#oof i am in a mood tonight
napping-sapphic · 2 years
Sometimes being gay just means eating pancakes at midnight and listening to break up songs while crying over a relationship that literally never even happened
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moonlight-prose · 8 months
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a/n: i am iffy about this fic as a whole. last night writing wise wasn't the best for me and my mood has been...oof. but i will forever love cassian so much. so i couldn't fully skip this day without finishing his fic. i need to write so much more for him and the wips in my drafts are screaming. so i guess it's time for a rewatch of andor! i hope you enjoy my loves. (also the gif has me frothing at the mouth).
day nineteen - dry humping | kinktober 2023
summary: "there remained an unspoken pull between the two of you that kept you tightly wrapped around one another. your souls knotted so tight there was no undoing what had been solidified. the unspoken future you had always planned."
word count: 1.4k+
pairing: cassian andor x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, dry humping, fluff and angst, cassian being head over heels.
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There remained an unspoken pull between the two of you that kept you tightly wrapped around one another. Your souls knotted so tight there was no undoing what had been solidified. The unspoken future you had always planned. More often than not, he found himself in your home. Seeking out the pleasure of your company as you both drank the shittiest caf in existence, but it was all you could find.
He would tell you the goings on around town, the things you might have otherwise missed, and you’d speak to him about your dreams. What you wanted to strive for, what life could be like if the Empire wasn’t currently destroying everything. You spoke about anything and everything, divulging things to each other that felt too private to tell anyone else.
Tonight he sat on the shitty couch, jacket discarded onto your separate chair, and eyes tracking your every movement as you fluttered around in the kitchen. The scent of your caf wafted through the house. Burnt and bitter and familiar. You poured some into his mug before heading over to your spot beside him. The blanket already pooled around his waist.
“How is Bix?” you asked, feeling him shift to face you better as you settled, dragging the rough fabric up around your legs.
He shrugged, taking a sip and wincing at the taste. Yet another familiar movement. “She and Tim are…”
He huffed a laugh, eyes shifting to meet your gaze. “You could say that.”
“He loves her.” You set the mug on your small table that tilted slightly. “It’s obvious.”
Cassian’s voice came softer, eyes tracing the curve of your body as the blanket slipped down a bit, revealing the curve of your breasts in your top. “He does,” he murmured, fingers tightening around his mug when you shifted even closer. The air between the two of you, now warm.
Silence filled the space, laying over you like a different kind of blanket. One that offered softness, comfort. A place where you knew you could be yourself and voice what you wanted out of life. Cassian felt the same. He sunk into the couch, sipping on the caf still despite its awful flavor; a gesture that warmed your heart. The nights were a time you looked forward to most. When you could finally relish in the presence of the man you’d loved for as long as you could remember.
But to Cassian you were a friend.
Simply the person he sought out when he needed someone to make him feel like his feet were firmly planted on the ground. He wasn’t the greatest friend and he knew that. He knew that he oftentimes brought more trouble than necessary, but with you he laid his troubles by the door as if they were a coat to be hung. Something he would pick up on his way out. In order to keep that smile on your face. The joy that pressed into his chest, filling him with a feeling that he found himself running from most days.
Yet when it came to you…he didn’t want to run anymore.
You didn’t notice him setting his mug on the table, too invested in the paper beside you, something scribbled on it. “I forgot to tell you—”
Grasping the back of your neck gently, he dragged you closer, his lips finding yours and drawing out a sharp gasp from your mouth. It was a meager attempt to display those feelings that ate away at his heart. Something to show you that he came here each night for a reason. You. He came to hear your laughter, to drink your shitty caf, and watch you light up at his stories.
He came to feel the warmth of your love on an otherwise cold planet.
Seconds passed and for a moment he worried you didn’t want this. That he’d overstepped his boundaries and pushed the limit of your friendship too far. Your hands sliding into his hair and dragging him closer put a stop to those thoughts instantly. A soft moan echoed in the back of your throat, punching the breath from his lungs as he practically climbed over you. His hand grasping onto your waist, sliding your leg over his hip.
“I’ve wanted to do this for years,” he mumbled breathlessly, shifting to pull you up into his lap, until your knees were pressing on either side of his hips, chest pressed to his. “Ever since that fucking dinner.”
You laughed softly, fingers tracing his jaw and Cassian forgot how to breathe for that mere moment. “The dinner wasn’t so bad.”
“Bix cooking is never a good thing.”
Another giggle filled the air as you leaned down to steal another kiss. The taste of your caf, so much better coming from your tongue. He found that he didn’t mind the flavor. As long he got to kiss you afterwards. Sucking in a breath, he bit at your bottom lips, hands sliding to grasp at your hips, pushing you even closer until no space remained.
“I met you,” he replied, watching your eyes darken with lust, lips parting when he dragged you over his already hard cock. “The only good part of that night.”
Heat flooded the back of your neck, spilling into your cheeks and overheating your body. Yet you’d never wanted something more in your whole life. He captured your lips in another kiss, hips bucking up to meet yours, a sound being pulled from your chest. Heady and wet. Similar to the way he devoured you. As if you were the only source of life for miles—kissing you until you had no choice but to gasp for air, yanking on his hair to separate yourself.
“I want—oh—” Your clit caught on the seam of your pants, the press of his cock driving you insane as he dragged you across his lap again. A deep moan bubbling up in your throat, eyes fluttering shut when pleasure burst across your senses.
“I want to see you,” he said, chest heaving and eyes dark with need.
“I’m here.”
His lips curled up, grinding into you and watching your face contort, eyebrows pulling together while your mouth dropped open. “No. I want…to see you.”
The meaning registered in your brain slower than you would have liked. Yet once it did, you couldn’t find the words to respond. Each of them more incoherent than the last. He wanted to watch you cum. To witness you at the peak of pleasure, knowing that it was caused by him.
“Cassian,” you gasped, grinding down until sparks shot up your spine. Slick flooded your panties, no doubt soaking through to his pants. You dragged yourself along his lap, arms curled around his neck and lips brushing his as he panted into your mouth.
“Take what you want,” he said hoarsely, helping you guide your movements as he bucked up into you with each shift. “Use me.”
You went lightheaded. The rush of need plowing through your body as he led you through the movements. Your legs were slightly shaky, eyes squeezed shut and lips scratching along his cheek. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. Cassian held you like you were precious kyber. Something he could one day lose in the middle of terror.
“I’m gonna, Maker I’m g-gonna—fuck Cas—”
Licking a hot trail up your throat, he felt you shudder above him, your cry bouncing off the walls of your house. He watched the bliss wash across your face and wanted to see it again. As many times as you’d permit him. Pressing his hips up and grinding roughly against the seam of your pants, he felt his body lock up—his rough moan pressed to your chest. His cock twitched in his pants, cum soaking through the fabric.
It would get uncomfortable soon, but he had you on top of him, pressing kissing down his neck and sucking on the skin. Drawing out another soft moan.
“That was new,” you said softly, smiling into his shoulder. He chuckled, hands moving to cover your ass. “Although I wouldn’t mind adding that to our nights.”
“Shitty caf and a good fuck?”
You slapped his shoulder, body shaking as you laughed and he couldn’t stop himself from joining. Feeling a type of joy that only came around you. He wanted to lock it in his chest. To remember what this felt like even when he wasn’t there with you. But to Cassian there was no place he’d rather be.
“Perfect,” you whispered, brushing your lips against his, sealing your future with a kiss he felt down to his toes.
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quiet-admirer · 16 days
As promised, here is a little excerpt from Chapter 3 of my current work-in-progress, an enemies-to-lovers M/M queer weight gain kink and feedist story, Devotion, about 2 hardcore punks in 1979 :) Enjoy!
The walk home from the 7-Eleven was tantalizingly, excruciatingly long at first, but once Ira threw out a “How d’you think that bassist tonight got tone like that?” they got to talking shop, and it was like Diego blinked and they were at his apartment door.
Diego flopped onto the futon with the box of SusyQs on his lap and unwrapped his third of the night while Ira unlaced his boots across the room.
“Want a drink? There’s beer in the fridge.”
Ira slid off one boot then the other and stood them neatly by the door. “I don’t drink. Or smoke,” he said with unrestrained disdain. “I don’t do anything. I’m not going to waste time and money poisoning my body and my mind. I want to actually experience my life.”
God, Ira being not only totally straight but also a self-righteous snob about it made so much sense that Diego didn’t know why he’d even thought to offer him a beer in the first place.
“I don’t. Grab me some mind poison, will ya?” Truthfully, he was more in the mood for a Dr. Pepper, but giving Ira a hard time was more satisfying.
