#he looked really fucking good for 74
catd2014 · 1 month
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Last night I went to see The Boss. I’d never seen him live before and to be honest, I thought I’d missed my chance.
It was absolutely fantastic. Something life-affirming happened to me and I can’t quite describe it. 3 hours of the most incredible live music you’re ever likely to hear. I know this isn’t news but, damn, the E Street Band are really fucking good aren’t they?!
60,000 people having the time of their lives is quite an overwhelming experience and is probably why I’m still processing it today. I think it might be the best gig I’ve been to.
If you’re going to a date on the European tour, you’re in for an absolute treat
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airaibunny · 5 months
1. “i can’t keep going” - “aw, too bad. i don’t care”
2. “i dont care who’s outside”
3. “do you want them to hear you being such a slut?”
4. “what if i don’t?”
5. “i promise i’ll start being good, just please…”
6. “make me”
7. “that sounds like an excuse, i want a confession”
8. “you don’t get to tell me what to do”
9. “that’s strike 3”
10. “if you stop, i’ll stop”
11. “no more, please, i can’t”
12. “where are your manners?”
13. “i hear an acknowledgement, not an apology, do you want 3 more?”(the ‘it’ can be anything)
14. “what did you say?”
15. “try that again”
16. “no, you don’t get to touch”
17. “beg for it”
18. “i said no”
19. “i mean, i got what i wanted, didn’t i?”
20. “stop pushing, it won’t end well”
21. “you don’t need anything, you want it”
22. “say it”
23. “use your words”
24. “i can’t understand you”
25. “i can’t read your mind”
26. “could he/she do it better?”
27. “do you wish it was *name* touching you right now?”
28. “take it like a good girl and stop whining”
29. “that’s whining, i thought we talked about that”
30. “sluts don’t get to make requests”
31. “what happened? you wanted this so bad five minutes ago”
32. “stop talking”
33. “did i give you permission to talk?”
34. “you don’t understand how angry i am right now”
35. “be still” - “i can’t” - “yes you can, do you want to find out what will happen if you don’t?”
36. “why are you already squirming?”
37. “cut it out” - “what do you mean? i’m not doing anything”
38. “come here, now”
39. “you can barely speak, so cute”
40. “i’m tired of you speaking, i need something in your mouth”
41. “if i have to stop this car, i’m going to make sure you can’t walk out of it without my help”
42. “you really don’t deserve this”
43. “i didn’t mean to, i’m sorry”
44. “don’t cum until i tell you to”
45. “what if i just leave you here, wet and needy?”
46. “what’s the safe word? you’re going to need it”
47. “what are you going to do? punish me?”
48. “i really don’t care that we’re in public”
49. “keep it up, you won’t like the situation you end up in”
50. “who do you think you are?”
51. “grab the handcuffs and come back here”
52. “no, you’re in trouble, you don’t get to demand”
53. “liar”
54. “stop teasing me”
55. “i like it when you’re mad”
56. “punish me”
57. “are you going to stop me?”
58. “shut up”
59. “no, you started this, now you’re going to finish it”
60. “clean my fingers, this is your mess”
61. “did you really think that would work? cute”
62. “bad girls/sluts don’t get to cum”
63. “can you tell me what you did wrong?”
64. “explain what you did, if you don’t finish before you cum, you don’t get to finish again for the rest of the night”
65. “you’re being particularly insufferable today”
66. “you’re such a fucking slut/whore/cunt”
67. “make me cry”
68. “ruin me”
69. “you’re not in a position to make demands”
70. “if you ever pull a stunt like that again, i won’t wait until we get to our bedroom”
71. “say that again, i dare you”
72. “i’m going easy on you, you should be getting the belt right now”
73. “what happened to my good girl?”
74. “what would the others think of this? their innocent little maknae being such a whore”
75. “you’ll cum as many times as i want, got it?”
76. “look what you did”
77. “i should edge you”
78. “stop moving, you’ll take what i give you”
79. “swallow"
80. "i'll untie you if you're good"
81. “want to make a mess of you"
82. “you think your begging is going to change my mind?"
83. “i don't care that you're sorry"
84. “don’t argue with me”
85. “you royally fucked up”
86. "swallow"
87. “you heard me”
88. “don’t make me repeat myself”
89. “hurry up, if you take too long i won’t touch you”
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multiversefanfics · 15 days
Girl Of My Dreams (Part 2)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Warning: maybe some cussing? angst, then fluff again Summary: Summary: You work at a small diner down the street from the compound which Bucky visits often, so often that you remembered his order, but things got a little shaken up when Sharon puts her unwanted opinions in it.
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You haven’t talked to Bucky in months, every time he comes into the diner you serve him and that’s it. He tries to talk to you, but you tell him you’re busy even if he’s the only one in the diner. It’s not his fault that Sharon said what she said, he can’t control what comes out of other peoples’ mouths, but the whole “75 girlfriends” comment really got to you, he was a very attractive man, so does he actually go out and pick up girls all the time? Is he a player? A lot is going on and you have enough to worry about. Bucky on the other hand, he didn’t know what to do with himself. He’s never felt like this about anyone before, he doesn’t want to lose you, but he knows giving you space may be the right thing to do he doesn’t listen to himself, he keeps trying although you two didn’t know each other for that long Bucky knew that you were the one for him. When he first showed you his arm you were intrigued, you asked many questions about it, and he had no problem answering them.
Bucky has never experienced that type of reaction when he told people about his arm, you didn’t make him feel like a robot or that he didn’t belong you made him happy and Steve and Sam saw that, but of course, Sharon had to go and fuck that up. Bucky stays in his room and only leaves to get food and go to the gym and every time Sharon comes around, he leaves even if he’s in the middle of a conversation and everyone understands they even warn him when she’s about to arrive, so he’s not caught off guard, which Bucky rarely is. There was a soft knock at Bucky’s door “Hey, Buck we were gonna go get some food do you want to come?” No answer, Sam and Steve shared a look and continued on their way, Bucky knew where they were going and after the last time, he was at the diner it was probably best he didn’t go with them.
A short time has passed, and Steve and Sam are at the diner and of course, they are in your section, you walk over and exchange greetings, you’re at work you have to pretend you’re happy. “Y/N please talk to Bucky; he doesn’t leave his room and he feels bad about what Sharon said.” You sighed slightly and rolled your eyes a bit “Why doesn’t he contact his 74 other girlfriends” Sam chuckled and looked you dead in your face “There are no 74 other girlfriends, Bucky isn’t the type to do that, hell I’m surprised at how good he was with you. Bucky is a loner, he’s over 100 years old with no practice when it comes to women, trust us.” Sam’s eyes went from super serious to pleading “Why should I trust you guys, you’re his best friends you could be covering for him.” You crossed your arms over your chest and stared "You don't have to but think about it. Would we really be okay with that type of behavior?" You shrugged your shoulders "I don't know what men think, but I'll think about it. I have to get back to work can you guys stay a bit and give me a ride?" They both nodded and you went to continue your shift, you had plans to talk to Bucky about what was said you just didn't know what you were going to say, and you didn't know what he was going to say.
Finally, your shift was over, and you met up with the guys. "Okay, I'm ready to talk to him." The three of you walked over to Sam's car, Steve opened the front passenger door for you and shut it after you were comfortably in the car, he got in the back and Sam drove to the compound. A short drive later you're outside the compound you take a deep breath and follow them inside, Steve showed you to Bucky's door, and you take another deep breath and knock on the door. "Go away, Steve!" You could hear his voice cracked from the other side of the door which made your heart break in half "It's not, Steve." You heard rapid movement and the door opened to reveal a very tired and sad Bucky. Your heart is now shattered. You did this to him, you hurt him. Well, Sharon did but you felt somewhat to blame. "Hi, Bucky." He blinked a few times and just stared "Y/N..." You rubbed your arm "Can we talk?" He nodded and moved to the side so you can walk in.
His room was dark and a mess. You didn't know Bucky that well, but you knew he wasn't a messy person at all. You sat on the edge of his bed and watched him walk over and sit next to you "Listen Bucky, I am very sorry for ignoring you, that comment really messed me up I like you a lot and I know I shouldn't have let her get in my head but that was the first time we hung out and to hear that I didn't know who to believe, I've been hurt before." You fiddled with your fingers while you tried to figure out what to say next, he saw your hands and gently took them into his. "I have never felt like this in my life, you bring out the best in me even if we only hung out once, the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me, and you confirmed it when I showed you my arm most people look at me and treat me differently, you don't and I appreciate that so much I cannot lose you."
You looked over at Bucky and smiled softly "You're not going to lose me, I'm here." He brought your hands up and kissed both of them "By the way I don't have 74 other girlfriends, I'm really hoping to have 1 that is if you want to." You smiled again and nodded "Of course I would love to." He pulled you into a hug sighing with relief "You already make me so happy" You pulled back softly pecking his nose "Now, why don't we clean up this room and go downstairs and I make us some food" He smiled and nodded his head. You walked over to the windows opening the curtains to finally let some light in the room. After cleaning Bucky's room for about an hour, you both go downstairs and into the kitchen. “Alright, what do you want to eat?” Bucky sat at the island and watched you look around the kitchen “What can you make?” You leaned against the counter and started naming things you could make “Ooh chicken alfredo sounds good” You smiled and started getting all the ingredients out, you looked back at Bucky who was just admiring you “Wanna help?” He nodded excitedly and stood up to come help “Okay, so what do you need me to do?” You looked around for the easiest task you reached over and handed him a pot "Fill this up with some water, maybe about halfway maybe a little more." Bucky can't mess up filling a pot with water, can he? "Is this good enough?" You nodded and instructed him to put it on the stove.
While you were cutting up the chicken you figured the water would be boiling but nope, he never turned the stove on, you giggled to yourself and turned the stove on when he wasn't paying attention. The two of you laughed and cooked. Finally, you were done and ready to eat, you both sat down, and Bucky looked down at his plate in amazement "This looks amazing" The two of you sat there in silence, enjoying the wonderful meal that you two prepared together, when in walks Sharon. You look up in disgust as she walks into the kitchen "Hey, one of Bucky's girlfriends is here, do the others know not to come by?" You could feel your blood boiling again and just as you were about to speak, Bucky spoke up instead "What the fuck is your problem?" Sharon looked at Bucky shocked by what he said but she stood firm "I just want her to know how much of a player you are." You rolled your eyes and continued eating, it seemed like Bucky had this handled, so you sat back and watched. "Y/N is my one and only girlfriend, and it's about time you respect her and me and everyone else in this compound." At this point, Bucky is now standing and staring straight into Sharon's eyes.
Sharon takes a step closer to the island. "Do you really want to go there with me Bucky?" Bucky walked around the island and stood firmly in front of Sharon, now it was time for you to step in you walked up behind Bucky and gently grabbed his right arm "It's not worth it, baby." You felt Bucky's arm relax and he slowly turned his head to look at you "You're right, Doll. Let's go continue our dinner in the living room." Bucky picks up your plates and walks into the living room, he sets them down on the coffee table and stands there with his hands on his hips. "Actually, you know what I have one more thing to say then I'm done." He turned around to face Sharon and took a deep breath "Ever since Steve stopped fucking you, you've been the biggest bitch imaginable, but one thing you are absolutely not going to do is, disrespect Y/N. You don't even know her and honestly, I would love to keep it that way so pack your shit and get out." Both you and Sharon stood there shocked. You never expected Bucky to say anything like that, that was the moment you realized you found the one for you.
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Main Masterlist - Bucky Barnes Masterlist - Part 1
A/N: I really hope you guys like it; I tried my best to make it good for you guys. feedback is definitely appreciated along with constructed criticism, please the more the better. Tell me how I can make it better for you guys to read. :)
Tags: @megamindsecretlair @blackhawkfanatic @casey1-2007 @scorpiosaintt @buckysdoll85 @grdh90 @thedonswife13 @scott-loki-barnes @b3llair3
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics
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lonelypep · 10 months
every smash bros character ranked by how good of a cook i think they’d be.
82: piranha plant
eating this dish will kill you instantly. turns out he spit some poison in there while no one was looking. and yeah, that sucks, but if you even accepted a meal from this guy i think you have bigger problems
81: ridley.
let’s be real, if you let this guy into the kitchen, you made a huge mistake. it’s like john mulaney’s horse in a hospital sketch: you never know what he’s gonna do next. you’re too focused on getting him out.
80: king k rool.
king k rool is many things. a king, a pirate, a scientist. but he is not a cook. he’ll try, but he has literally no clue what he’s even doing in the kitchen.
79: yoshi
yoshi will give you a dish and you’ll be like “what the fuck is this” and he’ll talk about how it was made from the finest newborns of his home planet. i’m deciding to ignore it but it’s really nagging at me.
78: sonic
sonic shouldn’t be on this list. because he wouldn’t make you any food. he’ll go to the local sonic and get a burger in about 3 minutes. it sucks. disqualified.
77: pac man
what can i say. it tastes like literal plastic. i don’t even wanna know how he made it. i’ll give it back to him but the nice thing about pac man is he wouldn’t give a shit.
76: bowser jr.
fuck this guy. he rage quit at making a grilled cheese. now there’s a literal canonball in the stove. now no one else can use it!! this is what happens when you spoil kids.
75: pikachu/pichu
these two are in the same category since they’d make the same thing. they’d get store bought french fries and fry them with lighting outside. it’s consistent, it works, just not really filling. and they don’t know how to make anything else.
74. wario
don’t get me wrong: he knows what he’s doing. he’s the burger king of smash. he’s this low because the burger is the most unhealthy shit you’ll ever have. eating it gave you chronic diarrhea, gastrointestinal issues, and permanently damaged your taste buds. but god fucking damn was it a good burger.
73. hero
he gave you a single piece of bread with butter on it. it’s not bad but…really dude?
72: olimar
he didn’t make you a bad meal, in fact it was one of the best here. but that’s because he didn’t make you something. it was the pikmin and he’s trying to pass it off as his own and the pikmin don’t know because they don’t speak english. 0/10: not fucking cool dude.
71: kazuya
honestly? i don’t trust this guy. i was too intimidated to even ask his name. from what i can gather no one even invited him to the party he just showed up and made a mediocre meal. what’s weird: someone came into the kitchen and claimed this guy killed their whole family. we never saw that guy again. needless to say, kazuya wasn’t invited to the afterparty.
