#only my besties know how much time i have spent obsessing over the
birues · 5 months
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You can clown your way to enemies to lovers but can you clown as much as these two?
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ateenyyy · 23 days
a day to remember
aka seonghwa making your birthday special against all odds<3
idol!skz x nonidol!femreader
genre: fluff
wordcount: 784
warnings: none really, unless you count loads of cuteness and fluff as another thing wrecking your mental health. i get it, really ; ) and it's not proofread
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As the first rays of the sun peeped in through your balcony, all the tiredness you'd accumulated from spending the night watching your newest kdrama obsession suddenly washed over you. You could have sworn it was just 11am five minutes ago.
You checked the time on your laptop. 7:11am, May 8th.
May 8th.
'As in... my birthday?' you wondered. 'Wow, I never knew this day would actually come.'
It wasn't so much the fact that you were indeed another year older that surprised you. It was that this would be the first birthday you would spend alone since you began dating your idol boyfriend, Seonghwa.
Every year, no matter how busy you'd both were, you would always find a way to spend your birthday together. It was never planned deliberately though- you both always just happened to be free on that day. So when Seonghwa called you two days ago to explain that there had been a change of plans and him and the boys had to go out of the country for a few days, one of which was your birthday, you could hardly believe it.
'Well, brooding over it and being sad won't really help me much, will it now?' you thought. You decided that with or without your boyfriend, you were still going to enjoy your day to the fullest.
You called one of your closest friends, Danielle, and practically begged her to go out with you even though you knew she was a homebody through and through.
'Of course I'll come! It's not every day your bestie finally chooses to spend her birthday with you instead of her boyfriend!' she joked. 'Also, even though it isn't for Seonghwa, I think that you dressing up as if you were going for a date will really give you a confidence boost. At least, that's what works for me.'
Following her advice, you settled for a light blue chiffon dress, clinched at the waist with a minimal silver belt, kitten heels, your hair done into a neat bun with some curls falling over your face, and some simple makeup.
'Not bad,' you'd thought, looking at yourself in the mirror.
After a hectic day of movies, shopping and binging in restaurants, you finally turned the key to your apartment door. You'd just had one of the most enjoyable days of your life, one that you were sure to never forget. However, your heart still ached for what you'd become used to for the past three years. You couldn't have called if you wanted, because according to your boyfriend, he had shoots from morning to evening and would probably be unable to use his phone much. Still, you were able to send a text or two asking about him. Texts which were still left very much unread.
Your notification bell suddenly went off. You sat on the couch in the living room and searched your bag for your phone. Someone had probably sent you an email for work, you assumed, only for you to open your lock screen and be proven completely wrong.
Seonghwa: i'm so so so sorry for not being able to spend your special day with you.
Seonghwa: i hope you were able to have a bit of fun regardless? did you go out?
Seonghwa: thanks for asking how I am, but honestly, I don't think I'll be okay until I see you.
You: dont worry love, you already apologised a million times, and i'll tell you it's okay everytime if i ever need to <3
You: yeah i spent the day with danielle
You: if only i could actually see you right now. that would be THE cherry on top for today.
Seonghwa: well, why don't you let me in?
You: you dont mean...
Seonghwa: yes babe i'm here
It took you a couple of seconds to process that, but before you know it you've run across the living room, flung open the door and enveloped your boyfriend in a bear hug.
'I'm happy to see you too, love. But please would you let me breathe for a bit?' he laughed.
Detaching yourself from him slightly, you started with your questions. 'But, I thought you....'
Cupping your face in his hands, he calmly explained. 'Some things got postponed last minute and we were able to return home a day earlier. So I came as fast as I could to surprise you. I even brought you some presents,' he said, pointing to the two shopping bags he carried, a huge smile on his face.
Forget the not letting him breathe. You hugged him even harder than ever, and he finally admitted defeat and simply hugged you back.
'Happy birthday, love.'
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Heyy can I get a Matt Holt x Shiros sister reader who’s like best friends with Pidge?? Thank you!!
This is such a specific request, plz IM OBSESSED PLZ this is too cute I can’t. Thank you again anon! I’m feeling so confident in my writing with all these requests I’ve been getting. AH Thank you all sm for being patient with meeeee 🥹❤️‍🔥 love y’all so much fr
I’m doin headcanons, hope that’s chill 🤷🏻
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Y’all for sure met through Shiro. Shiro introduced you to Matt and the rest of the Holt family long before they even knew they’d be going to Kerberos together.
Instantly, you and Pidge clicked, besties for the resties. You weren’t necessarily as smart as she was but you were always so curious and interested in what she was in to.
You and Pidge became really close considering you were only two years older than her. And because Matt and Pidge were always very close, y’all became the three amigos real fast.
Matt always enjoyed your company, he thought you were funny and kind and open minded. He liked you but he always felt like you were more of Pidge’s friend than his friend.
Only a couple months after meeting the Holts, Shiro noticed they were all you’d ever talk about. He also noticed how differently you spoke about each of the siblings.
When you talked about Pidge, it was like you were talking about a super hero, some cool cosmic thing that’s almost too hard to even explain.
But when you’d talk about Matt, big bro Shiro could tell you had a crush from the get go. When talking about him, you’d say his name a lot and you couldn’t even look at Shiro, a smile would poke at the corners of your lips and you’d look down at your lap awkwardly. And Shiro’s like 😏
Because of your close friendship with Pidge, you tried very hard to push your feelings down and just look at Matt as a friend. I mean he is your friend after all. Let’s just keep it that way.
When Shiro got the news of the Kerberos mission approval, you were the first person he told, just before he told Adam. And of course you were excited!!! Your big brother is going TO SPACE OMFGGGG
You def cried…a lot. And hugged him…a lot.
I have to mention…being Shiro’s sibling means being Keith’s sibling. You two are Keith’s chosen family for sure. So you were a big comfort to Keith upon hearing that Shiro would be gone for a while.
The next time you saw Matt, you were sure to congratulate him with an excited smile and a big hug. This was your first time hugging him and it was so nice, it was soft and innocent and warm. You couldn’t wait to do it again.
Matt, Sam and Shiro had many Kerberos meetings at the Holt family home and Shiro would always bring you along. The next several months before the mission were spent with Pidge as you both sneak around to eavesdrop and peak in on the Kerberos mission plans.
The day they left, you cried and hugged Shiro and Matt A LOT. You were a mess, an excited and proud mess tho.
Before he left, Matt told you to take care of his sister while he was gone and you promised him you’d look after her. He told you he was very relieved to know that you would keep Pidge company while he was away. And he knew Pidge would be good company to you while Shiro was gone.
When news of the failed mission came to you, you broke down, you were a mess. You were worried about your brother and your best friend’s brother. Poor Pidge has lost two family members. You couldn’t even imagine how Keith felt…and he disappeared soon after. You had lost both of your brothers in the same instance.
From that moment on, you followed Pidge everywhere and were her biggest supporter and protector. You had to keep your word to Matt to protect his sister and you also wanted to help Pidge in hopes of getting your own brother back.
When Pidge got into the garrison, you began visiting her almost every night. You’d slip through a broken part of the fence or carefully climb over the barbed wire at the top and meet her on the rooftop. You two had spent too many hours to count up there searching for a sign of Matt, Sam and Shiro.
Eventually, you found yourself watching Shiro crash land to Earth and you caught a glimpse of Keith running to save him. You couldn’t help but run in to help as well. Shiro would probably scold you two about putting yourselves in danger later but saving him was just too important.
It felt like you had closed your eyes for mere seconds and when you opened them again, you found yourself in the castle of lions with your brothers, best friend and a couple other garrison cadets. It all happened so fast, one moment you were helping bring Shiro back to Keith’s little hide away and the next you were watching everyone become paladins of voltron.
You didn’t even get the chance to cry or enjoy Shiro’s return, you were thrown straight into a galactic war.
Being the one person who wasn’t a Paladin, you found yourself helping Coran around the castle a lot and training to protect yourself in case you were ever thrown into battle. If you weren’t with Coran or in the training room with Keith, you were always by Pidge’s side. She was your best friend after all.
Often times, you went to Shiro for advice and to vent about your fears and worries and stress. He is so good to you, he always offers you the warmest hugs and gentle pats on the back and when you’re really upset, he’ll kiss your cheek and give you a big smile.
Other than that, you and Shiro often did your own things. You hung out with Pidge way more than you did with Shiro and he didn’t mind it. He was happy you had a best friend as wise and kind as Pidge. Lord knows you don’t have many other friends.
And there’s Matt…he was always a good friend to you. A fantastic friend even. And so in addition to always siding with Pidge and protecting her, you often ran off on your own to look for Matt and their father, Sam.
After many days of holding Pidge as she cried and crying along with her and staying up late to run tests on new tech and ruining mission plans just to go looking for Matt and Sam, Pidge had finally found her brother.
Once the siblings got back to the castle, you were the last to greet Matt. You sort of just stood behind everyone else to stare at him while he hugged Shiro and introduced himself to the others.
When he finally saw you, he looked shocked and excited all at the same time. “(Y/N)?” He said it as if he wasn’t sure if that was really you. You’d both changed a lot since you last saw each other.
Finally, you couldn’t hold back anymore. You ran to him, nearly pushing Shiro out of the way as you hugged him tightly. All he could do was laugh as he hugged you back.
“You look different.” “Yeah, ditto.” You can decide who said what.
Y’all are just so taken aback by seeing each other again under these strange circumstances and now things feel…different. You spent so long, tried so hard to help Pidge find him and now that he’s here, it feels like you know him inside and out. You’ve been picturing him in your mind for so long, wondering if he’s even alive and you’d cry at night thinking about him and you start to panic as you realize you’re still very much in love with him…you still have the same crush on him that you did years ago, when he wore glasses and had braces.
Although you’re happy and relieved to have Matt back, you give the Holt siblings some space for the first few days after his return. You know how close they are and it was very emotional for you when you and Keith rescued Shiro, you just want to give them some private sibling bonding time.
Immediately, they put a stop to that. They both so badly want you to be a part of everything they do. Pidge feels that she will forever be in debt to you for helping her, and Matt is also secretly in love with you is incredibly impressed that you made it all the way up here with the rest of the team and really appreciates that you stuck by his sibling this whole time. You kept your promise and that makes his heart explode ❤️‍🔥
After just a few weeks with Matt around, EVERYONE could begin to feel the tense vibes between you two. Like…y’all are really comfortable around each other and you are decent at pretending to be ‘just friends’ but there are certain times when Matt is just very obviously pining for you and the team can’t NOT notice, he’s just too dramatic for it to go unseen.
