#oooh that might be a post also lol
sysig · 5 months
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DAX is just so expressive ♥ (Patreon)
#My art#SCII#Helix#DAX#Lol#Have I mentioned I love him lately#As if I ever stop talking about how much I love any of them lol#Okay but genuinely these were really nice as warmups they were really easy to just knock out one by one#He's very expressive as Dexter! *handwaves about human neurochemistry and expressions* lol#I had to make his Neutral look extra dead inside to make up for the rest haha#Funnily enough I have actually been watching a series of streams of like VAs and visual artists and writers and stuff#And they are constantly uptalking 2D talksprites as mood-setters for dialogue#So it was really fun to make these with that in the back of my head like ''Yeah! :D They /are/ good at that!''#Very cool expressive medium :D#See if you can spot the first drafts for a few of these :3c#I'll give you a hint: Scared and Sad(? Regretful ig lol) were from some posted doodles#His grumpy one was also a doodle but I didn't post it so it doesn't count lol#Oh yeah and and a lot of these had little accessories like the fear bursts and the little sigh bubble lol I just...forgot them here lol#They're there in spirit please feel the grump lines and sweat drops in your heart <3#I had a heck of a time trying to keep his face consistent with different angles lol aren't VUX nervous to move their necks me#Just gotta actually get into 3D modeling properly smh#I keep finding myself wanting to make more now that this set's done but I'm not sure what expressions! Confused? Focused? He's so subdued#Oooh he'd suit an expression meme wouldn't he <3 Now there's an idea#Might even open an ask game for that if I can find a good one :3c Hehehe
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lee-blogs · 1 year
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WIP: Jevil the devil
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lol the poor little blurb that inspired this timeloop fic
i wrote it in 2019 as the intro to another fic that i ended up cutting it from because i didn't think it fit well enough. then i stumbled across it again in december and reread it and thought huh, this would be an awesome introductory piece to a timeloop fic.
started drafting, and now. approximately four months and ten chapters in. i'm considering cutting it again
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steampunk-raven · 27 days
i love corsets shoutout to corsets
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wikiangela · 6 months
I can finally breathe
7x04 coda, Buck's pov, 756 words
posted the beginning of it for fif, but I wrote more so here's the whole thing lol
[also on Ao3]
Oh. Oh. Oooh. So that’s- that’s what it was. Huh.
That’s the first thing going through his mind as Tommy kisses him. It’s like- it’s like a piece of the puzzle finally sliding into place, after years and years of searching, looking for something to fill that space with, that feeling of something being missing. It’s almost weird, really, how easy it feels, how he’s more relieved than freaked out. Because this- oh, this makes so much sense. He’s into guys. He’s been into guys. And right now, at this moment, he’s into Tommy. 
Holy shit, he’s into Tommy.
Buck’s mind has been a whirlwind of chaos and confusion and frustration for days, but now, when Tommy kisses him, it all silences. Just to start anew as they part, butterflies in his stomach so intense he feels like he might float, as a slow smile spreads across his face when Tommy pulls away. 
This is the part of himself he’s been looking for, he’s been denying himself, he’s been silencing for so long. He doesn’t know why now, why Tommy, what it all means and where it’s leading. But he knows that now he feels almost… complete, feels like himself, feels at ease. Feels like Buck.
He feels giddy with excitement when Tommy asks him out, and finds that as soon as the door closes behind him, Buck already can’t wait to see him again. Jesus, he has a crush. He’s a grown man in his thirties, just now finding out he’s into guys, and he has a goddamn crush on a guy, and that’s why he’s been acting like a teenager. It makes so much sense now, and Buck feels- well, he’s embarrassed because of his idiotic behavior, and guilty for maiming his best friend, but most of all he just feels relieved. Because he knows now, knows why he’s been so bent out of shape about this whole situation, and can put a name to those feelings. It’s like a huge weight has been lifted off his chest, that he didn’t even know was there.
He’s going on a first date on Saturday. With a guy. With Tommy. The thought makes a happy and a little dazed chuckle bubble out of his chest as he stands there in his kitchen, thinking about that kiss, his stomach doing flips. It was a nice kiss. A very nice kiss. He really wants to kiss him again. He wants to go on a date and kiss and hold hands, and do it all with a man he’s attracted to, and, god, he can’t wait. He’s also very grateful no one can see him or read his thoughts, because this crush deal is, frankly, embarrassing. He feels so silly, but he doesn’t even care, because he also feels over the fucking moon right now.
His face is burning and he can’t stop smiling as he goes about the rest of his evening, feeling weirdly light and relieved, like never before. He knows he doesn’t have it all figured out just yet, but at least he found out this one thing about himself, and it feels… it feels life-changing, in a way. It kind of is. This realization he just had, it’s- it’s huge, but instead of throwing him into more confusion, it settles him, tilts his askew world upright. Things are finally starting to make sense.
He’s into dudes. But he knows for a fact he’s into girls, too. So, what does that make him? Bisexual? Maybe? He already knows he’s going to overthink that and have to do some research to figure out what fits, what it all means, and reevaluate some of his past behavior in this new light. But for now- for now he’s just going on a date. He can take it one step at a time, both his sexuality and this new thing with Tommy, and figure it out at his own pace, and he hopes Tommy will be patient with him while he does that. Because- because he really likes the guy, and he wants the date to go well, and maybe, hopefully, it’ll lead to something more. He thinks he’d really, really like that.
Whatever the future brings, as of right now Buck just feels like something finally clicked and things started making sense for once in his life. He’s not as lost anymore. He feels like he can finally breathe. He found the missing piece of him, and he’s honestly excited, if just a little anxious, to explore that further.
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notsodailycake · 5 months
Agent 32 doodle dump
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Happy moments together, all filled with cuddle and kisses after the chaotic trip 8 had
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Nothing better than to tease your significant other lmao. 4 find 8 extremely soft and squishy and can't help but always wanna pinch him, he does not find that amusing
Meanwhile, 8 has a weird habbit of rubbing his hand (or face) on 4's flat surface head, and she has no idea why that is.
Also, the "Cute!" Look that 8 is giving at the bottom right, i drew this last year, and BOY did i hit jackpot with how i drew him there, he looks ADORABLE I CAN'T!!
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Rommies waking up in the morning, but 4 is so not an early bird like 8, be she tries, and 8 is there to try and help heh
Oh look! I finally drew these lovebirds! These have been sitting with all my wips for quite a while
A few months
Oh also, the 2nd and 3rd ones are just doodles i did on paper last year that i decided to digitilize lol
But yay! Meet my agents 32, Minke (agent 4) and Finn (Agent 8).
