#ooh err
rahuratna · 2 months
Thirst Trap
Genre: Fluff, humour, crack.
Characters: Nanami, Yuuji, Ino.
Summary: Ino and Yuuji unwittingly make Nanami IG-famous through a social media post. As the internet's thirst ramps up, Nanami remedies the situation by roping in the two young sorcerers once again.
CW: language.
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"Now that's what I call ... "
"A good run!"
"Oh, hell yeah. You're not half bad, Itadori! Just stick close to me, and you'll learn plenty more!"
A warehouse stained with the remnants of dispatched cursed spirits, clothes rumpled and stained with the evidence of hard work and a new student brimming with the desire to prove himself. Now this was Ino's definition of a day well spent. The last, and most proudly worn feather in his cap was the fact that their successful team-up had been overseen by none other than Nanami Kento himself, the man who breathed inspiration into all of his endeavours as a sorcerer.
Speaking of which ...
"Hey, Nanami, what did you think of our work today?"
Striding along at a steady pace behind the two youngsters, the tall, ever-composed sorcerer looked up and adjusted his glasses.
"Hmm. You're both well-coordinated, considering that you've never been teamed up before. You've got good instinctual prediction of each other's movements and I'm quite certain that you may come up with even more effective techniques if you work together in the future."
Ino nudged Yuuji and mouthed the words "Here it comes."
"Having said that, Itadori, some points to consider."
The cheerful boy glanced back at Nanami and gulped.
"Err, yes, Nanamin?"
"Your instincts are important, but you can't always rely on them. Instincts are based on your physical senses and your ability to analyse cursed energy. It takes a great deal of focus to maintain a good hold on both these threads. If a curse user is able to fool your senses, then such instincts can be your downfall rather than your strength."
Yuuji mulled those words over, humming to himself. Ino clapped him on the back.
"You listen to Nanami and you won't go wr- "
"Funny you should say that, Ino. Because I'm pretty sure I taught you to practice caution at all times instead of throwing yourself head-first into a situation because your underclassman is watching you."
Ino winced and rubbed the back of his head, laughing sheepishly.
"Okay, okay. I admit it. Got a bit carried away 'cos Itadori was watching me. Won't happen again."
Nanami grunted in reply and the two younger sorcerers glanced at each other and grinned slightly. Yuuji's stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly in protest of its emptiness.
"Whoa, whoa. Can't have that. Hey, Nanami, what do you say we grab something to eat?"
"I suppose that would be acceptable. What do you propose?"
Ino turned excitedly to Yuuji.
"Since you're the newbie here, you get to choose! Only for today, though!"
"Seriously? Cool! I wanna eat ... hot pot on a day like this. That warehouse was kinda chilly."
Nanami nodded before consulting his phone.
"There's a good place not far from here. Let's go."
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The place Nanami chose was somewhat off the beaten track. They left the main thoroughfare at some point, wandering through a maze of backstreets, food sizzling on outdoor grills, murky puddles and cosily lit bars. The restaurant they ended up at had no proper signage announcing the name of the establishment or any indication of their menu.
The food was, of course, incredible. Yuuji's eyes positively glowed with excitement as the steaming hot pot was laid out before them, the perfectly prepared ingredients on the side.
"Ooh, this is amazing! Nanamin, how'd you find this place?"
"I often come across good places to eat when I'm on missions in the area."
Ino shook his head fondly.
"Oi, Itadori, Nanami here is a massive foodie, you know that? You name any part of Tokyo and he'll tell you the best places to eat there. He even knows regional specialties in other areas that are pretty out there!"
Yuuji was now regarding his mentor with new reverence. Nanami coughed and re-directed their attention to the food.
"This is going to get cold. Shall we begin?"
"Oh! Hold on. Gotta record some of this."
Ino pulled out his phone, getting a few snaps and videos of the steaming hot pot from various angles. Now accustomed to his junior's need to record everything, Nanami sighed and began to add ingredients to the steaming soup base, softly reprimanding Yuuji who didn't want too many vegetables.
"It's winter and these are good for you. Make sure to eat the cabbage. It has roughage and the shungiku and carrots have a lot of vitamins. They also reduce inflammation of the muscles after a long day."
While the pot bubbled merrily, Nanami prepped their sauces in small porcelain dishes, mixing a little grated radish into the ponzu and adding some green onion to the sesame. He added ingredients to the main pot in a methodical sequence, placing the thicker parts of the vegetables first, followed by the assortment of mushrooms and the tofu.
Lastly, with Yuuji's mouth now practically watering, he handed over the thinly sliced beef for them to take, each dipping their portion for a few seconds until cooked, his deep murmur guiding them on correct timing. Ino had now set his phone aside and was just as hungry, digging in with relish.
When the meal was over, two stuffed and slightly drowsy youngsters followed Nanami out of the restaurant, the warmth of the food in their system buffering against the cold wind that caught at their clothes.
By the time Yuuji had been dropped back at Jujutsu Tech, he was ready to hit the bath and sleep for a solid ten hours. Loping towards the student dorms, he briefly checked his phone, shooting a quick text at Megumi.
Back from my mission. All good.
The reply came within seconds.
Did I ask?
I met Takuma!
Oh. He's cool.
Very cool. We had supper at a hot pot place.
With Nanami?
Yup. Apparently he's big on food.
I'm going to sleep now.
Check this out. Takuma sent it to me. He kinda forgot he was recording after a while.
Attachment: 1.
Shit, you're making me hungry dumbass.
Lol. Looks good, huh?
Yeah, whatever. Post it on your IG or something.
Humming thoughtfully, Yuuji entered his room and began gathering together some of his bath supplies. He paused at the foot of his bed, head bobbing to some unheard lyrics, fingers tapping against the phone screen that lit up his face in the darkened room.
After a few moments, he dropped the phone face down on his bed, exiting the room with a yawn, the basket of toiletries tucked under one arm. He promptly forgot about his casual IG post, right up until the next morning when he roused from sleep, eyes still slightly gummed together, fingers fumbling until they unlocked the screen so he could check the time ... and he shot upright in confused alarm, spying the flood of notifications that had come in overnight.
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Now it has to be said, at this point, that being the easy-going, friendly type, Yuuji had made a lot of connections with others over time. Whether during his years at middle school, his sporting club days, or more recently, his time out and about in Tokyo on various missions, he'd managed to accrue a fair following on social media. While many of those who friended him and sent him the occasional inbox wouldn't be considered close to him by any means, his posts were often noticed and popular amongst them. Such was the nature of his personality.
And so, the video of Nanami with the hot pot, normally something that would fly under the radar if posted by anyone else, became an overnight sensation simply because it reached a much wider audience.
And what was the appeal of such a simple video, you may ask?
Imagine, if you will, a short video with simple tags, such as 'shabu shabu heaven', 'sooo good', 'too many veggies' and 'still so yummy, tho'.
Upon idly playing the clip (because it's a cold evening, and you might be craving some shabu shabu yourself) you're met with quite the sight.
First, a pair of hands come into view. Large, elegant digits, broad palms, perfect and neatly trimmed nails. The strong fingers handle the chopsticks with deft precision, stirring the steaming broth in the pot briefly.
Well now. Those hands would definitely be intriguing enough, but the effect is magnified as you witness the camera shift angle a little. The view pans up to the arms and body those hands are attached to, the subtle ripple of muscle in the broad shoulders that taper down to a slim waist, all wrapped in an expensive looking blue shirt, visible over the polished wood of the table. The man's face isn't visible, adding an element of mystery.
He begins adding vegetables to the pot, and now he really has your attention, because he has begun speaking.
And oh my. That voice.
The soft, smoky suggestion of reprimand as he softly lists the benefits of the food, the crisp enunciation of a man well-spoken, the low baritone that flows with marvellous richness across the riverbed of acoustic static from the bubbling of the pot.
You're captivated now, bringing your phone closer to your ear as you strain to hear more of those quiet, compelling, slightly authoritative tones. And then, the crowning moment of glory, the little gesture that takes this video from a solid nine to an eleven out of ten.
He rolls up his sleeves.
Setting down the chopsticks, those exquisite fingers unbutton the cuffs of his shirt with a practiced motion, rolling up the perfectly pressed fabric and folding it neatly just beneath the elbow on each side. The motion reveals perfectly sculpted forearms, the powerful flex of sinew beneath skin, veins tracing beneath the surface under the dusting of golden hair in the lamplight of the restaurant.
He continues his muted litany of instructions to whoever he is talking to, but at this point, the man could be reciting the Encyclopaedia Britannica entry on tortoises, on repeat, and you'd lap it up like the thirsty little tart you are ...
Ahem. Where was I?
Right. The video, which at that moment, was being watched by you (the imagined viewer) and Reiko from the sales department, and Haruka who you had lunch with just the other day, and Sara who loves to look up cooking videos on a Sunday afternoon, and Sukuna, who sometimes watched videos from inside Yuuji's mind with mild interest, and who momentarily thought "What a fine voice for a mortal worm", and ... you get the idea, don't you?
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Ino received a panicked call from Yuuji that same morning. He'd been puttering about in his small apartment, popping some slices of bread into the toaster and frying up an egg for a quick breakfast, when the call had come through.
"Uh, Takuma-senpai? Hi, it's me, Itadori."
"Oh, hey! What's up? Did they team us up again? Sheesh. Didn't take 'em long."
"No, it's ... not a mission. It's about that video you sent me yesterday. The one from the restaurant."
"Hmm ... oh that one! Yeah?"
"See ... uhhh ... oh damn. How do I - So, look. I posted it on my IG."
"Oh, okay. And then?"
"So ... it kind of ... became popular?"
"People like hot pot that much?" Ino chuckled. "But I mean, what's the problem?"
"It's not the hot pot, Takuma-senpai! It's Nanamin!"
Having finally come to the crux of the issue, Yuuji's words were leaving him in a veritable torrent.
"They all saw him in the video and I didn't know! How was I to know? I didn't think they'd... and now there're all these ladies and girls and stuff and they're all ... it's a mess! And I don't know what to do and he's gonna kill me and - "
"Whoa, whoa, slow down, man. I can't make sense of what you're saying. One thing at a time."
"They think he's hot! They're all talking about Hot Pot Honey Muffin! That's what they're calling him!"
Ino promptly spat out his coffee in a fine brown mist.
"Hot Pot Honey what now?"
"Honey Muffin! I can't - Dude. Please, you've got to help me. If Nanamin finds out - "
"Okay. Okay. This is fine. This is ... Listen. Let me go check the video and the comments and we'll handle this. It can't be that bad. And even if that's the case, Nanami wouldn't be bothered by it. His face is not even in the video. Nobody can recognise him. He doesn't even go out that much."
"Oh God, I'm just ... okay. Go check it out. I'll send you a link to the post. Let me know."
After Yuuji had rung off, Ino took a breath and shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. It was just a harmless little video! He'd posted some of these before himself, and there'd never been an issue. So how bad could it be?
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It was bad.
The comment section was ... interesting to say the least.
Who is that man? Anyone?
I'd let him stir my pot. Just saying.
That voice. Hnmnnghhh. Smack me on the wrist and call me nawty.
Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry -
Sir. One chance. Please sir.
Awjejdbavzbzbahsb pls ur bunny hash been a bad bad gurl
Unf, bouta make that ahegoa face rite now
And, rising above the cloud of steaming, churning, thirsty commentary, that rare peak of social media strata, the dreaded moniker that had found its place from the comment of one of the many new fans that Nanami had found for himself, Hot Pot Honey Muffin.
Ino, in spite of the chill that went up his spine and the momentary panic, knew what had to be done immediately. They had to show Nanami. Keeping something like this a secret would only make things worse with time.
True, Nanami wasn't the kind of man who drew attention to himself, but with the video now as popular as it was, it was entirely possible that someone in a shop, restaurant or one of his other frequent haunts in the local area might just recognise him. He would have to be warned, and even though Yuuji had long since taken the video down, it had been re-posted and there needed to be some kind of technical damage control.
Wracking his brain, Ino hit upon a great idea. Ijichi was known to have connections who could scour the internet for traces of curse activity that might be caught on camera and erase such evidence. Surely something similar could be done about this? If he phrased his request as something urgent, something that could affect Nanami's ability to do his job, then surely they'd take it into account?
With this new burst of inspiration, Ino threw on his jacket and headed out the door to Jujutsu Tech.
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"And so ... yeah. That's ... how the matter stands. We're worried about someone recognising you because of how popular this became."
This was worse than he thought. Admitting to a mistake was always difficult when it was Nanami who was hearing you out. Standing in front of him in the staff lounge like two contrite five-year-olds caught with their hands in the cookie jar, Ino battled the instinct to hide behind Yuuji.
He was the older one here, and the one who had recorded the video in the first place. He had to bear the full responsibility for what had happened and be man enough to tell Nanami. How else would he earn his (eventual) respect and admiration?
The sorcerer seated before them heard them out in terrifyingly passive silence before sighing and removing his shades, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Just when I think nothing can surprise me any more ... "
"I'm so sorry, Nanamin!" Yuuji blurted out. "I ... I didn't know ... I mean ... "
"Well, what's done is done. May I see this video, if you please?"
Ino nudged Yuuji  who stepped forward and handed his phone over reluctantly. Their discomfort grew as Nanami watched, a slightly puzzled expression on his face. The video ended and he looked up at them, frowning.
"All right. I can see why you didn't think anything of posting this, Itadori. The video itself is ... ordinary enough. It's simply showing a portion of me and the hot pot. So, why the attention?"
"Uhh ... "
The younger sorcerers glanced at each other. Ino cleared his throat.
"Well ... see, the thing is ... in the video, you kinda come across as ... I dunno ... kinda hot? At least, that's what the viewers seem to think."
Nanami looked incredulous and Yuuji gestured meekly to the phone.
"Just ... read the comments, Nanamin. I took the video down, but people re-posted it, so ... You'll see."
And Nanami began to read. Ino winced as he remembered the top comment, the one that would probably be first on the long list.
Roses are red, violets are blue, Your voice gets me wet Just like shabu shabu
Nanami's eyebrows were rising as steadily as the steam that emanated from the tea pot at his elbow, long forgotten. He eventually handed the phone back to Yuuji, clearing his throat.
"So ... "
Yuuji waved his hands desperately.
"But ... we're gonna handle this, right Takuma-senpai?"
"Oh yeah, definitely. I was thinking, you see. Ijichi might be able to use his network to find and remove the content from all media platforms. He's been able to do it before. I can make a request."
Nanami folded his arms and thought for a moment.
"I see. Yes, that would be possible. However, I'm against the idea of using Jujutsu Tech resources and manpower for a request such as this. That same time and processing power could be poured into much more vital concerns. Who knows how many lives could be placed at stake while we use the tools we have for something like this? No. I think another solution must be found."
Ino's shoulders sank under the weight of the knowledge that Nanami was right, as usual. But that left few avenues for removing the video. How else would they prevent this from blowing up further?
"I get it. What you're saying makes sense. What are we gonna do, though?"
"Ah. About that." Nanami lifted a prim finger. "I have an idea."
Yuuji stared at him, dumbfounded.
"You do?"
"Yes. But we will require some help. And some ... expertise on putting together a video."
It was then that Ino felt an even greater chill settle into his very bones as he witnessed something truly rare and unprecedented, something that did not bode well for him and Yuuji at all.
Nanami smiled.
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It was Nobara's skill with outfits and make-up, and Inumaki's talent for setting up a scene, that had led to their current predicament. Yuuji's hair had been dyed black, his eyebrows darkened. Nobara's contouring prowess had rendered his face rounder and younger-looking, eyes magnified behind very large, thick lenses. He wore a red t-shirt with a skimpily dressed anime girl printed on it and an oversized purple jacket that disguised his lean, athletic form.
Ino had also undergone a drastic transformation. His dark hair had been shaved at the sides, the top styled into extreme spikes, tinted acid green at the ends. He had been provided with a fake eyebrow piercing and an artfully applied temporary tattoo that curved up the side of his neck, appallingly visible by the standards of society.
They sat at one of the countertops in the student dorms, the background serving as an adequate stand-in for a kitchen in someone's home. Nanami was standing opposite them, wearing his usual blue shirt and tan trousers, his sleeves remaining unfolded this time around.
Inumaki gave one final check to the camera before giving them a thumbs up.
"Salmon roe."
And the recording began.
On the counter, various dishes had been set up, all prepared in advance. They looked delicious, but you wouldn't think so, judging from the expressions of the two young men seated in plain view.
Ino grunted irritably, giving the camera a thousand-yard stare that looked very incongruous on his normally cheery face.
"Do we have to do this shit?"
Yuuji stared gormlessly into space, before laughing obnoxiously and picking his nose.
"Yeah, cos Dad said if we did we could go to that one restaurant where the waitress looked like Hatsune Kiku."
Ino's scowl deepened.
"Tch. Typical. Shit for brains here is on about that dumbass idol again."
"Now, now, boys." Nanami's voice came from across the counter, deep, polished, and a huge contrast to the two choice morsels of hellspawn sitting opposite him.
"Eat your dinner. If you're both good, we'll go to that show next week."
Yuuji's face brightened immediately.
"You mean the one where they dress up in bikinis and wrestle in the mud?"
"No, not that one."
Ino smirked.
"Ha. In your face, rat-breath."
"Be nice to your brother."
"Whatever. What are you feeding us now, old man?"
"I made katsudon. And some vegetables on the side."
"But I wanna eat omurice," Yuuji whined, thumping his fists on the table.
Nanami chuckled. "Ah, you remind me so much of myself at your age, son."
Ino rolled his eyes before tugging a steaming bowl towards himself.
"Seriously? You were this much of a loser?"
"I meant that I liked omurice too."
"Daaaaddd, please can we have omurice."
"Eat what's in front of you. Come on."
Ino stuck his chopsticks into the bowl, churning the beautifully prepared meal into an unappetizing mush.
"Huh. It tastes okay. Now give me a nice hot barbecue and I'd be really stuck in, ya know?"
"Oh, Hatsune Kiku likes barbecue, but she says, in her interview with Doki Doki magazine, Issue five hundred and three, that she can't eat too much of it, 'cos it gives her gas and - "
"Can you shut the hell up about that green haired freak for like, two seconds?"
