#ooops sorry pretend this is on time
cosmodynes · 8 months
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we love despite the inevitable (we open our hearts to it)
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sofasoap · 7 months
Lastochka AU - Seven Seas - 1
Pairing : Nikolai x F!Reader ( OC/Mini MacTavish)
Summary: Going against the odds of society's expectation and prejudice, you made a name for yourself as Lady Fortuna of the sea. but one day ....
AU to my Lastochka series
WARNING: Mature Theme. swearing. violence. inaccurate period/historical depiction. or languages. or facts. everything.
A/N : Well, I started another AU. Thanks to @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot's mouth frothing render of Buccaneer!Nikolai. Please go check out her wonderful renders and story :D and oh... this was suppose to be part of the 141 challenge ooops I was tooooo late. sorry @glitterypirateduck! oops.
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Credit : @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot
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“Pirate! Starboard!!” 
“Captain! They are getting closer!!” 
You knew this wasn’t going to be an easy journey. You had a hunch about it the moment you boarded the ship.  And usually your hunch never fails you. 
“That’s a Schooner. They might look small, but they will catch up to us no matter what we do. We will never outran that ship.”  you heard the Captain mumbling, as he looked through his telescope, trying to identify the ship.  
Putting down the telescope he sighed. “The only chance of escaping is to face them.”
Treasurer might be a government commissioned ship, but being a merchant ship and designed to carry cargo and goods, it was never equipped with the heavy cannon or artillery like the naval battle ship. A chill runs down your spine. They have no choice but let the pirate board the ship and fight them in close combat. 
“Arm yourself! Ready for battle!” The Captain yelled at the crews,before he turned around and escorted you back to your resting quarter. “Lady MacTavish, you will be safer down there than up here. Go.” 
You wanted to argue with him but you know better than disobeying a Captain’s command. 
This is probably the first time you have met with real danger on the sea after years of sailing. 
You started sailing with the merchant ship from the day you became of age. 
You have begged and bribed your father for years to be a passenger to sail on one of the merchant ships that sails from Port Inbhir Nis to London, delivering the orders of whisky and woven goods from your parent’s distillery and farm to the clients down south.
“Please Da! I have never been to London before! Besides, Johnny will be there too, you have nothing to worry about.” you begged. 
Lord MacTavish sighed. Putting down the document he was reviewing, he leaned in, clasped his hand and frowned. He looks straight into your eyes, tries to reason with you. 
“You know how superstitious the crews are about taking women onboard a ship…” he started.
“I can pretend to be a man!” you countered. 
“Not that easy you know..” 
“I got an idea!” you clap your hand together, as another excuse comes up. “Social season is starting soon in London, So…”
“You can get there by land….”
“Will be too late. You know how long it takes! Plus my bottom will be so sore by the end of the journey…”  
“Language, Mini.” your father warned. “You've never been on a ship or boat before..” “River boat Da, I've been on a river boat once.” “Fine. once. But the open sea is a totally different business. The unforgiving waves, the danger…” 
“Da. After growing up with Johnny, do you think anything will faze me?”
“... True.” 
“Just remember to behave a bit more like a lady….”  not waiting for him to finish his words, you surge forward and give him a big hug. 
“Oh thank you Da! Thank you!” you pepper kisses on your father’s face, all excited. You knew your father wouldn’t say no to you. You have always been the jewel in their eyes, their precious little gem. You were brought on in a very unconventional way compared to the other noble ladies. Sure, you have learn how to read, write, etiquettes, languages and sewing like other girls, but you also run around like a wild goose with your older brother Johnny, learning how to fight, use swords and roll around in mud, climbing trees, all the un-lady like things you can think of? You’ve done it. 
“I hope I am making the right decision… Now just try to convince your Ma…”He mumbled as he patted your back. 
He manages to find a merchant ship that is willing to take you onboard, after paying a nice sum of money to the Captain and the crew to take a young lady and a few of the servants onboard with them.  
When you reached London at the end of the journey, the Captain was amazed how smooth sailing the trip was.
“I have been going up and down this stretch for the last fifteen years, I have never,ever had a more uneventful but smooth sailing journey than this!” 
Second, third, and fourth journey was the same. Rumours started to spread that contrary to the superstition, you were a lucky charm, a sure guarantee for a fast and safe journey.
Suddenly everyone is fighting to take you onboard. To your parents’ surprise. They would have thought you will be giving up on the “sailor’s game” by now but instead you have come home with your brother blabbering how much fun you had and all the invitations you have received from various Captains for more journeys in the future. 
They reluctantly let you continue on after they discovered people were willing to pay good money to have you onboard. You were also helping to manage your father’s business by dealing and expanding clientiles in London, also sometimes going across the channel, into the continents. 
You slowly made a name for yourself not just being Lady MacTavish, but Lady Fortuna, lady luck, the one who brings good fortune and safety for anyone who travels with you. 
Gossips spread within the social circles. Good gossip, bad gossip.
Good gossips of how other ladies are envious of you, how much freedom your parents gave you despite being a lady, being a woman. 
Bad gossips of how you must have slept around to gain so many favours and names amongst the merchants and sailors, how you were only just a northern barbarians 
But you ignore the rumours. You were just happy you have become an independent woman. Even with reassurance from Johnny he would look after you in the unfortunate event of both of your parents passing, you don’t want to be dependent on anyone. You don’t want to be a burden. What if Johnny’s future spouse hates you and kicks you out of the house? 
How many times have you witnessed yourself the stories of young ladies with not a penny under their name, ditched by their siblings after their parents passing, nearly ending up on the street. You were glad she was in the position of wealth and social status to reach out to help resettling those girls, helping them to find a respectable job to bring in some income.
You are proud of what you have managed to achieve. And you are thankful for your family’s support, no matter how reluctant they are at the beginning.
And for years, things have been peaceful… until today.
Well, if your father knows the dire situation that is happening right now, he probably regrets the decision he made way back to them to let you step onto ships. 
The sound of crews yelling and running around on the main deck was getting more frantic as the minute went by. 
Your poor young maid huddles in the corner of the room, shaking and sobbing. This was the young girl’s first time on a ship, after hearing your reputation, she eagerly volunteered to accompany you on the journey, never expecting to be in such a dire situation. 
“Aye, to hell. I cannot just sit here like a damsel in distress…” you came to the conclusion after pacing up and down in the small room while listening to the yelling and screaming up on the deck. 
You open your trunk and throw all the clothes onto the bed as you dig right to the bottom. 
“Ah here it is.” you dragged the Claymore out from the bottom of the trunk. You never thought this day would have come. Johnny had insisted you pack the sword for each of your travels (to your Ma’s aghast). 
“I just wish I never have to use this thing…” 
“Neither do I, my dear sister. But, if anything happens, I wouldn’t be there to protect you, but it comforts me that you will be well equipped, and show those enemies what a Scottish lass can do.” 
“Here, take this.” You shove the fork and knife that was left on the table from meal time into your crying maid’s hands. “Lock and block the door after I go out, and go hide under the bed or closet. Understand??”
“But my Lady…” 
“That’s an order. Follow it.” you gave her no room to argue and marched out the door.
You storm up the staircase, dragging the sword behind you. You pushed open the double door that leads towards the upper deck. 
You were greeted with the chaotic sight of yelling, screaming and the metal sound of swords clashing together. No one seems to have noticed you emerging from the door as they were all focused on fighting their enemies. You would be lying if you said you aren’t scared witless. But what else can you do? You are in the middle of the sea, nowhere to escape, instead of hiding in the cabin and crying about your imminent death. You are a MacTavish! Proud Scottish! You will fight until your last breath if you have to.
Qui audet adipiscitur, Audeamus. 
The family motto that has been drilled into your brain. Make your ancestors proud. As your grandfather repeats day in and day out when he was still alive.
Quickly scanning through the deck,you were relieved to see everyone is still alive, if not only slightly injured. Maybe your Lady Luck magic is still working, but for how long you wondered. It wouldn’t be long before a casualty appears if you don’t do something.    
Following the sound of the familiar voice, you spotted the Captain, towards the quarter deck, currently in a deep battle of what seems to be the Captain or the Commander of a pirate ship. 
Quickly mumbling a prayer under your breath, gathering your courage, you hauled the sword up onto your shoulder, silently thanking Johnny’s insistence of dragging you into training with the sword everyday until he ran off to London after purchasing himself an officer position.  
Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and automatically parted ways as they spotted you, a noble lady, with a broad sword that is nearly as tall as you, marching towards the front of the ship, full of purpose, like a highlander marching into her last battle. None of them dared to stop you. 
“Stop the fighting at this instance!” You bellowed out the order. Your Captain’s eyes widened as spotted you over the shoulder of the enemy, dodged out of the way just in time as the enemy tried to aim at his neck. 
The whole ship came into an eerie silence as the fighting came to a halt. Only the sound of crashing waves and seagulls screeching could be heard as everyone turned their attention to you.
You stab the claymore onto the deck floor in front of you, resting your hands on the end of the hilt. 
“My Lady… I told you…” you hold up a hand, silencing the Captain. Giving him a look. I’ll handle this.  
You just hope the plan you have formulated in your brain will work. Even if it comes at a cost. 
The tall man, who you assume is the Commander and Captain of the pirate ship, slowly turned around, while swinging his sword around at the same time, taking aim at your face.
Don’t back down Mini, Don’t back down. You keep reminding yourself as you shuffle your feet wider, standing firm. 
For a second you could see a flash of surprise from his body language. “A noble woman, a Scottish one too.well, that is something new.”  The man smirked, while scanning you up and down. But not in a leering way. You have been enough men to distinguish the difference between someone who is looking at you like a common whore and someone who is trying to suss you out. 
You took a quick glance at him yourself, trying to guess his origin. Eastern European? You deduced from his slight accent. Possibly well educated, for commanding fluent English. Tall, well built with strong arm muscle, slightly dark skinned as all the sailors have from long voyages under the sun, black sleek hair with a slightly rugged beard. 
Quite a handsome man, you have to admit. 
“Where are my manners?” he took off his traveller's hat, taking an exaggerated bow, all the while still keeping his eyes on you. “ Commander Nikolai, Captain of Chimera, Privateer, at your service.” 
“Privateer..” you mumbled. “sleekit basturts.” Trying to make himself sound more grand than a pirate is he? 
“What was that?” He smiled, but you know the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“Nothing.” you rolled your eyes. 
You returned the greeting, announcing your name and clan name. “... of Clan MacTavish.” you said proudly. You could see a flash of confusion followed by recognition in his eyes. Has he heard of your family before? But where could he have heard it from? 
“I have a proposition for you.” you tilt your head, ignoring that question you have in your head, and putting your plan into motion. 
He cockily raised an eyebrow as he lowered his sword, suddenly taking interest in what deals you have to offer. 
“Take me instead. And whatever cargo you want. All I ask is for you to let my crew go, with enough food and water for them to sail to the nearest port.” 
“My lady!!!” Your Captain and any crews that were close enough to you gasped, shocked by the idea and protesting. You turned your head to look at him for a few seconds, giving a stern look. Please trust me on this. You pleaded with your eyes.
“Keeping a woman onboard? Bah! That will certainly bring bad luck! I mean look at what happened.. “ one of the pirates with .. what seems to be a sack or cloth over his head, waved his hand and laughed. Your crew booed and jeered at the idiot who clearly hadn't heard of your reputation and the luck you have brought for them. 
You ignored his jeering and took a step closer to the Pirate’s Captain, “Give me one month, and I can prove to you, I can bring you more money and luck you wish for. If not, feel free to go ahead and ask my parents for a ransom.” you tilt your head up confidently. Or try to act confidently. You were actually panicking and formulating alternative plans if he doesn’t accept the offer. Maybe you should have just swung your sword and chopped his head off just now when you had the chance. 
But some weird part of your heart told you not to do it. That intuition you always trust. 
This man might have some use to you later on. You decided. 
“So, what do you think?” you pushed him again. 
