#if anyone thinks this show is just a bunch of lazy writing i will throw down right here and fight them
md-confessions · 6 months
I'd like to throw my hat into the ring on the whole "romantic Nuzi vs QPR Nuzi"
Just stop fighting over this crap.
I've seen it from both sides, saying one is better than the other.
write your AUs and fics for whatever interpretation you want of Nuzi, but accept that it will be a certain way in canon. It's very likely romantic, but even the nuances of how they are in that romantic relationship are bound to be different in canon compared to how people headcanon it.
And just because two characters are in a romantic relationship DOESN'T mean the platonic side of that relationship is lost. They don't have to be making out at all times and declaring their romantic love all the time, they can still be friends. They can still make jokes with each other and laugh or talk about their interests. Just because people focus on the romantic part, doesn't mean they've forgotten the platonic. People can focus on different things and at different times.
I know I've been harsh to the QPR side in this ask, but that's because I've seen a bunch of people in support of that side here that just seem to straight up hate the romantic side and call it bad. Dislike the romantic side all you want, that's fine, but just because you dislike something doesn't make it bad.
And if romantic Nuzi ends up becoming canon, you have to deal with that. That's the decision Liam Vickers made and just because you prefer something else doesn't give you permission to shit on it and call it bad despite it not being objectively bad, and it doesn't give you permission to insult people who support that interpretation.
This goes for every ship. Just because Nuviz is my favorite ship doesn't mean I go around saying my interpretation of the main trio's dynamic is better. I hope Nuviz becomes canon, but that doesn't mean I'll be put off by the show if it doesn't.
And if there are romantic Nuzi fans out there that are actually shitting on QPR Nuzi fans for no good reason (I haven't seen it much but I know it's out there), quit it you babies. It'd be the Nuzi vs Envy thing all over again and I don't think any reasonable person wants that. Accept that other people have other preferred interpretations and stop shoving it down their throat that "I was right, my version is canon." Good for you, now fuck off to the corner so everyone can have fun again. Just because your interpretation is canon does not give you permission to shit on other people's interpretation. I know I said earlier that if romantic Nuzi is canon then the QPR Nuzi fans have to deal with it, but it doesn't mean they have to abandon their interpretation and it doesn't mean you get to insult them and proclaim you are a god amongst men for "getting it right."
TL;DR learn to accept other's opinions rather than imposing yours on other fans and the creators. And do be kind to each other, we're real humans after all, not just profile pictures and walls of text.
And to those who do want their interpretation of Nuzi, romantic or QPR: Write a fic about it. Trust me, it will make your day to write the media you want to see. It's what I'm doing, and I've really enjoyed my interpretation of the main cast despite it being quite different in canon.
In the the end, I just want people to be happy. And if there's anything I've learned over the years, it's that if you stop hating so much, you'll be much happier. I used to hate a lot, and I was a miserable soul. I don't wish that fate on anyone.
Uh, apologizes for the long confession, and again, I apologize to the QPR Nuzi fans for targeting them mainly in this confession. You guys are completely valid and I encourage you to keep shipping them like this regardless of how they are in canon, as long as you don't impose that interpretation on their canon versions. Like I said, write a fic about it. You'll be happier.
(Also I put that TL;DR way too early but I'm too lazy to go back and reformat this. Also, I apologize to the moderator for this blog if I insulted or offended them in anyway, I just wanted to voice my thoughts on this situation so people could maybe chill a little.)
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ofchrysoprase · 2 years
park jimin, gay, male + he/him ― hey look, it’s kim eun jae! he’s twenty-six years old, he’s lived in shrike heights for sixteen years, and he’s currently working at flour power bakery. i heard he’s pretty naive, but i think he’s so caring at the same time. can he make it out alive? || laura, twenty-nine, she/her.
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hey everyone! i'm laura and i'm super hyped to be here! just as a small disclaimer, i have been away from the rp community for about 2 years -- i previously have been an avid writer/roleplayer since i was like... fifteen. if there's any old timers like me, i used to be super active in the glee rps that used to be around back in like 2010-ish, then did a bunch of harry potter au stuff and overall tons of different city & fantasy groups. i got burnt out for a while due to some drama that went on in the last few rps i was in and i took a break from tumblr, while maintaining my muses on a discord server with my friends.
i've been writing jae for approximately.. 5 years now? he's one of my very rare extroverted muses and i absolutely adore throwing him into new places where he can get to meet new people. he needs a lot of attention and is one of those extroverts that withers away if he isn't surrounded by other people for too long.
him working at a bakery just fits one of my many headcanons that he loves to cook and bake for people - his main way of showing affection is to either buy someone something or bake them a bunch of cookies. his parents are well off, so he doesn't really need the job, but he enjoys getting to ramble away to customers, using his charm to sell just a little bit more than just what they came for (or less if this charm is not appreciated)
help this is long okay um in short - jae is a sinnamon roll, very soft, very sweet, very pink, very gay and very closeted. he has a dog that he treats like its his baby, exists entirely in oversized sweaters and hoodies and will probably drive people mad because he's a little dumb. his parents didn't plan to have him so they never paid much attention to him ever since he was born and this now shows in his desperate need for said attention from any person who will give it to him. he grew up in seoul but moved to the us when he was 10 years old, struggled with the language but managed to adapt fairly quickly.
i don't want to give away too much because i like breadcrumbs hhhh but he has a low self esteem and needs a lot of praise. a LOT. so yeah. i have a bunch of old blogs because i've had this kid for so long, the main ones being here and here (the latter being the oldest one), if anyone wants to waste their time reading threads from years ago just because i'm lazy today fghjk. anyway i'm excited to be here aaahhh
oh also i will get his stats page up asap but i gotta run now so i'll do that later after i reply to some starters and stuff.
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Mary: It's not okay. Since I've been back, I know... I've been distant. Cold, even. Leaving you, working with them.. I was trying to make things right. Just from a distance, because.. being here with you was too hard. Seeing what I'd done to you and to Sam, I... Dean: Mom, what you did, the deal... everything that's happened since has made us who we are. And who we are? We kick ass. We save the world.
SAM: Did you see them at dinner, the way they looked at each other? They just seemed happy, you know? It doesn’t feel fair to get all this and have to throw it away, and I know we have to. But it just feels like, you know… Once we send Dad back… it’s none of this ever happened. He – he just goes back to – to… to being Dad. DEAN: You saying you wish things would be different? SAM: Don’t you? Can you imagine – dad in the past, knowing then what he knows now? I… I think it would be nice. DEAN: Yeah. I used to think that, too. But, uh… I mean, look, we’ve been through some tough times. There’s no denying that. SAM: Yeah. DEAN: And for the longest time, I blamed Dad. I mean, hell, I blamed Mom, too, you know? I was angry. But say we could send Dad back knowing everything. Why stop there? Why not send him even further back and let some other poor sons of bitches save the world? But here’s the problem. Who does that make us? Would we be better off? Well, maybe. But I gotta be honest – I don’t know who that Dean Winchester is. And I’m good with who I am. I’m good with who you are. ‘Cause our lives – they’re ours. And maybe I’m just too damn old to want to change that.
but also:
KELLY: God, please. I need help. SVEN [on phone]: I'm trying to help you, ma'am. KELLY: Are you, Sven? Because if you ask me if I have the quarter-inch Allen wrench one – one more time, I am going to come down there and burn your giant Viking junkyard of a store to the ground! Do you understand?! SVEN: Are you sure it wasn't in the box? KELLY: God! [she tosses the phone away in exasperation] CASTIEL: Kelly. I told you I'd put this together. I'm very good at following instructions. And you need to rest. KELLY: No, I don't. CASTIEL: Kelly – [Cas helps Kelly to her feet] KELLY: No, Cas, I don't. I can't. I don't know how long until... I don't know how long I have left. And I...I'm never gonna be able to teach him how to ride a bike or watch him get married or even look him in the eyes. But I can build him a stupid Swedish crib! I can do that. CASTIEL: Kelly, I know how hard this is. [Kelly gives Cas an incredulous look] That's a lie. I have no idea how hard this is for you. But I promise you... I will do everything. I will give my life for your son. And I will raise him. And I will make him someone you will be proud of.
(note that all their work on the nursery, all their preparations for Jack’s birth, building the crib and assuming they’d have a long road of raising a Smol Babby proved... to be a lie... everything they did was... pointless... in the end)
and 14.20:
JACK: You lied to me. CASTIEL: Jack. JACK: (yelling) You lied!
SAM: Well, it's like you said. (Chuckles) It's Celine Dion. Uh... I mean Celine Dion. It's Celi-- (Sam stammers) Dean, every time I try and say "Elvis," it comes out -- DEAN: The sad, horrible truth. Yeah. You know why? Because we can't lie.
MRS. KLINE: You lied to us. You said you worked with Kelly, but after you left, my husband and I, we made some calls, and no one knows who you are. JACK: I... I didn't.  MRS. KLINE: Yes, you did. Kelly's not away on some "secret mission." She... (Crying) They think she's dead. What did you do to my daughter?! (yelling) What did you do?!
DEAN: (looking at his phone) When people can't lie, the Internet gets real quiet.
WORKER #7 (in a singsong voice) I hate everyone! I hate everyone!  WORKER #5 (crying) I just want to be loved. WORKER #7: I hate everyone! I hate everyone!  OFF SCREEN: I just want a sweet life.  WORKERS #7: I hate everyone!  (Chuck and Castiel are watching the chaos) CHUCK: see, this is why people need to lie.  -I hate everyone! CHUCK: It's good. Keeps the peace, you know?
CASTIEL: Seems like an odd stance for...you.  CHUCK: Is it? I'm a writer. Lying's kind of what we do.
(Woman speaking Chinese dialect)- The state is a lie.
CAS: Can you fix it? CHUCK: (Sighs) Fine. (Snaps fingers) Fixed. SAM: Really? CHUCK: I'm God, Sam. Yeah, really. Go ahead. Try it out. DEAN:: Celine Dion rocks. Yeah. Yeah, we can lie again. CAS: And the rioting? CHUCK: Like it never happened.
CHUCK: Listen, you guys know me. I'm hands-off. I built the sandbox -- you play in it. You want to fight Leviathans? Cool. You got that. You want to go up against -- what was it? -- the "British Men of Letters"? Okay. Little weak, but okay. But when things get really bad, like the Apocalypse or the Other Apocalypse, that's when I have to step in. SAM: So you're saying Jack is Apocalyptic? CHUCK: The kid said, "Stop lying," and I don't know if you noticed, but the world kinda went insane.
SAM: So, Michael said that you create these worlds and you just toss them away like failed versions of some book.  CHUCK: And you believe him? SAM: Was he lying? Is that what you're doing to us? CHUCK: No. Sam... you and your brother, of all the Sams and Deans in all the multiverse, you're my favorite. You're just so interesting. I mean, like that thing that happened at the office earlier today -- that was crazy, right?
JACK: And I thought I could make the world a better place if people couldn't lie. CAS: Well, it didn't. JACK: It really didn't.
SAM: Wait. I thought Chuck said that the gun was the only thing that could... (indicating Jack, who is dead on the ground, eyes burned out) CAS: He's a writer. Writers lie.
SAM: Crowley...why did you do it? Save Lucifer– What did you want? CROWLEY: I wanted to win. I perverted mother's spell, put Lucifer in a vessel of my own making because I wanted to win. You have any idea how many people have made a play for my throne over the years? Lucifer, Abaddon, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Too damn many. I thought if I could put the Devil on a leash... my own personal nuke, no one would ever dare challenge me again. DEAN: Yeah. That worked out great. CROWLEY: All ended with me narrowly escaping death by hiding in a rat. MARY: Wait. In an...actual rat? CROWLEY: Wasn't too bad, really. Gave me time to think. You know, I've been focused for so long on keeping my job. Never realized I hate it. All those whining demons, the endless moan of damned souls, the paperwork! I mean, who wants that?
LUCIFER: Well... this is a fun surprise. I gotta hand it to you guys. You never give up, even when you should. Even when it would be so stupid not to. SAM: Look, whatever you're planning on doing, Chuck...God will stop you, just like he did last time. LUCIFER: You're right. What should I do? Oh, God! Don't strike me dead! Come on, Sam. You sound like a virgin in Jesus camp. "We can't. God is watching." No. Chuck "walked." He's gone. DEAN: So you're just gonna smash his toys? LUCIFER: Exactly. 'Cause every time I look at this sad trash fire of a world, you know what I keep thinking? I could do so much better. DEAN: So Apocalypse, take two. That's your plan? LUCIFER: When in doubt, go with the classics. That's what I always say. Well, boys, enough with the foreplay. Let's do this.
SAM: Do you watch us? When you're not here, are -- are you... watching us? CHUCK: Yeah. (Exhales deeply) I mean, you're my favorite show. SAM: Then why don't you do something? If I had your power -- CHUCK: Sam. We talked about this. Not the way it works. SAM: (Sighs) Wait a second. Why, when the chips are down, when the world is -- is failing, why does it always have to be on us?!  CHUCK: Because you're my guys. But right now, we need to focus on Jack. Ah, that kid. (Breathes deeply) Whew! SAM: Wait a second. You're scared of him.  CHUCK: Aren't you?
JACK: And you were right all along. I am a monster. SAM: (to Chuck) Do something. (he realizes with shock) You're enjoying this.  CHUCK: Shh.  (Dramatic music plays) (Dean cocks the gun. He looks Jack in the eye for several seconds and then slowly lowers the gun. At this point, Castiel also comes running towards the area) (Dean uncocks the gun and tosses it to the side) CHUCK: No. Pick it up! Pick it up.  DEAN: The hell, Chuck? CHUCK: This isn't how the story is supposed to end.  CAS: The story?  CHUCK: (frustrated) Lookit, the -- the -- the gathering storm, the gun, the -- the father killing his own son. This is Abraham and Isaac. This is epic! DEAN: Wait. What are you saying? SAM: He's saying he's been playing us. This whole time. CHUCK: Come on. SAM: Our entire lives. Mom, Dad -- everything. This is all you because you wrote it all, right? Because -- Because what? Because we're your favorite show? Because we're part of your story?
(because in the end Crowley’s spell did nothing, Cas’s self-sacrifice meant nothing, Lucifer’s destruction meant nothing because Michael wrought the same destruction as they were both trapped inside the same story and couldn’t even recognize themselves as Chuck’s characters who were just as “programmed” by Chuck as any of the angels who’d ever been subjected to Naomi’s reprogramming ever were... I mean they may have been partly right about Chuck, but they were still blind to the fact that even in their supposed “rebellion” they were always only ever Chuck’s pawns, enacting his favorite narrative for all time and unable to break free of it)
And the universe takes everything away from Sam and Dean again, and the beginning of another go-around of the narrative. Only this is the last go-around where Cas can be treated as someone that can be taken away from them and still continue to perform according to Chuck’s expectations within his story. This loss broke Dean. And Cas might not understand that yet, but it proved to the audience that Cas is integral to the Winchester Family. Chuck’s story can’t only revolve around Sam and Dean against the world. And by the end of 14.20, at least he’s learned that.
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Teaming Up with Sam and Bucky ft Zemo
Pairing: FEM!Reader; Bucky Barnes x reader, Sam Wilson x reader; platonic(?), let’s throw in some Zemo x reader
Summary: What it would be like to team up with our favorite duo. Takes place during TFATWS.
Warnings: none, TFATWS SPOILERS. Lowkey a mess :D
A/n: Ever since TFATWS came out I’ve been reminded of how much I love Bucky and Sam. Also I have a new found love for Zemo. I’ve just been so obsessed with this series and I’ve been reading so many fics about it, so I decided to finally write my own :) Enjoy my loves❤️
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
You’re basically working with a bunch of children.
The children mostly being Sam and Bucky, though Zemo does have his moments once he joins you three.
You’ve known dumb and dumber for a few years now, being part of the Avengers, you’ve worked with Sam on multiple missions. The friendship blooming somewhere in between.
You were also close friends with Steve; when he first came out the ice, you were assigned to help him adjust to the modern world by Fury. He would tell you a bunch of stories of him and Bucky running into trouble or Bucky always saving his ass whenever he was getting beaten up.
Eventually, you finally got to meet Bucky, though he wasn’t Bucky, he was the Winter Soldier. Your introduction to each other was quite memorable to say the least.
He choked you with that metal arm of his and for a split second you swore you might’ve found it attractive—till he threw your body against a car.
You sided with Cap during the accords and helped him protect Bucky. When that whole mess was over, Steve asked you to stay with Bucky in Wakanda to make sure he would be safe.
You were the first person to have some kind of bond with Bucky. Before and after he was freed from Hydra’s hold on him, you were always someone he knew he could trust.
When Steve told you what he was going to do while retuning the stones he told you to watch over them.
“Promise me you’ll keep an eye on Buck and Sam?” He asked you, sitting on the edge of your bed. He had snuck into your room late at night, knowing you were wide awake.
You squeezed his hand reassuringly, a lazy smile on your lips, “They don’t need me, I’m sure they’re capable of surviving on their own.” Steve breathes out a laugh and shakes his head, “You’d be surprised.”
“But seriously, (y/n), they need you. You know how they get when they’re together. You’re the only person in the world who knows how to deal with the both of them at the same time.” Steve reasons, his baby blues sparkling in the darkness of the guest room of Tony’s lake house.
“Make sure they’re not on the verge of killing each other or running into too much trouble?” You tiredly nod, sleep slowly consuming your body. “I promise, they’re gonna be alright, Steve.”
Sometimes you found yourself looking up at the sky, cursing at it—or Steve—for leaving you with two of the most childish and stubborn men you’ve ever known in your life.
You were like the mother of the group; breaking up fights, making sure they skipped no meals, patching up their boo-boos, etc.
“Will you stop staring at me?” Sam snapped, tossing his goggles onto the seat beside him to glare at Bucky.
“I’m not staring at you.” Bucky remarked from across Sam. His flesh and metal arm crossing with each other as he stared at Sam challengingly.
“Yes, you are. Your eyes are connecting with mine. You’re literally staring at me right now!” Sam pointed out, to which Bucky rolled his eyes at.
“Because I’m talking to you, genius. I wasn’t staring at you.” Bucky quipped.
“Yes you were!”
“No I wasn’t!”
This continued till they were sick of bickering with each other, finally yelling out your name for help.
The arguments were straight up petty. Bucky wouldn’t admit it, but he was the pettiest.
Exhibit 1: “LoOKiNG StrONg jOHn!”
Like seriously? Bucky’s the pettiest bitch, nobody can tell me otherwise.
You and Sam would definitely find it amusing how Bucky doesn’t trust Redwing.
Obviously, you all despise John Walker. Just the thought of him left a bad taste in your mouth.
He was like a fly that you all couldn’t get rid of. But because you were all painfully patient people—mostly you and Sam—you had to deal with his bullshit despite the way he annoyed you all.
Totally loosing your shit when Bucky helps Zemo break himself out of prison.
“Please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did.” You groaned, fingers pinching the bridge of your nose together.
Bucky looks at you with feign innocence; his mouth agape and puppy eyes. “I—didn’t do...anything(?).”
“You helped Zemo break out of prison didn’t you?” You crossed your arms at him, hip jutting out. As if on cue, Sokovian sugar daddy walks into the abandoned garage you were all in.
Before you can explode on him, Bucky tried to calm you down, “Wait, I technically didn’t do anything though! It was his plan!”
Zemo definitely lives up to being the ✨Sokovian Sugar Daddy✨ of your dysfunctional group.
I think you’d all be surprised at how rich he was. The amount of connections he had wasn’t that big of a shocker.
No like seriously, homie was pulling all sorts of shit out his ass; cars, private planes, houses in different countries, etc.
You all had a love hate relationship with Zemo. On days when he was actually helpful, you all got a long. On the days when things got horribly messy, Zemo couldn’t even let a word out since Sam would tell him to “shut up”.
Though that still doesn’t excuse the fact that he got the Avengers to spilt up and go against each other.
When you guys are all hiding out in one of Zemo’s apartments or homes, you would probably cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner for everyone.
They actually loved it when you cooked because it made the atmosphere feel a bit homey and calm compared to the current situation you were all in.
You were the person they can all go to. You were easy to talk to, making it easier for them to open up to you.
You always checked in on them mentally and physically. For example, you knew Sam felt guilty about giving up the shield, but Bucky never made him forget about his choice. You were there to reassure him that he thought he was doing the right thing and didn’t know the hidden agenda of the government.