Pidge notices first and she’s like “Yep. I saw that one coming from a mile away.” Then she starts to whisper to the rest of the team about it and point it out more often just to embarrass Matt.
She’s terrible, she’ll literally blackmail Matt with threats of telling you how he really feels about you. And he’s like 😥 “Katie, please, no.”
After a couple days of blackmailing to get piggy back rides and get served food and drinks while she works, Pidge begins to actually talk to Matt about it more. She starts to become his little wingman, giving him tips about how to woo you and things she’s learned about you since he’s been gone.
One day, Matt decides to confess his feelings to your brother first. It was a bit awkward at first as Matt stuttered and blushed, but it quickly became a very comfortable and deep talk about how much they both admire you.
Suddenly, he gets a surge of confidence and asks Shiro’s permission to ask you to be his partner, considering that Shiro is one of his closest friends and also his hero. Of course Shiro approved. Y’all are too cute for him to say no. He ships it so hard already.
Matt comes barging into the lions’ hangar where you are assisting Pidge in adding some cool, new invention to her lion. He charges straight up to you with a very concerning look on his face. He’s bright red and breathing quickly and won’t look you in the eye which is very unlike him.
“Matt? What is it? You okay?” And he’s looking nervously back and forth between you and Pidge.
“Spit it out already, Romeo! We have work to do.” Pidge is lowkey grossed out rn. Y’all are cute but you’re her best friend and he’s her brother and she doesn’t want to see it up close like this.
“(Y/N), I think I love you…I-I uh…I’m sorry.” Matt’s so red and scared and stressed rn, omg plz tell this boy how you feel already.
“I love you too, Matt.” And instantly, he’s looking at you and he’s smiling.
He asks you very softly to be his partner and how can you refuse? You’ve been dreaming of this day for so long.
Because y’all are already close friends, the transition into a relationship is super easy. You still geek out together with Pidge and you still talk to each other the same, you just get to do cute couples shit too like cuddle in bed under the blankets and hold hands as you walk together and share quick kisses right in front of Pidge just to gross her out. It’s honestly hilarious.
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Summary: Layla knows your body well, almost too well, and she knows how to put on a show.
Pairing: Layla El-Faouly x f!Reader x Marc Spector
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: polyamory, smut (18+ only please), wlw, fingering, literally no plot here besties, (I would love to write for this pairing more)
A/N: Your honour my bi ass loves these two so fucking much. Also this is me trying to hone my smut writing skills, so please bear with me as I improve. Written to celebrate one year of Moon Knight!
I don't own photos or characters, divider from @firefly-graphics
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Layla is making the sweetest sounds from underneath you, touching you in ways that drive you mad. 
Your hands are in her hair, as they have been thousands of times before. It’s the thousands of times that you hope will come that make your head dizzy. 
You’ve always been a little obsessed with her hair. 
It had been one of the first things you’d noticed about her. 
Her curls had been blowing in the wind, moving in a way that made you think they had a mind of their own. She had walked into the cafe, caught your eyes briefly and that had been the start of your infatuation with her. 
From the very beginning, you had wanted to touch them, to curl your fingers around them and watch them bounce into place. 
Now that you get the chance to touch, to curl, and do much more you snatch at it with greedy hands, tugging her hair when her head is buried between your thighs, when her mouth is against yours, stroking it softly when you’re both spent and sweaty and in each other’s arms. 
In a breath, you’re kissing her again, pushing your hips down into hers and getting her to open her mouth for your tongue. She whimpers as if she’s the one that turns into putty in your hands when the two of you are like this; you’re more than certain that if you stood up now, your legs would give out underneath you. 
Falling in love with the rest of her, had been just as simple, just as right as the way she had come over and sat down at your table and started to talk with you, offering to buy you a muffin and just as easy as the way the conversation had bled into dinner and ended the night with her lips against yours. 
Layla was beautiful in ways you were still learning about. Her voice, with the honeyed accent laced into it, the curve of her eyebrows, the slope of her shoulders and her golden skin with the freckles littered over her chest. Everyday you woke up and found something new about her that you’d obsess over. 
She had permeated into your system like a hazy cloud, an emulsion. An addiction you never wanted to quit because though it did take you apart, it also put you back together in the best of ways. 
You feel her reach under your shirt, to trace the outline of your spine and she hums happily. She comes to cup at your breast, moving her hand in ways that’s oddly reminiscent of the waves of the ocean. 
It’s just the way you liked it and the dynamic has started to show its true colours. 
In truth, Layla could get you to do close to anything with just a flick of her head. She held a shocking amount of power over you in her hands. 
Her other hand comes to mirror her movements, and you’re sure now that you’re dripping for her, lust wet between your thighs. Your soul is trembling with need but you don’t know for what, all you know is the rapidly growing desire for Layla to touch you more because if she doesn’t you’ll soon enough go out of your mind. 
As if she can hear your thoughts, her fingers start to trail down your stomach, a tantalising trail that both satiates and lights up your desire from the inside. 
“Layla…” your voice is drowning in desperation. 
“Baby…” even if she aims to imitate you, it’s an imitation. She has a remarkable control over herself during times like these, one you can only dream of having during your most clear-headed moments. 
The tips of her fingers are cool as they trace the line of your underwear, teasing you towards an edge she could send you hurdling over in minutes if she wanted to. 
But where would be the fun in that? 
Half of Layla’s pleasure comes from driving you out of your mind with lust and want. She makes a practice of laying you out underneath her and pressing your buttons to see how long it will take you to snap. To see how long she can practise her discipline and when she’ll snap too and make you see stars ten times over. 
She’ll kiss you and tease you until you're dripping down your thighs and into the bed below you but then she’ll always make up for it by fucking you good and solid afterwards. 
Layla had been the one to teach you what good sex meant, who lit up nerves in your body you’d doubted the existence of. 
With her, you’ve never felt more alive. 
You’re drawn out of your heady thoughts, already in anticipation of what’s to come after she’s had her fun with you, by the sound of your name dressed up in her voice. You realise too late that she’s asked you a question. 
Her hand comes to rest on the side of your neck, and she leans in, starting to press opiate-like kisses from the soft bit of skin behind your ear, moving down your neck, “Hm, sweetheart? What do you want?” 
“Touch me,” it’s a pathetic little whimper. Though you know what you want, mustering up the words to say it takes a herculean effort. As your relationship bloomed, Layla became an expert in making you scream. She knows your body better than you and makes it insanely difficult to speak. 
“Where?” her hand reaches back and grabs your ass possessively. You whimper and thrust forward, hunting for friction. She tsks when you don’t answer, pulling back and raising an eyebrow in warning. 
Instead of speaking, you show. Her other hand in yours, you guide her to your pussy, bring her fingers to your clit so she can get an idea of what you want and how wet she’s made you. 
Her eyes widen. 
If you were with another shame would be quick to lick up your back, have you pulling away and apologising. Layla had been quick to train you out of it. Falling into bed together is a delicate dance of give and take. She’s shown how much you want her and she shows how much she likes it in turn. 
But this time she’s not expected this much and this quickly. 
She starts to say your name when you cut her off, pressing her fingers forward against your core, making you moan out loud. With your free hand, you come to cup her breast, the comforting weight of it sitting heavily in your palm. 
You start to caress in the ways she likes it, both hands moving in tandem to bring the both of you pleasure. Her eyes flutter closed and flutter open just as quickly when you pinch her nipple, a gasp running out of her that makes another wave of arousal flood from your legs. 
The friction on your cunt having quickly gone from satisfying to the end of adequate, you cry out, at a wit’s end, “Layla, please.” There’s a fuzz of hunger around your mind. Words have evaded you, your lust for her so deep and driving that you ache for a release in your bone marrow. 
The press of her skin against yours and the heat of her gaze as she comes to recognise how little you’ll be able to manage to hold on for her is a salve, it could bring tears to your eyes. 
She helps you strip off your shirt, and almost immediately her hands are in your underwear.
She teases only slightly, enough to wet her fingers and drive you just a little further up the wall. Though it doesn’t need it, she runs her hand through your folds to get it wet, and with an insistent press of her thumb against your clit, she slips two fingers inside you. 
It’s the wash of the cool ocean on a hot day and the suffocating smoke from a wood fire at the same time. It makes you cry out and Layla shushes you, “It’s ok, honey, it’s just one to take the edge off.”
She starts at a drunken pace, hitting the right areas at the right times. Though she may tease you to tears, when she does decide that she’s done, she gives you pleasure in spades. 
At the bottom of it all, she lives to spoil you. 
You’ve only been with one other partner that was like that, who saw your pleasure as their own. 
Your hands grapple around her neck and you bring her lips to you, opening your mouth and asking for what you want. As her fingers pull out of you, a delicious friction against your walls, a third one is slipped in the moment her tongue meets yours and makes your synapses tie themselves together. The sounds you’re letting out are unfamiliar to your own ears. 
With quick, expert movements she hurdles you towards the edge, swallowing your moans as if they could sustain her if you let her do this long enough to you. Your hands travel from her neck and into her curls, a rock in turbulent waters threatening to take you under. 
There’s static in your ears, the only thing you can truly hear being the hammering of your heart, the hurried movements of your blood in your veins turning into riptides. 
It’s why you hadn’t heard the lock turning and the soft footsteps that approached you two. 
Layla breaks away from your kiss, her fingers incessant in their rhythm, her thumb having moved only to allow the base of her palm to take its place. You’re about to ask her what’s happened, if you can muster the words when a roughened hand takes you by the jaw. 
You’re met with the dark gaze of Marc, his eyebrow raised as he struggles to catch his breath at the sight of you. From the looks of him, he’s been watching for a lot longer than you’ve realised. 
You want to poke at him with funny questions, ask him why he didn’t want to join, but you’re too far gone, Layla’s free hand having returned to your chest making you feel like an instrument. 
Marc leans closer into you, the tip of his nose grazing against yours, and before he kisses you he whispers, “Come, baby.” 
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Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you thought of it and if you'd like to see more of these three, it means the world to me! Masterlist here.
(I've decided to discontinue tags for my own sanity.)
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vampsquerade · 10 months
crashing in through the wall like the Kool Aid man and asking for some König hcs. Listen bestie, Glaz is my first (97th) love, but I'm a sucker for a big tall scary man with the biggest daddy milkers this planet will ever see. I want to eat him whole like a snake. ALSO I HOPE THIS GOES THROUGH THE FIRST FUCKING TIME. fuck dumblr !!!