Nikolai stared at you with a serious expression on his face, calculating all the odds. 
“You.. you agree?” you replied, with surprise in your voice. 
“Why are you so surprised?” he laughed at your shocking expression.  
You made an unlady-like face, “Because you are my enemy? The one who attacked us? A pirate?”
“You never have to be scared of me, Lady MacTavish, I might be a Privateer…”
“Pirate.” You reiterate it again. “You just ransack a merchant ship that is technically owned by The crown, so you are not a privateer.”
“Fine, Pirate. I might be a pirate, but I do have a set of  morals and standards I follow.”
“Is that so? Maybe you should be weary of me instead, Captain.” you smirked. “You never know if I might just poke your eyes out during your sleep.”
“You are not brave enough to do that.” he taunted. 
“Watch me.” you smiled, taking a step forward and jabbing his chest with your finger, deliberately digging your nail into his flesh. “What MacTavish promises, MacTavish will do.” 
Johnny MacTavish waited at the port with excitement. He hasn’t seen his sister for a few months, and was quite eager to see her again. 
But what shocked him and his friends and fellow soldiers when they saw the Treasurer finally docked at the port days behind schedule, with no cargo to unload, only with a very dejected and injured crew walking off the ship.
Without you. 
Johnny rushed towards the Captain of Treasurer, who looked at him with an apologetic expression as he pushed a letter and ring into Johnny’s hand. 
“Please give this to Johnny, along with the letter.” You pushed the gold ring with the family signet along with a hastily written letter into the Captain’s hand. “You and the crew should be alright until you reach the port. The luck should follow with my ring. Not a worry there.”
“My lady…”
“Go. I will be alright. I’ll make sure of that. Oh, please make sure my poor maid is well compensated. I wouldn’t be surprised if the poor girl decided to run away from the job the moment she arrived at the port.” 
Johnny gripped onto the letter with a shaky hand. Pirates!! Pirates have taken his precious sister!!! 
“What is going on here? Where is your sister Johnny?” A gruff voice behind Johnny made him 
“Captain Price..”Johnny took a deep breath and turned towards his own Captain,with the rest of his crewmates following behind him. Johnny took a deep breath in, as calm as he could and slowly explain the situation to him, along with Captain of Treasurer. 
“... Did you say Nikolai?” Captain Price frowned when he heard the name mentioned.
“Of Chimera. Who claims he was a privateer for the Crown.” Captain of the Treasurer added.
“ … Shit.” Captain Price lowered his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “That muppet…” he mumbled. 
Johnny’s eyes flashed with surprise, but before he could ask the question, Kyle Garrick, the young soldier who became fast friends with Johnny since the day he joined, perked up, “Captain.. You know this Privateer.. Or the Pirate that kidnapped Mini?” he asked.
“Worked with him a few times actually. Under the command of the Crown. He is an extremely capable sailor and soldier. People often underestimate how destructive he could be. I am surprised Mini managed to strike a deal with him to let the crew leave with just losing the cargo. ” Price commented.
“Also with her.” Johnny growled. Glaring at the Treasurer’s Captain as he speaks.
“Not his fault Johnny. She made a valiant effort to try to reduce the casualty and losses to minimum. You should have seen her on the deck. Swinging the Claymore around like a true Scottish woman.” one of the crew walked past, trying to defend their Captain. 
Johnny let out a faint smile as he heard the crew describe how you challenged the pirate, the bravery, that's the stubborn Mini he knows.
Johnny shook his head. No, this is not the time to admire his sister’s bravery. Her life and also her… her virtue is in danger here! He looked pleadingly to his Captain, hoping he would come up with a plan or help him to rescue his sister, with or without Crown’s permission. 
“I want to say you should be worrying for your sister but..apart from that muppet shouldn’t have attacked a Crown owned ship.. It’s Nikolai that might be in more danger here.”
“.. HUH.” Everyone looked at Captain Price with confusion. 
“ I am actually more worried for Nikolai…he might have met his match.” Price mumbled cryptically. 
“... I .. I don’t understand, Captain?” Johnny asked, perplexed by his Captain’s words.
“Trust me on this one, Mini should return without harm.” Price patted Johnny’s shoulder. “But we still need to go chase after them.. Stupid idiots need to be reined in before this gets into further trouble with the whole British Isle.”
Oh Mini, what mess have you got yourself into? Johnny wondered. All he knows Ma and Da and their ancestors will be half proud of what you have done but also twist his neck off if he doesn’t get you back to safety fast enough. 
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prompt used for 141 challenge:
Alternate Universe/AU
Enemies to Lovers
You never have to be scared of me
Tag list:
@homicidal-slvt @nrdmssgs @siilvan @roosterr @preciouslittlecreature @gamergirlbones @whydoilikewhump @alypink @ashwasherelol @okayyadriana @liyanahelena @miyabilicious @caramlizedtomatoes @celshideout @merkitty49 @abbeyrjm-blog @shyravenns @okamimarta @gazs-blue-hat
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 10 months
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Francis Drake Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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The woman behind the door was just an ordinary woman.
(Heh? She's got nice eyes.)
Drake: "I'm Francis. Francis Drake."
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Drake: "I just stumbled into this place out of nowhere and have no idea what's going on, so there's no need to be scared, little fawn."
The woman who introduced herself as Mitsuki was trembling like a cornered animal in my arms.
Nevertheless, her gaze as she looked up with determination wasn't all that bad.
Drake: "Haha! Being caught and surrounded like this reminds me of when I was ambushed at sea."
I laughed at my miserable situation as they tied me up with a rope.
When I was still a low-ranking officer on a pirate ship, I was tied up and almost thrown overboard after an altercation with an enemy ship.
Compared to that, being allowed to sit in a quality chair like this was far better treatment.
Drake: "Mademoiselle, sorry for pointing a knife at you earlier. I was on guard, so it just happened. Are you okay?"
Mitsuki: "Y-Yes, I'm fine."
The woman who had been trembling in my arms earlier blinked in surprise as I talked to her casually.
Drake: "I promise not to harm you guys."
(There's no way they'd trust me even if I said that.)
Unlike the woman, there was a tense atmosphere among the men surrounding me.
(The ropes are tied tightly. They also took my knife, so untying them would be impossible.)
(Before that, if I make any suspicious moves, they might attack me first.)
A man with dark hair and a man with an eye patch on either side of me stood guard, as if they were watching over a prisoner.
Aside from the sword at their waist, their demeanor suggests they were used to fighting.
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(In fact, that Napoleon guy is quite skilled.)
I glanced around at everyone present and noticed that there weren't many others used to fighting. However, the ones with golden and amber eyes caught my attention.
(Those two shouldn't be underestimated.)
My intuition told me so.
Napoleon: "Now that we've all calmed down, let me ask again."
Napoleon: "Who are you?"
Drake: "Okay. I guess I should start by introducing myself."
Drake: "I'm Francis Drake. Well, you could say I'm just a simple sailor."
Sebastian: "Francis Drake!?"
The man standing at the edge of the room, who looked like a servant, raised his voice.
Sebastian: "That famous Captain Drake!?"
Drake: "I don't know which 'that' you're referring to, but the 'Captain' part is correct."
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Mitsuki: "Is this guy also a historical figure?"
Sebastian: "Yes. He's an English pirate who rose to the rank of navy admiral."
I was surprised that he knew so much, as he politely told me about my title and achievements.
Vincent: "So, he also crossed over time?"
Theo: "Just because he calls himself Francis Drake doesn't mean he's the real deal."
The man with the same piercing as the man with fluffy blond hair replied with expected skepticism.
Drake: "I can't argue with that."
As I pondered what to do next一
Mitsuki: "I think he's telling the truth."
Mitsuki: "He doesn't seem like he's lying, and it's also strange for someone to pretend to be a historical figure."
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(Ooops? A backup support from an unexpected person.)
Drake: "Heh? You believe me, mademoiselle? That makes me happy."
Drake: "But is it okay to trust someone that easily?"
Mitsuki: "---?"
I casually said something to test her, partly because I wanted to be a little mean about her defenselessness and kindness.
(If she doesn't know how to doubt people, she probably has never been betrayed by anyone before.)
She probably lived a life free of conflict, intrigue, and deception.
Shakespeare: "I guarantee he is the real Sir Francis Drake."
Afterwards, the playwright Shakespeare served as a witness and finally confirmed my identity as Francis Drake.
Drake: "So, is this the lodging for Shakespeare's theater company or something? Are you all members of the troupe?"
Shakespeare: "No, Sir Drake, that is not the case."
Comte: "Will, let me take it from here."
The man with golden eyes approached me.
Comte: "Drake. This is neither a theater company nor England. Furthermore, to put it more clearly, we are in a different era."
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Comte: "This is France in the 19th century."
Drake: "Ha?"
I looked at him, speechless and wide-eyed at what he just told me.
After that, he asked me how I came here, and when I told them that I'd walked alone through the hallway full of antiques, Count Saint-Germain frowned even more, and the other men looked confused.
Mitsuki: "Could it be that Drake, like me, also ended up here from his original time?"
Leonardo: "That's a possibility, but rather than being like you, it might be more accurate to say he's like Napoleon."
Napoleon: "Huh?"
Comte: "I can feel both a human and a vampire presence from you, Drake."
Mitsuki: "Are you saying he's like Napoleon? A half-vampire!?"
My own existence seemed to be causing a lot of confusion after they mentioned the topic of half-vampires.
As thoughts and speculations started spiraling out of control, I raised my hand to put a stop to it and bring everyone's attention back to me.
Drake: "Hold on."
Drake: "I can accept that this is the 19th century, but all this talk about resurrections and vampires is getting crazy. Can you at least tell me more about what's happening?"
Napoleon: "I understand how you feel."
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Mitsuki: "Me too…"
The lady understood and felt the confusion I showed.
Mitsuki: "Comte, I think we need to explain the situation."
Mitsuki: "And since he doesn't have a place to go, why don't we let him stay at the mansion for a while?"
Drake: "........."
(It'd be inconvenient if I got thrown out like this. I need to play my cards right.)
(That young lady over there seems kind, huh?)
Although there were voices of caution coming from the men, they still undid the ropes and allowed me to stay in the mansion.
It was a fortunate turn of events.
Drake: "Anyway, sorry for the terrible first impression. I'll be in your care from now on, so let's all get along."
Mitsuki: "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."
Drake: "You..."
She wasn't scared anymore and was now genuinely smiling.
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Drake: "You're really kind."
(I hope that kindness doesn't lead to your downfall, little fawn.)
On a night when a full moon was floating in the sky, I became a member of the mansion where vampires and "one girl" lived一without me believing in their smiles and words.
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lokorum · 9 months
Bg3 act 1 asks
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHONESTLY at this point everyone here knows that im loko-slowko, slowpokes great grandmother, so what can i say but ₊˚⊹thank you₊˚⊹ for 1. being the sweetest bun in the world and taking your time to ask me about my silly oc!!! and 2. thank you for surviving this month or two while i was replying!!!!! I COULD SAY that i was thinking about my reply but i know better than to pretend to have a braaaaain ( o˘◡˘o)
so!! questions!!!
 tell us about your tav! name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. do you have a headcanon for where they're from? their family? are they a dark urge? or did you choose an origin character? was it an easy decision? (1)
my tav's name - isa or ise!! (with the emphasis on a\e!) 