You were like their on the go therapist, babysitter, and partner.
Sometimes Bucky and Sam would even argue for your attention.
“Can you stop hogging (y/n) please? Her ears might fall off from hearing you yap all day.” Bucky said as he gently took your arm and dragged you away from Sam.
“You literally spent the whole day with her yesterday, you’re the one who needs to stop hogging (y/n).” Sam argued, grabbing onto your other arm.
“I didn’t get to spend time with (y/n).” Zemo mentioned from his seat in the kitchen, a glass of whisky in his hand. Bucky simply turned to him and pointed, “NO!”
Honestly what’s a friendship with Bucky and Sam without some harmless flirting. They weren’t gonna lie, you were gorgeous, the most attractive one out of the group.
When you guys had to go undercover at Madripoor, both times with Zemo and Sharon, you had to wear dresses that were a bit revealing. Maybe your chest was a bit shown, but the dress definitely showed off your legs.
“So what do you guys think?” You stopped at the bottom of the stairs of Sharon’s apartment, doing a little spin to show off your outfit.
Both Bucky and Sam’s jaws drop, Zemo probably nodding in approval in the corner.
You can’t forget about the nicknames: maybe doll, sweetheart, or darlin’ from Bucky and the typical Louisiana Cher from Sammy.
While fighting against the Flag Smashers or anyone in general, you guys always had each other’s back.
You could directly be fighting someone, but you’ll naturally have an eye on Sam and Bucky to make sure nobody was sneaking up on them.
It’s a given that you all patch each other up after some fight.
You were all very protective of each other. If there’s one thing Sam and Bucky can agree on, it’s their instinct to protect you.
Like how you kept an eye on them, they also kept their eyes on you. Even though they knew you could hold your own.
“Could you walk?” Sam asked you as you laid on the concrete floor. You were double teamed by a couple of Flag Smashers. Two super soldiers against a normal person, you totally got your ass handed to you.
You pushed yourself up to rest on your elbows, “I’m fine, just got dropped kicked twice, but I’ll be fine.”
Sam smiled at you, “That’s my girl.”
Though the two can be a handful and argue almost every minute, you loved the both of them tremendously. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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honeybeanboo · 3 years
genshin boys with eating disorders pt. 3
venti ✔
xiao ✔
xingqiu ✔
zhongli ✔
eating disorders
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┅ venti ┅
❂ restricting and purging eating disorder
❂ started + time had: during the stormterror crisis - around a year
❂ who knows: traveler
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
the nature of venti's ed is discontent and loneliness
it all started with Signora- and the gnosis, oh his gnosis was what kept it all together, kept him together,,, he remembers watching humans as the breeze and wishing he could be in that body
and when he was finally in that body, he loved it
venti cherishes the human experience, he loves eating and he loves endulging in the human treats and experiences! he never understood why so many women around him, and to be fair a couple of men were so concerned about "gaining weight"
it never made sense to him? he could eat as much as he wanted and keep the same petite young look- until his gnosis was gone
he didn't notice for a while, until a little girl saw him walking by and looked confused. "that doesn't look like the statue? the statue is smaller...?" and it stuck in his head, it wouldn't leave
diluc wondered where he had done when he didn't show up at the tavern, wondered why he had stopped eating much, wondered where he went when he finally came back and ate to his heart's content and then left abruptly
he hates this human body now, he hates how it rolls and shakes - venti pinches it and frowns at how quickly it seems to go from boylike god to big and unwanted -- and it escalates quickly, he cuts off the bar, making the excuse that he wanted to drink less, avoids food and any time anyone offers him food, he smiles brightly and says he had a big meal just before :(
he's alone - alone in the bathroom throwing up the alcohol and dinners, alone on the cliffs, running up and down with tears on his face because only now does he realize how lazy it is to drift on the wind instead of dashing on the ground, he's alone in the Windrise tree- hands bruised and bloody from climbing up through the branches
all the places he thought were peaceful and comforting are now tainted with his trapping thoughts
- traveler heard him, they wouldn't leave his side after the angel's share and he resented that, he felt his panic growing and growing and before he knew it he was shaking,,, crying around the toilet with blood on the seat from his raw throat -- and so the traveler knew
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┅ venti ┅
❂ restrictive eating disorder
❂ started + time had: almost out of nowhere, around 5 years
❂ who knows: traveler suspects
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
the nature of xiao's ed is self-hatred and bargaining
he doesn't remember when it started, he only remembers how good it felt to starve, how satisfying it is to kill enemies with an empty stomach- he's quiet and likes it that way
nobody ever knows because he just teleports away, disappears within seconds if anyone gives him so much as a judgmental glance
it's rewarding, almost as much as ridding liyue of his karma, because it's punishment, redemption, right? cleaning both inside and out, depriving himself of food like the nation was reprived,,, it's a balance, right?
xiao travels liyue, visiting caves, stuck in the endless cycle of self-revenge, but he can't die so it doesn't really matter to him
he deserves the pain doesn't he?
since he never really befriended people, it never occurred to him that it could hurt someone else, he never stopped to think how to hide this from a friend- he didn't have a problem, it was just something to rid himself of the unbearable hatred and guilt... so why did terror ignite in his chest at the thought of the traveler knowing
so he does everything and anything to keep them from finding out :( leaving in the middle of conversations, making excuses, turning down gifts, and it hurts his heart more than he thought it would, seeing their smile slowly turn into a sad frown
- he sees it as making himself suffer, a good trade for what he's done, the lives he's taken- bargaining with his own mind
- he doesn't realize he's addicted to the way it feels until he's forced to eat and immediately retreats for days, feeling immense hatred yet again
- he starts to let his guard and demeanor down around the traveler, his only real friend besides zhongli and even that is a stretch
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┅ xingqiu ┅
❂ restrictive eating disorder (w/orthorexic tendencies)
❂ started + time had: when he saw a girl writing down her cals in a notebook, around 4 months
❂ who knows: no one
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
the nature of xingqiu's ed is secrecy and recording
it's a bunch of different things that got xingqiu's disorder started, from building pressure from his family, to what he wanted to do, to just his overall bookwormy nature, it seems like a recipe for disaster
and sadly it was, although the last push was by coincidence
a small glance in the library and he was pulled toward this girl, quite thin, writing down something in her notebook and another glance told him that it was meals, portions, nutritional details and he was immediately hooked
it spiraled badly from there, starting small with markings of eating a meal every time he would have it, then starting to notice other people not doing the same, the boy began to feel above them, since he could be precise and small, why couldn't they?
and so he did more, he made charts, he kept a daily track of each small meal, numbers filling up a navy bound journal and his brain every day, it seemed fine, he thought it would be good for his future as well since he wanted to be a hero, wanted to swing his sword with ease
xingqiu is already small so this only grows more concerning to random passerby who whisper to each other, "he's smaller than i remember"
- he carries his notebook everywhere, calling it his poetry archive and when chongyun asks, he doesn't even falter, reciting a poem from thin air
- he's hard on himself when he passes a certain number:(
- recently, he constantly feels dizzy, which he records down as a new symptom of his "mental strength"
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┅ zhongli ┅
❂ restrictive eating disorder
❂ started + time had: when he gave away his gnosis, around 8 months
❂ who knows: childe wonders but doesn't think much
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
the nature of zhongli's ed is denial and pride
the geo archon wouldn't seem like the kind of person to deny himself anything right? considering he's also Morax, but when he handed his gnosis over, the man might have dove into human living a little too quickly
hunger and poverty was the main thing that he wanted to experience but it backfired
hunger was part of being human right? and that was what he wanted, so he starved, taking note of how it felt, how his mortal body reacted and he enjoyed it, it felt cleansing
and so he continued, increasing the length of his fasts and resenting the days where he would eat normally, or "ate like a god" as he liked to call it
it's quite convenient when he runs out of mora because there's his excuse easily grasped and childe just laughs it off
he doesn't even realize that this isn't normal, for being so smart, the man doesn't seem to observe how everyone else around him ate-- or maybe he does and simply chooses to fast anyway :(
- admitting it would mean he would have to give up this lifestyle he had begun to become accustomed to
part three! and final part is done hehe
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broadstbroskis · 4 years
thanksgiving | jeff skinner
a/n: it’s here!!! this is like 4k that i threw together in like a week after i took it as a personal challenge from @blueskrugs after i asked why we don’t write more thanksgiving fics. a huge shoutout to her and @danglesnipecelly, for inspiration and cheering me on for this, as well as literally anyone else who’s cheered me on to finish thing, you’re all the real mvps and i love you all 💚
Jeff shrugs, and from across the table filled with pizza, beer, and a bunch of other things that are most definitely not on his approved list of foods, you stare at him.
“I dunno. I don’t really have plans, I guess? Probably just sit at home, relax a little?” He says. Your jaw drops. He has...he has what now? “You're going to your parent’s right?” You nod slowly, still stuck on the fact that he’s going to sit at home and do nothing on Thanksgiving, the best of all holidays. Not spend the day with some teammates, not make a quick trip to his family, nothing. “That’ll be fun!” Jeff grins, dimples popping. “What are you-”
“You’re doing nothing?” You get out finally, the words coming back to you.
Jeff’s smile falters, but only slightly, and he nods. “Yeah? I mean, there’s no practice, no games. I’ll just…” He trails off for a second and then shrugs. “Rest.”
“You’re not going to go, like, visit your parents? They’re right across the border!”
“It’s a Thursday.” Jeff says patiently and you abruptly remember that his Canadian-ness is the whole point of this conversation.
“Thanksgiving is the best holiday! You can’t sit at home alone on it; I forbid it!” Jeff’s smile grows again as he laughs and you try and fight your own grin as you shove at his shoulders, to no avail. “Come home with me!”
“What?” He laughs again, but this time, it’s more like disbelief.
But the idea is already growing in your mind. “Come home with me! You know my parents love you, they won’t mind at all!”
“I can’t just invite myself to your Thanksgiving!” Jeff protests.
You wave him off. “You’re not, I’m inviting you! Come on, we’d love to have you!” He still looks hesitant, so you add, “Our Thanksgiving is huge anyway; one extra mouth to feed isn’t going to put anyone out, Jeff.”
“Alright.” He caves, and you grin, pulling your phone close to you to text your mom and let her know. “But ask your mom, okay? Like, really ask her, don’t just, like, tell her I’m coming.”
“Too late!” You say cheerfully, showing him the text you’d sent in your family group chat, telling them you were bringing Jeff with you next week. Your mom’s already responded with a string of happy face emojis and your younger sister with a How I Met Your Mother gif about Canadian Thanksgiving. “Be prepared for a lot of Canada jokes!”
“Is that supposed to be different than any other time I see your family?’ Jeff deadpans, but you’re pretty sure he looks like, at least 50% more relaxed, so you count this as a win and ignore him completely, already mentally planning for the best holiday of the year.
The drive back home to your parents takes about an hour longer than you’d like, stuck in the same godawful traffic as everyone else trying to leave Buffalo on Wednesday so that they can get back home in time to go out that night. 
When Jeff finally pulls his car up in front of your childhood home, you can already see that it’s bustling with activity, getting ready for tomorrow. Most of your siblings have already arrived- only your older brother, with his wife and daughters will come in tomorrow, with the rest of your family- but your younger brother and sister have already come home, a fact that’s even more evident when you and Jeff walk in the front door and immediately trip over three pairs of sneakers.
“Liam!” You cry, grabbing onto Jeff so you don’t fall. “Motherfucker, move your shoes!”
Your brother pops his head out of the living room, AirPods in his ears. “I’m on a call!” And just as you're marveling at the fact that your brother is a real person with a real job taking real work calls, said real person with a real job spots Jeff and lights up. “Jeff! Bro! What’s up, man?”
“I thought you were on a call.” You snap at him.
“I’m on mute.” Liam slaps his palm against Jeff’s pulling him in for a ridiculous handshake-bro hug combo, before he finally comes over and lifts you off the floor. “Yo!”
“Yo!” You repeat, honestly unable to believe you’re related to this kid. If the two of you didn’t look exactly alike, you’d probably think he was adopted. “You still coming out tonight?”
“Hell yeah, this is my last call. I’m ready to go.”
You snicker, looking down at his sweatpants and dress shirt combo- he must have taken a video call at some point today. “Yeah, okay, bud.”
He ruffles your hair, in that annoying way he’s been able to do ever since he grew taller than you. “Don’t you worry, I will be.”
You laugh, ducking under his arm, to let him get back to it. You’ve got no doubts about that. Liam’s always ready to party. “Finish your call so we can start pregaming.”
He grins, like you knew he would. “Now we’re talking.” And then he ducks back into your dad’s office.
Jeff is laughing when you look back at him and you give him a look. “What?”
“Nothing, just forgot how the two of you were when you got going.”
“Yup, and you’re stuck with us for next two days!” You grin.
Jeff rolls his eyes at you, but he’s still smiling when he follows you to the kitchen, in search of your mom. She’s at the counter, rolling dough for biscuits, her only other contribution to the annual Thanksgiving dinner that she hosts, besides the turkey; a holiday that she’d taken over hosting once it had become too much for your grandmother to handle, but only on the caveat that everyone began contributing food toward the meal. It’s been a potluck style holiday ever since.
She’s ultra-focused, the volume on her favorite playlist high (this wild mix of 80’s pop and today’s hits that’s actually kind of a banger), so you sneak up behind her and wrap your arms around her. “Hi!”
“Jesus!” Your mom jumps, elbowing you in the process, but you’re laughing too hard to care. “Don’t do that!”
“Just excited to see you!” You beam at her, squeezing her once more, before pulling away. “Where do you want the pie?” Jeff lifts the pie you’d made yesterday, showing your mom.
Your mom purses her lips, studying the kitchen around her. “Leave it on the counter for now; I’ll have your dad clear some space in the garage.” She gestures with her elbow. “Hi Jeff!” 
“Hi!” Jeff pulls out his best smile, a real one, dimples super popped. “Thank you for having me-”
Your mom cuts him off before he can finish, like you knew she would. “Oh, we’re so happy you could make it! You’re welcome anytime, Jeff!” She assures him.
“Is the guest room ready?” You ask. “We’ll throw our stuff upstairs before Dad sees it at the bottom of the steps and has a fit.”
Your mom fights back a laugh at that- a statement that everyone in your family knows all too well-but then looks almost apologetic as she finishes, “It is, but we gave it to Katie.”
“Oh, Katie’s here too?” Your sister’s roommate at college was, at this point, basically another sister to you. She hardly went home for breaks within the semesters, usually came up for at least a month during the summer, and more often than not came home with Abby when she was back for anything. The “guest room” really was more like Katie’s room at this point. 
“Where else would she be?” Abby appears, right on cue, with Katie right behind her, practically matching in leggings and oversized sorority shirts. “It’s Thanksgiving; she’s ready to rage tonight.”
You actually can’t wait for the babies to be hungover tomorrow-both were 21 for their first Thanksgiving Eve and you know they’re going to be in a super rough spot tomorrow-but you keep that thought to yourself. 
“It didn’t even occur to me!” Your mom says apologetically. “I just gave Katie her usual room.”
“No, it’s cool. Jeff and I can share. He doesn’t mind, right?” But you barely even wait for his shrug and nod in agreement. It’s not like you haven’t before, when you’re either too lazy or too drunk to go home. You’re both adults, it’s no big. “I’ve shared a bed with you before; I’ll spare Katie the bruised shins.” You tease your sister.
Katie cracks up as Abby sputters out how rude you are. “It’s a hazard!” Katie agrees, dodging the swat your sister sends towards her. It sets the two of them off, which you take as your cue to grab Jeff’s hand and drag him (and your stuff) up to your room.
Of course, usually when you’re sharing a bed with Jeff, it’s a king sized bed, or at least a queen- definitely not the double that your parents just shoved in your old room to replace the queen bed that had been in there until you moved out and took your furniture with you. You hadn’t realized how small it was though, not until today, until the idea of actually having to share it with someone, with Jeff, who might not be a giant, but isn’t tiny.  “Sorry.” You apologize, almost unsure of what you’re saying.
Jeff shrugs. “Well, at least you don’t kick.” He smiles, as then it’s like everything’s back to normal, that awkward feeling that was growing over you gone as quickly as it came. 
“She’s a bruiser, don’t let her tell you otherwise.” You throw your bag down, rifling through it for the sweater you were planning to wear tomorrow, to hang it up so it isn’t too wrinkled.
Jeff laughs. “I’ll take your word for it.” He’s holding up his shirt, a button down and a tie. “Where can I hang this?”
“You can’t wear that!”
He frowns, likely at the vehemence you’d just spoken that with. “Uhh, why not?”
“You’ll get roasted.” Seriously, you’d told him it wasn’t a dressy affair. God, what part of not dressy does he think requires a tie? “Don’t you have, like, a sweater?”
“I mean, yeah, but-”
“Sweater and jeans, that’s fine.”
Jeff gives you a look. “That doesn’t seem-”
“Sweater. And jeans.” You repeat. He’ll thank you tomorrow, when your uncle doesn’t ask him when tea is. When your cousin doesn’t talk to him only in a fake British accent for the entire night. 
Jeff hands over a sweater, a soft thing you’ve seen him wear on many occasions, and you smile your thanks at him, hanging it up next to yours. “Meet your standards?” He asks; you think he’s aiming for teasing but he kind of misses the mark, sounding a little more nervous than joking.
“Perfect.” He smiles back at you and you laugh. “Come on, you dork. Let’s go see what’s for dinner tonight.”
“Don’t wake me up when you come in tonight!” Your dad calls, as he drops the five of you off at Mel’s, the bar for Thanksgiving Eve. Your friends are already at the bar, you’re anticipating a high school reunion for sure, and you’ve warned Jeff of this, even though he assured you that he could handle it, and he was just excited for a nice, chill night.
You’d actually laughed out loud at that. Oh Jeffrey. 
“Pshh.” Liam waves your dad off. “I haven’t done that since I was like 16 and still having to sneak out.”
Your dad gives him a look. “I was talking to your sister.” He looks over at Abby, who ignores him completely, in favor of taking a SnapChat with Katie, and he sighs resolutely. You all absolutely know she isn’t listening to a word he says. “Have fun, be safe. Uber home.”
Liam salutes him. “Will do.”
Inside the bar, the night starts exactly as you and Liam have started your last few Thanksgiving Eve’s-with a round of shots at the bar as you’re ordering drinks, before splitting off to find your respective friends to start the evening.
Jeff fits in with your friends fantastically, laughing and joking around with them like he’s known them forever, even though you’re sure the only one he’s met is your oldest friend, Ashley. But he greets Ashley and her husband, Brian, like old friends, and quickly joins conversations with all your other friends, and soon hours have passed before your brother is sliding up behind you. “Heads up.” Liam mutters as he passes. “Douche at 3 o’clock.”
You tense as it takes everything in you not to turn and look over. “Hey.” Jeff nudges you, concern clear in his eyes as he looks at you, and you’re not sure what he pulled himself away from, but you must look pretty bad. “You okay?”
You nod, kinda spacily, but leaning in closer to him, and he takes the cue to curl in toward you- you’re not really interested in shouting to the entire bar and you’re really not interested in drawing attention to yourself. “Yeah, just- my ex is over there.”
Jeff purses his lips for a minute and then schools his face back to neutral. “I take it things didn’t end well.”
“No.” You say, thinking of the demise of your relationship with Dylan. “It did not.”
You hadn’t even realized that Jeff grabbed your hand until he’s squeezing it gently. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” You shake your head. “It was...definitely for the best.” It might have taken you a while to see that, but you can now, even if the rare instances you still see Dylan sometimes rattles you. “I thought I was going to marry him, at one point, but I’m so much happier here now.”
Jeff smiles. “Good.”
You squeeze his hand once more, a thanks for his comfort and care, before both of you rejoin the conversation, and you forget about Dylan entirely for the next hour, until you physically run into him coming back from the bar with another round of drinks for you and Jeff.
“Hey!” Dylan beams at you, goes right in for a cheek kiss, like you’re still that familiar, and once again you stiffen up.
“Hi.” You return politely, ready to sidestep around him and return to Jeff and your friends.
“No, wait.” Dylan steps with you, blocking your path. “I haven’t seen you in forever. Let’s catch up a minute, what’s new?”
“No offense, Dylan, but I’m not really looking to catch up with you.” You say flatly.
He opens his mouth to respond, but before he can another voice cuts in. “Everything okay here?” Jeff asks politely, stepping very purposefully next to you, and Dylan’s eyes immediately fly over to him.