Ira pulled a face. “Get it yourself.” He sunk into the couch next to Diego and nudged the box of snack cakes with his foot. “Keep eating, SuzyQ. When you get through this box I’ll order the pizza.”
Diego had never before met anyone who gave him a truly carnal desire to throttle them and yet at the same time kiss them to within an inch of their life. It was as if this one shorter-than-average man single-handedly generated so much irritation that it flooded Diego’s brain and had nowhere to go but to overflow directly to his dick. And somehow he’d also enjoyed every minute he’d spent with Ira in the days since they’d made up. Only Meena could’ve made Diego smile more than he had in the past few hours.
With so many opposing emotions flooding his veins, all Diego could manage was to stuff the cake into his mouth pointedly before retrieving both a beer and a Dr. Pepper for himself, and knocked into Ira maybe a little more than was necessary when he returned to the futon. It took him two more SuzyQs to feel levelheaded enough to resume his questioning.
“So, how does this eating part usually work? Do you handcuff me to the chair and make me eat? Blindfold me? Spoon-feed me like a baby? Am I supposed to act like I don’t like it – is making someone eat how you discipline them – or are you more of a praise guy? Or do you just jerk off while you watch?”
“Hm, well… Any of those, I guess. There isn’t one way to do it, everyone’s different. Just depends on what gets ya hard – and gets you eating, you know?” He looked at Diego thoughtfully. “You’re kind of creative, when it comes to weird sex stuff.”
“Thanks for specifying that the creativity is for weird sex stuff in case I got confused and thought you meant I was a creative person generally, or as, say, a musician.”
“You’re welcome,” Ira said with a nasty sarcastic smile. “With the guys I’ve been with, a couple of them did want me to tie them up and act like I’m forcing them to eat. That’s fine, I don’t mind that. My favorite is probably just feeding someone, though. So, basically I keep giving them food until they physically can’t eat anymore.”
“Huh, okay.” Diego was no stranger to that feeling, and it sure wasn’t a bad one by any means. He mulled the logistics over in his head. “Let’s try that. So, you’ll just keep handing me slices of pizza until I tap out?”
“Yep. And if you’re too full to keep feeding them to yourself but you want to keep eating, I’ll feed them to you,” Ira explained.
“Too full to keep feeding myself but want to keep eating…” Oof. Okay, this was sounding more and more like Diego’s kind of sex. “You know, I can really put it away under the right conditions, but… you’ve been with some serious eaters, huh?”
Ira laughed. “You could definitely say that.”
“And is there any roleplay or anything? Are there certain things you want me to say or things you want to say?”
He shook his head. “No roleplay the first time. Especially since you’re new to all this. I want you to get a feel for what it’s like eating that much. It can be a lot for some people.” Ira reached over Diego’s lap and retrieved the Dr. Pepper, and Diego let him even though it had definitely been for himself. Ira cracked open the can with a hiss and took a long gulp. “And you don’t just want to eat: you want to put your 30 pounds back on. But the thing about gaining a lot of weight is that it’s not like other pervert stuff where you can just put on a costume when you’re feeling horny; it’s not something you do here and there. You have to eat more on a regular basis.” Ira stood and paced halfway across the room before turning back again.
“Not everyone likes doing it this way – the eating a lot at once way. Some people prefer eating a little more at meals and snacking throughout the day,” he gestured in the air with his can of Dr. Pepper like he was a professor giving a lecture. “So, tonight we’re just seeing if you’re into this kind of eating. I’m going to be responsible for your weight gain, and– well, you already know putting weight on and keeping it on isn’t as easy as it looks, so I like to play to a guy’s strengths to get that to happen. That’s why I want to see what your real reactions are when we start out. We can add the fun stuff as we go.”
It sounded surprisingly sweet when Ira talked about it in a practical way and not just in a heat-of-the-moment ‘I’m going to be the one to put all this weight on you,’ cue evil laugh, kind of way. He was dominant in the sense that he was looking out for Diego; taking care of him. Not just fattening him up, but helping him gain weight. A dictator maybe, but a benevolent one, which on Ira was ridiculously endearing.
“I think I get it,” Diego smiled. “‘With great power comes great responsibility.’”
Ira looked at him with distaste. “Is that from the bible or something?”
Diego snorted. He grabbed the phone off the upturned milk crate beside the futon and shoved it into Ira’s chest. “Just order the damn pizza.”
Diego finished the first box of SuzyQs and they’d moved to necking on the couch by the time two large pizzas arrived.
Ira opened the first box but paused halfway through reaching for the first slice.
“Oh, you said you were into leather, right? Do you have gear, or– anything you wanna wear while we do this?”
“Oh. No,” Diego scrunched his nose. “It’s all too big for me right now.”
“That sucks,” Ira said, with actual sympathy. He picked up the first slice of pizza, pepperoni, and offered it to Diego. “Maybe I can help you out with that.”
Diego took as big of a bite of pizza as he could fit in his mouth before taking the slice from Ira. “Please do,” Diego said through a full mouth.
“You should try them on for me so I can see what we’re starting with.”
“Sure.” He crammed in the rest of the slice and stood, kicking a box out from under the futon. Still chewing, he dug in the back of the closet for his jacket and pants.
They weren’t anything fancy, no bells or whistles, just a pair of black leather pants and a simple leather jacket; vintage, but he took a sense of pride in them all the same.
Diego stripped, then pulled on the pants without bothering to unbutton them. Kneeling, he removed the lid from the box.
“Boots. Harness,” he pointed. He slipped the harness on, then the jacket, and stood again. He had to widen his stance a little to keep the pants from sliding down.
Ira had another slice of pizza in hand as he joined Diego in the center of the room. Same as the first slice, Diego took a bite as Ira held it up for him before taking it for himself.
Ira circled Diego like he was inspecting him, appraising him. It sent a little thrill through Diego’s stomach knowing that as fat as he already was, it was clear from some of the things Ira had been saying that he still thought of Diego as pretty small.
Good. Diego never wanted to be this size again. Ira had better get a good look now.
After a final turn, Ira hooked a finger in Diego’s waistband and tugged a little, exposing about an inch gap between the leather and Diego’s skin. He did the same with the harness: a hand-me-down from a guy who probably had about a hundred pounds on Diego, so Diego had already been on the smallest holes of the buckled straps before he lost the weight. It would be easy to have a bootblack add in another set of holes, but that thought always made this size seem long-term, permanent.
So here he was: harness hanging limp off his chest, leather pants loose through the thighs, shoulders and biceps not quite filling out his jacket. But he couldn’t bring himself to be self-conscious. Ira’s hungry gaze roaming over him, and the quickly vanishing second slice of pizza infused the buzz of potential into the air. The space between himself and his leather wasn’t feeling quite so large tonight.
Ira was smiling as Diego finished slice number two. “You look hot. I’ve never really been that much of a leather guy, but… you might’ve sold me.”
“You should see me when they actually fit.” He brought his hands to his hips and gave Ira a cocky smile. “My ass looks really great in leather.”
“Already does.” Ira stepped in. His hands slipped past Diego’s jacket, fingers ghosting along Diego’s sides. “I can’t wait to get you filling these out again. C’mere.” He dropped back down next to the pizza box and beckoned.
Diego shed his gear. He didn’t bother with a shirt but pulled on a pair of well-worn, comfy sweats – a larger pair; tonight was calling for eating pants.
He settled on the couch next to Ira, making himself comfortable.
“I see somebody knows what he’s doing,” Ira poked at Diego’s elastic waistband.
With a smile, Diego reached for the next slice.
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zzoguri · 10 months
somehow, i'll gather the stars just for you ➵ jacob bae
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non-idol!jacob bae x reader
even in the nights where the stars refuse to show themselves, jacob will round them up just for you.
general genre/warnings ➵ fluff, light angst and hurt/comfort, gender neutral reader, lowercase intended, established relationship, sort of reader-centric because oof you do have problems (but we never dive into them)!, talks about constellations and stargazing, set on the beach (hence why it's part of the event), overall very soft and caring and understanding boyfriend!jacob ever, kissing, cuddling
word count ➵ 1.7k words
taglist ➵ @deoboyznet @kflixnet @blankjournal @winterchimez @miusgirl @jenoscafe @sweet-unicorn-world @mosviqu @vernyangel
playlist ➵ tila tala by syd hartha // where the sea sleeps by day6 (even of day)
a/n ➵ wrote this on a whim again. i have a tendency to write drabbles like these when i feel kinda :// but i am glad to say i am finally making my submission for deoboyznet's summer for you event!! i hope you enjoy this cute jacob drabble for the time being :]]
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlist
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the air smells of salt and burning wood. your eyes remain closed as the crackling coming from the bonfire fills your ears. the saltwater breeze hits your cheeks, stinging them like always.
you consider this beach a safe place from any storm—a getaway car from turmoil in every corner of your life. all away from the city that brings you nothing but stress and uncertainty, the beach will do nothing but bring you comfort. 
and tonight should be like every other; the ocean would meet with the shore in intervals; the whispers of the wind are meant to be loud, mumbling melodies you never hear amid heavy traffic, and; there should be a sea of stars around the moon that glows, forming constellations you know the names of all around it.
but when there's no celestial body in sight, you realize that tonight's plans will not push through.
