#op 300 years au
sunnixsunshine · 5 months
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Oh. Oh no. What started off as a warm up sketch turned into a real oc. Oh no. What did i do—
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leafsfromthevine · 11 months
thinking abt writing again... i have prompts in my drafts, one is halloween centered so i should start like... 2nite. should i start tonight? i have like 2 atla followers so i am asking you guys.
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aro-ortega · 11 months
i think in vampire au vanya is old, but not as old as people assume
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ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
Do you know any other yandere/dark conent like yourself?
fyi you sent this twice and i've had someone in my inbox in the last weeks with the same 'problem' - your app/connection might be fucky, just so you know haha
Sure I do!! I don't know what fandoms you're looking for, so I'll just throw a whole bunch of people at you I adore. In general, check my fic recs tag!! I don't read much but I've reblogged a thing or two in my day, haha
@after-witch I love Theo - I've been following her for three years now and her writing is divine. She writes very delicately - if you like psychological horror/dark fic, bleak fates and that sinking feeling in your stomach, her blog is just the place! Theo has written and writes for a lot of fandoms (from JJK, HxH, BNHA etc to original content), I'm sure you'll find something you'll like. @391780 You HAVE to check out Early's stuff. Fat reader fics galore. They write everything from romance to soft dark to dark fic, all CoD. I know nothing about CoD but by some strike of fate her fics landed on my dash and I've been in love ever since. You don't need to know anything about that fandom, trust me, you can go in blind and you'll fall in love just as much. If you like dark dark stuff, her Nikto masterlist is perfect - and the Nobody series is my ultimate fave of theirs. So delicious, you'll want to curl up and cry afterwards (out of joy).
@darkficsyouneveraskedfor Roo is THE darkfic writer to me. She writes MCU/DC and again, I haven't watched a Marvel movie since 2015 - but you don't need those to read her fics. She crafts AUs you've never even thought about - and masterfully so. Seriously, I especially love her historical stuff and the way she puts you into these worlds is something else. Roo's writing is very direct and raw and hopeless. She doesn't write happy ends and it's amazing. One of my favorite series of hers is Tapestry , a medieval AU featuring Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. If you want something even darker, Splintered is another masterpiece of hers that I've been screaming about on here for literal years 😭💕
@stupid-sloot-headcanons is another fixture on the 'dark fic side' of tumblr to me. Sloot has ... everything. Seriously. Pluck in a random fandom of yours and 9/10 times, she's written about it. Her thought/characterization posts never miss, she just gets characters through some form of magical mental connection, I swear.
@thus-spoke-lo Pain Management. You will read this. Now. No discussions. Adshjshfj but seriously, Lo has written SO much. So many different tropes, so many different levels of romance. I'm on a One Piece kick right now and her whole OP masterlist got me through the first 300 chapters of my re-read... The twists, the turns, the love (or not) - experience it for yourself (╹ڡ╹ ) And of course, I have to mention @girlwithsharpt33th and @tang3r1n - they're both still 'fresh' but give them a scroll... Things are brewing and they're perfect and disgusting and abhorrent 💕
and a rest in peace goes out to kyneslust (mae) and captainmcslashypaws... you two are missed. so much. 😭💕
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darkwingphoenix · 9 days
@loominggaia Meme Delivery?
Spoilers for my AU
Saraia to Skel: Between Two Assholes
Skylie, aged 25, Casually Making Every Monster During Battle Wanna Rip Off Their Pants Whilst Stabbing Ripping and Tearing Astride Rook
Amber and Cyana (As a Sirene) Stopping Kelvingyard Goonies Via Singing (Cyana hasn't practiced to avoid brown noting peeps by her voice, Amber has)
Also, can I just say? Amber and Sophia I from the show have almost the same backstory:
Both girls in the village doin alright (Although that was for like 5 months)
Then they became princesses overnight (Sophia's mom married a pussy of a king, Amber got adopted after her parents got kidnapped)
Gotta figure out how to do it right (Including being chaos incarnate due to unchecked generational trauma/normal trauma/insanity or other mental illnesses)
They have so much to learn and see
Up in the castle/palace with a new family
Going to a school just for royalty/super fucking rich people on top of that
Coming to Uekoro Village/Yerim-Mor be like
Marine and Cobalt's Kids Playing with Justinia (Cobalt's youngest is Lumine from Genshin here)
Skylie And Amber Doin Karaoke
Karenza Watching Darshaan, Isaac, Skylie, and Saraia ride Shadow to the Ethereal City
Skylie explaining to Saraia, Isaac, Karenza, Darshaan, Shadow, and the Ethereal Citizens why should a Loopy the Hoopsnake item become real, it'd be completely OP (She's already made a replica, but made it a part of her Celestial Sword)
An Roshava Man When His Size Queen Elfenne GF Wants His Dick in Her (She can't even think, it feels so good to her)(She's getting hospitalized and then be unable to walk for months)
Skylie when she realizes Saraia hasn't drank water for 300 years
Amber when she first goes into her kiddie pool in Uekoro Palace
That one time Drifter's Hollow suffered an STD epidemic
Saraia when a new Evangeline High King
Marine's firstborn daughter when she meets Skylie at the first Royal Gala in Ascendance (Her name's Lumine and has a twin brother Aether because fuck it, we ball with the Genshin bullshit)
Some Bullies at Amber's School before she goes to the World Athenaeum (And Cyana bouta go John Wick on em)
Saraia Protecting Skylie Vs Skylie Protecting Saraia during the first Ascendii attack against Zareen (They barely won)(Also wasn't part of the official invasion, just a skirmish/Test run of their military)
Skylie, Cyana and Cobalt as they're strapping Rodrig and Cerulea to the stakes to burn (They attempted to kill Justinia and Angeline, plus Cyana and Cobalt found out about Skylie's torture at their hands)
Lumine with her pet phoenix (She experiences panic attacks sometimes)(Phoenixes are made by Skylie at some point, and she gave one in secret to Lumine along with the ability to use all 7 elements of her Visions)
Skylie to Saraia as she and Isaac come back from getting food (They found a synapsid fossil)
Iriana Liatt on the Zareen Internet
Lumine when she's tryna get Paimon (Her pet phoenix) to be with her as she's bathing (She doesn't trust anyone to not kill her)
Lumine to Marine as she's tryna go to Yae Miko's grove with Paimon to learn about her long lost aunts
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wanderlustmagician · 8 months
12 & 14 🔫
At water gun point? Oh nooo 🫨
12. What inspired [work posted this past year]?
You didn’t specify sooo I’ll do both my current ongoing AUs.
For Everything but Blood I got a severe case of ‘I can do that’ after reading a bunch of Modern AU fics for LU and then set out to do so. I also had the mental image of a car going through a portal and how disorienting and interesting that would be later, which further cemented the idea.
Now with Cataclysmic that’s a little different. I randomly came up with the mental image of Sky standing in the Spring of Courage, losing his absolute shit at Farore, with an unconscious Twi laying on the alter. With Sky causing lightning to go nuts all around him. Then it was Begrudging Apothecary Twi in the same views of that image… it spiraled from there. I asked myself why so much it became an AU from there.