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their main class is rogue-assassin (tho they're not above unorthodox usage of salami) (in a fight!!!!!) and im still yet to try to play with amazing blood hunter mod!! (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
you can see that in game they are tiefling but thats just because for some reason this head??? this beautiful head??? can be used only on fem!tieflings!!!!!! but thankfully we're blessed with transmask top surgery mod so it just works. i think of them as of sooooomeeeekiiiind offfff elfff??? idk honestly!!! dnd races make me want to cry////////////but the vibe i was going for was "they look like they're 30 yo MAX when in actuality they like 150 ooops" 
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their pronouns - they\he but! they're also mute (guess who grew up roleplaying silent-protagonists from early 2000 and cant get over it? CORVO SHOUDNT TALK BETHESDA OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE????) and not very communicative so i bet no one from the party knows their pronouns.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or name ??????????????????????( l|l⚆ᗝ⚆)
hpphphph i heard people saying "you shouldn't take durge for your first playthrough" and ⚠️REVERSED PSYCHOLOGY ACTIVATED⚠️ FLASHBACKS FROM VTM WHERE EVERYONE TELLS YOU NOT TO PLAY MALKAVIAN ON THE FIRST TRY BUT OFC I DID AND I LOVED IT so yeah no regrets, best decision of 2023 right after playing deltarune (spamton fanart incomiiiiiinnnngggg)    
in short - they are from skyrim any snowy land im faerun, name of which im gonna learn when i'll finally start to gather info together phpphphph sorry!! i 100000% adamant on them traveliong A LOT, but by that i dont mean `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹"5 best luxury boat tours in faerun for you and your questionably looking butler"‧₊˚✩彡 i mean..............................."youre *unexpected gerard way voice:* RAT and youre eating RATS on the boat that looks like its gonna sink. the smell of fish and seaweed is so bad you know you not gonna be able to wash it from your frozen shivering bleeding body. you hide in the boxes, in sacks, in dead people clothes, in everyone's shadows and when you're finally out - your eyes sting from the light and you cry but your cheeks are so cold you cant feel it" kinda tours? 😳🙄
17. what does your character think of withers? 
CURIOUS! isa are very curious about withers and like......they want to touch him?? to know whats up with their skin?? THEY SMELLED HIM HANNIBAL STYLE!!!! i bet they were suspiciously watching him talking with other party members in the camp, while hiding in a bush. PROBABLY WITH ASTARION THAT RAT OH MY GOSH
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honestly if we could have a platonic ship with withers isa would be first in line kissing him on a cheek and taking him on a date (just so this cold-hearted sexy skeleton could dump them later saying "YOuR WheELs Of FaTe TurNEd EvEr tO thE DaRKnesS" or whatever......SO MEAN!!)
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Hello! It’s Winter!! Got another one!
A Joke Gone Too Far
“If you ever hurt her, I swear to ….”
“I won’t!” Emmanuel shouted, trying to get his point across to the stubborn child in front of him.
“But if you ever do, I will make your life a living hell,” Sebastien threatened, acting like the protective son he was. “If you cheat on her ….”
“I love your mother. I’ve loved her from the moment I saw her. There’s no other woman for me,” Emmanuel admitted, hating the feeling of being ambushed at what was supposed to be a nice family gathering. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt Brigitte. “Look, your mother is everything to me, and I’d rather die than cause her a moment’s pain.”
“You’re causing a lot of problems for me and my sisters. Do you not care about us?” Sebastien asked.
“Of course, I care! That was never my intention. I had no idea….”
Hearing the commotion and raised voices, Brigitte raced onto the patio. “What the hell is going on out here? We can hear you inside!”
She looked at her son and then at her boyfriend, both men remained suspiciously quiet.
Tiphaine followed her mom outside, suddenly realizing what had happened. “Oh my God, Sebastien, you didn’t!”
Laughing out loud, he slapped his future stepfather on the back. Instead of understanding what was going on, Emmanuel flinched.
“What is happening?” Brigitte rested her hands on her hips, looking at both children with anger and frustration. “Speak!!! One of you!”
Tiphaine looked at the ground, “Sebastien thought it would be funny if he teased and playfully threatened Emmanuel.”
“How is that funny? I can’t believe you did that.” She grabbed Emmanuel’s hand and pulled him into the house, needing to get away from her kids as quickly as possible. Apologizing profusely on behalf of her children, she held onto him tightly.
“It wasn’t that bad, Brigitte. He was just being a protective son,” Emmanuel smiled. “I deserved the harsh warning - even if it was a planned joke.”
“You’re too kind, but I won’t tolerate this behaviour from anyone - especially not from my children!” Brigitte was fuming at the stunt Sebastien had pulled.
As the couple sat on the couch, no longer wanting to join the kids outside, they heard the patio door slide open. Tiphaine and Sebastien had their heads bowed. “Manu, I am sorry.”
“I forgive you!” He smiled. However, Brigitte refused to make eye contact with her son. Instead, she kept her focus on the television, pretending he wasn’t there.
“I am sorry Maman,” Sebastien apologized. “It was just a joke that went too far. You know how much I love Manu.”
“Then act like it. Jokes like that are not funny.” Brigitte huffed before storming off to her bedroom.
She knew how much Emmanuel struggled, wondering if her children liked him. It was she who consoled him when he felt inadequate joining her family.
Lying on the bed, she heard a light knock on the door. “Come in, Emmanuel.”
He laughed when he stepped inside, “how did you know it was me?”
She smirked, “I know every sound you make, honey.”
Grabbing her hand, he pulled her off the bed. “Don’t be mad at the kids. Honestly, the banter made me feel like part of the family. Once I knew he was kidding, I actually found it funny.”
Kissing his lips, she grinned, “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
Emmanuel pressed his body against hers, wondering if he had enough time to work off her stress. “Can you spare 15 minutes for your boyfriend?”
“How about this — I’ll kick the children out and give you all my minutes.”
Helloo Winter! ❤️
Hahaha ooops Sebastien tried to be funny and didn’t work out that well 😅 But so adorable that Emmanuel was super understanding and was trying to soften Brigitte to forgive him!
Thank you so much, Winter! ❤️❤️❤️
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chloeangelic · 9 months
So in my mind, rendezvous reader is just like fuck it. Fuck it all and she gets a job in New York and moves there where she meets finally sober Dieter Bravo (he’s a New York guy in my mind lmao) and he falls head over heels for her and she for him. And they get together and live the good life together and reader doesn’t go back to her hometown because just yikes @ everything there and she and Dieter are just happy in New York.
And Joel sees her in magazines with Dieter every time he’s at the grocery check out and he pretends it doesn’t bother him but it does sting a bit every time and he tells himself he’s not gonna look next time but he does still look for her face in them and then he gets pissed every time he sees Dieter next her and sees what they’ve been up to (thanks paparazzi 🙄)
The end!
lmao sorry for essentially making fanfic of your fanfic but I’ve been in a Dieter mood and can’t handle angst and unhappy endings ooops 🤭
hey i love a fanficception
the only issue is that i still havent watched the bubble (my bf has to help me download movies and shit lmao) HAHA however i do appreciate the thought youve put into this and i do think you should write your own crossover fic using that concept
i wouldnt say it has an unhappy ending actually, now that its all planned out, its just... not... her and joel together happy, if that makes any sense
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Aww hey besties :D
Lol Cheers xD
Ooope nope Jacob doesn't want him to xd
Jacob this looks really suspicious towards You Know What but I'm gonna keep holding out hope xd
It's gotta be a mislead it's gotta be a mislead it's gotta be a mislead please it's gotta be a mislead 😭
As in it has to be please :'))
Also I just realized the detail/irony that the sub took of the bowtie when he left 💀 xD like he didn't tie it on SLFJFHKS XDD this show is so good oh my gosh
ALSO just realized that Jacob could be thinking Gregory's lonely without Janine/sad over her o.o 👀 xD like I genuinely think that could be an explanation
I am denial but I believe in myself :') it'll be okay lol
Believe as in I think I could be right in my denial
Anyway! Continuing on now that I did some things I had to do and got more food
"Water because the drinks here are pricey" 💀 XD Jacob that's such a mood though lol
Jacob no xD
I feel like that would either make him super hyper or, very tired lol
It's because he has a project/deadline he's working on :)!! That's all :D
I swear Jacob please don't continue to elaborate and make this less vague for me
They go through a rough patch and Gregory thinks they broke up but it turns out they made up
please guys I need this
Don't do this to me xD
Okay I've spent too long focus (and time but there was a break lol) on the first 20 seconds of this scene xD
I need to get through this I can live I can do it lol
Exactly Gregory it's no big deal :D you're so right for that man :))))))
"Didn't nobody tell you to stay out of gay folks business?" SLDJFHDKS xDD also Jacob as if you don't over share literally every second of the day
I suspect he might be joking though xD
Also maybe this'll mean he won't elaborate 👀👀
Ah so that's an actual saying xD I thought Gregory was gonna believe him for a second lol
Guys I'm so scared
They're gonna be fine they're gonna be fine they're gonna be fine
Especially because they're telling it now so they wouldn't dare break them up after an episode of trying to figure it out/fix it
. . . would they :')
O.O Okay Jacob chill xD
He looks angry xd
See I'm laughing to hide the pain :')
Okay I need to stop thinking about the future and just enjoy the angst for now lol
Awww Jacob :((( honey 😭 :'(
It'll be alright <3 I don't think it'll be those stages lol
A month??
Oh no longer, two months?-
No wait don't say like a year-
SIR 😭😭😭💔
Okay I don't want you to but why have you not broken up already 😭 xd you idiots xD
Also that reminds me of the "a year. . plus another year" when he first mentioned Zach xD :') :') (first is sweet second is help me please) 😭❤️💔
Yeah exactly Gregory xD
Don't you dare say pretending to still be into each other don't you dare-
He's over exaggerating :)) yeah this is fine :))
Okay right enjoy the angst in the moment xd
I'll have two reactions each time lol; one long term one right now xD
Jacobbb honeyyy 😭😭 :((
If it's bc he wants the stability bc Trauma I swear I'm gonna lose it-
In a mostly good way xD
AYY Jacob slay :D
Wait he's been missing hasn't he- YUP SLFKGHSKS
My boy <33
Also that nod/look at the cameraman just reminded me he's there and that makes it hurt so much worse somehow :')
I swear if this entire episode is Gregory helping Jacob plan how to break up with Zach I'm gonna lose it-
Maybe in doing all that he'll realize how much he still loves him :'))
Sorry guys I'm not okay xD
OKAY LOL back to the rest of the episode after that one and a half minute scene xD 💀
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tiklart · 3 years
can you plss do renga t-word art for reqs! I love ur artwork btw!
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OOOP *throw this at you and pretends like I didn’t just miss like the past 10 days🧎🌚”
Sorry goooys I’m on vacation right now, so I don’t have a lot of time BuT I’ll try to make up the days I missed 😩✋
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ANYWAY these two own my heart 💜 thank you for the request Anon!! Hope you like it <3
Based on this prompt list btw
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inseongsfoxybae · 3 years
Bon appetit!
Pairing: Boyfriend Jaeyoon + Female reader; established relationship
Genre: Smut + Fluff
Warnings: Sex on the kitchen, handjob, a quick blowjob, oral, unprotected sex (reader’s on birth control), a bit of overstimulation, creampie + after care
Words: +2,1k
Author’s message: Hey, foxies! Jae’s chapter for Good Morning Series is finally here after 84 years hehe. Well, I don’t have much to say about this, just hope you enjoy it! Foxy kisses 😘
P.S: As english is not my mother language, it may contain misspelled. Also, sorry for any other mistakes :)
Synopsis: There’s not better way to start the day than make love with the man you love the most. More than that, be his breakfast *ooops*
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You slowly open your heavy eyelids to the bright light entering through the windows of your bedroom. A smile forms on your lips when you look at Jaeyoon soundly asleep next to you, memories of your steamy night causing your cheeks to burn. 
You glance down your body and analyze the purple love bites your boyfriend had left, chuckling softly at the thought of him marking his territory on you. Your legs are still a bit weak when you get up and walk to the bathroom to take a quick shower, getting ready for a new day. 
Wearing only a shirt of Jaeyoon, you leave the bedroom and lazily head to the kitchen to make breakfast before waking him up. You wanna try to make pancakes by yourself for the first time, just to treat your lovely boyfriend who always surprises you with delicious breakfasts in bed on his day offs. 
You smile sweetly while cooking, humming some happy song Jaeyoon likes to sing for you, attentive to the pan heating up on the stove before you, when you feel a pair of strong arms wrapping around your waist.
