#ooc  >>   ( should be working on their diss. )
proschemata · 2 years
v sorry for the recent inactivity -- my endo has flared up Again (2nd time in 2 weeks. sobs.) and i have Not had the willpower to sit and do replies. hopefully i’ll be back to normal on monday. as always, if we’re mutuals, i can be reached on discord <3
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cryptomiracle · 6 months
more creepypasta headcanons
(+ marble hornets)
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Ooc? Idk
I started this at 2 am and you can tell
I write on my phone so the format may be a little weird
Any brands, games, or characters mentioned in this do NOT belong to me, nor am I sponsored by them in any way.
This is very unserious, I've noticed that a lot of my other hcs usually take a "dark" turn and so I decided to make some that didn't.
You could even say they're a bit... silly.
You should totally check out my masterlist for more hcs (it's pinned)
Characters: masky, hoodie, ticci toby, jeff the killer, and BEN DROWNED.
he's extremely hard headed, he WILL argue/fight with someone over the dumbest things and he'll never stop arguing, even if he knows the other person is right.
He has an "emo accent"
He likes to start drama between people, and then leave the crime scene.
He is so ashy you could strike a match off of his elbow
He's been wearing the same beat up converse since 2012, them things are being held together by duct tape and a prayer.
His favorite animal is a raccoon, he says they're sneaky and nocturnal like him.
He refuses to get a new phone, he won't even steal one.
He curses all the time just cause he can, sometimes he'll even jumble random curse words together.
He listens to vocaloid and he doesn't play about miku
He runs one of those "rage bait" accounts that are painfully obviously bait
Still quotes old memes and refuses to let them die
Example: yeet, t-posing, and "sanic the hedgehog"
He scams old people on Facebook and e-daters, he doesn't feel bad about it either.
He uses the money he gets from scamming to buy v-bucks and overwatch coins
He once doxxed someone for dissing miku
slender had to take away his mic privileges because he was keeping everyone up at night by yelling bloody murder at people on fortnite/overwatch
once showed up at someones house because they emoted on him after killing him in game
He vapes, and thinks he's so cool cause he can do "vape tricks" and he makes people watch him while he does them
Someone once gave him apple cider, told him it was alcohol, and he pretended to be drunk.
His phone gallery is filled with random photos, like there'll be a low quality picture of a tree and then right beside it a picture of a ceiling. Just random stuff
Mint chocolate chip ice cream enjoyer
He's really flexible, although he has bad posture he can do back bends, the splits, etc
more on his terrible posture; when he sits he literally looks like this: ) )
When he first started working for slenderman, he REFUSED to live in the manor and lived outside. While he lived outside he became friends with a lot of the wildlife, slender eventually made him move into the manor because there was a rumor that toby was going to make a "possum army" and try to overthrow slender
He will fight anyone and anything he really doesn't care about his, or their well-being.
Had a "weeb" phase when he was in middle school and he still has nightmares about "naruto running" away from his bullies.
He can make a killer sandwich (lol) he's not the best at cooking other things, but if you get him to make you a sandwich, he'll bless your taste buds.
He loves karaoke, he can't sing for shit but he still does it anyway
He acts like a millennial (I'm sorry) not to the point where it's completely unbearable, but he will send people "relatable memes" every now and then
He enjoys online arguments, he'll never participate but he will scroll through different threads of people arguing for hours on end
He likes for people to say stuff like "GO WHITE BOY GO" to him
He blushes when he lies, he's a scarily good liar but if you ever want to catch him in a lie, point out the fact that his cheeks are red.
Whenever he has a drink with a straw, he holds the straw in-between his tooth gap.
he sends streaks.
He has a NASTYYY side eye, and sometimes he'll scrunch up his nose while side eyeing someone just to make it sting even more
Contemplated getting a mullet once, he never went through with it though.
He coughs like someone's grandfather who smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years
If someone says a word that reminds him lf a song he likes, it'll automatically get stuck in his head and he'll hum it all day after that.
he isn't weak when it comes to stinky smells, but if it's stinky enough to make him gag he's extremely overdramatic.
he learned how to sew because of how much he ripped his jeans, shirts, etc.
Sleeps so hard sometimes people think he's dead, he'll just be laying there looking casket ready but everyone is too scared to check on him cause he gets super grumpy when woken up.
he always keeps a little money hidden somewhere, even if it's just a 5 dollar bill.
he's superstitious, if he sees you attempt to walk under a ladder he will physically drag you back and make you walk around it.
he has a pair of brass knuckles which he only saves for "special occasions" they're his favorite things ever, he even named them.
he only uses his phone to call, text, or search something up, and that's it.
he doesn't even have YouTube installed.
I will be reading over this to check for any errors, ty for reading - M
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wandixx · 7 months
Ghost of fries and hero of cookies part 5
All work words count: 14 643
Words in this part: 1 685
Summary of whole work: Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay
Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of local hero? And he looked like he needed bad day combo anyway
This part summary: Steph finally gets to meet Duke's kid. And she comes bearing gifts!
Beta read by @audhumla-sailor though English is second language for both of us, so proceed with this in mind. I also know all of the charaters through fics alone, so probably ooc. Stay catious if it's something you don't like
First part, Previous part
Duke was really glad that Bruce was busy whole previous evening and couldn’t give him The TalkTM Vigilante edition. Maybe he shouldn’t because B being busy spoke trouble but he couldn’t feel too sad about it. He didn’t want to have The TalkTM though.
For now, Dani was running next to him, with a serious look on her face that was kinda uncanny. She wasn’t supposed to not be happy and some weird instincts were screaming at him to fix it and fix it now. But he didn’t know how!
Though some of his jokes caused a little smile, so it was good.
It turned potentially less good when she stopped without warning, lowering herself to the fighting stance (finally proper, which made him so immensely proud by the way). He stopped too, wishing they wouldn’t have to fight but he knew better than to latch on this hope.
“What’s up, Hoopoe?” he whispered.
“Someone is coming. Light, use grapple” Most likely one of the Bats then, they were due to a visit anyway. However better to not lower his guard in case he was mistaken or it was a prank/test. His expectations were proven right though, when purple blur flipped over the edge of the roof. He relaxed and put hand on Dani’s shoulder so she wouldn’t tackle Steph before they could explain anything. She seemed on edge like that whole day.
“Hey Spoiler” he greeted to further show that the blonde was a friend.
“Sup Signal! Heard I can finally meet your little friend!”
Dani straightened herself and tried to float a few inches up to seem higher probably.
“I’m considerably higher than most kids my age” she deadpanned. She really wasn’t though. He was still trying to learn whether her size was caused more by genetics or malnourishment. Her only family member Duke knew of was also small, so maybe it was a family thing though.
Steph shrugged, waving her palm a few inches below her shoulder, approximately where Damian reached, quite few inches over Dani’s head.
“Robin is the family’s smol violent bean and you’re shorter than him. You’re small bean, deal with this”
Little girl pouted, crossing her arms. Steph cooed.
“Oh, you even get angry like he does!”
Young meta looked like she was asking ‘Should I use violence?’ and inch towards the answer ‘Yes’. Duke decided he should step in before she acted on these thoughts. Teasing was the opposite of what girl needed at the moment. Some good fight might not be bad but maybe not with Steph.
“Cut it Spoiler”
She rolled her eyes so dramatically he could tell she did so despite her mask. He still thought it was impressive “Don’t be boring dude”
Dani growled in a way that couldn’t be fully human, just like she did when they talked about her training for the first time. Duke squeezed her arm. Girl glanced at him before sagging so much he was scared she would fall for a hot second. He exchanged concerned looks with Steph over her lowered head. It was not normal nor was it good.
“Alright, you’re not smol,” Steph agreed lightly “Officially at least. What’s in my head stays there. Does it work for you?”
Duke almost hit her in the arm. Not strongly, in a friendly manner but still. He didn’t only because it seemed to somehow work. He let his hands drop.
“Your mind is sacred,” Dani started seriously “what leaves your mouth is not. Can’t diss you on your thoughts but I’ll on your words” she shared like it was some important truth of life. Or folklore proverb though Duke wasn’t sure about the latter. Afterall he was Gothamite born and breed, he knew countryside from movies “And actions. Actions are kinda important,” meta girl added in lighter tone after moment of thinking.
“Yeah, actions are the best” Steph agreed easily “Hey, can I get it on a T-shirt? I’ll love and cherish it”
“First you laugh at my height and then you want my intellectual property for free? For shame, Spoiler, for shame?”
Steph looked thoughtful, theatrically over exaggerating her body language. 
“Valid” she nodded.
Duke decided he would just watch whatever was going to happen and did damage control if needed. He didn’t feel up to anything else anyway.
“Heard your cape went in an adventure,” the purple vigilante admitted after moment of silence. Dani shrugged rubbing her arms awkwardly. Duke knew she normally would fix said cape. It was her way of fidgeting.