I need to see more of male agent 8. He's like, my favorite, and I barely see him YwY
I'll probably have to be the sole provider for the m/f ship version of them ngl (which sue me is my favorite, mainly cuz male 8 is my fav). But seeing busy i am rn, this will probs be my one rare post for this month
But who knows, I've been thinking up on Minke's family quite a bit, that might be my next topic, family meeting
Also fun fact, the doodle of 4 going "oooh you missed me" was originally gonna be a sad moment of 8 comforting her, but i couldn't get the pose i wanted right, so i went for a more cheerful tone. And yes it is after side order hehe
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disappointingcabbage · 2 months
TMAGP 23 thoughts, spoilers under the cut!!
lmao I love how Sam’s reasoning for bothering with the response department paperwork is to A) assume it’s Alice doing a bit and B) seeing how long Alice can keep up said bit. I would do the same thing tbh
Lena cautioning him against it raises some red flags about what it might actually be though. That said, if doing the paperwork really is dangerous, she isn’t exactly trying all that hard to convince him to stop so who knows?
Chester statement time!! It’s an internet one this week hell yeah I’m ready for some red canary (or weird movie) esque shit
“Creating a better me”???? this sounds… very Strange
what do you mean by “finding your piece”? It sounds at first like affirmations but then the statement writer directly refutes the idea of it being a psychological/ “inner peace” thing
The second post makes it seem like this piece thing is an object taken from a significant location in your life. That’s less cursed that what I thought it was gonna be (a body part)
the implication that this person did something at least mildly illegal to get their piece is somewhat troubling. it was probably just theft though. Also they never specified what the piece is
“I’m sure it’s totally safe and not at all dangerous to sleep with the piece in my bed” famous last words
Also why do you need to keep it warm??? Is it alive????? And you have to “bond with it” which I guess is in line with making a “better you”. I guess it has to know what you’re like to emulate you or smth idk but this doesn’t sound like it’ll end well
ok it’s coral. Why are you worried about keeping it warm? If it’s not in water it’s definitely not alive.
you fucking watered your coral with your own blood to grow a better copy of yourself? The fuck? What is the point??? Do you WANT to get replaced????
Wait no she transplanted the coral into her body to grow it. What the fuck maam are you trying to reproduce through some cursed version of asexual budding???
okay yeah that’s exactly what’s happening this thing burst out of her
I mean at least she planned this out and took off work so she doesn’t lose her source of income I guess??? And she made sure she had proper supplies and a paralysis computer.
Oh damn this lady is just straight up willingly getting replaced. This is reading more and more like the original Alesis Newman is more akin to a shed skin than anything related to asexual reproduction
Oooh it went wrong. Not sure how but it definitely did
Oh shit this world’s Jon and Martin have been dead for 20 years and have no connection to the Magnus Institute
wait how would she know about Helen? Did the tunnels cult ever meet her? I don’t remember
OH WAIT I REMEMBER SHE TRIED TO EAT CELIA (at least, according to Melanie and Georgie) lol girlie why would you want to find her ageidjdief
Oh poor Gwen is not doing great.
Oh my god she’s actually talking to Alice instead of being snappy
And Alice seems to be. Actually listening !!!! Here’s how Dyhard can still win-
Alice fully believes Gwen
we’ve got confirmation that [Error] has a shitload of eyes let’s gooooo archivist moment
Alice immediately recognizing the tape recorder from her own experience and putting the pieces together that the whole oiar is being targeted is peak girlboss energy hell yeah Alice
And Gwen is obviously taking Alice’s experience seriously too hell yeah
Alice and Gwen are in danger? I think they should kiss about it
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nifreti-ii · 9 months
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(forgot somethings so I went back and edited it T-T)
Found the culprit
I love the idea of him just sneaking around and eating all the snacks, MC/Keith being sus and then MC finds him shoving his face with the cookies in the middle of the night. (most nocturnal creatures have reflective eyes, also thought he’d look cute with them :3)
OMFG Keith and Tenebris have me in a chokehold, im down BAD. I cant express how much i enjoyed the game, kinda hate myself for not getting here sooner lol. OOOH They’re just so precious (T▽T). I wanna hold, I wanna kiss, I wanna EVERYTHING. Aaaaah and the little dates in the game ugh. So fucking cute when Tenebris blushes and how his tough guy act drops with the smallest hint of affection ehehehe. AND KEITH, the plant boy of my dream~ 100% can listen to this man rant about his flowers and plant babies for hours askdjghaj-
And the LOOOOOORE in the blog, holy shit. The sponge that is my brain is soaking everything up. Gods all these yandere vns getting me invested T0T. I MIGHT do a little something something with tenten (my night ehehe) im tempted. I am gonna draw Keith eventually, the precious dahlia needs attention too (`∀´)
Ever since the recent update I’ve reading EVERY SINGLE POST in the blog. I’ve finished reading EVERYTHING and uuuuh ya… I'm invested in the sillies. @duality You have made very simpable and loveable beans (I also really love your art style) <3 (post script- drawing simon from clrdgaze has made drawing ANY hairstyle not nearly as painful ヽ(;▽;)ノ)
Check out my Masterlist for my art and writing. ;3
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radioroxx · 2 months
da bebes ;-; <3
THE BABIES <3 (link to og fankid post)
using this ask as an excuse to share some thoughts we had about the kids interactions with the others from the party! depending on some disc screenshots to help me lol
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absolutely absolutely she is the type to spoil the kids. with candy and sweets and late bedtimes she just cannot say no to them ever she is far too fond. and yes she would read to them. she picks out book she especially likes, or ones that she enjoyed as a kid, and totally not as an excuse to talk about these characters she loves so much nooo-
(as long as the books are. age appropriate ofc. not too scary for the youngins,,)
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on top of that she would be very easy to talk to! isa and sif do make sure to always be emotionally open with their kids, would never want them to feel like they cant talk about something, but even then. sometimes its nice to have someone else to depend on. just in case. and mira loves to chat with em :)
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odile cares for these kids oooh so so so much. she would never admit it but, much like the rest of her family, she would do horrible horrible things to make them happy. even if she. isnt the best with kids. in general. shes trying her best and the kids definitely thinking her dry humour and sarcastic bluntness is funny as hell
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also she is 100% the embarrassing stories one. the kids ask her for the same silly story about their parents again and again eeevery time she visits. they never get tired of it and neither does she. (sif and isa certainly do though fjnf)
BONNIE… we didnt talk much about bonnie,,
doing some very basic math bonnie would be arounnd their? early or mid twenties when the kids are. “born”. (wished into existence). which makes me honestly so depressed and sad to thinking about ohmy god theyre growing up i might die
i think they would bond very easily with the kids though! would enjoy getting to show and teach them things- things that make themself happy like cooking etc. i do think as well bon would be trying very hard, maybe a little too hard, to appear cool and chill around them. so that they respect them. (kinda how i hc sif to have been around bon early on pre-story,, bc nothing is more validating than the approval of an 11yo lol)
i already talked a bit about loop in the original post but i guess i can juuust repeat myself a lil.
loops feeling are complicated. we joked about them being a funny babysitter, the kids probably think theyre so so fun to play with, buut it might take some time to get there. its been years since the end of the loops, working through jealously and learning to be satisfied with what they do have but! this is! different!! and its hard…
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… but it gets better
(im out of screenshot space but we also had the idea of the kids putting on plays, maybe if sif ever shared his love of theatre with them, and tbey would absolutely rope loop into it. loop who is reluctant to participate until they realize how much fun theyre having with these two)
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sublimeinal-messages · 4 months
First off:
Powers confirmed coming back for everyone!