“Good morning, babygirl”, Jaeyoon sweetly whispers in your ear, resting his chin on your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
“Good morning, love”, you say back, turning your head to the side to kiss the tip of his nose.
“What are you doing?”, he asks, glancing at the little mess on the counter.
“Pancakes. I wanted to wake you with breakfast in bed, so why did you already get up?”, you complain, your lips forming a small pout.
“Sorry, bae”, he chuckles, watching your sulking expression. “But, since I'm here, let me help you with that”, he offers, pecking your cheek before moving to your side.
That’s when you properly look at him and get shocked by the sight before you, a little squeal escaping from your throat. Jaeyoon is walking around your home completely naked, just the way he dozed off last night after a long sex session with you. 
Your boyfriend observes you with puppy eyes, like he was the most innocent living being in the universe, before cracking a cocky smirk of who knows that affects you. You clean your throat and try to bring your attention back to the pancakes on the stove. 
You’ve been dated for a good amount of time so far and you’ve already seen him naked hundreds of times before, but it seems you’ll never be used to this, he still moves you like the first time. Even being normal to him wearing nothing when you’re just chilling alone at home, his exposed sculptured body still affects you. A lot. 
“Is something wrong, babe? You look nervous all of a sudden”, he innocently asks, trying to find your eyes as you hide your burning face into your hands.
“Why do you do this to me?”, you whine, turning off the stove before your breakfast gets burnt. 
“What?”, Jaeyoon mischievously inquires, getting closer to you. 
“This… all of this”, you point to his body extension, avoiding his gaze.
“C’mon, Y/N! Aren’t you used to this yet? After all this time?”, he teases, upper body leaning down to reach the same level of your face. 
Shyly, you shake your head negatively, causing him to laugh. 
“Do I still affect you so much?”, he whispers in your ear, arms slowly snaking around your tiny frame, pulling you to him. 
Your hands instinctively land on his chest, his toned muscles and warm skin making a heated wave run over your spine and your breath suddenly gets stuck on your throat. 
You raise your head and that’s when you realize how close his face is from yours. Suddenly, you feel his warm breath on your lips and the soft sensation of his kisses on you, melting between his strong arms. At this moment, you’re not shy or nervous anymore, all you can feel is him. 
Jaeyoon slowly parted from your mouth, resting his forehead on yours, fingers softly rubbing your back, both of you a bit dizzy from the kiss. 
“Feeling better now?”, he sweetly murmurs, leaning back to look at you. 
Instead of answering, you start to move your hands up and down his chest and abs, amazed by how wonderful his body is, glancing down his body to see his still soft member. Looking up, your eyes meet and you both smile.
“I know a way to make this much better”, you simply say with sparkle eyes. Jaeyoon immediately gets your sign and chuckles. 
“I thought we were going to have breakfast”, he pretends innocence, but his body is already reacting to your request as you feel his member twitching and his hands sneaking into your shirt, stopping when they feel you’re not wearing panties. “I see that was your plan since early, babygirl'', he laughs slapping your butt, a small squeal falling from your lips.
Jaeyoon kisses you again, hungrier this time, fingers traveling over your skin under his shirt you’re wearing. Your hands go down his chest and stomach again, one hand wrapping around his hardening member. Your man chokes a moan into your mouth when you trace the contours of his swollen tip, breaking the kiss to release his uneven breaths. 
It gives you space to freely stroke him in the middle of your kitchen, his soft hisses and moans fanning on your neck, making you even more aroused, almost feeling your wetness dripping down your inner thighs. 
Jaeyoon hides his face in the space where your neck finds your shoulder, allowing himself to get lost in the pleasure only your hands can give to him. You increase the pace on his dick, one fist pumping him fast while the other one massages his swollen balls. Your plump lips find their way to the sweet spots on your man’s neck, licking and slightly biting his soft skin. 
His legs lose their strength for a moment and he has to lean on the counter to keep his balance, eyes shut and mouth opened as both of you feel his high coming. When Jaeyoon’s cock twitches on your hand, you kneel to take him into your mouth and, with a few blows, he releases his hot cum down your throat with a loud moan of your name, fingers carded to your hair.
You swallow all you can of him and get up, watching him struggling to catch his breath. Once he calms down, you kiss him hungrily, making him tasting himself into your mouth, guiding his hand loosely landed on your butt to your wet centre. A gasp escapes from your lips when he gently rubs your folds and finds your clit, slowly massaging it. 
“It’s your turn to feel good, babygirl”, Jaeyoon mumbles against your mouth, grabbing you by the waist and sitting you on the counter, positioning himself in the middle of your wide open legs.
Now, he takes the lead to kiss you passionately, his hot tongue dominating and exploring every inch of your mouth, hands pulling you to the edge of the counter before traveling down your body, tracing the curves of your clothed boobs and tummy, rubbing further down your thighs. 
His digits ghost over your dripping folds again and he brings his wet fingers to his mouth to taste you, a satisfied hum falling from his lips. 
“So sweet. I wanna take a bite of this delicious dessert you have here, babe”, he suggests and you eagerly nod, observing him kneeling down between your legs and burying his beautiful face there. 
You let out a loud moan when he first licks a long strip of your folds, right before attaching his hungry mouth to your swollen clit, kitten licks being mixed with harsh sucks that make your head spin and your breath fail. 
As he works you up, you lean back on the counter top, breathy moans and eyes rolling to the back of your head in pleasure. Jaeyoon was always good at oral, but this time… Wow! He put your feet on his shoulders and now he’s devouring you like you were the most delicious dessert he’s ever tasted.
You lock your fingers to his hair, grinding yourself on his wild mouth. You can’t stop moaning his name like a mantra, feeling closer to your high with every harsh suck he gives you.
The knot on your stomach tightens and you swear you’re seeing stars under your shut eyelids. Your moans and whines get louder and your breath heavier as the overwhelming pleasure is almost unbearable. 
“I’m close”, you weakly announce, losing control of your own body. 
Jaeyoon hums in satisfaction and inserts one finger into your pussy, curling it to reach your g-spot. After a few more pumps, you’re done.
“Jae, ‘m cumming!”, you scream one last time in pleasure as your orgasm washes over you, causing your body to spasm uncontrollably around Jaeyoon’s head, blissful moans echoing through the kitchen. 
He finally lets go of your centre and gets up, all the low part of his face glistening with your juices. Jaeyoon pulls you up to sit properly again only to kiss you feverishly, not giving you a chance to recover your breath properly. 
You taste yourself into the kiss, whining against his mouth when you feel his fingers tracing the shape of your folds again. He shifts a little closer to you and you get surprised at how hard he is, his searing cock pressed between your legs, begging for attention.
One of Jayoon’s hands wraps around his shaft, slowly rubbing his tip against your core. You’re still sensitive from your orgasm and cry out when he aligns himself in your entrance, sliding in until fill you up to the brim. 
His thrusts are quick and deep since the beginning, his hoarse groans are muffled by your hair as he hides his face on your soft locks. You hold onto his shoulders, scratching the searing flesh of his in a desperate attempt to hold back your second orgasm as he mercilessly hits your g-spot repeatedly. 
Jaeyoon leans back a little and chases your lips for a messy kiss, the movements of his tongue as sloppy as his thrusts into you, both of your breathy moans mixing into your mouths. 
He gently pushes you back to lay on the counter, his body following yours, the new angle allowing him to sink even deeper into you, blissful sounds of pleasure escaping from your parted lips. One of his hands reaches for your already abused clit, circling it harshly to rush your high as he feels himself too close to handle much more.
“Y/N”, he calls you through gritted teeth, an announcement of his upcoming orgasm. “Please, cum”.
His desperate request turns on a key into you and the knot in your stomach unheves, making you explode around his cock, his name breaking from your lips multiple times as a loud prayer. Jaeyoon follows you right after, outpouring his seeds into your cunt, his mouth moaning your name in a high-pitched tone of his. 
Jaeyoon puts you sitting again and pulls out of you with a gentle groan, a thick line of both of your juices dripping from your pussy. He softly kisses your forehead while cupping your cheeks, your chests rising and falling quickly as you struggle to recover your breaths. You smile at him, pretty satisfied with the way your day begun. 
“I guess our pancakes cooled down”, you chuckle, glancing at the frying on the stove where your breakfast was long forgotten. 
“Yeah, I think so. But you know? I enjoyed the breakfast we just had more than anything we could eat”, he teases you, grinning brightly at your sudden shy expression, his cute dimples making you melt into him.
“Me too”, you mumbled against his skin while hiding your face in the crook of his sweaty neck. “You’re sticky”, you playfully comment, but don’t leave his embrace.
“You too, silly”, Jaeyoon laughs. “I think we deserve a shower now, huh?”, he suggests and you only hum in response, feeling sleepy out of the blue.
Jaeyoon tugs you in his arms and takes you to the bathroom, where he quickly gets you clean, gently scrubbing your body and scalp to make you relax. Once you’re done and dry, he leads you back to your bed, ready to fall asleep again this morning with you in his arms.
“I love you, honey”, he whispers to you, softly pecking your head. 
“I love you too, bae”, you slowly mumble before dozing off safely cradled on your boyfriend’s chest.
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deep-space-elf · 3 years
Haldir x Reader - Unwanted
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Masterlist: Desktop || Mobile
A/N: Have you ever been annoyed by having a crush on someone? Like “Nope! I really don’t need this right now. Stahp it!”? Because that’s what I’m going through right now. Anyways, this headcanon was actually supposed to be a ficlet, but I just never got around to write it. So I posted it as a headcanon, according to the motto: Better this than nothing. But now I’ve finally found some time and motivation and suddenly I wrote 1700+ words. Well, that a little longer than I thought... Ooops?! 😶 Summary: Y/N is fed up with her crush on Haldir, thinking he’d never return her feelings for him. She plans on doing everything she can to stop this stupid infatuation but thanks to Rúmil her plan is doomed to fail.  Word Count: 1770 Warnings: A little angsty in the beginning  Reader: fem!Reader, Reader is a historian (though it’s only mentioned)
Y/N stomped towards her home, not paying any attention to what was going on around her. Her cheeks were coloured bright red. What was she thinking?! If she wouldn’t be in public, she’d smack her head against the book she was carrying. 
As she reached her home, she closed the door behind herself - trying her hardest not to slam it - and slid down against it. She tossed the book carelessly aside and put her head in her hands. This couldn’t continue, she needed to stop. This was making her nothing but miserable. 
She spent basically the whole morning sitting near the training grounds, pretending to be reading while sneakily watching Haldir train. The longer she was there, the harder it was to pretend. Her eyes wouldn’t stay on the pages and would find the march warden more and more often. 
Eventually, Rúmil would sit down next to her, a smug smile plastered on his face. “So, how’s my brother doing today?” 
The blood rushed towards her face. “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about!” 
Rúmil laughed, a full belly laugh. “Sure, Y/N. Just talk to him. I’m sure it would please him.” 
“Don’t be silly,” Y/N said and stood up. “Why would a march warden be interested in talking to a historian? Anyway, I have to go. Good day, Rúmil.” 
Her friend shook his head. “You’re hopeless. Have a nice day, Y/N and think about what I told you.” 
Y/N groaned, think back at the conversation. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” 
This has been going on for months now. Whenever Y/N had the chance, she would sneak a peek at the handsome march warden. First, she thought it was simply fascinated with his skill and well, perhaps because he was easy on the eyes. But soon she had to come to terms with the fact that she was developing a crush on him. 
Whenever she would see him, her heart would flutter with happiness. Whenever she heard his voice, she got goosebumps. Whenever she was not concentrating, Haldir would occupy her thoughts. It was annoying! 
She was pretty sure that Haldir would never be interested in her that way, and she wished her brain understood that. The more she thought daydreamed about Haldir, the deeper she fell into this rabbit hole. At this point, she couldn’t even remember what it was like when he was not constantly present in her mind. 
