#only wanda stans can do this shit i swear
thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
Not a Wanda stan trying to compare her actions in Multiverse of Madness to Miles in Across the Spiderverse, acting like we shouldn’t hate Wanda just cause we support Miles. 
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Project V: What A Treat
Pairing: College!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sam hosts a Halloween party.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Oral sex (F receiving), unprotected p in v penetration, cream pie
A/N: The idiots are back for their halloween special!!!!!!!!! Let’s just say that MCU Winter Soldier is canon in Project V 👀 Anyway, I’ll try to be more active and update The Match this coming week skskksks
An advanced Happy Halloween to y’all!!!!!!
Project V Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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“I’m not wearing that, Bucky.”
Bucky blocked your way and held the outfit right to your face again. Halloween was this weekend and of course, Sam decided to hold a little party at his place. By little, it obviously meant that the entire university was invited and that the tenants in his apartment building would be complaining about the noise the very next day. Again.
You loved Halloween but right now, with how Bucky was dangling a Sailor Moon costume with a huge smile on his face, you sort of wanted to skip out on the party.
“It’ll look good on you, I swear!” Bucky insisted before turning over at the sales lady, “Right?”
The sales lady stifled a chuckle and nodded, “Right.” she echoed and excused herself, telling Bucky to just call for her when everything’s been decided.
“I’m not going to fulfill your otaku fantasies.” you firmly said, taking the outfit from Bucky and then returning it back to the rack.
Bucky grunted, “Okay, let’s make a deal then. If you wear it, I’ll wear whatever you ask me to wear.” he proposed.
You narrowed your eyes at him, “Anything?” you asked with interest.
Bucky nodded confidently, “Anything.”
“I’m not wearing that either.”
You groaned, “But why? This is so much better than the Sailor Moon costume you’re asking me to wear! This is hot!” you defended.
Bucky looked at you incredulously, “That is exactly the reason, it’s hot...literally! All that leather and mask? Plus a metal arm made out of plastic? And I’m not exactly a fan of the Winter Soldier.”
You deadpanned, “Your dad is a fan of Marvel. He literally named you after Bucky Barnes.” you explained.
“Only because he got excited that a comic book character had the same last name as him.” he doesn’t even watch the movies.
“But still, you’d look amazing as the Winter Soldier.” you said.
Bucky made a face, “I don’t really wanna go as the Winter Soldier.”
You narrowed your eyes, “I hate to boost your ego but you sort of resemble Sebastian Stan...must be the eyes.” you said, taking Bucky’s face into your hand and squeezing it.
He snorted, “Who the hell is Sebastian Stan?”
You gasped, “Say that again but replace Sebastian Stan with Bucky.”
“I know what you’re trying to do and I’m not doing that.”
You let go of his face with a disappointed sigh, “Fine, wear whatever you want but I’m not going as Sailor Moon.”
October 31st came and you spent almost the entire morning and afternoon with Wanda, helping her out with her last minute costume. She wasn’t supposed to attend the party given that her brother was coming to visit her, but plans changed when her brother rescheduled the visit.
“This is it, what do you think?” Wanda asked as she stepped out of the bathroom in her full costume.
You eyed her from head to toe, “Oh my god, you look amazing! I can’t believe the 1950’s suburban housewife fits you so well!” you praised, completely stopping in applying your make-up.
Wanda beamed, “Really? This is the easiest costume we can put together in a few hours, I’m glad it worked!”
“Vision is going to want to marry you when he sees you.” you said.
“And Bucky’s going to want to fuck you when he sees you in that.” Wanda said with a snort, motioning towards the Sailor Moon outfit laid on your bed.
You had to admit, you felt bad for refusing Bucky’s request so you ended up giving in. He’s always been there for you, doing shit you’d ask him to do with no question. Going as Sailor Moon was the least you could do for him. You even borrowed an amazing wig from someone in your class who does amazing cosplays.
Knowing that Bucky will definitely want to fuck you tonight, you made sure to wear a matching bra and panties, the red and lacey kind. It’ll drive him insane, that’s for fucking sure.
Now, what would Bucky be wearing tonight?
By the time you and Wanda arrived at Sam’s place, it was already packed with students partying. Some were wearing the usual vampire costumes, with fake blood dripping from the corner of their lips, of course the slutty “something” costumes were everywhere— slutty nurse, slutty devil, slutty everything.
“Well hello there, ladies.”
Sam came into your view and he was wearing...a tree costume, “Why the fuck are you a tree?” you asked.
Sam made a face and put his leg forward, “Because have you seen my thighs?” he asked, “Ever seen a tree without a trunk?” he asked, motioning at his thick thigh proudly.
You groaned but ended up chuckling, “I cannot fucking believe you.” you commented.
Wanda excused herself as soon as she caught sight of her boyfriend. When you turned back to Sam, he was eyeing you from head to toe with a teasing look on his face.
“Let me guess, Bucky made you wear that?” he asked.
“Obviously.” you said before stretching your neck in search of your best friend, “Where is he anyway?”
Sam looked around, “He’s around, probably with Steve in the kitchen. Have fun and please, stay out of my bedroom.” he warned.
You rolled your eyes at him, ignoring his warning before walking around. When you reached the kitchen, Steve was indeed there and pouring himself a drink from one of the punch bowls on the counter. He was dressed up as Buzz Lightyear and his outfit actually looked impressive.
“Hey there, Buzz.” you greeted him.
Steve smiled and offered you a drink, “Bucky went to the restroom.” he said, eyeing your outfit from head to toe with an amused grin, “He’s going to freak out when he sees you. You actually wore it.” he said with a chuckle.
You rolled your eyes, “I felt bad for turning him down, y’know? Anyway, where’s Peggy?” you asked.
Steve sighed, “Family reunion.”
“Sam’s bathroom has ghost-shaped candles! Steve, you have to— oh my fucking god.”
You turned around and saw Bucky, staring at you with his mouth wide open. Steve grunted and excused himself, probably wanting to spare his eyes from what Bucky might do to your right then and there. Finally realizing what Bucky wore as a costume, you groaned in disappointment.
“Really? A fucking priest?!” you complained, motioning towards his clerical collar.
Bucky merely ignored your reaction and slowly walked over to you, mouth still agape as he took in your entire form with glassy eyes, you almost thought he was going to tear up. His eyes scanned you starting from your blonde wig to your school girl top, stopping a bit to take in the large red ribbon on your chest. And then of course, his eyes stopped a moment longer at your pleated mini skirt.
“You actually wore it.” Bucky said, falling down onto his knees as he looked up at you, running his palms against the front of your thighs.
You panicked at his gesture and looked around, however, as expected at a party, no one seemed to notice or care. Everyone else was just mingling and dancing and flirting around. When you looked down at Bucky, his eyes were still on you.
“I need to fuck you. Please.” he almost whispered.
“What a fucking geek.” you huffed out.
“Fuck, right there!” you moaned when Bucky’s tongue flicked against your folds.
Seated on the bathroom counter with Bucky’s head beneath your skirt, you completely forgot about the party outside. Your mind was focused on how Bucky was eating you out hungrily while two of his fingers were pumping in and out of your cunt.
Bucky grunted against your pussy, slurping all your juices as he fucked you with his fingers. Your hands found purchase on his locks, tugging his head whenever he hits a particular spot inside of you.
“Cum on face, want to taste all of you.” groaned and pushed his face further in between your legs.
Throwing your head back, you let out a strangled moan when Bucky curled his fingers, sending you over the edge almost immediately. Your legs stiffened as you came, chanting his name again and again until he stopped sucking your clit.
Bucky straightened up to unbutton his jeans, his hair was all messed up and half of his face was glistening with your juices.
You stopped him from moving and tapped on his collar, “Can you please remove this? The image of you about to fuck me while dressed as a priest is just…” you made a face.
Bucky laughed and shook his head, “It’s halloween, gotta stay in character. Now let me hear you speak in tongues.” he said before gripping your thighs to push them wide open.
He slid his cock inside of your still sensitive pussy, causing you to keen at the overstimulation. You haven’t even recovered from your orgasm and the way every vein and ridge of Bucky’s cock immediately stimulated your sensitive walls.
Your fingers gripped his shoulders as he pumped in and out of your cunt, barely pulling out before slamming back in. Bucky grunted and lifted your shirt up, revealing the red, lacey bra you wore to match your panty that was hanging on your ankle.
“Fuck…” Bucky hissed at the sight of your bra.
“As much as I love this, you know how much I prefer your tits bare.” he said, tugging the cups down before leaning forward to take a nipple into his mouth.
Your back arched as he sucked your bud, your hips trying to move and meet his quick and erratic thrusts, “Bucky, fuck...gonna make me cum again!” you moaned.
The thrill of fucking in the bathroom while everyone was outside and just the feeling of Bucky ferociously pounding you even in a priest costume was sending your nerves into overdrive. You were surprised at how turned on you were and how heightened your senses were. You could feel Bucky’s cock pulsate inside of your pussy, how his tongue was swirling around your nipple; even the way his fingers were gripping your waist tightly was sending goosebumps down your spine.
“I’m close too, fuck…” he groaned, kissing your lips hungrily, ignoring how he was smearing your lipstick all over both your skin.
His kiss was messy, it was needy and just desperate but god, it was making your eyes roll to the back of your skull. You wrapped an arm around his shoulders, clinging onto his shirt as he sped up his thrusts. Bucky’s hips began to stutter, and the very moment you moaned his name in a high-pitched voice, both of you were gone.
Your pussy clenched around his cock, pushing Bucky to his own orgasm. The warmth of his seed painting your walls made you tremble, whining at the feeling of his cum drip down to your thighs.
“Fucking hell.” Bucky panted against your mouth, “You gave me the best fucking treat this halloween.” he chuckled.
You laughed, “Yeah, well tricks are overrated.” you said and pressed an open-mouthed kiss on his jaw.
By the time the both of you returned to the party, it was as if everyone’s gotten even wilder and even more drunk. How long did the two of you stay in the bathroom anyway?!
Bucky fixed his hair before turning to you, “I’ll get us something to drink.” he said, fixing your ribbon before heading over to the kitchen.
You mindlessly walked around, squeezing yourself through the partying crowd. A hand tugged at your arm and turning around, you saw that it was Wanda.
“Found ya! I’ve been looking for you! So my brother actually came and surprised me. I wanted to introduce you to him.” she said and it was only then that you noticed the guy behind her.
Wanda then mentioned your name before her twin stepped forward with an amused grin on his face, “Hi, I’m Pietro. Nice seeing you here, Sailor Moon.” he said, his accent thicker and more noticeable than Wanda’s.
You chuckled, just as amused because of Pietro’s choice of costume. Before you could even acknowledge him, Bucky called you and handed you a drink.
“Oh, hey Bucky.” Wanda greeted. “This is my twin brother, Pietro.”
Bucky turned and you swore you saw the change in his eyes when he saw Pietro. His eyes narrowed and his posture turned straighter before introducing himself coldly.
“So why the Tuxedo Mask outfit, Pietro?” Bucky asked, lifting an eyebrow at him.
Pietro’s eyes stayed on you, even when he responded to Bucky’s question.
“Sailor Moon’s my favorite and she happens to be friends with my sister all along. Didn’t see that coming.”
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lesbiradshaw · 2 years
Hello! Literally just started following you and I'm aready in love. It's so refreshing to see someone in the stevebucky fandom who doesn't worship (or even like really) the actors and is able to separate them, not to mention the army of peggy stans who are on the rise, who diminish the importance of comic steve and mcu sam. I can't help but agree with every word you say, as former mcu stan and current mcu hater who still loves the cap quartet dearly. Do not get me started on the performative white feminism on pushing Cap Peggy down our throats (and in MoM where they introduce openly queer woc. I did't see Mom bc I refuse to support Mcu any longer but I doubt her being a raging lesbian is even mentioned, and she's a literal child so it's not like we'll see her happily flirt with every female character like she does in the comics. It's very obvious that the new wave of mcu stans are mostly just the Rat's fans and never even touched the comics which are, while also sometimes problematic, much more diverse and deep dive into their characters instead of cheaping them down so they can appease to your average yt us straight viewer
NOT TO MENTION I always thought America Chavez was... afro latina? And as a person of romani heritage, I take great offense to Wanda and Elizabeth Olsen, but that's another topic of its own. anyways, thank you for your posts!
(mashing both your asks into one bc your points were all so good <3 also MoM spoilers ahead for anyone who didn’t see that tag)
before MoM even came out there was a tweet from film updates on twitter talking about how the movie had been banned in a few countries for including a queer relationship on screen (america’s mothers) and a prominent queer character (america whose sexuality was only alluded to by the little pride pin on her jacket) and almost all of the quotes and replies were people joking about dr. strange being gay for ironman or wanda being a gay icon and maybe it’s just because i’m a hater but i got so fucking irritated that no one was acknowledging the actual lesbian of color who was in the movie .. even if it was just for the jokes (which were all about white characters being gay because they hate acknowledging poc can be queer) and having seen MoM (with my friend’s free ticket because i would not have paid for it otherwise) most of the people are ignoring america completely, or blaming her for ‘contributing to wanda’s suffering’ as if wanda doesn’t spend the entire movie trying to kill her. like what ? AMERICA IS A CHILD 😭 but yeah, in MoM they also have this entire bit where it’s revealed the the multiverse worlds have numbers and guess what number the mcu is …. 616. it’s such a fucking joke considering the fact that the mcu is nothing like half of their supposed comic sources, and especially fucked up because this movie prominently revolves around mcu wanda who we all know is VERY VERY VERY VERY UNLIKE HER COMIC COUNTERPART aka one of the most whitewashed characters with erased heritage in the mcu and that’s saying something because the mcu loves changing characters that way. even when cast poc for poc roles they choose lighter skinned people most of the time. very odd of them … i also find it very odd that a lot of #stuckies are now championing mcu wanda as their queen (after saying they didn’t like her being whitewashed) just for slicing captain carter and are also pretending to be outraged on sam’s behalf because of her live action inclusion when i have seen half of them shit on sam before for the benefit of bucky. it’s like their hate for peggy is so strong they think about her more than they do the characters they actually like/love using other characters as a tool to fuel their hatred of her and TRUST ME i don’t like that woman either but 😭 the irony of being enraged that sam is being put to the side in favor of the white woman while also only caring about sam when the white woman is involved … mcu stans have no brains i SWEAR and that is why i only care about what happens to a very select few characters at this point. thank you for your kind words and making me feel sane 🫂 america chavez and comic amerikate i will avenge you ….
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wittyrosebush · 4 years
Updated: 7/1/2021
Requests: OPEN
Hey guys! I hope you are having a fantabulous day. I've been putting this off, but I'm finally making a list of what I'll write! So please send me an ask or shoot me a message and I'll gladly write something for you if I am feeling up to it. That's about it... so here it is:
Dream SMP:
Witch!Hybrid Headcanons
Witch!Hybrid Headcanons (Part 2)
Witch!Hybrid Headcanons (Part 2)
Witch!Hybrid Headcanons
Tommy (only platonic)
Witch!Hybrid Headcanons
Tubbo (only platonic)
Witch!Hybrid Headcanons (Part 2)
Ranboo (only platonic)
Witch!Hybrid Headcanons (Part 2)
Steve Rogers
The Afterparty
The Aftermath (Part 2 to The Afterparty)
La Revolución
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Star Wars:
Dyn Djarin
Obi Wan
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Cottagecore AU
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
She's a Lady
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia
Game of Thrones:
Jon Snow
Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
William Afton (not springtrap)
Michael Afton
Ransom Drysdale - Knives Out
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Romantic relationships
Most likely to least likely lists
What I will NOT write:
Smut, it can be mentioned but nothing too nasty bc I'm shit at writing for it
Underage ships/pedophilia
R*pe/S**ual assault
AMAB/genderneutral/trans POV (I don't want to portray the community in a bad way)
Alrighty, I think that is it. But I may gradually add more characters when I think of them. Have a great day, stay hydrated, eat something of sustenance, and know that you are loved. Byeeeee!