“Mhmm,” You nod. “Was just on my way back to you.”
“Good.” Jeff says, in a tone far more harsh than you usually hear him take. “Let’s get back.” He positions himself again, clearing a space for you to easily slip past Dylan, and then steps closely behind you, catching up quickly.
“Thanks.” You lean against him, gently, not looking to spill either of your drinks, but Jeff solves that problem by taking his.
“Any time.” Jeff says softly and you don’t have much else to say on the matter so you just nudge him once more in thanks and walk back toward your friends with him at your side.
When you wake up the next morning, you’re warm and comfortable and only a little hungover, which you count as a huge success. There’s not too much noise going on downstairs yet, which means you definitely have some more time to sleep, so you curl back into your pillow, humming contently when it pulls you in closer.
And then your eyes pop open abruptly, because pillows don’t do that.
Except they do when they look like Jeff Skinner, who looks just as soft and warm and comfortable as you feel right now, still sleeping judging by the evenness of his breath. 
It’s just...it’s a really nice way to wake up, with Jeff’s kind-of smiling face, looking super soft and cozy as he breathes just on the wrong side of too loud, but not so loudly that it drives you nuts. 
It’s a little too early to unpack that, and your hangover might not be that bad but it’s definitely bad enough that you’re not ready to think on that, so you close your eyes and let yourself curl into Jeff and fall back asleep.
When you do finally get out of bed, Thanksgiving morning is its usual chaos, running around with last minute errands, cleaning, and helping your mom in the kitchen. The last to shower for the day, by the time you arrive downstairs, the Lions vs. Bears game is well underway, your notoriously early grandparents have already arrived, and your grandmother is already asking your mom where that one turkey decoration she bought her one year is.
You bypass the kitchen entirely and move toward the living room, where you find your dad, grandfather, Jeff, and siblings all gathered, just as you’d expected. You slide down on the floor next to Jeff, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before more of your family arrives and you’re offering your set up anyway, and wait for the next round of chaos to begin.
It doesn’t take long. Your aunts, uncles, and cousins start pouring in and then it’s just introduction after introduction, as you wrap up showing off Jeff to one group just as the next arrives. You are absolutely confident he has no idea who anyone is, but it’s fine, because he’s still laughing and joking around with all your uncles and cousins that have joined you in watching football. 
The kitchen is its own brand of chaos, when you make a quick stop in on your back from a beer run, but chaos has never stopped your aunt before and it certainly isn’t today. “Oh my god!” She exclaims, after you’ve pressed a smacking kiss to the top of your grandmom’s head. “That boy!”
“What boy?” You ask, like an idiot, which is immediately clear from the looks you get from everyone in the kitchen, even your usually oblivious uncle, who’s doing...something...with the ham they’d brought. “Who, Jeff?”
“Yes.” Another aunt stresses. “He’s cute!”
You shrug. “Yeah, I mean-”
But your grandmom cuts you off this time. “And so friendly! Just the nicest boy! Oh, you couldn’t have found anyone better!” She exclaims.
“Well, I haven’t.” You announce, watching all of their faces fall. “So sorry to burst that bubble.”
“Why?” One of your older cousins frowns. “Girl. Get on that. You are not going to do better than that boy in there.”
“I truly don’t know if that was meant to be a dig at me or you all think that highly of Jeff already, but regardless. We are just friends.” Now everyone in the kitchen is giving you a look. You gather the beers and retreat, distributing them as you return to your spot on the floor near Jeff.
He’s giving you a look as you pass him his, but whatever’s on your face must not be too bad, because he just thanks you as you pass him the bottle, and you nod in return as you try to find the same comfortable spot as before, leaning against his thigh.
Your dad catches you a bit later, as he’s coming back with beers this time and you’re coming out of the bathroom, and he nudges you carefully as you take a few bottles from his hand. “So Jeff?”
You groan. The tone of that statement was far too loaded. “Jesus, you too?”
Your dad laughs. “Who else?”
“Well maybe that should be your hint.” Your dad says teasingly, but also not? There’s definitely some seriousness to this. “That Jeff’s pretty perfect for you.”
You stare at him. “You’ve met Jeff, like, a hundred times. Why’s this coming out now?”
“I always thought you were my smart kid and that you’d figure it out yourself.” He muses. “Now I realize you’re only book-smart and you’d never figure this out on your own.” And then he leaves you there in the hallway, with your jaw dropped and too many thoughts, as he continues on, laughing at you.
When the call to come serve yourselves echoes into the room, the usual mad scramble follows immediately. It’s only as you’re getting into line behind your brother that you realize that Jeff’s not with you anymore, and you abandon the long line waiting for food, in favor of seeking out Jeff.
You find Jeff upstairs, in your room, just kind of lounging on your bed, and you lean against the doorway. “Hey! Food’s ready.”
“Yeah.” Jeff nods, the smile he sends you back in return far too tight and forced to be genuine. “Be right down.”
But he doesn’t move, so you step in and climb into your bed next to him. “What’s wrong?”
Jeff laughs; it’s kind of hollow and doesn’t sound anything like his usual loud laugh or his giggles that you love. “What- nothing. Nothing’s wrong.”
“Jeff.” You say softly. “Come on.”
He sighs. “Why did you bring me here?”
That...was not at all what you expected. “What?”
“Why did you bring me here?” He repeats. “Why did you bring me home, to your family? I thought, maybe, finally…” He trails off for a minute. “Except, there’s like ten other randos here too!” He laughs again, that hollow thing that you’re already hating. “Everybody in this family just brings people home, and that’s awesome, okay? Please don’t ever change that about yourself. I just-I thought we had something special, is all.” He says, sounding almost sad? Melancholy? 
“You are special.” You hate this. Jeff should never be sad; he should always be happy and smiling and joking. This is worse than seeing him after losses, worse than seeing him at low points in the season, that one game when he realizes that shit’s done and they’re just playing to keep playing now, that playoffs won’t be coming this year, again. “Jeff, you’re-”
“I’m in love with you.” Jeff says and it’s so straight-up, matter-of-fact, like it’s never not been a fact for him. “And I’m sorry I’ve fucked things up here for tonight and made this so awkward. I just- being here with you and your family just made me want you that much more.”
There’s so so so much you want to say to Jeff, but it’s like time is frozen. You can’t speak, can’t move, can’t do anything except look at him in awe, until he starts to move off your bed, when you reach for him, finally, resting your hand on his thigh, relieved when he looks back at you. “My dad thinks I’m an idiot.” You blurt out and Jeff just gives you a look. “I’m sorry; that wasn’t what I wanted to say.” You take a deep breath, trying to gather the jumble of thoughts in your head. “Or at least, not the only thing. He thinks I’m an idiot because he thinks you’re perfect for me and I didn’t see it. My whole family thinks you’re perfect- cute and friendly and nice- and god, Jeff, you are! You’re all those things!” He’s still watching you, with like, barely the smallest hint of a smile on his face. “I just-didn’t realize you were perfect for me until we came here.”
Now he’s full on beaming, dimples showing, and you don’t even realize that you’re returning the grin until his hand comes up to your face, thumbing at the corner of your lip. “I’m sorry I’m a dumbass.” You finish lamely, too busy smiling at Jeff. “Please kiss me so we can make sure we get biscuits.”
Jeff hums. “I don’t know if I can kiss you now and just...stop.”
“Well I’m not going down to eat until you do.” You say stubbornly. “And you’ve been hyping up those biscuits since breakfast.”
“Fair enough.” Jeff laughs and then you’re smiling into the best first kiss you’ve ever had, tangling your hands into his hair and wondering if you may actually end up missing the meal this year.
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milkybonya · 4 years
hello smiling anon here :) can i request nct 127 as boyfriends? ur astro as boyfriends post was so cute :)
Anonnie im sorry i made you wait so long TT this is the busiest week of the year so far and i had to stay focused to prepare for it, but i hope you enjoy~
NCT 127 as boyfriends ♡
link to Astro version
Warnings: food mentions
what i listened to while writing: To My Youth by BOL4
sweet to the MAX
always singing around the house and serenading you
multiple movie nights with you in one week where you eat a whole bunch of junk food together and cuddle the entire time ;3;
becomes flustered very easily when you reach for his hand or hug him because he doesn't like skinship
but strangely with you, his heart skips a beat??
helps you when you're stressed by enveloping you in a hug and not letting go until you feel better
not overly clingy but not distant either - he's the perfect bf !!
knows when to give you space and when he needs to invade your space and give you lots of kisses >:)
not big on fancy dates, just wants to bask in your presence
wherever he is, as long as you're there, he's happy
i don't know why but i imagine his hand getting clammy when you hold it because he's so nervous,, then he gets all shy and embarrassed about it :")
always taking photos of you
literally has a folder in his phone named '[y/n]'
so whipped for you omg he literally giggles any time you lock eyes
so EMBARRASSING cause of all the bad jokes he cracks and how tough he tries to act
"[y/n] do you wanna feel my arm muscles?"
waking up next to him each morning would involve you thinking he’s asleep and staring at him until he pulls you closer into his chest and presses his lips to your forehead ;3;
takes you on really creative dates like going to markets, going for drives, walks through unknown paths
if y’all are not seeing each other in person, he’ll constantly be texting or calling you
always sends you photos of things that remind him of you
the type to pretend he’ll give you your coat, then he doesn’t, but then he does because he loves you :”)
quite clingy in the sense that he always wants to be near you, holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you, whatever it may be
such a sweet and loving bf :”)
the type to buy you flowers and be that classy, romantic boyfriend
he’ll leave handwritten notes around the house and will send you good morning texts if you guys are apart from one another
the two of you are definitely the cool couple
but you’re also the couple who laughs hard about the most random things
like Taeil, knows when to give you space and when he should be there for you
will respect your sense of independence and root for you to succeed in your own things!
but also gets clingy sometimes and just wants a few hugs and kisses :”)
acts cute and pouts in front of you a lot 
but only in front of you, never in public or in front of anyone else
listens carefully whenever you’re sad and lets you rest your head on his shoulder, cry all over him - he lets you do whatever you need to do to be happy again, and he’ll try his best to cheer you up too :D
loves reading with you, it’s one of his favourite things to do :”)
sometimes just ends up staring at you which leads to him pulling you towards him which leads to cuddling while reading and for him to kiss the top of your head an infinite amount of times
omg he will let you braid his hair or play with it or do all kinds of things to it
painting each other’s nails !! and searching for unique accessories in stores!
he’ll just buy an accessory and give it to you like “i just know this will look good on you, please try it on!”
i feel like he’ll be very honest with you about everything
so you both have nights when you talk for hours about your thoughts
and in the morning forget all about it by watching something while in bed hehe
will like exercising with you from time to time so you both stay healthy!
always thinking about you and your health, both mental and physical
you might be able to convince him to get a couple outfit :o
Like Johnny, likes taking photos of you but does it a bit more shyly
puts on a cool front all the time but he’s quite shy ;-;
loves to bake with you and actually takes it quite seriously
he’ll chase you around if you smudge batter on his face >:)
makes home dates fancy by lighting so many scented candles that the smell actually becomes unbearable
when you go on walks together, he’ll hide behind you every time he sees a dog, and you always have to apologize to the dog owners on his behalf because he’s scared :”D
likes to lie on top of you when you cuddle, with his weight on his legs which are on either side of you so he’s not crushing you, just so he can trace the shape of your face with his fingertips
if you cry, he cries and if you laugh, he’ll laugh - i feel like that’s how he’ll comfort you, by empathizing :”)
likes to go on car rides with you where the two of you are just singing songs 
always makes sure you’re eating your meals and staying hydrated - brings you food if you’re busy or forget
gets you really thoughtful gifts for special days but also throws a few meme gifts in there
that bf who invites you to watch him play basketball just so he can take off his shirt in the middle of the game and watch as your face turns red
i feel like he’ll tease you in that ^ way a lot - he’s always trying to fluster you
he likes peaches so imagine going peach picking with him !! you’ll take such cute photos together and if he’s taller than you, he’ll pick all the peaches that you can’t ;3;
always trying to cheer you up whenever you’re sad - why can i picture him doing aegyo TT
this one time it rained when you were on a late night walk with him and he took off his jean jacket, held it above your heads as you ran home, but you ended up wet anyway :”)
super comforting whenever you’re sick or don’t feel good
constantly complimenting you and shows you lots of physical affection
always hugs you when he sleeps because if you’re not there, he’d just be hugging the blanket instead
not incredibly sentimental but always tries his best to show his love for you
tried to make breakfast in bed for you and dropped a whole bunch of cutlery on the floor :D
went through your phone and saved his name as ‘peach’ in it
(this is from WayV as boyfriends, that’s why it looks a little different <3)
did i mention he’s soft?
always worried about you 
genuinely cares about your feelings
a lot of “are you okay?” and “you’re not mad at me, right?”
if you’re ever in a bad mood, he’ll run to the store real quick and grab your favourite food for you
he doesn’t like skinship but loves to hold you :’)
too shy to show affection in public tho
will hold your hand at the most
even if he does that, he’ll hold your hand in your pocket because he’s so shy
pls protecc him at all costs
is willing to do anything for you
sometimes you have to ask him how he genuinely feels about something
because he can’t say no :(
please make sure you tell him you love him regularly, or he’ll be sad :(
a lot of stay-at-home dates like watching movies
watchiNG ANIME (if you like it, of course)
“let’s just do whatever you want”
“i beat you! now give me a kiss >:)”
if you also like to eat, y’all will have the most epic food dates omg
literally travelling to countries just to try the food there - that’s what it will be like
most of your dates involve food, but also a lot of walking dates so you can burn it off :”)
yet also many movie nights on the days where you don’t want to walk
he’ll learn your speaking habits and will imitate you whenever you get annoyed or angry 
likes to play soccer with you, even if you’re bad at it (so he can tease you), but if you’re good then he’ll enjoy trying to beat you
he’s the one who roasts you the most yet also cares for you the most
likes to kiss your neck because he can smell your natural scent, but if you hate it then he’ll do it to tease you or he’ll stop if you seriously tell him to
imitates kdrama male actors and actually makes your heart flutter by doing those things
and when you see the actors kissing in a drama,,,, you already know what he’s about to do
when you’re upset, he’ll hug you tightly and stay with you until you feel better
y’all have a shared playlist that you always add songs to so you can listen to it during car rides or when cuddling 
he keeps everything and anything you give him, whether it be a candy wrapper, flowers, a belt, shoes, anything
prepares really sweet gifts for you - a lot of songs or meaningful things
claims that you’re his muse and sometimes just stares at you for 5 minutes whenever you drop by his studio
“you’re my sun, i’m photosynthesizing so just stay right there”
he’s shy and gets flustered easily when you kiss or hug him, even when you just hold his hand
you have a tradition with him each fall where you go to a park, gather all the leaves to make a pile so you can dive into it
usually ends with you falling on top of him and the two of you just laying there for a long time
voice calls that last for more than 8 hours will become a thing when you date him :”)
always jokes about things related to marriage like ‘wow imagine if we had our wedding here’ and laughs awkwardly but he’d actually love to marry you 
takes you on trips that he claims are for him to get inspiration for music writing but he really just wants to spend time with you
you already know what you’ve signed up for, right? chaos, absolute chaos - but in the best way
super clingy, always holding onto your arm or hand
whines when you don’t give him hugs or attention
bought a big plushie that reminded him of you so he can hug it when you’re not there and he misses you
he’s such a baby omg he’ll love being babied by you
makes hand crafted, diy gifts that clearly have his entire heart and soul in them
likes singing karaoke songs with you because if too you’re shy to sing alone, at least when he sings with you, he can hear a bit of your voice
cannot live if you’re sad or upset - he’ll do anything to help you feel better
cuddling is his favourite thing on this planet and he’ll wrap his legs around you so the two of you become an entangled mess, yet somehow are still comfortable
texts you random things like ‘i just saw a dog’ but also says stuff like that out loud to you
acts strong and cool sometimes like when you’re watching horror movies but fails miserably :(
ah, have you made it to the bottom? thank you for reading <3 were you by any chance looking for a sign? because this is it, this is your sign. i wish you luck with whatever it is that you must or must not do ;3;
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writethelifeyouwant · 4 years
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Created for: @ilysm-mybabybrother
Pairing: Dean x Reader / Sam x Reader / Dean x Sam 
Warnings: Dub-Con 
Additional tags: Cuckolding, Dirty talk, Praise kink 
Word count: 2,076
A/N: Written for my @spnsecretsantaficexchange set up by my bae @negans-lucille-tblr as a present for the lovely @ilysm-mybabybrother (who I’ve been a long time stalker of, nbd). They requested something smutty with dirty talk / praise kink / cuckolding / and the brothers touching each other - potentially with Demon!Dean or BoyKing!Sam - I’ve gone with Soulless!Sam - I hope that’s still okay! I think I managed to work all the other kinks in there... Anyways I had a lot of fun writing it so I hope you enjoy it! Merry Christmas 🎄
Dividers: @firefly-in-darkness 
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Dean hadn’t let himself imagine this moment. 
When Sam jumped into the pit with Lucifer riding shotgun, Dean made himself accept that. Bobby came back, Cas came back, but when Sam didn’t appear with them, he had to let him go. He promised he would let him go. 
He kept his promise. He found a job in a garage in Texas. He wooed a girl who brought in a car that sounded like his old neighbours in Hell were trapped under the hood. He picked her up in the Impala and dropped her off on her doorstep with a kiss and a promise to call; and he actually called her. They weren’t living together, but they spent most of their time at each other’s apartments. Dean taught her a bunch of ways to doctor up boxed mac’n’cheese, and Y/N taught Dean how to mix cocktails with cheap whiskey that actually made it taste nice. The earth was still turning. 
But now it had stopped, because Sam was standing in front of him, dripping in holy water and cut across his arm - not a monster or a demon, it was Sam. And Dean didn’t care that he got wet too when he pulled his little brother in for a bone crushing hug, because nothing could be wrong again now that Sam was back in his arms. At least, that’s what he’d thought two hours ago. Because now, as his wrists were getting rope burn and his ears were ringing with Y/N’s soft whimpers he knew something was wrong. Something was very wrong with Sam. 
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“Wow, Dean,” Sam had exclaimed when he introduced him to Y/N, who had been cooking dinner when he showed up at Dean’s door. “He’s lucky he met you first, darling.” Sam’s eyes dragged up and down her body hungrily, and Dean was taken aback because that was not like Sam at all. Usually Dean was the horndog between the two of them but, I guess you would get pretty horny being dead for a year, Dean reasoned to himself. He remembered that feeling, after he got back from Hell, of wanting something to really make him feel alive again. It would just be nice if Sam didn’t use his girlfriend to feel that. 
But as the evening progressed, and dinner turned into drinks, and beer turned into liquor, Dean felt more and more like he might not get a say in the matter. Sam was all over Y/N, flirting harder than Dean had ever seen him flirt, and way better than Dean remembered him being at it, come to think of it. And Y/N wasn’t turning him away. She was laughing and smiling and getting him another drink, and being the perfect goddamn housewife all while Dean was sitting there watching the two of them. 
And then when Y/N brought him a refill on his whiskey she shot Dean a look that he’d only seen once before, when she’d asked if they could take home the cute waitress so Dean could watch. Back then, Dean had thought he had the best damn girlfriend ever. He essentially got a front row seat to one of his favourite pornos. But the thought of her sleeping with Sammy... Dean wasn’t wild about that one. Except he didn’t know how to say that to Y/N and Sam, so he just kept drinking and hoped it didn’t come up. He wasn’t so lucky. 
He tried to step in, when Sam put his hand on Y/N’s thigh and dug his fingers in - Dean gritted his teeth and choked out a cautious “Sam…” but the warning died in his throat when he looked into his little brother’s eyes and saw empty determination and cold hunger. He didn’t see his brother. “Y/N get away from him!” Dean shouted and reached for the knife stashed in the end table next to him, but Sam was faster, drawing his own and shoving it threateningly under Dean’s chin. 
“Whatcha doing there, Dean?” 
“What are you?” 
“I’m your brother,” Sam teased, lips curled in an ugly imitation of Sam’s warm smile. 
“What happened to you down there?” Dean demanded, because if this was Sam, something changed - something was different. 
“Oh so much, big brother,” Sam laughed but there was no emotion behind it. “Learned a few things too. How ‘bout I show ya?” And now Dean’s hands were tied above his head with his own goddamn rope on his own goddamn bed, while Y/N was laid out between his legs with her head on his stomach as his own goddamn brother went down on her. 
