed daniel the trophy, that boy had been keeping in all emotions except for rage for so long and daniel gave him permission to feel everything all at once (and then kreese almost killed him for it)
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torgawl · 10 months
something i love and feel like it's so under appreciated regarding diluc is when people are able to write or make him come across as youthful. yes, he's like a grumpy cat and he changed a lot after his father's death but i also feel like it's irrealistic to expect him to be completely serious and hold on to that side of him in all scenarios, especially when he is placed in situations where he's finally able to relax and have an honest connection with somebody else. to me, that's the type of situation that should be healing and unconsciously allow him to revert to a state of youthfulness, if that makes sense?! also because the way diluc deals - or doesn't - with his emotions and kaeya, for example, feels immature to me. not in a way that takes credibility on his reaction because it's understandable but in the way you can tell he isn't that super decided person who is in full control of what he feels. what he wants and what he's able to do are so visibly disconnected and that's only natural. i mean, he was a boy and he still is pretty young. so it warms my heart so so much when people allow him to laugh, make a joke or just smile genuinely when the situation calls for it!! it just feels so lively and way more realistic, in my opinion, rather than a constant strict and serious persona
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Girl help the au is being fleshed out against my will (I am actively fleshing it out rn)
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#toh#yes this is the labyrinth au#IT WORKS TOO WELL#like okay technically i still haven't figured out whether or not this still takes place on the boiling isles or not#but I'll get there#ANYWAY#luz as sarah#the collector as jareth (Belos was once the witch (goblin) king but due to a story luz tells king at the beginning-#-the collector is set free and overthrows him much like how jareth is a part of sarahs book and takes toby only when she asks)#king is toby obviously#THEN there's the rest of the cast#hunter is hoggle and he's technically the rightful prince of the labyrinth even tho no one treats him like it#he was belos' right hand til belos got banished and now hunter works for the collector obstructing Luz's progress in the labyrinth-#-under the impression that if he does what the collector asks he'll allow his uncle to return#in the meantime the collector likes to make fun of hunter.#threatens to send him to the toes of eternal stench and make him the prince of stink#everyone else in the labyrinth has been reduced to the collectors playthings/toys#Eda's the owl beast and she's a bit like ludo in the movie#gus is a magic mirror luz finds and carries around with her#Willow's trapped inside a tree (maybe a portrait in a tree like her memory trees in understanding willow?)#she can appear anywhere in the labyrinth except for the collector's castle (unless he's distracted 👀)#and amity is possibly a princess in a tower? but she's in the tower ''for her own good'' bc she is BOTH the princess and the dragon#i.e she keeps lighting stuff on fire (she lit willow on fire once and feels bad abt it but can't apologise cause. yknow. tower)#(willow just thinks she hates her :()#also forgot to mention in the hunter section BUT caleb was the first person to get lost in the labyrinth-#-which is why Belos took it over (to ''control'' it). the collector made hunter as a gift (re: bargaining chip for freedom) to belos#and only true loves kiss can ''make hunter real''. he'd get it (platonically) from luz but it wouldn't do anything cause he was always real#there's more but ANYWAY this is way too much fucking fun. i need to rewatch the movie and make art just. just to do something w/ it all!
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exopelagic · 5 days
I am baking cake at midnight and it is going to kill me <3
#it’s just gone in the oven which means at least 25 minutes and probably more like 45 bc I made a Lot#am also kiiiinda winging the recipe so my expectations are on the floor#this is. for a bake sale. pray for me#I’m gonna make the icing tonight and leave it in the fridge overnight I think for tomorrow morning#this has gone wrong at every available opportunity it was 100% not worth it#however! given the prices my friend wants to sell this at i May have turned this into like over £100 which isn’t bad#TWO CAKES. WHY AM I MAKING TWO CAKES#I’m procrastinating washing up the stuff I used to make the batter (hell) bc itssosososo messy and I just wanna shout abt stuff#primarily that I am once again so upset that I only get one more week of ice hockey before summer#there are two parts to this feeling: 1. I love ice hockey I’ve been having such a good time this past week while I’ve not had to stress#abt anything else. 2. gay. gay gay homosexual gay#like okay I’ve been worried abt whether this is an actual crush or I just convinced myself I like him bc pretty+queer#(because of course I can worry abt that). BUT yeah sorry no can confirm I like this dumb fuck this is so unfair#we talked a BUNCH last night and he’s just really cool.#ohhhh fuck I don’t think the oven was properly preheated bc I opened it for a while to fit the two tins in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#anyway!! he’s really fun to talk to someone help like if he does turn out to be single I could in THEORY text him over summer. maybe.#his birthday will be coming up and my friend suggested that. I’m being insane but oh my god this is torture#I ALSO watched the newest dr who episode today and that did NOT HELP. one of the first things in a while that have given me like#this same specific feeling when I get into gay romantic media. the ‘reading gay shit on wattpad at age 14 feeling’ if you will#where there’s like this weight in the pit of my stomach. it’s NICE that doesn’t sound good but it is#is this what straight people get with romance all the time. I know I just don’t watch/read much anymore but also#there’s straight romance in literally everything so.#but yeah basically I need another month of fuck around time minimum when everyone’s in this city so I can get my shit together#ALSO. I ONLY HAVE A YEAR LEFT HERE. THATS TERRIFYING. a year is a long time but it’s also not this one disappeared and this is like.#WAY too early to even consider that but he’s gonna be here probably for a year after I leave and that could suck if anything does happen.#I guess in theory I’m taking a year before phd probably so I could work here. idk man anyway that one is actually insane of me I’m just gay#boy 😔. they shouldn’t be allowed to do this#on Wednesday he’ll be done with exams and so will my other friend who knows him well. so I will be able to 1. subtly see w her if girlfriend#2. potentially. MAYBE ask what she thinks I’m just trying to decide whether that’s too much to put on her. I think I’m being insane there#luke.txt
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