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booksinsteadofdrugs · 3 years
my thoughts on captain america: civil war (2016)
wow i haven't watched this movie in a while everyone looks so different
okay yeah, start the movie with bucky being tortured why not, it's not like i feel bad enough for him already
seb... babe i love you but who made you say отвечач instead of отвечать (okay okay, i'm just joking i know it's a small pronouncation mistake)
steve&nat teaching wanda how to watch her back during a mission is so cute (also wow, my queen has come a long way since this movie)
"he's cute go on pet him" SAM STOP PQJDOWBDIW
i feel like rumlow could've been used more in these movies why did they just kill him off like that
"who's the homeless person on the couch" i love howard
"if that's true you'll be a great man someday" and he did become a great man howard, he did, indeed
tony feels guilty about sokovia, wanda feels guilty about lagos and bucky feels guilty about his past. give them a break marvel
zemo switching into his own accent as soon as he got the hydra agent tied up lmao
"compromise where you can, and where you can't, don't. even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. even when the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree and say no. you move." sharon believed that with her whole heart and look what they did to her now I'M MAD
"staying together is more important than how we stay together" and she gave her life for them at the end no matter how much she didn't want to go
THE KING HAS ARRIVED (we miss you chadwick)
''we have orders to shoot on sight" meanwhile bucky: oooh lemme get some plums
ok so caramel chocolate bars are bucky's favourite, that's good to know
awww bucky couldn't even control his strength in this movie (throwing people off the stairs, hitting them with bricks, punching the shit out of them) and now he is barely even using his metal arm bc he's scared of killing people AWW MY BABY
i swear to god if sam wasn't there to save these two's asses all the time *eye roll*
when bucky grabbed that motorcycle we all felt something right?
i remembered how much it broke my heart when rhodey said "congratulations sam, you're a criminal"
vision cooking for wanda is still the cutest thing in this movie
"so you like cats" SAM
the fact that they were so scared of bucky that they had to put him in an extremely protected capsule thing... THE POWER HE HOLDS
"pregnant?" "uh, definitely not" and a few years later we see morgan wearing her mother's helmet WHY AM I MAKING MYSELF CRY
i love how steve was actually about to sign the accords until tony mentioned wanda
i forgot how much i wanted to punch zemo in this movie, he was literally so desperate to find bucky that he had to turn 7 billion people against him
"let's talk about your home, not romania, certainly not brooklyn no" well, we have some news for you zemo
the look on bucky's face when he sees the notebook and how he immediately starts screaming after hearing "рассвет" hurts my soul
sebastian looked so ripped in this movie holy moly
wtf he really is like a death machine he could've easily killed steve in that helicopter scene
"it's so hard for me to believe she is someone's aunt", "we come in all shapes and sizes you know" AUNT MAY I ADORE YOU
"i retire for like what 5 minutes and it all goes to shit" well he's not wrong
"move or you will be moved" ayo always steals the show with one line (tfaws spoilers guess?)
the scene that started it all guys "can you move your seat up" "no"
"thinks for thanking of me" SCOTT LANG IS A TREASURE ALRIGHT
when the craziest thing happened in the mcu was spidey joining the avengers ah good old times
the airport fight was sooo good omg
i love t'challa is just like ''just lemme kill barnes i don't care about your white nonsense"
scott's "hohoho" will never not be funny for me
this movie got me so hyped up for a possible buckynat storyline dude i'm still mad, they had such potential
peter getting scared of tony approaching him shows how hard their job actually is i feel so bad for them
vision accidentally shooting rhodey OH MY HEART CAN'T TAKE THIS
and wtf did sam do tony for fucks sake
zemo calling the hotel from moscow so they can find the body in the bathtub lsndjsbdjs he's such a diva
avengers getting treated like criminals is still pissing me the fuck off
"you better go get a bad cop cause you're gonna have to go mark furhman on my ass to get information out of me" OKAY MY FAV SAM WILSON LINE
zemo killing all the winter soldiers instead of waking them up is a great way to show his ideology actually
"there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes" well that sounds poetic
i don't know which is worse: seeing tony watching his mom killed, or the amount of guilt bucky must've felt in that moment, or the way tony managed to keep his cool until he realized steve acted like he didn't know the entire time AGH IT HURTS
"i remember all of them" and that look on his face SEBASTIAN STOP
the fight between steve&tony&bucky was actually one of the best scenes in the mcu in my opinion, especially when bucky's arm gets destroyed (seriously tho, watching the way he pushes tony into the wall, trying to rip off the arc reactor with his metal arm and the fury in his eyes agh i love this scene)
aww zemo deleting the voice message of his wife before attempting to kill himself broke my heart
i remember crying in the cinema watching steve and tony beat the shit out of each other... my friend who's never seen any of the mcu movies before was looking at me like i was an alien
bucky still trying to protect steve by gripping tony's foot i- HE LOVES STEVE SO MUCH
oh when tony lifted his hand to protect his face with that terried look, he thought steve was gonna finish him
i!!! wanna!!! die!!!
"are you tony stank?" stan lee we miss you, you beautiful man♡
"i've been on my own since i was 18" having multiple illnesses, and probably mental ones as well, steve only had bucky on his side. he was the only one who always got his back, making sure he was okay, always protecting him. so he knew he had to do the same. bucky was the best friend he ever had.
soo, this gave me enough trauma for today. i think i'm gonna go cry until the next episode of tfaws.
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kimoralov3 · 3 years
New mutants commentary
This is your spoiler warning, you going beyond here is no one's fault but your own
I don't trust this bitch
This blonde bitch gotta go
Dont trust her theres probably a force field
I was right
This bitch needs some serious mental help
So her mutation is teleportation? Alright cool
Is the wolf Rahne (is that how you spell it?)
Girl dont jump its not worth it
I love Rahne already
I don't think your daddy dead girl
Do their necklaces have like some type of tracker or like monitor or something
So he's like a rocket
Why are they the only ones here? Suspicious
"Cured" See this is why Erik was right
"For our own good" I CALL BULLSHIT
Something ain't right
Beast you destroy Dani home?
The hell
Sam don't go look you might die
Is this like what Wanda did in AOU? Living your worst fear
Sam I told you you was gonna get hurt
This bitch suspicious
Who did that to you? I'll murder them
Sam I think you might need a therapist babe
Why he just hit himself
Bitch say control one mo time, istg
What show they watching
This bitch being racist again
Huh? I thought this bitch could just teleport
And why you such a suspicious mutant Dr.?
Dani aint do anything wrong, it was the blonde bitch
Does she have like... radiation powers or something? I'm confused
Is it actually an Inhuman or is there just no name for that creature
*cough* Alex and Scott Summers
Who's in the other side of the confession booth
They're besties, obviously 🙄
Girl that ain't sinning
Who the fuck was that
What is going on with this place
This bitch being pissy about an attic
You know who she reminds me of? A mix between Allison D and Season 1 Cheryl Blossom
Baby there's nothing wrong with you
Can I strangle this bitch
Thats a beautiful story
Awwe Rahne was crying
Oh. 18. Cool
This feels kinda gaslighty
Who is the superior anyway
Yeah I promise you its not Charles
The Avengers don't get paid so I highly dobut that the X-Men do
His powers flared and he killed everyone :(
Sir you gotta open up eventually
Yall laying on these people graves
Nowww kiss
Why his colar always popped
This seems very gay
I love this
Ew straight people
Ooh are his powers heat related? Like Johnny
Oh shit he killed his girlfriend
Istg i hate this bitch
"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders."
Giving very much so Dollhouse from PLL
Didn't you tell her earlier that it was just a tornado
I knew something wasn't right
This place is haunted
So theres just a bunch of boggarts running around
Illyana shut the fuck up
So is Dani's power like what happened in Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix? Like someone beinvg doomed to end the world
Demons 🎶
Have we heard of Essex Corp before? I can't remember
Dani don't go in there
Oh Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'll watch that one day
Shes gonna try to kill you Dani
Can y'all stop showing us these things they creepy as hell
She got the body bag ready and everything damn
This dude got his headphones in
So he's like a volcano
imma have nightmares tonight I swear
Pfft she left yo ass
Oh her powers kinda cool
Yall all better find yalls files
First time I agreed with something you said Illyana
Who are these superiors you keep mentioning
They wanna put her down because she can stop them
So she's a boggart
Perimeter breech?
Oooh the dragon is real
Good good good everyone face their fears about their powers
Well shit
Illyana just don't care 💀
If Rahne get hurt istg I'm murdering someone
I love how the subtitle for the bear is demon bear
Is Roberto another Human Torch because thats exactly what happened to Johnny in F4 😂
Stan got to produce this too 😊
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starbuckie · 4 years
Some Quarantine Lovin’  Prologue: It’s Corona Time
Marvel Highschool!AU
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Obscene amounts of fluff, kissing, swearing, kinda a lot of angst
Description: Bucky Barnes is absolutely, no doubt about it, in love with Y/N L/N. He’s loved her since the day he laid eyes on her in the third grade. He loved her when he had his own girlfriend, and when he was barely friends with her for a whole summer. And of course, in his freshman year, they are now stuck together. In a house. During a worldwide quarantine. This should be fun.
Words: 2,110 words
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fanfic, and I’m honest to God absolutely terrified. I hope you like it, because I’ve been wanting to write since the beginning of quarantine. If you like it, like or repost, and I’m so, so, grateful. Stay home and stay safe y’all!
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“Buck, can you pass me the vitamin water?” The boy was stuck in his reverie, looking at the girl next to him with unfocused eyes. Bucky had a tendency to daydream during class about different things, however most of them came back to one person. “Bucky!” The girl, frustrated with him, quickly whacked him in the arm.
“Ow, what the hell Y/N?” Bucky rubbed his bicep where she had so rudely whacked him. The girl chuckled briefly and gave him a warm smile. “What are we doing right now,” he asked, “I wasn’t paying attention.”
Y/N’s smile grew wider. “Yeah, I could tell. Can you pass me the vitamin water? I’m thirsty and hungry, and we still have forty minutes of class.” Bucky rolled his eyes at his close friend and slid her the orange bottle across their shared desk. She screwed off the cap and chugged down half the bottle, while Bucky grimaced then snatched the bottle out of her hands. 
“Jesus Y/N, share with me too, I’m the one who bought it.” The girl just shot another heart-warming smile at him again, making his heart flutter. 
“But I’m the one who snuck you into my room when you couldn’t get back into your own house. I told you that going to creek with Steve at midnight was a fucking dumb idea.” She lightly snorted, and looked back up to the board, where physics problems were scrawled out in blue marker. Bucky thought back to that night two weeks ago. 
He had sat with you, Steve Nat, Wanda, and Sam at lunch, talking about the rumors of the COVID-19 breakout. They had overheard from some of the juniors that the school would be shut down, for only one day, but possibly more. Though it had only been barely a rumor, Bucky and Steve had to take extreme measures in case they wouldn’t be able to see each other for the next few weeks. They were going to go down to the creek behind the townhouses at night, and hang out. Y/N and Sam had immediately laughed at their two dumbass friends, and Nat and Wanda had barely cared. 
     Upset with their friends for being unsupportive, the Barnes and Nobles duo, as the gang liked to call them, decided to go through with their creek plan. They had snuck out at eleven thirty, well after Steve’s ma and Bucky’s parents thought they were in bed, and met outside Steve’s house. They had brought bags of chips, and Bucky had even managed to sneak two cans of beer from his dad’s stash. They stayed there until three in the morning, just talking about high school, and how they were so excited to be sophomores the next year and haze the new freshman. Then the topic of discussion had come to Bucky’s large crush on Y/N, that wasn’t too subtle. 
     “Buck, are you really going to look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t like Y/N?” Steve asked his friend exasperatedly. Bucky rose his gaze from the gurgling water to Steve’s eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out and he blushed. “That’s what I thought, you idiot.” 
     So Bucky may have had a crush on one of his oldest friends. He had been enamored with her the moment he met her in the third grade with Natasha, until he met a pretty girl named Dot in the seventh grade and dated her until the end of eighth grade. Throughout that period of time, Y/N and Bucky’s friendship was distant and strained, but thankfully they reconnected with the crew over the summer going into highschool. He hadn’t seen her much during June, but when she came back from her acting camp up north, she had grown taller and tanner, with curves that he hadn’t noticed before. All his elementary feelings had hit him like a truck again, and he followed Y/N around like a lost puppy again, which Steve took note of and enjoyed teasing him about. By the end of the night with Steve, he had emptied out his soul to his best friend, making him promise to not tell a single soul. Steve agreed, but not before saying, “You’re screwed, punk.” 
     The boys had started walking back to their street, and when they looked at the time, they saw that it was 3:30, and they needed to get back. They sprinted to their houses, and scrambled back up the pipes on their houses. Steve got in safely, and poked his head out the window to make sure Bucky got in his own house as well. However, the sight he was met with made him laugh instead. Bucky had a panicked look on his face, and a look of realization came over him as he realized that the window was locked from the inside when he closed it earlier when leaving. 
     “Steve,” he whisper-yelled to his best friend, “can I come over for the night?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, hurry up!” Bucky scrambled back down to pipes and ran over to the side of Steve’s house, but as soon as he started climbing, Steve exclaimed, “Crap, crap, crap, my ma’s coming up the stairs, I gotta go Buck. I’m sorry!” His window shut quietly, and Bucky groaned. He pulled out his phone, and checked with the one person he both wanted and didn't want to see. 
     His finger hovered over her contact, her and Bucky’s faces grinning with peace signs held towards the camera. He pressed her number, and her gentle voice picked up. “Hey Buck, what’s up? I thought you were out with Steve.”
     “Yeah, about that…” He told Y/N the whole story of how his window was locked and Steve’s ma coming to his room. Her giggle through the phone was melodic, and he smiled just hearing it. “You are the only person I know who stays up at these unholy hours, reading Sebastian Stan fanfictio-”
     “Hey, you promised we wouldn’t talk about it!” She hurriedly cut him off. He chuckled quietly, and resumed talking.
     “Chill out, doll, no one can hear me. So, can I come over? Just for the night? I can provide cuddles and other services as well.” He jokingly said, wiggling his eyebrows though he knew she couldn’t see him. 
     “Yes, you can spend the night, you dumbass. But you gotta be quiet as shit, because if my parents find you with me in my bed, they’re gonna get the wrong idea.” His face heated up at the mention of that, but nonetheless, he still ran over to her house, a few blocks away. 
The rest of the night had been filled with quiet laughter, cuddling, and finally passing out at around 4:30 am in each other’s arms. 
Finally snapping out of his reverie, he just nodded dumbly until their physics teacher stood up. “As you all have probably heard at this point, the rumors about our school shutting down due to the coronavirus breakout are true.” Murmurs and laughs were audible around the classroom, and Y/N turned towards Bucky with a huge smile. Mr. Fury, clearly frustrated with the class, gets their attention again. “Hey, hey! I’m not done yet. Next week we will be testing online classes on the app Zoom. We are going to see how it goes, and though we hope that we will be able to return to school, the likelihood is that we will not be returning for the rest of the school year.”
Mr. Fury continued telling the class about Zoom, and instructed the students on how to use the app. Y/N was absolutely elated. For the rest of the year, she didn’t have to sit in hardass chairs at desks, but rather stay in the comfort of her home. It was part of her introverted nature she assumed, but as she saw the frown on Bucky’s face, she began to sport one as well. 
“Hey Buckaroo, what’s the pouting about,” Y/N inquiried. He sighed heavily and looked at her. “James, is everything okay?” To be honest, he was absolutely infuriated and scared of the virus, because it had now taken away his only safe place outside his house. Y/N knew about his family problems, the whole gang did, and they all did their best to support him in any way he needed, whether it was staying over or a homemade meal, but they were always there to help their friend. 
Bucky’s breathing got harsher, so Y/N grabbed his hand under the table and squeezed it. He glanced up, his eyes full of gratefulness and adoration. They both turned back to face Mr. Fury. “Tonight, there’ll be emails sent out to you, and your parents. Okay, pack up and leave, I don’t wanna see your faces for longer than I get paid for.” Y/N and Bucky gathered their things, and hustled out of the classroom.
“Hey Buck, hey Y/N,” Steve yelled from across the yard, “Where are you going next?” Y/N saw her blond friend and pulled him into a hug. Where she couldn’t see, Steve shrugged and Bucky glared at him. She released her friend from the hug. 
“Buck and I just have a free period next, we’re heading down to the library now though. Wanna come?” She asked. Steve nodded, and the trio walked to the library on the other side of campus. “It’s gonna be so weird when we have classes from home. I actually have to clean up my room, and see people from class. It’s a travesty.” She dramatically draped her forearm over her face, feigning sadness. What a fucking theatre kid, Bucky thinks. He just rolls his eyes and chuckles.
“C’mon, there are tons of things worse than just cleaning up your room. I’m gonna be stuck with my fucking family for a week, and maybe til the end of the year.” Bucky dropped his head at his words, and the three students stopped walking. Y/N pulled him in for a hug, running her hands up and down his back in a soothing manner. She knew he was on the verge of having a panic attack, and she hated it. She hated his father for making him feel worthless, she hated the psychopath who killed his mother, and she hated the fact that he has to take care of his baby sister all by himself, because only God knows where was father is at night. Bucky felt tears prick at his eyes, but he strongly inhaled and let it go. He secretly breathed in the scent of Y/N’s hair, the faint scent of her pineapple perfume calming him. She slowly released him from the hug, and he whispered, “Thank you.” With a small smile and nod of her head, they continued walking down to the library. 
Steve and Bucky made small talk about the online workouts for their baseball team, but Y/N was deep in her own thoughts. She hated the thought of Bucky staying with his dad for the duration of quarantine. Hell, she hated the thought of his dad in general. Y/N had known Bucky since the third grade, but he had only opened up to her about their family issues in seventh grade. However, she wanted to be there for him, because, well, she loved him. So, so, much. 
Before they entered the library, she stopped walking and said, “You guys go on in, I’ll catch up with you.” Both the boys looked at each other, confused.
“Where are you going, doll?” Bucky asked. She tried her best to hide the blush rising at her cheeks, but Bucky saw it and smirked. She rolled her eyes and started walking away.
“I gotta make a quick phone call,” she yelled, “I’ll be back faster than you can say cartesian diver!”
“What?” Steve yelled, confused by everything. He hadn’t had the project yet, but he would learn soon enough.
“I don’t know, it was the first thing that came to mind!” And with that, the excited girl made her way to the office to call her parents. Bucky chuckled at Y/N, though his heart was nearly bursting out of his chest with how adorably strange she was. His eyes stared at her retreating form for a while, until he turned around to meet Steve’s smirk. 
“Shut it punk, I don’t wanna hear it.” His cheeks were burning red and his oldest friend just laughed.
“Jesus, you’re absolutely smitten,” Steve said, slinging his arm around Bucky as they walked into the library.
119 notes · View notes
cassiopeiassky · 4 years
When Everything’s Made to be Broken (I Just Want You to Know Who I Am) Part 54
Hey look at me go, it hasn’t even been a month since my last update (yes, my bar is that low)! Hey I hope you are all doing alright.  These are scary times, remember to do your best to take care of you, I know it isn’t easy.  Be as kind as you can to yourself - you deserve it.
So this part is dedicated to @iwillbeinmynest - happy late birthday, my darling Kate!  I hope it’s worth the wait <3
This part is also dedicated to the great Stan Lee.  The world he created gave me a safe place to escape to when my own world was too dark to survive.  I owe him so much, and this chapter is so unworthy but it’s all I’ve got.  I can only hope that he’d get a kick out of his cameo. 