She got up from the floor and sighed. This needs to stop! she told herself once more. From tomorrow on, she would stop seeking out every opportunity she could get to see him or him talk. She would preoccupy her thoughts with work and books, so her brain wouldn’t have a chance to come up with another daydream of him and Y/N together. Tomorrow, things will change! 
It was early in the morning when Y/N walked through Caras Galadhon on her way to work. She was early but it would only give her more time to plan out projects and find books she will read in the coming weeks. Her first step on not thinking about him. 
“Y/N!” She turned around and saw Rúmil jogging towards her. 
“Good morning, mellon,” she greeted her friend. “You’re up early.” 
“Haldir wants us to train harder in the coming weeks,” Rúmil rolled his eyes. “You know, because of the surge in orc sightings. Like they would come anywhere close to Lothlórien.” 
“Who knows,” Y/N replied. “Orcs are not exactly the brightest and attack anything and anyone.” 
Rúmil smirked. “Of course you would agree with Haldir.” 
Her cheeks began to colour. “Well, it is a sensible precaution!” 
“Of course,” Rúmil nodded mock-seriously. 
It was her turn to roll her eyes as she poked him in the sides. “Stop it!” 
“Anyway,” he changed the topic, “would you mind coming to the training ground with me? There’s something I like to show you.” 
Y/N hesitated. Normally she would agree immediately. Rúmil was her best friend and when he asked something of her, she would gladly agree. But after her promise to herself yesterday, she wasn’t so sure if going to the training ground was such a good idea. He would be there and inflame another inner turmoil. 
Rúmil nudged her playfully when she didn’t say anything. “Come on, it’ll be great!” 
If she wouldn’t go, Rúmil would know something is up, and probably be a little pest about it. Get a grip! she scolded herself. You can’t bend your whole life around an ellon to avoid him, just because you have a crush on him! 
“All right,” Y/N said. “As long as it won’t take too long.” 
Just go there, see what Rúmil wants to show you and leave. Easy. Any thoughts about him will be squashed immediately!
After a couple of minutes, the two friends arrived at the training ground. The first thing she heard was him shouting commands at the soldiers. Her body reacted before he finished the sentence and sent goosebumps all over her arms. No! No, no, no! Don’t think about it. 
She turned her back towards the training soldiers and looked at Rúmil. “So, what did you want to tell me?”
“Ah, wait here,” he said and vanished in one of the small huts, presumed to be an armoury, next to the ground. 
Behind her, she heard more commands and instructions being shouted. She didn’t even need to turn around to know when they came from Haldir or someone else. Calm yourself, dammit! But eventually, she couldn’t resist any longer, and her head slowly turned towards the source of the voices. There he was. Through the numerous soldiers, she spotted Haldir instantly. To her, he stood out like the moon between the stars. Bright, beautiful and mesmerising. Nothing and no one could compare to him. 
She was so captured by him that she didn’t notice Rúmil returning, or how he rolled his eyes when he saw her staring at his brother once again. “Just talk to him.” 
Y/N jumped. She turned her back towards her friend. A, by now, well-known feeling spreading through her chest - forlornness. “I wouldn’t even know what to say.” 
Rúmil shrugged. “Anything, really. You could talk about-” 
Y/N peeked over her shoulder and saw the march warden had spotted them. Her breath caught in her throat when he was looking directly at her. He patted on of the soldier on the shoulder and made his way towards them. Y/N felt like fainting. 
“Shit! He’s coming over! Hide me, Rúmil!” she said and tried to get behind her friends back. But Rúmil was faster. He grabbed her shoulders and placed her right in front of him. As if this wasn’t traumatising enough for Y/N he waved his brother happily, like nothing was wrong. “Hey, Haldir! Y/N wants to tell you something! I’ll be with you in a moment.” And with that he sprinted towards the changing area, leaving a dumbfounded Y/N behind. 
I really need new friends. Perhaps that should be my next project - sorting out the people that BETRAY me like this! 
Haldir looked after his brother but didn’t seem to be too worried about his weird behaviour. When he turned towards Y/N a soft smile played around his lips. “Lady Y/N, what can I do for you?” 
How can a person even be this pretty? His eyes… oh my, they’re even prettier up close. And he said my name… Oh, right. Think! Say something! Anything!
“Um… nothing really,” Y/N said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Rúmil is just being… Rúmil.” 
She looked down on her feet, not being able to hold his gaze any longer. She could feel her cheeks heating and hoped Haldir wouldn’t see it, or not understanding what caused it. 
“I must apologise for my brother,” Haldir said. “For some reason, he seemed to be set hard on us getting to know better. I am sorry if he caused you any discomfort.” 
Was Rúmil pesting Haldir just as much about her crush on him? That little-
“Oh, now it’s my fault!” Rúmil returned, dressed in his training clothes. He regarded them both with a flat look. “But you’re right, dear brother. I want you two to talk to each other because I know that what you two want!” 
Haldir and Y/N flushed. They both opened their mouths to protest but Rúmil was having none of it. “Nope! No backtalk! For months I’ve heard you two whining that you want to get to know the other but didn’t know how. Well, here it is, the perfect opportunity! I happened to know that you both have nothing planned tomorrow evening, so I friendly suggest - actually, scratch that friendly, you two better follow my advice, or I don’t want to hear about the topic ever again - that you two meet and chat and whatever. Just. Talk. To. Each. Other! It can’t be that hard!” He threw his arms in the air and stomped towards the training ground. 
Haldir and Y/N looked at each other, stunned by Rúmil’s outburst. It was Haldir who broke the silence first. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Rúmil is right, I’d really like to get to know you, Y/N.” 
For a moment Y/N couldn’t believe her ears. She smiled fondly at him. “I’d like to get to know you, too. So… um… tomorrow evening?” she asked and hoped it wasn’t too forward. 
Haldir nodded and Y/N could have sworn his cheeks looked a little red. “It sounds good. I know a nice place… Shall I pick you up, once the sun starts setting?” 
Y/N’s smile grew wider and wider. “Sounds perfect. I’m looking forward to it.” 
“Great,” Haldir said. 
For an outsider, it might have looked like they were having an awkward moment, but for them both it was one of the best moments in their lives. One of many that would follow. They kept on looking at each other for a little while longer, both not believing what just happened. After months of hoping, wishing and dreaming they would finally get to know each other… and hopefully become more than just friends. 
“I’ll see you then,” Y/N eventually said. 
“See you tomorrow, Y/N,” Haldir said and walked back to his soldiers.  
With a wide smile and butterflies in her stomach, she walked to her work. Maybe I don’t have to sort Rúmil out after all. Perhaps he actually deserves a promotion on my friends-list. Better not tell him. It’ll only get to his head. 
Taglist: @velvetmotel97​ 
If you want to be tagged, let me know! :)
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nolaimagines · 4 years
Hey can you do another neglect Mikaelson but different one like the she is the first born child Of Klaus and powerful witch who’s the Mikaelson enemy. And the Mikaelson don’t give her attention or anything basically focus on hope she leaves them and years later their looking for her only to see her married and has kids and is pregnant. The Mikaelson tries to earn her trust but one day hope tries to talk to her and end ups getting. Hurt and the readers husband yells them to stay away from her
I am going to attempt to write this from your point of view (hope that’s okay)
I totally got carried away with this...it is a bit long
“Hello?” You shouted out as you stepped into the home.
“Your dad has gone out, Elijah is god knows where, Rebekah…again no idea. And well I’m here…tired from the baby and bored.” Hayley explained as she walked down the stairs.
You groaned, “I’ve been calling them all day and it’s like I don’t exist…” you threw yourself on the sofa but quickly regretted it as you winced.
“What’s wrong?” Hayley sat beside you.
“Oh, nothing. It doesn’t matter.” You breathed through the pain, as you got comfortable.
Hayley rolled her eyes, “Fine, have it your way.” She sat on the couch opposite you and threw the control your way.
You sighed, switching on the tv before silently chanting a spell to heal your wound before your family could pretend as if they care.
Your father was the great original hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson, son of Esther and her love but Mikael was left with the burden of raising him. Your mother was a powerful witch who Klaus had close relation with and soon came along you. Your mother’s bloodline was part of the greatest witch bloodline there was beside Esther’s. You were powerful and everyone knew better than to mess with you, and to make it worse, you were a Mikaelson. When you were young, your parents fought constantly, becoming quick enemies, fighting over you. But it led to you watching your mother die at the hands of Klaus Mikaelson. He didn’t kill her, but it was his actions that lead to her death. Yet you still stayed by your father’s side. He didn’t care much for you; you were a living and breathing reminder of your mother, and he hated it. He didn’t care if you lived or died. The only reason you are with them is because your Uncle Elijah comes up with some poetic speech that family is power. You didn’t feel like family. You were used for your magic and power. Whether you were caught in the crossfire, injured or nearly dead, it was your own problem to save yourself. No one cared much for you.
“Y/N!” your dad yelled your name through the house.
You rolled your eyes, and continued to watch the tv, pretending it was interesting.
“Y/N, why is it you choose to ignore me? I am your father, you dare to ignore me!”
“What could you possibly need from me? Go ask one of your witchy friends to perform a spell.” You groaned, sitting up and walking out.
Klaus grabbed your arm, pulling you back, “You will do as I say. You live under my roof, you will go by my rules.”
You shook your head, “Well I guess It’s time for me to move out then isn’t it. I won’t be such a burden to any of you anymore.”
“Y/N…” Hayley started but you cut her off.
“Hayley, I suggest you get out of here while you can. Take the baby and start somewhere new.” You pulled your arm out of Klaus’ grip and walked upstairs. Klaus rushed to you, pinning you to the wall.
“You dare threaten me.”
You snickered, “I haven’t threatened you…yet. I said I am moving out. I won’t be in the way.” You motioned your hand, sending Klaus flying across to the other side of the house, “Ooops.”
You grabbed a bag, packing the essentials before hopping into your car and driving off.
“Gracie, you be careful on those swings! Mind you don’t kick anyone!” You called out to your 6-year-old daughter as she ran to the swings with her sister.
You sat down on the bench, and sighed in tiredness, rubbing your pregnant belly.
“Okay mummy!” You daughter shouted back, taking her sister’s hand helping her onto the swing.
You watched your daughters on the swing, before something, or someone rather caught your eye behind her. Klaus. Your dad. You frowned, and blinked. He was gone. Were you seeing things or had your father found you? You shivered. Is this how it was when Mikael was hunting your Dad?
You shook your head, before sipping your water, and taking out the snack bags for the kids, “Gracie! Hannah! Come and eat your snacks and drink some juice please!” Thank god the park was quiet. It was so much easier to keep an eye on your daughters.  
It had been 8 years since you had left your so called ‘family’ behind and found a new one. Your new family, who loved you and cared for you. You missed your real family, but what was there to miss? You met your Husband, Harry, 6 months after you left New Orleans and things moved pretty quickly after. He was already aware of the supernatural world, despite being human himself. He accepted who you were with open arms and loved you all the same. He made you feel new, and beautiful, and loved. You weren’t alone, and he made sure you knew that. Two years later, here you were married, with 6-year-old twin daughters, and pregnant again with a boy. You unfortunately suffered a miscarriage due to a bad fall a few years ago and struggled to get pregnant after, so this was a miracle, but you were happy. Really happy.
Gracie and Hannah sat either side of you, thanking you for the snacks as they sat and ate quietly.
“Mommy, can me and Hannah watch a movie tonight?” Gracie looked up at you, her brown eyes shining.
“Of course you can. Are the snacks okay? Would you like anything else?”
Both girls shook their heads, “Right then, shall we head home then? Hold each others hands, and stay close to me please darlings.”
Hannah and Grace held hands, as Grace took your hand as you walked to the car to make your way home.
Back home, Harry had dinner ready on the table, “I assumed you’d be back around this time, so I had dinner ready.” He kissed you softly, but deepened it, “I missed you today. How are you?”
