#ooc sasha probably. oh well !
there was a really loud bad sensory party at my flat tonight so i redrew a doodle i did all the way back in september of last year. drawing autism sasha cures all my woes
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bonus sashas from earlier this week::
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ask-tim-stoker · 14 days
Hello there!
I am the Obituary Writer of the secluded little town of Crestfall, and.. hm.
I suppose I’m just here for information about Ms. Gertrude Robinson. I believe she was the previous archivist of your institute?
- O.W. ( @obituary-writer)
ooc hello there got bored decided to try interacting
Oh. Hello.
I didn't know her well. She was just an old lady to me, honestly. Never said much to me. Jon or Sasha could probably help you more.
ooc: hi!! Tim answers all, so literally ask anything! literally I lovee doing stuff like this
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moonshineplaydate · 8 months
AN: I watched Amphibia for the first time recently so, I’m sorry if this is OOC at all!!
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Don’t Wanna Be Alone
Summary: Marcy wakes up in the middle of the night, regressed with no one around, so she decides to go find her friend!
Characters: Little Marcy, Caregiver Anne
Warnings: SFW Age regression, DNI if NSFW,
Marcy’s time in Amphibia had been nothing short of a blessing for the overly energetic girl. The world, especially Newtopia had been the fantasy adventure she’d always dreamed of having, weird, terrifying creatures and all. She had filled every page of her journal with nothing short of unbridled, yet still neatly written passion. The formally socially awkward school girl has reinvented herself into a brilliant inventor and strategist, excelling to the point where she had become friends with the King.
She loved every bit of her new life, she had friends, confidence, a whole new world to explore and study, but there was one, or rather two people missing that would complete this. Anne and Sasha. Marcy’s two friends that she missed oh so much, don’t get her wrong, her life was so, so great now but she just wished she could share it with the two people she cared the most about. Alas, no matter how hard she looked, they were nowhere to be found, presumably appearing in a wildly different area of Amphibia. She tried to brush it off, saying that she’d get to ask them about it once they found each other, but nothing could deny the aches in their heart or those tight, drowning knots in their stomach whenever Marcy thought about the too for long. That didn’t mean she would stop thinking though.
Besides, she did get them stranded here to go on an adventure together but that wasn’t going according to plan…
That what she tried to think about less.
Luckily, at least one of her problems sorted itself out when Anne quite literally turned up at her doorstep, and after around a twenty minute long adventure with some kind of moral lesson to be learned, they were finally back home. Well at least at Marcy’s home, the palace. They honestly couldn’t get enough of the look on Anne’s face when she saw where they had been living, wishing that shed been here from the start. The girl certainly looked quite disheveled, she’d have to ask Anne where on Earth her other shoe went and why she hadn’t bothered to replace it. But that wasn’t why she’d brought Anne here.
The Plantars needed a place to stay while in Newtopia, and Andrias was a, supposedly, nice king so it was no problem for them to stay in one of the lavish guest rooms, the items in it probably being worth more money then they’d ever seen. That was…a real problem, Marcy would have to find a way to sort that one out. Begrudgingly, she gave Anne some space to unwind after a brutally long day, knowing they’d see each other in the morning.
Marcy retreated into her room, pulling off their long fluffy boots and leaving them next to a well made, sparkling bed which she plopped herself down on. They hummed as they opened their heavy journal, sitting it on her lap, scribbling away about everything that happened in the day, their hand nearly shaking with excitement as they wrote Anne’s name.
Marcy obviously knew Anne was here, she’d seen them nothing more then five minutes ago, but seeing it right there, written on the page…she’d really found her. After all this time, she wouldn’t be alone in the castle anymore, they could have sleepovers and pull pranks just like back at home! They giggled cheerfully at the thought, continuing to write and doodle away with a giddy, smiling expression worn on her face.
Marcy only began to notice how lost in their writing she truly was when the light began to fade from her room, leaving a pleasant, warm illumination for a more freezing void like shadow that crept over the whole room.
‘Night already?’ They yawned, thinking allowed. It was only now they realised they spent the better part of a couple hours gushing about Anne and all her memories about her, filling up a good amount of pages with the love coated ink. Marcy blushed a little at this realisation, promptly shutting their journal and hoisting it up. She patted the top of it as she left it on her desk, hanging up her coat and cloak since she was already standing up. It was also only now that they realised how tired today had made them, their blinks becoming longer like it was trying to coax her to sleep, her movements being more slow and sluggish. Marcy sighed and rubbed her temples, dragging herself over to her own bathroom, quickly brushing her teeth with a newt substitute for toothpaste, which she hoped was safe to use.
After a bit, the exhausted girl practically crawled her way over to her bed, having barely managed to get herself into her PJ’s without passing out. But once her face hit her pillow, she was already out like a light.
Unfortunately for Marcy though, it seemed like her body was working against her as she awoke herself barely even an hour later, into one of the darker corners of the light. Maybe she was doing too much work before bed and interrupting her sleep patterns…again. But that wasn’t what she should be worrying about.
For some reason that Marcy couldn’t put together right now, something felt so, so wrong. Sure, their bed was really comfortable and warm and she could just snuggle up under there until she fell asleep again, but she didn’t wanna! There was one massive problem that she couldn’t put her finger on until she cautiously peered her eyes out from the protective confines of her blanket, looking around the room like a cat deciding if somewhere was safe. But she was nothing. And she realised what the problem was.
No one else was with her. She just got Anne back, everything should be great for her, but she wasn’t here. She knew she sounded clingy, that her friend couldn’t always be with her, but they wanted her to be! Being alone felt like the biggest problem ever to her right now, and proactive as always, Marcy went to solve it. Anything to get her out of the room anyway, that terrifying, lonely room.
Stepping quietly out of the hall, which looked a lot bigger then she remembered, Marcy kept their hands curled up to their chest, making small, teetering steps against the carpeted, well made floors. Her eyes squinted as she tried to read the numbers on the doors, letting out a frustrated whine at each one that wasn’t Anne’s. The self proclaimed artificer was so close to giving up, to just accept that she’d be alone and cry her eyes out until Olivia found her…but, that was something she did when she was little. And she didn’t need that write now.
Marcy had become so much more confident and hardworking since landing in Newtopia, they thought that maybe, just maybe they’d gotten rid of their little side. But it sprung back up, a couple weeks into her stay after so long suppressing it, it came bursting right it with little her crying in her room. Luckily it was Olivia that found her, who didn’t persist with any questions afterwards but still, she worked hard to make others perceive as a strong adventurer, or to be accepted. To be seen as normal. To regress would be to through all that away, so, she wasn’t regressed, no matter how much she just wanted to curl up in Anne’s arms, how much she wanted a toy to keep her hands busy, how much she wanted a paci.
How much she didn’t want to be alone.
Marcy pushed down her fears, trying to put on a brace face as she considered making the isolated walk back to her room before her sleepy eyes glanced over one of the doors in the castle. Anne’s room! She finally did it, all by herself like a big girl teenager. After bouncing on the spot for a little while, a big smile on her face, she shakily ran over to the door before knocking at it, quickly but gently.
Marcy pushed down her fears, trying to put on a brave face as she considered making the isolated walk back to her room before her sleepy eyes glanced over one of the doors in the castle. Anne’s room! She finally did it, all by herself like a big girl (cross out) teenager. After bouncing on the spot for a little while, a big smile on her face, she shakily ran over to the door before knocking at it, quickly but gently.
The excited student turned artificer swung about on her heels, arms buzzing and twitching with excitement at her sides, beaming up at the door like it was the best thing since sliced bread. When it finally opened, she had to suppress a squeal in her throat at the start of the bushy haired, messy, most perfect girl she knew staring down at her, seeming a little tired and confused.
She yawned, while Marcy just stayed looking up at her, her smile getting a little wider at the nickname.
‘What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be asleep?’ Anne asked her, seeming a little skeptical about why she was here though that was probably her time in Amphibia talking. Nothing ever seemed simple here. Now that March actually had to answer the question as to why she was here, they couldn’t help but blush over how childish it seemed. Not being able to handle being alone, having to come all the way here in covet of the scary, dark night to see her friend just so she wouldn’t be so scared. There was no way they could tell Anne that, she’d think that they were small right now! Which she wasn’t! Marcy had to think quickly, and blabbered out a lie.
‘I..uh, I jus’ missed you!’ Smiling up at Anne like an angel, Marcy desperately hoped the Thai girl would buy it, even though it technically wasn’t a lie. For the most part she did, Anne could tell there was something going on with them, but had no idea what it is and didn’t want to pry. Instead, she just kneeled down a bit to be at Marcy’s eye level, something that made her feel oh so tiny.
‘How about we go back to your room then? I’ve missed out sleepovers,’ she admitted in a hushed whisper, hoping not to disturb anyone else. Anne would get a response very quickly, Marcy nodding up and down and squealing a little under her breath, the feelings of excitement bubbling up inside her brain and washing away her maturity.
Anne decided not to make the impatient girl wait, wondering why she was acting..different. She couldn’t put her finger on it just yet, but they seemed a lot more excitable then normal, more bouncy, more giggly.
Though as they walked, the self proclaimed artificer/rogue seemed to be stepping a lot more close to Anne, to the point where their arms were brushing against each other with every step. Anne looked down at her friend, seeing that she was looking down, playing with her fingers a little; a nervous habit she’d grown to recognise. Delicately, she planted her fingertips on Marcy’s arms so they knew she was there, before tracing her hand down to Marcy’s, interlocking their fingers in a gentle, protective manner.
Marcy practically cooed at this, walking in the dark was scary, even with Anne. They had no idea how they managed to make the perilous journey before, but was just glad Anne was with them this time.
‘Fank you!’
Marcy exclaimed sweetly, her voice having a distinctive lisp to it, sounding more carefree and…childish. It suddenly clicked with Anne, why Marcy was clingy, why she was more giggly and absent minded to the world around her. Why she didn’t want to be alone.
‘Hey, Marbles,’ she began, talking slowly as they approached Marcy’s room, bumping open the door as she got the two of them inside before continuing the conversation, hoping it would make her feel safer.
‘Mhm?’ Marcy hummed back, tilting her face to look at Anne, looking like a baby deer.
‘Don’t take the wrong way,’ Anne began, already not liking how she was phrasing this but she knew she had to stay committed.
‘But are you..small right now? You just seem a little more..’ with her free hand, Anne placed the side of her hand next to her head before lowering it down, making it literally appear smaller.
Marcy looked horrified at the small question, her hand squeezing against Anne’s for a moment as she stared, half blankly and half fearfully. She had totally forgotten that Anne even knew about her regression in her own joy to see her again, and now she was gonna think that they were just a little kid, who needed to be coddled and couldn’t do anything for themselves. Everything they’d done in Newtopia to become reputable and…and normal, something they never got back home, would be gone! Olivia knowing was terrifying, Marcy knew neither of them would tell anyone but couldn’t help but be on edge whenever it was brought up. How would people in Amphibia even take it? Could she lie to them about it? No, that would make things so much worse, like it was with the Music Box, like it was with everything-!
‘Marcy!’ Anne gasped in front of her friend’s face, a couple tears beginning to fall down their cheeks. Marcy didn’t even realise they were zoning out and could only stare up pitifully at their friend, lip shaking, sniffling at the cruel thoughts of their own mind.
‘Shh, shh, it’s okay Marbles, it doesn’t matter to me if your big or small right now, mkay?’ Anne said, though her tone was leaning towards the latter; she already knew. But there wasn’t any judgement or even disinterest on her expression targeted towards the little, she looked concerned and care, eyes locked on Marcy as her thumbs gently wiped away her tears. Marcy just shuffled closer to her, desperate for any comfort, desperate not to be alone. They buried their face in Anne’s neck and wrapped her arms around the the taller girl.
‘Now, hun, do you wanna tell me what’s got you all worked up or is that a bit too big for you right now?’ Anne asked, making no effort to hide that she knew Marcy was little right now. There was no point to it, she needed the comfort.
Marcy babbled for a few seconds, not trying to hide it as a wave of sorrow got caught up in her throat from how soft she was being treated. When she finally got her words out, they were mixed in with snivels and quiet sobs.
‘I-I ain’ su-suppos’d to b-be lil’..I wanted to do be-better here!’
Marcy cried, getting frustrated as they stomped their foot on the ground, crying a little harder onto Anne’s warm body. In response, Anne began rubbing circles into Marcy’s back, squeezing her a little tighter in their hug.
‘Oh, baby, no, no, you’ve been doing so well here! You still are!’
Stubbornly, the little looked up at Anne, unsure of what she was getting it. She couldn’t be doing good if she was just a little kid right now!
‘You’ve done so much for Newtopia, and you’ve become a hero down here! There’s no shame in needing a little time to relax however you feel like, sweetie, no matter what I’ll always be proud of my special little adventurer.’
The words cut into Marcy lovingly, by the time Anne got to that sweet nickname at the end, she was crying even more. But not from sadness, Marcy just couldn’t handle all those big emotions right now. Anne being proud of her? It was validating, it felt like she’d just been given permission to be herself. The little adventurer kept babbling out something that resembled, ‘I love you’ to Anne, even if it was a little hard to tell with her lisp.
‘Aww, I love you too, just don’t hold off on being little when you need to, okay sunshine?’
Their friend asked, looking at Marcy patiently, keeping a hand lightly clung to their arm.
‘M-mhm!’ Marcy nodded. Slowly, the raven haired artificer regained some composure, still feeling pretty small, staring up at Anne with a smiling, slightly tear stained face.
‘Do-does dis mean you’ll s-stay with me?’
Beaming right back, Anne ruffled Marcy’s hair, her touch not leaving Marcy’s body.
‘Of course I will, I’d love to spend time with my little angel!’
Finally, Marcy wasn’t alone, whether she was big or small.
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rayof-damnsunshine · 3 months
ooc: This is a kinda continuation from my last lore drop. You could probably read this on it's own, but if you want a bit of context, try reading that
also, this one is definitely on the longer side
Tw: Mentions/alluding and actual child neglect (I think)
"Turn left in 2 miles." The gps' robotic voice played through the car speakers.
"Mum, are you sure about this? Sasha asked. "The map literally says we're going to a strawberry farm in the middle of nowhere."
"I'm positive, dear." Their mother reassured, looking in the at Brooklyn, before looking back at the road. "You alright, Lyn?"
"Yeah, you could say that..." Brooklyn said softly, staring out the window at the passing fields.
She was still in her school uniform, which was now covered in dirt and grim, looking hella dishevelled and she had torn her stockings climbing out the bathroom window.
Neither her mum of Sasha seemed convinced.
"You were attacked by that bit- I mean," Sasha glance to their mother. "not very nice lady, for what? The fifth time? She didn't even give up when we moved across the country."
"I didn't get hurt-"
"Not the point, Brook! Some insane shapeshifting monkey or whatever she was attacked my sister while I was in Spanish class!" Sasha's hands were moving around wildly as she got more worked up.
"Sasha, take a breath." Their mom told her. "Everything will be alright. Just a minor hiccup."
"A minor hiccup?! Brook got attacked for the fifth time! It couldn't be minor if you came to pick us up. You drove like three hours on short notice."
"Sasha, you need to calm down."
"Turn left in one mile." Even the gps couldn't handle this.
"Mum, where are we going?"
"Camp." She said simply.
"Camp? Like summer camp? Mum, its March-" Brook pointed out.
"Look, I know about as much as you."
"You clearly know where we're going." Sasha mumbled.
"Sasha, we've talked about this-" Their mother started.
"Oh, yeah? You both seemed awfully quiet when we were hiding in the closet to escape your and dad's yelling matches."
"You and I both know the divorce was the option for all of us."
Sasha stayed silent, and Brooklyn knew why.
This was the first time the divorce really got talked about, and it had been about a year now.
"Turn left in 500 feet."
"What were you being quiet about?" Brook piped up, after several minutes of the gps being the only sound in the car.
"You haven't told her?!" Sasha looked vivid.
"I was going to but-"
"Yeah, today happened." Sasha pinced the bridge of her nose. "Jesus Christ, Mum. You always do this. Just because she's not actually yours-" Her eyes widened, realising what she said.
Another silence filled the air as they finally turned left.
"Dad cheated?" Brook asked quietly. "Am I the reason-"
"No." Their mother sighed. "I didn't found out you were his until we started getting divorced."
Sasha sighed. "Way to let her down gently."
"Mum, not to be rude but please just spit it out. I'm sick of you all beating around the bush."
"You appeared on our doorstep. I thought you were just ditched entirely, so we adopted you. But, you were left there for a reason."
"So, basically, dad screwed around, someone committed child endangerment or however you'd word it and you all lied to me for 15 years." Her voice got angrier as she spoke. "Just what this family needed."
"Look, I'm not mad at you that dad could not cheat, I'm mad at the fact that you lied to me about that I wasn't your kid."
"Come on, don't be like that-"
"No! I will be like that! Cause you didn’t even sit me down and tell me 'hey, kid, you're adopted but your still my kid anyways'. " Brook shot back. "I don't care that I'm adopted, or technically not your kid, that wouldn't have mattered. You went out of your way to not tell me that."
"Mum, that is pretty fucked up." Sasha said softly.
Their mother stayed silent for a moment. "Well, I guess I'm just the worse the mother eve-"
"Don't even start on that! I don't want to hear you go on about how you sacrificed for us, how you went through 18 hours of labour or whatever you're going to say. You're not perfect, no one is, but the least you could do is admit you made a mistake." Brook scoffed. "I can not believe I'm parenting you right now."
"Brooklyn Mackenzie, don't try me right now." Her mother told her lowly.
Brook fell silent.
How the hell do you switch up so fast?
Sasha looked back at Brook, silent saying 'What the fuck just happened?"
Brook shrugged.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, with only the gps being the only sound until they arrived.
"Go up that hill and head to the farmhouse." Their mother told them.
Brook looked to see the lights coming for the farmhouse.
"Mum, it's pitch black." Sasha pointed out.
"Don't trip." She shrugged.
"Oh for fucks sake." Brook grabbed her bag and climbed out the car. Sasha did the same thing.
Their mother looked at them once, before driving off.
"What the hell! She's going to just leave us here, in the middle of the fucking night and give us the vaguest directions?"
"You're surprised? She's either overprotected or down right neglecting us. No in between." She sighed, her tone becoming bitter. "I'd be happy to not be related to her."
Brook turned around. "That's a steep ass hill."
Sasha turned around. "Jesus, it's practically vertical."
"I think this day is cursed."
"Amen to that." And they starting walking.