Plot:  When you inadvertently become a witness to a murder and are suddenly a target for death, it takes a specially skilled soldier and his team to keep you and your family safe.
This will eventually be a is a reader x Bucky fic. The reader, by the way, is a civilian. No super powers, no fighting skills, and by no means perfect.  
Word count: 4891 
For the entire work:  Language (I have a potty mouth), violence, and angst.  This will probably get pretty dark later on, and there will be smut.  If that’s not your thing, you may want to avoid this story.
Additional warnings specific to this part: Feels and emotions. Therapy, mentions of trauma.  They’re dealing with the aftermath now, so there are parts that are kinda heavy.  
***I do not own any of the lyrics/music in this story, so please don’t sue me for using them***
Tags moved to the end.
WEMtbB Masterlist
Previously on WEMtbB:
“Look, I think it’s safe to say that we all know you can take care of yourself.  You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to.”  The covers slide down, showing his torso as he sits up to face you.  “That said, I’d like to remind you about a certain conversation we had at home about us taking care of each other.  I know I didn’t specifically include my team at the time, but they’re your team now, too. They’re your family.  You know this.  It’s okay to let us take care of you – shit, Sweetheart, you take care of us all the time.”
“Okay, but cooking dinner for everyone isn’t the same thing as a credit card.”
“Doll, you don’t want to eat Stark’s cooking.  Please, I beg you, let him reciprocate with American Express.  You can’t get food poisoning that way.”  The look in his blue eyes would be comical if he didn’t seem quite so serious.
You’re still uneasy about having access to someone else’s money, but you reluctantly concede.  They are family – Thanksgiving and Christmas should have already proven that to you, even before they did what they did to save you. Still…pride, independence, and your improved but still deeply embedded insecurities are trying to make their insidious whispers into roars.  “It’s weird,” you finally mutter as you fiddle with one of your stuffie’s satin lined ears.
He snorts and nods.  “I got a metal arm and Stevie and I both have three digits to our age, Banner goes from mild mannered doctor to a big green rage monster when necessary, Stark flies around the world in glorified soda can, and I haven’t even introduced you to the witch, the god, the floating red guy, and the…I don’t know, whatever the hell Loki is.  Trust me, Stark giving you a credit card so you have a little bit of freedom while you’re here is the least weird thing about this situation.”
Well, when he puts it that way…
“Why is it so loud?” Bucky watches as you pace in front of the expansive bedroom window, phone at your ear.  The ringing is practically echoing, it’s distracting and –
“Breathe for me, Sweetheart.”  Steady hands grip your shoulders, interrupt your restless movement, and kinda sorta help to ground you.
Shit.  Your heart is hammering almost as loud as –
“Hello?” Familiar.  Hopeful.  Safe. You should reply, tell her that it’s you, but you’re too busy hanging on to the sound of her voice.  “Hello?  Hello?!” Annoyed.  Indignant.  Already ready to hang up.
Your lips finally allow a smile at the sound.  Seriously, your mom has the patience of a 2-year-old on a sugar high.  It’s good to know at least this hasn’t changed.  
Right then and there, you promise yourself to never again take her phone calls for granted.  “Hi, Mom.”
Silence.  Then tears, followed by questions, answers, questions, answers. You weren’t sure you’d ever hear her voice again, so she has to occasionally repeat things because you were so focused on the sound of her talking – you had to repeat several times too, and you’re sure for the same reason.  Yes, you’re safe.  Yes, you’re sure.  Yes, the boys are doing well, and they miss you like crazy.  Yes, your mom followed the instructions of the team and kept things quiet.  No, she wasn’t happy about it.  Yes, Wanda and Vision are still there – they are going to help your mom with the transition of your return and letting the rest of the family know what happened.  Yes, the boys finally settled into a routine and their sleep schedule is back to somewhat normal.  Yes, you were shot in the leg but you’re healing well.  Yes, you should be home soon.  Yes, you’ll give her the details later.  Yes, you really are safe.  Really.
Loud giggles and doors slamming break through the stream of conversation and your heart moves back up to your throat.  It feels life forever since their voices graced your ears and you can’t wait to see what they have to say.  But you’re not ready.  What if -
Tears and a smile are in your mom’s voice.  “Grandpa and the boys just got back from the coffee shop – he was showing them off to the other old hens again.  Do you want to talk to them?”
Mouth suddenly dry, you nod, but that doesn’t do any good.  She can’t see you because you’d decided to call rather than use video chat; although much better than it was, your skin is still healing and you don’t have any make up yet to hide the fading bruises.
“Yeah, Mom.  Put them on, please.”  Bucky leads you to sit at the edge of the bed before climbing up behind you to rub your shoulders.
“Breathe, Sweetheart.” Bucky’s steady presence is a lifeline. The gentle admonition brings you back – breathe in, breathe out.  Almost giggle when you hear your mom swear and fumble with putting the phone on speakerphone; there’s a good possibility the boys have learned some new language.
As quietly as you can, you choke down the sob that is steadily working its way out.  God you’d missed Jimmy’s voice.
“Hi, baby.  I love you so much.”  It’s all you can manage just now.
“I love you, Momma!  I miss you.  Come home now!”  in your mind’s eye you can see his dimples, how he’s trying to cradle the phone to his ear because he doesn’t quite get the idea of speakerphone, how he’s probably jumping up and down.  His words are clearer than they were when you left…how much has he grown?  How much did you miss?
“Have you been having fun with Grandma and Grandpa?”
“Yep!  We went with Grandpa.  We got donuts!  And uncle Jerry was there!  He gave us a toy.  Come home now, Momma.  I want to show you something!”
Every bit of your focus goes to listening to your son, to his words and trying to decipher just how much he’s changed in the weeks you’ve been apart.  He clearly had an explosion in his language development and it kills you that you missed it.  “I’m working on it, baby.  I’ll be home soon.”
“Bucky?  Bucky, too?”
That brings a smile to your face – you should have known.  “Yes, Bucky, too.”
Your mom breaks in, sounding more than a little concerned.  “Are you sure you’re really safe?”
“Yeah, I am.  I promise.”  You’ll tell her a million times if you need to.  
“So then why is he coming home with you?  Why do you still need the protection?”
Oh, shit.  Right.  She doesn’t know.  This conversation should probably happen in person.  “Um…I’ll explain later.  But I promise, everything is fine.  Hey, can you put Artie on the phone?”
“Honey, he, um,” in the background you can just barely make out the sound of your dad trying to convince Artie to come out of the bathroom, “he’s –“ an ungodly screech pierces the air, “he’s just –“
“He’s mad.  He doesn’t want to talk to me.”  Damn.  It hurts just as much as you thought it would.  “It’s okay, Mom.”  It’s not. Not at all.  “I’ll try again later.”  That’s the truth, at least.
“He just needs a little time.  He took it really hard when you had to go.  Well, they both did, but Artie especially.  I couldn’t convince him that you were trying to come back.”  She knows what happened, at least the broad outline of it; there’s no judgement in her voice.  “He, uh, he thought –“
Might as well just say it and spare your mom the discomfort.  “That I left just like his daddy.”
There’s a long pause before she finally answers.  “Yeah.”
What can you even say to that?  You certainly don’t blame him – you’d had that very thought yourself.
Jimmy’s earnest little voice breaks in, “Momma, Artie loves you.  He’s bein’ a butt right now.  But he loves you.”  He’s a perceptive little man; it’s good to know that’s still the same.  A sob and a chuckle mix ungracefully, but that’s okay. And since when did Jimmy start calling people ‘butts?’
“Thank you, baby.  Um, Mom?”
Her sheepish voice comes across just a second later.  “Sorry, honey.  He probably got that from me.”
A laugh, small but genuine, comes out.  “That’s okay. I learned all my best phrases from you, so I guess we’ll just call it the family legacy.”  Deep breath in.  Out.  “Hey, I should get going.  I need to get my leg checked out before I meet with the person coordinating my mental health recovery care.”
“I – okay, honey.  I love you so much, and I’m so glad you’re safe.”
“I love you, too, Mom. Jimmy?”
“I love you, Momma!  I don’t want you to go.  Come back.  Please?” His cheerful excitement is replaced with an almost palpable desperation, and just like that, your heart breaks all over again.  
“Yes, baby, I’m coming home soon.  I’ll call you later today, okay?”
“Promise?”  He sounds suspicious but hopeful.
“Yes, I promise.”
“Okay.”  Jimmy sounds resigned, and you can hear your mom prompting him in the background.  “Love you, Momma.”
“I love you, too, Jimmy. So much.”
“Later today?  Before bed?  You will call?”
“Yes, Jimmy.  I promise.”
“Okay bye!”
There’s just a bit of silence before your mom’s voice comes back.  “He’s going to be okay, honey.  They both will.”
You can only hope.  Swallowing hard, you continue, “Hey, can you please put the phone by wherever Artie can hear me?”
“Yes…here you go.”
“Artie?  Baby?”  There’s no response, but you knew there wouldn’t be.  “Artie, I love you so much.  I’m so sorry that I had to leave, but I promise I’m coming back.  Okay?  I love you so, so much.  It’s okay that you’re mad.  I understand. I will call later today, and if you feel like talking, I’ll be here to listen, okay?”  Still no answer.  You will never know how you managed to keep the devastation out of your voice.  “Okay.  It’s okay. I love you, baby.”
Footsteps, and then, “He loves you, too.  He does.”
You nod, even though she can’t see you.  “I know, Mom.”
“It’s just going to take some time.”
“I know.”  You hope, anyway.
“You’ll call later?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
“Alright honey, you take care of yourself and get better, okay?  We all miss you.”
“I know.  I miss you, too.  I miss you so much.”  You stop to clear the thickness out of your throat, “I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
It’s too hard to say goodbye, so instead you just end the call and put the phone down.  Time to get ready for the rest of the day.
* * *
“Do not hold your breath, dear one.  Breathe through the movement,” Galina coaches gently as she guides you through some strength exercises.  
You’ve already been at this for 45 minutes, and you still can’t get over the fact that your leg doesn’t hurt like you think it should.  There’s a deep, almost bone shaking ache to it now that you’ve been pushing yourself a bit, but it certainly isn’t what you would have expected from a recovering bullet wound.
“Good,” she watches with an eagle eye as you correct your breathing, “very good.”
“This is weird.  I’m not complaining, but my brain just seems to not want to accept that my leg is better than it thinks it should be.”
She laughs a little as she taps some notes into her tablet.  “I suppose it makes sense that there is a bit of dissonance between your brain and body; most patients with this type of injury would still be recovering in the surgical ward. You are very lucky to have received Dr. Cho’s patch.  I have seen injuries like yours that have resulted in a lifelong limp, and that was with good care and a qualified physical therapist.”
It hurts your heart to think of the things she’s seen – legs with a permanent limp seem like the least of the potential horrors.  You finish your reps, then rise to stand next to her.  “Thank you for taking care of me, Galina.  I really do appreciate it.”
Her hand reaches to cup your cheek, “Dear one, it is my pleasure.  Thank you for allowing me.  It cannot be easy given everything you have been through.”
It baffles you how she can be so concerned about you – she’s lost everyone she loved most, and it makes you wonder how she can keep going, how she can even smile.  Throwing any sense of formality to the wayside, you pull Galina into an impromptu hug.  It’s easy to see she doesn’t mind.  You’re far from the only person in this building that is in the process of healing.
When she pulls away, you’d swear there are tears in her eyes but you don’t get the opportunity to ask before she starts speaking.  “Would you like to join me for some coffee?  Or do you need some rest before you meet with Dr. Lee?”
“I’d actually love some company – and the caffeine is a bonus.  Bucky said he’d probably be at least 2 hours with his therapist, and I’m trying not to sleep during the day so I can get back to a normal sleep schedule.”
“Mmm,” Galina nods drily, “Jetlag is a heartless bitch, yes?”
You burst out laughing at her comment.  It feels good.  “It is. It really is.”
* * *
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous, Buck.  It isn’t like I’ve never seen a therapist before.”  The two of you are standing outside the room serving as an office for Dr. Lee, and there’s a heavy dread hanging over you at the prospect of walking through that door.  “I mean, for fuck’s sake, I want to be one.  What is my problem?”
Bucky rubs your back as he holds you close.  “Do you want me to stay with you?”
The deep breath you take fills your lungs with his comforting smell, grounding you.  “Mmm,” your voice is muffled from having your face smushed into his shirt, “that’s actually really tempting.”  The breath is released in a somewhat defeated sigh, “But I need to do this on my own.  I, um, I also don’t want you to have to relive my experience.”  You can feel that he’s about to protest, so you quickly continue, “I know you’d go – and I thank you for it – but I don’t know that I can be completely open and honest with my therapist if you were there because I’d want to protect you from hearing it.”  Shrugging as you take a step back, you meet his troubled eyes, “I know you know what happened.  But that doesn’t mean I want you to hear me say it.  And yes,” you cut him off before he can interrupt, “we will talk about it. In time.  It’s not that I’m trying to keep anything from you because I’m not. I just –“
“It’s different when you’re talking to a therapist.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, relieved that he understands.  “It’s different.”
A hug and a kiss and five minutes later find you sitting across from an older gentleman with thick 70s style glasses.  His kindly smile flashes beneath a thick, grey mustache as he rolls up the sleeves of his sweater.
You feel like you need to say something to fill the silence.  “Um, thank you for meeting with me, Dr. Lee.”
“Oh,” his smile is meant to put you at ease, and it does, somewhat.  “No need to be formal.  Please, call me Stan.”
Nodding, you swallow hard.
He begins with explaining how this will work – he’s having this meeting with you in order to pair you with a suitable therapist from his team, who then will fly in later today to begin working with you tomorrow.  Stan and his partner will remain onsite with you and Bucky as long as you are in New York, and will then do remote sessions for as long as needed.  He’s happy to work with you if for whatever reason your therapist doesn’t work out, although he prefers under normal circumstances not to work with both halves of a couple.  This doesn’t faze you – it’s pretty standard practice.  
Next are the inventories – of course you score astronomically high on the anxiety inventory and moderately high on the PTSD inventory, but surprisingly low on the depression inventory.  By the time you’re finished discussing them and your one month, three month, and six month goals, you’re fairly comfortable with Stan.  He’s nice and gives off a sort of wise, grandfatherly type vibe.  You can see why Bucky thinks so highly of him.
Then it gets ugly, but you knew it would.  In broad strokes you begin telling him of your experience.  Every now and then he asks for more details or clarification, but for the most part he just listens and makes occasional notes.  
Starting at the beginning brings some happy memories, once you get past the whole watching someone die and then having someone shoot at you part.  Yeah, saying goodbye to your mom was hard, but you still had hope that you’d see her again someday.  Then there was getting to know Bucky and the team.  Did you expect to find a best friend and fall in love with him?  Did you expect that this group of extraordinary individuals – people that you found intimidating and at first wrongly assumed you’d have absolutely nothing in common with – would become family?  God, no.  But you did, and they did.  There was fear and uncertainty, but there was also joy, acceptance, and love.  At the safehouse, in the most unexpected way, you found healing and a deep peace you’d never known before.
But then you recount falling sick from Metzger’s poison and the indescribable pain of leaving your kids…and Bucky.  As you describe Anatoliy and Nikolai Krakken – their threats, their causal cruelty, their laughter – you break into a cold sweat.  Nausea comes in waves with mentioning Grigory and Alric Metzger, and you’re almost drowning again in helpless desperation when you remember how they read Bucky’s second set of trigger words and the things they made him do.  You mostly stay away from the complicated confusion regarding Bucky’s part in your rescue; at this point you know you love him and that you harbor no resentment – you meant it when you said there was nothing to forgive – so the rest of the feelings that you can’t quite figure out can wait.  
You tell Stan of being locked in that godawful room for days on end under endless threats of harm, and the waiting.  God, the waiting – waiting to see what they would make Bucky do next, waiting to see if he did it, waiting to see when they would finally follow through with their terrible implications.  Then of course there were the little ways they would humiliate you, the dehumanizing way they refused to let anyone use your name, the misery of the formal dinners they forced you to attend…and…and the…the uh…    
Stan keeps telling you that you’re okay, that you’re safe.  You know this is true on some level, but you sure as hell can’t feel it without –
“Bucky,” you finally gasp, and Stan acquiesces immediately.
Bucky must have been just down the hall, because his arms are around you within a minute of Stan’s call. It’s strange, you think, that the tighter he squeezes the easier it is for you to breathe.
When the room finally feels like it has enough air for the three of you, you continue, “I’m sorry, Stan. I didn’t expect to be quite this fragile.”
Even though you’re looking down into your lap, you can feel two sets of eyes boring into your skull.
Stan clears his throat. “You said you were going to school? You want to be a therapist?”
You nod first, then answer almost absentmindedly, “Uh huh.”
“Mmm.  Would you expect one of your clients to apologize for their emotional reaction while describing their trauma?”  As pointed as his question is, Stan’s voice is gentle.
He’s not going to let you not reply, so you give him the obvious answer.  “No.  Of course not.”
“So do you think it’s reasonable for you to expect yourself to not be, as you put it, fragile?”
“Um…”  You can practically feel Bucky daring you to deflect. “No.”
When you finally look up, Stan is nodding.  “Right. Cut yourself some slack.  Don’t hold yourself to expectations that you wouldn’t expect others to meet.”
He’s right.  You know he’s right.  “Easier said than done.”
“But not impossible,” he winks.  “You and Bucky are remarkably similar in this aspect.  With you, you’ve got extremely high expectations for yourself.  With him, it’s –“ Stan looks to Bucky, “May I discuss your progress a bit?”
“I already said you could,” Bucky smiles, then takes out his phone when it buzzes.  His features twist into something unfamiliar, but only for a second.  Turning to you, he apologetically shows you the screen.  “Nat’s here.”  His voice is tight; he tries to hide it but you know him too well.  “She got impatient and wants to take you shopping this afternoon.  What would you like me to tell her?”