"Kiku is not a freak!"
"Are you two eating?"
This earned a blessed silence for a few seconds, while the two 'sons' masticated in a manner that was singularly unappealing. When they were done, Nanami produced two bowls of caramel pudding and slid them across the counter, allowing his hands and arms in their blue sleeves to be briefly caught on camera.
"Well, here's dessert."
"Oohhh, pudding." Yuuji grabbed the bowl and moved it around slightly, watching the pudding jiggle. "Hehehehe. It bounces just like Kiku's - "
"Oh, for fuck's sake, you creepy - "
"Language, boys."
"Urgh. I hope I'm getting paid for this. Hanging out with this loser is taking years off my life."
"He's your brother. You two have to look after each other when I'm gone."
"Like fuck I will. He's gonna become a NEET however you see it."
"Then it's up to you to set a good example for him."
"Ha. Me? The second you're in the ground, I'm gonna take the money and buy myself that sweet, sweet little Kawasaki Ninja, then I'm gonna hit the road."
"You'll see things differently with time. Look at me. I was the splitting image of you back then. I settled down nicely."
"Ugh, whatever. I ain't gonna settle down. Now where's my cash?"
"Finish your pudding first, son."
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The video, released from a burner account set up by Inumaki, spread as quickly as the first one had. In the days that followed, gossip spread in social media circles about 'Hot Pot Honey Muffin' and his two god-awful sons. The rhetoric around him changed drastically. It turned out that having children, like the boys played so charmingly by Ino and Yuuji, was a huge turn-off to most people.
The two young sorcerers certainly served their time when it came to punishment. It took ages for the tint to grow out of Yuuji's hair and he cringed every time he saw Hatsune Kiku on TV. Ino developed a very strong aversion to bikes for a while and found it hard to stomach pudding. They both decided to deactivate their IG accounts for a while.
Nanami read some of the new video's comments shown to him by Inumaki with some satisfaction.
Can you believe those are his kids?
How the heck is he raising them?
And the younger one. EWWWWWWW.
The older one looks like he microwaves pigeons for fun.
Roses are dead, Violets are a lie, I saw your children, And my pussy is dry.
Nanami adjusted his shades before looking up at Inumaki and nodding gravely.
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dior-luxury · 1 year
Ooh, wait! What would headcanons of Leona, Ruggie, Riddle, Azul, and Jamil with a fem reader who cooks and bakes delicious food for them everyday but does something extra special for them on special occasions such as their birthday or Valentine's Day?
twst boyfriend headcanons
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~ cooking/baking for a B-DAY/Valentines Day ♡ pure fluff / gn. reader
[c]  ࣪⋆་ ˖ .  ︶⏝︶⏝  ୨ ♡  ୧ ⏝︶⏝︶   . ˖ ་⋆ ࣪
-[i] ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯     း   "  Such a cute prompt (≧◡≦)!! I luv 💝 "
pairing] Leona, Ruggie, Riddle, Azul, & Jamil cw] . none
Leona -
He can't help but smile to himself. A sense of pride washed over him as you gave him a pastry.
Leona defiantly loves being token care of. Basically getting stuff is his go to. Without even him thinking about it, the second you give it to him- hes already half done eating.
This lousy lion probably is going to want more of your baking so beware. Leona would probably hang out in the vicinity when you are in the kitchen baking. Sometimes even peeking his into the room to see what your doing.
He would probably want to gate keep your baking from everyone else too.
But since he is not too much of a sweets type of person, he would request you to make at least something with protein in it.
I also could see Leona using the fact the you cook for him everyday as a flex on others. With him flexing on how your able to make delicious food for him- and would remind others of how lucky he is to have you. Reminding of everyone that their single.
He also is your taste tester for every dish that you make. Basically Leona is your very own kitchen cat who sits there and just watches you bake- or at least cook.
Leona hasn't told anyone this, but he pondered on the thought of wanting to make a special Afterglow Savanna cuisine for you- but he remembered that how long it would take.. and since he is lazy he shut down the idea. And instead he had everyone else in his dorm do it. Then after he would claim that he made your favorite dish.
Ruggie -
Pretty sure this hyena would appreciate any gift you give him! But he would love it even more if it was in the food category. Lucky for him you make him the most delicious food in all of 'Twisted Wonderland'!
And it's for him? Extra bonus points! Ruggie could never get over you baking stuff for him. He's used to giving people what they wanted, it's nice to have a sudden change.
Speaking of 'bonus points', this man would be so happy if you give him doughnuts. He would be over the moon basically. Ruggie would also ask if you could make food for him more often.
It has came to a point where he is constantly asking if you can make him food, where you have now became his personal chef.
This hyena boy is already so obsessed that his mind has now comprehended the certain smell of your cooking. He may also get a little annoyed when you give certain foods like the doughnuts that you would always give him- to other people. Ruggie wants to gatekeep your cooking forever.
Such as, if you both are in a public place like the Savannaclaw lobby- he would try and be sneaky and hide your baking from everyone else in the dorm.
Which doesn't help that much being how everyone in Savannaclaw has strong noses and big appetites. But he tries to hide it using his jacket, which wasn't the best idea because he got pounced on by Cheka when he came to vista his uncle.
Which not only cause Ruggie to get attention from everyone in the same room- but the whole dorm. Thanks to Cheka and his loud, cheery voice, Ruggie was getting mauled for doughnuts.
"S/O!- Err- Y/N! the box kinda'-" just then as Ruggie shout, Cheka ran off with the box of doughnuts. Originally only meant for him, as his valentines gift.
Riddle -
Riddle kind of just stands there and doesn't know what to do. Thoughts going through his head left and right, with him trying to analyze the situation.
You would probably have to repeat again that the food you made- is for him.
He would smile lightly, to himself as he would take the food that you made for him. Except he probably wont eat it until later, and wait until lunch or after school.
Riddle is really appreciative of anything that you give him, food, clothes, etc.
Without probably even him knowing, he's blushing and smiling like a little boy on Christmas. And would get teased by his dormmates later on about this.
He lowkey feels special about you baking him food on special occasions. It feels not longer like a made up scenario that would be in a book.
"Y/N, thank you so much for giving me..." He pauses as he looks inside of the pastry box you gave him. "A strawberry tart?!" Riddle's eyes shine as he looks at the tart.
His smiles widens as he looks back at you with a huge thankful smile. "Trey must have gave you the idea.. I feel bad for not being humble about this. But enough said, and thank you."
Riddle is probably the only one that can fully determine the difference between how you and Trey make tarts.
Even if you both would use the same recipe, Riddle somehow can always tell the difference. Which would either be through the flavor or the smell of thee strawberries. It's confusing really.
He would probably try and make you something in return either next Valentines day or your birthday.
Gets very cocky. Azul would talk louder and start thanking you for the pastry that you are giving to him. The only reasons he's doing this is because he wants to make everyone jealous and show you off about how you take great care of him.
He probably is still exaggerating for the next 5 minutes. But his plan worked since people are glaring at him with jealousy. And it gets pretty awkward for you in a number of seconds.
Azul is also lowkey impressed with the your cooking ability. But he is not complaining. He likes having someone cook for him everyday since he is usually busy with the Mostro Lounge and being a dorm leader, causing him to sometimes forget to eat.
He usually prefers if you give him food in private since he doesn't always want unwanted jealousy and nasty looks from people. Floyd also gets whiny when he sees you babying Azul with food.
Though during sometimes when people are around and he's not trying to make everyone jealous, he turns a little quieter and smiles whole heartedly.
It's favorite when you just randomly give him a pastry when he works. It strangely makes him work more absorbed in his work before. Very helpful when he losses attention.
Azul also secretly wants to know some of your recipes from the food you make so he can add it as a new dish for the Mostro Lounge. He may also 'joke' around by saying that you should become a chef and work for him.
Azul also now can't leave your pastries that you gave to him, out in the open because Floyd will just end up eating all of them.
He really wouldn't know what to say. To him it slowly starts to get awkward because of previous attempted food poisoning incidents toward Kalim.
So he would closely inspect the baked goods and the box, with his eyes.
He's really not used to getting self-made food from anyone except for Kalim, so it's really special to him.
I could also see him wanting to cook with you sometimes.
But anyways he trust you enough so that you wouldn't poison him.
He would definitely want to share his food with you, he'll feel bad if he didn't.
Hence, if the food you made for him was self made, Jamil insists on helping you clean the kitchen if you haven't already.
Gets very happy when you spoil him with food though, and would want to bring some pastries or cooked meals too his family.
Also likes too call you his "Personal Chief".
Najima also loves your cooking/pastries too the point where she now has a habit of stealing Jamil's share of the food. They had a whole war because of this by the way.
(Jamil couldn't stop smiling the whole day).
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msbigredmachine · 1 year
Angel/Beautiful (Jey Uso/OC)
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Long-time feelings are finally expressed on a night out. Jey Uso/OC one-shot.
Warnings: SMUT
Word count: 7.2k
A/N: This is the fluff/smut fic from the poll that Jey won. Partly inspired by the Walemania pics from WM39.
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She couldn’t help herself. She had never felt this way about anybody before. And he had not done all that much to make her feel like this. When she was not wrestling, she was talking Mona and Jacqui’s ears off about him. Every night she went to bed thinking about him…She had fantasized about him since the day they first met, touching herself alone in her room as she imagined being held by him, touched by him…fucked by him.
Vivienne had done some pretty interesting things to get Jey Uso’s attention. She made no bones about how shameless she was about shooting her shot. Like rigging the annual Secret Santa draw to ensure she chose him, and gifting him with a watch that she’d heard from a source - aka Roman - that he wanted. She sent him flowers on Valentine’s Day and openly flirted with him every chance she got. Accessing his circle was easy because she was always around Jacqui and Mona, both of whom were dating Roman and Jimmy respectively. Everyone thought her antics were adorable, but secretly, it was a defensive mechanism of sorts, to soften the blow when he eventually, and inevitably, turned down her more serious advances. Luckily, Jey seemed flattered and was taking it all in his stride. It was all fun and banter, really. 
Until he started texting her first. Checking on her. Then, he would ask her out for coffee before the show started and pick her up after the shows to head to the next city. Sometimes alone, sometimes in the company of others. He included her in more and more social gatherings, like the one happening later tonight. It was their day off and a group of them wanted to check out a new spot in town. This morning, he sent a text that had her head spinning:
‘Sup angel, we goin out with the squad tonight. Wear something nice for me. 😉😚
As she checked her hair and her outfit in the mirror of the lobby, a million different scenarios played in her mind. The romantic in her wanted so badly to believe they could take things further tonight. All signs pointed to a strong mutual attraction. But the more pragmatic side of her knew to err on the side of caution. After all, the last man she gave her heart to, broke it - and broke her - into a million pieces. 
She would be fine. This was nothing like her last relationship. She and Jey were just playing a game, a fun, harmless game. It was going to be a good night.
An uproar of laughter caught her attention, her eyes looking up just in time to spot him coming into the lobby with Roman, Jimmy and a lot of the guys from Smackdown in tow. They all looked amazing - she could hear the other girls oohing and aahing, not least Jacqui and Mona. But Vivienne had her eye on one man and one man only. 
God, he’s so handsome. 
She could see him looking around, probably trying to figure out where she could be. Sweetly, he seemed a little nervous, wringing his hands as he searched for her. Taking one last steady breath, she walked into his line of vision and waved him over. His smile had her panties soaked with the quickness. As he made a beeline for her, she forced herself to calm down as her body grew hotter. This motherfucker got you weak in the knees…like, bitch, stand uuuup! Stand up!
“Hey, Big Daddy Jey. You lookin’ real good tonight.” More than good; decked in all red, with white Air Force Ones and a small cross earring adorning his ear, he looked sinfully sexy.
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“What up, Vivi?” She did not miss the way his tongue swished across his lips as he eyed her from head to toe. “You look really beautiful.” 
She absolutely adored his version of her name. Vivi, rather than Viv like most people called her. She liked to think it was their own special thing. “Why thank you, kind sir,” she smiled brightly, posing a little in her bodycon dress which showed off her generous cleavage and curves, with ropey high heeled sandals. The gleam in his eyes as he drank her in was unmistakable. She could almost read the naughty thoughts behind them, and she liked where his mind was at. “Tonight is gonna be fun, you ready?” she added.
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“As long as I’m with you, I’m good. But first let’s take these selfies so Jacqui won’t nag us for the next week about not doing it.” 
“I heard that, Jey!” Jacqui shouted, “Y’all two lovebirds get over here, now!”
They all took pictures in front of the famous sculpture in the lobby, with serious and goofy poses alike. Three limos filled with wrestlers headed to the restaurant they rented out to kick off their night. At dinner, Mona was on Vivienne’s left while Jey was by her right. They were in close contact with each other all evening; fingers brushing together, bodies side by side, paying attention to each other even when they were not talking. Though she was nervous, his reassuring presence calmed her. She could tell he was biding his time, confident that they would have their alone moment eventually. 
That moment came not long after dinner, when everyone moved to the lounge area and were just hanging out and joking around. Jey walked over to Vivienne, silently took her hand and pulled her away from the group. She locked excited gazes with Mona and Jacqui as she walked past them; their thumbs-ups buoyed her, encouraged her to breathe and let Jey lead her outside. 
“Finally,” he smiled, “About damn time I had you all to myself.”
The back of the restaurant led out to a beach. The sound of the waves crashing in the distance was soothing and calming. As they walked down to the patio, Vivienne’s hand brushed against Jey’s, and he smoothly threaded his fingers through hers without missing a beat. Butterflies fluttered in her belly at the warmth of his big hand enclosing hers. 
On the patio, they came across a hanging wicker chair big enough for two. They settled in comfortably, sitting side by side. She could see him smiling at her out of the corner of her eye which made her blush. 
“You good, angel? You’re kinda quiet.”
“I’m good. Just taking in my surroundings…taking you in,” you added, giving him another approving once-over. He looked so good.
He patted his thigh in invitation. “You’ve been shy all evening, baby. No more. Come sit on my lap,” he cajoled.
Eyeing him for a beat, she obliged, swinging her legs up onto his thighs. He did the rest, pulling her closer until his arms were around her waist and her butt was on his lap.
“Better?” she giggled.
“Much better,” he replied just as cheekily, tracing his finger along the side of her arm. “I know you feel the energy between us, right?”
Vivienne nodded, her gaze shifting from their joined hands up to his bearded face. “Yeah, I feel it,” she agreed. She watched him lift her hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss so soft and tender on the back, that she swooned. “Mmm, what was that for?”
“Maybe it’s my way of telling you I’m feelin’ you too?” He smiled. “I don’t know if you’ve realized it, but you’ve worked your magic on me, girl.”
Man, he was quite the charmer. “Like they say, hard work pays off,” you joked.
“Mm-hmm. It’s been a while since I’ve been this interested in anybody. It’s been all about work and my sons, and then you tiptoed into my life and my days have become a little better.”
“Aww, I’m blushing, Uce.”
Jey chuckled and glanced down with a shake of his head. “Please don’t call me Uce. Not anymore.”
“That’s that platonic shit. We’re way past that point now.”
She felt a warm fuzzy feeling in her tummy at his knowing grin. Pinch me, she thought. “Is that why your heart’s beating so fast?” she asked, resting her hand on his chest. “Cuz you want me?”
“Pretty much, yeah,” he said simply. 
Vivienne giggled and snuggled into him, laying her head on his shoulder as she stared out into the beach. “Luckily, I want you, too. I’ve always wanted to be with a man like you.”
“A man like me?” A wry smile formed on his lips as he shook his head. “Trust me, baby, I ain’t perfect. Far from it.”
“And yet you call me angel,” she pointed out. “No one’s perfect. But there’s so much that attracts me to you. You’re strong, you’re passionate. You care and you love hard, and that is so sweet to me. On top of that, when I’m with you I feel safe, like I belong with you.”
“I want you to always feel that way with me,” he said sincerely. “You’re so cool, Vivienne, you’re a badass. It’s so dope to see how nothing seems to faze you or bring you down.”
“It's something I had to learn. As bulletproof as I make myself out to be, I bruise easily, Jey. And I don’t just mean in the ring.”
Jey felt his heart sink as he realized what she was talking about. “Hey, don’t say it like that.”
“I have to, because that’s exactly how it was. I may have dark skin, but every mark he left on me was visible to the naked eye. I barely escaped with my life and my daughter’s life. I had to deal with the trauma while trying to raise my baby and making a name for myself in this crazy business of ours. But now I’m a woman reborn, so I’m living life to its fullest. I have no doubt that you understand that.”
“I do. That’s why you’ve been so full-on with me, huh?”
“You could say that. I tend to cover up my terror by being vocal about it, you know. But I meant everything I’ve ever said to you. You’re gorgeous. You’re a good guy. A little oblivious sometimes, a lot blunt too many times, but a good guy.”
“I appreciate your honesty,” he laughed.
“Just being real with you. You make it real easy to fall for you, Jey. Any woman would be lucky to be with you.”
Touched by her sweet words, Jey arched his eyebrow as he held her gaze, drinking in her full mouth, her heaving chest. Having her like this in his arms was something he’d fantasized about for quite some time. And not just this…
"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" he said, his tongue swishing seductively over his lips.
Vivienne ran her finger along his chin, tracing it beneath his bottom lip. "A couple of times. But I don't mind hearing it again," she whispered.
“I can do better than just tell you,” he offered, his voice deep and sultry and making her heart race. As he pressed his lips to hers, she felt herself float up into the sky. His hand made its way into her hair, holding her to him as the kiss deepened. She moaned softly as his tongue teased her bottom lip before slipping inside her mouth. He tasted like Mai-Tai; strong, rugged, delicious. He pulled back just enough to pepper kisses along her jawline, making her lightheaded. Catching her eyes with a smile, he returned his lips to hers. Vivienne liked how passionately and thoroughly he kissed; his lips and tongue were built for it. He slid his other hand down her back and over her hip, his fingers closing around her thigh. 
“You been drivin’ me crazy for months, girl,” he whispered.
The lust on his face made Vivienne’s pussy tighten with need. She’d never felt so wanted and so sexy with just one look.
“Look who’s talking,” she retorted, her voice raspy with desire, cupping the side of his face and pulling him in for another kiss. She could feel his hand inching further up her thigh, pushing up her dress, exposing more of her skin to the open air.