14. Give us a sneak peek of one of your upcoming works!
I’ll do another one from the same work that I did for Cheeto’s ( @hotcheetohatredwastaken ) from. So these are heavily unfinished drabbles. A lot of times when I write, I’m busting out an image or scene in my head as fast as I can get the words out so I have it down somewhere. It’s why I have nearly 300 notes on my phone of just fanfiction ideas. Later I go in on my tablet and I expand them, clean them up. So these are still very rough, exactly how they were when I was just trying to get the idea OUT. With this particular work, I’m exploring some different concepts… like leaning into Twi being Time’s descendant and also giving Time some very human flaws, leaning into some differing back stories, etc. I have some fun ideas for this one.
“St-op… that.” Twi grumbles at him, pushing a little more to move. Sky lets him this time, mostly curious to see what happens. “S mornin’ right?” He turns his face into Sky’s shoulder to yawn before pushing up.
“It is.” He observes the way Twi’s eyes don’t seem fully aware and how sluggishly he’s moving. “But I don’t think we should try and move just yet.” He doesn’t say anything about his suspicions of a fever or how the other needs the rest. Last night was an eye opener for the other’s anxieties.
Instead he says, “We don’t know what direction a town is in and we don’t know where the others are, it would be smarter to stay put. Especially while injured.” The other flinches and Sky moves his hand to rub Twi’s back at that. He’s pleased to see that he doesn’t flinch again or move away. “The other’s will have an easier time finding us if we stay here.”
Twi doesn’t say anything for a moment, just nods before swinging his head to look Sky in the eye. (It doesn’t last, but eye contact with any of them rarely does. Sky’s partial to his own eye color. It’s a pretty blue, the color of the sky. A bright, cheery blue. However, he finds he’s partial to some of the other’s eye colors as well. Twi’s are probably his favorite of his blue eyed brothers. Bright, deep blue eyes, like the night sky when there is no moon and it’s only the stars lighting it up. Hyrule’s hazel, Legend’s violet, Four’s grey… all wonderful and beautiful in their own ways, but he likes Twi’s the best still. He wonders if he’s biased because he’s been so focused on the other? Nah.) His eyes slide away to look over his shoulder. “I… ‘m sorry for-“
Time to stop that. “Nope! Apologies not accepted.” That gets him a flinch, shoulders trying to curl inward, disappointment failing to be hidden from his face. Stopping that too. “You don’t need to apologize for wanting comfort. We’re brothers,” Sky smiles, catching his eyes and holding them for as long as he can. “I was happy to be able to be here to give it to you and in the future, I’ll be just as happy to. Just like, I’ll worry about you regardless of if you want me to or not.”
It gets him more tears and gets Twi more hugs. Sky makes him drink water before cuddling up next to him again. They talk through it, the abandonment they’ve both been through… the skin hunger… the loneliness. Twi’s bundled back up against him again when the thought occurs to him.
“You know… Warriors said in the beginning that it was like we’re twins, cause we’re so close in age.” Twi hums, eyes closed. “We could just lean into it? They’d all probably be thrown for a loop and Wars would hate it.”
Twi snickers sleepily. “He’ll think we’s scheming sumthin’ alla time.” Sky mulls over the reply, his accent, the way he sleepily rubs his nose into Sky’s shoulder… decides he likes the way his natural accent sounds and runs his fingers carefully across the other’s cheek.
“He’ll think that ‘nyways.” He hums, rocking them until the other is sleep heavy and smiles.
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— A little thought and contemplation about Liu'er's role as a big brother (and son)
Currently deciding whether or not Sun WuKong found Liu'er at the side of the road somewhere or if I should stick w my way of Liu'er coming to life.
Since the Six-Eared Macaque kinda does come from SWK in some certain sense it can sort of match w his brothers???? The Monkey King has 4 kids in total in this AU, though it was originally 3 w/o Liu'er because A Den Of Suns is related to my White Sun AU and the three original kids had something to do with SWK's body beyond body technique rather than, well, how the Six-Eared Macaque came into being (which is wayyyy way different from the triplets). Liu'er's characters was made from SWK's negative parts/desire/emotions(?) From the novel so it may provide me with some angst here but this is supposed to be a soft AU, not an angst ridden one.
Liu'er's 'creation' also has something to do with Erlang Shen in this world as well, since the dude is basically breathing in SWK's neck every chance he gets to get back at him from their fight 300-500 years ago (and the Jade Emperor's orders). This COULD bring some of Liu'er's original personality like wanting to enact vengeance on ELS for basically hunting down their father every time he leaves Mt. Huagou.
Mt. Huagou also plays a major part in this bc it houses some of the Monkey King's magic in order to keep the monkeys and their mountains safe (Heaven is trying to pull genocidal war crimes here), thus weakening SWK a lil bit enough to make him falter, but still op as hell. This is also why the triplets (minus Liu'er) came to life in the first place.
Anyhow, deciding whether or not Liu'er's character here is kinda hard considering his actual canon origin and his origin in this world is wildly far off while retaining the novel's aspects. He'd still be a soft and caring boy, being raised by Sun WuKong (who may or may not be tired as all hell, but not related to raising his children himself but for other reasons) and the other monkeys of the Huagou troop. He's very playful and cheery together w his brothers, but there's always a silver lining under that.
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mengyao · 2 years
writing asks: 14, 15, 18, 21
14: At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
as soon as possible... i have a hard time feeling like a project is "real" until i have a title for it. sometimes they come to my mind spontaneously but. my confession. is. i have a spreadsheet with about ~300 entries and whenever a song lyric sticks out to me i log it in there as a potential fic title. so when i'm really stuck on something i go trawling..through...there.................
15: Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
tags! i usually just yoink a couple lines from the fic itself for a summary, but i have a hard time trying to figure out the difference between under- and over-tagging... and generally just not feeling like the tags usually do a very good job of getting across the key Things about the story. or half the things i want to tag are not canonical tags and you can't filter on them even if they're fairly common in fic, and then i get irritated about ao3's infuriating tag canonization policies lol
18: Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
beefleaf 2 was originally planned to start with he xuan basically kidnapping shi qingxuan (for plot reasons) 12 years postcanon, but that's since changed to have shi qingxuan reaching out to him first, because the plot has changed but also because one of the tension points in that story is around the inherent difficulties in maintaining an egalitarian interpersonal relationship between an extremely OP immortal being and a mortal human... before you even get into the specific baggage and debts and guilt etc they have between them. to say nothing of the fact that sqx is disabled postcanon! so there are lot of reasons why my outline and re-outlining process has involved a lot of "no, sqx needs to be the one to initiate [xyz]"... it helps keep things IC as well because it's just true that sqx is a very active person who takes risks and makes choices, and he xuan is... not truly "passive" but. rarely makes overt moves like that. so tweaking that bit of the premise has resulted in a lot of cascading changes that have made a lot more work for me but also, i think, made the overall concept a lot better. i like sqx reaching out to he xuan when they're in a tight spot and [circumstances] make him the most logical person to contact, but also sqx is scared about it even if they rationally know that he xuan would have killed them a long time ago if that's what he wanted to do, but they're pushing past the fear etc... that's what i like!!!!!!