“If I may,” Stan looks to you both, “I would recommend that you go shopping.  Today.”  His face is stern as he looks to Bucky.  “With Nat. And only Nat.”
Bucky manages to look both nauseous and sheepish as you glance between the two.
His phone buzzes again as you bite your lip.  “Um, I’ll go.”  You can’t say that you feel great about it; in fact, the idea of being separated from Bucky is mildly terrifying, but that’s kind of Stan’s point.  
“Good.  Bucky, go ahead and meet Nat while I finish up here. Have lunch together, and when they go shopping, you come here for your next session.”
Bucky nods but looks to you before moving.
“I’ll be okay, Buck.” Surprisingly, this feels like the truth. “Go ahead, I’ll join you when I’m done.”
“Alright.”  Bucky hesitantly gets up, but stoops to press a kiss against your forehead.  “I’ll see you soon.”  He clearly doesn’t want to go, but his respect for you eventually wins.
It’s quiet while he exits, but then Stan allows himself an almost satisfied smile.  “You know, Bucky doesn’t give himself enough credit.  I’m not sure if it’s the serum – if it also helps strengthen the mind as well as the body – but when he allows himself to be, he’s one of the most mentally and emotionally healthy people I’ve ever met, and I don’t just mean in spite of his trauma.  He knows what to do, he knows how to communicate, which is especially important.  The problem is, he sometimes gets in his own way.  Kind of like you and your unrealistically high expectations for yourself. I think for a long time it was a way to punish himself, almost a self-sabotage.  He’d learned to deal with the trauma but not so much the guilt.  He felt guilty not only about what he’d done while under HYDRA control, but also for falling victim to the torture in the first place – something he recognized no one else could have survived much less ignored, but he still wouldn’t even consider forgiveness for himself.  He felt guilty because he thought he should have been strong enough to withstand it.  Normally the guilt and trauma would go hand in hand, and dealing with one would deal with the other, but not in Bucky’s case.  He’d managed to separate them and not allowing himself to deal with the guilt was holding him back.”  Stan picks up a pen and starts tapping it against his chin, “He always wanted to get better, to be better.  He just couldn’t always convince himself that he deserved it.  You, though, you were – and are – his motivation to stop punishing himself and let go of the guilt.  Seeing and working with him today,” Stan shakes his head, “in spite of his new trauma, the improvement I see in him is incredible.  He wants to get better, but more importantly, he’s allowing himself to get better.  He’s stepping out of his way.”  Stan narrows his eyes at you, “Just like you need to do.  And that’s only going to happen if you cut yourself some slack. Perfection is an illusion and it has no place in healing.”
“I know,” you exhale heavily.
“Do you?”
“Yeah,” you admit, “I do.” Your being hard on yourself isn’t exactly a secret, even to you.
“So what would you tell me if our positions were switched?”
You sort of hate the way he’s going about this, but at the same time you have to admit it’s effective. “I’d tell you that all of your reactions are perfectly normal and that your emotions are valid.  I’d tell you to remember that progress isn’t linear, and that having a bad day, week, or even month doesn’t mean progress isn’t being made. I’d let you know that being with a therapist is a very specific type of vulnerability, and that it’s okay to feel and express those emotions.”
“It’s okay to need help. And other people.”
Stan leans back in his chair, seemingly satisfied.  Smug bastard. “Good.  Well, I think I’ve got a good grasp on your particular needs, so I’ll have one of my colleagues, Dr. Patrice Cortez, fly in tonight.  I think she’ll be a great match for you – we graduated in the same class and have been working together ever since, but she specializes in women’s trauma.  I will still be available to you, of course, but as long as you are comfortable with her when you meet her tomorrow, she’ll be your primary therapist.”
��Okay.”  Genuinely grateful, you smile.  “Thank you very much.”  Suddenly exhausted, it takes a monumental effort to begin to rise.
“One more thing.”  He waits until you sit back into the couch. “And this is something I’ve addressed with Bucky, but since you’re here I’d like to mention it to you, too.”
Stan looks up at the ceiling like he’s physically searching for the right words, “Your relationship is nothing short of extraordinary.”
Oh boy, here it comes. You know it’s coming from your mom, but you didn’t quite expect it here.  Well, maybe you did.  A little. “Are you going to tell me that it’s superficial and based on stressful circumstances, and that it won’t last in the real world?” You’d bristle if you had the energy, but as it is it just comes out flat.  
“What?  No, God no,” he speaks quickly, “Although that does happen. And I’d say that a majority of bonds that are formed under such stress don’t survive because they’re based on necessity, and once the necessity is gone, so is the bond.  I don’t think that’s the case with you and Bucky, though. It’s fairly obvious that you were friends first, and that your relationship is built on that.  Unusual circumstances threw you together, but the friendship grew organically, if quickly.”
You relax, just a bit. It’s been on your mind; not that you doubt your feelings – or Bucky’s – but you do know how it looks.  And just like the first night the team found out, your relationship with Bucky is something you’re prepared to defend.
“The thing I wanted to mention is the danger of co-dependency.”
Ah.  That makes sense.
“You two have been through a lot.  A lot. And it’s good and important that you can lean on one another, inspire and encourage each other, and grow together. But it’s also important that you grow on your own.  You are two individuals sharing a life.  If you can’t thrive separately, then in trying to thrive together you will choke each other out.”
You nod – he’s not wrong.
“Did Bucky mention that he is having a difficult time with the idea of you going shopping with Nat?”
You think for a moment. “No, but I guess I assumed it wouldn’t even happen until tomorrow, so we really haven’t talked about it at all.”
“He is.  He’s struggling with the idea of you being without his protection, even though you are certainly more than safe with Nat. Bucky is almost paralyzed with fear that he will lose you.  And I can see that the idea bothers you as well.”
“Yeah,” you admit.  “Even though everyone seems to agree that the threat is over, it’s still scary.”
“It is.  It absolutely is.  But is it healthy for either of you to live in that fear?”
Exhaling deeply, you answer honestly.  “No.  It isn’t.”
“Right.  Although it is certainly understandable, it isn’t healthy. Now, I’m not suggesting that you two separate.  Quite the contrary, actually.  It’s just something to be cognizant of, something to keep in mind as you start the healing process.  Push your boundaries early and often, and I think you’ll surprise yourself.  You are both incredibly resilient people.”
“I, um, I do worry that I’ll get too needy, if I’m not already.  And then sometimes I worry that I’ll push him away.”
“And he worries that he’ll suffocate you with his desire to see you safe.  It’s why he asked me today to make sure I have a session planned with him when you go out, although I think he also expected it would be tomorrow.”
Another deep exhale.  
“The therapy program we’re putting together for you two is pretty intense.  But for what it’s worth, I think you’re both on the right track. Just make sure you allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling – but be careful of focusing too much on the bad because your anxiety can and will manipulate your perceptions.  Remember that it’s okay to feel contradicting emotions, and trust yourself.  Rest in each other and support each other, but don’t depend on each other for healing. That’s something you need to do on your own.  Perhaps together in parallel fashion, but still individually.”
“Hearing this is oddly comforting,” you admit.
“Based on what I’ve seen, I think it’s because it’s stuff you already know.  I also suspect that it was perhaps how you two operated before you were taken, but after what you went through you just need to feel like you have permission to put it back into practice.”
Why does everything make so much sense when Stan says it?  “You know, I think you’re right.  I – I don’t think I’ve ever worked with a therapist like you, either through school or personally.  You’re very effective.”
He smiles broadly, “Well, being on the team serving the Avengers is fairly unconventional, and sometimes we have to modify programs in unusual ways to fit our clients’ unique needs. Which is what any good practitioner should do, really.”  He shrugs, “But rest assured that our methods are grounded in evidence-based practice, and that my entire team is held to the strictest standards regarding ethics and client outcomes.”  Stan leans forward, eyes sparkling, “And we have very good outcomes.  It’s going to take some work, but you, my dear, are going to be just fine.  And so is Bucky.”
You find yourself nodding. You believe him.
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The Model
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AN: I love me a soft, fluffy Bucky. I just wanna snuggle him always. Also, spot the Stan Lee cameo.
Bucky x Reader
I could feel my heart hammering in my chest as I approached the lounge area. Steve and Bucky were talking softly, gentle laughter and whispered memories. How could I interrupt that with something so mundane? I steeled myself at the doorway, mouthing over the words again as I rehearsed what I was going to say for the hundredth time.
I walked in, trying to be casual, and sat down in one of the oversized arm chairs.
“Morning, Y/N,” Bucky said lightly, picking up his coffee. Ever since I had joined the Avengers, I’d be well and thoroughly adopted as the baby of the group. Parker even was defensive over me, and he was younger than me.
I flashed Bucky a nervous smile and looked down at my lap. “Steve, I need to ask you a favor.” I finally blurted after what felt like an eternity of silence. When neither of them spoke, I raised my eyes slightly, meeting Steve’s. “We’re doing…” I cleared my throat. It was suddenly drier than the Sahara in the room and I wanted to run away desperately. “We’re studying the human form for art class and I was wonderingifyouwouldbemymodel.” It came out like word vomit and I swear my face was going to burst into flames from the sheer heat of it.
Bucky snorted. “Aw, Stevie, Y/N wants to get you naked.”
My eyes snapped to Bucky and I narrowed them. “I will end you.” I hissed, but he just laughed harder. “They have a model we can use at school, but I thought the bragging rights would be deserved if I got to use an Avenger. Also, the model at school is a creepy old dude.” The word vomit just kept coming. I was babbling, my nose scrunched up as the image of Stan, the art model came to the forefront of my mind.
I refused to look at Steve—or stop talking—until he said my name gently. When I looked up, he was sitting forward with his elbows on his knees, Dad-Look firmly seated on his face. “Are your intentions pure?” He asked, voice grave but I could see him stifling a smile, just the slightest sparkle of mischief in his eyes.
“That’s it, I’m gonna ask Nat. She’ll do it.” I huffed, standing to storm out of the room. Nat would tease me too, but it would be Titanic jokes, instead of “are you just trying to fuck me” jokes at least.
“I’ll do it,” Bucky said and for a minute, I don’t think me or him or Steve or God even believed what just came out of his mouth. “I mean, if you’re going to get bragging rights for doing an Avenger, it may as well be extra challenging.” He added, raising his metal arm. “Besides, I’m still grounded after I got a little too aggressive with that crime syndicate from my last mission. I’ve got time to kill.”
Steve and I both stared at each other, then back at Bucky. “You know she’s talking about getting you naked, right?” Steve asked.
“No shit, Sherlock. When has my being naked in front of a cute girl ever bothered me?” Bucky retorted. He then took a deep breath and raised his eyebrows at me. “When do we start?”
Bucky came with me to school the next day. The art department was usually empty on Fridays, so we were able to find a room to ourselves easily. I locked the door, closed the blinds and turned on the lights that I needed while Bucky wandered the edges of the room, looking at the knick-knacks and half finished pieces that littered the shelves.
“If you’re an Avenger, why are you still going to college?” He asked abruptly, fingers drifting over a freshly kiln-ed abstract pottery piece.
I shrugged. “Can’t Avenge forever. Besides, I’m still just in training. I’ve got no more clearance than you do.”
I pushed a lounge chair out of the corner and into the center of the room and draped a cloth over it, then set up my easel and stool. I could calm my raging nerves with the methodical routine of my art set up, ignore the warning sirens in my head with the stability and consistency of an easel, a pad of paper, pencils, erasers and fixative.
“You can probably get comfortable now. You brought a book, right?” I asked, setting out pencils and charcoal for myself. I started some music too, just so I could zone out and work without thinking too much about the fact that I was drawing Bucky naked for a grade. I understand all of those words separately, said the voice in my mind, dwelling on it being Bucky and him being naked and the ease of which he was willing to do it.
“I didn’t know I needed to,” he said sheepishly and my heart dropped. He was going to be naked, bored, and making fun of me. I had planned to just draw him reading, but that was out the window. Fan-fucking-tastic. “It’s okay, I can amuse myself.” He said with a dirty smirk, voice dripping innuendo.
I sighed and waited while he stripped down to his underwear. We both met eyes for a moment as he dropped his last article of clothing and every inch the cloth fell from his hips was an inch of blush that crawled up my chest and over my face. I quickly busied myself with adjusting my sketch pad on the easel, making sure my pencils were sharp enough, that I had enough smudge sticks and erasers.
“How should I… How do you want me?” He asked and I swallowed thickly. Not only did I have to draw him naked, but I had to adjust him naked too?
I walked over, making a point to not look at him, but at the space around him as I positioned him, so he was mostly sitting up, one leg kind of propped up, the other stretched out, his metal arm draped across his stomach in an effort to cover his junk for my own benefit.
I tried to position him so he looked strong, powerful, but leisurely. I wanted him to look regal, a man completely in control of himself and the people around him. That’s how I envisioned him. He wasn’t a leader yet, but he could be. “Comfy?”
He nodded and offered me a reassuring smile. “Trust me, this isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve done naked.” What is the weirdest thing you’ve done naked, Barnes? I didn’t ask what my head was screaming, but I couldn’t help my wandering mind.
“That does not instill me with any kind of confidence, Buck.” I sighed, returning to my things. “Try not to move, if you can help it. I’m going to snap a reference photo, just so if you need to get up and go to the bathroom or anything, you can and we can just reposition you.” I picked up my phone and took the photo. God, this was bad. I was horrified. I shouldn’t have even asked Steve. Bucky wouldn’t have known and then I wouldn’t have been in this predicament. Natasha would have been a much better candidate.
“Y/N, this isn’t a big deal, you know? I give you shit, but this isn’t that weird. Just friends hanging out.” I knew he could read my discomfort. It’s not like I hid it at all. But I felt bad being so weird about it at the same time. “Why’d you pick Steve anyway?”
I set my phone down and got comfortable on my stool, trying to decide where to start, both with the picture and with the answer. “He’s an artistic guy. I figured he would understand what I was doing better than most of you guys.”
“But why not Wanda or Natasha? Wanda seems like she’d be into this kind of stuff.” He asked as I started with his foot. I figured the best way to start was to trace the whole thing, then work the details in.
I sighed a little. “I can draw the female figure all day long. I happen to be female, if you hadn’t noticed. So, I kind of already know what it all looks like.”
“So, what? You’re saying you’ve never seen the male figure?” He asked with a laugh. I didn’t reply, which seemed to be answer enough for him. I’d resigned myself to doing this whole assignment with a blush on my face anyways. “Are you a virgin?”
I took a deep breath, focusing intently on my work and the music. I traced the curve of his legs, with my eyes and my pencil. Then his abdomen, his arms, his chest and shoulders.
“It’s okay if you are. I just thought… a pretty girl like you with so much confidence and charisma, you know?” He chuckled, his eyes far away, like he was reveling in some memory dredged up. My heart did a flip when he sucked his lower lip between his teeth, my mind wandering to a filthy place. I had to stop myself.
I put my pencil down for a minute and shut my eyes. “Boys never really liked me because I’m so… strong.” Boyish, masculine, aggressive, independent, memories of all the rejections I’d faced flitted through like a bad slideshow of sadness, quelling any inappropriate thoughts that might’ve been forming.
Bucky actually snorted. “Seriously? No offense, Y/N, but you must be going after pussies.” When I didn’t reply again, focusing instead on his metal arm, he continued: “Doll, if they can’t see through your powers to who you are, they’re just shallow, egocentric douche bags looking for empowerment. You deserve lightyears better than that.”
“It’s hard to find guys who can see past the powers though,” I shrugged. “Guys don’t even want to get close to a girl who can throw them across a room. A lot of the ones who were into that were… weird. And that’s not to say that all men are like that, just the ones that I’ve had to pleasure of dealing with.”
“Definitely not all men,” Bucky chuckled cryptically.
I shook my head, narrowing my eyes as I drew in the slats of his metal arm, added in the glinting light that reflected off of it. I felt my heart squeeze as I drew the marred flesh at his shoulder, the place where they had so indelicately taken his flesh arm away and forced the metal one on him.
“For the record, I think you’re wonderful the way you are.” Bucky piped up awkwardly.
I smiled a little. “Thanks Buck.” I had long since accepted myself. “Dating’s kind of on the back burner. If I happen across a decent guy who genuinely likes me and isn’t put off by my powers, awesome. Otherwise, I’m happy. I’m gonna finish my degree significantly earlier than most, I’m an Avenger and if I ever decide I’m done Avenging, then I’ve got a restaurant back home to run.”
“Is that what you’re in school for?”
“I’m in school for business management and accounting, both of which will help.” I nodded. I stood up and walked over to him, frowning as I studied his chest and the criss-crossing lines of scars that interrupted otherwise beautiful skin. I could feel him watching me, but couldn’t be bothered to care. As long as I didn’t have to study his dick, I could pretend that this wasn’t weird.
“So, why the art classes then?” He asked as I hesitantly reached out and traced a particularly long scar that ran from his collarbone to his hip. Once I was content with my recollection of his scars, I went back to my stool, lightly penciling them in before I went back for the detail work.
I couldn’t help but be enamored by the strong planes of muscle and smooth skin that stretched across his body. He was beautifully constructed and honestly, the artist part of me (and maybe the girl part of me) wanted to study every inch of him from head to toe because he was stupidly perfect. I could’ve spent years drawing him and never stopped being impressed by him.
“I have always loved art. Business is practical, but art is where my heart lives.” I mumbled. It was corny, but it was true. As much as Avenging made me feel good, made me feel like I was in the right place in my life, art was always my dream. Becoming an Avenger was like walking into a tower dedicated to art models, emotions thriving and warring between these god-like beings, emotions just begging to be captured with pencils and paper and paint.
