#only shocking thing was Lucifer being a good dad/kind of a good guy for once
Hwaet, Let me get this straight. As of the Hazbin Hotel s1 finale:
-Its been revealed that angels' own weapons ("angelic steel") are the only thing capable of harming or killing them
-Lilith is a twist villain/new threat
-Alastor, hell's most infamous torturer and also a 1930s radio host, has likely been working for Lilith the whole time but nobody rly knows what their goals are
-Eve may or may not be aNOTHER twist villain, with some kind of root/plant theme
-Alastor has an army of black-eyed cannibal demons led by a pretty lady named "Rosie" who can be rallied into open combat against heaven by a combination of song, charisma, 1930s razzle-dazzle and the promise of absolute carnage
-Adam is literally just some scrawny white dude with floofy hair, he loves classic rock and REALLY hates Hell
-Adam died by being impaled, from behind, through the mid-back, with a shortblade
-Adam is, very possibly, now IN hell, and the fandom finds this both amazing and hysterical
-Lucifer named his daughter "Charlotte"
-She's an absolute blonde fluffy sparkle cinnamon roll
....okay then, awesome, great finale guys, 1000/10, see you in a few months
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
You ARE The Father! (Obey Me!)
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After getting back to the human world you realized you were pregnant. You decided to keep it a secret during your relationship. After having the baby/babies for a few weeks, you finally decide to tell your demon baby daddy.
»Characters: Demon bros // -> [Part 2: Dateables] Now available!
»Tags: Female reader/MC, Unplanned pregnancy, Humor/fluff, Bulleted Style Fic
»Note: Sorry it's kind of long. Also I imagine the babies all heavily resemble their dads. 🥺♡ I might make a part two with Diavolo and Barbatos but they will be short stories. Well, maybe. Lol
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"That's not funny."
Didn't believe you because how could you keep that sort of secret for months from him
You sent him a photo of you holding a very unamused baby boy with black hair and red eyes
The Avatar of Pride has fainted. I repeat, he has fainted
Didn't pack or say anything to his brothers once he woke up, he just bolted out the house to find a magic seal to travel to the human realm
Quickly let Diavolo know why he canceled their meeting whilst on the way to you
He arrived disheveled, man was sweating lol
Anyway he immediately reached for his child and cradled him
His baby's horns and wings popped out!
Barely wanted to talk to you at first, you wounded his pride...Did you think him unfit? Did you think he wouldn't accept?
He would've been there for you no matter what, it pained him that you went through everything alone
Promised to be there from now on
He hugged you and the baby "...I love you two. ♡ Come live with me. You two won't ever be in need."
Dia and Barb visited shortly to see Luci's baby!
His baby slapped everyone in the face at some point
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"Ha! That's a good one! I always loved ya sense of humor!"
Really thought it was a joke
You decided to surprise him in person instead
You got permission from Dia to visit
You had only told Lucifer ahead of time about the surprise visit but not why
When you knocked on the door holding the white-haired baby girl Lucifer had to do a double take
"Is this..."
He smiled and excitedly held her for a minute before returning her
"Excuse me" Lucifer said as he closed the door
yeah the baby started crying
You could hear the loud commotion inside
The door swung open and Mammon stared in shock along with the rest of the family behind him
He cuddled his baby girl and gave her so many kisses
You guessed it, the baby sprouted horns and wings after being held by him
Was upset at himself for thinking you were joking
He demanded you move in right away
"Nothin' will break this family. I got ya both! Daddy will take care of y'all! "♡
His baby girl managed to grab his wallet and wouldn't let go
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"As if..."
Was skeptical...him? A dad? He always thought Mammon or Asmo would be first
He didn't know anything about being a dad but he was getting more excited the more he thought about it
You wouldn't lie to him about that right? RIGHT?
But why didn't you tell him sooner!? He could've been there for support like you always supported him!!
He texted you saying he would be visiting soon
He made a quick phone call to Dia for help getting to the human world
"Yeah let's not tell Lucifer yet heheheh"
He hurriedly grabbed a few figures and collectibles to go pawn off...kids are expensive!
After selling some things he bought some baby stuff and a gift for you...the mother of his child!!
When he finally made it to the human world he cried when he held his own purple-haired baby boy
The baby cried too lmao
The baby shifted into demon form & Levi wailed even more at his beautiful copy+paste baby
Both stopped crying when you played some anime on the tv
"I-I have a ring for you...w-will you marry me? I'll be the best husband and dad I can be!" ♡
He was planning on asking anyway; this just sped things up
He wasn't sure but he thinks his kid was giving him the stink eye when he was taking too much time with you...jealousy!?
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"You're telling me this now?"
Yeah he was angry
He had a hard time believing it but he knew you wouldn't lie about something like that
After the call, he grew excited and couldn't wait to visit
Told Lucifer what was going on ASAP and he let him go to you
He tried to read as much as he could from parenting books while on the way to you
He brought some gifts and offered to let you nap while he bonded with his daughter
Yeah she shifted into demon form after being held by him
He cooed at her, brushing her blonde hair lightly, remembering his own birth
"Daddy might've been an accident, but you're definitely not. Just a beautiful surprise. ♡"
He would do anything you asked of him, he just wanted to take care of his own little family
"Hey listen to me...I won't ever let you two down. I swear it.♡"
His daughter angrily yanked the new kitty plushie from his hands and smacked him before giggling
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"Ahaha...riiight. That's not the first time someone's tried that on me! And triplets!? "
He loved you but that was a weird joke to pull so many months later
Seriously, triplets? You had to be joking!
You were a little hurt but you kind of understood his reaction
Either way you wanted Asmo to meet them and decided to do a surprise visit
You contacted Dia for help and Barb escorted you safely to the Devildom (it was hard moving around with 3 babies!)
You nervously waited with your babies at Dia's castle while they summoned Asmo first before the other brothers
"Lord Diavolo, I'm he-" you heard Asmo gasp
He froze and took in what was in front of him
"You weren't joking!?"
He sobbed and cried out apologies to you, as he tried to figure out how he could pick them all up (sorry only two at a time!)
You handed him the two girls and watched as they shifted into demon form in his arms
Mini Asmos!
He excitedly talked about all the different outfits you could all wear and match as a family
You took one of the baby girls and handed him the boy and watched as he too shifted
"You're my family! My big beautiful family! Papa will make you all proud! I'll work SO hard!♡"
The other brothers happily joined the gathering a few minutes later
Every time someone picked up one of the babies, they were happy and friendly!
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"Huh? What? What do you mean? ... I'M COMING."
Mixed emotions: Anger for not telling him. Excited that you had his child. Sad that he wasn't there to support you on the journey. Happy overall for his new family.
He wasted no time after you told him, he called on Lucifer to let him go to the human world. His brothers caught wind and wanted to go too.
Teared up when he saw you standing and holding his baby boy, he gave a big soft family hug
Was surprised and excited when his baby shifted into demon form when he held him
It was a mini him!
He was absolutely in love with his new family
"I will give you both everything. No matter what. I will take care of you two, always.♡"
Wouldn't stop doting on you two
Growled when Belphie wanted a turn to hold his baby...he might've been a little too protective
But everyone did get a turn eventually
His baby bit/nibbled everyone at some point
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"Twins!? Mine!? When!? You should've said something!"
Was upset you kept it from him. Scared because what if he fails you and them? But was happy to have his own little family
As soon as he hung up, he quickly called Lucifer for help and had Beel accompany to the human world
Freaked out because what do babies need? What did you need? He hurriedly bought ready made baby gift baskets hoping it would help somewhat
Each step towards your place was nerve wracking and exhilarating
Having Beel there soothed him a little so he was thankful
Belphie thought you looked so beautiful standing there holding his twins in little cow print onesies
He nervously held both and teared up when they shifted and they looked so much like him
The baby boy started crying and he freaked out
"Yeah he cries a lot. The girl however is very quiet and sleeps easily."
Belphie hummed a lullaby and soothed his son who rested happily on him.
"This is better than any dream.I will do my best to make you and them proud.That's a promise.♡"
Beel patted his back letting him know he had him and the others
His babies seemed to like cuddling a lot. They really liked holding fingers tightly.
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⬦You might also like: MC Feeling Insecure︱Waffle House︱Coconut
*Super long* Authors Note/Ramblings: Moved those notes to my AO3 journal lol
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Hey dear! I hope that you have a good time! I want to make a request, but please delete it if you don't feel like doing it.
I saved that request in the notes and been waiting for you to open them 😊
For request
First fight with brother (any of your choice) and one of them (I mean MC or that brother) thinks that it's end of relationship (because never had anything serious), but they reconciled in the end. I want some heavy angst with happy ending. MC can be GN if that is OK.
If you don't mind you can do for Mammon, but feel free to choose another one if you don't feel like write for him. Or if that would be better to write as headcanons for all the brothers. That's up to you!
I haven't been doing requests for ages. Please don't hate me if there is something wrong! I've read the rules, and I hope I haven't missed anything.
Anyway, sorry for long ask. And thank you for your writings!
(I forgot to look if you did anything similar, and remembered it at the end of writing that ask. Sorry if you already did something like that!)
Hey babes ❤ I did end up doing HCs for all of them because I thought it would be cooler (or more like I know someone is gonna request separate fics for all of them if I dont and I'm saving myself that trouble lol) I still hope you like it ! ❤ also this got SUPER LONG so its under a cut
Warning: angst -> happy ending-ish
THE BROTHERS in a fight with MC and thinking that they’re over (yikes)
Everyone always says Lucifer is quick to lose his cool but he’s honestly been nothing but patient with you. He may have hinted at several things he doesn’t condone and he definitely has that ‘look’, you know the disappointed dad look, but he has held back a lot so as to not ruin the beautiful relationship you have with him. Everyone snaps, though, and when he finally did, it was ugly. He did NOT call you names, but oh he didn’t. He went straight for your feelings and pointed out every mistake you ever made for as long as he’s known you. Ouch. In his defense, you weren’t nice either. The argument ended nasty and ‘I hate you’s!’ were definitely thrown around, but none of them were meant, right? Goodness, he doesn’t know. After you left, he threw himself on his bed, literally, and just stared at the ceiling. His anger slowly fled away and he began to feel… guilty. Not necessarily because of the argument itself, but because he delivered some low blows and he knows that. Are you over? Done with him? You haven’t texted or called or talked… you’ve been actively avoiding him and he doesn’t like that, but his pride is such an issue, goodness. He can’t straight up apologize, that dickhead, but he’s sending you flowers and standing in front of your door with a sad face that says it all. 
“Forgive me? I made reservations at your favorite’s? We can talk over a nice dinner?” 
Mammon is known to get mildly agitated over the silliest things, let’s be real. He’s also quick to revert to the “are you dumb?!” argument, which is never effective. But he loves you and he would do anything for you so even if you do do something that he deems ‘dumb’, he usually bites his tongue. Doesn’t mean that doesn’t get on his nerves, though, and he definitely has a short temper, although people tend to overlook that. You just managed to push his buttons today and he used the “are ya stupid?!” argument, to which you obviously defended yourself, and rightfully so. This ended in a massive screaming match and him saying “Then leave! Ain’t nobody keepin’ ya with me!” He regretted it the minute those words left his mouth and you could see his eyes grow wide in shock at his own words, but that didn’t mean you stayed. “MC!” he tried running after you immediately but you were faster and honestly, who can blame you? He fucked up, and he knows it, and he feels terrible about it. Honestly, he’s crying just at the mere thought of you taking his words seriously and he can’t… he can’t bear to lose you, you know? What’s he gonna do? You’re the light of his life, as pathetic as that may sound to some…. So he won’t let you run away. Homie will hunt you down and beg for forgiveness. 
“Please, MC! Forgive me! I’m dumb, not you!!! Don’t leave me…” Don’t leave him. He will continue crying. 
His constant need to put himself down is frankly, quite annoying. To you anyway. But you put up with it and just reassure him that, at least to you, he’s the most amazing demon that ever existed. It’s just facts. But a person only has so much patience, right? You can’t always spend your days trying to lift him up when all he does is dig himself a bigger hole. Who has the emotional time for that? You sure don’t. “Oh my God, Levi! Shut up! I can’t take it anymore!” Followed by “See! You’re just like everyone else! Leaving me!” and then you slamming the door to his room shut. It’s frustrating and understandably so. It makes you feel awful that you can’t even make your own boyfriend feel good about himself and get at least a little bit of self confidence and it’s so, so, so very draining to have to constantly listen to that. At this point, it’s affecting your own mental health and you just… you just can’t…. But Levi can’t lose you because he knows you’re right. He has to work on himself if he wants to keep someone as amazing as you with him and that’s why he’s crawling back to you now. 
“Look I… I know you’re right… I’m sorry. I promise I’ll … I’ll try. For you.”
For being the Avatar of Wrath, you always admired Satan for his ability to keep cool. He prefers the relaxed and easy going life much more than the type of life people expect him to live, and you respect that. That doesn’t mean his constant need to one up Lucifer, through whatever means necessary, didn’t bother the hell out of you, though. You tried talking to him about it once or twice in a calm manner, but you always got the same answer “Pfft.. it’s Lucifer. Who cares?” And it never sat right with you. Just today he decided to pull a prank on the eldest and you had enough, standing in front of Lucifer and letting the bucket of cursed green slime land on you instead, to everyone’s shock. “What are you doing?!” Now that you’re thoroughly green from head to toe, you were also beyond pissed. “What am I doing?! What are YOU doing?!” But Satan matched your anger tenfold, accusing you of favoring Lucifer over him and oh! “You probably got an affair with him, too!” Which was a stupid thing on his part, but it looked like it the way you defended him. Anger doesn’t even begin to describe the emotion you felt running through you and had it not been for Lucifer, you probably would’ve physically fought Satan for such a dumb accusation. Lucifer took you to get cleaned up and lifted the course, giving you your natural skin and hair color back within a few days and plenty of scrubbing, and Satan felt like shit. You’ve always been there for him and, rationally speaking, he didn’t have a reason to doubt your loyalty to him, but he just can’t help but feel insecure beside Lucifer…. He decides to come apologize anyway, a deep blush on his face and guilt in his eyes 
“I’m… sorry for accusing you. It wasn’t my right to speak out of anger and jealousy…” 
How can anyone fight with the Avatar of Lust? Seriously, the guy is super easy going and he loves pretty much everyone. Not as much as himself, but almost. You on the other hand… you didn’t. Well you didn’t NOT love him or yourself, but you were just… you. You didn’t spend 4+ hours in the bathroom trying to get ready when you knew you were only going to the kitchen down the stairs. Like?? Although you never brought it up to Asmodeus, he constantly bothered you about skincare and what foods to eat and what not to eat, etc… It’s quite annoying, honestly, and at some point you just gave him a passive aggressive “Okay, whatever. Can we move on now?” To which he didn’t take lightly. He was still nice and sweet, trying to convince you that at least one of these things will make your skin glow brighter than a unicorn’s ass but you just had enough. “Can you stop?! You’re indirectly saying I’m ugly without that shit ton of product in my face and a diet that would make me starve before it helped me! If you want a skinny VS angel that barely holds onto their skeleton, get one!” It was more hurt and frustration speaking than anything, but your outburst still shocked him and he was taken aback for a moment. And then you ignored him for a week straight and as someone who thrives off of attention, especially the kind he gets from you, he can’t handle that! So he showed up in your room in sweats and a tshirt and messy hair and no product on his skin. 
“You’re right… we’re all naturally beautiful…. Wow that… that really hurts to say MC but can you forgive me?” 
Oh the sweet, sweet angel. He’s far from innocent and you know that. We all know that. But for this story, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. His reliance on Belphegor is just really… annoying. Belphegor this, Belphegor that. “Belphie used to…” or “Belphie said….” or “one day when Belphie and I….” Like why does everything have to include his twin? It’s so annoying and so rude when your significant other is right here !!! and planning their own future with you, Beel, thanks. It makes you feel less than and like Belphegor will always come before you. It makes you feel like shit, quite frankly, and who is to blame you? “Hey MC did I tell you what Belphie---!” “No! Shut up! I don’t care! It’s always about Belphie! The day you come to me and don’t let that name drip from your tongue is the day Jesus comes back to save me and we both know that will be never! I’m tired of always being stuck with Belphegor! We are not equals!” Granted, you shouldn’t have yelled and Beel was more than confused at your outburst, but you wouldn’t talk to him anymore after that so he left you alone. He thought you may need an hour or two, maybe a day tops, but that day turned into a full week and he even lost his appetite just because he knows you’re angry with him. It’s been a week, does that mean you’re over? His heart aches just at the thought… 
“I’m sorry for bringing Belphie up… I don’t want you to feel less than, MC. You mean a lot to me and so does Belphie, but you’re not Belphie and I need to learn that…”
Honestly it’s a miracle he hasn’t lost his temper at you yet. Well, he partially blames it on his own laziness because if being angry or getting upset didn’t take so much energy out of him, maybe he would’ve snapped by now lol, but he tries really hard not to because he thinks your relationship with him after everything is pretty good, considering yall kiss and snuggle and fuck on a regular basis. But anyway, that’s exactly the issue. Considering everything, you’re still holding *that* against him. It’s never direct either, which makes it worse. It’s always said in a joking manner and something like “haha look it’s just like that one time you killed me” or “Beel’s grabbing that ham like you grabbed my throat” or “I remember seeing jesus for a moment there” and it agitates him. It makes him so angry, and he finally snapped. “I know I fucked up MC! Stop holding it against me! What do you want? A medal of honor? A survivor's certificate? Maybe a pat on the back for developing some sort of Stockholm syndrome that made you come back to your abuser?!” And then he left. And you may have cried both from confusion and your own anger, he isn’t quite sure. It’s just so…. Aggravating. He can’t deal with it. He knows it was a mistake spurted by his own insecurities and survivor’s guilt which ultimately led to his hatred but please, stop holding it against him.. He can’t keep putting up with it from the person he’s grown to love. He’s the one ignoring you and he won’t budge either because he’s a stubborn ass, but maybe if you come up first… 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you… I’m just so tired for it being held against me… I love you, and you should know that, and I do feel guilty about what happened.” 
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The Devil and the Mermaid - Chapter Four (Lucifer x Mermaid!Reader)
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Author’s Note: The inspiration here came from a dream of mine, also one of my favorite shows “The Legend of the Blue Sea” has some heavy inspiration in here as well. Thank you so much for the support of the series! I will also create a tag list for this story since I saw people interested in that. Again I love reading your guys’ comments and if you want to be part of a tag list for this series please let me know :)
Warnings: None, maybe mild violence? (You shove a guy out of the way)
Taglist: @th3gl1tt3rgam3roff1c1al, @magnet-girl, @roxytheimmortal​
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You were covered in darkness, but you were adjusted to the darkness, you lived in the dark with your clan who usually swims in the parts of the ocean where the light just barely touched your skin. 
However instead of the comforting warmth and assurance, you had when you were a woman swimming with your clan, your family, it was a lingering warmth and a reassurance that had made you realize you were dreaming and not of your memories. 
“(Y/N) you have met an interesting fate having fallen for Lucifer,” a voice echoed around you. You looked around in the dark space to search for the voice but found no answer to that.
“I would not have known of your existence if you hadn’t gone out of that water, it’s strange what this world has created once I left it.”
“Are you the moon? What do you mean by that? All I know is what I have been taught and seen when I was in the ocean”
“You could say I am the moon, but I am more than that and also less than that at the same time. I affect the world around me indirectly but you have caused quite a stir where I am at with your involvement with Lucifer, I wish you the best of luck and the best of health.”
With that, you were startled from your sleep by pressure on your shoulder, and you opened your eyes to see Lucifer smiling at you. Once he saw you were awake he went to say, “Good morning my dear, have a good dream?”
“Funny you should mention that, I heard a voice say that they were the moon, I think anyway. I don’t quite remember what they said but I remember your name,” you say as you start sitting up from the bed.
Lucifer sat down next to you as he took in what you said, humming in thought, he turned to you and patted your shoulder.
“Well the only one I know that could do that, would be my Dad, but I don’t know why he would want to talk to you.”
After a couple of days, you have gotten well versed with different aspects of human life and culture, mainly you are not allowed to eat spaghetti with your hands. You also have gotten interested in the tv that had got you basically hooked on the subtleties of different subsets of human culture, one being that if bad men are about to hurt you you can beat them up.
“Anyway, darling remember when I was talking to you about my consulting job for the police?”
You nodded remembering the different stories of his workplace along with his partner, Chloe. She seemed weird but nice from what you heard from him. 
“Well, I have to go in today there is a case that the police department says they need my help with,” Lucifer continued, “and I want you to come with me.”
“I would like to, is it going to be like what I saw on tv with how they deal with violence?” you asked.
“Kind of, it depends, now love let’s get you ready for the day and we can get going.”
You and Lucifer walked into a one-story house it looks plain and forgettable with its beige outside paint and white shingled roof. There were also some beautiful hydrangea bushes in the front, and you noticed them because they were the only splash of color in the whole property. There were police officers around the property and you saw one documenting the bushes. You tilt your head as you were stalling to enter the house and saw footprints underneath the bushes. 
