#only two episodes today but i'll probably watch more tomorrow
agirlandherquill · 3 months
Written In Smoke - The Letter Stained In Ink
this week's letter comes to you fresh off the high of finishing reading a book, which i'll be sure to ramble about a little later on so bear with me, a few things have happened this week so here goes!
A Glimpse Through Time - little bits about me and what I’ve been up to this week
the past few days at least have been a lot, a good lot don't get me wrong, but a lot, now here's what I've been up to
A great chunk of my Saturday afternoon comprised of watching F1 (slipping in another fact about me, i'm a big fan), watching the practice, then an F2 sprint and then the F1 Qualifying for the big race - and i'm so freaking happy because my two favourite drivers are in the top 3 positions for tomorrow (you can tell this is written mere minutes after watching the madness) - it's also pretty cool because the track for the UK's race isn't all that far from me, and I'm hoping to grab tickets for next season
While I was watching the incredible chaos of F1, I was also reading, bit more on that below, but the universe must love me because the race finished the same moment that I read the final sentence of my book - talk about timing
I BOOKED MY TRIP TO BATH - I'm so so excited to go and see the Jane Austen Centre and Mary Shelley's House of Frankenstein, issue is I have just over a week to read 4 more Jane Austen books (I've only read persuasion and pride and prejudice, both twice) and Frankenstein (this is my motivation to finally read it haha), but it'll be doable for sure
This absolute genius was 3 hours late (cough, attempting to renew at 2am, cough) returning library books, but the people at the library were so sweet and got rid of the 15p charge and renewed them for me instead - first, and hopefully only time I'm late with library books fingers crossed
Books - This week's been a bit more productive writing-wise, so I only had time to read one book this week, and I finished it today (saturday, incase I take too long to write the rest of this week's entry and send it off tomorrow instead, and let's be honest, it's likely) - You, by Caroline Kepnes, and I've seen the show many, many times, and the book was just as addictive, I'm thinking of reading the rest but that might be a plan for the future since my bookshelves and kindle library are begging me to read the books i own and have yet to read rather than buying more - I did however grab a copy of P.S I Love You in a charity shop and I can't believe it, it literally looks NEW, so I'm going to look forward to reading and watching the movie at some point - I'm also halfway through Love, Theoretically and I am OBSESSED, that and Love Hypothesis were the only books I was planning on reading by the author but now I'm not so sure, they're so GOOD
Shows/Movies - My. Lady. Jane. SPEECHLESS (as of writing this I'm only on episode 5, but I'm hoping to finish it this weekend) and I can't wait to devour the book when the tie-in edition comes out (this is one I NEED in paperback, sorry bookshelves), I also watched Empire Strikes Back this week and can I just say I'm more of a Leia and Han fan than I expected to be - they're so good
Music - us. by Gracie Abrams (this is one of very few of her songs that I know but it is so good to write with, on loop, or it was for the scene I was writing, but that's just what it's like being a writer I suppose, music changes with each scene and some songs fit better than most), Chlorine by TOP - my friends introduced me to them and this is probably my favourite song of theirs, and that's it for this little segment they're the two main songs I can think of
oh and I can include a slightly major adulting achievement - I voted for the first time this week, it was a strange, strange feeling but it happened - I'm not big on politics, not at all, so I won't say too much about it but the thought of crossing a box to decide a country's future is really funny to me, I could not tell you why, but it makes me laugh
Spills From The Ink-Pot - writing, writing, and more writing
this is England, it may be July but the skies sure do know how to pour - which means more time indoors for me writing (I do love writing outside, when it's not too cold, but the rain's brought a little bit of an anti-summer chill, shocker, so this week's been more of an indoors-y one for me)
The current draft of Ruin's Reprisal took a bit of a hammering, as did my keyboard - in the last 3 days alone I've written 6,000 (ish) words, which is a lot for me recently, and it's only going to be more still throughout the rest of this weekend - people ask me why I have a keyboard cover on my laptop, this is why, I hate the thought of wearing down the keys and leaving fingerprints on my screen when I shut my laptop- and with a keyboard cover none of that happens, and my keyboard survives just a little longer (pray for the poor thing, I know I am) - at the time of almost publishing this letter I'm now sitting at 12,000 words written by the end of the weekend (whoops)
Current Word Count is sitting at 212,525, but that's with me having edited up to halfway through Part Two, it's by no means a set number given the amount of chapters I still have to go through, but it's progress (and i love progress)
I'm thinking of making a checklist in these letters to encourage myself to do more writing things in the next week, so here's next week's goals:
Come up with Part Titles - I have Chapter ones, why not for Parts too?
I want to finish Part Two by next week - that's 5 chapters away, possibly doable?
Slightly bigger goal than just next week - I want to write a short story, or a story, maybe not so short, but I want to write start to finish over the summer (maybe it'll be a novella?), it's a challenge I'm setting for myself alongside writing Ruin's Reprisal, and it starts with the little snippet I released earlier this week - writing on a clueless whim becomes an actual, surprisingly good thing, who knew?
I have plenty to show you this time around dear reader, so here's a few snippets for you to sink your teeth into:
She grabbed his hand and pressed it over her bleeding thigh. “Do it. Heal me.” Fenley frowned. “Edeva-” “There’s no time. They’ll find us. I need you to do it.” His brows furrowed, he watched her carefully. “You’ll reject it, won’t you?” He’s figured it out, or he thinks he has. Either way, it doesn’t matter. “This Exilza will survive.” Fenley’s jaw tightened. “I’ll hurt you.” His eyes swept up from her leg to her face. She caught his stare, and she held it. “Then hurt me. I know you’ll make it right.” “…But I can’t.” She watched his throat bob up and down. He’s not willing to hurt me more before he heals me. Her fingers twitched by her sides. It’s going to take drastic measures to make him do it.  She reached up and slung her arm over his shoulders, drawing him in close, Fenley grunted in shock, she used his distraction to grab one of the knives from his coat, he jerked back, his mouth hanging open as she buried the blade in her thigh, close to her wound, and buried her face in his chest to muffle a cry of pain. She breathed deeply and braced herself to rip out his knife. She pressed it into his hands.  “Until I bleed out, my life is yours. Decide.”