"this is the first time i've seen the sky filled with nothing but clouds," your boyfriend, jacob, voices out. your eyes open as you take a quick side glance at the boy beside you. "from the beach, at least"
you rip your eyes away from him only to be met with a sky that has not changed. tonight was meant for stargazing. but the one night you two finally settled on had to be one that was not made for you both.
the starry night should come—this type of occurrence has never happened in the years you spent going to this beach. so why, out of all times, did the stars refuse to show now?
jacob wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close so that your body can rest on his. your back is supported by his torso as his chin rests on your shoulder. a small sigh leaves your lips as your eyes drift back down to the body of water behind the bonfire that glows in front of you. 
"i'm sorry tonight didn't turn out as planned." jacob's whisper is almost inaudible. "i'm sure the next time will have as many constellations drawn up in the sky—ones you know the names of, of course." you know it's his attempt to lighten up the sour mood you had since leaving the city with him.
he's always been the understanding type—the one to let you feel whatever you wanted to feel, and share whatever you were comfortable enough to share. but he never fails to remind you that he's there; offer you an ear to listen to you; act as your shoulder to cry on, and; share with you words that you need to hear at any given moment.  
you swallow the lump in your throat, "we spent so long trying to find one night that works for us only to be met with a starless sky." you then stare at the orange glow that emits from the burning wood. "i can't believe this is the first time this is happening, a night with no star in sight, on the day we wanted to finally stargaze together."
and it should be a small thing to be upset about—a moment to be bummed out about but easy enough to bounce back from. but the reason you're at this beach tonight is the same reason why you always find yourself leaving the city in the first place.
jacob continues to draw unrecognizable patterns on your arm. "what do you think that is?" his question has you looking at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "do you want me to draw it again?"
when you give him a nod, he repeats his actions, tracing out four imaginary lines on your skin you cannot make a figure out of. your eyebrows remain furrowed at him, only making him slip out a chuckle. 
"i'll give you a hint; it's a constellation."
you feel yourself pout at his words. despite any ruined plans, he never fails to find a way to make any night turn in the right direction.
without any answer leaving your lips, jacob shows you a teasing look. "don't tell me you don't know your constellation when you dragged me out to the beach this late into the night." when you bump your shoulder against his chest, he lets out a giggle. "okay, i'll do it one more time. if you don't know it, i'm about to believe you don't know your astronomy after all."
he draws the pattern once more. the sensation resembles the letter "w" with wide spaces in between. and you spend your time rattling through your brain, only to figure out what he was trying to draw. "is it cassiopeia?"
he smiles at your answer and says, "wow, you know your stars!" he quickly gives you a peck on the lips, catching you by surprise at the sudden action. your flustered expression only has him smiling bigger. "think of that as a prize."
you roll your eyes. "i didn't know you knew your constellations. i was planning to show off astronomy knowledge in real-time versus having you pull out pictures and me telling you the names of each one."
"that's all i remember, really," he admits as he continues to draw patterns on your arms. at this point, you aren't sure if he's trying to draw out more constellations for you to guess or if he's simply tracing for fun. "if i remembered more, i would have let you guess all the ones i knew. it would be our way of stargazing without the stars themselves."
your heartstrings tug at his words. no matter what the world brings to shatter you, there will always be one boy who never fails to look out for you.
you let your hands reach out towards him. "give me your hand." jacob moves his hand away from the sand and lets it rest on yours. with his palm facing up, you bring your free hand to his hand. "this is," your index finger draws out a small box with a long tail. "the small dipper."
his head tilts to the side, eyebrows furrowed at what you had just drawn. "what? can you do it again? it feels like a badly drawn tadpole."
"tadpole?" you scoff, taken back by his comment. "that's the small dipper!"
you draw it out once more, only for him to hum. "sure, i guess." once you gasp at his words, he cannot help but giggle. a pout rests on your lips over his comment. "i'm just kidding! come on, show me more."
you glare at jacob for a moment. "don't make fun of my drawings then!"
"i won't," he says before he nuzzles his face into your shoulder, leaving a long kiss. "teach me about these constellations."
and so the night goes on. you show him ones as simple as scutum and ones as complex as orion. while jacob found himself just nodding at your words with no clear idea of how these constellations actually looked like, he still liked to hear you ramble about these star patterns typically found in the sky.
he notices how you slowly found yourself brightening up over sharing your knowledge of astronomy. from how reserved you were before getting into his car, he now sees the same person who cannot help but ramble over their love for the celestial bodies.
"and this is," you draw a pattern you remember by heart. "gemini." jacob smiles at how you decide to show him what his star sign's constellation is. "it's one of my favorite ones, actually."
"it is?"
you let out a hum as you look at his hand where your index finger rests. "if you look closely, it resembles two people." you draw out the pattern once more. as soon as your eyes meet his face, you notice how his expression shifts into realization.
"wow, it does," he smiles as he looks down at his hand that you continue to draw on. "it resembles us."
you roll your eyes over his words. "jacob, that's not what it means, but okay."
your boyfriend cannot help but move his hand off of yours, bringing you closer for a cuddle. "yeah, but still. let me make whatever i want with those stars you love." he leaves you another kiss on the cheek. "besides, i want to make everything about you and us." you cannot help but smile at his affection, your eyes resting on the wood that continues to burn.
despite tonight's events (and the reason why you needed to get out of the city), jacob found a way to make you feel better. without uttering a word, he knew exactly what to do to save tonight. and somehow, you are almost glad that the stars decided to not show up—tonight's events turned out to be cuter than actual stargazing.
"thank you," you whisper out. "for trying to make tonight better." when you move your head to face him, you notice that his eyes are already on you.
he shows you a soft smile—one that never fails to fill your heart with warmth. "i just want you to know i'm always here. i'll be anything you want me to be, just so long as we'll both be okay."
you cannot help but let your face move closer to his. as soon as your eyes close, you move forward until your forehead rests on his. you can feel his breath graze over your lips. and with a moment to breathe, you say, "i'm glad i have you. even in times when everything went wrong, i'm happy that you were always there."
"of course," his hand reaches out to rest on the side of your face. and when his thumb starts to draw imaginary lines on your cheek, you cannot help but smile. he traces out what you can only think of as the constellation of gemini. "just like what i drew on your cheek, i'll make sure we'll always be together. i'll be sure to engrave it there like how you did on my hand. that way, we know that it forever remains somewhere, even if the starry night may not show it."
and just like that, you let yourself close the distance between you two, lips locking with the boy who never fails to know what to do in every distraught moment.
tonight's events may not have gone as planned, and the beach may not have become the place you were hoping for it to be when you desperately needed it. but for you, jacob is more than what the beach and its starry night can provide. on starless nights, he would round up the stars just for you, somehow.
if you liked this, please do reblog and leave feedback!
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spctrsgf · 1 year
movie nights
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summary: [prompt] Friday night was movie night for you and steven. but tonight, the romance might not just be on the screen. 
word count: 1.3k
warnings: language, fluff
a/n: i've been in such a writers block so it was really great to be able to produce something for you all! please send in requests if you have them before i burn out of ideas again
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“Hey, Steven!” You greet enthusiastically after whipping the door open, brushing back a stray strand of hair that decided to reach out and greet the man as well. “Ello!” He brings his hand up and around in a semicircle in a cute little wave, his teeth showing as he smiles up at you. You step aside to let him in, not missing the way he politely wipes his feet on your doormat.
“I brought some–” he peeks into the plastic bag he’d just placed onto the table. “Chicken parmesan.” You smile at him gratefully. “Thank you, but I thought you were vegan.”
“I am. It’s for you.”
“For me?” Your cheeks tint red.
“Of course.”
“Thank you, Steven.” The richness of your voice shocks you. It drawls almost like syrup.
“No problem.” If he notices your voice or your red face, he doesn't mention it as he moves to take off his shoes. 