“(Y/N) are you okay? Come on,” Lucifer urged on. He leads you into the home, and you immediately see the crime scene.
 It was an execution. Plain and simple. The victim was a young woman from what you saw, and she was shot point-blank in the back of the head as she was sitting on her couch, she probably knew the killer, since the tv was still on. 
The aquarium was direct across from the living room, and you saw the fish in there was trying to get your attention. You can hear the voices of the fish repeatedly crying out, “He hurt her! Help her! He was her friend” You looked at the aquarium and the fishes seem to surround you as they try to talk to you through the glass. ‘Can you show me what he looked like,’ you broadcasted to the fish. 
Lucifer was looking at you confused at what you were doing and was about to talk to you when he got interrupted.
“Oh no, you did not bring a civilian to a crime scene” you hear a voice coming towards you. 
“Ah detective, how good to see you again, and this is (Y/N) she is my assistant and friend,” Lucifer says. 
You turn your head away from the aquarium and saw a stressed blonde woman coming towards you, and you realized that this must be Chloe Decker. She tilted her head with furrowed brows and a hand to her hip as she eyes you. 
“Why would you need an assistant?” Decker questioned.
“You know there are always things that I could miss out on while we’re out here and plus don’t you want someone who can put me in line and in order for once?” Lucifer replied.
“That’ll be the day,” Decker snorted.
You tugged on the jacket sleeve on Lucifer to get his attention to you, and he leaned for you to whisper to tell him the thoughts and profile the fish given to you about the person who committed the murder.
“Oh that’s brilliant, darling, see Detective my assistant just gave us a solid lead to go off of. We have a suspect!” Lucifer exclaimed as he grabs your hand and leads you out of the crime scene.
“Wait a minute can you tell me what means?” Decker ran off to you two.
So the three of you ended up at an apartment building on the opposite side of Los Angeles waiting to interview the suspect that the fish had identified to you at the victim’s home. 
Lucifer ended up filling into Decker that you had deduced based on the footprints outside the house and the way she was killed, it was someone she knew intimately enough to let the person in without a second glance. You just confirmed that for him with the description of the man the fish saw kill their owner, Blaire Wright. He also found that there was a single picture of him and the victim together faced down so he connected the dots to realize that the relationship must’ve turned to an obsession for the man and had gone possessive over the woman. The old “if I can’t have her nobody can” cliche, which made Lucifer quite bored about that trope but you can’t always choose what happens in your cases. 
You all made your way to the apartment building, Decker went to find out from the landlord about the suspect and you and Lucifer were ordered to stay out in the parking lot. You spotted the man that matched the description the fish gave you and the picture Lucifer showed to verify it. His name was Oscar Grant, and he’s suspected to have developed an obsessive behavior over Ns. Wright … and he was heading your way.
Lucifer seemed to be aware of it as he straightened himself and walked over to where the man was walking into the parking lot. 
You felt a strange sensation of being submerged in the water again, you felt heavy and light all at the same time. You couldn’t hear what the two were saying, but you felt the danger and sensation of a cornered animal, and that’s when you felt that you had to move. So you did. Grant pulled a gun but as soon as he did you grabbed his forearm and threw him towards the dumpsters that were ten feet away from him. You may have used a bit too much of your strength. There was now a new dent behind Grant that there wasn’t there before and a shocked looking Lucifer next to you and staring at the gun in between you and the culprit.
You heard Decker walking behind you and you heard her go with a bewildered voice, “How in the-?”
When he came to a few seconds later, he was given his rights by Decker and placed in the back of her car off the police department. While you were walking up to you and Lucifer’s ride you felt a lingering gaze on your back throughout that entire encounter. You just shook your head in an attempt to get rid of that feeling. 
Later on, Oscar Grant ended up confessing to both the attempted murder of you and Lucifer and the murder of Blaire Wright. Decker relented upon the idea of Lucifer bringing you to cases because you ended up being a pretty good asset. 
Now you were back at Lucifer’s penthouse and you were in pajamas lounging around the bar area in his place. Lucifer was down at the LUX club area taking care of some business that he needed to get done as he told you. 
There was a small pool that he had in his apartment which you found, and you can hear the call of the water no matter its state. So you took off your clothes and went in the pool, your tail and scales came as soon as you were submerged and your whole body was singing with happiness as it felt alive again. 
The more you spend on land without the return of the love that you came out of the water for, your heart will stop beating unless you step back in the ocean. You forgot to tell Lucifer about that specific part of the deal of you coming on land because you didn’t want him to feel the pressure of returning a love that might not be real, to begin with. 
You begin to worry about what might happen if he found out you didn’t tell him the whole truth of your situation to him. You didn’t want him to concerned for your fate, because you never know what might happen there might be a happy ending for you both.
As you were swimming in the small pool brooding in your thoughts you heard the elevator ping, so you peaked your head over the corner of the pool. When you just saw it was Lucifer and no one else you let yourself be seen by him.
“Well hello there, I see you have found my pool then?” Lucifer greeted you. You beamed at him and nodded fervently at that.
“Y’know I never actually saw you as your original mermaid self? Is it alright if I watch you swim?”
“Um sure if you want to, I’m not the most beautiful, there are others in just my clan that have amazing scales and tail fin,” you state.
“Let me be the judge of that, love-” he cut himself off with a mouth agape look as he marveled at your full beauty.
Your tail was massive and the scales decorating and protecting your body were glittering with a rainbow of colors complementing your skin tone. It made you look heavenly and the flowing tail at the end made you look that way even more so.
You became self-conscious at the way Lucifer was just staring at you, so became to fidget under his heavy gaze in the water.
Then he spoke gently, “You are beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for letting me see your true self like this.”
“Thank you Lucifer, that means a lot to me.”
The brooding can wait, you have time to be hopeful and to think about that happy ending.
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lengthofropes · 3 years
POVs series
Part 3: Jack
(Part 1: Cas is here)   (Part 2: Sam is here) - can be read as separate stories 
words: 5,4k | smr: Jack’s POV as Cas returned from the Empty / Heaven rebuilt  | read on A03
rating: general | warnings: none 
This is my little contribution for dadstiel week <3
“Any thoughts?” I ask. 
Castiel looks around. The room is empty. Light within the white walls and ceiling is flashing every few seconds. Heaven looks like abandoned office building after significant staff cuts. 
“It’s so quiet here” he says. He looks despondent. “This place was so full of power and light. My brothers and sisters… If I knew it all will end this way…” 
I come closer and touch him by the arm. This must be hard for him, I understand, but this is why we are here - to fix. This is why I asked for his help, who else can be a better adviser?
“This is not the end, don’t say it. We are here to make a new start”
He looks at me, and slowly his face eases from pain and regret. I know, he believes in me. Like always.
“Will you help me? I can’t make it without you”
He smiles, finally. It’s a warm smile, full of gratitude and love. 
I made a right decision, now I’m sure, he is glad to help. But after all, he’s the one who taught me, that it makes you feel so much better, if you’ve got the opportunity to make things right.
“Sure, Jack” he nods. Then adds, quietly “Thank you…”
I smile back at him, I can’t hold it. This is going to be great! Energy fills me. We always have so much fun, working together, it feels encouraging to have him near.  No matching ties this time, but it’s okay. 
It’s good that time flows differently here. We got so much work to do… and when I will bring him back on Earth, it’s gonna be just a couple of days, I guess? At least I hope I won’t take us longer, I’m not sure I can handle another conversation with grumpy Dean. It’s hard to keep a straight face, when he’s like this. Yeah, I understand he’s worried and he doesn’t want to let Castiel out of his sight, but he’s gonna be with me. With ME, Dean! I need my father’s help with something, can I spend some time with him, too?  
I’ve waited enough time for Castiel to feel better again. Until he’s strong enough after coming back from the Empty. All is well now. 
All is good.
“Alright!” I clap my hands. “Where do we start?”
We walk empty corridors, discussing our strategy. 
“Angels were supposed to be guardians, shepherds.” Castiel says. He’s calm and thoughtful. “We were born to protect our father’s creations. We are soldiers on guard of peace and prosperity. Not the blunt instruments of war.” 
“I guess you are the only one who understands it right” I nod. 
He is. He was bullied so often for having too much heart, it’s ridiculous. By the creatures, spoiled with pride, lust for power and profit. Where are they now? 
“You’re too kind” he smiles humbly.
“I am the way I am, thanks to you. Thanks to our family.” It’s a simple truth, and we both know it. His smile grows, and he puts a hand on my shoulder. 
The light is flickering again, but much more intense this time, walls are shaking.
“It’s getting worse…” There’s concern in Castiel’s voice. “I am amazed this place is still holding on.”
“Yeah. Not enough angelic power. I remember Dumah tried to make me create angels beings by forging human souls, to return Heaven it’s might.” 
Castiel rolls his eyes, definitely not the best one of his memories. But hey, not my fault, anyway. Besides…
“They all are dead now. It was a bad idea.”
“Any manipulation with human soul is a bad idea. What was she thinking?” He seems to be still angry about that. And I fully support him, but the question stands. 
“I don’t think we can rebuild it in any other way. Heaven needs angels, they are the essential source of it’s power.”
Shaking has stopped, the light is dim, but at least it doesn’t flicker anymore.
“I know”, Castiel agrees with heavy exhale. “How many are left there? Nine? Ten?”
“Eight” I purse my lips. “Seven up here, including Naomi, who’s still in jail”
“Yeah. Seems like no one likes her…”
“I can’t blame them” Castiel deadpans, and it makes me laugh.
“And Anael, she’s still on Earth” 
“Oh, the famous businesswoman”
He gives me the look.
“Should we… talk to her?” I don’t want to, but I have to ask anyway.
“We should” he says unenthusiastically. “But…”
“Not now?” 
“Not now” he agrees, squinting his eyes.
“In the last place”
“When she will rethink her life choices”
“Absolutely” he nods again, dead serious.
I crack first and he follows immediately, it’s good to hear his laugh.
We keep snickering, passing the heaven rooms. Number 257, number 259… This corridor seems endless.
“You know,” I start. “When I first got here, I thought it looks more like a prison. Or! Like an aquarium for a goldfish!”
“Small tank for a single soul?” Castiel raises his eyebrow.
“Yeah! And people here are like a fish. You know, goldfish has a 3 seconds memory? It forgets everything, before it starts another round in it’s tank”
“Like people here, captured in never-ending loops of their best memories…” he continues my thought, musingly tilting his head. “Yes, exactly.”
“And they are happy. Mom looked happy, I think…”
“You’re not sure?” 
“Would you be happy on your own forever? Even in your best memory?”
“They don’t feel like they are on their own, they exist within a moment of eternal peace.” He shakes his head. “But I got your point. They don’t have a freedom of choice, they don’t know it’s a loop. Goldfish souls…”
I stop. He looks at me, and I see the question rises in his eyes, along with the hope for the answer.
“Can we…”
“..give them the choice?”
We look at each other, knocked out with the idea itself.
“Jack… this… this is wonderful!”
“You think? This will make them happy? I mean, happy for real?”
“You know what…” his face is focused, he tries to remember something. “Actually, we can ask. Dean once told me about one friend of theirs. I don’t know him in person, he died before I met Winchesters. But he’s here, he broke the loop, and figured the way to travel between individual heavens.”
“Oh, I know! Ash!”
“Right... “He seems a little confused. “I have to get used to it. You know everything now. Of course, you know everything...”
Sure, we didn't break in right inside, we knocked on the door politely. Jo (I know, it’s her, she’s very nice!) opens the door.
“Cas??” She’s amazed, but her smile is so genuine, I like it.
“Hi, Jo” Castiel is surprised too, but he takes her attack hug very well.
“Mom!” She yells. “Mom, look who’s here!!!”
“Joanna Beth, quit yelling, for God’s sake!”
We enter the bar and see Jo’s mother. I never thought someone’s heaven can be an old bar, all smelled with beer and peanuts, but here we are. And I like the smell, actually. It fits very well.
“Castiel? Well, I’ll be damned!” She puts down the glass and walks out from behind the bar counter. “Come here, you feather ass!”
She squeezes him tight, but he’s okay with it, he looks very happy.
“Who’s the kid?” She nods in my direction.
“Hi, I’m Jack!” I smile and raise my bunch of fives in greeting.
“Yes, this is.. this is Jack. He is..”
“I’m new God”
“You’re… who?”
“…he’s WHAT?” 
“It’s a long story.” Castiel purses his lips, as he alternately looks at Joe, then at Ellen. Their eyes are wide, but it makes them no less brave. 
“Then sit and talk, we have all the time in the world here. And are we yearned for the news, you know.” Ellen beckons us to the counter with a nod.
“Sure” Castiel agrees. “But where’s Ash? We thought we’re gonna see him here, isn’t it his heaven?”
“It is” Jo sits on the stool. “Our looked exactly the same. And when he found us, we kinda decided to move. He got all his stuff here, and it’s easier to travel from this starting point.”
“So you travel between heavens too?” Cas asks.
“Yeah, but not so much as he does. It’s better to have such opportunity, then to be locked, anyway. I mean, we don’t complain, but…”
“We were shocked when we saw him first. But then he explained. A lot of things, actually, about how everything works here.” Ellen continues, putting four glasses of beer in front of us. She looks at me suspiciously. “How old are you, exactly?”
“Oh, I’m three” 
Her eyebrows are high again, but Castiel just shakes his head. 
“He can drink, Ellen. That’s okay”
“Oh yeah? And who are you, his dad?”
“He is!” I confirm. “Well, actually, my father is Lucifer, but Castiel raised me. Castiel, Dean and Sam”
Jo chokes on her beer and Castiel pats her back gently.
“I guess I have to explain a lot of things, too” he apologises.
“Please, give us a favour… And I think we’re gonna need something stronger here…” Ellen takes a bottle of tequila from the shelf. “Don’t worry, no hangover here”
Door slams loudly.
“Whooo! Look who’s back, ladies! I gotta say, Cliff Burton is a really nice dude in person. He…” A man in colorful mask and a gold cape runs inside the bar. 
“Oh..” He freezes, looking at us. “A company?”
“Ash, this is Castiel and Jack. Guys…” Ellen smiles to us. “This is Ash”
I wander around the bar, eating salted peanuts. Really tasty, I like it. So many cool pictures on the walls, the pool table, music box. I think this place is awesome! Castiel continues his story, he’s somewhere near to the mark of Cain. Guys sit around and listen with genuine interest, I’ve lost count how many glasses they’ve had already. They cried a lot, they laughed, too. Of course. This is the most amazing story ever!
“So, we’re here with Jack to make Heaven a better place” Castiel finishes.  “And we wanted to ask you about the travels between individual spots. Are you the only one who’s capable of that?” He looks at Ash.
“Well, I guess I am” He sounds so proud of himself, trying to hold back the burp. “I’ve never seen anyone else doing it, only me and my friends” 
“And you can travel anywhere?”
“Mostly” he scratches behind his ear. “Some places cannot be located with my scanner. It’s not powerful enough, I assume”
“We can’t find dad” Jo interrupts. She looks sad. “We don’t know why. We even thought, that maybe… maybe he’s not here”
“Bill Harvelle is in Heaven, as far as I know” Castiel sounds concerned, looking at me.
“He is” I nod in confirmation.
“Well,” Ellen smiles bitterly. “Good to know”
We are silent. Suddenly Heaven is not a happy place at all.
“You know what’s weird?” She says. “We didn’t even think of him. I mean… We remembered him, sure. But we… Dammit, it’s so hard to explain! We were like in a bubble, before Ash came. A happy bubble, no regrets, no worries…”
“No thoughts. Just bliss. Perfect loop” Castiel follows.
“Totally” Jo agrees. “You know, all your life you believe, you’re gonna meet your loved ones here, someone you miss the most. And then it turns out you’re just being canned in a piece of your happy memory. And no one complains, because no one… acknowledges.”
“The more I listen, the more I am convinced that this place was created without the slightest consideration of the real needs of the human soul” Castiel sounds bitter, utterly disappointed.
“Because no one cared to listen” I’m sad too. 
I know what my happiest memories are, they all are full with the people I love. Jo is right. Leaving people blindfolded is not an option, they deserve so much better.
“Well,” Castiel stands up from the stool.” Now we know, what our priorities are.”
“Looks like a lotta work, you guys need some assistance?” Ash drums his finders on his glass. 
“Thanks Ash. We’re not sure yet, but if we will, we know where to find you.”
“You’re cool, and I like your hair very much!” I add. 
Compliment makes Ash fidget in his chair, but he is pleased.
“Thanks! You both look cool too” he raises his eyebrows approvingly.
“Yeah, by the way” Jo bumps Castiel’s shoulder with her fist. “So unusual without your trench coat, much better now. Love the T-shirt!”
“Uh, yeah… thanks,” Castiel awkwardly fiddles with the zipper on his hoodie, I think his cheeks blush?
“Wait…is this… Dean’s?” Jo squints her eyes examining familiar print.
“Yeah, I umm… haven’t got a chance to buy a new clothes yet.” No doubt. He’s blushing. “So Dean just… um.. borrowed me some of his old.” He deliberately takes a gulp from his glass to cover his sudden shyness. I don’t understand why to be shy about this, but it’s none of my business. Harvelles quit their interrogation too.
“Now, where to next?” Castiel ask, as we walk out of the bar. He tries to fix his hair after particularly heartful goodbye hugs they gave him. 
We sit on a roof of Chrysler building. It’s a room 566297335, this guy’s best memory is finally getting a promotion and moving to the bigger office with a spectacular view. All people are so different…
“So,” my mouth is a little too full with burger, but I’m too excited to chew slower. “Travels between the personal rooms?”
Castiel sips his coffee thoughtfully, his gaze is fixed on the horizon. 
“Yes,” he nods carefully. “This concept is inspiring.” 
He’s quiet for the moment. Fake New York is silent around us, no buzzing cars, no human voices, no wind. Still, it’s a beautiful decoration, never-ending spring sunset, coloring the streets with warm and soft orange palette.
“Among the many things I’ve seen for the past years being on Earth, purity of human soul enraptures me the most. It’s vulnerability and integrity. People are so fragile, so defenceless. Life is ruled by their emotions and feelings, and they live it in the eternal search for a soul that will make their own feel accepted as it is. And this... This is the most beautiful thing.” He looks at me, endless warmth and placidity in his eyes.
“You think, we really understand it? Human soul? You and I?”
He smiles.
“I don’t think it’s something that can be understood completely. I doubt that a person is able to understand their soul, not to mention the soul of another human being. But we can listen attentively.” He looks at me. “The least we can do, is be kind and do not confine anyone's freedom. We had a good teachers.”
“Yes… No more cells” I nod affirmatively.
“No more cells” Castiel agrees.
We’re in the white room, a map of old Heaven lays on the table and we keep studying it. Castiel rubs his eyes constantly.
“You know what, it’s too old school on paper, let me make a 3d hologram…” I click my fingers and it’s done. ”Better?”   
Castiel blinks few times and comes closer to observe.
“Yes, way better! Thank you, Jack” he puts his hand on my shoulder, smiling at the new workspace.
“It’s still so… flat” He adds. 
Indeed, Heaven looks like endless paper sheet, ripped out of squared notebook. 
“Yeah…” I’m not impressed too. “I’ve always thought Heaven is much cooler place.”
“We should work on a structure” Castiel mumbles. “Now it’s just enormous amount of cells, each decorated in it’s own style. And if we want them to be connectable…”
“Maybe we should remove the walls entirely? Like, make one big space?”
Castiel blinks.
“We- can we do it?”
“Sure! We can make it look like anything we want. Like a Disneyland. Or a Death Star!
“I don’t think Death Star is acceptable reference here” Castiel tries to hold back his smile.
“Coruscant?” I may be overly enthusiastic over this idea, but why not?
“No.” He’s very gentle, but I got his point.
“Endor?” This is my last try, I promise.
“I was thinking maybe… Earth?” 
“Basically, we already have different parts here, from all the ages and territories. So, maybe we…”
“Yes! Combine them together!” This is so simple, I love it!
Cas is hesitant again, there’s a doubt on his face, forehead frowned.
“But won’t this cause a turmoil? The Earth has looked very different throughout it’s history. And each soul remembers it in it’s own way.”
“So? Time and space aren’t a thing here. We can create a collective image, a collective space. We won’t even have to make a large effort, people’s memories are our best designer. Our Heaven can consist of any number of layers. It already is! Remember Ash? He travels through Heavens from different countries and different eras. Nothing is impossible here”
“This.. this sounds so simple?” I can see, he slowly accepts the idea.
“Well, the concept is simple. But we definitely got a work to do.”
He smiles. Wide and inspired. 
“It’s wonderful, Jack!”
“Yes. But the main question is, how many angels do we need to make it work?”
Castiel’s smile fade. 
“Yes… Angels,” he exhales heavily.
He walks around the table and sits in the chair. He rubs his forehead, looking down on the floor, I cannot see his eyes.
“Castiel?” I come closer. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just… I understand, you can create angels now. From a scratch, like Chuck… God… used to. This is what you’re going to do?”