@that-asian-child-of-aphrodite @that-one-daughter-of-apollo @childofthewargod @glee-of-ares-wrath-of-aphrodite @daonedaonlyskh
ooc: If you want to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know :)
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Good god, what fucking petty ass cunts the wrestling community truly is. There's a serious situation going on with CM Punk and The Elite right now and all you can think to do is find a way to make it about Sammy Guevara and make jokes at his expense. You're probably just pissed, because for once the drama didn't involve him. But oh well, too bad. And then you wonder why situations such as this one never get taken serious and why hardly anyone faces the consequences of their actions. Fuck all of you.
Okay wow someone is big mad......
So first off this is an rp blog and the whole reason this is being answered ooc is cause I genuinely can't tell if this is an ooc ask or not.
I make jokes about Sammy cause he's literally a piece of human garbage. He fat shamed Eddie, cheated on his ex wife, and said absolutely deplorable things about Sasha Banks. Fuck Sammy and I will keep making jokes about him.
Second. The reason I really don't address the AEW drama currently happening with punk and mox and all of them on here is because for 1 I'm not gonna start drama with the other lovely muns that play those characters just because it's going on irl. 2, a lot of the drama going on with them is kind of entering a triggering area for me so I don't fucking talk about it.
TLDR; I'm gonna play my character how I want and I'm not gonna change it cause someone got big mad and addressed me in anon. If this is one of the muns please dm me so we can talk this out.
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kalu-luwa · 2 years
ever in your favor pt. 2
a.k.a a continuation of this series, inspiration from @tunabesimpin‘s hunger games event,  featuring sasha (@simpingseafood's oc) and kyuu (@moomoomooing's oc)
i'm very sorry if i got their characters wrong! please tell me so i can fix it ;;
also, please tell me if you don't want to get tagged!
tw/cw: implied death, bullying rip, OOC for OCs and canon (sorry ;;), light gore (mentions of blood and wounds), violence, swearing, mentions of alcohol, unreleased OCs, i'll add more as i go along
(under the cut for dash length)
“What if they make us fight each other? What then?”
“Ever heard of Katniss and Peeta?”
Their last meal before the bloodshed begins. Their last meal, and it’s the best thing they’ve ever had in their life. Rich soups and broths, roasted animals, seafood, the sweetest breads, cheeses, fruits and nuts, and barrels upon barrels of alcohol and spirits littered the hall as the tributes helped themselves to whatever they could get their hands on. Now was the perfect time to stock up on carbs, but Neph didn’t feel like eating much.
“What’s got you so blue, Neph?” Sasha called out to them, his shoes clacking noisily on the polished floor, “We’re not gonna have this until next week. Eat up, you look like a twig!”
Despite his attempts to cheer them up, their stomach churned at his words. He was implying that this was the last time they’d eat like this, not unless they survived. If they survived. “Sorry Mr. Sasha, I don’t feel too good tonight.”
“Don’t be so formal with me, Neph!” Sasha only chuckled, a hand on their shoulder nudging them towards the buffet tables, "Live a little. We'll be fine, trust me."
It… it wouldn’t hurt to trust him, would it?
“Then could you help me get some soup, please?” The fisher laughed nervously, “I can’t distinguish between… well, anything.”
“Aw, shrimpy can’t see?” Another voice piped up, slurred and elongated as if the speaker was drunk. (That… may be a possibility.) “Haha, how will you win the game if you can’t see?”
“Fufu, how interesting,” Yet another voice entered the conversation. “I would have thought District 4 sent out one of their career tributes instead. I wonder what game they’re trying to play.”
“Hah, they look so fragile, like a doll. Their chances of winning are so slim, it’s even worse than getting a UR in a 10-pull.” A whisper caught their attention from the far back, the crackling of fire accompanying the voice.
God, there were too many people here.
“Hey, hey, knock it off,” Sasha leered, handing Neph a warm bowl, “You don’t know what they’re capable of. Besides,” a taunting undertone coated his next words, “The people love a good underdog story, don’t they?”
“As if they could possibly win,” the lion man from earlier spoke up, his sentences punctuated by the occasional gulp. He was eating something, probably one of the roasted animals. “All skin and bones, no magic of their own, blind as hell… they’re practically useless. Such easy prey, too.”
“What do you know, Leona?” Oh, so that was the sandman’s name. “Come on, Neph. Let’s get away from here.”
“Be careful, little shrimpies! You’re playing with the big boys now, ahahaha!~”
“You didn’t have to do that, y’know,” Nephtali sighed, sipping the last of the soup as they enjoyed the tranquility of the night. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful you did, but it was unnecessary."
“What do you mean?”
“We’ve gotten a lot of eyes on us now, and having bad relations with the rest of the tributes is a death sentence.”
"It doesn't matter. I won't let anyone disrespect my friend." At this, the bowl slipped from Neph's hands, shattering on the concrete.
"Friend? You've only met me 3 days ago!" Wasn't that too fast for a friendship to progress?
Sasha let out a non-committal hum. "I've made friends with people who I've known for… like, 2 hours."
"And besides," he turned to the fisher, "Why is it so bad to call you my friend?"
Because, if your plan doesn't work, we'll have to kill each other. Because, if your plan fails, only one of us will make it out of here alive- if we're even alive for that long. Because, when push comes to shove, friendship won't matter and we'll be wrong about each other.
Because I'm scared you'll leave me, is what Neph wanted to say.
Instead, they sighed, a wobbly smile painting their lips, "Okay, you win."
How did it come to this?
Not even a day in, and they've already lost 'sight' of Sasha. Amidst the mad scramble, they had let go of his sleeve. There were people coming straight at them, shouting and laughing, projectiles thrown at them and weapons aimed at their heads and hearts. Adrenaline rushed through their veins as they ran from the Cornucopia.
You can scavenge for other stuff later, they mumbled to themself, right now, your main priority is shaking these bastards off your trail.
Oh, and finding Sasha.
The whooping and hollering grew quieter the further they ran, legs buckling under the pressure. The adrenaline rush was wearing off, the aftermath leaving them weak and trembling. Where the hell were they? Their hands floundered around in front of them, searching for anything to latch on. A tree, about an arm's length away. A few ferns and bushes, right next to them. A fallen log near their right foot, probably too heavy to use as a weapon. So far, so good.
Click. Click. The echo came back a few seconds later. They were near somewhere spacious, probably in front of a clearing. Backtrack a bit, just so they're not too close. Click. Click. The treetops stretched far above them, but there wasn't much coverage. Stay close to the trees, crouch down a little.
Click. Click… Click. Someone was coming this way.
Wiping blood from the corner of their mouth, Nephtali sighed. The other person, who they came to know as 'Cater', was busy searching for supplies. But the way he carried himself, the way he spoke so fearlessly and light-heartedly… it left a bad taste in Neph's mouth. Like he was hiding something, or knew something they didn't. It didn't matter now, he left after 5 death threats, a considerable beating with a stick, and a small chase to the other side of the clearing.
Goddamnit, where was Sasha?
Their breaths came out staggered and grating, scraping their lungs every time they inhaled. Fuck, they really weren’t cut out for this. The problem is gone now, so at least there’s that. Sitting down on the cold forest floor, they took this time to rest and recuperate. There’s no point in looking for someone when you’re on your last legs.
“I swear, I’m not gonna make it through the night,” they laughed, a lone tear rolling down their cheek. “Semyon, please, take care of Marnya and the others for me.”
It turns out that looking for someone was quite easy. Never mind about searching for hours until the night comes, or listening for their voice amongst the rustle of leaves or the coronachs of the birds, or walking basically all the time until your feet are bleeding and your hands are cut. No, that wasn’t necessary.
When their name is called out and the cannon is fired in their honor, it turns out that finding someone is really not that hard.
“Fuck you and your stupid ‘friendship’,” Their grip on their hair tightened, curling further into themself as their throat closed up. “You’re such a liar. You promised we’d stay together until the end.”
“I hate you, I hate you so much.” No, they didn’t mean that. They didn’t, they didn’t. “I wish I never met you.”
“Hey,” a voice startled them out of nowhere, “Are you ok?”
Oh god, not another person.
“I-I’m not gonna do anything, I promise.” Yeah, right. As if. The last time someone said that, someone died.
Neph huffed, leaning further into the tree. “Go away. Leave me alone.”
“Look, I mean you no harm. I got separated from my friend, and I just want to stay somewhere relatively safe. Just for the night.” The voice came closer, practically kneeling in front of them.
“I said go away!” Neph kicked frantically at the space in front of them, scrambling away from whoever dared to intrude their space.
“Okay, fine, fine! I’ll just stay on the other side of the tree. Happy?” The mystery person grumbled, a sharp edge to their tone.
The undergrowth crackled as the person left their side. The air was cold, but without the biting frost that usually accompanied it. The occasional call of an owl resonated into the night. It would’ve been a pleasant evening if it weren’t for the circumstances surrounding it.
Neph just wanted to go home.
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smallblip · 3 years
Hi ♥ I'm so sorry for asking this but my mind has been a mess since I read the last chapter. But if you have the time and idea will you share your most fluffiest headcanon/fanon of the aot characters. It could be all levihan or anyone really. Of course, if you want to that is cause I know I may be asking for way too much. But I just can't conjure anything right now. You could also link me with anything if you can't (I'm actually saving your latest fic for this very reason. So so excited to read that one) Sorry to bother you. Wishing your day is better than mine ♥
Oh bb! There there! 💖 It’s okay! And no need to apologise! I love thinking up HCs! God the last chapter sounds like a real trip... here are some headcanons for you (this is a complete mess because I’m a messy bitch), but I hope they make you smile! Some might be really ooc, haven’t read the manga!
If anyone’s upset about the chapter and want more HCs hit me up (spoiler free, as always💖)! I have more!
Hanji sneezes like a dad. Like full on HAXCHAAAABWAAAAAA. It makes everyone jump. It also earns a few shrieks (Hanji you can’t do that they’re all traumatised kids). Everyone except Levi who just deadpans. “At least cover your mouth dipshit...”
Erwin does not know how to respond to anyone’s jokes but his own (save for a few notable mentions). If you tell him a joke he likes, he’ll go on about it for days. He’ll bring it up to everyone (occasionally unknowingly appropriating it as his own). Nobody finds his jokes particularly funny. He also doesn’t know how to respond to Levi or Hanji’s banter. With Hanji, he often responds by chuckling affectionately. Like how you would a puppy. With Levi, Erwin can never really tell if he’s being serious, so he just responds with a “uh... yeah... Alright...”
Erwin and Mike have matching tattoos. They got it during a really messy night out after an expedition. The tattoo is really bad, really cheesy, Hanji probably egged them on. Nanaba sighs every time she sees it.
Moblit is a lightweight. Clingy when drunk. Also gossips a lot. Erwin takes advantage of this and Nifa/Nanaba has to step in.
Nanaba receives the most valentines! She gets many from the cadets as well. (I think this is Canon somewhere?) Also Hans and Nans link arms all the time you can’t tell me otherwise.
Reiner is that friend who asks for advice in a roundabout manner. “So I have a friend... And he recently developed a crush on this girl right... But back home, he had a boy who wouldn’t stop tormenting him you know? Like an actual bully. But he just... thinks about his bully sometimes and wonders how he’s doing... What does that mean?” And Jean is always right on his bullshit- “means you’re a raging bisexual, Reiner...”
Jean has ONE pickup line he always uses on Mikasa when he’s drunk (with no recollection of ever using it). “Remember me? Oh, that's right, I've only met you in my dreams.” And Mikasa is so used to it by now she finishes the line for him when he’s midway through (“in your dreams right?) and she’s always amused when he just gapes in shock.
Levi discovers Armin’s pet rat one day during a routine check. He’s mortified. He fuckin hates rats. And the rules are clear- no pets. But Armin is sniffling and he can’t deal so he gets Hanji to deal with “the infestation”. Hanji sighs and goes through the rules with him- no pets, Armin. And Hanji thinks goddamn, this has certainly come full circle. She remembers the many pets she’s smuggled into the bunks during her cadet days and she softens, whispers to Armin and tells him tips and tricks to keep them a secret. Ratticus lived to a ripe old age of 5.
Levi has a standard way of comforting the kids. He’ll make them tea when they’re visibly upset. He’ll set it down in front of them wordlessly with a biscuit (special ration) on the side. If it still doesn’t work, he’ll ask them if he needs to get Hanji.
Sasha and Mikasa have a thing where they’ll talk to one another like noble ladies. “Could you pass the sugar, Lady Blouse?” “Have you heard about Connie’s foot rot Lady Ackerman? Absolutely ghastly business...” they gossip like that too. Sometimes they put on their best dresses at night and just sit around their room, talking and doing one another’s hair.
Levi and Hanji have their own thing where Hanji would play different roles and Levi just... goes with it? “A long day at work bringing home the bacon and I come home to this mess?! Where’s my back rub woman!” And Levi responds seamlessly with a “if you spend half the time you spend at the pub at home you’ll know how hard it is to keep a house”.
Connie has moments of sheer genius that leaves everyone stunned. It comes and it goes. One moment he waxes philosophical, or comes up with some complex strategy, and the next he’s everyone favourite idiot again. “And... He’s back...” the rest would say.
When they had been kids, people used to mix up Jean and Eren all the time. And they used to respond with a very disgusted “I’m Eren/Jean you idiot!” But now they’re older and they look radically different so people get it right but it’s a running joke for Jean to say “I’m Eren you idiot!” And for Eren to say “I’m Jean you idiot!”
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andwereallmadhere · 3 years
You’re Not Alone | Jean x Reader
Paring: Jean x f!reader (slight Eren x reader mentioned)
Genre: FLUFF!, song fic
Word Count: 4.5k 
Warnings/ Triggers: Alcohol, underage drinking 
A/N: I was inspired by the Big Time Rush song You’re Not Alone (Link below). This is not the first thing I have written, but it is the first I am posting. Characters might be OOC but I feel like the overall feeling is there. I hope you enjoy!
Link to song: https://youtu.be/tbS5JF32szE
I bet you didn't notice First time your heart was broken You called me up and we talked til the morning
Jean is woken from his sleep by the harsh ringing of his phone. He fumbles for a minute trying to slide the little green button to answer the call. He puts the device up to his ear before stuffing his face back into the pillow, “Why are you call me it’s the middle of the night?” Sleep heavy in his gruff voice. He is quickly answered by your voice sobbing on the other end of the receiver. This immediately broke him out of his sleep-filled mind. He should have known when he saw your picture flash on the screen that you would only be calling if it was important. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” He says wiping a guilty hand over his face. You didn’t respond. Still unable to form proper words through all the tears. He continues to quietly talk to you in an attempt to calm you down. Once the sobbing ebbs he finally asks, “Y/N, can you tell me what’s wrong?”
He only hears you choke out a single word, “Eren.”
Jean and Eren never did get along, in however long you and Jaeger had been dating. But, as your best friend, Jean tried his best to accept him since that would make you happy. So hearing that HE is the reason you are crying at 2 A.M. enrages Jean. 
“What did that bastard do? Did he try something you didn’t want? Do I need to beat him up? Y/N, I swear to god if he hurt you I will-“
“No Jean. It’s not like that.” “Then what is it like?”
“He dumped me.”
“He just came by my house and told me that “I’m just over it I guess”. What am I supposed to do with that?”
“He’s a dick, I’ve told you that from the beginning.”
You only respond by sobbing more.
Eren had been your first real boyfriend. And as much as Jean didn’t want it to be true, you were head over heels. Everyone knew this would happen eventually, he just hoped there would be a little more warning. Maybe a fight or something but just cutting it off without a real reason? Jean had theories that he was probably hooking up with someone else and didn’t want the guilt of being a cheater, but you didn’t need to hear that right now. You didn’t need overprotective Jean hating on Eren. You needed best friend Jean to comfort you and assure you that you are worthy of love and everything is going to be okay.
“Hey, you can do better than him. He’s the real loser here. Any guy would be lucky to have you and the next one has to go through me first.” Jean says half meaning it, half attempting to make you laugh.
“Stop it, Jean, You know you’d lose every fight.” He can almost hear the smile in your voice, despite the tears that are certainly still running down your face. 
“Why don’t I come get you? We can go for a drive or something.”
“Okay.” Your soft voice is followed by a sniffle.
“I’m on my way.”
Jean gets out of the warmth of his bed and finds his sweatpants. He throws on a hoodie and grabs an extra in case you forget to bring your own. It's pretty chilly out tonight. He grabs his keys and begins the drive to your house. Once he arrives he sees your form sitting on your porch. Always the gentleman, he walks over to you and offers to help you up. You grab his hand and he can still see the tear stains on your cheeks. Once you are on your feet he pulls you into a hug. “Hey,” Jean says returning your tight squeeze. “Let’s go get you some food.” 
You don’t respond, but your grip around his waist losses and you begin making your way to the car. He opens the door for you and watches as you immediately grab the spare hoodie and slide it over your head. It’s obviously too big for you, but you are grateful for the extra fabric to bury your sad face in. 
The ride is mostly silent, Jean wanted to give you room to talk if you wanted. After a bit of having his hoodie pulled up to your nose, it was clear that you were too caught up in your own drowning thoughts to say anything so he turned on a very soft playlist from his phone in hopes of providing you some distraction.
Jean stops the car and you see he has brought you to a Waffle House. He knows it your favorite. Sure the food isn’t great but there is something about the mediocracy of the establishment that gets you. “Come on slowpoke, I’m buyin’,” Jean says after opening your door. You give him a thank you before following him into the restaurant. 
The two of you find a small booth, given that it was well into the night, there weren’t any people there other than the handful of employees. “You’ll have to talk to me eventually you know,” Jean says. You take a moment to look up from the menu he knows you have memorized by now. Just then a waitress comes by to take your order. 
Jean already knows exactly what you want because you always get the same thing. Just as he tells the waitress your order you finally speak, “Hey Jean.” Your voice is slightly above a whisper, “can I have chocolate milk?” You look back down at the table while Jean turns back to the waitress, “And can the lady have a chocolate milk, please and thank you.” Jean smiles at you as the waitress walks away, your silly request signaling that his best friend is slowly but surely coming out of this shell of sadness. 
Sure enough, you begin to open up. You tell him more of the details about Eren dumping you. Your food arrives and you laugh when Jean spills his glass of water on his lap. The two of you eventually move to the barstool countertops to talk to the fry cook, trying to convince him to make you a pancake instead of a waffle. Eventually Jean pays, leaving a generous tip as an apology for your late-night shenanigans. 
Walking to the car you can see the pastel colors of the impending day reaching the sky. Not ready to go home yet you lean into Jean’s body, tugging on his arm, “Let’s go watch the sunrise!” 
“You’re ridiculous.” He says shaking his head, “get in the car.” He smiles and opens your car door. Of course he was going to let you watch the sunrise. He is going to drive you to the park and find a place high up and the two of you will talk about nothing at all until you fall asleep in the passenger seat of his car. He is really just happy that the outing has worked. No, 4 A.M. waffles cannot cure your broken heart but it at least made you smile. 