“So,” Steven cut through the silence. “What’re we watching today?” The prospect of what movie to watch had consumed his thoughts last night, when he lay awake in his bed. Movie night was his favorite tradition, where he got to spend his Friday nights with you, watching any movie that struck your fancy. He always found himself looking forward to the night throughout the week and hating when the moment had to end.
Marc teased him for being soft, Jake laughed at the way he’d lie awake at night, planning what movie he’d ask to watch next, but Steven couldn’t bring himself to care about what they thought. He was too preoccupied to argue. 
“Hm, well,” You emerge from the kitchen with popcorn, your chicken parmesan, and Steven’s favorite salad (you’d prepared it beforehand to make sure it was perfect) balanced cautiously in your arms. “Why dont you choose tonight? I always do.”
“That's because you have good taste.”
You chuckle. “So do you.”
“Well— thank you,” he grabs his salad, peering into the bowl and then shooting up his head to meet your eyes with a bright gaze. “My favorite! How’d you—“
“I pay attention to you.”
Something undecipherable flashes behind his eyes, and the prospect slightly dampens your smile. Too far? “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
Your cheeks flame. “Anytime.”
“How about a rom com?”
“Sure,” you plop yourself beside him after setting down the food. “Which one?”
“I’m in the mood for 10 things I hate about you today, does that sound okay?”
“Oooo! Of course, I think I have the CD somewhere over there.” You point to the CD case, grabbing your food and sinking into the couch. 
“I'll grab it, yeah?” 
“Mhm. Go on now.”
He glares playfully at you. “Rude much?”
“I’m just playing. I can get it if you want.” You laugh, sitting up straight in a move to stand.
He surges up suddenly, placing a hand on your chest and shoving you back into your seat with an impressive amount of strength. You hit the cushions with a surprised oof! as he winds his way over to the shelf and searches for the CD.
You watch silently as he shuffles about the TV, sliding the DVD and grabbing the remote as he plops himself back down next to you. His fingers flick at the buttons and knobs as he navigates to watching the movie, your attention draws reluctantly to the screen. 
You two fall into the normal pattern as the movie trudges on, you yelling every once in a while at the TV and Steven having to shush you. The popcorn and food are long gone by the time you two hit the middle of the movie, and your head lolls to the side in slight exhaustion.
It’s then you realized Steven’s predicament. He had curled his legs into himself, and was rubbing his arms in a show of cold. Your cheeks flame as you realize you’d bundled up in warm clothing while leaving him with nothing but his dress shirt that he’d forgotten to take off after work. 
You slide off the couch as silently as possible, hoping to evade Steven’s gaze leaving the movie in front of him. Once you reach your bedroom, you scramble through your closet for an embarrassing amount of time before producing a warm navy blue hoodie.
Your favorite.
You run a hand along it, smoothing out the wrinkles, as you make your way back into the living room. Steven’s already looking your way when you enter the room, and you freeze in place, caught red handed. His eyes dart down to the article in your hand before bouncing back to your eyes.
“Everything okay?” His voice rings out in the silence. “Oh, um, yeah,” you cross the room and sit down next to him again. “Just grabbed something.” 
“What is it?”
“My sweater. You looked cold.” You hold it out towards him with a shy smile.
His eyes dart again down to your sweater and then back up. “For me?”
He takes it gingerly. “Thank you, that’s so sweet.”
Soon, Steven’s attention is drawn to the TV again, and you watch him silently. You see the way his fingers curl around the sleeves, the way he brings his hand up to catch his thumbnail between his teeth, the way curls his legs into the warmth of the sweater, him in your sweater. 
It feels borderline romantic. He’s nuzzled into your clothing, just like every single fucking romance movie you’d ever seen. Your cheeks go red yet again at the realization, and your brain goes between hoping Steven will notice and hoping he won’t. 
As a pro, maybe he’d notice and then act accordingly. Maybe he’d ask you out, maybe you’d get out of the icky in between feeling you’d felt yourself stuck in. On the other hand, if he never noticed and he didn’t feel the same way you did, you’d never have to encounter the awkward sting of rejection. 
Your eyes catch on the credits starting to scroll by on the TV screen, and your head swivels quickly in surprise. “It’s already over?” The words slip from your mouth before you can stop them. “We can watch another?” Steven offers like the gentleman he is.
“Oh, I couldn’t hold you here for another two hours.”
You could.
“Really, it’s fine.”
“Don't you have to get to work tomorrow, Steven?”
“I do?”
You smile at his hecticness. “Yeah, you said Donna wanted you to work an extra shift for being late yesterday.”
“Bollocks,” he smacks the side of his head. “She totally did.”
You grab his hand, pulling him to his feet. “C’mon. I’m not letting you be late again cus we were up watching a movie.”
“Alright, alright!”
You chuckle, playfully shoving his things into his hands. “Hurry up, Grant!”
He stumbles over his feet in a hurry, and in an automatic response, you grab his shoulders to set him upright. “Thank you.” He blushes lightly, swiping a fallen curl from his forehead.
“Of course.” You try to keep your voice from speaking at the sight of him.
He steps out into the hall. “Well, this was fun.”
You lean against the doorframe. “It was.”
He turns to walk away, but after a few steps, he turns back to you. “Thank you, and I’m going to wash the sweater you lent me and give it back to you as soon as possible.”
You smile earnestly. “Oh, please keep it. I like you wearing it.”
“Really? I thought it was your favorite one.”
“It is.”
Steven frowns. “Then why are you-“
“It suits you better anyways. Keep it,” you grab the doorknob with a shaky hand. “And don’t trip on your way out!”
You shut the door quickly before cringing. “Don't trip on your way out??” You mock yourself. “Seriously, what the fuck was that?”
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majikdog · 2 years
Hella nervous posting this but I’m proud of it and worked my ass off for this opportunity so here we go!!! My M&G photo and story under the cut. I appreciate if no one reblogs this since it does have my face in it but please enjoy otherwise!! And I’d love to hear your M&G stories with Papa as well, I’m very excited to hear as I am excited to share!!
Edit: okay so there’s an option on here now that makes the post unrebloggable!! Very helpful!!
A group of a few people and myself were taken to a dark room. It’s a bit smokey, I can smell the incense burning, and then there’s the ambient horror music really creating the perfect backdrop for this unsettling mood. One corner of the room was boxed in by curtains- where Papa was waiting behind. I was the fifth person in line to see him- I made @ghoulish-ghrace go in front of me. I won’t lie, I was scared, shaky, panicking a little. I mean come on, the guy’s my hero (in and out of costume) and I’m still just this anxiety ridden little kid at heart. Grace can probably remember more of how I was than I can haha. Suddenly y’know it was my turn and I went by myself and Papa was just right there. It was jumpscare material the way he was just BOOM right there in front of you. Most of you know how he stares at you by now, his eyes are soul-searching and he doesn’t miss a beat. He looks and moves so realistically, photos and videos don’t do him justice, I swear to god I couldn’t breathe. He says “hello” and “how are you doing tonight?” I can’t remember what I said exactly, something along the lines of “doing good just very scared and nervous” to which he responded “ah, don’t be, it’s just me”. I told him he looked amazing and he replied “as do you, you look very nice tonight” and he asked me if I was ready for the photo. I do remember apologizing a lot, a nervous habit I never quite broke. But Papa was so sweet and patient with me and never got annoyed once. He was more soft spoken than I imagined him to be, like he was talking to a spooked animal. Nine times out of ten, he could tell I was on edge and close to crying. Anyways, he stayed on the other side of the plexiglas dude to the COVID restrictions. You can see it in the photo, I stood pretty far away from him, I’m that chickenshit through this whole thing lol. After the photo, I was getting ready to leave, I wanted to say more but I couldn’t and was literally about to cry and didn’t want to keep people waiting. But then Papa steps in my way to face me, no plexiglass in our way, and then we are face to face. Maybe it’s my mind exaggerating the memory but- he was very close to me, dudes. I could feel his fucking breath on my face and he still has that piercing stare. Putting his hands together as if he’s praying, still keeping eye contact with me (terrifying by the way, I am horrible with eye contact but I tried my best for this) he says so softly, “hey, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay. Now. I want you to go out there, make some friends, have fun and have a good time tonight. Can you do that for me?” I told him “yes sir, I would, I promise” something like that. Thinking on it, I called him sir more than I called him Papa, oof regret!!. I did manage to barely thank him for everything he’s done and for being patient with me. I almost went to the wrong side of the tent to leave but I was able to turn around and say “goodbye, Papa” and he gave me a little wave watching me leave.