“Yes.” I nod. “In fact, they are going to be my first children”
I’ve thought about it. Not that I’m terrified with the responsibility, not that I have doubts. This is just… something absolutely new. Not even like bringing the entire population of Earth back. The creation. Pure. 
“And I’m going to give the living ones their wings back” I smile. I hope this will bring back my father’s good mood.
He smiles, but I know he still blames himself for the angel’s fall. 
“This is great, Jack, this is wonderful!”
“But, you’re sad?”
He’s quiet again. I guess I know what he’s thinking about now. But I wait… he’s gonna tell me himself.
“I just think… I keep thinking, if they would have been happy? To see Heaven, all new, peaceful and powerful. All my brothers and sisters, who…” He stutters, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. The names, so many names.
“Samadriel.” He continues. “Hanna, Kelvin, Ezekiel, Muriel, Inias, Nithael, Rebecca, Joshua, Sofia, Ambriel, Zuriel… even Anna. And all those fools, who followed Metatron… or Bartholomew. Poor ones, who got their brains washed by Raphael.” His voice is very quiet. “And… Balthazar”
“I think it would” I can feel his pain, it curls around him, pulls him into the abyss of regret. “I- I hope so… All I know is that they are sleeping now, they are at peace, Castiel. No more screams in the Empty”
“Yes. Yes, I know. I remember” He rubs his face, like he wants to clean the sadness off it.
“I’m sorry, Jack.” He tries to smile. “I shouldn’t be so…”
I put my hand on his shoulder, calmingly, softly.
“It’s okay, I understand.”
“Ready?” Castiel looks at me fondly, and I crack my fingers with much enthusiasm.
“Yes! Absolutely”
“Just make sure they are not… dicks” he gives me the look and I nod approvingly.
“Will do!”
My hands are warm, I can feel the power flows inside me. Concentrates in my fingers, making them tremble. It starts with soft glowing, eventually increasing into a stream of light, that gathers into a luminous ball between my palms. It turns and grows, and it shines so bright. The light within the walls and ceiling of the white room is flickering too, encouranging me to continue.
“Hello!” I smile and raise my hand in greeting. “Welcome to Heaven. You are my first angel”
Angel looks at me, confused and bewildered.
“I like him.” I smile at Castiel. “I’m gonna name him Luke!”
He just laughs, he doesn’t argue.
We got so much work to do today.
“HWW!” His face is pure smugness. He turns the screen of his homemade laptop for us to take a look, but honestly, we don’t seem to follow.
“Hw-w?” Cas tilts his head. “Is that a reference? I- I’m afraid, I don’t get it, Ash”
“Yes! HWW!” Ash repeats, but his smile slowly fades, as he understands that we really have no idea what he’s talking about. “Guys, come on! Really?”
He said this project is something extremely important and cool, and it will be the fundamental part of New Heaven. But we don’t get it.
“World Wide Web! But it’s Heaven, so its’ gonna be the Heaven Wide Web!” He raises his hands above his head and shakes them victoriously. “Ta-daa!”
“The… Internet?!” 
“Yes!” He slams his hands on the desk and starts typing something on keyboard. “Okay, I was thinking... Every soul is unique, right? It has it’s own structure, vibe.. whatever. And it’s own individual number here, right?”
We nod.
“What if we use it like the IP-address? And each soul will get it’s personal access point to the general communication centre? Just imagine, you can connect with any person you want.”
“Like texting!”
“With emoticons?” Cas smiles. 
“Exactly. Heavenly social media.”
“With profile page and cat memes?” I like this idea more and more.
“Anything we want!” 
“But wait… how do we explain it to souls from the past eras?”
“Easy.” Ash winks at Cas. “People have invented millions of ways to communicate with each other since the beginning of time. We can stick with anything usual for each period. Like, Shakespeare won’t need to use a phone, pigeons will fly to him through the window, bringing the message. “Hey, William, I’m your biggest fan from 1978. Can I come for a cuppa tea to discuss The Merchant of Venice?” And some hairy dude, who lives in a cave, will see new petroglyphs appear on the walls. You get me?”
“Yeah, I kinda came up with this long ago… You break into someone’s Heaven, and sometimes they’re not very happy to see you, they don’t know, what the hell is going on. I remember Jimi chased me around the room trying to hit me with his guitar, thought I was a particularly vivid hallucination…” he adds dreamily. “So yeah, it’s way better to be able to send a message first, you know? To be connected, in general. And if you guys gonna break all the loops…”
“Ash. You’re genius! You really can do this?”
He shakes his head, adjusting his luxurious hairstyle.
"Already wrote an algorithm”
“They are truly so full of light” He’s just finished his conversation with the last one of the newly created angels, and he looks contented, considering the peaceful smile on his face. “Jack, they are wonderful”
“Of course. I intended them to be like you.”
“Like…” his eyes widen in astonishment. “Like me?”
“Yes.” I say simply. “You’re the best example I know.”
I feel his emotions. They overfill him, shine with the sparkle in his eyes, brighten every wrinkle on his face, warm the air through his skin. 
The light. The love. 
“Guardians, shepherds.” I continue. “Born to protect the peace and prosperity. Not the blunt instruments of war.” 
“All with a little too much heart. But no one will ever call it a crack in their chassis”
It doesn't look like a decoration anymore. Now I know what makes Heaven a Heaven. 
People’s emotions. Feelings of joy, security, serenity. Warmth of loving hearts. And freedom, of course.
We are standing on the top of the mountain, mesmerising view of all the work done lies in front of our eyes. Castiel takes the last piece of broken wall, lying in front of his feet, it fades and shrinks in his palm, until vanishes completely.
“That’s it” He smiles. “You did it, Jack”
“No,” I shake my head. “WE did it. I couldn’t have done this without your help and support. Without your faith in me. Thank you”
I mean it. Everything I did, everything I’ve become. Impossible without him.
“Thank you, father”
We hold each other, like we used to. I’m sure, this is not our last hug, but it feels like the most important one. I put all my love and gratitude, all my devotion into this embrace. I want him to feel, to know, how much he means to me, that nothing has changed in my feelings for him. He is my father. And forever will be.
Angels, new and old, stand behind us, their wings shine in the light, casting glare on grass and trees. Сalmness and confidence on their faces, they are beautiful in their might and purity. I did a good job, I must admit.
“And now” I say, pulling back to look into Castiel’s eyes “We deserved a little celebration, don’t you think?” 
“Agree” he smiles.
I click my fingers.
It’s the familiar bar. We appear, and the air explodes with loud cheering noises. 
“What…” Castiel starts, but gasps with amazement.
It’s a good company, it’s the part of our found family. I don’t know all of them in person, but I’m familiar with their stories, all so important and irreplaceable. 
Red haired woman is the first one to attack Castiel with a hug.
“Hey, big guy!” She laughs, bumping his shoulder. “Looking good, bitch!”
“Yeah… I-“
He has no chance to finish, Kevin attacks him next.
“Okay, okay! Back in the line, kid. Have some respect for the elders!” Bobby pushes him aside laughingly, and he and Mary step closer for a hug. 
Castiel is bewildered, I think he might cry, but he holds himself together good so far.
Pamela, Mick and Jimmy finish the circle of greetings. Jimmy looks a bit awkward, like he’s not sure, if he has the right to be here. This is weird. Sure he has!
“Cas looks a little strange without his trench coat, don’t you think?” I hear from behind. I smile to the familiar voice. 
“Hi, mom…”
Her hands are delicate and warm on my cheeks, she’s beaming with love.
“Hey, baby”
Everyone’s busy with yelling their drink orders to Jo and Ellen, Ash turns on the music box, as if bar isn’t full with cheerful chatter and laugh already. Cas and Kelly are the first ones to get their drinks, and now they stand aside, chatting cordially with each other. My mom and my dad. I don’t interrupt, they surely have a lot to talk about. And I… 
I need to talk with a mother, too. But not with mine. There she stands, my dearest friend and my biggest regret, my horrible mistake and undeniable fault. And she smiles to me.
“Hello, Jack”
I can’t speak, her voice made me numb. I just look, I keep looking into her blue eyes, trying to find an accusation in them, sorrow, at least, but I don’t see anything alike. She is smiling her softest smile.
“What, you’re not even gonna give me a hug?”
“Mary, I…” 
“Oh, come here!” She pulls me closer and wraps her arms around me. Suddenly, words burst out from the inside, an endless stream of remorse and guilt.
“Mary, I’m so sorry! I am so sorry, I didn’t want it to happen… It was so terrible, and I… I didn’t mean to, but it was my fault. I…”
“Jack…” she tries to interrupt me.
“I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry! Can you ever forgive me?” 
“Jack!” She holds me so tight. “Jack, it’s okay…”
“You deserved so much better, I’m so sorry…”
“I know.” She pulls back, looking into my eyes. “I know it was an accident. Please, stop blaming yourself…”
“But it was my fault!”
“Jack!” She cups my face with her palms, her voice is calm and soft. “I don’t blame you. So please, stop blaming yourself. It wasn’t even you, real you.”
The tight knot in my chest looses a little. I know her sons have forgiven me, but to hear it from her… it changes everything. I feel like I’m finally free.
“We all have our path, mine has led me here. And I regret nothing, Jack. I’m at peace, I am happy here.”
“But your sons…”
“I can wait” She smiles. “Now I know, we’re all gonna end up here. And now Heaven is just… perfect! Thank you for this.” 
Castiel is standing next to her, I didn't even notice how he came up closer to us. Mary puts her hands on our shoulders, squeezing them firmly.
“Thank you both! And if you want to do something nice for me,” she raises her eyebrows, looking me straight in the eyes “…make sure Sam and Dean die of old age lying in their warm beds, okay?!”
Maybe my eyes are sparkling with tears, but I nod, smiling broad and confident.
“Of course!”
“Not so difficult, considering that there’s an angel looking over them” she winks at Castiel, making him smile softly.
“Oh, about that…” I interrupt.
“I think… someone is tired of spending his time, being a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent”
“Jack…” Castiel is looking at me with a slight confusion on his face. “What are you…”
“You still haven’t asked for your wings back.” I say quietly.
He hesitates, I can see the uncertainty and worrying in his eyes.
“I.. I just thought…”
“Because you don’t feel like you need them anymore.”
He looks down.
“Castiel?” Mary’s voice is gentle and mild, she leans to him, trying to catch his eyes. I guess… she understands. “Remember… remember that one night? I just got back from the dead, and I was so lost. We bumped into each other, in the bunker?”
He rises his head, looking at her attentively.
“I asked you, about the Earth, when did it start to feel like...like you fit, like you...belonged there? Remember? And you said…”
“I'm still not sure I do.” Yes..”
She smiles. 
“And now, after everything…? I know what you did, Castiel. For us, for our family, for humanity in general… and for him. Do you know now?… Do you belong?”
He looks at her with gratitude. His face lights up, as if the last piece of the puzzle has been found and snapped into place, making him complete. 
“Yes. I do”
“Well,” she laughs warmly. “Growing old must be fun. I don’t know, I never did!” She kisses his cheek. “Tell them, tell my boys, I’m happy here, tell them, I don’t regret a thing, okay?” They hug, and he nods into her shoulder. “And tell him…” she whispers cheerfully into his ear. “…tell him, he’s lucky as hell!”
Castiel can’t hold back the smile, and his cheeks flush with joy.
“Okay. Promise!”
Mary squeezes him in her arms once more and pats his shoulder, before walk off with a widest smile on her face.
“Jack. I…” he starts.
“I know.” He doesn’t needs to explain anything.
“Your grace is still in the process of being restored, but if you want, it can just ... vanish over time” I shrug and I smile. “Growing old with someone is what people do, right? Humans.”
He rubs his eyebrow with a soft and quiet laugh.
“Yes, they do…”
“And you both gonna eventually end up here, you and him.”
“Not the worst option, I guess” He smiles.
He looks at all the people in this small wooden bar, their faces are full of joy, their laugh is light-hearted. Company broke into unexpected duos, like Kevin and Ash, discussing some technical stuff over Ash’s scanner, or Pamela and Mick sharing their theories on the matter of astral projections. This will be the the most popular spot in Heaven, probably. But now…
“Tell me when you’re ready to go back.”
“Yes. Only need to collect all the messages from everyone, to pass them to Sam and Dean personally. Probably, not only to Sam and Dean…” he waves at Jimmy. 
“Of course! We have all the time in the world here”
“Yes,” he nods. “We’re not in a rush”
We’re not in a rush, father. Take your time, you deserve to spend it with people, who care about you. 
Both on Earth and in Heaven.
You are loved.
tag list:
@donestiel  @sinnabonka - @you-cant-spell-subtext-without - @casthyelle - @saltyghostsworld - @bebecas - @sammy-501 - @dtadeancas - @highvoltagejackles - @subtledean - @kaz2y5baby - @angelic-bee-enthusiast -  @bimiserables @gabrielle-main @acklesology  @highkey-dysphoric @lila-tom @teddybluesclues  @moonlightdeancas @transfoundfamily @bichaoticdean @transdean
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Time To Trust - The Devil´s Daughter Chapter Five (Lucifer Morningstar x Daugther!Reader)
[Lucifer-Masterlist], [The Devil´s Daughter-Masterlist]
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Summary: Arriving at the precinct made you more nervous than you would have liked to admit. Dan only meant well & you trusted him, right? So why were you so damn anxious? Maybe because you knew you had to give him some answers sooner rather than later & you were not ready to do that just yet.
Words: 1,402
Warnings: (thank you for sticking around even after months of radio silence), pretty much a filler to get back into writing (I do have a lot of stuff planned though, things will start happening soon), fear of not being enough, awful cliffhanger, language (the usual), mentions of anxiety
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
The ride gave you the chance to actually take in the beauty of the city. Yes, when you wandered around the other day you managed to see a few parts but now, sitting in a car, made everything way realer to you. Neither of you talked during the ride, enjoying the comfortable silence between the both of you. It kind of scared you. How could you trust a stranger after such a short time? Dan might not be a stranger anymore but it was not like you knew him well either. The radio was quietly emanating some tunes you did not know but soon, you found yourself humming with the beat. Dan took a look at you & smiled at your actions. You seemed way more comfortable & fearless looking out of the window. He just hoped he could help you find an actual place to stay. Not that he minded having you with him but he just assumed that you would get bored rather quickly. Besides, he knew there had to be more behind your façade. Something you clearly had not shown just yet. For a second, he debated bringing up the conversation you had last night, but decided against it. Maybe you would feel better at the L.A.P.D., with professionals around. Yes, he was a professional himself but right now he was not working. Just a few more minutes & he would find out.
As the car came to a stop, you noticed that you had zoned out for a bit. The sound of Dan’s car door shutting made you look at him. Before you could move to open your door, Dan beat you to it & helped you out. Not that you needed help but it still felt good to have someone who looked out for you. Like Michael when you were in heaven…No! Stop that! No more thinking about heaven & the angels. THIS was your new life, you had other things to worry about. For example, handling the questions you were sure you were about to get as soon as you walked into the precinct.
“You ready to do this?” Dan asked.
“Do what, exactly?” you uncomfortably chuckled. Your eyes met his briefly but before he could actually comment on the look you gave him, you quickly made your way to the entrance & tried to hide your anxiety with a witty remark.
“Climbing stairs to get to the door or opening the door to enter?” a sarcastic smirk was plastered on your face and Dan looked like he bought it. All he did was shaking his head, chuckling & following after you. Before you could push the door open, Dan’s hand was placed beside you & he opened it for you.
“Actually, this door is rather heavy, I got it. No need for you to exhaust yourself first thing in the morning.” you knew he was joking but you could not help but let your thoughts wander to a dark place again. That was one of your biggest insecurities. Feeling like you cannot accomplish simple tasks on your own. God had told you that you were too fragile. So most of the times you ended up feeling like you were not good enough. That no matter what you tried, nobody appreciated it because in the end, there was always someone who could do it better than you. Trying to push down your feelings, you shot a polite smile Dan’s way & entered without saying anything else. Dan stopped briefly, looked after you & wondered if he had said anything wrong. He expected another sarcastic comment from you, just like you had acted the entire morning with him. It did not come, though. He figured you were just nervous about what expected you inside. Yeah, that had to be it.
You felt another presence on your left & without looking up, you knew it was Dan. Slowing down a little bit, you let him lead you through the precinct. Surprisingly, there were not a lot of people at work. You blamed the time, even though it was not that early. Not that you cared much anyway. A door came into view & Dan approached it. You assumed that it would be where his coworkers asked you the so dreaded questions. What were you supposed to say? Should you make up a story? Should you make up a fake last name? A fake family? That way your possibilities of being left alone would be higher. But wait a minute…Did you even want to be left alone? It did not work out well for you last time & you kind of liked Dan. He was nice. On the other hand, though, you knew you could not stay with him. It would end up in you bothering the shit out of him & obviously, that was not your intention.
You fell behind a few steps because your thoughts consumed you once again. Before Dan could open the door, you jogged up to him & beat him to it.
“See? That door is much heavier & I’m doing just fine.” you turned around so your back was against the door, holding it open. Your arms crossed over your chest & you popped your hip out, signaling that you were mocking him & his previous actions. He laughed at you once more & walked past you into the rather cold looking room. Pushing yourself off the door, you took a look at the desk in the middle of the room. There was one single chair & …handcuffs? Wait, Dan would never hold you hostage, right? He was a cop, that was probably just one of the interrogation rooms. Or so you hoped. Maybe you were too naïve & you would face your death more sooner than later. STOP! Just stop thinking…
“No need to be scared, these are for the bad guys, not you.” Dan spoke up after you eyed the handcuffs a little too long & your face turned into one of pure concern.
“Kinky.” was your only answer, you even managed to keep a straight face.
“You’re something else, do you know that?” he was amused by your behavior but he liked you that way. It was like another girl was standing in front of him if he had to compare you to last night.
“Oh, I’ve heard that line a billion times, trust me.” you faked a smile. It was not like there were any happy memories connected to those words but Dan did not need to know that just yet. Or ever, for that matter.
“Hey, how about you take a seat & I’ll be right back, okay?” his words made you look up to him & you gave a simple nod as answer. After Dan took off, you decided against sitting down. Your anxiety was on edge & you could not even explain why. You were an angel, for fuck’s sake, why could you not chill? Pacing the room seemed like a good enough distraction, at least until Dan showed up again. Would he be alone or with his coworkers? That thought made you even more anxious. Yes, you were comfortable around Dan but the idea of another person asking you weird questions left you uneasy. Well, you could request to talk to Dan alone, right? There was nothing wrong with that. Besides, you were in an interrogation room, you were probably being observed right now, pacing like a crazy person. Ugh, just stop already…
The fact that someone could be watching you right now made you take a deep breath. Calming yourself would be convenient in your situation. You were fine, Dan would not have brought you here if he were not sure it would help you. After another deep breath, you finally sat down on the chair & began playing with the handcuffs so your hands were not shaking as much. Having something to play with helped distracting you & a distraction was very much needed.
You looked up as soon as you heard the door opening. The first person you saw was Dan but you could tell that there was another one right behind him. He moved aside a little & you found yourself staring at someone you would have never thought to meet so soon.
“Hello there, (Y/N), right?” the voice simply stated but you were too shocked to answer right away.
 ~to be continued~
Next Chapter
Published (03/15/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @fandomqueen2003, @natashaashleymarvelromanoff, @severewobblerlightdragon, @tenderlyunlikelyexpert, @zoseph, @suffering-canucks-fan, @dad-ee-drea, @xbarrjallenx, @marvelofwitch, @aceofspace95, @julessbrown, @thevelvetseries, @kotkaniemi-caufield-mom, @crumpets-are-better-with-jam, @strangewhovian-blog, @officialfictionalwreck (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Human World Adventures
Part 7
After setting things straight with Satan, everything turns back to normal, or at least that's how it seems. One of them is how Haruka is now freely hanging out with the brothers again like it's no big deal.
Levi: You have a what-
Haruka: A streaming schedule-
Levi: In my room?
Haruka: Why? Am I bothering you?
Levi: ....no....? But why?
Haruka: Because your room has nice gaming set up!
Levi: Wait, you're bringing a camera in?! [panic]
Haruka: Relax! I'm not gonna shoot you! You have 0 screen time in my streams.
Levi:...I don't know if I should feel relieved or offended...
So here she is, shooting her stream with Levi playing his game in the background. In the living room, Ichigo, Solomon, Asmo, and Luke are watching a movie. Somehow Solomon shares his popcorns with everyone, but he literally smacks the hand away as soon as Ichigo tries to grab some.
Ichigo: What the-
Solomon: No ^^
Ichigo: ??? That's like a big bowl of popcorn....? Wha-
Solomon: But it's from my money. Get your own popcorn!
Ichigo: ????
Asmo: ????
Luke: ????
Asmo: Babe, it's just popcorns....?
Luke: Solomon, come on, it's just a bowl of popcorn! It's not a big deal!
Ichigo: Wait, which popcorn is this....? [suspicious af]
Solomon: ... Jolly time popcorn....? I think...?
