#only the big ones survive
tenrose · 1 year
Romantasy is the new bit-lit
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mothinflamesdoodles · 2 months
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Crossbones The Starlight Savior and his archnemesis Koffin K
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uncanny-tranny · 2 months
So much love and recognition to the people who don't know how they feel about recovering. To the people whose scars are fading away, and there's a sinking feeling, despite knowing that it's a good thing. To the people who miss when they were "worse," when they felt "broken." To the people who mourn losing their coping mechanisms, even the ones that were destructive, scary, or unpleasant. To those who feel guilty they're healing because their past self wasn't ready.
Whatever it is, there is nothing wrong with any of those feelings. It's a natural reaction, something you don't have ultimate control over. There is nothing shameful about yourself, and I admire the strength it takes to recognize how you feel, even the parts that do feel like the "wrong" reaction to a Good Thing.
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 months
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a lil while back i had a dream where there was a giant hippo in the road with moose antlers. i've never climbed a tree faster
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magistralucis · 5 months
Love that despite Oltyx's grumping about how every other necron around him sucks and he only likes maybe 2-3 other people, he's the one necron in canon who's had guardians and protectors from every walk of life. First his family (Djoseras, and once upon a time, Unnas), then the nobles of varying stations (e.g. Yenekh and Parreg), all the way to those of lowborn origin (Neth and Pakhet) who are dearly devoted to his well-being. Outsiders too, like Mentep and Zultanekh, not to mention every Flayed One by the end of his story!
It doesn't surprise me that the final mode of society he settles on as Valgûl is more egalitarian than literally any other necron dynasty out there. Despite the universe trying its best to crush Oltyx's ability to relate to other people out of him, Oltyx was more cared for than he let himself believe, and had more respect than he gave credit for. When it comes down to it, this was a boy who was very loved, and I'm glad he came to terms with it at the end 😭💖
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johnbly · 1 year
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the first time he vocalizes his feelings vs the last moments he ever sees her
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One big point where I find people talking past each other in the AI art debate is that in art, there are a lot of things that aren't illegal - and shouldn't be - but are rude.
It's not illegal to use a sample of someone's copyrighted material in a sufficiently transformative way, and it should never become so. I could photomanipulate an image of Mickey Mouse into a landscape if I wanted and sell it as a print and not even Disney could stop me. It never has been illegal to do this. It never SHOULD be. If it was, we'd start seeing a ton of SLAPP suits over vaguely similar poses because...hey, guess what, referencing is using someone's copyrighted material in a transformative way. We all recognize the idea of trying to copyright a pose or sue someone for using a similar color palette to you or for looking at your art as inspiration as patently absurd - so much so that it's regularly brought up as a bad-faith argument in other copyright discussions! - but imagine if someone could. Disney sure as hell would - imagine no longer being able to write about public domain fairy tales because you publicly mentioned you liked the Disney movie about the same fairy tale once. That is what you're opening the door for when you try to manage the dataset ethics issue by copyright law.
However, on the other side...it's still really fucking rude to use someone's work in a transformative way outside of the bounds of 1) what is broadly socially permitted, and 2) what that artist requests.
Even though it would be decidedly not illegal for me to go and copy-paste a single pixel from a dozen other people's work into a canvas of my own and make my own piece out of it using only the scale, copy-paste, and smudge tools, it still has the potential to be extremely rude depending on who I'm taking it from and why. I'd love to do a piece like this to open a dialogue on how transformative a piece must be to no longer constitute "stealing", but I'm not going to sample those pixels from small-time illustrators who are already scared for what sampling could do to their livelihoods as a "ha ha~ I took your wo-ork and you ca-an't stop me~" because that would be incredibly fucking rude, well beyond the level of emotional impact needed to make the statement.
Image synthesis is, unquestionably, transformative enough to constitute fair use under current copyright law, and any amendment to the law that would make it not so opens the door to far more harm than it would ever prevent - but, as it transitions from being a fun scientific novelty to an actual useful product, it becomes rude at best to ignore artists' wishes in model training. In fact, it becomes rude on a level that may be best managed with privacy laws, since, let's face it, there are a lot of entities out there that not only don't CARE about not being extremely rude, but REVEL in being jackasses because the law can't stop them (looking at you, Unstable Diffusion).