“Yup, it’s good way to put it,” girl nodded. “Somebody needed it more, I hope it enjoys its travel. I should get a replacement soon”
“Well, I can’t let fellow caped crusader, who understands necessity of hood, run capeless”
Younger girl waved her hands in a flurry motion of dismissal.
“Don’t-” she stopped when her eyes locked on orange bundle Steph took from somewhere under her cloak. Opportunity to pull tricks like that had made Duke consider adding some sort of cape to his Signal suit back when he had been working on it back in a day but dismissed it. He still wasn’t looking forward to learning curve of fighting with such additional liability. He couldn’t turn it intangible when it was in a way like certain white haired cheater did.
Speaking of Dani, girl stared at Steph’s gift like she couldn’t quite believe it was real. She held her hands close to her chest but her fingers flexed in grabby motion. Her eyes were hidden behind black lenses of her mask but everything else about her face further proved how awestruck she was. Even her muted aura brightened a bit in a way that he learned to recognize as excitement.
It was still kind of weird, by the way. Normal auras haven’t changed, it was kinda their thing.
Steph wiggled her gift a bit. Dani finally took it but had yet to put it on.
“It’s for me?” she whispered so utterly shocked and small that Duke mentally did a double take.
“Yeah, like I said, can’t let you run around without it”
Dani’s hand was gnawing at the edge of the material as if it was some sort of squashmellow.
“Try it on,” Steph encouraged gently.
“We need to check if Spoiler haven’t messed up something”
Dani snorted, which was all Duke tried to achieve.
She put it on and after a moment of shuffling she once again became orange cloak with feet. She grinned widely looking far more relaxed and settled than she did moments before. She moved around a bit like she was in model show or at least what ten years old thought it could look like.
“You like it?”
“Yup, it’s amazing, thank you Spoiler… Though it’s heavier than I expected”
“Well, I don’t know what your first one was made out of but this is material I use, I found it the best balance between durability, weight and comfiness. Still, it’s quite dense and a bit heavy. Also, I added pockets because you can never have too many of them. Plus there are few glitter bombs inside. You know, ‘welcome to the team’ gifts,” Steph explained eagerly and judging by Dani’s smile, she loved her gifts. Duke would be a little worried on a Gotham crime’s behalf if it wasn’t well, crime and if he wasn’t all there to watch chaos these two would unfold from sidelines with bat-popcorn in hand (though it wasn’t really a thing yet, he would have to mention it to Tim or Jason). For now though, they really should continue on the patrol.
“Now that introductions are over, let’s get going. Crime never sleeps or something,” It was really weird to be the organized one. Before Dani showed up, on a day shift he was a sailor, a captain and a ship (or maybe Gotham was a ship-), We Are Robins days were chaos in purest form and shape and when he was called out for a night he usually was too tired to behave and was just additional mess to organize (on purpose, let him have his goddamn sleep, he wasn’t Tim).
“Okay,” Dani agreed cheerfully “There is a robbery at the greek diner we visited last Thursday. ‘s been going for five minutes or so,” she added unbothered.
Spoiler jumped through the open window of the diner with a graceful roll, glitter bombs at hand. Hoopoe and Signal came inside right after her.
“Spoiler alert!” purple girl yelled, throwing two bombs at robbers heads and kicking third one in the ribs.
Dani decided  that she liked Spoiler right then and there as she threw her own brand new, orange(!) glitter bombs at remaining criminal.
Three of them were running through the city mostly uninterrupted after diner mishap. Steph tried to engage Dani in quip battle but younger girl for once wasn’t jumping on occasion. She kept close to Duke and his only reaction was smug smile in Spoiler’s direction. That’s what she got for trying to steal his sidekick.
“Oh!” Dani exclaimed delighted, stopping abruptly, a smile that spoke trouble gracing her face.
“No, we’re not busting Joker’s scheme by jumping into the meeting to beat them all up without proper back up, again, Hoopoe. They had guns, Hoopoe.”
“Wha- Wasn’t last time enough? Anyway, I heard there is fan meeting with Martian Manhunter in Los Angeles tomorrow,” Great, so no giving him heart attack right now. Thank God for that.
“Shame he won’t make it, huh?” Steph mussed “He is in Illinois right now, isn’t he? It would take him two days driving to even get there”
Dani’s expression looked thoughtful “It’s quite far”
“Yeah, around… 2,500 miles from here”
“What got you thinking kid?” she inquired, ruffling her hair.
“Not a kid and I thought- there is kidnapping at three!” Dani darted in that direction before finishing sentence. Duke jumped right after her slightly scared. She was not ready to handle stuff like that without back up and she would try if he let her run of like that.
Steph: I'm meeting my almost niece tomorrow what should I- *gives a gremlin child an ultimate weapon of chaos*
Sometime before this part:
Steph: So, how is your kid?
Duke: She is not my kid!
Duke: By the way, wanna see video I saved of her doing proper side kick for the first time?
Danielle "looks like 10 years old is 10 months max" Phantom: I am in fact much higher than most kids my age
Duke "whoever is feeding this tiny child does bad job at it" Thomas & Stephanie "it's just a lil baby" Brown: Yeah... sure...
Next part
"Tag list" (i haven't expected to ever make it)
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channelinglament · 2 years
Eyyy Happy birthday to me <3
Let's pretend that you share birthday with me if it's not your bday today
if you do share it with me, then happy birthday to you too!<33
This is a small birthday special...blurb? Idk
All the gifs were made by @hitechlatte
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Probably was preparing for it for a whole 2 weeks
He got you a gift card, a gift (I think he tried cooking for you but failed and endned up buying you a teddy bear), your fave flowers and of course - Himself.
By that I mean he literally follows you around doing anything with you.
You two probably went to park (or Todd if you like animals/puppies) and lost the track of time. He didn't really let you walk btw
it's your day, whether you celebrate it or not, he's here to make it better <3
It's your special day after all
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I feel like he had a whole plan for the day since first knowing when your bday was.
I think he didn't really sleep
He made Mikey cook, bought you something cool and weird, probably made something himself! Portales you somewhere nowhere, had adventure with you, congratulated you two surviving it, dedicated a whole poem for you and ofcourse- Pizza
He made you a pizza, giant one
Probably made your favorite or just mashed whatever you like to eat together even though it may not go together well
Anything else, like cake - made by Mikey
You too had a crazy day
If you prefer quiet peaceful days, then you two watched shows/played whatever you like to play/ doing your hobby, eating your favorite food, and just enjoyed each other's company.
Basically his gift to you was this amazing memory of this day ☆
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Same as Leo-
Made you a robot similar to Shelldon, now you have two have 2 kids
Ordered your favorite food
You two played video games! And watched some cool or awful sows to diss on them and laugh at how bad it is.
I also think he asked you what you want and bough you it?
Two words: Lazer tag (?)
You know, like the one where April met Sunita. I think it's called Lazer tag, if not then sorry :")
He wore his purple Hoodia and went playing
You won.
You spent a lot of time together, just chatting and making yourself superior lmao
Best birthday ever lmao (I like winning-)
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My goodness, he probably is the best when it comes to birthdays-
He cooks all, and I mean ALL your favorite dishes/foods
It doesn't matter that don't go together, you like it? That's all that matters
You can eat ice cream and cake and then pizza and then goulash and etc lmao
You probably visited your favorite places, did your hobbies together (if you're an artist too, you were both doing whatever art you're in for! Or all-)
He probably made you a painting-
I hc that he has a camera memory so he could draw you without you being nearby
That's his gift
One of them-
He probably also made you the "love you like a candy note"
Uhh idk how it's called, but I call it that way-
Basically a journal that compliments you and has a candy attached to you
"You're my only choice, unlike twix" "You don't need snickers to be yourself" "Let's get these bounties done" (yes genshin since it's my birthday and it doesn't matter that I play it rarely)
Probably even sang your fave songs along with you (or himself if you don't like singing)
You two definitely had a slumber party
Fairy Lights, Throw Pillows, Matching Robes, Snacks, Drinks, you name it
You drew on his shell
Fondue: Warm chocolate, fresh strawberries, and soft marshmallows
You can't tell me he won't/can't do that
Sorry if it's a bit ooc
Yet again, happy birthday to me and those who share it with me!
I wish us an amazing day, whether you celebrate it or not. Make a wish, just do it even without the cake
It should work because of the "birthday magic"
Never worked for me, but I like to say it does? It works on any other day for some reason
I am sending you a virtual hug
Here, have some love, 'cuz you're epic ✨️🩵❤🧡💜
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charmixpower · 1 year
Responding to stuff, let's goooo
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"Just Stella being Stella who didn't like the witches simply because she's a fairy." Literally everyone the Winx come into contact with dislike witches, including other witches who don't trust each other and view each other as competition to fight with
Like Griffin says in the show and in the comics that Witches should trust no one especially each other, and further, in the comics she out right states that witch magic is evil
There is a big difference between witches and fairies in Winx canon both in magic and in everything else, and it's quite mean right up until you remember that every witch in the show and comics (excluding Mirta and apparently Bittersmoke) are massive assholes who enjoy hurting people for fun like naturally???