This was not hunting, this was not defence, this was murder through and through.  Edeva had taken a life, and now the epithet hanging over her name was true. I am a murderer. Vanquisher. Slaughterer. Monster. She sank to her knees, clutching her head, as the names began to swirl, over and over until they blurred, becoming a perpetual scream in her mind, she could think, still she could not breathe, she could not move. The ground shook, the Oksa were coming for her. She did not look, she did not lift her chin from her chest, she remained still on her knees, succumbing to her fate, her punishment for what she had done. I deserve it. I took a life of theirs and they’ll take this life of mine. The darkness crept in, it took over her, numbing the world until all she could see was the dark, shrouding her like a cloak. Her heart stuttered in her chest. This was not death, this was Shael. “Edeva.” Fenley’s whisper forced her to lift her head. He was on his knees too, one hand on her shoulder. “What are you doing?” “Accepting.” She hadn’t the strength to say more, or the strength to look him in the eye, but he stopped her, he made her, his fingers grasped the hair at the nape of her neck and pulled back sharply enough to force her to meet his gaze. “There is nothing to accept and I will not see you give up, I will not see you submit, not to them. I will not stand around watch your neck break - I won’t,” His jaw clenched. “I won’t, and you won’t either.” The hand on her shoulder pushed roughly and she fell, she fell from the ethereal cloak of Shael and back to the world, back to the fighting. Where Oksa had been there were now smoking remains, such smoke wasn’t normal, and she realised it wasn’t. It was shadow. Whatever Fenley had done she was glad she hadn’t seen it, but he had done it to help her, to save her, to help her save herself - for just a little longer.  Something glinted to her right, it was her sword, sticking out of the dirt. Fenley. He wants me to fight. He wanted her to do the impossible. “I can’t.” She closed her eyes, her fingers curling in on themselves as her hand hung limply by her side. Vitaires do not fall. We stand. We stay standing.  Her Mama’s words had never been so loud in her mind. They were true, they were everything she needed, much like Fenley’s push. I am Edeva Vitarie and I will stand. She took her first breath, then another, I. Will. Stand.
and this next snippet comes from the short story i'm writing (alas yet to be given a title): “It isn’t very often someone gets away with saying no to me.” She startled at his voice. She turned to see him squatting atop a large bin, crammed against a wall, overflowing with rubbish, none of it seemed to bother him as he prowled over its lid and crept down to her level. Her fingers stilled against her laces. “Have I?” “Not quite.” “I should warn you I’m expected somewhere.” “This won’t take long, I came only to give you this.” She flinched at an envelope hitting her lap, she hadn’t felt him move, let alone seen it.  “If I open it, will it kill me?” “That envelope contains ink and paper, nothing more.” “Nothing less, either.” She mused, slipping the envelope into her coat. “Your stationery is what most would die for.” “Really? I thought I was using the cheaper stuff.” “Rich, are we?”  His laugh almost tempted one of hers. “Not quite. Save your questions for another night, I trust we’ll have one.” He sounds more self assured than the corporate suits that rule the city, is such a thing possible? She stood, laces tied, envelope secure, and hugged herself. The chill of the night had never been so clear to her as it was now.  “If I tell you no, again, will you seek me out?” “You sought me first, I only thought to return the favour.” Is that… A touch of defence? How interesting.  “Very well, I-” “I thought I’d lost you for a minute there, everything all right?” The Assistant’s voice cut through the alley, she turned around, putting on a reassuring smile. “I needed to tie my laces that’s all.” She took a few steps toward him, only glancing back as they went to turn back onto the street. The alley was empty, he was gone.  His letter seemed to weigh more in her pocket before, she placed a hand over it to steady it, and herself. My refusal paid off, he’s more interested than ever before. The more interest, the more willing he is to tell his story. He wanted another night, she sought out plenty more - and she would have them. She had him hooked, and she knew it. 
good grief this week's one is LATE (apologies dear reader, these past few days have been busy ones) but here you go! this week's letter is all typed up, compiled and heading your way!
~ A Girl and Her Quill
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Hi M, how are you? Coming after the high of Shogun's yesterday's win at the Emmy's made me wonder if you have a favourite historical movie or tv show that is underrated or in the category more-people-should-watch-this? Hopefully you indulge in this type of movie. 😊
For example, for me, one such movie is "Master and Commander: The Far side of the World" :brilliant ensemble cast all across the board, good chemistry between the main leads, engaging story, very good soundtrack, fx that still hold, 99% hystorically accurate 😂 but despite this not many have heard or watched this movie.
Have a nice day!
P.S. can't believe that tomorrow the last episode of AYS will air 😭.
Hi @shimako! Sorry for answering your question late, but I postponed it because I kept trying to think of a list. And honestly, I saw the words historical drama and forgot the underrated part so this is a bit of a disaster, but I'll make it work. Let's just say this is an incomplete list of tv shows that had an impact on me at the time and ages that I had when I watched them. And you'll see that I barely remember the plot, but I sort of know how I felt.
1. Rome
Is this underrated? Hell no! But perhaps in today's age of tv, a lot of people have forgotten about that show. Only two seasons, but it was among the first batch of prestige tv in the middle of the 2000s. I liked it so much that it made go to the bookstore and buy a book about Caesar. If I went through my Egypt phase in middle school, then my Ancient Rome period came in high school.
2. The Borgias
At the time of its runtime, I think it was pretty big. Although I don't think it won many awards. I also remember it being used as an example on scholarly papers about Hollywood using Eastern and Central European studios because of cheap labor and good locations. Budapest and Prague can replace Florence, lol.
The Borgias was naughty. And it had Jeremy Irons who is a fantastic actor in my opinion. Eventually they actually leaned heavily into the siblings relationship which I thought was daring. They went there 👀. And the costumes were so beautiful!.
3. The Tudors
I remember this show through the eyes of a 13-14 year old that developed a massive crush on the actor portraying Henry the VIII. This was like the rock'n'roll version of the story. And it was sexy. A bit over the top. A stepping stone for some actors that would become a lot more famous in the years to come. I think it was on HBO so probably not underrated at the time, but mostly forgotten nowadays.
4. Versailles
I can't remember if it's French or they talk in English. But it was lots of fun. And really gay. They didn't stay away from that. That's all I remember, but give it a try.
5. Taboo
This is that show with a really brooding Tom Hardy who remains like that throughout the story. But if you're interested in 1800s London and England's imperialist plan and its effects on colonized territories, this might be it.
6. Babylon Berlin
I don't know if this fits into the list, but it is a great portrayal of 1920s Berlin. A period in which artistic freedom and experimentation was at its height, but also juxtaposed with political unrest, creating this environment that would lay the ground for the rise of the fascist party. It's a german show, an HBO production and I like that it's not glamourized. You can see it in their clothes, their hygiene habits, their visible sweat and run down outfits they wear in clubs. It feels real.
7. Black Sails
I first heard of this when I wanted to watch more Toby Stephens movies/series but I almost stayed away because it was a Michael Bay production. Black Sails is so smart. At first, it might lure in the wrong audience, even based on the first trailer. It looks like a pirate show full of action sequences and machismo. And then you actually watch it and it flips that exact narrative. It is a direct critique of imperialism. It is also such a good case for any film and gender & queer studies analysis. But more than that, what really sealed the deal for me in what is considered a grade B series with grade B actors, is the meta-textual discourse on storytelling. It's about creating those pirate legends, of creating narratives to protect themselves against the empire. And all that is unfolded through brilliant lines of dialogue. It still remains a 10/10 tv show for me and the actual underrated one.