You returned the kiss, smiling before tucking the kids in for their dinner, “I missed you too. I’m okay. Feeling more tired than usual.” You rubbed your belly, “He’s a little more active today.”
Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around you from behind, softly rubbing your belly, “I can’t wait to meet our little boy.” Your husband kissed your neck before whispering, “Now please hurry up and be born so that your Mummy and I can do more baby making.”
You laughed softly and turned around and kissed your husband deeply. He groaned into the kiss before pulling away and smiling, “Now why don’t you sit down and rest. I’ll bring our dinners.”
You could feel your heart melt. What did you do to deserve such a loving husband? You held your tears back as you sat yourself down, “Thank you, my love.”
You tucked Gracie and Hannah in their beds, before closing the door softly and going to your shared bedroom. You changed into your pyjamas.
“Do I look fat?” You joked, as you looked in the mirror at your pregnant tummy.
Harry looked up, and scrunched up his nose, “In all honesty…you have put on a few pounds…”
You gasped, picking up a pillow and throwing it at him, “I thought you loved me!”
He laughed, catching the pillow and throwing it back on the floor, “I do, very much my darling. You could put on a thousand pounds, and I will still love you.”
You sat down beside him covering your legs with the duvet, “I…I have something to tell you. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy but something weird happened today…”
Harry sat up and looked at you concerned, “What is it? Are you hurt?”
“No, no. When I took the girls to the park today…they were on the swings playing…I thought I saw my Dad…Klaus at the park.” Your voice was shaky. You didn’t know how you really felt about the possibility of seeing your Dad again after all these years.
Harry sat in silence for a second, “Did he say anything? What happened?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I saw him standing there at the park, alone. I blinked, he was gone.”
Harry sighed, “If he does come back, and he does want to talk then that is up to you whether you give him that chance. If he dares lay a hand on you, I won’t hesitate to hurt him.”
You smiled softly. Harry was trained as a vampire hunter so he could defend himself…to a certain extent, “I just don’t want him hurting you or the girls…family isn’t his strongest point.” You sigh, “I don’t know how I feel about seeing him again.”
Harry nodded, “I can’t imagine how you feel, Y/N. I wish there was something I could do. But either way? You have me, and you have a family here. We aren’t leaving your side.”
You nodded and laid down, “I love you, so much.”
Harry kissed your forehead, wrapping his arm around you, “Now sleep, my love.”
*doorbell rings continuously*
You groaned, throwing off the covers, and making your way downstairs. The smell of pancakes filled your nose, and you hummed to yourself. Who is ruining your morning of pancakes?
“Hello…” Harry’s voice faded out.
“Hello Harry. I think you may be able to help me and my family. I’m looking for Y/N.” A British accent echoed through the house.
You gripped the bannister of the stairs before taking a deep breath and joining Harry at the door, “I’m sorry, but the person you’re looking for isn’t here.” You replied, before noticing that not only had Klaus turned up, the rest of the family came with him including Hayley and some random girl. You squinted at the girl…much to your surprise the miracle baby survived. She looked about…what 16?
Klaus’ eyes turned toward you, eyebrows raising in shock as he scanned your body and saw your baby bump.
“Y/N…we need to talk.” Your Dad’s expression was almost human.
“Mommy! Who is at the door?” Grace called for you as she ran towards you with her sister behind her.
“Who are you?” Hannah looked up at your dad, wrapping her arms around Harry’s leg.
“Um…girls go to your room please.” You kneeled down to your daughters, “Mommy has to do something.”
The girls glanced at Klaus again before going upstairs, calmly.
You sighed and stood up, “What do you want exactly?”
“Who said we want anything? Am I not allowed to visit my daughter?” Klaus replied.
You rolled your eyes and opened your mouth to speak. The amount of emotions running through you right now was uncontrollable, and to top it off you were pregnant.
“Well you better come inside before you cause a scene. One wrong move and I throw you all out.” You sighed, moving to the side and nodding slightly to Harry.
Harry looked back at you before glaring at Klaus, “You may come in.”
You set down the tray with drinks and sat beside Harry.
“So why are you here? How did you find me?” You asked.
“A few witchy spells and well easy as pie.” Elijah replied, taking a sip of his tea.
“I assume that was you, Hope? You’d need to be a powerful witch and well a New Orleans witch is not powerful enough to break my protection spells.” You looked at Hope, “Glad to see you inherited your mother’s brains.
“Yes, that was Hope, who don’t forget, is your younger sister. Have you told your husband about her? About us?” Klaus looked at you.
“Yes, unfortunately I did. Again, I ask, why are you here?” You were becoming fed up with repeating yourself.
“We need your help.” Hope spoke up, “We need help defeating the Hallow. We…I accidently awoke this Hallow and well it’s sort of buried itself inside me.” Hope explained.
You felt your breathing increase, your heart rate shot up, “The hallow? Have you any idea what you’ve done? And you dare bring it here? To my home? Why do you expect me to help you? Any of you?” You glared at your father, “You hate me because I remind you of my mother. You’ve ignored me since the day she died. All of you have. You don’t bother to talk to me for 8 years. And here you are, in my home asking me for help.”
Hayley stood up, “Listen, we are all at fault here. We are all in the wrong here, but all our lives are at stake here. This thing, this hallow will consume my daughter whole, your sister. She hasn’t done anything wrong so please don’t use your anger that you have against us, against her.”
You sighed, knowing Hayley had a valid point. You looked at your ‘family’.
“Y/N, I can only apologise for how I have been since your mother died. What I did is unforgivable, but I would like to made amends if it is possible, if you will give me that chance.” Klaus got up and walked over to you.
You stayed silent, a thousand thoughts whizzing through your head. What were you supposed to do? Saying yes to helping them meant putting your family in danger, saying no meant putting your long lost sister in unreasonable danger.
You sighed, “I’ll help. But I swear, if any of my family get hurt…you will regret it.”
“Thank you, love.” Klaus gave you a small smile.
Hayley smiled, “Thank you, Y/N, you have no idea how much I appreciate this.”
You nodded, “Well, don’t thank me yet, we haven’t destroyed the Hallow just yet.”
“So when are you due?” She motioned towards your bump.
“I’m currently 7 months so not long to go.” You smiled at your bump.
“And you have twin girls?” She asked, smiling.
You nodded, “Yes, Hannah and Grace.”
“May I ask, why the long age gap?” Elijah set his glass down, sitting back in the chair now the serious talk was over.
“Uh…” You sighed, looking at Harry for some comfort.
Harry cleared his throat, “Y/N suffered a miscarriage a few years back from a bad fall and since then we’ve struggled so this baby…is our miracle.”
The room fell silent.
“I am so sorry. I can’t imagine how you felt…that must have been awful.” Hayley wiped her eyes before the tears fell.
You nodded, “It’s okay.”
You sat on your knees and flipped through the pages of your mother’s grimoire. You sighed, rubbing your belly.
“Come on little guy, not today.” You spoke to your unborn son.
“Do you need my help?” Hope came and sat beside you.
You shrugged, “I don’t know. This isn’t something that get’s written down. It was locked away and now it’s out. The only chance we have is someone who has encountered it before…and what are the chances of that.” You smirked as you came across the page full of details on the Hallow, “Thank you mother.”
You sighed, scanning the pages looking for a way to destroy the Hallow, “So it needs somewhere to live…with nothing to feed off, no energy, no other living thing with it…” you trailed off.
Hope sighed, “So why did you leave?”
You looked up, “Why did I leave? Our dad ignored me for years. My mother died as a consequence of his actions and he didn’t care. Since that day, he’s pretended as if I don’t exist. Really, I should have left earlier but I didn’t. Our Uncle Elijah has a way with words, you’ll find. But one day, I had enough. Klaus kept using me for my magic and didn’t care if I lived or died. So I left. But your mum is right, my anger isn’t towards you-“
“Exactly, it isn’t towards me, yet you left me alone. I had no one for so long. And all of a sudden I find out I have an older sister somewhere in this world!” Hope stood up, pacing around the room.
You got up, “Hope, calm down. Don’t you see? You weren’t even bought up knowing about me! You found out later in your life. I was completely irrelevant.”
“Oh, so this is about you now? I have this thing inside of me and it’s still about you!” Hope raised her voice, breathing heavily.
“Hope, control yourself.” Klaus appeared at the door with Harry behind him. Harry’s face was full of fear.
You studied hope, it was almost as if she had a blue glow around her, “Hope, breath. You have the Hallow inside of you. You can’t let it control you.”
Hope growled, “Don’t tell me what to do!” She drew her hands in the hair, throwing you across the room – thank god you landed on the sofa. You groaned, feeling something sharp in your leg.
“Y/N!” Harry ran over to you. He minded your hair out your face before standing up, raging with anger.
“Y/N…Harry…I’m so sorry…” Hope teared up, looking at her hands, “I didn’t meant to…I…it took control…”
“Get out. I want you all to get out of my house.” It was rare to see Harry angry, this was probably the third time you’ve seen him angry, “You turn up here with no explanation, demanding Y/N’s help. You ignore her for 8 years, not to mention before then. She deserves better and not a single one of you have any right asking my wife for help!” He was shouting, most likely scaring your daughters upstairs.
Klaus lowered his head, “I apologise…I can heal you if you let me-“
“I don’t want your blood.” You groaned as you got up, bearly standing on your leg. You took your grimoire, and took a photo of it on your phone, sending it across to Hope, “I’ve sent you something that might help. Now all of you, get out before I make you.” You turned to Klaus, “Leave.”
Within seconds your old family had left and didn’t make an appearance after that.
“My darling…are you okay? Should we get you to a hospital?” He helped you sit on the sofa.
You shook your head, “I can heal it, but can you tidy up before the girls come downstairs?”
Harry nodded, “Of course my love.”
“Harry…thank you for being here with me.” You gave a small smile, feeling all the regret of letting your old family back into your life.
“Of course,” Harry smiled finishing up making the room like home again, “I would never let you go through something like that alone.”
“I love you.” You smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
A h e m. I’m so sorry for requesting two fics so close together, but I was wondering if I could request a Yaku x deaf!reader. And where the reader wanted to show him the discrimination against deaf people, (let’s pretend they’re in America) and they go through the drive through of McDonalds. And instead of just reading the order she wrote on her phone, they treated her very badly and idk maybe threw our her order. And Yaku is just heartbroken, knowing that the love of his life goes through this everyday. I’m so sorry for the specifics.
A/N: You’re fine Sam! Also! I actually take an ASL class but I won’t be writing in GLOSS because that is a long confusing process for those who don’t know about it sorry this was a bit short ):
Please enjoy~🍰
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Yaku was the sweetest, kindest boyfriend anyone could ask for. He was understanding and always wanted you to be comfortable. 
You were deaf, but it didn’t mean he treated you any less. You just couldn’t hear or communicate the same as everyone else. He loved you that way though. When you had become acquainted the first thing he did was learn how to sign. He introduced himself and asked about you, and it made your heart skip a beat. 
He made an effort to communicate with you and it was almost love at first sight. After some time he worked up enough courage to practice a small speech to ask you out. He had tried so hard and worded everything so sweetly you actually shed a tear. 
Even though Yaku and his team mates were kind to you, the world was still a cruel place. You still receive looks and even some quiet chuckles. You didn’t hear but you were very good at reading lips and body language. Yaku assured you they simply didn’t know about you but it was different through your eyes.
One day you planned to go out just so he could know what you meant. You both went out for lunch and just wanted some McDonald's (cravings). Walking in side and finding a table he signed and spoke
“I’ll go and get our food“ he signed with a smile but you pulled his arm back so he can stop
“I’ll go“ you signed 
“Are you sure?“ he was very protective of you even though he knew you were able to care for yourself
“yes“ he sign with your fist in a yes motion.
“Alright..I’ll go with you just so I can help carry stuff“ Walking to the counter you look up at the menu and decide what you want.