And the time that you were stranded I was there before you landed He was a no show, I made sure you got home
High school seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Graduation came and went and your family decided that you should spend the summer at your aunt’s house on the other side of the country. Of course, you loved your aunt and her kids, but spending your last real summer break away from your friends wasn’t a huge selling point. Ultimately, your mom said you had to go because the trip was already paid for and your aunt was expecting you. The only reason you eventually agreed was that the majority of your little group were all attending the same college, so at least it wasn’t goodbye.
The day before Freshman move-in everyone decided to throw a party at Eren and Mikasa’s house. Eren’s parents were out of town a lot so that is usually where the gang got together. Jean and Eren still don’t along great, but Jean was close to Sasha and Connie who happened to be okay friends with Armin and Mikasa, and thus your little group was formed for better or for worse. After the night Eren dumped you out of the blue, Jean was furious with him, only for you to accept Jaeger’s lame-ass apology and take him back a week later. Luckily there hadn’t been any more repeats of that night. Maybe Eren was telling the truth and did actually like you, so Jean played nice even if he didn’t fully forgive the brunette. 
And now he was here, with you on FaceTime while you wait for your flight at the airport and Jean is getting ready for Eren’s dumb party that you won’t even make it to. 
“So when does your flight get in?” Jean asks folding the remains of the load of laundry his mom did this morning. 
“I think about 11 if it’s not delayed again. I’m super bummed that I won’t make it in time for the party.”
“It’s at Jaeger’s house, can’t he just bring you by after he picks you up?” 
“I guess so, but he also said something about taking me home because it’ll be late and we have move in tomorrow.”
Jean hums in response. It is a valid argument logically, but none of them have seen you all summer except for the occasional FaceTime. The only real reason Jean was going to this stupid party was that you were supposed to be back in time. Jean can hear a voice come over the intercom in the airport. “Hey, Jean, that’s my flight. I gotta go.”
“Alright, Y/N, let me know when you land. See you soon.”
With that, the call ended. Your face replaced by a photo of you and Jean at prom making silly faces. Yeah, Eren was your date and Jean took Mikasa, but you all took photos together and his mom insisted on getting one of the two of you. It was obvious that the picture pissed Eren off, and that made it even more special to Jean. 
Eventually, Jean finished the laundry and headed over to Eren’s. At least everyone else will be there and he can kick Connie’s ass at beer pong. Jean purposefully arrived a little late, so he knew everyone else would already be there, and sure enough, Eren had the white folding table already set up in the garage and Armin had started a little bonfire in the backyard. “Horseface You made it!” Connie says throwing an arm around Jean. 
“I told you not to call me that.”
“What are you going to do send Y/N after me? Oh wait…She’s not here!”
“We both know Y/N could easily kick your ass so shut up.”
Jean went around greeting everyone else and made good on his promise to dominate at beer pong. A while later he takes a seat next to Armin, who was currently roasting a marshmallow. “Ever put peanut butter on a s’more? Whole new experience.”
Armin looks over at Jean, “Y/N show you that?”
“Oh no, secret’s out,” Jean says taking a drink of water. After the game of beer pong, which was a little closer in score than Jean would have enjoyed, he decided to take it easy on the booze so he could actually drive home.
“When does her flight get in anyway?” Armin asks removing his marshmallow from the flame. 
“She told me about 11 when we talked earlier. Said Eren was going to pick her up.” 
At the mention of his name the two look over to see Eren taking a shot with Sasha and Connie. “Did anyone tell him that?” Armin says with a small chuckle. 
Jean looked at his watch, it was only 9, if the bastard stop drinking now he might be sober enough to come get you. So Jean let it slide. 
But Eren didn’t stop drinking. It was now 10:30 and Eren was plastered. Jean watches as Eren and Connie arm wrestle and sighs. What would Y/N think if she saw her boyfriend like this? “Shit,” Jean says standing from his chair around the fire. This gets the attention of Armin and Mikasa who were also over Eren’s drunk bullshit, “What is it?” Armin questions. “Y/N. Eren is supposed to pick her up from the airport in 30 minutes.”
“Well, that’s not happening!” Sasha laughs, also drunk. 
Jean stood up and finished his soda before pulling his car keys from his pocket. 
“And where are you going Horseface? Afraid you’ll lose in arm wrestling?” Eren suddenly joins the conversation. Jean cannot believe this asshole, he doesn’t even realize! Jean contemplates throwing a punch, but that will inevitably start a fight and the airport is almost 40 minutes away so he’ll already be late. So instead, Jean crushes the soda can in his hand and walks away. “Ha! Horseface is a scary cat!” Eren yells at his back before Mikasa smacks Eren on the head. 
Jean’s anger melts through the drive. As upset as he is that Jaeger forgot, Jean is excited to see you. He’s not sure how he’s going to explain this one to you though. He parks his car and glances at the time, 11:15. At least you haven’t been waiting too long. 
Luckily the airport is pretty small and there are only a few incoming flights so it’s not hard to figure out which gate your flight should have landed at. He thinks it's a little odd you haven’t texted him that you landed safely but he dismissed it as he made his way to the gate. Jean is surprised to find the gate empty. No hugging families or people searching for their luggage. There are a few scattered people here and there, also apparently picking up various passengers. After talking with another guy, Jean finds out that the flight had been delayed before take off so it is running late. You were not stranded at the airport, you hadn’t even landed. 
Jean found a seat and began scrolling on his phone. He didn’t expect to have so much time so he didn’t really bring anything with him, not even headphones to listen to music. He sat waiting for what must have been a solid 30 minutes before he started to fall asleep in the chair. 
“Jean!” He hears your voice call, this rouses him from the light sleep. Once he sees your face he can’t help but smile. He stands to walk over to you but is practically knocked over when you throw yourself into his arms. “Hey, stranger.” He says wrapping his arms around you. 
“It feels like it has been forever!” You pull away from him and reach for your suitcase, but Jean beats you to it, grabbing the handle before you can. “I can carry it you know.” But you know it’s useless arguing. Mama Kirstein raised a gentleman, that’s for sure. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?” You ask, giving him a side-eye as you follow him to his car. “Yeah…about that…” Jean still hasn’t figured out exactly what to say about why Eren ditched you. 
“Eren drunk himself stupid, didn’t he?” You say, almost casually. Like you expected it all along. 
“Yeah, but lucky for you I know a guy with a soft spot for you.” Jean places your things in the trunk before opening your car door.
“My shining stallion, always coming to my rescue.”
“Yeah, yeah, get in the car Princess.” He says. Eren’s stupid horse jokes have started rubbing off on you.
You spent the whole drive telling Jean about your trip, even though you talked with him almost every day you were gone. Jean in turn told you all the ridiculous things Sasha and Connie did while you were away. They still had group game night, which surprisingly Eren and Jean only tried to kill each other a handful of times. You laugh when Jean tells you the full story about Connie smashing Sasha’s face into a cake she brought one night, claiming “There is never a bad time for cake.” Sure they all sent you the pictures but you still loved hearing the story. And before you know it Jean pulled up in front of your house. 
He carried your suitcase to the door and turned to you, “I’ll pick you up at 6 alright?” Right, Jean offered to drive you to orientation tomorrow and it was a four-hour drive to the University. With all the excitement of seeing your best friend, you forgot about college tomorrow. “Ugh so early? That’s like 4 hours from now” 
“Unfortunately. Even then we’ll be cutting it close.”
“Fine. I’ll see you at 6.” You say giving him a final hug.
“Jean," you say into his chest, “I’m kind of glad it was you and not Eren that picked me up. I missed you. Thanks for always being there for me.”
“For you. Always.” Jean returns your hug before walking back to his car.
All the days that you were stressed out Feeling like pulling your hair out They were all missing but I was here listening
Freshman year came and went and now you were currently crying over your trigonometry textbook before your final tomorrow. Your other finals had gone pretty well and other than this stupid test you were finished with your first full year of university. Surprisingly Jean and Eren didn’t kill each other despite being suite mates. Originally the two were supposed to be roommates, but Armin quickly volunteered to switch with Jean, the blond being a little more equipped to handle Eren. You on the other hand shared a dorm with Sasha and Mikasa. Since it was the three of you you managed to snag a bigger room and didn’t have to share a bathroom with anyone else. When the gang got together for movie night it was usually in your room since the boys lived just down the hall. Overall it had been a pretty good year. 
Everyone else had already finished their finals, the majority of your group moving back home on Wednesday, except Jean who had his last final today. Jean also offered to stay an extra day so you could drive home together, but he would never say that out loud. “I’m gonna use the extra time to relax since Jaeger is gone. Living with him for a year almost killed me!” He would claim, ever the dramatic. But you knew he was also staying for you since you didn’t have a car and he did a similar thing for winter break. 
Trig had been your worst class all semester. No matter how many times you worked through the problems you were always getting a different answer, usually the wrong one. Armin helped you study for your midterm, but since he was already gone you were left alone. While your overall grade wasn’t bad considering you did all of the extra credit options your professor offered, this test could make or break your final GPA. If you could get at least an 85% it would bump your grade from a high C to a low B. So you have been doing nothing but math since your other finals finished this morning. And you were about to cry. Again. After completing the study guide and taking half a dozen practice tests you aren’t anywhere close to what you needed. After grading your last practice test, you barely managed an 80% and that was being nice to yourself. 
“I’m never going to get this.” You sob, ink running from the tears now spilling onto your paper. Then there is a knock on the door.
“Who’s there?”
“The pizza guy?” Jean says from the other side of your door. At the mention of food, you realize you hadn’t eaten since breakfast that morning, which wasn’t saying much since you had a muffin and cup of coffee after Mikasa yelled at you for forgetting to eat earlier in the week. But you didn’t want Jean to see you struggling this much. Yeah, you could talk to him about anything but he was always so gifted when it came to school, even graduated top of the class in high school. So the idea of him seeing you brought to tears by something he saw as easy made your heartache. You were afraid he would accidentally make fun of you in that cocky way he does, or he would offer to help but realize you were a lost cause before ditching you altogether.
“Go away, Jean. I’m studying,” You yell back, attempting to hide the overwhelming stress from your voice.
“Well take a break, I wasn’t joking about the pizza. Mikasa told me you haven’t been eating so you better open this door, Y/N, before I resort to drastic measures.”
You give up getting him to go away, plus that pizza sounds so good. You get up and open the door, “And what would these ‘drastic measures’ be?” 
“Sasha left her keys in our dorm, so I probably would have just walked in.” Jean finally takes a look at your face, and despite your efforts to wipe away your tears, Jean knows you’ve been crying.
“Y/N what’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure? You-‘ You cut him off before he can finish. “What kind of pizza did you bring?” 
“Your favorite, of course.” Jean sets the pizza on your bed while you grab some drinks out of the little micro-fridge. Jean glances at your desk and quickly takes in the scattered notes and tear-stained papers. Suddenly it makes sense. Your lack of eating, how you haven’t been responding to texts, and the tears when you opened the door. “I can help you you know? I took Trig last semester.” 
“I told you not to worry about it.” You say attempting to be mad at him for snooping but it’s pointless. You take a seat on the bed and open the pizza box, “Horseface.” You add almost in a whisper. 
Jean visibly shrivels at the name, “No. Not you. Not allowed.”
This small comment was enough to change the subject, and his mild anger at such a stupid name pulls an amused smile out of you. The two of you eat and converse as usual. He tells you about his last final and how Eren left their shared bathroom a mess that he needs to take care of before you leave tomorrow. You talk about how one of your professors just showed a movie during the final period since they are required to hold class despite not actually giving a test. And you feel the stress leave your body, even if just for a moment. 
After a while, Jean looks back over at your desk before grabbing your textbook and the last practice test you took. “This isn’t bad, Y/N, looks like some simple mistakes that you keep making, fix those and you’ll be fine.”
“How can I fix something I don’t know I’m doing wrong?” You ask.
“Because I’m going to help you, idiot.”
Jean proceeds to walk you through your last practice test and showing you the mistakes he was talking about. After helping you do a few more problems, Mr. Kirstein makes you do another practice test that he’s going to grade. While you take the test Jean lays on your bed, scrolling through his phone. He’s trying not to look at you, not wanting to add more pressure to you by feeling watched. 
After you are finished you pass him the paper and watch as he marks up the pages with a red pen. Eventually, he turns to you and gives you back the test, a solid 83%. Not as good as you hoped but you don’t want to discredit Jean’s tutoring. After walking through the test you look at the clock, it's currently 1 A.M. 
“Well Y/N, your test is first thing in the morning and I don’t think stressing yourself out more is going to help you at all.”
“But what am I supposed to do? I need an 85!”
“You need sleep,” Jean says, packing up your study materials.
“One more practice test, then I sleep, I swear.’
“Sleep now. Maybe you can do another in the morning.”
There is no use in arguing with Jean, he always gets his way. Once the study materials were all put away Jean takes your laptop and opens up Netflix, knowing you won’t be able to sleep if you were still worked up. The two of you sit side by side on your bed watching some stupid movie until Jean notices your eyes have closed and your breathing has evened out. As quietly as possible Jean closes the laptop and climbs out of the bed. He puts a blanket over your sleeping form and turns off the light before closing the door to your room. 
The next morning you wake up with a text from Jean. Opening your door you find a fresh coffee and a doughnut waiting on your doorstep. “That idiot.” You mumble to no one, but gratefully pick up the small meal he left for you. After eating you get ready to go and resign to looking over some notes before the exam. Once in the classroom, all the stress from last night comes crashing back. You just have to keep reminding yourself that a C in trig isn’t bad. Your GPA will still be above a 3.0, barely but still. And before you know it your teacher has told you to begin your exam so you log on to your computer and start your test. 
The good thing about the test being on the computer is that you’ll know your results immediately. After going over the answers a second time you finally hit the submit button. You stare at the little blinking cursor as it checks through all your answers, holding your breath. Suddenly your final grade pops up on the screen and you can’t stop the tears that slip from your eyes. You gather your things and head back to your dorm. But you find Jean waiting outside the building, leaning against the car without a care in the world. “JEAN!” You practically scream upon seeing him. He can see the tears on your face, “It’s okay, Y/N. Trig is pointless anyway. You still did great even if you got a C.”
“I did it! Jean, I got a 90%!”
“That’s my girl!” Jean says giving you a high five.
“Couldn’t have done it without you, teach.” You say giving him a big grin.
“Come on, Y/N. I say we get you a celebratory milkshake before we drive home. Jean says opening the door for you. Your eyes follow him as he walks around the car to the driver’s side. You are lucky to have him in your life. Yeah, he can be kind of an ass from time to time, but his heart is always in the right place. 
'Cause I'll be right there (right there) For every minute This time, it's no different Whatever happens you should know 'Cause you're not alone, girl Look over your shoulder You don't have to wonder 'Cause you know, you know, you know You're not alone, girl
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theblackberrygirl · 3 years
Dead Hearts
Summary: The Red Room is destroyed and Natasha has some unresolved goodbyes to say.
Author’s Note: alright I wasn’t super happy with this bc I felt like it was kinda OOC but my beta reader said she rly liked it so here it is!
Warnings: torture, death, death of children, hypothermia, grief. It’s sad alright
This is a song fic and it’s inspired by Dead Hearts by Stars
Tell me everything that happened
Tell me everything you saw
They had lights inside their eyes
They had lights inside their eyes
“JARVIS, show me the article,” Nat asked, her voice trembling ever so slightly.
“Of course, Ms. Romanoff.”
The headline streamed across the TV in her room. Russian training academy, Red Room, has been destroyed and burned by the US government.
Her stomach dropped. No. It can’t be true. The Red Room doesn’t just get destroyed. That’s not possible, it’s not true.
But it was. It was true. The Red Room had been reduced to a pile of burning cinder blocks.
She felt a strange feeling in her heart. She definitely wasn’t nostalgic. The Red Room had kidnapped her from that house fire when she was 4, leaving her parents to die. They tortured her, made her into a killer, messed with her mind and memories.
They made her kill her friends.
When she had escaped when she was 16 and Clint had found her, she never looked back. She ran and ran because running was what she knew, it was all she knew.
But now, she couldn’t run away. No, for once in her life, it was time to run towards something.
“JARVIS, is the quinjet fueled up?”
“Yes, Ms. Romanoff, but-”
“Get me 29 roses please. I’m leaving in 10 minutes.” JARVIS didn’t answer her, but she knew he was listening.
It was late, around 2 in the morning. Tony would be in his lab. The others would hopefully be asleep. Clint… well, he was a wild card at night. He could be anywhere. But she had known him for years. She knew how to avoid him.
She threw some essentials in a bag before heading towards the quinjet. JARVIS had been listening, because a bundle of blood-red roses laid on the countertop.
She picked them up on her way out to one of the jets. She needed to do this. Not just for herself.
But for them.
Did you see the closing window?
Did you hear the slamming door?
They moved forward, and my heart died
They moved forward, and my heart died
“Mr. Stark, Ms. Romanoff has just entered the roof.”
“What? Why?” Tony asked, actually pausing his newest project to listen to JARVIS.
“She asked me to make sure one of the quinjets had fuel and to get her roses.”
“That’s helpful,” Tony grumbled. “Is Barton still up?”
“Mr. Barton is currently downstairs in the archery range.”
“Typical. Tell him to come up here, will ya J?”
“Right away, Mr. Stark.”
Tony didn’t go back to his tinkering. He wanted to give Natasha her space, since she’d probably kill him if he didn’t. But at the same time, if this was something important, he didn’t want her to be alone.
“Tony? What’s up?” Clint had arrived in the lab, his bow on his back.
“Hey, do you know if today is anything important for Nat? An anniversary or something?”
“...no? Not that I know of anyways. Why? She alright?”
“I’m not sure, Katniss. JARVIS just told me that she was going up to the jet with roses.”
“Where is she going?”
“The GPS coordinates are set for an area approximately 50 miles West of Vorkuta, Russia.”
“Russia? Why would she be going back to-”
“JARVIS, how many roses did she want?” Clint interjected.
“29, sir.”
“That’s specific,” Tony commented.
Clint didn’t say anything. He wordlessly picked up one of the laptops Tony had laying around and typed something into the search bar.
“Oh no, Tasha… I knew you talked about it doing something, but...”
“What? What is it?”
Clint spun the laptop around for him to see. “The Red Room. It’s gone. And I think I know why she’s going back”
Please, please tell me what they looked like
Did they seem afraid of you?
They were kids that I once knew
They were kids that I once knew...
Even in a quinjet, the ride from New York to Northern Russia was pretty long, giving her plenty of time to think and contemplate.
She did not want to think. Not about the Red Room, or Madame B, or the other girls, anything.
You owe it to them to remember.
All of her memories before 16 were jumbled. But some things… some things can’t be erased or altered by drugs.
She remembers their names. All of them. All 29.