After I escaped the room intact (WOOHOO), I briefly spoke to some very nice people in line who looked to be in the same frightened state I was in. I told him how sweet he was and that he was too kind. It seemed to help. And then I ran to hug Grace and just about tackled them!! But yeah overall, this was an experience worth every penny I worked extra hours for and every minute standing out in the humidity/rain. Papa doesn’t let COVID restrictions get in the way of making the M&Gs intimate, personal, and special. I left that little curtained corner with no regrets and partied hard at that ritual surrounded by fellow ghesties. Best night EVER!!!
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(You can tell by my hair, it was most definitely rainy and humid outside 😂 Thank you, Papa, for not pointing that out)
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lunearobservatory · 1 year
Cali- 1, 6, 11
Clearly in the mood for some angst.
Oh we're dunkin on my boy tonight let's go!!
1. A song that represents their childhood
This one was tough actually. I think as far as statehood goes, as a child he was very prized, only two years after the gold rush started he became a state. He was precious and useful and a chance at new life and wealth.
However, I am firmly in the camp of him having existed as a personification at lllleast as early as Alta—same as La Florida remembering being a Spanish territory—though it's very fuzzy memories. In that case, he was used mostly for resources as well lol
I'm gonna go with Cavatina, California Guitar Trio
It has no words but feels a little melancholy. He definitely holed up with books more than he did other people, still does. There's a bit of a wondrous spark in there that definitely comes around during his peak involvement in the Wild West and such. He had his fair share of rowdy moments growing up
6. A song that represents a struggle in their life
I will not say Rät by Penelope Scott, I refuse to on principle, though he does smell of Silicon Valley trauma doesn't he?
I'll go with Avenues by Drive45, because. Uh.
Heard you moved into the avenues
But you still can't learn to see things through
Maybe you should give your ears to me
None of your friends even like you
Born in San Francisco
Maybe somewhere in the middle
Of that other busy city
What's it called, uh, Sacramento
Doesn't really matter since it didn't last forever
Eeeeyyyaaahhh. Yeah! It's the self loathing! And the "everybody hates me"!
The song feels very scattered and panicked, almost. Definitely a downwards spiral
11. A song that represents their saddest moment
Oof, Something Is Wrong by Phantom Planet
It feels very?? I think resigned is the right word. Less directly sad and more hopeless
Something is wrong
With the light of the sun
With the color of the sky
With you and everyone
It may be me projecting (it definitely is) but I think one of his biggest faults is not being conscious he's a part of the problem. Saying "something is wrong—with you and everyone" is both the frequent feeling of betrayal, yes, but also more a self actualization of him being a part of that "you and everyone", basically tripping over his own feet
I think the saddest moment, or thing I guess, is I don't think he has it in him to see that clearly
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alwaysthesitter · 1 year
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I'm in a really bad headspace right now. Had a rough weekend at the convention for several reasons, and it seems to have leaked into it the days coming home (just got home yesterday, so of course convention bullshit is going to keep coming up. I'm giving it a week before it goes away honestly).
I'm just tired of people being so.....immature and not being adults. I was talking to a friend all day like we regularly have for the last 6 years, then suddenly she made a post that she was upset and when I checked in on her, she said she wasn't and didn't want to talk about it and no longer wanted to room with me for the next two cons we're attending. She keeps saying it's "just that simple and nothing deep" but I'm like.....uhhhhh. Because screwing me over like that is....not that simple.
I have this feeling that someone told her something about me, and instead of being an adult about it and talking to me about it, she's cutting me off entirely. Because I didn't do much at con other than sleep and spend time with friends and shop, and I definitely was NOT the one causing shit all weekend (trust me on that, oof). Like she won't just ask me about it or get my perspective, or even talk to me about why the sudden shift? Or what she heard? Which would be the civil thing to do. Like, let's talk it out. I don't even know why she's mad.
So yeah, not in the best mood. I'm feeling in a really dark place. I'm financially screwed over by this (again, shock). I'm anxious af because my friend won't talk to me like an adult and allow me to figure out what's happening or resolve anything. I am an adult, I like having resolution to conflict instead of this "he said, she said" bullshit. So yeah. If I'm short tonight, or not responding to things, or seem really resolved it's because I'm feeling horrible. I just want to catch a break, man. I'm exhausted.
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
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"Better check with all your sources before twisting the facts!" 🎵
New 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash update today!
Fairly OddParents || One-Shot - “Told You So”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3 || Read on dA
The "notorious complainer and empty nester Mama Cosma" & "Affection-deprived head of complaints department Sanderson" dynamic is one of my favorites, so here's a story about them!
Mama Cosma gets anxious when Cosmo doesn't come home with milk, so she takes it up with the only guy who'll listen to her... at 2 AM on a work night.
(First 1000 words under the cut)
121. Told You So (Almost 10,000 years pre-series)
Year of Breath; Summer of the Early Groundhog
Probably, the worst reaction Sanderson could have had to waking up with Florensa Cosma in his bed was, "We need to use stronger protection."
Yes, the "we" in that sentence encompassed all of Pixies Inc., and the protection he was referring to happened to be the apartment building's (clearly faulty) security system, but his chosen phrase made his roommate jolt and snap straight up in bed, lavender eyes glowing wide-eyed in the dark. Not just that, but it also did little to improve the woman's mood. Her brow furrowed. She sunk her fingernails through his thermal shirt, almost ripping it in the process. Which would have been a shame. It was his favorite shade of gray. Florensa's eyes blazed the brightest tint of blue he'd seen in months, years, centuries. His oil lamp flickered on the bedside table. It cast dancing red and black snakes across her twisted face. Even in the dark, he could see the mint-colored curls that stacked higher and higher on her head like a layered cake.
"Get up."
Her words splattered his nose with hot saliva. Ugh. Sanderson dropped his head back to his pillow. He didn't groan, didn't express any noise of discontent in the presence of an outsider, but he certainly would have liked to. The pillow wasn't that nice, either. Recent lumps and wrinkles had marred its usual pleasant flatness. "Didn't I hang up on you, like, five times tonight?"
He had… Hadn't he? In fact, he was fairly certain that after Florensa's last call, he'd dumped all the water on the floor, flipped his scrying bowl upside-down, and nestled beneath his thin blankets once again.
Florensa Cosma gave him another shake, this one so hard that he nearly bit his tongue. "You're in customer service, young man. The complaints department. I need you. Get up, you lump of lump. You have work to do."
Urrrgghh… Sanderson peeled the pillow from beneath his head. Sweat had stained the white fabric gray; he could tell that much even in the dark. Letting his head bounce back against his mattress with a squeak of springs, Sanderson stretched his arms as high as they could reach and allowed the pillow to drop on his face. "Pixies Inc. is closed right now, so you'll have to wait a few more hours. I'm off the clock, Dm. Cosma. I don't work at the dustforsaken time of… early in the morning."
"Does it look to you like this can wait until morning? This isn't my idea of a good time either- I wouldn't be traipsing 'round about your silly little squarefest if I didn't have to. Do you have any idea how long it takes to disable all your alarms? Even with magic?" Florensa ripped the limp pillow aside, flinging it against his closet door. It smacked with a shifting of wooden door panels. Sanderson screwed up his eyelids in the face of her glowing irises again, until she grabbed his shirt and twisted fabric and skin with both hands. He jolted up. Their heads collided. Bonk! "Oof!"
The pain only lasted for a spark, then subsided. Elastic fae skin never stayed injured very long. Taking advantage of the way she recoiled, Sanderson snuck a glance towards Hawkins' bed. His roommate had quietly lain down again, pulled the covers over his head. He faced the window and didn't say a word.
"Oh you slippery snatter, how I envy you," Sanderson muttered.
"Watch your language, young man! You have a paying client here."
Sanderson stared at her, making a heroic - if bleary - attempt to focus on Florensa's facial features. Meh. He lifted his foot (still restrained beneath perfectly straight and even sheets) and nudged her further down the bed. "Let's you and me talk business, Florensa. Between the hours of 8:00 and 8:00 in the purple time zone, you are no client of mine."
"Mister Ennet Chipixie Sanderson," Florensa snapped, kneading the blankets around his knees with her fists. Her wings flickered up behind her. "Do I need to haul you down to your office with my own bare hands?"
Hmm. Sanderson eyed the muscles rippling beneath the short sleeves of her green dress. "No. Okay… Answer me this: Pixie World is closed to outsiders in the evenings. That's in local time. How did you get past the anti-poof sensors?"
"I. Walked." Florensa scootched forward until she knelt over him again like a snake about to strike. This time her hands went around his throat. She wouldn't… She wouldn't. But although he wanted to believe she wouldn't, her thumbs hovered dangerously above his windpipe. That actually made the pixie slip out of his practiced poker face.