Witch lore is fuckin WEIRD in Winx and that's why I ignore it and make up my own shit
Tho it is ok extremely funny to have a evil magic school for evil magic
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Gjejrjsoe comics Tecna wanting to pick mens minds is hilarious seeing how she gets super cranky whenever Timmy acts like himself
Being implied to be ✨🌟Bisexual🌟✨
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I don't think it's intentional sabotage either @riven-has-bomb-ass-eyelashes
I'm mad about the fact that in another instance comics Riven is written to be extremely practical minded and willing to think through all of his actions and then suddenly just doesn't do that
When I say "he knows that wouldn't work" I mean in any other comic where he isn't the one causing problems he would probably be the first one to call it stupid
Riven is the character in the comics that is constantly trying to get people to focus on missions and shit so if anyone would be aware of how dumb he's acting it's him
I wasn't dissing Riven, I was dissing the way Riven was being written. Like they changed his character to be more like show Riven just to cause conflict and do something that from comics Riven's characterization it's clear he would think is stupid
Basically what I was saying is that Riven was being ooc to his comics version. Very "he wouldn't say that" energy over here
Tho, looking now? Yeah, my wording can easily be interpreted in multiple different ways XD
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faithdevotion · 2 years
2, 3, 4, 6, 18, 19, 25, 35
2. what’s one fandom you refuse to get involved with and why?
Oh man.. there are a few I can think of 😅 especially based on previous experience because I've been here for maaany years now. I refuse to join the m.arv.el/dc one. Way too much toxicity and immaturity that only you can find on comic related fandoms. People are so immature over almost everything there, are petty over duplicates, criticize portrayals as if they were the creators of characters themselves, etc so yeah no. 🤣
3. what’s your favorite thing about your mutuals?
If I had to choose one, I'd go with how they interact with others. I love it. I love the sense of community and I think that's something that everyone should have.
4. what’s one thing that always manages to get under your skin?
Tbh... It's when I feel my muses aren't appreciated. When I've established ships and I feel I only have that excitement for them. I admit It's mostly my fault for not really talking or screaming how much I love them maybe?? but there are some things here and there that just make me feel that. Same applies when I feel I'm the only one invested on establishing connections between characters. It kills my motivation to establish them in the first place because it makes me upset.
6. what’s one thing the rpc has to realize?
As I mentioned before, I've been here for many years and I've seen things. I think the sense of community is different and way less present than years back. How people didn't take this way too seriously and made fun ooc posts and interacted with their mutuals through crack. I miss that. I think the rpc NEEDS to realize you can't have community if you don't build it. I respect if someone doesn't want to befriend their mutuals and all but: don't expect your mutuals or partners to do all the work of sending you stuff, of posting things for you, etc, etc. INTERACT. It's what this is about and no, there's no need to force it. But you want things? Then do your part. I could rant for hours about how much some things scream hypocrisy to me when it comes to it but that's a rant for another day 🤣🤣🤣
18. what’s your favorite trope?
Forbidden love. The passion, the angst... Oh man. Everything about it is fascinating to me tbh.
19. what’s the most overrated plot?
I can't really come up or think of overrated plots other than the damsel in distress ones.. So maybe those I consider to be overrated 🤣🤣😅
25. what’s the worst rule you’ve seen on tumblr?
"I won't ship this and I state my reasons here on it because that's not a ship, it's this and that." No need to diss on a ship people love on your rules man 🤣🤣🤣
35. what’s the biggest problem in the rpc?
Double standards 🙂 people expecting you to read their rules and they don't read yours, people wanting you to send them stuff but they don't, people asking you to respect their ships but they don't respect people's ships, people saying they wamt to write with you yet they don't put effort into writing with you...
I honestly miss the good old days of the rpc. And those were good, I tell you. This? Ugh.. Well, I'll leave this here 😁
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
If there s one thing I've noticed in anime fandoms, it's the utter disrespect the western half and their hate to people have chosen dynamics they like and like when people tag the dynamic of the ship, who's top and who's bottom. they're always "That doesn't matter" or "It doesn't bother me".
The way they look down on eastern fandom ship and dynamic tagging practices. its annoying because the eastern way is so much easier to use ugh…people are assholes as soon as someone else's fandom practice doesn't match theirs
Regardless of your personal stance on ship tagging, respecting the eastern fandom should always be a given.
Frankly, the only East vs. West part of this is non-anime fans assuming this is an anime fandom thing and dissing it on that basis.
Lots of people from ye olde slash zine fandoms cared and care a lot about which version of a dynamic a story is. They may phrase it in terms of who's on top, or they may say a particular variant is OOC if it's the characterization they care more about than the sex part.
And on the Eastern side, a Korean friend of mine was saying she fell out of BL fandom because it was all too top/bottom and she's just not into that. I've encountered plenty of works for Asian fandoms where it was clear the tagger either didn't understand that name order mattered or just had to pick something but wasn't especially interested in that aspect of the ship.
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oriigirii · 3 years
💞 MC is a Genshin Simp 💞
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{ AN: Omg! This is my first ask so thank you anon (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)/!! This is such a vibe too haha, I hope you like it! } Warnings: None [Maybe Refs and Chars you wont get if you dont play Genshin Impact] * Probably a bit OOC too *
Reader: Gender-Neutral [Default]
( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
< Genshin Impact was a game that took the human realm by storm, with its open-world gameplay, its competitive PvE and aesthatic settings, it was truly something that captured you the moment the beta was announced. Although, as with any Gacha games, you weren’t only attracted to the world and its setting.
No no.
The characters were truly the main eye candy of the game. You’d been worried that when you had been sucked into Devildom, you wouldn’t be able to access the game due to, yknow, realm differences, but luckily that wasn’t the case thanks to Levi, and hence why the moment it dropped, you had been spending your life savings simping for characters on every banner.
Yknow theres handsome bois in devildom too... Theyre just kinda waiting for you to put your game down for a moment and kinda notice em ~((Φ◇Φ)‡ >
ฅ⁽͑ ˚̀ ˙̭ ˚́ ⁾̉ฅ Lucifer
He usually doesn’t mind you playing games
Although, He would’ve preferred if you didn’t cause you kinda need to focus on your studies yknow?
But hey he’s not stopping you
Usually you would stay with him as he works, but he can’t seem to focus with you constantly begging beside him
Small little ‘please’ would be heard every now and then, and a sudden look of disappointment would show on your face.
He tried to ignore it, even giving little cues for you to quiet down, like clearing his throat
You didnt seem to pick up the hint though
He was just about to ask you what you were doing in the first place that has you praying beside him (which is hella rude) but your scream of happiness has him a little more irked and kinda taken back
You show him the screen showing your pull results
The character held a giant claymore with bright red hair
Before he can get another word in, you snatch your phone back and just sigh as if youd just had a heavenly (ironic) experience and mumble
“I seriously love him, Im so happy...”
Bro same though, Diluc pls come home
You were truly one of a kind, because youve just managed to break the Avatar of Pride’s... well.... Pride.
Did he just get cucked by a man in a video game?
Truly outrageous.
He seems to scoff and holds back a bit of an eye roll as he tries to focus back on his work
But boy oh boy, his salt is high
“If you are going to be causing a ruckus MC, May i suggest you doing it with Levi instead, I have no time for such games. I dont see why youre so caught up in such a character anyways, he looks quite basic.”
His words were sharp, and that was enough to shake you out of your fangirl/boy mode.
You were literally ready to fight the first born, a literal fucking fallen angel, for dissing Diluc like that
how dare
But then you notice how he seems to avoid your gaze and a small little red tint was on the tip of his ears.
Lucifer wouldve wanted to see you that happy with him, but no, a game character steals that spotlight.
Instead of being intimidated by the sudden coldness, you giggle and finally close your phone and set it aside
You can continue celebrating and bragging about it later, for now, you wrap your arms around his arm and give him a small smooch on the cheek, which definitely makes him blush a tad bit
“Awww Luci dont be like that, Yknow I love you more”
Potential apocalypse has been diverted
But Lucifer does smile the smallest of smiles as he sighs, finding it silly to really get jealous over such a small thing and says
“I love you too, my dear... but you do have to make up for distracting me from my work...”
Well you kinda deserve it, so it wasnt long before both his work and your phone had been ditched
( After a while you do kinda see him quite similar to Diluc and it just makes you smile everytime you think about it, seems you have a thing for the strict cold men huh?)
Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) Mammon
Why you simping for a fictional character when you already have him?!
He’s your first man!
Your homie!
“Yeah well hes my first 5* so can you blame me?”
But for real, this man is just so clingy
He has heard from Levi that you were playing a new game from the human world, and of course, he had wanted to see what it was about by watching you play.