70: link (botw)
don’t get me wrong here, link is a five star chef. he’s just really unsanitary. apparently he cut the meat and vegetables with the same sword he killed calamity ganon with. i don’t wanna taste that guy!! have you seen him?? not to mention he pulled the meal out of his pants. i don’t even know how it fit in there.
69: inkling
she made a pancake and i thought it was good! but i absolutely can’t condone this. inkling left so much fucking weird slime and shit all over my house. and got really competitive when she heard i was getting meals from everyone else. i hope they’re all ok.
68: ROB
it was so processed. the most processed food i’ve ever had in my entire life. it’s not his fault, rob is a great guy. but this tasted like literally nothing.
67: ice climbers
when they told me they were making dessert, i trusted them. but i let someone else taste test first. my best friend was sent to the hospital because of tongue frostbite. didn’t even know that was a thing. i made the ice climbers pay for it (they’re fucking loaded)
66: villager
he made isabelle do it. and she made something great! but i’m not giving this cretin credit for having the money to afford a five star chef. you don’t deserve it because you sold a shit ton of tarantulas villager!!
65: lucario.
dude got really mad and destroyed my kitchen. he’s REALLY lucky he got the burger PERFECTLY cooked.
64: male byleth.
like this dude knows how to cook. he can barely make chicken nuggets. he has to eat in the school cafeteria simply because he never learned how to cook a simple meal. but he’s a really nice guy. total himbo. love him.
63: ryu
i asked this guy what he likes to eat. big mistake. he then went on to say that his training regiment doesn’t condone copious indulgence (his words) and he lives off of nothing but protein shakes. you do you i guess.
62-61: fox/falco
these two went into the kitchen and came out with weird alien food. i didn’t eat it but everyone else seemed to enjoy it
60: greninja
when he first came out i was so excited. he came out with the most finely sliced food i had ever seen in my entire life. but it was soooo watered down. everything tasted like celery. how do you make crab taste like celery?? how??!
59-58: simon/richter
these guys both made the same exact fish recipe, came out at the same time, and proceeded to fight each other. i didn’t get to try any 😭
57-49: every fire emblem character.
genuinely, i can’t tell these guys apart. or their food choices. honestly, my bad. i’m sure they’re good. but where do i even start.
48: sheik
she doesn’t know how to cook. she kidnapped someone else. normally i wouldn’t put someone like that this high but a. i have gender envy b. it’s for the greater good (or so she said)
47: cloud
dude made a great sandwich but he kept screaming random noises while he did. personally, i’m just glad he managed not to destroy the kitchen. that’s a first here.
46: captain falcon
he promised he’d pick up some pizza but got into a car crash on the way there. eventually he got there after the car crash was all sorted out, but got into ANOTHER on the way back. i’m honestly kind of impressed
45: steve
steve could cook an absolutely fucking KILLER meal. he’ll even offer to do it for free. but you shouldn’t let him under any circumstances. he took 13 hours gathering materials and while the wait was, arguably, worth it, i never want to experience it again. (side note: we asked captain falcon to get some pizza while waiting which led to the aforementioned entry)
44: sora
sora doesn’t know how to cook but he’s by far the biggest name at this party. everyone fucking loves him. he’s friends with GOOFY. this dude hangs out with GOOFY. this guys has hung out with GOOFY AND jack sparrow. bad food but i could listen to this guy talk for hours about his story. i’m sure i’ll understand it all.
43-40: pokémon trainer
this guys organization is fucking atrocious. if he can actually get his shit together he’ll cook up some nice vegetarian meals, but that’s a big if.
HONORABLE MENTION: sans mii gunner
sans undertale is a world renowned, famous chef. his recipes are simple, but cooked with such love, care, and finess it turns a simple cheeseburger into a masterpiece. sans undertale would easily top this list. sans mii gunner is not sans undertale. he bought the real sans’ cookbook and thinks he’s some kind of cooking genius. and sure he’s got the recipes but none of the skill to actually make it.
39-38: samus/zero suit samus
hooray! we’re out of bad cook options now. samus is a great cook, but she’s so used to her alien delicacies she doesn’t know how to cook on earth anymore. shame, but i trust her to produce something edible.
37: shulk
he is really good at the grill. unfortunately, he refused to put a shirt on and made everyone a little uncomfy. that being said, he showed me the beach boys and i had never listened to them before. so he gets points.
36-35: pit/dark pit
these guys don’t know how to cook but the flew into the sky and killed some mythical bird for everyone to eat. i couldn’t have any, i’m pescatarian, but everyone else loved it.
34: bayonnetta
she opened a portal to a waffle house and a bunch of demons came flying out. she didn’t make anything, but honestly, absolutely legendary experience that was.
33: duck hunt
you’d think a dog wouldn’t bring anything meaningful. this would be false. that is the freshest duck i’ve ever seen in my entire life. (didn’t eat it: pescatarian)
32: king dedede
he made his legendary homemade mashed potatoes. everyone loved them. so creamy… weirdly perfect. too bad i hate the monarchy. sorry bud.
31: meta knight
meta knight is a great cook and should be higher. but i don’t want him to be. because he’s so fucking pretentious. he sliced all the food in front of everyone and wouldn’t shut up about radiohead. hate this guy.
30-29: daisy/peach
these two put all their private chefs together to make something for everyone. great catering, great food, but they didn’t technically make it. love them.
28: mewtwo
as if mewtwo wouldn’t just read someone’s mind and cook something. but it’s not mewtwo’s food…so…. sorry dude you cheated.
27: dark samus
she really surprised me here. she cooked up the most exquisite alien delicacies i’ve ever tasted in my entire life. should be higher. but unfortunately, i had to get a space parasite removed from my system by regular samus. honestly though… it was worth it.
26: ganon
he was rude to everyone about his cooking skills and wouldn’t stop bragging. asshole am i right? but surprised everyone by grilling his god damn heart out. he’s a bad try hard but like go off i guess.
25: isabelle
she’s trying her absolute fucking best and she deserves the world here. amazing cook, we need to save her from the island.
24: little mac
dude went so hard. brought new york pizza ALL THE WAY FROM NEW YORK. ok, not literally, but he made a damn good pizza
23: snake
full disclosure: snake doesn’t know how to cook. also no one knows he’s an agent. but he has to cook to blend in so you BEST BELIEVE this man is going to COOK like his life depends on it.
22-20: young link, ness, and lucas
all these guys are incredibly mature for their age. surprised everyone at this party. i had deep and philosophical conversations with all of them about appreciating life. i fucking cried. oh and they made everyone sandwiches, and even took my pescatarianism into account.
19: rosalina
she brought weird space ice cream and i felt my mind expanding as i ate it. love her.
18: mr game and watch
he feels like everyone’s dad! and he’s one of those cooks who cooks in front of everyone. dude flung his meals onto everyone’s plates expertly. love him.
17: joker
originally much lower on this list, joker showed up at my house and attempted to make a grilled cheese and made the worst thing i’ve ever taste. then he said something about gru from despicable me and stood in the corner for an hour. originally i had him towards the bottom but then he doordashed five gigantic burgers, ate all of them in one sitting, and then made me an expensive curry that tasted fantastic. dude went hard.
it was at this point i realized i made a mistake with the numbers. like hell if i’m going to fix the whole thing.
22: zelda
she made some weird food but damn was it pretty to look at! crystals, magic power, i mean good vibes all around here.
21-20: pyra and mythra
i feel like i should put them here since they’re confirmed to be good cooks in the game. but between you and me, i didn’t invite them. i’d consider some entries before this to be better cooks but at this point i’ve been working on this list for 8 hours i do not wanna go back and fix things please i mean this whole list is a joke no one should take this seriously
19: banjo and kazooie
these guys can fucking cook. they’ve been living on their own for a while so it makes sense but it still surprises me. they made a really big stew and even brought free puzzle games.
18: wolf
GRILL MASTER. dude knows what he’s doing on that thing. i’ve never seen better spatula work. holy shit.
17: kirby
kirby came in with some weird blonde hair and made some FANTASTIC ribs (that i didn’t have bc i’m pescatarian). weirdly, gordon ramsey went missing the same day…. i’m sure it means nothing.
16: mario
dude made some absolutely spectacular spaghetti. but he kept talking about how great he is and it really off put some people. kinda weird dude.
15: dr mario. dude brought 50 apples to the potluck. guess he doesn’t wanna see anyone in the office. and he didn’t because we ate them all. take that.
14: min min
she brought some soup dumplings which a lot of people hadn’t had! love her. literally fantastic. she had a whole arm for cooking. that’s what we call efficient.
13: ken
he’s kenough. he is amazing at barbecue. he can cook things with his hands, juggle, also he’s just a fun presence. (i made him make fake meat burgers for me)
12: jigglypuff
she showed up with so many pastries. like so many. not only that, but they were decorative!! she put so much work into that. love her.
11: luigi
he tried to make spaghetti like his brother but a literal fucking meteor slammed into his pot and cracked it. tough luck. then he offered to pay and i refused, but went out and got me some really expensive spaghetti anyways! he’s such a nice guy!! shouldn’t be this high… but i love this guy so much. he’s trying his hardest and i respect that.
10: toon link
toon link didn’t actually make anything. but his mom came and made everyone a salad. and honestly! his mom is some great company. she had so many interesting stories about his childhood. honestly she added so much to the function
9: terry
he is the BARBECUE MASTER!!!! literally what the hell how is he so good! everyone at the party kinda stereotyped him but he’s really really progressive with his views which you wouldn’t think for a big barbecue muscle guy in a baseball cap but everyone loved this guy.
8: mega man
the MASTER CHEF!! literally. he was on master chef. he uses thin round blades to slice vegetables, heats things perfectly, has an instance knowledge of spices, just damn. this guy knows what he’s doing.
7-6: bowser and donkey kong
common misconception: everyone thinks these two would have no idea how to cook. but these are FAMILY GUYS HERE!! they’re providing for absolutely gigantic families, these fuckers know how to make a sandwich and they did. initially they started off making separate sandwiches but they have a really similar recipe and decided to work together. and i really respect that. also turns out peach is just bowser’s kids’ babysitter.
5: palutena.
everyone expected her to show up with some absolutely mystical food. naturally, she showed up with the literal ambrosia of the gods. holy shit. unfortunately, she didn’t put as much effort into it as she could’ve.
4: sephiroth.
ok this guy didn’t really cook anything amazing. but his sheer fucking commitment to the vibe is literally legendary. this man has a long as sword he cut 10 veggies at a time with. he heat them with magic world ending fire. when he was done in the kitchen he surrounded himself with fire and gazed menacingly at me. his sheer commitment to the edge lord aesthetic is truly exemplary.
3: incineroar.
THE GRILLING GOAT!! this man is a grill master. he was prepared to grill ANYTHING. and i mean anything. fish, veggies, meat, fucking grilled cheese. love this guy.
2: wii fit trainer
she made the most well balanced and healthy salad i’ve ever had. and she made it taste extraordinary. she can be a little intense about fitness but i’ve never had a healthier meal in my life. it immediately lowered my extremely high cholesterol.
1. diddy kong
he’s about ten. he made you a pb&j. he had homework to do, but he made you a pb&j. he didn’t have to. he wasn’t asked to. he just wanted to make you a pb&j. he could’ve done anything else but he made you a pb&j. what heartless monster wouldn’t accept it.
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deanwritings · 2 months
The Guest House - Chapter 9
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Series Summary: Dean Winchester is going through a nasty divorce. He doesn't have much left to his name, but what he does have is his house. Leave it to his soon-to-be ex wife to find a way to even ruin that for him. Enter Y/N, who is looking to get away from life for a bit, and stumbles right into the middle of it all.
The Guest House Master List
Word Count: 3,474
A/N: I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone's kind words and support these last few weeks. It was a very tough time but I've finally given myself time to rest and recover and starting to feel better again. I'm so happy to be back at this story and hope you all enjoy 🩵🩷
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“I WHAT?” You stammer as Dean leans back, out of your space, still grinning. 
After you had told him about your dream car, he had texted Rick, asking him if he would bring the ‘73 Mustang along for you to drive while he worked on Rick’s show cars. He initially was going to leave you at home with his mom, but thought you would enjoy this a lot more.  
Plus, Rick loved showing off and racing his collection–the ones he didn’t plan to put up for auction–so he was more than happy to oblige. 
“Hey, Dean!”
Speak of the gray-haired devel. 
Dean turns to see Rick jogging from the garages, his arm outstretched above him as Dean waves back. 
A few seconds later, Rick steps into the circle you and Dean had created, his hands on his hips as he catches his breath. 
“Y/N,” Dean points towards the newcomer. “This is Rick. Rick, Y/N.” Rick reaches out his hand and you take it, giving it a firm shake as Dean raises an eyebrow. 
“Nice to meet you,” you greet Rick with a smile as you drop his hand. 
“You as well.” Rick returns. “Heard you had an interest in Mustangs.” 
Dean’s eyes dart to you, his smile growing as the color rushes to your cheeks before you sneak a glance at him.
“Really just one Mustang.” You admit, your attention back to Rick. “My dad tried to get me a ‘74 for my first car but my mom shot that down pretty quick.” 
“Ah,” Rick snaps. “That’s too bad. Beautiful machine.” And you nod in agreement. 
“Well,” Rick’s hand lands heavy on Dean’s shoulder. “Dean here has some work to get to for me, but while he works, you and I will play.” Your lips pop open at Rick’s words and you suck in a breath as you quickly turn to Dean, panic in your Y/E/C eyes as your gaze darts across his face. Dean can’t stop the smirk that appears as you look up to him to save you.
“He’s harmless, I promise.” Dean assures you with a wink, his hand coming to rest on your upper arm. The color returns to your cheeks, and Dean’s smirk relaxes, just one corner of his lip raised as his heartbeat slows. 
Fuck. He drops his hand away from you and straightens out as he clears his throat. Touching you while you were looking up at him like that, through your thick lashes, was a bad idea. And he takes a step away.
“Well, I’ll leave you kids to it.” Dean turns, walking backwards to keep his eyes on you and Rick. And you. “Have fun.”
This time, he fully turns, away from you as he hears Rick starting his spiel about Mustangs and how they were first introduced to the public at the World’s Fair in 1964 and since then, it’s been one of the most desired cars of our time. 