Asmo: You didn't even grocery shop....the last person who grocery shop is Lucifer...
Solomon: Uhm.... [runs off]
And this is how Solomon almost got thrown across the room. But he is lucky both Luke and Asmo are holding her back.
Solomon: nO!
Welp, there he goes, of course leaving the popcorn to them. More for them, I guess. Now back to Haruka and her streaming adventures! After a few minutes, Haruka is finally done with her stream and lying on one of Levi's couches. Levi is, of course, still playing with his game, minding his own business, suddenly he heard his door opening. There he sees Satan by his door.
Levi: Why are you here....?
Satan: Why not...?
Levi: You barely even care about my room... GET OUT!
Satan: Who are you to tell me so?!
Levi: ... You little- [angy snake noises]
Suddenly the two of them hear a thud across the room. The two demons turn to see Haruka's face getting hit by her phone. These two demons try not to laugh as Haruka lazily puts her phone away and rubs that one painful spot.
Levi: ...are you okay?
Haruka: Yeah....?
Levi: Just go to sleep. You seem really tired.
Haruka: I guess... [falls asleep on the couch]
Satan prefers her to sleep in a bed and suddenly picks her up, shocking the water demon.
Levi: ...? Just let her sleep....?
Satan: Yeah, in bed.
Levi: Whatever... I don't vibe with your logic anymore.
Satan ignores Levi's comment and gets out. Once he's out, Luke, Asmo, and Ichigo stare in his direction, but this man ignores them and goes into his room. However, he asks Luke to help him with his door, causing confusion to the tiny angel.
Luke: What even is that?
Satan: New bolster. Just open it.
Luke: ....Okay... [opens the door]
Once he's in, he closes the door by his hip, causing a loud thud to be heard by everyone. Ichigo and Asmo both look in the door's direction seeing Luke backing away out of shock.
Ichigo: What the-
Luke: What was that about....?
Asmo: Perhaps too excited for his gigantic cat bolster, who knows... he's been looking through online shops to buy one.
Luke: Not a reason to smack the door right in front of me! >:(
Asmo: Come on, Luke! The movie is still going. We can worry about that later!
Luke: Okay! [runs towards Asmo and Ichigo]
Now back inside, Satan finally places Haruka on his bed and tucks her in with his green-black cat patterned blanket. He stares at her a bit but suddenly realizes he hasn't taken a shower. So off he goes to the bathroom. This nasty fury!
As Satan showers, Haruka is still asleep and currently deep inside the dream world as she's hugging a bolster. At the same time, Satan finally gets out of the shower. Oh, if only she's awake, this is a good view-
(Ichigo: Narrator stop being thirsty-
Narrator: I can't???
Haruka: ??? What's happening??)
Anyways, as I was saying, Satan gets out in just a towel coat. It's still a good view, that che- *cough* I mean, that wet hair. He's still drying it off with his towel as he stares at Haruka, who's asleep. At first, it's just to make sure Haruka is sleeping nicely, but then his eyes focus on her ring, a beautiful light blue crystal ring with sparkling diamonds surrounding the crystal. Satan removes the ring to observe it more since it's so pretty.
Satan: Ah, sapphire, quite an expensive one, I see...
Satan: He seems to be preparing quite a lot to propose to her. Interesting.... oh well, I'll keep it for a while to study it further.
The next day, Haruka wakes up, first thinking she's in Levi's room, so she greets him good morning.
Haruka: Morning Levi...
Satan: I'm sure the person you're talking to isn't Levi^^
Haruka: Wait... SATAN?!
Satan: Good morning to you too^^
Haruka sighs and looks around, and finds her ring missing. She panics and tries to find it but instead finds Satan just casually sitting on the couch, reading a book as always as he drinks his morning tea.
Haruka: ...Hey, Satan....have you seen my ring...?
Satan: A ring? What sort of ring are you talking about?
Haruka: My engagement ring! It has a royal blue sapphire on it with two diamonds surrounding it, have you seen it?! [panic]
Satan: Not that I know off.
Haruka: Are you sure?
Satan: I'm certain that I do not see your ring^^
Satan: [proceeds with his book]
Suddenly Haruka pounces on him and starts tickling the sh*t out of him, causing the avatar of wrath to let out a yelp, and his book is now history.
Satan: Wait-wait! Why are you tickling me?! Stop it!
Haruka: Tell me where that ring is!!
Satan: I don't know!! If anything, you should ask Mammon! He's the one who's most likely to take such jewelry!
Haruka: ...Mammon?
Satan: What? You expect me, the avatar of wrath, to take your ring? Now you're not making sense.
Haruka: .....Fine... I'm watching you, though-
Satan: Be my guest.
Haruka: Fine!
Haruka gets out of the room, and she ends up asking around about her ring. One of them is Lucifer.
Lucifer: A ring? What kind of ring is it?
Haruka: My engagement! Did you see it somewhere? Did I drop it?
Lucifer: I don't think so... I actually just got back with Diavolo and Barbatos from our meeting last night.
Haruka: I see....alright then...
Next up, she asks Levi where it was. The avatar of envy just shrugs, saying he has no idea.
Levi: I think you still wear it when Satan carried you away. Maybe it was dropped on its way there. Who knows...
Haruka: What?! Oh no... [runs to the second floor to find it]
As she finds the ring, Ichigo and the twins (more like Ichigo and Beel because Belphie is carried by Beel) walk through that same exact hallway. The two of them find Haruka trying to find her ring.
Beel: Haruka, what's wrong? Did you lose something?
Haruka: My ring! Have you seen it?! Is it by the hallways?! It's costly, and it's my engagement ring!
Beel:... I didn't...sorry, Haruka.
Ichigo: Are you sure you didn't take it off before bed? Maybe it's on your nightstand?
Haruka: No, I was still wearing it last night, and the following day it's gone!
Ichigo: If so...where were you last night? Or at least this morning?
Haruka: in Levi's room, but Satan carries me away to his room. That's how I end up in his room.
Ichigo: that son of a- wait Lucifer's not a biss.... uh...that biss!
Beel: Did he....?
Ichigo: There are possibilities, but we'll find out soon.
Haruka: [sigh] I need some air...
In just seconds, Haruka ran out the door, shocking Levi, watching an anime in the living room.
Levi: What just happened...?
Ichigo: Haruka went out for some air...
Levi: Oh well...
Once she's outside, she ends up on a garden bench trying to calm herself. Probably she did misplace it somewhere on Satan's nightstand...but she doesn't find it there either, plus she is sure that Satan took her ring... but she didn't even see the ring in his pockets.
Solomon: I knew I'd find you here!
Haruka: Oh...Solomon...
Solomon: Well, I'm sure you're wondering where your ring is, don't you?
Haruka: Yeah... I'm scared Simeon might get mad at me for it...
Solomon: He'll probably get mad at the person taking it away, but I'm sure he won't get mad at you. I've known him for years, I even lived with him!
Haruka: ....true....
Solomon: But if you're still trying to find it, I can help you
Haruka: You would?
Solomon: Yeah, I mean, I've been learning time magic for a while
Haruka: Fair enough, let's do that
Solomon uses his time magic, revealing what's happening that night. Although it was successful, Haruka needs to pause the reveal a bit because of such a view.
Solomon: Seriously?
Haruka: What?
Solomon: Your nose...
Haruka: Oh shoot!
Solomon: Oh shoot, is the right reaction... [gives her tissues]
Haruka: Just continue...
The two proceed to see the footage. Suddenly Solomon is curious and decides to raise up his clothes, causing Haruka to go through another nosebleed-
Haruka: Solomon wtf-
Solomon: Oh, so it's on all guys-
Haruka: Yeah-
Solomon: hmmm, you're definitely dead once it's Beel
Suddenly the two of them find Ichigo inside the telepathy chatroom shocking the two of them.
Ichigo: Well, well, didn't know I'd get to see such a view
Solomon: How did you get here?!
Ichigo: Telepathic chatroom? Also, that's some good abs-
Solomon: Found two humans dead. Anyways-
Haruka: Just continue!
Solomon: And here, more tissue. [somehow continues the footage]
The three of them watch the clownery unfolds, and it turns out that Satan took the ring, and he dares to put that in Mammon's room.
Ichigo: Wow...he really is a biss...
Solomon: And I thought he's most mature of them all...
Ichigo: That'd be his dad- and-
Haruka: And who-
Ichigo: ....Beel?
Solomon: Whipped as ever-
Ichigo: Excuse-
Solomon: Anyways! We found the culprit! Let's get our asses home!
So the three of them get home and finds Ichigo holding the ring with Mammon staring at it, Asmo figuring out who the culprit was, and Simeon, who's as confused as ever. Seeing this, Haruka instantly hides behind Solomon due to reflex.
Simeon: Haruka, you're home!
Haruka: Yeah....hi...
Ichigo: We found your ring, it's in Mammon's room, but we still have no idea who stole it since Mammon swears on Lord Diavolo he hasn't seen such-
Simeon: [glares at Ichigo because she's about to cuss]
Ichigo: seen such things-
Mammon: I did! I have never seen that in my whole entire life! What even is that?! That looks like it's from the human world!
Simeon: It is^^ I bought them in the human world.
Ichigo: Swarovski?
Simeon: Yeah...
Asmo: That's an expensive brand! It'd be crucial if it got lost!
Haruka: I don't know the price, but it is indeed expensive.
Solomon: Well, lucky for you guys, I've found the culprit.
Asmo: You did? Who is it?
Solomon: Satan.
Everyone: What?!
Solomon: I know, it's odd by here [shows some footage he got thanks to time magic]
Simeon looks at the footage, and his patience is slowly decreasing. He actually thought Satan had truly moved on and would stop pestering his relationship with Haruka but instead, he's witnessing Satan taking off Haruka's ring and blames Mammon for it. Sure he can take Haruka's ring and place it somewhere, but the fact that he blames Mammon for it...now he's just pulling someone into his own problem.
Mammon: That Lil sht! Let me at it! Stop holding me back, Levi! I'm gonna kick his ass!
Levi: No! It's not worth it!
Mammon: No! Not when he's accusing me of something I didn't do!
Levi: Mammon, come on! It's not worth it, plus we even found the ring! It's fine!
Ichigo: At least we found the ring, but I feel bad that Mammon gets to be the scapegoat of this mess.
Beel: I can help you break down the door if you want-
Ichigo: Hon, let's not destroy the door. We don't want that thing to happen again...
Simeon: It's okay, everyone^^. At least the ring is found.
Mammon: Yea, and still dares to blame me! I'm still kicking his ass!
Luke: Don't make me shoot you with my holy water gun, Mammon!
Mammon: Shut it, Fid- OUCH! WHAT THE-
Luke: Told you. It's holy water.
Simeon: Luke... ^^
Luke: Hehe... :3
Ehe te nanda- wait- wrong fandom. Anyways, the ring is found, and everything is back to normal until Ichigo proposes the craziest idea she ever said.
Barbatos: What?! [chokes on his tea]
Ichigo: As I said, time travel. I think all this chaos wouldn't happen if Haruka didn't get attracted to Simeon.... her being with Satan.... then Reika wouldn't meet us....the war didn't happen.... yada yada yada...
Barbatos: That's a very risky move, Ichigo... are you sure?
Ichigo: I think we'll be okay...
Barbatos: It might change some of our memories. Well, not mine since I'll be involved, but it will affect the others, even your boyfriend, Beel.
Ichigo: Is it too big of a risk?
Barbatos: Yes, it is too risky. I don't recommend doing it... just accept what has happened.
Ichigo: Okay...
Jokes on you! I'll still be making this time travel clownery, but it won't be here, of course. Just an experiment I did
Barbatos: Author no-
Wait, how did he communicate with me-
Barbatos: I'm the master of time and realities, and I can clearly hear you.
Okay.... well... I found a way so they won't be affected-
Barbatos: By creating two reality branches?
Barbatos: [sigh] Do what you want-
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luciferloveschloe · 4 years
For the cliche prompts 47+48 😊
Tumblr media
47. I’ve been in love with you for years.
48. I called you at 2 a.m. because I need you.
this is part of my 1k celebration!
it’s taking me so long to fill the prompts, i know. i’m sorry. hope you enjoy anyway!
this is an alternative, yet canon-compliant ending to 5x05.
[deckerstar, 1.7k words, light angst, love confessions, emotional hurt/comfort, touch-starved]
the only miracle that mattered
Apparently, you’re the only reason I’m here.
I thought what we had was real.
It’s far from a curse. It’s a gift.
I’m not even a person. I’m a thing.
You’re not the gift, Chloe – that is.
Round and round and round the carousel went, like it did when she’d first seen his face.
She was used to it by now, after Rome, and Eve, and Michael, and every other bit of celestial nonsense she had had to deal with since Lucifer had entered her life. Well, sort of. Finding out you’re a literal miracle, made specifically for the Devil himself, that wasn’t just a normal Tuesday. Not even for Chloe Decker.
Her wineglass sat nearly untouched on her couch table. Booze had never helped, anyway. She fixated it instead of drinking, failing to quiet her thoughts for long seconds. But really, what was she trying to accomplish here?
Running away, pushing him away, overthinking every little thing and wallowing in her own misery… That had also never helped. It had brought them Kinley, actually, and demons running around in LA.
She would not make the same mistake twice.
You’re not the gift, Chloe – that is.
Talking. Talking to him had always helped.
As soon as the thought had formed, an intense wave of longing washed over her. She missed him. She missed his stupid smirk, his solid, warm body against hers, fingers tentatively caressing her back, voice hushed and awed. So very real, and not forever lost to Hell. She missed him. And she really, really needed to talk to him.
She was still good to drive, thanks to the untouched wine, but it was nearly – one in the morning? Already? How? Still, he’d probably still be up. Should she just go over to Lux? Would he–
She very nearly jumped when her phone started vibrating on the table. She turned it over, and it was Lucifer, of course. Speak of the bloody Devil. She couldn’t help her grin when she accepted the call.
“Detective, I– I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
The subtle strain in his voice made her sit up straighter immediately, wiped the smile from her face.
“No, Lucifer, you didn’t actually. I was just going to– Nevermind. Is something wrong?“
“No, well– Yes. Detective, I– I need to talk to you. And I know you have no desire to see me right now, and I understand, I do, and it’s the middle of the night, I know, but I– I just need to.”
His voice broke on his last words, and his obvious despair made her stomach twist. Had she done this?
“Okay, Lucifer, it’s alright. I’m here, I’m listening.”
A shaky breath on the other end of the line, then another.
“Detective, first of all, I’m so sorry for what you have to go through. Because of me, again. That bastard Michael, and now this… I’m sorry, Detective. I wish it weren’t so.”
She wanted to interject something, anything to stop the pain that bled through his voice, but he was talking too fast.
“When I first found out about it, we had just gotten together for the first time. It– It crushed me. And it led me to do things that hurt you very badly, and I’m so sorry for those, too. I hope I’ll have the chance to properly explain, one day.”
He’d found out after– Wait, what things? Vegas? Candy?!
“But, Detective… I know I have no right to complain, and please know I would go back to Hell again in a heartbeat if it meant I was ensuring your safety, but– Chloe. I’ve missed you. So much. Being in Hell felt… different after knowing you. Too lonely.”
She could barely make out those last words, and something in her chest constricted. He’d never sounded so distressed and forlorn before. She was well aware he’d never show that much weakness to anyone else.
Amenadiel was right. She didn’t see her desires reflected in Lucifer, she didn’t see some perfect guy that she was inexplicably compelled to adore, she just saw him. An imperfect, hurting, deeply scarred, unspeakably beautiful soul that had somehow found its mate in hers.
And she wouldn’t, couldn’t hold what his Dad had done against him. After all, Trixie only existed because of God’s intervention. Her daughter lived because she lived. That alone made all the craziness worth it.
That, and that she was stupidly in love with the angel currently on the verge of breaking down on the other end of the line.
“And Detective, I– I know this is not what you want, and I shouldn’t say it, and not on the phone like this, and I’m– I’m screwing this up again, but I– Chloe. I love you. I’ve been in love with you for years. Thousands of years, if you count Hell. I love you, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you. And you’ll never have to see me again if that’s what you want, but I just needed to say it. Even if I already blew my chance. I love you, Chloe.”
He was silent after that, and her heart just about stopped.
Lucifer loved her.
He loved her, and she loved him. Nothing else in this literally god-forsaken world mattered, and she had to tell him immediately.
“Yes, Detective?”
“Would you mind coming over or–“
Ah yes, wings. She’d really have to get used to angelic modes of transportation. She could just make out his silhouette behind her front door, and felt a pang when he didn’t enter unprompted. She pushed the feeling down and crossed over to let him in, and there he was.
He looked at lot like he’d sounded, hair dishevelled, suit jacket and vest gone, chest heaving, wings a glowing, shivering mass behind him. She blinked, and they were gone.
“Lucifer. Don’t you want to barge in like you own the place?”
He frowned in the way she found terribly endearing, but made no move to come in.
“Oh for… Come in, please. Do you want some wine?”
Finally, he strode past her, stopping in the open space between her kitchen and her couch, as rigid and tense as she’d ever seen him. He turned to stare at her, raking his shaking hands through his hair, and suddenly she was reminded of a meeting in an interrogation room several celestial disasters ago.
“No, Detective, I don’t want wine. I– Forgive me. What are we doing here?”
He was terrified of what she’d do, what she’d say. Terrified she’d send him away for good. She shouldn’t have that power over him, over the Devil. Nobody should have that power over anyone, but it seemed like they were long past that.
Oh, Lucifer.
She quickly erased the distance between them and clasped his hands in hers, heart aching at the way he looked at her. Like his life depended on the words she’d say next. Maybe it did.
“Lucifer. Amenadiel came up with some interesting theories during our case.”
A snort.
“Did he, now?”
“Lucifer… You saw how that nun fawned over him. They were all like that. Just how regular people fawn over you.”
“So… Nuns have the hots for my brother? Good for him, I guess, but I don’t see what that has to do with u– With me.“
Another frown.
“Amenadiel thinks they saw their love for God in him, reflected back at them. And he thinks that… When everyone else looks at you and fawns over you, you reflect their desires back at them.”
“That’s… Where are you going with this, Detective?”
He loves you, and you love him. Courage, Decker.
“I don’t see that. I don’t see my desires reflected back at me when I look at you, Lucifer. I just see you. So, I– I don’t think that explains everything, and I can’t promise I won’t freak out again, but I– I trust that what I feel is real again. Lucifer, I love you, and I’m tired of things getting between us, tired of missing chances. We might never know what all this actually means, but… I don’t want anything to come between us, ever again. From now on, whatever it is, I want to face it with you. Together.”
The most radiant of smiles transformed his features, and she leaned in quickly to taste his happiness and kiss it off his lips. For a second, he remained stiff and shell-shocked, but then he opened up to her kiss, wrapping his arms around her tightly. The smallest sigh escaped him, and she rose on her tiptoes to get closer to him, resting her hands at the nape of his neck.
When she felt like it was possible to stop kissing him, she rested his forehead against his, eyes still closed, mouth stretched wide in an effervescent grin.
“You know, I never wanted Amenadiel to be right quite so badly, Detective.”
She opened her eyes in time with him, and he hid not one thing in the warm, dark brown of his eyes.
“Well, he was right before, wasn’t he?”
He huffed, then sobered a little, and pulled her even closer to him.
“Detective, I… I thought I’d lost you.”
Her heart beat erratically, and she needed to reassure herself as much as she needed to reassure him. Because they had lost each other one too many times before, had come close to missing another chance, yet again. But not this time.
“Never again, Lucifer. I meant it.”
She cradled his face in her hand, and he leaned into her touch, closing his eyes immediately. Instead of replying, he just exhaled tremulously, and Chloe brought her other hand up to touch his face as well.
“Chloe, will you just hold me for a little while?”
His voice was brittle and cracking, and her heart constricted once more. How many years did he have to survive without a single kind touch?
She embraced him as tight as she could, pressed a kiss onto his neck just to feel him shiver, and stroked his hair and his cheek, over his back and down his arms, and again, until he all but melted under her caress.
“Forever, Lucifer.”
He pulled back to search her eyes with his, opening and closing his mouth, seemingly unable to find any words. After a few seconds, he gave up, simply cradling her face in both his hands with the lightest of touches, smiling beatifically at her.
They’d found each other. He was here to stay, and she’d pour all her love into him, and try and make him forget there ever was a time he was lonely. They’d take on whatever may come, together. That was the only miracle that mattered.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Sister, Sister
Summary: Dean finds that the girl he has grown to love is stronger and more powerful than he thought. Who could she be?
TW/CW: Some swearing, tiniest bit of angst, Dean x Reader.
A/N: This one is a little off the wall but I like it lol. I hope you guys enjoy it! Remember my requests and asks are always open!
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Your POV
    I watched as the Winchester brothers stumbled through my illusion. Out of now where, however, my brother dropped in and spoiled my fun. With a snap of his fingers, my illusion melted away and the boys stood there stunned. “You mean you weren’t behind this one?” Dean asked the trickster beside him.