He didn’t say anything for a while and when I looked up, his eyes were shut, face relaxed. Was he really that bored? I let my gaze linger as I studied the peaceful set of his face, the smudge of his lashes that dusted his cheeks, the soft, pillowy shape of his lips, juxtaposed with the sharp angles of his jaw and cheeks, hard and soft beautifully married to make up a face so perfect, it should’ve been illegal.
Maybe that was the real reason he was the most deadly assassin in the world, taking “if looks could kill” into a reality where he was so beautiful, people just dropped dead.
“Y/N, if you love art so much, that’s what you should do. You shouldn’t do something to make your family happy. You should do something that makes you happy.” Bucky said softly, startling me out of my revere. I busied myself with my drawing again, trying to translate the softness of his face onto the page.
“That’s what my parents keep telling me too,” I sighed.
“They’re right.”
I took a deep breath. Drawing his loose hair made me want to run my fingers through it, feel the softness of it.
Should’ve asked Nat. You wouldn’t be falling in love with her if you were drawing her, came that annoying little voice in my head. My heart thumped in agreement, but it knew that I’d held a special place for Bucky there long before I’d gotten him naked and posed for a drawing.
“What’s your dream, Buck?” I asked, trying to distract myself.
He didn’t speak again for a long time, but this time when I looked over, he was staring right at me, a sadness pulling his eyebrows together and tightening his lips into a hard line. “I think, kinda like Stevie, anything I wanted from life died when I went off the cliff. A lot of what he wanted out of life died in the ice.”
“So, what, you’re just floating aimlessly right now?”
“No,” he shook his head. “I’m trying really hard to heal from the Solider, you know? I want to be a better man now than I was then. I guess I’m just trying to use what I learned from him for good. I guess my dream is to just be better than I was.”
My heart broke for him. He’d been through too much in his life, lost too much of his life to HYDRA and the Soldier inside him.
“I didn’t mean to make you sad. I guess I just feel kind of open to you right now,” he laughed nervously.
I flicked my eyes back up to his face for a moment and shook my head. “I’m just sad for the past you’ve had. You’re already a better man than he was.”
He chuckled and stood, walking over to see what I’d done so far, still buck-naked. I did my best not to look at him, full stretched out in all his glory as he studied my work. His fingers traced some of the lines before he moved his hand to rub my back reassuringly.
“You’re so good at this, doll.” He murmured, pressing a light kiss to the top of my head before he ducked down to grab my purse, rummaging around for the protein bar he’d insisted he would not eat, because he definitely would not get hungry during this.
When we finished, we both stood back studying it. I’d waited to put too much detail into his face until I got him laughing again. The look on his face as he leaned into laughter, the crinkling in his eyes, it made my heart sing loudly. I wanted to live in that feeling, I wanted to always picture him like that, regal and proud and happy, a man marred by the past, but comfortable in his skin and in his life.
He’d hugged me tight, no words on his lips but a simple, heartfelt thank you, Y/N. That by itself made me infinitely more happy with the piece than any grade I could have received.
He insisted on taking a picture with his phone of the piece, then one of me with the piece, “so he could show off the amazing artist.” To whom he planned on showing me off, I didn’t know. He never ventured from the tower much, didn’t have any friends outside of the Avengers, certainly no one that he would be showing nude drawings of himself to. I posed, a cheesy smile on my face nonetheless. He took me out for ice cream afterwards.
At the end of the semester, the best pieces of art were put on display for an art show. I invited all of the Avengers, but only Steve, Natasha, Bucky and Tony could come, just because missions still had to be completed, the world still needed to be saved.
We rolled up to the campus and Tony looked unceremoniously scandalized by the lack of paparazzi and, well, people. He made a show of going on about some of the more famous art shows he’d attended, then nudged me with his shoulder and gave me a wink that told me everything I needed to hear without saying a word. This isn’t a big deal, you have no reason to be nervous, his smile said as he swaggered towards the art department building.
The display room had been redesigned by some of the interior decorating kids. Pottery, paintings, sculptures and drawings all intermingled through out the room, pieces hung from the walls, the ceiling, sat on stands and stools.
Off in the corner, Stan sat on the same stool the students who had used him as a model drew him on, dressed in nothing but a sock to maintain some semblance of modesty. His aviator style glasses and gray mustache bristled as he talked to patrons and students alike.
“You didn’t tell me there would be nudity at this party. Suddenly, I’m much more interested,” Natasha purred in my ear as she sauntered off to examine some of the abstract art. She were trying.
Avenging was easy, I felt no nerves over that. Art? Art was something that I felt down in my bones and watching as strangers and classmates and the people I cared about most poured over it and the details I’d done my best to capture, that made my throat close and the sweat run like rivers down my skin.
Steve and Bucky both pestered me until I took a picture of them posing with Stan, his arms wrapped around their waists as they both grinned hugely at me. Frat boys tried to convince my boys to go back to their houses with them and party. For a moment, I thought maybe they would.
Tony tried to buy someone’s statue of a naked woman, one delicate foot propped up on a hog-tied bear Captain Morgan style. He said he loved the female-empowerment that radiated off it. He wanted to give it to Pepper. Natasha said no and pick-pocketed his wallet off him, waving it me before she dropped it into her purse.
We all stood before my drawing of Bucky at the same time, all of us coming together to study it. I could feel my heart rate rising the longer no one spoke.
“This is absolutely incredible, Y/N,” Steve finally said. “Your attention to detail is insane.”
“It’s scarily lifelike.” Tony added. “Are you sure you didn’t just take his picture?” It was lighthearted ribbing, and it eased my nerves slightly.
“There’s so much emotion coming from this,” Natasha murmured, lacing her fingers with mine for a moment. “It’s beautiful.”
“That’s it, this calls for a celebration. Where’s the drink service at?” Tony said, looking around pointedly. When the rest disbursed, Bucky remained, staring up at the drawing with admiring eyes.
“It doesn’t even look like me.” He whispered, not looking at me. “It does, but it’s not… it feels surreal. That’s not at all how I ever imagine myself.”
He looked down long enough to slide his metal fingers through mine, holding on tightly. “It’s how I imagine you.” I admitted.
“This is how you see me?” He asked, emotion raw in his eyes. My heart started beating wildly, nervous that I had somehow upset him. He’d seen the drawing a dozen times since I’d finished it, but this was the first time he’d seemed truly moved by it. All I could do was nod. He smiled slightly, squeezing my hand hard. “It helps, knowing someone has so much faith in me.”
I rested my head on his shoulder, not responding.
Tony demanded champagne in the car home. Happy rolled his eyes slightly in the rear view mirror as Tony popped the bottle. Natasha passed around glasses and once we were all served, we clinked our glasses together.
While the ride home was short, it was well spent, all of us laughing and chatting. I was permitted to take my piece home with me. Tony told me he wanted to have it hung up in the tower, framed and celebrated for years to come. He also decided he wanted to commission an oil painting of himself, also nude, but posed the same as the statue he had wanted to buy, bear and all.
Happy and Steve had to escort Tony inside, Natasha following after them lazily, a small, happy smile gracing her lips and lighting up her tired eyes. I wanted to draw her next, but I wanted it to be candid. Something fierce and powerful to remind her of how amazing she was.
“Come with me,” Bucky murmured, startling me out of my admiration of my friends. He offered me his arm and I linked mine through it. We walked up the stairs, but we took it slow, chatting quietly about some of the other pieces that we’d seen at the show that we’d liked and pieces we’d hated or just didn’t get (i.e. female Captain Morgan with the bear). We laughed at chatty Stan who’s sock almost fell off twice, once “accidentally” as Natasha talked to him.
He led me up to the viewing deck, a nice balcony that looked over New York. The lights from the buildings and cars glittered like stars, an entire universe built into one city. Bucky moved his hand to my back and stayed quiet with me, letting me drink in the beauty below me. I could have stayed there forever, the warmth of his skin making me cozy.
“Thank you for being my model.” I mumbled after a long moment of silence.
He nodded, his fingers slowly sliding to my hip. “Since I did you that favor, I was wondering if I might have one in return?”
“Of course, anything.” I nodded, studying the way the windows on the buildings reflected the lights of the buildings around them, making everything infinitely brighter.
“Will you do me the pleasure of going on a date with me?” He asked softly, his lips almost at my ear. Suddenly the city was dull compared the beauty of the intimate moment he’d created between us. I looked up at him and was mesmerized by the way his eyes sparkled, his lips turned up into a smile as he held me closer than I had realized he was holding me.
It took me an embarrassingly long time to remember how to speak. “I said anything, didn’t I?” I replied. It was meant to come out snarky, cool and collected. It came out soft though. Even I could hear the wanting in my voice.
He smiled brilliantly, muting all the lights that twinkled below us, only for a moment as he lowered his mouth to mine, fireworks going off somewhere in the vicinity of our joined lips.
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anagentinwriting · 5 years
Subscribe - Part 15
Summary: (Modern AU) Peter was your college sweetheart until a certain event led to your break up. Seven years later another event brings you two back together, but this time a little girl is in the picture. Will listening to your podcasts be the reason you two get back together or be another reason to keep you apart?
Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader
Word Count: 2705
Warnings: Angst, little fluff, swearing, heartbreak...
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You felt someone press their lips to your forehead, but you kept your eyes closed to savor the moment. Did he still love you like you did him? You heard footsteps walk across your bedroom, and the door slowly creaked open. It felt like forever before you finally heard the door click shut. You leaned up, holding the sheet to your chest, unable to keep the smile off your face. It was nothing new to see Peter slip out early because he always did when you were dating in college. This meant he had to work early, or he went to get coffee and doughnuts. Either way, you weren't surprised. You yawned, rubbing your eyes as you peeked at the clock. You had a half hour before your alarm went off and there was no way you were going to fall back asleep. 
You crashed your head back down onto your pillows, shaking your head and grinning up at the ceiling. Peter's confession left you speechless, and after everything, he still felt something for you as you did for him. What was going to happen now?
After dropping off Meredith at school, you headed to the coffee shop near Potts of Honey. You only did this on certain days, but it felt like you and Wanda deserved a little treat. Or it could've been that you needed a little extra caffeine after your extracurricular activities last night. Walking into your building, you smiled at Drax, the head of security, and handed him a caramel frappuccino with extra whip. You never figured him for an extra whip kind of guy, but you never could read his strange demeanor. 
You stopped by Wanda’s office to drop off her coffee before the morning meeting, leaving a sticky note saying, Free coffee ;). Wanda would know who it was from so you didn’t bother signing it. 
During the morning meeting, you continued to come up with ideas left and right. There were many items discussed, including the upcoming plans for the NY facility, new toy ideas, and popular topics to talk about on the podcast. The smirk on Pepper's face and the devilish smile appearing on Wanda’s face right next to you didn’t go unnoticed. 
“To conclude this meeting, I want to share that a few individuals may be getting promoted in the coming weeks.” She stared right at you. “Some of you may also be eligible to work in the NY facility if you so desire because I understand many of you have families here. Those without any ties may have a tough choice ahead of them. Thank you all for coming this morning. I know it was long and boring, but I loved everyone’s enthusiasm.” 
“She means you cheery,” Wanda whispered, looking at you behind her. You scoffed, rolling your eyes at her.
On the way back to your office, you and Wanda realized you both had a ton of research to do before the podcast tomorrow. Typing away on your computer, you made a few notes about baby wipes and peeked over at Wanda to find her watching you. “What?”
“You had sex, didn’t you?”
“WHAT! No, I didn’t!” You replied, narrowing your eyes at her.
“Who was it with? Cause the amount of ideas you supplied at this morning's meeting doesn’t happen unless you got a little bow chicka wow wow,” She winked, continuing to press you. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, then the hickey below your ear is telling me a different story.” You reached up below your ear, then quickly dug out a small mirror from your desk to find a hickey. Thank god you wore your hair down today. “You see YN, I have this 6th sense, where I can detect when people have had sex,” she admitted, forcing you to roll your eyes and shake your head. “It’s true, why do you think Pepper has been in such a good mood lately? Sex. Then there is Ron from the maintenance department, who always wears a red shirt after he had sex. Or Drax our security guard downstairs well that one doesn’t count since he always tells me when he has sex. He thinks it’s a beautiful thing.”
“OH MY GOD, STOP! I don’t need to hear about other people’s sex lives.”
“Suit yourself. Who was it with?”
“You don’t know him.”
“So, you did have sex.” You gave her a straight face nod. “It was Peter, wasn’t it?”
“What! Why would you think that?”
“You have a history, and you're not the type of girl to have a one night stand with a guy you don’t know.”
You scoffed. “It doesn’t matter. I'm not going to let it happen again.”
“Hmmk, I’ll try and believe that. So you kissed him first?”
“WHAT? How could you know that? Can you read minds or something?”
“You will never know,” she joked, adding a wink. “Was it good?”
“Fine, I’ll tell you, but then we have to get to work.” She shut her laptop and leaned in closer to you so she wouldn’t miss anything. “He showed up at my door.”
“And he was wearing a trench coat, and you jump him right there.”
“No, oh my god, no.” You shook your head, narrowing your eyes at her. “Why would you...nevermind. I don't want to know what you and Vis do on the weekends.”
“Fair enough,” she smirked.
You told her what happened, starting with his confession which ended up with you two getting busy between the sheets. She smiled and seemed generally happy for you. Wanda wanted you to start dating him again, but you still weren't sure if you were ready. Having shared feelings for one another was one thing, but being the first to act on them was always the hardest part. 
You never understood how Wanda could figure out such personal things, but you still adored her for it. After lunch, everything flew by, and before you realized it, you were leaving work early for the first time in weeks. It only happened a few times out of the year, but when it did, you took full advantage of it. You glanced at your phone in the elevator seeing a text from the man you couldn’t stop thinking about.
Peter: Hey ;)
Peter: Finished up at the studio early. We are at my apartment.
YN: On my way. Done early, too. See you soon :)
He didn’t reply back, but you assumed he was playing with Mer or helping her with her homework. That little girl could keep anyone busy.
Parking your car in the parking ramp, you walked into Peter’s apartment building saying a quick hello to Stan, the doorman. You still couldn’t get over how fancy this place was. It had all the amenities of a hotel, but it was in your own home. There was a pool, a gym with personal trainers, and a spa, complete with a massage therapist and a manicurist. Peter even had his own washer-dryer unit in his apartment. When you have all these things, you know you’re doing something right. You got into the elevator and clicked on the floor to his apartment. As it rose higher and higher, your stomach fluttered with nerves making your fingers tingle.
You stepped out of the elevator and made your way to his apartment door. Your heart was beating faster, and your palms started to feel damp. Why were you so nervous? You’ve slept with him tons of times. Heck, you even had a child with him. You let out a deep breath before knocking on the door. The door opened, and the smile that appeared on your face so easy this morning quickly disappeared in an instance.
“Hi, you must be YN. I’m Bereet, Peter’s girlfriend,” she waved with an intoxicating smile.
Your nerves and excitement were gone replaced with a sharp pain to your chest. This time you couldn’t leave a message and run away. This time your daughter was in there. This was like deja vu, but this time you were the other woman.
“Why don’t you come on in.” 
He has a girlfriend. Peter, who you slept with last night, has a girlfriend. You could feel the blood drain from your face as you stepped into his apartment. His confession. Your confession. Your bed. Last night should've never happened. You ran your hand through your hair, staring hard at the floor. If you knew he was in a relationship, you never would have gone that far. An unpleasant feeling of guilt sat in the pit of your stomach weighing you down. 
“They should be out at any second,” she grinned, closing the door behind you. 
“How long have you and Peter been together?” You questioned, deciding to make small talk. Maybe, they haven’t been dating long and aren’t in the serious stages yet. But if they are serious, why didn't Peter ever mention it or at least ask if it was okay to introduce her to Mer?
“About four months now. Wow! I can’t believe it has already been that long,” she chuckled, shaking her head. 
Shit. You forced a tight-lipped smiled and heard Mer’s giggles getting closer. Peter came flying into the room with Mer on his back, giving her a piggyback ride. He stopped dead in his tracks looking between you and Bereet. “Hey, YN. You’re here early.” You nodded at him realizing he must’ve never got your text. You weren’t sure if you were grateful for it or upset by it. 
“Mommy,” Meredith smiled, sliding down Peter’s back and sprinting over to you. 
“Did you have fun?” Your fake smile from earlier spread into a real one. 
“Yes! And dad helped me with homework.”
“How do you think he did?”
“I’ll find out tomorrow,” she said, making you and Peter chuckle. 
“Are you ready to go then?” 
“Yes, let me grab my stuff first.” You watched her take off down the hall as your eyes drifted back over to Peter. He was staring at you as if he was trying to read your mind. His eyes were filled with worry making a crease form between his brows. 
“She is so cute, Peter,” Bereet commented, sliding up next to him. “I can see so much of you in her. It’s crazy.” She rested her head on his shoulder, intertwining her hand with his. You gulped, looking away wishing Meredith would speed it up. You didn't want to be here anymore. All you wanted to do was leave.
“Mer has more of her mother in her than me,” Peter stated with a slight smirk in your direction. You gave him a half-shrug, eyeing the hallway Mer disappeared down.
“Okay, I am ready to go.” She walked back into the room, slipping her backpack onto her little shoulders. “Dad I left my book about the galaxy so if you wanted to look at you can. There are a ton of cool facts in it.”
“Thanks, Twig.” Peter nodded, pulling out of Bereets grasp. “I’ll walk you two out.”
In the elevator ride down, you avoided any eye contact with Peter. You weren’t sure what you were feeling right now, but it was somewhere between frustrated, heartbroken, and pissed off. Mer and Peter made lite conversation about school and cracked a few jokes. You smiled down at Mer a few times giving Peter the side-eye. You wanted to tell him off right there, but you didn’t want the little ears to hear it. How could he do this to you? You knew the truth behind the past mistake, but why did you feel like nothing got resolved?