But since it was quite grind-heavy gacha game, he grew a bit bored and asked you to come with him to hang out somewhere else, or even go to the casino and gamble his money away cause he just got goldie back
But no matter what he suggests, you were just so focused on your grinding.
He’d prefer a different kinda grinding right about now with how lonely he is, ya feel me?
But no, you still werent interested.
“Oi! Cmon MC, whats even so important about this?”
“I already told you Mammon, Im grinding for primogems from the event! Theyre gonna be gone soon and I just HAVE to get them! Ugh I swear to Diavolo, if I dont, Imma cry! I didnt get him on their first banner too... ugh!”
Wait no--
Cmon he doesnt want you to cry!
Mammon kinda stays silent for a bit as he watches you struggle to fight the monsters with your low level team, frustration growing on your face.
But as you finish, Mammon seems to snatch your phone
“Hey! whats the big deal Mammon?!”
“Shut up and show me where the store is geez”
Mammon’s demands kinda surprises you and you raise an eyebrow at him, but you do show where it was, and sit back for a while as Mammon just fiddles around with it. You werent sure what he was doing honestly, was he interested? Did you say anything that made him act this way? All you talked about the game was the gacha system so--
“Mammon! Wait you dont have to---”
“There! I got you as much primo things, or whatever theyre called”
He already has tossed you your phone back and he crossed his arms, looking away as the red blush covers most of his cheeks.
You look at your phone and you honestly felt your heart speed up and stop at the same time at the amount of primos on your account, it was enough for a full 180 pull! If you dont get the limited character on the first 50-50, you have another shot!
You felt your own heart speed up and your face burn so hard, but you do mumble him a quick “But... But why though?”
“Cuz! If you start cryin’ Lucifer’s gonna beat my ass! Dont think I did it for you, you human! I just dont want him taking away Goldie again!”
“But I thought this was your gambling money, isnt it?”
“w-well!... I mean... Hmph.. Gachas kinda like gambling right?, I know Lucifers gonna hang me if he catches me in the casino again anyways, so I thought I might as well just do this... with you...or whatever...” Hes dying, help
But so are you!
Hes too fucking cute and you just glomp him and just hug him as tight as you can!!
Flusterred boi 100
But you do spend you afternoon on his lap, both of you rolling the full 180 in excitement, whether you get that boi/gal you simped for on the banner or not, you still were happy to spend some time with Mammon
He doesnt mind losing a bit of cash for you
but you do promise to pay him back (maybe with a few kissy)
But to be honest, Gacha probably will help him with his gambling addiction...
He doesnt go to casinos anymore but he does whale with you now
Lucifer has such a mix feeling with these results.
But he still confiscates Goldie and your card on the end, yall need to chill.
ヽ(。_°)ノ Leviathan
He probably wasn’t even interested on the game at first
He already has enough games to play, and it just looks like another rip off of some other game he saw not too long ago with that elf looking guy
But when you came to him asking for his help to get the game, you bet your ass that he felt a switch click
Suddenly it was incredibly interesting!
You do share your interests to him almost immediately
By interests, of course i mean the peeps you simp for
The sexy ara ara in the library of mondstat, the pirate looking ass of the guards, the pirate looking ass’s brother thats a wine owner and still highkey reminds you of Lucifer, the demon slayer--- You were actually unsure if you should talk about Xiao but hey hes cool
You explain it all!
From their lore to their voice lines and whatever
But honestly what do you expect from the Avatar of Envy?
Of course hes gonna be a bit jealous! He cant compare to any of these characters! Hes not as witty as that eye patch man, hes not as sophisticated as that red head, hes not as flirty as that ara ara either!
As you go on, you notice that Levi was kinda... half listening....
It made you pout, but then, it made you worried
Uh-oh you know that look
its that, ‘im overthinking’ look
So to snap him out of it, you kinda grab his face as gently as you can
“Need Grimm for your thoughts?”
He flushes and he immediately looks away, but you usher him to look at you as you coo and ask him whats wrong
It takes a bit till he kinda explains to you how hes feeling
In your relationship, you both were practicing being more open with each other, hence why you were proud of Levi for saying it
but you did feel kinda sad and frowned as he finishes explaining
“You... feel jealous?”
“Ugh d-dont say it out loud normie....”
He covers his face with his arm and you just cant help but shake your head with a fond smile, but you do need to address this and comfort him.
“Levi... when you fanboy about Ruri chan, did you ever think she was better than me?”
Your question made him frown and look at you in absolute worry
Did you actually think that you were below Ruri chan?
Of course hes an absolute simp for Ruri but.. cmon
Now that he thinks about it, he does talk about her a lot doesnt he? oh no...
“MC O-Of course not! I love Ruri chan yes, but you... I... I Love... you more...” Levi exe do be dying
But you smile at his response and gently kisses his cheek
“I think thats sweet Levi... But thats how I am too... Youre still better than any of these characters, youre real and they arent, youre mine and I am yours~ Youre my personal 5 star!” You wink at him and Levi just dips
his heart couldnt handle the cuteness and he died, ladies and gentlemen
but for real he did pass out
Must be from all the blood on his head from the blush
But ah, he does get it, and after being showered with love from you, He kinda slowly got over his jealousy
its not immediate but with simple reassurances, you can manage to reel him in and have fun with you
He does end up enjoying the game cause he gets to spend time with you, and he gets to show off when events happen 
He also goes out of his way to memorize locations for materials for you, and when youre sick or busy, he pilots your account
true gamer
But ironically enough hed probably start simping for a character too and of course, you both start bonding over that, which just makes Levi absolutely happy
I wonder if hed simp for Barbara, she is an idol afterall like Ruri chan
Probably lowkey for now
Afterall she looks like a minor so-----
( I dunno i searched shes 16-18 lol )
But regardless, I can imagine you both just cosplaying each others fav characters too
Its a wack looking ship cosplay but yall just simp for each other cause of it, its pretty fun but the rest of the brothers just finds it hella weird
I only have energy for these 3 as always, Im sorry! But i promise Ill do the rest!! I hope you guys do enjoy, and Id love some feedback on the characters personalities cause I know they can be a bit Ooc, But feel free to send me an ask! Im pretty open lol 〜( ̄△ ̄〜)
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j10kkuno · 3 years
Tonight has been so much but long story short Mickey is Romeo and Yuno is Juliet. CG and CB has beef. And all the guys(Yuno, Lang, CG) had a top tier RP session so seriously, props to them. But extra shoutout to Blau, absolutely one of his best GTA streams.
So, apparently Chang Gang and Clean Bois have some smaller beef with each other but it's not terribly bad. Like, Mickey still felt comfortable enough to do a silly fleeca with Yuno. But I guess the lore is a few months ago a Wu Chang artist dissed CB and now CB finally retaliated or something so K beat up two of Lang's employees. Also Denzel is going to reject Randy's business proposal due to past drama which I see as BS since I feel like as mayor he should be objective but also realistic because IRL mayors are bought out by gangs and puppet leaders so it sucks because Rated has put so much work into his idea. So small drama but nothing too major.
But Yuno is Yuno. Most of the CG guys are soft for him, so he's the exception. When Yuno invited Lang and Nino, that's when Mickey was like "CG's going to kill me." Yuno ran into K while planning, told him, he didn't seem thrilled but allowed it and the heist was fun. I missed the heist but clips was so much fun. Lang and Mickey purposefully was trolling Yuno during the hack and throwing out random shapes to distract him(Btw, earlier Ramee did a fleeca while on the phone with Marlo about GNE, we love top 2 hackers in the city doing hard mode hacks) and then they did a regular BMX bike plan and they had some fun cops on. Baas, Koil(Not sure if I see him as a *fun* cop but he appreciates the switch up from the normal plan), and... Cornwood! Cornwood was back in the city today for the first time in months! I knew Esfand was planning on coming back since he was in Ramee's chat and mentioned it two weeks ago ish but it was good to see Cornwood.
Everyone but Nino got caught, Mickey because he went back to try to save Yuno and had an officer at gun point for a trade off but they had Baas dress up as Yuno(Which was so much fun). Afterwards, they ran into CG at the apartments and I thought of it as a custody handoff of Mickey but it was just Yuno so it was cool and he kept saying Ramee looked good in his hoodie. The two gangs parted, Yuno did CB stuff and Mickey got interrogated. Ramee, that SBS idiot, hit him or shot him thinking he had armor and killed him. In the end, Mickey had gang leader's orders. Stab Yuno.
So, Sykkuno was trying to get to his apartment to end stream when CG rolled up on him and Mickey took him over to a shady overpass aand tried to have a private conversation with him, but Randy, Ramee, and K was lurking(Which was SO funny, Randy was insisting he was just gardening which K was just lying on the ground). Eventually, Mickey whispered that he had to stab Yuno so Yuno did the pass out emote and screamed about how Mickey tried to stab him.