Dean smirks. He’s heard this history lesson more times than he would have cared to, but Rick’s a good guy, who pays well. Really well. Just for today's work, he was going to take home $6K, which was definitely over market value for Dean’s work, but Rick liked and trusted Dean, and for a man where $6K was nothing, he was more than happy to pay extra to keep Dean around. 
Dean steps into the garage, welcomed by Rick’s Datsun 240Z, Pontiac Firebird, and of course, Rick’s pride and joy, his 1969 Corvette Stingray. The first two were going up for auction tomorrow, while the Stingray was just here for a general checkup. 
Despite the beautiful cars in front of him, his eyes are drawn a few stalls down, where she’s waiting for him. 
That sense of excitement and pride bubbles up in his chest whenever he lays his eyes on her. But she would have to wait for now. 
Tearing his eyes away, Dean claps his hands together and gives them a rub.
“Let’s get to work.”
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Your heart is pounding in the best way possible as Rick crosses the finish line for the seventh time. This is the most alive you’ve felt in a long time. 
He had expertly raced you through the course, taking every curve so smoothly, you barely slipped across the benched, leather seat. When the speedometer first hit 120MPH, your eyes widened and you suddenly realized you were sitting in a steel deathtrap, going at a speed that would surely kill you if you were to crash, with a man you had met only two minutes prior. 
It was insanity. But here you were, loving every moment of it. 
“Whatcha say? Wanna take a ride in the driver’s seat?” Rick turns in his seat once the car slows to a stop. 
You take a deep breath, calming your racing heart.
“God I wish.” You’re practically breathless. “But I never learned how to drive stick.” Rick snaps for the second time today. 
“Well that’s a damn shame.” The older man shakes his head, his unstyled hair following the movement. “I would offer to teach you, but this isn’t quite the type of car you learn on.” He smiles while he pats the dashboard affectionately. 
You swat your hand through the air.
“Oh don’t even worry about it.” You were glad he didn’t offer to teach you. You would have been terrified of learning on such a beautiful car. You would probably find a way to crash it or ruin it. And you didn’t have the funds to fix a classic car at the moment. 
“But thank you for taking me. That was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.” And it was true. The last time you had done anything this crazy was when you were in college, and did the Sky Coaster with Sydney while on spring break in Myrtle Beach. The two of you squeezed each other’s hands as you laid in the harness as you swung almost 200 feet in the air over the boardwalk. Since then, it’s been calculated and controlled decisions as you focused on growing your career above all else.
Without another word, Rick steps out of the car, and you follow.
“So what brings you up to Bolton?” Rick rests against the hood of the car, looking across at you. “Besides Dean?” He smirks. Something tells you he’s fishing, but unfortunately for him, the pond is empty.
“Well, I’m only here because of Dean, but I live in the city and recently quit my job so I decided to take a little vacation before I jumped back into the rat race. I’m renting out Dean’s guest house.” Rick wrinkles his nose and looks away.
“Dean’s renting? Can’t imagine he’s liking that too much.” Rick snaps his cobalt gaze back to you, holding up a hand. “No offense.”
“None taken,” you smirk. “He wasn’t the most gracious host when we first met,” you chuckle at the memory of Dean storming you with a gun as you had lounged in the hot tub. “But we’re getting there.” Rick just shakes his head, looking like he has a comment on the tip of his tongue, but bites it back.   
“Well, I’m glad Dean brought you along today.” Rick taps the hood of the car before stepping around towards the front, and you follow. “Always nice to meet a new face.” 
“Well, I appreciate it.” You smile up toward Rick as you walk in tandem towards the garages Dean had disappeared to before Rick whisked you away in your dream car. 
“I hope you’ll be joining us at the auction tomorrow?” Rick glances down towards you, and you nod.
“I’ll probably be the most useless person there, but I will be there.” You chuckle, and Rick joins in with you.
“Don’t sell yourself short.” Rick steps in front of you as you approach the door. “Besides, I’d love to introduce you to my wife, Addie. She’ll be so happy to have someone else who knows nothing about cars.” He pulls the door open for you. “She says Dean and I are incorrigible at these things.” He shoots you a wink and you smile and give him your thanks as you step inside. 
The garage is set up similar to a classic mechanics’ shop, several work stalls running down the lengthy hall, each with a car quietly parked within them, but everything in the rectangular space screams modernity. Before each stall is a glass garage door, framed in shining black chrome. Lifts glisten in their near-pristine condition, whether because they’re new or because they’re so well kept. The floors are a polished cement, the wall color made to match.  
It was definitely designed by someone with a lot of money.
You glance over your shoulder at Rick.
“You don’t happen to own this racetrack, do you?” You pose the question, the lightbulb having gone off in your head as you take in the gleaming workspace and the proud man smiling behind you. 
“Bought it about a decade ago.” Rick rests his hands on his jean-clad hips. “Was a lifelong dream of mine. I grew up a few towns over and my dad used to take me here all the time growing up. He was a car guy too.” Rick motions to a couch along the side wall and you take a seat. 
“It had shut down back in 2009 when the original owners couldn’t keep up with the payments anymore after the economy crashed.” Rick settles next to you at a comfortable distance. “I was living in the city at the time and had no idea it was on the market. I was in the area for work and decided to take a detour to visit for old time’s sake and was shocked to find it was shut down. I was getting ready to retire, and Addie had been trying to help me find a retirement project so I wouldn’t drive her crazy,” he chuckles. “This wasn’t what she had in mind, but it gets me out of the house, which is what she wanted, so I tell her she can’t complain.” You laugh softly with him, wondering briefly what Addie looked like. Though if she would be at the auction tomorrow, you would get your answer soon enough. 
“Well it seems to be working for you. If you’re this happy coming here everyday, you’ve clearly done something right.” Rick hums and dips his head.
“You’ve got that right. I used to manage wealth portfolios for almost 30 years. I liked it, liked how important and successful it made me, but I wouldn’t say it ever made me happy.” His smile fades off. “Not like this place.” His eyes leave yours and he looks around the space. 
“And the only way I’m ever leaving here is in a body bag.” He turns back to you, a smirk reappearing. “I already told Addie to bury me here when I die.”
The absurdity of his comment catches you off guard, and you burst out with a laugh, but it doesn’t drown out his words, especially when the ring inside you like a damn war bell. 
Even on the best days, you wouldn’t say your job made you happy. Like Rick, your success was what drove you; being promoted and recognized for your work was your greatest focus, and happiness wasn’t something you ever considered. Your work was interesting to you, and a challenge at times, and that had been enough. 
But maybe it was something to consider with your next job: what would you actually be happy doing?
Before you can think on it further, a frosted glass door pushes open from the back wall, and out steps Dean, wiping his hands on a rag before shoving it into his newly adorned, black coveralls with a LRR emblem on his left chest, with his name scripted underneath. 
“Well look who's back,” his smile widens as he catches sight of us on the couch. “Thought he would have had you out there taking a few spins on the track yourself.” Dean points out one of the garage doors towards the track. 
“Turns out Y/N here can’t drive manual.” Rick gives you a few pats on your shoulder, almost like he was comforting you on the fact that you couldn’t drive an outdated system. 
Dean’s lips tick upward.
“Well color me shocked,” he drawls, not a hint of surprise in his words as he smiles down at you, his green eyes glistening. 
Stupid, handsome prick. 
If Rick wasn’t sitting right next to you, you’d probably would have flipped him off.
“Hilarious,” you deadpan instead, opting for the more civil route. 
“How are the cars looking?” Rick stands, moseying over to the car parked in the closest stall, a shimmering moss green classic beauty with a sloping front hood and concave headlights. 
Dean’s eyes linger on you, something stirring within you as he watches, before he turns away, approaching the same car and stepping on the opposite side of where Rick stands, assessing with crossed arms and a leaning posture.
You hadn’t noticed until Dean looked away, but you had stopped breathing. Your heart palpating in your chest desperately reminding you to take a breath.  
You huff heavily, letting the ache in your chest ease. The sound seems to catch Dean’s attention for just a split second before he continues on with his report, and you’re grateful his gaze didn’t hold you again. 
The two men chat for a minute before Rick walks over to Dean and shakes his hand, giving him a firm pat before breaking away. 
You stand as Rick approaches you, his arm outstretched towards you.
“Great meeting you, Y/N. Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow.” Rick gives you a genuine smile with a firm handshake. 
“You too,” you fully return. “And I’m looking forward to meeting Addie.” Rick’s smile grows wider at her name.
“She’ll be happy to have a friend tomorrow.” 
It only takes another moment for him to disappear out the front door, leaving you and Dean alone in the garage. 
You look over to Dean, who is watching you with a relaxed smile, waiting for you to make the next move. 
You shove your hands into your back pockets and rock on your heels.
“Sooo,” you start, your teeth catching your lip on the last letter as you try to cut through the silence. “Are you done?”
Dean breathes out a laugh and looks down. 
“Not yet,” he looks back at you, holding your attention. “I just need to check out the Pontiac,” he throws a thumb over his shoulder to a sienna machine with a giant eagle emblem spread across the entirety of the hood. “Which shouldn’t take long, and then give his Stingray a tune up. Shouldn’t be more than an hour.”
You step away from the couch, heading towards the Pontiac and grimace at the tawdry design sprawled across the otherwise pristine classic car.
“People actually like this?” You point to the logo that looks very similar to Journey’s crest. Dean laughs and steps up next to you. 
“Believe it or not, a similar one went up to auction two years ago and sold for $220,000.” You whip your head towards him, your mouth hanging wide.
“You’re kidding.” You gape, looking back to the very eighties looking car in front of you. Sure, it was in good shape, and obviously people had an interest in this type of stuff, but to spend that much money on a car, a car that was really only fourty or so years old, hardly seemed worth it to you. 
Dean steps away from you, grabbing a tool box from the last station and setting it up next to this car. 
“This one won’t go for that, it’s not as rare, but if it sells tomorrow, which it should, Rick will probably get around $100,000 for it.”
Dean just smiles as he sets up his station, pressing a button by the garage door, sending the car slowly into the air, just a couple of feet, before coming to a stop.  
Dean walks back over to the first station, kicking over a some sort of roller, that you assume he uses to get underneath the cars.
As he walks past you, you can’t help but admire the broad shoulders under the fitted coveralls, the way the fabric stretches rather deliciouslily over arms that you were suddenly very interested in. 
“Any chance you know much about tools?” His deep voice rumbles through you as he turns to look at you with curious eyes.
“I know the basics.” You admit, stepping out of his gaze. You may be a renter, but you had your own mini toolbox for some decoration projects or when you needed something simple done and didn’t want to bother your landlord. You were all for independence when the moment called for it. 
“That’ll work.” Dean grins as he squats down onto the roller, his thighs pressing tight against his work pants. Your heart flutters again. 
He pulls a headlamp from his pocket and positions it on top of his forehead before he lays himself flat, one hand grasping onto the front bumper.
His words finally catch up with you.
“Wait,” he starts to push himself under, but quickly catches himself at your words. “What do you mean?” 
He smirks. The smirk that makes your heart beat in a different way. In a way that makes you want to punch him. 
“You’re going to be my assistant.” You laugh dryly. 
“I’m sorry, have you forgotten that I know nothing about cars?” Your hands flair with your words. “I am not touching any of those.” You point to the car in front of you. “I’ll probably break them.” 
“I’m aware of that.” He annoyingly agrees with you, and you glare down at him. “I just need you to hand me some tools while I’m down here. It will make everything move much faster.” 
“Yes, ‘oh.’ Like I would ever let you work on one of these.” He mumbles, though still loud enough for you to hear before he disappears under the car, a light suddenly illuminating from the undercarriage. 
You walk towards the toolbox, making sure to accidentally kick his exposed work boot on your way. He grumbles something at the contact, but the words are lost with the rest of his body under the car. 
You open up the toolbox, a multi-level contraption, and see some familiar instruments, and others that were completely new to you. 
“Think you can handle getting me a 9/16 wrench?” He yells out to you. Your eyes scan the box, finding the wrenches and reading each handle until you see the size he asked for. You pick it up, but an idea hits you. 
You walk over to the car and lean down, reaching under to give him the tool. 
You smile as you hear him cuss and then the light goes out before he slides himself out from the car, pushing himself upright. This time sans headlight. 
“Everything okay?” You ask with fake concern. 
“Fine,” he responds politely and makes his way to the toolbox with the wire cutters you had handed him. His hand grazes over the container, landing at the wrenches, his brow furrowing when he notices the empty space where the wrench he requested should be. 
“Looking for this?” You hold up the wrench and give it a little wiggle. He turns towards you, his face falling as he notices the tool.
“And you gave me the wire cutters, why?” He huffs, dropping the wrong tool unceremoniously into the box as he walks over to you.
You hold his gaze, even as it makes your throat dry as he towers over you. 
“You didn’t say please.” You see the light flash in his eyes, his lips twitching up as he leans in, so close you involuntarily stand up straighter, his warm breath fanning over you as he refuses to break his stare. He holds your gaze for a moment. Then two. Before he leans to your right, his lips so close, you can practically feel them against your ear.
“Please,” he whispers, sending goosebumps chasing down your skin as your arm drops heavily to your side. 
He pulls back, still smiling as those damned viridescent eyes seem to own you. 
His hand then brushes against yours, and before you can react, he plucks the wrench from your grasp and leans away, that satisfied, smug smirk brightening his face. 
“Thanks,” he fucking winks at you before finally stepping away and dropping back down onto the roller and disappearing underneath the car. 
It’s only then you can breathe again, and with your first breath you mumble, “bastard.”
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part one: "The Night You Met"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader [Series Masterlist]
Summary: You have a bad Monday back at work and grab a few drinks at a nearby bar with a co-worker who takes the opportunity to have a certain attractive lawyer buy you a drink.
How you meet Matthew Murdock and then repeatedly embarrass yourself.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 4.2k
a/n: So I'm finally sharing a few of these installments on tumblr, but I've been posting them on AO3 since the beginning of the year. Currently there are 74 parts posted on AO3 (almost 300k words total) and still counting. I update this series a few times a week and I figured I'd finally share a few installments here and maybe, eventually, post them all on tumblr? Please heed the warnings--there is a ton of sex later in this series (y'all who've read it know what I'm talking about) and some hurt/no comfort for a bit later during what I deemed Big Angst. If you haven't heard of this series, I certainly hope you enjoy it!