21: What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
i think a lot of stuff i write could be loosely adapted into comics/graphic novels in a fun way! i like the control over pacing you get in a print medium
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flowery-king · 2 years
Two questions about the AU (calling it “Phil Fails Upward” in my head)
Was Hunter the only Grimwalker that Phillip made, or are there just less of them than in canon?
And after Phillip resolves to at least try to fix some of his mess, does finding / combining glyph magic become easier, or does it stay exactly the same?
Okay so yes, there were far less grimwalkers in this AU because Philip refuses to kill them. Their deaths are usually resulted by trying to seek out a remedies or knowledge for Philip's curse, so over time he stopped telling the grimwalkers about it. Hunter and two before him were the only three he's tried hiding the curse from.
The reason he makes the grimwalkers is more of an escapism, he doesn't accept the fact that his brother is gone and that it was his fault, so he constantly tries to bring him back. Dude's like the king of denial lol.
Now the glyph magic, that's something I'm still thinking of, but here's what i got now:
I like the idea that Philip still hasn't discovered each and every combination yet because yes he's been stuck on the boiling isles for 300 years, but also it's very scary and new and so far he's the only one (he knows of anyway) that's been using glyph magic, so new combinations take time. He does have a bunch written down, don't get me wrong, but they're only the tip of the iceburg. I don't necessarily think finding new glyph combinations would be easier per say, but i do think Philip's more openess to 'wild magic' could help getting new leads faster for glyph users.
I do like to imagine the chaotic duo Luz and Philip would make if they were to ever sit down together and figure out glyph patterns and structures. Philip is so careful and precise and Luz just slaps two together and brace for impact. It'd be great.
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meetinginsamarra · 2 years
My Fave Sherlock BBC AUs: Vampire Fics (2)
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Around mid-month I´ll do a fic rec list with my fave AU genres or tropes. Summaries are taken from OP´s on AO3.
There are so many vampire fics, I had to split my fave rec list in two.
“Bleed me out” by antietamfalls
John isn’t exactly surprised to discover that Sherlock isn't human. His vampirism doesn't pose a problem, even when their relationship gradually grows into something more. That is, until a deadly revelation about John’s blood sends their lives spinning dangerously out of control.
“Coming Out” by NovaNara
Sherlock is a vampire. And in love. And he wants to stop lying to John about all of this.
“Blood for Blood” by Sherllamalock
John Watson is looking for a new flatmate in his recent return from Afghanistan, but when his friend Mike Stamford introduces him to an interesting man named Sherlock Holmes, John finds himself plunged into a supernatural novel come to life. But is this new life with Sherlock All going to be mystery and horror, or will it blossom into something more?
“Fresh Start” by CaptainAssmerica
John Watson is not supposed to be here. He's meant to be out, he's meant to be keeping people safe. And yet, and yet... there he was. Chained up to the other's like worthless stinking cattle. There were red eyes watching him, calculating. Would they bid? He glared at every single one. An old man man had looked at him and almost laughed. 'Watson, you've got balls of steel,' he'd said, 'they'll be quick to neuter you.' Let them try. He wasn't supposed to be here
“Gilded Cages” by MaryLouLeach
The vampire remained motionless in the dark of his prison; his eyes clasped shut as if he were sleeping. However Vampires didn’t sleep, or rather this one did not. Sleeping would bring dreams; dreams were solely a human condition, whereas nightmares, nightmares were what plagued the sleep of the immortal. Sherlock knew he was a monster, and even now in this hellish prison locked in the unfurnished room, he felt the darkness of soul start to fester. Pushing at him and all he wished to do was silence it, he needed his fix needed more. The last addict he fed on wasn’t enough. He needed more, needed to shut out the screaming that plagued him that weighed him down and kept him shackled to his hunger.
“It flows with the blood of my kind” by MiraHerondale
After the events of S4, John and Rosie move back to Baker Street. While hiding the fact that he's a vampire from his loved ones, Sherlock discovers the wonders of ordinary family life. Till one night, when he has to choose between John's life and keeping his true nature secret. The answer, of course, is blindingly obvious.
“Kneel before your master” by LMShnook
Sherlock Holmes’ life plunged from bad to worse when he was turned into a vampire and abandoned by his creator. However, his life changes when a young med student by the name of John Watson saves him from a suicide attempt.
In a perfect world, Sherlock could leave his past behind for a future with John. But a world with vampires, cannibals, and gruesome murders is far from perfect.
“Love isn´t brains children, it´s blood” by Acherona
Sherlock was a man of many secrets, somehow though he had managed to miss that his normal, average John Watson has some secrets of his own. With the Fall and hunting down Moriarty all those secrets are coming into light, were will they go from here?
“Mate"and “Thrall” by VelvetMace
Mycroft is a 300 year old vampire with his life and ambitions pretty much order: First set his errant brother straight, next take over the world. But to do the former seems impossible, while the latter requires that he find a mate -- a rare human whose blood is capable of helping him create vampires. Both his answers come in the shape of one man: Detective Inspector Gregory Lestrade. The problem? Mates can't be forced and Lestrade has no interest in becoming Mycroft's.
Sherlock is sober, but his life is still spiraling down hill. Despite this, he has resisted the notion of ever getting a mate. The very idea of having a human balancing his life is abhorrent. As Mycroft, a case, and a new flatmate all vie for his attention, he misses the most important clue of his life: that his mate has found him.
“Collared” by VelvetMace
In a world where the British Empire is still strong and slavery is her economic backbone, John has become a terrorist for the abolitionist movement. He is caught by Mycroft, enslaved, and given to Sherlock for training. The goal: To test a new kind of slave collar with the power to break even the strongest willed fighter. One that will make even John learn to love being a slave.
“Playing the Game” by KeelieThompson1 @ltbrady​
As a vampire, John often despairs of Sherlock Holmes. Especially when he makes a new fledgling.
“Preservation” by Mildredandbobbin
There was something there, between John and Sherlock, something on the other side of platonic, but John was straight and Sherlock was undead. John thought they had all the time in the world to sort it out. Vampire!lock AU.
“The Curious Wine” by songlin
"I want to watch you kill, because I want to see you lose that tiresome battle against your baser instincts. I want to drink from you, enough that you go weak and breathless and can’t stand properly, but I don’t want to kill you, because then you’ll be gone and the thought of never being surprised by you ever again makes me want to go naked into the sunlight and wait until it burns me into ash."
“Vindication and Frailty” by mktellstales
Fangs dragged along his skin, piercing him as he wailed in pain. His cells were changing, forming into a new life as Sherlock helplessly laid on the blood soaked grass.
How did it come to this? He could hear the blood screaming his name as it pumped through the veins of the living.
John was gone and he must never find out what Sherlock has become. He would do anything to prevent that.
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sunnixsunshine · 6 months
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Decides Oppie has a one sided (superficial) crush on Mamoru and he’s secretly kind of flattered by it. It never goes past being a crush tho, Mamoru is straight as can be and Oppie wouldn’t be able to handle his short temper anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ would be an incredibly toxic relationship full of fighting if they did date tho. They’re better off as crewmates. Oh but they’re amazing as partners in a battle! They sync together pretty well!