YESSS BESTIEEE i got you! also fr fuck dumblr cause there deadass wasn’t even a repeat ask that you might have sent in so thank GOD you managed to get it in! thanks as always for requesting ilysm MWAH kiss (IM SO FUCKING SORRY I’M LATE TOO MAN FUCKING HELL HCs WERE SO EASY FOR ME BEFORE AND NOW THEY’RE HARD)
General König Headcanons
Trigger Warnings: fluff, and angst, graphic depictions of violence, anxiety, bullying, fighting, obsessive tendencies,
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♡ As much as I’d love to believe in the whole “Oh he’s just a big anxiety baby he can’t do anything by himself :(“ stuff, he is a grown man standing at probably between 6’4” and 6’6” (~193cm-198cm) tall
♡ BUT!!!! This does not mean I will not make him a soft man at some points here. And this will mostly be tame; no NSFW unless somebody asks for that. And a friendly reminder that these are just HCs I personally have, if you agree or not is up to you. This is all for fun c:
♡ He’s spent so long hating his height because of all the people that bullied him and those who only see him as a towering beast, but he’s slowly coming to terms with that
♡ Like the whole “Oh yeah, I’m a pretty big guy. There’s tons of random people as tall as me, and in history, even taller!” type beat you know?
♡ And I feel like this anxiety has caused him to be wary of new people, but not flat out afraid; he’s deeply aware he has to interact with people and does his best
♡ He also does not talk about his past, feeling a little embarrassed to do so in the first place; nobody’s going to have time for it!!
♡ Except for when he’s drunk; then he’s talking about some parts. The ones that aren’t too concerning, just the times he’s laughed about it now that he’s older
♡ Convinced he’s one of those people that uses words in German rather than their English counterparts in the middle of a sentence
♡ And then when someone stares at him like “Huh?” he apologizes and translates the words or sometimes full on phrases
♡ König is also pretty awkward as a result of his bullying, methinks
♡ Like he can interact with people all fine and stuff, but he can easily detect when someone’s not worth interacting with, so sometimes he’ll just walk away (bonus points if it’s in the middle of a conversation)
♡ I personally believe when he has anxiety attacks, he just isolates himself; nobody should see him this way, he doesn’t want to seem weak still
♡ Relationship wise…I’d like to think this is where his anxiety acts up the most
♡ König is definitely terrified of getting his heart broken, not wanting to have more pain inflicted on him
♡ And if his partner seems promising, I feel he’s very, very possessive and protective of them
♡ Defo the kinda guy to pull them close, glare at the person even thinking about coming near his partner, and kissing them.
♡ Also convinced he’d be obsessed with his partner
♡ König would do anything to keep someone’s attention on him, relishing more in praise than he would degradation
♡ Practically worships the ground they walk on, almost like his partner were some ethereal being that’s taken pity and pride in how much they love him
♡ He’s so normal
♡ König the kinda mf to, if his partner is shorter, lift them up and hold them close whenever he can
♡ He’s like a giant teddy bear, and adores to cuddle with his partner
♡ You know how muscles when at rest are super squishy? König’s secretly in love with how muscular he is
♡ Why? Because when he’s relaxed, it means he can get squeezed all over
♡ Bro likes his pecs getting squeezed, not even getting aroused from it or anything; he finds comfort when someone squishes his muscles and tells them how much they love him
♡ Now all that anxiety aside…König, being the grown man he is, is willing to fuck anybody up
♡ I mean…his character description describes König as someone who’s excelled in fighting hand-to-hand
♡ As much as he had wanted to be a sniper, even having the proficiency for it, he’s an amazing insertion specialist
♡ Bro has definitely killed somebody by slamming their spines on his formidable thighs, breaking noses and several other things with his knees and fists and elbows
♡ He gets a kick out of fighting; have you heard some of his voice lines?
♡ “They. Are. No. Match for me.” has got to be his hottest voice line (because he’s so fucking right—the man breaks down doors easily and can grapple and manhandle anyone)
♡ He relishes in the fight, becoming a much different person entirely than his anxiety allows
♡ And I personally would like to believe he actually likes hand-to-hand much more than he lets on
♡ König probably just sees his role as an insertion specialist as a way to not only release the pain he feels inside, but also as a method in which he can prove how menacing he can be
♡ Nobody should ever think about crossing him, lest they wanna end up going home in a body bag or a box; sometimes not even at all.
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sebuckyverse · 2 years
need you tonight // e.m.
summary: every thursday, you meet up with eddie to help him study for his classes. this time, eddie doesn’t want to study.
warnings: cursing, dirty talk, smut, oral (f! receiving), semi public shit, eddie himself bc 
a/n: i haven’t written anything in like 4 years i hope this doesn’t flop lmao. but this man is too hot for his own good i want his children. let’s hope he doesn’t die in vol2 or i will be throwing myself off a cliff
tagging my bestie @mooneeeee she will definitely lie to me and tell me this is good 
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the gentle wind blowing in your hair, the crunchy leaves under your shoes, you followed the familiar path between the tall trees to make your way up to the lonely table that was becoming a routine for you. every thursday, after cheer practice, you met up with the one and only eddie munson, to help him study, no less. he had asked you three weeks ago to tutor him, so he could finally pass his classes and graduate Hawkins High. in exchange, he supplied you with free drugs. only weed though, you didn’t care for anything else.
you sat on the bench and swung your legs across to face the table, dropping your backpack on it with a heavy thud. you took a deep breath and started unloading your textbooks when you heard footsteps shuffling through the fallen leaves; you didn’t have to look back to know who it was. no one ever came here anyway, they didn’t even know about this place, but even so, the tangy smell of weed and the musky scent of a man in leather was unmistakably the dungeon master himself.
“good evening, miss”
“mr.munson” you smirked back.
god, thursdays were becoming your favorite. as eddie took a seat across from you, placing his lunchbox next to your stuff on the table and removed his jacket, you took the few seconds you had to quickly scan him with your eyes. while you and eddie were from different groups, you did always see him in the crowded cafeteria. even over the bustling pupils and different fractions, his aura was unmatched. even if you sat five tables away from him, you always felt his presence in the air. every time he misses school, which is unsurprisingly a lot, it feels.. off.
you followed his movements, almost gawking at the way his fingers gripped the fabric of his jacket to take it off. his forearms flexed as the pulled it from his shoulders and placed it onto the table. he quickly popped open the lid of his box, scanned the inside and closed it again with a satisfied sigh.
you were slightly becoming obsessed with this man. with only the few times you’d spent together, you found him to be incredibly sweet and funny, not to mention stunning - with his big doe eyes, perfect lips and soft, shaggy hair. the complete opposite of his nickname as The Freak. you often found yourself daydreaming about this man, when you were alone. what it would be like to date him, hold his hand - would he even like that? and let’s not even talk about his hands or his fingers. the rings adorning his slender digits always make your mouth water, wondering how they would feel against your neck.
eddie cleared his throat and you quickly snapped your gaze back to his. one side of his mouth was curved upwards, he was smirking, you knew you were caught ogling. “what’cha looking at, darling?”
“n-nothing, where are your things?” you composed yourself and noticed that besides his little drug box, he came empty handed.
“aha!” he smirked and brought his hands together in a clap, “i was thinking, no studying today. we deserve a break, don’t we? after all, you’ve helped me so much already.”
eddie was such a flirt. always calling you pet names, smirking, sometimes he winked at you across the cafeteria when he caught your eye. but you only assumed this was him fooling around, nothing serious. and truthfully, you enjoyed it, even though you tried to not let it affect you - otherwise you would definitely fall for him and that didn’t seem like a good situation to be in. you’ve never seen him around girls, but that could be accounted for the fact that you were from different sides of town. but honestly, with how dreamy he is, you would be surprised if he wasn’t swimming in female attention. maybe he was just a down and out type of guy? love ‘em and leave ‘em? who knew, but that wasn’t your style, you didn’t do one night stands.
“and what do you have in mind? or do i even have to ask?” you said as you nodded your head towards his little box.
“clever girl. thought we could just hang out and smoke. free of charge, as always.” eddie smiled sinfully and opened his box, picking up a small baggie filled with green substance, a lighter and some rolling paper. you licked your lips and eddies gaze dipped for a second before it was back to him rolling up a joint. “that alright with you, sweetheart?”
“uh.. sure, yeah.” you wiped your hands on your skirt to calm your racing heart and shoved the textbooks to the side.
you watched as eddie finished filling the paper with specks of weed and lifted the puff up to your face and waited. “lick the paper for me?”
dumbfounded, you stared up at him. eddies eyes shimmered, he was enjoying this, seeing you squirm in your seat. you bowed your head slightly and stuck your tongue out to lick a wet stripe along the paper. when you looked back up, eddies pupils were dilated, his breathing heavier.
“good girl.”
still dumbfounded but also horny as hell, you watched him finish rolling the blunt, pinching the tip and lighting it. he placed the blunt between his lips and inhaled, holding it in for a moment. you blinked twice, mesmerized. your thighs growing damp, the sight of eddies head thrown back and his adams apple bopping as he exhaled and blew the smoke up into the air.
eddie looked back down and turned the joint towards you. you wrapped your lips around it and took a hit. you continued sharing the cigarette, neither of you speaking, until there was nothing left and you felt a little lightheaded. eddie threw the butt over his shoulder and cleared his throat. “feeling good?” you nodded a response. 
“you know, i thought about you today.”
“yeah, you. been thinking about you a lot, actually. in your cute little uniform - it’s new, isn’t it?” he didn’t wait for you to reply, he already knew the answer. he’s been watching you ever since you started meeting up. seeing you today, in your brand new cheer get up, he decided enough was enough. eddie had to tell you how he felt, even if you wouldn’t reciprocate. it was a risk he was willing to take. but when he noticed you ogling him taking off his jacket, he could breathe easier. maybe you did feel the same, he thought. this new thought made him feel far less guilty about all the jacking off he had been doing to the thought of you.
“prancing around school, your skirt so damn short, i could practically see your panties.” eddie lifted his right hand and cupped your cheek, rubbing his thumb over your cupids bow, sending a shiver from the top of your head down to your toes. “you think about me too, baby? cause i’ve seen you watching me.”
scared that your voice would come out only as a measly squeak, you simply nodded your head as you kept your focus on his face. your cheeks felt on fire from his gentle touch and you craved more, so much more.
eddie whispered a seductive “good” before pulling you closer and dipping his head to softly kiss your lips. your stomach dropped and you felt like levitating just from this simple peck. this is what you’ve wanted though and you couldn’t get enough, nearly whimpering when he pulled back a little.
“this okay?”
“yes.” you whispered back.
eddie crushed his mouth against yours again, this time swiping his tongue along the seam of your lips until you opened up, allowing him to lick the inside of your mouth gingerly. the kiss grew hotter by the minute and the sounds of eddies heavy breathing mixed with the occasional quiet moan he let out, your pussy was throbbing. your slick hole clenching around nothing, pulsating with need.