“This okay, baby?” Jey asked. Vivienne nodded with zero hesitation. Whatever he wanted was exactly what she wanted. His hand weaved its way to the front of her panties, and he groaned when he felt the heat emanating from her pussy, clamoring to be petted and played with. A needy moan rumbled in Vivienne’s chest as he neared the promised land.
Jey didn’t take his eyes off her for a second. Gently but firmly, he caressed her wet folds, gliding his long fingers from top to bottom and back up again. Vivienne tensed from a mix of lust, anticipation and the fear of getting caught. They were not so concealed and anyone who walked out would surely see them.
But getting caught was the least of Jey’s worries. He brazenly brushed his fingers over her clitoris before entering her pussy with one, and then another, churning them inside her while his mouth made out with the curve of her throat. Vivienne gripped his bicep with a breathless moan, her heart fluttering as he kept up the salacious rhythm of his fingers dancing inside her.
“Mmm, you’re dripping. Do I make you wet, baby?” he asked, his voice gruff and hungry.
“Yes,” she sighed, her pulse quickening with every thrust of his long digits.
“Good girl. Love how tight you are too.” He needed her, like asap. Suddenly all Jey wanted in this life was to hear her scream his name. Maybe tonight, if they could. But definitely sooner rather than later.
Without warning he shoved his fingers deeper, burying them up to his knuckles in her. Vivienne’s cry of pleasure was quickly devoured by his mouth on hers, equally swallowed by the crashing waves across from them. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on kissing him. The pleasure pulsing through her was intense, amplified by the feel of her pussy greedily suckling his thick fingers.
“Jey,” she gasped, her head tilting to welcome his lips on her throat again. It was an onslaught, one set of fingers deep in her, the other set molding her breast through her dress. If he was this good with his hand and his mouth, she could only begin to imagine the commotion that the rock-hard dick throbbing against the back of her thigh would cause. Jey Uso was a dangerous man, and she was tumbling headfirst into the danger with no safety net.
“That’s it, baby, let me make you feel good,” he responded, kissing her again. His fingers were meeting far less resistance now as she was dripping all over the digits. This only fueled him to thrust faster, dig deeper, his own breathing ragged and heavy as he took everything she had.
Vivienne's breaths spiraled out of control as the orgasm claimed her. She moaned and panted as Jey continued to pump his fingers, making her come hard and long. It was almost too much, yet it was still not enough. Vivienne had to have him inside her.
“Fuck,” she breathed, clinging to him. He slowly pulled his fingers out of her, and she shivered when he brought them to his mouth for a taste. She watched with helpless, hazy eyes as he licked his fingers clean.
“Mmm, the sweetest little pussy. My sweet Vivi.”
His impromptu nickname for her had her sensitive pussy clenching again. A smirk curved his lips at her little blush as he pulled down her dress, covering up her modesty. He looked around quickly; they were still alone outside.
“You okay?” he asked her, stroking her leg tenderly.
“Damn, Big Daddy.”
Chuckling softly, he brushed his lips over hers in a softer, more chaste kiss. “We should head back inside,” he murmured, gently standing her up, and smiled at her disappointed features. “Don’t worry, baby, we got all night.”
By the time they returned, karaoke was in full swing. When it was his turn, Jey belted out a rather sweet rendition of “All My Life” by K-Ci and Jojo and kept his eyes on Vivienne the whole time, making all the ladies swoon. In contrast, Vivienne’s choice was the far more raunchy “WAP”, complete with a full lap dance on Jey. Mona and Jacqui could not believe their eyes and neither could the rest of the group. Jey blushing throughout her little performance made it even cuter.
The blossoming couple was inseparable for the rest of the night. Jey made it a point to stay by Vivienne’s side, kissing and touching her sensually the whole time. Deciding to be random, they cut a slightly drunken, Uso penitentiary-like promo on her Instagram live. Each time they danced together, it was a glorified dry-humping session. Her new seat was on his lap with his arms wrapped dutifully around her. Vivienne soaked up all the attention he was giving her. She was loving this new turn with him, and judging from the permanent smile on his face, so did he.
Roman invited those who needed a place to crash back to his condo. Most people declined as they had flights to catch the next day, so all that was left was the Bloodline and their ladies. Before heading out, they made a stop at a nearby convenience store to grab some things for the condo. 
Jey cheekily palmed Vivienne’s ass as they walked up to the front counter with their selected items, earning a playful glare from her. Boxing her in against the counter with his bigger frame, he handed the cashier his card to pay. A row of shelves lined with branded contraceptives caught Vivienne’s eye. Wordlessly, she reached up, picked out a Trojan pack-of-ten and tossed it among their other purchases.
Jey grinned, kissed her neck and pressed himself against her. “That’s what I’m talkin ‘bout,” he murmured.
The limo ride home was uneventful save for Jimmy and Mona’s hyper singing and rapping. Roman and Jacqui were locked in a heavy make out session in the back of the limo. Vivienne was content to just be in Jey’s arms and watch her friends be happy.
“You okay, angel?” Jey asked her, resting his hand on her thigh as he looked at her with sensual eyes. 
“Mm-hmm.” Having become much bolder over the night, she tugged his head down for yet another kiss. Soft and teasing, her lips sweeping gently over his. The tip of his tongue tickled her bottom lip and she opened up for him. His warm, wet tongue caressed her mouth and she slowly dragged hers over his. When she withdrew her lips to breathe, the hunger in Jey’s gaze made her loins throb.
“You two are so cute!” Mona gushed from her place on Jimmy's lap, causing Vivienne to blush and duck her head in Jey’s shoulder.
Back at Roman’s condo, Mona and Jimmy arranged themselves under a blanket on the sofa. Jacqui and Roman were first to disappear into one of the bedrooms downstairs. Jey dropped down in an armchair and pulled Vivienne onto his lap. Jimmy grabbed them all big bottles of water - no one wanted to drink any more alcohol - and put on a random documentary on Netflix.
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After about ten minutes of squirming, Jimmy stood up. "Uh, we’re gonna go get some sleep, I think,” he said, casting his girlfriend a sly glance.
Vivienne smirked as she watched Mona take Jimmy’s hand and lead him away towards another bedroom. "Goodnight guys," she called out.
"Roman said something about another room upstairs, if y’all are interested," Jimmy said, and then added, “Sorry, when you’re interested.”
"All good, man, we cool," Jey reassured him with a thumbs up, "Go get you some, Uce!"
Jimmy smiled back, distracted, then stumbled off to the bedroom behind Mona, not quite closing the door all the way behind him.
“Wanna go to bed before they start makin’ all that noise?” Jey asked Vivienne.
Right on cue, they heard Jacqui moan.
As they left the living room and headed upstairs, Vivienne felt her heart pound with excitement, quickly accelerating when they entered their room for the night. Beautiful bedroom, just like the rest of the apartment. The king-sized bed was made, but she knew it wouldn’t be for long. After tugging the window open to let in some fresh air, Jey turned, a serious look on his face as he walked over to her. Holding her close, he smoothed his big hands up and down her waist, a smile on his face as he looked down at her. 
Fuck. This was finally happening.
Vivienne placed her hand on the back of his head as he leaned in to kiss her. Not for the first time tonight, the feel of his lips against hers took her breath away and her head swam. She pressed closer to him as his hands began exploring her body. Big, expansive hands that caressed her intimately. The heat between her thighs called to him, and she moaned softly as he ground his aching erection against her.
“You can change your mind if you want, angel,” Jey murmured, nuzzling her throat before pressing open-mouthed kisses to her cleavage.
Vivienne almost laughed at the thought. After spending half the night grinding on him, she was sure she would combust if she didn’t get her hands on him tonight. Helping him out of his red t-shirt, she let her eyes drink in his breathtaking body. He was lean yet muscular, with the strength of a male in his full-blooded prime. A Samoan specimen. Vivienne allowed her hands to roam over the muscles of his chest, the sturdy vault of his ribs, the rippling muscles of his abdomen, and the bulging outline of his biceps. Pure, unadulterated sex on legs. 
Jey couldn’t stop the tremors that coursed down his spine as she touched him. He really could get used to her hands being on him like this. Pressing a quick kiss to her lips, he took one step back. “How about you take off that dress for me. Let me see you, baby,” he said.
Vivienne felt the heat blossom in her cheeks, all the way down to the tips of her toes. Wanting to give him a show, she peeled off her dress as slowly and sexily as possible. Jey looked at her like a man that had found water in the Sahara desert. She knew she was going to be in for it tonight, but she had no qualms. She planned on quenching his thirst and more. 
Jey had to take a moment to even speak with the sight before him. He wanted to dig her out so bad. Her body was so thick and juicy. He planned to lick and suck and fuck her for hours, for damn sure. He watched her slide off her thong and smiled when she unexpectedly tossed it at him, catching it easily with one hand. 
“Your turn,” she challenged.
With his eyes glued to hers, Jey’s hands met the waistband of his pants. He pulled his pants and his shorts down together, watching her reaction.
Her jaw dropped. Shit!
Stunned, she started to back away, but Jey pulled her right back to him, chuckling at the trepidation on her pretty face. “Where ya goin’? It’s a little too late to run, baby.”
Holy hell. She could always tell he was well-endowed, but seeing it up close and personal was a whole other story. “What am I supposed to do with all that dick?” she whimpered. She feared for her life.
Jey’s grin managed to be both devious and sexy at the same time. “Take it.”
Her mouth went dry. Fuck.
With a reassuring kiss, Jey led her over to the high bed, helping her in and taking off her shoes for her. Now perched on the edge of the bed, Vivienne adjusted her knees, arched her back and poked her wet juicy ass out at him. His palms on her deep brown skin kindled an already burning flame within her. He was using those hands to let her know exactly what he wanted to do to her tonight. He was gentle at first, with the way he massaged her thighs, hips and backside. But that changed when he smacked her ass. It was hard and sudden and alarming, but she liked it. Now, he had his fingers on her slit, moving them up and down, gathering her seeping juices. Vivienne closed her eyes and inhaled deeply when his thick fingers pulled her folds apart to rub all in there.
“This is my pussy now,” he told her matter-of-factly.
Without letting her respond, he spread her cheeks open and buried his face in her pussy from behind. She let out a shaky moan and clutched the sheets to steady herself as his tongue made contact with her flesh. He wrapped his entire mouth over her pussy, his long tongue lashing around and around, pulling and sucking and slurping on her. He then moved to her clit, and her gasps and moans threatened to pitch higher. She tried to look back at it, tried to grind back against his hot mouth, but her body was so weak from the pleasure she was feeling. 
“You got a fat wet pussy, baby.” He was French-kissing her folds now with those soft lips. He opened his mouth wider, sucking and licking her all up, using his mouth and strong jaw to work every inch of her. “Taste so fuckin’ good. I want you to come in my mouth.” 
He slapped her backside again and held onto it with both hands as she started to squirm. His commanding voice had her walls tightening around his tongue. Groaning against her pussy, he sped up his licks until it became too much for Vivienne. She couldn't control her body from releasing inside Jey's mouth, her eyes watering from the intense sensations surging through her. His triumphant moan vibrated against the sensitive bundle of nerves, causing her to groan out loud again as she leaked some more. He caught her cum effortlessly with long, sloppy laps of his tongue, not stopping until she was spent and emptied. Her pussy quivered when he gently bit her thighs and left big wet kisses on them. It was a miracle that she'd kept her position on her knees while he ate her out.
“Mmmm, fuck,” Vivienne sighed, twisting her upper body around to grin lazily at him. “You so fuckin’ nasty, Jey.”
“You never got it like that before?” She shook her head and he chuckled at her blissful expression. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ma change all that. When that dick hittin’, the rest will come later…literally.”
Standing upright, Jey grabbed the bag with the condoms. Vivienne’s stomach lurched with anticipation as she stared down between his legs again, licking her lips at the sight of the heat he was packing. As he sheathed himself with a condom, they met each other's gaze, and she loved what she saw in his. That she could evoke this kind of emotion out of him was an absolute thrill for her. 
“Hopefully, we’ll fuck raw some other time,” he uttered. “Would you like that, baby?”
Her pussy instantly rippled at the thought of taking all that dick with zero protection. "Mmmm, give it to me, baby," she purred, licking her lips and twerking her booty at him in approval.
Jey groaned appreciatively at the sight of her wiggling cheeks and massaged each one in his palm. "You want this dick now, huh. You was runnin' from me earlier."
"Don't worry Daddy, I can take it," she promised.
“That’s a good girl.” Grabbing his throbbing erection, he slid the tip along her slit, preparing her for his intrusion. Her gasp echoed through the air as he pushed his full length inside of her from behind. He stretched her pussy open, making her moan into her chest. He remained still for a couple of seconds, letting her body adjust to him. He gritted his teeth as her tight, moist warmth enveloped him. Then, he started to move, slowly, steadily, drawing soft gasps from her. Jey caressed the arch of her back with his large hands as he worked his dick inside her. 
“Shit, baby, you tight as fuck. Damn,” he hissed.
Vivienne tried to speak, but all coherent thought vanished when he drew his hips all the way back to the tip before lunging forward again. He repeated this until he was all the way inside her. His girth stretched her out as he started pumping in and out of her with deep, pounding thrusts. She felt as if the wind was being knocked out of her. So good. So perfect.
Letting out a low groan, Jey leaned over her body and lowered his lips to her throat. “Is this my pussy, baby?”
“Yes Daddy, it’s yours.”
“You gon’ give it to me whenever I want?”
“Yes…Unnhh, baby, you’re so big," Vivienne whined quietly, her breathing ragged.
Jey bit down hard on his bottom lip, trying not to think about how good it felt to be inside her. If he did, all of this was going to end…prematurely, pun intended. He lifted her ass higher against him, forcing a deeper arch of her back. It also nudged the head of his dick against her g-spot, making them both moan with pleasure. Bracing herself up by her arms, Vivienne threw her head back and rocked with him, throwing her ass back to catch his deep thrusts. His dick felt amazing. The sounds of their smacking flesh accompanied her moans and his growls, making Vivienne lightheaded. Resting his chest on her back, he guided her face up to his for a hungry kiss.
"So fucking beautiful. Your pussy feels so good, baby," he muttered, massaging her throat as he flicked his tongue across her parted lips, all while feeding her delicious backshots.
Vivienne yelped when he slapped her ass with his free hand. He grabbed her hip, his strong grip making her rock back and forth on his dick. Every action he took on her body ignited a brand new fire inside of her. "Do that again, Daddy," she pleaded.
Turned on by her request, Jey popped her ass again, then reached out to grip her by her hair, causing her to whimper and tighten around him. “I knew you liked that rough shit,” he rasped, “I been dreaming ‘bout fuckin’ you for so long, baby.” 
She believed him, because he was fucking her like he’d been waiting his entire life for this moment. Like he lost sleep over the thought of having sex with her. Finally, all of his wants and needs were being fed, and he was ravenous. To prove his point, he ramped up the tempo, giving it to her deeper and harder. Vivienne used one hand to rub her clit furiously in an attempt to intensify the approaching orgasm. Jey rubbed her ass again and squeezed, feeling her get wetter instantly.
“Shiiit, you hittin’ my fuckin’ spot, Jey,” she moaned. “Yeah, fuck me up, baby, fuck that pussy up!”
"Uh huh, take that shit, take this dick," he said breathlessly, a smirk adorning his full lips when she collapsed onto her chest and groaned into the blanket. Switching it up, he held onto her waist and rolled his hips against her backside, practically slow-grinding her into the bed. He got the desired effect as her walls clenched almost painfully around his dick.
"Oh my god," she moaned loud and long, her voice muffled as his gyrations sank her face deeper into the mattress. “Mmmm, fuck, don’t stop…” 
Jey growled as she squeezed around him again. He leaned over her prone body, caging her in as he pushed every thick inch of him inside of her. "You wanna come again, angel? Do it. Come on Daddy’s dick."
His gruff command made Vivienne's breath hitch and her brown eyes glaze over. She rubbed her clit faster, her fingers moving in circular motions on the small bundle of nerves, moaning as another orgasm danced closer. As he began slamming harder into her, she felt her toes curl and her thighs start to tremble.
"Fuck!" She screamed out as she came so hard she saw stars. Her body convulsed involuntarily, her inner muscles clenching around Jey's dick. All of a sudden, he pulled out of her with a grunt, right in the middle of her orgasm, and she was sure she was about to burst into tears. But in the next move, he had flipped her onto her back and climbed into the bed. Taking her right leg, he kissed his way down her inner thigh, nuzzling his face against the lush expanse of skin there. He then made a wet trail with his lips and tongue over her hip, traveling along the flat plane of her stomach, pushing her breasts together to suck her nipples. He watched her arch her head back, luxuriated in her moan. His final destination was on top of her body, wrapping his lips around hers and swallowing her sighs. 
“I wanna look into your eyes when you come for me again,” he told her. He’d seen the look on her face when he pulled out; she’d thought he was done with her. But she would learn to know that he was never finished until he’d made her lose all her senses.
A mischievous smile spread across her face as a dirty thought came to her mind. He wasn’t the only one that could take control. She reached down to wrap her fingers around his cock, still hard and covered in her juices. She peeled off the condom in one go and caressed him with intention. He groaned as his dick jumped in her firm grasp. Her delicate kisses on his neck and shoulder relaxed him as he melted under her touch. As she gently massaged his sensitive head, Jey let out an appreciative moan, shivers traveling down his spine.
"Aww Vivi, fuck..."
"You're so hard, big boy. Wanna come for me?" Vivienne whispered in his ear, nibbling the shell of his ear. She raked through his hair with her free hand. "Come up here and come in my mouth." Her knuckles strained as she stroked him harder, faster, losing herself to his quickened breathing and lusty groans.
A startled yelp escaped her as he suddenly yanked himself out of her grip. She watched him quickly crawl up her body, pumping his dick in front of her face. Vivienne grabbed him again and put him in her mouth this time, her head bobbing to take him as deep as she could. She suckled and tongued him while twisting her fist around the base of him, holding his gaze with sexy, sinful eyes. His harsh, long groan followed when he began releasing into her mouth. She swallowed every drop with a deep breath, cradling his balls as his cum continued to spurt inside her warm mouth. He tasted good, just like she'd hoped. She reveled in his weak whimpers, reveled at the sight of his beautiful face twisting in blissful agony as pleasure washed over him. She kept at it, sucking him until she had thoroughly drained his cum down her throat.