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Tapping your fingers lightly against the cold bottle in your hands, your eyes fixed on your beer, you blew out a rough breath. Classic rock was playing in the dimly lit dive bar, a random one you and Katy had last minute ducked inside after work. Neither of you had been here before but after the rough Monday back at work, both of you were dying for a drink and it didn't really matter where.
"I feel like I'm chasing a goddamned dead-end," you complained, glaring at the half-finished beer. 
"Maybe you need a new angle?" Katy suggested. 
She threw back the rest of her beer from her place beside you before raising a hand, flagging down the surly bartender. The older woman behind the bar headed back towards you both and Katy ordered another drink. 
You were lost in thought for a moment, focusing on the story Ellison had been telling you to drop for over a week now. Running a hand through your hair exasperatedly, you picked up your beer in your other hand and took a long pull from the bottle. Your head was buzzing from more than just the alcohol in your system as you swallowed the drink down. 
"Didn't Ellison give you a new piece today?" Katy asked, her attention returning to you when the new beer was set in front of her.
"Yeah," you answered her with an eye roll. "Fluff piece on the local animal shelter. Which, don't get me wrong," you said, raising a hand, "I love dogs and all, but I'm not really in this to write about dogs. I didn't bust my ass to get onto The Bulletin to write fluff." You sighed, eyeing Katy beside you. "What's he got you working on now?"
"That warehouse murder last night," she answered.
"Fuck," you grumbled, slamming your head to the bar counter. Immediately you regretted the action, raising your head and pulling a face as you rubbed at the sticky dampness the bar counter had left behind. "Ugh," you grunted. "I'm on his shit list this month, aren't I?"
"Yup," Katy answered bluntly. "You know he doesn't like any of us chasing dangerous stories about mobsters after…everything that happened a little while back."
You groaned in frustration before picking up your beer and finishing the last dregs of it. Katy nudged you abruptly in the arm, just about causing you to spill the beer. You swallowed, turning to shoot her a pointed look. 
"Isn't that Karen Page?" she whispered, gesturing her head towards the blonde at the pool table. "The one everyone whispered about saying Ellison supposedly fired her because she might know Daredevil's identity?"
Your eyes turned to the pool table, examining the blonde who was laughing with two other gentlemen. "Yeah, looks like her," you answered. 
"Now she had some good shit she wrote," Katy said with a grin. "You know, before Ellison started doling out pieces on animal shelters."
Your eyes returned to your empty beer, but Katy continued to stare at the pool table, fingers drumming on the bar.
"Maybe we should stop talking about work," you said. "The point of grabbing a drink was to forget about this shitty Monday. I'm currently not forgetting."
"Mmm, I wouldn't mind forgetting about my Monday by getting underneath him," Katy replied, her eyes still on the pool table as she gestured her beer towards someone.
You glanced back over, your eyes landing on the man drinking back a beer with Karen Page. It was obvious Katy was drooling over the dark haired gentleman with the red glasses and cane. His jawline was perfect, his hair practically begging to have fingers run through it, his body clearly well-built under that tight dress shirt with buttons tempted to pop when he moved just right, and he had an absolutely breathtaking smile.
"Isn't that Murdock from Nelson, Murdock, and Page?" Katy said after a moment, her eyes narrowing. "They're the guys who took down Fisk. Shit, he's hotter in person." When you didn't respond, Katy glanced back at you, eyebrows shooting up on her forehead. "Is your silence you disagreeing about that man’s perfection?"
You shook your head, your eyes landing back on the man. It almost seemed like he was looking at you and Katy at the bar, but considering he was blind, that would have been impossible.
"He's attractive, yeah," you agreed with a shrug. 
Katy's eyes widened at you. "Really? That's it? That guy looks like sex on legs and I'm pretty sure I've heard rumors that he is amazing in bed and…that’s all you’ve got?"
"Your point?" you asked.
"Are you serious right now?" she asked in disbelief. "You wouldn't want a night with that guy?"
You let out a heavy breath, your eyes returning to the now empty bottle of beer as you debated on another or just going home and making dinner and writing that pointless article for Ellison.
"I wouldn’t know what to even say to a guy like that," you muttered. "You know outside of interviews I am shit with human interaction."
Katy chuckled lightly before shaking her head. "You do have a knack for being awkward. But you wouldn't need to say anything, just let him fuck you senseless as you're screaming his name on your back." 
Katy abruptly threw out some light, breathy fake moans that had you slapping her arm sharply and your face burning up. 
"Pretty sure you could handle that ," she teased you with a light laugh. 
"You're a fucking animal," you joked, burying your reddening face in your hands.
"You're thinking about it though," she shot back. 
You glanced at the man between your fingers, face still buried in your hands. He was holding a beer in one hand as something that looked like a smirk broke across his face. He was standing by the pool table, his gaze in your direction as his friends focused on the game they were playing. Your heart sped up at the thought of him throwing you onto your bed and you swore you saw his lips pull up even higher before you turned away. 
"Would literally never happen," you mumbled. "Guys who look like that don't talk to chicks like me." 
"Sexy and awkward?" Katy supplied. 
You snorted, rolling your eyes. "Only one of those is an accurate description," you replied. "Anyway, I should probably get back. Make dinner and slam my head into the wall repeatedly as I write that piece for the next issue."
"Or you could stay and see if you're awkward enough to scare away Hell’s Kitchen’s sexiest lawyer," Katy suggested with a playful grin. "Maybe end up finding God on your back."
She opened her mouth and got out one moan before you kicked her shin. 
She laughed, waving a hand at you. "Alright, fine. Let me chug this and I'll leave, too. I've got a lead I need to check out tonight anyway."
You watched her raise the beer to her lips and toss it back, downing the last half of the bottle before slamming it to the counter. You slid off the bar stool and turned to leave only to run head first into someone. You stumbled backwards muttering out an 'oh shit' as your back hit the bar counter, and then your eyes went wide when you saw it was the attractive lawyer you and Katy had just been talking about.
"Shit, sorry, I didn't see you there," you blurted out an apology. 
"Neither did I," he answered, a grin spreading across his mouth. 
"Right, because you're…" you trailed off quickly realizing how rude it would be to point out his disability. 
Katy appeared just beside him, her eyes going wide as she gawked at you, shaking her head sharply. 
"Blind?" the man finished for you. 
Your cheeks burned as you awkwardly tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. He was somehow even more attractive up close and he had a nice, deep voice. For a moment you couldn't help but imagine him on top of you in your bed again and your heart stuttered in your chest.
"And I'm tactless," you breathed out. "Sorry, I didn't mean to literally run into you and then be completely rude. I'm just going to go," you said quickly, trying to skirt around him.
"Or you could buy her a drink," Katy blurted.
Your eyes widened as you stared open-mouthed at her, entirely taken aback. Katy shot you a look, shrugging a shoulder. The man chuckled, the sound drawing your attention back to him beside you. He was grinning in your direction and you internally groaned.
"You want me to buy your friend a drink?" he asked curiously.
Your eyes narrowed to a glare at Katy as you quickly answered him. "She's kidding," you told him. "You know, just a bad joke ," you said, the last two words coming out at Katy between gritted teeth. 
"Well," the man mused, "I may not be opposed to the idea."
Your palms immediately began to sweat as Katy sent you a wicked grin. Your heart was thundering wildly in your chest as you chanced a glance back at him. He looked entirely calm and collected as he stood there with a charming smile on his face.
“That’s uh, that’s nice and all, but I actually have work to finish tonight–”
“No you don’t,” Katy cut in sharply, eyes narrowed. “You could write that article in thirty minutes with your hands tied behind your back using only your tongue. You don’t have work.”
The man whose first name you were still unaware of chuckled good-naturedly beside you at Katy’s words. “I have absolutely no idea what she’s talking about, but that sounds like quite the talent you have,” he teased.
Katy snickered loudly as you audibly groaned, shrinking back into yourself. This was easily the most humiliated you had felt in a long time. 
She turned towards the man next and pointedly told him, “She had a bad day, she’d love another drink.” And then her attention returned to you, a sly grin on her face as she said, “Now I actually have a lead to follow up with. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” She proceeded to mouth ‘you’re welcome’ before she turned and left.
You were torn between trying to chase after her and feeling obligated to converse with this insanely attractive man who was for some reason giving you the time of day. You were tightly gripping the strap of your crossbody bag with indecision as you stood there uncomfortably. Thankfully he spoke and broke the awkward tension.
“Would you like another drink?” he asked, gesturing towards the bar beside you both. “You could maybe tell me your name?” he suggested. “And why you’re having such a bad Monday?”
“Look,” you began, “you really don’t have to. She was just being a pain in my ass thinking that she was–” You stopped short. You couldn’t exactly finish that thought and tell him she was trying to help you talk to him because you obviously thought he was attractive and you would never approach him on your own. That would have been even more embarrassing. “I just–you’re clearly here with your friends and I don’t want to pull you away,” you quickly shot out instead.
His dark brows rose up behind his glasses, a slight amused grin forming on his lips. “Oh? You were paying attention to who I was with before you even ran into me?”
Wincing, you wished a bus would just barrel through the bar and hit you, putting you out of your misery and ending this embarrassing conversation. How the fuck were you even supposed to deny that?
So you decided to do what you always did when things got too uncomfortable–run.
“You know what, I really do need to go,” you said, quickly turning and stepping away.
“Wait,” he called out.
And you did. For some unknown reason you actually paused, back still towards him. You could see his two friends at the pool table still enraptured in their game, currently either unaware or uninterested in the fact that he wasn’t back with them.
“Okay, I really am blind, so you’re going to have to actually, you know, acknowledge that you’re still here so I know I’m not just talking to myself right now,” he said.
You cleared your throat nervously, your eyes dropping to your scuffed up dress flats. “Wouldn’t exactly be too out of place in a bar, at least,” you muttered.
He laughed lightly, the sound causing you to glance back at him over your shoulder. He was smiling and the sight nearly gutted you. You wished he’d take off the glasses so you could see the entirety of his face–his eyes were probably as beautiful as the rest of him.
He slid onto the bar stool beside the one you’d just been on, folding up his cane as he patted the seat beside him. “Please, sit. Let me get you a drink,” he offered again.
The words flew out of your mouth before you could stop them. “Why, are you just that curious how far I can shove my foot into my mouth?”
Your mouth immediately clamped shut, one of your hands flying up to cover it as your eyes grew wide in horror at how your sarcastic comment actually came across. His eyebrows once again flew all the way up to his forehead, his lip twitching up at the corner in amusement. 
“Another one of your curious talents?” he asked with a slight laugh.
“Fucking hell,” you groaned, taking a step back. “This is the most embarrassed I’ve probably felt in years,” you blurted. “Which is saying something because I have a tendency to make things incredibly awkward and uncomfortable and I should just really go home now.”
He was fighting the grin on his face as he shook his head. “No, please, don’t be embarrassed. This conversation has honestly been the highlight of my day.”
“I’m glad my mortification brings you joy,” you said flatly, taking another step back, “but I’m pretty sure I’m teetering on the edge of being the first person to actually die of embarrassment. So I should probably really go now.”
“I’m Matthew,” he said, extending his hand out towards you. “Usually I just go by Matt.”
Your eyes dropped down to his extended hand, staring in silent confusion at it. Why the fuck was he offering his hand and introducing himself to you?
He cleared his throat, hand still outstretched. “I know you said you’re a bit awkward and all, so I’ll let you know this is usually the part where you shake my hand and introduce yourself, too.”
“I–” you began, hesitating as you continued eyeing his outstretched hand. “I just told you like five times that I should go…”
“I know, I’m blind, not deaf,” Matt said, grin still intact, causing you to flush further. “But yet you’re still standing here instead of actually leaving. So,” he continued, extending his hand out further towards you, “my name is Matt, and you are?”
“Dying of embarrassment,” you muttered, unable to resist the slight smile on your mouth when he chuckled again. 
And then you caved and against your better judgment you shook his hand, offering him your name as you sat on the bar stool beside him. 
“That’s a pretty name,” he told you.
“And that sounds like a line,” you quipped back.
He raised a single brow at you this time, the corner of his mouth quirking up. You watched as the bartender made her way over towards the pair of you, the surly expression on her face morphing into a large smile when she saw Matt.
“What can I get you, Murdock?” she asked.
Matt turned towards the woman, a charming smile on his face as he said, “Just another beer, Josie, and whatever this lovely lady is having.” His head tilted towards you and Josie’s eyes followed curiously.
“Uh, just a beer, thanks,” you muttered awkwardly.
She nodded, lightly tapping a hand to the counter before sauntering off to grab two beers. You took a moment to take a deep breath, not entirely sure what to make of the evening so far. Normally you’d have scared someone off by now, making them entirely too uncomfortable to try to endure conversation. But not Matt. He was still sitting beside you, clearly relaxed and comfortable.
“So why’re you having a bad day?” he asked.
You glanced over at him. He was studying you, head tilted to the side and one arm resting along the bar counter, the cane folded up on the surface beside him. With the way he was turned towards you in the bar stool, and you towards him, your knees were almost brushing.
“Just a bad day at work,” you mumbled. 
“Where do you work?” he asked curiously.
“The Bulletin,” you told him.
He appeared to perk up instantly, sitting up straighter in his chair as his head shifted further to the side. “You’re a journalist?”
“Uh, yeah,” you answered. “Or at least, I try to be when my boss isn’t throwing fluff pieces at me instead of letting me chase real stories.”
You briefly noticed the thinning of his lips at your words before Josie’s return with two beers caught your attention. You thanked her with a smile, surprised when she returned one, and watched as she disappeared. You took a deep drink from the beer, definitely feeling like you needed it to survive in Matt’s presence. When you set the beer back on the bar, your right hand absently playing with the condensation on the bottle, you turned your attention back to Matt and noticed the slight frown on his mouth.
“So you’re…chasing a dangerous story and your boss doesn’t want you to?” he asked curiously.
“Yeah,” you answered simply.
“Maybe you should listen to him,” Matt suggested.
Your eyes narrowed at him. “And what, write about the upcoming adoption event at the animal shelter forever?” You shook your head. “No, that’s not what I signed up for with this career. Your friend over there is Karen Page, right? She was the same way when she worked at The Bulletin, too.”
“Yeah, and you see how she no longer chases after the dangerous stories for a newspaper anymore, right?” he replied, his tone more serious than it had been.