“eddie” you whined and threw your hands around his shoulders, to get him closer to you. the taste of him was making your head spin. you broke the kiss to catch your breath, but stayed close to him.
“wow, okay..” you said, both of your chests heaving. eddie threw you a sweet smile and cleared his throat, his adams apple bopping and you had to restrain yourself not to crawl over the table and suck on his neck.
“fuck, i like you.. a lot. if that wasn’t clear before.”
“yeah, i think i got it.” you giggled. “like you too, by the way.”
the air around you felt electric, like it could snap any minute and sparks would fly. eddie felt it too, he could feel your hands trembling on his shoulders and see your eyes glazed over with want. he thought he might have gone too far kissing you without asking permission first, but luck was on his side for once. without wasting too much time, he dove back in and captured your lips again. he heard your relieved sigh as you kissed him back with a passion..
eddie hooked one hand around your back while keeping the other locked behind your head and started to pull, mumbling a “come closer”.
without breaking the kiss, you climbed over the table and sat yourself on eddies warm lap, wrapping your legs around his waist. your ass was perched on his thick thighs and your core directly on top of his semi hard cock, the sensation of his wet tongue and roaming hands, all of it was a dangerous concoction. you started bucking your hips, rubbing your thinly covered pussy on eddies lap, your clit hitting his zipper with every swivel.
“please, eddie.”
the sound of his name falling from your lips in such a sinful way made eddies cock jolt, begging to be freed. “fuck me.. what do you need, honey?”
“you, eds, need you!”
“i’m right here, you have me.”
“need more. please. wanted this for so long.” you shoved both of your hands into his hair, holding his head in place and sucked his tongue into your mouth, eddie groaning loudly at the action.
“jesus christ. get on the fucking table, now.” all of a sudden, eddie picked you up and lifted you onto the table. he pushed you to lay on your back and stood to stand between your open legs.
the view below him was magnificent. you on your back, feet up on the edge of the table, legs wide open. eddie could see your white cotton panties peeking from under your skirt, he could smell your arousal and he knew even without looking that there would be a dark wet patch at the center.
“you trust me?” he asked as he ran his hands along your thighs and waited until you nodded. he made you dizzy, with the way he made sure you were comfortable above all else before turning back into big bad eddie munson. freak on the streets, and by now you were certain, in the sheets as well.
with the way you were laid on the table, it wasn’t wide enough to fit you entirely so you had to keep your head up on your own “yes, eddie. now please just touch me, fuck me, something!” you covered his hands with your own and pulled them further up your skirt, so he could feel just how wet you were for him.
“shit, baby. your cute little panties are a mess. this all for little old me? want me to make you feel better?” he taunted in mock sympathy, his pupils so dilated there was hardly any brown left. he took his two middle fingers and rubbed them up and down your panty covered pussy. unable to hold up any longer, you threw your head back, letting it dangle over the edge.
eddie continued speaking, spitting praises at you while his other hand came up and slipped under your shirt, pulling down one cup of your bra. he grabbed one of your tits and squeezed it like a stress ball, tweaking your nipple before repeating his actions on your other breast. you were a moaning mess, arching your back, bucking your hips into his hand.
“god damn it, honey. you’re so gorgeous like this, spread out for me. could come in my pants right now.” he pulled his hand from under your shirt and pushed the fabric up, exposing your breasts and erect nipples. eddie bent down to press butterfly kisses to the side of your breast and sucked a nipple into his mouth.
“oh my god, that feels so good.” you said in a breathy moan and he didn’t hesitate ripping of your panties. he licked a path from the valley of your breasts to your bellybutton, dipping his tongue in once, twice before continuing towards your aching pussy. you thought you might pass out from the excitement, your whole body shivering. his hair was tickling your belly and you weaved your fingers through his locks to help him out as he took a seat, ready to have his meal.
eddie mushed his face into your pelvis, just inches from your clit and took a deep breath in, breathing in your scent. “fucking hell, i’m starving baby. can i eat this sweet little cunt? i’ll make you feel so good, i promise.. just need to taste you or i might lost my mind.”
without answering, you just shoved his head where you needed him most. eddie let out a long groan as he threw your legs over his shoulders and wasted no time. he ate like a man starved, just like he promised. he snaked his hot tongue along your puffy folds, swinging his arms around your thighs to keep you in place as you thrashed on the table. your legs shook from the intense pleasure, the blood flowing in your veins scorching hot. “oh eddie, fuck, don’t stop.”
“never.” came a muffled response. one of his hands snuck back up to your bare breast, twisting a nipple between his fingers. the metal of his rings felt cool against your skin. “best pussy i’ve ever tasted, baby. no drug can compare to this, this sweet thing is my new high. want this every day, can i? can i eat your pussy every day, honey?”
yes, yes he could. there was no question about that. no other man had ever eaten you out like eddie is. you haven’t slept with a lot of guys, but the couple of guys you’d been with usually weren’t very eager to perform oral and if they did, they mostly just fumbled around until you faked an orgasm to end their suffering. there is no faking here, you were nearing the end with lightning speed.
“eddie, please.. fuck. ‘m so close, please.”
hearing your please, eddie took the hand still attached to your thigh and slipped it between your legs, teasing your entrance. he gathered some of your wetness and pushed one finger into your heat, it automatically clenching on the digit with a vice. he added another shortly after, finger fucking your tight hole and flicking his tongue on your clit.
eddie munson was the devil himself and he was dragging you to hell, but that’s where you want to be. as long as you’re with him.
you hit your peak with a scream, body jolting on the table, legs locking around eddies head, keeping him in place while riding out the best orgasm of your life. not that eddie wanted to go anywhere; if he were to suffocate between your legs, he’d be fine with that.
after coming down from your high, you unlocked your legs and eddie softly pulled his fingers out, pressing a final kiss to your mound before standing back up. you lifted your head and eddie looked you dead in the eye while sucking his fingers clean, sending a wave of aftershock over your body. he gently smoothed your skirt back down and bent down to give you a warm, tangy kiss.
eddie helped you sit up slowly and bent down to pick up your panties, shoving them into his back pocket, sending you a wink “for later.”
“b-but, what about you?” you reached a hand out to grab his stiff erection, but eddie swatted your hand away.
“don’t worry about me, baby. i didn’t come here hoping to fuck.”
“but nothing. ‘m fine, honey.”
“eddie, i want to. i want to make you feel good too. i want us to..”
“to what?” eddie whispered and leaned in closer.
“to.. have sex? i don’t know, if this is a one time thing, i-“
“it’s not.” he quickly interrupted and you felt relieved. “let me take you out, honey. we could drive somewhere.”
“right now?” you questioned.
“yeah? my van’s at the parking lot.”
“okay. i’d like that.”
“good.” eddie held out his hand to you and smirked. “you can suck my cock while i drive.”
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 2 months
for the questions game thingy
5, 12, 31, 32, 39
ok ok here we go
5. For the longest time I've been told I can write, and I sorta knew I could, but I hadn't taken it to heart until a few years ago. So I used to write, but no one else really saw it besides the few people I showed my stuff too. I also spent a crazy amount of time on Pinterest, and starting noticing a lot of writing prompts and snippets posted on tumblr there. I acc never knew much abt tumblr before pinterest. So after looking at those screenshots for a year or 2, I decided I wanted to do the same because I wanted people who, before seeing my writing, otherwise didn't know me (aka no bias), to read my stuff. Wanted to see fr if I acc could write a story that keeps ppl hooked or not! So i started this blog a year ago, and it was a p great idea honestly ; ) 12. Aight, maybe I'm not the most qualified person when it comes to advice, being 17 and a mess, but I do know this. When you make friends, don't get super emotionally invested right from the start. Because the truth is, your very close friends will be a small number of people. The rest will be people you think of fondly, people you can have fun with, but not people you're quite intimately (friendship-wise, ok) close to. You can't have a deep connection with everyone you meet. Also, empathy is wonderful, and friendships are give-and-take but please, if you notice your "friend" ( idc how long you've known each other) is always putting themselves first, their emotions and their wants first, with zero regards to you, then don't think you bending over backwards for them puts you as their number 1. You're someone they take for granted, and it shows. You deserve better, bestie. Invest in people emotionally a little slower. Take some time to learn who they are first, and how they see you, and that "time" is likely years. And when you feel you're getting hurt, always know that sometimes walking away hurts less than holding on to a toxic friendship, no matter how long you've been friends. And walking away can vary from "investing a whole lot less emotionally" to "cutting them off" if they truly hurt you that deeply. 31. I'm saurrr messyyy, it's a problem. My room is always a mess, books and clothes all over the place and half the time I dump everything on the bed until I put it back again. The only thing I'm organised about is the fact that I make to-do lists for college stuff, files on my computer for college stuff n I make exam schedules. But otherwise, I'm all over the place. 32. 4 tabs. Which is weird. Normally I have like 10+. 39. Used to be obsessed with TheOdd1sOut (is that how he spells it, idk) because the mere idea of animated short irl youtube stories or rants was bloody incredible to me cuz I love anything animated and honestly James is hilarious. Also used to be obsessed with TedED youtube vids, because I loved the animation idea again, and they were genuinely interesting. They taught me cool stuff without boring me to death like school did. I've always been a science nerd, so these vids were just epic. Also, loved the mythology episodes, cuz I love how ridiculous mythology is. TYYYSMM for the ask, this was soo fun to do <33
Questions are from this ask game.