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kaizoku-pirateking · 3 years
Kaizoku-san's Tumblr
jul/she,her,they,them/op writer/19
not accepting requests anymore.
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• ASKBOX : 19
/likes,follows,reblogs are highly appreciated, ✨
Character at my profile / theme: Epel Felmier (Twisted Wonderland)
-> From Philippines !! / I love old / fantasy animations + music-genre animes / I'm pretty outgoing and approachable the problem is I don't know how to respond at all or interact lol but I always try my best / I had lots of memes in my clipboard / I love cats but afraid to own one because I'm not allowed / 19 so mdni
@kaizoku-bandori // bandori related
@kaizoku-reblogs // moving all of my reblogs here!!
@kaizoku-clover // dead black clover blog
#kaizoku reblogs // all of my reblogs!! (but moved at @kaizoku-reblogs)
#kaizoku posts // random posts
#kaizoku kinktober // kinktober made by yours truly
#kaizoku pirateking // every works of mine are listed here (some aren't)
#kaizokupirateking announcements // announcements
#kaizoku answers // answering y'all's question
Wattpad (or search akiraglia)
nsfw yohohoho
I don't have Quotev and AO3 for now
MASTERLIST [Masterlist second ver.]
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Monkey D. Luffy reacting when his crush got bullied
(Shorts) Luffy with an airhead significant other
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Roronoa Zoro as your boyfriend
Asking Zoro out for Valentine's Day! [Heacannons]
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Gol/Portgas D. Ace as your boyfriend
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Vinsmoke Sanji as your boyfriend
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Chief Of Staff Sabo as your boyfriend
Sabo with a small s/o
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Charlotte Katakuri as your boyfriend
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Trafalgar law as your boyfriend
The One I Secretly Admire (short story)
“Im Glad Your Home” Law x FEM!S/O (short story)
Law with a GN!S/O who's scared of lightning/thunders
Law x F!Reader- Sleepless Nights // Royal(Knight) AU!
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Eustass Kid as your boyfriend
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Shanks having a crush on someone
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Corazon with a s/o who gives him headpats
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
Boa as your girlfriend
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
ASL + Strong Trio Reaction to Fem!S/o who wants a Breakup
Daily Lives with Monster Trios, Fem!S/O(100 followers thank you gift)
One Piece Boys comfort words for their s/o when they're upset/mad
Eustass Kid + Trafalgar Law x Reader- Sharing// SFW
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
ASL Brothers responding to “Im on my period”
Shanks & Kaido
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100 FOLLOWERS EVENT SPECIAL (Masterlist); Ended
Kinktober; Ended (NSFW)
Kaizoku's Special! Returning Week Event (Ongoing)
300 Followers Special: Portgas D Ace x F! Reader, A Small Date (part 2) (part 3)
[Preferred Character!] A Fun New Year
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ASL brothers dirty talks in bed
Kid, Law, Killer, Marco Dirty Talks in bed
Zoro,Katakuri,Shanks NSFW Scenario
Portgas D Ace x Female reader (small scenario)
Others: Check 2nd Masterlist/Headcannons
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I only write headcannons for now because I still need to improve my writing
This is only a One Piece Blog
Maximum of 5 characters in one request
I don't take requests for; Three Admiral's (both current and 2 years back then), Celestial Dragons or anyone I might seem to not like
Also feel free to interact to my ask box it's okay if you don't request I'll gladly talk with you!
There isn't any fee when requesting so you can request! ^^
I only do: dirty talks and nsfw scenarios
Any character's are fine as long as it isn't the Admiral's , and Celestial Dragons
If ever I'm on the mood, you never know, you might get a whole story one;)
And when requesting NSFW make sure you're off anon. So that I can see your age at your blog that you are not a minor. Any on-anon's requesting NSFW will be deleted.
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More about this Blog, Etc.
This is a safe place for LGBTQ+ I can write any but I'll try my best as much as possible (I do mostly are female readers, sometimes/rarely gender neutral readers—but never written a male reader one)
If you don't like my blog then please unfollow, we do not support harrasing and racism here + hate
im also open for interaction! so don't be shy and if you ever need someone to be there for you reach me out and I'll do my best love ya <3
I had LOTS of things I need to pass for my school works and life situations, etc so I can only post sometimes
PLEASE don't steal my works, and for inspirations please message me. Thank you
Don't hesitate to write feedbanks, It basically helps me so much to improve my blog!
That's all!!
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ncitygirls · 3 years
matryoshka - part 1, 4k
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sibling!johnny, taeyong x f reader, mark x f reader, platonic/‘sibling’!haechan
nct crime au, angst, cw: character death, death, mental illness, police, injury, violence
300 days
There are few people who can disarm a man like Johnny Seo. Since the rather untimely, and inexplicable death of his mother and father at the tender age of fourteen, he quickly adopted this persona. He considers it a token from his late mother. She had always said, in a voice as soft as the breeze in spring, that to be polite is to be in control. He holds himself to that quite forcibly, reminding himself time and time again that there is power in making others fold to him. At time it is as simple as approaching an adversary with a smile, and awaiting the flare in their skin, the bugle in their veins and the ripple in their muscles. There are few who can disarm Johnny Seo. But few does not equate to none.
“When will you discharge her?” Johnny began, the words rolling off of his tongue with an air of nonchalance that bordered on flippancy, but an edge that was new to even him.
“Mr Seo,” without thinking, Johnny rolls his neck, bracing himself for a response he knows he will refuse. He thinks it odd to loathe an act he is yet to commit, especially when he can still prevent it. What he hates more however, is that you are here to witness it. When the doctor sighs, letting his glasses hang around his neck, he smiles sympathetically. Johnny sees nothing but pity. “I’m not sure how else to say this, but physically? Your sister is stable enough to go home. When we went in to remove what was left of the bullet fragments and saw to her ruptured spleen, we managed to mend her torn ligaments. Her blood work came back clear, and for the most part, her vitals are stable. With a few weeks of physio, I think we would be able to discharge her. Ideally, she could go home this week.”
“Wonderful,” Johnny’s hollow cheer guides his hasty movements as he, unthinking, strips you of your blanket to reveal a sight he thinks might change his mind. Rows of red line your skin, moons of dried blood covering the heels of your palms. He cringes at the dirty cotton cuffs that strap you to the metal frame of your hospital bed. Johnny can’t seem to make sense of the sight. “Did this happen during the shooting?”
“No, Mr Seo,” the doctor shakes his head, his frustration with his patient’s only living relative shedding every second he watches Johnny take in your limp frame. “It is like I was saying. Miss Seo is fit enough to leave. But mentally-”
Johnny simply raises his palm, ignoring the tears that pool in and out the corners of your eyes, a steady stream gathering in your hairline as you relive the events the two refer to so flippantly. “She will do better at home.” It is unclear for whom the assurance is intended. The doctor, you, himself. It is all just hope. So it doesn’t matter. “She will do better once she’s home.”