She had been the youngest girl in her class of Black Widows. Some said that was a weakness. Others said it was an advantage.
But when they brought little Natalia Romanova to that place, still covered in burns and ash, she didn’t care about becoming the Black Widow. She wanted her mother, and father, in their little one-bedroom apartment, with her stuffed rabbit Alexei. It was always cold in that apartment, but when she was snuggled between her mother and father, she felt safe.
She learned quickly that safety was not a feeling in the Red Room. That was something for children, and she was not a child. She was Natalia, made of marble.
On her first night there, when she had silently cried from the pain of cold metal handcuff cutting her wrist, one of the older girls had helped her. She was 8. Her name was Nadia.
Nadia had stolen one of the handcuff keys from the guards. She had unlocked the cuffs and hugged her. Made her a makeshift doll out of an old sock and toilet paper. Told her stories of magic and heros.
In the morning, they found out about what Nadia had done. They punished her until she couldn’t scream anymore. Just before they killed her, she looked at Natalia. “It’s ok”, she whispered. Just before they pulled the trigger.
Magic had not been in that place in a very long time.
After Nadia had been killed, Natalia funneled her grief and fear into her training. She rose to the top, taking down girls who were twice her age and twice her size. She used untraditional methods on the mat, using her legs to take them down since that was where she was strongest.
Her handlers were very impressed with her sudden prowess. She became the best dancer, best fighter, best liar. She picked up the languages quickly. She was as stoic as stone, never flinching or backing down from the threat of a punishment.
They never knew what fueled her excellence. Never knew that she was motivated by rage and grief. For her parents. For Nadia.
When she turned 9 years old, she decided that it was time to repay her debt to Nadia. There was a new girl, the last one for their class. The thirtieth. Sasha.
No one knew what had happened to Sasha. But they did know that she was good. She was unwavering, unmoving. During the day, anyways.
At night, Natalia could hear the girl in the bed next to her trying to muffle her cries. She took out the key that one of the guards had foolishly left in the washrooms. She carefully unlocked her own cuff and Sasha’s.
She rubbed her back silently. Rebraided her French braids that had come undone in the night. Made her a crude doll out of an old sock and toilet paper. Just as Nadia had done for her.
The next morning, Natalia had waited all day for someone to take her to a room to be killed. But they never did. They hadn’t been caught.
Sasha and Natalia continued their routine every night. It was nice to have a friend in a place where friends were a myth.
They were friends for 2 years. They learned to master sneaking around. When Sasha turned 11, someone took her into a room alone. They did this all the time for training, interrogation practice, or just a mental test.
When Sasha didn’t come back that night, she knew something was wrong.
She never saw Sasha again. She didn’t know what happened to her. She still didn’t.
“Landing in 10 minutes,” the jet intercom told her. A wave of anxiety washed over her. She didn’t want to be here. She wanted to turn around, go home, and never come back.
She hated the memories associated with this place. This was the closest she had ever been in the 12 years since Clint saved her. She avoided it like the plague.
The clearing the jet had landed in was still about 2 miles from the old academy. She pulled her coat and hat on and began her march through the barren fields and forest.
Tank tops and shorts. No shoes, she thought to herself. When she was 13, Madame B had given them all black tank tops and shorts. She took away their combat boots and forced them out into the bitter winds.
“Only the strongest will survive this challenge. Only those worthy of the Black Widow title will make it through this. If you are not ready, well, hypothermia isn’t a bad way to go,” she had told them. 2 girls out of the remaining 18 had died that day.
Then they had gone inside to train. The cold made their muscles achey and stiff, but the Red Room was not a place for complaints.
Then they did it all again the next day.
By the end of the week, 7 of the remaining 18 girls were dead, either from exhaustion or the cold. 11 remained from a group that was once 30.
Anastasia. Irina. Svetlana. Alina. Manya. Eva. Kyana.
Their dead hearts were everywhere. The lights inside their eyes extinguished. They’re still out there. And she still cares.
She always will.
I could say it, but you won't believe me
You say you do, but you don't deceive me
It's hard to know they're out there
It's hard to know that you still care
Pepper, Tony, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Steve, and Fury had all boarded a jet to Russia as soon as Clint told them what had happened. They weren’t going to let her go through this alone.
Natasha Romanoff liked to pretend she didn’t feel things. But they were her family. And family helped each other.
They all sat in silence. Natasha only had an hour on them, but that was still an hour where she was alone and hurting. Even Tony didn’t say anything.
Clint was playing with the spider necklace he always wore. Natasha had a matching one with an arrow. It was a symbol of how deep their friendship went.
Fury was completely still. He had his arms resting on his knees, looking straight ahead. His lips were more downturned than usual, and his forehead was more tense. You could only tell if you had known him for a long time, but Fury was upset. Upset that the woman he looked at as a daughter had to relive this. That she even had to live through it at all.
Clint and Fury were probably getting hit the hardest. They knew the most about what went down in the Red Room. They knew the most about how painful this had to be for their friend.
As the jet lightly set down in the field near the jet that Natasha had taken, they all prepared to walk the 2 miles in the cold weather.
The ground beneath their feet was completely frozen. Permafrost. Snowflakes rushed around their faces. It was painfully beautiful.
The sound of dried grass and leaves under their feet was the only sound on their walk. The wind whistled in their ears. The cold air bit into their exposed skin like needles.
Clint’s breath caught in his throat when he saw her.
She was standing on a pile of rubble with her back to them. Her flaming red hair was flying in the wind. In her arms was the bouquet of roses. Each rose had a note attached, written in Natasha’s small, elegant penmanship.
As Clint looked closer, he saw what the notes were. Names. All of them.
If Nat had realized they were there, she made no move to acknowledge them.
She just stood there. As if she was in shock. To be honest, she might’ve been.
“Sometimes, I swear I can see them,” Natasha spoke. She sounded so… broken. “Everywhere. In the reflection of a window. When I heard a door slam, it was like they were right there like they used to be. Like how they were in here.”
They all stayed quiet. She needed to get this out.
“It’s like they’re following me. Protecting me. I miss them. I miss them all.”
“Inna, Katrina, Larisa, Polina, and Oksana were the first 5 to go.” She held the 5 flowers tightly in her hand, like if she squeezed it tightly enough, she could bring them back. “5, 7, 6, 4, and 8. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you,” she whispered. Her emotions were coming to the surface, hidden by a thin veil of control.
“Raisa, Sonya, Ulyana, Vanka. I didn’t know any of you. Not personally. But all of you deserved so much better than what you got.”
“Luda, Lubov, and Klara. You were 8 years old. Triplets. Nothing could come between you three. Not the Red Room. Not even death.”
Clint started to move closer towards his best friend. He could see the way she was shaking.
“That week when we stood outside for hours. The cold and exhaustion took 7. Anastasia, Irina, Svetlana, Alina, Manya, Eva, Kyana. I hope that you weren’t in pain when you died. I hope you’re finally resting.”
Only 10 roses were left in her arms, the other 19 laid out on the ground in front of her. The bright red petals contrasted sharply with the grey cinder blocks and white snow.
“Yelizaveta. Liz. We were in actual hell together, and yet you somehow managed to make me smile with your fucked-up sense of humor. In a place like that, dark humor is the only kind you have.” A small smile joined the tears running down her face. “I hope I’ll see you again one day.”
“Taisiya, Sonechka, Nikita, Mischa, Maya, Luda. You were all so smart. And so strong. You fought harder than everyone. Even now, I have yet to meet someone as smart as you six, and 2 of my best friends have more than one PhD,” she laughed.
She was down to the final three roses. Clint put his arm around her. The dam was threatening to break any moment now.
“Nadia.” She let her tears fall for Nadia. “I wouldn’t be alive without you. I wouldn’t have gotten to meet my family. I wouldn’t have gotten to become an aunt without you.” Clint had already been crying, they all had, even Fury, but that had struck him deep in his heart. “I owe you. And I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she choked out. She bit her lip to keep it from trembling as she gently set the rose down on the ground.
“When I was 14, we had to do torture training.” Pepper let out a small gasp. “After I had finished the whipping and electrocution day, Anya split her bread with me. She cleaned the cuts that I couldn’t reach. In the morning, I-” Her voice began to crack. “They made me be the one to kill her. She was 15.” She set Anya’s rose on the ground next to the others. “You didn’t deserve it, Anya. You were always so good. Better than I ever was.”
“Sasha. Sasha and I were best friends,” she let out a small bittersweet laugh. “When I was with her, I felt like, maybe, we could lead normal lives. Escape. Be happy. One day, when we were 11, they took her away and never brought her back.” She held the rose with Sasha written on it in her hand. “I’m sorry, Sash. I’m so, so sorry. For everything.”
“You forgot one,” Clint whispered. He held out one more red rose. “Natalia Romanova. A little girl orphaned in a fire, who did what she had to do to survive. Who walked through hell and back and still found herself a family and a home.” He set the rose down with the others.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she cried. Clint hugged her tightly as they sank to the ground.
“We were all so young. We were all kids. Just kids,” she sobbed into his shoulder.
Years upon years, over 2 decades worth of grief, sadness, fear, rage, and pain came pouring out. She had been bottling these feelings up for 24 years, shoving them down, and now they were finally being released. Finally being set free.
“They were kids that I once knew. They were kids that I once knew...”
Now they’re all dead hearts to you.
They were kids that I once knew
They were kids that I once knew
Now they're all dead hearts to you
Now they're all dead hearts to you
They were kids that I once knew
They were kids that I once knew
Now they're all dead hearts to you...
33 notes · View notes
sup-hoes-its-me · 4 years
Amnesia (Levi x Reader)
A/N: so my boyfriend and i just watched attack on titan again in prep for season 4 in a few months. We both fell in love with levi all over again so i had to write a little story for our little captain. Definitely angst, and probably ooc bc levi is not the romantic type. enjoy.
word count: 5530
Although he appeared stoic, fearless and unattached in almost all ways, Levi Ackerman had a heart burdened with layers of  scalding emotion constantly burning painful holes in his heart. The loss of a childhood to violence, found-family killed in front of his eyes, comrades falling victim to this unfair world over and over again. He was a hardened man drowning in regret. 
Yet, he could never find himself regretting Y/N. She was a woman of talent and skill, grace flowing through her every movement, despite being a skilled soldier. Her voice, when he first heard it, the words she summoned from deep in mind; he found himself hanging on her every word, watching her every step. He often found himself wondering if she would make a mistake and let down some sort of facade, yet she never broke character. 
To some, she could be seen as ignorant, perhaps too trusting or even a bit self-righteous. She was far from perfect, but to him, for the first time in his life, he couldn’t find a flaw in what he saw. It seemed that he would do anything for her, even when no one knew why. 
And as he lay in his cold bed alone at night, rewinds of old memories played time and time again, each and every night. They ruined his life just a little more each time, driving him near mad.
This night was no different.
  “Y/N-san, oh my god. Wake up, shit,” Reiner begged the woman who he held in his arms. One second his squad leader was flying through the trees, slicing the neck of a 13 meter, the next she was tossed into a tree, rolling through the branches to the hard ground with a thud, blood seeping into the grass from her head. 
Sasha noticed Reiner hunched over a body on the ground, not having seen her leader fall victim to a titan. Her eyes widened at the blood and quickly went to his side. She nearly passed out at the sight of the woman she grew to know as a family. Reiner was frantic, pressing against the back of her head with her cloak, trying to stop the bleeding.
Tears gathered in Sasha’s eyes, despite having seen death before. “She has to be okay.” The young girl whispered, choking back sobs in her throat. She said it mostly to comfort herself, witnessing deaths time and time before just like this one. Hope just seemed so useless nowadays, just mourning.
He held his hand over her nose and felt soft breaths of air. Relief  flooded through him for just a moment as he gathered her close to him. Her crumbling body was limp, and he felt her arm move in an awkward way, definitely broken. He made sure to support that arm, placing it across her stomach.
“She’s dying, we have to get her to the medics, fuck,” Reiner cried, lifting her delicate body carefully in his strong arms. He hugged her head to his chest, and as he did so, it seemed like pints of blood seeped into his clothes and stuck to his skin. He shot off into the air, but Sasha couldn’t move from where she knelt, body almost limp. 
What if she died? What would they do then? Sasha was pretty sure Y/N was the only reason Levi maintained his temper at times. She was the person Hanji ran to tell about her experiments and the commander's only surviving childhood friend in the corps. Sure, Sasha would be hurt losing a leader she grew to trust, but what about the veteran soldiers. It had been years and years since they met, and they got attached. That’s what happens when everyone else dies and it seems like you just have one another to latch onto.
Dread filled her heart as they returned to the carts and gave Y/N over to one of the medics, who pressed something to her head and popped in one of her dislocated limbs. He was so casual, she thought. Anyone would turn that way working with dozens of injured soldiers every mission. The casualty of it all made it all the more depressing, even disturbing. 
“Will-will she be okay?”
“Hell if I know,” the boy confessed. “But we all better hope so.” Even though he failed to explain, both the cadets knew why.
Soldiers began pouring out of the forest on their gear or horses. Some carried the dead, while some carried pride for what they had done. No one paid mind to that particular medic cart. The medic opened her eyes and observed her condition, but that only made Sasha’s heart sink further. She was unresponsive to touch, just a limp body, nearly dead.
Heads turned at the distinct sound of blades falling to the ground. Levi landed beside the cart after seeing the mop of h/c hair lying in the cart. His eyes flashed to Reiner and Sasha for a moment, seeing the blood soaked clothes and tear-stained cheeks. 
For the first time in years, Levi felt his blood run cold in his veins and his heart to stop beating in his chest. Pain stabbed him in the stomach, feelings of throwing up his breakfast arose. He opened his mouth to say something, but his words got caught in his throat. He gasped for air before muttering hopelessly, maybe to himself or the cadets or even the woman herself lying half dead in the carriage.
His voice was weak, full of pain and fear. “Shut up.” No malintent, just a desperate need for silence among the horses trotting along and soldiers rejoicing the fact they made it out alive. He walked over to the cart and climbed in, his normally firm and strong hands shakily hovering over the woman’s cheeks, gently wiping the blood  from her lips and eyes.
For the first time, the cadets witnessed complete and utter fear and helplessness overtake their captain, the emotions of a broken man leaking past his wall of bravery. 
In that moment, Sasha realized that Y/N wasn’t hers to grieve. 
“Y/N, please…” he whimpered, running his fingers down her wet, bloody hair. ‘“M-my princess, please. I need you, please.” 
“Captain, she’s not dead. We just need to get her back to the wall and-”
“Will she live?”
“I’d stake my life on it, Captain Levi. Don’t you worry,” the medic, one who had only really heard of Levi by mouth, lied through his teeth. He was just a trainee. He had no idea what would happen to this woman, but one thing he did know was that in times of need people need comfort, and sometimes white lies can ease the pain.
Levi and Erwin stood outside the doctor’s office as Y/N sat inside being tended to by a nurse. The doctor shut the door quietly, and joined the two men in the hall. His eyes were solemn and regretful, not wanting to look up at the two incredibly powerful military forces before him. 
“Why was she acting like that? I thought you said she would be healed by now,” Levi grunted, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“The blow to her head severely damaged her limbic system. I’m truly sorry to tell you, but she’s suffering from retrograde amnesia.”
Levi bit back an indecent curse, as Erwin spoke. “So, she can’t remember anything?”
“She still can function normally, but her memories are gone.”
“Everything?” Levi asked shortly, trying to stay calm. He hadn’t expected this after they’d heard of her waking from her coma. He thought that one month without her was long enough, but now it seemed the situation was much, much worse than any of them anticipated. 
“Unfortunately. She does remember a vague sense of the titans and the walls though.”
“What about people? Friends? Family?” Levi anxiously questioned, almost pleading with the doctor to say that she remembered him. Erwin placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and sighed.  The doctor shook his head, and it only buried Levi deeper in his misery. How could she forget everything? 
How was it right that she could forget the years they spent together but he had to live with the memories, all the emotions unreciprocated? It was cruel for fate to do this to him.
Erwin asked finally, “Is there any chance of her regaining her memories?”
“Perhaps. Amnesia, anything involving the brain really, is a tricky matter. My guess is not likely, but there is always a chance.” He sighed and pushed up his glasses. “Would either of you like to sit and talk with her? Being around familiar things can boost memory in patients.”
They walked into the room calmly, and the woman peered up at them, a small smile gracing her lips. Levi felt his heart jump to his throat, and he had to swallow down his feelings. She was rightfully so the most beautiful human being to ever walk within the walls. Her smile, seeing it for the first time in so long, it made him so happy. If only this was a happy scene, though.
"Ah! Finally some visitors. All I've seen is nurses and doctors for the past what? Five hours?"
“”Hello, miss Y/N. I am Erwin Smith, the commander of the Survey Corps as well as your long time friend.”
“Really? How did I manage to be friends with someone so distinguished?” she laughed, but in all seriousness, she didn’t know. “They told me I was a great soldier, is that true? If anyone would know, it’d be you.”
“Great soldier, but might I say, greater friend.”
Her cheeks turned just the slightest bit of pink at the compliment. She smiled at her blankets. “Thanks. Hopefully I get to meet more of my old friends soon. Seems to me like I was quite popular.” Erwin nodded, moving to sit down in the chair beside her bed, revealing Levi behind him. The man was quiet, his eyes dancing around the room without meeting her gaze. “I’m guessing you’re a friend too-”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“Levi-” Erwin started, but Y/n cut him off.
“They told me about you, Levi! Humanity’s strongest soldier, even better than me,” she laughed, sending him a playful wink. He winced at the sight of her smiling at him, her cheeks just a bit red from happiness. When she winked, he thought he might drop dead right there. Her beautiful eyes, the sparkle that they always held; he wanted them to be his again. “The nurse said you would visit me every morning and night while I was in the coma.”
“Yeah. Do...do you remember anything else about me?”
“Not right now, but the doc says I can get them back at any time.” Always so positive. If only he could think like that too.
The shorter man took a seat at the edge of her bed, staring down at the ring around his finger, twisting it back and forth. The gold was dull by now, he hadn’t polished it in a few months. Her eyes caught sight of the ring and she held back her questions about it.
“So, your name is Levi…”
“Hmm, I see. And we were good friends?”
She raised a brow, turning her head to Erwin, who nodded to assure she was assuming the right thing. He was certainly a handsome man, but she couldn’t see how someone so bubbly as her could be with someone so serious and quiet. He didn’t even want to make eye contact with her.
Y/N leaned over the edge of the bed to grab a small drawstring bag. “The doctor put all my belongings in this bag. Let me just..” Her swift fingers rummaged around for a few seconds before they enclosed a small, smooth piece of metal. “I’m guessing this is from you, huh?” she asked, pulling the sparkly ring from the bag. 