Ramee and Randy were both quick to shoot to kill Mickey to protect their boy and in the end CG threw Mickey out of a plane for not actually stabbing Yuno. Then he tried to play Valo with Rated, but Valo insisted he needed to do a restart.
But no, it was a great night and Blau did amazing. All IC, everyone apparently had a ton of fun OOC. Chat, Yuno, and Lang were all trying to convince Mickey go to CB, but he'll likely stay with CG. This is what conflict RP should be. Fun, creative RP nights with your friends that has everyone laughing and throwing plot twists. Screw twitter and chat causing drama and shading people(My twitter feed has been pretty anti Ramee the past couple days and somewhat anti CG and it's just like. Why? I woke up to so much drama and shade this morning due to a Koil clip. Also learn IC vs OOC personalities)
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phaltu · 3 years
zan, i wanted to ask you something - and i hope you don't mind the lengthy ask, but i'm gonna split this into two (or three). i wanted to ask you this because you are one of my favorite writers in danmei, and i wanted to get your two cents on this. so. if there's one thing that i've noticed in danmei fandom, it's that there seems to be two groups of ppl - i'll call them A & B. A are those who don't necessarily create, who are more there to rlly digest and meta the texts. if they do create 1/
- then they're most likely to be canon compliant, e.g. following mxtx's rules of no switching, no separating. B is what i would call the transformative one, who aren't rlly canon compliant and who break those "rules", so they switch up dynamics or separate the main cp. personally i'm not inclined to switch or separate, but even so, if it's not done because bottoming is seen as "weak", which is another thing altogether, then i think it's all good? and my ask is - 2/
- i've seen ppl in group A diss ppl in group B, calling them stupid for shipping character a of main cp with side character b (regardless of whether or not they want that ship to be canon, which is not usually the case), and even outright saying that ao3 sucks (which is okay, warranted, giving that ao3 lacks in the blocking/reporting feature), but generally i'm just a little.. surprised because i come from fandoms where practices in group B were the norm, ppl would go ham with canon 3/
- and altho both groups are not mutually exclusive, you can have someone who is very canon compliant in their own fics but reads more transformative works, i just. i guess i'm confused (and paranoid) because i don't know what should be, or is the right "approach" re: fandom. on the one hand, i like canon compliant, and do write canon compliant, but on the other, i would also like the wiggle room to create freely. i don't want to be cancelled by group A for having OOC characterization 4/
or get called out for "writing OCs with the characters' faces just pasted onto them". and i know, i get the irony, why am i, a fully grown-adult (ha!) so concerned abt what other ppl on the internet think abt me and my whims? a few years back i was worried i wasn't wild enough with my fics, because i was very canon-compliant, and a few years later i'm worried i'm not canon enough. just - may i ask what is your approach to fandom, in general and in danmei? i know i said only 2-3 asks but ;_; end/
Honestly I think it's all about who you follow! I follow a wide variety of folks and funnily enough, people I mutual'd from one danmei are rigid with canon and people I mutualed from others are WAY more open to being like group B. Both have their pros and cons-- the former, I have to end up seeing ships and concepts and pairings I loathe untagged, and with the latter, I can't run blockchain on their insane friends that rant like they and the author because then I'll accidentally block people I actually like talking with.
anyways my approach in fandom has really...always been to just do my own thing. compared to how I was when I participated in Voltron, I don't really get involved in discussions about characterizations and meta and critical analysis or what not. First, because I like to put that energy towards writing personally, and while others get joy out of it, I don't particularly personally, and second, I pretty much have only 2, 3 friends I talk about the danmei I consume with when it comes to actual headcanons because we're on the same page when it comes to how we interpret texts, so it's fun.
I love making things for fandom and I like consuming things and I love fandom community that way. I love the what-ifs and the horny ideas and what not. But critical analysis and head canons and meta in general is just not my shtick. anything i have to say about the character, i say it through fic which brings me to my last part in this rambling answer which is that as long as the fic feels right to me, it's going to go up.
I've written some OOC stuff myself but as long as you have the confidence in what you're writing, people are going to be really forgiving. Sometimes when I doubt myself, I think about all the people tweeting wildly incorrect meta with their whole chest talking about how you need reading comprehension if you don't see it their way, and channel the same inner confidence, as misguided as theirs may be.
if someone was to rip me for my characterizations I'd feel hurt for sure but I don't pre-emptively think about it when I'm posting something. If I do, it's kind of a "well if it sucks it sucks I guess" which is part in due to me just getting slapped so much irl that fandom is low on the list of things to spend time having a crisis about
also if you're following anyone that says ao3 sucks just unfollow them. mute them. get rid of them. if they're mutuals mute them. so many mutuals have to cycle through the mute bin for my own sanity and in some cases, our friendship
ANYWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSS long rant over just post that fic!! do it!!!
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proschemata · 2 years
v sorry for the inactivity, uni has been kicking my Ass!!! i’m going out to watch the new black panther 2nite and hopefully can crack on w some replies soon <3
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natsumiheart · 4 years
I just wanna say how tired I am with some oumota shippers and their argument that oumasai is a bad ship cause apparently Shuichi never cared about kokichi and is annoyed with him and that oumota is better cause kokichi "opened up" to kaito like what they both were dying and kokichi had to convince kaito to work with him so he had to tell the truth that he wasn't the mastermind or else they'll die a meaningless death.I just really wanted to say this cause its driving me insane
Anonymous said:
Btw i was the anon that sent that ask ranting about oumota shippers saying oumota is better than oumasai and I just wanna clarify that I don't hate oumota shippers cause I know its their opinion and everyone can ship what they want but i feel like I really needed to tell someone about it cause it has been messing with my head and I don't have any irl friends that like DR and this blog felt the safest to vent to
Oh my goodness I’m so sorry you’re dealing with those people! I have a friend who is actually suffering from the same exact thing. Constant harassment from Ou**ta shippers saying Oumasai is toxic. I’m happy you feel like this is the safest blog to vent to ;; And just to make you feel better, here are a bunch of reasons why YOU’RE 100% RIGHT! and you shouldn’t be attacked or ashamed of how you feel towards that ship and all that hate towards yours. If anyone says Shuichi hated Kokichi and never cared for him just read this post! https://natsumiheart.tumblr.com/post/177427505177/hewwo-what-are-your-opinions-on-the-people-who
Warning: If you like Kaito x Kokichi I recommend you don’t read what’s under the cut, I don’t want to diss anyone’s ship in front of their face. That’s just insensitive, and the last thing I want is to ruin someone’s day. Unless you really want to know why others don’t feel the same as you, then don’t check out this post. Thank you!
Note that while I mention the bunch of reasons why this ship just straight up wouldn’t work out, I’m going to ignore the fact that Kaito acts very homophobic and transphobic in the japanese version of the game. I’ve mentioned it in this blog a bunch of times before, and it’s pretty obvious that everyone ignores his Homophobia so I’m just going to pretend as if he’s not homophobic and break down why exactly this ship wouldn’t work out even without him being homophobic in the first place. But I’m definitely not going to exclude how he acts towards guys in general.
> Kaito treats most guys he meets like trash, unless he respects them. Whenever Kaito finds a guy acting “Weak” he literally looks down on them, even gets frustrated with them. Huge proof is how he treated Shuichi for crying over Kaede, and then later punching Kokichi because he was acting “Weird”. Kaito was a huge fan of Ryoma, but when he saw what he has become, someone who has given up on his future, he started treating him badly, and after Ryoma was dead he even talked badly on him calling him “Weak.” and a “Sissy.” Not being able to understand the pain Ryoma was going through or how things were for him. He also got creeped out by Korekiyo for acting like a girl before he even revealed that he was “posessed” by his sister. Aren’t all those moments in the game enough proof that Kaito just straight up doesn’t like guys at all in that way? Then how could he *love* a guy, and Kokichi of all people. Heck, Gonta x Kaito make more sense than Kaito x Kokichi, even though he yelled at Gonta once for crying and being too weak for a man.
It’s shown multiple times in the game that Kaito treats guys like trash, and he treats Kokichi the worst of all.
Note: I do think Kaito can change the way he acts towards guys, but I don’t he will ever love one romantically.
> I think we can all agree that Kokichi is really hard to deal with sometimes. He distances himself so much from everyone as much as he could, and he won’t back down that easily even if it meant hurting others’ feelings. He keeps lying constantly so no one can figure him out or get close to him. We don’t exactly know the reason why, but he has major trust issues and it shows.That is the reason why for us, seeing Shuichi listed under “Trustworthy” was a big deal. (But I’m not going to dive deep into that since I already did multiple times in this blog.) My point here is that Kokichi needs someone with patience, someone who could understand him a bit and why he does what he does. Someone to decipher his actions and break down his walls, but isn’t afraid to sometimes step his foot down and tell him that his actions are wrong and he’s harming others as well as himself. Kaito on the other hand grows frustrated with guys so quickly, he doesn’t listen to their reasoning before heading in for physical violence. THAT is exactly the opposite of what Kokichi needs! And I still don’t understand how others can’t see it! When Kaito punched Kokichi in chapter 4, he was already in so much despair over seeing the secret of the outside world and that punch made it worse. To the point he stayed silent then locked himself in his room. How in the world do people actually see this ship as better than oumasai? I don’t get it.