“I’m sorry but, I just met you literally minutes ago and now you’re trying to dictate what I should be doing?” you asked skeptically.
Matt abruptly shook his head, his charming smile returning. “You know what? You’re right. I just remember Karen having some terrible situations arise because she was chasing a story. I shouldn’t project that onto you. I apologize.”
You continued to study him curiously as you raised your beer to your lips, taking a drink. You swallowed, voicing your thought aloud as you asked, “Why’d you want to have a drink with me so badly?”
“I liked the sound of your voice,” he answered easily. “You sounded nice and I thought I’d like to continue hearing you talk for a bit more tonight.”
You snorted loudly, shaking your head. “Okay, now that is a terrible line,” you said.
“Says the woman who wanted to show me how far she could shove her foot into her mouth before she even knew my name,” he countered.
You blushed furiously, shaking your head with a grin. “No, I said you wanted to see that, not that I wanted to show you,” you shot back.
“Well,” Matt said with a shrug of his shoulders as he brought his beer to his lips, “I’m blind anyway so I couldn’t actually see it one way or another.”
“How many blind jokes are you going to make tonight?” you asked him.
He grinned smoothly back at you, swallowing down his beer. “As many as you continue to easily drop into my lap,” he answered.
You laughed, your eyes darting to the beer beside you. Matt’s knee nudged yours and you glanced back at him.
“What’re you thinking about?” he asked softly.
You shrugged a shoulder, eyeing the beer again. “I can’t decide if I’m regretting staying for this drink or not yet."
"Oh, ouch," he said, feigning hurt. 
You laughed, rolling your eyes. "I mean I’m still debating whether or not you laughing at my intense embarrassment has been worth it or not yet for the current conversation."
"Uh huh," he replied. "So where are you landing with that? On a scale of one to ten?"
You pulled a face, head tilting to the side. "How would I even rate that on a scale?" you asked him curiously. 
"Well, one would be 'Oh shit I'll just stop talking and slip away since he can't see me’–'"
"Jeez, has that happened to you before?" you asked, cutting him off.
He shook his head, bringing his beer to his lips again as he answered. "No, but I get the feeling you might."
Your face reddened further as you watched him take a drink, eyes lingering on the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed. "No," you corrected, "I'd at least blurt out something weird and then sprint out of the room. You'd at least have some warning."
"Oh, well I appreciate that at least," he teased. "But really, scale of one to ten how much are you regretting staying for the drink?" 
You eyed him, bringing the bottle to your lips and thinking over your answer for a moment as you studied him and took a drink. He was charming, that was obvious, and he didn't seem even remotely put off or like he was struggling with conversation no matter how awkward you'd been so far. In fact, you'd go so far as to say that you were surprisingly having fun.
"Okay I'm pretty sure you just told me you'd at least blurt something awkward before you disappeared on me," Matt joked.
You grinned, unable to help it. "A seven," you answered. 
His eyebrows shot up onto his forehead again, an amused smile still on his lips. "A seven isn't bad but I was hoping for higher," he mused. "Why so low?"
"You could do with some better jokes and your lines are terrible," you told him.
"Duly noted," he answered quickly. 
"So what about you?" you asked somewhat nervously. "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you regret asking me to stay for this drink?"
You anxiously took a sip of your beer while he cocked his head to the side as if he was in thought for a moment. 
"An eight," he answered. "But only because I'm still waiting to find out how far you can shove your foot in your mouth."
You choked on the beer you were drinking, coughing lightly as Matt laughed and asked if you were alright. It was a moment before you recovered but his next question had you reeling again.
"You want to stay longer than that one drink? Meet my friends?" he asked when you'd recovered. 
Your cheeks flushed as you bit your lip, taking only a few seconds to think over your answer. "Yeah, sure," you said. "I've got time."
"Considering your friend said you could write your article in a half hour with your hands tied behind your back using only your tongue," he mused, "I imagine you do. You need any help with the restraints for that, by the way?"
You threw your face in your hands, groaning loudly as Matt let out another bark of laughter beside you. "I cannot believe you just said that," you mumbled.
"Really?" he asked curiously. "In the probably fifteen minutes you've been conversing with me you really can't believe I would say that?"
You began to laugh behind your own hands, turning your face to peek at him through your fingers. He was smiling wide, perfect teeth exposed, as he gazed in your direction. 
"Okay, yeah, maybe I can," you answered. 
"But you seem a little more relaxed now," he pointed out. 
He was right, too. Somehow after all the awkward tension and comments you'd found him funny and a little disarming. And he still hadn't run off, instead he seemed like he was also enjoying your company and he clearly didn't want you to leave yet. Which you certainly hadn't expected.
"Yes, maybe marginally less embarrassed," you agreed.
"Good," he responded. He slid off the bar stool, knees briefly grazing yours before he grabbed his cane and began to unfold it. "So, would you like to meet my friends? Stay a bit longer?"
You smiled, shrugging a shoulder. "Sure, let's give my anxiety a bigger audience," you joked, sliding off of your bar stool. 
"I have a feeling they're going to like you, too," he assured you.
You smiled nervously, feeling your palms sweating a bit again and trying to discreetly wipe them against your dress pants as he led you towards the pool table. He'd just said he liked you and you felt yourself becoming a bundle of nerves all over again.
But he couldn't possibly have meant it like that , right?
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regiawrites · 10 months
Spencer Reid- Switch
Warning(s): Sub!Spencer, Dom!Reader, GN!Reader, Handjob, Blowjob, Edging, Overstimulation, Brief Mention Of Aftercare, Multiple Orgasms
Word count: 1062
Notes: I may or may not have written this on my break at work
Summary: A drabble in which Spencer and Y/N play a rigged game.
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At one point, Spencer would have told you Y/N was heaven-sent. Some angel cast down to earth that decided they liked him enough to stay. 
They were ethereal, and sweet, and whimsical in every way his daily life was not and he was an addict from the first moment they looked at him. A part of him felt unworthy of touching them, like they were a Saint, and his hands would sully them with the atrocities that they had committed.
Now, as he looks up them and sees not an angel cast down from heaven, but a demon summoned from hell to drag him down with their sweet torture. 
"47, 46, 45-" 
"Switch," they demanded, and he obeyed like it was second nature to him.
"45, 46, 47, 48..."
"Such a good boy for me, Spencer," they praised, tracing the tips of their fingers over the head of his cock. His body seized but by some miracle he kept counting, head spinning and tongue clumsy.
They were straddling his midriff, facing away from him, playing with his body to their heart's content. 
With one hand firmly gripping the base of his cock, they stroked him, twisting their hand with each upward stroke. 
"...52, 53, 54, 55- "
"Oh, fuck," he yelped when they slid their hand down to cup his balls and press their fingers into his perineum. Before he could even register what was happening, they pulled their hands away from his and landed one firm slap to his length, making him cry out. "I'm sorry!"
"You told me you were going to be good!" they drawled, tone so condescending and disappointed it made his head spin and his cock twitch.
"I'm sorry!" he pleaded, voice breaking with how ruined he was. "Please, one more chance! I'll be good!"
They turned around to look over their shoulder, the movement making their back arch and ass push back. He huffed in want, but kept his hands firmly at his sides, where they had instructed he keep them. 
The scrutiny in their cruel gaze made him whine, wiggling his hips desperately. "Please," he tried again. "Please, I'll be good."
With a brow raised, they silently turned back around and grazed their fingertips against the sensitive skin of his inner thighs, their nails leaving pink marks as they teased him. He sobbed, his legs falling further apart. "Please..." 
"Keep counting," they commanded, still tracing lines over his skin and avoiding the one place he really wanted to be touched.
"55, 56, 57, 58..." 
With more grace than he could fathom at the time, they moved off him, ceasing all contact.
"...61, 62, 63, 64..." 
They climbed over his leg and settled between his legs, facing him. They gripped his cock so tight it was almost painful on his sensitive length, and he shuddered out a gasp but kept counting.
"...71, 72, 73, 74..." 
And with that, they slid the full length of him into their mouth, sucking so hard on him their cheeks hollowed completely. 
"Oh! OH! Oh, fuck!" he nearly screamed, squirming on the bed beneath them. "73, 72, 71..." 
They moved their head with a fast rhythm, too much for poor Spencer after hours of edging. The poor, pathetic thing was on the verge of tears as he fought against the urge to grab their head and rock his hips up. 
"...78, 79, 80..."
They pulled off him with an obscene 'pop!'- 
Before licking up the throbbing vein on the underside of his cock, swirling their tongue around the slit, taking him back into their mouth and resuming their harsh pace.
"...79, 78, 76, 75..."
His counting stuttered out between desperate whines and needy sobs as he wriggled and writhed, desperate. He'd been on edge for what felt like hours, and his voice was hoarse.
"...68, 67, 66, 65..." 
One last time, they pulled off and gave the command he'd been waiting for. 
And he did.
Ceasing his counting as his back arched and his body spasmed. "Oh, fuck, thank you, thank you, thank you!" he whimpered, body shaking and eyes rolling around in their sockets, he came hard. They pulled off their mouth just in time for him to spurt all over his own stomach, marking himself in his own filth. 
His orgasm seemed to last for ever, but as he crashed down from his high, they didn't stop their harsh strokes. 
He whined, attempting to crawl away, but they levelled him with a firm stare that held him in place. 
"What did you do wrong, pretty?" they asked, and he sobbed, shaking his head.
"I don't know!" he cried. "Y/N, baby, it's too much!" They clicked their tongue at him. 
"You stopped counting," they told him, grasping just beneath his head and rubbing a flat palm over his tip. "I told you not to stop until I said." 
"I'm sorry!" he whimpered. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" He tried to curl up, trying to ease the biting pleasure of overstimulation, but they spanked his thigh. He jolted at the sudden flash of pain.
"Stay still and take your punishment, like a good boy," the commanded. He whined, but still laid there. No matter how he bucked and squirmed and begged, they kept stroking him.
"Ah! Ah! Aaaah! PleasepleasepleaseI'msorry- "
His back arched into an even more harsh angle than before as he came a second time, whimpering so loudly the neighbours would probably have complaints. "Good boy," they cooed as fat tear drops began to roll down his cheeks. "Oh, baby, you're so pretty when you cry."
Gently, they wiped away the tears on his cheeks, whispering gentle appraisals and kind reassurances.
“I think…” Reid panted, trying to regain feeling in his toes. “I think that game may have been rigged, don’t you?”
Y/N giggled innocently, kissing him gently on the forehead before standing up. They shushed him good-naturedly when he whined and made grabby hands for them. “I’m only going to get you a towel and some water,” they told him. “Do you want me to run you a bath?”
“No,” he said, sitting up and wincing at the wet feeling on his torso. “No, I’ll be fine with a towel, just hurry up and come cuddle me.”
“Demanding,” Y/N teased, and he pouted at them.
“I’ll be back before you know it, baby.”
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angled-blade · 1 year
Omg Slashers with a super athletic reader? Preferably a runner and fucking outruns them? Perhaps gender neutral??
Slashers with an athletic reader
Slashers; Billy Lenz, Bubba Sawyer, Ghostface (Billy Loomis + Stu Macher), Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (OG + RZ), Thomas Hewitt Warning(s): Vulgar language, deliberate mention of violence and murder. Type: Ambiguous | Headcanons
It’s safe to say that each of them had varied reactions.
• Billy Lenz
For the many years that Billy had remained to strike at the victims who live in the sorority home, not one of them did he expect to run from him. He also did not expect to encounter someone who was much more faster than he was. Billy initially thought that it was funny at first, recalling how none of the others did it, but it got him much more angrier after a couple of minutes.
— You had shoved the man with all your might, your dominant hand slapping the weapon out of his hands. A loud shatter ensued the moment it hit the ground, leaving the man in a temporary shock at your defiance against death—you could almost pinpoint when he became enraged.
“You pig bitch!” You could hear the man yell, his voice hoarse from having done so a good feet away.
You didn’t expect to get so far away from a killer who had been so careful with all his kills so far. Maybe he wasn’t right in the head, something that led to this disaster surely couldn’t be the work of a murderer who perfected his craft. You slowed down when his voice became softer the further you ran. You leaned against a tree, gulping down your anxiety as you looked around.
In front of you was the sight of a few houses, alongside a street you recognised—You’ve ran that far, so much so, that it had led you home. No wonder you couldn’t hear the angered man’s voice anymore.
“Thank god.” was your only response, quickly entering your home and locking it shut. You made quick work to clear your mind in some way, falling asleep despite your best efforts to remain alert. There you were, unaware of the now silent man’s stare.
The man’s gaze trailed onto your sleeping form from the window, before his attention moves onto the upper storey of your home.
It seemed you had an attic, too. —
Expect Billy right on your tail no matter how far you were from him, as he chases you down with bated breath.
• Bubba Sawyer
Bubba was used to the victims running away in an attempt to escape. Having you was, of course, difficult—you narrowly missed his lunges just by fraction. It had him throw a larger tantrum than before. Having you run about as carelessly as you did had him extremely anxious, the visual reminding him of his first runaway victim. 
— Bubba couldn’t handle the idea of you running away, really. It brings him back to those days in ’74, where that girl had escaped him. This was the third time in a row where you booked it to run, and yet another time for him to react on autopilot and cage you in his arms ever so tightly.
You kept screaming, your voice becoming scratchy and weak as you pleaded with Bubba—or anyone, really. He felt some form of remorse about it, letting you go quietly, which was an opportunity you took advantage of quickly as you dashed down the road.
All could have been well, maybe, until Nubbins dragged you back from your legs. Those screams returned and Bubba couldn’t do anything about it this time around.
Seeing how you returned to the Sawyer home, Bubba realised that he could catch you easily. If Nubbins could, he could do so as well. 
He stares at you, having heard the screams stop, his head tilted curiously. You stare back at him knowingly, seeming calm now that Nubbins and Drayton had left. 
Bubba realised now that he never really knew anything about you, even the life that you had before. You came here with nobody, so he had no idea why you didn’t escape as you did.
He doesn’t understand what reason it was that you returned to their territory, he’s curious, but you pose a threat to the Sawyers—that meant he had to keep you.
Oh, you stress him out. —
Expect him to be rougher when he does catch you, just because Bubba’s exhausted doesn’t mean that he would just let you get away.