    “No, but I’m 99.9% sure I know who is. Come on (Y/n), step out of the shadows,” Gabriel called.
    Rolling my eyes, I snapped myself down to their level, “Come on Gabe, I was just having a little fun. These two are adorable when they’re angry.”
    The shock on Dean’s face and the confusion on Sam’s almost make it worth it to leave now but I know Gabe will just follow. Dean is the first to speak, “You? I mean I knew we were being followed by a trickster but I didn’t think there were two. And we-”
    Gabriel cuts him off, “Yes, there is a second trickster, but trust me, she’s not one to toy with.”
    “So, are you an angel too?” Sam asks with a tilt of his head.
    I flash my eyes black and then back again before answering, “Not quite, Sweetheart.” Sam and Dean both step back in defense. Gabriel rolls his eyes as I laugh, “Relax boys, I’m only demon by appearance.”
    Gabe speaks up, “She’s my twin sister. However, instead of dropping off the grid when Michael and Lucifer boxed it out, she sided with Lucifer.”
    Dean looks speechless but Sam has enough words for both of them, “So, what are you doing now? I’m pretty sure if you still worked for Lucifer then he’d be here by now and besides why would you ever side with him in the first place?”
    I glare daggers at Gabriel, but answer Sam’s questions nonetheless, “I sided with good ol’ Lucy because he’s the only one who ever stood up for me. Being the only female archangel was a royal pain in the ass. Besides, he made a point, dear ol’ Dad created, no offense, a race of morons who were doomed to fail from the start and then expected them to worship Him for it and we were supposed to guard them and abandon our initial task of worshipping him,” I pause for that to sink in as I catch my breath. “As for what I’m doing now, you could say I’m in witness protection. Lucifer nearly killed me. I barely escaped and have been hiding topside since.”      “What did you mean earlier when you said you’re only demon by appearance?” Dean asks.
     “Well, for starters,” I reveal my wings, “these were once a bright, beautiful silver but when Lucifer and I fell, they were reduced to a dull ash grey, which I think is unfair because Lucifer got to keep his bright, ruby red wings.” I cross my arms and pout the slightest bit. That always was my least favorite thing about falling.
    “(Y/n), you know you could’ve come back. Michael and I missed you after you left. It was like you took a piece of us with you. After you left, Michael became cold and ruthless,” Gabriel gently explained.
    “Oh, can it, Goldie. You and I both know they wouldn’t have taken me back into the fold. I was never the favorite. They’d have no pity for me,” I snap.
    Dean steps forward and wraps me in a hug, “I wish you would’ve told me. You knew who I am the moment you saw me in that bar.”
    “Why so you can hate me like everyone else engaged in this holy war does? I-I didn’t want to chance running you off,” I mumble into his shirt as the tears begin to slip past my barriers.
    As he pulls away, he says, “Baby, you remember telling me that the one thing you want in the world is to have your brothers back together?” I nod and he continues, “That’s kind of like the one thing I’ve wanted for years. You want your family back in one piece and so do I. I know where you’re coming from.”
    Gabriel speaks up from a stance of utter shock, “You two? When? How? What? And why were you throwing them into an illusion if you love this dumbass?”
    I chuckle as Dean wipes the tears off my cheeks, “Gabe, I knew you’d show up if you sensed a trick being played. That or they’d go after you and lead me to you. And Dean and I met in a bar not too long ago. You don’t want to know the details.”
    Dean pulls me into his side, “Man if I had known, I would’ve at least asked first.”
    Gabriel laughed, “Don’t worry about it. I know she’s in good hands.”
    I stepped forward and held my arms open, “I’ve missed you, brother. It’s true what they say, a bond between twins is hard to break.” He stepped forward and wrapped me into a hug. After a few moments we break away, and he looks to Dean, “You hurt her and I will rain endless amounts of hell on your ass.”
    Dean laughs nervously, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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This is a part two to my Ace Cas and Bi Sam story I posted on Bisexual day. I took @paramourner 's advice and did a bit of a prequel to Cas coming out. Hope you guys enjoy it!
I've been getting used to mine and Sam's arrangement and was enjoying it quite a bit. That was until Dean brought up sex, well when he alluded to it.
When I first met the Winchesters, and Dean would try to get me laid after finding out I was a virgin, he thought it was an angel thing. He didn't understand why I was resisting all the women he would set me up with, I didn't understand it myself, but over the years, I've come to realize that I don't like sex.
I don't have a sex drive like the Winchesters, or anyone around us. I've learned I'm not absolutely appalled by it, I just would rather not participate in any sort of sexual activities if possible.
While I know this and have had time to accept this, I have yet had the opportunity to tell Sam. When Dean teased us about making it "official" I panicked.
I researched this topic plenty of times, and have been disappointed several times. In order to try and encourage myself to tell Sam, I read different stories of people coming out. It didn't encourage me, and it saddened me by the end of it. Several people had partners leave them, called them liars, etc. It left me feeling even more hopeless.
While I know Sam, and I know how kind he is, it didn't soothe me. We have a pretty strong foundation, but what if he ends up wanting more? What will he do if I can't provide it? Would I just go with it to please Sam? I wouldn't be the first asexual to do that for a partner, but it doesn't leave me with a good feeling. I doubt Sam would, a rational part of me knows that but do I know Sam as well as I think I do?
Regardless of what I know about Sam, my anxiety to tell him just worsened over the next few weeks. He never made any advances, but my mind was on high alert with every kiss or touch that I didn't initiate. Sam seemed to notice and he hesitated to do anything, looking upset not at me, but at himself. No doubt thinking he had somehow messed up.
I pushed away my negative thoughts and decided I had to tell him. If Sam didn't accept this part of me, he wasn't who I thought he was. I settled into the bedroom first and waited for him to come in.
I was thinking of the best way to tell him, but it was difficult, should I be blunt? What if he takes it the wrong way? What if our relationship isn't ever official because of this?
During this time, I got so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Sam enter the room. His hair was still wet from his shower, and he threw his dirty clothes in the hamper. I was pulled out of my thoughts when he cleared his throat, I noticed he wasn't getting in bed.
"Cas, we need to talk." He pulled out one of our research chairs before sitting down, spacing himself away from the bed.
"Now before you say anything, I just want to say I'm sorry. After everything with Lucifer, I should've been more careful and clear with consent. Out of all people, I should know that. Even with you setting the pace, I can tell you're uncomfortable. I'll understand if you want to break things off." Sam finished staring at the ground now. I didn't mean to, but I started to laugh. All the stress just flowed out into my laughs, and my breathless "sorry's".
It was a moment before I calmed down, and Sam looked confused, a bit hurt, but overall confused.
"Sam, I assure you, I am not laughing at you. I've been really stressed for weeks because, well because I have something really important to tell you." I started, and moved closer to Sam, nerves now gone.
"Do you remember a few weeks back when Dean joked about us needing to make our relationship" official" by via sex?" I asked Sam, who nodded slightly, obviously trying to remember the exact conversation and the correlation.
"Well, I panicked, a lot. And I was worried that you were going to break up with me after I told you, I don't want to have sex. Not just with you, I don't want to have sex with anyone, I'm asexual. I didn't know how to tell you, I was nervous, not because I think lowly of you or anything, I just know our relationship won't ever be " official". It'll always be missing the part of the puzzle, and I can't give you that piece because I don't have it." I confessed, and he looked relieved oddly enough.
"Cas, I think I love you even more. I've never really brought up sex because I've never had the big of a sex drive myself, not only that but Lucifer messed with my head pretty badly. Sometimes I am completely disgusted by the idea of it, not all the time, just on certain days. So this actually kind of takes a lot of pressure off of me." Sam admitted, grinning at me. I smiled back and found myself getting wrapped into my favorite pair of arms.
I pulled back after a minute, and there was still a thought plaguing the rest of them.
"Sam, you still have a sex drive right?" Sam slowly nodded, and I continued on with my thought, "I mean, I could get you off if-" Sam stopped me before I could say anything else.
"No. We just talked about how you don't feel comfortable doing that." Sam said bewildered at the thought.
"It's just, I can't go the full mile, it's the closest our relationship will get to being official. I could help you out to a degree." I said using his time of shock to my advantage.
"Cas, that's just so wrong in so many ways. You wouldn't be getting anything out of it, and I can't say I would be either. I'd be too in my head worried about you. It's not happening. Even if I really needed sex, I have a hand. So no. That's not ever happening. And what do you mean by our relationship not being "official?" I feel like our relationship has been official for quite some time. We don't need to have sex to make it "official." A relationship is a puzzle, I'll agree with that, but we're not missing a piece. I don't know what the puzzle looks like complete just yet, but I am certain sex isn't a part of it." Sam explained and I didn't know what to say. Sam read me well enough to get off his chair and held me as I cried into his chest.
A huge weight was lifted off, and I felt so grateful to have Sam. He was able to shut up every negative thought I've been having, and replaced them with positive ones.
Sam likes to sleep with one arm draped around my torso, sometimes his head will rest on my chest, or he'll just cuddle into my side. That night I was the one who cuddled into his side, and I stayed there with my eyes closed. I can't go into a dream state, but I can rest my eyes and listen to Sam's breathing as a nice, soothing background noise.
I felt happy for a while until Sam started to distance himself. He kept saying he was researching, and he didn't need help, he would be in bed shortly. I at first assumed he was taking care of certain needs, but it didn't make sense to do so in the library.
He was also on his phone quite a bit and was talking to Dean a lot more. I didn't mind it at first, but I felt like I was being distanced slowly out of the family.
It didn't help that he would get jumpy when I was near and he got a notification. It was draining me more than I thought it would. The only time I felt like I had his attention was at night. He still watched me as I watched my shows, and I appreciated every second of it, knowing that once he got up, he would be distant again.
When Jack asked to go shopping for new clothes I jumped at the opportunity. At least I still had Jack, he was still my silver lining.
Yet, I noticed he was antsy while we shopped. It reminded me of Sam's behavior, which was souring my mood.
I did my best to ignore my thoughts and focus on our task, shopping. It took us a while to figure out his sizes, and what he needed. It didn't help that he would stop to check his phone every five minutes.
By the time we finally finished shopping, I felt just as drained as I would have at home. I was close to letting Jack drive. I decided against it when I saw how "well" he pushed our shopping cart.
I noticed on our way to the register Jack picked up salad ingredients, they were all of Sam's favorite ingredients. Odd. Perhaps Sam's lectures are working, or he wants to bribe Sam. Either one.
When we got home Jack ran ahead of me, leaving everything except the salad. I rolled my eyes as I collected the new wardrobe. I started my way to Jack's room, he came out of his room looking panicked and took his clothes away from me. Letting out a quick "Thanks, Dad!" before slamming his door behind him.
I was about to head to the library when I saw Sam's door, it had writing on it, was Sam aware of that?
I opened the door, already knowing Sam was in there since the library was empty, so was the kitchen.
"Sam, someone wrote on our door-" I felt very confused walking in. Sam had obviously been pacing, and our room was different.
From paintings, to polaroid photos, and things in between, it was amazing. I was admiring the handiwork when Sam brought me back to the present.
"Do you like it?" I knew I didn't have the right words to express my gratitude for everything, actions would have to do. I pulled him down for a kiss by his shirt, happy to have him melt into it.
"I'll take that as a yes." Sam had panted, I couldn't help but smile and pull him into a hug.
"Who helped?" I knew the difference between Sam's and Dean's handiwork, and I am 99% sure the handwriting on the door belonged to Claire.
I had a dumb smile on my face, similar to Sam, as he explained everything in our room.
Dean had painted "You'll bee what you'll bee." and Sam had painted two bees next to it. They were quite adorable, painted in a more cartoon style than a realistic one.
I loved all the new additions, the flags, the pictures, but what caught my attention was the bee and moose plushies. They were in our closest last time I checked, I picked up the bee and smiled fondly at it. Sam was a nervous wreck trying to hand it to me, I had a similar experience when handing him the moose plushy.
I noticed the footsteps near the door, it wasn't surprising to me that a flash went off, it was more shocking to Sam. Dean walked in, the rest of our family took it as an invitation to walk in as well.
I wondered over to the photos, curious what moments they've captured. I heard all their comments about Sam and me being "adorable." I brushed them off as I discussed with Sam how strange it was seeing this many photos of us when we thought no one else was around.
As much as I loved everyone in the room, I was happy to see them leave, I wanted to spend time with Sam without a crowd.
Before they went out to eat, Jack handed us a salad before he had made his way back out of the room.
Sam and I settled into our bed and I decided to try the salad. Sam put on F.R.I.E.N.D.S for me, before turning his attention to me. I enjoyed everything; however, I felt stupid for not trusting Sam. For thinking, he was trying to get rid of me.
I had ended up relaxing into his shoulder and lacing his free hand with mine at some point during the episode.
After finishing our salad, I paused the show, I wasn't paying much attention to the episode anyways.
I locked my eyes with him, searching for a way to start my gratitude and apologize for my misjudgment. Sam seemed to pick up on it after a moment of silence.
"What's the matter?" He asked I sighed and rubbed my thumb against his own.
"I was worried for a while after I came out to you, that you were becoming distant. I should've known better." I voiced, Sam set aside the food and snuggled closer to me.
"Cas, I didn't mean to make you worry. I love you, and every small thing that makes you, you." Sam clarified, I felt myself getting overwhelmed with appreciation for him once again.
"Thank you for not seeing me as broken," I whispered honestly. I can't imagine seeing myself as anything but broken.
"If you're broken, then I'm broken too. Am I broken?" I knew damn well what Sam was doing, and was glad he was. If there's something that we both struggle with, it's self-worth. I shook my head at his question and received a kiss on my head.
"It's settled, you're perfect the way you are," Sam whispered softly as I closed the little distance we had between us before unpausing the tv. I smiled as I heard his breathing even out, I gave him a few more minutes before turning off the night with my grace. I also shut off the tv and watched over Sam, hoping for no nightmares tonight, I was blessed with lazy smiles and mumbled: "love you more's." Which I would whisper back, I don't know the exact moment I fell for him, perhaps our first meeting, or soon after it, all I know is I'm glad I did.
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Hey so I don’t normally posy other fandom stuff on here but this is my most followed account and I need some advice on a fic. It’s destiel, please tell me if it’s any good and if you like it I’ll post the link to the rest of the story
"Very well. Have it your way," Crowley turned to Azazel and Alistair, "boys, shall we?" I saw a smirk cross all their features, and before I knew it, Crowley and the others were shoving me and my friends into the water.
My name is Castiel Novak, and I'm a mess.
One big giant mess. Let me tell you about my day, how it went from good to bad, and how I ended up getting pushed into a lake.
Today, it was summer. Well... months into summer. School would be starting in just about six days. I woke up to quickly find out that it was one of the hottest days of the year. The sun was beating down like thick blanket and never left the clear sky. If I had to guess I'd say the kids in my neighborhood were all playing in sprinklers and having fun, trying to make the most out of what little they had left of summer. Since school was starting very soon, I thought that I should possibly do the same thing, and make the most of what I had left of the season.
I woke up early in the morning. I traveled down the stairs to see an all to familiar view. My Dad was no where in sight, probably in his room writing. My mom was sitting at the kitchen counter reading a magazine, completely ignoring the chaos in the living room.
To tell the truth, what was happening in the living room wasn't all that bad, but, still disturbing. Even though I've seen a lot worse go down in that room. The tv was on and Gabriel, my little brother was sitting on the floor in front of it, constantly changing channels. Anna, my sister, sat on the couch. She was pressed all the way to the end of the couch, trying to still sit there while being as far away from the other end of the couch as she could.
Why was she trying to stay away from the other end of the couch you might ask? Well... Luci, my oldest brother, was there, and so was his boyfriend, Michael. Michael and Luci have been dating for about a year or so. I was shocked they'd made it this long, seeing at they were polor opposites. Michael graduated highschool with a perfect GPA and taking a all advanced courses, while being a star football player as well. Now, he's going to college and spends his free time either with Luci or shadowing the doctors at the hospital so that it'll be easier for him to get a job there. Probably as a heart surgeon or something. Also he had a spotless criminal record.
Meanwhile, Luci had probably all E's in his classes before he dropped out. Never once touched a football and spent most of his time smoking weed with the other bleacher-creatures during the games. He was not attending any colleges and was job-less. His free time was spent either with Michael or at the police station, and it sure as hell wasn't for volunteering. I remember a couple times mom and dad refused to bail him out, so Michael had to go do it.
So yeah, I'm shocked they made it a year. But anyways, right now Michael was over and sitting on the couch with Luci. Well, it was more like Michael was sitting on the couch and Luci was sitting on top of him. They were making out. It was disgusting.
They were making weird moaning noises as Michael's hands practically groped Lucifers torso and chest. I wanted to gag.
I soon decided very quickly that I didn't want to be here, so slipped out the front door before anyone would stop me. Mom and Dad never cared if we went anywhere so I figured they'd be fine if I just left for a little while.
I opened the door and quickly went outside. I closed the door behind me and took a step out into the morning air. If I had to guess I'd say it was about 9:00am, the sun was blazing across the sky as I sat down. I let the warm air and occasional cool breeze wash over me. It was one of those, buy ice cream, go to the beach, summer days. I wasn't much of an outside person, but I enjoyed them none-the-less.
I stood up in my short sleeve, buttoned, baby blue shirt, and jeans before I began to walk down the street. My friend Charlie lived a few blocks down from me, and a few blocks down from there lived Dorothy. See, I had friends, but, there was only two of them. I have known Charlie forever, so we were always close. We met when we were probably five. I remember being at the park with Luci when I saw a small red-headed girl fall from the jungle gym. She looked hurt so I ran from Luci to see if she was alright. She was bleeding, but shockingly, not crying. I went to the bench where Mom was. I rummaged in her purse for the Band-Aids I always made her keep in there for reasons such as this.
I helped the girl bandage her arm to stop the small amount of blood. When I finished she turned to me with an incredibly bright grin and said, "are we best friends now?" And ever since then, we've never left each other's side.
Then Charlie met this girl named Dorothy when we first started middle School in sixth grade. She was pretty badass for a twelve year old and she shockingly decided to sit with us. So she became part of our group too. Now sixteen and we were all inseparable.
Charlie was the fun nerd in our group, she always had the best and craziest ideas out of all of us. Her bright and spunky personality made her instantly loveable. Dorothy was a bit more grounded but was always up for adventure, so when Charlie got an idea, Dorothy was the one to make it happen.
I was the downer of the group I assumed, mainly because I always tried to talk them out of their crazy ideas. But they were both stubborn and I bet if they had the chance to go to Oz they would take it in a heartbeat. They never listened to me, and of course, dragged me along with them every time they were up to some shenanigan. Like the day Charlie said we should go downtown and take edgy pictures of the train tracks, so we could be douchy hipster wannabes. The next day Dorothy grabbed her camera and yanked us downtown to the train tracks. That day we almost got hit by said train on the tracks.
See what I mean? Bad Ideas. But I will admit, there has been some good ones. Like two summers ago we were all sitting at Dorothy's house, bored with nothing to do, so Charlie randomly said we should go into town and take some weird class. We spent the whole afternoon learning pottery and making clay. That was fun.
So, in conclusion, I love my friends and their idiotic selves. That's why I was on my way down there now, to go do something interesting. I approached Charlie's house very quickly. Her house was small, probably the smallest out of all our houses. She was an only child and therefore really didn't need that much space. Her house was painted a red-ish orange color, it was like a burnt faded orange kind of. I don't know how to describe it, but it was pretty. Her grass was bright green lined with pink flowers around the house. Cute little white shutters to match with the windows.
The door was a plain brown and I smiled at it before I knocked. I always liked her house. I waited only mer seconds before the door burst open. Charlie looked like she had just been running. She grinned at me when she saw me standing in the doorway.
"I saw you coming from my room and came running." So I was right. She waited a bit before turning to stick her head into the house, "MOM IM GOING OUT WITH CAS!" She called, slamming the door shut immediately after.
I smiled at her again as she linked her arm with mine and started off down the porch steps. Today Charlie was wearing baggy jean shorts that went down to her knees, as well as a Star Wars t-shirt. Her head phones were wrapped around her neck and the cord trailed down her back into her pocket, where her phone probably was.
"Anyways, hi best friend!" She finally greeted once we made it to the sidewalk. I couldn't help but smile, even if it was faint.
"Hello Charlie." I greeted back, watching her long red hair bounce with each step.
"I was hoping you would come by today." She told me, seeming determined. I tilted my head a bit.
"Oh? Why's that?" I asked curiously, taking notice we were on our way to Dorothy's.
"Cant I just wannna see my friend!?... Alsooo when you were sick last week, me and Dorothy went out and discovered something really cool. We gotta show it to you." She sounded excited and picked up her walking pace subconsciously.
We made it to Dorothy's shortly after leaving Charlie's. Dorothy come out almost as fast as Charlie had, giving us her signature smirk before heading out. She was wearing skinny jeans and a brown shirt with her brown hair in a side bun. She was gorgeous I always thought, but not that I was into that kinda stuff.