Kokichi shouldn’t be with someone that will treat him like trash, and physically (if not also emotionally) harm him for how he’s acting.
> Opposites sometimes attract, but POLAR opposites do not. and I’m talking from personal experience here, two people who are different in so many ways (ESPECIALLY THEIR WAY OF THINKING) will end up fighting 24/7. It was shown again and again in the game that Kokichi and Kaito do not get along thanks to how different their approach is to things and their seemingly different upbringings. Ships between two characters who fight a lot just make me so uncomfortable and disturbed, because I know how these relationships actually end up in real life. Fights do happen in relationships sometimes, it’s even needed to strengthen the relationship, to realise that no matter what happens you STILL love your partner, but when you fight every single time you talk? That’s a bad sign! 
Fighting is NOT romantic and it never will be! And when it has physical violence mixed in? My god. Please do yourself a favor and break up with your partner if they keep hitting you.
> Kaito doesn’t ever side with Kokichi:
He literally said in chapter 4 “I don’t wanna survive it means I have to stoop to your level!” and Kokichi said “Then die in a hole for all I care! WE wanna LIVE, so stop getting in our way!”. Kaito will never be on Kokichi’s side, Even if it meant his death and the deaths of all his friends.
When Kaito realised that maybe watching all the motive videos together would’ve prevented a murder from happening Shuichi is the one that points out that it was what Kokichi was trying to do. But then Kaito is like “Huh, really?” Then brushes it off. Because of course, of course Kokichi wants murders to continue. Right?
Even after Kokichi spilled everything to him because he was literally about to die and really wanted Kaito to go along with his plan and believe him. Kaito still stated that he still thought he only thought of himself. Even after Kokichi sacrificed himself to save HIM from the poison and MAKI from being his murderer. He still hated him and didn’t believe him. The only reason Kaito went along with his plan was because he was about to die anyway, he was running out of time and he needed to get out even if it meant following Kokichi’s plan and killing him in the process.
When two people actually love each other they have each others backs. But with these two, they never will.
> I don’t believe Kokichi hated Kaito. But he literally thinks he is stupid and is a bad influence on everyone. These two have a relationship of two siblings that can’t stand each other. I always see myself and my brother in them, which is another reason why their ship makes me beyond uncomfortable. My brother puts his trust in people way too easily, and believes whatever tf his brain comes up with because y’know it’s him and “he’s always right”. He would never take a second to think that maybe he’s wrong, just like Kaito and his hunch. I on the other hand find him incredibly stupid, we argue a lot because our way of thinking and our beliefs are very different, we even used to hit each other a lot. We never really got along. And the way Kokichi and Kaito act around each other really reminded me of it, but you don’t know me and you don’t know my brother so why should you take my word for it? An example I like to use when trying to explain this point to others is the relationship between Stanley and Stanford in Gravity Falls, those two fought a lot in the show but in the last episode they had to work together on a plan despite their differences. Doesn’t it remind you of a certain story that happened in the game? Kokichi and Kaito’s relationship resembles theirs so much it’s insane. 
I feel like the game tried to show us how these two are more like siblings but on bad terms, even giving them similar hair and eye colors. But that flew straight over every rivalry shipper’s head.
These are some of the reasons why Ou**ta wouldn’t work out and can’t even be a thing in the first place, I said it before and I’ll say it again: I could write a book about this topic. But I’m kinda busy today and I have to leave the house soon- I hope you’re convinced that you are actually right. (I’ve been told countless times that I’m wrong leading me to question myself, so I wanted to help out by reassuring you that your feelings are valid and you’re not wrong in this situation at all) Saying Oumasai is toxic for one line Shuichi said while he was angry and defending his friend, while shipping Ou**ta and ignoring all this stuff is like the most hypocritical thing anyone can say. 
And yeah, people should ship whatever they want. Lots of people ignore characters’ feelings and ship the crackiest of ships, making very OOC art and fanfiction. And they can do that! But they can’t go around dissing people for their ship while supporting an obviously flawed one. Honestly you shouldn’t attack people for their ships in the first place, no matter what YOU ship. Just stay in your own bubble and stay away from the ships you dislike. It’s not that hard!
If you’re an Ou**ta fan reading this, I just want to say thank you for reading this far, and I’m really not saying you should stop supporting your ship. I’m just explaining why we feel this way towards it and the evidence we have behind it. If you’re one of the people who go around attacking shippers while boasting your ship. Please stop? Seriously, stop giving a shit about other people’s opinions and life will suddenly become much easier.
I’d like to clarify: If anyone responds to this post telling me I’m wrong, I’m not responding. My blog is for me to post art, sometimes funny stuff to make people’s days, interact with my followers and draw their requests, or ranting about topics I’m passionate about (Mostly DR). I do not want it to be a place for ship discourse, so if I get disagreeing replies or asks I’m going to ignore them like I always do whenever I post these rant type blogs. I hope you understand.
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lantern-hill · 4 years
i feel like some of y’all don’t realize that making fun of straight/white/cishet people is supposed to be done in context. like those jokes and statements are meant to be made in retaliation or critique of a certain type of priviledged behaviour from those groups. i see a lot of rlly young people who don’t know the context of these jokes making them and y’all need to reevaluate. 
ppl don’t make those jokes bc “it’s funny to make fun of those groups and they deserve it,” that’s a dangerous attitude to take. those jokes are specifically made to critique White Priviledged Perspectives, compulsory heterosexuality, etc. 
young people see these jokes that people make in context and they catch on and start doing the same thing, except without the context and it’s not good, y’all. things like “can white people shut up” “can straight people shut up” are meant to be used when someone is being obnoxious about their privilege or obtuse about someone else’s lack of privilege. 
and yet i sometimes see that attitude bleeding into things that have nothing to do with that privilege context. it’s annoying, it’s wrong and it should stop. as a WOC who is cishet, i see both sides of this, the sides of the minority and that of the majority, and it’s not good. 
it creates an “us and them” approach, it alienates allies, and while i agree and know that allyship should not be conditional to an oppressed group being nice to allies, of course i do, i also would never alienate a white or male ally like that. don’t get me wrong, i enjoy the occasional in-context chuckle at men or white people, but not out of context, and not constantly. 
“us and them” approaches are so dangerous and so discordant with intersectionality- constantly making ooc (out of context) jokes about straight people works against bipoc straight, trans straights; ooc jokes about white people work against lgbtq+ and otherly disadvantaged white people; etc, etc. dissing m/f relationships works against bi and pan people, etc, etc. 
a good example is “men are trash.” This is an acceptable statement in the context that it is often used in, which is against the patriarchy, against widespread misogyny, etc. however, actually just saying “men are trash” without the attached context is bad. a 12-year-old who sees people making “men are trash” jokes on the internet will probably not understand the history and context behind this. they will just think “men are trash” and not know and probably not question why, and that hurts lgbtq+ men, it hurts male victims of assault, and fuck it it hurts straight white cis boys too. 
although it’s important for minorities to be able to make these in-context jokes without being burned at the stake, it’s also important for majority kids growing up to see that there is a way to be good. yes, i know that minority kids also need to see this. that’s a different issue. 
a white kid who grows up seeing white person jokes without knowing context is either going to start hating the people who make these jokes or hating themselves, and both are not good!
i’m not saying that people should be congratulated for being allies or for not being shitty majority people, and i’m not saying reverse racism or heterophobia is real, they aren’t, but i do think a lot of y’all need to cool it a little bit with the majority jokes.
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thehollowprince · 4 years
1/2 complete fabrications made up by fanon to make a character same more likeable or relatable or to simply usurp Scott’s role as the titular hero, the Teen Wolf // Unlike Scott Stans, Stiles & Derek fans don’t need to erase canon or rewrite our favs as a completely different characters than they are in the actual show in order to make them more likable or relatable: they already are. So much that even ur whiny, bitter, OBSESSED fav Posey keeps gushing all over Stiles and Dylan O’Brien’s acting
2/2 completely unprompted and openly admitted that he wanted to play Derek because he was jealous of Sterek/Hobrien and desperately wanted Teen Wolf fans to ship Stiles with HIS character Scott instead. So yeah: if you think that Teen Wolf fans and viewers are ‘racist’ for preferring objectively talented actors and unique fictional characters to your bland, whiny, boring, toxic, irrelevant fav Tyler Posey/Scott McCall, then Tyler Posey must be the racist of them all. 🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽
I worry about you, I really do. It can't be healthy for your mind to be this obsessed with how other people view 1: a fiction character, and 2: an actor you've never met and probably will never meet.
Like, are you okay? Seriously?