“Mr Seo, as your sister’s physician, I must implore you to reconsider.” Johnny understands where the doctor is coming from, he truly does. Johnny, taught well by his father, prides himself in being understanding. Like his father before him, Johnny prides himself in being calm in the face of not only danger, but regular folk - those who go about their lives, slaves to normalcy. Those who live life year to year, those who plan their lives, who wake up to sleep, expecting to see the sun once again. Those who consider life a right, rather than a privilege. Johnny has come to understand men like this. Not by choice of course, but because he had to. Especially once you met Taeyong.
2,109 days
“I met a guy today,” the words crackle through the phone, Johnny’s fingers stilling as he finally takes a break from his work, placing a mental bookmark on his train of thought. He wants to ask where, but he doesn’t enjoy seeming interested in affairs of the heart. They sicken him. “He was really weird,” you hum as you kick the curb, swinging your arms as you traipse through what Johnny thinks must be your university campus. He pretends he bother to know your schedule, but never has a reason for why he always gets himself up before you leave every morning. “A good weird,” you add, “his clothes hardly fit, they were all baggy. It’s hard to explain.”
“You kids and your trends,” he huffs, spinning in his chair to watch the city, eyes landing on the bell tower of your campus. “What happened to a nicely fitted suit?”
“It’s a college campus, John. Plus, it’s like half ten in the morning,” you can hear his next question before he even asks. “I mentioned his clothes because I wanted you to envision him, not judge him.”
“Well, I am envisioning a bum.”
“Okay, but envision a cute bum,” you try. “A beautiful, cute, funny bum.”
“That is still a bum, y/n.” You hear the faint sound of floor boards creaking, a telltale sign that he’s pacing. “Did he ask you out?” You hum in agreement, always too shy to admit anything so personal outright. It is times like this he wonders why you bother calling him and not just Haechan. He’ll never tell you this however. Lest he lose his spot as your first call. “I hope ope he’s taking you somewhere nice?”
“Yeah, of course,” he knows you’re lying. He knows it’s Hyuck’s you're both going to. Not that there as an issue with Hyuck’s. Even if you’ve already had the menu four different ways, front to back and then back again. It’s where you take all your first dates, you give Haechan a chance to size them up, figure out if they’re worthy. “I just wanted to tell you first because I think he’s a real contender this time.”
“And you’ll be late home, so you won’t be making dinner again?” Your affirming grunt forced a long sigh from Johnny. However, no matter many times he claimed his annoyance was due to your absence inconveniencing him; you both knew the loneliness bothered him now. “Well, have fun.”
“I’ll try,” you sing. “And I’ll bring that coffee cake you love so much, okay?” Johnny offers his own affirming grunt. Though it sits a couple octaves below your own, you hear the sliver of joy he lets through. “Love you.”
He doesn’t respond. He had already hung up.
300 days
“Mr Seo?”
Johnny had finally shrugged off his suit jacket and let his shoulders sag when he heard his name for the umpteenth time that day. He wanta to ignore it, but what would mother say?
“Yes?” SMPA. The badge is hard to read as it glistens under the glaring hospital lights. But he can’t miss the shape, the obnoxious insignia.
“Good evening,” the detective starts, his smiling eyes are in direct contrast to the gloom and doom of the last few days. Johnny wonders if smiling with teeth is proper practice when greeting someone who almost lost their little sister. “I am Detective Lee, I have a few questions for you about the shooting at Hyuck’s Diner. If you have a moment.”
“Of course,” he sighs, straightening his spine. “I am sure you are aware, but I wasn’t there.”
“I think it’s lucky you weren’t,” the detective adds, a sad smile settling on the bed to your right. “I am a friend of Donghyuck’s.”
“Oh,” there’s a short second where Johnny feels an odd sense of comfort, one he believed would only come when you finally opened your eyes. He also feels some guilt. “I didn’t know he had any other friends in Seoul, I tried to reach everyone I could.”
“And thank you for that,” the detective lets his eyes fall on his friend’s unmoving figure for a moment, his gaze returning to Johnny when he feels a familiar prick. “I have been hard at work on this case. I received word you did not wish for your sister to remain in hospital. May I ask why?”
“It is a public hospital,” Johnny responds, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I can afford better.”
“Then why did you let her stay?” The detective asks, scribbling away. Johnny wonders what dictates the parameters of an investigation versus a friendly conversation. “Her psych eval?”
“No,” he sighs, eyeing Haechan to your right. “They wouldn’t let me take him too,” when the detective tilts his head, surprise evident in his round eyes, Johnny lets himself laugh for the first time in over a week. “You wouldn’t want to be me when she wakes up to find I left him behind.”
2,361 days
It is past midnight when you fly into Johnny’s bedroom, a dew gathering on your forehead, chin and neck. In his sleepy haze, he hears only the end of your ramblings, your steps ordered in a manner Johnny can only describe as frantic. It is not in his nature to panic, he leaves such trivialities to you. But when your wide eyes find his, fear brimming as you scramble to get ready, you throw him your phone and he finally sees why.
“There are a bunch of guys who won’t pay up at Hyuck’s and he’s scared. Let’s go.”
That’s how Johnny found himself parked outside Hyuck’s Diner in downtown Seoul, just north of the river. You didn’t give him a chance to park up as you dashed out the still moving vehicle, door left wide open. Johnny is thankful it’s late, but quickly notes it being far too late for Hyuck’s to still be open. As he parks up, he watches you storm into the near empty diner, sees the relief on Haechan’s tired face as you round the bar. Johnny can’t really make out what you’re saying, but he can see the fire in your eyes. He sniggers as he stalks after you, seeing his mother in them too.
“I said, pay up, or give it back.”
“That’s funny,” one of the burly men says, food spitting out his mouth and onto the clean bar top as he laughs in your face. While Johnny only counted two from outside, he can now see a third standing off to the side. When his eyes meet Johnny’s, he falters slightly, thick hands running through his hair as he avoids Johnny’s haunting figure hovering by the only exit. “Who exactly is gonna make us?”
“Me,” you grin, reaching for the back of his head and slamming it hard down onto the bar. You hear Haechan yelp in what you assume is fear for his newly polished, now dented bar top. As the guy to his left lunges at you, you’re quick to utilise your surroundings. Johnny almost applauds your ingenuity as you quickly reach for a used butter knife and practically mutilate the man’s fist. It is then Haechan disappears from your side, his head nearly halfway down the drain pipe as blood splurts onto his newly polished, now dented, now blood stained bar top. The first guy had rounded the bar, only to be met with a fist to the throat, and knee to the gut. Johnny sees you’re expecting something to happen as you repeat the motion before seeing sense. With your hand latched to his collar, you drag his doubled over body out onto the street before you knee him again.
In the middle of the intersection pours his unpaid bill, meeting one end of the deal. Johnny laughs at how visibly dissatisfies you are, considering how long their bill actually was. You fish his wallet out of his back pocket, taking a few hundreds to cover the balance. “Who even carries cash anymore?”
Johnny wonders too as you pass by him, walking back inside and turning on the third guy. “Your friend covered yours, so you’re free to go.” As he scrambles to leave, he keeps his eyes fixed on your brother, halting when Johnny moves to stop him, a lone finger pointing toward the man's weeping companion.