We started walking down the road together, I started to sweat.
"Man it's hot out." Dorothy complained, sighing and wiping her forehead. Charlie smirked,
"Well duh, that's cuz I'm out here bitches," she grinned as Dorothy gave her a playful shove. I smiled shyly.
"Shut up," she told Charlie, still grinning, then laughing.
"So can anyone tell me where we are going." I asked curiously, changing the topic. I noticed Dorothy smirking.
"You'll have to wait." She told me, causing Charlie to suppress a smirk. I frowned.
"Guys, we are getting far away from town and-" I was quickly cut off by Charlie.
"Oh my gosh Cas, don't be such a stick in the mud. We'll be fineee." She urged, but I wasn't convinced.
"It's just that, you guys don't always have the best ideas..." I mumbled. Charlie looked fakely offended.
"How?!" She questioned while I just looked down sheepishly.
"Well, like... The train incident... that time you almost got us stuck on a flight to India, or when you and Dorothy got me to join your prank fight and we got covered in quick drying paint. Or when we went to the movies and that guy-"
"Okay, okay! You've made your point!" She informed quickly, a flustered blush forming on her face. I couldn't help my grin just a little bit.
After walking for what felt like forever, we were at what I thought was the edge if town. We lived in Michigan, smack dab in the center of the glove, in a town that, if you walked far enough, it turned into all wilderness. I think that's where we were now because on our very long walk we passed a bunch of trees and ponds. Now we were at the end of the dirt road, the very end before it faded into trees.
I would say I was scared, I would say being in the woods made me uncomfortable, I would say we should head back, but, I love nature. Nature is calming and beautiful, how could I say to turn back when we are in the best part of our town?
Charlie turned to me and grinned, Dorothy walked ahead of her. While Dorothy cleared the path, Charlie grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the opening Dorothy made by moving tree branches.
"Close your eyes." Charlie told me, and started guiding me through the forest.
"Please don't run me into anything." I pleaded, not fully trusting my red-headed friend. I could practically feel her eye roll.
"I won't," she grumbled, even thought she probably had been planning too before I stopped her.
"We're here!" Dorothy said, excitement filling her voice. Charlie smiled brightly and let go of my hand.
"Open!" She commanded cheerfully. I let my eyes flutter open and widen at the sight in front of me.
It was an absolutely beautiful lake.  It seemed almost deserted. No one was here and it appeared to be a place where no one ever went. The sun was shining bright and created a sparkling reflection in the crystal water. Trees surrounded the entire lake, lillypads and cat tails laid where the water meets the grass. Flowers, exotic ones that were bright orange and neon pink were also by the trees. I was shocked.
I took a step forward and grinned wide. I turned my head back to my two friends who stood behind me.
"How did you-" I started to ask how they found it, but Dorothy was already answering.
"Find it? Easy. We were going for a walk in the woods when, poof! Here it was! No one was here, and we knew we had to show you." She told me, smirking proudly as her and Charlie came closer to stand next to me.
"Well... I love it..." I stutter, speechless. I heard Charlie laugh next to me but I couldn't drag my eyes away from the beautiful sight to look at her.
I wasn't sure how long we had been there. It was a while that's for sure. We sat on the edge of the grass, our feet hanging in the water. We were just chatting about school and such when we heard something. It was yelling and laughing in the distance. The noises we're coming closer and I tensed. I recognized the noises all to well.
It sounded like Crowley and his friends. Fergus Crowley MacLeoud was his full name, but he had everyone call him Crowley. He was basically the head jock at school, despite him not being particularly that athletic. He somehow still made the football team and managed to be the most popular boy in school. He hung out with Azazel, Alistair, Lilith, Abbadon, and a few other of the popular kids. He didn't even like Abbadon, hated her to be exact, but still hung out with her because she was popular and head cheerleader. Lilith was another cheerleader, and incredibly beautiful at that, but very rude, she also had a little sister four years younger in Gabriel's grade. Her name was Ruby. Azazel and Alistair were just super creepy and rude. I hated them both, they always wanted to pick on someone. That someone usually being me.
They all seemed to follow Crowley blindly, except Abbadon, but she cooperated. I could hear their annoying screams and laughs getting closer, so I decided to stand. Charlie saw and stood too. Dorothy looked up at us both.
"Guys, it's okay, nothing's is gonna-" I knew Dorothy was gonna say nothing was gonna happen, and that we'd be fine, but she couldn't. That was because guess who came through the trees.
Crowley and his friends. I'm not typically one for swearing, but I really wanted then to f-off. Dorothy saw them and finally stood as well, glaring a bit as she watched the tree branches move, revealing them all.
"Well, well, well..." Crowley announced in a British accent. Today he was wearing black jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt. Lilith wore a white sun dress and Abbadon wore a t-shirt saying, "the devil made me do it," and jeans. Everyone else wore very similar clothes to Crowley.
"Why are you here?" Dorothy asked bravely. Crowley grimaced.
"This is our spot so I'll have to ask you the same question." He growled, clearly very annoyed. Charlie jumped next to me.
"Anyone can come here, it's not just your spot." Dorothy spat, taking a step closer. No no Dorothy stop. Why do you have to be so brave?
"I suggest you leave before someone gets hurt." Abbadon threatened, pointing a pale, flawless, slender finger at Dorothy. Her nail was long and painted a bright shade of red that matched her lips perfectly.
But obviously, Dorothy wasn't going to back down. "Excuse you, but who the hell do you think you are. You don't own us." She snarled in return. Abbadon looked offended at her words, almost recoiling. A scowl formed on her sharp features. Then before I knew it, Crowley, Azazel, and Alistair were walking over.
I gulped, wishing that Dorothy just kept her mouth shut. Crowley stood right by us with his minions behind him.
"Leave." His one word filled the whole forest with venom and left a sting right in my throat because suddenly I couldn't speak. And even though Crowley was shorter then me, chubbier then me, and probably less strong, the way he carried himself made him so much more intimidating then I ever could be.
"We aren't leaving." Dorothy stated harshly. Crowleys stern facial features quickly changed and he back away from me and grinned.
"Very well. Have it your way," Crowley turned to Azazel and Alistair, "boys, shall we?" I saw a smirk cross all their faces, and before I knew it, Crowley and the others were shoving me and my friends into the water.
If someone reads this and likes it, please let me know and I'll post more chapters
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Mary: It's not okay. Since I've been back, I know... I've been distant. Cold, even. Leaving you, working with them.. I was trying to make things right. Just from a distance, because.. being here with you was too hard. Seeing what I'd done to you and to Sam, I... Dean: Mom, what you did, the deal... everything that's happened since has made us who we are. And who we are? We kick ass. We save the world.
SAM: Did you see them at dinner, the way they looked at each other? They just seemed happy, you know? It doesn’t feel fair to get all this and have to throw it away, and I know we have to. But it just feels like, you know… Once we send Dad back… it’s none of this ever happened. He – he just goes back to – to… to being Dad. DEAN: You saying you wish things would be different? SAM: Don’t you? Can you imagine – dad in the past, knowing then what he knows now? I… I think it would be nice. DEAN: Yeah. I used to think that, too. But, uh… I mean, look, we’ve been through some tough times. There’s no denying that. SAM: Yeah. DEAN: And for the longest time, I blamed Dad. I mean, hell, I blamed Mom, too, you know? I was angry. But say we could send Dad back knowing everything. Why stop there? Why not send him even further back and let some other poor sons of bitches save the world? But here’s the problem. Who does that make us? Would we be better off? Well, maybe. But I gotta be honest – I don’t know who that Dean Winchester is. And I’m good with who I am. I’m good with who you are. ‘Cause our lives – they’re ours. And maybe I’m just too damn old to want to change that.
but also:
KELLY: God, please. I need help. SVEN [on phone]: I'm trying to help you, ma'am. KELLY: Are you, Sven? Because if you ask me if I have the quarter-inch Allen wrench one – one more time, I am going to come down there and burn your giant Viking junkyard of a store to the ground! Do you understand?! SVEN: Are you sure it wasn't in the box? KELLY: God! [she tosses the phone away in exasperation] CASTIEL: Kelly. I told you I'd put this together. I'm very good at following instructions. And you need to rest. KELLY: No, I don't. CASTIEL: Kelly – [Cas helps Kelly to her feet] KELLY: No, Cas, I don't. I can't. I don't know how long until... I don't know how long I have left. And I...I'm never gonna be able to teach him how to ride a bike or watch him get married or even look him in the eyes. But I can build him a stupid Swedish crib! I can do that. CASTIEL: Kelly, I know how hard this is. [Kelly gives Cas an incredulous look] That's a lie. I have no idea how hard this is for you. But I promise you... I will do everything. I will give my life for your son. And I will raise him. And I will make him someone you will be proud of.
(note that all their work on the nursery, all their preparations for Jack’s birth, building the crib and assuming they’d have a long road of raising a Smol Babby proved... to be a lie... everything they did was... pointless... in the end)
and 14.20:
JACK: You lied to me. CASTIEL: Jack. JACK: (yelling) You lied!
SAM: Well, it's like you said. (Chuckles) It's Celine Dion. Uh... I mean Celine Dion. It's Celi-- (Sam stammers) Dean, every time I try and say "Elvis," it comes out -- DEAN: The sad, horrible truth. Yeah. You know why? Because we can't lie.
MRS. KLINE: You lied to us. You said you worked with Kelly, but after you left, my husband and I, we made some calls, and no one knows who you are. JACK: I... I didn't.  MRS. KLINE: Yes, you did. Kelly's not away on some "secret mission." She... (Crying) They think she's dead. What did you do to my daughter?! (yelling) What did you do?!
DEAN: (looking at his phone) When people can't lie, the Internet gets real quiet.
WORKER #7 (in a singsong voice) I hate everyone! I hate everyone!  WORKER #5 (crying) I just want to be loved. WORKER #7: I hate everyone! I hate everyone!  OFF SCREEN: I just want a sweet life.  WORKERS #7: I hate everyone!  (Chuck and Castiel are watching the chaos) CHUCK: see, this is why people need to lie.  -I hate everyone! CHUCK: It's good. Keeps the peace, you know?
CASTIEL: Seems like an odd stance for...you.  CHUCK: Is it? I'm a writer. Lying's kind of what we do.
(Woman speaking Chinese dialect)- The state is a lie.
CAS: Can you fix it? CHUCK: (Sighs) Fine. (Snaps fingers) Fixed. SAM: Really? CHUCK: I'm God, Sam. Yeah, really. Go ahead. Try it out. DEAN:: Celine Dion rocks. Yeah. Yeah, we can lie again. CAS: And the rioting? CHUCK: Like it never happened.
CHUCK: Listen, you guys know me. I'm hands-off. I built the sandbox -- you play in it. You want to fight Leviathans? Cool. You got that. You want to go up against -- what was it? -- the "British Men of Letters"? Okay. Little weak, but okay. But when things get really bad, like the Apocalypse or the Other Apocalypse, that's when I have to step in. SAM: So you're saying Jack is Apocalyptic? CHUCK: The kid said, "Stop lying," and I don't know if you noticed, but the world kinda went insane.
SAM: So, Michael said that you create these worlds and you just toss them away like failed versions of some book.  CHUCK: And you believe him? SAM: Was he lying? Is that what you're doing to us? CHUCK: No. Sam... you and your brother, of all the Sams and Deans in all the multiverse, you're my favorite. You're just so interesting. I mean, like that thing that happened at the office earlier today -- that was crazy, right?
JACK: And I thought I could make the world a better place if people couldn't lie. CAS: Well, it didn't. JACK: It really didn't.
SAM: Wait. I thought Chuck said that the gun was the only thing that could... (indicating Jack, who is dead on the ground, eyes burned out) CAS: He's a writer. Writers lie.
SAM: Crowley...why did you do it? Save Lucifer– What did you want? CROWLEY: I wanted to win. I perverted mother's spell, put Lucifer in a vessel of my own making because I wanted to win. You have any idea how many people have made a play for my throne over the years? Lucifer, Abaddon, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Too damn many. I thought if I could put the Devil on a leash... my own personal nuke, no one would ever dare challenge me again. DEAN: Yeah. That worked out great. CROWLEY: All ended with me narrowly escaping death by hiding in a rat. MARY: Wait. In an...actual rat? CROWLEY: Wasn't too bad, really. Gave me time to think. You know, I've been focused for so long on keeping my job. Never realized I hate it. All those whining demons, the endless moan of damned souls, the paperwork! I mean, who wants that?
LUCIFER: Well... this is a fun surprise. I gotta hand it to you guys. You never give up, even when you should. Even when it would be so stupid not to. SAM: Look, whatever you're planning on doing, Chuck...God will stop you, just like he did last time. LUCIFER: You're right. What should I do? Oh, God! Don't strike me dead! Come on, Sam. You sound like a virgin in Jesus camp. "We can't. God is watching." No. Chuck "walked." He's gone. DEAN: So you're just gonna smash his toys? LUCIFER: Exactly. 'Cause every time I look at this sad trash fire of a world, you know what I keep thinking? I could do so much better. DEAN: So Apocalypse, take two. That's your plan? LUCIFER: When in doubt, go with the classics. That's what I always say. Well, boys, enough with the foreplay. Let's do this.
SAM: Do you watch us? When you're not here, are -- are you... watching us? CHUCK: Yeah. (Exhales deeply) I mean, you're my favorite show. SAM: Then why don't you do something? If I had your power -- CHUCK: Sam. We talked about this. Not the way it works. SAM: (Sighs) Wait a second. Why, when the chips are down, when the world is -- is failing, why does it always have to be on us?!  CHUCK: Because you're my guys. But right now, we need to focus on Jack. Ah, that kid. (Breathes deeply) Whew! SAM: Wait a second. You're scared of him.  CHUCK: Aren't you?
JACK: And you were right all along. I am a monster. SAM: (to Chuck) Do something. (he realizes with shock) You're enjoying this.  CHUCK: Shh.  (Dramatic music plays) (Dean cocks the gun. He looks Jack in the eye for several seconds and then slowly lowers the gun. At this point, Castiel also comes running towards the area) (Dean uncocks the gun and tosses it to the side) CHUCK: No. Pick it up! Pick it up.  DEAN: The hell, Chuck? CHUCK: This isn't how the story is supposed to end.  CAS: The story?  CHUCK: (frustrated) Lookit, the -- the -- the gathering storm, the gun, the -- the father killing his own son. This is Abraham and Isaac. This is epic! DEAN: Wait. What are you saying? SAM: He's saying he's been playing us. This whole time. CHUCK: Come on. SAM: Our entire lives. Mom, Dad -- everything. This is all you because you wrote it all, right? Because -- Because what? Because we're your favorite show? Because we're part of your story?
(because in the end Crowley’s spell did nothing, Cas’s self-sacrifice meant nothing, Lucifer’s destruction meant nothing because Michael wrought the same destruction as they were both trapped inside the same story and couldn’t even recognize themselves as Chuck’s characters who were just as “programmed” by Chuck as any of the angels who’d ever been subjected to Naomi’s reprogramming ever were... I mean they may have been partly right about Chuck, but they were still blind to the fact that even in their supposed “rebellion” they were always only ever Chuck’s pawns, enacting his favorite narrative for all time and unable to break free of it)
And the universe takes everything away from Sam and Dean again, and the beginning of another go-around of the narrative. Only this is the last go-around where Cas can be treated as someone that can be taken away from them and still continue to perform according to Chuck’s expectations within his story. This loss broke Dean. And Cas might not understand that yet, but it proved to the audience that Cas is integral to the Winchester Family. Chuck’s story can’t only revolve around Sam and Dean against the world. And by the end of 14.20, at least he’s learned that.
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alicentsstark · 5 years
Emails Through Family Pt 2.
NOTES: That took a long time to write, my apologies folks! Hope you guys like it, enjoy it guys! :3 @disneyevilprincessblog
Shego was sure that if she heard Athena ask if they were there yet one more time, she would either ducktape her mouth just or melt it shut. 
She was driving wearing a green leather jacket, a black on her way to her childhood home. Athena and Eric came along to finally meet, in Eric’s words “Mama’s family”. The young boy wasn’t wrong and it didn’t help her nerves. With a death grip on the steering wheel, she followed the GPS soothing voice tell her to pull up to their destination. 
Athena and Erice looked like two gold retrievers, looking out the window excited about anything. Shego, on the other hand still had a death grip on the steering wheel even after parking the car. She looked at her makeup in the rearview mirror. She scrutinized her look, from the green leather jacket, black and white striped blouse with black ripped jeans.  Her hair was safely tucked into a bun, as she grabbed her bag. Putting on her sunglasses, the trio walked up to the driveway. Eric and Athena went up ahead while Shego surveyed her old neighborhood. It looked the same, just the way she left it. 
“Sasha Go?” She froze, her head swiveling towards the middle-aged looking woman. Oh no. Ms. Rojas looked at her, the same way she looked at her since she was little. Judgment as harsh as any Latina woman would towards children that she considered in her words, “Hijos or Hijas de Lucifer.” 
Once, in a bold retaliating move, Shego shot back with, “If Lucifer’s my dad then that must suck considering your his wife.” 
It earned her a month’s allowance and she had to write a full page apology to Ms. Rojas. She still thought the old bat didn’t deserve it, so she never sent it. Just told her parents that it got “lost” in the mail delivery. 
“Oh mija, how are you?” She said in a kind but a judgmental voice. She eyed her and then spotted Athena and Eric. “Are these yours?” The way she stated it made it seem that it surprised her that she could have kids. Shego gave her a smile, her teeth showing. 
“Si, this is my oldest Athena and my youngest, Eric. Guys this is my old neighbor Ms. Amaya Rojas.” She wondered if she should just knock on the door and chuck the kids inside, leaving the older woman behind. “I would love to chat Senora but my mom is-”
“Ah si. Well, go, see your parents. This was a good surprise to see you and your children.” The old woman said in a snide voice before waving at the children. Shego gave her a smile before roughly dragging Eric and Athena up the steps to her old house. 
“Bruja de mierda,” She muttered under her breath as she knocked on the door. Shego could still see Ms. Rojas peeking from her rose garden. Shego was about to call her out when the door unlocked and swung opened. 
Facing her was her dad. 
Jason Go was a tall man, with dark brown hair and ivory skin. Their mom used to joke that he could be the “male version of Snow White.” His hair now was peppered in silver greys at the temples, with lines across his face. But he still looked the same that last time she saw him. His blue eyes shined when he noticed who it was, a look of utter surprise and pure joy. 
“Sasha.”  His face broke out into a grin as he pulled her into a hug. She didn’t respond, a bit in shock over how she was being received to even speak. She buried her face into his shoulder, he still smelled like wood and roses, probably from the candle that her mom liked to have around the house. After while they pulled back and his eyes flickered over to the kids. “These must be my grandkids, eh?” Shego nodded before she introduced them. The older man hugged both kids, Athena grinning like an idiot all the while. 
They stepped inside and she swore it was like she was a teenager. The house still looked the same, it even had the same scents! Roses with some Mexican food cooking. By the way, it smelled, she concluded that her mom must be making flautas de carne or taquitos.
“Soledad! Looks who’s home!” Her dad’s boisterous voice announced her presence to the other occupant in the room-the one person that Shego was a bit terrified to see. Her mom. Yep, she was home alright because the fear of her Mexican mother was one thing she definitely forgot before now.
Her mom, Soledad Bracamontes was a pretty tall person. She was a few inches taller than Shego, making her the short person between her family members (too many short jokes and a lot of discussions as to why she shouldn’t punch Henry or Miles when they crack said jokes.) Soledad someone that Shego was terrified to see once again, as her mother’s back was turned on her. Her mother was wearing a long black skirt, a blue shirt and her hair was looses, with greying hair, as Shego could see it. 
Jason went to her, and Shego internally braced herself. She braced herself for her mama’s words, yelling at her. God, she could face Kim Possible or cops but when it came to her mother, she was terrified. Then again, Mexican mothers are a terrifying force to be reckoned with as Shego has learned since she was a child. 
Soledad turned around, her eyes locking first on. the grandkids then flickered to Shego, staying there. 
Shego turned quickly to Athena. “Hey, why don’t you guys go in the backyard. There might some stuff to do there.”
Athena started to protest, “But I wanted to-”
“Right now Athena Lipsky. Take your brother outside and I need to talk to your abuelos. Now.” She said giving Athena her ‘Set You On Fire or Do It’ look. Athena smiled and grabbed Eric, hauling him out of the room and to the backyard.
The door was closed shut, they could hear Eric yell loudly “Look a tree house! Mom never told us about a tree house!”
“So,” Her mom began. Her clipped yet stern accent making her have flashbacks of days Shego snuck back home to get caught. “You finally came back and with grandchildren.”
No yelling or shouting, it was calm with anger simmering underneath. “You came back.” Her voice cracked and Shego felt a lump in her throat, as tears prickled her eyes. “You have a family and left us behind.”