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dustteller · 6 months
Reading He Who Drowned the World and honestly Baoxiang has no right to be as bitchy as he is about Ouyang squandering Esen's love or whatever. Baoxiang is genuinely convinced that Esen loathes him. No you dumb bitch, your brother loves you and the reason he's giving you a hard time is because he wants you to be safe and happy and healthy. Yeah, he sucks at expressing it, and his efforts are misguided (bc the toxic masculinity gender rolesis fucking up Esen as much as it's fucking up everyone else), but Esen very much does love Baoxiang deeply. Every time Baoxiang remembers a time when Esen "enjoyed his fear" or whatever, I can only think of these parts of Esen's POV from the first book:
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Esen's first instinct is to defend his brother. The only reason he doesn't is bc Baoxiang leaves before he can. And Baoxiang glares at him bc he assumes that Esen agrees with Altan and won't defend him, but no, Esen WANTED to defend him and it's Baoxiang that took away his oportunity to do so.
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And a bit later, we have this interaction. Baoxiang assumes (again) that Esen would hate him if he was gay, and immediately goes on the defensive. Meanwhile, Esen literally does not care about this except for how it would affect his brother's reputation. He's just WORRIED. He doesn't care if Baoxiang is gay or whatever, but he's deeply aware that if he IS it would put him in more danger. Because, again, he cares about his brother, and he hates seeing what he assumes is Baoxiang making his own life harder.
And it's heartbreaking bc Baoxiang will probably never realize how much Esen adores him. He's so jealous of Ouyang for having his brother's heart without realizing that Esen sees him as his beloved baby brother and is desperately trying to protect him from a world that he KNOWS is cruel to him. Baoxiang will never know that his greatest supporter and the only person that loved him unconditionally was Esen. And maybe it would be WORSE if he realized how dear he was to Esen, because the realization that all thise things that caused him pain were borne out of a deep, unconditional LOVE and not the disdain he's convinced himself Esen felt for him might break him. Baoxiang has deluded himself into simplifying Esen's feelings for him into those of hate and disdain because its so much harder to accept that the person you love the most has destroyed you out of love. Baoxiang is doing the exact same thing Ouyang does in convincing himself that he's unlovable and relishing in the world's response as a form of self-harm. And Esen, who is genuinely trying (and floundering horribly) is a great tool for Baoxiang to use to tear himself apart.
And, on the other hand, Esen will never realize how much damage his attempts to help Baoxiang caused. He loves him so much, bc that's his baby brother! It's his job to protect him! But Esen has been raised as the golden poster child of a Mongol Warrior Man, a perfect pinacle of masculinity, and is thus doomed to only being able to express his love and acceptance for Baoxiang through a tough love, lets sand down all the edges to remove friction approach. For him, pushing Baoxiang into a box IS an act of love. It's the act of saying I love and accept you, and so I will help you succeed in all the things you're bad at so that everyone will love you too. Except by doing this, he doesn't realize how awful he's being and how he's asking someone that CANT ever fit the mold to break himself in the attempt. He's a perfect Mongol Warrior Man after all, and as such he has never been given the tools to express his affection in a healthy way. He will never truly understand how much he's an asshole, not because he is lacking in love (as Baoxiang assumes) or because he is incapable of sympathizing (as ouyang thinks), but because understanding is not something allowed of him and his role in society. At the end of the day, Esen is as much a slave to his role as all the other characters are, and now he's dead he will never be able to break free of the assumptions people have made of him. He went to his grave having destroyed the people he loved most, and now he will never have the chance to prove their assumptions wrong as be better.
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knightofleo · 21 days
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lemongogo · 1 year
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#this.discussion between them is one of my favorites#this and that exchange a while earlier where vash talks ab gunsmokes reliance on plants being a consequence of the big fall#and a necessary facet of survival for the ppl who live here despite how utterly awful an experience it is#for the both of them.the plants being used and the people forced by circumstance to use them until death ykyk#and i especially like.how vash is just so . baffled by the idea that knives somehow sees his ideology as this naive dream#as opposed 2 a reaction from the anger hes been harboring for SOO long. we SAWW it we saw how he reacted on the ship#we see it in the way he struggles 2 navigate life among ppl and how his body bears the scars of his pain and frustrations#his anger is sooo.Good. and formative.and wholly vash that i cannot imagine him without it#he never forgot teslas death / never will .and it motivates him just as much as rem's sacrifice n so on.#'ever since that day we've been mad' ....... prbably one of the best lines ive taken away#hashtag shinobu's 'yes im angry..ive always Been angry' monologue#i love how he includes knives in that anger too. its not just youre angry or im angry. its that We've been angry. Ever since that day.#going2 throw UPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#and the way knives reacts 2 it too.using it to cement his grief and decision that if we had to suffer than its only fair they should too#fairness.and when he talks ab making it equal...giving whats been taken..always an interesting concept to use in a vengeful sense from the#more sensitive brother. i love it.LUVE ITTT#trigun spoilers#vash#knives trigun#trigun maximum#trigun#millions knives
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okay weird q incoming but what ways do you think speedsters can get sick? Like to my understanding, they can’t really come down with normal virus’ like the flu, right? But they could get things like chronic migraines?