Five is teleporting, Viktor’s powered up, Ben’s got the horror, Luther has his muscles again
Speaking of Luther, he seems to be all over the place. In some shots he has his muscles, in some he doesn’t, in one shot he’s donning spacegear, another he’s in a ballpit, and they even make him sit in the back of the van for old time’s sake
No Sloane tho?? No sparrows at all as far as I can tell :| idk how to feel about that
Another little detail I noticed was when they all pile in the van together, Lila calls shotgun and is promptly shoved aside by Five out of sheer pettiness. And then she has to sit in the middle
They seem to have a bonding moment in the subway with Lila sobbing as Five holds onto her, which I’m very curious about (and scared)
Diego’s shown at a birthday party taking care of a little girl!! With braids! Possibly their daughter? Talk of a rescue mission makes me think their daughter might be kidnapped
Allison shown with a kid also has me thinking Claire returns which makes me so happy
Allison also doesn’t seem to be shot in a villainous or shunned light, so it looks like this season isn’t intent on bashing her (yet. As far as I can see, which honestly thank goodness…)
The dark circles under Ben’s eyes worry me, almost as much as the shot of him in prison(?) and him seemingly being out of sync with the others. Is this Sparrow Ben perhaps? Does it have anything to do with the possibility of there being another Ben? (Maybe he’s accused of identity theft?)
There’s also Another Tentacle in the promo image shared yesterday which I noticed. Maybe a second horror?
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I thought maybe it had something to do with Jennifer since there’s been an actor hired for a character with that name, but now I wonder with the two Bens situation…
Reginald might have his Umbrella academy in the woods again? aligning with the comics. Unless this is someone else’s house. But the windows and white brick match.
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Really curious how the academy has been rebranded in this universe to be a house for boys. Six, specifically. Seeing as how Allison is the only umbrella-born girl, it’s interesting to see how this universe has shifted to accommodate them all
Viktor might be a bartender?? The area looked familiar but it could just be my eyes. But apart from his Direct Interview with Reginald, (oooh scary) he seems to get in a physical fight with someone. Which is a new approach for him as a characater
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Forgive my shitty captures but if it’s not Luther, diego, klaus or five I’m guessing it must be Ben?? But it’s hard to say, but he sure is going at it tho
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Who are the square dancers??? My heart wants it to be jayme and Alphonso but the people here look older to me, so it could be Nick Offerman and Megan Mullalley.
Actually upon inspection the fuzzy square dancer has a matching beard pattern to Nick offerman Exactly. So that’s absolutely him.
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Klaus really seems to be struggling again, and has those plastic gloves in almost every shot I see. Him dressing dark and drab also says something about his state of mind as well as the panic attack he seems to have :( but at least they’re all back together 🥲
Looks like they also seem to celebrate Christmas together? And a birthday. Honestly I’m just so happy to see them together for events like this I love these dysfunctional dorks so much
There’s so many more things I’m sure I missed and I’ll be rewatching this a few more times until the season drops (three months!!) but in the wise words of Diego: Let’s Fucking GOOOOOOOO I’m so excited for this. HELL YEAH, THE UMBRELLAS BACK TOGETHER AGAIN BAYBEEE
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emry-stars-art · 7 months
Oooh do go on about raven neil and jean 👀 (if you’re so inclined ☺️) - @neil-jostenminyard
*chanting* raven Neil raven Neil raven Neil (and lots of Jean) (quite possibly even jeaneil) (although most of the thoughts are post-ravens lol)
So my personal thoughts about this are also mostly thanks to chats and inspiration/prompting from @jtl-fics and @greenautumnleaves so if you see any additions from them on this post it's most likely also thoughts I adore lol
Anyway this got kind of long so:
I ALSO latched onto Sakavic's statement that Neil wouldn't leave Jean in the nest bc yeah it makes sense and also ow
But just the two of them being partnered up like Riko and Kevin as is common in these aus, and then after Kevin gets out first, they have to stick together and rely on each other even MORE because Riko is pissed that Kevin is gone and probably takes it out on the next closest two idk
But in our imaginings, Renee or Andrew get Jean out quicker than in canon, again because Neil would refuse to leave Jean behind and I can only imagine he'd go so far as to trick or manipulate Jean into leaving. Maybe by being at a certain place at a certain time to get picked up, however he can make it happen. But the issue we run into is that once that's done, what the hell would Neil have left at Evermore, besides Exy that maybe he still loves deep down. But Exy's been so warped being raised on it at the nest that at that point his obsession is barely recognizable.
Kevin might recognize this, because he knew Neil in the nest. Or at least he knew the person that Neil presented himself as. But it's probably more likely that Jean recognizes this, and yeah things are super rocky and weird but Jean can barely even function without Neil. So back a fox goes to rescue their second raven's partner.
They bring Neil back to Palmetto and he and Jean are completely inseparable. Emotionally and physically. Neither of them act like, feel like, or even call themselves "touchy feely" or "clingy" people but as soon as Neil is treated for various intense and mysterious injuries, they're curled up in some hidden place for hours. Even the short time having left Neil behind made Jean almost too anxious to leave his room. Even the short time without Jean - now with more punishment for aiding Jean's escape - was enough for Neil to consider something drastic.
(side note: Andrew now has not one, not two, but three gorgeous tragic boys under his supervision and I'm sure he's handling that totally normally lmao. But it's so obvious to him that Jean and Neil have something going on that any ideas for himself aren't worth entertaining.)
So it's a little easier to ease out of various habits and thought processes because Jean and Neil are doing it together, with outside help. They fix their sleep cycles/rhythms, try a slightly more normal college diet, and most slowly lose their "win or die" mindset in practices. They're still never seen without each other - Wymack had a talk with some of the school board about their schedules and dorm arrangements for the first semester. In reality, he's not sure if he should have them go cold turkey on raven habits or if he should take it slower, but he's doing his damn best to get these boys adjusted to life outside a cult. And Neil and Jean, whether or not they actively realize it, find that step to be the one they absolutely cannot take. Why would they go through the agony of learning to live separately if they don't have to. When no one else understands them like the other, when they've already seen each other's worst so nothing else is worth keeping secret between them. Who else is Jean going to go to when having a better life makes him feel like he more deserves death or punishment and the guilt hits him so hard he can't breathe, much less sleep. Who else is Neil going to go to when he can't let go of his birthright - if he isn't good at what he does (Exy) he literally could just be shot like a lame horse - and he's not allowed to go practice Exy against a wall to the point of tearing himself apart anymore so he forces his feet away from the court to find the only person he knows he'll listen to when they say no.