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benkyoutobentou · 6 months
31 Days of Productivity Reading: Day eighteen
Before: I'm going to the bookstore today! The plan is to study more Mandarin, then pick up the book for that book club that I'm crashing as well as a thank you note for the person who sent me all those volumes of manga. I especially want to mention the thank you note here because I really don't want to forget...
Also, I've been seeing more and more people online talking about that Ali Hazelwood book Check & Mate, and despite how little interest I have in anything she writes ever, seeing a book about chess being talked about so much makes me want to continue reading 3月のライオン so I'll probably pick that up either today or tomorrow, depending on how I'm feeling after I finish 独り舞.
And now that I have more free time, I really want to start that ASL course! So much to do, so much to do... I think I might do some thinking about how I want to schedule all my different languages...
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After: As usual, I didn't get to the bookstore until quite a bit later than usual. I started my day with my favorite Sunday ritual (which had to be put off until today), which is watching the latest ゆびさきと恋々with a cup of tea. I love this series so much, I can't believe it's ending next week. It's so sweet, and I love how we got even more of Itsuomi speaking German this episode.
When I was finally ready to go to the bookstore, my dog begged for a walk. I can't go anywhere without taking her out first, and I can't say no either lol.
I have a few rituals that I use to get myself going and start being productive, and pone of them is making a cup of tea. I made myself a cup of tea to drink while I read, and then I drank my entire cup of tea while talking to my mom and still have not read a single page today.
I finished 独り舞! I ended up reading thirty pages today over an hour and thirty five minutes, with an average reading pace of (miraculously) 3.2 pages per minute. I must’ve just been zooming through it, I never felt like I was sacrificing comprehension for speed (other than my usual ignoring of unknown vocabulary words). I guess this is what happens when I read in an undistracted environment?
Even though I didn’t have the best time reading 独り舞 I’m glad I read it. It’s a good book and one that I definitely want to return to when my Japanese is a higher level, because I think I could really enjoy it at the right times. That being said, it’s definitely not a book for everyone. It’s extremely depressing from beginning to end. There were moments that I thought would be the turning point, and then something got in the way. I really liked the way it presented the main character’s almost dissociation from herself with the way it only referred to her as 彼女 in the narration, and the linguistic aspects when writing in both Japanese and Chinese were cool to see as well. In a strange way, the end reminded me a bit of 僕らの地球の歩き方 despite the tones of the two being almost complete opposites.
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tuiyla · 7 months
NATLA Ep. 4 "Into the Dark" initial thoughts
Okay wow, I think this is my fav so far in terms of changes they've made. The best ep so far is probs Warriors but this was quite bold in the changes it's made and you know what, the first episode made me fear they'd be too timid to actually lean into their changes but no. Just like Danny Pudi put his whole Pudissy into his role, this episode committed to its direction and I can respect that even in places where I don't agree with the changes. The only exception is Bumi's tests, a lot of the dialogue and other aspects lifted straight from ATLA didn't work because it felt more forced in this context than anything. And overall I think Bumi is my least favourite part of the episode and its adaptation.
I was glad to see Jet in this episode, too, even if it was brief. I'm still lacking stronger emotions and a stronger presence from Katara but I'm glad for this goodbye with Jet and how it sets up exactly what it needs to. We did lose Jet being a foil to Sokka and there was a major missed opportunity in having Jet actually interact with Sai but ah well, can't have everything.
Instead of Sokka foiling it out with Jet there's the surprise inclusion of basically Book 2 Chapter 2 which I did not expect but am pleasantly surprised by. This ep went hard on the music taken straight from ATLA between the nomads' songs and Leaves From the Vine playing over the Iroh flashback. And! And!! Oma and Shu are lesbians!!! This is not a drill, Oma and Shu are lesbians in love. If there was one thing I hoped for in terms of the live action show it was casual queer representation and I got it in the most unexpected but pleasant place. Love it.
And!! On top of the surprising but not unwelcome inclusion of The Cave of Two Lovers, the story is recentered entirely on Sokka and Katara. I'll share more thoughts on this later but suffice to say I always love me some Water Sibs appreciation and this was much needed in this version. I still take issue with essentially erasing Katara's mothering of Sokka but it's clear the impact Hakoda leaving had on them is the same and, most probably in lieu of Bato of the Water Tribe, we get this storyline with them. The fact that love being the answer was reframed as the love between these two siblings is honestly a galaxy brain change and decision and I respect the hell out of it. There's still much lacking in terms of really fleshing out our cast but I will never, ever say no to more Water Sibs content. If we were gonna spend so much time in Omashu and put so many familiar faces in there, makes sense to also do the Omashu backstory AND utilize it to shine some light on the sibling dynamic that otherwise doesn't have much room to breathe in the live action. This is the kind of bold new direction that they have to take and own to make this show work.
I also enjoyed the Zuko and Iroh stuff and that's some interesting inclusion of more Book 2 things as well. The way even their plot from the Winter Solstice part one ep was integrated here is quite clever and I enjoyed both the past and present Iroh scenes. We'll see how they handle the actual Zuko backstory and I do think this version of Iroh needs a bit more, how should I put it, softness, but there's much to like here. Especially giving Zuko the option to pursue Aang instead and having him choose to rescue Iroh. Similar to a choice he made in the above mentioned Spirit World ep but honestly, lowkey more poignant here.
That's it for me for today but I'll watch the second half of the season tomorrow. I have to say, so far it has at least provided some interesting new takes worth taking a deeper critical look at, and I don't agree with those who dismiss the show entirely. It has merit even if, halfway through the first season, it's yet to convince me it can justify its own existence.
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stressedlawsecretary · 3 months
Today's Focus
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06.25.24 - Today is going to be the hottest day this week so I picked one of my favorite and comfy dresses; the sweater is for the freezing AC in the office. I look cute, but I had a shit morning so I ended up forgetting the exact clip I wanted to go with this. Well, if that's the only thing that gets totally fucked up today (besides the coffee machine - the bane of my a.m.) I'm going to count myself lucky.
Work - Everyone is downstate and it feels really quiet and other than the fact that I got a new case in late yesterday to put in NYM and create a physical file for...I got nothing lol.
Background Noise - I am at the office so I'm continuing to do YT stuffs as background noise.
I had two goals yesterday, and I hit the first one with 27 total videos watched. I don't feel like it made a dent though, because I realized I was missing context for something and added more. However! My goals for today are much lower than they were yesterday so I'm going to say I must have made some progress.
Study - Tuesday is article day and I'm hoping it's quiet and slow and I can just read a bunch.
Yesterday was pretty productive on this front. There were seven press releases that came in on Friday that I read, another six random articles, the Wikipedia page for Albermarle Paper Co. v. Moody as well as started reading the decision on Justia, and I finished the letter from the coalition of attorneys general to the Department of Education regarding student loan forgiveness for defrauded ITT students.