“Take them with you.”
It’s a few seconds before their presence is no more than a distant memory. Johnny is quick to clean the bloody bar top, and rearrange the furniture. He even loads the dishwasher as you tend to a still queasy Haechan. “When I text you, I didn’t think you would do all of that,” he huffs, backtracking as he notes the hurt look in your eyes. “I mean, I am so grateful. Really, I am,” he smirks, fatigue stealing the light that usually fills his eyes. “But I didn’t know you were The fucking Bride.” When you roll your eyes, he presses on, glimpses of his usual self slowly return as the adrenaline begins to kick in. “No, honestly! I wish I had cameras in here because- fuck! That was insane!”
“Alright, whatever. Get your things, you’re staying with us tonight.”
“Do you think they’ll come back?” Haechan asks, the worry in his tone hurting you beyond belief. “Do you think I should call Mark again?”
“Who, the cop? No, they won’t be coming back, trust me,” you hum. When Johnny emerges from the back, drying his hands on a clean rag, you jest, “no thanks to angel eyes over there may I add.”
“Oh my god, hyung! And you!” Haechan restarts, allowing you to pack up his things while he recounts the terror in the third man’s gaze as he locked eyes with your brother. “It’s like he saw a ghost or something.”
“Yeah,” you laugh, grabbing Haechan while Johnny locks up. “Or something.”
It’s nearly dawn when Haechan crashes. It was Monday and he needed to find cover for the open. But getting cover didn’t stop him fretting, and no amount of herbal tea nor booze could settle a frantic Haechan. It is laughable though, how it took no more than a film opening to send him off. You slip away at sunrise, snuggling up to Johnny who gave up on sending you away shortly after your parents passed. However, he still makes sure to express his disdain for the affection.
“At least stick to your side, y/n-”
“Thank you for coming tonight,” you breathe, clearly uninterested in satisfying his request. “I know you have to be up soon, and I’m sorry. But having you there was- yeah. Thank you.”
For the first time in years, Johnny lets you snuggle with him. An hour later, for the first time ever, Johnny lets Haechan do the same. He fears that this might become a pattern, the two of you craving so much affection it might suffocate him. Johnny knows it just might, but has found peace in that. Much like he has found peace in your insistence that Haechan be one of you. Because he is one of you, he too left orphaned at a young age, you took him under your wing. So much like that day, as Johnny falls asleep to the sound of your light snores, he also decides-
300 days
“He’s family.”
“He speaks so highly of you both,” Mark adds, smiling thankfully at your sleeping frame. “But I’m sure he would forgive you for doing what’s best for her.”
“She wouldn’t.” Johnny adds, though a part of him knows he might have trouble forgiving himself.
“What is it you do for a living?” Mark asks, eyes quickly scanning Johnny’s crisp suit. “I can’t say I recall Hyuck ever mentioning it.”
“A bit of this and that,” he jokes, glancing towards you. “That’s what she calls it.” He hates the melancholic tone he has adopted. It is pitiful. “After our parents passed, I took over their pharmaceuticals company just after I turned twenty-one. We dabble in everything; medicine, cosmeceuticals, nutrition, you name it.”
“That must keep you busy.”
“I work from home,” Johnny knows he is being foolish, trying to falsely place an accusation in Mark’s assumption. Johnny knows he fell into the classic trope of throwing himself into his studies, and then his work, just to avoid the harsh reality that his parents were gone and they were never coming back. He would readily admit he abandoned you in the beginning to grieve on your own, to figure it all out on your own. He just wouldn’t take that from a stranger. “I tried to be around for her as much as I could.”
“I don’t doubt that,” Mark’s smile is kind, full of unfiltered sympathy. Johnny wonders if you have to practice such a thing, and if so, whether someone should have the doctors do the same. “I just wonder if you are wearing yourself thin is all.”
“You needn’t worry about such things Detective.” Johnny reminds, drawing the line between the two so simply, his eyes flicking slowly to Mark’s badge. “Worry about the case.”
“Of course,” Mark rushes, scrambling to defend his statement. “I didn’t mean any disrespect.”
“And I you,” when the doctor enters to take both yours and Haechan’s vitals, he greets Mark warmly. Johnny feels no resentment to this warm reception, none whatsoever. But he can’t help but wonder what about him denies him the same warm greeting. He is quickly reminded of the first time he was to meet Taeyong.
1,977 days
“Your knees are shaking the counter, hyung,” Haechan sniggers. He knows he shouldn’t, he does. But he can’t help but bask in his friend’s nerves. How can the coldest man he knows be so scared to meet his sister’s boyfriend. As calm and collected as he behaves, Haechan is no stranger to worry, and it worries him to no end how the evening will go. From what he has heard from you, Taeyong is as nervous as one can be. And yet, your main concern lies in how your brother will react, and Haechan is an empathetic soul. He just knows he will feel it all. “Your vibe is really killing the mood, lighten up.”
“Shut up, kid.” Johnny warns, eyeing his watch every so often. “They’re late.”
Strike one.
“You know what y/n is like, she’s probably trying to talk him out of it.” Haechan notes how innocent Johnny looks with his head tilted, confusion bleeding into his features. “You are pretty scary hyung, maybe she thinks you’m scare him off.”
“Maybe he isn’t worthy then.”
Strike two.
“Or,” Haechan sings, adjusting his embroidered apron, Hyuck’s opening anniversary gift from the very man he is about to berate. “Maybe you’re not ready to watch your sister grow up, so you sabotage everything with your scary eyes and bad vibes,” Haechan shrugs with his chin in his palm, blinking sweetly at Johnny who resists the urge to flick his forehead.
“Don’t you have coffee to go pour?”
Haechan sniggers once more as he does just that, refilling Johnny’s coffee and shrugging. “Or maybe they’re stuck in traffic.”
So he can’t fly?
Strike three.
300 days
After a few hours, Mark returns for a detailed description of the three men he suspects may be involved in the shooting. Johnny says as much as he can recall, even going as far as to emphasise the detective’s lack of involvement. He suspects it is in direct retaliation to his earlier comment and ignores it, though Johnny quickly sees his own guilt reflected back in the detective’s guilt ridden eyes. “Will that be all?”
“Almost-” Mark starts, before glancing over at you. “I just,” he can’t seem to push past the lump in his throat. Johnny has given him everything he knows, that much is true. But after speaking with the doctor, Mark can’t help but wonder. “Why haven’t you tried speaking to her? Doctor Kim said she may respond well to a familiar voice.”
“I’m not sure what to say.”
Mark knows it’s a loaded statement. One dripping in regret, in guilt, and in shame. But Mark can’t afford for Johnny to be ashamed. Not with Haechan lying unconscious as you lie there, reliving that day over and over and over again. Mark needs you to wake up. But Mark also swore to never relinquish his compassion. All Mark knows of you is the stories he’s heard through Haechan. Though some have a rosier hue due to his familiarity with you, Mark is sure there is no exaggeration in your case. You are a good person. One who cares deeply, who loves deeply. Mark thinks those parts of you are the ones Johnny can tap into. He just won’t.