Jey slowly slipped his dick out of her mouth, the length dangling helplessly between his sturdy thighs. She’d drained the fuck out of him and he fought to catch his breath. He crawled weakly back down her body and captured her lips in a long and profound kiss. Vivienne thought it was hot that he had no issues with tasting himself in her mouth.
“Wow, baby, didn’t know you was nasty like that,” Jey breathed, his face flushed as he stared at her in complete awe. 
Vivienne merely winked and pinched his chin playfully. “I’m full of surprises, big boy.” She smoothed her palm down his back and looked him right in his eyes. “I think I want it raw now.”
Hearing her say it to him like that, with her eyes full of lust, gave him another erection. “You sure?”
“I’m a big girl, I can handle it,” she confirmed, lifting her legs and wrapping them around his waist to drive home her point. “Give me everything you got, baby.”
If the lady wanted it raw, she would get it raw. Seconds later, he guided his dick back into her wet warmth, causing them both to groan loudly at the intimate contact, with no barrier between them. Then, in an unexpected move, he took her hands and pinned them above her head. His fingers gripped her wrists in a shackle as he pumped into her, slow and deep.
“Fuck, it actually feels better,” she mumbled, a delicious feeling of helplessness and pleasure rolling through her in varying degrees. “Damn, Jey, yeah, fuck me with that big dick.”
"Mmm, moan my name like that again, baby," Jey nuzzled her cheek, a sly smile lighting up his gorgeous face when she obeyed. His voice was deep, compelling and dripping with desire, and she couldn't help but respond. She whimpered as she met his eyes, and his features softened, his mouth finding hers again. As his thrusts became harsher, Vivienne gripped his waist tighter with her thighs, trying to keep him as deep inside her as possible. He held her body down to the bed as he drove his hard cock in and out of her, his grunts blending with her throaty moaning. Though her arms strained from his vice-like grip, she couldn't deny how much hotter it was that he was making her take it like this.
“Daddy, you makin’ my pussy so wet,” she whined. He was impossibly deep, slipping in and out of her with relative ease, and yet with a tightness that dragged him back and forth inside her tender walls. The sensation was unbelievably erotic.
“I can feel you, baby, you all wet and tight. So fuckin’ incredible.” Grabbing her leg and hooking it over his shoulder, he powered deeper inside of her, glancing down at his long, thick shaft spreading her wide. “Mmph, look at you, creamin’ on me while I bust this pussy open.”
Vivienne's eyes rolled in the back of her head as Jey swiveled his hips while buried inside her. The feel of his skin sliding against hers due to his deep, grinding strokes, all while his hands pinned hers down, had her gasping for breath. He was turning her out, evidently determined to bring her off the edge of unspeakable pleasure. Her body started to go numb, her senses wracked by a cocktail of emotions that blurred into each other. She tried in vain to hold off the rising tide, her eyes squeezing shut as her leg began to shake on his shoulder.
“Babe, I’m gonna come,” she announced.
"Me too," Jey groaned. "Come for me, beautiful. Soak my dick with your cum." Leaning down to suck her nipples, his other hand curved over her ass and gripped tight, his hips moving with force and authority. He drilled the fuck out of her in search of his own release, his balls slapping against her ass, drowning in the sweet symphony of her cries and her weeping pussy. He sucked greedily on her neck, growling in her ear when she screamed his name and squirted all over his dick. His thrusts accelerated, faster, rougher, sloppier, until it all came to a sudden stop. A harsh groan erupted from his own throat as he exploded in an orgasm that had him forgetting his own name. Pleasure zipped through his bones like electricity as he filled her up to the brim with his seed. His senses were devoid of everything except the feeling of being buried deep inside her, and the look in her beautiful eyes, a look of sensual triumph and satisfaction, mirroring his own.
Finally releasing her hands, Jey trailed feathery kisses along Vivienne’s neck, making her shiver. She quickly draped her arms around him, craving access to his heated skin. He was still inside her. As their breathing normalized, he brushed his lips on her forehead and nose before claiming her mouth for his own, both of them sighing pleasurably at the lingering taste of their joined sex fluids. His hands dropped to her hips so he could pull out of her, before lowering her legs to the bed. Vivienne held on possessively to him, almost afraid that he would disappear if she let go.
“Damn. I can’t fuck witchu no more, you’re gonna ruin me,” she smiled up at him, a hint of seriousness in her voice as she massaged the back of his neck. 
“But we just getting started,” he grinned deviously.
What had she gotten herself into? “You are gonna be big trouble for me.”
Jey chuckled and kissed her lips. "Well, you gon’ like my kinda trouble." Laying on his back, he slid his arm around her shoulders and laughed when she confidently tucked her leg between both of his. It felt comfortable and natural, like they had been laying together like this forever. He nuzzled his face against hers and ran his hand up and down her thigh, feeling his heart swell with affection for the beautiful woman in his arms.
"Can I take you out to breakfast tomorrow?" he asked her.
“Mmm. Sounds like a date," she mused. “But only if you fuck me again like this in the morning and buy me a Plan B afterwards.”
"You just said you wasn't fuckin' with me no more," he teased.
Vivienne laughed with him. “Yeah, that was cap. You can’t blame me, though. You dicked me down so good, baby.” 
“All down to you, angel. Your pussy is so damn good. Best sex I’ve had in a long ass time.”
As he spoke, she felt him harden against her leg, as though aroused by the memory of being inside her, and her ego swelled. "It was my pleasure. Literally," she giggled, kissing his neck as a reward for his glowing review.
“Your girls will be happy about it, that’s for sure.” 
Vivienne rolled her eyes good-naturedly at that. “I know, right?” Yeah, tomorrow morning was going to be interesting. Mona and Jacqui were not going to let her rest now that she finally had sex with Jey. And speaking of…She stared into his eyes, searched for any hidden doubts or regret. But he stared right back at her with the same content, dreamy expression. It made her feel on top of the world.
“I feel like I’m having another one of my fever dreams," she whispered, stroking his beard. “I can’t believe this is really happening...You and me. It’s so crazy.”
"Not so crazy, angel." He leaned into her touch, turning his face to press his lips to her palm. “We been waitin’ on this for a long time. And now that we here, I definitely want more of it.”
“Hmm. More of what, exactly?” she dared to ask. 
His brown eyes seemed to see right through to her soul as he stared down at her, his face somber and serious. “More of you. More of us,” he elaborated. “I want you, Vivienne. I want what you want, and I wanna give you everything you want, too. So if you down, let’s get it.”
A tender smile appeared on Vivienne’s face, and she leaned in for another kiss, both passionate and heartfelt, letting her actions respond to his sweet proposition. It was a big step forward into the unknown, with challenges that were sure to come along the way. But Vivienne was ready to face them with Jey, and to know he was as ready as she was, convinced her that everything was going to be okay.
This is my last standalone Jey fic for a while. I’ll concentrate on finishing up ‘On Sight’ after this.
Please leave comments. I love comments!
Banner made by me. Credit to owners of the pics and gifs.
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apollosunshineisdead · 3 months
my favorite lyric or two from every will wood song
Everything is a Lot:
6up 5oh: "they shoulda fried me, I'll give ya PTSD!"
skeleton Appreciation Day: "give me all your LSD so i can feel my mind unweave again!"
front Street: "you said let loose, but now you're lost"
aikido!: "i told doctor tillis to prescribe an illness, but he said his schedule's filled with children with need Prozac, prilosec and lo-jack, triple-sec and lexapro"
white Knuckle Jerk: "i wonder how i woke up in the middle of my surgery, and i watched them botch my heart"
cover This Song!: "i'm just a little bit crazy 'bout you, just a little bit out of my mind"
Thermodynamic Lawyer: "so all that i see, absolute entropy as the chemical bounds fall apart"
red Moon: "the crescent rests, tethered to the west"
lysergide Daydream: "ooh, i wanna be on the picture on the postcard, pouring pitchers in the backyard by the garden we tend"
the First Step: "i lost count after 21 in the college crawl"
jimmy Mushrooms': "i think the truth is that everyone's wrong!"
Compound Fracture: "bienvenidos a la villa de arañas españas"
everything is a Lot: "night sky, i wonder why i am alive until i die / i find that at this size, no answer can be right"
destroy to Enjoy: "lao tzu, chaung tzu, yin-yang tattoos, FUCK your mystic wisdom! find your own way home from Bonnaroo!"
self-: "i'll shake the apples from my family tree, so when the autumn comes to take the leaves..."
2012: "testing my hypothesis, never finding a theory!"
cotard's Solution: "rolling my third eye into the back, of my head and squinting through the black"
mr. Capgras: "eulogy or biography, i'm who i ought to be, and that is God to me"
hand Me My Shovel: "looking up, i could say Heaven sent me! / hand me my shovel, i'm going in!"
dr. Sunshine is Dead: "i'm noone if i'm nowhere in between!"
-ish: "well at 27 will i see, that i was born to be the man i'll be?"
The Normal Album:
greetings from Mary Bell Township!: "so give me your half-life crisis / i can tell that you know where paradise is!"
(vampire) Culture: come on, drink that BLOOD! didn't they want your blood?
Love Me, normally: the Lord looked down, said, "hey, you're only mortal"
2econd 2ight 2eer: "my grip on the secrets' slippin' while i'm speakin' in tongues!"
laplace's Angel: "so if you wash your hands of where you've been until you flood the second floor / neatly fold your skeletons, but still can't shut the closet door"
i/Me/myself: "eating your prosthetic, meet your anesthetic"
...well, better than the Alternative: "she's gonna be a lot like me, but i don't wanna be at all like me"
outliars And Hyppocrates: "i am the shadows cast aside by gallows, and you, the red hot sky"
blackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA: "his ribcage was a hornet's nest, his palpitations set the beat!"
marsha, thankk you for the Dialects: "doctor, what's my prognosis if the studies show that / disease is in the eye of the beholder, tell me "so it goes!""
love, Me Normally: "is there nothing to fear, cuz shit's getting weird!"
memento Mori: "no need to fear cuz when it's Here you won't be alive / try not to think about it!"
Camp Here & There: Campfire Songs:
venetian Blind Man: "string on his finger, a tourniquet ring"
yes, to err is Human: "if you don't hate me, then reanimate me!"
your body, My Temple: "furthering the fever of your fervor for believing, I will"
when somebody Needs you: "fishing lure moon on a string for you, didn't you say you need space?"
"In Case I Make It,"
tomcat Disposables: "what's the moon made of? meet me there after i'm gone"
becoming The Lastnames: "weeding out the garden where the milestones gather moss"
Cicada Days: "here at the end of days, my god, what have I done? / christ, now it feels damn inhumane to get all i dreamed of"
euthanasia: "and every, everybody dies / fighting for their lives, just trying to survive"
falling Up: "airplane eclipses over spirals of math – would or could the impact kill me?"
that's Enough, let's get you Home: "but CO2 and fish tanks do enough to get you home"
um, it's Kind of a Lot: "sorry darling, please excuse my constant need to self-aggrandize!"
half-Decade Hangover: "but i can't make amends for things i can't remember"
vampire Reference in a Minor Key: "the seraphim on my shoulder, whispering "please don't turn your head""
you liked this: "Ten Red Flags that a Neurotypical Narcissist is Trauma Dump Gaslighting You into Sex-Negative Self-Abuse Emotional Labor and Internalised Reverse Racism Against Post-Modern Flat Earthers with Facts and Logic (Number Seven Will Destroy Your Family)"
the Main Character: "judge me by what my cover shows, author becomes beyond reproach"
Against the Kitchen Floor: "i'm not a good person, i'm barely a person at all"
Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n' Roll: "and i hate proving that i'm still human after all"
BFB's Blueberry Pie: " "
Willard!: "so gather 'round pandora's skinner's box, look through the one-way mirror / if you can see in shade's of grey, the colors are much clearer"
White Noise: "it begs the question just to tell you the answer!"
ICIMI outtakes:
misanthrapologist: "I hear your hear beating under the floorboards" and if i did, you deserved it: "that i really don't carе what you think or what you say, either that or I do way too much, oh well whatever, either way"
thank you for listening
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yuesya · 1 year
Yuji takes maybe one and a half steps into the middle of the street before he’s abruptly yanked back by a hand on his collar. He lets out a startled yelp –which is swiftly muffled by another hand clapping firmly over his mouth.
“Quiet,” Kugisaki hisses in his ear. “You’re going to give us away!”
“What do you mean?” Yuji struggles out of his classmate’s death grip, “It’s not like we’re even–”
The pink-haired boy cranes his head in the direction that the demanding girl is insistently pointing towards, crouching behind the nearby table on all fours as both Kugisaki and Fushiguro are currently doing, and squints.
His jaw drops open.
“Is that Geto-sensei?”
Yuji has never seen Geto-sensei wearing anything but the dark blue-black colors of Jujutsu Tech before –but it makes sense that the man would wear casual clothes when he’s off work. Geto-sensei looks quite different in a crisp white shirt and cream-colored blazer, but that’s not the important thing–
What’s important here is the lady that he’s sitting across from and sharing a meal with!
“If you do anything to draw Geto-sensei’s attention to us, I’m never going to forgive you,” Kugisaki says, and Yuji rapidly nods in understanding. He’d never forgive himself if he messed up this opportunity to spy –err, get an actual look at Geto-sensei’s… girlfriend? The two of them were smiling and laughing together, chatting companionably–
Oh. The lady just –she just scooped something up with her fork and… and she’s holding it out to Geto-sensei. And Geto-sensei is eating it!
“Oh my god, Maki-san was right,” Kugisaki shifts, shuffling the colorful shopping bags from various stores over her arms. “Geto-sensei really does have a girlfriend! I can’t believe it! Why would he never say anything about it to us?!”
“Probably because a teacher isn’t obligated to tell their students about their relationships?” Fushiguro says dryly.
Kugisaki rolls her eyes. “Don’t give me that crap, you’re obviously interested in getting a closer look at them, too!”
“Well, excuse me for–”
The three of them abruptly duck under the table when Geto-sensei suddenly glances over in their direction. Luckily, it only seems to be a casual, cursory look, because their teacher then goes back to talking to his girlfriend without any further unexpected movements.
Yuji breathes a sigh of relief, echoed by Kugisaki.
“C’mon, we need to take notes,” Kugisaki says determinedly. “We can get to the bottom of this! We’ll be solving one of the Two Great Mysteries of Tokyo Jujutsu Tech if we can find out who Geto-sensei’s girlfriend is!”
From this angle, it’s hard to get a proper look at the woman. But apparently the two of them are done with their meal, because they stand up together, and the lady turns around–
Tall, is Yuji’s first impression. The lady is really tall for a woman –she’s almost as tall as Gojo-sensei! But her height makes her a perfect fit next to Geto-sensei, who’s equally tall if not slightly taller. She’s willowy and thin, which is the exact opposite of Yuji’s own type that leans towards buxom girls. But he can certainly see what Geto-sensei might see in her; every single movement she makes is graceful in an effortless, almost thoughtless kind of way, which is its own sort of beauty.
Kugisaki squints. “… Do you think she’s a model?”
“Ooh, possibly!” Yuji wouldn’t be surprised; the lady does have the figure of a runway model, more or less. And she’s wearing sunglasses, too, even though it’s the evening. No one wears sunglasses when it’s almost nighttime unless they deliberately want to hide their face! Being a model checks out on that front.
Fushiguro raises a hand to his mouth, thinking. “She might be related to the Gojos. White hair like that isn’t exactly common.”
“Ah. You mean like Mei-san?” Actually, hang on a second. “Wait, are you saying that she’s a sorcerer?”
“No way, definitely not,” Kugisaki shakes her head. “If she was a sorcerer, then we definitely would’ve seen her around the school already! Clearly, Geto-sensei is deliberately keeping her away because she’s a civilian. Besides, how do you know that isn't just hair dye?"
“I don’t know, I’m just not really getting a ‘civilian’ feeling from her…” Fushiguro frowns. “Maybe she works in the private sector like Mei-san, too? That would explain why we haven’t seen her around the school.”
“Hang on, they’re leaving, they’re leaving!” The three of them watch with bated breath as Geto-sensei and his girlfriend walk out of the restaurant together and head down the street, strolling along side by side.
“… C’mon, after them!” Kugisaki grins. “We’ll get to the bottom of this mystery yet.”
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 751
Warnings Just a super fluffy one!
Thank you for your request @princessmermaid1289! I had a blast writing this, anything that errs on the side of 'normal relationshippy stuff' really speaks to me! "I was wondering if I could get a Travis one where the reader and Travis move in together"
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"Why do you keep your ketchup in the refrigerator?" You shouted through to the living room where Travis was reclined on the couch.
You leaned your head further out, "Ketchup. Refrigerator. Why?"
Travis breathed a laugh, "I think it tastes better when it's cold."
You made your way back into the living room, falling back onto the couch next to Travis, a large bowl of popcorn in your hands, "That's weird."
"I think it's weird that you eat popcorn with ketchup on, cold or not."
You popped a couple of pieces into your mouth before offering the bowl to Travis, who wrinkled his nose whilst he searched Netflix for your movie choice of the evening.
"Fine. More for me." You shrugged and settled the bowl in your lap.
The rain began to hit against the windows with some force, making you narrow your eyebrows.
"You okay, baby?" Travis asked as he selected a movie, placing the television remote on the arm of the sofa.
You sighed, "I hate driving in the rain...and in the dark."
Travis pursed his lips, "I'll drive you home."
You shook your head, "No, honestly baby, it's fine. It's really far for you to go there and back. Besides, I need to get used to doing it sometime."
Travis placed his arm around your shoulders, pulling you slightly closer to him, "Why don't you just stay here again?"
"I'd love to but I have a client super early in the morning. Plus, I don't have any of my stuff here."
Travis traced circles on your bare shoulder, his fingers dancing around your skin, "Maybe you should start leaving some of your things here. Or maybe we buy you 2 of everything so you always have stuff here. I'll clear a couple of drawers in my dresser, make some space in the bathroom..." He trailed off as he looked around the room.