"You walked. To Pixie World."
"I hopped a tram, I skimmed a bit, but yes. I did walk."
Sanderson re-evaluated his tormentor, from the mess of tangled mint-green ringlets hanging in front of her searing blue eyes to the scratches and cartoon-like bandages pasted along her arms and cheeks. He bit his lip.
"Good gracious, Sandy," she huffed, exhaling a cloud of glittering gold magic. "I will not ask you again (and for Nuada's sake, try wearing something decent at night that doesn't have the image of a suit and tie printed on it, for once- you look like a human corpse). My son has been missing for two days. I really did think for a while that he left only to pick up milk, but it's been so very long… I'm beginning to worry. He's never been away from his mother this long since the war. He still lived at home during school."
"Your first son or your favorite son?"
"Favorite son." She sat back on her heels, opening and closing her hands in her lap. Her nails scratched against the sleek fabric of her dress. "Sanderson, you must understand how a mother cares for her children… He may be out there somewhere, perhaps beaten and mugged and alone. Those nasty bullies he keeps running into will have taken all his loose change- he does carry so much loose change, you know, and it always jingles when he walks. Now, I didn't stomp up here to nag you about you sleeping habits. Come and help me turn on your wand-tracking doohickey in the basement, or I'll take my clean energy filtering business elsewhere. Permanently."
"Dm. Cosma," he whined.
Off went his covers. Florensa slammed a hand to either side of his head, staring down at the squirming pixie as he attempted to dissolve into his bedsheets. "Don't you come complaining to me! This is your job. You're Head of the Complaints Department. You exist to listen to my concerns and help me work them out. Now… Are you with me?"
"… Okay." Honestly, did he have much of a choice? He could ping her away somewhere with his wand, but that wouldn't change the fact that she wanted his help. Sure, she might not come back for some time, but she absolutely, most definitely, undeniably would be filing a complaint directly against him. The glass ceiling he toiled beneath didn't need any more reasons to keep him down.
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onestormeynight · 9 months
The Second Saturday Night Dinner
There was no longer any avoiding it. Penelope knew she was going to have to tell her parents. She was coming out about Little Lime. Her parents were in a particularly good mood this evening, so there was no better time. The mood would be wrecked, regardless, might as well not do it when they're already mad. It might kill them. No, tonight was definitely the night.
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Annalise was humming along in their kitchen preparing dinner. She'd had a fantastic day. She had just been notified that she would be getting the first cup of tea at her next tea parting with the ladies, a most coveted position. Her expose email about Florence Darlington's inability to sell all the tables at their next fund raiser put her in bad graces, paving the way for Annalise to step in and make things just so. As such, she could not have been happier; an enemy's demise was always uplifting.
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"How was your day, dear?" Annalise said, looking at Darion.
"Great. Sorry to have my phone out at the table, Anna, I know how you hate that. Parker over at the office just needed confirmation on the San Myshuno contract. I am all yours now."
"Thank you. Penelope? How was your day?"
"Fine," she said, sounding tired. Or was that hesitation? No no, Annalise's day was going just as it should, she was not going to go looking for problems with her daughter. Not today.
"Great! This is just great," Annalise continued. "What a wonderful day."
Oh boy, Penelope thought.
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They ate a few bites, appreciating the comfortable silence. Well, what the Harpers thought was a comfortable silence. Penelope struggled with every bite, riddled with anxiety.
You're just going to have to say it, Pen. Just....just say the words. Boy, do you think there are any 24 hour hazmat rental shop nearby for all the fallout that's about to happen, Little Lime?
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"Oh! Penelope, I meant to ask you how your garden is doing. You're so secretive about it." Annalise was actually smiling at her daughter. Penelope lost some of her nerve, unable to look her mother in the eyes.
"Oh , you know, it's growing," she said. "I think I may have a chance at the Finchwick Fair one day with the flowers."
"Well, I think that's just wonderful. I wish you'd let me see it, but every girl needs her own special place." Annalise laughed. "It's like your own secret garden. I loved that book as a girl."
Penelope also laughed, however the nervous air in which she did so made her father stare at her a little too intently. "Well," she said. "Speaking of secrets, I have something I have to say."
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"Alright, what is it?" Annalise said. She managed to still stay perky, but the glitter had worn off her tone a little.
Penelope took a deep breath and looked straight forward, still unable to make eye contact with either parent. "I'm pregnant."
Darion sighed and gestured at his daughter. "Penelope, now this is a serious topic and not appropriate for one of your little jokes. Now, your mother has had a great day. There's no need to ruin it with your antics. Besides, being pregnant as a teenager would be incredibly irresponsible!'
Oof. Papa, don't preach.
Ending Credits: "Papa Don't Preach" - Madonna
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Local Creatives Dumps Cringe Ideas Cuz He Got Inspo From Maru Togami
you've read that title right folks!
Tonight is no night for a crisis of- Well, technically tonight is a night of 'what if's considering this is a thing im going to do
But it isn't just about just ideas off somethin- well technically it is, considering I got this idea while watching an 'If I met MHA' gacha video by Maru Togami (I love their work go check em out)
oh s- I just said the topic of this without the dramatics. Oh well.
Indeed! I am a gacha fan-ish, since I kinda fell out but came back just not as obsessed ig. though thats probably not a surprise if you've read any of my previous rants
'If I met MHA' by Maru Togami revolves around the gacha trend of MHA characters teleporting to the creator's house and staying for an unspecified amount of time while dealing with the crisis of not being real. and I personally LOVE that idea.
maybe I'll edit this and add onto it if I ever get more ideas for this kind of stuff. Maybe if I get enough ideas I'll actually get around to making one.
anyway— Lets start with what I like to call 'changing what makes things easy to be creative'
for this particular one, I'm going to focus on the 'house empty, all free time' aspect most of the videos on this trend have
-- ON ANOTHER NOTE; since im currently writing this while watching the 2nd part of their series
can I just say, I LOVE what they did with Shigiraki's lil existential crisis? just the weight of realizing that everything you've done was all just following a script and you have no actual control. also fallen down? mm, amazing song choice for that moment--and I swear I got whiplash from how the mood did a whole 180 after it was over
another another note; UGHFJCDJ maybe its just cuz manipulative protags are smth I just adore cuz it brings so much potential to the table-- but I love how shigiraki is basically just reduced to a moody dog on a leash after it (also love how deku is just crying in the bg and nobody comments on it xD)
can you tell im a sadist?
ooHHH--I actually like that its totally in Midoriya's character to not become like shigiraki cuz of his drive. I kinda like that since deku being kinda lifeless dog on leash is kinda common
Not to say I wouldn't squeal in joy the moment if it happens, again, sadist.
...oof wait- Is it bad that I actually forgot about Eri?
uHHH- Lets just say that im a chaos gremlin and I don't want to tamper with the child sooooo...child child be safe but I need sustenance <3
Back on topic! 'house empty, all free time' Wouldn't it be interesting to have this rule completely thrown out the window?
Like, the creator lives with their family that is almost always at home and school is still a thing. Ofc you'd actually need times where the house is empty so the MHA characters actually get spotlight. Maybe when the family is off on a mall trip? Maybe visiting other family for a few hours?
Its kinda funny to imagine a small group of MHA characters scrambling to hide while the family is around.
What else? What else?
'segregation/immediate trust' This goes for both the creator and between the characters themselves
Theres some of the trend where the MHA crew is chosen out of favorite characters by the creator (I'll be honest, if I were ever to make one of these, I'd use characters that would stir up the most drama--like kurogiri and aizawa for example)
Although probably annoying since If I ever saw it done incorrectly. it'd probably just make me go "get on with it you bafoon, hurry up"
But I'd still like to see what would happen if the MHA crew were a bit sceptical of each other and this random quirkless kid who appearently owns this house they're in and wont let them go outside
Speaking of going outside! 'most, if not all action, stays inside the house'
I vote on letting the MHA crew out the house! Do I know its a bad idea, since weebs were everywhere? Yes. Do I care? No. Because drama and trauma (ooh that rhymed) is my bread and butter
(for the record, I know there are some series of this trend actually has the MHA crew going out the house--but I'll still talk about this)
Since pretty much all MHA characters except Aizawa and Izuku would be ok with basically quirklessness (assuming that their quirks arent working in whatever pseudo-world the Creator decided to plop the real world in)
Actually! Forget the parentisisisisisis (im giving up on spelling) I got the idea of real-but-not-actually-real world from a line in Maru Togami's video that I.....