“Mami,” She said. Shego didn’t reach out scared that her hands would burn her mom, considering her powers. She could feel the fire wanting to be released but Shego held on to the control she was taught at a young age since the comet hit her and her siblings that day. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry but I won’t apologize as to why I left. The team-Henry, it wasn’t what I wanted. I had to go. I didn’t mean to hurt you Mami, believe me, but I needed to go.” 
It was quiet with the three of them, only interrupted by Eric’s loud voice proclaiming that he was now King of the Treehouse. It tugged a smile onto Shego’s lips, one that her parents spotted. Soldedad’s eyes softened making Shego relax, it would take a while for their relationship to go back to what it once was but maybe, this was a start. Who knew robotic kids could be a blessing to repair a fractured relationship with her parents? Go figure. 
“Wesley told us that you and your husband moved Middleton with the kids' couple years ago.” Her dad commented. Shego almost choked on air back peddling her dad’s words of “husband”.
That little-, Shego thought. She was going to fry her brother the next time she saw him. 
“Yes,” She said trying to make them believe that she and Drakken were married with two kids. “Well, we decided a change of scenery was well for the kids.”
Yeah, if you call breaking him out of prison a change of scenery, she said inside her head. 
“Pues,” her mom began having that look that only Shego could describe as the Don’t-Fight-Me-On-This look. It was the same stubborn look she gave to Shego when she got in trouble mouthing off to Mrs. Rojas. She really did feel like she was a child all over again. “We would want to meet him.”
“Mami no-” She began only to be cut off by her mom.
“Sasha Roberta Go, queremos estar en tu vida otra vez.” Her eyes were pleading with her. It terrified her that her mom wanted to be part of her daughter, the same girl that left them without a trace. She wanted a do-over, one that Shego thought was impossible since that day. “Eso es lo que queremos.”
“Do you really?” It came out with a bite she didn’t mean to direct towards her parents but it slipped out. 
Her parents looked taken aback, her dad having that same stubborn look she got whenever she was ready to fight. Her dad took a deep breath before looking into her eyes. 
“Is that what you think Sasha?” His voice was quiet but firm at her. Shego’s heart fell into the pit of her stomach as she looked at her dad. She felt like a child about to be lectured by her parents, which in a way, she was. “We’ve never thought that way since the day you left. All we could think was why? Why did you leave us?”
“I’m sorry.” Was all she could offer them. 
Apologies in both languages. 
After a while, all three of them went quiet trying to figure out what to say next. Her dad let out a chuckle, as both she and her mom looked at him. As he chuckled, Jason pointed to a big picture on the entrance to one of the halls that lead towards Henry and Mile’s old rooms, if Shego remembered correctly. 
On it was a picture of herself, when she was around seven years old in a white dress, her hair curled, which looked very stiff along with the uncomfortable looking crown of white flowers that was on her head. She had in each hand a candle and a bible. A smile graced her seven-year-old self’s lips, as the picture was taken, she was frozen in time. 
Shego remembered that day. How she complained to her mom about the crown that dug into her scalp along with her hair which was stiff from all the hairspray Soledad put on it. 
Jason looked at her smiling. “I remembered that day, how you told your mom if instead of wearing the hairspray you could have it in a high ponytail.” 
Shego snorted. “Yeah, because the crown was making my scalp bleed and the hairspray was making my hair feel like it was frozen.”  
Soledad rolled her eyes. “I do not remember that at all,” she said which made both father and daughter laugh. Her mom would always do that whenever she was being reminded of the communion fiasco of her twin children. Miles and Shego’s communion went south from her setting her communion dress on fire (or trying to, just to get out of wearing the itchy thing) and then Miles grabbing a fist full of the towering chocolate-vanilla cake, eating it and hiding the evidence bathroom before they left to church hours before the party and only after those things went down, both twins got bored of the party, deciding to go “missing” for a couple hours. They went to hide in another room with their presents and some of the goodie bag candies, eating while opening their presents. Their dad found them passed out, chocolate smeared around their mouths and clothing with opened bags of presents. He had to carry both the twins to the car, with Henry laughing about what the twins did and how much trouble they would be in once they woke up. It was a communion that would be talked about within the Go family, usually to annoy their mom. Now it was brought back to heal, irony if Shego could see that. 
“We want those memories again with you Sasha.” Her dad said. Shego still stared at the picture of her seven-year-old self, not knowing about the life she would have now. If she told her past self that, she would get powers years later, along with her siblings fighting crime as a team and later joining forces with a mad scientist as a villain and having two robotic kids. Her past self would have called her a crazy lady to her face. 
It was out there, her parents wanted to go back to being a whole family. 
“What are you doing here?” 
Shego turned around and noticed two figures. Wesley and Miles. The youngest child of the Go family looked back and forth between his older sister and their parents before a smile graced his face. “Te dije.” He said smugly. 
As he approached her, Shego lightly punched him in the arm, just like he used to do to her. “Shut up.” 
They would have time to talk later, having Wesley gloat in her face. She’ll give him that. Now her attention turned towards Miles, her twin and once, partner in crime. 
They looked at one another before Miles scooped her up into her arms, hugging her to death. He was taller than her by couple inches. “Good to see you, Sasha.” His smile couple practically split his face in half. Shego grinned back. 
 He looked older but still the same, if that made any sense for Shego. It did. Looking at her parents and her siblings, Shego realized that even though they shared blood, they were still somewhat strangers with Shego returning with two kids. It was the self-doubt creeping back as she smashed it. But they still welcomed her, well four out of five so far. 
“Good to see y-” He was about to say before looking past her towards Athena and Eric who seemed to have walked inside the house. “Who’s the random kids?”
He turned towards his parents. “Did you adopt them?” He said in Spanish. Soldedad shook her head. 
“They're my kids, you idiot.” She said. “Athena, Eric this Miles, your older uncle.”
“Second oldest Hermanita,” Miles said with a smile. Shego rolled her eyes. “By twelve minutes,” She shot back. Miles waved his hand as if trying to wave away her words. 
“Your twin, right?” Athena asked Shego. She confirmed it by nodding her head. Miles looked at the kids before turning towards his sister.  
Out of all her brothers, Miles was the one she was closest to. While Wesley adored Henry, it was the twins who were the one who seemed to bond. They were twins, after all, they did almost everything together to the point where they got on Henry’s nerves with their antics. Now, they were here, face-to-face. 
“What made you want to come back?” He asked her. 
 “I missed my family.” No truer words could have been spoken out loud from her and they rang true. 
 “Welcome back.” Were the only words Miles said before asking Athena and Eric, “Ya wanna hear some embarrassing stories about your mom?”
“Yeah!” They both cheered making Shego glare at her twin. Miles merely cackled before going to get one of the many family albums that her mom kept. No doubt she kept them all. 
It felt like she was back home and that’s because she was. 
“You tired them out.” Was Drakken’s comment when Shego entered the lab with Athena dragging her feet and Eric hoisted over Shego’s shoulder. Athena went to bed saying goodnight of the adults and after Shego tucked Eric in, she went straight to the kitchen to get herself the bottle of chardonnay. When she left the kitchen, glass of wine in hand, she sat down on the couch Drakken occupied. The older man had a mug of coffee, as he looked at his plans for some world takeover. She sat next to him, pulling her legs on top of his lap. 
“How’d it go?” He asked, drumming his fingers on her right thigh leg. Shego took a sip before answering. “Well, they want to get to know the kids and they want to meet my husband,” She answered in a sickly sweet voice. 
Drakken sputtered into his mug. Shego merely hid her smirk as she greedily took another sip of her wine. 
Drakken finally looked at her, flustered and red. It was a good look on his face, Shego had to admit, besides the muscle from the old band shirts he usually wore. She tore her eyes away from the muscles to his face. 
“They think I’m your husband?” 
“And you didn’t correct them?” His tone sounded to become smug and she rolled her eyes. “No, I didn’t.” 
Drakken merely grinned before shaking his head. “So when are we having your parents over? Or is it the whole family?” 
“Four out of the five. One of them is still up in the air on the date.” She said. “Don’t worry, they’ll just want to know about your work, what you do and when we met.”
“So, we’re going to need a cover story basically?” He said. “Yep, but only my two brothers know the truth.” 
She had pulled Miles aside and told him everything. It took him a while to stop laughing because “Sasha mothering two robotic children” was just the most hilarious thing ever that he heard. He promised to keep the secret safe which she knew he would. 
Drakken still drummed his fingers on her thigh as he thought. “So when did we get married wife?” He gave her a mocking grin, one that was similar to Eric’s whenever he did a clever joke. 
“You pick the date hubby.” She said sarcastically. “Maybe I will,” He muttered. 
It was ironic considering they slept in the same bed and Eric called them Mama and Dad, neither of them correcting the young boy. They were a family, one that her mother picked up on and Shego could see that no matter how much she tried to deny it. 
So, she went on, telling him about the plans and what they would say when the day came to introduce themselves as the Lipsky-Go family and how to make sure Eric didn’t say anything that would scream “evil villains’ to her parents. Maybe a promise of candy and movies? That usually worked with him. 
For now, the two adults sat there in comfortable silence, knowing full well neither of their kids wasn’t yelling or trying to get their attention. Just them, plotting. 
It was her family, one that drove her crazy. But they were hers, just like her blood family.  
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twodaysintojune · 5 years
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Supernatural, Debriel, Warnings-None
Find me at AO3
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If Dean had an equivalent of Sam’s Halloween hate, more often than not that hated event was Christmas.
And to be fair, growing up listening to joyous songs of peace on earth right after cleaning your father's wounds from a salt and burn, watching movies of people sharing gifts under a massive Christmas tree in a dingy motel room whose only pristine asset was the sink he had just cleaned himself and then growing up trying to make it up for Sam and give him some sort of celebratory feeling…
Yeah, that could definitely make Christmas a detested event for anyone.
Which is why he thought it was kind of stupid to be out here on December 23rd in the mild Kansas cold, waiting for Sam and Jack to finally pick up a tree. Not that he complained about it, with time he had learnt to tone his feelings down and go along everything his people said. He was watching them, hands in his pockets, listening to the jarring Alvin and the Chipmunks styled carols booming out of a speaker that he was sure he would utterly destroy if he had the chance to get anywhere near it when he felt more than saw Gabriel approach him.
“You look like you're having as much fun as a man picking up his last meal.”
Dean snorted, count on Gabriel to be able to tell his mood swings. He had become even better than Sam on it and that was saying something.
“Naw, I was just thinking how on earth I'm gonna tie that monster to Baby without giving her a scratch.”
Cas had joined the other two with an assistant of the lot to help them wrap the tree up. After some struggling by all of them, Jack approached Dean beaming.
“All set?”
“Well then, let's go kid.”
The trip to the bunker had been good, changing the background music to the good ol’ Zep definitely did wonders to his mood so when he helped everyone get the tree and all the other decorations they had bought into the bunker’s library, Dean was smiling once more. Still, he managed to leave everyone there to hide in the kitchen and prepare some mulled wine for the first time ever.
Doing a new recipe helped him focus his attention on anything else than more bitter than sweet memories but first he had to open the bottles and pour the wine into a pot. After finishing the first task, he saw a sachet of spices he had been about to prepare appear out of nowhere on his hand.
“Thanks Gabe.”
He dropped the sachet and proceeded to add less cups of sugar than what the recipe claimed, knowing that it was easier to add on than to take away. Gabriel, who was suddenly by his side, moved to turn on the oven while Dean cleaned the few instruments he had used and then went to the counter to finish preparing the turkey that was already lying on a cooking pan. Curious, Dean glanced over him and took a look at the humongous bird he definitely didn’t recall buying.
“Where did you even get that from?”
“I may not have much grace but I can spare a bit for the good stuff.”
Dean just snickered while he moved to take the eggs and milk out of the fridge and add another big pot on the stove for the eggnog, nudging Gabriel to leave some space on the counter for him. It was odd, this homely feeling he was getting dancing around the kitchen with Gabriel. It was almost like this was the way things were always meant to be. It took Dean a while to notice Gabriel was humming ‘Hark! The Herald Angels Sing’ but when it finally hit him he couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
“Were you ever even jealous of your half brother?”
Gabriel turned to look at Dean a bit startled and stopped his turkey filling task for a moment.
“Not really... I was kind of curious and a bit upset you know, since dad had forbidden us to bang with them and then he shows up and tells me I gotta give this girl Mary the news ‘cause he was being too much of a coward to show up himself after she told him she was not gonna give up on Joseph...” Gabriel paused for a long enough time fiddling with the spoon in his hands “...that should have been a dead giveaway about what he would do after Lucifer’s fall”
Dean moved to place his hand on the archangel’s shoulder.
“Hey, it wasn’t your fault that he left.”
If he didn’t know better, Dean could have sworn he had seen Gabriel’s eyes glisten for a second.
“Anyway, all that stopped after JJ was born, he really was a cute baby… Too bad he had to grow up.”
Dean laughed heartily.
“Yeah, I get you on that. Sammy was the cutest when he was a kid. If you think his puppy eyes can kill you now you should have seen him then.”
The rest of the day went by with the bunker filling itself with the delicious scent of baked goods that Gabriel naturally did for Dean’s delight and the mulled wine. Despite not feeling like it, Dean had helped hang out the leftover garlands and was preparing some of the open bedrooms for Jody and the girls, who were invited for the celebration by Sam when he stepped into the library with some dusty rags at the same time as Gabriel, who was bringing snacks for everyone.
They halted when Jack placed his hand in front against them.
“You’re under the mistletoe! You have to kiss!”
Both men looked upwards to find that, indeed, there was a small bundle of mistletoe hanging from a decorated red ribbon right over them. Still confused for the abrupt interruption of their activities, they turned to each other before going back to Jack.
“Uhm, I don’t think this is the way that works kiddo.”
“No, you have to do it! Sam and Castiel already have.”
Dean and Gabriel groaned while glancing their respective brothers, who were now sheepishly hiding behind some of the tree’s branches. Dean could have sworn Sam’s ears were three shades redder than what they should’ve been.
“Seriously? You had to go there now? On Christmas of all times!?”
“We had to! It was the mistletoe!”
Both Gabriel and Dean looked at them in judgemental disbelief for just a second. Then Gabriel sighed and placed the tray with sandwiches and beer on the table before turning towards Dean.
“Don’t worry Dean-o, this ain’t gonna hurt a bit.”
Dean was about to retort when Gabriel’s hands found his neck and pulled his face closer. He felt Gabriel’s lips closing on his with a softness he never would have expected of the guy. Dean knew little about love but he was certain that there had been something more caring in that brief connection than what the occasion would have required.
Gabriel parted almost as fast as he had approached him.
“There, happy now?”
Jack just beamed at his uncle, like he had done tons of awesome things to make the world a better place. Swiftly, both men made way to keep on with their own tasks. When the night arrived and Sam had disappeared with Cas in his bedroom, Dean gave a last round on the library, where he found Jack sitting in front of the tree on the carpet and a bunch of floor pillows he suspected Gabriel had magicked looking in awe at how the lights turned on and off in random patterns.
“You gonna stay here all night?”
Jack turned to Dean with eyes shining in glee. Dean just sighed and went to grab one of the comfy lap blankets, throwing it on Jack’s shoulders.
“If you go back to your room remember to turn off the lights.”
“I will.” The kid stared a second at the man “Dean...? I love you.”
Dean smiled gently and made way to fuss Jack’s hair.
“Love ya too kid. Good night.”
“Good night.”
On his way to his bedroom he was joined by Gabriel.
“Sooo… I got this xxx-mas video right here, you wanna watch it at my room?”
Dean grabbed the case of the video, a latina, an asian and a redhead posing with the mandatory red sheer babydolls trimmed in white faux fur and santa hats. It was funny how even after watching the same shit again and again he always came back to them.
“Sure, why the heck not?”
They played the video after throwing themselves on Gabriel’s bed, filled with multiple silk cushions. Dean had to give it to Kali for teaching her man how to decorate in opulence. He accepted gratefully the whisky he was handled and went to focus on the video. There were no guys in the video, it was just the girls, opening presents that held dildos and vibrators inside and playing with each other. After a while, Dean just sighed frustrated.
“What’s wrong?”
Dean chuckled “I was kinda hoping for an idiot dressed as Santa I guess.”
Gabriel looked at Dean for the longest time and paused the video.
“Not that, Dean, something’s wrong with you today, all these days since Sam pitched in on doing Christmas.”
Dean turned to look at the archangel feeling clearly betrayed for being called out by the only person he would have expected never to be confronted about anything considering how well he was known for running away from facing stuff. And the worst was that he was unable to give a single pretext to get away from the interrogation. He tried, he knew he had tried his best to get around the issue but Gabriel had pressed on and on until Dean spilled it all out. All about the winter days spent in a room without heating, holding Sam closely wrapped in a blanket, the gift giving watched from outside a living room, all the Holidays his father had been out doing only god knows which hunt. He didn’t know when he had started crying in the middle of his rant. Why was he even talking? Why was he allowing anyone besides himself listen to all of this? It’s not like Gabriel would actually care. Heck, it’s not like he still cared about it so why on earth was he tearing this way?
“I’m sorry, Gabe, you don’t even need to listen to this.” Dean grunted softly in the middle of his frustration, looking down onto his already empty glass. Gabriel went to level his sight up by pulling Dean’s chin upwards softly.
“Maybe I don’t need to but I want to.”
Dean looked at him shocked for a second. Who on earth would actually want to listen to him rant about his past? Gabriel moved closer to Dean, overcoming the mountains and valleys of coloured fabric and laying by his side.
“You don’t believe me.” Before Dean could even admit or deny the fact, Gabriel magicked out a small giftwrapped box, the size of a kid’s toy and gave it to Dean. Dean looked the object curiously but didn’t make a move to open it.
“Shouldn’t you have waited until tomorrow?”
“I didn’t get to be your Secret Santa.”
Dean eyed his friend suspiciously but relented and began to tear down the paper. He would never admit it but he actually gasped when he finally found out the small Chevy ‘67 Impala model in front of him. It was just like his Baby, all the way up to its original license plate. It was a silly gift, really, nothing too awesome to think about, and yet he clearly remembered he had been wanting this particular model ever since he had seen it at a mall, ages ago. His father obviously not buying it because there was no reason for Dean to have it knowing they already were riding a real one. Deep down, Dean knew it had never been about the car.
It had been about his father doing something only for him.  
“I know I shouldn’t be peering on your thoughts but you’ve been sending away this image strongly all these past days, I thought it was something you really wanted.”
And now, after so many years there was someone paying attention to him, maybe cheating a little bit but hey, nothing was perfect in this world. Dean could feel more tears welling up, he had to talk before his voice was stolen.
“Thanks Gabe”
The archangel smiled at Dean warmly. There was a myriad of things going through his amber eyes, lighting them like he was able to hold galaxies inside.
“Don’t sweat it kiddo”
Dean snickered softly “I gotta admit I always thought of you as a conceited brat”
Gabriel just raised his eyebrows and smiled as well. “Well, I cannot deny that I have been quite the hedonist my entire life”
“Then what happened?”
Dean turned towards the archangel in shock, clearly he must have listened wrong but Gabriel was just there looking at him in earnest. After what Dean thought of as an eternity in silence, Gabriel broke it one more time.
“I know you only see me as a friend. That’s alright. I’m good with the way things are… but I’m not glad if you’re not glad, so if something goes around your head; I’ll be there to listen. Okay?”
Jody and the girls arrived the following day around five, making everything more chaotic and fun. They had dinner after seven and then watched a silly Christmas movie. Dean found it funny that none of them even imagined for a second that Gabriel was indeed the Gabriel, archangel, messenger of God. They all assumed he was a fellow hunter and Gabriel, well, he didn’t really mind clearing that particular misunderstanding.
Well past midnight they did the Secret Santa swap. Dean had somehow found a plush for Castiel online that according to him was called ‘Sammy Moose’ so it was perfect for him. Sam bickered about it but Cas didn’t put the plush down for any reason other than hold the real Sam close. Gabriel had received from Claire three pairs of silly Christmas socks with googly eyed elves that he immediately wore and some chocolates and Dean received in awe a guitar from Jody who only said she had traded from a colleague that never stuck with any hobby. By the end of it all, they were all singing Christmas carols and finishing all the dessert they could.
Maybe he was being hopeful, or maybe he had had a bit too much spiked eggnog but Dean finally felt like this was a holiday he could actually enjoy.
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virtual-crisis · 5 years
⭐Alpha Centauri⭐, Part Nine
Sorry, sorry, and sorry again for this taking so long- writer’s block is a cruel bitch, depression relapses hit hard, college classes suck the free time out of you, job hunting is a hassle, insert more excuses. To be fair, they’re all true.
Side note, of all things tumblr staff’s done since Dec17, what pisses me off most is seeing they’ve removed the little separator lines [whatever the hell you call them] for text posts.
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I didn’t tell Chai about the two. Not yet, anyway. Unlike with Lucifer, I’d let her know soon, but I wanted a more… I guess ‘experienced’ opinion on the matter?
“Can’t say I’ve heard the names before,” mom said when I called, “But they sound Japanese. I don’t mean to generalize, but Japanese ‘Yokai’ are… Strange ones. Be wary about them.”