Kevin, of course, is keeping a close eye on the two, whether unintentionally or on purpose is unclear. Neil still has a mouth on him, he sometimes plays mind games with the foxes like chess against himself, and most of all does not allow anyone to get too close to Jean. Jean is still quiet, having learned not only to take a punishment without resistance but also that Neil will speak first. Neil will resist so Jean doesn't have to. He's safer in Neil's shadow.
Maybe it's a phrase or warning that Neil uses and that Kevin recognizes. Maybe it's a gesture between Neil and Jean that Kevin oversees. Maybe it's just the general demeanor of the two. But whatever it is is familiar to Kevin, not in a "I remember this from them in the nest" way. He can recognize by now that Riko was not good to him, he can acknowledge it even if the rest of him hasn't caught up. He looks at Jean in Neil's shadow and remembers himself in Riko's.
As if Butcher's son Nathaniel Wesninski wasn't already scary enough on his own.
But Kevin won't allow this kind of thing on his court, and he's not good at it but he is still trying to let go of unhealthy raven ideals. If Neil is holding onto some fucked up dynamic, Kevin is going to put a stop to it.
He pulls Jean aside, a miraculous feat. He asks what Neil has done.
"Mistake" might be an understatement.
It could very easily be the longest string of words Jean has said to anyone besides Neil. Kevin doesn't know near as much French as he does in canon - Neil is the one that shares that secret defiance - so it's all clear English, Jean making sure Kevin understands every word. Kevin should never speak about Neil that way again. He knows nothing about them, he shouldn't so much as pretend to understand Neil. Neil is the only good thing that ever happened to Jean. Kevin never cared enough to bring it up in the nest, so he has no right to start caring now.
It isn't great for their already tumultuous relationship. Kevin wonders for a bit if Jean would tell Neil about it - then next practice Neil doesn't even try to work with Kevin, even after the two had made it a point as strikers to figure out how to. He ignores the other strikers entirely, falling immediately and seamlessly into perfect synch with Jean behind him, speaking hardly a word of English the whole practice. Because he knows that will make Kevin even more angry than Neil being actively hostile to his new teammates.
Kevin isn't sure what he was expecting. Chances are Jean hadn't even needed to bring it up for Neil to notice something was off.
As for Andrew, I think he could still pick up a game of truths. He'd need to offer a similar deal as he did for canon Neil, this time for Neil-and-Jean, the entity of the two of them together. I think he could ensure some cooperation by saying he won't force Jean and Neil apart from each other the way some others have muttered about doing. Even if Neil knows by now the codependence isn't healthy, neither of them are ready to give it up.
It probably really throws Andrew to hear that they don't consider themselves to be an item. They're together, sure, but for a raven that doesn't always, maybe even rarely, means "in a traditional relationship". Neil and Jean definitely never offer any clarification. That's no one else's business, even if they could explain it so that a non-raven could understand. Generally I feel like if this is an andreil universe, it's an even longer, stranger, more winding road to get there than in canon.
I'm almost CERTAIN there's more Im forgetting about rn but this has been my taster on raven Neil+Jean, I hope it was at least a little bit coherent, and greenautumnleaves - I hope this comes anywhere close to your galaxy brain ideas on these two lol. Maybe I'll be back with other thoughts later who knows
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sl-walker · 18 days
Color Cards for sale
Or: Custom nails!
*updated 9/3/24*
Want some professional looking stick/glue-on nails on a budget for yourself or someone else? Since I am still unemployed and my wife makes these stunning creations as art therapy, we're looking to sell them to keep us afloat and do things like buy food until I have a new job. (She already owned all the nail stuff.) So, if you want a set of truly gorgeous nails, take a look and contact me here or on that one chat app starting with a 'D' where I am also sl_walker.
Nails will be sent in a padded envelope with cardboard to protect them, though I might clip the longer color cards in two for mailing. Shipping is free to the continental US! (Though if you wanna toss me a couple bucks towards it, I won't turn you down. It's about 4.50 per package. LOL!) Probably you'll also get a handwritten note and maybe even a sketch from me. Several of these nail sets are three hours or more of work! And as you can see, they really are beautiful. Just ignore my very amateur photography, Tumblr's assholish image compression and the occasional cat hair. I promise I won't send any kitty dna with the nails! And you can also contact me and ask me for a set of pics emailed without compression.
As they're sold, I'll update this post by striking those through! And YES! SHE DOES CUSTOMS! (We just finished a set of Boba Fett nails and we're working on Maul ones!) If you want a custom color card (or loose nails once you know your sizes! I'll try to write the sizes on the color cards when I can see them), just contact me with a description and we'll let you know if she's able to do it. She can do cat meme nails, no joke. Or like-- fandom themed. So please do feel free to ask after that.
Also, if you request it, I'll throw in a little tube of nail glue, too.
1.) Autumn's Coming - $40
Stunning set of thirty nails, which means that you'll be able to find your exact size, but you might be able to wear a couple different sizes and have nails enough for two sets, too! Amidst the gorgeous fall-themed colors, you have cats eye magnetic metallic nails, plain color, blossom decals and a gorgeous coppery metallic crackle. They're shorter and with a blunt tip; in fact, I'm wearing a set right now, albeit in a different color theme.
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2.) Good Omens - $30
This is a set of thirty nails. My wife's a huge fan of Sir Terry (sorry about the other guy) and so she came up with a Good Omens set! The red is metallic and magnetic cats eye with silver and white decals, while the white nails are themed in gold. I can definitely attest to how pretty these are, since she also made me a set of my own; I'm wearing them as I type (badly because I'm not used to wearing nails) and they're pretty enough for me to learn how to type with nail tips. LOL! She said to warn whoever bought them that she had to glue one back to the card. Sorry about that! It doesn't affect the nail itself.
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3.) Thinking of Spring - $36
Another set of thirty, this time more spring-themed! With some popping magnetic metallic green cats eyes interpersed with some softer pink/orange metallic magnetic starbursts, cats eye and be-dazzled, you also have the lovely decals adorning the white nails, too. This is another beautiful set that reflects a similar quality to the autumn themed nails.
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4.) Dusky - $26
A set of thirty, these are relatively simple by comparison: Done in a dusky metallic magnetic cats eye on one side and a brilliant, eyepopping holo on the other, they're classy and beautiful.