Extras - Tuesday is free this week; I cleaned the bathroom last week and so I wait until next week to do that again. I am still cooking - cowboy steaks with mashed potatoes and ranch broccoli; tomorrow's going to be the weird day with dinner. I'm continuing with Kamen Rider Build tonight, hopefully another episode of The Tick, plus another Whose Line episode; I'll probably do YT with hunny in between some of those. Really depends on how many episodes of Build we do. The mini-essay was quickly posted, and tomorrow's is all ready to go; I'll probably work on Thursday's as well because I'm losing time tomorrow.
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pbandjesse · 25 days
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We just watched three episodes of Interview with the Vampire. And it is ridiculously good. Like when I was a kid Queen of the Damned was everything to me. And I loved the original movie. But this is a different animal. The costumes are incredible. It's sad and funny and infuriating. It's so good. Highly highly recommend. But I am now very tired. I knit basically the whole time and got 7 squares done. Felt nice to be productive.
It was a pretty productive day overall. I really appreciated getting to sleep a little bit later. I did sleep a little better last night but it did feel really hot in here at time. Its probably just from the sun beating on us for a lot of the day but the temperature is supposed to lower again tomorrow so I have hopes of it being cool in here again.
When I woke up I would lay in bed for a bit. Getting up at 845. I took a shower and made sure my tablet was charged. I would have to leave here at about 940. The museum is only 10 minutes away but I was worried about parking. Thankfully I didn't need to be in the end.
Once I got dressed I actually felt pretty good. I had a little breakfast. Well I had a glass of a milk and a cookie. That's basically a breakfast. And I laid on the couch with sweetp until it was time to go. I would end up sitting on the stairs for the last few minutes because I was anxious about leaving. But in the end it was totally fine.
I got over to Little Italy and got an excellent parking space literally three cars from the front door of the place. I was really lucky. Also very nervous because the signs were all bent so I was only mostly sure I was parking in a legal space. And thankfully I was.
I wandered the wrong way for a second but turned around and found the house. I liked that you could see where the next row house clearly has been, but is now a courtyard. I took pictures of all the signs. I particularly loved their ground map of the United States with each state being represented by the state stone, donated by that state. It was really cool to see.
Chris would come outside to the courtyard to get me. He was a really nice guy. He is the second replacement for the woman I was originally in contact with last December. The person who replaced her apparently only stayed for two months and he's the replacement of the replacement. He knows a ton about the civil war and we had lots to talk about.
I was really blessed. I not only got a private tour of the house, I got a behind the scenes look at spaces they don't currently have open to the public, he moved ropes so I could see artifacts and spaces close up, and I got to go into the archives. It really truly felt like I was living the dream today. And I had so much fun.
I got to learn how to flag, the actual star spangled banner that Mary Pickersgill made, was constructed. With 15 fussy cut stars and special seams for each of the 15 stripes. I got to see paintings of Mary and her family. I learned a lot!
And the house was really neat as well. I loved seeing the artifacts and especially her bedroom, where the flag was most likely sewn. It wasn't just her. Her daughter, her servant, her sister, and two slave girls, all helped. But she was the business woman commissioned. And because of the enslaved girls, she didn't have to do any of the other house things and was then able to just focus on the flag. Which I think gets lost in the conversation a lot about the time (very quick) she was able to finish the flag. Chris is really interested in putting that story more forward, I appreciated that.
We talked about aesthetics. What he was hoping for for the colors of the bear and the dress she would wear. Accessories she may have, tools and such. We landed on a yellow body and a blue dress, but pink and peach were also thrown around. I would take lots of reference pictures and felt really excited for the project.
Before I left we discussed cost and he seemed really cool about it. I'll get everything in writing. And then I wished him a great rest of the day and headed out. I was in an excellent mood.
I thought the excellent mood would carry me through going to run some errands. But the heat got to me and I started feeling really woozy. I would change my GPS half way to the store, and went straight home.
When I got back here I parked and went inside and was sad about how hot it was outside. But inside was a lot better. I would put the oven on to make cream cheese wontons. I put together a bowl for my pasta salad. And went to work on stuffing some of my quilt squares for my puff quilt in the studio while my lunch cooked.
And lunch was very good. I had strawberry ice tea. I tried very hard to be hydrated. It was tough.
While I ate my lunch I tried the new video game James got me. Frog detective. It wasn't a long game, only about an hour. But it was fun. A simple little puzzle where I had to give different characters objects to get other objects to solve a mystery. Very low stakes. Cute art. It was funny and it was fun. There are two more games in the series. I may play them tomorrow. It was a good time.
I would lay down for a little. But soon I went upstairs to work on my commission.
I was a little stuck at first. But once I got going I felt really inspired and good. I got the bear itself done fairly fast. The accessories always take the longest. I would trace the table and chair from her room. Cleaned that up. Worked on a draping flag. Some little sewing tools. I have more plans but I just think it's the cutest thing. She came out so sweet. I really hope they like her. I quoted him about 5 hours of drawing, and were about 2 hours in. I may make her an actual background, but we will see. I don't want it to be to busy!
Around 4 I moved downstairs. I asked James to bring me French fries home. I didn't realize they were having such a tough day today. A flat tire. Hurt their leg. Internet went down. More and more things just weighing on my poor husband. But they would still get me fries. Even if they were in hold for 7 minutes! I love them so much.
I heated up nacho cheese for the fries when they got home with them. We shared them and James told me about their day while they started making crepe batter. I was very happy to have them home.
They went upstairs to record something for their podcast. And when they were done we would have crepes and watch interview with the vampire. And it was just a really nice night. I got really woozy at times. And my stomach hurts a little. But overall I was good. It was probably the best I've felt for the longest periods. It wasn't perfect. But I was happy.
And now I am tired. I am going to shower soon. And get ready for bed. And hopefully tomorrow is good too.
We were supposed to get our washer and dryer delivered tomorrow but now we think it was canceled because it's backordered? But we are very confused because the number in the email said we still have a delivery so I will stay home to wait just in case. Celia may come over after lunch. I just hope it's not as hot and I feel okay.
I hope you all have a good day tomorrow. I hope you sleep well. Be safe everyone. Until next time. Goodnight!
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allaboutandrew · 1 year
New interview with USA Today:
It struck me that you really dislike the word "guncle." I'm wondering if your nieces and nephews refer to you as that?
That term wasn't really a thing when I started having nieces and nephews 25 years ago. And now it's become a thing. I just feel like it's so often with gay men specifically, there's an infantilization of we're "boys." It's always "the boys." It's never like, "you men. Come over here." We're always like "boys," which I just think is sort of funny.
When people recognize you on the street, do you usually get "Girls" or "Book of Mormon"?
It's kind of an even split between those. Although it's been really interesting being here in Italy. There's a lot of "How I Met Your Mother" – and I only did two episodes of that show, and it ran for 10 years. It's a lot of episodes, and I was only in two of them. But people will say to me, "You were on 'How I Met Your Mother'!" I was like, "I guess I was?"
You talk also about in the book that Aaron Tveit replaced you in (Broadway's) "Hairspray." You mentioned something about how you were told that he was younger and straight, per your recollection. Do you think that this would still happen in 2023? Do you feel like you maybe miss out on roles due to your queerness in any way?