NANOBOTS!!! This is one of the best pieces of canon lore ever. I did a whole post on it but TLDR: normal human metabolisms have so much shit going on that they don't even notice nanobots in their body BUT speedsters have hyper accelerated metabolisms that are the equivalent of the straight A's overachiever in school on meth. So speedster metabolisms do notice nanobots and they attack full force, triggering all of the body's defenses and responses.
But the nanobots are metal so it obviously doesn't do anything. It just leaves the speedster lethargic, feverish, vomiting, dizzy, with a headache, sore muscles and a runny nose, ect. It's basically an allergic reaction.
Now, poisoning them can work depending on what the poison is/what the dosage is. You would need a 100% fatal poison and you would need a fairly high dose. Because speedsters heal fast and they have a hyper accelerated metabolism, so any poison that is based on toxicity (alcohol poisoning for example) would be out of their system faster than it could even take effect.
But poisons that can't be cleared out/processed by the body (take cyanide for example, it binds with the chemical receptors in your body making it physically impossible to use oxygen) wouldn't really be affected by their metabolism at all. So while the speedsters could heal the damaged tissues from these poisons fairly quickly (making it seem as though they were only slightly affected) they would ultimately need time to do so, time they would not have if it kills them first. This isn't technically what you are asking because there would be no substance that 'makes them sick', there would only be 'fine', 'not fine for like a minute and then fine again' and 'dead'. (... unless they were hooked up to a steady supply of the toxin)
Likewise, (this is getting more into theoretical territory, less canon) there might be some illnesses that would affect them? Not for long but if you got something super fucking fatal like Rabies, it might make them display mild cold symptoms for a day or something.
I don't know though. They have really fucking good immune systems. And even super fatal diseases can be fought. Take my example of Rabies, while it is commonly thought to be 100% fatal once symptoms show up there actually have been cases of people surviving it. Rabies is a very stealthy and fast disease, so the main problem with treating it is that your body's immune system isn't fast enough to stop it. People have survived by being placed in medically induced comas (slowing their bodily functions and thus the disease) for long enough that the medication can eradicate it. So for a speedster? That's gone in a minute tops. You would need an insane disease that I'm not sure even exists.
There's also like... pregnancy and menstruation. Growing pains, muscle pain from running is a BIG ONE, being dehydrated/starvation, blood loss, ect. Lots of ways to fuck with a speedster in a way they can't immediately fix.
There are also speedster specific ailments. It's basically 50/50 if a natural born speedster gets a weird highly fatal aging disease. Sometimes speedsters can be born without a kinetic energy shield which makes using their powers at all incredibly fatal to them. All speedsters will have connectivity issues at some point that can be fatal. Sometimes Time Gets Bad™ (shout out to when Barry kept chronically stealing time from people/things every time he used his powers). Sometimes they have too much energy and can't maintain human form (shout out to when Wally didn't know what the speedforce was and was accidentally cosplaying Ghost Rider). Velocity 9 is a highly addictive drug that works on speedsters and makes them display typical addiction behavior (and withdrawal). V9 can also cause a speedster to 'overdose' (burst into flames/lightning/energy). They all have the constant urge to yeet themselves into the speedforce. Ect.