Because if you actually watched the show there's no way you can write all of those things and not understand how racist your being by going out of your way to remove any kind of context just so that you can paint the brown boy as a horrible, evil person. A brown boy you later go on to describe as bland and boring. I mean, which is it? He's either evil or he's boring? I'm getting mixed signals here.
I mean, the very thought that Stiles and Derek fans don't erase canon and rewrite it to makes them look better is so laughable that I'm actually kind of nauseous. I really do wonder what fandom you interacted with, because it wasn't the Teen Wolf fandom that I saw on Tumblr.
Tyler liking Dylan's acting isn't news to anyone. They were best friends both on screen and off. Do you not support your friends?
Althoughthat does bring us to the weird part of these asks. I'm seriously confused as to where and why Hoechlin and O'Brien came into this "conversation"? I never mentioned them. But this all just goes to further prove that you seem to have this mindset that if anyone likes Scott/Posey, then obviously they must hate Stiles/O'Brien and Derek/Hoechlin. That's not how that works. I can like Tyler Posey and Scott McCall without it reflecting negatively on the other two.
You do understand that, right? Please tell me you understand that?
I actually really like Hoechlin, and since we're speaking objectively, I can say with all honesty that I don't think that O'Brien is all that and a bag of potato chips the way some of you do.
As for all your other bullshit, please supply me with links to where Posey said all this stuff about wanting to play Derek and get in on Sterek, because I don't remember anything like that happening. I remember him dissing Sterek (in a way too polite for some of you) because he got tired of being constantly harassed by fans over a crack ship.
But we've already gone round and round on that one, so well just slide right past that and address your accusations against Scott's character.
We recognize that it was extremely OOC for Scott to do so we turn to canon to try and find some reasoning behind that move within the context of the story. Otherwise, such an incident doesn’t make any sense / Scott assaulting someone out of jealousy is neither OOC nor an isolated accident, though. Canon Scott McCall repeatedly assaulted Jackson over Allison, violated a rape victim’s boundaries, bodily autonomy and consent, mind-raped Corey, used Hayden as bait against without her consent, etc...
Scott threw down with Jackson when the latter was physically/sexually assaulting Allison at the time. Or did you block that out of your mind? Yes, it was actually what's-his-name that was controlling Jackson, but Scott didn't know who it was at the time. Should he have just let Jackson-not-Jackson continue? No, because then you'd be hear telling me how Scott did nothing while his girlfriend was assaulted.
You people really are a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". You are fully committed to twisting anything and everything Scott ever did paint him in a negative light.
I honestly don't know which "rape victim" you're referring to, but here's a better analysis of what Scott did to Corey which is better than anything I could come up with. Full credit to @princeescaluswords
Per the Hayden thing, where was this outrage when Stiles stole a police vehicle to hold a kidnapped Jackson in? When he killed Donovan? When he illegally made copy keycards for the police station despite knowing it could cost his dad his job? The time he purposely got his father drunk so that he could find out more about a murder case that he had no right to? How about the fact that he knew Lydia's body size without ever having really talked to her before? What about him trusting Theo? What about him assaulting Scott after he had literally died?
What about Derek taking advantage of three emotionally compromised teenagers in order to build up his own strength and then pretty much abandoning them when they didn't worship him as alpha? What about him physically assaulting a bunch of teenagers more than once?
I'm not making these up. They're all there if you actually watched the show.
All of these characters have done morally questionable things throughout the course of the show to beat the bad guys, but for some reason its only the brown boy that's being held to such a ridiculously high standard.
Hmmm? I wonder why that is? 🤔
Does it explain why Scott threw Isaac? No. There is no excuse for what Scott did, but the ritual that awoke the Nemeton does offer an explanation. And see, that’s the difference between you and me, in that I understand the difference between an explanation and an excuse / Your fabricated and already debunked “the Nemeton made him do it!” crap sounds an awful lot like an excuse for Scott’s canonical shitty actions and violent behavior tbh. Even Posey said that Scott abused Isaac out of jealousy
I really don't have time to again explain to you the difference between an explanation and an excuse. I've never excused what Scott did to Isaac. It's actually one of the few times I didnt like him, which is why I looked for any reason as to explain that reaction. It's not perfect, but it is plausible.
The funniest thing about all of these to me is that you are very clearly a Sterek shipper who worships those two characters and tears down Scott in an attempt to boost them up, but in canon, Stiles and Derek were two of Scott's biggest supporters/cheerleaders. So, y'know, sleep well knowing the characters you love were big fans of a character you hate.
I mean, that's so sweet it has to be fattening.
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Skam Meeting @ Gaystatale - Part 2
In PART 1 I forgot to write that, when Pietro was asked how much of himself there is in Filippo he said that inevitabily, since he is part of LGBT portaying a gay man, there’s a bit of Pietro in Filippo.
Back to the where we left off:
- So basically the question was if Ludo thought Italy was ready for S2, and he said that yes of course, there have been LGBT characters even on Rai (Italy’s national broadcaster) 
- So Izzy (the girl interviewing Ludo and Pietro) praised how down to earth and real the language feels in Skam Italy. Ludovico was glowing as said it was the best praise he could get, because making his characters sound 17 and from Rome when he 35 and from Milan... Then he admitted that he got there, to deliver that ‘realism’ thanks to a long process that he and his crew have been taught by the Norwegian team, through interviews and meetings. Still, the realness has also been brought by the actors themselves who had room to improvise (and Bessegato downright refuses to write “ao’ “ and “daje” on his scripts) and showcased their talent (ALL of them). 
- For the Pride speech, since he is a straight man, he felt that the best solution was to simply translate from the Norwegian and then let Pietro act it out as he saw fit. 
- The only one for whom it is a bit different is Beatrice, because Sana is very far from who she is as a person, so she needs a bit more guidance and to stick to the script.
- A lot of the moments and quotes that we love the most are improvised, a part from “zozzoni” who came from Bessegato himself. 
- He concluded by saying “c’è tanto dei miei ragazzi in quello che sentite” awwwwww.... (”there a lot from/of my kids* in what you are hearing”)
*kids as in a gender neutral version of ‘guys & girls” *
- Then the clip with the Gay Test was shown, and he repeated what he had already said in Rome: he got a 2, so he had to take the test a couple of times to get a 0 and direct Fede to do the same.
- The clip was used to introduce a question about stereotypes and how much Bessegato felt the need to go against them and if he felt like he succeded.
He said that he felt like he did and it’s one of the aspects he is most careful about in Skam Italia (avoiding stereotypes) especially because all S3 by Julie Andem was about breaking the stereotypes concering two guys falling in love and how a gay guy is supposed to be.
That led him to the choice of having the coming out while the boys where playing FIFA, because it felt like the symbol of “a hetosexual friendship between two guys”... But he is aware that now and then “qualche cazzata l’avremo pure detta” (we probably ended up saying some bullshit). 
The stereotypes can be true, after all, but it’s important to show some other aspects of reality as well.
And of course Filippo (and Pietro) listen to Britney Spears ;D
- And that’s where Pietro added his bit about not fighting the stereotypes by marginalizing/hurting/insulting those who fit them. If the message you are trying to deliver is meaningful, you need to handle the way you communicate with great care or it will get lost.
A gay guy who is a effeminate or a lesbian who is a butch, for example, should be admired because they feel comfortable in their own skin and by the way who are we to judge others without knowing about their journey towards acceptance.
And what’s wrong by the way, about challenging some heteronormative macho behaviour (he used manspreading as an example: if one wants to be a decent human being and sit properly, he should, without worrying about not looking straight enough or something). No man really fits into the ‘alpha male’ stereotype, but straight men probably feel less bound to challenge it. And whilst his straight friend only cries when no one can see, in his own room, he feels free to do it in front of everyone, after spending two years crying his eyes out towards self-acceptance
- Bessegato knows how important it is for the audience to feel that the characters are relatable (then why doesn’t he get the need for rep? who knows) so, unless it’s a reality that he knows well by himself, he always speaks to people belonging to that community so that he can give a realistic picture. He referred to Sana again (which made us start wondering if he’s currently writing her season, huh ;) ?), saying how he is consulting with a Muslim friend of his.
- Pride clip, and Pietro underlined again how making it resonate so much as has been a team effort from everyone (writers, director, Federico, etc.)
- S2 has been written AFTER the 4th of March 2018, when we had the elections that would lead to the Salvini-Di Maio government. Izzy asked why they left Italian politics out of the show, he basically said it’s more important to show people something about worlds/realities they didn’t know about before, making them deep and meaniful so that people can empathize. He got loads of messages from people saying that thanks to Skam they had the courage to come out to their friends and family, that’s the kind of response he wishes for.
That’s what bringing politics into a series like Skam means to him: affect the society around you by showing and encouraging virtous behaviours (one of the reasons he decided not to change the coming out scene, though he was tempted too). Showing good people, instead of wasting time critizing the bad. 