I feel like I probably did earlier in my career. I know I did. I think the benefit that I've had, especially when I started working on television in 2012-ish, was that there was more opportunity for queer characters, there were more queer voices being heard. And that's just continued. So I feel like there have been a lot of opportunities for me in the last 10 years that didn't exist 10 years prior.
One celebrity name drop in the book I love was Murray Bartlett being the doorman at an underwear party you attended. He's having a bit of a moment right now. Have you been in touch at all?
Well-deserved. We did "Welcome to Chippendales" together. I got to play his boyfriend. And he was just off "The White Lotus," had already filmed "The Last of Us." We cranked out that "Chippendales" show pretty quickly last summer, and then it was airing. I know he has a few film projects. But the thing I love about Murray is that he keeps a pretty low profile when he's not working. He keeps his life pretty simple. He doesn't live in Los Angeles or New York and really just has a very low-key life, which I really respect a lot. Because I think he's always just been such a cool guy. Just to simplify it. But man oh man, did I have a crush on him.
Who wouldn't?
It was crazy. He had the mustache going, it was like 2003, he had just been on "Sex and the City." I was like, that's for me. I was not for him, as I discuss in the book, but then later, I got to play his boyfriend. So, you know, it kind of worked out.
Switching gears here a second. I know you've written about your grief in the past. My dad died about a year ago, so that totally resonated. Where are you with your grief right now? I know it's been a long time. But how are you?
Thank you for asking. It's an odd feeling to know that I've been alive longer without my dad than I was with him.
As I creep closer to the age he was – he was 61 when he died. Not that it seemed old, but it just seemed very far away. I will turn 45 this year. So it's getting closer. I know it's not tomorrow, but if all goes well, I'll get there. So that has brought up some strange feelings.
Then there'll be great moments that happen in your life and you're going to feel this pang of loss that they're not there to see you do these things.
You never quite recover from it, and I watch it with my siblings too, as they have kids, and they all navigate it in a different way having children, and how they relate to their kids as parents. We laugh about things that my father used to say to us that certainly would not fly today that he said in the '80s. So it's never something that really leaves you, and that can be a very comforting thing too.
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what-if-nct · 4 months
hiiii today's reminder is my bridgerton theories will not make sense unless you've watched it but some spoilers: beautiful people are idiots in love then get off in a horse drawn carriage. it is the peak of romance.
alsoooooo the try guys are launching a thingy and i thought i would be furious the way i was with watcher but like… I'm excited, i think I'll probably even subscribe. i think the difference is mainly in the fact that i actually enjoy all of their current content. minus the podcasts and stuff because who in this life has the time to listen to podcasts, certainly not me. but i love love love their videos and end up watching just about all of them and the new stuff looks good too. I'm just waiting on whatever Eugene is gonna announce tomorrow although it seems rather obvious and i doubt it's gonna change my mind on this
Hii, and that little synopsis alone is enough to make me want to watch. I'll let you know when I do so you can share your theories. And yeah same, the new cast and someone potentially leaving I kinda figured was the new route and I enjoy all of their new content anyway. I might subscribe the way I do with any other streaming services I pay for a month then binge after not having it for a few months. I'm actually surprised I've had Hulu for three months but it's only to catch up on network shows as they air. I genuinely watch YouTube more than shows. So the try guys thingy is definitely something I will subscribe to plus it's fairly cheap and they're not pulling all of their content from YouTube which would be absolutely ridiculous for someone to do. It makes more sense for the try guys to do it because they upload a ton of content in a two weeks let alone a month. Plus we hopefully wont gave to wait a year for the season finale of without a recipe.
And I adore so many of their new cast members like Marissa, oh shes such a cutie patootie. And when I first saw Joyce on the cheesecake factory episode I fell in love and not just cause we have the same name. I think the try guys saw what not to do with the watcher thing even though I feel like they already knew what to do before all of that went down. And yeah I don't think I've finished the one try guys pod ep I tried to watch. I only watch two podcasts and I can finish the hour and half long one during dinner. But the the 3 hour one takes a week to finish.
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wanderingmind867 · 1 year
I hate to say it, but Only Murders in the Building just doesn't seem very good. I saw Season 1 Episode 1 today with my dad, and I just couldn't get into it. It's a real shame too, because I Love Steve Martin, Martin Short and Andrea Martin (two SCTV alumnus! They're incredible in SCTV)! It's such a shame. But I have some thoughts as to why I disliked it:
• I already hate True Crime. It's boring (very boring) and exploitative. Also can be freaky. Even in a comedy about it, I found myself rooting for the police lady in episode 1 who chewed out True Crime. It sucks, and my massive bias is clearly affecting my judgment when it comes to this show.
• It's very dramatic. If you know me and my taste, you probably know I'm easily scared and only tend to consistently enjoy Comedy. I thought the show would be more Comedic than it was. I didn't laugh much at all during the episode. I only laughed at a lot of Martin Short's lines. He's got the best character and he plays him to perfection! But besides some of Martin Short's lines, not much made me laugh. It's too heavy for me (especially since I was expecting something really Comedic).
In short, I'm quite sad I didn't like the show. I may try to watch another episode today or tomorrow, and I'll make another post about it if/when I do. I'm just kind of sad. Steve Martin and Martin Short are amazing, so it's a shame I couldn't get into it. I feel bad for not liking it, if that makes any sense.
Edit: I still don't like it too much, but Martin Short has a lot of great lines. He's the best part! Because of him, I may manage to force myself through all of season 1. Maybe even to try 2 one day, who knows?
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hyunsoolgc · 1 year
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in which hyunsoo replaces his gpu and puts together a keyboard and new computer chair.
The nerves eat at Hyunsoo's insides. It burns the inner walls of his stomach, causing it to grumble in protest. ( Or is he just hungry? )
The mere idea of having his own personal channel is more than enough to riddle him with anxiety. His jaw clenches at the thought. Organizing episodes in advance, figuring out the logistics and scheduling of shooting footage between his work schedule and classes. He could only assume using a hobby of his would make things far easier. The videos could easily be shot and edited at home in one go... And so, he chooses to tackle the subject of gaming with little hesitation.
There would be no better way to begin his channel than an introduction to himself and his set up. His new PC, keyboard and chair arrive just in time for him to begin filming. He flicks on the camera, steadying it to full display his desk and the two unopened boxes in front of it.
"Hello, this is actor Lee Hyunsoo," He appears in frame to wave his hand in front of his face. Of course, it is not that he is too shy to appear in front of the camera. On the contrary, he has gained confidence in it; rather, he is unsure of how much of himself he should be showing on screen. "As you can see... there's a lot for me to do already. I'm going to be replacing my GPU and putting together my new keyboard and chair. I decided to make a whole day of it and... if I don't finish it by tonight, I'll do it tomorrow."