....tttttotally forgot what it was exactly, but what I remember was that it mentioned the creator's teleporting powers and something about this..uh- reality? series? idk something along that line
It just the idea of it really interests me What if the creator knew about the pseudo-world they're in? What if they didn't? Could the creator also be given an existential crisis with the MHA crew? Who would even present that idea to the creator? The editor?
ok following that line of thought, I had a lil vision where the creator talks to the editor, again, inspired by the little scene at the end of part 1 where the creator just stresses out over things and talked about having to edit the video
So, back to the vision: In it, the creator 'talked' with the editor. But they weren't really talking?
Think of the 4th wall as one sided glass, and the creator KNOWS it's one-sided glass..but they can't really do anything about it other than acknowledge it exists since they can't see behind it. But the editor is on the OTHER SIDE of the glass, so the editor could see everything and do what they want.
With that 'imagine this' outta the way, lets continue! The creator 'talks' and 'replies' but its more like how someone would reply to a conversation they're not really listening to yk, with 'yeah..' and 'totally' and 'I agree' and 'mmm.'
Well, thats basically what the creator is saying While the editor is just getting fed up with the Creator responding wrong--like, 'so who are you planning to traumatize today?' 'I agree'
mmrh, don't look at me- I said I had a vision, didn't say it was a good one.
anyway, where was I going with this? UhHHh. I think I already made my point...probably? I dont wanna go back and reread..so, MOVING ON!
Lets move onto another point well..
I'll be honest, its not really a point More a question, since im getting tired and its been like..idk a night or two?
Would the MHA crew be allowed to use their phones? I've seen alot(not really, but lets ignore that) of the trend make the catalyst of not causing havoc the idea of being able to gain insight about the future since its an anime and manga after all..
But, if ever they still had access to their phones and were told the name of their anime—actually no, even just the knowledge they're an anime
Once they get over the fact they aren't real over here, and a simple search of their name with a few clicked BOOM! there's their future and everything else they could find on a simple google page.
eeeeehh Im tired. Maybe I'll update this when I actually get more points Maybe I'll actually be serious about the tags
Maybe I'll get over the fact I put a time limit on my head since I asked the person-creator who gave me alot of inspo on this whole thing cuz guilt without reason is a hobby
who knows? all I know is that im going back to reading immortal no filter izuku crack fics sleeping. Going back to sleeping. yep.
:DD take a coffee if you're actually still here☕ Have fun on this night. or day. or morning. or--
yk what, have a good mutually-neutral-time-in-your-region!
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teecupangel · 1 year
Hi there!! I haven’t been in reading ac fic for a few months (I got very burned out, and I had low spoons and the only thing my brain could concentrate on was my fav movie, Tron: Legacy, so I watched that 20 times and then went through the Entire Ao3 Tag, front to back, back to front, I think I’ve read all of it at this point), but!! Today I started to slowly get caught up on your fics. I am now up to date on Eagle of Alamut and absolutely I am in love with it so so so much. I just. Ugh. Everything about it is so good. (I also love that you have it tagged as probably not a slow burn and it’s 60k+ and they haven’t met yet lmao. It’s a slow burn, but not because they are dancing around each other but cause they haven’t met yet lmaoooo).
I then read The Assassin, The Ghost, and The Heir, which was. Really good lol. I haven’t played GoT yet (I want to tho), and so I think the characters where a bit hard to follow for me personally, but I love all the moments with Darim and Desmond, and I loved Darim’s pov a lot.
And I’m probably gonna put Beloved Moon on my kindle to read, tomorrow?? Or maybe tonight who knows, I am in a reading mood, and my insomnia has been acting up so I’d probably have an update for you at like. 3 am lmao. (You might not remember me, but I was that anon who read The King, and the entirety of fiat mihi in one day, back before it had Altair’s pov chapter. So yeah. I read Fast. Oof).
I am, right now tho, rereading The Second cause it’s one of my all time favorite fics ever. And then I might reread Project Eurydice, cause those are also some of my favorites of all time, lol. A lot of your fics are on my favorites list 😅🥰
Ahhh, anyway, all this to say thank you for making such amazing fics!! I love them all so much, my favorite trope is time travel fix it, and you always do it so well <3 <3 <3 I’m also just giddy that my dumb adhd brain is letting me read AC fic again, and I guess I wanted to share, oof. Sorry for rambling at you, and I hope your week goes well!! 🖤🖤🖤
I’m glad you’re feeling better and please focus on your health first. My fics will always be there for you whenever you feel it. :)
Oh man, the ‘slow burn’ in Eagle of Alamut. Yeeeeaahhh… I’ve had comments about how it should count as a slow burn already. XD
I still remember I read one that was like: ‘this is hardcore slow burn, other slow burns wish they were this slow, and slow burn goals’ and I’m like “It’s… I mean… it’s not like I’m sure yet just how fast and how hard Altaïr is gonna fall in this one but… uuuhhh…”
I promise, if it takes a while for Altaïr to fall, I’ll change the tag to “holy shit it is slow burn i’m so sorry” XD
(But, teecup, when will Altaïr appear?) Uuuhhh… I might… be planning to do it… in a specific special date? Maaayybbeeee???
I’m glad you enjoyed The Assassin, The Ghost, and The Heir, I really enjoyed writing Darim’s POV and his interactions with Desmond (if you can, you should play GoT. It’s a really good game… although I don’t have any leg to stand on with my opinion since I grew up watching Kurosawa Akira films so the bias is definitely there. Even the PS4 version is so beautiful. If you can’t though, watching let’s play with or without comments is an alternative you can look into :) It’s very old timey samurai movie vibe).
Oh man, then I hope you enjoy quickly reading all the fics you haven’t read yet, hahahaha.
Aaawww, I’m so happy to read that and it always makes me smile knowing you guys reread the fics I write. The Second is probably one of my personal favorite Yew Branches but that’s mainly because it’s the first one I wrote and I had so much fun writing Desmond getting such a loving family. (Also, I’m a sucker for Darim and Desmond interactions of any kind XD)
Oh, man. Project Eurydice. Ngl, Old Master is still one of my favs mainly because it’s a 50k fic all posted in one chapter and it’s the only fic that AO3 was like “hey, dude, I know you’re trying to update but I can’t, there’s too much, you’ll be seeing this error-try again later page a lot, sorry, man”. It’s the main reason why any fics that exceed 30k get the multichapter fic treatment. (sometimes, I do still think if it should be better if I edit it to be multichaptered instead). I had hoped to write a new fic set on that one around Ratonhnhaké:ton’s birthday but April was… well… March and April were not cooperating with me this year. Maybe some other time. We’ll see XD
Feel free to ramble all you want here in my ask box or even in AO3. I always try to answer them with a bit of a ramble of my own XD
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Oh no Eden DD:
Ohh nooo the next move is open heart surgery isn't it
Yeah especially with how excited Shaun is coming in D:
Ik they're gonna try and save them both but I'm scared :((
OOP y'all for real can't be here o.o
"That can be arranged" honestly though xD
Bestie your PRESENCE influences the decision
Guysss clearly your presence is affecting it xdd
Ope maybe it is helping?
That they can say "it's okay"
:((( I really hope they're both okay
I'm glad Morgan and Park are being cool but it hurts anyway 😭😭 and it must hurt them :'(
Asher you do not look like it is the night to go out xdd
Yeeeah it's a little heavy right now
I know sometimes that's when you need it most but- yeah y'all are exhausted lol
Lol a nice crime procedural xD honestly mood though
I mean here I am watching a medical drama having been watching The Rookie earlier lol
The besties <3
Aww my lovelies :DD
Lea and Jordan 🥰
Mood I'm also good at nodding and doing my best xD
Yeah her and Asher :))
Oop yeah he has been busy recently though xd
SLFJHDS "babies are terrible at gossip" y'all I love them xD
Oop Lea's gonna end up having to deal with Steve too xd :'((
Poor Jordan she's just lonely right now D:
Okay in his defense I don't think he would be very good company tonight lol
But yeah I so feel Jordan here xd I love Asher but as an extrovert sibling in a family of introverts that feeling of just wanting companionship and being left alone Hurts x'd
Yepp that's what I figured "everyone has someone" :'((
Aaand there's her having to deal with Steve xd
Honeyy 😭😭💔❤️ poor Jordan :'(( lovely <33
It better not be a surgery
Okay phew right just the ecmo lol
Don't want you emotionally dealing with that, any of you xD even though it probably will happen at some point
Ayy Gail on the board!