“Mm, you’ve got such a good little pussy, sweetheart,” Sam sighed, sucking on her clit and pulling a whine from her lips. Y/N’s breath ghosted over Dean’s naked cock, making it twitch despite his best efforts to be disgusted at what was happening right now. “Hope Dean’s been giving this cunt the attention it deserves.” 
Y/N whimpered a little, but didn’t answer, prompting Sam to slap between her legs. “My brother been treating you good? Giving you enough cock to keep a pretty thing like you happy?” 
“Yes,” Y/N gasped, clenching around the fingers Sam had just pushed inside her. “Yeah he’s good - mmh - so good to me,” she moaned. 
“Yeah?” Sam sneered, twisting his fingers to push against Y/N’s clit and make her writhe. “What’s he best at? I’ve always wondered when I heard the moans from the next room.” 
“Sam…” Dean complained, finding his impertinent big brother tone despite the situation he was in at the moment. 
“His mouth,” Y/N sighed, happy to answer despite Dean’s protest. “I love his mouth, it’s so soft… and when he kisses you, it can take your breath away.” 
“How romantic,” Sam smirked. “Always knew Dean was a bit of a softie deep down.” 
“Fuck you,” Dean growled, pulling uselessly against his restraints again.
“Ladies first,” Sam laughed, and pulled his fingers from Y/N and sucked them clean, eyes boring into Dean’s while he swallowed his girlfriend’s slick. “Turn around baby, get on Dean’s cock,” Sam directed, landing a slap on Y/N’s ass when she turned and crawled over Dean. She shivered when she pressed his cock against her entrance, pulsing down slowly, working him inside her bit by bit. 
“Oh look at you,” Sam cooed, brushing her hair off her shoulder so he could bite into her neck, pulling a moan from her chest. “Such a good girl teasing him like that, I didn’t even have to tell you to.” Y/N smiled to herself as she finally got Dean fully seated inside her, revelling in the stretch and fullness of it all. “How did Dean manage to find such a good little slut, huh?” 
Y/N giggled lightly but didn’t say anything, just rolled her hips, drawing a gasp from Dean, whose eyes were squeezed tight in pleasure. Y/N felt so good around his dick. And he hated to admit it but he was in fucking heaven right now. This was so, so wrong but it was so hot, every other thought was being pushed out of his mind for the moment. He just wanted Y/N to keep moving, and he wanted Sam to keep talking. 
Sam wrapped his fingers around the back of Y/N’s neck and shoved her forward, so she was lying chest to chest with Dean. “Give her a kiss Dean. It’s her favourite after all,” he teased. Dean wanted to find some retort to throw back at his brother, but Y/N’s lips were swallowing his before he got a chance, and he decided this was a better use of his breath anyways. 
They kissed and licked and moaned as they ground together, Sam watching on and stroking himself lazily. He reached one hand forward and drew lazy patterns on Y/N’s ass which was bouncing so nicely on Dean’s cock. Sam bet it felt amazing to be inside her. “Mm, you’re fucking him so good, Y/N,” Sam praised, petting his hand down her back. “Look so hot with a cock inside you.” He crawled forward and draped himself over the couple, bumping his hips into Y/N’s and grinding against her ass. She moaned happily and fucked back harder, trying to rub against Sam as much as she could without pulling off of Dean. 
A choked whine slipped through her lips when Sam’s cock caught between her cheeks and nudged at her other entrance. “Oh,” Sam grinned at her reaction and repeated his motion, pushing against the taut, puckered skin. “You have more in common with Dean than I thought.” 
“What?” Y/N panted, confused and distracted by all the sensations she was swimming under. 
“What, Dean never told you? Never asked you to fuck him up the ass?” 
Dean’s eyes shot open, horrified. How did Sam know? 
“You didn’t really think I didn’t know, did you, Dean?” Sam smirked, still rubbing himself against Y/N’s ass, but letting his fingers trail down further, skating over Dean’s inner thigh, making him jump. “You told me about Rhonda Hurley and the panties when I was sixteen, but I knew that wasn’t the whole story. I found the strap on after you picked me up from Stanford. How many girls you given it up to, big brother?” 
“Fuck you,” Dean ground out, mortified. 
“You know what, I just might,” Sam drew small circles with his fingertip the whole way across Dean’s skin until he reached his target. “What do you think, Y/N, should I give your boyfriend what he wants?” 
“God yes,” she gasped, riding Dean hard, head buried in his shoulder. 
Sam spit on his fingers and pressed them back against Dean’s ass, teasing his hole until it was nice and slick and he could slide a finger in without too much resistance. Dean was tense, trying to fight what Sam was doing, trying to fight wanting what Sam was doing, but he didn’t think he was strong enough. Sam’s finger twisting inside him actually felt amazing. It had been over a year since he’d let anyone fuck him and god, he had forgotten how fantastic it was, feeling this full, this whole. 
Sam felt Dean accept what was happening, felt him relax around him, and took that as his cue to add more spit and another finger. Then another. He pulled them out when he felt Dean was ready and tugged Y/N back so she was sitting up against his chest. “You ready to cum, darling?” He snarled in her ear. 
“Mmhmm,” Y/N whined, bouncing faster over Dean, but Sam hoisted her off his brother and sat her down between his legs where they’d started. 
“You’re gonna get my cock nice and wet, aren’t you baby? Gonna be good and cum all over my cock?” 
“Yes, fuck yes, please,” Y/N begged. Sam slammed in place inside her and didn’t hesitate before fucking her at a furious pace, rubbing his thumb over her clit and pulling scream after scream out of the girl writhing beneath him. He felt, with satisfaction, a surge of heat between her legs, and knew her cum was trickling out from between her thighs. 
“Good girl,” Sam huffed, cold smile firmly in place. He pulled out and looked down to see veins of white dripping over his skin. “Got me nice and wet for your boyfriend, good job, sweetheart.” Y/N rolled out of the way, sated and dazed, and anxiously watched Sam climb over Dean and rub his cock between his legs. 
Dean groaned, eyes pressed tight, trying to pretend he wasn’t about to let his little brother fuck him. Trying to pretend he didn’t desperately want his little brother to fuck him. But when Sam pushed in he couldn’t pretend that he didn’t love it. It felt so different to having a dildo in his ass, and it was so much better. It was warm, flesh and blood; his flesh and blood. When Dean clenched around him, Sam moaned and thrust harder into his brother. Dean loved how responsive he was, and did it again, earning himself another thrust. 
“Think you’re being cute?” Sam panted and glared down at Dean, who smirked up at his little brother with his last vestige of self-respect. 
“I think I’m adorable.” 
“And I think you’re gonna regret that.” 
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crushzone · 4 years
omg can i request relationship hc with kei tsukishima as well
Absolutely, anon!! Only makes sense for the other Tsukki to get his love too. Here’s my relationship with Akiteru HC if you wanna check that out.
I’m also sorry my headcanons always turn into short semi-fic hybrids, I just get too invested in my imagination and Kei was a lot of fun to write for hehee.
Thank you @tedwardos and @nonexistent-social-life for bouncing some ideas with me, and coming up with Tsukkisaur HAHA. You guys are amazing. 😘💞
Being in a Relationship with Kei Tsukishima 👓🦖
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How it all began:
Truthfully, I do not see Kei as someone who would fall in love or have a crush on anyone that easily. Therefore, I believe it would be appropriate if you are Yamaguchi’s distant relative who went to the same school.
As we all know, Yams would get bullied often in middle school, and even when he tried to stand up for himself, he gets pushed back down. So that’s why you always try to intervene, physically throwing your body between the bully and your relative with your bravest face.
However, they would just push you aside and go back to bullying Yams :(. You felt pretty dang helpless and very upset that you've been brushed off like a piece of garbage.
So as you are readying to tackle one of them, you stop when you hear an unfamiliar voice behind you. “Lame.”
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You turn around angrily, thinking that it was directed at you, but is surprised when the tall blonde boy is looking above you, at the bullies.
One of them runs over to pick a fight with him, but he simply towers over them. Tsukki: “What?” then at that, they all run away, leaving you and Yams behind. You’re still unsure if he was also referring to you, but when you turn to look at the admiration in your relative’s eyes, you can’t help but look down at the bruises on your knees pathetically. 
All these times you’ve spent trying to protect him, only ends in failure, and then this boy comes by and saves him with barely any effort. You were rather jealous, and felt discredited, so you try to avoid Kei at all costs. Even just the sight of him walking by in the halls irk you.
And to your dismay, you are a little horrified to see that Yamaguchi had befriended him and is now constantly by his side. He’d asked you to hangout with him, and get to know Kei better, but you keep denying his efforts.
Meanwhile, the only thing Kei knows about you is your name, through Yams. But he doesn’t really know or care about you tbh, he’s got other things he’d rather be focused on, like volleyball.
THEN one day, Yamaguchi tells you that he is joining the volleyball team in middle school, and it would mean a lot to him if you go see Karasuno’s match with him and Kei.
You wanted to say no, but you love your relative, so you decided to go.
When you’re there, you never really spoke to Kei, only sticking to conversations with Yams. Then when you get to where the game is, you notice Kei’s awfully silent as he scans the court, not seeing his brother anywhere.
You wonder why he’s grown silent, but then when this one kid stalks over with a magazine in hand, saying that his brother is not even on the sidelines, you decide to shove the kid away because he’s being so annoying.
“Kei...let’s go.” You say, as you try to tug him away from the hood of his jacket. To your surprise, he follows you silently with his head down.
Tbh, you don’t really know the whole picture of what had happened, but he looks so down and vulnerable after the game, so you spent the rest of the day, trying to cheer him up with Yams.
Then the next day, you stop by his class during lunch to see how he’s doing, and is surprised to see that his demeanor had changed drastically. The sparkles in his eyes no longer there, as he ignores you when he steps out of homeroom.
That upsets you initially, but then you realize that whatever had just happened is probably a much bigger deal to him than his rude behavior just now. So you suck it up, and jog up to him, so you can walk to the canteen together, in silence.
He’s never expressed it, but your quiet presence is actually really comforting.
Then the next day, you do that again. And again. Before you know it, it became a thing for you and Kei to walk to lunch together. Sometimes, he’ll be the one to come over to your homeroom before you could go to his. “It’s nothing. My class just got out earlier, so I’m giving your lazy legs a break.”
Yamaguchi notices you and him getting closer over time, and it makes him very happy.
You begin to notice his subtle acts of thoughtfulness, such as when he’ll only eat half of his lunch so he can offer the other half to you; he knows you are absolutely in love with his mother’s cooking. It made you feel really bad because you don’t have a bento to offer him back; your parents are usually very busy so they don’t have time to pack you lunch, but you’ve been okay with that. 
The fact that you love his mother’s cooking also got him feeling a little smug tbh.
Because of this, you’d try to cook something for your own lunch. But c’mon, you are just a 6th grader, unsupervised in the kitchen (lol), so you could only make something as simple as peanut butter and jelly HAHA.
So the next day, when it’s lunch again, and Tsukki offers you half of his food (Or more like, pretending that he can’t finish it and didn’t want to throw his food in the trash), you scramble to pull out your sloppily wrapped sandwich and offer the other half to him with a big grin.
It got him laughing at how ridiculous your sandwich looks, it’s not appetizing at all. 
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But just when you’re about to wrap it back up with a pout, he grabs it from your hand before smoothly sliding his food over to you. “This looks awful”, he’ll say as he takes a bite, getting some peanut butter on his cheeks.
You’re surprised he took it, and can’t help but feel a strange flutter in your heart when you see his ears redden, his gaze avoiding yours.
The next day, Tsukki shows up with two bento boxes, and hands one to you with a blush. “I told my mom about your awful sandwich, so she decided to make an extra bento.”
And when you are just standing there in awe at his thoughtfulness, he gets even more flustered as he shakes it around. “Do you want this or not?” 
Of course you took it, and you are BEAMING when you eat. Tsukki can’t help but accidentally smile at how endearing you are. “Idiot.”
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Yamaguchi also noticed that btw. So he’s got a plan haha ;)
Ever since that day, Yams would occasionally back out from hangouts or events just so the two of you can spend some alone time together.
You and Tsukki being smarties, TOTALLY notice Yams’ attempts. The first time you figured it out, awkwardness turns on like a freaking switch. Suddenly neither of you know what to say or do, because the idea of being matched is hella embarrassing.
But then you were like, “It’s not weird if you don’t make it weird. We also don’t have to acknowledge his attempts and treat this like the usual.” So at that, you go back to talking like usual.
Tsukki is definitely a lot softer when you are alone with him, he doesn’t tease you AS much and is very thoughtful.
Now that you three are in the same high school, Yams would still do that!! And he is low-key frustrated as to why his plans are working so slowly >:( Get yourself together guys, you clearly like each other!
When you had to buy a bunch of textbooks, Yams got you to go with Tsukki alone and he carried all your books haha. Even went to get your uniforms together, and you helped him pick his size.
You two are around each other all the time, and are very comfortable about it. Everyone in school think you are an item, even teachers and fellow parents. Hell, even your own parents thought you two had been dating since middle school. But no one really brought it up, because....well, it’s not like it’s an issue or anything, they’re all just happy you’re happy.
However, neither of you know that’s what the others had been thinking, so you’re a little confused when people keep asking you where Tsukki is, or when they do the same to him. Like, I’m not his parents, how am I going to know where he is all the time. You may think that, but you both ALWAYS know about each other’s whereabouts somehow lol.
Honestly, you two don’t even acknowledge each other’s looks or changes, when you see him, it’s just him and his sassy attitude you’ve grown accustomed to. Well...and his tall bum, cuz your neck starts to hurt a little more than it usually does whenever you look up at him. UNTIL....DUN DUN DUNNN
It’s Valentine’s Day, and different students all over campus are slipping love notes into lockers, some leave roses on their crush’s table, while female students are handing out their giri and honmei choco to their male friends and crushes.
It totally flew past your head that it is Valentine’s day, so when you walk over to your locker with Tsukki and Yams that morning (you always walk to school together and your lockers are right next to each other’s), you are surprised to see 6 love letters fall from yours.
You: 😳 Yams: 😦 (he’s still a heavy believer in you and Tsukki lol, so he’s worried about competition.) Tsukki: 😶
“I see you got some admirers.“ He says casually, turning to unlock his own locker. Little did you know, he’s trying to suppress his curiosity....and jealousy?? Who could it be? When did they put those letters in your locker. How creepy.
You turn to him, wondering if he also got some letters in his locker, and your heart sinks when he pulls out one, nonchalantly ripping the beautiful packaging with his thumb to read its contents. He flips it around in his hand, trying to see if it’s got a name on it, but there were none.
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The entire time when you are in class, you can’t help but wonder who had sent Tsukki that letter. The fact that it was the only one, makes you a lot more nervous too. What if it IS the one...and why would you care so much if it is. You’d be happy for him....right?
Meanwhile, Tsukki’s thoughts are also occupied as he sits in class, by the window. Since when has Y/n been so popular. Will you spend time with him and Yams if you found someone? What about you is so attractive....oh....shit. YEA boy, you’ve ALWAYS been attractive, but he never noticed.
Then lunch rolls around, and you are waiting for Tsukki to meet you by your homeroom, since he’d mentioned earlier that he’ll be the one to swing by. But he never came...:(
And it’s not that he forgot. As he’s about to step out of his homeroom to go to yours, an unfamiliar feminine voice calls out to him, and when he turns around, a girl is offering him her honmei choco. 🤭 He’s SHOOK, but then he quickly realizes that she’s probably the one who slipped the letter in his locker.
Nice Tsukki activated, because I don’t think he’s actually MEAN mean, ya know? “Thank you.” He says, as he takes the chocolate from her with a neutral expression. “But I’m currently seeing someone.”
The girl looks to him with a sad smile, so close to the verge of tears. “That’s ok! I hope you’ll enjoy it though, thank you for being honest!” She says, quickly running down the hall. He felt bad, but he’s more confused about why he had said what he did. That was dumb, I’m not seeing anyone, he scolds himself, walking off to your homeroom while shaking his head incredulously.
When he gets to you, he feels guilty at the sight of you sitting by your homeroom, fingers fiddling sadly. “Why do you look like you’re in some emotional music video?” At the sound of his voice, you spring up to punch his abs jokingly, low key impressed at how rock solid they were haha. “What took you forever!! Did you have diarrhea or something?”
But he never responded, instead, opting to flick your forehead gently before walking off. “Some girl approached me, probably the one who slipped that letter in my locker.”
You let go of your forehead, instead feeling a hitch in your throat for some reason. When he didn’t hear your response, he stops walking. “But I told her I got you guys.”
Your face WARMS TF OUT, but you are hella happy, immediately bouncing up to him. “Is Kei finally willing to show his friends some love and affection?” You tease him as you burst out laughing. You’re sorry for the girl, but for some reason, you’re happy, happy to know that you are not going to lose him to somebody else.
Then during lunch, as Kei’s unpacking his boxes, handing one of his extra bentos to you, his face turns BRIGHT red when he notices this adorable packaging with home made chocolate in it. The note is written in his mother’s handwriting: For anybody your heart decides to give this present to! Love, Mom.
“Are you okay?” Yams asks as he peers over his shoulder, eyes widening when he sees what Tsukki’s been staring at for the past minute. You look over at them suspiciously, already chewing on some food in bliss. “It’s nothing.” He mumbles, quickly tying and setting the bag down. Ok, sus, but you’ll let it pass.
For the second half of his day, he can barely focus on school, wondering if you’d find it strange for him to give you those chocolates. But he’s also a little afraid to go home with it, fearing that he’d make his mother sad. He could eat it himself and lie, but that also feels wrong.
By the time he’s done with practice and is helping the team wrap up the gym, you poke your head in through the entrance with a smile. You also have your own after school club and it usually finishes a few minutes before volleyball practice does, so you make it a thing to walk home with two of your favorite boys.
Also, at this point, you go there all the time, so you’ve become well acquainted with the entire team. It would bother Tsukki how Noya and Tanaka always does some of the dumbest things to try to impress you, or the way the other members would cast longing glances at you, before returning to what they were doing. Even the third years can’t help but smile a little wider and stand up a little straighter when you greet them.
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“I’m going to run to the restroom before we leave.” Yams says, when he notices the way Tsukki is fiddling with his headphone cord, constantly casting hesitant glances at you.
Screw it. Tsukki decides, when he’s finally alone with you again. This is my last chance. “Oi, idiot.” He says, tearing your gaze away from the bright moon and the stars that sprinkles the night sky.
There he is, with the chocolate in his outstretched hand, looking hella flustered. “T-Take it.” He stutters, mentally cursing at how embarrassed he is, he can’t even look you in the eye.
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Your entire body warms, as you could feel a tingly sensation on your cheeks and ears, slowly reaching to grab the chocolate from his trembling hands, still at a loss for words.
“Kei...” You begin, but he quickly counters, looking away. “My mother made it.”
"Ah...” You respond quietly, suddenly feeling really sad because you thought he had feelings for you.
He notices the sadness in your tone. “And you’re ok, I guess.”
You remain silent for a moment, a smile slowly painting your lips, as you continue to stare at the tiny red box of chocolate in hand. Then he’s caught off guard when he feels your gentle fingers, timidly curling to the side of his large palm. He looks to you in surprise; it was too spontaneous for him to put his walls back up.
“I like you too, Kei.” You respond with a smile, that only widens when he shyly returns your gesture, long fingers curling over yours. “let’s share this! there’s three pieces in here.”
When Yamaguchi returns, the three of you share a piece, humming in delight when the deliciousness and richness of the chocolate lather your taste buds.
Earlier Stages
WHEEEW sorry the backstory was so long, I just think that’s one of the few ways I’d ever see a relationship with him form: through time. 
And like any other aspects of your relationship, both in regards to intimacy and communication, it’s also going to take him some time to acclimate and adjust. He’s doing his best, everyday, mentally beating himself when he fails.
You know how harsh he can be to himself, so you try to cut him some slack by becoming more observant. Constantly teaching yourself to learn his micro-signs and sighing in frustration every time you misread him.
However, Tsukki notices your attempt, and is incredibly grateful. He’ll make things a little easier for you, because he can see how much it stresses you to do so. He’ll try to communicate more, eventually telling you how he feels, though he’ll admit, it does feel very awkward in the beginning. Overtime, you’re both helping each other grow in the communication department.
On days when you have no clue how to read him and is feeling overwhelmed, Akiteru is always there for you to consult! Well...it’s actually usually the other way around tbh.