"I'll comment about my channel name first. It sounds a bit silly, right? My idea was to make it sound like a word play between video game… mashed with teddy bear..." a shy laugh cuts his words. "Which is my nickname now, I suppose? I hope it's okay." He clears his throat before he begins to ramble. The episode run time is limited to around twenty minutes and he does not want to overdo it for the first episode.
"As you can see..." He holds up the box with the graphics card, marveling at its size. As he speaks, he makes sure to edit over the definitions with text. "I managed to get a Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card... 24GB GDDR6X memory. I'll get raytracing as well... Today, you'll watch me replace the old one. I'll have to disassemble my PC, take out the old GPU and put in the new one."
He awkwardly ends the shot, transitioning into a sped up montage of him taking apart his unplugged PC on his desk. Text with instructions on what he is doing overlays the screen, and he adds a soft bit of music to the background. The fast forward pauses and he leans into the shot a bit more, holding up the case with a gasp. "So much dust!" But the footage proceeds again to show him cleaning the inside.
While the process goes on, he suddenly realizes he should probably be talking about something. He looks up, offering a bashful grin coupled with a short chuckle.
"I got a bit engrossed," he leans on the desk, giving his hands a break. "I've always had this interest in computers, ever since I was young. Admittedly, I don't know as much about them as I wished I did. This is probably the pinnacle of my ability to impress with it... I actually..." Hyunsoo furrows his brows and adjusts his glasses as he leans forward, plucking out a strange fuzzy from the edge of the computer's fan. He lifts it to the camera with a skeptical gaze before flicking it in the trash. "I actually wanted to become a computer engineer when I was a child but nothing really ever came of that. I'm glad I became an actor, though."
Now was not the time to reminisce about his parents and their dreams for him. Acting just so happened to be the closest compromise. Had Hyunsoo had his way, he would never be in the spotlight to begin with but he believes in the matter of making do with his circumstances.
He wears a small smile as he finishes up, turning the computer on to make sure everything works. The fans whir and the lights fade from color to color ever second.
The remainder of Hyunsoo's video is rather mundane and quiet, shots of him going about the rest of his tasks spliced in with the delicate tune of a piano playing atop it. He makes sure to keep himself in frame, occasionally glancing up to make sure the camera is still filming. By the time the video ends, it is already dark and he shows the window, waking at his reflection in it before turning it towards his face.
"If you made it this far into the video, thank you. I know the subject isn't for everyone so I'm grateful for anyone who finds it interesting. This is just my first episode... so please tune in for the next one. I'll make sure it's a lot more exciting. Bye!"
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sitpwgs · 1 year
Haha..I'm the opposite of you..I read the first two Hunger Games books but never read the last one and just watched the movie for it. I'll be doing the same with the new one..just watching the movie. I recommend the Perks movie if you ever get around to it. But I totally get that about not keeping up with books or movies too. I actually only watched the 1st season of Gilmore Girls as well..and a few more episodes here and there but basically know everything from Tumblr. I'm also so curious about the soundtrack for Taylor's movie and how much she will be involved. Maybe she will write at least one song for the movie and that could be the main or like theme song of the movie, so something similar to Carolina. It probably depends on what kind of movie it is too and how many songs will be used anyway. I guess something like Love, Simon has a lot and even the Barbie movie has a specific soundtrack lol. But then something like Perks or Lady Bird which is also coming of age or teen doesn't have as many songs. I wonder if you can tell that I'm hoping for something similar to this genre lol.
Sorry I didn't reply until now. I was mostly offline and trying to do more reading. I'm still trying for Les Mis tickets tomorrow but was unsuccessful three times now. Also trying to work out going to a Paramore show this weekend too but I'm not sure. I hope this happens but if not..my Taylor show is next weekend and I see your Taylor show is this weekend which is exciting for you!!!
good morning friend!! i've picked up a lot about gilmore girls from tumblr — and then for some reason my entire FYP on tiktok was gilmore girls clips for a while. there are a lot of shows that i'm interested in watching, but then i end up seeing so much of it on tumblr/tiktok/etc. that i'm like "what's the point now that i know what happens" and i prioritize other shows! i've taken to just blacklisting any show i might watch in the future so i don't get spoiled. i'm SO excited for the barbie movie — i've really liked what i've heard from the soundtrack. i'm seeing the barbie movie today, actually! i was debating on listening to the barbie soundtrack on my commute into the city, but decided to just wait till later 🤍 i'm definitely curious to see what the movie's about and everything! and no worries on replying 🤍 i hope you've been enjoying your reads! what are you currently reading? and i really hope you get les mis tickets 🤞 have you seen it before? it's one of my favorites. and ahhhh! a bunch of my friends went to paramore last weekend and then i know they're in seattle on monday and unfortunately i'll have to miss it :( and yes!! my taylor shows are this weekend — i couldn't be more excited! what surprise songs are you hoping for? have a good friday/weekend if i don't talk to you till i'm back! x
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1d1195 · 2 months
Aww thank you so much!😭You have no idea how much that means to me!💗
Omg not him getting distracted?!? Bestie that is TRAGIC! I would lose it lowkey bc sadly i get TOO invested when I like something lol But YES I would HIGHLY recommend watching the last two together! I agree Tina’s episode felt more like season 2 vibes and would have probably fit better when she started to take those fancy cooking classes. But we got Richie’s episode which was a WIN for me lol
Bestie of course I will always be rooting for you! And the fact that you're a teacher just makes you even more remarkable! Plus you’re basically in the trenches everyday with those teenagers 😭And of course rooting for you in your personal life!
I saw that you’ve been struggling a bit with part 2 but you’ve managed to get it done! Very proud of you because I can only imagine how it can be a bit frustrating! I know all of us are going to love it!
HAHA omg you’re so REAL for thinking that! I mean he is a MAN after all so I would be surprised if he wasn’t whiny lol
Hope meeting up with your friend went well! And I especially hope that you’ve survived your family because I know it can get ROUGH😭Hope the weather gets better too! I know you basically hate when it’s hot lol
I was pretty busy this weekend! I hung out with friends I haven't been able to see in a while so it was nice to have a break! It’s been so hot recently but It cooled down a bit so we had a picnic! And I actually saw a movie where the main character was named Sam/Samantha! What’s wild though is that we went out for sushi and there was a roll called Sun Kissed and I immediately thought of your fic! I MUST re-read it because it is such a cute little summer fic! ANYWAYS overall it was nice but my social battery was drained lol 
I'm wishing you the BEST start of the week! Hope you are treating yourself well! Wishing you all the LOVE BESTIE!!- 💜
BRO I TOLD HIM I WANTED TO WATCH BOTH EPISODES AND HE SAID WE CAN WATCH ONE. I COULD THROW UP. IDK WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM. Anyway. That's a good point about Richie vs. Tina. It would have been greedy to have both. Anyway. I can't tell you how much I love the Faks. My favorite bit so far has been "How many Faks are coming?" "At least 2 less than 5." I just love them so much. Barging into the hospital to see Claire??? 😭😭
Part 2 is done and posted. I'm trying not to hate it since it's only been an hour, it's Monday, and I did write a whole ass dissertation 🤦‍♀️ I can't wait to hear your thoughts if you have time to read it 💕
...he's super whiny tbh... or maybe I'm just conditioned to not want to be whiny because I'm just a girl 😂 if you know what I mean.