"You'd do that for me?" You mouth grew into a huge smile.
Travis looked at you with his bright, twinkling eyes, "Of course." He smiled and kissed your forehead tenderly.
You lifted your head and pressed a kiss into his lips before turning towards the television screen, "Ooh, it's starting!" You looked around before moving your popcorn bowl off of your lap, "Oh shoot, I left my drink in the kitchen."
You started to lift yourself from the couch when Travis placed a hand on your knee, stopping you, "Hey, I'll get it for you."
You relaxed in your seat, throwing Travis a wink as you lifted your knees up onto the couch, tucking them underneath the blanket. You watched as your 6 foot 5 boyfriend strolled into the kitchen to retrieve your glass of orange soda. There was a slight silence before he appeared in the doorway, his brow furrowed.
"What's up?"
Travis stared down at the floor, "Move in with me."
Your jaw dropped open and you let out a small laugh, "What?"
"I'm serious." His eyes met yours as he approached you, "When I'm with you, I'm so happy. And when you're not here, well, it sucks. I just want to spend as much time with you as possible and to live with you and have a home with you would be so perfect."
You moved to the edge of the sofa as you watched Travis' hopeful expression as he spoke. He reached out and held onto both of your hands, lowering himself onto his knees so he was face-to-face with you.
You chewed your lip with thought, "I'd have to move my business here."
"I'll help you with anything you need, baby. I could make an office space here...or wherever you want. And I have enough contacts in the events industry to get the ball rolling in KC for you."
Your eyes danced as you weighed up your options, feeling excited and nervous at the same time.
"So? What do you say?"
You placed your hands on Travis' cheeks, "I say...I want to have a home with you!"
Travis leapt up and collided his lips with yours, pushing you back down onto the sofa. He climbed on top of you and caressed your face, pressing gentle but passionate kisses onto your mouth.
He pulled back and took a few breaths, an animated grin on his face, "I love you so much, baby."
"I love you too. Now, can you get my orange soda, please?"
Travis laughed and hauled himself onto his feet, dancing his way back to the kitchen with happiness.
He's just so cute, right? We can all agree on that! I've got more requests getting posted over the next couple of days so send anything in that you want! And if you want to be added to my Taglist so you don't miss anything, just let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18
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viky-somebody · 2 months
Captain: "Dude Jarduckie is laying so many eggs it's actually crazy. Alrighty, what do we want to do here... Uuuh what was I going to do... Oh yes I was going to make another chest, 's what I was going to do, and then I was goi- "
Captain: "Oh can we do like the diamond chest and stuff like that? Do we have the big chest mod- Ooh we do have the big chest mod. We do have the Big.... *goes in F5* Chest Mod. Aaand umm,, yeah."
Captain: "Okay. Alright. Very, very.... *laughs* Err, yeah! :D So, I just need to find a villager, and, uh, other than that...."
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formula1fanfiction · 8 months
Lando Norris / Carlos Sainz
Title: Spin the bottle part 2
Pairing: Lando Norris / Carlos Sainz
Characters: Carlos Sainz, Lando Norris, Charles Leclerc, Pierre Gasly, George Russell, Alex Albon
Prompt: After Lando revealed his kinkiest fantasy during spin the bottle, Carlos finally gives him what he wants.
A/N: Part 2 of the mini series spin the bottle, the whole spin the bottle part is in Part 1 if you would like to read that first.
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The words had been haunting Carlos ever since the game of truth or dare. "Well Carlos has never been anything but a gentleman with me, so I guess I need a more adventurous man to try this with." Lando had looked directly into his eyes while revealing his kinkiest fantasy, it had sent shivers down his spine. "I would like someone, to grab me roughly, manhandle me onto the bed, tie me to it, then fuck me really hard while whispering what a naughty boy I am and when were finished I would like to have car- err his spunk plugged into my arse."
They had stayed over at George's Monaco apartment that night, they did have great sex although a little awkward because George and Alex were quite obviously doing the same through the thin walls. That's when the doubts started to creep in, is he too vanilla for Lando?
He wasn't sure at first Lando and George had been acting slutty all evening and he wasn't sure if it was just a joke or not. Eventually he picked up the courage and asked Alex. The Thai driver had given him a wicked smile and said oh George definitely wants to get fisted, so Lando is probably telling him the truth. Charles had informed him the next race weekend that he had lost his virginity to Pierre, so there is some truth there as well.
In the end Carlos decides, fuck it. Lando can just say no if he doesn't want it.  
The next thing was the embarrassment of going into a sex shop and buying supplies. However fate was in Carlos' favour, they are in Japan and Carlos had found a little vending machine that sells Butt plugs and he can just use ties for ropes, so I guess that's sorted. Now all that he needs to is get Lando to come over, but how?
He decides on just texting him, he doesn't want Lando to get the wrong idea so he just asks him to come over with the eggplant and splash emoji. Lando's reply came almost instantly give me five minutes with the wink emoji.
Carlos puts all his supplies on the night stand, the ties, a bottle of lube and the butt plug. He takes a deep breath hearing the knock on the door, time to get into character.
Carlos pounces on Lando the second the walks through the door, wrapping strong hands around his neck and kissing him intensely. He gives Lando no chance to catch up as he presses his tongue down his throat. Lando squirms in his hold, hard cock obvious through his joggers.
"Such a naughty boy already." Carlos teases grabbing Lando by the hips and rubbing their hard cocks together though the fabric of their pants. He breaks the kiss only to quickly rid Lando of all his clothing, leaving him standing Naked. Carlos quickly goes back to grinding their cocks together again. Lando whines impatiently and drops his head on Carlos' shoulder.
"Fuck, Carlos." Pants, quickly becoming putty in Carlos' hands. "Please just get on with it, this is torture." Carlos raises an eyebrow, ooh this is his chance to make this more fun.
"Such an impatient little slut." Carlos grabs Lando and roughly throws him over his shoulder. Carlos bites his lip to stop himself from breaking character as Lando lets out his adorable little giggle. 
"You laugh now Lando, but you won't be laughing when you're tied to the bed, getting pounded by my hard cock, begging to come." Carlos smirks while tossing Lando on the bed, watching him squirm under the intense gaze Carlos gives him. "Such a naughty boy Lando, you can't wait for this."
"Roll onto your stomach." Carlos asks, Lando glares back at him, a mischievous look in his eye. "Make me." Carlos bites his lip again to stop the smile forming. He roughly flips Lando onto his stomach.
Carlos wastes no time and sits on the back of his legs to keep him in place. "Because you can't behave, I am going to tie you to the bed." Carlos grabs the ties from the nightstand and secures Lando's right wrist to the bed, then quickly does the same with the left one. Lando quickly tests his predicament and pulls at the ties. 
"You can use your safe word at any time." Carlos tells him while checking the tightness of the ropes. He doesn't care that he's breaking character to tell him seeing Lando all tied up and vulnerable made him feel a little bit guilty but Lando's teasing smile had put all his worries away. 
Carlos settles between Lando's spread legs and runs the pad of his thumb over his hole. It's soaked with lube and already open. Oh. "So open already, such a naughty boy." Carlos tsks.
"I was hoping if I came prepped you'd just get on with it and fuck me." Lando whines pulling at his restraints impatiently. "And why should I give you what you want? you shouldn't shout at your dom Lando."
"Fucker." Carlos ignores him and goes back to teasing his hole, sinking his thumb inside, only to take it back out again, making Lando gasp in pure desperation. "Just hurry up." Lando bucks up his hips into thin air, desperate for anything.  
Carlos threads his fingers into Lando's hair and gently pulls his head back, hard cock pressing against his hole. "You know Lando, if you want me then all you have to say is please, it's not that hard."
"I don't want to say please, just fuck me." Lando is such a brat, Carlos loves him even more for it, he yanks on Lando's hair, enjoying the way he sucks in a deep breath. "Come on Lando be a good boy, then you can have my cock, isn't that what you want?"
Carlos raises Lando by the hips, pressing his cock against the slickness of his hole, just waiting for Lando to say the magic words. He squirms underneath him, until it all gets too much. "Please."
"See, that wasn't too hard was it?" Carlos slams inside of him, filling him up with one swift move. Lando's whole body relaxes from the intrusion, stretching so beautifully to accommodate Carlos' massive cock. Carlos stalls for a few moment, to give Lando a few moments to adjust to him. Lando has other ideas and pushes back, trying to get more. "Carlos, come on. Enough."
That's all it takes, Carlos starts thrusting deeply, enjoying the way Carlos' tight heat wraps around him. He pushes Lando's head into the pillow, presses his lips against the shell of his ear. "Naughty little slut, taking my cock so well." Lando groans in response, leaking a puddle of pre cum onto the bed.
Carlos squeezes Lando's hips, not quite hard enough to leave bruises as he slams into him, filling him with deep thrusts. Lando is a mess underneath moaning loudly with pleasure, it's a good thing it's only Charles next door.
"Such a naughty slut, screaming so loud even Charles next door can hear you." Carlos angles his thrust and hits Lando's prostate dead on. The younger man screams in pleasure. Carlos chuckles and thrusts harder, making sure just to narrowly miss his prostate with every thrust.
Lando throws his head back and raises his hips trying to force Carlos, that little bit deeper. Carlos squeezes his hips tighter, keeping him firmly in place as he continues slamming into, leaving him just an inch shirt every time.  
"Please Carlos." He pulls harshly on his restraints. Carlos slams into his prostate extra hard and it makes Lando see stars. He doesn't hit again, just goes back to his teasing. Lando is at the point where he might die if he doesn't come soon.
"Please, please, please." Lando fights against Carlos tight grip. "Carlos please." Carlos chuckles. "Maybe, you shouldn't have been such a naughty boy." Carlos thrusts into him with all his might, echoing the sound of skin slapping against skin.
"I'll be good, please." Lando whines and Carlos finally takes pity on him and finally slams into his sweet spot, sending waves of pure pleasure through Lando's body. Carlos slams into it with every thrust now, Lando's moans only spurring him on even more.
"Come for me Lando." Carlos growls into his ear and with one last slam into his prostate, he's coming. screaming incoherently as he spurts his milky white seed over his own body and the bed sheets below him.  
"See, good boys get rewards." Carlos laughs. "Unlike naughty ones." Carlos continues fucking Lando with all his might as his own orgasm drawers closer. Lando is clamped vice like around him, it becomes too much all too soon and with one last hard thrust he comes inside of Lando, filling him up with his cum.
Carlos pulls out, watching the cum leaking out of Lando's arse. He pushes it back in with his fingers, then takes the plug from the night stand, it slips inside easily. The Ferrari red gem glittering against his hole.   
"How are you feeling?" Carlos asks, while undoing the restraints around both wrists, rubbing them to help his circulation return back to normal. "Holy shit Carlos, that's what i wanted and a whole lot more."
"It wasn't too much then?" Carlos pulls Lando into a cuddle, placing a kiss against his sweaty temple. "it was absolutely perfect."
"I can't wait to text George and tell him it has finally happened." Lando pulls out his phone from his joggers on the floor. "He's going to be so jealous, Alex hasn't fisted him."
"Is he going to get fisted?" Carlos doesn't know why he asking. Lando giggles again, that sweet sound that makes his heart soar. "Of course he is, Alex would never lie to George."
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teencopandthesourwolf · 5 months
when you hit the 4k mark on your wip and realise only around 700 of those words are backstory and the rest are just derek hale furiously masturbating over stiles stilinski
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gildedmuse · 9 months
With credit towards @jhaernyl who shared some fantastic doctor/surgeon humor with me that ended up leading to.....
The ZoLaw AU No One Asked For...
Where Law is a surgeon on some small Northern Island.
Recently Transfered Nurse Sabo: Excuse me, sir, there is a man here? Roronoa Zoro. He's apparently suffered a small injury.
Law: *sighs* Let me guess, that loudmouthed robot made him come in.
Nurse Sabo: No, he-
Law: Robo-ya's wife then. At least one of them is sensible.
Sabo: He came alone, sir, said he was training and suddenly felt something was off balance. I couldn't -
Law: *Going completely still*
Law: *Turning and grabbing the poor new trainee by the shoulders* QUICK! Answer me this: did he finish his training?
Sabo: Err, no, he said he was worried and he came right in so-
Law rooming down the whole hospital.
Law: WE CANT LET HIM GET AWAY HE IS SERIOUSLY INJURED *Pointing dramatically as Shachi and Penguin nod to one another, both grab jing gurneys and blocking off the ER exit*
Zoro: *Raising an eyebrow, though also still suspiciously holding onto his arm* Honestly, Torao it was no big deal, I feel fine now.
Law: *sighs* Zoro-ya... *looking down at the floor.*
*....And there is just a trail of blood on the floor leading to Zoro who is holding into his arm which he has (roughly) bandaged on.*
Zoro: What?
Law: .... Zoro-ya, give me your arm. Now.
Zoro: Torao, I told you, its fine, I just needed some ba-
Law: Give. Me. Your. Arm.
Zoro: Tch *hands over his stupid traitor arm*
Trainee Nurse Rebecca: *passes out cold*
Law: Zoro-ya, what has Law said about cutting off your own limbs!?
Zoro: But you always fix it and it was easier than-
Law: That's not the point Zoro-ya! You can't just cut off limbs whenever it's easy!
Sabo: So are they always like this?
Older HCA Ikkaku, who is used to these idiots: *holds out popcorn bucket to share*
No words. Her show is on.
Sabo: But none of the TVs are-Ooooh HCA Ikkaku: I said shhh!
Ikkaku: Roronoa just mentioned Doctor Trafalgar just being sour over Zoro's ankle stitches. That ALWAYS leads to drama.
2nd HCA aka Perona: *appearing from nowhere to grab a handful of popcorn* Doctor Trafalgar hates those scars. Everyone in the hospital - depth, probably the whole town - knows as much. Law doesn't exactly make it a secret.
Like catching someone up on a your favorite long running television show.
Only its live and one of the people is holding a detached bloody arm.
Ikkaku: *ignoring the wide eyes stare from young nurse* Ooh, Looks like Roronoa is going to let him attach it.
Perona: *giggling* Doctor Trafalgar is gonna give him such a hard time! Horohoro, I'll bet he wouldn't even call for the anesthesiologist!
Ikkaku: Yo, new guy, stop just standing around and get your pal there off the floor.
Perona: And hurry up, we doesn't want to miss when Roronoa finally smiles. Doctor Trafalgar goes bright red! It's SOOO cute! 💕
She's right, too, as anyone whose worked there long enough will attest. It's the best part of the whole show.
The trainee and new transfer are not sure about all this, but the employees who have worked there awhile seem to be.... enjoying it?
Zoro: Hey! Last time, when Robin made me come (damn noisy witch) and I showed the lady what was wrong, she passed out and you got all-
Law: Because you can't just show our poor check in team a gaping chest wound, Zoro-ya!
Law: *eyebrow twitching* Still! You're supposed to mention when you've CUT OFF YOUR OWN ARM!
It doesn't seem fair for Torao is getting so upset with him, especially since this time Zoro came in without even being made to. Oh, and he knew it wouldn't be a problem! Torao is the best surgeon in the world, Zoro knew he'd be able to fix him.
Sure enough.....
Zoro: Oye, Torao! Look at that! It's good as new! *Bright, sharp smile* See, ai knew there was a reason we kept you around!
Law: *immediately frozen*
HCA Ikkaku: *nudges nurse* Wait for it...
Law: *frozen*
HCA Perona: *holding onto the trainee Nurse too tightly, eyes wide* Here it comes....
Law: *whole face turns bright pink, pulling his surgery mask up as if hiding* Whatever you idiot! Now, stop getting yourself hurt! I'm not sewing on any other limbs for another month at least, I swear!
Zoro: You are the best, Torao *smile getting even brighter*
Perona: 💕 Ahh, aren't they so cute? 💕
Rebecca: Are they?
Sabo: Or are they just scary?
Zoro: *still with that sharp smile as he twists his arm, practicing all his sword moves. Absolutely glowing with pride* Not even a scar, doc. You really are the best.
Law: Of course I didn't leave a scar! I'm not some useless sack of flesh like that Hogsback asshole. I would never leave you with an unwanted mark.
Zoro: *still studying his arm, smile becoming softer, warmer* You know... I wouldn't mind a little mark. So long as it was from you.
And Law's mask gets pulled up so high he's practically got his eyes covered.
(It's both.)
(They're both adorable and scary.)
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the-himawari · 6 months
A3! Outing Event Translation - You're my first and last love. (3/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Sakyo: —Everyone’s here now. These are our team members this time.
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Masumi: …
Hisoka: Zzz…
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Sakuya: I'm looking forward to working together, Azami-kun!
Azami: Yeah. Even though our teams were picked by lottery, I don’t like the fact I ended up on the same team as shitty Sakyo. But you’re here too, Sakuya-san. So I’m sure it’ll work out fine.
Sakuya: Ehh! Um… let’s do our best together!
Misumi: What a surprise though, huh~? I never thought we’d also ending up doing something at that place!
*flashback starts*
Izumi: Welcome home, everyone! I sent you guys a LIME earlier. Did you see it?
Masumi: Yeah. We were surprised since we were right by the venue when we got your message.
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Izumi: Huh? Really? What an amazing coincidence.
Misumi: We were with a lost kitty!
Izumi: A kitty?
Masumi: Don’t worry about it. Continue.
Izumi: Ah, sure. I heard that Veludo City was also involved in the construction of this event hall. And so, apparently they’re reaching out to stores and groups that have a connection with Veludo City to participate in the event hall’s grand opening.
Misumi: That sounds fun~!
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Izumi: Right. I think it’s going to be lively… but truth be told, the main details of the event haven’t been finalized yet. They said that as long as it fits the theme of “White Day”, then we’re free to do whatever we want…
Masumi: That sounds reckless…
Izumi: Ahaha… the hall was just built, after all. I heard another reason for that is so they can consider how to use the hall and which groups to invite afterwards, based on the event.
Azami: In other words, it’s a trial event.
Izumi: I suppose so. The days and times that each group can use the hall have already been allocated. We get to use the hall for a full day.
Hisoka: …That’s quite a long time.
Izumi: I think so too. That’s why I haven’t fully decided what we’re going to do as MANKAI Company.