Mer held onto Peter's hand as they walked to your parked car. Peter grabbed her backpack and helped her into her car seat. “Take care of your mom for me, Twig.”
“I will, Daddy.” She pulled him in and kissed him on the cheek.  
“See you tomorrow,” he smirked, kissing her forehead. He closed the door and waved goodbye to her through the window. He came around the back to the open trunk, setting Mer's backpack inside before turning to you. “YN, I’m...” 
“I don’t want to hear another apology out of your mouth,” you interrupted, putting your hand up to stop him. Your emotions were all over the place, and it was hard to pinpoint exactly what you were feeling.  You had the urge to slap him, but you also wanted to cry over a tub of ice cream.  He nodded, pressing his lips into a firm line. “Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone?"
"You know what--" you cut him off, pinching the bridge of your nose "--last night was just a heat of the moment thing, and it shouldn't have happened. It shouldn't have gone that far." 
“It wasn’t a heat of the moment thing for either of us, and you know it,” Peter confessed, trying to step towards you, but you backed out of his reach. 
“It doesn’t matter.” You shake your head, biting your lip. “Bereet told me you've been together for four months, Peter. That’s a big deal, and you introducing Mer to her must mean you really care about Bereet.” Your voice cracked, making you pause before continuing. “I mean, you could have talked to me before you introduced Mer to Bereet, but I guess we never had that conversation about introducing significant others to her.”
“Wait, you think...” Peter started as his face scrunched up, but you interrupted him. 
“The few guys I dated after you. I didn’t even introduce Mer to them. They knew I had a daughter, but I wanted to make sure it could turn into something before she got attached to them.” You gulped, noticing Peter’s jaw clench. “Look, Bereet adores you, and I can tell she is important to you, too. I don’t want to be ‘the other woman’ that ruined your relationship and your chance at happiness.” You slammed the trunk lid down, staring into the rear window to see Mer listening to her iPod. “Even if it’s not with me,” you whispered to yourself.
“You haven’t ruined anything.”
“You’re right because nothing happened between us,” You croaked, turning around to face him.
“For once in your life will you stop talking and listen to me,” Peter shouted louder than he intended, making your eyes widen. He glanced in the rear window but looked relieved once he noticed Mer was on her iPod. 
“No. I’m done listening,” you sighed, shaking your head. “Today, I woke up feeling happier than I have been in a long time, and you were the reason for it. I have always had a soft spot for you, Peter, and no matter how much time has passed between us, it will always be there.” Peter stepped closer to you as his eyes filled with concern, but you took a step back. You didn't want to be the other women. You didn’t want to end a relationship because of a stupid mistake. You would be the bigger person and walk away from him like you did before. It would hurt, but it always does. 
“Why do you think I was so open to having you involved in Mer’s life? It wasn’t just because you’re her dad. And fuck, just like I imagined, you're a great father to her--" You bit your lip, feeling the corner of your eyes well up with tears. You looked away from him, feeling a tear slide down your cheek. "--But you can be a real a-hole of a person sometimes," you sniffled, wiping away the stray tear with your forearm. “I thought about asking you if you wanted to give this another go between us, but then um--” you shake your head, clearing your throat “--I need to get Mer home. I’ll see you around, Quill.” You took a step away from him and turned your back on him without giving him a second look and got into your car. 
He watched your rear lights disappear around the corner of the parking structure and shook his head. It was like deja vu; reliving his worst memory all over again. “FUCK,” he screamed, kicking a nonexistent pebble on the ground.
AN: Ohh and just when I got your hopes up in the last part...I'm the worst. Some of you probably hate me right now, but that's okay...we'll get past this! Were any of you surprised to see Bereet at his apartment? I thought it would be one hell of a shocking moment in the story! And what about the reader and her emotions...kind of all over the place, but she was able to tell Peter how she really felt about him. Deep breaths though...it will get better...maybe! As always, thanks for reading! And thank you all for the likes, reblogs, and comments; I appreciate every one!
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ssironstrange · 5 years
endgame rant
yeah i know i said i wouldn’t post spoiler shit but listen i gotta get this off my chest ok
i have some REAL BIG FUCKING ISSUES with the way the russos handled a lot of plotlines. don’t get me wrong, this movie was amazing and epic and fucking award worthy, but as a fan i’ve taken offense to a Lot of things.
nothing about his ronin story makes a lick of fucking sense in the mcu. his family is dusted so he…… goes on a mass murdering spree??? decides that he should get a haircut and spend the next five years getting an edgy tattoo sleeve??? um. okay then. destroy the past like 10 years of his character having one of the best moral compasses of the entire team. why did he take up using a fucking SWORD in present day? do you know how long it takes to master swordsmanship at the level he was? with at least half of the world’s teachers gone? more than five fucking years thats for damn sure. and between him and natasha dying for the soul stone? it should have been him. i know he had a family and all but listen. nat went through physical and psychological torture. her body was modified against her will. she was brainwashed and used. and finally, FINALLY she gets free of it all, finds a family in the avengers, and continues to try and better herself to make up for things that weren’t even her fault to begin with. and clint? what did he suffer? oh thats right. nothing. he’s just damn good at his job and loves his family. the fact he has a family sucks for sacrifice, but they are well taken care of and every single one of his kids are old enough to understand AND nat would have stepped in immediately as a parental figure to help laura. they fucking fridged nat for clint and i will never forgive that.
here we go. thor’s character legit made me uncomfortable. they went way overboard with the new thor personality. but… fatshaming and making fun of his very real depression and ptsd?? wtf russos. like, haha he let himself go so funny but its NOT. he wasn’t even like…. fat, for one. just a normal dadbod and beer belly. which by the way seems a lot more realistic according to most norse myths of the gods. they were warriors, yeah, but they drank a fucking lot and feasted a fucking lot so. anyway. thor has lost his entire family. not only that but he watched them all die. he saw his mother bleed out. he watched his father disperse into nothingness. he watched the brother he has loved and cherished no matter the amount of times of betrayal and misdeeds get his neck snapped and his lifeless body thrown to the ground. and then the sister he never knew he had killing almost all of your people and then being forced to find a way to kill her. can you imagine trying to cope with that??? and when you put his age into our perspective, he’s only in his 20s. so imagine seeing your whole family die before you’re even 25, then taking on the responsibility of ruling your people. said surviving people are then massacred in front of you with only a few dozen escaping. THEN living with the guilt of blowing your chance to kill the man responsible for that and unable to stop him from decimating half the universe. (and even when he does get revenge on him, it’s too late) tell me you wouldn’t have an atomic level meltdown. thor is suffering so much and all they can do is make fun of him for it and shame him for it. he deserved better.
yall know i don’t like steve. i don’t hate him and i’m not anti-steve, i’ve just never enjoyed his rather inconsistent character and self-righteousness. it felt like we were FINALLY getting a steve i could get behind in this. a steve that swears like he should. a steve who still puts on a brave face for the public but behind closed doors with friends he’s miserable and broken like the rest of them and SHOWS it to them. a steve who realizes he is stuck in the past and just can’t seem to move forward. a steve who i can finally see the culmination of EVERYTHING he’s been through resting on his shoulders and eating him alive inside. finally we were getting a properly layered steve rogers. and then tony came back and that all fell apart. we didn’t get the apology steve owed him (and tbh tony owed him one too but we’ll get to that), we didn’t get a remorseful steve. he didn’t even address the goddamn issue. he went straight back to his bullshit. admittedly he was a better listener this time around and a far better team player overall. it wasn’t a total loss. but. BUT. his ending? no. hell fucking no. i’m happy he and peggy got their life, but it still shouldn’t have happened. how fucking selfish. how fucking backwards of his character. i get he didn’t have a choice in being brought back into the present and that is unfair and sucks for him, but what fucking right did he have to mess with a timeline like that? what right did he have to just decide without telling anyone he was done and giving up? why did he get the fucking happy ending???? steve rogers who looked tony in the eyes and said he wasn’t the kind of man to lay on the wire for someone copped out. steve rogers who knows of all the social progress we’ve made decides to go back to a time where he would be forced to accept segregation and extreme gender inequality and rampant, blatant, gross racism of all sorts oh and more war and alkjdalksdhkas NO plus they broke their own time travel rules so like whatever i guess right?? it’s okay if steeb gets his stupid happy ending right? god is it SO MUCH TO ASK FOR JUST ONCE TO HAVE A GOOD CHARACTERIZATION OFCAP???? it’s not your fault cevans honey you’re doing amazing your directors just have no fucking idea 
frankly this has been amongst rdj’s best performances of tony. i’m still partial to a lot of his acting in the iron man movies BUT this was FANTASTIC. him finally being allowed to absolutely go off on steve was fucking delicious and everything i was waiting for. let it all out tony baby. buuuuut we should have also had something more. i know my fellow tony stans typically don’t believe it but tony was wrong in civil war too. surprise they both fucking were. ANYWAY. i was waiting for an honest apology between them both. after everything they just went through, NONE of the petty bullshit they went through before matters at all. and yet the closest thing we get is tony just being like “turns out i don’t like to hold grudges” or what the fuck ever. why is it so hard just to make one of them say i’m sorry, the other say i’m sorry, admit it was a bunch of BULLSHIT hug it out and then go forward???? ugh. their choice to make tony suddenly care about his dad and be happy to see him???? disgusting. they made it canon that howard was an abuser, neglectful, cold, and hateful. it’s been a BIG DEAL how tony has struggled with the relationship to his dad because of how shitty the man was to him. and then they do tHAT? fuuuuCK that!!!! i’m not saying tony isn’t allowed to forgive howard. thats fine and expected tbh. but they pushed it way too far. the tony stark we’ve known for the last decade would never get all giddy and happy to see him and hug him and fucking thank him??? what the fuckk?? god that was gross. you know what we should have gotten? what tony deserved more than howard fucking stark? MARIA STARK!! and then, of course, my main issue. they fucking killed him. which only tells us, the audience and fans that no matter what you suffer and sacrifice that your only way to redemption is death. jesus fucking christ i am SO angry over this. they killed the two who suffered the fucking most. the two who every single goddamn day worked on being a better person. nat and tony both deserved so much better than waht they got. how the fuck did it make sense to kill tony who now has a fucking CHILD, who still has a future, who FINALLY FOR ONCE IN HIS FUCKING LIFE FOUND A SHRED OF PEACE????? and then let steve just go selfishly galavant through time as he pleases to have the cute happy ending? FUCK that ending. fuck it right up the ass with a huge unlubed cock. steve should have been the one to use the gauntlet. period. he should have been the one to die like that. i would have still fucking cried but you know what?? that would be the most cap thing ever. i wanted a mirror of pre-serum steve jumping on that grenade, but this time grabbing the gauntlet and not hesitating for a split second to snap. but no. they killed tony who left behind a wife who DESERVED MORE THAN HAVING THE MAN SHES LOVED AND SUPPORTED AND MARRIED AND HAS A CHILD WITH RIPPED AWAY FROM HER!!! tony who left behind a daughter too young to really comprehend yet why her daddy isn’t going to be coming back. fuck you russos. the injustice of it is astounding. i’m never going to get over it. you know how they could have killed tony? if they really felt like they needed to? have him grow old and die naturally of old age with pepper in their cute little lakeside house after watching morgan grow into such a strong and brilliant person. but oh. they gave that to steve. right.
i’ll never complain about having more stephen content but uhhhh i’m gonna complain that we didn’t get more than what we got cause after sitting in the soulworld for five fucking years you canNOT tell me he didn’t get even stronger with time to practice and meditate and work through every iota of information of mystical shit in his head. and yet they sidelined him??? after we’ve SEEN what he’s capable of in IW? just gonna put him on flood control???? something that any of those goddamn sorcerers could have done while he helps wipe the floor with thanos or any of the thousands of enemies? fuuuuuuuuuck that. can you fucking imagine how quickly thanos would have been taken out if it were wanda, carol, and stephen all three against him? jesus. he’s literally amongst the most powerful people but nah, just have him stand over there.
the gay russo
FUCK you for that. i am LIVID about it. yall can’t fucking make valkyrie bi???? or carol????? yall can’t GET AN ACTUAL GAY ACTOR? “ We felt it was important that one of us play him, to ensure the integrity and show it is so important to the filmmakers that one of us is representing that. “ WHAT????????? are you fucking telling me a WOC WHO IS OUT AS BISEXUAL AND WANTS HER CHARACTER TO BE BISEXUAL COULDNT ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF AN LGBT CHARACTER???????????????? “ It is a perfect time, because one of the things that is compelling about the Marvel Universe moving forward is its focus on diversity.”  SEE PREVIOUS COMMENT????? oh my god fuck them forever.
lets make rules for our time travel then break them immediately
idek whats going on in the timeline anymore. they utterly fucked up and BROKE the timeline of 2012 avengers after letting loki get away with the tesseract. which should have cascaded into their future but, well, it didn’t. so i GUESS now we’re just pretending that made a new timeline which makes no goddamn sense but whatever i guess. steve going back to completely fuck with his timeline, or a timeline at least, and having no consequences in the future besides being old. okay. sure??? we can do all that but we can’t fucking get natasha back. right. cool. okay.
anyway i’m sure theres more bugging me but these are the things bothering me most.
and frankly i don’t care if anyone disagrees i’m not arguing or debating any of this. 
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maximoffcarter · 5 years
OKAY SO. Where to begin?
Okay…I’ll probably cry while writing this but I have to explain. To be honest, the first marvel movie I saw was of course spiderman, like the original; I remember loving him sm, he was my favorite superhero at the time and I couldn’t get enough of the movie. Then, Iron Man came and it didn’t really caught my attention at first so I didn’t watch it. BUT THEN, Captain American happened and I just felt like I had to watch it and I fell in love with it; with Steve, with Peggy, Bucky (broke my heart), just the whole movie. I loved Peggy and Steve sm I cried when I saw they couldn’t get their dance together. So then I started watching all marvel movies; I watched Hulk and Iron Man, then The Avengers came out. After that, it became a tradition for me and my aunt to go to the movies together every time there was a new avengers movie and we loved it. I was ashamed of loving them bc my mom was always mad for my love for superheroes, she said that was a boy thing but I just couldn’t stop loving them. I read some comics, I investigated to see all the versions of the heroes, etc. I watched almost every marvel show, I was super in love with Agent Carter that I was so disappointed when they canceled the show; I was pissed bc it wasn’t fair, Peggy was my favorite character from the whole MCU along with Cap and it hurt. When they announced Infinity War my god I was so scared, I didn’t know if it was good or bad that this movie was coming cause I was not expecting everything that happened and I remember how much I cried.
Now, Endgame. HOLY SHIT. When the trailers came out, I started wondering if I was really ready to watch it or not, if I really wanted to watch it or just wait for it. I had my theories, I had my doubts, I had so many thoughts of what was gonna happen. CAPTAIN MARVEL THEN CAME. My god, I didn’t think I could love her as much as I do. I wanted nothing more than to watch her on Endgame and I was kind of disappointed that we saw so little of her; but still I loved it. I really didn’t like the way they wrote Thor and Hulk it wasn’t them; I couldn’t really recognize them as hard as I tried, I just didn’t like it (pls don’t hate me). Tony with Pepper and Morgan…OH MY GOD; it was the CUTEST thing ever, I just loved seeing Tony as a father, I loved that he got what he wanted, it just made me so happy. Can we talk about Carol’s haircut? Like…I died. My gay heart. So I won’t get in detail with everything bc this is already long BUT I’ll just mention some parts of the movie. I loved that they went back in time, I loved that Tony and Steve had to go back to get the stone and Tony found his that and then STEVE SAW PEGGY. I WAS SCREAMING INSIDE, DYING INSIDE BC I COULDN’T BELIEVE SHE WAS THERE. I made up my mind that I wouldn’t see Peggy in the movie and when I did, god I died. Then Nat…okay, here’s the thing; since Avengers, I fell in love with Nat bc she was the only female superhero there, I hated that guys only liked her bc she was hot but they ignored the fact that she was strong, fiery, brave, just like all the guys. I was not expecting her to die. When they said they were going for the soul stone, I just knew one of them had to die but I swore it was going to be Clint, not Nat and that completely broke my heart, I wanted to scream cause it hurt so bad. Then, everything seemed alright and Thanos from the past came and I was shocked lol. The fight between him, Steve, Tony and Thor was just epic. I screamed when Steve graved Mjolnir, like of course he was worthy! And when he stood up again ready to fight everyone and THEN ALL HIS TEAM SHOWED UP AND THEY WERE ALL READY AND MY GOD! It was the most epic fight EVER. OF ALL THE TIME. AND THEN WANDA LIKE OMG SHE WAS SO FUCKING PERFECT. AND THEN THE GIRLS PROTECTING BABY SPIDEY! LOOKING ALL SO BADASS. And then…we come to the saddest part…Tony dying. I knew this was gonna happen but I didn’t think it would hurt as much as it did. I was crying so hard I couldn’t contain my tears anymore. The only thing I hated was that he had a funeral but Nat didn’t. And then my favorite part (all the movie was really but this was the top) Steve marrying Peggy and having his dance with her. I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. I swear I couldn’t believe it and I screamed and then I was crying again but harder this time of happiness and I was sobbing, LITERALLY SOBBING. I cried for like 2 hrs after that.
The whole movie was amazing and I am so thankful for having the chance to live this amazing experience. Thank you Marvel, thank you brothers, thank you Stan, just THANK YOU EVERYONE. This was more amazing than I expected.
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ohmcrvel · 6 years
she’s a lady pt 1
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Summary: you can't run from the past, especially when it catches up to your future and changes the way your loved ones look at you forever. Happiness, Sadness, Anger and Heartbreak, that is the cycle of discovering, no matter what it is you find.
Note: This is shit, I’m tired, full of writer’s block and crying over the fact tom holland is 22, Sebastian stan is nearly 36 and I'm a lonely fish.