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5.) Better Call Prince - $24
This fun set of twenty-four is absolutely sparkly; with metallic purple on one side and purple holo on the other, all of them also have holographic decals on them! They're busy, but if you're a redneck like me (or just really love sparkly things!) they'll make you oooh when you see them live!
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6.) Pride - $18
This is a set of twenty-four. My wife actually made these for me, but they're too long for me. But boy, they sure are pretty. With the silver cats eye magnetic metallic on one side and the glittery rainbow on the other, this is a great set for you if you want something pretty with a relatively low price-tag!
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7.) The Art of Subtlety - $18
This set of twenty-four is actually more gorgeous the brighter the light. All one set, all the same, these beautiful cats eyes in a sedate blue actually have a subtle holo effect on top of the loveliness that is that magnetic metallic polish; I wasn't able to capture it, but it's there! These are great for business people who like to have pretty nails to tap on a table top as illustration for their annoyance while still having that whimsical underlying hint of color.
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8.) Slightly Better Than Business Casual - $16
This set of twenty-four is what my wife calls 'scratch and dent', not because they aren't pretty, but because there are a few minor flaws in the finish of the tips on the teal side. Despite that, they're a damn pretty set and will feed the cats for a few days!
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9.) Where There's Smoke - $26
The first set of matte nails on offer! This set of thirty (eleven regular, three half-sizes) is three different shades of matte gray, one more silvery/metallic and two more literally smoke-colored. Perfect for someone looking for that bit of elegance, no reflective topcoat necessary!
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10.) A Touch of Class - $34
This set of thirty includes three half-sizes on the end for better sizing! A gorgeous set of nails with white, decorated nails meeting silvery gold magnetic metallic meeting a gorgeous deep green glitter! This is a really lovely set, my cat Ajax really wanted to see them up close. LOL! You can't beat that endorsement. (But we're selling them anyway to help feed Ajax. XD)
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11.) The Denver Mint - $30
Oh man, I actually gasped when Erin showed me these. Just the richness of the metallic silver and copper looks awesome in person offset by the plain beige nails interspersed through the set. This is another set of thirty that has the three half-sizes, too! A really lovely and elegant set of almond shaped nails.
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12.) Please Forgive Ajax - $36
This is another stunning set, this time with printed decals and some custom hand-drawn art on them! Please ignore the stray cat hair, they will not come with; the culprit is sitting on my lap right now completely unashamed. But anyway, beyond those lovely green nails, the silvery-gold magnetic metallic nails will absolutely transfix you in the light. Heck, they transfix me and I can't even wear them. This set of thirty also includes the three half-sizes.
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13.) Tropical Daydreams - $30
With the deep teal and the gold metallic and an almond shape, this set's sure to invoke the tropics; same as the others above, a set of thirty with three half-sizes! They're a relatively straight-forward set compared to the rest, but no less beautiful in person.
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14.) Is Star Sapphire a Villain? - $34
If you're a DC Comics fan, you might giggle. But for everyone else, this particularly cute (and even conditionally chunky!) nail set is a lovely group of pink, dusky sorta violet, and actual violet magnetic metallic flake! So they're especially interesting in motion, and the bling on them are a whimsical kind of fun, too!
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15.) The Spider-Gwen Special - $34
Protect Trans Kids. (Like my nephew!) And thank you, makers of the Spider-Verse, for having that poster on Gwen's wall and inspiring the name! Anyway, the theme of this set of thirty (no half-sizes on this card) is obvious; short nails, they'll look good and probably not interfere too much with typing! And the jewels are supercute, too.
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16.) Cool Colored Chameleon - $40
THESE ARE SO DAMN COOL! Ahem. ANYWAY. Several of these are actually temperature-reactive! So, they change color with the temperature. Like a mood ring, kind of. They're also really super pretty in-person, not gonna lie. I can't tell you how many of the nail sets Erin shows me cause me to go O.O and oooh. This was a big one, I think I might have squealed. A set of thirty, with the three half-sizes, this one's just ridiculously fun.
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17.) Pretty in Pink - $32
Another one of those sets with some breathtaking magnetic metallic, this time in a soft silvery pinkish color! Mixed with the flat nails and the occasional bit of bling, this delicately colored set nonetheless has enough flash and flare to make your average redneck (meaning me) happy. Hopefully they'd be able to make you happy, too!
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madrone33 · 22 days
It was SO much better than I anticipated. Like, I knew it'd be amazing to listen to - 'cause practically all of Jorge's stuff is - but I was less attached to Telemachus as a character than Ody, so while I was settled in for a fun time I wasn't as invested as I had been for the previous sagas.
Little. Did. I. Know.
Anyway, now that it's officially out for everyone, here's 1000+ words worth of excited screeching/rambling/word vomit from my immediate reaction to the audio, when it released at midnight for me! (I'm australian, so I got it 15 hours ahead of the americans lol, but also means I hadn't seen the animatics from the Live at this point)
Also, heads up there's a lot of swearing and I wasn't very coherent, 'cause my brain-to-type filter was non-existent at midnight while in the middle of a HYPE adrenaline rush lol
I feel so awake rn, even though it's midnight lol.
Started smiling as soon as I heard him. He sounds so GOOD!! MICO you're knocking it out of the park!
"Come and give me a sign!" Ayyy the Athena motif!!
Ooh they merged MICO's audition way of saying "if you're dead... or just tooo far"!
"Can I do whatever I takes to keep my mum safe?" aww don't worry bebe Athena's coming!
"Where is the man who'll have to wife?" ooh they really did use the Man of the House lines!
And they dropped that it's been 20 years! That's good, a proper timeline needed to be established at this point or newcomers might get confused.
ohhh shit! That growled "Boy!"
(Also, edit from after I watched the Livestream: HE DID NOT JUST THROW A BOWL AT MY BOY OH HELL NO-)
"Why don't you open her room so we can" oh FUCK OFF ANTINOUS!
oh the LINE! The CHAMP line!
"If I fight this monster" THS MONSTER! It changed from those monsters to this monster, because while he might be having fun thinking of conquering distant monsters out in the world, the real monster is living in his home and he needs his father's strength more than ever and AHHH
(Another edit from post Live: he decided to fight for his mum's honour and thought he'd get a beatdown or DIE in the attempt and STILL put his fists up oh my goddd!! And also, HIM STEPPING INTO THE SPIRIT OF HIS FATHER AHHH)
Ok I hate Antinous already. Like, I really love his voice, it's perfect, Ayron did amazing, but Antinous? What the FUCK! FUCK HIM! And I decided I love Telemachus. He sounds so helpless in that last line 🥺 ATHENA STEP IN!
Listening to Little Wolf now! Oh god I'm scared for Tele
"Wanna entertain me?" oh EW Antinous!