Misumi: Ooh, let’s open a triangle shop! We’ll stock up on lots of triangle items!
Hisoka: A marshmallow shop…
Azami: Err, you’re the only ones who would be into that.
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Izumi: We can think about whether it’s do-able afterwards. All ideas are welcome right now. Do you have anything, Azami-kun?
Azami: Even if you ask me…
Masumi: What if we do something like a thank you event like Sakuya mentioned before?
Izumi: Hm?
Masumi: If it’s a big event, then everyone’s schools and workplaces might be more flexible, right?
Izumi: Well, that’s true…
Sakyo: —I’m down for that. Let’s start by askin’.
Azami: Ugh, it's shitty Sakyo. Since when were you listenin’?
Sakyo: I just came.
Izumi: …I got it. I think it’d be great if we could do what Sakuya suggested. I’ll run it by everyone and see.
*flashback ends*
Azami: I never actually thought everyone’s schedules would miraculously match up.
Hisoka: Maybe it’s because it was just one day?
Sakyo: Exactly. That venue also has the capacity to let us accomplish what would usually take us several days all in one day. That also helps in a sense.
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Azami: Well, we haven’t even decided what we’re gonna do though.
Sakuya: I’m curious what kind of ideas the other teams are going to come up with. But first, we should think about what we’d like to do.
Sakyo: Yeah, as Sakuma said. Does anyone have any ideas right now?
Misumi: Here, heeere! I wanna look for triangles!
Sakyo: MANKAI Company’s fans aside, the regular guests aren’t gonna understand what’s goin’ on.
Sakuya: I think it’s a great idea though. It sounds like something Misumi-san would come up with.
Sakyo: At this rate, all Mikage’s gonna say is marshmallows… Usui, do you have anythin’?
Masumi: No.
Sakyo: You…
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Hisoka: Zzz…
Sakyo: Oi, don’t fall asleep.
Misumi: Wanna have a marshmallow, Hisoka?
Hisoka: Thanks.
Azami: *Sigh*… our future looks bleak.
Sakuya: Ahaha…
previous | next
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spoonmoment119 · 2 years
Creecher Noises
Bdubs- ah
Cub- eh
Doc- grr
Etho- erm
False- hya
Gem- daw
Grian- agh
Scar- ooh
Hypno- ayuh
Impulse- yay
Iskall- hmmm
Jevin- goob
Joe- meow
Keralis- oosh
Mumbo- ough
Pearl- soob
Ren- awoo
Stress- aww
Tango- gah
Beef- uhm
Wels- welp
xB- hehe
Xisuma- err
Cleo- erg
Zedaph- awh
Joel- lore
Jimmy- law
Scott- gof
Sausage- mwah
fWhip- snorf
Pix- haha
Shubble- eep
Katherine- woah
Joey- arg
Oli- wah
Lizzie- purr
BigB- peep
Martyn- aha
Skizz- hup
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blueink01 · 5 months
Ch. 5: Radio Killed the Video Star
The next day at Hazbin Hotel-
Charlie Is pacing back and forth in panic mode with Keekee walking alongside her owner.
"Okay. So the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year. No big deal. Just a little setback. Nothing we can't handle. Just angels cutting our timetable in half. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right?!" Charlie starts to panic, "And next time when they cut the time in half again, and again, we'll just handle it, right?!"
Vaggie grabs Charlie, calming her down, "Yes. We will."
"This is nothing more than a minor set back." Yn added as she rubs her head, calming her down.
"Oh, please, ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now..." Angel Dust's phone vibrates with violent threating messages such as 'fucking bitch', "Ain't no silver lining this time toots."
"Angel...Come on.. There's always a bright side!" Yn smiled as her phone vibrated with panickeing messages from IMP. "There's..always hope."
The messages on Yn's phone:
Blitz❤️: "Lovey, have you heard to news!?!"
M&M: "Sweety are you okay?! me and Moxxie have been trying to contact you?!"
Tweety Bird👑🪶💙: "Yn when will you come and visit me?, I've been feeling lonely here~"
Big Daddy Ozzie: "Yn by any chance have you seen Felix's favorite earrings?"
+15 More Messages Etc.
"Yn is right! We just...have to look a little harder for it!" Charlie smiled widely.
"Well, while you're lookin', the rest'a hell's goin' nuts." Angel waves his phone in their faces, "People are already freakin' out about the news. Look at what's happenin' in the Doomsday District."
He scrolls down an article with the bottom showing a demon screaming in front of a fire. Suddenly a pink message appears. Charlie gets closer to read it.
"Err, what is a. Donkey Show?" Charlie question.
Angel panics and retreats the phone back, "Aah, heh, nothin'. My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news too. Like I said, everyone's losin' their shit." Angel Dust laughs nervously.
"Yeah, that's true. Sinners are desperate." Vaggie stated.
"Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?" Yn smirked.
Charlie gasps, "This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!" Charlie squeals.
"Cute idea and all, but you really gonna go out in all of this?" Angel Dust waves the phone with the place still on fire and demons in panic.
"Well, it's not like people are just gonna show up on our doorstep..." Yn texted on her phone as she smirked.
Suddenly, a massive explosion made Charlie scream in a fight from behind, getting their attention. They turn to see a freshly made hole in the wall.
"What the what?!" Yn shouted.
Outside the hotel Sir Pentious him and his Egg Boiz zeppelin armed for battle.
"Show yourself Alasssstor." Pentious slithers.
"Come and face..." Pentious pauses for a moment when he notices Alastor absent from the freshly made hole. He then looks to see him sipping coffee on the balcony of the second floor.
"Oh there you are. Face my wrath!" Pentious exclaims.
Alastor sips his tea, "Who are you?"
"Who am I? Who am I?! I am the great Ssssssir Pentiousssss!" Alastor dissolves into fog as he descends to the ground, materializing aside Yn, Angel, Vaggie, and Charlie who are in the scene watching Sir Pentious's zeppelin.
"Inventor, architect of destruction, villain extraordinaire!" Pentious smirked.
"Ooh you tell 'em boss." The eggs bois cheered on.
Niffty appears on Yn's right shoulder, clearly starstruck, "Ooooooh, he's a bad boy.." Niffty smirks.
Yn pats Niffty's head as Niffty smiles widely and seems so free.
"Ha, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you." Alastor crossed his arms.
"I attacked you literally last week." Pentious blankly stated.
Alastor cocks his head, "We've done battle, like... 20 times...once while you were on a date with-" Pentious looked at Yn as his whole demeanor changed, "HI QUEENIE!!!!" Yn wave back.
Charlie and Vaggie looked at her with a confused expression and then change their expression again looking back at Pentious.
"Well, you must have been really bad at this." Alastor noted as his blood slowly boiled due to how Pentious was speaking to Yn.
Sir Pentious' went back to his usual demeanor, "Silence! Now cower! For when I've ssslain you, the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal."
Niffty picked up from Yn's shoulder, "Ooh! Wait, who are the Vees?"
"Oh, nobody important." Alastor smirks. Yn nodded her head in agreement.
Vee's Headquarters-
A large crowd is in front of a store as they watch an advertisement on the tvs facing the window showing off a spy drone.
"New VoxTek designer voyeur scopes, Peeping on the neighbors has never been more stylish. VoxTek! Trust us with your money!"
Crowd immediately enters the store and stampedes out with boxes with voyeur scopes. then cuts to random people watching their computers laptops and phones, and reveals their eyes signifying the work of hypnosis.
"This week's episode of "Teah, I Fucked Your Sister, So What?" is brought to you by VoxTek. Trust us with your entertarment!"
A tv demon starts tapping his fingers in a large room with tvs showing off numerous consumers as "trust us" repeats and overlaps. electricity courses as Vox stands up from his chair laughing maniacally from his viewer's consumerism. Vox had a ring around his left ring finger, it had both a sun and moon engraved on it.
"Muhahaha! Now that's good television!" Vox laughed as he heard his phone ding, he checked it as he groaned.
Suddenly his screen-face shifts to reveal an icon of Velvette, another one of them Vees, signifying she's calling, with a clown horn ringtone. Vox puts his phone down. Vox courses the call from his screen to his hands via his electric powers and transfers it to one of his many screens to reveal Velvette in her studio, her hair into a large ponytail. Vox then sits down on his chair.
"Hello there, Velvette! How are you this hellish morning?" Vox crossed his legs.
<Oh, cut the shit, Vox. I need you up here now!> Velvette exclaimed.
Vox looks to one of his screens as he gets his coffee cup and drinks from it, "Whatever could be the problem, my dear?".
<Your little boy toy is wrecking my apartment, while I'm trying to pull together a show and...> Velvette pauses.
Off-screen we see several workers running and screaming, and objects being tossed, as Valentino is heard cussing. "FUCKING BITCH!"
<Just get your ass here! NOW! Damn it Valentino!> Velvette yelled.
The call ends, and Vox's smile fades away as he gets up, sighing, fixing up his bowtie. He quickly texted on his phone before shoving the phone into his pocket.
"Oh god. Here I go, Valentino. Just another fucking day with Val." Vox walked to a platform with a forced smile, "Hey hey hey. Fuck my life." Vox had a dead expression as the platform raised up.
An elevator with a smiling Vox with the world bubble saying trust us!', before opening to reveal a frowning Vox sighing, and putting on a smile for a crowd of reporters that overlap one another before pointing their microphones to him.
"Mr. Vox! What are your thoughts about the new extermination deadline?" A reporter asked.
"When is Yn coming back on the program? People miss her fashion show & competitions!" Another reporter asked.
"My dear people! We at VoxTek Enterprises have always been at the forefront of innovation. And now, with this new oncoming threat, we are shifting our focus, to your protection. We are pleased to announce..." Vox ignored the second question, answering the first.
The screen zooms to him and an ad featuring the VoxTek logo, now gold and with angelic wings, with the tagline reading.
"VoxTek Angelic Security is coming soon! Trust us, with YOUR safety." Vox forced a smile.
Vox uses his left eye to hypnotize the crowd the same way as his consumers. Vox's manager quickly rushed up to Vox.
"Uh sir, when did we begin working on Angelic Security?" The Manager asked in a soft voice.
"30 seconds ago." Vox speaks in a strained voice as he walks off, "Try to get that bitch Carmilla on the books and cancel all my appointments today. I have a fire to put out upstairs." Vox noted.
He then morphs his body into electricity and generates itself into the security camera on the wall.
Velvette's Studio-
The staff cleans everything up as she looks to four designers holding up dresses to show her.
"Ugh. No. Unacceptable. You're fired. What is this? WRIST RUFFLES?! Is this 1750?! Burn it like the witches who wore it!" Velvette groaned, "UGH I miss babycakes.. She was the best fucking designer I ever had." Velvette rolled her eyes.
As she sends the designer away, Vox appears next to her, "Velvette! I can see you're busy. Tell me, where's our hot headed friend now.?" Vox looked around.
"Up in his room, waiting for a flat-faced prince to calm him down!" Velvette noted.
Vox sighs, "And uh, what's got him so out of sorts today?"
"Who knows?! But he tore up my second best model! And you know, the show can't wait for that unlucky bitch to pull herself back together! Melissa! Get over here!" Velvette yells.
Melissa gets onto the platform, and Velvette uses her overlord powers to change her outfit one after another until she spots the one she wants. "No. No. Hideous. I want to die. Eww." Velvette gasps, "Yes! That's the one."
"Ahh, looks like you have everything under control here." Vox noted.
"Of course, I do! Fuck you!" Velvette flips him off, "Now shoo! Take care of the piss baby!" Vox goes upstairs and is greeted by two moth demons who open the door for him. Once he enters.
He finds Valentino sitting on his couch surrounded by a fog of red smoke. When Val notices Vox, he sits up with fury in his eyes.
"Fucking FINALLY!" Val throws his drink, "Kitty! Another drink!" The Robo Fizzie next to him nods as it quickly heads off screen and reappears with the drink.
"Ugh! Can you believe what that piece of shit did? THE UNGRATEFUL WHORE!!!" As he speaks, he tosses the drink at Vox, who moves away making the drink, hits the door, and shatters on the floor.
"Uh, which whore are we talking about this time?" Vox questioned, crossing his arms.
Valentino gets up, "Fucking Angel Dust!” He walks up to Vox, "Who the hell else would I be talking about?!.." Val walks past him, "..fucking SLUT walked out on me!" He turns to Vox, "ME! I fucking made him!" Vox walks a little way away, "Without me, he's just a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes."
"Oh! Angel quit?" Vox sounded surprised.
"NO! He didn't fucking quit! It's worse!" Val takes Vox's phone, "He MOVED!!!"
As he says that, he tosses Vox's phone to the wall making it shatter in half. Vox seemed pissed about that, that being his only communication to his girl.
"He thinks he can just walk in here, work, and then go home somewhere else? Can you FUCKING believe that?!?!?!?!" Val walks to the closet, "He thinks he can run off and shack up with Lucifer's BIMBO daughter!"
"Angel is living with Lucifer's daughter?.." Vox paused and smirked.
"YEAH! That BITCH Chuckie or Chandler, or I dunno. Something manish like that, she's got this hotel and..." Val stopped.
As he speaks, he opens the closet full of guns, drugs, and pictures including a poster of himself. Valentino brings up two long pistol guns: a long revolver and a semi-pistol.
"Which of these makes me look sexier?" Val turns to the closet. (The pink one obviously)
"Heh. What are you doing, Val? You're not going over there." As Vox speaks, his left eye starts its hypnotizing spell, but Valentino is busy loading his guns.
"That slippery twink is gonna remember who owns him. I'm gonna FUCK everyone *except Yn* in that rancid shit hole, I swear to god!" Val starts.
Before he finishes, Vox grabs him by the collar and shoves him to his face, clearly furious.
Vox's voice was distorted, "VAL..." He calms down, "Hehe. Think about it." Vox then walks Valentino towards the window, taking one of his guns, "Our brand is... perfection. And what do you think chasing whores around town will... do for our image?"
"Um....fuck it up?" Val replied.
"Right! Do you want people thinking you can't control your employees?" Vox questioned.
"No!" Val exclaimed.
"Exactly! And hey, you still have him under contract. He isn't going anywhere! SO.. you should.." Vox waited for Val to get it.
"Do nothing?" Val questioned.
Vox smirked, "Great idea! Now that's why they pay you the.." He pinches Val's cheek on his face, "Big bucks."
"Ugh. But I really wanted to shoot someone." Val whined.
As he speaks, Valentino gets a cigarette holder, and Vox lights it with his electricity powers.
"Well, lemme call up the lowest earners this month." Vox walks to TVs.
"Ohh, you know me too well." Val chuckles and blows smoke, "Ya know.... Angel isn't the only one spending time at this Ratty Hotel with the devil's princesa..." Val smirked.
"Oh? Who else is there? Someone who, owes you money?" Vox smirked.
Valentino chuckles, "Someone who owes us much more than money and someone very dear to us... the Radio Demon and babycakes is there..." Val smirked.
Upon hearing those words, electricity courses through Vox's head, and he scratches the desk so hard it leaves scratch marks. Vox made small ominous chuckles before turning to Valentino, two red lines appearing on the left side of his lower lip.
Vox's voice was distorted, "What did you just say?"
"You heard me." Val smirked.
"Alastor.." Vox walks to Val, "came back..and he is with Lucifer's..." Vox glitches, "..daughter and and not only that, but he's with our Yn? And that wasn't the..." He grabs Val by the collar, "FIRST FUCKING THING YOU TOLD ME?!!"
Valentino frees himself from grip, "Hey! killing Alastor is your kink and Yn existence is all of our kink."
As he speaks, he walks to the desk and turns on the television. Vox teleports to the center screen, which is a recording from a VoxTek Voyer scope.
From Drone POV-
Yn chuckles softly and Alastor using his powers to attack Sir Pentious zeppelin, laughing as he hears Pentious screaming.
"Arrgh! Oh! Please! Stop!" Pentious cries.
"Um...Alastor! I think he's had enough." Charlie noted.
"Nah. He's got a few more hits in him." Angel added. As much as it was entertaining, Yn whispered in Alastor ear, "I think he's had enough Al." He looks at her than back to Sir Pentious who falls from the zeppelin in front of Alastor, face first on the ground. Alastor twirls his staff.
"Thanks for another forgettable experience." Alastor smirked.
An Egg Boi falls and breaks into pieces in front of Charlie.
"Thank you... for letting your guard down!" Using his tail, he grabs a bit of Alastor's suit, "Haha! Yah! Oh, shit..." Pentious' eyes widened.
"That was a mistake little snake~" Yn warned. Sir Pentious looks up to see Alastor's shadow transform in front of him. The next shot shows a massive green explosion as Sir Pentious is seen flying off to the city screaming as he disappeared from sight.
"Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor! Would you care to join me my dear Yn?" Alastor asked extended his hand to her.
"Of course and maybe we can get some tea." Yn takes his hand, "Best of luck, chums." Alastor waved. as he holds Yn's hand.
"Wait, you're LEAVING?! Alastor! We need your help! We need you to do your job." Vaggie yelled.
Angel Dust gestures to the hole on the wall, "We need a wall."
Alastor sighed, "Of course! Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?!" With a snap of his fingers, black ink demons appear with construction tools as Alastor walks away. Angel takes an interest and looks at one of the larger muscular demons, shoving Vaggie away as he walks up to him.
Angel Dust giggles, "Hey, sweet cheeks. Whatcha doin' later? I love me a man with a giant...tool."
The screen zooms out to reveal Valentino scowling at the current events, leaning his face against the screen.
"See?! Look how he flirts with that guy, and he's not even paying! Who is that? I'm gonna fucking kill his whole fucking family while fucking Yn in front of them! Vox?" Val slams his fist on the table, "VOX!?"
Vox was paying little attention, as his left pupil turns into a tilde as he eyes Alastor leaving, his appearance static and out of focus as the screen becomes a bit static. He glitched rapidly at seeing Yn with Alastor.
Vox glitches, "That FUCKER is back! AND HE'S WITH YN?!"
Valentino grins as he realizes the situation and walks to him, "Yeah! I thought he was gone for good too!"
"It's been 7 years!" Vox clenched his fist.
Valentino leans up to him and pinches his cheek, Vox clearly pissed to care.