They had her look through her bag earlier to see if it would spark any memories, to no avail. Yet, she remained curious about the ring. 
“It’s very beautiful, thank you for giving it to me. Do you want it back while I’m-”
“No. Please,” he paused, taking a deep breath. He found himself pleading a lot more than usual these days. It was just sad. “Can you just wear it?”
She slipped the ring on her finger without hesitation. “Of course. I’m sure I loved you very much before the accident, Levi.”
Loved. That’s right. She didn’t love him anymore. She didn’t even know him. 
“Were we married?”
“Practically, but there’s no time for a wedding with our work schedules.”
“I see. Well, it’s nice to meet you again. Hopefully we can become close again soon.”
He frowned, nodding towards the ground. How could fate be this cruel to him? He stood up from the bed and left the room before anyone could stop him. This whole thing, seeing her, it was too much for him. He didn’t want to see her the way she was, and it broke his heart.
That day marked the single worst moment for Levi, above all else. Losing the love of his life.
Five months later, and a lot of shit happened. But of course, Y/N still couldn't remember anything. He couldn’t do a thing but sit around bitterly, knowing that his lover was lost to him. Others tried to tell him to build their relationship again, but what was the point in that? Their love was built on circumstance: on the wall breaking, on the missions they protected each other, on the nights they spent talking about everything and nothing by the stables.They could never get that back, the same love she once had for him was gone.
He spoke to her, but he didn’t go out of his way to find her, to speak to her. He would rather keep to himself, and if that made him come across as harsh and cruel, then so be it.
He still felt the urge to protect her, the need to maintain what they once had, how he felt for her. He still protected her as if his life depended on it, and he would walk to the ends of the Earth before he saw her die. Yet, he couldn’t be sociable and comfortable like before.
That morning he woke up as usual, got dressed, went about his day, headed to the dining hall for dinner, and ate in silence if not for curses under his breath as he watched the love of his life talk it up with Erwin and Hanji, laughing and smiling as if he wasn’t right there. He knew Hanji could sense his eyes trailing to them with every sip of his tea, and she sent him a sympathetic look. 
The woman felt for her friend and comrade. For 6 years, she witnessed the pair fall in love despite trauma and differences they had. She was there countless times to see Levi lay his life on the line for her, and Y/N do the same for him. There was a change in Levi from the moment those two became friends to the very last day they had together. It made her sad. Love didn’t feel real without these two being there for each other.
Erwin wasn’t as adept, but he saw the pain in humanity’s greatest soldier. He loved Y/N, having known her since they attended training together. He was amazed she lived this long as well, having lost so many soldiers and friends along the way. She was different now. Lost in her own mind half the time, and unreliable on missions. 
But they had to keep waiting. Doctors, the best the walls had to offer, told them the chance of her memories coming back to her were close to zero, but not quite. If there was even a chance their friend would remember them some day, it wasn’t worth abandoning hope.
“Y/N, I totally forgot to tell you. You and Levi need to go check the horses. I think I left the stable door open, I’m not sure, haha,” Hanji rushed to say, wiggling her brows at Levi. She pushed Y/N out of her seat and stacked her plates for her to take to the dishwashers. “Sorry, but it’s just got to be checked.”
“Why does Levi have to-”
“Because you shouldn’t go out at night alone, obviously,” she explained, but stupidly. A soldier couldn’t go out on their own base alone. Y/N nodded obediently, but she really didn’t want to go, especially with him. She twisted the ring on her finger absentmindedly as her friend rushed her to exit the dining hall. Levi followed, but not without sending a twisted glare at the squad leader.
Y/N kept ahead of him, walking briskly as to get the job done quickly. Levi already knew she wasn’t happy going with him and that she generally disliked him. 
It wasn’t until they got to the stables and saw that the gates were in fact closed, locked up, and all the horses were as they should be. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me? She sent us out here for what? Her own amusement?” Y/N said, her voice raising just a bit. She was angry, just enough to put a lump in Levi’s stomach. Before the accident, she never got angry with him, or anyone else. She was just happy to contribute to the cause and help anyone she could, even if the task was as trivial as checking the stables. Y/N would have been happy to take a walk outside at night with Levi. 
In fact, they stood in the same spot they would hang out at night under the stars time and time again. He stared at her now, and wished to god that he could go back in time to when she would cuddle and kiss him under the moon and the stars here. He wanted her to tell him silly stories about her day, and then lean over and pepper kisses to his neck and his cheeks and his nose and call him her baby.
But instead, she hated him for everything he was worth.
“Y/N, Hanji didn’t-”
“Oh, would you just shut up?” she rolled her eyes over to him, her fists clenched at her sides. “You’re literally my only problem right now, You, my supposed lover. Everyone tells me stories about how you loved me, how we fell in love even, yet you treat me like absolute horse shit.”
“Would you just-”
“Would I just what? Continue to pretend you’re not an absolute asshole? You ignore me, you avoid me, you tell people that you miss me, yet you won’t even bother to make an effort? How can someone who loved me so much act this way?” the woman yelled furiously, glaring at him. The sparkle in her eyes vanished the longer she spoke, the longer she was with him.
He grit his teeth for a second trying to keep himself under control, but he couldn’t stand it anymore. “You are the one that’s ruined my life, don’t even try to act like your life is so hard.”
“How dare-”
“In case you didn’t know, you are the only thing I have left. I’ve lost my family, seen hundreds of people die around me. I found you, my sweet and kind princess, the woman I would kill and be killed over. I opened myself up to you, to the idea of loving you, despite what little time we all have left, despite the risks that come with caring about someone.”
“I’m still the same person-”
“No, you’re not. You just fell in love with me, I didn't need to try this hard. It was natural that we come together after everything we had been through. When I thought about the day I would lose you, I expected you to die and for us to bury your body and for it all to be over. I could move on knowing I did everything I could to protect you and love you,” he gasped for air, so angry he forgot to breathe. His eyes burned into hers which were slowly widening, lips just agape. He took a deep breath and continued, “Do you know how much it hurts to see you walking around, talking to people, knowing that you are right there for me to touch and love, yet you will never love me again, not the way it was? Do you really, Y/N?”
“Levi...I’m sorry.”
He rubbed his face with his hand, covering his eyes in shame. He didn’t mean to be so emotional, to make a pathetic attempt at forcing the blame on her. “Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything for it to be this way. You’re just living like anyone else, I’m the one wallowing in my own misery. I’m the one that should be sorry.”
“I know. I-I want more than anything to remember everything. I want to remember you and how much you loved me like everyone says, like you say. I just...I don’t know how. Levi, I’m so sorry.”
He let his arms fall to his sides limply, not having anything else left to say really. “Even though you’re right in front of me, I miss you,” he whispered. “I just miss you.”
Y/N stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him into a gentle hug. He tensed for a moment before falling into the hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulder and neck, pulling her form as close to him as possible. He missed her touch, her warm hugs by the stables. He would never say he missed the little intimacies, that was too much for him. Yet, these moments fueled him to wait for her, as long as she needed.
“Maybe it will never be the same. I’m sorry for that, Levi. I want to be friends with you. I long to know what the old me saw in you for so long. I wish I remembered what happened to spark something between us. I know it’s all still there somewhere, whether we have that history or not.” Silence from him, just faint breaths against her shoulder. “But it will be okay.”
It’ll be okay.
Six months after she lost her memory, six months of feeling like a burden to the corps, Y/N stood outside the castle with a few of the cadets and Hanji, watching as she tried more experiments on Eren. She leaned back against a tree and shut her eyes, taking in a breath of the fresh air. So much had happened over the past months that she nearly forgot she lost her memories all those months ago. Wall Rose was sealed, the titan shifters had left for the time being. It seemed like everything was at peace, or that time was just standing still.
In the middle of the peace, the sunlight shining down on her and her friends through leaves in the trees, through the warmth of the summer sun. her mind seemed to piece itself together, if only parts. Her world shifted together once again.
Flashbacks played over in her mind, one after the other, hundreds of memories flooding in so quickly. She stumbled forward a few steps, pressing a hand to her lips to hold back her gasp. Hanji hadn’t noticed as she was too focused on Eren, but Jean gave her a particularly strange look after noticing her.
“Y/N-san, you good?” the boy called to her.
Thankfully, no one noticed except him, and she just waved him off. “It’s nothing. Just have to go to the bathroom.” As she walked away, more and more memories flooded into her head, not everything. She felt millions of tiny pieces of her story were missing here and there, but she could remember enough.
Memories of her mother and her father in her childhood house. Memories of school, cadet training. Erwin, Eren, Hanji, her squad, the titans, the expeditions, her favorite foods and stories and books. 
But most of all, she remembered Levi.
The night was soldiering on, yet Y/N could not sleep. Her stomach churned every few moments and she felt a headache coming up at the same time. Something had been bothering her for the past week, actually, make that the past few months. She was a seasoned soldier, yet she was letting emotions cloud her mind. Her exercises were coming up short and clumsy, and she had a hard time focusing on paperwork or the commander’s orders. 
The only thing on her mind was a man, particularly short with a sharp tongue and the abilities of a godly warrior. It had been two years since she met him, two long years of fighting and struggling to live amongst the chaos ensuing. He was her only source of hope and light in this cruel world.
Slowly, she rolled out of her bed and wrapped herself in her blanket, leaving the room and shutting the door silently. She didn’t want to wake anyone else for them to ask what she was up to long after midnight. She stepped down the hall carefully, keeping her head hung just a bit. In hindsight, she shouldn’t have been scared at all. She knew just as well as he did what they were meant to be. It was obvious to everyone. 
Yet there were always variables. Death was inevitable, no one lived to die of old age anymore. They were busy beyond belief, always rushing around to get things done, fight titans, protect the people of the walls. It was high stress, which didn’t leave much thought for anything else. She had the mind to think about everything but her priorities, unfortunately.
She walked across the yard in the cold night to the men’s barracks, definitely not where she was supposed to be. She could probably be in a bit of trouble with Erwin if someone snitched on her, but her consequences wouldn’t be dire.
And as she approached the room, her body tensed. It was so quiet in the night that she could almost hear the sound of her heart beating ferociously in her chest. Softly, with the tips of her fingers, she knocked on his door. When he didn’t answer, she could only laugh to herself, of course he couldn’t hear her weak knocks. 
She was just so scared. Maybe if he didn’t answer the door, then she could forget all about this and never confess what she was thinking. 
Gathering some of that Survey Corps courage, she knocked a little harder on the door. Rustling sound from in the room, and the woman cringed, shutting her eyes and taking a few quick breaths. It would be fine, she assured herself. It’s not that big of a deal.
When the door opened and Levi looked into her eyes, rightfully confused, she lost all her thoughts. The hours she had spent rehearsing what she wanted to say were thrown out the window.
“Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?” he whispered, his eyes sliding to check down the hall left and right for anyone watching. 
Her mouth opened, lips opening and closing like fish. He took her wrist and yanked her into his room, shutting the door behind them. 
“Is something wrong?” he asked, still holding her wrist in his iron tight grip. Y/N shook her head and sighed, turning to look at the wall instead of him. “Don’t tell me you had a nightmare or something-”
“Levi, I love you. I-I don’t know how else to tell you, and Hanji said outright was the best way and...well, I don’t know.”
“Stay with me tonight?”
Her face turned to stare at him incredulously, her cheeks turning an all-telling pink. “What?”
“I anticipated this, to be honest. You’re very emotional.” He crossed his arms, trying his best not to lose his cool composure like she had. He’d gone to the same evil scientist for love advice about Y/N a month before. His heart felt like it would explode, and his cheeks were threatening to turn red and his palms to sweat. But he would remain cool. Y/N was always the one to be open with her more embarrassing emotions. Coolly, he replied, “Hanji told me you would do this, and then she told me to tell you to stay the night with me.”
“Hanji...that double-crossing bastard.”
He rubbed a hand over his eyes, feelings of drowsiness still running through his head after just waking up. “Listen, I just want to hold you and fall asleep so stay with me.”
It only took a second to think it over before Y/N nodded. He walked over to his bed, scooting over to the side against the wall so she would have room. They had tiny beds, almost cots, but thankfully being a captain warranted a slightly bigger one. She sunk down into his bed and rolled over to face him. His sheets and pillows smelt so clean and new, just like his clothes did every day. It was comforting, and she felt the smell lulling her to sleep.
“So, the feelings are mutual?” she finally asked, although her answer was already quite clear.
Levi just sighed, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close to his chest. “Always so stupid.”
“Levi?” Y/N asked as she entered the man’s office without even knocking. She was practically bouncing with each step, energy bound up inside.
He didn’t bother peeking up from his desk, just checking more things off his paperwork. “Yes, Y/N?”
She didn’t really know what to say, truthfully. She could only stand there for moment, and think herself so stupid for not remembering him. Looking back on how she acted while she was recovering, how she acted like a stranger to him for so long, and now that seemed ridiculous. They had history. Thousands of moments that she forgot. 
Without thinking much else, she bluntly said the only thing on her mind, “Stay the night with me.”
He lifted his eyes from his paperwork, narrowing his brows. “Excuse me?” 
“You said that the first time I told you I loved you. You-You were too nervous to actually tell me you loved me so you said that instead,” Y/N rushed to say. “I remembered.”
As Levi looked up at the woman he loved, the one he never stopped loving this whole time, he noticed the sparkle in her eyes had returned. Her cheeks were dusted pink and she looked out of breath from excitement. He didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t expected this, and honestly he never thought he would hear her recall those times again.
“I remember you. Not everything yet, but I remember being in love with you. I remember how you loved me.”
He stood from his desk to walk over to the woman who was overflowing with so many words and thoughts and emotions that he thought she might burst. He rested his hands on her cheeks, bringing her eyes up to meet his. He could see, for the first time in forever, the way her eyes shone with love and affection for only him. She brought her hands up to rest on his, heat rising up to turn her ears red. 
Even though they were practically married before, she felt anxious and embarrassed being so close to him and touching him again. It was like she had just fallen in love again, a giddy young woman with so much ahead of her. Levi touching her, it made her feel something again. His warmth radiating onto her chilled skin; it was all she needed to go crazy.
God, did she miss having these feelings. The feeling of being in love is one of the most pleasant mankind has ever felt.
“Levi, I’m back.”
“God, I missed you. I really fucking missed you.”
And as she wrapped her arms around him once again, feeling his heart beating against her ear, she remembered what it felt like to be Y/N. A woman who was loved and important, someone with a history of good deeds and hard work. It was worth waiting six months, just to feel this bliss once again.
They would be together as long as they had left, and every minute would be cherished. War would come. Deaths would surface. But at least they had the present.
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moodykylo · 4 years
TMA prompts you say??? i am here!!! if you don't like this, let me know and i can try again, but!! what about Jon in a VERY bad mood, and the assistants are angry with him about it, but it turns out Elias is burying him in work even though he's already sick :( if you'd like me to try again, let me know!!
Hi! Thanks for the prompt! I apologize if this is OOC at all? I feel like it is, but! I hope you enjoy regardless!
Warning! There are slight spoilers for around season 2?
Tim was not happy with Jon right now. Well, nowadays, he was never happy with his boss, but today he was fuming. Jon was more irritable and pissed off than usual, and Tim didn’t even think that was possible, it seemed to him that the other always had a perpetual stick up his ass.
Today, Jon was insufferable. Tim had gone to give Jon his research, only for him to snap at him for entering before knocking, Tim of course, scoffed and made a remark, Jon, who usually rolled his eyes and shook his head instead yelled at him again, snatching the work out of his hand and immediately dismissing him.
Tim marched out of Jon’s office and sat at his desk with a huff of anger. Martin looked over to him, brows furrowed in concern and question. Tim looked over to Jon’s office scowling. “He’s being a dick.” He sighed, slumping in his chair.
Martin frowned, gaze shifting between the closed door to Jon’s office and to Tim typing angrily on his computer. He sighed, hoping that he could figure out what was wrong when he brought Jon his morning tea. Speaking of, what time was it? Martin checked the time on his computer, immediately getting out of his seat upon seeing he was running late already.
He went to the breakroom and put water in the kettle, letting it boil as he set up 4 separate mugs, one for Tim, another for Sasha, then Jon, and then himself. He knew the way everyone liked their tea, he’d learned after trying to provide comfort in small ways, mostly because Jon wouldn’t accept any other gesture of concern.
Martin hummed a half-remembered tune as he poured the hot water over the tea bags, starting the handoff, saving Jon’s office for last. When Martin gave Tim his tea, the other man stopped him before he could even step foot towards the archivist’s office.
“I’m warning you he’s in a horrid mood,” Tim said voice low and serious. “Good luck in the lion’s den.” He said sardonically, resuming his typing on the computer.
Martin just shook his head strolling over to the heavy door that was engraved with “Head Archivist” in silver lettering. He knocked timidly, before entering. Immediately freezing under Jon’s gaze. His eyes were narrowed in scrutiny, his brown eyes appearing almost icy and glare sharp. If looks could kill Martin would be dead where he stood.
Martin was now regretting not listening to Tim. He couldn’t remember a time he’d ever seen Jon look so angry. Martin tried not to maintain eye contact, but he’d noticed something else in Jon’s glower; pure exhaustion.
Martin should’ve known better than to poke the sleeping bear with a stick, but his tongue betrayed him and before he knew it, he was asking “Jon? You alright? You look absolutely spent.”
Jon’s scowl only deepened at this. “What do you want Martin?” Jon spat, each syllable filled with venom, his jaw tight and clenched. His hand was hovering over his tape recorder, the pause button pushed down.
Martin swallowed, chest now tight with anxiety. “Oh r-right, um, I brought you t-tea?” He stammered, hands shaking as he put the mug on Jon’s desk. As he did so his eyes scanned the stacks of papers and statements scattered haphazardly around the small office.
“Next time don’t interrupt me, I’m rather busy. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Jon replied bitterly, glaring daggers at Martin, grabbing the statement he was working on.
“Right. Sorry.” Martin replied timidly, rushing out of the office, the door closing in time with the click of the play button on the tape recorder. The deep timbre of Jon’s voice resuming, taking on the edge that it usually did when he read statements. If Martin hadn’t been so freaked out he might’ve noticed the slight raspiness in the words.
Tim looked over to where Martin was standing, shaking his head with a sigh. “I told you he was in a mood,” Tim remarked. Martin only shook his head.
“I’ve never seen him like that. He was…” Martin paused, searching for the right word to explain the pure fury he’d seen in the other man’s eyes. “Seething.” he completed.
Tim only sighed. “He’s just an ass. What I wouldn’t do to give him a piece of my mind.” Tim scoffed.
“I-I don’t know why but I’m worried about him.” Martin stuttered. “There was something else there… exhaustion maybe? I-I don’t know but I think he’s working too hard.” He fretted.