Pairings: Bucky x English!Reader, Avengers x Reader
Warnings: 1st chpt is hella angst, swearing, slight steamy shit❤️
the sound of your bedroom door being slammed open early on a Monday morning is not the way anyone would want to be woken up.
your hand quickly scrambled under your pillow hastily grabbing your Ruger LCR as you rushed up out of bed only to be greeted by Steve looking like a deer caught in headlights, not an intruder.
"Oh god sorry (y/n) ! You didn't answer my knocks and I got worried...could you please put the gun away?" his flustered face smiled at your alert features, now covered in messy hair from the abrupt awakening.
"Sure, sure, I'll put the gun away, as long as you promise not to break my door down again unless you're sure I'm dying or if Bucky falls asleep so I can draw on him, as this is the 4th time you've done this in a month! Just let a woman sleep steve, it's 6:30 am and I hardly got any sleep in the first place." You grumbled placing the gun back under your pillow before flunking back into bed covering yourself with your duvet slightly feeling the mattress shift as a sorry looking steve sat beside you.
"He's an asshole." He whispered angrily while lowering the duvet from your face
"Language!" You snapped back as you grabbed the duvet from his hands where he sat annoyed
"Not you too." He groaned while rolling his eyes at the sight of you wrapped in your duvet like E.T .
"No but seriously (y/n), he's a highly trained assassin but can't seem to see that he's consistently flirting with a girl who's head of heels in love with him and hen goes on to 'have fun' with other women right opposite your room while your sleeping, it's ridiculous." He sighed while running his hands through his blonde locks.
"Who said anything about love." Your face filled up with a rosy pink blush as you sunk further into the mattress.
"Sure (y/n/n), sure, but you need to get up we have a meeting, see you in a bit." He laughed and kissed your forehead, meanwhile you just groaned when just walked out of your room stealing the duvet as he went down the corridor.
Roughly pulling up your shorts before putting what you believe was Steve's hoodie on, you made your way downstairs and into the conference room. Stepping through the glass door your eyes scanned the table as a half-asleep Natasha sat next to an empty seat between her and hyperactive Peter, Bucky perked up at the sight of you walking in before mumbling something under his breath as he noticed Steve's jumper loosely wrapped around your tired frame.
"Couldn't find your own clothes in time doll?" He sassed while looking you up and down, you simply gave him the finger, not having the physical or emotional energy to deal with him.
Making your way to the black leather seat Nat mumbled a 'Good morning' to you while passing a to-go cup of (y/f/d), putting a smile on your sad face. While getting comfy your chair you happily sipped the liquid as Tony and Steve finally entered the room.
"Morning children." He heckled while slamming some files and a 'Captain America sucks' mug on the table causing Steve to roll his eyes and sit in the chair next to him.
"Kid, you got any homework?" Tony questioned peter while sipping on his coffee,
"Uh-um no Mr stark why ?" The boy stuttered as his eyes flickered up at his idol.
"Because ladies and gents we are going travelling !" Tony shouted while spinning in his chair.
"Were you dragging us to now Stark." Sam groaned at him.
"England." Tony stopped spinning in his chair, his face slightly fell when he looked at your shocked face, your drink suddenly escaped your mouth and splattered all over the table.
"What!" You yelled at a very apologetic looking Tony.
"Sweet, where in England we going !" Clint questioned while Sam and Bucky put their hands on his shoulder to stop him bouncing due to the coffee.
"bloody hell! Oh god please tell me it's somewhere like Manchester? Sheffield? Oh, I know Cheshire is lovely this time of year." Your eyes pleaded into his hoping he wouldn't say what you thought he would.
"London..." As soon as those to words left his mouth your face looked like a kid on Christmas who got no gifts.
" Fuck me " you mumbled while crashing back into your chair, head in hands on the table.
" When ?" Bucky cheeked
" Oh come on tea and crumpets! I'm sure there's "part of London you've not seen? Time to live." Bucky commented only to greeted by your head slowly raising out of your hands, eyes glaring straight into his.
"Well considering the fact I lived there for 21 years I've seen plenty enough Barnes." You spat back at him with shock still on his face. To say that everyone but Tony knew basically nothing about your past was an understatement, when Tony brought you into the tower he just said: "She's a Badass, British, Bombshell" and that was it.
"Now, why are we going Tony." You asked the man, voice not as witchy as before.
Tony began explaining why the hell you were going to London and you tried to focus but all the time your mind was freaking the hell out so you only picked up certain pieces of his rambling. In the end, all you knew was that the London branch of Stark industries received a message for help from someone important, Tony said he couldn't remember who, and it required the 'special skills' of the Avengers, so that meant in a couple of days you'll be killing some people.
After the meeting everyone went back to there daily routine, Nat and Clint went out to get lunch for the team, Sam and Steve ran like crazy men, Vision and Wanda did weird Vision and Wanda stuff and Bruce and Tony did whatever the hell they do in that lab, while you simply wanted to go down to the gym and beat the shit out of interns and boxing bags.
You hands slammed into the nearly broken body bag that loosely hanged on its chain. Rage filled the air as sounds grunts and bangs echoed across the empty gym. England was your country, London was where you were raised most of your life but America,  most specifically the Avengers base, was your home. Of course, the idea of being back there scared you, knowing that people over there know you not just for your work with the team but your previous life but the idea of maybe seeing your father again and being back in home turf made you somewhat happy
"You know you shouldn't take your anger put on innocent boxing bags" the rough voice of the infamous Bucky Barnes silenced the slams of your fist.
"You shouldn't be telling me how to control my anger" trying to brush off his comment you began regaining your stance as he walked closer towards you.
"Hey, I'm just trying to be nice here. You seemed really upset early today " His voice was less sassy now, his frame filled your peripheral vision as he stood next to you.
" Barnes I appreciate you trying to be a better person but don't try it with me because I know you honestly don't give a fuck about me" anger filled your veins once again as the memories of your first time meeting him race oast in your mind.
"You think I'd on care about one of my teammates?" A mix of shock and anger in his voice caught you off guard as he now turned to try and look at you straight in the eye.
"Yeah of course you do but that's all we are, teammates, you made that clear when I first got on the team and even though I might not have had the horrible experience of  being hydras weapon for half of my life I've been and seen enough shit to know I shouldn't chase after people who hurt me." you spat back as you began punching again, the sound of his body mving made your hert rest hping he was eaving, but the feeling of a presnce right behind you and firm hands gripping you shoulders made you freeze in shock
" Your knees should always be bent. This gives you more power, more balance, and more mobility." Buckys rough voice spoke in your ears, your breath slightly hitched as he pushed you down making your knees bend more.
"Your hips should always be relaxed and heavy which gives you even more balance and more power. Fighters that tighten up their upper body will usually carry their hips which makes them fall off balance easily and also burns energy faster." His head slightly tilted down to your collarbone causing his warm breath to brush over it as his hands slowly slipped down to your hips guiding his hands along them making them looser, you would have normally kicked a guy in the balls by now but this, this was interesting.
"Well, this is new." Finally, you spoke, but the sarcastic comment came out like more of a breathless whisper.
" You see (Y/L/N) I hate a lot of people but don't hate you. I'll let you figure the rest of us out" and suddenly he was gone, his firm chest that pressed into your back was walking out of the gym.
"Bloody sexy American twat." you sighed as he left while you slid back down the bag on to the floor, heart still racing after that interaction, everyone on the team always told you Bucky was only a dick to you because the man was horrible with people and emotions, but you never believed it was that simple, and you thought that even more now.
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Bucky Barnes/ Plus size reader Time of the Month
Word count: 4K+ Warnings: lots of swearing, mentions of blood and smut Was heavily inspired by a Harry Styles imagine I read a while back! It had been a long. Fucking. Day. You'd been dragging yourself around, grumbling and feeling heavy, since early this morning. It was your time of the month, the beginning of your seven day walk through hell, and you had done all in your power to keep professional for the last twelve or so hours. You wish you were one of those women, you know, the ones who make statements like "Oh yeah, my period only lasts a few days and I don't even bleed that much" or "I haven't had cramps since I was a teenager" but unfortunately, you think bitterly, you are not. Your period had always been heavy and painful, ever since you we're thirteen. You had cramps that we're so intense they had caused blackouts in the past and you bled heavily for the entirety of the week. Plus your mood swings...they were killer. It was something you'd been forced to become accustomed to. "I cant fucking wait to go through menopause" was something anyone close to you was used to hearing during this time of the month. So, at the start of they day you'd popped four Ibprofen and forced yourself to go and be the professional, get your work done. Paper work. Piles and piles of paperwork, so much that it made your eyes cross. You weren't a fan of the mundane aspcets of your job to begin with but today you want to slam your head repeatedly against the glass surface of your desk. No days off, you unfortunately have to make that your mantra. Working PR for the Avengers was a full time thing, between making sure that there were no Governments pissed that one of their national land marks had been destroyed and attempting to keep them all in line; make sure they were working with the UN so that homeland security didn't come knocking at your door you were a busy woman. You had come to love them though, been adopted into this second family. Bonded with each of them over the last ten months that you'd been assigned at Avengers Tower. Yes, assigned. Well guilted, really. When you'd gotten a call from Sharon, Carter, close to a year ago, begging you to take on the assignment of glorified "babysitting" the group, you'd at first blatantly said no. You had no shortage of job offers, but with a little begging and some strong Jedi mind tricks on Sharons end you'd accepted. You we're happy you did(even though you most definitely wanted to fucking kill them sometimes). More then happy because it had united you with Bucky, the sharp talking puppy dog of a super soldier. Poor guy was totally nuts for you, you pitied him for it. Especially on days like today. When you we're the biggest raving bitch this side of the equator. You snapped at Maria, not able to stomach her dry humor that usually made you laugh. You'd told Tony to go fuck himself, well you did that almost everyday but you had done it three times already today and for some reason you couldn't bare to be touched. Everytime Bucky would try to do simple things that you usually loved like put his warm, flesh arm around your shoulder or kiss your cheek you'd flinch away. He didn't make a big deal out of it, you'd been with him for close to four months and it wasn't like he didn't know what was going on but you felt like total and complete shit every time. You just couldn't. Everything seemed to grate your gears. You just wanted to bury your self in your bed and die. So after you had gotten all(most) of your work done that's exactly what you did. You grabbed a quick dinner, keeping the small talk with Wanda, Bruce and Vision light and timely and then made your way to your room where you intended to pamper the fuck out of yourself and then rot. Boling yourself in a bath was first. Dropping in a LUSH Honeybee bathbomb, a sprinkle of Epsom salt to relax your muscles and a healthy drizzle of lavender oil you had proceeded to soak. For at least thirty minutes, until the hot water had begun warmed you from the inside out. Making you all gooey and pliable. As you sat in the multi colored tub, relaxed, you cant get your mind of Bucky. How much of a ice cunt you'd been to him. How well he'd dealt with it, not once complaining and giving you your space to make it through your day. You truly didn't deserve that man. He was everything you'd never knew you wanted. Beyond being angularly handsome in a sort of timeless way, with that 40's charm and that lopsided smile, he was kind. And patient- the kind of patient that every man you'd ever come across had not even an ounce of. He was so damn good to you, he made you so happy. And yet you did shit like shrug him off when he tried to be there for you? "What the hell is wrong with you, Y/N" you ask your self, bring your wet hands out of the water to cup your forehead. You felt like you could cry, your eyes stung and waves of dejection rolled over you. Ugh. Stupid period hormones. You got so damn emotional. Happy, irritated, sad. They jumped so fast you couldn't catch them, slipped through your fingers at a rate that was almost scary. After your bath, you slathered yourself with your shea butter, using a special hydrating serum on your face before you shrugged into a pair of not so cute black brief "period panties", a pair of high waisted sleep shorts that we're printed with flamingos and a little black tank top that clung you your meaty sides, rose up a bit so that your mid drift was exposed. You brushed out your (h/l), (h/c) hair, that you had tied up before your bath so it was still dry, and threw it up into a messy bun on top of your head. You'd missed a large chunk in the back but you couldn't be bothered to care. You go to your bed and unassemble it, tossing your many throw pillows to the foot of the bed so that you could climb under the thick comforter, you sigh as you sink down a little into the mattress and the warmth and comfort of being surrounded fills you up. You're missing something though, you notice that nagging feeling. You'd dreamed of your bed all day long and now that you we're in it- it didn't feel as good as you thought it would. Don't get me wrong, you felt like jelly in the soft sheets. But lonely jelly...jelly that wanted to be held... You reach over and grab your phone from it's place on the bedside table, scrolling through your messages, composing a new one. -Where are you? Come to bed?- You send a text to Bucky, chewing a little on your lip. You wanted him next to you, you selfish bitch. You wanted his hands on you, wanted to feel the cool metal of his prosthetic arm on your skin. Wanted him to grab you tight, to nuzzle his scruffy chin against your chest like you loved. Beep. Your phone chimes with a text from Bucky. - I'll be up soon, kitten. I have to finish up training with Steve and Sam. Keep the bed warm for me- He'd even used a little winky emoji at the end. You bark out a laugh, look at your little old, young, man of a boyfriend. Getting good with technology and stuff. You miss him so much it almost hurts. How could you miss him so terribly when you'd just seen him, hours ago? I will. Hurry3 You then reach for the remote, looking for something to watch, to keep your attention on until your man got there. You're about half way through your second episode of Game of Thrones when Bucky comes through the door. His hair is tied up in a untidy bun at the base of his neck and he has on a pair of gray sweat pants and a tight, black pullover. He smiles, that mega watt smile of his when he sees you all curled up in bed and you smile back. God he's so sexy. So...perfect. Because in his hand there is a plate. And on that plate, there is two large slices of cheesecake. "I come baring treats" "Buck" You dramatically whine, closing your eyes and jutting out your lip. He comes over to the bed, leaning down to put the plate on the nightstand and you sit up to meet him, kissing his lips and gripping the side of his neck, your fingers sliding under the collar of his sweater. "Mmm" He mumbles, his lips meeting yours just as enthusiastically, if not a little amused. You'd been so stand offish all day, which he got(he was fully aware of what date it was) and to have you so eager to see him now made him chuckle. Especially when you begin to recline, snaking an arm around his shoulder and attempting to pull him down on top of you. "Y/N" He pulls away, just far enough that he can get the words out. "I've been working out for hours, Sam had us running god damn suicides. I smell something awful" You shake your head, gripping at the hair at the back of his neck, unraveling his bun a bit. "I don't care, I missed you. I'm sorry I've been such a cunt all day" He's gotten used to how harsh your vocabulary is, but he still isn't a fan of the horrible names you call yourself. Even if you did use the word cunt as though it was a normal term and not the wicked insult he'd grown up knowing it to be. "No, kitten" you adore that nickname he had only for you "you had an off day. We all have them, don't apologize for shit you cant control" Your heart swells and you peck his lips again, and then his chin, his nose, his cheeks. Any where you can reach. He takes your affection, basking in your overwhelming light for a moment. In the way what you loved him. He has to force himself to pry away from you. "I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick, okay? Don't pout- I'll be back in a jiffy. Eat some cheese cake and finish your dragon show" He instructs you and you sigh theatrically, but let him go and wash off his day. You watch like a hawk as he peels off the sweater, his bare, muscular back in your line of vison just for a moment before the bathroom light flips on and he goes to start the shower, shuffling out of view. You eat spoonful's of turtle cheesecake and watch the events Westeros play out on the TV...but your distracted. By the ache that you feel in your lower stomach. By the way every hair on your body seems to be standing alert. All you can think about is Bucky pounding the living life out of you, of him making you cum. Trysts from the past, him making your eyes cross with the kind of pleasure you thought you'd only ever get from your vibrator makes you squirm a little bit, your plush thighs pressing together in an attempt to soothe the ache that was only growing. You're thinking of nothing but sex, in all its many amazing shape and forms when Bucky exits the bathroom, flicking off the light behind him, only a towel hanging low on his hips as he goes to your dresser to pull out the clothes he kept there. Oh fuck. You watch him, your eyes drinking in everything about him as he goes to get dressed in his pajamas. His broad shoulders and strong sculpted torso, the way that the muscles move under his skin as he pulls a pair of boxers up his big, muscled thighs before he throws on a muscle tank. It's such a simple action, putting on clothes but to your horny, foggy brain it's the most beautifully erotic thing you think you've ever seen. Does he even know how gorgeous he is? "Y/N!" He calls you from your ogling as he walks over, beginning to climb into bed next to you. "Huh?" you wonder, holding open the layers of bedding so that he can settle in next to you. "I asked has the dragon queen lady and the dwarf guy gotten to the country where the incest twin queen is yet?" He reiterates the question that he had asked you twice before while he was getting dressed. You smiled. He tried with Game of Thrones, he really did for you. He just couldn't get into it, he'd whine. But he still kept up fairly well with the story lines. You raise up so that he can slide his mechanical arm under you, scooting up close so that your skin is touching. His hand is splayed across your shoulder, the metal of his fingers feeling cool against your over heated skin. You throw one of your legs over his and rest your head on the place where his shoulder meets chest. The closeness is killing you; from the heat radiating off his body to the slightly spicy smell of his body wash. And he's holding you, nonchalantly, as though he cant sense the wildfire inside of you. "Mmmhmm, a buncha' fucked up shit happened though" you tell him distractedly as you bite your bottom lip, letting your right hand draw little patterns on his chest, your nails ghosting at the exposed skin there. He scoffs "That's all that ever happens in this show" Why is he not noticing how crazy bad you want him? You wonder as you nuzzle your head into his neck, rubbing your face against his clean skin prickly with his scruff. He pulls you in closer, his head reclining slightly so that he can give you more access to his neck as your drag your open lips up to his jaw, your body is shifting, moving closer. He kisses your hairline, down your temple and then slides his steel hand under the thin, barley there material of your cami, his big palm spreading over the small of you back and the small roll there. You groan at the feeling, at his hands on you finally and he smiles slyly, knowing exactly what you want. "Ahh" Bucky hums, rubbing your back as your leg curls over his thigh more, spreading yourself wider over him, needing to feel something between you legs other then the empty ache. "You need something, kitten?" "Bucky, I'm so horny" You whine and his hand slips even lower, gripping your squishy ass hard and pulling you even closer. You're shaking at how overwhelmingly good it all feels, you grinding onto his thigh, the feeling of his dick fattening more and more everytime your rub against it. "Pretty sure I can help you with that, sweets" He reassures your, his gruff voice breathy as he goes to shift your position, intending to climb on top of you. It hits you then, what time of the month it is. And although you weren't against the idea of period sex, and you knew he wasn't either, you weren't in the mood to deal with any of that right now. You push hard against his chest, stopping his movements and he shoots you a questioning look. "Buck-" He knows what you're going to say already "I know, and you know I don't care" he peppers kisses all over your jaw, down your neck as he whispers it in your ear. You're so tempted...but your also both so clean. "I don't want to deal with the mess" "We'll clean it up after" He pushes on, you haven't stopped grinding against his thigh and his erection is now straining against the front his boxers. "No" you protest, the thought of all that work not appealing in the least "We'll have to change the sheets, and we both just showered" At that very moment, you've never hated having your period more. Your hand is fisted in his hair and his fingers are gripping your ass so firmly, you think he might leave bruises. No matter how hard you grind yourself onto his thick, taut thigh at this angle you cant get enough friction. You're starting to drive him crazy, you've gotten him up there with you, his mind swirling with lust and yet you wont let him do anything about it. "What do you wanna' do then?" The strain in his voice is clear and you bite your lip. Knowing exactly what you wanted. "Lay on your back, baby?" You ask him and he obliges almost instantly, rolling onto his back so that you could strattle his waist. There was a time when you hated being on top, hated the feeling of supporting all of your weight on your knees because you were scared to put it on him. Felt self conscious because you were worried he was looking at your belly while you rode him...yeah, that time had passed. Bucky loved you on top and he let you know it, let you know that no matter how hard you tried you'd never be able to crush him( "I'm a super soldier, kitten) That he loved the way you looked perched above of him. That was no different tonight. That tight little tank top hugged your curves so prettily, your big, yet perky breasts sat in a way that had him groaning and leaning forward so that he could capture one of your nipples that strained against the fabric in his mouth. You yelp as he sucks hard on one of your pebbled nipples through the tank top, grabbing at the root of his still wet hair as he nibbles, his teeth tugging it hard. Like he knows you love. His arms are tight around you, hugging you tight, keeping you immobile. "Baby, ugh" You pull his head to lay back on the pillows by his hair and he looks up at you, the pupils of his baby blues blown. You let go of his hair and wiggle a little so that his arms loosen from around you before you start to move on top of him. It wasn't the ideal...in a perfect world his cock would be buried deep inside of your right now, but you had to manage. You spread your thighs as far as they will go so that your clothed core is pressed right against his covered hard on and start to ride, rubbing yourself down against him as hard as you can. "Fuck yes" you hiss because your finally getting the stimulation you need and it feels so amazing. Buckys hands are holding your love handle laden hips, grinding you down firmly as his hips snap up to meet every movement. It's hypnotic, watching you with your head thrown back, your mouth open and sweet little desperate sounds escaping your lips as you work himself over him frantically. Your tits bounce and he reaches up so that he can thread his fingers in your hair, taking it out of its bun so that it tumbles around your shoulders wildly, leaving you with a halo. He could watch you like this forever. When his hand leaves your hair and glides under your shirt to pinch and tug at your nipples you lose control of your snapping hips, the rhythm of your dry humping going crazy and sporadic as you flail on top of him. "Come on, kitty, just like that" "I'm cumming. Fuck, oh fuck" You whine in a high pitched, desperate tone as you spasm on top of him and he helps steady you, watching you ride out, literally, your orgasm. When you come down, he lets you fall against his chest, your face is pressed against the side of his neck, your gasps as your try to catch your breath in his ear, he groans at the heavenly sounds. You're not a selfish lover. You never have been. Even in the dizzy bliss of post orgasm you know he didn't cum with you so you snake your hand down his chest and into his boxers. "Y/N, ungh, yes" He cant form a complete sentence, can only grunt as you take his hard cock in your hand and rub the precum at the tip with your thumb before you start to pump him. It doesn't take long for your super solider to cum tumbling down beside you. You love the sound of his orgasms, how raw his moans are. You pepper kisses all over his neck, giving his Addams Apple a little lick before you slide off him and back on to your side of the bed. "That was so good" you smile, sated and content "I feel so much better" "I'm glad, kitten" he kisses the top of your hair "you know I love it when you ride me like that, right?" You bite your lip to stifle a giddy little laugh "Yeah, Buck, you've told me" "Mmm, well I'll tell you again. Feel free to climb on and take a ride whenever you want" "I'll keep that in mind" you hug his chest, contentment filling your every pore, you both share the last of the turtle cheesecake before you go to bed and you love your man so god damn much. Cheesecake and orgasms? Isn't that all we need when we're on our period? Oh yeah and our own personal Bucky Barnes. I'm obsessed with him and his man bun.