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samsrowena · 1 year
moogs!!! I saw in your poll that you had ~unpopular~ thoughts about Rowena’s ending being becoming the queen of hell and I would be really interested to hear them if you wanted to elaborate!!! <333 if you’ve already talked about it somewhere then ignore me, I must’ve missed it, just link me to that maybe? love hearing your thoughts bestie - jo
HIII i'd be happy to!!! apologies in advance if this gets kind of rambly or incoherent lol
but okay so my main problem with it is that it just feels really reductive (which is on par with everyone else's ending but i digress). in theory i guess i get how it could feel like a full circle moment; she was introduced wanting the throne for selfish, evil purposes and then her story ends with her having the throne and using it for good. but in execution, i was not a fan. to start with, in 15x08 she seemed to revert to season ten rowena (but this is buckleming writing her so i shouldn't be surprised), bragging about everyone being afraid of her and then saying she wished she died a long time ago, as if all of her character development up until that point meant nothing
because i honestly just don't see any scenario in which she'd ever even want to become ruler of hell after season thirteen. she didn't care about power anymore. she'd been completely broken by lucifer and all she wanted was redemption. and i really despise the idea that sacrificing herself to save the world but then still being condemned to hell anyway was her being redeemed (of course she's not the only character they do this with; the message that you have to die for redemption/forgiveness runs rampant in the show and it sucks)
then there's the whole destiny thing. which is just like. i'm sorry but why in the hell would a group of people who literally call themselves "team free will" just accept that someone they care about is destined to die??? the only time they even allude at attempting to change her fate is at the end of funeralia but then they never even try. and in a season where their whole goal is to free themselves from thee biblical god's control, you would think they'd push back on the idea that her fate is set in stone a whole lot harder than they did (which is basically not at all). i just know in my heart that is so so so unlike them, especially sam after finding out he was the one who would kill her. this is the same guy who spent a whole season trying to save dean from certain doom (not to mention the countless other examples of him obsessing over saving people he cares about), so there is NO doubt in my mind he would've did the same for rowena
but i don't know, i mean i definitely understand the appeal of her becoming queen and maybe i'd be more open to it if they ended up doing more with it (and to their credit they apparently planned to, ruthie said at a con she was signed on for more episodes but covid ruined that) but at the end of day i just truly think she deserved so much more than being relegated to an eternity of doing a job that even her own son despised at the end
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wraenata · 11 months
Here's a question. How much of pokemon have you played? (Mainline series, side series, etc) :3
Pokemon long rambling activated :3
Seriously long post
So before my mom banned pokemon from our house (probably when I was around 7?) we loved Pokémon. We never had a video game console but my cousins did. So technically pokemon stadium is my first pokemon game! Only ever the rentals haha. But we loved playing the mini games.
When my mom banned pokemon and sold all our plushies (rip butterfree plush, I'll get you back some day) it was a pokemon drought. Until my cousin went to college and gave me her pokemon card collection. (Supposedly the halo mew is worth $100?! But I treasure them) and the brainrot infected me once again.
I started learning everything I could about game mechanics. This was when Gen 5 came out in Japan so you didn't even have the English translations yet! I made lists of what my teams would be in each game, how to divy up the HMs, how to get certain egg moves. All without playing a single game lol.
And then I found playr.org. It had all the retro game boy games. Including Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal. Unfortunately the saving system wasn't so great and got corrupted a few times (rip shiny ekans) but I did mostly play Silver or Crystal. (This is where the name Wren for my character was born!)
I craved more but I didn't know how to download emulators safely :( I watched playthroughs to get by. To this day let's plays are a comfort source for me <3
By the way I did all of this without my parents ever knowing. I was very good at hiding it from them XD
I think it was finally like freshman year of college when I figured out the pokemon fan games. I'm talking Uranium, Phoenix Rising demo, Ethereal Gates demo, Solar Light Lunar Dark, Sage, aka non emulator ones. Basically any I could get my hands on. I also started drawing fakemon in my sketchbook. I kind of want to revisit those some day. I still have the sketchbook somewhere.
Then I figured out emulators FINALLY. At least enough and got an emulator and mystery dungeon explorers of sky, MY BELOVED! I have played through the rom many times. I have a randomizer. Also a few years ago I found Sky Temple for editing the rom aka different starter pokemon. The discord server is always working on making new sprites so you can be any pokemon you want its very wonderful.
Junior year of college, I said I'd had enough. I spent an entire year hyping over Sun and Moon and my bestie/roomie convinced me to treat myself, something I literally never did. I bought a 3DS and Pokemon Sun and never looked back. I loved it. My first real pokemon game. (My parents were not happy when they found out lol). I spent so many hours. I got big into breeding perfect IV pokemon (idk why cause I never did online battles) or shiny breeding. I used to work til 11 pm some nights and before bed I'd just do some breeding. I would have the pokemon in the perfect ball and have all the egg moves and perfect IVs and nature and have the perfect nick name cause I was obsessive like that oof. I got ultra moon when it came out as well and loved it. I also bought pokemon X and Omega Ruby which I enjoyed. But Sun and Ultra Moon I played many times and bred so many perfect pokemon.
I did pick up roms around this time for Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Black and White and the sequels, and maybe Platinum? But they ran really slow on my computer so I never made it far. I preferred playing on my 3ds. But I still played quite a bit of Sky rom.
I was, less excited about Sword and Shield. I saved up a whole year to buy my switch and bought Lets go Eevee, Botw, and Sword when Gen 8 came out. I did inhale the entire game of Sword in one week, but I don't think I ever finished a second playthrough. The story was really disappointing and I did not like the gen 8 pokemon as much. It's hard when you're not a big fan of any of the starter evolutions, cause pressing B for every level up is tedious :(
I did enjoy Lets Go Eevee but after I loaned it to my bestie I had troubled getting back in. The ball throwing was a little off putting.
Oh I also bought Mystery dungeon Rescue Dx and I enjoyed that quite a bit!
Last summer I was struggling a lot with my emotions and frustration with my mom and as a form of therapy started spending money oof. I wanted a second DS so I could trade back and forth and make my life easier. It took a lot of bidding on Goodwill online but I snagged a second 2ds, legit copy of pmd sky! and pmd gates to infinity. And Pokemon Soul Silver! Also I bought the digital versions of gen 1 and 2 before the eshop closed.
I also bought Shining Pearl cause it went super on sale, but after I lent it to my bestie I haven't played since. I actually dont like too many gen 4 pokemon besides Glaceon, Leafeon, and Chatot.
Playing pokemon mystery dungeon on a 3ds instead of a computer keyboard was so much more satisfying. I played through Sky and loved it of course. Then I picked up Gates to Infinity which I never knew the story. I enjoyed it! I was and Oshawott with partner Snivy.
This brings me to last late summer, and the turtle brainrot set in and grew. Less pokemon, more turtles! I debated back and forth whether to get Scarlet or Violet up til the day it released. And then I just didn't. I watched playthroughs though. Seems pretty good and I like a lot of the pokemon, especially after gen 8 when I struggled to find enough to fill out a team of 6. I only like to use pokemon I like. I'm sure I'll get it someday but for now, turtles have my brain.
And that's my pokemon origin story! Still mad about my mom selling all our pokemon plushies. I do still have my cousins pokemon cards and I treasure them <3
I am very adamant about my pokemon having the perfect nick names.
Umbreon is my favorite pokemon <3
Not surprisingly this got very very long. If you made it this far, have a Leppa Berry <3
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birdy-brainrot · 7 months
Oc summaries
alright I decided do a mini lore dump of my different characters because my brain wont shut up about them ill put my ramblings under the read more if you want a summary of who exactly are my characters (its the characters ive drawn before and shared here lol) warning it does gets long as I realize each character I wrote a big paragraph explaining each of them lol
Birch: the dude as my profile pic lol. basically had a rough childhood its just him and his dad growing up and to help out for the house he got into sales and realized rich people are stupid and gullible so he got random junk as sold it as the next big thing and it worked. One night at one of the mansions of his rich clients finds this very odd book detailing a ritual of some sort with promises of knowledge and power beyond comprehension. He does the ritual ends up getting in contact with an eldritch being and has his mind (just slightly) broken but got these cool new powers now. He goal is now to go on a search for more information on how to contact these beings again and unlock more of that forbidden fruit (tho more he does it more he starts to turn corrupt its a whole thing) Hes not happy how its changing him physically and mentally but he is too obsessed over his goal. (tho in the campaign im going to play im hoping he learns the power of friendship and he stops before hes too far gone lol) oh yea hes also a warlock forgot to mention it and my fav rn.
Clay. Oh my baby my first dnd character I love her. Shes just a water genasi pirate I know cliche. She had an infamous pirate captain mom named Brooke but her mom settled down for a couple years with this hippy wood elf and she had twins clay and kai. Brooke pulled a parent trap on them where she took one kid and the dad took the other. Clay grew up with her mom and the crew on her ship. Brooke decided she needed to calm down and became a normal shipping company (most of the time there was some pirating aside) This made Clay a very wild child who does everything in the most chaotic way possible. Sadly her mom got deathly ill (she got poisioned) and she died so clay got the ship. She has been traveling around the seas with her crew which is basically her family and keep her moms spirit alive by living like her. She is a bard and loves to make friends everywhere she goes and get what she wants. She is about that grind baby all about da money. Very loud and pushy personality but if you get to know her shes just an excitable puppy who loves her friends so so much.
Kai. The sweeter and gentler of the twins. He grew up in a hippie commune middle of the forest with his dad. however since he was the only genasi there he was often treated differently than the rest. Always seen like an outsider. He became very reserved and recluse and spent most his time in the forest where he became friends with the mushrooms. Making him a druid. The mushrooms formed this symbiote relationship with Kai and now they help each other out and besties. He also is accidentally very morbid now as mushrooms are all about decay Kai is very comfortable with death and does not realize other people arent lol.Kai decided he had spent enough time in the forest and set out to go find his long lost twin that his dad told him about. However he has a difficult time in large crowds and dealing with people and takes a while to find her. When he meets up with clay the two are inseparable and become a very comedic and chaotic duo as both are unhinged on the opposite sides of the spectrum.
Vera. Shes basically the closest thing I have to a mary sue lol but I love her so much my unhinged little mad scientist. Basically grew in a rich family and was the top of her class for math and science. Got into a prestige university where she specialized in chemistry and biochemistry (im not a science major please dont judge my lack of science knowledge lol) and graduated top of her class. She is however a bit of a sadist and very curious so she often makes chemicals and viruses that could destroy humanity if she felt bored enough and likes to test it on anyone whos gullible enough to trust her. She even gets paid often to either make these dangerous chemicals or the cures for some. For her its not about the money its the science behind it. Big party girl loves to go to raves often gets dressed up in the best drip. Is up at ungodly hours chugging monster drinks like it water. You know she has that rgb gamer set up. Tried getting dark vision but her project backfired and now she just has glowing green eyes. (still cant see in the dark tho) just living her best life being a mad scientist and having fun with it despite how often she endangers her life and others lol
Quinn. She is high elf royalty however They hate their family (mostly her parents) so so much so she decides to run off and join the circus. Lol not really but they do become a famous jester who plays for all the royal courts across the lands. While they distract the crowds she likes to steal from them adding to her own collection of riches as a fuck you to their parents. They enjoy putting on performances as well for the children she visits when traveling around. She has a soft spot for kids. Otherwise a very standoffish personality who acts like they are above it all. Even tho she acts like that she is very, very lonely deep down and wishes they had even one friend who has their back. Oh yea absolute bisexual disaster, looses all sense of grace around whoever she finds attractive and becomes a rambling mess. Also she/they nonbinary, they like to fuck with gender presentation as a treat. i havent really fleshed them out more than that so yea lol.
gabriel, oh my poor gabriel I dont think of you that often. Basically hes a victorian british man who was happily married to his wife and was going to be a father but she falls deathly ill and tries to find this "cure(its vampirism)" that could save her, however things goes wrong and he ends up turning a vampire himself and the poor wife dies (no i did not fridge her i promise she has a backstory just im not putting it here) lives in his lonely home for hundreds of years isolated other than when he goes hunting for blood. Mopes around the place most of the time being a sad boy. Finds a vampire cat and now he has a cat. Eventually he finds a fellow vampire widow and they fall in love (I havent fleshed out the other vamp yet) and yea. I am not big into romance so I dont know why I wrote so much for gabriel so I tend to forget him as I dont care too much about his story lol hes mostly there so I can draw blood and cool victorian outfits.