Tim only laughed at this. “You worry too much Marto, the new position’s probably just gotten to his head,” Tim snarked. “You’ve got it bad for him don’t you.” he teased, grinning when Martin flushed in embarrassment.
“I-I do not! He... I just... I-” Martin rambled.
“Relax! I’m just pulling your leg.” Tim laughed. “I’m just pissed at him. Who does he think is? Yelling at all of us. Pompous idiot.” He rolled his eyes. “Elias should’ve never given him that position.” Tim explained.
“Excuse me, Mr. Stoker?” Elias’ voice suddenly broke out, and Tim felt himself pale.
“Oh, boss! What are you doing down here?” Tim stammered, no longer suave.
“Just coming to deliver more statements to the head archivist, or rather the man “I should’ve never given this position to.” Isn’t that right?” Elias replied smugly.
Martin shifted uncomfortably on his feet, clearing his throat before speaking. “S-sorry! Um.” Martin squeaked.
Tim’s confidence returned as quickly as it had disappeared. “Well, he can’t seem to keep his ego in check, yelling at us over the smallest of errors.” Tim grumbled.
Elias hummed in response. “Well, perhaps you should keep your judgment to yourself, Timothy.” Elias chastised.
“Sure thing.” Tim replied, unafraid. He resumed typing on his computer as Elias walked over to Jon’s office.
Martin sat back at his desk anxiously, keeping an eye on the small window of Jon’s office, trying to see what was going on.
Elias knocked on the office door and walked in, a complacent smile on his face. He was testing his archivist, pushing him beyond his limits. He had been piling more and more work onto Jon, seeing how he would respond, how his work would be affected. Call him cruel, but he was just trying to unlock Jon’s potential. So far, he was becoming more successful than Gertrude.
Jon looked up at the door, expecting another interruption from Martin, he quickly paused the tape recorder on his desk, scolding words already at the tip of his tongue. When he saw that it was in fact, not Martin at his door but Elias Bouchard, his stomach dropped. Elias had more statements, fuck. Jon ran a hand through his greying hair. He just wanted to go home, it was getting harder to concentrate on the words etched in ink on the parchment.
“Hello, Jon,” Elias spoke, his voice holding a sinister edge. “How are the statements coming along?” His smug smile did not falter for a moment.
Jon swallowed thickly as Elias’ gaze burned right through him. “Elias,” Jon acknowledged the greeting. “They’re uh- excuse me-” Jon stopped mid-sentence to cough painfully into his arm. He cleared his throat before speaking again. “Apologies, I’m about halfway through the stack.” he rasped pitifully.
Elias made a hum of understanding. “Good. I do hope you’ll complete these before you leave for the day.”
Jon sighed. “Of course,” he replied weakly, clearing his throat again.
Elias looked Jon over again, the Cheshire grin on his face never falling. “Oh, and Jon?” he said, walking over to the door.
Jon looked at him expectantly, eyes half-lidded, with an eyebrow raised.
“You have quite the fever, do be sure to keep it under control.” Elias said nonchalantly before leaving the small office, leaving Jon alone, mouth agape.
Jon had known of Elias’ omniscience, but not that it was at the level. God, he needed a lie down.
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 156
live blog under the cut
Heads up about half way through I realized I go a bit further into analysis on where Zolf & the Kobolds are mentally than some people might be comfortable with. Just as they trust us to back off if the episode gets to real, I am trusting you to close the tab if my little live blog is hitting you wrong. If it makes a difference I have years between me and the reason I relate to this stuff.
"In Memorium" they are trying to kill us Ah they lampshaded the speed intros Yes Alex it is rather Paris Right to Azu & Zolf. Oh he's jumping right in. And there's my first pause of the episode. No “better” isn't a magic finish line you pass then never find yourself in that place again. No, knowing that doesn't mean you don't wonder if your back at square one every time you realize You Are In A Bad Place and Not Handling it Well. Gosh Azu is good at this. Yeah learning to walk away is hard. Learning to ignore the part of yourself that says "and never come back for their sake" is harder. Symbolic much Alex (Zolf is too small for the room, Azu is too large) Yeah it would be easier to not blame Zolf for last episode if I related to him a bit less. Okay they are talking about Hamid and their concerns for him directly. Yeah Hamid's relationship with power & privilege is an arc; and without the Doylist level of trusting Bryn & Alex, I can see where even if you trust/like him you'd be worried about it. With the best of intentions people misuse power. Azu quoted Grizzop at Zolf. Didn't name him, wonder if Zolf is ever going ask directly about his replacement in canon or if its best left to fic. Its easy to dismiss one's own successes. Okay fair and OW, Zolf isn't up to talking about Sasha; which is the part of this I was most prepared for. Hell yeah! He is coming down but not going to be attempting to lead so as to relieve pressure on himself. Maybe if he can let Hamid step up without making a Kew Garden thing he'll see how much he's grown. Hopefully without that setting off a "Hamid does better without me" thing. Yeah intellectual knowledge and it feeling real on an emotional level are very different things. Alex, why does it matter what order they are in? ALEX? The necklace? The Heart of Aphrodite shaped necklace? Azu got a Sign from Aphrodite approving of her reaching out to Zolf as an act of love. Yes! Blue Black no take backs! Yeah those two (players) know exactly what they are doing: breaking my heart in the best ways and not skipping over the actual work those two (characters) need to put into their relationship with OOC "its all fine now"s. Ok that settles the timeline, Azu went up same night, the device isn't made yet. Yeah Zolf wouldn't, probably best to back off while things are tender while being present enough to assure he isn't planning on leaving. Seriously bless Azu, this has to be at least as hard on her as Helen but she is letting the boys have room to work it out for themselves instead of "trying to help". The last thing either of them need right now is pressure especially on this point. Aw the Kobolds teach Cel draconic. Oh smart kid, not only is it just logical for the Kobolds to work with Cel directly, it might help them get over the "looking to see if the boss approves of how you breathe" stage. Especially if he is clear about not being threatened by them having advantage over him in this area. Heck of a relief this isn't hitting my rank issues. Ooh all the Kobolds are amazing engineers, wonder if its a Kobold thing or if Skraak recruited people with similar interests. Nice rework of the "Kobolds build traps" thing from pathfinder. I genuinely love how instead of pitching the original description of Kobolds out the window, Alex has backwards engineered it. Reputation for traps isn't a dishonorable approach to fighting, its a sign of their skill. They aren't minions, their trauma is interacting with a cultural attitude about rank in weird ways. Oh Cel! Cel is amazing. Under Shoin's orders they: made Magic Steroids, did maintenance (more towards the end as Shoin wasn't taking care of things), built the place initially, sourced ingredients, other Kobolds built the Mechkraken. Damn Shoin, they can't even be proud of all they were able to do in adverse circumstances because he tainted it. If they weren't forced to do it and have it used for ill ends, building the kraken would be impressive. A lot of that sounds like difficult work. Hamid stuff: yeah it is from a place of fear; and they would be hypersensitive and need to try to "defend him" so he doesn't react. Terrified of his anger? Handle anything that even annoys him to cut it off at the pass. And being a good person who doesn't like scaring them, Hamid is going to over do the very "Mary Sunshine" routine that makes Zolf think he doesn't appreciate the gravity of the situation. You'd think Mr "do a grief later" would get that Hamid doesn't have to walk the halls wailing to be aware of the end of the world. Not that the kid can win, if he cried and threw up it would be proof he hasn't grown from season one. Hopefully by taking a back seat Zolf will have a chance to see Hamid's actions and realize being chipper & wholesome doesn't mean stupid. Oh Alex has thought this through, one of these days I'll quit being surprised he actually gets this stuff. Not being able to read the person whose emotions feel like life & death is a Bad Thing. Thank Alex for Skraak. Weird seeing this stuff from this side, of course learning to focus on my end instead of being preoccupied with what was going on in the heads of people who were on Hamid's end of it was rather the point. Perfect balance, Hamid gives them enough space to realize he isn’t going to explode, Skraak "translates" into something clear enough not to stress them out. Like when Zolf snapped at Skraak when he pledged to Hamid; might not be pretty but not knowing what The Powers That Be want? Very bad place. Rank and clear orders are very important when appeasing those who outrank you is everything. Cel has dealt with a lot of young and unsure apprentices!?! Yeah well Cel isn't in their chain of command and gears don't get offended if you have an opinion on the right way to configure them. Cel is great Azu & Hamid talking about Zolf! Helen is wonderful! I thought this was going to be drawn out and indirect, instead they are actually facing things head on and dealing with them. Aw these two are so good for each other. Azu would set aside her own emotions. Hot damn Azu, getting right to it! Hamid can be amazingly open about his self awareness and it surprises me every time. It fits him and is a very good thing, but going from answering "how are you?" with "the Kobolds are doing well" to "I never knew how to help him" without it being jarring made me do quite the double take. Guess I was expecting more deflection. Yeah well you two are redefining your boundaries, entire relationship, and rank in specific, while being the perhaps the only people with enough of the picture to figure out how to save the world. Working out the balance between conflicting views on that, when neither of you knows what the end will look like was never going to be smooth. Oh yes and none of you have directly addressed that half of Zolf's rank & dick measuring stuff is because he doesn't know if he even has a role if he isn't The Boss or The Healer.* Oh the grin in Alex's voice as he tells them there is something else before the brorb interview. Whisky tumblers for each? Quite a sigh there Ben News? Big news? While they were in the institute? They ought to sit down. Wilde get to it. Ah Azu & Hamid are holding hands. Poor kid with his prop. Letter? Ancient Rome? Sasha? Are all the fics coming true? Their founder "Askingus"!?! Oh Sasha, oh Zolf! Lydia! Oh the kids! She named the kids after the party. She even found her faith. A break? How the hell are we only half way through the episode. Also hell yeah Lydia deserves all the awards, that was an amazing letter. XD Ben! Oh Hamid, we reacted that way to the epilogue that way too. It really is okay, it was a good end. Yeah he could use a drink. Poor Zolf. Hamid gives Wilde a hug. "technically I think that makes Sasha my boss". XP be cryptic Alex, The RSB will have it figured out by Friday. Ok Zolf got to read the letter on his own. Azu lit 3 candles, because Helen wants me to cry. Hamid is at Zolf's door with a bottle and two glasses. Lydia this is a compliment to your skill. More direct than I expected from Hamid. Oh these two! Okay he is drunk enough to go there (angry at Zolf for leaving but he gets it). About time someone told Zolf directly he's grown. Aw Zolf puts him to bed. Thank you Alex! Ben! (okay fair, if any of Hamid was left he'd cuddle). Sorry Cel! Lydia wanted to break/heal our hearts more than she wanted the plot to move forward ;) Good plan: take the orb to the anti magic field, only those who have already talked to it can talk directly. Info control. Hive mind/telepathy directly addressed. Finally what Shoin eats is addressed. Ok Cel has some teeth on them. Hasn't fed it, is using the vibration to threaten to explode his brain, (no English doesn't have enough pronouns we are working on it)... Oh good point better feed it. Aw Zolf is possessive of the kitchen. Shoin is still Shoin. Cel is not happy about not being recognized. Nice to hear the boys working together. The Infection might block him from being directly aware of  being infected. Bullsh$% he backed himself up. Good point Zolf even if he does, they are separate lives, this instance can still fear death. Oh all the party have teeth, nice they don't have the "good guys have to be sweet & gentle with the baddies" thing Yeah Cel isn't stupid, the brorbs arm isn't a threat. Oh auto painting that will make the people theorizing on the bio side of how the Brorb works happy. A circulatory diagram, and am ocean of faces. Paints like a printer. A creepy charcoal sketch of London staring at the artist. *I swear on Rusty Tower if they let him hurt himself any worse because he thinks his new role is "a brick wall on wheels" I am joining the line to fight Ben in a Whetherspoons parking lot. Yes it would be in character but so would healing. There are other hills. Although seriously its been great having a character that shows so many of the aspects of depression that usually get left out. That Zolf is also a three dimensional character with a full personality beyond just "the one with mental health issues" while not making it look like those issues are tacked on or easy to handle? Stunning work.  
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wolfwhiteflowers · 4 years
My mixed thoughts on Carol and Daryl/Caryl in s11 and the spin-off show.
 I think my thoughts are a bit unpopular or mixed.. Idk. I’m overthinking. I’m really am. LOL  It’s a long ranty post and with some spoilers and speculations! (I’m kinda a hate-watcher but I want or keep hoping for good writing. Oh I’m also more of an ensemble-show/TF fan too. So I'm like yeah u know twd/cheesey-ok-writing but I'm also taking it serious. I want good story telling/writing. Sigh, anyway.)
 So everybody have these expectations and speculations on the TWD shows and shipping Caryl of s11, Rick movies, spin-off show. I feel like Carylers are all not the same page /different opinions on it. I feel weird and awkward about it. I mean it means people are gonna agree or (majority/petty) disagree with me or not like the idea of what the future will bring. So it means that there will be some fandomwank or debbie downers around. (Idk I’m thinking of the BeIIarke fandom.) It’s like oh well...but we’re all in the same team. Well it's always just gonna be up to me deciding if I like it/trust the writers. Eh it’s just right now it’s a waiting-game on what these shows or future will be like. 
Like recently Kang mentioned Caryl as “platonic friends” (im not sure what she means..like s1-10? but she mentions them as soulmates last year) and NR talking about the Caryl spin-off show that he wanted ages ago. I think all these lil hints on what the Caryl spin-off show will be like, I don’t think they’re gonna spoil it to us and it’s also this story-plot comes after s11. So it’s like they can’t really tell us all what it’s about really. So..idk be hopeful or whatever you wanna do till the show comes. 2023. Caryl on. Fics, pls.
And there’s still s11, the series’s last season that Kang have to work on. I guess I feel I don’t know Kang well yet or trust her. So I think Kang might put a love triangle plot and tropey soapy love story going on with Caryl. Like she might want to play into it. And she might want to tease the fandom with the “will they-won’t they”.  S10c-s11f is 30 episodes that is a lot story needed going on. Eh I don’t want a love triangle plot and I hope Kang does something interesting with Caryl in s11 and make them canon! (I also want Conni3 to be like a Sasha and not  a Beth. I want Conni3 to be her own character and bond with her sister, Kelly.)  So.. it’s gonna be a lot we go through before the spin-off show.
So what I mainly want from “TWD Universe” .. And hoping for is... that I think Gimple had always planned to have these TWD shows & movies be connected like “TWD Universe”. I want the (ship canon) Caryl spin-off show connected to the Rick's story in the movies in some way and Caryl(and others) be in the movie(s) too. The spin-off show could be Caryl looking for Rick (with Lydia and Grimes kids), looking for supporters (idk like FTWD?/Morgan), OR eventually later on they helped Rick before they go be part of the movie(s). Idk just something related to Rick grimes movies. Even though like most Carol fans don't like Rick or don’t want the show to be connected at all to the other shows (and no kids). :\ IMO!
*This here I rant about Carol’s story arc and spin-off show. -Lydia.
Recently I watched s10 finale, it hit me that TWD show is ending next season, s11. Like, it’s the end of seeing Team Family and the Grimes/comic-based story. The s10 finale ep kinda also pointed on what I am feeling lately on TWD show and Caryl spin-off. I actually want to see how s11/TWD/Grimes show goes and ends first. I know Caryl are already TV leads, Maggie returns, comic things and drama are back for one more season, but me as a Caryler, I’m also fan of Carol and Daryl individually. (Well I'm more a Carol stan.) Anyway I'm trying to say that I want to see how Carol's or/and Daryl's story ends in the TWD show with TF. I want it to be good writing and story. Like seeing Carol and Lydia in s10f made me cry because it was so good, but what does it mean in s11 and so on? I'm gonna miss Caryl with TF and ASZ. I’m gonna miss some things of TWD too. Idk what the Caryl spin-off show will be like exactly. Will Lydia and others be there too or ..it's the end for them s11? It's sad to me.
 I want more Carol and Lydia to well.. be like mother and daughter or friends. I think of them as “Carol and mini-Carol.” Why should I be invested in them then if it all ends next season and Carol rides off? Idk I'm like, is it bad writing if Caryl spin-off show just be Caryl road-tripping? Idk what I'm saying. I want Carol's/Daryl's story to be good and in character, in end of s11 and spin-off show. Idk... It's like, writing-wise, is Carol always meant (or it’s in-character for her story?) to then look after Lydia and grow old with TF in ASZ..Or was Carol always meant to leave to go to New Mexico away from TF and on the spin-off show( or it’s just show business?) It's almost like there's two endgames that I want with Caryl in s11 and spin-off show. There's two endings on how Caryl's journey ends with TF AND how they will be like in s11 finale/spin-off. Like there’s Caryl and TF’s story ending and Caryl’s TWD show-arcs ending. And will it be in character and be an interesting story? Sigh idk it’s just a lot of hoping and trusting on these writers, and wondering if I still like the story. A lot of changes to get through. 
 Although, I recently read some comments about Carol and Lydia and thought about s11 and the spin-off show. If Lydia isn’t part of the spin-off show, I think I would be okay, story-wise, if Lydia is always meant to be a plot to end Carol’s (TWD show)arc on TWD show. In the finale, Lydia mentioned that they don’t have to be like a mother and daughter which Carol is probably already thinking of it and had this unlucky past with kids. Lydia said they could be friends. Then Carol told Lydia to find her own path, her own way in life. I think the writers are like wrapping or going over the whole Carol and kids arc since s4. Carol have this long traumatic past with kids. Carol wants to protect her/the kids and it’s like Carol realizes that she can’t always protect them, the kids also have to be their own and survive and it’s a rough life. It’s not all Carol’s fault in a way that if/when they die. If that make sense. So with Carol and Lydia since s9f, I feel they have this different adult-kid storyline than Carol with the other kids. I see it as a Carol and mini-Carol storyline. It’s probably all about Carol and all kids/Lydia storyline too. Later in the s10f, Lydia saved Carol, like Carol saved Lydia in s9f. They’re so like similar, mirrored. I’m really interested in them. I think I would be okay if the writers focus on them in s11, if it’s about Carol’s arc-with-kids ends. She learns to not to feel like a bad mother and letting go of this protecting-kids-thing but try her best to protect them and not blame herself. Learn to see how much she grown and love herself by being around Lydia. So yeah just overthinking on this and it would be nice if the writers go there next season because it’s seems like a in-character (TWD show) arc to end for Carol. (I don’t care about Negan and I don’t want the kids with Negan. :\ I also don’t want Daryl to be friends with Negan. maybe just tolerate him.)