That being said, you GOTTA be patient with him. He will be sassy, and he will be even sassier when you get into arguments, or when you’ve accidentally annoyed him.
However, because you’ve known him for a LONG time, you’ve learnt to translate his saltiness into kinder words haha. (kinda like what Hinata does with Kageyama lol)
You’re always by him, and apologizing on his behalf when he annoys someone.
However, if the person he’s accidentally annoyed expresses their hatred for him to you, you will always defend him because you know that he’s really great person and that his attitude is just a defense mechanism to prevent himself from getting hurt.
But there will be days when you really wish he could shed that wall and realize that he has friends and families who love him dearly and will support him no matter what. But you know that it’s not something that could happen over night, it’s just a wish that he would slowly walk down that path one day.
You are grateful though, so very grateful, because when Tsukki is alone with you, there is never a moment when he’d allow himself to put up that wall. He refuses, finally finding relief in relaxing his defenses for once, because it can get tiring sometimes. 
In fact, all those walls that he put up, is probably the reason why he can’t really hangout around others for too long, he needs to be alone and recharge. So the fact that he’s able to relax around you, means that his “alone time” will almost always include you.
His eyes remain soft, as he always looks at you with a subtle glint to his golden orbs and an upward curve to his lips.
And when he laughs, he does so freely. Even Akiteru is surprised when he accidentally overhears it from his bedroom.
His mother still cooks you lunch, so whenever you’d go to his house for a study session, you ask her if she could teach you how to cook, and that made her SO happy. It becomes a thing now; you two would cook and sing along with one another in the kitchen before you excuse yourself to study.
His mother and brother loves you SO much. Sure, they’ve known you for a long time, because you and Yams would come over often and hangout, but it’s never been just you and Tsukki. So now that you’re together, they have the chance to chit chat with you alone.
You’re basically like a daughter to his mother, because let’s be real, as much as she loves her sons, she’s always wanted at least another woman in the house to hangout with.
When Akiteru visits home, he’ll bring some interesting comics or things for you to geek out about together. At one point, Kei even got jealous enough that he’d come join you guys by the porch, softly playing his music on the phone.
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Speaking of music, he likes to create playlists and sends them to you. Whenever it’s just you and him on your way to the canteen together, he’ll offer you one side of his ear piece, so you can listen to music together on your way there.
You both take your relationship VERY slowly, and that’s perfectly fine. It took you over 2 months into your relationship to hold hands outside the comfort of your homes, and 4 to share your first kiss.
FIRST KISS 💋: It was during lunch break, when you and Kei decide to enjoy your meal at the roof of an academic building. Yams was busy with something else at the time, so he promises to join you a little later. The two of you are alone, ear piece in one ear each, with shoulders and knees touching, then suddenly, you feel an urge to shift your gaze to him. As if your minds are one, he did the same, but instead of feeling embarrassment from your sudden eye contact, you slowly lean to one another, like the ocean, magnetized by the moon, sharing the most innocent, gentle kiss, before pulling back to look into each other’s orbs. It was so gentle, like a breeze that tickles the bottom of your lips when you exhale. It was very nice.
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Since that day, the two of you begin to experiment in private, like kissing a little more passionately when you catch him gazing at you again mid-studying. You even tried cuddling, and you LOVE it.
I can’t even begin to express how wonderful it feels like to cuddle someone tall (looking at you, Lev boi 😉), the way his long limbs drape over yours, big warm hands massaging your shoulders comfortingly as you breathe in the clean scent of his sweater.
However, cuddles don’t happen often, except for special occasions when you both feel extra needy or exhausted. He’s never really been a touchy person. Hand holding is fine, but constant cuddling just makes him feel like he’d rather be doing something else.
BUT, here’s the trick. If you request for some song recommendations, so he can play it on his speaker, while you crawl up to him on the bed, with your head on his chest, he’ll never be able to reject you. He’ll readjust himself comfortably, removing his glasses, before turning you sideways to face his chest, as he tucks his chin over your head, legs entwined. If this is the case, you can lay there for hours, listening to different songs until you fall asleep.
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Loves it when you wear his oversized clothes, but will never admit it. You know he likes it because he always offer you his clothes when you come over, just so you can be comfortable while studying with him. (I’d never say no to that.)
Also likes it how his scent lingers to you, even when you change back into your school uniform so you can head home.
Just generally a big scent, kind of guy, He’s one of those people who ALWAYS smells good and has great olfaction. Whenever you smell a little like him, he WILL notice, and it always makes his heart flutter, as he stands up a little taller. 
He’ll also walk you home from his house, no matter how late it is, and he will always make sure you’ve gone INTO your house, and hears your lock click, before returning.
Never understands why you always make him promise to text you when he gets home though, but he’ll never forget to do it.
Likes to lean on you jokingly, use you as an armrest, regardless of your height.
Whenever Yamaguchi jokes about how he feels like a third wheel, you’ll always joke back that Tsukki is actually the odd one here, cuz you are related haha. He’ll flick your forehead softly as your punishment.
Your pet names are always something endearingly mean, like “Idiot, sodium man, sassy pants, salt shaker 🧂, or four eyes.” 
His teammates always tease him about you; honestly, they’re all very surprised that he’s capable of being in a relationship, but they’re happy for him. Daichi always has to shush them all down, because it can get a little out of hand sometimes with all of them bombarding him at once.
Long Term:
Post-honeymoon phase, babyyy.
Space, lots of space. You’re both very independent, and are introverts, so during the day, you’ll do your own thing, but he’ll meet up with you for lunch and dinners to spend some time together, in comfortable silence.
You’ve been leaving a lot of things at his house, so he neatly gathers it all into one corner of his room, so you can access it with ease when you sleep over.
Both your parents became best friends, so they’re totally cool with either of you sleeping over, even when it is a spontaneous decision.
You are comfortable to say “no” to one another, and that includes social gathering as well. If Tsukki is feeling too socially anxious to join you for a party, you’re totally ok with that, and likewise, when his team hangs out, he understands that they can be a little overwhelming sometimes.
But that doesn’t mean that you both don’t try. He mentally take notes of all the times he’s said no, and will only do it at times when he really do not feel like it. And if you ever feel like he’s been a little too distant, he wants you to tell him that directly, so he can avoid coming off that way.
Sass level increases overtime because he knows you can take it, lol.
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Would totally do something like this to you, regardless of your height.
If you are smol, he will definitely do this too, and Yams will react the same way as shown. >>>>
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You’ve grown immune to his sass, and may have adopted some. However, it’ll usually only come out in arguments. You’re still that nice approachable person, who deliver other people’s messages for him, to him (Because they’re too afraid to approach him directly.)
Definitely opens up to you more, if he hasn’t already been, because he knows he can trust you, and trust is a VERY big thing for him. This boy’s got some trust issues, yk?
He’s a little more adventurous now; it used to be so difficult to convince him to go somewhere new or exciting with you, but after years of pestering him to go places, he realizes, as he’s standing in the middle of a hike, lush green leaves surrounding him from all sides, that maybe this is not so bad after all.
You and Yams keep bringing new activities for him to try, and for 70% percent of those attempts, he actually says yes.
LOVES it when you give head massages, but he always complains that you are messing his hair.
Stargazing after dinner had become a routine for you. You’ll both lay, head to head, bodies the opposite direction, with your fingers interlaced next to each other’s heads. Sometimes, you’ll even drift off into a short nap, and he’s fine with that because your hand feels very nice in his.
Your presence had encouraged him to become closer to his family: you two will help his mother pack up and wipe down the table after dinner, while Akiteru washes the dishes. Sometimes, you’ll wave a curious Akiteru over to join you and Kei on horror movie nights. His mother even joined for 1 whole minute, before she leaves, saying that it’s too scary for her, leaving you three to throw some funny/judgmental remarks at how silly the characters are being.
He’s also a big supporter of your interests, though he will never admit or fully show that he is, if that makes any sense. For instance, if you are in the robotics team, he will educate himself on its process and some technical solutions and will help you build your robot at home. When you ask him how he knows about all this, he just responds with something like “I don’t know, I just guessed.”
If you are interested in something more performative, like if you’re into ballet, for instance, he will always show up to your performances with Yams (and Akiteru, because he really wants to see his future sister-in-law killing it). However, he’ll also respect your decision if you tend to feel more nervous with him there, in that case, he’ll just send you a text that says “You’ll do great. 🦖” or “Don’t fall on your bum 🤡” right before the show begins. It always makes you laugh when you read it in his monotonous voice.
You just know that he only uses emojis when he think his texts sounds unintentionally sarcastic or too short. lol. He’s just not too great at texting, ok?
When it comes to cheering for Tsukki, you share the same type of support. You’d LOVE to go to all of his matches, to be there for him and show how proud you are. But if he’s really uncomfortable, then you understand that too.
He secretly loves it when you go cheer him though, it really brightens up his match, especially when he’s in one with a tougher opponent. To look up to the sea of growing Karasuno supporters and see your smile shine brighter than all the others, restores his energy like the sun.
Somehow, Tanaka and Noya always notices when he turns to look at you, so they’ll both cling on to him like monkeys, turning to wave at you. 
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You gladly return their gesture, laughing at Tsukki’s miserable face as you pull your phone out to snap a very zoomed in photo of his pained expression to use as his new contact photo LOL. 
“At least, I’m the one in a relationship.” He’ll deadpan, adjusting his frames before walking away quietly with a smug smile. RIP Tanaka and Noya, they’re just rolling on the floor crying for Kiyoko haha.
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Also, he has this weird fascination for animals? Well, mainly with dinosaurs. BOTH Tsukishima’s has this fascination, it runs deep in their blood. Oh you prefer whales? Too bad, it’s not as cool.
Whenever Kei recommends some dinosaur-related movies, he’ll try to be low key about his excitement, but you can totally tell that, at this very moment, his body feels like a shell that’s trying to contain the vibration of his happiness. Saying no to his suggestion, will only shatter his little heart. You find this incredibly endearing, for a moment, he reminds you of his younger self, where he would always show up to school in his dinosaur T-shirts.
When you agree to watch it with him, Akiteru ALWAYS emerges out of nowhere, and invites himself to join you. You like to jokingly call them Tsukkisaurs, but Kei will be the only Tsukki to have that name saved in your contact.
We also love some asshole Tsukki moment ✨: He likes to call you Godzilla when you are on your period and is feeling bloated. You were a lil offended at first because, WHICH RENDITION OF GODZILLA is he referring to? It better not be the 2014 one, because it looked a little chubbier than the original.
He confirms, without hesitation, that it IS the 2014 rendition, just to piss you off lol. Then he shows you his phone, to confirm that he had you down as Godzilla on his contact, with this image as your profile:
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But if you are actually feeling self conscious about your body that day, he will sigh and pull you to his chest. “Idiot, you look just fine to me, the way you are.”
And he meant it.
He may be inclined to appear indifferent and cynical at times, but he KNOWS you can see right through him. The idea of showing vulnerability to anyone at all, was daunting, but you embraced him with so much love and acceptance, he wishes that he’s proven his love for you enough. 
And he has, you understand him so well. You appreciate all his subtle signs of affection and thoughtfulness, and you would never ask for it any other way. This is him...it’s who he is to you: your best friend and lover, perfectly imperfect in every way.
Taglist (open): @shhhlikeme @ceo-of-daichi @karasu-hoes @super-noya @nonexistent-social-life​ @scorpiosanssexy @tedwardos​
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Neon Nostrade ABC NS/FW Headcanons
Okay. I’m gonna do this for our baby girl because well, she has a different set of kinks altogether. 
By the way, I will be referring to KuroNeon and KuroNeon when I’m doing this headcanon. 
Rated R Warning: Lots of vulgar terms. Don't like don't read. Don't go inside a cave and complain it's dark. I will block anyone who complains.
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Let’s go for the ABC Headcanons of this brat: 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
She’s two moods: either really drowsy after a good fuck or talkative. If she’s worn out good, she will be very sleepy and just want to lie on her partner’s chest. 
If she still has energy left, she likes to have a pillow talk with her partner. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Girlie is proud of her curves and face. She knows she’s cute and she has the curves. She’s not afraid to dress up for her man and drive them absolutely crazy. 
She likes her partner’s biceps and back. She likes to scratch and caress them when they are in a missionary position. 
If she's with Kurapika and knows his Kurta identity, she worships his eyes (kinda fucked up but yes!). She likes how it turns scarlet because of his deep intense lust (and maybe hatred) while they’re having sex. She finds it alluring, like a moth to a flame. For Chrollo, it's his spider tattoo.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This girl swallows. Nuff’ said. She likes to be milked too. She's submissive and breedable.
She also likes having her partner's fingers stuffed into her mouth after they finger her. A little taste on how wet she is. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She has a bunch of lingerie shoots that doesn’t show her face. She then post it on OnlyFans to gain extra income. Just lingerie pics because she enjoys modelling for it. However, she won't show her pussy or boobs. Those are VIP access only.
She also fucks her new head bodyguard aka Kurapika and had a one time fling with Chrollo. Papa must never know this.
Good girls are just bad girls who haven't been caught.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not so much. She isn't a virgin per se (really think one of her clients or Chrollo took her virginity), but she also hasn't gotten around much due to her father having people to guard her 24/7. She usually doesn’t take the lead so most of the time she just goes with the flow. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything to do with her partner dominating her. Girlie likes to get dicked down hard. So think of missionary, doggy and all sorts of variations that goes deep.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She is very childish and teasing alright. She's not serious about it. To her, sex is for fun. She wants to enjoy it. She giggles a lot whenever she gets a pleasant reaction from her partner.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Yeah. She goes to those high-end bikini waxing services to get her pussy groomed once ever three months. She may show her lingerie to others but she only shows her lady parts to someone special and she has to make herself look presentable.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Uhhh... she is playful. She usually relies on the non-sexual dating part that her partner does for the romance.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
This girl likes to read smuts or listen to audios to get herself wet. If she really wants to get down on it, she uses a good ol' vibrator to buzz herself. She has to do it in a room though, where no one is around.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
*clears throat* This girl makes the best porn to write LMAO. I can think of a few kinks when it comes to her (and her r/s with Chrollo or Kurapika).
With Kurapika:
Discipline and Bondage: Her bratty attitude pisses off his stern no-bullshit personality. Sometimes she does it on purpose to egg him to punish and fuck her. She secretly enjoys it when he spanks her, be it using his hand or his belt. She realises that he might be into bondage based on the chains on his hand so she suggested tying her up. They used ropes, clothes, handcuffs and of course (actual, not his Nen) chains. He sometimes chains her up Shibari style and likes to see her pussy drool over the chains. This starts whenever she acts up, throws a tantrum and Kurapika has to deal with her bs. It's not easy disciplining this naughty brat but he likes the challenge until she's an obedient brat begging to be his cumslut. When she's being a good girl, he'll reward her with a good fucking and another present (e.g. jewellery or handbag or whatever she wants).
Degrading and Humiliation: This comes with the disciplining part. Whenever he disciplines her, it comes with degrading her. Neon loves to be called all sorts of degrading terms: slut, whore, brat. He's usually very uptight so it turns her on when he gets vulgar during sex. It gets even more intense when it's hate-fucking. He's supposed to dislike flesh collectors but here he is enjoying the flesh of a pretty collector, and so they engage in hate-sex filled with degrading her and Neon loves every filthy second of it.
Breeding: Yes, I know I said Kurapika ain't gonna want kids, based on my analysis of him and it makes sense. Only after he accidentally knocks her up, then he'll realise "hey, this ain't bad". So when Kurapika realises that perhaps repopulating the clan isn't that bad, Neon is more than happy to produce kids with him and be the freakin Kurta baby factory. The whole baby-making process is fun, they will make sure they won't waste a single cum drop. Neon also loves to address Kurapika as "Daddy" because she knows it makes him feel powerful and it represents fathering her children. Sorry Light Nostrade, Neon has another daddy now.
With Chrollo:
DD/LG: Their age gap and height difference screams sugar dating. He loves to indulge in her materialism and spoils her like a brat she is (he just steals those items and gives it to her). Chrollo is one freaky mf who calls her princess, kitten, baby girl and all sorts of really cute nicknames. Chrollo isn't like Kurapika who would degrade her. He likes to praise his little sex bunny because positive reinforcement works. He wants her to dress up in all those frizzy lingerie costumes and roleplay in DD/LG.
Toys: [See the T for Toys for this one]
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
One word: power. 
That is in the form of money and dominance in her partner. She loves it when they give her what she wants materially, be it that nice taxidermy butterfly necklace or that designer brand clothes and accessories. She doesn't care how you get it, but if you give it to her, she's sure to reward you.
Another thing that for sure turns them on is being dominated. Be it with Kurapika, Chrollo or anyone else, Neon loves to be dominated and fucked. Hold her by the neck. Let her know who is in charge. Make her beg to be fucked. A little possessive dirty talk will get her wet. Anything to do with establishing ownership of her.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Neon likes having sex in the bedroom or in the guy's office. She likes to disturb her partner while he's working so they end up doing it in the office. Or some luxurious hotel. A bathtub will be good too.
There's a very specific location I want to write her having sex with Kurapika. A location so messed up yet so angsty but I will keep quiet about it for now. You would need to be one creative sicko like me to guess this one. Heh. 😶😶
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
A big no is her being 100% dom. Neon is kinda lazy in that aspect. She doesn't like to do all the work and wants the pleasure/pain handed to her. At most, she'll ride the guy while she's on top but she's going to be a real tease about it, hoping that they would get impatient and flip her over. When they do, she'll be more excited because that's what baby girl wants.
Stuff like pee or anything to do with that is something that she'll never do.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She likes to have her pussy eaten out of course. And how they make her come through oral sex. However, she prefers to give SLIGHTLY more. Just slightly. She likes to get her hair grabbed and face-fucked. Sometimes she engages in cock worship.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually, she says things like "fuck me harder", "don't stop" etc. to encourage getting fucked at a faster and rougher pace. Especially when they hit her G-spot. That sends her crazy. She does appreciate the slow and sensual but only at the beginning or near the end. Depending on the context of the sex session.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yeah. She likes quickies. This has something to do with disturbing and teasing her partner while he's at work. Yes, I'm talking about Kurapika. So a little quickie just for him to relax and catch a break is Neon's favour for him for working so hard.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes. She's game on taking risks. She's actually the one who will initiate and explore with kinks she finds on the net. Heck, she once proposed getting fucked against the window and in the balcony, risking the fact that someone might see them (Papa absolutely must never know what his daughter has been doing). The fear and thrill of getting caught arouses her.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
I think at most two rounds. The sex can be really intense and this girl lacks stamina. She didn't go through formal Nen training (remember that she got hers without training), and her partners are Nen users and physically fit so they wear her out.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
She owns them alright. She uses a vibe to pleasure herself. It comes in handy when she gets horny during ovulation and there's no one to dick her down.
As for using them with a partner, she uses a lot of toys with Chrollo. Whether it's the anal beads when Chrollo wants to get her ass fucked while he rams the front or making her wear vibrating panties in public, she's sure down for it. She also will wear a tail butt plug to complement her kitty outfit that Chrollo instructed her to wear. She'd gladly follow whatever freaky fantasy he wants.
With Kurapika, they don't use toys except for bondage items. If Neon were to sleep with a woman, she'll prefer to get fucked with a strap on.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Neon is the queen of teases. Especially if her lover seems uptight. (Yes, Pika boy, that's you).
She'll randomly sends him nudes while he's working. She'll touch his lap/balls lightly when they're eating side by side. She'll say stuff that sounds suggestive in inappropriate timings. She'll wink. She'll roll her tongue while eating and making eye contact. Just to initiate sex.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Neon has a high-pitched voice. She's very vocal during sex. She can't help it. Honestly, she sounds like those girls in hentai porn but more genuine lmaoo. She'll moan, squeal, whine, squeak and pant with the occasional "yes", "fuck me", "harder" and all the short needy dirty talk to push them to do her rougher.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She likes to shop for her outfits. It excites her thinking what type of kinky outfit she should buy to make her partner horny. Be it another lacy lingerie, bunny outfit, kitty outfit, she'll be sure to look delectable in her man's eyes.
She looks REAL good in pink or white. Most of her outfits are in that colour. 💖💖
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Neon has a B cup. She doesn't have those giant breasticles like Pakunoda or Shizuku. But that's understandable. I once estimated her height based on Chrollo's height and the manga panel where her head is at his shoulder. She's about 150cm, maybe even shorter. She's a petite girl. She has curves in proportion (she's not a loli, she's just small in height). But that's her charm. She's cute. Easily carried to be fucked.