• Ghostface
  • Billy Loomis
Sure, it was expected that the majority of Ghostface’s victims were to put up a little bit of a fight. He, however, has never anticipated to encounter someone who would have put up a similar fight as you did. You were on the track team, closely tied to Sidney in all sorts of ways. Though, it seemed as though you had other plans.
— ‘It’s expected. This is what you should expect every once in a while.’ Billy reminded himself, flicking his wrist as he took a moment to catch his breath. He has remained silent for this long, there is no way is he going to use his voice on you, seeing how you could easily escape—a benefit for being on track and field, he supposed—and tell the authorities that it was his voice. 
The more he repeated the thought in his mind, the more he felt angered at the little process that he has made getting everything over with you.
He called off on killing you tonight, deciding on planning how he could get rid of you in a lot more gruesome way. Maybe to taunt your team, he could always take polaroids of your dismembered legs and send them as ‘good luck’ gifts. To fuck around even more, maybe even sneak some pieces of you in their home—incriminating them instead.
He thought of many more ways to ruin you, a grin hidden by his mask as he disappeared into the thick of the forest, retracing his steps back home as he snuck back in by the window. He’s gotta greet Stu tonight about the change in plans. 
Billy honestly wanted to be back at your home, your blood on the floor as the life drained from your eyes as you gasped for air. He should try strangling you, just like Stu did with rope last Christmas.
Yeah, some of the victims picked by the two are bound to be better runners than others, but fuck were you annoying. —
Expect a more sadistic Ghostface hunting you down, the dagger in his hand with every swing to match your pace.
  • Stu Macher
Stu finds it exhilarating, really. Someone is actually smart enough to leave—and even better, is able to outrun him! His victims, to an extent, did escape his clutches once or twice. Though, none of those on his hit-list ever made it out alive by the end of the night—not until you, which has you promoted as his favourite chase out of practically every victim he’s gotten.
— Stu stared at your running figure, feeling giddy once more. There you go, his favourite victim! If he felt the need to put in any effort to really kill you, he would have, but how could he resist tasting the fear that your body exuded in waves? 
Those teary eyes you had when you were cornered? The glint of hope that resolved itself in your eyes when you found a route to escape? Oh, all your miniscule expressions has him excited, seeing how you restrict yourself from showing too much to Ghostface, but plenty to him.
The duality interests him a whole lot. He likes seeing the contortions of every muscle that has you tensing up when he reenacts movement that he had done on one of those very nights—just to taunt you, but to also see how you’d react and if you were smart enough to make connections.
He’s lost interest in killing you, really! Maybe he could show you a few parts of your friends as tokens of appreciation for participating in their game and playing it so well.
Stu honestly wanted to see you shatter before him; be it on these nights he visits you as Ghostface, or you breaking down in school and turning to him for comfort.
Oh, he can’t wait. —
Expect a rather playful Ghostface greeting you, the dagger’s blade lightly nicking you a few times each time he caught up to you.
• Jason Voorhees
Jason had run-aways often, the window of opportunity being possible with him being incapacitated beforehand, though it was always temporary. Nothing of the sort happened, and yet he was still unable to get rid of you. You had the ability to escape him and live to tell the tale, why would you return to him?
— Jason’s good eye trained on you as he walked in large, domineering strides, following you from a much closer distance. Despite that, he remained ever so silent, making you almost unsure of how close you were to escape. 
How the hell were you supposed to tell the police department? A masked killer who looked eerily to the infamous Jason Voorhees killed your friend and was after you? How were you going to explain to them why you were in Camp Crystal Lake? Were you supposed to leave out some details? Leave out the fact that you were in there, maybe, and that you were concerned for a friend?
Fuck, thinking while running was not a good idea. You got sidetracked and lost sight of where you were headed along the way. You were already in the thick of the forest, the sight of a road from afar one that you focused on in an instant. 
You gulped down your fear, not wanting to face the wrath of the killer that you and your friend had unknowingly incurred. 
You saw the road become closer, until you were a few meters away. You felt relief reach your aching muscles, only for them to tense up once more.
A large hand, its skin gray and rough, gripped onto your dominant wrist. You could only let out a wail as he drug you back, his nail digging into your skin as a warning. —
Expect an extremely focused Jason for every time that he catches a glimpse of you, a feeling washing over him with each time that he follows you.
• Michael Myers
  • ’78/OG
OG expected you to do so after you (quickly, he noticed) realised that he was no average Halloween participant. He, however, did not expect you to disappear from his sight as quickly as you did. He will (just barely, that he ignored) catch a glimpse of you in the very distance, a rush of energy flowing through him as if he could not wait to catch you.
— You couldn’t see the man anywhere once you had ran from the building, fear still present in your eyes as you kept looking around. Paranoia still stuck with you as you made a few changes in your path, taking multiple shortcuts and longer routes to throw the killer off your path. 
Surely that would confuse the masked male who, without you realising, had been closely following you. His steps matched yours, though a lot more quieter as your shoes crushed the dead leaves beneath you. 
You were different to him, your appearance one that he took to committing to his memory if you happen to break into a sprint as you did when you realised who he was the first time around.
You were passing these houses now, the candles that were in those carved pumpkins still lit. Their presence illuminated the now dead streets of Haddonfield, shedding light onto the killer who acknowledged the fact that you stopped walking. 
After hearing another set of footsteps, you turned to see the man once again—this time around, you did not choose to hesitate. This was a matter of life and death, after all.
And so, the chase was on. —
Expect a curious OG to be unrelenting as he stalks you down, the idea of killing you a thought he now had abandoned out of intrigue.
  • RZ
Maybe it was the fact that RZ had developed a little more than his original counterpart, patience is not a word that can be associated with this killer. The longer the victim lives, the more aggressive RZ becomes in response. The very fact that you remain to graze past the inevitability of death, the more destruction is caused by him in its wake.
— You heard the woman’s scream as the boogeyman struck her, the sheathing sound of a blade intercepting her chest, tearing through her flesh—it even hit bone, the harrowing echo of cracks sounding throughout the entire room—you felt horror intercept your very being, heartbeat at a state of unease as it pounded against your chest.
He killed her as if he was gutting her like a fish. You felt your breath quicken, catching the attention of the killer. You couldn’t hear his footsteps; they were far too quiet to hear over the rush of thoughts that overtook your mind. 
Only when you heard his heavy breathing, you reacted on autopilot. You ran, and ran. Away from that house, away from the street he was at.
You were only a passerby—not even someone he was targeting, so why was it that he felt more rage toward you running away? 
You were nosy, that’s what. You sat through the woman’s death and did nothing. Did you hear of the woman’s words? How long? The thoughts plagued his mind, more rage flowing through as he stared at your smaller figure from a good distance away, following you now.
At home at last, you relaxed, unaware of the man standing on the porch by your backdoor.
He recognised your face now, you won’t get away from him so soon. —
Expect a more aggravated RZ hunting you down in the nth chase that you two have been caught in. He remains unstoppable, curious to see you break.
• Thomas Hewitt
Thomas supposed that with time—there had to be people that will outrun him and book it from Texas, never to return to taunt the folk there. You kept returning, much to the Hewitt family’s chagrin. Thomas felt on edge whenever you were visible in town—even if you couldn’t see him—preparing to catch you once and for all.
— “Oh, shit.” Thomas stood before you, his eyes trained on you as he remained still. You felt your body tense, though you tried to offer a sheepish grin. You knew how to get out of this alive—plus, he didn’t bring his chainsaw along this time around.
“This is a bad time to–shit, why the fuck are you everywhere? I just wanted to—” You were cut off with a snarl. A warning you knew not to mess with. You backed away, unsure of what that was to imply for you. Was he thinking about butchering you? Hanging you on the hook as he skinned you?
You couldn’t tell, nor could you make a coherent thought as he raises his hands slightly to abdomen level, seemingly in preparation to do something. You turned on your heel and ran, even if the hot Texas heat burned against your back, your lungs burning now with the uncomfortable warmth that dried your throat.
You were running on the road now, the gravel brushing against your beaten down shoes as you kept running. The heat, of course, became one that was your enemy. You weren’t thinking ahead, nor were you able to grasp how far out you were in the state. 
Collapsing, a figure neared your limp body. You gasp as hands hoisted you right up to land against their broad shoulders, the wind having been knocked out from your throat. You began to whimper as you two made the long journey back to that damn house.
A thought settled in your mind and had you teary eyed, as you gave into this situation helplessly.
You were never leaving this place, weren’t you? —
Expect a determined Thomas whenever he sees you, though, no matter how long it will take to catch you; he’d always catch you.
Hey! I hope you enjoyed this piece and that it fulfilled your request!! Thank you to all the many requests that have ended up in my inbox alongside the occasional asks! I am ecstatic at the fact that you all enjoy my work!! (: Again, please reblog this post! I really appreciate it. Thank you again for reading this, have a great day/night!! (:
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ottosuricatoblog · 9 months
Link to my masterlist
Author: hola! I'm so happy you guys are enjoying my fics. I'm very thankful for the support🫶🏻 It's taken me a while to write this, but I think I like how it's turned out. I decided to add prompt 51 since it went well with the story. I hope you like it! Do let me know🥰
Request: Your stuff is seriously sooooo good. Absolutely adorable and then some 🥰💘 Maybe something angsty and fluffy with [69] and [74]. Like a jealous argument that ends all sweet and happy?
69. desperate, needy and forgiving kisses with [character] after a bad argument/fighting.
74. “oh my god– are you... jealous?”
51. [character] get jealous because they think someone is flirting with you, but it's actually a relative they didn't know about and the two of you have re-encountered with each other after a long time.
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When your father told you that your cousin Eric was visiting, you couldn't believe it. The last time you saw him, you must have been around 14 or 15. He was a Tully, not a Stark, but he stayed with you and your siblings in Winterfell for around a year. You guys had a great relationship. He treated you like a sister, and you treated him like a brother.
Now, he was visiting Kings Landing for some trading matter.
You ask your father to tell Eric to meet you by the gardens after his meeting. You're wandering along them, waiting for him, when you hear a familiar voice.
"Bug!" Eric calls you, using the nickname he gave you when you were kids. "Or should I say Lady Y/N?"
You turn around to find a handsome young man in his late twenties. His face remains the same, though, his copper hair on his face and a dimple on his right cheek.
"Eric!" You smile. "Look at you."
"I could say the same about you. You've grown, bug." He smiles as well. "Come here." He says, opening his arms.
You hug him joyfully. "Gods, I can't believe it's been so long." You hear him say.
When you separate, he keeps an arm around your shoulders.
"Let's walk." You say, smiling. "I'm sure you have many things to tell me."
Sandor enters the gardens following the Prince. He stops abruptly when he looks at his left and spots you smiling at a man he doesn't know, his arm around you. You look at him smiling, say something, and start walking with him.
It makes his blood boil. This is what you were doing while he was working? When he's decided he's going to approach you and kill that fucker, he hears the Prince's voice.
"Come, dog." He says, motioning for the opposite direction.
He gulps, trying to calm down, and follows Joffrey.
It's earlier than usual for Sandor to come to your chambers, so the knock on your door surprises you. You open it to find Sandor with a cold stare. It's not his usual angry because of Joffrey face, though. Something's different tonight.
"Sandor!" You say, still a bit surprised.
"Aye." He grunts. "Oh, maybe you were expecting someone else?" His stare is cold as he walks in.
"What do you mean?" You say, frowning while you close your door.
"Oh, you know what I mean." He says.
You stare at him, one of your eyebrows up in your forehead.
"The redhead cunt you were having so much fun with before." He groans.
You can't believe what you're hearing. "Sandor, what..." You exclaim. "Oh gods, are you...jealous?"
He doesn't answer, looking away from you.
"I can't believe you're being a fucking kid about this." You mumble, shaking your head.
"What did he tell you, eh?" He says with a cold voice. "Promised you a bunch of fucking things, I'm sure. I bet he can give you much more than me."
"I truly can't believe this is happening." You sigh in disbelief. "Do you really think so poorly of me?"
"He was fucking hugging you, Y/N." He groans. "Do you think I didn't see you? You were all smiles. Fucking walking with him. Did you tell him all about yourself? Let him fucking court you?"
You snort, truly not believing his behavior.
"You find it fucking funny?" He asks, raising his voice.
"No, Sandor." You say. "I find it fucking sad."
His face turns into confusion.
"I find it sad that you think that I would just forget about you, about everything we've been through. You don't trust me." Your voice is harsh.
"I know what I saw." He groans.
"He's my fucking cousin!" You shout. "You're here being a fucking asshole about me hugging my cousin!"
His face suddenly changes, realization hitting him.
"Your cousin?" He asks, his voice much lower now.
"Yes, Sandor. My cousin." You say, irritated. "I don't..." Your voice breaks. "I don't know what we're doing together if you're not able to trust me." Your voice had gone from angry to sad.
"Y/N..." He says, taking a step towards you.
"Leave." You hiss.
"Love.. " He tries.
"Don't." You say, sending him a death stare. "Just go, Sandor. I need to think."
He looks at you, sadness now in his eyes, before turning and leaving your chambers. You fall asleep with tears in your eyes that night.
The next morning, when you open your door, you find a set of candles, which Sandor knows you love, and a note in his handwriting.
You take the candles inside and read the note: "I'm sorry. I love you."
It makes you think about what happened yesterday again. You stand by what you said. He needs to trust you if you want your relationship to work. Nevertheless, you have to admit you don't know how you've reacted if it was him instead of you. You want to think you would have asked him about it, but sometimes jealousy can get the worst of someone.
When you see him later that day, every bit of you that was still angry goes away. He gives you his best puppy eyes, and you smile at him. You give him a little nod, and he understands what that means.
That night, when you hear the knock, you open the door with a soft smile. After closing it, Sandor suddenly throws his arms around you.
"I'm sorry, love." He whispers against your hair. "I was an immature cunt."
You hug him back, putting your head on his chest.
"It's alright." You mumble. "Just... Give me some credit."
"I will." He says, pulling back to look at you. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too." You say, caressing his face. "Now kiss me, you idiot."
He smiles, leaning in and crashing his lips against yours. His forgiving kisses soon turn desperate, needy.
"Sandor?" You moan.
He pulls back a bit. "Hmmm?"
"Make it up to me." You say, smirking.
He smiles mischievously, picking you up and throwing you on the bed. And gods, he does.