Another thing .. Is idk how the Caryl spin-off show will go for Carol and Daryl. At first I'm like whatever they have fun on their road trip but thinking on it and with TWD, I'm like I don't want the spin-off be like a ‘Mcreedus on the road in their costumes show’. Like that's not what the Caryl spin-off show is right? So like I'm overthinking on it I know I am but really .. Now I’m wondering how this spin-off show really goes with Carol and Daryl and still being in-character. I feel there's gonna be some main motivation or arc in spin-off show. The core storyline and character's core storyline. Idk what it is for Caryl/Carol and Daryl. I think of other shows like this and there are reasons to it. Like all of this, it's really a whole new show and it gotta start with all these usual basics in the show. I think of other shows that might be similar to the spin-off show. Right now I'm thinking Avatar:TLA and Telltale games’ (comic) Michonne or TWD game s3: New Frontier (Clementine and Javier). Lol, yeah random. These are I think traveling stories and the main characters have a motivation or whatever. And it’s a hero’s journey/redemption, finding her lil bro(AJ), or with Michonne it was going through stages of grief in six (?) episodes. So my point is I don't want the spin-off show be pointless and OOC and just Mcreedus riding around with no plot. Ok, it’s still a story about Carol and Daryl. Idk what the show’s arc will be about. Maybe it’s them helping people, them finding peace and learn to love themselves. Maybe to find Rick. Idk. I want Carol and Daryl story be good and ended good. And related to Rick's story....I kinda don't mind if Caryl bring the Grimes kids (and Lydia) along. As long as the story is good to me. So, I just wanna point out that it’s still Carol’s and Daryl’s story going on. 
Another thing with Caryl’s relationship, I'm thinking on what makes sense to me on Caryl's relationship is that if the Caryl spin-off show will be them as already a couple. Then I think Caryl should be canon in 10c or s11 finale or earlier. I think to have a spin-off be separated from main TWD, it will go smoothly to me if they are already a couple in the spin-off show. If they don't then I feel the writers lost their chance and/or baiting shippers. I don't feel like waiting for them to be canon in spin-off show, because it's like previous TWD seasons. I find it tiring and boring and it’s the same as before. If they're confirmed as just friends then I feel that the characters' story is wasted or shorten/OOC. They deserved more in their life. It’s not good writing or story to me. And if one finds a bf or gf like... who wants to see that and I guess we assume it won't last that long because Caryl are the mains. It would be OOC to me and not interesting. Anyway, I hope Caryl are a canon couple in the spin-off show by then. Oh I also think the show would be at least 2 seasons. But you know show business u never know.
Oof high expectations. Caryl on.
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dcwdrops · 4 years
🤝 jalex, jasha, and obviously LART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, oh and lasha
this is going under a read more because i am answering four in one ask !!!!
texts the other memes at 3 am: lizzie because she is annoying <3 
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: lizzie again, her favorite activity is questionable things!! not in like a morally questionable way, but weird questionable 
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: does getting wasted go well with sasha’s image? i doubt it. but i also think lizzie is more of a puff puff than a glug glug kind of girl, but if they WERE it would be lizzie
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: i can’t imagine sasha wanting to stay on the farm. they gotta plan their sleepovers. 
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: sasha is rich if she doesn’t do it that’s really mean actualy
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: sasha provides the movie, and lizzie bakes a new pastry or dessert for sasha every time they hang out since they made croissants that first time 
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: lizzie, but she’s a bit of a people pleaser sometimes, so i don’t think she’d fight in the first place 
is the ‘ mom friend ’: hmmm lizzie, i feel like if she knew sasha a little better she would worry about her but now she is still stunned by cool 
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: lizzie, she LOVES other people’s birthdays and wants to lavish them with gifts and attention
is the better wingman to the other: sasha is infinitely more chill, so probably her
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘:  HMMMMMM .... surface level, sasha protects lizzie, but ! when/if lizzie gets to know sasha better, she will protect
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: lizzie would make sasha duet her own songs in karaoke because she would find it funny 
texts the other memes at 3 am: they send them back and forth, obviously. they probably make memes of pictures they have taken around the farm, so it is full of unintelligible inside jokes 
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: well, art TRIES, and lizzie is like hmm... well idk if that would work! and art is like wow ur so smart, so it never pans out 
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: does art drink? if he does, she will DD 
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: no one they live on the same property so they can walk like. just to a different spot. they are both there. but HMMM if it is like sdv game and there are the little houses for the other farmers then art has to because the main farm house is different, but if they are in the same farmhouse but different rooms every night is a sleepover, technically. 
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: kiran obviously 
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: again, lizzie likes to bake so she can do the snacks!!! art then has to do the movie because equal distribution, but if he doesn’t want to she has a million recs
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: what would they fight about? chickens? if they somehow DID, i feel like they would both be apologetic  
is the ‘ mom friend ’: lizzie one hundred percent, she is going to start carrying around bandaids 
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: LIZZIE, her birthday obsession rises again. call me out if this is ooc but i can see art forgetting and then remembering after he sees her and scrambling to make it seem like he remembered. just don’t call me out in the gc bc i will be insecure 
is the better wingman to the other: lizzie is the better wingman
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: they are both the sweet!!!!!!!! someone else needs to swoop in and protect them
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: hmmmmm they would agree to do it together, they would plan it
texts the other memes at 3 am: they would not <3 even if they were friends which is how i am answering
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: i feel like sasha is cautious bc of her reputation, so it would have to be jill? maybe?
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: obviously jillian is the one getting wasted, but sasha does not seem like DD. does she have a driver bc she is famous? that driver does it. 
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: sasha probably thinks the mercers have bedbugs, so it would have to be her. jillian does not have the common sense lizzie does to leave when she is unwelcome. 
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: again, sasha rich
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: jill brings snacks, they fight over the movie
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: no <3 IN THE MIRACLE universe of their friendship, they never apologise and just pretend it didnt happen
is the ‘ mom friend ’: jillian, only bc she is protective
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: jillian would, but only if she was drunk. otherwise she would wait until she saw sasha. 
is the better wingman to the other: sasha, 100% though rn she would just try and sabotage 
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: both of them need protection and neither of them are sweet! i would say they protect one another 
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: jillian, and she tells sasha to stop being a brat about it because she is literally a singer
texts the other memes at 3 am: they also would not <3
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: hmmm i feel like they are not the questionable activities type. they sit and eat toast. 
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: again obviously jillian is the one getting wasted, but i can actually see alex being DD 
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: omg tbt when he lived with her <3 tbh if it was a late night or something jill would offer one of her brothers rooms to alex. jillian can’t have a sleepover on ash <3 
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: hmmmm alex only because she gets annoyed that her family would watch stuff and she would end up in a different place because there ar enot enough profiles for all the mercers. she would literally offer to pay tho so if he rejects that on him
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: jill brings snacks from the store, discount. alex can pick the movie bc i bet she has bad taste (sorry to malia who i made watch jill’s movies in the other one of these)
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: alex, unless it’s something super serious, like, for an example that would not ever happen, burning down a house, then it is jillian. 
is the ‘ mom friend ’: alex? 
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: alex is probably asleep at like 10pm, so neither
is the better wingman to the other: hmmm alex is nice so he would probably be like “yeah jill is great” where jillian would more likely go a little overboard on the hype on one or two things bc she doesn’t know him that well 
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: alex would probably have to protect jillian on very emotional manners, but on a surface level, she would protect him
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: neither <3 they ar ein the back, watching everyone else and eating toast 
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commander-minkowski · 8 years
tbqh I’m not entirely sure which of the murderous masks I prefer. [this got really long whoops]
on the one hand, leslie drescher as the kanagawa twins was GREAT, everything I could have asked for and more. i got a kick out of archaeology nerd peter out in full force + pretending to be an occultist and the flamboyant holding doors open for juno. also I enjoyed the conversation between juno and sasha - I’m really glad they took out the flirting, which in the original came off as kind of gross and awkward at the beginning and later, when we got to know the characters better, reeeally ooc for both of them (particularly juno). The conversation about the names was great, and i also really liked that croesus got a bit more development.
buut on the other side, the tone was a bit off? the juno stories do this thing where a few of them are really fun and tropey and kind of ridiculous (see: train from nowhere) but then there’s a few that are very serious and dark (the day that wouldn’t die). The original first episode did a pretty good job of straddling the line between the two, and giving a good idea of what the following season would be like in terms of mood, while the new one is a bit too far on the campy side - to the point where if I were to listen to the season for the first time after this, I would be slightly jarred at the shift. during some of the lines
I also don’t totally get cassandra’s character overhaul. It works well for cecil, who was so overtly creepy to begin with that making him into a straight up sadist made sense. but if the writers are planning to keep the murderer and motivation for the crime intact in part 2, gregarious + slightly silly cass, while she’s a lot of fun, does not gel AT ALL with the teenager desperate to get out of a bad family situation who’s just been manipulated by her stepmother into killing her own father. if cass is just hiding her nervousness, she’s doing a scarily good job, and that doesn’t fit either with why she wants to get out of the kanagawa household: she can’t and doesn’t want to be artificial. and if she didn’t have anything to do with croesus’s death and part 2 rewrites the plot totally to make min the sole villain (which it might), it’s going to kill what made cass an interesting and morally grey character in the first place.
oh another thing: I’m not sure if this is just prior knowledge leaking out but peter re:stealing the mask seemed reeeeally obvious like... I know it’s probably supposed to be a double bluff, especially knowing what we know about his thieving tactics, but why the hell did they leave him alone with the mask for that long when he was being so shifty
also... this is a really small thing but.... I really liked the restaurant banter lmao what we got instead was still good but I’m sad they took it out
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Soul Sanctum Part 5
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
* Nope. Some news just doesn't reach my timeline.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
* Is she cute? [ Purr purr. ]
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
Sasha was gushing over the idea, the big dorkus romantic.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
"Oooooo!" She's still got stars in her eyes. "This is adorable! But let's keep moving!"
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
* (Winter is snickering loudly. Very loudly.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
Wander made mistake of mentioning this in front a bunch of kids. Especially dorky kids.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
* Thought y' saw her at movie night a few times before... Ah well.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
* S-she's w-way too strong.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
Payton smirked™
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
* Guess I didn't put two and two together...
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"And now you're not going to hear the end of this Wander..."
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"Th-This just proves even more that you guys are giant dorks."
Carla [Ask-the-fallen-carla] - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"Ooo-ooh!- Wander and Tarma, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
* I'll see if Angelo can open a shortcut for me to get back faster...
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"And I'm a small dork."
Carla [Ask-the-fallen-carla] - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
Giggles, then hides behind Adie
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
* Anyways, it's aight if yer still busy with fencing, I wish ya luck on whatever y' do, but if y' could do a shortcut that'd be great.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
The goop is a bit abashed and meekly continues. -...I'll show a picture later eheh.-
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"Yeah ask him 'Lexis!"
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
"Yay!" She grins, looking at the door, and pokes the stone again.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
they did not expect Wander to say that...
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
* (Winter is snickering, and she looks at Wander. She just keeps walking with this smug look on her face.)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
"Carla, what are you doing?"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
Sasha walked up and poked the stone with Aurey.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
"You.... keep a picture of her?? Thats so sweet...!"
Carla [Ask-the-fallen-carla] - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
"Teasing the Wander, and using you as a shield!" Giggles, and kisses Adie's cheek
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
-Hey Kissan! I showed Adilet THAT picture yesterday! Ask Scan.-
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
* W...
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
"What picture?! Can I see?!"
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
* (Winter's smile falls. And her face goes completely red. She turns around.) W-WHAT?!
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
* I wanna seeeee.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
"Oh!! You know Adilet??"
Carla [Ask-the-fallen-carla] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
(AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! I Gotta go! Sorry guys, I'll BRB!)(edited)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
they shake their head "You're ridiculous*
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
*pats carlamun
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
((see ya!))
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
* Can I see the picture?
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
[* Oh gosh. Wander, why would you...]
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
(( winter is coming ))(( boi!!))
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
"When you get here, Alexis!"
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
-Sure once you're back 'Lexis I'll show everyone!-
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* Alexis, I'll have Wander send it to you.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* (Winter shakes her head, looking at the goopman. Why this.)
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
((In August?))
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* Wander, send Alexis th' picture.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
Tease the goopman hmm?
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* (Her face is completely red, and she's frozen in her spot. She's shaking...)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* W-why did y-y-you s-show them?!
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
-Honestly Winter? They were sad, thought it would cheer 'em up.-
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
(( is she... literally frozen...?)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
* It did cheer some of 'em up, yeah. Those moreos.* Mosoroseros.* Uh.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
Wander pokes a few buttons and sends Alexis the pic of pouty Winter.(edited)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
"Welp that's karma for you"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
* Wander. I forgot th' word again.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
* Yeah, that.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Aurey keeps poking the stone.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
((pouty pic in ooc channel btw
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
* Winter, your face cured their moroseness.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
((Don't let the Moreos Guy see this channel.))
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
They wheel over and pat Winter on the back. It'll be okay, small child who is probably taller then payton.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
* I... I h-h-hope t-t-they weren't l-laughing... (Winter's face is red right now. Don't miss the chance.) W-what... w-what does t-that even mean?
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
(( pfft ))
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
* ...Aww.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
-They didnt laugh. Thought you were cute though.-
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
"Adilet's not the kind of person who'd laugh at a dumb picture... uh.... Adilet's friend..."
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* Sounds like Fencing's almost done. I should be back soon!* And then we can solve the mystery of the ancient sky tems or whatever.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* I-I'm... not... c-c-cute!!!
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
"I-It's curfew really soon, I think."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* Yeah, you are!!
Effie (Six-Sleeping-Children) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
The name 'Adilet' SuMmOns My trASH CHilD!
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* (Winter takes her hands off of her face, and her face is beet red.)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* And frick curfew, by the way.
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
Zodiac nodded!
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* Let's break it.
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* I have a feeling curfew won't apply until the puzzles are dealt with
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* (She looks straight at Frisk, shaking her head quickly.)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* Lil' fella, we've got a camp counselor with us. I'm sure we'll be fine.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
"Don't tell him that Tara"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
[ Slow nod. ]
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
* 'Sides, there's no way t' tell th' time in here.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
A few more pokes and Wander sends a group pic to Alexis. He passes the phone to the nearest traveler. -Here, a pic of Tarma and me. Pass it around while we wait.-
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
"heheh. Yeah."She shrunk back a little. Looked tired.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
Aurey looks at it. "Awwwww! You're adorable together!" She grins.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
* (Winter is wheezing. Wander, you're killing the kid.)
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
Yuki moved a little closer to the group to catch a glimpse of the picture.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
((again, pics in ooc
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
* D'aww.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
"Aw... the both of you are kinda... blushing... thats adorable..."
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
"Aww, that's so cute~"
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
they looked at the picture "that's adorable!"
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
Sasha smiled at both pictures as he looked at them.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
* Sooo cute!
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
She can't help but do it as she gazed at the photo.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
Well hes blushing now too...
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
((wander is attractive in that photo))((thank you))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
they grin, they don't feel like talking right now
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
* (Winter is beet red and walking away for a moment. She's walking backwards, and she's too embarrassed to do anything about it.)
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
(( This delay works pretty good anyways, to give the Patience Souls a chance to join in the fun here after fencing. ))
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
(( oh my g osh? ? ? ))
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
[[ heck yeah
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
(( oh yeah it does huh
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
[[ the more the merrier!!!
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
((Alexis probs should bring snacks for the kiddos
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
* Hey... How's Tarma doin' nowadays, anyways? Ain't seen her in a while.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
((let's get the entire camp involved!!!
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
((Big puzzle party!!!))
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
(( the entire camp would probably be a biiit too chaotic
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
-Shes fine. Just working a lot, I visit her post now and then.-
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
(( @Alexis (integrity-dancer) you should have Alexis bring food :P))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
((Ha ha, true
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
* Tell 'er I said hi next time y' see her!
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
((I have a question.))
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
((I'm probably gonna space out and doze off for about five minutes))
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
* (Winter sits on her bottom and she just buries her face in her hands, whining a little bit. She's too embarrassed.)
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
((excuse me))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
((fire away((See ya in a bit!
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
((Can Sasha open the Green Door? He hasn't had the chance to do much (not counting shielding the gang during the fight), so...))
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
-Kissan, this pic isnt as embarrassing, come over here and look!
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
((Neither has Val doe
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
((Oh, sorry. ^^; ))
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
((Even in da foite she did 0 things xD
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
((she just chilled
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
(( insert "why not both?" kid here
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
They try to pat Winter a little, maybe that would help?
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:57 PM
* (Winter slowly gets up, shaking a bit. She lets out a shaky huff before making her way over. The pats somewhat help...!)
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:57 PM
Pat successful, good job Payton!
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:57 PM
((Maybe. That would be nice.))((Or rather...kind.))((Sing a melody of LV?))
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
((I ended up spending about 2 minutes spacing out and dozing off))((hellO))
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
((Whoever tells the worst puns wins.))
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:00 PM
[[ pssst peeps ooc clearout
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:00 PM
(( Please shunt OOC not related to the Soul Sanctum to OOC or OOC 2. ))
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:05 PM
* Daaang, I might sneeeze from how old it is in here.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:05 PM
* How old IS it in here?
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
Zodiac barked. It pats the ground.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
Sudden realization hits Wander! -...I'm the oldest one here. Respect your elders you reprobates!-
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
(( Zodiac is probably the youngest ))
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
* (Winter looks around and while she can, she kicks Wander lightly in the shin for making her embarrassed.)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
* You gotta earn yer respect! * . . . Which you already have, but still.* Respect don't automatically come with stuff.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:07 PM
Tara narrows her eyes at Wander, then sticks her tongue out at him. She then curls up into Aurey's pocket to hide.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:07 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:07 PM
* I don't even know what a reperobotate is.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:07 PM
Sasha just kept an eye on where they came from, watching for Alexis.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
* Ehehehe.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
Wander slightly winces and squints at Winter. -You just wait til we get back to the cabin kissanpentu. You'll be in the corner so long you'll be sleeping there.-
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
Yuki took a step back away from the group and looked around.(edited)
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
Faint giggles are heard from Aurey's pocket.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
They giggle, what a 'heartfelt' exchange.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
"By the time anyone gets back, we'll all just be sleeping wherever we land," he chuckled sheepishly.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
Adie grins at the exchange then backs up a little zipping up their jacket and adjusting their shirts(edited)
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
* (Winter huffs, folding her arms a little bit.)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
"Heh, very true Sasha"
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
Zodiac doesn't really need to sleep?
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
They started to play with their eye patch
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
* I-I'm not a brat.* (Her face is still a tad red.)
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
"Heh.... who wants to have a flirting contest? Cuz I'm bored."
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
"We're not doing that again..."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
* I ain't up for flirtin'.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
"Hi, bored. I'm Dad..."(edited)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
* I dunno how t' flirt so I'll pass.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
* In fact, who wants to pet my feathers.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
"I'll pass..."
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
"Me!" She grins at Frisk.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
"Sure why not."
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Sasha blushed. He knew he'd be terrible at flirting!
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
* W-What's flirting?