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omg, and to like add to the previous ask i like need to know more about how and what matty listens to music. is he a monthly playlist kinda guy, mood-based playlist, just one big fuck off playlist with everything on, albums in full? i need to know!!! but also who is he listening to because obviously he had his emo phase and listened to a lot of UK garage music and ambient stuff like brian eno and obviously he's big on listening to the artists on dirty hit but I need more! and is he the kinda guy to have stuff on loop like both yesterday and today I've had god loves you by jpegmafia on repeat
i also just wanna like parasocialy share my music taste with him - 🐸
BESTIE YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACEEE!!!! When I tell you that I have EVERY. SINGLE. SONG/ALBUM/ARTIST HE HAS EVER MENTIONED documented, analyzed etc. it’s legitimately INSANE how much time I’ve spent on this and I think if anyone else found out, they would be kind of terrified. BUT, I promise it’s for good reasons, hahaha. Like, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE AND ADORE when he discusses his musical influences, why he likes what he likes, how he related to the American music culture in comparison to UK garage music, emo, and stuff he grew up on. Like all of that is so, so fascinating to me and helps to frame his artistry and put into context.
I think there are definitely classics that he has on rotation! Like My Bloody Valentine- Loveless; Tango in The Night- Fleetwood Mac. Voodoo- D’Angelo. BUT, based on his “songs from my life” highlights on insta, I think he’s also somewhat of a mood listener. Like, remember the Spotify playlists that are linked on the 1975 account? “At your heaviest”? Or the crazy long playlist he made to celebrate Biden being elected? He def makes special little playlists for specific moods and occasions. Maybe, like, “date night in” playlist of songs to play when cooking/ chilling/ having a date night at home. Def has music he listens to when making a new record. Whether for inspo, or because it resembles the sound that he’s going for, or because it puts him in a specific headspace.
And let us not forget!!! One of my favorite things about Matty is that he is, first and foremost, a fan!! He LOVES music and loves to talk about it and analyze it and consume new stuff. So, if The Arctic Monkeys or Phoebe Bridgers or someone he is a fan of puts out a new record, you best believe he’s streaming it, posting about it on Instagram, obsessing over his fav song, sharing it with the guys.
Like, do you remember that segment from Apple Music where he and Zane Lowe had this Instagram chat about “best rapper of all time” and Matty had divided his answer into 3 categories and was nerding out? He’s definitely get like that. Fastidiously making playlists based on extremely niche categories that only he finds obvious and intuitive and like getting into debates with friends about what belongs where….HES A TOTAL GEEK AND WE LOVE IT!!!
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soufsidesiren · 2 months
blog entry 10
happy 404 day!
i'm baaack. it's been a minute since I felt inspired (i don't know if that exactly the word but its good enough for now) to really take the time to write out my life lately, but i hope if you have been watching you've enjoyed the visual journey to spring. i'm listening to my discover weekly intentionally for the first time in a minute. i really like the song that was just played [at the door by ILYICH and Takuya Nakamura]. i have been fighting for my life over the past few days. going toe to toe with something that was not quite covid and not quite the flu but it definitely sat in my body and forced me to care for it very deeply all the same. the first few days i spent on the threshold of sleep and waking which is much harder as the days grow longer. today is the first day that my mind has been awake enough to really even begin to tackle the mountain of tasks i had set out for my first week off in what feels like months.
it scares me sometime. how quickly i lose myself in the heat of all the work i can bury myself in. someone recently reassured me that in those moments i actually become so much more certain of who i am. that perspective shift has defintiely helped. march was truly a marathon. i hosted my first black clay meetup. vended my first market of the season. went to my first nceca and meet so many incredible potters. started a new job as a dance instructor. got a slot in my first art show and almost missed the art drop off because the acceptance email ended up in my trash somehow. my bestie flew in for a wild 56hr stint. we saw amaarae. she took one of my wheels classes. we frolicked around fayetteville and then she was gone. leaving behind a sore throat and aching body to remember her lol.
[update absolutely hating my discover weekly fuckkk lol]
honestly after reflecting on march. i know that i should been really proud of all that i've accomplished. i am finally getting my art up on walls. have started preliminary conversations with so many clay folks that I am excited to continue to expand, but i can't help but feel overwhelmed by the multitude of options and the simultaneous lack of current funds.
[discovery weekly currently on redemption arc.. what a rollercoaster. jk it was short lived. i think its pissing me off bc it feels like a bunch of white folks making black music so immediately its just wack to me lol}
anywho back to life lately. i ebb and flow between patience and impatience in my process. working on relying on community and not just building. allowing the folks around me to really show up and shine as well.
just binge read octavia bulters kindred today. like i deadass read almost all it today. i could not put it down. nobody really compells me to read quite like octavia. i never tire of the way she puts words together. i quite literally could not stop until i was done. i love the way that i can escape into a book but seldom dedicate the time to escape into the literary space because digital space just comes at such a greater convenience. i have been trying to make an honest effort to read way more. i am three books down for the year and i think its a reasonable goal to finish a book a month. so far i've literally only read octavia butler but its been a minute since ive been so obsessed with an author. i dabble into a bit of james baldwin. i love how full and wandering his sentences are. but honestly my next read will probably just be another octavia read because why stop a good thing.
i don't really have more to say so until tomorrow
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guanana · 2 years
sub!nohyuck who are obsessed with you, always wanting to please you... thinkin thoughts
(bestie this is my first time writing a threesome, so i apologize if it isn't that good >.> <3)
request 02 ♡ ljn x reader x ldh
Tumblr media
genre: drabble smut, jeno x reader x haechan
word count: 2.1k+
smut warnings: mfm threesome, penetrative sex, oral (f&m receiving), creampie, light ass play (m receiving), sloppy seconds, voyeurism, spit, lil mxm
author's note: alternatively speaking, this could definitely be read as a beware the panty perv drabble
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“Good boy,” You breathe out. A harsh hand comes out to yank at the black tresses of the man between your legs. Spreading your leg wider to make eye contact with him, beautiful brown eyes form into crescent moons at your praises. Kitten licking your folds and swiping at your clit, you throw your head back with a groan. “Just like that Jeno, oh my god.”
Jeno’s mouth was always so good. Puckered lips coated with copious amounts of saliva kiss along your mound, worshiping your folds like it was a delicacy. Watching him grind his naked lower half into the sheets to satiate the ache of his hard cock has you delirious, almost so lost in the visual of him kissing your lower regions that you forget about the other male next to you. Not remembering their presence until you hear a choked cry. Darting your eyes to your left to catch Haechan still standing there as pliant as you left him.
“Let Jeno and I have our fun first. You just watch and I’ll let you join when I think you deserve it.”
“Is my sweet boy not going to listen to me?”
You were so mean. Making him watch you get eaten out by Jeno without so much as being able to touch you. Sharing you with him wasn’t the problem, he tries to convince himself despite the jealousy that brews at the pit of his stomach. The problem was how he had to watch your eyes roll to the back of your head, how you had to fondle your breasts and tweak your nipples in order to remain on earth, how Jeno’s veiny forearms circled around your thighs as he lapped up every drop of wetness that you secreted– as if he didn’t want to save anything for him. Even worse, you told him that he couldn’t touch himself like the visual in front of him isn’t straight out of heaven.
But worst of all– you called Jeno your good boy. Those praises were supposed to be for him only. A bitter scowl evident on his face when he and Jeno lock eyes, the smug bastard having the audacity to wink at him when licking a fat stripe from the base of your pussy to the clit. Your squeal echoes around the room, yanking at Jeno’s hair and closing your thighs around him as you grind him even deeper into your core.
Yet no matter how much Haechan suffers, no matter how much his cock absolutely aches to be buried deep inside your walls, he remains patient. All qualms fly out the window whenever it came to you. Your wish would always be his command, even if it was at the expense of his sanity.
“What’s wrong, my sweet boy?” You gasp out when locking eyes with a pouty Haechan. Arching your back when Jeno ardently plunges two long fingers inside of you. You relish in the way Haechan’s face scrunches in envy. “You want to join?”
You practically see the way those puppy-like eyes pop out, a figurative tail wagging in anticipation at the presumed invite. Licking your lips at the way the precum drips from his red tip, it’s begging to be touched. When he nods you beckon him to come over with an index finger. “C’mere,” Giggling at the way he bounces over with glee to your side of the bed.
At your permission, he’s immediately toppling over, the warmth exuding from his body as he wraps around you. Cuddling into you as he locks one of his legs with yours– shit eating grin shot at Jeno when he ‘accidentally’ knees him in the head. Erection digging into your stomach when he kisses you so fondly. Any amount of time spent away from you drove him crazy, and to know that you were so close yet out of his reach has him yearning for you like a man starved.
Your senses are overloaded, barely able to keep up with the two men as you let them do as they please. With Jeno tongue fucking you and switching his now wet fingers to flick against your clit, you whine against Haechan’s kisses as he’s unable to control himself, shoving his tongue as far down your throat as possible. They’re both relentless, as if in a silent competition with one another.
When Haechan’s hand glides from your breasts down your stomach, you almost suffocate Jeno between your legs. Yet Jeno loves it so much, wet pussy shoving into his mouth to the point arousal coats the bottom of his chin. He pulls you in even closer to suckle at your clit, pointed tongue darting against the bud until you’re bucking into him.
Separating from Haechan’s kiss, you scream. “Fuck, Jeno! I’m gonna cum.”
“Want to make you feel so good,” Jeno moans into your core, vibrations sending shivers up your spine. “Cum for me now.”
When you release onto his jaw, Haechan’s greed overtakes him and he’s angling your head to look at him. Half lidded eyes dazed when he takes your lips again, sucking in every moan as you ride out your orgasm on Jeno’s tongue. Jeno’s eyes glaze over as he swipes at your folds earnestly.
You’re wondering why Haechan himself is moaning so much, that sweet tone being exchanged as your tongues swap spit eagerly. When the spasming of your legs settle you look down to find Jeno had collected your cum onto his fingers to swirl at Haechan’s puckered hole.