 Yaku signed what number meal he wanted. Taking your phone out, you open up your notes and start to type out your order. What you didn’t know was the cashier was already there asking for your order
“What can I get for you today?“ Yaku could just tell she had a horrible attitude today, hopefully she wasn’t rude to you
You give her a wave and a smile, which she returned with a strained one. You show her your phone only for it to be black. You sign a sorry and try to get back to your notes. She rolled her eyes obviously annoyed 
“Listen if you’re too shy or whatever but we got a line and I have break in the next 10 minutes.“ she said waving her hand to shoo you away.
You felt a little hurt but you weren’t discouraged. You copied and pasted everything into a speaking app and made sure to play everything loud so she can hear. You made sure to include an apology because you were deaf. 
Almost like a child she typed in you order and gave you your receipt. Walking to the side you to wait for your order. Yaku comes over to you and wraps an around your shoulder 
“Hey you okay?“ he signed worried from how that girl treated you “You want me to tell her something?“
Your graceful fingers sign him a no, explaining it was sine and you were used to it. He hated to hear that, you shouldn’t be used to it, it shouldn’t happen that often. You see your number come up on the screen you walk over to the counter once more for your food.
Food always makes things better, right? In almost all cases yes, instead this time you were met with cold sticky clothes instead. Your drink had been spilled over your shirt and dripped down until the hem 
“Ooops“ you read her lips. You knew she did that on purpose and you couldn’t really fight back. You were a bit embarrassed at the moment with the drink spilled on you. At this point Yaku was livid!
Now the thing about being deaf is things get intense without noise. So you can just stand there and watch. Yaku Pushes you behind him and you can tell he was starting to hell at the girl and she was shocked. Whatever he was telling her must have been offensive. 
After the manager had come and talked to Yaku for a few minuets. He turned to you and and took your hand and took you back to the car. In his car he had some extra clothes and gave you one of his shirts. Before taking off he took your hands in his until you looked at him. It was how he got your attention 
He kissed your knuckles and signed 
“She was a bitch, and was jealous you were more beautiful“ he tried to make you smile 
“I Just don’t understand why or what I do to offend people“ you said a bit slow indicating you were a bit down 
“People are afraid of different. They’re afraid and new to someone as unique as you, but only people like me can see your beauty“ he said kissing your nose
 “Now lets get tacos!“ he signed making you smile how quick he wanted to fix the situation.
He knew the world was cruel but to jut be rude and discriminate someone with what they were born with was just horrible. Especially someone he loved so much. It didn’t matter, he was always going to be there to protect and defend you. Even if that meant getting someone fire and a whole month of free food from your favorite place.
I hope this was okay!
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madsdefencesquad · 3 years
It's frustrating that the majority of this is us fans online now think Madison is selfish, unreasonable and asking Kevin to give up his acting career. Like did we watch the same episode? And is it obvious that this reaction to Madison was not the writers' intention at all. Even producer K.J. Steinberg had to defend Madison to an interviewer about being selfish. Because they seemed to have turned alot of the online audience against Madison, it seems like they will have to put in a lot of work to
I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how much I erupted at the general audience absolutely ripping Mads for this episode when she did not show a single shred of selfishness in this episode. Like not one! Of course, one can argue that there are some things that can be re-worded or whatever but the overall message is still very apparent. * SIGHS * In saying that though, I do have some thoughts on Kevin which we’ll discuss below (warning: it’s gonna get looooong LOL)
Kevin gets a call that shooting has changed locations to Vancouver and he refuses to go because of his commitment to Madison and their kids despite it obviously destroying him.
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Like, look at how devastated he is. And then he turns around and tries to hide his devastation but Madison sees through it and she calls him out by asking him what the hell has happened and he explains why, and what does Madison do?!!
She PUSHES him to go despite knowing that she has entered her last trimester, the most crucial part in a pregnancy because hellooooooo she can give birth any time now (!!!!). Like, Madison knows Kevin so well that if he doesn’t finish the movie that means so much to him and that he’s worked so hard for, then he’ll just be miserable, and Madison doesn’t want that for him because she cares about him. LIKE SO MUCH SO THAT SHE SACRIFICES HAVING HIM THERE WHEN SHE NEEDS HIM THE MOST aspodihsfjkl
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Like this is her after she lets him go. Madison literally only had to give him a quick kiss and a “Go on and pack” and Kevin, for his part, didn’t even hesitate nor try to fight her that he should stay because he knows that he should. He just went!! And look, I’m not trying to gripe on Kevin here but he could have at least shown even just a tad resistance despite Madison’s logical argument, but let’s not get into that now...
BUT what I will go over is THE POINTS MADE by Randall when it came to Kevin and taking care of people and being committed to them.
Let me point out this particular gem in Season 4, episode 16 between Randall and Kevin when it came to taking care of Rebecca and knowing what was best for her. Randall says,
“And how’s that Kev? Because of all the times you’ve been spending with her for the past few weeks? Because you took her to one doctor’s appointment? I’ve been taking care of mom for twenty years... We both know at any minute, you can take off for Morrocco and do a movie...”
Now look, we can rationalise either one of the brother’s sides in this confrontation, but we cannot take away the truth from Randall’s words here. If we replaced it with Madison’s situation, then this is what we’ll have:
Quarantining together, Kevin’s been taking care of Madison for a few months, about 4-6 give or take, and has been there for her during some appointments (I say “some” because COVID has changed things), and he obviously has been of great help to her mentally, emotionally and physically. However, Kevin has not known Madison for longer than two years and even now, they’re still getting to know each other. But Madison obviously has known herself all her life. And because of COVID, we know that Kevin hasn’t exactly been working, but now that he is, ooop Randall’s words about Kevin having to go and jet off at any minute actually occurs... Kevin has to go to Vancouver in just hours notice.
Even though Kevin thrives at taking care of other people and he’s really good at it, Kevin still hasn’t grasped what it means to truly devote themselves to someone sacrificially. And I mean, putting someone else’s needs before his.
Let’s go to the very controversial argument in the s4 finale where Randall says:
“How dare you pretend that you give a rat’s ass about what anyone else wants other than you? You want mom to spend more time with the family because you want mom to decide with you. You, you, you.”
Now, this line is really crucial in Kevin and Madison’s “argument” in the bedroom. Of course, Randall’s words are much harsher but there’s a truth there: when Kevin proposes his jet-setting family idea to Madison, his persuasion technique is to glam it up (”what about private jet-setting all over the world”) to almost entice Madison to decide with him with what he wants/pictures. AND when Madison reminds him of his commitment to her and the kids, Kevin goes for the offense of “I didn’t realise that where we live was as important as being a family.”
Of course, one can argue that yes Kev, home is where the heart is blah blah, but the point here is Kevin wasn’t taking into consideration what the other person wants, and in this case what Madison wants/pictures, exactly what Randall was saying before.
And then Randall goes:
“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Kevin. You have no idea what it means to actually take care of people... I stayed and took care of our family... you’ll never know what it’s like to devote yourself to anyone other than yourself.”
Now, the meaty bit. Yes, over the seasons we’ve seen Kevin grow and mature and develop. Yes, we’ve seen him devote himself to the betterment of Nicky. BUT, we have not actually seen him show the kind of sacrificial devotion/commitment that Randall was talking about when it comes to taking care of a family, and in this case their own family.
Randall sacrificed his dreams of going to a college that he wanted so badly to go to because he knew that his mother needed him. That he couldn’t leave her alone. That her needs came first... at least for then. But because he was so devoted and committed to taking care of his mother, Randall not only graduated and became successful afterwards, he also got the best of them all: Beth.
Now, with Kevin. Madison is Kevin’s opportunity to DO WHAT RANDALL DID (”What would Randall do?” right, Kev?) for his own family.
Madison wasn’t selfishly asking him to quit acting for her or for the kids, she was asking him to think through his commitment, his all in, and what that actually truly means for him in the context of the above (my girl @thesocietalmisfit made a more eloquent post here). 
The writers are telling us to focus on Kevin, to not take our eyes off him because he’s in a pivotal moment now: will he change and finally make decisions for other people apart from himself or will he not and stay the same and lose those whom he cares for and loves?
Anywayy, I’m sorry this took such a long turn, I just really needed to get that out of my chest. But as far as the audience is concerned and how the writers need to do a lot more work to turn people around into going for Madison I have two thoughts:
1. Hating on Madison in this episode for the number of ridiculous reasons all stemming from a form of misogyny yeah I went there, shows that the general TIU demographic are the kinds of people, who needs to be spoon fed information/nuance/implication and sometimes even just what’s right in front of them that they still somehow miss. And I’m sorry, but if you fall in this category, then you’re not going to enjoy not just the development of Kevison’s journey but the others’ also. Remember how much flack Kate was getting for being “awful” at Toby but this one ep of her going full queen of empowerment and everyone’s suddenly Team Kate? Yeah, the audience is fickle. And look, there will always be haters, and haters gonna hate for no reason (or the most absurd), so the writers can’t do much about that.
2. There’s a reason why they’re showing us Kevison already at this very important cross-roads in as early as episode 3 and now 5 and that’s because they’ve got all the loved-up, full romantic Kevison (that they know is the greatest appeal to the audience) coming. I really don’t doubt it. So many people turned into Kevison fans literally after watching them be all adorbs in the premiere and in ep 3 when they were all vulnerable. IMAGINE when they’re actually showing them fully in love with each other + being dedicated parents? THE. SERVE.
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girlofthefandom · 3 years
Tales from the smp thoughts and random quotes I enjoy (essentially delayed live blogging) Part 1
I love all these npcs already
“Hurry up camera man!”
Yes! Gladiators! I remember seeing someone say that idea
Just some joes
Porkeous the 7th. Oh no I can see the fan girls now.
Yes! Punch em off!!
“Yeah same.”
“That’s good cause I don’t” “we build a new colosseum every time”
I can’t want to see the names of everyone’s characters. Especially Philz’
Stairs everyone’s worst enemy
Tubbo... sweet child
She disappeared!! Witch craft! Burn the witch!
Tubbo=Jacky (forced off streets)
Fundy=Laggius Maximus (I love this name so much with the spinning)
Please don’t kill both the boys in this fight. But also I’m cheating for Laggius.
Subbin Empire? Subbin to Technoblade!
Go Laggius! This is not going to go well... this is really not going to go well...
No I refuse to root for Jacky. I like Laggius the bit will be funnier later.
I want to know what happened to the last camera guy! Let us know!
Vertical feeling! Heaven forbid! Also look at them insulting TikTok
I love the background music. Feels magical.
A lovely jump
Surprises... well that’s ominous. And wait the first one!
Tower! Towers are always good.
We got our popcorn. Ready to watch this fight.
Laggius is... coming... maybe...
GG Jacky... he hasn’t won yet but gg.
Lava!!!! Hooray! Love us some good lava
Poor Laggius... he was burning too early
And Laggius is still lagging
Why isn’t Jacky burning?? He won???
Knocked unconscious in the lava. What is this a Pokémon game?
GG Jacky.
Nobody needs to know the way around here.
“Almost like a video game” just break that fourth wall right down
Keeps looking at sapnaps character and talking about strong. How sweet. We love some fiancé’s.
Please don’t throw Laggius to the wolves
Jack Manifold = Bartholomew
Phil having to translate. I love it.
Watson = Phil
Good pun. Very good pun.
Nobody likes Punz. Gosh everyone’s so mean
We love Watson. Let’s go Watson.
Bartholomew with the drugs and Watson.
Crazy drunk man with fire resistance
I agree with Watson why did we come to this cousin.
Sapnap in a hole
Also I love the drinking age being 3
Let’s go Watson!!!
Where are my Pom poms? I’ve got a Watson to cheer for.
Execute those architects.
And their first Borns.
Watson! Watson! Watson!
“Welcome to the land of the living Bartholomew.”
I love the slow fight.
Come on Watson shoot em!
Oh no. Oh no. Come on Watson. You’re so close!
Why Bartholomew???? I can’t spell that! I’ve been relying on autocorrect this whole time.
Watson would be so much easier to spell.
Still must go down the stairs.