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
* Heck yeah!!
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
"F-Flirting? Wha?"
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
they back up toward the wall a bit more and spare a split second glance at Yuki before messing with their shirts again
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
[ Frisk actually needed their wings brushed, shhhh, nothing's gonna fall out. ]
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
Zodiac seems awkward.....It physically can not flirt.(edited)
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
-Apparently how I got Tarma to like me, Win.-
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
* R-really, w-w-what is f-flirting???
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Tara tried to reach out and pap Frisk's wings. Her arms were too short. She's too smol.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Aurey grins at Frisk. "Can I?"
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She pouted and leaned back again.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She heads over and papped the feathers and started to brush at them with some strokes.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Yuki didn't noticed Adie looking at her. She looked at her wrist watch and frowned.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
* Yeah, yeah!
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She pulls Tara out, holding her in her hand, reaching out to Frisk's wings. She pets the wings with her free hand.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Tara gasped.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
[* Scan shrugs at WInters question.]
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
they sigh, glad
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
"Thank you!"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Sasha watched them all petting the wings and was tempted to join in.
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
....Zodiac paps the wings
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
* (Winter shrugs and tilts her head at Frisk, wondering if she can pet their wings too.) C-can I...?
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
They watched all pettint the wings while playing with their eye patch
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Sasha reached over and papped the wings.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
[ Nods!! ]
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
She began papping at Frisk's wings. She stroked them, poked them, and tapped them. She had a huge grin the whole time.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
They curiously wheel over, could they maybe touch the magical feathers too?
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
"They feel so silky smooth," he gushed.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
"Floofy feathers..."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
[ Frisk actually needed their wings brushed, shhhh, nothing's gonna fall out. ]
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
Zodiac seems awkward.....It physically can not flirt.(edited)
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
-Apparently how I got Tarma to like me, Win.-
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
* R-really, w-w-what is f-flirting???
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Tara tried to reach out and pap Frisk's wings. Her arms were too short. She's too smol.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Aurey grins at Frisk. "Can I?"
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She pouted and leaned back again.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She heads over and papped the feathers and started to brush at them with some strokes.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Yuki didn't noticed Adie looking at her. She looked at her wrist watch and frowned.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
* Yeah, yeah!
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She pulls Tara out, holding her in her hand, reaching out to Frisk's wings. She pets the wings with her free hand.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Tara gasped.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
[* Scan shrugs at WInters question.]
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
they sigh, glad
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
"Thank you!"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Sasha watched them all petting the wings and was tempted to join in.
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
....Zodiac paps the wings
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
* (Winter shrugs and tilts her head at Frisk, wondering if she can pet their wings too.) C-can I...?
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
They watched all pettint the wings while playing with their eye patch
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Sasha reached over and papped the wings.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
[ Nods!! ]
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
She began papping at Frisk's wings. She stroked them, poked them, and tapped them. She had a huge grin the whole time.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
They curiously wheel over, could they maybe touch the magical feathers too?
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
"They feel so silky smooth," he gushed.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
"Floofy feathers..."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
[ Their feathers are actually soft, there's still a few useless ones in there; their flight feathers are growing in again. Lotsa fluff. ]
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
Yuki let out a small sigh, and leaned herself against a wall.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
* (Winter just starts to pet the wings gently, making sure she doesn't hurt the birb. Pet pat pot.)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
[* Scan slowly moves over to Frisk, reaching a hand out.] * Could I, uh... Pat them, too?
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
* Thanks, I try to keep `em clean!
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
"It's so fluffy!"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
* Yeah!! Like, I don't really mind!
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
"I love them!!"
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
Wander approaches the bird. And pats their head instead.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
"Boy, howdy... these are amazing...." They whisper slightly, while papping the wings.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
[ Headpats are all great, too!!! Purrs intensify. ]
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
[* Scan paps the wings. Woah.]
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
* (And then Winter pets it. Her eyes widen, making her pet more. Oh jeez, the feathers are soft...)
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
pap pap goes Zodiac
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
Target of opportunity! Winter also recieves headpats fro the goopman.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
they grin at the kiddos having fun then look to Yuki "Why don't you join in?"
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
* (Winter squeaks, shrinking a bit and scrunching up her face.)
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
Hearing Adie's words, Yuki looked at them and smiled weakly. "O-oh, no thanks. I'll pass."
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
Cammy sort of hovers around the group. He wants to pet too but he doesn't want to crowd.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
"You sure? It looks like fun" they lean against the wall too
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
Aurey backs up. "Here cammy. You can have my spot."
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
"They feel amazing!" Saasha cheered.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
[* Scan notices Cammy, and offers his spot so-- Oh.]
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
"Mhm..." She looked down at the ground
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
He stepped back so someone could come in his spot.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
Tara slid back into the pocket, yawning.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
"What's wrong?"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
[* Welp, Scan backs away anyway.]
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
Payton wheeled back a little, they felt like their chair was taking up a bit too much room
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
* Hm?
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
She looked back at Adie. "Huh? O-oh, nothing... Just a bit tired..."
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
"Oh, thanks Scan..." He slowly slides into place and bushes his fingers against the feathers gently."Hehe."
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:20 PM
* (Winter just walks backwards, face unscrunching. She stops petting the feathers.) T-they're very soft...
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:20 PM
"You sure that's it?" they know that Yuki didn't get a lot of sleep last night, but it was more than they'd gotten(edited)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
[ Frisk smiles, they needed those pets for tonight. ]
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
(( I has partially returned... c': ))
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
Yuki frowned and looked at the ground again. Yes she was tired, but that wasn't it. "I'm sure."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
* I'm glad y'guys like them.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
* (Winter takes a couple candies out of her pocket.) H-hey, does anyone w-w-want some c-candy?
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
((Welcome partially back!))
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
"O-oh! Can I have... som e...." They wave to Winter a little.
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
(( So what did I miss?? owo ??? ))
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
"Sure, I'll take some, thanks," Sasha smiled.
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
"can I have one?" they asked walking near Winter
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
* (Winter looks at Payton, not only giving one, but two of the candies to them.) H-here you g-go!
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
They give her a relaxed grin "Yeah, I'm not buying it, it's written all over your face"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
(( they translated some more runes, went under a statue, and now theyre waiting for Alexis to open a blue door
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
* (She passes one to Al.) I t-thought n-not really a-a-anyone would b-bring s-snacks, so I b-brought t-the rest of m-my candy.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
She looked at Adie again. "But I am tired..."
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
(( Ah~! Okay~! :33 ))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
"I'm sure you are, so am I, but there's something else isn't there?"
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
"Ah!! Thank you so much..." They pocket the two candies, maybe they were saving them for someone else.
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
Kip let out a small yawn and soft mewl as he did a little cat-like stretch...
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
"thanks, Winter" they said and looked at the candy for a couple of seconds
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
"I..." She paused, averting her gaze back to the ground. There was, but she didn't want to say. "No..."
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
"Can I have one?" She smiles.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
They raise an eyebrow "Really.......?"
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
* (Winter takes one and hands it out in Aurey's general direction.)
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
"I'll trade you a mini-muffin," said Sasha.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
Wander notes the kid passing out what little candy she had left...pride intensifies.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
* Prrrrr, I don't mind some food.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
She takes it, and unwraps it, eating it. "Yum!"
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
Yuki had a feeling Adie wouldn't drop the subject, so she turned her back to them. "I'm sorry..."
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
"Huh? Sorry for what?"
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
Kip shook his head a bit to wake the sleepiness from him... it looks like he was a lot more tired than he thought...(edited)
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
She shook her head. "I'll tell you later."
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
they unwrap the candy and eat it, not tasting anything at all
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
Sasha was still holding onto Kip's paw. He'd mostly been moving him along.(When he wasn't doing his cheerleader routine.)
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
* (Winter doesn't have anymore candy for herself... there's none left in her pockets, nor in her hand, but she's alright.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
She grabs a piece of candy and is about to eat it until she saw Winter have none.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
[*VANILLA CANDIES added to inventory + 5 HP each ]
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
"Well, if you say so..." They're curious but an 'I'll tell you later' will suffice
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
-Winter. Remind me to visit the cafeteria later please.-
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
Sasha handed Winter a mini-muffin anyway.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
"Uh here Winter you can have it for yourself. Not really a fan of candy anyways."She returns the candy piece.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
"Wanna mini-muffin?" he asked Val.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
Yuki let out a small sigh, a bit relieved that the subject was dropped, albeit for now.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* ... I should've stocked up on some milk.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* (Winter holds out her hands. There's a smile on her face.) Nono, i-i-it's okay.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
"Nah, not that hungry anyways."
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* Oh, I've still god a few bits of beef jerky left.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
That's a lie. Val is always hungry,
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* I w-w-wanted to g-give the r-rest o-of these away, a-anyway! (She gives a toothy, genuine smile; there's even a little gap between her front teeth. Cute.)
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
He shrugged, popping a mini-muffin into his mouth.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* G I V E M E.
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
Kip blinks his eyes tiredly as he looks over at Sasha and the others and their surroundings... it looks like they got pretty far into the ruins without him noticing...
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
"Wait beef jerky"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
[* Scan pulls out some beef jerky!]
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
"I want one."
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
* (Winter takes the muffin, nibbling on it like a mouse. She's used to not eating much.)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
[ Frisk makes grabby hands for the beef jerky. ]
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
Sasha noticed Kip looking around. "Welcome back," he said, nuzzling him.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
[* Scan hands one strip to Frisk, and one to Valerie.]* I made 'em myself!
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
Liam came over to the praire- "Hey Sasha-"
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
She ran to the prairies after Liam.
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
he waved a little sasha
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
"Wait up!"
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
He stopped and looked over-
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Kip squeaks a bit in surprise as the other nuzzled him... either way he purred softly at the action...
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
"Huh looks like the paitient souls are showing up"(edited)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
[ They ate the beef jerky, healing their already healed HP by 10+. ]
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Aurey sits on the smooth stone in front of the door.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Sasha waved back. "Hey, down here!"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
* Ohhh! They're  comin'!!!
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
*(Return of Ballerina. And she has snacks somehow.)
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
He heard the squeak and looked over to the bunny cat-
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
She ran to the cyan's statue. "Let's gooo Liam!"
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
She noms down on it in one bite.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
He looks over "Oh yeah!"
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
they attempt to wave Liam over
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Aurey gets up, grinning.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
* (Winter sits down, nibbling on her muffin; she barely has had anything for two days. She is super hungry.)
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Emmy follows in behind Alexis.
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
(Oh-, ok- can I get a summary?)
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
* (She can't help but eye the snacks just a little bit.)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
* Alexis!! [* Scan hangs up the phone, putting it away. No need for it when she's here.]
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Sydney has arrived once again! She seems to have found you guys rather quickly
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
He then sniffed the air and he could smell the beef jerk... his ears perked up and his tail wagged around behind him... where was it coming from?? Then he seemed to notice someone was calling his name... who was that??
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
(do we have to get in esomehow?)
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Payton worriedly looks over at Winter, "Are... you hungry..?"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
(( Long story short they're under a statue inside a tower
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
(( no, it's wide open ))
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
((Let's just say everyone's in there xD))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
((It's open for the rest look at the ooc chat
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
*Er.- alright-"
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
* I brought reinforcements, yeah.
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
"!! Cammy!" She's startled from examining where they are and smiles big at Cammy.
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
* Now, what's this puzzle you're all having trouble wi-...oh.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
The patient souls would find a side entrance in the temple, leading them down into a skylit temple room with a hue statue of Eimmet. Behind the stateue is a secret passage, down which they'd find an open cyan door, down past they'd find an open orange door, down which they'd find the gang in front of a closed blue door.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
[ Frisk points to the door. ]
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
(( its open, just not in the prairie kinda i guess idk
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
(Er, well I don't really wanna look up and miss a lot again.._)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
((look in ooc
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
Liam suddenly was in with the others-
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
* (She nods, getting up. She finished the muffin in no time, and she was struggling not to eat in front of all these people.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
"Hiya Emmy!"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
* Thiiis!!
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
Noticing Alexis and the newcomers, Yuki decided this was her chance to slip away from the group. She managed to find her way out of the statue and headed towards the green cabin. (aka, i have to go for a bit)
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
(can I just say they're with them- last time I had to ask again what I missed)
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
((Someone pin my post for the cyans.))
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
(and i'm sure thats getting annoying)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
[ Look at all these newcomers, these... proud explorers. ]
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
He smiles back, papping her on the head gently. "Did you go fencing?"
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
"Hey kid!" they shout to Liam
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
* So, uh... Alexis, how did fencing go? I mean, I heard y' got disqualified, but...
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
"I did! And I almost won! I got second place."(edited)
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
Sydney rubbed the top of Zodiac's head. Zodiac yipped! It told Sydney about everything that happened.
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
He looked over to Adie "Oh- hey-" He still was a little upset with the fenicng..but meh...
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
*(Alexis stands on the floor pad, closing her eyes...before beginning to dance. Twirls and spins, mostly, given the limited room to play with, but it was a display of her skills and the INTEGRITY to maintain such complex moves.) Emmy can fill you in, but it was pretty cool to watch!
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
"Really? Wow, that's awesome! Great work!"
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
* Woah...
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
"We deciphered runes 11- 20 want me to write them down?"
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Payton digs in the pockets of their chain and pulled out a bag of cookies! Offering it to Winter "H-here! You said you knew Adilet right? They made a few of these for the rest of us, I'm sure they'd love for you to have some..."
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
-Ah welcome back Kamu!-
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Kip squeaked and looked around at some of the others that were making their way down the ruins to where they were... this adventure was going to be pretty interesting!
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
*(The BLUE DOOR begins to open slowly in response to the dance.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
"Nice moves Alexis!"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
* Ahhhh, her dancing skills are pretty!!!
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Emmy watches Alexis dance, clapping for her.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
[* Scan watches in awe as Alexis does the dancing thing. Once done, he gives two thumbs up!]* Now... Onwards!
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
"Good job Alexis!"
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
She walked behind Liam curiously. "So.. What's going on here?"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
[ Frisk tucks their wings in, grinning widely. ]
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Sasha applauded as he heard the door open after watching Alexis dance.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
[* The cowboy heads through the door.]
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
they looked at the door and follows behind
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Zodiac holds up Sydney's notebook. Syd seems pretty happy to have it back! "Good j-job!"
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
-Well, you all know the drill. File in behind the gunman.-
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
"I...don't really know..."(edited)
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
*(The GREEN CREST awaits next.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Val follows along behind everyone.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Payton's eyes light up as she danced, being sure to applaud her performance before wheeling in.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
[ Frisk follows, hopping on their feet instead of walking. ]
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Emmy leans in to Cammy. "I'll tell you more when all this is done how it went."
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
"I think each door we come by has to be opened by a different kind of soul..."
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Adie follow along ready for their next challenge
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
She sighed. "Oh well. Let's just follow the others?"
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
*(A statue lines the right wall, holding a plate. Its posture indicates it is begging. A stone stove is on the opposite wall.)
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
noticing all theese poeple you tihnk are better with you- fills you with poor confidence! He loked over-"I guess..?"
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Aurey looks at it. "Green soul time!"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
* Y'all know what t' do.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
* ... Ooooh. Someone!!!
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
* Cook!
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Sydney thinks she knows what needs to happen
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Sasha looked at the statue curiously.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
"Can I do it?"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Does the statue...want something?" he asked.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
-Heh, cooks, would you 'kindly'?-
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
[ They back away, letting the GREEN souls do their work. ]
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Hey Liam, you feeling okay?"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
* Sasha, Val, work together and make some real good stuff.
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Okay, sounds good." He grinned at her.
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
Sasha looked to Wander, then to Valerie.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
* (Winter looks at the bag of cookies before slowly taking them, looking at them gingerly. She lets out a little chuckle, remembering that her friend made this. She looks up at Payton with a small smile.) T-thank you...
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Looks like you're up, Val. Sasha."(edited)
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Are you sure?" She walked over to him.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Oh alright. Sasha what should we make?"
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Let's just continue on and follow them- i'm fine-"
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
She sighed. "Okay... If you're sure."
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
* (She gets up, taking two cookies out of the bag. She decides to give it back to Payton.)
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
He got out his notebook and wrote 'notes'
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
"I've got peaches if the two of you want to use those*
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
"Hmm?" He looked thoughtful. "Muffins? A pie? Spaghetti?"
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Zodiac looks at the statue.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
She snaps her fingers at pasta.
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
(( Oh wait, kindness is fifth, not fourth. Rewind a bit. ))
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
(( coughs ))
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
(( angeloooo do the thing
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
(( Good job~! :33 ))
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
((Okay then xD))
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Liam still was bleh in this load state-
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
"Huh?" Sasha shook his head. "Does anyone else feel deja vu?"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
[ PURPLE. Okay, the color they aren't exactly familiar yet. ]
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
They gently put the cookies back into their chair. "No problem..."
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Sydney looks upon the crest.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
* Naaaaah. [ Lies, they felt everything. ]
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
"I do, Sasha. And purple time!"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
"Go Sydney!" Sasha cheered.
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
*(It seems that whatever mechanism that drives this door is broken, though parts are scattered about in a chaotic fashion in the hall.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Emmy is watching all these door openings with fascination. She'd like to try to open a door like that, too.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
they don't feel any different, but they notice the looks on the other's faces "We loaded didn't we..."
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
"Syd you made that robot dog right?"
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
"Guess you get to fix it, Syd!"
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
* (Winter munches on her cookies, eyes widening. Oh boy they were amazing. She muffles, turning right around to Payton and swallowing.) T-tell t-them t-t-that I said they a-a-are really good!!!
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
Kip squeaked as he looked up at the purple-colored crest... he tilted his head a few times from side to side.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
"You can fix it!"
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
Sydney grins. "Yup!"
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
"YuuUuUup."Tara didn't seem to be bothered talking about it.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
* Go Syd!!!!
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
She goes towards the mechinism, and Zodiac seems to be gathering the materials
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
"That's the second time we've loaded at this camp!"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Sasha watched in fascination.
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
*(The machinery seems almost as complex as the robots.)
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Liam just wrote notes silently as he watched..
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
"Wait, no.""SOLVE IT SYDNEY"
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Soon enough, the things are in a neat stack by the mechanism
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
She watched with a curious expression.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
"Yeah-" he nods
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
Payton can't help but smirk happily at Winter's response. "Ah! I will! They're gonna be so happy to hear that, you have no idea..."
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
Sasha watched eagerly, admiring Syd's work.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
"You might get a clover or two heheh..."
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
"Hmm....." Syd ponders over this for a small bit, the starts putting certain pieces in certain places. Zodiac seems to be helping as well
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:42 PM
-Just keep at it Syney! Otherwise we're taking another 'shortcut' off a cliff...-He's great at encouragement, our goopman
0 notes