Taglist: @broadsdrinkwhisky @malkaviangirl if you wanna be in it let me know💖
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yuwigqi · 3 months
Batfam members by which obscure Olympic Sport(s) they would be (its a stunt for charity or something):
Bruce: His inquisitive nature leads him to ask: Is there a limit on how many Sports You're Allowed to Compete In? Not for him. He wins gold in Golf, Diving, Badminton, Greco-Roman Wrestling, Ice Dancing with Cass (she's not going to prom of course, so this is his best chance at a father-daughter dance) BMX Racing, Men's Skeet (he has nothing against sport shooting! Honest!), Dressage, and Weightlifting (wait? 860 KILOS??), and Beach Volleyball (Dick is his partner). In fact, he already did sports with Dick and Cass! Why not all his kids! Badminton with Bette (she's basically his niece, come on now), Tennis with Jason, Luge with Tim (Tim literally falls asleep on top of him), and 3x3 Basketball with Damian and Duke.
Kate: Kate runs a poll on twitter asking for the "Straightest sport possible" and that's how she ends up doing a fucking 50 kilometer race walk. Why the fuck is walking an Olympic Sport?? I don't know Kathy, its for charity, just do it please. So for one day, Kate turns into Karen, and speed walks 3. Fucking. Hours. Kate is tempted to melt her Bronze of course its fucking bronze medal down into parts for nose piercings out of malic
Luke: Obvs wants to go into a combat sport. Which is why Dick purposefully tells he he wouldn't be able to do anything else, and dares him to try Artistic Gymnastics. He gets Gold in Rings and Silver in Pommel Horse and Vault
Dick: Dick wants to challenge himself by doing the other Gymnastics he's never done. So he signs up for Rhythmic Gymnastics! But...it's a women-only sport. Which is why Dick comes out as genderfluid and is a woman specifically for the games (cue Tim being fucking furious at Dick about enforcing negative stereotypes). And naturally, Dick wins. But also....you know...he kind of really feels...empowered with she/her pronouns. Like....it feels right. And thus, it took winning an Olympic Sport for Dick to realize he was bigender all along.
Bette: She's like actually a Tennis player, so that. Also, she idolizes Dick and wants to impress him with her super good Gymnastics skills. After winning the gold she bites it in tradition, and it actually bends. She actually ended up with a fucking poorly made tin medal fuck this is so embarrassing noone look at me
Babs: Curling, another weird fucking sport. It's basically like shuffleboard on ice. And honestly, like, its not an athletic sport. Honestly, you probably could do it in a wheelchair. And a huge part of it is technique and intellect. It was MADE for Oracle. After she wins Tesla reachers out for a sponsorship deal to make a robotic wheelchair, and Babs makes a working spaceship just to fucking spite Elon. She also hacks X and removes all the X branding, literally turning it back into Twitter.
Jason: I kid you not, in 2024 they will add competitive breakdancing To the Summer games. Jason is on the first U.S. team. It...you know there were worse ways to make money on the streets than street performing...and you know...it was fun too...I made like $74 one day outside an iHop. No shit fuck Babs don't look for it please don't fuck no please
Tim: Skateboarding has also been recently added to the Olympics. Tim isn't allowed to put his Superboy stickers on it because Young Justice happen to be involved in several international incidents.
Steph: Everyone remembers Steph lived in Africa, but no one even bothered to ask her about it, much less ask which country. Ethiopia, thank you for asking. Curious how they offered her citizenship right after she announced her Olympic plans. Steph wins gold in Speed Skating, giving the continent of Africa its first ever medal in the Winter Games. (She mentions this every single time possible)
Dami: Modern Pentathlon is by far the weirdest fucking sport in existence, but Dami loves it. He gets to swordfight, shoot things, and most importantly. meet a horse.
Cass: Karate kata. Cass in a combat sport would just be unfair, so she does the Kata, just showing off the execution and form. Ice Dancing with Bruce, as mentioned earlier. Her outfit is based on the Black Swan, of course. Frustratingly Bruce is much better at it than her, and she's unsure why. Until it dawns on her she's competing and he's having fun with his daughter. After she stops caring about scores, they two get the highest score in history.
Duke: Artistic Swimming. 2024 is the first year men will be allowed. "No Bruce, I'm isn't going to use my powers to see easily in the water, god." And showing off his abs to that pretty girl in his Women's Studies Elective is definitely not part of his choice of sport. Nope. (She's turned off by his puberty acne, and Duke cries in his room for 8 days straight)
Harper: No Bruce. No Steph. Fuck you Cass. No. No. No. Hey Harper, just wanna let you know, as part of the charity thing, we're doing a gala, and Bernard's busy. Do you think Cullen would like to go?...Fine Tim, I'll do it, for Cullen. Harper of course needs to do something to make an impact though. If she's gonna do this shit, she might as well have fun with it. Which is why she starts a one-woman crusade to add a new sport. It takes petitions, conferences, and a few million dollars in charitable donations to the IOC...but a new sport is added, and Harper Rowe because the Olympic's first ever gold medalist in Sumo Wrestling.
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magewolf-the-artist · 2 months
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Well if it isn't Ashley Parks and Brian Stells!
Yeah sorry about forgetting about them for a while guys, I got really really attached to Susan, Charles, Rosemary, Edd, and Molly (who I will call the 74' gang throughout this post) for a while there. But they're here now!
Just some headshots of the goobers while they were alive. What pretty and youthful faces! Gosh, I hope nothing horrible happens to them that might distort these faces into bloody mashes of flesh and bone
So in the Domestic K-9 AU, Ashley was kind of an outlier among the 74' gang. Not only were they either twice her age or actual children, but they were all used to each other and any interactions at first held an extremely awkward, stilted air to them (partly because Ashley was obviously having an extremely hard time but that's neither here nor there) While she gets along okay with most of the residents (Rosemary and Charles act vaguely parental towards her, Rocket acts vaguely sibling-ish towards her, and she's terrified of Susan and avoids her), there was a pretty sharp disconnect. That is, until Brian came along. Don't get me wrong, it sucks he died, but they gravitated towards each other due to their similar age ranges and senses of humor. So they get along swimmingly during the month or so Brian exists, but then he starts fading, and FAST (I HC that ghost's don't fade as fast if they stay in Wonderland but Brian got locked out by Bon sooooo). Ashley panics at this and desperately tries to convince him to possess something. But upon looking at the pain and suffering of her and the rest of the residents, Brian's like, nah I'm good fam. And then once he fades Ashley falls into a deep depressive state
A fun lil doodle. Have some fun facts: I imagine soon after she possessed Billy she taped over the cassette player because she was super paranoid Bon would put the tape in to mess with her after hearing everyone else’s horror stories about Bon fucking with them. Now granted, Bon is unable to do that because he destroyed that tape afterwards, but it makes her feel safer and generally brings up bad memories. Also, she never got her body removed! Why is this important? Because when the other residents got their bodies removed the constant agony they were in was dulled down into a deep ache. But poor Ashley has to constantly suffering through the pain she was in when she died and thus is extremely twitchy and HATES being touched.
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airaibunny · 11 months
1. “i need you, right here/now”
2. “louder/quieter”
3. “i dont care who’s outside”
4. “do you want them to hear?”
5. “what if i dont?”
6. “make me”
7. “you don’t get to tell me what to do”
8. “that’s strike 1/2/3”
9. “if you stop, i’ll stop”
10. “no more, please, i can’t”
11. “where are your manners?”
12. “what did you say?”
13. “try again”
14. “but the cameras” - “they can’t see us from this angle, if you can stay still”
15. “you don’t get to touch”
16. “i’m begging you, touch me, please”
17. “beg for it”
18. “i said no”
19. “stop pushing, it wont end well”
20. “you look so fucking hot right now”
21. “you don’t need anything, you want it”
22. “say it”
23. “use your words”
24. “i can’t understand you”
25. “i can’t read your mind”
26. “could he/she do it better?”
27. “do you wish it was *name* touching you right now?”
28. “play with me”
29. “you’re such a needy girl”
30. “i don’t think your stage outfits cover that”
31. “let me focus”
32. “sluts don’t get to make requests”
33. “what happened? you wanted this so bad five minutes ago”
34. “stop talking”
35. “did i give you permission to talk?”
36. “you don’t understand how angry i am right now”
37. “you’re fucking soaked”
38. “you make me so wet”
39. “why are you already squirming”
40. “can i ask you for something?”
41. “please don’t stop”
42. “please don’t think i’m weird for this”
43. “i’ve been waiting all day”
44. “does that turn you on?”
45. “i need your fingers”
46. “i want you to fuck me”
47. “do it like you mean it”
48. “scream my name while you cum”
49. “call me mommy”
50. “touch yourself, i want to watch”
51. “come here, now.”
52. “on your knees”
53. “turn around”
54. “bend over”
55. “spread your legs/spread your legs further”
56. “you can barely speak, so cute”
57. “you’re so flushed, pretty girl”
58. “sit on my thigh/face/etc”
59. “lift up your leg”
60. “i’m bored, let’s play”
61. “i can see you staring at my tits/thigh/ass”
62. “if you make me/if i have to stop this car, im going to make sure you can’t walk out of it without my help”
63. “harder”
64. “let me do it”
65. “i didnt mean to, im sorry”
66. “dont cum until i tell you to”
67. “what if i just leave you here, wet and needy”
68. “what’s the safe word? you’re going to need it”
69. “what about you?”
70. “it’s my turn now”
71. “i didn’t mean to call you that, i’m sorry”
72. “you look so pretty on your knees”
73. “what are you going to do? punish me?”
74. “i think i deserve a reward”
75. “your *body part* are/is so pretty”
76. “i really don’t care that we’re in public”
77. “keep it up, you won’t like the situation you end up in”
78. “who do you think you are?”
79. “spank me”
80. “choke me”
81. “bite me”
82. “no, don’t go”
83. “you can practice on me”
84. “this is a one time thing”
85. “i thought you said it was a one time thing?”
86. “we can’t do this”
87. “i ordered us something”
88. “that looks too big”
89. “are you comfortable?”
90. “grab the handcuffs and come back here”
91. “you bought a vibrator?”
92. “how do i look?”
93. “you taste so sweet”
94. “i’m/it’s all over your chin”
95. “do you want to try?”
96. “you’re so cute”
97. “do you think about me when you touch yourself?”
98. “why are you being so shy? it’s not like i haven’t already seen all of you”
99. “can we use a toy?”
100. “can i use a toy on you?”
101. “good girl, keep going/just like that”
102. “you’re doing such a good job”
103. “i’m so proud of you”
104. “nobody can know about this, okay?”
105. “how are you so close already?”
106. “i can see how wet you are through your shorts”
107. “can you be quick?”
108. “please, i’ll finish fast”
109. “use your mouth”
110. “why do you get so shy when i use that word?”
111. “i love your tits/ass/etc”
112. “where do you want me to touch you?” - “down there…” - “say the word”
113. “stop teasing me”
114. “i like it when you’re mad”
115. “punish me”
116. “are you going to stop me?”
117. “on the counter/table/etc?”
118. “you’re the only one that gets to touch”
119. “have you seen the things the the fans write about you and *other member*?”
120. “i don’t care what the fans think”
121. “i really need to finish this”
122. “this is exactly how i imagined it”
123. “is that my shirt/underwear/etc?”
124. “everyone else is gone”
125. “fuck, i wish this room was soundproof”
126. “shut up”
127. “relax, angel”
128. “keep doing that, please”
129. “you feel so good”
130. “your skin is so soft”
131. “kiss/touch me, everywhere”
132. “no, you started this, now you’re going to finish it”
133. “pull my hair”
134. “open your mouth”
135. “clean my fingers, this is your mess”
136. “you’re such a messy girl”
137. “why are you so hot”
138. “fuck, i love you so much”
139. “take off your underwear” - “but, there’s other people here” - “they won’t see you, there’s an entire table here”
140. “you’re so gorgeous”
141. “open your eyes”
142. “look at me while you cum”
143. “do you want me to use my fingers/mouth?”
144. “i want you to keep going, forever”
145. “do you want to join me”
146. “you’re not allowed to touch”
147. “bad girls/sluts don’t get to cum”
148. “can you tell me what you did wrong?”
149. “explain what you did, if you don’t finish before you cum, you don’t get to finish again for the rest of the night”
150. “you’re all mine” - “hm…” - “say it” - “i’m all yours”
151. “you’re such a fucking slut/whore/cunt”
152. “how bad do you want it?”
153. “make me cry”
154. “ruin me”
155. “i want to do so many things to you”
156. “you look amazing, really, but i think i prefer the dress on the floor”
157. “i need you”
158. “if you ever pull a stunt like that again, i won’t wait until we get to our bedroom”
159. “say that again, i dare you”
160. “it’s too late for this” - “you don’t have to do anything, just stay laying down”
161. “what does this make us?”
162. “i love making you so flustered, it’s so cute”
163. “do you like it when i touch right here?”
164. “can you stay quiet if i take this call?”
165. “we could get kicked out for this”
166. “don’t make me say it, you know what i want”
167. “let me eat you out while you do that”
168. “can you teach me?”
169. “can i call you mommy?”
170. “what would the others think of this? their innocent little maknae being such a whore”
171. “shower with me”
172. “put your leg over my shoulder”
173. “there’s no one else here, be louder”
174. “look what you did”
175. “i want to taste you”
176. “i’m going to fuck you against the windows, i want everyone to see how good you are”
177. “stop being gentle”
178. “i don’t care what you do, just touch me”
179. “i want to fuck you so bad”
180. “i want to feel you, inside”
181. “i promise i’ll be good, just please…”
182. “you can’t leave marks”
183. “you’re not going to fall, i’ve got you”
184. “we are not doing this standing, there’s a bed right there”
185. “do you like it when i spank you right there?”
186. “stop moving on your own, you’ll take what i give you”
187. “use my thigh”
188. “if you hate me so much, why are you letting me do this?”
189. “you’re really telling me to stop while both of your hands are in my shirt?”
190. “i still hate you”
191. “this is just sex, no strings”
192. “fuck you” - “well, that’s what we’re doing isn’t it?”
193. “you looked so hot out there”
194. “you can take it like a good girl, right?”
195. “swallow”
196. “i’ll untie you if you’re good”
197. “you heard me”
198. “that was a nice way to wake up”
199. “i want to make a mess of you”
200. “breathe, please”
201. “take it like a good girl”
202. “why don’t you make it up to me?”