It was super nice to see my friend! My fam is this week and not looking forward to it exactly. I went for a walk today in this RIDICULOUS hot humid air. But I do feel better for it. I have another friend meeting tonight so I need to shower again and try to remain cool. It's also Monday so it's my list day hehehehe so I've got that going for me too! I'm also addicted to online shopping and it's Prime Day tomorrow so I gotta get shit for my classroom. So that's what I have for this week! Hopefully I'll have time to read and write too!
OMG so fun! I hope she was a good character. I'm always so sad about Sam/Samantha's in movies and shows--they give me such a bad rap. They're often a 👎 (but not Hilary Duff in A Cinderella Story but that's because Hilary can do no wrong by me). I LOVED sun-kissed. So much summer fun 😂 I've never been a sushi fan, but I love that for you! I'm glad you had a nice weekend with friends even if your battery is drained!
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bearpillowmonster · 7 months
The customers don't really hold back, I mean, we see them every day, they tell us all sorts of things. Like the one dude's wife is trying to divorce him because she caught his girlfriend (who's his renter) texting him, it's transparent. But this episode, it has to do with a company that actually used to be our neighbors to the store so we see them all the time, they even replaced a unit on our roof. I'll call them "Ducky" for the sake of convenience. When I started in '22, they had 4 or 5 employees which isn't much but some people solo it so ok. I've watched them grow and start to do more commercial work than residential and make more money as well as spend it. The only thing that didn't grow was manpower however, that shrunk.
They hired a kid over the summer and that's about when the owner took an office role but that kid is done and then another guy left so now there's just two guys doing all the work while one does the office stuff. And like I said, it's commercial work so they can be demanding. I don't know what quality of work they end up doing but I know I see a lot more stuff being returned which is never good when you don't figure out a job correctly. Anyways, they're starting to come to terms with going downhill and wouldn't you know it that one of their guys claims that a company (I'll call them "Top Dog", another customer of ours) is giving him a price to come over to their side. Fair enough, stir the pot, realize your value.
The Ducky owner obviously doesn't like that because if he goes, they're in deep, back to two guys and no more office role really and even if they hired another third, they'd have to train and keep up this demanding commercial work or put it on hold. I don't know what happened with that but come to find out today that Top Dog started claiming that Ducky was trying to take one of their guys. Huh, isn't that what they just said before about you? And he was also kind of pissy because he said he ended up giving the guy a raise just to stay. He has a bigger size crew though but started complaining that he'd "straighten them out" so we told him "hey, didn't you just ask Ducky's guy to come over? That's probably why they did that, guy for a guy." and Top Dog says "No, I would never do that."
Looks at me. Looks at you. Looks back. Huh. He then went into detail explaining exactly why he wouldn't hire him even if he did approach them, which I won't describe here. So did somebody else ask him or did he ask somebody else? "No, I would've known about it." Ok, so Ducky's guy is playing both of you and you let him by not talking to each other directly. And who came out on top is Top Dog's guy who got the raise. I'm sure this will unfold tomorrow when we see them again but this is already long enough, tbc. But I'd say that Ducky's guy's actions make sense, I don't really see it as a bad thing, I mean it's kind of dumb to lie especially about a company in a small town like this one where you can find proof of that but hey, show your hand, try to make things better, make them hire someone to help.
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fenimores-book-nook · 10 months
>> Self care writing ~ Day 6 <<
November 21st, 2023, Tuesday
My Day so far: 6:30 am ~ Wake up, do some yoga, read the latest Heartstopper episode on Webtoon, get dressed for the day. 7:00 am ~ Leave for work, open the shop at 8, make some coffee for myself, shelf books, eat breakfast, do work around the store. 1:00 pm ~ Get off work, head to the library to do some writing. 1:57 pm, Now ~ Do some notebook-journaling and work on day 6 of self care writing. ;)
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I haven't done much today other than work, unreasonably freak out over a Walmart order*, read, and write. :)
*I was trying to order The Hunger Games movies and I accidentally put curbside pickup which I did not want to do. So I was going to pass time at the library but when I arrived here, I got a notification saying that it's available for free shipping, so we're doing that instead. :,) It's kind of funny how antisocial and introverted I can be when I literally work in customer service. But it's fine. I still love my job.
What I have planned for the rest of my day: 2:15ish pm ~ Leave the library, grab some lunch, and head home to relax. At home ~ I want to do some more reading, hopefully get through *at least* two chapters of Iron Flame. I also need to keep reading my book club book since I'm only like one-hundred pages in (or less) and it's next week. But who are we kidding? I will probably end up reading The Baby-Sitters Club. I also would LOVE to finally decorate my room for Christmas but I've been lacking the motivation to do so. But who knows? Maybe I'll have a burst of energy to start it today. 6:00 pm ~ Leave again and head to my friend's house so we can carpool to a play that our high school is putting on. We graduated this year, but we always love showing our support for our friends and I also just love going to productions*. 7:00 pm ~ Watch the play. :)
*I've really realized how much I love going to different kinds of productions after graduating from high school. I've been to a couple of my brother's college concerts and a musical his college put on; and I loved all of them very much. :) Honestly, I think the realization really bloomed after I saw Hamilton in person. Which was AMAZING. I was so happy that I started crying when they started singing the opening song. :,)
So for now, I think I'll do some morning journaling prompts and call a break. :) (technically afternoon prompts but it's fine)
(pinterest, of course)
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I'm grateful for my love for my hometown, it definitely wasn't always this strong, but it got there. For my two-day break from work this week. :) That I really enjoy doing my self care writings. The Hunger Games series, heehee. And for the magic of books that I'm in love with.
I have the intention for today to be a relaxing, yet productive day. I wanna get some things done (like I am right now!) but also be able to just relax too.
I want to be good to myself. Not make myself feel guilty for taking the time to rest, even if it means I don't get something done that I've been meaning to (I have time). For others, I want to be able to be a caring person that they might need. Even if it's in small ways.
I'm doing great right now! There is no need to compare different versions of myself, but what is important is to really see how far I've come and be proud of that. <3
Flash forward quite a bit! 11:48 pm, yep, it's a late night tonight. I came home from the play I mentioned earlier around 11. No, the play didn't go until then, I went with a friend and we ended up meeting another friend and just having our normal shenanigans. :) Which was quite a lot of fun. And the play. THE PLAY. It was just so incredible, I loved it so, so much. It was a reality show but with Greek gods. Pretty fantastic, I know.
Since it is almost tomorrow, I'm gonna jump to some night self care things, from the same one as before. ;)
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I started decorating my room for Christmas!! And I got writing done at the library like I intended on doing.