Ope Lim xd
Noo yeah she doesn't want it xD
Lol specifying underrepresented group xD mood
"I hate you" "You're welcome" I love them xD
I really hope we can find someone else though bc Lim doesn't deserve this xd
Oof Shaun D:
Okay but it happens, he's a baby xd
But yeeah you need sleep 😬
Yeeeah not Glassman's quite yet lol
Will be helpful in the future though, hopefully! When they've made up again lol
Oof office xD
AYO :D 👀?
Ahhh so they're switching!! Interesting :o
Hmm but yeeah something will go wrong xd
On an unrelated note Morgan's hair is cute
Uh oh Jack D:
Hmm idk if they deserve that just because we know you guys, you know?
I really hope Jack is okay :(( Eden too but yk they're side/one time characters so they're at more risk xd
Come on Morgan let him help :((
Yeeeahh that's what I've been seeing
Yeah I mean she has been around longer but- exactly he still loves her
Aww honeys :((
:'O- oh gosh this woman is selfless <33
And her husband of course
I really hope this works out 😭😭❤️ if it does then I'm glad they decided yes but xdd
Aww that does sound like a tear jerker xdd
Hmm the reminder lol
Aww Shaun 😭😭❤️❤️ okay yeah that does make sense and it's sweet :')) <33 But I do also think that there can be a little more flexibility xdd yk she has to stare at this guy 24 hours a day lol. I would say 8 or 12 or something but nah it's pretty much constant xD I do see Shaun's point though
Yeeah and she's doing surgeries and stuff and is in charge of other stuff, it would be hard to switch over
SLDKGHDKS they're just passing it off on each other xD
I mean Glassman is doing other stuff too but yk xD
Not the seniors bit xD
OOP here we go!
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slippery-minghus · 4 months
The One In Which Nik Talks Themself Through Making A Decision #408
oof. this is not a new struggle for me by any means but it sure hasn't gotten easier yet. i'm really, really not in the mood for going to bjj class tonight. i'm tired, i'm dreading the exertion, and i don't want to be in the same position as last week of being exhausted nearly to the point of tears after class (and only keeping it together because i knew crying would make it 11x worse).
but on the flipside, i don't feel like i feel awful enough to justify "i'm tired" as an excuse. (even if reaching that same point of exhaustion as i did last week feels realistically likely). i feel like just because one of my friends won't be there today, and i added that to my reasoning to skip class last time i did (which was not my main reason! and i went to a second class the next day! the original plan was two classes in two days, which absolutely would have burned me out!) means that even though it's also not a major aspect of my reasoning this time, it's "proving" that i'm somehow an unreliable flake who must be judged, and that no other reason can carry merit if this one is involved. (and uh... nevermind that seeing my new friends is a major reason for me to look forward to going. and is a legitimate reason. and also, for the record, this is not a sport i'm taking super seriously?? i'm there to have fun and learn a cool skill, and feel better in my body. not to fuckin fast track it to black belt so i can compete with the gym rats) (and uh.... going twice a week right now, now that i've sort of plateaued and my body is finding its current limits... the twice a week plan feels a bit unsustainable. i haven't felt good after the wednesday class the last few weeks. and the point of this IS to feel good... i know going less means the plateau will take longer to push through but... am i going to get swole or am i going to have fun and get a little stronger???)
i struggle so much with these decisions. i was always labeled by the people in my life as unreliable and malicious when i was younger, and it's really made it hard to justify it when i don't want to do a thing. even when i know i don't. i know part of that assigned unreliability when i was young was partially my own doing, because i had no concept of boundaries (especially self preserving ones) and no concept of my disabilities. i was always pushing past my limits. i was often a bad fit for the few people who were willing to befriend me, and my dislike for what they enjoyed and inability to keep up with them physically was always written off as a personal moral failure. (also, wow. look at the self blame in that sentence)
so i feel like i forever and ever have to have 100% attendance to every commitment for the rest of my life forever to make up for it. to make up for having had friends who weren't patient/didn't like me, for being disabled, for not being able/willing to be the perfect white picket fence child my parents wanted......... shit. putting it that plainly makes it painfully clear.
laying low, staying on the couch, and going to bed a bit early tonight sound really, really nice.
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krypher · 8 months
Old Bay Fishing: Script Writing Part 2
Scene 1:
(Derek the fisherman and his father is out in the sea to net in some shrimp in the same usual spot where he usually nets at)
Derek: I hope I can get more shrimp than the last time, there wasn’t as much shrimp as I wanted with the last pull. (pulls in net)
(Derek doesn’t see shrimp)
Derek: The fuck? Where’s my shrimp?!
Derek’s father: DEREK, LANGUAGE!
Derek: But there isn’t any goddamn shrimp in the net.
Derek’s father: Again? Welp I guess it’s canned tuna again tonight. (Derek's father already pulling out some canned tuna to eat) 
Derek: Stop!!!!! There barely is enough canned tuna because of how poor we already are. (grabbing the canned tuna)
Derek’s dad: Okay, okay, I won’t eat it right now, you happy?
Derek: Yes… I am for your information.
Derek’s dad: Alright since there really isn’t anything today, let's call it a day and go back home shall we?
Derek: Let’s.
(Derek and his father takes the boat back to the mainland)
Scene 2:
(Derek and and his father makes it back to the mainland safe and sound but has no shrimp which makes Derek in a foul mood)
(Mya, his friend is waiting for him at the pier)
Mya: Good morning stink stink.
Derek: Shut up, Mya!
Mya: What’s gotten you in a foul mood?
Derek: Can’t you already tell with nothing in my hands that my dad and I didn’t catch any shrimp today?!
Mya: Well if it makes you feel better, my family got extra shrimp to share with y'all if you want any.
Derek: I can’t Mya, your family needs that shrimp.
Mya: Trust me, you're my best friend, I even have some old bay shrimp seasoning if you want some with your shrimp.
Derek: (confused) Old bay shrimp? How old are we talking about?
Mya: Um…what?
Derek: Yeah, how old?
Mya: It’s seriously a seasoning, I wonder how I’m still even friends with you.
Derek: Oof
Mya: Alright, jokes aside, you really need to shower, you smell like seaweed
Derek: Yeah I really should. Alright see you Mya.
Mya: See ya.
(Derek and Mya part ways)
Scene 3:
(Back at home Derek finished his shower and put on some new clothes and later going downstairs to the living room)
(His mom trying to figure out what to do with the canned tuna tonight)
Derek: I’m sorry.
Derek’s mom: (turns around) It’s all good Derek, I was thinking of how to combine the tuna with the shrimp tonight.
Derek: (remembers the conversation he had with Mya) Hmm, good thought, maybe use the old bay shrimp seasoning with the meal.
Derek’s mom: Good idea.
(Derek’s father walks in the living room)
Derek’s father: We still have tomorrow, and maybe we can go to a different spot.
Derek: That sounds good to me.
Derek’s father: But the only problem is, I don’t know where in the sea.
Derek: That sounds like a problem. (smirking while making the comment)
Derek’s mom: Hey you two, stop goofing off and help me set the table, and trust me, once you two catch enough shrimp, we’ll have a huge meal.
(Everyone nodding in agreement)
The End
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undergroundbeezy · 2 years
He came over and brought all the fixings for ceviche. We chopped together and chatted about thanksgiving laughing all the while..
He asked me what my feeling wheel was and we had a good time analyzing and critiquing it. He seems so open to conversations about emotions and feelings. He used the wheel to talk about his own habits and moods. He seems aware of himself and willing to talk things through. I’ve been burned on that one before but all signs point to emotionally intelligent…
We moved to the couch to make plans for the weekend. Debating whether we should go to the mountains or stay in town and do Christmas things. We started to kiss and I stopped him to chat about what physical intimacy means to me and how I’d like to handle it. It didn’t phase him at all so I kept laying it out and painting a picture of my dream. I told him I was afraid of his history and of being another short term thing that goes nowhere for him. He looked me in the eyes and told me this was nothing like that. He told me that he hadn’t felt this way in a long time and that he hadn’t even considered wanting to start something serious in a year but that he was wanting that with me… I pushed back on him and he just kept adamantly saying this was what he wanted and had been thinking about it before tonight. He kissed me and told me he wanted all of it..
Oof I just am all in my feels. Sitting there holding him while he kissed my shoulder and rubbed my back. The intimacy that was lacking came in a flood. I felt peace and at home with him. I wanted to lean in and trust him and dive in to what could be… I’m digging in so hard trying not to get in over my head. I’m trying.. it’s not working for me. I loved tonight.
Is this real? Is this right? Can I trust it? Is this my next heartbreak? I’m just scared to make the wrong decision and I’m having a horrible time trusting myself.
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