#here's the thing: they are made of speedforce but its not a skin deep thing. you feel me? like their CELLS are made of speedforce#so all shit still affects them#i keep saying that they don't need oxygen or food to survive and thats true but its only if they're actively compensating with speedforce#cause they can get energy from the speedforce or they can get energy from oxygen and food or both. they can't do neither#and they don't really *know* or understand that theyd be fine with JUST speedforce energy. they still think they need oxygen and food#so if they were suffocating or something they might instinctively crank up the speedforce to compensate but they're also very stupid#so they might just die. idk it really depends on who it is how much they know and how much SF they're drawing on#cause like... energy beings need energy yo#i hope this makes sense#the muscle pain one is interesting cause Wallys early runs are really big on the whole hitting the wall thing#he would hit a wall that he physically couldn't break through and it caused him a lot of pain.#some of that was not being hooked up properly cause Wally wasn't hooked up properly until he was an ADULT#because he is FUCKING INSANE and he just went 'huh i guess this is my limit and i will stay below it' liKE AN INSANE PERSON#anyway some of it was SF issues and some of it was mental but he actually got really really hurt anytime he got close to the wall#REALLY bad muscle pain. and like... it was potentially extremely fatal. 'breaking down your body into little bits' fatal#he doesn't get that anymore because hes properly hooked up now but jfc that man treated 'entering the death zone' like it was#the high score to beat at his local arcade. he took it as a fucking challenge. absolutely insane dude right there
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cinna-bunnie · 3 days
lol i love how yesterday morning i was like “i love nightmares pls send me one” and i had 3 back to back 💀
*hesitantly* i ... i love nightmares..? send me one... once a week? no, twice a week
#one was living in a kind of big 1 story house w other ppl and trying to survive a bear attack#my middle dream i don't remember#and my third dream is kind of long to explain ૮ – ﻌ–ა#but basically me n a bunch of other ppl were trapped in a big house by ppl who were analogous to the iof and we needed to get out#before they killed us all.. most ppl were too scared to try running but compliance does not guarantee safety.. only 2 others left w me#and there was some thing.. like an ogre ig?? sorta looked like a v tall v buff dude and he kept trying to throw a ball at us w full force#but it hits like a cannon so we had to dodge that or be obliterated (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) we made it but i def left some stuff behind back at the#house like my wallet n maybe my phone etc so they had more info to go off of but i woke up a lil after the ogre guy#all i remember from the second dream is i remember being atop a large tower and the stones in the walls were part of an#ancient magical seal that had something to do w the creator's connection w birds and it was sort of a sacred site?#bc the stones together formed an invisible barrier over the area and birds were attracted to the area. u could pull the stones out#the wall if u wanted to 🤭 ur not supposed to but You Could. all else i remember is being in my car w three others#w me in the back and we drove past a fucking tornado akfkakak. i don't remember the actual plot of that dream or what#pushed it into nightmare territory but i have had quite an adrenaline filled night 🫡 being locked up in the torture/slavery/prisoner house#was the one that made me get up. where did these come from???¿ i basically just fell asleep watching Steven universe#👉🏾👉🏾 at least they weren't emotional nightmares.. i much prefer situational ones
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retconomics · 2 years
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babygirl you are my EVERYTHINg..!!.,1!1!
#attollo#in the tags because he's mary sue af and its embarrassin...#i've said it before but her power is p much transferrable healing factor so like. can take other peoples ouchies or give his to others#and then heals really quickly as long as there are enough excess calories to burn through#side effects often include light headedness or fainting if its a big job.#also like. she tends to transfer any big cuts or injuries that would result in visible scarring.. only exceptions are the piercings and#the edgelord tattoos he got on his fingertips to warn people about his fatal cheese touch (ie touch of extreme wound generosity)#oh right yeah can only transfer wounds through direct contact#like skin to skin#shed still die if like. shot to the head. but everything else theres a chance of survival ESP if shes touching someone or smthn else living#uhhh what else what else.#hangs out with sysba and suha for the clothes probably.#still has medical training.. maybe is an underground doctor or smthn idk#my art#and YES thats his natural hair yes its bleach damaged no idk how to convey that. next.#.. oh yeah lol works with ovo. like not FOR them but. might as well.#oc: alice#EDIT: I want it to be more balanced and less. multifaceted (u get ONE power) so:#instead its just status transfer like maybe a suuper mild healing factor because of how the transfer works -#-can spread trauma to other cells in other areas to minimize overall harm'#-and its semi-automatic so the IS potential for a ned the piemaker situation#so like if alice is freshly dead but the cells arent.. boom transfer#ok i think thats better.
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strawberrybyers · 19 days
got diagnosed with autism yesterday!!
i’m now going to refer to my brain as ✨the winx club (mental asylum version)✨🧚🏼‍♀️
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kingdom-creatin · 1 month
just before going off grid for a week is not the ideal time to start having so many thoughts about these fictional gay old men
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