I just have a permanent stink face on rn lol
"Wanna entertain me?" Still ew, but also aww he didn't do the growl like in the demo
Clock sound effect! ATHENA!!!
she's giving TE/MO type vocal vibes, more than Act 1 Athena lol
"What's going on here??" lmao he's confused about Quick-Thought, like ody wasn't
"Uppercut him. Now." AYYYY FIGHT ADVICE
she's doing the verse melody but for him!
wait what'd she say? "I've no respect for bullies! Those who [something something] will!"
SHE CALLED HIM A DOG HA! What's a dog to a wolf hey antinous >:)
"One young wolf has a larger heart than all these men combined!" awww Athena <3
"Oooh, maybe I pushed you a bit too hard..." lol she's too used to ody who is used to her
oh FUCK OFF antinous!
"Tell me, Athena, why you came to my aid..." wait WAIT HE SUNG THE "what keeps you up so late at night myyy friend?" MELODY??? HOLY SHIT!!
Ok that was awesome. We'll Be Fine time!
awww she regrets <3
omg but her HIGH notes
ooh? 👀 The line changed from "sailed to an island" to "and I didn't die?? What does this mean for HTD's "I heard he's on a diplomatic mission" line?
oh now HIS high notes!!
awww their motifs mixing! <3 <3
(Edit post Live: lmao him trying to lean on her shoulder and accidentally falling through her instead XD)
Well that was nice! Time for LIP... What am I in for bro
AHA I was RIGHT! The music from the cover art reveal IS here at the start of this song!
The "ohhhh" motif from Remember Them!
oh yo! THESE scenes! We called the Sirens, Scylla, and Thunder Bringer on the discord, but the lines that are being used are INTERESTING
(Edit post Live: the animatics are going CRAZY this saga!)
calypso time...
Ooh calypso's voice is much gentler than the snippets! (I'm determined to not let my bias against her character in the Odyssey colour how I feel about her performance, because Wangui is a lovely person, and her voice is beautiful.)
lmao the awkwardly long pause and then "... ANWAYS!" is always funny XD
the electronic elements when she reveals what she is!
"Time can take a heavy toll." uh oh what's that mean
Damn not the "all I hear are screams"-
... holy fuck. Um. My jaw literally dropped what. What. Ok first, her "ody" fuck that. Second, the LEDGE?? Um. UM. I need to rewind please
Oh shit
Oh my goddd JUST LET HIM GO
no him calling for athena! 😭
the slow clock omgggg
... wait I need to rewind wait shit I'm shaking
ok. Pause. That was.
I guess I called correctly, but it turned out to be a BIT of an understatement when I said there'd be an UNEXPRECTED EMOTIONAL MOMENT! What the FUCK. Oh god that was incredible and I teared up and ah fuck wtf fuck who gave him the RIGHT
TIme for God Games. Shit. Am I ready for Beast Mode Zeus??? No. But I'm doing it anyway! :D
ok that was beautiful. Also her calling him "father" was unexpected but welcome
"... Odysseus." commander motif!!
god I love his voice but I hate him
ok I love how he says "AphroDITE!" I'm smiling, I'm getting into this
also, wait why does he say "or" instead of "and" like the snippets did?
The voice teasers! Ah shit I can't believe I'm going to HEAR THEIR VERSES IN A FEW SECONDS WHAT. Also Hera's voice is VERY interesting!
Apollo? YO?? Wait wait I have to go back and actually listen to the words lmao his voice is cool!
oh the sirens??
Huh. I... don't really get that logic? Athena just said "yeah but they had it coming and now they'll know better" and he replied "understandable have a nice day"?
wow what is that accent? Lemme go back and understand lol
damn those went by quick. Also, not what I'd thought their issues would be. Tho I think someone called the sirens one!
ooh wait I've always loved aphrodite's, this is BEAUTIFUL. I need to go back to the start of the song so I can get her full impact after pausing so much.
ohhh she's the first one to reject athena!
"HOLD YOUR TONGUE NOW! HIS SON'S MY FRIEND!"oop you done fucked up ares
oh I LIKE hera's voice! It's kinda airy but still hella powerful!
damn my jaw hurts from smiling
I hear cheering 👀
ohhh THAT'S what he meant by "or"! Athena was supposed to face either the five gods or Zeus?
"You DARE to defy me!" DAMN Zeus! That growl!
lightning bolt to the face lmao
oh? The Wotm motif?
wait. Is the. Is this the "anime character on brink of death thinks of their friends and powers up" moment???
(Edit post Live: shit, zeus. Someone call CPS)
"Let him go..." oh wait that's IT?? NO WHAT SHIT
... lemme hear that end bit again.
WAIT reading through the comments and JORGE'S DAD VOICES HEPHAESTUS?? HOLY SHIT THAT'S EPIC! Now we just need his sister lol.
Oh that's right, I can see the cast now! Brandon McInnis as Apollo, POSEY as Hera, and Mike Rivera as Hephaestus. Nice.
It's 1 am now. Holy shit that was a wild ride. Damn. Hats off to Jorge and all the cast and editors and EVERYONE, that was absolutely incredible!! 💙🙌🏼🎉
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nahokura · 22 days
Oooh I have a prompt! If you are still taking them.
Aziraphale gets obsessed with how sexy Crowley’s tummy is. His shirt slides up when he asks him to get a book on a top shelf and Aziraphale is super turned on by it and the ginger treasure trail and he keeps trying to find ways to see it until Crowley starts getting suspicious he’s acting weird. Feel free to add an embarrassing flustered Aziraphale hehe. First time smut/getting together is encouraged!! Sorry I’m obsessed with the idea of his hot gorgeous stomach so I’m projecting lol. Thank you if you choose to write it!!!! I hope you post all yr prompt fill fics
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Themes: light Smut, funny, fluff, comfort
Tw: Porn w/ plot? , First time, Dom!Aziraphale, Sub!Crowley, handjob
English isn't my first language, I'm sorry for the mistakes!
I also didn't write for a long time, so the writing might not be the best one you've read, but thank you if you take the time to read!
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Aziraphale loved to stare at Crowley and that wasn't a secret, except to Crowley. Every time the ginger was in sight, he would immediately turn his head to him, have a little smile but quickly hide it, then he would go back to his usual hobbies, while sometimes glancing at Crowley.
The demon was oblivious to this, well, he did stare back anyways, so he didn't really pay attention to it.
Aziraphale was having a hard day, there were more customers than usual, and that's why he called Crowley and asked him to help him. The demon said no at first, but he couldn't resist so before Aziraphale hung up, he groaned, and said okay.
The angel eyed Crowley as they both worked. Crowley was getting the books for the customers, and Aziraphale was replacing them in the shelves so the bookshop stayed nice and tidy.
After a little time had passed, unfortunately they hadn't talked too much because of the customers, at least, they had stared at each other.