Side note: The height difference between her and Kurapika (171cm)/Chrollo (177cm) is so good in this aspect (if you guys know what I mean) hehehe kekekek.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Hmm... I think Neon is mid. She does likes sex but she isn't a sex addict. She gets in the mood easily, especially when she's horny during ovulation. She won't be in the mood when she's angry or upset at not getting what she wants.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She's exhausted after it happens. Definitely be sleeping like a baby. She'll lay on her partner's chest and doze off comfortably. If she still has the energy, she'll demand for round two or just pillow talk. Chatter her way until she falls asleep.
To end it off, I would like to give you guys some links to fanart where Neon is being hot, art by @anotherworldash :
Cat Outfit
Cat Outfit with Buttplug
Bunny Outfit Regina George reference
Neon in Shibari ropes
Chrollo and Neon
Kurapika and Neon
Neon sucking Kurapika off [Yes, you read this right]
Neon in pink lingerie
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curious-menace · 4 years
The rogues: 15 their biggest pet peeve headcanon, please?
gotham rouges Biggest pet peeve?
penguin hates tardy people. he runs a tight ship around here...well no he doesnt. the final offer has more holes in it than a swiss chees factory but still! he cant be having people showing up whenever they damn well please! Hes got a business to run, if his drivers show up 5 minutes late then it has a knock on effect to the rest of his schedule and that could cost him money. and if you cost penguin money he’s going to cost you some body parts. 
harvey hates people who go to hard on handshakes. He had to shake a lot of hands during his campaign for DA . he hated how some people, particularly the old men whose positions he would be taking , tried to crush his hand as a way to assert dominance. he has to write with that hand! just get the photo op over with and stop trying to break his bones. he’s not about to complain about people with limp hand shakes, he’s very gentle himself usually but hand crushers tick him off.
Twoface hates left hand drive cars. when he’s running the show, he finds it hard to change gears in an automatic because that's harvey’s side of the body. in the heat of the moment he just cant wrap his head around it. He mostly leaves the driving to harvey since they can both agree arguing over who's driving this time isnt worth getting caught. He’s got a few right hand drive cars just for him sitting in their hideouts but he rarely gets to use them. 
people who throw their trash on the ground when there's a bin right beside them. its not just the littering that bothers her, its the entitlement, the laziness the whole “oh someone else will take care of it “ mind set that really her goat. she’s gotten arrested before because she stopped mid chase to throw someones garbage back into the window of their car when they just tipped it into the street. they tried it again and she did something with her vines that the perpetrator refuses to speak about. she could be heard shouting “it was worth it” while the poor sap was being taken to the nearest proctologist. 
Coffee snobs and people who complain at baristas. just fuck off outta his sight and clear the starbucks line. he doesn't have time to listen to anyone complain to the poor college student behind the till that their venti iced mocha frappe with caramel drizzle and 4 pumps of syrup is too sugary. and he REALLY doesn't want a lecture on why arabica beans are superior to robusto from someone with more neckbeard than common sense. just give him his coffee and get out of his road, he’s got work to do. he just wants a strong black coffee with 2 sugars, thats it. oddly enough, the baristas love him because hes no fuss and he tips well. and maybe because he’s gassed a few rude customers but they pretend like that doesnt happen if the cops ask. 
He cant stand folks with a lack of manners. i dont mean mean people, the rogues arent the nicest bunch around lets be real. what i mean is people who let the door close in peoples faces, people who disrespect others homes, critique their appearance or choices . he might let things like the occasional display of bad table manners slide, not everyone was socialised like him. but flat out rudeness? forgetting your pleases and thank yous? it REALLY grinds his gears. manners cost absolutely nothing but they really affect how other people view you.
people who think mental illnesses are made up or that people with mental illnesses are faking it for attention. i dont think that needs much explanation. she was a psychiatrist for long enough and a good one at that. having family members of her patients stand in the way of their treatment, undermine or belittle their attempts to get better or seek help made Dr Quinzel see red. But  as harely? she doesnt get mad, she gets her hammer. 
i am all of these guys lol. well except twoface. i cant drive and i dont wana hah. 
Got something you Wana talk about? Send me an ask or a DM! 💜💙💛🧡💚❤️
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
run, baby, run | jj maybank x reader
request: @drewsephsmiles asked: an imagine where reader and jj sneak into midsummers under a different name, and he finally confessing his feelings as you guys are running away??
summary: angry at your friends for spending the night on the dark side without, you and jj decide to crash midsummers, only to grow closer throughout the night. 
warnings: alcohol use, cursing, ward cameron
word count: 3.2k
a/n: this made me so happy while writing it. it’s just a bunch of fluff and dorky jj. also, lmk if you notice the parks and rec reference in here. i think it’s pretty obvious lol. enjoy :)
You and JJ had been abandoned. Thrown to the wayside in favor of some Kook party. And not just any Kook party, but Midsummers, the Kookiest event of the year. To be fair to your friends, none of them wanted to be there either. Pope had to work with his dad, Kiara was forced by her parents, and John B was Sarah’s date. Usually, you would have attended as Kie’s date, keeping her company while the two of you got drunk off expensive champagne. But, since John B was attending this year, you didn’t want to leave JJ all alone. So now you found yourself in the least Kook place in the Outer Banks: lounging on the couch on the porch of the Chateau, smoking with JJ while complaining about your friends going to the dark side.
“Did you see John B is his monkey suit? He looked ridiculous. Sarah’s got him whipped for sure,” JJ noted, referencing the suit Sarah had picked out for his best friend for Midsummers. The moment John B had emerged from his room wearing a dark blue suit and a pair of fancy loafers, JJ couldn’t help but go off on the boy.
“Leave him alone, he’s in love,” You said emphasizing your words with a fake dreamy voice, “Besides, we both know your ultimate dream in life is to go Full Kook.”
“Yeah, well, doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to complain about it now. I mean, that suit probably cost more than my whole life, and Sarah just bought it like it was nothing.”
“You should see her closet. She’s got shit in there that could pay my parent’s mortgage five times over.”
JJ passed the joint you and you took a hit, mind wandering to Sarah’s closet full of beautiful party dresses. JJ sighed and flipped around so his head rested in your lap. Your fingers instantly went to his blonde locks, running through them lazily.
“If I went full Kook, I would buy a suit for every day of the week. No, every day of the month, plus one to sleep in. That’s what I want, so much money that I can sleep in a suit and not even think about it. If I fuck it up, oh well, I’ll just go buy a new one.”
You giggled at JJ, looking down at him as you passed him the joint. His red, hooded eyes met your own, just as glazed as his. For a moment, you were thankful that your friends were all stuck at Midsummers. You cherished moments like this, where it was just you and JJ. You had been friends with him and John B as long as you could remember, the three of you sharing a third grade class. The three of you were thick as thieves. You thought of John B as a brother. JJ, on the other hand, was something else entirely. He was your person, always there by your side. He could read you like no one else could, and you understood him just the same. That’s why you loved spending time alone with JJ. Neither of you had to be anyone else but yourselves. Sure, you could do that with the Pogues, but with you and JJ it was just different.
You’d really started to notice the difference lately. You noticed it in the way he looked at you, in the way his touch would linger on your skin, the way your heart skipped when he laughed and they way your stomach flutter when he sat close to you, like he was doing now.
Looking down at your best friend, observing his lazy smile and the way his hair felt against your fingers, you could safely say you were in love with JJ Maybank. And you were okay with that. You were also okay with never telling him your feelings, because you couldn’t risk losing him. Even if it was only as friends, you wanted to keep JJ by your side for the rest of your life.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by JJ booping you on the nose after handing you the joint, small giggles escaping his lips.
“Whatcha thinking about, sunshine?” He asked. You took a hit to avoid answering for a moment, mind racing to come up with something.
“Just imagining myself as a Kook at Midsummers right now. As much as I complain about it, I actually love getting all dressed up and getting shitfaced with Kie.” You said, Midsummers being the first thing that came to your mind. JJ suddenly shot up from his place on your lap, almost knocking your head with his own in the process. He spun around so he was facing you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Then let’s fucking do it!” He said. You furrowed your eyebrows at the blonde boy.
“Do what? Go to Midsummers? JJ, how will we-”
“Sarah got John B an extra suit, just in case she hated the way the other one looked on him. And I’m sure Kie wouldn’t mind if you borrowed one of her dresses, it’s not like she uses them anyway.”
You opened your mouth, ready to question every aspect of his plan, when JJ jumped to his feet and stopped you. He positioned himself so he was standing obscenely straight, a studious look on his face.
“Ms. Y/L/N, would you do me the pleasure of allowing me to escort you to Midsummers this evening?” He said in a terrible fancy voice. He extended his hand towards you expectantly. You looked at his hand then up at his face. His gaze was soft as he looked at him, wiggling his eyebrows at you as he waited for your response. After a few moments of thinking over everything that could go wrong, you looked at him again, and remembered, this was JJ Maybank. You would walk through Hell for him. The only differences between Midsummers and Hell was free booze and food.
You gently placed your hand in his, meeting his eyes and smiled.
“It would be my honor.”
After stealing the extra suit from John B’s room, sneaking into Kiara’s house to pick out a dress (you knew where she hid the spare key), and quickly doing you make up in the car, you and JJ parked outside of Kook country club where Midsummers was taking place.
“So what’s the plan?” You asked. JJ just looked at you.
“What do you mean?”
You stared at him incredulously, throwing your arms in the air.
“What do you mean “what do you mean”? What is your plan for sneaking into the most prestigious Kook event in the Outer Banks?”
“When have I ever had a plan?”
You glared at him for a moment, before rolling your eyes and stepping out the car. He met you on your side of the car, positioning his arm for you to hold onto.
“If we get caught, I’m telling them you kidnapped me.”
JJ chuckled and started leading you towards the door.
“Don’t worry, sunshine, we’ll be fine. Just follow my lead.”
You sighed and shook your head, too used to JJ’s antics to truly be worried.  
When you were a few feet from the door, JJ leaned down till his lips were close to your ear.
“By the way, you look beautiful, sunshine.”
You turned your head away from him, trying to hide the smile that was stuck on your face.
A man stood in front of the door into the country club, blocking the way. He looked the pair of you up and down as you approached, picking every detail that set you and JJ apart from the Kooks. Despite dressing the part, you two didn’t hold yourselves the same way the Kooks did.
“I’m sorry, but the club is closed for a private event,” The man said with a look that said “sorry, not sorry.”
“Oh, we’re well aware. We’re here to attend. Sorry, we’re running late, you know how women can be with their make-up,” JJ said, motioning to you. You lightly elbowed him while continuing to smile politely at the man.
“I understand, sir, but…the event is at capacity. Maybe next year!” He said, giving you a snide smile. You glared at the man while JJ removed himself from your grasp.
“Excuse me, do you know who I am? My name is Charles Cameron, and I don’t think my uncle, Ward Cameron, would be very happy if his favorite nephew didn’t make it to his party. Especially a nephew who is visiting on his honeymoon and wants to show his wife the absolute best the Outer Banks has to offer.”
You felt your cheeks heat up as he referred to you as his wife. But you didn’t have time to dwell on it as the man opened the door quickly. The look on his face made it clear he didn’t want to take the chance of facing the wrath of Ward Cameron. JJ looped his arm with yours once again and led you inside, giving you a wink and a smirk after thanking the doorman.
“Wow you really unleashed your inner Karen back there, Charles,” You laughed.
“Nah, it was more of my inner Gretchen Wieners. I’m so glad you made me watch that movie last week. I went all my father, the inventor of toaster strudel on his ass,” JJ said, putting on his best teen girl voice.
“I think we need sign you up for acting classes, you’re a natural!”
“Classes? Nah, sunshine. The master doesn’t take classes, he teaches them.”
You threw your head back in laughter as he pulled you to the open bar. The pair of you ordered the fanciest and most expensive drink you could think of, trying your best to blend in with the Kooks surrounding you.
Sipping on your disgustingly expensive drinks, you moved through the crowd. You spotted John B and Sarah at he edge of the dance floor and led JJ toward them.
“What the hell are you doing here? Is that my suit?” John B questioned.
“It’s not like you were gonna wear it. Anyways, Y/N and I were no pissed that you guys abandoned us for this Kookfest, we decided to come crash your party. Free booze, dancing, the chance to fuck with some Kooks, it’s one hell of a honeymoon.”
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer, giving John B an exaggerated smile.
“Honeymoon?” Sarah questioned, raising her eyebrows and giving you a sly smirk.
“Yup. Oh, and, by the way, if anyone asks, I’m your favorite cousin Charles. Okay, we’re gonna go find Kie. See you love birds later.” He led you away from the dance floor, but you didn’t miss Sarah mouth we’ll talk later at you.  
Sarah was the one to help you realize your feelings for JJ. When she had first started dating John B, she has assume the two of you were dating. When she asked you about, you were disgusted. After asking her to elaborate as to why she believed you were dating your best friend, it became less and less disgusting. Suddenly, you realized that you very much wanted to date your best friend. That had been three years ago. Ever since, Sarah was constantly pestering you about telling JJ how you feel. She would always mention things that proved JJ felt the same way. From the way he looked at you, how protective he was of you, how he got jealous when anyone was even remotely interested in you. But no matter how much Sarah pointed out to you, you could never believe that JJ would want to be anything but friends.
The pair of you wandered around Midsummers. You eventually found Kie, who had escaped the center of the party by hiding by the grill with Pope. After complimenting your dress, then realizing it was her own, you were forced to explain how you kinda, sorta broke into her house. You and JJ escaped her wrath quickly, running to the other end of the party. You spent the next hour wandering around, drinking champagne and making shitty small talk with the Kooks who always found ways to rope you into conversations. JJ had somehow convinced a lady that the both of you were very wealthy entrepreneurs on the look out for new companies to invest in.
“So, you do a lot of investing?” The lady, you think he name was Eleanor, asked.
“We like to dabble. I recently invested in some shirts I got a garage sale. Left those at Wendy’s on the way home, so,” JJ raised his glass towards the women, giving her a serious look, “the economy.”
You both let out the fakest rich laughs you could, causing the women to step away from you quickly. Your fake laughs turned into real giggles at the look the lady’s face. You walked father away from the crowd learning against a wall near the edge of the party.
“Who knew Midsummers could be so fun,” You remarked, grinning at JJ. He smiled back, bumping shoulders with you. You dissolved into a comfortable silence, observing the party moving in front of you. You glanced toward the front of the club and noticed the doorman from watching you and JJ.
“JJ!” You tapped the boys shoulder and nodded toward the man. He looked at him quickly before looking back at you.
“I think it’s time for an acting lesson. Lesson one, method acting,” JJ said. He leaned forward, placing a hand on your cheek. For a second, it seems like his lips are heading straight for yours. You stomach flips as he gets closer. But he suddenly changes course, his lips landing on your cheek.
“I don’t think that’s what method acting is,” You said.
“It’s my method of acting,” He whispered in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. He quickly pulled away, going back to leaning against the wall. You gave yourself a moment to calm your racing heart before looking back towards the doorman. He was no longer watching the pair of you, thankfully. You returned your attention towards the party, trying to ignore the tingle on your cheek where his lips has touched.
Your head perked up as the music changed, the band playing Dream a Little Dream of Me. You let out a content sigh.
“I love this song,” You said. JJ gazed at you, taking in the peaceful look on your beautiful face. He slowly took your hand in his and brought it up to his lips. He placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles as he met your eyes. Your breath caught in your throat at the intensity of his gaze and practically swooned at the tone of his voice has he quietly spoke.
“Sunshine, would you like to dance?”
You could only nod, smiling at the boy as he led you to the dance floor. Your hands stayed clasped together, while your other hand rested on his shoulder. His hand landed dangerously low on your hip, gripping it and pulling you close. Your face was only about a foot from his, breath mingling as you swayed to the music.
“You look beautiful tonight,” He whispered.
“You already said that,” You whispered back.
“And I’ll say it again.” He grinned at you, pulling away to give you space to twirl before pulling you back in, closer than before.
“God, you deserve this. Not having to worry about a thing. Getting to wear beautiful dresses and go to glamorous parties. Why do people like Rafe Cameron, the living equivalent of trash, get to enjoy this shit while you, a literal goddess among women, gets stuck on the Cut with trash like me.” He glanced down has he spoke, refusing to meet your eyes. You placed your hand under his chin, lifting it to look at you.
“I’m glad this wasn’t my life. Because if I was stuck on Figure 8 I never would have had met you. I’m glad I’m stuck on the Cut, because I get to stuck with the coolest people I know. Even now, if I were given the chance to go Full Kook, I wouldn’t go anywhere unless you were with me.”
JJ looked at you, mouth agape. Your hand moved from his chin to his cheek. You started to move in, as did JJ, breath picking up the closer you got. Suddenly, a hand slammed onto JJ’s shoulder, making both of freeze.
“Enjoying your honeymoon, nephew?” Ward Cameron spoke from behind JJ. JJ looked in your eyes and smirked.
“Well honey, looks like we’re heading home early.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a few security guards making their way towards you. JJ gripped your hand and began running off the dance floor. You ran with him, laughing as he antagonized the security guards chasing after you. You kicked off your shoes as you ran, making a note in your head to apologize to Kie later. The two of you weaved through the crowd, running down the beach and into a grouping of trees. JJ suddenly pulled you to the side pressing you up against a tree. You could hear the the security guards talking at the edge of the woods.
“Just make sure they don’t make it back in.” One of them said, before walking away. You barely paid attention to the security guards, though, too busy staring into JJ’s eyes. You both were breathing heavily after your daring escape. JJ’s hair was a mess, falling into his eyes. He licked his lips, eyes moving from your eyes to your mouth. You reached up to brush his hair back. Hi hand caught your wrist, pulling you closer to him before his hands wrapped around your waist. His lips crashed onto yours  hungrily. You kissed him back with equal fervor, hands tangling in his hair and forcing his head closer. He tasted sweet and bubbly like the champagne you had consumed the night. He tasted like the stars, beautiful and sparkling and like a dream.
When you finally parted to catch your breath. His hand move up to your face, cupping your cheeks.
“I love you, Y/N. It may be selfish, but I’m so glad you got stuck on the Cut with me. Being around you makes me feel like I can be anything and that I don’t belong dead in a ditch somewhere. And for so long I thought I could handle just being friends, but I can’t fucking do it anymore. I want kiss you and hold you and make you feel good!You are my fucking sunshine and I want to give you everything you deserve. I may not be able to give it to you now, but, if you’ll let me, I will stop at nothing to give you everything.”
You were frozen. Tears were gather at the corner of your eyes as you took in his words. One of your hands moved to cover JJ’s on your cheek. You gave him a watery grin.
“JJ, you’re here in front of me. I already have everything.”
He smiled and captured your lips once again, silently thanking the universe for putting you in his life.
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cakesunflower · 5 years
Two’s A Party [C.H. One Shot]
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A/N: So basically I read this sentence prompt that went “If you don’t get turned on by having your neck kissed, something’s wrong with you” and instantly thought of Calum and viola this was born. Funny how I was legit talking to @5sosnsfw last night about how writing smut is so bleh and then I wrote this about 24 hours later. Calum just does it to me, man.
This is written in 2nd person which I rarely ever do in a proper one shot so enjoy it while it lasts LMAO. This is all just smut/situations leading up to it. 
It’s only about 4k words so...... Happy reading!
The party had died down around two-thirty in the morning, your apartment engulfed in a pleasant, calm lul as opposed to the enjoyable rowdiness your friends brought with them. Besides, it wasn’t even a party, per se. More so a get together with your closest friends where you watched movies, ate lots of food, played board games, and drank even more alcohol. It was a fun way of winding down from the week and getting ready for the weekend, jobs and other adulting commitments making it difficult for you to see your friends as often as you’d like.
Especially those who didn’t stick around for too long, given their lifestyle, vastly different from your own, had them constantly traveling.
“Are you still going?”
Your eyes flickered away from the TV, which was playing an episode of Vampire Diaries—you weren’t sure why; you vaguely remembered one of your friends wanting to watch an episode just for Ian Somerhalder—and you looked up at Calum emerging from the hallway. He was eyeing the glass of wine you were sipping from, his own eyes a bit glassy from the hits he’d taken, curls ruffled a top his head as he slowly made his way over to you.