He’s bucking his hips into you, cock rutting against your hip when he gasps at Jeno’s ministrations. Jeno with a devious grin plastered on his face, now leaving your pussy to bite at Haechan’s calf. “Was wondering why she liked you so much. You really are a sweet boy,” Jeno scoffs out when Haechan has to pop away from your lips. And the visual is beyond erotic, his jaw dropped as he gasps for mercy. Holding onto you for dear life as he arches into you, the way Jeno has his way with Haechan causes you to squirm beneath them.
Jeno’s index and middle finger break through the barrier and pumps into Haechan before crawling up the expanse of your bodies. Eyeing the two of you so endearingly, licking up Haechan’s spine on his way up before rolling to your right. “Should let him fuck you now,” Jeno breathes into your collar before marking the flesh. “I think he’s earned it.”
With glazed eyes, you nod before exchanging a chaste kiss with Jeno. Jeno shoves his lubed up fingers up to the hilt into Haechan, and the cry that he emits has the two of you gasping in amazement. Haechan’s fucked out expression is beyond beautiful.
Relenting in his teasing, Jeno separates from Haechan, opting to watch you take him as he pumps his cock at your side. You and him chuckle at Haechan’s flushed expression. Deciding he’s suffered enough, you roll on top of the honey skinned boy. “You were such a sweet boy for me,” You kiss your favorite mole that rests just beneath his eye. “Gonna reward you now.”
“Thank you…” Haechan whimpers, gasping out when you align his begging cock with your entrance. Still weeping with leftover cum and Jeno’s saliva, you take Haechan with alarming ease. The two of you moaning out in unison when your ass meets his balls immediately. “Fuuck,” He mewls, looking at you so lovingly.
Bouncing on him with vigor, Haechan barely has time to register the pace you’ve developed. Your thighs have developed much more definition from all the times you’ve milked his cock dry, ogling the meat as it shakes with every time your body slaps against his.
Locking eyes with Jeno, you smirk when you see that he’s been suffering just as much as Haechan. Long, girthy cock angry with precum. Vein popping in hopes of being eased by being clamped between your wet walls. But he’s just as good of a boy as Haechan, pumping himself as he waits patiently for his turn. “You two are beautiful…” He trails off, lost in his own world as he watches Haechan’s hips meet yours as you ride him.
The look on Haechan’s face doesn’t go unnoticed, staring down at him lovingly as his cheeks grow red at the compliment. Jeno’s praises keep on falling from his pretty lips, egging Haechan on as you take the reins. “You feel so good, pussy is always so amazing,” Haechan cries when your clit grinds against his lower abdomen.
Pinning Haechan’s wrists above his head, his eyes pop out when your lips pucker out. He knows exactly what you want. He always does. Sticking his tongue out he groans in delight when a glob of your spit falls meets the back of his throat, swallowing it with gratitude.
You moan out at his pliance. “God, love you so much sweet boy.” When the tip of his cock meets that spot deep inside that drives you mad, you put all your energy into the backs of your thighs as you chase your orgasm. Clenching against him tightly, Haechan is unable to keep himself from spilling inside, your second orgasm coating his cock.
Calling your name out like a mantra, Haechan sings to high heavens his love for you. Overwhelmed with your generosity every time. He looks up at you like you’re the only person in this world, he barely registers when Jeno takes you away from him. Heated walls that encapsulate his cock ripped away from his clutches.
It all happens so fast when you give Jeno the okay to impale you with his cock. Despite being laid out for him, you call all the shots. Still leaking with Haechan’s cum, Jeno takes on a persistent pace, much rougher than Haechan. Seeking to pleasure you rather than the other way around, his eyelashes flutter shut as he gets lost in the nasty mix of semen and arousal.
“This feels so fucking good,” Jeno gasps out as his chest meets yours, rutting into you with short yet purposeful thrusts. Taut muscles wrap around your waist as you cry out, back arching into his ripped body. Hoisting your legs over his shoulders, he meets parts of you that no one else can reach. “It’s beyond wet… fuck.”
You scream out when Haechan infiltrates the two of your perverse acts, face coming in close to yours as he licks up your throat. Long, beautiful fingers coming down to your clit to rub tight circles. Jeno coos at the assistance, undoubtedly impressed with how well Haechan knows your body. “You really know what she loves,” Jeno chuckles breathily, hips unwavering as a mixture of cum flies everywhere with every thrust.
Haechan glares at the latter male, only mildly conflicted when he takes in the way Jeno’s jaw clenches as he fucks into you. Tip pummels your g-spot before he smirks at the brunette:
“Good thing I love her pussy just as much.”
Lost in the pleasure, your tummy sucks in when Jeno hits the same spongy wall with precision. Gnawing at the inside of his cheek as he feels his climax approaching. “Feel so good… Cum for me, please. Need your pussy to suffocate my cock,” Jeno begs, and you could never deny. Haechan wanting to be just as responsible for the impending orgasm, he meets you for one last kiss with a rough pinch to your clit.
Little does he know that Jeno had the same idea, meeting your two lips into the kiss as well. It’s disgusting, depraved. Three tongues meeting in a nasty braid of saliva, not knowing whose is whose. It didn’t matter, the three of you losing yourselves in the kiss. Teeth clacking with lack of tact, your eyes shut tight when you feel Jeno growling into your mouths, ass cheeks clenched tight as he thrusts all the way to the hilt.
“Fuck!” You cry, eyes rolling back when you receive your second dose of cum. Beyond filled, copious amounts of cum spills out of you when Jeno pulls out. A gossamer thread connecting his softening tip and your cunt. It slaps against his thigh obnoxiously when he falls over to your side.
The three of you lay there in silence for a while, catching your breaths after the events that had just taken place. The two of them being as clingy as they are immediately cuddle into you, Jeno spooning you from the back and Haechan digging his head into your breasts for warmth. Giggling lightly, you place a hand over Jeno’s forearm and trail the other through Haechan’s hair, smiling at them adoringly. Laughing even louder when Haechan tries to shove Jeno’s arm off of you, the latter slapping at his shoulder irritably.
“My sweet boys…” You trail off when you bring a nose to the crown of Haechan’s head.
“I’m sweet boy!” Haechan puffs his cheeks out huffily.
Jeno pouts at him before digging his head into the crook of your shoulder, furrowing his eyebrows at him. “You’re not the only one who would do anything for her, y’know,” He scoffs.
“But I’m her favorite,” Haechan sticks his tongue out at him.
You roll your eyes as they continue to bicker, losing yourself to sleep as the fatigue of getting fucked by two of your favorite boys takes over. Hearing them coo at you as they shower your body with loving kisses, you’re content.
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jin0 · 2 years
JIN 🥰😘😘 first, hi bestie hope ur day is off to a good start and that you had a restorative weekend, what’s been happening lately? How’s work and school treating you? 😘😘
Second, let’s just. Let’s observe here shall we: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CaVuVemFeG3/?utm_medium=copy_link
It’s giving very much being a working man who is under so much pressure to divide up a busy schedule between spending time with his beloved wifey <33 and his obsession with you is quite literally making him sick and the infatuation is only increasing. THE SUITS AND THE ??! THE F*CKING HAIR ??!!?!!! The scowling winced expressions?!!! it’s giving also that worried scrunched up overstimulation face but that’s a story for possibly just my WARPED MIND.
Forever yours - STN 😼😼
no because this ?? this is the type of shit where when he comes home, it's either going to be immediate, mind-blowing sex or maybe soft cuddles and then the softest kind of sex ?? like let's say he comes home looking absolutely exhausted and then he sees you with a cute little dinner date ready and all dressed up ?? it can either go two way and in either one of them, you won't be eating dinner any time soon.
let's say on that specific day it goes with soft cute sex because he thought of you the whole day and practically ran away from work to go home to you ?? it was your day off and he couldn't even enjoy it and that made him literally sick, he didn't eat lunch, just spent it on the phone with you. you'd begged for him to eat a little at least but he kept saying that he didn't want to lose focus on you and your voice yk ??
then he comes home and as soon as he hears your voice in the living room, he just drops to his knees ?? he drops his bag and you hear it so you go to him and you immediately give him a hug. this has to be the best hug he's ever received because he doesn't feel like he can move, too scared to lose the contact with you.
he feels you slide his jacket off a'd when you back up to take off his tie, he just sits you on his lap and keeps his arms wrapped around you. you cradle his face and kiss his forehead and he feels like he's about to fucking melt. he's genuinely ready to quit his job and run off to a cabin in the forest where you'll live happily ever after with no interruptions yk ??
"how was your day baby ? not too exhausting ? you sounded tired on the phone."
"twas good bunny, just missed you like crazy... you know much i hate not having you around at all times. maybe i love you too much for my own health."
he hugs you tighter and kisses your neck all sweet and shit. he's slowly growing restless because he needs to feel you, really feel you, every part of you. he needs to get his fill or he's going to lose it.
when he takes you to the bedroom, you know not to interrupt him while he slowly takes his time examining you and taking you in. he doesn't say much but he feels a thousand things and none of them are 'clean'. he's going to cover you in him and taste you all over. tomorrow's the weekend and you're thankful for that because he's not going to be done when the sun will rise, you know it because it happened before.
he spends about two hours with his face buried between your legs, keeping your thighs well parted and tasting you as if you were his first meal in about a century. he doesn't even care about himself, cumming on the bedsheets all while pleasuring you because you're his main focus. but when he finally has you wrapped around him, he's cumming gallons and nothing can stop him. because instinctively, he wants to get his pretty little wife pregnant. the idea of getting out of work and going to pick you up from your job to then go together pick up a little baby from daycare just has him jumping around like a child.
but he doesn't say anything, to tired to say anything that doesn't entirely have to do with how good you feel, how sweet you are and how much he loves you. and all that, you can't even respond because of how overstimulated you are.
he's rocking back and forth inside you, not going too fast, taking his time to have you come apart in front of him. you're just holding on his biceps, crying so prettily and whining his name while he's pressing the tip of his cock into your perfect spot, making you feel like your insides and melting.
"g-good girl, feel how tight you are around me bunny ? you feel good don't you baby ? you're being the best, as always. f-fuck... can't believe you're my wife and i'm your husband. fuck, i can't believe i get to love you... feel like a dream bunny, the best dream ever. pretty pussy's just melting my brain... can't get enough of you bunny, never have enough of you..."
and he's just blabbering around about how much he loves you and how unbearable it is to leave you to work ?? he hates not having you around at all times and he's slowly growing crazier yk ??
he needs you so bad that when the first rays of the sun peak, when you're both 'done' for now, he's practically asleep but when you try to get him to pull out he just keeps you in place against his, keeping your thighs parted and his nose in your neck.