Speed running life. That’s what I do.
No one dies. Just take them to nurse joy.
Poor Punz being so bullied
Levi? Really? Oh well I like the name. He won’t like but I like the name.
Also why does Levi have such a full backstory.
Has weapon hands with a horrible southern accent. I love it.
Who is Ol’ Sap?
Sapnap = John
And no creativity apparently.
Laggius had the best name for a gladiator. All the others are too boring.
Why are we beating up BBH
Genevieve! I can spell that thanks to old Barbie movies!!
Go Genevieve! Trained her life! I love this woman!
Mostly women upstairs. I love it our fandom is so biased.
“Are you sure about that?”
Darlin? Really that’s not the right word.
Go Genevieve! I probably shouldn’t cheer for her since everyone I’ve cheered for has lost.
But still GO GENEVIEVE!!
Our empire is millions in dept
Let’s step up the battle! Let’s gooooo
Go Genevieve! Levi hush up with your gills.
Jump in! Splish Splash!
Wait why are we listening to Mario Kart music? Wait I recognize this song.
Go Genevieve!!
Levi hush. You done lost messed up southern boi.
Go Genevieve! I can actually spell your name!
I straight forgot Porkeous the 7ths name for a second and had to check my notes.
Stairs. Woop de doo.
“Pick the most handsome” wow
Ol’ Sap = John as I remember. And he’s sticking with it. Bold man sticking with it.
Ranboo = Ran
Just Ran and it’s just the enderman part of the skin. Haha. Very funny.
BBH = Edward
He went from strange voice to normal(ish) voice
I don’t like Edwards speech pattern. At the very least. Yucky.
John v. Edward letsa go
Go John!
Wait we renaming? This is going to get confusing.
Handsome. Can you two quit flirting (not really keeping going)
Alrighty then Ugly v. Edward
Go Ugly! (Sentence I never expected to type)
The seat thing
And saying king Julien. Sigh.
Just BRB real quick.
Thinking about buying things. Oh he meant ad.
Alright Ad 1/3 let’s go.
No I can’t even open chat to watch them instead of the ad. Boooo.
2/3 let’s get this done!
Snickers just loading for forever
Alrighty we survived.
And a crown really? Just wants his normal skin back.
Let’s go Ugly!
Bo-at battle! Let’s go!
Please don’t shoot Ugly.
Go Ugly!
“King Are you ok!”
I still hate Edwards speech pattern so much
Please. Just pretend to have a fair fight.
The rabbits???? Cant rabbits swim?
Hooray rabbits! I don’t what purpose they serve but I love them.
Edward or Edwardo? Did I miss something?
Ok it seems both.
Shooting a rabbit? Disowner on you disowner on your cow.
Killing pets reference? The references are so good.
YES UGLY!!!! Thank heavens!
I’m 2/4 for choosing the winner.
I hope ugly keeps on winning
“Colosseum Remote Control”
3 in 1 battle how did they not plan correctly for an even number
Nerds hold cameras you heard it here folks
I don’t want to hear deeper for some of these stories. All I want to see is Genevieves further story. She seems deep.
“Massive pigs growling at us. No offense”
Watson trying to clean the table.
We bringing in the Harmonika.
Harmonika fits the moment.
Yes name him handsome! Haha
Grievous is how I’m spelling that stupid sounding name. But it’s better than John and ugly.
I can’t get over the name Ran.
I love Watson having to take care of Bartholomew. Translating for him and waking him up.
Phil just can’t resist playing the dad.
No no stopping just fighting.
Also I love Watson saying break it up. I wish Watson had won.
Genevieve sounds like such a lovely lady and she deserves to win.
As much as I love Grevious I want Genevieve to win.
Sapnap=Grevious good gracious this is hard to follow.
Ran is cool. I’m going to kill over listening to them just saying Ran.
Complicated backstory. Found the main character.
Ran is cool.
Wait this place is going down??? Pardon me???
Three person fight is...
Grevious v. Ran v. Bartholomew
Genevieve v. Jacky
Puns! Let’s go! And of course Levi likes Puns.
Everyone is so mean.
And Watson just babysitting Bartholomew
I’m going to get good at spelling Bartholomew. Because I was horrible at it before.
Empire of women!
“Mmm what smells good”
Battle star!!
“Boing Boing Boing”
Water dome?
Water Dome in Lava?
Well he tried zombies/bunnies
Lava in the water sphere?
Only fight at top of fishbowl got it.
Come on girl you’ve got this!
No Genevieve babe please don’t lose.
“The boats going down.” “It’s yelling timber.” “Like that song that hasn’t been made yet.”
Hurry up and die. I love it.
Do do do do
That was a longer fight. But pretty good.
To the cellars! Not to the cellars!
No! The boat is gone!
That was close.
This feels like a funky Pokémon game.
Jacky is a finalist! Good for him. I’m not cheering for him but good for him.
Who’s missing? Oh wait it’s Bartholomew
“Intense prison cosmetic surgery”
Rabbits! We love rabbits.
Oh no faceplant mode!
What is even happening?!?!
Thinking creatively.
Just don’t die. What a game.
Cant wait to watch the thinking creatively animatic.
In a boat to avoid floating.
Go Ran!
Oh we’re lagging.
Disable the dive mode!
The zombies are a bit much. Oh everyone’s actually fighting.
Rats why weren’t there baby zombies when Watson was going. They even made a Phil reference.
No treaties.
Go Ran! Keep on running away.
I love Ran.
GO RAN! I love Grevious. But GO RAN
Faster Zombies. Zombies go zoom.
Oh Grevious won.
Wait why does Ran have grass and why do they see him again.
Placing more dirt to clean old dirt.
Poor Grevious.
I feel sorry for him now.
Stand on da dirt.
Put the rabbits in the cages!!!!
I cheer for Grevious.
And yes there are many a loser.
Everything is so spicy. As in lava is there.
You can’t kick your fiancé’s future descendent out of the gang.
A full inventory
Watson with the backup button!
Seriously all he can do is be a dad.
And he’s here for the picture.
And Watson is (still) bullying him!
Bartholomew is pure trouble.
Ooops. The root beer was on the brain.
Watson! Come get your drunk!
Oh wait he actually did! I love this so much.
Petition for more Phil in Tales.
Only Genevieve voting for Jacky
Some people refusing to vote.
I’m sorry who asked if Laggius is ok.
He is always (not) ok
He is fine. See.
I love Laggius’ character the most.
Go winners!
Reformed kinda. If that doesn’t sum up the whole of the smp.
All the grass in the cage.
And Laggius being his slow self.
Nothing v. General
I love how it went from King to Emperor to King
And there is Laggius.
I don’t know how anyone else is spelling Laggius but I like this way and refuse to edit it if it actually spelled different.
Oh we’re getting more ads.
1/3 let’s go
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akaashisupremacy · 4 years
Morning After
Summary: Last night was a mistake. As Daichi kisses you goodbye, why is it so hard for you to say farewell?
Notes: This is technically a oneshot, but you can read it with my other Daichi angst (Between 3-4 am). Idk why I love writing angst with Daichi?? 
Daichi x reader
genre: romance, angst, (wc: 640 lol)
“My bus stop is not so far from here.”
It’s early and the bus is completely empty except for the two of you. Daichi could’ve sat anywhere on the bus really, but here he is sitting a little too close to you.
He plants a kiss on the side of your head. He almost never does this in public, even in buses during rush hour where everybody seems to be looking away. You’ve begged him a few times for a peck before you get off your stop. Sometimes he obliges, sometimes you leave him a kiss on the cheek instead. You don’t blame him. It was rare for Japanese men to kiss anybody in public.
You keep your head close to him, as if trying to make the most out of your old goodbye ritual.
“Daichi, we can’t see each other again after this.” you swallow, “Last night was a mistake.”
Last night you missed the last bus. Daichi saw you waiting for naught on the station and  offered to let you stay the night in his home.
There is little reason not to love Daichi. He is compassionate, smart and dependable. But he wanted the option of having kids kids and you did not see any children in your future so things had to end. It had been three years since your break up.
“I don’t want you to resent me.” you quietly whisper into his ear, pressing your forehead into his cheek. Your nose barely grazes his jaw.
“I don’t resent you. I won’t, I promise….but I want to come home to you. I miss that.” his pace quickens as he speaks, his attention is split between you and the bus route.
He suddenly turns to you, “What if I’m ok with giving up on having kids?“
“You’re just emotional because we spent the night together.” You peel away, rolling your eyes and pretending to scoff as you talk. In reality, you are just looking for an excuse not to look into his wide puppy-like eyes. You know you’ll only hurt yourself if you saw him in deep pain.
You look up at the tracker, your stop is next.
“I am,” he admits, “but I’ve always been a little bit in love with you even when we’re not together. That’s just the cost of having met you, I guess…” 
He snuggles his head into your shoulder. You instinctively kiss his forehead. You do a double take at yourself.
“Ooops, sorry.” you sheepishly apologize. Old habits die hard.
He can’t resist chuckling. You nudge him in the rib. For a moment, the mood lightens between the two of you.
Daichi used to make rush hour commutes bearable. Both of you would be squeezed into the bus like sardines. He would hold your hand and you would lean into your shoulder then you’d watch the world go by on the bus windows. The best part about a long work day was being able to feel him by your side and walk home together after a long day.
That was the hardest thing about breaking up. There was no one on the bus with you anymore. It was just you. Despite the constant crowd of tired commuters, your first few weeks without him felt incredibly lonely.  
You see the stop. He grabs onto your fingers. You squeeze his rough, calloused hand before abruptly standing up. You hesitate just before you get up, but you decisively pull away before you give into any inclination to stay.
“Daichi, I have to go.”  you murmur. Your voice shakes as you get off your seat. He  exhales loudly in exasperation and despair.
A heavy weight sinks into your chest. He doesn’t even say goodbye.
You walk down the bus. Footsteps quickly follow you behind. You turn around to see Daichi a couple of paces behind you as the bus pulls away.
Taglist: @scrappydaisies
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Ooop confrontation time xd
Aww y'all 😭😭😭😭💔❤️
I love them but this hurts xd
OOOP the D R A M A 😭😭😭💔❤️
Aaahhh (lowkey but yelling) 😭😭
Ope yayy the dinner!
Hmm okay a burner phone, bad sign xd
Bobby is really on this casing idea XD
Hmm yeah but it doesn't really make you feel any better does it xd
Aww I'm sorry besties :((
It does suck <33
But I mean yeah xD mood lol
I'm sure I've gotten mad at my parents plenty of times for being mad at me lol
It's tough but y'all will figure it out <33
(I'm behind a bit but I think that's where this scene was XD somewhere around here maybe a bit earlier idk xD)
Oh my gosh okay I saw this but I'mma pretend I haven't lol
OOOHH y'all look fancy
Lowkey 👀👀👀 bit buddie y'all 👀 xD
No not a mob family lol
AHHH (awh not aah) firehouses XD and poker night lol
Oh is that lady 118 as well?
Oof xd I thought he was uncomfortable watching the clip like talking about it but I think it's more nervous about the fact that CLEARLY HE'S HERE TO COUNT THE CARS
Idk how it works but I know he is xDD
OOope hopefully this doesn't mean they're already onto him xD o.o
Careful Buuuck xD
OOP montage time XDD
Carefulll xdd
Sirrrr xddd
This ain't looking good
PHEW lol okay we mad either through xD
Ahhh steaks XDD
Human calculator lol, rip bestie xD
Eddie just like well :)) it was fun while it lasted
XDD I love these two idiots so much lol
Ayy hey Hen's mom :D I don't remember her name xD
Oof y'all goin through it xdd
I'm sure it'll work out :))
Ahh yeah snacks xD
Girl that's a meal lol
Aww yeah <33
They're definitely upset but they really do just want to protect you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oop so it's a sus thing then xdd
Yuup lol
So sorry bestie 😭 xd
Girl is going through it fr 😭
Her BLADDER ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ??!
Sir lol xD
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