He was the last one still at your place, the rest of your friends having climbed into their Ubers after bidding goodnight, and you didn’t mind at all. You loved Calum’s company, sober or otherwise, and you didn’t have to tell him he was welcome to stay over for him to know.
You lowered the glass after swallowing the bittersweet sip, a lazy, tipsied smile gracing your lips. It was your second glass of wine—thought that was after a round of ill advised shots Luke wanted to take and a couple of hits from one of your other friend’s pen. You weren’t drunk, but a pleasant, enjoyable buzz hummed through your veins and tickled your skin. Your head kind of felt heavy on your shoulders, nothing you weren’t used to, but it was a welcome feeling.
“Don’t judge me in my own home,” you responded, watching as Calum snorted as he stepped over you. You were sitting on the ground, on a floor cushion that was softer than your couch, back against it as you absently watched the show with a throw blanket on your lap.
You felt the couch subtly move behind you, hearing Calum grunt gently as he laid down, legs dangling over one side of the arm rest as his head rested on the couch near where yours was as you remained seated. “Why’re you sitting on the floor?” Calum asked, voice raspy and just a little bit muffled due to his cheek pressed against the couch.
You licked your lips, tasting the wine, wondering if you should pour some more as you drawled, “Why are you asking so many questions?”
You knew why, of course. He wasn’t entirely sober, and whether he was drunk or high—especially high—it was when every question that ran through Calum’s mind was voiced. His need to know things always took over, asking, asking, asking. And you were always patient with him, always answering, wanting to do your best to feed his hunger of knowing. That’s how it also worked when you told him about the classes you were currently taking in grad school, and he asked you about the lectures and readings. He couldn’t go back to school like he wanted, not yet anyway, so you let him live vicariously through you. Calum always did the same when you asked about his life on the road, the wanderess in you never silenced.. Give and take, always.
Calum was silent for a few moments, the only sound in your apartment coming from the TV as the show continued on. You watched with slightly hooded eyes, unable to truly focus. At this point, you may be more tired than high. But you wanted to enjoy Calum’s company for as long as you could.
“Can I ask you another question?” he finally spoke up, the lazy drawl in his deep voice enticing. When you hummed in response, Calum asked, “What the fuck is sexual abandonment?”
You let out a groan, throwing your head back, just barely grazing Calum’s side where he lay as you felt and heard him chuckle at your reaction. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as thoughts of your ex flashed through your mind, more annoyed than pained. There was no love lost, but Calum was really blowing her shit right now. “Listen, shut up. I can’t believe I dated someone who used that as a reason to break up,” you huffed, straightening your head with a shake of it. Calum’s chuckles were deep behind you, all too amused, as your face scrunched up at the mere thought of your ex-boyfriend. He really had said he was dumping you because of sexual abandonment. You figured that’s why you’d never date a law student again. Or someone named Greg. You snorted as you raised your glass of wine. “I’m surprised he didn’t sue me.”
That only had Calum laughing harder, your smile growing as you swallowed your wine and looked over your shoulder. He was pressing his face on the couch cushion, shoulders shaking from his raspy laughter, and you could see the crinkles by his eyes as he did so. He was fucking adorable.
You bit your smiling lower lip, forcing yourself to look away from him and back at the TV screen, face scrunching up once again in distaste as you sounded disapprovingly, “Ugh.”
“What?” Calum questioned through a somewhat squeaky and endearing voice as his laughter dissolved into chuckles, taking a breath to calm himself down.
“That,” you answered, pouting at the TV as you watched one of the characters kiss the other’s neck, the recipient of it looking far too much like she was enjoying it. You couldn’t relate. “Not fun. Does absolutely nothing.”
From behind you, you heard Calum let out a disbelieving scoff, and without even looking at him you could hear the frown he wore as he said, “If you don’t get turned on by having your neck kissed, something’s wrong with you, doll.”
You finished off your wine with a roll of your eyes, putting the glass on the coffee table and blinking back some focus as you realized you put it a bit too close to the edge and pushed it further to the center of the table. Settling back against the couch, you informed your Australian friend, “No one I’ve ever been with has turned me on by kissing my neck. Either they just suck at it, or something really is wrong with me.”
Calum clicked his tongue in disapproval, and you felt his right arm wind around you, settling across your collarbones as he remained behind you. You enjoyed his warmth, the closeness not unfamiliar, until he shifted and you felt his lips brush along the shell of your ear as he murmured lowly, “They didn’t know what they were doin’. You need someone who does.”
Either you were drunker than you initially thought, or this was starting to take a turn you hadn’t been prepared for. Still, the sound of his husky voice sent a shiver down your spine, stomach flipping excitedly as you played with him for a brief moment, perhaps as a way of testing to see if you were right about the direction this was headed in. “Let me know if you find anyone willing.”
The hand that was wrapped around you was settled near the nape of your neck, throat working when Calum dragged a finger along the side of it in a featherlight touch. “Already have.”
Yeah. This was definitely going where you realized you desperately wanted it to go.
You inhaled deeply, the anticipation suddenly buzzing your veins more than any of the drinks had, biting the inside of your lower lip as Calum hummed, “Come up here, yeah?”
You moved without much thought, getting up from the floor to scoot up to the couch as Calum had moved, the blanket falling to the floor. Without having you face him, he had you settled between his legs, relaxed, hands settling at the juncture of your thighs where the heat of his touch seeped through the thin material of your leggings. Your heart was thundering your chest, in overdrive as you breathed in the scent of his familiar cologne deliciously mixed with the faint scent of weed, feeling Calum sit up behind you as his chest pressed against your back.
“Relax, doll,” he murmured, voice all too enticing, “just watch your show.”
It had been challenging to focus on the damn show before; did he really think you’d be able to now?
Still, you did as he said, ridding of any tension built from anticipation as you leaned into his sturdy chest, gaze on the show playing on the TV as you felt the first soft pressure of Calum’s lips. He started on your left side, where your neck met your shoulder, and you reveled in the coincidence of your decision to wear a tank top tonight.
Calum’s movements were slow, purposeful, as he pressed close mouthed kisses, starting a trail leading up the side of your neck, and each touch of his soft lips against your skin had you lightly biting your bottom lip. It was embarrassing how the sensation of his lips already had you realizing that, yeah, this was better than anyone else who’d ever tried this on you.
His hands were on your hips, teasingly sliding to the juncture of your thighs, the brush of his fingers flipping your stomach desirably. You weren’t oblivious to the way your heart was picking up its pace, already starting to find it difficult to focus on a bunch of vampires on the TV screen as Calum’s lips reached the spot where your jaw and neck met. The added sensation of his stubble scratching gently against the previous kissed spots, along with the tickling brush of his curls, had you biting your tongue as you tried to keep your breaths steady.
The wine that buzzed in your veins only heightened everything you were feeling, taking in a soft breath when Calum teased your skin with a nibble. Your eyes fluttered as his kisses trailing down started slowly becoming more intense, more playing with your skin with the use of his teeth and tongue, heart leaping in your throat when he chuckled against you. You felt his deep, quiet laughter in his chest against your back. With a squeeze of your hips, Calum murmured, “I can tell you’re already enjoying this.”
You didn’t want to give in too easily—give into what, you weren’t sure—despite leaning your head back just a little against his shoulder, hooded eyes still on the TV as you breathed, “Only a little.”
Calum, of course, took that as a challenge.
He scoffed lightly, bringing his left hand up to cup your right jaw, turning your face towards his as he lifted his head to look at you. The distance between you two was practically nonexistent, and you wondered if his dark, blown out pupils were because of whatever high he may be riding or because of what he was doing to you. You knew yours damn well had to do with him.
There was a boyish, wicked smirk growing on his lips, his hand warm against your cheek, thumb brushing along your lower lip as he leaned in close. You tried to ignore the way your heart jumped when Calum’s lips brushed against yours, just barely, so close but not entirely, as he whispered arrogantly, “You’re a shit liar.”
And then his head was ducking once more, and this time as his lips trailed to your collarbone, you felt the newfound passion behind his kisses—one that you welcomed wholeheartedly.  
The enticing burn of his stubble was soothed by the warm press of his lips, only to be teased unforgivingly with his teeth and tongue as he bit and sucked at your skin, determined to leave marks you both knew you’d wear proudly. Your breath caught in your throat, eyes still on the TV but not at all in focus, head leaned back to willingly give Calum access. Your right hand gripped the edge of the couch, digging into the soft material, while the other had a mind of its own and reached up to bury your fingers in the back of Calum’s head, lost in the strands of his curls.
He took his time with the kisses, never dialing back on the fervor, knowing just how much he was picking up your heart rate as he felt your body react to him. It drove him crazy, hearing the small gasps and sharp inhales you sounded every time he added a new mark to paint your skin with, wondering if you could feel just what you were doing to him, too. You could.
Calum’s hand that was gripping your jaw shifted, just a fraction, enough to allow for his thumb to slip past your lips, grip on your thigh tightened when you, without hesitation, wrapped your lips around the thumb and sucked. “Fuck,” Calum groaned breathily, lips dragging on your skin as you didn’t even try to hide the smirk that threatened to grow.
He kissed another mark he left on you before lifting his head, lips no longer on your skin and thumb no longer in your mouth. Your eyes met his dark ones, his no longer glazed from the weed but solely because of you, barely giving you a chance to let out a breath as Calum used the hand that held your jaw to turn you towards him more, closing the gap as his lips that had been teasing your neck for God knows how long finally met yours in a searing, toe curling kiss.
The two of you moved, lips never leaving one anothers as you turned to straddle Calum where he sat, the TV in the background drowned out by the sounds of your sharp breathing as you kissed, suddenly feeling a bit too constrained by the clothes that you both wore. You felt yourself easily getting lost in the feel of Calum’s lips against yours, working perfectly as the kiss deepened and the tongue that had been teasing your neck effortlessly slid against yours. Your fingers gripped the hem of Calum’s shirt, and he easily got the message as he reached behind to grip the material off his back and lift it off of himself completely, the kiss breaking for a brief moment that you used to take off your own tank top.
You grinned lazily at the sight of his unruly curls, messed up by your own fingers and the act of taking off his shirt, biting down on your lower lip as you noticed Calum watching you watch him. The incredulity of this whole situation wasn’t lost on either of you, but it wasn’t something you wanted to think about. That would come later.
So for now, Calum wrapped his arms around your waist before getting up effortlessly with your legs around him, smirking at the startled exclaim that fell past your lips as Calum lowered you onto your back on the couch, getting on his knees above you. Reaching your hand forward, you gripped the pendant of the necklace he wore, tugging him down to connect your lips once more, mouth craving to slant against his as Calum eagerly returned the kiss. He used one hand to plant by your head to keep himself above you, the fingers of the other digging under the band of your leggings and panties and giving them a quick tug downwards.
You couldn’t help the giggle that fell past your lips as you helped him in taking off the offending materials, the kiss breaking as he sat up to rid himself of his own pants. Both of your movements weren’t as frenzy as the pace of your heats, taking your time in ridding the clothes despite the pressing urge to once again close the gap between the two of you.
You looked up at Calum, your breathing heavy, as he sat on his knees between your legs, gaze never leaving yours as he rolled on the condom he’d taken out from his wallet. You wondered if his lips once again craved yours, wondered if his felt electric from the kisses shared while yearning for more, admiring the pinkness of his mouth from treating you so well.
There was a heat firing up your body as Calum openly admired you as well, laying bare all for him. Did he also find this turn of events unexpected? Was he also grateful things had taken this path, just like you were? Because fuck it if you never imagined getting to be with him like this, savoring every piece of him for as long as you could.
He leaned down to kiss you again, your eyes fluttering shut as you felt his chest press against yours, gasping into his mouth when his finger teased your slick folds. Calum’s lips curled into a smirk, the rasp of his voice chilling as he groaned at your wetness and mused, “No one could’ve turned you on like this except for me, doll.” Your fingers dug into his shoulders, nails sensually dragging across his skin as he added another finger into you. “Always remember that.”
As if you could ever forget.
You were lucky that Calum took mercy on you, hearing the whimper you released and he swallowed amidst your kiss, pumping his fingers a few times, dragging them against your walls, admiring your tightness before pulling them out and teasing your entrance with the tip of his cock. Being verbal wasn’t something you found yourself capable of, all of the sensations starting from the second Calum had pressed his lips to your neck to now overwhelming you, but you knew Calum and you knew he would wait until you gave him the go ahead.
So you kissed him, tugging at his lower lip with your teeth, the press of his chest against yours syncing your heartbeats, as you begged, “Please, Cal.”
He reveled in the moan you let out as he buried himself inside of you, the kiss breaking as your eyes shut and head tilted back at the sensation of him filling you. Calum dropped his lips to your throat, curls and eyelashes brushing against your skin as he squeezed his own eyes shut at the feel of you around him, snug and right. He cursed under his breath, guttural and blissed, feeling the confirming squeeze you gave his bicep a moment later that allowed him to create a pace that effortlessly drove you both crazy.
One leg on the couch while the foot of the other planted itself on the ground, Calum so easily hit that spot that had your heart jumping and head dizzying. You were overwhelmed by him; by him filling you up so well, by his lips on your throat, by the hand that wasn’t holding him up reaching between the two of you so his thumb could toy with your clit.
Calum lifted his head, taking in the flush of your cheeks and blissed out look in your eyes as you looked up at him through a hooded gaze, and he couldn’t be more entranced if he tried. He smirked breathlessly, nipping at your lower lip, grunts falling past his throat as he praised, “Take me so well, baby. How’s it feel knowin’ only I can get you like this?”
You let out a sharp breath, the urge to feel his lips against you strong as you confirmed breathlessly, “So good,” before kissing him like your life depended on it because, honestly, it felt as though it did.
The familiar coil in the pit of your stomach tightened as Calum kept his pace, thumb still circling your clit, and you knew that Calum knew you well enough at this point. You didn’t realize how well until he urged, “Let go, baby.”
Stars exploded behind your eyelids as you felt yourself do just that, the satisfied, blissed out sounds you let out music to Calum’s ears as his own release soon followed, burying his head in the crook of your neck so you could feel the press of his lips and scratch of his stubble. Even the pendant of his necklace dragging across your skin sent shivers down your spine, the mix of all these heavenly sensations taking over in the best way possible.
Your breathing was labored, as was Calum’s, whimpering softly as he pulled out of you and rid of the condom in the makeshift garbage bag made from one of the empty takeout bags. Calum then picked up the blanket and you lazily shifted over as much as you could towards the back of the couch, letting Calum settle next to you—though you ended up a bit on top of him. Neither of you minded.
You stared up at the ceiling, willing your heart to calm down as you reveled in the warmth of Calum’s bare body against yours in the minimal space your couch offered. The blanket reached up far enough to cover your chest, Calum’s toes just barely peeking out from the other end. He’d propped his head on the armrest, your own laying against his chest as his fingers lightly trailed up and down your arm as his own stayed wrapped around your shoulders. The TV was still on, as was that damned show, though neither of you paid it any attention. How could you, when you’d just done what you did?
Your stomach was still fluttering, lips electric, biting them before breaking the silence between you two. “So I guess nothing was wrong with me. Everyone else just sucked.”
Calum let out a deep chuckle at that as his fingers that had been dancing on your arm trailed over to your neck, brushing against the sensitive spots that were blooming into the bruises he’d intentionally left. Voice a low murmur, the smirk ever present, he responded smugly, “I know.”
You scoffed, lightly smacking his chest with the back of your hand, earning another laugh from him. Reaching your hand up, you took Calum’s that was trailing along your neck and played with his fingers, a thought popping in your head as you bit the inside of your cheek. Watching your fingers play with his, you dared yourself to hum, “Know what I’ve been wondering?”
He allowed you to pull off one of his silver rings before taking it between his fingers and sliding it over your thumb, the only place it’d fit. “What’s that?”
You took a silent breath, preparing yourself as the anticipation started building up without much doing. Tilting your head, you looked up to meet Calum’s curious gaze, his eyebrows quirking at the not-so-innocent smirk tilting at your lips. “If the rumors about your head game are true.”
His eyes darkened and you knew you had his attention—not that you’d ever lost it. And when your smirk widened, biting your lip, Calum’s own wicked one came out to play, already pulling off the blanket to make his way towards your sensitive heat. Your heart jumped, gasping as he got to his knees on the floor and gripped your hips to turn your body towards him, smirking up at you from between your legs as he taunted, “Only one way to find out.”  
tags: @irwinkitten @sweetcherrymike @meetashthere @loveroflrh @softforcal @astroashtonio @hereforlukescruff @novacanecalum @captain-what-is-going-on @angelbbycal @singt0mecalum @hopelessxcynic @lfwallscouldtalk @bodhi-black @findingliam-o @softlrh @calntynes @calumsmermaid @erikamarie41 @quintodosuniversos @longlastingdaydream @babylon-corgis @lukehemmingsunflower @spideyseavey @imfuckin10plybud @pastelpapermoons @conquerwhatliesahead92 @rotten-kandy @metangi @neigcthood @ohhmuke @old-zeppelin-shirt @5sos-and-hessa @trustmeimawhalebiologist @vxlentinecal @pettybassists @vaporshawn @lu-my-golden-boi @visualm3nte @isabella-mae13 @dontjinx-it @lifeakaharry @neonweeknds @antisocialbandmate @ixcantxdecidexwhosxmyxfave @calpalbby @grreatgooglymoogly @sunnysidesblog @cocktail-calum @miahelizaaabeth @madelynerin @dramallamawithsparkles @theagenderwhocriedwolf @kaytiebug14 @hoodskillerqueen @bitchinbabylon @empathycth @xhaileyreneex​ @inlovehoodx​ @calistheloml @aestheticrelated​ @bloodlinecal​ @sublimehood​ @madbomb​ @raabiac @britnicole11​ @outofmylimitcal​ @wildflower-cth​ @bloodmoonashton​ @vxidhood​ @tea4sykes @wildflowergrae​ 
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bluemoonbeam15 · 3 years
After whatever happened with the bird, Hopper awakes somewhere as a human guy. What will happen now?
Okay, so I was just gonna write out this little drabble but then my brain was like, "WE GOTTA DRAW IT!"
So...here you go XD
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My humanized version of Hopper!
This took me so long so I didn't do Flik even though I wanted to. But enjoy this and the fanfiction!
I'm adding Flik in it as well for more plot development.
"You think this is over?" The grasshopper stalked toward him, the lightning illuminating his rage. Flik vainly pleaded as Hopper drew closer, eventually trapping him beside the bird's nest. He hoped Hopper wouldn't realize their situation before it was too late. "All your little stunt did was buy them time!" He wrapped his hands around the ant's neck, "I'll be back next season with more grasshoppers...but you won't!"
Just as Flik felt close to collapsing, Hopper's grip loosened when a chirp sounded above them. "Is this another one of your tricks?" he sneered down at the ant.
Flik grinned, "Yep," he choked out.
"Are there a bunch of girls in this one too? Hello girls!" The screech from the bird blew back his antennae. Flik desperately wished he could have drowned out that noise. It would bring him nightmares tonight if he survived this. Hopper screamed and released Flik. The bird jumped before both of them as the grasshopper slipped on the ground to get away.
The ant shrieked when the bird's beak came crashing down just inches away from him. He had to get out fast. The bird straightened a moment and closed in on the two. Flik tried pushing himself off the ground, but Hopper hadn't noticed his form and fell back over him.
"Atta run!" Flik called toward the rock he'd left her behind. The bird's beak slammed down close to them again. Flik was suddenly pulled back just as it tore the ground where he lay. He glanced back to see Hopper scrambling to get up, gripping Flik's arm to pull him up as well. "Let go of me!" He resisted whatever it was the grasshopper was trying to do. Feed him to the bird, most likely.
The bird screeched again and Flik stumbled as Hopper drug him toward the cliff. "What are you doing?" he tried digging his feet in the ground but Hopper was far too strong from build and fear to notice the drag. The bird lifted into the air and sheathed its claws. It grazed against Flik's other arm just as Hopper jumped off the cliff.
Flik screamed when his feet didn't land on anything solid. He looked down at the rising waters, the currents becoming torrent as the wind picked up. At this point, the waters were deep enough to drown both of them. For the first time, Flik was praying Hopper didn't let him go. He grappled the air until he had both arms wrapped around Hopper's, eyes darting between the river and the bird.
It took off in their direction, knocking Hopper off course from its wings. He struggled to keep the both of them airborne while the wind threatened to knock him off balance. Flik felt his grip loosen and he screamed, "Hopper! I'm begging you! Please don't do this!" He was certain the grasshopper was going to drop him into those waters at any moment.