“I want to inspire, not to destroy” . And by the way, having a character insulting Lega (Salvini’s party) doesn’t do any good: who was already against him will say ‘yeah, I think so too’ and who supports him will go like ‘oh great, now they’re insulting me’ and it will only serve to radicalize the latter.
Again he talked about Sana and how to show a true friendship between her and the girls can come to be is more important than giving a judgement about our current political situation (giving how islamophobic Italian society can be, I do agree with him that Sana’s season is going to be quite important for our country)
- Pietro stressed that in our society, the coming out IS a political act. Trans’ bodies are a political act. Our identities, our lives... Just telling our stories is  a revolutionary political act. Every day we do politics just by being true to ourselves, not choosing a way that would be more comfortable and reassuring. Which doesn’t mean you are an asshole for not coming out of the closet, though.
- I don’t really know why he digressed by complaining about how we insult him and the cast when the clips don’t come out or things were better in the og and such, but he did.
- By the way they had Filippo saying “fascisti di merda” because Rome has a big problem with neo-nazis from Casapound beating people up in Gay Street, it wasn’t a jab to the government itself.
- Effettivamente: it was really important and meaningful clip for him. He was tempted to give it a dramatic turn, with Giovanni not accepting Martino straight away. He said ‘you generally use this trick: I’m not mad about the matter itself, but about you not telling me: it’s Fiction 101.’ and that it’s the kind of conflict that would be resolved pretty soon.
(Personally: I said that when Yann went to Lucas and said “tell us what’s wrong or solve whatever it’s going on and then come back to us”  he gave me the vibe of someone who would make a coming out about themselves, not necessarily in a bad way, but more like ‘why haven’t you told me before, am I such a bad friend???’ and I could tell without watching the show, but just that one clip... because it’s the way storytelling works)
- He praised David for changing the scene. He personally hasn’t seen Skam France - all directors basically mind their own business and take care of their own remake - but he gets that after SkamOG and SkamIT it was wise to have changes and that if it worked for Yann as a character then why not? The fact that we were still talking about it on Monday afternoon meant David’s change wasn’t that bad after all, huh?
He couldn’t go through with his idea because it would have been OOC for Giovanni to react that way, given how Ludovico Tersigni fleshed him out through S1 and S2 up to this clip.
Moreover, he felt like ending ep 6 on a sad note after all that happened to Martino at the end of ep 5 and up to Effettivamente would be too much.
Like Nicholas in the bloopers he said “He saw Rocco kissing his girlfriend”, instead of ‘Niccolò’, which made us all laugh ;D
- He said that he wants every remake of S3 to be loved and appreciated, given how important it is, that we shouldn’t make it into a challenge. The Norwegian team gave them Skam so that the message of love and acceptance could reach as many people as possible and that’s what all the directors care about (they sometimes give each other advice). So he personally will never take part in any feud against and back up who disses other remakes.
- Pietro: “there isn’t a ‘right’ formula. Personally, I cried while watching this clip. I wasn’t there when they shoot it so I saw it when it came out, just like you. Because its message is about the importance of communicating: Martino gets into a fight when he doesn’t know how to express his emotions, or he can’t, but then he bravely takes that little step that opens new scenarios to him... So, do we want to tell people that they are allowed to come out to their best friend and that the worst it can happen it’s telling them to fuck off? That sometimes people, even those you would never expect to, when they see that there’s something deep there, there’s a history behind it and a feeling and when you can get those emotions across to the ones you’re speaking to, then maybe it won’t result in being beaten up?
- Then every reaction, even a negative one, is still meaningful: it gives me more info about the person I came out to. Communicating opens the door to emphathy, which is also the reason why Filippo doesn’t take it to heart when Martino says those things during the Pride clip, because he knows Martino is in the middle of his journey and sees the potential in it. It’s about showing the shades of emotions that can happen while interacting. 
- Ludovico said that we should be forgiving with Martino’s dad, since his reaction wasn’t that negative from an estranged father who doesn’t really communicate with his son. He said we shouldn’t stigmatize reactions that are not immediately 100% supportive and ideal.
Thanks Ludo, but no thanks. He might not be homophobic, but he still feel like an asshole to me.
- To him the crucial message of Skam is: people need people. Talk to them, you’ll find them more ready to listen than you’d expect. People are the solution, not the problem.
- Yes/No question to Pietro about Emma’s words to Martino in the last clip of episode 5... He said no, of course. People still care if you are gay in 2018/2019.
- How do they choose the music for Skam Italia? Well, it a lenghty and expensive (in terms of royalties) process and sometimes the songs we hear are not even their first choice but the 4th or 5th. Some of the proceedings became urban legends, like going to LA to get Britney’s approval to use one of her songs... Some are chosen by the music consultants, some are suggestions from Bessegato himself or the cast.
- Question about MI: he approached it with care, as Julie did in the original. He got some pointers from a psychiastrist on what he should modify to tell his story... He still ended up receiving a letter, recently, from an association of doctors who deal with these MI (he said ‘doctors’ not psychiatrists) telling him that he mixed elements from BPD and the bipolar disorder (and pointing out the inaccuracies of the OG as well, before someone uses this to diss on SkamiT) but that the end of the letter they thanked Skam because, apart from the inaccuracies it is good that someone talks about MIs a bit more in depth and that it doesn’t label people with MIs as ‘crazy’, people that you don’t wanna hang out with because they aren’t right in their heads but it’s rather a situation that can be dealt with, that can be managed and that have different levels of severity...
I also walked up to him later on to personally thank him about changing Nico’s MI, because after we discussed it and complained about the inaccuracies - he smiled when I said that - it led us all to get some more info and a deeper knowledge of BPD.
Okay, now that’s all X°D
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shsl-sh1ba · 5 years
my name’s fumiko and i think dogs should vote
I know I already had information on another page but I wanna do this too! it’s a lot so it’s under a read more because i’m Like That
would you know SH1BA?
oh def! she’s an ex-idol from a popular music company and the group she was in was very popular while it was active. if you’ve worked/are working in the music industry then i’m super into the idea of your oc having met fumiko during her puppy love era. just gimme a little heads up! 
the edgy shiba works with very, very few people and all are independent artists as well so it’s way more selective. if you’ve been to any of her concerts (mostly taking place in bigger cities) than you’ve maaaybe talked to her once or twice, she likes interacting with her fans. 
her social media is mostly used for posting when/where concerts will be held. but sometimes she’ll post selfies, screenshots from games she’s playing, or just whatever suits her fancy. she tries not to interact with too many people through social media since she says it feels weird.
what is known about puppy love?
it sure was a popular group! the members fumiko/shiba, otome/akita, and nana/ainu were all 14 at the start. their songs were very lighthearted and cutesy featuring dog puns for title names because they’re cute like that. fumiko was the center since their major pull was the gentle rapping she would do for their songs. 
after their initial success as a group, otome and nana started to become more popular than fumiko and often appeared in variety shows/commercials/etc with just the two of them. after the group was disbanded, otome and nana were still doing regular idol stuff while fumiko did not. their careers basically ended when the doghouse ep dropped.
it should be mentioned that in the doghouse ep, fumiko discussed how the other two would isolate her and try to push her out of the group because of her success. also she talked about how the company kept pushing fake concepts/personas on them as well as difficult/unhealthy working environments and unrealistic expectations. she credits this to breeding an unfriendly environment between fumiko and the other two. of course she dissed them too for being so ready to abandon/bully/isolate her for their own gain. currently otome and nana are also no longer with the company and nothing has been heard of them.
what is known about fumiko?
her birthday is 5/23 (gemini) and her blood type is B-. this info is on the web because of course it is. actually even her height is public information and that’s very weird! currently people from her school are eager to talk about being at school with a celebrity and report that she’s somewhat of a delinquent who freely speaks her mind. oddly enough, her grades are sorta above average but her attitude is def below! 
it should be noted that her hair is originally a dark brown. during the puppy love days, it was lightened a bit but still brown. now she’s just cool looking! no one is quite sure how she gets away with her look at school but she just does!
i mean she’s a on the gemini/taurus cusp so idk if you Really wanna do that to yourself. jokes aside, i’m down for whatever happens! it should be noted that i just love dynamics of all kinds and so long as i’m not forced into anything, i’m pretty chill! i do like talking about ships ooc bcus that’s just fun. also given fumiko’s general attitude problem, it’ll be difficult but dabs. she’s bi with a tilt towards feminine people fyi! 
everything else!
i’m super chill with everything! memes/jokes/relatable tiktoks/etc!! honestly i’m gonna clown on shiba as well so hell yeah! watch me send tiktoks saying theyre shiba to the server at 4AM. 
for threads and whatnot you will find that i’m always down but i’m forgetful and slow. if you have to ping me, dm me, or bump the thread then please do! it’ll be super helpful to me and i’d wuv you forever if you did it.
absolutely Nothing involving NSFW content is allowed. like, that’s a super hard no for me.
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