#ooh girl
astoldbychae · 2 days
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*opens game, tests new hair on him takes random screen shots, closes game*
She started an argument with him literally two seconds after this photo was taken (as soon as she they hopped out of the pose) but He was flirty (and his angry moodlet didn't register yet) so he was blowing kisses at her and swooning. As soon as it clicked in he looked at her infuriatingly, until he autonomously sparked a blunt. I was too busy on the floor laughing because these two drive each other crazy! They're so unhealthy for each other but so fun to play (because it's outside of my norm). Then after she gets him all in his feelings, she gets a happy moodlet because she's near someone that's in misery. 😩
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alucardsinep · 1 month
they should put electric eels in stardew valley
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mythsandheather · 6 months
I've been pretty curious about the LO Critical side. I'm asking genuinely but what are the reasons why LO has such a strong anti Fandom.
Do people not like it? I was curious because it seems like a lot of lo critical/anti lo blogs seem to enjoy certain aspects and characters. Is it the author people don't enjoy?
Like I said I'm really being genuine. I think people have the right to have like their own critical space for a free webcomic. It's just interesting because it's like. This Fandom has a second Fandom of people who seem to hate the comic.
The anti community for any fandom is sure to be a complex place that’s usually, in my experience, more built on pain and disappointment than anything else. Pain because something important to you no longer provides comfort, maybe even perpetrates harmful themes for your own personal experiences, and disappointment because this is something you used to love and you wish could be better.
There’s two parts of the anti community for LO. There’s one part that, as you said, still holds some affection for the series, for memories attached to it and for some characters. There’s also another part that, again as you said, straight up just hate it.
I’ll briefly touch on the first part. They can see so clearly how LO could be infinitely better and that’s frustrating. They can see all the flaws they didn’t notice or didn’t want to see before and are exasperated by why it’s allowed to continue this way. Let’s not forget that a significant number of LO’s critics are people who were young teens and read it in their formative years without realising what they were being so carelessly exposed to.
With that realisation, there’s a level of anger and horror at learning what was put in front of them, marketed as safe and heavily promoted at every turn, and it’s only gotten worse over time. That must be an absolutely gut-wrenching thing to feel over something you loved once.
So in that sense, you’re correct; a big part of the anger comes down to Rachel herself and her choices.
Then there’s the other part of the anti fandom, the part that just out and out hates it and always has. This is where yours truly fits in.
Now, I was super active on tumblr during 2014-2017, when fandoms like Steven Universe, FNAF and Undertale were at their peak. I had to learn, trial by fire, how to be real critical of any media I consumed. There is certainly a downside to this, I tend to see the negatives of anything I enjoy first and then find positives later. The upside is it’s certainly been one helluva way to improve my media literacy and spot the bs from a mile away.
A lot of people don’t believe when I say I got skeevy, uncomfortable, gross vibes from LO from chapter one, but I did. I don’t know what it was, but it set me off so bad that I couldn’t get past “her butt is shaped like a heart” and never read it again.
Now I’m willing to admit that this part of the fandom, like me, are the way we are because we were never the target demographic for LO.
Therefore, when it came out and got popular, we were the ones who were absolutely baffled and the ones who got dog piled and called every name under the sun by fans for a long time…that is, of course, until a lot of those fans grew up, realised what they were reading and turned on the series.
As I said, the critical side of any fandom is complicated and this is just my two cents.
I could do a much longer post about how fucking angry I am at Rachel personally for the fact she’s from my country, a country who constantly gets ignored, and given this amazing chance that so many of us wish we could have, yet chose to peddle her self insert x celebrity crush jailbait fantasy.
I could talk all day about how physically sickened I am that she’s taken so many aspects of trauma experiences by myself and millions of others and used it as ignorant, glamourised, fetishised shock-material.
I could go on at length about what a racist, misogynistic, homophobic piece of baggage she is and how she’s permanently done damage to another culture while completely misrepresenting ours…but I won’t.
I’ll just draw more mean art of Persephone’s giant lips and Hades accidentally letting the air out of them with his mosquito nose instead.
What’s Rachel going to do? Draw a goofy, technicolor caricature of me in her comic that’ll blend into the background, be only half finished and look like a recoloured Persephone in her otherwise pristine and totally professional looking masterpiece that’s definitely not losing readers? Oh wait—
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annabelle--cane · 3 months
save me [run away from you] by joe iconis. [run away from you] by joe iconis save me.
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New phone means new selfie right?
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
Wait, Electric Eels can breathe air?
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rottencore · 2 months
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comicsiswild · 2 years
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Savage Avengers (2022) #7
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euesworld · 1 year
"Oooh girl, it may only be 90° out.. but standing next to you feels like I'm walking on the sun."
Every month is summer when I'm with you - eUë
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fleurmatisse · 11 months
until i relistened to electric feel fairly recently i thought “shock me like an electric eel” was like an internet-wide troll. surely that couldn’t be the real lyrics. and yet
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littenhaver · 2 years
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heartfullyferal · 1 year
*Reading up on a wiki*
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When I tell you Lizzy realised what that meant and started crying before it even HIT HER.
She just. Isn't ready for that : )
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fandomboy · 2 years
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pattern-recognition · 2 years
they’re playing electric feel at the gym
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acelessthan3 · 2 years
Can the memes revive MGMT's career the way they didn't Morbius?
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mattsmemes · 22 days
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