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Keep You Safe: Part 2
Requested by: @bexboo616 & @thewallsofmybrain
Pairing: Reader x Bucky Word Count: 1.2K Warnings: Angst, swearing
A/N: I decided to go back on my word and do a part 2, haha. There could even be one more part, but I’m not promising any happy endings
Part 1
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The mood in the compound is tense. There was no need to inform the team of your and Bucky’s breakup, they could tell the minute you arrived back at the compound and stormed off to your room. You’d spent the last two days locked in your room, refusing to speak to anyone and not even leaving for food.
You can hear muffled voices pass by your door, and your growling stomach convinces you to finally emerge from your room and join your friends for breakfast. You don’t know what every one is going to say, or how you’ll react when you see Bucky, but you were too hungry to think about anything other than food right now.
As you near the communal living and kitchen area the muffled voices grow louder and more clear. By the sound of it, Nat, Tony, Steve and Sam were in the kitchen chatting about Tony’s upcoming birthday party celebration. The moment you pass through the double archway into the room, they fall completely silent.
The four of them stare at you, almost like you were a wild animal and they couldn’t predict how you would react.
“Good morning,” you say. The moment you speak in a kind, calm tone they relax. The four of them give you small smiles and hellos, but the tension in the room is strong. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that they all felt guilty for letting Bucky do what he did.
You move through the room, towards the kitchen, and can feel their eyes on you. You silently go about making yourself a bowl of cereal and a tea before you turn around to face them, sitting along the kitchen bar bench. Immediately, they all divert their eyes, clearly embarrassed you caught them staring.
Holding back a sigh, you remind yourself to be kind - it wasn’t their fault Bucky had stepped over the line, “So,” you drawl out as you lean on the bench across from them, “How did the mission go the other day,”
Sam almost chokes on his coffee, and splutters as Natasha and Steve glance at each other, worried and guilty expressions on their faces respectively.
“It was a shit show,” Tony says, he was only one that didn’t look uncomfortable to be talking to you.
You glance at Sam, Nat and Steve, but they are staring at walls, breakfast bowls or coffee mugs, awkwardly, “Guys, I’m not mad at you,” you say reassuringly. Each of them slowly look at you, like they didn’t believe your words until they saw your expression. When they notice that you truly aren’t mad, the three of them relax and the tension in the room dissipates.
“Yeah, it wasn’t a fun one,” Sam notes,
“We’re lucky that no one was seriously injured,” Steve chimes in,
“Seriously?” you question. Steve’s eyes squeeze shut and his nose scrunches up as he realises his mistake. The room falls silent again, and now not even Tony will look you in the eye, “Who got hurt?” your tone now blunt and demanding,
“Wanda,” Nat squeaks, “But! She’s going to be okay, nothing a few stitches and time to heal can’t fix,”
“What happened?” your voice is loud now. You were starving before, but now you feel sick. If you hadn’t been locked in a bunker, Wanda wouldn’t be hurt right now,
Tony clears his throat and straightens up as his eyes meet yours, “One of the agents caught her off guard,” he explains, “Broke her leg and shot her in the arm,”
“Wanda was shot?!” you yell with disbelief,
“It barely grazed her,” Sam quickly says, trying to defuse the conversation, and Nat throws Tony a warning look, “Y/N, she’s okay. We all are,”
“Wanda was shot, and has a broken leg,” you scoff, “She’s not okay,”
“She’ll live,” Tony retorts.
You let out a menacing, dry chuckle, “Yeah, and if the agent hadn’t been a fucking stormtrooper, she’d be dead,” the four of them fall silent. You were right, and they knew it, “I can’t believe you all just let Bucky lock me up,” you stare at each of them accusingly, but they won’t meet your stare,
“You said you weren’t mad,” Sam mumbles, sounding like a kid who was being told off,
“Yeah, well, now I am,” you huff,
“Look, Y/N,” Nat pulls your attention to her, “There wasn’t anything we could do to stop him. None of us liked that he took the matter into his own hands, but by the time we realised what he’d done, it was too late,”
Her words did exactly what they were supposed to; shift your anger off of the team. But now that you knew Bucky acted alone, you were even more furious at your boyfriend - your ex-boyfriend. Your jaw clenches tight as your hands ball into fists. You thought that you’d worked through all your anger after spending 2 days shut in your room. But all you’d done is bottle it up.
“Hey, morn-” Bucky’s voice echoes through the silent living area. Your head snaps around to see him standing, frozen, at the double archway that lead from the residential wing. His eyes were glued to you, and he looked scared.
“We’ve, um,” Sam starts,
“Training,” Natasha finishes his thought. It only takes the four of them a few seconds to all stand from their seats and practically run from the scene in front of them; leaving you and Bucky to stare at each other in silence.
You abandon any calm demour that you had left, and stare daggers at Bucky. His body language tells you that he’s uncomfortable under your death stare, but he isn’t going anywhere.
“Don’t!” you yell, making Bucky physically flinch and sink back, “I’ve already told you, I don’t want to hear anything from you,”
“Please,” his voice is barely above a whisper; if you hadn’t been looking at him you wouldn’t have been sure he’d spoken, “Let me explain,”
“I don’t need you to explain,” you scoff and defensively cross your arms over your chest, your balled fists digging into your rib cage, “I know what you did, and the bullshit reason behind it. I only want one thing from you,”
“Anything,” he says immediately,
“Don’t talk to me, don’t even look at me unless it’s a matter of life and death,” Bucky looks as though your words had punched him in the gut, “The only time we need to interact is in the field. If I had anywhere else to go, I wouldn’t be here right now. But I don’t, so I would appreciate being able to live comfortably in my home,”
Bucky’s mouth falls open and he looks lost for words. After a few seconds of silence, you realise that you’re not going to get an answer from the super soldier. You let out a frustrated sigh and start storming off. Bucky’s eyes don’t leave you as you pass by him, his whole body turning to watch you leave.
“Y/N, I love you,” he says before you disappear down the hallway.
You stop dead in your tracks, his words deepening the anger that churned in your stomach, and twisting in a healthy dose of hurt. Slowly, you turn on your heel. Bucky’s eyes search yours, trying to assess what your response will be.
“Maybe you should have thought of that before you kidnapped me, locked me in a bunker, and stole the most important moment of my life from me,” you spit.
Bucky’s eyes start to glisten with unshed tears, but you just turn back around and storm off towards the gym; not an ounce of guilt or shame joins the mixture of pissed off emotions that you were feeling.
Next Part
Tags: @hantu369mc, @impala-moose, @coffeeismylife28, @spoopy-assassian, @pleasefixthepain, @redstarstan, @heismyhunter, @rosyfluffyprincess, @buckyobsessed, @bearded-bucky, @leahhavoc, @klutzly, @invisible2niall, @addictwithafandomblog, @stratmoxphere, @meep-meep22, @caitsymichelle13, @pleasefixthepain, @spn-worm, @specs15, @sebstanwassup, @wunnywho, @thedarknesswarrior, @girlwith100names, @addictionmarvel, @melconnor2007, @ipaintmelodies, @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked, @spookydoritos, @fanboyswhereare-you, @yoinkpeter, @tcmhollnd, @all-that-glitters-is-cold, @xplumsceptrequeenx, @lilya-petrichor, @hells-princess, @indecorousthoughts, @janellexox0, @geeksareunique, @courtneychicken, @nyoomiemaximoff, @mizzzpink, @jeanneblanche, @hdthdthdt
Tags that didn’t work: @hesitant-poison, @mo320, @psychicwitchphilosopher, @sarahp879, @mrs-stan-barnes
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killmongerdreams · 7 years
the oreo bribe
summary: You leave Bucky with your son while you’re on a trip. || ALL THE FLUFF || dad!bucky x reader
warnings: overwhelming cuteness
note: This is my apology for hurting you all with Red Wedding. Anna isn’t born in this one, neither is Rebecca, but Anna is on the way. I don’t know how intelligent two-year-old are, I’m just basing this on how my nephews were at this age.They were surprisingly well at communicating.
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The two-year old climbs onto the bed as quietly as he could, his Bucky Bear held tightly to his chest. It was late - too late for little Grant to be awake. The clock read half past one, red numbers seeming menacing in the dark of the night. His father was asleep it seemed, lying on your side of the bed with his back turned toward the door. The little boy was so busy trying to be stealthy that he didn’t see how Bucky was awake, too, his wild mind preventing him from sleeping. 
Just as Grant gets one leg over the foot of the bed, Bucky sits up, chuckling quietly at his son’s wide-eyed deer in the headlights expression. Reaching a hand out, he smiles. “Need a hand, buddy?”
The disgruntled look Grant shoots Bucky has him smiling even wider. He leans back, listening to the quiet huffs of exertion the toddler lets out as he pulls himself up. He crawls up to the space beside Bucky, setting the bear between them. He pats it on the head once, nodding to himself. 
“What’re you doing up?” Bucky asks his son. Grant points to the nightstand, where a picture of you and Bucky on your wedding day sat. 
“Mama.” Grant says quietly, pouting. 
Bucky smiles sady. “I miss mama, too.” You’d been gone for a few days now, whisked away by Natasha and Wanda on to a spa retreat. You’d been sore and in pain for a while, the pregnancy taking tolls on your body. The retreat was designed specifically to help ease the stresses of being pregnant, help you relax and relieve some of the aching your little Anna was causing. You weren’t due home for another three days, and both your boys were missing you terribly. 
They sit in silence for a moment, blue gazing into blue as they longed for you to be there. Eventually Grant sighs, grabbing Bucky’s left hand. He tugs on it with a frown, lacing their fingers together, flesh and metal. “What is it?” Bucky asks, gripping as gently as possible. Grant’s always had a fascination with the limb, loved to grip it and run his hand over the plates. 
“Food.” Grant says. 
“You’re really hungry? This late?” Bucky questions. Grant just pulls harder at his arm, face serious as ever. “You have the stomach of a black hole.”
“Food!” Grant repeats, more urgently. Bucky rolls his eyes but gets up nonetheless, scooping the kid up into his arms, making sure to grab the teddy bear. His son had an odd attachment to the thing, never let the stuffed animal out of his sight. It had a metal arm with a red star along with a black domino mask, a customized gift by his favorite uncle and beloved godfather, Steve. It was a scruffy little thing now, having suffered from two years of being tugged around by a toddler
“What do you want to eat, bub?” Bucky sets his son down on the kitchen counter, peering down at him with a raised eyebrow. Grant looked around for a moment, dark curls flopping over his forehead. 
“Cookie?” Grant asks hopefully, grinning so hard his dimples indent his cheeks. Bucky can’t help the laugh he lets out. He looks so much like you when he smiles, all mischievous and playful. His eyes sparkle as he points to the pantry, little fingers opening and closing repeatedly in a grabbing motion. “Oreo.”
“Just like your mother,” Bucky rolls his eyes. “Got a sweet tooth from hell.”
Grant’s head tilts to the side, eyebrows furrowed. “Hell?” he repeats, trying the word out slowly. Bucky can feel his eyes grow wide, flesh hand covering his son’s mouth when he goes to say it again. Two fingers tap Bucky’s forehead, a silent question of “what’s wrong?”
“Don’t ever let your mama hear you say that.” Bucky says. He looks over his shoulder as if you’d be there standing behind him, ready to tear him a new one. Your pregnancy hormones were no joke, and when you got angry, you had the ability to scare the shit out of him. “Bad word.” he removes his hand slowly, eyeing his son warily. 
“Cookie.” Grant tells him. Bucky swears he’s smirking. 
“You’re devious, you know that?” Grant laughs, smacking his hand against Bucky’s arm. “If I give you a cookie, do you promise not to say that?”
Grant holds his hand out in leeway of an answer. 
“You’re only getting one.” Bucky holds up a single finger. 
The small boy giggles, shaking his head back and forth. “Five.”
They stared each other down, before Bucky’s resolve breaks. He looks away with a sigh, smile tugging at his lips. “Just like your mama, I swear.”
“Don’ swear.” Grant kicks his feet back and forth, watching gleefully as his father pulled out the familiar blue package of cookies. “Gimme!”
“Demanding little thing.” Bucky presses a cookie into his hand, watching in amusement as Grant’s eyes go big with happiness. He pulls the top part of the cookie away, licking the icing with a smug grin. “You’re a heathen - you’re not supposed to take it apart like that!”
Grant shrugs, reaching over into the package. He stares directly at Bucky as he takes it apart slowly.
“You’re a smartass, you know that?”
“Don’t say that! Bad word!”
“Gimme more cookies.”
“This is blackmail.”
“So? More cookies.”
@retroasgardian @sanjariti @jurassicbarnes @mellifluous-melodramas@imsecretlyromanburki @debbielovesbucky
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