“Haechan was my first friend in Korea. When I moved here as a kid, my parents worked at the orphanage he was at. He made fun of my Korean for a year straight before I could finally understand and speak fluently enough to defend myself. But, I guess it was okay, you know? He was helping all the same. I was a scrawny kid, I used to get picked on a lot. He was always there. Even though he got beat up too. He’s in all my earliest- my best memories. growing up. He’s like my brother. If he was awake, I think I’d-”
“But he isn’t,” Johnny reminds, eyes locked on your sunken face. Johnny knows what Mark is doing, he knows the tactic very well. He is quite acquainted with guilt as a form of persuasion. “He’s not awake, detective. The doctor said he doesn’t know if he will ever wake up. You know, I overheard the doctors say they haven’t seen spinal fractures that severe in their fifty years of combined experience. They said if Haechan ever opens his eyes again it will be a miracle. If he walks again? This hospital would be internationally renowned. Those surgeons would be infamous. But they can’t. They can’t so it. They can’t do it because they don’t have the facilities for such an operation, and even if they did, Hyuck couldn’t afford it. Even if he could afford it, y/n would have to wake up and give them the okay, because this idiot made herself his guardian so he could practically sell his soul for the loan for that fucking diner.
“So, I’m sorry, detective. I’m sorry that the only thing standing between you ever seeing your friend again is my selfish sister.”
“Mr Seo-”
“But you must agree, she is selfish. She thinks she’s the only one hurting, the only one who has lost something, lost someone.” Mark only sees what Johnny is doing a few seconds too late. As Johnny raises a lone finger to his lips, his eyes catching on the stream pouring down your temples. Mark’s heart nearly beats out of his chest as your vital signs begin to whir, the machinery at your bedside coming to life as Johnny reminds you that, “people die every day. Our parents, Hyuck’s parents, and now Taeyong-”
“Don’t!” You scream suddenly, your body nearly thrashing off of the bed. Johnny fears the force with which you rise could snap your arms in two, but nothing is more worrisome than the bloody red rimming your crisp white eyes; the visible and painfully rapid rise and fall of your chest; the tremor in your chapped lips. “Don’t! Please! Please don’t say it-”
Johnny had never moved so fast. His hands clinging to your trembling frame as he stroked the back of your head. He chanted quickly in your ear, pleading with you to stay with him as he promises to stay. “I won’t go anywhere, I won’t leave you. Never. I promise. Just please, stay with me, okay? I need you here, Hyuck- Hyuck needs you, okay? I need you to stay with me, we’re all we have. Please, y/n-”
Mark couldn’t help but feel intrusive. His earlier pushing began to feel filthy, unfair, unjust. But how could he know you were this far gone, this distraught. Nothing is more sickening than the soft, croaky ‘yes’ that spills from your lips. Your bloodshot eyes lingering on his frozen frame before you see Haechan. You tremble again, your body nearly convulsing as you recognise the boy beside you.
“Shh, he’ll be okay- I promise- we’ll get him help. I promise you- we’ll be okay.”
Johnny rarely spoke out of hope. He was a man who would cling so tightly to reality, you would sometimes joke that his knuckles would snap from the pressure. But as he holds you tightly in his arms, rocking your hollow frame back and forth, he realises he has nothing more than hope.
But since when has hope ever been enough?
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kbstories · 4 years
I usually do a fic rec list of personal favorites every year on Fanfiction Writer’s Appreciation Day (August 21st) and I realized I didn’t do one in 2019 so here’s a list of my personal
One Piece Fanfic Favs 🏴‍☠️🌟!!
Keeping up with the tradition, this list exclusively features works that could use more love thrown their way! OP is a pretty big fandom, so I set the limit at max. 300 kudos. Please enjoy and leave plenty of kudos & comments if you can (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
Previous rec lists: Metal Gear / The Witcher
burn before the fire by shishiswordsman (@shishiswordsman)
Kicking this list off with one of my absolute favorites. This is a Wano Arc look into Luffy’s headspace through Law’s eyes, and it’s amazing. Stellar characterization, great pacing, I truly adore this fic.
(Sneaky double rec with shadow rises (and you are here) by the same author because my god do I burn for the Luffy-used-to-be-a-slave AU and this is my favorite rendition of it hrghhh my heart)
Stasis by ImperialMint (@imperialmint)
Pure Strawhat nakamaship hurt/comfort goodness. This was one of the first fics I read for this fandom and it scratches an itch for Luffy sacrificing himself for his crew and his crew taking care of Luffy in turn so wonderfully. Please mind the tags, though!
At The End of The Day by Artificial_Starlight
Bending the 300 kudos rule for this one because it’s a longfic and it’s criminal how few kudos this has. This is a true feast of a LawLu Modern AU if I’ve ever seen one. I adore everything from worldbuilding to plot to characterization. It’s one of those stories that makes you run to AO3 whenever it updates. You won’t regret catching up with it, I promise.
Scrapyard by Milo (@musasuchus)
SCREAMS FROM THE ROOFTOPS this is the first kidkiller fic I came across and it lit a fire under my ass for this ship y’all I can’t even describe it. It’s a collection of snapshots from Kidd & Killer’s lives with an ace!Killer HC I?? adore?? Anyhow if I could delete my memory and read it with fresh eyes I would hhhh
The storm ended already (so you should stop shaking) by Amazaria (@amazaria)
Listen. This fic has everything I needed from a post-Water 7 scenario and more because it’s focused on Usopp & Nami and I just. I’m so soft. This made me so soft. It’s so good. Please read it.
Illness on the High Seas by mydetheturk (@mydetheturk)
I’m one of those idiots who is so focused on the Most Popular Boys that I get tunnel vision from it and then there comes a fic that shows me what a monumentally stupid move that is. Myde writes those fics by the regular and I adore all her writing but this fic specifically is so very good and so very underappreciated. It’s a Coby-and-Brook story about shipwide illnesses and those who keep things together. It’s sad and hopeful and wonderful, my heart is so full.
sacrifice by wbtrashking (@quillifer)
This one is a swift but deadly roundhouse kick to the heart. It delves into an aspect to Law’s powers that makes me anxious to even think about in the context of Wano (or any fight with high stakes, really) and Ash sharpened that potential to its best possible effect. Straight to the point, absolutely heart-wrenching, join me in Law feels hell please!!!
(Ash also wrote a kidkiller one-shot called familiarity for me and I’m aware this will sound very biased but it’s the best thing I’ve ever witnessed with my own two eyeballs. Timeskip Kidd & Killer being soft around each other, my crops are forever watered... thank you...)
Breathing Easy (And All Its Associated Complications) by Trixree (@trixree)
This fic gave me a lot of emotions I didn’t know where the fuck to put, it’s just so good and unique and my soul burns just thinking about this. I never really considered the monster trio as an OT3 constellation before this but I certainly am since I read this. Pre-timeskip figuring out of feelings and polyamory, my god my heart aches.