How much I love the library and how I can spend hours there. <3
A bit about Greek gods. Like how Zeus and Hera were siblings but they were together. Eeshk.
I felt happy and sentimental.
Some lack of motivation and my I-want-to-live-in-a-cottage-in-the-woods-alone-part of me at some moments.
Putting too much trust into things at a certain time. It's okay. It doesn't mean I'm stupid or naive. I just care a lot and that's okay.
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And of course fanart from pinterest of The Owl House, to say goodnight. (cuz they are the cutest & I love them)
Until next time,
Thalia <3
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stressedlawsecretary · 5 months
Today's Focus
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05.09.24 - I am back at work after taking two days to travel for a concert. Frankly, I wish I was back home in bed being lazy rather than here. I suppose I always have time I can take, plus I only have two full weeks of work before a paid holiday.
Work - I mean...I have to clean out my inbox for sure. I remember something from my supervisor about needing to get a hotel and flight for a couple of my lawyers to attend a CLE, and I see a bunch of emails regarding that, so that's probably going to be the main thing I tackle today. I'm sure there are some efiles in there as well but I don't expect it to be very busy.
Background Noise - I'm back to binging YT, and will be doing a lot more of that while my dad is gone visiting his sister. I wanted to bring my earbuds on my car trip; the hope was that somewhere on the 4 hr round trip drive I could get through a nearly 2 hr podcast on SSSniperWolf's bad behavior but I forgot them and so I'm catching up now.
That is not to say that I didn't watch any YT; I did eight videos over the two days, and I kept up on my news program even while my hunny started Hades II to distract me.
Study - Well it's Thursday, so I suppose I should attempt to read some of the actual books I started and not just articles. I'm still counting pages instead of chapters though.
Last time I studied was on Monday, and I read like four random articles/press releases, four Horizon Post Office scandal articles, three pages of HR 5376, and the whole Wiki page for Adamson v. California. I continued to read the other couple of decisions & complaints I started, and I got more pages in, but I haven't finished them yet.
Extras - It is Thursday, so I do need to make sure the trash goes out to the curb; I kept up on the weekly chores so I don't have extras, but I do need to go grocery shopping because the last time I did it only took me to the day before the trip. Thankfully, I can do more microwave kinds of meals while dad's gone to give myself a break; it'll probably be one of the handmade pizzas my local grocer does for tonight. Two more episodes of Carranger; we did do three yesterday and have a total of five left so I bet I can finish the series on Friday. We're also about halfway through the first episode of The Tick, but also probably won't watch more because I'll want hunny to continue playing Hades II. Mini-essay was done quick today; I'm working on another longer one to post and hope I can write a lot when remote working tomorrow.
I'm going to finish my post today by sharing some of the pics/videos from the TWRP concert.
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
I'm finally not sick anymore time for star trek baby !
Series I'm currently on : TOS
Episodes watched:
01x21- 01x22
Episode names:
The Return of The Archons
Space Seed
The Return of the Archons
Guys in robes with giant sticks walking incredibly slowly towards sulu and another officer while their dressed in colonial clothing.
The other officer tripped while running and hit his head really hard on concrete and I'm surprised his head wasn't cracked open
Sulu is delusional in yet another episode
" the red hour" in which everyone rages real hard
This man meets the landing party and immediately goes "these guys are not who they say they are "
The call it red hour but it lasts 12 hours
The big stick boys are back and the sticks are magic wands that blast out sparks and smoke and then you die
"do what we say" "no " "fuck well now we're out of moves "
The guy didn't die and the sticks do nothing he just passed out because the stick boys told him to
The entire town has sticks and is chasing the landing crew because they have been possessed (again)
The enterprise is going down
This bitch showed up like Jesus
Oof they dead
Not really cause y'all know how this works by now
Ye ole jail
McCoy is gone
I'm pausing to bake something.
McCoy has been brain washed
He's speaking like a preacher after he's finished the passages from the bible for the week
Kirk is now to be brain washed
So the third man mentioned earlier in passing helps Kirk and Spock, gives them weapons and now they have to pretend their brainwashed
Spock having to smile in order to pretend he's brainwashed: " this is the most unnatural thing I have ever done "
Brainwashed McCoy trying to figure out what the others are talking about :
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Wizard of oz plot again
Landreux is basically a dalek
" you go against your own prime directive and your evil you therefore based on your own words you should be destroyed" then the thing fucking explodes
" sorry I killed your boss you might want to lose the robes and start looking for another job"
Then there's sulu back on the ship telling someone to get their ass out of his chair becuase he's fine now even though he went completely psychotic for over 24 hours
"You'd make a great computer Mr. Spock " " why thank you captain that's a tremendous compliment "
He does become a computer in later episodes I know about that because I've seen that episode a bunch
The second episode's under the cut.
Space Seed
They find a space ship from the 90s that may or may not be inhabited by aliens
These bitches been listening to that damn alarm for an hour ?
Botany bay ! BOTANY BAY !
I like how this lady exists on board the enterprise and most definitely does not expect to have to deal with anyone like at all because she's a historian for the late 20th century
Also everyone has been kinda rude-ish towards Kirk for not know this one crew members name properly which in all fairness did kinda know her name. And like this is the first time he hasn't known someone's name properly in a crew of 400 people, cut him some slack I definitely wouldn't know everyone's names.
Sparkly gold thot suits for the cryo sleep
Kahn's waking up
This lady seems sus
I think shoving someone out of cryo sleep is the worst thing you could do while their defrosting waking up. Even if they are dying .
72 people damn
Spock : " captain, this shits not adding up "
The medbay sheets don't look very comfortable
He's got an oompa loompa bob
" kill me bitch I don't care " - doctor Lenard McCoy ??/??/2265
Like he legit told him to split open his jugular
" what was the nature of your mission " " oh no ! I'm feeling faint I should sleep "
Kahn's so rapey when he interacts with women
This dinner party is so awkward
Not only is he really rapey he is now about to break this ladies hand
This lady is so strange like she's known Khan for less then a day and he's been nothing but creepy towards her but she's in love with him , this is one of those times that I really question writers from back then .
Spock when the guys talk about how they admire Khan for being a dictator that ruled most of Asia :
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Also if Khan is supposed to be south Asian why did they cast Benedict Cumberbatch in star trek : into darkness
Like I get that back then they probably wouldn't have casted someone who was Indian becuase it was the 60s and star trek was already pushing it with uhura and sulu but like why not in the remakes ???
Why did kahn give the men clothes to change into from the thot suits and not the women
He cut off the the life support to the bridge then kidnapped everyone when they passed out from lack of oxygen
Violent racism
He's so mad that everyone is so willing to die
"we just do the good ole flood anesthesia gas through the air vents trick "
" I have five times your strength " " and I have a blunt object "
I love fight scenes in star trek their so funny
This woman has barely known Khan for a day and she's ready to go with him to a new planet for exile instead of just going jail
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