Hopper yanked Flik up by the arms, baring his teeth, "Shut up so I can concentrate!" A drop of water crashed down on his back, causing his wings to falter. The two no sooner went hurtling toward the river, crashing into the waves.
The ant fought to find a sense of direction. Which way was up? Which was down? Where was the bird? Where was Hopper? Something wrapped around his waist, pulling him. Flik screamed. Was he getting pulled to the bottom? He was going to drown! He gasped when air filled his lungs and he blinked the water from his eyes. Flik coughed, whirling his head around to find the bird. It must have flown back to its nest.
Whatever had a hold of him pulled him through the currents until soft sand was felt beneath his feet. He was dropped suddenly onto the ground and the ant tried catching his breath. He held his head in pain, everything still blurred around him. It was then he remembered that Hopper was still around. Hopper couldn't have been the one who rescued him, could he?
Flik turned his head wearily and gasped at the sight. He scrambled back in fear at the monster before him. What was a human doing this far out in the country? The man was coughing, down on his hands and knees as he struggled to regain his bearings. He drug a hand down his face before pausing in the action. He drew his hand back...
It took a few heartbeats before it registered and the man screamed, looking over his body. "W-What happened to me?" Strange, it almost sounded like...
"H...Hopper?" Flik cautiously asked, not daring to move lest the human attack.
The man looked up in response before taking a few steps back from Flik, "You...Y-You're..."
Flik's heart dropped and he hesitated to lift his hand up. His breath quickened as his eyes trailed down his new form, "What's happening?"
"How should I know?" Hopper growled. He looked out over the raging river, "Something happened while we were in that river. Now..." he shuddered as he looked down at his body, "we're...human."
Despite the circumstances, Flik felt anger boiling inside him. The previous events were not lost on him. "What were you thinking? Running off the cliff like that! Are you insane?"
"Hey! I was trying to get us out of there! You and your stupid little girlfriend flew right toward that bird's nest, so don't even blame this on me! You should've been paying attention to where you were going!"
"I knew exactly where I was going!" Flik finally stood with his fists balled. Even as a human, Hopper stood a good foot or two taller than him.
Hopper blinked, reeling back for a second. "You...intentionally flew toward the nest?"
It felt almost like a punch in the gut for Flik. Did...Hopper not realize Flik's plan? Looking at his confused face, it almost seemed like Hopper thought the entire event was an accident. "I...," he lost that rage in him suddenly.
Apparently, it had been given to Hopper. The gras--er...man snarled and stalked closer to Flik, "That was your little idea? Feed me to the bird? What kind of--"
"Now hold on!" Flik had found his voice just moments prior to this freak show, and it was about time he decided to use it. "You're not innocent here! You were going to strangle me! Before that, squish me! I wish you'd gotten eaten by that bird! It's what you deserve after everything you've put this colony through!"
Hopper grabbed Flik by his wrists, coming nose-to-nose with the boy, "Believe me, kid, I could've done worse things to you and your stupid colony," he growled. "The only reason you're still alive right now is because I saved your sorry abdomen."
Flik kept his mouth in a fine line. There were so many things he'd kept pent up over the years that he dreamed of having the guts to say to this brute. Now he found himself struggling to even look him in the eye after he found a backbone. But they had bigger problems than the tension still resting between them, "We need to figure out how to change back," he stated quietly.
The rain was still pouring down heavy, only this time the droplets did no harm to them. Hopper reluctantly let go of Flik's wrist and brushed the wet strands of hair from his face, "I have an idea." Before Flik knew it, he was scooped up in Hopper's arms and flung into the river. The boy spit out the water in a panic before realizing he could now stand in the water.
He whirled on the man, "What the heck?" Flik brushed back his drenched, blond hair.
"Well, so much for that." Hopper deadpanned. "Looks like both of our plans failed."
Flik took his foot and kicked it against the water, splashing Hopper, "You're a real brute, you know that? Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
"What? Like that bird, you wanted to feed me to?" Hopper wiped the water from his face angrily. "The only reason we're in this situation is because of you!"
The boy stumbled out of the river, "You were the one who was oppressing us!" Something was unraveling in Flik. All the events that had transpired were fueling this rage he'd kept stuffed deep inside him. Flik began picking up rocks and throwing them at Hopper, "Every...single...year...we had to go on the brink of starvation! All because you and your greedy hoard of grasshoppers couldn't do it yourselves! A bunch of lazy...good for nothing--!" Hopper twisted the boy's arms behind him, pinning Flik against him, "Let go of me!"
"You don't think we tried getting food for ourselves? How easy do you think it is to harvest in the middle of the desert?"
Flik slammed his foot down on Hopper's causing the man to growl and push the boy to the ground. "Then go live somewhere else!" He struggled as Hopper loomed over him, pinning Flik's arms to the ground.
"There are predators everywhere else! The only place bigger bugs can survive is in the middle of nowhere! In places too dead for anything bigger than us to live! We risked our lives coming here to collect that offering!"
"Well, congratulations, you're such a hero!" Flik snapped back. "I'm sorry you're just a big coward who pushes around anyone weaker than you, just to make yourself feel better!"
With only two arms now, Hopper found strangling the kid more difficult since he was trying to keep him pinned down. "Says the one who was going to let a bird do all his dirty work of killing me off!" Hopper pulled the boy to his feet, keeping his arms pinned behind him. He forced him toward the water, "I oughta drown you right now," he pushed Flik down on his knees toward the water.
"Stop!" he strained against Hopper, "We have to find a way back! I know you don't plan on figuring it out yourself!"
Hopper let go of Flik's head, contemplating his actions. "And who says I need your help?"
"B-Because we have no idea what will happen to us now if we stay like this." He craned his neck to look up at the man, "You really want to risk being out here alone? Humans are monsters, Hopper, you know that. They kill each other all the time. You might end up finding one who can pin you down."
As much as the thought of being subdued angered him, Hopper bit down on his growl. "Fine," he released the boy with a shove and walked back along the shore. "So what's your plan now, genius?"
Flik couldn't believe he was considering teaming up with this guy. Death sounded almost promising as he watched Hopper scrutinize him. "Let's go find Ant Island. It can't be too far from here."
"And do what? Squish them?" Hopper sneered.
Flik took that comment more seriously than Hopper intended it. He rounded on the man, "If you even think about killing them--"
"Relax, kid, learn to take a joke once in a while," he flicked the side of the boy's head. Walking past him, "Let's go find the island, then."
This was actually really fun to write! I hope it was what you were expecting, Anon. I kinda didn't know where to go with the idea so I just expanded upon a plot already given in the movie. Sorta like another 'What If' scenario.
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vs-redemption · 4 years
hi there! could i request an aizawa x female reader oneshot? if you're willing to do angst, could it be him getting jealous when they go out for drinks with a group of friends :o
Ok, so I’m hoping this is angsty enough. I’m still getting used to writing in that style. Also, thank you so much for the request. I wasn’t sure about writing for Aizawa at first, but it was easier to get into his mindset than I thought it would be!
My requests are still open for anyone who is interested. Please check out my rules and masterlist!
A Big Deal:Part One (Jealous!Aizawa x Fem!Reader)
You can find Part Two of this story Here!
Today was kind of a big deal for you. After months of grueling effort and countless hours of overtime, you’d finally been acknowledged by your boss and given a huge promotion in your company. You’d been awarded a new title along with a generous pay raise, effective immediately. In addition to those perks, your new job responsibilities would allow you to finally use the degree you’d put yourself through college to obtain. It was really great news, and you were over the moon with excitement. A few of your colleagues suggested a night out to celebrate the career advancement. You were quick to agree. It was a Friday evening and you saw no reason not to make the most of this incredible day. You sent out a quick text message to invite your boyfriend and a few of your close friends to join in the festivities.
Today was kind of a big deal for Shota Aizawa too. He had always been a bit wary of relationships, both romantic and otherwise. He was a bit of an introvert and socializing often wore him down. He had a couple close friends that had forced their way into his life during high school and that had honestly been enough for him. He had been content to be mostly on his own until he met you and his outlook changed. You were hardworking, which he admired, and he’d noticed right away that you always gave him his space even though you were more outgoing than he was. You never forced him to attend big group outings or gave him a hard time when he was just too tired from work to do anything else besides get take out and have a quiet night in for date night. He appreciated the comfort and peacefulness you brought to his life, which is why he was actually quite excited that today was your one year anniversary together.
Aizawa wasn’t much for big extravagant gestures, but thought it might be nice to invite you over for a nice dinner when you finished work. He managed to get out of his teaching duties a little early so that he could pick up what he needed from the grocery store and get the cooking started. He had a nice evening with just the two of you in mind, so it came as a bit of a shock when he got your text message. He sighs and looks around his kitchen at all the half prepared food. Normally he would decline such an invitation, though he always appreciated you thinking to include him, but this was not a usual circumstance. He knew how hard you worked and was happy to hear that you were finally being recognized for everything you did. He takes out some containers and starts packing up the food, knowing he could always finish cooking it tomorrow.
The Izakaya restaurant where you were having your celebration was already packed with people since it was a Friday, but you’d somehow managed to book a decent sized table. The first round of drinks had been brought out and everyone was calling for you to make a speech. It wasn’t until they started bringing out the food that Aizawa finally arrived.
“Hey! Eraserhead!” Present Mic calls him over from the far end of the table. “You actually showed up! Come over here! I’ll order you a drink!” Aizawa glanced over at you but you were deep in conversation with two of your coworkers. He would have preferred to sit with you, but could settle for attaching himself to Mic since he didn’t know anyone else that well.
“Let’s have another round on me!” one of your coworkers calls to the wait staff. You laugh and nudge his arm with your shoulder.
“Idiot. We paid for ‘all-you-can-drink’!” You give him a teasing grin, “No matter what, we’re all going to be paying the same amount!”
“Aw, come on!” Another one of your male coworkers leans across the table, “You know we’re not letting you anywhere near tonight’s bill! You’ve been working so hard for this day, so let us treat you!”
“You make a good point,” You nod while lifting your glass. “And I’m not one to turn down free drinks!” They all laugh as the waiter disappears to go prepare another round for the table. Aizawa’s eyes linger on the two male coworkers for a moment before turning back to Present Mic.
“I guess she has a pretty good relationship with her coworkers,” he says flatly.
“Yeah! Definitely!” Present Mic declares with a wide grin, “I’ve met them a few times before. They’re fun dudes!”
“Hmm,” Aizawa found himself wondering if those guys knew you had a boyfriend. He trusted that there wasn’t anything deceitful going on, but it was weird for him to see you so open and relaxed around people who were strangers to him. He’d never really thought about what exactly happened when you were out at work parties. Perhaps this was normal. Still, he kept an eye on the people around you as the food and drinks continued to come.
“Shota,” you shuffle over to your boyfriend once last orders had been taken and the rambunctious group was kindly asked to leave the restaurant. “Thank you for coming! You usually don’t.” The words, though said with a lazy smile, struck Aizawa with a pang of guilt. You’d never forced him to go out, but perhaps you’d always wished he would.
“This was a special occasion,” he says while you both head out into the cool night air with everyone else. They were all mingling outside the restaurant, waiting to see what happened next. “You deserved that promotion, and I’m very proud of you.” He wanted to tell you that he’d also come to this party to spend time with you since it was your anniversary, but decided not to ruin your good mood by mentioning it. Perhaps he didn’t deserve to celebrate the milestone in your relationship anyway if letting you go out to these little get-togethers without him made him a bad boyfriend.
“Who’s up for Karaoke?” Present Mic throws his hands into the air, attracting the attention of other drunk groups meandering the streets nearby. A few people declined the offer, saying they needed to catch a taxi home, but a handful of others seemed enthusiastic about continuing the festivities of the night.
“Well we know you’re coming!” One of the coworkers from before slides up next to you and throws an arm around your shoulders. “This party is for you after all!”
“Of course!” You agree before turning to Aizawa. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I know it’s not your thing.”
Aizawa stared blankly at the arm around you that was not his own. He was tired from work, he hated parties, and a night of karaoke was literally his worst nightmare. Were the things he hated the same things that made you happy? It made him wonder why you were even dating him in the first place. Maybe there was a reason why you hadn’t mentioned your one year anniversary, and perhaps this relationship meant something different to each of you. Even if that was true, could he really let you go off to spend the rest of your one year anniversary with a bunch of other guys?
“Hey, come on!” another one of your coworkers comes over and playfully shoves you in the direction of the karaoke bar. “You’re burning moonlight! Don’t think you’re getting out of doing a duet with me like the last time!” You can’t help but giggle at his antics.
Aizawa glared at the men who could not seem to keep their hands to themselves. Part of him wanted to whip out his scarf and knock them on their asses, but another part of him envied their closeness with you. They got to see you all day, every day. Did they know you better than he did? It made him feel ashamed somehow.
“OK! Ok!” You swat your coworkers away so you could focus on your boyfriend. “No pressure, babe!” You tell him, “I won’t be mad if you want to get home and get to bed.” Aizawa was second guessing everything now. Normally he took your words as kindness and understanding, but now he was wondering if it was a dismissal. It made sense if you didn’t want him to come. There was no way he’d join in the singing so he’d just be dragging the mood down by coming and lurking in the corner. It was better for you if he stayed behind.
“Yeah,” he shrugs, “I guess I’m going to call it a night.” He watches your face for signs that he’d made the right choice. Would you be happy that you were finally rid of him for the evening, or disappointed that he wasn’t as fun and outgoing as your coworkers? It was hard to judge your reaction.
“All right,” you tell him. “Go ahead and get some sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” You lean forward to give him a peck on the cheek before finally heading off towards your next stop of the night. Aizawa was left to watch you go off with a group of people he knew could make you happier than he ever could.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi! Could you do some hcs for the brothers reacting to seeing MC wear their glasses for the first time?
Aww, that would be so cute. I love writing fluff for the brothers. I also added some hcs for how they would deal with an MC who wears glasses regularly. As a person who owns glasses, it can be kind of annoying to have glasses for a lot of reasons and I based it on that.
Thanks for the request!
*gender neutral MC*
The Brothers’ reaction to MC wearing their glasses for the first time:
-Lucifer being Lucifer didn’t give you much of a reaction when he saw you wearing glasses for the first time
-However, inside he was quaCKing
-Why must you be this cute?
-He’s completely mesmerised
-Not to mention, the glasses made you look really elegant and professional
-He is strangely turned on by this
-He complimented your glasses and briefly mentioned how good they looked on you
-Besides all that, since we all know Lucifer is the mother hen in the House of Lamentation
-He would probably be reminding you to put on your glasses when he sees you straining your eyes
-Or when he notices they need to be cleaned
-Sometimes, he finds them lying around and wipes them clean for you before placing them in your room
-“Lucifer, I can do that pretty damn well myself y’know?”
-He knows those glasses are not only important but necessary for you at times so he won’t tolerate it if any of his brothers break them by accident
-One time, Mammon tried selling them and got chased around the house by Lucifer which I’m sure was not a fun experience for either
-W h a t
-No, seriously, what?
-You gave glasses???
-Since when? Why do you need them?? Are your eyes broken?? *Gasp* can human eyes brea-
-It took a while but you explained to Mammon why exactly you needed your glasses
-He would make fun of you in a non offensive way
-“Ahaha, ya look like such a dork MC. Pfffttt.”
-In reality, he actually thinks that they are really cool, especially if you have any patterns or different colours on them
-He watches in pure fascination as you wipe them using a cloth and contact lens solution
-Only pokes fun at you because he means the opposite
-Is the type of person to grab your glasses, put them on himself before asking you how he looks
-He likes to joke about how serious you look with glasses on
-Please don’t let him look after your glasses
-He’ll break them in under two minutes
-Will get really fired up if someone else were to tease you about wearing glasses
-“Excuse you! Do ya know who this is? This is my human and they are the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me, glasses or not. And ya don’t have the right to throw any insults at them because you’re not exactly good looking yourself y’know? Maybe you need some glasses since you clearly can’t see how-“
-Cue an hour long rant about why you’re amazing
-You pulled out your glasses while playing Mario Kart with him
-He was amazed
-You have glasses? That’s so cool!
-Bonus points if you had the design of any kind of anime on them
-Of course, he wouldn’t be willing to say this to your face because he’s still a tsundere
-“You look like a bigger normie than you already are while wearing those.”
-“Thanks Levi.”
-“I-I didn’t meant it like that!!”
-Asks if he can hold them from time to time
-He doesn’t try them on or anything but he likes to admire them sometimes
-Why are all of them acting as if they’ve never seen glasses before??
-He thinks you look really cute and dorky with those on, he can’t help but stare at you every once in a while
-You remind him of a variety of anime girls who wear glasses
-But you look much better than any of them in his opinion
-Will openly glare at people who insult you for wearing glasses
-Knows your glasses can be very fragile so he probably places them next to his Ruri-chan collection to make sure they’re safe
-He was stunned into silence
-He asked if you could come over to read a book or two with him at the library
-He certainly didn’t expect you to pull out a pair of glasses and put them on when you came to sit next to him
-pleasantly surprised
-I feel like he would be one of the least to make a big deal out of it
-He wouldn’t tease you or anything
-But he loves complimenting you and your glasses a lot
-Knows that every time you put your glasses on, you’re paying attention to the book he’s showing you
-It also makes you look even more independent and intelligent than you already are
-If you were to ever lose them, he would probably be the first one to find them
-Like Lucifer, would probably not deal with anyone’s bullshit on the matter
-No one will make fun of you for wearing glasses if they know what’s good for them
-He often takes them off your head when he feels you’ve been up reading for too long
-Probably has extra cloths and solution on him at all times in case you ran out
-He will always be prepared for everything when it comes to you!
-He finds people who wear glasses so damn attractive
-Is it even a surprise at this point?
-He fusses over you constantly
-This one’s also horny
-Bitch went shopping the next day and bought an identical pair for himself
-So now both of you look FABULOUS
-So many selfies!
-He knows it must be a bit difficult to wear glasses since you need to take care of them all the time
-So he relieves you from a burden and buys you a bunch of quality made cloths to clean them
-Will proudly show you to everyone (before proceeding to pull out his own glasses to accompany yours)
-He finds himself wanting to kiss you a lot when you have them on
-If anyone says anything to you about those glasses, he will personally take offence
-“What did you say? Did you just say that we have the most stunning pairs of glasses you’ve ever seen? Did you say we are the prettiest people you’ve seen all day? Because I know you did not just say my lovely partner’s glasses are ‘weird’. I’ll have you know-“
-This one also likes to rant
-Subtly hints about how you should wear glasses more often
-He didn’t notice at first
-He was concentrating on his food
-But then, he sensed that you were in the kitchen with him and he looked up
-He almost choked on his cheeseburger, mind you
-Actually he almost dropped the whole platter of food on the ground but he didn’t because Avatar of Gluttony skills baby
-He immediately thinks about how you’re the most precious thing he’s ever seen in his life
-Blush blush blush
-Almost dies when you ask him what he thinks of your glasses
-“They’re really nice. You look very pretty.”
-pls give this boy all the happiness in the world
-He can’t keep his eyes off you at times
-He loves it when you wear them because he genuinely loves how you look with them on
-He is awfully gentle and careful with them if you ever ask him to look after the pair
-Y’know, since he has such big hands
-He’s scared he might crush them
-Likes watching you clean them, it’s sort of therapeutic for him
-He asks a lot of questions about them and why you need them because he is genuinely curious
-He’s really comforting when other people make fun of your glasses
-He just needs to stand over them and glare down at them until they stop
-And then he gives you lots of compliments because Beel is a sweetheart and you can’t convince me otherwise
-He really acted like he couldn’t care less at first
-OK you have glasses, so what?
-But his heart was threatening to burst inside
-Damn it, why must you do this to him?
-He teases you whenever he gets the chance and that’s whenever he’s awake
-“Are those to make you look smarter than you actually are?”
-He doesn’t mean any of it
-He just wants a reaction out of you
-As much as he wants to deny it
-Belphie is still a bit curious about the human world and their antics
-So he’ll ask you lots of questions about your glasses
-He realises that having glasses can be a bit of a hassle so he offers to clean them from time to time
-He’s so straightforward about how much he likes seeing you with your glasses on, he will bluntly ask you wear them more
-God forbid anyone say anything remotely bad about you or your glasses
-He will hunt them down and kill them himself, despite his laziness
-He would be totally impressed if you had a cool space design on it!
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