"You still pissed that she almost beat you and "took" Yn from us that time?" Val smirked.
Vox grumbled, "Uh, FUCK YOU."
"Just saying." Val walks around him.
"Things have changed a lot since he left town!" Vox clenched his fist, "THAT'S for sure." Val smirked.
"I gotta send a message of who's REALLY in charge of things now!" Vox's face fills the screen as Valentino laughs in the background.
Vox grins as he marches to his chair.
"~Welcome home! I'm gonna make you wish that you stayed gone!~" As Vox sang, electricity courses through his arm as he sat down, and turns to face the numerous screens.
"~Say hello to a new status quo.~" Vox presses a button, and cords latch themselves to the plug-ins on the back of his head, connecting himself with the tv networks. "~Everyone knows that there's a brand, new daren, turn the TV ON!~"
"Camera, speeds, rolling in three, two..." The director counted down.
Chorus: "Welcome to the Show!"
"~Top of the hour and we're discussing a certain had-been who has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven-year absence.~" Vox had a horrible drawing of Alastor as he snapped to be on a night-late tv show with himself.
"~Did anybody miss him, did anybody notice? More on tonight's program. So, the Radio Demon is back in town! Why is he hanging around? What does that mean for your family? Well, handily, I've got good news!~" Vox appeared in front of a red curtain now.
"~He's a loser, a fossil, and I don't mean to sound hostile~" Vox now appeared on multiple TV's and each dressed like a gospel choir. With the words 'Obey N' Pray'.
"~But the demon is a coward! You can take that as gospel. Pulling my viewers? Impossible! I'm visual, he's barely audible! Stop giving him the time of day! Don't listen to a word he'd say. Hope he had a nice vacay! But he should have stayed away!~"
While Alastor finishes getting his coat tailored. He notices the crowd watching the advertisement of Vox. Yn noticed as well as she frowned a bit, Alastor noticing this. He smiles and walks away with an idea, pulling Yn along. as Vox continues singing.
"~While he hid in radio, we pivoted to video! *pulls out a deer head* And now his medium is getting bloody rare! Hell's been better since he split. Where's he been? Who gives a shit?!~"
Guts to Alastor making his reappearance, as he starts his radio broadcast from the Hazbin Hotel as he puts YN on his lap.
"~Salutations! Good to be back on the air. Yes, I know it's been a while since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast. Sinners rejoice!~"
"~What a dated voice!~"
"~Instead of a clout chasing mediocre video podcast.~"
"COME ON!" Vox exclaimed as he paused hearing Yn's laugh, "YOU FUCKER..."
"~Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that. Is nothing working?~"
"~Every day he's got a nere format!~"
"~Is Vox as strong as he purports.? Or is it based on his support? He'd be powerless without the other Vees!~"
"Oh, PLEASE." Vox crossed his arms.
"~And here's the sugar on the cream. He asked ME to join this team!~"
Vox grumbled, "Hold on!"
"~I said no, and now he's pissy! That's the tea.~" As Alastor continued with his radio broadcast, Vox was getting so pissed that his screen face was starting to glitch with anger rising.
"~You old timey *Glitches* PRICK! I'll show you suffering!~"
"~Uh oh, the TV is buffering!~" Vox couldn't handle his anger, causing him to overload his circuits with static electricity.
"~I'LL DESTROY *Signal breaking up* Y0000U LITTLE.....~" The camera head could not get anything loaded, and Vox lets out an outburst that overloads everything from the TV screens to Valentino and Velvette's phone to everywhere in Pentagram City, causing a citywide blackout with the exception of the Hazbin Hotel.
"~I'm afraid you've lost your signal. Let's begin.~" Alastor smirked as he slowly turned into his true demon form with every sentence. His arms wrapping around Yn.
"~I'm gonna make you wish that I stayed gone! Tune on in. When I'm done, your status quo will know it's race is run! Oh, this will be fun!~" Alastor makes one last evil laugh before cutting off Vox's signal throughout the city, leaving the Overlord dismayed that Alastor is still popular and powerful than last time plus he had Yn on his side.
"FUUUUUCK!" Vox yelled.
Vee's Meeting-
Vox, Velvette, and Valentino are at a table together discussing a matter about Alastor as a Robo-Fizz, Kitty, passes out drinks to each of them.
"We have a problem. Alastor is getting close to Yn and little princess Morningstar, so our main concern now is ensuring that no deal is ever struck between Lucifer's.." Vox slams the table, "BRAT, and that smiling freak! AND HIM STEALING OUR BABYCAKES!"
Velvette paused before taking a deep breath, "Well, how exactly are we supposed to stop them?" Valentino was putting so much glue on his revolver to decorate with glitter and marbles.
"Put something inside them. That's how I get the bitches to behave." Val smirked.
"Well, maybe someone on the inside isn't such a bad idea. Do you think Angel would?" Vox crossed his arms.
"That lanky prick won't even return my calls." Val sighed.
"We need someone who Little Miss Bleeding Heart would take in." Vox grumbled.
"Someone... pathetic, desperate, with no direct ties to us?" Velvette noted.
"I employ every down on their luck loser this side of Hell. Who the fuck is left?" Val questioned.
Vox scoffs, "I think..I have JUST the one."
As Vox slowly turns around, his right-hypnotic eye gleams with a sinister grin for a plan he has in stored but before they could do anything one of Vox employees comes into the room.
"Sir!, The crimson queen is here she is waiting for you in the guest room." He said out of breath informing the Vee's.
After hearing that all three stand up wasting no time and sprints towards Yn.
While the Vee's were on their way. Yn is smiling and hugging old friends and coworkers who work or used to work for her. Every demon there loves seeing her when she came by to the studio, she would always bring gifts for them and I mean ALL of them.
"How have you been?!" "What is it like living in that Hotel?" "How come you don't come so often?" "Did you come here to see us?" A lot of questions were thrown at her. She couldn't decide who to answer first.
Doors slammed open revealing Velvette who makes it there before Vox or Valentino. She scans the room until her eyes land on Yn's.
"BABYCAKES!~" she shouted.
"Hi Velvet-" Velvette jumps on her with a tight hug.
"It's so great to see you again! It hasn't been the same without your lovely presence." Velvette held on to her tightly.
Yn chuckled hugging her back signaling everyone in the room to leave them alone for a moment.
"It's nice to see you to Velvette." Yn chuckled hugging her back, signaling everyone in the room to leave them alone for a moment, "Did you get the new clothes I've been sending you? I hoped you like them."
"Like them? I LOVE them!" She smiled. She lets go Yn and hold her arms.
"Sit down sweety, I've been dying to see you again, how you've been? Did you come to see us?" Velvette gestured to the couch, as the sat across each other "or did you come here for something more~" she said teasing as she ran a hand on her on her leg under her dress. Yn blushed that the thought but clear her throat.
"No~, I just came here to bring you guys some gifts and have a word with-" the same doors Velvette came though slammed opened again with Vox and Valentino finally showing up.
"Vox." Yn frowned as she crossed her arms. Velvette looks at her for a moment wondering why she looks upset. Vox notice her expression change when she sees him.
"Hey Yn! What brings you-" He is cut off as glowing fc with fancy chain appears around his neck with a lock. Vox grunts as he falls onto his knees, Velvette takes a photo while Valentino bites his lip with a blush. Yn yanks the chain causing Vox to get dragged up in front of Yn, he chuckles nervously and looks up at Yn.
"Sit." She order him with glowing eyes. He does as his told not wanting to upset her more.
"Val, Velvette, could you two please wait for us outside, i like to talk to Vox alone for a moment." Yn said with her tone sounding dark at the end of her sentence. This made Vox nervous hearing her say it like that.
Valentino and Velvette do as she said, looking back to see a now frighten Vox looking at them with a 'please don't leave me' expression, Velvette took another picture with a thumbs up and Valentino had a sweat come down his forehead and both the Vee close the doors behind them.
Both of them put a ear on the door to hear what's happening inside. Now it was just Vox and Yn in the room.
"Do you know why I came?" Yn asked
"Ummm... No...? Heh..." Vox replied.
"Because of yours and Alastor's little "fight", all electricity across the Pride Ring has cut off!" She tightens her grib on the fc chain..
"Your screw up has cost me alot of money! These little shits will soon start complaining and rioting because of what you did, flat face! And we do not want that." Yn lectured him.
"Baby relax, look if money is the problem here don't worry about. Whoever you are getting your money from I can give you-" Yn interrupt him. Not letting him finish his sentence.
"You know I never take your money, nor will I ever. You are missing the point of this conversation Vox, your little 'fight' cause me money and I'm not okay with the fact that you still pick fights with Alastor." Yn said. Vox seemed annoyed hear the Radio freak's name coming from her mouth. He then gets up and pass back and forward in front of her.
"Ah here we go again with Alastor, you know  ever since you moved out, all I hear from demons is how 'close' you and that radio freak are getting. you know how that makes me feel?!" Vox argued. His screen glitches at bit as he looks at Yn with a distasteful look.
"Don't go pointing fingers on me Vox, I wouldn't have moved out if you and those two didn't try to put a 'spell' on me 3 months ago" Vox flinched with guilt at hearing her mention that, but he didn't make it noticeable to her. Val and Velvette had the same guilt look on the faces outside the room hearing their conversion further.
"Oh please, it's wasn't like the end of hell, it would have been great for us and knowing you,-" Vox claimed crossing her arms. He takes out his phone looking at something but is soon broken by a fc fly hair pin thrown his way.
"you would have liked it. It wouldn't have been that bad.-" Vox looks back at her to see a now teary Yn, Vox froze didn't say another word.
"Here I was hoping maybe we could fix our relationship and start over, but I guess nothing changes." Yn said, her head hanging down not showing her face. Vox tries to get close to her. But she stops him by holding her hand in front of him, stopping him on his tracks.
He wanted to hold her, apologize, anything to comfort her. But Vox was one who didn't know when to admit his wrongs or apologize at all so it was no surprise that he didn't dare show that to her. For someone who is a dangerous powerful and deadly overlord. Only he, the Vee's and anyone that's part of her harem are the only one who can see this side of her, her vulnerable side.
Yn got up from the couch, walk towards the door, not looking at Vox as she passed him. She stops in front of the door, "I'm leaving now, I'll be back in 2 weeks with the next transfer." She than opens the door seeing a guilty ears dropping duo trying to pretend they weren't listening.
Valentino walks over to Yn and caresses her whole body. Sensing his Babycakes is hurting, "There, there Babycakes~ I'm sure someone like you can forgive and forget our little problem~" Valentino in his weird way trying to stop her from leaving.
"As I said I won't be back until 2 weeks so take care of things here, yourselves as well." Yn said getting out of Val's grasp walks out of the building.
Vox, Valentino and Velvette stand there watching Yn walk away and out of the studio without looking back but not before she said her goodbyes to everyone she came across.
After she was gone from view, Velvette expressed changed to a pissed look, "Damn it Vox! Yn sure as fuck won't bang any of us any time soon because of you and that smiling ass!" Velvette groans loudly.
Vox just stood there wondering, why do I always fuck shit up, first he lost a fight with Alastor, and now he just hurt the love of his afterlife.
Back at the hotel-
Yn and Alastor make it back to the hotel while Alastor went upstairs satisfied, Yn sat next to Angel Dust laying her head on his chest fur while he was on his phone and he rap his arms around her.
the ink demons are currently fixing the hole in the wall as Charlie and Vaggie than returns. Charlie throws herself onto a couch, exhausted.
"Soooo? How'd it go?" Yn smiled nervously.
Vaggie sighs, "Not a single new recruit."
"'Yeah well, who would wanna use their last days not fucking and fighting?" Angel Dust groaned.
As Angel checks on his phone, Vaggie hears a knock on the front door. She walks over to it and opens the door, only to find Sir Pentious holding his hat.
"Why, hello my dear.." Sir Pentious is cut off by Vaggie punching him in the face.
He falls when Vaggie brings out her spear at him. Sir Pentious cowers in fear with the tip barely at his neck, and holds a peace sign gesture.
"Wait, wait, wait! I come in peace." Pentious cried.
"What are you doing here?" Vaggie asked. Charlie and Yn appears behind Vaggie, "Vaggie, what's the problem?" Charlie gasps, "Oh! Hello again!" "Pentious?"
"I didn't come looking for a fight. I uhh.. I heard that you're helping people, people who want to be better?" Pentious questions.
Charlie lets out a gasp and runs over to grab his hand and leads him to the door of the hotel.
Charlie gasps, "You heard right! Welcome to our home of healing, our resort of restoration, our..." Angel Dust appears from the door and cuts off Charlie, "Are you fucking nuts? This chump was trying to kill us like literally 6 hours ago! And now you wanna bring him in here to live with us?"
"Absolutely! This place is about second chances, and who deserves one more than this slithery... slippery. special little man!" Charlie forced a smile.
Angel turns to look at Yn and Vaggie, "Aren't you two supposed to protect this place?" Charlie gives Yn and Vaggie puppy-dog eyes, begging Yn and Vaggie to give Sir Pentious a chance to live in the hotel. Yn and Vaggie gives in as she sighs.
"I guess he's not much of a threat without the war machine." Sir Pentious' cobra head lifts with anticipation, "Or even with the war machine. Plus I guess Yn is here to make sure he doesn't do anything." Sir Pentious' cobra head flaps down with depression, sighing.
"Sure! I don't mind looking after him." Sir Pentious smiled.
Charlie was so happy that she hugged Vaggie, lifting her up in the process and twirling around once.
"Oh! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Sir Pentious! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" Charlie leads Sir Pentious to the door inside of the hotel.
"Oh no darling! Thank you! You won't regret this." He smiled sweetly as he slithers next to Yn.
Angel follows soon afterwards, "Eh, I give you a week, tops."
Charlie gives Sir Pentious the tour of the hotel, introducing Husk to him, the wall he blew up before it was fixed.
"So, this is the bar and the bartender. This is the curtain, and this is the new wall after you broke the last one, heh, and oh! Oh! This is the-" Charlie paused as Vaggie grabs Charlie to calm her down again, "Babe, you don't have to show him every detail."
"No." Charlie squealed.
Angel Dust put his arm around, "Uh, what the hell are I then?"
"you're an important part of our family here too, Angel, but you uhm, uh..." Charlie thought.
"Constantly make us look bad, sexually harass the staff, and have literally never once tried to improve?" Vaggie bluntly said.
"What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once." Yn smiled.
As Charlie comes back to Sir Pentious, Angel Dust was having doubts, looking a bit upset at everything Vaggie described him to be. Nifty was playing Keekee with a string when Charlie and Sir Pentious approached them. Keekee hissed at the sight of Sir Pentious and scatters away while Niffty turns around to meet him.
"Over here we have our maid Niffty." Charlie gestured to Niffty.
Niffty gasps, "The bad boy is back!"
Niffty gets up on Sir Pentious and holds his collars, looking at him with insanity in her red eye and a very sadistic smile, which creeps out Sir Pentious.
Niffty spoke in a creepy whisper, "Never leave me again."
"We're about 80% sure she's harmless, and over here we have..." Charlie nearly bumps into Alastor, "Oh! Uh, Alastor! Our gracious facility manager! You've met our newest guest Sir Pentious... hehe.."
"Ah yes! You're the one who ruined my coat!" Alastor's eyes glow red in the dark with a violent temptation to rip him apart as Alastor spoke in a sinister tone, "I definitely remember you now."
Sir Pentious gulps nervously.
"Well, I guess this is a great time for your first lesson!" Charlie clears her throat, "How to apologize!'... The first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are wrong, why don't you give it a try?"
Sir Pentious took a minute, "Yes. uhm.. Mr uhm.. Radio Demon sir, please forgive me for attacking you and ruining your very lovely coat.. uhm.. Here." As a token of apology, Sir Pentious hands back the small fabric he tore from Alastor's coat.
Alaster takes it and inspects the damage, "Ah-Ho! Not many people have been able to take even this much off me, it must have meant quite a lot to you."
Despite being generous, Alastor burns the fabric tear in green flames, leaving Sir Pentious and Charlie stunned.
The group gather around for a introduction with Sir Pentious. "You obviously know Yn, somehow, but that's not important! Yn is also our facility manager and entertainer along with Angel Dust." Charlie smiled, "Now, with a new resident, I think it's important we all get to know each other! So we are going to play a little game. Everyone, follow me."
"My name is Charlie!" Charlie claps twice, "I like to sing!" She claps twice, "and when we get to know each other it's the greatest thing!" She claps twice.
"My name's Sir Pentious" He claps twice, "I like to build." He claps twice, "and despite my stupid Egg Bois, I think I'm very skilled!" Pentious claps twice.
"My name is Yn." Yn claps twice, "I like to dance," She claps once again, "And if an Angel dares to hurt you..." She clapped twice again, "They will meet their end." Yn clapped twice more.
When it was Angel's turn, he looked disinterested, looking up from his phone, "This is stupid." Angel Dust stated.
"This is not stupid!" Charlie claps twice, "It's just a game!" She claps twice, "Sir Pentious did it well so now please try to do the same!" Charlie claps twice, seeming annoyed.
"I am too sober for this." Angel Dust groaned.
"Well, get used to it and learn how to play, this is gonna be your whole day!" Vaggie smirked and clapped twice.
Next the group try role-playing with Angel Dust wearing a trenchcoat and a hat while he reads a script. Sir Pentious was also role-playing as an innocent child wearing a sailor suit, licking a lollipop. As Husk was an unattentive parent for some reason. Husk didn't mind, he'd got to drink with Yn as she pet his fur.
"Oh, I'm a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs, now, where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to?" Angel Dust paused, "Wow, who wrote this.?" He whispered.
"Who do you think?" Yn question Angel.
"It's great right? Keep going!" Charlie squealed.
"Hey you." Angel called.
"Who, me?" Pentious pointed to himself.
"Yeah, you look like a kid who could use some... devil's dandruff??" Angel groaned, "Oh, for fuck's sake."
Yn paused her petting Husk's fur, looking at Angel with a chuckle. Husk stopped his drinking looking at Yn waiting for her to let him again.
"Not me! I have to go home and study!" Pentious stated. Husk twitch his ear touching Yn hand, Yn catching on what he wanted she had a small smile on her face and continue to pet him, which caused Husk to purr quietly.