"need more time in you bunny, please... need more than sex to feel better. you'll let me bunny ? you'll let me feel you around a little more ?"
he's practically whining and his hands are making you roll your hips on top of him, you can't deprive your husband of you. not when he's so sweet, begging for you so shamelessly.
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mjolnir-steve · 2 years
The Knit before Christmas
Curtis Everett x fem!reader
Word count: 1520
Summary: Curtis doesn’t like the holidays much (for good reason), but maybe your gifts to him will help him see this time of year in a different light. ✨
Warnings: angst, character death (not Curtis or reader), adult situations, fluff to make it all better
This is my first entry for @stargazingfangirl18, @navybrat817, and @drabblewithfrannybarnes's Happy Hoelidays Challenge! Thank you so much to all of you for putting this together. I’m so excited to participate. 🥰
I also have to thank my bestie, Thevy (@the-sal-del-mar), for the exquisitely fluffy idea. I shared my prompts with her, and she is officially my “plot dealer,” as she would say. She also came up with the title, and I'm obsessed. This fic is for her, so I really hope she loves it! 💖
Ingredients: Curtis Everett, first snowfall, “You made this for me?”, friends to lovers, turning a holiday Grinch’s frown upside down, “Oh, honey. You know you really shouldn’t tease me.”
(Dialogue prompts are in bold!)
The ink was barely dry on the gift tag on your husband’s Christmas present when you felt a rush of cold air with the opening and closing of your front door.
“Honey, you home?” You relaxed at the sound of his voice, slightly muffled by the scarf still wrapped around his face.
“On the couch, baby.”
Another few moments passed before he joined you in the living room, laying his scarf and beanie to dry on the hearth after closing the firescreen.
“Where’s your car? You know I don’t like you driving in the snow.” Curtis kissed your forehead softly, but quickly, plopping down next to you.
“First, hello to you, too. Second, it’s snowing?! I knew I smelled it this morning.”
“You and your Gilmore Girls references.”
“You’re just pissed that you’re practically the Luke of my dreams. If only you owned a diner...” You let out a dramatic sigh, placing your chin in your hand.
He laughed softly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “And I’m sorry. You know how I get with this weather, Y/N.” The prickle of his beard against your cheek when he kissed it guaranteed your acceptance of his apology. “Hi, honey.”
You did know how he got with this weather.
You met Curtis when he asked to sit with you at lunch on the first day of high school, recognizing the back of your head from third-period algebra. Before long, the two of you became inseparable, spending evenings together studying and weekends together just being.
You got to know each other’s families. Curtis’ parents cared for you like you were their own. His grandmother taught you how to crochet, delighted that you took her grandson’s place when he gave up after 20 minutes. Both your parents and his loved you two together, even though you were only friends at the time.
Then came winter break of senior year. Mr. and Mrs. Everett’s anniversary was coming up, and they planned to spend it on a cross-country train, seeing all the sights in between. Their train departed the day after Christmas.
It was the last time Curtis saw them. A combination of faulty brakes and a worse-than-predicted snowstorm led to a fatal crash about an hour into the journey. Curtis’ grandmother had a heart attack upon receiving the news.
Curtis ended the first half of senior year thinking he’d finally kiss you on New Year’s Eve at the frat party your friend’s sister got you invited to. He went into his second half of senior year effectively an orphan. His only other relatives were living and working overseas at the time, so they made arrangements with your parents, who insisted Curtis live with you in order to finish high school. Instead of going to that party, he spent that night lying on the couch with you, crying silently into the side of your neck.
You snuggled closer into his side, gently kicking his present under the coffee table, pushing it out of view until you were ready to give it to him. He grabbed your left hand with his right, admiring the rings he was able to put on your finger over the last few years, before entwining his fingers with yours.
“To answer your question, though, I pulled my car into the garage. When I smelled the snow, I didn’t want you to have to park in the street. I’ll accept my Most Thoughtful Wife Award in the form of a massage. You can choose which part of me to massage, though.”
The volume of the yelp that escaped you sent Curtis into a fit of laughter as he flipped you over, rolling you onto the floor. “Oh, honey. You know you really shouldn’t tease me.” He began kissing up one side of your jawline, suddenly stopping once he got to the other. “Whatcha got under the table, Y/N?”
Before you could stop him, he reached out and grabbed the gift bag, spotting his name on the tag, written in your practiced calligraphy you whipped out for special occasions. “I thought we agreed on no gifts.” His eyes were soft when he looked back at you.
“You say that every year, Curtis, and every year, we both spoil each other rotten. I would never agree to such nonsense.” He tried to hide his smile, biting the inside of his rosy cheek. “If it makes you feel any better, it wasn’t expensive.” It will be, you thought to yourself.
“Gee, thanks, Most Thoughtful Wife!” he snorted, pretending to rattle the bag’s contents.
You sat up, folding your hands over your bent knees. “You can open it now if you want. Actually, I’d prefer it if you did.”
He squinted at you, jokingly annoyed. “You know the only thing I hate more than presents is being told to open presents early. We have a whole week left.”
“Your mouth says one thing, but your pulling at the tissue paper says another.” He stuck his tongue out at you in response, almost looking like he did when you teased each other in school all those years ago.
Once past the tissue paper, Curtis removed the first item from the bag. He smiled at the stuffed animal, a round ball of brown fluff with soft antlers, big eyes, and glittery accents.
“A toy?” He raised an eyebrow at you. “Not exactly the kinda toy I thought my hot wife would give me, but I gue- OW!” He smacked at your foot that you’d just used to poke him in the ribs.
“Don’t be gross, Curtis! Besides, that’s more of a clue than it is the actual gift.”
He pursed his lips as he turned the toy over, searching for an answer.
“Did you get me fudge? His name is Fudge…” He continued mumbling to himself for a moment before you decided to help him out.
“Sadly, there is no fudge. What kind of toy is it?”
“A stuffed animal… A Beanie Baby? I don’t get it.”
“Look in the bag, baby.” You were tapping your fingers against your knees, trying to hide your nerves as he opened his next present.
The beanie perfectly matched his own, but in miniature. He wore the original black cap you’d made for him almost every day since you’d given it to him, but he could see how much your crocheting skills had improved over the years. It was perfect and so soft in his hands, but he was confused by the small size.
“You made this for me? I love it, honey, but I don’t think it will fit my head.”
You bit your tongue so as not to comment on the size of the brain in his big head. “Think about it, my love.” You scooted closer to him. “The hat wouldn’t fit an adult, but it would fit a…”
“A Beanie Baby?” He looked down at the tiny beanie and at the stuffed animal, bewildered more than anything when you slapped your cheeks forward into your palms.
“Curtis! Come onnnnn.”
Finally, you could see him putting the puzzle together, nearly giving himself whiplash when he turned to look at you.
“Holy shit, are you- Oh, man. Really?” The tears on his cheeks glistened in the glow from the fireplace.
You nodded at him, biting your lip to keep from crying when you realized there was a happiness behind his eyes you had only seen once or twice since the accident. “There’s one more gift in the bag, baby.”
This time, he found an adult-sized beanie, but with an embellishment on the cuff - shimmery white embroidery that read, “#1 Dad”.
“Yours is so worn and I’ve already mended it so many times. I had finished it just before I thought to take the test, so when I found out, I made the mini one and embroidered yours. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I wanted to surprise you.”
“Honey, don’t ever be sorry for this.” He stood quickly, grabbing his old beanie from where it was drying on the hearth. “This is the best surprise of my life, even if I was too stupid to put it together.” He reached for the top of the tree, placing the tattered cap over the star already there.
“Oh, Curtis.” You couldn’t help the sob that escaped you when he returned to you on the floor and rested his head on your belly after tugging his gift over his head.
“You just keep changing my life, Y/N. You made me a husband. Now you’ve made me a dad. You made a beanie for me, and now you’re making our baby.”
“Well, you had something to do with that one.”
You felt him hum in amusement against your tummy as you scratched through the short hairs at the back of his neck. “I love you, Mama.” He peppered kisses all over the exposed sliver of skin. “And I love you, too, Beanie Baby.”
You leaned down and kissed his forehead, a new warmth in your chest. “I love you, too, Daddy. Merry Christmas, Curtis.”
“I guess it actually is, huh?”
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damniamgay · 2 years
so upon some analysis: (this is a long leatin post im ngl so apologies besties if you don’t wanna read a self indulgent rant) also season two spoilers cause obvs
fatin definitely speed ran the enemies to friends to lovers with leah.
like in my head she knew who leah was, and kinda what her deal was, especially with that field note about that silly little tampon joke leah made.
fatin just gives me the vibes that she wouldn’t obsess over it as much as leah did but she definitely thought about it more than once, and she knows her through that.
then at the start of the island when leah’s pretty much insane from the offset fatin is like bestie no.
i also think that the more she spent time with leah and the more she got to understand her it clicked to her that yeah, they could be friends. and fatin who very much doesn’t do feelings is like ‘we must be best buds’ (hence the, “I’m gonna try something” hug)
and then seeing how leah sought her out for comfort and was so different around her than the rest of the girls she was like oh fuck, and then season two and she’s just realising all these things about leah that she likes
(do I even have to mention how fatin is legit the definition of heart eyes around leah for all of season two)
whereas i think leah was definitely more of a slow burn (see analysis below)
she didn’t immediately hit it off with anyone on the island cause she had her suspicions pretty much straight away (no pun intended)
and she seems to find herself spending more and more time with fatin just because of that familiarity, I think leah found herself going insane so quickly is because she’s a creature of comfort and was immediately thrown out of everything she knew
she could give back as much as she could take and it almost earns her brownie points with fatin, and I think maybe leah’s never had a proper good friend before and so fatin slowly becoming more touchy feely and flirty with her she just assumes that’s what friends do, especially because fatin flirts with everyone (especially dot)
and she finds herself confiding more and more in her theories with fatin cause she seems like a safe space and she’s honest and trustworthy
and in season two leah finds herself coping a little bit more with ‘going dark’ because fatin just gets her and she’s able to be more herself (that whole scene with rachel and the rendition of home)
and then we get them acting more like real friends, and leah gets more bold (the water scene with fatin) and I think fatin doesn’t know how to deal with that either
then leah, ever the overthinker, starts questioning her and fatin’s relationship and all of a sudden…fuck, she likes her, like really likes her
(hence the “voices of people you love the most”)
and so leah’s doing everything she can to help fatin so they actually have this chance because at the beginning of it all fatin was the only one to listen to her and be completely honest with her and eventually believe and back her up
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