203. “you think your begging is going to change my mind?”
204. “i don’t care that you’re sorry”
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decepti-thots · 2 months
I would like to hear about which characters would use which kind of fountain pen 👀
okay, so with the caveat that all of this is coming from me researching pens in my quest to become slightly a 'pen person' and not like. being one. (but also from the perspective of watching my friend talk extremely in-depth about this for many years, and cribbing from her, in my defense.)
here are some random character-pen matchups and headcanons bc why not!!
first off. minimus, obviously.
there's a few things i think about this: he's fundamentally conservative in his tastes i think (no wild experimental designs), someone who would not want to spend an Excessive amount of money but also someone who would definitely have a higher-end one quality wise, and he'd have really nitpicky taste about shit like quality control. with this in mind, the guides i read that were offering opinions on higher-end 'beginner pens' consistently brought up the Pilot Custom 74, which is like, the platonic ideal of just a functional good quality Fountain Pen TM:
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look at it. that sure is a ~£190 fountain pen! it's classic, functional, a solid 'name', expensive enough i feel like a person who grew up well off would be like 'oh this is my everyday pen' and i would be sort of like 'the fuck that costs half my rent'. lmao. but not like, someone splashing out a thousand quid or more expensive, yknow. he's probably had this same pen for like. the equivalent of twenty years or more. i'm sure he has more than one but this is his 'workhorse'.
here's another one i immediately am like 'oh i know what to pick' about. this one less in terms of specifically 'this character would use it' and more like 'this character reminds me of this pen'. it's rewind! and the pen is a Tombow Zoom 828fp because. well. look at this.
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MINI PEN. CHIBI LITTLE FOUNTAIN PEN. there's apparently a chinese pen that is a lot cheaper you can get of this little chonker's basic design, and i'm very, very seriously tempted to get one and call it 'rewind'. lmao. short and charmingly proportioned! i don't think rewind probably actually uses a pen but maybe this was one of those spousal in-joke gifts pre-war or something like 'haha this reminded me of you'/'are you calling me short' or whatever idfk. the point is. TINY PEN.
nautica got riptide a Jinhao 993 to cheer him up when they started doing lessons in that one issue towards the end of MTMTE/pre-DotL and he's finding it difficult maybe. "why would a fountain pen cheer him up-" THIS IS WHY LOOK AT THESE
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my pen friend got the pink one of these for a fiver or something, bc i pointed out it was a pink shark and therefore a Nimona pen. haha. anyway. that's why riptide has a fountain pen.
rodimus is having a mid life crisis, and also magnus will probably think he is Mature and Good At Work if he shows up with a fountain pen, he figures one time, so he wheedles money off drift and buys this monstrosity, which to be clear costs EIGHT THOUSAND EUROS and is supposed to look like a cool racecar themed... thing. montegrappa is so fucking overpriced and tacky and they're invariably hilarious to me whenever they release some godawful tie-in thing.
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now prowl. prowl doesn't have a fountain pen because prowl is the sort of person who insists on constantly having fucking. Gadgets TM. you know. the man thinks a smart fridge is a necessity, for some fucking reason. if it's electronic it's Better. however, LAMY, i found out, in addition to its wide range of pens, also makes like... high-end digital pens? you know, in the style of their most well known fountain pen design (LAMY safari) but like. a stylus. buying a brand-name pen manufacturer's stylus bc you want to have a fountain pen but also refuse to do anything not on a tablet or something is. 100% prowl to me.
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and i think that drift would have a LAMY 2000. look at this thing. it's somehow so slick and modern looking in a way most fountain pens aren't without feeling weird or like it isn't one. it's also a really well regarded pen across the board and so many people swear by this thing. (my friend does indeed have this one!) he's got it because he (canonically) journals, obviously, he is whipping this bad boy out after meditation to Chronicle His Emotional State (usually um. bad. moving along.) it's one of the nice things he bought himself after he somehow acquired all that money (stole it on his way out from the decepticons).
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sidenote: megatron doesn't use a fountain pen, despite being a canonical writer. his handwriting is fucking atrocious and he would break one pressing too hard if he tried. he privately thinks they're sort of pointless, but lets minimus endlessly explain nib types for the sake of indulging someone he likes and who clearly is used to being told to shut up.
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sissylittlefeather · 9 months
6 with F
Hey hey! Thanks for being the first request for my 200 follower celebration! You didn't specify smut or fluff, so I did some fluff with a hint toward future smut, so you can let your imagination run wild, if you want to 😉
Warnings: none, really. One cuss word.
Prompt: "Oh, we're not married." With '74-'77 BDE
One of Elvis's favorite things to do with you was drive. He'd take you out to different places around town that were quiet and secluded, so you could talk or do other things. You'd been dating for a few months and time spent with him was always your favorite. He loved that he could be himself around you, and, for a little while, be able to take off the mask of performing that he often wore even when he wasn't on stage or touring. Every time he would call you and tell you to meet him downstairs in half an hour, you'd grab your purse and your shoes and sit outside in anticipation. He tried to drive a different car each time, and it became a bit of a game to guess which one he'd bring next.
Tonight, you're sitting outside your apartment in the cool night air waiting for him when he pulls up in a Cadillac Deville station wagon. It's not the first time he's brought this car. He likes to drive this one when he knows you'll need space. You roll your eyes and laugh to yourself. Elvis is not a man that anyone could ever accuse of subtlety. He pulls up and rolls the window down.
"Hey, doll. Need a ride?"
"Depends on where you're headed, sir." This is a game you play often.
"Anywhere you want, baby." You lean in his window and kiss him on the cheek. Then, you walk around the car and slide into the passenger side.
You ride for a while talking about nothing in particular. Eventually, you come to one of your favorite spots off the road and he turns. Once you're parked, he asks if you want to move to the backseat.
"I just wanna kiss ya without a steering wheel in the way." You smile and oblige, both of you sliding into the seat at the same time. He opens his arms and gestures for you to come closer. You scoot to him and he plants a deep kiss on your lips, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You continue this way for a while, with him wrapped around you, pressed together. As things start to heat up, your hands go to his belt buckle and you've almost got it undone when there's an emphatic knock knock on the window. You gasp and sit straight up.
"What the fuck?" Elvis growls under his breath. He rolls the window down to see a young male police officer.
"Umm sir, you can't, uh, park here."
"I think you'll find I can do most anything I put my mind to." Elvis waits for the young man to realize who he is, but he doesn't.
"I need your drivers license, please, sir." Elvis turns to you.
"Honey, will you look in the glove box and see if it's in there."
"Sure, baby." You slip out of the door, open the passenger side, and rummage through the glove compartment, careful to keep the gun that's in there hidden. Eventually, you locate a wallet that has an ID in it. You walk around the car to the cop. He's noticeably nervous.
"Your husband seems to think I should know who he is."
"Oh, we're not married. But you should know him." The cop takes the ID from you and looks down at it. His head snaps back up and then he looks down at Elvis in the car.
"Nice to meet you, son."
"I'm gonna... I'm just... this is just a warning..." Elvis smiles knowingly and gestures for you to get in the car. By the time you get back to your place on the seat next to him, the cop is apologizing and walking backwards away from the car.
"Have a good night..." He calls as he gets back to his patrol car. Elvis waves and rolls the window up.
"Now, where were we, doll?"
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
could you please do 94 or 74 up to u with uzui or rengoku?🥰
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warnings: kissing, established kohai x senpai relationships, polyamory(Tengen's wives exist in this one), thigh riding, mentions of punishment prompt list here
You were starting to get on his last nerve. Uzui knew you’d make him frustrated and agitated, but he never knew to what degree it would be. Even his wives don’t frustrate him this much, and sometimes they can be a handful. But you’re his little kohai, and that’s what makes all of this so different. 
Sure Uzui could have his wives anytime he pleases, but he has a very strict schedule when it comes to spending any kind of time with you. You trained hard and became a very skilled demon slayer in hardly any time. You impressed a lot of the other Hashira, but it was your flashy fighting style that really caught Uzui’s eyes. You were as flamboyant as he was.
The first days you spent time training together were difficult. You did have a bit of an attitude to yourself, but Uzui put a stop to that so quickly. All he had to do was make you cum, and he made you cum so hard that first time. 
The more you continued your training seriously and successfully, the more your senpai would please you. And he was certainly good at it too. Most of the time, you left the training grounds jelly-legged, dazed and just dripping with his seed. Uzui made the excuse that he had to fill you with his seed to protect you, and to let everyone know who you belong to.
None of the other Hashira asked any questions, but they all knew what was going on anyway. It was Tomioka who made a comment at first, and he once had to help you to your room when you were so disoriented from the rough fucking you just experienced. He knew something was off, but he couldn’t tell what was going on when you and your senpai got any time together alone.
And now that everyone else knows, Uzui is angry with you. He never really wanted the other Hashira to know he was using sex to motivate you. It had been such a dirty little secret for him to fuck you whenever convenient, but now that everyone knows, it’s just not as thrilling. He knows he’s still going to fuck you, but today you’re going to pay for it dearly.
After a round of sparring, Uzui commands you to go take a bath and then wait for him in your bedroom. You know exactly what that means, and you don’t want to find out what his wrath might be like today. So you scamper out of his view and grasp, and you make your way to the bathroom.
While soaking in the warm water, you do well to groom yourself. Uzui always wants you prim and proper. You know better than to go against his preferences, so you groom your pubic hair into a little heart just for him. After the bath, you slather on his favorite moisturizer to be soft for him. Then you spritz some of that perfume you know he’s crazy about.
Uzui settles on your bed, and when you come back into the room, he grins at your appearance. You’re wearing just a soft cotton nightgown, and it looks so good just hanging off your body like that. He pats his thigh and you scurry over to him. He helps you onto his thigh, and your whole body reacts to the sensation of him touching you.
“You know, kitten,” Uzui begins before leaning in to kiss your lips, “I’m not very impressed with you.”
You swallow hard, “I didn’t mean for this to happen, Tengen-sama.”
Uzui chuckles darkly, and he cups your chin. He tilts your face so you can look deeply into his eyes, and you’re rendered speechless. There’s a dark look of lust in his eyes, and you can tell he’s going to punish you in ways you probably don’t want to fathom.
“You can make it up to me,”
Your eyes widen, “How? Tell me, and I’ll do it.”
Another chuckle erupts from his mouth. He loves how eager you are. You just have no idea what kind of cruel punishment he might have in store for you. You just want to please your senpai, and that makes him so hard.
So he spreads your legs and sets you on his thigh. His strong hands push and pull your hips in a steady pace, and the friction of your bare clit on his pants make you moan. The more he moves you around and guides you to move, the wetter you get. It’s all starting to come together now.
“The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh. Do you understand me, kitten?”
You’re begging him to reconsider. You need much more than just riding his thigh for stimulation, but you don’t have much choice. He lets go of your hips, and you whine from him stopping the actions of pushing and pulling to ride his thigh.
“You’re a big girl, you can do it by yourself.”
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allywritesforfun · 2 years
idk if you saw wilbur's most recent stream but he basically said that he likes to sleep in the cold and- MY GUY ??!?!? I hate the cold, I get cold really easily because I'm very petite so I'm literally always in blankets and warm clothes and I think that wilbur who likes to sleep in the cold x reader who likes to sleep in the warm could be a good fic ....... 😎 (when he said said my immediate thought was to request this fic....maybe I spend too much time on tumblr)
yesss perfect request to come back with! as someone who keeps their room at 74 degrees...I think I got this thanks for the request!
Wilbur Soot x Reader that Gets Cold When Sleep Headcanons
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regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
headcanon masterlist
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you really did think that the arguments when you moved in with wilbur would be so different
like what to eat for dinner
who lost the remote
who's taken up more of the wifi
why the fuck is there a duck in bathtub
you know, shit like that
but your first argument happens to be on the first day you moved in with him
not sure how this was a never an issue, but it is now
wilbur likes sleeping with the window open
windows being open are always nice, the fresh air, but what it isnt nice is the cold ass breeze that comes with it
going to bed was perfect
nightly routine, pick your side of the bed, plug in the phones, spoon and sleep
but damn was waking up to literal shivering at 2 am not welcomed
the cold woke you up. you look over to wilbur and he is a sleeping angel
in your sleep, you managed to steal the comforter, leaving wilbur just thin sheets
he looked so happy
you were as close as possible to him. arms, legs, and even your feet slotting perfectly together, leeching off his body heat
it was still too cold
"wil," you whispered as you tried to shake him awake. you couldn't be cold anymore.
he refused to wake up. must be a good dream about you.
you managed to wiggle free of his arms that were wrapped around your shoulders and torso
you closed the window and resumed your position. you fell back asleep like any other night
then not even an hour later, you were awakened by a gust of a wind
how the hell is there a gust of wind inside?
someone opened the window again
that someone clearly being wilbur
you woke up him up immediately. you were not taking his mumbled "let me sleep, go back to bed" words as an answer
"keep the window cold. it's cold in here and now im cold. I can't sleep like this"
"but then it gets too hot. I can't sleep when it's hot"
"yea? well I can't sleep when I'm cold, so we're keeping the window shut"
after some back and forth arguing over a literal window positioning, it became clear that you were going in circles and there was never going to be a solution...until Wilbur found one
wilbur got out of bed abruptly, which really pissed you off. was he really about to leave the first night you move in together?
he ignored your calls out to him to come back to bed and you'll deal with it, but he made no move to come back
you felt like you were about to cry. prying at him did nothing, so you stayed silent in bed, still wrapped up.
to your surprise, wilbur came back after a couple minutes. he left a fresh water on the bedside table
he dropped a few things on the bed (it was too dark for you to see) and placed his cold hands over your hot cheeks. he slowly leaned down, pressing the softest kiss that you have ever shared to your lips, then to your eyes, then lastly on your forehead that lingered with tingling sensations
"lets wrap you up like a burrito"
Wilbur turned you over on your back. then he dropped probably another two, very soft, blankets over your body. he rolled you back and forth, tucking the fabric underneath you as you laughed
once done, he pulled a sheet over himself and pulled you into his arms
"better now?"
"the best"
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taglist:  @boiled-onionrings @wistahood @neptunebabes @just-that-bi-girl@wiseflamingoqueen @anarchyanon @rainduosupremacy @pixviepie@nightmarefox15 @sunniewrites @if-only-i-was-fictional
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