A customer came inside the shop, he looked around and saw the dictionaries that were on the highest shelf, because no one, actually bought dictionaries. He tapped Aziraphale's shoulder, and asked him politely to get it down, and the angel's voice echoed through the bookshop:
«Excuse me...Um, Crowley! Could you come give a book to one of our clients, please?!»
Crowley pratically shoved the book against the chest of the customer he was talking to, and he walked to the angel, a long groan leaving his throat. Aziraphale moved out of Crowley's way, and spoke again:
«This one...Ah! Yes! The biggest one!»
He flashed a big smile at the customer and explained about how he got the book, because the person asked it, and Aziraphale didn't like to lie. Even while talking, he glanced at Crowley, and inserted comments, apologizing for his grumpy behavior. When he looked back at Crowley and pointed him with his finger to talk about him to the client, he stopped in his track. Crowley was trying to get the book, obviously, but he was on his tip-toes, and the shirt that usually was stuck in his pants had gotten up a little bit, showing the start of the demon's slim waist and a ginger trail going from his pubic area to his belly button. Aziraphale's mouth stayed open for a bit, heat pooling in his stomach before he regained his composure and kept his conversation with the customer going as if nothing happened. Crowley got the book and handed it to the customer and gave him a forced sympathic smile.
«Here's your...Encyclopedia. Take good care of it and please, return it in time.»
The sympathy in his voice was definitely forced, Aziraphale could hear it, but he didn't make any comment about it. He simply agreed to what Crowley said as the customer left. Before he could leave for another client, Aziraphale discretely miracled a duster and handed it to him. Crowley arched an eyebrow.
«I'll take care of the customers now! Oh, and there are a few books that I need you to place in lower shelves, if you might, pretty please.»
The angel's words were fast, almost slurred, and the ginger didn't even had time to say anything that he was handed the cleaning device. His eyebrows furrowed at Aziraphale's behavior, and he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. He didn't complain, he just wanted the day to be over soon, and maybe drink with his angel to celebrate the end of it. Aziraphale stared as he walked to another customer, it was a chance that he could do two things at a time. Crowley didn't tuck his shirt back into his pants, and the blonde truly thought that it was a real miracle. Crowley could feel Aziraphale's eyes, and while he was picking up books and dusting the now empty shelves, he turned his gaze to Aziraphale, and despite his glasses being on and his poor eyesight, he could see his head turned to him. The angel looked away to concentrate on the client when Crowley looked at him, and the wheels worked inside the demon's brain. He looked down at himself, and noticed how his shirt was slighty raised. He got back on the flat of his feet, and he put the book back into the shelf, making sure that the author's last name started with the letter "T".
The last customer left the bookshop, and Aziraphale, with a sigh, closed the door and turned the sign over to indicate that the shop was closed. Crowley was laying on the couch, his legs spreaded awkwardly on both of the arms of the couch. He made sure that his happy trail was visible, he wanted to be sure that it was what Aziraphale was staring at. Crowley broke the silence first, making the angel turn over:
«Why was there so much people today?»
Crowley groaned and shifted, his right ankle going to his left knee. Aziraphale stepped closer to the couch Crowley was on. He was focused on the books Crowley stored for him, just to make sure that with everything that was going on at the same time, the ginger put them at the right place, so he answered without looking at him:
«Perhaps the bookshops close to mine were closed for some reasons.
–Well, I hope for you that they will all return the books, because if one of them don't bring one back, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised.»
Aziraphale finally looked at Crowley, and he gave a soft smile. Without even wanting it, the demon was showing that he cared, more than he wanted to. Crowley stared at Aziraphale for a moment, and his eyes followed as the angel's gaze fell to the hair on his tummy for a second, before he looked back into Crowley's eyes, trying to hide the fact that his blue orbs had wandered to another place. Crowley couldn't hide the smirk that tugged at his lips, and with his big mouth, he couldn't help but point it out in the most gentle tone he could:
«You're looking down, angel. Aziraphale's eyes widened, he feigned innocence, and he was failing beautifully.
–Wh- No! No, I'm not, it would be nonsense to...
–Oh, you were definitely looking.
–I was not!!!»
Aziraphale insisted, his cheeks puffing as they were getting tinted with a gorgeous tint of pink. Crowley laughed hoarsely, and couldn't help but tease him further, after all, his reactions were immaculate.
«Why would you deny it? I saw you, caught in the act. Several times!
–It's all in your head, Crowley.
–Oh, come on! We're in a relationship, I won't judge you for looking at my bottom!
–I was not looking at your bottom! I was looking higher!»
Crowley's grin widened, and Aziraphale realized the mistake he just made. He whined with embarrassment:
«Oooh, dear...!
–Told ye, angel. Caught in the act.»
Aziraphale stayed silent for a moment, and Crowley started to get concerned. He knew that the angel could get sensitive sometimes, and he didn't want to make him sad. Crowley used the arms of the couch to help himself standing up, and with a sigh, he crossed his arms and apologized:
«I'm sorry, Aziraphale. I pushed it a little far by teasing you, I shouldn't have.»
The only thing that came out Aziraphale's throat was a cough, and it was Crowley's time to look down.
The two beings never had sex, they made their relationship official not that long ago, but nothing really happened. The kisses were quick, because they never had the time to prolong it, but it never went further.
They were touch-starved.
Six-thousand years yearning for each other and now that they were officially together, nothing happened yet and it was torture for the both of them, because it was obvious that they craved the touch of the other.
Aziraphale pushed Crowley back against the couch, his hand firmly pressing against his chest as he straddled both of his thighs. The demon was taken aback, he noticed Aziraphale's hard-on and everything clicked in his mind. It was probably the real reason of why he was so embarrassed, because he had being turned on the whole day and Crowley teased him at the worst time. His hands went to Aziraphale's hips, and he held them tightly. He was still timid about touching him, his hands were shaking, and he had no clue of what to do with them. The angel leaned in, and he whispered, so low that if there still had been customers, Crowley would've had trouble hearing:
«Can I kiss you?»
Crowley frowned, what kind of question was that? He couldn't hold it anymore, he needed to feel Aziraphale close to him. He needed to feel his touch , he needed their bodies to mingle together.
«Don't hold back.»
When Crowley finished his sentence, Aziraphale's lips crashed against his. The kiss was messy, desperate. They had both closed their eyes as they tasted the feelings of the other on their tongues. Aziraphale's shaky hands unbuttoned Crowley's short jacket so the access to his tummy would be easier. Crowley helped him by sitting up and taking off the clothes that were covering his upper body. His breath was ragged, and he lifted a hand up to take off his glasses and abruptly throwing them on the floor. Aziraphale's hands fell to Crowley's waist, he groped at it, and rubbed his tummy with his thumb. God, he wanted to worship his body. Crowley slumped back into the couch with his face flushed, and Aziraphale got off his thighs to drop on his knees before Crowley. The ginger almost moaned at the sight, and he covered his face with a hand as Aziraphale started to kiss his tummy, his lips planting kiss everywhere, especially around the trail of red hair. His teeth sank into his hip, eliciting a low groan from Crowley. Aziraphale tilted his head up after leaving the purple bruise on his hip.