"Come on kid, it'll make you cool like me...the crackhead." Angel dully said.
"The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!" Pentious smiled.
Charlie stands up and claps, "Yes! Oh bravo! Bravo!" Charlie chuckles, "Wow Pentious! At this rate, you'll be redeemed in no time."
"I... I'm going to bed." As Angel heads back up to his room, he overhears Charlie congratulating Sir Pentious.
"I am so proud of you Sir Pentious! That was amazing!" Charlie cheers.
"Thank you! Thank you! You like me! You really like me!" Pentious smiled.
"Good Job, Pentious." Yn smiled.
"Awwww!! Thank you!!!" Pentious hugged Yn.
Yn backed up from the hug and rushed Husk who was drunk, thinking about Yn petting him again later.
In Angel's room, Fat Nuggets is asleep on his bed until Angel accidentally throws his coat on top of him. Fat Nuggets grunts and crawls out of the coat as he watches Angel lie down on his bed. Angel looks at his phone and sees all his voice mails from Valentino. Angel sighs and begins to play them. Valentino's voice mails switch back and forth between a friendly, apologetic tone and a barrage of screams threatening violence.
Valentino's Voice Message:
"Angel baby, come home! It's not the same without you here, I miss you! Come back-"
"Hey, amorcito, I didn't mean to yell, but you know hore crazy you make me-"
"Hey; Angie! About earlier-"
"Work's really stressful!"
"[dead serious] You actually think you can change? Addict trash like you doesn't change. I'll see you soon, baby."
Angel sighs as Fat Nuggets gets on the bed next to him.
"Sorry, not now, Fat Nuggets." Angel sighs sadly.
Angel gets up and leaves his room with Fat Nuggets looking worried. Angel goes to Husk's bar and starts drinking alcohol. Then he notices a slithering noise. He finds Charlie's office door opened, and takes a peek inside.
There, he discovers that Sir Pentious is setting up a small camera in one of the bookshelves, a camera that belongs to Vox. Angel realizes what he was doing and slams the door open.
"You slippery little shit!" Angel yelled.
Sir Pentious screams.
"You're working for the Vees? I fucking knew there was something shitty about you." Angel Dust narrows his eyes.
"I don't know what you're talking about!.. whore bug!" Pentious shots back.
Angel was ticked off, and tackles Sir Pentious on the ground. He punches him in the face before wrestling with him.
"Get your aggressively average body...OFF OF ME!" Sir Pentious's eyes spiral hypnotic powers to him.
Angel becomes hypnotized, "Fuck!"
Angel backs away. He then quickly snaps out of it. He now has Sir Pentious cornered. Right then, Yn, Charlie and Vaggie woke up after hearing the scuffle.
Charlie yawns, "What's going on?"
"It's too late for anything." Yn said who was still a bit sleepy.
"This little bitch is a traitor!" Angel Dust gestured to Pentious.
"Preposterous! I would never betray you. You... are my best friends!" Sir Pentious hugs the three girls.
"Uh huh, then explain this!" Angel Dust smirked. Angel lifts off one of the books to reveal a camera, much to Charlie's shock. Sir Pentious realizes that his cover was blown scurries away.
He brings out his wrist watch to make contact with Vox.
"Ah! Ah! Abort! Abort! S.O.S! Agent Pentious in need of immediate evacuation!" Pentious sounded nervous.
Vox immediately picks up.
"Pentious? Wait... you were caught?!? It hasn't even been a day!" Vox laughed.
"Please! You've got to get me out of here!" Pentious begged.
"I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple. Do us a favour, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself! You miserable failure!" Vox hung up.
Sir Pentious was crying, "I... I... just make it quick I guess.. not that I deserve it." Sir Pentious lies on the ground, with Vaggie holding a spear ready to pierce the skull.
"Gladly." Vaggie smirked.
Right before Vaggie could put him out of misery, Yn stops her. "Whoa. Let's not jumps to murder straight away."
"Yn's right. We're not killing anyone." Charlie smiles and starts singing.
"Pentious?" Sir Pentious looks up to see Charlie reaching out for him.
"~It starts with sorry, that's your foot in the door~"
"~One simple sorry, spoken straight from your core.~"
"~The path to forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts!~"
"~But sorry is where it starts!~"
"~Who could forgive a dirtbag like me?~"
"~I don't deserve your amnesty.~" Angel comes with dual Tommy submachine guns in both hands with Vaggie tailing behind with her spear.
"~Can't we just kill him?~"
"~Shoot him and spill his blood?~" Yn stand in front of Pentious. As Pentious' eyes sparkle.
"That's an option you could choose." Yn answered.
"~Works for us.~" Yn puts her hand out to Pentious who takes it immediately.
"~But who hasn't been in his shoes? It starts verth sorry.~" Charlie added.
"~Dig down deeper and say one sincere sorry!~"
"~I'm so sorry!~"
"~And your journey's underway!~"
"~It'll take time to cover your/my vast multitude of sins, But sorry is where it begins.~"
"~It starts with sorry.~"
As the song ends, Niffty was also awake, but she was disappointed that Sir Pentious isn't whom she thought he would be: a bad boy.
"I hated that song! Why are you so lame?!" Niffty kicks him on the body and walks away, 'Not a bad boy'."
Charlie happily sighs, "Good first day! Let's get some rest!"
As Charlie and the others except Yn leave with a wrist watch communicator still in the office, Yn looks back at the watch and then to the dark hallway.
"Alastor be a dear and please get rid of the trash in here, goodnight." Yn said as walks away to head back to sleep.
Alastor appears from the shadow of the dark hallway with a smile. He comes and picks up the watch before contacting Vox on the watch.
"WHAT?!?" Vox yelled.
Vox paused when he realized that it was Alastor who was calling him, showing fear in his screen face as Alastor laughed evilly.
"You'll have to try harder than that next time ol' pal!" Alastor smirked.
With a maniacal laughter, Alastor crushed the watch with his bare head, and the only sound Vox makes was a raging scream before Alastor retreats back into the darkness.
Previous Page: Ch. 4: Overtune
Next Page: Ch. 6: The New Sinner in Town (CS)
Beginning: Front Cover
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jujumin-translates · 7 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today’s Star: The Cheshire Cat - Part 2
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Sakuya: Waah… they’re so cute!
Tsuzuru: Some of these cats are really tiny.
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Sakuya: Sorry for making you come with me.
Tsuzuru: Don’t worry about it, I came because I like being with you.
Sakuya: Thank you so much…!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Of course, I’ll help with anything I can!
Tsuzuru: Okay, right off the bat I guess, but… can you tell me what comes to your mind when you think about the Cheshire Cat?
Sakuya: Umm… right.
Sakuya: It’s kinda hard, but… I guess to sum it up in one word, freedom.
Sakuya: He’s just like a cat in that sense, he does as he pleases…
Tsuzuru: Alright, then… while we’re at it, how about you let me follow you around closely on a day that you spend freely in your own way?
Sakuya: Huh!? Follow me around closely?
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Sakuya: And spend my time freely… I know what those words mean, but what should I do?
Tsuzuru: Okay, maybe saying freely overcomplicates it, basically, you should just do whatever you want to do, Sakuya.
Tsuzuru: Like, go to someplace you want to go to or get something that you want to eat… and wherever that is, I’ll go along with you.
Sakuya: I see…
Sakuya: Okay, got it! I want to--.
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: Never thought you’d start off with a cat café, though.
Sakuya: Of course, I wanted to come here myself, but…
Sakuya: I thought it might be a good reference for my role as the Cheshire Cat.
Tsuzuru: That is true.
Tsuzuru: But anyway, even though it’s been a while since I’ve been to a cat café, it’s still just as healing as ever seeing the cats.
Sakuya: Hehe, it really is.
Cat A: Nya~.
Tsuzuru: Oh, that cat is looking at us.
Sakuya: C’mere.
Cat A: …Nya.
Sakuya: There you go. Come get pets…
Cat A: Purr.
Tsuzuru: Wow, that one’s so friendly. She looks so comfortable, and she’s purring too.
Tsuzuru: I’ll… try to interact with the cats over here, too. C’mere.
Cat B: …Mrw.
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Tsuzuru: Err… I’ll take that as a no. Maybe this little guy over here will let me pet him.
Cat C: Nya!
Tsuzuru: H-He ran away…!
Cat D: …
Tsuzuru: Oh, c’mere, buddy.
Cat D: Sniff-sniff…
Cat D: Mrow.
Tsuzuru: Hey! You seemed like you were a little interested in me.
Tsuzuru: Bet they were all super friendly before I showed up…
Sakuya: I-I’m sure they’ll warm up to you eventually!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Haaah, that was so fun…!
Sakuya: Going around the bookstore and seeing a performance by a theater company I’ve been interested in for a while after we went to the cat café…
Sakuya: It was all so interesting and really fulfilling!
Tsuzuru: Haha, it’s great, isn’t it?
Sakuya: And of course, our final stop to eat couldn’t be anywhere but here at Hanamura’s!
Shop Worker: Thank you for waiting. Here is your food.
Tsuzuru: Thank you.
Tsuzuru: Ooh, it looks as good as ever. Let’s dig in.
Sakuya: Yeah, let’s!
Tsuzuru: But like you were just saying, we sure did a lot today~.
Tsuzuru: Still can’t believe none of the cats ended up warming up to me. But I guess their I-do-what-I-want attitude is just one of the charms of cats.
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Sakuya: Umm… was all of that okay?
Tsuzuru: Huh?
Sakuya: Rather than feeling like I was acting freely, I kinda just felt like I was ordering you around, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tsuzuru: Really? It didn’t feel like that at all to me.
Tsuzuru: I usually spend a fair amount hanging out with my younger brothers, so it was kinda just normal for me… at least, that’s how I felt.
Sakuya: Maybe for you that’s just an ordinary, everyday thing, but…
Sakuya: You came along with me to the places where I wanted to go, and now you’re having dinner with me.
Sakuya: So I’m really really happy and I had a lot of fun!
Tsuzuru: …
Sakuya: Tsuzuru-kun? Is something wrong?
Tsuzuru: No… I was just thinking something like that could be used for the script.
Sakuya: Really!?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. Thanks for giving me an idea, and thanks for letting me follow you around so closely.
Sakuya: I’m happy to hear that! I can’t wait to see the script.
Sakuya: Mhmmhm… Hanamura’s napolitan is truly the best.
Tsuzuru: Ah, here, you’ve got ketchup on your lip.
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Sakuya: Wah, my bad…!
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lavender-z-love · 1 year
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Mark Lee X Black.FemReader
Genre: Aftercare/Morning after, Valentine's Day, Idol Boyfriend AU.
Warnings: Suggestive, Mature, Sex, Potential Spelling Errors.
A/n: Alright, Here is the cute and flirty aftercare, I know I posted this before the Seggs part. Yeah sorry, I want it to be spicy 🤧 Anyway enjoy! I also Use Mark's Korean name 'Minhyung' and shorten it to 'Min' so no confusion.
Wordcount: 800
Part One: Baby Dont Like it
Part Two: Highway to Heaven
Part Three: Here
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Light giggles heard into the wee hours of the morning. Your legs around your Valentine's waist, straddling him. You looked down at him from above. Holding his hands down at his side. The both of you, naked and fresh out of the shower.
Tiredness washing over him,"I take it..I did a well?" Mark asked looking up at you. Seeing you in nothing but his T-shirt was something he'd never imagine would come true.
"Mark, Kitten– you did an amazing job."
Your boyfriend, sliding his warm hands along your thighs. His thumbs gently rubbing your skin in tiny cirles. "I know you already answered me the first time...but are you sure you're okay Y/n?"
A smile spreading across your face as you leaned down. Your hands cupping Marks cute face a such, topping it off with a little kiss to his nose. "I'm alright Mark. I promise."
"Good, I just wanted to make sure." You're boyfriend smiles sitting up straight with you still straddling him. His hands slowly creeping up from your thigh, under your shirt and to your waist. The sudden and swift feeling of Mark's hot hands sending shivers up your spine.
"I like this..", Mark says looking up at you.
Your hands resting on your boyfriend's shoulders. "Like what?" Tugging on the shirt you're wearing, messing with you a little. "You in nothing but my shirt", he admits.
"Ooh, I see. What about when I take It off?"
Mark wrinkles his nose, "There should be no suprise on how I feel about seeing you naked. You felt it all night, didn't you?"
You smiled, recalling the events, then about how hard you'd been clinging to your boyfriend.
"Speaking of which– I'm err..Sorry about those scratches Kitten", you apologize.
Mark laughes paying them no mind. Looking at the now inflamed scratchs on his biceps, feeling the burning sensation from the ones on his back.
"Oh please, I like them. They're like my little trophy scars."
"They don't hurt?"
"No, just burn a little–", he pauses, lowering his voice just a little. "It's nothing to worry about, I should get used to it."
"Huh? Why? How come?"
"Well..I do plan on getting more. A collection of these beautiful scars hm? What do you think Y/n?"
Suddenly, being lifted and put on your back. Mark now on top of you, catching you by surprise. You attempt to hide your face with your hand but fail because of Mark locking fingers with yours.
That coy smile as he looked down at your restricted form. "You're incredibly shy whenever I do something you seem to really love, hm?" Your breath hitched, heart racing, now your eyes avoiding his contact; this boyfriend of yours was catching on to your little habits.
"M-Min, you're...I-"
Interupted by a kiss of his, embraced by his plump cushions. Almost like silk, so smooth, your heart began to melt all over again. Mark pulls away, his hands release yours; his thumb now grazing your bottom lip.
"It's okay to be shy Y/n. Besides, I know what you like now, so I can help you get un-shy."
You push up at Mark's chest, shocked by the sudden confession. "You pervert", you said flustered. Meanwhile, Mark chuckles finding your little conversation amusing.
"Oh? I wasn't a pervert an hour ago–" Your boyfriend said, kissing your jawline. Flushed face and hiding your face in your hands. "Okay, Okay. I'll stop Y/n." Mark said, plopping to the side of you.
Naturally, you get close to him. "Good kitten...otherwise I'd have to punish you."
"Not Against it", He remarks. Mark's arms weave around you, his hand now softly rubbing your lower back. "Of course you aren't", you say jokingly rolling your eyes.
His fingers gently tracing lines and patterns as he looked down at you. "By the way, Y/n? Are you free tomorrow or..later today?" Mark asks.
You yawn as you answered,"Of course, what did you have in mind?"
Mark chuckles at your little yawn, smiling wryly afterwards. "Eh..well, I'll let you in on the full details tomorrow, okay? Lets get you some sleep beautiful."
"That sounds delightful." You said with a smiled. Mark slings his arm around you, pulling you close. There was no need for covers, seemed like Mark was warmer. Though, you didn't complain, you loved it.
"I love you Minhyung."
Sweet lips place a kiss upon you forehead then your nose, then with his thumb underneath your chin, your lips. A cute, meaningful peck..
"And I Love you Y/n— More than you know."
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Written June 5th 2023
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lokisgoodgirl · 8 months
hi babe <33
let me tell you a very funny (slightly embarrassing) story that happened last week!!
so i was helping the english department at my school clean out their big and very outdated literature study books bc im best friends with all of them duh
anyway . im casually oohing and aahing at every book i see and stealing whatever poetry book i can find that they dont want anymore
until i come across this small pocketsized book! its teal and the spine is cracked and from afar the big S on the cover and the teal colour makes it look like fucking. Shrek. so naturally i was like ???? A SHREK PLAY???
and so i picked it up bc a gal got curious!! and i look closer and it turns out to be Henry IV part 1! and bc i cant keep my big mouth shut i yelled "OH M GOD ISNT THIS THE TOM HIDDLESTON PLAY???" and the entire office went. Quiet.
And they all turned to look at me. mind you these are women who ARE in Tom's age range so they pretty much grew up with his work!!! and ofc they KNOW him its tom hiddleston. and one of them was like " the??? the tom hiddleston play??" and trying to save my dignity (not that im embarrassed but also kind of) i was like yeah ? didnt tom hiddleston play in this?? to try and keep myself casual like no what im not an obsessed fan hello im So Normal about him!! i could feel my face burst into fucking flames bc how do i explain to these women that im obsessed with his work while they look at me like they know I read fanfiction (like THEY DONT. THEY DO. I KNOW THEY DO. BC THEY ALWAYS MENTION IT.)
and so then. the entire fucking department spent the day picking up whatever stupid Shakespeare book they can find and saying really loudly IS THIS A TOM HIDDLESTON PLAY?? and i guess they ALL assume now the ONLY WAY I KNOW ANY ENGLISH LITERATURE is through Tom Hiddleston.
absolutely embarrassing. but i got to keep the book so WHATEVER.
but oh my god i think a part of my pride died that day. it was REALLY FUNNY but oh my god. no i DO know english literature i JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW THAT TOM HIDDLESTON PLAYED IN A FEW OF THEM!!! leave me ALONE.
i cannot believe i had to out myself like that. no actually i dont care but its the fact that these women KNOW the sort of stuff going on out there i am 90% sure some of them HAVE WRITTEN FANFICTION BEFORE and i had to sit there and act like i didnt just finish reading the most filthy panty melting smut of some tom hiddleston character. like hello. oh my god. it was funny but also horrifying.
anyway so now the whole department knows me by association to The Tom Hiddleston Play and a) oh my fucking god but b) cant help but giggle a little if they MUST know i AM Crazy abt him and his work idc WHAT they say (they act like they dont have friday movie nights where they watch whatever play he's got.)
anyway. the end.
This is the stuff life is made of 😆❤️ I was laughing and cringing along with you omg. So funny🤣
It sounds like they were very sweet and jokey about the whole thing. And yes, fanfiction will be no biggie to them I'd bet😂
It reminded me of when I was casually explaining to my parents why exactly my football-allergic ass was going to Soccer Aid last year with @lokischambermaid - and I fumbled and said "oh, well there's an ac-torr that she and I are fans of and so you know we're just err-"
My Mum, who I have never mentioned TH too before in my puff: "Is that Tom Hiddleston?" 🤨
Me: 😵😵"...yes"
And that was all that was said about it 🤣but she knew. She has eyes. Awkward moments are so funny in hindsight. Thank you for sharing this with me🤣
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