Scrapyard Remnants by threesipsmore
Another kidkiller classic in my eyes. It’s an exploration of pre-canon Kidd & Killer, how they grew up and came to be and I just love this a lot. It was written before the Wano revelations of late, and I can’t express enough respect for tackling these characters in such a believable way with how little we knew of them back then.
toragara by Origamidragons (@oriigami)
This is one of those tattoo-it-across-my-body-this-is-amazing kind of reads where every line is so good and hits so deep and it stays with you for a long time. It’s an AU where Zoro is a tiger shifter... person roaming Goa where Luffy stumbles upon him, and I’m a little mad it’s not actually canon because it’s so unique and I adore the idea. Anyhow. Read it or die by my sword(s).
God’s gonna trouble the water by hongmunmu (@dragonkov)
Reading this is an experience that’s so visceral it’s hard to describe. It’s a what-if scenario for Water 7 where Usopp dies before he can grab Luffy’s hand and escape with the crew, and it’s exactly as emotional and harrowing as that sounds. This author’s grasp on Usopp and the entire crew is unparalleled and I literally haven’t stopped thinking about this fic ever since I read it.
That’s it for now! Feel free to add to this list if you like and as always a huge THANK YOU to the writers of this fandom for their amazing work c:
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thatonend · 4 years
💗 i would like to know more about you fren
:DD awesome!! I'm just gonna say a few facts that I've probably said a million times and I'll say them again-
I have adhd
I'm 14
snakes are the best pet, even tho I've never had one
cats are better than dogs
I am an undiagnosed insomniac
same with adhd and my mild depression and social anxiety
I do art that turns out really bad, especially humans
I write fanfics but then I lose motivation and totally forget about them
plus they're shit anyway
I roleplay Sanders Sides, mainly, but I'm up for some Supernatural too
the best show in existence is Supernatural, Sherlock coming in a close second
Sanders Sides is amazing
I really wanna roleplay a Sanders Sides au with Supernatural like two of the sides are brothers and ya get it
I'm asexual, possibly just graysexual
I'm Polyamorous
I'm polyromantic
I have one partner, Grey
I live with my three brothers who are 9, 17, and 21
I have no sisters
I'm agender and use they/them pronouns
I live with both parents
I tend to stay in my room most of the day, only coming out when I'm forced to or for meals
I go to sleep any time from 9pm-6am and sleep until 7am-12pm
but it's going to end up being 10am bc my parents won't let me sleep in later anymore
I will not drink hot coffee or tea, only iced
I despise Brussels sprouts
I call myself and my bf gay constantly
I make gay jokes
I'm not supposed to date until highschool but I said fuck that I'm getting a jf in 8th grade and a bf a few months later
I live in the USA
I live in the Midwest where I end up saying "ope" alot
I don't have an accent from my state
not a sports fan, regardless of pretty much everyone else liking the Vikings
I've driven down to California for vacation last summer, it took 10 days to go there and back as we went camping too and saw Mt Rushmore
I'm 90% sure my little brother is going to be gay
I have dyed my hair purple and want to dye it green or red next time
I have an undercut
my bangs are basically a mohawk
I have glasses
I read fanfiction for a living
I don't have a job nor money
I want to make art and sell it but I can't do art
I like to paint alot, usually just pride flags
I make custom wallpapers for people and I'm making pride wallpapers for pride month (I'll be posting them eventually)
I say "that's gay" with everything
I am afab
I used to use the name Jay but I've decided I like Killian better
Killian can be shortened to K, Kill, Killi, or anything you can think of
my bfs bf calls me Jay KKK bc he once when "Jay-kil-kill-killian-" so yeah
I'm closeted about my agender to my family because I have transphobic siblings
I've told my parents I'm lesbian and turns out that was a lie
I have 2 straight friends and that's it
my favorite color is blueish green
I am allergic to cats, yet I have one
I will read any Sanders sides, Sherlock, or Supernatural fanfic you throw at me. Harry Potter too
I'm willing to make friends of all types
I overshare online yet hide everything irl
I love getting asks as I usually don't get them very often except last night I was bombarded with asks and I was so confused bc y'all actually wanted to ask me things
I may do fanfic requests if y'all want
if you do the 👽 emoji in an ask I will let you know what you remind me of whenever, doesn't matter how far down my dash it is I will do it
I'll cheer you up in any way I can
I put others above myself, it's an issue
I get confused when people say they talk about me or think about me or even like me
like people actually mention me?? they care about me?? what is this??
especially when it's people I've never even met irl
I live about an hour away from current events happening in uh Minneapolis
I prefer winter when it's 30°F and I'm able to go outside with shorts and a t-shirt and not be dying from the heat
I go to Public school
going into freshman year this year
online learning is how I procrastinated everything until the last day when I somehow ended up with only one missing assignment
I took Spanish this year and I hated it so I'm doing ASL next year
I play flute and sing pretty much any part in choir, tenor through soprano but usually I'm alto
Aladdin is the best Disney movie
when I'm sad or empty I listen to mcr or Virgil's playlist
I hate spiders unless they're tarantulas or anything not inside my house
my room is in the basement
I usually only go on tumblr when I check notifs and then end up scrolling my dash for hours bc I totally forgot I was doing something else
I am on almost every single social media you can think of
I have multiple OCs, feel free to ask about them
Kayla, she/her, trans
Sil, ne/nem/nir, trans non-binary
Esma, she/they, demigirl
Veronica, she/he, bigender
Jupi, it/its, agender
I'll probably make more too
look at photo below bc I'm pinning this instead of that post-
I'll probably end up adding more since I'm going to pin this bc idk I feel like y'all want to know about me if you don't I'm sorry but too bad
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below is another photo for rp details, yes it's a different theme dwi [[not doing any roleplays rn I'll link the post in a minute below]]
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300 dtiys below
more details, mainly bc i get sad :( ↓↓
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godhelpmeimsesskag · 4 years
Thinking hmmm....
Kagome and her friends decide to go to a new venue that ope s up in the city. There Kagome is attacked by a youkai, and gets poisoned. However she encounters a wild (and owner of venue) Sesshomaru. He doesnt recognize her at first but for hundreds of years now there has been a truce between humans and youkai. The youkai dont kill and eat humans, humans dont kill them.
Sesshomaru knows something, as Kagome falls more ill with rhe posioning he is trying to help her but Kagura, yes her, tells him that the cure has been long extint. (Back in the fedual era) and he seems to relize something. As she grows weaker he does something and casts her into the well.
A few days later Kagome wakes up in Sesshomarus castle with a very angry sesshomaru demanding her how she became to bare his mating marks. As he has never mated, and certinally wont mate a human. Not that he didnt cure her illness mind you, but that want because they are mates. When he himself still hasnt chosen a mate.
Basically future Sesshomaru puts his marks on her and sends her back in time, where she meets him again. The Sesshomaru she meets in present day is the one who had experienced this truly odd occurrence and gosh darn. It makes Kagome's head hurt thinking about her time traveling like that. (The mask of Noh was bad enough!)
But yeah got to thinking about this sort of AU. Where poor Sesshomaru has to wait 300 years for his mate to come back to him. Making him clingy and also adding in a powerful demon lord to our party for the good guys to take out Naraku.
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