«Would you look at me, please, Crowley?»
Crowley couldn't help but obey, he looked back at Aziraphale through heated eyes, and the angel smiled at him.
«Very nice. I just want you to look at me when I want to say how pretty your whole body is.»
Crowley nodded as he mumbled under his breath. He couldn't get a single word out, he felt too overwhelmed by Aziraphale's presence, and all he could focus on was the fact that his lover left a mark over him. It was a simple thing, but it made the butterflies in his tummy crazy. Aziraphale's hands slid down to Crowley's thighs, making his breath hitch. The angel slowly unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his leather pants and gently pulled them down, encouraging Crowley with his eyes to arch his back a bit to help him take them off along with his underwear. Aziraphale swallowed and took a shallow breath, closing his eyes to compose himself. Crowley was burning everywhere, his face and his whole body. He felt like he was going to burn, literally. He didn't dare to look at Aziraphale as he wrapped a hand around Crowley's hard cock, pumping it up and down gently at first with his eyes closed. He half-opened them, and he was pleased to see that Crowley was already whirthring beneath his touch. It was obvious that he waited for this, that he was hungry for Aziraphale's touch. Aziraphale ran his thumb over the head of Crowley's member, and it made the demon's thighs jolt. His breath was heavy and he was holding his whimpers in his throat, and Aziraphale was determined to get the noises out of him. His hand worked faster around Crowley's dick, then he rubbed rapid circles with his palm over his tip. He repeated the process until Crowley whimpered, even as he tried to keep his moans manly, he failed and the moans turned into ragged low whimpers.
«Does it feel good? Aziraphale asked softly, his blue orbs never leaving Crowley's yellow eyes.
–Ngk...Yes...Feels good. Crowley breathed out.
Aziraphale covered the hand that was working on Crowley with his other hand, warming his cock even more. Crowley whined and bucked his hips up, his vision blurring by moments. Aziraphale jerked off Crowley without stopping, his movements were rapid, and he didn't show any signs of stopping down.
Crowley grabbed the arms of the velvet couch with both of his hands and chased his release, his moans grew short and breathy, and he ended up chasing his own release.
«That's it, Crowley, you're doing good. You're almost there.»
Aziraphale was not certain, because he was making someone cum for the first time, but he could feel Crowley's dick throb, and his desperate breathing was also a sign that he was very close. Crowley closed his eyes in pure bliss, Aziraphale's praise only fueled his pleasure, and he couldn't believe that it felt so good. His heart pounded hard into his chest, and his thighs shook. He didn't know what was happening to him, but he understood when he ejected his release with a loud curse and his lover's name on his tongue:
"Oh fuck! Aziraphale!"
The angel slowed down his movements as his hands got coated with cum. He licked his lips who suddenly felt very dry, and he looked at Crowley, who was whining as he kept cumming. He bucked his hips up to ride out of his orgasm, and he caught his breath, who was still very loud. Aziraphale stood up, his knees ached slightly, but he wanted to make sure that Crowley was okay. It was a godsend that he always kept a box of tissues on his desk. He grabbed one and cleaned his hands as best he could, then he turned back to Crowley.
«Are you feeling okay? Aziraphale couldn't hide the concern in his voice.
–I'm fine... I'm fine... Crowley reassure him.»
Aziraphale leaned down to kiss Crowley on the cheek, and he couldn't help but also kiss his lips. Crowley willingly leaned into the kiss.
"What about you...? Crowley asked, his head tilting to the side.
–What about...- What? Aziraphale was oblivious. His own erection was straining in his pants, but he didn't know at all what to do, and he was too flustered to ask Crowley to return the favor. Crowley patted his lap, his gaze caring.
–C'mere angel, 'm gonna take care of you.»
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yumeka-sxf · 2 days
Just saw your post about the Spy x Family timeline!
It's so cool that we got the age Loid joined the army, and his rough age when the war started.
Honestly, I think this might mean that Loid is older than Yor and perhaps in his early thirties.
I'm basing this on:
1. He was 16 when he joined (too young)
2. When he reunited with his friends, they weren't shocked that he was in the army (just that he was a sergeant), which means that Loid had to have been 18 or older (plus his friends commenting that he grew up significantly, fitting if he became closer to a young man)
3. Loid was a spy for ten years after his enrollment in the army.
So in my own interpretation, Loid is at his youngest 28 and his oldest.......... well, we don't actually know haha.
If the date of fifteen years that Martha and Henry mention in the military cemetery means the end of the war, then he's 33.
But then again this is just interpretation. Maybe the war began when Loid was 8, maybe when he was 12, maybe he served five more years before becoming a spy. Who knows.
Though I think we can conclude that it is more than likely older than Yor, as this would enable him to 1. Have enough military experience and 2. Have enough skill in the various knowledge and missions he partook him (including inflitration jobs which can take multiple months, if not years)
So yeah. Loid is 31 for the win, baby!
Oooh, all good points! I'm honestly not very good at theorizing and piecing together timelines...I like to leave that up to people who are good at it, like you, lol 😅 But yes, I agree with your interpretations. I also believe that Loid is a bit older than Yor, probably in his early thirties.
And in case anyone missed it, this is the timeline post being mentioned in the Ask (an extra page from volume 14).
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yandere-daze · 9 months
Helloooooo I saw this post talking abt the camera function in Enstars and like seeing as how you were also kinda?? Mentioned..I HAVE COME TO ASK ABT WHAT YOU THINK
https://www.tumblr.com/valeriele3/714412939822678016/because-of-the-yanderedaze-post-i-just <- The post lol
I personally never even KNEW there was a camera function. Like, what?? There was one???
I would love to randomly ramble abt it in your inbox but I’m at 2% so..I think I’ll just read your thoughts or rambles abt this topic instead ahakdhsknsks
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Hiya, welcome!! Oooh it´s actually been quite a while since I last wrote something for the self-aware Au.
I actually talked about the camera function before in this post!
I also still can´t believe that there´s a camera function in the game, it seems so out of pocket lmao.
gn reader
tw yandere, stalking, spying
But the idols in your phone count themselves lucky that it exists, otherwise it would be really hard to figure out what you look like. Of course, they will love you no matter what but they can´t help but be curious all the same. Their darling player must be the most wonderful looking person in existence!
So please just. give them permission to spy on you, okay? I mean if you hit accept when the game asks you for permission to use your camera then you´re kind of inviting them to take a look, aren´t you? They´re just so curious to see what you and your world look like. Maybe they´ll even catch a glimpse of some enstars merch in your room! They might just die from happiness if they saw you collecting their merch.
Please let them be part of your world!
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