After getting her thoughts, I had mom get dad in to chat about it. Of course, I took a chance to talk to him about what happened with that angel recently, and he was honest-to-Belphegor shocked that I actually killed the thing. “Don’t tell your mother about that just yet, kiddo. It’s better to let her recover from worrying so much about you.”
“Yeah, I figured… So you heard mom and I talking, right?”
“Yup. Says you ran into a couple Japanese demons?”
“I guess you could call ‘em a yokai couple.”
“Not necessarily, Centauri. Yokai are general spirits and otherworldly beings in Japanese culture. There’s an overlap, but not all yokai are demons, and vice-versa.”
I nodded. “Makes sense. I guess you’ve met some?”
“One or two. A bit of an ‘incident’ with a tanuki comes to mind…”
“Think you told me that story, actually… Let’s not revisit it.”
“Definitely not. Twenty six is too young for you to be getting into that story.”
“And fifteen wasn’t?” I heard mom call over.
“I was half asleep!” he called back.
“You’re always half asleep!”
Dad groaned. “...I’ll get back to you later, Alyssa. Tell Nate and Polly I love ‘em, okay?”
“Gotcha. Love ya, dad.”
“I love you too. Stay safe.”
I clicked off my phone after that. Chialer was unsubtly giggling behind me.
“What, your dad not hug you when you were a kid?” I jeered at her.
“I mean, he and mom nearly got me killed as a toddler*. Can’t really trump that.”
I narrowed my eyes, shrugging. “...Y’know, I’m not gonna ask.”
“You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
I tilted my head to each side, hopping up from the couch. I put up a finger after a moment, and dropped right back on it, turning myself to lie across it. “...Y’know, I’mma just turn on youtube…”
“And call Nebb, right?”
“And Polly, duh,” I said, tapping buttons on my phone again as Chialer stepped into her room. I glanced after her to have visual confirmation of her closing the door, then looked to my phone screen. It was the uni’s website, on which I looked for the contact info.
“Doctor Careme’s office, may I take your order?”
I snickered away from the phone. “Ahhh, yo, monsieur ska-pay, I had a question….ssss, about…. Things.”
There was silence for a moment. “...Ah, Centauri. I hope this isn’t gonna be an excuse to skip class—most sloth demons I work with try to pull that one time or another.”
“Oh no, not at all, it was something else,” I said. “I met a couple demons earlier at a Chick-fil-A, and when I described ‘em to my parents, they said they were ‘Yokai’, but that they didn’t know much else. Any thoughts?”
Scape, who’d been nice enough not to interrupt, thought for another moment. “Yokai… Japanese spirits, really. Not necessarily good or evil, heavenly or hellish. Many will take forms of mutated ‘humans’, household objects, or supernatural animals. You and I would fall into the latter category, were we from Japan.”
“Yeah, I figured that much. One of them—the other one’s wife—just randomly decided to show me how to draw up a pentagram to summon her.”
“Is that so? What ‘randomly’ convinced her?” he mused, sounding unconvinced by what I said.
“...Well, it maaaaay be because my mom’s worked with one of the princes in the past, and was granted a covert ‘passphrase’ they can use to alert demons to what they are.”
There was silence for a few moments. “My my my, but you are full of surprises… It’s good your brother decided to take my class.”
I chuckled.
“So what’s the significance here? Pentagrams are practically demons’ phone numbers. If anything, the more provocative element to this is you knowing that incantation.”
“Well, her symbolism on it… It had fire, thunder, shadow… Gluttony, sloth, lust… And a manji in the middle.”
“A manji? Where on the circle?”
“The central pentagon.”
Scape was silent for a bit after that short hum. I shifted around on the couch slightly.
“‘The Myriad Things’. Whole of creation,” he noted.
“In Japan it represents the whole of creation. I imagine whoever she is, she’ll become a very powerful demon in time- though if there are only those three sins and elements you mentioned, that’s a long while away.”
I nodded. “...Uh-huh,” I muttered. “Sooooooo uh, quick Q, what kind of ramen will I have to bring for the cooking class?”
Scape went mostly silent, but I could hear him suppress a chuckle. “...I’ll email your brother a catch-up assignment for you. You can poke him to partner with you on it.”
I blinked, staring up at the ceiling. “Uh… Yeah, that sounds… Smart.”
“So, what were their names?”
“Er, Tsuki and Shihai, according to the latter.”
“Right. I’ll look into it. I can tell you’re getting bored…” he murmured.
I coughed. “...Is it that obvious?”
“Yes, yes it is. See you in class.”
I sighed, slumping back on the couch. After a minute of zoning out, I speed-dialed both my siblings at once for a conference call. 
“Yo, whaddup, sis?” “Hey sis, what’s up?”
“‘Ayyyy, dad says he loves you two,” I said, before mimicking the clicking sound of hanging up on an analog telephone. Nebula chuckled after a couple moments of silence.
“...I can hear you breathing, Alyssa.” Polaris muttered.
“Shit, am I that audible? Remind me not to play any virtual reality horror games.”
“What were you even calling dad about, anyway?” Nebula said.
“Oh, the usual, mom being busy, checking in to see how things are… Damnit, I forgot to tell him about the weeds.”
Nebula snorted. “Oh wow, you already picked up on that slang?”
“Yeah yeah whatever. So that shit, and I told him about how I met a couple yokai a while ago.”
“An elder demon and two Oriental spirits in one day? Beast, Cen, calm down,” Polaris quipped. “We get it, you’re high on adrenaline from surviving an angel’s assault—But you’re gonna kill yourself sticking to that.”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh shut up, Polly, it was happenstance. Chai and I were harassing the customers and employees with that *thing* we do from time to time—”
“Isn’t doing that in public a crime?”
“Oh my Beast, Nebb, don’t you dare,” Polaris and I said in unison, before—”Jinx! Double-jinx! Triple-jinx!”
“External jinx! Now you both owe me bottles of vodka!”
I put a hand to my face. “Nebb, that’s not how it works…”
“So what happened? How’d you meet them?”
“Well it’s not very subtle to have an Asian couple in a lake of white people; worse yet, they were the only ones not glaring at us in disgust. You’d think that’d make them the only inconspicuous ones, but I could tell they weren’t paying any attention to us.”
“You sure they weren’t just innocent passers-through?”
“The guy tried to pull that ‘no English’ shit even though they came to an English speaking restaurant in an English speaking country. Plus I pulled that line mom taught us, and he caved instantly.”
“I honestly thought she was bullshitting us with that,” Polaris mused.
“She learned it from Asmodeus! It’s in old Hebrew! How would that be BS?” I spat, slightly annoyed.
“Whatever. So he just outed his wife? You said it was two.”
“Oh no, she was more open about it than him. Caught her outside smoking, and when I said the line to her, she straight up drew her summoning sigil for me. The bitch has a manji in the middle of her pentagram.”
“A what?”
“The backwards fucking swastika, guys. She’s like, some super ultra powerful demon or something—or at least she’s gonna be. Isn’t that cool?”
“Bit frightening, really.”
“Or maybe she’s trying to bait you.”
I blinked. That was a fair point: for all I knew, she could’ve been preying on whatever gullibility I had, planning to have me spawn some angry, sealed-up diablo that’d slaughter me as a start of a planetwide rampage.
“Yo, you there?” Nebb asked.
“Yeah, I was waiting on—”
“I know, I know, I meant Cen.”
“Oh beast, sorry, zoned out a bit there,” I said. “I mean, shit, there could’ve been some weird deception shit behind it, but it seemed legit to me. Mom and dad weren’t all that suspicious, just surprised, and when I told Scape, he was interested to hear more.”
“He didn’t mention that in the makeup assignment he sent me.”
I smacked a palm on my forehead. “Ugh, right, that. What’s he want?”
“Crème brûlée. Wants us to film our process making it for evidence that we were indeed the ones to do so, then bring it to him for grading.”
“...Lemme guess…”
“Heh. Eating it.”
“Dunno what I expected from a gluttony demon,” Polaris quipped. 
Things had finally calmed down a bit, by the look of it. After we finished chatting, Nebb came over and locked himself in the dorm with me, before taking on his real form. Much to my dismay, I couldn’t be my mini-Mothra self even though he could, since he was using his built-in webcam to record the assignment—he wasn’t exactly filming a video pinup of himself, so despite Scape needing the video logged in the uni’s network, he could get away with it. Chialer came out from her nap as the ingredients’ smell wafted out of the kitchen, and we finally convinced her to come along for Careme’s Culinary Class 3425 at the threat of not getting two fellow gluttony demons making food she could call dibs on.
“Great, the armored tick gets to be in bug form and I still can’t even slip into my hazmat suit.”
“Tyler, the fuck, I’m gonna have to restart the recording now.”
“Wouldn’t happen if you brought a regular camera.”
Pretty much the usual with her. Petty and mean-spirited, but she could be real sweet and friendly too. Sometimes.
“Yo are we gonna start Kitchen Nightmares or what?” I quipped.
Given my nature, I was obligated to foot a lot of the tedious parts of the recipe. Chialer groaned about Nebula sitting back and not getting directly involved, but he was giving the instructions we’d be clueless without. Chialer herself got to handle the actually dangerous equipment like knives, stoven and the blowtorch Nebula bought, since I had a track record of being clumsy—and more recently, overzealous with electronic appliances.
Once we were done, I thanked myself for my extra pair of arms lending their muscle to my normal two when in human form, as I had to push both back from devouring the finished product, each having an unsurprising lapse in restraint as they discussed how it looked (which wasn’t even all that amazing, it was just alright).
But then... there was a knock on the door?
“Fucking—ugh...” Nebb grumbled, fumbling with his mechanisms before quickly changing back into human form.
“Who the—“ I looked over to Chai, grimacing as she’d taken the opportunity to nab the dessert. “...Beast, I’ll get it.”
When I opened the dorm’s door, outside was... The same jock I’d gotten a date with a few weeks ago, hands behind his back. I smiled awkwardly.
“Ah, hey Alyssa, it’s me, Bobby. I know it’s been a while, and last time was, ah, well....”
I coughed awkwardly. “Yeah...?”
He shrugged, showing a couple gift cards for a dine-in restaurant. “Maybe we could... y’know, try another date?”
“HOLY SHIT IS THAT BOB FROM ACCOUNTING?” Chialer shouted from the kitchen.
I covered my face with both hands. “Oh for fuck’s sake...” I peeked out between my fingers to see him looking in the direction of the kitchen uncomfortably. “I mean, yeah, I’m alright with that, sure...”
He nodded quickly, looking back to me. “Oh—great! I mean, uh... Yeah, I’ll see you... there?” he said, holding out one of the gift cards. Holy FUCK, each one was for a hundred dollars for one of the best restaurants in the city! “What time and day would work for you?”
I blinked a couple times, snapping out of gawking at the card. “Fuck—I uh, yeah, Friday, eight or nine? I dunno, my little bro’s always whining for me to help him with stuff on the weekends...?”
“I’M NOT THREE!” Nebb shouted.
I put a hand to my forehead. “...Ugh, I’ll... see you there?”
Bob nodded. “Ah, yeah, eight works for me.” he said, turning to walk back down the hall while I closed the door.
Chialer… was now in her skunk form. I glared. “Fuck’s sake Chai, he could’ve still been here.”
“I know what footsteps sound like. I thought you told him to look for someone else?”
I put my hands up. “He’s a decent guy, it’s been a while, he could’ve spent time asking around with other girls and people forget shit. Must you jeer at him from the other side of a wall?”
Nebula was brushing himself off, checking the fuel on the blowtorch as he stepped into the main room. “Hey, at least she didn’t eat our assignment.”
“Oh bullshit, you were gonna do it if I didn’t.”
At this point, I just slipped into my room and slumped on the bed. Out cold, too sore for a rampage.
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lucisfavoritedemon · 5 years
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Pairing: Jack x Winchester!reader
Summary: Isn’t it sad to think that if certain things in your life never happened you would be totally different from the person you are today. Y/N and Jack were once parallel lines never destined to meet, but something in both their lives made them. Was it chance or just a fortunate accident?
Warnings: Fluff, angst, cuteness of young love, over protective brothers, language.
Word Count: 2008
A/N: Written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Spn Beautiful Words Challenge. My word was serendipity: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. This is just cute fluffiness with Jack. There is no smut because, well he is still technically a child. I just found this concept really cute. Enjoy!
She never planned on falling in love, ever. She had grown up in a life where attachments meant danger. Not just for you, but for the attachment itself. She had been taught at a young age to love but to keep your distance.
She never planned for one day love to come knocking on her door. She never expected it to be the very thing she was always taught to fear. He was her happy accident. The thing she never planned for, but the thing she always wanted.
Y/n Winchester was the youngest sibling. The boys didn't know she existed until after their father died. They had gotten a mysterious call from an unknown number. They agreed to meet and found out that she was their sister. Well sort of.
They took her in though. She knew the life that her father led. It was how her mother and him met. A hunt had brought them together. Y/n had called her dad wanting to tell him of her mother's passing, but instead got a voicemail saying to call Dean.
Her life became nothing but chaos then. She was almost teenager when she met up with the boys. Just started middle school. Dean didn't want to drag her all over like how they were raised, but Sam brought up a good point that she was already involved in the life, and whether they kept her out or not, she would always find her way back. They decided to take her to Bobby's. There he raised her and she finished school, but not without some changes to her life.
Hunting was always in her blood though. Even when she decided to go to college, she still hunted, but local hunts. It wasn't till she was going to go back to college for a summer semester when the boys found her again. This time they had someone with them. A boy who looked to be her age with light brown hair, and the most impressive eyes. She found herself staring at this man for a long time. That is till Dean broke her focus.
"Are you going to let us in or are you going to make us get a motel?" Dean said barging in anyways.
"Sorry I was hoping you would introduce me to your friend here."
"Not gonna happen. We are just watching him for a little while. We are just here for the night, then we are headed back to the Bunker."
"Right because you are afraid of me getting attached."
"Do you mind if we talk out in the hall for a second?" Dean asked grabbing her arm and practically dragging her out to the hallway.
"What is your problem? You just dragged me out of my apartment for no reason." She blurted out once he shut the door.
He looked around making sure no one was around before he spoke.
"You cannot have any association with that kid, do you understand? He is Lucifer's son. He could be dangerous and you are not going to have any part of this. You are going to finish school and live a normal life."
"Yeah because hunting is a normal life."
"You don't hunt anymore. You gave that up when you went off to school. At least you promised you would."
"Yeah well things change Dean. I have been taking local hunts. You know the occasional shifter and ghost."
"Oh...oh." Dean was shocked to hear her say this, but he was glad she had taken notice to the surrounding areas.
"I know I made a promise, but if I see something I'm not going to ignore it like most people do. I do my best to solve it."
"I'm actually really proud of you for that. I know you made a promise, but that's really cool you have done that."
Dean then filled her in on the stranger in her home. She found out his name was Jack. She loved that name. She felt it suited him.
Jack felt very intrigued by the youngest Winchester. He had no idea Sam and Dean even had a younger sibling. He wanted to know everything about her.
"Sam who's the girl that Dean is talking to?" Jack asked curious to hear her name.
"Oh that's our sister. She's our half sister, but her and Dean are so much alike she feels like a full sister."
"Oh, she seems very nice. To let us stay here at least."
Jack felt an odd need to know everything he could possibly know about this girl. He didn't know why he just did.
"Yeah, she has a kind heart. She cares a lot about people and their feelings." Sam said a smile growing on his face just thinking about her.
"She seems lonely though. Like she's missing something." Jack pointed out.
Sam never really noticed that before, but it could be that she just misses her mother. She was only 12 when she passed.
"At a young age she lost her mom just like you. She probably misses her a lot."
"Hey guys how about I run out and get some beer and some grub. I really don't have much here right now. I haven't been shopping for a while." She came in suggesting.
Jack couldn't stop looking at her. She was amazing and she had such a story to tell. All he had to do was look into her eyes and see that.
"Why don't Dean and I run out. You and Jack can stay here and set up a table or something. We wouldn't really know where things were anyways." Sam suggested.
Dean looked at him like he was crazy. He didn't want their little sister left alone with the son of Lucifer.
"Dude really?!" Dean shouted when they entered the hallway.
"She'll be fine. Don't worry. He just wants to get to know her. Plus I really want her to come home. She has spent so much time here, she hasn't even seen the Bunker yet. I feel we have missed quality time with her. Time we won't ever get back."
"I know, but Jack and her? I saw the way she looked at him dude. She is going to fall and he is going to hurt her."
"If that happens we'll interfere."
"Fine." Dean agreed reluctantly.
"So Jack, how's it feel to be babysat by my brothers?"
"It's quite interesting. I don't mind it though they both seem very nice."
"They are, but Dean can become very opinionated at times. Sam is gentle and kind hearted. He will look after you quite well. Sam is always the nurturing one."
"Yeah he is. He has been telling me that I'm not who my father was, but who I choose to be."
"Exactly only you get to decide that. Dean may have his opinions, but I can see there is not a bad bone in your body."
Jack appreciated her kind words. He still saw that she was lonely, but he didn't know what to do to make her not so lonely anymore.
"You seem very nice and kind hearted like Sam. I see more similarities between you and him rather than you and Dean. Yet, I feel something in your life is missing, much like Sam and Dean."
"It's love Jack. Because the life we live, we can't have attachments. For I have tried, I can't seem to find the right one for me."
"You will. You're kind, and beautiful, and amazing."
"That's very sweet of you Jack. I don't think it'll happen though. I'm not destined to be with anyone."
"Y/n you will find someone. This life won't take that away from you." Sam said startling her.
"We want you to live a normal life. Not the one we live." Dean chimed in sounding guilty.
"I want to be in this life. It's all I know. Even when I've been at school I still hunted. I don't want the normal life anymore. Jack is right I am missing something. I'm missing my brothers. I want to come home. Forever."
Jack felt he knew her now. She was a family person. She just needed her family.
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Y/n had been living at the Bunker for a couple months now. Jack had taken off because of a hunt gone wrong.
Y/n was worried about him being out there on his own. Luckily, Jody had a lead on him and they were headed out to find him.
"I just hope he's okay. I have been so worried about him being out in the world by himself."
"Of course you have." Sam teased.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Yeah, what is that supposed to mean? You aren't pushing Jack on her are you? We've talked about this." Dean sounded worried. He didn't want Y/n to be with Jack, or anyone for that matter.
"I think he's good for her. She's probably opened up more to Jack in his first few months than she has her whole life." Sam said though Y/n could hear every word he was saying.
"You do realize I can still hear you two, right?" She interrupted them.
"Can you tell me I'm wrong then? If you can we'll drop it and leave you two alone." Sam compromised.
"You aren't wrong. But what I tell Jack is none of your business. I tell him things because he listens. When was the last time you ever listened to what I had to say?"
"We always listen to what you have to say." Dean piped in.
"Oh yeah? Then what did I suggest for breakfast this morning?" She quizzed them.
"Pancakes. The thing we had for breakfast." Dean responded not giving it a second thoughts.
"Wrong. Sammy?"
"Breakfast burritos from that restaurant you love so much." He caved knowing very well they both never hear what you have to say.
"No way she totally wanted pancakes this morning..."
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She let them argue about this. All she could think about was Jack. She let herself get distracted, but only for a few minutes before her mind wandered back to the nephilim she has grown so fond of. It wouldn't be long before they were reunited.
Losing Jack was the hardest thing for Y/n. She only hoped her brothers and Castiel had the resources to get him back. She was walking on thin ice with her thoughts. If she didn't talk to someone, but she couldn't talk to anyone about this.
That's when she finally realized how she felt about him. She knew exactly where she belonged.
Though she hated to admit it, she was starting to fall for the young nephilim, and she was starting to fall hard.
She wanted nothing more than to figure out rescue him from this apocalypse world.
Jack wanted to find a way to destroy Michael and get back to his friend. He couldn't help but want to tell her everything he felt close to her. Closer than he ever felt with anyone. Even Castiel.
Every time he thought about her he smiled. He didn't know this unnatural feeling. He didn't even realize he was doing sometimes. It was just natural for her to make him smile whether she was with him or in his thoughts.
She distracted him when he needed a break. It was his way to cool down. Though he didn't know why, it made him feel good. He only hoped she did the same with him.
Her brothers had the perfect plan in place to save Jack and Mary from the Apocalypse World. It was almost full proof. Almost.
There was only one thing they were missing: Archangel grace. That was the last ingredient standing between her and the boy she had grown to love.
She only hoped Gabriel was healed enough to create the rip. Sadly it wasn't enough. He wasn't fully healed from what Asmodeus did to him.
All hope felt lost. She was never going to see her Angel again.
@anotherwaywardsister @archangel-michael98 @atc74 @bella-ca @canadianspnhunter @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @ericaprice2008 @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @katymacsupernatural @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @luci-in-trenchcoats @mamaredd123 @masksandtruths @mirandaaustin93 @muchamusedaboutnothing @our-jensen-ackles-love @roxyspearing @sea040561 @snffbeebee @spnwaywardwitch @squirrelnotsam @winchesterprincessbride
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